#I thought I would get jade when I first did the quiz you know
losyash · 1 year
'got dirk tried again got dirk again' oh my godddd idk how the uquiz did it but changing answers slightly out of fear of misrepresenting urself is soooo dirk core and the quiz calling u out on it TWICE is so funny (affectionate)
and then I fucking saw this ask and was like ah whatever I'll do it the third time. what's the harm.
and I got vriska
#I thought I would get jade when I first did the quiz you know#fuck it I'll do the quiz THE FORTH time where I will blatantly lie a bit to see if it's the reason I thought so#we are in the science zone now#NO ITS STILL DIRK#IS IT REALLY THE POWER ANIME HOLDS#IS DIRK JUST ANIMEFIED VRISKA#fuck it 5th time#okay I got John and it tells me. to face my problems#now that I think of it trying to tweak your results to see why the fuck quiz is slandering you like that is something dirk would do#okay attempt 6 I am telling lies but keeping the anime#still dirk#either my lies are not lying enough or the anime is that strong#I'm sorry I am doing all that instead of saying haha you're right tumblr user red-elric but I can't calm down#attempt 7: more lies with anime#they're not as much lies as things that are sorta true but they're not like true-teue#like the quiz asks for biggest flaw and you give like idk 4th#anyway yes I got dirk again#fuck it I'll say everything I said first time BUT I will say I like emo music#that might be the key to getting vriska#okay liking emo music alone isn't enough to be vriska#I think I just fucked any opportunity to deny my dirkness with this#but as a final round#I will. simply lie at everything I can to get jade stay by for updates#noo i got roxy#...should I try to see what it takes to go from roxy to jade#okay no I said it's the final round#BUT DOES IT MEAN I DON'T UNDERSTAND JADE ENOUGH#OR IS IT THE QUIZ MAKER WHO IS WRONG#ooooh I have 2 more tags#nya kawaii desu
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pinkskytwst · 2 years
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Prefect,Yuu,MC,Reader/Azul (Octatrio/Prefect poly or platonic)
Azul wasn’t really sure what to think of the Ramshackle Prefect. After his…episode, he had thought that the Prefect would have stayed far away from him and the Octavinelle dorm as a whole but that wasn’t what happened. In fact, they hadn’t even missed their schedule shift at the Lounge the first day of reopening after repairs. They just showed up as if nothing had happened with bandages peeking out from their clothes and a rather dark bruise still coloring their jaw from a flying piece of debris that they had failed to dodge during the fight.
He had frozen in the door of the kitchen for a few seconds when he saw them standing at the counter tying the apron of their uniform around their waist. They were chatting with Jade. Some comment about a history quiz that Azul wasn’t aware enough to register properly.
Why were they there? Was this a trick of some kind? Did they really need madols that much to continue working for someone that had literally almost killed them? Sure they had been forgiving when they returned the picture with him and they had even said that they thought his younger self had been adorable – which he DEFINITELY did not think about all night – but that was as far as he expected their kindness to go. It was more really. Most wouldn’t have even bothered after what he had allowed himself to become.
So why were they there?
Azul was snapped from his confused thoughts when the Prefect noticed him and looked over to flash a small smile – the same one that Azul had seen them give him that pulled up a little more on the right side – and made a motion for Jade to wait a moment before heading over to greet him.
“Hey Azul, nice to see you’re okay.” They said, “Jade was telling me that you were back to normal, but I wanted to check before I started at the bar.”
“Bar?” he blinked, for a moment still mentally fumbling over this unexpected situation he found himself in.
“Yes? That’s what I was assigned to at least. Did you want me waiting tables instead?” they tilted their head slightly and Azul tracked the way a strand of their hair fell and rested against the purple and blue skin on their jaw.
He reached up to adjust his glasses, giving him a moment to recover and gather himself.
“The bar is fine, just remember you are not allowed to serve the alcoholic drinks.”
The Prefect rolled their eyes bemused, flashing him a grin.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Jade and Floyd are the only ones certified for that.” They chuckled. “Floyd says he has it covered. I’ll just back him up. I know the second years had an Alchemy test today so we’ll probably get more in tonight than normal trying to recover.”
Azul gave a nod.
“As long as you remember.”
That prompted a laugh from the other and they gave a playful solute.
“You got it, boss.” They said before passing around them and out to the bar where he could already hear Floyd complaining and calling for them.
His gaze followed them until they turned the corner. What else could he do?
“The Prefect texted me early this morning to check on you.”
It was only years of being around the twins that prevented Azul from jumping out of his skin when Jade suddenly appeared at his side.
“If they were concerned, they should have contacted me directly.” He said, narrowing his eyes at the way Jade’s grin stretched wider.
“They said they did not want to bother you if you were still recovering. And don’t you remember? You told them you don’t give your number out. I made the point of inquiring about it when they first started working here. I could share it with you if you like. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if it’s you.”
“What do you want, Jade?” he asked warily, eyeing his vice-housewarden.
His grin somehow grew even larger.
“This weekend’s weather is planned to be perfect for one of my wilderness hikes.”
Azul sighed heavily, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. Technically he could just ASK the Prefect directly and they would give him their number. He didn’t NEED Jade’s help.
He HAD put them both through quite a bit, though.
And this way he wouldn’t have to bother the Prefect with giving it to him. It wasn’t even like he needed it, really. This would just be easier than having to listen to Jade forwarding information to him all the time.
“Text it to me before you start the shift.” He finally said and spun on his heels to disappear back into his office.
He glanced towards the bar on his way just to make sure Floyd’s mood could handle it for the night or if he would need to move him to the kitchens. Having him causing trouble would be a headache and he doubted the Prefect was up to handling the eel’s normal levels of chaos.
The two were chatting – Floyd making large hand motions that the Prefect dodged absently with obvious familiarity – and they were laughing at something while restocking the glasses on the shelf. The Prefect caught sight of him again and flashed their smile and gave a small wave in acknowledgement before turning back to keeping their work partner somewhat focused on the job.
Azul quickly ducked into his office and closed the door firmly behind him, not bothering to put up the sound proofing ward so he could still hear the faint sound of their laughter and low buzz of talking from guests. He couldn’t risk Floyd causing problems after all. He needed to monitor things until he was sure they settled back into their routine.
Sitting at his desk, the octomer opened his computer and began logging in. He pulled his phone out when it chimed and he saw the text that Jade sent him with nothing but a number.
Hesitating for a moment he clicked on the number and saved it to his contacts under ‘Prefect’ and then set his phone firmly off to the side. He had work to do.
If Jade noticed him glancing at it every now and again when he came in to bring Azul fresh tea, or how the octomer would glance up unconsciously at the door whenever he heard the sound of a familiar laugh on the other side, he just smiled and didn’t say anything.
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suns-pott · 3 years
Are u still doing requests? I was hoping to request hcs of the vice heads as yanderes if you are.
Happy new year!
Yes I am still doing requests! I already did yandere hcs of Jade, and Ortho is a child (or at least child coded) so I will not include those two for this one. Happy new year!
Trey Clover
Trey wouldn't know what he feels for you at first.
You were that cute little junior that helped Riddle change for the better.
How could he not want to get closer to you?
But he soon realized that his feelings were different than that.
He wanted to get to know you, take care of you, bake with you...
This must be... love.
You soon saw Trey very often around campus.
You'd chat for a little, and he even offered to help you study for projects or upcoming tests.
One day, some Savannaclaw students gave you some trouble. You were injured in the small conflict and went to the nurse's office to rest.
Only to wake up in the Heartslabyul dormitory.
"Oh, you're up. You won't have to worry about those guys anymore. I'll take care of you."
Ruggie Bucchi
Initially, Ruggie didn't think much of you. The new student who couldn't use magic, who helped him not die by the hands of Leona, eh whatever.
But he eventually found himself thinking of you more and more.
Well, I suppose the person that saved him should have been thanked.
But what could he do? He didn't have that much money. Hm..
Leona won't miss a couple bills from his wallet.
Ruggie got you a little something he thought you would like, put it in a gift bag, and left it on your doorstep.
He did sign it with a card, he did want you to know it was from him after all. You seemed very happy with it.
That beautiful smile...
You wanted to thank him for the gift, so when you found him in the hall one day, it was the perfect opportunity.
You two had a small chat, talked about the things happening in your lives, including an upcoming quiz on magical history. Ruggie offered to help you study for it at his dorm.
"Shishishi, you really are naive aren't you, trusting someone like me."
Jade Leech
Link to his headcannons here!
Jamil Viper
He knew he liked you from the start. That was very clear to him.
But you always spent time with Kalim.
It was infuriating.
But in spite of that, he made sure to be the most appealing he could be while you were around.
And some days when you came over, you would cook with him.
Well, Kalim was there too, and that was infuriating. But he still had a chance to be close to you nonetheless.
Speaking of Kalim, he thought of you as a friend. That made things easier when Jamil told him about his feelings for you.
Kalim even helped Jamil when he kidnapped you.
Not that he knew any better.
He was happy to see his best friend happy.
"You're awake. You must be hungry. Oh, those? Don't worry about it, I only have them here to keep you safe and out of trouble."
Rook Hunt
It's no secret that Rook is infatuated with you.
He's enamoured by multiple people.
So when he told you he loved everything about you, you dismissed it as normal Rook behavior.
To him, your chill attitude was even more of a drive for him to learn more about you.
So he followed you around even more.
But not in the shadows, oh no, he'd accompany you to any area on campus. Classes, the cafeteria, even the bathroom.
That's what people do for the love of their life right?
His constant presence was odd, even for Rook. Shouldn't he want any time for himself?
You decided to spend time away from him, staying at the Ramshackle dorm more, and letting Rook do things on his own.
Turns out that was all the hunter needed to catch his prey.
"Ah, there you are, why did you try to escape me trickster?"
Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia has always had... very unique tastes.
He never thought he'd fall for the little magicless human though.
At first he thought it was fascination, or simply the desire to protect you from the harmful people at the NRC.
He has had quite a bit of experience with children, and at first he thought of you as his own child.
You didn't really know anything about the world and you couldn't use magic.
But he soon realized it was more than that.
He wanted you to fall for him the old fashioned way.
However, you couldn't pick up on his hints.
There no possibility that you didn't like him. He's adorable, how could anyone not love him?!
He got frustrated and just took you for himself.
"My my, you really are too young to understand how much I love you."
That took way to long for me to write ; - ; I had a lot of school work to do and didn't get to write this until today
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mugi-chan · 4 years
octa trio, jamil, and malleus with a fem s/o that often puts herself down
ლ  Content: Octa trio, Jamil, Malleus: S/o brings herself down
ლ  Warnings: Female S/o! Angst I think?
ლ Comments: I think I got so use to writing Gender neutral x reader post, that I may have forgotten how to write gender specific x reader. I also can’t write angst very well so Sorry 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。
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He would frown by hearing you say such mean words to yourself
You came to the Mostro lounge all gloomy and sad 
Jade noticed you first and went to VIP room to tell Azul you have arrived
When he walked into the room he saw you slouched over the counter looking down at your phone
Azul had a small smile plastered on his face and walked over to you
You didn’t even turn to acknowledge him 
He sat next to you quietly 
“Hello my sweet Angel Fish, how are you?” 
He hears you mumble fine
He knows that tone of voice, everything is not fine
He place his staff down and gently took your hand into his
“Why don’t we go to my room?” A soft smile to a cold face, not even looking him in the eyes
When you get there you stood in the doorway shuffling your feet
“My angelfish what’s the matter” Azul tucked a hair behind your ear. 
“I hate how I look” 
Azul just stood there
“ w-what do you mean?”  
“I hate how I look, like I look so ugly. I don’t even know why your with me, someone like you deserve someone so much better” 
You didn’t turn to face him in fear of what his face is going to say. 
Azul walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist f
“Oh darling, why would you ever say that. I love everything about you and I mean every single part of your body” 
You try to protest but Azul would just keep rebutting everything you say
He wouldn’t stop until you believe his words 
To end it all off, Cuddles are given
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Jade noticed that you where down in dumps than usual
He brought one of your favorite drinks from the mostro lounge to you
“Cheer up my dear guppy” 
Jade notice that his lovely (y/n) was mumbling under her breath 
“Is everything okay?” 
Jade would take his scarf and put it around you surrounding you with his scent 
You didn’t look at him at all you just pulled his scarf closer to you still mumbling 
“(y/n) my dear you need to speak up” 
“I feel ugly” 
Jade loves surprise but not this, not this at all 
“What do you ever mean?” 
“I feel like a horrible girlfriend, You treat me so well even though I can’t pass a single test or quiz I get. You're so handsome you can probably find another girl more beautiful and smarter than me.” 
You were holding back tears 
Jade was still recovering from the shock he was hit with 
He would grab a handkerchief and started wipe the tears rolling down
“Is that what you’ve been saying to yourself every time you failed a test?” 
A slight nod came from you 
He would heave a sigh and push your untouched drink towards you
You would look at him and a soft smile is on his face
He would tuck a hair behind your ear and a soft kiss on your forehead
“You shouldn’t put yourself down like that, you are very beautiful and if you needed help on studying for the test then you should have just asked me or Azul” 
You would just give a slight nod and started to drink your favorite drink 
Jade just gave a smile, watching you before Floyd came out calling him as Azul needed him to do something
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He saw his little (y/n) down in the dumps 
He gave you a big surprise hug, which made you jump 
“(y/n)-chan why do you have that face on?” 
You just mumbled something under your breath
“Hm? You need to speak up, it’s a little annoying” 
Whoops not the right thing to say right now 
You just got out of the hug and walked away 
Eh? Why did you leave? 
Floyd was catching up to you real quickly, this man is tall he can get to with with half less steps than you
He easily caught up to you and cornered you in a hallway 
“Why are you running away?” 
“It’s because I’m annoying and I don’t want to bother you!” 
Eh? Floyd couldn’t really comprehend what you were trying to say but seeing you side makes him uneasy. 
He would see your eyes pricked with tears ready to burst any moment 
It reminded him of Azul when they were young 
He would sit there looking at you while you were holding back tears. 
He would look around seeing if anyone is around, when he sees no one is there he would pull you into him. 
“I don’t understand, but it would be annoying to hear Jade and Azul telling me off” 
He would try to help you, telling you that your not a bad person and shouldn’t put yourself down
He and Jade have done worse things before so don’t be sad! 
He’s not good with his emotions but he’s trying
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He understands, he understands why you put yourself down
He has done it himself 
But to see you say that your not deserving of him stabs him in the heart
“Why would you ever say that? In reality I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you”
Now it’s just you two trying to cheer each other up. 
Jamil would see that your more in pain and heave a sigh
Would bring you to his room and let you relax in his bed 
He would tell you to stay there for a while 
And a while you waited more negative thoughts crept into your mind 
When Jamil came back he saw you hugging his pillow with tears strolling down your face. 
He would quickly place the trey he brought in and was beside your side in seconds
He would quickly put softly brush your tears away, giving you butterfly kisses everywhere
He just kept muttering “I love you” over and over again
Once you finally stopped crying he would bring the trey over and set it on his bed handing you a cup of your favorite drink
“(y/n) my princess what happened?” 
His mind was trying to compute what you were trying to say, (y/n) thinks she’s annoying me?, She believes that she can’t do anything right, and that everything seems to be going wrong. 
He listen to your words and once you finnish, you would look up to see the soft eyes of Jamil 
A sigh leaves his mouth as he pulls you into his chest. 
He would be stroking your hair and kissing your face giving a response to everything you just told him
“(y/n) you never get on my nerves, your the only one that never gets on my nerve” 
“Your right, you can’t do some things right but there are still a lot of things you CAN do right” 
“Things may be going wrong for now but it will never last for long.” 
He tries his best to help you, but when he couldn’t even take care of his own inner demons how could he possibly help his s/o?
All he can do is try
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The nightly walks were different this time
You were much quieter than you normally was 
The silent walk was new but not unfamiliar to Malleus
“My darling what is the matter?”
You didn’t say anything you just kept walking with Malleus
Malleus understand if you don’t want to talk 
The walk was still silent all the way till your house came into view
That’s when you finally spoke something
“I’m so stupid” 
Malleus stopped in his tracks looking at your still walking figure
D-did she really said that she is stupid?
“What do you ever mean?” 
You started to explain everything about how you were not smart at all. You couldn’t grasp the concept of class and was always struggling with tests and quizzes. 
You were just a stupid little human, how could the prince of vally of thorns even glance at her direction? 
Malleus was trying to comprehend everything 
All he knew was to tell you sweet nothing as he started to stroke your hair 
It felt soothing and relaxing, something about Malleus has a calming aura
He cut your walk short and teleported you both to your room. 
He would set you on your bed and cuddle with you. 
Telling you sweet nothings and pillow talks help you ease your worries
“If you ever need help in class you should come to me and I can help you. I may not understand the subject but I can help you study for it.”
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Would you like to order something? Look at our Tea shop rules first!
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Yoooo your new fic is so cool!! How will lwj react to finding out about his daughter?
So, when I wrote the story, I had no idea, hence why I ended it there. But I was thinking on how to answer this last night, and ended up writing an entire second chapter at like one am. And then editted it through my Bio lecture (which was not my best idea but it’s just a kahoot quiz rn so not that bad of idea) but also means it’s lightly editted at best, sorry.
Oh and for Daiyu’s characters, I’ve lost the file that initially had them, but I’m like 80% sure they were 黛玉 which should be Dark Jade if I’m not wrong.
Anyways, hope you enjoy the story, I’ve put this under a read more because it’s long, lol.
Lan Wangji was not happy when Lan Xichen revealed that they did not know where Wei Wuxian was. Nie Mingjue was not happy with Lan Wangji pouting, so Lan Xichen had to stop several attempts of just telling Lan Wangji the school they had picked the kids up at yesterday and the park.
Just because they found out about Daiyu that way, does not mean Wangji has to. In Lan Xichen’s opinion at least. Truly it was up to Wei Wuxian.
So, while Nie Mingjue was cooking breakfast, Lan Xichen texts Wei Wuxian a very simple;
Wangji is here. Would you like to see him?
The question feels a little ridiculous to ask, after all they had just cleared up a major misunderstanding, the only reason Lan Xichen was aware of that they broke up, why wouldn’t Wei Wuxian want to see Lan Wangji? Then again, it has been five years. While Wei Wuxian asked after Lan Wangji’s relationship status, he gave nothing of his own. Aside from the fact that he was living with Wen Qing.
Who, to Lan Xichen’s knowledge, Wei Wuxian hadn’t been all that close to before they had broken up. And considering he was told the Wens moved away from the city barely a week after Wei Wuxian left the Jiangs, there wasn’t much time for him to get so attached to move across the country with them.
So, while waiting for Wei Wuxian to text back, Lan Xichen did his best to distract Lan Wangji. Except, Lan Wangji was not having it.
“Xiongzhang,” Oh that tone was not good. “If Wei Ying does not wish to see me, just tell me.” Lan Wangji asks, sounding serious but looking, to Lan Xichen at least, like if he did as asked he would be breaking Lan Wangji’s heart.
“I’m sure Wei Wuxian wishes to see you. The problem is, is that this is now rather fresh for him. And there are some things he’s told me that make me concerned to just, point you in his vague direction.” Lan Xichen explains since, yes, it was odd for him to be restraining Lan Wangji. In their teenage years Lan Xichen all but pushed Lan Wangji to hang out with Wei Wuxian. And sometimes he did, actually physically push Lan Wangji to hang out with Wei Wuxian.
“He disappeared five years ago without a word.” Lan Wangji states, reminding himself of that oddity before asking, “What happened?”
And the conversation Lan Xichen did not want to have. “After he left the Jiang family, he came to the house to spend the night as he hadn’t expected to be kicked out so soon. You were out with me,” Lan Wangji nods, remembering the night he very much did not want to spend out of the house, “so Uncle answered the door. He told Wei Wuxian you wanted nothing to do with him, and to never contact the Lan family again.” Lan Xichen admits, wincing when Lan Wangji’s eyes go coldly furious. “Of course, this is only what Wei Wuxian has told me, I have not had the chance to hear what Uncle has to say on this.” Lan Xichen reminds, but it didn’t matter. Lan Wangji cared about what Wei Wuxian heard, not what their Uncle meant all those years ago. It does, at this point, seem more important. Even if Uncle hadn’t said so in so many words, it did result in Wei Wuxian disappearing for five years with Lan Wangji’s daughter.
“You should speak to him.” Lan Wangji states coldly, clearing meaning for Lan Xichen to get an explanation that does not result in Lan Wangji dropping contact with all of them and moving in with Wei Wuxian.
Lan Xichen’s not entirely sure that’s not going to happen anyways, considering Daiyu.
Thankfully, Lan Xichen’s phone goes off with an alert, and he’s relieved to see Wei Wuxian texted him back, and the message also relieves, a little.
What the fuck. How the fuck did he get here. I’m not kidding, the trains don’t run overnight here, it’s literally impossible for him to be here. What the fuck. Oh, but, send him to the Starbucks. There’s literally only one in the town so. I’ll meet him there at 10
The idea of going to Starbucks makes Lan Xichen want to send Wangji to the park, but he ignores it and instead repeats the place and time, and Lan Wangji immediately gets on his phone to get a cab to the city. Lan Xichen could offer to drive Lan Wangji himself, or even their car, but he wants some time with Nie Mingjue. And he wants their car at their place tomorrow morning, which if all goes well, Lan Wangji will not be returning to the cabin.
So he lets Lan Wangji leave in a cab.
Lan Wangji will admit his actions the previous night were illogical. And rude. First he hung up on his brother, then he ran out on his Uncle without a word (although considering what Lan Xichen told him, he doesn’t feel bad about it anymore) and paid a lot of money to be taken to the rather remote town Wei Wuxian had decided to live in. But now that he knows where Wei Wuxian was, how close he was, he was more than eager. He had been looking for Wei Wuxian for the past five years, never with any success. He had never been sure what had caused Wei Wuxian to leave without a word before, always thought to the weeks previous for anything he’d done. Now that he knows the truth...
He wishes he never agreed to go out with Lan Xichen that night.
But he cannot change the past. All he can do is cherish and love Wei Wuxian now.
Even if that means going to Starbucks.
Lan Wangji pays the cab and walks up to the Starbucks. He can’t help the face he makes, the places are always too loud for him, and it’s a show of excess that makes him twitch. Wei Wuxian always liked them, so he always made an effort to at least tolerate the places, but he couldn’t help the cringe.
Of course, the cringe drops from his face as he hears a familiar bark of laughter, snapping his head to the side to see Wei Wuxian. Looking the same as ever. No. Not the same. Older. More lines, more age, but no less beautiful. With a bling bright smile, “What’s with Lans and Starbucks?” Wei Wuxian asks laughing.
“Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji whispers, before processing the question and answering, “You know our principles, do you not think it’s the opposite of everything we value?”
Wei Wuxian shrugs, tilting his head to the side, “I guess. Counterpoint, their Frappuccino’s are delicious.”
“Excessive amounts of sugar.” Lan Wangji counters, feeling sixteen again and like lecturing Wei Wuxian on what those drinks will do to his health.
“Hey, some sugar is good. Besides, I don’t think I ever got you to try their Matcha Frapp.” Wei Wuxian says, grabbing Lan Wangji’s arm and dragging him into the Starbucks.
“Why not?” There was the smile again, bright and beautiful.
And Lan Wangji couldn’t argue. This Starbucks was quieter, than the ones Wei Wuxian would drag him to years ago, Wei Wuxian orders quickly for them both, and Lan Wangji did nothing but stare.
“Aiyah, Lan Zhan, what’s with the staring?” Wei Wuxian asks after noticing while waiting for their drinks, an amused smile gracing his lips.
Lan Wangji debates his answer, he could say many things, most would probably make Wei Wuxian blush, but in the end he decides on, “Worried Wei Ying will disappear again.”
Wei Wuxian huffs a laugh, “Lan Zhan.” Wei Ying shakes his head, and then his smile drops, which makes Lan Wangji furrow his brow, “So, how much did Lan Xichen tell you?”
“He told me you were here. And what Uncle said. Which was untrue.” Lan Wangji states, not sure what else there was to say. Perhaps how Wei Wuxian chose this place?
Wei Wuxian chuckles, “Yeah, Lan Xichen made that clear yesterday.” Wei Wuxian scratches his nose three times, clearly thinking about something, considering his next actions. Normally it would predate a prank, but Lan Wangji has the distinct feeling Wei Wuxian is not going to be pulling pranks right now. “So, he just said that?” Lan Wangji nods, becoming confused. “Let’s wait for our drinks.” Wei Wuxian decides, confusing Lan Wangji further, but all he does is nod. For now, he’s fine with Wei Wuxian setting the pace.
When they get their drinks and sit down, Lan Wangji eyes his green frapp with contention, only taking a sip when prompted by Wei Wuxian. It wasn’t, terrible. He still didn’t like it. But it was better than the other frapps Wei Wuxian has had him try over the years.
He still didn’t drink more beyond that sip.
Wei Wuxian sighs and sips at his drink a little, before setting it aside, “Well, I suppose I can’t do this the same way I did it with Lan Xichen and Dage.” Lan Wangji furrows his brow slightly, becoming confused once more. “Not unless you’re willing to wait five hours.” Lan Wangji shakes his head, he was not in the mood to be waiting today. Not for long. He’s finally seeing Wei Wuxian again. Wei Wuxian nods, “Didn’t think so. Uh, so. How to say this...”
“You say what you are thinking.” Lan Wangji states, almost on reflex, having said it to Wei Wuxian so many times when they were together, when Wei Wuxian was having trouble putting words to his thoughts.
“I’m thinking how to tell you I was pregnant without breaking your brain.” Wei Wuxian retorts, clearly on reflex, as he always would when Lan Wangji would make that remark. Normally it allowed for Lan Wangji to assist in phrasing, as while Wei Wuxian was better at conversational talking than Lan Wangji, he also typically just trailed off and made half sentences he expected the people around him to understand. While Lan Wangji would consider his words until he knew exactly what he was going to say. Making it easier sometimes, for Lan Wangji to assist.
This time however.
Lan Wangji blinks.
‘Wei Ying was pregnant when he left.’
Four times.
“And I broke you, shit.” Lan Wangji was not truly paying attention to Wei Wuxian, he should be. Now more than ever. But he can’t.
‘Wei Ying and I had a child.’
‘Wei Ying and I have a child’
No. Maybe not. Wei Wuxian could've- “Did you keep it?” Legally, Wei Wuxian wouldn't have been able to abort without Lan Wangji's permission. But then, legality has never been a concern to Wei Wuxian for all Lan Wangji has known him.
Wei Wuxian blinks, clearly caught off guard by the question. “Uh, yeah. Her name is Daiyu, she’s four. Turning five. In a couple of months actually.”
“Daiyu.” Lan Wangji repeats, nodding, it’s a nice name. She’s four. “May I meet her?” Did Wei Wuxian want him in her life? Did he want Lan Wangji in his? Maybe he met someone else? Maybe what Uncle said stuck with him hard enough that he doesn’t want anything to do with Lan Wangji anymore.
“Well. She’s at school. Well, not school. Qing-jie said she could start next year if she really wants to, but four is too young.” Wei Wuxian shrugs, “I didn’t start school til I was nine so, I don’t really have an opinion. Or, I don’t get one.” That felt wrong. But Lan Wangji has not being helping Wei Wuxian, so, he also does not get an opinion. He thinks. “But there are these activities that go on at the school. From eight to eleven, and then from twelve to three. Technically she’s too young for those too, but the organizer is scared of Qing-jie, so, she’s allowed.” Wei Wuxian nods, “Our daughter is terrifyingly smart Lan Zhan. She might take over the world.”
“She will deserve it.”
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian exclaims, “You cannot endorse your daughter taking over the world.”
“If she can do it, why shouldn’t she?”
Wei Wuxian’s mouth moves, clearly intent on saying something but nothing comes out but a bark of laughter, “Holy shit. Wen Qing is never going to believe me being the sane parent. What the fuck.”
Ah, too much? He does have four years to make up for. Besides, why shouldn’t he support their daughters business ventures? Or would this be politics? Ah, it would be politics. In that case, “Not until she is at least fourteen.”
“...You’re so going to be the soft parent.” Was Wei Wuxian’s only comment. Then he checks his phone and stands up, “We should start walking over to the school. You can meet Daiyu, and we’ll see if she took our conversation last night to heart.”
Lan Wangji furrows his brow slightly at that, standing as well. Did, Did Daiyu not have a high opinion of him? No, of course she wouldn’t. No matter what Wei Wuxian said, he has been absent. Wei Wuxian chucks both their drinks, which seems like a horrible waste but Lan Wangji was not about to suggest he actually finish that drink, so he follows Wei Wuxian out without comment.
“Does she not like me?” Lan Wangji asks as Wei Wuxian leads them to the school.
Wei Wuxian hums, “It’s not that. It’s just, ok, for the past five years, it’s been the general belief that you essentially had your Uncle break up with me for you in like, the shittiest way. So, in general the Wens aren’t the Lans biggest fans. After Lan Xichen explained what actually happened, the adults are all coming around. Daiyu seemed to be also, but it might still take a while. I mean, yesterday she thought you wanted nothing to do with her.”
“Incorrect.” Lan Wangji would never not want anything to do with his child. He only wishes he had known about her sooner.
Wei Wuxian snorts, “Yeah, explained it to her last night. We shall see if she remains unconvinced.”
He hopes not. He would like to meet her. He would like to help raise her. He should move out here. “If Daiyu is amicable, how do you feel about me moving out here?” He should ask. It might be overstepping. They did break up five years ago, technically.
Wei Wuxian blinks, clearly surprised, “Ah, to spend time with Daiyu? I don’t know how your uncle would feel if you moved out here, maybe you could use the Nie’s cabin every few weeks, for visitation? That way you could still work, and meet people.”
Why would Lan Wangji want to meet people? He hates people. Wait. Lan Wangji considers the words, coming to the conclusion that it was a euphemism. But for- Oh. Ew. “No people. Only Wei Ying.”
Now Wei Wuxian was surprised and confused, and he chuckles awkwardly, “Lan Zhan, it’s been five years.”
“It’s only ever been Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji affirms, then, softer, “If Wei Ying no longer wishes for a relationship...” it would hurt, but he would get over it.
(He would not. He would spend his decades with the bunnies Wei Wuxian got him writing sappy love songs. As he’s been doing for five years. Although, in those decades, he might actually relent to Nie Huaisang’s plans of recording and selling those songs.)
Thankfully Wei Ying shakes his head, “Ah no! That’s not-” Wei Ying nods, and steals Lan Wangji’s wording, “Only Lan Zhan.”
It makes Lan Zhan smile softly, entirely entranced by Wei Wuxian, entirely in love with the man in front of him.
When they arrive at the school, there are children running about the front area on the grass. “Oh, they must’ve let out early. We still have ten minutes.” Wei Wuxian comments idly. Lan Wangji was curious as to what he planned for them to do for ten minutes, but that was moot now. Instead, Wei Wuxian was scanning the yard, presumably for Wei Daiyu. Eventually he seems to find her since he makes several ‘come over’ motions.
Soon enough a small child barrels into Wei Wuxian’s legs. “Oof. Nice to see you again too.” Wei Wuxian jokes, smiling down at their daughter.
Daiyu doesn’t look at Wei Wuxian, instead, still clinging to Wei Wuxian’s leg, she turns her head slightly to look at Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji’s breath catches in his throat, she had Wei Wuxian’s nose and chin. He crouches down to be on her level. “I am Lan Wangji, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Wei Daiyu.”
Wei Wuxian snorts, “You don’t need to be formal with your own daughter Lan Zhan. A-Yu,” Wei Wuxian puts a hand on Daiyu’s back, making the young girl look up at him, “this is your A-Die.”
Daiyu returns her gaze to Lan Wangji, “Why are you here now?”
“I was told where you were.” Lan Wangji states truthfully.
“How come you didn’t look for us?” Daiyu demands.
“I did.” Lan Wangji admits, making Wei Wuxian stop, blinking in shock, “But your A-Niang is very good at disappearing.”
Daiyu seemed to consider before nodding, accepting that answer, “Are you staying?”
“If you’ll let me. If you want me here, I will be here for you, for the rest of my life.” Lan Wangji promises.
Lan Wangji worries, for a moment, that they were the wrong words as tears well up in Daiyu’s eyes, but then she was in his arms, burying her face in his shirt, soaking it with tears and snot- not that Lan Wangji minded- telling him he was never allowed to leave. Lan Wangji wraps his arms around his daughter, holding her close with a soft smile on his face.
So, they were the right words.
Lan Wangji smiles up at Wei Wuxian, who seemed utterly relieved and happy, just smiling softly at the pair, Lan Wangji knows he still irrevocably in love with Wei Wuxian, and seeing him like this makes him confident that Wei Wuxian still loves him. With that, Lan Wangji knows with absolution, that he's moving out here.
Whether he tells anyone is still up for debate.
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years
Excluding Octavinelle and Pomefiore... how would the other five of the Great Seven Dorms react when their Vice Dorm Leaders read the text from Jade on the group chat about Baby!Yuu being missing from Ramshackle? I bet that Trey would tell Riddle about it as they both know that Ace and Deuce were supposed to be babysitting Baby!Yuu with Grim so the first two would probably go over to Ramshackle with Cater coming along with them and the Third Year would end up showing everyone there Vil’s Magicam account with pictures of Baby!Yuu since Cater would not be Cater if he does not go onto Magicam and that he does follow Vil there... so what would everyone’s reactions be about that? What would Neige’s reaction be when he checks out Vil’s latest Magicam posts since the former probably also follows the latter there?
[Shady Unagi: Good afternoon. Apologies for my sudden text. I’d like to ask if anyone has seen Yuu.]
[Me: Itty-bitty baby Yuu? He’s at Ramshackle with Ace, Deuce and Grim! Why you ask?]
[Mr.Batty-chan: It’s the Octavinelle turn to take care of their lover, Cater-kun.]
[Me: Oh, lol. Wait - how did you know it was me Lilia-chan?]
[Mr.Batty-chan: Fufu, I have my ways~]
[Space Jam, but at the desert: He means that you’re predictable, Diamond-san. You should give Clover-san his phone back.]
[Me: In a bit! Trey is busy doing paperwork with Riddle to noticed that I have his phone~]
[Me: Anyway, how’s Yuu? Did the juniors remember to feed him?]
[Shady Unagi: I could only hope so unless they would like Floyd to squeeze them further.]
[Dandelion man, take me by the hand: Why are you guys spamming the chat group?]
[Space Jam, but at the desert: Scroll up]
[Dandelion man, take me by the hand: Got it. The idiot trio lost Yuu, huh]
[Space Jam, but at the desert: Well, he’s not here at Scarabia. Kalim would want to throw a feast for him if he’s here...]
[Me: He’s not at the Rose Maze either!]
[Dandelion man, take me by the hand: Same for Savanaclaw. One of the meatheads would’ve smelled him.]
[Mr.Batty-chan: I’ve told the Diasomnia students to keep an eye out for the child. Malleus is searching for him as we speak. I’ll have my bats scout around as well.]
[Real Boi 2001: Good morning, everyone! Big brother woke up from his naps because of the chat group’s notification pings and told me to mute it. I’ve informed him of the missing Directing Student! 
[Me: Thank you, Ortho-kun!]
[Shady Unagi: Then... the only one left is...]
[Me: Does anyone know where Rook is?]
[Mr.Batty-chan: Pomefiore most likely]
[Dandelion man, take me by the hand: Or stalking Leona-san. Again.]
[Space Jam, but at the desert: Nope. He’s at Pomefiore right now. Vil is using Yuu for clouts.]
[Me: WAT]
Heartslabyul’s Reaction: 
After reading Jamil’s text (and yes, Cater change the contact names in Trey’s phone), Cater immediately takes out his own phone to check his Magicam account. And true enough, the number 1 currently trending are pictures of Vil and Baby!Yuu in different poses and clothes - all of them were very artfully shot with warm lightings to bestow a sort of comforting and gentle tone to each picture. 
Everyone is talking about it. Everyone is throwing #s around - especially the #DaddyVil one. Ovaries everywhere in Twisted Wonderland exploded. Parents are even sharing pictures of their babies online! 
Cater made sure to liked every single Vil & Yuu’s pictures before rushing to Riddle’s bedroom where he and Trey are at. 
Needless to say that Riddle nearly spills his tea when Cater slams open the door. The Dorm Leader was about to chatise Cater on his poor manners but all words left him when he saw the pictures. 
“Trey, Cater.” 
“...Yes, Riddle?”
“...Yes, Dorm Leader?”
“Weren’t Ace, Deuce and Grim supposed to take care of Yuu at Ramshackle?” 
Trey and Cater shared an uneasy yet meek grin - knowing what is about to happen. 
Together, they dutifully reply, “Yes, Dorm Leader.” 
And thus, the three of them march towards Ramshackle to punish the juniors plus Grim and maybe even educate them on how to keep a better eye on a baby. By the end of the day, Adeuce + Grim would be collared. 
Savanaclaw’s Reaction: 
Honestly, most of the students there sigh in relief, knowing that Rook is too busy taking care of Baby!Yuu to chase or stalk them for once!
And as per usual, Leona slept through the drama blissfully while Ruggie idly wonders as he oversees Savanaclaw’s Magift practise if the seafood trio would fight Vil and Rook for Baby!Yuu custody. 
All in all, they hold the ‘not my circus, not my monkeys’ mentality during this drama. 
Scarabia’s Reaction:
Jamil’s main priority now is to ensure that Kalim never finds out that Baby!Yuu is missing or about Vil’s pictures on Magicam. Why you ask? Because then Kalim would want to take photos with Baby!Yuu and post it on his Magicam account next and Jamil could already foresee and feel the headaches on how the internet would react to it! 
The netizens now wonder just where the fuck did Vil got a baby to model with him because the zealous fans have pointed out that the studio that he used bears Pomefiore’s wallpaper and interior architecture. 
Jamil really doesn’t want Kalim to add more fuel to the fire. 
Ignihyde’s Reaction: 
After Ortho reported what happened and showed him the series of texts, Idia cackled. They lost the baby and now the Directing Student is basically insta-famous online? This sounds like one of his slice-of-life animes! 
He gives Ortho full access to his surveillance cameras around NRC to keep an eye on Baby!Yuu with a request to snap pictures of the seafood and Heartslabyul trio ‘punishing’ Adeuce + Grim. 
Hell, might also snap a few candid photos of Vil and Baby!Yuu too!
Diasomnia’s Reaction: 
The moment Lilia informed him that Baby!Yuu was missing, Malleus flew out alongside his bats. Not knowing that if he just wait for a damn second, Lilia would add that Baby!Yuu is safe and well-taken care of in Pomefiore. 
Oh well. Lilia supposed that it’s good that Malleus exercise once in a while!
Lilia called off the search once he saw Vil’s pictures and seeing him carrying and posing with Baby!Yuu tugs on his heartstrings. Oh, he wants to take care of Baby!Yuu too! 
If anything, he’s more qualified to take care of him since he basically raised Malleus, Silver and Sebek!
And that gives him an idea. Lilia would personally fly after Malleus and convinced him that Baby!Yuu should spend a day and night at Diasomnia with them! Wouldn’t that just be wonderful? They could even have a little sleepover! Think of the fun things that they could do! 
Welp. It wasn’t hard to persuade Malleus. The idea of spending time with his best friend is always a good time in his book. 
Chaos immediately break out when both Octavinelle and Diasomnia storm into Pomefiore for Baby!Yuu. As for Vil and Rook? They ain’t gonna give Baby!Yuu up because clearly, no one could take care of him better than them! 
...And Lilia took that personally lol. 
Bonus round: Neige’s reaction:
It was a beautiful and perfect day for Neige. He just finished a class and was handed a near-perfect grade on his latest quiz paper - but it’s ok though. He promises himself that he would study and work hard more, just like Vi-kun! 
It was during lunch time that Ellis, Immad and Muqazi showed him Vil’s and Baby!Yuu’s pictures on his social media. Several of Neige’s fans already tag him, asking him about his opinion on the pictures and if he would ever model for a baby clothing company. 
Neige instantly fell in love with the pictures! He never thought that Vi-kun looks such a handsome and warm father! He wasted no time to throw in his supports, compliments and comments on each and every one of the pictures. 
Neige even saved some of the pictures because he had never seen Vil in this light before. Usually, Vil exudes a god-like beauty demeanour - untouched by the world and unbothered by any obstacles on his path. So to see him like this? Does that mean that Vil is a lot more approachable now? Neige has been trying to get closer to him over the years but to no avail. Their relationship is strictly professional and it saddens Neige. 
Hey, actually, maybe Vil is more open to talking to him if he sees Neige upload his own photos with a baby?? Yeah! He’s definitely planning to do so!
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namstruck · 4 years
“where jungkook is your basic college bad boy but as soon as it's just jimin and him alone, he's suddenly not so tough anymore,”
WARNINGS; sub! jk, dom! jimin!! college au! teasing!! praising! overstimulation! degrading! choking! suggestives! marking and biting!! semi-public!!
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jungkook walked down the b hallway with an intimidating look in his eye that brought out his ear piercings more, his fists in his beige-colored khakis' pockets. his navy blue with yellow stripes sweater vest above a white button up was neat unlike his hair which was fluffed up and definitely was bed head of some sort. everyone that was in his way moved out to the sides or to the jade green lockers because they knew not to mess with jungkook or even try him. well not unless you were a pretty girl he found pleasing to toy with.
soon he arrives to his classroom, 3-b, ready to sit down and get the day over with already. his eyes land on a certain desk that was already occupied, one of his classmates reading through his notes quietly. he walks towards him and tells him to move but gets no response or anything from the boy, instead just got ignored which irritated jungkook.
"hey, are you deaf or something? i said move, i want to sit here." still with his hands in his pocket, he raises his right leg, pushing the blonde boy. the boy grows angry and gets up, picking up his school supplies while mumbling under his breath.
"huh? what'd you say?" jungkook turns around towards the blonde, "you wanna say that again?" he grabs his ironed collar, his arm raised ready to throw his fist against the blonde's face. but before he could the teacher stopped him, threatening that he didn't want to spend his afternoon watching him in detention again for the third time this week. jungkook huffs, letting go of the boy and taking his seat.
"hey you,"
the blonde boy had a sense that jungkook was calling out to him just because of their confrontation earlier. he stops mid walk, his head turning slightly as he sees the troubled boy approaching him. he held on to his satchel backpack, a bit bothered, "my name isn't 'hey you', it's jimin..." he furrows his eyebrows when jungkook confesses that he didn't care to know or use his name.
"i'm not done with you," he starts, "just because that teach saved you doesn't mean the rest of them will." jungkook wraps his hand around jimin's neck, tightening his grip and shoving him against the white, brick wall. the other students around them stared, waiting for some kind of violence to add to their boring day. jimin can't help but start gasping from the lack of air to his windpipes, grabbing jungkook's hand desperately trying to release it. he lets go of the blonde and walks away, grabbing his hair and tugging it harshly.
jimin fixes himself but not before rubbing his head and neck which were aching. the people around him now started walking in away in embarrassment as well once he looked back at them.
the next day jungkook sees jimin at the same seat from yesterday, wearing a turtleneck under is vest. the brunette scoffs to himself as he sits down at the same seat once the blonde moved without saying anything back to him this time which pleases jungkook. he assumed the boy learned his lesson.
during lunch, he found the boy sitting with a group of friends enjoying their time as well as their food. jungkook unwraps his arm from the girl he was clinging onto and walks over to their table. all of jimin's friends looked at something behind him, making him turn his head only to see the boy he despised. jungkook looks down at him as he bluntly commands, "give me your lunch."
the blonde instantly denies and tells him to go away but jungkook wasn't that easy to get rid of. he leans down to jimin's ear and whispers a cocky, "i wasn't asking, now give it up or else your friends won't be able to see for a while, even with their four eyes.." he smirks. jimin sighs, pushing his box of nutritious food to the side. jungkook grabs the pink carrier and leaves again.
"why don't you ever say anything to the staff?"
"what's the point," jimin rests his chin on the palm of his hand as he looks down at the table, "they won't do anything and he'll most likely do something ten times worse than yesterday if i do..."
the blonde boy strolls past the bathrooms and onto the hallways with his head down, lost in thought. his white sneakers kick something, the sound of if scratching the floor screeching. looking at it he sees clearly what it is. it was his pink box he had given jungkook at lunch. picking it up he looks around for the top but sees no trace of it, it was likely it was thrown in the trash can. so he did the same to the rest of it that he had picked up.
the fourth bell rings. the people at break started appearing again in the halls, chattering and gossiping amongst themselves like always. jimin always wondered if they ever got tired of burying their noses in other people's businesses. but by the looks of it probably not.
"everyone please clear your desks and prepare for the quiz."
jimin knew jungkook would want to cheat off of him like always, so it wasn't a surprise when everyone including him groaned about the sudden quiz but for different reasons. jungkook wrote only his name and date down on his paper and left the rest to his 'work buddy' to do, resting his head on the desk and dozing off. the toxic relationship between jungkook and jimin continued on for weeks and only one of them was purely exhausted of it all since the very beginning while the other enjoyed getting free food and his work done for him.
but this time jimin had had enough. he wasn't doing shit for him ever again, no matter how hard he got pushed for it. so when jungkook sneakily handed over his quiz to him he ignored it. at first the brunette just thought maybe he hadn't noticed him but soon realized what he was doing. angry, he crumbles his quiz up and throws it to jimin, directly to his face. the blonde looks up at him, a bothered look on his face, and then throws it back to him.
offended, he uncrumbled his paper and then asks another one of his classmates for theirs to copy off of. "you're literally a child!" jimin loudly whispers. jungkook rolls his eyes at him, then stands up to hand in his quiz to the front.
after the quiz, everyone went back to their conversations or looked back at the things they knew for sure they missed on the quiz. jimin, on the other hand, spent the entire time ignoring jungkook and keeping calm. it wasn't until one of the girls called out to the brunette to hang out with her and her clique that jimin could finally relax and not worry about him for a while.
it had been around twenty minutes before jimin knew jungkook had something coming for him. and he was right. a crumbled up paper was thrown at him again but it luckily landed on his desk this time. jimin sighed heavily and hesitated to even bother to see what was inside. his hand eventually on its own uncrumble the paper only to read:
𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚎?
the blonde looks towards his left, making eye contact with the messenger of the paper. jungkook was staring at him, waiting for some sort of response. quickly jimin picked up his pen and wrote down something, throwing the paper towards the group and seeing some of the girls jump from surprise.
𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚎?
                  𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑜𝑓𝑓.
jungkook hums to himself as he starts walking alone to the cafeteria from the gym, ready for his tasty lunch he was getting for free which was what made it a hundred times yummier. looking down he spots a penny on the floor near one of the gym's closets. the brunette was about to pick it up when suddenly he was dragged by something and into the dark closet. the thing that was holding him didn't let go even after they were standing in the dark until he heard the door being locked.
the lights flash on.
"what the hell?" he pushed the person that had him in a tight hold away, thinking it was one of his buddies, only to see it was jimin who was leaning against the door now. before the brunette could say anything, jimin shoves his lips against his soft ones catching him by surprise. he once again pushes him off, wiping his lips with the sleeve of his sweater as jimin licked his own plump lips. the blonde goes at it again, jungkook cursing at him until jimin puts his hand around the taller boy's throat just how he had done to him before. "what the fuck do you think you're doing?"
"whatever i want," jimin spits back as he tightened his grip, "i've let you have your fun so now it's my turn." he bites the exposed collarbone on jungkook making the said male groan in pain, his back arching. the blonde takes the opportunity and places a leg in between jungkook's thighs, causing friction and rubbing against his crotch.
jungkook's original plan was just to mess around with one of the school's geeks and make him to whatever he wanted, toying with him, but never did he expect to allow himself to be on all fours, his guts being rearranged by one. his whines and gasps whenever the blonde would pull out slowly and then ram into him with full force were music to jimin's ears, knowing that he had found the brunette's weakness. his weakness being loving the rush to all of it, never believing he'd give in like this.
the taller boy had bites and marks all over his flushed body, his bottom red and bruised with hand prints that stung every time jimin would caress him. his pretty face was a mess, tears and sweat running down his flushed cheeks with every thrust. his body would shake from every hit and the feeling of the unknown pleasure he had never experienced before.
"not so much of a bad boy now are you?~" jimin coos, watching jungkook glare at him from the corner of his eye. but his head slams down when the blonde adds another print to his bottom, the concrete floor below him covered in puddles of cum from both boys. jungkook had lost count of the amount of times he had came after five and soon his body started aching and began to become tired.
"e—enough already.."
jimin bites his right shoulder, ignoring him. he just wasn't quite finished with him yet, turning the flushed baby around and onto his back as he continued. jungkook wraps his arms around the blonde as he feels his stomach grow into knots cumming again, jimin bends the boy's legs forward as he shoots onto his own face this time, cum dripping and spreading all over.
jungkook surrounds himself with the clique of girls as usual as they giggled and praised him the entire time, jimin trying his best to numb out the sounds by focusing on his book. but it was hard when he noticed the brunette caressing one of the girl's thighs and up her skirt. jimin couldn't help but laugh to himself, they both knew jungkook could never have sex the same way anymore. they continued their 'relationship' even after the incident, jimin getting pushed around by him while jungkook got his brains fucked out every so often. he knew he had him wrapped around his fingers, so seeing him with those girls meant nothing but a show. he knew what jungkook was doing, trying to make him jealous.
the bell rung for the last lunch section of the day, all of the b side gathering outside the classrooms and onto the cafeteria. jimin gathers his things, putting them into his backpack. before he could walk out the door, jungkook called out to him as usual.
"hey you,"
"ugh, how many times do i have to tell you that's not my name!" jimin rolls his eyes and walks away. jungkook catches his arm, pulling on the sleeve of his knitted sweater.
"okay whatever just give me some money.." jungkook demands knowing full well he wasn't gonna get any. and as expected the blonde refuses, the taller boy demanding like a child and following him to the cafeteria. jimin sat down at his usual seat with his group, ignoring jungkook the whole way and even starting a conversation with his friends. jungkook huffs in frustration and leaves.
after lunch, there was no sight of the blonde anywhere so jungkook was surprised to find him leaning on the lockers, waiting for him. immediately the taller boy goes up to him, his arms slamming onto the lockers and resting beside the blonde blocking him. jimin then takes something out of his pocket, raising it and showing it to jungkook. it was a remote that the brunette knew very well what it was for. jimin reaches his hand around the boy and rubs the vibrator in his ass, it was there since this morning. jungkook lets out a quick gasp from the sensation.
"are you sure you wanna try me right now, pup?"
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courtorderedcake · 4 years
Procrastination: An Apology - Apothecary Shoppe Smut (REPOST)
I did a bad thing.
Instead of writing my piece for @cssns​ that I was supposed to have done a week ago, I present to you this, as an apology. Sorry. Kind of. Maybe. Not really.
Rate E for Enticing. And Explicit. It’s fucking, because I’m not fucking doing what I need to be.
I’ll finish my shit eventually. 
NSFW art available via Pillowfort, this was uploaded in 2018 before but Tumblr flagged it. 
Working in an apothecary has its perks when it comes to magic. For Killian Jones, one of those perks happens to be the beautiful customer that seems to always be buying one thing or another.
Killian idly passed time sorting books as Belle had taught him, waiting for the clock to inevitably bring closing time. His job at the Chipped Cauldron was interesting, the place was small and quiet with only a few patrons at a time. As a discharged and dishonored warlock it was perfect work to avoid any questioning eyes, people unsurprised that a potion maker’s arm ended in a gnarled stump. 
Today had been quiet, too quiet as far as he was concerned. He’d done everything that could be done twice, now back to his third time sorting books. He wanted to go home. It wasn’t even that he had plans other than to go to his flat and drink, but he was having an off day. 
She hadn’t come in today. 
For the last 4 months or so, one Emma Swan (per her scratched signature), had been coming in twice a week to pick up various supplies, and he had found himself enjoying their talks. 
(And, well, her voice, the way her eyes lit up when she spoke about the historical constructs behind why there were so little female potion’s masters and how certain ingredients smelled so much better fresh but she would have to make do, or how breathtaking her shoulders looked when she took that red jacket off. He wanted to bite one just to see the mark against that pale skin -)
No. He frowned deeper, eyebrows furrowed. If this wasn’t his place of work that his friend Belle had painstakingly gotten him, he would pursue her aggressively like he had in bars for a quick fuck… But no, actually he wouldn’t. She seemed the type that liked gentleman, black glasses pushed up her nose again and again, simple ponytail, cardigan over a summer dress or skirt and blouse. Surprising even himself, he realized he’d court her if she showed any interest in him outside of his fantasies. 
She didn’t. She dutifully came in and drove him insane.
“Hey, herb guy!” She’d yelled at him the first time he saw her, immediately irritating him. He stomped over to the aisle she’d called from ready to give her a good shushing, until he looked up to see an angel perched precariously on a ladder reaching for a jar of gargoyle tears. “A little help? I think I broke your ladder.” 
“Oh.” he said, and regretted how absolutely stupid he sounded. “Ah, yes, here. Let’s get you down and I’ll get it for you.” He extended his good hand towards her, and she took it, stumbling down the wobbling ladder. When she stood next to him she’d looked up at him with kind eyes, and he forgot any reason to be mad at anything. 
“Thank you. It’s an ingredient Belle recommended for a spell I found in old book of Scandinavian curses. They’re heavier than I thought it would be.” She pointed to the jar, it’s tear shaped stones glittering. He climbed and grabbed it, carefully balancing on the wobbly ladder before jumping the last few steps and handing it to her. 
“Here you are. If you need anything else…” He scratched behind his ear, and nodded to his desk area. She smiled at him, and as he turned grabbed his arm. 
“Really though, thank you. Killian, right? Belle told me about you and I appreciate it.” She turned and walked down the aisle, picking up a large pile of books she had collected and placing them in a basket with various ingredients. When she was out of sight, he groaned quietly. Belle talking to people, or warning people he should say, about his irritability was a great end to his and Swan’s meeting. 
(She probably bloody well knew him as the moody, brooding Warlock that occasionally set off a stinging nettle spell to get the odd wanker back out of the shop and on his way, if he was in such a foul temper)
When she began coming in every other day for this or that, he found himself excited to see her. He subconsciously dressed a bit nicer, read books that might pique her interest to talk to him, and on braver days he’d write up signs with potions that could be made with her favorite ingredients, hoping she would strike up conversation. She never noticed him really, a quick hello and then endless torture as she perused or read in their small lounge area.
Swan also had a habit of needing ingredients she couldn’t reach, a talent that he was torn about. On one hand, when he went over to grab her chosen goods, her warm body was so close to his that he could smell her hair or perfume. 
(He was close enough to kiss her neck, or run his tongue down her spine listening to her moan -)
And that, was the other hand. She showed no interest in him, and her sweet demeanor made him feel guilty everytime those jade eyes looked up at him when she apologized for bumping him. That had almost killed him: as he reached for a container of mandrake leaves, some had slipped out and she made to grab them. As she moved up, her beautiful ass had ground against him and he resisted every urge to rut up against her.
“I’m so sorry, but I’m glad we saved these! They’re so valuable, I’d hate to waste any.” She’d smiled at him and he’d quietly adjusted himself at his desk. Lately she’d been winding down the reading and talking to him more, inviting him over to her table to quiz her on her technique or to recommend spell books for practice. He’d helped her edit recipes and directions, hovering over her shoulder while his body begged an end to its needy fantasies. 
(Her mouth in that perfect, pretty shape when she says his name, and he’s buried deep, hot and hard in her warmth -)
She wasn’t here today though, and closing was in 30 minutes. No point for any type of special signs or added charms to brighten the place. He began to lock up, unsure why her absence made him so damn irritable. The door chime went off and his ears perked up. 
“We close in twenty minutes, so please if you’re getting something make it qui - “ 
Swan came down the aisle towards him, and he felt his heart leap. She was wearing a pink dress that made her practically glow, and he was very aware in this moment that it was only them in the building at the present. His mouth felt dry spying a dangerous gleam in her eyes.
“I need to get another book, can you help me? I just went on the most awful blind date, and immediately came here because the ridiculously hot herb guy that has been ignoring my flirting would be better company. I just thought, if I’m thinking about him on dates with other men, than he should know. Bluntly. Because you’re oblivious. Is there a spell, potion, or book that could help me with that?” she rambled and he felt his heart beating in his ears. 
“It’s not that simple, Swan, I think you’re wonderful but I’m -”
“Emma. Call me Emma, Killian. Belle told me. Luckily for you, I like broody, ill-tempered, swaggering men who will only make eyes from me across the room.” she smirked deviously, and the heat that swept through him made his skin tingle. 
“I suppose you can’t read a book by it’s cover, you came in here with this… Soft and cutesy attire, besides that red jacket of yours, everything you wore was so - “
She groaned and slid a hand over her face. “I know, that explains so much. My apartment had a pipe explode and everything in my bedroom was ruined. I’ve been staying with my roommate and borrowing her clothing. She dresses like the grandmother of a Disney princess, but it works for her, just not me… However, even if I did dress like this,” she took a step forward with a grin. “I’d prefer someone who could take control.” He groaned quietly, as she pressed herself against him.
“Let me lock up. Stay here.” he rushed to the door, locking it and flipping the sign with a wave. Placing the enchantments on the building, and turning off the front lights, he practically ran back to her. 
“There, no interruptions.” He looked her dead in the eyes, then pressed his lips to hers. They started slow, and then he began kissing her hungrily, as she grabbed at his shirt to pull him closer. Her mouth on his felt amazing, it felt right, her tongue and his exploring each others lips. 
He pulled away breathless for a moment. “Emma, this… I want this, but it’s your last chance to back out if you want to. This can be a one time thing, if you want.” His voice was hoarse as he searched her face. “If you stay though, I’m going to do everything to you that I’ve thought about since you came in here that first day. I’m going to fuck you senseless, do you understand?” 
She panted into him, and nodded. “Yes, please.” she whispered and every synapse in is body lit. 
“Oh thank every star, I’ve waited entirely too long for this.” He crashed his mouth against hers, pushing her against a shelf, immediately hiking up her dress to find her clit. “God’s above you fucking siren.” She wasn’t wearing any knickers, her wetness already leaking between her thighs under the dim lights. He stroked a finger into her, listening to her moan while he circled his thumb on her clit. “That day you ground against me? If I had known, I would have pulled you into a closet and grabbed your ass with both hands, pulled you against me so you could feel how hard I was.” he took her hand and pressed it against his pants, rubbing his cock through the fabric as he added another finger to her wetness. 
Withdrawing his hand as she protested, he licked his fingers. “You’re delicious. I think I’ll have more than a taste. He knelt as her eyes went wide, letting him pull on of her legs over his shoulder. 
Killian’s first slow lick had her eyes closing, and mouth keening out a cry of pleasure. He smirked. This would be easy. He felt like a man starved, slurping and gently nipping when she bucked her hips up into his face, desperate for him to stop torturing her. When her hips shook and he felt the beginning flutters of orgasm, Killian pulled away, watching her chest rise and fall with her panting breaths. 
“No. You made me wait, made me sit there with my cock hard imagining ways to fuck you until you couldn’t walk. You’ll wait.”
Pulling her by the arm, he pushed her against a table, bent over as he pushed her skirt up again. Removing his belt and releasing himself from his trousers, he stroked himself a few times before sliding slow between her folds coating himself. 
“I love the feel of how wet you are, Emma. And, I love the feel of your arse, Gods you are beautiful. I need to bury myself in you, and I think you’d like that, hm?” He gave her ass a smack and she moaned, wriggling slightly. “Here’s the catch love: I don’t care how good it feels, and it will - Do not come on my cock. If you do, I will leave you with quite the reminder when you can’t sit tomorrow.” he chuckled darkly, before hissing and whispering a spell for protection. 
“There we are love,” He nudged himself into position, his stump against her thigh and palm pressed to the small of her back. He slid into her with one hard thrust, sinking with a deep groan as she moaned. He set a fast pace, relishing in how good she felt around him. 
“You’re so fucking tight, your quim feels like magic, fuck, Emma -”
He pistoned his hips, fucking her hard against the table as it rocked slightly. Emma’s moans drove him insane, his body bucking at different angles to illicit keening cries.
“Please, please don’t stop! Ah, Killian, that’s so good!” Her body tensed, and he let out a groan as she came on his cock, shuddering and screaming his name. She panted, and he continued languid movements as she came down from her high. Sliding his body over hers, while kissing her neck, he bit down hard on her shoulder and she cried out with a buck of her hips.
“I told you not to come.” Killian murmured, licking the mark. Pulling away from Emma and out of her heat, he smacked her ass hard, and she whimpered as she tried to press against his hips. He continued hard smacks until he was satisfied, running his nails over the reddened skin. “Turn over, love, and on your knees. That’s a good, lass.” 
Killian presented himself to her, and Emma took him in her mouth, swallowing him to his base. His eyes rolled back into his head, as he felt her hands lightly press on his thighs, her tongue swirling as he tried not to ram himself down her throat. 
Spreading his legs further apart, he wrapped his fingers in her hair as she bobbed on his length. His breath came in harsh pants as she hollowed her cheeks, his release close. 
Pulling her back as her mouth made a satisfying pop around his cock, he pulled her up to claim her mouth with his. He placed her back on the table, thrusting into her heat in one precise move that made her moan his name. Her nails clawed at his back while he ground his hips, her walls spasming as he lost himself in a few final thrusts. They panted, his chest pressed against hers as they came down. After a moment he pulled away, a quick wave of her hand and a few pieces of parchment became a set of warm wet rags. He cleaned himself, the rag incerating with a snap of his fingers. While they were still warm from the flame, he traced the line of her collarbone stepping back between her legs while she pulled down her crumpled dress.   
“That was…” Emma whispered. “As I said, it can be a one time thing, if you like.” He pushed a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. He held his breath, trying not to hope. 
“That’s probably smart.” Her eyes were downcast, and she chewed her lip. 
“Aye.” Killian sighed, stepping back. “I understand, I’ll see you out.” 
“This shop has the best selection and the most knowledgeable sorcerer I’ve met, though. Having access to him after hours might be a perk I’m willing to live with, if occasional dinners were involved.” Her voice was light, and he turned, the small smile on her face lighting her eyes like emerald witch-fire under a cauldron. 
“Warlock, darling. A devilishly handsome Warlock.” He smirked, striding forward and capturing her lips in a kiss that left them breathless. “As for dinner, there’s a diner down the street that’s open late. If you don’t have plans, that is.”
“I do now.” 
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writer-dreams · 5 years
Love Potion (Part 3) (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
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Hellooo!!!! At last, Part 3 is here! Sorry it's so late, I had some technical issues so I'm glad it's fixed now. I'm not too proud of this part, but hopefully you all enjoy!
Prologue / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / End
Update Tags: @celestialceci @marvelobsessedteen @imaginesforthepeople @danidomm @marvelrose @vogueworthy-barnes @glossysoph
House: You choose
Blood Status: You choose
Warnings: Possible swearing
Note: The reader in this story is female / uses female pronouns.
Word Count: 1,439 words
3rd Person POV
Day 3:
After the Pansy incident, Draco offered to help Y/n study for the potions quiz, which she gratefully accepted. He walked her to the library, carrying all of her books even when she refused his assistance. However, Draco kept stubbornly arguing with her until she finally gave in. So here she was, walking alongside the platinum-blonde male. When they finally arrived at the library, Draco chose a table for the two to sit at. He placed the books down and pulled out a chair for Y/n like a gentleman. She rolled her eyes a bit at the gesture but thankfully took the seat anyway. Draco then walked to the other side of the table and seated himself. He opened one of her ridiculously large textbooks and flipped to a random page.
"Y/n? What would you get if you added Powdered Root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood?" Draco quizzed.
Y/n racked her brain desperately for the answer. Unfortunately, she couldn’t think of it. She groaned in frustration, the answer was just on the tip of her tongue.
"Draught of Peace?" She guessed as she gave up.
"You would get a Draught of Living Death." Draco corrected. "What about this? Where would you look if I told you to find me a Bezoar?"
Again, Y/n struggled to come up with the answer. She faintly recalled Snape teaching them this but she still couldn’t place her finger on it. "The Forbidden Forest?" She guessed in defeat.
"A Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat." Draco explained. "It can save people from most deadly poisons."
Y/n sighed deeply. She lowered her head into her hands, feeling the stress overcome her. There was almost no doubt about it, she was going to fail this quiz. Draco gently lifted her head by her chin and pulled her into a loving hug. He didn’t say anything, he just held her in her arms, occasionally stroking her head in a soothing manner until she felt the stress fade away.
Why am I feeling like this around him? Draco had this odd calming effect on Y/n that she simply couldn’t understand. The feeling of his warm arms around her made her feel safe and serene. She didn’t know if she liked this feeling or not. Once her breathing had slowed down and Draco felt she was better, he released her.
"Don’t beat yourself up over this stuff, Love. Let’s try brewing potions, okay? It’ll be on the quiz and will help you remember the answers for the questions." Draco suggested. Y/n nodded in agreement, desperate to do anything that would help her pass this test. Draco then cleared the desk, lightly pushing her books to the edge of the table and placed a small cauldron on the wooden surface. He then lined a bunch of ingredients on the table ranging from a unicorn’s horn to moonstone powder. "Let’s begin with something simple, alright? Brew a Boils Cure for me."
Y/n nodded and began the process of making the potion. She mindlessly added various ingredients, still mulling over the fact that she couldn’t answer Draco’s simple questions. Caught up in her thoughts, she almost added an ingredient that would certainly cause her doom. Before she could drop it in the brew, she felt Draco’s hand grab hers and tug it away from the cauldron. Confused, she looked up at him to see slight panic in his eyes.
"Don’t put those in yet. You have to take the potion off the flame first before you add porcupine quills or else you’ll get boils. Remember Longbottom? The bloody idiot made that mistake and ended up with boils all over his skin." Draco reminded her.
Y/n was upset with herself for almost making such a simple mistake. This was something they learned in first year, how could she have forgotten so easily?! In her frustration, it sounded more like Draco was mocking her for the mistake rather than being worried for her.
"And why would you care?" She spat angrily.
Draco looked surprised and a bit hurt before understanding flashed in his eyes as he realized she was lashing at him out of anger. "I care because I don’t want your beautiful skin to be covered in those ugly boils." He pressed a soft kiss against her cheek.
Once again, Y/n could feel the odd calming effect Draco had on her. What was happening to her? What was this weird feeling? Why was Draco Malfoy of all people giving her this feeling? Surely, she couldn’t be falling for him. No, she would never let herself stoop down to such levels. The real Malfoy wouldn’t give a damn if she was stressed or not, in fact, he would probably laugh at her instead or tease her about it like the prat he is. He was only acting like he cared because of this stupid love potion. Y/n was convinced that she did not love Draco Malfoy and that these weird feelings would disappear once he returned to normal. She was seriously beginning to regret her life choices and accepting this ridiculous dare. This love potion was messing up her life and how she viewed Draco Malfoy. It tricked her into seeing a kinder, more caring side of Draco that would never exist if he was himself. She ignored the feeling and snapped back to reality as Draco removed his lips from her cheek.
"I love you and I would hate to see you in pain because of those boils." Draco said softly. Y/n smiled up at him and pecked him on the cheek.
"Thank you for caring, Draco."
After their moment had passed, Draco continued to assist Y/n with her studying. After brewing a successful Boils Cure, Draco decided to try and help Y/n brew something a little more advanced; a Draught of Living Death. He stood behind her and held her hands, guiding her through the steps to brew the sleeping draught. He held her hands when cutting the Sopophorous bean and still held them when stirring the potion. Once the potion was completed, Draco dropped a small leaf into the liquid. It floated on the surface for a second before disintegrating completely.
"Perfect. Just like that, you and I have brewed a deadly concoction of a Draught of Living Death." Draco beamed with pride. Y/n smiled back at him, glad that she was finally able to brew such a difficult potion. Draco then cleaned up the cauldron and set it on the floor. He proceeded to return the books onto the table and once again flipped to a random page, quizzing her with questions.
Hours of studying later, Y/n finally felt as though she actually had a decent chance at this test. She was able to answer all of Draco’s questions correctly, not even faltering for a second. She could brew almost any potion he asked for and she could correctly name the ingredients and steps used.
"Name some ingredients used for Polyjuice Potion." Draco said.
"Lacewing flies, Leeches, Powdered Bicorn Horn, Knotgrass, Fluxweed, Shredded Boomslang Skin, and a bit of the person one wants to turn into." Y/n answered immediately.
Draco nodded in approval before asking her the final question. "What potion uses armadillo bile, scarab beetles and ginger root?"
"A wit-sharpening potion." Y/n answered. Draco closed the book with a smile directed at her.
"I think you’ll do just fine on this test."
Morning of the 4th Day:
Y/n walked out of Potions with a large smile on her face. She spotted Draco out of the corner of her eye and rushed to him, tackling him in a tight hug. Out of her excitement, she pressed a kiss against his cheek. She didn’t notice the amount of people staring at her, all she could feel was extreme happiness. Once she had come back to her senses, she realized the situation and the awkward position that Draco and her were in. She slowly released Draco and removed her lips from his pale cheek, which had flushed a bright red color.
"What was that for?" Draco chuckled.
Y/n took out a paper from her bag, it was her test. On the front of it, Snape had written a giant ‘O’ for ‘Outstanding’. She had passed the test with flying colors!
"I just wanted to thank you for helping me. Without you, I probably would’ve gotten a ‘Troll’ or something." Y/n said nervously.
Draco smiled and leaned in close to her. He pressed a chaste kiss against her cheek and grinned when he noticed how red her face turned.
"Anything for you, princess."
Thanks for reading Part 3 of Love Potion. We're at 4 out of 8 parts, we're halfway there! I'm not too proud of the way I wrote this part but hopefully all of you enjoyed it anyway. Once again, sorry for the long wait! If you have any requests, feel free to ask! Until next time.
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testedtransgressor · 5 years
Rebellious Stirrings
Category: Fanfiction - Homestuck Characters: Alpha Bro Strider (Alpha Dave); Alpha Mom Lalonde (Alpha Rose); Grandma English (Alpha Jade) Rating: T Warnings: N/A Originally written: 26 January 2018
Notes: Set in the early 2000s, probably. Rose and Dave are in their 20s. Rose is a single lady who likes to pursue guys who have zero romantic interest in her, apparently...
Another event. Another chaotic mass of swirling ballgowns and overdressed women fussing over their hair and make up, with men strutting about like peacocks with their tails fanned.
Rose Lalonde stood amongst it all, smiling thinly as a courtesy as she sipped a vodka martini, barely listening to the screenwriter who had sought her out of the crowd for what was apparently going to be a one-sided conversation about how the feminist movement was putting perfectly capable screenwriters like himself out of work in favour of some half-polished, female-focused plotline developed by one of the "insane" feminists that were apparently flooding the scene.
"I tell ya, Rose, women should stick to writing books. It's what y'all best at - leave the screen to the guys."
Rose continued to smile thinly at the man, though her gaze had turned deadly cold. Anyone who knew her well knew not to start complaining about feminism around her, but clearly this buffoon missed the memo on that topic.
She had already opened her mouth to respond when a much older woman suddenly seemed to appear from nowhere. Large round glasses reflected the light cast by chandelier yet still not enough to hide her unnaturally vibrant green eyes. She grinned toothily, throwing her arms around Rose's shoulders.
"Rose! I'm so glad to see you, dear! How have you been? Is the new novel coming along well? Oh, you absolutely MUST come and meet my friend, he'll be so delighted you're here! Excuse us,"
Quickly linking her arm in Rose's, and almost spilling some of her drink in the process, Jade English offered a brusque apology to the screenwriter before pulling Rose away, a pathway seeming to open through the crowd for the pair. Rose, cursing at missing such a golden opportunity to put a repeat offender in his place, allowed herself to be dragged along.
"Not that I'm not happy to see you, Ms English, but your timing is impeccable as ever. That one in particular is constantly complaining about the rise of women in media, and I don't know how many more of these oh-so-illustrious social events I can continue attending without expressing my true feelings."
"Never mind about that," English waved a hand flippantly, "He won't be attending any more of these; you're not the first person to raise a complaint. Besides, causing a scene with him will have caused irreparable damage to an alliance that needs to be damage-free. Rose, this is Dave Strider,"
English had dragged her to stand before a male in a plain black suit, with blonde hair styled neatly. As he turned to them, she realised he was wearing a pair of aviator shades, and almost snorted to herself. What was up with this guy? Did he really think so highly of himself that he would seriously wear shades not only indoors, but also at night?
That stoic expression. That relaxed stance. He was, in fact, more underdressed for this event than herself - she in a short-sleeved blouse and skirt, he in a simple three-piece one might wear to work for a business meeting, and the pair of them surrounded by ballgowns and tuxedos. It was only as she processed this thought that Rose realised he wasn't trying to be fashionable or pretentious - he was comfortable with being himself, didn't buy into all of the consumerism and arrogance of the social elite.
"Miss Lalonde," he remarked, smiling ever so slightly as he caught her hand and briefly pressed his lips to the back of it in a gesture that may as well have been forgotten in the modern age. Rose wasn't entirely swept off her feet, but she was impressed with the man's apparent chivalry, turning his back on the conversation with some other male to devote his full attention to the two women before him.
"Jade has told me enough about you that I don't even need to read your biography," he remarked, giving a small smirk to English before turning his attention back to Rose. "She's also told me that you don't like certain baked goods."
Ah. So this was how they knew each other. Briefly, Rose wondered if this was Jade's attempt at matchmaking - after all, they appeared to be the only two people in the room who didn't care about the illustrious event they were attending. And, she couldn't deny, he was strikingly handsome with a figure that appeared to boast some years of hard physical effort hidden beneath that suit (the part of her mind already feeling the effects of the alcohol wondered if he truly was as sculpted as she perceived), and his neatly-styled hair and tailored suit indicated he was aware of fashion trends enough to know what was always stylish.
They spoke for a while, first about her books - she hadn't anticipated anyone at a film festival gala to be so interested in the written arts beyond screenplay, but he had persisted with questions. Then they had discussed his interest in filmmaking; he had begun as a camera operator, worked his way into the production team for a few relatively major films - she noticed that he couldn't resist name-dropping the leading ladies he had worked with, but it seemed to be an unconscious habit more than an attempt to cause her jealousy. Now, he was working relentlessly to develop the comics he had drawn as a teenager into a film or two.
It was somewhere around Rose's fifth (or was it sixth?) vodka martini that they tentatively approached the topic of the Batterwitch. Rose was more than happy, given her state, to describe the various jabs at CrockerCorp's Empress, and Dave quickly explained several of the references he intended to leave within his film. Maybe the people would wake up, though given how eager they were to conform, it was doubtful.
Somewhere around Rose's tenth or twelfth drink was when her motor skills became so impaired that Dave insisted on driving her back to her hotel - not only providing her a safe escape from total social humiliation, but also providing himself with an excuse to leave the event. He didn't drink, and had driven himself there, so it was a simple case of the valet bringing the car around and Dave trying to quiz the name of her hotel from her.
Of course, Rose was having none of that. Mainly because she was on the verge of passing out into an alcohol-fuelled coma and the idea of waking up curled next to a toilet bowl once more was not appealing to her in the slightest.
They ended up at the apartment Dave was renting, devouring pizza while (ironically, Dave insisted) watching some godawful romantic comedy featuring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, Rose curled up next to Dave on the couch with a bottle of water. She flirted at him tentatively, to test the waters during the breaks, or when they changed to another movie, but he didn't seem to even realise.
Maybe Jade had the right idea with this guy. He seemed like a gentleman, and absolutely disinterested in her romantically, as had all the other males she had ever pursued. Sometimes she wondered if her pursuit of difficult bachelors was indicative of some sort of disorder, but she was pulling blanks every time she tried to think of which mental disorder could manifest those types of symptoms.
To his credit, he barely even moved when she shifted closer, and she didn't even catch a hint of a blink when she lay her head on his shoulder, or when she shifted so that she was almost hugging him, putting his arm around her shoulders almost as if the action was subconscious. She wondered how many girls he had been with, less curiosity as the second wave of inebriation hit, and more out of concern for just how difficult it would be to impress him. Well, she was no movie starlet for sure, but she was comfortable enough in her own form to feel confident.
They were onto Cleopatra when she shifted, sitting up properly as the remnants of the alcohol took over her tired mind, playing on the hormones that she usually refused to acknowledge. The hand that had obediently remained in her lap now rose up, tracing a muscular abdomen shielded from her touch only by a thin layer of cotton, twisting his tie around her hand as she shifted to sit up, as he turned his shade-covered gaze on her.
"Rose, what are you doing?"
Still holding his tie, she reached up with her other hand, pulling his shades away. He half-heartedly tried to pull back, but it had no effect and she gently set the shades on the back of the couch, fingers returning to trace his jawline.
"Kiss me, Dave,"
"Wha--? NO!"
She tugged on his tie, pulling him closer, but he raised a hand just in time, covering her mouth before she forced them together. Startled by this, Rose let go of the tie and he reeled back, stumbling away from the couch as she fell back. At least she had broken that stiff, uncaring facade.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he demanded, taking another step back, "There were over a hundred other dudes at that gala and out of all of them, you tried-- ugh, I can't even put it into words!"
"Fine, I'm sorry for being attracted to you," Rose rolled her eyes, not bothering to sit up, "Next time, I'll do my best to control my raging feminine hormones. After all, a woman who goes for what she likes is not what we want in our perfect, patriarchal society, is it?"
Oh god, now the politics. Sober Rose had apparently been locked away for the night, and now she was at the mercy of her drunk self.
"What? No, that's not what this is!" Dave cried, "You can't be attracted to me, either. That's more messed up than the healthcare system. Jesus, Rose, get a hold of yourself!"
"What, it's messed up for a single woman to be attracted to an apparently single man? Do you know how--"
"You're my goddamned sister! That's why it's messed up!"
Rose stopped as his words hit her, sinking in so fast they flushed away whatever alcohol was left in her system and bringing her to a sobering reality. Slowly, she sat up on the couch and looked up at Dave, mouth hanging slightly open. The revelation was so shocking to her, yet made so much sense. Jade had never even remotely attempted to match Rose up with anyone, had only ever introduced her to other Batterwitch protestors so that they could further their rebellion. How could she have even thought, even for a second...
Something in her expression must have shown, because Dave visibly relaxed, exhaling as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Jade never told you, did she?"
Rose shook her head. She was his sister. They'd even discussed their rare genetic deformity, the eye colours. And she had been too wrapped up in hormones to realise what it all meant. She had mistaken his interest as attraction, his concern as indication of romantic feelings.
Dave sat on the couch beside her, looking like he had just been told off for some childish prank.
"How much do you know about a game called SBURB?" he asked. Rose sighed heavily.
"Not all that much. It invites the apocalypse to the homeworld of anyone who plays it, apparently."
"Not exactly," Dave replied, "The apocalypse will happen, sure. And the game directly links to that. But it doesn't cause the apocalypse itself - the apocalypse was already happening. The game gives a few people a chance of survival..."
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This super-sized roundup covers the last two weeks in news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. Freeform releases the official 3B poster, fans take promoting the show into their own hands, and Harry shares a new (old) promotional photo of Magnus Bane. Catch up on all the show-related things you missed! 
Official Promotion
Freeform releases the official poster for 3B: 50 days until the final episodes. #ShadowhuntersLegacy. [1]
Freeform issued a press release announcing the 3B air date.
New year, new awkward family photos. Clary and Jonathan behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B.
The Owl and his master. Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3A. 
Two queens.  #ShadowhuntersLegacy Photo via our makeup genius, @BriBriGuy23. 
Always ready for the fight. Jace behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. 
Freeform (quiz): Are You More Like Izzy Or Clary On Shadowhunters?
Badasses. Izzy & Luke behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3A.
Flashlight = DIY disco ball. 🔦 💃 dancecnad Maia behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. 
So. Many. Clary Frays. Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3.
BRRRRRR. Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. 
Upside to being a vampire, it's easy to resist the bread basket.   Simon & Raphael behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. [2]
Those runes. Jace behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B.
Side by side. Malec behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters season 3B. 
@arosende inspired the love of reading in others this past weekend, and you can too! Now through March 31st, post a shelfie with your fave book using #MagicOfStorytelling and @Disney & @ABCBeInspired will donate a new book to @FirstBook (up to 1M books).
Shadowhunters In The News
Hidden Remote (article):  Shadowhunters season 3B teasers: Where in the world is Clary?
Basic Stuff Magazine (interview): Talking Zombies, Boxing, and Shadowhunters with Kat McNamara.
Nephilim Updates (interview):  Exclusive interview: Katherine McNamara
E!News (article):  TV's Best, Worst, and Weirdest in 2018
Miami Living Magazine (article): Katherine McNamara is on Fire
Pure Fandom (article):  ‘Shadowhunters’: The most memorable moments of 2018
Hidden Remote (article):  Watch all Shadowhunters deleted scenes from Season 3A
SyFy Wire (article): Shadowhunters Is One Giant Thirst Trap
Hypable (article):  ‘Shadowhunters’ 3B poster disappoints: Here are other visual elements to look forward to
Matt Carter (article):  Shadowhunters season 3: Freeform releases art for upcoming 12 episodes
Hidden Remote (article):  Shadowhunters fans unite to create polaroid teaser campaign for season 3B. [3]
Digital Spy (article):  Shadowhunters fans are so annoyed with show's US network they're making their own final season teasers 
Just Jared Jr. (article):  'Shadowhunters' Fans Launch Own Promo Campaign For Final Season & It's Genius!
Popcorn Talk (video interview):  I Could Never Be: Katherine McNamara
Teen Vogue (article):  "Shadowhunters" Fans Created Their Own Promo for the Show's Final Episodes
TV Fanatic (article):  Shadowhunters Fans Create Their Own Promo for the Show's Final Season
Girlfriend (article):  'Shadowhunters' fans have created their own promo for the final episodes
Teen Vogue (article):  Katherine McNamara Almost Found Out About Her "Shadowhunters" Role on Twitter
SirenFuchs (article):  „Shadowhunters“: Neue Fan-Kampagnen zur 3. Staffel – So könnt ihr mitmachen und helfen
E!News (article):  It's So Hard to Say Goodbye: Why Criminal Minds and So Many of Your Favorite TV Shows Are Ending
Deadline (article):  ‘Shadowhunters’ Midseason Premiere Date Set On Freeform
Matt Carter (article):  Shadowhunters season 3 episode 11: New details on midseason premiere!
KSiteTV (article):  Shadowhunters Season 3B Synopsis Revealed
ComingSoon.net (article):  Second Half of Shadowhunters’ Final Season Set for February Premiere
SweetyHigh shared a few videos of Kat (Clary) answering interview questions:  Do you have any projects for the future?; Would you want to see Shadowhunters get a season 4 #SaveShadowhunters?;  Where are you from and how did you know you wanted to start an acting career in LA?;  Describe working with the Shadowhunters cast in 3 words?;  How has portraying Clary changed your life?;  What is your favorite part about acting in the entertainment industry? How old were you when you started acting?;  How does the fact that he "killed" Clary affect Simon?; What do your fans mean to you?; What was your reaction when you first got the role of Maya on @CW_Arrow?; We are always fangirling over @Kat_McNamara
Mundoplus.tv (article):  La segunda parte de la tercera y última temporada de #Shadowhunters se estrenará en Estados Unidos el 25 de febrero. Y en España se podrá ver en @NetflixES a la vez
TV Fanatic (article): 13 Characters Who Melt at the Sight of Their Love
Digital Spy (article):  Shadowhunters releases final season details and teases a "new level of evil"
TV Guide (article):  The 25 Best Ships Ever on Freeform
TV Fanatic (article): Shadowhunters: 13 Reasons We Ship Sizzy
Twitter & Social Media Stuff
Basic Shadowhunters Stuff releases the first #SHTVFlockToUnlock polaroid with Kat (Clary): Bloody. Transformative. Shattering. 
Bane and Lewis releases the second #SHTVFlockToUnlock polaroid with Alberto (Simon): Hell breaks loose. 
Kat (Clary) tweeted:  I’m a lucky girl to have not one but two, badass demon brothers/beautiful humans @willtudor1 @LukeBaines @ShadowhuntersTV #ShadowhuntersLegacy 
Brian Hui (makeup artist) shared a photo of Kat (Clary) and Luke (Jonathan): Snug as a demon brother in a rug! Miss you ⁦@Kat_McNamara⁩ ⁦@LukeBaines⁩!
Ariana Williams (Madzie) tweeted a photo:  Seeing doubles behind the scenes of 3B with Madzie #WarlockWednesday 
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted:  Starting 2019 by bowing down to my queens! ⁦@LolaFlanery⁩ ⁦@KSueMurray⁩ 
Harry (Magnus) shared a video of his mother teaching dumpling making on New Year’s Day.
Emeraude (Izzy) tweeted a photo of herself.
Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) shared a photo of her, Emeraude (Izzy), Jacky Lai (Aline Penhallow), and Matt (Alec).
Brian Hui (makeup) tweeted a photo of Dom (Jace):  Patience ⁦@DomSherwood1, 3B will air soon! #Shadowhunters
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted a photo of Steve Byers (Underhill):  Even though he wore long sleeves a lot, we did give Underpants his own runes! Right ⁦@TheSteveByers⁩ ? #Shadowhunters
Kat (Clary) tweeted:  02.25.19. 50 days. Face your legacy. The hunt is on. #Shadowhunters @shadowhunterstvnetwork​
Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) shares a photo with Harry (Magnus) looking fancy:  Constantly in awe of @harryshumjr talent, kindness, humility and willingness to sit and offer me some of his wisdom. Grateful to have learned from this one 🙏.
Taylor Mallory (writer) gives a Clace teaser:  Clary spent 3A loving, defending, and trying to save Jace. In 3B, it’s Jace’s turn to do the same for her.  #Clace #supportiveboyfriend
Brian Hui (makeup artist) shared a video from the makeup trailer:  I’ve mastered the art of calming the demon child down! There, there ⁦@LukeBaines⁩!
Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) tweeted:  I’m sorry you have to wait! Here’s a pic of JCM to tide you over... not 100% sure what he’s doing, but I’m almost certain it’s not anything good.
Anna Hopkins (Lilith) tweeted:  Lilith waited patiently for him and so did you. Can't wait for you to meet sweet Jonathan (@lukebaines) Feb 25th, he's  magnificent. And for me, well it's been said you can never really kill a greater demon, you can only banish them back to Edom..
Jade Hassoune (Meliorn) shared a video:  Don’t you wish you knew what was going on behind me?! Tune in Feb. 25th (freeform) and 26 (#netflix) to find out!!!! Until then you just get to look inside my #faerie nose. 🧝🏽‍♂️👃🏽#Shadowhunters #themortalinstruments
Hollywire shared a photo of Kat (Clary) on Instagram: Having the best time with @kat.mcnamara in the Hollywire studio! How much do you love #shadowhunters ?!?
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted a photo:  Hey there ⁦@ch8i⁩ ! Excited for 3B to air? #Shadowhunters
Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) tweeted:  Can’t kill a greater demon,” more like “can’t get enough of Anna Hopkins.” Also, no. I didn’t even pay her to say that (but may have blackmailed).
Javier Munoz (Lorenzo Rey) tweeted a short video:  Waiting for 3B to start like..... @ShadowhuntersTV #LorenzoRey #BTS 
Matt Hastings (showrunner) tweeted a short video:  @JMunozActor Here’s B Camera! #Shadowhunters3B
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted a photo:  Damnit ⁦@MatthewDaddario⁩, we were wondering what happened to Clary and she was beside you the whole time! #Shadowhunters
Matt Hastings (showrunner) shared the work that goes into each episode:  The physical prep and shoot of an episode is 16 days.  Then there’s editing, VFX, color timing, scoring, mixing.  Lots of ❤ in each 42 min.
Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) tweeted a video:  Spinning into the weekend like 💃
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted a photo: Getting the Seelie Queen ready for her court! #Shadowhunters ⁦@KSueMurray.
Kat (Clary) tweeted a throwback photo in honor of 3 years of Shadowhunters: I can’t believe it’s been 3 years, angels!
Brian Hui (Makeup artist) shared an old photo of Kat (Clary) and Mimi Kuzyk (Imogen Herondale).
Harry (Magnus) shares a new/old promotional photo of Magnus Bane. [4]
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweets about a fan-made poster:  This is incredible, thoughtful, captivating art that makes an audience excited. The shadow fam is blessed to have you @IconicNephilim.
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) shared a photo of Shadowhunters’ People’s Choice Awards:  Look what ⁦@DSwim⁩ and I got via special delivery today! Thank you famdom for your unwavering support. We will treasure these forever #PCAs #ShadowhuntersLegacy
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted: There will be another trailer that's longer coming soon
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweets some reflections counting down to 3B: 42 days until the premiere of Shadowhunters 3b. 42 episodes worked on. Reflections of each episode coming your way as a thank you to the fandom, Magnus doing tai chi, the making of 2x01 and the Clary and Simon “I’m running slow for you” scene, 2x02 was a transition episode.
Golden Globes 
Kat (Clary) and Harry (Magnus) attended viewing parties and after parties for the golden globes. Here are some highlights. 
Harry (Magnus) shared a photo on Instagram on his way to the In Style Magazine Golden Globes Viewing Party.
Kat (Clary) tweeted:  ✧✦ Gilded in glitter for #GoldenGlobes ✦✧ - - xx #InstyleWBGlobes @Dsquared2  @instyle​
Kat (Clary) shared a photo from the Golden Globes.
Kat (Clary) shared a photo of her and Harry (Magnus) at the Gold Globes:  THE ADVENTURES OF MAGNUS AND BISCUIT STRIKE AGAIN!! @HarryShumJr #GoldenGlobes
YSB Now (article):  15 of Our Fave Golden Globes Fashions!
Critics Choice Awards 
Harry Shum Jr (Magnus) attends the Critics Choice Awards (Crazy Rich Asians won an award): Posing with the host, with Gemma Chan, on the red carpet, with Gemma Chan (again).
@HarryShumJr wears a dark silver leopard 3D embroidered tuxedo jacket with black wool tuxedo pants from the #RobertoCavalliResort19 collection while attending the Critics' choice Awards in Los Angeles.
E!News shares a Harry Shum Jr. appreciation post. 
Other News
ExtraTV (article):  TV Star Matthew Daddario Secretly Married Esther Kim
PopSugar (article): 7 Facts About Harry Shum Jr. That Prove He's a Man of Many Talents
TV Insider (article):  'Drop the Mic' Returns With the Stars of 'Shadowhunters,' 'Lost' & More (VIDEO)
Convention appearance! Katherine McNamara (Clary) will appear at Heroes & Villian’s fan fest Chicago 2019
Harry (Magnus) shared videos of the painting he had commissioned for Crazy Rich Asians’ director Jon M Chu and a message of how much Jon’s support has meant to him.
JustJaredJr (article): Katherine McNamara & Bailee Madison Step Up Their Style Game at 'Anthem of a Teenage Prophet' Premiere
The Italian Institute announced that Anna Hopkins will be a guest at #ITAInstituteCon3.
Harry Shum Jr (Magnus) takes over the SAG social media accounts and shows us how the trophies are made.
Harry Shum Jr (Magnus) will announce the Stunt Ensemble Recipients at the SAG Awards (January 27th). 
Anna Hopkins (Lilith) shares a short film she wrote and directed: Dear friends! A short I wrote/directed is premiering today on @watchdust and I'd love for you to have a watch! And share with friends if u feel so inclined! If u like time travel and nintendo and good times generally hopefully you'll like this.
22 notes · View notes
obsidiancreates · 6 years
A Part Of The First Original Novel I Ever Tried To Write
(This is the thing from Wattpad.)
I wrote a lot of short stories and stuff for school before this, but this is the first time I ever wanted to write a book. I started this in...fourth grade, I think, maybe fifth. I never finished it. *shrug*
So I know I don't need to do this but this story is very dear to me as it was what made me realize I want to be an author, so I'm just going to put a quick disclaimer that I own the copyright. I know I don't need to but I feel past me panicking at the thought of making this public and it being stolen. I was a paranoid little girl.
I'll be adding my own commentary as well it'll, be in parentheses and bold. Other than that, no edits. Prepare for cringy attempts at being funny at the expense of my past self!
Oh my, apparently I didn't know what paragraphs were back then. I'll break it up into paragraphs for this so it's easier to read but in the notebook it's just a long block of text stretching over many pages with no breaks.
  Okay, let's get started.  
The Adventures of Mind Girl and Sensta
Chapter One, Meet Ama (Great name)
Ama Lilica was bored. She was in her 6th grade biology class. (I wanted her to be older than me at the time.) "This is too...easy." she complained to Omila Milger, her best friend. (A great name and some fabulous exposition, clearly I was a master at writing.)
"Maybe for you." Omila said. For you see, Ama is the smartest person who ever lived. (Wow, okay. Just gonna drop that bombshell all casually.) Omila is smart to, but not THAT smart. (Youch. Sorry Omila. Also, sudden change in tense.) Ama keeps her IQ a secret. (Fun fact, I wanted to write intelligence instead of IQ but couldn't figure out how to spell it. Still can't, but now I have spellcheck.) Otherwise she would be treated different. She would be sent ahead of her friends, expected to act like an adult, and maybe even become an experiment! (Zero to one hundred real fast.) Only Omila knew this secret. Nope, Ama's parents didn't know her secret. (I was bad at erasing, so you can see that the sentence was originally 'didn't know about her IQ. Aww, my first time revising!) THEY would be the ones who would expect her to act like an adult.
"School's over!" someone shouted, pulling Ama back to the present. (Originally it was "School is over!" but I guess I realized that contractions sound more natural.)
"Let's go." she said to Omila. As they left school they talked about Amas latest project.(Oh mercy, my own grammar and punctuation are making me flinch.)
"So you're really going to try to build a spaceship?!" Omila exclaimed/asked. (You can't fool me past...me. I see you originally had your there.)
"Of course! Except I WILL build one, not try to." Ama replied. (Love the confidence Ama. However, it seems I had forgotten the c in except originally, because it's kind of scribbled in there super small between the x and e. Did I forget I had an eraser?)
"Will I get to go with you?" Omila asked, imagining what the might see. "Of course! I'd never go in to space without the company of my best friend!" Ama said, smiling. (Aww!) "Anyhoo," she said, changing the subject, "Let's go to my house. We can study for our test on cell regroth." (Oh past me, you had parents. And a dictionary. You should have been able to spell regrowth.)
"You mean, I study while you help me and quiz me?" Omila replied, arching her eyebrow at Ama.
"You always ace them!" she responded with a sheepish grin.
"I know, I was just teasing you." Omila told Ama.
"Hey, we're here." Ama said, bringing the conversation to a halt. (Smooth end there. Totally not rude. I was actually enjoying that bit of dialogue to be honest.)
Ama's house was a 2 story, wooden, modern building. The outside was a perfect turquoise, but the inside was Jade Green. (Odd capitalization but okay.) Most of the rooms were the same, with little touches of decoration here and there, but Ama's room was VERY unique. (Holy moly, I spelled that right? I still couldn't spell surprise right back then!) The walls were Jade Green like the rest of the house, exept there were Amber hearts on them. (Oh yeah, my mom had this necklace made of amber and jade so I put that in as an easter egg. I won't mention the spelling error, it's glaringly obvious and I want to move past it.) She built a few things into the walls too. (The s in walls was clearly added much later. Heck, I don't even revise like that now. Props, past me.) She had a hidden panel in her closet that opened when she wanted to choose an outfit. (The an was just a originally! This is way more thorough than I revise nowadays! Or maybe I just get more right on the first try now.) The panel opened to revel a computer screen. Then the screen would glow to life and pick the perfect outfit for the day. The 2 robotic arms come out of the ceiling and find the clothes. (I see you sudden change in tense. You can't hide.)
Oh my, this is taking forever. Mostly because of my commentary, admittedly. And this is just page three. Looks like Chapter One is four pages long and the whole this got to...twenty pages before I just never wrote in it again. Because I started to hate the way I was taking the story, honestly.
I think I re-wrote some of chapter one a while back. But that's enough of this for now. 
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thefangirlslair · 6 years
PERPETUAL WINTER (A Sasusaku Fanfiction) Part II
Note: It’s finally here. Wow, the last time I updated this was last May. Time flies so fast. Thank you to everyone who patiently waited for this. I hope this is okay. I don’t know if I did a decent job in making their emotions real but let me know please. Thank you! Their whole conversation wasn’t really the way I planned it. But it just happened as I was writing it, like it has a mind of its own. I hope it was okay. I’ve been anxious about this ever since I typed the first word. Aaah! So yeah, here you go. I hope I finish the whole PW series before this year ends. Thank you again for reading! Xo
PS. Been listening to a lot of sad songs while I wrote this so I included some songs. But I was listening to Back to You by Alex & Sierra and I got emo. Lol. This is also up on my ffnet!
Excerpt: "Can I kiss you?"
Her mouth opened in surprise, her eyes widen in shock. Her breath comes in puffs, visible in the winter cold. Sasuke waited patiently, offering a silent prayer to her. He doesn't pray to any god now for he believes there is none. But if Sakura heeds his prayer then maybe there really is one.
Seconds felt like infinity until she firmly answered, "No."
Sasusaku Pairing (10,304 words)
(Disclaimer: The lyrics aren't mine but from the writers of the songs I used. See author's note at the end. I feel so fucking horrible right now so I haven't reread this since I finished it. So I'm sorry for the typos and such.)
A Poor Attempt at Writing Fics
SasuSaku Edition X
Perpetual Winter Part 2
"When will we ever be truly happy?"
A quiet hum was the reply from the other line, his mother probably contemplating about what to say to him. He didn't mean to be this vulnerable but this is his mother, the only person he could trust with his whole life. More than his best friend, of course.
Few seconds passed and he heard Mikoto say, "Maybe when we accept that things aren't always meant to be."
He sighed, looking outside while leaning back on his first-class seat inside the plane headed to New York. The sky is a bit dull, thanks to the winter of the upcoming Christmas.
"Yeah," he quietly agreed. "Maybe then."
He heard his mother sigh in return and asked, "Did you at least talk to your father before you leave?"
He closed his eyes and thought about his talk with his father earlier, "We're okay now. He called me while I was with Itachi."
At the mention of his brother's name, he's sure he heard a quiet hitch in his mother's voice when she spoke. "I can't believe it's been 10 years. Time flies so fast."
10 years since Itachi died and yesterday was the anniversary. He went to Itachi's grave and stayed there for hours, talking to his dead aniki once in a while and just thinking about everything. Before he went home, his father called him.
There's no question that he loves his father, but they just don't get along really well ever since he was a child. Their relationship was forever scarred when he agreed to the heir position. He thought, and probably his father as well, that their father and son connection was truly lost.. until yesterday when Fugaku called him.
He couldn't even remember the last time they talked on the phone, or the last time he heard Fugaku as a father, not as the Uchiha patriarch.
"I'm not proud of most things," Sasuke remembered his father say. "I've done things I regret and will forever haunt me. But if there's one thing I'm proud of.."
He held his breath as he waited for his father to continue. Then he heard his emotionless father in a strong but cracked-on-the-edges voice, "It's the two of you. I'm proud of your brother, and I'm proud of you Sasuke."
If he could cry by then, he would've cried. But there are no tears left to cry now for his last tears were already shed years ago. But nonetheless, he felt his heart ache because of his father.
His father added, "I'm sorry. For everything."
It's nothing new, this ache that's been living in the beating organ of his body for so long now. His heart will always ache because of his family. Most of the time, it's in a painful way, but not this time. This ache is the kind you feel when you know something heavy is being lifted from you. Sasuke sighed.
"Tou-san," he whispered through the phone, and looked down at Itachi's grave. The snow lightly falling around him touching the stone and his hair.
He heard Fugaku softly gasps on the other line, definitely shook by his address. But then later replied, "Yes, Sasuke?"
He smiled softly, feeling the air around him shifts as if comforting him. Nii-san, he thought by then.
"Thank you," he sincerely said. "And I'm sorry, too."
Looking back from yesterday as he opened his eyes to reality, he felt warm. He said to his mother, "Yeah, it is."
Mikoto asked, "When are you coming back?"
"Just in time for the Christmas ball. I have to be there," he said gruffly. He heard his mother laugh softly.
"Will you bring a date?", Mikoto asked in a teasing voice.
He snorted, "You know I don't do that, right?"
Mikoto sighed. 9 years have passed since her son broke down that December night, following the shattering of Sasuke's heart. She will never forget that night. She knew as she held him on the floor sobbing his heart out that it would take an awfully long time to heal, but not this long. Her son is 29 now — driven but tired, strong-willed but fragile, loved but lonely.
"Do you have at least any plans? You can even bring just a friend, you know that," Mikoto pushed.
There was an announcement that the door of the plane is closed and now ready to take off. All electronic devices should be turned off and Sasuke exhaled inwardly for he has avoided his mother's prying. Mikoto also heard the announcement and nearly rolled her eyes.
"I need to go. I'll call you when I get there," he said to Mikoto.
"Okay, son. Take care. Don't overwork yourself," concern and love evident from her voice. Sasuke smiled gently.
"Aa. You too."
Sasuke finally turned off his phone and waited for the plane to take off. He thought about what his mother implied earlier. Bring a friend?, he thought. As if I have a lot to choose from. I only have Naruto and-
He sighed. That "friend" is definitely unavailable. She's probably off somewhere in America where she's happily living her life with her husband. The last time they met, she was newly engaged. He didn't bother to know how she's been doing for the past 3 years. He didn't want to risk the longing he might feel. Only God knows he does.
But he remembers that it was winter, as it always been for the both of them. Green eyes across from him, pink hair blowing in the cold wind, red lips on his skin — he remembers it all.
As the plane drifts, so does he — where the memory of their last reunion lives.
3 years ago
Love is just a state of mind.
This was his mantra every single day since the day he left Japan. Yes, there were doubts, but he strengthens his resolve every damn day when he wakes up. He remembered saying it to himself yesterday, and even earlier when he woke up. He always tells himself that maybe it's just all in his head now — that he already moved past every shit he went through, that he's not stuck loving the same person for only god knows how long; the same person he broke in front of him that first snowfall of that year's winter and he's now reunited with, wearing that smile and that fucking ring.
'Love is just a state of mind', he repeated for the second time today as he watched her talk outside. 'You actually don't love her anymore. You're just nostalgic of the memories. You're just being dumb.'
The little jolt of pain from his chest says otherwise. He's been telling himself that line since he went to study business the following year when they broke up. But today, Haruno Sakura managed to put all Uchiha Sasuke's progress he worked hard for more than 2000 days in just less than an hour within her orbit. She's so lethal.
'Love is just a state of mind, my ass.'
He watched her talk animatedly outside the café. In her rush to talk to that 'Neji-kun', she mumbled a quick 'excuse me' to Sasuke and forgot to bring at least her scarf outside. Sasuke watched as she repeatedly hunch her shoulders to her neck and run her gloveless tiny hand on her arm.
And even though he saw how her hand holding the phone shake a little because of the cold, he could also see the happiness radiating from her smile and the brightness of her jade eyes even from where he's sitting.
It stings a little, but he couldn't tear his eyes away. Not when she looks that way — not his anymore, but still so beautiful.
Timing is a funny thing. Once you thought you're over it, one pink-haired beacon of spring will bloom in your eternal winter and blow all your progress into next week. What a woman. He will never find anyone better.
Sasuke fought with himself to look away from her and when he did, he looked at the chair that she occupied a few minutes before she went outside. It reminded him of a time when sitting across from her bright eyes and even brighter smile once annoyed the hell out of him. Not because he hates it but because he's started to like it; he even craved for it.
Innocent coffee hang-out as they do algebra, group study with some of Naruto's friends for an upcoming english quiz, spontaneous pizza parlor visits after watching movies — all of them ending up across from each other. Never beside her, no. Always across, right there in front of him, as if saying 'look at me'. She never did say it, but he looked nonetheless.
Sasuke was pulled back to reality when he felt a tap on his shoulder as she moved towards her recently vacant seat, "Hey, sorry about that. Someone just checked in if I'm still alive or not."
She said it so lightly that someone might think she's only talking about the weather. He wanted to point out her ring finger and wordlessly ask if the caller was the same person who gave her that ridiculously huge piece of shit, ('she was never the flashy type. she hates the offending thing,' he thought) but he didn't. He just nodded and sipped his coffee that's as bitter as the taste of the truth is.
"It's fine," he added quietly.
He watched as she shivered on her seat as she takes a bite out of her muffin. "So," she drawls on. "How have you been?"
'So it begins.'
"Good. Business is doing great. Economy is booming as ever. Foreign investors are st-"
"Oh c'mon, Sasuke," she interrupted. "I'm asking about you, not your company or Japan's economic state."
He paused for a second to look at his coffee and say, "There's nothing to say."
Sakura actually snorted out loud for that, something that she did a lot when they were younger. "6 years and nothing happened to you? Only your business? Oh please, you know I know shit about business and all that."
That made him smile a little, "You know a lot more than you think. You're the smartest person I know."
A look of surprise and something he couldn't put a finger on flashed in her green eyes, and for a moment he thought she would blush like she always did when he pays her a compliment. Instead, she answered back steadily.
"Thank you. But still, I'm more on the medical field than your corporate expertise. I want to know about you."
It's making him frustrated. There was a time when he could catch her off guard and make her blush like crazy that makes him go crazy himself. Now, the woman sitting in front of him is so hard to read and so poised and feels so unattainable that even Uchiha Sasuke, the Uchiha Sasuke, feels inferior.
He swallowed the slight insecurity that suddenly gnaws at his bones for talking to this newest version of Haruno Sakura. She looks different; she sounds different. He now wonders if she smells, feels and tastes different too. He halted his thoughts before it goes worse.
He leaned back on his seat and shrugged a little, "I'm okay. Busy as always. I rarely have free time like this one."
She offered a small smile, "I bet. How's Colonel Mustard?"
He smirked at that, "Still grumpy and lazy as hell."
"How does he look like now? Do you have any pictures of him? I wanna see," she exclaimed with a tiny hint of excitement. How could he stand a chance to that face?
'You're hopeless, aren't you?', his own thoughts mocked him.
Sasuke took out his phone and scrolled down to his photo gallery. When he saw the picture of his cat taken by his blond idiot best friend, he tossed it to her and she caught it as naturally as a pro. He hid a smile.
As she scrolled away, he asked her back. "How are you?"
She briefly looked at him just then and answered distractedly, "I'm fine. I'm still pursuing my medical career and it's all good. Hard, but I think I can manage."
'Of course, no doubt about that,' he silently praised.
"I'm not so homebody anymore so I got a few friends. I got them when I started to attend a music class because I wanted to learn piano. I could play it really well now," she added. A hint of pride could be heard in her voice. "Oh, and guitar too. I didn't know th- oh!"
He heard the coo from his companion and silently watched her smile and comment on how his pet seemed to be weirder than before.
"All of his positions are so weird and funny," she said, her fingers covering her lips as she laughs. "And I guess Naruto can't be a photographer even if he wanted to. These photos are terrible."
He smothered a chuckle, "You know he's an idiot at everything." He paused for a moment and asked her, "How did you know it was the dobe who took it?"
She gave him a look that says 'Really? You're asking me?' and he immediately knew. Do you honestly think Uchiha Sasuke likes taking pictures of his cat? Hell no.
'You're so predicable, Uchiha. You think you're so sly, aren't you? Look at you now, asshole.'
Sakura returned her eyes to his phone, still browsing for his cat's terrible photos, until he saw her flinch a little and stopped scrolling. His brain automatically went from zero to 100mph and racked itself for what could've made her act like that. He's also annoyed that he noticed her flinch. It's because he's staring at her. Idiot.
She finally raised her eyes to meet his and said, "I guess you still kept it, huh?"
She brought his phone back to him and his eyes fell to what was displayed on it. Sasuke fought a shiver inside him because he immediately knew what she was talking about. He regrets that he decided to save it instead of ignoring it.
It was taken maybe 4 or 5 years ago in his apartment in London where he was studying business, and was recently sent by Naruto ('#flashbackfriday when your cat was still a bitch and you were still a workaholic ass. oh wait, you still are!', the blond captioned) through text. The photo was simple — Naruto taking a selfie with his cheeky grin, Colonel Mustard obviously scratching and struggling on the blond's arm as they lounge on Sasuke's room, and Sasuke in the background typing with his one hand and holding a cup of coffee on the other.
He didn't know Naruto was taking ridiculous selfies with his pet, but he did know that his best friend has this annoying habit of barging into his house and his room without a care. He already gave up scolding him.
But the one that made Sakura flinch and Sasuke's heart clench was the tiny and a bit blurry object on Sasuke's bedside table in the background — a frame with their picture together when they started dating. The said frame is currently in a box hidden somewhere in his old bedroom in their family house. He hasn't seen it in years. But seeing it now after so many years through a selfie photo of his best friend made him relive the said picture.
It's the only thing he kept from all the physical reminders of what once was. He was aware that it wasn't good, that he shouldn't have kept it on his bedside table and see it every time he wakes up. But it's the only thing he could look at without hurting much, because it reminded him of a good and innocent time. And with the life he had after their break-up, lonely and bleak and just plain cold, that picture gives him a hint of warmth and spring.
Or maybe he's just a masochistic son of a bitch.
It was a picture of them on Christmas Eve, the first one they shared as a couple, with them only just a few days of being official. You can say they were drunk — with liquor, with each other, with love. They weren't wearing fancy clothes nor inside a fancy house in a fancy party. They're in Naruto's apartment with a couple of their high school classmates, sweaty and lit and inebriated, counting down the seconds to Christmas.
Both their faces aren't shown in the picture, but you'll know it was them. Sasuke was facing away from the camera wearing a plain black t-shirt; his wide shoulders, blue-black hair peeking through his cap, and tall height as a give-away to his identity. The slight curve of his arm indicates that he was holding onto something. Or someone, rather.
Around his torso was a pair of arms, coming from a petite form that's obviously standing at his front. Then there is something peeking from his shoulder. The only things you can see are her bright pink hair, and her equally bright green eyes staring straight through the camera. You can tell she's smiling even if you can't see her mouth.
His face was sideways, so anybody would see the slight curl of his lips partially hidden through pastel strands of Sakura's hair. Throngs of people and their red plastic cups with confettis falling around are all a massive blur in the background. The only clear picture was the picture they made together — drunk in each other's arms but sober to know that it's all real.
God knows he would kill just for them to be back in that moment. It's foolish, it's dumb; but it's what his heart wants. He knows it deep in his gut and in his soul. He had never wanted anything ever.
But then, things change. People, too. And Sasuke is aware that this Sakura sitting across from him now is getting married to someone she chose to be with; someone she said 'yes' to; someone who isn't him.
Truth hurts. These are the facts, and he can't argue with them. No matter how much he shield himself from the onslaught of emotions running through his whole being as they look at each other 6 years after the worst time of his life, the truth is hitting him on the face. It's sitting on her left hand's ring finger and it's blinding and suffocating and god, he wants this misery to end. When will this ever end?
'How do I unlove you, Sakura?'
Sasuke wanted to maintain their eye contact, but he needed to breathe. He looked away and closed his lids, took a breath and held it for a few seconds as he thought hard before releasing it. He hoped that Sakura didn't find it weird.
As expected, she patiently waited for him to speak up. She obviously still remembers his habit of sorting out his thoughts first before blurting them out. He wanted to laugh. Sakura and the world have clearly moved on with their lives while there's him stuck on the same shit he's been doing since forever. So predictable, so pathetic.
He fought the frown that was threatening to form on his face and opened his eyes to look at her. "Yeah. I kept it," he finally said.
Sakura was just looking at him, analyzing him with those eyes of hers. 'Stop looking at me,' he thought.
Sakura finally replied, "I kept mine, too." His heart lurched for a moment. He remembered her own copy — same night, same party, same drunk picture; but in a different angle. Sasuke gritted his teeth to fight his urge to bite his lip. It's a habit of his when he doesn't want anything to spill from him and she knows it, so he just nodded stiffly in return.
She then added, "Why?"
He shrugged nonchalantly, hiding his nervousness and anxiety. "It reminded me of a good time," he truthfully answered but used with a light and careless tone.
Sasuke saw her frown at that. He felt the gears turning in her head as she prepares her next queries. Sasuke thought, 'I gotta divert this conversation.'
"Don't worry about it," he blurts out. "When my mother saw it, she told me I should not dwell on the past anymore. So I think she kept it hidden in our ancestral home."
He almost sighed with relief when he saw her face changed expression and settled with a small smile, "How's Mikoto, by the way? Does she still have insomnia?"
"She's doing okay now," he answered her, thinking about his mother and her insomnia when Itachi died. "She's good, don't worry. Her pies are still the best," he managed to give her a tiny smirk.
Sakura smiled, "That's good to know. The last time we saw each other, she looked worn down."
He frowned at that. 'They saw each other? When?'
His confusion must've been written all over his face so she said, "Didn't Mikoto tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
Her eyes widened a bit for a split second and softly answered him, "She sent me off at the airport before I went to the States. Mikoto was actually the one I saw before I boarded the plane."
Sasuke didn't know what to say, what to think. His mother? Why would she do that? What did they talk about? Why didn't Mikoto tell him?
He just continued blankly looking at her, lost for words. Sakura looked back at him with an awkward expression. Apparently, Sasuke wasn't the only one who felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.
After a few silent seconds that felt like hours, Sakura broke the silence. "We just briefly talked for a few minutes before the gates closed. She asked me what happened to us that time and how you were doing then."
Sasuke clenched his fist under the table and scoffed, "I hope my mother didn't tell you how miserable I was."
'Still am,' he corrected in his mind. 'How miserable I still am.'
Her eyes were steady on his when she answered, "She did, actually. She knew I was as miserable, too."
He's now regretting the vulnerability in his words. There's a pang of pain he felt in his chest where his heart lays beating weakly by the minute. He fought the need to clutch it like he did that night when he broke down in front of his mother in their living room.
'Why are we here? Why am I fucking here?'
Sasuke swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and concealed his true fucked-up feelings with a humorless smirk. "Aa. That sounds like my mother," he quietly replied.
He needed a minute. It's only been what, an hour of being reunited with his first love, and she's slowly but surely breaking down his armor with little to no effort? He wanted a drink or a smoke; anything but this already cold bitter coffee in front of him and this girl, this stranger, that has the face of his long lost love.
Sakura offered him a tiny smile and said, "Yeah. I hope I can see her before I leave again soon. Would it be okay to have her number? Or is it the same as before?"
Sakura blinked and looked taken aback at first with his abrupt answer, "No to what?"
"All of it," Sasuke dryly replied.
Sasuke couldn't take this any longer. He couldn't understand a thing, much less feel anything at all. All he has is this numbness slowly gripping his whole being.
Green eyes flashed for a second and he heard her say, "Why not?"
He countered with, "And why should you?"
Irritation can be heard clearly in her tone as she spoke, "She's not just another person in my life, Sasuke. I just want her contact number so I could talk to her."
"And I said no," he said. "There's no reason for you to reach out to her anymore."
He knows he's being irrational and being a bit childish to be honest, but he couldn't understand why she's doing this. Add that to the gnawing leech of ache in his cold and broken heart, you could say he can't think straight at the moment.
It doesn't help that she looks gorgeous while breaking his heart all over again.
Instead of being angry like he anticipated, Sakura's face turned concerned. 'That face,' Sasuke inwardly sneered.
"Are you okay?", Sakura calmly asked him.
He replied, incredulous. "Am I okay? Really?" He scoffed, "Yeah of course, you just told me my mom spilled my guts to you and now you're here trying to reunite with her like nothing ever happened. So why shouldn't I be okay?"
Sasuke was trying to compose himself because he could feel his voice starting to shake and rise from too much emotions. The last thing he wanted to do is create a scene in this coffee shop. He kept his face as blank as possible.
Sakura just stared at him for a long time before answering, "It's been 6 years, Sasuke. You should be okay." Then like just an afterthought, she added. "We should be."
'How is that supposed to mean?', he screamed in his thoughts. 'You're perfectly fine, absolutely okay. You're getting married, you got your life altogether and planned out, you still look amazing and I'm here wondering what the hell am I doing with my life."
With all those thoughts, only few words came out, "And what makes you think I'm not?"
"Your face says it all, Sasuke. I know you," Sakura replied, still using that calm tone she has.
It's grating on his nerves so that's why he didn't fight when he abruptly slammed his fist on the table as his voice rose slightly, "Stop it!"
Her eyes widened in response and darted around the place. In his peripheral, he saw some customers glance at them curiously. Fortunately, there are only few. It dampened his rising mood and slightly pulled him back to himself.
His eyes were boring into hers when he said through gritted teeth, "Stop saying you know me, Sakura. Like you said, it's been 6 years. Many things changed."
Not all of them, he could admit. Just like his feelings.
She sighed in response, "Yeah, I could see that. Just like when you opened the door for me. You never did that before." She concluded it with a small smile.
His insides were in a turmoil. Is every word she's gonna say will continue to rattle his emotional and mental state? Is everything gonna remind them of their past? Is everything gonna slap him in the face that they never had a closure in the first place and maybe that's why?
She continued talking, "I noticed that you're taller, and that you've gotten a bit of tan. You're not as pale as before. Your hair is longer. You've become more tight lipped, but I guess that's because it's me you're talking to. I mean, after the way we ended I could unders—"
"I said stop it," he said quietly.
Her eyes remained the same, calm and collected. But he could also see a hint of determination and question in them. He couldn't understand. Why does she look like a girl on a mission? Those eyes are steady and serene but piercing and brave at once.
Sasuke inhaled deep and softly asked, "Why are you saying these to me?" His eyes are still looking through hers, "Why are you here? Why did you drag me here?"
He just wanted to drink his coffee and read his books in peace. He did not ask for her to be there at the other side of the road before he crosses it nor ask for her to come along with him. He did not want to see her engagement ring on her finger nor see her drink her black tea.
He did not ask for Sakura to come back in his life and remind him of what he lost when he let her go.
"I want to catch up with an old friend and have coffee with him," Sakura answered casually but softly, her eyes still seeking his as if wanting to see his thoughts.
His anger started to come back and he blurted out, "Friend? We're hardly friends now, Sakura."
"But we were once."
"Yeah, before I fell in love with you and you fell in love with me," he said with his voice shaking from too much restraint. "Before we kissed with the intention of something more than being platonic. Before I introduced you to my family as my girlfriend and you brought me to your parents' graves."
Sasuke heard her softly gasped at that last statement but he continued, "Before that night when we broke up. Before right now where we're here, acting as if none of those shit happened to us."
'Before we made love. Before we argued like kids and fucked like adults. Before we stayed up all night just talking about our dreams in the future and woke up in the morning realizing that our future was already right fucking there, staring at us in the face,' he all but screamed inwardly.
He leaned forward to look at her directly and fought the urge to grab her face to reiterate all of what he's saying. Then he whispered to her with a voice laced with longing and regret and desperation.
"Before right now where I'm asking you.. why you are here. Why are you here, Sakura? Why did you come back?"
Sasuke saw her eyes and her whole face soften as they continue to look at each other, until he saw them cast downwards towards the table. He followed her line of vision and saw her left hand.
Several thoughts came running through his head, all jumbled and don't even make sense. But one thing stood out to him even without her saying anything — she came back to Japan because of her engagement.
His eyes flicked back towards her face and saw her looking at him, almost apologetic and tender that he felt his chest tighten. Then Sakura spoke, "I think you already know."
He did; he does. Ever since she picked up her call and he was almost blinded with how fucking shiny her ring was and with how he felt like being punched to the gut, yes he knows. He will never have her back.
Not now, not ever.
Sasuke stood up abruptly, forgetting everything except picking up his coat. In his mind, he only wanted to get out of there. Get out of this café, get out of her life.
And so as soon as his hands found his coat when he stood up, he quickly strode towards the door. The faint noise inside the café was all but a noiseless background in his mind. He was actually expecting Sakura to call out to him, and when he finally opened the door to exit, all he heard was nothing but the howling of the cold wind outside as it snows.
The door of the café closes and so does his door.
He never paid attention to his surroundings. He just kept on walking and walking under the slight fall of snow around him. The streets are busy and the people are busier, all of them trying to make it through the day. Sasuke is the same. He just wants to make it through today of all days.
He never once imagined their reunion would be like this. He had this brief fantasy before about them seeing each other again, and finally realizing that they were meant for each other. They will throw away all the bullshit they went through and start again, fresh and new. They will never part. Never again.
But he didn't anticipate the fact that Sakura could be loved by someone else, too. And in return, she could love that someone back.
Sasuke should've known better. She was the smartest, most patient, most beautiful person inside and out that he ever met. He should've known that one person could see and appreciate that as much as he do, and will do everything to fight for her love.
And that's what Sasuke didn't do — fight for her.
He released a pained breath and watched as his mouth formed puffs of air because of the cold. He then noticed that he was in a playground, sitting on a swing in a nearly deserted park. His tall frame was hunched down on the tiny swing, his long legs bent as he stared into the ground.
He had no idea how he got there, but it may be a subconscious act. He always liked things that remind him of a much simplier and innocent times in his life. He also didn't know how much time has passed, but with the faint glow of the sun in the west he could tell.
"I thought you'd be here," a voice came and knocked on the closed door of his heart. He turned his face towards it, he saw her and suddenly his doors came opening again.
The winter sun was directly behind her, giving her this eerie glow. Like a nymph; a spring nymph being born in his perpetual winter. He shivered inside.
Sasuke couldn't see her face properly but he knows she's looking at him with those eyes of hers. He couldn't see them, but he could feel.
He watched her as she approached him slowly as if he's a wounded animal. In a sense, he is. He feels like it. He's wounded for the longest time, deep and real that he's full of bandages. And now, she's here to rip it all off and pour salt in his wounds.
"You left these," she said as she passed him his paper bag full of books and his scarf on her other hand. He never left her face but silently took the things out of her grasps and placed the books down as he held onto his scarf. After a few silent seconds, he finally looked away from her and stared at the thing on his hands.
She spoke again, "I knew you'd be in a playground. You have always been like that."
He heard the chains rattled as she sat down on the other swing beside him, facing the other way. They sat there in silence, watching as the sky took a break from crying too much snow and families in the park prepared to go back home.
If you ask Sasuke right now, this might be the only thing that haven't changed between their dynamic — the silence. They have never needed words ever since they became friends and silence is a comfortable companion back then. When they became lovers, it was like their platonic third-wheel aside from Naruto.
Right this moment, it's a bit different. The silence is there, but it rang like no other, begging to be noticed. An obnoxious loudmouth bother, a deafening pierce of a non-existing noise; it's right there between the two of them. And with a heavy heart, Sasuke took a breath and broke it.
"You're getting married."
Sasuke saw in his peripheral that she whipped her head towards him. He kept his face straight and forward, his eyes trained on two little boys riding a bicycle with their parents following behind. He felt his heart twitch in nostalgia.
Sakura returned to her original position facing the other way from Sasuke. You can hear the amusement in her voice when she spoke. "He finally said it," she softly said, as if she's talking to an audience.
He frowned, not caring anymore and looked back at her. He saw her fiddling with her scarf around her neck, noticed that she's not wearing her gloves. He can see the ring, subtly reminding him of why they're here.
"I was wondering when will you talk about this," she said while looking down at her ring, her voice still soft and quiet. She put down her hands in her lap, "That was the reason I said all those things back there."
She then looked back at him and he met her round and honest green eyes, "It was a bit childish of me, I know. But.. I just had a feeling you weren't being honest with me back there."
'Oh fuck,' he groaned inwardly. 'No, we are not doing this. You are not doing this to me.'
Outside, his face scrunched up in confusion and frustration. "Why? Why would you do that?", Sasuke's voice is as quiet as hers.
Sakura kept her eyes glued to him, "I hate seeing you like that. It reminds me of our last night."
All thoughts evaporated. Heartbeats stopped. Breath halted. Sasuke could only do one thing and that's to stare right at the love of his life. He felt something sting behind his eyes and he looked away.
"I know you weren't being completely true that night. Like I said, your face says it all. I know you good enough even before we got together."
"It kinda hurts when I saw you doing the same back at the café. It brought back sad memories," she looked down. "And also because.. I already know, Sasuke. I already know the whole thing why. Naruto told me."
He fought a groan that tried to came out of his lips. First his mother, and now his best friend. Who's next? His father?
"He came to visit me in the States right before I started attending Harvard. He told me everything. The company, the merger.. the arranged marriage."
Sasuke remembered drinking with Naruto a few months after their break-up. And the next day, Naruto told him that his father wanted him to go to Massachusetts to attend a conference. He didn't bother to ask for details because he was still hungover from the night before.
"He told me you're a mess; that I should go back and fix our relationship because he can't stand to see you that way. Mikoto actually told me the same thing in the airport before I left but in a subtle way. Naruto was pained and sad for you, but Mikoto was scared and concerned."
He knows she left a week after their break-up in December. Before the year ended, he remembered his mother ask him if he will follow her. He said no. He wanted to, but he didn't.
"I want you to know I understand, Sasuke."
He gripped the chains of his swing hard. He couldn't even feel the cold of it anymore. He's overwhelmed by so much information that two of his precious people tried their hardest to save him in the lowest point of his life by begging her to come back.
How pathetic can he be?
"You weren't supposed to know," he finally spoke. His voice was gruff and tired. He feels so tired.
"It's impossible though," she answered. "I would've known it when the news of your marriage comes out." After that statement, she looked up again and asked him. "Now that I think about it.. why haven't I heard anything about your wedding?"
He exhaled, "She called it off."
Yes, Karin Uzumaki decided not to marry Sasuke Uchiha. He remembered the furious face of his father, the relieved exhale of his mother, the anxious fidgeting of Naruto, the wide eyes of Kushina and the amused smirk of Minato. But most of all, he remembered the determined eyes of Karin and the gratitude behind her slim frames when she looked at him.
"Oh," Sakura softly said. "What happened?"
He played with the scarf bunched at his lap as he replied, "She fell in love for the first time. I told her to decide what she wanted to do and I will respect it. She decided not to pursue the engagement then."
Karin was there for him when he and Sakura broke up. She was his companion in social events, casual dinners, drinking alcohol; but that's just it. A companion, a friend; and to Karin, he is the same.
Yes, they did try to become something more. They kissed once or twice, tried lunch dates, and went to movie theaters. But there was no passion, no spark. There's only mutual respect and comfort, and those aren't the only things a relationship should have.
When Karin told him that she met someone that she used to be classmates with in high school and they talked, she asked him about how did he know he was in love with Sakura. He answered with, 'It has always been a subconscious thing, I guess. You just know.'
So he wasn't surprised when after a year, she told him that she's finally in love for the first time. He told her to do what she wants, and she did. She fought for her feelings, fought for her love. And now she's free, married just a few months ago. Sasuke was her best man because he was her bestfriend. Naruto was pouting the whole ceremony.
Sakura didn't reply this time but she nodded as she looked away. Sasuke turned his head towards her then, silently looking at her side profile. Her cheeks are pink from the cold and her breath is visible. Pink strands are blowing in the wind making him smell apples. Now he knows that she also smells different; she smells like flowers back then.
Looking at her after 6 years felt like a blessing and a curse at the same time. He felt like he was in a reality show, cameras are around him watching his every move and emotions that will run across his face; ready to laugh at him for the biggest prank of his life.
This is his reality. This is real and she's right there, wanting him to be completely honest with her. Say all his thoughts unlike that night; unlike back there at the coffee shop. He could do honest. He will be honest.
"You're still beautiful," he blurted out.
Sakura's eyes widen for a bit and she looked back at him. She blinked a few times, completely taken aback by his abrupt statement.
"I'm glad I haven't taken all your good parts," he continued. "I'm glad you've been able to move past the things that happened. I'm glad you're doing fine. I haven't told you I was proud of you that night when you told me you got in to Harvard so I'm telling you now — I am proud of you. I'm glad you're back.. even if it's because you're getting married."
Her green eyes were steadily shaking looking back at his black ones. Sasuke could see them shining and he hoped she doesn't cry because if she does, he is done for. He will be annihilated right there in the middle of a fucking playground.
With his eyes never leaving hers, he asked her. "Does he love you?"
Seconds stretched out and she finally managed to croak out a yes and a nod. Suddenly, Sasuke felt this incredulous urge to laugh. In the end, he let out a small chuckle.
He gave her a barely-there smile, "Of course he does." His voice was soft but it cracked in the end, "Who wouldn't love you?"
Sasuke saw her eyes gather tears and his fear of seeing them was finally falling from her eyes and right there staring at him in the face. His chest felt tight and his throat burned. He was only whispering his words but he felt like he shouted them to the heavens.
He twisted his swing with his legs to finally face his whole body to her form. He reached out to the chains of her own swing beside her thighs and moved it to face him. His legs widen and put hers between them so he could support the two of them.
As he looked at her face to face, from head to toe as they sit in an empty playground within an empty park, Sasuke felt alive. Given that he knew this woman silently crying in front of him is crying because of him, he felt alive for the first time in years. The dull colors of winter faded in the background and all he could see is the pink of her hair, the green of her irises and the gold of the sun slowly setting down behind her.
Tears kept flowing and her red-stained lips are shaking. Sasuke didn't fight it when he wiped her cheekbone with his thumb, and neither did Sakura. He used the back of his fingers as he wiped the other side. Sakura let him. It felt so surreal to Sasuke.
He was finally touching her again after 6 years. This was what he wanted to do when she was crying that night on the side of the road where they broke up. She feels different, he realized — softer, more delicate. Even though he knows the past few years haven't been nice to her, she still managed to become more than what she was before and after they ended.
Sasuke knows it was long overdue, and that these next words should've been said that night, and all the nights before and after that; but he says it anyway.
"I'm sorry."
She shook her head no and opened her mouth, "No, you don't have to Sasuke-kun. I understand, you d—"
"No, Sak. You need to hear this," Sasuke interrupted. He looked at her intently, "I need this. We both do."
Right then, he realized that this reunion wasn't supposed to be the time where they would get back together as he wished for the last 6 years.
This reunion was for them to finally go their separate ways, to finally accept that things aren't always meant to be; and that includes them.
Onyx eyes bore into jade ones as he spoke freely, vulnerably, and longingly. "I'm sorry for not being the type to open the door for you. I'm sorry for diverting the topic when I felt like being too exposed. It's because you scare me with how much you know me and I was afraid you'll see how ugly I am inside."
She was shaking her head no as he continued, "I'm sorry for ignoring your calls when it all turned to shit. I didn't wanna hear how lonely your voice sounds, that's why. I'm sorry for bringing up your parents when we were arguing that night. It was insensitive of me and I was truly sorry as soon as I said it."
"Sasuke-kun, stop."
He couldn't hear a thing and his voice started to shake but he pushed through with all the pent-up remorse, pain and love bottled up inside him.
"I'm sorry for making you feel insecure, for making you feel less of a woman when we were together. I'm sorry for making you cry then and even now. I'm sorry I'm so messed up inside that I feel ashamed being able to talk to you right now."
He's blurting out his words and his eyes started to blur simultaneously. Sasuke couldn't see her clearly anymore, only the faint glow of her weeping eyes and the halo on her head made by the sun.
"I'm sorry for not fighting for you; for giving up. I'm sorry for breaking your heart, Sak. I'm sorry for breaking us. Not only that night but all the nights after I accepted my role in my family. I broke you when I said yes, and I broke us when you said it's over and I'm so, so sor—"
Sasuke felt her arms around him, her head against his shoulder and her tears on his sweater. He felt all the air inside him dissapear as his tears finally fell when he closed his eyes.
His face reached her head, and he buried it against her hair. And as he wound up his arms around her and crush her into him he whispered, "I'm sorry for letting you go."
They cried — for the loss, for the death, and for the love of them. They embraced for a long time, both of them not uttering a word. When their storm finally calmed and both aren't crying anymore, Sasuke opened his eyes and stared at the almost setting sun.
"Do you remember when you asked me before what my favorite song was?", his head was still against hers.
Sasuke felt her head move and put her chin on his shoulder, "Yeah, I do."
He reluctantly let go of her so he could look at her tear-streaked face. He offered a gentle smile, "I have an answer now."
In his pocket, he flashed out his phone and then he whipped out an old-looking earphones from the other. He earned a small gasp from Sakura.
"You're still using it," she said quietly.
"Hn. I barely use it anymore, but I always bring it with me."
It was the same earphones she gave to him on a random day after they listened to her favorite album which he loved. She taught him the power of music and how it moves people; and taught him how to appreciate it in any form.
Sasuke plugged his earphones to his phone and looked for his favorite song. When he found it, he gave the other earpiece to her and watched as she put it on her ear. It reminded him of that lazy, cold morning listening to Bon Iver and sharing earphones and body heat with Sakura.
He could see the anticipation in her eyes as she looked at him gently. He wished that she would understand that he is dedicating this song for her.
"Listen well." That's all he said before pressing play.
Guitar plucks started to flow through their ears and Sasuke saw the recognition in her eyes. He heard her whisper, "Death Cab, huh?"
He just nodded in return and earned a small smile from her. He felt a lot better now than he ever did before.
When the singer, Ben, started to sing, he was reminded of how he first heard this song while he was cleaning up his room in their house before he left for London to study. Along with their picture of their first Christmas as a couple, he also brought the album that contains this song that he found in his room.
It was obviously hers and she must've forgotten that she brought it there or she purposely left it. Eitherway, he brought it with him to London and listened to it almost every day for the first year of being alone in a foreign city.
He pictures Sakura every time he hears this song, especially when a certain part of the song comes.
All the girls in every girly magazine
Can't make me feel any less alone
I'm reaching for the phone to call at 7:03
And on your machine
I slur a plea for you to come home
But I know it's too late
I should've given you a reason to stay
Maybe that's why he loved this record so much, most especially this song, because he relates a lot to it. Their relationship was never perfect. Yes, their love lacked color but only on the outside. Inside, it's bursting at the seams.
But then, sometimes it isn't enough. When fact and fiction blur together, it could end in tragedy; and that's what happened to them. Sasuke didn't give her enough reason to stay other than the quiet love he has for her. Sakura was never the demanding one, but she deserved more than what he gave. She deserved an explanation, an apology, and a love that fights for her. That's one of his biggest regrets.
The song ended and the next song came, and then the next. Song after song, he silently dedicated them all to her. Every hook, every line; it's all for her. They sat there, hunched over his phone playing all the music, shivering from the cold but warm enough because of each other.
"I just wanna feel alive
And get to see your face again"
"I'll make it without you
Though my body's laying here
It's my mouth that must be lying now"
"I'm talking to what's left of you
Watching what I say
Counting all the freckles on your perfect face"
"I need to hear in black and white
That you don't need me now
Say you don't want me
That it's not like it was for you before"
"So don't go away, say what you say
But say that you'll stay"
"I'll be the one that needs you again
And I'll be the one that proposes
In a garden of roses
And truly loves you long after our curtain closes"
"When you're young you just run
But you come back to what you need
This love is good, this love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead
These hands had to let it go free
And this love came back to me"
Words flowed, lyrics lingered; Sasuke dedicated and Sakura listened. Together, they forgave; together, they let go.
"I need to go," Sakura whispered.
They're both silent after a few minutes from listening to his playlist. He could tell she understood. Her misty eyes and her lips swollen from too much biting are a few giveaways. She was nervous and anxious about saying something. Sasuke waited.
"I.. I wanted to say.." she stammered. She was fiddling her engagement ring as she find her words. Then, "It was good to see you again, Sasuke-kun."
Sasuke-kun. He felt like he finally redeemed himself because of that added suffix. He finally earned it back. She knows all that happened, she understands, and she listened to his apologies and regrets.
He will never ask for anything more.
She finally stood up from her swing and started to turn away towards the setting sun when he found his voice.
"Are you happy?"
Sakura looked back at him, her eyes soft and dreamy. A little red from the crying they did earlier but her vivid green still stood out from the dull hues of the snow.
She nodded her head, "I am. And I hope, you are too."
From the lonely swing he was sitting on he answered her, "I will be."
Sasuke watched as her green eyes flooded with moisture and she closed them as she took a deep breath. She was trying not to cry again.
"Is this the last time we'll ever see each other?", he asked.
When she opened her lids, she straightly looked in his black orbs. Their eyes have always been their best assets, and they use it well. Especially at times like this when words don't seem to flow easily.
Her voice was quivering when she answered him, "Maybe." His heart sting a little but then she added, "I don't know.. I hope not.."
He stood up, "Can.. can I be selfish for one last time before you go?"
He was aware that he decided to never ask for anything from her again. She went through so much just by being with him and even right now as they speak. But like she said, maybe this is the last time he'll see her — beautiful and ethereal with the setting sun bathing the snow-covered world behind her, making her rose-colored hair burn in the right way and her glimmering emerald pools pop out with emotions.
Sasuke watched her swallow first, as if sensing that he's gonna ask for something he wasn't supposed to, and she was right. He knows this is ridiculous and inappropriate because she is getting married to someone she is happy with, and she has every reason to deny him of this which he will respect if she does.
But he is Uchiha Sasuke; and he is selfish, and arrogant, and compulsive when confronted with feelings, and irrational when he wants to be.
He is Uchiha Sasuke and she is Haruno Sakura, and only God knows how much he fucking missed her and longed for her and cared for her and loves her.
He loves her. He always will.
And so he took one step, then two, up until he reached her shaking form. With anticipation crawling in his veins, making his skin prick and his lips tingle, he asked his final request.
"Can I kiss you?"
Her mouth opened in surprise, her eyes widen in shock. Her breath comes in puffs, visible in the winter cold. Sasuke waited patiently, offering a silent prayer to her. He doesn't pray to any god now for he believes there is none. But if Sakura heeds his prayer then maybe there really is one.
Seconds felt like infinity until she firmly answered, "No."
His shoulder sagged. He anticipated it, but it still hurt a little. He understands and he respects it, but he still wanted it. He looked down and forced a smile.
"I know. It's okay, I understand. I shouldn't have asked. It's ridiculous and completely absu—"
"Can I kiss you?"
Head whipped upwards as fast as it could that it gave him a sudden whiplash. He saw her soft smile and her even softer eyes and she's just so fucking beautiful it hurts and she's gonna kiss him.
All he could ever manage was to give her a nervous nod. He was like back to zero, no experience with girls and how to act with them. He was like a child being promised of being brought to an amusement park or given a new toy. He was like a high school teenager realizing for the first time that he was finally getting to kiss this girl that he really really likes.
Sakura stepped forward and looked up at his face, eyes roaming around as if watching for a shadow of doubt in it. Sasuke looked back and gave her a look of someone who will never get to have this chance again.
Her bare hands went up and held his face. He helped her by leaning down and pressed his head against hers. He closed his eyes and waited for her kiss.
Sasuke felt her breath on his lips and heard a murmur laced with strawberry scent. Her cold fingers against his jaw tighten for a bit as her words sank in him.
"Thank you, Sasuke-kun."
His heart stopped as he waited for her soft lips on his eager ones, but it broke altogether when he felt them on his forehead.
If it wasn't a sign of them really over; if it wasn't a sign for him to really let her go, then Sasuke doesn't know what it is.
He understands it now. She chose to be with this person she's marrying and she chose to be faithful to him. She chose to settle all tangled knots from her past to get ready for her future — her future without him.
He wanted to cry again but he didn't. He fought it hard, feeling his eyes water behind closed lids as he feels her lips linger on his forehead. He could feel her lips shake as she presses them harder to his skin. He clutched at her waist and gripped her coat hard.
No matter what happens in the future, he had this. He had this last moment with her, and he will be forever grateful.
All that happened was a blur after that. In the end, he remembered not watching her go. He immediately turned around as her lips left him. He wanted his last memory of her to be her smiling face close to him, not her retreating figure in the lonesome park.
No words were said after that. He sat in the swing again, noticing that the sun had finally set. Winter night came howling in and he is alone again.
Sasuke never saw her retreating back, nor her crying eyes, nor her last attempt to look back at him.
He will never know, because he will never see her again.
Sasuke took a deep breath as he walks out of the airport, finally in New York soil. He saw the car that was supposed to pick him up right there in the front. He watched as the driver took his suitcase and put it in the trunk.
All the while, he cracked his neck. He was tired. The flight was long and his brain was fogged with those memories from 3 years ago.
He can say he's doing better now. He really let her go that day, wishing her all the love and happiness she deserves. He really meant every word he said and every thing he did.
To say that he's not missing her would be a lie, though. She still manages to plague his mind sometimes and make him think of what she's doing right now. Where she is, how she's been, how happy she is; all those things. But for his welfare, he decided not to dwell on those things too much.
He's 29 now. 9 years have passed since they broke up, and 3 years since they had their closure. He dated once or twice, but it never really worked out. He really tried those times, but there was just something missing. It didn't feel right.
He isn't rushing through anything. Right now, he's just trying to make his way through every day, one step at a time. Who knows? Maybe this coming year might be the year for his love life. Maybe he will meet someone in his almost 3-week long stay in America. Maybe it's the time to finally open his closed door again.
As he opened the door of the car, he took another deep breath and silently hoped so, too.
(A/N: Songs used are A Lack of Color - Death Cab for Cutie; Echo - Jason Walker; Make It Without You - Andrew Belle; Bulletproof Weeks - Matt Nathanson; Let You Go - Jason Walker; Don't Go Away - Oasis; Happiness - Rex Orange County; and This Love - Taylor Swift (please also listen to Ryan Adams' version of this because it fucking hurts) Thanks!)
part 1 | special chapter
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Not Dreaming of You [Ch 2]
(Because You Won’t Let Me Sleep)
Series- Voltron
Pairing(s)- End Game is Klancelot, with a heavy slight incline toward Keitor simply based on the set up.
Other pairs include minor Shallura, past Rolotor, one-sided Sheith. platonic Plance and even a hint of Heith if you squint real hard.
Characters in this fic in order of most screen time: Keith, Lotor, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, our Lovely Lady Generals, Kuron, Shiro, Allura, Rolo and Nyma
Synopsis: Keith has been tensely living with Lotor for about a year. They aren’t exactly friends, but occasionally they can get along. Suddenly with no explanation their neighbor Rolo moves out and two very noisy whack jobs move in. Somewhere between the loss of Lotor’s old fuck buddy and Keith’s sleep deprivation things start to get a little…odd.
“I’m telling you, there is something wrong with them!”
Chapter 2- Lotor’s favorite smell: Subtle and controlled Pine
When Lotor dragged himself out of bed that afternoon, a glorious day spent lounging in his sheets with his laptop and leisurely managing his online classes, he hadn’t expected to open his front door to Rolo attempting to make his way down the stairs; his meager belongings gathered up unceremoniously in his arms.
“Going somewhere?” Lotor had asked him.
His friend and old bed mate looked at him with crazed brown eyes and Lotor fought every instinct in him that started to scream in concern.
“Uhm. Moving.”
“...in with Nyma?” Lotor offered. Nyma was Rolo’s girlfriend, it made some sense. Well, as much sense as Rolo trying to move so abruptly.
“You know, you’d think that would be...” Rolo eyed the ceiling, sweat breaking on his brow, “I don’t know. I’m going to stay with my family for a bit. Actually...”
Lotor wanted to fight the growing concern more, he and Rolo had always kept shit casual and now Rolo has a steady and surprisingly wonderful girlfriend that Lotor was almost fonder of than him.
It was not his problem to worry over Rolo.
He had his own issues.
All that said, Lotor was extremely concerned.
“You don’t even like your family...?”
Suddenly there was a crash from inside Rolo’s presumably empty apartment as a small girl popped her head out of the front door, “Sorry! Sorry, I slipped, no big deal— oh. Oh, hello stranger. STRANGER who is NOT Rolo and has not yet spoken to LANCE.” Her last word was said like a call rather than the end of her statement.
There was another jumble of noises, a box falling, someone mumbling “ow-ow-ow.” Some thumping like they were bouncing on one foot, and then suddenly there he was.
Lance, presumably.
Lotor blinked at him, then at the small girl, then at Rolo.
“The new tenants? You already have new tenants?”
Rolo nodded.
“...I could live with this,” Lotor mumbled idly. Rolo was the only one who heard him, and he dropped his things and made to shove Lotor hard in the side.
Because, to be fair to Rolo, he did in fact know Lotor rather well.
“H-hey, there...!” Lance started as casually as possible. The girl shoved him into the hall and shuffled about so only her eyes and the top of her head were visible beyond the apartment door as she stared at Lotor through bright hazel eyes.
Lance knelt and started to pick up Rolo’s things, gathering them into a neater pile than what Rolo had previously been carrying and he smiled warmly up at the other two men in the hall.
Lotor eyed him, kneeling on the ground, bright blue eyes reflecting the light in the hallway, gorgeous smile, broad shoulders and seemingly perfect dark skin so very visible due to the man’s baggy dark blue tank.
Ah, goodness, he looked good kneeling.
Lotor considered it for a moment and decided, then and there, he can never meet Keith.
“Do you rent 5A?” Lance offered as the awkward silence started to settle.
Lotor nodded, “I do, you pounced awfully quickly on 5B, I didn’t even know Rolo was moving.”
“Yeah well, Rolo and I are old friends so…”
“Really? Because I’ve known him for three years and he’s never mentioned you before.”
Rolo stood there quietly, twiddling his thumbs before remembering he was supposed to do something. He knelt beside Lance and picked up his things, “I have to take these downstairs, right?” He asked.
Lotor raised a brow.
Lance croaked, “Uh. Yeah. Silly. Of course, you have to take your things downstairs since you’re moving out and all. Ha-ha. Rolo, my man, once you’re done with that can you come straight back inside? Just so we can work out the subletting deal and all.”
He looked at Lotor and bless his pathetically beautiful face, Lotor let him have his crazy bizarre behavior.
Because Lotor wasn’t an idiot.
Dismissive, passive, disinterested maybe.
But he wasn’t an idiot and he was fully aware of the fact that something was very wrong with this picture.
Rolo nodded and got up to start down stairs again.
“And hurry back! No detours! I mean— you know Pidge, all kinds of impatient and I have to live with her, ha-ha...!” Lance called after him.
Lotor quirked a brow but reminded himself to not get involved. The girl at the door slammed her hand into her forehead and disappeared into the apartment.
“W-well it was nice to meet you!” Lance stumbled, getting to his feet. He was almost as tall as Lotor. Suddenly this made him less attractive if only because It meant he had roughly the same adorable height difference with Keith.
Definitely keeping him away from Keith.
If I sleep with him first he can’t have him. That’s a perfectly good reason to get into Lance’s pants, right?
Lotor offered his new neighbor a smile and took his hand, pressing a kiss to the back of his palm, leaving the door open for later.
“It’s been a pleasure, I look forward to your house warming.”
Or bed warming.
Whichever comes first.
Lance stood stock still for a moment as Lotor finished locking up his apartment door. When he turned back to face the stairs he offered the still frozen boy a dashing smile and a wave that he awkwardly returned and traveled down the steps to meet Zethrid and Ezor for lunch.
Lunch turned into standing around with Zethrid while Ezor shopped. Which turned into flagging down Narti who was finally calling it a night in regard to her studying. Acxa was the hardest to get out of the house but once they showed up at her door and Lotor used his patented, “don’t leave me with them!” As if he didn’t adore each of them individually and with all his jaded heart, she gave in and changed out of her pajamas.
Lotor did her eyeliner in the car, per Ezor’s request, and the rest of the night was spent idling around bar to bar as most every night the lot of them managed to get out. IF they were short one they usually ended up at Zethrid or Ezor’s house watching terrible movies while Lotor discussed how they could be done better.
He wasn’t a film major by any means, but it was far more fun to discuss than political science.
Acxa, the law student who Lotor occasionally considered was only his friend so she could get in with his father’s firm when she graduated, opted to be the designated driver.
“I have a quiz tomorrow, don’t want to be nursing a hangover.”
So, it was with Acxa’s continued sobriety in mind that Lotor allowed Narti to order the rounds and downed two glasses of something that tasted deceptively low on alcohol before considering why that might not be a good idea.
See, because Lotor wasn’t as put together as he liked to think he was. And when vaguely inebriated and at a certain level of comfort…
He starts to talk.
Not babble, he wasn’t that kind of drunk.
Just. Casual things.
Things that made him happy.
“Yesterday—Yesterday he really—he was wearing that gaudy red jacket I’m always complaining about you know the one that doesn’t belong on this planet…and he…” Lotor chuckled to himself, sipping at his drink while he tried to keep his conversation going with Ezor who simply smiled fondly at him from across the table, her head in her hands, “I have no idea how he does it but the boy gets himself stuck in the bathroom door. You’d think the jacket is short enough that would be particularly difficult to do. But no, no, my roommate is magical and he just…”
Zethrid rolls her eyes and Acxa taps away at her phone while Narti leans her head lightly on Ezor’s shoulder, a small smile on her face also though her hair falls over her eyes.
“Honestly I blame the jacket. It’s just asking for trouble and the world is trying to tell him to get rid of it.”
“Maybe you should buy him a new one,” Acxa offers without looking up.
Lotor almost spits out the sip of his drink he’d just taken, “What? Why would I do that? We don’t buy each other things that’s. Weird.”
“And going to fuck your neighbor every time the two of you spend more than twenty minutes together isn’t weird?” Zethrid scoffed.
Lotor darted his head back while Ezor giggled and Narti made a ‘tut’ noise.
“Is this the trial of Lotor? I thought we weren’t scheduled for that until next week.”
“Oh! He’s right, see guys that’s March second, Zethrid pull it back, save it for next week,” Ezor laughed, motioning towards nothing in lieu of a calendar.
Lotor rolled his eyes and leaned back against the booth they were currently sitting in, downing his third drink as it all started to dawn on him.
“…My neighbor moved out today.”
All eyes turned to him very abruptly and the mood sunk like a stone.
“Oh no,” said Ezor. Acxa bit her lip and Zethrid rested a comforting hand on Lotor’s shoulder.
“I guess you’ll just have to… I don’t know….” Narti said thoughtfully as she presumably peered through her long heavy bangs toward the ceiling, “Deal with your feelings for your roommate.”
Lotor glowered at her while Acxa chuckled through her nose, taking a sip of her Jamaican cola. She wasn’t Jamaican, but when she was designated driver she liked to try the more fun sodas. So far, this one was her favorite.
“I don’t have feelings for my roommate. He just. Happens to be attractive.”
“Lotor you’ve liked him since you almost crashed your bike into him freshman year.”
Lotor eyed Zethrid like she was really coming for his life, she was really going there tonight.
“Must you?”
She raised a brow.
“Must you attack me in this way, Zethrid?”
Her hand which hadn’t left his shoulder tightened its grip and shook him a bit, “Relax man, just admit it.”
“I don’t have to admit it, there is nothing to admit. I’m just. Going to have to find another easy outlet to sexual frustration. Because that’s all there is to it. Understood?”
Acxa and Ezor eyed each other across the table and Narti tapped on the table, her other hand lightly pressed to her cheek, “Whatever you say Lo.”
Lotor twitched.
Ezor grinned and shoved her friend playfully, “Nice one Narti.”
Zethrid’s hand dropped and she pointed a finger on her other at Narti, “Low blow N.”
“Yeah you know you can’t do that,” Acxa grinned over her glass, “That’s Keith’s name for Lotor.”
Lotor ordered and finished his fourth drink and decided that if the girls were going to play tonight this was his last one.
Two hours later found him suspiciously sensible as he walked up the steps to his apartment alone.
Maybe he should have had a fifth. Or perhaps had less water. It would certainly be easier to sleep with Keith down the hall if he were inebriated enough to just pass out the moment his head hit the pillow.
He remembered how Keith had said that was how he slept. Fast and easy and without a care in the world. It had been a discussion before Keith had signed on to be his roommate, when Lotor had explained to him that Keith would make a tolerable roommate however he would need to put up with Lotor’s late nights.
“Yo for the rent, even if I you woke me up, I’d handle it.”
“It’s a good thing you’re a beggar child.”
As it stood, Lotor was feeling far too sober. Nervous energy was ebbing at his skin and he wondered if Keith was wearing his boxers/t-shirt pajama combo or if he was doing the lounge pants and tank. Or, god help Lotor, was he doing that awful thing where he wore a robe and Lotor had no goddamn idea if he was wearing anything under it.
Not that it mattered. Keith would be behind a closed door at the end of the hall sound asleep and the odds of Lotor being up early enough to see his pajamas given how late he was coming in were slim to none.
Besides, why should he be thinking about his roommate’s pajama choice anyway?
The man was just.
He was.
Maybe Lotor was a little tipsy because then he could blame the little weak fluttering in his chest at the idea of his roommate’s ridiculous antics on the alcohol.
But then he was there. In the kitchen. In nothing but a towel with his damp hair sticking to his neck and pop tart crumbs on his lips and Lotor felt the exact moment his heart decided it no longer wanted to live in his ribcage and started to thrash about wildly demanding its freedom.
He had to fight it. He had to will it down. He forced the heat from his face and took full damn control of his body thank you very much.
“Good Morning, Red.” Nailed it.
As Keith proceeded to talk around the pop tart in his mouth Lotor reminded himself, this is it, this is the man who haunts his dreams.
Ah but damn if he didn’t look… Lotor caught himself eyeing him and realized if he was being too obvious he needed to play it off playfully or face the consequences. How could that even work? Play up ogling your roommate to detract from the fact you were definitely ogling your roommate?
“Darn, and here I thought you’d finally cracked and fallen prey to my charms, that I could have gotten lucky tonight after all. Perhaps there’s still a chance to convince you?”
…Whatever it seemed like it worked.
Then Keith, in all the sultry goodness of a baked potato responds to his playful jibe with, “You want to convince me?”
Goodness there’s still pop tart crumbs on his mouth.
Lotor wants to kiss them off.
Whoops don’t do that don’t.
Lotor forces the smirk to remain on his face and continues their little game. After a jibe about the food on his face he watches Keith clean himself off against the sink and Lotor realizes the flush on his cheeks is just all manner of frustratingly adorable. And maybe he’s a glutton for punishment because now he wants to be closer to Keith. Just a little. Just enough to feel his energy just within reach.
“Maybe I should eat something myself actually. Narti had me try something called a Dirty Bong Water. We had…possibly eight of them.” Lotor lies, trying to continue covering up his behavior while at the same time trying to distract himself as he brushes up against Keith’s bare back in their too small kitchen.
He smells like soap and Lotor’s own shampoo and were he feeling any more sensible he’d call the shorter boy out on it, but he was already well aware of the fact Keith’s shampoo had run out yesterday and hell if the idea that Keith smelled like Lotor even for a minute didn’t make him light headed.
Distraction. Distraction. Must find a distraction.
“We have to go shopping,” He mumbled. It would have been the perfect opportunity to remind Keith to purchase his own shampoo again but at the same time Lotor really didn’t want him to. Regardless, the following bumbled conversation concerned Lotor a bit to the point where he had to turn a sympathetic stare on his roommate.
Because, while not unlike the case with Rolo, Lotor couldn’t help but care when it came to Keith. He tried to tell him to go to bed. Keith agreed, but suddenly he was talking about the new neighbors.
Lotor wasn’t sure if he should be happy that Keith apparently wanted to continue their idle chatter or put out that the boy needed sleep and wasn’t getting it. And then there was the added issue of being reminded that Rolo had gone and honestly right now Lotor could definitely use him.
How long had it been since Rolo and Nyma started dating?
How long had it been since Lotor’s last tryst?
How long was he going to last without one if Keith was going to parade around the house in a towel?
Lotor placed both hands on Keith’s shoulders to push him into the hall, hopefully to sleep. He ignored the nagging in the back of his head that Keith’s skin, clean, pale, smooth and perfect, looked far too beautiful when the added contrast of his own dark hands came into the image. He briefly imagined what it would look like if he gripped the boy’s hips, thumbs pressing into his waist. Would he even like that? Or Keith’s hands against his skin. Small, shy, awkward…
“I didn’t really like him anyway,” Keith explained, regarding Rolo. Lotor released him and tried to settle his breathing.
Besides, he knew that already. Rolo always told Lotor about how poorly his roommate treated him when Lotor wasn’t around. How the boy was rude and agitated and usually avoided Rolo like he was some kind of pariah. He wasn’t sure why Keith disliked Rolo this way, but he had his suspicions.
At least, it certainly seemed Keith was extra irritable whenever Lotor would come back from the other man’s apartment. But then again, it might have just been Lotor’s wishful thinking. For all he knew Keith might have just felt uncomfortable about the whole thing.
Lotor reaches up and releases his hair from the bun he’d tied it into earlier in the day and starts to rake his fingers through it, make it sensible. Keith was standing there looking gorgeous as ever so Lotor sure as hell wasn’t going to disappoint with messy hair.
Keith started to babble about the noisy neighbors and Lotor decided he didn’t need to be so self-destructive and went to brush his teeth. It was silent for a moment as he walked into the bathroom and he wondered if Keith had decided to call it a night. But, on the chance that he hadn’t, and they could continue this conversation for just a bit longer…
“Noisy?” Lotor asked him.
When he finished washing up he casually slipped Keith the mention that he’d gladly visit the new neighbors and he watched the boy’s cheeks flare just a bit. Judging by Keith’s immediate reaction, he must have smiled.
“Which one caught your attention…?” Keith grumbled, his eyes downcast, his arms crossed over his bare chest, his cheeks just the faintest pink. Lotor’s eyes trailed down from Keith’s cheek, past his neck where his damp hair still stuck to it, to his collar bone just ever so slightly protruding and giving Lotor just a little too much to stress over.
Put those thoughts away.
Lotor, again, the master of his person, continued the conversation with a casual lilt and a smile, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Keith.”
They only stood there a few more moments before Lotor decided it was time to call it a night. He needed to curl into his bed and release the tension digging into his chest from just being in such proximity to Keith.
And yet, he did it anyway.
He reached out and roughed up Keith’s cold damp hair. It almost felt like there was still a bit of conditioner in there making it extra soft. But that wasn’t the point. The action made Keith’s lips part slightly and his breathing come out a bit quicker in his surprise and really Lotor had no one to blame but himself for what that was doing to him.
“Nice chatting with you, we should avoid it in the future.”
Keith shivered beneath his hand, “We should. Agreed.”
Lotor removed his hand and made his way down the hall with a wave, “Night, Red.”
“Night, Lo.”
Lotor shut his bed room door quietly and pressed his back against it for a long moment, just breathing, reminding himself to do so. He had total control of himself, his emotions, his actions, his feelings.
And he absolutely did not want that awkward mess of a boy down the hall to be his.
He covered his mouth with his hand and shut his eyes and imagined Keith’s trim waist in his grasp again. He imagined those eyes, thankful to the dark of their apartment for not allowing he be assaulted by those eyes just this once as he normally was, darkened and watching him. Those lips parted, the faintest whisper in his head.
He noticed his other hand was gripping his own thigh tightly and with an irritable groan he pulled himself away from the door and collapsed onto his bed.
This was fine. Being attracted to Keith was fine. Plenty of people were attracted to Keith, the man was gorgeous and fit and perfect. He could stick to this.
But when he finally fell asleep to the thought of crumbs on the corner of his mouth and stumbled flirting and petulant fits over neighbors and Keith’s slightly awkward voice saying stupidly, “You want to convince me?”
Well. Lotor sighed into his pillow. Maybe he was the one who needed more convincing.
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ohholyfanfics · 7 years
Cup of Coffee 0.4|N.Horan
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Summary:  Jade wonders if Niall is rethink being with, and the girls join a rooftop cinema club.
Last Part:0.3
.Smiling at the sight of him waiting for her, he placed a soft kiss on his lips before sitting down across for him. Niall and Jade had made it a thing, were at least three times a week they would meet up for coffee before being thrown into a over demanding day at the office. Today Jade looked too good in Niall’s opinion and he’d let her know that the moment she had sat down making her cheeks flush. He chuckled softly before they both were engrossed in a conversation about their night and morning. Jade's was much more interesting as she had told him about an app, Libby had recently been testing for the social media aspect of Glamour.
“We still on for dinner?” She asked as he held the door open for her. Luckily for her, her office building was only two buildings away while Niall had a ways walk, not that he minded. She watched as his face fell.
“Rain check?” He asked as she smiled and nodded her head. She wasn’t expecting him to drop everything for her, and she was okay with it. Jade knew Niall was running an empire and he needed to be there to make sure everything when smooth sailing. “I’m sorry..” He sighed pulling her to him as she waved it off.
“It’s fine Ni, you have an empire to run.” She responded as she wrapped her arms around her neck pulling his face closer to her. His cologne filled her sense making slightly dizzy. “Besides, i get you all to myself tomorrow night..” She hummed before pressing her lips on his.
Relaxing into her embrace, he pulled her closer wanting to savor the feeling of her lips on hers. Pulling away he rested his forehead on hers with a soft smile. “I promise I’ll make it up to you..” He state as she rolled her eyes pulling away.
“Don’t worry about Ni, now go run that business..” She winked as she stepped away from him and towards her office. Looking back she smiled as he was still standing there, navy suite, gray tie and all. It made her beam with happiness knowing she was the one he’d be thinking about all day.
Walking into the building she was greeted by Libby and Danielle hanging out in the coffee shop in the lobby. Walking over to them, Libby sent her a wink commenting about how Jade was glowing and how there absolutely no way the hot CEO wasn’t giving her some type of action.
“Of course she's getting something Libs..” Danielle teased Jade as her cheeks flushed red as she thought back to her and Niall’s steamy night two days ago. Sure, they had yet to actually be fully intimate but had gone down was more then enough to have her mind raving about what was to come. She wasn’t about to admit that to the girls though.
“Anyways enough about Miss.CEO here.” Libby stated as the elevator door opened and they arrived on their floor. Greeting Monica, they walked farther into the office and towards  the social media department. “I have signed us all up for a club..”
“A club?” Jade asked as Libby nodded her head spinning her chair.
“A rooftop cinema..” She stated as Cathy came out of the conference room. Jade gave her a smile before rushing off towards the room where the editors and writers were gathering for the daily follow up.
“Fill me in at lunch?” She asked as the girls gave he a thumbs up as she walked inside the room taken a seat besides Alex who flashed her a smile.
The meeting was quick assignments where giving and switched around. Jade was glad she was giving the weekly update online. It was a simple but yet popular segment online, Cathy had emailed her the subjects to talk about and the ones to stray from. Jade had been planning to write it sometime between Wednesday and Thursday night. Libby had informed her on the club she had signed them up for as they walked into the kitchen.
“It’ll be fun.” Jade agreed with a smile as she looked up. Her gaze catching the man before her, who sent her a wink making her cheeks flush in embarrassment. It wasn’t that Dave wasn’t an attractive male, cause my God was he a site for sore eyes. It was the fact that she was seeing someone unofficially but still she was seeing someone she very much liked.
So far the day has been brutal for Jade. She had managed to spill coffee all over herself forcing her to barrow something from the fashion department, and to top things off Niall called canceling on the rest of the weeks plans. Jade knew she couldn’t let this bother her, they weren’t even official yet and he did have a business to run. She knew things like this would happen but for it to happen so soon when she was really looking forward to seeing him hurt more than anything else. Sighing as she mixed herself up a drink, she picked up last months segment as she skimmed through.
“Alright there?”
Jumping slightly she turned around coming face to face with Dave again. Smiling, she nodded her head setting her glass down.
“Rough day…” She chuckled as he nodded his head. Dave wasn’t a stranger to the editors and writers. They have seen him multiple times when the big monthly issue meetings are held, but this was Jane’s first time actually having a conversation with him.
“Understandable.” He stated as he made himself a cup of coffee. “Congrats by the new on the new position, you deserve it Jade.” He smiled as her cheeks flushed.
“Thanks Dave, that means a lot to me..” She sighed leaning her bodying on the island between them as he chuckled. He’d read many of her articles before and to say he was blown away was a understatement. The amount of talent and potential the young woman had was out of this world.
“Just recognizing amazing work.”
Looking up at the blue skies above, she let out a sigh as Niall continued to explain his reasoning for cancelling their plans for the second time that week. She understood he carried the world on his shoulders and didn’t always expect him to see her every waken moment of the day, but cancelling like this was starting to do a number in head, and had rethinking her choices for perhaps the fifth time since they started seeing each other. Danielle insists its the lack of communication, while Libby believes its the lack of a title the two have.
“I’m sorry darlin’..” He breathed out as she smiled softly knowing he was most likely tugging on the roots of his hair as he tried to come up with a solution. “It’s not okay babe, I should be able to make time for you..” He sighed as he looked down at his schedule trying to see what he can move around to make time for her, he needed to make time if he wanted this work.
“Hey it’s fine babe..” She breathed as she walked into the coffee shop. “You’re busy and I understand that. Plus this week I’m kinda swamped don’t feel bad.” She stated as she took her order sitting down at a table near the window.
“Do you need anything?’ He asked as she smiled and looked up meeting Dave’s soft smile. She nodded his head as he made a jester at the chair across from her.
“No, I’m fine I promise..”
“You sure..”
“I’ll see you soon?” He breathed out as the guilt started to eat him alive as he started to think of all that he could possibly do to see her at least once before the weekend.
“Of course.”
Hanging her phone up she looked at Dave who gave her a soft smile. As much as she hated to admit it, Dave was a excellent contender in helping her forget the fact that Niall wasn’t able to see her. Dave had somehow found himself int he group of friends, and felt nothing short of welcome by the group, he even joined them for after work drinks yesterday.
“How’s the article coming along?” He asked as she groaned throwing her head back in frustration. He chuckled as she gave him a glare letting him know just how stressful it was. “Hey, be thankful it wasn’t the monthly quiz.” He pointed out as she nodded her head.
“Thank God..” She winked as they both let out a laugh as Libby and Alex danced into the cafe and sat besides the two. It wasn’t long before the four were walking out of the cafe towards the offices but not before setting plans in stone for a low key dinner at a restaurant following their day.
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Sighing, Jade looked back at the empty word document before her, as she heard the from door slam shut knowing Libby is most likely home from work. Looking up she was greeted by her four best friends. A soft smile made it’s way onto her face as she saw the bags of take out.
“Take out and shitty alcohol?” Libby asked with a smile as jade laughed and nodded her head making room for everyone.It wasn’t long before they were all a mess of tangled limbs, as a shitty movie was playing on the screen as together the five of them managed ti collect enough ideas, rather how stupid or observed they sounded, Jade was able to complete her article and sent it in.
“So what are we doing Friday again?” David asked as he watched Alex and Jade play a heated gave of connect four on their group chat.
“Roof top cinema club..” Jade stated as Libby nodded her head with excitement flowing through her body as she went on to explain what would be going down.
“And we are going because?” Alex stated taken a break from his game as Jade took her turn.
“Jade here needs a little break, between work and Niall she needs as much of her free time taken up as possible!” Danielle stated as she refilled her cup.
“Niall?” David asked confused not knowing just who they were talking about.
“Yeah, Horan you know him?” Alex asked as he took a turn and groaning as Jade let out a loud cheer.
“As in CEO Niall Horan?”
“How do you know him?” He asked Jade as her cheeks turned an unhealthy shade of scarlet, causing the group as well as Dave to let out a chorus of laughs.
“They’re dating!”
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greengargouille · 7 years
Korotan A: chapter 6
(Hello everyone! In Nagisa and Terasaka’s quest toward better English skills, they went during last chapter to the land of dreams that is America. But Japan also have places where dreams do come true, and those places are maid cafés!
Also, there is Karma in this chapter. I thought some of you would like to know.
This chapter wouldn’t be possible without @blazardragon​, or at least not with this quality. As always, thank you for this! (Blazard is also working on Korotan D, by the way. Everyone go check it out!))
Chapter 6: At the maid café on Saturday
Terasaka was getting ready to leave the school building when Nagisa called out to him.
“Terasaka! -What? -Don’t you want to study together for Monday’s English exam? I’m a bit anxious...” Nagisa told him. “Dumbass, there’s nothing to do with vocabulary besides memorise it! -But if we study together by asking each other questions, it will be faster! -Try to handle it by yourself, it’s only English vocabulary after all.” replied Terasaka with a weird face. “As for me, I have things to do this afternoon!”
On those words, Terasaka walked away with huge steps. Nagisa continued following him with his eyes as he crossed the courtyard.
Worrying about Nagisa blanking out, Kayano spoke to him.
“What happened, Nagisa? -I said to Terasaka that we should study together, but he refused by pretending he had things to do. -’Things to do’, let’s see... Ah!?”
Kayano clapped her hands when she understood something by looking at Terasaka from afar. “Look, look!” Kayano pointed to Terasaka, who was discussing with Takebayashi. “So that was it...” Nagisa understood immediately what Kayano meant to say. “Let’s follow them! -Yes!”
They followed Terasaka and Takebayashi who descended the mountain on which was their school building. Once at the train station, they made sure the two boys took the train and followed suit.
At the moment the doors were closing, Karma jumped inside.
“Hello! Are you playing detectives?” he said to them. “Of course not.” explained Nagisa. “We’re chasing Terasaka to study English vocabulary together... And you, why are you here? -Because you two looked defenseless walking together. I thought you might need protection and it would be a good opportunity to go fish for some scum, who won’t fail to catch you up. -Scum fishing...” repeated Kayano, jaded.
After travelling by train, they continued to follow Terasaka and Takebayashi when the two stopped in their tracks...
“Just as we thought!” Nagisa and Kayano shouted with a knowing look. “They’re in front of the Shirokuro maid café! -Let’s go!” said Nagisa. “Wait, we’re going in there, you sure?” asked Kayano. “If we don’t take action, they might do something foolish!”
Nagisa entered the maid café without hesitation. “So this is one of those maid cafés I’ve heard so much about!” With an interested look, Karma inspected the entrance before going in, and Kayano followed him nervously.
“Welcome, master!” Maids in a gothic¹ costume greeted them.
The atmosphere impressed Nagisa who shivered an instant. “How cute!” They said at the same time. Nagisa and Kayano were surrounded by multiple maids, who repeated endlessly “cute”, “cute”. Karma put some distance with them and looked at the scene with an amused look.
“Such a cute master, I’m so happy!” A maid with cat ears lead the three of them at a table. Nagisa looked here and there. “So that’s what a maid café looks like! -It’s your first time coming here, Nagisa?” asked Karma. “Of course! -It’s also my first time...” Kayano found necessary to inform them, while she looked at all the cute decorations with surprised eyes. “I don’t see Terasaka nor Takebayashi. -They might be near the back.” said Karma. “Let’s get a closer look then...” suggested Nagisa.
Just as he tried to stand up, a cat-eared maid brought the menu. “What will you choose, master? -Well, it’s, that is to say...” Not used to being called ‘master’, Nagisa, flushed red, glanced at the menu opened by the maid. “There’s more than tea and ice cream cups... Ah, there’s also games!” Nagisa thought out loud. “Yes, there is! ‘Transformation into a Moe Moe maid’, ‘Moe Moe thrill game’, ‘Moe Moe punishment’...”
As the maid listed all the games, Kayano patted Nagisa’s arm and told him: “There’s Terasaka and Takebayashi!”
The two were seated at the back of the restaurant. When their drinks came, a maid blew on their cup of hot tea. In total opposition with his attitude in class, Takebayashi stuck out his chest and seemed relaxed. Inversely, Terasaka smiled nervously and showed a nervous face
“Takebayashi clearly is the ‘King of Moe’. However, Terasaka has no class. -Uh... Doesn’t Terasaka have a normal reaction, actually?”
Takebayashi reacted upon hearing Nagisa’s voice.
“Nagisa? What are you all doing here? -We should study our English, right?” replied Nagisa. “Let me have my Saturday to have fun! And stop following me!” specified Terasaka. “If you’re fluent with your vocabulary then it’s fine by me, but are you confident enough? -Yes I am.” affirmed Terasaka. “Then let’s test you... A ‘Moe Moe Scrabble’, please!’ ordered Nagisa to the waitress, then added: “You need to put letters together like for crosswords. If you use the Q or Z, you’ll get a lot of points. -Thank you for your order! If you get a good score at the ‘Moe Moe Scrabble’, you will get a comfort-gift from our maids. -Woah, that’s worth it!” claimed Terasaka with a big smile.
A maid with cat ears brought the Scrabble. Under her eyes, Nagisa and the others put letters together.
“You will be able to admire my speciality.” Takebayashi showed off while placing a word and making his glasses sparkle. “‘DIMENSIONAL’... What does that means?” asked Nagisa. “It comes from ‘Dimension’. The D in ‘2D’ is from ‘Dimension’. -That’s quite a move, Takebayashi! -Then what do you think about this?”
Terasaka lined up his letters one after the other.
“‘QUIZ’! It have both a Q and a Z, impressive!” said Nagisa. “Well, it was written here.” explained Terasaka, pointing to the menu displayed on the wall: ‘Moe Moe Quiz with the maids!’. “You’re cheating!” claimed Kayano. “Eh eh! No rule stopping you from looking at the walls.” snickered Terasaka.
The cat-eared maid counted the points: “Impressive! More than twenty points! -It’s your turn, maid!” suggested Nagisa.
The word she placed on the gameboard was ‘TENTACLES’. “Uh?” Nagisa observed the maid and finally noticed she was actually Korosensei in a costume!
“Please relax and enjoy a good shoulder massage! -It’s you!” said Terasaka while pushing back the tentacles fondling his shoulders. “Even I can’t feel a thing for an octopus maid. -Don’t be upset, let’s have some fun in the land of Moe!”
Korosensei sat down at Terasaka’s table to enjoy a cup of ice cream.
“Strangely, you’re the one blending in the most with your surroundings, Korosensei!” said Terasaka.
While keeping an eye on Terasaka, Nagisa lined up letters to form the word ‘MEID’. “Nagisa, what’s this?” asked Korosensei. “‘Maid’, like in ‘Maid café’...” replied Nagisa. “It’s wrong.” replied Terasaka immediately, then continued. “The correct word is ‘MAID’ with an A. Misspelling ‘maid’ in a maid café, that takes the cake! You deserves a punishment! -What!? -Look at their menu. There’s a whole part for punishment games, isn’t there? Choose one!” added Korosensei. “Then, this one!” replied Nagisa while pointing toward the ‘Moe Moe Russian roulette’ game. “What, what, why did you order that?” asked Korosensei. “Well it’s written here: ‘Among the doll-shaped cakes is one really spicy cake’. I love this version of the Russian roulette!” Nagisa said with enthusiasm.
The maid brought a plate on which were multiple cakes.
“This’s a fun event, the games here are a bit old-fashioned but amusing! So, which one should I take?” Nagisa slowly said. Korosensei, distracted by the sweets, asked curiously: “Why do you like that game so much? -That doesn’t concern you…” replied Nagisa, irritated. “While we’re at it, we might as well all play together! It’ll be more fun that way.” suggested Korosensei.
The cat-eared maid explained the rules of the game: “You need to eat your cake in one bite. That’s the point of the ‘Moe Moe Russian roulette’!”
At her signal, Terasaka, Takebayashi, Nagisa, Kayano, Karma, Korosensei and the maid as well each ate a cake.
“This one is good! Who’s the unlucky one?” asked Kayano. “Unfortunately it’s not me. When you’re lucky enough to get the spicy cake, you win a reward.” explained Takebayashi.
As soon as he explained, Terasaka coughed.
“What is this thing? It’s super spicy! -One of the cakes has a strong dose of ‘Bhut Jolokia’ pepper.” explained the maid. “That’s also one of my best stratagems!” shouted Karma while pulling two peppers from his bag. “Seriously!?”
Terasaka drank a big glass of water then attacked Korosensei’s cup of ice cream. But he suddenly stopped and coughed again.
“What is this thing? It’s super spicy! -You idiot. I had prepared it specially for Korosensei, but you ended up eating it...” said Karma with a devilish smile.
(¹The use of ‘gothic’ both troubled blazard and I, but this seems to be in the original text. Yet the illustrations (and the part about the café in chapter 78/those special OVA from season 2) show the uniform is pretty much classic maid. Looking around, it seems Japanese Goth fashion tends to be more elaborated, with tendencies toward long skirts and lace (is this an influence from Gothic Lolita?). Anyways, it’s probably best not to think about it too much. Just think of your classic maid.)
((Note: Next chapter might take some time, as it’s baseball-related, and as a good French I don’t know a thing about baseball, so finding which word is the translation of what is a bit... difficult.))
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