#I should actually be spiffing up my resume but uhhhhhhh
jacksprostate · 9 months
BIG FAN OF YOUR BLOG your ramblings are always so interesting to listen to!!!
free space for u to ramble about anything you want here cuz im gonna read it either way
Aw you're very sweet... Genuinely I just keep going lol I'm glad it's enjoyable for some people,
I've had this idea cooking in my head for a while about the narrator going on a cruise... it feels very perfect for him and I also have a decent amount to Say, I feel like. I'm tempted to make it half cruise half hitchhiking across Florida. Florida is like... Everything that makes the narrator want to blow up buildings, I could see Tyler treating it like a pilgrimage. I don't live there anymore but I love and loathe it you know? So much of it is a shell of something that barely ever existed, crushing any bits of what did, it's sort of enthralling in a dark way. You get places like New Orleans, the gentrifiers are wearing and jerking off to flanderized culture like a skinsuit and willfully slumming it to fit their aesthetic, but over in FL that culture sometimes never existed in the first place, or always was shoved to the side for a tourism puppet. And they're never going to slum it, you're going to get six figures riding on a center council and claiming kinship with commercial castnetters. All sorts of things that would send the narrator on a fucking trip, for sure. I'm tempted to hit him with a hurricane.
Currently I think I'm going to have his boss give him a cruise vacation as pacifying reward for detailing how 'one' might shoot up the office. And then I might have Tyler seduce him into a bender in Key West. Lots of things to be suckered into there. From there, I don't know. We'll see. I'm not sure when I'll actually get to sit down and write it, unfortunately
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