fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
i'll get luca's replies tomorrow after practice. i'm exhausted tonight
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
"you're the one i'm helping, so you tell me." luca found himself retreating back to his old position from before he was about to leave. "we will see."
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“i’m neither of those things, but i bet i can still help in some way.” luca’s eyes fixated on her’s. “i doubt it, but you can try to prove me wrong.”
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Char smiled at the other. “How are you going to do that” She asked looking at the other. “I’m sure I can handle it.” 
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
lol @ free time apparently. you all will have me after school tomorrow. i had auditions, practice, and a performance this week. but i’ll be on like all night tomorrow after an appointment.
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
"i appreciate the offer, but i haven't quite decided." luca motioned to the multiple samples on a tray in front of him. "what are you having? maybe you could help me figure out which to get wasted on tonight." it took a moment for the nhler to decipher which end to start with. the first sample was too bitter for him, while the next on was too sweet. the next few followed a similar pattern.
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Sitting on a barstool and already feeling quite tipsy, Bernardo looked around, trying to find a familiar face amongst the crowd of day drinkers. He didn’t want to drink alone, how sad was that? The boy ordered another beer, and as he waited for the barman to refill his pint glass, he turned to face the first person to his right, trying to make small talk. “You look like you could have another drink. How about, um, whatever it is that you’re having? It’s on me.” 
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
"i would be quite pissed as well. you'll meet lady gaga at some point in your life, though. personally, i don't get the whole hype about coachella. i'll take you one day, if your give me your name of course."
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“apparently my parents took a trip to attend coachella for the sole purpose of seeing lady gaga. i’m kind of bitter they didn’t invite me, i imagine the people watching there is phenomenally entertaining.”
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
"i'm neither of those things, but i bet i can still help in some way." luca's eyes fixated on her's. "i doubt it, but you can try to prove me wrong."
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“i can’t help? what, do you think i’m so attractive that you can’t be around me? come on, it shouldn’t be that hard.”
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“If you are a publisher or editor than by all means you can help but otherwise I don’t think you will be much help” She said with a giggle. “Oh I can handle how attractive you are.” 
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
i won’t be on until tomorrow, loves!! i got caught up in my playoff hockey and reading that i’m just so tired now.
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
Text: Open
Addison: ooo I forgot I had your number still
Addison: I guess that's what I get for hitting 'send to all contacts'
luca: but that doesn't answer my question.
luca: i have received and deleted plenty of numbers.
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
"i can't help? what, do you think i'm so attractive that you can't be around me? come on, it shouldn't be that hard."
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“If you wouldn’t mind, I kind of need to be left alone right now. I have a deadline I need to meet and you’ll just become a distraction” 
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
"ah, thanks man," luca tucked his phone in his back pocket. "i don't really know what i would do without this thing."
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Connor was sitting on a bench in the middle of a park. He noticed someone dropped their phone,” Excuse me.” He stretched out his hand with the phone,” You dropped this.
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
"what is with everyone and being obsessed with coffee?" luca was never a huge coffee fan and actually felt out of place with others around like that. "but yeah, sure. any place in mind?"
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“It’s getting cold out here, don’t you think?” She asked, looking away. “Do you want to go somewhere that could give us warmth? Coffee?” 
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
GAIL: Uh, yeah, do me a favor and don't open that pic. That was, uh... not for you.
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
"i'm going to say that's not all americans. some don't even drink coffee, take me for instance, so i don't need that knowledge. you have moved to a great place, though, especially since i live here."
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You americans have no idea what real coffee is. No, seriously. I’m yet to find a cup of coffee I can actually consume. There’s more to life than just black coffee with this ‘creamer.’ And don’t tell me I’m being dramatic. I had to explain what a macchiato was yesterday.. Where have I moved to?
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
Text: Open
Addison: Okay so hopefully you have no plans tonight bc I booked this ace VIP area at this club and we're celebrating your fav Australian getting an ep deal with an independent producer ((((((((:
luca: who is this?
luca: and i have dinner with some of the team tonight so
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
luca's smile grew as the girl spoke. life had gotten better, and meeting friendly people in brooklyn was a plus - except running into his ex, but that would be another story. "don't get tangled up with other fans, especially if they're drunk." the male noticed the blush, it made him chuckle a bit. "i'm glad i'm the reason." luca looked outside, slipping his beanie on before speaking. "i should be on my way, pregame dinner is soon." he flashed one last smile on his way out, stopping at the door. he was going to say one more thing, but it didn't come out so he just left.
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“i really hope not. losing your first nhl game is always tough, thinking it’s your fault, i bet.” after this past year luca’s true love had become hockey, his life was taken over by it. “it was more like if we win, maybe you’re my good luck charm. i can tell you haven’t been to a game before,” a chuckle followed his last statement. “i’ll see you there. look out for number 77.”
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chanel gave him a sympathetic smile as he spoke, this was evidently important to him – she could tell. “i’m sure you’ll do fantastic. i’ll be cheering for you guys.” she said, offering some words of encouragement. at his next statement, her cheeks tinted a light pink, indicating a blush. “i guess we’ll see, but you’re right. although, there’s a first for everything.” chanel responded with another smile. “seventy-seven,” her voice echoed as she nodded her head. “i’ll remember that!”
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
luca could tell she wasn't interested, as usual, but wasn't in the mood to engage in a conversation with someone who refused to care anymore. he pulled his phone out once again, seeing a few texts. "i have to go, pregame dinner is soon. i'll see you at the game right?" the last part obviously a 'joke'. "i'm kidding, i only have a certain amount of tickets. you didn't make the cut." the male didn't really know what else to say. addison was full of attitude - as if she hadn't been towards the end of their relationship - and it was bringing his big day down. he was about to live his dream, he can't let an ex ruin it.
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dropping addison was hard for him, genuinely hard, but he couldn’t take her changing and then that guy, oh how he pissed luca off. channeling all that angry energy into hockey brought him to where he was today, in the nhl. he would thank addison, but he believed she wasn’t worth it. “i know. all the guys have been pretty welcoming. right timing too, playoffs start in less than a week.” at this point luca was just interesting in bragging about how great his life had gone since the split. there would be times he regretted his decision and miss what he and the girl had, but he knew it was better. he wasn’t doing anything with his life while she was succeeding along with that, her whole demeanor changed.
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Addison simply nodded at his continuation of an explanation to as why her was here in Brooklyn.  “Alright.”  Her tone was still disinterested.  Truth be told Addison couldn’t care less about what Luca had been up to.  Sure, she was hurt when he broke up with her.  Addison was young and hadn’t experienced loosing people she loved.  But it had been over a year and she had grown as a person.  After everything else that had went down in LA in the past year or so, the blonde had come out stronger, knowing that she didn’t need other people to lift her up.  The point was Addison had long moved on with her life and wasn’t about to let some blast from the past get to her.
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fckoffluca-blog · 7 years
"i really hope not. losing your first nhl game is always tough, thinking it's your fault, i bet." after this past year luca's true love had become hockey, his life was taken over by it. "it was more like if we win, maybe you're my good luck charm. i can tell you haven't been to a game before," a chuckle followed his last statement. "i'll see you there. look out for number 77."
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“my closest friends are flying out to see it.” luca was about to say family, but he never really had one, he had many and was never attached to them. “you’ll have to let me know. come by the glass and i may toss you a puck.”
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chanel’s face brightened at his response. “that’s so nice! i’m sure they won’t be disappointed.” she complimented, smiling up at the male. she didn’t know much about hockey – or any sport but she was willing to learn. “that sounds a little frightening,” chanel admitted, a light giggle following after. “but i’ll be there. it’ll be fun.”
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