#I think that’d be funny
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hmsdoodlin · 2 months ago
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(39) None of them handle horror games very well.
Hearts wings and hair puff up to twice their size like a studio ghibli character.
Mind blue screens because he can’t outwardly show that he’s scared, that’d hurt his ego too much. Even if it’s very obvious when he does it.
Soul usually falls off of chairs/jumps and his void part gets all spikey. He’s so tall and lanky I can imagine him hitting something on the desk by accident.
I think it’d be cool if either Mind or Soul narrated whatever was happening in games so Heart can be included. It can vary depending on their understanding of the game, and opens doors for arguments because no! Soul that is NOT a furry it’s an animatronic. They both suck at it regardless though. Mind usually goes nonverbal and Soul gets bored easily and doesn’t take it seriously.
Transcript under the cut
Image 1
Heart: Soul! Keep me updated I don’t know what’s happening. Is he winning?
Mind: *Locked in*
Soul: This game is boring as all hell
Image 2
Heart: *Jumpscare is LOUD*
Mind: *Blue screened*
Soul: *Terrified because he wasn’t paying attention*
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islanddboyy · 11 months ago
a hermit (scar) should start doing like safari tours of etho’s base. they’ll be like on your left you can see the wild etho eating redstone and to your right a chest monster or something. it could even extend to other hermits
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elliewilliamskissr · 1 year ago
tour of my campus except it’s just me pointing out all the places i’ve broken down and cried
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detective-marshmallow · 2 years ago
If i were inspector gadget I’d only have 1 function, which would be “go-go gadget gay pride.” In which i turn into a gay pride parade float to mow over villains. But also be gay at the same time.
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akkpipitphattana · 3 months ago
bison goes inside and fadel just says “i have a gun”
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thefrogofrainbows · 1 year ago
Finally actually got around to this, I like how it turned out!!!
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(Idk what I’m actually gonna paint on the bottlecap itself, any suggestions?)
new tutorial, this time for "fake" medals you can use to decorate your jacket or any stuff really.
give yourself a weird award you yourself came up with, coorperations do it all the time!
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stuff you will need:
-variation of pliers
-a stencil, the shape you want the fabric part of ur medal to be, make it a bit bigger so youll have room to sew
-piece of fabric two times the size of your stencil
-sewing needle
-sewing thread, i use dental floss
-safety pin
-paperclip, or just iron wire, around 1 mm Ø
start with cutting out the two pieces of fabric for your medal using a stencil
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pin em to eachother, with the sides you want to be on the outside, facing inwards.
sew along the side but keep the top open, so you can flip it inside out.
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now you can flip in inside out, and fold the top around the safety pin, and sew it down
make sure the side of the pin that doesnt open is the one being sewn down. the opening part should be on top.
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bend the paperclip into something resembling the shapes in the pic below using the pliers, doesnt need to look good, mine sure dont
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bend the edges of the bottlecap to the inside, and pin the hook part of the right iron wire thing down under the edge
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connect the iron wire hoop you made (left in picture) to the piece of iron wire on the bottlecap. fold the point of the fabric part of the metal around the hoop and sew it down.
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should look something like this.
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now you can add decorations, you can paint the cap aswell as the fabric part, using patterned fabrics can also make ur medals look nicer.
ive seen people advise using modgepodge to seal the painted cap, instead of nailpolish, i dont have modpodge where i live but use that if youre able to get ur hands on it.
i hope this was clear, let me know if you want tutorials on any other stuff. i like doing them a lot.
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avvidstarion · 1 year ago
But the real question is how much of a necromancy freak do I want to make Avvid
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machveil · 4 months ago
Roommate!Ghost coming back after a long deployment where outside communication wasn't allowed, only to see you've gotten a cat during that time. The cat's name? Cat Simon. A chonky black cat with a bit of RBF who needs to be snuggled at all hours, and was lovingly provided via finding him in an alley trying to eat thrown out chinese food in the pouring rain. His paws are rated E for everybody and he sounds cranky when he meows while his purrs will vibrate the entire couch and can be heard across a room. Now Human Simon and Cat Simon have to figure out who gets to be the little spoon and who gets the most forehead kissies. (Surprise, there's actually two cats, they just look really really similar and for a while Simon didn't see them in the same space at the same time. This one's name? Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, Reese or PB for short.)
🐸 anon, your mind never ceases to amaze me
if you brought two chunky little cats home Simon wouldn’t even bat an eye - he might bat an eye at ‘Simon’ the cat, but he can work with that. since there’s two cats I think it’d be really funny if, while Simon thinks there’s only one, he thinks little Simon kitty man isn’t a fan of him. he’ll pspspsp Simon the cat and call his name - sometimes he chirps and comes right over (cat Simon) and sometimes Simon gets flat out ignored (PB)
once he sees two chunky cats eating in the kitchen he does a double take, eyebrows screwed together. “Oh— wha’ the fuck?”, he snorts and goes off to find you, chuckling when you nervously say PB looked so miserable when you found them, so… it’s okay to keep them both, right? obviously, Simon was already a proud father of what he presumed to be one, now he’s got basically twins
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royaltea000 · 6 months ago
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Al the kinda guy to nut in his pants after a threat
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vivid-bluez · 2 years ago
I just realized something really funny about TOTK Ganondorf.
So, Ganondorf is very clearly meant to be a Gerudo, and he’s been sealed underground for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Meaning Gerudo culture when he was around was probably very different to how it exists today.
Going off of OOT and WW, Gerudo men used to be born into high status or even royalty just because they were men and that was like, super duper rare for a man to be born to the Gerudo.
If that element of their culture was the same in BOTW, it’s possible that Ganondorf was a Gerudo Chief before they stole his liquids and sealed his ass. Urbosa also mentions that she heard legends of Ganon once taking the “form” of a Gerudo, this could just be lip service to OOT but like what if.
But, Gerudo culture has changed quite a bit, to the point that men are not even allowed to enter the fucking town. Gerudo have to venture out to find a husband and shit, the husbands are also not allowed in.
I’m probably reaching, but could you imagine if Ganondorf struts up to Gerudo Town and is like:
and they’re just like
“yea cool story bro, you’re still not getting inside. Get your rocks off somewhere else.”
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alaskan-wallflower · 3 months ago
i don’t ship pidbit(?) romantically because i kinda just…don’t, but GOD that would be a foul friend group. very south park esque imo.
darry, tim, paul and two bit would be the most horrifying friend group ever 😭they’re actually the friends that ‘if the group chat got leaked the fbi would swat our house’ face it
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yakuza-emulation · 1 year ago
Shoutout to this one YouTube comment for being the funniest motherfucker I’ve seen. For it being so funny (to me at least), I wanted to draw it lol
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Under the cut is the original comment (with some more context lol)
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This was posted under a Gacha video featuring the Glam-Mike theory prevalently. I don’t think OP even gave any evidence (aside from maybe Freddy’s classic: “I am not me.” line.)
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wafflinglumos · 1 year ago
I walk out with a microphone and speak “Stripping away a female character’s traits and personality for a male character is wrong and is not a cool thing to do,” everyone cheers.
“Especially if the male character treated the female character like shit and wished death on her multiple times,” everyone cheers again.
“If the only way you can make your ship work is by completely desecrating one or both of the character’s personalities, maybe it’s not that good of a ship” everyone cheers and claps.
I say “Dramione” and get booed and thrown rotten tomatoes at.
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acoraxia · 1 year ago
Red Son is actually such a cool character when you separate him from shipping.
He’s not angry and hot-tempered, actually, he’s just very dramatic and has a constant flare for making things more.. extravagant than they need to be. He’s actually more dramatic than Macaque is with the way he presents his inventions and his own person.
He rarely gets mad. Mostly annoyed but never down right mad at either Xiaotian or Xiaojiao.
He also seems to lack social interaction and doesn’t understand a lot of social cues? At least, from what I can remember he’s thrown off by how friendly Xiaojiao and Xiaotian are and almost seemed overwhelmed by it.
Cannot really tell if he enjoys hanging out with them in small doses or if he would prefer spending time alone. Because when he does “hang out” with them it’s not up to him — they’re always saving the world from a bone spirit or healing people from spider poison. And he wasn’t even there for the final Azure fight so he wasn’t really needed for that. He just happened to show up at the beach ending scenes but he seems the happiest when he’s with his parents or alone? It’s weird
He’s not as social as the other two and frankly sometimes it just feels like he’s watching over them to make sure they don’t die or something
But he is so cool
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electrozeistyking · 16 days ago
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decided to go slightly more “cartoony” here, you could say. all in all my brain is registering that haircut as “das a rooster baybee”
#doctor who#doctor who fanart#the doctor#tenth doctor#10th doctor#zeisty’s in betweens#tw eye contact#just in case tag#for my peeps who need that tagged#gave this thing eight canines opposed to the usual four. it looks cool and It’s Also Surprisingly Distinct#listen. i think it’s cool having a fella who’s human enough on the surface#but once you look closer you realize. oh wait. das actually not a human baybee#like maybe the doctor could get away with it if no one’s paying that much attention to it.#but once people know? they sorta just know. no takesie backsies#but then again you could have fun lying about your biology to humans. i know i would#especially taking ‘rule number 1 - the doctor lies’ into account. because like. why wouldn’t you? that’d be funny#like dog. two hearts? eight sharpened canines in one regeneration?? weird glowy spots on eyes???#the respiratory bypass???? the lower body temperature?????#once humans know that stuff… you could pretty much say anything you want and they could very well believe you#like sure you have thirteen brains. there’s no way they can prove you don’t :)#though that could suck if you think about it. you and this species look so similar enough you could be thought of as the same#but you’re not like them. you’re different from them#you have features and behaviours that this other species on this planet you love don’t have.#and maybe that makes you ‘superior’ to them… but that doesn’t change the fact that at the end of the day…. You’re Other.#i have. thoughts. basically.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 month ago
Twilight princess is the best cuz it’s simultaneously the most mature and goofiest game in the series
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