#I think you should be able to get unsafe water out of ice fishing holes
toysoldieralan · 2 years
Specifically, in the Long Dark. Rant below.
Eating raw meat by accident is a nearly impossible thing to do in real life, so why does your character do it in game?
“How are you eating it accidentally?” I hear you ask. Well, I’m on Xbox, and you have to use the A button to enter a portion of your inventory. It just so happens that A is also the button to eat something in your inventory. And wouldn’t you know it, very infrequently my menu opens with an item already selected. So I harvest too much raw meat from an animal, try to go into my inventory to drop some, and since I’ve already got the raw meat selected for some reason, I  shove it into my mouth and chow down. Doesn’t matter how quickly I cancel, I still get food poisoning.
“Don’t be careless when interacting with menus!” I hear some assholes among you cry. It’s not a matter of being careless, It’s a matter of menus being very infrequently inconsistent. And even then, it’s a problem with your character not being able to tell, when biting into a piece of meat, that it’s completely raw compared to cooked. It’s not a mistake you can make, like slipping off a cliff, or forgetting to bring enough supplies on an expedition, or going to sleep when it’s too cold and dying. Each bite would have to be intentional. 
My suggestion is an accessibility option to prompt you before eating raw meat. 
Here’s my reason for why it makes sense to have it. They have an option to enable an auto-walk button, By the same logic people would use to argue against my idea, why have this as an option? If you don’t want to use the auto walk button, don’t press it. They should just have the option enabled for everybody and if you press it by accident then you’re being careless and deserve the consequences.
This argument is, of course, bullshit. The reason it’s an option is because they want people to be able to customize their experience. It’s the same reason they have different difficulties and don’t make everybody play on interloper. If you want the option to eat raw meat by accident, I think you should have that right. But I also think I should be allowed to have one extra safeguard against my character shoving a raw steak in their mouth against my wishes.
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