#I take him to the vet to get a rabies shot
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valend · 4 months ago
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210 amazing years without my horrible bitch wife Marquis de Sade. Life hasn’t been the same without him 💔. Fly low you dusty motherfucker 🕊️🕊️🕊️
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zyhkoo · 7 months ago
☆ I need a doctor, oh! batboys x medic!reader
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fluff, gn!reader
they surprise you while you work
a/n: i was inspired by this one tiktok that says “my husband thought he could escape me so i made an appointment “ i thought it was so cute haha
Bruce Wayne
Breaktime, finally. You sighed and leaned into a chair in your personal break room. You loved your job as a medic, but the problem is it was just so tiring. You closed your eyes, your body relaxing to the comfortable silence around you.
Being a Vigilante by night and a doctor by day was a very tiring job.
Sleep was almost non-existent on work days, the most you got was three to six hours. You looked like an ill patient instead of a doctor at this point. But the hospital wasn’t busy today, so you went to the break room to relax.
Tap tap tap.
There was something tapping on the window, but you didn’t care to check whatever it was, so you continued to close your eyes.
Tap tap tap tap tap tap!
The tapping sounded more aggressive now, you groaned and turned your chair to the window.
“Oh my god..”
And there he was, in his signature bat suit and with that grim look on his face. You immediately walked up and opened the window. You helped Bruce sit on a chair as he tries not to fall on you.
He removed his helmet and there were a series of injuries and bruises on his poor face.
“What happened? I thought you didn’t have any patrols till later?” you frowned, your hands holding his face so you view him better.
He replied back with his gruff and clearly intimidating voice “Duty calls.” yeah of course.
You sighed, “Well.. you stay here okay? I’ll find something to patch you up, I’ll lock the door so no one sees you.” Bruce gently holds the hand that was touching his face.
“Thank you.”
Jason Todd
You had just finished patching up a patient in the emergency room, you wiped the sweat off your forehead and stretched. Today was a busy day, but it was normal. There are patients getting admitted left to right and your job was to tend to them.
“Um, doc..” one of the nurses approached you, you looked at her “Yes? What’s the matter?” you asked.
She fidgeted “Uh, we have a patient and he told us he specifically wanted to be treated by you..?”
Your brow raised “Me specifically? Do I know who they are?” you asked, your tone was skeptical.
The nurses led you to the room this mysterious patient was in. You opened the door to see Jason with his full suit on with injuries all over. As well as flowers on his left hand…
Your eyes widened as you immediately locked the door.
“Hi, Doc.” Jason greets casually “Jason why are you here? Hold on, let me take a look.” you said as you took a good look at his scars.
“Nearest safe house was 2 kilometers away and this was way near.” he replied, for a moment you blankly stared at the flowers on his hand. “What are these for?”
Jason looked at the flowers then at you “I thought I could give you a gift on the way.” he shrugs.
Dick Grayson
“Here's the next patient doc, they’re in your office.” the nurse gives you the details about your next patient. You smiled and took the folder “Thank you.”
You loved your job as a vet, you got along well with your sweet co-workers and you had this passion with animals.
As you read the document in your hands, you found all of this strangely familiar. You opened the door to the room and yep you're right.
There he was, with his signature goofy grin and the adorable dog in his arms.
“Hey Doc, looking good as always.” he slyly says, Haley barked clearly excited to see you as well. You scoffed, but you can’t help but smile as well.
You know for a fact Haley is definitely well, you and Dick had just strolled her around the park a day ago. You did the checkup anyway and nothing was wrong.
“She could use a vaccine, she needs her rabies shots.” Dick says, you put your stethoscope down and nodded. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” you said.
But Dick was not satisfied. “Hey, hey, hey, miss, vet, doc?” you stopped your tracks and turned to him “No kiss? What is this?” you sighed as you walked back to him and kissed him on the cheek.
“See you in a minute doc.” he grins, you said nothing and quickly walked away.
The nurses and staff snickered and teased you all day, you couldn’t do anything but flush at their attempts of teasing you.
discoed server
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lologoinsolo · 28 days ago
Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Cats and Their Men Masterlist.
“Sir, I’m telling you.” You sit up a little more, “you cannot get a rabies shot from the vet.” You can’t believe what you’re hearing but also, you can believe it. “If you are worried that you have rabies then you need to go to the doctor.” You’ve repeated this so much that the man finally leaves in a huff. Well not before cussing you out for being a bitch to him. “Not shopping here anymore, my ass.” Mocking how he yelled that out before he left the store.
You take a breather when you start to get worked up. Rubbing your face like one would a cat, the smock you’re wearing is slightly wet and it’s making your skin prickle. You managed to get Jessica to let you start bathing two days ago. You figured it would be easier than working the register up front. Boy… were you wrong. The dogs are great, usually, but the pet owners or “Pet Parents” as the groomers say are not great, mostly.
Your eyes flicker over to the computer, you were making a ton of cold call to entice people to take their dogs in for bath or haircut when that guy was very insistent about needing to a rabies shot. “Can’t believe this—“ you start off but something catches your eyes. A man with a beard and a dark blue beanie is walking by holding some kitten salmon bags. A cat is walking right behind him. “Uh, sir!”
You stand up and come around to greet him. He must not’ve heard you with how he still walks. “Sir!” You yell a little louder and he pauses, turns around and looks at you. “Your cat,” you point down to the cat that’s now licking their toe beans. “They need to be leashed or in a kennel. They can’t be walking around.” It’s not safe, especially with other animals. The cat could get lost or worse! You start walking towards him, you plan on offering to help at least hold his cat for him.
He looks where you pointed and then looks at you coming up to him. “That’s not mine.”
You blink at him, your hands start to land on your hip. You’ve heard a lot of dumb things today but this is taking the cake. “Really?” You squint at him when the cat starts to rub at the man’s leg. “Sir, I understand that they are doing well by staying by you but it’s not safe—“
“Miss,” he cuts you off, he moves the kitten food to one arm, “I don’t have a cat.” He leans a little on his side, his chin tucks to his chest. There’s a spark of amusement in his deep blue eyes.
You can’t believe this. He’s holding kitten food in his hands, granted that cat isn’t a kitten but still! You take a deep breath, your patience has been running from you and you try to catch it once more. “Sir, the cat—“ just as you’re about your speech a man starts running up in your peripheral.
“Ah, there you are, love!” A familiar sound comes from the side, a dashing smile as always and slightly messed up face. “Was wondering if I’d catch you again— Sir?” Kyle turns from you and then looks slightly shocked. They know each other? “What are you?” He trails off when he sees the bag, “Oh, you’re cat sitting, I thought Johnny was gonna cat sit Bailey?” His arms cross a little, the puzzled look on his face brightens when he spots the cat doing a figure eight around the bearded man’s legs.
The man’s lips thin into a line, “Johnny’s needed, he had to head out.” Sadly, he ignores the cats affection, and then the older man looks from you to Kyle and then back to you. Something must’ve clicked in his head as his heavy brows lift just the slightest “I don’t have a cat, Miss,” he says to you, “bloke probably followed me in.” Kyle comes close and crouches, squatting right in front of the man. The cat perks up and nudges right against Kyle’s waiting hand.
“Looks like you, sir.” And the cat kinda does, there’s matching brown on the cats face, almost like a beard, and deep blue eyes, same as the man’s. “Just missing a cigar and fishing hat. Or beanie.”
“Garrick.” The older man’s voice is tight and looks on the edge of sounding like authority.
“Sir?” Kyle seems either none the wiser or is purposefully playing ignorant. He looks up with a grin, “it's fate, that’s your cat now.” He laughs and the older man looks none too happy. “Cat distribution center is at it again. Johnny will not be pleased one bit.”
“I don’t want the cat.” He looks to you and you shake your head side to side, same for your hands as you shake them in front of you.
“Sir, we can’t hold animals here.”
The man sighs long suffering like and Kyle laughs a little louder. “Face it, John,” he moves his hand down the cats back, who is now purring up a storm at all the loving, “he’s yours,” he lifts the cat's leg slightly to see the gender and the cat must think Kyle’s playing. He lets out a little noise and proceeds to curl and grip Kyle’s hand. Bunny kicking and licking at Kyle’s fingers. “Playful little guy.” Wiggling his hands some more and the cat pounces.
John, now that you know his name it’s rather suiting for him, tilts his head back with a sigh. The dark blue beanie he’s wearing scrunches slightly at the top. He mutters something under his breath about needing a smoke. Kyle continues playing with the cat and you wonder if that’s how he’s gotten more cuts on his hands and face. His kitty probably plays too roughly.
But, what are the odds that 3 men are back to back finding cats? You laugh a little and John tilts his head down towards you. Your laughter does and give him a sheepish smile, “don’t laugh now, sweetheart. You’re gonna help me with him.” His beard moves slightly as he looks none too happy. His cat really does look a little like him. Grumpy. You look to the empty grooming salon and then back at the two. Kyle has long since stood with the cat now up in his arms.
“Wonder if he’s old,” Kyle muses as he stands beside you, you in the middle of the two walls of man and muscle. “Would be a real match, eh, John?” The little nudge at age merely makes the older gent huff a laugh.
“Don’t test me, Garrick.” There’s no real bite in his words save for the twinkle in his eyes. You excuse yourself to go grab a cart for the two men, the grooming salon is as empty as can be. Jess can handle it, you think with a shrug as you walk on back. Pushing the cart and when you get close, you hear that they’re discussing names. Well, Kyle is at least.
“Could call him John Jr.” he holds up the cat a little, “beard boy, cigar, wonderer.” His names get worse and worse and you finally step in with a—
“How about Louis?” Both men look at you and you shuffle under their gaze, “that’s an old man name. I don’t really think the cat’s old though. Maybe 3 or 4 years old?”
There’s a little pause and you wonder if you should have went back to the grooming salon. “Old man name, huh?” John places the salmon kitten bag in the cart and quirks a brow to you. Kyle plops the cat down in the cart and already he’s off to sniffing the contents. “Just looks old, got a good amount of years left on him though. Ain’t that right, boy?” He moves his hand slowly to the cat. Louis purrs deeply and rubs right against his dad’s hand. Kyle says something, probably a tease, but you’re too entranced at what you see. A man that oozes strict authority, is being incredibly gentle in petting.
You really do need to work on your judgement. “Speaking of names,” you cough slightly, looking to Kyle whose’s already grabbing a nice looking cat bed. 2 to exact, his cat is definitely spoiled, “What’d you name your girl after all?”
“Oh, yeah, that…” He gives a small smile making your brows turn up. You think the worst, you really hope he didn’t give her away but you don’t know his circumstance or his home life. Just before you spiral he speaks, “don’t laugh, but her name is Marina.” You breathe a sigh of relief you didn’t know your were holding in. But you start to look downright puzzled at why he think you’d laugh. “She’s,” Kyle starts, he seems a little squirmy now, “she’s named after that lady on Sinbad… you know… the one with Eris in it and Sinbad had to—“ it starts to click.
“Oh!” Your noise alerts Louis who was making biscuits on one of the beds, “I remember that movie. Very regal sounding and I think it’s very fitting considering Marina was a bit sassy.” You loved her character in that movie. “She’ll look even cuter in that pirate costume with a name like that.”
“Thank you,” he sighs in relief, “Johnny thought it was dumb. Wanted to name her Rugrat,” he scowls, “course he was taking a piss but still.”
“Well,” you pull a face at that, “this Johnny has no idea what he’s talking about. I thought you said he was good with names?”
John’s eyes squint as he scoffs. “He can’t name shit.” He’s heard all the stupid names that the Scot has given his bombs. Cannot hear about another ‘BoomBoom’ or ‘Bigbooming’ without wanting to roll his eyes. Hard.
You laugh at this Johnny’s expense. You have a feeling that with the way this has been going… you’ll probably meet him sooner rather than later. It’s a real small world that the men you’re talking to also happens to be friend. Weird coincidences…
You end up joking back and forth with Kyle the entire time you take them around the store. Kyle’s been picking up more things for his baby and Louis is snoozing on the cat bed like the “old man” that he is. You give John the full rundown just like the two men before. He takes in your information like you’re giving him instructions on how to build a ship, very laser focused. Every time you looked away he’d follow you to keep eye contact. Your cheeks have never been warmer…
Eventually you get them both back to the grooming salon. Rather than making them go up front you use the register here to start scanning their items. Even slid them some coupons and discounts much to John’s strong disagreement. You bagged all their items and passed them both their receipts, giving Louis one last rubbing that wakes the old grump up. You quietly apologized for your transgressions and wave at the men once they take their leave. John gives a nod but Kyle waves back, you barely catch what Kyle says as they start walking away.
“…m’s gonna be back this week or next, sir?”
“This week, Gaz. Now help me load my truck.”
“Yes, sir. Johnny is gonna be livid that you have a cat now.”
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ms-demeanor · 2 years ago
Due to some stuff brought up in recent posts I believe it is time to once again extol the virtues of Ms-Demeanor's Patented Where Did I Put That Fucking Paper Organizational Binder.
Hello! I am a disorganized adult! This is the system by which I manage my important shit like pink slips for my car and medical records and tax information.
You're going to need:
A 3-Ring Binder
Transparent Sheet Protectors
Notebook dividers (optional but VERY useful)
A backpack (optional)
So the way this system works is you put the sheet protectors into the binder. You can either use the dividers to divide the binder into sections or you can label some of the sheet protectors to make different sections but what you are generally going to do is make sections of the binder labeled things like "taxes" or "vet" or "doctor" and put a few sheet protectors in each section.
Then all of your papers with important information get crammed in that folder. You don't organize them, you don't sort them by date, you don't alphabetize. You put things vaguely relating to taxes into the sheet protectors in the taxes section. You put things relating to cars in the cars section. You don't even attempt to make this readable - you're not using sheet protectors so that you can read each page and keep it legible, you're using sheet protectors because it's a cheap plastic bag that will sit nicely in a binder.
You CAN put stuff into the individual sheet protectors when you get it, but let's be realistic you probably WON'T do that, so just tuck individual papers into the front of the binder until you get to a critical mass of paperwork then take an hour to sit down and sort into categories and put it in the binder once every six months to three years (depending on how frequently you get paperwork). Sometimes these sections will outgrow their original allotted space - since my spouse had a transplant surgery the medical section has had to become its own folder - and that's okay. If you end up with multiple folders just keep them together (this is why the backpack is an option, and one I strongly recommend).
Because yeah, if my organization system relies on opening up a drawer and putting something where it belongs as soon as I get the paper, I will simply not be organized. It's not going to happen. But I can handle a messy stack of paper that sits in one place and grows until it is time to shove it into a binder. I can't organize things for thirty seconds a day every day but I can organize things for an hour once every year or so (maybe two hours every five years when I sort out stuff I don't need like copies of warranties for parts on a car I don't own anymore).
When my mom died she had about fifty pounds of paper files in her office that were neatly organized in a system that didn't make any sense to my dad, my sister, and I. I ended up sorting through those files for twenty hours, tossing out copies of paid invoices from ten years ago and student handbooks from my junior high school. I reduced one filing cabinet, two desk file drawers, and a foot-high stack to a six inch binder that I gave to my dad. My mom died five years ago; two months ago my dad asked me about a medical document and I was able to tell him to go look for it in the medical section of the binder. It was there, because ALL IMPORTANT SHIT GOES IN THE BINDER.
Where is my birth certificate? In the binder. Where is my tax return from 2017? In the binder. Where is the record of my dog's last rabies shot? In the binder. Where are the records for my life insurance? In the binder.
A lot of what people consider "being organized" breaks down to whether or not you can find the specific things that you're looking for. Does my binder look nice? Is it aesthetic? Does it have color-coded tabs and papers all laid out neatly? Absolutely fucking not. But if you ask me where to find a paper I know that I can do so within about five minutes of shuffling through the pile of letter-folded sheets that I pulled out of the appropriate section of the binder.
I've discussed the Where Did I Put that Fucking Paper Binder before, but now it is time to expand that concept to the Backpack of Important Shit.
You likely have Important Shit that does not fit in a binder. Some of my Important Shit that does not fit in a binder is stuff like jewelry and the spare key for my car. Other stuff - the reason I decided to bring this up at all - includes my backup hard drive and packaging (including product key codes) for pretty much all of the software that I own. This is also where I store printed out copies of the recovery codes for most of the online accounts that I have.
There's a lot of weird fiddly shit that we have to have that we might not access all that often. This is the kind of stuff that might end up in junk drawers or under sinks or in disused laptop bags or kicking around under a bunch of papers in a desk drawer.
It doesn't matter so much when that weird fiddly shit is a set of hex keys or a utility knife or a protractor or a copy of a student handbook but it DOES matter when it's something that you might need to put your hands on in a hurry. If your computer crashes, you're not going to want to track down the software in the back of a filing cabinet and the backup drive from somewhere in the bowels of your desk. If you lock your keys in your car you are not going to want to figure out if your spare is in a junk drawer or the old purse where you keep semi-important stuff or the tin on your desk that has buttons and pins and headphone covers. Just put it in the Backpack of Important Shit and when you need it you know where to look.
So anyway, if you are a person who is a minor disaster who has trouble finding important things when you need them please don't think that you have to get your life together and have a nice organized filing cabinet or clear plastic bins full of documents or a neatly divided storage closet where everything from board games to backup drives has its own neatly labeled place. Just assign ONE LOCATION for important shit and start putting the important shit there. It doesn't matter if you have a filing cabinet where you keep old copies of homework and printouts of online orders and family history records - you do not need to keep everything that is file-able in one place and depending on what level of catastrophe you are it might be detrimental to you if you try to do that. It doesn't matter if you have a jewelry box where you keep your collection of gauges and wrist cuffs; if you are going to stress out about where grandma's ring is when you're digging through your collection of cheap earrings and silver pendants then *do not keep grandma's ring or any other Important, Vital, Cannot Be Lost jewelry in with your day-to-day wear*.
I live someplace that has fires. My binder got upgraded to my Backpack of Important Shit when the fires were getting uncomfortably close to the house I was living in and I wanted to have one bag to grab if we had to get out fast. Once I did that, I never took the binder out of the backpack and the backpack has now made three moves with me and has meant that I've had my birth certificate handy when I needed it in the middle of a move between two states, I was able to provide a history of my cholesterol panel going back six years to a visiting nurse, and I was able to give the exact names and contact info of my spouse's previous surgeon to the hospital when I had unexpectedly moved to a new state with three bags and my work computer at the beginning of the pandemic.
Get yourself a backpack of important shit and a folder of where the fuck did i put that paper. It is so much easier to search a backpack for important shit than to go through an entire house and it is so much easier to flip through a binder than it is to dig through a filing cabinet.
Anyway good luck and happy adulting.
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starrgazed22 · 8 months ago
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Jim Halpert x gn!reader, 2.5K words Warnings: Vulgarism, pushing. (Not Jim pushing ofc) My comment: First fanfic ever, it's summer and I am bored haha. Enjoy! ALSO I couldn't think of a fitting title. Summary: Jim helps reader out with taking her dog to the vet, inviting her to his roommate's party afterwards.
(Jim talking to the camera crew)
“The way she sits in her chair with one leg up… sometimes both legs up. The way she balances her pen on everything while making phone calls,” he lets out a soft chuckle, “Her origamis that I find on my table every time we come back from lunch.” He starts fumbling in his pants pocket, revealing a small origami frog to the crew. “Like this one today,” he looks at it, then looks back at the crew and does his typical downturned smile.
You finish a call with a client, balancing your pen on its holder, just as Jim described. The cameraman focuses on you, then pans to Jim, who watches you with an admiring smile and eyes full of warmth.
“Yes, February 28th. That’s right,” you confirm to a client on the phone. "Have a nice day," you hang up.
Jim glances at the camera as he gets up and walks over to you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he says nervously, rubbing his hands together. “I was wondering, are you free tonight? My roommate is throwing a party, and I thought we could go together?” He asks, his voice genuine and hopeful.
“Jim, I’m sorry, I can’t tonight… I have to take my dog to the vet. It’s on the other side of Scranton, so…” you say, disappointed. “It’s going to take some time to get there by train—”
“I can take you… and your dog,” he offers immediately, showing the palms of his hands.
“You mean it?” you ask, caught off guard.
“Of course. I want to meet your dog,” he teases slightly, but you know he's serious.
You look at him, touched. “That would be so kind. Thank you, Jim.”
“When is the appointment?” “At 6.” “Great, we’ll leave at 5.” He smiles warmly at you.
He returns to his desk, exchanging a satisfied glance with the camera. Two hours fly by in a blur of Friday phone calls. You both pack up and head to his car. Jim opens the door of the car for you, and you settle into the front passenger seat. You drive to your place to pick up your dog first.
“Are you okay with having a dog in your car?” you ask uncertainly.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” he asks, genuinely confused.
You chuckle softly. “My boyfriend could never handle it, you know. Hates the hair,” you say sadly.
“Oh,” Jim responds, caught off guard by your answer, finding out another terrible thing about your boyfriend.
You arrive at your apartment, Jim and the cameraman waiting in the car. You quickly get your dog and head back out. Jim watches as you and your dog approach. The dog is a mixed breed puppy. Probably a mix of retriever and some other breed he couldn't quite put a finger on. He gets out of the car, squatting down to the dog’s level.
“Oh, hello,” he says in a high-pitched tone. “Can I pet him?” he asks.
“Sure,” you laugh as Finn jumps on Jim, licking his cheek. The cameraman captures the moment from the car window. You decide to sit in the back with Finn, next to the cameraman, to keep him from jumping on Jim while driving. Finn sniffs the camera, leaving the cameraman with an adorable footage.
You drive to the vet, chatting about how you got Finn and today’s rabies shot. The drive is short, filled with easy conversation. Finally, you arrive, leading Finn inside with Jim following behind.
The veterinarian takes Finn’s lead from your hand, and Jim squats down to give Finn a reassuring pat.
“You’ll be alright, big boy, we’ll be back tomorrow, okay?” Jim murmurs, rubbing Finn behind his ears. Your heart melts at the tenderness in Jim’s voice. Your boyfriend never talks to you or your dog with such genuine care.
(Y/N talking to the camera crew)
“Jim has been incredibly kind, helping me out like this. My boyfriend wouldn’t do anything like this for me,” you confess, a mix of gratitude and sadness evident in your expression.
You and Jim leave the vet, checking your watch.
“Wow, 6:30 already, that was quick today,” you exhale, a small puff of steam escaping in the chilly February air. Jim chuckles, his breath forming another cloud.
“So, are you free now?” he asks, a playful smirk on his face.
“I guess so.”
“Still up for the party?” Jim kicks at a rock on the pavement.
“Alright, sounds fun,” you agree, smiling warmly at him.
You drive off, recognizing the route from earlier. Suddenly, you take a different turn, pulling up in front of what seems to be Jim’s house, glimpsing people inside having a good time.
“Here we are,” Jim announces. You get out of the car.
He holds the door open for you with a gentlemanly gesture, “After you.” You step inside to the sound of someone singing karaoke to “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers.
“Not my favorite song,” you joke, earning a laugh from Jim.
(Y/N talking to the cameraman)
“I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend isn’t really there for me… but with Jim, it’s different,” you share with the camera crew, your voice tinged with both relief and uncertainty.
Jim introduces you to his roommate and his girlfriend, and you both mingle with the party guests, sipping wine and making small talk.
After some time, all of the guests has already arrived. No one else is expected.
Doorbell suddenly rings, signaling a new arrival. The roommate opens the door confused, and the camera zooms in on the newcomer’s face.
“Is Y/N here?” a familiar British voice asks. Your heart sinks, and Jim freezes at your sudden reaction.
“What?” he asks, concerned.
You rush to the door, Jim following closely behind. “David, what are you doing here?” you say, a mixture of anger and fear in your voice.
He chuckles sarcastically. “More like, what are you doing here?” You pull David aside.
“I had to take Finn to the vet, and Jim offered me a ride,” you try to explain.
“Wow! This is a hell of a vet!” He gestures wildly at Jim’s house, “Should’ve taken a fuckin’ train, bitch!” He starts shouting.
“David, did you track my phone aga— I— I can explai—” “Shut up, you whore!” David interrupts, pushing you roughly. “Fucking whore, I knew you were screwing him the whole time,” he spits out, moving toward you aggressively. You're taken aback by his blunt accusation, feeling a mix of shock and disgust that he would make such a false statement.
“It’s over, David. It’s over!” you declare.
The camera catches Jim’s tense expression as David moves closer to you again, prompting Jim to step in.
“Alright, that’s enough,” Jim intervenes, pushing David away and guiding you protectively behind him. “Leave,” Jim demands calmly.
“Okay, but give me my fucking girlfriend,” David hisses.
“What is she, a fucking thing?” Jim shoots back sharply, stepping forward. It’s the first time you’ve heard Jim curse.
“Well, to me, she is—” David starts to say.
"She said it's over! Did you hear her?" Jim repeats what you said.
"Not until I say so." David spits.
“Leave,” Jim repeats firmly.
“None of your business—” David stops short, spitting in Jim’s face. Jim remains composed, wiping his face with his sleeve.
“Fucking prick with a fucking whore. Perfect match!” your now ex shouts as he storms off to his car. “Bitch, burn in hell!” he yells out of the open window as he drives away.
Jim quickly returns to you, finding you standing there, visibly shaken, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” he asks gently. You lean into him, wrapping your arms around his torso, seeking comfort. Jim strokes your hair soothingly with one hand, the other arm around your shoulders. “It’s okay now. Everything’s fine,” he reassures you. “Thank you,” you whisper softly into his shirt.
You both stand there in a comforting embrace, surrounded by the silence of the chilly February night, illuminated by a warm streetlight. After what feels like an eternity, Jim speaks softly. “Are you sure you don’t want to come inside? It’s kind of cold out here.” You finally look up and nod, smiling faintly at him. He takes your hand in his, not intertwining fingers, but offering a protective hold, leading you back into the house. “I’ll make you some toasts, okay?”
Inside the house, apart from the roommate, no one seems to notice what just happened outside. You’re grateful no one did; it would have been embarrassing. You follow Jim to the kitchen through the living room. You lean on the counter to watch him make toasts. He tries to distract you from the recent events by explaining his toast-making technique, which surprisingly works. You can’t help stealing glances at him. He’s perfect. He’s been there for you through so much, always supportive. And that smile of his, it warms your heart.
You move to the living room together, holding your plate of toasts. You both settle on the couch, finding two free seats across from the karaoke machine. A girl joins you, curious about the gossip Jim tells you about, bringing you a coke mixed with rum you didn’t ask for but accept anyway. She leaves when the talk turns to Dwight, which she has never heard of.
Suddenly, Jim’s roommate takes the karaoke microphone, addressing Jim in front of everyone instead of taking a few steps for a private chat.
“Jim’s back, everybody!” Everyone cheers, and Darryl, Jim’s roommate, continues. “A prince on a white horse, with his rescued princess!” You look at Jim in surprise, bursting into laughter, fueled by the wine and coke you’ve been drinking. Jim looks slightly embarrassed. “Ignore him, that’s just the alcohol talking,” he dismisses with a wave of his hand.
“Come on, you haven’t sung yet tonight!” Darryl says into the mic. “Come on!” You draw out the word as you nudge Jim playfully in the shoulder. Jim sighs.
“Alright, alright,” Jim gives in, buoyed by his roommate’s friends’ enthusiasm. He gets up from beside you, heading over to the karaoke machine, where he and Darryl select a song. Your song. By Elton John.
“It’s a little bit funny…” Jim starts singing the lyrics. Some people join in, others start dancing. You sit back and watch, impressed by Jim’s singing ability, even if it’s just a little. “...You see, I’ve forgotten if they’re green or they’re blue.” Jim squints playfully, locking eyes with you as he sings, mocking the lyrics. You chuckle softly. He gestures with his free hand for you to come over to him. “...Anyway, the thing is…” You get up and join him, Jim’s arm around your shoulder. “...Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen.” His gaze shifts between your eyes. You realize it's just lyrics, but there's a subtle undertone in his delivery that suggests the lyrics might mirror his thoughts. Jim catches your hand, and you start to slow dance together, his singing still filling the room. Others begin to join in the dancing.
As Jim finishes the song, everyone cheers and claps.
“Thank you all for coming! You’ve been an amazing crowd tonight!” Jim jokes, accepting the applause graciously.
“That was really good!” You poke Jim, and he thanks you with a smile. As you both head back toward your seats, you find them occupied by other friends. You hesitate for a moment.
“Looks like we’re standing,” Jim remarks, realizing the lack of available seats. He notices how much you’ve had to drink, noticing you sway slightly, whether from the alcohol or the emotional rollercoaster of the evening.
Jim smirks to himself, leaning in to whisper in your ear. “Want a tour?” he raises an eyebrow suggestively.
You look at him, a mix of surprise and anticipation. “Lead the way.” You interlace your fingers with his, feeling a slight jolt of electricity between you both, which Jim acknowledges with a subtle smirk.
As you come up the stairs, Jim begins the tour. “Here’s the bathroom,” he gestures playfully with his free hand. He leads you further, showing you Darryl’s room, then his own.
“And this is mine. I cleaned up a bit this morning; it usually doesn’t look this good,” he admits with a sheepish grin.
You release his hand, stepping into his room. You notice a guitar in the corner. “You play guitar? Why didn’t you ever tell me?” you ask, genuinely curious.
Jim shrugs, leaning against the doorframe. “I’d rather talk about you,” he admits softly. You feel a pang of realization, contrasting sharply with memories of your ex-boyfriend’s indifference. With Jim, you feel appreciated.
You look around Jim’s room, taking in the framed photos, medals, and posters, gaining insights into his life. You sit on the edge of his bed, noticing how comfortable it feels. “Nice bed, too,” you remark with a genuine smile.
Jim enters the room, searching in one of his drawers.
“I wanted to give you this on your birthday, but I just can’t wait to give it to you,” he says. “Okay, close your eyes, okay, I haven’t wrapped it up yet,” he lets out a soft chuckle. You do as he says. He sits next to you on the bed and hands you what feels like a jewel case, his fingers lingering on your hands longer than necessary.
"You can open them now."
You open your eyes, revealing a jewel case containing 'Hot Fuss' by The Killers CD. “No way!” you exclaim excitedly. “I— I don’t know what to say. Thank you. Thank you so much,” you stammer gratefully.
Jim smiles warmly at you, and you hug him again.
“I have a player. Want to listen to it?” he offers, taking the CD from your hand and placing it in the player. The first song begins to play, and Jim adjusts the volume. He returns to sit beside you.
“What a great taste,” he remarks casually.
“Stop,” you playfully protest.
“No, really. I mean it,” he insists, locking eyes with you. You meet his gaze, and he shifts closer. He cups your cheeks slowly with both hands, silently seeking your consent. You nod in response, and he leans in slowly, tenderly kissing you. You kiss him back, uncertain but drawn to him.
It’s okay. Everything’s fine, you reassure yourself internally, repeating what Jim said earlier. You deepen the kiss, the emotional intensity building between you both. Jim’s hands leave your face as he crawls over at you, making you lay down under him.
The cameraman discreetly decides to leave them to their private moment, closing the door for them.
Kinda out of pocket story haha, but I hope you enjoyed it!
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entities-of-posts · 1 month ago
Im an exotic animal rescuer, not by trade but just for fun. i prefer to take in non- avian reptiles and small animals like rabbits but push comes to shove ill take just about anything for a short period.
anyways I got a call from a local shelter, they told me they had a goat surrendered to them, weird but i have an acreage and i assuming i didnt want to keep it i could probably find a new home for it easily.
I noticed something was weird when I went to pick him up. He was a little goat, probably a pygmy mix with mostly black fur and little horns. He looked entirely normal but immediately i felt like something was off. Being at an animal shelter is a scary experience, especially for prey herd animals like goats, usually they would be cowering or prone to aggression, but he just let me take him. He had a sort of confidence that I had never seen in an animal before.
I sort of assumed he was just a very well loved pet, they said he was surrendered by an old woman who said he belonged to her late daughter, the strange confidence of the animal could be explained by him being a very good pet, brought around strangers and comfortable in new situations. That’s what i tried to tell myself.
I brought him into my house, i didnt have a pen set up yet but my bathroom had been home to chickens and cats and once even a deer temporarily. he let me carry him and when i put him down he looked me straight in the eyes. not in the eyes like turning his head to one side to look at me but straight on, the way a dog looks you in the eyes. his eyes followed me as I set up the bathroom for him. dead quiet. No fear.
I close the door and leave him in the bathroom. I needed to get back to work, I work from home so it’s flexible enough that i can leave in the middle of the day to pick up a goat but I still should get my work done in time. I sort of forgot about the goat, until i heard my cat screeching in the other room.
My cat was an elderly calico who i rescued when I was just a teenager, she had quite a few things wrong with her, having absolutely 0 self preservation instincts or hunting drive, when in university my parrots were free roamed during the day alone with her. Stupid but she literally didnt seem to realize she could attack them. I think she may have had some sort of brain damage, because genuinely she was strange.
anyways, her screeching is not too unusual, i walked out, expecting she had once again gotten herself tangled in something or stuck somewhere. She loped over as she saw me, still screaming. she was bleeding.
The goat was in the kitchen, blood around his mouth. he looked at me with those predatory, very ungoatlike eyes. he opened his mouth, it opened much larger than it should have been able to, like his face was splitting open. He began to charge at me.
I was nearly blind with panic, not that ive never been attacked by an animal before, but this was different. unexpected. impossible.
I managed to lead him outside, suffering only a bite to the leg. All day he stood outside the door, like he knew i was in there. like he was waiting.
he left at some point during the night when the coyotes got louder. I brought my cat to the vet but it was too late. I went to a walk in clinic and got a rabies shot. They said it looked like a fox bite.
One of my favorite ways the Hunt manifests is by turning a prey into a predator. Delightfully unexpected every time. The wrongness of it makes the horror more potent.
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finnbbl · 9 months ago
Hyunjin × M! Reader - Dancer AU I SMAU | Chapter 21
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Ch. 21 - I wish I didn’t care I Previous Chapter | Next Chapter I
I Story Masterlist I
Written: Yes
Smau: No
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: I don’t think there’s any? Let me know if I’m wrong
A/N: This chapter is rather confusing. There will be things that don’t make sense now, but they will soon. Bare with me 🙏
“Hey, you okay?” You were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts by a sudden but quiet voice. The stray sat calmly in your lap enjoying the soft strokes your hand gave along his fur. Your eyes refused to meet Mingyu’s, noticing that a thin gloss had settled over them. Blinking back your tears as you brought yourself to answer him. “Yeah, i’m alright.”So many emotions and feelings coursed through your body.
Anger, guilt, sadness, regret. The list goes on.
You weren’t even sure what you were feeling anymore. It had been a month and you’d yet to talk to san, let alone resolve the argument. Then of course Yeonjun has unfortunately been all you’ve thought about, and now Hyunjin was definitely upset with you. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t scared of talking to San. Scared of what exactly? You weren’t sure, and you didn’t want to find out.
“I don’t believe you.” Finally your eyes met his, making brief eye contact before he turned his view back to the road. The kitten purred softly as you continued to run your hand over his head and down his back. “It’s just another dumb argument, probably something I started..” A sigh left your lips as you thought back to that conversation. The harsh messages you left Hyunjin when he was only looking out for you. “Really? With who?” Mingyu asked as he palmed the steering wheel, turning into the parking lot of the vet, which you practically dragged him to. You paused for a moment, taken back by his question. It took you a while to answer. Not expecting that question, and the thought mentioning Hyunjin’s name to him made you squirm. There was such thick tension between the two, god how you wish they got along.
“H-Hyunjin.” Mingyu went quiet as his name tumbled from your lips. A long and deafening silence took over until he was finally parked. Looking down at the fur ball in your lap to try and take your mind away from everything. “Ah, I see.” He finally responded as he shifted the gear into park, turning off the car. “Well, I’m sure you two will resolve everything. You seem like good friends.” The two of you made eye contact, Mingyu shooting a soft smile your way and ruffling your hair in an attempt to ease the tension. The same hand went down to gently pet the stray you had begged him to let you keep, as if he had any say in it whatsoever. “Come on, let’s make sure he doesn’t have… rabies or whatever.” He shook his head as he opened the car door, his remark making you giggle softly as you did the same. Carefully holding him close as you felt your worries wash away briefly .
The visit wasn’t very long, luckily the cat was in good health. All he would need was his shots, as they definitely weren’t up to date. “So, you gonna keep him?” Mingyu questioned as you both got into his car. Thinking for a moment, you really wanted to keep him. However your dad would be the deciding factor unfortunately. “I want to.. I really do..” You trailed off, Mingyu waiting for you to say something else by your tone of voice. “I don’t know how my dad would feel.” He only hummed in response, not sure what else he could’ve said as he turned the key to start up the car. A comfortable but slightly uneasy silence filled the car as Mingyu began to drive you home. This gave you time for you to think about everything once again. It’s all that was ever on your mind anymore, and you hated it. You felt as if you’ll never be at peace with everyone and yourself at the same time. It was always this or that.
“You’re getting quiet again..” Mingyu started. “Wanna tell me what’s going on now?” You were at a loss for words, not used to someone being so direct with you. “I told you I’m fine.” The words fell out of your mouth, without permission it seemed. He went silent once again and you immediately backtracked. “Sorry I didn’t mean to..” You sighed as you lost your words, trailing off. Feeling tears gloss over your eyes as you wondered when you got so snappy. Everytime someone would worry for you, all you could do was respond harshly. Whether that’s what you wanted or not. “I guess it’s just-“ The car came to a sudden stop, interrupting you words. It caused you to look up, you were expecting to be home but to your surprise…
“Tell me about it while you get stuff for this damn cat.” Mingyu said suddenly with a playful tone. A light smile fell on your face, “I don’t even know if I can keep him yet.” You chuckled in between the first few words. “Well i’m sure youre stuck with him now. He gestured to your shoulder, not even noticing that the small kitten had climbed up. Both of you laughed briefly as you kept your eyes glued to your, most likely, newfound pet. A short silence took over before Mingyu’s hand came up to your cheek to wipe away a tear you hadn’t even noticed had fallen. He wasn’t the biggest fan of cats, yet here he was. Before you knew it, your eyes were glued to him. Genuinely you couldn’t see what Hyunjin saw. He had been nothing but kind to you. Sure his flirting was insufferable sometimes, but it was something you could look past. He could be serious and comforting when he needed to be. You were starting to feel something. Something you’ve felt before, something all too familiar. You just couldn’t quite remember when. where or how.
“Hello?” A hand waved in front of your face, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Come on, stop staring… I mean shit unless you really want to I-“ He teased and you gave him a light shove on his shoulder. “Shut up.” A smile settled upon your lips. You quickly opened the car door as the cat made himself at home on your shoulder. Attempting to avoid the embarrassment you felt. Not being one to stare, it was odd that you lost yourself in him. Everything was so confusing, you just wish you could keep yourself distracted for even a little bit.
A new sense of relief had washed over you as you two wandered the store. Although you couldn’t quite bring yourself to talk about everything that was weighing on you, he was there for you. And he reassured that he always would be if you ever needed anything. You felt as if you could rely on him and trust him with anything, and it comforted the anxiety deep down that never seemed to leave. A sense of safeness washed over you. “You better be keeping this damn cat after everything we went through today.” He jokingly teased. You glanced at him before moving your eyes around the food aisle. To be honest, it shouldn’t be too hard to convince your dad. Things had been rocky with you two for as long as you could remember, realistically however he never payed much attention to what you did. Nor did he care.
“Probably, my dad doesn’t pay enough attention to me to notice. I think sometimes he forgets I exist unless he needs something.” Brushing it off with a laugh. You thought it was funny, although Mingyu didn’t take it as a joke. He stopped in his tracks, and it didn’t take long for you to take notice. Turning back to him with a confused face, your smile dropped slowly. “What’s wrong?” You asked the taller male, completely oblivious to what you just said. Silence followed, along with his eyes locking with yours.
“Are you alright?” He suddenly asked. It caught you a bit off guard, and it left you slightly confused. That was before your mind raced back and realized what you had just said. “Oh, oh Mingyu. It’s okay.” You quickly walked over to him, placing your hand on his arm in a reassuring manner. “Sorry I didn’t mean to worry you, I promise it’s not that big of a deal.” He wasn’t buying it. “You sure?” It was obvious this topic wasn’t getting brushed off so easily. “Yes, I’m sure. Besides, I’m 21 now. My father isn’t required to take care of me.” Tilting your head as the kitten started to squirm in your arm. You weren’t so used to people lingering over a topic like this for so long. You’d make quite a few jokes about how shitty your home life was, but nothing ever got analyzed as much as this had. “Come on, they’re gonna close soon.” Giving him one last smile before turning on your heel and walking down the aisle. This left Mingyu staring off into space, replaying the conversation over and over again in his head. Re-evaluating your tone to see if he could catch a sudden change in it, or something that didn’t seem quite right. However, it didn’t last for very long. Keeping him distracted and constantly changing the topic anytime he tried to bring it up. He soon realized he wasn’t going to be able to get anything out of you.
The car rolled up onto the street next to your house, his foot ever so slightly easing on the brake as the car came to a stop. Mingyu’s eyes glanced to meet yours as he shifted into park, however you were fast asleep. And so was the kitten. He analyzed your face, eyes darting over your calm features. Sounds of your soft breathing disappeared into the car as he practically dreaded waking you up, you looked too peaceful. The male thought back once again, to what you had said while you were in the pet store earlier. It left him worried. Constantly having to remind himself that you were a grown man, an adult. “He can take care of himself,” The same thought crossed his mind once again. You didn’t need him. But that didn’t stop his mind from running in all sorts of directions, wondering what he could do to make your life easier. It wasn’t until then that you slowly started to shift, eyes fluttering open as you looked at your surroundings. “Where are we?” Your voice came out groggy, but to him it was cute. “We’re uh, at your house.” He softly said, regaining his thoughts and pretending he wasn’t just staring at you while you slept. Only a soft ‘oh’ sound left your mouth, almost as low as a whisper. A comfortable silence filled the car as you gathered your stuff slowly, still sleepy from the long car ride. He could tell you were lacking in sleep recently, nodding off here and there in the middle of movements. This only added to his worries. “Here, I’ll help.” He decided, and started off by taking the kitten from you first. It was a slow process but eventually there you two were, facing each other at your door step. “Do you need anything else from me?” He asked as you finally started to wake up. Glancing behind you to see if your father’s car was there. Lucky for you, it wasn’t.
“Uhm.. Nah i’ll be alright.” Debating for a moment before taking the cat back from him. Your one free hand reached for the door knob, pausing as soon as it made contact with the metal when he spoke. “Look uh, are you sure you’re okay?” You looked up at him, the shadow from the porch light casting over his face making it hard to read his expression. Freezing for a moment before tilting your head ever so slightly. “I-I’m okay Mingyu, why?” His lips pursed into a thin line as he looked up and down your face. It took a moment before you finally caught on, a sigh left your lips. “Mingyu it’s fine. Even if there was something wrong with my home life it’s not anything for you to deal with.” You said harshly, definitely harsher than you intended. Regardless of your intentions, your face and tone spoke more. “So there is something wrong at home.” He said more as a statement rather than a question.
Only the sound of crickets could be heard as you both froze, standing still as sprinkles of rain began to fall. He rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. “If you don’t want to tell me, then don’t. But i’m worried for your wellbeing.” Your lips curved into a faint downward smile before turning the knob on the door and opening it. “Goodnight Mingyu.” You said before stepping inside and shutting the door, leaving him standing still. The rain came down even harder, and harder. He wasn’t sure how long he remained there. It must’ve been for a while, long enough for his hair to get so wet it draped down over his eyes. A frustrated and quiet sigh left his lips as he finally made his way back to his car. Once in, Mingyu didn’t move. His eyes kept fixed on your closed door, pondering. There was one thing he couldn’t figure out. His situation was different to any other that would’ve been in this predicament. All he knew was he shouldn’t care. He’s the one who put himself in this position, and he knows that he shouldn’t care about you.
However, he does. And god how he wish he didn’t.
Taglist: @silverstarburst @virluna148 @galaxycatdrawz @onementally-unstabel-kid @uso-dakedo @lampcults @chaer4life @kkurbys @gnusihcom @mellhwang @sleeping-demons @kuuroomiii @twobluegoldfish @chuuchuu1224 @lailac13 @thegingerthatwaited @brainrotahahaha
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demigodsanswer · 4 months ago
percabeth dance AU/Roommate AU
((TUAP universe, about a year chapter 12))
Since they started dating, Percy had probably spent more nights at Annabeth's apartment than in his own room. And half the nights he spent at his place were with her. His parents had gotten used to seeing her in the morning, and Percy and Annabeth had gotten used to sleeping together to the calming sounds of Friends on TV to inconspicuously cover anything.
So when Annabeth's lease was up for renewal, moving in together made the most obvious sense. Annabeth even made an event of it. She took him to a fancy dinner, wined and dinned him before proposing the move. Percy didn't hesitate at all to agree.
Percy didn't have a lot of his own stuff to bring. He left his bed with his parents as a guest bed/place for him to sleep when he came home. Her apartment was all furnished, but he brought some decor and photos. It still felt like hers. But before long, he hoped it felt like theirs.
It being her apartment made this a bit of an issue.
Percy was sure he heard some tiny animal squealing from the ally. He hoped it wasn't a racoon or possum or rat. He wouldn't really know how to help, and he really, really didn't want to get rabies shots tonight. But after just a little snooping, he found --
"Oh my god," Percy said, scooping up the little white kitten. Really, it looked like it was supposed to be white, but it looked a bit yellow and grimey right now. The baby fit in his hand, and but it's eyes were open. Percy unzipped his coat and tucked it in, trying to keep it warm while he scanned for others or for mamma cat, but he didn't see or hear anything. The kitten didn't look well taken care of, and he worried it had been out here too long.
"Lets get you inside?" Percy said to it. He hoped Annabeth didn't mind.
"Annabeth!" He called when he got inside. They were still on their short Spring break. He'd taken the day to teach some classes at Lester's studio, while she took the day to secure them some summer gigs.
"Yeah?" She said, stepping out of their room. Well, he hoped it would still be their room after he revealed he'd picked up a flea ridden hungry kitten from the garbage.
He pulled the baby out of his jacket and held it gently in his hands.
Before he could explain, she was taking it from him and cooing at it. "Oh you poor thing! Were you out in the cold all by yourself?"
Then she looked to Percy for an answer.
"I looked around for more or for mom, but I didn't see any," he explained.
Annabeth started towards their bedroom, and Percy followed. "Let's get her wrapped up," she said as she walked into their bathroom.
Percy grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the kitten, still in Annabeth's hands. She slipped her hands out, before taking it back.
"What do we do?" She asked him then.
"Do we have any tuna?" Percy asked.
They did. They broke some up onto a plate and filled a small dish with some water. Annabeth tried to get it to eat some fish off her finger, and it did a little, but it still seemed low on energy.
"Should we take him to an animal hospital?" Percy asked.
"I think it's a girl," was Annabeth response.
"Why?" Percy asked.
"Vibes," was most of her answer, and then, "I think white cats are usually girls?"
"Huh, okay, didn't know that," Percy said. "Should we take her to the animal hospital?"
The kitten was asleep in Annabeth's arms. "Maybe. Why don't you go get some littler and kitten food, and we see how she does in a few hours. If she seems like she's fading, we can try, but," she looked down sadly at the little baby, "there might not be anything we can do."
The poor thing was tiny and covered in fleas. They'd take her into the vet first thing in the morning, but Annabeth was right.
"I don't know, she was screaming pretty loud, I think she's tough," Percy said. He rubbed the kitten's little forehead, and managed to grab and squish a flea between his fingers as he did. The kitten started to purr. "See, she's just sleepy," Percy said. "I'll run out really quick and see what I can find."
Annabeth nodded. "I'll try and do some research while you're gone."
He kissed her goodbye. "Good luck," he said.
"You too."
When he got back with a cart full of litter, food, treats, and a toy, the kitten was roaming around their bathroom.
"She ate a little more," Annabeth said with a smile. The apartment was warmer than it was when he left. She'd turned up the heat to almost 80.
Percy assembled a litter box for her, not sure if she'd know what to do on instinct. The litter was called kitten attract, but he didn't know if they needed to train the kitten to be attracted to it.
Annabeth plopped her in the litter, and right away the baby started sniffing, then digging, then pooping. They smiled at each other, before realizing the kitten had stepped in it in an effort to cover it.
"Oh shit," Percy said, as Annabeth grabbed the baby and Percy grabbed some toilet paper. "Not a bad first try, though," he said.
"Probably the easiest potty training we'll ever need to deal with," Annabeth said. She said it so casually Percy barely processed it, but once he did, he broke into a wide grin and pulled her in for a kiss. Everything about their future stuff made him the happiest person alive.
And then the kitten started meowing at them.
"Well, she seems to be in higher spirits," Percy said.
"Sure does," Annabeth agreed.
They took shifts sleeping and watching over her, just in case something went wrong, but by the morning, she was still moving and talking. The two brought her to the vet, making a carrier out of an old cardboard box when Percy realized that was the one crucial thing they were missing.
A huge vet bill, a few tests, and a flea bath later, it was confirmed she was a girl kitten, white all over, probably eight weeks, and a little underweight, but probably healthy. There were still blood and stool tests to run, but the kitten would probably be okay.
"So do we have a cat now?" Percy asked on the Uber back to the apartment.
"Oh, of course," Annabeth said, her tone clearly communicating that he would have to pry this kitten from her cold, dead hands. Not that he had any doubt about wanting to keep her.
"Have you ever owned a cat before?"
"No, I used to have a doberman though. Have you?"
"Well! We can figure this out!"
Assembling everything, keeping her fed, and getting her to and from the vet was easy. Naming her was harder.
"Coppelia?" Percy suggested.
Annabeth scrunched her nose. "It's cute, but ..."
"But what?"
"That's Rachel Dare's part," Annabeth said.
Percy rolled his eyes. "You've also done it."
"Neither here nor there."
"Aurora then?" Percy floated.
"No, that seems a little ... corny? Self-centered?"
"Like after the girl in Nutcracker, or the white kitten in the Aristocats?"
"Okay so maybe no ballet names?" Percy suggested. Annabeth nodded. But then, his brain went blank. "Um ..." No ballet names was making this harder. What do you name a cat if not Odette? "Do we do anything besides ballet?"
"Sure," Annabeth said, dangling a feather in front of their kitten, "but I don't think we want to name her 'sex' or 'dinner with your mom.'"
Percy laughed. "Let's ask our friends," he said.
He snapped a picture of her, before texting the group chat: We found her in the garbage. She lives with us now. We need a name!
oh my god a baby!!
I second stinky
So Lucy it is!
Sorry Jason, we already veto'd ballet names
I was thinking of the Aristocats
No disney names either
And that was it. Annabeth scooped up their kitten. "Hi Lucy," she said. Lucy screamed as if to say that will do. "Yeah? You like it?" Annabeth asked as she kissed her little forehead.
"It's perfect," Percy confirmed.
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baasthasthezoomies · 1 year ago
For those who’ve been following my street cat saga updates, I apologize for the lack of them. My girl Van got sick which derailed things, but she’s better now.
Orange Cat Update!!!
SOMEONE went to the vet for the first time today and was THE GOODEST BOY EVER!!!!!
Kate & I took a loooong time acclimating him to his carrier, taking him on progressively longer car rides, and even did a dry run to the vet’s office. The vet let him sniff around in a room and a tech came and gave him treats. 😻
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It all paid off! Here he is today doing a sploot to get out of his carrier to receive treats and pets from the vet:
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Rabies shot: DONE
FeLV and FIV antibody: IN PROCESS
Comprehensive blood work: IN PROCESS
Antibiotics for ear infection: HE GOT ‘EM
Heart: OF GOLD (sadly also a murmur)
Treats given by the vet team: SO MANY
Best life status check: ALMOST THERE
This took so much work. The antibiotics especially are going to help relieve so much of his pain. I’m so proud of him for being brave when it’s obvious he’s been abused in the past.
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Tale for a future update: This is actually someone else’s cat… (spoiler being we’ve all but made the explicit agreement that I’m gonna take him and make him an indoor boy)
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localcryptidsteg · 1 year ago
So there was kinda a script for the comic but I suck at script writing so I made an entire drabble instead
Mei sat across the table, looking far too amused. She was struggling to keep the smirk off her face, eyebrow raised, as she leaned against her hand and questioned a very tired Mk.
"Sooooo. Explain again why our mystic monkeys are wearing the cone of shame?"
Mk groaned and rumpled his hair with a heavily bandaged hand. "So Macaque has been dead for like forever, and Monkey King barely leaves Flower Fruit Mountain, right? Well something Pigsy said the other day reminded me I needed my flu shot, and I figured 'Hey! Why not get them up to date too!' But it turns out they need ALL of them and a pharmacist cant just do that. Plus theyre like actually actual monkeys?? Apparently??? So I had to track down an exotic vet, but theres only one in the area and they're all the way outside the city-"
Meanwhile, across the shop at the main counter, Wukong had decided he was starving, but quickly realized he had a problem. See, the cone was very much in the way, and while he could take it off... he didnt want to get yelled at. So now he was busy picking away at Tang's resolve. "Come on, just pour the bowl in! It'll be fiiiine!"
Macaque sat nearby, contorting himself at an angle that couldnt be comfortable, just to watch. "You know hes not going to stop until you at least try, right?" "Yeah! So do what he says and do what I say!" "Thats definitely not what I said..."
"- but it turns out Macaque is like really NOT ok with needles so he fucking bit me, but theyd already given him the rabies shot by that point so Im pretty sure it fine! He'll probably only *maybe* kill me in my sleep, but at least its not rabies!" Mk's nervous laughter was cut short by a loud sputtering and an anrgy screech. As Mk and Mei turned to look they were met by the sight of a wet, seething Macaque, Wukong with broth and noodles dripping out of his cone, and a very guilty looking Tang.
Mei slowly pulled out her phone and took a picture.
Mk groaned and let his head *thunk* down on the table. "Nevermind, he's gonna kill Monkey King first.
Bonus: "So now that all thats taken care of, hows your hand?"
Mk flexed the banaged appendage. "Eh. Im sure its not nearly as bad as it looks!"
Across the room, Macaque piped up from where Tang was using a hairdryer on him, "THIS IS WHY YOU RESPECT YOUR ELDERS!"
Mei made a mental note to go with them next time one of the monkeys needed a checkup.
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pbandjesse · 6 months ago
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I just finished up leaving my first event at the museum. And honestly I think I went right. It was a fairly simple event because it was corporate and it was outside and they weren't inside at all but I think I did a really good job and I remembered where all of the lights were and I mostly remembered which key was which and I think I did a really good job making sure everyone had what they needed.
I was nervous. I didn't feel very good today so I was particularly nervous about that but it ended up being okay.
Some of the problem was that I had some very very strange and intense dreams last night. One of them was about my dad building secret rooms off of our house that had an entire different people group living in them. It was like a shopping mall and also like a dollhouse and it was very bizarre. And I had another dream where nosferrato owned a strip club. I am absolutely taking a shot in the dark and how to spell that word.
So I woke up not feeling incredible. And I knew that we had to leave the house by like 9:30 so I slept until 9:00 but I could have slept longer. I was just tired and uncomfortable.
But we had to get Sweetp to the vet and I knew that that was important so I got myself up and I got dressed. I really wanted to wash my hair but I would wait till tonight. It was a gray and cool day outside. And I was not prepared for that. It became fall all of a sudden and I love it but I did not plan my outfits accordingly. I will have to reassess tomorrow.
I didn't really want breakfast so I just ate the donut that we got yesterday. Which was fine. And sweetp came over to try to steal my milk and we used that opportunity to quickly get him into his carrier. That was the most successful time me and James have ever had getting him in there. Like James is usually pretty afraid of picking sweetie up in that situation but I was like no we got to move fast and we got him in there no problem. And while he cried a little bit he was a good boy. And he didn't cause too much trouble.
We drove to the animal hospital and I really like this one. It has this like very '70s vibe to it that I think is great and the vet is just so nice. Everyone there is so nice. When we got there we only had to wait for a few minutes and the waiting room at first there was two kittens and then there was a very sweet little dog. They were like a English bulldog quirky mix of some kind I think? But they were very sweet. And then a puppy who was a golden retriever who was only 9 weeks old came in and they made bestfriends and it was very cute.
I always love going into the vet because they always tell me how handsome and smart and kind and beautiful and large sweetp is. And it's true. He's a big boy. 16 and a half pounds. And he did a really good job getting his temperature taken even though he hates it and he let them weigh him and it just went really well.
When the vet came in he is the biggest personality and always has so much to tell us and he wanted to know all about where we work and all that kind of stuff and so when he found out we work in a history museum he wanted to tell us all this history about his family and the connections he has to some of the things in the museum specifically his father and grandfather owned a paint factory and they were friends with Dr bunting who invented noxzema. And he had all these great stories and it was awesome. And then I told him that I am pregnant and so he was like let's test sweet pea for a toxoplasmosis and it was going to be expensive but we have cat insurance so we're hoping that we can get some reimbursement for that. And sweet pea got his rabies vaccine and a new little tag that is red which I really appreciated. And they gave us a bunch of information and stuff to read. And he even gave us an $80 flea treatment for free. So kind. I love coming there. He also gave us a handmade cat toy from one of his texts that's made of a golf tee that looks like a little dragonfly. I haven't seen if sweet pea likes it yet but I hope that he does.
They would take sweet pea out of the room to do his shots and take his blood. But they said he looks great and that made me feel really good. And then we packed them up and we paid and headed out.
I was really not feeling good at this time though. I held it together to talk to the vet but I was really like I just need to be horizontal. I had 3 hours until I had to be at the museum and so we went right home and I changed into a sweatshirt and I laid down and it was very good.
I sort of took a half an hour nap and it helped but I would have appreciated more sleep. But because I didn't have time to wash my hair before the museum I wanted to at least round brush it so it looked nice and I got dressed and I actually wore the corset I got at the Renaissance Faire over this dress and I think it looked great and it was very very comfortable. This dress is very cute but the shoulders fall down constantly so having the straps from the corset vest made me very happy.
James had gone to their parents house while I was resting to help take out the air conditioning units and they were back by the time I woke up. They gave me a big hug and we went downstairs and I got myself together. And then I left.
I still didn't feel amazing but my plan was to go to McDonald's and get french fries and a soda because for some reason that fixes me every time. A combination of the caffeine and the salt. And so I went and I got that from McDonald's and I was a little annoyed because it was $4 for a large fry. But I ended up talking to Alexis when I got to the museum and she told me that if you order it in the app it's a $1.50 so now I have the McDonald's app even though I taken that off my phone years ago. But if it's going to save me money I'm going to do it.
So I ate my fries and had my soda and enjoyed sitting in the car watching a video. But eventually I was like oh I should go in the museum now. But I don't have any keys and no one was at the desk and I rang the doorbell twice and no one let me in. I told Merrill and she wasn't working today so then I called Jesse and he told me that Donnell the new maintenance/facilities a director would come and let me in and he did and I was only slightly frustrated that I was sitting out in a drizzly rain.
I felt a lot better though and I was just ready to do my thing. And I think I did a great job. Jesse came down to give me the keys and give me some overview for the evening. Corporate event outside. Atlantic was the caterer. He gave me the times and then I was basically in charge. We ran around a few times together just so that I could have any last minute questions or concerns answered but I felt pretty good. He gave me an alarm code for the building and then he went to his office to work for a few hours.
The museum isn't open on Mondays so It was pretty quiet in there. I would post up at the front desk and wait to see the caters or anybody else. And when they start coming I introduced myself and maybe try had names and they are very confident so I was not worried about them. But I was worried about the rain. It was kind of drizzling and a little windy and I was like I can put the sides down and so I had Phil show me how to use the drill attachment so it would be faster. And I'm really glad I did that because about an hour and a half after I asked if they wanted it and they told me no they were like actually can you please put the sides down it's so windy. And so I would do that. I did twerk my wrist a little bit because the drill was very powerful. But it made it a lot more comfortable for them and it would only get worse so I'm glad that I did it when I did.
I mostly had a chill night. I would knit and hang out the desk and watch a video and chat with Mo the security guard. And nobody was in the museum so I didn't really have to deal with that. I would periodically go outside but then the rain really picked up as the party got started and it was just windy and blustery and bad. I felt really bad that they couldn't hang out inside but they didn't rent the museum. They would use our bathrooms so we had stanchions set up for that but there was not a lot I could do. So I just tried to be a smiling face and I think the people who came enjoyed their food and had the best time they could despite the weather.
It was a crab feast so there wasn't a ton for me to eat but I did get sides again. And I really like the corn on the cob the other day so I got that again and I made a little sandwich with a hot dog bun and had watermelon. And I brought that inside and was soaking wet from walking across the parking lot on the rain so I dried off and I wore James's work fleece that they leave on their chair. But I would warm up and it would be a really nice night. Just a little boring for me but I'd rather that on my first night alone then too exciting.
Because it was so blustery and cold outside the party wrapped up an hour early and so the caters pulled everything together and I started turning off lights and get everything ready to go. And we were out of there by 9:00. I was really proud of us.
Mo kept giggling at me for being so efficient as he kept saying. Getting things locked and lights turned off. But I was ready to go home. And I just pulled up at our home. James made me lasagna and I'm going to wash my hair and I'm really just excited to get some rest.
I took the day off tomorrow. I hope to work on my teddy bear hospital patient and catch up on my temperature blanket. And I really just hope it's a good day.
I hope you all sleep well. Take care of yourself. Goodnight!!
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lostryu · 1 year ago
Callous of you to throw poor people under the bus when it comes to pet ownership. Poor people deserve happiness when it comes to pet ownership too. Maybe they weren’t poor and underwent financial hardship. Classism does not belong in the pet industry.
listen man. i’ve literally seen 3 pets get decapitated on the surgery table to test for rabies due to owner negligence when it comes to getting a rabies vaccine. todays pet was three years old. the owner couldn’t get mementos, couldn’t take the body back, and can’t even ask for ashes back. i agree that classism is bad, however if you cannot afford the bare minimum of care, you should not have a pet. that is just the brutal truth of it.
there are multiple options to persue in the event of financial hardship. there are groups dedicated to offering assistance to lower income people when it comes to pet care. there are low cost and free vaccine clinics run by shelters and some clinics. there programs where you pay in monthly installments for assistance with medical care towards vet bills.
and like, i am saying this as a pet owner myself. if i were ever in a situation where i couldn’t afford lifesaving care for my cats, i would relinquish them. because that’s what a responsible pet owner does. rabies vaccines are preventative and LIFESAVING care. there is no cure for rabies. my cats cannot advocate for themselves. it’s my job to make sure that they are cared for to the best of my ability, and if i can’t afford a rabies shot, that means i can’t afford my cat and i need to give him up.
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purplegemstone · 8 months ago
What’s happened/happening? Are you physically okay even if not emotionally/mentally?
Well. Long story short, there was an altercation outside of my apartment building that consisted of me trying to get my dog inside while a man's dog was trying attack us both. Then he followed me to my apartment, banged on my door, threatened to shoot my dog and me, threatened to shoot my neighbor who came out to see what was going on. Police came, locked him up, took his dog to be quarantined. I gave a statement to the police, had to go to the hospital, get a rabies shot, give another statement, call my landlord to give a statement, and then get a full lookover at the hospital. I'm back home now, about to take my dog to the vet just to get a clean bill of health on her because she wasn't bitten at all but I'd still rather she be seen.
I'm just really tired of today and wished I hadn't woken up tbh
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grugspro · 1 year ago
i need some advice, my cat is supposed to get a rabies shot but idk if he really needs it, hes ~14 years old and doesnt go outside but even if somehow he got into a fight with a rabid animal i doubt hed survive the fight to catch rabies, i also dont want to stress him with taking him to the vet and dont know if i can afford to take him
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recurringzombiedreams · 5 months ago
I have had vivid nightmares every damn night since my ex broke up with me about ten months ago (You get used to it tbh) but last night’s fully rattled me.
I dreamed that there were a few cats outside the house that I lived in when I was a kid (None of my dreams ever take place where I am currently living, even though I have lived here for six or seven years) and I really wanted to catch them because, well, I’m me. According to me, cats don’t belong outside. But they just kept multiplying. I’d scoop up a couple cats and look outside and there’d be more, but I wanted to get all of them. There was one in particular, whose markings reminded me of like, idk, a grey ocelot? A snowy leopard? So I’d see him and run outside to get him, but always miss. But anyway. That was frustrating, but not where the real nightmare kicked in.
At one point, I scooped up a little orange and white kitten. My family (By the way, my mom and dad are still together and living in that house in every single one of my dreams, despite having been divorced and separated for a decade irl) loved this little boy, but he was sickly. We brought him to the vet and he had a couple deficiencies, and, oh yeah, tested positive for rabies (Though I did some research and he actually showed NONE of the symptoms).
Now, if you aren’t familiar, there are two things you need to know about rabies:
1. An animal that has tested positive for rabies or is suspected of having rabies needs to immediately be put down and beheaded. The head is then sent to a lab for testing. Something about brain matter, I think.
2. Anyone who has been bitten or scratched by that animal needs to get rabies shots. You need at least four or five for your first visit, and several more for your second visit. They are all very painful. You HAVE to get these shots before you start showing symptoms. If you start showing symptoms, you’re gone. In short, you go crazy and dehydrate to death. It’s really horrific.
We were all exposed to this kitten’s saliva because kittens are playful and mouthy, meaning that we were all exposed to rabies. But I knew my parents were both going to brush it off because they wanted to avoid the pain of the rabies shots. I wanted the shots, but I would have to get one of them to drive me to a clinic that would give me them, but I knew my parents wouldn’t do that because of their own opinions on it.
So long story short, because these dreams are so vivid, I woke up knowing for certain that me and my parents were all going to die from rabies. I fell asleep and woke up several times after this dream, so I spent like two hours convinced that I was doomed to go nuts and die of thirst.
Even a day later, it’s fucking me up… I know the little kitten isn’t real and that I don’t have rabies (By the way, why am I so concerned that *I* have rabies and not either of my parents now that I’m awake???) but I’m still completely paranoid and I know I will be for quite some time
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clio-just-clio · 1 year ago
Part 2:
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a couple weeks passed with ballfondler as my new owner, and they were the best of my life. he was super nice- he'd buy me all the coffee, cheetos, and chicken i could ever want, i could go anywhere or do anything i wanted; play houseflipper, blackjack, go to the gym to listen to my workout playlist, sometimes even visit my brother and get baseballs thrown at me like old times. all he ever asked from me in return was that i ||rats rats we are the rats celebrating yet another birthday bash||, which really isnt so bad. "jerma," ballfondler asked one day. i pushed my soft brown hair away from my eyes shyly before responding. "yes, sir?" i say shly brushing my hair to the side. "i think it's time we took you to the vet to update your bi weekly rabies shots." he said. i squealed in glee, as despite my chronic rabies, my stupid junkie mom never took me to the doctor. she was always too busy watching reruns of MASH and doing cheap meth. "oh my gosh, ballfondler, thank you!" i said, standing up and almost hugging him in joy. the next day, he dropped me off at the clinic. "i think you can handle this one yourself, princess." i nodded enthusiastically and waved goodbye as ballfondler drove off to do whatever it is he does. i really appreciate how mature he thinks i am, even at just 38 years old. i adjusted my outfit before i walked in; today i was wearing my favorite knight wing shit and a pair of super cool basket ball shorts, paired with my favorite pair of [COLOR] shoes.
my hair was simple, just combed back to stay out of my way, though i let a few chocolate strands fall down to complement my shy, glimmering eyes. i walked into the vets office and took a seat in the waiting room. a moment later, the door opened, and a deep, confident voice called my name, "Jeremy Massachusetts 1985?" it said, cooly. i looked up, and made eye contact with... him. the most gorgeous man id ever seen. he was tall, with long, beautiful hair, riding a bike down the office halls, and didn't look over the age of 45 despite me being inexplicably able to tell he was at least 60.
"hey," he said, "wanna eat bugs together?"
he was perfect.
what will ballfondler think? who is handsome bug eating doctor? tune in whenever next my mental fortitude takes a turn for the worse. liek an cmmnt 4 moar no flms plzzz]
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@detectivehole , unprompted, at 4 am
"Jeremy Massachusetts 1985, get your ass downstairs right fucking now!" my mom yelled at me, early one morning. she's a real bitch when she's off her ketamine. that's my name, by the way, but everyone just calls me Jerma985. im 38 years old, highschool senior, with mid length chestnut brown hair and cerulean blue orbs. im kinda plain looking, but i think i'm passably pretty i guess. nothing like the other girls at school... like ludwig- he always gets all the boys. whatever. "coming, mom!" i shout down in an annoyed tone. i throw on a quick, sporty cute outfit; white tank top, blue shorts, white cartoon gloves, and black sneakers. i sweep my silky locks away from my face, and try to smile in my vanity mirror. it doesn't reach my eyes. "goodbye, michael. im off for another horrible day at Twitch High..." i say to my pet rat as i grab my backpack and baseball club gear and head for breakfast. when i get downstairs, i don't see any food. "mom," i ask, "what's going on?" she puts down her four cigarettes and glares at me with her burning, furious globes. "i ran out of money for drugs- even the cheap shit like pank paint to huff- so im selling you for crack money." "what?!" i yell, feeling like i've just been run through a meat grinder. "that's right. you new owner is outside right now. grab your shit and get the fuck outta here, you psycho." she says, fishing out a heroin needle. i turn away, holding back tears, and head for the door to accept my new fate- when i open it, i expect to be greeted by some freak who's going to just use me to farm content, but that's not the case. in front of me is my new owner, and he is...
"hey" he intones handsomely, "how many baseballs can you fit up your ass?"
...the one and only ballfondler!!!
like for part two of my jerma fanfiction]
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