#I think I liked gaga’s look too but I have to take a closer look
evansbby · 1 year
me looking at all the met outfits: 😐
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
pairing: Peter Parker x reader
synopsis: the only good part of your job at Dick’s Sporting Goods is how often Peter comes in to buy repairs for his suit
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“Back so soon?”
“What?” Peter looked up and pulled his earbud out when he heard you say something. You chuckled when you heard the music coming through his earbuds and continued scanning the spandex shirt he was buying.
“You were here two nights ago.” You reminded him. “And four days before that. You’re here all the time, actually.”
“Yeah, I am. How’d you know that?” Peter blushed as you handed him the bag of his stuff. You looked around for anyone who might be listening before motioning for Peter to come closer. His blush deepened and he leaned across the register.
“I work here.” You whispered in his ear. You cracked a smile as you leaned back and pointed to the Dick’s Sporting Goods logo on your uniform shirt.
“Right.” He laughed shyly. “Sorry.”
“It’s all cool. I’m sorry that I work here too.” You shrugged, making Peter laugh again.
“It can’t be that bad, can it?”
“The name of the store is Dick’s.” You said flatly. “And apparently, that’s the only kind of people they hire here.”
“Yeah. I asked someone for help finding the nuts and bolts and he asked if I looked in my mouth.” Peter admitted. Your jaw dropped in surprise before you burst out laughing.
“Who was it?” You asked him. “Did he have red hair?”
“Yeah. In the hardware section.”
“Fucking Jeremy. I’ll kick his ass for you, okay? I’m pretty sure he’s like 13 or something but I’ll still do it.” You said, and Peter couldn’t tell if you were joking or not.
“That’s really not necessary.” He laughed shyly.
“All right.” You nodded. “Just know that I would. I’ve been looking for a reason to kick his ass anyway.”
“Why?” Peter wondered.
“Didn’t you see his face? It’s so punchable. Plus, he watches videos in the break room at full volume with no earbuds in. And if he thinks the video is funny, he’ll rewatch it multiple times. So then we all have to hear this loud, unfunny video multiple times. It drives me crazy. He deserves to get his ass kicked. I might do it just for fun now.”
“His face was pretty punchable.” Peter admitted.
“Can we hurry this up? This is taking way too long.” A man behind Peter complained, making your smile fall.
“That’s what she said.” You mumbled as you grabbed Peters receipt.
“To him.” Peter replied. You looked up at him and smiled in surprise.
“Because he’s probably bad at sex.” Peter explained in a weak voice.
“No, I got it. And I appreciated it. Thanks.”
“No problem.” Peter laughed shyly.
“One last question for you. Then I have to help Mr. Clean with his very important purchase of golf ball cleaner.” You said as you nodded towards the guy behind Peter.
“Oh, sure. Ask away.”
“Are you listening to Judas by Lady Gaga?” You asked and pointed to Peters earbuds. He turned red in embarrassment and thought about lying, but you clearly already knew.
“It’s her best song.” He said simply.
“Oh, I know that.” You assured him. “I just wanted to make sure that you know that.”
“Oh, I do.” He matched your tone, making you smile.
“Well all right then. Have a good night. See you really soon probably.” You teased him.
“Yeah. See you soon.” Peter smiled at you as he took his receipt.
Peter practically skipped out of Dicks that night. He frequented the store every time his suit needed a repair and had seen you working there a few times, forever looking miserable behind the cash register. He just never thought you’d notice him too.
A few nights later, Peter busted the eye on his mask while on patrol. He dropped his suit off at home and when to Dick’s Sporting Goods to get something to replace it. When he brought it up to the register to buy and smiled when he saw you.
“Hey.” You smirked at him and blew a bubble with your gum.
“Hey.” He smiled softly at you.
“What?” He asked. You wordlessly held up a pack of Big League Chew and blew another bubble.
“Oh, no thank you. I’m driving.” He replied without thinking. He felt embarrassed for malign a stupid joke but you cracked up over it.
“I use that joke all the time.” You laughed. “Except I usually say “no thanks, I’m trying to quit.” I haven’t heard that one before.”
“I like yours better.” Peter tried to flirt.
“You can steal it. I won’t mind.” You winked at him and blew another big pink bubble. Peter gulped as you handed him his bag.
“Thanks. Have a good night.”
“You too.” You called after him as he left the store.
He returned a few days later, not that he needed anything. He was here for you this time. He came into the store at night with a plan to learn your name. It wasn’t much, but it was a step towards getting to know you better.
“Hey, Judas Boy.” You waved to Peter from behind the register.
“Hey, Dick’s girl.” He waved back and grabbed some spandex before heading to the register.
“Oh, thank God.” You said sarcastically. “You haven’t bough red and blue spandex shirts in almost a week. I was worried you were going to run out.”
“I almost did. This week has not been easy.” Peter humored you. You smiled when he played along and put his stuff into a bag.
“How come you guys don’t wear name tags?” Peter asked you as he put his plan into action.
“We’re supposed to. We’re also supposed to wear hard shoes and khaki pants.” You said behind your hand and pointed your foot out from behind the register to show him your leggings and crocs.
“I see. Not much of a rule follower?”
“I can be. But not for Dicks. Nothing for Dicks.” You said with such passion he couldn’t tell if you were kidding or not.
“But where else can you find a spandex section like this?” Peter joked and held up his bag.
“Models. Target. Walmart. Patagonia.“ You started to list off.
“Okay, sure.” Peter agreed. “But Dicks is the only one that carries red and blue.”
“Oh, I see. And red is blue is the only kind you can buy?” You chuckled.
“Obviously. What am I supposed to wear? Black?” Peter grimaced, making you laugh again.
“Why do you need all this stuff anyway? I’ve always wondered that. Why could you possibly be doing that you need all this red and blue spandex clothing?”
“Cause I’m Spiderman.” Peter said with a simply shrug. He held his breath and hoped you take that as a joke, which of course, you did.
“That’s hot.” You smirked and handed him his receipt.
“Have a good night.” He told you.
Peter was back just a few nights later. He never actually learned your name, so he technically had an excuse to return. He brought a spandex shirt up to the register and you laughed when you saw it.
“I think you’re single handedly funding our red and blue spandex supply.”
“Really? I’m the only one who buys it?”
“Just you.” You nodded. “My boss said he wasn’t gonna order anymore but I told him that would be making one special customer very unhappy.”
“You told him to order more just for me?” Peter smiled shyly and felt his blush go all the way to his ears.
“Duh.” You scoffed. “I gotta earn that sweet, sweet $15 an hour somehow. Pleasing one specific customer is how I choose to do it.”
“$15 an hour to work by yourself every night is insane. But I don’t even get paid for my job, so I’m not one to talk.”
“What is your job?” You wondered.
“I told you. I’m Spiderman.”
“No, but really.” You laughed. Peter looked down at the spandex and tried to think of any other profession that could explain why he was always buying it.
“I’m a male ballerina.” He said finally.
“For real?” Your eyes widened. “That’s way cooler.”
“Cooler than Spiderman?”
“Hell yeah.” You scoffed. “I’ve never seen Spiderman do a pas de deux.”
“I’ve never seen anyone do a pack de- um…”
“Pas de deux.” You chuckled when he couldn’t say the word.
“Yeah. That.” He blushed again.
“Have a good night then, nutcracker.” You said with a wink.
“Night, Dick‘s girls.”
The next time Peter came into the store, he had to stay away from the spandex section. May was getting suspicious about why he was buying so much when his suit didn’t have any visible damage, so he had to think of something else.
“Gummy worms?” You asked as Peter dropped a bag of sour gummy worms on the counter.
“You sell them. So I’m buying them.” He shrugged. You laughed as you scanned it and looked up at him.
“Do you live around here?”
“About 4 blocks away.” He answered. “Why?”
“Because this is New York. Which means you had to have passed, at the very least, 4 corner stores to get here. All of which sell gummy worms. And yet, you chose to walk all the way to a sporting goods store to get them. Why is that?” You asked as you leaned on the counter.
“I didn’t need spandex tonight.” He admitted as a blush painted his cheeks.
“Then why’d you come out here?” You smirked.
“Because I’m a stalker. And I’m learning your schedule so I can smite you and wear your skin.” He replied without thinking. He held his breath again but was sure you would not find a joke about him killing you to be funny. But to his surprise, you smirked in amusement.
“That’s hot.” You said replied. “Can you cover my shifts for me once you start wearing my skin?”
“Sure.” He shrugged.
“Cool. Enjoy your worms.” You chuckled and handed him his candy. Peter was about to leave when he decided to rip open the bag and hand you a worm.
“For your troubles, madam.” He said, then made a dash for the door. He heard you laughing as he walked out into the street, making it all worth while.
Peter returned to the store the next day but felt his heart sink in disappointment when he didn’t see you behind the register. He turned to leave and jumped when you were standing right behind him.
“Have you ever seen Black Swan?” You asked him.
“What? Jesus Christ. You scared me.” He said and put his hand over his pounding heart.
“You’re a male ballerina, right? You must’ve seen Black Swan.”
“No. I’ve never heard of it.” Peter answered as his eyes darted to the side.
“That was the face of a man who has 100% seen lezzy wet dream scene from Black Swan.” You laughed and pointed to him.
“Maybe once or twice.” His whispered.
“Well I’m going on break now and I was gonna go watch it in the storage room.”
“Oh. That sounds fun.”
“You wanna come?” You asked him like it was the most casual suggestion in the world. Peter looked around to see if any customers or employees were watching before following you into the back. He knew he shouldn’t be walking through a door that said “employees only”, but he wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity to hang out with you.
“Am I allowed back here?” Peter whispered and stayed close behind you.
“Probably not.” You shrugged and led him to the storage room. You shut the door behind the two of you and sat down on one of the shelves.
“Will you get in trouble?” Peter asked as he took a seat beside you.
“Maybe.” You shrugged again and pulled the movie up on your phone.
“I don’t want to get you in trouble with your manager. I’d feel horrible.”
“Dude, my manger is 17 and high as a kite right now.” You snorted. “He won’t care as long as we don’t interrupt his vape session.”
“Oh. Okay.” Peter relaxed and leaned against the wall. You shoulders were touching and he realized this was the closest you’d ever been.
“Here. I didn’t want to subject you to using a strangers earbuds so I stole this from the front.” You said as you pulled new earbuds out of your pocket. You tore them out of the plastic casing and plugged them into your phone before offering Peter one.
“They’re your favorite colors, right?” You asked in a soft voice. The earbuds were red and blue, the only colors Peter ever bought. They weren’t actually his favorite colors, just the color of his suit, but he thought it was cute that you specifically got this pair thinking he’d like the colors.
“Yeah. Red and blue are great.” He smiled softly and put his earbud in. You put the other in and started the movie. Peter couldn’t pay attention to a single second because the smell of your perfume was triggering all his senses. He stared at you instead of the screen until his eyes landed on the earbuds connecting you.
“I can’t believe you stole for me.” He said with a smug grin.
“Relax. I don’t do it often. But I did also steal these for you.” You said and pulled a pack of gummy worms out of your other pocket. Peters face lit up and he opened the worms before handing you one. Your fingers touched at one point when you both reached for a word and he gulped.
“When did you take these anyway?” He wondered.
“A couple hours ago when I first clocked in.” You replied. “I made sure to wait until I was on the company’s time before I took them. I don’t do anything here until I’m on the company’s time.”
“So you knew you were going to ask me to watch this with you when you first got here?” He asked as a smile crossed his face. You looked up from the movie and sheepishly turned to face him.
“You always come in at this time. And I’ve always wanted to see this movie. I figured you’d like it because you like ballet. Is that weird?” You asked, sounding nervous for the first time.
“No. It’s not weird.” Peter shook his head to assure you. You smiled in appreciation and nodded before turning back to the movie. Peter was able to focus on it now, but couldn’t stop sneaking glances at you.
“I love getting paid to watch gay movies.” You sighed happily as the movie neared its end.
“You need to make money somehow. God, I need a job. I’m gonna go broke from this store alone.”
“You’ve never looked at your receipt, have you?” You chuckled and looked over at him.
“No. Why?”
“Every time you come in here, I only charge you for tic tacs.” You admitted. “No matter what you buy, I just remove the tag and then scan a pack of wintergreen tic tacs.”
“Wait, seriously? Why?” He smiled curiously and turned to face you.
“Because then I can eat the tic tacs without feeling bad about stealing since you paid for them.” You shrugged. “And so that you don’t give all your money to Dick’s Sporting Goods just to fuel your spandex fetish. You only ever spend a dollar or so when you come here. I can’t believe you never realized that.”
“So you’ve been saving me money this whole time? Those shirts are like $15 each.”
“Isn’t that crazy?” You chuckled. “An hour of my work is worth a single, thin shirt. That makes me feel less guilty about never making you pay.”
“You’re really cool for that. Thanks.” Peter said sincerely.
“Yeah, well. I think you’re cool too.” You shrugged and looked down so he couldn’t see your smile. Peter stared at you with a dreamy smile on his face until he noticed the clock behind you.
“How long is your break?” He wondered.
“15 minutes.” You shrugged.
“15 minutes?! We’ve been back for over an hour.” Peter whispered harshly.
“Jeremys got it.” You waved your hand. “I cover for him all the time. He owes me.”
“Okay, good.” Peter sighed. “As long as you won’t get in trouble.”
“Will you stop worrying about me? I’ll be fine. You need to start breaking a few rules every now and then. Do you always do exactly what you’re expected to?”
“You’d be surprised.” Peter mumbled and debated telling you the reason he was always buying red and blue spandex. You noticed he had a far off look in his eyes and moved his chin to make him look at you.
“You never told me your name, by the way.” You said in a soft voice.
“It’s Peter.” He replied as his eyes dropped to your lips. “What’s yours?”
“Y/N!” Jeremey came barging into the m storage room, making you and Peter jump away from each other.
“Oh, there you are.” Jeremy smiled calmly. “Can you help me ring this guy up? He has a coupon but it’s expired.”
“So then he doesn’t have a coupon.”
“I know but he’s being really annoying about it and told me to get the manger but Kyle is vaping and said not to disturb him.” Jeremy whined.
“Damn, still? How long has this kid been vaping for? Are we even sure he’s alive?” Peter asked.
“Wait, who’s that?” Jeremy frowned and pointed to Peter. You and Peter exchanged a panicked look.
“That’s Peter. He works the night shift.” You said quickly.
“I’m Peter. I work the night shift.” Peter nodded in agreement.
“Oh. Okay. I don’t really care. You could’ve been back here smocking crack and sucking dick with a total stranger and I would not have batted an eye. Lord knows I’ve done it. But I do really need your help with the coupon.”
“Ugh. Fine.” You grumbled and got up to go follow Jeremy. Peter got up as well to let himself out.
“See you later, Peter.” You squeezed his arm before heading back to the register. Peter touched the part of his arm where you’d hand had been and smiled softly.
“See you later.”
Peter walked out of the store with a huge smile on his face. But loud noises coming from dumpster behind the store caught Peters attention. He climbed up the wall and walked along the roof so he could scope out what was going on. When Peter saw two guys trying to pick the lock to the back door, he quickly pulled his suit out of his backpack and put it on. He dropped down behind the two guys and cleared his throat when they didn’t hear him.
“Hey guys. I guess you didn’t see the front door. It’s right around the block under the huge, glowing sign that says Dick’s.” Peter said sarcastically. The guys stopped what they were doing and wiped around.
“Woah. It’s the Spiderman.” One of the guys gasped.
“Why do people always say “the” Spiderman?” Peter wondered. “It’s just Spiderman. I was very clear about that when I first started.”
“Let’s get this freak.” The other guy said and started walking towards Peter.
“Before we fight, I should let you guys know that two against one isn’t really fair when the one has web shooters.” Peter said as he raised his fists. His cocky smile disappeared when three more guys came out of the shadows and closed in on him. The five guys took turns punching and kicking Peter until he laid on the ground in a ball. He struggled to catch his breath and coughed up some blood as one of the guys delivered another kick to his stomach. One of them rolled him over and climbed on top of him with his fist raised in the air. Peter accepted his fate and was about to shut his eyes when a hammer, still in its package, came flying through the air and hit the guy in the head. The man grunted in pain and fell off of Peter. This gave Peter enough time to crawl away as more hammers were thrown in the direction of the men. Peter weakly looked up and saw you standing in the doorway with a bunch of hammers in your arms that you were haphazardly throwing at the men.
“Eat my hammer!” You yelled and threw another hammer at the head of one of the guys. Peter let out a weak laugh and clutched his side in pain.
“Dick’s girl?” He asked groggily.
“It’s Y/n.” You reminded him and threw another hammer. This time, one of the guys caught the hammer and started running towards you. Before Peter could get up to protect you, you pulled a bowling ball out from the floor beneath you and threw it at the guy. He was knocked to the ground as you pulled something else behind your bat. When you stepped under a streetlight, Peter as able to see you had taken a lacrosse stick from the store. You whacked one of the guys across the face so hard that he fell to the ground. You swept the leg of another guy, leaving only one standing. Peter held his aching body as you fearlessly walked up to the final goon.
“Spiderman over here is my friend. He’s one of the much, much friendlier Avengers. But not me. I’m fucking mental. I was trained in kung fu for the moment I could walk. I was raised to be a weapon. You don’t want to mess with me.” You said to the man as your rung the lacrosse stick in your hands.
“Oh please. I’ve taken shits bigger than you.” The man sneered and pointed to you. You smirked and caught his finger between your thumb and index finger while keeping your pinky upright.
“You see this? This is called the Wuxi Finger hold. If I bend my pinky, your chi is gonna be so fucked that all the bones in your body will break and half this block will be decimated.” You told him
“You’re bluffing.” He scoffed. “That’s not possible.”
“You wanna find out?” You asked and tightened your grip on his finger. The man’s eyes flicked between your face and his finger as he debated whether or not he believed you.
“This chick is crazy. Let’s get out of here.” The guys finally decided and took off running. The four others groaned as the got up and ran away as well. You sighed and threw the bloody lacrosse stick into the dumpster before looking down at Peter.
“So you’re not a male ballerina?”
“No. I’m Spiderman.”
“That’s not as cool.” You mumbled and bent down to help him sit up fully.
“Can you really break all his bones with one finger?” Peter asked you.
“Huh? Oh, no.” You chuckled. “I stole that shit from Kung Fu Panda. Those ska-douches clearly don’t have good taste in movies so they didn’t even realize.”
“Oh.” Peter smiled weakly. “Well, thanks for saving me.”
“You’re welcome, Peter. Come on.” You winked at him and carefully helped him stand up. You wrapped his arm around you and helped him limp his way into the break room. You raided the sports injury aisle before helped Peter up onto a table.
“Am I allowed to be back here?” Peter asked as he pulled his mask off.
“No one’s gonna know. Kyles vaping in the baseball aisle and Jeremy went home.” You said and set the supplies you had taken down on the table beside him.
“Are you allowed to take those?”
“You are quite a rule follower for the face of illegal vigilanteism, you know that?” You chuckled and opened a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
“I’m actually not a vigilante. I’m on Mr. Starks roster. We have government clearance.”
“Okay. So just tell yourself I have government clearance to steal these supplies.” You told him, making him laugh. You laughed as well and started to clean him up. Peter stared at you fondly as you patched up his wounds.
“I really appreciate you trying to help me, but I don’t want to get you in trouble.”
“I’m in charge of filling out the inventory catalogues when we get shipments. I can easily make it look like these supplies never existed. Don’t worry, okay? And even if I do get in trouble, it’ll be worth it.” You said without looking at him.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” Peter asked softly. “Why are you always so nice to me?”
“Because I like you.” You shrugged. “I think you’re cool.”
“You do?”
“Is that shocking?” You laughed and cleaned a cut above his eyebrow.
“Kinda. I’m kinda a loser.”
“Really? Because I didn’t see any losers out there tonight. You know, other than those five losers trying to break into a Dick’s sporting goods. I’m really glad all the golf pencils and eye paint are safe.” You said sarcastically. Peter laughed and rested his hands on your hips.
“I like you too, by the way.”
“You do?” You asked skeptically.
“A lot, actually. Sometimes, I don’t even need anything. I just come here and hope you’re working.”
“Well I asked my boss to only schedule me at night because you never come in during the day.” You playfully one upped him.
“Really? You did that because of me?” He smiled fondly.
“You coming in here is the only good thing about this place.” You answered honestly.
“You’re the only reason I come.” Peter told you.
“Ayo.” You snickered.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” He laughed sheepishly.
“It’s okay. It was funny.”
“No you know why I’m always in here buying spandex and random things. I bust up my suit a lot and the guy who made it for me isn’t around anymore.”
“It’s a pretty cool suit. I can’t even tell where you’ve patched it up. I guess our spandex is just really high quality.”
“You got some pretty cool clothes yourself. Not everyone can pull off Hunter green.”
“Wanna see something?” You asked and unzipped the green Dick’s zip up on had on to reveal a black T- shirt underneath that read “I heart Dick’s” with the stores logo in the heart.
“I heart dicks? No way that’s a real uniform.” Peter laughed and pulled on your shirt to read it better.
“Yep. I couldn’t believe it either. I guess the Boomers that make our uniforms don’t see penis humor in everything like our generation does. I tried to tell my boss that these shirts were ridiculous but he said he’d fire me if I didn’t wear it. Even though I literally hate Dick’s.”
“You do?”
“Not that kind of dick.” You laughed. “I meant the store. If this place burned down, I wouldn’t pee on it to put it out. In fact, I probably started the fire.”
“Then why don’t you quit?”
“I need a job.” You shrugged. “And they’re super understaffed so they give me a lot of hours. Plus, if I left, how would I see you?”
“We could hang out. Preferably not in a Dick’s sporting goods.” Peter suggested.
“That’s my favorite place to hang out.” You smiled. “Can I give you my number?”
“I mean, if you want.” Peter joked as he handed you his phone. You put his number in and handed it back to him.
“There. That’s my number.”
“It’s hot.” He said as he looked at it. He gulped and looked up at you, thinking you’d find that weird.
“You’re such a weirdo.” You chuckled. “You better text me.”
“I will. I promise.”
“Good.” You said and poked his chest. Peter stared at you for a moment as a smile tugged on his lips.
“Would it be weird if we kissed right now?” He asked you.
“Yes.” You scoffed. “You’re covered in blood and gravel.”
“Oh. Yeah. You’re right.” He blushed in embarrassment and nodded his head. You cracked a smile before wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss him. Peter felt love in that Dick’s Sporting Goods that night. It was all around him. The kiss ended sooner than he would’ve liked, but it was still perfect.
“Hey, you did it anyway.” He smiled in surprise.
“Yeah, well. I wanted to.” You laughed shyly and kept your arms around his neck.
“And then she kissed me anyway. And she got Neosporin all over her face. And my blood! It was insane, Ned. I wish you could’ve seen her with the lacrosse stick. She destroyed so much store property. It was incredible.” Peter jumped in excitement as he recanted the story to Ned the next day.
“You had your first kiss in Dicks sporting goods?” Ned whispered in awe.
“Uh huh.” Peter nodded.
“What are you guys talking about?” Flash asked as he stuck his head between Peter and Ned.
“Nothing.” Peter said quickly and gave Ned a look.
“Peter kissed the hot Dicks cashier.” Ned blurted.
“Ned!” Peter whispered harshly. “Why would you tell him that?”
“You kissed Alejandro?” Flash gasped and looked jealous.
“What? No. Who even is that?”
“I know all the Dicks sporting goods employees by name. I’m in there all the time buying golf and tennis and bad mitten shit because I’m rich as fuck. If it wasn’t Alejandro, then who was it?” Flash questioned.
“Her name is Y/n. She works the closing shift.” Peter told him.
“Wait, the one with the rebellious gleam in her eyes? No way you kissed her.” Flash snorted. “I’ve been trying to get her number for months.”
“Really? Because I got it last night.” Peter replied with a shrug.
“And a smooch.” Ned added. “On the mouth.”
“He knows where, Ned.” Peter whispered without taking his eyes off Flash.
“There is no way in hell that Penis Parker was macking on a hot cashier. And at Dick’s sporting goods no less.” Flash laughed loudly, drawing the attention of students passing by.
“It’s true.” Peter insisted. “And I don’t care if you believe me or not. Because I know it’s real.”
“Wow. You hear that, everybody? Penis Parker has a fake girlfriend!” Flash shouted in the hallway. People stopped to laugh and point at Peter, making him turn red.
“What? No I don’t.”
“He’s pretending he had a girlfriend who works at Dicks Sporting Goods to make up for the fact that no one will ever touch his dicks sporting goods.” Flash said even louder.
“Oh my God. Come on. Let’s get out of here.” Peter grumbled and Ned followed after him as he left. Once they were out of the crowd, Peter pulled his phone out and looked over your last conversation.
“Do you think it’s weird she hasn’t texted me back in a while?” He asked Ned.
“Well what was the last thing you guys talked about?”
“We were in the middle of a conversation about the best Adam Sandler movie and she ghosted me.” Peter said as he checked the time. Your shift had definitely started by now and he knew you texted on company time.
“Is she working tonight?”
“Yeah. Closing shift.”
“So go visit her.” Ned shrugged.
“What if she doesn’t want to see me?” Peter worried.
“She wouldn’t have kissed you if she didn’t like you.” Ned reminded him.
“I guess so. Okay. I’ll go see her after class.”
Once Peters last class ended, he pulled out his phone to call you as he walked in the direction of your store. You answered the phone but didn’t say anything.
“Hey. I was just thinking of you.” Peter said into the phone.
“Peter.” You whispered in a shaky voice. He could tell you were crying and froze in his tracks.
“I was planning on stopping by. Is everything okay?” He asked and quickened his pace in the direction of the store.
“No. I don’t think you should come in.” You said quietly. Peter stopped walking and felt his heart sink. You must’ve lost feelings after the kiss and didn’t want to hang out anymore.
“Oh. Oh, okay. No problem. I won’t come by.” He said and tried not to sound as disappointed as he felt.
“But maybe your friend can come in?” You asked, making his senses tingle.
“My friend?” He asked and started towards the store again.
“Yeah. The ballerina.” You replied and he knew exactly what you meant. Peter stopped in an alleyway to throw on his suit before running towards the store.
“Are you in danger?”
“Yeah. Sounds good.” You said with a forced laugh.
“I’ll be right there. Don’t worry. Everything is going to be okay.”
“Who are you talking to? Is that a phone? I said all phones in the bag.” Peter heard from your end of the phone. You hung up after that and Peter raced to the store. When he got there, he snuck in through the back and quietly made his way to the front. He found you behind the register with your hands up in the air as a man in a hulk mask stood in front of you.
“Hey, buddy. Let me guess. The last jock strap you bought was too loose you’re back for another one?” Peter said, making the guy whip around. That’s when Peter saw the gun in his hand and froze.
“Oh. My bad. I didn’t see the gun from behind.” Peter said and put his hands in the air. He made eye contact with you from behind the register and you mouthed that you were sorry.
“Why don’t you walk out of here and pretend you didn’t see anything, okay pal?” The man said as he pointed the gun back at you.
“Sorry sir, but I can’t do that. You see, I’m quite taken with the cashier you’re holding at gunpoint here.” Peter said and pointed to you. You let out a short laugh as tears fell down your face.
“Good. Then you can watch me blow her head to bits.” The man said and took a step towards you. You let out a little squeak in fear and shut your eyes.
“Can I convince you to reconsider? She’s got a great head. I’d hate to see it get blown off.” Peter said calmly and slowly made his way towards the man.
“I said you could take the money. Just take it and leave.” You pleaded with the man.
“There was only $36.62 in there. I didn’t rob store for less than 40 bucks.” The man shouted at you.
“No one uses cash anymore.” You whimpered. “It’s all Apple Pay.”
“Then tell me the combination to the safe.” He yelled and tightened his grip on the gun.
“I don’t remember it.” You cried. “I don’t listen when my boss talks to me.”
“You’re lying! I know you know.”
“Why would I lie? You think I’d risk my life to protect this store? I hate this store. It’s so stupid. Why is it called Dick’s? Who is Dick?”
“She’s making some excellent points.” Peter agreed.
“Both of you shut up! Give me the combination to the safe now or I’ll shoot you both.”
“I don’t know it!” You exclaimed. “I don’t even know the address to this place.”
“You think this is funny?” The man asked and took a step closer to you to the gun was pressed against your forehead.
“Not right now but I probably will later.” You answered honestly.
“That’s it. You’re dead.” The man said and cocked his gun.
“No!” Peter exclaimed as he dove towards you. He knocked you safely onto the ground while the man shot him three times in the chest. You screamed as Peter fell to the ground in a thud. You were about to reach for him when he jumped back up on his feet.
“Just kidding! It’s bulletproof.” Peter said cheerfully as he shot a web at the man’s gun. He yanked it out of his hand and threw it to the side before shooting two more webs that stuck the man’s arms to his sides and glued his legs to together. The man fell to the ground and tried to break free, but was unsuccessful. Peter shot one last web at the man’s face before pulling his mask off. He turned around to ask you if you were okay and was immediately met by you throwing your arms around him. He pulled his mask off before hugging you back tightly until your breathing calmed down.
“How did you know you were bullet proof?” You asked in a shaky voice.
“I didn’t.” He admitted. “I just knew that you weren’t.”
You pulled away to stare at him in disbelief, almost looking angry with him for risking his life for you. Your angry expression melted into a look of awe.
“Thats hot.” You said and threw your arms around him to kiss him. He smiled into the kiss and held you tighter, only breaking apart when you needed to catch your breath.
“Do you kiss all your local cashiers like that?” You asked him.
“Nope.” He chuckled. “Just you.”
“Good. You better keep it that way.”
Peter smiled and pressed his forehead against yours as you both calmed down from all the excitement when a thought crossed his mind.
“Did you really not know the combination to the safe or were you protecting the store?” Peter asked skeptically.
“Are you accusing me of risking my life to protect Dick’s Sporting Goods from a robbery?” You pretended to be offended and put your hand over your heart.
“No. But I am accusing you not telling that guy the safe combination just to mess with him.” Peter replied. A smirk crossed your face as you went over to the safe and put in the combination.
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do for a bit.” You said as you pulled the safe open.
“I knew it.” Peter laughed and shook his head.
“I was planning on telling you something tonight. You know, before I got held at gunpoint by a man shorter than I am.” You said as you walked back over to Peter.
“Oh really? What?”
“They’re making me store manager. That means you can get all the free spandex and gummy worms you want.”
“No way.” Peter grinned. “They promoted you?”
“Kinda.” You waved your hand. “The last store manger went to jail for insider trading and I’m the only other employee over 18.”
“But still! I’m so proud of you.” He said and scooped you into a hug.
“You know, when they promoted me, you were the first person I wanted to tell.” You admitted. Peter pulled away to cup your face and smile at you.
“I’m honored. No one in this shamble of a store deserved it more than you.”
“I can make my own hours now because it’s my job to make the schedule. So let me know when you want to go on our first date that isn’t in a Dick’s sporting goods.” You smiled teasingly.
“I will.” He smiled back before getting serious. He blew out a breath and looked you in the eye.
“Dick’s girl, I have so enjoyed our time together. Would you maybe want to be my girlfriend maybe?” He asked with a hopeful smile.
“Maybe I would.” You shrugged. “But only if you never call me “Dick’s girl” again.”
“I can definitely do that.” Peter nodded and kissed you again. The kiss was interrupted by the sound of cops pulling up in front of the store.
“Cops are here. I gotta go.” Peter said apologetically and pulled his mask back on.
“Bye, Spiderman!” You waved at him as he walked towards the front door.
“Bye, Dick’s girl!” He shouted back before swinging off into the night.
“What did Spiderman just call you?” The police officer as he walked into the store.
“Don’t worry about it.”
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pinkkittysaw · 1 year
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title is based off a lyric in lady gaga’s MONSTER
my halloween night of horrors masterlist can be found here!
pairing: plaga leon s. kennedy x plaga f!reader
summary: while wandering through an ill kept factory, you and leon grow closer in unimaginable ways due to unforeseen circumstances
word count: 5,648
content: NSFW (minors + ageless blogs DNI you will be blocked!) minor dub-con (in the beginning), slightly rough leon, mind control, notes of voyuerism, fingering, male masturbation, boot humping, minor breast/nipple play, unprotected p in v, creampie, breeding, degradation, praise, petnames (baby, princess, sweetie) leon steps on you, reader is wearing a skirt
*some things to note: though saddler is willing leon and reader into having sex, they both want to sleep with each other of their own volition regardless of the plaga’s influence, it’s the circumstances surrounding it that makes them apprehensive
there are lines of dialogue from RE4R used in paragraphs 12, 14-15, 18, 23 & 39. i do not claim to own these lines or any media from Capcom
a/n: first time writing for leon so please be kind!!! i am just a simple mouse girl :( i thought it’d be interesting to write the plaga “overtaking” him and reader in a sense, watching his mood change drastically much like how it does in the OG RE 4 in this scene with ada (choking cw)
divider by @/benkeibear
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You stare at the huge chunk of amber in front of you; it's pretty. The reflecting light gives it a soft orange hue, brightening the dull room it inhabits. After closer inspection, you notice what appears to be hundreds, if not thousands, of Las Plagas encased in the resin. You were almost too scared to be looking at them for so long, fearful that the parasites would jump out at you from their confinement once you crossed a certain threshold.
Cocking your head to the side, you think aloud, "I wonder if this is where they extract the plaga."
Leon, who's rummaging around the room looking for any spare supplies, pipes up, "Who knows? I certainly don't feel like waiting around to find out. Come on." He waves you over, walking toward the exit after determining that none of the scrap in the room was worth taking.
"Alright," you agree, beginning to move towards him.
Then, all of a sudden, your movements are halted, unable to continue forward. "Fuck, no no no,” you think to yourself. Leon looks behind his shoulder, noticing that you haven't moved from your position.
"What are you doing? Let's go." You can barely speak, clenching your teeth together as you force the words out.
"I can't fucking move." You demonstrate your lack of mobility as you attempt to force your body forward, but the most that happens is the slight twitching of your arm and legs.
"What?" Leon's about to stride over to you when the door opens behind him. He's quick on his feet, his gun in the air, aiming his pistol at the tall figure and a group of robed cultists that soon follow him into the room.
"Welcome, my children," he states as the two followers remove the hood of his purple robe, the rest filing around the two of you.
"I am Osmund Saddler. The speaker for our Lord."
Leon, obviously fed up with all the loony bullshit, shoots Saddler straight in the eye. "Tell someone who gives a shit."
Saddler reels back from the shot but doesn't die, staying hunched over due to the impact. "Foolish lambs," he scoffs. "Why do you deny grace?" The volume of his voice rises, and all at once, Leon keels over, taking a knee as he almost completely falls to the floor in front of you, now frozen in place while his gun falls from his hands.
You try to reach out to him, but your movements are stunted.
"Now, abandon your body." Your body is not your own.
"Obey, obey the voice of our lord," Saddler commands as your forced motions bring you closer to Leon. There's a ringing in your ears as he gives you orders; the noise is so piercing that you're ready to stuff your ears full of cotton just to make it stop.
Leon's now back on his feet, his veins turning black against his skin as his arm reaches out to you. His body trembles as he extends forward. You're compelled to move onward slowly, reaching down for Leon's pistol.
"Stop, please," you plead, your wrist swaying back and forth as the gun locks onto Leon. "No," you grit, resisting with everything you have while your arm continues to wobble. Tears stream down your face as you're forced to pull the trigger, shooting one of the cultists to Leon's side, watching them drop dead to the floor.
"Sweet child, do not resist." His commands turn into scolding. The ringing in your ears gets louder as your arm moves again. "Please," you wail into the open air, willing to give anything as long as it meant that he stayed alive. The trigger is pulled again, and the other masked figure drops to the ground.
Leon's face coils up, and his body jerks, trying to reach you, but to no avail.
"I'm sorry," you whisper as you pull the trigger for the final time, scrunching up your eyes, not wanting to witness his lifeless body drop to the floor. The gun clicks and falls in front of you while you collapse onto your knees, sobbing onto the floor beneath, your tears staining the dark concrete floors.
Leon is released from his own entrapment and rushes over to comfort you, placing both his hands on your shoulders. "Are you okay?"
It's funny, you think, in a twisted sort of way. You almost killed him, and here he was, asking if you were alright.
"Pray forgive these wicked sinners," Saddler exhales while shaking his head. Leon's about to lunge for his gun when you're both halted once more.
"Injecting one's blood with the plaga isn't the only way to diffuse it among the populous."
Both you and Leon are manipulated until you're standing in front of each other, his hand reaching out to grab at your hip.
"What are you doing?"
"It's not me, I-"
He gets cut off by Saddler. "The plaga can reproduce sexually as well as through implantation." And it's all of a sudden that you feel a certain heat growing inside you—desire, a sort of carnality—and if the crimson on Leon's cheeks is anything to go by, he's feeling it too. There's a certain glint in his eyes now, a hunger that wasn't there before. Both his and your irises turn a bright vermillion as the plaga fully takes control. It's overwhelming. All of your senses are heightened, now very much cognizant of Leon's hand on your hip, the warmth of his skin permeating through your skirt. All you want now is for him to bend you over and take you.
You shake your head in the hopes of clearing your mind. God, when did you start harboring such intense feelings for him like this? This can't be okay, can it? He saved your life. He's a government agent simply doing his job to rescue you from this hell hole. That's what these feelings are—just misplaced appreciation. You try to reason with yourself as the growing need between your legs calls more and more for your attention.
"What the hell's going on?" Your voice is harsh as it cuts through the air. Leon's grip tightens on your hip, almost as if he's holding himself back.
"Is it not obvious, sweet child? You two have perfect compatibility as sexual mates, and since you're both able to resist killing each other, I'll just have to change my line of thinking and make things easier for you."
"Don't be ridiculous," Leon grunts.
"Why deny it? It's quite clear that you're attracted to each other."
"I barely even needed to coax the plaga into doing anything."
As fucked up as this entire situation was, Saddler wasn't wrong, at least in regard to your side of things. You were intrigued by Leon from the moment he found you, rescuing you after being hog-tied and thrown into one of the wardrobes of an abandoned cabin. He was still incredibly handsome, even if you didn't trust him at first. From the subtle bounce of his soft ashen hair when he jogged to the bulge of his biceps whenever he slicked his fingers through the silky strands and how he was so protective over you, so kind. You could go on and on listing the things you found attractive about him. How he looked suplexing zealots, the slope of his nose bridge, his little smirk after roundhousing ganados, the thickness of his thighs, the swell of his **very** defined chest, and god, his ass. His cute, full-pert ass that you could just-
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
This isn't right. You shouldn't be thinking of him this way, but no matter how much you try to resist, you're always coaxed back into these feelings of sensuality. You'd be lying if you said you didn't think of him fucking you against one of the crumbling walls in the village, holding you so tightly against him while he tugs on your tits. Arousal pools in your panties as heat rushes to your face at the thought.
"Fuck," you murmur, and Leon looks over at you, his breath more labored than before. 
"Submit your bodies and release yourself from fear!" Saddler booms, waving his staff around in the air. It's then that you feel Leon's hand underneath your skirt, cupping your mound through your tights, his other hand still gripping at your waist. 
"Leon-" you say exasperatedly.
"I'm sorry, I just..." he leans into you, inhaling your scent. "I'm sorry." His lips press into the side of your neck, slowly moving against the sensitive skin. It's so gentle and kind, and if you close your eyes, you can almost pretend that you're somewhere else, not in a dusty room of an old factory, being coerced to have sex through the means of a parasite.
"You're so soft...smell so good," he mumbles into your ear. Even if you're forced to fuck in front of Saddler and his devotees, Leon at least wants his words of care and fondness to be private—to be yours.
You can't help but moan out loud at his ministrations on your neck, feeling your skin crawl with a newfound heat. Your nipples pebble in your bra, and how desperately you want his hands to be on your breasts, kneading them. You wrap your arms around his neck, curling your fingers into the smooth, pale tresses at his nape.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he confesses over and over. He knows this is wrong. He should have a stronger will than this. He shouldn't be sleeping with the hostage he was tasked with saving. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, if at all. He probably wouldn't have confronted his feelings in any other circumstances, seeing how wildly inappropriate they were. He would've rather taken you somewhere nice—maybe a fancy hotel—and do all the sappy, romantic shit you deserve—the candles, the music, the mood lighting. It'd be sweet and kind, but no. Instead, you get this, being made to breed like cattle. The only comfort he can offer is through his words, his mind trying to fight against the plaga, but you smell too good, your skin so supple and warm against his mouth; it's almost as if he can feel the blood pulsing through your jugular vein. He gently grazes his teeth over the area, biting and pulling the skin taught.
"Don't apologize. You feel good too," you exhale, pushing your chest against his.
"I shouldn't let this sick bastard have so much control over me, but god, you feel so good against me," he groans, worming his hand under the band of your tights and underwear. You loll your head back as his assault on your neck continues. He sucks the skin gently as the worn leather of his gloves makes its presence known against your mound. His finger swipes between your slit, gathering the wetness leaking from your entrance to rub soft circles on your clit.
"Christ, you're already so wet for me, baby," he groans against your neck, your breath hitching at his words.
"Oh, you like that, huh?" An amused tilt now present in his voice, the soft circles on your clit continuing as he speaks against your throat. "You like me calling you baby?"
"Yeah," you mewl, your hand reaching down to grip his forearm.
"That's it. Just focus on me making you feel good." Your cute noises cause blood to rush to his cock, making it stiffen in his pants. Your head rests against his chest as he continues to play with you.
"You want my fingers, baby?"
"Yes," you pant, pressing your face into the middle of his chest. He lets out a lighthearted chuckle, his digit circling your entrance before sinking into your warm cunt. "Oooh, you're so tight, sweetie. Squeezing my finger real nice."
"I can't wait til you're on my cock." he mumbles against your throat once again, smirking. His finger curls deep into your soaked pussy, thrusting in and out as you grind against his palm.
"Yes, yes, yes," you gasp, his lips resuming the suckling of your skin as he adds another finger, stuffing your cunt with their thickness, the leather of his gloves wet with your slick as it glides against your clit. You look down from his chest to see his hardened cock starting to poke through his utility pants. Your hand wriggling down to slowly palm him through the fabric, a soft moan rearing from his throat at your touch.
Through feeling him against your palm, he seems to be an impressive size, definitely girthy from what you can make out.
You slide your hand back and forth against the crotch of his pants, his hips lightly bucking into you as a grumbled "fuck" falls from his lips. He sounds so hot when he moans, and you want to hear more.
"I need you to come for me, sweetheart. I need your pussy on my cock so bad." He curls his fingers some more, hitting that soft, spongey spot that makes you see stars. A few more thrusts from his digits and nudges from his palm have you arching into him, his mouth swooping down to swallow your moans through a kiss. He's the only one that gets to hear you cum, despite the audience you both have.
He keeps his fingers stuffed in your cunt as you ride out your orgasm, the sensation of your pussy squeezing down on him making his head whirl in anticipation.
"That's it. That's a good girl," he murmurs, guiding you through the waves.
Despite having just came, you're still just as eager, if not more so, to palm him through his black cargos. 
"Easy, easy. You'll have me soon enough," he coos in an attempt to pacify you, removing your hand from his erection while you whine and grumble in response to the loss of touch, wanting him to mount you already.
He guides you onto the floor, laying you flat on the chilled concrete. The cold seeps into your clothes and skin, causing you to shiver almost uncomfortably so as you arch your back, spreading your legs as far as they'll go in your tight skirt. You take to palming your tits through your top, desperate for any kind of prolonged pleasure. 
"Someone's needy," he chuckles to himself while he looms over you, his broad shoulders casting a large shadow over your form.
"Come on, you'll be a good girl for me, won't you?" He moves to remove both of his belts, unbuckling them and letting them drop to the floor. Perhaps it wasn't the smartest decision to leave himself so exposed, but neither of you could be bothered enough to care.
The next thing to come off was his shoulder holster, the leather straps meeting the other discarded materials on the floor. It's only after his confines are removed that he begins pleasuring himself, reveling in your position on the floor, legs spread deliciously while the rest of you becomes utterly debauched, your expression filled with nothing other than need and want.
You whine out a little, desperate for his touch even after the fact. He smirks while walking toward you, his heavy boots echoing throughout the room with loud thuds til he stops just short of your cunt and sneers. Something about him is different. 
He plants his foot atop your mound, grinding the sole into your folds. There's no real force behind it, but it's oppressive and demeaning. He's not the same Leon. The Leon who told dumb jokes at every opportune moment, who ate multicolored herbs, both raw eggs and fish WHOLE, yet looked at you as if you were the crazy one for refusing, choosing not to believe him when he said they'd "mend your wounds." This was not the same Leon who pulled you aside after you ran off scared, giving you words of reassurance and encouragement just as he had throughout this whole endeavor. No, this Leon was more sinister.
Your whines and mewls get a little more pathetic, rolling your hips and grinding yourself on his boot in a desperate attempt for any friction that he'd give you—which wasn't much, but still, anything was better than nothing!
In the midst of your pouting, you catch Saddler's eye. His expression is blank, almost as if he were watching paint dry. His attendants were dismissed by this point, as they had no need to witness the impregnation take place. You can't help but stare at him, his eyes oddly captivating, unable to help but wonder what he thinks of this. Surely he’s the one controlling you both, but is this a last effort of sorts? Making two "subjects" fuck like rabbits just for the sake of spreading his message, his word, and his so-called "vision" Was sex something that he looked down on? Something shameful?
You're pulled out of your thoughts when Leon whistles at you. "Would you rather fuck him instead, princess?" He jeers in a mocking tone. You frown and furrow your brows, glaring at him as you deliver a bratty "no" in response.
"Then keep your eyes on me, yeah?" He sneers as he grinds his heel into you some more, swiping his foot from side to side, knocking the grooves into your clit. He laughs as you continuously mewl into the air, squeezing your tits through your clothes, begging for more attention. Instead of aiding you in your frustrated disposition, he decides to be a little crueler, reaching down to palm his cock through his pants. His head lolls back as he lets out a soft groan, the sound causing more arousal to flood in between your legs.
You moan, your eyes scanning his features—the bob of his Adam's apple, the softness of his jaw, the way his teeth dig into the plush of his bottom lip.
Deciding to prod further, he pulls out his leaking cock from his pants, and you can't help the gasp that escapes you at the sight. He has an adorable ash-blonde happy trail running down his navel that fans into darker, coarse curls at the base of his cock. It has a slight left curve to it and a pretty pink tip. The look of it is tantalizing and mouth-watering. Your mind is flooded with every memory you’ve had of wanting Leon to fuck you silly during this godforsaken nightmare. Now you have a visual to go along with your many fantasies—a pretty cock for an equally pretty man.
You expected him to be in a hurry to fuck you, but he does something unexpected. He keeps his foot on your cunt. You attempt to sit up, your abdomen contracting as you begin to move upward, when he plants his boot on your chest instead, right on your sternum, effectively pushing you flat on your back again.
"Did I give you permission to move?" He stares, cocking his head and quirking a brow, looking down at you as if he were scolding a misbehaving puppy. His carmine irises meet yours as you attempt to shove off his foot by his ankle, though soon finding it pointless as the boot remains firm and steady against you.
You shake your head with a petulant "no," grumbling as his foot takes hold of your chest, pressing lightly on your rib cage, making it somewhat difficult to breathe.
"Then don't get greedy," he chastises, moving his boot back to its previous position on your cunt, leaving a muddy footprint in its wake. Instead of providing you with the friction you wanted, his limb now lays idle against you.
You frown at the brown stain left on your top, glaring at him once more. "You ruined my shirt!"
"I'll tell you what: when this is all said and done, I'll get you a new top. How bout that princess?"
You roll your eyes, grumbling as his hand moves toward his mouth, yanking off his fingerless gloves with his teeth and tossing them among the pile of his other forgotten items.
Warm palms slither down his torso, making their way to his cock, where he squeezes the base, shaking it in the air a tad, teasing you with it.
It's well-known at this point how much you desire him. The plaga floods both of you with nothing but thoughts of you two fucking each other. He watches you eye his cock thoroughly, gnawing at your bottom lip with how badly you wanted him to fill you up.
He languidly begins to pump his hand up and down, precum leaking from his pretty tip all the way down his shaft, creating all the slip he needs. You start to buck your hips against his boot, desperate for your own pleasure, which he still refuses to give you. His hand continues to move along his cock; the rough callouses on his palm are a stark contrast to the glisten of his slick-covered dick.
You huff and puff as he continues to jerk off, growing tired of being teased and tormented. His thumb glides along the slit of his cock head, causing his hips to buck and shudder. You were like a rabbit on a treadmill, his cock being the carrot on the string you were being teased with, so close yet so far...
"Leon, you're being mean," you scowl, feeling grumpy and grouchy, tired of his damn games, your panties soaked through with your arousal, craving any sort of attention.
"Mean?" he asks, pressing his foot further into you, pumping himself a smidgen faster while his pectoral muscle begins to bounce with his quickened pace.
"If I were mean, I'd make you cum just like this while you watch me jack off."
"And since you want to act like such a little brat, maybe that's exactly what I'll do." He speeds up again, twirling his wrist as he fucks his fist, his grunts and groans filling the air among your whines.
"No, no, no, no," you cry, watching him buck into his hand as the slick makes his cock even more slippery.
A pink hue floods his cheeks as heat builds in his body, sweat gathering on the threads of his clothes.
"No?" he mocks with a feigned pout. "You want my cock that badly, huh? Want it to fill you up? Stuff you full?"
"Mhm," you nod incessantly, heat flooding your own face as well, the arousal so overwhelming that you feel as if you’ll burst.
"Why don't you beg for it? Beg for my cock."
You look at him apprehensively. Was he really gonna make you beg for him like a cock-hungry fool?
"I'm not joking about finishing you off with my boot. You'll get no dick and no cum." His efforts hastened, his hips twitching every so often. He’s serious, and so are you, so despite your "strong-willed bratty nature," you beg and you plead for his cock like a good girl.
"Please gimme your cock, Leon. Need it so bad. Need you to fuck me dumb; turn my brain into mush."
"I think you can do better than that princess," he smirks down at you, huffing slightly from the continued pleasure.
Your words turn into a slew of pleas and jumbled moans varying from saying you'll "die without his dick," "how badly you need it," and "how desperate you are for it," all of which boil down to you whining please over and over and over. When he's finally decided that you've made your case, he staves off his release, gripping the base of his cock so as not to finish right in his hand.
He drops to his knees, grabbing and pulling you towards him by your hips, your thighs settling on either side of his while he hovers over you. All his movements are quick and hasty in nature as he hikes up the bottom of your skirt over your pelvis, allowing you to spread your legs further and welcome him into the warmth between your thighs.
He stares down at your black tights below him, now transparent enough to see through to your pale-colored underwear from the fabric being stretched so far. He wastes no time in grabbing the crotch of your tights at the seam and effectively tearing a huge hole in them, his biceps bulging as he rips the fabric from your body. He stares down at the cute design of your panties as your tights lay in shreds against your leg, his eyes settling on the front of the fabric, the wet splotch soaking through from your previous orgasm.
He moves his hand over to your cunt, running his middle and ring fingers through your slit. He settles on your clit, rubbing the sticky fabric against you as he swirls the bundle of nerves in slow circles.
"I've wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you. I'm surprised that I held out as long as I did without fucking you."
"Leon," you groan. "No more… I wanna feel you, please," you mumble, reaching out to him as a final stand to get what you desperately crave.
He finally gives in, tugging down the waistband of his pants, landing on the swell of his thighs and below the curve of his ass, exposing the stretch marks that litter his hips and upper thighs.
"See something you like, princess?" he teases, pumping his cock a few times in preparation.
"Mhm, mhm," you nod eagerly as he begins to move toward you. Luckily, your panties are spared from his strength as he chooses to simply pull them aside instead of tearing them apart. He mumbles a grumbly "fuck" as he gets a look at your sweet cunt for the first time. The hair covering your mound shines as your arousal spreads throughout your folds. He doesn’t stop himself from running a finger in between the seam of your pussy, gathering the slick on the pad of his digit and sticking it in his mouth, groaning at the taste of your sweetness.
"Delicious," he mutters as he lays his cock against the warm heat of your sex, giving you a closer look at just how big he is.
He lines himself up at your entrance, and without so much as a warning, he thrusts into you down to the base. You arch into him, your breasts pressing into his chest as your back curves in his direction, a hearty moan coming from both of you. He stretches you out better than in your fantasies, your warm, wet walls clenching down on him as he twitches inside.
"Let's take care of this, yeah?" He asks, lifting your upper half into the air and placing you on your elbows. He lifts your top over the peak of your breasts, ogling the sight of your tits filling out your bra, trapped within their confinement, before he's reaching behind you to fumble with the clasp of the garment. A part of you is amused while watching him struggle, but it's not long after that the cups are falling from your body, your breasts free to Leon’s eyes and the open air as he pulls the straps down your shoulders, flinging the undergarment toward the pile of other forgotten items. He decides to keep your shirt on, enjoying the disheveled, fucked-out look you have with your clothes half on and half off, letting the top stay wrinkled above your tits.
"Perfect," he mumbles, moving his head toward your chest to mouth at it, planting open-mouth kisses along the swell of your breast as his hips begin to roll languidly. He gives you a few slow strokes, just to get acquainted with each other's bodies, before it quickly turns into a hurried fucking.
His hips knock into yours in quick succession, his girth smoothing over every ridge and groove in your tight cunt, leaving you panting into the air as he grunts and groans against your breast. His body pressed so tightly against yours.
His lips find your nipple, his tongue swirling around the areola before pulling the nub into his mouth. The roll of his hips and the suckling of your nipple add to your growing pleasure. You buck your hips in tandem with his, desperate to feel every bit of pleasure you can.
"So greedy, huh, princess? Just need your cute cunt, fucked huh? Anything goes as long as you feel good, right?"
You whine, clenching down on him, squeezing his cock tight as he fucks you thoroughly. He pulls away from your chest, grabbing your hips tight in his grasp, his fingers digging deep into your skin.
"God, you’re perfect for me," he mumbles, leaning back so he's standing straight on his knees, his hands pulling you down on his cock as he brutally thrusts back into you. "So perfect for me to breed." You swear you can see a glint in his eyes as he says that, and your pussy pulsates around him even more.
"You like that, huh?" he teases, punctuating every word in the sentence with a brutal thrust. "You like the thought of being all mine? being claimed by me? Me fucking my kids into you? Knocking you up?"
You mewl and wail, nodding and gasping and heaving; the only thing you care about at this moment is him fucking you full of his seed.
The snap of his hips continues to get quicker, your soft breasts bouncing so pretty as you lay beneath him, your worn and fucked-out expression giving him nothing but joy. His rhythm gets so quick that he manages to slip out of your vice-like grip, causing a low and extended whine to draw out from your lips. He chuckles, enjoying how desperate you are for his body, and leans himself into you once more while he guides his cock back into you, his thrusts regaining their previous speed.
His hand pushes one of your thighs toward your chest, rolling his hips deeper so he can more easily hit the spot that makes your eyes cross, the coil in your belly winding tighter and tighter as he fucks into you with more vigor. You can’t stop your hands from wandering as you grab the plush of his ass, squeezing the fat while you writhe underneath him. You pant into his mouth, trying to signal him for a kiss, to which he happily obliges, meeting your lips with his as he continues to drive you further and further to the edge.
"Gonna cum for me, princess?"
"Gonna cum on my cock like a good girl?"
"Want it so bad, please?" You moan, sneaking your hand down to the front of your body and rubbing quick circles to your clit.
"Go ahead, princess, cum for me," he mumbles, nestling his head in the crux of your neck, sucking on your pulse point. As his hips continue to thrust into you, you arch intensely into him, moaning loudly as you reach your climax, your eyes rolling into the recesses of your mind as your nails claw into the meat of his ass, leaving pretty, red crescent-shaped divots in his porcelain skin.
You run your hand through his silky blonde strands as you position yourself next to his ear. "Cum with me, Leon," you mutter, still reeling from the aftereffects of your high, the additional thrusting adding to the lingering pleasure still felt. "Cum in me, please. Wanna be stuffed full of you." You lick a stripe up his neck, the salt from his sweat lingering on your tastebuds.
It's a few short and sloppy thrusts later that he's grunting loudly into your skin while he cums, ropes of his seed traveling to your womb.
The door can be heard shutting behind you as Saddler makes his exit, Leon's hips slowing to a full stop once he’s left. With the impregnation going through, he no longer needs to bother himself with whatever the two of you do from here on out.
It’s a few minutes later that the both of you begin to feel normal again, or as normal as you can be given the dire situation. It doesn’t take long for Leon to recover, his baby blues greeting you once more as he snaps to attention, getting himself situated as he puts on his gear and adjusts his clothes, keeping a watchful eye on you as you start to do the same, picking up your bra from his things on the floor.
After getting dressed, he’s immediately at your side. "I'm so sorry. I-"
You cut him off with a finger placed on his lips and a shake of your head. Your face is tired and weary, and your voice a little strained as you tell him, "It's alright."
He’s not willing to argue with you on the ethics of what went down, at least not here, so he decides to put off the conversation til you’re both safe back home, hopefully having figured out some sort of plan by then.
"Are you good enough to move? We shouldn't linger around."
You nod, moving to fully take off your tights before making your departure, seeing as you have no more use for the tattered fabric. The torn material catches his eye, causing embarrassment to rise throughout his face, his cheeks taking on the same rosy hue as before.
"I'll make good on my word, I promise. I’ll get you a new shirt and some tights when we get back. For now…"  He walks towards the exit. "We need to get rid of these damn things," he says, pointing to his chest. He checks his jammed gun, ejecting the magazine and resetting the casing before gesturing you over toward him, readying the weapon in front of him before the two of you begin to make your way out of the factory.
Needless to say, this would NOT be going in his incident report.
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
You And I
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Summary: Alyssa always wanted Harry, so every time he called, she was there waiting for him at the bar. But one night, things shifted between them.
Warnings: Smut, oral (f receiving), maybe a little angst. 18+ ONLY!
Word Count: 4.5k+
A/N: Originally written and posted in 2019. Harry x OC, AU, written in first person. Loosely inspired by the Lady Gaga song (not the 1D song lol).
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He’d told me to wait for him at the bar. I sat at the corner, nursing a gin and tonic while the band broke down their equipment. I laughed when Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” began playing through the speakers, the line about the old man making love to his tonic and gin poignantly accentuating the scene.
“Fitting, yeah?” chuckled Bruno, the bartender I’d come to know well over the last few months.
I sneered at him as I stirred the little straw in my glass. “I dunno. I was thinking more along the lines of Lady Gaga.”
“Gaga?” Bruno raised a brow.
“Y’know. At the corner of the bar with my high heels on.”
Bruno’s shoulders shook with laughter as he wiped down the bar in front of me. “I’ll put that one on next, darling.”
“Put what on next?” I heard a voice call behind me.
I twisted around on my stool to see Harry stepping off the stage, an easy grin on his handsome face. I returned the smile, happy to get a better look at him. For the first time, the band had opted to wear makeup, something I’d urged them to try before but had never happened.
“You and I,” I teased, swinging one leg over the other. “The Gaga song.”
“Hmm,” he sounded as he approached me. Reaching his hand out, he cupped my chin, lifting it slightly before placing a soft kiss on my painted lips.
“I reckon when it comes to you and I, there will be no putting on…” he paused, a smirk causing his dimple to appear in his left cheek. “Only taking off.”
“Oh Styles, but you do have a way with words,” I quipped in a playful, faux accent.
He let out a giggle then, apparently amused by his own joke. He gave me one more kiss before tapping his hand on the bar.
“Bruno,” he said. “One more shot for the road?”
“Long as you ain’t driving, love!”
Harry eyed me, no doubt silently questioning how many drinks I’d had. In the two hours I’d been at the bar, I’d only had two drinks including the current half-drunk one in front of me. I’d watched Harry and his bandmates drink at least twice as much during their set, in addition to shots that fans in the audience had sent up.
“I’m good,” I reassured him. I was his drive home anyway. It was kind of understood.
With a nod, Bruno poured Harry a shot of dark golden liquid. Taking it in his hand, Harry clinked the glass against mine and downed it in one gulp. Lowering the glass, he smirked again when he caught me staring at him.
“Wha’?” he asked.
“Just looking at you,” I replied. “You look good with eyeliner.”
“Mhm. Kinda sexy, actually.”
“You think?” Harry stepped closer to me, loving the attention.
“Indeed,” I continued. Then when Bruno came around and took Harry’s empty glass, I asked him. “Bruno, don’t you think Harry looks sexy with eyeliner?”
“Of course, doll!” he agreed. “Sexy AF!”
I threw my head back laughing and Harry gave Bruno a wink. “Thanks, love.”
“Sing us a song, you’re the piano man!”
At the sound of singing, I turned around again to see Jeremiah, Harry’s drummer walking towards us. The youngest member of the band, he looked so much like Pete Wentz, especially tonight with the black eyeliner.
“All packed up, H!” he told Harry. “Ready to go?”
“Um...no…” Harry tilted his head to gesture towards me. “Alyssa’s here.”
Jeremiah looked from his bandmate to me and then back, the lightbulb going off in his head.
“Oh! Yeah! Right! Sorry, mate! I’ll just…” he pointed behind him, “head out. Good to see you, Alyssa.”
“You too, hon,” I smiled. “You were smashing it tonight.”
“Thanks,” Jeremiah beamed. Then with one last wave, he stumbled over his own feet and left the way he’d come. I giggled at his adorable awkwardness, blaming it on his youth.
Swiveling back to face Harry and Bruno, I took the last few sips of my cocktail which was mostly water by then. The first chords of “You and I” started then, and I lifted my gaze to the bartender who danced with glee.
“It has been a long time since you came around,” Harry quoted the lyrics as he slid his arm around my waist.
“Two weeks, Harry,” I chuckled. “I was sat right here at this bar two weeks ago.”
“Two weeks is a long time t’me,” he murmured, his lips finding the tender spot behind my ear. I giggled softly at the touch which sent goose flesh across my skin.
“I doubt that’s the time frame Gaga was referring to,” I said wryly. “Besides, you want me around more often, perhaps you should ring or text me.”
I heard Bruno make a muffled sound of shock from behind the bar as Harry’s mouth stalled on my neck.
“I reckon I should do that,” admitted Harry.
He stood up straight then, his eyes on mine as I gave him an accusing glare. It wasn’t that I really doubted he wanted me around. But sometimes I needed that reassurance.
“You look beautiful by the way,” he said, though his words were interrupted a bit by the noise of two more lads approaching.
“Alyssa! You made it!” shouted Gavin, the band’s guitarist.
I rose from my stool and hugged both him and Max, the bassist. Two females soon followed, and I noticed the one whom I didn’t recognise wrapped her arms around Max.
“I’m so glad you went with the eyeliner tonight,” I commented. “I don’t suspect you’ll allow me to take the credit.”
Gavin grinned, “Of course, darling, it was your idea.”
“No it wasn’t,” Harry jabbed.
I turned and poked him in the ribs. “Yes it was. Let me have my moment.”
He threw his head back laughing before pulling me to him in a bear hug. I could tell he was drunk, and I could smell the whiskey on his breath, the sweat beneath his shirt, but I didn’t mind. Some of our most fun times were when we could tease each other like this. Still, sometimes I did wish he would just be honest and tell me how he felt about me, rather than always being light-hearted and funny.
Gavin, Max and the girls all got beers from Bruno before he closed up the bar. We all sat and chatted for a bit before saying our goodbyes. Then with a look - that unspoken understanding - Harry stepped off his stool, reached for my hand and followed me out to my car.
“You’re different tonight,” he finally said after a long stretch of silence except for the 90s playlist I had going.
I raised a brow as I stopped at a red light. “How do you mean?”
“I dunno. You just...are.”
I eyed him and then turned back to the road. “I got a new lipstick.”
Harry chuckled and shook his head. “‘s not that. You just...seem different.”
The light changed and I accelerated, my heartbeat doing the same.
“I’m sorry, Harry, I don’t understand. I’m still me.”
I heard Harry hum, perhaps in agreement. He was quiet again while the music changed from Alanis Morissette to Pearl Jam. I wondered what he meant exactly, though part of me had my own suspicions. Then when I was nearly a block from my flat, Harry reached over and turned down the radio, muting the voice of Eddie Vedder.
“Are we okay?” he asked me.
I stopped myself from giggling, something I sometimes tend to do when I’m anxious or nervous. Instead, I bit my lip and let his question roll around in my head. I pulled up to my building and parked before I finally let out a tiny laugh.
“We’re always okay, Harry,” I said with a grin.
Pulling the key out of the ignition, I opened my car door and stepped out. I half wondered if Harry would actually follow, but as I stepped onto the sidewalk, I heard the slam of the passenger door. Meeting me at the curb, he took my hand and walked with me up the stairs to my flat.
“I don’t have whiskey,” I called after I’d tossed my keys on the table and made my way to the kitchen. “But I have vodka and wine.”
“None for me, thanks,” I heard Harry reply.
“What?” I turned around, my eyes wide. Harry always wanted a nightcap.
“Yeah, ‘m fine.”
“Oh.” Now he was the one who seemed different.
“Did something happen, Alyssa?”
Taken aback, I paused a moment and shook my head. “Something...like what? When?”
“Since I saw you last,” replied Harry.
I turned from him, pretending to walk to the refrigerator. Then I changed my mind and took a glass down from the cupboard and poured myself water from the tap.
“Lots of things happen in two weeks, love,” I commented. “I’m not sure what you’re referring to.”
Setting my untouched glass on the counter, I looked back at him. His face was expressionless, though his eyes seemed to reveal a bit more. Perhaps it was the makeup. No wonder they call the look “emo”.
“Tell me,” Harry said softly.
“Oh, so now you wanna talk?” I accused.
He stared at me blankly. “Yeah, baby.”
I snorted. “So, I’m baby now?”
Ignoring the tone of his voice, I sighed and looked away.
“Let’s see…” I began. “I’ve been working a lot. Visited my mum last Saturday. Got my nails done. And bought the new lipstick like I mentioned...oh and I got a new succulent, see?” I reached for my newest addition to my cactus collection to show him. “I’ve named this one Prince because he has a bit of a purple hue to him-”
“I’m sorry,” he interrupted.
I stared at him, frozen. “Sorry? For what?”
Harry stepped closer to me, taking Prince from my hands and setting it on the counter. “I’m sorry I waited two weeks to ring you.”
“Oh.” I blinked.
Sliding his hands around my waist, he pulled me to him. Tilting his head, he pressed his lips to mine, softly at first. When I responded with my hands sliding up his shoulders, he kissed me harder, with purpose.
“I do like the new lipstick,” he murmured against my lips. I grinned when I noticed some of it had rubbed off onto him.
“You have such pretty lips,” he added, his eyes focused on my mouth. “First thing I wanna do when I see you is kiss them.”
I smiled at his comment, not just from flattery but because I’d always felt the same about his.
“I also meant it when I said you looked beautiful.”
“Thank you,” I whispered. “So do you.”
Harry grinned then, a sexy smirk. “You like the eyeliner, yeah?”
“I really do,” I nodded. “I think you should wear it more often.”
“I will if you come ‘round more often.”
“You have to ring me, Styles,” I reminded him. “I have a life, you know. As much as you may like to think otherwise, I don’t keep up with your schedule.”
“Maybe I should give it to you,” Harry said, his voice deep with no trace of humour as his hands roamed down to my bum. I couldn’t help but giggle.
“My schedule, I mean,” he added with his own chuckle. “God, woman, what are you doing to me?”
“Me?” I raised a brow.
“Yes, you. You get me all flustered, I dunno what I’m saying.”
“I’m just stood here, Harry.”
“That’s enough.”
I studied his face, trying my best to read his eyes. The green seemed more defined with the black liner, and for a split second I felt my stomach flip. I lifted my hand to touch a curl that had fallen across his forehead and heard him release a breath.
The man was definitely a mystery. For months I’d shown up here or there to see his band play. In between we might’ve had a few dates, but I never felt like what we had was anything serious. We always ended up shagging, and it wasn’t like I regretted it. We definitely had that chemistry, and we were good in bed. But I didn’t think he considered me his girlfriend; I didn’t think he considered me at all. At least, not until he was ready to see me again. And like always, I would be there when he wanted, because I really liked him.
But then he’d turn around and say something like this and I’d get all kinds of confused.
As it was, I had a hard time concentrating myself with his hands on my rear end. His lined eyes kept shifting between my own eyes and my mouth, and I could tell he wanted to kiss me again. This time, however, I was the one to give in, reaching for his neck and pulling him to me.
“Mmm, baby…” he moaned against my lips. He’d called me baby a handful of times before, but it never really meant much to me like it did now. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was...perhaps I was wanting him to feel what I felt. Or just...something.
I let my fingers linger on his chest before I began to unbutton his shirt. I knew where this was headed, but I wasn’t about to stop it. Feelings or no feelings, I wanted him in my bed again.
When I reached the bottom button, our lips broke free and Harry stared at me once again, his eyes now full of desire. At least I had a knack for reading that. Just like in the pub, I took his hand with an unspoken understanding and we walked down the hall to my bedroom.
“You got new sheets,” Harry commented.
I cringed, not sure if I was more embarrassed that I’d left my bed unmade or that he’d been there enough times to notice the sheets were different. Nervously I straightened the pillows before reaching behind me to unzip my dress.
“Let me,” I heard Harry say.
He strode across the room to me, his fingers on the zipper before I could protest. When my dress fell off my shoulders, his hands took its place, pushing it down the rest of the way. I felt the chills down to my toes as I stepped out of my heels and turned to face him.
I reckon I expected him to gawk at me some more like he’d been doing all evening, so I was completely surprised when his mouth crashed into mine. I immediately wound my arms around his neck and he lifted me up and onto the bed. He continued his assault on my mouth while his fingers tangled in my hair at the sides of my head. I could feel his erection through his jeans, the friction a fabulous sensation between my legs. Bending my knees, I lifted my hips slightly as I let out a gasp, the feeling of denim on cotton nearly too much for me.
Harry paused the snogging long enough to sit up and loop his fingers through the sides of my knickers. He looked at my face as he bit his lip. I wondered for a second if he was changing his mind, as this was usually not a part of the scenario where he’d stop.
“Something wrong?” I dare asked.
“Do you want me, Alyssa?”
My immediate reaction was more confusion. He’d never asked me that before. Sure, he’d moaned in my ear or against my mouth on more than one occasion that he wanted me. But he’d never asked if I wanted him. My expression softened and I gave him a smile.
“I always want you, Harry.”
With the tiniest grin and a nod, he pulled my panties down and let them fall on the floor. Then stood at the edge of the bed, he began to remove his own pants. I reached over to the bedside table then where I kept the condoms and pulled one out of the drawer.
“I promise I’ll bring my own next time,” I heard him say.
Lying on my back, I watched him crawl up the bed again.
“Next time?” I couldn’t help but razz him. The first time he’d stayed over, he didn’t have protection, but I did. I reckon after that it was just assumed.
“Yeah…” he lowered his face to mine. “Next time, love. I promise.”
He kissed me softly then, the softest kiss ever. He continued with a second on my chin, a third on my neck, a fourth on my chest…
I lost count after that.
I gripped the sheets underneath me when I felt his breath on my inner thigh. A low moan-like sound escaped my throat as I felt his thumb graze over me where I was already wet and waiting.
“You want me here?” Harry asked.
I barely heard him, his voice was so low and deep. But somehow my insides reacted and I managed to make a sound similar to yes.
I shut my eyes when I felt his tongue on me. He licked me delicately at first, like he was testing the temperature of his tea. I squirmed underneath him until he looped his arms around my legs and pulled me closer to him, his tongue pressing just a bit.
“Harry…” I panted. “Oh god.”
My legs shook around his head while he began to devour me, his tongue working faster. Opening my eyes, I began to watch him, as much as I could at least. I reached down and pushed that one stubborn curl from his forehead and his eyes shifted up, locking with mine.
“‘s that good, baby?” he murmured, barely tearing his mouth away.
I merely nodded, the only thing I could manage at the moment besides coming undone. I bit my finger when he smiled and resumed his task, making me reach the edge.
I tugged on his hair as I came, calling out his name. He nipped at my thighs gently as they trembled before climbing up the bed to hover over me.
For a solid minute or two, he just stared at me. Perhaps he was waiting for me to say something. Perhaps he was waiting for the green light. Or perhaps he was just waiting for me to stop shaking, I dunno. But I swear his gaze was like a magnet. I couldn’t look away.
The eyeliner had begun to smudge a bit from his recent activity. I started to reach up to swipe my thumb underneath his eye when I remembered the condom in my hand. I smiled and raised my brows, offering it to him.
“You still want me, baby?” he asked, taking it from me.
“What did I say?”
“Just making sure.”
Harry uncertainty was definitely something I was not used to, but as I watched him roll the condom on, I wondered if it wasn’t a put-on. He was nothing if not confident.
Situating himself, he kissed me once more before looking into my eyes.
“I always want you too, Alyssa,” he murmured.
Then before I could respond, he entered me fully. I gasped a tiny breath when I realised how deep he was so quickly. Then exhaling through my nose, I wrapped my legs around him.
“Mmm, I love when you do that,” he said.
I couldn’t help but giggle, knowing that was definitely something he liked, and I liked pleasing him. We moved together, a slow, steady rhythm at first. I could already feel my core reacting, my most sensitive spots throbbing.
He lifted his head again and I watched his face, his eyes burning into mine as he began to move faster. I had to unravel my legs from him, lifting my knees to give him more room for thrusts. Then with a groan, he sat back and held my hips as he fucked me hard. I bit my lip to keep my moans at bay, but I couldn’t help it. Dropping my arms beside my head, I cursed and called his name.
“Yeah, baby,” he growled. “So good, innit?”
“Fuck, yes.”
He slowed down then, a low chuckle releasing from his throat. “C’mere.”
I looked at him in wonder as he guided me up and onto his lap. I noticed then that he was perspiring, beads of sweat dripping on his forehead. This time I did reach to wipe them off, but instead Harry took my hands and kissed the backs of them.
“You’re amazing, Alyssa, you know that?”
I beamed at him as I slowly began to ride him.
“You want me, Harry?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck as his gorgeous green eyes looked up at me, the makeup starting to run down one cheek. I didn’t want to wipe it away this time. He looked so sexy.
“Always,” he replied.
I licked my lips and kissed him hard, my tongue wrestling with his. His hands covered my breasts while my hips moved gingerly. Then breaking the kiss, I rode him faster, bouncing on his lap.
“Oh, Jesus,” he moaned as he moved his hands to my hips for leverage.
“Is that good?” I asked him, just like he’d asked me earlier.
“Fuck yeah, baby, you drive me crazy.”
I watched his face, knowing he was close to unraveling. He let out a few expletives as his fingers dug into my flesh.
“Come for me, baby,” I urged. I couldn’t help it. I wanted to watch him, and just the thought of it made me drip with delight.
“You first,” he shook his head.
I wanted to argue that I already had, and that was enough. But I knew he’d just argue back. This goddamn boy. He was going to make me fall for him, wasn’t he?
I slowed down my pace, only slightly as I needed to rejuvenate. My breaths evening out and heartbeat slowing, I kissed him again. Our lips still locked, Harry grabbed my waist and laid me back on the bed again. Then he lifted my leg and pounded me hard.
“Fuck, Harry!” I screamed.
“Wrap your legs around me, love,” he requested.
I came immediately, the sensation of him deep inside and the sounds of his moans tipping me over the edge. My body trembled beneath his as his breaths quickened in my ear.
“Baby…” he groaned. “Oh, Alyssa.”
The sounds he made as he came were indescribable. This wasn’t our first shag. But it was definitely our first something else.
I lay spent on the dampened sheets, wishing I’d remembered to turn on the fan. Sticky with sweat, Harry rolled off of me, discarded the condom into the nearby bin and laid on his back breathing hard. We stayed like that for a while in silence until Harry surprised me again.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he said for the...how many times? I turned my head to look at him, but his gaze was on the ceiling, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
“I’m sorry I didn’t text just to let you know I was thinking of you. Because I was.”
My breath caught in my throat but I managed to clear it. “You were?”
“‘Course.” He turned onto his side to face me. His lips were so close to mine if either of us moved only slightly, they would touch.
“How was I supposed to know that, Harry?” I asked just above a whisper. 
Shaking his head, he seemed to consider my question. “I reckon you weren’t. I’m sorry.”
I bit my lip as he leant his forehead against mine and swung his arm across my waist. He hummed softly as though he had a song in his head.
“I wish I’d rung you to talk about your day. To ask about work or your mum. To hear about your adorable succulents.”
His last comment made me smile. “To be fair, you did text me Wednesday. So not quite two weeks.”
“Fucking Wednesday. Jesus, Alyssa,” he sighed. “And a text. How the fuck am I to expect us to be okay when I bloody text you on a Wednesday?”
I narrowed my eyes. “Are we okay? Because you kind of have me worried now.”
“Yeah, if I haven’t already fucked it up,” he groaned.
“Harry…I never said you fucked it up. I’m still here. I still came to your show. I showed up and waited at the bar like you asked me to.”
“Yeah. I know.”
“Did I really seem different tonight?” I asked.
“Not...well, kinda. You just...didn’t seem like yourself, that’s all.”
“Well then, I apologise, because I thought I was the same as I’ve always been - the same as you want.”
“What I want?” Harry asked incredulously.
“Well, Harry…” I hesitated. “We’ve never really discussed what we want from each other. But I assumed you didn’t want anything serious. We’re like...friends with benefits I reckon.”
“No, we’re not,” he stated.
My jaw dropped as I glared at him.
“I don’t want you to be..." he added.
“Baby, I don’t want you to be just a friend with benefits. I want...this.” Harry gestured between us.
“Us. You and I. Or, um...you and me, whatever.”
I could feel my heart beating in my chest, and I was sure it was so loud he could hear it. “Seriously?”
Harry nodded, his hand sliding underneath my jaw. “I want you, baby.”
I sighed, tears starting to form in my eyes. Blinking fast, I swallowed hard. “What brought this on?”
“I’ve been trying to tell you. I don’t mean just sex. I want you, for real. I was gutted when I thought something had changed between us, but then I realised it was my own fucking fault.”
“I don’t...know what to say, Harry.”
“Say you want me too. You and I.”
I smiled as I reached for him, kissing him tenderly and eagerly. “Always.”
Harry’s dimples appeared in his cheeks as he beamed at me. I couldn’t help it. I started giggling.
“Oh love,” I sighed. “Please tell me you’ll continue to do the eyeliner thing. I’m with Bruno. You look sexy AF.”
Harry chuckled. “Yeah?”
“Mhmm. Truth? You look completely fucked. And I love that it was with me. Only makes me want you more.”
“Well, in that case,” he murmured low, pulling my leg across his, “I’ll wear it from now on.”
“Just so I know it’s for me, and not your groupies.”
Harry snorted. “Or Bruno?”
“Eh, I don’t mind so much about Bruno. He’s on my side.”
Harry laughed harder before kissing me across my cheek and down my neck.
“You really are amazing, Alyssa,” he whispered in my ear. “Now...tell me about your succulents.”
“Well Prince is the newest, like I said,” I began, Harry’s mouth continuing its trail down my neck and shoulder. “Mick and Freddie were my first two and they’re still going strong. But Bowie is a bit temperamental…”
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Hope you enjoyed!
Please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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isaut · 5 months
googoo gaga over this man. divorcee au
“I never really learned how to dance,” Rex admits. 
The kitchen illuminates the two of you as well as the evening light. Pasta simmers on the stove in front of you, and two fine glasses of wine stand before each of you. Jazz music plays from your record player, which inspired your swaying and Rex’s commentary. 
“No?” You ask. 
“No,” Rex affirms. 
“Not even for your wedding?” 
Rex brings his wine glass to his lips. “No. Just kind of swayed.” 
“That’s a shame,” you say. 
“You like dancing then, I guess.” 
“I love it.” 
There’s a pause. Rex sets down the glass and comes to stand beside you and the hot stove. His hand rests on your lower back, sliding to your hip. 
“You seem like you do.”
You smile, fluttering your lashes up at him. “Do I?” 
Rex nods. “You like a lot of stuff I don’t know about. But I don’t mind. I’m learning.”
You’re learning too. Your pupils turn to hearts when he starts talking about physics over dinner. Blindly, you take his advice when you play Risk and Catan together. 
Arguably speaking, you’ve been much slower to unravel the little bits about you that Rex craves to learn. So much of it had been boxed away over the past year and some, forced away from lack of time, lack of emotional energy, lack of dance partner. 
“I’ll teach you, if you want,” you offer. 
Rex’s eyes light up. “Yeah?” 
You nod. The timer for the pasta goes off, and Rex moves to your other side, hand still lingering on you as you drain the grains and add it to the sauce. 
“‘S easier with some music than others. I think jazz is the easiest.” 
A piece of pasta plops outside of the saucepan as you stir. Rex plucks up the rigatoni and pops it in his mouth. “What makes you say that?” 
You shrug. “Sounds like living, y’know?” 
“I don’t. I haven’t really listened to jazz like that.” 
Turning your head, you regard Rex. Your stirring pauses. “No?” 
Your stirring resumes. 
Rex lounges on your couch, cocktail in hand. Leftovers have been tucked away in the fridge, dishes in the dishwasher. You’re crouched before your record player and the collection of records, flipping through them. 
Eventually, you come across a mini record, one with only four songs on it, and lift it up, reading the title just to remind yourself what it is. 
“We’ll start with this,” you say, looking over at Rex. You don’t think he’s moved his gaze from you since he sat down. His eyes are warm, like liquid amber in the low lights. 
“What is it?” Rex asks. 
“This is the Roland Kirk Quartet,” you say, slipping the record onto the turntable, listening to it buzz to life. “I picked it up when I was studying abroad in Cairo.” 
“Really?” Rex asks. 
Nodding, you come to sit beside Rex. He shifts, so his arm spreads out along the back of the couch. 
Rex tilts his head to the side, gaze lingering along your profile. “Were you just buying records?” 
You smile. “Mostly. I was supposed to be learning about the pigments used to decorate sarcophagi. But I spent a lot more time… not doing that.” 
Rex shakes his head and smiles. Takes a sip of his drink, almost in disbelief. 
“What are you doing here?” He asks when he turns back to you, voice a murmur. 
“What do you mean?” You ask, matching his tone, gaze fluttering about his face. 
“You could be anywhere…” but I’m glad you’re here. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” you admit quietly, over trumpets and tapping ride cymbals. “I’m making it up as I go.” 
Rex smiles. The corners of his eyes crease. “I think we all are.” 
Humming, you rest your head to the side. “You think so?” 
“Yeah,” Rex says. “I know so.” 
“You do? How?” 
“We don’t need to get into all of that,” Rex says. “You just have to trust me.” 
“Okay,” you say, all too easily. 
A grin spreads across your face as Rex leans in closer to you. 
“Are you going to teach me to dance, sweetheart? Or just sit here and look pretty?” 
With a hum, you bite your bottom lip for a moment. “You think I’m pretty?” 
“Yeah,” Rex says. “I’d be blind not to.” 
You let the comment linger for a moment. “Can I be honest?” 
“Yeah,” Rex breathes. 
“I don’t know how to teach you to dance.” 
“Who taught you how to dance?” 
Your eyes search Rex’s. “My dad.” 
Rex exhales, relieved. “I thought you were going to say your ex.” 
You laugh, reaching to hold Rex’s arm. “No, thank goodness. Can you imagine?” 
“I was imagining it, and I didn’t like it,” Rex says, matching your smile. 
“I’ll teach you, but I require something in return.” 
“And what is that?”
“A kiss.” You’re so close to Rex now anyways, lips hovering inches away from each other. One grand sway and you’d be attached. 
“Just one?” Rex asks. 
You nod. He bows his head further. His breath ghosts against your lips. You fight the urge to wet your lips. 
His lips press against yours. Firm. Soft. He pulls away with eyes just as soft as yours. 
“Maybe we can just kiss a little bit,” you whisper, resting a hand on his shoulder. 
Rex ducks his head beside you, reaching around you to set his drink on your coffee table. His hand, cool from the condensation, rests on your thigh. 
“Just a little bit,” you repeat. 
“We can kiss for as long as you’d like,” Rex murmurs. “There’s nothing I’d rather do more.” 
With a giggle that sounds far too youthful, you bat your lashes up at him. The hand on your thigh squeezes. 
“I do want to learn to dance,” Rex continues. “I need to be able to keep up with you.” 
You decide, in that moment, that you can kiss him while you dance. Fluidly, you stand, holding out a hand for Rex. He regards it for a moment, then takes it, only to pull you back down on the couch. You go with a gasp. 
Rex stands, smoothing a hand down his front before offering one out to you. 
With a flush high on your cheeks, you take Rex’s hand in your own. He pulls you up, hand resting on your lower back. You loop your hands around his neck, pressing against him. 
Standing on your tiptoes, you press your lips against his once more. 
“There aren’t any rules,” you murmur, shaking your hair back so it falls along your backside. “You just kind of let… Let your body listen.” 
Rex’s hands rest on your hips. You flutter your lashes up. “So what is your body hearing?” 
His body is hearing a lot of things. It’s the blood in his ears, the warmth beneath his fingertips. The gaze down your shirt. The tug of your earrings against your earlobes. 
Sensing his unresponsiveness, you take it upon yourself to make the first move. You press your leg against his, moving it backwards. Rex follows suit, then takes another step backwards. Then forwards. Then again. Then backwards. Then again. 
The rhythm builds. You move in fluid motions together, back and forth, until you pull away from him, leading him to a more open space in your living room, twirling yourself under his arm, pulling back before pulling yourself in. Like breathing. 
“You’re getting the hang of it,” you say, smiling up at Rex. With a hand on his chest, you lean back up to meet him for another kiss. He meets you for it gladly. 
Your shuffling feet come to a standstill, in favor of moving your lips against each other. Gentle, fluid motions. Opening and closing. Like a valve on your heart with every beat. 
“Is this what your body is telling you?” You ask, not bothering to open your eyes, asking the question directly against Rex’s lips. 
He nods. “Yeah.” 
Your fingers scratch against where his buzzed hair meets his neck. Your lips find him again. The jazz music comes to a halt as the record reaches the last note on the A side. Neither of you move from where you’re standing, lips passing against each other. 
One of Rex’s hands trails up to rest on your waist, the other firmly on your hip. You keep your hand firmly on the back of his neck. You don’t actually need to worry about him leaving, but you want all the assurance that he won’t. 
It feels like you’re overstepping a line when your tongue swipes along his lower lip. Hopeful. Lustful. Shy. 
Rex pulls you in closer, arching your back as he responds to the kiss. His mouth opens. He sighs into you. 
It feels wonderful. You need to catch your breath but you don’t care. Instead, you reciprocate tenfold. Press along his body. Ignore the hard points of each other’s bodies in favor of the softness within each other’s mouths. 
Rex’s hand comes to press between your shoulder blades before it lowers back to your waist. He takes a sharp breath as he pulls away, leaving you chasing after him. 
“We were dancing,” Rex breathes. 
You inhale. “Yeah, we were.” 
Dancing could have multiple meanings. 
“Let’s keep going.” 
You do. Your feet move alongside Rex’s light as a feather. Your fingers interlock and separate– Rex likes spinning you. Likes when your back is against his chest, likes when you’re smiling up at him. Likes how easy going you look, how relieved. How carefree, how joyous. 
He wonders if you feel loved. Because he feels it, exploding from his chest. It’s almost overwhelming, how much love he feels. Feels wrong, to some degree. 
Eventually, when the two of you collapse back onto the couch, with your legs over Rex’s, and your bodies too close, Rex closes his eyes. Leans his head back, takes deep breaths of the candle-hinted air. 
Neither of you say a word. Instead, you bask in the silence. In the steady breaths. 
You debate inviting Rex to spend the night. You have a guest bedroom. You have your bedroom. Your bed. 
Instead, you say goodbye to him at your door. Steal another kiss while the door is closed, as if someone would see the two of you in your bubbling summertime romance phase. And when the door is open, you wave to him, still in the clothes you put on just for him to come over. He waves back, and keeps glancing over his shoulder as he walks back to his truck. 
You don’t close the door until he’s at the stop sign. Until he turns left, and out of your sight.
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redcoralpot · 2 years
Uhmm do u do Glenn x make reader👉👈
Oh and if u do can pls do a smut but no cheating pls I luv Maggie😔❤️
Poker Face - Glenn Rhee X Male Reader (Smut)
Hey everyone! I finally got it done 🎉 sorry for the long wait!! Sorry if there’s any mistakes, I kind of rushed it and it’s my first smut in a few years 😵‍💫 (And was I listening to Lady Gaga while writing this? Of course)
Word Count: 1.1K
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    - “What are you doing out here?” you whisper to a stranger, sitting down on the porch. 
    The warm air whipped your cheek as you stared at him, ignoring the screams coming from inside the house. His lanky figure tensed up and he opened his eyes.
    “I needed a break.”
    You slid closer, your thighs touching his, “I can understand that.”
    “Yeah, I mean, it’s been a lot lately.”
    “That’s the understatement of the century,” you laugh, “I never got your name.”
    Seeing his expression was difficult without sunlight, “It’s Glenn.”
    “That name’s pretty, I like it.”
    A particularly loud scream startled you both, the man beside you jumping in skittish surprise. In an effort to calm him, you placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it in circles. 
    “Why don’t we go somewhere more secluded? You look like you need it,” you offer. 
    “But what if they need me? I can’t just leave them.”
    “There’s plenty of people around who can help if they need anything, I promise.”
    “You can’t do shit if you’re this anxious, it’ll be fine. They’ll understand.”
    Glenn looked torn, his body stuck between wanting to come with you and stiff loyalty to his group. His eyes were wide; you decided that they looked rather pretty like that. The moon was high in the sky, causing a gentle glint to grace them. Standing up, you turned towards him and reached out a hand. 
    “It’s your choice.”
    One thing you noticed about Glenn was that he manages to be quick and silent at the same time. It was honestly impressive, in your opinion, as you could barely hear the shuffle of his feet behind you. Crickets sing their songs as you stopped, plopping down on a nearby log. The half-rotten wood creaked as the other man chose to do the same. 
    Looking at him, you asked, “So where did your group come from?”
    He shrugged, “The city nearest to here.”
    “That’s nice, I haven’t been off the farm since it all started. Hershel says it isn’t too bad out there, but I’m having a hard time believing him.”
    You could feel sweat dripping uncomfortably down your chest, so you fumbled with your top shirt buttons until they opened, exposing it to air. You exhaled in brief relief, turning back to Glenn. To your surprise, the man’s head whipped away at the same time, gulping. 
     A knowing smirk threatened to take over your face, but you managed to innocently ask, “Is something the matter?”
     “No, um, nothing’s wrong,” he nervously replied, his eyes refusing to meet yours. 
     You lean closer, studying his face, “Are you completely sure?”
    Tilting your mouth towards his ear, you whisper, “It’s your choice, what do you really want?”
     For extra dramatics, you brushed your lips against it before pulling away. 
    “A distraction.”
     “I want a distraction,” he mumbled. 
     Taking his chin in your hand, you force him to look up at you, “I’m gonna need you to speak up.”
      “I need a distraction,” he complied. 
       “Such as?”
       Glenn swallowed, “You know, sex.”
       “Good job, now get on your knees.”
       As he slipped down, you reached down and unzipped your pants. With your other hand, you patted his head. You felt almost lightheaded as you pulled it out, watching as he stared all the while. That was plenty enough to tell you that he’d been thinking about it for some time. 
     Your dick is now standing proudly out, and the raven-haired man kneeling before you almost immediately went in for the treat. However, right before he could, you tightened your grip on his hair and stopped him. 
      “You’re so impatient,” you tutted, “if you ever need to stop, tap on my thigh twice. Got it?”
      “Yeah, yeah, I definitely got it,” Glenn stuttered. 
     Releasing your grip, you allowed him to nuzzle the underside of your shaft as you sat back and watched. Tentatively, he licked a trail up to the head, before taking it into his mouth. You groaned, heat sizzling through your body. 
     Glenn swirled his tongue, eagerly taking in more. You brushed your fingers over his head, muscles tense with the strain of keeping your nonchalant demeanor. Under him, Glenn was palming himself through his jeans, trying his best to get off at the same time. If you peered closely, you could see a dark spot making itself known. You’d have to get back to that. But for now, you knocked his hand away with your boot. 
     “I never said you could touch yourself,” you hissed, and the man under you keened. 
      “Shit,” you moaned, “can I fuck your face?”
      He nodded the best he could with your cock in his mouth, giving a few final sucks before you pulled him off. You let him rest for a few minutes, studying how he panted harshly. His face was red and his hair was messed up, spit and precum dripping down his chin. 
      “You’re doing so amazing,” you huffed, breaching his mouth with your cock once again. 
      The surgery, the walkers, the screams, all were forgotten as Glenn relaxed into your grasp. Slowly, you got rougher, until soon enough you were thrusting into his mouth with confidence. The dark spot on his jeans had gotten bigger and every few thrusts, the man whined, his thighs shaking. The head of your dick touched the back of his throat as you fell into a steady rhythm, feeling his moans vibrating through you. They got more and more desperate, each one making the knot in your gut grow tighter. Finally, Glenn let out a shaking sob and the blaze in your gut snapped. 
      “F-fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you warned, thrusting a few final times before everything around you whited out and a red hot shiver took over your body. 
      Glenn himself shook, the haze of pleasure covering the salty and warm taste of your cum as he swallowed it all. Both heaving in the aftermath, you brushed some of the fallen strands of hair out of his face. 
     “That was,” the man breathed, “that was awesome.”
    You chuckled, “Let me help you finish.”
    As soon as you spoke, his face burst into a massive blush. You raised your eyebrows in confusion, thinking back to the dark spot on his jeans earlier. 
    “Well, um,” he stumbled, seeming embarrassed. 
    The man clicked open his jeans, showing you the sticky mess inside his pants and his ruined boxers. 
     “It was just really good so—”
     “Don’t worry about it, I think it’s hot.” You stood up, slipping up your zipper and holding out your hand. 
     “C’mon, let’s go get you cleaned up.”
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Fuck it Friday
Tagged by my loves (check their posts) @ebdaydreamer @panbuckley thank you 🫂🫂🫂🫂💙💙💙💙💙
I'm working and working on vegas drunk marriage (interact if you want be tagged). And today I think I will end half of first draft (not first half tho). Here more from date and things got spicy
“What?” Eddie raises his eyebrow at Buck’s strange look.
“Nothing, nothing. I-I just can’t believe we’re actually on a date and you’re my fiance and we had a wedding with Lady Gaga officiating it,” Buck chuckles. “Feels like it’s a long dream about you.”
“Do you have a lot of dreams about me?” Eddie lowers his voice and moves closer to the blue-eyed man, grinning.
“Plenty since poker,” Buck puts his hand on Eddie’s and whispers in his ear. Eddie feels goosebumps from Buck's breathing and his next words. “But I don’t think you want to hear it now, baby. Because most of them are wet dreams.” Buck bites his lower lip moving away from Eddie. “But I can tell you in our room,” he winks.
“The bill, please,” Eddie needs all his self-control not to scream it impatiently, but he needs to get Buck to their room as soon as possible. Buck laughs at him because he knows Eddie is impatient and it’s his mistake. Eddie kisses his cheek and whispers, “You better start to choose your favorite dream, baby. I will make it real for you,” he puts his hand on Buck’s inner thigh as he dreamed for a long time, stroking lightly and enjoying the picture of a reddened man near him.
“You need to stop, Eds, please, I won’t be able to walk in front of people,” Eddie takes pity on him and stops stroking, but does not remove his hand. 
He had wanted to touch those gorgeous thighs for too long, especially when they had become many times larger in recent months. Buck's legs, and especially his thighs, always drove him crazy. But after Taylor, Buck clearly added leg exercises, and Eddie has been going a little crazy every day since he noticed how much thicker Buck's thighs became (maybe after noticing this for the first time he needed extra time in the shower, but it's all the fault of Buck's skinny jeans.) Eddie wants to bite Buck’s thighs and feel them around his head and waist. Ok, maybe he should stop himself, otherwise, he won't be able to get up either.
Tagging(no pressure 💙): @useramor @911onabc @heartbeatdiaz @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @bi-buck-coded @honestlydarkprincess @buddierights @the-likesofus @rogerzsteven @shortsighted-owl @transbuck @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @transboybuckley @bekkachaos @housewifebuck @monsterrae1 @singlethread @cowboy-buddie @buckitup @bigassdiaz @caroandcats @mandzuking17 @buckleydiaz @firsttobleed and anyone who want to share something
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Warnings: surprisingly none (good job me) I lied… but it’s semi smut (I tried… but not hard enough. I’m too down bad for him 😭)
Tags: @thatchubbypillow
They were just vibing near him with headphones in. They managed to convince Lambert that they didn’t own a phone, nor did they give him their actual phone number. They gave it to him on a burner phone, and that was the phone he currently had. They were listening to the song Monster by Lady Gaga
Something in the air tonight was just aching for that song to be played. He could hear the music being played, and noticed no one had said anything about it, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. The song was on repeat cause they were just having a moment until he taps them on their shoulder to get their attention
They paused the music, and then placed their headphones around their neck. They turned to face the person who tapped their shoulder, and turned red immediately once they realized who it was. “You really thought you could be so slick with keeping your actual phone on you” he stared, which makes them want to melt already
They liked that he was talking to them more now, since they immediately started crushing on him. They wondered exactly what he was gonna do in this situation. “Give it to me” he orders, which makes them wonder what he’d even do to it. “Uh… why?” They asked as they hoped that one of their friends wouldn’t text them back now
“Cause you’re not supposed to fucking have it” Frank says, which makes them think about exactly where he’d put their phone. “I can’t believe your risking us getting tracked down just to listen to some fucking Lady Gaga” Frank says in annoyance, which makes Sammy and Peter look at what’s going on
This makes them shocked that he even knew who Lady Gaga was. He didn’t seem like the type to keep up with new music and artists. “Now hand the fucking phone over.” Frank orders, which makes them sigh. “Fine. You got me sir” they let out their hands in defeat, and then grabbed their phone out
“But where are you gonna put it, huh? If someone was tracking me, you’d want it as far as possible” they pointed out as they give it to him. He breaks the phone; “that’s how.” “Damn…” they put their headphones back on, and pressed play for music to continue. Frank looks puzzled by their actions. “Oh my god” Sammy lets out a surprised laugh as she hears music coming from their headphones again
“Damn, they got you good Frank” Peter says, which makes Frank annoyed. “If we get caught, I know who I’m fucking blaming” Frank walks off in annoyance as a smirk plays on their face
They were covered in blood now, and the only human being still alive. Frank was looking at them with a big smirk now. All night up until now, they had started to listen to him, and he recognized that they had feelings for him as well. “Let’s dance” he says as moves closer towards them
They felt confused as he approached, and once he stood in front of them, he’s smiling. He takes their hand to kiss it. They blushed as he now stood back up. He had their phone in his hand now, which makes them shocked. “How long have you’ve had that?” They asked as Monster by Lady Gaga starts to play now after he presses play
“That doesn’t really matter right now. Come on and dance with me” he places the phone into his pocket now as the song continues. “Yes sir” they say with an obvious blush on their face now. One of their hands on his shoulder, and one of their hands are in his. His other hand is on their waist now
They definitely didn’t expect this, but they didn’t mind. The two start swaying along to the song, and they never felt lost in a moment until now. He looks at their neck, and wanted to dig his fangs deep into their neck. He decides to lick the blood off their neck instead, which makes them shiver
“Frank” they moaned, which makes him stop. He lifts his head back up, and made the two stop dancing. He kisses them on their lips, which caught them by surprise, but they returned the kiss. He immediately deepens the kiss with his hand on their face now. They let out another moan
His lips now go onto their neck as his hand now goes back to his side. He’s leaving hickeys, but they knew what he really wanted. It excites them though that he wants to suck their neck. They didn’t care if that’s how they’d go, and he knew it too
He pulls away to look them in their eyes. He smirks as he now bites their neck. They felt stiff as he drains them. Once they take their last breath to say I love you, he pulls away. Their body is now on the ground as he smirks again. “I love you too dear” the song is still playing as he’s just looking at their lifeless body
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cakexblankett · 1 year
Rebecca Ferguson
She looked around before locking eyes with you. She smiled widely, making her way up to you. She looked stunning, you thought. She had a short white dress, with flowers embroided all over it. Her hair was curled and she had a light touch of makeup. You stared at her for a bit before hugging her.
"It's been so long!"
"It is! I'm shocked you still remembered me!"
She said, giggling. How could you forget her? She was your entire world, you could never ever forget a person like her.
She still had the same effect on you: your heartbeat quickened, you had butterflies in your stomach, you couldn't stop smiling and you felt almost dizzy, like her presence was too much to bare. She was a goddess on earth and you were a mere servant of hers.
You laughed awkwardly. She tilted her head to the side and you almost choked on nothing. Wonderful. If anybody could read your mind, in that moment, they would find the Lady Gaga meme where she kept spitting out compliments after compliments. Literally, that's what you were doing in your head.
"What do you want to do?"
"Ah... you know, I didn't think you would actually come so..."
You admitted. She grinned, taking your hand in hers. You gulped, feeling your hand starting to sweat. Her skin was soft.
"Want to walk around a bit?"
You nodded, retrieving your hand from hers. You started walking beside her, and you closed your eyes as soon as her scent hit you. It was sweet, like peaches and daisies. You almost leaned closer, but she made you snap out of your trance.
"So... what do you do now?"
You used to go to the same university, she was ten years older than you but that didn't stop you from falling hard for her. You became a book translator while she... well, she was famous and, thinking about it, you were so lucky to have been able to see her that day. She made time to meet you, she freed a bit of her busy schedule to be with a person like you and you thought that was really sweet of her. She even remembered you. Fantastic.
"Ah well, you know how I always said that I'd like to translate books and stuff?"
Rebecca nodded, her eyes shimmering.
"Don't tell me you are a translator!"
You grinned and she applauded.
"That's great! I'm so happy for you, Y/N!"
The fact that she was happy for you made you so glad, like you were actually hearing for the first time that you were a translator.
"I don't have to ask you what you do because..."
"Yeah, pretty obvious."
You both laughed. Her laugh was divine. It was like listening to Billie Eilish singing high notes.
You walked for about an hour, talking about your lives, what changed and what not. She told you about her children, and about her husband and you noticed she always looked down while talking about him.
"He is... well, he treats me well, that's a good thing."
You knew she hid something but you didn't want to intrude so you didn't ask anything about it. After a while, she stopped on her track, and looked at you.
"Come to my house, won't you?"
You remained petrified. To her house?
"I insist."
How could you say no to her? And so you accepted, and her eyes lit up like stars in the night sky. You were mesmerised by her, by her everything.
And so you were there, before your eyes appeared this beautiful white and brown house. She kept smiling, and you could feel the happiness she was feeling. And you were euphoric too, even though you couldn't believe it was real.
"Come, make yourself at home."
The house was big and pretty. Two children made their appearence and shook your hand politely. One even kissed you and told you:
"I'm so glad my mom made you come. You made her regain her spark. Thank you!"
And, as soon as they appeared, they disappeared. You looked around you, feeling overwhelmed. You were in Rebecca's house. Your head was spinning.
"Come, sit."
She said, waving you to go near her. And you were so close, you could have almost kissed her, and you were about to when...
"Wake up!"
You opened your eyes, lazily.
"Bloody Hell!"
You covered your face with your hands. It was all a dream. Of course it was, you knew it was too perfect to be a reality. You looked up. Rebecca would never remember you. She didn't think of you the way to thought of her. And even though you sometimes texted eachother, she was happily married and you were only a random girl who used to be in her life. Nothing more, maybe less.
Please, help! I think I have a huge crush on my philosophy teacher, and I dreamed of her yesterday. Should I tell her? I don't want to make things weird.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Our Dining Table Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, I felt my heart grow three times when we saw the moment Minoru fell completely for Yutaka. We watched Yutaka connect with a coworker to learn a new skill so he could keep his promise to Tane to make a bento, which called back to the eggs scene in his the movie for me. We also got to see their plans for Tane go awry again and force them to adapt. I'm in love with this show and everyone in it.
I am once again begging the Japanese distributors to give better files to Gaga and Viki. The artifacts and ghosting are so distracting.
Yutaka being adopted adds an unexpected layer to this. Has he felt out of place in family dynamics his entire life?
I think Yukata made the bento picture his lock screen image. Beautiful.
I usually don't enjoy this heavy use of flashback, but I understand that we're seeing Yutaka think about how he feels included and welcome in the Ueda house.
Damn, Minoru has it bad. He had to turn completely around at Yutaka saying he was happy to see him.
I like how everyone eats in a way that doesn't feel performative. They look like they're genuinely enjoying food.
I wonder if Inukai and co. learned more about food on this show. Nishijima talked about improving the food he made for his family after playing as Shiro.
Sweet potatoes in curry? I don't normally like sweet potatoes that much, but I'm curious.
I'm impressed with Inukai and Iijima. That was a really smooth single take walking through the food mart with Maeyama. They are working really well with this young actor to create a strong group dynamic.
Ah, Yutaka's older brother has no idea about how Yukata feels.
So Yutaka's older brother didn't want him around and they didn't even teach him how to eat these fancy meals. This is awful.
I like them having Tane peel the onions. I think it's important to get kids comfortable with food prep early so they can share in the joy of making something good together.
Now we're putting chocolate in curry??
I do love that you have to pay closer attention to body language and facial expressions in Japanese shows. You can appreciate the intricacies of the performances that way.
I don't know how often Minoru gets praise for his cooking, but he seems genuinely touched.
Damn, they didn't save any curry for the dad.
Hey, they also have Tane helping clean up.
Aw Papa Ueda meant that Yukata was welcome, but he doesn't have any positive experiences with that.
I feel bad for Minoru too. He likes Yutaka, but doesn't know him well enough yet to cheer him up.
Iijima is doing so much with his eyes and mouth. I'm obsessed.
Well, despite the sadness of this episode, it looks like we're back cooking together next week! Chin up, folks!
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90stvqueen · 2 years
What do you think lesbians are attracted to in women that we can’t be attracted to in men?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives woman-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait women have that men can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
Oughhhh I wrote up a whole answer to this ask, and then tumblr editor crashed and didn't back it up. RIP me. Take two.
I'm answering this ask in good faith, but there are assumptions here that I need to poke at, so let's dive in.
What do you think lesbians are attracted to in women that we can’t be attracted to in men?
Already this presupposes an agreed-upon definition of the word "lesbian." If you look it up, you'll find definitions like "a woman whose sexual orientation is to women," or "a female homosexual." Even these two definitions require a closer examination - some people have different definitions for "woman" and "female" depending on their lived experience and political agenda.
Besides, I know lesbians who don't experience sexual attraction; both these definitions leave them out. I know lesbians who don't identify as women - I'm one of them! There's too much nuance for a straightforward (or gayforward! ha!) answer.
homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
When I was growing up/coming out, there were two schools of thought about why people are gay/trans:
One idea is that people choose to be gay, or become gay at some point in their lives (through trauma, conditioning, listening to Lady Gaga, etc). This idea was and is supported by the kinds of people who believe in conversion therapy.
The other idea is that you were born that way; people don't choose to be gay or trans, it's innate. This theory was more popular among the LGBTQ+ community and its allies (thanks, Lady Gaga!), and it was substantiated by the existence of homosexual animals.
It's standard nature vs. nurture, and it's a false dichotomy.
As I typed "homosexual animals," I thought, really, what I mean to say is animals that exhibit behaviors that deviate from heterosexual expectations. What's the difference? Well, as you said, animals can't articulate their identities to us. When we ascribe a label like homo/hetero/bi/pansexual to them, we create blinders for ourselves. If an animal exhibits behaviors that defy that categorization, what then? Sure, the animal doesn't care - it's just living its life. And don't we need categorization so that we have some parameters to study them?
All right, so what does that have to do with people?
Actually, quite a bit, I think. Because like you said, animals can't state their identities to us. The only way we can learn about them is through their behavior. People can state their identities, yes, but ultimately: actions speak louder than words.
What do I mean? Well, first of all, stating your identity is an action that reinforces that identity as truth. If you say you're a lesbian, but you date men, what's the truth, and who has the right to decide?
There are many people who choose to believe that the truth is simple: a lesbian is a "female homosexual," i.e. a cis woman who is exclusively attracted to other cis women (and trans men, who they see as confused cis women). We could talk about whether such distinct categorical attraction exists or if it's just bigotry in action, but it wouldn't be worth the time or energy. These people believe that words and identities are fixed things that can be decided and enforced collectively. This kind of thinking works for a lot of people, especially people who seek a higher authority in the form of "community." It also hurts a lot of other people. But I digress.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait women have that men can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
I'm doing my best not to give you a nonanswer, because the question is an interesting one - so interesting that there are decades and decades of academic and community-wide discussions about the very questions you're posing. Unfortunately, you've put me in a catch-22, because I can't explain. There are ideas and experiences that we can approximate with language, but there are some things that defy explanation.
So I'll explain, to the best of my abilities, what I mean when I say that actions speak louder than words and that being a lesbian is not intrinsically who you are, but what you do.
Way, way back in the day, before we had words like "bisexual" or "genderqueer," there was an underground lesbian community that consisted of gay and bisexual women as well as trans folks (mostly transmascs, some of whom might have called themselves a man and a lesbian in the same breath). If you were bisexual and you left the community, you were no longer a lesbian - you were "going straight." The same was true of people who decided to perform their gender as written, i.e. butches who assimilated to feminine standards and married men for their own safety.
Back then, you were a lesbian if you were part of the lesbian community. If you were performing the action of being a lesbian.
Since then, there's been a movement away from this kind of fluidity and accessibility (and inaccessibility! not everyone who wanted to be a lesbian had access!) of labels; for example, you'll hear people complaining that a "bi lesbian" isn't a thing. But some of the same people who are making that complaint are people who love the concept of "political lesbianism," a radical feminist idea from the 60s that said, hey, if you want to be a lesbian, all you have to do is leave your man and date women instead - regardless of whether or not you're attracted to women. It's the feminist thing to do! This gave birth to lesbian separatism, which brings us back to contemporary radical feminists trying to define any deviance out of the words "lesbian" and "woman."
This separatism hurts us in the end. I'm not interested in engaging with the hypotheticals and strawman arguments that TERFs often use to silence those of us who deviate from their definitions. They won't listen, and we won't agree. So, ignoring them:
I'm not a woman, but I'm a lesbian. I've dated cis and trans women in the past. What's more, I've experienced and acted on attraction to cis women, trans women, trans men, nonbinary people, and occasionally cis gay men. Uh-oh! Should I have my lesbian card revoked?
Some might say yes, that means you're not actually a lesbian. And to them I say: maybe not on your terms. But I'm living my life on my terms.
And the only way these people can keep me from living on my terms is to restrict my rights, suppress my voice, and if all else fails, kill me.
Which is what's happening to a lot of people like me and my partners right now.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
I think everything is a cultural performance. I think some of us were born with it, some of us discover it over time, and some of us hide it. It's an identity. It's a lifestyle. It's an action. It's a reaction. It's innate. It's a choice.
Until we figure out a way to quantify attraction, we'll continue to attempt to categorize it. I don't know why I'm not attracted to most men. I don't know why I feel femme in a butch's arms and butch in a femme's. I don't know. I can't explain. It may be a nonanswer, but I hope I've given you things to think about, anyway.
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years
I’m a free woman
Summary: Taking your girlfriend to one of her favorite artists concert
Warnings: Lady Gaga concert, Fluff, Eve with the FIT, so cute and so gay
word count: 5.1k
a/n: i went to see Lady Gaga live recently🥺🥺🥺 and omg the energy of the stadium was amazing and I can’t help but think it’d be cute to take sweet sweet eve to see lady Gaga so BAM, also if you see that my next couple of fics are inspired by another Gaga song, no you didn’t ❤️❤️❤️
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When you find out that Lady Gaga is touring this year and that she’s going to be like an hour away, you make it your mission to get tickets to her concert. No matter what it takes! You knew that she’d freak out if she got to see Lady Gaga live, and frankly after the last couple of years, her dealing with her son going to college and him being a total asshole to her, this was something she needed. Your lovely girlfriend of 3 years was one of the biggest Gaga Stan’s you knew. Eve was a bit scared at first telling you this information, afraid you’d think she was lame for being a fan of Gaga since it’s something that most of the youth today listen to. From what she told you, her music was there to cheer her up when life seemed to challenge her or fuck with her. She never really told anyone besides Julian and Amanda when she first started being friends with them but was met with nothing but positive reactions when she found out they were also fans of lady gags too. The way that you found out this information was really funny and cute. So when you go to her house one day with some food you got on the way and saw her in the living room dancing to Stupid Love by Lady Gaga, you couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she looked. You even quietly placed the food in the kitchen to join her in the impromptu dance party she decided to join. It was so adorable to see how excited she got and you knew she would freak out if she got the chance to see her perform. The moment that ticket sales date was announced you made sure to save every penny and work as much overtime as you can at work to get the best seats in the stadium.
Eve didn’t question the sudden amount of hours thrown on you but was sad that she could only spend a couple of minutes with you before you had to go to each of your respective jobs. 
For the next couple of weeks, it was seeing Eve for a good five minutes before you had to leave and many cute texts between the two of you, your girlfriend leaving you some dinner before she had to sleep. You felt bad about the lack of time you got to spend with her but at the end of this, it would be worth it at the end when you see her reaction and the loads of fun you’ll both have. 
2 weeks of the same routine later and you get your check, put it in the bank, and see that you have earned enough from working all those hours to buy two-floor seats at the front of the stage. Once you got home, you quickie head to your computer to buy the two tickets for the both of you and order some of her favorite food as a way to surprise her when she gets home.
As you were preparing the surprise for your girlfriend, Eve was driving home back from work, a bit sad because she just wants to hug you, cuddle you, and overall want to be closer to you. She understood very much that work and school were important to you but felt bad that the both of you have only seen each other for a good 5 minutes, maybe 10 if you got up earlier than usual to get ready. She didn't want to be back home and have the house all to herself like she was years ago before she met you and fell in love with you. Never again did Eve want to be as lonely as she did after her son left her home to go to school. 
What Eve doesn’t know is that you're at home waiting for some Chinese food from her favorite restaurant to come on time. Her work schedule was something that you memorized very well so as long as it came through within a good 15 minutes that was all fine with you. Luckily for you, it arrives 5 minutes before she gets home so that you can set everything up all nicely for her. All you can do right now is wait for her as patiently as you can to give her all of your attention. 
10 minutes later you can hear her car pull up in the driveway and make sure to get into position ( cheesy pose to make her giggle) for when she comes in. To Eve’s surprise, she sees your car in the driveway and was a bit confused since she assumed that you’d be at work by now. Either way, Eve collects her things from the car and starts to think about what she might make for dinner tonight, what she might spend her Friday night doing, and so on. What she doesn’t expect to see is you on her couch all comfy.
“ y/n,” she says excitingly at seeing you and she immediately drops everything in her hands so she can hug you, afraid that maybe this is her mind playing some mean trick on you but she’s happy to confirm that it’s you in front of her. 
Eve begins to give you kisses all over your face and you begin to giggle at how adorable your girlfriend is, happy to see her reaction to seeing you. If a couple more weeks of you pushing yourself at work would have happened, there was no way Eve wouldn’t be mad at you.
“ Oh my god y/n, I thought that you were supposed to work today, I was missing you so much in the last couple of weeks,” Eve says as she cuddles next to you, never wanting to leave you at this moment. At that moment Eve looked so fucking cute cuddling as close as she can to you and your heart melts because she was so cute.
“ Well,” you start,” I have a surprise for you, babe, I’ve been working a lot in the past couple of weeks for this, I know that we haven’t been seeing each other for the past couple of weeks and I feel bad about it”. Eve hums in acknowledgment before wondering what might be the surprise is. Surprises were never anything fun and she hoped that it wasn’t bad as the last “ surprise “ she got was when her son had left for college and sent back cookies she had baked for him all night and since that day, any sort of surprise was very much ruined for her.
She didn't even see that you had gotten some of her favorite food from town before she gets off of you and walks over to the kitchen table and is again excited for food. Eve’s excitement about food works in your favor as you pull up the Ticketmaster app to show her the tickets. Eve questions what you might be doing on your phone but after a couple of seconds, you give her your phone for her to look at, and to say that she was excited would have been an understatement because she had the cutest and biggest smile on her face. Weeks of working long hours, dealing with boring coworkers, and getting no sleep at all were out of your mind, the only thing at this moment was the smile on Eve’s face not to mention some tears that you got her tickets to see what she considers one of her favorite artists ever on this planet.
“ Lady Gaga babe ?” 
“ yep, “ you say excitingly. 
“ You got me tickets to see gaga?” she asks again, in total disbelief that you got her these tickets, and you nod.
Before you know it, Eve is doing her little happy dance, over the moon that she’ll get to see her live and after her dancing, she gives you another hug as a thank you. Making sure to also give you many kisses as well.
“ Is this why you were working all those crazy hours babe? “ She says and the realization on Eve’s face breaks your heart because here she was thinking the worst would happen but you were just saving up money. Both of you stay close to each other in a sweet embrace, happy to be there. 
“ I wanted to get something for my best girl,” you say to Eve, who doesn’t hide the way she’s crying and places more kisses on your face. Nobody in her life before you came alone would have put in so much work to get something expensive as the tickets and she was so excited about the concert. 
That night, Eve is happy to see you all happy and relaxed to be home and never fails to stay close to you as the both of you cuddle up together watching tv in the living room watching a couple of baking shows, having an impromptu dance battle against each other and cuddling her while she reads one of her books and ending the night with holding each other close. 
Eve sleeping with a dorky grin on her face, too excited for the next couple of weeks to go by quickly so that she could be at the concert.
Over the next couple of weeks, both of you planned out everything for the day of the concert, what time the both of you would leave home, the outfits each of you would wear, and so on. Both of you wanted this plan to go as well as possible to avoid it being stressful. When it comes to your relationship, Eve tends to be the one to plan stuff and you were very happy for her to plan the day for the both of you, asking for your input as well so that she wasn’t dictating everything. As always, you assured your girlfriend that it was cute to see her plan out the day and were very much happy with her planning everything. 
After all of the constant hours you had been working at your job, the manager happily gave you three days off to relax and it fits perfectly with the plan that Eve had. She wanted to try to recreate one of Gaga’s outfits from her music videos to fit in with everyone else but sadly did not have time due to work. 
“ We got everything for tomorrow babe?” You ask Eve as she walks around the house, making sure to check that everything is in place, all the windows are closed, and she checks her bag again to be sure she isn’t anything that’s on her list. 
“ My bag is fine babe,” she says as she grabs her bag from the couch,” Did you make sure to have everything on you, babe?” 
A quick check of your bag to see that the only thing you are missing is a hairbrush so you quickly run into the house before Eve even has the chance to close it ( it scared her a bit ), grab your favorite hairbrush from the bathroom and run out of the house again past a confused Even who closes and locks the door to get on the passenger side of the car. 
“ Ready to head over to New Jersey to see gaga?” you ask and she nods excitingly. The drive to new jersey was not too bad as the both of you jammed out to the songs on your playlist, making sure to add some of Gaga’s greatest hits as well to make the drive go faster. Eve looking out the window while you drive the both of you there, the older woman sometimes taking some naps and trying her very best to stay away from you. 
“ Eve you know it’s fine if you sleep on the way to the hotel,” you tell her in her lousy attempt to stay up with you, the music on low in the car. There was only a good 40 minutes left before the both of you would be at the hotel but Eve decided it would be fine to stay up and then sleep at the hotel not to mess up her sleeping schedule. 
“ I would rather stay up with my y/n,” she mumbles as she feels herself falling asleep, which you find cute and after a couple of minutes the woman to your right is fast asleep. As much as you loved her, there was no way that Eve would be able to stay up for long hours and respect that she had a good sleeping schedule compared to yours. As Eve slept as peacefully as she could in the passenger seat, you were listening to some music while driving and were feeling excited for the next day to come.
The next 40 minutes go by as you listen to music and hum to the tune. Before you know it, google maps notifies you that you arrived at the hotel. It had been Eve’s idea to get a hotel as close to the venue as possible but if there wasn’t anything available, then a good 10-minute walk would be fine for the both of you. Eve had ended up finding a cute little hotel that’s about a 5-minute walk from the MetLife stadium that was perfect for you to stay at and booked it right away before it wasn't available.
Parking was hard to find since many people must have stayed in surrounding hotels in the area to avoid traffic and it took longer than usual to get a spot. After 20 minutes of driving around and you are finally able to get a spot, getting in quickly before anyone else does and you wake up your girlfriend who’s still peacefully sleeping in the passenger seat. She looks so cute sleeping and you don’t want to wake her up but there’s so no way she could be comfy sleeping in a car. You gently wake up Eve, who’s confused at where the fuck the both of you are before thinking a bit. 
She must have had a good sleep from what you could tell.
“ Are we at the hotel y/n?” she asks you as she rubs her eyes to adjust from the light of the parking lot. 
“ We still have to walk in and get the room keys Eve,” you tell her and she groans in disappointment, just wanting to sleep but at least the hotel isn’t too far. Too tired to nag about it, Eve gets out of the car to help you get all your stuff together so the both of you can head inside the hotel. 
The receptionist was very understanding about the check-in time, not wanting to waste your time with small talk, and quickly gets the both of you out of the lobby to your room. Eve had made sure to splurge a bit on the room as she wanted to treat you to something nice and she smiled as you saw the reaction to the room but most of all the reaction to seeing the bed. Not even giving yourself time to look around and running to the bed so you can get some hours of sleep. Eve was very happy that she recommended wearing comfy stuff on the drive to the hotel to avoid having to change. 
“ oh so cute,” she mumbles to herself seeing you on the bed sleeping soundly, and gets your bags to the corner of the room. Eve feeling very tired gets out of her shoes and makes her way to you so that she can cuddle with you. 
“ you asleep yet honey?” She asks you and when she gets no response back, Eve slowly but surely falls asleep, with excitement running through her bones with what the next day will bring.
The next day
The first thing that you see when you wake up in sunlight and are aware of what time it is is before looking at the other side of the bed and seeing it’s empty. Wondering what time it even is you grab your phone to see what time it is and see that it’s only 10 am but also wonder where Eve might be. 
There’s no text from her and you don’t see her in the room but your question is answered when the older woman comes through the front door with 2 coffees in her right hand and a bag in her left. 
“ so they didn’t have much for breakfast here but I managed to find a cute little breakfast place and I got us some food!” She tells you, easily managing to not spill the coffees in the cup holder. 
“ so what time did you wake up babe ?” 
“8 am, “ she says. 
“ And you didn’t sleep in,” you say, a little sad because she’s always been an early bird type of person compared to you and wanted some of her famous eve fletcher cuddles. 
“ honey,” she starts as she makes her way to you,” I promise that I’ll sleep in tomorrow after the concert right now I’m just so excited for today.” 
There was no fact that Eve was so excited for this concert, the last time you had seen her this excited was when she brought you to the craft store for knitting supplies, which was adorable. Eve looks so cute right now smiling like an idiot, in turn, it makes you smile because you were making memories with the best person ever. And you knew I’m your heart that the woman sitting across from you felt the same in her heart too. 
A couple of minutes go by where you look at each other with love and affection before Eve makes the move, slowly leaning into you before kissing you with so much passion. Eve is the one to take the lead as she quickly gets in your laps to get closer to you, always wanting to feel your touch at all times and you gladly give her that as she feels your hands roam around her body, mostly to her hips to keep her in place
“ someone’s horny, “ you say before moving your kisses to her neck and she gladly accepts. 
“ This should be fun,” she says before you switch positions to have her under your body
30 minutes later.
“ y/n honey come and eat your food,” she says to you as you walk out of the bathroom in only one of her T-shirts, and she can’t help but stare at how pretty you look in her clothes. 
“ did you get French toast?” 
“ yep, and an iced coffee for you to go along with it,” she says as she continues to eat her breakfast, a stack of pancakes with some syrup while looking at her phone. 
While you were sleeping peacefully, Eve had been looking online for more information on when it’s the best time to get to the concert since the tickets were put tickets and both of you were in no mood to wait in line for too long. She had seen there were no openers so it meant both of you had time to buy food and merch before the concert started. 
“ what time did you wanna leave the hotel ?” You ask her taking a bite of the French toast, letting out a small moan at how amazing this taste and making your girlfriend giggle. 
“ I’d say since we aren’t too far from the stadium I’d say around 6 pm to get in the VIP line, then it gives us time to find our seats, get merch food and then find our seats,” she explains to you while you listen carefully to her plan. 
“ what’s the bag policy Eve?” 
“ no backpack but yes on purses” 
“ We bringing the reusable one tho ?” 
“ yep,” she says continuing to eat her food and looking at her phone for more information. 
Breakfast goes by quickly as you and Eve enjoy this time together, eating. Laughing and talking more about plans for later. There was no way that the both of you could go out exploring the city and opted to stay in the hotel til it came time to get ready and leave. Which was easily agreed upon as it meant more time together for cuddling and some well-needed Netflix time. 
Also meant that Eve got to choose what you’d both watch and she chose the Great British baking show, a good choice in your option
. A couple of episodes and a season of the show later, the alarm on Eve’s phone rings and signals her that it’s time to get ready.
“4:30 pm already?” You ask her.
“ Yeah honey,” she yells from the shower. 
Helping Eve get ready was a fun process as she wasn’t the best when it came to her makeup skill but lucky for her you knew how to do a couple of cute eye looks and made sure to choose colors that go with her outfit. She chose to go with a simple gaga T-shirt that was given to her by you for her birthday, a pair of shorts as the weather called for it, and just some pair of converse. Not wanting to go all out she chose a simple eye look to go with her shirt. After Eve was done getting ready it was time for you to get ready, which didn’t take long and once you came out of the shower in your outfit, there was no denying how hot you looked. Eve had to stop herself from pouncing on you as there wasn’t much time to get ready before having to leave..
“ Holy fuck babe,” Eve says as she looks at the outfit you looked at. You had taken some inspiration for Lady Gaga’s “john Wayne “ music video as it was the easier one to recreate with such little time. She had never seen the pink cowboy hat you were wearing but either way was enjoying the recreation of the outfit so much.
“ You like it babe?” you say as you spin in a circle to show her the complete fit and leave her in shock at the detail in everything.
“ How did you even get all of the detail like babe this is amazing,” she says grabbing your hands to spin you and look at everything, okay not that she just loves admiring you so much and it’s something you don't mind. 
“ Amanda helped me actually,” you tell her.
“ She has a cousin who’s good at these things and helped me out last minute, “ you tell her. She always was the most fashionably dressed at work and it makes sense you’d go to her. Eve is gonna have to thank her once she gets back to work cause holy hell you look so amazing at the moment. As much as the older woman wants to spend more time talking about your outfit, she decides to help you out with your makeup too, to return the favor of course. 
“ pinks and soft colors baby ?” Eve asks you as he looks at the makeup pallet in hand that’s full of an assortment of pinks. You nod to her answer and trust Eve to do what would fit best to the outfit and she does just that. 
20 minutes of Eve doing her concentration face, bad jokes made by you and she completes the look. She gets off your lap so that you can go to the mirror and the happiness on your face makes Eve go crazy and feel more confident when it comes to doing makeup. 
“ Eve you did amazing,” you say and embrace her in a hug which she accepts right away, never being the one to deny your hugs.
“ y/n what time is it?” She asks you as she gets out of your embrace to collect her items and see that the both of you just finished getting ready on time. 
“ it’s time to head over to the stadium Babe,” you tell her as you grab the hotkey and your phone, not needing your wallet since Apple Pay’s usually been the thing you use to pay. Getting out of the hotel is a breeze as Eve practically pulls you away due to the excitement she’s feeling.
“ Someone’s excited, “ you say as Eve pulls you through the crowd of people it seems to be the busier time in the city and you know that she doesn’t want to lose you by accident. Grabbing you from the arms fails so she pulls you closer to her body to hook your arm to yours and the both of you walk to the stadium for a good 5 minutes, seeing the Gaga merch stand at the front. You turn to the woman to your right, who’s amazed to realize that she’s about to see this goddess of a woman live.
It was a good idea to arrive early as the Vip line seemed to be a bit longer than the regular ticket line but not as long as the march line in the front. Most likely there’ll be a couple of merch stands in the stadium before the concert even starts so no rush for the both of you. 
The line luckily moves quicker than you expected and before you know it both of you are looking for some food when Eve asks you an important question. 
“I know it’s been a while since I’ve seen the tickets but what area are they in?” she asks you in the line for food. When you first got the tickets for the concert, Eve didn’t check the area because at the moment all she could feel was excitement and it just occurred to her now where the seats even were. 
“ Well how about we get some food, and shirts from the merch stand, and then we can make our way to where our seats are Eve,” you tell her and the woman tries her best not to act like an excited child at a candy store, doing her very best to seem chill but deep down your girlfriend is so so filled with excitement. Eve offers to pay for the food but as she was getting her wallet from her purse to pay you to beat her to it and she pouts because she wanted to treat you to something nice. 
“ My treat Eve and, being with you is already treat enough,” you say which makes her blush right away and hold onto your arm while you grab the food. Never did you think that you’d be in a wonderful relationship, being able to treat her like the queen she is, and yet you never fail to appreciate every moment you spend with her.
There was never a day that Eve always felt all the love, desire, and appreciation from you, even when the both of you are busy. She never got that from her Ex-husband when they were together, her son never seemed to appreciate what his mother had done for him and she thought that she was fated to be alone for the rest of her life after her son left home from school.
And then she met you 3 years ago and she felt appreciated, seen, loved, and desired by you. Eve had someone who made her feel amazing, pretty, sexy, happy, and most of all appreciated. since you had worked long, hard hours at work just to get tickets. 
Eve lets herself be taken to the seats in the stadium, walking past different people who were either dressed down in a simple outfit to people who were dressed up in some amazing outfits. As the both of you get closer to the seats on the floor, the amazement that she’ll be only a couple of rows away from the stage makes the older woman jump in glee because this was going to be so amazing.
“ What do you think Eve?” you ask her as the both of you sit down in the seats and she leaves her food on the floor carefully and places more kisses on her lips. She was over the moon at the moment to give a shit if she was kissing you in public, fuck whoever if they decide to tell the both of you to cut it with the PDA. 
“ y/n my dear,” she says after pulling away from the kiss to get some air,” You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me”. 
“ babe,” you say, feeling yourself start to tear up a bit,” if I wasn’t wearing any sort of makeup I’d be crying right now. I feel the same way Eve”. She giggles at your reaction and holds your hand while the both of you sit together for the concert to start, your girlfriend excitingly waiting with a huge smile on her face as well. You also ended up making a couple of friends as well while waiting, even playing Uno together since you thought it would be a good idea to bring the card game if you got bored playing. 
“ Wait did your girlfriend bring Uno cards to a concert,” the woman in front of you asks Eve who only looks at you with a confused look. 
“ I don’t even remember when it got in my bag y/n, how the fuck did you do that?” she asks you while the other new friend that both of you made, laughs at what’s happening. 
“ I will not reveal my secrets,” you say to her and she can’t help but find you super cute. 
An hour later of talking, giggling, eating food, and playing way too many rounds of Uno that it even got a lot of people around you spectating and the concert started. Both of you were excited about this, having been busy for the past couple of weeks, and were happy to get time to de-stress. 
During each song, Eve was pulling out all of the dance moves, jumping along with the crowd ( she stretched before avoiding soreness), and singing like nobody’s home. The one song where Eve got excited during the whole concert was a free woman. 
Her music throughout the years had helped Eve when she had a hard time with her life and when the chromatica  album came out, she was struggling with her insecurities, having her son, her ex coming back into his life and making her be the bad guy in his son’s eyes. The music was there to cheer her up during hard times when she didn’t have you close as you couldn’t go and visit her as well. She was one of many things that helped her continue with each day and Eve sang her heart out at that moment, taking in everything at the concert. 
 By the end of the concert, Eve was very much full of excitement, glee, and happiness with every song and she could not be more thankful that her wonderful girlfriend gave her the opportunity to do this.
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blxckdragonfly · 1 year
Hold My Hand (Darkness Finds You Universe #9)
(Song: "Hold My Hand" by Lady Gaga.
Pairing: Chris Motionless & Lycia Winters "Pronunication of her name-- "Lai-shuh" (played by Ana De Armas)
Trigger Warning: Grief, Hurt/Comfort
Synopsis: When the week of the anniversary of Lycia losing her first love, Marcus when he burned himself alive is on the horizon-- Chris takes Lycia away for a much needed vacation to Paris.
Word Count: 5,790
A/N: And we're back! In this piece, there is a nod to my Doctor Strange series (with this song being Kat and Strange's), so I hope you enjoy the easter egg if you find it too. Co-written with @blackrose-92! x Tiger)
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Lycia and Chris’s Home: Scranton, Pennsylvania– March 10th, 2023. 
The dreaded 72 hours are here again. I thought as I lay flat on my back in bed, I felt the familiar weight of grief and sadness settling on my chest, as if my heart were being crushed by an invisible force. I knew why, two days from now would be the day that Marcus was taken away from me. 
My mind flooded with memories of his kind face and gentle soul, I thought of how the flames had consumed him, never being able to do anything but sob from the sidelines. I pictured his face in my mind, contorted in agony from the smoke and the heat and tears streamed down my face. 
The pain and sorrow seemed unbearable and I felt my chest heaving with sobs. The sound of my sobs wake Chris from his slumber. He stirs and immediately opens his eyes, feeling a twinge of sadness as he sees tears streaming down my face. He moves closer to me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to him in an embrace. 
“Shh, Lycia,” He murmurs softly as he strokes my hair. “You’re alright. You’re safe.” 
I continue to cry into Chris’s chest, clinging desperately to him as if I never want to let go. Chris felt a pang of sorrow in his heart as he realized why I’m crying. He runs a hand up and down my back in comforting motions. 
“It’s almost time for your cycle again, isn’t it?” Chris asks softly, referring to my 72 hours of non stop grief. I nod silently against his chest, unable to find the words enough to express the grief that filled my heart. Chris holds me tightly to him as I hear him whisper that everything’s going to be alright. 
I let out a deep sigh and allowed myself to relax against Chris’s chest, I finally found solace in knowing that someone cares enough for my pain and understands what I’m going through. For now, that was all I needed; the assurance that someone would be there for me during these difficult three days. Chris then smiles warmly at me as he takes both of my hands in his own. He looks like he has a plan and he’s determined to make it work. 
“How about we take a vacation abroad?” He suggests softly as he gives my hands a gentle squeeze. “I know it won’t change things, but it will at least be a good distraction.” 
I look up into Chris’s calming brown eyes, surprised by his suggestion. His thumb wipes away my tears as I nod slowly in agreement with his idea. Chris leans in close and kisses my forehead before continuing: 
“Wherever you want to go, honey,” He said, gently. “I’ll take you.” 
I sniff as I look up at him, the pain of missing Marcus still evident on my face. But there was something else there too, a spark of hope that maybe this vacation could help ease some of the pain I feel inside. I think for a moment before I speak again. 
“Paris might be a good idea,” I suggest softly, more so to myself than him but Chris hears and smiles encouragingly before kissing my temple. 
“Let’s do it then.” Chris says and hugs me to him.  
Paris, France: March 11th, 2023.
The next morning, Chris has booked tickets for us both. We would be leaving soon for Paris. I couldn’t quite believe it. I’m so excited and I’m so touched to have such a loving boyfriend like Chris. 
We arrived in Paris, everywhere I looked there were reminders of what I had lost; memories of Marcus that threaten to break my heart again. Despite the sadness that threatens to overwhelm me, I couldn’t ignore how beautiful everything is. The Eiffel Tower towered over us, the Seine River sparkles in the sunlight and even the cobblestone streets are a reminder of France’s rich history. 
Everywhere, there’s beauty and yet it also fills me with a pang of grief. Chris watches my reactions somberly, his heart aching for me– I know he had lost people he loved but not his first love like I have, which even makes it a bit painful for him too. He pulls me close to him, wrapping his arm around my waist. 
“Come on, baby,” He replies softly. “Let’s find something fun to do.” 
I nod hesitantly as he led me away from our hotel towards a nearby park. As we walk along, hand in hand, I can feel myself start to relax a little; Chris’s presence makes everything seem okay somehow. We spent the day exploring various parts of Paris together; visiting art galleries and taking boat rides along the Seine, simply enjoying each other’s company in the city’s many parks and gardens. 
Finally, as dusk started to settle, we found ourselves back where we had started– at the base of the Eiffel Tower. Chris turns to look at me, he smiles softly before pulling something out of the pocket of his leather jacket, tickets for us both to go up into the tower. My heart melts and tears of happiness, not sadness fill my eyes. 
“Babe…” I breathe out a gasp. “You didn’t.” 
Chris smiles and takes my hand in his. “I did,” He whispers softly, his eyes twinkling with admiration and love. The two of us make our way up to the tower, stopping periodically to take photos or just take in the breathtaking views that Paris had to offer. 
As we reach the top, we stand together looking out over the city, both of us feeling a little overwhelmed by it all. We both know this moment is special, it would be something that would forever be remembered in my mind. Finally when we have taken enough pictures and taken enough memories, we turn to leave the tower– but before we could do anything else, Chris suddenly pulls me into his arms and kisses me, deeply. 
The kiss is full of passion and emotion and when we finally pull apart– I feel like I’d been launched into the heavens above. Chris looks deeply into my eyes, his love for me evident in every breath he’s taking. 
“Lycia,” Chris says softly. “This place is special to us both. I know it can’t replace the memories you had with Marcus, but I want to create new ones with you here. Paris will always be a reminder for us, a marker of all that we’ve gone through together.” 
To tell me you need me
Hold my hand, everything will be okay
I heard from the heavens that clouds have been grey
I feel my heart swell with emotion as Chris speaks; I couldn’t believe how lucky I am to have such an amazing person in my life. I smile up at him before leaning forward and kissing him again, our foreheads touch as I run my fingers through his blonde hair to his tattooed jawline and neck. 
“Even though I miss him,” I reply in a murmur, my voice nearly a whisper. “Being here in Paris at this moment with you is so special to me; you might not know it but every day that you’re with me, Christopher Cerulli, you fill that empty space in my heart that Marcus left.” 
Chris smiles warmly at my confession before cupping my face in his tattooed hands and kissing my forehead tenderly. For a moment, the two of us just stand there, looking out at the city of Paris, with only the sound of our breathing to fill the silence between us. 
Finally, he pulls away slightly and looks into my yellow-green hazel eyes. His brown gaze is full of love and admiration as he says softly: “I love you, Lycia. I can’t promise the world or that everything will be perfect but I can promise you that I will always be here for you and you will never be alone, no matter what happens.” 
I smile up at him in response before reaching up and pressing my lips to his once more in a kiss full of passion and emotion. I feel like I can really feel Chris’s love for me in that moment and it makes my heart flutter with joy. When we pull apart, neither one of us wanted to leave just yet, we wanted to stay there forever looking out over Paris from atop the Eiffel Tower. 
Pull me close, wrap me in your aching arms
I see that you're hurtin', why'd you take so long
But eventually, we have to make our way back down and Chris takes my hand in his as we descend the steps together. As we make our way to the bottom, Chris and I pause to take one last look at the Eiffel Tower before we turn away and make our way back into the city. 
I can’t help but feel a sense of peace wash over the sadness I had when we’d arrived because of my grief over Marcus, but as I walk hand in hand with Chris, I feel like nothing can go wrong when he’s by my side. 
We continue our walk through the cobblestone streets of Paris as we make our way back to the hotel that we’d been staying in. As I walk, I couldn’t help but marvel at how amazing it feels to be here in Paris with Chris; it’s like all of my sorrows are melting away. 
To tell me you need me? I see that you're bleedin'
You don't need to show me again
Suddenly, I pause in the midst of our walk and look up into his loving chocolate brown eyes. Before either one of us could say anything, I lean forward and press a kiss on his lips, making him chuckle as he pulls away and raises an eyebrow at me quizzically. 
“What was that for, honey?” Chris murmured as I shrug my shoulders coyly with a smile. 
“For being the best boyfriend I can ever ask for,” I whisper lovingly. “Thank you for making me feel better, Chris and for all of this; bringing me here to get away from my grief.” 
Chris smiles down at me before placing another tender kiss on my forehead as he wraps his arms around me protectively. He then pulls away slightly so that he can look into my eyes with an emotion filled gaze before speaking quietly: “Of course. You know how much I love you, Lycia. I will always be here for you.” 
As we stand there, embracing each other in the middle of the cobblestone streets of Paris, I’m overcome with a feeling of immense gratitude towards Chris. I never thought that I’d find myself in love with someone again after going through the tragedy of losing Marcus and yet, here I am, in Paris with Chris Motionless, the fearless frontman of Motionless in White; a man who could have had any woman he wanted but here he is, loving me and supporting me unconditionally as I battle my sadness. 
I pull away from our embrace so I can look up into his eyes and smile, then leaned forward to press another gentle kiss on his lips before resting my forehead against his; he then sighs contently and wraps his arms around me again tightly, pressing a kiss against my hair as if to reassure himself that I’m really there. 
But if you decide to, I'll ride in this life with you
I won't let go 'til the end
The two of us remain like this for some time until finally I pull away yet again and look up at him with bright eyes full of love and adoration. 
“I feel so lucky to have you,” I say quietly. “Thank you for being here for me.” 
Chris smiles down at me before placing a soft kiss on the top of my head once more before pulling away so he can look into my eyes with an expression filled with emotion. 
“No one has ever made me feel the way that you do, honey,” He whispered hoarsely before leaning forward to gently press our lips together again, this time for much longer than before. “And I’m not going anywhere anytime soon,” he breathes against my mouth when we pull apart again. 
So cry tonight
But don't you let go of my hand
You can cry every last tear
I couldn’t help but feel my heart melt with happiness at his words as tears spring in my eyes and I smile back up at him lovingly before throwing my arms around him again, gratefully. We hold each other like this until finally we separate yet again and begin walking toward our hotel, hand in hand. 
When we arrive back at our hotel, Chris led me to our room and opens the door for me so that I can go inside, he then follows closely behind me as I take in all the enchanting details of our room; from the luxurious bedding that adorn an ornate four poster bed in colors of white and blue to the view out of the window which overlook some of Paris’s iconic architecture. 
Finally, Chris steps forward and wraps his arms around me from behind as he rests his chin on my shoulder before speaking softly into my ear: 
“Lycia,” Chris whispers into my ear, his warm breath tickling my skin and making me giggle. “I’m so lucky that you’re mine.” 
I feel my heart flutter with emotion and I turn in his arms to meet his brown gaze, feeling a wave of love wash over me. Chris leans forward and places a passionate kiss on my lips and rests his forehead against mine. He trails his fingers gently down the side of my face before speaking again. 
I won't leave 'til I understand
Promise me, just hold my hand
“You’re the most incredible person I’ve ever met,” He says, his voice overflowing with sincerity. “You’re also the bravest and strongest too. You’ve been through so much tragedy and nearly left this world because of it. I’m so grateful that you chose to be with me.” 
I melt into Chris’s embrace as he holds me close to him, taking delight in the warmth of his strong arms around my body and letting out a sigh of contentment as tears stream down my face. 
Chris brushes them away tenderly with one hand, never once breaking our gaze until finally I bring up a hand to cup his cheek, thumb tracing his tattooed jawline before I lean up towards him and gently press our lips once more in a sweet and passionate kiss that seems to go on forever. 
Eventually we pull apart again and Chris continues to look deep into my eyes; smiling softly as he speaks. 
“Baby,” Chris whispers, his voice filled with emotion. “I love you more than words can ever say and I’m so thankful that you’re in my life.” 
I feel my heart swell with happiness at his words and without thinking, I lean forward and kiss him again. I never want to leave this moment, being here in Paris with the man of my dreams. 
“I love you too, Christopher Cerulli,” I murmured. “I’m just as thankful that you’re in my life too, if not more.” 
Chris smiles at my words and leans his forehead against mine, our noses touching lightly and our eyes close as we take a few moments to simply just be together. I hear Chris let out a faint but content sigh before he speaks. 
Raise your head, look into my wishful eyes
That fear that's inside you will lift, give it time
“You’ve been everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner,” His voice is soft, warm and loving. “You make me happier than I could have ever imagined.” 
I smile up at him and I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my body close to his. I feel safe and secure in his embrace, free from the world’s troubles, free from my mourning over Marcus and just overlooking the view of Paris from their hotel room’s balcony and just being in the moment with him. 
Chris slowly places feathery kisses down the side of my face, making me giggle before he gently places one on the corner of my lips, lingering there for a moment as if savoring the taste of my kiss before eventually pulling away. 
“I want you to know that no matter what happens in life,” Chris says seriously, looking deep into my eyes as though trying to convey his message through them alone. “I’ll always be here for you, Lycia.” 
I can see everything you're blind to now
Your prayers will be answered, let God whisper how 
I nod and after I kiss him sweetly on the cheek while I take a photo of our gorgeous balcony and view of the city to post on Instagram, we both settle down into our stunning hotel room in Paris for the night.
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liked by pewdiepie, itsmarziapie, jensenackles, jaredpadalecki, lilithczar, malakaiblxck and 5,720 others
lycia.rosee: When the best man in the world brings you to Paris to help you feel better because he knows how hard this week is... I love you so much, babe. 🥺🖤🇨🇵 chrismotionless
chrismotionless: I'd do anything for my woman. I love you too, honey. 🖤
After ordering some vegan dinner through room service, we snuggled up to each other and watched movies on the couch until finally sleep came to claim us both. 
Magic Circus Tattoo-- Paris, France: March 12th, 2023. 
The next morning, I wake up first and smile at the sight of Chris still sleeping beside me. I carefully got out of bed, trying to not wake him up. I change into a red bodysuit, a black faux leather skirt, fishnet tights and a pair of black boots, after putting my hair into a ponytail and grabbing Chris’s faux leather jacket– I head downstairs to the lobby for breakfast, after a delicious of vegan crepes and oatmeal with fresh fruit, I decide it’s time for my long-awaited surprise tattoo since Chris and I had passed a tattoo shop near our hotel. 
I have been planning this since before we left for Paris and I know that it has to be done here, after everything Chris has done for me. I quickly make an appointment and soon enough, I’m in the chair with my arm stretched out in front of me. 
Taking a deep breath, I remind myself why I’m getting the tattoo in the first place– for love– and smile as the artist starts working on a sketch of a beautiful purple rose on my right arm above my elbow. Once it was finished, I ask the artist if she could add one more thing– two small letters, ‘C’ and ‘L’ above the rose which stood for mine and Chris’s initials together, symbolizing our bond and love for each other. 
The artist nodded and began engraving those final touches onto my skin before announcing that my tattoo is done. I beam with pride as I look at my new tattoo and marvel at how beautiful it is and how much it means to me. I can’t wait to show Chris when he wakes up. 
To tell me you need me, I see that you're bleedin'
You don't need to show me again
Later that morning, I walk back into our hotel room to see Chris is finally awake and is going through his emails on his laptop, he looks over the screen as he sees that I have a huge smile on my face. He raises a brow at me. 
“What’s up with the smile?” Chris asks as I grin and take off his leather jacket and set it on the couch.
“You brought me here as a distraction from my grief for Marcus,” I speak in a soft but loving tone. “This is my way of saying thank you.” 
Chris’s chocolate brown eyes widen as I show him my new tattoo when I sit beside him on the bed. He stares at it in awe before finally looking at me with a gentle smile on his face. 
“It’s beautiful, Lycia,” He says, reaching out to trace the outline of the purple rose and the letters with his fingers. “I’m so proud of you.” 
I smile and nod as I tell him all about my experience in the tattoo shop, from my initial idea to how I wanted to include our initials in as well. Chris listens intently as I speak, nodding along and occasionally squeezing my hand in a comforting gesture. After I finish talking, we just sit there for a few moments in comfortable silence before Chris speaks up again. 
“I know that Marcus was your first love,” He began quietly. “But I promise you that I’ll do everything I can to make sure that I’m your last love.” 
But if you decide to, I'll ride in this life with you
I won't let go 'til the end
Tears prickle in my eyes as I look up at Chris with a mixture of gratitude and love. I reach up and cup his face between my hands before I lean in to kiss him passionately. After we broke apart, the shock of Chris’s words still linger in the room. 
“I did not think that that was going to come out right,” Chris chuckles softly as he runs his thumb over my cheek. “But I’m so glad it did.” 
I smile before giving him another lingering kiss, this one gentle and slow as I wrap the arm that wasn’t hurting around his neck. When we finally pull away from each other, I look into his eyes fondly. 
“Even if it didn’t come out right, I’d know exactly what you meant, babe,” I say with a giggle. Chris smiles back at me before leaning in for one more kiss, both of us savoring the moment before I go and start the aftercare of my new tattoo.  
The Paris Catacombs: March 13th, 2023-- Paris, France.
The next day, Chris and I decide to take a tour of the Catacombs underneath Paris as recommended by Zak Bagans, who I’ve become good friends with after working with him on multiple photo shoots in the past for Ghost Adventures. I wear my “Dark Room” black and white striped bodysuit and “Avenged” pleated skirt from Disturbia, the same fishnets I had worn when I went to get my tattoo, and my black combat boots. 
Chris was not particularly excited about visiting a dark and eerie graveyard even though he does like the aesthetic of a graveyard, he’s holding onto his breath like he’s crossing a cemetery as we walk inside after buying our tickets until I notice him doing it and I speak up. 
“Babe,” I say as I shake my head. “This is not going to help you at all.” 
Chris let out the breath that he has been holding on to and he gives me a sheepish grin. 
“Well, you never know,” He says, passing off his fear with jokes as we continue our exploration until we reach the walls of human skulls and bones, one particular wall has a white cross on it. Chris’s apprehension changes to excitement at the sight of seeing so many bones in one place and he grins. 
“We need to film a music video down here,” He looks around in awe. 
So cry tonight
But don't you let go of my hand
You can cry every last tear
“Baby, I don’t think the bones would be able to handle your music,” I say with a laugh. Chris thinks about it for a moment and nods in agreement, knowing I’m probably right.
As we take photos by the wall of bones, we stop by the gate leading further into the tunnels which means our tour has come to an end and Zak had told me to not take another step. 
As I’m looking at the walls of bones, I suddenly hear a shriek of terror coming from Chris and I see that he’s gone. When I finally catch up to him, he’s standing by the entryway to the Catacombs, sitting on the steps in a panic. 
“Babe? Are you okay?” I ask as I kneel beside Chris, he shakes his head and looks up at me, I can see his face is pale and his eyes are wide with terror as he sips on a water bottle because he’s nauseous. 
“I fucking hate Zak Bagans,” Chris mutters under his breath and I chuckle, but seeing him so pale makes me feel so bad.
“What happened in there?” I ask as I run my fingers through his blonde hair. He sighs as he tries to calm his racing heart. 
“I heard what sounded like a female voice in there,” Chris explains. “I thought it was you but when I saw that you were on the other side of me and looking at the walls, I panicked and I ran out here. That scared the living fuck out of me.” 
“Dammit, I should have had Zak send me a spirit box,” I mutter under my breath and Chris hears me, his eyes widening. 
“You– What?” I laugh as I shake my head at him. I wrap my arm around his tattooed neck.
“Never mind, it’s alright,” I say soothingly. “Let’s just forget about it and head back to our hotel room.” 
Chris nods in agreement before we make our way out of the Catacombs, once we’re out in the fresh air, we both could tell how heavy it was inside and Chris lets out a deep sigh of relief which I can only smile at him in an amused response. 
When we arrive back at our hotel room, Chris takes off his shoes and flops down on the bed with exhaustion while I walk over to him after taking my boots off, I sit down on the bed and he lays his head on my lap. I run my fingers through his blonde hair while I start texting Zak about what had happened. 
I won't leave 'til I understand
Promise you'll just hold my hand
Chris closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths, trying to ease the tension he’s feeling. My fingers gently running through start to comfort him and he slowly begins to relax into me. 
We stay like that for a few moments until my phone buzzed with a text back from Zak. 
“I texted Zak,” I say softly. “He found it amusing when I told him that you said you hated him and he said not to worry and to just say your prayers, you should be fine.” 
Chris shakes his head at me and opens his eyes to glance up in slight surprise that I have reached out to him so fast. He seemed better that Zak wasn’t mad and he knows that no matter what happens, I have his back. 
“Of course he did. Thanks Zak,” Chris mutters and I start to giggle as he leans his head back in my lap, closing his eyes against me. 
I begin to hum a song by Selena, “Dreaming of You” as I move my fingers from his hair to his tattooed jawline, tracing the lyric to Saturday Night by Misfits. 
“Mm, what song is that?” Chris mumbles into my lap, making me smile as I continue my pattern with my fingers. 
“Dreaming of You by Selena Quintanilla,” I murmured. “It’s one of my mom’s favorite songs, she used to sing it a lot when I was little. Something about the way she would sing comforted me when I’d be feeling scared. I thought it might help.” 
Chris smiles in appreciation at me as he enjoys the comfort of my touch as the fear he had while being inside the Catacombs starts to fade away, my humming has come to an end and I begin to sing the lyrics to him softly, my voice sweet and gentle like honey. 
"I just wanna hold you close, but so far, all I have are dreams of you..."  My hand moves down to trace his tattooed arm as I continue to sing. "So I wait for the day and have the courage to say how much I love you. Yes, I do." 
I can see Chris starting to melt against me and feel more relaxed than ever as we both lay on the bed in our hotel room and get settled for the night. 
“Lycia, honey?” Chris asks as he reaches for my hand, taking it in his own and laying a soft kiss on my knuckles. I hum in response and look over at him now that he’s laying beside me. “How have you been feeling since we’ve been here? I don’t think I’ve seen you shed a single tear over Marcus this entire trip.” 
Hold my hand, hold my—
Hold my hand, hold my hand
I'll be right here, hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my—
Hold my hand, hold my hand
I'll be right here, hold my hand
“I’ve been doing alright,” I say quietly. “It’s not easy but I’m trying to keep it together.” 
Chris smiles and moves to brush away the few errant strands of caramel brown hair from my face. He brushes the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip as he looks into my yellow-green hazel eyes before leaning closer, our lips brushing against each other’s before our kiss deepens, I press myself closer to him as if seeking reassurance that he’s really by my side, that he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. 
When we broke apart, I looked up at Chris with a small smile on my face. 
“You promised me that you’d be my last love,” I whisper. Chris nods and returns the smile. 
“And I meant it, babe,” He spoke in a gentle voice as he ran his fingers through my hair. “I’m here for you and I promise I will never, ever, break that promise.” 
I give a relieved sigh as I snuggle closer to the warmth of Chris’s body and feel him wrap his arms around me, protecting me from anything that comes our way. I can feel myself becoming more and more relaxed by the second as I let out a content breath. 
But even then I knew that that dreadful day was upon me again without even glancing at any type of clock that it’s midnight– March 14th. Three years since I’d lost Marcus as I feel a wave of grief coming on. 
“I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you too,” I murmured into his shoulder as tears fell down my cheeks as I let out a shaky breath, trying to contain the emotions that threatened to overtake me. Chris tightens his grip around me and presses a kiss to the top of my head. 
“Lycia. Hey. Sh, don’t cry.” Chris says softly with a sigh as he brushes away a few stray tears from my face with his thumb before pressing our foreheads together in an intimate gesture of love and understanding. “You won’t lose me. Do you hear me? You don’t ever have to worry about that, honey.” 
I sniffed and nodded as I cling tightly onto him, afraid that he would disappear if I let go of him. I still couldn’t shake the fear that one day Chris would be gone just like Marcus. 
“I’m so scared,” I whisper brokenly into Chris’s chest as more tears fall down my cheeks. “I’m scared and I hate feeling like this.” 
Chris runs his hand up and down my back as he presses a gentle kiss to my forehead. 
“I know, baby. It’s alright,” He whispers softly. “It’s okay to be scared.” 
Chris looks over my shoulder and he sees that it’s midnight on the clock beside the nightstand and he understands why I’m crying now. It’s the anniversary. He holds me close as I wept softly against him, we stay like that until morning. 
I know you're scared and your pain is imperfect
But don't you give up on yourself
Chris gently wipes the tears from my eyes as I look up at him with a look of sadness mixed with hope in my eyes. He gives me a soft smile. 
“Hey, I know how hard this is for you,” Chris murmured. “But you have to keep going, alright? You’re strong, stronger than you give yourself credit for and I believe in you, definitely.” 
The corner of my lip curls into a small smile as I nod before leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Chris’s lips.
“Thank you, babe,” I whisper against his lips before snuggling closer to him to seek comfort from him. Chris returns the kiss before pulling back to look me in the eyes with a loving expression. He brushes away some stray hairs from my face before reaching out to cup my face in both hands, gently brushing his thumbs over my cheeks. 
“You are so strong,” Chris says softly as he gazes into my eyes with adoration before leaning forward again to press his forehead against mine. “And I will always be here for you.” 
As comforting as hearing that, it didn’t stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. What scared me the most was that one day I would wake up and I’d find Chris like I had Marcus... And it would be all my fault.
“You won’t leave me, right?” I sniffle as I look into his soft brown eyes, the gesture tugging on Chris’s heartstrings. 
Chris lightly strokes my hair and places two gentle kisses on my face– kissing away my tears. 
“Sh, you don’t ever have to worry about me leaving you,” Chris whispers. “I’m here for you always and I’m never going anywhere.” 
I finally pull away from Chris and meet his eyes with a soft smile on my face. 
“Promise? You won’t leave me like Marcus did?” I say with apprehension in my voice. Chris smiles reassuringly at me, taking both of my hands in his tattooed ones and giving them a squeeze before bringing them up to his lips for a gentle kiss. 
“Honey, I promise,” He says firmly as he looks directly into my eyes. “I always keep my promises, you know that. I’m never ever leaving your side because you know I love you. I will always love you, Lycia Rose. From now until the end.” 
I've heard a story, a girl, she once told me
That I would be happy again
My heart melts at his poetic promise and I bury my face into his chest, Chris smiles as he rests his chin on the top of my head as he holds me, and I know that it pushes away my irrational thoughts. He’s here and he will always be here for me and that’s all I need to make it through this. 
"I love you too," I whisper as he kisses me softly and I drift off to sleep in his arms; knowing that tomorrow we have to leave this wonderful city and head back to reality.
Hold my hand, yeah
Hold my hand, oh yeah
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand… 
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sophsun1 · 2 years
God, yes!! The dinner scene in season 1 is one of my favorite moments between them. Brian is, of course, not into the romantic set up at first, but after the first bite he softens up and tries his damnest to hold back a smile. Justin got in under the wire that early on! (and even before that I'd argue) It's also an indication that there's something more than just sex to this relationship. Justin is already gaga over Brian, but Brian is slowly but surely developing feelings and it builds throughout the season until prom and the bashing force it to the surface. I honestly can't watch that moment w/o blushing like an idiot. Soft Britin just hits different.
Hey anon!
YES! You get me we are one and the same 💕
I adore this entire scene for the reasons you have stated and more and it is criminally underrated. In my opinion it serves as a signpost to the audience that keep an eye on these two, they're actually gonna be something special and that this is the start of it. It's such a testament once again to Gale and Randy's chemistry because people mostly think of their more physical scenes when you think of qaf but they had the range. They did the sexy stuff, the angst, the emotional and the quiet soft moments with hardly any dialogue needed but through facial expressions and delivery of the lines it says it all. Shoutout to the other masterpiece in 2x20 which is entirely silent yet shatters my heart. God these two are just so good together. Kudos to casting because they nailed it.
As Debbie said this little persistent kid somehow got in under the wire. What also adds to the depth of it is that this comes off the back of Brian standing up to Craig and refusing to let Justin stay there because it wasn't a safe environment. Even though Brian wasn't exactly thrilled to have him at the loft you can see that he still cared enough to take Justin back with him and endure his bratty teen ways. Most people rightfully always talk about that speech but I gravitate to this meal between them.
It steals my heart and is one of my all time favourite interactions of theirs, I too stupidly get butterflies when I watch it. It's the little nuggets thrown in too like Brian telling Michael that he's got someone waiting for him at home. I love that the writers used jambalaya as a way to bring them together lmao. From the initial disappointment for Justin of Brian flaunting the trick in front of him and not getting to eat it, to it working out perfectly as "it's always better the second day."
The kind of cute nervous terror on Justin's face when he's waiting for Brian's verdict on the taste of it , bless him, like if Brian didn't like it then his world would be over as if it's a metaphor for their relationship. But he says "it's not bad" which is akin to a michelin five star review to Justin whose whole face lights up and it breaks the ice between them.
It showcases that they are more than just sex this is evident especially on Brian's part that they have an emotional connection. It goes beyond just wanting Justin for a hook up he actually likes him and is intrigued and endeared by him. You can see the wheels turning in his head when they both just keeping looking up whilst they're eating and adorably smiling at each other with the scene fading away with a close up of them and the soundtrack playing. Just gorgeous.
As you described the continuous dominoe effect of them growing closer and Brian falling in love with Justin to it culminating with the prom and the heartbreak of the attack, just cinematic art.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
Are you a dreamer or a do-er? I like to dream only because I don’t like putting too much pressure or too grand of an expectation upon myself. I do try my best to make this and that decision to sort of maneuver myself closer to my goals, but I don’t *actively* work towards them or give myself timelines, if that makes sense? so that I don’t feel shitty if things don’t go to plan. That’s like 20-30% of the time. The rest I kind of allot for daydreaming.
Do you think people get what they deserve? Well, no. And I bet you can see instances where this isn’t the case everyday.
Does it take a lot of physical pain to make you cry? I rarely cry from physical pain (in fact I don’t think I’ve ever?) but my pain tolerance is crap nonetheless. I flinch very easily and I’ve been skipping my annual physical exams every year not because I’m scared of what might be discovered, but because I don’t do well with needles and machines and all sorts of tests that involve your body getting probed.
Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): Well, QWOP is definitely high up on that list. There also used to be those childbirth simulator flash games in the ancient days of the internet where the patient you’d be helping is like a cartoonized Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, etc. What a fucking trip hahaha. 
Do you like sitting in the front, back, or middle of the classroom? Front. I have terrible eyesight and it’s the people at the middle and back who always get called randomly anyway.
Do you ever see commercials for restaurants that aren’t even in your area? Yeah, on Facebook I tend to get ads of K-pop shops based in the US; on Instagram I always get sponsored posts of food businesses from like Mexico and Dubai. The latter is particularly annoying because the food will look SO good only for me to find out that it’s nowhere near me.
Do you know anyone who has been struck by lightning before? No. Which is better: living where there’s lots of tornadoes or lots of hurricanes? I already live somewhere hurricanes (although we call them typhoons) are no biggie, so this is a fairly easy decision to make. I’ve never seen a tornado so I wouldn’t know how to act in the middle of one.
Would you pay if your dog needed an operation? Yes, but it also depends on how much it would be. I wouldn’t be opposed to a fundraiser; many pet owners here start one when their pets get into a medical emergency. 
If you’re a girl, what’s your favorite color of eyeliner? Black, but just putting it out there that anyone can put on eyeliner lol.
Have you ever overflown a bathtub? No. I’m not around bathtubs nearly often enough to run into this accident.
Why did you ignore the last person you ignored? Because it was like 5:30 on a Friday afternoon and I didn’t feel like responding to a work-related matter anymore.
What’s your favorite pizza place? We don’t have a lot of restaurants where the main specialty/attraction is pizza. It’s either big-time chain stores (your Pizza Hut’s, Papa John’s, Domino’s, etc) or sit-down restaurants that serve everything and just so happen to have pizza. Nevertheless, the best-tasting pizza for me would have to be Yellow Cab’s. Chain store, but they do the job flawlessly so no complaints there.
What’s at the top of your to do list in life? I feel like the grandest dream I have (and have had since I was around 9) is to fly to the US to attend Wrestlemania 50. There’s a lot of wrestling history tied to the event, it’s not happening until 2034, and there will only ever be one Wrestlemania 50, so it’s very important for me to be able to come. There’s also no telling which of the legends will still be alive by that point which adds more to the, “You HAVE to be there.”-ness of the event. Do you ever eat leftover pizza cold? Yep the only time I eat pizza hot is the time it’s served. From the time it cools down and gets stored as leftovers, I’d only ever eat it cold.
Where are you the most ticklish? Oh, everywhere. I’m terrible with being tickled.
Would you put your life in danger to rescue someone? I feel like it’s so easy to say “Probably not to a stranger” but a part of me feels as if I would actually unhesitatingly sacrifice myself by instinct. When you’re wanting a midnight snack, what do you normally get? Pancit Canton. If budget permits, McDonald’s hahaha.
Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Buster from Toy Story!
Do you like marshmallows? I have an irrational hatred for marshmallows lol. I never want to eat gooey sugar.
What is your favorite flavor of candy cane? I never have them a lot (not a common candy here, even during Christmas) so I don’t have a favorite and am open to trying different kinds.
Do you have any shoeboxes full of old photos/letters/other memorable stuff? No.
When was the last time you felt seriously embarrassed? Genuinely no clue. Another indicator that tells me I’m in my mid-20s is the fact that I rarely get embarrassed by anything now, lmao. Just laugh everything off.
Have you ever liked a song, looked up the lyrics to it, then hated it? This was me when I was going through BTS’ discography as a new fan and learned about War of Hormone.
What’s your favorite Christmas song? Snow Flower by V and Peakboy.
Did you like the show Invader Zim? I’ve never seen it.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in a grocery store? Well what I’m about to say isn’t weird, but going to S&R and seeing all the unfamiliar American selections there can sometimes feel jarring. There’s stuff you’d never see in the average family’s pantry, like Reese’s cereals and frozen whole turkeys.
Do you prefer to pull off band-aids slowly or quickly? I prefer that they just slide off with water lol. My tolerance to pain is nearly nonexistent so I actually rarely pull them off.
Have you ever met any bands/band members before? Not met but I have seen several.
Do you enjoy riding around town looking at Christmas lights? Nah, I’m past that point of ~childlike wonder. I think Covid killed everyone’s enthusiasm anyway because for the past two years barely household in the village put nearly as much effort into their Christmas lights as they used to.
What states have you been to in the past year? I’ve never been to America and we don’t follow the concept of ‘states’ here.
Have you ever sleepwalked? I apparently have, twice; once when I was 3 and the next when I was 7-ish.
What’s your favorite superhero movie? I’m not into superheroes.
Do you struggle with acne? I am more prone to encountering a pimple or so these days, but I have never experienced a breakout altogether.
Around what year did you start using the internet, anyways? 2008. We had it before then, but it was dial-up and only the adults could use it because 1) it probably cost too much back then(?) and 2) it would interfere with the landline, considering at that time we all predominantly used telephones.
What did you do for your 16th birthday? I actually can’t even remember. It was probably with my best friend at the time... I think we watched a movie or something like that? I really have no clue.
Have you ever fostered an animal? No.
What’s your favorite form of exercise? Just walking the dogs. Otherwise I hate exercise lol. Do you have a back pack in a shape of an animal? No. Those never appealed to me, even as a kid.
Do you still take hot showers when it’s hot out? Yeah, I guess.
What’s your favorite type of cake? Cheesecake!
Name something you thought was cool when you were younger but don’t now? Keeping up with the indie music genre. 
What was the last song you downloaded onto your computer? So I no longer download...anything, really (music, movies, TV show episodes, etc), the way we did it up until the early 2010s, but the last new song I came across that I loved and immediately saved for reference is Victoria Monet’s We Might Even Be Falling In Love.
What color are your headphones, if you have any? My *earphones are white.
Do you honestly like The Beatles or are you just conforming? No, I’m not so much a fan of the music. I know their work is fantastically timeless and I’m not challenging their positions as legends in the industry, but personally the music isn’t something I find myself listening to.
What was the last video message you received on your phone? It was Angela handing over a Starbucks coffee to Hans addressed to ‘HAMCE.’
Who did you last talk to in Facebook chat? Also Angela. I just sent her a screenshot of a Godiva café in Singapore to let her know I wanna try it out if we do end up landing in SG for Yoongi’s tour.
When writing $ sign, do you draw one line through the S or two? Just one.
Do you feel bad for people your age who have never had a significant other? Only if they want to be in a relationship and have never had the chance. < Yeah.
When do you plan on moving out? If you’re already moved out, how old were you? Looking at the time between my late 20s to early 30s.
Would you kiss the last person you texted? Nope. That’s an influencer I got in touch with for work and I have no interest in anything developing with anybody I work with besides a genuine friendship, lol.
What do you think of guys wearing colored skinny jeans? Whatever? Just wear whatever, people.
Where do you normally get your hair cut? We have this nearby salon that we’ve since become usuals at. It’s where I get my hair dyed too.
Would you trade last names with your best friend? No. I can’t see a scenario why I’d want that/why it’d be necessary hahaha unless her family is like old money rich??? Hahaha.
Would you ever get blonde highlights? I mean sure, but I prefer getting the full experience when I try new things, you know? In this case, when it came to dyeing my hair I didn’t hesitate to bleach my entire head and already went full brown, then purple the next time.
Will you go to your high school reunion? I thought I wanted to until I realized how I dislike most of them anyway, so no, probably not.
Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? Yeah, the night Yoongi announced his tour, my friends and I got in a video call to start laying down initial plans. The call itself ended at around 2, but I stayed jittery into the night, out of both excitement and anxiety. I fell asleep at like 4 when I gave up and just took a melatonin gummy.
Do you ever not speak to someone because you’re afraid you’ll annoy them? Yeah, sometimes.
Personally, do you think you have a nice smile? Yes.
What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? I’ve only ever wanted a dog.
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fablesofkitkat · 3 years
pov: the brutal truth of loving All Might
genre: fluff & angst ( what a combo)
You found the light in me that I couldn't find
- Lady Gaga
tags: @bootyholelicker @vtte @lazyafgirl @starstruck-loner @theuncommoncorner @antoxsmith @vivfavfics @stars-in-flannel @happilyheavenproductions @myhero-allmight @imaginereader @bluecatton
img cc: honey
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"Hi," he says. You and Toshinori are just outside your parents' home. It was midnight and the pavement glowed because of the rain that early evening.
"Are you. . .  " You blink fast and swallowed the lump in your throat. "Are you all right?"
"Yes," he says, moving closer to you for an embrace. "I'm fine. You worry too much."
The space between you and Yagi seems to expand and contract at the same time.
"I heard. . .  the news said you were okay. I mean, you're All Might but— you almost died." You mumble. Your eyes won't stop staring at him.
He shrugged. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks.
"Like what?"
The blond frowns. "Like that. Like you want to run away."
"I don't. . .  " You clear your throat and turn away. "I have to go."
"Go?" he says, shocked.  "The last time I saw you, it's been a month and now you're leaving?"
You stumble away from him, from the promise of comfort,  the warmth of his arms around you. You can't have it anymore. You have to let him go.
He calls your name, ". . .  stop."
Your body obeys, even if your brain is screaming at you not to. You hear the scrape of the rubber of the soles of his flip-flops, feel the gentle touch of his hand on your shoulder. "What's going on?" he asks.
You slip out of his grasp and turn around. "We can't keep seeing each other."
The Number One Hero looks stunned. For one moment, he is a statue mounted in his honor. Then he comes to life and takes a step back. He looks around, at the concrete littered with puddles here and there, at the houses in the neighborhood and their lit up square windows, at the streetlamp flickering once or twice, as if there's something around here could tell him what to do, what to say. He closes his sunken blue eyes and then he opens them, something cracks in his expression— for a fleeting instant, you see hurt and resignment. Then he smooths out his face as neatly as his muscles and form does whenever he uses his quirk to buff up and become his hero persona.
"Very well," he says. He sound pleasant, detached.
"I—I'm sorry," you whisper. Now that you said it, you wish to take it back. You don't like this Toshinori, the polite mask, well-mannered hero. It's the public's All Might, not your Toshi.
"If you will excuse me, it is late. I'll be on my way." He brushes past you and you instinctively grab his arm.
"Toshi, wait—"
He places his other hand to yours and gently guided your hand away.
"No," he shakes his head. Now you can feel his anger—it radiates off him in waves but he still manages to be gentle. "You do not get to tell me what to do. You have lost that privilege."
The impact of what you've done hits you hard, and the world sharpens, and you're furious. It isn't fair that he's angry at you when you're sick of worrying, of losing sleep over his duty, of only being updated of his well-being through news channels. And it's infuriating that you've argued over this, talked about it, and each time, the incidents only gets more serious. Only gets more fatal. Only gets you to think about his mortality. That one day he'd— both your palms smack into his chest, sending him stumbling backward.
"Do you think this easy for me? That this is what I want?" You raise your hand to hit him again, but he catches your wrist.
"Do you think this is easy for me?" he hissed, his sunken blue eyes glinted sharply. "Do you have any idea. . ." Toshinori pulls on your wrist, hard enough to bring your faces within inches from each other. You're suddenly aware of how strong he is despite being almost skin and bones.
"You do not know," he growls.  "You talk as though I take for granted of what we— what I thought we had." His grip tightens. "I risk your life just by being next to you. Do you understand that? If people know, if I register you as my emergency contact and we're caught, you will be in danger. I will never be able to live with myself if a villain hurts you to get to me. I will put your life in jeopardy."
You feel yourself go limp, all the fight seeping out of you. "But. . . but why then? You should have known that this— this all I'll ever be for you. Just a person who couldn't be there for you because I'm a civilian you have to keep safe. If this is all that's gonna be,  why did you ever kiss me in the first place?"
"Because this is not something I was supposed to have!" Toshinori shouts. "I look at you and I feel human. I look at you and I feel whole. I look at you and it doesn't matter whether I'm All Might or I'm a random nobody. I look at you and I live. I look at you and having the title of Number One Hero is nothing, nothing compared to being called yours! I can't go back to who I was anymore."
He seems to realize he's still holding your wrist. Your fingers have gone numb. Toshinori releases you and shoves his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants. Blood rushes back to your fingertips,  which prickle with pins and needles.
"And even if we aren't caught," he continues in a more subdued tone, "You will never be able to introduce me to your family. I will never get to walk down the streets with you hand in hand, or take you to the municipal to submit a marriage certificate with you. And whatever happens to me, your life will go on as if I never met you. And it doesn't matter as long as I have kept you safe. That's all I want." He blinks and looks at your wrist. "I did not mean to hurt you. I'm sorry."
Your frail resolve wavers. You and Toshinori were never meant to happen, but against impossible odds, you and him found each other— and more importantly, chose to be together.
He deserves to be with someone as brave as he is.
"Toshi, don't leave." You take a tentative step towards him. "I was wrong.  I'm sorry. Stay with me. I want you for as much time as we possibly can have. I'm sorry for having a moment of weakness. I want you, Toshi. I want all the stolen moments I can get."
There is a long silence. He stares at you, and your brain works furiously to think of something more to say.
A slow smile spreads across his face. ". . . keep looking at me like that and we'll get outed to the public in precarious situation."
Your cheeks warmed.
You watch the two old logs burst into flames. The fire crackles and you take a seat on the ground behind Toshinori. You spread your legs for him to lean back against you. It is his prerogative right to be the little spoon whenever he's in his true form. This is a thing between you and him, camping in the middle of nowhere to avoid public eye.
"I'm sorry," you say over and over to his back. "I'm sorry." His shirt smells like smoke from the fire, and dry leaves, and detergent.
"You're allowed to end this," he says quietly.
"I updated my agency. They'll inform you first when I. . . "
To which you reply with, "I know." You squeeze him in your arms so tight you apologizing still, for trying to break up with him or for a future without him.
You let your sobs ran through you. He hunches even more, his arms wrapped around his knees, into a seashell arc in your arms while your tears trickled down to the back of his neck.
"I love you." His tired voice.
". . . love you too."
This is the brutal truth of loving All Might.
AN: This is fluff, right? i forgot.
<- previous (pov: this is how you fell in love with Small Might)
next (pov: to be loved by All Might) ->
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