#I think I took a picture of one of the drawings but it's on my old tablet :[
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aeribbon · 9 hours ago
hello, could you do bf!Lando Norris headcanons x childhood bestfriend!reader? Thank you!!
bf!lando x childhood bestfriend!reader headcanons
warning; english isn't my first language + 2nd proof reading will be done soon
an; thank you so much for this request, i enjoyed making it !! requests are open !
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✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who will always starts conversations with you by "omg remember when…" and proceeds to tell lies like when he used to "beat” you at mario kart but in reality you were the one winning everytime.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who is always himself when he’s with you, never embarrassed to show his personality as you’ve known him since forever.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who never remembers when you guys actually started dating as the transition from best friends to lovers is blurry for both of you ! especially as everyone around you always assumed you were together since forever.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who always expresses his gratitude towards you for being here and being his biggest supporter since the start, even before your kart days together as you were racing along side him.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who you sometimes still see as the little boy from bristol, the guy who is always ashamed after a bad race, the guy who hugs his mom the second he gets home, the guy who you would always trust your life to.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who was your first kiss and you were his too.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who has the biggest collection of photos of you, either embarrassing photos or the prettiest pictures ever taken of you. he has put up with taking your photos for years and has mastered the perfect angles, lights,…
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO always knew you were going to be his endgame, he wrote it in his journal when he was 12 and ever since, has never left your side.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who was jealous of your boyfriend during high school but never said anything because at the end of the day he knew you would always chose him over your boyfriend.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who still wears the matching bracelet you made him when you were 8 years old and has refused to throw it away for years. but as you saw how faded away and ugly it has gotten you made him a new one last year. now he wears both !
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who has never changed the sleepovers routine, even after you started dating. he would constantly steals the snacks you have chosen after he said he didn’t want them and yet you still share them with him. or him falling asleep first and snoring like crazy.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who still calls your mum "mum" as she’s basically his second mother. he randomly sends her pictures, updates her about your life, asks her for recipe so that he can cook for you.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who has a picture of you guys as children in his wallet just beside his favorite polaroid he took of you, the same goes for you.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who will tell you stories from back in the days whenever you feel a bit down, he even recounts his embarrassing stories when you ridiculously beat him in sports during middle school. he knows how to make your smile come back.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who confesses at random times that he knew you were the one such as when he’s washing the dishes or when you are brushing your teeth. "i’ve always wanted this, i’ve dreamt of this".
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who constantly sends old pictures of you guys, whether it’s 3am or moments before a race. he always thinks of you, when he sees a tiktok that might make you laugh, when he knows you would like this kind of outfit or he would see a post about a movie that you would probably love. he never hesitates to send them to you with the little text "this reminded me of you 🩷".
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who had both of your initials in a small corner of his helmet since his karting days and never removed them since.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who draws heart in the inside of you palm whenever you guys are holding hands. he has this habit since forever.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who would always remember you to do that little pre-race tradition that you have since he started racing cars. it’s just a little good luck from you and big big hug but it means a lot for him.
✮⋆˙ BF!LANDO who made you start a “one day" jar where you’ve put notes of things you’ve wanted to do with the other since your teenage years. he once wrote "travel the world with you when i’ll be in f1" while you would write things like "do pancakes without burning them". finally he just recently put the latest note behind your back "marry her".
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renguro · 1 day ago
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Now that S2 is almost over, I wanted to finally get out that post talking about all of the insights and things I did, learned, or other fun stuff about the countdown pieces I made. I still have something in mind for the S2 finale, so maybe if you read (or skip) to the end I'll have a preview for you?
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Oh god here we go One day I was coming home from work and decided to check how many days there were until the new season released and I found it was 7 days. So I did all of these in 7 days. Literally everyone was worried about me because I did nothing but draw for those 7 days.
... Except for when I went back to work. I worked I came home and then drew until I literally couldn't anymore lmao. I remember being dazed and exhausted after the Clock Keepers and my dad came up to my room literally right as I finished and asked, "Have you gone to sleep?" And I said, "NOPE! :D" I was living on energy drinks
I'm also 90% sure this started the "ren you're doing too much you need to chill the hell out" thing with me and my friends now
When I was doing these, I had only read the first ten volumes of Hanako-kun at the time, so I was stopped right in the middle of Picture Perfect. I had the second box set, but I just hadn't gotten the time to read it since I got it for Christmas. That means I didn't know Shijima's full deal, and I didn't even know Hakubo's name, so I was winging it hard.
All of the full pieces are linked by clicking their names :)
You can tell from the speedpaint I was struggling hard with the pose lmao. I honestly felt like the one I chose was a cop-out and didn't feel energetic enough, but the time crunch got me. At this point, I was also really unsure about how I wanted to treat the colors, because I'd only just started dipping into seriously studying how Aida does it. So many references. And him wearing basically all black didn't help I wanted to scream. I was TRYING to keep everything as solid colors without falling back on overlay and multiply layers, but I got desperate. Still looks pretty good I think.
My favorite part was probably the hakujoudai and the detailing on his collar/shoulders! If I were to edit anything, I think I'd put more on the bottom half of the background because it feels a touch empty. kinda killed it on this pant leg and his hat tho
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Like I said, I had no idea who Hakubo was. For the first half of things, I couldn't even find his name, I was just calling him "Shinigami-sama..." I wasn't going to go trampling into spoilers just for references either, so I was freaking out on what to do for the background. All I knew was that there was something to do with lotuses or bugs, and already having an idea of where I'd take Tsuchigomori, I took the lotus route. I uh also hope I didn't make his face too feminine. I don't know why but when drawing male characters who are larger or more built (even if it didn't turn out obvious in this piece) I somehow keep making them look like butches.
Shading his hair was the most fun part out of all of this, I usually never draw characters with hair as short as his, so it was a fun challenge! I'm also just a sucker for kimonos and flowy clothes. He was probably one of the most fun ones for me, even if he was so early on. I LOVE the texture I got on the skull. (even if it's technically too small.)
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Tsuchigomori onwards ALL used this sticky note full of thumbnails I drew at work for reference. Yes that is a note next to him that says + cuntier. He was also drawn on the same day that I did Hakubo, so I managed to buy myself some extra time.
I was so excited for this one because I could see it so well in my mind's eye, until I realized how many hands I'd need to draw. And then I sucked it up and locked in because I love Tsuchigomori. I'm so pleased with how I worked in more of the blues into the shading and his hair. It was at this point that I think I was understanding how I wanted to take the colors for all of these pieces! I enjoyed doing the fun trick I learned with the weave on his sweater and the spiderwebs where I drew a thick like and then erased the middle. Nearly forgot the markings on his forehead too lmao.
I wonder whose black book he's reading?
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Oh Shijima. I truly had zero real clue about her, and I managed to dodge spoilers about Mei even when I was looking up references. That's why she's painting using her paintbrush clone haha. It's still cute though, so I'm keeping it. Her hair kept giving me trouble because it's the kind of hair you draw and don't really realize just how big you're drawing it until you have to fix it. Actually, I'm having that exact issue on what I'm working on right now, and I'll fix it after I take a break.
I dug up a comment I made while I was working on it and I still stand by this.
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There's also something a little odd about the positioning of her chin that I was too exhausted to fix, and I SUPER fudged the coloring on her hair. Also I really didn't know what to put in the background OTHER than the atelier, but I can't really draw buildings! So uh! The exhaustion was beginning to set in after 3 days of this. (Since Hakubo and Tsuchigomori were done on the same day. I didn't keep that time advantage for long though.)
think i fudged it okay, though.
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I was struggling on Mitsuba some because that thing where you see/read something and then forget about it only for it to arise as something you think you did happened. That pose I thumbnailed on the sticky note was WAY too close to the official Hell of Mirrors standee/art. Luckily I contain extreme Mitsuba bias (shocker) and I was able to figure it out. I had a ton of problems shading his coat just like I did with Hanako. It's so hard to keep things from melding together when you've mostly got them wearing black.
It's an odd thing to be proud about, but I feel I did the best on the.. Legs of his pants, the chains and lockets, and the eyes and teeth on his jacket. That and the ribcage scarf. I'm really disappointed in myself for the background and his hair, if I'm being honest. I wanna fix his eyes. I STILL haven't figured out his hair either too. Which makes me even more surprised that my friends said, ren, your bias is showing on this one because I was like IS IT??? ARE YOU CERTAIN?
his hand turned out nice too and did i mention i had fun on the ribcage
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I sketched the first initial draft for Yako on the same day I drew Hakubo and Tsuchigomori, but when it finally came time to sit down and draw her? I realized there would be so much empty space where I couldn't have fun with colors and it'd just be the white back of her kimono, so I turned her around and scrapped the idea of her fox form curling around her. I couldn't fit fox Yako in, and I'm STILL kind of bummed about that.
The flow of her hair was so much fun to figure out, as well as the patterns on her kimono. I'm really happy with the background, combining the aspects of the Misaki Stairs' original version and the one after she's been removed from her seat with the spider lilies. The lilies themselves are a little fudged if you look too close, so... Don't look too close? :3
loved the kimono. every bit. can't believe i had her turned around.
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Uh okay some good things to say about this one... The colors were a ton of fun to figure out how to place, and I think I at least did a good job on that part. Shading gold things is always really fun! And at least Akane's ponytail was fun to make flow, I was riding the high from Yako's hair here. I think I got a lot of that fun flowy movement in here, which I'm pleased about. This was another one that my friends say turned out the best, again that I'm ??? about.
these cogs are my everything
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All of the kanji's colorings for their numbers were taken directly from the anime! I don't really wanna get rid of that fun reference even if in like, Tsuchigomori's case the colors are REALLY different from the main piece.
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Most of the first day was spent on, Hanako of course, and then setting up the frames for everyone else to go into. I spent money to get the patterns to go on the colored part, actually. Constraining everyone to the frames helped a LOT in terms of balancing myself and made it fun to choose what elements would stick outside of them. If I pushed for entire full backgrounds, then I would have been doing even worse.
I was on the ropes at the end. I was half dead and drawing like I was possessed. And the catharsis of it being done and it all looking acceptable just. Ough. I don't know if I'll ever have a high like that again. There's an evil, evil part of me that says, ren! redraw all of them for s3 under the exact same constraints! And shit I might but I'll complain about it. I think it's more likely though that I go back and doctor them up some so I can print them as standees. Probably just for myself, but I do want to build a stock for artist alleys.
I had so, so much fun overall even if it was so much it really could have put my already bad health in more danger. I learned so much about coloring, lineart, framing things, and I really attribute my gauntlet to the explosion in my art progress. That, and my sheer adoration for this series. Am I rambling? I just love TBHK. It's only been 5 months since I first discovered it and it's done so, so much for me.
Even if you went and scrolled through all of this nonsense, which I don't blame you for, here's a little preview of what I'm trying to finish by next week for the finale.
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I can't believe we're on the final episode! It's so close now, and it keeps flooring me how little time has really passed. I'll try and push to get SOMETHING else done before then, but we'll see. I've got so much I want and have to get done.
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nordickies · 12 hours ago
Hi! I absolutely love your art—you have such a unique and beautiful style! I was wondering, what’s your art process like? Have you ever done a guide on your creative process? I’d love to learn more about how you bring your pieces to life! xx
Hi! And thank you so much!! <3 I have never made one, so I decided to be smart and save up my progress this time around
I don't think I do anything particularly different from any other artist. When inspiration hits, I open up my art program and start sketching basic shapes, circles and lines. From these general guidelines, I begin my sketch layer, usually beginning with the eyes/nose/mouth, then adding other features around it. During this part, I may heavy-handedly change things around, and usually I end up redrawing the sketch to make perceiving the lineart easier!
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I'll be honest, I hate making the lineart of the drawing - that's usually where my motivation ends if it doesn't look good on the first attempt lol. But then I fill in the base colors. I use the same character color palettes each time for cohesion. Then I add my shading, airbrush to create softer transitions, change hues or add filters depending on the vibe, and fill backgrounds. Lastly, I usually do color dodge and linear burn to give the pictures some depth. And add some other details, like sparkles or speech bubbles (I'm obsessed with them, lock me up)
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If I see mistakes or something that I want to change, I'm usually too lazy to go back and edit every single layer, so I just "paint over" the area in a new layer. Which is sometimes the most fun part! The thing is that I'm incredibly impatient with basically everything I do, and you'll see that in my art too if you zoom in closer (so please don't do that)
And that's the piece finished!
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That's how my process goes. This piece here took about 5 hours; comics usually take closer to 10-15 hours. It always depends; sometimes everything just goes smoothly and perfectly the first try, sometimes not!
As a little challenge in the end, feel free to download this transparent lineart version and try coloring the piece yourself with your style <3
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Hope this was what you were asking for, anon!!
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Tired Love
Sorry for the lack of updates. Been really tired and drowning in school work. Here's yet another addition to my Hunter series.
Summary: Memories and the weather cloud your mind but Bucky's presence always shines so brightly that it drives the darkness away
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If someone ever asked who was the small spoon in your relationship with Bucky, the both of you would fight over the answer, insistent that the other one was the small spoon. In truth, it always changed, depending the mood of the day. Today, it was your turn to be the small spoon.
It was a chilly day, having just rained heavily but you sat outside at the balcony, letting the wind howl in your ears. Your knees were tucked to your chest, arms wrapped tightly around yourself as your hair stood on end, trying its best to protect you from the cold.
"I thought you hated the cold." A low voice sounds from beside you. Heat emanates from the body that seats itself next to you and you lean against it. An arm snakes itself around your waist, pulling you in.
"It's not cold," you mumble and he chuckles, the sound vibrating within his chest.
"Sure it isn't, love. That's why your hair is standing, right?" Blue eyes twinkle in amusement and the corners of lips tug upwards, causing you to smile in return.
"Yeah, that's right." You snuggle against him, a finger tracing patterns on his thigh. You feel him press a kiss to the top of your head, gloved metal hand brushing against your exposed flesh hand and your fingers intertwine with his.
"I managed to make Steve fall into the lake today," he hums. "He didn't see it coming."
"Did he drag you down with him?" Your thumb brushes over the back of his hand and starts drawing circles on it.
"He couldn't grab me in time. I learned from the previous incident and moved out of the way the moment he tripped over my foot," Bucky crows victoriously, smirking as he recalls what happened. "You should have heard the words that followed the splash, I never knew he could swear like that!"
"Well, clearly he's been taking some swearing classes from Tony." You can't help but laugh, trying to picture the scene in your head. "So that's why he was so grumpy when he came into the living room! He looked like he just took a shower!"
Bucky laughs, eyes sparkling with mirth. "He did take a shower in the lake!"
Your heart grows warm at the sound of his laughter ringing out in the cold still air and you find yourself grinning like an idiot, gazing at him fondly.
"So, the notorious Hunter can actually stop giving murderous looks. It's not permanently glued to your face, I was beginning to think it was." Bucky flicks you in the forehead, easily dodging your lazy attempt to return the favour. You groan, annoyed, and drop your head into his lap, burying your face into his thigh.
"I hate you," you mumble with zero malice.
"Love you too, babe." He ruffles your hair and you let out another annoyed noise, much to his amusement. Still, you remain on his lap, not wanting to move from your source of comfort. His cologne fills your nose, a pleasant smell that mingles with the fresh scent of the rain, and you find yourself playing with the fabric of his pants.
His fingers comb through your hair, strands twirling around his index finger as he plays with them and you find yourself starting to doze off. Your eyes struggle to remain open, the rhythmic massages on your scalp lulling you to sleep and you let out a yawn.
"Well someone's tired," Bucky hums, giving your cheek a poke.
"Excellent deduction, master detective." You roll your eyes, suppressing the other yawn that's trying to escape.
"Do you want to move to the bed?" He ignores your jab, gently brushing your hair out of your face.
"I'm comfy here." You reach up to trace his jaw. "Too tired to move anyways."
He leans into your touch when you cup his cheek, pressing a kiss to your open palm. "So you're going to subject me this uncomfortable position for the next few hours while you take a nap on my lap like a princess?"
"Sounds good." You smile before yawning again. "I might actually end up doing that."
Bucky sighs but his lips are curved upwards, "as you wish, princess."
"I'm not a princess."
"Sure you aren't."
"I'm—" Yawn. "—I'm a…"
You doze off despite your best efforts and Bucky lets his thumb gently brush over your skin where your shirt has ridden up, exposing your waist.
"You're the light of my life," he murmurs softly. "Even if you can't see that."
He watches as your chest rises and falls with each breath you take, oblivious to the world around you. Today was the day you'd killed your mother, the first person to truly love you, and the memories were clearly eating away at you.
It was easy to tell when something was weighing on your mind, the unnatural silence and distant look in your eyes always gave it away. The others could never really tell though, maybe it was the way you'd always smile and wave it off that fooled them, but you could never fool Bucky. He always knew.
"I wish I knew how to make you feel better. You always suffer alone, and I hate seeing you in pain." Bucky knows you can't hear him but it gives him the courage to say it all out loud. "You always know how to make me feel better, and I want to do the same for you."
You curl tighter into him and Bucky's breath hitches. His throat tightens, heart thundering in his chest as he freezes in place, hoping he hadn't woken you up. You hadn't slept properly in the past week, ripped from peaceful slumbers by nightmare after nightmare as memories crashed into your dreams, turning them red. This was the first time he had seen you sleeping so well, and he didn't want to ruin it.
Your breathing remained the same, chest rising and falling in the same pattern. Bucky lets out a quiet sigh of relief, murmuring a soft apology before resuming his vigil, ensuring no one disturbs you. It doesn't take long for the quietness of the gloomy afternoon and the rhythmic sound of your breathing to lull him to sleep, his eyelids drooping as he struggles to stay awake but he's fighting a losing battle.
You wake a few hours later, feeling far more rested than you've been in the past week and find Bucky lying on the floor, passed out. His brown hair is splayed all over the floor and his legs are still crossed, acting as a pillow for your head. His flesh hand remains resting on your waist, a grounding warmth in your grogginess. His metal arm is stretched out by his side and his lips are slightly parted, the perfect picture of cuteness.
Slipping your phone out of your pocket, you take a quick snapshot of the serene moment before lying back down on his lap, smiling contentedly. This felt nice, the warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart.
Maybe you do genuinely love him after all. Or it could just be the tired side of you being unable to process what's going on. It is, however, nicer to think that you are still capable of truly loving someone, and be truly loved back. So even if it's a fever dream, you cling onto this feeling, and reassure yourself that there's still a part of you that's human, that can love and be loved.
Because you're not sure if you can go on living without it.
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magic-worms · 3 months ago
so like i did not expect at all for my tf2 baboon post to get so popular or to see a ton of new followers from it. but that’s what happened. i can’t believe you guys like isa so much
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you like her?? my little baby monkey?? my seven year old sweet little baby typing monkey??? well you’re in luck because i like her too and i haven’t been able to stop drawing her. here’s some family doodles
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+ a couple scoutlings ^_^
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valentimmy · 6 months ago
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I added color to it look at them
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arielluva · 2 years ago
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look within
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heheheehheheeh them
i did my research, they are all giving things that are common offerings to dionysus:
code is giving him honey, deuce is giving him grapes and track, ivy
sooooo yeah i got permission to draw them and so i did just that (i swear, it was supposed to be simpler at first, i’m sorry (for the record, procreate says this has a total of 11k+ strokes lol) but it’s ok, what wouldn’t I do for a bunch of gay skeletons )
quick doodle under the cut u-u
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they’re so silly to me
code belongs to @callmeherry
track belongs to @ken-tfc
deuce belongs to @gutsroses
dionysus belongs to @javaxzun
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lies-of-fox · 21 days ago
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I hope it's fine to see Sir Carlo like this 😏
Reference meme and details under the cut-
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dozzerxb · 2 months ago
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fem leopika wedding
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chiropteracupola · 1 month ago
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Make me a boat of elm and I’ll row myself to sea / Soon I’d miss the anchor that never let me leave / Thinking on my darling, lonesome at the helm / Oh, make me a boat of elm, a boat of elm...
my half of an art trade with the amazing @emilybeemartin — here's Colm, from her trilogy Creatures of Light! ...from longstanding tradition, we know full well that I will always be found drawing the most melancholic boatsguy you have on hand.
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zincfingermotif · 7 months ago
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spoiled brat
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tainebot01 · 3 months ago
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Magical Girls >:D
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And a surprise sighting of the rare and elusive creature known as Hugh O’ the Conner, who seems to be running rather late for archery practice…
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w1f1n1ghtm4r3 · 8 months ago
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anhane week day 2 (seasons) - filling in a photo album of memories
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loppiopio · 1 year ago
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in a flash.
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apologetic-artist · 9 days ago
Steve is the saltiest man ever in my AU, bitch dies then comes back just because. But, maybe the reason why he's sooo damn salty is that he's short
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MF barely taller than duck
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