#I thought the dragon pattern would suit her
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lovelooksgudonu · 1 month ago
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asami in cheongsam That prissy, beautiful, elegant, rich girl
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pavo-dence · 1 month ago
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i got bored and decided to make pokemon teams for them, i'll explain my reasoning under the cut since it's gonna get lengthy lmao
i did this either off of vibes, motifs, story arcs or whatever i thought would suit them well if anyone has any other ideas about them i'd love to read them in the replies or tags!
Galarian Darumaka - His daruma is one of the few possessions of his that isn't inherited from Kazuma, and I like the Galarian form symbolising his entry to the UK
Shinx - The most Chuunosuke Pokemon ever, it's literally blue and has the flower pattern on its ears
Kingdra - A dragon like in his name, I also liked the idea of 221B family each having a Pokemon that represented an animal in the UK coat of arms, the counterpart to this would be the Welsh dragon, it's also blue which is his colour and matches his aquarium hobby
Clawitzer - His shrimp-keeping hobby is an endearing detail about him so I think he would get a Clauncher and just take care of it really well
Hisuian Decidueye - I liked the Japanese characters having distinctly Hisuian Pokemon, and his archery hobby suits Decidueye
Donphan - This is one of the few I kind of picked based on typing, I liked the idea of him having a Phanpy and it evolving when he steels his resolve, gaining armour when it becomes a Donphan, it's also Ground-type which is strong against Sneasler which I consider Kazuma's signature Pokemon
Cherrim - Matches the Mikotoba family crest, I like to think this was Yujin's Cherrim and he gave it to her upon his return from Britain
Lopunny - Matches Usato, this would initially be a Buneary and evolve when she returns to the UK to show her growth after having gone through a trial as a lawyer herself, it's also got fighting spirit like her
Gardevoir - A graceful Pokemon, I thought it suited the yamato nadeshiko archetype her character is based off, parallels Kazuma's Gallade showing their familial connection
Sinistcha - I like the idea of regional variants allowing her and Iris to bond quickly, she also mentions preparing Japanese tea when her and Ryunosuke start feeling a bit homesick if I remember correctly
Sawsbuck - It's spring and summer forms suit her well (cherry blossoms and tea leaves), it's counterpart in the coat of arms would be the Irish elk
Throh - Shows her prowess for Judo
Honorable mention: Froslass (same reason as Gardevoir)
Galarian Yamask - Represents his vengeful spirit, the face it carries thought to be it's previous life kind of suits Kazuma's story of resurrection and matches his time as the masked disciple quite well
Aegislash - Sword
Talonflame - Fiery passion, suits his colour scheme and kind of embodies his hachimaki flying behind him lmao
Gallade - Parallels Susato's Gardevoir, showing their familial bond, a warrior Pokemon
Sneasler - Type weakness to Ryunosuke's Donphan which embodies his resolve triumphing over Kazuma's need for vengeance/justice, a Hisuian Pokemon showing his roots (reflected in his leitmotif) and it's a cat like Nyasogi
Serperior - The Asogi crest and it's more Asian design compared to other snake Pokemon suits him well I think
Honorable mention: Seviper (matches his colour scheme, snake motif), Shedinja (resurrection)
Klinklang - Represents his cog imagery, shows his passion for invention and machinery
Lucario - Boxing background, it's ability to sense auras make it quite the handy partner when conducting investigations
Rotom - Represents his modernity, it's also cheeky and mischievous which suits him
Litleo - Counterpart to the English lion in the coat of arms, it's not Pyroar because I think Pyroar is kinda ugly, but also a baby Pokemon makes him appear more father-like, it's also emblematic of his allegiance to the Queen
Sudowoodo - Bonsly received as a trade with Yujin, symbolises their cultural exchange and his penchant for disguises
Azumarill - Deceptively silly, kind of OP, representative of Hareley (a blue bunny hehe)
Galarian Rapidash - Counterpart to the Scottish Unicorn, it also suits her colours
Polteageist - Showcases her love of tea and a regional variant that allows her to bond with Susato quickly
Sylveon - I wanted a Wagahai proxy but none of the cat Pokemon really suited her so I thought an Eevee that evolved to Sylveon would be the next best thing, it also suits her colour scheme
Stufful - Bearis representation, a Bewear would suit her older self quite well I think, it's cute but deadly like her inventions
Roselia - Her love for gardening, it's not Roserade because she's still young, also represents her flower motif courtesy of her name
Chansey - A healer Pokemon, represents her medical background due to idolising her "father"
Dusknoir - Said to guide spirits, matches the moniker of the Reaper, it also just suits his scary image
Noivern - Shows his love for bats and the vampire motifs incorporated into his design, I thought this suited him best because it's the most imposing of all the bat Pokemon imo
Escavalier - I like to think him and Klint traded Karrablast and Shelmet, the resulting Escavalier kind of symbolises the legacy he inherits after Klint's passing, a reminder of his duty from his brother and shows his allegiance to the Queen with the knight elements
Chandelure - Gothic, and suits his aristocratic background
Sirfetch'd - A swordsman/knight figure, shows his loyalty to his country
Umbreon - Hints at his familial connection to Iris, matches her Sylveon, Nyanzieks representative since none of the cat Pokemon seemed to suit him either to me
Honorable mentions: Gliscor and Crobat
Mr. Rime - A tap-dancing Pokemon, it also looks like him, matches his colour scheme and represents his journey to Britain, it's quite perfect for him lmao
Eldegoss - A flower Pokemon to mirror Susato/their family crest, it has healing properties which match his medical background
Stoutland - Received as a Lillipup from a trade with Sholmes, it has elements of a Yorkshire and Scottish Terrier which kind of represents the cultural exchange, it's also said to be a trustworthy partner and a rescuing Pokemon which suits him well, "My good man, you resemble each other so closely now! HA HA HA!"
Audino - A healer Pokemon, it has good hearing which is extra useful whether in his investigative work or as a doctor
Hisuian Samurott - suits his colour scheme, showcases his Japanese roots, moustache
Chimecho - A musical Pokemon, distinctly Japanese in origin, resembles a "miko" (shrine maiden) which is phonetically similar to his last name haha
I know this looks like I just gave him every Pokemon with a moustache but aside from Stoutland this was not intentional lmao, it just happened
Whimsicott - A prankster Pokemon that likes mischief, it suits her colour scheme really well lmao
Thievul - Quite obvious, matches her penchant for pickpocketing
Pancham - A scrappy Pokemon, I think her and the Pancham would do the same haughty pose and it also represents her rough upbringing
Obstagoon - Another scrappy Pokemon, I like to think she sends it out to stall when she's getting chased for pickpocketing, and later when she joins Scotland Yard she uses it for stopping criminals
Togedemaru - Representative of Hedgina, it's quite cute and kind of shows her innocence despite her prickly first impression
Maschiff - A stand-in for Toby, I can see it jumping Ryunosuke and scaring him like in the story, and I like to think Gregson is fond of it in the same way a dad who was against a pet starts being endeared towards it lmao
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sycamorality · 1 month ago
You've made me think about the dragon tooth necklace lore and now I can't get it out of my head so here are some of my personal headcanons for some runners.
With his background in graphic design, it's no surprise that Couriway could carve intricate patterns on his tooth. The tiny wings on it sprouted around the time he began his Icarus runs. No idea how, the Universe works in mysterious ways, does it not? As he does his 100k runs, he adds a new marking for every 100 runs he does, a reminder of everything he's experienced.
When it comes to Fulham, his necklace is on the simpler side of things. He takes pride in the things he creates and he prefers his dragon's tooth to stay as he wants it. However, the interesting part comes with its cord. It's a slight mismatch of colors but yet still blends together beautifully. When you look closer, you can see that it's a combination of cords which came from those he holds dear.
For Raddles, her necklace is decorated with obsidians and amethysts, suiting her aesthetic truly. The carvings are highlighted with purple dye, which came from a spontaneous night of hanging out with the rest of HBG. Fun fact, the amethysts sitting prettily on her necklace came from the same cluster Couriway's amethyst does.
Rekrap's a newer face in the speedrunning scene, especially compared to his peers. When he first started running, he had heard of the tradition but hadn't exactly bothered to decorate the necklace. At most he'd all charms to the chain but nothing permanent on the tooth. It was only when he joined HBG officially did the tooth get decorated and carved. Once he got a hang of the carving, he enjoys doing it on spare teeth's when he's not on runs. Keeps the hands busy and mind active, right?
Carving President Poundcake's necklace was a fun experience for all those involved. At first, the only carving the necklace had was a slightly messy eye, the same one he has on his clothing. But the night was young and Poundy had thought that it'd be a fun task to ask his friends for designs to add. Naturally, as speedrunners are, they got competitive with it.
That's all for now, hope you liked it!
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ok HERE WE GO i finally finished this. i have not stopped thinking about this concept since i saw the original post and neither have i stopped thinking about this ask since it was sent.
im SO GLAD that someone noticed the wings i draw with couri's tooth!!! they are 100% a reference to the icarus runs and i originally thought them to just be an extra accessory or charm, but the thought they grew out of nowhere during the icarus runs is so much cooler
fulham's carvings are really simple, he seems like a rather simple guy. the cord colors all match the colors that his close friends have on theirs. rek's has a heart carving and charm to honor lifesteal, and a watermelon charm to reference the watermelon farming. poundy's has the eye and then some carvings i thought would match the style. raddles has a sort of abstract paw print, and as is iconic to hbg, the purple circle! :]
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khrysopoeia · 22 days ago
I Have Saved All My Favors for Thee - Royai, royalty AU, ~1.5k, rated T
Riza is the newly named heir to the throne. Roy is an unimportant knight, just like he's always been.
Luckily, one of them doesn't care.
written for @ficwip's Valentines event
on AO3 or below
The crown suits her better than he thought it would. The king's crown, her grandfather's crown, is the same shade of gold as her hair, but the crown princess's is a paler shade, set with light blue gems and inlaid with mother of pearl. It suits her coloring beautifully. She's dressed simply otherwise, at least by court standards: a deep blue gown embroidered with flowers in a paler blue and yellow at the collar, cuffs and hem. Her wide girdle is green brocade with a pattern of Amestrian dragons and black foxes, the symbol of House Grumman. With her hair down to her shoulders and a simple necklace of pale gold links around her neck, she's the picture of royalty, and royalty also suits her. The woman Roy remembers, whose armor was plain steel without sigil or ornament, her hair cropped as short as a man's and her face as often bruised from battle as any of his band of hedge knights, looks very different below the throne room dais.
Roy knows he's looking at Sir Riza Hawkeye, even if her name and title have changed. He isn't going to do her the disservice of assuming the change in appearance is accompanied by a shift in personality. But he can't help feeling a trepidation he never has before. He watches the ceremony that officially makes her heir to the throne with a sinking feeling. Whatever comes now, things between them will never be the same.
When it's his turn to swear to uphold her place as rightful heit, he does as he's supposed to without reservation for once in his life. He takes a knee, he kisses her ring without brazenly staring her in the eye. He's her man, in a way he'll never be her grandfather's, but as high as he may yet climb beneath this new king, he'll never be her equal.
Princess Elizabeth Grumman does not do as she's supposed to. When a hedgeknight who was of no particular importance before the civil war and who has no particular power afterward kisses her ring, she puts a hand on his cheek, almost cradling his face in her hand. And Roy looks up at Riza, just for a moment, and sees the same affection in her eyes he saw when they parted months ago.
Maybe they're not done yet. Maybe.
Roy is in one of the grand corridors of the castle, looking for Lord Raven, the third of six men he needs to make sure he impresses in the next week. Those are the only lords he's willing to attach his band to. If he can't entice an offer out of any of them… well, he had been planning to set out for foreign lands with whichever of his men wanted to join him. He's pretty sure he's made enough of an impression on the Xerxian ambassador that he could get them a contract there, though it's hard to tell with Hohenheim. But that plan had come before the crown princess looked at him like she was still his closest companion, like they were still sworn to each other. That single look shouldn't be enough to make him so unsure. He should investigate, yes, but where could this even lead? To a place as her personal guards, probably. He doesn't think he could stand that, to be so close to her but so far apart in rank and status. Besides, the required oaths would lock him out of the kind of political power he wants. But he'd need to put the question to the others. It wouldn't be right to unilaterally deny them a comfortable post if it was offered.
Which it hasn't been. She looked at him and touched his cheek. He doesn't know what that means yet.
Her voice stops him in his tracks, but by the time he's turned to face her he has on an appropriate expression: respectful, but not actually neutral. He doesn't know who he is to her now, but the crown princess of Amestris has acknowledged him, and her entourage will expect a reaction.
Except there is no entourage. There's just her.
"Your royal highness?"
He doesn't mean for it to come out a question, but it does.
"Is what all I am to you now?" she says, and there's a hint of her old dry humor in her voice, and also a fragility he isn't used to.
He should reply. He should tell her that it's her decision, but do it in a way that suggests how useful he can be, maybe evokes their time together. Or he should say something witty that emphasizes how useful he's been to her grandfather's cause since they were separated. Or he should tell her no, how could she be? She could never be 'just' anything to him.
But he doesn't do any of those. He stands stock still, and he looks into the eyes of the woman he once thought he would spend his life beside, one way or another.
"Are we allowed to be anything but what we are now, Riza?" Her old name feels sweet on his lips, and he wonders if it will be the last time he speaks it.
And suddenly her gaze is steel and her fists are clenched by her sides. Her necklace and rings catch the sunlight streaming in through one narrow window. Even with her crown safely stowed away, she's wearing jewels worth as much as Roy's arms and armor put together. But her expression is familiar. It's the same one she always wore when she was waiting very, very patiently until they were alone, rather than chewing him out in front of the whole company.
"I'm the heir to the throne, Roy. The only direct descendant. I think I have some agency here."
She had been standing several paces away, maintaining the appropriate respectful distance. She closed that distance in three steps, and he had to hold himself back from laying a hand on her shoulder, or clasping her arm, or, gods help him, touching her on the cheek the way she had him only an hour past. He held still, but he held her gaze.
"Marry me," she said, and the words might as well be a guantletted fist to Roy's face.
"Don't be ridiculous." It came out without thought, and it came out angry, through clenched teeth.
It was the two things he wanted most in the world. As the crown princess's husband—as king consort, gods help him—he would have real power, be able to make real changes in Amestris. And he would have Riza. It was a possibility they had only ever whispered to each other once, the night before the battle that had separated them.
It was impossible, and she knew it. He turned away from her, protocol be damned, and started down the corridor.
How dare she? How dare she pretend we could—
She caught him by the wrist, tugged him back toward her.
"Don't walk away from me, Roy Mustang," she said still holding on to him. "I'm not an idiot. I know what I'm saying."
"Do you? You'd be throwing away the strongest diplomatic bargaining chip you have. A strategic marriage—"
"Roy. Do you really think I haven't thought this through?"
He didn't know. He wasn't letting himself consider it, or any other context, because the more closely he examined the offer the more it would hurt to walk away from her.
"The rest of my life is going to be dedicated to Amestris. Every decision I make from now on has to be for the good of the country. I want something, one thing, that's not for everyone else. I need one thing that's mine. I chose my marriage. I choose you."
And then she took a step forward and pressed her lips to his.
There were two things Roy Mustang wanted most in the world, bur in that moment he couldn't have told you what the first one was if his life depended on it. He leaned into the kiss, raised his hands to cradle her face. Her hand on his wrist dropped away, reappeared on the back of his neck pressing him further into the kiss. She parted her lips under his, an invitation he answered without hesitating.
When they finally pulled apart, flushed and breathless, he kept his hands on her face.
"Does the king know?" Roy said.
"He knows. This was one of my conditions for becoming his heir." She smiled at him, tucking an errand strand of hair behind her ear. "It will take some work to get him used to the idea, but I'm sure you're up to it, sweetheart."
She had never called him anything like that before. It has been a long time since anyone had.
"Sweetheart," he repeated back to her. "Riza."
And he pulled her close for another kiss.
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hami-gua · 11 months ago
收下的香囊 Shōu Xià de Xiāng Náng
In ancient China, girls would give friends and love interests 香囊 (a sachet). If the love interest accepts, then he accepts to be her significant other. Proposal is a different case though, as it’ll be very costly for the man :)
Warning: Chinese is used (translation provided), not proofread, attempt on classification of things (i.e. a tree), a lot of culture drops, a few historical inaccuracies, anxiety (maybe near panic attack)
The story takes place in a Han dynasty-esque period (not really)
Dan Heng x gn! Reader (third pov)
Please read to the end for credits and explanations
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A warm glow emitted through the paper window at the dead of night. There a figure sat, weaving a needle between the silk fabric. Silken thread of teal jade** wrap around the woven fabric, drawing out the form of a teal jade dragon flying between mountains and amongst clouds. When the figure was done embroidering the body, they finished off the stitch and swapped the thread out for one of pure gold. This has to be perfect.
The next day, the figure leaves their room, opting to head down to the pavilion overlooking the koi pond. Maids hurriedly followed suit, carrying whatever the figure desired. And when they made it to the pavilion at last, the figure wasted no time and sat down — beginning their work immediately. They pulled out their work, already been strung on the loom and began stitching again. A gentle pink thread weaved this time, shaping out peach blossoms. A soft breeze passes through, swaying the liusu tree** a bit a way. I don’t have much time left. The figure thought, I only have a three days before I depart for the capital. I’m sure he’ll be there.
The figure worked well into the afternoon until their friend had come along bringing snacks to feast upon. She brought something to work on too, as it was customary for the two to do so.
“你今儿怎么这么不安呢?你这个香囊不是做了很久了吗?这已经看的很完美了,为何还要再加呢?” [Why are you so restless today? Isn’t this the sachet you’ve been working on for so long? It already looks perfect, why do you still want to add more?]
“前面是完美的。但后面的必须得要跟前面一样完美。” [The front is perfect. But the back needs to be as perfect as the front.]
“这么拼命啊。是要送给谁啊?等等,让我猜猜!是不是。。。丹王子**?” [You really are giving it your all. Who are you going to gift it to? Wait, let me guess! Is it… Prince Dan (Heng)?]
The figure looked up at their friend in shock, having never told her despite working on the sachet for a while.
“三月。。。你是怎么。。。” [March… how did you…] The figure trailed off, their whole face starting to heat up.
“这不简单嘛。我上次来看你的时候,你绣的那个图案是个青龙。咱俩之间知道的青龙不是丹王子的话,那还会是谁啊?“ [It’s simple. The last time I came to see you, the pattern you embroidered was a teal dragon. If the teal dragon isn’t Prince Dan (Heng) as we know it, then who else could it be?]
The figure looked at the work in their hands and remained silent as March stared at them. A period of silence held between them until the figure spoke, “Do you think he’ll accept it?”
“I don’t see why he’ll reject it.”
The figure sighs, a thumb running over the even stitches softly.
“He’s so aloof. I don’t know if he likes me or tolerates me to not…”
“To not…?”
“To not ruin his image.”
Rustling was all the figure heard before a pair of hands enclosed around theirs. They look up to see March looking at them with a smile.
“It’s okay. You go along with what you planned, and if he breaks your heart, I’ll go beat him up. Princely title or not. No one’s allowed to hurt you.”
Reassurance began to settle in within the figure’s heart and a smile quickly followed.
“Thanks March.”
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A day has since passed, the figure having finished their sachet before bed. The brass wind chime sang as they left their room, dressed thicker than usual. They still felt rather cold underneath layers, and the see-through silk did nothing to warm them. The figure tucked their hands in their sleeves while hurrying towards the carriage, the clicks of their muji** echoing through the courtyard. They nearly trip over themselves upon crossing the threshold as a gale races by. It’s times like these where the figure is thankful for choosing to apply beeswax** on their hair. A maid carefully helps the figure into the carriage, getting on after them. Right as they disappear behind the curtains, the carriage takes off for the capital.
Along the way, unease began to fester within the figure’s heart, unsure if Dan Heng will accept their sachet. They tried to calm themselves down, yet to no avail. When one worry is eased, another blooms. What if I’m too late and he’s already taken? The figure sighed.
“What’s wrong my liege?” The maid asked.
The figure shook their head and solemnly replied, “Nothing.”
The longer the ride became, the more nauseous the figure grew. Negative thoughts plagued their mind, many scenarios of them ending up heartbroken. Suddenly, the carriage feels more stuffy than usual. Yet at the same time, a cold feeling rushes down their body. As if reading their mind, the maid drew back the curtain for fresh air and comforted the figure.
“It’s okay my liege. His highness won’t reject you. I know it.”
“Well it’s been quite the talk amongst us maids. Especially since your last meeting with him. We all saw how he looks at you.”
“What do you mean look at me? Isn’t he suppose to see?”
The maid giggled, “Not that kind. I mean yes, he is suppose to see. But I’m talking about those kinds. You know, the ones where a person yearns for the other?”
The figure is left confused. Never had they ever seen the look where one yearns for the other. Yet somehow, her words had left the figure feeling better.
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The figure’s legs were weak by the time they descended the carriage. Their maid held an arm, helping and guiding them through the street as they sought out a familiar face. And soon enough, they found him standing right in front shop. Upon approaching him, the figure could tell he’s been focused on staring at the neatly shaped rice papers — trying to choose between the different quality of paper. With their right hand on top and left on bottom the figure bowed** — mustered up courage and spoke, “Greetings, Dan Heng.”
His gazed snapped from the paper and onto the figure. A miniscule smile is seen, as he does the same: Left on top, right on bottom.
“Greetings.” he paused, observing the figure. “Are you well?”
Their hand clutched the sachet tightly — trying to remain composed, “Yes,” a deep breath, “I have something to give you.”
Dan Heng’s eyebrows raised at this. Something to give him? Him, of all people? The figure pulls out the sachet from their sleeves and with both hands, hands it to Dan Heng. He looks at it for a brief period and with two hands, accepts the sachet. And upon having it in his possession, he unravels the strings then loops it through his silk belt. The figure watched with wide eyes as the butterflies dissipate, leaving behind only warmth. Dan Heng looks up to see the figure, now his beloved, standing there meekly.
“从认识你的时候,我一直都没见过这样的你。原本活泼的你现在变害羞了。哎呀,你怎么会这么可爱呢?” [Since meeting you, I have never seen you like this before. The lively person you were, have now turned shy. Oh, why are you so cute?] He softly teased.
Upon hearing his comment, his beloved’s face started flaring — resulting them to hide behind their sleeve as they averted their gaze. Dan Heng giggled as his hand rose to lower their arms and cup the side of the face. They looked up at him as he brushed his thumb across their cheek. His hand lowered only to take a hold onto their hand, intertwining it. With a gentled tug, he led her deeper into the market, leading the couple to spend the rest of the day wandering from stand to stand with fleeting affection.
When their gaze met Dan Heng’s, they understood what those around them were saying. Dan Heng isn’t one to display emotions freely, yet his actions speaks louder than words. And his eyes — his eyes will always be the first to say how he’s feeling.
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We’ve all heard of method actors, and now get ready for method writers. No seriously though (TMI) I gave myself anxiety all because I was writing about MC getting anxious. What MC goes through is actually how my anxiety goes which is why I bring snacks or sour candy to hold down nausea. So I’m sorry that it sounds rushed. It doesn’t help that I bilingual too hard to the point that when even as I’m typing, my brain is just going “oonga boonga”. Anyways, here’s the cultural explanations and credits.
Teal jade is a literally a combo I made up. I’m under the assumption that Hoyo never truly confirmed if Dan Heng actually is 青龙。I know 青 translates to green, but in actuality, the green that is referred looks a little more blueish. Teal isn’t exactly it, but jade isn’t either. It’s very complicated to explain as it’s a color that isn’t really popular in the west. Think of the color this way, under certain lighting (and sometimes angle) the green will look more teal-ish. almost looking blue. Other times, it’ll have a more light jade color. I can’t remember the very ceramic style that uses this sort of “green”.
Liusu tree [流苏树] scientifically named Chionanthus retusus, is a tree with flowers that makes the tree look like it has lots of snow on it.
王子 means prince. Initially I had wanted to use 公子. But knowing how Xianzhou alliance had only allied with Vidyaharas, it only makes sense (in my brain at least) to have him be a prince. Not a king though, cuz that means they would have to meet and travel under different circumstances.
The use of muji 木屐 (commonly called ‘clogs’) can be dated as far back as pre Qin dynasty (Yellow emperor’s rule). It comes in many styles, very similar to how modern day slides look. Another style is one that is similar to geta. It remained popular until about the end of Song dynasty. Clogs are mostly worn in the south where there’s lots of rain and mud. Xishi is said of have worn clogs due to her insecurity of having big feet — so when she walked the skirt hid the clogs, but the clogs are still able to produce rhythms (think how catchy those rhythms must be).
Beeswax was used in ancient China as a way to hold back hair and to keep away fly-aways. Think of it as mousse or gel for ancient civilization.
Different dynasties had different ways of greeting each other. Though one thing remains roughly the same. Women (in this case feminine leaning) would have right hand on top, and left on bottom. Men are vice versa. The only time when it’s swapped are times like funerals. Although MC is gn, Dan Heng is masculine — thus to balance that out, MC would have to have a more feminine personality.
As for bowing, this depends on class. Kneeling or ketou 磕头 would not be done with (han-majority ethnic group) towards someone that aren’t parents. Of course, these are base rules as circumstances also apply — but it’s a good thing to note.
I wish I can attach links that I got these from, but I had obtained these info from the span of 2-3 years :’(. So if anyone finds these, feel free to link it so others who are interested can take a peak.
Divider Credits
All dividers used came from animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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widowling · 3 months ago
I am once again writing solavellan fanfiction.
Title: Martyr
Category: F/M
Fandom: Dragon Age (Games)
Relationships: Female Lavellan / Solas
Solas is trapped in the Fade when he hears the news that the blighted gods have taken Inquisitor Fen Lavellan.
Between other, more ancient regrets, Solas can catch glimpses of her. There is a flash of her bright eyes. The flicker of her hair in the void. He thinks that maybe the hands holding up the island must be hers. It’s the hand that he marked, that he kissed, that he removed as the flesh boiled and the bones disintegrated.
Sometimes, he swears he can hear her as though she was right beside her. She presses her body against his side, warm and comforting, just to whisper in his ear, “Which do you regret more? Loving me? Or leaving me?”
He wants to lean into her. He wants to give in and turn around, capturing her ethereal form in his arms. But he knows that when he does, she will dissipate. She will dissolve into the eerie nothingness of his prison. He has made this mistake many times before. It is only a matter of time before he makes it again. He must pretend that he does not notice her presence so that she will stay and haunt him. Her ghost is the only comfort he has here. So, he stands, perfectly still and lets her presence glow in the corner of his eyes, a breath away from his memory. If this is all he gets, in the infinite emptiness, then it is enough. He is a starving man, savoring scraps.
As he walks up the endless stairs of the prison, he encounters people from his past. Most, he just ignores. Felassan is there, crying after him and asking him why. Mythal is ever-present, dominating the black skyline. But she lingers between them, as if she is carefully holding the entire world together. She flits ahead, just out of his line of sight, twirling around corners and disappearing. He follows her at a measured pace, keeping a careful eye on the mere flicker of her form. He turns a corner, expecting the pattern to repeat and is instead met with a figure he did not expect.
He stops short, “Cullen?”
In his time with the Inquisition, Solas had not interacted with the man in any meaningful sense. They had been cordial at best, respectful at worst. They spoke only briefly. Played chess together once or twice. He could not fathom why the commander might be here. Had he committed so many sins as to forget some entirely?
“She should have chosen me,” Cullen said, his voice small and sad against the howling of the void.
Ah, Solas thought. This is not Cullen. Merely another facet of her. 
Solas had been aware of Cullen’s affection for her but could never blame him for it. He understood how difficult it was not to love her. Solas had thought, many times, that perhaps they were better suited for one another. It had been a stray, meaningless thought. The Commander and the Inquisitor, the leader of the army and the head of an organization that would shake the world. They could have been perfectly matched to one another. Surely it made more sense than the Herald of Andraste and an Elven apostate. Of course it was better than a Dalish First and the Dread Wolf. It had been idle thoughts at the time, but Solas should have known that the Fade would take its liberties where it could.
“I would have loved her better,” Cullen continues. “I would have loved her longer. I would have loved her more.”
Solas seethes beneath the words. His pride bristles. He wants to swipe his hand through the shade of the Commander and for her shadow to return to him.
“Better?” He grits his teeth and admits it, “Perhaps.” 
Cullen would have been able to share parts of himself that Solas never could. He could have given her affection freely, without fear, untainted by regret. Cullen would have married her, given her children. All Solas ever gave were lies, half-truths, and tainted dreams. In the end, he admitted it. Cullen would have loved her better. But Solas was prideful and would not concede on all fronts.
“Longer?” Solas continues. “Maybe. But only in the sense that you mortals can comprehend.”
Cullen had stayed while Solas had left but the sky would burn, and the moons would crumble before Solas could stop loving her. His love for her would be the last thing to exist in a dead and dying universe.
Solas snaps. “But more? More? Not possible. I almost gave up a world for her."
Then, the weight of her hand on the center of his back and her whisper in his ear, “Almost.”
Before he can stop himself, he whips around. He needs to see her. He needs to see the brightness of her eyes and smell the forest in her red hair. He needs her like the starving animal that he is. Even if it was just for a moment, it could sustain him for an eternity. In the end, he does not even get that. She is gone before he can even turn around. Something inside of him shatters. It is a mistake that he has made before. It is a mistake that he will make again.
“She would have lived longer if she had chosen me.”
Solas turns around again to face the apparition of Cullen. Carefully, he says, “She is not dead.”
“Not yet.”
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cider-est · 1 year ago
The full lineup is almost done!! (just needs some touch ups and a Chunsik design👍) FEEDBACK IS GREATLY APRECIATED!!
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Design process under here (whole lot of yapping)
General thoughts: Ive given them in my previous design sheet (you can find it in my blog)(tldr: designs match characters but still childish, 8-12 years old). Only thing different here, is that these eggs were eggs who I had less of a clear idea of what I wanted to do with them (though I still really liked where I ended up!!)
Empanada: Didnt want to go for the full sweet lolita route, mostly because I thought it'd take away the "little kidness" of it all, but something that still resembles the aesthetic. She's wearing "carneirinhos" (idk the name in english) which is very cute little girl to me, and shes also a demon! Her tail resembles a frying pan!! Though I might change her fringe (it was supposed to be baby hairs but now that I think about it, her type of hair probably wouldnt have them) and put some argyle pattern in her sweater vest. I just forgor💀 to do that...I also wish I had made her shorter, but unfortunetely I drew this before the eggs did the height check (YES ITS BEEN THAT LONG).
Sunny: My beautiful baby girl. She means the world to me. I love this minecraft egg with all my heart. Shes wearing Light up sketchers and some fairy wings like Pomme, and shes actually wearing a swimsuit, she just put a tutu over it. The diamonds they're always holding are rings, they have a "terere" in their hair (idk name in english😭😭) and the beads were inspired by an artist on twt (@\BLUETOMATOSODA). Also if you are wondering why her hair looks like tentacles, its because I had originally made it puffy, but changed my mind after doing the lineart, so i had to get creative with me covering it up. Just pretend she has a fan, shes a star after all!
Pepito: Basically, he is very smoll. Chiquito even. He has strawberry hair and MASSIVE glasses that take up his entire face. Hes wearing a swimsuit aswell (dont ask how it works idk either), and has floaties since he cant swim. Hes got crocs, since flip flops hurt his toes, with a spider man charm on them! Also hes got a sunhat, mostly cause I wanted some other accessorie but didnt want to go with gas mask since it'd kinda kill the whole swimming vibe (since his model is wearing a swimsuit). sorry if its not too accurate to his character. Side note: Him, Em and Sunny all have freckles! Him and Sunny all over their bodies while Em just has on her cheeks.
Leo: Cute sporty vibe, love her shorty spiky hair. Wanted to try to make her face spiky aswell, for the whole shark dad thing. Shes got a necklace with a shark tooth (I guess she got it from Foolish??). He changes tshirts randomly, and opens and closes his attack on titan hoodie depending on the tshirt's expression (basically my version of Leo changing her player heads constantly). His trainers have dragon wings and also: whealies!!
Dapper: Im gonna be honest: did not expect to like his design THIS much. The colouring really elevated, with the long blue hair (the same colour as the ghosties!). Wanted to make them, y'know, dapper, so I had to sacrifice some of the "little kid vibes" unfortunetely, but I think it fits her still. The hat has part of the helmet that they used to wear a lot, demon horn to match Pomme, and a suit that is VERY inspired by Death the Kid from Soul Eater (very fitting for a reaper in training imo). Might be my favourite design!
Ramon: Jesus fuck you'd think designing your fav egg would be easy BUT NO. I struggled long and hard. Again, he doesnt have that much "little kid" vibe whatever man😭😭 Im just happy that I even managed to make SOMETHING. Hes got Create googles, his meathead is a massive hat that completely hides his hair. Very simple, very Ramon, though I will probably end up making a version with an ugly sweater just like he likes instead😔. I still like it but. man...
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fireyfobbitmedicine · 8 months ago
MGA wants to make Rainbow High a fantasy series now, fine.
But if they want me to give a rats ass they def gotta put in some effort for the fits cuz these are downright VILE
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So here are my ideas for the main girls Rainbow World (needs a better name) looks
Note: this was all highly inspired by Fairytopia
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Sunny would be thriving in a fantasy land so she would look absolutely whimsical. I got the idea for flowers from her Fantastic Fashion dress and had the idea of her hair having tons of flowers in it (and also her having a more textured hairstyle)
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I imagine this outfit for Jade but with leaves (cuz butterflies are Poppy's thing). Even in a fantasy world she would look delightfully edgy (like a fairy living in the Mad Max world).
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I was originally gonna give her a ladybug motif until I remembered that fire kinda was a thing for her and so went with this. She would have a flame bustier with a skirt that looks burnt up and Ruby's jewelry would also feature dragons in it for more of a fantastical vibe (she would also have her beach hair cuz I like the look)
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Guess what inspired this look? I imagine Amaya's hair upgrading from white to silver and the rainbow in it becoming pastel and tied into low pigtails (I also saw someone say that Amaya's hair should've changed for every look a la Ramona Flowers and I agree). She would wear a rainbow gingham dress with a big flouncy skirt and a corset paired with rhinestone heels and the look becomes even sweeter with a locket choker and basket purse (fun fact: I was originally gonna style Bella with this look before realizing it would suit Amaya way better)
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Skyler ofc keeps her denim even in a fantasy land. Originally I was gonna double dip and give her a denim butterfly top until I found the angel wing one which suited her perfectly (her skirt would also feature it too). I also remembered one of Skyler's motifs being moons and so incorporated that into her necklace, earrings, and hair clips with even some stars too. Her purse would also be a crescent moon with a constellation pattern on it. Skyler would also wear a long ruffled jacket with a skinny scarf and wear some ankle length boots (she's giving Bloom from Winx Club)
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She's a lot more contemporary compared to everyone else (think like Bratz Fashion Pixies) and because of her Jr High look I just felt like she needed to look like an early 00's Disney Channel character. I also double dipped and gave her a star motif. She would wear those purple pants and ruffle belt with a star pattern on the legs with a long sleeve shirt with ruffles on the wrists with a tank top layered over it along with a fur trimmed jacket. She would also have a wacky Y2K hairstyle.
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After I gave Amaya her original look I thought of giving her a motif like I did for Sunny, Jade, and Ruby + I was originally gonna give a pearl motif to Violet and so I went with that for Bella. I imagine her in a velvet outfit adorned with pearls with pantyhose boots in the same color and fabric studded with pearls and pearls chains on them. Her jewelry ofc features lots of pearls with even her headband being all pearls.
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Poppy has the best motif for a fantasy world so I went heavy into that. I imagine Poppy would have her hair pulled back with a big butterfly claw clip that could be seen even from the back and I wanted her whole outfit to give fairy. She would wear tons of butterfly bracelets all over her arms and have a butterfly ring on each hand with her heels also doing the same. I wanted her to have a mini skirt with a long piece on it to flow whenever she moved with a butterfly chain belt and ofc she deserved a butterfly top so I wanted her to have the most detailed one I could find (giving fairy warrior). Her jewelry would ofc feature tons of butterflies and I found the perfect purse for her (yes it's also a butterfly).
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sophie-looks-at-things · 2 years ago
Some random modern HotD headcanons :)
Hey y’all! So I kept thinking of some funny, and very specific headcanons for the HotD characters, so I decided to just make it a whole post. This will actually be my first “legit” post on here, lol! Anyways, this will include some headcanons about Aemond, Aegon II, Luke, Jace, Daemon, Rhaenyra, Helaena, etc. But hope y’all enjoy lol! :)
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Ok, I am convinced that Aemond has a secret stash of tea hidden somewhere. He's even put them all in a very nice ornate, antique box. It's his guilty pleasure. He probably would have some Earl Gray, English Breakfast, maybe even some lavender mint for the evenings. He'd keep it secret because all the teas he's gotten are way too expensive, and special.
Luke is an avid Minecraft gamer. Like he's basically built Dragonstone, and the Red Keep in his server. He'll play sometimes with Jace, or maybe even Aegon. But he doesn't let them into that world. Aegon would probably blow it all up with TnT.
Speaking of gaming, I think some people are on the same page that Aegon would be some kind of gamer. He'd be up to date on all the new systems and gadgets. He'd be one of the firsts to have the PS5 when it came out. He probably plays a lot of Call of Duty. Maybe even some Valorant when he doesn't wanna fire up the PS. He'd definitely be cursing and yelling at the game, to the point where Alicent threatens to take it away.
While Rhaenyra watches her shows, House Wives, Rupaul's Drag Race, etc. Daemon pretends to be not interested, but really he's super invested. He'd be leaning against the couch, or the wall totally sucked in. And when Rhaenyra tells him to just sit down and watch with her, he's all like, "no no I don't even like this show". But then he'd say things like, "Well maybe if her gown was better made she wouldn't have been eliminated last episode".
Aegon gives me frat boy energy. And I know I'm not the first to say that lol. You already know he's planning all the parties, and picking the themes. I like to think he'd be very invested into picking the themes. They would be things like, dragon night, wear your fave dragon scale colors. Or something like, Dragonstone beach night, wear your swim suits and flip flops.
Alicent likes to knit. Or maybe crochet? It's her stress reliever activity after dealing with Aegon, and the rest of the boys. Helaena is always giving her new patterns or designs to try.
I think Alicent also likes to take the occasional Buzzfeed quiz. "If you were a cake flavor, here's what you'd be based on your star sign".
Helaena runs a very successful tik tok account. She'd post her outfits, and maybe some art or cool bugs she's found.
Aegon listens to a lot of Megan Thee Stallion and Kim Petras. He's blasting Kim Petras' Treat me like a Slut at least 5 times a day. He gets ready to it in the morning.
Aemond will get down to some Amy Winehouse.
Jace works at the local animal shelter as his summer job. He only got the job cause Rhaenyra said he needed to get out of the house. Plus Helaena also works there, so she helped him get hired.
Aemond would be a great bartender. Not with like actually interacting with customers, but he can make some great drinks. Like he's over here coming up with all these crazy cocktails. Although, like his tea obsession he keeps this on the low. He doesn't want Aegon asking him to make drinks all the time. Gods forbid he asks Aemond to bartend at one of the frat parties.
Helaena was a Monster High girl growing up.
Aemond has a motorcycle. It was his one rebellious purchase. Alicent hates it.
Luke can kick Aegon's ass in any game, video or otherwise. You name it, Call of Duty, UNO, Valorent, Go fish...
Rhaenyra has a bit of a sweet tooth, but she has to hide her candy stash, cause the boys will steal it in a heartbeat. Who would have thought Daemon would love lemon drops so much.
I really could go on forever, these are just too fun to write. But I'll leave it here for now lol.
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garglyswoof · 11 months ago
I was inspired by @push1na 's amazing klaroline version of Klimt's The Kiss and so wrote a ficlet inspired by it This is me writing on my phone in an airport lounge so hopefully it comes out ok <3
They come for him while the blooms are still bright, trampling them beneath an army of bootheels, and it's another point against them.
Because she loves the flowers, and he will have to get his minions to replant them when he crushes this threat. He often uses her own words, thrown at him with such vitriol years ago, just to see her eyes roll and barely hide the smile behind. But she's not here with him now. She is safe, he reassures himself.
It's only been a few years with her and he is greedy for a thousand of them. Last month he'd approached her here in this yard, in the suit she'd insisted he wear “for nostalgia reasons, obviously” with the blooms flowering their riotous colors in the golden light of sunset, and kissed her cheek as she stared at him with something that made his heart kick in his chest like a prey animal.
It was terrifying and joyous and his greedy, greedy heart cannot get enough.
He told her so, just a few days before, when he'd learned of this new vampire threat and sent her off to New Orleans despite her furious protests. He couldn't put it into words at the time, that losing her would break him worse than the hunter’s curse ever had. That to touch her was one thing, but to hear her spitfire words only made this stutter step in his heart worse. Instead he’d merely said ‘I need to keep you safe,’ and he knows it wasn't enough. 
He would enjoy his acts of contrition, truth be told, tangled in the sheets with his mouth tracing patterns on her skin.
The wind picks up then, ruffling his hair like it did her dress that golden-tinged summer evening, but this time it carries the scent of vampires instead of Caroline’s own. He keeps his pose casual, hands clasped behind his back, walking back towards the house and avoiding the wildflowers underfoot.  Let them think him clueless and weak, it made their destruction taste almost as sweet as the notes of jasmine in Caroline’s perf-
“Yes,” she replies, and he looks up at her, standing in the doorway, her sundress abloom with flowers to match the yard, and his greedy heart thumps.
“They're almost here,.love. If I - if I,” he can't even say it, as if speaking the words could manifest them. He feels the impotent rage rise up, knows his next words will push her away.
Her hand cups his shoulder.and squeezes before he can betray himself. “I know.  But you won't. And you can't ask me to stay away when you're the one in danger. So you're just gonna have to learn to trust me. Plus you just gave me that fancy mini fridge and Im spoiled by how good the wine setting keeps blood at the perfect temperature.”
He grumbles at this, because he doesn't get her choice of diet when she could have it fresh from the tap, but he takes the hand at his shoulder, admiring the glint of sun off of some ancient queen’s ring he'd bestowed upon Caroline, you’ll forgive him for not remembering who, and kisses the palm of her hand, her wrist. 
Her intake of breath is a revelation, as it always is, that she is just as affected as he is. It makes him think that perhaps this madness that takes hold of his greedy heart isn't one-sided. He hoards her gasps like jewels in a dragon’s den. 
The thought steels him and his eyes are wild as he turns to face the onrush that he knows is upon them. Her hand stays clasped in his own, for a moment, and if he has the brief thought of never letting go, it is one borne of a poet’s thoughts that he’ll remember for later, when the path of his brush traps their moments together.
The sun descends, but she still shines to him, monster’s visage above the blooms of her dress, the neckline covered in blood, her hand clutching a still-beating heart. He only has a moment to appreciate her, his brilliant blonde distraction, before he turns back to the fray.
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maddascanbe-blog · 1 year ago
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I'll get into the story changes at a later date for these two's episodes (looking at you Desperada) but for now I wanna talk design.
These designs are pretty obvious in their changes, Marinette's collar is changed, and I might move the miraculous later since I don't love the placement. I let her pull details from her fellow heroes, since I thought it would be cute. Rena Rouges heart shaped bodice piece, Carapaces 'under suit' that shows on her shoulders. Queen Bee's opera gloves. And of course the lines of accent colors to match her wonderful partner. And throw in some freckles on the mask to be cute.
I don't know if anyone else cares but I do appreciate that while Chat Blanc is a pallet swapped Chat Noir, Ephemeral looks like Aspik. I don't know if they planned that from the beginning, it might explain why he's bald, but I do like it. Needless to say, Ephemeral will probably look different too...
Anyways, I gave the boy hair. Very similar to his civilian hair, because he's not really worried about hiding his identity. Change the eyes to be just yellow, him having one spot of green in the entire design seemed weird, even if it was just the eyes. Plus distances him from Chat a little more. Also all the Snake and Dragon miraculous users get a scale pattern to their suit instead of the regular hexagon pattern.
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feng-huli · 1 year ago
The Blood of Youth x Pokémon Ideas
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Sikong Qianluo: unintentionally leans towards using bug types and flying types, but really just cares about how stabby they are. Beedrill, Escavalier, and Fearow could all suit her style. Moltres could represent her role as the Vermillion Bird.
Tang Lian: poison type specialist. Despite this, his ace is a Meowscarada who also uses a flower trick to take down foes. Ariados can lay traps with webs and Nidorino uses its needles to poison opponents. He has an Accelgor from when he helped Qianluo evolve her Escavalier. Torterra, Terrapagos, or Drednaw could represent his role as the Black Tortoise.
Jin Xian (Jade Deity): experienced with fighting, steel, and ice type Pokémon. Cobalion and Gallade suit him well aesthetically, conceptually, and personality-wise. Articuno could go well with his Blizzard Sword. He could probably have a Lucario, too. (Was thinking about Alolan Ninetales at one point, but that may be more suitable for Li Hanyi. Honestly, Jin Xian and Li Hanyi do have quite a few similarities, especially with them both connected to Kunlun Mountain.)
Jin Yan: ghost and dark specialist. Sableye and Gengar bring the chaos and the fun. Tyranitar could be nice for him, but it might be too heavy of a hitter for him to handle. Other possibilities include Liepard (which would be a great match aesthetically) and maybe Grimmsnarl.
Jin Xuan: probably favors psychic types, but has no obvious specialization. He uses a formidable Gardevoir and Dusknoir to protect the Emperor. His secret ace is the legendary ice dragon Kyurem, cold and empty as the Art of Detachment he practices. All his Pokémon would probably be shiny.
Jin Yu: favors bug types and normal types, but doesn’t appear to be interested in battling. He has a connection with butterflies in the novel that’s subtly referenced in the show and his palm technique is warm, so Volcarona could be a good ace for him. An Icy Snow Pattern Vivillon as a gift from Jin Xian could be a sweet way to represent their friendship. Indeedee could be a great match for him in terms of abilities and temperament. I also like the idea of him having an Absol that was abused/neglected by his late master, because Zhuo Qing doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would treat his Pokémon well, and the foreshadowing nature of Absol would almost be poetic.
Jin Wei: specializes in ghost and steel types. His sword is a bit more exciting in other mediums and is very ghostly, so Aegislash would be an amazing fit. He could also have an Alolan Marowak that he raised since it was a Cubone, and possibly a Spiritomb. As more of a ceremonial sword, Zacian could be under Jin Wei’s watch.
Lei Wujie: fire type specialist. Personality-wise, Growlithe would be a great fit and he could probably start out on his journey with it. Darmanitan could suit him well, since it also fights with fire and fists. Mega Charizard X could represent the Azure Dragon role that he has. Feucoco is no thoughts, head empty, cute and on fire.
Li Hanyi: ice specialist. Has a terrifyingly strong Chien-Pao, as well as a Glaceon and Alolan Ninetails who help keep out unwanted guests to their mountain.
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horizon-verizon · 2 months ago
I have some mixed feelings about the overall approach of Rhaenyra’s wardrobe. I think the patterns and construction of many of her garments had Japanese or Chinese influences (from what I heard, maybe I'm wrong). So far, Rhaenyra’s ceremonial gown is easily the best in overall wardrobe design. I kind of wish they had gone for a full-on Eastern Roman Empire influence though. Emma looks good in the East Asian-inspired cuts, but they’re not the most flattering for them (especially when they move around). The dresses that truly suit them are the dragon gown (episode 8 s1) and the gown with silver dragon shoulder pieces (episode 8 s2). I think styles that are more tailored to their frame are far more effective, especially at the waist. I loved the light blue dress from season one (Joffrey's birth). Bluish tones seem to complement Emma’s complexion best. The nightgowns are some of my favorite outfits, making Rhaenyra look almost ethereal. That said, I’m disappointed we didn’t see Rhaenyra in more purple or ostentatious gowns (the hair is a total letdown). That flair seems to have been given to Larys and Simon Strong instead. (Though I’ll admit, the puffed sleeves look surprisingly good on Larys!)
Here's a thing: we don't see a likeness of "Targ V and proximity to the Empire of the Dawn or Yi Ti" in the other Targs like Viserys, Rhaenys, Daemon, etc. in EITHER S1 or 2 for it to make sense as a Targaryen thing. No one as ever thought to point out how Viserys or Daemon have a Eastern Asian-inspired silouette--esp viserys...bc it wasn't a true conception back in S1. Daemon in S1--even when he wore (whatcamacallits) with the slightly raised shoulders. So was it really Targaryen or really poor planning & not knowing the cultural "character" of the dynasty? I think the latter. There still is a lack of cohesion to back those claims. As for whether Emma just looked good in them, I think they were fine but i wasn't all that impressed. Indifferent.
Yes, I did actually like the S2 nightgown a lot, & yes it made Emma look ethereal in a way we've been missing since S1E8. It's so on brand for someone of her station, easily passes as medievalesque, and it's pretty. Also is the closest to what even bk!Rhaenyra would wear out of most pieces Emma wore in the entire 2 seasons...and to bed, to sleep, which really emphasized the character. I LOVED the investiture attire from head-to-toe, and I still think it outstrips even the S1E8 gown Rhaenyra had (I really dislike the sleeves...why 3/4 sleeves?! It's anachronistic). And I loved Young!Rhaenyra's S1E1 tourney dress and esp her hair. That's Rhaenyra! And of course it was well made.
If we isolated the moment from the moments before--which I can't do bc I am not a designer nor a costumer nor a costume designer more invested in the aesthetics--or how the garment fits much more than how it works as a constant vehicle in story; to characterize and et the audience to focus on what the scene relates to other scenes and indicate development. I think the costumers were either held back by the producers or they genuinely weren't that story-forward. Both are problems. Unfortunately, they should have been doing this (the nightgown) from jump so now it also feels too disjointed for me to really be immersed and take it all seriously. A "too late" thing. Why would Rhaenyra all of a sudden start to glam up more and to te level she was always supposed to be at...right before a war?! Misplaced character development--we should have had young!Rhaenyra get more or "return" to "fashion" and "doll up" again, when she as been made the heir and she sees people/council members doubt her fitness to rule. At least.
I don't really count S1E6 blue dress as one of my aesthetic favorites bc I simply prefer Emma in red-black. Beyond aesthetics it served the scene bc it looked bedraggled and falling off her soulders as if se ad to rush, making sense bc she was literally giving birth in it, sweaty and bleeding. Some people say we could pretend that she wore blue to: feel close to Aemma, who was an Arryn (their colors are silver, white, and blue); to feel protected, bc Aemma is not there when Rhaenyra could have used her comfort and guidance; in memory of Aemma having her own troubles with birth and finally dying tryin to bring an heir for Viserys. Similar to what Rhaenyra is doing now, getting heirs, not just hers but technically Viserys'. I really hope this was a deliberate choice and not just the audience making up for a void, but idk I feel like they would say it if that were true to get people more into this show. Not just as a garment.
I’m disappointed we didn’t see Rhaenyra in more purple or ostentatious gowns (the hair is a total letdown). That flair seems to have been given to Larys and Simon Strong instead.
And the hair was always the worst. Too simple always (investiture and tourney were the best; S1E7 was close but we-the-audience could chalk that up to this being a funeral and the culture compelling those to be understated....but i don't think it was intentional). Too pale, all Targs had the exact shade and color of hair. For Rhaenyra, it always seemed dry unless she cried or was in her nightgown. S2 was better.
I was very curious as to why Simon Strong---of all the nobles to "overdress" or make wear intricate, richy-rich clothes---wore what he wore. Over literally the royals? idk. I prefer things to make sense. Larys kinda does bc he is in court and part of the council infront of royals, & constantly surrounded by other nobles who're lookin for a wa "in" at all times. Simon does not bc he's relatively isolated and has no one to really impress or convey status to to that degree. And if he is the type for that, we'd need a sort scene of that similar to how te GoT scene of Pycelle getting ready to pretend he's not as limber as he is to convey that. But simon is a minor character who doesn't and will not get such a thing....idk, idk.
Thus I tend to not be very eager to talk about HotD costuming, bc it often didn't do its job for me to really respect it. It all comes from very poor planning and treating the story like a marketing project instead of an opportunity to bring the/any real story to life.
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eternal-love-song · 9 months ago
Dance Across The Sky
Princess Kaede sneaks into a ball and gets kidnapped by a dragon.
Kokichi/Kaede [Fantasy AU, Dragon Kokichi, Princess Kaede, Kidnapping, Fluff, Kaede POV]
Written for @dr-rarepair-week-blog
There were stars dangling from the ceilings. Small crystalline bobbles that filtered the light into multicolored strands that danced along the walls, caressed the floor, and left brief kisses upon the ladies gowns and the gentlemen's suits. It was beautiful, small beacons of light that guided her through a sea of bodies.
She traveled that sea now, one of a million faces swimming among the melody delicately crafted by the orchestra around them. A mask covered the upper part of her face, obscuring her identity the same as the masked dancers beside her. Her body was wrapped in red silk, a darker shade than what she normally wore, and her hair was tied into a tight bun at the back of her head where usually she let it flow free. It was thrilling to be so unknown, so transformed, so new.
This was the first time that Kaede had ever been so close to her people. The king and queen had always kept Kaede in the palace, distant in parades, or safely locked up in carriages. It was understandable, of course, they wanted to protect their only daughter. But Kaede was sixteen now and it was stifling to know that she would one day rule over people she had never had the good fortune to meet. That was what had led her to tonight. She had known of the masquerade for weeks, had been planning and hoping that she would get the chance to go. She knew that she would never be allowed under normal circumstances, but Kaede was a good girl in her parents eyes, so it was easy to construct a plan where she would be able to sneak out for a few hours.
The ballroom was like its own little world. The ladies were spinning, the men were leading, and there was the rare dancer that would do both. It was amazing to see. Kaede wanted to be a part of it, but something held her back. She had never approached another to dance, she felt woefully lost at the thought. What was the protocall? Should she bow or curtsy? Did she offer her hand or wait for the man to offer his own?
While Kaede's thoughts were still chasing themselves in circles, someone solved the problem for her. A gloved hand took hold of her own and a boy in a purple mask bent over her hand as if to kiss it, stopping before actually doing so and winking up at her. The playfulness of the gesture caused her to flushed, unused to anyone being so forwardly flirtatious with her. "Well, well, looks like someone is in need of a dance partner," he said.
"Yes, how did you know?" she asked.
"Well for one, you're all alone," he answered. "You can't dance all by yourself!" He grinned widely. "Well you could, but that wouldn't be nearly as much fun."
"No, I don't believe it would be," she agreed.
He squeezed her hand, standing back to his full height and stepping back, but not letting go. He was a bit shorter than her, but his presence was commanding and his smile was infectious. She found herself drawn to him and when she stepped closer, taking up the space that he just vacated, he took her other hand.
The dance was smooth, though not seamless. Kaede was good at following, but he seemed to enjoy throwing her off, breaking from the established patterns to spin or dip her at random. "Do you know this dance?" she found herself asking him.
"Of course I do," he told her with a smile. "You have to know the steps to break the sequence."
"Wha? So you're doing this on purpose?" she asked him.
"Nishishi! Of course!" He spun her around once more as if to emphasize his words. "It's not much fun to do what everyone else is doing."
People were staring at them. That wasn't really new for Kaede. People were always watching her, studying her, judging her. This was the first time she'd ever had so much fun while they were though. She found herself laughing out loud at the next unexpected dip.
"Do you want to try?" he asked her.
"Try what?"
"To spin me?"
Kaede blinked at him. "I'm not sure…"
"Just try it," he insisted. "Watch my hands and then do the same thing." He demonstrated by spinning her once, twice, three times in a row. When he stopped, she pulled on his hand, the surprise on his face showing her that he hadn't expected her to actually follow through. She laughed more as she spun him, but he followed her motions easily and was soon laughing along with her.
"I knew you'd be great at this," he told her.
"I think you're doing all the hard work honestly." Her laughter had finally died down and they were slowly making their way off of the dance floor. "How did you follow me so well? I've never led before, I couldn't have been that good at it."
He grinned at her, leaning against the wall. "I'm very flexible," he told her. "What about you?"
"Huh?" Kaede blinked at him. "What about me?"
He leaned up on his toes, whispering in his ear. "Are you flexible, princess?"
Kaede took a startled step back. "Y-you know who I am?"
The grin remained plastered on his face. "I came to this ball tonight for you, so it only stands to reason I'd know who you are." He reached out for her hand and thought she tried to pull back, he still took it. "I've been waiting for a chance like this for a long time."
Kaede tried to shrink away from him and the feeling of dread that was building around her, but he held her hand tight. "What do you mean?"
A loud banging stole her attention away from him as the doors to the ballroom opened and a group of guards piled in. "Everyone stay where you are! The Princess is missing."
"I'm he-" He pressed up against her back, one hand covering her mouth.
"You're all warmed up now, right? Let's have another dance."
Kaede couldn’t see what was happening, but she could feel it. The hand over her mouth, the body pressed against her, they were changing, growing. She could see wings out the corners of her eyes and then, before she knew it, a beam of light blasted a hole in the ceiling. Then she was being carried up, higher and faster than she could process, before she suddenly found herself in the sky. The roar that echoed around her finally let her understand what was happening.
"I know who you are," she said fearfully. "You're… the dragon Kokichi."
For a moment, she plummeted from the sky, a scream bursting from her lips as terror filled her entire body. Just as abruptly as the fall started, however, it stopped. And she was still in the air. It took a moment of looking around for her to realize that she was in the back of the creature.
Kaede was utterly terrified, scrambling to find something to hold onto, grabbing a horn that was protruding from his back. When she looked up though, she was breathless with how beautiful it was. She could see the clouds around her, the light spilling over the land, the way everything seemed so small beneath her. It was like a picture.
The dragon growled out a laugh. "Did I scare you? I just had to finish my transformation. No harm done."
"No harm done?" she repeated, still a bit dazed. "You… you kidnapped me."
"I set you free," he corrected. "Weren't you tired of being a prisoner in your own home?"
"W-well, I…"
"Didn't you long for the chance to escape? To spread your wings? To dance?" he asked her. His voice was loud and booming, but here in the sky, it was rather pleasant. It cut through the wind, coming through to her clearly, and the growling nature of it made something inside her tingle. She wasn't sure if it was fear or… something else.
"Even if I did," she answered softly, more to herself than to him. "Not like this."
The dragon flew upward before dropping down into a loop. Kaede screamed as she fell, her grip on him too weak to hold her against the pull of the ground. He caught her before she had the chance to feel the same fear as the first time.
Kokichi laughed again. "Sorry, just having fun. That was fun, don't you think?"
Kaede wasn't sure that she would call it fun exactly, but she couldn't deny that she felt exhilarated. Still, it was hard to relax while riding, unguarded on the back of a dragon.
"Why me?" Kaede asked. And then, unsure that he could hear her, she raised her voice louder. "Why do this?"
The dragon didn't answer right away and she wasn't certain at first if he had heard her. But then he growled again, swiveling in the air and flying in a circle, spiraling around and around for seemingly no reason but for fun. "You were a prisoner," he told her. "I hate when I see a princess kept prisoner. So I free them. All of them. Any time I can."
Kaede looked at him in confusion, but there was no satisfaction in staring at the dragon's back. She missed being able to look him in the eyes. "All of them? You just… go around kidnapping princesses?"
'No, I free them," he insisted. "Sometimes we hang out for a while, sometimes I take them where they want to go. Always though, I let them go."
"I don't understand," she admitted. She'd heard of dragon kidnappings before, but never this. She'd never heard of one letting go.
Kokichi began to cover in one spot, a large hand feeling around on his back for her. Too afraid to stand and risk falling, she crawled toward it, reaching out to touch one of the claws. Once he knew where she was, the dragon scooped her up, holding her in his palm so that he could look at her.
"Because you deserve to be free," he said firmly. "To make your own choices. This land is yours and you've never even seen it. I hate that."
That was very similar to what Kaede had thought before. She had hated being trapped, even if it meant being safe. She wanted to know what her people were like. What the world was like. Was that really so bad?
"I'd never make it on my own," she admitted, gripping the front of her dress.
"You don't have to be alone."
Kaede looked up at him, shocked by that statement. Though, she supposed that she shouldn't be. He said it himself, right? That he let them make their own choices and even hung out with them sometimes.
"Would… you show me?" she asked him. "The world?"
"I don't see why not," he answered. "A few years of traveling would be good for you, anyway."
Years. Kaede shivered at the thought. Years away from home seemed like far too much. She was making her own decisions now though, so she could probably go back whenever she wanted… right?
"I… think I would like that, Kokichi. Thank you," she told him.
Kokichi smiled and she wasn't even afraid of the massive mouth full of teeth that the expression displayed for her. It was nice, having someone with her. A dance partner that could lead her all across the land. And once she was ready, she would lead him back.
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 1 year ago
Thanks for the answers, you & spider-jay are the reasons why I created that small blog post about the young titans group; details about that and more are coming soon ;)
1: I think you said this already butt what is something they get extremely jealous of?
2: Chris, Jon, & Kons outfits are based on the original designs from the comics, what new & original outfits would you give them? I can see Chris wearing a purple & black version of Zods outfit since his lightsaber color is purple; the Z on the outfit stands for despair & Chris changes it to his own version of hope instead (in my Headcanon)
3: what’s the duos reaction to undertaker losing his wrestle mania streak? If they dislike Brock lesnar, who would they choose to end undertakers streak?
4: what’s your favorite alternative universes of the duo?
5: based on questions in the past from me & others, how do you come up with them? Is it based on your likes or is it you look at the characters & decide “this” is their character?
6: any “fluffy” headcanons of the duo? Like Chris using his shadow powers to cuddle & hug his brothers or Jake.
Apologies for the delays my friend @pin-crusher2000
That being said…..
1) While extreme jealousy is way too harsh to describe it overall as the two are quite accepting and courteous as much as kids their age can be; Chris would have an absolute tiny issue with Conner being the premier and most popular of the junior Supers between him, himself and Jon. Meanwhile, Jake would have a tiny bit of comprehension issues with the fact that his powers, whether he actually wanted them at first or not, came in much later in his life while Mar’i was basically and almost literally born with hers.
2) Conner: A White T Shirt with a Black and Red S Shield, a new leather trench coat with a red underside and a golden S Shield on the back, black pants with a two belts and finally brown workman’s boots. Also, he can keep his trademark shades
Chris: (Don’t get me wrong, your idea sounds great in an off itself. Major kudos. Here’s just my idea for a custom suit) A Light Purple and bright Blue Shirt sleeved shirt with gold trimmings around the collar and sleeve holes, at the center of it a Blue and Yellow version of S Shield only the outer part of it modified to resemble a dragon akin to his canon logo, a yellow cape with a blue underside, a light purple and blue pair of pants coupled with a gold belt plus golden boots which have dark blue soles and his S logo on them, and of course his gold headband.
Jon: A Long sleeved shirt that follows the pattern closely to his canonical suit only it’s an actual shirt and not a sweatshirt, a red cape with a blue underside, dark red fingerless gloves, blue pants with yellow trimmings around the belt area and pockets, and finally some extra high top Converse sneakers.
3) Well…..very similar if anything to that guy from that very Mania, the ‘Just Say Yes’ shirt fella. Once they’re able to actually comprehend their thoughts and emotions for their opinions….they both, while liking Lesnar enough as a performer, agree that it really should’ve been Cena or even better Cesaro who should’ve broke the Streak. And if there had been an older talent given those honors, they could probably vouched instead for Sting or even Goldberg to do it.
4) So far, there are some examples that I can think off the top of my head.
Firstly, there’s what @spider-jaysart and I formulated together based on her ideas for an AU featuring gothic monsters and creatures. Here Chris is a ghost while Jake is a vampire. We call it the ‘Dark Monster Adventure Universe’
One other would be based on Pacific Rim, a movie in which alien kaiju invading the Earth are actively fought back by humanity constructing gigantic Mechas that are piloted by two people who are bound and linked together by their thoughts and feelings for each other, platonic, familial or whichever. The better the pilots bond, the better they fight. In a Pacific Rim AU, it���s a no capes type, but Chris and Jake do pilot one of these mechs, a Jarger, together.
Finally and probably cliches for an comic fan but why not; an AU where Chris is firmly Lor Zod and not only aided his father to take over the Earth and terraform it as a New Krypton with the House of Zod at the helm but also the ruling house makes an alliance of sorts with the Earth based Court of Owls, offering their services for assassinating any human politicians and challengers to the Zods’ rule in exchange for that House to allow them to operate under their protection and with access to Kryptonian tech. It’s through the Court we meet up with their version of Jake as the entirety of the Grayson family are made part of the Owls. Kory and Mar’i are ambassadors of sorts to other alien races that comes across Earth while Dick is firmly in command of the Court’s Talons. Jake would be among the Talons, already having the electrum working in his bloodstream as for Tamaraneans, hybrid or purebred, has a tendency to activate immediately whether the person is still actually alive or undead. Jake in particular serves as Lor’s personal bodyguard, their own adventures usually centering on taking down any rival supervillains or alien warlords who wish to upset this status quo
Sooooo…ironically like that Sinister Sons book in a way….hopefully this is would be better than that one lol
5) I base the characterizations and interactions with these characters with what hopefully is a healthy blend of both their canonical appearances and personalities and admittedly also some of my own interests and tastes influencing them as well. If only really to fill in the gaps their canonical depictions otherwise left out or weren’t explored as much. For instance, given we mainly saw Chris as a six year old and later a teenager, how would a twelve year old version of him who adapted fully to life on Earth would be like or how would Jake’s behavior be like if he not only grew up in a world where his Dad didn’t use a device from Apokolips to end an all out war between metahumans, didn’t follow it up with being the face of an authoritarian regime that makes being meta human illegal and also didn’t have Kory leave the family to establish a resistance force against said regime. All that plus having an older sister.
Yeah as one can tell, wish fulfillment with these guys is a thing for me at least. Though I try my best being consistent with their characterizations within canonical depictions and even in this very AU itself. Keyword try though, I’m sure there’s times I messed it up. I’ll be more than happy if someone points them out. No problem
- When asleep, Jake is probably the second biggest cuddle bug of the entire family, only surpassed by his Mother. It’s almost completely involuntary and an act of pure instinct when it happens as it can be in nearly any place that’s cozy and safe, including but not limited to the couch and his bedroom. It especially kicks in if it’s next to family members but none of them mind it at all. It’s warms their mood up and it literally also warms them up as like with other Tamaraneans, Jake has a pretty warm body temperature even when he’s not directly cuddling anyone
- Also yes, Chris’ shadow constructs can be used to hug those closest to him, especially if they feel down but politely request for their personal space. Shadow constructs though don’t count as breaking that personal space so they allow it.
- Finally, the Duo regularly on some days if the time is right and doable, can visit local children’s hospitals and cancer wards throughout both Bludhaven and Metropolis. They’d spend a good amount of time talking to the many patients there, offering comfort to those who are scared and fearful of their illnesses and injuries, play around the place with those who want to do so whether the doctors are okay with it or not, taking small photos with those patients and their families, and generally just be an uplifting presence for the patients, a lot of them being around their age range or younger.
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blockofhoney · 2 years ago
When you’ve got time PLEASEE tell me anything and everything you wanna share abt the spice rack babies I love them dearly..
okay i'm finally home n can answer this!!!!!
so i have my own timeline / self-indulgent fix-it canon that i'm still in the process of developing, n it's in that world that these 3 came to be!! their birthday is march 23rd (b/c that's the day i created them lol) n i'd say they were born about 2, maybe 3 years after fundy adopts yogurt? that feels about right. nutmeg's the oldest, then anise, then cinnamon.
nutmeg's the resident explorer of the bunch- if there's a way to get into something, She Will Find It. she's pretty much the living embodiment of "curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back." she's very easily distracted n completely fascinated by Everything n spends most of her time staring at whatever's caught her attention. like a tbh creature!!! appearance-wise she leans more cat than fox n has tabby / striped fur.
now anise, anise is the absolute sleepiest little creature you're ever gonna meet. eepy 24/7. she is just constantly napping on every conceivable surface, n then some more surfaces that you would not define as comfortable. n i think any time she is awake is painful for everyone involved as she gets Cranky. how does so much anger fit into such a tiny body?? nobody knows. of the 3 of them, she's sorta in-between a cat n a fox, n has calico patterned fur.
n last but not least, cinnamon!! he's quite the energetic n loud little guy. he's very excitable n seems to have inherited fundy's inability to sleep. the good thing is once he Does manage to fall asleep, he's out like a light. just, completely dead to the world. also idk if you've ever seen that video of someone drawing a bug on a piece of paper n the cat swatting it as soon as the bug has all its legs but that is essentially him. he's also the most likely to eat a bug / generally put something in his mouth that he Really Shouldn't. his fur is all one color (brown i think?) n he leans more fox than cat.
now that that's all been established, let's get into the weird magic shit:
idk exactly What fundy is in my hc, b/c for me wilbur is this mimic-adjacent entity that hatched out of the ender dragon egg in phil's hardcore world n i haven't decided if sally is a salmon hybrid, a kitsune, or something else entirely. (it's worth noting that for the Longest time fundy thought he was just a fox hybrid b/c he just. wasn't told otherwise. wilbur talks w/ him about it sometime after he gets revived n when they're on speaking terms again n suddenly things start making a Lot More Sense to fundy.) either way, whatever his heritage ends up being, fundy's got some weird magic shit goin on, n his kids follow suit. b/c of wilbur, each of them has the ability to mimic certain things- nutmeg can mimic plants, anise can mimic animals, n cinnamon can mimic sounds. it took a while for these abilities to make themselves known, but once they did, raising these 3 got a Whole Lot More Difficult. (moreso than it already was, anyway.) i think cinnamon would've discovered his magic first, then nutmeg, then anise. n depending on what i decide sally is, at least one of them might have some more potential magic shenanigans.
okay i think that's about it
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