#I see some good gay shit and I'm like. lemme get in on that
babygirl-diaz · 1 month
I Waited Ages
Hmmm... I don't know if I should make this a long fic and do more of Alex and Eddie and a slow burn of BuddieTommy... Lemme know your thoughts!
Summary: Eddie goes to a gay bar and meets someone
Eddie didn't know what he was doing here on his own. He always considered himself an ally but none of his LGBT friends ever asked him to accompany them to a gay bar. But he was recently exploring more of himself, discovering new things, and that's how he ended up here.
"Hey handsome, what can I get you?" The bartender, a big burly guy with a 10000-watt smile asked him. "Digging your pornstache, by the way."
Eddie blushed at the compliment and ran his pointer finger and thumb across his mustache to groom it. "Thanks," he said. "And can I get a whiskey? Neat."
"Coming right up," the bartender replied and walked away to presumably get his drink.
Eddie looked around nervously. Part of him was regretting coming here because he felt like all eyes were on him.
"Relax, no one is looking at you..."
Eddie turned around in his stool and almost punched the guy who had said that in his ear. But the guy had good reflexes and ducked, dodging his blow. "Shit!" Eddie hissed. "I am so sorry! You just scared me!"
The man chuckled and shook his head. "It's all good. I shouldn't have whispered in your ear like a creep."
There were definitely people looking at him now and probably thinking he was some kind of gay basher. Great.
"Oh god, just go back to your flirting, gentlemen! There is nothing to see here!" The man said loudly before taking a seat next to Eddie.
"You have good reflexes," Eddie commented.
"Thanks, learned it in the Army," the man replied with an exasperated tone. Eddie could tell he wasn't proud of that, but he didn't push.
"Alex, you good?" The bartender returned and gave Eddie a glare. "Listen, man, if you're gonna do that then I'll have to kick you out."
"Chill, Billy. I'm good," Alex replied. "It was just a misunderstanding. Can I get my usual?"
"Your disgusting Sapphire Martini?" Billy scrunched up his nose. "Coming right up."
"Why do you have to make it so good if you don't want me drinking it?" Alex laughed and shook his head. "Well, I'm Alex. As you can probably tell," he said coming back to Eddie.
"I'm Edmundo... Eddie," Eddie introduced himself and gave the man a smile.
"I kinda like Edmundo..." Alex replied and gave him a smile. He picked up Eddie's drink, took a sip without asking, and coughed. "Jesus Christ! Are you trying to kill me?"
"I didn't ask you to drink it," Eddie reminded him.
"Fair," Alex said with a roll of his eyes.
Eddie chuckled and took in his neighbor. Alex was tall but about an inch or two shorter than Eddie, he was on the skinnier side but had a broad chest and thick biceps, and warm beige skin with the brightest blue eyes. Okay, maybe not as bright as Buck's, but they were beautiful. Wait... Holy shit... Did he just admit that a guy, who wasn't Buck or Tommy, had beautiful eyes? That was new.
"You're staring," Alex told him in that rich voice of his as he took a sip of the blue martini that Eddie hadn't even noticed the bartender bringing to him.
Eddie blushed and looked down.
"Not that I mind," Alex added. "Kinda like being the center of someone's attention."
Eddie cleared his throat and changed the subject. "So what are you drinking?"
"You wanna try?" Alex offered the glass to him.
Eddie took it and took a sip, doing a double take. "That is... Surprisingly good."
"Right?" Alex asked. "Everyone always just brushes it off because of its color. Do you want one? Much better than that... poison you're drinking."
"It's just whiskey!" Eddie said defensively.
"Potato, potaato." Alex laughed once again and Eddie found himself drawn to that laugh. "Hey, Billy! Can you get my friend over here a Blue Sapphire? Put it on my tab!"
"You don't have a tab!" Billy replied. "And god, are you trying to scare away my patrons with that shitty drink?"
"Edmundo likes it!" Alex replied.
Eddie found that he didn't mind Alex calling him Edmundo.
Billy brought over the drink and gave it to Eddie, “It’s your funeral, my friend.” 
Eddie smiled and shook his head. "It's not that bad."
"Just because Alex is objectively hot doesn't mean you have to agree with him," Billy told Eddie, leaning in close to him. He patted his hand before walking away.
"He's just jealous," Alex replied and childishly blew Billy a kiss when the man flipped him off.
"So... Edmundo... what brings you here?" Alex asked.
"You've been itching to ask that, haven't you?" Eddie asked him.
"No, I've been itching to ask about that pornstache actually," Alex replied and winked at him. "The 70s called, they want their stache back, but I say don't give it to them because it really suits you."
Eddie laughed and shook his head. He hadn't laughed this much since Christopher left for Texas. "Thank you," he said appreciatively. "My friends just tease me about it, but I'm glad someone appreciates it."
"Well, they don't know how to appreciate beauty then." Alex was clearly flirting and Eddie found that he didn't really mind it.
After a couple more of Sapphire Martini, Eddie had let loose and was leaning closer to Alex as Alex talked about random things. There was something about him that reminded Eddie of Buck.
"So what do you do?" Alex finally asked. "I think now is a good point to ask that."
"I'm a firefighter," Eddie replied.
"Could you be any more stereotypical?" Alex teased as he finished off his third or maybe his fourth martini.
"Why? What do you do? Actually, lemme guess... You're a model slash actor."
"Close enough... I'm a Human Rights Lawyer, so I'm starving either way," Alex joked, smirking at him.
"I like your sense of humor. Reminds me of someone..."
"Oh no... You're not one of those, are you?" Alex asked scrunching his nose.
"One of who?" Eddie asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"Those guys who realize they are gay after falling in love with their straight best friend?"
"My best friend is anything but straight," Eddie huffed.
"But he's in a relationship?" Alex asked.
"Are you a mind reader?" Eddie asked surprised. "But yeah, he is."
"So how long have you known that you've been in love with him?"
"I'm not," Eddie replied, but when Alex raised an eyebrow, he added, "Like a month ago, maybe. My son left to go live with his grandparents and I've been lonely so Buck and his boyfriend have been coming over every day to keep me company."
"Both of them? That's nice," Alex commented. "That must be hard for you, though."
"That's the thing... It's not. I am genuinely happy for them. If anything I am just jealous of their relationship. I look at it and I'm thinking I want that!" Eddie tried to explain.
"Hmmmm...." Alex hummed like he was thinking something. "Do you wish it was you with Buck instead of this other guy?"
"Not really. Tommy is a great guy. He makes Buck really happy and I could never imagine breaking them up... I just-" Eddie sighed defeated. "It's hard to explain."
"Okay... Edmundo... Lemme ask you this... Do you wish you were a part of that relationship?" Alex asked.
"What?" Eddie let out a surprised sound. "No! How would that be even possible?"
"Polyamory relationships are a thing you know," Alex pointed out.
"Like Sister Wives?" Eddie asked confused and tilted his head to the side.
Alex looked like he was holding back a laugh. "Yes, Edmundo, exactly like that. You and Tommy can be sister wives."
Eddie frowned. "I feel like you are making fun of me."
"I would never!" Alex let out a fake gasp. "No, but I think you should tell them how you feel."
"Are you crazy? They're gonna think I've lost my mind! They already think I'm being weird. That's why I came here today. To take my mind off them," Eddie explained.
"And you found me! Trust me, I am great at making people forget about the love or loves of their life," Alex said, winking at him. "You wanna come back to mine?"
"No, he wouldn't," a familiar stern voice said from behind them.
Eddie turned around and saw Buck and Tommy standing there with identical frowns on their faces.
"How did you find me?" Eddie asked confused. "Are you two tracking me or something?"
"No, we just came by to have a drink... and found you," Buck said confused. "What are you doing here, Eddie?"
"Having a drink?" Eddie lamely supplied.
"Out of all the bars in L.A. A gay bar is the one you decided to come to?" Tommy asked.
Eddie shrugged. "It's close to my place and I heard good things about it."
Buck sighed and rubbed his forehead like he had a headache coming on. "You-"
"Come on, let's go, we can talk about this back at your place," Tommy quickly chimed in.
"NO!" Eddie said adamantly. "I wanna go back to Alex's place."
"You what?!" Buck exclaimed. "How drunk are you?"
"I am perfectly sober, thank you very much," Eddie huffed.
"Well, you're obviously not if you wanna go home with some random guy!" Buck replied.
"Evan, calm down," Tommy said grabbing his boyfriend's arm.
"I don't get why you're so mad?" Eddie asked. "I was so supportive of you when you came out!"
Alex leaned in close to Eddie and whispered, "He's jealous," in his ear. He then took Eddie's earlobe between his teeth and started kissing behind his ear.
"Hey! Get away from him!" Buck yelled and tried to lunge at Alex, only to have Tommy pull him back.
"Whoa... Easy there, tiger," Tommy said. "Eddie, do you really wanna go home with Alex?"
"He said he does, didn't he?" Alex chimed in.
Tommy glared at him in return. "I wasn't asking you."
"Okay, you know what? I don't have to stand here and listen to this guy." Buck made his way over to Eddie with a dark look in his usually bright eyes that kind of turned Eddie on.
Before Eddie knew it, Buck scooped him up and threw him over his shoulder. Eddie yelped and kicked his feet. "Hey! Let me down!"
"No, you're coming home," Buck replied.
Tommy looked at them amused and he looked like he was proud of Buck.
When Buck started walking, Eddie looked at Alex over his shoulder and found the other man smirking.
"You're welcome!" Alex called out.
"I'll see you around!" Eddie replied. "Find me on Instagram... It's EddieDiazLAFD"
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nugatorysheep · 2 months
Wip Title Game
Tagged by @novantinuum
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs
I am not tagging 50 million people so @extranuts @flaretheskywing @dragonuva @roseetube post some WIP titles cowards
I have several docs that are just meant to be informative that I'm not listing because there's not much to talk about with them, and a TON of unfinished art that is like pre 2022 that will def not get done ever so its been yeeted into my Untouchables folder and also isn't listed here lmao
For convenience, I've taken out any duplicate files that are the same thing but in a different format
As you can see I have three brands of naming conventions for my files: Objective, Boring Name that just Is What It Is, Song Title and/or Lyric, and Shit Post Cause I Was Tired
Lord help me I have SO many WIPS
(Non-Informational) Writing Wips:
Bad End FOM Fic Beguiler of Wills Burning despair does ache Chapter 9: What does it matter how my heart breaks Drabbles Druidbreak Ficlet FOM WIP Doc Glimpses of life denial WIP IDK what to call this but yeah IEOE stuff idk Intermission XXX: Separate Ways Intermission XXX - Last moments of pure recall Intermission XXX - Look in my eyes she still holds the power Intermission XXX - The way ahead feels lonely Intermission XXX - Loss of want back there Pit AU - Editing Prism R&C Soundtrack Breakdown Six Forty Seven Slug it out Tell Me Something Good
Art Wips (I have a million of these):
[shoves hand in abdomen for the symbolism or some shit].clip ask.psd Axel Sketches.clip baneful bunker.png beat up boys.clip Beyond Bliss Gems Lineup.clip Bliss rose stuff for later.clip break the bank.clip chompers.png Connverse dump.clip Cupid dump.clip Druid x Sven x Sonny.clip Dryad sketches.clip EINF Steven.clip evil boi.clip evil leo doodles.clip Eye contact.clip Fab fly floret.clip failure 01.clip Frame of Mind Sketchbook.clip Fusion Chart.clip gay as fuck to be a test subject. what are you testing, your capacity for homosexual desires.clip (this is one long ass title lol) goober.clip Haven't you noticed I'm a star.clip He can say it cause i said so.clip he yeeteth and yoinknth away.clip HEARTBREAK SPINEL REF.clip homie rolled a nat one on genetics fr.clip HONEY REF.clip i am so fucking hungry bro imma make noodles 1.png (there's 4 it's a comic) I have made a new boy.clip Illustration (2).clip Illustration (3).clip Illustration.clip Illustration2 (2).clip Illustration2.clip Inner Demons.clip it triggered his flight or fight response.clip Karma Sketchbook.clip lazer_eyes-3A4E6.clip Lemme tell you what it's like to be a Zero.clip Loss Dot Jaypeg.png me.clip Mermay HB.clip mermay.clip MINOTUAR MAN.clip mirror_gem_designs.clip ML Stevonnie.clip munchmunch.clip Nova Artfight 2.clip Now that it's raining more than ever.clip old man lizard.clip oops all pain lol.clip open arms.clip Pasture crew.clip rare dizzy art.clip Real.mdp Ref wips.clip Sarkhan's Dragonfire.clip Save a horse ride a cowboy.clip Say that again i dare you.clip Screenshot 2023-09-23 001021.png Senkywenky.clip SFW Sketchbook.clip ShatteredStar.clip Show off those guns.clip Slugman the second coming.clip Snaps and snarls.clip so what's the point of holding tight onto my feet.clip Soap.clip some mtg quote.clip Space faggot.clip spongebob window meme.clip Starnheim_Unleashed.psd STEVEN ON LION.clip SU AU Battle Cuts.clip SUDF page redraw.clip Suneater.clip SUTREK.clip Take A Breath.clip Talking to Myself Redraw 1.clip (there are several of these it's a comic) THE SUN IS GETTING LOW.clip THERE IS NO MANA IN THIS AIR.clip they love each other.clip this was supposed to be shoes idk what happened.png Throwing boys at the wall to see what sticks.clip Tourmaline.clip Tower of boys.clip Trolls bullshit.clip tumblr bait purple rabbit man but the lame version [springtrap did it better].clip uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit idk.clip Union of Love.clip wahho.clip Welcome to the grid user.clip Welcome to the grid user.png Will you be satified.clip wip 02.clip You're MINE.clip zoo doodles.clip ZOOLOGY GEMS REF TWO.clip
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 9
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A contemplative episode this week, as most of the characters stop struggling and start accepting some shit. But while some people come to correct conclusions (Ray and Mew break up, but can you call it a break up if you were never actually together?), others just decide to make the same mistakes and hope for different outcomes (Sand keeps trusting Ray instead of himself; Mew decides to give Top another chance). We're moving into the last act of the story now, and it's anybody's guess where we land up when the dust settles. Last week y'all judged Ray the most audacious by a mile. Lemme put my glasses on and see who I'm feeling this week.
🔺1. Nick (6)
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Team Second Option!
Nick and Sand's loser friendship and their self-awareness of same is one of the most delightful parts of a truly delightful show. I can totally believe Nick suggested them hooking up, this is EXACTLY how these things go. Them dissolving into giggles over their kiss and cuddling each other to sleep was a beautiful friendship moment. Another beautiful moment was Nick's acceptance that he really had just fucked things up with Boston (we will ignore the fact that the boy just can't HELP spying on that man having sex with other people🤣), apologising in a heartfelt way and attempting to move on. I think Nick's heart might be the only one at ease at the end of this ep, so he wins the week.
⭐2. Boeing
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My room is right here as well.
IT'S MOND IT'S MOND IT'S MOND MOND IS HERE AND HE LOOKS GOOD AS FUCK! It's time to find out what the hell this is all about, but whatever it is looks kinda fucked which YES.
🔺3. Sand (11)
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We are just masochists.
The loser camping trip did a lot to make me feel less irritated with Sand this week. Sand has always been incredibly self-aware about how much him having feelings for Ray is a suck move, but having him state it all so baldly and call himself a masochist this episode did move the needle for me. Architect of his own misery? Yes, but knowing he lowhighkey ENJOYS the misery makes all the difference. You know what king, you do you. Swing wildly between euphoria and despair while you're young enough to find it exciting.
🔻4. Boston (2)
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Gay, straight, pan, whatever the fuck you want to be. I just opened your eyes.
Oh sis, I saw you trying there, but the lack of impulse control as always will land you in trouble. He should have sent Atom packing after that party, but sad, lonely and pissed off are a bad combo, and one thing Boston consistently does is make poor decisions when he's feeling some typa way. He clearly served up a top tier dicking though, because Atom is in LOVE. Inconvenient at best. As I keep saying though: you can't keep a bad bitch down, and Boston's one of the baddest. This too shall pass.
🔺5. Ray (12)
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I am thick-skinned. I don't care.
*deep negro spiritual sigh* How DARE you bust up the loser camping trip Raymond. I'll not forgive you for that one. Ray, rejected by Mew, demands Sand's company for an ego-boosting dopamine hit (including the sex that Mew denied him, natch), continuing to treat him like a servant and a possession. But this time Sand calls him on it, and that maybe means he thinks about it a little? TBD. I do think Ray WAS actually honest this episode about his feelings (hence the rise in rank), but he was still trying to get what he wanted out of Sand. He and Mew ended their ill-advised relationship as friends though, so that's a positive. Rehab seems to be on the menu next week so anything's possible. I still think these two are terrible for each other, but they're 21, I guess it's allowed.
🔺6. Top (7)
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I just want you to know that the person you think loves you the most is not that good.
Watching Top work Mew's moms over all Mew's objections was gross, and I'm fortified anew in my feeling that this dude's vibes are just OFF. Top...circling Mew like this, working Cheum, working his moms, making the move to excise Ray but not actually pulling the trigger because he knows taking the high road will appeal to Mew...look this show has 3 more eps to prove me wrong but something ain't RIGHT with this 'un. Top's money, his good looks, his sweet words, that's all it seems anybody pays attention to, but something underneath...anyway, his strategy's working, right up until the moment Mew runs into Boeing on his fucking doorstep.
🔻7. Mew (3)
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I just thought if I became someone else, I'd be stronger.
Well the slut spiral was fun while it lasted, but I guess the morning after a coke bender is generally unpleasant and Mew's a paper tiger not a real G. Mew's trying to keep up the party boy persona but he's not built for this shit, his heart's not in it and Ray trying to literally get in his pants crashed him back to reality. He's totally going back to Top, Boeing or no Boeing.
⭐8. Mew's moms
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I saw you on Mew's Instagram. You look better in person.
Oof. Look they're cute and they obviously love Mew, but their son is clearly uncomfortable and unhappy with Top around and they're ignoring that. They may not know what happened, but the room ain't THAT hard to read.
🔻9. Atom (1)
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Did I just get nailed and bailed?
Atom tried dick exactly once and it's got him outside Boston's house in the middle of the night begging for more of the same. My bunny boiler hopes have fizzled for both Nick and Sand, maybe Atom is the one I've been waiting for.
🔹10. Yo (10)
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Good can't buy love.
Mae Yo with the read this week: 'good can't buy love'. I really want Mom and Cool Stepdad back together. GO GET YOUR MAN YO!
🔻11. Daddy Dan (4)
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I'm not going to be your boss tonight. Call me Daddy Dan.
The cringe is through the roof. Well he might get to sniff it but a sniff's all he's gonna get before Nick's back in Boston's bed, and that's just a matter of time at this point.
🔻12. Cheum (8)
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The evil spirit left you already, huh?
Will Cheum ever learn to mind the business that pays her? Her lack of interest in her brother's clear and obvious heartbreak is contrasted unfavourably with her overinvestment and overinvolvement in the Mew/Top saga. I also somehow feel like last week's self-interested moment of solidarity with Boston won't survive contact with her brother getting exactly what he asked for and breaking his own heart with it.
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sadaveniren · 2 years
Hi! Why do you think BG is still going? I see a lot of people saying that it is an alternative to Louis having to have a beard but in my opinion it's much worse to use a child who has no say in the matter and will probably grow up damaged than a beard who has signed up for the job and is getting paid well. A child is not needed to maintain a closet. So with that in mind, why do you think Louis is stuck with Freddie?
Okay you are like the fourth or fifth anon who has insisted that a child is not a way to maintain a closet and while I... guess I get where you are coming from I feel like everyone asking this seems to be forgetting that this isn't just... a decision Louis made in 2022.
Here lemme just include a portion of this ask and then I'll ramble behind a cut
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That anon is 100% right btw. This decision was made in 2015 (tbh I think it was probably made in late 2014 but that's a whole separate talk) by music execs who wanted something flash in the pan for their boyband that was about to lose one of their most well known members (Zayn - and no this isn't blaming Zayn for BG I am lying the guilt very FIRMLY on the feet of Sony/Syco/Modest/Simon for this one). What happened after has just been... a shit show.
I don't think Louis knew there was going to be an actual fucking baby involved until October when Belfast happened and when the baby was born I don't think anyone knew how long this was supposed to last. They took almost two weeks to file the birth certificate. I think they were trying to figure out something else to go forward with it, and they were trying to muddle all of what was coming out so fandom didn't know top from bottom.
They ultimately decided to file the birth certificate and go the paternity route and everything was then meant to lead up to a paternity test denial. And then Jay got diagnosed with cancer in March 2016 and everything went off the rails.
I think decisions were made back in 2016 because of that so Louis could have the privacy he wanted for his mother and BG was put on the back burner of his mind. I think Louis did two years of hard pap work for BG before he decided "okay I'll move back to London and let this baby thing die off, I'll focus on making music I want to make and I'll figure it all out later." He did Xfactor like Simon wanted in 2018, he avoided LA like a plague, and he tried to get Walls made.
I think he might have felt he found a good balance ignoring everything by 2020 and not mentioning it and then Briana had to go and get fucking sued because she scammed some dude for fake boobs. I'm not expecting anyone to remember this but I went on a VERY LONG RANT about how dangerous of a position that put Louis and his business companies in because it involved taxes and the IRS. I would not be surprised that that moment basically made Louis go "okay well I can't just let things lie because then I'll have a bigger mess on my hand and stuff will creep up that I can't control that involves my closet" and so he has taken back over the stunt so he can have control over his closet.
Here's basically where I'm at and you can agree or disagree but this is what it is: Louis ending BG without coming out would be very difficult. Someone asked me "what do you mean babies are part of the closet" and it's kinda like... a baby is like the ultimate proof to the heterosexual world that you are heterosexual. You have had verifiable sex with the opposite sex. The nuance of how that all happens is lost in part of the bigger heterosexual picture. If you remove the baby from the equation you are now left with "Turns out Louis Tomlinson isn't the dad of the baby his fans never thought was his because they think he's gay and in a relationship with Harry Styles." And the fact that they have let it go on longer and longer just makes the fact you can't end it without forcing him out of the closet very difficult.
Especially if they don't have another section of the closet to fill that piece. AKA... he gets engaged or married to his long term girlfriend. Because what most people try to accomplish with their closets is that people don't go snooping around it. And losing BG would cause people to do that with Louis. "oh that baby was fake what about your relationship? oh you and this girlfriend have been together for how long and you guys never post anything normal or have gotten married/engaged? huh... weird"
And if he is trying to remove having a public girlfriend from his public persona, which I think he is, the only piece of the closet he has left is BG. Because if he removes BG he has to do SOMETHING to re-enforce the heterosexuality. He'd need to up the girlfriend side of things. He might need to get "engaged" so that way people don't go poking around at his closet.
TL;DR: BG is being used because it has been here. They missed the boat of ending the stunt at a time where it wouldn't have immediately outted Louis and now they have to use BG as part of his closet until Louis is able to come out. Which is his right to choose when he wants to come out. Does it suck for the kid? Verdicts out tbh but I'm not someone who thinks the kid really knows what's going on at this point outside of "oh hey I know this famous dude and go to Christmas with these people who are nice to me" and I also think when he's not with Louis - which is a lot - he's probably living his little six year old life with his mom and dad.
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cephalotyrant · 4 months
Hiiiiiiiiii so. Azurido bodyswap.
Think about it; these two housewardens who constantly seem to be bickering, and then one day during a joint alchemy class they accidentally swap bodies...
Azul trying to run heartslabyul and hastily memorizing all the queens' rules; speaking of i had a sudden thought do you think azul would learn the rules for riddle after they start dating so he can easily come over to heartslabyul and follow all the rules teehee anyways back on topic Azul is mentioned to have less magic capacity so im imagining him being like "okay yeah this kid's currently on a murderous rampage buuuut do I REALLY need off with your head rn why can't i just assert my dominance with words or some shit works with floyd" (i'l never forget that time azul made floyd kneel as punishment... sad moment)
And then Riddle... bless his heart he's too much of a reasonable honest person for octavinelle's bs he's like "stop scamming students" and they're like "um ACKSHUALLY you see the free market and blah blah blah-" Riddle can't behead them anymore because azul doesn't have that power (loser) so he's just like -_- waiting for them to stop talking please oh please what he wouldn't do for them to shut the fuck up-
also weird thought riddle out of instinct trying to cast owyh and then accidentally activating the true form of it's a deal and just... knocking a bunch of guys out cold. and his glasses. he hates them bc they keep getting foggy.
speaking of glasses azul keeps trying to push them up except they dont exist fuckin L hah hah everybody point and laugh
and riddle's high heels... azul falls over (point and laugh part 2)
anyways getting a bit more serious I do feel like azul and riddle do have more similarities in leadership style (like how azul's canonically very irritable with octavinelle students and ortho mentions it's actually quite rare to see him in a good mood just like riddle) so... poor heartslabyul guys aren't catching a break just yet. Except instead of being collared it's just like "shut the fuck up travis this is why you're poor" "3.8 gpa santocruz??? I think you mean 1.8 because those tabloids could only be written by a FUCKING IDIOT" (i'm joking PLEASE DONT KILL ME I MERELY JEST besides we all know azul probably tries to seem uber classy so he wouldn't swear)
meanwhile octavinelle students have never seen such rage... even more scarily... HONESTY AND STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS (an octavinelle student's worst nightmare)
Anyways Riddle and tweel interactions here are just so funny if this is before floyd realizes the truth because it's like
"Lemme squeeze you, goldfishie!"
And then "Azul" waltzes in and is like "Floyd why how could you do this that is highly improper!!!!!!!"
Ofc "Riddle's" like "so i owe you now" bc azul wants riddle in his debt lmaooo
Azul keeps trying to find riddle's weakness... but it goes wrong...
Short scene:
Azul gazed into the mirror of Heartslabyul's bathroom, looking at every new detail at this new face of his. Riddle's face. He was looking for weaknesses. Yes, weaknesses, as dastardly as it seemed.
Like - how those soft, sun-kissed cheeks were likely sensitive to light, and how those gorgeous little heart-shaped tufts of hair often added to Riddle's poutiness, and-
Wait, why was Riddle's face growing redder in the mirror all of a sudden?
Womp womp azul you're gay for him
Anyways they turn back and it all gets found out blah blah... Azul saying the most down-bad shit when he thinks no one can hear like "riddle-san looks even prettier from up close" jade and floyd overhear his little mumble he never leaves it down...
and riddle... is hyperfixating over azul's moles. he knew about the one on his chin but there's MORE??? On The neck? The COLLARBONE??? He never undressed (neither did azul bc they were swapped for a pretty short time so it was pretty easy not to as just... yk a respect/consent thing) but while adjusting his tie and stuff he noticed. He is now freaking out over it to Trey. Why does he care??? When can he sign up to kiss them??? More on seven.
Memorizing the rules would be a DAUNTING ass task bro. But Azul is up to it and I bet he memorized them just for fun at one point so he could find all the loopholes (and rub them in riddles face) funnily enough, Heartslabyul is confuse because it seems like Riddle has gotten... sharper? Some clock him immediately as wrong (ADTC)-- Riddle often stands stiffly and probably has a resting bitch face, let's be real. but now the way he stands is almost looser, more fluid, his body more expressive, flexing his hands. In his attempt to follow the rules, Azul IMMEDIATELY calls out someone using a loophole. But for today, he'll let it slide-- but I better not catch you doing that again, else there will be consequences. (He means Jade and Floyd it was on instinct) Even the way he SPEAKS is different, and why is he talking about himself so much? Don't get started on the moment Azul is mentioned-- why is he suddenly avoiding speaking any bad about Azul Ashengrotto? They were at each other's throats just this morning!
He feels weirdly frail. Not only does he lack his octo-stength, he has to look up at absoloutely everyone! And these heels are ridiculous! Of course, he's heard all about Riddle boasting that the dorm uniform being a replica of the first housewarden of Heartslabyul, but he could have omitted SOME details. The way everyone straightens their back when they hear the clacking of his heels, though... that's quite nice. It's hard not to powertrip.
I'm not going to get into it I'm not going to get into it I'm not-- FUCK. He can't help but be envious of the complete lack of fat on Riddle's body, the way his uniform cinched his waist just right. Perhaps there were some benefits of being so small... And there's a constant dull ache in his dominant hand. Seriously, for someone raised for a future in medicine, he doesn't appear to be taking care of himself very well! Maybe he'll snoop about the room for a diary, finding a drawer full of letters from a very particular woman-- and leave the investigation there. Funnily enough, it fills him with the urge to write his own letter to his own mother... he hasn't spoken to her in a while.
At least the bed is fantastic? Let's just hope Trey doesn't walk in while he's giggling and wrapping himself up burrito-style into the blankets.
Azul (Riddle) back at Octavinelle seems like he's one moment away from a STROKE. So much so that every few moments red rings swirl in his eyes-- his last straw being the fourth pencil he breaks in a row. Since when has Azul been this strong!? Does his dishonest nature extend to taking steroids?? He's going to have a VERY long talk with him later! His glasses keep getting smudged and sliding down his nose, and Azul's layered clothing was so ridiculously heavy-- being of average height is kind of nice, though.
Jade and Floyd clock him as NOT AZUL right away I fear... though it is a little funny to watch Azul's body throw a tantrum and stomp his feet. They freak out, however, when Riddle realizes he has the strength to preperly defend himself... not good. If he can't behead them, he can go physical. Really, he's not fit at all to run Mostro or do deals atp... but Jade and Floyd think it'd be funny if he fucked some up. He's rather impressed by how such a busy establishment runs so smoothly, and the employees, namely, the waiters, are rather polite. They stand straight and speak clearly... Azul’s done quite well.
Finally. A respite from the endless things that needed his attention– as the housewarden of Heartslabyul, he was used to tending issues left and right, but this experience, being trapped in Azul’s body, had stretched his patience thin. Azul, truly, had his fingers in far too many pies.
Discarding anything the Octavinelle housewarden wore on the regular would have been improper, though it certainly didn’t prevent him from complaining about it. The layers of the dorm uniform were oppressive, to put it lightly– even his cape, for how it dragged across the ground, wasn’t nearly as heavy. The cummerbund was too tight to be considered remotely comfortable. He abandons it on the chair in front of the vanity.
He tugs on silky purple fabric to undo the bowtie, the thing having gone crooked, most likely from when he undid the suspenders or pulled off the jacket. It’s always satisfying to allow one’s neck to breathe at the end of the day–
Right there, not too far from under the collar, is a culmination of small dark spots. Three, in fact. And just when he peels back the collar to get a better look at them, there’s another one, right there, on his collarbone!
Experimentally, he runs a finger over them. They’re just spots of pigment… so why do they make his breath hitch and his face warm so?
The door beside the vanity swings open without warning, causing him to jump and squeeze the collar shut in alarm, crumpling the, no doubt, expensive fabric. He curses, seeing one of two tall eel mermen at the door.
“Are you accustomed to coming in unannounced?”
Jade smiles, half concealing it with a hand. “Oh my. Look at you, you already sound so much like our dearly departed Azul.”
“D– dearly departed!? He’s in my body, not deceased!”
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montcumbry-gaytor · 2 years
The Shower Scene
Jack Morrison|Soldier 76 x AMAB!Reader smut
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A/N : Final prompt of the overwatch stuffs!!! If y'all want any other overwatch gay shit pls lemme know and I will definitely try to write it at some point!!
TW : Face fucking, Shower sex, use of 'good boy' Blowjob, Handjob.
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Your heart pounded against your ears as you blocked a cuff aimed at your head, teeth gritting into your mouth guard as you dropped down swiftly, kicking the feet out from underneath your opponent, their back slamming to the mat.
"Ah shit.. my back.."
Jack seethed, his hand meeting yours as you pulled him up.
"You have zero defense on your lower half, Morrison, Same as always."
You said, patting his shoulder before removing the wrapping on your hands, pulling with your teeth as you flexed your hand, the wrapping pulling off.
"Still snappy as you were in the early days."
Jack said, a smile curling on his lips, eyes tracing down your sweaty body as you took off your training gear.
"One thing always gotta stay the same."
You said, picking up your water bottle and squeezing it into your mouth, jacks small chuckle always made your heart bounce off the walls, now was no different.
"I'm gonna hit the showers, See you."
Jack said, nodding up at you as he exited the small gym, you reciprocated the nod, bringing yourself to weights, you spent a few minutes there, just getting in some basic stuff to keep you in shape.
You expected Jack to be gone by the time you had made it to the showers, and the silence of the showers adjacent to the locker room confirming your suspicions.
You brought an arm behind your head, your opposite hand coming to rest on your forearm, stretching your body as you undressed rather quickly, keeping a towel around your waist as you made it to the showers.
You entered, fully expecting the room to be empty, your face instantly flushing at the sight of Jack, veiny cock in hand, face red and eyes closed, seemingly not noticing you.
You rested against the frame of the door, watching him as water streaked down his scarred muscles, his chest heaving as his cock twitched, you took him getting close as a sign to announce your presence with a loud "ahem" that echoed off the walls.
Jacks eyes shot open, freezing all motion as he stares back at you.
"I was expecting you to be gone, Morrison, couldn't wait to get to your quarters to do stuff like this?"
You said, a smirk rising to your lips, arms crossed over one another as you made your way over to him, watching as he was speechless, mouth hung open.
"Jack, who exactly were you thinking of while you were doing this?"
You hummed, the pad of your finger tracing on the underside of his length, tucking your bottom lip between your teeth as he let out a low whine.
"Don't- L/N- Stop.. "
Jack panted, though he clinged to you, helplessly bucking into your touch.
"You're adorable like this, Jack."
You whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the edge of his lips, smirking as he leaned into you, as if he was craving your touch.
"..it- hah.. it was you- shit.."
Getting your answer, you felt pleased, wrapping your fingers around his length, the moans he let out sending waves of pleasure straight to your groin.
"Good boy."
He whined at your words, back arching off the tile wall, hands gripping to you as if he'd collapse without you.
"Fuck- please kiss me- holy shit.."
You let out a small 'hm' as if to think about it, watching jacks eyes lock on yours, pleading, you had no choice, dipping down to plant a kiss that quickly became heated on his pink lips.
Neither of you wanted to part, though to catch your breath you made an exception, watching as Jacks body twitched, pleasure racking his body as he became close once more.
"I'm gonna cum- ah.. "
"—Did I say you could, Soldier?"
His breath hitched as your thumb pressed to the slit of his tip, instantly begging.
"Please- please let me cum- I'll be good."
He whimpered, grasping you, calloused hands never leaving you.
"That's my good boy."
You praised him, your thumb pulling off as you stroked him faster, his body shuddering as cum spilled out of his tip, coating your hand.
"Look at you, you've made a mess, what will you do about it, Morrison?"
You said, tutting, looking down at him, bringing your hand up to his face, humming in satisfaction as he licked your fingers clean.
"I'd good boy.. but you've missed a spot."
You grinded your hips against his, your erection clear even underneath the towel neatly tied around your waist, Jack wasting no time to drop to his knees, looking up at you, untying the towel as you nodded in confirmation.
You let a small sigh as your cock was freed, tilting your head back as Jack took you into his mouth, tongue running over the underside of your base, teasing the veins.
You ran a hand through his white hair, tugging on his hair as you bucked your hips forward, the tip of your cock rutting against the back of his throat.
"Fff.. uck Jack- you feel amazing.."
You huffed out, letting out breathy moans as you fucked into his mouth, one hand rooted in his hair as the other rested against the tile wall.
Jacks helpless moans only helped you edge closer to your climax, his grip resting on your hip and his other hand on your thigh, his hips ever so often bucking into nothing.
Your cock twitched in his wet, warm mouth, the thought of him getting off to you made your face flush, it made you wonder how many times he had done it.
"You're cute when you're pathetic, Jack."
You hummed, your grip on his locks loosening as you pet his head, before slipping your hand to the back of his head and forcing him to take your fullness, letting out groans as you rode out your orgasm.
You pulled out, your hand trailing under his chin and holding his mouth shut.
"Swallow, Morrison."
You commanded, caressing his cheek as he obeyed.
"Good, You won't mind me coming to see you in your quarters later tonight, Right Jack?"
You hummed, pecking his lips as you stood, grabbing your towel from the floor.
You smiled as Jack nodded quickly, exiting the showers, figuring you'd clean yourself in the privacy of your own quarters, smirking at the ideas of what you'd do to him.
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A/N : hope y'all enjoyed Sub jack!! Cause I sure did, new fics should come out soon!! Love y'all!!
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Day 10
Warning: toys, edging, top reader, gay, mlm, smut, male reader
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Bound and gagged (name) lay on the bed while Rindōs hand trailed down his chest "so pretty..." Rindō commented as he grabbed an egg vibrator and with a few pumps to (name)s cock, a sounding rod inserted in it preventing poor (name) from cumming.
The pained whine that escaped (name)s gagged mouth made Rindō grin evilly as he made eye contact with his lover and made him watch Rindō turn on the egg and...began using it on himself?
(Name) made a sound of confusion as Rindō rubbed the egg vibrator over his own cock then he began rubbing (name)s cock between his lubed cheeks and (name) had some choice words to say to the other.
"Hm? Do you want something?" Rindō asked mockingly as (name) glared up at the other who seemingly took pity on him, bending over to their special black box and pulled out a fleshlight.
Oh this fucker.
Rindō had a shit eating grin as he played with the end of the sounding rod, teasingly making it seem like he was going to remove it only to put the tip of (name)s cock on the fleshlight and push in "does it feel good? Does it feel like me?" Rindō was a sadistic bastard as he turned on the toy and watched (name) toss his head back with a loud muffled groan.
"Maybe I should just let you fuck this instead of me..." Rindō said watching his lover shake his head frantically "no? But you're having so much fun" Rindō said as he continued fucking (name)s cock with the toy.
"MFFFH!" (name) grunted out through the gag "what? I can't understand you baby, did you say you wanted it faster?"
And with that Rindō turned up the strength and began fucking the fleshlight harder on the others poor cock.
(Name) was sobbing at this point and Rindō watched with a feral grin "you need my ass? You want it bad?"
(Name) nodded frantically as he buckled into the toy.
"Then tell me, tell my you wanna fuck my ass" Rindō said using his spare hand to undo the gag and grin at his drooling lover "beg me"
"Pleasepleasepleaseplease baby! Lemme fuck you! Please, fuck! Please lemme cum 'n ya!" (Name) begged pleadingly and Rindō grinned at this "if you cum before I say so, I'm not fucking you for a week"
And Rindō wasn't fucking around.
Removing the fleshlight and sounding rod, Rindō balanced himself over (name)s cock and slowly pushing in and let out the prettiest moan (name) ever heard.
Rindō was like a god to him, (name) prayed to him nightly.
"So big, fuck baby" Rindō grinned as he raked his fingers down the others chest "fucking up my insides"
"Please baby..."
"Shhh, I'm getting to it"
And with that Rindō lifted his legs and began fucking himself on (name)s cock, grinning when (name) wildly bucked up "you're like a bitch in heat!" Rindō mocked and moved up to pinch the others nipples, rolling them and teasing them.
"Pleasepleasepleaseplease" (name) begged, babbling away as he was on the edge of cumming "you can cum when you make me cum" Rindō said teasingly only to let out a choked moan as (name) began pistoning his hips up "fuck baby, you really wanna cum huh?" Rindō moaned out as he licked his lips "make me cum baby, fuck me good!"
Rindō let out a high pitched and loud moan as he came all over (name) watching the others eyes roll back and finally cumming deep within Rindō "fuck..." Was all (name) could give as Rindō shakily pulled off his cock and freed (name) "so good for me baby, doing whatever I ask" Rindō said kissing (name) gently and letting the other cuddle him, allowing the other to see a softness no one got to see.
Only his sweet (name).
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psylunari · 7 months
For the ship ask game: kunikidazai, suegiku, atsulucy
NOTE: the post will be long as heck. I'll keep reblogging for every ship addition till I finish.
I'll preface this by saying, yes! I do ship all of these!
(nervous chuckle) buckle up, buttercup.
1. What made you ship it?
TL;DR: ironically enough, writing it made them take over my brain.
Mid-tier answer: It wasn't one specific thing. I watched the show and had 1 (one) plot bunny one year later (my most-read BSD fic). I was writing a MHA OC/canon thing at the time. While passionate about that OC/canon, it was a difficult fic, and I put it on hold.
Writing that knkdz fic proved itself easier. It was flowing. It forced me into a deep dive in their dynamic. The result is what you see.
Long answer: it took me 10+ years in fandom (legit) to like m/m ships. So it's kinda hard?? To watch things with m/m tinted glasses. AKA deliberately looking for m/m chemistry, or interpreting it always that way, or making it up in my head if I can't find it. If I come across a ship, I came across a ship. And I'm the same for any ship.
During my first watch of bongo straycats, I didn't ship much of anything. I looked at those two and went, “yeah, they're haha funny, if I were to ship something it'd probably be this”. I was done with the three seasons out, then, I “forgot” BSD.
I mean. Not that I forgot. I was in-between fandom phases with other stuff. So I didn't pay “the popular ships” much mind. They were there. A thing that existed. I didn't care for them.
Then it went like:
“Hey, I could use some change in my life, lemme style my hair like this anime twink.” “Fic idea for haha funny ship. What if instead of disappearing to commit the die, the anime twink was sick and didn't tell anyone?” ?????? “It is a CRIME that THIS dynamic is on the unpopular side, I'm declaring myself in knkdz hell till further notice and will do something about it.”
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
TL;DR: they are multifaceted, their relationship is a deep rabbit hole of symbolism, and a blast to write about.
Superficial answer: complementary personalities + look good together + attractive + hilarious banter + suspicious moments + annoyances to lovers.
Heartfelt answer: I look at them from a complete perspective. Never one without the other, never caricatures of themselves. There's the caring domestic side, the dumb disagreements, the synergy and mutual respect, the defiance of internal values, the angst past and present… They are complex. The more you dig, the more you find. It's entertaining. It made the brain go brrrrr.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
It isn't often I come across interpretations I disagree with. Dedicated knkdz shippers and I are mostly in the same wavelength. My unpopular opinion, however, boils down to “I interpret both as some flavor of bisexual, not gay” and “mischaracterization”.
Will elaborate on the latter.
On Kunikida: headcanon as the fandom might, IMO, this guy isn't confident about love and sex. Let alone super liberated.
Picture this. Inexperienced + perfectionist + “dear diary, today I dreamt of my perfect wife” + “do girls not like me because I'm a nerd?” = pretty romantic, huh? And out of touch with reality.
Don't get me wrong. He does have carnal desires or kinks, I feel. I see him as shy and easy to fluster in the beginning. He takes time to relax and do his thing, being his own biggest critic.
On Dazai: he isn't helpless and definitely has an edge. I have a catboy agenda to set. Think like a cat's claws. Can and will scratch if unhappy, they're part of him, do not declaw the catboy. The feetsies are soft and adorable. They're also a part of him.
In the love aspect: when he LIKES someone, Dazai goes “brain.exe has stopped working” and does/says the stupidest shit. I think he orbits them out of no idea how to deal with it. Staying in the same space, wanting closure, not asking for it. Literal cat behavior again.
Now, in sex matters, he's shameless for… the most part. Not vulnerable all the time. He can flirt when it's for meaningless flings. What IMO WOULD make him cry is emotional stuff. Which may be tied to a sexual moment. Just not necessarily.
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callmearcturus · 2 years
Tips for Playing Persona 3 Portable
because i am (i think) a little over halfway thru and it's amazing, I am having a tremendously good time. here's all the stuff that made me go "well I wish i knew that from the beginning!"
this is geared towards people who haven't played a MegaTen. other folks, you know what you're doing, don't @ me.
You wanna grab the PPSSPP emulator, which is available for mobile and for PC. I need buttons to play, so I play on my Odin, but if you're the kind of person who plays Genshin on your phone, you'd probably be fine just playing it on your phone.
I'm able to upscale this to x4 resolution so it looks very nice. If you're on a super fancy phone or your PC, I bet you can push it higher if you want but I think it looks great at x4.
I'm not gonna pussyfoot around. You can find the game on a very helpful site. Rot13: ivzz.arg Great place to know.
I would have three save files. Slot One: the place you save daily or every other day, because you should do that. Slot Two: save here when the game warns you it's almost a full moon. If you make it to the boss and get utterly owned, roll back to here and grind more. (I haven't had to do this yet personally but the game is slowly getting harder, so maybe it'll happen.) Slot Three: Before events you might want to see multiple paths of.
PPSSPP supports save states. I mapped the "save state" button to my L3 click and I hit it every time I reach a new floor of Tartarus in case something goes catastrophically wrong. But I'm not the type of person who enjoys total party wipes and losing progress. I'm baby.
Oh and you need to trust me here: PLAY THE GIRL. DO NOT PLAY THE BOY, THE GAME IS APPRECIABLY WORSE. When you start the game it'll warn you to play Boy first. FUCKING IGNORE THAT SHIT AND PLAY THE GIRL. Also FemPC is the only one with a gay option to my knowledge.
If you are not into MegaTen/Persona, just play on Easy. It's okay and no one is gonna judge you. And anyone who does it outing themselves as an asshole.
Your goal for the first tens of hours of combat is to knock all enemies down in a single turn. When all enemies are knocked down, your party does an All Out Attack and usually finishes off the fight. Hitting enemies with their weakness or getting a critical will knock them down and let you take another attack in the same turn. Keep chaining until everyone is knocked down!
You can find most enemies weaknesses by scanning them with Mitsuru/Fuuka. Do this for every enemy, it'll help later when you have seen 40 enemies and cannot remember who's weak to what.
Each party member has an elemental specialty but you the player can swap your pokemon persona once per turn. Lemme repeat: YOU CAN SWAP YOUR PERSONA IN BATTLE ONCE PER TURN. You don't have to wait to be out of battle to swap!
This is a game where its very worthwhile to, once you reach a new combat area, to upgrade all of your weapons and armor. The stat jumps are pretty significant. You'll get some equipment from Elizabeth's quests and in exploration but not a lot. So figure out who you're gonna use mainly and kit them out when new gear appears.
You unlock Akihiko in the second or third month of play (first 5 hours, maybe sooner depending on your playstyle). He was a small lesson for me as a player bc he spends HP to hit hard. Kind of scary at first but he'll be fine, let him be a blood knight. Yukari will heal him when he's in the danger zone. Also, if you are keeping everyone up to date on their equipment there are many times Akihiko does more damage with his normal attack than his Persona skill. He's like. Maddeningly useful. And he's the best boy. And I love him. ANYWAY.
Don't be precious about your personas. Fuse frequently. Also if you have one you REALLY like the skillset of, tell Elizabeth you want to register them in the compendium and you can summon them again for money. (You get the compendium early game, just chill until it unlocks.)
Oh yeah so when you start fighting, your party members will be on Full AI Mode. When you start to understand what you're doing, you can go into Tactics and switch them to being under your control. Or switch them back! Up to you!
FINALLY, THIS IS THE ONE I WISH I UNDERSTOOD EARLY. Once you start really breezing through combat, when you are in Tartarus and out of combat: JUST TELL EVERYONE TO GO EXPLORE. They will split up from you and run around finding items and will locate the exits. This makes getting through Tartarus floors easy. AND IF ONE OF THEM GETS INTO COMBAT? Stand nearby and if they start to lose too my HP, HEAL THEM FROM YOUR MENU. It's fucking great. I love this mechanic so much and I was too scared to use it for so long. USE IT!!!!
i think once you get Fuuka you can change the BGM while you are exploring. I like Track 4, it's very fun.
This game is driven by your Social Links with people, series of little scenes in visual novel style. Having strong social links means your personas for that Arcana will be stronger. You can pick choices in many of these social link scenes that will make the person happy or sad.
There's a few social links where if you want to max them out you gotta suck it up and say the 'right' thing for that person. Rio does not want a lot of pushback or challenge to her ideas. Akihiko will clam up if you make fun of his interests and frequently misses sarcasm and jokes with his literalism. Saori wants gentle pushback against her isolation but not super aggressively. If you fuck up and feel bad, reload a save! It's okay.
Junpei is not a romance option. Knowing this made me like him a LOT more and he became my best fucking bro and my ride-or-die. Junpei is great. He'd be awful if he was a romance option.
A few characters are gated based on your stat triangle of Academics, Courage, and Charm. If you have a character you REALLY want to hang with, it's worth seeing what the requirements are. FOR INSTANCE: Akihiko doesn't unlock for hang outs until he recovers from his injury, which takes a while. BUT to even hang out with him, you need to reach Charm level 4. So my ass was grinding Charm until he opened up as an option. Later, I had to grind Courage to meet the Tower, who is awesome.
BEST WAY TO LEVEL ANY OF YOUR STATS: Charm (needed for Akihiko): work at Chagall Cafe Mon/Tues/Wed nights when you can. Also once you have enough money, the Print Club arcade game will give a huge boost when its available. Also giving Junpei the right answer in class will boost Charm. Academics (needed for Mitsuru): i'm still grinding this rn lmao but the Quiz Game at the arcade and the documentary movies at the cinema will give you a big boost. Also when the game offers to let you sleep in class, always stay awake for a small boost. Courage (needed for The Tower): Horror House at the arcade, but also doing karaoke at the mall. Also, when you are tired after fighting in Tartarus, go talk to the school nurse (this doesn't consume an action) for a Courage boost.
When I was initially looking up guides for this game, they were unified in one message. Just play the game naturally and you'll probably get close to who you like! Except Akihiko. Look up a guide for him. I didn't find him that difficult because I cottoned on fast that he's an shy autistic Team Mom who takes things literally a lot, and once I figured that out it was easy. But if you have your heart set on someone, look them up! It's a long game.
listen. some social links are great (Junpei, Fuuka, Akihiko, The Devil, The Tower) and some are not (Bebe, the Student Council). I think it's fine to just... not do some of them if you don't like them lmao.
Finally, when its your day off, sometimes people will call you and ask you out. I ALWAYS make a save state here, turn everyone down to see who I have as an option, and then load my state to pick who I want. I recommend doing that, especially for the Summer Festival because you will get multiple offers, but Junpei will probably be first. Sorry, Junpei, I wanna hang out with Akihiko. (Also: wear the yukata if you're going with Akihiko.)
Fairly far into the game you'll start getting gifts to give people. I'd save state-cheat these too in case you give someone the wrong thing.
please play persona 3 portable its good
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weirdscholar · 2 days
Yo, guys , I think more of you should wanna rp with me. Like, I'm 18+ like most of the rpers i see. I'll first off draw your characters (probably) if I like them (which i probably will). Lesbians? Ya, cool, love little lesbian characters. I gotta have that mlm solidarity. I got you. I'll give you wlw characters that aren't y/n bbys or super sexualized.
Gay guys? Totally got you! Will I say I wanna fuck your mlm characters? Probably. But I'm mostly joking. It won't just be an absurd fetishized version of a gay guy. As a gay guy, I can assure gay guys that are just guys.
Non binary? I so got you. It's not my field of expertise, but I think I can play a good, non binary character. And I def don't care if you do.
Just want trans characters? I totally get that! Wanting to either explore gender via characters or just wanting more content that you find relatable is so real! I have trans characters, and it's coming from a trans person!
Straight characters? It's not my usual flavor of spice, but I'm down. Plus, I can assure you it won't be oml big dominant scary man and smoll uwu princess. Even better if you want a straight queer couple. Love some happy bisexuals vibing together or a straight t for t couple.
None sexual rp? Definitely. Are you tired of these horny bitchs? (No offense horny bitchs, I luv ya'll) I'll happily do none sexy rp. If anything, it's perfered! And with the bonus of not expecting all non sexy rp and uwu fluff. I don't think sex is needed for a rp to be mature! So you can still enjoy mature topics without feeling forced to have to rp sex.
Multiple characters? Yes! Definitely! More character interactions and development? Right up my ally.
1v1 character? Cool, too! Love focusing on two particular characters. Get right into their little brains.
Wanna do genres other than romance? Amazing! 10/10 gimme your genres rn. I know finding anything other than romance can be exhausting when romance is the predominant genre within rp spaces. It's pretty much expected by 99% of people.
Wanna do romance? Amazing, too! I love a good well developed romance.
Sexy rp? Maybe (under specific circumstances). If you're willing to meet my specific conditions for sexy stuff, then I'm super open-minded and non judgmental! (I'm not proship!!!) You wanna do something weird? Gross? Or just cringe? Can't promise I'll be down, but I can promise I won't be an asshole! (Within reason, please don't hit me up with beastiality or something else like incest- like - I'm okay with Taboo within reason)
Tired of characters that are a part of angst town and want characters to have backstories that match average people? So real! Can't say my characters won't have any struggles- its not realistic for them to not. But I can assure you I have characters whose family is alive AND loves them.
Do you enjoy angst town characters? Wooowie, I got that too, dw. Dead parents, asshole parents, bullying, mental illness, physical disability- all open subjects. If each topic is treated with the thoughtfulness and respect it deserves, then I'm perfectly cool with it! (With mental illness and other disability do at least a few minutes of looking at legitimate medical information on whatever you're rping *please*)
Fantasy? I can snort that shit give it over rn
Non fantasy? Maybe not snortable but still delicious. Nom nom nom
Just p l e s. Ik I'm chatty as all fuck and I don't do Fandom but I'm literally so versatile and ready to try anything. (Okay, not everything. I do have boundaries, but still lol). Lemme fawn over mine and your characters. Give me something for my brain to chew on.
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lazypanartist · 2 years
So of course Im gonna do a Bonus Thing for Donnie x Yokai reader like the rest but i just had... either a Big Brain or Big Dumb idea of the different readers and the brothers talking to each other hang on lemme just--
Mikey: I dunno... *sigh* What if I mess up confessing to Starsick?
Raph: *snorts* Please, theyre so delighted with anything you say to them they wouldnt even notice.
Don: *typing something, deleting something, typing again* You could probably say something along the lines of "mmme date? you? please yes?" and they'd think its cute.
Leo and Raph: *laughs*
Mikey: Oh shut it! >:[ I just dont want to ruin my chances...
Leo: Believe me, baby bro, they are ENTIRELY smitten with you. Just go for it! Heck, at least you arent in Don-Tron's shoes.
Don: *stiffens* Hey!
Raph: Night Eyes is...Kinda scary man, sorry. I dont know how you wont choke asking em out.
Leo: You think theres like a whole custom thing you gotta do? or can you just take em out for tacos and woo em with your knowledge of ant farms?
Don: *grumbling* I shouldve dumped the colony in your bed while you were asleep- Look, ill take em to a nice restaurant, maybe go dancing... once I text them....
Raph: You cant take em to Hueso's, Mikey called that one.
Leo: Hey, not to bat for donnie, but Mikey also called like....17 other places. He's gotta pick one. And anyways, Raph, whats your plan?
Raph: *blushing* I dunno what you mean.
Mikey, Leo and Donnie: PLEASE.
Donnie: You are, according to extensive data research and watching you and Origami with my own eyes, crushing HARD on each other.
Mikey: Yeah! Come on big guy, you gotta ask em out. You're so sweet on them and they seem like they feel real comfortable around you.
Leo: *nods nods* You gotta do it bro. You're adorable together, and I think youre really good for em. Plus im worried they might, like, cry or throw up if they try and ask you out.
Raph: Whatever *rolls eyes* ...and what about you, eh?
Leo: *blink* What do you mean?
Don: ???When are you finally gonna ask Homie out??
Mikey: theyre already dating guys. I overheard them talking about date night on saturday.
Leo: Guys i already told yo- wait were you eavesdropping on us...? nevermind. We arent dating. Homie's just a close friend, they dont even like me like that.
Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Splinter (who just wanted some cake and is now part of This Shit): 🤨😒
-- Elsewhere, at a cafe --
Starsick: Gosh i dunno what if Michelangelo's just being nice?
Night Eyes: Mh, no. He's down bad. He looks at you like you hung the moon in the sky.
Homie: Look, if he doesnt ask you out by the end of the week, hes probably just nervous. try confessing your feelings and see if that helps!
Origami: *nods* a direct approach is a good one.
Night Eyes: Which is why I'm asking ~Othello von Ryan~ to come visit me at a dance hall. after dinner, of course. Sushi, my treat. 💅✨
Homie: Ooohohoo~ Look at you, going in for the kill!
Night Eyes: Hes just so cute~ I like how he talks about space travel. so facinating!
Homie: So, when are you going to tell Big Red you like him?
Origami: *sputters, face red* What!! No! I do not! I just, he, um..!!
Starsick: Is nice to you, helps calm you down, encourages you to take care of yourself....
Homie: *counting on fingers* reminds you of a teddy bear, thinks you look cute when you pout, helped get you out of the foot clan...
Night Eyes: Is so painfully smitten with you yet you remain unaware.
Origami: >~< he's so sweet, and Im worried I might...be mean, or blunt, and it makes him not like me....How did you ask Leonardo out?
Homie: ...??? who, me?
Origami: ...yes??
Homie: Oh, we arent dating. We're just friends, he doesnt like me like that.
Night Eyes, Origami, Starsick, April (who was bringing their order and is now in the middle of all This Shit): 🤨😒
-📝 Anon
Everyone being friends and trying to help them ask each other out?? Leo and Homie being Big Gay Idiots is, like, my WHOLE Aesthetic!
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eating-the-inedible · 10 months
Boo, l enjoyed your answer to my last question, so, hello again.
You're at the top of a tower, it has mostly open sides at the top, a railing all around, and you're backed up to the railing, with water crashing below you. You have a weapon pointed at your enemy. Where they would normally lunge at you with their own weapon, they simply let it clatter to the floor and hold their hands up as if in surrender.
What do you do next?
(Some asks will get more elaborate as I try to 'outdo' myself 😅 but also this is kinda fun, thinking up more obscure/weirder questions so, voila)
Alternatively..... Favourite Duck?
OMG HIIIII *excited*
I love your last ask and this one as well. I'm trying very hard to refrain from making this gay af as well... I suppose it's fairly obvious how much I love the enemies to lovers trope. Okay, I can't resist. Lemme know in your next one (i hope theres a next one) if you want me to steer clear of the enemies to lovers otherwise ima be over here with shit like this:
My sword dips as I lose my composure. "What... What are you doing?" I ask, raising my weapon again in case this is a ploy
Are they going to push me off?
"Listen," they drawl. "You're tired"
They shush me
They shush me
What the fuck is happening
"Don't give me that look. If you were feeling fine you wouldn't be backed against the rail so soon"
I growl and take a step forward, only to wobble and have them shoot out a hand to stable me
"See what I mean?" they say, guiding me away from the rail with a hand on my back. "You're gonna topple over the edge if you keep going like this."
"So? Wouldn't that be preferred?" I snap, then literally snap my teeth at their arm.
They don't flinch.
"No, that would not be preferred. I fight with you, I don't try to kill you."
"That's your problem right there. I'm actively attempting to bring about your end"
"Are you, now," They tilt their head quizzically. "I don't believe you~"
My cheeks flush with... annoyance. Yeah. That's what this is.
"You don't know that I'm not trying to kill you."
They consider this, furrowing their brow, then their face smooths into a smile. "Actually, I do. If you wanted me dead, I would be. Never in all of our fighting have you landed a fatal blow, despite the fact that you are a skilled sword-wielder. You have never hurt me."
I open my mouth, close it, and open it again, at a loss for words. "You..."
"I..." they say, waiting.
"you're.... ughhh. why are you doing this. can't we just fight?"
they smile softly, sweetly. "How about we fight day after next"
I frown. "What are we going to do now, then?"
They extend a hand for me to take, I hesitate.
"Movie at my place?" they ask, not a small amount of hope lacing their voice.
I take their hand. "Alright, weirdo. Let's go."
idk if this was good enough but i had fun sooooo thx for the ask, hope it's alright<3
uhhhh favorite duck.... little baby floofy ones?
(i've always been partial to black swans... so i don't have an idea of a particular breed of duck)
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blazingemeraldau · 2 years
Just want to mention
If you support/use the label mspec lesbians, bi lesbians, pan lesbians, omni lesbians, etc.
Do not interact with me. The label mspec lesbians is harmful
If you are a man, or are attracted to men in any way, you are not a lesbian.
If you like all genders but have a preference for nonmen, you cannot call yourself a lesbian
Common Arguments I've heard:
"But Bi doesn't mean you like men! Just two or more genders!!"
Okay so what's a pan lesbian then?
Pan means you are attracted to people regardless of what they identify as. This can include men.
Besides, bi people have gotten accused of being 50% gay and 50% straight. The labels Lesbian and gay are a homoromantic (gay) label, not a multi-spec one. You are not only harming lesbians, but bi people are well.
"We are including trans and nonbinary people by using the label mspec lesbian!"
I know the definition of a lesbian varies, but it says "woman loving woman, nonbinary loving woman, nonbinary living nonbinary, etc"
In case you didn't know, the lesbian label already includes trans women and nonbinary people. By claiming it doesn't, and making a new label that causes more harm than good, you are being transphobic and enbyphobic.
"If a man thinks lesbians are attracted to men, that's their fault! Not ours!"
Yes, but you're not exactly helping by using the label.
If someone said that lesbians are attracted to men in some percent, whether 1% or 99%, someone could believe that. And when they meet a lesbian, a man could hit on them, despite them not being attracted to them.
You are not helping by using the label mspec lesbian
"Why do you care anyways? It's just a label! People should be able to use whatever label they want without someone saying "Hey you can't use that!"
"Why can't I say I'm a black person even though my skin tone is white? It's just a label!"
"Why can't I say I'm a trans gay person when I'm cis and hetero? It's just a label!"
"Why can't I say I have PTSD even though I don't? It's just a label!"
See what's wrong here? By saying "It's just a label!" You are saying "People can use whatever label they want despite said label is not for them to use!"
According to your logic, a gay man can say he is a lesbian. After all its just a label.
A homophobe can say they are trans and gay. After all it's just a label!
Oh, it's bad for them to use labels offensively? But wait! I thought you said it was just a label!!
The label "Lesbians is for a nonbinary person, woman, loving another nonbinary person, or woman." Men are not included in the label lesbian. Mspec lesbians are throwing the idea that men can be into lesbianism, and guess what! We have shit like lesboys, and straight-lesbians! But I guess it doesn't matter does it? After all, It's jUsT a LaBeL!
(Apologies for getting a bit personal and angry there)
"What if a trans man comes out as trans but doesn't want to lose the lesbian label?"
(Yes this was an argument I've gotten)
Lemme say it so yall can hear it
If a trans man comes out as trans, they are no longer a lesbian since they are not a woman. They can just say they are straight. (Yes, not every trans person is homoromantic. Some are trans but they are hetero. And that's fine!!)
Saying "He's a trans man but identifies as a lesbian!" Is transphobic. He is a man; if you're saying he is a lesbian, you're saying he is not man/ being lesbiphobic.
"But we don't have a label to use!" Or, "We are using the split attraction model!"
"I'm bisexual but with a preference towards women!"
"I'm romantically attracted to women, but sexually attracted to all genders!"
"I like guys and girls, but prefer guys on the romantic side"
Or if that's too hard, just say you're bi. Or pan. Or omni
You don't need to create a harmful label that contradicts both labels.
Lesbian is not an umbrella term.
Lesbian doesn't include men
If you are attracted to men you are not a lesbian
If you are a man you are not a lesbian
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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bluejay-writes · 8 months
Heaven is a Misnomer - Chapter 4
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Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me! Rating: Teen Chapter 4 Wordcount: 2953 Characters/Relationships: Jake (Exchange student OC) / Raphael Summary: In which Jake learns some interesting things about himself, about covenants and pacts, and about Michael. Notes: Hey fam. How has it been a week already? I'm confused. Anyway, it's Tuesday, so new chapter time! I think this is the first chapter that'll give you a bit of a visceral "oh dear" moment if you've read Devils in the Details. Lemme know if you spot it. XD
You can also read this on AO3, if that's your jam!
First Chapter || Prev Chapter || Next Chapter
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Chapter 4: Witching Hour
Shiny’s room was gorgeous. Very pink and flowery. Jake was expecting it to be witchy and gothy like her general demeanor, and it very much was not.  And, thinking about it, that made perfect sense. It wasn’t really her room, it was just the room she’d been assigned for the exchange program.  Jake wondered if over the course of the year it would end up becoming more her style, or if she’d keep it pristine and pink and floral for the mental break it caused to enter the space.
Sitting in her room was Vriyaya, looking more like a human and less like a demon. Jake didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed. She was gorgeous either way.
“So, Jake. You say you’re a normal human, right?”
“Yep. Boring inner city kid with a shitty life.”
“Would you be offended if I wanted to test your theory?”
Jake blinked. “You have some kind of test that will tell you if I’m actually an angel or a demon in disguise?”
“Well, yes. But also if you’ve got latent magic. Magic like I use.”
“Wait, you’re not just a witch by religion?” Jake didn’t realize there was any other way to be a witch. He just figured she was Wiccan or Pagan or something and let it go.  It seemed like the sort of thing that the Celestial Realm would begrudgingly let in to prove that their version of religion was right.
Shiny laughed. It was a musical thing, and Jake liked to hear it. “No, I’m a witch because I do the magic shit.  Mostly potions more than like, visible magic things, but I do know how to do a testing array. I at least learned that before I stopped my formal training."
“Formal Training?”
“Yeah, I was learning under someone but she was… well… horrible. So I didn’t get any good fancy magic but I can at least do this, and the other realms let me into their libraries to study sometimes, so…”
“So you jumped at the chance to be away from the mostly boring human realm for a year, and if I want to find you and you’re not here I should look in the library.”
“Oh, he is smart, Shiny, you meant it.” Aya said, and Shiny nodded. 
“Yeah. Very sharp. Thus, I want to test him.”
“Okay, okay, I give.” Jake rolled his eyes. “What do you need to test me, a vial of blood?”
Aya eyed Shiny and grinned with the pointy version of her teeth.
Shiny laughed. “Not a vial, but a single drop will do.”
Jake paused. He’d been joking. “Oh.”
“If you let me bite your finger,” Aya said with a little purr, “It won’t hurt in the slightest, or even scar.”
Jake considered, and then shrugged. “Okay. I mean, if you promise.  Why would you choose to bite me when I could just like… get a safety pin?”
“Because she gets to taste you.” Shiny said, laughing. “See, Aya. I told you.”
Aya sighed. “Yeah, you’re right, my charm really did roll right off him, he is gay as hell.”
“Is hell gay?” Jake said, eyeing Aya.
Aya rolled her eyes “Generally yeah, I mean. We assume ‘yes’ before ‘no’ generally, and that leads to most demons just being open to whatever.”
Huh. Jake thought. The Devildom might be an interesting time for Nia.
“Anyway, so the biting? You want to taste me?”
“I can learn a lot from someone through their blood.  Just like Shiny can do her neat little array and look at pretty lights to learn about you, I get it all from a taste of your blood.  You might be able to fool one of us, but not both of us, is what it basically comes down to.  Someone really powerful might be able to fool both of us, but not both of us and the angels because, well, realm balance and shit. Someone can always tell with their method. And the angels vetted you and called you normal, so if you’re not, one of us can tell.”
“Cool.” Jake said, and held out his hand. “As far as I know I’m totally normal, so bring it. I’d love to learn something new. It’s like 23-and-me except with magic shenanigans.”
Shiny wasted no time setting up her array. It was simple pentagon with some reagents in places and symbols written in places.  As she set it up, she babbled about what she was doing, and Jake was trying to pay attention but he only caught something about “flame-testing elements like in chemistry” because that was his favorite thing about Chem class even despite Mr. Cook’s bigotry. Also his favorite computer game as a kid was an edutainment title that had a big flame-testing puzzle and he loved it.
Once she was set up, Aya took his hand and bit into his thumb with one fangy little tooth.  True to her word, it didn’t even sting. He felt the wet of the blood drip onto the glass microscope slide that Shiny held out, and then she licked the wound with the tip of her tongue and it while it tickled a little, it sealed back up without issue.
Jake watched the colors flare up just like Shiny said they would and even where she suggested they would if he truly was normal.  There was a little something-something going on in blue in a section she had told him would be dark, so that was interesting.
After a moment, Aya shrugged. “There’s some potential for something maybe? Defensive. I mean, it could be that not only are you very gay but you’ve got some kind of innate charm defense.”
“Yeah, the blue in that spot, looks like passive defense. Pretty cool, normie.” Shiny said. “Probably had a magic-type somewhere way back in your lineage.”
Jake smiled. “Oh, well. Huh, that’s neat and potentially useless information. I’m just going to keep telling people I’m normal.”
“You are normal.”
“It’s working already.” Jake said, with a wicked grin that both girls returned.
Aya professed a need for a snack after working her magic like that, and headed out to raid the kitchen.  Jake turned and looked to Shiny, meaning to ask her about covenants. He’d been curious ever since Azrael asked if he’d made one with Michael, and he figured asking his fellow human would hide his ignorance better than other options. Just then, his phone-shaped device (He’s never going to call it a C.C.C. again, that shit is irritating to even think) buzzed with a message.  And then again. And before he could even get the thing out of his pocket, a third time.
“Who even has this number?” He muttered, and unlocked the thing. “Oh, mom maybe.”
He was wrong. The messages were from Nia, of course. Who else?
Nia > Jake: They teleported me in my pajamas. Nia > Jake: It’s Hot Boy Summer. Nia > Jake: [picture]
The photo was of course his bestie Nia, curled up on a bed with a blond-haired green-eyed hottie, against a backdrop of a concerning number of books. It was like Nia’s ideal situation. Excepting perhaps the blonde. She’d always joked that she liked gingers best. Jake whistled, because she seriously wasn’t joking about hot boys. He was seriously attractive, and Jake was envious immediately.
“What’s the message? You’re invested enough you’re ignoring me.” Shiny said, with a teasing pout on her face. “Boyfriend?”
Jake shook his head. “Nah, just my bestie. She’s in the Devildom right now, actually. Sent me a selfie with her newest friend, I guess?”
Jake turned his phone-shape so Shiny could see, and she grinned. 
“Your friend is super cute! Also I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Satan smile, so… hold onto that picture, it might be worth a lot of money someday.”
“Satan?” Jake said incredulously.
“Yep. Avatar of Wrath himself. She’s made powerful friends.  Also, pretty sure that was taken in the House of Lamentation, so she probably knows the rest of the brothers.”
“Huh, cool.  Hey, you wouldn’t want to take a selfie with me to send back?”
Shiny grinned. “You mean a photo of a cute blonde boy and a black girl with epic hair? In trade for a photo of basically the same thing? How could I refuse?!”
Jake laughed, and took a photo with Shiny, the florals of the room in good display as a background.
Jake > Nia: This is the other human exchange student, Cheyenne. Jake > Nia: Envious of your hot boy experiences already Jake > Nia: Can’t wait to hear all about your first day.  Jake > Nia: Mine has been tedious. It’s weird to be normal.
Jake turned back to Shiny, determined to get his questions answered while he felt safe to ask them.
“Shiny, what can you tell me about Covenants?”
“Oh, did someone talk to you about them already?” Her eyes were sharp, and concerned, almost the way Azrael’s had been. He didn’t like it.
“Azrael asked me if Michael had made a covenant with me yet, and I said no, but like, I don’t even know what a covenant entails, and I feel like that’s a very bad thing to be ignorant about while I’m here.”
“You’re not wrong.  Okay. Let’s come at this from a different angle. Have you heard about “making a deal with the devil”? Or like, did you ever watch Supernatural?”
“Yeah, well to the former.  I didn’t watch Supernatural, my dad didn’t think shows like that were acceptable, so…” Ugh, he hadn’t meant to mention his dad. He really didn’t want to talk about what home was like.
“And yet you’re gay. Okay. We’ll unpack that later.” Shiny chuckled, and Jake was happy when she didn’t press it. “So basically, the real life version of deals with the devil aren’t just ‘trade your soul for power’, they’re more the demon binding themself to the bearer, like a loyalty commitment.  Whoever has a demon’s pact mark can generally control said demon, depending on their level of magical prowess and power.  You, for example, could probably do nothing at all with a demon, but having their pact would prevent them from doing anything that would harm you directly. They say it makes them want to protect you, as well, but as I’m not a demon, I wouldn’t know about that.”
“Okay, so what do pacts have to do with covenants, then?”
“Everything. Covenants and pacts are the same thing, with different names.  The symbols one tends to get for a covenant are different, but otherwise they are functionally the same.  Basically just the names are different, and the character set used to mark them.  Kind of like a language diaspora can make differences occur with perfectly identical topics otherwise.”
“Oh, so the human realm has to have our own version of them too, right?”
Shiny nodded. “Contracts, of course.”
“And boring normal humans like me could make a contract, covenant, pact?” Jake asked, trying to figure out how that would work.
“Well, someone could make one with you.  A magic-capable human can make a binding contract, demons make pacts, angels make covenants.  But, the ones with the magic are the ones who are bound by them, not vice versa.  It’s a willing sacrifice of your own autonomy.  I think the fact that humans without magic can’t be forcibly bound to someone is good. And it’s an incredibly intimate thing. Most demons and angels have their own rituals that go along with binding themselves to someone.”
“So how did something like that get twisted in folklore and myth to be ‘trade your soul for power’?” Jake was curious, and Shiny seemed to love explaining things. He was glad he’d asked her about it, and not someone else.
“Well, since the one side is voluntary and holds all the magic, they can ask for anything they want, and bind that into the spell.  Most of the rituals require something to be given.  And demons are very good at getting desperate people to give up just about anything.  I once knew an old woman who had to make a pumpkin pie every day from first harvest until the new year, for a guaranteed perfect harvest every year. It was a lovely bargain, and the demon in question was surprisingly kind, she just loved pumpkin pie more than any other food, and especially that woman’s.  I’d honestly believe that when she dies she’ll have a place in that demon’s house in the devildom. No torture, only endless baking.  That woman would probably find it to be heaven.”
“That is the sweetest story.” Jake said, his eyes misty. “Like, wow.”
“I know, right? Don’t buy into the ‘all demons are evil and all angels are good’. They’re just people. Different races of people, with millenia of bias piled on them.”
“So you’re saying it’s probably entirely safe that my bestie is in the Devildom right now?”
“Yeah, for sure if she’s with Satan. He can be a cranky ass, but he’s mostly just a bookworm with a short temper. If he’s already let her in his room, she’s probably entirely safe.”
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Dinner in the dorms was a much more formal affair than Jake was used to, with a set start and end time. It was quieter, less chatter while people ate, because they only had so long to eat before dinner was over.  He worried about Bunny getting enough to eat, but she seemed like she was capable of taking care of herself. The food itself was exactly the kind of weird Jake had been expecting about his time here in the Celestial Realm.  Everything was a different kind of food, but it all had this weird happy vibe to it. Like cloud cakes and Ethereal Buckwheat pasta, and some soup that glowed. They promised him that everything he was eating was entirely safe for humans.  Even Shiny told him about the foods she’d eaten before so he had a better idea of what was actually safe.
And, to its credit, the food was all delicious.  The textures were sometimes a little bit off-putting, but he figured after a year he’d get used to it, right? By the time he went home, even Nia’s mediocre cooking would be such a piece of home that he would cry to eat it.  Not to speak ill of his bestie, but she knew how to cook exactly five things. And they were all acceptable. 6/10 would eat weekly.
Over dinner, Michael lectured them about what the expectations for the exchange students would be over the course of the year, insofar as chores were concerned.  There was a rotation for basically every chore that Jake could think of, and then some that he didn’t even know what were, and was going to have to learn from the few angels who actually lived in this dorm building (Apparently the ones who were in other realms for the program normally lived in these rooms, and did these chores.)
Certainly Jake was expecting the explanations of chores to be rough. He was expecting to have to learn a lot of new things. But basically everything that Michael was saying was couched in weird language that made it sound like it was a choice, and optional, and only for their benefit, but sounded like an absolute drag.  Like the evening seminars, which were voluntary, but so much could be learned, why would you ever skip them?
His mind spiraling on possible absolutely terrible experiences that this year in the Celestial Realm might have in store for him, Jake unintentionally tuned out the last twenty minutes of Michael’s lecture. It wasn’t until Aya was nudging him under the table and he noticed the irritated look on Michael’s face that he snapped back to reality.
“Well, Jacob?” Michael asked, as if waiting for an answer to his question.
Jake blinked at him, for a moment hearing his father’s voice instead of the angel’s.
“Oh, were you talking to me? My name’s Jake. Can you ask again?”
Jake instantly regretted using Nia’s usual strategy of talking back to problematic authority figures at the way Michael’s eyes flashed. It was terrifying, in a way that sent chills down his spine that he was utterly unable to control.
“I was asking if you understood your responsibilities whilst you are here.”
Jake wasn’t sure he could even react with the fear flooding his system, but just as fast as it hit him, it drained away and left him once again in control of his voice.
“Oh, for sure.” Jake said, nodding as if they hadn’t just had a moment in which he was certain he was about to be the victim of an epic smiting. “Don’t worry, I’ll behave.  And besides, you gave me a paper copy of all of the rules—” He tapped the packet, which he liked to think of as his syllabus for existing, and tried to put the smile back on his face. “—Just in case my ADHD is too much and I need to remind myself.”
Michael scoffed and turned back to the room at large.
“Now, usually it will be only the residents of this dormitory who are eating and sleeping here.  However, as I am overseeing the exchange program and am responsible for the safety of our other-realm students, I will be here most days, at least for dinner but often during other times.  Conveniently, one of  my offices is located in the basement of this building, so if you are uncertain as to my location, you can assume I will be working there for the foreseeable future.”
Jake tried not to shiver.  Something about Michael made him intensely uncomfortable.
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lockedtombbrainworms · 10 months
Oh no a big long politics post that's only tangentially related to what I'm here to post about!
The realisation that there are actually terfs in the locked tomb fandom, who know the books well enough to have actually engaged in some level of analysis of them as texts, is fucking terrifying to me. I should've realised they'd be here, they're everywhere now, but like, it really sucks. Lemme explain... Ten years ago, when I was a recently-out trans woman, I was a lot less afraid of terfs in fandom spaces because they were just another kind of weird internet bigot, like the homophobes and the misogynist nerd bros. They could be a threat, sure, but they were the sort of threat you had a much better chance of avoiding. Now their movement has gained the sort of political traction where they're actually impacting policy and having a tangible negative effect on trans people offline and in the wider online world, the idea of having them in a social space with me fills me with actual fucking dread. I'm no stranger to fighting these fuckers, I've counter-protested them with my friends and my comrades, met them in the street when they came to my town and said "not here or anywhere, not now or ever". I'm not coming from the perspective of someone who thinks terfs are these incomprehensible eldritch horrors that will rend me asunder without me being able to do anything about it. I'm just pissed off because I don't like having to watch out for terfs in my fucking downtime when I'm on tumblr reading about my fucking blorbos and their gay little adventures with swords and necromancy.
Drive that shit out. Stand together and don't let your friends slide down the rabbit hole. The terf ideology is melding with the far right and it's not just trans people they've got their sights on. They're after all of us, and they try to pick people off and radicalise them against the rest of us, because if we're divided we don't stand together against them and they can run right over us.
I've been seeing this shit for ten years and it isn't always the cartoonishly obvious fuckery like "hey, the trans movement is making my daughter think she's a boy, how disgusting".
It starts with trying to demonise queers for anything - for the way we dress, the way we act, the way we talk, the way we fuck, the way we love. It works its way in through feminism, by saying "how dare these gay men make a mockery of womanhood through drag and then expose our children to such misogyny", or "how can you support women selling their bodies in the sex industry by suggesting sex workers should organise and work together to keep themselves safe".
They try coming in through leftist ideology like "how dare these transsexuals complain about being misgendered at work or raise money for something as bourgeois as cosmetic surgery when there are real working-class people who can't even pay their rent". They try and launder their ideas through appeals to reactionary tendency like "aren't polyamorous people just a bit... weird? Look at all these horror stories you hear of people turning a polycule into a miniature cult, surely that can't be good!". They appeal to your inner prude, "kink is weird and violent and how can people consent to that? Hey, don't you think these queers might be a bit dangerous? Look what they get off to!".
All that shit is leading you astray. Stop caring so much what other people do. Stop inventing convoluted justifications for pouncing on your fellow queers by playing 5D chess to come up with a way to explain that actually, a man dyeing his hair pink is doing misogynist violence and therefore you have to write 10,000 words online about him. Get out there. Find the people near you who are making the world a better place, who are running food banks and soup kitchens and homeless shelters and clothes exchanges and support groups and whatever else is out there and GET INVOLVED. If you can't physically go out there, see what logistical support those organisations need that you can do from home. Fuck, knit hats to keep people warm. Just do something.
It'll feel weird. You'll see some shit that'll absolutely smash your beliefs about how everyone outside of your little bubble is evil. Some 75 year old boomer will say the most radical shit you've ever heard about solidarity between oppressed people. The crustiest middle-aged cishet punk dude you'll ever meet will go on a drunken rant about how cool his trans friends are and how he wishes he could help them more. You'll think you're a lesbian and then suddenly you'll kiss this dude you met at a punk show that your buddies from the food bank took you to, because you liked the look in his eyes when the band played a song about queer joy and resistance and tearing down borders. Weird shit will happen to you and it'll be great.
This was about the locked tomb fandom at first I promise. It's turned into the post I always end up making on every social media platform I end up on, which is "I'm getting too Online because of this platform and I'm not gonna be around as much, you should try that maybe"
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madtomedgar · 2 years
fanfic tropes :)
arranged marriage
fake identities/'identity porn'/identity reveal
This is one of those hippie schools where they don't do letter grades btw.
Body swap: in theory i love love love it, but in execution it is often stupid. The potential for autonomy issues alone is so good. Like. I need the character to be preoccupied with how the other person is going to feel when they get their body back OR being kind of shitty about it on purpose and setting up the other character for The Horrors when they do get their body back (but then that needs to come to a head!). It's a great way to explore power/powerlessness if one character is physically much smaller/weaker than the other, who is much stronger and tougher. Forced empathy that nobody wants and therefore backfires horribly yes yes. The other fun thing about bodyswaps is the necessity of acting, and then you get to see how the characters see each other, and that often reveals a whole lot about their biases and assumptions. And like. Seeing how others see you is imo often A W F U L so like. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah.
Unfortunately it's mostly used for silly hijinks, "why didn't u tell me???" bs, and an excuse for "what if we had to fuck. and we were in each others bodies. and we were both boys O.O" and like. yawn. Do better. The potential is sky-high here people, get it together.
Arranged marriage: frustrating. in most fandoms i'm in i just do not buy socially mandated same-sex marriage. Arranged marriage is about property transfer and alliance through future offspring. That's not compatible with same-sex relationships being given the same social capital as straight ones. So as a set up for romance, i don't love it. As angst fodder where you have characters for whom this is like. The worst option? Yes, love it. Especially if they do care about each other but the situation brings out the worst in them. As you can tell I love torturing my faves. But yeah as a set up for romance, because I can't suspend my disbelief as far as worldbuilding for gay shit, and I'm supremely uninterested in hetero romance, not my thing.
Fake identities: hmmmmmmm. I like the concept. Usually the execution is kind of half-assed. I would LOVE a long fic where post-canon Lan Xichen thinks that he's found the re-incarnation of Jin Guangyao or like. Jin Guangyao possessing someone and is determined to be with them but it's either deeply unclear whether this person really is Jin Guangyao to the audience (but could go either way but never comfortably confirmed) OR it's clear to literally everyone else that this is Just Some Guy who is grifting OR it's a ghost or demon of some kind pretending and preying on Lan Xichen's guilt for nefarious purposes, but they can't get Lan Xichen to a) believe them or b) care because like 38 years of solitary confinement have Fucked Him Up Beyond Recognition :D.
But yeah the Potential I see here is like. "I'm stuck pretending to be this person and I have to be convincing but also they were a dick to you and I really like you so uh.... please have every good thing at my hands? oh shit they're back D:" (there's a kdrama called the crowned clown with this premise and it's GREAT especially because when the love interest finds out that the dick husband has been replaced with nice husband she is SO UPSET). Or like "i love you but i know if you knew who i was you would despise me so lemme just pretend to be someone else. maybe someone specific that you do love. this will be fine because it will never come out consequences are for other people" which. Yi City. Or the evergreen "you know me as I am now but not anything about who I was which I'm pretty sure is a load-bearing ignorance. Hope nothing happens to change this" which... that's less "pretending to be a different person" but it counts. But yeah I feel like it's mostly just "ooooOOOOoooo this EVIL person was PRETENDING THE WHOLE TIME!!! *gasp*" and that is just. the most boring iteration.
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