#I should darw something
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oh it's my birthday day I've almost forgot!
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romeoslaughter · 1 month ago
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ayeleneee · 6 months ago
Pookie...my birthday is in a few hours. August 23rd...you should 100% darw me something [anything i do not care what it is.]
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yo mischa put those dogs inside POOKIE WE'RE ALL AUGUST BABIES mischa on the 18th, me 20th and you 23rd 😁😁😁
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mogomoago · 8 months ago
So , everything was normal until I wondered I want draw will graham and Hannibal , but , I find out something , I can't darw this guys !
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Every time I tried it end up like something wired , so now I'm homeless of this
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So ... what should I do ?
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crossover-enthusiast · 9 months ago
In that rapid shapeshifting panic as yknow Gadreel screams something, he turns into all sorts of things but i think one of them should be skiddad. FOR THE GIGLES.
obv with his back turned or face conveniently covered by something BUT STILL THAT ICONIC HARI STUFF N WHATEVER.
OKAY okay darwing morthy
His tail thumps against the mannequin and the shot focuses on it falling JUST as Gadreel turns into Skid's dad
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tillman · 2 years ago
i should like darw something ive just been staring at isuka for like the better part of 2 hours
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sirompp · 2 years ago
i wish i wasnt sick rn so i could. splatoon. not like play the game my god elts not be drastic but i want to darw.draw them i wasnt to sdraw and wriet about my littlee squiddie kididies but i cant drawinklings and ocftolings for some readosn. they are very ahrdto draw which is odd bc i cna draw people just fine and theyre just like people with tentacle hair but their proportions are VERY different from normal huamns and even though my style is already exaggerated and stuff it feels weird to just draw them like people bc theyre not.... ouhughg. i gotta learn to stylize them. maybe i should draw all theidols a bunch. for like a week or something. itd give me an opportuity to draw CALLIEEE callie my beloved callie callieeeeeeee darling callie sweetiebabygirl adult woman i love her so much she is literally me. cant believe people prefer marie theyre both freat dont ge tme wrong but callie >>>>>>>> i thought we left the idea marie isbetter in 2014 or whenever that fest happened i dont know bc i wasnt. there. acallie supporters ridse up. marie is probably my least favourite idol of all 7. again i dont dislike her i lvoe all idols <3 therye great but i was soooo neutral to marie bc shewas. mean to callie and i related to callie so i took it personally (me problem) annnd my fever just brokei think while i was writing this post hoo ray :) yippie. iuuummmmhmmm i love my. the sqwuids and the kids and the octos and the cuttlefishes . i love my ocs i want to draw them but i cant sdraw inklings and octlings i cant draw the ink creatures wait i already sayd al that fuck . ummmmmmmmmm im going to stpo posting on yutmlbr dot com and go darw some CREATURES!!!!!!!!!!! lsome MARINE LIFE!!!!!!!!WOOHOOOOOOO TIYPPPEEEEEEEYIPEE YIIPEEEE YIPPEEE WOOHOOO WAOHOOO YPIGOUFDBNFSJK i am still very sick
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thotsforvillainrights · 5 years ago
heyyy! could you do a fluffy date scenario with the bois spinner, chronostasis and mustard? sorry if this is too much to ask, i just love them so much!
This is not too much to ask so dont darw apologize! This is a treat for me to write💖💖💖
~Fluff Shuichi/Hari/Mustard~
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-It didnt take a rocket scientist to notice how frizzled Spinner was acting today. He barely touched his breakfast, left his games sprawled all over the living room floor, and he was shedding a few scales. That was something he only did when he was stressed out! "Shuichi?" You asked him as you gently leaned around the doorframe of your bedroom. He jumped at the surprise and his his phone under his butt. You laughed and shook your head before going to sit next to him. You knew if he was hiding something, that it wasn't a big deal. He wasn't a cheater or anything like that!
"Shuichiiii...lemme see." You said in a sing-song voice like a parent trying to get info from their kid. He sighed and passed his phone to you. Your eyes lit up and a smile stretched across your phase when you looked at the screen. It was simply romantic date ideas on pinterest. When you looked at him he was already scratching his head gently and looking at the ground sheepishly. "Spinner, is this why you've been so stressed lately?" You asked him gently.
-"Well yeah. I mean...you're always doing nice things for me and I just wanted to return the favor with fancy date for once. I was afraid you'd get tired of me." Spinner admitted. You flicked the end of his nose playfully before pulling him into a hug. "First of all, I dont care what kind of date we have. I dont care if we had the same date over and over no matter what! As long as I'm with you, then I'm happy. Second of all, if you ever think I'm tired of you then I want you to throw away that idea immediately. I love you Shuichi Iguchi, so don't doubt that." You kissed him sweetly. He was now a blushing mess, but he was appeased and a lot less stressed now too. "Now let's go on a date."
-With that, you guys sat on the living room floor surrounded by snacks and a freshly ordered pizza. You played video games, talked like always, and cuddled each before falling asleep on the carpet together as the main menu of the game played on repeat.
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-"Yah!" Chrono managed to scare the living hell out of you just as you emerged from the shower. As he was dying with laughter, you glared and covered yourself with the bath towel. "Dick." You mumbled with a giggle as you passed him by and headed to the bedroom. You made a concious effort to 'accidentally' step on his toes on the way. "Hey!" He shouted playfully. He chased you down last second and tackled you to the bed. He showered you in tickles until you couldn't breathe. You basically had to pull his hair to get him to stop. Somehow this escalated into a heated make-out session between you two. "Hey...as much as I love where this is heading," He stopped to wiggle his eyebrows. "I need you to put something comfy on and come with me real quick." You were confused but complied with his wishes.
-When you were changed, you met him out in the car and buckled yourself in. He looked you up and down before laughing and putting the car in drive. "What?" You smiled at him, fully knowing what set him off. "Oh nothing. I just find it pretty damn entertaining that I told you to put on something comfy and you decided it had to be one of my hoodies." He chuckled. "But hey Hari! At least we match!" You said cheerfully while waving the oversized sleeves around.
-After a 20 minute drive into the next city, Hari pulled up into a parking lot for what seemed like..."Hari! This is the amusement park!?" You said excitedly as you exited the car like a child. He raised and eyebrow and smiled. "Well duh y/n. Does that not look like a roller coaster to you?" He pointed forward at the rides peeking up over the massive fence.
-You two basically stayed at the park for the rest of the day, and most of the night before finally heading back home. He had even done that cliche thing where he wins you a stuffed animal. You two have opted to make that your adopted son Kurono Jr. lol
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-Dates were few when it came to him, but whenever he did try to romance you it was amazing on his part. Well...it was creative to say the least. "Hey baby, I'm here at the location you asked me to meet you at. I don't see you though?" You asked him over the phone. "Just follow the arrows out of the parking lot. You should see the main office just past a gate opening." He explained to you. "Gotcha." You nodded (even though he couldn't see it) and hung up the phone.
-You did just as he said, and eventually figured out where you were. "I cannot believe you." You chuckled at his getup. When you entered the main office Mustard was just finished suiting up in a corner by a helmet wall. "Is all of this necessary, babe?" You asked him as you playfully pat his thick vest. "Necessary? You try being hit with a paintball in normal clothes!" He flicked your forehead playfully. The two of you got signed in, and you got suited up as well. The most entertaining thing about the date is that Muscualr opted to put you on different teams.
-"Is this payback for something baby?" You asked. "Of course not! Also, I'm not your baby on the battlefield. See you in the loser section!" Mustard shouted before running off into the forest somewhere. By the time the date was over, both of you were covered head to toe in paint and sweat. Luckily, you managed to outsmart him and win. He's still grumbling about it even a week later. You'll have to spend some time giving him gentle love to make up for crushing his ego and dominating him on the paintball field!
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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otg2012 · 5 years ago
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Day 3: Future fic + Kid fic
I’ve posted this before but I’ve done this drawing for this scene (my first one of Jackson) for @stacksonweek 2020 
Summary: Jackson and Stiles are happily married with a kid when they have a car accident and their lives are turned upside down.
2 links AO3: (1) Fic: All I Saw Was You + 
   (2) Darwing & Making of: After the Crash (HQ scans)
It's gotten easier. The truth is that the nurse could do it and there's no reason for him to do it except that he needs to.
The first time he wasn't sure what he was doing. It's not the same doing it to yourself than doing it to another person, but at this point, after so many days, Jackson thinks that nobody could do it better.
It's become his ritual. He feels the closeness he needs not to give up, to keep his hope up day after day. He can touch him, he can hold him as he expertly shaves him every morning. He can fix his hair and groom him as he talks to him and it keeps him sane and settles his wolf.
Most importantly, it's the only moment when he doesn't feel so utterly useless.
With his eyes closed he looks peaceful and beautiful. He's still there.
"Hello, I'm John, I'm your doctor and you're in a hospital. I need you to answer a few questions, okay? Can you do that?" he says quietly.
"Yes." He nods but looks uncertain. The doctor imagines that he's feeling kind of lost as he wonders where he is.
The doctor looks briefly at the chart he's holding. "Good. Could you tell me your name?"
"Stiles... Stiles Stilinski," he says with certainty.
"What year is it?" The doctor continues.
"2012," he says with conviction once again.
The doctor makes a note in the chart. "And how old are you?"
"Sixteen." The doctor writes down something else. "What's going on? Why am I here?" He's obviously totally confused.
"Stiles, it's okay," he says, trying to calm him. "I'm afraid you've been in a coma for three months."
"Wait, what?" No matter how hard he tries to remember what brought him here, he just can't. Nothing special happened.
"Yes, you were in an accident and you almost died. Your prognosis was very poor and still, here you are, awake and almost recovered by now. We need to run a few more tests but we think you're going to be okay. You don't need to worry," he says with a gentle expression.
"Is my dad here? Can I see him?"
"Yes, we called him as soon as you woke up. He's outside." The doctor puts down the chart. "But before you see him I must inform you that the traumatic brain injury you sustained because of the accident has resulted in retrograde amnesia."
Stiles raises both eyebrows. "What... What are you talking about? Amnesia?" Saying he's confused wouldn't start to describe how he's feeling right now.
"Yes, that's just what I said. I'm afraid you're experiencing long-term memory loss. We need to perform a few more tests like an Autobiographical Memory Interview to determine the gravity of your RA, but there's no doubt about the diagnosis according to the answers you just gave me."
He runs his fingers through his hair. "Shit..." Did he just say that out loud? "Sorry, doctor... I mean, how serious is it?" He just can't believe this shit is happening to him.
"Like I said, it's long term-memory loss. Stiles, you're not sixteen, you are thirty."
Because of Stiles' face, he knows that he's freaking out, which was to be expected... Nobody takes it well. "What I want you to know is that this doesn't have to be a permanent condition. Many patients experience what we call a spontaneous recovery. These patients get their memories back eventually, so I want you to be positive... You need to do it as much for yourself as for your family." Stiles nods, which is always a good sign.
"Now, I know you must have a lot of questions and I'm going to leave that to your family, who will be more than happy to answer them. Wait a minute, I'll let them in."
"Okay," he sighs, "thanks, doctor." Hopefully his dad can fill in the gaps and help him to understand what the hell has happened.
"Doctor, how is he? Can we see him?" The sheriff asks expectantly as soon as the doctor meets them outside the room.
"Well, Stiles is awake and he needs to stay for a few more days, but he's going to be okay. We are confident he'll make a full physical recovery," he says with an optimistic tone.
"Thank you, doctor," Jackson says, "that’s great news." He just can't stop smiling. This is for sure one of the happiest moments of his life.
"Can we see him?" Scott asks as he rests his hand on Jackson's shoulder.
"Yes, but before you do, there's something you should know." His expression and his tone turns more serious. "I'm afraid he thinks he's sixteen."
Jackson shakes his head. "He lost his memory?"
"He's suffering from what we call post-traumatic amnesia or retrograde amnesia because of the head trauma he sustained. Now, I'm not saying that this has to be a permanent condition. This kind of amnesia is often temporally graded which means that remote memories are more easily accessible than events occurring just prior to the trauma."
"But..." There's a hitch in his breath, "he will remember, won't he?" Jackson wishes he didn't sound as desperate as he does.
"I'm sorry, but we don't know," he answers, shaking his head. "In cases like his, it's impossible to predict what's going to happen. The events nearest in time to the accident may never be recovered. While there is no actual cure for this condition, jogging his memory by exposing him to significant moments and things from his past often speeds the rate of recall."
"Oh, no." The sheriff feels like he can't breathe and there is some dampness at the corners of his eyes. Hasn't his son been through enough?
"So like I said, you can help him," the doctor continues confidently. "Talk to him and help him to remember, it could accelerate the healing process. You need to stay optimistic."
"We understand. Thank you, doctor," the sheriff says. He swallows against the tears and blinks them away.
Jackson is trying his best to stay calm and collected but he's doing a terrible job. He feels his eyes glowing in response and he turns around immediately and walks away, but not before Scott sees it.
"You can go inside, two at a time, please," the doctor says before he leaves.
Scott goes after him. "Jackson!" He finally reaches him and grabs his arm, squeezing lightly. "Jackson, stop, remember what Deaton said, okay?" Scott’s and Jackson's relationship has changed a lot over the years. They're now friends and they've learned to trust each other. "Stiles needs you, now more than ever. And so does Daniel."
"I know." Jackson nods, but he doesn't look confident. He hasn't for a long time.
"You go," Scott says, looking at Jackson. It sounds more like an order than he intended. "I'll go next," he adds more gently.
Jackson looks down before looking at Scott again. "Okay." Scott hugs him like that night weeks ago. It is pack and reassuring. Scott knows it's what he needs. "Thanks." Scott pats him on the shoulder and they walk back towards the sheriff. Scott stays outside as the sheriff and Jackson enter the room.
Continue on AO3
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gotapenname · 5 years ago
Chapter 3 of Darkwing/ Desendents crossover
 Chapter 1 https://gotapenname.tumblr.com/post/175155021893/st-canard-desendents
Chapter 2 https://gotapenname.tumblr.com/post/189070105547/duckvember-free-dayhttps
“Why does our powers work ,if magic doesn't?”Bushroot asked.
“That's cause Mutations arent' magic doi.” Megavolt anwsered.
This gave  Darkwing an idea.
“Good news i have a plan, bad news for me a least it involves the lot of you to pull it off.”
Darkwing Duck said.
“So what's this plan of yours ?”Megavolt asked.
“First we let's get away from the crowd and get over to the south side of island.”Darkwing said.
“Okay so  now that here what next with your big escape plan?” Megavolt asked.
“First I have to test a theory.” Darkwing Duck said.
Darkwing went to the edge of the shore. He stretched out to feel the air.  His smiled  pretty sure he had proven his theory.
“What on earth are doing ?” Megavolt asked.
“I could  not  help thinking that if most of the vilians have yet to notice this side of the island maybe however made this barrier could either and it seems like  I am right.”  Darkwing Duck  explained.” next we need build ourselves a raft.”
Bushroot and Darkwing gathered enough dead wood to form the base of the boat and Bushroot used plant powers too pull the matirals. QuakerJack and Megvolt put together the mast together. Liquidatar asked if he could help as well , Darkwing explained that Liquidator will need his energy to help with the next step in Darkwing's escape plan.
“ So what's my part in this big plan of your's?” Liquidator asked when the raft was complete.
“Glad you asked Licky , your job is to be our motor so to speak.” Darkwing said.
“What?”  Luiqudator  asked.
“Your water powers they can easily power the raft.”  Darkwing explained.
“Right of course one water powered Raft coming up.” The Liquidatar said.
Then they were off. Darwing could feel the wind through his feathers. He could see that they had just passed the smaller island he had seen earilier. He could not wait to get back to Gosslyan and Lunchpad. Liquidator it seemed had no hurry to make it back to dry land as raft come to  a sudden halt.
“why did you stop ? We had really good moment getting there.” Darkwing said.
“Back off he hasn't stopped , the raft has just stopped moving like it's bumped into something like a rock.” Bushroot told Darkwing.
Turning around Darkwing could see that Luquidator was still using his water powers to try and move the boat.
“You can stop now. We seemed to have it some kind barrier. Anyway.” Megavolt said to the the Luiqudator.
Luiquator stopped trying to move the boat. Quaker snapped his fingers.
“ That's it Megs, That anit magical barrier must be what's previnting from moving.” Quaker said.
Darking knew that if Quakerjack was he plan to return to Gosslyan and Lunchpad would be ruined. But this
was Quakerjack speaking so thankfully it must wrong.
“It proably just a rock under water.That's all.” Darwing institied.
QuakerJack put arms out in front  of to test for a barrier like Darkwing expect he his arms clearly hit something.
“Ouch, see There seem to be a barrier on this side of the island after all.” Quakerjack said holding his arm in pain.
“No,”Darkwing whispered.
“well there goes our escape plans.”  Megavolt groaned
“Who ever made this barrier sure has a sick sense of hummour.” Bushroot said.
“No barrier is going to stop Darkwing Duck .” Darkwing said.
Darkwing flings himself at the barrier. He pushes hismelf face first into tthe barrier. It hurts  Darkwing so much but he pushed pssed it.  As Darkwing began to losse conicuoisness , he was sure it would be. The last thing heard was Quakerjack ,Luaidator, Megavolt voices screaming word he could really make out.
“Darkwing Duck.” Darkwing heard some call out his name. He open his eyes eyes. His whole body hurt. He could not see a thing for second he thought he was going blind. He felt his face and could feel that something was covering his eyes . When took what was off his eyes he could see they were leaves. He could that he was on a destred isalnd and that Bushroot, Quakerjack and Megavolt were looking as if they were seeing what happened. He knew at very least why he had leafves on eyes.
“What is meaning of this, Burshoot.?”  Darkwing asked grabbing at the leaves in hands.
“It was the only way I could cover the wounds.” Bushroot  said.
“We all rather know what you thinking runing head first into that non majical barrier any way.” Megavolt said.
.” I ..wasn't  thinking.” Darking confessed. “I just want to go home.”
Evryone sat in silence.
“Maybe there somting on this god awful islandThat will help us get out of here."Megvolt said. " Quakerjack and will search the island."
" What about me .?What should I do?" Bushroot asked
"You keep an eye on the whackjob." Megvolt.
"whackjob, who you calling whack job? " Darkwing Duck asked.
" You, he calling you a wack job." Quakerjack said ingoring firgurtive natrure of Darkwing anwswr" cause you are one."
"Oh as if any you  cartoonish criminals have room to speak." Darkwing duck said folding his arms togther.
"None of us has ever deliberately slammed themselves an anti - majical barrier, so we do" Bushroot  said as the other two villians noded in agrugeement.
“Touche.” Darkwing groaned.
Megavolt and Quakerjack and finally leave to explore the island. Bushroot attepted to make small talk with Darkwing but Darkwing was in the mood to engage with him . Afer what felt like forever to Darkwing, but was proably only few hours Megvolt and Quakerjack returned.
“ Guys were gone long . Find anything to help us eascape?”Bushroot asked.
“No we found something better than that.”  Megavolt said.
“Better? What could that possiably  be?”Darwking asked.
“Booze.” QuakerJack answered with a grin.
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 7 years ago
Can I request a group of bots playing truth or darw and mech reader gets dared to ask out thier crush. Now since its a dare theirs no way they're backing down so no hesitation: "Hey (Whirl, Rung, Rodimus, Cygate, Prowl and Optimus)! You. Me. Energon at Swerve's bar later?" If that's too many then feel free to drop anyone you want.
Whirl: Doesn’t even hesitate one second and is like “sure! As long as you pay for it!” He doesn’t believe at first that he’s your crush, he thinks you probably just said his name randomly. But then, when he gets to his habsuite, he starts thinking. What if… What if you actually meant it? The crush bit, that is. No way, right? You were just joking around, you must have! But what if? Then… that’s a date, right? Oh scrap, he’s going on a date. HIM! Ah scrap, now he gotta buff his finish and all that jazz. Internally he’s gushing because wow, he never imagined anyone could ever feel that about him.
Rung: When you suddenly mentioned his name he jumped in his seat and when you asked if he wanted to have a drink with you later he smiled shyly while saying yes. Not only because it’s not often people invite him out but also… he’s your crush? An intense blush covers his face. Rung is so happy and excited and oh dear, he should tidy himself up before the, well, he can only call it a date. He hopes it will go well and perhaps you can go on more dates in the future.
Rodimus: Nearly does a spit-take when you suddenly ask him out, he wasn’t prepared for that. He’s shocked but he doesn’t dislike the situation, no at all. In fact, after he stops coughing he give you one of his reward winning smiles (except he’s got some engex dripping down his chin) and gladly accepts the offer. The he seeks out either Megatron or Ultra Magnus and proudly announces he won’t be working this evening, he’s got a date!
Cyclonus/Tailgate: Tailgate squeals with glee and before even asking Cyclonus if he wants to he accepts. Of course they want to go and have a drink with you! Cyclonus is… hesitant but seeing how happy and excited Tailgate is he decides to do it. Tailgate of course sees how hesitant he is and does his best to pump him up and make him as excited as he is. Come on Cy, they have a crush on them! At least give them a chance!
Prowl: He says no. He doesn’t even consider it. He doesn’t have the time to sit down and get drunk. Find someone else, he is busy. It’s only after you leave, looking heartbroken, that he wonders if he perhaps was too harsh. After all, you only wanted to spend some time with him, something not a lot of people do. And… didn’t they tell you to ask out your crush? So that means that he is… you are… Prowl forces himself to stop thinking about it, after all, he’s got work to do. Sadly, he’s got no time for romance.
Optimus: Slightly flinches a little before relaxing and a smile spreads across his face. You feel that way about him? And you want to have a drink? With him? Well, that does sound pleasant… but not at the bar. Him going there would only make a lot of commotion and he doesn’t want that. Perhaps… you can have a drink together in his room? It’ll be much calmer there and it will be a great chance to get to know each other. Of course, only if you want to.
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years ago
Siegfried, the hero and victim of the play and their significance
In these forementioned accounts, it is Hagen who kills the hero Siegfried during a hunt, wounding him on the only part of his body which was not invulnerable. 
For those who are not reading in order, Hagen is Kaeya's equivalent in the plays (though at this point it'd be better if you went back and read the whole theory).
Now, who is Siegfried?
As day breaks, Siegfried and Brünnhilde emerge from their dwelling high on a mountaintop surrounded by magic fire ("Zu neuen Thaten, theurer Helde"). Brünnhilde sends Siegfried off to new heroic deeds, urging him to keep their love in mind. Siegfried proclaims himself to be through his love for Brünnhilde just an executor of her will and as a pledge of fidelity gives her the ring of power that he took from Fafner's hoard. In a duet both extoll their loving bond, which nothing can untie, even when distance keeps them apart ("O! heilige Götter!"). Bearing Brünnhilde's shield and mounting her horse��Grane, Siegfried then rides away.
This is a summary of the prologue of the fourth play in the ring cycle. And it's confusing to this this theory at first.
Brunnhilde could be Paimon, since she's the one that urges us on adventures and leads us out the beach in the beginning of the game... But she's not the reason for our journey, our sibling is.
And, if you think about it, this sounds a lot like what our sibling says in the We will be reuinted quest. Now, it isn't litterally in the prologue in Genshin's story (it's in chapter one, at the end of the first slew of Liyue quests) but it's as close as I can make it fit and there are no other characters that have similar parallels.
I don't even think this is supposed to be a 1:1 equivalent tbh, so it still counts in my head.
Ok so, if we are to assume that Siegfried is the equivalent to traveler, like I think we're meant to.... Well, let's just say there are a lot of conseguences to this inference.
"Are you a new ally... Or a new storm?"
In these forementioned accounts, it is Hagen who kills the hero Siegfried during a hunt, wounding him on the only part of his body which was not invulnerable. This version of the character is the most widely known and appears in Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen. In Norse tradition, Hagen's counterpart Högni is less extreme and the actual slayer of Sigurd (the Norse counterpart to Siegfried) is Gutthorm, a younger brother of Gunnar and Högni, who does so when egged on by his elder brothers.
Now, Hagen has many different forms, some of which one-eyed, some less macabe than the others, some are half-darwes and some are ordinary humans.
What's consistent, or almost always consistent, is Hagen's mission. That being, to murder Siegfried and regain the ring of power for his father, that Siegfried posseses due to complex machinations I won't bore you with.
Now... If we are really meant to intepret Siegfried as the traveler's equivalent, that'd mean that Kaeya's mission is to kill, wound or in some way obtain the ring of power he posseses.
The ring should be a metaphor for a gnosis, as it's a magical artificial creation that can give one the power to rule the world. At least, that's what I claimed in my previous theory, but if Siegfried really is the traveler, then it could very well be something else.
We know that the traveler has a very odd power, an anomaly in Teyvat, the power to manipulate the elements without a vision, gained by touching a statue of the seven. Who else can use a vision without a vision? The archons, of course.
It's explictily stated that the traveler's, or, rather, the descenders, are here because they "answered the call of the heaven's".
Well, what could said call be?
The power's the traveler's have is clearly not something they've always had, as in Albedo's story quest it's mentioned that they don't entirely understand how their powers work and in the first cutscene they don't use it at all.
So it has to be something of this world, something at least tollerated by the heavenly principals.
Could the call traveler answered be the call to become one of the thrones? The ring that Alberich created rules the Wold, not just a specific region, and it could make more sense and there is a precident of outlanders joining the thrones, as both the first and second who came are outlanders.
But Pizza, you say, Traveler clearly wants to move on from Teyvat, why would he take up a seat on the thrones?
Well, I don't think that's what the traveler wants, but it is the call they answered.
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Traveler clearly knows a lot more than he lets on sometimes. He has memories, however vague of the Abyss, not the Abyss order, the Abyss as in the physical place and he claims that his sister was taken from him from the Abyss.
We don't know his thought process, nor do we know it's history. May I remind you that the traveler's name is still Lumine or Aether, whiochever you chose, that's how the sibling calls out to you in the We will be reunited quest. What we say at the beginning of the game is a fake name, almost like a nickname, not our actual name in the lore.
Names have significance in Teyvat, it is through them that Irminsul deletes and edits history so it's to be noted when a character deliberately hides or fakes their name for whatever reason. Which is interesting since we barely if ever refer to our sibling by their name too, if ever.
Point is, Traveler knows a lot more than he lets on. And also less, somehow? It's like his memories are there but... offuscated, like, he doesn't think about it and barely mentions it other than in passing.
We know, at the very least, that the Alberich are most likely opposing the Heavenly principals, as they are allied with Khaeri'ah, meaning that, if Traveler really did come here "to become a throne", they would be an enemy, and a dangerous one at that, as they are the only ones to actually remeber what really happened.
And Kaeya, while not hostile, is not particularly friendly either, and he is entirely absent in the entire archon quest when it comes to combat, away to defeat a non-specific threat from the Abyss order. He also spends his entire story quest deceiving Traveler.
Is the traveler in favor of Celestia? The abyss sibling clearly isn't, but we're still not sure who's the decieved and who's seeing clearly at this point. Were the traveler's memories changed so he'd aid celsetia? Was the abyss twin's? Who can say?
But yeah... Kaeya may have to kill traveler, lol.
A working theory on the Alberich's mythological inspirations
Most theorists or people who dabble in genshin lore about Kaeya know that his surname is based on a german myth of a dwarf of the same name, not surname, name.
Most people assume Alberich, the dwarf, to be what inspired Kaeya's father who I will refer to as Lord Alberich for the remainder of the post to avoid confusion. He and his son are major players in the ring cycle, a collection of three plays on the different characters.
Not that I have not read nor listened to the ring cycle, it's three 5 hour performances not counting breaks and I'm not that obsessed yet.
This thread will periodically be updated in the reblogs, each focusing on a specific character/object, if anyone's interested in reading.
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sanoiro · 7 years ago
I was tagged by the amazing @adragonstale​
Post the rules
Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
Write 11 questions of your own
And tag 11 people
1) What is your comfort ritual on a shitty day?
I like to get hotbottle, tea, chocolate and watch a movie or binge a series. Sometimes though if it is particularly bad I have this weird motivation to hunt down spoilers. When that happens I don’t want to be disturbed. I like solitude....
2) If you could meet one person, no matter if alive or dead, who would you choose and why?
Well I wouldn’t. I believe our expectations are always too high when the person you admire or would have wanted to meet probably would destroy this illusion of greatness. Therefore instead of dead or alive I would have loved to meet someone who has not been born yet. I don;t seek for anything remarkable there but I would love to hear about the life and their daily routine about 2-300 years from now. I bilieve I would gain more that way. 
3) If you could change one thing in your appearance, no matter how unrealistic it seems, what would it be and why?
Most would have told me that my weight should make the cut but the thing is that I would have liked it if I could get rid of a burn scar and repair the claiming non-repairable slightly chipped tooth I have. 
4) Favorite childhood cartoon/ anime?
Ashita no free kick
Saber Rider and the Star Sheriff
Others include, Kabamaru, Sanshiro Juohmaru and Wanderer Kkachi
Cartoon? Ducktales, Darwing Duck, Potato Head Kids and Once Upon a Time...
5) If you could master one kind of craft/art/ instrument, what would it be and why?
The saxophone it’s something I wanted to learn how to play for years but I never managed to get to the point of realisation... 
6) How does your perfect life would look like?
With a kid or twins and independent. Does that make sense? 
7) I need to know, because I so NOPE NEVER, do you miss school?
I miss the library does that count?
8) When you are creative in any way, do you have a playlist for inspiration?
Yes, here is my fanfiction writing playlist 
9) One thing that others would find strange and weird about you?
I tend to stammer sometimes or confuse the word placement in sentences or even the language (English/Greek/Swedish/French) Funny thing is that I’m not really fluent in Swedish or French but certain things just get out  and replace the correct word, then chaos ensues... 
10) What are the things you collect?
Well... I have all the Disney/Pixar animation movies and their sequels. 
Encyclopedias, Carl Barks and Don Rosa comic books, dvds.... more comic books...
11) Your guilty pleasure?
Writing when I know I cannot really deliver and my monthly second hand dvd purchases... 
My Questions:
1) Ever had an imaginary friend and what was his/her/their name? 
2) Your favourite comic book as a child.
3) Your most absurd guilty pleasure snack?
4) You first childhood memory. 
5) The dream you managed to make true
6) And the one that you still have not achieved...
7) Which was the first tv series you fell in love with (bonus if you share the opening titles!)
8) What were you thinking during your last commute home?
9) The one object you cannot part with. 
10) Favourite tea flavour.
11) That one thing you were always afraid to share with the world. If you want to just let me know...
I tag:
@isk12-blog @luxxiiee @cs-aura-fluffer @pixelbypixelfanfic @waterdragon-128 @kanshou87 @wintersummer--3232
and whoever else wants to join I guess. 
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tvitrickster · 6 years ago
Maybe make his Hair more fluffy, right now it looks like he has straight hair. Also his Fronthair is more of two upside down u's next to eachother to create a good swoop. Well, kinda.
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So, Kryoz has a clear middlepart in his Hair from which all the rest of the Hair grows. He doesnt really have any bangs, thats probably the main reason your darwing doesnt look like him. And then when you look straight at him, you can see the u-shapes I talked about before. Thats from where I start to draw the rest of the hair. Y'know you fluff it out so that it covers his ears, and you can even draw some fluffs in reaching slightly into his face, if you feel like it.
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Here you can see the whole thing a bit better. You can see the u-thing, the fluff seems to have been tamed a bit, I'm guessing he washed his hair or something.
But yeah, you should probably just look at how other Artists draw him, that helps a lot more than me trying to explain, when I've drawn him like once🤣
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I…Um…well, I attempted, to draw Kryoz (my version of him)…
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