#I see moon pretty much every day so 😋
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minty-bubblegum · 1 year ago
I wanna meet you so bad I can’t stand being alone anymore. I haven’t cuddled with someone since summer break started which was the last time I saw my pookies even though we still text 24/7.
I’m so lonely
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azes-ocean · 2 months ago
Duty Bound
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Neuvillette x gn!reader, Neuvillette angst no comfort An : Neuvillette my husband came home~ [and I came too^_^] Summary: He remembered but didn’t know everything, really. And he quite hated that. Word count: 1406 Maturity rating: >18 [MINORS MAY READ :3]
Warnings: Angst, I guess a bit tiring to read, injustice, problems with the legal systems
DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS!!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳💯💯💯💯💪💪💪💪😋😋😋💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 Can a judge be convicted? Can a criminal give order? Chaos is just the dark end of judgement. "There can be no order without 'it'"
What a bittersweet memory that was, filled with broken promises and shattered bonds. Neuvillette stared down at Fontaine below him, light illuminating the shape of every building under a crescent moon. The fountain of Lucine shimmered under the light, ripples in the water almost forming the silhouette of a human. Of you. No, what was he thinking? You hair was much messier than the one in the water. Your body was much taller. This-that wasn't you. Or maybe it was. Not that he'd now who you became, after all.
"Right, Neuvillette? Did I get that?" "...Yes." "Okay Mr., Geez. Am I ready to help you carry your burden of saving Fontaine now?" "...You always have been." "Not what you said last time." "Apologies." "Your so uptight! I was kidding. Did you really believe me!?" "No. But I do believe you'd be quite upset if I showed my knowledge of that." "Awww...aren't you sweet? So considerate and husband material!" "Don't tease me."
“Your lucky grumpy, stoic men are my type!”
“Your making this awkward!” -- Neuvillette walked along the streets of the Court of Fontaine as rain lightly drizzled around him. He didn't see the need for an umbrella, as usual, ignoring the mystified glances of the people around him. Young melusines waved at him was he walked by excitedly, greeting him with a warm smile. It truly made him happy that the melusines held him with such admiration in their eyes.
He waved back at the small creatures, the smallest of smiles gracing his lips. It reminded him of a child to their parents.
"Melusines are so cute, aren't they!?" "Indeed they are. True treasures of Fontaine." "Awww...look at their ears! Hey! Hey! Can I pet you even a little, pretty please~?" "Y/n-" "A-ah! Ofcourse you can Ms.!" "See Neuvi? Asking is better than taking the immediate 'no'." "I see. Though of course I know that since I asked you, mhmm?" "Yep! No connection though-AW! Your so soft! Your ears are so smooth too! Do you have skincare!?" "..." "No Ms. I'd be happy to help you with your morning routine someday though!" "Neuvillette, I think I love melusines almost as much as you!" "Hm. Perhaps-" "Perhaps we can think of them like our children now!?" "...if they allow it."
“Why wouldn’t they? I’d be a great mother!”
“…I have decide not to comment on that.”
-- Neuvillette sat alone. Paperwork stacked high on his table as he worked tirelessly, reading and signing documents of meager to high importance. In truth, he hadn't had a proper rest in months, but with the new uprising in cases, he had been more busy than usual. 'Scandalous! Lady Furina reported-" "The Duke of Meropide caught-" "The Iudex seen-" Rumours had gotten more fabricated recently. It was sad how Neuvillette hardly had any idea how to deal with managing the publics words. No, that was your job. Was. "Whaat!? Neuvillette! Neuvillette! Did you hear about-" "Y/n. Don't speak too loudly please." "Oh. Er-Right! Did you hear about the scandal!? That daughter of the famous actor fell in love with a thief!" "Really? How interesting. Love does have its ways." "I met her before! She seemed really refined and elegant. I was so surprised!" "Is there proof for this so-called scandal?" "Yep! I saw them!" "Hm. I see. Why is this so interesting to you?" "...Uhm...because it's news. Is there something uninteresting about it...?" "No. Not at all. Apologies, but I have some work to finish. Would you mind...?" "Ack! Sorry, my bad, I forgot your officially a judge and Iudex now haha…you must be busy!." -- Neuvillette was seated on his dining table, eating his normal dinner. He quietly took a drink of water, then passed it to the only other seat on the table. He was static for a few moments, letting his breaths echo through the silent room before taking the goblet away from the empty seat. “I shall drink, then.” He murmured to no one in particular.
It was lonely.
Neuvillette missed the days where you would sit across him, telling stories about your recently acquired gossip or ranting about a co-worker. Then his halls were filled with laughter and liveliness.
Not this all-consuming silence.
“Ooo! Ooo! Right! I remember! Do you recall that boring bitchass-“
“Language, y/n.”
“Ack! Sorry. As I was saying though! Remember the boring, emo, lame co-worker who thinks he’s the main character from one of those Yae publishing house books!?”
“Yes. You talk about him nearly daily.”
“Haha…I guess so…! Anyyywayz! Basically his girlfriend broke up with him and it was revealed he was an abuser! He used his money to pay for silence! And domestic abuse was the least of his crimes!”
“Hm? I have not heard of this. Do you know his name?”
“Uh… P….something. I don’t know.”
“Ah. I see.”
“…Is something bothering you Neuvillette…? You seem…distant.”
“Hm? No. Nothing.”
“Uh huh…girly, of your going through-“
“Do not refer to me like that, please.”
“Fiine. If you tell me whats wrong.”
“There is nothing wrong, y/n.”
-- Neuvillette sat on his seat in the courtroom, a man accused of the severe crime of murder layed down below him. The man yelled excuses and screamed in denial, claiming such unrealistic stories that Neuvilette couldn’t help but feel disgusted with this man’s audacity. “I have told you. You are guilty. There is no doubt. All the evidence-“
“You’re just biased! You just don’t believe I could be innocent so you don’t look at the evidence with a clear mind! Whatever ‘justice’ you judge it with it just pessimism!” The man screamed, resisting any attempts at restraining him. The man’s face was filled with desperation, either for the truth of for a lie.
“…I look at it fairly. I am the Iudex. I am not wrong.” Neuvillette replied coldly, looking down upon him apathetically. His eyes glimmered with a hint of tiredness and exasperation, clearly wanting this case to finish.
“If it was your lover you would have looked deeper! You’d have read it over twice! You’d have-“
“Do not bring her into this. I will punish you even harsher for any attempt to soil her memory.” He shot him down immediately, glaring. How dare this…this…
How dare is nobody.
How dare this criminal.
His jaw tightened as he had to mentally restrain himself to give a life sentence. This man deserved it for his disrespect though. Tsk…
Must he constantly deal with these desecraters? You were a special case to him.
And it didn’t matter anyway how much he reread and went over the case.
It didn’t change anything how much he had desperately scoured for evidence to your innocence.
You were declared guilty in the end, despite his efforts.
It didn’t matter.
Just like this idiotic man’s case.
The man was obviously intimidated by the sudden yet expected show of defensiveness. “The justice system is flawed, Neuvillette!” He yelled, raising his voice as he jerked away from the guards restraining him. They were obviously already struggling with his continued resistance. Neuvillette decided it wise to get this over with already.
“…You are loud.” Neuvillette turned to the audience infront of him, glaring authoritatively, “This is fruitless. The accused is guilty. The punishment will be as is-40 years in the fortress of Meropide.” The crowd cheered, not one protesting against the rule of the judge. The man was forcibly dragged away by the guards, his pleas and curses drowned by the roaring voices filling the court.
But Neuvillette did look into it.
He really did.
Perhaps he was just rattled by the fact you were brought up by the accused.
Though the truth was…
The man was innocent.
Just like you.
Yet no one believed him.
Just like you.
Not even Neuvillette saw the truth.
So now the man who’s name he didn’t bother to learn was sentenced to the next years of his life in prison.
And Neuvillette didn’t know where he would go after that. Neuvillette didn’t even know if he would be recognizable after the hardship.
If he would even live through it.
Just…like you.
Yet this judge was duty-bound to let himself drown in that ignorance yet again.
“If he didn’t perhaps some memory would have flashed through his mind again.”
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princesscolumbia · 1 year ago
Author Thoughts
I'm approaching the end of my third full novel I've written in my life.
One was supposed to be a licensed work but then that license holder got bought by another company that cancelled the IP that book was based on, so now sits on my hard drive. I go back and read it every few years or so, mostly to see how far I've progressed as an author since my early twenties.
The second was pure catharsis, a fanfic about trauma and homelessness and found family and dealing with pain and loss. You can find it on FiMFiction.net and AO3 if you're interested.
My most recent will not be appearing here due to the Dead Dove content (Explanation for those who needed this defined like I did: "Dead Dove" fics are those that have clear tagging, especially on AO3, that there's "problematic" content in the work but people who are triggered by the clearly tagged problematic stuff read it anyway and get upset. Based on the "Dead Dove" meme where the guy looks in the bag clearly marked, "Dead Dove, do not eat" and looks inside and finds, sure enough, a dead dove), but has been some of the most interesting, challenging writing I've ever done where I'm allowing my creative brain to intentionally think, "What's the bad ending and how do I make it interesting?"
When I was writing my first novel, I got to a point about 3/4's through and my writing slowed down significantly. It took two years for me to write it, nine months of that was just on the last 1/4 of the book. It wasn't any more lengthy or challenging than the rest, just I suddenly felt like I was running out of steam and couldn't keep going, even though I'd plotted out pretty much ever plot point and story beat down to specific timing for the climax chapter.
When I was working on my second (completed, I've started a few dozen since my first) work, I got to about 3/4's through...and slowed down. It took over a year to write and, just like my first book, the last 1/4 took the lion's share of that time.
My current book I've been hammering on since early December 2023 (if you're reading this later than the posting date, the first chapter is currently only about a month old by this point), and I actually wrote a full outline complete with copious notes so I wouldn't forget anything I wanted to do with the fic. I'm on Chapter 9 of 11 chapters and an epilogia (Epilogia - n. - collection of epliogues. See also, "Prologia" and "Blame Brandon Sanderson") and sure enough, as I put some paragraph marks between "Chapter 9" and my notes, suddenly I started slowing down. I took an entire day off, thinking I was just burning out, but no, I only didn't want to write as I sat down to actually do the writing.
I've been pondering this for the last week-ish, and I believe it has to do with the project being just about done. This has taken pretty much my entire free time since I started and is a tremendous source of dopamine, and now that I'm getting closer to the end, my idiot monkey brain is seeing the end of the dopamine and is trying to delay the end, hoping that'll keep the dopamine rolling in.
Something that I've been working on may be a solution. I've been dropping little Easter Eggs into my fics so fans of one body of work can be pleasantly surprised when they see something from that work turn up in an apparently unrelated project. A character from My Empire of Dirt might appear in Deviation, an epilog on another project will be a big reveal about a character based on the sudden and unexpected intersection with Lost in the Dark. Sunset Shimmer from Redhead/Redhead winds up meeting with Ranma "Sailor Moon" Saotome from Fission. That sort of thing.
Basically, I'm going to convince my monkey brain that it's ALL just one, massive, ongoing "novel" and the dopamine will flow forever so long as the writing does, too.
Will it work? We'll see if it did based on how quickly I can get Ch. 9 out. 😋
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1004tyun-archive · 2 years ago
my precious fairy of crystals 🥺🥺🩷💎
i hope you’re sleeping well, i’m having fun playing games while patiently waiting for you to wake up 😚🩷 i didn’t do much as i’m still very weak from my period so i’ll just be lazy all day this weekend 🤭🩷
not a lot to talk about except for the fact that i love you to the moon and back 🥹🩷 every day i feel so thankful and grateful that you’re in my life… i never thought i’d meet someone like you with whom i can get along so well and who’s so beautiful inside and out 🥺🥺
i always remember how i felt, trying to be more and more romantic in my asks but terrified that you’d reject me 😖 and here you were feeling the same that feels unbelievable 😳😭 god i love you so much my precious crystal mommy 🥺🥺😚🩷💎
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these little donuts are so cute?? when i saw them i wondered how to make them and what they’d taste like :0 have you had donuts like these?? 🥺🩷
i also wanted to tell you not to feel bad about not being able to write often mommy 🥺🥺 your writing is so so great and my favorite as always 🥺🥺🩷 no matter when, i’ll always be happy to talk about your ideas and to read your fics when they’re posted or even before 🥺😚🩷 your happiness is what matters the most to me and as long as you’re happy i am happy too 🥺🥺🩷 i can always try to help my love, i want to 🥺🫶🩷 and like i’ve said, my writing/reading has hit a slump too >\\\< i just always wanna be with you and talk to you mommy~
i love you so much i wish i could hug you so bad my love 🥺🥺 hearing your singing voice made me so so happy and full (not like that- unless…)~ you’re my precious crystal wifey 😚😚💎🩷 i’ll see you soon!! 🥺🩷🩷
my sweet little cherry fairy 🥺🥺🩵🩵
i slept so well bc i thought of you before going to bed 🥺🥺 you deserve to have a lazy weekend i hope you enjoy yourself 🥺🩵 i’m going out to a bts 10th anniversary event with my bff today and the place we’re going to has such an interesting menu i wanna order some items just so i can try them and report back to you hehe
my baby :((( i’m gonna cry you’re the one who’s beautiful both inside and out 🥺 you have such a beautiful soul and i’m so so thankful for you 🥺🩵 my woman~
omg i’m laughing bc the moment i realized i liked you i was so scared of you knowing in fear of scaring you away and then i proceeded to write the worlds longest ask response talking about how thankful i was for you and how i was so glad we met and the whole time i was writing it i was like “okay don’t make it TOO lovey dovey” but my first priority was making sure you knew how much i cared about you 🥺🥺🩵
aaa this moodboard is so pretty lovey 🥺🥺🥺🩵 i love mochi donuts!! they’re so chewy and soft and sweet (they kinda remind me of you 🤭🩵) i’ve never made them before but they’re so delicious especially when made fresh 😋 i wanna share some with you~ 🥺🩵
my sweetheart 🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much i take so much comfort in being your favorite considering that you’re my favorite 🥺🩵🩵 i love talking through ideas and fic wips with you my love 🥺 your help means a lot to me and your happiness matters the most to me 🥺🥺🥺 it’s hard to write when all i wanna do is talk to and think about my cherry bear >///< i’ve been working little by little though, just taking it day by day~
my baby 🥺🥺🩵 i’m so glad you like my singing i was worried about singing fairy of shampoo bc it’s a little out of my range and i started to feel bad bc damn tubatu can sing this but i can’t?? 😭 but i still think it ended up sounding good especially since you liked it! 🥺🩵🩵 (makes you feel full, huh? 😳😳 does mommy make you feel full baby?)
hehe my pretty cherry wifey~ 🥺🥺🩵 i love you, talk soon~
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animated-moon · 3 years ago
Good morning my little lamb <3333 How was your sleep last night? (I hope you had very sweet dreams, preferably some involving me my prince~)
I absolutely loved LOVED your cookies my sweets, most especially because you made them <333 ( I would be very concerned if there wasn't any love in them my brilliant confectioner-🤨)
Oh? You can do math amazingly now my lovely? Not that I have doubts in your capabilities, but this is great news! I happen to be quite good at math and can perhaps test you with included rewards for getting information right <33 As for the art report, say less I have drafted a report that I think will be splendid for you my love!
Excellent! I was hoping we could visit him next week to loving annoy him together my moon! (I would also not be surprised if Semi-Semi somehow found out about this operation, if he joins its cause he snooped through my phone :( ) And his face will definitely get smashed in cake with nothing happening to you since I will be there <333! Oh and he has also been asking about you because he worries that you are overworking and not taking care of yourself (which I am hoping is not true, otherwise I'll just have to tuck you in every night <3333)
My week has been pretty boring overall! Last week I has assessments every single day and am crossing my fingers I did well on all of them (Not because anyone will kill me but because it would be very annoying if my studying doesn't show my tendou <333) Don't worry though, I am definitely planning a surprise visit today to make sure you are stocked with my baked good and daily affection <333!
I love you the absolute most in the known universes my paradise, and I will see you soon to wake you up!💜💜💜
MY DEAR SATORI :((( it’s been so so long and i’m so sorry for that! school has been really beating me up and then hanging me out to dry 😭 AND I COME BACK TO SEE YOU CALLING ME YOUR P.. PRINCEBDUABSOANZOANSKN⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ who.. WHO TOLD U AB THAT..?.$-!:9/!,@/‘s WHO TOLD U I 🧍 nevermind im not gonna say it 😒
you bet your hair that i poured all my love and affection into those cookies babe 😞 anything for you 💓
⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ LOVE ☹️ you are Making Me Soft stop :(( but we may have to move all of our dates to zoom instead.. since i 🗿 i kind of caught covid <33 BUT I PROMISE IM PERFECTLY ALRIGHT !! throat just hurts a little and i sound like an old man w lung cancer,, but that’s alright 💪 AND I PROMISE IM NOT OVERWORKING MYSELF !! quite the opposite, actually. i’ve started taking care of myself more and allowed myself to do things i really enjoy <3 (THOUGH I WOULDNT MIND YOU TUCKING ME INTO BED EVERY NIGHT >:)))) and of course!! we shall visit the man right after i recover 💪😋 hopefully he’s missed me lots hehe <3
AND YES I GET IT BABE :( it just makes you feel a little iffy and worthless, and possibly very horrible about yourself for the next few days </3 we could study together sometime !! though i’d most likely be focusing on my art things for most the time <3 i’ll probably end up drawing you >:)
i love you too my tendo :(((((((( thank u so so much for checking up on me my raincloud :(
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