#I think has like the most romantics route like even if you select to hug him or stuff he’s still professing his undying love like chill pls
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kierancaz · 2 years ago
Why’s the Lucifer ai bot more attentive than my actual dad rn
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remys-lucky-franc · 5 years ago
Real Love : Queen of Thieves Fic - Leon x MC (Daisy)
Rating: Fluffy goodness
Word Count: 2784
Writer Notes: So, uh, hi! This is the first fic I’ve written for the Lovestruck fandom and I’m kind of hyperventilating about posting it so please be kind 💜 and if you read (thank you!) and do enjoy it, I’d love to hear what you thought!
Tag List: I don’t have one yet, but if you’d like to be on it when I do, please let me know! @wrath-gutierrez
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Daisy pulled her long dark hair up into a messy bun as she smiled to herself into the mirror, watching the reflection of Leon dress. They’d been together for a few months now, and Daisy would never tire of the sight of him; his chiseled jaw, the broadness of his shoulders... His hands, strong but surprisingly delicate when he brushed her hair back from her cheek... Daisy’s mind began to wander as she gazed into the mirror, her face flushing as Leon caught her staring, saying nothing but quirking one eyebrow at her, a cocky half-grin on his lips. Daisy turned, laughing,
“I like what I see... Ok??”
Leon chuckled warmly at his fiancée, pulling her into a warm hug, pressing a kiss into her hair,
“Good. I’ve got to go now, Nikolai has me checking some more routes today before the heist. You can join me, if you’d like?”
Daisy tilted her chin up to Leon, shaking her head,
“I have research of my own to do today, we can maybe go eat together later?”
Leon closed his dark eyes, looking almost sad to be separated as he caught Daisy’s lips in a soft kiss,
“Sounds good.”
Daisy pecked his lips again, grinning, as she headed towards the sprawl of books on the desk,
“Don’t work too hard...”
Several hours later Daisy headed into the common room in search of food, trying to release the crick in her neck, muttering to herself about how she should know better than to sit for so long in the one position. Locating a fancy-looking box of pastries on the coffee table and swiping two chocolate twists, she moved to the kitchen and fired up the coffee machine. Hopping onto a bar stool Daisy drank deeply from the oversized mug, sighing contentedly, ‘Who wouldn’t need a huge caffeine hit after hours of research?!’
Smiling widely as Vivienne appeared in the doorway, Daisy gestured to the coffee machine. Vivienne declined the beverage, but pulled up a bar stool to chat. After discussing some of the finer points of Daisy’s research, and Vivienne and Remy’s surveillance on their mark, the women moved away from work chatter. Daisy let out an excited squeak when Vivienne reached the topic of she and Leon’s first Valentine’s Day together, which was approaching rapidly,
“I only thought of it, like an hour ago, but it is perfect!! And I’m so excited!!”
Vivienne couldn’t help but laugh, Daisy’s energy was contagious when she was like this,
“Go on, Daisy, do tell??”
Daisy bit her lip, looking around like she was giving away a really juicy secret,
“I’ve decided I’m going to take him on a spa day!!!”
Vivienne nodded,
“Ooh, relaxing, massages, quality time together... Excellent idea!”
Daisy nodded vigorously,
“It’ll be perfect! Before our treatments we can use the sauna, and float around the pool... I haven’t did that since we left Hong Kong! I’m going to talk to him about it tonight so we can plan it!”
Vivienne pulled out her cellphone,
“You know, I know a lovely place that you may be interested in...”
Daisy clapped her hands together, excited at how everything seemed to be falling into place, praising herself for being so clever , ‘Leon will love this! He never just takes time out for himself!’
As arranged via text message, Daisy and Leon were meeting at the little cafe around the corner, a little light dinner... And maybe a glass of wine in the last of the weak January sun...?
Daisy practically skipped to their meeting place, Leon was already there waiting. She bounced into the seat beside him, wrapping her slim arms around his back in a hug as she went, planting a kiss on his cheek in greeting as he smiled, taking her small hand in his,
“Good day?”
Daisy nodded enthusiastically, her dark hair falling into her face as as did so,
“So awesome! Yours? Let’s order food and we can chat all about it!”
Leon pressed a kiss to Daisy’s knuckles in agreement, before catching the waiter’s attention and making their requests.
Grazing on the selection of breads, cheese and pates that arrived, Daisy listened intently to Leon’s conversation about the best routes and their pros and cons regarding the upcoming heist. She filled him in on the research she’d carried out today, and on what she’d learned from Vivienne earlier.
Their conversation was easy, it felt natural. It hadn’t always felt so uninhibited: it had taken so long for her to gain Leon’s full trust, for him to be able to voice his true thoughts and feelings... Daisy smiled as she watched him talk. He’d avoided talking for so long, so many things passed between them unsaid...
Leon suddenly stopped what he was saying and laughed at Daisy, his eyes twinkling with mischievous,
“What?? Why are you grinning at me like that??”
Daisy gasped theatrically as she clutched his hand and exclaimed,
“Am I not allowed to grin at the man I love??”
Leon shook his head in mock despair, twirling the engagement ring on her finger as her murmured,
“Your face will stick that way...”
Daisy popped the last piece of brie into her mouth as she retorted,
“Good! Everyone can see how happy we are! Speaking of which... I’ve had the most amazing, romantic idea for Valentines Day... I’m going to take us on a couples spa day! It’ll be so relaxing, Leon! We’ll use the pool, the jacuzzi, we’ll have aromatherapy massages... It’ll be so great!”
Daisy beamed at Leon, a smile lighting up her whole face. She felt entirely pleased with herself as she listed the details of their spa experience, telling him about Vivienne’s recommended venue, until Leon gently covered her hand with his, halting her train of thought completely, a far-off look in his eyes,
“Daisy, that sounds lovely, honestly, but I think you’d have more fun if you went with Vivienne.”
Daisy stopped in her tracks, she couldn’t help the crestfallen expression that washed over her face before she managed to mask it with a tight smile, mumbling,
“Oh, ok. Sure...”
She wanted a romantic getaway with Leon, not a girl’s day with her friend... How had she gotten it so wrong? He loved floating around the rooftop pool at the Hong Kong penthouse... He would dissolve into her touch when she rubbed his shoulders... As tough as Leon was, he wouldn’t dismiss something like a spa day as ‘girly’ - especially not if it meant spending some real quality time together...
Leon’s stomach turned over and over as he walked back to the penthouse with an arm around Daisy’s waist. He felt like a jerk. She’d looked so excited with her spa day idea. And it sounded so nice. And if he were another guy, in another body, not one criss-crossed with old scars and battle wounds, he’d have liked nothing more than to have whiled away the day with his girl... But how could he? How could they walk into a plush day spa when he looked like ‘this’... Leon closed his eyes, letting out a weary sigh as they stepped into the elevator. He’d reconciled a lot of the negative feelings he’d had about himself, about his past... Adjusted his perspective. But to anyone on the outside who didn’t know him, with his shirt off, he would always look like a thug... There was no changing that.
Daisy stole a nervous glance up at Leon: unsure what was wrong, but well aware there was something gravely bothering him.
Entering the common room, Vivienne glanced up from her magazine to greet them, winking at Daisy,
“Ah, the lovebirds!”
Daisy gave Vivienne a subtle shake of her head to deflect any further conversation as Leon headed off towards their bedroom. Vivienne grimaced,
“Sorry Daisy, I thought..?”
Daisy shrugged her shoulders sadly,
“So did I. I should...”
She gestured as though to follow Leon. Vivienne nodded as Daisy turned to go.
Opening the bedroom door, Daisy frowned as she found Leon shirtless in front of the mirror, still as a statue. She clicked the door shut gently, moving across the floor towards him. He didn’t look up at her, not once. As she reached Leon, Daisy stopped behind him, placing her hands on his muscular biceps, stroking gently, up and down causing goosebumps on the exposed skin. She kissed his shoulder, finally getting him to make eye contact in the mirror,
“Penny for them?”
Leon stiffened, his eyes closing for a moment as he tried to search for the words he wanted to tell her, trying not to hide his feelings. Eventually shaking his head, he turned in Daisy’s arms to embrace her,
“Your idea was beautiful. But I can’t, Daisy. I... I would be so out of place there. I love you and I don’t want to embarrass you, with all of these.”
He pulled back to point downwards at the ravines of scar tissue scattered across the expanse his torso,
“I just wouldn’t fit in at a fancy spa. With strangers. I’m sorry.”
Daisy felt her eyes prickle with tears as she stared at him, mouth slightly agape, horrified,
“Leon Kwan, I will never be embarrassed of you?! I love you!! I can’t believe you think that?!”
Leon scrunched his eyes tightly closed as he breathed,
“I’m sorry, I love you too.”
Daisy gripped both his hands in hers firmly,
“Hey, I don’t want you to apologise! I don’t care what anyone thinks about you! I’m proud to be with you! Always, ok? No matter where we are!”
Leon shot Daisy a small, almost convincing smile before kissing her cheek and heading off in the direction of the bathroom.
Daisy lay awake in bed for hours, listening to Leon’s rhythmic breath, watching the moonlight against his gently rising and falling chest, highlighting the war wounds from days gone by. It tugged at her heart that Leon, who was so brave and usually full of so much swagger, seemed so distraught at the idea of other people seeing his bare chest and arms. It made sense now, he never even wore short sleeves... The Poppy were the only ones who ever saw his scars: his trusted friends... Why hadn’t she realised that before? Daisy lightly traced her fingers across the long-healed injuries, each one unique, wondering about the secrets behind each one... By the time sleep finally came, she’d formulated a plan.
“Miss you already, see you Thursday!”
Daisy waved as Leon blew her a kiss. He’d carried her case right to the door of the train. She felt a mix of excitement and regret that she’d lied to him... But it was only a little lie... And he’d appreciate it in the end... She sat back in the seat as the train roared through the French countryside, opening the anatomy textbook book she’d been told to read prior to the two-day massage course she was on her way to attend. Nikolai had rolled his eyes when she’d asked for his help to cover up what she was really doing, but he’d gone along with it anyway. She mused, ‘Maybe he’s a true romantic at heart?!’
St Valentines Day arrived and Daisy smiled like a crazy person as she rolled over in bed to snuggle into Leon, ‘My first Valentines Day as a fiancée!!!’
Giggling to herself she pressed a series of warm kisses into his neck until he mumbled thickly,
“Good morning...”
Daisy whispered,
“Not just any morning!! Valentine’s morning!!”
Leon rubbed the sleep from his eyes and quizzed her,
“I didn’t think we were ‘doing’ Valentine’s on account of you wanting romance every day,and because of how overly-commercialised it is...?”
Daisy’s mouth opened and closed, a panicked look on her face until Leon started to chuckle...
“Daisy, you can tell me it’s become a Hallmark Holiday a thousand times, I still know you want to be romanced on Valentine’s Day...”
Daisy’s eyes sparkled as she playfully thumped his arm,
“Well thank goodness for that!! You had me worried!!”
Leon reached under his side of the bed producing a large red envelope addressed to Daisy as she squeaked with excitement.
And the card was just the beginning! Ever the romantic, Leon presented Daisy with a bouquet of roses, her favourite sweets, a romance novel and a beautiful antique brooch. Daisy had bought Leon a new shirt, a romance novel and his favourite aftershave, as well as a fluffy dressing gown. He raised a brow at Daisy when he opened that particular parcel...
She had made plans that there would be no work today and they would be able to spend the whole day together.
Taking a stroll hand in hand around the Eiffel Tower, sharing chocolate crepes, Daisy grinned knowing what was waiting for Leon back at the penthouse... As they headed back Daisy suggested watching a rom-com and snuggling for the evening, Leon nodded happily... Daisy gave herself an imaginary high-five: she’d managed to set him up perfectly! She giggled to herself, ‘I am *quite* the con artist now - Remy must be so proud!!!’
On their return, Daisy slipped into her pretty lemon-print pyjamas and encouraged Leon to put on his new bathrobe. Leaving Leon to locate a movie she knew wasn’t available on their streaming service, Daisy quickly set to work in their bedroom! She dragged the massage bed into the centre of the floor-Jett had assembled it for her earlier in the week. She drew the blinds, allowing just a little light to creep through, and lit several candles to create a romantic and relaxing atmosphere within the room. The final touch was the spa music Zoe had helped her to find online...
Feeling very pleased with herself and slightly nervous about Leon’s reaction, she shouted through to the common room,
“Hey Leon, can you help me for a minute??”
No verbal confirmation came, but in seconds Leon was opening the door, a slightly stunned and taken aback look dancing across his face,
Daisy threw her arms up as though to yell ‘SURPRISE!’,
“I brought you a massage! I took a course and everything! I even got a certificate! I can show you?”
Leon bit his lip to stop himself laughing, Daisy was so funny when she was excited, it was adorable,
“I don’t need to see your certificate... Wow... Daisy, I can’t believe you did all this?”
Daisy twined her arms around her tall fiancé’s neck, purring,
“Believe it. Now, lose the robe... “
Leon obliged, discarding the soft garment to one side. Daisy inhaled sharply as she admired him, her fingers drawn to the flaws in his taught skin,
“Leon? You shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed what random people think of your scars. You know that, right? They just tell a part of your story...”
She reached out gently stroking the scar on his forearm,
“This was from when you saved your friends from being attacked in the Underbelly... Every one of your scars is there for a reason...”
Leon swallowed hard, staring at Daisy’s tender expression in the soft candlelight,
“I wish they were all so noble...”
Daisy reached up to cup his cheeks in her palms,
“It doesn’t matter, no single one of them defines you. It’s like chapters in a book... One glance at the cover doesn’t tell you everything you need to know. The people who love you took the time to get the whole story straight...”, she cleared her throat, “Anyway, hurry up, your massage awaits!”
Leon looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it, kissing the end of Daisy’s nose and resting his forehead against hers momentarily before settling himself on the massage bed. Daisy rubbed her chilly January hands together to make them more pleasant to the touch before drizzling a stream of warm oil across Leon’s muscular back.
He sighed as the delicate aroma filled their space,
“Hmmmm... Lavender...”
Daisy smirked, ‘Would it have been anything else??’
Her fingers started at the nape of his neck and rolled fluidly down and around, following the sinews, over his shoulder blades, soothing away the tension as she worked. Losing herself in the rhythm of the massage as she felt him melt into her touch, the texture and scent of the oil, and the peaceful waterfall sounds coming from her tablet; Daisy smiled. This was much better than a spa day. She was able to give Leon something special where he felt comfortable in the safety of his own space, something private and intimate that no one else could give to him. A warmth spread through Daisy’s heart as she took it all in, ‘*This*is real love.’
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roivenus · 6 years ago
What to love about the signs 💗
Moon/sun/Venus 💓
Aries : They’re always down to try new things, they go to the extremes but it’s always something to watch! Hopeless romantics and Lowkey sweethearts, literal ride or die when they care for you. Major foodies I’ve noticed, they always know what’s good unless it’s for themslesves, whoops. Has a little routine for most of the things they do, pretty well structured.
Taurus: a wild card fsho but on the low, sweethearts. They love to make plans for their lives but end up going the spontaneous route, actually luxurious, actually know how tf to look good. loyal friend, always looks out for their people. An actual mom friend!
Gemini: they pretend like they don’t give a fuck but they care on the low. Little sensitive bb’s that need protection. Genuinely care about people’s opinion, mostly people they care about. They strive to please the people in their lives. Gets excited over little things, needs something to differ them from others. They strive to be different and usually succeed.
Cancer: the rumors are true, super fuckin loving, loud personalities most of the time but with the right people. So much knowledge, best of giving hugs fsho! Stronger than you think but yes they are little sensitive bb’s, but you’d never know unless they choose to show that side to you. will slowly withdrawal from you if they see you don’t serve them, pretty unproblematic then people like to let on.
Leo: quiet n reserved in new environments, these people are quite observational and smart. Always trying to make people smile n laugh, these people really try their best to be little entertainers, little weirdos too but in the best way if you ask me. Extremely nurturing when they care about you, nice when it counts. They’re really just sweet kittens underneath it all! If they love you they LOVE you.
Virgo: these people notice EVERYTHING, even when you don’t think they do, they do! fast learner, usually have a dry sense of humor but these people are funny af, really good and making you laugh, says really out of pocket things. Usually stressed, pretty organized, doesn’t know when to drop things tho for the good and for the worse, won’t give up on you if they love you, big love bugs underneath it all.
Libra: mellow and peaceful for the most part until your try them, or until they’re lit! Extremely vocal, don’t really hold things back, sarcasm queens/Kings, usually know what tf is up, up to date on literally everything it seems like.fr the peace makers, probably your plug!
Scorpio: strong and opinionated, you’ll know how they feel even if they don’t vocally state it! Can get over emotional, probably to themselves tho. Talk to them about debatable topics, interesting people to converse with. Always lookin good. Very supportive!
Sagittarius: Queens/Kings of self sabotage don’t even fight me on this, means well but sometimes their thoughts and actions can get lost in translation. Fun af, super encouraging, sincerely good at giving advice and listening if they care about you. Actually quirky little weirdos, doesn’t give af, usually collects shit or has interest relating to that. Selfless with the correct people.
Capricorn: probably looks mad all the time, actually some of the sweetest people I know.wont tolerate your rude ass, always gives the best gifts, sentimental ass people, will probably write you letters or make you something. Work hard but they play hard as fuck too, Lowkey wildin, always down for some shit, quite open minded, only want the best for you.
Aquarius: quite reserved with their thoughts and feelings but selfless in the way they want to know yours. Good at keeping convo going, good at initiating, charming, alluring, solidarity tends to be your best friend, good at cheering people up,always has a story, naturally funny. Good style, good taste.
Pisces: selective on their friends, chatty chatty chatty, loves the unusual, very imaginative, typically creative, down to earth, very loving. Generous and selfless, likes the simple things. Company is more important to them rather than what you’re doing.
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averyscarlet-blog · 4 years ago
Boy’s being Boys
Author’s Note: Eh, felt like writing this. I love all my characters, including my boi’s. Plus, I’ve been seeing the Mama Mia and Q&A meme around the internet  lately, so I want ‘Why not?’. I’m still writing my prequel series, so I had some... time. Okay not really.  Enjoy! Oh, and merry christmas!
It was a usual day at the Nest, groups from the other factions discussing amongst themselves over Soleil knows what. Ayane had just finished filling and turning in her and Rei's scouting report when she spotted her twin at the bottom of the grand staircase. Smiling from ear to ear upon spotting him, she was about to call out to him until a Hybrid Child approach him.
Ayane quickly hid below the balusters, receiving looks from passersby from how poorly hidden she was. Her twin rarely talks to a helper, mostly because it's difficult to see two selective mutes trying to maintain a straight conversation. However, something about the pair felt off. Pulling up her red hood, Ayane carefully watches from her spot as Sound writes in his notebook and holds it up for the Hybrid Child to read. After reading the contents, she blankly stares at him then nods.
Pleased at the response, Sound hooks his notebook to the side of his belt and follows after the Hybrid Child as she walks ahead of him. Seeing that they were leaving, Ayane scrambles and tries to run after them - without falling down the stairs. After excusing herself after accidentally bumping into several Nors, she grabs one of the large golden doors before it completely shuts behind Sound's back.
Taking a peek to see how far her sibling had gone, Ayane carefully pulls it wider to make enough room for her to squeeze through. Because it was so heavy, she had to clench her jaw to prevent herself from letting out an audible grunt. Once inside, Ayane tries to shut the door as quietly, effectively cutting off the loud chatter in the other room. She waits until she knows no one else will enter before she continues following her brother. Although now that she thinks about it, it more feels like she's stalking him. She found herself facing the walkway which cut straight through the indoor botanical gardens.
Since the artificial sunlights’ were on, Ayane knew she had to be more careful when following her twin. If he were to hear her, then she'd get caught. Had the gardens been dark like the rest of Avarus, she'd be able to somewhat conceal herself better.
"I wonder if I should just leave him be..." Ayane mumbles.
It's not like they never see each other. Not only do they live in the same dormitory, they often go on missions together and hang out where ever. She’s not dependent on him, but because they do almost everything together, they never hide or do anything behind each other’s backs. And for Ayane, it made her feel secure. Seeing Sound acting so secretive made her nervous.
Then again, it’s none of her business. She knows her brother. If it’s important, he’d tell her later.
“He would, right?” Ayane said, her voice quivering with uncertainty. Watching him as the gap between them widens, she starts to hesitate.
She trusts her brother; and he trusts her. So why does she feel such a strong urge to follow him? As, she decided to continue her pursuit. If it was nothing, and he found out, then she won’t make excuses and accept any type of punishment. While Ayane does know the importance of privacy, she can’t help but worry, especially if it’s related to her chaotic twin. Making sure to match his footsteps so there won’t be any mismatched echoing, Ayane continues to follow while also maintaining some distance.
She almost missed a step when Sound abruptly stopped in his tracks. She hid behind the closest stone column and leans a bit to watch. At first there was nothing. After several minutes, she started to think he was just here for a nice stroll. Compared to the light that permanently covered the other half of their world - since the planet itself stopped rotating a millennia ago - the gardens' lighting is the only one that feels closest to how the original sun was like before being replaced by the current artificial ball of fire in their world's dark sky.
Ayane never understood the difference when they were children. It's only after her first mission with Sound did she understand why he was so desperate in having her see an actual sun, even if it was in another world.
"Guess I should just head back." Is what she initially planned.
Just as she was about to turn away, she felt like she had a heart attack when she saw a pair of arms wrap about her brother's neck.
NO WAY! Her thoughts screamed. Sound has a girlfriend? Oh! I've gone too far! If he finds out, he's going to kill me!
This was no longer about secrecy. It was far worse. She had not simply invaded his privacy; Ayane just discovered her brother's relationship. While there are no rules against having a boyfriend/girlfriend; Belial has made it a rule to limit such relations as they are meant to solely focus on their search for Soleil. And that includes any forms of physical intimacy. If Sound saw that she had caught him, he'd definitely kill her, even if they are siblings.
Ayane began to panic and search for any possible routes of escape without being caught. Because the gardens had water streams littered around the area, there was a high chance she'd accidentally step into one and causing a single splash. She thought of just running for it while he's still distracted until she heard a voice. It certainly didn't belong to Sound; his blood curse renders him unable to, unless he wants to accidentally cause a chain reaction of bad luck. No, it was someone else.
"You know, this is the most cliché spot you wanted to meet..." Ayane gasps upon recognizing the voice. It belonged to their teammate of the same faction, their best friend - Noise. She leaned closer to listen as Noise mutters, "But I guess that's just how you are. The secret romantic type."
Sound hugs the red head back. Although there was only a height difference of and inch, it didn't stop him from nuzzling his face against his hair. He can't necessarily feel Noise's hair since he wore a kitsune mask, but just the smell was enough to put him at ease.
Noise moves so his forehead touches the flat surface of Sound's mask. "Although, I'm willing to bet this location wasn't your idea. The last place you want to meet up is where there's a giant ass spotlight on us."
Sound's golden eyes soften behind his mask. He moves backs bit to unhook his notebook from his belt. A red pen slides into his hand from the sleeve of his jacket with the flick of his wrist and starts writing.
After finishing, he holds it up. It read: 'I actually got the idea from my sis. She kept fantasizing of one day confessing her love to a certain mutt at this exact same spot.'
Noise snickers after reading. "She really has awful tastes in boys. Then again-" He brings himself closer to Sound's chest and smiles. "The same goes for her dear big brother. It must run in the family."
As they were talking, Ayane had her back pressed against her hiding spot; her face completely flushed as she was trying to comprehend what was going on. They may have grown up together, but not once did Sound ever hint that he thought of Noise that way. And the same definitely went for Noise! Back when he was still called Zephyr; he was sent off to another world as part of one of Beatrix and Belial's experiments.
While they were warned he may be a different person once they reunite, Zephyr's personality had changed significantly. Only Sound treated him indifferently. For those, such as Ayane, it was a long adjustment.
It took some time, but she came to accept his new-self. But this? What had happened for them to suddenly be in that type of relationship?  It was mind-blowing! She continued to listen in hopes of finding her answer.
"You know... I think we should tell her."
Sound tilts his head and silently stares at him quizzically.
Noise sighs, "Not just about us... About everything else. I can tell she's suspicious. She’s been trying various ways for us to ‘reconnect’. I know it’s stupid but... seeing her act like that makes me think she deserves the truth."
Smiling underneath his mask, Sound reaches up to touch the red-head's soft cheek. Wordlessly, he covers Noise's eyes. Confused at their sudden silence, Ayane wills herself to peak once again only to silently scream when she saw Sound slide his mask on top of his head.
"Is he TRYING to kill him...!?" she said, failing to hold back her voice.
The only reason Ayane didn't step in to save Noise's life when saw his arms on her twin's shoulders. She ends up on her knees as she lets out a relieved breath.
"Oh, thank God, they're just kissing...." It took Ayane a moment to think over what she just said. "They're... Kissing... Holy shit...." She was in utterly embarrassed and in disbelief; and at the same time, she felt guilty.
How could she not have realized this sooner? He’s her brother. Her TWIN. If trust is an issue, clearly Sound has a reason why he hasn’t said anything to her. And Ayane can already understand why.
“The fact it’s taken me this long to realize shows how much of an airhead I am... No wonder he hasn’t told me. He must think I’ll get a heart attack if he does!”
While she is disappointed to have learned about their relationship this way, Ayane didn’t have to see or read his message to know how happy he is. As clichéd as it sounds, as his twin, she can sense it. And if Sound’s happy, then she’s happy. She won’t complain, but she will kick his ass later for even hiding it from the beginning. Standing back to her feet, she slowly moves away from her hiding spot and turns to leave.
After they pull away to breathe, Sound pulls his mask back on and slides his hand over Noise's face, but stops at the bottom of his lips. He grimaces upon seeing the faint scar at the corner of his lips. Using his thumb to trace it, he softly rubs the surface of Noise's soft light skin all the way to his jawline. They hadn’t talked face to face at the time, but Sound was watching when it happened. Of course, he couldn’t since he wasn’t allowed to enter and interfere.
It was risky enough to visit while he was still a trainee. Had someone known he had made an unauthorized visit to Noise's world, Sound wouldn’t have been able to undergo the Ascension Ceremony with his sister and properly meet in person. Still, he felt guilty, and it pains him for being unable to tell Noise. Sensing his eyes on his scar, Noise slides his arms from Sound’s shoulders and wraps them around the other boy’s waist.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he said, surprising Sound. “What happened to me is in the past. We didn’t know each other at the time. Heck, neither of us even knew the other existed!” Sound further bows his head, but Noise grabs the chin of his mask before he could. “So whoever gave me these scars, I can assure you I kicked their asses as soon as they were healed. Before I became a lazy ass, I had enough energy to beat the shit out of whoever.”
Sound had to swallow back an incoming chuckle as he hugs him back. As much as he wants to correct Noise and tell him that he DID know who he was prior, he decided now wasn't the time. They can never hang out like this around prying eyes, so they always rely on the help of They continued holding each other until Noise lets out a long yawn.
He wrote, ‘Didn’t you just take a nap an hour ago?’
Noise shrugs. “You know me. I may have made that sleep schedule under your orders, but you know that I rarely follow it.”
Rolling his eyes, Sound moves down, much to Noise’s confusion, keeps one arm behind the red-heads shoulders then, after putting the other arm behind his knees, proceeds to sweep the boy off his feet. Noise yelps and automatically hugs Sound’s neck. If he was sleepy during their conversation, he was definitely wide awake now.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” he shouts.
Although he couldn’t see Sound’s face, Noise could tell he was smirking underneath his mask. Sound proceeds to carry him despite his protests. He knows Noise will pass out faster the longer he struggles to get out of his arms.
Snoring, Noise’s hand clutches the front fabric on Sound’s jacket as he waits for the door to their group’s apartment to slide open. Rather than seeing an empty entryhall, Sound almost jumps at the sudden appearance of his twin after the door opens. She looked crossed; and Sound was unable to write or think of an explanation. Ayane had her arms cross; her fox ears were pointed upwards, and tail was angrily fluffed and twitching.
Ayane raises a hand before Sound could wake Noise up.
“BEFORE you say anything, I just want you to know something.”
Despite the fact his arms were already aching at this point, he nods, waiting for his twin to speak.
“You have every right to be mad at me for eavesdropping. But you’ve been so secretive lately that I didn’t have a choice!”
Briefly forgetting his curse, Sound steps forward and opens his mouth to say something, but Ayane continues speaking.
“Look, I don’t care WHO you date. Hell, I wouldn’t care if the person you were dating was an imp!” Sound jerks his head back as he recoils in disgusts. “But I just want to know... Does he make you happy?”
Although Ayane’s expression appeared as if she was angry, he could tell just by looking into her eyes that she wanted to cry. Due to the physiological changes caused by her curse, her tear ducts cannot secrete tears. They stare at one another for what felt like an eternity, and if anyone were watching, they would mistake their silence as a standoff. But that wasn't what was going on.
While twin telepathy isn't an actual thing, their silence spoke volumes. Blinking, a broad smile crossed her face as her fox ears began to relax and her tail starts wagging.
"Okay!" She then angrily pinches Noise's cheek, who merely whines in his sleep. "I swear, if he tries to do anything, I'll make sure to spike all of the lazubum's drinks with speed!"
He reflexively reaches to pat the top of her head but nearly drops Noise in the process. Luckily, Ayane catches the upper half of his body. She was relieved at first, then took a whiff of his scent. Ayane gags and covers her nose with both hands after Sound regains his grasp on Noise.
"Eeeeeew! When the heck was the last time he bathed!?"
Sound shrugs, causing Ayane to immediately back away.
Bolting towards the stairs, she shouts, "DROP HIM IN THE TUB! STRIP OFF HIS CLOTHES! I don't care if you nearly drown him of he ends up streaking in the morning, JUST replace his scent with something else!"
He enters the living room and watches as Ayane runs across the interior balcony of the upper floor and runs straight into her room. Her sense of smell is higher than an average human's. Although he had to agree, there are some things he can tolerate when it comes to Noise's laziness, but hygiene is off the table. Then again, he can't exactly wake up Noise and tell him to shower. He'll do it, but he may end up sleeping - and potentially drowning - in the tub again from the comfort of the warm waters.
Shaking his head, he was going to ignore her instructions and head straight to Noise's room. Then an idea popped into his head. She said he can remove her clothes and replace his scent, but she wasn't exactly specific about those requirements. Knowing no one was around to listen, he starts to carry Noise up the stairs and heads to his room.
Extra Bit
Ayane pinches her nose as Noise angrily eats his breakfast between her and Sound. Noise was a complete mess. Although it's normal in terms of clothing, Ayane felt as if he was wearing more layers than usual. It was as if he was trying to cover something up.
"Sound, what the heck did you do?"
"Yeah, what DID you do?" Noise angrily repeats, practically biting into the metal of his fork as he took another bite.
Sound wrote, 'I just gave him a nice massage and a bath. He's just tired from the exercising so much in bed.'
Ayane stares at that part and innocently asks, "What do you mean in bed? What kind of exercising could he do to make him this worn out?"
Rei and Xavier, who were on the other far side of the kitchen counter, simultaneously drop their metal sporks onto their bowls. The brunette was bright red while 'younger' boy facepalmes over what they accidentally heard.
"Ayane, thank Soleil your mind hasn't been tainted like your brother's..." Xavier mumbles.
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momobage · 8 years ago
Mystic Messenger Review: 2D phone calls
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Mystic Messenger (수상한 메신저) is a South Korean otome game (乙女ゲーム) or female oriented visual novel game made by Cheritz. The goal of the game is to choose the appropriate responses through group chats, phone calls, and text messages to establish a romantic relationship with one of the five available love interests. As the player progresses through different character routes, the story unfolds and the deep secrets within the RFA organization becomes revealed.
The game was released in July 2016 and I started playing in late August after seeing a few screenshots and fanart on Twitter. Like most games, I didn’t know anything about the gameplay or characters, but the art was pretty and I never played a Korean mobile game before. So I thought I’d give it a try! Although I never thought I would enjoy playing a dating game this much, Mystic Messenger left an impression that typically isn’t found in other otome games.
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Main gameplay: 4/5 ♥♥♥♥♡
The gameplay for Mystic Messenger is simple, addictive and very interesting. It is available in both Korean and English, making it easy for anyone to navigate through. There are not any extra game functions, like puzzles or levels since the game is strictly story-based. It is similar to reading a choose your own adventure book. Unlike other dating games, you progress through the game because it synchronizes with the player’s time zone. I think this aspect of the game is very unique and keeps the players wanting more. Even if you are not currently in the app, your phone will still receive notifications from the characters (see image below). It creates a real emotional connection with the characters. Even if you were feeling lonely or a bit bored, there would be someone who checks up on you and ask how you are feeling. I think most people would like that companionship that might be difficult to find in real life. Plus, having a cute character call them and sweet things is always nice, even if they are two-dimensional.
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When I started playing the game, I first chose the character I liked the most and went through the route blindly. However, after realizing that there were multiple ending routes, I looked up some walkthroughs to make sure I didn’t play the same route twice. If you are really determined to collect everything perfectly, all the photos and different routes, then walkthroughs will be very helpful. I recommend looking at Otome Obsessed and Otome Dreamworld since their walkthroughs for Mystic Messenger are easy to understand and very detailed. But I think if you really want to know the characters and understand the story it’s better to play at your own pace.
Like most games, it is free to play, but does have a “currency” called hourglasses which can make phone calls, unlock a conversation or an entire day in advanced. This feature is helpful for people who end up missing a lot of chats due to busy schedules or they want to sleep and cannot look at their phone every one to two hours (see image above). Sadly, I have no self-control and spent even more money buying hourglasses to finish routes in advance. I think in the four months I played, in total I spent a little more than $500 in total on Mystic Messenger hourglasses and related merchandise. There were many benefits to buying official merchandise such as getting special interviews with voice actors, official soundtracks, all the members phone calling cards and more. But I regret buying fan-made merchandise when I really didn’t need it… but they are very well made, so I can’t help it! You would think I learned my lesson by now, but clearly mobiles games make me a bit crazy with money [deeply sighs].
Overall, the gameplay is very simple and fun for anyone to enjoy. The interaction with the characters and the amazing voice clips make the relationships feel so natural and authentic. It makes each experience really meaningful. There are some minor flaws like some jokes are too repetitive and the reaction choices are not the most ideal. However, that could just be the Korean to English translations.
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Characters: 5/5 ♥♥♥♥♥
In the entire game, there is a total of eight important characters; five are dateable and the other three are for support, context and drama. Within the five, each character has a unique personality that is somewhat stereotypical. (From left to right in the photo above) Yoosung Kim is a college student who likes to play video games. Zen (Hyun Ryu) is an actor who is very good looking and flirtatious. 707 (also known as Seven and Luciel Choi) is a genius hacker who has a quirky personality. Jumin Han is a rich businessman who loves his cat too much. Jaehee Kang is Jumin’s serious assistant who never has a day off. However, as you progress and really get to know them, you learn of their other hobbies, dreams and other sides of their personality that is not show to the public. This aspect of each character makes them very relatable and realistic. It’s not just about how cute or funny they appear to be, but that they have complex thoughts which creates an honest connection.
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Artistically, I really love how each character’s designs reflect their personality based on colours and clothing style without even starting the game. They style of colouring also is not too bright and does not overly exaggerate their features. Like other otome games, there are illustrated CG photos that are sent to you throughout group messages and visual story chapters (see above). These photos help better visualize what is exactly happening in the scene or are just funny images from the characters. I really love the emotion each photo shows, from humor to angst, from love to sorrow, it completes the whole dating experience. You can’t help but fall in love with these characters! However, in the new event stories that got released (For Christmas and Valentines specifically), they changed the illustration artist. I know other people have their own opinions but I don’t think it accurately portrays the characters I love. But I don’t hate the style, it is still very good, I just think it suits a different type of game.  
Other than design, each character’s personality is special and intriguing especially after getting to know them. For example, although Zen can be narcissistic and always look for compliments, he often calls the player for a boost of confidence because he feels insecure about his acting ability. He worries whether his fans like his performances or just his face. This type of insecurity is so common and relatable to anyone that it easily touches my heart. The selection for voice actors is also contributes to the authenticity. While some of the actors like Yongwoo Shin (Jumin) and Yeong Seon Kim (707) have previously voiced and sung for other Drama CD’s and anime dubs, Korean voice acting is still not as popular as Japanese voice acting. Therefore, I really appreciate the work they accomplished with Mystic Messenger. The character’s voices are so important to each conversation and help form a deeper relationship with the player. Some of the phone conversations are incredibly moving and thoughtful. I remember crying after completing each ending because it was either so sweet or so sad. Especially for Zen and Jumin, since they are my favourites, I really felt hurt whenever they were upset or stressed. I wanted to hug each of them and tell them everything was going to be okay. One of Zen’s phone conversations, to this day, always makes me cry like a baby (Erizu on Youtube has an animated sketch video of the phone call that emphasizes how wonderfully sweet Zen can be).
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Story: 4/5 ♥♥♥♥♡
While the character artwork is the first thing I notice in any game, it is not as important as story. The entire story behind Mystic Messenger is without a doubt amazing. Besides the adorable and comedic parts, the story is also complex, suspenseful, and dramatic. The amount of diversity due to the difference choices and routes available never makes you bored even when playing the same routes over and over again. I don’t want to spoil too much of this story since it is so interesting, but I applaud how modern this game is compared to others. Since this is a Korean dating game, that is specifically directed towards a female audience, it is extremely wonderful that they added the choice to date another female. Although in the original route you are more best friends than lovers, in the other events you become much closer and kiss on the cheek. It does not seem that revolutionary compared to western media. But for an Asian game whose audience is largely straight or from countries where gay marriage is not legal yet, it is a step forward. Introducing LGBT relationships into media other than dramas and TV shows also brings equality, especially to players of typical otome games.
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Overall: 4.33/5 ♥♥♥♥♡
Mystic Messenger will always have a special place in my heart. Despite the few criticisms I have, they do not compare to the wonderful adventure I’ve experienced and the relationships I’ve created with these characters. I think this game, made me value each character’s personality much more since their backstories were so captivating. It helped me understand other characters from different games better and even people in real life. I encourage other beginners to play Mystic Messenger because it is a good introduction to otome games that is constantly interesting and easy to follow. The connections with each character contributed to my current obsession with loveable characters with complex backstories and fascinating storylines.
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