#I think they’re called Peter Pan Collars or something like that not sure
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tonariofjananda · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday Mizuha!!! 4/6
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(I’m a little late to the party sorry 💔)
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bruisedboys · 2 years ago
congrats on 3k ml, so so proud of you, you deserve it and so much more! and if i haven’t said this sooner, i’m in love with your account and your writing is gorgeous, you’re just so incredibly talented, and aerial too <3
I was wondering if I could have KNIVES OUT please? i’ve been in a bit of a rut lately, not really feeling the best all of a sudden and was thinking of something comfort related with pete. maybe something with breathe (muse a holds muse b closely to help them wind down after a stressful day/event) and possibly with a bit of o4 (sender offers receiver an earbud to share their music), maybe as a way to say that they’re there for them without having to say the words and that they’re here to listen when they’re ready to talk?
thank you so much for considering my request and take your time. congratulations again on yet another milestone!
thank you for your request lovely! this was such a good one I loved writing it. and I hope u feel better soon angel!!! x
summary: peter helps you feel better after a bad day
gn!reader 0.9k words
You’re close to tears by the time you get to Peter’s. It’s been a hard day. Your heart hurts and your mind is tired and your body is unfortunately taking the toll. Your limbs ache and your head pounds. Plus, it’s raining, which never helps.
You let yourself in because he gave you a key months ago, along with a little spiderman keyring that you think is simultaneously awful and adorable. At least it makes you smile every time you look at it.
You shed your jacket and shoes at the door, hang your bag on the hook he’d added for you next to his. You can hear him in the kitchen, cutlery and pots and pans jostling around.
“Peter?” You call.
No response, but you think you can hear him humming. He must have his earbuds in.
You make your way to his tiny kitchen, with its overgrown plants that have managed to claim the entire windowsill, and the colourful mismatch of mugs collected over years of thrift shopping. Sure enough, Peter’s stirring something that smells like tomato soup at the stove, earbuds lodged in his ears, the wire threaded under his shirt and into his jeans pocket. He’s humming a song, head bopping as he stirs, and it makes your heart smile.
“Hi, Peter.”
Peter starts, then relaxes when he sees it’s you. A smile stretches across his face like a sunrise. Slow and beautifully warm and golden. He puts down his wooden spoon and takes out his earbuds, letting them dangle over his shirt collar.
“Y/N,” he says, and the way he says your name makes your chest ache. Like he was meant to say it. Like it’s his favourite word in the world. Like maybe he loves you more than you or him can even comprehend. “Hi, honey. I didn’t hear you come in.”
The corner of your mouth lifts in the whisper of a smile. “It’s okay,” you shrug. You peer at the rich red substance on the stove. “Is that tomato soup?”
Peter grins. “Yes, ma’am. I thought we’d have that and grilled cheese.” He strides across the floorboards until he’s right in front of you. You’re suddenly overwhelmed by how lovely and homely he looks. With his soft blue t-shirt, his hair all mussed, freckles glowing in the warm kitchen light. He smells like tomato and garlic and butter. He takes your face in one hand and drags his thumb over your cheekbone. “What d’you think?”
You almost forget what he was talking about in the first place. You blink, overwhelmed by his closeness, by the presence of him. He feels very safe. Safer than you’ve felt all day.
“Sounds good,” you say weakly. You know you sound funny. It hadn’t meant to come out that way, but you were already feeling bad and he’s come along and been so lovely that all of it combined is gonna make you cry.
Peter smiles again, and dips his head to kiss your forehead. His warmth is intoxicating. You want to hug him so badly it hurts. He pulls away, his hand still at your jaw, and he must catch the look on your face because his eyes are suddenly all concern.
“Are you okay?” He asks, suddenly a little bit urgent. “You look sad. You’re not sick, are you?”
You shake your head. “No. Um, no, I’m not sick. I just, um.” You swallow. It’s hard to tell him, because you don’t want to ruin how happy he is. But you know he’d want you go tell him the truth. “I had a hard day today.”
Peter melts, makes a pitying noise that’s so nice your chest hurts. He takes your face in both hands now, and steps closer so his arms are lodged between your chests.
“Aw, baby. Why didn’t you call me, hm? I’d’ve picked you up earlier.”
You try to shake your head again but it’s hard when he’s got his hands all over your face.
“Pete, it’s okay,” you tell him. “It wasn’t anything in particular, really.” You shrug. It’s hard to explain, but you know he’s always patient with you so you don’t try to explain it all now. “I’m just happy I’m here now.”
Peter smiles at that. It’s pretty in its softness. Gentler than the big grins he gives you when you make a joke. Soft as warm butter. “I’m happy you’re here, too. Hey, you can stay that night, if you’d like. Would you like to?”
Just the thought of it makes you want to cry. He’ll probably talk to you later tonight about your day, help you get to the root of the problem and then work through a solution with you. He’s good at that.
“Yeah, I’d love to,” you say, desperately trying not to give in to the growing urge to cry. Only, now you don’t know if it’s because you’re sad or happy. “That’d be nice.”
Peter hums as he drags his thumbs under your eyes, his skin calloused against the soft, velvety, skin there. He studied your face for a moment. Then,
“You want a hug?”
You smile. He knows you too well. “Yeah, please.”
He hugs you so tight it’s almost hard to breathe. Then he lets you share his earbuds and he puts on your favourite song while you stir the soup and he cooks up two grilled cheese in the pan. The earbud wire stretches dangerously and they fall out of your ears every two seconds, but it’s worth it to be next to him.
It’s safe to say your bad day is saved.
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jlalafics · 4 years ago
"The Long Weekend"-Part One
Happy belated birthday @keelaree!
Hope you enjoy this first part. Thank you for being such a wonderful part of my writing life, and an even better friend. Can't wait till we can reunite in SF, so we can tea time together and eat soup dumplings.
Love you!
Summary: Two assistants who barely tolerate each other. One snowy cabin. One very long weekend.
Oh, and one bed.
“I’m making the turn now, Haymitch,” Peeta told his boss as he navigated the icy road. “Should have everything prepped and ready by the time you and Effie arrive.”
“Thanks,” Haymitch replied over the speakerphone. “I should tell you that I did ask for someone to help you out. Someone who knows Effie better than I do sometimes—”
Peeta slowed his car as he spotted the cozy cabin in front of him. However, he grimaced seeing the red Jeep already parked on its side.
“You didn’t.”
“Peeta, Katniss knows Effie very well,” his boss said calmly. “Just like you know me. I know that you two don’t get along—”
“Understatement of the year,” Peeta replied as he parked roughly.
“This is important. I’m proposing to Effie and I want it to be perfect,” Haymitch explained. “Katniss knows all the foods she likes to eat, and how to decorate the place to make it comfortable yet romantic. Effie and I are finishing up our meeting with Mr. Snow then we’ll be making our way up to the cabin for the holiday weekend. I’ll call you when we’re on our way so you and Katniss can take off—that is if you haven’t murdered one another by then.”
“I’m only doing this because I’m your assistant,” he called out.
“You could at least like me!” Haymitch joked. “I pay you an obscene amount for an assistant.”
“Katniss probably gets paid more.”
“Well, she picks up tampons for Effie without being asked so probably.”
“Everything will be ready by the time you get here,” Peeta promised. “And I’m doing this because I like and respect you.”
“Thank you, Peeta. Call you soon.”
Peeta Mellark sighed as he stepped out of his car, bags in hand. The snowy wind picked up and he wrapped his parka tighter around himself before rushing up to the porch. It was getting worse up here, and he hoped that the soon-to-be engaged couple would make it safely.
Getting out the key that Haymitch lent him, Peeta unlocked the door and quickly stepped in to keep the cold air from entering with him.
“Oh, you’re finally here.” Katniss Everdeen sailed into the room, placing a charcuterie board on the coffee table in the center of the sitting room. “I thought you died or something.”
Peeta gave her a wry smile, placing the bags on the floor before shaking off his parka and hanging it on the hook by the door.
“Thought or hoped?” He searched his bag before pulling out the champagne that Haymitch asked along with the two glasses. Going to the table, Peeta placed them on the table before going back to the bag for the champagne bucket. “Is there ice?”
“The fridge has an ice machine,” Katniss informed him tersely, nodding her head towards the left. “I’ve already gotten their dinner started.”
“Not surprised.” Peeta walked into the kitchen, heading to the stainless-steel fridge. “You’re so anal that you’ve probably carved those little radish flowers for garnish.”
“They’re in the fridge so they’ll be fresh.”
Peeta wasn’t sure why they didn’t get along.
For one, Katniss was admittedly attractive with her long dark, and almond-shaped grey eyes. The first time he saw his stomach had definitely done a little flip. She had been walking alongside Effie, notebook in hand, wearing a fitted black dress with a peter pan collar and paying scant attention to anything else around her.
She literally knocked him to the ground.
Katniss had apologized, holding out her hand to help him up.
And Peeta had fucking tingled at her touch.
Over the next few days as he learned the ropes of being Haymitch Abernathy’s assistant, Peeta noticed her across the hall. Effie Trinket’s office was directly adjacent to his boss’ and Katniss’ desk was in the same spot as his.
She kept her head down, never acknowledging him, so wrapped up in her work or answering her phone.
So, Peeta asked around.
“She’s an ice queen,” Cato, who was in Marketing, informed him. “Never wants to hang out with anyone or even join in during happy hour. It’s important here to form relationships with everyone. Panem Industries is all about workplace harmony and Katniss embodies none of that.”
“Yeah, she’s snooty, too,” Clove from IT added. “I once asked her something about her family and she replied that it was none of my business. Like I was just trying to get to know her!”
“Wow. I guess if Katniss is that much of a head case, then I shouldn’t bother to ask her for help,” he told the two.
After that, during any interaction, she treated him indifferently…cold even. Peeta couldn’t help but be disappointed that Cato and Clove’s words were true.
And that was the end of his fascination with Katniss Everdeen.
“You want to get out here and help me or was the ice machine too hard for you to maneuver?” Katniss suddenly called out.
Peeta quickly filled the bucket and stepped out.
Katniss was bent over the couch, arranging the pillows, and he felt a heat rush through his skin.
There was also the slight twinge in his crotch at seeing a firm apple-bottom in tight ski pants.
It seemed that Katniss Everdeen had a bigger effect on him than he realized.
Peeta Mellark had a huge effect on her.
Katniss struggled to keep the heat off her cheeks as she fixed the pillows that she bought for the cabin. Effie loved those cheesy sayings, so she went on Etsy and ordered custom-made pillows with her favorite quotes.
No one should spend so much time arranging pillows, but Katniss could feel his stare on her. It made her nervous…and tingly.
However, these feelings didn’t belong—especially in a work situation and she needed this job.
Taking a breath, Katniss turned…to find Peeta right behind her.
He jumped back, startled by her abrupt movements.
Whoa—was he checking her out?
“Why were you so close?” she blurted out.
“Sorry. It looked like you were confused about how pillows worked,” he replied, rolling his eyes. “You were there for a millennium.”
“Funny.” She sighed at the amusement in his gorgeous blue eyes—stop it!—and steeled her expression. “Do you think you could help me set up this romantic dinner for our bosses instead of standing there like an ass-licker?”
“You mean asshole.”
“I stand by my words,” Katniss replied and was surprised when he chuckled, his eyes crinkling as he did. She couldn’t help but let her mouth rise. “The table is in that closet next to the door. I got some table linens from a vintage shop that Effie likes last week.”
“Wow, you’re really on top of it,” Peeta remarked, going to the closet. “How do you have time for a life?”
She didn’t.
As in, Katniss didn’t have a life.
She had work, she had a home, but a social life was non-existent. Katniss knew what everyone said about her; that she was cold and distant, never wanting to be part of the team. It never bothered her because she did have her reasons.
So, she was surprised at how hurt she was when she heard Peeta call her a headcase.
Katniss hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, only passing the breakroom to get to the copy machine. However, she stopped at the mention of her name.
Cato’s words were no surprise, though he failed to mention that her iciness was due to him inappropriately putting his arm around her and telling her that they should get to know each other on a personal level. Katniss also didn’t trust Clove for shit; she was the office gossip.
It hit hard to know that the one person who had made her tingle was so easily influenced by two douchebags.
Katniss had decided, then and there, that if Peeta didn’t see past her exterior, then he must be like the rest of them.
“I’m very organized,” she replied. It came out harder than she intended. “I have to be.”
Peeta had already set up the table in front of the fireplace.
“Well, it’s in your favor,” he told her. “You’re a good assistant.”
Katniss looked up in surprise. “You think I’m a good assistant?”
Peeta snorted. “Like you didn’t know it—where are the tablecloths?”
She handed him a beautiful fuchsia tablecloth followed by a cream lace one.
“Fuchsia first then layer it with the lace,” she told him. “I always hope I am. Effie is a great boss and she’s so supportive about work-and-homelife balance. I want to make sure this is all perfect for her.”
Katniss helped Peeta straighten the cloth, smoothing it down and making sure that there were no wrinkles. They settled into a light conversation about working with their respective bosses while setting the rest of the table. While Peeta worked on the place settings, he told her about how he admired Haymitch’s down-to-earth attitude despite being one of the most successful people in the company.
She arranged the florals in the center of the table while telling him how she had worked two jobs prior to getting this one.
“I was a waitress and housekeeper before this,” she revealed. “I was working a crazy lunch rush when I met Effie. We got to talking because she noticed how I met her coffee exactly the way she liked it despite my ragged expression—her words not mine. Effie kept on coming in, and a month after we met, she offered me the assistant job. Said she like my gumption.”
“That’s really cool,” Peeta said. He set down one of the forks he was cleaning and met her eyes. “You know, this is the first time we’ve really talked. I kind of believed you thought of me as your enemy.”
“I thought the same thing.” Katniss placed a folded napkin on the plate in front of her. “You called me a head case.”
His blue eyes widened, shocked at her words. Slowly, she could see in his eyes, the memory of his words.
“I didn’t know you heard that,” he said quietly. “I didn’t mean it and I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine!” Katniss stood up abruptly. The pain of his words churned in her stomach. “I know that everyone talks about me. In my defense, Cato was completely inappropriate when we first met. I thought acting like a bitch would stave him off. Clove has no filter—”
Peeta’s brows furrowed at her sudden coldness.
“I realize that now—one year later…is that why you completely ignore me? Why you act like the sight of me makes you sick?”
“I do not!” Katniss cried out into the room. “You avoid me at all costs!”
“Because the one time that I attempted to ask you a question—you brushed me aside!” he shouted. “If you had bothered to talk to me, I wouldn’t have believed what people said in the first place—” Peeta’s phone rang, and he quickly picked up, seeing his boss’ face on his screen. “Haymitch? You on your way? What? No, I haven’t looked outside—”
Katniss rushed to one of the front windows, pulling back the curtain.
White everywhere.
She couldn’t even see her car and it was bright fucking red!
“They’re not coming.”
Turning, Katniss found Peeta putting his phone in his pocket as he approached.
“The snowstorm came unexpectedly, and the roads are blocked. They’re staying at Effie’s to wait it out while we…are stuck here until it passes.”
The good thing was that the house was fully equipped. Food was stocked in the fridge since the couple had planned to stay for the long weekend. Both he and Katniss had even brought Haymitch and Effie’s luggage so there had clothing.
“Well, dinner must be ready,” Katniss informed him with a sigh. “If you want to get more comfortable, you can probably change to something of Haymitch’s. I have a call to make before my phone dies and then I’ll pull the food out of the oven.”
Peeta nodded numbly, grabbing Haymitch's duffle and going to the opposite open door where the bedroom was. He tossed the bag on the bed—
The one bed.
Turning, he rushed out of the room to look for his female counterpart. “Katniss!” He found the sitting room empty and headed into the kitchen.
“Yes, I’ll be fine,” she spoke quietly into the phone. “Just be nice to Johanna, okay? I’ll be home soon.” Her voice sounded completely different, light and happy—even affectionate. “I love you, too. Good night.”
He knocked on the archway and she turned to him.
“We have a problem,” he told her. “There’s only one bed.”
“And the couch is really just a loveseat,” Katniss mused as she pulled the food—steak with roasted asparagus and potatoes. Her expression was pained, and she blew out a breath. “I don’t really want to think about this right now. Why don’t we just eat?”
Peeta quickly nodded in agreement, rushing to the sitting room, and grabbing their plates.
“Why don’t you let me set this up?” he told her, seeing how frazzled she seemed. “Have a seat. Open the champagne—”
Katniss laughed and the sound of her lightened the load on his chest.
“You trying to get me drunk, Mellark?”
Peeta smirked. “If it makes you like me, then yes.”
“Fine, fine…” Katniss sauntered off towards the doorway. She stopped at the archway and their eyes met. Her gaze was nervous, but he could see the warmth in her greys. “You’re not my enemy, Peeta. And…I like you more than you think.”
Katniss disappeared, but not before he spied the blush on her cheeks.
Peeta felt another twinge. This time—in his chest.
Instead of sitting at the table, Katniss grabbed Effie’s luggage, a classic Louis Vuitton that cost more than her old Jeep, and brought it to the bedroom.
The one bedroom. With the one bed.
A sudden image of herself spooned contentedly against Peeta in that very bed rose in her mind—
“Stop tripping off him!” she chided herself.
Distractedly, Katniss opened the bag, sorting for something remotely comfortable in her boss’ luggage. However, it looked like Effie was expecting some sort of kinky weekend. The only sleepwear she had was a tiny red number that Katniss would probably bust out of; Effie was a tiny but fierce woman.
Maybe she could borrow something from Haymitch’s pile—
“I’m coming!” she called out before stuffing Effie’s lingerie back into the back.
Walking back into the room, Katniss saw that Peeta had already placed the plates on the table. He stood waiting for her, looking obnoxiously handsome as he had the day they met.
That first time, she had knocked him to the ground so caught up in following with Effie’s rapid pace. When Katniss held out her hand to him, she was caught up in the open smile he gave her. Then it was the gold waves along his forehead, which Katniss desperately wanted to brush back and the blue of his eyes—they had a tinge of grey in them.
For a moment, she was just a girl, and he was just a boy. Peeta didn’t know anything about the rumors of her iciness or how someone like her, with no college degree, managed to get a position like hers.
In that moment, Katniss was pure.
“You alright?” Peeta asked, interrupting her moment down memory lane.
“Yes.” She let him help her into her seat. “I was just thinking about something.”
“Was it the one bed thing?” he joked. “I’m fine with sleeping on the floor—”
Katniss held her hand up. “Let’s be grownups. It’s a big bed and we can put a pillow between us.”
“Very to the point,” Peeta replied, holding up his champagne glass. “To being grown-ups.”
“To being grown-ups.” She clinked her glass to his and took a full gulp. The liquid bubbled through her, making her laugh. “Wow, that’s some good shit.”
Peeta guffawed. “We’re going to have some fun.”
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forasecondtherewedwon · 4 years ago
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Only in a Sitcom
Fandom: WandaVision Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Jimmy Woo Rating: T
Summary: Darcy has no idea what the hell’s going on with this WandaVision thing, but neither does Jimmy. It’s kinda fun to have somebody to binge-watch alternate reality TV with.
read ch. 1 one / 2 two / 3 three / 4 four / 5 five 6 six / 7 seven / 8 eight / 9 nine / 10 ten 11 eleven / 12 twelve / 13 thirteen / 14 fourteen 15 fifteen / 16 sixteen / 17 seventeen / 18 eighteen
this fic is now complete!
Darcy, Jimmy, and Monica have been working their way across Westview in as straight a line as possible, knocking on every door in every cute little cul-de-sac in their path. It was Jimmy who asserted they should never put their backs to a dangerous situation, but Monica who overruled that statement, pointing out that they were more likely to stay focused if they didn’t keep staring at the fight in the sky.
Darcy thinks they were both right. There’s a tingle rippling up and down the back of her neck, like she gets when she’s up in the middle of the night, spooked by shadows her anxious, overtired mind is too eager to turn into monsters, but the heebie-jeebies give her the energy to work quickly. She takes on an entire crescent on her own, readying people for a departure she’s certain they’ve been longing for. As she’s coming out the crescent’s other end, she realizes the Hex is getting brighter; the red storm clouds are being sucked back into themselves to leave a thin daylight.
Standing at the corner, she watches Jimmy and Monica emerge from the street opposite. Darcy jogs over, wincing. Wanda could’ve put orthotics in these Escape Artist boots. They’re blistering her feet.
“This has to be a good sign, right?” she asks, motioning to the calm skies.
“Look,” Monica instructs. She jerks her chin and Darcy and Jimmy follow her line of sight to see Wanda, Vision, and the twins coming up the main road.
Darcy gasps.
Wanda’s gone from bumming-around-the-house sweats to battle-ready chic. With her armour-like bodice, gloves that leave those magic fingers free, and an usually-shaped tiara framing her forehead, she’s both intimidating and otherworldly. But she’s smiling. Darcy would call it a sad smile and it hurts her heart to see it, even though she doesn’t understand.
As Wanda passes them with her hand held fast in Vision’s, she turns her head to nod at Monica. It’s in her eyes too, the same thing that’s in her smile. Something tired but present. Gone are the comedically darting glances of her persona as the bumbling new girl in town and the frazzled energy of a mom trying to corral a couple of superkids. It looks like she’s finally letting go of the illusion/delusion.
“Can we do anything for her?” Jimmy asks as the family continues on down the middle of the street.
“No,” Monica says. “The rest is for Wanda to do on her own.”
“We might as well head back towards the center of town,” Darcy says. “We don’t need to waste time at the edges. They’ll be the first to wake up.”
She points to where the Hex is shimmering on the horizon. The seconds pass and the shimmer looks messier, a weave of overlapping wires fritzing with energy. The edge is coming closer, but unlike when Wanda pushed the boundary farther, closing it around Darcy and her S.W.O.R.D. nemeses, this isn’t menacing. Wanda’s powers are no longer looking to consume more territory, they’re contracting. Faster than the incoming wave of the walls, the Hex goes dark. The red glow is intensely magical in the sudden night.
The three of them fan out, hitting the houses in their new route, and make their way back to the town square. They’ve been telling everyone to remain in their homes until they receive further instructions to evacuate, but Darcy spots a figure on the sidewalk by the department story. It’s Agnes, except… not as they saw her lately. No wild hair or billowing, layered outfit. No levitation. Darcy’s wary in the face of the woman who appears so much like her former self, the one supposedly under Wanda’s control. This Agnes has a damn Peter Pan collar poking out of her sweater! She couldn’t look much less threatening.
“What do you think?” she asks Monica when she joins her.
“I don’t know.” Monica peers across the street at Agnes in the dark and when Agnes notices, she flashes a wide smile.
“Well, maybe we should— Hey, no, wait!”
But the Captain strides across to meet Agnes. Darcy almost follows in her idol’s wake, but she quickly remembers that Monica has powers to protect herself that far exceed the right hook Darcy used to drop Agent Handcuffs. Whatever Agnes’s deal is, Darcy knows she’s an entirely different kind of beast from an asshole S.W.O.R.D. agent.
“What’s going on there?” Jimmy wonders, coming up beside her.
Thanks to the stress of trying to speak to as many citizens as possible in a short amount of time, including looking dozens of people still under mind control in the eye and aching for their lack of agency, the fear of and for Wanda as she witnessed that clash in the sky, and, really, the car crash that’s still pretty recent, Darcy reacts to her boyfriend’s presence by wrapping her arms around him tightly. With his tie pressed to her cheek, she feels him hug her back.
“I don’t know,” she says, carrying on the conversation without pulling away an inch, “but Monica’s finding out.”
“Agnes looks like an average Westviewer again. It’s disconcerting.”
“She must’ve been faking right up until she went head-to-head with Wanda.”
“And now she’s one of them for real.”
“Seems like,” Darcy agrees.
When Monica returns to confirm Agnes’s newly mind-controlled status, Darcy peels herself most of the way away from Jimmy, leaving her arm around his back, beneath his FBI jacket. He rests his arm around her shoulders.
“I don’t know what we do with her,” Monica says, hands on her hips. “We can’t undo what Wanda did, but do we leave Agnes here in Westview, trusting that she isn’t able to hurt anyone? Do we bring her in?”
“If it’s beyond our power to help her, maybe we just leave her here,” Jimmy suggests. “Wanda knows where she is, so we let Agnes stay in a place she can be found when or if Wanda decides to release her.”
“It’s tricky,” Darcy says slowly. “Agnes is capable of doing so much damage, and I’m sure she’s going to get good and angry while Wanda has her trapped inside herself. You and I know how that feels,” she says to Monica. “But that Agnes is secure—as far as we know—inside Sitcom Agnes, like little Agnes nesting dolls. I don’t know if this is the kind of punishment she deserves for pushing Wanda to the brink, but I do know it’s not going to be pretty if that inner Agnes is unleashed with nobody around to mitigate the consequences.”
“Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division,” Monica says softly.
“S.W.O.R.D. That’s what we’re supposed to stand for. I think, without Tyler Hayward around, it’s high time S.W.O.R.D. went back to its roots of trying to understand exceptional people, circumstances, and technology instead of just attacking them.”
“Sounds as though you might have a plan, Captain,” Jimmy says. Darcy glances at his face and catches his small, knowing smile.
Monica beams back.
“The former Director may have kicked me off the base, but I’m still S.W.O.R.D. and I still believe in my mother’s original goals for the organization.”
“Hey, it’s your legacy,” Darcy says. “You have my vote for Director.”
“You want to put Agnes under S.W.O.R.D. observation?” Jimmy asks.
“Not just Agnes. Not if Wanda’s willing to listen.”
With the sky rapidly lightening, Monica roughs out a plan that involves a partnership between S.W.O.R.D. and Wanda Maximoff. A partnership because any other dynamic would surely fail. After what they all witnessed today, it’s obvious that someone as powerful as Wanda can’t be held against her will. In exchange for Wanda making reparations to the people and town of Westview (not the least of which will be repairing all physical damage, which Monica knows Wanda’s capable of, since there’s no longer a Monica-sized hole in her living room wall) and an agreement to be held in the custody of S.W.O.R.D., under the leadership of Director Monica Rambeau, Monica thinks she has plenty to offer Wanda.
“You think she’ll do that deal?” Jimmy asks.
“That’s my question too,” Darcy says. “I mean, without the deal, Wanda can go where she pleases, right?”
“But she’ll be alone,” Monica counters. “We know what her loved ones mean to her. That’s what all this has been about—Wanda doing whatever it takes in order to go through life less alone.”
“What can you give her?”
“Vision,” Jimmy says abruptly. “The other one, the one who left. You think he’ll be back.”
“I think he’ll want answers,” Monica agrees. “Whatever Hayward did to him, he did at S.W.O.R.D. and I’m betting that Wanda will see that’s her best chance to reunite with Vision.”
“Vision will come back,” Darcy says, putting it together, “and Wanda will be there waiting.”
“And in the meantime, we use her expertise as we continue our work in a… more transparent vein. Give her access, keep her busy.”
“Keep her happy,” Jimmy cuts in. Monica nods her acknowledgement.
“Yes. Show her what it’s like to help people again. What better way to remind her there’s more to the world than her artificial paradise than to have her consult on the work we’re doing in space?”
“If you need somebody to sell Wanda on the space angle, I’m your girl,” Darcy volunteers.
“I’ve already had some ideas about that,” Monica promises with a smile.
Her eyes focus beyond Darcy and Jimmy and they turn to see what she’s looking at. Black hood drawn up over her head, Wanda’s walking back into the downtown. Alone. Darcy hopes that the fact that she’s black-hatted doesn’t mean she’s already decided against working to redeem herself to rejoin the good guys.
“You better stay in touch too,” Monica tells Jimmy, shifting as she prepares to intercept Wanda.
“If you reach out to Darcy, I’m sure I won’t be far,” he says. Darcy’s heart performs quick, happy thumps.
With that, Monica walks purposely towards Wanda. Darcy watches her cautious body language and Wanda’s tension in response to being accosted, but there isn’t any visible escalation. When FBI vehicles and the team Darcy assumes belongs to Major Goodner roll up the street, Wanda doesn’t flee. Darcy looks to Jimmy.
“You better go take charge,” she suggests.
He gives her a bashful smile.
“I will in a minute. The evacuation should run like clockwork after all the prep we did. With the Hex removed, everyone’s free.”
“They’re free, I’m free…”
“Are you free Saturday?” The smile’s a little slyer now.
“After all this, I don’t even know what day of the week it is,” Darcy admits, “but yes.”
He laughs.
“What are you thinking?” she asks, twisting to face him as his hand moves from her shoulder to her waist. “Quiet night in watching TV?”
“You know, I think I need a break from TV for a while. How about a movie?”
Darcy grins.
“You buy the tickets, I’ll buy the snacks?”
“Deal,” Jimmy says, and smiles against her mouth when he ducks his head to kiss her.
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babyjamiebarnes · 4 years ago
Part Ten
Featuring: Bucky x Stark!reader, dad!Tony, Peter Parker, Steve, Sam
Warnings: mentions of smut (bondage, anal play, breeding kink, slight voyeurism), language, mentions of arson
Summary: Now that reader is stuck back at her apartment, she can finally feel safe again — until that safety is completely compromised. And more than her physical safety is put on the line.
Author’s Note: I’m so fucking stoked for this chapter!!! This is when it starts to get wild!! I hope you all like it! If you even read this, you should let me know who you think the person in question is (you’ll know what I mean when you read it lol). And as always, feel free to buy me a coffee if you want!
Tags: @amourmarvel @fangirlvoice @kennedywxlsh @devilswaldorf @what-the-hap-is-fuckning @alyispunk @fredweasleysbitchh @wearegroot @sunflowerbebe107 @prestigious-tea @brckenmemories @angelbabymed
Series Masterlist
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Spending the next two weeks sequestered in your apartment wasn’t terrible, but it just cemented your assumption that you couldn’t even pretend to be normal anymore. At least when you were at the Tower, you felt like another face in the crowd compared to the Avengers.
Accommodating your work from home setup wasn’t easy, but you all made it work. Peter worked with you when he was back for a weekend. He even helped you go through more of your fan mail, if you could even call it that. There were some parcels that were genuine fan mail, people wishing you well and young girls saying you inspired them to pursue STEM careers; there were some death threats that you had to send to local law enforcement to investigate; there were mostly creepy letters from men you could only assume were older than your father. One man wrote that he wanted to find out if you smelled as beautiful as you looked. Cringe. Another wrote about how he wanted to suck on your toes until they were wrinkly. Gag. The worst was a man who said he wanted to be sandwiched between you and your dad. Barf.
Steve and Sam used the scanner your dad made to check all your mail before it was even brought upstairs. None had been poisoned or set to explode, but some contained explicit items that you were more than happy to not see.
It was still slightly traumatizing when Steve waltzed in with a package in his arms and said, “Hey [Y/N], I didn’t toss this one because it doesn’t look like it’s from a person. Did you order something from… Romantix?”
You paused mid-chew as you, Bucky, and Sam all sat in your living room enjoying a nice Saturday lunch. Bucky wasn’t fazed, continuing to eat his food; Sam, however, busted out laughing.
“What’s in it, Steve?” Sam asked loudly, clearly trying to rile you up.
“Uh, all the scanner showed was a couple small golf balls -- I think -- and what looked like a top? And a remote.”
Sam kept giggling to himself, Bucky and Steve both looked confused as hell. You moved to grab the box from Steve but Sam beat you to it, tutting at you as you reached for it again.
“Uh-uh. We should open it to make sure everything is safe,” Sam teased.
“Everything in there is safe, I promise,” you swore. When you tried to steal the package back, Sam yoinked it further from your grasp with a devious smile. Your cheeks were burning hot at the thought of the inevitable. Sam was going to open your box, Steve was going to turn red as a tomato, and Bucky was… well, hopefully he was going to take you to your room for the rest of the day.
And before you could try to snatch the box away again, Sam ripped the packing tape off and pulled out the first item: kegel balls.
“What are those?” Steve asked.
“Don’t worry about it!” you shouted, grabbing the vacuum-packed, heavy silver balls from a still giggling Sam. He reached back into the box and you realized you may just have to suck it up and let him have his show-and-tell.
“Here’s that ‘top’ you were talking about,” Sam joked. And in his hands sat… the butt plug.
“Sam, stop! Literally no one here needs to see this except me and Bucky,” you whined.
“In that case, I’m curious. What else is in there?” Bucky asked, leaning forward to peek inside.
“Bucky! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
Sam shrugged and handed the box to Bucky so he could rummage through it instead. You couldn’t really complain as much now that your boyfriend was doing the snooping instead.
“What the -- oh,” Bucky said as he lifted the next item: a remote… tied to a pair of thin black panties.
“Why would those come together?” Steve asked. You weren’t sure if he was serious or not because he may have been born in the early 1900s, but he would’ve had to have checked out modern porn and kinks by now, right?
“Do you want to tell him or should I?” Sam asked with raised eyebrows. His lips were quirked in an annoying smirk. Bucky sat with a similar expression; at least you knew he had brushed up on modern sex.
“They’re vibrating panties,” you deadpanned. Steve fortunately didn’t look too surprised, he just raised his eyebrows and nodded.
“What’s next, Buck?” Sam prompted him to continue unpacking.
“Oh -- oh -- oh yeah. We can have some fun with this,” Bucky laughed as he lifted up the collar and ball gag.
“Damn, [Y/N]. You’re a freaky freak,” Sam laughed. Bucky didn’t even deny this; he just laughed with his friend before continuing with the last items.
“And…” Bucky started to explain. He quickly cut himself off when he saw what was in his hands -- and covering the bottom of the package. Dozens of pieces of lingerie, from skimpy little lace pieces to a loose-fitting satin teddy to a sheer black robe. “Oh, that’s for my eyes only,” he finally said.
Sam and Steve grumbled in response but didn’t push it. They probably realized getting a full reveal of the shit you and Bucky wanted to mess around with was more than they would’ve gotten if you had your way.
And just as you hoped, Bucky took you to your bedroom for a few hours. You found out you didn’t love the plug and the ball gag made you drool, but the collar had a little leash Bucky was able to pull on while hitting it from the back... you liked that one.
From that day on, you made sure to tell the boys when you’d have a package coming in. Bucky definitely perked up at the mention of more mail like that coming his way.
Two weeks after the Romantix debacle, Peter was back in town and stoked to help you go through mail again. He didn’t like all the creepy letters, but he was really good at making you laugh at them instead of constantly cringing and gagging. Bucky and Steve even sat to help, but Sam said if he was going to keep cooking for everyone, he didn’t have to sort through mail. And none of you wanted to pass up on his classic New Orleans recipes.
You all sat around your dining room table with your small dining TV playing old episodes of “Criminal Minds” as background noise. The amount of mail you received definitely dropped with time, but you’d still have a hefty pile at the end of the week. The creepy letters were shredded but you liked responding to the nicer letters, so there was a “shred” pile and a “respond” pile on either side of the “open next” pile.
You were all working in near-silence aside from the quiet dialogue on the TV and the occasional clink of pans from Sam in the kitchen. With four of you working, you’d be able to read through everything in about half an hour. As you neared the bottom of the pile, you grabbed a large manilla envelope and felt the weight of whatever was inside. It couldn’t have been dangerous because the boys scanned everything, but you carefully tugged it open nonetheless. You held it upside down and gently shook out the contents: a letter, a smaller envelope, and a DVD. A few people sent mix CDs or fan videos on DVDs and flash drives, so you were initially excited about this one… until you started reading the letter. The choppy typewriter print quickly turned muddled as your blood froze in your veins.
My darling [Y/N],
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? No, I don’t think I shall. I’ll cut to the chase instead: I’m the reason the world knows who you are. Guess I’m a little loose-lipped. Oops! But I needed you to know I’m serious somehow. Or else you wouldn’t see this as a true threat.
I know your little secret. I’ve seen more than I originally planned, but you gave me plenty to work with in my free time. You look beautiful while you sleep; you look even more beautiful in the throes of passion. But I’m not looking to have your body.
Unless you get $2,000,000 to your little doorman Matthew to bring to me by the end of the week, the enclosed pictures will make their way to the desk of daddy dearest. And we both know he won’t appreciate seeing who is penetrating his daughter.
And if that $2,000,000 doesn’t find me by the end of next week, the video on the DVD will be released to the world.
I look forward to our next interaction.
Your hands shook as you tore open the envelope to see what pictures this person allegedly had of you. At first, they were just creepy candids of you walking down the street, nothing the paps wouldn’t have. Then they turned into photos of Bucky escorting you through crowds… and then photos of you in your apartment.
You were sleeping in your bed in one. Then standing in your kitchen making breakfast in one of Bucky’s shirts. And then a shirtless Bucky was cradling your face and kissing your forehead.
The next picture was of Bucky standing behind you in the kitchen. His pajama bottoms — the pair you got him for his birthday — were pooled at his feet. One hand was pressing you to the counter, the other was hoisting your leg up to the granite as he drove into you.
“Oh my god,” you whispered, unable to speak. As you frantically flipped through the rest of the photos, your eyes flooded with tears and your breathing grew more erratic, grabbing Bucky’s attention, then Peter’s, then Steve’s.
But their concern meant nothing to you as you processed the images before you.
You on your knees with Bucky’s dick clearly between your lips. Bucky on his knees with his face pressed between your thighs. Your legs wrapped around Bucky’s torso as he moved you on his cock. Bucky’s hand wrapped around your throat as you rode him on the couch.
All the images looked like they were taken through your windows, like someone was somehow standing outside your apartment despite being stories above the ground.
“What’s wrong, doll?” Bucky asked softly. He gently touched your arm, drawing your view from the distressing imagery to his attempted comfort, though it unfortunately did nothing to calm you down. Not this time.
You looked up at him with tear-filled eyes but couldn’t bring yourself to speak. All you could do was shake your head and push the letter to him. You watched his eyes quickly scan the words before reaching for the photos. He didn’t snatch them away from you or even try to take them. He just held his hand out and let you shakily hand them over.
And then you saw the pacific blue of his eyes turn dark and stormy, his jaw clenching as he flipped through the pictures of you — you and him. His breathing grew more and more ragged the more he saw, until he threw the photos to the table with a loud, “Fuck!”
Seconds later, Sam dashed into the room as Steve sifted through the photos. Even Steve grew irritated at the sight. Peter and Sam quickly followed suit, only glimpsing a few pictures before getting the gist of the rest.
The room was silent aside from your quiet sobs. You and Bucky both stared at the disc lying between you until your eyes met. His usually pale blue irises were nearly black.
“I’m scared,” you whimpered. Despite being scared himself — and angry and frustrated and confused — he reached out to pull you into his lap and hold you. Keeping you close always made him feel better, even when it felt like the world was crashing around him.
“Close the curtains,” he demanded gruffly. Steve and Peter immediately jumped up and started pulling all your curtains shut, throwing your usually bright apartment into near darkness.
Bucky held your face between his palms, forcing you to look in his eyes.
“I know you’re scared, but we need to see what’s on that DVD.”
“I can already guess what it is,” you said through your tears.
“Yeah, me too,” Bucky agreed. “But we have to make sure.”
You simply nodded. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead, helping your breathing slow at the reassuring gesture. He led you into the living room with the DVD in hand. Steve and Sam stood in the living room, Peter sat on the couch. They all looked concerned for you, but tried not to show pity. You could tell they were all upset about this too.
“You can leave the room if you don’t want to see what I’m sure we all know is on this,” Bucky said. His voice was deep and gravelly, almost like his morning voice, but… mean.
You and Bucky sat together on the sofa across from Peter, all eyes trained on the TV as the screen faded from black to a slightly fuzzy shot of your bed. Seconds later, you and Bucky came on screen. And there was audio.
You giggled as Bucky’s body pushed yours to the mattress. “What are you gonna do to me?” your voice sounded.
“I’m gonna put a baby in you,” Bucky’s voice growled. “I’m gonna cum inside this tight pussy until you can’t take it anymore.”
“Jesus,” Sam grumbled. You would’ve laughed if the situation wasn’t so serious.
Bucky only let it play until clothes started coming off. That’s when he knew they actually had a sex tape of you two, especially considering the nearly two-hour time frame on it. Sending explicit pictures of you and Bucky to your dad was one thing, but releasing a non-consensual sex tape of you two was something else entirely.
“What are we gonna do?” Peter asked quietly. Your tears had finally stopped, but the concern in his voice almost sent you over the edge again. He was such a sweet kid and he didn’t deserve to deal with the stress of this with you. But you also knew he was your best friend — practically a brother — and he wasn’t going to let you fend for yourself through this, even with Bucky by your side.
“We have to give them the money,” Sam replied. “We can find out who the door guy gives it to and arrest them or track the bills, but we have to get the money.”
“I don’t have the money,” you confessed. Everyone except Bucky seemed surprised. “I make $200,000 before taxes. Before I got this new role, I made half that. Even if we don’t deduct taxes and the expenses I do pay for, I wouldn’t have even close to two million.”
Everyone went silent again until Steve finally spoke up.
“We need to talk to the doorman.”
Bucky stormed out of the elevator, rushing ahead of everyone with murder in his eyes. He gripped the front of Matt’s suit and shoved him against the wall, shaking the letter in his face.
“What the fuck is this?” Bucky was seething.
“What?” Matt squeaked. His eyes were wide as saucers. He was clearly not expecting this confrontation. Bucky just shook the letter again to draw the doorman’s attention.
“Wait. You got one too?” Matt asked. Bucky’s grip loosened as he stared at the shorter man in confusion. You instinctively looked at Peter, who looked just as baffled as you. “I-I got a letter like that. In my locker. This morning.”
“Show us,” you demanded. Bucky released him but Matt’s eyes saw the posse of Avengers behind you (save for Peter, who he probably assumed was either a friend or boyfriend — secret identity and all that) and he rushed all of you to the locker room.
It was a small room since there were only a dozen doormen in your building, if that. He opened his locker and revealed a letter that was nearly identical to yours, but with no mentions of his looks and a much different threat.
“They’re threatening arson?!” you nearly shouted. Bucky and Steve read the letter before handing it to Sam and Peter to check out as well.
“They included pictures of my mom and sister,” Matt explained, clearly scared of what might happen to him and his loved ones. “They know where I live and they know who I live with. I-I would’ve taken this to th-the police but I didn’t want to risk it.”
“They have the later date listed for him,” Sam said. “You had one week to get the money or they’d tell Tony, two weeks or they release the tape. Now we have two weeks to save his family.”
Everyone in the room fell silent once again. Eyes fell on you as Peter quietly repeated his earlier question: “What are we gonna do?”
Despite all eyes on you, you turned to Bucky, who continued to study the letter. His jaw flexed as he thought and if this had been any other time, you would’ve kissed the tension away.
“We’re gonna tell Tony.”
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noblehcart · 3 years ago
Drabble: Afternoon discussions ( @russicnrat ) Author’s note: because i ADORE the scenes in WC where Peter and El  are at home and discuss Neal and so I had to do a gliesel take on it for dima. I’ll take any excuse/opportunity to write gliesel lbh they’re my fave. i live and die for them.
“You’re on time for dinner today!” Liesel beamed from peeking her head through the kitchen doorway to see her husband shrugging off his jacket and putting his gun away. The sound of his warm chuckle reverberated in the small townhome as he continued to work on loosening his tie.
“I am. Mikhailov and Essen agreed to finish up the paperwork so I could be home on time for once.” He smiled as the tie was deposited beside the gun, turning to walk towards his wife before a slight unsettled noise sounded from her. Her olive green eyes flickered to the gun left on her entry table then back to him as he raised his hands with a soft laugh. “Alright, I will put it away right now.”
“Thank you. Dinner is almost ready!” She called turning back into the kitchen to mind the stove as she listened to the familiar sounds of him punching in the code to the safe to lock away the gun in question. It just put her mind at ease to not have it lying around even if they didn’t have little ones yet. Yet. She hoped one day, but for now their life was hectic enough with her work and his. Besides as Bartok trotted up to her, sniffing her hands she knew they already had something close enough to one anyways. 
“What are we having?”
She turned to him with a wry smile. “Your favorite. Stroganoff.” 
“I am the luckiest man on the planet.” He hummed walking up to her, arm wrapped around her waist as he tugged his wife close and stole a kiss.
Liesel laughed lightly as her hand reached up to loosen his stiff collar “Yes, you are. You sounded exhausted on the phone earlier so I thought a nice dinner was in order if you made it on time.”
“I’m so glad I did.” His dark eyes flickered over to the stove where the covered pot simmered before a shifting away slightly. “I think a glass of scotch is in order with my day. Wine for you?”
“You know me well.” She said moving back to the stove to check on the food, bringing the wooden spoon around the pan making sure it didn’t burn when she heard the faint grumble of her husband behind her. “Popov was here wasn’t he? My scotch is gone.”
“No, it isn’t.” Lips quirked up as she tried not to laugh looking back to him and the scowl on his features. “I hid it in case he dropped by, which yes, he did stop by. He was reutrning a book of mine. Check under the cabinet behind the cleaners.” 
The faint scuff of his shoes echoed against the wood flooring of the kitchen as the creak of the cabinet hinges followed and she made a mental note to get some WD40 some time this week to take care of that. The shuffle of plastic and glass bottles followed before a sharp curse ensued and she sighed looking to Gleb slightly miffed.
“He still found it.” He held up the very empty glass bottle of scotch removing the note at the bottom of it before reading aloud as the container was set loudly on the counter, his hands moving to rest on his hips. “The world’s greatest pleasures are the hidden ones. Why does he have to get into my scotch? I thought his palate was too refined for it? Or some other snobby ridiculous reason.” 
“Its kind of funny.” Liese smiled shyly at she picked up the note and read it with a soft laugh. “I’ll get you another bottle tomorrow.”
His lips pressed into a hard line. “That bottle was expensive, you know I don’t like spending on extravag-”
“I know, I know.” She countered reaching up to wrap her arms behind his neck to distract him from the obvious upset that she’d have to bring up to Vlad next time. If you drink my husband’s liquor please replace it. “But-” Was the soft response. “I made a great sale today so there’s plenty to afford buying it again. My original buyer didn’t show up to complete the purchase of that 13th century bible and the second buyer upped their offer. We’re doing just fine. I will get you another bottle tomorrow. You’ll have to settle for wine today?”
“I’ll find a way to settle-” A laughing shriek sounded from the petite brunette as she found herself scooped off her feet and set on the kitchen counter, his lips brushing along the shell of her ear. She could only grin as her hands continued to brush over his collar and she hummed out in response. 
“Very stressful day, huh?” She felt him sigh against her skin as he pressed against her and the tension returned to his shoulder.
“Dmitry is determined to give me high blood pressure and take down bureau at the same time. He is always has something up his sleeve and finds a short cut to everything like its so damned easy.” He grumbled now distractedly letting his hands wander while she glanced over his shoulder to the food making sure it didn’t burn. “Between him, Popov and this case right now I’m at my wits end and-.”
“Hey.” Her hand moved to gently pull him away from her collarbone and draw his gaze down to her. Fingers carefully brushed along his jaw, smooth soft skin against the slight stubble as she worked to distract him. “You’re done for the day now. No more Dmitry or Vlad or work. Time to relax. Wine, dine and relaxation. Me and you.” 
She felt the warmth of his hands slid up her legs as he nodded with a slightly apologetic look before leaning for a searing kiss, one hand lingering on her thigh while the other carefully cradled her head- when the sound of buzzing cut in. Breaking from the kiss with a groan Gleb looked to his phone sitting on the table and he could make out the caller ID name drawing another dark scowl. “I’m going to ignore it-”
The phone continued to buzz adamantly as they both stared till Liesel let out a soft sigh. “Just answer it.”
“It better be damn important.” He growled reaching for the phone and pressing the green phone icon. “What is it Dmitry I just got ho-”
Silence filled the house with the exception of the sizzle of the pan and the faint clicking sound of Bartok’s nails against the floor as he entered the room searching for scraps. Liesel watched as her husband’s face remained pensive listening to the familiar sounding voice on the other end before the slight beginnings of a smile appeared on his features. 
“I don’t know how you got that and frankly I don’t want to know either. I’ll be right over. Yeah. Sure-” The phone shifted slightly as Gleb looked to his wife with a slight sigh. “Dmitry says hello and sorry for dinner.”
“I forgive you, but you owe me a dinner!” She called out loud enough for the conman to hear on the other side, his response sounding like laughter as Gleb pulled away from Liesel to let her hop down from her seat on the countertop. 
“Be there in fifteen.” Gleb remarked before hanging up and looking back to the food on the stove longingly then back to his wife. “I’ll make it up to you? He might have found a break in the case or something very close to it.”
She just smiled shaking her head at him before leaning up to press a firm kiss then reach over to turn off the stove. “Go be a hero. I’ll be here when you get home.” 
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fragileizywriting · 4 years ago
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bad day blues
pairing: Luka / Marinette (Viperion / Multimouse) word count: 10,418 chapter: 1/1 rating: E summary: “How is it that I can sling myself across rooftops for years, day and night, but I can’t even walk in a straight line once I’m out of my suit and end up spraining an ankle?” “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Mousey. That’s not good for you.” “I wish I wasn’t such a klutz.” “You’re not.” Luka kisses the top of her head as a punctuation to his words. “You just had a bad day, that’s all.” “One of the worsts in a while,” Marinette nods into his shirt. “Luka? Could you make it better for me?” He laughs. “And you call me the insatiable one, little mouse.” Her eyes sparkle. “Who was the one that jumped me when I was going to go shower after my pool trip with my friends? One look at me in a towel and suddenly my boyfriend’s hands are all on me— sounds pretty insatiable, if you ask me.” AO3 | Start Here To Read The Whole 'Out of The Closet' Series! | Previous Fic in Series | Next Fic in Series
Here's some more Lukanette! Don't worry, there's plenty more incoming, too. This series is so wonderful to write, I'm having so much fun!!! Especially since Luka is my favorite character 🥺
Enjoy <3
She’s having a bad day.
Like, a really bad day.
There is that whole cake ordering business that her parents live off of, that she helps out with. She’s rolled so much fondant out that her arms hurt, and they’re barely attached to her body when she’s rushing out of the door to get to her class when the second bad part of the day happens.
She spills coffee all over herself.
Well, it isn’t her coffee. Her dad’s been getting into the habit of walking around the bakery and the pantry with his mug she got for him for his birthday, a delicate piece of ceramic that is absolutely dwarfed by her father’s large hands. She’d knocked into him while scarfing down some breakfast of her own, where she’d tried to get bits and pieces of it into her mouth while rolling out fondant for that particular eight-tiered cake that is surely going to be the death of her that she still has to pipe and decorate when she gets back from class.
Her blouse is stained, and it’s warm. It doesn’t seep far into her shirt, because her dad presses his apron right on the stain to soak up as much moisture as possible, but she yelps anyway out of sheer instinct.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?”
“I’m fine! I’m so sorry for making you spill your coffee, baba. Are you okay?” She waves him off with a little smile. These things happen, it’s okay. Besides, smelling like coffee isn’t the end of the world. It isn’t the smell of a particularly expensive perfume, but she can hardly say no to smelling like coffee when she’s lived at a bakery for the entirety of her life.
“I ran into you, sweetheart, not the other way around,” Her dad shakes his head. “Go change your shirt while I get you some packed food to take with you to school for you and Mullo.”
“Thank you! I’ll be right back.” She kisses him on the cheek, making sure to stay clear away from his mug. She rushes up the stairs, trying her best not to accidentally tear her skirt, but isn’t as delicate to her blouse as she could be. The side rips open. She squeaks while getting it off. “Oh, no! I just bought this!”
“Oh! Is everything okay?” Mullo peeks out from the little cubby Marinette’s made into her own little room.
“Yeah— I’m okay! These things happen, don’t worry. I’m just going to change my shirt into something better and then we can head out, okay?” She snaps open a drawer, tossing her soiled top into the laundry bin near her desk. She’s not opposed to wearing other shirts with this particular skirt, but… she really likes wearing that peter pan collar. This is fine. A normal button-up will go fine with the skirt, even though now she looks a lot more formal than she wants to be.
It’s a good thing her bra is nude-colored. She’s already in a rush as it is.
She hasn’t learned a single thing since school was at a walking distance, clearly, because she’s rushing to get to the metro, running back down the stairs, tugging her backpack over her shoulder with Mullo zipping into the pocket of her skirt, and kissing her dad goodbye and thanking him for the food— all the while trying her best to go over the list of things she needed to do before heading off to class.
Feed Mullo, though the little mouse can definitely go scavenging for blueberries whenever she wants. And yet… Mullo starts to whisper that she’s hungry the moment Marinette makes it down the stairs of the metro and goes pawing for her metrocard. She’s grateful that she’s placed a small container of fresh blueberries inside her backpack, with even a portion of small chocolate chips in the screw-top compartment of the container, just for the little mouse— and the small kwami is giggling and back to being happy before Marinette can even blink.
She looks for her metrocard. It’s on the inside of her phone case, which is good, so she’s able to go through the ticket booth with no problem— thank goodness. She doesn’t need another stressor for the day— but she needs to make sure she repays the bill for her monthly pass before the next month arrives so that she isn’t late trying to pay for it the day of, and hopefully she can remember this thought for long enough to write it into her agenda so she doesn’t forget during the week.
Oh, gooseberries. Hopefully she’s not late.
She checks the time on her phone once she’s safely situated inside a subway car, only to look at the turned-off screen with a confused noise. She tries turning on her phone but blinks with so much confusion when the black screen refuses to light.
Wasn’t one of the things on her list to make sure that her phone was charged last night?
What in the world happened to her phone battery?
She tries to think about it, pinning down that the only real reason it would be out of battery would be if Mullo wanted to use it to watch videos or listen to music while Marinette was asleep.
She makes sure to unzip her bag, peering down at the little mouse kwami with inquisitive eyes, trying to understand why her only communication device isn’t charged, speaking in a hushed voice to not alert anyone in the subway car with her. “Lolo, did you watch videos last night?”
Mullo is asleep. At least she remembered to put the lid back onto the container, which is some good news. Marinette can’t feel too upset, looking at the little creature. It’s a good thing she packed her bag and made sure to grab her portable charger— it’s not often that Mullo gets in the habit of overusing Marinette’s phone— but she’s always prepared, just in case. Mullo likes texting Sass, too, though all their texts look like gibberish to her and Luka whenever they try to reread it.
She opens the front pocket zipper with the cute little mouse charm attached to the handle and freezes.
This isn’t her school backpack.
She’s not sure how it didn’t dawn on her before, but this isn’t the right backpack at all.
The only thing it has is a plastic bag with her swimsuit she’d used during the weekend— it’s not exactly dry, given that it’s been in the baggy for at least four days since she’d come back from the pool with her friends. That’s strange— she’s not one to just drop her bag off to the side and not put away her stuff— so, what gives? She chews on her nail while she thinks about what could’ve possibly distracted her from hanging up her swimsuit and letting it dry, and stopped her from putting away this particular backpack, and squeaks to herself when she remembers.
Oh. Right. That’s right.
Viperion had shown up in her room just as she was going to go take a shower— having completed patrol on his own because he wanted her to have fun with friends and go swimming— and since her boyfriend is somehow allergic to learning how to swim, he’d happily shoved her out of the house with the pretense of keeping Paris safe while she relaxes for once in her life— no wonder she’d been so distracted and completely forgot about the backpack.
He’s so insatiable, nowadays, wanting to spend so much time with her that it’s completely pointless to try to keep clothes on around him. He’d taken one good look at her while she was making her way to her bathroom tucked into her towel and had decided to wash her himself— joining her in the shower without even taking his suit off.
She knows that their hexleather is water-resistant— but she didn’t know that it’s enough to keep water from completely entering his suit.
He’d cleaned her inside and out— pressed her up against the bathroom tiles, hopeful that she would keep quiet, as Viperion slicked two fingers inside of her.
The hexagonal grooves on their suits had never been something she’d even considered until now— it was obsession at first touch, in all honesty.
Her back is filled with love bites and possessive teeth marks that make her toes curl in her shoes when she thinks about it more, or remembers it whenever she brushes up against her shoulders. Not to mention she feels a comfortable full-body ache when he finally slips away to go home— she’d spent the rest of that afternoon in bed, curled up, dreaming of the day the two of them can always wake up next to each other.
She shifts in her seat, feeling damp and uncomfortable. She misses him already.
But all of that means… her school backpack is still at home. And she’s carrying nothing except her wet swimsuit, instead of her agenda and planner and notebooks and sketchbooks and pens.
Oh, sugarcubes.
It’s fine, though. These things happen. Sometimes no matter how much she plans and prepares, the universe sometimes throws her for a loop, and that’s okay. A good planner knows how to plan for things going wrong— even if she doesn’t want it to happen in the first place.
In all honesty, this is probably not what Luka meant when he said to let things flow and don’t let things bother her, but it is kind of hard to stop her tendencies to want to plan for the worse.
Okay, so how does she fix this?
She has a lecture that starts in about twenty minutes that she can technically skip out on and go back home to grab her things, assuming she switches subways at the next stop. Since she’ll be late, she might as well change out of her clothes, too, into something much more suited for her. She doesn’t like wearing button-downs— especially since, oh, gooseberries, it looks like she’s missed out on about three buttons and gotten her neckline skewed. There’s no point in even fixing it, as long as she’s able to tuck her miraculous back underneath her shirt without someone seeing it.
What else does she need to do?
Well, she definitely needs to make sure she gets the right backpack the next time she slips through the door. Make sure to bring another container of blueberries, too— she never knows when there’ll be another Akuma, and of all things to not be worried about, this is something she’ll never stop.
Everything will be okay. No worries. The lecture wasn’t that important, she’s sure of it.
The moment she makes that same thought, the subway car slows to a crawl. The lights in the car flicker, and she looks around to the other passengers, hopeful to see anyone who has any idea of what’s going on.
Everyone looks nonchalant. They probably assume it’s an Akuma, at this point.
“We are having technical difficulties,” The subway car emits a tinny, metallic little noise from the speakers near the doors. “Please stay calm and wait while we fix it.”
Marinette groans. Okay, maybe she’ll be late for a lot more than just her first class. This is fine. Things happen. Things like this just happen— she just needs to relax about it. At least it’s not an Akuma— and it’s not like she can be blamed for the subway being stuck.
There’s just nothing to entertain her, though. No pencil, no pen, no paper to doodle and keep her occupied. No phone to listen to music or keep her busy. Just her, the plastic bag with her swimsuit in it, a sleeping kwami, her breakfast, and half a container of chocolate chips. She might as well start eating now, since there’s nothing else to do— eat and think about her boyfriend’s pretty blue eyes.
She has— well, had— a pop quiz in her missed lecture.
Worth twenty percent of her grade.
She stumbles into the classroom after everyone’s starting to clear out, looking for the professor and her continuously bored glare she gives to the class on the regular. “Uhm, excuse me— sorry, I didn’t attend class today because of the metro—”
“You can’t make it up.” Her professor says, collecting a thick stack of paper into her briefcase. The only professor she’s ever met to actually use a genuine briefcase— it makes her look more like a lawyer and less like an introduction to fashion history professor.
“Make it up?” Marinette blinks, confused. “Make up— make up what, exactly? I wasn’t in class.”
“The quiz. Twenty percent of the grade, of course, because no one in class was answering my questions today for some reason.” Because Marinette’s the one who usually answers for everyone, of course. No one stepped in, probably, because they were most likely too comfortable with her answers to actually come up with one of their own. “You missed out on the quiz. You can’t make it up.”
“Oh.” That’s fine. Things happen. Sometimes the universe just throws curveballs— her grade in this class won’t suffer. “Uhm. Is— is that all I missed?”
Her professor gives her a good look. There’s something in her dull, tired eyes, like she registers who Marinette is in the class— and what she brings to the lecture hall. “I’m going to give you the homework, even though I technically shouldn’t. You’re a good student— you’ve never been late to class— and definitely never missed an entire lecture. And today, without your questions, it was completely and totally quiet.”
“Oh.” She repeats. “Th— uhm. Thank you.”
She pulls out another stack of papers, handing her a stapled group of paper from the top. It looks ridiculously thick— as in— maliciously thick. Maybe at least thirty pages. “Here’s the homework. Make sure to finish it by next class.”
One week to finish the assignment. No problem. She can do that.
“Of course,” Marinette breathes, slightly overwhelmed, looking over the title of the assignment. She has no idea where to begin— the lecture today must’ve been all about it. Maybe she can find one of her classmates and ask about it? Although, she’s never really made a friend here before… “Thank you very much.”
“Don’t make it a habit to skip,” The professor calls out to her as she leaves through the door.
“Understood,” Marinette mutters under her breath. The strap of her kitten heels breaks when she runs her foot too close along the doorframe as she leaves behind her. She trips, falling into her second person with a coffee today, spilling all over her shirt again. This time, it’s cold— it’s an iced latte, of course, and ice cubes fall down her collar and into her shirt, and pain blistering up her ankle.
She tries to walk it off, she really does, but it ultimately just collapses back onto the floor the moment she tries to put pressure on it. Mullo comes out of hiding when she makes sure that there’s no one around, asking if Marinette’s okay— and all she can do is just smile at the little kwami, trying her best not to wince.
Today just isn’t her day, is it?
By the time an Akuma actually comes around, and tries to do damage in the city of Paris, Multimouse is running on fumes from how close she is to breaking down.
She’s weaved and dodged most of the attacks, relying on her rope to get out of the way. Her ankle doesn’t hurt as much when in the suit, of course, because the magical properties of the miraculous make it so that they focus on the fight first than anything else. She can put her weight on it, which is the good news— and that’s enough for her to walk and run and jump rope when she needs to.
Seeing Viperion is such a blessing. She hasn’t been able to text him much all day, aside from the vague ‘good morning’ text she sent when she finally managed to get her phone to turn on— she’s been too busy to respond to all of the texts he’s sent throughout the day.
Hopefully, she can talk to him after the fight is over. She needs a little bit of downtime.
But she can’t exactly focus on how thankful she is to see him when she’s in the middle of weaseling out of the Akumas grabby hands. She tucks and weaves, snaps her rope out like a whip when she needs to, and does her best to roll out of the way of the Akuma that falls into their trap using the Liberty that sends him spiraling across the city with it. Viperion is nearly on the other side of the city taking care of the sentimonster when she feels her ankle start to blister in pain again, indicating that she’s putting far too much stress on the ankle for even magic to make it stop hurting.
By the time they’ve got the Akuma purified, the sentimonster dealt with, and the victim is in safe care with the social worker from the workforce that’s been assigned to assist people who have just been Akumatized— Multimouse can barely stand up. She chooses, instead, to keep sitting down on the lip of the sidewalk between a couple of parked cars, her legs spread out in front of her, trying her best to seem like she’s just out of breath. She keeps her right boot completely straight, hopeful to not put any more strain on her ankle, but lets her left boot sag against the asphalted road, and tries her hardest not to hide her face in her hands.
Viperion makes his way back to her after he’s done talking to the social worker.
“Hi, Vai,” She speaks into her gloves. Some battles are just too difficult for her to focus on, and trying to keep herself from doing something just isn’t worth the effort anymore. “That was a tough one, huh?”
He sits down next to her, shoulder to shoulder. There’s probably not enough space for him in between the cars, since his shoulders are wide, but he makes the effort anyway. Besides, if it’s truly that bothersome, all he has to do is give a gentle push to the car next to him— the miraculous suits give them extra strength, after all— but even without the suit, he’d probably be able to push it forward. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” She leans into him. “I missed you so much.”
“You didn’t text me today like you usually do,” He murmurs into her hair. He’s a thick wall of heat right next to her, and she’s so thankful for him like usual. “Everything okay?”
“Everything is— it’s fine— I’m sorry. I forgot to charge my phone last night, and Mullo was watching videos while I slept, so my phone just went kaput.” She smiles in her hands when he makes a noise meaning that he understands exactly what she means. “I only got to text you when my phone was back on. I’m just tired, really. I’m not having a good day.”
The road is going to be populated soon with whatever foot traffic it usually has, now that the Akuma’s been taken care of. They need to probably get up to higher ground before the people of Paris come out to ask for autographs or selfies— and, okay.
She wants to give everyone the best treatment possible, of course, but she’s in absolutely no condition to do that like this. Definitely not like this.
It’ll be better for everyone’s comfort if she doesn’t stay around to listen to what people have to say about the fight— she’s Paris’s sweetheart, she knows, but if anyone says anything remotely negative in her direction, she’s pretty sure she’ll start crying.
Not to mention that if she hears anything bad about Viperion, she’ll start crying while beating civilians off with a ten-foot pole. She’s not in the mood at all to continue behaving like the sweet little Parisian Princess today— she can’t do it.
“Are you stressed out?”
“Yes. Very much. Ironically, the Akuma was my break from stress. Imagine that?”
He laughs. It’s a loving noise, usually, but there seems to be an edge to it this time. “Do you want me to help you with that? I think I saw an alley over there. Let me help you relax.”
She steams red behind her gloves. Oh, she knows exactly what he means— and, well, the answer is always yes. “Yes— but maybe not here. People are going to show up, soon, and I’m already in pain as it is—”
Viperion looks at her. She can tell because her face starts to prickle underneath her gloves. “Pain?”
She takes a deep breath, looking up at him. His hair is starting to curl around his neck, it’s so lovingly him that she can’t help but comb her fingers into his hair and smooth it back. The confusion on his face morphs into contentment as she takes her time brushing his bangs back, getting a good look at what the top of his domino mask looks like. “Nothing’s wrong— things are fine. Everything is fine. Sometimes things happen, and we can’t control all of it.”
Liquid golden eyes look back at her when she’s done petting through his hair and, he— he smiles at her. Really smiles at her— he knows that she’s trying to repeat the quotes and virtues that he usually says to himself. His smile makes his domino mask crinkle, the scales on his hexleather shimmering turquoise and green, and it’s not exactly a front when she smiles back at him. “That’s true. Sometimes things happen that we can’t control, even if we really try, but sometimes we can fix whatever is hurting us. So what really happened, Mousey?”
“Just a bad day,” She uses her left foot to brush against his, taking her hands back from his hair to follow the scale pattern on his chest. The muscles underneath are no illusion— he’s truly that filled out. She likes physical contact with him, just as much as he loves physical contact with her— and she finds a certain kind of sweetness in the way he leans just slightly into her touch as she traces his collarbone. “I’m not kidding— I’ve been having a really bad day.”
“The Akuma didn’t help all that much, huh?”
She cups his cheeks with her palms. She can’t feel him, because her fingers are covered in protective hexleather, but it means all the same to her when she presses their foreheads together, smooshing their bangs against one another. “I don’t know about that. I’m getting to see you, after all— I love being able to see you, Vai.”
His eyes twinkle as he laughs, giving her a kiss. “Stand up for me? I want to check if you’re missing any body parts.”
“What? I’m not missing anything.” She finds herself laughing at the strange request. “See? Look: I have my two arms, my two legs. Tail is still here, and so is my miraculous.”
“I don’t know about that,” His face is oddly serious, even as she continues to giggle. “Wiggle your fingers for me so I know they’re still there.”
“Vai,” She makes a face as she laughs. When he implores her, she rolls her eyes, twiddling her fingers in the air. “Told you.”
“All ten fingers?”
“I think so,” She breaks into a grin. What is this man on about?
“Let’s see.” He takes her hands in his, bringing every single finger up to his mouth so he can count them with a kiss. “One. Two.”
“Oh my gooseberries. Vai,” She giggles hard enough for her shoulders to shake.
“Don’t make me lose count, Mousey, this is important. Three, four—”
“How did I get so lucky to have you?”
“I think it’s the other way around, honestly. Five, six— how did I get so lucky to have you?”
“By treating me like this,” She can’t help but bite her lip when he makes it past seven and eight. “By treating me so sweetly.”
“Sue me, little mouse. I like treating my girlfriend well. Nine, and ten.” At the tenth finger, he kisses where her fingernail would be, then her knuckle, then the back of her hand. He kisses up her arm, too, all the way up to her shoulder as she snorts and giggles, until he tilts his head and kisses her against the jaw, finally completing his quest and kisses her softly on the lips— she melts. He keeps the kiss soft, though— and if her ankle wasn’t rolled, she’d honestly climb into his lap for more than just something so chaste. She deserves it, after this horrible day— and he always makes her feel loved and comforted. “I think your hands are okay.”
“You think so?” She feels a little dopey from the kiss.
“Move your feet, too, so I can figure out if your legs are still attached.”
She moves her left foot only, letting her right boot rest. Instead, she pulls up her right leg, hoping to look like she’s just switching up her sitting position, but that’s enough for Viperion to break eye contact with her and look at her knee. “See?”
But he’s smarter than that. “Ah, there it is. So you did injure yourself during the fight?”
“No. I— uhm— no. Not during the fight.” She’s not lying, but her smile dies down as a quiet contemplation morphs on his face. “It’s— I’m fine, Vai, honestly, I’m okay. My ankle will be fine after some ice, I’m sure—”
“Oh, Mousey.” He looks hurt for her, immediately swiveling in his seat to look her over. He grabs gently for both of her legs, lifting them up to place in his lap, and gently starts to move her foot at the ankle back and forth.
The first leg is the good one, so she barely even reacts— let alone blinks— to him swiveling her ankle around and testing the elasticity. But her bad ankle— oh— it’s enough to make her start to squirm.
His eyebrows pinch when she continuously flinches, her half-sentient tail batting against the asphalt behind her as she tries her hardest not to cry out in pain. He supports the back of her ankle with his palm, and doesn’t let her foot rotate when he puts her leg back in his lap. “When did this happen, baby girl?”
“It happened at school,” She hides her face back into her gloves. “Just the cherry on top, honestly. I fell and twisted my foot. I thought I was okay, but— I can’t walk in my civilian form.”
“School? And you fought the Akuma while injured? Oh, Mousey— I’m so sorry, I wouldn’t have let you stay alone with the Akuma if I had known. What else happened? Tell me what’s wrong.” She feels the gentle pressure of his thumb against her calf, even through the hexleather. “Maybe I can help you. I sure want to try, at least.”
Why is he so gentle with her? Why is Viperion always so sweet and soft to her— kind and loyal?
She knows why— there is the whole ‘they’re dating’ part of the answer— but honestly, how did it get this way? When did Viperion become the boy she fights crime with, day or night, live or die— to the man who snags her just before her showers, who makes it a habit to make her toes curl every time he sees her, who is happiest when she cuddles and routinely hides in his bed with? How in the world has she gotten this lucky?
How? How did she get so lucky to have a man so conditioned to care about her?
Why did he ever fall in love with someone like her— someone who needs everything to be in its place or else she has a nervous breakdown? Someone that loses her demeanor when there’s even a slightest mistake, because everything needs to be perfect or it’s not worth doing at all and— and— why would he even stay with someone like her like this? Why? She’s completely the opposite of him— so— why does he stay and deal with someone so completely different than him in every single aspect?
The thought is enough to make her cry— and— oh— that’s it, really. That’s what makes her push over the edge and start hiccuping into her hands, tears falling down her cheeks. “Oh—”
“Mousey, it’s okay. Shh. Your ankle will get fixed up in no time, okay? We can fix this.”
“I’m sorry,” She says, more to herself than anything else, gesturing to her leg before hiding back in her hands. She sags against him so easily when he pulls her onto his lap. “I’m sorry— I’m so sorry, Vai. It’s not just— just the ankle— I’m just—”
“I know.”
“And— such a bad day—”
“Breathe, Mousey,” He traces circles against her back.
She gasps for breaths between sobs. “And I just— I really did try to not let it get to me— I really tried—”
“You did very good. You are doing very good.”
“It really hurts, Vai, I’ve never rolled my foot before, it’s so painful— and I know I’m going to be in more pain when I’m out of the suit. I’m so exhausted, Vai— today has been so difficult.”
“Tell me what happened.”
Where does she begin? “So much coffee on my shirt, I smell like an espresso machine—”
He listens to her ramblings, even if they don’t make any sense without the full context. He’s gentle when he shifts her even closer, making sure that her foot doesn’t hit up against the car next to them, tucking her in next to his collarbone and letting her cry it all out. His chest is so warm against her. “Everything’s going to be fine.”
“And then the subway— and I don’t have more blueberries for Lolo right now because she ate them all already, even after I went back home and refilled her cup—”
“We can get more in my house, it’s okay. All the blueberries Mullo could want.”
“And I was also stuck in the subway for two full hours with just a swimsuit—”
“You went on the subway with only a swimsuit on?” He makes a face. “That doesn’t sound right.”
“In my bag,” She explains, even if it doesn’t make much sense, sniffling around her gloves. “I mean— I picked up the wrong backpack— the wrong bag— before leaving the house and it was just my swimsuit in there— the subway got stuck and I thought it was because of an Akuma so I was just—”
“Take a breath, Mousey.”
She sucks in a breath, trying to fill her lungs in all the way, before the inevitable fresh wave of tears that she continues to border on. “And I— I couldn’t— even text you. I couldn’t, because my battery was out— and I was underground— and— oh, sugarcubes, I was so bored— I just kept coming up with more and more ways to sneak off the train without being seen because there was nothing else to do and I ended up overthinking everything.”
Everything. All of it. Every single thing. If she’s doing well in school— if what she’s trying to get a degree in is even worth it— if she’s wasting her time not focusing on defeating Hawkmoth— if Viperion even finds her necessary in fights. After all, most of what she does is just a distraction for him to get close and defeat the Akuma— but there’s not really a genuine need for her since all he has to do is move his ouroboros miraculous over to the side and turn back time and do whatever needs to be done, right?
“I thought about how you’re so much better without me during Akuma battles— I thought how much of a klutz I am— I thought about how I always have these nervous breaks whenever something goes wrong and you always just deal with them and I wish I could just stop worrying about every little thing without making it into a thing— and— and—”
Gentle hands make it to her wrist, and she looks up, sniffling and biting her lip. Viperion’s smile looks soft on his face as he wipes away her tears— golden eyes looking at her like she’s the most important thing in the world. He kisses her forehead, her cheeks— her nose, too— all in favor of getting a smile back onto her face. “None of that is true, okay? There’s no need to overthink about any of it anymore. You’re okay, you’re here— exactly where I need you to be. You are the entire reason why Paris is safe every day— I’m just here to keep you company, in all honesty. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever known, little mouse, and I absolutely cannot do any of this without you.”
Amazing woman? Has he met his own mother before? “But— what about your family—”
“I’m aware of what I’ve said,” He smiles. “I don’t deal with your problems, we deal with our problems. You getting worked up about something is something we both work on together— I’m not going to let you suffer alone when you’re nervous about something.”
She blinks slowly at him, her lashes damp and full of tears, only being able to offer him a watery and a heartful: “Oh.”
He nods, encouraging her to smile back. “Everything’s going to be fine, just like it always is, okay?  You’re not a klutz. You’re doing great. Everything is going to be fine.”
“Breathe, Mousey. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
She looks at him in the eyes, her breath slowing down, looking around them to see just how empty the street is. It’s an unpopulated street to begin with, so there are only a couple of shops at the corners, nowhere near them where they sit in between the cars, catching their breath from the battle. “I’m— I’m going to be okay. I am okay.”
“You’re okay.” He nods, smiling gently, taking her hands in his.
“I’m— I’m fine.” She takes another breath. She still feels watery, still feels like a wet sponge, but it’s a little easier to breathe. “Sometimes days just don’t go my way, no matter how much I plan for it.”
“Good, good— but you’re forgetting the second half of that.”
“The second half?”
“For every day that it happens, whenever your days don’t go right, I’ll be right here for you to cry on because you and I have always been a team.” He kisses her bangs, smoothing his gloves at the back of her head, behind the buns in her hair. “As much as I don’t like seeing you cry, baby girl, I know that I’d rather see that, than have you bottle it up inside.”
She sniffles, giving him a little smile when he pulls away to gauge her reaction. “Thank you, Vai.”
“I love you.” He kisses her on the lips again.
“I love you, too.” She ducks her head as a blush stains her cheeks underneath her domino mask. “Oh, I’m— I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For crying on you and turning this into a mess.”
“My girlfriend seeking out comfort from me— what a scandal, little mouse,” He teases with a flash of his fangs. “How dare my Mousey want reassurance from me.”
She has the reflex to giggle, even though there’s a bit of tears still trying to make its way down her face. “It’s probably not what you had in mind for today, huh?”
“All I had was work today,” He wipes at her cheek again. “The Akuma is always unpredictable, but it’s not like your parents don’t know why I have to leave the register when our phones start to ding with the Akuma notification, right? And I’m always thinking of you, so, in a way this is sort of what I had in mind.”
She kisses him. It’s not as quick as it should be— it definitely isn’t as innocent as it has to be, given that they’re in public and they haven’t technically told the public yet that Viperion and Multimouse are more than just a duo, not to even mention that they’re a lot, lot more than a duo now, if her wandering hands are any indication— but she breaks away just before she has the urge to shift her position on him, laughing softly when he narrows his eyes at her. “We should— uhm— probably go back, right? Your mom is probably calling your phone right now, asking why in heaven’s name you picked the Liberty for the trap location— Alya will be here any moment now to ask things for the Ladyblog.”
“Hmm? What did you say? I was too busy living in the moment of hearing you laugh again. Such a sweet melody.” He looks back up to her from looking at her ankle. She has no idea what’s going on in that head of his— and it bothers her, because she so desperately wants to know, even as he gives her a wink and a smile.
She’s so thankful for this man. So ridiculously thankful.
She bites her lip to stop herself from smiling harder. “We need to go. Out of here. And I need a favor.”
“I’ll do whatever you need, Mousey. What is it?”
“I need you to marry me.”
His eyes widen, completely caught off guard. “What?”
“I mean— I mean carry—” She gasps, hiding her hands behind her mouth. “Oh gooseberries— I’m so sorry. Sorry! I meant carry, I promise! Slip of the tongue, oh sugarcubes— I’m so sorry— that’s not what I meant at all.”
“Breathe, Mousey, come on.” He snorts so hard that he has to hide his face behind his hands, shoulders shaking in mirth. “Obviously I’ll carry you. That’s without question— I’m not letting you walk like that. Come on, let’s get you back home.”
Marinette’s finally sleeping by the time he’s back into her room.
They’ve wrapped and bandaged her foot, kept it elevated and out of the way for her. She sleeps soundly, even as he struggles with her trap door to not make any noise. He’s not good at being quiet when he really tries— the universe is always out to get him whenever he tries to do something quietly. Or maybe he just gets too self-aware of himself.
“How’s she doing, Sass?”
“She’s been sleeping for the whole time since you brought her home,” The little kwami answers just as softly. There’s a couple of doll-sized lounge chairs on her nightstand, as well as a small little dining table with a couple of cushioned seats— it looks like a playset, in all honesty, but they’re the perfect size for the two kwamis to sit and eat away at their food.
Sass looks like he’s finished with his eggs, which is good to see. Mullo is still working on her blueberries, chewing through each one almost anxiously as the two kwamis watch Marinette rest. He’s never known just how many blueberries is enough for Mullo, so he’d grabbed a heavy container full of it and put it in a small basket to keep her entertained.
“Is her foot going to be okay?” Mullo squeaks out.
“She’ll be fine,” Luka sits on the floor to be at eye level with the kwamis. He takes a couple of berries in his hands to snack on in order to have something to do. “She’s never hurt her ankle before, so it’ll heal up fast. Master Fu wrapped it up for her, after all— her uncle wouldn’t lie, would he?”
Both kwamis nod in agreement.
“I feel like this is all my fault,” The little mouse makes a face. “I should’ve helped her today, I shouldn’t have been quiet the entire time. Maybe things wouldn’t have gotten this bad. Maybe I could’ve told her she was taking the wrong bag— or maybe I could’ve remembered to plug in her phone. I fell asleep watching videos on mermaid history, I’m pretty sure— I don’t think the videos were worth her twisting her foot.”
Sometimes kwami and holder are really alike, huh? Even the face that Mullo makes is so reminiscent of Marinette, it’s incredible— he tries his best not to smile lovingly but can’t help himself. “It isn’t your fault at all, Mullo. There’s no point in thinking about what you should’ve done— all of it has already happened. It’s okay.”
“She’s never gotten injured like this before for as long as I’ve known her— and you said earlier that she hasn’t torn any muscles since I was given to Luka. Her ankle will heal before you know it.” Sass is quick to pet his friend’s arm. “But until then, she definitely won’t be able to act should an Akuma arrive.”
The room goes silent again as the three of them settle back into what they were doing. Sass is curled up, of course, enjoying the luxury of the little doll chair that is stuffed to the brim with cotton and sewn expertly shut. The dollhouse furniture looks well-loved, though— he’s under the assumption that Marinette most likely bought second-hand miniature sets for Mullo to play house in when she had first been given the mouse miraculous. There’s no dollhouse in sight around anymore, but the bookcase near Marinette’s bed still has two cubbies empty in favor of a little curtain pulled open to reveal two fake little rooms.
There’s a little closet rack full of little clothes. There are hats lined up against the bookshelf wall with two slits on the sides to make space for Mullo’s ears. There’s a doll bed with a blanket and a cushion— there’s a couch and potted plants all made out of felted material in order to decorate the space. A rug, too, underneath all the furniture.
All of these little trinkets and toys, so loved and cared for by a young girl and the love she has for her mouse— now something cherished by a young woman. “You know, I’ve always wanted to ask— how long have you two known her?”
“The Cheng family has always kept the miraculouses safe,” Mullo bites into another blueberry. “We’ve been passed down for generations.”
“Well, usually. Master Fu is the guardian right now, but he’s making sure that Marinette is the next guardian.”
“I know that, yes— but I meant Marinette specifically. How long have you two known Marinette?” He turns to her, wondering if she’s in any pain. The inflammatories must be working well in her system because there’s nothing on her face that indicates that her foot’s been wrapped and bandaged to stay still.
“We’ve known her ever since she was little. About eight years old, maybe? All of the kwamis loved playing house with her— the little princess was always so sweet and lovable. Growing up an only child was really lonely for her, so we played with her whenever we could.” The dollhouse furniture makes a lot more sense now. “You name it, we played it. Hide and seek, dollhouse, tea time, dress up— princess and the knight, too.”
Of course Marinette would’ve made them little clothes, how could she have resisted? The idea is adorable.
“Kaalki would frequently run away from Master Fu’s place in order to come play with her. Who could blame him? I for one loved it when it was tea time. Princess always made deviled eggs, just for me.” Sass slips his eyes shut to sleep. He always gets tired after eating his share of eggs following an Akuma attack— Luka’s thankful he works at a bakery, where eggs are plenty.
Sass is out like a light.
Mullo giggles to herself, holding a giant blueberry between her two paws, turning to him in her little chair, speaking as quietly as possible. Marinette may be asleep for longer, but Sass’s hearing is always so sensitive— they don’t want to wake either of them up. “I just ended up being the lucky one that got to stay with her. All of the other kwamis were really upset when they heard that I was her permanent friend— especially Kaalki. They all loved playing with her. We’re sure that Plagg and Tikki will love her, once we find them again.”
So much history between Marinette and the kwamis. No wonder Sass was so happy when they’d finally revealed their identities to one another. “Hey, Mullo— how come she didn’t tell me about her ankle?”
“She didn’t want to worry you.” Mullo replies in her soft, tiny voice. “You both needed to focus on the Akuma first.”
But in the end, she’d hurt herself. What he wouldn’t give to second-chance her ankle back to normal— but it’s been hours, not minutes, since it happened.
He takes his time eating the handful he’s picked from Mullo’s basket. The blueberry is sweet in his mouth, and tasteful, and something quiet to do while he looks at Marinette’s sleeping form. She’s working herself too hard, isn’t she? Trying to keep up with all the things at university— and trying to keep up with everything at home— and definitely trying to keep up with Akumas on top of it all. They haven’t technically even been on dates together, if that’s something she even wants, because her life is so full. It’s commendable, but watching the girl of his dreams get pulled in all different directions makes him understand entirely why a multitasking miraculous is the perfect one for her.
“You should rest, Luka. It’s getting really late.”
“I don’t know if I should— I don’t want to accidentally wake her up.”
“She’ll be more upset if she wakes up and you’re not in bed with her,” Mullo argues. He smiles, because he can’t help the humor at the sincerity of her words. “You should join her.”
He’d have to take off his jeans, and go pawing for one of his shirts she’s stolen from his room in order to not get flour all over her bed, but it’s doable. Her parents already know he’s up here, after all— he’s said he was going to check up on her once his shift ended. Her parents had let him go without barely any warning gaze— in fact, Mrs. Cheng had implored him to spend the night and make sure Marinette didn’t attempt to run off, in case another Akuma were to pop up.
They trust that he’s a good person and will actually stop her from leaving the house. And he doesn’t want to disappoint.
The last thing he wants to do is go back home and listen to the absolute earful he’ll be getting from his mom about using the Liberty as bait, so he’s going to camp out in Marinette’s room after sending about a billion and one heart emojis to Juleka, hoping she’ll try to keep their mom out of trouble.
Maybe it’d been a bad idea to tell his family about his identity— just his family in general. It’s safer this way, now that his family knows, so there won’t be any nasty revelations down the line and his family won’t turn into Akumas (and if he has to fight Reflekta or Captain Hardrock any more times in his life, he’s going to quit) but now there’s the added bonus of his mom knows why he disappears all the time.
Heart emojis sent to Juleka it is.
“And what about you? Won’t you be going to bed?”
“I’m still hungry, so I need to dip downstairs and get some more food, if that’s okay. Or, better yet— do you want me to take Sass downstairs with me when I go?”
He raises a brow. Surely she doesn’t mean to imply… “She’s— Marinette— come on, Mullo. She��s injured.”
“I’m not sure she needs her ankle for that!”
This doesn’t top the weirdest conversation he’s ever had, but this is definitely up there. “And she’s asleep— I’m not comfortable with the idea.”
“She’ll wake up soon. You should ask her then, obviously.”
“You’re two aren’t our first holders, you know, we’ve done this so many times before.” Mullo giggles behind a paw. “So, do you want privacy? If you don’t, I’ll stay right here. Mari likes to tell us that we’re as scary as actual dolls, sometimes, with our beady little eyes.”
No one has to tell him that. He learned the hard way when he’d woken up the first time with Sass looking straight at him. Beady little eyes indeed— it’d scared him shitless and almost caused him to scream at a bleary five in the morning. Sass is a terrifying little creature when he wants to be.
“Maybe it’s a good idea to give us a bit of time.” He tries not to blush when Mullo tilts her head in acknowledgment. “I don’t think she wants anything except sleep, but, who knows.”
“We’ll give you all the time you two need,” The little mouse nods. She grabs Sass’s sleeping form by a paw, taking one last bite out of the remaining blueberry, before the two of them phase through the floorboards down below. Sometimes kwamis are weird little creatures with all of their powers, honestly— he’s gotten used to Sass appearing out of thin air in his attempts to scare him, but it’s always so concerning to see it happen without that context.
He lifts himself up from the floor, peeling open some of her drawers in search of one of his shirts. She’d taken his pleading to heart, and now has a steady collection of his clothes starting to grow and multiply in her closet— he’s running out of his own clothes, honestly, but he can’t say no when she smiles at him like she always does before squirreling away a new shirt into her bag when she wants to keep a piece of him with her.
He should probably take some of these shirts home with him, though. If the point was for her to smell like him, well, he should probably make it happen.
He folds his shirt and jeans. Marinette doesn’t have piles of clothes everywhere unlike him, so he makes the executive decision to stack his clothes on her desk chair. By the time he’s going back up the ladder over to her bed, Marinette’s shifted onto her side, facing him— she wakes up the moment he tries to shimmy his way under the covers with her.
“Oh. Hi.”
“Hi.” She has pieces of her hair catching in her eyelashes— he brushes it away, shifting closer to her. Her entire bed smells of faint traces of lavender, what a nice scent. “How are you feeling, Mousey?”
“A lot better,” She’s quick to smile, even as she’s groggy from sleep. Adorable. “Probably because of the amount of pain killers I’m on right now, though.”
He laughs. “Master Fu told me you don’t usually take painkillers. You must just completely relax under it, then, since your body isn’t used to it.”
“I don’t think I tore anything, did I?”
“No, I don’t think so. Your uncle said you’re fine, after all, but you should just stay out of commission for this week until you can put weight on that foot again.”
She looks so disappointed. “Where’s Lolo?”
“Downstairs. She’s probably eating through your entire pantry at the moment.”
“And Sass?”
“Went with her. Mullo took him to give us privacy. Are you okay?”
He should’ve known better than to relax his guard around her. The moment he’s completely at ease in bed, she grabs for him, pulling him so close to her that they’re perfect puzzle pieces. “How is it that I can sling myself across rooftops for years, day and night, but I can’t even walk in a straight line once I’m out of my suit?”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Mousey. That’s not good for you.”
“I wish I wasn’t such a klutz.”
“You’re not.” He kisses the top of her head as a punctuation of his words. “You just had a bad day, that’s all.”
“One of the worsts in a while,” She nods into his— hers?— shirt. “Luka? Could you make it better for me?”
He laughs. “And you call me the insatiable one, little mouse.”
Her eyes sparkle. “Who was the one that jumped me when I was going to go shower after my pool trip with my friends? One look at me in a towel and suddenly my boyfriend’s hands are all on me— sounds pretty insatiable, if you ask me.”
How can she blame him? She has such soft and delicate skin. Everywhere.
He loves touching and feeling her up whenever she lets him and asks him to. Not to even mention her ass— god— he could write so many songs just about it— he likes biting her everywhere he can, and he’s sure he’d done exactly that while sneaking his way into her shower box. Marinette always takes to bruising really well when it comes to him teething at her, she blossoms into hickies whenever he has his mouth on her. Not to even mention just how excited and turned on she was when he’d finally fingered her to completion.
“I don’t believe you were complaining, were you? Besides, I was just giving my girlfriend what she likes the most.”
She snorts and giggles. “And what is that?”
“Word is around here that she really likes Viperion. Has lots of fantasies about him— and, hey, I’m a pretty understanding guy. If my girlfriend wants to call out his name instead of mine, I get it.” He loves it when she laughs this hard— it’s always so much better to hear her laugh than it is to hear her stay quiet and in her thoughts. “It’s a good thing he likes helping out, too. The guy’s taken a real liking to my girlfriend, even though I’ve heard that him and Multimouse are a thing.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” She smiles against his mouth. She’s feeling a lot better now, he can tell, because her hands disappear under his— seriously, hers?— shirt, teasing all of the skin available to her. Her fingers are ticklish against his chest and abs— she’s just as handsy as he is, most of the time.
“Insatiable,” He kisses her before pulling down the covers.
Her sleepshirt is soft and stretchy in his hands, and it’s easy to pull it up enough so he can kiss her stomach and hip at the waistband of her panties. He’s careful with her leg, of course— he doesn’t want to move it, just to make sure the wraps on her ankle don’t come undone by accident. He helps her out of her underwear slowly and gently, pulling the cute panties off so he can get her completely bare.
Such cute underwear. But then again, he’s always a little biased to anything green or blue— and the mint green color is adorable on her pale skin. The cut is cute, too— he doesn’t know enough about women’s underwear styles, but these are a lot cuter on her than he’d imagined. They rest just at her hip, with a pretty little scalloped edge that is just a smidge too Marinette for him to reasonably handle.
But he likes her better naked, of course.
“You’re already this wet?”
“Don’t tease, Luka.” Her hands disappear under her shirt. He doesn’t get to exactly see what she does underneath with her fingers, but it doesn’t take much brainpower to recognize the arching of her back like she always gets whenever he’s pinching at her nipples.
He follows the line she’s made with her body with an appreciating gaze, kissing up and down her thigh so slowly that she makes a frustrated noise. “Awh, don’t be like that, Mousey. Tell me why you’ve soaked through your underwear, I’m curious.”
She groans. “I thought of you the entire time I was in that stupid subway.”
Oh, did she? “No wonder you’ve been so tense today.”
She makes eye contact with him after a little flinch and a little exhale— she must’ve pinched herself just enough to make it count. “I was thinking about what you did to me in the shower. You’re such a glutton, Vai.”
He grins at her. Oh, he loves it when she calls him that. “I’m not so sure about that.”
And gives her what she needs.
He takes his time licking between her legs, even though she’s wet enough that it wouldn’t take much effort at all to slip his fingers into her. He likes this part, personally, even to the point where he shifts his hips down into the mattress to alleviate some of the pressure building at the base of his spine, starting to get desperate himself. It’s always so satisfying to go down on her— the noises she makes are always so attractive, and he loves making her come without much regard to himself. Marinette isn’t loud when she vocalizes her likes and dislikes, but not because she doesn’t want to be— she always hides her mouth behind her hands— and it always feels like a contest.
Today is no exception.
Her ribs heave under her shirt as he licks and licks, swirling his tongue at the place she loves the most. Her sighs are soft and sweet, even as he pulls her good leg up and over his shoulder, burying his face into her cunt as she makes a noise halfway between an exhale and a laugh.
“Who’s the glutton now?”
He makes a humming noise, not exactly interested in answering her question— he’s more in favor of showing. He’s glad to help, after all— pulling noise after noise from her when he licks his way into her, digging his tongue in as far as he can possibly reach. Her hips lift, using his shoulder as an anchor, and she moans— but still, again, it’s so soft and nearly quiet like she doesn’t want anyone to know what they’re up to. Always so considerate of others.
By the time he’s got two fingers dipping into her, she’s wound up tight already. He can tell by the way she twitches, how she bites the fleshy part of her thumb— and how she bites harder when he uses his free hand to cup her ass and give her a squeeze. Soft. Soft soft soft.
God, so deliciously soft.
“Luka,” She whispers, trying her absolute hardest to stay quiet as he curls his fingers into her. Her free hand makes it to his hair, brushing it back so sweetly— she’s more cuddly this way, than an actual sexual deviant, like she’s desperate for reassurance. “Please please please?”
He loves it when she starts to beg for more and asks for more physical touch whenever he makes a home between her legs.
“Easy, Mousinette. Take a breath,” He kisses her thighs, liking the way how her thighs get sticky and messy with it. She sucks in a breath at his suggestion, looking at him with her hazy, pretty eyes. “You’re almost there, aren’t you?”
“Yes—” She cuts herself off with a particular sigh that makes him piston his fingers more into her. She reaches down with the hand that was in his hair, gesturing for his hand underneath her to join her. “Could you— oh— please—”
“There you go. That’s it. Come whenever you want, baby girl.” He intertwines his fingers and clasps hands with hers, giving her one last swirl and flattening of his tongue, before he feels her start to come on his fingers.
“Luka—” He doesn’t let up once he recognizes the exhale, or the squirming— especially not when he feels the attractive fluttering of her walls. She squeezes and squeezes, milking his fingers desperately.
He can deal with his erection later. For now, he slowly eases his fingers out of her, and kisses her thigh again when she complains about the loss of his hand between her legs. “How are you feeling, Mousey? Better?”
“Always am when I’m with you. Sex or no sex.” And— oh— if he wasn’t so desperately hard in his boxers, he’d fall in love with her on the spot all over again. She’s always so honest with him— it’s always such a shock, even when he knows that’s just how her personality is. He watches her eyelids struggle to keep open, even as she raises her hands up in an attempt to coerce him to bed— barely clothed, with a sleep shirt that covers nothing except her chest and her shoulders at this point. “Come cuddle? ‘M tired. I want my boyfriend.”
“Probably not a good idea. I’m going to end up dry humping you— I’m so fucking horny.”
“Vai…” It’s so heartbreakingly cute that she tries to be stern even while falling asleep. “Cursing.”
“Sorry,” He laughs, gesturing to himself even though she’s not really looking at him. “I’ll be right back. I should probably go take care of my di— uhm, I mean, this— in your bathroom, and wash my hands too.”
Her face unpinches. “But what about cuddling?”
“I will after I clean you up,” He kisses the lines of her abs— pulling her shirt down enough to get comfortable. “If you fall asleep can I still towel you off? You know I don’t like it when you’re left messy.”
“Always take good care of me.” She mumbles, completely oblivious to the way he hides his steaming face behind his hands. She nods a confirmation, patting the spot next to her. “And then after cleaning come cuddle. Please.”
By the time he’s made himself orgasm while thinking of her, and washed his hands clean of her, and made sure that she’s no longer sticky between the legs— Marinette is still bravely putting up a fight with sleep. He helps her put on some new underwear, making sure that she doesn’t move her ankle as much when he does it— but he’s completely caught by surprise when she pulls him in for a hug— and, honestly— he should know better by now.
He loves it, though.
So much.
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jessefandomunited · 5 years ago
Visiting hours  (part 1)
Spencer Reid X Reader
You can’t believe Spencer got thrown in prison and when your forced to take sick leave you have to go to see him.
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I’ve been numb ever since Reid was put in that damn prison, and it showed in my work. For a while Penelope put me on the night shift on paperwork duty because I was no help, but even that wasn’t working. Emily cleared her throat behind me , “ hey, my office , please.” I slowly got up and cracked my fingers, I glanced at the phone and my heart stopped, I had started my shift at 3pm, it was about 5am now. I swallowed and slowly made my way into Emilys office. “ Please sit,” She said looking at me with intense pity. “Listen I ...I didn’t realize what time it was,” I began to explain but she held a hand up to silence me, “ I know , I know that this has been hard on you, you two were very close, and because of how you’ve been lately, I'm putting you on medical leave.” I stood up, “ what!? I’ve been doing my job, what more do you want!? I'm not sick!” “ Mentally you are,” Emily said firmly , then she softened, “ Listen, take the time off, visit him a few times, heal.” “ How...if i’m not working, if i’m not doing anything it won’t help him at all,” I stuttered holding back tears. “ Please, just a couple weeks at least,” She urged. I bit my lip and nodded. I got up and left the office.
As I was driving home I realized that I couldn’t go home. I looked down at what I was wearing a old fashion peter pan collared blouse with a coffee stain and my longer pleated skirt. Not the thing one usually wears to visit a prisoner but  it would have to do, I couldn’t put off seeing him anymore.
The visitations didn’t start till 10 so when I got there at about 9 they made me wait . The guards inspected me and made snide comments. I ended up putting on my glasses to hide how dark the circles under my eyes have gotten. I couldn’t sleep, any time I closed my eyes I just could imagine what they were doing to him and id end up looking through the web for anything to do with Scratch. Then Penelope moved me to the night shift, so I didn’t sleep at night or during the day. “ Come on,” A guard yelled breaking me out of my trance. I hugged my bag close to me and took a note out before handing it over. They led us into a surprisingly open room that had rows of desks with a small piece of plexiglass in between. I awkwardly sat swinging my legs till the door opened. My head popped up and I watched the inmates walk in. A few of the guys eyed me up and down and there were a few wolf whistles but I didn’t care once I locked eyes with Spencer. A weary smile tugged at his lips and I stood up trying not to cry as he walked over. I went for a hug but a guard yelled, “ NO TOUCHING!” there were a few snickers from other inmates but I ignored them. “ I’m not going to ask how you are, but honestly I don’t know what to even say that will make you feel better I know this sucks I should be out doing something anything ,” I rambled rubbing at my eyes. He looked bad, unshaven unruly hair and he didn’t look like he was sleeping well. “ What are you doing here,” He asked, “ i’m, glad to see you but they usually send people on Monday right?” I rubbed my neck nervously and locked eyes with him before saying, “ Emily...has put me on medical leave. I’ve been working the night shift , on paperwork, and I tend to stay there a bit longer than I'm supposed to and ...” I stopped because he looked distressed, “You’re not sleeping...are you?” “ Not in the strictest seance of the word,” I almost whispered. “ I’m so glad to see you, but i’m...scared for you, it’s not safe and the men here,” He said trying to grab the right words. “ Spencer I can’t just sit at home and do nothing,  I wont ‘heal’ at home, and they wont let me back at work so I want to be here with you , as often as I can , I want to make sure you’re alright. And it drives me mad that I cant do anything because I ,” My words trailed off , I was going to say I loved him , here of all places. I bit my lip, my hands were shaking with rage and I felt hot tears in my eyes, “ It’s not fair.” “ No,” He said simply and I wiped my eyes feeling stupid, “ Sorry, this isn’t what you need to see from the outside world. I uh… wrote you a note, They wont let me give it to you but I know you’re a fast reader.” I held it up. It was me just rambling about things Penelope had said and how we have a big party planned when this is all over and how much we are all working to get him out of here. He nodded his eyes red , “ thankyou, that was really sweet.” “ Look at that little mama with Mr. Reid,” Someone jeered. I saw Spencer stiffen, “ you really shouldn’t be here, really it isn’t safe.” “ Spence I don’t give a fuck,” I whispered so the guard wouldn’t snap at me, “ you’re in here and I will be here as long as it takes to remind you that we haven't given up on you and you shouldn’t either! As for all the guys in here I couldn’t care less what they say, they’re mostly talk.” I winced a bit then added, “ well maybe not for you, but I really doubt they can hurt me out there.” He looked around nervously and swallowed, “ please just be careful.” “ I will I promise,” I said with the first real smile I could muster, “ now what is the one thing you’d want most in the world once you get out, it can be anything.” He seemed to relax a bit with my casual tone, like he’d just be getting off a shift at work, “ maybe a bath, and a few good books.” I smiled brightly and winked , “ that wont be a problem at all.” He tried to hide his blush and I quickly changed the subject to a book he had recommended to me a while ago, and it felt like we were talking back at the office till , “ VISITING HOURS ARE OVER!” We both blinked a couple times like we were pulling ourselves back into reality. “ Bye...Spence,” I said sadly , “ I’ll be here tomorrow.” He visibly became a bit more distant and cold and just slightly nodded. “ Miss i’m going to need you to leave now,” One of the guards insisted . “ Yes… sorry,” I said a little absent minded. I spun around and left without looking back, I couldn’t look back
I was sitting outside by myself when they approached me , “ Hey Reid, cute little mama you got there hu?” I really did not want to talk to them in general but especially not about her. I got up and started to walk away but two of the guys grabbed me roughly and turned me to face the other. “ You didn’t answer now thats just rude,” He said in a sickly sweet voice, “ Now I feel like my boys here need to teach you a lesson on respect.” I forced my face to stay stoic, this was just any other usub looking for a weakness to strike at. “ Now,” He continued, “ that lovely lady that came in, she got a name.” “None of your business,” I replied instantly causing one of the guys to punch me in the stomach. I gasped and tried to wriggle out but they held fast. “ Now that’s strike two,” He said shaking his head, “ You know i’ve got some contacts on the outside, one that could turn her world upside down, in fact maybe the next time I see her, i’ll just jump her myself, what are they going to do , put me in solitary?” “ You won’t lay a finger on her,” I snapped . He laughed, “ okay okay, I won’t, but you have to tell her, to her face, that you don’t want to see her again, and if you tell her why, i’ll still jump her, got it?” “ I don’t think you can do that,” I hissed through gritted teeth. The guy punched me again then threw me to the ground, “ I guess you’ll have to find out.” I didn’t want to take that chance but I hated the thought of her not coming, that was the first time in a while I remember smiling or felt like a real person. I shook my head, I was being selfish, this was her life at stake. I took a deep breath and started thinking of a plan.
I was able to sleep a little that night, I think physically seeing that Spencer was still Spencer was a big relief even if he did seem more tense. I read a bit of another book he recommended to me the next morning so that i’d have something new to talk about, then it was back in the car driving to the Prison. I had almost forgotten to change before I left, I pretty much collapsed when I got back yesterday and just starred at the ceiling. Today I chose a more neutral outfit , high waisted brown corduroy shorts and an oversize green turtleneck sweater tucked into them. It was a bit more casual that I usually dress in fact I don’t think I have ever dressed this casual with Spencer before, even when we went out to the movies or the planetarium or some other random thing none of the others wanted to go to, I always dressed up for him. I wanted him to feel important but I realized that it didn’t matter what I wore more that I was there, so I decided to test my theory today. I tapped nervously on my backpack as I waited for them to call me in. My palms were sweaty and I felt a lump in my throat, I thought i’d be excited but being surrounded by dangerous men made me anxious. They called us in and I went. I sat at the same table waiting anxiously. I felt like I was going to cry again but I shook that thought out of my head. The door opened and I noticed almost every inmate looked at me as they went to their seats. I felt suddenly very exposed. I heard someone whisper very softly, “ she came baaackkk.” I felt a bit faint, I was definitely in some sort of danger. “ Hey,” I jumped at the sound of Spencer's gentle voice but then relaxed, “ Sorry...I...” I looked around and leaned in, “ i’m….in trouble aren't I ?” Spencer placed his hand firmly on the glass  making me jump again. I saw the words “, you’re in danger, sorry.” “ Spence I,” I started but he snapped loud enough for the others to head, “ listen now and listen good, I do not want to see your face here ever again, is that understood.” The guards walked over to us. “ Understood,” he said darkly. I felt my heart crack a bit and I nodded quickly. I stood up and I heard one inmate say, “ bye bye pretty girl.” I whipped around and kicked the table he was act and fixed him with a cold glare, and then I was drug out of the room. It wasn’t necessary but I had just gotten my best friend taken away from me again and there was literally nothing I could do about it.
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fromashescomephoenixes · 4 years ago
It’s Not a Double Date
warnings: none!
summary: Hermione agrees to go to lunch with Harry, Ginny and Draco. But it’s definitely not a double date! (Or is it?)
word count: 1.1k+
“Please!” Ginny was begging me desperately. “I can’t handle it with just Harry,”
“Ginny, the whole reason you guys are doing this lunch is because you’re all friends now!”
“Yeah, but that’s mostly him and Harry,” She whined. “And he’s single again,” she tried a different tact.
“You think Malfoy and I would be good together?” I laughed, shaking my head. Ginny simply shrugged. I started to walk back towards my office, but she turned me around.
“Please Hermione,” she asked once more, “If you really hate it I can fake being sick,” she suggested. Finally, I conceded.
“I guess,” Ginny instantly cheered up.
“Thank you!” She exclaimed. And started to leave, waving over her shoulder. “Also Malfoy may think it’s a double date,” Ginny jogged out the doors of the ministry as my jaw dropped.
“Ginny! What!” I sighed. Looks like I’d be going on a date with Malfoy.
“Hello?” I finally answered my phone, which had been ringing for the past ten minutes.
“Hermione!” Harry greeted me.
“Harry! I said cheerfully. “How are you?” I was very glad to hear from my best friend.
“Really great,” Harry responded. “I wanted to thank you, ‘Mione, for agreeing to go with Malfoy to lunch.”
“As Long as the ferret is polite, I don’t really see an issue with it,” I admitted. “Although I’m not going to let him think it’s a date,” I said, mostly to assure myself I think.
“Well, to be honest,” Harry paused. “He sounded kind of excited,” It would not be an exaggeration to say I nearly fell over from laughing.
“Sure, and Rita Skeeter is the most reliable writer in the Daily Prophet!” I chuckled to myself and Harry allowed himself a laugh as well.
“Truly Hermione,” Harry began. A commotion cut into the background of our call, likely some sort of Auror’s training or other.
“Listen ‘Mione, I have to go. See you tomorrow!” The statement was all but shouted before the phone clicked off.
The question of ‘what to wear?’ was not something that often preoccupied my thoughts. However, it was all I could think of as I went to sleep that night.
Perhaps my deep red blazer and- No, too business-y. Or nice jeans and a jumper? A little too casual, since Harry had picked a relatively upscale restaurant so that they could avoid the Paparazzi.
As the sun began to shine in, I stared at my clock until it turned to Six. That was an alright time to get up I thought. I’d slept a bit, but not enough. The nightmares never got any better. I always wonder how Harry manages. He says Ginny helps, but unfortunately I don’t exactly have the love of my life waiting for me around the corner. Unless of course I bump into the perfect man at the lunch spot Harry chose which is thankfully very close by. I snort as I imagine the unlikely odds.
Finally, I still on a royal blue sweater over a shirt with a Peter Pan collar. I’ve heard that’s trendy, although really it’s just my regular style. I don’t bother with make up, and choose to spend the spare time reading instead.
Harry and Ginny pick me up outside of my apartment. I quickly grab my keys and sunglasses as we dash out the door.
“So,” I begin “How civil do I have to be to Malfoy?” I tease.
“Hermione, I solemnly swear he’s changed,” Harry said gravely. I simply shrugged.
“Yeah, but how much can a person truly change?” I sigh, deep in thought. Either he wasn’t that changed, or we were about to meet a completely new person.
“Granger?” I heard his voice before I saw him. His blond hair was parted loosely and he wore simple jeans and a white shirt.
“Malfoy.” I nodded primly. He smiled, but I looked away. Harry and Ginny both greeted him with a hug, but while he was turned away I made sure to mouth:
“Are you serious!?” Towards Ginny. All she could do was shrug. We walked into the restaurant and I noticed an odd stare here and there. Luckily there were no cameras. Harry and Ginny walked slightly ahead of me and Malfoy. I suppose Malfoy took this as an invitation for conversation.
“So..” He trailed off. “I never believed we would be going on a date!” I frowned at his lame attempt at a joke.
“It’s not a date Malfoy,” I replied.
“Oh?” His eyebrow raised up, “What is it then?”
“We’re simply third and fourth wheeling,” I managed a small smile, but Draco started full on laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Ginny asked with a smile.
“Well. I simply told him we’re not on a date.” I didn’t really see how he found it THAT funny.
“So Draco,” Harry began. He was ready to start a new topic as the four of us had been laughing at one of his less graceful plays in quidditch. “How was your trip to America?”
“Oh!” I surprised even myself in saying this. However, I’d always wanted to visit America.
“It was fantastic,” He began. He sped into a long story of everything that happened. I found myself hanging on to every word. Godric, his eyes were really nice. No, that wasn’t what I should be thinking! Ugh.
“How’s work at the ministry Hermione?” He turned towards me. I bit my lips for a moment. Willing myself to keep being cold towards him.
“Perfectly fine, thank you,” I nodded.
“What do you think of those new laws theyre possibly putting in place over in Germany?” He asked. How did he hear about those? I’d only found out after hearing from the minister himself. Unable to stop myself, I launched into a passionate explanation of my thoughts.
“I think it’s fantastic that they’re thinking of reintegrating Wizards and muggles together!” I continued on this path, and then frowned and added. “Although it should be a global decision. Germany can’t very well tell people there are wizards without muggle finding out about the rest of us!”
“I completely agree Hermione!” Draco threw a smile my way. “Plus, it has to be taken fairly slowly. It will be a large shock for everyone,” Oh Godric, he traveled? He was as handsome as ever? He had completely changed his view on muggles? There was something strangely attractive about this ‘new’ Draco. However his unmistakable personality was still very much at his core.
After a few more interesting topics of conversation, we finished lunch and got the bill. I had had a surprisingly lovely afternoon.
“We should do this again sometime!” Harry suggested, staring at me. Perhaps I hadn’t been as secretive as I thought about my change in sentiment towards Draco.
“ I would love that,” Draco said, also glancing at me.
“I suppose,” I glanced at my shoes, eager to escape the gaze of everyone. As we parted ways, I noticed Draco fall in to step beside me.
“So, I know that wasn’t a date,” He began a little sheepishly. “But would you maybe want to grab ice cream together?” I blushed as I found myself smiling at the thought.
“I suppose,” I smiled softly.
“Now that, is the best thing I’ve heard all day!” He shyly brushed my hand and we continued to walk to my favourite ice cream shop ever.
“Daddy, Daddy!” A small Scorpius waddled over to Draco. “What was your and mommy’s first date?”
“Well, I can tell you that it wasn’t anything so basic as a double date,” Draco smiled at his son, before throwing a smirk towards Hermione. She tossed the dish rag she was holding towards him, but he dodged it expertly.
They had been married very happily for 5 years, and were certainly a well loved couple. They kept up the tradition of double dates with Harry and Ginny, although Draco enjoyed telling Hermione that it wasn’t a date.
“We’re simply third and fourth wheeling!” He would smile, as he gently held his wife’s hand.
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thejollyroger-writer · 5 years ago
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Some triggers: this story is rated TEEN, mostly for violence. It takes place during wartime, and some of the characters go through some violence and torture. If you need more information about this, please just message me!
SUMMARY:  In a world that has been saturated in war for as long as anyone can remember, Emma Swan has rebuilt her life as far away from the chaos as possible, opening her own maternity hospital after spending too many years in makeshift battlefield aid stations. But one night, a bloodied and battered soldier finds her hospital trying to get away from an enemy with a penchant for torture and a personal vendetta against him. With the help of Emma’s childhood friend Prince David and a motley collection of humans and magic-wielders, the quest to save Killian Jones’ life from the poison used by the enemy takes them to places even beyond the known world.
a/n: Now we’re getting into some really deep worldbuilding shit, and even deeper magic. This chapter took me so long to perfect, continually questioning the viability of the magic and magic-teaching and the Atheneaum as a whole... hopefully it makes sense to everyone else! 
Header and the art for every chapter by the lovely @spartanguard – special thanks to @cssns for making this monster happen!
Prologue on AO3 // Prologue on Tumblr // Chapter One (ART) // Chapter Two (ART) // Chapter Three (ART)
Chapter Four on AO3
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“I’m so proud of you, brother,” Killian says, clapping his hand on Liam’s shoulder as he fixes his collar in the mirror of their shared barracks. 
Liam meets his eyes in the mirror, flashing a large smile before reaching around to wrap his arm around Killian’s shoulders. 
“Thank you, Killy.” 
If anyone else ever even tried to call him ‘Killy,’ he would probably throttle them, but no one has ever tried. Only Liam has ever come up with a nickname for him, and though he knows the tips of his ears turn red on the rare occasion Liam calls him ‘Killy’ in public, he would always take ‘little brother’ over that any day.
It wasn’t a lie, though: Killian is proud of his brother. Very proud. Today is his promotion — both of their promotions, actually, though Liam’s is a much bigger deal than his own. 
The youngest admiral the Nephilysis military has ever seen. The only dryad to even become a high-ranking officer in the navy. Gold’s son, Baelfire, even called him the ‘most skilled fae’ he has ever seen. All because he has honed his abilities in a way no one ever expected, combining his air manipulation abilities with his love for the ocean and working with an Elder and a Fae to create a whole new system for travelling: the airship. 
So today is more than a promotion for the elder Jones brother; it is also the day Liam gets a ship of his own, the perfect and pristine Jewel of the Realm, whose flying technologies include the best of everything Killian and Liam, with the help of Merlin and the rest of Gold's elders, have created over the last eight years working for Gold. 
The ceremony, though filled with age-old traditions, does not take nearly as long as Killian anticipated, even with both of them receiving promotions: Liam to Admiral of the Jewel of the Realm and a small fleet of ships equipped for air travel and Killian as Captain, serving directly under his brother for the time being. 
The ceremony does not take long, but the meeting that he and Liam have directly afterwards, where they are getting their first assignments in their new positions, is proving to be the opposite. 
Killian had assumed that the only business of the meeting would be giving them their assignments, and he had been dead wrong. Instead of only them, he and Liam found themselves meeting with Gold’s entire war council, which included the Elders for each Nephilim faction, other admirals and generals from all across the Wasteland — not to mention the Prince and his band of Elders and guards, much younger and less traditional than Gold’s men. It’s a stark contrast in the room, really, between the Elders who follow Gold and those who follow his son, between those in traditional Nephilysis uniforms and those in jeans and sweatshirts. Killian would never dare to show up to a meeting with Gold the Elder, the King of Nephilysis, the man that he serves under, wearing jeans. Hell, he would be embarrassed to even be seen by the King of Nephilysis wearing jeans — but he supposes that Baelfire and his collection of followers lead a very different, and much more privileged, life than he does. 
Finally, after what feels like hours — though, according to Killian’s wristwatch proves to only be an hour and a half — Gold turns his attention to the Jones brothers for the first time. 
“Now, as for the newest members of this council,” he says, his voice odd in a way Killian struggles to describe, though slimy comes to mind. He smiles, though there is not a happy thing about it, more sinister than anything else. “Many of you should already know about Admiral Jones’ work with his airships, so now it’s time to give him and his small fleet of Captains their first destination. I’m very pleased that we are now able to go to far-off places thanks to the hard word of Admiral Jones, and so it is an honor to finally announce that he will be leading an expedition to somewhere my advisors and I have had our sights set on for a while now.” 
He says nothing beyond this, waiting for every eye in the room to be on him. The last to look up, Killian notices, is Prince Baelfire, who rolls his eyes when he realizes what his father is doing, but looks up at him nonetheless. Finally, Gold turns back to Killian and Liam, that same sinister smile on his face again. 
“Neverland!’ he says with a laugh even more sinister that chills Killian to the bone. 
There is just something about him that Killian strongly dislikes but he can’t figure out what. He realizes, perhaps a moment too late, that he may have let his disgust with him show on his face, and tries to wipe off all expression --and then realizes exactly what Gold just said to them. 
When he turns to Liam, his brother looks just as confused as he feels. “How is it I’ve studied maps of the world practically my whole life and yet I’ve never heard of this place, this Neverland?” 
Gold’s slimy smile grows, somehow. It takes all of Killian’s energy not to cringe, though he’s useless against the confusion he feels when the Prince answers Liam’s question instead of the King. “Well, because Neverland isn’t on any map, it’s not somewhere you can navigate to.” 
It’s time for Killian to voice his concern, turning to the Prince. “Then how are we supposed to get there?” 
But Gold himself answers instead. “There’s only one man who has ever made it to the island and returned, so he is going to join you.” He gestures towards the door just as a young man — much younger than even the youngest recruits, Killian notices — pushes through the door, as if on cue. Out of anyone in the room, his eyes meet Killian’s, a smile just as sinister, if not more, than the King’s, spread across his face. “Admiral, Captain, this is Peter Pan.” 
 Liam slams the door to their barracks behind him, the anger that he’s been trying to keep off his face suddenly obvious. 
“He can’t be serious, can he?” he practically yells, furiously pacing between the close walls of their cabin. “That Pan, he’s — he’s just a boy. He speaks so highly of himself, as if he has more knowledge than anyone else in the room.” 
“I hate to say it, brother, but I do believe there is more to that boy than meets the eye,” Killian responds, sitting down on one of the chairs in their common area. 
Liam whips around. “What does that mean?” 
“I don’t — he could be…” He shakes his head, then rests it in his hands. “One of the books I read recently spoke of these… these beings who don’t age, who are from all of these weird lands, and I thought it was fantasy, just a myth, but then I saw this—this boy, and I got this… I don’t know, this feeling that he was one of them.” 
“Killy, that’s insane.”
“I thought it was insane, too, but now I’m not too sure.” 
Liam pushes his fingers through his hair, huffing, but sits down next to him anyway. “What else did your book say about them?” he asks finally, the words coming out slowly. 
“Dark magic, Liam. They’re creatures of pure black magic.” 
Liam shakes his head. “King Gold does a lot of things, brother, but I cannot believe that he would go to that extreme.” 
“That’s not all. Not only are they dark magic, but the places they come from are the same, are home to the darkest magics of the world, items and poisons and weapons. This Neverland, I’ve never heard of it, but I can only imagine that it’s one of these places.” 
He is still shaking his head. “No. No, I refuse to believe it. King Gold is— he’s corrupt, yes, but dark magic? That’s insane, Killian.” 
“I’m just telling you what I read.” 
Liam stands up again, continuing with his pacing where he left off. “Dark magic,” he whispers, scrubbing his face with his hand, then he starts to unbutton the jacket of his dress uniform. “You don’t think King Gold would send us on a mission to collect dark magic, do you?” 
Killian does, a fear that he feels seeping into the deepest parts of him — but he just shakes his head. He may think Gold is evil enough to send them to a land of dark magic, but to say it out loud, even to his brother, would be treason. Bad form. 
 The gates to the Athenaeum loom above them, shining in the golden sunlight of the dawn. It took them a whole day’s drive to get there, opting to go around the bulk of the city instead of through it, hoping to keep as much attention off of them as they can, even if it meant adding another four hours in the car. 
Regina has never much cared for the second entrance to the Athenaeum, never afraid to travel through the city because of her immunity, both an atheneid and an Elder on the Gale Council. But she understands how careful Emma and Mary Margaret want to be, being so close to the Prince himself. 
With a huff, Regina checks her watch. It’s been almost a minute since she knocked on the door, and there has still been no sign of movement on the other side of the gate. Finally, one of the gates swings open, revealing a dark-skinned Naphilm soldier in a dress uniform — something Regina hasn’t seen for years, since she was a young woman studying to become an elder and an atheneid. Something she never thought she was going to see again once she left Nephilysis behind. 
"State your business." His voice is sinister, angry, but he is unable to deny them access once Regina shows him her credentials as an atheneid, which allows her access to the Athenaeum and no questions asked about her allegiance. He doesn’t let them any further than inside the gates, though, barring them from walking any closer to the building. 
Even still, Regina rolls her eyes when he stands in the middle of the path, keeping them from going any further. "We're here for a meeting with Magistra French, she's expecting us." 
He doesn’t budge. "You're going to have to wait here for her to come get you." 
Both Emma and Mary Margaret take a terrified look around, noticing all of the Nephilim in uniform around the building, both as guards and simply sitting in the gardens in the gated area around the Athenaeum, more than either of them have seen in a single place. 
Regina stands her ground, conjuring a fire ball in her right hand without breaking eye contact with the guard. "Both you and I know that's not the protocol." Her voice is hard, confident, one she has had more than enough practice with as a member of King George’s council. 
"Gold has changed the protocol," the guard growls. He tries to make himself taller, tries to tower over Regina, but he is still a few inches shorter than her in her heels.  
Her fireball grows bigger., her eyes wider "He doesn't have the power to do that, not here." 
"Tell him that yourself and see how willing to listen to you he is." 
A flash of fear crosses her face, and the guard laughs, only to be stopped by the doors behind him opening to reveal the Magistra herself. She, unlike the guards, is dressed much more casually, in a pair of black jeans and a yellow button-down top. After narrowing her eyes towards the guard, who has now stepped to the side, she smiles at the three ladies, her eyes landing last on Emma, holding there for a moment before returning to Regina. 
"Please, Regina, come in." 
She has a thick accent, different than Emma has heard, though she assumes it’s from the southern parts of Nephilysis, perhaps even the islands off the coast, knowing the accents get stronger the further from the Wasteland. 
“Thank you for travelling all the way out here, ladies,” she says, leading them through the entryway to the building and through the stacks. “And on such short notice.” 
“Thank you for seeing us,” Mary Margaret says, voicing the words that Emma is somehow unable to vocalize. 
Instead, she is focused on the sights around her, the wooden stacks of books that stretch to the high ceilings. Emma has been to some of the smaller universities around the Gale, traveling with Johanna while honing her medical and magical abilities, or with David after she formally became personal aide to the prince, but none of them are anything like this, even the biggest ones in the Gale. 
Emma has always wondered — silently, never voicing her questions — why this is the place that every Elder must come to study the arts under the Magistra, thanks to an order by one of the previous King Gold’s (Emma can’t remember which one, never needing to memorize it for academia.) 
But she understands it now, following the Magistra and Regina through the building with Mary Margaret taking the rear. There are rows and rows of books in every direction, seemingly endless in the monstrous building. Every once in a while, the repetitive rows are dotted with a collection of tables; broken by a staircase, leading to another floor; or a small study room surrounded by glass walls, some of them covered in writing from the people inside. 
Belle leads them up one of these sets of steps and down a small hallway, placing her hand against a biolock not unlike the ones Emma uses in the hospital to open one of the identical doors. Emma notices the large, intricate “M” carved into the dark wooden door as she walks through it, and her suspicions are confirmed when she finds herself in a large office, the walls lined with bookshelves only broken by a window that overlooks a small courtyard. The books, she notices, are some of the oldest she has ever seen, and meticulously organized in some sort of fashion that puts the dusty, cracked ones with pages visibly falling out near the edges of the bookshelf, allowing the bulk of the entire middle to be lined with matching sets and collections of different-colored leather-bound volumes. Many of them do not have words printed on their spines, some of them only letters, if anything at all. 
Belle sits down behind the desk, folding her perfectly-manicured fingers in front of her. She allows herself to look at each of them for a few seconds, once again ending with Emma, but this time she does not look away. 
"Your phone call sounded urgent, please tell me what I can do to help." 
Even though the call did not come from Emma, the question is obviously directed at her, but when Emma fails to voice any response, Regina speaks up. "Emma, this is your story, I think it's only fair." 
She takes a small breath, gulps, then clears her throat. For some reason, just the thought of relaying the story to someone as important as an Atheneid — as the Magistra herself — brings a new sense of realness to their situation. 
And with that comes a new sense of fear. 
From the first time she felt the way the wound on Killian's chest reacted to her magic, she found herself afraid to share it with anyone, sure that it was some sort of secret that she would never be able to discover the meaning behind. (Sure that Killian wouldn't be alive long enough to allow it, really.) And when she learned that it was her magic that did it, and not just light magic responding to the darkness and the poison in the wound, she was even more sure that this was not something to take lightly. 
So needing to recall the whole story to the most important fae in the world at the hunch of Regina made her a little uneasy. 
But she does it anyway, every eye in the room on her as she tells a shortened version: finding Killian in her office, her ability to heal his wounds save the ones seeping with dark magic, and describing as best she can what happens when she tries to use her magic on them, since this is the detail that made Regina so sure they had to come here. 
At this, Belle's eyes go wide, and she jumps out of her seat and starts to search the wall behind her for something. 
Emma is too stunned by her response to say even another word, though she did come to the end of her tale, save the very little information Regina gave them in the cabin before they left. Sensing either her shock or the fact that her recollection has come to its end, Regina takes over. "I remembered what you showed me once in one of the obscure healing books that you insisted I memorized, something I haven't thought about in years, and when I gave him a vial of SOMETHING she was able to extract the Dreamshade from his wound for just a moment." 
Belle turns around from the shelf, bright eyes wide with both excitement and awe. "So you're thinking she's—" 
Regina doesn't let her finish. "Yes, I'm almost sure of it, but I knew I had to bring her here to know for sure." 
“Has she tried it with other poisons?” 
Both Regina and Belle turn to her, waiting for an answer. “I’ve never dealt with other poisons. Only Dreamshade once before, and I never tried to do anything to it with my magic.”
Belle nods. “And what about this man? The one you healed? Are you also thinking that he's—" 
"The one from the—"
"I'm almost sure of it." 
“What about him?” Emma asks, having enough of their half-conversation. 
“Did you try any other magic on him? Any other strange reactions?” 
“What do you mean, strange reactions?” 
Belle's response comes in a rush, more words than Emma is able to focus on as she thinks back to try to answer the questions: “How about when you tried to heal him, did anything else out of the ordinary happen? Any… energies that seemed off? Weird feelings from either of you, but especially you? Did anything work better than you expected, or seem to happen instantly when you know it’s taken more time in the past?” 
The breath leaves Emma's lungs. She really wishes things would stop taking her breath away.  Belle must sense something, must know that this has riled Emma's memory, and she watches her in anticipation across the desk. 
"Well, yes," she says finally, once again able to regulate her breath. "Many of his wounds were less severe, just cuts and gashes on his chest, and many of them not only healed in response to my magic, but disappeared entirely. Not even a scar." 
Belle's eyes go wide, even wider than they already were, and she turns back down to the book spread across the desk in front of her.
Silence overtakes the room, and Emma tries to decipher some of the writing that Belle is looking so intently at, only to find it written in a language that does not look familiar to her at all. 
"Can somebody please tell me what's going on?" she asks, trying to keep her voice calm, but her heart is pounding wildly in her chest — another side effect from the events of the last two weeks that she wishes would just disappear. 
Belle shuts the volume in front of her, folding her hands on top of it. With her head hung, she takes a breath, obvious in the rise and fall of her shoulders, before looking back at Emma. 
"There's a prophecy," she says. 
Emma scoffs, stopping her mid-sentence. "You're kidding, right?" 
Belle shakes her head, but decides to tackle the subject from a different angle. "What do you know about your lineage?" 
Emma scoffs again, this time rolling her eyes. "No, really, you've got to be kidding." 
"I can assure you, this is no joke to me." 
There's something in her voice, a hardness and a seriousness (and perhaps a dash of magic) that makes Emma suddenly very sure that the Magistra is telling the truth. "I'm — I'm an orphan. I know nothing of my parents, or of any part of my lineage. I was left on the steps of a university outside of the Gale when I was a few days old, raised by the Elders there for a while until I took to the streets." 
Even after making Emma spill that, Belle says nothing for a moment, though her eyes search Emma's face for… something. Emma isn't sure what, and is even less sure whether she finds it or not. 
"And they were the ones who helped you hone your abilities?" 
Emma shakes her head again. "I'd left the university by the time my abilities started showing themselves, and it wasn't until David — until the Prince helped me find an apprenticeship with the palace healer that I started to focus on medicine." 
"And you've never attempted any art other than the one that showed itself then? Terren, or dryad?" 
The question catches Emma off guard. From everything she's heard about the Elders, and about the Magistra in particular, they are supposed to be able to sense these things about a person without having to ask. 
"Well, actually, I've — I've never really been sure. Plants, sure, and I've never much tried with the wind or whatever, but I once saved David by using a large boulder to protect us, and I've calmed some waters, but I've mostly just harnessed my own energy for healing purposes." 
"Plants, earth, water," Belle mumbles, turning her chair around to face the bookshelf once again, this time finding one of the more used volumes, with a cracked spine and unattached pages in every direction. She places it on top of the other on her desk, but does not open it. "Plants, earth, water… energy." With the last word, she meets Emma's eyes once more, her whole face seeming to light up. "Regina, I'm assuming you've come to the same conclusion I have?" she asks, not even looking over at Regina. 
But Emma does, and the wide smile spread across her face just makes Emma more curious. 
In the silence, Mary Margaret gasps, bringing a hand to her mouth. "Of course," she breathes. 
“What?” Emma says, at the end of her patience. “What conclusion have all of you come to that I somehow still can’t see?” 
“See,” Mary Margaret says, completely ignoring Emma’s question. “Emma didn’t have… formal education, really, so she was never fully introduced to all of the factions, and probably never really heard about all of it, so it makes sense that she never—” 
“I am right here,” Emma practically yells, stopping Mary Margaret’s words in their tracks. “Now, what the hell are you talking about?” 
“A Vis,” Belle says. “Emma, I think you have the Gift. I think you’re a Vis.” 
A Vis. She’s — she’s heard of them, sure, maybe read about them once or twice, but… 
A Vis. The rarest of all magic-wielders, with the ability to create their own energy instead of just using those around them. 
“As rare as Vis are, it’s pretty common for some of those with the Gift to simply go through their lives thinking they are just a simple fae.” 
Emma has so many questions. How, mostly. How has she gone her whole life without knowing this? 30 years, almost half of that time as a fae. 
As a Vis. 
She doesn't have enough time to process this. When Regina said they had to come to the Athenaeum, the last thing she expected was something like this. She assumed it was to find a way to save Killian. 
"What does this have to do with Killian?" she asks, the first words spoken for almost a minute.  
Both Belle and Regina turn to her, wide-eyed, not understanding the question.
Mary Margaret does. "Yeah, you said he had something to do with this, right?" 
"Oh," Belle says, closing the book in front of her again. "No, that's not related to the Vis thing. If you're… well, if you're the Savior that the prophecy foretold, then there's reason to believe he's your True Love." 
"You can't be serious." 
"Athenaeid do not joke about prophecies, Emma," Regina scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest. 
"But true love? Is that — you can't mean —" 
Mary Margaret cuts in, stopping her sputtering. "Does that mean we can save him?" 
Belle opens one of the books in front of her again, silent for a few moments before shaking her head. "I really can't say for sure. True Love is a fickle thing, and Dreamshade even more so." 
"And True Love is the most powerful magic there is," Regina adds, a brightness in her eyes that Emma has never seen before. 
(She's not too fond of it, either.) 
"What the hell does this even mean? That I can—what—true love's kiss the poison away?" 
Belle and Regina share a silent glance. Belle wets her lips. Regina raises her eyebrows. 
"Well," the Magistra mumbles. "Yes, there's a chance of that." 
A loud, gasping laugh escapes her chest, one she just couldn't keep down. "This is crazy. Absolutely insane." 
"There's a chance it's much more complicated than that, too, though," Belle says quickly, trying to save Emma from spiraling too far. "In fact, it's much more likely to be more complicated. Something more along the lines of your being the only person who can save him." 
It works. This is much easier for her to wrap her mind around, unlike the rest of the information Belle and Regina have sprung on her in just the last half-hour. This, at least, makes sense. More sense than her being one of the most powerful types of fae, or the fact that there's a prophecy. This, at least, she can deal with. 
"So now, she needs to be trained, right?" Regina asks, and Emma feels her heart beat in her throat. 
How long could that take?, she doesn't have the ability to ask. There's a time crunch, she has to save Killian, she can't— 
"Well, if she wants to save this man from Dreamshade, she certainly doesn't have time to stick around here long enough to master anything," Belle says, once again saving Emma from the spiral she was threatening to get lost in. "Honestly, you should get back to the rest of your group and make way towards Neverland as soon as possible, in my opinion." 
"What?" Emma blurts out, even though she agrees with everything the Magistra just said. "You're just going to drop this information on me and… send me away?" 
Belle shakes her head. "Of course not," she says cheerily. "I have to come with you." 
Killian’s heart is in his throat as David knocks on the door to the cabin. He thought he was going to be okay, back here where Smee was killed and he was kidnapped, but he’s thinking the worst: that no one will open the door. That all of his friends, practically everyone he has left, are gone, taken by the same for that he barely escaped from. For what feels like forever (but in reality can’t be more than a few seconds) no one answers the door. 
And then there’s a thud on the inside, followed by the muffled “Bloody hell” that can only belong to Will Scarlett. Killian and David exchange a smile, an almost-literal weight lifted from Killian's shoulders, and the door opens. 
At first, Will can’t believe his eyes, which are practically bugging out of his head (Killian’s pretty sure it’s the longest he’s ever seen Will not speak). He doesn't blame him, though, because he can only imagine the conclusions they drew about Killian when they returned that day to find him missing, with Phillip dead on the floor of the kitchen. 
It's the first he's thought of this, really, since he has been spending so much time trying not to hype himself up with the thought of them surviving an attack from Pan and Baelfire, but now that he knows they did, he wonders. What did they think when they returned back that day? They all knew his history, knew that he spent the first years as a soldier working for Gold. Did they think him a traitor to his newest allegiance, think that he returned to the Nephilysis army that betrayed him all those years before? 
He hopes not. The only thing he has ever wanted to be is a man of honor, and he hopes that the men he has spent the better part of the last ten years with understand that. 
Killian is pulled from the worst-case scenario in his mind when, instead of saying anything, Will practically jumps through the door and wraps his arms around David, who, after a moment, hugs him back. 
Killian smiles. Even if they believed the worst of him in the weeks he's been away, returning at the Prince's side is a sure sign his allegiance has not shifted. 
"Holy shit," Will whispers, shifting his hug from David to Killian, then he says it again. “I saw someone coming up towards the cabin on the radar but I never expected—” 
From behind him, Robin emerges from the kitchen, dish towel slung over his shoulder. "Will, who was at the—" And then he meets Killian's eyes over Will's shoulder, then David's. "Holy shit." 
"That seems to be everyone's response here," David says, rushing through the doorway to embrace his oldest friend. 
"Why didn't you say you were coming? You could have contacted one of us?" 
"Honestly, mate," Killian says, taking his turn in giving Robin a hug. "We weren't sure if any of you would even be here, since I was kidnapped by Baelfire from here. If it was still safe, or if any of you were still alive." 
"Who else is here?" David asks, closing the front door as he finds a way to ask the question that Killian was too afraid to: was anyone else killed when they came for me? 
"Graham was out back somewhere, but I imagine he should be in any—" 
Robin's words are cut off by the man in question coming through the back door and calling out: "Is someone here? I got a notification that someone drove through the sensor in the driveway and I—" He comes around the corner, holding his phone out in front of him, but when he sees Killian and David standing inside the door, his words stop. For a moment, the entire cabin is shrouded in silence, waiting for someone to break it. 
“What are you doing here?” Robin asks, and David wraps his arm around his shoulder. 
“I think we should all sit down,” David breathes. “This might take a while.” 
 “So, what, we just have to find this Merlin guy?” Will asks, his mouth still full from the last bite of his sandwich. 
“Christ, Scarlett, don’t you listen?” Robin scoffs. “Finding Merlin is the first step.”
“And the easiest,” David mumbles. 
Killian leans forward on his elbows, momentarily forgetting about the worst of his injuries, though he is painfully reminded almost immediately. “Once we find Merlin, hoping he still has my brother’s ship hidden away somewhere, then we have to fly to Neverland.” 
“And what if — pardon me for asking, but what if he doesn’t have your brother’s ship?” Graham asks, always the most level-headed of them all. 
All eyes turn to Killian, who turns his gaze down to the table. 
But David speaks up with an answer: “Then we just have to find another way to get to Neverland.” 
The room is silent for a minute, until: 
“I thought you said this ship is the only way to get to Neverland?” Will asks, once again missing the feeling in the rest of the room. 
Killian nods. “Yeah, that’s what I said.” 
Another beat passes, all attention on Will, waiting for him to understand what Killian is trying to say. 
“Oh.” He scrunches his face, a soft embarrassed red spreading across his already-red face. “So what’s our plan then?” 
Killian turns to David, who gestures for him to take over. “Well, our only hope is Merlin, and I haven't been able to get a hold of him. There's rumor he's somewhere in the Northern Mountains, hopefully still with The Jewel of the Realm, and I have a pretty good idea as to where, so I suppose that's our next destination." 
The room falls silent again, each of the men around the table trying to decide just how to feel about all of this — Killian’s torture, the need to travel to new lands, to fly. But David doesn’t let them ruminate for long. 
"Pack your things, fellas. We probably have a few days still, but we leave as soon as the ladies meet us here."
TAGS: @shireness-says​​ @cssns​ @kmomof4​ @thisonesatellite​  @teamhook​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​​ @cocohook38​​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @facesiousbutton82​ @hollyethecurious​​ @stahlop​​ @tiguanasummertree  @angellifedeath​​ @pepperpottss​​ @mariakov81​​ @scientificapricot​​ @kday426​​ @xarandomdreamx​​ @ohmightydevviepuu​​ @xhookswenchx​​ @nikkiemms​​ @carpedzem​​ @superchocovian​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​ @snowbellewells​​ @courtorderedcake​​ @captain-emmajones​​ @killian-whump​​ @officerrogers​​ – want to be added or removed? let me know!
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crushtm-blog · 6 years ago
howdy ! i'm ro ( she/they ) , a gmt-er , & a lover of jesse rutherford :-) this is my plum , javi - whom i both passionately love & hate <3 u know the drill - give this a like & i'll creep into your ims & hound u for plots ( & friendship ) !
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* ☆ ·˚ 「 manu rios. cismale. he/him. 」 — oh, you mean javi merlo, the twenty two year-old tattoo artist ? they’ve been around the fold for eight months. i know they’re an aquarius and when i see them, i can’t help but think of tousled hair, a tendency to take the rogue path, & laughter that makes your belly hurt. but you’ll get to make your own judgement soon!
full name  :  javier  luca  merlo  .
gender  &  pronouns  :  cismale  (  he  /  him  )
age  :  twenty  two  .
birthday  :  february  1st  .
sexual  /  romantic  orientation  :  homosexual  .
languages  spoken  :  english  &  spanish  .
height  :  5ft  9  .
distinguishing  features  :  curly  hair  ,  blue  eyes  ,  nose  piercing  ,  left  ear  pierced  &  adorned  with  a  single  hoop  ,  a  splattering  of  tattoos  ,  freckled  torso  ,  pronounced  collar  bones  .
javier's birth announced the arrival of the third and final merlo son. he came rather unexpectedly to a couple who weren’t planning on having any more children - his birth coming nearly fifteen years after the birth of their second son
despite the surprise, javi was welcomed with open arms. being a religious family, they viewed it as god’s plan and were willing to take on the challenge. his childhood was for the most part ... pretty average, for lack of better wording. his family were all very close, though there was definitely a sense of rivalry among javi and his siblings. 
his brothers being a fair few years older than him definitely left certain expectations for javi. his brothers had excelled at school, both academically & sociably, and both had pursued intense college degrees. javi was never really able to fill their shoes; he’d always struggled with his learning due to his inability to actually knuckle down & study, and although a pretty boisterous kid, he’d never been able to find his space among the kids at his school - instead floating between groups & never properly solidifying friendships. 
what he lacked in traditional academia, he made up for in his creative prowess - music & art being his biggest loves 
when he left school his parents were initially Shook that he decided to turn down the expected route of college , instead focusing on his art. this eventually lead him to his career in tattoo design, & his move to the fold 8 months ago !
the best way to describe javi is a wannabe peter pan ; he’s reluctant to grow up & take responsibility and it SHOWS 
he’s mega impulsive and still in the stage of ‘ living while he’s young ’ , often doing stupid reckless shit without properly thinking it through 
he means well like 90% of the time but ... he doesn’t have much common sense OR a filter 
he’s harmless really though , despite his inability to shut up & his general head-assery , he has a big heart & kinda just loves making people laugh / exploring the World  
it’s not one of my muses if they don’t have soME form of emotional wall so ... SKSKKS i guess you could say javi is a bit of a commitment-phobe ? i don’t mean that in the sense that he necessarily leads people on ( though ... ig he probably has in the past ) , but more that he doesn’t let anybody that close to begin with ? he kinda just likes relying on himself & being in his own company . i’m not sure if he’d have ever HAD a proper boyfriend , but i can see him having had intense flings / close calls that never quite crossed the boundaries . ( wc !!??? )
i saw that they’re allowed small pets so he has a pet gecko named timmy :-) i could so picture him adopting a cat But ... that is a lot of responsibility for a boy who sometimes forgets to feed himself
i’m a big believer in personalising connections based on introductions BUT here’s some ideas for a starting point : 
his closest friend/s since moving into the building
a friend he often gets Wild with but they don’t really talk when they’re sober
a developing friendship / they see each other around & wanna get to know each other n all the awkward fun that comes with New Friendships
bad / good influence
partner in crime
ex flings
something CoMpLiCaTeD for the angst 
somebody he knew before moving in ? maybe they recommended the building to him ?
somebody he tattoos or has tattooed in the past
a muse for his more personal work :-)
that sounded like naked portraits or something that is NOT what i intended
someone hes just kinda ... intrigued by ? wants to know ? doesn’t even necessarily need to be in a romantic way
someone he butts heads with
love/hate kinda friendship ? ( or even a hate shag wink wink )
sibling like friendship :-)
brotps ??? ( by nO means gender specific )
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supervalor · 7 years ago
All The Stars - Chapter 4
Title: All The Stars
Pairings: Karamel, eventual AgentReign, Guardiancorp.
Chapter: 4/?
Previous: 1, 2,3
Chapter Four
“Crap”, Kara hissed as she glared at herself in her full length mirror.
She had gone to get dressed for Catco and went to zip her skirt only to realise it wouldn’t fasten. The clasp did not reach. Kara discarded and tried her other pants and skirts only to get the same results. She stared at her belly which had swollen rapidly in the past week since she officially hit sixteen weeks; and thought how unfair it was that most humans only looked like they’d eaten too much by this stage but since Kryptonians apparently had larger babies, it meant that she was going to be bigger than a human. So much for the so-called benefits of being superhuman.
As she realised that she had no appropriate clothes for work, Kara also realised what this meant for her suit. She quickly grabbed her costume and began to change into it. The top clung to her slightly bigger boobs and displayed her bump prominently with its stretchy, clingy material and the skirt wouldn’t go over her belly. It was awkward to say the least. She reached for her cell phone and quickly dialled Winn’s number. Thankfully he picked up quickly. “Kara, what’s up?”
“I need a favour”.
“Sure, anything for my best friend”.
Kara’s cheeks flushed as she prepared to admit her current issue to Winn. “I can’t fit into my costume. Can you possibly make another but…one with more stretch?”
There was an awkward silence for a few minutes that seemed to drag on until her friend cleared his throat and asked, “Are you asking me to make you a maternity Supergirl costume?”
“No! Definitely not…maybe…okay, yes I am. I’m not ready to give up being Supergirl but I can’t go out in a skirt that won’t go up and a top that practically looks see through it clings to my stomach so much. Please can you do me a solid? And it’d would be extra great if you could not mention this to Alex”.
“If you’re at the stage that your costume won’t even go over you properly, maybe…perhaps, you should…think about…potentially considering it might be time to let J’onn take over? People are going to notice you flying around with a baby belly, Kara”.
“Damnit, Winn”.
“I’m saying this because I love you”, Winn rushed to add. “Not because I want to hold you back or get in your way”.
Kara sighed and looked at her reflection in the mirror one more time. Her friend was right. She had agreed to hand over the reins to J’onn when she began to show too much.  It would be way too suspicious for Supergirl to be caught flying with a bump, even if her clothes fitted properly.
“Okay. Tell J’onn I’m officially passing Supergirl onto him for the foreseeable future”.
“Will do. You should probably let Alex know yourself though. And don’t forget you can still make a difference and help people through your reporting”.
“I know. Thanks, Winn”, Kara sighed before hanging up. She quickly rung Alex and filled her sister in on the latest turn of events.
“Well I didn’t want to say anything but you were bursting out of your shirt at dinner last night”.
Kara huffed and hung up on her sister before pulling on some sweat pants and a stretchy tank top she used to lounge around in. She would have to go shopping before she could go show her face at Catco and she quickly sent a text to both Lena and James to let them know what was up.
Maternity shopping was a drag, Kara couldn’t help but think. However she managed to find a dozen cute outfits in her preferred style and used her American Express card to pay for it all. She returned back to her apartment and slipped on her new knitted black skater dress with a white, embellished peter pan collar. It looked nice with her red Mary-Jane heels and drew attention away from her bump. Not that she was embarrassed by it but she wasn’t a fan of people gawking at her as she passed and trying to touch her bump. She was pregnant, not public property.
Lena immediately greeted her as she stepped off the elevator. “You look gorgeous. I see that maternity shopping went well”. She had been forced to inform her boss the exact nature of why she was going to be late in. “Next time you go for more things or to shop for the baby, please let me come with you. I could use a break from the obnoxious old white men talking down at me just because I’m a woman. I don’t know how Cat did it, I really don’t”.
“Cat was…Cat”, Kara smiled fondly at the thought of her old boss. She’d dropped her an email a while ago to tell her about the baby and while she had been surprised, she was completely supportive and already arranging to fly out for her baby shower whenever that would be. She assumed Alex would be taking the lead in planning it as Kara did the bridal shower for her and Maggie.
“Free for lunch later?” her boss questioned as they prepared to part ways.
“Count me in”.
After confirming lunch plans with Lena, Kara headed down to get an assignment. She had officially announced her pregnancy to the rest of the reporting department and Snapper had begun giving her slightly less strenuous assignments. “I don’t want to get my ass sued if anything happens to your pregnant ass”, he’d griped at her when she’d questioned why he’d given her a kitten adoption story over a drug ring burst.
The story she’d been given with the deadline of Friday was a feature on National City’s biggest children’s hospital. She really hoped that her hormones didn’t give her away when she was forced with the reality of sick and dying kids. After making some phone calls and sending some emails, Kara had made an official appointment to come tour the hospital and interview the chief and some heads of the different departments as well as speak to some of the children.
By the time she’d finished that and attended a meeting, it was time for lunch with Lena. “You don’t mind if we pop into L-Corp quickly do you?” she’d asked after they’d finished eating. “Then we can walk back to Catco together”.
“Of course not”.
After making the walk over to the L-Corp building, they quickly headed up to the office, the guards waving them in without pause. “I just have to sign some papers and then we can head back to work”, Lena told her as she approached her desk.
“Yeah, no problem”, Kara followed behind her. “But my boss really doesn’t like when I’m late”.
“Sorry!” Sam’s voice interrupted them as she rushed through the door, breathing heavily as though she had been rushing.
Lena smiled at her warmly. “Hey!”
“Ruby had a soccer game and then the kids wanted to get ice-cream to celebrate”, she explained, tossing her bag down next to the desk.
“Oh no worries, you remember Kara?”
“Yes! Of course I do”, Sam turned to give the blonde a friendly look. “It’s nice to see you”.
“Good to see you”, Kara responded right away. She wondered if this was a preview of her future, rushing around to work and Supergirl duties between showing up for soccer games and taking her kid out for ice-cream afterwards.
“Okay so the JQB merger should be finalised any minute”, Sam handed a sleek black folder over to Lena. “Unless Paul tries to pull something which I will not allow”.
“Oh Paul is the one thing I do not miss”, the Luthor heiress scoffed. “Skeezeball lawyer”, she explained to Kara.
“Ah gotcha”.
Kara watched as Lena leant over to sign the file in the folder Sam had given to her. “So, how do you plan on celebrating your first big merger as my CFO?”
An idea immediately hit Kara and she began speaking before she could stop herself. “We’re having a girl’s night at my place tonight, do you want to come?” Lena looked over at her and grinned in approval.
“No, I couldn’t intrude”, the single mom protested as she got up from her seat.
“You do realise that Lena’s not going to take no for an answer, right?”
Lena pointed at Kara in agreement. “It’s accurate”.
Sam laughed as she sat back down. “Okay, alright, I’ll go. What should I bring?”
Kara’s attention drifted from the conversation as something on Sam’s desk caught her eye. She stared intensely at the leaflet and picked it up to inspect it as Lena told Sam to bring booze.
“Where did you get this?” she asked as she looked at the familiar Kryptonian symbol on the front. Something that humans shouldn’t be aware about and it sent off alarm bells in the back of her head.
“Oh some weirdo at Ruby’s soccer game”, Sam frowned. “She came up to me and tried to enlist me in some self-help meeting”.
“I hate those things. They’re a waste of trees and of our time”, Lena contributed as she moved away from her desk.
“Do you mind if I keep this?” she asked Sam, thinking that she may just have found a new story. Of course she probably wouldn’t be able to investigate it herself…though how dangerous could a group of religiously inclined humans possibly be? She’d still have to make sure that J’onn and Alex looked into it. Kryptonian stuff in human hands…it could be dangerous. Even just knowledge of the religion. Something wasn’t right about the way they were using it anyway.
Sam didn’t seem too bothered about parting with the leaflet. “Go ahead”.
“See you later”, Lena shot from the doorway as she and Kara headed out of the office and back over to Catco. After work, Kara decided that she would drop the leaflet off at the DEO and see what they could uncover about this group.
When the work day was ending, Winn and James were on their way out and caught Kara at her desk, looking up the group behind the leaflet. “Oh, hey where’d you get this?” Winn questioned as he picked it up off the desk.
James glanced at it, over Winn’s shoulder. “What’s that?”
“It’s the Kryptonian symbol for Rao”, Kara explained, looking away from her screen.
Winn stared at the leaflet in his hands. “It’s the god of Krypton”.
“I know but what’s it doing in a pamphlet?”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to research all afternoon and I can’t find anything”, Kara told them. She had intended to put the story aside and just give the thing over to Alex and J’onn but she hadn’t been able to help herself. She was too curious about what it meant. However, all her efforts had been for nothing.
“It’s just a time and address. That looks kind of ominous”, the tech pointed out, flipping it over.
Kara shut off her computer and stood up, grabbing her jacket from the back of her chair. “Just how ominous it is…well I’m about to find out”.
“Wait, wait, wait, you’re going to go there?” Winn looked at her concerned, clearly wanting to protest of her trying to infiltrate a potentially dangerous cult.
“It’ll be alright, Winn. I’m only going to check it out”, she insisted. “I’m a reporter, this is my job”.
“We’re coming with you”, James insisted as she began walking away.
“I don’t need your protection. I’m pregnant, not fragile and I’m still Supergirl, I can still defend myself even if I’m off duty”, she argued but the two men insisted on following her anyway. She decided to let it go since she probably wouldn’t hear the end of it from Alex if she didn’t have those two with her anyway.
They snuck into the abandoned looking building without issue and entered into a dimly lit room surrounded by crystals. As soon as they came in, they were greeted by a young blonde girl who didn’t seem even out of her teens. “Hi!”
Kara was quick to return the greeting. “Hi!”
The girl looked at the three of them uncertainly. “Are you new here?”
“Lucky you. My first meeting was transformative”, she gushed as the three of them tilted their heads up with interest.
“Really? So what exactly happens during meetings?” Kara questioned, her reporting instincts kicking in.
“Oh…err…it’s actually more powerful if you experience it yourself. Oh it’s starting”, the blonde smiled at them and directed them towards the seats. She took one right at the front while Kara, James and Winn made sure to sit on the very back row as a middle aged white man made his way to the front where a podium with Rao’s symbol stood.
“Welcome children of Rao”, the man said as he stood at the podium. Obviously he was the leader for this entire thing, Kara noted. Although what this was, she wasn’t entirely sure yet.
James leant towards his friends. “This is starting to feel a little…”
“Culty?” Winn whispered.
“We are here all of us by her grace. We’re here together, standing in the light, for just one reason. We’re here because Supergirl saved us”.
Kara’s face was like stone as she realised what was going on. They weren’t just gathered here to meet, they were here to worship her as though she was some kind of god.
She watched with her friends as the man lit a candle. “Let us begin by reaffirming our faith.  That we go forth alone, our souls unite under Rao’s glad sunrays”. As he broke into the old Kryptonian prayer to Rao, Kara flashed back to a time on Krypton when her mother recited the very same words to her. Except back then the prayer and the candle actually meant something. It wasn’t…whatever this was.
“Many of us don’t get second chances at life”, Kara watched as he preached to the room with all sincerity in his voice. He was obviously a man who truly believed in what he was selling. “Many of us stay lost. I’m not talking about driving around in circles because you’re running out of gas and have no GPS. I’m talking about being spiritually lost”.
Then he pulled up the young blonde girl from the crowd – Olivia, she was called, and made her go up to the podium to talk about her experience. She told how she was at a rooftop party, how she’d drunk too much and then she started falling to her probable death for what seemed like an eternity until Supergirl caught her and saved her life. She recounted her experience with tears in her eyes and a voice choked full of emotion, full of gratitude towards her saviour. “Because of Supergirl I realised I still deserved to be loved. Supergirl saved me”.
Kara was uncomfortable and uneasy as the rest of the room broke out clapping at her speech. She wouldn’t lie and pretend like she didn’t enjoy having people’s admiration and respect after she saved the day but this was something else entirely. These people here put her up on a pedestal and made her out to be some kind of god.
“Do you remember saving her?” Jimmy muttered.
Kara looked around the room and realised she recognised everybody from having encountered them at one point or another. “I remember all of them”.
They then watched as the preacher began to go into a speech that confirmed Kara’s worst suspicion: they were there to worship her. She watched, mortified, as they began chanting and giving thanks to Supergirl. “Wait, who are they praying to?” Winn blurted out, seemingly not having cottoned on yet.
With a pale stricken face, Kara answered, “me”.
After the entire meeting ended, the three managed to sneak out without drawing attention to themselves.  Kara, James and Winn went over to the DEO, agreeing that they needed to fill them in on this new cult. She had a feeling that a couple of meetings talking about how grateful they were to her alter ego wasn’t the extent of what they got up to and she wanted to make sure that nobody was doing anything harmful to themselves or others in her name.
“Okay so I ran facial recognition”, Winn appeared with his tablet in hand, addressing Kara, James and now J’onn who walked beside them. “Thomas Coville, 44 years old, born and raised in National City. Definitely not an alien, no offense”, he shot an apologetic look at Kara at those she might take insult at his comment.
“Any red flags Agent Schott?” J’onn questioned, ignoring his remark. “Criminal records or arrests?”
“Well he was pretty much a boy scout until about three years ago when his wife filed for divorce and then his life fell apart” he replied as they stood around the main control table while Winn approached the monitor and scrolled through the information on his tablet. “Let’s see…he was disbarred from practicing law after a series of misdemeanour convictions for public drinking and disorderly conduct”.
He pulled the information and Coville’s picture up on one of the monitor screens in front of them. “I don’t understand how this connects to Supergirl, I don’t remember saving him”, Kara frowned at the picture, wondering what she had done to deserve his devotion in such a way. “And trust me, I would remember”.
“That is right, yes, you did not save him as an individual…but I looked into mass emergencies that Supergirl intervened in you know burning buildings, colliding trains, the usu”, Winn informed her, waving off her remark with his hand. “I looked a little deeper…Thomas Coville was on flight 237”.
“What’s so important about flight 237?” James questioned as Kara walked up to the screen, her eyes widening slightly in realisation and remembrance.
“It’s the flight Alex was on that I saved. The night I became Supergirl”.
“So now we know why Coville is the leader of a religion that worships Supergirl”, J’onn spoke up.
Kara protested at the usage of the term ‘religion’ in relation to whatever Coville’s group was. “But it’s not a religion, J’onn, it’s a cult! He’s taking the teachings of Rao and twisting them”.
“Yeah and like, how does he know so much about it?” Winn wondered. That was a question on all of their minds. “Right? And I don’t mean just the symbol but I’m talking about the sacred texts…”
“Coville is handing out pamphlets and recruiting people who have been saved by Supergirl to his cult of Rao, he’s got to have a motive”, Kara didn’t like it one bit. She was supposed to be off official duty now but this was personal. She didn’t know if she could back off and let J’onn or Alex take over this investigation. “Winn, can you keep digging on Coville?” The more information they had on him, the better. She wasn’t sure what he was doing or why but she wanted to figure it out and make sure it wasn’t dangerous.
“I can dig it”, Winn agreed.
“Kara…” J’onn approached her as she began to walk away. “I know that this case is very personal to you but I’m going to have to ask you to back off. We don’t know how dangerous this Coville guy is and if you show up like Supergirl in your condition…well it might not go down so well with a nut job that is viewing you as a religious figure”.
The blonde huffed but she saw his point immediately. She should stay away and let J’onn handle it as Supergirl since Kara was in no state to. She wasn’t fragile by any means but this cult knew a lot about Kryptonian religion. Who’s to say they didn’t have any Kryptonite hidden somewhere? If he took one look at her stomach and flipped out because she wasn’t some kind of virginal, celibate being, who knows what he could do?
“Alright but keep me filled in. I suppose this is you officially taking over as Supergirl now?”
“I guess it is”, he agreed.
Sighing, Kara flew out of the DEO and back to her apartment to prepare for the girl’s night that she had arranged and invited Sam to. When she got there, Alex and Maggie had already arrived and were on her sofa talking. “Kara, are you okay? You look tired”, her sister clucked at her like the mother hen she was.
“I’m fine. I’m just going to change into something a bit more comfortable for when Lena and Sam get here”.
She slipped out of her maternity dress and into a pair of comfy yoga pants and an oversize t-shirt that she had stolen from Mon-El’s leftover pile of clothes that he had kept at her place. His smell still lingered on the unwashed shirt and was somewhat comforting to her since she couldn’t have the real thing.
As Kara walked back into the living room, there was a tap on the door. She went over and opened it to reveal both Lena and Sam together, both holding bottles of booze which Kara was going to refrain from. She would however have a nice and refreshing drink of orange juice with a bowl of chilli peanuts to snack on.
Sam, thankfully, fitted effortlessly into their little girl group and it wasn’t long before Alex was past slightly tipsy and the others weren’t much better besides from the completely sober Kara.
“I remember when I was pregnant and I couldn’t drink. I think the lack of coffee was the worst part”, Sam related to Kara, who nodded her head in vigorous agreement. That was definitely the one part that she was missing.
“I still can’t believe that my little sister is having a baby”, Alex sighed with suspiciously wet eyes. “My baby sister is having a baby. That’s crazy”.
“People have babies all the time, it’s not that crazy Danvers”, Maggie smirked, not registering the crestfallen look on Alex’s face from her remark. Kara noticed and added it to her collection of things that she had noticed about her sister recently. If she didn’t know any better, she would think that the reason she was so down was because of the topic of children.
“Ooh, guys I have got the craziest story”, Lena giggled, joining Alex in striding over the line between slightly tipsy and a little drunk. She had downed about three wines at this point so it wasn’t a surprise. Kara found drunk Lena to be extremely amusing as she regaled them all with her funniest anecdotes. “So this very handsome world leader who I shall not name”, she smirked with a gleam in her eyes that had the others in the room looking on with curious looks, already enthralled by the story. “Invites me to dinner at the Bourbon where he’s staying. Right, so we get there and he tells me he has this very important question he has to ask me and I’m thinking, well okay, he’s going to invite me up to his room so I’m considering my answer when he turns around and asks me…if I was baptised”.
“What?!” Kara exclaimed. That was definitely not the way she had thought the story was going to go.
“No!” Sam bellowed.
“Yes! Yes, I just burst out laughing and said no but apparently…yeah, he only sleeps with good Catholics”.
“That’s insane”, Maggie remarked and looked at Alex, who pulled a face.
“Well actually, I found it kind of attractive that he believed in something”, Lena surprised them by saying. “So go with that”.
“What about you, Kara? You seeing anyone? What about the father of your baby, if you don’t mind me asking?” Sam spoke up, looking at the blonde with genuine curiosity. The others paused and Kara wondered what she was supposed to say in answer to that. I was but he suddenly became allergic to the planet and I had to send him away in my old pod that I crash landed on Earth in?
“Actually I’m still getting over a relationship…well it was with the baby’s father but he, err, he had to move away”. Lena looked over at her sympathetically, knowing what had happened while she felt Alex’s concerned eyes on her as though expecting her to break down any moment at the subject of Mon-El.
“What about Ruby’s father? Is he still in the picture?” Alex turned the spotlight onto Sam, who didn’t seem quite as awkward about the topic as Kara had been.
“Nope. It’s just me and Ruby”, she answered and took a sip of her wine.
“Wow. Raising a daughter by yourself, that’s incredible”, Alex commended her with genuine admiration.
Maggie nodded in agreement. “Yeah”
“I mean how do you do that?” Kara’s ears perked up, wanting to hear the answer since she was essentially going to be a single mother herself sooner or later.
“Err, not very gracefully, always behind on something. You guys will see when you have kids or when Kara’s baby is born”.
Maggie looked over at Alex, who awkwardly shook her head. “Well actually, we’re not going to…we’re not gonna have kids”.
Kara immediately glanced over at her, remembering how many times in the past she had heard Alex talking about how much she wanted to have a kid someday and raise them in a house like they had grown up in with the Danvers.  Something told her that the non-kids decision was not Alex’s and it hit her that this was probably the reason why her sister had been so off at times lately.
“We’ll just be the cool aunts”, Maggie smiled.
Sam didn’t seem to see anything wrong with that as she blurted out happily, “Great! I mean Ruby would love that! Also I’m sorry for assuming”.
“No, no worries”, Alex assured her. “It’s…”
Kara saw the way her sister bit her lip and trailed off and knew that she had guessed right. Her sister wasn’t happy about the decision not to have children. It made her begin to worry about Alex being willing to make such a big sacrifice for Maggie and how that would affect her and their relationship in the long run. Still, it wasn’t as if she could say anything right now, not with everyone else including Maggie in the room.
“Put me down as another cool aunt”, Lena grinned. “You too, Kara”.
“Yeah and the slightly nerdier one”, the DEO Agent and scientist remarked with a soft chuckle that Kara could tell was slightly sad even if no one else noticed it.
“Wow you guys are amazing. That’s very cool”, Sam declared, clearly touched by the women in the room and the way they had not only welcomed her into their group but her daughter too.
Suddenly alarms blaring caught Kara’s attention but since there wasn’t anything she could do herself since her suit was no good and she was off duty for the foreseeable future, she quickly shot off a text to J’onn. He immediately shot back a reply: on it.  She let out a breath of relief and then forced herself to spend the rest of the evening enjoying the conversation with her girlfriends and getting well acquainted with a new one.
The next day J’onn filled her in on what had happened the night before: Coville was encouraging his followers to risk their lives just for the chance to be saved by Supergirl and have their faith proven. The thought of people harming themselves or throwing themselves off buildings and setting fires just so that she would come to their rescue and validate their beliefs was more than a bit disturbing. It sent chills down her spine to think that someone would try something and there may come a time when she…or J’onn as it was currently….couldn’t come for them.
“We have to stop it. I’m going to confront Coville as Kara, as a reporter and get some answers” she told the DEO director before tracking Coville down at the cults meeting place. Kara was in the middle of questioning him, when he interrupted her.
“Is this a test?”
She frowned, stiffening. “Excuse me?”
“Are you testing me, Supergirl?”
Kara immediately began shaking her head in denial. “I’m not…I’m not”, but Coville stared at her knowingly, almost smiling. “I’m not!” she scoffed.
“I looked into your eyes from my seat on that plane. When you look into the eyes of god you do not forget”.
Kara went white at the confidence in his tone. Crazy or not, the man obviously knew who she was. Her glasses and a change of hairstyle were not enough to deter him like they did the rest of the world. He didn’t overlook the obvious because he didn’t want too and thus saw the similarities between Kara and Supergirl.
Realising that this entire confrontation was a bad idea – she should have left it with J’onn – she turned and began to walk away. “Wait d-don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. As Rao says let my god walk amongst you and shelter her”.
“I am not a god! Rao is”, Kara corrected him vehemently.
“Rao says even his gods can lose their way. If you’re lost, I can help you!” She stared at him in disbelief until he walked over to his cabinet and pulled out what looked like a Kryptonian crystal. Something that a human like himself should not have even heard of, let alone be clutching in his hands.
“Where did you get that?” Kara asked him in a sharp voice. If this fell into the wrong hands…
“I found every artefact of Krypton there was to find”, he held the thing with the relevance one would hold a new-born baby with. Speaking of, she was surprised and relieved he hadn't noticed her belly underneath the trench coat she was wearing. “This contains Rao’s words. This can remind you of what Rao says”.
Having grown tired of his preaching, Kara snatched the crystal away from him. “I know what Rao says! You are perverting it”. She slipped her glasses off and in an instant became Supergirl as she glared at the man in front of her. “You are going to stop having these meetings. You are going to stop telling people to put themselves in danger. If I am a god you need to do as I say. You need to trust me”.
“I trust you”, he insisted. She stared him down and when she sensed there was no deceit in his eyes, Kara nodded and walked out of the room, not noticing that there was anything amiss.
“You confronted Coville?! Kara”, Alex glared at her little sister after she had arrived at the DEO and passed on the information she’d managed to collect from her showdown with Coville.
“I didn’t think he would figure out my identity”, she defended.
J’onn stepped in before Alex could start on a lecture. “Well perhaps its best that you leave any and all things related to Coville and the cult to me from now on, Kara. Just to be safe”.
The blonde wanted to argue but seeing as Coville was really creepy with her earlier and she really didn’t want to put her unborn baby on his radar in anyway, she reluctantly nodded. “Fine but keep me up to date. I hope he actually follows through with what I told him”.
“You just let us worry about that”, Winn piped up from his desk. “I’ll have him tracked down in no time. And J’onn is perfectly capable of kicking his ass”.
“Besides, I know you have that story about the children’s hospital you need to focus on”, Alex added, reminding her of the official assignment she’d slacked on since her attention had been stolen by Coville and his crew. “You don’t need to overdo it by trying to be everywhere”.
“I’m fine, Alex. I’m pregnant, not a million years old”, she huffed. “I have an appointment with the Chief of National City’s Children’s Hospital in about forty minutes so I better go. You better not try to protect me by keeping me out of the loop”.
Her older sister smirked. “I would never!”
“What the hell happened?” Kara was freaking out. She’d switched her phone off during her interview with Doctor Clementine, who had then given her an hour long tour of the hospital with an agreement for her to come back and speak to some of the kids on Thursday. She had barely switched it back on when she saw she had five missed calls from Winn.
“Coville happened. He tried to endanger an entire stadium full of people, not to mention himself and his followers and the rest of National City. He had turned on some kind of Kryptonian device that would have levelled the entire place. Thankfully Alex managed to turn it off and J’onn stopped Coville. He’s now behind bars”.
“Damn it. I should have been there. I knew I’d given up Supergirl too soon”, she huffed, worried for her sister and J’onn.
“Kara, they’re both fine. J’onn took care of it and Alex can handle herself. You need to learn to let others take charge for a while”, her best friend shot back. “I assume you want to come down to the DEO and see for yourself?”
She didn’t waste any time and flew to the DEO within seconds where Alex and J’onn were waiting inside and seemed perfectly okay. Alex rolled her eyes, knowing that Kara would freak once she had found out what had happened. “It’s done, Kara. You can rest easy”.
“But I can’t. That was Kryptonian technology, I should have been the one to deal with it!”
“What part of ‘you are pregnant’ do you not understand?!” Alex bellowed. “The only thing you can and should be dealing with right now is the baby you are growing, alright? How would you feel if you went up against some bomb, it blew up and you lost your baby? You would blame yourself for the rest of your life!”
Everyone went silent at Alex’s rant while tears filled Kara’s eyes. Her bottom lip began to tremble as hurt at her sister’s words sunk in. “Kara, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that”, Alex immediately realised that all she had accomplished with her tirade was make her sister feel worst. “I just meant that you have no reason to feel guilty. We did our jobs and we’re fine. You can trust us to deal with it, okay? If anything should ever happen then it won’t be on you. You have to know that, okay?”
“I get it. You’re right. I just…if anything happened to you, Alex. I would never be able to live with myself”.
Alex sighed and pulled her sister into a hug. “I’m the older sibling here, alright? I’m the one that does the protecting.  I’m also not the pregnant one. Deal with it, okay?”
“Alright. But I won’t stop trying to protect you either, pregnant or not”, Kara mumbled causing the older Danvers to roll her eyes and smile with fond exasperation.
The next day Kara made the decision to visit Coville in his new home at the National City prison. As expected, the man continued to give her the creeps throughout the entire conversation with his preaching and utter conviction that she was a lost god. She ended the visit when she realised that nothing that she could say would make Coville believe otherwise and she really didn't need him figuring out that she was pregnant. Rao knows how he would react to that.
After getting some work done at Catco, Kara went home and changed before she headed out to Ruby’s school. Sam had called and invited her, Alex, Maggie and Lena to her daughter’s show and they had all agreed to support them both by coming. She, Lena and Alex arrived late while Maggie had turned down the offer to come. As they snuck into the row, Sam looked up and smiled in delighted surprise to see them. “You guys came?!”
“Well we told you we would. Ruby’s going to have a lot of cool Aunts”, Lena whispered as she took the seat beside Sam while Kara sat next to her and Alex was left seated on the end.
“Aw, look at that”, Alex pointed to the girls on the stage. “They’re not worshipping you, they’re inspired by you.  I can totally see your daughter up there doing the exact same thing someday. If you have a girl”.
Kara stared at the stage, admiring the cuteness of the little girls and felt her heart expand at the thought of her own being amongst them one day. She smiled at her sister widely. This was the sort of appreciation that she liked. Not the creepy, worshipping kind. She turned back to the stage and watched as the performance ended, clapping along with the rest of the audience.
The girl’s walked off the stage as the teacher stepped forwards in front of the microphone. “And now, please welcome Ruby Aries”.
The group perked up as Sam’s daughter appeared on the stage, looking pretty in a black dress with a red belt and a matching red headband holding her long hair back from her face. She smiled as her eyes landed on her mother and her friends in the audience. Sam immediately grabbed her phone from her bag and began to film Ruby as she started to sing ‘Pure Imagination’ from the Willy Wonka musical film.
As they all watched Ruby’s performance, Sam with an extremely proud smile on her face, Kara noticed from her corner of her eye that something was wrong with Alex. She was smiling but couldn’t quite hide the pain in her eyes or the way that her smile didn’t quite reach her cheeks. As soon as the performance began to end, Kara’s attention was immediately stolen when she saw Alex get up from her seat and walk out of the auditorium.
“I’ll be right back. I’m just going to check on Alex”, Kara whispered to Lena before following her older sister out of the room and into the hallway of the school where she found Alex standing with her back to the doorway. “Alex…Alex, what’s wrong? What is it?”
Her sister turned around and it was immediately noticeable that she had been crying. “Um…Maggie doesn’t want to have kids”, Alex admitted, confirming Kara’s suspicions that the talk of children the other evening had been upsetting to her sister.
“I thought that was something you guys decided together”, she pointed out, even though deep down she knew that her sister probably didn’t decide as much as go along with it for Maggie.
A minute later, Alex vocalised Kara’s very thought. “No, no…I agreed because it’s what she wanted”.
“Okay…okay, you guys will figure it out”, at least Kara hoped. She didn’t want to see her older sister lose the happiness she had found with Maggie. There was only room for one broken hearted Danvers woman after all.
Alex wasn’t convinced by her words. “Maggie’s not going to change her mind”. Maggie must have been unyielding when they had their discussion of kids. It hurt Kara that the woman didn’t love her sister enough to even try to compromise. “And the only way we’re going to work through it is if I let it go…and I’ve tried”. The heartbreak on her face told her that her sister had been dying on the inside, holding back her lifelong desire for kids for Maggie’s sake because she loved her. “Kara, I love her so much that it hurts. And I convinced myself that living a life with her, it was enough but watching Ruby…I want all the experiences that mom had with us. You know, I want to take my kid camping and I want to show her the constellations. I want to teach her how to read and how to throw a punch, and how to make cheesy Valentines, and I want to hold her when she has a bad dream, and I want to tell her that the world is a better place because she’s in it”.
Kara felt herself begin to choke up over her sister’s words because everything that she said…well Kara wanted that with her own baby. She wanted it so badly that she couldn’t help but understand exactly the kind of sacrifice that Alex had been making when she had agreed to a life without the child she wanted so badly for Maggie’s sake. “Yeah”, Kara nodded in complete understanding, her voice quiet.
“I want all of it”, Alex sobbed. “I want to be a mom.  What am I going to do?”
Kara pulled her sister into a hug and silently vowed that if Maggie wasn’t going to see how much her ultimatum was killing her sister, and wasn’t willing to make the kind of sacrifice Alex had tried making for her, then Kara would make sure that Alex knew she was going to be there for her if things with Maggie fell apart. She knew that a relationship wouldn’t work between the two if there was this huge divide on such an important issue. As she held her sister close, she couldn’t help but wonder what Mon-El would think, how he would feel if he was there…if he knew about their baby.
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fanfics4all · 7 years ago
Let’s get more Personal!
are you under 18? Nope
do you have siblings?, if yes how many? Yep, one!
can you art? I think I can (I can post something I’ve done if you guys want to see)
can you sing? Nah
can you act? I guess so?
turn ons? Funny, Dom, Not really sure what else to say tbh lol
turn offs? People that are dicks!
top 5 favorite bands? Oof this is hard, right now I guess Set It Off, 3OH!3, Get Scared, My Chemical Romance, and Gorillaz
top five favorite singers? Sabrina Carpenter, Machine Gun Kelly, Jonathan Young, Todrick Hall, and Avril Lavigne
least favorite singers? Meghan Trainor, Sia, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lavato. Those are only a few I could think of.
fave artists? Vincent Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci, Tim Burton, I honestly can’t think of that many right now.  
favorite actors? Again I have a few but number one is and always will be Matthew Gray Gubler. Others are Jordan Connor, Richard Harmon, Colton Haynes, Corey Fogelmanis, Rob Raco, Skeet Ulrich, Chandler Riggs, Ross Lynch, Grant Gustin, Mark Sheppard, Cassey Cott, Tom Felton, Evan Peters, Christian Kane, and that’s all I can think of right now.
favorite actresses? Emily Bett Rickards, Ruby Rose, Vanessa Morgan, Dove Cameron, Lilli Reinhart, Kat Dennings, Madelaine Petsch, Madchen Amick,  Um I know there’s more but I can’t think of them :(
how may fandoms are you in? Oof too many probably lol
top 5 fandoms? Riverdale, The 100, Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, and Batman I guess lol
on a scale from 1 to 10, how dramatic are you? Depends on the situation but normally like a 3 probably
can you cook? Oh my god! I love cooking! So yes
a random fact about about you? Um I can sculpt and do SFX makeup!
how many places have you been? Not many, like 7 or 8 states and never out of the country
top 6 shows? The 100, Riverdale, Criminal Minds, Arrow, American Horror Story, and White Collar (I watch way more though)
fave movie franchises? Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, Batman (Mainly 1966), Thor, Captain America, DeadPool, Um that’s all I can think of
Disney or Dreamworks? Both but mainly Disney
top 3 childhood shows? Cyberchase, Zoboomafoo, and Bear in the Big Blue House (Going really little childhood shows)
how many schools have you been to? Four so far
somewhere you want to go one day? England, France, Ireland, Russia, and Canada. Probably more but those are the main ones.
straight or nah? Nah
LGBTQ+ supporter? Well I’m Bi so yeah
favorite school subject? Math and Art
least favorite school subject? Gym, is that a subject?
Food? Yes?
books or Tv? T.V. but I do like reading it just takes me awhile because I have astigmatism and they unfocus a lot so it makes it hard to focus on reading.
Spotify or Pandora? Spotify
what are you listening to right now? Youtube videos!
whats the weather like rn? Hot and a little cloudy
are you reading anything at the moment? After You by JoJo Moyes (The second book to Me Before You)
any family problems you feel comfortable talking about? Oh god, my family is a mess. My dad was an abusive asshole and my mom is an alcoholic (My parents are divorced and my little brother lives with my dad while I live with my mom, I still see my dad and brother but very rarely)
how do you feel right now? Pretty depressed tbh lol
thoughts on trees? Trees are rad, I live climbing them but I’m scared of heights so it’s a fun time lol
something stupid you did once? Smoked too much weed and got stupid high
something random in your backyard? We rent so don’t really have a backyard anymore :(
funny childhood story? One time my brother when he was little he decided to take a nap somewhere and we couldn’t find him ANYWHERE, we were yelling and looking everywhere but we couldn’t find him. We tried to lure him out with marshmallows but that didn’t work and this was going on hours. So we called the cops they came they couldn’t find him anywhere and we were freaking out but then he just walked out and took the bag of marshmallows and to this day we have no idea where he was because he wouldn’t tell us. It was kinda freaky at the time but now we look back at it and laugh.
3 random stories about stuff that you’ve done in your neighborhood? I’ve moved a few times so we’ll go with 3 different neighborhoods. 1. We were living with my grandparents (Mom’s side) and there’s a lot of ducks and we were feeding them so I went to feed one by hand and that’s how I learned ducks have teeth. 2. We were living with my other grandparents (Dad’s side) and they had a frog garden thing that made noise, we were walking up the driveway, they didn’t tell us they got a new one and that it made noise. Me and my dad walked past it and it croaked at us, scared the fuck out of me and I ran away. There were potholes in the driveway and I tripped and cut my knee up so bad. 3. Um my friend lived on a dead end around my block and I would walk over to his place a lot (I was like 8 maybe older) and we road scooters a lot, he could do tricks and he wanted to teach me, I failed horrible cut up my knees and hands and face and scratched up my glasses so bad I couldn’t use them.
top 5 musicals? Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Peter Pan (1960), Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hairspray, and Anastasia
musical fandoms you want to know more about? Any really
any instruments you play? No, I played the clarinet in elementary school and broke it haha
do you and your friends ever roleplay or have given each other character names? Does playing a dating sim with a friend count?
favorite comeback? No you
do you have a phone? Yes
have you ever written a story? Oh yeah
O.c.’s? I have a few
S.O.? Ummm it’s complicated
favorite stores? Hot topic, Spencers, um I don’t know, I don’t go shopping much.
are you still in school? No but I’m going back soon (hopefully)
markers or colored pencils? Both but mainly colored pencils!
memes or gifs? Um both!
oil or chalk pastels? Both!
Height? 5’2
Painting? Omg yes, I’ve done some myself, I’m working on one rn and I have one finished (I can post it if you guys want!)
can you give a description of yourself? Short, kinda overweight, colorful hair (changes a lot), kinda big black glasses, hazel eyes, um that’s all I can think of.
description of your personality? A child mixed with a grandma
will you ever reveal your face( if you haven’t yet)? Sure
Anime? Oh heck yes
favorite animes? Owari No Seraph, Future Diary, Diabolik Lovers, Death Note, Tokyo Ghoul, Your Lie in April, Black Butler, Guilty Crown, Shiki, Death Parade, and more but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
K-pop? Yeah!
Ships??? Falice 100%, Bellarke, idk I can’t think of any others right now
ships you dislike? None really unless it’s weird and underage.
Children? I want children so bad!
do you have a library? I personally don’t
winter or summer? Winter
spring or fall? Fall
sun or snow? Snow
long or short hair? Short
ice cream or sherbert? Both
rain or bright sunlight? Rain
clouds & wind or heat & humidity? Clouds and Wind
pool or beach? Pool
how innocent are you? Not very tbh
cake or cupcakes? Both
chocolate or vanilla? Both, but depends
something sneaky you’ve done with your friends lately? Smoke weed I guess?
favorite colors? Black and Red
favorite animal(s)? Red panda, Panda, Husky, Pigs (I had one as a pet) Hedgehogs (Also had one as a pet)  
skiing or sledding? Sledding
have you ever ridden a horse? Yeah, my cousin owns two horses so I’ve gone riding with her before
have you ever ridden a train? Yeah but I have a fear of them
have you ever been on an airplane? Yes (Not scared of flying like at all)
Nature? Nature is rad
inside or outside? Inside in the summer/spring but outside in fall/winter
introvert or extrovert? Introvert, I’m so shy
rules/ laws? Um both I guess?
how many friends do you have? A bunch but a small close circle
pants/ shorts or skirts? All three but mainly pants and shorts
Dresses? If they’re weird
video games? Oh yes, I love video games
fave holiday? Halloween
least favorite holiday? Christmas and 4th of July
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peter-pan-hoe · 7 years ago
Pan’s Pet pt 7
Word Count: 2446 (ho boy)
Warnings: swearing (as always,) slight fluff? Angst, cliff hanger
Sorry for the wait guys as you know from this post I am aware and mad about my lack of posting. Even though I have finally posted, the post still stands. Come dm me if you want me to hurry up on any particular post. I don’t take requests for new stories but will hurry up if specifically requested to do so.
The thought of disapointing people sits in the back of my mind y’know.
@lynicia1514 this one’s for you. For waiting so patiently. xx
I woke up feeling warm. A warmth that wasn't my own was running through me. It wasn't bad, in fact it was quite nice. but it wasn't normal. A foreign scent swam in the air around me also. This scent was sweet and sour like fruit.
I opened my eyes and saw a face. A sleeping face.
Amity's face was right bellow mine.
Her arms were tucked in and she held her little hands to her chest.
It was then that I noticed my arms were around her. One was under her like a pillow and the other was draped over her middle, holding her close to myself.
I smiled lightly to myself at the idea of her sleeping soundly in my arms.
I closed my eyes again, not quite ready to wake up when I smelled smoke.
At first I thought it was the bonfire in the middle of camp but it didn’t have the usual scent of damp wood and kindling.
Something that smelled of charred leather or hair was mixed in with scent.
I lifted my head and looked around the room.
I saw nothing on fire but now that I was focused I could pinpoint that the burning scent was indeed leather.
   “Amity, wake up,” I gently tugged my arm out from underneath her. “Something’s on fire somewhere; we gotta go,”
At the mention of fire her eyes shot open and she slowly looked around.
   “Are you sure?” she asked, her voice croaky from sleep.
   “Yeah it doesn’t smell like the fire pit,” I explained. “I don’t know but just to be safe we should check it out to make sure no one gets hurt,”
She nodded.
I took her hand and pulled her from my bed, leading her out of my tent, only to shove her back inside imediately.
Black smoke was everywhere stinging my eyes and burning my throat as I tried to breathe.
I looked around and saw a number of trees and tents on fire and some of the boys were already up, trying to put out the flames.
   “Get my pillows!” I called in to Amity.
She ran back to my bed, gathering my 3 pillows and bring them to me.
I took them from her, tucking 2 between my knees while I held the other against her face.
   “Hold this here and head for the beach,” I pointed in the direction that lead to the nearest beach. “Run!”
She nodded and did as I said, running a short distance before stopping to look at me worriedly.
   “Just go” I shouted. “I’ll be fine,”
I watched and made sure she was out of sight before I began looking for the boys.
   “Fire!” I shouted. “There’s a fire!”
A few voices shouted at each other and soon the clearing was filled with frantic looking boys wondering what started the fire.
   “Where’s Pan?” I shouted to one of the boys nearest to me. “Or Felix?”
He shook his head and looked around, terrified.
   “It’s gonna be alright,” I handed him one of my pillows. “Here. Hold it over your mouth and nose and run for the beach. Take as many boys with you as you can,”
He nodded and followed where I pointed in the same direction I sent Amity.
   “Pan?” I called. 
I didn’t get a response so I just jogged around directing more and more boys to the beach with Amity and the other boy.
   “Y/N!” Alfie ran at me so fast he didn’t have time to slow down and smacked straight into me.
My superior strength however made it as though he ran straight into a wall.
   “Dude!” I put my hands on his shoulders, steadying him as I checked him for injuries. “What the hell happened? Where’s Pan and Felix?”
   “I don’t know where they are but,” he hestitaed.
   “But what?” I pressed.
   “The fire wasn’t an accident,” he said. “Some of the guerrillas, they found Amity’s clothes drying by her tent and threw them in the fire,”
   “That’s why I could smell burning leather,” I looked into the blazing fire pit and saw remnants of melted leather and other fabrics. “What did you mean by gorillas?”
   “Not gorillas the animal,” he corrected. “Guerrillas as in the warfare tactic. They’re a small faction in the hunters and fighters that are kind of unconventional and use their skills in tracking and trapping to fight intruders and catch food. They really don’t like pirates,”
Trackers and trappers. 
   “They know the forest better than most of the others,” he sounded as if he’d had a few bad run ins with these boys.
   “Where are they now?” I asked, scanning the smoke filled clearing for any suspicious looking lost boys.
   “They ran off to the south when the fire went up and caught some tents,” he pointed to the south.
My heart stopped.
   “I sent Amity that way to get away from the fire,” I stepped back from Alfie to sniff the air, regretting the choice immediately as my lungs filled with smoke.
   “There’s too much smoke,” I coughed. “I can’t catch a scent!”
I started towards where I sent Amity and the others.
   “Go find Pan and explain what’s going on,” I instructed before sprinting off after Amity.
The smoke had begun clearing as I ran further and further away from the fires.
The smoke was still a little too thick for me to pick up any scents that would help me locate her so I relied on my hearing.
I listened to the birds all flying away from the smoky areas, the wood crackling in the flames back at camp, the trees creaking as they swayed in the wind.
Then I heard the boys laughter.
This is an odd time to be laughing.
I stopped and focused.
   “She stopped,” one of them whispered.
   “Why though?” another asked. “Do you think she saw it?”
   “No it’s concealed too well,” a third voice added.
   “Then why did she stop?” the first asked.
   “Because I can hear you!” I shouted as I turned a little to the left, the direction their voices came from, and spotted them looking at me through shrubbery about 20ft from where I was standing.
   “Oh shit,” the first one spat as he stood from his hiding spot.
One of the others stood also, dragging the third boy up by his collar.
   “What are you doing?” I snarled. “What is concealed so well that I shouldn’t have been able to see it?”
   “Well if you don’t know,” the first boy smirked. “I’ll just let you figure it out yourself,”
   “Listen shit brain,” I growled as I stepped forward. “I don’t have time for-”
something gripped my ankle and whisked me up into the air, haning upside down from a rather tall tree.
   “Are you kidding me?” I groaned.
The boys laughter drew my attention away from the blood rushing to my head.
I frowned at them as they all crowded around me.
   “We saw you and that pirate slut,” one of them sneered. “She slept in your tent? You’re already a mutt but now you’re a rover too?”
   “Oh for fuck sake,” I rolled my eyes.
Quicker than they could react, I pulled myself up, gripped onto the rope holding my ankle with on hand and sliced through it with the claws on my other, my grip on the rope allowing me to flip back up and land on my feet before the boys.
   “I’m not a mutt or a rover,” I began but I was cut off with a swift punch to the face.
   “Ah!” the boy who punched me cried when his knuckle cracked under the force, while I barely reacted.
   “Really?” I angled my face toward where he bent over a little, nursing his hand. “You can’t take me in a fight. And if you could, I don’t think Pan would be too pleased,”
   “Oh save it,” the boy snapped. “Pan doesn’t give a fuck about you!”
   “Don’t I?” that all too familiar voice chuckled as Peter Pan stepped out from behind a tree. “She is quite useful you know. Her skills and abilities make her more valuable than you and your little crew of savages,”
   “With her,” Felix revealed himself as he interjected. “We have fear struck in Hook’s men and we have a secret weapon if we get any other visitors. We know all your guerrilla tactics so don’t think you’re not expendable,”
Their faces paled at Felix’s words, realising they’d just fucked up real bad and Pan didn’t have any reason to keep them around anymore.
   “We were just playing!”
   “We didn’t mean anything by it!”
   “It was a joke!”
The boys all started throwing out excuses in hopes that they could avoid trouble.
   “Oh shut up,” Felix groaned. “You’re not fooling anyone. We know you tried to trap Y/n and we know you’ve got the new girl somewhere,”
   “Wait what?” I looked at Felix. “They have Amity?”
   “Yeah,” he looked surprised that I didn’t know. “You would have run past where they got her. Didn’t you smell them or anything?”
   “No I can’t smell anything because of the smoke,” I turned to the boys. “You set her things on fire and burnt down half of the camp. Didn’t you?”
   “Did they now?” Pan grinned mischievously.
   “No no!” the first boy stepped back. 
   “We didn’t set any fire,” the second added.
   “Don’t bother lying,” I snapped at them, stepping forward. “Alfie saw you throw Amity’s clothes in the fire pit,”
Their faces went white.
Peter and Felix exchanged looks before Pan sighed.
   “Last time you and your little gang screw up I gave you a warning,” Pan began. “I believe it was fair, giving you a second chance to behave properly. But this time not only did you burn a new comers belongings but you endangered the rest of the boys by setting the camp afire!”
The boys had started cowering away from Pan as he paced back and forth during his scolding.
I was a little worried. 
The smoke had cleared enough that I could smell the fear and anxiety dripping from these boys.
They were terrified.
And rightly so.
Pan wasn’t happy.
He was definitely about to rip these boys new assholes.
But I couldn’t stay and watch. I need to find Amity.
  “Listen turds,” I stepped in front of Pan.
Felix looked at me like I’d lost my mind.
  “Don’t worry,” I assured he and Pan. “I’m not stopping you from doing whatever to these boys. I’m simply delaying the inevitable,”
I turned back to the boys and leaned right into the first boys face, growling lowly.
  “Where. Is. Amity?” I said, deep and low.
  “We- we pushed her-“ he stammered.
  “Pushed her where?” I gripped his throat and held him still so he wouldn’t back away any further.
  “M-mermaid lagoon!” he gasped.
I released my grip and turned to Pan and Felix.
  “Which way?” I snarled, feeling my fingers tingling as my rage and protective insict hand begun to take over.
  “Y/n,” Pan looked at me sympathetically. “The mermaids-“
  “Which way?!” I snarled.
  “I’ll take you,” Felix piped up.
Both Pan and I looked at him, surprised at his offer.
  “C’mon,” he indicated with his head then took off at a jog heading off into the forest.
I huffed out a breath before running after him.
  “Why would you help me?” I asked as I caught up with Felix, easily matching his pace.
  “I still feel bad for taking you out with my club,” he said. “I figured as way of apology and attempt to earn you trust, I would help you find your girlfriend,”
  “She’s not my girlfriend,” I interjected. “She’s just accepting of my lack of interest in men,”
He grunted in response.
  “Speaking of,” I added. “I can’t believe Pan told you! I mean it’s not like I’m in the closet or anything. It’s not a secret but it’s not really his news to share. Sure I turned him down but still-“
  “Wait, you turned him down?” he laughed. “He tried to come on to you?”
  “No not really,” I laughed back. “We were at the beach the other night and I mentioned how it was all boys and jokingly said ‘who am I meant to flirt with?” and he laughed and said why not him. So I told him how I like girls,”
  “How did you know he told me?” he quipped. “I might’ve figured it out for myself,”
  “Some boys were spying on me and Amity and said they heard him tell you,” I shrugged as we jogged along.
The smoke had cleared enough that I was beginning to catch other smells.
  “How far are we from the lagoon?” I asked.
  “Not very,” he said. “Now about the mermaids,”
  “Yeah Pan started to say something but I was too focused,” I said as we began to slow down. “
  “They’ve all got some weird attachment to Pan and get very jealous when it comes to his attention,” Felix explained as he ducked down behind the last layer of shrubbery separating us from the beach. “They tried to drown the last female friend he had and she was like, 12,”
  “What the fuck?” I crouched down beside him.
   “Yeah,” he sighed. “Wendy was a good kid,”
   “Wendy,” I repeated. “Weird name,”
He was going to respond but a shriek interrupted him.
  “Amity,” I breathed before rushing through the bushes onto the beach.
  “Y/n wait!” Felix shouted after me.
I ran out until I was ankle deep in the water but Felix pulled me back.
  “Let me go Felix!” I struggled against his grip. “Look! There she is,”
I pointed out over the water to where I could make out Amity, struggling to stay afloat in what seemed like a rip.
  “She’s right there,” I cried. “I can get her, just let me go!”
I broke free of his grasp and ran out into the water just in time to see the water surrounding Amity suddenly become very violent.
Screeches and wails sounded over the waves and the shimmering silver of tails swishing about in the foam.
  “Y/n!” Amity voice travelled so smoothly over the water.
The water calmed and dark haired heads rose from the surface.
Amity looked at the faces around her and her face contorted with fear.
She looked out at me, pleading, as one of the mermaids moved right up to her and whispered something in her ear.
I couldn’t make out the whisper but I heard Amity’s broken sob just as the other maids sank below the water.
The one by Amity’s ear looked at me, sending me a sadistic grin before she followed the others.
I took one last step forward before she was pulled under, disappearing from sight.
tag list: @not-ahero-deactivated20170723 @niawoods  @mintchip17 @ohokaybyethen @dina3s @just-meh-and-me-dogs @xcastawayherosx @lexymeg @trashofthelowestkind @gunpowderandlead1213 @kennedy-christl 
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sussex-nature-lover · 5 years ago
Tuesday 16th June 2020
A Short Walk from Straight Out of our Front Door
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View across the High Wield toward Brightling
As I said yesterday I wasn’t feeling the best, but never the less, it was a lovely day and a shame to waste it so we went for a very gentle stroll.  As with the past few days the sky was the most beautiful blue, the sun, strong and the air thick with floating seed heads.
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The grass from the fields had been cut for silage and the bales were being wrapped. We stood back and waited as one load was taken direct from field to the wrapping point and the sweet smell of Summer filled the air, it was just wonderful and we breathed deeply to savour it while it lasted.
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We saw the Kestrel again. I’d seen her earlier from our garden, through a gap in the trees. She was hovering for what seemed like quite a time but I didn’t have the camera and didn’t want to stop watching her to go and get it. She likes to perch on the top of a drainpipe on the right hand corner of this barn. We watched her fly in to the field, up to her nest where youngsters could be heard even from distance and then she took up her post, watching carefully.
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We’d also seen her on our Saturday walk on a more unusual perch
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I’m sure she’s the same one who came hunting in our garden as we’ve never seen a Kestrel here before. There are Buzzards a plenty - high above the garden and in the woods, an owl or two from time to time, but never a Kestrel.
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It’s quite a change as she seems to be in the exact same spot as we used to watch Little Owls a couple of years back and it’s made me think that I haven’t heard the Owls at night lately. I do have a grainy photo somewhere, but along with the pictures of the Oxford and Cambridge blended families of Canada Geese that’s another search to go on my ever growing list.
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Birds on the Wire - more in the occasional series. Kestrel and young Starling
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It was all calm at the large pond as well. I’ve said before that my knowledge of wild fowl and water birds is sketchy, but I think this is a Little Grebe chick. A few years back there were more Coots and Moorhens and the Moorhens seemed to terrorise everything that moved. This year they’re keeping their social distance and it’s much more sedate there. We usually see some Mallards on the bank, but they weren’t around. Perhaps they’d taken an allowable day trip to one of the other ponds in the area.
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Back home again I downloaded more photos from the camera from Sunday evening when the garden was as busy as usual with all kinds of visitors.
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One of this year’s juvenile Great Spotted Woodpeckers at the top of the Totem
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Being fed by Dad
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The gorgeous emerald collar of a Stock Dove in the evening sun
And last but not least I was tickled by this young bunny who’d obviously seen something that sparked alarm and cued its best Peter Rabbit impression, just needed the little blue jacket
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Nothing came of it, no fox, nothing scary, no need to run and hide.
The photos yesterday were a bit cryptic but it was a zoom in of Daisy Waldron’s nest. She has two chicks in there and is leaving them for periods of time. They’ve got a way to go but at the moment they’re in a secure and warm nest. It faces North West, so it’s snug without being too hot.
I’ve been watching them today and they seem to have developed quite a bit all of a sudden. For anyone who’s never seen a baby Pigeon - and we know that Urban Legend reckons no one ever does - they’re reasonably round of body but surprisingly slender of neck. Young nestlings don’t have a gape like other birds do, but they appear to be begging and pecking at their mother’s frontage, presumably to stimulate her feeding of them. They’re crammed together side by side facing her and stretching their little heads up to her mouth. The mother regurgitates a substance commonly known as Pigeon Milk to rear her young. It looks to me as though they’re both being fed simultaneously. I’d love to film them but just can’t get a focus on the nest.
For anyone who doesn’t know why Daisy Waldron was so named, here’s a link to Pigeon Street. Daisy was the lady who fed the pigeons on her window sill.
The accepted term for nestling Pigeons and Doves (and arguably Chickens and Rooks apparently) is Squab, but seemingly this only applies up to the 4 week term by which time the chicks are considered adult. My nest watching is haphazard because I truly have lost all track of time. I gather they’re fed in the nest for 3-4 weeks so I guess we have a way to go yet.
Song and Call of the Woodpigeon
there are just five notes in total, and they go like this: “ru-hoo ru ru-hoo.” Try counting the sounds next time you hear a Wood pigeon in your garden
That sounds entirely reasonable and now I feel slightly ashamed that in my head the call goes ‘you’re stupid, pijjie’ or more accurately ‘you’re stoo-pid pijjie’ Whoops.
Note: for any new readers who’re confused by the names I attribute to our wildlife and garden features such as ‘The Totem’ it’s simply a quick and easy means of identification. I should really make up a cast list because it’s a bit like a long running soap opera. There are reliable old stalwarts and flash in the pan newcomers, but they’re all welcome - well, most of them. I’m sat typing and relishing the peace and quiet now that the Joe Rooks* have had their breakfast feast and all fallen silent. No doubt they’ll rev up again shortly.
* named for Joe Root, England Cricket Captain.
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E & O E
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oftruths · 8 years ago
i can promise you that.
Word Count: 1,798
Pairing(s): Tom Holland x Reader, Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: mentions of death, slight swearing
Summary: Reader is an actress who is cast in the second Spiderman film. While filming, Reader’s boyfriend admits some harsh news right before an emotional scene between Peter and Reader’s character. Tom notices that something is wrong and eventually comforts and cheers her up. This is somewhat platonic but can really be taken any way. Mostly angst but some really cute fluff
Notes: In light of the new Spiderman movie that is coming out in like, two days, here’s a little thing that I’ve been thinking of. I might do a small follow up one shot if you guys want! Feedback is super appreciated, too. Enjoyyy! 
"Sorry babe, I had to do a scene but I should be free for the next hour or so. Facetime?" 
 You excitedly pulled the phone away from your face and pressed the 'Facetime' button, your boyfriends face quickly popping up on the screen. 
 "Hi there, stranger!" you called out enthusiastically. 
 His expression, not quite matching yours, replied with a sombre, "Hey." 
 "Is everything alright?" 
You had been away from your hometown for months. Ever since you had been casted in the second Spiderman film as (Y/C/N), the new girl at Midtown High, your normal life had slowly disappeared. You couldn’t lie, everything was absolutely amazing. You and your cast mates clicked immediately and the perks that came with being in a Marvel movie were almost endless. 
Your boyfriend was still around, though. The two of you had made the effort to make this long distance thing work and so far, it had. You took every chance you had to fly home and see him and there was only a month left of filming. Soon enough, you'd be home in each others arms.
“I...” he let out a sigh. “No, it’s not, (Y/N).”
Your heart skipped a beat in anticipation. Oh no. You knew that tone. Of course relationships don’t always work out but you thought that yours had been going so well. Did you miss something? Did you do something? ....did he do something?
“What’s going on?” you said after a moment of silence.
“I don’t want to sugarcoat this... but I know you’ve been under a lot of stress now that filming is wrapping up pretty soon so I don’t really know how to say it...” he sighed. “I can’t do this anymore, (Y/N). You’re just gone all the damn time and there’s this girl--”
“Wait, what?” you cut him off with a deadly whisper. “Have you been... seeing other people?” 
The silence coming from the other end told you everything. Your eyes became glassy as tears threatened to spill upon your cheeks. You set the phone down as you leaned on a table that was in your trailer. A million things were running through your mind but you just couldn’t believe that someone you had put so much trust in could just turn around and screw you over like that. 
“(Y/N), please. Listen to me for a--”
A knock could be heard from the door of the trailer and in came Tom Holland, looking as smiley as ever as he waved off someone he was talking to before giving his attention to you.
“Hey (Y/N/N), they told me to tell you to come down to the costume trailer...” he gave you a confused look. “Are you okay?”
“Who is that?” your boyfriend, well, now ex-boyfriend, called from the phone. 
You snatched the device and quickly ended the call before pressing the palms of your hands to your eyes. “Just dandy,” you lied before hopping off the table and uncovering your eyes. “Sorry, what did you need?”
“Lunch is over in about half an hour and we’re starting off with a scene between the two of us. They asked me to come get you,” Tom explained, not quite believing the fake composure you were putting on.
“Alright, thanks. I’ll be over in a minute.” You flashed him a smile as he returned it and quietly left your trailer. 
A giant sigh left your lips while you gathered everything you needed. Your phone was going off with text messages from your ex before you aggressively turned it off altogether. You were holding up well but it wouldn’t be long before all of your bottled emotions would explode and create a shit show. Until then, you swiped up your water bottle as you hastily left your trailer and headed for the costume trailer. 
“Okay so, for this scene, (Y/C/N) just watched her older brother die much like how it was for Peter and Uncle Ben. Her and Peter had made plans to work on their history project together and he finds her crying, right?” the director asked, just making sure you were still with her. 
You nodded even though you would rather be in your trailer, maybe eating a tub of ice cream and maybe crying on Zendaya’s shoulder but no. You refused to be unprofessional so here you were -- clad in an oversized sweater, hair thrown up in a strategically messy bun with waterproof mascara coating your eyelashes.
“Awesome,” she said with a smile. “And I want it to be raw. Don’t worry about what you look like because we’re not looking for pretty crying where there are a few tears before you throw yourself on the bed. I want the real kind where your eyes feel like they’re going to explode and your lips are stuck in this perpetual frown and everything just hurts, you know?
You took a deep breath before your lips quirked up in a sort of half grin. “Got it,” you said before taking your spot on the set. 
You leaned on side of your characters bed and pulled one of your knees up to your chest and the other leg laid straight as you held a pillow in your arms. The props people set crumpled up tissues around your body but you didn’t pay them any mind as you got into character. 
“Quiet on the set!” the director yelled. 
You couldn’t even think of what (Y/C/N) was going through. Your mind kept wandering back to what had happened only an hour ago. You couldn’t help but get angry, not only at your ex but also at yourself for believing that this long distance relationship could even work. It didn’t take very long for the tears to come rushing back to your face and this time, you just let go. 
The thoughts and voices in your mind became too overwhelming as you felt your cheeks becoming wet. Your face bunched up as you tried to hold back a sob but you did not prevail as you let out a cry while throwing the pillow across the room. Noises and sniffles came from your throat as you clawed at the collar of your sweater. You had completely forgotten you were filming a movie until you heard a door creak open. 
“Mom, I-I really don’t w-want...” you said before turning your head and stopping your words. “P-Peter. I... oh god.”
You scrambled up to your feet before picking up the tissues that littered the floor and threw them in the trash. You wiped your tears with the sleeve of your sweater, not quite sure what to do with him standing in front of you. “W-What... What are you doing here?” 
“Your um, dad let me up. I said we had a history project to do but then he told me... yeah. I just wanted to know if you were okay. --i mean, of course you’re not okay but i-it.. it gets better, I promise,” he said. 
Your hand balled up into a fist at his words. “How the hell would you know?” you angrily questioned. “How do you know what it feels like to lose your brother? Your best friend? Someone who shouldn’t have even died in the first place?” you snarled. “You don’t get to come into my room just to try and feed me lies, Peter! You can’t help me. No one can. He’s gone and he’s not coming back,” your voice broke as you started to cry again.
 “Just leave.” 
Peter was dumbstruck as you got angrier. “Leave,” you whispered once more as you watched him stride towards you and pull you into his chest. “Leave, leave, leave...” you sobbed as he held you tighter. 
You slowly gave up as your body shook. Peter led you to your bed and held you as you cried, rubbing his hands up and down your arms and back in an effort to soothe you. 
“That’s where you’re wrong, (Y/C/N),” he spoke, tucking your head under his chin. “My parents were taken from me when I was a really small kid. And that really sucked. Hell, I barely remember them. Then I started living with Aunt May and Uncle Ben and they basically became my parents, you know? I loved -- love them.... and next thing you know, Uncle Ben died. Everyone keeps telling me to this day that it wasn’t my fault and I never believed them. I still don’t. Not really, anyway,” Peter let out a shuddered sigh.
“The point is... I didn’t let any of that stop me from... being who I am today. If anything, it made me want to be a.. good person, even more. All of this sadness and hurt that you’re feeling right now? It won’t ever really go away but you learn to live with it. And it’ll be okay. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow and maybe not in a few months but it will. I can promise you that.”
Your tears had subsided as you listened to Peter’s speech. Somewhere in the midst of it all, the two of you had laid yourselves on the bed with your head on his chest and his arms wrapped around you. The actress in you knew that the cameras were still rolling but you couldn’t help but find comfort in those words. You shifted your position before giving Peter a light squeeze and snuggling into his side. 
“Thanks,” you whispered, staring off into the distance. 
“No problem.”
The camera stayed on the both of you for a moment before panning to the window that led to a green screen.
“And cut! (Y/N) and Tom that was absolutely incredible. Let’s reset, do a few more takes and we’ll call it a day for this scene!” 
You closed your eyes for a brief moment before pushing off of Tom and sitting on the edge of the bed, your back facing all the cameras and lights. 
“Are you sure that you’re okay?” Tom asked, draping an arm over your shoulders. 
You shook your head before he pulled you into a hug. “He cheated on me,” you whispered into his shoulder. 
“I’m gonna kill him,” your co-star growled in which you let out a laugh. 
“It’s fine,” you said, pulling away and looking into his beautiful brown eyes. “I think I’m gonna be okay,” you sighed. “I mean, I’m filming this awesome movie on this phenomenal set with crazy talented people,” your hand reached up to cup the side of his neck as a soft smile was placed on your lips. 
“Why mope around when I have people like Peter Parker?”
Tom grinned before leaning forward and kissing your forehead. His lips lingered there for a moment before he nudged your heads together. “And me,” he pointed out. 
“Yeah, you too.”
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