#I stan boromir
sunnibits · 11 months
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okay wait wait wait hold the fuck up. I may very well be reading into this too much but like. this picture is from the very end of ep8 right,, ARE THEY FUCKING WEARING IZZY’S GLOVE?????? or at least mimicking it???? um????
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sindar-princeling · 2 years
between the newsletter’s entry where we learn the ponies are okay, me picking apart rings of power and analysing why it doesn’t fully feel like tolkien, and this one gifset of frodo and sam i reblogged, i felt like i finally have to gather my thoughts regarding what makes tolkien tolkien
and while there are many things that do, i’d argue that the most special one is its earnestness.
characters in LOTR care unabashedly, with all their hearts, and love so easily, whether it’s platonic, familial or romantic.
the hobbits feel like the most obvious example - merry, pippin and sam follow frodo for as long as they’re able; their loyalty goes deep to their bones, and their relationships are so full of trust, joy, devotion, fondness.
but all of LOTR is just more examples of the same thing. after the war legolas spends the rest of his life in middle-earth with gimli - they travel together for over a hundred years - and then he decides he won’t just say goodbye when gimli dies! and he does something that hasn’t been done before and just takes gimli to valinor, but not before aragorn dies. because they both loved him, too. faramir asks “do you not love me, eowyn?“ and she realises she does, and he says he’ll marry her and they’ll grow a garden and heal, and he kisses her even though everyone can see them. sam loves frodo, and he loves rosie, and he spends his life with her, then joins frodo in the undying lands after she dies.
and it shines through in the movies, too! it’s thanks to both the direction and the acting skills of the cast, of course, that so, so often all emotions are on full display - whenever sam and frodo interact, when aragorn kisses boromir’s forehead, when the hobbits say goodbye at the grey havens, when pippin finds merry at the battlefield, the way gandalf reacts when frodo says he’ll go to mordor, the way theoden breaks down at his son’s grave, the way he cares about eowyn like she’s his own child, the way eomer reacts when he finds eowyn and thinks she’s dead. those are just examples off the top of my head.
it’s also very special to me because in many fictional works (not only in fantasy) people just aren’t allowed to be that open - mostly men, but not exclusively - meanwhile this earnestness is something i always look for in fiction.
it stands out especially if you consider some fantasy creators (not naming any names but you know who i mean ajsjdjfjf) saying they “just want to reflect the misogyny of the period” (which is just bullshit and also demeaning to people of all genders in so many ways), because while LOTR is heavily male-dominated, tolkien managed to do something very, very interesting and important there.
he says, “war is the province of men”, but it doesn’t mean you’re supposed to want to be there. you’re not supposed to want to go to battle, suffer and/or die. eomer wants eowyn to stay home because he loves her, and couldn’t stand to see her die in a cruel, gruesome way (and when he thinks she’s dead, it’s the most devastating display of grief in the whole movie trilogy).
the heroes go to war because there are things that need defending, and dying for a noble cause is honorable, but again - it’s about defending, not about fighting. the clearest villains of LOTR are people who want the war to happen. many of the heroes, most of whom are men, just want peace for their people, want companionship (one of the first things aragorn says to the hobbits is that he’d be happy to have more friends, because being a ranger means he’s lonely), or want a good meal and a good drink like the hobbits. they want comfort and warmth. they want to finish a book like bilbo. they want to live in a garden among all things that live and grow like faramir. they want to marry and have a home and kids like sam.
and the things is, it’s not always that common in fiction, but it’s absolutely common, you know. IN REAL LIFE? BECAUSE MEN ARE PEOPLE? so it’s just really good to have tolkien absolutely divorce masculinity in his works from how his characters show emotions, or how much comfort they crave. and that is a realistic approach i’m interested in.
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sotwk · 8 months
@scyllas-revenge I just want to thank you for this! (This is becoming a regular thing, but seriously, it's that appreciated.)
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I was actually CRAWLING like a wretched slug though the said WIP (yep, it's still Taken, Part 3 *sobs in struggling writer*), but thanks to your comment, it's gaining a little more speed today! Fingers crossed that kernel of motivation snowballs, 'cause I've had a very rough, low-production January, fic writing-wise.
Speaking of encouragement, let's have a look at that chin-rubbing action again:
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Yeh gads, THAT SMILE. Makes it even better. I think my heart just started bleeding.
Okay--back to work now! :)
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hamstertross · 1 year
thinking about boromir. he was only human. and all that pressure from his father, from his people, from himself. it's no wonder he cracked if he thought the Ring could help. we all know the feeling of being trapped and you think that there is only one thing that could save you, your friends, your country. thinking about how good boromir was.
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anghraine · 8 months
I do have some sympathy for criticisms of how Éowyn's arc is resolved in LOTR (the book), even though I like Éowyn/Faramir a lot. I agree with some of those criticisms, even!
But I'm a Faramir stan first and foremost, and I am a bit puzzled at the idea that her arc is essentially sacrificed to prop up Faramir's. For me, it's Faramir's arc that is sacrificed to give Éowyn resolution.
For most of his on-page time, Faramir's characterization is deeply caught up with Boromir's and Denethor's and the dynamics between them (on an in-story and meta level). These and the high tragedy of his family are essential to the presentation of Faramir every single time he appears until the horror of Denethor's death.
And then it just ... vanishes. We don't know anything about what he feels about his family after Denethor's death. We don't know how he reacted to what Denethor tried to do. He never mentions or is shown thinking about it, or about Boromir (who he loved dearly but previously had complex feelings about), or what his family's place in the new Gondor should be. Did he find out he'd retain the Stewardship during the coronation? Was it already settled, with the later interchange with Aragorn a matter of ceremony? We don't know!
One of Faramir's greatest character moments is his speech about his love for Minas Tirith and hopes/fears for it in the future, but by the time Faramir meets Éowyn, he knows he'll have to leave Minas Tirith (his lifelong home) in the best possible scenario. Yet we know very little about what he feels about leaving Minas Tirith apart from what he can offer Éowyn in Ithilien.
It's not just that he's underwritten after Denethor dies, though. He's still quite lovingly written—as Éowyn's love interest. The narrative emphasizes Éowyn's development and healing during their romance and the resolution lies in Éowyn realizing her love for him and seeing a future other than war or what she went through in Rohan. Faramir becomes this kind of dreamboat love interest for Éowyn and is characterized almost entirely in service to resolving her arc.
And I do think it's beautifully written in ways that ... mostly have a lot of synergy with the overarching themes of the book etc etc, and we can fill in the missing spaces here, and so on. But it does seem to me that Faramir very abruptly goes from a character who independently exists in his own right, whom the narrative cares about in his own right, to a character who primarily exists to advance other characters (mainly Éowyn, a little bit Aragorn). He is much more a character in Éowyn's story than she is one in Faramir's.
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boromirswife · 7 days
I am so sorry to tell you, but I am already Boromir‘s wife so I don’t know who you are.
(Just kidding I am always delighted to meet another Boromir stan on here 💖)
Nooo, he’s mine 😭🤭
(I am also always glad to see other Boromir stans around!! He deserves all the love in the world ❤️)
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greypetrel · 10 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms more
Oh no @pinayelf has tagged me again so I'll have to do another set! :"(
(thank you Ellie! I already did one and I was crying because I left out characters, here it is if you or anyone wants to read it)
Tagging: @aimee-maroux @everythingispoetry @owlask @raflesia65 @morgandarcyarts @sapphireangelbunny @idolsgf @zenstrike @rowanisawriter and YOU!
1. Sir Gawain
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We stan a bi king (in the poem he kisses the Lord THRICE. Out of his own will. In another he kisses Lancelot. On his lips.). I love Gawain in any declination, Arthurian cycle, medieval poems, Merlin and the latest movie. I put Dave Patel because visually it's the one that I like the most, but give me a Gawain and I'll like him.
2. Boromir - Lord of the Rings
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I spent half my life hating him, then I REALISED. And now he's my sweet pea the apple of my eyes I love him and I'll defend him. Movie kinda did him dirty, but AAAAAH.
3. Beatrice - Much Ado About Nothing
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Fiercely loyal sarcastic queen who can and will stand up to herself. I love her. Absolutely flawless.
4. Chrisjen Avasarala - The Expanse
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She's everything and I love her more than words can say. Old professional lady cursing like a sailor and speaking her mind clearly. Was very torn between putting her or Ripley in the first batch, but Ripley got precedence out of seniority of my obsession. I couldn't suggest you (anyone you are reading) this show enough, and she is one of the big reasons (she and Bobbie. I love Bobbie <3).
5. Evie Carnahan - the Mummy
She's everything and I will fight for her.
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6. Kronk - Emperor's New Groove
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I quote this movie more than it would be healthy to do. Yzma comes a close second but it's him.
7. Madalena - Galavant
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I stood there 10 minutes trying to decide whether to put her or King Richard. But this single scene was the one that made me fall in love with the show and how it turns tropes around and so yeah. This list was short of villains, furthermore and she is everything, go slay, queen.
8. Jasper Fahey - Grishaverse
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As previously stated, you give me a chaotic blorbo with a flair for theatrics and I'm yours forever.
(another fave is Nikolaj, but here goes Jasper because you know. Less tsarism involved.)
9. Martha Jones - Doctor Who
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Martha deserved so much better than what the show and the fandom gave her. She's a great character, she's strong and compassionate and kind and honestly she did it right in leaving the Doctor (here's a video essay of a person better informed than me). I am so sorry, but I don't like Rose all that much, particularly in the season with Tennant and I'm on the Justice for Martha squad.
10. Korra - Avatar: the Legend of Korra
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I know her show has flaws. But her as a character IS NOT.
Again, I needed to have figures to deconstruct the trope of "strong girl" and she's it. I love her arc and how she needs to deconstruct herself to proceed.
(I love also Tenzin, Tenzin is my favourite and my love, but his character arc is to me slightly less compelling)
(don't ask me to choose just ONE character from ATLA, I can't, I'll stay stuck for two hours trying to decide whom I like best and end up running away screaming because I can't.)
On a book level I must add: Margarita from Master and Margarita. That book is my obsession and the reason I ended up studying russian literature and language. -even if Bulgakov was actually Ukrainian but guess how many people told me so and I won't start here on the subject)
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borom1r · 2 months
4 5 6 9 12 14 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 and 26 (freebie: favourite h/c or whump headcanons because I’m a Fiend) for Boromir, Faramir, Éomer, and Théodred >:)
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
UM. ok this is so fucking. this is SO DUMB but 1) Boromir is just inextricably tied to fantasy to me sorry BUT. im sticking him in The Sword and the Sorcerer bc i think if ANYONE deserves to get to mess around with a three-bladed magic rocket sword its Boromir
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Shock Me! by Baroness
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
loyalty :3 also bad at quantifying my own emotions sdkjhfsdkjf
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
YE. i think i could totally be roommates w/ him
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Boromir struggling with self harm impulses was sth that just kinda came up naturally in one fic + then got expanded on and now its. a very important hc to me actually, as some1 who also struggles w that
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
HRM. this feels like a cop-out answer but truly from the depths of my heart i think modern AU Boromir just dresses like Sean Bean. he'd just dress like a dad
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Boromir&Faramir sibling relationship is Everything to me forever + ever
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
huh. idk? i think all the relationships he has are interesting so there's no specific relationship that's bad on a fundamental level. like i think Denethor is a shit parent and i do not think he and Boromir have a GOOD relationship. but it IS narratively interesting
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
HM. like Merry and Pippin obviously but also i do think he and Éowyn would get on like a house on fire if they got to meet.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
hmmmm i like putting him in situations where hes Loved. my Boromir/Théodred/Aragorn fic is one of my favs just bc i like Spoiling Boromir. he deserves to be spoiled sdjkfhsjk
i dont.. Know that theres anything i dont like abt writing him??? hes very cathartic to write
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
same answer as above pretty much :3 i love when hes treated with tenderness and love by the narrative
+ ive bitched abt this before but fics that just make him a brute are the woooooooooorrrssst. like. thats. thats so antithetical to even the most BASIC reading of his character. worsties how do u get him THAT wrong???
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
HM. HRM. idk :3 hes very special 2 me like he is THEE comfort character rn so idk anyone else off th top of my head where im like oh theyre Like Boromir
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
i did not care abt Boromir when i was a child first getting into LotR. Sighs. i was a legolas + merry/pippin stan. NOW he is thee singular guy of all time forever. i wld die 2 defend him <33
26. FREEBIE QUESTION!! — favourite h/c or whump headcanons?
ok kinda already answered in 12 but i do love any fic exploring how Boromir reacts when like. it sinks in tht he doesn't have to shove everything aside to be this unbreakable pillar of strength. u know
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
oh easy. The Last Unicorn. like again sorry ik its fantasy still but theres such a quiet melancholy to that story, and so much love and care.. I think Faramir would fit right in
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Living Pyre by Khemmis
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
far too willing to sacrifice ourselves in search of approval
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
ye :3
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
he's so autistic. to me <3333333
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
i feel like he wld rlly like corduroy. modern au i think he'd still lean fantasy-inspired for his fashion sense
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Faramir&Aragorn and Faramir&Pippin friendships ilyyyyy
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
same answer as Boromir skjhfskjdf
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Aragorn!! autism2autism communication
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Faramir is so versatile w/ writing skjdfhskj i love him for angst, i love him for fluff... guy of all time (he deserves so many hugs)
he's very introspective so character studies are also very fun w/ him
(nothin i dislike wrt writing for him)
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
sth i like? love reading character study moments w him as much as i like writing them :3
dislike? woobification. he's an extremely capable soldier in his own right and captain of Ithilien's rangers. he does not need to be Babied
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
ties in2 my answer for four but the Lady Amalthea from The Last Unicorn actually. like again idk Faramir is so autistic-coded And trans To Me and just. yeagh. ethereal otherworldly magical creature trapped in a body that is fundamentally wrong + suddenly dealing w/ people who expect things of her that she just doesn't comprehend/expect certain reactions she cannot/does not give.
and her growing to love Lír because Lír takes the time to learn how to woo her in ways that truly work for her (instead of the ways princes are Supposed To woo their loves).
i think if Faramir got to watch/read The Last Unicorn it would rewire his brain love + light
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
again i never rlly thought much abt him originally. now tho? [aragorn kinnie voice] thats my whole entire little brother
26. FREEBIE QUESTION!! — favourite h/c or whump headcanons?
HRM. i think he does wind up with burns on his torso/arms at Least. at least. i do like the tenderness of him letting Éomer help look after the scarring
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
ummmm not so much sth i would put him in but i do think he should be allowed to marathon the Fast & Furious movies while intoxicated. fast cars hunky guys ridiculous stunts, 10/10 extremely fun
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
HM. ok this is like. in the context of Éomer/Faramir but Ride On by Cruachan
also Hulde Aan De Kastelein by Heidevolk
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
HRMGH. big fan of horses
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
uhhhhh yea?? maybe?? I feel like we might butt heads a little but not too bad
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
he’s nonbinary to me :3
at some point I’ll continue that post expanding on th theoretical overlap between Iron Age Norse conceptions of gender/mysticism and Rohan. but he is nonbinary To Me
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
farmer fashion lmao. again modern au Éomer is like. jeans work shirts boots etc. purely practical clothing + 100% has a farmer’s tan
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I love his relationship with Éowyn like I do love sibling relationships so much. also really love his relationship with all of the Three Hunters like they’re so funny together
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
same answer!! nothin I really dislike bc even his negative relationships are super interesting
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
i genuinely really enjoy his + Gimli's banter i think they should get to be Actual Friends. that wld be a really fun dynamic i think
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
again idk anything super specific?? soz skjhfsjk i feel like im giving lame answers but i will say i do think its very funny that every time ive written a sex scene with Éomer its been outdoors. no beds for that Rohir
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
hmmmm im a weak bitch for Éomer/Faramir fluff fics :3
for dislikes— similar vein to Boromir but fics that make him a brute or treat him like hes stupid. feels weird besties
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
HM. i feel like i Should have an answer for this but i dont -_-;; th brain has been on 24/7 LotR lockdown for. So Long now. so i try to conjure other characters n my mind goes Blessedly Blank
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
look man. look when i first read lord of the rings all the way through, i was a weird trans autistic teen dealing with chronic depression and such a massive disconnect from humanity i was fully convinced i was a changeling. i was NOT paying attention to the Men in these books i was paying attention to one (1) elf and two (2) hobbits
impression of him now is [kinnie voice] brother in law :]
26. FREEBIE QUESTION!! — favourite h/c or whump headcanons?
touched on this briefly in one fic but i do think Éomer falls into a similar trap as Boromir where its like. "why should i bother Processing Emotions when i could kill 20-30 orcs instead. i will certainly not regret killing 20-30 orcs. wdym 'how am I feeling?'"
sth sth sth throwing himself recklessly into battle to combat crippling feelings of uselessness bc his cousin/practically his older brother is on his deathbed, his uncle is close behind and he's been exiled from his homeland, leaving his sister in the clutches of a skeezy little slimeball. getting hurt + not having the injury properly seen to until After bc, you know, he's got 20-30 Orcs To Kill
(don't be like Éomer. take care of yourself)
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
idk how much this counts but i wrote a fic retelling the story of Aran + Asmund with Boromir + Théodred, so that :3
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
ok well i feel like Théo is such a blank slate character with how little we know of him in canon that i can't give as solid an answer, but I'll drop the songs I've used to title Théo-centric fics:
Shine by Baroness (Boromir/Théodred)
Blot by Månegarm (Boromir/Théodred/Aragorn) < this one fits my personal vibes for him extremely well
+ technically, My Mother Told Me (Théodred&Éomer&Éowyn)
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Big Sibling w/ two younger siblings sdkfhd
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
ye!! we could vibe i think
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Well Again, I Think Théo Is An Extremely Blank Slate. BUT Théo being trans is deeply deeply important to me
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
modern au Théodred dresses practically when he needs to but otherwise very cozy. hygge is real and he Is embodying it
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
sth sth i feel repetitive im sorryyyyyyy but his sibling relationship w/ Éomer + Éowyn is SO important to meeeeeeeeee
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Same Answer As Everyone Else lol
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
BOROMIR. like i think they were more than best friends (wink) but also they are just. Best Friends. the basis for every lasting healthy relationship
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
he's very lighthearted 2 write. i love writing silly lil romantic fics w/ him. nothin i particularly dislike sjnjsfd
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
i havent actually read any Théo fics other than the ones i wrote sorryyyyyyy sdnfsjdfhk
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
i think i have actually pulled some of my voice for him from Lír in The Last Unicorn and Taran in the later books from the Chronicles of Prydain, so there u go :3
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Forgot He Existed. now i have a big soft spot for him lol
26. FREEBIE QUESTION!! — favourite h/c or whump headcanons?
ok this was sth i totally misremembered based solely off of the supremely excellent skeeziness of Brad Dourif's performance and just the way he says "oh.... he must have died sometime in the night" when he visits Éowyn while she grieves... anyways i think that could easily be read as Gríma having sabotaged Théodred's recovery
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drdemonprince · 1 year
For the niche fetish thing. Overwrought/dramatic death scenes in any sort of fiction make me super horny. The first time I experienced sexual arousal Ever was seeing Boromirs death scene in fellowship of the ring.
okay the hannibal stan in me gets the inherent eroticism of death/dying/killing. hannibal stabbing will at the beginning of red dragon is unbearably intimate and sexy.
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Clash of the hyperfixations
Favorite T Swift Albums/Songs of LOTR characters
Sam-as stated before on this blog I firmly believe Sam to be a Fearless stan-he loves Fearless and Love Story and Breathe. Folklore is also a favorite - his favorite songs on there are the betty/cardigan/august trio but also the lakes, my tears ricochet and illicit affairs hit him real hard. He also loves Daylight and the Archer. Him and Frodo dance to Paper Rings at their wedding because they wouldn’t want golden rings
Frodo- Frodo got into Taylor Swift via Sam he also loves Folklore and relates a little too much to this is me trying and epiphany. He also loves Speak Now (especially TV) and him and Sam will dance to Long Live on the anniversary of the ring’s destruction. His third favorite is Midnights cause he relates so much to the Great War
Pippin- Pippin loves debut and also 1989. This is because his aesthetic is pop and country boi but he is a huge Taylor stan and continually advocates for debut being underrated. He loves Picture to Burn and Tim McGraw. His favorite 1989 song is Shake it Off and I wish you would. He also loves Welcome to New York even though he doesn’t know where that is
Merry- Merry likes Fearless, debut, and Red. He’s bad at picking favorites but those have most of his favorite songs-Our Song, Mary’s Song, Change, You Belong with Me, Forever and Always, State of Grace, Stay Stay Stay, and All too well (which he listens to when he thinks about Eowyn marrying Faramir) also loves all the bonus tracks on Red TV
Boromir- Boromir originally wasn’t that into Taylor but he likes Midnights a lot especially Anti-Hero, he also likes Rep his favorites are Don’t Blame Me and Getaway Car
Aragorn- Aragorn likes Lover oddly enough. He likes the Archer and Cornelia Street. He likes Rep as well and also is a big evermore stan. Loves tis the damn season and champagne problems and willow. Sometimes cries alone to evermore
Legolas- man loves it all. His favorites are Lover and evermore. His favorite songs are Death by a Thousand Cuts, Cruel Summer, gold rush and ivy.
Gimli- Gimli loves 1989 his favorite songs are Blank Space, Bad Blood, and surprisingly Wildest Dreams (it makes him think of Legolas)
Faramir- RED there is no other answer Faramir loves the whole album Treacherous, All Too Well, Everything has Changed but also loves You’re On Your Own Kid from Midnights
Eowyn- Eowyn is a Lover and Reputation girlie which is an unusual combo. Loves the Man, Death by a Thousand Cuts, I forgot that you existed, and Delicate and Gorgeous.
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sokkastyles · 1 year
Azula stan report: There was someone in a straitjacket being wheeled around in the background of the panel where Zuko meets Azula in the Promise, which pretty much proves that Azula was in a straitjacket 24/7 actually, which means that Zuko is a vicious and cruel abuser because he even came in on a throne to assert his power over his hurting and powerless sister. Also, she is powerless 100% because Zuko is the Firelord and she is in a straitjacket, which means she can't manipulate him or hurt him at all.
Or...maybe it's a maximum security asylum for the criminally dangerous? Especially considering that all of Azula's minions in Smoke and Shadow come from there. Does anyone really think that Azula is going to be put just anywhere? Not just for Zuko's sake, but for the sake of the peace he and the rest are trying to create. Do you think the other nations are going to want her to be allowed to roam free?
Also I know I already addressed the "Zuko is so mean for sitting on a throne" part, but maybe Zuko chose to sit down rather than stand over his sister who is confined to a wheelchair on purpose, so he could talk to her on her level? Ever think of that? It makes me think of the scene in Lord of the Rings where Faramir sits to speak to Frodo eye to eye when he's questioning him about Boromir's death. He's talking to someone that he doesn't expect to get much information out of and who he knows is manipulative. That chair he's using looks pretty similar to the kinds of portable chairs we see royalty being carried on on palanquins in the series. It's likely that it's just decorum. But also Zuko doesn't owe it to Azula to humble himself for her and has every reason to use whatever power to assert his authority that he has because she's tried to kill him multiple times and abused him for most of his life. And she still tries to fuck around despite the measures Zuko takes to protect himself, which proves they were necessary.
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janiedean · 6 months
I saw a post that says boromir gives off girl sad vibes (and I agree, pippin and meet are his daughters) and one of the tags was like this is why boromir was reborn as ned stark with 2 daughters and I'm just thinking if need and boromir switched places quite a lot of things would resolve faster lmao. The ring would find it harder to manipulate ned because how to do it even, meanwhile boromir would see right through Joffrey lmfao wdyt?
I mean YEAH XDDDDDDD also tbf boromir in middle earth would have fared WAAAY better than ned like no way that guy was gonna not grasp what the fuck was going on behind the curtain like bless ned but politically savvy he was not XDDDDDD we stan the switch uwu
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scyllas-revenge · 1 year
Happy Birthday, dearest Scylla!!! 💖🥳 I hope you have had a wonderful celebration worthy of your awesomeness!
On the occasion of your 30th, I actually have an important request to make of you that I have been holding onto for a while now. 👀 I had just been too busy to get around to messaging you about it, but when I found out about your big 3-0, I figured this could be a cute good time to ask.
Would you do me the honor of naming the OC I am going to use for my Boromir fanfic series ("A Captain's Duty", originally "Breathe"), and give me your blessing to use you as the muse/inspiration/basis for the character? I know no one better to ship with Boromir other than you, honestly. I don't know if Beatrice is a self-insert in your own "Burn" series, but I definitely see a Gondorian version of RL you being perfect for Boromir. Smart, kind, brave, FUNNY, perhaps a little shy but fierce, and really loves the man.
Sorry if this is a weird request, and please feel free to decline, but I thought it didn't hurt to ask. Think of it as a mega-version of a story dedication; I dedicate all my Reader Insert one-shots to someone, but this felt like a great opportunity to honor the unquestionably biggest Boromir stan I personally know. I don't think I will find the opportunity to do this with another Tolkien character and mutual!
This OC will be considered "canon" in my SotWK AU, so she will probably crossover to other stories/series I write and would be "officially" Boromir's one true love in the AU. That's the plan in my head anyway. I say this to clarify that she will not be a "throwaway" one-time use character, even though Breathe started out as a Reader Insert.
Please let me know if it's a "Yay" or "Nay" either by answering this or DMing me-- whatever you're comfortable with! Again, no pressure! My feelings will not be hurt if you don't like the idea of being shipped with a fictional character. 😉
Once again, Happy 30th! I know you have a fun and exciting decade ahead of you! 😁
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!!! @sotwk you're so sweet!! I'd love to help out with your series however I can, and I'll definitely message you about name ideas (I'm pretty bad at coming up with names, but I might be able to come up with something)! And as for being the inspiration for your OC, I'm so flattered- you'll have to make her a lot more exciting than I am, for sure, but once again I'd be happy to help however I can :D My own OC Beatrice kind of started out as a self-insert, or at least something close to one, mostly in a write-what-you-know kind of way, at least. I hope that she's evolved into her own being at this point, but we do still have a few traits in common!
Thank you for the birthday wishes and for including me in your series!!
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sotwk · 8 months
I was wondering who are your fancasts for your headcanon world?
Hiiii Quickie! @quickslvxrr
Am I right in guessing that your question was prompted by my reblog of your reblog of Charlie Hunnam's gif set? XD
Because if so, I will just say that I am very excited to have selected Charlie as my fancast for Théodred of Rohan! (Excited because I hope to start writing chapters of my Eomer x OC fic soon, which actually co-stars dear Théodred.)
I have a growing fancast list for the SotWK AU! I still need to get around to making an official and complete list, but since you seem curious, here is majority of what I have so far.
Apart from Reader Insert stories I write in response to requests, all fics and characters I create are grounded in the SotWK AU, so these characters exist consistently across and crossover between my stories.
SotWK AU Fancast List (a work in progress)
The Royal Family of the Woodland Realm
Elvenking Thranduil - Lee Pace
Elvenqueen Maereth - Jennifer Connelly
Crown Prince Mirion - Henry Cavill
Prince Turhir - Sam Heughan
Prince Arvellas - Rupert Friend 
Prince Gelir - Sam Claflin
Prince Legolas - Orlando Bloom
Crown Princess Itarildë  - Teresa Palmer
(later Crown) Prince Aranion - Bradley James
Princess Anariel- Gabriella Wilde 
Elvenking Oropher - Jason Isaacs
Greenwood Elves
Darthol (Gelir's birth-mate) - Dan Stevens
Olondir (cousin of the Thranduilions) - Jake Gyllenhaal
Rivendell Elves
Elrond - Hugo Weaving
Celebrían - Connie Nielsen 
Nimeithel (oc cousin of Celebrían & mother of Itarildë) - Rebecca Ferguson
Elladan - Richard Madden
Elrohir - Sebastian Stan
Silmarillion / First Age Ancestors
Glorfindel - ???? -still searching!-
Elemírë (oc wife of Glorfindel & sister of Elenwë) - Vanessa Kirby
Maglor/Kanafinwë - Ben Barnes
Velcálë (oc wife of Maglor) - Zendaya Coleman
Círdan the Shipwright - Iain Glen
Eäriel (oc wife of Círdan) - Olivia Hussey
Eärondir (oc son of Círdan & father of Maereth) - Alexander Skarsgard  
Laurinwen (oc mother of Maereth) - Lily Collins
Dwarves / Line of Durin
Durin III, King of Khazad-dûm- Hugh Jackman 
Frerin, son of Thrain - Gerard Butler
Aerdis (oc love interest of Boromir) - Freida Pinto 
Anarlas (brother of Aerdis) - Oscar Isaac
Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth - Eric Bana
Ivriniel - Isabella Rossellini
Finduilas - Monica Bellucci
Erchirion - Adam Driver
Lothíriel - Gal Gadot
Théodred - Charlie Hunnam
Signyr (oc shield-maiden & Éomer's love interest) - Katheryn Winnick
Léodor (oc in Éomer's Éored) - Chris Hemsworth
Héothain (oc in Éomer's Éored) - Will Poulter
to be revealed OC - Pedro Pascal
YUP. I almost didn't want to insert that little spoiler of my upcoming fic, but I'm just too excited about fancasting the widely adored Pedro Pascal in my AU. It will be one heck of a character, too! I am SO VERY excited to create Harad OCs (Pedro's will be the main one)!
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Thank you for the Ask! Although this list is still messy and incomplete, answering it puts me one step closer to getting an official fancast list done! :)
Just tagging people whom I think/hope might be interested in this:
@hobbitwrangler @scyllas-revenge @ass-deep-in-demons @emmanuellececchi @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @konartiste @hippodameia @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @entishramblings @heilith @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @quillofspirit @stormchaser819 @g-m-kaye @mirra-kan @alwayssevvy @marsharmonicorchestra @laurfilijames @coopsgirl @jane0error @jezzibee @lathalea @cuarthol
Other useful links:
Introduction to SotWK
SotWK HC Masterlist
Fanfiction Masterlist
Fanfiction Request Guidelines
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imaybeabear · 1 year
One thing about me is that I am a Boromir stan first and a human being second
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anghraine · 10 months
I got a comment a few days ago (which I'm too lazy to dig up, sorry, esp since its argument is made so frequently) about how Faramir's rejection of the Ring vs Boromir's fall is basically insignificant because he(Faramir) was around it for a brief time while Boromir had to resist it for a protracted period. I've seen that point made a lot, but I'm not convinced tbh.
For one, even if you only consider in-story details, it typically ignores the increasing strength of the Ring over time as it approaches Mount Doom. Faramir didn't have to face a protracted temptation, but he did have to face a more powerful one than Boromir ever did. How the length of time vs intensity compares is pretty debatable, but it's a factor.
But the dismissal of the contrast also just seems a plain resistant reading that ignores (or denies) the treatment of the two incidents by the overall narrative. You can do that (and probably should at certain points), but I think it's important to be upfront about it. The narrative of LOTR pretty blatantly treats Boromir's and Faramir's differing responses as indicative of their underlying characters and not simply a difference in length of exposure etc.
I don't think this is an indictment of Boromir's overall character; he's definitely a heroic person in general (much as Isildur was—the Ring's warping of heroic characters is a major aspect of its function and tragedy). But to argue that Boromir's fall has nothing to do with real flaws the Ring was able to exploit or that Faramir's rejection says nothing significant seems such a rejection of the narrative treatment that I'm just—nah.
And I am a Faramir stan, so my opinion might be suspect, but I do like Boromir a lot. And his fall to the Ring and reclamation of himself after make him much more interesting to me, personally and thematically, than he would otherwise be. Denying its significance to the function of his character and what the book is saying about attitudes to war etc is just ... blah.
Also, this is more headcanon, but I think it's important that in terms of the writing process, Tolkien came up with Faramir after Boromir's fall. Boromir's account at the Council revealing that the vision/riddle came first to Faramir and more often, with the clear suggestion that Faramir was the primary intended recipient and Boromir an acceptable replacement in the long run, was very deliberate. If there's no meaningful difference in the Ring's effect on them, then the reason for the preference for Faramir and active incorporation of him into the dream account becomes a bit baffling.
But the thing is, not just considering Faramir's rejection of the Ring but his overall character, I do think he would have been more suited to the stealth and grinding strain of the Ring than Boromir.
(Yeah, there are some plot complications w/ the alternate scenario, but I think those are pretty easy to overcome and far from an "all would be DOOMED, the dream-sender must have really intended for Boromir to be the one in the Fellowship" scenario.)
Basically, they are very different people, and in the canon scenario, the Ring reveals these differences in ways that are actually important to their characterizations and the concerns of the novel.
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