#I swear I've planned out more than just their first meeting I'm just excited about playing with their interactions
sunnwalker · 8 months
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She doesn't know his real name why would she.
I know what I said about drawing Tim again but these are actually going towards something that means so much more to me so it's fine i just feel like a liar
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sumicchin · 3 months
❃ a windbreaker (satori nii) reader insert.
Rumor has it that a violent ghost has been plaguing the streets of Makochi. (2.6k words)
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content warnings: female reader, mentions of prostitution, let's pretend nothing bad happens after roppo ichiza arc, original characters, swearing, it gets wholesome i swear
"Are you ready to go now, dear?" I feel my caretaker's hands touch my shoulders, light and caring. In front of me was my reflection in the mirror, clad in a white kimono and flower pieces adorning my hair. In the 16 years I've lived, this is the first time I saw myself all dressed up.
It's unfortunate that it had to be for an undesirable occasion.
I let out a small hum, face somber. Hayami, my caretaker since being born into this world, snakes her arms around me while I remain quiet. "If you're worried about us, then there's no need to. We have everything under control," I hear her mutter on my ear. She grasps my shoulders, giving me an earnest smile, "I trust that, you look out for your own."
"You deserve to live an earnest and free life, child."
Footsteps soon pollute the room as men clad in black arrive to escort me. I was to wait in a room alone, soon to meet my 'husband'.
"I wish you all the best. Farewell, my dear."
My head hung low as I followed them to the banquet hall as was discussed to us a few days ago.
"He'll arrive in a few minutes, stay put."
Unbeknownst to them, we had no plans of actually going through the ceremony.
As soon as the footsteps disappeared, I immediately dashed towards the back exit of the room. Having lived in this shrine for all my life made me aware of the secret passages around, and I wouldn't dare want to know why those were around.
The passage leads to the nearby river where a boat near the docks was placed by Hayami. I rushed towards it, not looking back.
I paddled fast, my mind in a haze, thinking of what could have become of everyone after knowing I escaped.
I can't let their sacrifice go to waste...
Hours passed, my arms tired from paddling nonstop as I couldn't waste a single moment. I just know that they're hot on my trail, I couldn't risk stopping.
Clouds started forming, and soon waves started accumulating. Just my luck.
We didn't anticipate a huge storm today. All I could do is hold my breath as I see a huge wave coming towards my boat.
Images of Hayami's smile before I was escorted flooded my mind.
It was a rainy day in the neighborhood, but that didn't stop the boys of Bofurin to patrol the town.
The representative first years, except Sugishita who decided to help Umemiya with his saplings, all brought their umbrellas as they walk around town while talking about the most mundane things.
"Who in the hell would even go out in this weather," Sakura groans. As much as he wanted to do something exciting (street brawl, for example), the weather warrants a day for rest.
"We just need to do one more round and we can call it a day," Nirei says with a huff. "I really wanted to take notes about the stuff you guys said earlier, but I don't want to risk getting my notebook wet."
"That would cause great trouble for you, Nirei," Suo agrees. He himself has been quiet the whole trip, too absorbed in the rain's ambience. The five of them have been walking around town for a good hour now, with nothing out of the sort. The most exciting part of the endeavor was probably Kiryu almost breaking Tsugeura's neck after the tall lad sneezed in front of him, Suo thinks.
"If we aren't gonna do something fun, then let's at least talk about something interesting while we finish up!" Tsugeura exclaims. Kiryu on his phone doesn't bother to look up at said buff male, "At least talk about something other than your protein shakes and virtues."
"I agree with Kiryu," Suo says with a hint of distaste.
Tsugeoka laughs, "I'll save those for another day! Right now, I'm feeling pumped to hear scary stories! Doesn't the rainy weather feel gloomy and stuff? Perfect vibe!"
"But didn't you say you're scared shitless of ghosts? You're just gonna make yourself piss," Sakura scoffs.
Tsugeura moves past his group and blocks their path with a determined face, "You guys gotta hear me out for this one!!! My friends from the other street have been talking about this 'White Lady' recently, and apparently, they spotted it just earlier!" He shudders visibly.
Kiryu looks at him disinterested, "Wasn't there a similar incident at the rooftop? It was only a black cloth all along."
"You should stop scaring yourself, Tsugeura. It's bad for the heart," Suo laughs, however, the boy next to him is visibly bothered by the story.
"So it is real...!" Nirei, with bloodshot eyes, starts shaking uncontrollably.
"What's real? And why are you shaking?!" Sakura exclaims. The blonde looks at his peers, face pale as he recalls the rumors, "It's said that the ghost had long hair and was wearing a white kimono. Get close to it and it'll attack, they say!"
A manly scream erupts out of Tsugeura.
"And since it's a ghost, you can't fight back!!! Four men apparently were injured ever since the sightings started!"
Another scream erupts from Tsugeura.
Suo's eyes lit up upon hearing the four men mention, "Oh, you meant the wanted traffickers in the red light district? The Roppo Ichiza would be glad to hear about that."
"At least the women can be at ease now. This ghost might be of help to us," Kiryu adds.
The other three boys in the group all just stared at each other for a moment, but Sakura's interest was piqued as soon as he heard 'fight'. The ghost must be tough to beat up four grown men!
Suo hums with concern, "How did the men come across the ghost anyway?"
"Apparently, if you hear the clanks of wooden sandals—"
Clank. Clank.
"Exactly like that one, it's a telltale sign that the ghost is nearby."
Nirei's train of thoughts stop as he looks towards where his group is gazing at.
Long hair with a white kimono.
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Nirei and Tsugeura cry as they hug each other.
"Well, if it isn't the star of the show," Suo says, eyes wide at what he's seeing.
Sakura and Kiryu look at the figure with curiosity, seemingly wanting to approach it.
"Can we be sure that this isn't a real person," Kiryu trails, "That looks awfully...real."
Sakura steps forward, "Only one way to find out."
Apparently, I survived that storm.
The weather remains gloomy like before, and I assume it's around midnight.
My body feels heavy, my mind is fuzzy, but I had to ignore these and get moving.
I walked until I saw signs of civilization. I was never allowed to go outside of the shrine other than the market, so all I could rely on right now was my intuition and fists.
All the shops were closed, but the street lamps were all lit—they looked beautiful. If I weren't running for my life, I would've basked in this moment for a bit longer.
I needed to get some sustenance and shelter soon, my body has been giving me signs of malfunction.
I walked around a corner and was greeted by four armed men, all huddled together smoking cigarettes.
"That new catch you got is pretty experienced. Exactly the boss' type," I hear one of them say with the rest of the men laughing, saying more vulgar and inappropriate acts.
The mainland has it worse than I thought.
The group of men drop their cigarettes upon looking at the glowing machine in their hands. Apparently, it's past midnight by 10 minutes. Hayami would get angry at me if she knew I stayed up this late.
"Break's over. Let's head back to the bar," a hooded figure says and soon the three other men follow. They walk in my direction and noticed my presence, immediately turning their attention towards me.
"Oh, you there, pretty lady. You tryna catch some guys around this time of the night?"
They laugh.
I just kept walking, ignoring their catcalling. As soon as our paths cross, one of the men grabs my arm and flings me towards them.
His other hand grabs my chin and lifts my face, almost as if inspecting it. A pleased hum erupts from his nicotine reeking face.
"You could make for a fine prostitute."
With all my remaining energy, I send a kick to his abdomen, the man falling to the ground as he clutched his stomach.
"What the—hey! Get this bitch tied up!" All three men charge at me, but they all crumble like a tower of cards.
Four piles of unconscious bodies around me.
I heard a woman scream as she runs away, dropping the bag she's carrying from panic.
The people back at the shrine would shun me for stealing, but I'm too starved to think straight. Rummaging through the bag, I come across some leftovers. I nabbed the food and went back to the unconscious bodies, searching for anything useful.
A few coins that can hopefully buy bread or water.
My kimono feels too heavy from all the moisture, but I'd rather endure it than wear clothing that smells like smoke and alcohol.
I ran away as soon as I looted whatever's useful, searching for a place to hide and rest.
Hopefully, tomorrow treats me better.
"Don't do it, Sakura!" Nirei frets, finger pointing at the white figure. "Who knows what that ghost will do to you!"
"I'm not buying the ghost crap, if I get a hold of that thing, then it ain't a ghost!" Sakura exclaims as he approached the finger, dropping his umbrella in the progress.
"Ah Sakura, didn't you just recover from a cold?" Suo says as he picks up the boy's forgotten umbrella.
"I won't be able to fight with one hand."
'That's cringe,' Kiryu grimaces.
Tsugeura, trembling profusely, can only bid his captain all the luck in the world. "I can't watch this!!!"
"So, you're the ghost everyone's been talking about."
He doesn't get a response.
"Those four men aren't part of our territory, but I can't let you running around our town free," Sakura clenches his fist and runs towards the figure. He strikes a fast punch, only for the figure to step aside and appear behind him. He goes for a kick, but the ghost avoided him once more. This goes on for a while, Sakura barraging the ghost with powerful punches and swift kicks, only for naught.
"Why aren't you fighting back?!"
"Maybe it's because it is a ghost!" Suo replies playfully.
Tsugeura, pale as paper, could only look through his fingers, "Tell me when it's all over!"
"Suo, Kiryu, don't you guys think you could help out Sakura? This is getting nowhere!" Nirei says.
"I want to but, I don't really want to get my clothes wet," Kiryu nonchalantly says, "Plus it's fun to watch from here."
"Same here." Suo chirps.
"Why are you guys so chill about this?! There's some paranormal activity going around and you guys are just treating this like it's some circus act—"
A loud thunk was heard, the boys turned their heads over to Sakura who was now on the floor. While the boys were engaging in playful banter, Sakura was suddenly hit by a powerful kick to the back of his head. The force of it almost resembles Togame's punch, he thinks.
The rest of the boys come to his aid, with Nirei acting as his clutch as he catches his breath.
Sakura heaves, "That's no ghost, it's human just like us."
"Fuck, I thought I could handle it myself, but I'll be needing your guy's help. The only objective right now is to capture that thing so it doesn't cause trouble for the town." He's not exactly sure if he's supposed to make a villain out of the mysterious person, but it's better safe than sorry. Before his face got plummeted to the ground, he swore to himself that he was able to clutch the figure's right ankle, cold to the touch.
Everyone nods in agreement, understanding the assignment. By this point, their umbrellas all dance on the floor as they prepare to catch their target.
"I'll overcome my fear for the townspeople's sake!" Tsugeura roars, taking his stance.
He charges towards the figure and tries to go in for a grab, but he ends up catching air.
Suo and Kiryu now taking the whole situation seriously follow suit and try to get near the figure with haste. Kiryu tries to corner the figure, but it starts to use the wall as leverage and makes a run to escape. Suo notices this and was able to predict the person's landing, only for his shoulder to be stepped on.
Their target soon makes its escape, not even allowing the boys to regain their composure.
Nirei, who was watching by the sidelines, was able to discern which direction the figure went and relayed this information to his Bofurin peers. They decided to assimilate it in their group chat as well to make the task easier.
Highschoolers hunting for a 'ghost' in the middle of a downpour made headlines that day.
The students of Bofurin all get word of the hunt. Needless to say, everyone was joining for the hell of it.
"So you're telling me, this ghost is not actually a ghost?" Umemiya says, slightly disappointed. His hope of meeting the occult, shattered. Everyone sweats a drop at their leader's statement, except Sugishita who reflected the same feeling of disappointment. Students who were available that day all gathered at Furin's rooftop, to which the crops and seedlings all glistened at having been watered by mother nature. All grade captains and the four kings were present, indicating the severity of the situation.
Or that they didn't really have anything going on for the day.
"Anything else we need to know about the target?" Hiragi asks the first year boys, to which Nirei perks up.
"U-uhm, I was watching the whole time so I think I got a good look at them. Other than the long hair and tattered white kimono, height-wise I think they're about my size," he nervously says, flipping pages of his notebook. "Sakura also said that the skin was cold as ice due to being exposed to the rain for days. I don't think the target could've gone far after our encounter with it since they might've been suffering from hypothermia by now!"
'So he was jotting down details the entire time...how diligent,' Suo thought to himself, acting like a proud father.
Everyone takes in the information and is about to head downstairs until Kiryuu's voice reaches everyone, halting their steps. "I don't want to get ahead of myself, but are we sure the target isn't a girl or something? I mean, I know a girl when I see one. Don't you agree, Suo?"
Leonardo DiCaprio nodded his head with a smile, "I thought so as well, but I was afraid Sakura would hold back once he heard about it."
Cueu steam coming out of said boy's ears.
"If that's the case, then let's proceed with caution everyone! Don't act like savages if you come across the girl," Tsubaki suggests with Umeyama agreeing. "Make sure to keep communication open once she's on sight so that everyone can close down the area."
Needless to say, Tsubaki was worried ever since Kiryuu and Suo suggested that they were to capture a girl.
"Are y'all done with the chitchat? If we don't move our asses then we can kiss goodbye to the whole thing," Kaji interrupts, already looking impatient and raring to go.
"Welp, you heard the man. Bofurin, roll out!"
winbre brainrot real ;-;
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opalescentdreemscape · 5 months
Part 3 of COD men in Stardew Valley, presenting... *drumroll* ... Johnny MacTavish!
Johnny moves to town in the middle of summer, after getting invited to dinner and drinks a few times by Kent. What little he had seen of the quaint place had been more than enough for him to know that it'd be a welcome change to his usual fast-paced environments. (Y'see, he's got this thing about fast motorbikes that he just can't seem to get away from...)
He moves into town one lovely Friday morning with a clang and a bang and the entire town wondering what just hit them, and they find out pretty dang quick. Johnny is fast to introduce himself to everyone and faster to make a few friends, like Shane, who admires his ability to drink and play a mean game of pool, and Sebastian, who can't help but enjoy Johnny's self-deprecating humor and shared love of motorcycles. He livens up the bar, being nearly too rowdy most nights but only just toeing the line, and really, with all the laughter he spreads around, no one is particularly peeved by his raucous ways.
Johnny, at first, doesn't think too much of the farmer. "Aye, farmin' is a good way to pass time, but it sounds awful boring, don't it?" He chuckles to them when they meet, accepting the basket of cheesy jalapeño poppers they hand him with a smile. "No offense intended, o'course. Jus' sounds a wee bit too slow of a lifestyle for my likin'."
"Oh yeah? Try this on for size: I spent all day yesterday using bombs to clear out gems and coal and stone and all sorts of other crap just so I could plants more watermelons on the south-west portion of my land. I also spent time just this weekend in the mines fighting monsters so I could get the materials I needed to start breeding slimes next season. Still sound boring?" Johnny has to admit that some of what they do *does* sound a smidge less boring than expected, and the conversation continues with a new thought brewing in his mind. All that land the farmer doesn't know what to do with, and it isn't like there's much going on in town according to the calendar... He approaches the farmer next morning, having given it all of an hours' thought and knowing he won't be able to rest until he puts his plan into motion.
"I don't know, Johnny, I'm pretty busy right now, and I'm not sure my farm has the space with all the crops I'm working on..."
"Oh c'mon, please? Jus' let us borrow some o' your land once a month or so, I'll be sure we dinnae leave a trace afterwards, be spic and span clean for ya, I promise!" He's barely even told the farmer what exactly it is he plans on doing yet, but with those big blue eyes staring them down like some sad puppy, how could they say no? Pretty easily, actually.
"No. But- hold on, before you go giving me the next saddest look I've ever seen, I've got a better idea. Have you seen the quarry yet?" Johnny admits that he hasn't, so you take him up on the rails, and he gets so excited upon seeing all the open space up there that he lifts the farmer in his arms for a moment before getting to work. The farmer, out of curiousity and nothing more (definitely nothing more), decides to help him clear things out for his project. The two of them break up all the rocks and compare homebrew bomb recipes while they're at it, and then have a contest for who can clear the most trees (Johnny swears the farmer won but they claim it was an even match.) They both take turns preparing the ground by pouring some big concrete slabs and then placing down beautiful wooden boards on the settled foundation, courtesy of all those trees that were chopped, creating a massive open floor space.
It takes 2 weeks between their regular duties and Johnny's other preparations, but the both of them finally finish setting the quarry up right as winter starts.
"It's no fair, we wen' and got everythin' nice and prettied up just for the weather to take a shite. Real nice." Johnny gripes and groans the whole day about it, lamenting the poor timing of it all, but decides to spend the winter staging the next part of his idea: getting people to show up. He decides the real affair will happen on the first good-weather Friday the coming spring, so obviously he needs to convince as many people from town as possible to show up before then.
He starts with the farmer, of course, then has a meeting with Gus and Lewis. Gus agrees to cater the event, and Lewis agrees that it would be a wholesome event to invite the town to, so he'll see about making an official notice to everyone. Next is Clint, to help with some decorations ("I've never made this kind of thing before, Johnny, but I guess I could try it." Clint is unsure at first, since he only usually makes tools and weapons, but really, how hard could it be to learn glassmaking? Very hard, he finds out, and he gripes to Johnny later that he's lucky he had so much time to figure it out before the event.) And finally, Emily and Haley for more decorations and activity ideas. By the time spring arrives, the entire town is buzzing about what Johnny has planned for them, with almost everyone having a part to play in setting it up and no one actually knowing what it is yet, or even where he's hosting it. ("Surely it won't be in his little cottage. Maybe the farmer's land, since they've been helping him this whole time?" "No, I just saw their fields, there's no space for a big gathering there.")
The day comes. It's the first Friday (man, Johnny really has a thing for starting the weekend right), the first warm, lovely Friday of the season. Poor Johnny has been on edge all week as he sets up all the final preparations and triple-checks that everything is going exactly as planned. The floor is set, the decorations are in place, everything is spic and span and cleaned and moved around, and the farmer nearly has to force Johnny to take breaks for food and drinks because he's so manic about the whole thing. The time finally arrives at 7 o'clock on the dot, with Johnny heading up to the quarry and the farmer meeting the attendees by the bus.
"Alrighty folks, are we ready to have one of the best parties I've ever had the pleasure to help host?" The farmer greets everyone they see, and the townsfolk all pause in confusion when, instead of hopping onto the bus, the farmer starts herding them in two's and three's to the minecart.
"Don't worry, everyone, Johnny has this planned out to a tee. Tonight is gonna be amazing!" The farmer encourages them all as they go, and half an hour later takes the cart to the quarry themselves to see what all the fuss Johnny has been making is about.
Well, they certainly aren't disappointed. The quarry entrance is covered in a gazebo-like structure, with colorful fairy lights and decorated woodworks obscuring the view to the rest of the quarry. Stepping out, they see the main space has been completely transformed from what it was. A massive dance floor takes up the main space, with several tables, speakers, chairs, and even a stage surrounding it. Fairy lights of all colors are strewn about, along with streamers, banners, flowers, and even a photo booth manned by Haley, who smiles at the line already forming in front of her. Gus and Linus are manning two grills near a few of the tables, which are already laden down with tons of snacks and plates. Emily is dancing by herself on a corner of the floor, and Robin and Demetrius are in another corner dancing together. Everywhere the farmer looks, there are people from their town, their *home*, having a good time and looking as happy as can be, and the smile they give Johnny is brighter than the sun as they think of it.
"Well? Whaddaya think? Is it too much?" Johnny sidles up next to the farmer, looking pleased with himself. It's really no wonder that they drag him onto the dance floor and start having a good time right then, and no one is surprised when Johnny and Linus and even Sam take turns leading group dances, or when Pam spikes the punch bowl, or even when Johnny kisses the farmer later that night during a slow song. Everyone files home after, still giggling with warm cheeks and tired feet, and Johnny walks the farmer to their doorstep after to make sure they got home safe. Definitely no other reasons, and there definitely wasn't any kissing involved.
Definitely not.
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kissorkill16 · 2 days
Another Dork: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
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Summary: Nicky meets the Inventor's Club.
Enzo, Maritza, and Ivan sat together at lunch, and Ivan was going on and on about how he thinks he's discovered a new element during Science Class.
"Ivan, I don't think there's anymore elements left to be discovered.", said Enzo, but Ivan shook his head. "But how will you know if you never experiment?!", he kept saying in his friend's face.
Meanwhile, Maritza was trying to drown them out. Her attention went to a boy sitting under a tree, eating a sandwich and something that looked like homemade granola.
"Who's that?", asked her brother, sounding desperate to change the subject so Ivan would stop talking about his new discovery. Maritza shrugged.
"How the hell am I supposed to know? I've known him just as long as you have, which is like a nanosecond.", said Maritza.
In the blink of an eye, Ivan was already on his way to greet the boy. The boy was just about to throw away his paper bag when Ivan jumped to him, making him yelp and fall backwards.
Ivan nervously giggled.
He lent his hand to help the boy up.
"Sorry, I got a little excited.", said Ivan. "How come I don't know you?"
The boy crumbled his paper bag and threw it in the trash, "I'm new here.", he said.
"Oh! New student! Awesome!", said Ivan, jumping up and down. It was at that moment that Enzo and Maritza finally caught up to him. Enzo put a hand on his shoulder.
"I apologize for my friend. He likes meeting new people, because he thinks they're human experiments.", he said. "I mean, you are a human, but not an experiment."
The boy's eyes widened, and he smiled nervously and nodded, trying not to look bothered. "Yay...", he said.
Maritza put her arm around the boy's shoulder, leading him back to their table. "You want to sit with us? I promise it's more comfortable than sitting under a tree."
The four kids went back to their table, and Ivan didn't take his eyes off the new kid for a second.
"So what's your name?", he asked the boy.
"Nicky.", said the boy.
"Is that short for something?", asked Enzo.
"Yeah...", replied Nicky. "Nicholas. I don't really like that name, so you guys can just call me Nicky...Nick works too."
Maritza rolled her eyes, "Well Nicky, before we go any further, I have to ask you...are you a nerd?"
Nicky was confused. "What?"
"I've been sitting with these eggheads ever since the beginning of school.", she said, pointing to Enzo and Ivan. "These guys bore the hell out of me and I just want to know whether or not you're a nerd like them."
Enzo put his hand up, stopping Maritza from talking. "What my sister means is...", he started, "What're you interested in? Do you have any hobbies or favorite things to do? Regardless if you're a nerd or not.", he said, saying the last bit while staring at Maritza.
Nicky looked down at his lap, trying to contain himself. He was just so excited. This is the first time anyone has ever tried to get to know him, mostly because he's never had friends before. Maybe these guys would be his first real friends.
"Well...", he started off with, "I'm really interested in locks. Specifically, lockpicking. It's become a hobby of mine ever since I moved here. I bought it off some kid with my allowance last summer and I've been trying to see how each one works. It's really easy! My personal favorite is..."
As Nicky droned on, the kids tried their best to listen to what he was saying, but they couldn't help but think that he was just a little too...boring.
Sure, Enzo and Ivan were the biggest nerds in the school, and anything they talked about could put even the teachers to sleep. But they felt like Nicky would definitely win in a boring contest.
"But I'm also really fascinated by aliens! No one else believes they're real, but I promise you, I swear I saw one last night. It could've been a dream, but I'm convinced that it wasn't. I plan to become a secret alien double agent as soon as I graduate high school just so I can prove they're in fact, real.", he said. Then his eyes lit up, "Or maybe I'll be an engineer!"
Maritza was really regretting inviting him to sit with them.
"Great. Another nerd.", she thought.
Ivan immediately jumped up in excitement when Nicky said that. "You're into engineering?", he asked. Nicky nodded, thinking that Ivan was kind of cute when he got excited like that.
"ME TOO!", he squealed. "Oh I can tell you and I are going to get along just great!"
Nicky turned to look at Maritza, "So what do you think? Am I a nerd to you?", he asked.
Maritza tapped her chin, "Well...kind of. When you said you were into engineering, my mind immediately thought you were a nerd. But you do like aliens and lockpicking, despite it being a weird ass hobby."
Nicky shamefully looked down at his lap.
"But I wouldn't call you a nerd.", said Maritza. "I'd say you're more of a dork."
The boy looked up at Maritza and smiled, "I'll take it.", he said. "By the way, I didn't get any of your names."
Ivan's eyes widened, "Oh! Where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself.", he said. He took Nicky's hand and shook it with a little too much force. "I'm Ivan Torre, greetings and salutations."
Enzo rolled his eyes, but he shook Nicky's hand with a little less force. "Enzo Esposito."
Maritza didn't even bother shaking Nicky's hand, she just looked at Nicky and said "Maritza Esposito. Enzo's sister, not by choice."
Enzo rolled his eyes.
"What're you guys into?"
Enzo began, "Well, I really like -"
"Me first!", said Maritza. "I enjoy sports. Specifically, soccer. I originally wanted to play baseball, but my parents said soccer seemed like the cheapest sport."
"And as you already know, I'm into engineering. I spend my time building machines and trying to convince Enzo that it's possible that there are still more things in the world to be discovered.", said Ivan.
Enzo rolled his eyes once more, "Yeah. Well, I'm into video games and reading books. I tried basketball for a while, but it wasn't really my style. I do enjoy engineering sometimes though."
Nicky smiled as they all shared their interests. He was a little bit embarrassed that not all of them had something in common with him, except for Ivan who loved engineering, but he was glad he was trying to start a conversation with people his age.
However, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the boy who'd been staring at him the entire time he ate his lunch. He was still staring at him.
Nicky wondered why. But even if he wanted to know why, he wished he'd stop.
"Don't mind him.", said Enzo, putting a hand on Nicky's shoulder. "He just has a staring problem, nothing to worry about. Either try not to make eye contact with him, or just pretend he's not there."
"Who is he anyway?", asked Nicky.
"One of the Peterson kids.", said Maritza. "His name's Aaron, and he's the brother and son of Mya, Diane, and Theodore Peterson. Mr. Peterson is a world renowned theme park designer who moved here last year along with his wife and kids. His kids being Mya and...", Maritza finished her sentence by pointing at Aaron.
"Just try to stay out of his way.", said Ivan.
Nicky nodded.
After the bell, Nicky was just walking out of the school when he caught a glimpse of Ivan talking to someone. He saw the same rude girl scout who tried to sell him cookies at lunch in front of him.
They were talking to each other like they were friends or something.
Maybe they were friends.
Maybe Ivan was talking about him with this girl scout, and she was regretting being such a mean girl to him. But as he looked closer, he noticed that as Ivan talked to her, she was laughing. Matter of fact, they were both laughing.
"Seriously?!", said the girl scout, laughing in between sentences. "Oh my God! What a dork!"
Ivan was still trying to catch his breath, "Finch, don't say that! He might hear you!", he said, putting a hand on her shoulder and clutching his chest.
Nicky stared at him in shock. Was the one person he actually shared an interest with seriously gossiping about him to the same girl who was a total bitch to him?
Ivan turned around to see Nicky staring at them, he waved to him looking all innocent. "Hey, Nicky!", he said.
But Nicky was already turned around and he walked away. He decided not to interact with him or the rest of his friends for a while, he figured they were probably gossiping about him too.
Instead, he hid behind a tree to stare at the same kid who'd been staring at him all day.
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kitashousewife · 2 years
snowed in
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an: i have been so excited for this one!!!! i love ennoshita he is so handsome and beautiful to me heehee
pairings: timeskip!ennoshita x fem!reader
warnings: reader is also in school with ennoshita, just not taking PT classes, one bed trope, friends to lovers ish (more classmates to lovers), mentions of food and eating, lots of fluff!!!! lowercase intentional
ennoshita is your favorite classmate this semester. the history class the two of you are in is tough, stressing you out more than you had planned. thankfully he's incredibly knowledgeable, helpful, supportive, and kind. he's always helped you when you needed it, even answering your very late-night texts to help you with an assignment.
that's why you couldn't refuse his offer to work on your group project this weekend. you may owe him, but he's also very handsome, so you couldn't say no.
besides, how hard could the assignment be?
"how's your section coming along?" ennoshita asks from behind his laptop, words laced with a little bit of nervousness. the two of you decided to work at his place, a very old but cozy home that he shares with narita and kinoshita. it may look a little beat up, but it's relaxing, cozy, and has much faster internet than your apartment.
"it's...going!" you give him a weak, very tired smile. you have your workstation set up at his kitchen table, and ennoshita is sprawled out on the living room floor. he groans and rolls onto his back.
"i mean, if we would have done the project right the first time, we would probably be finished by now."
you sigh. "it's not our fault that the assignment was worded like that!" unfortunately, you both read the instructions wrong. after hour three, enoshita realized the grave mistake, meaning it's been about six hours of work.
"i'm almost done, thank god," he mumbles, rubbing his eyes before looking over at you. ennoshita is also quite glad that you decided to come over today. he's sure that you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen. but, between pt classes, his part-time job at the clinic, and his other classes, he just hasn't found the time to ask you out.
narita told him that he's making excuses, but ennoshita swears he isn't.
"i think i'm about done, too. do you want to send me your part?" ennoshita hums, and a few seconds later an email enters your inbox.
he stands up with a stretch, hands placed on his lower back with a wince. he feels a little bummed if he's being honest. now that the project is done, you're free to go home.
"h-hey, are you hungry?"
you look up from your screen with a small smile. "a little, but it's okay! don't worry about it,"
he shakes his head. "it's the least i can do! you drove here, and you're editing my work, which is deserving of an entire three-course meal," he smiles as you let out a laugh. "unfortunately, since my roommates already left for break, i don't have much food. is take out fine?"
your eyes skim over the last section before you save and shut your laptop. "i don't mind, ennoshita! i can't be too picky since you so graciously offered."
"chikara," he corrects with a grin. "and okay. i'll order from my favorite place, i promise you'll love it."
while waiting for the food, the two of you clean up a bit before sitting in the living room, getting to know each other. you share a bit about your friends and family, plus your current job. ennoshita laughs when you gripe about your stupid boss and co-workers. he also takes his turn, sharing his love for volleyball and sports, even telling you about the rec team he plays with a couple of times a week. you learn that he's currently working a few hours a week at a nearby physical therapy clinic, which you can tell he loves by the smile on his face.
"and you mentioned roommates, how did you meet them?" you ask from the opposite end of the couch. you almost wish the couch was just a bit smaller so that you would have no choice but to get a little closer. the smell of his cologne is intoxicating.
"i've known them for years. we played volleyball together in high school," he starts, motioning towards a picture frame that hangs on the wall near the tv. "when i found this place, it was perfect. rent was a little high, but thankfully they wanted a change of scenery and decided to move in to help with the cost. they're really awesome guys," he laughs a little, shaking his head. his mouth opens to continue, but a few knocks on his front door grab you two's attention.
"oh! must be our dinner," ennoshita walks towards the door, and checks the peep hole before opening it.
"oh my god."
"is everything okay? was the order wrong?" you try and peak around the corner, but it's no use.
"have you looked outside at all?" his previously light and joyful voice is now filled with worry and concern. you quickly shuffle to the front door, and immediately understand his reaction.
everything is covered in a blanket of fresh, white snow. and by covered, you mean absolutely buried. besides the fresh snow tire tracks down the driveway, you feel like you are in a snow globe. the tires of your car are lost, the road is nowhere to be found, and the very crudely hung christmas lights swinging from the gutters glow dimly through the snow. while it's beautiful, you have absolutely no idea how you can get home.
"let's get in and eat. i'll turn on the news. maybe there's a storm we didn't know about?" ennoshita's warm palm rests on your lower back, lightly pulling you away from the chilly air sneaking in through the front door. he shuts it, hurriedly placing your dinner on the counter before flipping on the news. you open the containers up, dread filling your body as the broadcast plays.
headlines reading freak snow storm and road closures run across the screen, a man who's voice and smile far too cheery for the situation explains the effects citywide, and lists off school closures for the following day.
"that's much more exciting when you're a kid," ennoshita sighs, and walks into the kitchen, grabbing a couple glasses for the two of you.
"you don't happen to have a car that's good in the snow, do you?" your tone is hopeful, but you feel the complete opposite. you know for a fact that your car won't make it home, and with the roads the way they are, your friends wouldn't be able to get you either.
he lets out a nervous laugh before joining you at the counter.
"does a bike count?"
you snort. "as much as i appreciate that, i'm going to have to pass. i'm sure the bus is running! i can always get my car another day."
ennoshita picks up a couple of the containers. "i wouldn't mind walking with you to the bus stop! we can eat on the couch and can walk over when you're ready. no rush!" he smiles. you feel better already. one of your favorite things about him is how he's so calm, so sweet, and caring. without him, you are positive the report from earlier would have never been finished. you smile back at him, before reaching for the last container. his fingers brush yours, pulling away quickly before grabbing your glass of water. the two of you brush it off, but your heart definitely skipped a beat.
you take a seat on the couch, very ready to dig into your food.
"thank you, chikara. this was really sweet of you," you place your hand on his leg, and he about chokes on his dinner. he nods, swallowing his bite. "no problem!"
the two of you eat, the conversation never stopping for long. the two of you chat about school, hopes and dreams, favorite movies, and everything in between.
"that was so good! i can't believe i've never ordered from there," you exclaim, taking ennoshita's trash for him to the kitchen. he laughs.
"i'm sure they know who i am at this point. i'm almost positive i order at least once a week," he scratches the back of his head, slightly embarrassed by his habits. thankfully, you giggle in response giving him a honeyed smile.
"well, i guess it's time to head to the bus sto-"
the two of you turn your attention to the tv, where the same reporter as before informs the two of you that the bus will, in fact, not run until tomorrow.
"you've got to be kidding me," you groan checking your phone to see tons of messages from friends about the snow. "what do i do?"
ennoshita feels selfish. he feels terrible that you're essentially stranded, stuck with someone that you don't know terribly well. his heart sinks when he sees you, lip pushed out into a pout, worry written all over your face. the other part of him feels a little happy.
he wouldn't tell you, but he's very glad that you're stuck with him.
"you're more than welcome to sleep here! i don't mind at all, i'm happy to help. we have tons of extra blankets, and i have an extra phone charger somewhere," he puts his hand on your shoulder tentatively, worried he might scare you. thankfully you don't mind, even leaning into his touch a little.
"are you sure? i feel like i've imposed so much today," you feel your cheeks warm up a little bit. you feel a little excited. if you had to be stuck somewhere, you're glad that you are stuck with ennoshita. even if it does feel like a bad rom com.
"you're not imposing at all! i'm so glad you came today-" he stops himself, worried that he said too much. you look up at him with a shy grin.
"i'm glad i came, too."
ennoshita blushes, a pretty pink that makes his brown eyes stand out. he looks at the clock on the oven, shocked at how late it's gotten.
"you can say no, but if you'd like, you are more than welcome to borrow some of my clothes," he manages to get out, hoping the nervous tone doesn't show too much. he thinks you would look adorable in one of his hoodies, maybe even his sweats. "only if you want to, of course."
"s-sure, thank you so much!" you respond quickly. you want to smack yourself. was that too much?
ennoshita leads you to his room, patting his bed for you to take a seat while he grabs some things for you. he returns from his closet quickly, handing you sweatshirt and sweats.
"if you want a t-shirt, i got plenty of those too. are these okay?" he looks at you, brown eyes full of concern.
"it's perfect, thanks chikara."
the two of you stand in silence for a few seconds, before the two of you speak at the same time.
"d-do you-"
"i'll let-"
the two of you laugh.
"i was just going to ask if i could change somewhere,"
he nods. "the bathroom is just right next to my room. feel free to shower, take a bath, or do whatever you'd like. i even have extra toothbrushes if you want."
you can't help but smile. this is the nicest anyone has treated you in a while.
"you are so sweet. thank you so much."
ennoshita sinks back to his bedroom, changing into sweats and a sweatshirt of his own. he tries to straighten up anything he can before you come back, even fluffing the pillows a little. he feels so nervous and so excited at the same time. the intimacy of having you in his bedroom makes his heart race.
you emerge a few minutes later, and ennoshita has to force himself not to coo at how adorable you look. sweatshirt sleeves hanging a bit past your hands, sweats a little loose on your figure. you look as adorable, if not more than he thought you would.
meanwhile, you feel dizzy. his smell is so perfect, so intoxicating. now you're swimming in it, every sense is consumed by him. you just want to crawl into his lap, wrap your arms around him and fall asleep.
"i would offer one of my roommates beds to you, but i wouldn't sleep in them myself," he explains, grabbing extra blankets from one of the closets. you snort. he turns to look over his shoulder at you, giving you a smile.
"chikara look out!"
a few extra blankets come tumbling off of the shelf and onto his face, and ennoshita is ready to hide. he's embarrassed himself more than enough for one night.
"well, at least that's taken care of," he huffs. you can't help the giggle that sneaks out, which thankfully puts ennoshita at ease.
"the couch is very comfortable, but if you any extra blankets or pillows let me know. my room is-nevermind, you were just there-"
"this is perfect. thank you so much chikara, you're so sweet. you didn't need to do all this for me," you shake your head, setting up your bed. "i'll find you if you need anything, though."
he takes a step backward, putting his hands in his pockets. he's not quite sure what to do. do i hug her? do i just say goodnight? do i walk away?
"goodnight!" he gives a little wave before flicking off the lights and walking down the hall.
"goodnight, chikara!"
you're not sure what time it is when you wake up. it's still dark, the only light pouring in from the street lamp outside, dancing off of the snow that continues to build. you're freezing. even with the few heavy quilts and very cozy clothes, you shiver. patting around your blankets you finally find your phone, which blinks back at you. 3:22 am. you sigh, wrapping the blankets even closer around yourself. you quickly realize your phone hasn't been charging. unplugging and replugging, but nothing changes. moving to a different outlet, but still nothing changes.
the creak of ennoshita's bedroom door catches your attention, along with the call of your name.
"it's freezing, are you alright?" he whispers. you nod, hugging one of the quilts around you.
"just a bit cold is all, but i'm fine!"
you can't help but look at him. chocolate hair a little messy from sleep, sleep shirt hugging tight to his biceps. his fingers fumble with the thermostat for a few seconds, before he covers his face.
"oh no," he murmurs through his hands.
"what? is it broken?"
he shakes his head. "i think we lost power."
your mouth drops open. he rushes into his bedroom, grabbing his phone to call his landlord, who thankfully picks up on the first ring. ennoshita paces back and forth, and a muffled conversation carries through the hallway before he hangs up.
"well, we lost power. my landlord lives a couple doors over and is going to hook up our generator, but it might take him a bit," he rubs his eyes. "you don't have to, but it might be good if we just share my bed for a bit? it's getting cold quick,"
you nod. "i-if you're okay with it,"
he grabs your hand and walks you to his room. "please, the last thing i want is for you to get too cold."
you slide in to his bed, pulling the covers up. his bed is still a bit warm from before he left. you're drowning now, the clean smell of his sheets and the lingering smell of his shampoo envelope your senses. ennoshita slides in next to you, not too close though. he's worried about making you uncomfortable.
a few minutes pass by, but you can't seem to warm up.
"chikara?" you whisper in a small voice in hopes not to wake him up.
you clear your throat. "u-um, you can get closer if you want, i don't mind,"
his brain short circuits.
"are you sure?"
"yeah, i'm sure. i'm still a bit cold actually."
he nods, not that you can see him. he moves closer, bodies only inches away from touching. the heat of his body is nice, helping you to feel a bit more at ease. without thinking, you reach for his arm to pull it over yourself.
you freeze. he freezes.
"i-im sorry i didn't-"
"i c-can move it if you-"
"no," your voice is small. "you can keep it there if you want."
he pauses before relaxing his arm a little, involuntarily pulling you a little closer. he doesn't want to pull you in anymore, because you could probably feel his heart beat.
each second that goes by causes the two of you to relax, and both of you warm up quickly. the warm glow from the christmas lights seeps into the room through his blinds, coating the two of you in a slightly orange haze. the rhythm of your heart lulls him to sleep, breathing becoming steadier. your eyes flutter shut, and your mind races. you haven't felt this comfortable, this warm, and safe in so long.
just as you begin to drift off, the sharp beep of the smoke detector cuts through the air, followed by the rumble of the heater.
"power's on," ennoshita sleepily whispers, pulling you a little closer.
"yeah," you whisper back, lacing your fingers with his.
the two of you fall asleep in each other's embrace, deciding to worry about how everything will play out in the morning. although neither of you figured this would happen, neither of you complain.
thankfully the weather gave the two of you the push you needed, even if it did cause both of you to be snowed in.
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reggies-eyeliner · 1 year
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OPEN 7/14-7/30!!
-> matchups + moodboards + playlists + headcanons! please read all of the rules listed below and pop into my ask box! if you need an idea on what my past matchups look like please check out these links! :DD
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FANDOMS (up to two*):
across the spider-verse*
most animated movies (httyd, bh6, rotg^^)
lockwood & co*
stranger things
avatar: the last airbender
the legend of korra
voltron: legendary defenders
* i've only watched the series so far + i'm about to start the comics/books (and very excited to omg) !! just an fyi that my pairings will most likely revolve more around the characters featured in the series IM SORRY I SWEAR I'LL GET TO THE BOOKS/COMICS ASAP
**exclusively platonic matchups preferred/qpr!
* if you are requesting two fandoms, please tell me which one to prioritize more! the first one will be the full-length, but the second will be around a half of the content in the prioritized fandom.
the classic: submit in matchup information + get paired with (a) romantic partner(s)! in return for the matchup information, you will receive: a 1x3 moodboard, one song + a hefty list of headcanons + a mix-and-match randomized trope explanation! (ex: a blurb about sharing a bed, first time meeting, fake dating confession scene ; ~100 words!)
the platonic machup: platonic matchups (my personal fave MWAHAHA)! you'll get paired with as many characters as you'd like<3!! in return for matchup information, you will receive: a 1x3 moodboard, one song + a hefty list of headcanons + incorrect quotes describing your dynamic between you and your found family/best bro<3
customized schedule: submit what your schedule looks like throughout any day of the week (up to two) + matchup information (platonic or romantic), you will receive: an hourly schedule on what life is like with said character i match you with + the aspects of your life with them! (ex: 8am, wake up by their side + they make you coffee blah blah blah), + a song for each moment of the day to describe your dynamic :D
name + preferred gender(s) to be paired with + preferred age group(s)
preferred fandom (up to two are okay, but please let me know which one you'd like me to focus on more!)
platonic and/or romantic + polycule preference etc + preferred age group!!
you can include your sexuality if you'd like to (only if you want me to touch on the aspect on how your matchup will support you because. yeah<3)
giving + receiving love languages
hobbies, talents, things that make you you (think: if this wasn't in my life, how different would i be?)
mbti/zodiac (optional)
personality, how you handle difficult situations
what consist of a good memory for you
favorite songs + music taste/colors/any kind of aesthetics!!
anything that brings you comfort/anything that doesn't give you comfort (can be about a relationship or just in life :-D)
preferably off anon! i'd love to talk to you more after the matchup submission as well MWAHHAHA<333 if you're planning on being anon, an emoji anon would be p cool so we can chat more!
as i'm also a busy student, i will prioritize school-- if you submit a matchup, please be prepared to have up to anywhere from a 1-14 day wait! i'll send you a message that i got your ask hehe
i will also be mostly inactive writing-wise from 7/18-7/23 as i will be on a trip, so please keep that in mind!
you should totally use a pick up line in my ask box i enjoy pick up lines so much. or one of those "less than one minute" videos on youtube those are the best man
please know that i absolutely love writing and talking to people, but i also have my own limits to what i can/cannot do for people! if you send nsfw content, pedophilia, violence, gore, heavy vents, all that not-so-great-stuff or an ask comes off as rude or demanding, i have all rights to avoid doing it and dismiss it without any warning. ASJCHS JUST be a decent human being in short that's all i'm asking RAHHH
OTHER THAN THAT MAN write as much/little as you'd like!!
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#send a request here! :D
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seospicybin · 2 years
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Felix x reader. (s,f)
Synopsis: When you live in a small island there’s nothing more exciting than meet a new man in town, Felix. It’s getting more peculiarly nostalgic as if you feel like you’ve known him for years.
Preview under the cut!
Felix continues looking at the drawings you put on the wall and doing it so attractively, you get to see his side profile of sharp jaws, a small nose, and lips.
"Your drawings are beautiful!"
His deep voice is enough to get you out of your reverie, you immediately mutter your gratitude, "thanks!"
"You're a great artist!" He praises once again.
It's the way he delivers the praise that got your heart palpitations, "I'm not an artist yet but I got a scholarship to attend an art school this year," you don't want to brag but this kind of opportunity doesn't come often.
"In fact, I'm leaving next month," you add with an excited laugh, still can't believe it yourself.
Felix's gaze turns a shade dimmer like he has just heard something awful, "wow, congratulations!" He says but the excitement isn't there.
"Thank you!" Yet you sincerely thanked him for it.
You remember you haven't asked him his intention on this island, "how about you?"
"Are you here for a vacation or do you plan on staying?" You ask out of curiosity.
"Or do you like my sister's pain au chocolat too much?" You add a joke at the end to not make it seems like you're pressuring him to answer.
He smiles and turns to face you, "I'm staying."
"It seems like that, yeah," he answers.
It's too early to assume that he was sad to know that you'll be leaving soon when he only started living on the island but you can't help it either.
"Well, you'll love it here," you tell him, and deep inside you got inexplicably sad that you only met him now.
You both exchange a gaze that elicits the same emotions, of something tender but sorrowful. How do you even have these sorts of feelings toward someone you know barely hours ago?
It's a mystery but you like how you can comfortably look into his eyes and drown yourself in them.
Felix breaks the eye contact first and asks, "so, where's the wind-chime?"
You slightly got a bit jittery, "it's uhm... it's in the other room," you can't find yourself saying the exact location but leads him there.
You both go back inside the house and turn to the right to enter one of the rooms.
Once he stepped inside, Felix calmly walks up to the window and pushes it open to let the air in.
The wind-chime sways and makes clinking sounds, "yours is beautiful," he compliments.
"I bet you know the wind-chime is just an excuse," you shyly say.
He sheepishly smiles and nods.
You approach him and stop right next to him, looking at his face under the pale moonlight that adds a mystifying glow, and makes him appear like a mythical entity.
"Can I kiss you?" You know your curiosity can only be answered with a kiss.
"I swear to you I've never done this before," you start to blabber because that's what you do when you're nervous.
"But you feel so oddly familiar to me like we've met and known each other for years, I just wanted to—"
Before you can finish your sentence, he leans in and closes the gap between your bodies.
It's like the stars aligned the moment your lips touched, it's ethereal and just right.
Your eyes are still closed when he pulls away and you try so hard to find a name for this peculiar feeling, one that resembles a feeling of coming home.
"Is it bad?" He asks with his hands still cupping your face as you stay quiet for a good minute.
You open your eyes and slowly shake your head, "kissing a stranger," you lowly mutter.
You jerk your head back in confusion, "I've never done that before..."
Felix softly chuckles, "yeah, you told me."
You touch his face and swipe your thumb over his small lips, "can we kiss again?"
Strange that you don't see any signs of confusion on Felix's face, "of course, yeah," he answers while laughing.
You're the one leaning in this time and gently place your lips on his, feeling his warm soft lips against yours for a few seconds then let go.
"Interesting..." you sigh in a perplexed tone.
Felix drops his hands to hold you by the waist and you like how he feels around you, safe and comfortable.
You look at his face and laugh at this funny thought that crossed your head, "can we do more than just a kiss?"
Felix once again doesn't seem to be surprised by the question but cracks a laugh at you, "is that what you want?"
You laugh again while burying your face in his chest, drinking in his natural scent mixed with sunshine and sea breeze.
Then you shyly nod without looking at him.
"We can do that," Felix says with his mouth close to the top of your head.
After a while, you look up at him and do not hesitate to kiss him, "maybe after a few more of this," you say between kisses.
And he caters to your wants, returning the kisses with the same passion while holding you close.
Full fic will be posted tomorrow!
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otter-pup · 1 year
we wake up, my long limbs still cradling your small frame, hands possessively on the swell of your belly.
while last night was the culmination of weeks spent apart, this morning it feels like the release of all that tension-- we fuck again, obviously, but it's lazy in the fresh light filtering through the window, a giggling, flushed morning. we talk about kinks, we chat about gender, we joke about being in bed with someone you barely know aside from the perfect way your bodies fit together, we discuss the developments of the past few weeks and i only occasionally derail your train of thought by making you gasp with pleasure.
it is morning, and at one point you have to prod me to bring me back to reality, as i'm lost in admiring how naturally suited you are to pregnancy, to growing my children... and how excited i am to see how huge you're inevitably going to get.
i could almost swear you already look more filled out than you did yesterday.
a few weeks later, i accompany you to an appointment. you haven't quite reached the second trimester mark yet, though your belly (so eager to grow with my young) looks like it could be approaching the third. coming up on three months, and, walking behind you down the hall, i can already detect the faint hint of a waddle in your gait.
time to find out just how thoroughly i've bred you.
everything feels so much more relaxed as you wake up, your arms tightening around me as you adjust back to the waking world. i mumble a good morning, and you hum back, hands already wandering down from my belly. i laugh a little at that, considering your eyes are barely open, before i gasp and buck my hips against you.
it continues slow and gentle, you starting an actual conversation while we tease each other. we learn our kinks match up well, another point to the possibility that our insatiable need for each other is a sign of some sort; we laugh at ourselves for how quick we gave into it, twice now, three times if we count this. you ask me about the obvious, and i bite my lip from a mix of embarrassment and pleasure before explaining that i forgot to consider consequences until about two weeks ago now, and, well. here i am. (at the end of it, you find a new spot to touch, and im left struggling to finish what I was saying through gasps and moans.)
eventually, we’re both sated, and your hands are roaming my belly and hips again, gently rubbing over them, your eyes focused exclusively on my body while still clearly lost in your thoughts. i bask in it for a while, before finally forcing myself to gently push you away, reminding you that we need to start the day, especially since I need to get back to my apartment and find something I can fit in for my plans later.
we remember to exchange phone numbers this time, and i text you the details of my first appointment—the office was busy, so I had to wait a bit longer than usual for one, but they assured me it was fine. we find times to meet before then, and im bigger each time, raising the anticipation for my first appointment more and more.
im completely helpless to slow it down, not that i’d want to. the only real issue is finding clothes that fit. the rest of it all—the steadily increasing weight, the struggling to get up, the cravings and the hormones—are surprisingly enjoyable. it just feels so right to carry your young, to let my body swell to care for them, that im not even concerned with the looks on the other parents’ faces when they ask when I’m due in the waiting room and I respond that im only about ten, eleven weeks along.
you stay behind me while one of the nurses leads us to a room, having to slow a bit with how my walk has changed as I’ve swollen, slowed me down a little. not quite waddling yet, at least—the longer I can stay on my feet and moving, the better, right now.
i take a seat on the examination table. they don’t ask me to change into a gown, just having me pull up my already-slipping shirt fully. i look up at you as the nurse rubs on the gel, giving a small smile.
they already seemed to be questioning how big I was already, considering this was my first appointment, but the way their eyes widen upon actually starting the ultrasound says almost all I need to know. they reset their expression a second later, clearing their throat and continuing the exam.
they don’t say anything until the doctor comes in after. she’s equally bewildered as she lets us know that the babies are all healthy, before saying the number.
septuplets. you knocked me up with seven of your babies. im carrying seven of your babies.
i look back over at you, face flushed. i knew it would be a lot—my size says that on its own.
but my body was eager enough to grow seven of your babies. i can’t say anything while the doctor is there, but i try to tell you with just my eyes about the heat rebuilding in my core, and that we’re gonna need to go back to one of our places as soon as the appointments over.
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bookwyrminspiration · 10 months
hello my lovely loveliest dearest favorite quil <333 I have finally actually returned with a slight rebrand and many tales to tell.
How are you bestie!!! I missed you So SO much and it's literally so rude that I can't send you all of the things that make me think of you. Like I swear my partner is gonna be jealous at this point because I'm literally like omg I literally need to show this to quil. It is a necessity. (If you're wondering it was a hoodie that had the classic university logo and said Silly Goose University and I decided that we needed them to match with our friendship bracelets.)
Anyway I am eyeing your new writing up very very closely and am itching to go to Ao3 and read ALL of it. (The urge is quite strong now that I have started Thinking about it, however this ask is taking long enough bc I have to take Wiggle™ breaks because holy bestie I am SO happy to talk to you once again.)
Speaking of your writing I was struck with the most incredible fantastic amazing art idea after looking at some of my old wings AU doodles. However, my drawing tablet went through the shredder (<- Puppy) I have to WAIT. To give the full idea justice but trust me bestie I'm so excited to show it to you.
Anyway I've been extra ramble-y but HI HOW ARE YOU I MISSED YOU WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
I'd love all of your thoughts and feelings and I miss you and ily and I'm so happy like I kid you not this ask has taken. So much effort because I cannot sit still writing this to you. I have. The Dumbest Smile on my face. <3333333
(Please note that this ask is meant to be read as if I am laying on your bed kicking my feet in the air while excitedly talking, thank you 😌)
TOBI!!!! I was just thinking about you the other day!! My dad and I were watching Labyrinth for the first time in a while, and when I realized the baby's name was Toby (i'd forgotten) I just went...ah..Tobi...I hope he's doing well...
I'm doing alright! I've been very busy this semester, and we are approaching finals so it's probably only going to get busier soon. But! This has been my first semester mostly in person in a very long time! And I'm officially fully in uni rather than dual credit, so I'm somewhere else now and have met SO many people. Actually am planning to meet up with one of them tomorrow to go to a restaurant/museum for class! And to watch a few movies with two others sometime soon.
lots of reflections on that because relationships of all kinds have been. rather difficult my whole life, so we'll see what happens here! also would 100% wear some silly goose university hoodies with you <3. move aside tobi's partner I need to glue BOTH of his hands to mine. forever
Also!! If you read my fics I'll love you forever and ever and ever even more. This new titz one has been sitting for several months, but I finally pulled it back out! And I am rather nervous about it because Fitz and Tam are both particular characters, and so combining them just makes them even harder to write. and THEN! throwing in Fitz's Alvar feelings makes that EVEN MORE difficult. but! it was also an absolute delight to work on so I hope you like it :)
and holy shit wings au art!!! i trust you so much I am so excited to see it--and don't worry about however long it takes! wings au is years in the writing, i've got experience with patience. wait btw, I don't know if you're aware, but I'm attempting to post the epilogue soon! I have the rough draft and the anniversary is coming up, so I'm hoping to have it edited to post on the ending's anniversary. it's a little over a week away, but also finals are descending AND its nano, so we'll see what happens. it WILL be out by the end of the year for certain though (and during october I went through and re-edited the whole thing for grammar and details--it's ridiculous how many its it's mistakes there were because i KNEW the difference. i'd just autopilot do one or the other and not catch it in my quick edits)
I keep pausing to do little claps and stim because. tobi!!! it's so so cruel we can't lay in bed kicking our feet together, i have missed you so so so much! what has been up with YOU? how has your life been? what's up with the blog migration--if you want to talk about it. also totally cool to simply accept it and move on. i just like talking to you and it's very nice to see you again :)
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ars0nistpixie · 2 years
you know about that tiktok sound that goes "I'VE BEEN FOR SOMEONE TO ASK ME ABOUT MY THEORY"?
yeah? well that's me now.
love you for that, truly.
SO, my royal au is called "the elysium" and it's jegulus, wolfstar and nobleflower centered.
the tropes we have here are:
james being the prince and heir to the throne, who was betrothed (promised in marriage) to regulus — regulus is a lord of house black. they are going to be married because of the law of the second child, who is basically explained in the first chapter
sirius is the heir of house black, but he is a ward at court, so he moved there when he was 15 to be taught by the Wise and to become one of them (he goes back to his family every six months or so). remus is the new lord commander of the kingsguard and he swears first to james then to sirius as their protector
narcissa (my beloved) goes to court when regulus does because, a week before the wedding, the betrothed's family is supposed to go and meet the royals to get acquainted with them — but she's pregnant with draco (she had a political marriage with lucius, because he wanted an heir and she wanted a baby but, apart from that, they barely look at eachother). because she's pregnant, she's offered by the queen and king (james' parents) to stay at court as long as she wants and they assure her she will be taken care of. in fact, fleamont tells her that, for whatever she might need, she can go see alice, which is a Wise lady and a doctor!!!!!!!
so, basically, narcissa is a lady and alice is a lady as well but she's also her doctor.
they firstly interact in the third chapter and i have so so so many plans for them. i love them with my whole heart. narcissa finds alice so lovely from the first time she lays eyes on her.
furthermore, this will all be influenced by narcissa's relationship with her sisters, which will NOT be neglected on my watch
bellatrix is a crazy crazy woman, but she loves her sister more than anything. who knows what she will think about narcissa falling for alice, after what happened with andromeda and ted... guess you'll find out if you decide to read :)
also, there is the fact that walburga, orion, lucius and bellatrix are planning to kill james and land a coup. so yeah, it's gonna be a mess.
btw, i'm aware this is a disorganized lump of thoughts with no grammar or style whatsoever but i promise i write a LOT better than this in the fic :')
+ i want to thank you a lot for the question, i was super excited to get one!!!! i hope i told you what you wanted to know. if i didn't, i'm sorry :')
i'm more than open to clarify lmao
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Okay round 2 of STS questions then, dear!!
choose any of your OCs and tell us what class of dnd you think they'd be!
for Wip 1, which scene are you thinking as The Scene? What scene originated the rest of the story?
give us a sentence you would like to include in ATQH on the spot. Either something that happens to a character, a description, or just something poetic you think it'd fit
if you could go to any of your wips, which one would you choose and why?
show us the sentence you are more proud of!
have a good day/night!!!
Happy STS, Carmen!!! <3
choose any of your OCs and tell us what class of dnd you think they'd be!
Hmm, I think I've talked about this for some of them before, but I'm not sure, and I have new OCs now, so here we go: - Raven(?) - Rogue - Ashlin - Rogue - Dorian - Wizard - Theo - Druid - Lila - Cleric - Alora - Bard (or maybe Paladin?) - <Prince> - Fighter or Paladin - Captain Blackthorne - Paladin - Duncan - Bard - Kristopher - Fighter
for Wip 1, which scene are you thinking as The Scene? What scene originated the rest of the story?
I'm not really sure!! For Unnamed WIP #1, I came up with the vague idea first. But I will say that the first scene I got really excited about and planned out was the scene where <Prince> has overused his magic. Second place would definitely be the scene when Alora get [redacted].
give us a sentence you would like to include in ATQH on the spot. Either something that happens to a character, a description, or just something poetic you think it'd fit
Well, I desperately need to rework the scene where the following line is supposed to go: "I've never been in love, but I know that I love you, because what else could love possibly feel like?"
if you could go to any of your wips, which one would you choose and why?
Probably ATQH. It's my first WIP and the one closest to my heart by far. Also, it's the one with the most developed worldbuilding. Not to mention that I could meet my OCs.
show us the sentence you are more proud of!
Well, other than the one I shared above, I might have to say this one: Fallon grabbed his wrist and looked him in the eyes. Her own burned with tears and anger, but her voice was steady as she spoke. “Don’t you dare say you aren’t worthy of love. Don’t you dare go wasting yourself like this. You are a good man, Kristopher Pelle, and you’d better damn well act like it, or I swear to you, you will be going home.” She dropped his wrist and walked away, leaving the Prince standing speechless behind her. It's from what might just be my favorite scene ever written, and it breaks me every time.
Thanks for the ask, Carmen!!
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devinescribe · 2 years
Ch. 2 of "Over My Head"
Enji Matsushita × Reader
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter [WIP]
Warnings: Swearing, blood, abuse, neglect, violence
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter <3
You smiled at him. "So what are you planning on doing with the psychology degree?" He asked. "Well, I wanted to do Criminal Psychology. I've always been interested in it, so why not?" You responded. "How about you?"
"Hypnotherapist," he mumbled, a bit nervous about what you would say to that. "That's so freaking cool!" You exclaimed. He smiled softly. "Really? You're not just being nice are you?"
"No, really I think it is so cool! So tell me about that?"
That had been almost 5 years ago. Now, you were both doing your respective careers. Of course you kept in touch, but it wasn't like it had been all those years ago.
Matsu♡: Hey, do you have time this weekend?
(N/N)<3: Of course. Always have time for you. What's up?
Matsu���: Oh, thank you. Let's meet up for coffee tomorrow and I'll tell you about it yeah?
(N/N)<3: Sounds good, see ya tomorrow Matsu
It wasn't like it had been all those years ago, but you still like dfinding time for this.
It was a new day. You woke up to your alarm and began getting ready. There was nothing better than getting ready to hang out with your friends. Especially him.
While you were both introverted people, spending time together seemed to recharge your battery.
He was already there, and called you over with a small smile.
"You're early," he said, looking at the clock. "And you're earlier," you responded back with a laugh.
You both agreed to meet at 8. It was 7:36.
He laughed and nodded. "You got me. I was excited," he admitted. "Me too! I have something super duper important to tell you!" You chirped excitedly. "Oh? And what might that be?"
"I got a new assignment.... you'll never guess who," you said. "Hm? I'm intrigued. By the way, since I know your coffee order hasn't changed in the past 5 years, I ordered your coffee,"he informed. You smiled. "That's so nice. Thank you. But... I have been assigned to that serial killer. You know, Banda Sunato?" You mentioned. You saw his eye widen. "You're joking, right?" He questioned. You shook your head. "Its my first big patient I guess. I'm a bit nervous," you admitted, your nails tapping on the table. "Yeah... I mean you've talked to people like him before but..."
"I mean, did you see what he did when they arrested him? He just... grinned. Ugh, it's so freaky," you mumbled, shaking your head. The waitress set down your drinks and you smiled at her, thanking her.
You two spent the better half of your day there.
"Oh wow... it's 12, we should really get going huh?" He suggested. You nodded, bringing out your wallet to pay. "I've got it. I invited you out," he offered. "Oh no, really, I insist," you said. It was so embarrassing as you two went back in forth every time.
"Fine, then take this as a celebration. To your first big patient. And let me pay," he said with a smile. You smiled rolling your eyes with a nod. "Fine fine. You win. This time," you said. You two looked around for the first time.
You had been so immersed with your conversation, you didn’t even notice any people around you. But now that you two had stopped talking, you noticed how quiet it was. You two walked up to the counter trying to look for the waitresses. Or anyone for that matter.
"Hello?" Enji called out, he looked to you, and you shrugged.
Then you noticed the lights were off. And the cars outside were stopped.
"Um... Enji... that's not normal is it?" You said pointing it out.
He shook his head. "It's not... come on, lets go see what's going on."
The psychology behind love. That's what your final projects were on.
"Ugh I hate this project," you mumbled, writing down more information on your note cards. "Why? It's not that bad. Boring, but not bad," he said, adding more to the PowerPoint. "Because. This is so dumb. I mean... it is interesting. But there's more biology to love. According to this, I'll most likely look for love that I feel safe and secure in, but won't think they love me so i have anxiety about it," you explained. "... that's all true though?"
"... Enji..."
"Sorry sorry sorry!"
"Happy birthday to me," he sang quietly to himself. He sat at the small table, head in his hands as he waited. His mother was supposed to be back at 6. That's when she got off of work. She told him they'd go do something for his birthday.
"16, that's a big milestone! We have to celebrate!"
He sighed, wiping the tears that ran down his cheeks. He looked up at the clock 11:43. In just 17 minutes the day would be over.
He sniffled and got up. He felt stupid for crying. It was just another day.
He felt stupid for thinking she'd be back.
Maybe... maybe she'd get back before 12. Yeah, she would walk in before 12, a smile on her face, apologizing for making him wait. And they would watch a movie, celebrate the next day.
12 came and went.
1 AM.
2 AM.
He sighed, and walked to his room, shutting and locking the door. He slid down the door, bringing his knees uo the his chest.
He couldn't stop the tears that fell down his face. "She said... she said she'd be here... she's never here. She said she'd be here," he whimpered quietly to himself.
The teen heard the door to the house open. His mother was home. He checked his phone. 4:55. He heard footsteps coming to his door. They stopped and he heard his mother jiggled the doorknob. "Damnit Enji... I told you to stop locking your door," she whispered. He scoffed quietly.
He heard her walk away, and he decided to just lay in bed. About 3 hours later the sun would come up and he wouldn't be able to sleep anyways.
"Happy birthday to me..." he sang quietly once more, staring up at the ceiling.
"Well... if you just lost a little weight it would fit you," your mother said. "Or you could just buy me clothes in my size that fit me," you scoffed, changing back into your clothes. She looked shocked. "You think I can't figure it out mom? You were just like me once. And now that you're skinny you're on this fucking high horse about your weight. I get it, I'm fat and you want to change it because you're embarrassed," you said, storming off at the end. "(Y/N)! (Y/N), please!" She called out after you.
You left the house, going to a spot in the back. The woods were right there.
Where you could think.
And what you thought about was the boy from the street. And his kindness. The way his hand held yours as he helped you back home. His eyes that stared in admiration, filled with kindness.
"Did you find anything?" He asked, walking over to you. You shook your head. He sighed. "This is really fucking weird."
You nodded in agreement. He pushed his hair out of his face in a stressed manor. You looked at him and he quickly pushed his hair back down.
You walked over and softly pushed it out of his face. He flinched softly. "I don't care y'know... I think you're... perfect even with it," you smiled. He swallowed harshly, fixing the hair in front of his eye once more, hiding the prosthetic eye he had. He hated it.
But you saying that made him hate it a little bit less.
But it would always remind him of him.
That awful man.
"Don't fucking touch her!" He screamed, standing in front of his mother, protecting her from the man. She cried behind him, bruised and bloodied.
"What are you going to do about it? You're no stronger than that whore of a mother you have," the man spat. "Move. Now."
He stood his ground.
He couldn't remember much of that night. Other than that much. A fight. Pain. The taste of blood. The stabbing pain in his eye. Screaming. He couldn't tell if it was his or his mother's. Maybe both.
The white walls of a hospital.
And darkness out of one eye.
He shuddered, grabbing your wrist. "Please... don't," he whispered his voice cracking slightly. "Just... please don't..."
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facefullofsadness · 8 months
my head, shoulders, knees, and toes
내 머리 어깨 무릎 발
tutor!karina x student!reader
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prompt - you're failing one of your classes, so your professor assigns a tutor to help you, a pretty girl in glasses named karina
content - smut (masturbation, fingering, praise kink, slapping, vibrator usage, edging), karina referred to as jimin, time skip usage
wc - 4703
a/n - tysm for 100 (now 200 <3) followers! I've been getting more support than I ever expected to get and it's extremely motivating so ty ty. tutor rina won the poll so hope u guys enjoy! (okay she's blonde in the pics but she's black haired in the fic, it's not a continuity error if it was on purpose! ignore it!)
good lord, I'm so fucked.
it's really not my fault that the class was notorious for being insanely difficult, to add on to everything I was already struggling with like my other classes or personal responsibilities. however, it showed that while I tried my best in the class, my efforts would fall short.
literally being called out of my thoughts when my professor calls me over to his desk after lecture was over, saying he wanted to talk.
"sir?" I ask, voice nervous but evidently knowing what the discussion was gonna lead to.
"miss y/n l/n, I know you're working hard, but these grades? these just cannot do," he states simply, gesturing to the laptop he scrolled through with my grades on it.
I sigh, "I know sir, there's just so much material and so little time for me to get everything down. I'll make it work."
"I'm sure you want to but exams are coming up soon, at this rate, I don't think you'll be able to pass."
my heart drops to my stomach hearing that. gradually failing was one thing, to actually fail the entire thing was another.
"so I'll do this for you. I've arranged for a tutor to help you with the material so hopefully you can get back on your feet. she's really great, one of my top students and a good teacher too, I think you'll be able to get along with her well."
I swear I could cry and fall to my knees in gratitude, "thank you sir! this is definitely gonna save me!"
"no problem miss l/n, the class is hard so I understand, and I want you to succeed. check your email regularly this week, she'll email you soon. you're dismissed," he nods and smiles at me.
I say my thanks repeatedly before leaving, a slight pep in my step as I make my way back to my apartment, feeling determined and excited. all I wonder is who must this top student tutor be and what will she be like?
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I checked my email over and over again like a madman for 2 days, literally refreshing the page religiously waiting for something to come in. and so when I finally received my email, I was ecstatic. being at a local café with my friend aeri when I felt a vibration come from my phone.
I shoved my hand into my pocket to get my phone and check the notification that was in fact an email.
"why are you acting like you got a text back from your crush? is it THAT serious?" aeri scoffs at me.
"yes it's that serious! I've been waiting for days and the sooner I can start, the better!" I open the email and read:
Subject: Tutoring Sessions
To: Y/N L/N
From: Jimin Yu
Hi Y/N! I'm sure Sir has already talked to you by now about assigning a tutor to you. I'm Jimin and I'll be your tutor from now until the exam. I've planned for our first session to be tomorrow and from then on we'll have 2 sessions every week. To make it more comfortable for you, I decided that it'd be better to hold our first meeting at your place, so reply soon with your address and I'll see you there tomorrow at 5 P.M!
"at your place? she wants you so bad," aeri laughs next to me as I finish reading the email.
"what do you mean?! she said it was just to make me comfortable! she's just being nice... I don't even know what she looks like yet! god, you're annoying," I roll my eyes.
"geez calm down, we'll get your coffee soon don't worry, I forget how grumpy you are without it," she says, poking my cheek and smiling at my pout, "but don't say I didn't tell you so when she starts flirting with you."
I brush her off, "I doubt it's even gonna be like that, it'd be too difficult to focus if she was pretty, so don't jinx me!"
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aeri fucking jinxed me.
I spent the entire day cleaning and making sure my apartment looked presentable in preparation for the girl named jimin that was coming to meet me. all day, I kept repeating in my head what aeri had said to me. I tried to brush it off and remember the real reason as to why there was a girl coming over to my home in the first place, but it never left my mind.
and so when I heard the soft but resonate knocks on my door at 5 pm that indicated she was here, my heart started picking up its pace. I hesitantly open the door and holy fuck. a tall dark haired girl in all black, denim jacket resting on her shoulders, book bag slung across her chest, and black framed glasses that were a little too big for her small face rested on her nose stood in the hallway outside my door. I swallow a lump in my throat at the goddess standing in my doorway and try my best to not be speechless at the sight of her.
"h-hi! you must be jimin, right?" I ask.
"yes I am, you must be y/n?" her voice soothing and deep.
"that I am! please, come in," I move to the side to let the girl walk in and she follows.
I close the door behind her and release a heavy sigh, fuck you aeri uchinaga.
I lead her to the desk in my room and let her sit down in one of the two office chairs I had.
"today, I wanted to get started on some studying, but also get to know you a little. we're gonna be spending quite some time together so I wanna know who you are, be someone who you can get close to," jimin tells me and I nod.
"so tell me y/n, every little detail I should know about you," she says lowly and, seductively? I have to be imagining it already.
I just let out a nervous laugh before I introduce myself, parts of my past, how I got into the school, my academic strengths and weaknesses, my hobbies, my goals coming out of each tutoring session, everything I thought she would want to hear. but as I would ramble on about whatever I had to say, when I would look up at her, she seemed to listen intently, legs crossed and leaning forward against her fist, her eyes trained on my moving lips.
her stare intimidated me and made me feel small, wanting to shrink into my chair and look away. every time I would make an attempt to tear my eyes away, jimin would shift closer to me, forcing my attention onto her. either she was just really interested in my introduction or she demanded my eyes to only lay on her. after some time when I finished, she sat up, smiling at me with her lips and her eyes. a kind expression laid on her face, a 180 from the alluring girl from just seconds ago.
"that's great y/n, I'm glad I got to know more about you. I'll keep mine short and simple. my name's jimin yu. I was one of sir's students from a previous year but became a tutor for the subject since he strongly suggested I should, so I've been doing this for a little while now. just a few one-off sessions with people that come into the library. however, this is the first time I'm directly tutoring someone, so I look forward to working with you, a lot." jimin's voice deepens with the last two words she says, sending chills down my spine.
"so, shall we start getting to work?"
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it was already late by the time jimin left my place.
I clean up the area and washup, deciding it would be best to just call it a day. I lay down in my bed and close my eyes, trying to sleep. but the only thoughts that run through my head are filled with jimin. the way her lips would slide into a small grin, the way she'd tuck a strand of hair that would fall in front of her face behind her ear, the way her nose would scrunch slightly when focusing on checking my work, the way her touch lingered on my skin when she would brush against me, the way she told me "good girl y/n, you did so well today" at the end of our session.
I was intoxicated by the thought of her. my skin still felt on fire in the places she touched and I couldn't get enough, I needed her, my body craved more of her. my hands had a mind of their own when they start to undo my shorts, slipping under them to trail my slit through my underwear. I hear my own short breaths come from my mouth when my finger brushes my clit, my hips rising and falling on their own at the feeling.
it only whirrs me on when I see jimin in my head, her body hovering over me, her hand sliding down my shorts and over my clothed core, finger trailing up and down my entrance.
"do you like that y/n? does it feel good when I touch you like this?" I hear her voice echo in my mind ask me, low and seductive.
my breath hitches when her finger presses against my clit and rubs, my back arching. I can feel her hot breath against my ear when she whispers.
"what happened to my good girl? turns out you're just so naughty, aren't you?"
her hand slips under my panties and slide against my slit to gather my wetness, "myyyy, you're leaking so much, precious. all this for me?"
a whine escapes from my throat, "fuck jimin yes, just for you."
she chuckles, "it better be." I feel two of her fingers push all the way into me.
I moan out loudly, her digits slowly thrusting in and out of me.
"that's it, you take me so well. you feel so tight around my fingers."
her palm rubs against my clit as my other hand flies to my mouth as I bite down on it to muffle my intense whimpering.
"ahh fuck, yes jimin..."
her pumping is slow and patient, but each push feels so pleasurable and delicious, my mind goes blank. a particular thrust of her fingers brush against that spot in me that makes me moan loudly, not even I could muffle it.
"there it is," jimin whispers, voice deep.
she starts to speed up, her digits hitting that spot over and over again, making me bite down harder on my hand. my hips grind against her palm to rub my clit on, desperately chasing my incoming orgasm.
"ji- shit, jimin... please don't stop," I plead.
"give it to me, let everything go," she tells me.
the last deep pump of her fingers and rub of my clit is enough to push me to climax. my hips buck against her hand as waves of pleasure release from my body and the hand on my mouth can't stop the moaning and whines that escape. my body falls against my plush mattress and I catch my breath. when I finally come to, I open my eyes and jimin's gone.
she was never there to begin with of course, my shirt hiked up my chest and hand dug into my panties. I slip my fingers out of my entrance with a groan and stare at the sticky substance dripping down my wrist. I can only imagine how much more intense it'd be if jimin actually fucked me.
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today's the day I see jimin again. sure, it's supposed to be a tutoring session, but academics are one of the last things on my mind when it comes to thinking about meeting up with her. instead, I think of what to wear. we'd be meeting up at her place for today's session, much to my excitement but also nervousness. sure, it's really soon to start thirsting so hard about this girl I've known for less than maybe two days, but I had to make my time count while it lasted.
I stand outside her apartment door in a crop top that really did nothing to cover my top half and a skirt that left no thoughts to the imagination. aeri was so gonna make fun of me for "slutting myself out" for my tutor as quickly as I did. god, I hate when she's right.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when jimin answers the door and my breath hitches. there she stood in a tight tank top that outlined her body way too well and sweatpants, like a stereotypical fuckboy. although instead of being disgusted, it bothered me how good she looked, those black framed glasses again sitting on her nose, her hair in a high ponytail with strands of her hair falling to frame her face. I stand there, dumbfounded, looking at the beautiful woman.
we both stand there for awhile, seemingly both of us taking in the sight of each other, though to me, it was mostly me looking fucking stupid gawking at the taller girl.
jimin giggles at the realization, "you wanna come in?"
I blink myself back into reality, scratching the back of my head and feeling my cheeks heat up, "y-yeah, sure." stupid answer.
I walk into the sizeable and humble apartment and take off my shoes, jimin closing the door behind me and leading me inside.
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studying was going well, joined by a few questionable moments.
we were sat at jimin's coffee table on the floor of the living room since we both agreed it would be comfy, being near the kitchen too, her insisting that snacks were necessary when wanted. I had zoned in on a practice worksheet she had sent me over email and felt productive knowing that all my answers were correct. once in a while, she would check on me and my work, her chest tight in her tank top that when she would lean over, I would get a flattering view of her cleavage.
my cheeks would heat up at the sight and how disrespectful it felt to look, and I know she would take notice, giggling at my embarrassed expression. it made me think whether or not she did it on purpose. sometimes her free hand not writing on her paper would land on my leg closest to her, resting atop my exposed knee and rubbing the skin. my breathing became uneven with every movement of her thumb up until the moment her hand would leave to turn the page in her notebook.
these moments lingered in my mind but I tried to power through them, knowing they probably meant nothing and it was just my mind playing tricks on me. a particular question popped up on the worksheet and it stumped me. I wrote down an answer but I was unsure of how correct it was.
I call out for jimin, "hey, can you check this one? I'm not sure if it's right."
it alerts her attention and she turns towards me. jimin leans against me and looks down at my paper, her chest pressing against my upper arm. I feel her arm prop her up behind me as her other arm reaches over to mark up my notes. my body stiffens at the contact, her face near my neck too, feeling her breath brush against my exposed shoulder. I bite down on my lip and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to force away the intrusive thoughts shooting into my mind and open them again to see that she had stopped writing.
I turn my head cautiously towards her and glance at her impossibly close face. jimin's eyes lock onto mine and I can't look away. her lips are parted and gaze darts between staring deep into mine and at my lips, the bottom one still between my teeth. I tear my eyes away, looking back down at my paper.
"n-nevermind, I can figure it out..." I stutter, scooting myself towards the table, away from her.
she lets me go but her hand on my paper never leaves.
"you sure? you can't suddenly figure out the physiological functions of an anatomical part, can you?" she challenges, amused.
"I can try! I just have to use the elimination process right? I already know from what we've done so far that-" she interrupts me.
"then tell me, what's the function of the small intestine in the digestive system?"
my mind goes blank. I know this, this is one of the basic things we learned. but for some reason, in this moment, I can't think straight. I feel her scoot closer to me, invading my personal space moreso than just a moment ago.
"well? you know we don't have all day. I suggest you get the answer right," she hums, the last sentence laced with some sort of venom with the way she says it. the threat scares me.
"absorption... of water?" I'm wrong, it's nutrients.
but before I can correct myself, my head gets pulled backwards by my hair and I choke on air. my wide eyes look up at jimin's, her eyes are half-lidded through her glasses and she's intimidating. the grip on my hair hurts but her expression is what I'm more afraid of.
"that's wrong sweetie, do you wanna try again?" she whispers, her voice sweet, but actions dangerous.
I feel the gulp travel down my throat as I try again, "it's for n-nutrients. the large intestine absorbs water."
a smile travels across her lips before the hold in my hair leaves slowly, "good girl."
she pulls away and marks at my paper, correcting the notes I had jotted down. I lift my head back up and take a deep breath, blinking my eyes rapidly in disbelief. what the fuck just happened? I ask myself the question again when the hand that was just gripping my hair travels around my side and caresses my exposed waist. that arms pulls me into jimin's body, my back fully flush against her front.
"hm, try answering this one y/n," her pen taps at the question, "how long does it take food to completely pass through the body?"
my hand in my lap clutches at the hem of my skirt, "it depends."
her hand on my waist trails up and under my shirt as my breath hitches, "more specific."
I exhale a shaky breath when her fingertips trace my nipples through my lacy bra, "th-that's not fair."
a squeal leaves my throat when she pinches one in her fingers, "that's not good enough princess, try again."
I squeeze my eyes shut at the stinging contact of her fingers pinching my sensitive bud and try to think of the best answer I can give, "f-from ten hours t-to two days?"
her hot breath releases next to my ear before she whispers into it, "good job." with that, she lets go of my pained nipple and gropes the boob softly.
my breathing is uneven as I write down the answer, "ji-jimin, I don't-"
she interrupts me again, "next question y/n."
her other hand leaves the table and pen behind, moving it to sneak under my skirt, feeling up my sensitive thighs. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip when her fingertips trail the material of my underwear.
I can hear her let out an amused chuckle, "only panties? myyyy, darling, how naughty of you."
the dialogue coming from her mouth rings in my ears as it reminds me of the way I imagined her speaking just a few days ago. the realization makes my head spin and so does the throbbing of my center.
"I can't focus if you touch me like that..." my voice trails off when her fingers slide against my slit through my panties.
"you will," she states firmly. "now go, write down the answer to the next one."
I try to focus, I really do, looking down at the paper and thinking of the answer. but the pen in my hand is shaking, my body being the cause of it, and jimin being the one to blame. her hands were greedy, both of them under my skirt, one caressing my thigh and the other going up and down the wet spot of my underwear.
I shakily write down the answer, but apparently the wrong one because then, jimin's hand caressing my thigh suddenly slaps it, causing me to yelp out her name.
"that's wrong honey, try again."
I cross out the answer to try another one, but when I feel the other thigh get slapped, I know it's wrong, the stinging sensation a painful reminder.
"go on y/n, answer the fucking question," it's a demand that leaves her lips.
rewriting another answer to finally get it right since the red marks forming on my thighs suddenly are rubbed against soothingly.
"that's correct princess," I feel her mouth mumble against the skin of my neck, "I should really reward you for that one, that was a hard question."
I have no time to question what she means when she pushes my panties to the side and slides her long fingers against my wetness. I release a long moan at the sensation, eyes clamping shut and my hands stilling their movement.
"you're soaked sweetie, all this yummy juice just for me?" she smiles against my skin.
"mmph, yes jimin, everything all for you..." I whimper and whine.
she leaves a kiss on my jaw, "good girl, I love to hear that."
with enough slick on her fingers, she pushes two digits smoothly into my cunt, curling them once she's down to her knuckles.
"fuck!" I moan out, clutching the skirt material and pen in my hands.
"do the next question darling," jimin urges me with a light voice, her fingers pumping in and out of my aching pussy.
each thrust makes my head spin, but I try to obey her and flutter my eyes open to glue them to the page again. with every question I answer correctly, her pace quickens. my hand on my skirt flies instead to her legs on either side of me, clutching her sweatpants as the speed of her fingers amplifies. but with every question I answer wrong, her pumping stills, my hole clenching tightly around her digits.
the next question I answer correctly, her fingers struggle to move with how clamped down my entrance was on her. but she breaks through the tightness, jimin's pace extremely fast. she curls her fingers perfectly to hit that delicious spot in me, back arching against her body.
"found it, good to know I can easily find it," she whispers into my ear, biting at the lobe and railing her hand into my loud sopping cunt.
"jim-in! I-I'm!" my voice trembles with her fingers in me.
"answer this question for me sweetheart, if you get it right, I'll let you cum," jimin's voice low, "name 3 causes of a stomachache."
not even one cause comes to mind with the way my own stomach aches to release the tension. I get so close to orgasm, but it all gets taken from me when jimin rips her hand away. I whine and my legs thrash at the loss of contact.
"answer me y/n," her voice is firm and my eyes are squeezed shut.
I try and think of an answer as I hear her rummage around the stuff she had under her table. my eyes spring open at the feeling of a solid and phallic shaped object pressing against my entrance. I look down to see a dark colored vibrator collect my pleasure before pushing into me, ripping a deep groan from my throat.
"start with one," her gentle kisses plant across the length of my neck and shoulder.
I stutter out a single answer, "m-menstrual cramps..."
she's satisfied with my answer, humming against my skin. with that, jimin reaches over and presses a button on the toy, a low vibration flowing through my legs and a heavy sigh leaves my lips.
"second?" she inquires.
she starts to thrust the toy in and out of me lazily, the vibrations making my head dizzy.
"con-stipatio-tion..." I struggle to say, the pleasure gradually building in my stomach.
she hums again, kissing my cheek before increasing the setting on the toy, making me drop my pen and take both hands to fly to her legs, the material of her sweatpants bunched up in my grip.
"third and last darling, you're doing so well," her praises fill my body with warmth, both the sweet and lustful kind.
I feel my hips begin to roll against the vibrator, chasing the pleasure I so desperately needed.
"in- fuck, indiges- ah! indigestion!" I moan, jimin increasing the setting even before I could get the full answer out.
"oh princess, you're so good at this. we're almost done."
she begins to speed up the thrusting of the toy, the wet noises of it sloshing in and out of my pussy filling my ears, along with my pathetic panting and jimin's heavy sighs.
"fuck jimin! please!" I moan out, the intensity of the vibrator in me making me lose any form of coherent thought.
the pleasure was so much, but it wasn't enough to make me cum yet, and she knew that.
"c'mon sweetie, you know I won't let you cum until you get the question correct, right?" jimin's words in my ear are soft but so sick.
she's teasing me, playing with me like I'M the toy, and it's working out for her.
"you can do it y/n, I know you can. what can pale stool indicate?"
the last thing I wanna think about while getting fucked by my tutor is what color shit means what, but here I am. I desperately moan against her, my hips pushing against her hand keeping the vibrator in me, hands clutching the material of her sweats.
"fuck, it's- fuck jimin! b-bile! lack of fucking bile!" I cry out.
she chuckles lowly into my ear and places a kiss under it, "that's my girl, I knew you could do it."
with that, her other hand pulls away from holding my other leg open and her fingers part my pussy lips, gathering the juice and rubbing my clit. I yell out her name and throw my head back against her shoulder. my legs shake and I feel my pleasure build up impossibly high. my hips move against her hands on their own, thrusting against her like a rabid dog, whimpering desperately into the air.
"cum y/n, cum all over my hands," jimin demands lowly against my skin.
"jimin, ah!" I call out finally, my climax hitting me. my hands form fists against her gray sweatpants, eyes clutch shut, mouth falling open and spilling cries as I feel my thighs stutter and hole clench around the vibrating toy. my clit throbs and my hips shake, my body falling limp against jimin and becoming weak in her steady hold. the pleasure continues to wash over me in waves, my chest heaving to catch up with my breathing. slowly, jimin slides the vibrator out of me and turns it off, caressing my slit with it, sending shocks throughout my body.
I flutter my eyes open to look up at her, a content expression lying on her face. she brings the cum covered toy up to her lips and sticks her tongue out, dragging it across the lengthy object. wrapping her mouth over the toy and closing her lips at its base, watching her cheeks hollow as she sucks all of my cum off of it until it's only covered in a thin layer of her spit. jimin licks her lips and smirks at me, eyes meeting mine through her glasses.
her hands maneuver me to hoist me onto her lap, holding my limp body against hers, my face burying into her neck and my arms clutching her torso. she kisses my cheek and giggles against my ear, "shall we take a break?"
a/n - and then they had many a tutoring session after that :) this fic beat my ass, I could not get the pacing right and didn't know what I wanted to happen, so sorry if it took so long and if it's not that good ;((( I need to get to writing more aespa stuff since they're actually the whole reason I wanted to start on here, but rockstar!yunjin is just always on my mind, it's hard to keep up!! ningjeong I will write about you soon I swear!
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curseofaphrodite · 3 years
loverboy, talk of the town
BUCKY BARNES X FEM!READER || angst to fluff
summary; enemies to lovers but you're always mad at him and he's mad at everyone except you 💌 note; lots of swearing, avenger!reader
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"Another mission fucked up because of James Buchanan Barnes!" you yelled, storming into Tony's office. Bucky followed, looking way too exhausted.
"I need to talk to whoever told her my full name," he said, plopping down on the leather couch.
"What happened now?" Tony asked, looking up from his computer. You started pacing the room angrily.
"We had a plan. Atleast I thought we did because one second I was in that godforsaken room and then he disappeared."
"I was taking care of the guards," Bucky murmured.
"We were supposed to take care of the fucking guards!" you snapped. "I circled around the institution looking for you. For three fucking hours!"
"Tony!" Scott walked inside the room, frowning at the tense climate. "I mean uhm- Mr. Stark. Tony works too, but I was excited and called you by your first—"
"I'll go," you interrupted.
"No wait, I'll go," Scott said, alarmed. "I didn't know there was a meeting."
"You are not the reason I'm pissed." You sent a pointed glare at Bucky while talking. "I'll just come back later."
"No, no, you aren't dismissed!" Tony said quickly. "Both of you!"
"I apologized," Bucky's eyes held no anger, which made you more frustrated. "I apologized a hundred times over."
Like the evil witch from Snow White, you laughed angrily. Maliciously.
"Are you okay?" Scott asked, looking scared. "You look a bit uhm..."
It was easy to appear crazy in front of Bucky.
He was Bucky Barnes, one of the most intimidating avengers right after Natasha. You fought with him at every turn, but he never yelled, never even glared at you. When the former Winter Soldier was calm one in a conversation, people automatically assumed you were the problem.
Or maybe he just had a soft spot for you. While he snapped at everyone he met and maintained a wall 24/7, he eased around you; which made hating him a lot harder than it needed to be.
"See? He apologized!" Tony said happily. "There, it's all fixed now."
"He apologized when he messed up the mission before this," you hissed. "And the one before it. AND the one before—"
"Alright, he apologizes a lot, we got it." Tony turned to the man in question. "Why can't you be more of a teammate? Do you think I like being threatened by Y/N every day?"
"I'm convinced she does that to everyone," Scott whispered, though no one paid any attention to him.
"I thought we were doing Plan B," Bucky said, strained. "I didn't know she was doing Plan C."
You gasped. "I told you three times that we're doing Plan C."
"You told me three times that we're not doing Plan O so I assumed we were doing B!"
"Maybe don't have these many plans next time?" Scott suggested, and you glared him down. He raised his hands in surrender.
"I need to go," Bucky said promptly, getting up from the couch. You watched him disappear in disbelief.
"I was supposed to storm out! Me!" you yelled after him.
"What did you want?" Tony asked Scott before he could interrupt them again.
"Oh, your package is here," he replied with a wink. "I was about to go down to the storage room but I need a key card."
"Key card? What key card?" Tony appeared more confused. "I've never used a key card in my life."
"That's cause you own the whole place," you said, rolling your eyes. "Which explains the trashy interior design too. It's not bad, but it's not good either. Like your other decisions."
Tony sighed. "I see we're still on Bucky?"
"Just stop pairing me up with him, please," you whined, swallowing your pride. If you had to beg, you would. You'd do anything to save your last piece of sanity.
"We need someone to look after Bucky during missions."
"If you need a babysitter, ask someone else."
"Bucky doesn't want anyone else," Tony said, throwing his arms up in frustration. "You think I like seeing the two of you almost kill each other every day? Of course I tried pairing him up with other people. He refused."
You laughed humorlessly. "What do you mean he refused?"
"He said you're his partner, and that partners don't give up," he said, shrugging. "So if you have any problem with it, you should ask him to stop being stubborn."
"Partners? Bullshit."
Tony tilted his head to one side. "I know you're new to the avengers, but here we have each other's backs. All the time. Even if they're being a giant pain in the ass."
"Key card?" Scott asked softly.
"I have one," you said before Tony could snap. You needed to get out of that room anyway.
When Scott switched on the light of the storage room, you saw it as your cue to leave. You saw it, but you ignored it too.
"Do you think I'm too harsh?" you asked, stepping into the bright light. Scott didn't seem to mind the company. That was one of the many things you liked about him. He was a goofy and loyal friend; which made you all the more guilty to not having spent more time with him.
"You're intimidating," he corrected, shrugging casually. "Not harsh though. You are angry on missions, but that's just the missions."
"What do you mean?"
"I used to work at McDonald's a long time ago. Didn't get this much money, but I was safe from monsters." He laughed nervously. "Please don't tell Tony that I said I'd rather work at McDonald's."
"I won't," you smiled, urging him to go on.
"Like I was saying, our missions are literally life or death. I think we're allowed to be angry during them."
You felt yourself relax. Pushing thoughts of Bucky away from your mind, you walked around the room in awe. Only Tony Stark could build a place where even the storage room looked like its own museum. The cupboards were filled with small gadgets, some of them too advanced for you to even try figuring out. The most interesting thing in the room was definitely the one Scott had just taken off a new box.
"What's that?" you asked, coming closer.
It resembled a TV screen, but it had buttons of different colors, as well as a headphone wire attached. It had no keyboard, nor did it look like a video game. Scott made a yelp of excitement.
"I'm probably not supposed to tell you this, but I present to you — the proof of multiverse!" he said, exhilarated. You just blinked. "Seriously? I expected applause at least."
"I don't get it," you shook your head. "How's this connected to multiverse? I thought that was a science myth."
"Science myths are never just myths," he said, tinkering with the wires. "Tony had this personally made with some of the best scientists in the world. He wasn't a fan of having multiple Tony Starks around the universe, but if there was a possibility of it happening, he wanted to be the first one to know."
"C'mon, you think this box is it?"
"Yup, I'm supposed to test-run it and make sure it's not a toy." He pressed a blue button, and the screen lit to life. "With this, I can type in a random universe code and it'll show me what's happening in their world."
"What the hell?" your mouth fell open. "Are you being real right now? Or is it like an elaborate prank 'cause I ate your cupcake last week?"
"Wait, you're the one who ate my custom-baked blueberry cupcake with vanilla frosting?"
You blinked. "Uhm, you were saying about multiverse? Exciting stuff!"
"Right... we're coming back to the cupcake later," he said firmly, turning his attention back to setting up the device. "Okay, it should be live in 3...2..."
The 1 choked on his throat, mainly because the device had started showing moving pictures, something he wasn't expecting at all. Sure, thermal radiation rays or other minorly exciting stuff could have occurred, but it was actually live. The excitement in him made him burn up from within.
"I CAN SEE!" he yelled, not knowing he was loud because of his headphones. "I SEE ME, HOLY FUCK THAT HAIRCUT IS SO FLATTERING. I SEE TONY HAHA I SEE- oh fuck."
He immediately shielded himself in front of the screen, taking off the headphones in an awkwardly quick way.
"What?" you asked, squinting your eyes in suspicion.
"Hmm, nothing," he said, forcing a smile. You scoffed.
"Let me see."
"Scott!" your glare was such that he was forced to oblige.
You snatched the headphones from him and placed yourself in front of the screen, astonished at seeing yourself — or at least, a version of yourself.
You, I mean she, looked happy. She was walking across a house comfortably, which you assumed was hers. You immediately understood why Scott was reluctant to show you this. Y/N in that universe had just sat down on the couch, leaning her head against none other than Bucky.
You scowled, too shocked to form any coherent thoughts.
Bucky laughed as she said something.
"I have a high school reunion thing to go to," she then said, sighing. "Do you wanna come by? Could be boring though."
"Nothing is boring if it's with you," Bucky smiled, pressing a kiss against her head. "And guess what, I made strawberry ice cream while you were out."
"My favorite," she smirked, cuddling closer to him. "You're the best."
"Anything for Mrs. Barnes."
"No," you took off your headphones, throwing them at Scott. "No, no, no way in fucking hell. Please tell me this device isn't fucking real. Cause no way in fucking hell am I gonna be married to Bucky."
"In any fucking universe! It's against the laws of nature."
"Let me—"
"Ridiculous. Utterly, miserably ridiculous."
"Now you're just repeating words," Scott said, cutting you off. "It's not that of a big deal. So you're married to Bucky in another universe, big deal! It's not even that surprising!"
Your mouth fell open, as if he just accused you of witchcraft.
"Excuse me?"
He immediately wished he hadn't said anything. "Uh—"
"What do you mean it's not that surprising?"
"Well, uhm, friends to lovers is my favorite troupe?" he said uncertainly.
"Bucky and I aren't friends. Archenemies is a better term."
"As much as astonishing this would be, I think he considers you a close friend," Scott explained cautiously. "Why else would he never fight with you? If he thinks you're his enemy, why would he hate that you yell at him?"
"He hates that I yell at him?"
"Wasn't- wasn't that obvious?" his words were lightly accusing. "He flinched when you were screaming in Tony's office."
You felt guilt creep in. Something about hurting Bucky made you wanna regret your life decisions. Now that you thought about it, Bucky didn't have an easy life. Of course he wouldn't want his partner to be angry with him too. Of course you messed up.
Cursing under your breath, you stormed out.
"Knock knock?" you sat down beside Bucky, who was sitting outside the building like he usually does. "I come bearing ice cream."
He instantly smiled at seeing you, or the ice cream. Maybe a bit of both.
"This isn't strawberry," he said, frowning. "You usually buy strawberry, I thought that was your favorite."
You blushed, getting deja vu from the alternate universe. If he noticed it, he didn't say anything.
"I, uh, this flavor's good too," you stammered, forgetting the big speech you were going to say. You decided to wing it. "Listen uhm, I need to apologize."
He looked up from his bowl sharply. "No, I messed up the mission I—"
"I'm always angry at you but you're never angry at me," you interrupted. "I used to think it was some reverse psychology thing to get me more annoyed but, I'm sorry. It's me. I'm the problem."
"No," he shook his head. "I've been working alone for hundreds of years so I know I'm not the most perfect crime-fighting partner. It's okay for you to be transparent with me. I can take it."
"No, you can't."
"No I can't," he agreed just as fast, though his words were accompanied with a laugh. "I don't like you yelling at me. Or being disappointed in me. We'll both work on them, it's okay. But don't apologize again or I'll really get angry."
You bit back a smile. "Alright, what about this? Tomorrow, we can go to those rock climbing places you love. Bonding exercise? Unless you're busy or if it's boring I—"
"Nothing is boring if it's with you," he interrupted, a soft smile in place. "I'll see you then."
When he walked off, you tried to calm your beating heart, but to no avail. Suddenly, you were happy you saw the alternate universe.
You made a mental note to buy Scott his blueberry cupcake later.
inspired by that scene from prodigal son!
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imaginativewriter23 · 3 years
Slow Burn Office Romance - Dokja x Reader Headcannons
Summary: I'm a simp for pre-apocalypse office worker Dokja so I have made head cannons for fellow simps
Warning(s): Swearing, implications of spoilers but nothing in detail, grammatical errors, probably my worst post and I'm sorry in advance.
© 2022 imaginativewriter23 All rights reserved, do not modify. Reblogs are appreciated! If you’d like to repost on a separate platform please ask for permission first!
Mkay, we all saw office worker Dokja in the beginning. He never really cared for much until you got hired
Just like everyone in the office, he thought you were good-looking
So when he found out you were joining the QA team with him, boi started to sweat
You were basically the Sangah of the QA team and everyone went 😗
Though of course when you saw Dokja you went 👀 and ignored everyone's proposal to take you for a drink or dinner
And low and behold, your cubicle so happens be beside Dokja's
Y'all made that awkward small talk and both of you were 😳
BUT, one day, during your break, Dokja caught a glimpse of your computer screen that had a webnovel chapter open
Dokja being an introvert, didn't say anything about it but carefully watched you more and more. stalker.
But this man couldn't keep his mouth shut when he saw you reading TWSA
He blurted out that the chapter you were on is really good
Then you went 🤨😮😍
And that Gilyeoung, is how I met your father.
You both immediately began to bond over your love for webnovels
The two of you began speaking outside of work hours and exchanged numbers
Every time either of you would finish a chapter, you'd immediately text the other to see if they're caught up
You text each other to talk about characters, the plot, if the new chap made you cry or scream 🥲
Other than talking about webnovels, you'll talk about the new game you both have to test out for work
Outside of work, you'll go to a coffee shop together and hang out
You tell him about your life outside of work
Though Dokja doesn't have much to tell about his life cuz baby was practically isolated for the 28 years he's been alive 😟
He'll tell you brief hints about his family and his life. He won't go into detail but he'll tell you things like "I've read TWSA since highschool" or "Oh, my mom likes that too"
Baby boy ain't ready to unleash his trauma to you YET
But he still does cute things to show that he cares for you even though you're not in a romantic relationship yet
Right after you depart from him to go home, 5 min later you get a text that tells you to get home safe
Or right before you come into the office, he'll buy your favorite drink at the cafe you both always hang out at
And if you tell him you're excited to see him before work starts, his heart begins drumming and he goes 😳
He won't leave you hanging, don't worry. Though he's not experienced in any type of affection (platonic or romantic) he'll say "Me too" or "Let's hang out after work"
In regards to romance, let's be honest, man wanted to get down on one knee the min he saw you reading webnovels
I see Dokja definitely taking his time to ask you out, I'm talking MINIMUM one year of friendship before he even tries taking action
Not that he doesn't have feelings for you, but because he's never experienced, expected, or even thought he'd meet someone
I 100% see him being confused about why all his pain goes away when he sees you or why his heart aches when he's away from you
He's so confused that he compares his feelings to things Junghyeok Yu experienced
Like he re-reads the chapter where Junghyeok meets Seolwa and falls in love with her to try to understand his own feelings more
Then when he realizes that all the things he's experiencing conclude to love. Man goes 😱
I mean, he already had a good idea of what his feelings were, but he needed CONFIRMATION
After that, he gets 10x more nervous, excited, and giddy around you
Dokja probably has a whole plan of how he's confessing to you. And that plan involves a specific timeline
Okay, in about 6 months, invite her to my house to hang out
In another 6 months, try to go to her house and hang out
2 months after, I'll try to hug her
Etc, etc, etc
Dokja is the definition of slow burn
But with you probably taking initiative. You'll hug him and his heart goes boom
Even though it didn't go according to plan, he doesn't mind
He loves your hugs and he didn't know it could be possible to want someone to stay in his arms forever give this man all the affection pls
Now after that section of physical touch, he'll speed up his plan
Probably only reduced it to one month but still
And eventually, your slow burn romance became a secret office romance
Might post about it later :)
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reggies-eyeliner · 2 years
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OPEN 2/26-2/24<3!! (5 SLOTS LEFT! [2/19/23])
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I have not done matchups in ages but THEN I WATCHED Lockwood & Co?? I had this whole epiphany like. WRITING THESE WERE SO FUN HELLO?? matchups will be open from 2/16-2/24! please read through all of the rules :D If a submission doesn't fill out all the requirements, I am more likely to push it off until later, so please make sure to read it carefully! I SWEAR IM NOT GONNA MAKE IT TOO COMPLICATED OKOK LETS DO THIS VAMANOS&lt;333!
FANDOMS (up to two*):
across the spider-verse*
most animated movies (httyd, bh6, rotg^^)
lockwood & co*
stranger things
julie and the phantoms
avatar: the last airbender
the legend of korra
voltron: legendary defenders
* i've only watched the series so far + i'm about to start the comics/books (and very excited to omg) !! just an fyi that my pairings will most likely revolve more around the characters featured in the series IM SORRY I SWEAR I'LL GET TO THE BOOKS/COMICS ASAP
**exclusively platonic matchups preferred/qpr!
the classic: submit in matchup information + get paired with (a) romantic partner(s)! in return for the matchup information, you will receive: a 1x3 moodboard, one song + a hefty list of headcanons + a mix-and-match randomized trope explanation! (ex: a blurb about sharing a bed, first time meeting, fake dating confession scene ; ~100 words!)
the Fave Homie(s)™: platonic matchups (my personal fave MWAHAHA)! you'll get paired with as many characters as you'd like<3!! in return for matchup information, you will receive: a 1x3 moodboard, one song + a hefty list of headcanons + incorrect quotes describing your dynamic between you and your found family/best bro<3
customized schedule: submit what your schedule looks like throughout any day of the week (up to two) + matchup information (platonic or romantic), you will receive: an hourly schedule on what life is like with said character i match you with + the aspects of your life with them! (ex: 8am, wake up by their side + they make you coffee blah blah blah), + a song for each moment of the day to describe your dynamic :D
name + preferred gender(s) to be paired with
preferred fandom (up to two are okay, but please let me know which one you'd like me to focus on more!)
platonic and/or romantic + polycule preference etc + preferred age group!!
you can include your sexuality if you'd like to (only if you want me to touch on the aspect on how your matchup will support you because. yeah<3)
giving + receiving love languages
hobbies, talents, things that make you you (think: if this wasn't in my life, how different would i be?)
mbti/zodiac (optional)
personality, how you handle difficult situations
what consist of a good memory for you
favorite songs + music taste/colors/any kind of aesthetics!!
anything that brings you comfort/anything that doesn't give you comfort (can be about a relationship or just in life :-D)
preferably off anon! i'd love to talk to you more after the matchup submission as well MWAHHAHA<333 if you're planning on being anon, an emoji anon would be p cool so we can chat more!
as i'm also a busy student, i will prioritize school-- if you submit a matchup, please be prepared to have up to anywhere from a 1-14 day wait! i'll send you a message that i got your ask hehe
you should totally use a pick up line in my ask box i enjoy pick up lines so much.
OTHER THAN THAT MAN write as much/little as you'd like!
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