#I think abortions are okay and it’s up to the person having the child whether or not they want to keep it
pnuk-r0ck · 7 months
Guess who’s cried 2 times the span of an hour😻😻
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vaspider · 2 years
If you think that Joel was wrong, I don't want you anywhere near me.
Let's talk about the last episode.
I'm going to say right up front that I'm a parent, and I'm a survivor of medical abuse, so I'm not going to brook any bullshit or clownery in the notes of this post. I block easily and freely, and if what I say in this post makes you feel sad or defensive, I encourage you to sit with those feelings and interrogate why you're feeling so defensive, because to me, this is extremely cut and dry.
Joel was right. Marlene was wrong. There is no argument to be had here, because this is the Trolley Problem, With Zombies!
Let me be clear: there is no world in which I let them do anything like that to my child, but more importantly, there is no world in which I let them do that to Cat without her active, informed consent. That's where there's no argument to be had. That's where it is open and shut, no discussion, if you think that there is an argument you are just wrong.
There is no nuance on this for me, and that's probably because I am a victim of medical abuse, doctors doing things to me without my informed consent. I find it hard to empathize with people who think there's any nuance in it at all, however. You cannot build a new, just world on the abuse, medical rape, and murder of a child. You just can't. This is the Trolley Problem writ large, and the only moral answer is that the only way to do that would be with Ellie's informed, active consent.
There are decisions my daughter has made which changed her life forever, and made it (at minimum) much, much more difficult, and which might shorten her lifespan or kill her. I supported her in this because she made that decision. It was not made for her. So I have absolutely clear-eyed perspective on this as a parent, and I don't think there's room for another perspective.
Oh, so people might die if Ellie isn't at minimum lobotomized and at worst killed? Yeah, that's the same argument that forced birthers make. No one has a right to any part of my body or anything within it without my consent, and saying otherwise is exactly the same argument that the people who think that people shouldn't be able to get abortions make, it only differs in scale.
It reminds me of the old joke where a man asks a woman if she'd sleep with him for a million dollars, and she agrees, and he says, okay, so what about five dollars? The woman gets irate and says "what kind of woman do you take me for?" And the man replies, "We've already established what kind of woman you are, now we're just haggling over price."
If generic-you think it's okay to take Ellie's body and use it without her permission to save a million people, you're the same kind of person who thinks it's okay to force someone to carry a pregnancy to term. It's already been established that you think that people don't have a right to their body if someone else "needs" it, so we know what kind of person you are. Now we're just haggling over the price. I know that's wording it very strongly and I stand by it, because I've dealt with exactly this kind of paternalistic nonsense, and it did almost kill me. No one is justified in making any decisions about my body but me. Period.
And before we have folx coming in here talking about vaccines, etc.? Listen. If I choose not to vaccinate myself, and I'm excluded from things as a result, then that's a decision that I have made. I don't think people should be physically forced to be vaccinated, but groups of people get to consent or not consent, as a group, via laws, about being around someone who will physically make them sick. The key difference here is about who is doing what to whom, and whether someone is acting upon another person. Walking past someone in public in a leather harness isn't going to modify their organs via pathogen; walking past someone spreading a pathogen that hangs out in the air for hours out of your gaping, infectious piehole is actively doing something to other people.
Joel was right. Thank you, goodnight.
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wishcamper · 8 months
Gone Baby Gone: birth control and the ethics of risky sex
CW: abortion, sexual violence.
Creds: licensed counselor with expertise in addiction, trauma, and gay stuff. Experience with tx exclusively for pregnant people and young parents with addictions.
Okay class! Today we’ll be talking about abortion oh my god don’t run away I’ll make it worth your while I promise.
Firstly, a disclaimer: I’m not interested in debating whether abortion should be legal/allowed/is moral or immoral. The research bears out, unequivocally, that access to comprehensive reproductive and family planning options improves everyone’s lives (1). And again, not actively anti-SJM or any characters, just exploring themes and what they say about us.
It’s so funny to me that NO one liked the pregnancy plot line in ACOSF, whether they love or hate or are indifferent (me) to Rhysand. And I think that’s because we, the largely femme audience engaging with the material, recognize the strings of violence weaved into it, possibly not even consciously but on a deep, bodily, instinctual level.
The 2007 crime drama Gone Baby Gone centers on a conversation about motherhood, parenting fitness, and what society owes to children. Beneath that though, and I believe unintentionally, is another story about pregnancy-capable people’s autonomy and the cycle of oppression around reproductive rights.
I’m going to spoil the movie for you - I don’t want you to watch it because Casey Affleck is a creep, and it’s not that good anyway. There’s a whole mystery plot, but the basics are: drug addict Helene’s daughter Amanda is kidnapped, then later thought to be killed but they never find her body. Casey Affleck, Boy Detective uncovers a scheme by two rogue cops to fake Amanda’s death and kidnap her because they think Helene isn’t a good mom. And they’re kind of right; once Amanda comes home, Helene is an incredibly neglectful mother, and the movie wants you to go woahhh, maybe those murdering unethical cops were right after all!
Sure, Jan.
The movie ends with the lead character wondering if Helene, for whom he’s literally killed people to bring her child back, is even fit to raise Amanda in the first place, even interested. And here’s where I feel complicated, because on one hand - yes, this is your child, and she’s completely innocent in all this and doesn’t deserve abuse and neglect. AND what were this women’s other options? Does anyone ask? Living in deeply Catholic working class Boston, did she have access to birth control? Could she have gotten an abortion? Would her culture (and her internalization of it) even allow her to entertain that option? Could she perhaps be using substances because of the circumstances of her life over which she has no control? (See Nesta, Interrupted for more on that.)
So I ask myself: what does it mean in our culture, as a person who can become pregnant, to have sex with someone who can impregnate you? What happens when your body becomes the battlefield on which larger conflicts are played out?
I’ve been thinking on these question a lot recently because my IUD is about to expire and my doctor recommended a back up method while I wait to get a new one. This has prompted my husband and me go farther into the kids conversation and consider not just what it would mean for me to get pregnant on purpose or accidentally, but what it would mean for me to get pregnant here. Where we live, abortion is technically legal but functionally impossible to find. Even for a wanted pregnancy, if it became life-threatening I might have extremely limited options.
This makes any sex inherently risky for me. IUDs failure rates range from 0.3% to 2.3%, but that still means as few as 3 in 1000 and as many as 2-3 in 100 users still get pregnant. And IUDs significantly raise the likelihood of medically dangerous pregnancies if a fetus is conceived (2). The long odds are somewhat comforting, but if I were to have an ectopic or other life-threatening pregnancy complication, I can’t trust that my local doctors would be able to save my life, legally. 
And we have talked about how we both feel strongly: it’s my life first. My husband says he would rather have me, and he would rather any children of ours have me, too. And there’s this sort of sick sense of gratitude I feel, because that is, to me, the only answer, but it feels like such a kindness nonetheless.
So we get to ACOSF (you forgot this was about ACOTAR, right? Me too.). When they decided to start trying to get pregnant, Rhys had to know the risk was there. My boy, you are half Illyrian. Even without Feyre being Mystique, get out your punnet square and do the math. Your baby always had a 25% chance of having wings. Conception was always risky. I refuse to believe he didn’t know that, and it was irresponsible of him to not inform her, a person who only entered his world like two years ago.
Then they conceive a baby with wings that, as far as they know, she has no way of safely delivering. If that’s true, why couldn’t Feyre have an abortion? I’m serious. They found out very early the baby had wings. It’s not unlike an ectopic pregnancy, or even a very small person becoming pregnant. Adolescent mothers (age 10-19) (god it feels gross to type that) are at much higher risk for conditions like eclampsia, endometritis, and systemic infections, not to mention fetal complications (3). Regardless of the details, Feyre’s body is not equipped to handle this pregnancy, and yet they never seem to explore the option of terminating it.
Which begs the question: did Feyre even know abortion was an option? Is it an option in Prythian?
In my opinion, probably. If the fae have contraception (let’s not even get into STDs and the ’they have magical healing’ BS), they must have abortion. The first record of an induced abortion was on an Egyption Papyrus around 1600BC, though the practice likely well predates that. The Ancient Greeks drove a plant to extinction for its abortifacient properties (4). And even when banned, people find ways, because they have to. Reproductive health has long been of importance to pregnancy-capable people for reasons of safety, resources, and survival. 
At the end of the day, Feyre is allowed to carry a pregnancy to term that she knows will kill her. That’s her right to bodily autonomy being exercised freely, and I will never begrudge her that. But imagine if abortion were an open option for her, and she knew the birth would kill her, and then Rhys. Knowing that, what do you think she’d choose? To die, bringing her mate along with her, and leave her child parentless, if they even survive? I really struggle to see that. Feyre loves hard, and knows what it’s like to grow up with extreme neglect. I cannot imagine her condemning a child to the same circumstance she found so damaging. But Rhys doesn’t tell her, forbids anyone else to, and possibly robs her of the ability to terminate the pregnancy. And also Madja, I don’t forgive her either for glossing over it. Girl needs to retake her boards.
In the beginning of my career, I worked at an inpatient substance use treatment center that was specifically for pregnant people and mothers with young children. They were allowed to bring two kids under the age of 5. I could write a million words about the flaws in that place, but it was at least something. In working with these people, the same themes came up over and over:
They wanted to get jobs but couldn’t afford childcare. 
Caring for children kept them isolated from support networks and financially strapped.
The daily maintenance and self-focus of sobriety felt at odds with being responsible for children. Ironically, that neglect of self often created the perfect conditions for relapse.
Children kept them tethered, legally and/or personally to abusive partners.
They received extreme judgment, even while seeking help, for “doing this to their children”.
They did not have adequate access to reproductive autonomy, whether financially, from religious beliefs, or otherwise.
This evidence is purely anecdotal, but I do think it speaks to the larger cycle of covert violence and policing of women and pregnancy-capable people’s bodies. It is well-documented that lack of reproductive freedom has a direct negative effect on mental health and wellbeing of people of child -bearing age (5). There is also a much larger intersection to this conversation when it comes to race, class, and the systemic oppression of people of color via reproductive restriction, but Feyre is privileged in the ACOTAR world for the most part so this doesn’t touch her. She doesn’t have to wonder if she can afford a baby, or if her husband is going to be racially profiled and taken to jail or just straight up murdered by law enforcement. (and this is not to downplay the experiences Rhysand have, that Sarah doesn’t give us, being a mixed race man, more so that he is in an extreme position of power.)
I think it’s a shame we didn’t get to explore this in ACOSF with Cassian and Nesta. They jump in the sack even after learning Nesta’s body could not handle an Illyrian baby. No amount of ‘the monthly aid’ justifies not having an honest and thorough conversation about what having sex means before they sleep together. Cassian must feel real confident in the birth control options of Prythian to be spreading his soldiers around so willy nilly. And I just hope, for all their sakes, that he’s right.
Ibis Reproductive Health and Center for Reproductive Rights, “Evaluating Priorities: Measuring Women’s and Children’s Health and Well-being against Abortion Restrictions in the States,” (2017).
Kim SK, Romero R, Kusanovic JP, Erez O, Vaisbuch E, Mazaki-Tovi S, Gotsch F, Mittal P, Chaiworapongsa T, Pacora P, Oggé G, Gomez R, Yoon BH, Yeo L, Lamont RF, Hassan SS. The prognosis of pregnancy conceived despite the presence of an intrauterine device (IUD). J Perinat Med. 2010;38(1):45-53. doi: 10.1515/jpm.2009.133. PMID: 19650756; PMCID: PMC3418877.
World Health Organization: WHO. (2023, June 2). Adolescent pregnancy. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/adolescent-pregnancy#:~:text=Adolescent%20mothers%20(aged%2010%E2%80%9319,birth%20and%20severe%20neonatal%20condition.
Muvs - Abtreibung in der Antike. (n.d.). https://muvs.org/en/topics/termination-of-pregnancy/abortion-in-antiquity-en/
Liu SY, Benny C, Grinshteyn E, Ehntholt A, Cook D, Pabayo R. The association between reproductive rights and access to abortion services and mental health among US women. SSM Popul Health. 2023 May 12;23:101428. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2023.101428. PMID: 37215399; PMCID: PMC10199416.
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A question for Twilight aus. Ok...what if Belle really take issue with Jasper's past? So much she wants nothing to do with the Cullens.
Like as much they are perfection in her eyes...lets assume this "flaw" would bersmish the Cullens for her(assuming it would)
Would things go well for everyone?
Ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
First, Bella Didn't
Bella is, to put it delicately, very non-judgemental to an almost concerning degree.
Jessica tells her outright the Cullens are incestuous: Bella thinks that's nice of them and wonders why Jessica judges them so much. Rude, Jessica.
Edward tells Bella all about the time he planned her murder (and the Biology class) in cold blood, how he despised her afterwards for ruining his life by existing, and how his family gathered around a table and discussed whether or not they should kill her: wow, Edward-senpai, you're so amazing.
Edward tells Bella that he uh actually left the diet once for several years and ate many many people. "That's okay because they were all bad people."
Bella then asks an appalled Edward (and later Carlisle) why the Cullens even bother with the diet. Sounds like hard work.
"I'd like not to eat people, Bella," - Edward
Bella hears about how the Cullens have historically had accidents and Bella herself nearly was one. Doesn't phase her at all.
Bella thinks Jacob/the wolves are eating people in New Moon? Bella gives Jake a stern talking to about how the Cullens live on animals so the wolves surely can to. (Jake, for the record, is appalled at the mere suggestion that the wolves are doing this like a sane person.)
Jasper's history is one in a long line of concerning things that have been said to Bella that she doesn't give a flying fuck about.
Even if she was mildly concerned, she wouldn't jeopardize her future with the Cullens and Edward based off a dislike of Jasper. If she's turned, then she can deal with the Jasper issue. If not then her life is meaningless and pointless.
But if Bella Did Do This
Even if Bella really takes issue with Jasper's history, there's an easy solution: she has Edward kick Jasper out or she and Edward leave the family.
Bella doesn't have to give up being a vampire or the rest of the Cullens just because Jasper sucks. Edward has said as much several times: Jasper isn't even a really integral member of the family. He's Alice's plus one.
Bella goes on a quest to get Alice to dump Jasper (which she may or may not do depending how the visions play out). Edward is distressed but figures he and Bella can honeymoon somewhere for a bit until he can talk her down.
"Hooray for me!" - Bella Swan
She's Not Allowed to Like the Cullens Anymore
Same thing happens except she tells Edward they're leaving the Cullens after he turns her. They're going off on their own, his family sucks because they hang out with people like Jasper.
Edward would become increasingly distressed as it becomes increasingly clear Bella's serious (and Bella for that matter is picking fights with the family who are not warming up to her).
However, if Edward separates Bella from them... Then Carlisle can't turn her, can he?
Edward and Bella have their honeymoon in Rio (Edward talked Bella into inviting the Cullens to his wedding) where a month later Bella dies when a child bursts from her womb.
Alternately, Edward eats out the child himself in an abortion attempt that goes horribly wrong and Bella dies.
Edward murders it then head to Jacob asking him to kill him.
Bella Doesn't Like Edward Anymore Either
I mean, this really would never happen (and I love that your reasoning is that "Bella doesn't like Jasper so uh I guess she doesn't like anyone now". I just love that you supplied a reason and that reason is this.
The thing is, Bella still wants to be a vampire.
A lot.
So much.
Sure, it doesn't mean much if she's not with Edward but... she really really really wants to be a vampire.
"What was that about your cousins?" Bella ends up subtly (not at all) asking Edward, thinking that if she doesn't join the Cullens she can join the Denali.
They're on the diet too, they sound like wonderful people, they love and respect people so much they even make love to them, and none of them are Jasper or are living with Jasper.
It's the perfect fit!
Bella starts grilling Edward on the Denali while also avoiding him as much as possible (Edward has no idea what's going on and is terrified).
Bella, for her own part, is getting very cold feet about this wedding (as she only learned Jasper's full history in Eclipse) but... The Denali will show up, and it may be her only opportunity.
Long story short, Bella recreates the Graduate with Eleazar and Edward. Eleazar whisks off Edward's would be bride, in front of the whole town, to Alaska.
(Bella's mortified, but she gets to be a vampire and not married to Edward who lives with Jasper.)
"Did she just run off with your uncle?" - Mike Newton.
(Jacob, for his own part, can't even believe it as he somehow didn't lose to Edward but still lost.)
Bella very quickly uses the Denali as replacement Cullens and eagerly does her best to fit in with her new found family. Terrible things ensue.
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
Co-parenting Butchlander is a bad idea for canon even if done in the tamest way possible and I feel like this needs to be said because this shit is getting out of hand to disturbing levels.
Homelander is the rapist.
He doesn't have custody of Ryan. He doesn't and shouldn't have rights to him. After getting Becca (Ryan's actual parent) killed, and against her wishes, he has stolen or in other words kidnapped Ryan.
Ryan is not his to take and shouldn't be viewed as such. Just think rationally for a split second on this.
Do you think a rapist should have rights to custody of a child they force on someone just because that person chose to keep it or god forbid, couldn't manage to get an abortion? Do you think it would be okay for that rapist to then kill the mother or get her killed and steal the child simply because he wants to be a dad?
That's not cute. It doesn't matter what the rapist's backstory is, that's horrifying and wrong and so gross on so many levels.
And look, it's fine if you want to romanticize this idea for fics but that is the one and only place it should be framed this irresponsibly. Because it is a bad idea with horrible implications that shouldn't be rose tinted into something adorable just because there are a few moments Homelander isn't pushing Ryan off a roof.
And you cannot complain about canon treating Becca badly when you advocate for this in canon.
This would be so much worse by make her nothing more than an incubator for the kid of the guy who raped her and then steals her husband. And that is disgusting.
Can we not forget that Ryan and Becca are both victims here, for once?
Romanticize it all you want in fics. It does not belong in canon.
Context link: My dumb crack idea for a Diabolical episode that Anon is referring to
“Co-parenting Butchlander is a bad idea for canon”
Maybe it doesn’t really matter for this discussion, but : I wouldn’t consider Diabolical “canon”. They had an episode about a woman talking to her poop, with a Deep cameo because it involved a sewer. It’s not canon.
“He doesn’t have custody of Ryan”
Well… okay, this is interesting, Ryan is in his custody as of end of season 3, whether HL has legal custody or not. In fact, NYS law is particularly lax and kind of messed up in the sense that you need a rape conviction to be deprived of your parental rights to a child that is genetically yours (and wasn’t made via a sperm bank). So not that it changes things ethically, but legally speaking HL may have legal claim here until someone convicts him of rape or CPS finds his parenting criminally negligent/inappropriate.
“Do you think it would be okay for that rapist to then kill the mother or get her killed and steal the child simply because he wants to be a dad?”
Do I think it’s “okay” ethically, morally, legally? Hmmmmmm, idk, what do you think I think, Anon? I’ll clear it up and say: no, I don’t . But am I watching and enjoying a show that already portrays this fucked up scenario? Yes, I am.
“You cannot complain about canon treating Becca badly when you advocate for this in canon”
Were you up in arms about this Amazon video?
Because it’s along the same ‘teehee this is so fucked up’ humor lines that you are clearly revolted by. If you were, then okay, at least you are consistent. And I’m going to chalk it up to different tolerance/interest levels about fucked up scenarios.
Come off anon if you still think I’m being glib and “romanticizing” dead incubators. I promise I’m not that scary to talk to off-anon. I even promise to hear you out if I’ve misunderstood the problem you have with my hypothetical dumb spin-off plot that wouldn’t be part of canon. You’re allowed to disagree.
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asfateentertwines · 1 year
The Surprise
Okay so trans pregnancy Spider won my poll - thank you to the one person who told me who should carry lmfao - but it was a close tie. Consider this canon to the little universe but I think I'll try to write the incubator baby headcanons too cause it was really frickin close lmao
TW: Trans pregnancy, mentions of sex, medical stuff
So Ningni was not planned to say the least
Penetrative sex for Spider and Rotxo is...a process to say the least
Rotxo is double Spider's size and lets just say biology is proportionate. Hence, the build up is nothing to rush through and with three kids, it's a luxury they don't get often
Plus, with their differing biology, they never really paid mind to reproduction between them
Sure it was theoretically possible but they didn't linger on it all so much
Rotxo may have thought about a baby of their own biology but it was too much a health risk and he was never sure how Spider would do. He didn't ask, wouldn't, but...maybe he dreamed sometimes
That said...maybe protection wasn't always at the forefront of their minds
Spider finds out he's pregnant after Kiri starts getting an odd sense around him, she eventually visits the ancestors for advice and is informed their brother needs to see a Tsahik immediately
They bring Spider to Tsireya first, not wanting to alert anyone with how precarious the situation might be, and she is the one who affirms Kiri's information
It scares the shit out of him
Tsireya and Kiri keep the information quiet but they won't for long - namely for his own health
Abortion isn't really a thing in Na'vi culture - mating is for life, something that means even unplanned pregnancy or teenage mishaps are between a mated pair. Medical intervention occurs but an unwanted pregnancy is nearly unheard of
Children are a blessing from Ewya - while unplanned or untimely pregnancies may happen, it's not often and it's not like it is on earth. One doesn't have to leave everything behind to be a parent.
Still - come hell or high water, no one will take the choice from Spider
Tsireya takes Anea and the boys that night, Spider pulling Rotxo into the water for a late night ride to tell him
Honestly, Rotxo didn't predict shit, homie got blindsided
Spider cries, a mixture of terrified, hopeful, and sick all coiling in his throat, and tells Rotxo that they might have messed up
He tells him of Kiri's odd feelings, how a woman Kiri didn't know told her that he was blessed, that the next generation is growing, and how Tsireya confirmed he was with child.
Rotxo is thrilled but guiltily so, terrified for what it could mean for Spider and for their family.
It's a long talk about whether or not they have a choice here - Spider hasn't even told Norm or been formally checked out - but they opt that, if it can be done safely, Spider will carry the pregnancy to term
It's not an easy decision - Spider wants the baby, at least, he thinks he does, but carrying the child to term could be a painful experience, dangerous to his body but also his mind. Growing up with intersex being the standard meant that pregnancy wasn't a female thing, but he's human, and he knows the difference
the dysphoria of the coming months will be harsh and he knows it'll bother the limited medical transitions he's been able to make
With Norms help, he's more androgynous than anything by human standards and he's been able to become comfortable in himself - pregnancy will send it reeling back
Then, there's the side of how painful and dangerous a pregnancy might become
He knows how different his body is and he knows that this won't be easy
But...Ewya blessed him
It's what he's wanted his whole life and he won't give it up now
Rotxo will be at his side and so he decides to do it
His pregnancy is the scientific question of the ages that Norm thought he discovered each time one of the Sully kids walked in his lab, but an organic Na'vi and human child is more than a little unexpected
The baby is studied closely, the growth an alarming thing when na'vi size is taken into consideration. Afterall, a newborn Neteyam was about the same size as a one year old Spider
Unfortunately for Spider, this means a good six months of bed rest
Fortunately for him, he has three very excited children
Anea tries to find out everything she can about his pregnancy. Given he has to spend it's duration in the hut, she spends most of her time with him where they can both breathe and she can help
She becomes his little helper - gathering supplies so they can prepare things for the baby, getting him food, books, and entertainment, and helping him get around as the pregnancy continues and movement gets difficult
Wialik patrols the hut, much to Rotxo's amusement, and tries to protect his uncle and sisters. From what, he couldn't say, but Rotxo finds it insanely amusing
Wialik also ends up collecting pieces to make beads, working with surprising patience to start their newest additions songcord with his family. He enlists Astayì, Kiri's oldest, and makes little figures like a child born in the Ash clans would receive. He claims it's to help his knife skills but they all know better
Vipeì writes stories and lullabies for the baby
He's little, only about 6, so Tsireya and Neteyam help him with learning songs and teach him stories to tell
He works with Rotxo too to make clothes, both for Spider and the baby
This being the first baby they had real time to prepare for, Rotxo goes a bit overboard in getting things together
He and Vipeì make Spider clothes to help conceal his chest and make new shawls that knit over his shoulders
They also make a frankly obscene amount of baby clothes and blankets, anything that a human-Na'vi child may need - a bed for the marui and one for the hut, clothes for any sort of temperature intolerance, and toys galore
By 6 months in, Spider is bedbound entirely. He's sick, drained, and craving things he can't even eat. His body is beyond heavy and he relies a lot on his family to help him - it's a lot of time spent with his brothers teasing, Tuk's mischief, Kiri's support, and even Neytiri and Jakes care.
Norm monitors him constantly in the last few months before it's decided that intervention is needed - he'll be in serious danger if they let him continue.
Ningni is born 8 months into Spiders pregnancy, something that was a risky decision on all sides. Quite simply, she was too big for him to carry much longer and her needs were difficult to predict when her species wasn't even something they could guarantee
She's a pale blue, appearing a few shades lighter than Rotxo (something her brothers claim comes from them) with tiny blonde curls. Her hair is starkly human, something Spider fears and Rotxo loves. She combines them in the face in a way they're both proud of, but her eyes are big and brown and neither of their own. Paz had to leave her mark somehow
Ningni is tiny for a Na'vi but frankly appallingly large for human standards
Spider is on bedrest for several months and then on limited action after, but Ningni is thankfully born able to breathe both human and Pandoran air
She's clearly blessed and accepted easier than her family thought she'd be (though most of the clan hopes she's the only of her kind)
Her lungs can breathe both her parents air, her body tolerates food of both cultures, she has the extra fingers of humans, the enhances sense of Na'vi, and the flexibility of humans. Her strength is a bit lesser than a true blooded Na'vi, but she's astonishingly well adapted
As she grows, she's sort of an oddball like her Auntie Kiri was
She's in tune with the world around her but rambunctious and mischievous like both her fathers
She's a bit of a jack of all trades - choosing to do everything and nothing all at once
She's the type of kid that need constant supervision and both Jake and Norm smugly say she is much alike Spider was as a child
Due to Spider being with her near constantly in her younger years, she's very close to him but Rotxo is - very proudly - her hero
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
oomph i know i'm definitely really early with this ask (changing time zones for vacation is weird o.O) but I was thinking about it over the past few days
for the lights, camera, sing your sins au, are the interrogations somewhat scripted where the prisoner knows what to say and Es is mostly just reactions or questions to that? I feel like we've talked about this but I have forgotten jandjnf o.O
because all i can think about is Es getting beaten up or close to tears in the first voice dramas and man if it's scripted, i feel bad for the prisoners who have to do this to es o.O
Hi Mug :D No worries, a slightly late reply because I was on vacation too haha! 🍂
And I mean it's whatever works best in people's minds, but I always pictured there being very little scripted, actually! I'd hoped that everything was as natural as possible. The prisoners just have to make the little shift to act as if they did follow through with the murder instead of talk about how close it came -- other than that, everything that happens is the characters' honest questions, answers, and reactions.
When explaining the no-violence ban to everyone, Fuuta and Kazui (and later Amane) tell Jackalope how they would think during their interrogations. Jackalope instructs them all how to act in order to stay consistent with the barriers/losing strength stuff. I think the only explicitly scripted action is Mikoto's violence, since Red admits he may resort to that if Blue felt threatened. Jackalope tells him to get to the point of violence no matter how the interrogation goes, as it's necessary (to proving Mikoto's situation, to driving home the central ideas of Mikoto's case, to reveal Milgram's process and 'limits,' etc).
And yeah, it definitely tears him apart to actually do it -- he has to verify that Es signed up for this several times (which they did), and it still takes a lot of resolve to follow through with hurting an innocent kid like that. I imagine that's one of the reasons he's not really upset that Kotoko surprised everyone by intervening: he felt so guilty about the attack and was grateful someone came in to stop it.
Although it wasn't physical pain, Mahiru is also really upset that she brought Es such emotional strain. She thinks it's cruel to fool them into feeling bad for her when she's okay, and it takes a lot of reassurance from the others to convince her it's for the sake of the experiment -- every part of the process has toyed with everyone's emotions, she's not a terrible person for doing so.
Whether in the middle of the trial or the final executions, I think any characters who die next trial will also feel awful for making Es mourn for them when they're still alive. It's not all one-sided guilt, though. It's balanced by anger/sorrow towards Es for condemning them to death in the first place because of their decisions. Any time they get too caught up in thinking "I'm so cruel for tricking them like this," they have a moment of "well, they did specifically order my death, so..."
When I'm looking for a pure fix-it, I'll let those emotions go pretty easily <3 But unfortunately my writer ass is never free from The Themes asdfsdf and sometimes I still get caught up in the project's major focus -- not only is Es facing the original Milgram dilemma of choosing whether or not to follow authority, but now the prisoners are faced with the exact same decision. Do they physically/mentally hurt this child "for the experiment?" Because someone in authority told them to? They're doing this to prove a point about justice and fairness, but where should they draw the line? At what point is it not for the greater good and they are just causing more harm?
I think I mentioned it before but in this au the prisoners are extremely motivated by the promise that this experiment will help others like them. Yuno wants to make a statement about society's views on abortion and sex work. Muu wants to make a difference for bullying victims. Kazui hopes to be a voice for all those who have had to keep theirs quiet about something. Mikoto hopes his story creates more awareness and acceptance for people who are usually terribly stereotyped and feared. Kotoko wants to bring to light the problem of corruption and what can be done about it, and so on. In the end, they can always justify causing a little emotional/physical harm because they are doing it for a good reason.
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inkblot22 · 7 months
can I just say …. how absolutely enthralled I am with your content … it’s not often I find someone who writes DARK dark content, I’m not saying that it’s bad n all but I find most dark content fics nowadays to not give me that sense of toxic or possessive love supposedly radiating from the s/os but with yours I can definitely experience the tingles and I love ittt!
also .. can I say how much I LOVE the pregnancy trope in media? **especially** if it’s forced or just accidental but they make u keep it anyways .. not sure if it’s implied the fetus is gone or not, but I’m excited to see where the next chapter takes us!!
Wow okay hello! Thank you so much, you're very sweet! It's rather funny that you say that about this series in particular, because Idia is insistent that he does not love his kitten lmao.
I apologize for rambling here, but regarding the toxic/possessive love thing, I think about it like this: the driving force behind an action will translate into said action whether the person wants it to, or not. I also grew up reading copious amounts of toxic or taboo fanfiction and stories. For instance, I remember when Infatuation was still getting weekly updates. Not sure if that helps or shows in any way, shape, or form, but The Dimensional Tune series and anything written by Rita Redswood (Darkened Warrior) also really lent to my creative exploration as a teenager. Wattpad has really gone downhill now, huh?
Beyond that, I am personally absolutely terrified of bearing a child. It is one of the only forms of horror that actually gets to me in a very genuine way. The very concept of having a life grow inside of you, whether you want it to or not, is nightmarish, not to mention the way that people who happen to birth a child are very often boiled down to simply being a womb with legs following bearing the baby. Not sure if that's a thing that happens everywhere, but a lot of birthing parents that I've been around have had their entire personalities removed in a social way and not by themselves following their children's spawning. Imagine having your personage ignored and deleted by people who knew you before you had a kid?
You caught me at an interesting time since I'm seriously trying to figure out what the next thing I want to post is. I have a few too many ideas bouncing around (read: four or so) Gonna put this next bit under a cut so no one gets spoiled if they aren't caught up on the Pants on Fire series.
Anyhow, what I'm getting at is that there is another part planned for the Pants on Fire series, so hopefully it answers any other questions or thoughts that happen to cross your minds. Also! To clarify, no, the fetus is still forming in the reader, miraculously so after that shock. They didn't get past their cervix with the hanger, either, possibly from trepidation or a loose grip. It's up for interpretation, but I absolutely should have been more clear. Later, when Idia said he would take care of their "little problem twofold," he was, in fact, talking about going back to The Isle of Woe for abortion/more permanent contraceptive purposes.
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cheerfullycatholic · 9 months
Hello! I would love some help if you’re able. I guess this is in regards to the fear of getting pregnant. It’s very deep for me and I can empathise with women who’ve had abortions, but I think I’m coming around to the idea that I can’t do it. I’ve spent a lot of time prayerfully reflecting on how a soul comes into the word via childbirth and recently it hit me, and what now seems obvious: I can trust God that it always happens at the exact right time (even though on a human level we might not see it that way at the time). Because everything always does. That sort of cleans up the thoughts about abortion, artificial fertility, and even sex in general. That if a person gets pregnant then I can be certain that it’s part of God’s plan for that to happen, and therefore for the best for everyone for that to happen (mother, child, father, family). Like such a huge thing as someone’s literal life, I just realised how inconceivable it was to me that God would play around with it, or that it could even be explained by mere physical ‘chance’. I debate whether to include the caveat of getting pregnant only by ways of sex which also feels right and divinely guided to have, but perhaps not even only then. The stories you’ve shared on your blog seem to really attest to this. Again, how would God play around with that? I would truly appreciate your thoughts about this idea and/or prayers as I feel a bit conflicted. Thank you so much. God bless you.
Human life is so valuable, God created each and every one of us in His image and each of us are willed into existence with so much unfathomable love and tenderness, that's why I'm so against abortion, ya know? It's unbelievable how beautiful it all is. Life is a gift, bringing it into the world can be scary and there's always challenges, but that doesn't mean that He isn't looking out for us and taking care of us. Like you said, it's inconceivable to think that God would play around with that
I can understand being afraid of pregnancy. When I was younger, the only times I saw pregnancy and childbirth was when I watched shows or movies, and they're all very bad at accurately depicting it. After I started learning more about pregnancy, the complications that can happen and the ways in which doctors are able to help and save their patients, and after watching tons of birth videos, I got a better understanding of it and it no longer scares me so much. But that doesn't necessarily mean I want to get pregnant and have kids, and not everyone is called to that kind of life and that's okay. But like you said, if it happens, God's got this
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quordleona03 · 3 months
🍈 whether it's squeeing and/or angry ranting is dealer's choice
Okay, I could do a lot of different people but let's go with the conventional one: Hawkeye Pierce! The headcanon: Hawkeye believes in marriage. Hawkeye intended to marry Carlye Breslin. He took it as read that they'd moved in together and would marry when Hawkeye had completed his residency, got a job as a board-qualified surgeon, and could support a wife and children.
Hawkeye doesn't date married nurses because he believes in marriage and he uses rubbers religiously because he does not want to have a child outside marriage (or have to get married to the wrong person). Hawkeye performs abortions on request but would hate to have to perform an abortion on a woman he himself had got pregnant. Hawkeye in Korea is cheerfully promiscuous as a coping mechanism. He flirts with everybody, he chases unmarried women, he actually a two or three times thinks about getting married again (Once she turns him down for intensity, once he turns her down for racism, third time she leaves him to go south with a flock of dependents and two oxen.) In January 1950, Hawkeye Pierce was 29 years old, the beloved only son of a doctor in private practice, working like hell and learning in buckets in his last few months of a gruelling residency, knowing he is an ace surgeon, living with th woman he loves, looking forward to a future where he is married with kids and has a joyful career as a surgeon, saving lives and doing what he loves. In 1950:
the woman he loves dumps him
he finishes residency and is drafted
he has his 30th birthday in a MASH unit in Korea
he's made Chief Surgeon of the MASH unit meaning he will be ultimately responsible for every wounded soldier at the unit
his best friend since grade school dies on his table with Hawkeye's hands inside his body trying to save his life
Hawleye is coping with and reacting to a lot.
He loses Trapper: okay, he'll make friends with Trapper's replacement, same size, same shape. The woman he loves shows up again and it turns out that while they still have chemistry, he no longer wants to marry her. His new best-friend bunkie BJ, is constantly reading letters from home that sound like the kind of life Hawkeye wanted to have - married with kids.
Trapper and Henry Blake and Radar, all of whom got exactly how bad things were for Hawkeye, all get sent home, and he's left with a crowd of people who mostly met him when he was already Chief Surgeon and assume this level of responsibility and stress is normal for him. About the only people left who know it's not are the visiting psychiatrist, Sidney Freedman, and the unit chaplain, Francis Mulcahy - and in a weird kind of way, Margaret Houlihan, except that Margaret thinks that accepting/coping with stress/responsibility is a good thing. Hawkeye is always going to be friends with Trapper and Radar and Margaret and BJ - and Charles if Charles wants to and Potter, even though Potter is (that's another set of headcanon) the real replacement villain for Frank Burns - and Klinger, if Klinger wants to be friends, because Klinger is the kindest person at the unit. But thge only one he might end up with out of that group romantically is Trapper - because Trapper is the only one who let Hawkeye lean on him, where the others all wanted to lean on Hawkeye. If he ends up with anyone from Korea in a long-standing happy relationship at the end of the war - it's got to be either Sidney Freedman or Francis Mulcahy. Because while Hawkeye needs to take care of people, he will kill himself trying: he also needs someone wo would let himself be taken care of because Hawkeye needs to do that, but strong enough to be able to make Hawkeye accept being taken care of. I do not believe Hawkeye/BJ as a couple, because BJ is emotionally needy in all the wrong ways for Hawkeye . I believe Trapper/Hawkeye better as a couple but I think Trapper is never going to be faithful to one person, and I think Hawkeye needs that. I don't see Charles/Hawkeye as a couple because Charles is going to get married to a woman and Hawkeye wouldn't even be the second string. I cannot see Margaret/Hawkeye as a couple because Margaret very definitely wants a big strong man who will take care of her and dominate her sexually and who wants Margaret to be in charge of the relationship - and that is the exact backwards of how I see Hawkeye being happy. I can read all of these relationships and enjoy them very much but fundamentally I don't believe them. I think Hawkeye wants to be married, to one person, mutually faithful - a person who will understand and genuinely not mind that the first priority in Hawkeye's life is being a surgeon/doing surgery/saving lives.
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b-rainlet · 2 years
Obsessed with Helaena being the most deranged sibling- after their marriage, Aegon stops spending nights with her and goes back to his old ways whoring around Flea Bottom, but Alicent keeps asking if she’s pregnant yet, and of course they can’t disappoint mummy… Maybe one night she helps him have an extra glass or two of wine at dinner, a takes him back to her room instead. Just to make sure he’s safe and sound :) It’s okay if he doesn’t really know what’s going on, it’s all for the good of the family
Anon, how does it feel to be the most big-brained person I have ever met??
Aegon not being able to 'do his duty' and the whole family is getting antsy because the only reason this marriage was endorsed was because of the potential of pure-blooded (non-bastard, sorry Jace) heirs and now months have gone past and Helaena still isn't preggos! Inacceptable!
This is such a fun concept because you can fit sooo much dub/noncon into this!
Aegon getting shitfaced before assaulting his sister (much like canon) because he can't bear it otherwise, Aemond being the one to impregnate Hel because they can't disappoint Mother and Aemond is nothing if not somebody who looks out and protects his family - whether Helaena actually knows about it or not....
But! Helaena being the aggressor?? Brilliant.
Aegon doesn't suspect anything when she keeps filling his cup, embraces it even, because how else is he supposed to get through this dreaded dinner? He even makes a joke about Helaena finally playing the doting wife she's supposed to play.
And when Aemond goes to drag Aegon to bed and Helaena interjects, smiles sweetly at their Mother as she excuses herself and offers to take her husband to bed herself - well maybe Aegon thinks it's a little odd, but Mother has made some scathing remarks regarding Aegon and his interest in running off at night, maybe this is her way of making sure Aegon actually stays in bed.
(I'm gonna go ahead and hc that they share a bedroom since they are married but that usually, Aegon fucks off before Helaena retires for the night - spend as little time as possible together, maybe that way this whole thing turns less real).
It's only when Helaena starts 'helping' him undress that Aegon becomes suspicious. And he tries to push Helaena away, to tell her he can do it himself and that she should just brush out her hair or bid her bugs goodnight or whatever else she usually does, but his head is swimming and his limbs don't really work anymore and he ends up mumbling something barely coherent and making some vague, aborted movements with his arms and Helaena only shushes him and pushes him down onto the bed, pinning him down with her weight.
(Bouns points if Aemond is in on this and is standing at the door, making sure nobody dare bother them and that Aegon and his uncoordinated movements don't accidentally end up hurting Helaena).
It takes a while until Aegon is hard, but Helaena is nothing if not stubborn and just as hellbound on pleasing their mother, so what does it matter if Aegon keeps weakly pushing at her, mumbling out 'no's as he struggles to keep his eyes open? It's all for the best!
Helaena wouldn't have to do this if Aegon would've just done his duty, so really, she's helping out both of them with this.
And when the Maester announces that Helaena is with child a few months later and Alicent hugs both Helaena and Aegon, Helaena knows she's done the right thing. She's done what was expected of her. Of them both.
(Even if knowing so doesn't ease the sting when Aegon barely speaks to her during the pregnancy. It was just once. He will get over it).
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gunsli-01 · 1 year
Hello! I was just reading that post where you answered the ask about who got yuno pregnant (or, from how I'm guessing you phrased it, who yuno got pregnant from [does that makes sense?] and it slowly fell into place for me (i think it kinda makes sense? She wanted to stay with this guy, so the pregnancy, then the man said he couldn't have that, so abortion?)
just wondering, for some of the scenes during teardrop (specifically the one where she's lying down with her arm over her face and a water bottle), how does that fit into the theory? I've seen it be viewed as her getting drugged and stuff like that.
it's probably just me overthinking things and could be chalked up to yuno just being sick or whatever, but I was just wondering!
Okay, I can elaborate on that further. I really like Yuno and discussing her. She's a genuinely nice and well thought out character especially how they handle her occupation.
That phrasing makes sense because there are multiple people that could have been the cause of the pregnancy, I didn't think phrasing it as this is definitely the father would be right of me. Since the father of the child could have turned out to not be the man Yuno wanted to be with but another client. Since she seems to have been seeing multiple clients at around the same time.
This could also be one of the reasons she ended up getting an abortion. If a different client got her pregnant and a prenatal paternity test showed that the one who she liked was not the father, she may no longer have wanted the child as a result. This would play into the possible multiple meanings behind the line,
"I messed up. I found out."
I've discussed how Yuno and Haruka work as a pair briefly. However, I feel it's important to expand upon my previous points. Since at the time I didn't do her or Haruka justice since I was trying to get to the Futa and Muu post. Haruka and Yuno both killed to get the affection they were seeking whether it be from a parent or romantic partner.
Yuno's trial songs and covers reflect this aspect of her character. In contrast to Haruka's familial ties to the person he's seeking attention from Yuno has contractual ties to the person she wants affection from. Affection that cannot be fulfilled with how her relationships are now.
"UNDER” My cord’s being pulled but nothing’s ever enough Contractual desires, oh what to do, FUTURE."
She can't get the romantic satisfaction she's seeking because all of these dates are contractual. This difference in understanding romance and genuine affection between Haruka and Yuno is highlighted within their first written interrogation.
Q.03  What’s the difference between “love” and “romance”?
Haruka: Don’t they both mean liking someone?
Yuno: “Love” is the feeling and “romance” is the state, right?
Along with the difference in worldly experiences between them.
Q.14 What’s an event that’s stuck in your memory?
Haruka: Fireworks.
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Yuno: There’s so many I can’t think of just one.
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"Desire, bestow, and desire again... The episode reloading on an endless loop. The fading warmth makes me anxious again tear drops succumb and fall."
I've mentioned this before in another post but tear drops/tear drop is spelled wrong in English. In English it's a compound word teardrop like how you spelled it within the ask. However, the word tear on its own means to tear something up basically pull or rip it apart. So, this could be read as Tear Drop to tear and drop something.
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A thing we see Yuno explicitly do within her music video as she messes up the room she was in throwing and breaking stuff. This isn't something that can be easily overlooked. A quick google search would tell someone the word isn't spelled this way. Looking in an English dictionary would very easily inform someone this is a compound word.
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That coupled with this scene make this spelling choice come off as convenient and intentional wordplay. Sorry, getting sidetracked this does tie into your question though.
You see the pictures comparing the dates we see her photograph in the daytime in comparison to the evening shots we're shown in Tear Drop. Chances are that these dates were all day things as alluded to through the lyrics in Umbilical,
"Is it a day off tomorrow? But, anyway, let’s be together till the morning. “Good morning” “Good night” I want to be with you as many times as I can."
The scenes we see depicted in Tear Drop are more than likely just the aftermath of all the dates we see in Umbilical.
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This means that when Yuno is lying down in the car, she more than likely was not drugged but taking a break from working all day. She could have even been waiting for the man she was with to come back out and drop her off closer to her neighborhood but nowhere near her actual house.
A lot of people's assumptions about Yuno's situation can only work if one assumes Yuno is stupid. I don't know how else to put it. One would have to assume that Yuno was in her words a,
"“Poor naive little girl”?" To get to that conclusion.
If it is to be believed that Yuno who has been doing sex work with multiple people was drugged in that scene. That would mean one of a few things happened,
A. Yuno took a random bottle of any sort of drink/ that had already been opened and possibly resealed or had no seal of any kind from this client. Then she did not ask where it came from or to go to a store to pick out a drink herself but instead just drank it to be polite and respectful of her client's generosity.
Because Yuno really cares about being polite, especially in work settings.
Yuno: Hey, Mikoto-san... Don’t you get tired being so conscious of others all the time? I mean, you’re free to do what you want though.
Mikoto: Eh…… Aha, what are you talking about? I’m not being conscious or anything. It’s normal to make sure to get along with everyone, right? I mean, when you put it like that, aren’t you the same, Yun-chan? You’re always smiling and getting on with everyone too.
Yuno: I don’t smile unless I actually want to. Though with you when you’re talking with other people it’s more like you only smile deliberately. So, I kept thinking, don’t your cheeks get tired? Ah, is this just what happens when you become a working adult? ……you see people like that sometimes.
Mikoto: Haha, you don’t mince your words do you. …….that was never my intention, but now that you mention it, yeah, I guess I do.
This might’ve been since I started my job too…… But like, if I was rude to everyone I met, all my efforts would come to nothing, right?
Or in personal settings-
Mahiru: Yeah, I’m asking for what you like in the opposite sex! I mean, with a lifestyle like this we have a lot of free time, right? So earlier when I was talking with all the other girls we got onto the topic! It’s not often you get a chance like this to live with a mix of men and women together, so I thought it might be nice to use the chance to talk about stuff like this in preparation for when we leave.
Kazui: Ah…… Haha, I understand. I can see that’d be the sort of thing girls your age would be interested in, huh. How peaceful. What I like in the opposite sex… I don’t know if what I say will really be a good reference for you…… Ah, you know, since I’m at this age. I like a girl who can just smile free of worries. Seeing that’d make my old, tired heart feel young again.
Yuno: Uh-huh, I see, I see. ……that’s a total lie, right?
Kazui: Haha…… Give me a break here. You sure don’t make things easy for people, Kashiki-chan.
So, at this point her client had given her a random drink and she did not visibly see him get the drink beforehand. She's decided okay might as well trust it what's the worst that could happen. Not a common thing for anyone in her profession to do but she's young and reckless apparently let's throw caution to the wind. Despite that seeming completely out of character let's keep going down this road, maybe she really trusted and had faith in this client.
Even though based on her clothing it's not the client she was attracted to since that's the one she meets in her school uniform. Then after being drugged Yuno leant back the car seat to rest inside the car of the client who had just drugged her. Instead of removing herself from the situation immediately, going to the nearest public area, or seeking medical attention or help of any kind. Zero suspicions about being drugged or questions on why she's suddenly feeling tired nope she's like well I have been out all day.
Next option
B. Yuno at some time during her workday with this specific client left her drink/belongings within the vehicle unattended and the client tampered with them. Upon reentering the vehicle Yuno unsuspecting continued drinking her drink. This leads to the same events happening that unfold in option A.
Outside of it just seeming incredibly out of character for Yuno the other problem with this idea is that we are shown during the beginning of the date in Umbilical that the person or Yuno herself brought a different drink entirely. The one within the cupholder which was full during Umbilical and now sits empty during the overhead night view shot of her in the car during Tear Drop.
This is the same cup showing us that this event is taking place on the same day as the last scene we saw with her dressed the same way. The water bottle is the only new item here and Yuno's purse is now nowhere in the shot. Meaning there is a possibility that Yuno brought a water bottle with her inside her bag that she had at the beginning of the date. She then took out said water bottle for herself before placing the purse within the backseat more than likely after her client asked her to wait in the car.
She could have even snuck out of the car and purchased the bottle from somewhere nearby. However, if this client had the habit of having Yuno wait in the car as some can to avoid being seen with someone that is not their significant other in public. Then she very well could have brought water and food within the bag she arrived to the car with. This seems to be the case because we only see Yuno dressed like this when she is within a car.
Because of all this I believe what Yuno was doing here was just taking a moment for herself while waiting for who she was with to return to the car. Her appearing this fatigued also makes sense given that trial two establishes the fact that Yuno was at a time pregnant. Which can lead to fatigue and nausea throughout the day along with other symptoms. Far before a person ever becomes aware of the fact that they are pregnant.
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anamericangirl · 2 years
It's impossible to consent to an action without consenting to the consequences of that action. So regardless of my personal feelings about the relevancy of consent, you do give consent to pregnancy when you consent to sex.
No it’s quite literally not impossible. Why would it be? Because you said so? There’s no written law that says that. Especially not to an action that involves your body and health.
If I go outside, am I consenting to the consequences it may bring? Am I consenting to getting robbed or kidnapped ? If I smoke, am I consenting to lung cancer? Do I have to see it through full term then and accept my consequences of dying with no medical intervention?
You said yourself you can’t consent to a biological process such as impregnation, implantation is something you can’t control but you can control an ongoing pregnancy. This is a ongoing biological process that you can decide where it stops. The whole point of not being able to consent in certain biological processes is that you are quite literally unable to. You are able to consent to an ongoing biological process because it hasn’t reached its full term yet.
Is there a Supreme Court case that gives you autonomy over another person's body? Because in abortion you're not just exercising autonomy over your own body, it's also making a decision about the body of a separate human being.
Okay let me break this down for you because you’re so close to getting yet so far, please tell me where you get lost.
You can make a decision about an entire different human being when they are using your body to sustain their life without your ongoing consent. A pregnancy is a ongoing process that you can control the progression of ( implantation is the biological action you can’t control because it will happen whether or not you consent to the sex ) but you can control a pregnancy and there’s no legal reason why you wouldn’t be able to refuse to sustain the life of someone else with your body when that is literally not the case anywhere else. A fetus dying as a result of being taken out of the womb that you do not wish to grant consent to anymore, is literally equivalent to you refusing to sustain the life of a child that is on a organ donar list. They are both dying because of your refusal to sustain their lives via your bodily organs.
The entire point is that you nobody has autonomy over another person’s body. That’s what I’m arguing, you’re the one arguing that someone does.
In a pregnancy, who is using the other person’s bodily autonomy to survive? It’s not the mother.
Who’s body is giving the recourses? Who’s body is the fetus inhabiting? The body that’s being inhabited by another is hers.
She’s the one who’s autonomy is being taken over without her ongoing consent. This is not a case of the the mother and fetus both giving up their organs and sustaining each other. Only one party is taking while the other is receiving . Only one life is being sustained by another body.
What’s not clicking for you? She’s the one that’s exercising her rights. She’s the one with the rights. The mother has the right to refuse to sustain a life with her own body because nobody has a right to another person’s body.
You’re not understanding that even if an 8 week old fetus had rights , their rights wouldn’t overpower her rights because she’s the one that’s sustaining the life with her body.
I get what you're saying. That's not the issue. The issue is you are wrong about all of it so I am disagreeing with you.
I get you think the baby has no rights but you are wrong about that. That is something you made up and are pretending is true but the baby does have rights because they are a human being and if you are a human being you have human rights so when you say the baby has no rights you are objectively and categorically incorrect.
I get you think you can make decisions about the life and body of another person when it involves your own body but you are wrong. It is never ok to intentionally kill another human being, even if the law says it is. The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, protects the inalienable right to life so any law that goes against the Constitution is an illegitimate law.
I get you think bodily autonomy gives you the right to make decisions about another person's body if they are inside your own body but you are wrong about that.
I get you think bodily autonomy trumps the right to life but, once again, you are objectively wrong. Your statements are untrue.
The baby is not infringing on the woman's rights. It's impossible for a biological process to infringe on a person's rights. The baby has the right to exist and live as a human and a necessary part of human life is growing in the womb. That's how human life works. You don't get to decide if your baby has the right to live. You not wanting the baby to exist doesn't mean the baby is infringing on your rights.
I understand what you're saying. But what you're saying is wrong. And you keep repeating yourself over and over again as if saying it one more time will get me to agree with you but you've offered no reasoning as to why you're correct other than your own misguided and naive opinions and understanding of how pregnancy and human rights work. The problem is not that I don't understand. The problem is you think the fact that I don't agree with you means I'm not understanding what you're saying. Maybe you should try providing sources other than yourself to back up the ridiculous assertions you're making.
But honestly the fact that you actually think there is a group of human beings that do not qualify for human rights is the real issue here. That shows what kind of person you have to be in order to be pro-choice. Saying there are human beings that don't have human rights always leads to the worst things in history. Are you sure that's a hill you want to die on?
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menalez · 11 months
In regards to that convo with that lady about aborting male sons >>>
I think when it comes to sons, If you want to have a daughter, your son is a risk to her safety. Most sexual misconduct with children comes from inside the house. The way i see it: in order to protect the daughters I hope to have, the most effective step is to minimize their private interactions with males as much as possible. So having sons throws That right out the window. Also if My hypothetical son was a misogynist, i wouldnt love him right. I wouldnt be able to take care of him like a child (of any age) needs to be taken care of by their parent, and thats a reality i would like to skip altogether.
When it comes to male partners, its take it or leave it for me. Getting knocked up by a man is free compared to buying sperm, and there's millions of men happy to knock a woman up and then never be involved in that child's life. So that's one option I'm willing to take in the event that I don't meet any man or woman who wants to coparent with me the way i want to do it. Personally, having daughters is more important on my bucket list than having a life partner, so any man or woman is take it or leave it imo. I am not really worried that a woman will trick me into a long term relationship to gain access to and abuse my child, so my main concern regarding lady lovers is whether or not she Wants to have kids at all (most women my age don't want motherhood for their future so that narrows my dating pool a bit). As far as men go, I suspect that there are some men out there, somewhere (probably?), who have no interest in abusing children or myself. So if a miracle happened and I met a man who made me feel safe enough And who was okay with me aborting male fetuses, I might take that risk and let him into my daughters home. So that's my reasoning for why I would decline to have any sons. Don't know if everybody sees it that way, but the safety of my daughters is the bottom line for me.
i agree w u with regards to male children, i don’t want to give birth to begin with but i cant in good conscience bring a male child into the world knowing there’s a good chance he’ll turn into a misogynist due to how misogynistic society is Or he might turn into a rapist or sth else which i honestly don’t know how i’d react to. i would hate to be one of those mothers with a rapist son who then like justifies him or believes him over the raped girl, i dont Think i’d be like that but as his child i’d still feel awful either way that i brought someone into the world who ended up doing that. not to say there’s no chance of a daughter being the same, but at least there’s a lower chance of that and society isn’t teaching her she’s entitled to other women and it’s women’s fault if they get hurt by her or sth.
when it comes to just having sex w a guy to get pregnant bc it’s cheaper than using sperm donors, idk much about this stuff but i do worry the former could have potential risks for u that would not exist if u get a sperm donor. idk if for example the bio father would have legal right to a relationship with the child, for example. or the risk of STDs. i’m sure there’s stuff that im not bringing up here too but that does sound like it comes with some risks so if u do end up doing that, be very careful and make sure ur aware of what the worst case scenarios are in such a situation.
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aajjks · 10 months
“wait, what? WHAT IS GOING ON?! is-is that true chaeyoung? jeon jungkook, NO! THAT IS NOT HOW YOU HANDLE A PREGNANT WOMAN! SHE’S HAVING YOUR BABY!!” yells ji-ae as she watches her son throw chaeyoung out of her home and that’s what makes your head perk up. you look up to see chaeyoung yelling “YOU WERE THE ONLY PERSON I HAD SEX WITH AND YOU KNOW IT!!! THIS IS YOUR BABY!!”
once chaeyoung is out of the house, jungkook shuts and locks the door while chaeyoung is on the other side banging and begging for ji-ae to let her back in. “pleaseeeee, jungkook. pleaseeeee” chaeyoung cries and ji-ae is still in disbelief with what happened just now.
her son just revealed that chaeyoung hurt you and your friends, called the cops, and now here she is pregnant with his baby. it’s all too much and ji-ae doesn’t know whether to curse her son out for yelling at her or cry because he really is turning out like his father in her eyes.
the manhandling he did to poor chaeyoung makes her worry for her health. sure chaeyoung isn’t the purest. she did say she seemed a little too nice and always preferred you with jungkook but that doesn’t mean roughening her up if what she says is true.
chaeyoung is outside walking back to her car in tears. screaming and crying at the altercation that just took place because there he goes again talking about you. it’s always you, you, you.
why you?
you’re just some plain girl who works as a veterinarian. even at the dinner there was nothing spontaneous about you yet his mind is solely focused on you. it’s like he has tunnel vision when it comes to you.
after 20 minutes, yes TWENTY MINUTES, chaeyoung finally drives off and once she’s out of sight, you get out your car and walk to ji-ae’s front door. you’re greeted with a freshened up jungkook and a visibly upset ji-ae whose mood gets worse once she sees the marks on your face.
“oh my God, y/n” she says with tears pricking her eyes. “i’m so sorry. look at what she did to you. she hurt you. did she cut you?”
“yeah but it’s not your fault. i’m a big girl, i can handle myself” you shrug and give ji-ae a tight hug. “you should get some rest” you tell ji-ae who nods and heads to her bedroom to take a small nap after the dramatic altercation that took place in her home.
“soo” you say “you’re a dad now, huh?”
“okay but for real, what if she’s actually pregnant? you didn’t…you know? in her, right?” you ask. you feel bitter even asking jungkook if he and chaeyoung fucked around, which, you’re sure they have but that’s not why you’re bitter.
this is your potential baby daddy right here and chaeyoung is crushing your dreams of being jungkook’s only baby mama.
He’s looking at you in horror, when you say that he’s a dad now, of course he’s not a dad and he’ll never be a daddy if it’s not with you.
“I-I don’t know yn… I think I did wear protection most of the time… I used to get pretty drunk before… you know and because… I couldn’t even fuck if I wasn’t thinking about you, so I don’t remember maybe she must’ve done something if that child is mine but I am sure it’s not.” He’s looking at you with desperation, and his eyes are a little red because of the fresh shower.
Please out of everyone you have to believe him. And you know everything just how scared he was to have a child and what happened between you two just because he wasn’t ready to have a child.
“I-I don’t know what I’ll do if she’s indeed pregnant with my child… she has to abort it.” he says in frustration, not realizing that it can trigger you, because you had done the same thing all because of him.
“I’ll make sure that she does.” He is gritting his teeth just thinking about it., and he’s also tense about the fact that he’s upset his mother a lot.
And he’s so tired. He just wants to have you in his arms and he just wants to sleep in your embrace. “Y-Yn she’s not leaving me. What should I do? SHE’S TRYING TO BABY TRAP ME!” he’s freaking out it’s so obvious.
Why is she here to ruin everything? He thought that she got her revenge but she still wants to ruin him. “I should’ve- SHE USED TO FORCE ME SHE USED TO COARSE ME INTO HAVING SEX WITH HER!”
“I swear to God I’m going to get a vasectomy. I HATE CHILDREN.” His fear is being triggered once again…. And you had tried so hard to get him over that but now she’s triggered it all over again.
“I HOPE THAT BITCH IS GONE.” He looks at you once again. “Yn… there’s something you should know.” He sighs, it’s now or never and he has to take this chance.
He is so close to you, his face merely, inches away from yours. He’s looking into your eyes and you can tell them you are his whole world.
You are.
“I-I love you so much and have always loved you and only you.. I tried to find you in her, but I couldn’t— truth is that no one can ever be you yn… I love you so much.” He pulls you close to his chest and kisses you like his life depends on it.
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ahhscheisse · 1 year
I’m gonna be posting an illustration in a few weeks about giving people the right to choose over their own bodies and if ANY OF YOU little shits try and have a debate about whether my art or anyone’s art gets to be political or not or are just cruel because you believe that your own personal beliefs need to dictate everyone else’s life - I’ll just block you. Won’t respond, nothing. I’m a political person because I live and I’m scared and I worry, and if you get to tell people to die instead of getting an abortion, then I get to tell them to live and get the fucking abortion. I’m not telling you what to do or what to believe, but I am saying I don’t want your beliefs dictating my body or anyone else’s beyond your own.
I can’t get pregnant but I know and love people who can and whose pregnancies would behave more as terminal illness to both parent and child then bringing new life, and I know people who just don’t want kids. After knowing how close my own mother was to dying after giving birth to me and how medical debt haunted her for so long, I don’t wish that on anyone who doesn’t want it.
Care about the already living. Like the starving children and the ones dying by gun violence and at the end of the day, think of someone you don’t know or even someone you hate, and ask yourself… Would you give up your bodily autonomy for them? Would you be okay being forced to? Having the choice taken from you by the government? Would you give up things like ease of movement, comfortability, would you sign up for nine months of morning sickness, a forever changed body, potentially pissing yourself and having to wear adult diapers, would you be okay going through hours and hours of excruciating pain, being torn apart on the inside at worst, just to keep that person I had you think of… Alive. If you would, you better be on lists to donate a kidney and bone marrow and blood and you better be open to adopting and donating your hair and you better be fucking ready to do this at the drop of a hat - like a pregnant person now having to drop their whole life, no matter what they’re doing, no matter how important, to give birth.
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