#I think I’m reusing some old ones now
incorrect-mighty-nein · 9 months
Caleb: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Nott: You and me!
Caleb, tearing up: Ok.
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mars-ipan · 1 year
thinking about how the way i first learned about animation memes was through a criticism of them calling them cringe and how that video was complaining about the fact that the animation loops because it’s “lazy” and now that i know how to animate i want to kill that video so so dead
#marzi speaks#‘twas one of those ‘this is cringe deviantart’ channels so i shouldn’t’ve been surprised#but ooooooh. ooooooh motherfucker#do you know how long animation takes???? how difficult it is to get something to loop nicely???#sometimes. you make the animation. and it’s all you want to animate. but you want the final product to be longer. so you loop it#like did this motherfucker think that professional animation doesn’t loop????#what the fuck do you think a walk cycle is asshole??? do you think they don’t reuse assets????#and of course: a huge part of that community is children learning to express themselves!! so yeah the drawings are a little shoddy#but were you animating at age 11???? i think the fuck not so pipe down#i remember that youtuber actually made some of their own animation memes to like hate on it in like an irony poisoned way#but motherfucker you were just participating in the meme. congrats asshole you’re literally just contributing to the community#thankfully i was like ‘i dunno i think they look fun’ when i saw that video and i actually liked watching animation memes a lot#but like GODDDDD. that sort of content pisses me off#yeah yeah you’ve made fun of 10 year olds congrats. now say something beautiful and true#anyways i’ve checked up on that person’s channel and they seem to have gotten better recently maybe so i’m not naming them#n if you know who i’m referring to then shhhh. i don’t wanna encourage ppl to harass anyone that’d be hypocritical of me
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momolady · 8 months
Art the Orc
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If you live in a small town, maybe you'll know this place. It's a little art store run by the same family for ages. It's not changed in all that time either. Picture it, feel it, you know it's the only place that sells that one supply you like. Now, imagine an orc behind the counter. Female Reader x Male Monster
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The visage of the old place looked like it had once been a gas station. There was one of those big metal awnings and signs that gas pumps had once been outside. But everything else looked like the art supply store it was. The window was painted, done up with flowers and a flourishing font, but it hadn’t been touched in ages and was chipping and weathering away.
The old place had seen better days, you could tell. But you were excited to tackle such a special project with your own two hands.
Inside the place had a familiar smell of paint thinner, book pages, and coffee. You looked around the front as the bells on the door chimed. The old floor had seen better days and was worn out where you stood, even the welcome mat was hard to read.
“Welcome to Greengold Creative Station,” the deep voice came from behind the front desk where there was an open door. ‘I’ll be out with you in just a moment.”
“Take your time,” you replied. You continued to look around, noting the mismatched shelving and thrown together renovations dotting the place.
A moment later, a large orc came from the back. He was wearing thick glasses and had on a corded cardigan that covered a paint splattered t-shirt.
“Can I help you find anything?” He asked as he adjusted his glasses.
You approached the front desk again, extending your hand to him. “Hi! You must be Mr. Greengold, I’m from Regency Renovations.”
There was a surprised look upon his face as he shook your hand. “You’re the renovator?”
You smiled, half expecting some reservation based on your appearance. “I specialize in business and storefront renovations. That is what you wanted, correct, Mr. Greengold?”
He fumbled with his words for a moment, stuttering, touching his glasses until he spoke. “Call me Art, please.”
You held it in, but he knew where your mind went.
“It’s short for Arthur, but it's also my dad’s name so my mom calls me Art. Yes, I know, ha ha, very fun. A man named Art runs the art store.”
“It’s an easy target.” You tried to squash your giggling but a few came out.
He sighed and shook his head. “So, you’ll be handling the whole store. I want it updated completely. It was fine for my parents, but I need to bring in a new generation of artists and online shopping is destroying us.”
“It’s a common issue, Art,” you didn’t look at him as you said his name. “I already have some ideas brewing and I would be happy to discuss your thoughts for the business with you.”
He sighed heavily, gazing out at a store that was once his family’s legacy. “I would say I would like to keep some of what my parents did to this place, but I don’t think any of it is salvageable.”
“Well recycling is a thing.” You replied. “Like some of these old shelves, the wood can be reused to create a rustic facade for the front desk here.” You patted the worn out formica top. “And the vintage signage out from can be reused and framed, hung just right behind you there.”
Art made a face. “You can do all that.”
You returned his face, adding a smug smile to it. “I can do lots of things, Art. My father was a carpenter and my mother was a viper. Be careful of what you inflict about me.” You patted your chest proudly. You knew you were small and chubby, not many people expected much out of you, but your work spoke for itself. And that was how you told people off.
“Sorry,” he sighed. “I have a lot riding on this so-”
“So you hired the best. That I can promise you. Now I know you said you didn’t have a lot of funds, but I already have my plans made for how to help you with that. I plan on doing most of the work on my own, but for heavy lifting and other things-”
“I don’t mind helping with that,” he said with a shake of his head.
You had planned to bring in your brother for help, he enjoyed the destruction part of your job and he worked for free food. “Well uh…if you’d like Art, I wouldn’t say no.”
“I wouldn’t want you getting hurt on the job. It would be best if I helped out,” he said.
You couldn’t tell if he was being kind or underestimating you again, so you brushed it off and continued. “I would also like to film the process of the renovation. Stuff like that will help reach your new audience.”
He frowned, and his thick brows pinched together. “You must be joking.”
“I am not. You’d be surprised what the kids these days are watching.” You smirked up at him. “I know what I am doing, Art. Have some faith.”
His face read: easier said than done.
Discussion and planning was always the hard bit. You had to convince your employer of what needed to be done. Art was hesitant about some things, after all it was a family business and a place he had grown up in. But for the most part he was willing to go along with some of your ideas.
Art started the clean up process by first putting away his stock and setting most of the mismatched shelves outside. Once that was taken care of you began ripping up the old carpet and ancient linoleum.
“I remember when my dad put that stuff down,” Art said from behind you.
You looked up, eyes covered by goggles and mouth surrounded by one of those thick industrial masks. “Oh really?”
Art gave you a look. “Is all that necessary?”
“You’d be surprised.” You stacked another chunk of the linoleum to the side. “Lots of debris and who-knows-what is under these old floors. Decades of dirty shoes, dust, skin, and life are stored here.”
Art’s grimace deepened. “Skin?”
“Oh yeah, we shed like mad,” you laughed. “If you have dust in your house you can be assured it came from you!”
Art looked perturbed by this revelation but he continued in moving stock to the back and other store property outside.
Once the flooring was removed, you accessed what was underneath. It wasn’t marble or granite, but it was some type of stony tile that had existed when it was a gas station.
“Mom said it was inhospitable.”
You used a dust cloth to clean off a bit of the flooring. “But it’s easy to clean, and it’ll make the whole place appear brighter and bigger.” You turned and looked back at him, taking off the goggles. “It’ll be so much better in the long run. Plus! You won’t have to buy anything new except maybe a rug or two if you wanted.”
Art’s pinched brow was becoming the norm to see, but you could tell it was because the gears behind it were working so hard to process everything going on.
Once the tiles were cleaned and all the old flooring was hauled off to the dump, you started working on the walls, taking down slapdash shelving, and anything else hanging up. The old paint job, or jobs really, were layered on so thick and hadn’t been properly done. They had painted over the trim and electrical outlets, all of which needed to be replaced. The holes in the walls needed fixing too, and there were a few dents and scrapes from the years.
“You’re not hiring a painter?” Art asked one day.
You zipped up your coveralls and turned around to face him. “Not unless you want to shell out twice the money. Besides, I’m a good painter. A great painter even! Maybe not Rembrandt or anything, but I can handle a roller better than most.”
Art looked over your paint supplies. After days of you working on freeing the electric sockets and scraping the excess from the trim you could finally start working. You were painting the wall white, but you had found cheap sticker tiles to create a great accent wall, which could then be used for photo opportunities and special displays. Then another wall would also be painted white and used to display local artists and projects from the art class that Art taught.
“Mom always wanted to put wallpaper up,” Art murmured. “But said it wouldn’t be practical with everything we needed to hang up.”
There was a melancholy to Art’s face and tone as he said this. “What kind?” You asked as you poured your paint into the tray. “We could always find something close to what she had in mind for the office.”
Art glanced over his shoulder then shook his head. “I doubt I could afford it. I tried looking already.”
You put the roller into the paint, sliding it back and forth until it wasn’t too soupy. “Was this place your mom’s idea?”
“Yeah,” he murmured, his gaze going all about the store. “I can’t believe how empty it is now.”
“It’ll be full again in no time.” You gave him a reassuring smile when his amber eyes returned to you. “Do you have any pictures of your mother you would want to hang up?” you asked. “I can plan a special place for it.”
He huffed, seeming put off by this suggestion. “Excuse me. The smell of this paint is giving me a headache.” He walked off, stomping his feet a little as he went.
Art came back by the time you were finished with the first coat of white. You were sitting in front of the checkout desk, leaned back against it so your foot propped the door open. He stepped over your leg and looked at your work.
“The white really makes this place look…different,” he murmured.
“Don’t worry, there will be some color back soon enough,” you sighed. “Is your headache gone?”
Art nodded, leaning against the desk. “Sorry if I’ve been…obstinate.”
You waved it off. “I’m used to you.”
He shook his head. “No. I’ve been questioning and judging everything, all because I never really wanted to do this.”
You tilted your head up to look at him. “Then why are you?”
He let out that heavy, burdened sigh again. “Because it was in her will.”
You clicked your tongue. “Oh.”
“She left me money, but only if I used a portion of it to renovate the old store. She said it was mine after all, it deserved to reflect the new generation. Even in death she was still hinting I get married.” He scoffed at this, but he still had a smile on his face.
“Sounds pretty motherly.” You stood up from the ground, standing beside him. Not feeling much taller than you did sitting beside his great size. You motioned to the front window. “Did she paint that?”
Art laughed. “No. I did. That’s why she kept it so long.”
Your smile beamed. “Really? That’s pretty adorable.”
He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “For years upon years I’ve looked at that painting and wished every day she would wash it off and do something different. But I suppose her sentimentality was far too deep for that.”
“It’s a good painting,” you offered.
“I never thought she’d keep it so I barely tried,” he grunted and crossed his arms against his chest. “Boy, was I wrong.”
“Would you like to paint the new display? I was planning on just hanging a new sign and leaving the window clean.”
“I don’t know,” he muttered.
You patted his arm, and his eyes darted down to your hand, his brows unpinching for that one moment.
“I’ll wait till you decide then.” You stepped away from him, but his eyes still lingered on where you had touched him.
A few days later, as you were working on putting the sticker tile onto the wall, Art came from the back and offered you a ticket.
“A friend of mine has a gallery showing tonight. He gave me two tickets so I thought-” He hesitated and cleared his throat.
“How fancy is the affair?” You asked.
“Nothing too fancy. I mean, dress up, but not like black tie event or anything.” He cleared his throat again. “I was going to get dinner at my favorite restaurant since it was close by if you wanted to come.”
It clicked and you looked up at him. Your cheeks flushed and your mouth started to go dry. “Oh. Sure.” You tucked your hair behind your ear. “If that’s the case, maybe we should go in together. You know? Save the earth and stuff.”
He nodded. “Yeah. Smart idea. How about I pick you up tonight. Say…around six? Since the gallery is at eight?”
You nodded, biting down on your lip. “Yeah. Perfect. That should give me enough time to get ready after work.”
Art turned awkwardly away then back towards you. “Oh I uh, I guess I should get your address.” You traded info and the rest of the day went by in a jerky, tense sort of way.
That evening you waited in your living room until you heard from Art. You were wearing your favorite dress, and had even gotten your next door neighbor to do your makeup. You got his message and went downstairs to meet him at the front door.
Art was dressed nice in a dark purple suit and he had his long hair slicked back and tied into a bun. He didn’t have on his glasses, which surprised you. His eyes lit up when he saw you.
“Wow, you look great!” He said, a touch breathless.
You blushed and smiled. “Thanks. You look pretty great too. I’m not used to seeing you without your glasses.”
“Yeah, contacts tonight,” he said shyly. He then took your hand and led you to his car.
The restaurant was nice, the two of you had a clumsy start to it, but eventually you both started having an in depth conversation about color. From there, you both laughed and joked around, having a good time with great food and even better wine.
From there you walked to the gallery, meeting his friend then roaming through the show. Her artwork was lovely, but you noticed Art’s pinch brow had returned.
“A lot more nudes than I expected,” he whispered.
“I think it’s nice,” you replied. “I can see what her intent with the motif is. How it’s classic, it's natural, but also subversive.” You turned to Art, noticing him fidgeting and adjusting himself.
“Yes. I understand what she is doing,” he muttered. “I must have had just a little too much wine I think.”
You smiled at him, chuckling as your cheeks grew warm.
The car windows were fogged over, and in the dark all you could do was touch. His kisses felt rough but intimate. His tusks brushed against your skin, making your shiver. Every so often the darkness was halted by the motion light of the parking lot turning on. You’d still for a moment, then continue on with your youthful antics.
“We should stop.”
“We should.”
“Why aren’t we?”
“It’s hard.”
“Very hard.”
You kissed Art and breathed, looking into his eyes while you clasped your hands around his face. Maybe it was the wine or the nudes on display, maybe it was weeks of working so close and holding back so long.
“It’s hard.”
“Very hard.”
You smiled at him, kissing him again while his hands moved below. Your panties were pushed aside, his zipper brushed against your thigh. Big. Oh my god it was big!
You gasped softly and he stilled, watching your expression. You eased over him, taking as much of Art as you could stand. You pressed your palms to the roof of the car for balance, his strong hands kneaded into your thick thighs.
“Aren’t we a bit too old for this?” he breathed.
“I guess we’ll find out, won’t we.” Your laughter turned into moaning. Maybe you were both a bit too old for this, but you’d never had so much fun before! He pressed deeply inside you, and his hands couldn’t stop touching your body. He roamed over the soft curves, and plump form, his desire seeming to grow the more he did.
The next morning you came into work, seeing Art standing in the middle of the room. You held your breath, wondering if it was all a wonderful dream. He turned and smiled, his thick glasses back in place.
“Hi” he said breathlessly.
Your smile bloomed. “Hi.”
Art motioned to the desk. “I brought coffee.”
“I see that.” You smiled and took a cup he offered.
He sighed then laughed and you laughed. “So uh…last night.”
“I liked your friend’s gallery. It was very nice. I also liked your favorite restaurant.” You took a sip of the coffee, testing it before you added anything.
Art nodded, his gaze drifted until it fell back onto you. “Is that all?”
You smiled over your coffee cup. “No. Just barely.” You looked into his eyes. “I wasn’t sure if it was an appropriate work topic.”
“Not exactly but uhm…I just wanted to check.” His eyes darted over you. “Were we really too old for that?”
You laughed and cupped your hand over your mouth. “A little. But I’m not too sore. Are you?”
“No. But I would prefer somewhere much comfier next time.” he leaned in close and you closed your eyes, accepting his kiss and the touch of his tusks against your cheeks.
“Yes, it would be nice.” You saw he had paints and brushes set on the front desk. “What’s this for?”
He sucked in a breath through his teeth. “I thought I’d paint the window. I got a bit of inspiration last night.” He grinned your way. “Plus, I think mom would like to see how I’ve improved.”
You grinned. “I’ll be very excited to see how you work. Outside a car at least.”
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Turtles x tattoo artist!reader
Got this idea after I read a Leo x tattoo artist on Wattpad. It was super cute, but as a tattooed person that has started tattooing my friends, I have to tell my fellow ff writers something that will make your tattoo ff more realistic. DON’T EVER REUSE NEEDLES!!!! WEAR GLOVES!!!!! ALSO WHEN YOU PUT ON A STENCIL!!!!!!! Hopefully I saved some turtles from an infected tattoo.
Warnings: Needles, pain, tattooing, some of the turtles being cheeky, spelling.
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As your last client of the day went out the door with their newest tattoo, you breathed a sigh of relief. The last few ones have been though. Unable to sit still, with a need to look at the tattoo several times while you were working on it, almost causing you to go outside of the lines. Not what you needed. But all the thought of irritation and frustration washed away, when you remembered; your boyfriend was coming to get a tattoo.
Last night, Leonardo had asked you if you would do a tattoo on him. You had obviously said yes, excited to finally tattoo your boyfriend. Leo was by far heavily tattooed, but he did sport a few on his arms, all symbolizing his brothers.
As you locked the front door, flipped the open sign to close and pulled the curtains, you could hear the back door that led to the alley, open and close. It was Leo. You rushed to the back door with a happy skip, and greeted your green boyfriend with a big smile. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and brought his face down to yours for a kiss.
“Hey”, you smiled.
“Hey”, he smiled back before giving you another kiss.
You brought him with you back into the main area of the shop, asking him what he wanted to get tattooed. He pulled a folded piece of paper from his pockets and gave it to you. You unfolded it.
A katana. Simple black lines with minor shadowing. You were pretty sure that Leo had drawn this himself.
“Of course”, you chuckled, looking at the paper in your hand. “Where do you want it?”
“Right here”. Leo pointed to the side of his left forearm.
“That could actually be really good”, you said, studying his arm. Leo’s arm was nothing new for you. They had been wrapped around you so many times, that you knew them as well as the back of your own hand. But on the rarest occasions, had you thought about tattoo placements on his arm.
“I think we should size it up. Around… this big”. You measured out his arm, with one finger marking out just above his wrist and just below his elbow.
“Is that because you as a tattoo artist know it would look better, or is it because you as my girlfriend want an excuse to keep tattooing me for as long as possible?”, Leo asked with a smile.
“A little bit of both, I would say”.
“In that case, I think we should do it”.
To say that you were happy was an understatement. All your earlier tiredness and frustration flew out the window, as you went to your desk so you could draw the stencil. Leo followed you, and watched you intently while you drew over the stencil paper, tracing the outlines of his design.
“That’s not how Raph did it”, Leo said with a small chuckled, remembering the time he and his brothers did each other's tattoos, with a tattoo machine Donnie had made.
“How did Raph do it?”, you asked, smiling at the thought of what Leo had told you. Young turtle brothers sitting in the shared bedroom of their old lair, long after Master Splinter had gone to bed, tattooing each other like the young rebellious teenagers they once were.
“He drew it directly on me with a marker”.
“Doesn’t sound very sanetray”, you laughed. “Especially not in a sewer”.
“Nope. That is why I’m going to you from now on”, Leo said as he reached down to kiss your forehead.
With Leo’s stencil finished, you went to work preparing your station one last time that evening. You put on your gloves, wrapped the station in film, prepared the cream, poured the black ink, got your new needles and wrapped your machine for a better grip.
Leo watched you with those eyes that always made you blush, while you disinfected his arm, applied the transfer jell, and then placed the stencil. When you moved back and told Leo to look in the mirror, he didn’t move. Instead he just stared at you with those eyes and that little smile.
“I trust you. It looks good”.
Fighting your flustered face and biting down your lip, you moved Leo into the seat, before stretching his arm and moving it to an angle, so it would be easy for you. With that you started your machine and began doing his lines.
Leo - with his high pain tolerance - didn’t move a muscle, but instead just stared at you as you worked. You could feel his strong gaze on you, trying your hardest to focus on his tattoo in front of you.
You continued working in silence, with nothing but the sound of your tattoo machine being heard. Silence wasn’t new for you and Leo, nor did it make you uncomfortable. The two of you would often enjoy each other’s presence in silence, each doing your own thing, simply finding comfort in being near each other. Like him meditating or sharpening his katana, while you were drawing or reading. Just like right now. Leo admiring you while you were working.
After two hours of tense work on Leo’s arm, you finally finished. With a last whip over his arm, you wrapped it up, making sure it would be protected during the first stages of healing.
“So, what do you think?”, you asked Leo as he assessed the katana on his arm with warm eyes.
“It’s amazing”, he said, smiling bright. “You’re amazing, you know that, right?”
“You might have told me a few times”, you said as you started cleaning up.
Leo stood up from his seat and walked to you, before wrapping both arms around you, bringing his face down to yours.
“I love you, my amazing little tattoo”, he said, before letting your lips meet in a sweet kiss. And with that you knew, you would definitely tattoo Leo again.
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Under normal circumstances, you would have said no to be doing a tattoo in the sewers. No way that wouldn’t get infected and heal probably. It was a tail made for disaster. But when your brute of a boyfriend asked you as nicely as he did, and promised you cuddles and a foot rub, there was no way you could say no. Especially not when he made those big teddy bear eyes that only you got to see. You just had to say yes.
So there you were in Raphael’s room, in the sewers deep below New York City, setting up a small tattoo station on his nightstand. Raphael stood right behind you fiddling with a football in his hands, watching you unpack your stuff with curiosity. Yes, he did have a tattoo, but one that was made with a machine Donnie had but together, not a real machine. So to see a real one in front of him for the first time, had his attention peaked.
“So”, you asked, checking the battery for your machine. “What were you thinking of?”
“A samurai”, Raph said with a small smile, as he spun the football in his hands.
“You and those damn samurais”, you chuckled and laid out your paper and stencil paper. “I thought that this time around you would like a ninja”.
“Maybe one day, on the other leg”, Raph said with a smug smile. “If this one goes right”.
“Well okay smart guy”, you laughed turning towards him. “Where on your leg do you want it”.
“I was thinking here”. Raphael laid the football on the ground before going to the outside of his right calf, measuring out from his knee to ankle.
“Do you want it to take up the whole side?”
“Of course”, Raph smiled. “It has to match”. He pointed towards the samurai on his shoulder.
“Just as black?”
“You know me baby”, he said, giving you that smug smile.
You bit back a smile, trying to fight back the blush that was creeping up your face. Damn Raphael and his smooth comments.
“Okay, I’ll do a sketch and you tell me what you think about it. If you like it, we can get tattooing”.
“Sounds like one of the best plans I’ve heard in a long time”, Raph said, still smiling like that smug fucker he is. But damn you loved that man.
As you got drawing on the sketch, Raph would walk in and out of his room, grabbing drinks and food from the kitchen, before returning. Every once in a while he would get up from his bed, just to give you a kiss on the cheek, wrap his arms around you, and look at how far you’ve gotten.
Raph loved your finished sketch, stating something along the lines of; “so far, so good”, just to annoy you.
With Raphael laying on his bed, with pants rolled up and wrapped around his knee and slightly turned to the side, you placed the stencil on the side of his muscular side calf. You had to admit, you were proud of your work so far. The artwork flowed with the curve, sway and size of Raph’s calf, showing it off.
As you started the machine and dipped the needle in the ink cup, Raphael got comfortable with his hands behind his back, still with his smug smile plastered on his face.
“Are you ready?”, you asked as you placed your other hand on his leg to spread the skin.
“Born ready”.
And with that statement from your boyfriend, you started working on the lines in his tattoo.
Raphael’s tattoo was big and detailed, which meant a lot of work. But not even 15 minutes into the tattoo, you saw Raph shifting and grimes for a split second, before pressing his eyes shut. Your tough boyfriend was breaking character.
“You okay there, Raphie?”, you asked with a sly smile, dipping the needle in the ink once more before going back in.
“Yup, I’m okay. More than okay actually”, he said, still with his eyes pressed shut.
“I hope so, because you know, the closer I get to your foot and the closer I get to your knee, the more it’ll hurt”.
“Ah fuck”.
“And that’s just the line work. I’ll have to go in afterwards and do filling and shadowing”.
“H- how long do you think all that will take?” Raph’s eyes now open, looking at you with a slight fear in his eyes.
“Well, with a tattoo this size and this detailed, easily four hours”.
“So only three more hours?”
“Raph, baby, we’ve only been going for 15 minutes”.
Raphael groaned loudly, grabbing onto the pillow behind his head. “Fuck me”.
“Later baby”, you laughed. “It won’t be a good idea while you have an open tattoo”.
Raph sighed. “(Y/N), I love you, but sometimes you’re annoying as fuck”.
“I love you too Raphie, and if it helps anything, I too find you annoying sometimes”, you smiled sweetly at him, causing Raph to bite back a smile, the same way he made you do not too long ago.
“And just so you know”, you continued while wiping ink away from Raph’s leg. “You still owe me cuddles and a foot rub afterwards' '.
Raphael exhaled loudly, face scrunching up as the needle went back over his skin. “I really didn’t think this through, did I?”
“Nope, not at all”.
Nevertheless, after four hours and many loud exclamations from Raphael that could be heard all throughout the lair, your boyfriend had gotten himself a new big tattoo. And if you had to be honest, it was pretty hot, and not just because you were the one that made it.
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When Donatello had asked for you to tattoo him, you were kind of shocked to say the least. Your sweet, tech nerdy, genius of a boyfriend, who did not have a single tattoo on his beautiful green body, wanted you to tattoo him. You had to blink and ask him to repeat his request.
But Donatello was serious. He wanted a tattoo. He even offered to give you space in his lab, so you could set up a propper station, and that was an offer you just couldn’t refuse.
You had unpacked your station in Donnie’s lab, currently drawing the design Donnie had given you onto transfer paper, while he was taking a closer look at your tattoo machine.
“It’s very different from the one I made”, Donnie noticed, turning it in his three fingered hands. 
“How did you guys even do it back then?”, you asked, eyes still on the drawing.
“Well, I made the machine, and the guys had several designs”, he said, thinking back to the old days in the old lair with a smile. “We all got a turn tattooing Leo”.
You chuckled, finding the thought amusing. Stupid and reckless, but amusing nonetheless.
“Where did you get ink from?”
“A pen. Many pens actually”. He placed your machine on the table, before taking a seat next to you, resting his chin lightly on your shoulder, looking at your hand working. “We broke open the pens and poured it into a solo cup”.
“That is really not sanitary”, you laughed, leaning your head to the side, so your temple was pressed against Donnie’s forehead.
“No, it really isn’t”, he laughed, nuzzling his face closer to yours.
“Now Donnie”, you said, nodding towards the drawing in front of you. It was a design of a turtle, somewhat like the one Leo and Mikey shared, but with its own intricate design around it. “What is the meaning behind this, and why do you want it?”
“Well, it is a turtle, so much is obvious”, Donnie said, causing you to nudge him slightly. “And well, it just felt like it was about time. I just finally want a tattoo. And me being the lucky guy that I am, have a tattoo artist as a girlfriend, so it just seemed obvious”.
“Well, that is enough reasoning for me”.
You finished the stencil and put on gloves, getting ready to prep Donnie’s skin with disinfectants.
“The shoulder is one of the easiest places”, you told him, as you smoothed the paper over his shoulder. “Many people experience that the shoulder hurts way less than any other places”.
“Did yours hurt?”, Donnie asked, nodding towards the tattoo on your shoulder. He had looked at it so many times, often wondering how you felt while getting it. It was probably one of the main reasons why he hadn’t gotten a tattoo yet; the fear of it hurting. Especially after he saw the way Mikey and Raph reacted to their tattoos back then.
“Not at all”, you said, peeling the paper back from his skin, leaving back purple lines for you to follow. “I almost fell asleep during mine. Now, take a look in the mirror and tell me what you think”.
Donnie went to the mirror and took a look at his shoulder, before turning to you with a smile.
“It looks great”, he said.
“Then sit down good sir, and let me get started on you”, you said, opening a new needle with your gloved hands.
Donnie sat down like you told him to, and watched as you got the needle ready. You turned on the machine, dipping it into the ink cup while it hummed. You placed your other hand on Donnie’s shoulder, spreading his green scaly skin.
“Remember, you can always tell me if you need a break or if you're getting uncomfortable. Keep your breathing calm and level, and it will save you from a lot of unnecessary stress. And with that in mind, are you ready?”
Donnie nodded with a small smile. “I’m ready”.
You let the needle brace Donatello’s skin, watching for any reaction by your boyfriend, showing any discomfort.
“Okay, that is not as bad as I thought it would be”, he said, turning his head slightly to look at the needle.
“It’s rarely that bad”, you told him, wiping the first line. “Trust me. I still get surprised every time I get tattooed”.
Donnie chuckled, imagining the scene of you in a tattoo shop.
As time went on, and as you were half way through the tattoo, you noticed the first signs of discomfort from your boyfriend.
“Okay, I can feel it now”, he said, grimacing slightly. “It is not bad, but it’s more. I’m not sure how else to describe it”.
“Don’t worry. We’re halfway done”, you said, dipping the needle in the ink cup. “But I will recommend that you take it easy afterwards and get a good night's sleep”.
“I will if you stay and keep me company”.
“Well, you don’t have to ask me twice”, you said, wiping the tattoo down one more time.
It didn’t take long before you finished the tattoo, smearing cream over it before wrapping it up. Donatello seemed slightly shocked by it.
“Are you done already?”, he asked, looking at his new tattoo under the plastic wrap.
“Yeah, it was not a super complicated tattoo”, you laughed, as you started to clean up after yourself. “And you’re really easy to tattoo. That only made it quicker”.
“Well in that case”, he said and stood up, before wrapping his arms around from behind. “Would you like to start that good night’s sleep a little earlier?”
“There’s nothing I’d rather do”, you said, pulling your tall boyfriend down to you for a sweet kiss.
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Bless your boyfriend and his kind, sweet, beautiful, helpful heart. What he wouldn’t do for you? Nothing. He would do everything and even more if you asked for it, also if you didn’t ask for it. And that was the nature of Mikey. Showing his love for you in spontaneous and caring ways, that not even you had expected. Such as volunteering for you to practice your tattooing, after hearing you talk about how much you wanted to practice.
And that was what led up to you and Mikey sitting on your couch, talking about the best place for you to tattoo him.
“I don’t know, baby”, you said, pressing your fingers against Mikey’s upper stomach. “I’ve never tattooed a plastron before”.
“Don’t worry Angelcakes, it will be fine”, Mikey said with a bright smile. “It will just be right here”, he said, gliding his finger over the top of his stomach, to outline the placement.
“But can a needle even get through that?”, you asked, pressing a little firmer against his plastron. You knew how firm Mikey’s plastron was. You had found yourself being pressed against it so many times, that you had familiarized yourself quite well with it at this point. But the thought of poking a needle through it had never crossed your mind.
“I don’t know. Maybe? There’s truly only one way to find out”.
“But baby, what if I break your plastron instead?”
“It’ll heal. Have you already forgotten this beautiful body as mutagen running in it? I can heal in no time!”
“But”, you said in thought. “Aren’t your shell and plastron also bulletproof?”
“But Angelcakes!”, Mikey pouted. “It could be so sick with a tattoo like that! I would look so good!”
“But you already look good Mikey”, you giggled.
“I know but still”.
You sighed. It was no use trying to argue with him about it. It would take either your needle or his plastron cracking slightly before he would drop the topping, so therefore you finally agreed with your silly turtle of a boyfriend.
“Yes!” Mikey fist pumped the air before giving you a quick kiss. “I knew you couldn’t resist the thought of me with a stomach tattoo!”
You laughed, shaking your head, before going to your room to find your supplies. Mikey already had a very clear idea of what he wanted. He wanted he and his brothers’ birth year of 1999 tattooed over his plastron, in good old gothic lettering. It actually relieved you that he hadn’t chosen anything more detailed. You just wanted to practice, not rival his name sake.
It didn’t take long before you had finished the stencil and placed it on your boyfriend, before telling him to go look at it in the mirror. You couldn’t help but smile, as Mikey started posing in front of the mirror. The 1999 on his plastron, still dark purple from the stencil ink.
“Yup! I like it! Lets go!”, Mikey said, jumping back towards you with a big smile. “I’m ready!”
“You cute goofball”, you laughed, guiding him towards your couch. “Come and lay down”.
Michelangelo did as you told him, and laid down on his shell, with his hands comfortably behind his head, watching with a smile as you sat yourself down. That smile could easily make butterflies erupt in your stomach, and it did so in that very moment, right as you dipped your needle in the ink.
To your surprise, the needle glided over Mikey’s plastron easily. It was almost easier than on real skin, and closer to the fake skin you usually would practice on. You didn’t even had to spread the surface with your other hand. Mikey seemed to enjoy himself.
“Do you feel anything?”, you asked, wiping the tattoo. It stayed pretty well.
“I can feel it, but it doesn’t hurt. It’s a little strange to be honest”.
“Strange or not, I still think you're cute”.
Mikey smiled, hinting at you to come closer. You removed the needle from his plastron and leaned closer to his face, before being met by him in a sweet kiss. You giggled before returning to his plastron to continue his tattoo.
“I am the luckiest man and turtle in this world”, Mikey then said. “I have the hottest girlfriend there is, and she makes some pretty awesome tattoos. I’ll say I got the best of both worlds”.
You giggled, shaking your head one more time, feeling a blush grow on your face. What did you do to deserve this guy?
With Mikey not feeling any pain from his tattoo, and the fact that you didn’t have to spread anything or do much, it didn’t take long before Mikey’s plastron tattoo was finished. You were throwing the used needle out in the kitchen trash can, when suddenly a question popped into your head.
“How long does it take for your plastron to heal?”
“Not long”, Mikey answered, drinking casually from a Capri Sun by your side, poking slightly at the new numbers on his front. “I think it will be healed by tomorrow”.
“So you don’t need any aftercare at all?”, you asked, pulling his hand away from his tattoo.
“Depends”, he started, placing the Capri Sun on the counter, before wrapping his arms around you, nuzzling his face closer to yours. “What kind of aftercare are we talking about?”
“Dork”, you laughed.
“Hey, don’t deny what we both know will happen”, he said, getting ever closer to your lips.
“When your tattoo is healed, Mikey”.
“Oh well, would you look at that”, Mikey said, pointing towards his plastron. “I’m already healing”.
After that night, Mikey would definitely be asking for more tattoos from you.
I need another tattoo soon…
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aceviscontiswife · 1 year
Danny, Wesker, and Deathslinger with a survivor boyfriend who gets blushy and flustered at the slightest physical contact? Literally the "hand-holding is so lewd" memes but condensed into a person. Wouldn't mind a bit of 18+ content sprinkled in, too, if you get the inspiration for it.
So I’ve done something very similar to this with the Deathslinger, so for the sake of not reusing old works, I’m not going to be using him for this. I love Deathslinger, so I apologize!!
Amab! Reader. Warnings: Some suggestiveness, talk of handjobs/sex.
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• Danny honestly thinks it’s a bit funny. The slightest bit of contact and you’re a blushing, flustered mess—melting under his touch. He wasn’t one for PDA until you came along, now there’s constantly an arm around your waist, hand holding yours, anything Danny can do to have his hands on you.
• While Danny finds your reactions to his touch absolutely adorable, he won’t deny that it turns him on. If this is how you react to a hand around your waist… Danny could only imagine how you’d feel about his hand in your pants. The second he gets you alone, be expecting a complete shift in his personality. Wherever he can get you, whether that be pinned against a wall or on the bed, Danny’s hands are going to be all over you. He’ll whisper the dirtiest things in your ear, watching and relishing as you squirm under him, moaning and panting under his touch.
• Now, with all of this said, expect Danny to make fun of you. Not in a way that’s ill-intended, but simply in his very-own, special Danny way. He loves you, something completely new to him, and poking fun at you is how he shows it. He’ll say things like ‘You act so tough, but we both know the second I touch you you’ll melt.’ Or, specifically when he first noticed your reactions, ‘Blushing and stuttering all because I’m holding your hand?’ Followed by a laugh, as well as a shine in Danny’s eyes that hardly prepares you for what he does the second you’re alone.
You were alone at the survivors’ campfire, resting after a long ‘day’ of trials. The silence was comforting, well-needed after all you’d experienced today. You had almost dozed off, when suddenly a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. You immediately recognize the black leather gloves and long sleeves as Danny’s, your cheeks flushing red as his hands gently squeeze your sides. “Hello, handsome.” Danny says, pulling his mask to the side just enough to expose his lips before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You stutter out a hello, which only makes Danny chuckle and wrap his arms around you tighter, pulling you back against his chest.
“I love how you react to my touch. All of this… just for me.” While others would consider his comment a tad possessive, but his words were only adding fuel to the fire growing inside of you. His hands trail down your side, now hovering over your clothed member, which twitched and strained against your pants as Danny spoke up. “You know exactly what you do to me don’t you, y/n?”
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• Oh, you best believe Wesker is using this to his advantage. While he might not express just how much he likes your flustered reaction to even the slightest touch, you can tell it drives him wild. Like Danny, once he realizes, he will have his hands on you whenever he can.
• Now, unlike you, Wesker has little to no physical reaction to touch. It’s as if nothing even happened, really. Inside his head, however, Wesker is ready to take you right then, right there. His touch is how he shows he owns you, so if you were to take his hand in yours? Be prepared for Wesker to fuck you senseless, no matter where you are.
• Wesker won’t necessarily make fun of you, he doesn’t have the time for that, but he will comment on your flustered state. If you’re into it, Wesker will degrade you, especially during sex. If not, he will shower you in praises. Seriously, Wesker just likes seeing you blush and squirm under his touch! It fills him with an indescribable sense of power and dominance; which is something Wesker… probably has enough of already, but hey, it just means he’ll fuck you all the better. 😉
It was another trial, but at least this time you were with Wesker. Roaming through the halls of RPD, you heard your heartbeat pick up and knew he was around. You were waiting in his office, your eyes lighting up when you finally spot him. Stained with the blood of your teammates, Wesker makes his way to you and pulls you into a very unexpected hug. His hold was possessive, tight… enough to have your face heating up and your body practically under him. He leans down until his lips were even with your ear, breath tickling your skin as he whispers.
“I missed you, my pet. I missed watching you blush and stutter under my touch... didn't you?" Wesker hums, the shaky sigh that escapes your lips telling him all he nees to know. His hands slide down to your ass, pressing your hips against his. You gasp, blood rushing to your member as Wesker presses a kiss to your neck. "I knew you did."
So sorry for the disappearance! I know I make a lot of excuses, but I promise I mean them all. I work at a barn that puts on camps for children throughout the months of June-July, so I'm very busy during those times. I have one final camp next week, so hopefully after that my works will pick back up again.
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fullofgutsndopamine · 2 months
all the earth around me (around you)
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or: a drunk confession
tw: drinking
part of wcbah universe. not required reading, but you might enjoy it if you liked this.
charlie doesn’t drink.
this is a known fact, one of the first things you’ve learned about him.
he’ll say it’s too damn expensive to drink, or it all tastes like bread water anyways, while the truth is covered in the corner: he’s seen what alcohol can do, how it can turn you into someone you aren’t, betraying yourself.
So when charlie comes over as your outside, getting clothing down from the clothesline, a storm brewing on the horizon you aren’t sure what to expect.
“charlie?” you can’t hide the smile when you see him, “what’s up?”
and like, you didn’t expect to see him, but it’s always a pleasant surprise, a face you don’t mind seeing finally, someone you can hang up the responsibilities of the world at the door and just be yourself with-
his voice is low, “I have a surprise for us.”
his hands are tucked behind his back and he still has a towel tucked into the front of his pants, was obviously doing chores before he raced over. it made sense; you had heard his fathers old beat up truck slowly, painstakingly, turn out of the gravel driveway, chug and groan down the street-it was finally safe.
“oh?” you tease, “I hope it’s chocolate.”
and you’re laughing, because like-that’s such a rare occurrence and such a small thing, but when you’re burning overdue bills and notices to keep warm last winter the little things get overlooked.
“better, sweetheart.” his eyes are shining, the smirk pulling at his lips, “i’ll go get set up inside?”
it’s a question, not a statement, and you’re nodding, he’s laughing at you as you crane your neck to see what’s behind his back but he doesn’t loosen the grip, doesn’t try and stop you.
instead, he takes a step forward, his hand cups the back of your head as he gently brings it to you, kisses your forehead and he finishes by walking backwards into the house, narrowingly missing running into the wall.
and as your fingers go to your forehead where he kissed, where it still lingers and feels like static, and you remind yourself: this is friends. just friends. this is what they do when they’re forced to survive.
by the time you’re inside, charlie has two small plastic cups on the dining room table.
they’re reused and rewashed from the gas station but it doesn’t make a much a difference when you see the bottle on the table.
“thought you didn’t like that stuff.”
he shrugs, takes the dark bottle in his hands and rolls it around. it’s half gone, his fathers favorite bottle, but charlie will insist he won’t notice it, that it won’t be missed.
“It’s different with you,” he’ll say gently, like he knows the weight of it, says if with a shrug to try and hold the weight down, “safe with you, yknow? Nothing bad will happen when i’m with you.”
he shrugs: “you don’t have to, i just thought-“
and you aren’t going to be the reason he doesn’t drink. even if he’s been around it forever and has stayed away from it. if he wants one good night who are you to deny him it? and besides, maybe he’ll get some sleep finally.
“Pour me one too,” you say, opening a cabinet in the kitchen, “i’ll get us a snack.”
and he’s grinning now, standing and pouring the amber liquid into the bottles slowly, can hear the sound as it hits the bottom and slowly doubles in side.
you’re at his side, pulling into a seat as he hands you a cup.
“To us.”
he says, his eyes dark, biting his lip before you clink sides of a plastic cup with him:
“To us.”
you repeat back, throwing it back
the problem is, you’ll say later, is it tastes so bad you keep thinking one more drink will make it better.
you’re nearing the third cup, face bright red and charlie’s shirt sleeves rolled up, hiccups between the two of you.
“charlie,” you hiccup, “Shh. I-I gotta tell you somethin’.”
and you’re both giggling, he’s reaching over to tangle his fingers into yours, trying to move hair out of your face but failing, doubles of you.
“Go ahead.”
“I love you.” you’re giggling.
and he’s laughing.
this is something you two say all the time, after all. in passing, in letters.
he rolls his eyes, “honey-“
“no, no.” you huff, eyebrows one, “like. actually love you. like, can’t see you with anyone else-“ a pause for a hiccup
and this is wrong.
charlie realized this as soon as it leaves your lip. not how he wants your first meangiful i love you to go, wants you to remember it, not be under the influence of cheap alcohol.
it’s after he’s done dancing with you, no music playing but he hums a song he’s been working on forever, drawing you close to his chest as you two dance around the creaking floor boards, the house moans and groans in protest against you two as he spins you around again and again
charlie feels sober suddenly, like someone dropped cold water over his head.
“Cmon,” he puts the lid on the alcohol bottle, not much left anyways, stands and takes your hand: “let’s call it a night.”
you huff, pause for a second before your voice comes back lighter, suddenly the scared kid he remembers growing up with:
“you’re staying, right? keep the monsters at bay?”
and you’re too old for this. for him to stay the night, to believe in monsters of that he’d keep you save from them, but he takes your hand and tangled his fingers into yours, leads you up the stairs-let’s you out your weight on him as he guides you to your room, closes the door gently and helps you out of the old dress that’s two sizes too big that you’re constantly sewing up, let’s you rest against him as he goes through your closet, tries to ignore that all your pajama tops are his old shirts, still smell like him and are ripped and worn with age and their own stories-
when you’re dressed he slides you into bed, undoes his own jeans and crawls in next to you, you’re immediately curling into him, both ignoring how his feet hang off the edge of the bed, far too tall but doomed to live a life of twin sized mattress forever.
“alright, honey.” the pad of his thumb draws constellations across your arm, “close your eyes. i’ll take first watch. you’re safe.”
and it isn’t until you’re snoring, when he’s sure you’re fast asleep and won’t remember this that he pressed his lips against your forehead and speaks:
“i love you too.”
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bearlytolerant · 3 months
Evil God Theory part 2
Hello again. I posted about my theory on the tentacled character coming out of the veil in the gameplay trailer in a part one post. Now I’m going to talk about the second figure with the elf ears.
I think our other friend could be Falon’Din. I will be honest, my confidence in the evil god on the right being Falon’Din isn’t as great as my first post but he’s still my first pick and here’s why:
This was a phrase said by an unfamiliar voice in the very short trailer (:33) we got on Dragon Age Day:
“All the world will soon share the peace and comfort of my reign.”
Falon’Din was the god who guided people into Uthenera (a peaceful sleep) but solas says this about him:
I do not believe they sing songs about Falon’Din’s vanity. It is said Falon’Din’s appetite for adulation was so great, he began wars to amass more worshippers. The blood of those who wouldn’t bow low filled lakes as wide as oceans. Mythal rallied the gods, once the shadow of Falon’Din’s hunger stretched across her own people. It was almost too late.
Imagine a god who ushers people into eternal sleep being a bloodthirsty conquerer. He would probably think his reign was comforting and peaceful if everyone is dead.
Also it’s understandable if you don’t necessarily believe Solas. This codex is pretty interesting too though:
The People swore their lives to Falon'Din
Who mastered the dark that lies.
Whose shadows hunger
Whose faithful sing
Whose wings of death surround him
Thick as night.

Lethanavir, master-scryer, be our guide, 
Through shapeless worlds and airless skies.
—Song to Falon'Din, found in the Temple of Mythal, author unknown
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Reusing this lovely picture from before but highlighting the background in red because it looks like the world could be experiencing an eclipse. A very nice and literal representation of someone associated with darkness and shadows and night being able to cloak the whole world in darkness.
Now onto some other Falon’Din things. The shape on this figure’s head most closely resembles shapes associated with Falon’Din as pictured with the owl constellation Tenebrium. I’ll just put what the wiki says here:
Falon’Din’s sacred animal is an owl. It is either his companion or his manifestation and simultaneously a messenger of Andruil. The constellation Tenebrium, called “shadow” in the common parlance and depicting an owl, may have been associated with him before it became associated with the old god of night, Lusacan. Falon’Din himself is sometimes depicted as a cloaked and hooded pointing figure.
A comparison of the figures headpiece and horn-like appendages(?) behind the shoulders and the constellation association:
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Now onto some outfit comparisons.
From Vir Dirthara: Duel of a Hundred Years
The pages of this book—memory?—show a narrow plateau on top of a mountain, Two armored figures—one in gold, one in black—are fighting in the snow. Steel flickers so fast the air hums. Blood dots the ground. They do not stop for breath. The one in black makes no sound as a blade parts his throat.
"Mythal, in her wisdom, interceded in an argument between Elgar'nan and Falon'Din. With clever words, she convinced them to settle their grievance through a battle of their champions. Elgar'nan and Falon'Din agreed, and set their champions against each other rather than declare war among the gods. May those knights long be remembered, and Mythal's wisdom be praised."
The codex does not say which champion was which when fighting but we could assume Elgar’nan’s was dressed in gold (big E and all his sun/light symbolism), while FD’s champion is probably the one dressed in black. While the main cloak/robe seems to be black (refer to the pic after the statue), there’s also a lot of gold so again, not real strong evidence but it could be something. Also the sleeves match up decently with the Falon’Din statue sleeves.
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I did notice too that this outfit seems to match up in some ways with Falon’Din’s outfit in the mosaic. Where the clothes in the mosaic are belted together, it seems this character has the same style but I can’t be certain because the lighting doesn’t help.
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I also included an old dao picture of a statue because the shoulder piece in that statue plus the way the figure stands near the end of the gameplay trailer reminded me a lot of that particular statue. So I put them side by side so you can have a look for yourself.
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All that to say, my theory on the second one isn’t as strong and I don’t feel like I have enough evidence yet to be super confident but this is my best guess.
Also if we think about the two that Mythal has had to humble it was Andruil and Falon’Din. Mythal had to take Andruil’s voidy toys away. Falon’Din got too blood thirsty and was forced to go into timeout when Mythal went to Dad Elgar’nan about him and he lost the duel. Plus there’s some connection with his symbol being an owl and the owl being a messenger for Andruil. So it would be fun to see this little duo be our boss fight baddies.
Again, if you read this far, thank you!
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fetishfairytales2 · 4 months
Happy Birthday Sissy! Pt. 4
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Heather and Brandon are original characters created by @wittlesissyb4by in his fantastic series “Besties”, which this blog expands on. Please support him through his Tumblr and his SubscribeStar. ——————————————
The party was bumping by the time our first guests showed up. Lyndsey and Kylie were gossiping like old friends by the pool, probably plotting ways to humiliate poor little Brandi. And I was busy telling Kelsey, Rachel, and Maddie the story of the first time I let Connor fuck me while Brandi was forced to watch from the foot of the bed. 
“I swear to God,” I laughed, “she was fucking crying the whole time!” The sun was shining, the drinks were flowing, and to any unsuspecting bystander, it may have seemed like a normal pool party - except for the fact that there was a grown man prancing around in a frilly pink dress and an absurd amount of penis-themed decorations. Lyndsey did great with the decor. It was all pink and dicks. It looked like she had reused old bachelorette party decorations. Such a classy sissy birthday. 
Our boyfriends were all huddled together, drinking beer and probably boasting about the amount of sex they were promised for showing up and not asking too many questions.  They didn't seem to mind their girlfriends parading around half-naked in front of Brandi. It's funny how much of a threat someone isn't when they're wearing a frilly dress and a diaper! Poor Brandi, I don't think any of these alphas were worried about losing the girlfriends today.
"Hey Connor, Shawn, come here!" I called out, waving them over. Rolling their eyes, they made their way across the back yard. Shawn was Lyndsey’s long time boyfriend. The five of us had all known each other forever. But he, just like Connor, was a victim of Brandon’s bullying in school. "Would you mind turning Brandi towards the sun for us?" I pouted, making sure to push the girls up in my bikini top and flashing a smile. “Yeah,” Lyndsey giggled from the pool, “the poor girl isn’t getting enough color today. You big strong boys should help her out! She looks a little pale!” With my helpless sissy bound at the wrists and ankles in her oversized stroller, she was powerless to stop her latest humiliation.
The two hunks lifted her, stroller and all, in the air and faced her toward the pool. The little sissy would surely suffer in her heavy lace and polyester party dress, not to mention the inevitable diaper rash. Too bad, some sissies just have bad luck! Maddie and I sat on either side of the stroller, playfully dipping our toes in the pool, and giving Brandi innocent smiles. "Hello girly!" Maddie laughed, playfully poking her on the nose. Brandi could only grunt behind the pacifier gag. "Mommy and Aunt Maddie are ready to have some fun!" 
"Aww, don't be such a downer Miss Grumpy," Lyndsey teased, splashing Brandi from the pool. "It's your first sissy birthday and you've got gorgeous women all around you. What more could you want?" I winked and nodded at my friends - God, they were the best. Maddie and I snuggled closer in the stroller while Kylie and Lyndsey leaned over the pool, giving Brandi a perfect view of their cleavage. “What a fucking loser!” Shawn laughed. “You’re fucking drooling over her tits! Dude, she’s never going to fuck you! Later, when I’m fucking her though? I’ll put my massive cock in between those tits, just for you!” Lyndsey winked up at her boyfriend; “mmm, sounds like fun!”
Connor shook his head; “He was always such an asshole. Now he’s a fucking loser. Who the hell would let this happen to him?” The water works were already starting and I wanted to be the one that made Brandi cry! “Aww,” I teased my cuckold, “did the big mean men make sissy cry? They are just having a little fun sissy, they didn’t mean to hurt your feelings!” I smiled up at Connor; “thank you Daddy for helping your sweet sissy! I’ll make sure to thank you tonight.” The boys shrugged and headed back; “oh and boys? There’s three more cases of beer in the fridge, help yourself!” I winked at Lyndsey; “nice and drunk,” she mouthed quietly. I nodded and crossed my fingers.
"Oops!" giggled Kylie as she pulled her wet top down, flashing Brandi not at all subtly, "my silly bikini." She moaned like she was faking an orgasm, making us all giggle; "I'm just so wet!" I could hear muffled groans of what could only be a itsy bitsy sissy clitty trying to burst out of a spiked chastity cage. I playfully traced my nails along Brandi's exposed inner thigh, causing her to jump. "Oops!" I taunted with a smirk, sticking my tongue out. "My bad, baby. My hand slipped." 
Maddie got up and began clumsily adjusting Brandi's collar, leaving the gagged sweetheart confused. As Maddie took her time, her movements brought her closer and closer to the stroller. Much to Brandi's dismay, this meant my sister's Double Ds were pressed against her face. Maddie teasedly stuck her tongue out at me as I counted silently on my fingers. "Just a sec, girly!" she exclaimed dramatically. "I'm just trying to... it looks like something is caught. If I just..." Without a word, I started rubbing Brandi's chastity cage through her diaper while Maddie rocked back and forth, nearly motorboating the poor trapped sissy. 
"It's been three whole months," I whispered in Brandi's ear, “since you made cummies. And something tells me that’s not what you’re getting for her birthday…” As I continued to tease the birthday girl’s caged cock, Maddie leaned back and grinned at our plaything triumphantly. "Got it!" Brandi must have realized by now she was in for some unwanted birthday "surprises" from us girls. "Oh, no, no!" I chuckled as I caught her trying to squirm away. "Stay put!" I firmly slapped her face.
Lyndsey grinned as she leaned on the edge of the pool, her eyes fixed on the helpless loser in front of her. "You want to know something out Brandi?" she said, her tone playful. "While I was watching her that one time, I found out something interesting about her..." She smirked. "Oh really? Do tell, babes," I giggled, playing along with her. "Turns out, Brandi is a huge fan of ass," Lyndsey said, a wicked look in her eye. "I swear, you should have seen how big the pile of loser goo was that she made! It was when she watched that video of you getting fucked from behind by Connor." 
Maddie laughed, "I've known this pathetic loser, for years and, trust me, she’s definitely more into boobs." We all turned to look at Brandi, waiting for her answer. "Well?" I prodded, "Don't make us wait! What gets your sissy stick harder?" But Brandi could only glance between us and try to speak through the four-inch cock filling her mouth.
"Spill it, girl!" Kylie exclaimed with a giggle, turning around and glancing over her shoulder, proudly flaunting her curvy backside in a tight bikini. "Whatcha think?" she asked, pulling her bikini further up her ass. "Is it this amazing booty?" Lyndsey chimed in, giving a spank. "Don't you just wish you could make this slut get down on her knees and shake that ass for you, Brandi?" Lyndsey pulled on Kylie's hair and humped her. "Too bad you'll never get a chance to do that to a woman again," Maddie whispered in Brandi's ear, watching as she squirmed in her chastity cage. "Oh Brandon!" Kylie moaned, "you sexy stud! My ass is completely yours, don't you just love it?"
The spikes were probably hurting Brandi's cock by now because tears were rolling down her cheeks and her mascara was smudged. "Come on girls!" I chuckled. "You know the poor thing is stuck with such a tiny, pathetic penis. And Maddie is right! Brandi can't resist a good pair of tits." On cue, Maddie got up and spread out a towel. "It's really a shame," she sighed as she untied her top and laid down to tan, and tease the sissy. "All these hot girls around and all you can do is look." 
Kylie and Lyndsey followed Maddie's lead and removed their bikini tops before laying down topless for Brandi to ogle at helplessly. I quickly checked the time on my watch - only 1 hour until the other guests arrived, which meant 30 minutes to get the guys drunk enough for Brandi's special celebration. "Hey honey?" Lyndsey called out to Shawn, "would you ever let Brandi give you a blowjob?" The guys all laughed and nodded in agreement with Shawn’s drunken and slurred response; "a blowjob is a blowjob!" Lyndsey and I shared a knowing smile. Perfect...
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taybatwo2 · 11 months
Vampire Heart Draculaura Review Part 4 of 4
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In this final part of my review, I’ll be comparing her a bit more to some other Monster High vampires.
Including my G1 Elissabat (who really needs her hair de-glued) and I’ve had her hair “restyled” like that ever since I got her just because I liked how she wore it up in the flashbacks in “Frights, Camera, Action.” The picture above has mini-dress Draculaura with Elissabat, the true Vampire Queen. Luckily she’s pretty cool with this Draculaura playing dress up, as long as she gets to try on her outfit too.
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Also, I had never undressed my Eissabat before and didn’t know these were two separate pieces!
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And here is she is!!! I kept her puff purple sleeves to make it fit more with her color scheme. It’s not a bad look at all and I would have loved to have seen a true Vampire Queen Eissabat Collector doll.
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Something like this, but even more dramatic. Give her some large vampire wings, layers of bows and bats and deep purples, a better looking tiara to house the vampire’s heart than what she wore in the movie, the works!
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I think her boots look better under the dress than Draculaura’s though.
Her purples and large bell skirt gown are also kinda reminding me of this collector Barbie:
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The true Vampire Queen….
….and now
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Jump scare!
I wanted to compare G2’s hair play Draculaura (my favorite of my G2 Draculaura) due to the light pink steaks in her hair (as I thought it was the same light pink Saran) and her “darker face-up.” Turns out, it is actually a shade darker than Vampire Heart Draculaura’s and her makeup is not as dark as I remembered.
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The difference in these dolls are night day, so onto something a bit closer.
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Draculaura’s 50 dollar Amazon Exclusive collector doll vs Amazon’s Exclusive Collector 90/100 dollar doll.
I never thought I’d say this, but I actually way prefer the new doll over the old one in every way except for the lack of diary in the current release.
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I was actually never a huge fan of the Collector Draculaura’s eyes (they look better far away and look like they were designed by Tim Burton) or her extra long body (I did like the chest articulation though, but thought an ever TALLER Draculaura looked odd), and prefer the new face up and eyelashes on the newer doll.
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It does look like they have that same really light pink Saran.
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They both have crumby stands that don’t hold the doll very well (at least Collector Draculaura’s is beautifully detailed).
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And surprisingly non of these lace/lattice patterns were present on Vampire Heart’s Draculaura’s skirt. The embroidery on Collector Draculaura is still unmatched though, and she’s still an extremely lovely doll.
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Buuuuut, she surprisingly has more in common with Haunte Couture Draculaura than Vampire Heart’s and visa versa.
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She’s like the in between of Vampire Heart’s and Haunte Couture (similar colors to Vampire Heart’s, buuuut the same layered skirt with bat wing edges, heel/sole to her shoes, and a cape that attaches to her wrists…and I guess hats and rooted eyelashes that Haunt Couture has).
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Well, Draculaura likes to reuse and update pieces of her wardrobe from her long life.
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“Come play with us Vampire Heart Draculaura.” For fun, I compared OG Draculaura (whose hair has been degreased with LA’s Totally Awesome, but she just needs to be retro-brighted and I haven’t had time to do that).
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She has the much skinner eyes of the OG Draculaura than the more “show accurate” Creeproduction Draculaura, but has the darker pink skin tone of the Creeproduction.
Well, I think that’s everyone, let’s get you to the Vampire Heart ball, or whatever ball your vampires are celebrating this week.
Huh. Looks like Valentine has offered to dance with you Draculaura. I wonder if he’s reformed in this timeline too….
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Wait, now the famous movie star -and nothing else- Elissabat wants to dance with you instead. I’m sure Lord Stoker will be glad at all the attention you’re receiving….such a graceful model Vampi-
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Tripped over Fangelica….it looks like she’s in this timeline too…
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Anyways, all bow down to the Vampire Queen, the most beautiful of Monster High’s Skullector’s dolls (to date and my opinion).
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….seriously I really want a diary to go with her…stop leaving those out Mattel!!
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websurfshark · 5 months
season 19 was a let down 😭😭
spoilers below!
i’m sure that over a year of hype doesn’t help my case here but i really was expecting something a little better 😭
i don’t mean to be too much of a critic in this post and sorry if i seem like i’m complaining but man 🧍‍♂️ full review here we go
sarges death was expected and the character arc that simmons got from it was pretty well done , he was cool — sarges death did just seem kind of rushed but that’s probably also time constraints , nobody seemed super affected by it tho and that kinda put me off ☹️ sure the reds were like Sad right after he died , and grif + simmons had the moment at his grave, but it’s literally not brought up again ? simmons just gets to be a leader kinda and tucker doesn’t get told he killed sarge, nobody else brings it up after the climax?? not even during the climax as they fight meta again ?
^ although sarges final moments were done very nicely and the va’s had a ton of emotion ❤️
along with that, wash’s acting was amazing as always
grif was characterized really weirdly throughout the first half of the season - i’m guessing they tried to make him the “straight man” of the group but it kinda fell flat because he just seemed irrationally angry every single time he spoke 😭 he kinda evened out as it went on tho so that’s better than nothing
Simmons was very kind this season that was interesting and cool He didn’t have a care in the world
animation was wonky at times but it was there - fight scenes weren’t monty oum style of crazy but they were creative with them and ill give them that! good callbacks during the fight
character callbacks were cool! i’m glad we got a little bit of kai (no reunion with grif tho so that sucks), dylan was there but she was kinda characterized weird, grey there, agent one (???) for some reason, 479er!!!!! she was well done and she fit really well into the plot!, no checkup on chorus life which was kinda sad (no lieutenants boohoohoo) some of the callbacks felt out of place tho
i don’t like how they handled tex cause even though it was cool she was back , i feel like we’ve done this dance a thousand times
also carolina quite literally came out of nowhere ?? how did she just ? drop from the sky what ??? LOL
absolutely no donut at all ? there was like one mention of him that i can remember ? lopez is just forgotten about back at the bases ??? i don’t know if the donut thing was something behind the scenes but Uhh
music wasnt up to par - they just reused old songs basically , the weird song that played during the “Memories” sequence wasn’t good
i’m not the hugest fan of the ais in general so i don’t think about them too much but i feel like sigma wasn’t characterized in the same way he was in the freelancer seasons — in pfl he kind of subtly manipulated maine into becoming meta etc etc but for tucker , he basically just like😭 tortured him WHICH IS PROBABLY CAUSE LIKE tucker knows This guy is evil Ahhhh!!! but still that was a little weird
no grimmons sad day for the rvb fandom - some scenes could be read as grimmons, like grif basically inviting simmons to go with him , i’m confused on why simmons stayed because simmons himself literally said One last mission ? so idk what he’s doing bro idk if he’s staying in blood gulch or what — grif just straight up leaves and like ? are they gonna see eachother again orrr ? what’s happening
the ending felt rushed and kinda weird - just vibes , i think i’m biased because i now realize that not a lot can beat the s13 ending , but even so , grif just kinda leaves and that’s the end 😭
i feel like we didn’t get a whole lot of conclusions for all the characters even tho that’s what was promised
overall i’m probably giving this a solid 5-6/10 , the season was overall very hit or miss in some aspects and scenes
ANWYAYS😭 don’t let my opinions take away from your experience with season 19! this is just how i felt about it after my first watchthrough and my opinions might/will change!
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chcrryade · 3 months
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CHERRYADE: TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? It all sounds a little too perfect. Or maybe that’s just me. Song Kyumin. Jul 1, 2021.
JAGUAR have emerged from their year-and-two-months period of almost complete radio silence with news that has shocked many—or perhaps a little less than many, because you can’t really expect to rise from the dead and still have millions of fans at your beck and call, ready to lap up any scraps you throw them. A new boy group is on the way, and their name is CHERRYADE. Something too sweet to drink all in one go, but too carbonated to sit on the tongue comfortably after just one sip. It seems rather on-brand for a company that has so far fed us one group that hated their failed-actor-turned-idol newbie’s guts, one soloist who kicked the chair after one (1) album that tanked, and a duo who I’m still not sure were hate-fucking or making attempts on the other’s life every time the camera turned.
This time, though, they’re not unveiling their (sure-to-be devastatingly attractive) members one-by-one from wherever they’ve been hiding them, as per the last three attempts. Neither are they shoving their not-yet-debuted faces in our faces with too many social media accounts or mind-numbingly boring introduction videos. Instead, JAGUAR have made the decision to protect the idol-environment and reuse our past favourites, taking them from one unknown group to another. Aren’t we lucky.
This isn’t a new (or even particularly exciting) concept. You may recognise the formula from STRMRUNNER Media, who chose trainees from only the top companies to shove together in a now-superstar group named SO(U)L. JAGUAR CEO Ae Seungdae must have witnessed the success the seven have seen and decided he wanted a piece of the pie. They even share the same amount of members. But I doubt they’ll be greeting each other at any music shows or posting cutesy selcas on Twitter, because some of the boys selected for this ‘supergroup’ of sorts aren’t known to be the nicest.
First, JAGUAR reached out to FNC and asked if they would miss SLOW MOTION’s once-leader Kil Doyeon terribly. The answer must’ve been no, as he’s rumoured to be the appointed leader of CHERRYADE also. Next on the list was METRONOME Media’s Duan Jieyang (who was more commonly known as DJ, although it’s been said he’s long abandoned that alias) and Jeon Haeil from their group ALGORHYTHM, disbanded in 2019, who had been in hot water previously for alleged fights breaking out between leader Daehoon and youngest Levi—who, funnily enough, left the group and ended up in SLOW MOTION not long after.
The higher-ups didn’t have to look too hard for the next couple of members, as they were right there in their pockets anyway. Qiao Yijun and Ahn Jaehee (our aforementioned failed actor) from BONSOIR were next on the roster, and the general consensus on that was that it was certainly an.. interesting choice to make. They were the two that seemed to despise each other the most, after all. 
Next is one that may surprise some. Hwan Minhui (or GOGO, as many know and love him as) was recruited from SM’s much adored sub-unit NCT DREAM. Reactions were mixed, but the largest question of all was why. Alas, it doesn’t seem like JAGUAR is going to be holding a press conference anytime soon to answer that burning inquiry. Or releasing any sort of statement, either. There’s far too much on their plates for that—what with trying to get all these complete strangers to act civil with each other, and all.
The last member of CHERRYADE is the only new face that we’re receiving. Not much is known about him except his name, Lee Hasun, and that he’s the youngest of the lot. Let’s hope he doesn’t receive the same treatment as Jaehee did, because otherwise this ‘supergroup’ might last even less time than all of JAGUAR’s other ventures combined. And we wouldn’t want that, of course. Or would we? (Don’t answer that).
Whatever the public may think of them, the one thing that is certain is that JAGUAR won’t care. Their age old motto of ‘any press is good press’ has lasted them too long for them to be doing anything like reassessing their values or realigning their morals. Hell, some have even been saying that accused (or rather, known—it’s something of an open secret at this point) nepo baby BONSOIR manager Hong Jaeyoung has found his new place as CHERRYADE’s handler, so from that alone it doesn’t sound like they’re going to be off to a spectacularly great start public-opinion wise.
The group are making their debut on August 1st, 2021—a mere month from now. What they’re releasing is still a mystery (a single? An EP? A mini-album? I’m as clueless as you are), but what we do know is that it’s going to be called DOUBLE DIP. I can vaguely glean the concept they’re going for from the name alone. Teeth-rotting, sugary goodness. The type of stuff that makes your mouth feel heady and vision swim. Or your ears bleed, depending on your opinion on the type of music that JAGUAR has put out thus far. Their styling seems to be heading in the same direction, as the explosion of colour that makes up their seconds-long teaser video is reminiscent of a handful of candy scooped up into the hands of an eager child.
CHERRYADE marks JAGUAR’s fourth attempt at an idol presence. Most of the hard work has been done for them, what with them lifting most of the members from other groups, but that in no way means they won’t meet the same failed fate as all of their predecessors. I feel that most deciding to follow the group will be doing so more out of morbid curiosity rather than genuine excitement for the content they’ll produce, and music they’ll put out. Right now they seem more like a ticking time bomb set to explode in an array of violently bright colours and burnt sugar than a group of boys that’ll be loved by the masses.
But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe CHERRYADE will be the success JAGUAR has so sorely been wanting, and for more reasons than how many times they’ve been caught smoking, or leaving shady love hotels in the earliest hours of the morning. Maybe the seven will actually grow to like each other, and they’ll replace the previous reputation they held—of catty and spiteful boys who were there for the money and to make the lives of people they didn’t like as unpleasant as possible—with one that paints them as genuine, likeable people. We’ll just have to wait and see.
DOUBLE DIP. Whatever it turns out to be, it’s dropping August 1st, at 2PM KST. Do make sure to tune in, if you want to see what all the fuss is about.
Or don’t. I suppose I wouldn’t blame you.
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sparky75 · 1 month
Hello. I’m sorry about taking yet another unannounced hiatus. Although, most of us on OS Game RP did seem to take a bit of a summer break so I guess it wasn’t much of a surprise.
Life has been pretty busy lately. I worked as a summer camp counselor for July and half of August, and I just moved in for my first year of college not even a week ago. I’m currently in marching band camp which takes up most of my day.
But that really isn’t why I haven’t been RPing. Truth is…I’ve kind of been struggling to get into the mindset of Mapmaker or the Tide Arc narrator. I used to be able to just naturally know how they would respond to or describe what’s going on, but I feel like I can’t do that anymore. I still want to RP, but I need to get my head back into my characters.
So, how am I going to return to Tumblr RP?
By making a new blog!
I think the best way to get the RPing part of my brain to function again is by doing something that I want to. And this is a blog I wanted to make for a while and have been slowly working towards making. It still has a bit of a ways to go, since most of the character sprites still need to be made, but I think it should hopefully be active soon (don’t hold me to that though, I’m terrible at judging how long things take).
A little bit about the upcoming blog: I showed the characters of this upcoming blog a month ago, although initially only one character will be there, with the others joining afterwards one by one (it’ll make more sense when it happens). Another thing that I think will make this blog really interesting is that each character will be a different art style/art type.
This blog is not going to be OS Game RP, since they have no relation to OneShot, but I suspect most interaction will be with OS Game RP anyway. I’m hoping to have some minor characters introduced after the main 4, and I want to create some conflicts and fight scenes between the characters and maybe with some characters from other blogs.
Anyway TL;DR, I’m hopefully going to be coming back soon with a brand new blog that I’m really passionate about, and one that reignites my RP abilities I should hopefully FINALLY finish that godforsaken Tide Arc.
P.S.: If you followed my old RP blog, you might notice that blog doesn’t exist anymore. I’ve archived the posts, and will be reusing that blog for the new one. There may or may not be a preview of the new blog’s name there right now…
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lightleckrereins · 4 months
I feel like we’re all getting our hopes up about the new costume variations. If they had intended to use orange pants and shorts only for the full run last time (and didn’t bother replacing the pants when something presumably went wrong), I doubt they’re going to have a new variation designed this time. And if Cristina is still going to function as an if-necessary back up (which seems to be implied by ‘alternate swing’) I can’t imagine they’re going to design new alt variations for her. (I know it’s unlikely Zara’s costume is still wearable, but why would they give her the pink costume instead of silver if there wasn’t a practical reason like reusing a costume instead of making a new one?) I want new variations as much as anyone so I’m mostly hoping you can convince me lol
How about a really long answer (under the cut)
I think in this case the most likely scenario is a middle point. No suddenly getting all the missing variations but also no only one costume either.
So first. We know Cristina is pink. She wore pink for the color coded promo shoot for the color coded show. If she was going to wear silver her promo outfit would have been silver.
And costumes will be new. The original costumes are almost five years old, worn, and designs are not up to date. Even for returning cast in the same role they are due for a new costume. Specifically about Cristina she will probably get a new pink costume with only the main variation. I don't think there is any chance she gets an old one refited. There is a small chance she ends up wearing Zara's costume again with the whole alternate swing thing. But I think the most likely scenario is a new costume. All UK alt costumes made since reopening are now their alt stock so those arent free to take to AUS.
And she will have her own costume. It falls in the same category as the alt costumes in the UK or the cruise alt costumes or even the swing variations (when those are made). Some costumes are not expected to be worn many times but that doesn't mean necessary things won't be made.
It is not really fair to compare the situation AUS was in at reopening vs now. Then it was a popular but small show that last time it was active it had to refund months of advance ticket sales because of the pandemic. Now it is the highly anticipated return of a hit show thats selling out months before opening.
Back then money was tight, borders were closed or restricted and there were major supply chain issues. We don't really know the details of their situation but from what we do know they made smart choices. Phoenix got a new costume made with the materials available at the moment (including a different vinyl color). Chelsea got a new top and Chiara a new peplum but otherwise they inherited Courtney and Ella's costumes. Everything else just got minor alterations. Chiara did have the pants and wore them up to tech, my guess is they ended up being uncomfortable for her to wear with no easy alteration to fix them. But she did have two variations to wear which covered all queens so things were left like that. Compare that to what happened in the UK and US. All new costumes in the US, a lot new to take all UK principals to some version of the updated designs, major alterations as necessary for everyone else, many new wigs crowns and hairpieces. Completely different situations.
The new AUS cast is best compared to the Canada opening. New costumes for the entire cast, a lot of work put into hair alternatives in the months leading up to CAN, lower heels introduced. AUS will get the same new and shiny treatment.
With the alt costumes it gets tricky. Everyone is confirmed as swing and announced with an alt color. The easy guess from that is they are getting alt costumes only over principal costumes for two roles and alt costumes for everything else like the UK alts. The costume system is the question.
Back in the good old costume days (read 2019) the alt costume system was, with a few variations, alts get 1-3 costume variations meant for their first covers and wear whatever worked best if they had to go on for second or third covers. The strenght of that system is versatility: one main top with two different bottoms goes a long way with creating different looks that fit each role. Add different sleeves, crowns and hairstyles and they are set.
When the 2019 AUS costume teasers started everyone assumed that would be the case, each alt had two very specific costume variations that accounted for all six queens. They ended up being all swings with no official cover order. But if you look into performance numbers there ended up being an unnoficial cover priority in place (different to what the costumes said tho). I think that will be the case again. No hard cover order but a priority of who goes on for what to play to their strenghts.
And that priority is the most important thing in here. If it is stablished already, which is possible considering Chiara is returning, and Gabriella did a different production already so they know what works best for them, they might go for variations that favor that priority. If not they will probably go for whatever is the most versatile. My current guess is 2-3 variations for everyone except Cristina with whoever is priority Cleves getting the jacket and likely reveal which was mentioned as a possibility in the casting call.
And here is where the fun starts. Multiple black variations have been worn since reopening and without a surprise return of the B/H skirts we know how the uptated black variations look. But for teal and orange nothing has been touched since 2019 except the pants. Even if the AUS swings get just two variations, and even if it is same designs as before just with new materials updates need to happen. And here I start asking questions (because that is how I design alt variations):
Orange Cleves will probably stay mostly the same with added studs for the cutouts, but the shorts have fur. Will they switch that for vinyl to reflect updated cleves and work better for other queens? Will they alter the shoulders to do spikes? How about teal Cleves, the jacket is too plain for current six costume standards. How will the cutouts look? If there is a priority Cleves cover does she have a reveal? And the teal open skirt? There are three potential designs, would it be any of those with more studs or a completely new one? How does a potential orange open skirt look like? Peplum or no peplum? Which cut for Seymour skirts? If there is a priority Boleyn cover does she get that skirt? Teal has two designs already. Is it either of those? Do they add tabs like the ones on the peplum? And orange Boleyn, there are different cutout options. Which wins?
I could go on and on. But my point is. Only alt costumes says its very likely the swings get more than one variation if only to give them a better look range for all six queens. And just making those in 2024 vs 2019 means things have to change to some degree.
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Hello everyone!
First off, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support! I usually publish short updates on my personal Twitter (or should I say X now?), but I thought it would also be fun to make long posts sharing my experiences and thoughts about the development of the game.
So, I decided to start a new series of articles talking about random things about the development of the game, like some kind of journal! I don’t use Tumblr lately, since I reach more people with Twitter, but Tumblr is perfect for long posts like this! 
I hope you will enjoy this content!
🌙🚂 Let’s start with a recap! 🚂🌙
I’m currently working on a remake of my second game, Midnight Train. The remake is titled Midnight Train: New Moon, and is being developed using RPG Maker MV.
Originally, I only intended to add new content to the original game, like new endings and an epilogue, but I ended up changing the engine and remaking everything from scratch. Thanks to all the feedback I received from the original release, I'm currently working hard to make the game more enjoyable for everyone!
Since it's a remake, it has a lot of new features that weren't present in the original: new graphics, alternate endings, improved gameplay, partial voice acting, many new cutscenes and events… and much more! But let’s talk about the new features in more detail in another post~
🌙🚂 Progress 🚂🌙
Since this is the first blog in this series, I think I should talk about one of the things most people are curious about! “How’s the progress of the remake”?
Before answering that question, I'll explain how I divide the work. Basically, I focus on each chapter in linear order. These would be the main steps:
◆First step: Working on the artwork ◆Second step: Mapping in Photoshop ◆Third step: Eventing all the maps in RPG Maker and testing ◆Final step: English translation
After I finish all these steps, I start working on the next chapter, using the same steps! 
Creating the maps is the most time consuming step because I also design and plan new mechanics, puzzles and new cutscenes, so it takes me a lot of time to finish them. Thankfully, once the maps are finished, I'm quite fast with the eventing, since everything is already planned!
Well…! Let’s answer the question now! “How’s the progress of the remake”?
I’m currently working on the maps of Chapter 2, which means Chapter 1 is fully completed, including the english translation! I’m almost finished with the maps of Chapter 2, so I hope I can start eventing soon ~ 
🌙🚂 Expected release 🚂🌙
This is one of the questions I usually receive, so I also wanted to talk about it: “When will the game be released?”
The answer is… I don’t know!
I’m working really hard, but it’s impossible to predict when I will finish all the work. For now, I can only offer updates about the development!
Which leads to another question: “Why is it taking so long to develop the remake? Shouldn’t it be faster than developing the original game?”
Honestly, that's what I also thought! But the reality is that the remake is taking twice the amount of effort that required the original. Or even more. Why does it require more effort? I think it will be easier to understand with this picture:
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This is the comparison between two maps. Even though they look quite different, it’s actually meant to be the same map in-game. This map is basically a hallway that connects two maps, the purpose has not changed, but the map itself is different.
In the remake, I’m trying to create maps that are more interesting to explore, while trying to retain the charm and purpose of the original. This means I also added new events for the new environments, including new puzzles! There are a lot of new things to discover, and you can also learn new things about the characters.
However, the main inconvenience is that I can’t reuse anything from the old version. I must create everything from scratch, including:
◆Creating new dialogues when you interact with the new elements. ◆Adding new visual effects. ◆Creating new events that match the aesthetic of each map. ◆Adding new sound effects (voice acting and terrain sounds) ◆Adjusting old cutscenes to the new environment. ◆Creating new puzzles, depending on the map. ◆And more! The list is long!
So, in the end, working on this remake is like working on a new game. A more detailed, polished and professional new game.
🌙🚂 About the developer 🚂🌙
I usually don’t post much about myself, since I’m quite shy! But I also wanted to talk about myself a bit more~ 
As you may already know, I’m Lydia, the creator of Aria’s Story and Midnight Train! I’m often told by my friends that it’s weird to use your real name on the internet, but I like using my name haha
I also use the name LydiaBluebell on social media. Why Bluebell? Because it’s a flower that means humility, constancy, gratitude and everlasting love, which I think summarizes perfectly my journey with game development 💙 Thanks to everyone that supports me, you have my gratitude and everlasting love!
🌙🚂 Final thoughts 🚂🌙
Oh…! I think I already wrote too much in this post! If you’re still reading this, thank you! I hope it wasn’t too boring…! Next time, I’d like to talk about more specific things!
If you’re curious about anything in particular about my creative process, don’t hesitate to ask a question and I’ll try to cover it in the next post! 
See you all next time!
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inkandpaintleopard · 1 month
Sorry for dying (<- stuff I would genuinely say irl) have some old-ish drawings of my minion-rabbit AU that nobody cares about but me
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Long rambly explanations for those last five under the cut:
Ok so like there are minions that appear ONLY in old promotional artwork and NEVER anywhere else. They would not, could not even, exist naturally in-universe, at least with the original design constraints. Here I present this fandom page screenshot
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And the original images for three of them (Fox appears in both images)
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Now, are these images official? Who the hell knows, that second one looks AI generated as hell, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to make characters out of these weirdos
I would also like to note these other two images:
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I really want someone to let me into wherever Illumination keeps their minion jpegs ‘cause Jesus Christ my brain can’t comprehend this probably-super-simple thing
So Spooky Month fandom: y’know hiest-4738’s OC Keb? Love that dude, his origin trips me out beyond reason. I’m kinda thinking of these minions the same way I think about Keb; here are some mysterious lost media-lookin dudes, let’s make them characters. I use all minion names that the fandom wiki gives, because regardless of how accurate it is, what else am I gonna do
My current headcannons are that these guys are some of the very earliest clones, when Gru still wasn’t entirely sure what he was doing, resulting in him making strange and unnatural minions. I think Harold is more or less a modified Kevin clone (due to that second image), Fox is a sort of mix of a short and tall minion, and Harley is a modified one-eye minion clone (with his “model” later being reused for Ralph once Gru had full control over minion genetics)
And then there’s that guy from the CONCEPT art:
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(Ok but like how interesting is minion concept art like look what we could’ve had in a D-Sides timeline)
And I would like to think that that’s Harold on the end there
So for this dude, I’ve decided that since he literally comes from the concept art, he’s the first clone that Gru ever made (I believe in the clone theory with all my goddamn heart, it’s not theory it’s fact). He wasn’t a clone of any minion in particular, with Gru creating him simply to see if he could. I might retcon all this if I decide to make characters out of even earlier concept art, but that’s my idea for now
This makes no sense to anyone but me, feel free to ask about it
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Put your detective skills to work, who is @abscourse (and is it Katie)
Detective Aspen is backkkk
and I’m suspicious of @alaydabug2
(sorry anon)
okay first piece of evidence: @abscourse ‘s first reblog was of one of Alayda’s posts
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Alayda and abscourse also have similarities in how they type
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In these screenshots I have circled a misspelling and capitalization in the tags.
Btw, this isn’t a call out for spelling errors, I’m not the spelling police I misspell things all the time😅, it’s just a connection between the two.
So anyways, here’s some similarities with Alayda misspelling things and capitalizing tags:
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Also, when asked about their identity abscourse usually answers yes or no (if in different languages…)
but when asked if they are Alayda
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Why would it be a good guess?? Unless @abscourse is Alayda
also it’s worth noting that since @abscourse was created 7 hours ago Alayda hasn’t been posting or reblogging to defend Keefe having abs, which is something she’d been doing before hand. Abscourse has been instead defending Keefe’s abs.
anyways because I’m a thorough detective here is the anti-evidence, aka proof that it’s not Alayda:
for one, Alayda has posted a screenshot proving she doesn’t have any side blogs:
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AND it’s different from the one she posted a while ago, meaning we can’t prove it’s reused or old.
Old screenshot:
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However it could still be an old screenshot, especially if she was preparing for scrutiny before creating the blog.
another anti-proof is when abscourse didn’t know who Isa was when asked. I think @permanently-stressed and Alayda are mutual who interact pretty frequently so that didn’t make a whole lot of sense.
anyways, if this proves wrong I’ll search Katie, but for now my main suspect is @alaydabug2
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