#I thought it was a damn good episode asdfasdf
imminent-danger-came · 3 months
It makes me sad so many people think shadowpeach interactions are fan service. Their relationship (platonic or romantic) is so important to me and so important to the fabric of the show
Saying something is fan service as a complaint/criticism confuses me more than anything. Like, what defines "fan service"—what fans want to see? I know what I want out of my shows is very different from what others want. Is something still fan service even if it was set up and developed appropriately? I think that's just good writing. I think that's just writers service.
Now, I've not watched all of s5, but based off of the first two episodes shadowpeach's current relationship tracks. They're still downright mean to each other (ilu 5x01 argument), but they're willing to have kinda-sorta civil conversations and their jabs are far less cruel. Macaque, like usual, is so down bad and insane. Wukong kinda implied he trusted Macaque, and then Macaque responded in kind by sacrificing himself. He slept in their fucking beach tree. He's such a loser.
And it's like...at some point their relationship had to develop, you know. It was always going to go this direction and we spent 4 seasons getting here. We love the 3 way monkey foil that connects everything together.
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roccinan · 3 years
I finally had the time to start watching lcdp and I'm trying to savour it (what is there to savour unfortunately, it reads like a Hollywood action movie). I've just seen the first 2 episodes.
I was extremely touched by Marsillia's scene with Sergio in the 2nd episode. Like, the man genuinely smiled because he thought Sergio was finally resting?? He tucked him in?? He gently touched his face? Omg! I was just so glad that Sergio still has someone to take care of him a little! Like, he's always the one who had to be strong, has to have all the answers and look out after the others. Andrés looked after him but he's not here anymore! Maybe Marsillia took one look at Sergio burning at both ends at the monastery and was like "My friend Andrés in not here anymore to take care of his brother, I shall honor him by doing it in his stead. That's what he would have wanted."
I miss Andrés & Sergio together! There aren't any flashbacks with them yet...I really don't give a fuck about Andrés's child that appeared out of nowhere. Andrés is only capable of parenting 1 child ever and that's his weird, too smart for his own good little brother. Like I will not accept a neglect of THE relationship of the series in the last season of the damn show.
Hi anon! If I had the patience, I would have waited until December to watch lcdp 5 vol. 1 and 2 at the same time, but alas, I'm not that patient XD There's still so long to go, so do take your time! You're right in that there isn't... much to savor this time around. It does feel like a Hollywood action movie tbh, that randomly cuts in the middle to turn Andres into Indiana Jones. BUT the episode 5 is super powerful and the vol. 1 finale at the very least made me remember why I loved this stupid show so much in the first place lol.
re: Marseille and Sergio: SAME. I thought it was so cute when Marseille tucked him in and went, "aww, he's sleeping!" Then I laughed when he just dropped his guard and Alicia came at him XD But I found that a heartwarming little moment. Marseille's been taking such great care of Sergio since S4 that he's naturally stepping into the big brother role Andres left behind :')
And I had the exact same thought omg. I'm sure this implies that Marseille was closer to the brothers than we thought and he was especially fond of Andres' soft spot for Sergio. It's just a very sweet implication and I want to see more of it. Taking care of Sergio is exactly what Andres would have wanted. Marseille is just *clenches fists* such a great friend.
asdasf I literally could not give less of a shit about Andres' child or his dumb storyline. You can't just introduce a new character in the last season and expect us to care about him over the characters who are already there asdfasdf. The problem isn't that Andres has a son, the problem is that we, as an audience, don't give a shit!! Literally everyone sees the character as a waste of time.
The only person Andres ever correctly parented was Sergio, and their relationship has been one of the pillars of the series (at least when it comes to Sergio, literally the protagonist after Tokyo). They BETTER make it up to us with plenty of hermanos content in vol. 2.
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