#I support her whatever she does. I hope she gets her heart back though😭 she deserves the world
frost0wl · 1 year
im not a Kiriona apologist bc my girl Kiriona has nothing to apologize for. She's just Going Through It
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angsthology · 9 months
Pay Attention to Things That Most People Ignore ☆ LS2
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logan sargeant is most definitely not most people. it was time he started learning how
characters/pairings; daughter of poseidon!reader, chiron, mr. d, son of apollo!logan, theo (oc), son of athena!oscar.
warnings; monsters, typical pjo-type violence, logan is hopeless but that’s okay! some chb innacurracy sorry i havent read the books in a while, err very rushed writing im sorry, LAWD this is a mess i tell u 😭 perhaps i hate it — 3k words.
a/n; is the title... an all-american bitch lyric? yes. why? im not good and titles and i went to that song in instinct... for no reason. also this was based on a request — though i do admit its a little bit different as i would (hopefully) be making a part 2 hehe. by now im realizing how this title prob has nothin to do with the story
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Over the years, she’s come to accept her life. Did it hurt when it felt like her entire life ended? Of course. Does it still hurt when she turns on the television to see them basically rubbing it on her face? —Whatever.
In theory, she probably could’ve gotten away with it had she not been a daughter of one of the big three—thanks a lot, dad. —but it was proven one too many times that it was not safe for her or any of the other kids. If it didn’t put anyone else’s life at risk, she would’ve disobeyed her mother, she really would (she was a child, she really hasn’t grasped the full concept of what other people would feel).
But, you know, oh well.
It’s sixteen years later and she still has that lingering grudge in the back of her head as the screen plays another Grand Prix — another Grand Prix she could’ve probably been a part of.
She tried, she really tried so hard to forget about it, to let go of it, but again, it was proven to be way too hard to let go of something she had an actual chance of, an actual good chance.
Though it might be hard to let go, she couldn’t really complain much about the life she actually had now.
Sure, it gets pretty lonely sometimes being a forbidden child, there weren’t exactly much of them (that are known and living at camp). But she had everyone else, despite practically being an only child at camp, to her everyone else there were her little siblings—of course, that probably has something to do with the fact that she was the oldest camper and the one who has been there longest.
When she heard a set of the all-too-familiar clops her heart dropped from its current fast-paced beating.
She quickly closed your laptop shut, cringing when you heard how loud of a sound it had made. That was it. She didn’t even try hiding her disappointment in herself. She slowly emerged from under the blanket with her lips tightly-wound shut, bracing herself with whatever the Centaur will have to say, her mind playing a quick telepathic farewell to her laptop.
“Hello, Y/N.”
She sighed, “Chiron.”
“Where and how?”
She swallowed the pre-existing nerves in her throat, “Mr. D.”
He hummed in response, so she continued.
“A pack of Heineken and two bottles of Jack Daniels.”
“Hm, good picks.” She responded lowly under her breath with a small ‘yeah’ as Chiron walked closer to the head of her bed near the bed-side table—his hooves making clopping noises each step.
The silence was taking too long to her liking so she just went to get it over with, “So, you’re gonna take it away from me?” she paused, then mumbling under her breath for herself, “—it’s probably another Red Bull win, anyway.”
Apparently, it was loud enough for the Centaur to hear, making him chuckle.
Surprisingly, he didn’t mention anything else about the laptop, “Who do you support?”
Hearing the question quickly made her look up from her fidgeting hands to see the smile on his face, she screwed her brows in confusion as she continues to look at Chiron for—something. Then, realizing that he was still waiting for an answer, she shook her head.
“Uhm—well, uh—”
“You think that Lando will ever get a win?”
That seemed to loosen her up, “Ugh, Gods, I hope. I’m getting exhausted over here—you know, sometimes I really wish I could ask the Oracle about it.”
He chuckled then which made her crack a smile.
When it died down, Chiron looked at her smiling face. He couldn’t help but frown a little, he knew how she felt about racing, he knew how she still feels about it.
She looks up at him, “Yeah?”
“So, I am aware that your birthday is nearing
“I mean
 why wouldn’t you be? I’m here all-year-round.”
Chiron cleared his throat at her interruption, giving her a look.
He acknowledged and continued, “I am also aware that it lines up with a certain event
She raised an eyebrow it that, almost guessing what that said ‘event’ was.
“So,” he stopped, initially had her thinking he was just pausing but when he left out the door of her cabin she raised her hands as if saying ‘what gives?’
Seconds passed and it seemed like Chiron wasn’t going to come back any time soon so instead she stumbled off of her bed to quickly catch up to the Centaur that was headed to a building—the girl almost caught up to him, almost following him into the building but he was already back out in a good few seconds, stopping her right in front of the set of stairs, raising both her hands in question once more, “You just left. ‘So’, what?”
“I have it arranged that you will be attending the Miami Grand Prix.” He smiled as he handed her a lanyard.
She swore her eyes looked like it could’ve popped out of their sockets in a matter of seconds. She couldn’t believe what she was holding; a paddock pass. She couldn’t believe Chiron had done this for her considering how careful of a man (well, half-man) he is especially with her being a forbidden child. This was about to turn into the best birthday yet.
When she looked up to the smiling Chiron, her mouth still hung open in shock but her arms immediately wrapped around the man’s body in a bone-crushing hug.
She didn’t know how many ‘thank you’s that spilled out of her mouth but next thing she knew he was hugging her back with a chuckle escaping his lips.
After a few more ‘thank you’s from her, she pulled away smiling at him, “I thought you’d rather keep me here forever, why now?”
He cleared his throat, “Well, you are turning twenty-one, not many of you reach that kind of age—don’t tell them I said that—so I’d like to make it a bit more special.”
Still smiling, she looked at the paddock pass in her hand again, “You don’t know how much I appreciate this, Chi. Thank you, again.”
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Being there felt
She always thought if she were ever walking through the paddocks she would be walking as a driver.
What was even more odd was she felt her senses tingling, like she was being watched.
It was a bustling crowded place with many more interesting people compared to her, so it was weird to her that she felt like she was being watched of all people.
But alas, she brushed it off. It didn’t feel like anything bad—if it were, she would know—so she’s just going to have to save that thought for later.
She had to remind herself why she’s here; daydream in real-time of what could’ve been.
Yeah, she weren’t really keen on letting that go.
That is, until she was into her head she failed to notice the person—and group of people that came with said person—she was running into.
Before she knew it, a strong arm was holding her back with too much force for her liking, the action itself almost kicking in her self defense instinct until the person she did bump into pushed the hand away.
He was now talking to her, she assumed, but she was too focused on the person who had pushed her away.
Something about him felt
 off. He was what she would count as freakishly huge for a normal human being, her eyes couldn’t help but recalculate the large man over and over until eventually the person that has been trying to get her attention snaps her out of it.
“Sorry, that’s Theo, he’s like that. I swear he doesn’t mean any harm.”
The scowl she hadn’t realized that made it’s way to her face slowly dropped as she slowly move her gaze to the person that was talking to her.
When their eyes met, she swore she saw a flash of something pass by his expression.
“Yeah,” she finally let go of this ‘Theo’ person and found her words, “Sorry I bumped into you.”
“That’s fine.” There was a brief silence across them until he cleared his throat, “I’m Logan, by the way.”
“Yeah, I know. You drive for Williams.” She replied flatly.
He cleared his throat again, scanning her for the shortest moment, “Do I know you?”
She looked to his eyes again with a small squint. “Most likely not. Good luck, bye.”
Before he could say anything else she was already speed-walking away. And for some odd reason, Logan found himself watching her walk away before getting pulled away himself just in the same time as the girl turned around to give a watchful eye.
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It was getting annoying. This was supposed to be a weekend to enjoy but she could not help but feel that uneasiness creeping up on her. Over the years she had somewhat mastered the ability—well more the ability mastering her—of sensing bad things, whether that was events or creatures alike.
So, to simply put that together, that’s how she found herself sneaking around the Williams garage. Not hospitality, garage.
From years of quests here and there, many hours of weapons training, and not to mention capture the flag schemings with other campers, she had mastered the skill of being sneaky. It really did work well in her favor.
What she didn’t expect was to be completely entranced the moment she got into the busy garage; it was the first time she was seeing a real life-size F1 car in real-time.
Everything was so enchanting to her, it felt like she was reliving her childhood dreams all over again. When she had gone through with her plan, she didn’t really register the fact that she was going to go face to face with an actual working Formula One garage.
She really tried to stay focused on the task at hand but it really was in her blood to be unfocused.
Somehow, just somehow, she had heard his voice over the loud noises around her and just somehow, she knew he was addressing her.
Immediately, she tried to hide or duck behind something—anything just so she didn’t have to face him.
Before she knew it a hand was gripping her upper arm and pulling her somewhere quieter and she was met with green eyes that looked at her with suspicion.
“Are you like a fan or something?”
She was taken aback by his words.
“Are you following me?”
“What—no. I mean not you specifically—why did I say that.” she whispered the last part to herself. If she was being honest, she hasn’t really been brushing up her skills in socializing with anyone else that weren’t the campers.
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing! I—”
Their conversation—if you could’ve called it that anyway—was interrupted by the same man she had been suspecting from earlier.
“There you are.” It was the first time she was hearing his voice and just by that she already knew that they were going to be in big trouble. His voice was low and unnerving, saying the words as if he’s been searching for them not for worried purposes rather unfortunate ones.
Logan didn’t seem to have the same feeling as her as he looked more relieved among other things to see the man. “Theo!” he greeted while throwing his hands in the air, “What’s up, man?”
Fortunately for Logan, Theo wasn’t exactly paying attention to him instead looking at the girl in front of him instead.
When he noticed he tried to interfere, “Oh, no, don’t worry about her, she’s not harmful.” He then realized he didn’t exactly know this girl so he looked at her with questioning eyes, “You aren’t, right?”
Except her focus didn’t waver from the big man that looked at her with a stare that tried to kill.
Logan, still clueless, looked between the two back and forth in confusion until Theo said something that really caught his attention.
“Daughter of Poseidon.” Theo growled.
Logan’s head couldn’t snap towards her faster.
“Shit.” She mumbled under her breath.
Before they knew it, she had grabbed a hold of his hand and running away with it, Logan still very much in shock at this new information he attained.
Through empty places and crowded ones, the girl forgot that the man she had ahold of weren’t just anyone but a very real and hard-to-miss Formula One driver. Sure, he was a rookie but a driver nonetheless.
But she couldn’t care less about the attention she was gaining; she was far too busy running for her life than think about cameras and the public.
“What the hell was he talking about? Poseidon?!” she didn’t answer his panicked question so he continued instead, “Are you a half-blood too?”
The ‘too’ in his question was what finally caught her attention but still, she didn’t answer him, only cursing herself for not noticing one when she saw one.
Just when she thought they had lost them, the monster once disguised as Theo was standing there at the end of the opening, she and Logan had slipped in.
Next thing she knew she was fumbling around trying to fight off the apparent Giant that was Theo.
“What the hell are you doing there, mind a little help over here?” she yelled over at Logan who was pretty much
 useless in the corner.
He continued to panic, looking for anything he could use to get the Giant off of her.
Suddenly, while she was struggling to get the Giant’s grip off of her, the force stopped as a cloud of mist poofed where the monster was once before. She quickly scrambled herself up and was met with a figure in McLaren clothing holding a gold-dust colored weapon pointing at her.
“Oscar Piastri?!”
He didn’t answer her, dagger still pointing at her direction, “Who are you?”
Putting her hands out in defense she explained herself, “I respect that.” she commented, “I’m Y/N L/N, I am the daughter of Poseidon,” then she cautiously pointed at the Australian, “I’m assuming you’re a half-blood too.” she nodded at him, “Who do you belong to?”
Oscar then slowly lowered his weapon, his trust building by the minute, “Athena.”
Then both of them turn to Logan simultaneously.
“No!” he got defensive immediately, “I want to know what just happened!” he pointed accusingly.
All of a sudden, it just finally hit Oscar, “Poseidon?!”
The sea god’s daughter made a face and ignored the Australian, “What do you mean what just happened? Typical demigod stuff!”
The look on his face made her double-take, “You
 do have occasional encounters with monsters here and there
When Logan’s expression doesn’t change, she turns to Oscar.
“I have this for a reason.” He said slowly, showing her the dagger. “—and, well, if I’m being honest, that has never happened before.”
“Shit.” she shakes her head in disappointment then pulling out her phone, “I need to make a phone call.”
She left the two men by themselves and went ahead as the line rings a couple of times before getting an answer.
After a brief conversation—that will continue later for details—the girl locked her phone and walked towards the two drivers.
“You’re coming with me this summer. It will not be up for debate and don’t worry about your
 duties, I have it covered.”
Logan was quick to stop her explanations, “Wait—what—no! At least explain what the hell that phone call was about. You can’t just drop all that on us and expect us to be okay with it.
She rolls her eyes, “I’ll explain later, right now, you two have a job to do.” They didn’t object to that, the three of them walking out the pretty-hidden space the Giant had decided to corner them before.
Oscar stopped just outside, “I can take care of myself if anything else decide to come out and attack me, you should probably go with him. And uh, I actually need to talk to you,” he pointed at her, “—later. Not exactly letting you off the hook that easily.”
She didn’t complain.
The two walked in silence, every once in a while getting stopped for a picture and such, until Logan speaks up.
She turned to him, eyebrow raised.
“My dad.”
“Oh.” She paused then comments, “Fitting.”
He didn’t know what it was in her voice, it didn’t sound exactly like a compliment but he wasn’t sure if it was an insult.
Whatever, he shrugged it off.
After that, they both went into their own train of thoughts.
Without noticing, they both sucked in a breath in unison.
“I’m sorry for—”
“I think you should—”
The two quickly stepped back from whatever it was they were going to say, heat rushing up their necks. They kept walking on the awkward silence that fell upon them until Logan re-focused his attention and remembering what she had said—well, what she almost said earlier.
“Wait—‘sorry’? What were you apologizing for?” he turned to her who was now ducking away from his eyes, her own focus stayed on her fidgeting hands.
She made a noise before finally finding her words, “It’s just—this always happens, you know. I’m a forbidden kid, I attract the worst kind of trouble there is for half-bloods. And earlier; I had brought it to you and Oscar.” he was going to say something to ease her guilt but she beat him to it, “I’m just glad that monster didn’t hurt any of you.” She threw her hands in the air, “I mean, it’s qualifying day for Gods sake! —maybe I shouldn’t go to the race tomorrow.” She mumbled the last part to herself, though not quietly enough that the driver didn’t hear.
Logan was taken aback by her statement, giving him an opening on his almost-offer.
“What—no! Why not?” he asked.
“Look, it’s bad enough that there’s two demigods in one place; adding a forbidden kid in the mix won’t really make it any better. I still want everyone to have a safe race. Who knows what kind of other monsters I could attract.”
From every point of view Logan could gather, it was simply a fact that this girl knows about their world far more than he did, far more than Oscar did, so he couldn’t really be the voice of judgement in whatever she had to say. But
 he wanted her to stay.
It calmed him down for some reason, knowing someone shares the same—if not, worse—fate as you.
So, he tried to find a reason, a good reason to make her stay. Of course, he wasn’t a pro at this half-blood thing so he offered something that he was familiar with. He gave her a more
 human reason.
“I think you should stay.” He blurted.
“Dude—is it alright if I called you that?”
“Uh, go nuts.”
“You deserve to have some fun, watch a race! I’ll even have you as an official Williams guest!”
She hummed with a smile creeping up.
“And if you’re worried about trouble, that’s fine. We can always handle trouble! We are all trouble-bound any way, better face them now than later! Plus, I think it’d be good if you could teach us the basics early.”
She felt the warmth spread through her chest. It’s been a while since she felt someone so welcoming that wasn’t anyone within Camp Half-blood. It was nice. He was nice. Almost made her forget that she was in the place she was meant to be in.
Her heart felt wholesome, but didn’t make it show, her mouth couldn’t stop the comment from escaping her mouth instead.
“You really want me to stay, huh?”
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enid-rhees · 1 year
Hey again my most fav Enid fic writer, like, ever 💋✹
Sooo, I have two ideas in mind but imma send the second one as a separate request :)
Alright so imagine Enid, Carl, and reader in/during The Lineup...
I feel like there're so many different ways things could go down- but for now could ya' write where Enid and reader were helping carry sick n' pregnant Maggie, while Carl and the rest of em' are killing off walkers or whatever (I'm sure you remember how that episode went down lol).
But Negan ends up killing Carl, leaving Enid and the reader to grieve over their now dead best friend.
Maybe some fluffy comfort at the end? 💖
oh god, i definitely do remember this episode all too well. i think everyone does 😭 i’m gonna try my hardest with this, just know that the dialogue won’t be completely accurate because i don’t remember what Negan says but i don’t wanna go back 😭 so bare with me.
warnings: major death. Negan. (anytime he’s in my stories he will have his own warning) lots of blood. angst, little comfort but barely any. spoilers for season 7 episode 1 of The Walking Dead
a/n: hope you all enjoy! requests are currently closed but they’ll be open again soon :)
it was so cold. you could see your own breath as you and Enid helped Maggie maneuver through the woods. Carl stood in front of you, killing every walker that was coming your way. everyone else stood on your sides, protecting the three of you, but especially Maggie.
she looked so sick. color had drained from her face, and it looked like she hadn’t slept in months, although that was far from the truth.
when you made it into an empty area of the woods, you were all suddenly blinded by bright lights that surrounded all of you. you turned around, trying to find a way to escape this, but you quickly realized you couldn’t, every inch of this area of the forest was blocked by men, staring at you with guns in their hands.
your heart was racing so fast it shouldn’t have been possible. you held Maggie behind you, keeping her shielded from those men.
one man walked out, standing in front of all of you. “i want all of you to kneel.” he emphasized the word to show his dominance against all of you, and none of you had no other choice but to listen.
you and Enid carefully set Maggie on the ground, still holding onto her arms for support. the guy walked behind you, ripping your arms away from Maggie’s and taking your guns in the process.
you looked over at everyone, who had horror all over their faces. it seemed like the only reasonable reaction to have; fear.
he walked over to a van that was parked a few feet away from you and opened it. in the back, Glenn, Daryl and Michonne were inside. two other men from beside the truck helped the other pull them out, roughly throwing them to the ground.
“Maggie?” Glenn choked out. he hadn’t seen her in hours, he had no idea that you and Enid helped Maggie cut her hair, or that she was in the most mind numbing pain right now.
he was slapped in the face after that, “don’t speak!” the man demanded. you flinched at the loudness of his voice. “Negan will deal with you all shortly.”
who the hell is Negan?ïżŒ
your own question was answered when the trailer van fifteen feet in front of you opened, and a man with a bat stepped out, smiling widely. ïżŒthat was Negan.
he walked over to you guys, looking down the line. “which one of you is Rick Grimes?” he then kneeled down in front of Rick, like he already knew.
“it’s you, right?” he asked. Rick had no choice but to nod. sweat dripped down his curls, even though it was the coldest of nights right now.
“do you know why i have you here, Rick? it’s because you killed my men. and when i sent more of my men to kill you
. you killed more of my men!”
you remembered that. you were all on a run, just wanting to get more supplies for Alexandria. they ambushed you, but it was surprisingly easy to take them all down. but of course, it came with consequences.
“so you know what? i’m killing two of you, right here. and you won’t know who it is until this bat smashes their head into the ground. and after that, you work for me. your food, your supplies, will all be for me.”
you had to come to terms with the fact that you were about to lose two people from your group, and one of them could be you. or Enid. tears slipped down your face just from that thought.
Negan stood back up, “so! lets play a game, yeah?”
he walked to the end of the line, starting at Glenn. “eenie,” then Daryl, “meenie,” then Michonne, “minie,” and then Abraham, “moe.”
Abraham looked up at him, no fear or hesitation in his eyes. Negan swung the bat once, giving him a hard hit on his head. Sasha and Rosita cried out.
with blood on his head, Abraham looked back up at Negan, still no fear in his eyes. “suck
 nuts.” he hissed out. Negan let out a loud laugh at that, “you’re serious?”
he shook his head, and then bashed his head with the bat once more. Abraham was unconscious now, but he didn’t stop. the bat beat into his head until it started to turn into mush, mixed with blood and brains. you wanted to look away but you couldn’t, tears clouded your vision. the only thing that you could head was Rosita and Sasha crying out, begging Negan to stop.
you looked at Negan was disbelief, not understanding how he was smiling proudly at what he had done. you had met complete and utter psychos before during this apocalypse, but you now know that Negan is far beyond a psycho.
“would you look at that!” he yelled, laughing down at Abraham’s now headless body. the cries continued, but it only seemed to fuel Negan.
“maybe, just maybe, this will teach you guys a fucking lesson. don’t fuck with The Saviors, alright? because i’ll keep doing this until there’s none of you left to fight back. not like you can anyways,”
“now, let’s get back to it!” he turned around, smashing the bat onto Carl’s head. your eyes widened and a scream left not only yours, but Enid, and Rick’s lips. Enid held you back as you tried to reach for Carl, tears running down your face. Negan stopped, turning around to face you as Carl bled out.
“oh, i’m sorry, sweetheart.” Negan fake pouted, “was he your little boyfriend?” your face hardened as Enid held you back tighter, “oh, i see.” a sick and twisted smile made its way to his lips when he looked between the two of you.
he turned back around, continuing to smash the bat onto Carl’s head. his hat had already fallen off, but was now splattered in blood. Rick’s screams of terror, and anger filled the woods. you couldn’t stop crying, and Enid was struggling to keep herself together.
you fell out of Enid’s arms, body going limp from the crying and screaming. you didn’t know what to feel, you felt numb. you just watched your best friend get murdered. brutally, at that. you couldn’t even imagine what Rick felt, that was his son.
the sun had risen, and you were all still in that same area of the woods. The Saviors were gone, but everything they did would never leave you alone. everything you owned was now theirs. and none of you had a say in it.
Carl and Abraham’s body laid there, their blood was everywhere. Sasha and Rosita cried together, despite the problems they were having days ago, and even yesterday. none of it mattered anymore.
sobs racked through your body when Rick handed you Carl’s bloody flannel and hat. “he’d want both of you to have these.” he spoke hoarsely, trying to hold back his emotions. he had gotten good at it, but this wasn’t a time he could do it. and you didn’t expect him to.
Enid pulled you into her arms, and your cries turned muffled as you dropped your head into her neck. she sniffled, leaning her head on yours as she started to quietly cry as well.
you wanted this to be a nightmare so bad. you squeezed your own arm, hoping you would wake up. Enid would be by your side, sleeping peacefully, and right downstairs Carl would be eating breakfast with Judith, Rick and Michonne. everything would be perfect.
“Y/N,” Enid whispered. you opened your eyes, looking straight into hers. she intertwined her hand with yours, “we’re gonna kill him, okay? he can’t and won’t get away with this.”
“we can’t, Enid.” you cried. “he has too much power over us and you know that. we can’t kill him. we’re trapped now.”
Enid shook her head, “i know we’ll be able to. we just need time to prepare, and we can do it. we’ll do it for Carl.” tears slipped down your eyes just from the that.
you nodded, “for Carl.”
Enid gave you a small smile, despite everything she was feeling. she leaned forward, kissing your head softly and then leaning down to your lips. she connected them, holding your face in her hands.
“i love you. we can do this.” she whispered. “i love you too.” you whispered back. Enid pressed one more kiss to your head, lingering her lips there.
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fischlslays · 2 years
Ok i saw that you were s̶u̶f̶f̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶. So why not u do a Todoroki x reader fluff? It's like the reader is a new kid at school and she is roomates with Todoroki.
※The reader is female
※The anime is My Hero Academia.(MHA)
-Muichiro Tokitoâ˜đŸŒ«
Roommate [MHA]
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x F!Reader
Warning: mention of bullying. Fluff. Roommates
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Listen to this besties:
Why did I recommend these? First, because I wrote it while listening to them, second, because I can.
Friendly Reminder: This was not my idea as you see, @ask-muichiro-tokito is the one who bought it up, and as a reply for her, here ya go..! ♡ I want to thank @slutsssphobia for her/their supportive messege, I'm really happy :) (screaming*) BTW, check out her account, I'll list accounts to follow at the end of this post :) Add: Tf?! I have 51 followers?! Thx yall😭💅
Another Reminders: Drink some water, even though if its hard, and for my eating disorder girlies I relate, YOU CAN DO IT! I love you, so does your crush. You slayy. Please listen to Britt Barbie. How does it feel to be the hottest alive?
Enjoy? ♡
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Y/N, the new student transfers to the popular and mysterious academy were people who were born with powers learn to control it, you wonder if you're gonna find real friends this time..
At your very first day of school, you walk around, wondering what would happen, since you were bullied at your old school for being unique, but what are you afraid of this time? While daydreaming, you bump into someone with a muscular figure, you could tell it was a guy, but who?
You look at him with embarrassment,
"I- I am sorry..! I didn't mean to bump into you!" You say while lowering your head.
The guy with red and white hair was visibly confused by your actions.
"Are you ok? You don't need to apologise, you know.." he says while placing one of his hands on your shoulder.
You watch him walk away as you find your eyes follow him unconsciously. You feel something tapping on your shoulder.
"Heyy new kid, how are you?" You turn around to see Mina, you put on a smile and talk to her, even though you were talking to her, you find your self zooning out every while thinking about your encounter with that guy. Maybe he was your type, you know that.
You just got your keys, you don't know you is your roommate, you were really hoping for someone who would get along with you.
You place the key in the door hole, as you unlock the door, you see the guy you bumped into sitting on the couch reading a book. You both make eye contact, but he looks back at the book.
"I guess you are my roommate, huh? Welcome.." he says while having his eyes glued to the book.
"Yeah, thanks." You try to hide your face by look back to grab your bags.
You shyly walk to your room, you can feel his eyes following you.
While you were placing your stuff and whatever you shit you have, you hear a knock on the door. You quickly rush to the door and slowly open it, a little bit that only half of your face can be visible.
"Oh, hi" you saw while 'slightly' blushing.
"Well.." the guy in front of you says while placing his hand at the back of his neck. "Since we are roommates, I think we should know each other.."
You nod as you hear him speak, his voice was soothing, you never felt so welcomed, even thought it was the bare minimum?
You follow him to the living room, he sits on a hand chair, while you sit on the couch he was sitting on.
"So, um, what's your name?" You say while trying to start a topic.
"Todoroki Shoto. You?" He says.
"I'm L/N Y/N" you say.
He grabs that thing you open the TV with (I forgot the name) as he opens a show you really like. You lean back at the couch and place your legs on the couch, you grab a pillow and place it in front of your torso.
You both watch in silence, you can't help it, you didn't watch TV that night, you were admiring him.. imagine being roommates with your crush, it reminds you of the fanfics you were reading, but, what would happen?
You were walking in the hallway, you had all the eyes for two reasons, first, because you are beautiful, second, because you are the new kid.
While enjoying your new fame, two girls approach you..
"Hey you." They say
"Who do you think you are?" One of them says
"What do you mean?"
"Don't act stupid, I know that you know.."
"Wtf are you talking about?!"
"I heard that you are roommates with Shoto, you better not have a crush on him, he is MINE." On of the girls says.
You stare at her, wtf was she up to? And what makes it worse, you really had a crush on him.
You remember the time you was bullied at your old school, do you really want to be bullied here too? No. You better get your act together.
"So? Thanks for the advice, I'd totally have a crush on him for you. <3" you saw while crossing your arms.
Everyone looks at you, the girls infront of you were visibly angry. It made you happy.
One of the girls pushed you. You fall on your butt. You look at her, she looked satisfied to see you like that.
"What are you doing..?"
You look behind to see who was that.
It's Shoto.
He approaches as the girls start to shake slowly.
"Oh, h-hi Shoto-san." One of the girls says.
He ignores them both and approached you, he gives you his hand. You stare at it, did somebody really stand up for you? You look at his hand wondering whether to grab it or not. But you did at the end.
After he made sure you were ok, he looks at the girls.
"I better not see you bully y/n or anyone.." he says.
The girls nod slowly, as they walk back with embarrassment, and *poff* they were gone.
"People here can be jerks some times, I'm sorry for that."
You look at him. "Yeah, thank you."
He walks away as your eyes again followed him, you are sure that you really like him.
You admire him.
Heyy thanks for reaching this part :)
This one really sucks, it's my first time writing for him.
Pls tell me if you want an other version of this where y/n is confident or whatever.
Love yall
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Tags: @ask-muichiro-tokito @sanemis-zubbue @slutsssphobia @sanemis @sanemisfav @sanemiangel
Tell me if you want me to tag you. <3
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gloomiebearwritings · 2 years
Got another request for ya! Can I please request headcanons for Cassie, Sonya, Erron Black, and Hanzo falling in love with a female firefighter/paramedic and comforting her when one of her comrades dies in the line of duty?
My heart!!! It’s so sad! 😭 Sorry it took me a bit to get this one done, by the time I started working on it last night I was dead tired! Hope it’s all right! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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- At first, she just found your career admirable, not immediately thinking of the risks it brought to the table; she was content to see how you took pride in what you did
- She knew from the start that your job was hard on you though, but this hit much too close to home for her this time around
- When she finds out about what happened she’ll drop whatever she was doing to come to your side; once at your side she’ll help get you cleaned up and sat down
Her first fear was that you were hurt as well, feverishly asking you if you’re okay until she gets her own thoughts into place to help you. She does her best to help calm you down, resorting to holding you tight and promising it’d be okay. “I’m so sorry, Y/N- I’m here now, it’s gonna be okay
” she’ll say, keeping you close to her. She’d convince you to take a leave to recover from what you saw, telling you it'd be better than trying to work while it all gnawed at you. Regardless of if you choose to heed her advice or not, she’ll support you through it all, doing her best to try and keep your head up. What you’re experiencing is intense and she respects that you need time to recover, often taking extra time off to be there for you.
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- When she first got with you, she knew better than to think nothing could go wrong, always reminding you to keep after yourself and not let yourself get too relaxed - Even still, when it all went wrong, she’ll drop her tough act in a heartbeat; rushing to your aid to keep you on your feet long enough to get someplace away from the chaos - She’ll do her best to keep you from seeing the body if it was recovered; she doesn’t want you having to see something like that in your already heartbroken state
After assuring you’re not injured yourself, she focuses on trying to bring you back down to earth, reminding you that you yourself are still alive, and that she needs you to focus. While it reminds her of the time, she thought she lost Jax she knew that your comrade wouldn’t be coming back. Once she has you calm enough to keep steady, she talks with you about possibly taking leave so you can clear your head, warning you that if you go back to work in such a state of mind you could get hurt. “I can’t let you go back out there and get yourself hurt, Y/N
” she’ll tell you as she’d hold your face to keep you looking at her.
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- He knew well enough from his childhood that your profession wasn’t the safest around, that something could go wrong; but all his mental prepping did nothing to prepare him for helping you through the loss of a comrade 
- Fumbles a bit in the beginning after making sure you’re fine and not harmed; clearly not sure how to approach the situation
- He might seem distant at first, but he very much cares for how deeply you’re affected by what happened
Once he gets his head on straight, he’ll get you seated at home, wanting you to be away from everything that could make the pain worse. He’ll keep you wrapped up in his arms on the couch as he does his best to soothe you, reminding you that you have to control your breathing, even if it’s not the softest thing to say at the moment.
As you begin to calm down enough for him to discuss anything, he suggests taking some time off if you can, telling you that it’d be no good to just go right back out there with such a fresh pain. He even suggests going on any kind of a vacation, “It’d clear your head, baby doll
” he’d say as he kept you tight in his arms. 
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- He had a general idea of how risky your profession was, always reminding you to be careful and telling you he loves you; knowing something could happen to you or another near you
- When it comes back to him that something did go wrong, his first real concern was whether or not you were hurt, and if you were he’d ensure you were taken care of first
- Only after you’re safe does he realize the reason you’re so emotional, feeling guilty for putting so much emphasis on you that he nearly forgot that things could happen to those you work with as well
He’ll hold you close and do what he can to soothe you down, using his warmth to comfort you. Your pain hits close to home for him, and he understands well enough that this will hurt for some time; so, his main goal is to bring you back down to him from your tears. When you’ve come down enough, he’ll ask you if you’d be willing to take time away from everything to work through the pain but wouldn’t want you to sway from your profession because he knew it was something you were passionate about. Even still, however, he doesn’t want you trying to continue with such a weight on your shoulders. “We’ll take this one day at a time...”
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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“Life’s too short to be such an oblivious fool --  So reckless that I couldn’t see... Life’s too short to be so desperate to be loved That I only ever thought of me. I wish I saw things clearly -- I guess I’m not just the sort. Now all I know is life’s...too...short.”
~“Life’s Too Short (reprise),” an outtake from Disney’s Frozen
My dear @cursebreakerfarrier​!! I was listening to this song at work, and just...GOD, did it give me such feels for our Marauder Era kiddos, Ed and Chess! đŸ˜©Â 
One of my favorite aspects about these two and their friendship is how in some ways, they reflect aspects of the Snape/Lily relationship, while both starting and turning out a lot healthier. Like Snape, Ed is a Slytherin who gets wrapped up in the romanticized notions of blood purity pushed by many Slytherins at that time, even if it destroys his friendship with the first and truest friend he’s ever had (who happens to be a lady Gryffindor who falls for a Marauder, funnily enough!), only for him to turn around toward the end of the War after losing the love of his life and actually end up as part of the Order of the Phoenix during the Second War. Unlike Snape, though, Ed’s lost love was not that first friend; he also lost his older brother and was disowned by his family in the middle of the War; and his transformation into a better person is a bit more complete after Ed does some active soul searching, taking a deep look at the flaws in himself that caused him and the ones he loved so much unhappiness and actively trying to work against them. And fortunately Ed and Chess reconcile in a way Snape and Lily never could have, not just because both of them were lucky enough to actually survive the First Wizarding War, but because neither of them ever forgot the depth of their platonic love for each other and both of them have grown enough as people that they could re-forge their friendship anew. Even when Chess gets back together with Sirius (who Ed will probably always resent both for having left Chess alone for so long and for him having left Regulus to carry the Black family legacy completely on his own), Ed loves Chess enough that he’ll support whatever choice she makes -- even going so far as to fight against his own distinctly passive, laidback, entertainment-focused attitude and lack of dueling talent to try to help her as part of the Order. He’s not the smartest guy around, nor is he the most powerful or the bravest -- but Ed cherishes the people he loves with his whole heart and will do anything if it means their happiness. And the person at the very center of his heart is his “Kit” -- his first, best, and truest friend. 
This sketch is set when Ed and Chess meet again after so many years apart. I see this being right after Chess burst into tears and threw her arms around Ed, overwhelmed at looking at this man who had been a stranger for so long and once again seeing the little boy who was her best friend staring back at her. True to form, no matter how very, very emotional Ed is, he somehow doesn’t cry -- Chess, however, isn’t able to hold it all in. I hope you all like it...as I said, I got kind of feelsy working on this!! 😭 (We need more loving Slytherin/Gryffindor friendships, mmkay. *eyes Carewyn with Bill and Charlie*) 
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lovecolibri · 5 years
Season 2 Episode 2: Things that Spark Joy
-ALEX IN MILITARY DRESS. Also, he has a crew now? And they do what he says and don’t ask questions? I’m sure they don’t when he uses that tone of voice! *aggressively fans self*
-Rosa and Liz continue to have a beautiful sistership with cuddles, even though Rosa is apparently allergic. She is still delivering some sass (Yahoo deleted my email. Rude. and The future is creepy as hell!) And, while it makes me sad for Rosa, I’m glad we are seeing her demons come out. Last episode was all about the physical damage from drug use being healed and I’m happy to see that this episode is showing that the battle of addiction isn’t so easy to fix. I’m happy they aren’t glossing over that part of her storyline.
-Michael finally got some science goggles! Now he needs a white coat and gloves so he can match with his Science Bros Liz and Kyle.
-Speaking of Science Bros, Michael and Liz are also apparently Jail Bros! (Though for the life of me I can’t figure out why she wouldn’t call Kyle or Alex, the only two semi-functioning adults in this group. Maybe because she knew Michael wouldn’t judge?) And Michael’s holding cell banter continues to delight. His mocking phone message was hilarious.
-Kyle got to deliver some of his signature sass again this week! And I love seeing him be excited about doctor stuff. Also, good on Steph for calling out those guns! *swoon*
-Wyatt just wondering around drinking a beer in public made me giggle. NM is lax, but not THAT lax. 
-Isobel is going through it right now but her “body snatching bundle of evil” line was funny and hey, sometimes it takes a little dark humor to get through the bad stuff. But really, her and Maria’s scenes were on FIRE! Now those two have chemistry! And Maria knows that something is up with Isobel, and she was so kind and gentle with her. I would so much rather watch them be a slowburn enemies to lovers story than whatever this triangle non-sense is.
-Maria’s Customer Service Face/Voice. Girl, we have ALL been there. No, there are no refunds.
-Werewolf dude made me literally laugh out loud! With a town full of aliens, who knows! Werewolves could totally end up being an issue. Dude knows what’s up! And don’t think we missing that moment of him checking out Maria! (that moment had more chemistry that all of m&m’s “romantic” scenes combined)
-Cleansing screams! (+ Everyone’s faces at werewolf dude during the cleansing screams) 
-MALEX!! Alex looked so hopeful for a moment there when he first saw Michael waiting outside his house (without his armor hat on)😭 And Michael’s reaction to “never getting used to” seeing Alex in uniform just screams that he has seen him in uniform several times (hellllloooo lost decade!) and also screams that he does not hate it as much as he says. Could they stand ANY closer together?! Alex giving Michael a name for his mom and hope that they can find someone who knew her? My heart! The way Michael says he likes Maria and then looks so disappointed that Alex isn’t fighting for him (throwback to is this really how it ends?), the way Alex gets glassy-eyed and tries to be supportive?! Uuuuugh. This is the GOOD ANGST and I am here for their growth! (although I really wish we could get the growth without having this triangle or Forrest nonsense). I love the parallel to last season when Alex was constantly showing up at Michael’s home and then walking away, and now this season, even just in two episodes, Michael is the one showing up at Alex’s home and then walking away. They just keep talking past each other and someone needs to lock them in a room so they can talk it out! I am LIVING for the day something happens to Alex and Michael looses his ever-loving shit about it. *grabby hands*
-The only good thing to come out of that M*luca scene was Maria’s face that first time Michael leaned in for a kiss. I legit laughed and it gave me huge Corona virus, six feet back motherfucker vibes. If that scene would have ended there I would have been happy.
-Righteously furious Rosa!! I think everyone was a little confused about how quickly Liz forgave Max after her declaration of “I don’t ever want to see you again.” I personally would have loved to see her still pissed at him but still helping out with Noah and then being hyper-focused on bringing Max back after his death for the sole purpose of telling him to his face how pissed she is that he sacrificed himself like that. Either way, good on Rosa for calling Liz out on that, and on lying to her about how the town reacted to her death. I totally understand Liz’s motive as Rosa has had a LOT of stuff dumped on her at once but Rosa’s feelings are also totally valid and it was good to see, even though my heart breaks for her.
-Alex watching his dad have a seizure and just standing there made me cackle. He has officially run out of fucks to give about Jessie Manes. Also, Flint? Can he be redeemed? I don’t know, but I’m excited to find out!
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