#I started this in November which still would've been too late for Halloween but it would've been Closer lol
sysig · 2 years
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Real gamers have RGB skin (Patreon)
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#Doodles#Deltarune#Blue Addison#Pink Addison#Orange Addison#Yellow Addison#The dangers of a hivemind#Huahh finally! So happy to have finally gotten to finish this one lol ♪#I started this in November which still would've been too late for Halloween but it would've been Closer lol#Blue's just too popular everyone wants to go as him lol#You're too pretty Blue!#Also featuring all the Adds for a change! Very nice ♪#I haven't intentionally been leaving Orange out or anything I just - I don't have an orange colour pencil lol#As evidenced by the Really Good smudging between the red and yellow in the bonus lol I tried!#The last time I tried to use an orange pen to colour him I had forgotten that That particular colour scans Extremely differently#It's nearly a pale pink >:P The heck#But here I get to to include him! Haha#I do really like the internal-light headcanon glowing's super cute :D So why not go all the way! Colour changing light bulbs! Lol#I mean aside from it literally being a video game lol there is a Video Game theme to Chapter 2 - RGB nonsense seems like it'd suit them#Absolutely eye-bleeding if they get ahold of other RGB accessories like necklaces or headbands or masks lol#Just spin their internal colour wheel and blind others lol - very flashy advertisement! Click here!!! Lol#I imagine it'd probably have a little more setup than that - maybe able to switch between presets but colour picking is still finicky#It was fun to draw them all together for a change haha ♥ Well excepting the obvious#The panel where the first three are all looking offscreen if probably my favourite haha ♪ I think the head angles turned out nice :)#I also like how grumpy Pink and Blue are haha ♪ If anyone could pull off Blue it'd probably be Pink lol#Aside from makeup I wonder if they could be multicoloured like the bonus hmm ♪ Sno cone look hehe#Maybe LEDs?? Individual pixels of colour! Specific coding!#Can you play DOOM on an Addison's face? Hehehe ♫
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