#I think He knows that somebody needs to read them but far bet it from me to assumeGod's intentions
generalllimaginesss · 10 months
"I bet you have a finsta and spend your time trolling us." With Nico pls :)
I guess its Nico Friday! This is short and sweet, but I really liked writing it! I hope you like it!!
"I'm just saying, for you both to have been first round drafts that collision should be mortifying," You trailed off as Luke and Jack Hughes sat across from you and your boyfriend in the restaurant.
Nico knew as soon as he saw the replay of the collision that the boys would not be able to escape your criticism. It was one of the things that he loved about you; you were just as passionate as him when it came to hockey, you just spent your time watching instead of playing.
"Really?" Jack rubbed his eyes, exhaustion beginning to set in. The last thing he wanted was to hear another person mention the most embarrassing moment in his career so far.
"Yes, really. What were you thinking? Do you know how bad one of you could have gotten hurt?" You continued to hound them.
Jack looked at Nico pleadingly, begging him to shut you up, but it was no use.
"What else did you see?" Nico asked, curious as to who was next in your line of critiques.
"Well, overall I just feel like you all need to work on skating techniques. You're all talented, but you suck at the basics sometimes and it looks like you need a refresher course. Also, there never should have been an overtime, let's be real," You took a sip of your wine as you grabbed your phone to open the notes app and see what else you had jotted down that you thought could be improved.
"I'll make sure to tell coach," Nico joked with you.
You sent Nico a glare, but continued reading off your list of all the mistakes made in the game, catching the boys' attention when they noticed you weren't just conversing, but apparently had a whole list of things that went wrong.
"Are you...do you take notes during the game?" Nico began to laugh, watching as you scrolled through the endless comments you made.
"Babe, we're in this together," You looked at him with all of the seriousness evident in your tone.
Jack made the sound and motion of a whip, shooting a devious grin toward his captain. Nico rolled his eyes and groaned.
"I bet you have a finsta and spend your time trolling us," Nico chortled, wanting to be joking, but he's almost positive he's seen some notifications pop up for an instagram account that was definitely not your main.
"Somebody has to humble you all..." You trailed off, smiling as the boys realized you didn't deny it.
"I will spend the rest of the night trying to find it," Luke announced, pulling his phone out and putting his detective skills to the test.
"Good luck with that, Bud," You replied as you immediately went to your finsta and began to block all of the Devils players from your account, beginning with Luke.
Your finsta will be your dirty little secret...
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hi liv! I hope you have had a wonderful day! What is the most heartstoppingly romantic fic you’ve ever read? Like scream into your pillow blushing kicking your feet romantic? I am starting my first year as a teacher and desperately need ESCAPE 👹
Omg congrats anon! That sounds exciting but also very demanding, I bet you’ll need some escape soon 🥲 when it comes to romance my first pick will always be aideomai’s Far From the Tree but as I cannot control myself here’s a short rec list. This selection is quite personal as I’m not particularly romantic or into pure fluff, so keep in mind that our definitions of romance might differ. I hope you are able to get a well-deserved break with these, enjoy!
Blue Sky Is Living Here Today by ignatiustrout (G, 5k)
Draco's a father, Harry's in love with him, and it's really hard to take things slow.
An Emerald In The Sky by @corvuscrowned (M, 6.6k)
The hardest part about shagging an Unspeakable is that they’re not allowed to speak of anything. All Draco knows is that Harry works in Time. Harry works in Time, and while he’s out there in all of that time, it is as unforgiving to him as it is to anyone.
the keys to your kingdom by thistle_verse (E, 7.5k)
It was nothing so elegant as fucking, the first time they came together. It was teeth just a little too sharp— against a collarbone, on the right-side curve of a jaw, drawing blood from the plushest part of a bottom lip.
The Eighth Tale by lettered (E, 12k)
Draco Malfoy tries to fix the past, but instead mucks it up some more. For Harry, it all becomes quite clear. Cw: MCD
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic (M, 15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year…
Us, in Lieu by Tepre (E, 30k)
Teddy needs help and Harry needs funding. Draco sits in the other room and plays the piano.
The Compact by astolat (E, 64k)
Hermione frowned. “The real question is why the magic of Britain would be failing now, in fact.” “That is not the real question!” Ron said loudly; he’d woken up fully by now, and Harry had too; it was starting to sink in that they’d found the problem. “The real question is, how do we fix it?”
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by nerakrose and dustmouth (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Far From The Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
A Sword Laid Aside by @korlaena (E, 128k)
When Draco’s cover is blown during a deep undercover operation and the Ministry is compromised, Ron takes Draco to the only safe place he can think of—Potter.
ART: so rest your weary heart with me by @bluebutter-art (M) - the most romantic artwork you’ll ever see, fight meeeee
After the war, Harry starts to use sensory deprivation tanks to induce psychosis-like hallucinations, eager to see those who he has lost one more time.
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
@funsonmunson-again's Birthday Week Writing Challenge Oliver Soon-to-be-Munson and the Best Birthday Ever The Eddie: Janitor!Eddie The Prompt: #6: write me something domestic. use your eddie of choice, reader pregnant or not, just give me something for my ovaries to combust to. show me dad!eddie Words: 3.8k? It just kinda... happened. 😳 Contains: Oliver's first birthday with Janitor!Eddie and Teach. Notes: I did some bad math and figured they'd get Oliver in about 1994, so this is meant to take place that summer, while they're just fostering him. Then somebody dropped new Eddie Age info and I was too far into it to recalculate. Disregard if this conflicts with the official timeline. This contains no I Love You's - because I don't know if they're there yet at this point, and those firsts aren't mine to write anyway. (But I'd love to read them, hint hint.)
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"Ollie's got a birthday coming up. Any ideas?"
"Hmmm," Eddie hums, crawling into bed after a long day. He settles his head on your chest and wiggles the rest of his body so close, he's nearly on top of you. You smile and wrap your arms around him. You both lie there and think quietly for a moment.
"I don't think we should do anything too big," he says thoughtfully. "Just something normal. If his mom gets him back, we don't want his next birthday to be drastically different."
"Good idea," you agree, twirling a strand of his hair in your fingers. "What's considered normal these days?"
"You're asking me about normal?" he chuckles.
"Nevermind," you laugh. "What was your most memorable birthday?"
"The year it was just me and my mom," he answers quickly. "Dad was in jail. Mom made me a cake and gave me a little red matchbox car. It was all I played with for months."
"Aw," you coo, scratching his scalp gently.
"Then Dad got out and stomped it 'cause I left it in the floor." You kiss the top of his head and hold him a little tighter.
"What was yours?" he asks.
"We were never really big on birthdays. Just dinner and a present or two. Cards from relatives. Very low-key."
He hums and nuzzles into you. You let out a sigh.
"I kinda feel like we should just ask him, but I think it would put too much pressure on him. Poor baby's still afraid to ask for seconds at dinner. Even if he had something in mind, he probably wouldn't tell us."
A sad silence falls over the room. You want to give your sweet boy the world, but you don't know if he could handle it just yet.
"Wayne used to take me to the movies," Eddie says.
"Yeah. Dollar Days at The Hawk."
"The Hawk?"
"There used to be a theater on Main Street, before the mall moved in and turned it into a ghost town. When times were slow, and there was nothing good out, they'd show old movies. A double feature for a dollar. It was old black and white stuff, mostly. The first time Wayne took me, it was pirate movies. That's what kicked off my pirate era."
"Pirate Eddie, huh?"
"Oh yeah. Talked like a pirate for almost a year. Badly. Every stick was a sword. Surprised Wayne didn't make me walk the plank." You chuckle, and you can feel him grinning into your chest.
"I bet you were adorable."
He scoffs. "Pirates are not adorable! They're rough and tough!"
"If you say so, baby." You kiss the top of his head again with a grin.
"Anyway, that was our thing. My birthday's a movie dead zone, so there was usually a Dollar Days promotion going on. I don't think we ever saw pirates again, though. It was mostly westerns after that."
"Was there a Cowboy Eddie era?"
"You bet there was, little lady," he drawls. You cackle and quickly quiet yourself, hoping you hadn't woken up Ollie. "I was gonna move out west and live like the good ol' days. I wanted a ranch with horses and cows and a good dog and a pretty lady."
"Well, one out of five's not bad, I guess." He looks up at you in confusion. "You got the lady, at least," you tease with a wink.
"That's all I need," he whispers. You give him a kiss on the forehead, and both return to your previous positions.
"So, making Oliver a cake and taking him to the movies?"
"Sounds good to me."
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"Good morning, birthday boy!" you smile from the stove, where you're keeping an eye on the bacon.
Oliver has finally wandered in, still in his pajamas. He's hugging his teddy bear with one arm and rubbing his eyes with his free hand. This child is the cutest little thing you've ever seen.
"Happy Birthday, bud," Eddie says, coming in from the living room.
"Thanks," Oliver says shyly, looking at the floor.
"What do you think: Breakfast first, or a present?" Eddie asks the boy with a mischievous grin.
Oliver's eyes light up, but he shrugs.
"What do you think, sweetheart?" Eddie asks you.
"I think I'm not quite done over here yet, so you should probably start with a present. That alright with you, Ollie?"
He nods, and you grin at him.
Eddie ducks back into the living room and returns with a neatly wrapped box, which he sets on the table with an exaggerated grunt. Oliver looks from the gift to Eddie to you, silently asking permission.
"It's okay," you encourage him with a smile and a nod.
He sits at the table and carefully unwraps it, almost like he's afraid of what's inside.
What's inside are ten Hardy Boys books.
The school library had a few random volumes left over from the 50s, and Ollie always had one checked out. They were his favorites; he would read the same four or five mysteries over and over again.
You'd never seen a child so happy about getting a book. His jaw dropped, and he reached out and ran his finger along the spines. You'd found a boxed set of the first ten books at a thrift store. They looked almost like new.
"They're really mine?"
"Of course, bud," Eddie assures him.
"For keeps?"
"Yup," you chirp.
First, he hugs his books. Then he hugs Eddie. Then he runs over and hugs you. (You step away from the stove when you see him coming, not wanting him to get too close to the hot pans.) And then he returns to his books, staring at them like he's afraid to take them out.
Eddie seems to sense this, and pulls his chair closer.
"Have you read any of these yet?" he asks.
"This one," Oliver points to a spine, "and this one. I think."
Eddie pulls out the first book Oliver pointed at and reads the summary on the back.
"Yeah, that's my favorite!" Oliver says in amazement when he sees the cover of the book Eddie holds, which is facing him. He excitedly pulls the rest out, one at a time, and carefully inspects each cover.
While he's busy poring over every detail of the cover art, Eddie gives you a smile that almost makes you forget the breakfast you're supposed to be cooking. The ding of the oven timer brings you back to reality.
Turning back to the stove, you hurriedly pull out a pan of biscuits and start turning off burners. Eddie gets up and pulls down a stack of plates for you.
"Alright bud, ready for breakfast now?"
Oliver nods, carefully putting his books back into their box, in the correct order. He tries to pick it up off the table, but struggles until Eddie swoops in. He's just a little guy, after all.
"Wanna put these in your room for now?" Eddie asks. Oliver nods and follows him to the bedroom; Eddie with an armful of books and Ollie with his teddy bear. By the time they get back - the books had to go on a shelf, obviously - breakfast is on the table. Bacon, and eggs, and biscuits made from scratch. The only person who was a bigger biscuit junkie than Ollie was Eddie, so you had two very happy and full boys that morning.
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"What time's the thing?" you asked inconspicuously, washing the last of the dishes.
Eddie, who's on drying duty, looks down at his hand. He'd written down the showtime when he double-checked the paper that morning. "11:20."
"You wanna get Ollie dressed while I hop in the shower? If I go out smelling like bacon grease, every dog in town's gonna be chasing us."
He laughs and kisses your forehead, hanging up the dish towel and heading for Ollie's room. You drain the sink and make your way to the bathroom, smiling when you overhear Eddie teasing a fun birthday adventure while trying not to spill the beans.
After you're all dressed (and de-baconed), you hop in the car. Ollie watches curiously from his booster seat in the back.
"Where are we going?"
"Do you really want to know, or do you want it to be a surprise?" You turn around and give him a smile while Eddie drives. "It's okay either way. It's your call, bud."
Oliver shrugs.
"Do you want a hint?"
He thinks about it, then nods his head. A nod instead of a shrug. Progress!
"We're going to the movies."
Confusion clouds his little face.
"Have you ever been to the movies before?" you ask with a smile, hoping that it's disguising the panic you suddenly felt. Had he really never been before? Is this going to be overwhelming for him? Why hadn't you thought of this?!
"Like when we rent tapes?"
"Not exactly. We're going to a theater."
His face is blank.
"It's a big room in the mall, with lots of seats and a huge screen."
"Muuuch bigger than our TV," Eddie adds.
"And we watch the movie there?"
"Yup, on the big screen."
You look at Eddie helplessly, and he chuckles at you.
"Because it's fun," he says. "My Uncle Wayne used to take me on my birthday when I was little. We'd get a bucket of popcorn, and a drink, and then go sit in a comfy chair and wait for the lights to go down. They show you previews of other movies coming out soon, just like on the tapes we rent. And then they turn the real movie on. You've never seen anything like it. It's so big! It doesn't even matter what the movie is. It's just a cool thing to see, and a cool place to be."
"Especially when you're there with your favorite people," you add, looking at Eddie with a smile. He reaches over and squeezes your hand.
"So, sound like fun?" you ask, turning your attention back to Ollie.
He nods. You'll take it.
Oliver is understandably nervous when you arrive at the theater. It's his very first time, after all. He clings to your side from the minute you help him out of the car. Eddie buys the tickets at the box office out front, and sticks them in his front pocket. You walk Oliver around the lobby to look at the posters while Eddie waits in line to buy a bucket of popcorn and a drink from the counter inside.
Ollie's eyes linger over the candy counter when you come to meet Eddie, but he doesn't say a word. That's alright. You'll hook him up later, you think with a smirk. Moms have their ways.
("Their ways" meaning you bought candy at the dollar store a few days ago and hid it in the bottom of your purse. You feel no shame about this. Movie theater candy is highway robbery. Just the facts.)
With a bucket of popcorn and a gallon of soda, Eddie leads the way into the theater. He picks a spot in the back, away from everyone else, and you all get settled in. You check your watch.
"Ten minutes to go. Probably a good time to hit the bathroom," you note. Eddie nods.
"Wanna hit the head before the movie starts, buddy?" Oliver shrugs. "C'mon," Eddie says with a smile and a tilt of his head. They leave together, and you guard the popcorn.
They come back just in time. Oliver sits between you, munching on popcorn and looking around. There's not a whole lot to see in here; it's a morning matinee, and the movie's been out for a while, so there's only a handful of other people. Then the lights go down, and Oliver tenses.
"It's alright, it just means the show's about to start," Eddie whispers to him. Oliver looks to you, and you nod in agreement. He sits back in his seat and pulls his knees up, resting his chin on them. You and Eddie share A Look over his head.
And then the screen comes to life. Oliver's eyes widen. You and Eddie are both trying to watch him without being obvious about it, and failing hilariously. You watch him all through the previews, completely transfixed by the clips on the giant screen in front of him.
When the theater chain's roller coaster intro came on, you thought Oliver was going to lose his mind. His eyes were the size of saucers, and his jaw was dangerously close to coming unhinged. You and Eddie grin at each other. This was the show you came to see.
And then the lights dim more, and the movie starts. Oliver perks up at the Disney logo, which he is very familiar with. You and Eddie's traditional Friday night plans of "dinner and a movie" looked a little different these days, but you loved them just the same. Maybe more.
A song blasts through the speakers scattered throughout the theater. Oliver leans forward, seemingly possessed by the music, inching closer and closer to the empty seat in front of him as each new animal appears. By the time the lions show up, he's standing, grasping the top edge of the chair in front of him with both hands, like it's all that's keeping him from falling into the movie.
You cover your mouth and look over at Eddie, who is grinning so hard, it looks like it might actually split his face.
After a few minutes of letting him soak it in, you reach forward and hook your finger through his belt loop, pulling him back to his seat gently. He lands on his chair with a light bounce, but doesn't seem to notice. You and Eddie share another grin, and start digging into the popcorn.
You've never seen any child pay such close attention to anything for so long in your life. And you've spent quite a lot of time around them. But Oliver remains focused throughout the entire movie, from the opening sunrise to the final scene where the good guy triumphs. He didn't even get scared during those freaky hyena scenes.
When the lights finally come back on, Oliver sits back in his seat and breathes for the first time in an hour and a half. He looks up at Eddie, then at you.
"Well, what'd you think?" you ask.
"This was the best birthday EVER."
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The cub's ruling may have come a little early, because the day was still young.
Oliver had been too captivated by the movie to eat anything, and you and Eddie had only eaten half the popcorn, so you brought the bucket home with you. You looked back at him, munching on a handful and staring thoughtfully out the window. You wished you knew what was going on in his head…
But you soon found out. After he'd eaten his fill of popcorn and had time to process the mind-blowing event of going to the movies for the first time, and he started talking. And he didn't stop.
He told you about his favorite scenes, and his favorite characters, and what his favorite song was, and that he knew all along that the good guy would win in the end. He'd memorized so many details from the movie, after only one viewing, you were extremely impressed. You and Eddie nodded along happily, laughing and gasping in the appropriate places of his passionate re-telling.
By the time you got close to home, Oliver had nearly talked himself out. His blinks were becoming longer, and he leaned his head back against the seat. Eddie, who'd been keeping an eye on him in the rearview mirror, took the long way around instead of his usual shortcut. Oliver was asleep when you pulled in the driveway.
Eddie handed you the keys and opened the back door to unbuckle Oliver and pull him out. You led the way up the front steps and unlocked the door, holding it for your beautiful boys. Eddie carried Oliver into his room and came back out with a grin.
"You think he liked it?" he asks, causing both of you to burst into a fit of hushed giggles.
"Wayne'll be here in an hour and a half. Wanna get stuff ready, or lay on the couch for a few?" Eddie asks. You look at each other for approximately three seconds before heading to the couch.
You doze for about an hour, then get up and start working on Oliver's birthday dinner. You've got a salad to make and a cake to ice. Eddie's got grilling to do. After all the vegetables are washed, Eddie goes to wake up Oliver. When they return to the kitchen, you send them both outside with a pan full of vegetables wrapped in foil. Eddie might not be great with the baking, but the man can grill anything.
A few minutes later, Wayne knocks twice, then lets himself in as you're starting to frost the cake you baked late last night.
"Hi, Wayne!"
"Hey, darlin'. You need help?"
"Nope, just finishing up. You need a drink?"
"Eddie's got the cooler outside. Uh…" You look up from the cake to see Wayne rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, just like Eddie does. "You got wrappin' paper?"
"Yeah, hall closet." You point, and he shuffles over and pulls out a roll of blue striped paper.
"Scissors and tape are in the top drawer closest to you," you point again. "You need help?"
"I can wrap a damn present, girl."
"Then why didn't you teach Eddie how?"
"Boy wouldn't sit still long enough." You both grin, and he pulls something out of his flannel pocket and drops it on the table, turning his back to you and getting to work.
You slather the last of the frosting on your cake as Wayne walks the roll of blue paper back to the closet.
"I, uh… I didn't have any."
"That's okay. I've always got plenty, appropriate for any gift-wrapping occasion. Help yourself, any time."
"Thanks. Uh... all I had was newspaper, and I didn't have time to make it to the store and back… I, uh, didn't want the boy to feel like he was an afterthought." Your heart swells, but you can already hear Wayne's "don't go gettin' all emotional on me, girl", so you take an alternate route.
"Wayne, you know it's what's inside the paper that counts," you say with a wink. He chuckles, and Oliver peeks his head inside the door.
"Eddie says to bring him some dang meat."
"Tell him to hold his dang horses," you laugh, reaching into the fridge for a plate of burgers and hot dogs. Oliver relays your reply out the door, and you can hear Eddie cackle from his place by the grill. Wayne stuffs the little package back into his pocket and reaches for the dang meat. You pick up your salad and follow him out the door, which Oliver holds for you like a gentleman.
While Eddie cooks his dang meat, Oliver tells Wayne about his day so far: breakfast, books, the coolest movie ever. Wayne grins, then pats his pocket with a questioning look at you. You nod. He pulls out his present, and hands it to Ollie.
"Another present?!"
"Yup. Happy Birthday, little man."
Oliver looks at you, and you nod, giving him the go-ahead. He tears off the paper to reveal two matchbox cars: a red one, and a blue one.
"What'd you get, buddy?" Eddie asks, leaning over to see. He freezes when he sees the two little cars.
"I figured you needed two so you could play with your-- with Eddie," Wayne corrects quickly.
"Thank you!" Ollie says with a grin, holding his cars closer to inspect the details. Eddie shares a look with Wayne, then looks to you. You give him a warm smile, knowing exactly what this reminds him of.
Dinner went great. You had burgers, hot dogs, roasted veggies and corn on the cob, salad, and potato chips. (Eddie insisted that having a cook-out without potato chips was against the laws of America. Wayne and Oliver backed him up on this. Who were you to argue with the laws of America, as decided by the people?)
You brought out the cake and stuck the candles in it. Eddie insisted that everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to Ollie, and proceeded to dramatically air-guitar his way through it. Oliver laughed so hard at Eddie, and at Wayne rolling his eyes at Eddie, he had to hold onto you for support. He finally caught his breath and blew out his candles. While Eddie was removing the candles and preparing to cut the cake, Ollie looked up at you with his big eyes. You leaned down closer, sensing that he wanted to tell you something.
"Do you want to know what I wished for?" he whispers.
"If you tell, it won't come true," you whisper back. He looks thoughtful for a moment, then grins.
"Cake?" he asks.
"Cake!" you repeat.
"Cake." Eddie says, placing a piece in front of Oliver, then handing you one across the table.
"Cake?" Wayne asks, not wanting to be left out.
"Cake!" Eddie says, giving Wayne a piece, then settling down with his own.
After everyone was properly caked, Wayne went home to get ready for work. You and Eddie performed a hasty clean-up (thank you, aluminum foil), and you put away leftovers while the boys played on the living room floor with their new cars. Ollie's favorite color is blue, so Eddie laid claim to the red car. (Even though you heard Ollie tell Eddie he could have the blue one if he wanted, like the sweetest boy in the whole world.)
You leaned on the counter and watched them play, racing and doing daring stunts and making hilarious sound effects as they recklessly 'drove' over any surface in reach. You could watch them for hours, but that would interfere with a certain birthday boy's bedtime.
Ollie never complained when you told him it was bedtime. Maybe because bedtime here meant he got to wear clean pajamas and crawl into his own bed with a full belly and his favorite teddy bear, and have a bedtime story read to him by people who loved him.
He was struggling to keep his eyes open when Eddie finished tonight's chapter of the fantasy book they'd picked out together. You tucked him in while Eddie turned on the nightlight.
"Good night, baby," you whisper with a kiss to the top of his head.
"Good night, buddy," Eddie said quietly on his way to the door.
"'Night," Oliver mumbles sleepily, "was best birthday ever."
It really was.
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Bonus: Oliver's wish was that he could stay with you and Eddie forever. I can tell you that now, because it already came true. 😉
Double Bonus:
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cactusspatz · 10 months
October recs
*squeezes in at the last minute* Don't mind me, November was terribly busy and also I sprained my ankle - but here's some recs from before all that!
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Galagar Gallivant by Quasar (Nine Worlds, genish)
His Radiancy devises a way to fix an anomaly in time. No priest-wizards were severely harmed in the making of this fic.
Completely delightful pre-canon romp, featuring HR being whimsical in response to magical weirdness, Kip being oblivious but also trusting HR to the nth degree (*heartclutch*), and just general charming shenanigans.
A Contract's a Contract, No Matter How Small by @PenAndInkPrincess (Witcher, genish)
Unexpected side effect of Jaskier praising witchers far and wide: children making the logical jump that witchers can handle ALL monsters. Including such subspecies as the under-the-bed variety. And, well, what are you supposed to say to a child who asks you to fight a monster for them?
Technically this is a WIP, but the chapters are pretty standalone and SO CUTE.
A Dangerous Game by @fabula-unica (DCU, Bruce/Hal)
"You know what I think," Jordan said. "I think you’re one of those people who think they can’t be pranked. That’s what I think.” “Jordan. There is no conceivable universe in which you could ever successfully prank me – not in your wildest, most attention-deficit-disordered imaginings is that a thing that could possibly occur.” Jordan gave a quiet laugh. “You wanna bet?”
I am weak for prank wars and this is an excellent one!
The Long Con by @acornsontheground (DCU, Bruce/Hal)
Hal is adamant that he's not going to spend Bruce's money. Bruce intends to change his mind about that. (A sort-of 5+1 fic)
*facepalm* Bruce why are you like this. But at least he's using his powers for good? Very domestic and funny.
Duty of Care by allonym (Harry Potter, gen)
Megwin is two-thirds done with roll call when she stumbles over a familiar name. Harry Potter. Strange coincidence. There’s a student in her muggle primary classroom with the same name as The-Boy-Who-Lived? A canon-divergent AU in which Somebody Helps Harry Potter.
Creative and satisfying, though it does take Dumbledore's puppeteer tendencies to the worst conclusion, so maybe don't read if you're a Dumbledore stan.
If It's Me You Need To Turn To, We'll Get By by Linxcat (The Untamed, gen)
Zixuan would like to be closer with his half-brother. He would like to skip all the awkward fumbly beginning bit where they don't know each other and just magically arrive at fraternal harmony, where they can joke around like the Jiangs and look out for each other like the Nies and have that spooky synchronicity like the Lans, but the truth is that he's never had a sibling, and he has no script or example for what you're meant to do when you discover one as an adult. They don't have years of in-jokes and growing pains to fall back on, they're basically just strangers who happen to share a parent. the sickfic fixit in which JGY discovers the Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Known and Zixuan discovers the Mortifying Ordeal of Getting To Know Other People
Really great characterization, and I like how narrow of an escape the last scene is - JGY's damage goes very deep and I like how this author gets that.
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moosemonstrous · 10 months
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - This bit refuses to go anywhere further, but I kinda like the idea of the rangers being socially isolated and resigned to each other's company, so 🤷
“I’m just saying,” Scott crosses his arms over his chest defensively. “Weird time for a Reyes to show up out of the blue.”
“His story checks out,” Carol sighs. It’s been a long day following a long week and now Maria is stuck in her bunk riding out whatever germ Monica last dragged in from the classroom. Evenings like this, she’s brutally reminded how little actual life she has as a ranger, for all that their time is mostly tied up in a lot of ‘hurry up and wait’. The best company they can muster up is usually each other. “And Eric likes him.”
“Oh no!” Pietro barks a laugh. “That’s a damning assessment. Local patron saint of punks and misunderstood teens likes the new kid. God, I bet he’s insufferable.”
Carol thinks of the way Robbie Reyes held himself in the meeting. Tense like a bowstring, the kind of polite people get when somebody points a gun at them. His initial entry psych eval didn’t indicate anything out of the ordinary, but the support side doesn’t get monitored much past ‘active thoughts of sabotage’. There’s too much to do and too many people fleeing to the continent after every attack.
“He’s very young,” she admits, because whatever she says Pietro will take it as an agreement to his thesis. “And it’s not like Ivanov will let him pilot that thing anyway.”
The again, she didn’t think he was the type to bring an unverified element into the hangar, and to The Charger at that. As far as she knows, he hasn’t come close to the jaeger since it’s infamous final run. He never struck her as a sentimental type, but he’s always been fairly unapproachable. To see him take such a close interest in some refugee... She wonders what Clint thinks of all that. Maybe it’s time for a trip to the LOCCENT bridge.
“Anyone told him yet?” Scott asks. When Carol shoots him a puzzled look, he looks around the room like any of the J-techs need them for the good gossip. “You know. About the last time someone plugged into The Charger.”
Pietro grimaces. Carol suspects her own expression is pretty similar. Eric was furious – it’s like there was some weird magic field over the reports, preventing the brass from actually reading them. At least since Ivanov took over people stopped treating it like their careers’ personal Everest. Only now he’s doing it himself, for no clear reason other than maybe leftover guilt from a decade ago.
“He will be spending a lot of time with Tony,” she says eventually. “It will come up sooner or later.”
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Hey there, its me again, the favorite anon (it seems weird for me to call myself that, i have to find another way to make it known its me) and i just wanted to give a simple answer, felt like i left you hanging about the art thing so sorry. I’ll try to be brief with my answer, about the whole thing that happened that day, i didn’t really get it all just came in and saw there was some weirdness going on, we all make mistakes we’re human after all so its good you apologized, i think.
I’m really invested in how Daryl and Birdie’s relationship will develop, i just knew he was gonna be the biggest helicopter parent lol, bet he’ll be the kind of dad that freaks out after the kid sneezes just once and i’m here for it, i did note that Daryl didn’t really have any suggestions even when reader commented about the name thing way back when he was sick, but didn’t really think it would come into play, i thought it was more of him being sort of insecure haha but i knew it would be Bird related, come on, Bird blanket and her dad is Always wearing a vest with wings? To me, thats cinema.
Also i forgot to comment on the last ask, but Daryl knowing all this stuff from his books but not knowing about the placenta??, its so funny to me, come on man it was too good to be true, most realistic moment for me honestly, men just operate on a different frequency i swear.
And about Lori, well i did note that Daryl joked about her on the first ep of season 3, wasn’t really malicious tho i think Daryl just kinda secretly likes to gossip, like that time he told everybody Merle had the clap for no reason lmao, the idea of Daryl secretly being a gossiper is hilarious. And more Lori? I’LL BE EATING IT UP I KNOW IT, and getting to see more of her and Rick?? Might as well be christmas for me, i’m curious to know what advice she has, i’ll be waiting eagerly for the moment where she just goes ‘’Y/N can you watch Carl for me?’’ that’ll be the moment we know their relationship has peaked. Alright i’m just joking, i love her so much in this fic.
Carol is the gift that keeps on giving, i love how she immediately knew she had to save birdie from these fools, poor kid doesn’t deserve to suffer with a messed up diaper on her first day on this Earth, i’m guessing she’ll be Birdie’s Godmother, if that’s a thing to them anyway, i have a feeling her bond with Birdie will also be very special and just motivate her to be even more of a badass.
Alright about the art, its totally fine, you know its out there sorta like a message in a bottle, it now belongs to the world not me haha i want to keep practicing with these characters when i have more time, this one was made on a tight schedule but who knows, i’m already thinking of what else to make plotting like a supervillain in my lair, but for now i only have a few hours, if you want to post that one its totally cool with me.
Thanks for being so sweet, i hope you are taking care of yourself and taking your time to write, its very important, and yeaaaah 600 words thats me being ‘’brief’’ somebody needs to take this keyboard away from me.
Bye bye <3
My favorite Anon! You just let me know what you want me to call you and I will! 🩵
Don't worry about not answering right away on the art. I just wanted to make sure it was okay before I showed it off. :) I was worried all that shit had chased you off. I felt/feel horrible about it but it's done and in the past now. I'm sorry if it affected you in any way.
I have just started chapter 31 and bless these two. A newborn on the road is really going to test everyone. He's going to be talking about the name a little in this and why he chose it.
Bless him, he didn't get that far in the books. He kept telling her he hadn't had time to read and how he felt bad about it. He really wanted to know everything but when it came down to reading or providing/protecting or reading, he of course chose the first. I just could not have him being like what?! when she pushed it out.
Daryl being a gossiper! LOL YES.
Reader is definitely going to need help. Lori will play a pivotal role, along with Carol, of course. I want there to be a real bond with Lori, something that will tie reader to Carl and Judith after that day. Daryl loves Judith, we already know that but I want there to be this real bond with reader and the kids.
I still have a while to explore before we even get to the prison, so buckle up! :)
Thank you for always sending these. They seriously make me smile! 🩵🩵🩵
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darkwitch1999 · 6 months
Hey witch, would it be cool if Sara and Chloe fight to see who’s the better bitch? May the worst bitch win! My money’s on Chloe!
Ooo! I love it! Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who's the baddest bitch of all? Let's find out!
----------------------------------------------- Chloé Bourgeois vs. Sara Lemieux
Sara: (sneers) The mayor’s brat a better bitch than me? (chuckles mockingly) How cute, @princessbutterflysposts.
Chloé: (smirks triumphantly) Clearly, they recognize who is better at making other people’s social lives miserable.
Sara: Well, I will admit that your tactics are effective…
Chloé: As they should be!
Sara: (smirks deviously)….for an amateur.
Chloé: (gasps in offense) Excuse me?!
Sara: Oh, we both know you heard me loud and clear, but then again, my sources told me that you are not very bright. Your whole bullying approach just screams juvenile. Everything you have done I have already done before I even entered fifth grade, and I did it way better than you. (starts counting off of her fingers) You think that putting cockroaches in someone’s locker is bad? Try snakes instead and see how fast your victim has to go to counseling. Getting someone expelled or suspended from school? Too easy and simple that I have done it dozens of times. A better challenge would be falsely accusing a teacher or faculty member and getting them fired, which I have also done more than once. Also, if you want to ruin somebody’s clothes, there are better, more devious ways of going about it than with paint and gum. Just ask that emo loser (bleep) Marc Anciel. Do you even realize how easy it is to steal another person’s work and pass it off as your own without getting caught? Though I guess that would be more of a rhetorical question since that’s just another item on the list of things you weren’t able to get away with doing unlike me. You can’t even steal some girl’s diary without getting caught in the act. Something that is supposed to be as easy as taking candy from a baby and you still fuck it up. You didn’t even get a chance to do the satisfying part of reading it to the school or posting the content online. Oh, and let’s not forget about the time you heartlessly rejected that quiffed himbo’s love confession and posted his humiliation on social media. (sighs) Love is just so easy to crush, whether they are attracted to you or somebody else. You should consider outing someone to their crush and watch their whole world crash and burn from rejection and shame. Face it, Bourgeois, you’re out of your league. You may think you’re a bad bitch, but compared to me, you’re just some wannabe brat.
Chloé: (seething) H-How….HOW DARE YOU?! You’re less than nothing compared to me! My daddy is the mayor of Paris! I have this school and all of Paris under my thumb! (smirks deviously) And if I wanted, I could make your life a living hell! Who even is your father, anyway? I’ll bet he’s just another faceless, powerless nobody like you! You dare to even insist that you have more power than me?! I actually had real superpowers before! Never seen you with superpowers, I wonder why. If I had to guess, it’s probably because you are not important enough to have them.
Sara: (scoffs with a smirk, seemingly unfazed by Chloé’s rant) Please, all you’re doing is making an even bigger fool of yourself, and quite frankly, it’s cringe. There is a reason why I never had superpowers; it’s because I have never needed them nor do I need my daddy’s money or connections to get what I need. I don’t need to cry to my father whenever I want something or something is not going the way I want it to be. Who needs power when I can easily manipulate anyone through talent and skill alone? But then again, I guess it makes sense why you need your spineless, cowardly, bootlicking politician father to control the people around you considering how talentless you truly are. My father may not be the mayor of Paris, but I do believe a decorated officer in the French military is far more respectable to the people than a corrupt politician, whose power may have helped you for so long but is fleeting. You may have intimidated people for years with your father’s status and weak bullying tactics, but your hold on them is slipping. Many of the students in your class aren’t even that intimidated by you anymore and some of them are even starting to fight back against you. Even your Agreste blonde boy toy is pulling away from you. The only one who you still have under your complete control is that pathetic little minion of yours Stella or whatever her name is, and it is only a matter of time before you lose control of her, too. Meanwhile, I not only have more minions than you, but I have my entire school wrapped around my finger, kissing my feet, or crushed underneath my heels, all on my own accord. Now that I think about it, you’re even worse than a wannabe brat. You’re a washed-up has been.
(Chloé continues to seethe with anger, growling lowly as she glares daggers at Sara. Suddenly, Chloé gets a message notification on her phone. She opens her phone and skims through the message. A satisfied smirk begins to grow on her face causing Sara to raise an eyebrow in confusion.)
Chloé: (smirks) You’re fake.
Sara: (eyebrow raised, scoffs) Excuse me?
Chloé: Your hair is fake. Everyone knows you aren’t a real blonde. Unlike moi!
Sara: (irritated and still confused) Wh-What…What does my hair have to-….
Chloé: Your minions’ loyalty is fake, too. Oh sure, they may tolerate your treatment, but I bet my entire trust fund that every chance they get they tear you to shreds behind your back. They don’t really respect you, they are just intimidated by you, and if an opportunity were to arise when they could kick you to the curb, they would do it in a heartbeat. Sure, I may just be using Sabrina to do my bidding, but at least I know she would never betray me and that her loyalty to me is limitless. Can’t say the same for the rest of your followers, now can’t you?
Sara: (seethes) Why you-…!
Chloé: How many people have become akumatized because of you?
Sara: Why should I care whether or not some losers get akumatized? Chloé: You didn’t answer my question. I’m pretty sure that at least half of the city has gotten akumatized because of me, maybe even more by now. How many akumatizations did you cause?
Sara: (eyes shift nervously) W-Well…none…but that’s hardly my fault! Blame DarkBitch for not writing my stories because she’s so damn slow! I haven’t even gotten a chance to be akumatized yet!
Chloé: So Shadow Moth has never even called upon you for help, meaning that you also never willingly accepted his power to help him take Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculouses?
Sara: What?! No! What sort of psycho freak would even consider working for a terrorist willingly?
Chloé: You don’t have a father.
Sara: (eyes widen in shock) ….
Chloé: (smiles deviously) At least not anymore. He abandoned you, Lemieux.
Sara: (clenches her fists angrily) That’s not true…you….!
Chloé: Oh sure, the part about him being a decorated military officer is true and he has been away on duty for quite a long time. Ten years now, was it? Sara: (shocked) H-How did you-…?
Chloé: You’re not the only one with sources. And sure, I’m not one to talk since my mother did leave me and my father for years for New York, but at least she came back. Sure, she’s a pain in the neck sometimes and she barely remembers my name, but at least she acknowledges my existence. Meanwhile, when was the last time you heard from your father? Does he ever call you or write? Sends you birthday cards? Visits you during the holidays? I guess not, and do you know why, Lemieux? (gets closer to Sara’s face) It’s because he doesn’t love you and wishes that you were never born.
(Sara is left speechless as Chloé continues to stare her down with a triumphant smirk on her face.)
Well, there you have it. Who do y'all think won the battle of the bitches? Who's the worst? Let me know what you think.
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lovemadethemdoit · 1 year
Hi! 😄
Ooooooooh. Congrats on the 400th kudos!!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
I've read the fic and I've enjoyed it!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Here is a prompt if that inspires you.
They've been sentenced to wear a get-along sweater. 😆
Have a great day!! 😄
This is a different verse, not Won‘t somebody-compliant.
"Nope," Phoenix stops Hangman from talking with a hand held out. There’s deep exasperation in her voice. "We‘ve given you two more than enough time to get your shit together. Haven‘t we, Coyote?"
Hangman turns around to glare at his best friend standing behind the couch he‘s currently sprawled out on. The fucker is biting down on a grin.
"Definitely," Coyote says and that big smug smile of his breaks out. Hangman decides he needs a new best friend. Maybe he could be nicer to Bob.
Coyote stares down at him. "We have come to a point where we have to take drastic measures."
Rooster scoffs from where he‘s leaning against the wall next to the door. He looks like a total douche. Aloof, arms crossed, like he‘s completely unbothered by Hangman‘s presence when only half an hour ago they were yelling at each other on the tarmac. "And this," he nods at the offending piece. "Is what you‘ve come up with?"
Drastic measures, Hangman‘s ass. He hates to be agreeing with Rooster.
Phoenix had thrown the cloth onto the table as she had dragged Rooster in here a couple of minutes ago. Hangman doesn’t know who had told on him. He bets it was Fanboy, who had seen him slink through the door of the ready room, still angry as fuck, trying to find a space to calm down.
To Hangman‘s pleasure, Phoenix glares at her best friend. "Well, Bradley. It‘s not like we can keep you two in the same vicinity for long otherwise and you need to get over your shit already. We‘re all so over it!"
Hangman grimaces and he can see Rooster do the same from the corner of his eye. They both know they can‘t go on like this.
Hangman decides to be the bigger man.
He huffs out a breath and looks over at Rooster, who feels Hangman‘s eyes on him and looks up at him. The way Rooster squares his shoulders, like he’s readying for yet another battle, makes him want to go back on his decision, but he isn’t exactly enjoying butting heads with the asshole every fucking day he steps foot on base.
"What‘s your fucking problem with the way I fly this demo, Rooster? I‘ve fucking slowed down, I’ve been following your lead, man, and this is what I fucking get for it?"
Rooster takes a breath and Phoenix meets Coyote‘s eyes, Hangman thinks, but he‘s not looking away from Rooster now. The two of them are right, they need to have it out.
Hangman just can’t believe they are here again, after they‘ve been on, what he would call, a friendly basis after the fucking Mission they all thought they wouldn’t all come back from.
"Why?“ Rooster uncrosses his arms and pushes off the wall.
"Why what?"
"Why are you slowing down? Why aren’t you fucking challenging me?" Rooster sounds angry and Hangman is confused.
He shakes his head. "Roos–"
"We both fucking know you’re the one who should be Dagger One on this one," Rooster spits out, stabbing the air with his finger. He comes over to loom over Hangman, who looks up at him, frowning. "Where‘s your fucking competition over the top spot, Hangman?"
Hangman‘s mouth hangs open. "You want me to take your spot?" he asks, baffled.
"No. I want you to fucking act like yourself. Just because Mav chose me for that mission doesn’t mean I can‘t earn my spot against you for this one, asshole."
Hangman pushes to his feet, having enough of Rooster yelling at him, again, and coming chest to chest with Rooster. "You talk to the base shrink about your fucking anger issues yet, buddy?"
Rooster‘s eyes darken and he takes a step closer, looking like he wants to pummel him. Hangman is not far off that notion. He steps closer, their chests now actually touching, their adrenaline running high and their fists clenched.
"NOW!" Phoenix shouts and Rooster turns to glare at her over his shoulder, when Hangman feels Coyote at his back. Before Hangman knows what‘s happening, he‘s feels a rush of air and the next moment it‘s dark and something is blanketed over him. Him and Rooster.
Phoenix and Coyote pull the fucking thing straight.
Rooster and Hangman stare at each other in shock, the fucking get-along sweater draped over both of them. Hangman instinctively takes a step back and Rooster‘s arm comes up to keep him in place, so Hangman doesn’t accidentally drag them down on the sofa.
Hangman can’t help but laugh when realization settles in and the way Rooster‘s mustache twitches with amusement does it. He starts laughing and Rooster shakes his head, biting down on the tip on his tongue like he‘s trying not to follow Hangman‘s lead and have a laughing fit.
"They fucking didn’t do that," he says, dark eyes twinkling, anger vanished at the stupidity of their current situation. He sighs and angles his head over to Phoenix, who has already pulled out her phone to record.
"I‘m going to kill you," Rooster tells Phoenix before he looks back at Hangman and starts shuffling around.
Hangman stops laughing for a moment to complain. "What the fuck are you do-"
Rooster grabs Hangman‘s wrist and lifts his arm, starting to push it through the floppy sleeve on Hangman‘s end of the sweater before he gets to work on his own side. "Come on," he encourages, rolling his eyes. He leans in to whisper directly into Hangman‘s ear. "We might as well give them a run for their money. For team morale… Kind of owe it, huh?"
Hangman shakes his head but he concedes. Rooster is right. Like so often. Fucking asshole.
Hangman pushes his hand out of his sleeve as Rooster steps to his side within the woolen monstrosity and Jake wraps his arm around Rooster’s waist to pull him closer.
Rooster sends him a look at that but Hangman only sees surprise and no anger, so he nods his chin over to the two idiots they call their best friends.
Hangman and Rooster start posing and they both lift their hands to throw Phoenix and Coyote the bird. The picture ends up framed and hung up in the gallery at both the Hard Deck and in the ready room on base.
Hangman has to smile every time he catches sight of it.
(He catches Rooster doing the same once, too.)
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faememes · 1 year
Change pronouns/titles as needed!
"The mission I am asking you to volunteer for is exceptionally dangerous. Take a look at the man beside you. It's a good bet that in the next six weeks, you, or he, will be dead. Everyone brave enough to accept this...step forward."
"Your grandma could take a B-25 off a mile-long runway. Well, I'm gonna train you to do it at 467 feet, because at 468 feet, you're dead, and once you get it up, you're gonna learn to fly it like a fighter. Thirty feet off the ground. I want you to say hello to Lt _________, Navy Aviation. He's gonna help us lighten these fat ladies here."
"Yesterday, December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire of Japan. It is obvious that planning the attack began many weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American military forces. I regret to tell you that over 3,000 American lives have been lost. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. Because of this unprovoked dastardly attack by Japan, I ask that Congress declare a state of war."
"When the action is over and we look back, we understand both more and less. This much is certain. Before the Doolittle raid, America knew nothing but defeat. After it, nothing but victory. Japan realized, for the first time, that they could lose and began to pull back. America realized that she would win and surged forward. It was a war that changed America. Dorie Miller was the first black American to be awarded the Navy Cross, but he would not be the last. He joined a brotherhood of heroes."
"Slow down, flyboy. And instead of the bottom, read the very top. Both eyes."
"World War II, for us, began at Pearl Harbor, and 1,177 men still lie entombed in the battleship Arizona. America suffered, but America grew stronger. It was not inevitable. The times tried our souls...and through the trial, we overcame."
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I really am, but Army and Navy requires 20/20 vision."
"From Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo, we have been described as a nation of weaklings and playboys who hire British or Russian or Chinese soldiers to do our fighting for us. Let them repeat that now. Let them tell that to General MacArthur and his men. Let them tell that to the soldiers who today are fighting hard in the far waters of the Pacific. Let them tell that to the boys in the Flying Fortresses. Let them tell that to the Marines."
"Oh, I... It's not a problem with my eyes. I mean, I can see. I mean, I can hit a runnin' rabbit with a three-dollar pistol. I got a problem with letters, that's all."
"You are so beautiful, it hurts."
"________, you can't die. You can't die. You know why? Because you're going to be a father. You're going to be a daddy. I wasn't supposed to tell you. You're going to be a father."
"_______, I'm pregnant... I didn't even know until the day you turned up alive... and then all this happened... I haven't told _______... I don't want him to know. All he needs to think about is how to do this mission and get back alive."
"Most nurses would've gone on to somebody else instead of keeping their fingers plugged in your artery."
"Oh ______, all I ever wanted was for us to have a home and grow old together, but life never asked me what I wanted. Now I'm going to give _______ my whole heart... but I don't think I'll ever look at another sunset without thinking of you... I'll love you my whole life."
"You know, the only thing that scares me is that you might love him more than you love me."
"If I had one more night to live... I'd wanna spend it with you."
"I joined the army to do MY patriotic duty... AND... to meet guys."
"You're acting like I didn't love you."
"I almost did die, you little son-of-a-bitch. And her face was the last thing that went through my mind."
"I should've died over there. When I was in that water, I made a deal with God. I told him I was sorry, I told him I knew I'd been a fool for leavin you and tryin to go over there and be a hero, and I promised I'd never ask for anything again, if I could just see you one more time... And ya know what? It was worth it. You kept me alive _______, you brought me home. So I'm gonna stand by my end of the deal, I'm gonna walk away, and I won't ask you for anything... but I just want to know why... Just tell me that, will you please? Just tell me why."
"He told me you were a great flyer... The same night he told me, he volunteered to go to England."
"________, loving you kept me alive."
"He volunteered? He-he told me he'd been assigned. He was always tryin' to protect me. But ya know what? I look at myself in the mirror in this uniform... and I still don't know who I am, I look like a hero... but I don't feel like it."
"That's what I want to come home to. That's what I want to have to think about and dream about. I wanna know that the best part of my life is still ahead of me."
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The last chapter is very intriguing because until now, i thought anthony was trying to save the children -and put the adults in chaos- but then he killed a child. What is he TRYING to achieve?
(Also agreeing he was creepy and gross. I had my suspicions when he did this to barbara bc hes likely already an adult so...yikes)
*note i don't know japanese so i only saw the raw's images, i may be missing context
Before last chapter, I had three different Anthony theories on rotation, based on his canon behavior and what each of those scenarios would mean for the story thematically, though I personally never assumed he shared Kate's goal of saving all the children and defeating the adults. Luckily for me, one of them turned out to be true! I was actually quite fond of my "Anthony's evil in a similar way to the adult shadows" theory, and since I spent way more time than I probably should have thinking about it, I think I have an idea of what he's trying to achieve.
My points being:
I posted about this before with examples, but Anthony's behavior is oddly similar to that of adult shadows. This indicates that despite their vastly different places in the hierarchy of the manor, they have similar moral values, or lack of them
As you said yourself, he just killed a child. Even if his plan somehow includes freeing the human children, it's clearly far from Kate's goal of saving everyone. He was quick to kill off Maggie as soon as she outlived her usefulness to him
Anthony has the habit of putting himself in a position superior to other people. Kate has allies and friends, Anthony has pupils. Even Anthony's initial behavior of telling Maryrose not to undo anyone else's brainwashing is telling: as one of the only unbrainwashed living dolls, he had a clear advantage over every human in the manor except Rosemary. He could easily undo somebody's brainwashing in secret and manipulate them like he did to Maggie, something that would be much harder to do if everyone regained their senses. Maggie clearly saw Anthony as the perfect savior, and even stated that he could be the manor's master in the future. Lewis goes as far as refer to "Christopher" the same way shadows are thaught to refer to the Lord Grandfather
Based on this, my bet is that even if part of Anthony's plan involves saving some of the children, that's far from his main goal. His main goal in my opinion seems to be gaining power, just like every adult character we've met so far, the difference being that as a human, he can't simply climb up the social ladder the conventional way and needs to hide in the walls (or the sewers, idk for sure where he lives. At this point i want it to be the sewers).
That makes for an interesting villain, doesn't it? As an unbrainwashed human in a system that treats humans like objects, you'd assume he'd be all for destroying the oppressive system, you'd assume he'd be an ally, you'd assume he'd want to save everyone. If it turns out he's completely okay with what the manor stands for as long as he personally raises to power, throwing all or most of the human kids under the bus, now that's scary and honestly quite realistic.
About the creep factor... yeah. After reading the scene with Barbara, I got a weird vibe too but I still gave him the benefit of the doubt. I thought sure, he's doing that to get Kate to trust him, but who's to say he also didn't think that was the only way to save Barbara's life? Surely those aren't mutually exclusive, right? Maybe he cares about her since she was Christopher's friend. Also from the flashbacks we get that they can't be that far apart in age, Barbara's just short and stuck in the children's building, so most of the creepy vibe I got was from the fact that he was impersonating a dead person, which again I was giving him the benefit of the doubt for... only for Maggie to go as far as to call Anthony her prince out loud before he leaned down and caressed her face looking like a sicko in chapter 164. The more i think about it the worse it gets to be honest. Gross.
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may-maple-blog · 1 month
4, 6, 15, 17, and 19
[ask game]
4. Are there any pokémon that live in your area that scare you / squick you out?
uh. i've said before i really don't want to run into any big predators out in the wild. so, to that end, stuff like salamence, serperior, and those fantail sceptiles are out. feraligatr. you know. stuff like that
6. Are there any pokémon that, upon first learning of them, you almost didn’t believe were real creatures?
so, this might sound silly, but i really didn't think slugma was a real thing. "but you're from johto and they have them in kanto" i know i know, i said it was silly. what i don't know about what happens in cinnabar can't hurt me or something. anyway, i didn't actually get to see one until i moved here. they're neat little guys
15. Do you catch a lot of pokémon, battle them, or just leave them be?
um, not really? i only have four pokémon and no resources to take care of any more, and that's with one of them being really self-sufficient. if i'm catching a pokémon, it's to send it to the professor i work with for study. as for battling, i only really battle pokémon that want to battle. most of the time for training my team battles each other
17. Do you prefer Pokémon Centers to heal up your team, or just a good night’s rest?
yeah, it depends on what's going on with them. if we've just been battling, resting is enough. having a more severe injury is the only reason i'd make a point to have them treated at a pokémon center. mostly i just use pokémon centers for the free food and showers
19. What’s your favorite bonding activity to take part in with your pokémon?
brutus and i usually just chill together. sometimes i'll read to him or just talk. aggron are surprisingly social pokémon and quality time is really good for them. uh, i kind of have this dream where i have my own place with space for a garden that he can help me tend, because aggron are really good at gardening, but, i don't know if that will ever happen. if i'm exploring, he's usually the pokémon i have out with me--aggron are kind of scarily smart and need a lot of mental stimulation, and figuring out stuff like terrain navigation and getting to see new areas is good for him. i need to talk to somebody about letting him pull a car apart to eat it or something. i bet he'd enjoy that.
ivy is a little more energetic and enjoys chasing after things. i have one of those feathery wand cat toys for her that she likes to pounce on. now that she's a sceptile she mostly just bats at it because she's so big. she also likes running after things i throw. i would call it fetch, but she's kind of bad at the "bring it back so may can throw it again" part.
for alluria, we've been working on training for contests, so holding certain poses has been what we've been doing lately. honestly, alluria's pretty simple as far as enrichment goes--as long as she gets to swim frequently and sit in the sun, she's happy. milotic are really patient and chill.
comet enjoys a wide variety of activity! mostly causing problems on purpose. 0/10, world's worst traveling partner.
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imaginepirates · 2 years
Beckett’s Daughter HCs
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Oh boy. Beckett is a little conflicted about having children. On the one hand, a legitimate child makes for an heir, and if he wishes to carry on his bloodline and pass down his work and station, he needs a child. An illegitimate child (which at the point where we meet him, is much more likely) could be seen as a setback or annoyance. He cannot, however, just leave the child to whatever fate life has in store. He will always hate his own father for failing to care for him, and will not, under any circumstances, abandon his own children.
In any case, you end up living with him. This is a bit of a disaster, because he has no idea how to raise or care for children. There would have to be a nanny. Beckett is busy with work anyway, and simply wouldn’t have the time to care for a child himself, assuming the mother was out of the picture. If not, I feel like Beckett would probably have a strained relationship with his wife, given that he probably married for societal expectation’s sake. This would put a certain tension in the household for your childhood years. 
As a daughter, Beckett expects that you are able in all the womanly arts; your family has an image to uphold, and you must be excellent at what society expects from you. 
Beckett also expects that you’re wickedly smart. He would make sure that you read veraciously, educating you in classic Greek literature and language. You would likely speak multiple languages, and be far ahead of your peers in mathematics. Beckett is the type to see math as a practical skill, rolling his eyes at the idea that it’s too “masculine” for you. 
Speaking of “masculine” pursuits, Beckett would ensure that you can kill a man at least ten different ways in any given situation. Like hell if someone thinks they are going to hurt his daughter. Beckett is a whole new level of overprotective, but trusts you to take care of yourself. He would have Mercer give you some lessons in the art of “removing the unpleasant”, as he might call it.
No seriously: there is not a more protective father. Beckett may be more subtle in some situations, maintaining neutrality, only to send Mercer after anyone who hurts or embarrasses you. In other situations, like when things get physical, Beckett has no problem stepping between you and somebody else, eerily calm, daring them to continue. You drink tea while reading the news the next morning, shocked to hear that a certain offender was brutally murdered by highwaymen.
Having Mercer as a bodyguard is...an experience. Good luck finding a romantic interest. Mercer’s face is enough to keep anyone at bay. Despite how unsettling he is, you know you can trust him. You used to practice walking by standing on his feet and having him walk you around. You’ve known the man your whole life.
You and your father are the pettiest duo of all time. You’ll do anything to inconvenience people who annoy you. Beckett’s terrible wealth helps in this regard: you can’t find the lace you were looking for because it has all been sold? Pity. A shipment of goods was rerouted to a neighboring port city and you can’t get that tea you love? Shame. 
Don’t even get me started on the things you do when you’re annoyed with each other. Subtly moving furniture a little to the left to annoy that spark of OCD in your father, and him managing to hide all your combs around the house. Expect lukewarm tea, burnt toast, and a draft in the reading room you can’t quite seem to find the source to. Mercer secretly takes bets as to who will budge first and call a truce. 
You judge people together over tea, sitting on embroidered couches and recounting exactly how people have annoyed you and how you plan to inconvenience them later. 
You also diss people to their faces, but in a way that they cannot quite follow quickly enough as you and your father shoot each other knowing glances. 
You’re a scary couple. Would not mess. There is something absolutely terrifying about Beckett, beyond the normal. He can keep his composure under any circumstances, and gets very quiet when he intends on doing harm. It’s that very silence that unnerves people; it’s like when you’re waiting for something awful to happen during a horror movie. All you can do in his silence is wait until he has you killed, because he surely will. If anything were to happen to you, he would absolutely snap; it would be the only time you’d witness his resorting to violence himself. 
You yourself are very protective of your father. There are many people who still frown on him, thinking of him as too low-born and undeserving of his rank and title. People don’t particularly like “new money”, as it were. He also has quite a few enemies for other reasons, of course, and you wouldn’t hesitate to help handle them if necessary. You’re trained in self-defense--and offence--so you could step between Beckett and a threat if needed.
He’s of the belief that womanhood is useful. Maids, cooks, and even high-bord ladies can be perfect when it comes to obtaining information. Nobody suspects that a woman’s “innocent” questions have anything hidden behind them. A woman couldn’t ply you for knowledge, after all. Beckett certainly puts your feminine image to use; nobody would suspect you of a thing. He would never make you do something truly awful, of course. That’s what he has Mercer for. 
You obviously pull schemes together. You’re your father’s right hand woman, as it were, and he wouldn’t trade you for the world. You’re closer to him than anyone else, and know his mind better, too. The fact that you can smile and laugh with him despite knowing more about him than he’s ever let another person know makes you the most precious part of his life. He always wants you there when he makes plans, and loves to see what things you come up with as well. He likes to watch you grow to be like him. 
Beckett will absolutely pick apart each and every one of your suitors. He’s perfectly civil to them while they’re around--too civil, perhaps. That being said, he can, and will, point out flaws in each person directly to their face. They wouldn’t dare act offended, of course, as he keeps things within the reigns of propriety, but he finds lots to complain about once they’ve left. In truth, he secretly can’t stand the idea of your leaving. Given the way his own father discarded him, he has serious abandonment issues, and is terrified of being alone. 
The two of you of course have your own inside jokes and witticisms that you’ve been using with each other for years. You’re the only person to make him smile--really smile--and it throws people off every time they catch a glimpse. You mean everything to him, and he really does want the best for you. He loves you terribly, and even if he’s not always the best at showing it, he hopes you know, deep down, that he adores you. 
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esperanta-dragon · 2 years
Hi, hope this question finds you well!
Read the whole series Memories of the Dawn and it's amazing! Hope, you will finish it. Your Darion is the best. I'm running a DnD campaign in warcraft setting, wotlk timeline, and soon he will show up. So, I wanted to ask you for some tips, or advices on writing his character and how to play him in an rpg.
Hello! Ok, this ask brightened my day as it's not every day that somebody writes me about my fanfics.
Memories of the Dawn is finished, it's only 3 chapters. Maybe you have Of Lucid Dreams and Nightmares in mind which comes after that and that will be ongoing for many chapters as it's a slice-of-life kind of fanfic.
About Darion well... It's been a long journey to develop him until this very moment because the only thing you have is the Ashbringer comic and then some bits and pieces in-game + We Ride Forth (which is a blessing and Darion has exactly the vibe he needs to give). I would say he is very complex and he shows only a little part of himself, he hides the majority of his thoughts = a quiet person with a loud mind.
What helped me the most when I was trying to figure him out was his MBTI. Just a disclaimer, I use this from time to time and everybody is different anyway depending on their trauma, experience, etc.
Darion is INFJ which means he is introverted spending most of his time learning stuff and thinking.
He is great with connecting dots and seeing the full picture, not only the surface. I would say he sees things hidden from others.
He is a perfectionist and if he is doing something, he wants to do it well, which means he spends a lot of time perfecting his skills and knowledge. If he doesn't know something, he goes and does research.
He has a strong moral compass and he puts the safety of his people before his own safety or needs. He actually does not care about himself too much as he has the safety of his people in the first place. This means that he does not hesitate to jump in or take a risk. According to Ashbringer he never cared about differences or different races. If he cares about something (the Ebon Blade in this case) he will do everything to keep it safe (second Light's Hope).
He sacrificed his own soul to save his father from damnation, so you get the idea how far he can go to keep his soldiers safe.
He is tough and shows very little emotion, but he cares and he is fair. But hurt his soldiers and he will erase you from existence.
This is probably my own thing in how I write him but he is trying to manage everything himself, otherwise, he feels he is failing in leadership, so his soldiers have to find a way how to help him without him knowing.
He does not share personal things and even those who know him for years and managed to befriend him don't know everything. So it does not happen easily he will go to somebody and say "hey I need to talk because I am losing it". It's his way to keep his soldiers away from worrying about stuff plus it's his problem and nobody else has to hear it.
The behavior above was built after Light's Hope and during the war in Northrend when the Ebon Blade still did not know each other and Darion was still building trust, so he couldn't afford to show that he is having doubts and he is struggling. No need to do it now but he kept it.
He is incredibly stubborn, if he chooses a goal, he will not stop until reaching it. You can't possibly make him change his mind if he thinks he is doing the right thing.
His soldiers believe in him because they know he has their back.
He is very reserved, and he rarely uses swear words. If he uses them, everything is going to hell. If he wants to offend somebody, he does it without swear words.
I use the Ashbriger version: a blond teenager. It sounds lame and I bet you want a grizzled veteran in his place. But after I found out how many situations you can make with Highlord of the Ebon Blade being a young teenager who doesn't seem like a threat... well have fun figuring it out! Because that means he had to try twice as hard to earn respect and his reputation.
It really depends if you want to show him on the surface as NPC. If yes then I would recommend keeping it on the surface because he is not sharing much but you can get some idea about him. I recommend reading We Ride Forth if you didn't. It's beautifully shown that he cares and if he chose a goal, he doesn't let it go.
Please feel free to use this as some guide but do not think you can't write him differently. Everybody has their own version of the character but I vibe with this one the most, especially after I saw that Brooks in We Ride Forth had the same vibe.
I apologize for the wall of text, he is more complex than that, this is just a surface but I hope it helps.
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ahogedetective · 5 months
Ayumi sends a text with a Photo attached! It's Izuru on the hotel floor with a couple of tins full of tea and some small boxes of gifts dedicated to a certain detective. It seemed like he was rearranging his suitcase to accommodate these gifts...
[txt] Somebody went a lil too overboard with the souvenirs ! ;3c 💕
[txt] Izzy-senpai went a bit crazy at a luxury tea store for you! He somehow convinced those workers to get a freshly roasted batch! Crazy right!?
It seems like the rapper here was aware of their mutual pining. In true Ayumi fashion she wanted to know all 'the deets'. Well, and be a bit of a wingwoman to the two brooding emo kids she befriended, because look them... They need the help.
[txt] Oh! Don't worry, I got you a lil' something too! But I think Izzy here kinda one up-ed me in that department. 💦
@girlishwhiimsy ( oh u bet she knows about their stupid crushes on each other she can sense it from mILES away. )
@girlishwhiimsy !!!!
When he heard a text notification go off on his phone, Shuichi picks it up to see who it's from. Seeing that it was from Ayumi, a smile lights up on his face. "Ah, Ayumi-san! Oh, looks like she sent a photo, too." After reading the text, he looks at the photo in question. "Izuru-senpai... hehe, souvenirs, huh? Those look so nice..."
Then as he continues reading the rest of her texts, he sees that Izuru got some gifts and teas for him. Even going as far as to get them all freshly roasted for him.... "Ah..." Right now, he was glad she didn't video call or regularly call him, as she wouldn't be able to see the light blush that creeps onto his face, nor would be able to hear the fuzziness in his voice. Or how much his heart was fluttering in his chest right now... "Izuru-senpai... doing all that for me..."
Ayumi also getting something for him also meant a lot to him, and laughs when she jokes he "one up-ed" her. But of course, no matter the gift, Shuichi will love everything all the same. "Ayumi-san, too: I really do have the best kind of friends, ever." Not wanting to keep her waiting for a response too much longer, he finally texts back:
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{Txt: Ayumi} Ayumi-san! Hey there, how's it going? I hope you two are having a great day so far! Ahaha, I totally get it, I would do the same. Those all look so nice!
{Txt: Ayumi} Ohhh! A luxury tea store, huh? For me? Even wanting to get them freshly roasted for me... hehe, he spoils me. Please tell him I said thank you, and I truly appreciate it! And that I say 'hi' as well: I can't wait to try the teas!
{Txt: Ayumi} Ohh come, now, don't be silly. I'm just as happy to know you have a gift for me, too. Thank you so much! You both are the best. I can't wait to see what you have for me, too: I know I'll love it!
Despite his smile, his face is even redder, since he's sure she knows his big crush on Izuru, and is indirectly teasing him about it... and the fact it's somehow not obvious or known to the boys, themselves, that the feeling is mutual...
{Txt: Ayumi} Now!
Fiercely pretending he doesn't notice her little teasing, he quickly adds:
{Txt: Ayumi} Anything else exciting happen today? Or is about to, soon? I'm happy to see you two having so much fun!
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tafadhali · 9 months
Yuletide recs, part 1
Cross-posting this from DW. I have >50 works bookmarked on Pinboard so far, but here are 24 favorites.
Asteroid City I hadn't thought to seek out fic for this movie, but I thought both of these captured the Wes Anderson style brilliantly and developed characters and a relationship we only see a glimpse of in the film in interesting (and very different) ways: 
Things That Won't Be Here Tomorrow (Conrad/Jones, 6k)
windows broken and dreaming (Conrad/Jones, 4k)
Bottoms So Bomb (PJ/Hazel, PJ & Josie, 1k) — "Josie helps PJ be a better girlfriend to Hazel"; hysterical
Casablanca The Sentimentalists (Rick/Ilsa, Ilsa/Victor, Rick/Ilsa/Victor, 9k) — post-canon, Rick runs into Ilsa and Victor in Lisbon
Dimension 20
In our midnight world (Leiland/Markus, 5k) — really captures the silliness of Escape from the Bloodkeep and I love all the appearances by the other characters
it doesn't hurt; there's nothing to it(Hob/Rue, 4k)— love them and love them trying to ~*~communicate~*~; hot and sweet first time
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Perception Check (Roll for Romance) (Xenk/Edgin, 6k) —
"I bet Xenk fucks like a metronome, too. You know." Holga makes a highly suggestive, repetitive gesture. "In, out. In, out. No variation. Same exact rhythm every time. Boring." Edgin stares at her, torn between horror and fascination. "You've really thought about this, huh?" (So has he. Unfortunately.)
Frederica - Georgette Heyer A Series of Notable Events (Frederica/Alverstoke, 13k) — "What it says on the tin: a series of notable events in the lives of Frederica and Alverstoke, post-canon."
Goblin Emperor A Private Room (gen, 5k) — Maia learns of a scandal brewing from Csethiro, but she is quite able to manage things
An Unexpected Letter (gen, 1k) — Thara gets a letter from the Emperor after Grief of Stones and I have several feelings
The Good Place The Real Actual Human Life of Michael Realman (gen, 1k) — what it says in the title! cute and fun
Hercule Poirot
The Case of the Distracted Detective (Hastings/Poirot, 2k) — I can honestly say I've never read this particular misunderstanding before, and itw as charming and funny!
The Eye of a Needle (gen, 4k) — a neat little casefic with a daemon AU twist
High School Musical Stick to the Status Quo (Reprise) (Chad/Ryan, 17k) — I was totally charmed by this "didn't know they were dating" classic
Jeeves & Wooster Supporting Partner's Suit (Jeeves/Wooster, Honoria/OFC, 6k) — "Never let it be said that Bertie Wooster will abandon a pal in need, even if that pal is a woman who is temporarily in possession of his body and he doesn’t fully understand what’s going on"
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Fool Proof (Harry/Perry/Harmony, 7k) — this is extremely hot and very funny; captures the tone of the movie perfectly
The Matrix if you'll believe in me (gen, 7k) — "Trinity thinks about anger. Bugs thinks about choices. Both of them think about the future." Interesting fic that picks up mid-Resurrections
Nine Worlds a key that winds through secret wards (gen, 11k) — Kip in the aftermath of the Emerald Conspiracy; a really interesting look into an unexplored part of canon
Ocean's 11 pulse and swing (baby do your thing) (Danny/Rusty, 3k) — fixit for O8 involves Danny doing thief PT and re-figuring out his and Rusty's relationship
somebody else's wallet (Danny/Rusty, 1k) — nicely structured ficlet about Danny and Rusty becoming DannyandRusty
Oz the skin you're in (Dorothy/Ozma, 6k) — "'If we learn magic, you could maybe change your body to be like your old one. You weren’t ever given the choice to keep that boy’s body, were you?' asked Dorothy.
Keep it? The idea jolted Ozma a little bit. Why, how does a person keep another body? You only had the one, right?"
Singin' in the Rain Working Honeymoon (Don/Cosmo/Kathy, 4k) — somehow Cosmo finds himself coming along for the ride on Don and Kathy's honeymoon
Sports Night First Chill of Fall (Dan/Casey, 3k) — all I ever want for Yuletide is more Dan/Casey... this one is set post-s2 and features a slightly oblivious Dan
The Sting the last train to wherever you need to be (Henry/Johnny, 3k) — against their better interests, Johnny and Henry keep running into each other post-movie
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basilone · 10 months
Would you ever... write the Form and Void 'verse for Darlene? Juno xx
Short answer: yes, I would. Longer-than-short answer: your ask sent me to actually write it. Because apparently this was begging to get out at some point, hence this reply being a lil late. 💚 (Can't thank you enough for letting me revisit this 'verse!) Y'all only need to know one thing about this to be able to read it: this is set in my AU in which some soldiers are chosen by specific gods and sometimes take pills to suppress their god's massive influence on the world. And if you're looking for more on Darlene, this very E-rated fic is probably the best intro you're gonna get.
thin ice
“The Black Swan says this is shit for morale.”
“Ain’t never heard Sobel say shit,” corrects McNally, glowering at Mann out of the corner of his eye. “You’re making that up as you go.”
“He was out there, wasn’t he, pontificating,” gestures Mann, hands fluttering over his pint so callously he almost knocks it over. “Telling Speirs here about some sorta club for officers, right, and casting one of his most swan-ish glowers at the rest of us?”
Ron Speirs heaves a sigh as the attention at the table turns to him. “Apparently officers should not mingle with the common soldier too much,” he says, voice almost airquoting the common soldier. “There was indeed a question of morale.”
“Hope you told him where he could shove it, sir.”
“I told him to worry a little more about Easy’s supply of suppressants”– which is a rightful concern, given its many god-chosen –“and a little less about what dogs of war do in their free time.”
“Bet he loved that, sir.”
“The LT dry-swallowed a suppressant for emphasis,” snorts Charlie Hammond. Even from beside him, it’s difficult to ignore his broad grin. “You should’ve seen Sobel’s fucking face, McNally. Like somebody just canceled spaghetti hour.”
“Don’t you fookin’ remind me of the spaghetti,” groans McNally, looking increasingly queasy at the mere thought of it. “Did he ever get written up for costing the Airborne suppressants, what with half of Easy puking their guts out after that?”
Ron shrugs. “Sink wasn’t pleased. They shoved Talbert into quarantine real fast.” He nods at a table in the far end corner of the room, where sergeant Talbert is trying his hardest to live up to his Love-chosen status. “And they had a real bad time getting the Trickster-chosen back under, apparently.”
“They don’t like to be under, do they?”
“Mann,” says Ron, eyeballing the too-quick way the reedy man downs his drink, “you will be under in the next hour if you keep pretending that’s water in your glass.” He shakes his head a little as Mann offers him a quick salute in reply. “I don’t think any of us like to be on the suppressants, no.” He certainly does not, but the alternative in his case might be a little too much for the Airborne to bear. “At least they’re skipping the cost of them on some soldiers with more, ah, tolerable gods than mine.”
“Tolerable like that, sir?” asks McNally, nodding at something taking place behind Ron that’s inviting a fair few shouts over the din.
“Travers is experiencing a new way of becoming airborne,” snorts Charlie beside him, craning his neck and practically leaning on Ron’s shoulder to be able to see better. “Fox Co is looking harrassed as all get-out, sir, it’s brilliant”– and of course Charlie would think so, given how often Fox has messed up orders in recent weeks –“look at him go!”
Fox Company’s Travers, really only memorable because his one eyebrow soaks up almost every scrap of space on his forehead, has indeed become airborne in a rather undignified manner. The rest of his men – whoever thought it was a good idea to give Travers men to lord his sergeantship over needs to be stripped of all company rights, in Ron’s opinion – seem to be arguing rather incessantly among themselves about the best way to drag their sergeant back down. Nobody seems to want to try taking on the very blonde, very unimpressed-looking woman who is currently glaring up at Travers as though he owes her either money or an apology.
Ron turns back to his drink. “Only a fool’s gonna mess with that.”
“I wouldn’t mind messin’ with that, sir,” grins McNally, eyes shining. “Heard that them air-chosen are a ride to bed.”
“Aren’t air-chosen a rarity, huh?” Mann’s shoving McNally’s beer toward Charlie like the lack of it is going to fix McNally’s death wish any. His finger wags in front of McNally’s face in clear warning. “You can’t keep up with that, brother.”
“She’s in a pilot’s jacket,” hums Charlie as he, too, turns back to the table. “Air-chosen ain’t so rare. Seen plenty of them with the bomber crews.”
“Since when have you seen those?”
“Relax, sir, I was on leave when I saw them. They’re big game. Lots of chatter with them, like with Easy too. Hard to tune that sorta thing out.”
Ron chances a glance sideways. There are moments, going as far back as the earliest days of training, when he’s convinced Charlie isn’t god-chosen only because he’s too stubborn to say yes to whichever god is offering. He’s heard Wisdom-chosen like Winters and Nixon refer to chatter, sure enough, and back home there was a Trickster-chosen who referred to their many impressions as such too. He can’t shake the thought that Charlie – dark-eyed, good-humored, secretive Charlie – might know a thing or two about it. Might be chosen by something, except Ron can’t identify which god has its eyes set on the kid.
There are days when it bothers him. He can identify most chosen, even though many of them are on suppressants like him. There’s something in their eyes, something in their countenance, that always trips up the game and reveals the cards. He’s seen it in Charlie, too, though it is usually so tied to tactics that it’s easy to chalk it up to the kid’s intelligence and nothing else.
“Well, would ya look at that,” sniggers McNally, then, and Ron looks up from his drink to see the man’s wide grin broaden even further. “She just rocketed that Travers fuck to the ceiling and back down again without so much as a gesture. I gotta get me one of those.”
“You’re not,” says Ron archly, glancing back at the air-chosen woman just to witness Travers flattened like a pancake, “stealing a pilot.” Not even one with that much sway to her, he almost says, seeing how she’s surrounded by a ragtag protective crowd immediately upon releasing a crumpled heap of Travers. “You’re welcome to pray to Air when we jump next, though, McNally, maybe that’ll…”
He pauses mid-speech. Doesn’t mean to. Doesn’t think he can form the rest of the sentence if he tried.
There’s a new woman at the heart of that pilot-filled crowd. A riot waiting to happen. He sees it spooling at her fingertips – the flicker of flames, dancing between long and slender fingers. Watches it spark at the ends of her red mane of hair until it looks like fire’s dancing between her curly locks. Observes it brightening her face, all grand smile and the flicker of amusement curling in her eyes, until he’s no longer sure why nobody’s answering that infectious grin of hers.
Fox Company bends away from her when the light catches her.
“– seen the like of this before!”
“What?” snaps Ron, louder than he means to.
“I said,” laughs Charlie, “I thought fire-chosen were all pent-up brews like Easy’s Joe Toye. Don’t think I’ve seen the like of this before. Have you, sir?”
Ron can only shake his head as he sees the air-chosen grasp the red-headed woman’s hand without even flinching at the fire. It earns the air-chosen a kiss to the cheek, so close to her mouth that it’s got some of the crowd around them hooting in warning, and one of the most dazzling smiles Ron’s ever seen.
“I heard they burn through their suppressants, yeah? Look at that,” muses Mann, “she’s practically glowing with power.”
“It’s not power,” says Ron, because he knows real power drapes itself around the body like a shroud. “It’s life itself. You can’t mimic that. Not even a Trickster could.” He’s seen them try, sometimes. Seen them fail, always. “That’s unique to them. To her.”
To this woman, fire-chosen in a way that sucks all air out of his lungs and leaves him feeling like he’s adrift in the desert. To her, casting a light of her own that almost dwarfs the lamplight in the whole pub. To this one, kissed by fire, so beloved by it that she could never belong to any other.
“I thought we weren’t stealin’ women, sir.”
Ron tears himself away from looking at her long enough to cast a rather unimpressed glare at McNally. “We’re not,” he repeats, even though there’s a heat unfurling in his belly that he fears might only answer to her now. “We are going to take whatever war gives us”– oh, how War will laugh at him once he’s off these damn suppressants and able to think clearly again –“and you are not going to give the Air Force reason to lodge a formal complaint against our conduct.”
“I won’t if you won’t.” McNally barely acknowledges Ron’s raised eyebrow. “Sir.”
“That one’s not Air Force, though,” comments Charlie.
“Kid”– heaves Mann, looking queasier by the minute –“you ain’t helping the LT get lucid.”
“Fresh air for him, bedtime for you,” decides Ron swiftly, nodding at Mann and Charlie, “and the next one to talk about stealing women is getting a liaison position with Easy.”
“Not with the Black Swan and his fookin’ spaghetti, sir…”
Ron feels rather light-headed as he chances a feral grin at McNally. Feels an answering flame flicker to life inside of him when a rather throaty, spitfire-in-the-belly laugh in the crowd behind him earns a crowd’s cry of “give it a rest, Darlene!” even as he pulls Charlie to his feet.
Darlene. He knows that’s her. Thinks he’d know her blind now that he’s seen her.
“How’s that liaison position lookin’, LT?”
“McNally. Thin ice.”
“Thin fookin’ ice, sir,” agrees his sergeant, clapping Ron’s shoulder and leading the way out of the pub. “Very thin indeed, with the likes of her around.”
Ron can’t very well argue with that.
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