#I see gf in like four hours everything will be fine everything will be okay
lesbiansanemi · 6 months
I failed at parking because somehow there was not a single free parking space at the entire airport so I drove around for an hour in a panic and ended up paying almost triple what I thought I would for parking so it’s a good thing I didn’t sleep and anxiety left three hours early 😭😭😭
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Hello! I would like to make a request. You know feeding the weary traveler? (I can’t spell, sorry) I would love a part 2 of it! Y/N getting to meet the hashiras! If you wanna add the kamaboko squad or smth feel free to do so. And if I read it right maybe y/n getting to meet Shinobus gf? I would like a oneshot of this, thank you! Hope you have a good day/night and stay safe!
Feeding the Weary Traveler Prt. II
Mitsuri Kanroji x She/Her Reader
A/N: Meet and greets are kinda hard to write, but I tried to give everybody equal involvement. I only put in the Hashira and Shinobu’s girlfriend who I alluded to in part one. The fun thing about this OC is that I started writing a story for her and Shinobu around late 2019 early 2020. I hope to finish it one day, so for the sake of my own sanity, the events of this fic are not canon to that story (if I ever finish and post it). Hope you enjoy, sorry for the wait! Read part one Here! Word Count: ~4,030
“Do you think we’ve made enough food for everyone? I should make another dish… maybe three, four? How many hours do I have left?”
“(Y/n), you’ve done more than enough already, I promise! Come on, relax with me a bit.” Mitsuri coaxed, pulling (Y/n) away from the prep counter before she could begin chopping up another mountain of vegetables.
The Hashira were coming over to the Love Estate for an early lunch. It was rare for them to all find themselves with enough free time to meet up for occasions such as these and Mitsuri eagerly offered up her residence for such an ambitious gathering. She would get to see all of her dearest friends and showcase her wonderful girlfriend, she was so excited! She just wished she could ease (Y/n)’s nerves somehow. After spending so much time alone in the mountains, she was still getting used to talking to people regularly again. It was going to be different, but Mitsuri knew that this was going to be good for her.
“Mitsuri, please!” (Y/n) whined, “At least let me check the quality of everything else I’ve made!”
“We did that. Twice.” Mitsuri reminded, easily carrying (Y/n) out of the kitchen. “Everything you make is always amazing. They’ll love all of it, and they will love you too, I promise. Don’t worry, just be yourself.”
“…Okay.” (Y/n) limply sunk into Mitsuri’s hold, a sucker for her warmth and her steadfast strength. Granted, they had only officially been together for a few weeks, but (Y/n) could never imagine herself getting tired of Mitsuri hauling her around simply because she could.
Mitsuri felt the tension leave her partner’s body and hummed happily, finally putting (Y/n) down. She then promptly kissed her on both cheeks before honing in on her lips to plant a lingering and reassuring kiss there as well. Cupping (Y/n)’s face in both her hands she smiled,
“Everything will be just fine. You, will be just fine. Say it with me.”
“I will be just fine.” (Y/n) repeated along with Mitsuri, a small smile working it’s way across her face.
Mitsuri fawned over the cute expression and fussed over (Y/n) for only a moment before a booming voice nearly sent (Y/n) through the ceiling.
“Rengoku-san!” Mitsuri teetered excitedly. She took (Y/n) by the hand and rushed into the direction the powerful voice had come from.
Rengoku, okay, (Y/n) knew that one. Mitsuri had given her a crash course of her fellow Hashira a couple days ago. He was the one who trained her. He was like a big brother to her. Hopefully, they could get along.
When Mitsuri pulled back the door of the main entryway, (Y/n) was blinded not by the sun, but the sheer radiance this man exuded. (Y/n) couldn’t stop herself from holding eye-contact, the color of his eyes was like swirling flames.
“Hello!” He barked abruptly, making (Y/n) flinch again. “Good to see you, Kanroji! Nice to meet you… hmm, Kanroji-to-be!”
Mitsuri and (Y/n) took a moment to process before a proper fluster gripped them both. Mitsuri waved her hands, a thin sheen of sweat already covering her forehead. Sure she hoped to marry (Y/n) one day, but it was still much too soon to start bringing it up now.
“You can just call her by her name, Rengoku-san! (Y/n) doesn’t mind!” She squeaked. (Y/n) felt disconnected from her surname, understandably, so she decided to go by her first name only.
“Ah, very well then! Good to meet you, (Y/n)-san!” Rengoku hummed deeply, nodding approvingly.
“Good to meet you too, Rengoku-san.” (Y/n) felt short of breath, the energy this man exuded was immense.
“Come on in! Baked sweet potatoes inside, fresh and hot!” Mitsuri clapped her hands and Rengoku released a boisterous laugh.
“Excellent! Lead the way!”
(Y/n) watched in awe as the master-pupil duo dug in. They already ate through a fourth of the spread. More impressive yet, was Rengoku’s tendency to exclaim how delicious the food was after every bite. No really. Every. Bite.
While they were busy eating, (Y/n) heard faint knocking. Since Mitsuri was occupied with Rengoku, (Y/n) took a deep breath and steeled herself. This was her home now. She was just as much of a host as Mitsuri was. She could do this. She left the room unnoticed and went to the end of the hall, opening the door for a short woman with vibrant purple eyes and someone covered in a thick traveling cloak, holding a wide umbrella in gloved hands.
“Oh, hello there. You must be (Y/n)-san. Mitsuri has told me a lot about you. All good things I assure you.” She said with a cheeky smile. “I’m Kochou Shinobu.”
“Nice to meet you Kochou-san. Mitsuri told me a lot about you too. Good things.” She stuttered a bit, the figure covered head to toe standing beside Kochou was a little unnerving. Shinobu seemed to notice her wandering gaze and chuckled.
“This bundle here is Sugiura Natsumi. Don’t be frightened. It’s a little impractical, but it’s the best I could do to keep her out of the sun. Isn’t that right, darling?”
“Mmph!” Came the muffled, indignant whine. Whatever she wanted to say, (Y/n) didn’t know for sure, but she sounded like she didn’t quite agree.
“Well, go on then. If you want to take everything off so bad, do it inside so you don’t burn to a crisp before my very eyes.” Shinobu prodded the lump of fabric into the house and (Y/n) closed the door.
“Is her skin really so delicate?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but ask. It sounded like Sugiura-san had the potential to have the worst sunburn imaginable.
“Very much so.” Shinobu answered distractedly as she helped Natsumi untangle from the various sheets and cloaks that covered her body, finally with a dramatic gasp, the young woman was free and fixing Shinobu with a soft glare. (Y/n) stiffened as she noticed the sharp canines in Natsumi’s mouth as she spoke and her white, viper thin pupils. As she removed her gloves and pushed them into Shinobu’s chest, (Y/n)’s eyes were drawn to the sharp, faded blue nails.
“That was too much Kochou-san! I told you I was fine staying at the Butterfly Estate with the girls.” Natsumi attempted to smooth her hair and tightened her ponytail. “It was so hot in there!”
Shinobu reached up to squish Natsumi’s cheeks between the thumb and fingers of a single hand and tutted.
“But then I wouldn’t get to see your lovely face until I could return home.”
Before the couple could delve any further into what lead up to their journey to the Love Estate, their attention was brought back to (Y/n) who had hit her back against the wall a tad too loudly.
“Are you okay?” Natsumi asked, reaching out only to pull back upon noticing the fearful look on (Y/n)’s face.
“(Y/n)-san, no need to be frightened. Natsumi is—“
“A demon!” (Y/n) shouted. What was a demon doing here? Didn’t this woman, a Hashira no less, know a demon when she saw one? (Y/n) thought back to her own brush with death at the hands of one of those monsters and thought she was going to be sick.
“(Y/n)?!” Mitsuri called out before running into view, her tense shoulders dropped upon seeing Shinobu and Natsumi and she jogged the rest of the way to pull her girlfriend into a comforting embrace while simultaneously giving Natsumi an apologetic look. “It’s alright, (Y/n)! Umi-chan is very nice. She would never hurt a fly.”
“Trust me, (Y/n)-san. Natsumi would not be here if I ever thought she was dangerous.” Shinobu said.
“I should go back home… I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. I haven’t exactly been introduced to most of the Hashira either. This is supposed to be a relaxing gathering for you guys.” Natsumi trained her gaze over the pile of cloaks and sheets in the entryway as she fiddled with an edge of her hairband. She was already thinking about what the least amount of coverage she could get away with might be when Mitsuri tried to reassure her.
“You don’t need to leave Natsumi, really! You and Shinobu can head to the first room of the left if you need a quiet place to cool down and talk for a minute. I’m going to take (Y/n) to my room to do the same. Rengoku-san and the food are just down the hall when you are ready to join him.”
“Thank you, Mitsuri, we will do that.” Shinobu nudged Natsumi into the room. She didn’t even look back before closing the door behind her. When her muffled voice began leaking through the door, Mitsuri took (Y/n) by the hand and took her to her room, only stopping long enough to tell Rengoku they would be back in a minute. When they got there, (Y/n) couldn’t wait a second longer for an explanation.
“Why is there a demon here?! It’s a demon slayer’s job to kill them, not date them!” How could Kochou sleep at night knowing she was harboring a demon! Surely that demon had innocent blood on its hands. How could Mitsuri see nothing wrong with it?
“(Y/n), I know it is unusual, but Natsumi isn’t your run-of-the-mill demon. She helps people. She’s never hurt a person while she’s been under Shinobu-chan’s wing.”
“But she has hurt people. Killed people.” (Y/n) frowned deeply, making Mitsuri bite her lip.
“Not since the first night she had turned and that was well over two years ago from what I understand,” Mitsuri took (Y/n)’s hands in hers, eyes almost pleading, “I’m not trying to make excuses for her, but trust me, please. You are safe.”
“I do trust you, it’s just… a lot to take in.”
“I don’t want you to be scared. I’ll be with you the whole time and Natsumi will be glued to Shinobu’s side most likely anyway. No one would let her hurt you, least of all Umi-chan herself. I promise. Will you come back with me, please?”
(Y/n) pursed her lips. If Mitsuri really thought the demon was not dangerous, she would trust her judgment. She sure as hell was going to ask for a full explanation after this gathering though!
“Okay.” She answered simply.
Mitsuri relaxed a bit and kissed (Y/n)’s cheek, thanking her for her trust. She asked her a few more times if she was sure she was ready to go back until (Y/n) laughed a little and assured her she was ready to go back. Before returned to the party, another knock drew their attention and they walked over together, Mitsuri hopped excitedly when a man with a white snake curling around his shoulders was revealed on the other side.
“Iguro-san, thank you for coming! It’s so good to see you!”
“Good to see you too, Kanroji.”
(Y/n) smiled. He seemed nice. Though almost half of his face was covered, she could see the softness his eyes held. That is, until he happened to notice that Mitsuri wasn’t the only one standing there with him. The softness became something sharp and (Y/n) shivered. He was totally sizing her up. Not even the demon had given her a look quite so hostile.
“You must be (Y/n).” He observed.
“Uh, y-yeah. That’s me! Nice to meet you, Iguro-san.” (Y/n) struggled to hold her smile in place as the man scrutinized her before finally giving a small grunt of indifference in return.
“Please be friendly with (Y/n), Iguro-san. It would make me so happy if you two got along.” Mitsuri prodded gently.
The fact that Mitsuri not only noticed, but called him out on his attitude towards her girlfriend made Iguro actually look a little contrite. He apologized and introduced himself in a much more polite manner. Mitsuri gave a satisfactory hum and waved them back in the direction of the food. On the way there, Obanai mumbled quietly at (Y/n) while continuing to look straight ahead.
“Don’t you ever hurt her.” He said.
“I would never!” (Y/n) whispered back, feeling a little frantic. She didn’t dare to imagine what consequences this man would deem appropriate should she somehow fail to love Mitsuri entirely.
When they returned to the party, the room was fuller than they had left it. Rengoku was talking animatedly with another man with flashy make-up and then their was a man covered in scars who looked like he’d rather be anywhere else while he munched on the ohagi (Y/n) had made. Shinobu was eating near him, talking with Natsumi between bites while the demon tried to ignore the hostile air the scarred man exuded. Between Iguro and that guy, (Y/n) was beginning to think Natsumi was the least of her concerns.
More unexpectedly, were the three other women in the room. From what Mitsuri had told (Y/n), herself and Shinobu were the only women within their rank, so she wasn’t sure what to make of them.
“Uzui-san, Shinazugawa-san! I’m glad you found your way in okay. Sorry you had to let yourselves in.” Mitsuri said as she walked over to greet each man.
“Don’t sweat it, Kanroji. Your a busy woman. Can’t be manning the door all the time.” Uzui grinned.
Shinazugawa grumbled under his breath and chewed his ohagi aggressively, only pausing to give Iguro a nod of acknowledgment as he sat between him and Kochou.
“Hope it’s cool that I brought my wives. I caught wind that Kochou was bringing her flame so I thought the more the merrier. Speaking of, that’s your girl, right? She’s gorgeous. Congratulations.”
“She really is!” One of the wives, Suma, piped up before blushing and diving to hide behind Hinatsuru before Makio could slap her upside the head.
“Thanks! My (Y/n) is wonderful! I’m lucky to have her!” Mitsuri smiled proudly, causing (Y/n)’s skin to prickle with heat.
“Not as lucky as I am to have you.” She murmured modestly in reply, making Mitsuri squeak and blush.
“Oi,” Shinazugawa piped up, “knock it off, would you? Some of us are trying to eat.” He picked up another ohagi and ripped his teeth into it after he swallowed, he asked, “Who the hell made these?”
“Oh, (Y/n) did.” Mitsuri beamed.
(Y/n) on the other hand, was starting to sweat as the man’s wild eyes locked in on her. Had she made them wrong? Oh gods, she was going to be beaten to a pulp!
“Nice work.” Came Shinazugawa’s gruff response, then he went back to his meal.
“Thank you…” (Y/n) breathed out a sigh of relief. This day was too much.
She had just barely gotten through being introduced to Uzui’s wives wives when two more people entered the room. And (Y/n) thought Uzui was huge… Himejima was like a damn mountain, especially with Tokito spacing out beside him.
“Himejima-san, thank you for reminding Muichiro-kun to come. I’m glad you both could make it!”
“I’m happy to be together with our comrades like this. I hope we can find an opening like this again in the future.” Himejima pressed his hands together, praying for more good fortune to come their way.
“Who are you again?” Tokito asked once he happened to notice (Y/n).
“I’m (Y/n), Mitsuri’s girlfriend.” She provided helpfully, though the glazed over look in the boy’s eyes gave her little confidence that he was actually listening to her at all.
“I’m happy to meet you, (Y/n)-san,” Himejima spoke up as Tokito walked away to join the others at the table, “I wish you both a long and fulfilling life together. Namu Amida Butsu.”
“Thank you, Himejima-san. We will take good care of each other.” Mitsuri twisted in her spot. Her heart felt full to burst and it was making her feel giddy. When Himejima went to sit across from Kochou to speak with her, (Y/n) tugged on Mitsuri’s sleeve.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Mitsuri asked.
“This is everyone, right?” (Y/n) didn’t want to seem rude, but she was exhausted.
“Well, almost. We’re still waiting on Tomioka-san… I don’t know if he’ll come though.”
“Tomioka-san will come.” Shinobu spoke up, having been eavesdropping on them.
“For his sake, I hope so. Especially after you bullied him like that before we came here.” Natsumi frowned.
“It was a simple light ribbing to get him motivated.” She defended before turning back to Mitsuri. “He will be here.”
And sure enough, just as the get-together was winding down, Tomioka came to stand awkwardly in the doorway like a lost ghost.
“I told you.” Kochou hummed. Natsumi rolled her eyes at her, earning a pinch beneath the table.
“Tomioka-san, you really came!” Mitsuri clapped and ushered the man in. “Come in, come in! There is still plenty to eat.”
“Look who decided to dein us with his presence. Don’t you think you’re too good for us or something?” Shinazugawa grumbled, resting his cheek against his fist. Tomioka, of course, didn’t say a word which made Shinzugawa grind his teeth and Iguro clicked his tongue to voice his own displeasure.
“Now, now, let’s all try to get along.” Kochou teased.
“You can sit by me, Tomioka-san.” Natsumi offered helpfully.
“Let’s try not to get along too well.” The Insect Hashira then amended.
(Y/n) couldn’t find it in her to care that Tomioka totally ignored her presence. In fact, she was thankful. (Y/n) didn’t care that the sun was still out, once they all left she was going to go to bed. If she had ever thought all that time alone hadn’t effected her brain in any way, she knew she was wrong now.
It didn’t take long before the first crow arrived, then another. They alerted Shinazugawa and Tokito about their missions for the night and everyone took that as a sign to get back to their duties as well. It was the most tender moment of the day (Y/n) had witnessed watching these comrades, friends, bidding each other good fortune and hoping to catch up again soon.
“Bye.” Tokito said as he passed her, though he didn’t even look in her direction as he went.
“Bye, Tokito-kun. Be safe.” She called to his back. He did not turn or acknowledge her at all.
“Yes?” (Y/n) jumped to attention when Shinazugawa roughly called for her attention.
“The ohagi, what’s your secret?” He asked.
(Y/n) had a few false starts but finally managed to spit it out despite the intense, yet somehow patient stare Shinazugawa gave her.
“I coat the outside with a sweetened soybean flour.”
“Hm. I’ll have to remember that. Thanks.” And then he was off.
Next came Uzui and his wives.
“Nice work on the food, (Y/n)-san. Maybe you could come by our home sometime and show these two how it’s done.” Uzui said, pointing between Makio and Suma despite their protests.
“Tengen-sama!” Suma wailed.
“What about Hina?” Makio yelled, finding it unfair that she was, yet again, being lumped in with Suma.
“Hinatsuru doesn’t serve uncooked rice.” Uzui smiled slyly.
“That was all Suma’s fault!”
“No it wasn’t! It wasn’t!”
“Let’s not worry about that now,” Hinatsuru cut in, trying to diffuse the ticking time bomb that was Makio while drying Suma’s tears, and simultaneously giving Uzui a look for stirring the pot for no reason. “Thank you for having us (Y/n)-san.”
“Anytime.” (Y/n) smiled as she waved them out the door.
Then Tomioka almost completely passed her by in the next second, but Iguro gripped his shoulder, a venomous look on his face.
“She and Kanroji worked hard on all of this you know. First you have the audacity to show up, and show up obscenely late at that, and now your going to leave without a proper thank you?” Iguro spoke lowly, but (Y/n) heard the hatred loud and clear. She thought Iguro hated her, but this was a whole other level. She felt bad for Tomioka, that was for sure.
“Thank you, Kanroji-san.” He said quietly. (Y/n) was surprised Mitsuri seemed to hear him from across the room.
“You’re welcome!”
“Thank you, (Y/n)-san.” Tomioka then told her when he turned back.
“Thank you for coming, Tomioka-san.” (Y/n) said with as much sincerity as she could muster. “I really hope we can meet again soon.”
Tomioka nodded noncommittally and Iguro let him go, staring daggers into his back until he left the room. Then his mismatched eyes focused back on her and his snake scented the air.
“Break her heart or try to make her into something she’s not and I’ll break something of yours that Kochou won’t be able to fix.” He said, and (Y/n) felt her stomach drop to her feet.
“I hear you loud and clear, Iguro-san.” She swallowed thickly, “I know how blessed I am. I will never take her for granted. If I ever hurt her you would be the first person I would tell.”
He stared her down a few moments more, then nodded, satisfied. He thanked her for the meal and went on his way.
Himejima and Rengoku approached her together and both were very gracious with their compliments. It was almost enough to make (Y/n) forget about being threatened seconds prior, almost. Himejima gave her one last smile before bending to get through the door and Rengoku squeezed her shoulder, expressing his hope that they would all eat together again soon before following suit.
Mitsuri was still discussing something with Shinobu and (Y/n) saw no sign of Sugiura-san which put her on edge. Still, she felt a little bad for how she reacted before and had wanted to apologize. Perhaps she had slipped passed her like Tomioka had attempted to do. She exited the room and sure enough, she found the demon sighing over the tangled bundle of fabrics on the floor as she tried to fix herself up to face the late afternoon sun.
Natsumi seemed to sense her presence and turned, giving (Y/n) a tight smile.
“As soon as Kochou-san finishes chatting we’ll be on our way.” She assured, making sure to proceed with her rifling more slowly to avoid causing any alarm.
“I just wanted to apologize.” (Y/n) approached, but did not get very close. “I still don’t really understand what’s going on here, but you don’t act like a demon and Mitsuri trusts you, so I’m sorry I reacted the way I did.”
“I would have been concerned if you hadn’t acted the way you did.” Natsumi’s smile became more relaxed, but her eyes still held a certain sadness. “Don’t worry about it.”
(Y/n), feeling a little more confident, got closer, “Would you like some help with those?” She asked, gesturing to the ball of clothes Natsumi had yet to put on.
“If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate a hand. Kochou-san teases more than she helps when it comes to things like this.”
(Y/n) was just putting on the finishing touches when Shinobu and Mitsuri walked over, both looking a little relieved.
“Oh? Is that a present you wrapped just for me, (Y/n)-san? Thank you very much.” Shinobu teased, reveling in the embarrassed groan that came from within the cloak cocoon.
“You’re welcome. Sorry we got off on the wrong foot earlier.”
“It’s to be expected. Don’t beat yourself up too badly. We are no worse for ware, honestly.” Shinobu promised. “Hopefully we can all get together again soon. I’ll host next time.”
“Oh! I’d love that!” Mitsuri gushed. “Safe travels you two!”
“Bye-bye!” Shinobu helped guide Natsumi over the threshold and then it was just Mitsuri and (Y/n).
“How are you holding up?” Mitsuri gently asked, though (Y/n) could tell she already knew and was just asking to be considerate.
“I feel like my brain is a smeared painting… does that make any sense?”
“…Not really, but I can tell it’s been a long day for you. Want to cuddle while you nap?”
The way (Y/n)’s eyes lit up was all the confirmation Mitsuri needed and she swept (Y/n) off of her feet, only stopping once she got to her futon and laid her down. Mitsuri swiftly joined her and pulled the covers over their bodies. As (Y/n) drifted off, Mitsuri reminded her how amazing she was today and the sentiments were parroted back at her in a half-asleep tone that made her giggle and snuggle in as close as she could.
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moostaronce · 3 years
Sick Days
Request: Hi! Can i request a Jinsoul x fem reader scenario where the fem reader is avoiding Jinsoul for days and Jinsoul got mad bc like why would her gf avoid her then it turns out her gf is sick (just fever and colds) which is why she’s avoiding jinsoul bc she doesn't want to bother her or disturb her. Please make it super fluff hehe thanks!! 💙
A/n For sure digging all the Jinsoul love! I hope you enjoy it. 💛
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It’s coming up on your fourth day of girlfriend avoidance and your honestly going through Jinsol withdrawal. You’d been keeping in contact through text just enough for her to know you’re alive. Yet every time she asks to come see you, there is an excuse. It was getting unbearable. 
Jungeun watches as her older member paces back and forth biting her thumb nail. The younger girl huffs in annoyance, Jinsol has been doing this for the past half hour. She looks next to her at Jiwoo and nudges her before leaning to whisper in her ear.
“What is she pacing about?”
“Y/n hasn’t been around lately, I think they might be fighting or something.”
They both shrug at each other and continue to watch Sol’s pacing before Yerim comes out of her room and gestures the two girls on the couch over. When they approach she pulls them into a small huddle.
“Y/n called me to let me know she’s okay. She’s sick and doesn’t want Jinsol unnie to catch her cold.” The girls sigh with relief but they can’t help but be worried about you.
“Poor Y/n unnie.” Jiwoo chimes in with a pout before they feel a presence right behind them. Yerim looks up with a gulp and the two best friends turn to find none other than Jinsoul looming over them.
“Why poor Y/N? What’s wrong with her?” She looks equal parts angry and concerned.
“Nothing!” Yerim blurts out loudly. The three exchange a look with each other when they see how unimpressed Jinsol is.
“Guys please. She won’t see me and she keeps cutting our calls short. At least tell me what I did wrong so I can make it better.” 
It’s hard for Yerim to see her typically bright friend so sad. Her form was much more closed off than usual and she stood shrunken into herself with her arms protectively wrapped around herself. She looks to the others, who are giving her defeated looks before sighing,
“She’s fine, okay? She’s just got a little cold is all.”
Jinsol looks up in disbelief. Her mind racing with possibilities. There’s no way you were shutting her out like this over a little cold. Her anger only gets bigger when she thinks more about it. There was no way you were just sick, so she grabs her jacket and storms out of the dorm and makes her way to your place. 
Up until now she wanted to respect your space and didn’t come to see you but it’s been four days at this point and she can’t take it. It makes her even angrier that you’d call Yerim before her.
Was this your way of breaking up with her? Maybe you wanted to leave her without having to explicitly say so. Well not if she can help it.
She rushes to your apartment with vigor in her steps and practically bangs your door down. You hear her from you bedroom but you weren't expecting anyone so you stay in bed.
Sol pulls her spare key out of her wallet and enters your apartment like a tornado. When she reaches your bedroom she slams the door open only to stop in her track when she sees you sitting up frightened in bed.
"Sol-ah what are you doing here?"
Jinsol takes you in. There is sweat on your brow and face and deep bags under your eyes. She observes the trash bag you had placed next to you that is now filled with dirty tissues.
It annoys her to no end that she finds you so cute right now. Her trance is broken when you release a loud sneeze that forces your whole body forward.
"So you are sick for real." The look on your face is dumbfounded before you realize that she must have forced it out of Yerim and not believed it.
"I mean why else would I be living like a shut in right now." You giggle a little hoping to ease the tension but the furrow in her brow never wavers.
"Why wouldn't you just tell me you were sick. I could've taken care of you! But instead you left me guessing. Made me think you were tired of me!" She's not quite yelling but her voice is loud and very upset.
You're a little at a loss. You want to comfort her and reassure her that you love her but you don't want to touch her. The whole point of avoiding her was to protect her from catching your cold.
With Jinsol glaring at you from your doorway and the overwhelming urge to have physical contact with her getting to you, you start to cry. She wavers in her anger enough to see the way your tears well up in your eyes.
Your girlfriend watches your inner turmoil and the way you wring your hands. She takes a step toward you and you recoil.
"I just don't want to get you sick. I just want you to hold me right now so I can tell you how much I love you. But I won't be the reason you catch a cold so just go Sol. I'll call you when I'm better."
You look so tiny hugging your chest to your knees with your head hanging low. All she wants is to make you feel better and apologize for overreacting.
Without a word Jinsol turns on her heel and walks into your kitchen. There is hardly any noise as Jinsol makes you a chicken broth to drink and grabs you a bottle of water. When she rejoins you in your bedroom, she lays the bowl in her lap and begins to spoon feed you the broth. You try to shy away from her but she grabs you by your hips and slides you closer so your knees touch hers.
"Open, baby." There is no more malice in her voice and she looks rather ashamed while she focuses on feeding you.
As instructed, you open your mouth for her and lean forward to meet the spoon halfway. All the while you are doing your best not to breathe your germy air in her direction. Jinsol leans forward in an attempt to kiss you but you hold up your hands to deter her. 
Deciding she really didn’t care how sick you are, she kisses the hand you put up before taking it into her own. In the moment she takes advantage of your shock and kisses you on the lips. You want to push her away and nag her about how she could get sick but with her lips on your, you just can’t find the fight you once had.
“Jinsol, what are you doing?”
“Well I’m here now and I’m going to take care of you. Screw a cold. If I want to kiss my own girlfriend or cuddle her after almost a week apart then that’s what I plan on doing.” 
Another spoonful of broth reaches your lips before she sets the bowl aside. She turns back to you and hugs you while descending against your pillows. Sol wraps you up in her arms like a warm blanket and holds you for a good hour before getting up to continue taking care of you. 
She lounges with you, makes you food and makes sure you take medicine, no matter how much you hate it. You have to admit that you feel a lot better the next morning, having been taken care of and overall pampered. 
“Sol baby, I feel a lot better! Let’s go out today! After we disinfect everything I touched first, let’s go eat.” 
You stand over her, chipper as ever. Jinsol groans loudly and when she speaks her voice cracks a bit. Uh oh.
You tug the covers off of her head to see she looks fine for the most part but her nose is a little red.
“Sol are you feeling okay?”
“ACHOO!” Jinsol sneezes so fiercely it jolts her body up as she lies before you.
Oh crap.
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Under Pressure
You are under a lot of stress from work and your tics begin to act up. Luckily for you, Colson is there to help.
Request: “Could you do a Colson fic where the reader is his gf, and has tourettes, and maybe she has a bad tic day? If you can of course xx"
Colson X Reader
Warnings: Cursing, anxiety
A/N: I tried my best to make this as accurate as possible but I am putting this out there; I do not have Tourette’s nor any experience with Tourette Syndrome. I tried my best to make this as accurate and realistic as possible, but if you find something offensive/inaccurate about this, please let me know and I will take it down immediately.
Word Count:1284
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You really liked this whole work-from-home situation that the world was in currently. It meant you didn’t have to worry about hiding your tics around your co-workers unless you were on a video conference, which was still considerably less face-to-face interaction than regular work.
It also meant you got to spend a lot more time with your boyfriend, Colson. You had been together for almost 10 months, and you had just moved in with him a few weeks ago. Even though you both did work during the day, it was much easier to see him than previously.
That being said, you tended to be less anxious now that you were home, and you hadn’t had a bad tic day in a while. They didn’t go away, of course, but they were more manageable.
Today, however, just didn’t seem to be your day. You had woken up to an empty bed, which always upset you, because Colson wanted an early start in the studio, even though it was in his own house. Then, you had gotten a call from your supervisor who needed some of your reports four days earlier than expected. You obviously didn’t have them all ready and would have to delay any other work you had planned today to finish those up. And now it was 6 pm and Colson hadn’t left his studio all day.
Needless to say, you were stressed as hell. You could tell because you could feel your simple tics occurring more frequently than often. Every so often your shoulder would jerk upwards or your eyes would roll while you were doing work. You were used to them by now, so you could ignore them for the most part, but it was still annoying. On top of that, you still had at least 5 more hours of work to do in order to get the reports in by 8 am tomorrow.
Another 45 minutes passed before Colson emerged from his studio, finding his way to your makeshift office. “Hey baby.” He said softly, watching you work.
You looked away from your screen, smiling at him. “Hi Cols.” Your shoulder jerked up towards your head again, causing his lips to turn into a frown. He knew about your Tourette’s, which meant he knew you’d been having more good days than bad recently.
He walked over to the back of your chair, hesitantly placing his hands on your shoulders. You relaxed into his touch as he started massaging gently. Your shoulders would occasionally buck up into his hands, or your eyes would roll. “Maybe you should take a little break, love. You seem anxious.” He whispered near your ear, trying to calm you down.
Your eyes rolled again and you spoke, “I have to get these finished tonight. Grant pushed the deadline up to tomorrow morning.”
Colson sighed, “a couple minutes, darling.” His hands left your shoulders as they started moving more frequently and a bit harsher, not wanting to hurt you or make it worse.
“If I take a break then I won’t want to come back to work and then I won’t get it done.” You whined, your eye rolling getting worse. Suddenly you felt an itch on the roof of your mouth, clicking your tongue to relieve it.
Your boyfriend’s concerned expression grew further, your verbal tics being rare. But he worried that your anxiety would increase if he tried to force you to take a break, so he let you be. “I’ll be in the next room if you need me, okay?”
You nod, focusing back onto your work. Your tongue clicked every so often, making you clench your jaw in frustration. You had learned to accept your tics a while ago, and Colson had been a huge help with that, but sometimes you wished you could control them better.
Another hour went by and you were growing more anxious. This particular report was taking much longer than you had expected, and you began to wonder if you would be able to get them in on time.
As you began to think about how much pressure was placed on you, you could feel a pressure in your chest, a frown falling over your features as you realized what your body was telling you. You tried to control it, but you were so stressed and tired that you just couldn’t. Suddenly your entire body was spazzing out, your chest hitting the desk in front of you, your head throwing itself forward. Luckily, you didn’t hit your head on the desk, but you could feel pain in your chest from the actions.
You tried to continue working, but this complex tic just kept rearing its head. Every time your chest would slam against the side of the wood table you would wince. You tried not to make noises, not wanting to alert Colson, but your head was beginning to spin and the pain in your chest was immense. Eventually, you couldn’t help the small whimper that fell from your lips as the sensation overtook your body once again.
“Babe, you okay?” He called from the other room.
You responded, “Yeah, Cols, I’m-“ You were cut off by your own body again, another small howl of pain coming from you. “I’m good.” You didn’t know when, but tears had started falling from your eyes.
You hated when you got into these “episodes.” You wished for nothing more than to be free of this syndrome.
Your boyfriend ran into the room, pulling you from your thoughts temporarily. “Baby, I’m fine.” You smiled at him before your body jerked again. He ran to your side, pulling your chair away from your desk and kneeling down by you.
His hand placed itself lightly on your knee as he looked up at you. “It’s okay, Y/N. Let’s stand up, okay? Let’s go make dinner or something together.” You nodded as he stood up, taking your hand, and pulling you up with him.
He turned to lead you out the door, but the sensation in your chest spread again and you lurched forward, your head hitting his shoulder blade. “Fuck!” You yelped, holding your head in pain. “I’m sorry, Cols.” You cried, moving backwards. Your breathing got heavy as more anxiety overtook you.
Your boyfriend turned and pulled you into his arms, locking you tightly in his embrace. The physical touch brought your heartrate down a little bit, as did his soft words. “It’s all good baby, everything’s good.” He brought one hand up to your hair, holding your head to his chest as your tears flowed. “You’re gonna be just fine. I’m right here.”
You jerked into his body a few times. His strong embrace fought against your tics, making them more manageable. You stood there for a few minutes while your breathing slowed.
“You can talk to Grant tomorrow about moving the deadline back to where it was, or I will if you want. You’re taking a break for the rest of the night. We’re gonna go for a walk and then we can watch a movie or something.” He whispered, pulling you away from him but still holding your face in his hands.
You nodded against his grip, your tongue clicking. “Okay.” You whispered. He walked backwards with you still in his arms, making sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself again. He brought you to the front door, slipping your shoes onto your feet before his own.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, sniffling.
“I told you to never apologize for this, babe. It doesn’t bother me or upset me. It’s just part of you, and I love you.” He smiled up at you, leaning up to press a quick kiss to your lips.
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Leatin fluff prompt! It’s their one month anniversary as a couple and Fatin is stressing out because she’s never celebrated an anniversary before (worried she’s planning too much and too little at the same time!) and Leah is both amused and concerned for her gfs wellbeing
Thanks Anon, that was such a cute prompt!
Under the cut, because it got a bit long.
“Can I come in now?”
“No!” Fatin yells through the closed door. “It’s not ready yet!”
Leah hears some subsequent banging of utensils, and a few muttered curses, and resists the temptation to barge in and save Fatin from whatever disaster she’s brought onto herself. Instead, she sits up from the couch, and makes her way to the door. Fatin has spent the whole afternoon locked inside the kitchen, barring Leah from entering. “I’m making something special for dinner,” she explained, before kissing Leah on the nose, and disappearing to start on her elaborate plans.
Leah, who has some experience with Fatin’s attempts at cooking, nevertheless chose to stay out of it. She can tell Fatin has been stressed about their anniversary - the entire week leading up to it, she’s been tense, and uncharacteristically quiet. And it’s kinda cute, that Fatin wants so badly to make this a special day. They’ve only been dating for a month, but they’ve known each other for a long time now, so Leah is well aware of multiple facts: that Fatin never had a serious relationship before, and certainly not one where they celebrate anniversaries ; that Fatin feels like she’s not romantic enough for Leah, that she’s not as good at big gestures, or dramatic declarations of love, and that she’s subsequently a bit self-conscious about it ; that Fatin’s usual way of expressing her feelings for Leah comes through physical affection, or gifts, whereas Leah is the kind of person who does things for Fatin, things like cooking dinner, or accompanying Fatin to the dentist, or planning a surprise birthday party, or remembering to buy those chips Fatin likes ; and, finally, that Fatin loves her, has loved her for a long time, and is desperate for Leah to know it. 
(Leah knows it, is the thing, but she understands Fatin’s need to show her, again and again, because she feels the same way.)
So Leah lets Fatin barricade herself in the kitchen and do what she has planned. But it’s been four hours, now, and Fatin’s voice has gotten more and more frantic - at one point Leah even saw smoke escaping from under the door - and Leah’s grown a tad concerned for her girlfriend. 
“Hey,” Leah calls, softly, with her face very close to the door. “Come here.”
She hears some movement on the other side. “What?” Fatin answers, behind the door.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s great, why do you ask?”
“Fatin,” Leah says, pointedly, but still softly. “Just tell me. I’m worried about you.”
There’s a pause, and then the door opens just a little bit, enough for Leah to see Fatin’s face, peeking through the gap. There’s a smattering of flour on one of her cheeks, and a dollop of what looks like blood at first on the left side of her forehead, though Leah realizes quickly it must be tomato sauce. Fatin’s brown eyes are narrowed, and her mouth curves down in a frown. “I don’t know why you think I can’t handle cooking on my own,” she grumbles, glaring at Leah. The glare would be effective, were it not for the presence of so much raw ingredients on her face. 
As it stands, it’s just very cute. Leah feels a smile pulling at her lips. “Oh baby,” she says, and she reaches out to swipe her knuckles against Fatin’s cheek, wiping off the flour. “Are you making pizza because it’s my favorite?”
“That is so nice. But, please, let me help?”
Fatin pouts. “But I wanted to do this for you! I want to be the kind of girlfriend who can, like, cook a surprise dinner for you and make you happy and --”
“Fatin,” Leah interrupts. She’s still touching Fatin’s cheek, rubbing the soft skin underneath her eye. “You make me so happy. Nobody has ever made me as happy as you.” Fatin swallows, and licks her lips.
“Really? “ she asks, in a small voice.
“Really,” Leah confirms, and her heart may be a supernova, exploding in her chest. “I don’t care about the surprise anniversary dinner. I love you.”
“Will you love me even though dinner is like, super ruined, and I may or may not have set a small fire in the kitchen?” Fatin says, with a raised eyebrow.
“Hmm,” Leah ponders, pretending to think. “How small a fire are we talking?”
Fatin snorts, and turns her face slightly so she can kiss the inside of Leah’s wrist, and then, finally, she opens the door fully. The first thing Leah notices is Fatin’s outfit. She chuckles. “Wow, I’ve never seen you wear an apron before. You look so professional.”
Fatin shrugs. “Honestly, I think it looks better on you.” Then she smirks, a bit dangerous. “Especially when you wear nothing else but the apron…” 
Leah feels the telltale heat of a blush spreading across her cheeks. “Didn’t we agree not to talk about that?” she whines. 
Fatin’s smirk widens, her eyes gleaming mischievously. “I mean, we don’t need to talk about it, I don’t think I’ll ever forget the visual. Burned into my memory forever.”
“Fatin!” Leah protests, giving her a little shove, but she can’t help smiling. “I thought we were embarrassing you right now, not me.”
“Right,” Fatin says, before she steps aside from the doorway. “Okay, behold my wasted efforts.”
In the end, they make it work. The pizza is shaped a bit weird, and the tomato sauce is too runny, but it tastes just fine. In fact, it tastes better because they made it together, Leah thinks, and when she tells Fatin this, Fatin scoffs, and calls her a sap, but she also snuggles closer to her on the couch, so Leah doesn’t think she minds it all that much. The cake Fatin tried to bake, on the other end, is definitely unsalvageable, burnt to a crisp, so they throw the whole thing away, and go out for ice-cream. 
Fatin insists on paying. “I’m a gentlewoman,” she tells Leah, as they walk home, hand-in-hand, savoring their ice-cream.
“Says the girl who slept with me on our first date,” Leah retorts, drily. 
Fatin waves her hand. “Actually, the first time we had sex was at that party we went to, and we weren’t dating yet, so it doesn’t count.”
“Doesn’t it make it worse?” Leah says, laughing as she finishes her ice-cream.
“Whatever. What counts is that I’m treating you well now that we’re actually in a relationship.” Fatin pauses, and tugs Leah’s hand, forcing her to stop right as they approach the door of their apartment building. “I am, right? Treating you well.”
Leah cocks her head. “Of course, you are.”
“Because I want to. I want to be good to you. I love you.”
“I want to be good to you, too,” Leah says, a little choked up. Fatin tucks an errand strand of hair behind Leah’s ear, gently, and brushes her face with tender fingers. For a brief moment, they stay still, and quiet, looking at each other. And then Leah grins. “Come on, let’s get inside. Now, it’s time for my surprise.”
“Does it involve an apron?”
“You’ll see,” Leah says, teasingly, and laughs when Fatin presses cold lips against her neck, and slips colder hands under her shirt.
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sunnypogue · 4 years
Okay you know how coho!rafes gf is always super sassy and animated? So like what if one day she’s acting super off and down and rafe is like??? Bc she’s never been that way and she breaks down in front of him for the first time 🥺🥺🥺
wow this was lowkey cathartic.
sorry i am BAD at emotion but this is usually how it goes for me: bottle shit up and then explode at someone you love - not! healthy!!!! 
anyways, enjoy!
rafe was playing video games shirtless on the couch when you came home, announcing your late arrival via a slammed door.
“hi babe.” he offered, eyes glued to the screen, where he was shooting...something. “no, not you topper. shut up.” 
“hi.” you grunted, throwing your work bag on the table, kicking your heels off in the foyer. 
it had been a BITCH of a day - you had gone into your internship, expecting to finish up a project you had been editing all week, only to find it completely wiped from your hard drive. your morning was dedicated to trying to relocate your missing project - multiple phone calls to IT, a panicked text exchange with your mom, a desperate plea to your co-worker, who just shrugged and said, “you should have backed it up on your external.”
your lunch was spent getting screamed at by your boss, insisting that you piece something together before going home (also berating you for not backing the project up to your external hard drive.)
your afternoon (and evening) was spent recreating a shitty, dumbed down version of your project - you stared at the monitor with tears in your eyes, hand shaking as you attempted to put a two-week project together in 8 hours.
by the time you commuted home (a solid 40 minutes), you were completely and totally defeated - all you wanted was a hot shower and sleep.
you dragged your ass up the stairs, rafe’s voice yelling into his headset fading into the background as you made it into his room, immediately heading for the shower. 
you were so exhausted, you sat on the floor of the shower, letting the scalding hot water rain down over your shoulders, as you tried to muster up the energy to wash your hair.
by the time you emerged from the shower, skin red and pruned, it was near midnight. too exhausted to hunt down pajamas, you let your body collapse onto the bed, wrapped in nothing but a towel.
you felt pathetic.
you weren’t used to the feeling - normally, you liked challenges, thrived in adversity - but this job was different. despite it initially being your “dream job” with a “dream company, you were completely out of your comfort zone. 
you were thrown into an arena where you didn’t know as much as your coworkers, and despite your effort, you still managed to fuck up the little things (or, in this case - a big thing). you had never NOT been good at something - and it sucked.
you noticed you were crying the same time you noticed the bedroom door opening, rafe’s voice breaking your internal monologue - “babe?”
“what?” you snapped, quickly wiping any evidence of emotion off your face.
rafe frowned, stepping into the room, “i just wanted to see what you were doing - you didn’t come down after you showered.”
you scoffed, “okay, next time i want to take a long shower and lay down, i’ll confirm with you. sorry.”
“woah!” rafe held his hands up in surrender. “babe, it wasn’t an accusation - i just wanted to see if you were okay -”
“i’m fine, rafe.” you cut him off, looking down at your nails.
“you don’t seem -”
“what, rafe!” you yelled. “what the fuck do you want from me? i’m tired, i worked all day, leave me alone.”
“i want you to talk to me!” rafe growled. “you don’t fucking talk to me - ever since you started this job. you come home upset, and you shut me out!”
“fine! you wanna talk? let’s fucking talk.” you swung your feet off the bed, sitting upright. “i fucking hate my internship. i fucking commute 40 minutes one way, at the ass crack of dawn, only to get ignored by my coworkers, and screamed at by my boss. i have no idea what the fuck i’m doing, i’ve cried in the bathroom stall FOUR times this week, and now, i fucked up a massive project that i was really -” your voice was starting to crack at this point, hot tears sliding down your cheeks. “REALLY fucking proud of.”
you were really starting to cry at this point, completely overwhelmed from your day. “i just don’t know what the fuck to do. i thought this was what i wanted, but i don’t. i don’t fucking want to do this anymore. i don’t want to feel like this anymore.” you whispered, burying your face in your hands.
you felt the mattress next to you dip. next thing you knew, you were in rafe’s lap, cradled in his arms as you sobbed, all of the emotions from the first two months of your job releasing in that moment.
“i’m sorry.” he murmured, running his hand up and down your back. “i didn’t realize you felt like this - i’m sorry you felt like this.”
“s’not your fault.” you hiccuped, catching your breath. “i didn’t really want you to know it wasn’t going well - i thought it would get better.”
“you know you can always come and vent about this shit with me, right?” rafe asked, thumbing fresh tears from your cheeks. “i know you like to be on top of everything and in control, but you don’t have to pretend with me. i’m not going to judge you.”
you shrugged - it wasn’t easy for you to get vulnerable. “i just -”
“no. baby, look at me.” rafe’s voice was stern.
you looked up, meeting his stare.
“you don’t have to be perfect at everything you do. you don’t have to get shit right the first time, every time. so this job sucks - fuck it, that’s why you take internships in college. now you know what you don’t like. finish out strong - like i know you will, because you attack everything in life with an insane amount of determination, and we can figure out other options for you in the spring.” 
your bottom lip quivered, fresh tears filling your eyes.
“shit, baby - was that not - i didn’t mean -” rafe fumbled over his words, hands going to cup your face.
“no! no, that was -” you hiccuped, tears spilling. “fuck. that was exactly what i needed to hear.”
rafe exhaled, the momentary panic leaving his body. “you’re so fucking talented - and you’re so fucking hard on yourself. just...just come talk to me, next time. we’re in this shit together, baby. i want to help.”
you sucked in a shaky breath, leaning up to hook your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, “love you. mean it.”
“love you too.”
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writeofmind · 4 years
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Genre: fluff!
Pairing: Rosé x Reader
Type: Scenario
@vagabondalchemist: Hello! I just found your blog. Ehee! Can I request for a jealous gf!rosé where reader visited their dorm and promised some quality hang-out and cuddle time with chaeng but unintentionally ignores her because of lisa ( cockblocking lol XD ) and her four cats. Thank you in advance, author-nim! :)
A/N: I completely see this happening bc Lisa just seems like such a fun person that you’d get distracted, and rosé would absolutely hate it LOL. enjoy!
rosé💓: You’re still coming over, right? 🥺
You glanced over at your phone that rested on your desk, laughing at the message that popped up on your phone. That was the third time she’s asked in the span of 2 hours.
you: yes, chae. 😂 i promise i’ll be there right after work!
rosé💓: okay. sorry i keep asking, i just miss you 🥺🥺
A smile crossed your face. You loved that even after being together for a while, Rosé was still just as loving as she was when you first began dating.
you: don’t be sorry baby, i miss you too!! i’ll see you in a bit :)
rosé💓: and you promise we’ll have our cuddle time?? last time, we both fell asleep and didn’t even watch the show!
you: hey, you fell asleep first! i promise, we will. lol, i’ll see you soon, chae <3
Locking your phone and putting it away, you continued working, now with a little bounce in your step from the excitement of seeing your girlfriend later.
When you pulled up to your girlfriend’s dorm, you were sure that she was peeking out of the window waiting for you because she hardly let you get out of the car before bursting out the front door, running to jump into a hug.
“Jesus, Chae!” you laughed as she wrapped her arms and legs around your body, “You scared me!”
Rosé only let out excited squeals that sounded oddly similar to a dolphin. You squeezed her back, all while carrying the giant baby back through the front door where the rest of her members sat in front of the T.V.
“Hey, y/n!” Lisa called out.
“Liiiissssaaaaaa!” You jumped (still holding Rosé, mind you), and the two of you began high fiving and slapping each other as if you haven’t seen each other in months.
Jennie and Jisoo were already rolling their eyes and laughing at you two. They called out and waved to you as well, and you went over to hug them when Rosé finally climbed down from you.
“Rosie has not stopped talking about you coming over tonight,” Jennie pointed to your girlfriend, who blushed, “she’s literally so excited.”
You laughed and kissed the back of Rosé’s hand as you sat back on the couch. “I can only imagine. She was texting me all day, too. But I can’t blame her, I was excited too!”
“We’ll let you guys use the T.V, so we’ll talk later!” Jisoo waved and grabbed her snacks that laid across the table, “We made food earlier, y/n, so eat if you haven’t yet.”
You thanked the girls as they all left the living room and went into their rooms. Now, you turned to Rosé with a wide smile, seeing her already staring at you with stars in her eyes. 
“Hi, baby,” you laughed, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too!” She jumped back into your arms again, “I’m so glad I get to see you today.”
Rosé happily put on a movie for the two of you, and as you guys cuddled and planted soft kisses on each other’s foreheads, she hummed. You guys haven’t seen each other in a couple weeks due to her prepping for the girl’s comeback, and she seemed like she needed a break from the cameras and the work.
“You look so pretty in your teasers, babe,” you pinched her cheeks, “I almost couldn’t tell it was you, you looked so scary!”
Rosé giggled in your hands, and you swore you could’ve turned to putty in that moment. She burrowed herself into your neck, sighing contently at just you being there with her. Just as you turned to look at her, you both leaned in, and—
“Yo! Y/n! Chaeyoung!” Lisa suddenly came bolting from her room with her cat hanging from her hands, “Do you see this?!”
Rosé jumped out of your hold (leaving you with half-puckered lips) and looked at Lisa in surprise. “What’s wrong!?”
“Look! Does Leo seem fat to you?”
You stared at Lisa in disbelief before doubling over in laughter. She stood there with Leo dangling from her hold, looking a little irritated as she did so.
“Lisa, no. What makes you say that?” Rosé raised an eyebrow at the younger girl.
Lisa huffed. “Literally everyone keeps saying he looks fat. He doesn’t, right?”
Leo wiggled out of Lisa’s grasp and hopped along the floor until he landed in your lap. You smiled at him and began to scratch behind his ears, chuckling at his purrs. “No, I don’t think he looks fat. It’s just his fur.” You poked around Leo’s stomach, “I’m sure people just say that because they know you’ll reply to them.”
Lisa groaned and walked over to where you and Rosé were. “Ugh, I guess so. I wish they wouldn’t.”
Before you knew it, three other cats managed to bolt their way out of Lisa’s room and right over to the living room.
“Lisa, your cats!!” Rosé laughed and pointed at them jumping around the couches, “Your door!”
“Oops! Sorry, guys!”
You laughed as the cats climbed all around you. “It’s fine, Lis, they seem like they haven’t had space to run around all day,” you scratched Luca’s chin (who was now on your shoulder). You didn’t catch Rosé’s squinted eyes at the side of your head.
“Yeah, they’ve pretty much been inside my room all day. I haven’t gone anywhere, really,” Lisa sat on the couch now, sandwiching Rosé in the middle, and let her cat settle on her lap. Rosé’s eyes squinted even more, unknown to the two of you on her side.
Before long, you and Lisa were going on and on about some new video game that was in the works for release, all while Rosé sat back on the couch with crossed arms. You and Lisa were always able to go on such long and meaningless rants, and the girls were pretty sure that’s why you got along so well.
A couple hours passed and the movie continued to play, forgotten in the background. When you leaned forward to ask Lisa something regarding her piercings for the comeback, you could feel an icy glare at the back of your head.
You didn’t dare turn around, terrified at what you might see. Instead, you let your eyes slowly follow the glare, until you met eyes with your girlfriend, who looked eerily similar to an overpowered anime villain. The pure look of irritation on her face sent chills down your spine, and was that a black cloud surrounding her?! You let your eyes wander slowly back to Lisa, who was still happily chatting and playing with her cats.
You sat frozen in your spot but still nodded along and carried on you and Lisa’s conversation, all until Lisa’s phone began to ring in her room.
“Oh, sorry guys, I’ll go answer that. I didn’t mean to hold you up!” Lisa stood and began herding her cats to her room, “I’ll leave you two now. Have fun!” She waved and gave a warm smile. You waved her off and sat straight up on the couch.
When you turned to look at your girlfriend, her eyes were glued to you, eyebrows furrowed and arms and legs crossed. You gave her a weak smile and moved closer to her.
“Heyyy, babe...” You reached out for her but was only met with the same cold eyes.
“Don’t touch me.” Rosé turned her head from you and stuck her head up. Guilt suddenly overcame you, and you shrunk into the cushions.
“Sorry, baby,” you pleaded and scooted closer (she scooted further away), “I didn’t even realize we talk so much...”
Rosé raised an eyebrow at you. You could already hear her voice: “How could you not realize??” You felt tiny under her gaze, and felt yourself shrinking into a tiny ball of shame.
“You’re a TRAITOR.” Rosé huffed, turned her entire body away from you (a sign that she was REALLY angry), and only gave you small glances over her shoulder.
“Noooooo!” You threw your hands up in defeat and wrapped your arms around her to pull her into your lap, “I’m soooorrryyyy!”
Rosé struggled to get out of your grasp, but you squeezed her tightly and tried your best to hide your laughter, though you were pretty sure you heard a giggle come from her.
“I’m so sorry baby! Look, it’s not that late, we can start the movie over, or watch another one,” you tried to bargain with her to calm her nerves, “I’ll even go out and get us more snacks—”
The absolute power in her voice stopped you in your tracks. Oh god, she was about to rip into you—
“All I want is to spend time and cuddle with you.” Hands were suddenly cupping and squeezing your cheeks together, “Just spend time with me now.”
Looking at your girlfriend, you could see that she wasn’t even angry at all. She gave you a mischievous smile that told you everything you needed to know; you just played right into her little ploy to get your attention back.
“Oh, you’re sneaky.” You raised an eyebrow at her, earning a small laugh in return. You leaned in to give her a quick kiss.
“Tell you what,” you began, Rosé humming against your lips and wrapping her arms around your neck, “I spend the night tonight, and tomorrow, we can go on a date and do whatever you want. How’s that?”
Rosé gave you a huge smile, pulling you back in for a kiss. “Fine. Sounds good to me.”
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - The Girls and Their Ghosts
For @evaroze, a sweet gal who inspired me with her super kawaii art. I hope you enjoyed it! And a special shout out goes to @stephreynaart and her comic, who never fails to make me laugh and I couldn’t help but include it in this piece. (There may or may not be a part 2...)
(slight name change to better fit a cute headcanon)
“Sorry, sorry!”
“Oh, dear me!”
“Stanley, calm down.”
Ford rolled his eyes with a smile on his worn face, weather-beaten and tired, but he continually ran after his twin. Despite the fact that their bodies would hate them for this later, they ran through the hospital as fast as they could. They weren’t this late when Soos had his son. Luck just hadn’t been by their side this time.
After battling a fierce storm to reach the coastline, finding the Stanmobile and having to explain why they were picking it up earlier than scheduled, racing to the center of the state, and parking in an emergency handicap spot, the old sailors in their mid-eighties used all of their strength to reach the Gravity Falls Hospital in time. While Ford was beyond jubilant, Stan was the most frantic and spirited, but that didn’t mean Ford didn’t punch three jerks in the face when confronted at the docks and that he would have no issue using a recovered memory gun to wipe some cops’ memories of a speeding Diablo.
Stan jammed the button for the elevator a few times, decided it was too slow, and bolted to the stairs. Ford followed, pulling out his magnet gun, and called, “Stanley, grab hold of me!”
Inside the stair-covered hallway, Stan grabbed his brother tightly and Ford shot upward, zapping them up a few floors and they landed like cats at the door to the sixth floor. They ran down the hall and Stan counted the doors. “Four… five… six… damn it, where’s eighteen?!”
“Grunkle Stan?”
Stan would recognize that voice anywhere. He ran faster (Ford didn’t think that was even possible) and around the corner Mabel, Gideon, Soos, and Dipper and Mabel’s parents were in a small waiting lobby. Mabel skipped to the old men happily, letting her orange-haired fiancee stay behind at a safe distance, and she hugged them tightly. Ford and Stan squeezed her tightly, haven’t seen her since the summer, the old tradition of a long reunion still going strong, and they soon let her go to have a look at the beautiful young lady with long brown hair, eyes that matched their own, and black lips with pink eyeshadow.
“Well?” Ford huffed, low on oxygen.
“She’s fine, everything’s okay.” Mabel giggled and patted their shoulders. “Any minute now.”
“We did miss it?” Stan checked hopefully.
“Nope!” Mabel said cheerfully. “They wanted to be alone for this, but when the baby’s born we can all go in.”
Stan held his pounding chest and collapsed into a chair. Soos was there to pat his shoulder and welcome him home, to which he immediately asked where his grandson was and if he was too cool for him now, but Soos just laughed and said that Melody would bring him once everything had calmed down.
An hour or so passed before nurses and the doctor started to leave the room. A few more minutes passed with everyone watching the door carefully and soon a very tired-looking Dipper emerged, pinching the bridge of his nose with a bandaged hand. It was amazing how much he resembled the men before him, sturdy and strong like his Grunkle Stan, but still fluffy and favored layers of clothing, like his Grunkle Ford. Like most men in the family, he required glasses, which he happily sported, alongside a small golden band on his left hand and a brown fur coat an old friend had given to him as a wedding present. Dipper had a little bit of stubble, promising a short old dutch beard and possibly a mustache (Stan prayed not a stupid mustache), and despite the bags under his eyes and the tiniest bit of redness that circles his soft brown spears, the windows to his soul sparkled with pure joy and his smile was radiant.
In an instant, his twin sister ran to him and he engulfed her in a huge hug, one that swept her off her feet and spun her around and made her giggle like the child she was at heart. Mabel eventually let him go to ruffle his hair and then asked, “So…”
Dipper grinned, his eyes sweeping the area to see who had arrived in time, and he croaked, his throat thick with emotion, “It’s a girl.”
Mabel squealed and bounced like there were springs at the bottom of her heels. Their parents high-fived and the new grandmother looked close to tears. Soos punched Gideon’s shoulder with a smile. Stan sneakily handed Ford a ten dollar bill, both grinning widely at the arrival of their first great-grandniece. God, that made them sound ancient.
“Congratulations, Dipper!” Ford cheered and clapped a six-fingered hand on his shoulder.
“So when can we see the little princess?” Stan asked with a huge smile.
“Right now,” Dipper said and opened the door for the small crowd.
Stan slipped his beanie off and held it with hands that trembled with excitement. Every time he was allowed in a delivery room had been special. Dipper and Mabel being born had been both painful and joyful, being the first new family members that didn’t hate him or pity him. Jacob Stanley Ramirez’s birth had been honorable with tears and hugs and no hint of pain, though Stan never became a father like he had once dreamed, he was now a grandfather. Now, his own little niblings had a baby to call their own. Stan had been terrified that he might not live to see this day, so he was grateful that not only he got to be here, but that Ford was here with him.
In the bed, freshly cleaned, tired, and glowing with pride and love, Pacifica held a pink bundle in her arms. Dipper was by her side soon enough, rubbing her shoulders and kissing her forehead in thanks. Her smirk immediately went to the old men, but it was too distracted by a trembling, squealing woman her age.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Paz, she’s perfect!”
“You haven’t even seen her yet, Mabel.”
“Don’t care, she’s my niece, therefore she’s perfect!”
“Well, come here and meet your goddaughter.” Dipper chuckled.
Mabel was suddenly deadly still, the still-est she had been all day. With the color drained from her face and making her look like a vampire thanks to her mixture of pink and black outfit, she whispered, “I’m… I’m…”
The new parents nodded with supportive smiles. “No one’s better for the job, hon.” Pacifica said earnestly.
Mabel could only bite her lip as she stood by her twin and peered down at the bundle.
Stan and Ford stood by her side, now at the foot of the bed, and awed at the sight. A teeny tiny head was swaddled in the midst of the soft blanket. It was like when Stan saw those newborn twins all over again. A blank canvas with small resemblances to their parents. Stan swore this gal had that Pines’ baby button nose and she somehow already had that perfect Northwest skin complexion. His opinion may be biased, but who cares? This baby was the most beautiful Stan had ever seen (right next to his other kids, duh).
“Wow…” Stan choked. “She’s p-p-pretty.”
“Stanley, are you crying?” Ford chuckled.
“Shaddup.” He said weakly and wiped his wet eyes with his arm.
Pacifica smiled warmly and offered, “Wanna hold her, you old fart?”
With a quick cough and a clearing of his throat, Stan nodded and sat in the offered chair by Pacifica’s side. At this point the old man was an expert on accepting babies and how to hold them properly. He had been practicing since he was seventeen and got to hold Shermie’s son, who today became a grandfather and looked ready to fight Stan for a chance to hold the baby.
However, this time was different. Stan couldn’t be selfish with his time with her. She had tons of other people to love her and make sure she was happy. She didn’t need him. So much unlike Stan, who fought Shermie for five more minutes to hold the twins, and who held Jacob for hours as he cried silently, he let Ford hold the newborn after a few minutes and was content in watching. The rapid trip had tired him out.
“What’s her name?” Ford asked his grandnephew.
“Angelina Susan.” Dipper said proudly.
Everyone was merciful enough to ignore how wet Pacifica’s eyes were.
Ford had been having a conversation with Dipper over mugs of coffee while Stan entertained Angel when the conversation accidentally morphed into a monologue of Dipper explaining the progress of his ghost-hunting show to his old idol. Ford was listening. Or, half-listening.
As it was customary, Stan found a new snuggle buddy by letting Dipper’s daughter sleep on his chest, a hand over Angel protectively. The baby was almost a year old now and slept with her thumb in her mouth with dirty-blonde hair that she inherited from both parents. Ford smiled at the bright child. While Stan had always been amazing with children, there was something special about Angel that Ford couldn’t quite shake. Seeing her so happy and at peace made him feel the same way.
Later that night, Ford was in the kitchen for something to drink when he heard the start of a baby’s cries. He and Stan were staying with Dipper and Pacifica for the holidays this year while the Mystery Shack was undertaking repairs, and so the old sailor had no issue assisting with the baby if he could to repay the parents for their hospitality by letting them sleep. In his cozy blue flannel pajamas, Ford quietly entered Angel’s nursery and peeked inside, his ears cursed with the stressed cries and he was determined to solve whatever problem the baby had and to put her at ease.
Angel’s cries morphed into whimpers at the sight of the old man above her crib. Her lip trembled and she held her little arms up for him. Ford chuckled and gently scooped her up. “Oh, it’s alright, my dear. It’s alright. I’m here.” He cooed softly and rubbed her back, letting Angel rest her tiny head on his shoulder. “What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
Ford ran through his big head for a diagnosis of Angel’s distress. No bad smells, no sign of pain or injury. She might be hungry, Ford thought, but just as he was about to leave with her for the kitchen to try to find some milk to give her, the aged scientist noticed something. Angel was holding him very tight. Though she was no longer wailing, she was still crying, even trembling a little, but she did not feel cold. Ford re-positioned Angel to feel her forehead, but she did not feel warm. He then saw her beautiful baby blue eyes and knew what was wrong. Angel had been terrified by something.
Ford smiled softly and held her by his shoulder again to rub her back and he swayed slightly where he stood. “It’s alright, it’s alright, my lovely. It was only a nightmare. They all go away eventually, trust me.”
He and Angel slowly settled into the rocker for restless babies and Ford gently pushed back and forward. Angel was no longer crying now, still clinging onto her uncle’s pajamas tightly, like he was a lifeline, but she was starting to calm down and understand that she was safe. “That’s it, my little angel, that’s it.” Ford praised her quietly.
A quick glance outside told him that it had started to snow in the middle of the night. He smiled at the idea of playing with Angel in the morning, wrapped up like Eskimos and enjoying the gift nature had provided. An old song came to mind and so Ford hummed it quietly to the baby. Perhaps Ma had sung it a fair few times, or maybe it was a brand new tune Ford had made up. Who knows? Regardless, soon Angel was fast asleep and the old man had no strength to get up, so Dipper would simply have to find them in the morning and sneak a picture for jokes and memories.
Three years passed. Angel was a bubbly, curious child with a pair of baby twin sisters, Stella and Estelle. It was nice to know Dipper and Mabel wouldn’t be the only set of twins in the family. Mabel and Gideon had their own family, Jacob had even grown up and graduated high-school just a few weeks ago. Stan was beyond proud, and the last four years on land with Dipper and his family to help around the house and practically work at the Mystery Shack had brought its own joys as did sailing around the world. But he was tired.
Ford held his hand when he didn’t have the strength one morning to get out of bed. They had been silent, simply enjoying each other’s presence, for they had already said everything that needed to be said. Not only said it, but said it a million times in the years they had spent sailing around the world and retiring in Gravity Falls together. But Ford wanted to assure his brother of one thing, detecting how hard he was fighting to stay.
He cleared his throat, squeezed his twin’s hand, and croaked, “You can let go, Stanley.”
Stan chuckled weakly. “Nah, I ain’t ready to go. Believe it or not, there’s still something I wanna stick around for.”
Ford smiled at that. He had feared that after so many years of neglect and only staying alive because he had something to do, that when there was nothing to do, he wouldn’t have the will to stay. He was beyond relieved to discover he was wrong. “What is that?”
Stan gave his brother a cocky look, despite being so tired and weak. “My family, Sixer. I’m not leaving them anytime soon.”
Ford found that he completely understood, and privately agreed. “Neither am I.”
Not many people thought Ford would last long after Stan died, but the eldest twin managed to stick around for five years before he died of a peaceful heart attack in his sleep. The Pines family were saddened, but they were also happy that the brothers were reunited and that they had both lived full and happy lives. And they knew them well enough to know they would not have been pleased if everyone was sad and made their names taboo.
Angel remembered her grunkles vividly. She was eight when Grunkle Ford died and she took it hard, being very close to him and admiring him like her father before her had, but her family helped her get through it and Dipper assured her daughter that he was happy. That was all Angel cared about.
There were times she enjoyed being a big sister, and times she didn’t. Stella and Estelle caused so much trouble and were the biggest handful anyone had ever seen. Ford once said before he died that the girls gave him and Stan a run for their money. It was like the girls had unknowingly accepted a challenge, and now were pure trouble-making terrors that kept Gravity Falls interesting thanks to their father’s curiosity and their mother’s attitude.
One night, when Angel was ten, she left her room for a glass of water or milk, something to satisfy her thirst, and she tiptoed across the dark house with a smile, the glow of the moon creating squares on the floor through the windows, perfect for quiet hopscotch. Angel stopped at the fireplace that showcased so many old photos. There was the picture of Mommy and Grandma Susan in the diner, waitresses together, and pictures of weddings, fishing trips, holidays, and just hanging out with Aunt Mabel and Uncle Gideon and Uncle Soos and Jacob. One picture Angel carefully picked up and smiled at.
She was only a baby in this picture, maybe a few weeks old, and Grunkle Ford was holding her as he sat in an armchair (she had seen that same chair at the Mystery Shack), with Grunkle Stan leaning against the seat, ruffling his brother’s hair and smiling at the baby. Angel became a little sad; she didn’t remember Grunkle Stan as well as she remembered Grunkle Ford, but she loved them both and missed them. She took the framed photograph with her into the kitchen and looked at it as she drank her water at the table, remembering all she could.
Angel could remember the sound of Grunkle Ford’s voice. It was low and heavy, but soft and comforting, like a weighted blanket. He used that voice to read her stories, using a different voice or accent for each character and even doing the sound effects, whether Angel asked him to or not. She could also remember him and Aunt Mabel knitting and showing Angel how to do it. She didn’t have the patience to learn, but she liked watching the yarn magically turn into clothing and listening to the two swap stories.
Angel can remember Grunkle Ford’s shadow puppets. He was the best at it, and sometimes he would shine a light against a wall, build a mini pillow fort for Angel to rest on, and make pictures on the wall with his special hands. Susie had a vague memory of once saying she wishes she had six fingers so she was more like Grunkle Ford. And he may or may not have started to cry, though Angel to this day had no idea why.
As for Grunkle Stan she mostly only remembered him through Grunkle Ford; Angel was only three when Grunkle Stan died, and all she could remember independently was a very distinct laugh and his smile, but she could remember everything Grunkle Ford said about him and the stories he told. Everyone always said how great Grunkle Stan was, despite being a conman. Angel grinned at the idea of having such amazing relatives, both old men cunning and crafty and willing to do anything for their families. She really missed them.
Angel sighed and left her empty glass alone to put the picture back on the fireplace. As she passed the TV, a video tape fell out of a box below the screen, though she could have sworn she had never touched it. Angel grinned at that; she had a feeling something funny had happened before, but she told herself grief was imagining something that wasn’t there.
She picked up the tape and grinned to find a familiar cursive handwriting on some tape on the top of the black box. Angel quickly slid it into the very old machine and turned on the TV quietly, then sat on the carpeted floor before the glowing screen. What she saw made her jubilant and she had to bite her lip to keep from squealing.
Thirty minutes later she hurried to her sisters’ bedroom and shook them away, climbing on the ladder of the bunk-bed to reach Estelle and kicking Stella awake. “Girls! Get up!”
“What?” Estelle snorted, rubbing her eyes.
“Why?” Stella groaned, burying her head under her pillow.
“There’s something you gotta see, now c’mon!” Angel urged and eventually pulled the twins by their wrists out of bed and practically dragged them out of the room.
Stella and Estelle were a bit less pissed when they saw the TV was on and all Angel wanted was for them to watch something, so they settled on the couch with their sister and Angel re-winded it to a certain point. The twins gasped to find an uncle they didn’t remember on screen.
“My name’s Stanley Pines.” He said seriously, in his beanie, boxers, slippers, and stained undershirt, sitting in his famous armchair. “I was sixty-seven when I made this tape, but now… I’m dead.” He said in a low voice with a strained face and wide eyes, then wiggled his fingers and asked with laughter in his throat, “Trapped in a box underground! Pretty spooky, huh? Haha!”
There it was! That laugh Angel could so distinctly remember. She grinned at hearing that laugh again and glanced down at her sisters, both wide-eyed with wonder.
A sharp voice that was slightly more recognizable interrupted Grunkle Stan’s laugh. “Stanley!” Grunkle Ford scolded behind the camera, while Grunkle Stan rolled his eyes. “Stan, this is for future Pines generations, the children Dipper and Mabel will have that we might not get to meet, their grandchildren! Surely you have a message you want to leave them.”
“Alright alright, I do.” Grunkle Stan said and smiled at the camera as he pointed at his audience. “Remember to work hard and that family always comes first. Also,” Now Grunkle Stan grew slightly more serious again. “I have several pounds of gold and millions in unmarked bills in a safe buried under the Shack, next to the…” His face suddenly dropped, and then their grunkle went on to over-exaggerate, putting a hand to his chest to fake a heart attack, then proceeded to limp over his chair with his tongue sticking out, making dying noises.
As the twins were laughing loudly and probably waking up their parents and Angel tried to shush them but was giggling nonetheless, the camera spun around and Grunkle Ford appeared on screen. “I’m sorry, kids, but this is what I have to work with.” Then he raised an eyebrow annoyingly as Grunkle Stan continued to make dying noises.
Angel paused the TV as the girls tried to silence their laughter, but despite Stella biting her shirt and Estelle holding her breath until she was blue, all three couldn’t help but laugh, not only from the comedic scene recorded for them, but the overwhelming joy they had from seeing their grunkles. Not only seeing their grunkles, but via a message they had created just for them.
Stella wiped a teary eye and asked, “Is that it?”
Angel shook her head. “No, there’s thirty minutes of Grunkle Ford just talking to us and showing us their favorite things, even the Stan O’ War. That was just my favorite part.”
“Forget sleep!” Stella said and ran off for the kitchen. “Start the movie over! I’ll make popcorn!”
“I’ll get the drinks!” Estelle volunteered and followed her twin to the kitchen.
Angel smiled, loving the idea of seeing her family again, and alone in the room, she could feel a presence she couldn’t quite explain, but she looked at the old men in the photograph above the fireplace and whispered, “Thanks, guys. I miss you.”
Meanwhile, invisible to the Earth they dwelled on, Stan stood by his niece with his brother by his side. Proudly grinning, he clamped a hand over Ford’s shoulder and said, “They love us!”
Ford smiled and chuckled, his eyes still on his little angel, who looked at the picture hungrily. With any luck, she won’t miss them for much longer.
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cantgetoutofmyheda · 4 years
Omg can you write a one shot where Lexa is paid by her college peers to write love letters to their gfs/ppl they want to date. So Finn asks her to write for Clarke and it becomes a constant. Until one day clarke goes up to her and says I know its you
OKAY. So this has been sitting in my asks for like a year. There will be a few (but short-ish) parts to this. And before anyone asks, this is not based off of “The Half of It” ... but here ya go.
It was Polis Record’s fault. Lexa’s atrocious week was definitely Polis Record’s fault. Had Titus not been a complete asshat of a manager and dicked the schedule around, Lexa certainly wouldn’t be having this predicament. Had Lexa’s hours not have been cut back, she wouldn’t be where she was. Had Lexa not known that her next paycheck would be half of what it normally was, she wouldn’t be writing a fake love letter to the devastatingly beautiful girl in her Astronomy class. Had Finn Collins not offered her cash to do so, she wouldn’t be writing this letter on his behalf, even though she was the one that’s had an earth-shattering crush on the recipient ever since their Freshmen orientation, four long years ago.
Let’s rewind.
“Titus, are you kidding me?” Lexa huffed at the bald-headed man who was scurrying around the break room like a headless chicken. “You did what?”
“Lexa, listen,” he tried to calm her down. “The schedule will be back to normal before you know it. I had to hire her. There wasn’t another way around it.”
She was mad. No. More than mad, “There was. But you just didn’t have the balls to tell your mistress’ best friend that you already had a full roster of people on your fucking schedule.”
“Can you keep it down!” He hissed. “This is temporary. I’m sorry. I couldn’t dock my cousin, okay? The schedule will even itself back out. You’ll be back to selling these shitty, scratched up vinyls in no time. Ride it out for two weeks, it won’t kill you.”
What he didn’t realize was that two weeks of half-pay because of shitty scheduling could actually kill her. He just didn’t realize that. There was the pressure of doing well in school, that was one thing. But there was also the pressure of doing well enough to keep her GPA high enough to keep her partial scholarship. And then the pressure of her shitty part-time job at the local record store to help make early payments to her student loans so she wouldn’t have to worry about crippling herself into debt once she figured out what to do with a fucking degree in Geology.
“Two weeks,” she warned him as she started to storm out. “This better be fixed in two weeks, Titus.”
Spoiler alert: Two weeks had come and gone, and Lexa was still screwed off of her work schedule.
“C’mon,” Finn pleaded at Lexa’s side. He had managed to weasel his way into the vestibule of Lexa’s apartment building. “I took that writing class with you last year. I know you’re good. I just need one letter. Typed. That’s it.”
She was already on the verge of a massive outburst after her conversation with Titus. The dickwad that he was, managed to screw her hours up for another week, even though he promised he wouldn’t, “This is not a good time, Finn. Seriously.”
“$200.” He stood tall in front of her. “$200 in cash right now, and all you need to do is type up a page of words that will have her vaguely interested in the person who wrote it, and that’s it. $200 right now. If you do this, then I’ll never bother you for anything again.” He scratched the back of his neck, “Listen, I just need a good way in. I can take the rest from there, okay?”
$200 was enough to cover a good portion of what she would be missing out on for the week. $200 was enough to get by. $200 was enough to get her mind to start churning.
“$300 and it’s a deal,” she tried to match his height. She straightened her back and broadened her shoulders as far as she could.
He laughed at the request, “You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
“You’re the one that needs me,” she reminded me.
He let out a huff and pulled another Benjamin out of his leather wallet and clumped it with the other two. “Fine,” he shook his head as he handed her the wad of cash.
Lexa nodded as she took the money. She buried the pang of guilt she felt into her pocket, alongside the earnings she just made and was ready to make way up the two flights of stairs when she felt Finn grab her arm.
“Hey,” he called out. “Wait a sec. I started a letter already, but didn’t get very far. You can just go off of this,” he handed her a folded piece of paper.
She opened it and read it aloud, “Have you ever felt like you couldn’t breathe? Like the weight of everything you’ve been carrying has amounted to this one moment in your life? Like there’s this burden placed so heavy on your chest that has left your lungs struggling for any ounce of air?”
Finn nodded as the words poured out of Lexa’s mouth. He was more than proud of what he thought was eloquently poetic. Lexa’s look of confusion went missed by him as he crossed his arms over his chest, “Pretty good, right?”
“Finn,” she deadpanned. “It sounds like you just described having the fucking Spanish Flu. I’m not using this. You sound like a serial killer.”
“What?” he yelped. “It’s poetic!”
“It’s a terrifying beginning to what’s supposed to be a love letter,” she deadpanned again. She shook her head as she finally made her way to the flight of stairs, “Give me a few days, I’ll come up with what we need.”
He rolled his eyes, “Fine. But you better make it good.”
She made it good. She made it really fucking good.
Clarke ran her fingertips over the paper as she scanned the words again. She had no idea who had left it for her—she walked into the lecture hall a few minutes early, as she normally did, and saw an envelope pinned to the corkboard with “Clarke” scribbled on it. She looked around, wanted to see if anyone in particular was looking in her direction. It was the usual suspects that always got to class a little bit early. Monty, the one who was always quiet in class but loudest at the neighborhood bar during happy hour. Echo, the girl who always sat in the back row and snoozed as soon as the professor opened her mouth. Finn, the boy who always found a way to have an uncalled for argument with the professor. Lexa, the one who was always in the front row and tended to herself.
Not a single one of them was paying her a piece of mind, so she let her eyes scan the letter one last time before the room filled up.
I was sitting on the lawn behind the library catching up on reading for a class last week. I was skimming through Voltaire’s words:
“Sensual pleasure passes and vanishes, but the friendship between us, the mutual confidence, the delight of the heart, the enchantment of the soul, these things do not perish and can never be destroyed.”
This particular passage struck a chord with me, and it was mostly because when I looked up after reading it, I immediately saw you consoling who I’d assume to be a friend of yours. I’m not sure what had happened, but she looked like she was crying and you showed up with a blanket to sit on, a bowl of fresh fruit, and sat with her and listened intently while she spoke. It was life imitating art, right before my eyes.
Voltaire’s writing is mostly straight and to the point. It isn’t hard to decipher the messages he often tries to relay, but it was most certainly a breath of fresh air to finish that passage to find a parallel to present day. Your actions on that lawn helped me see things a little clearer.
I suppose I just wanted to thank you for that. SO, thank you for being the catalyst for making something in my brain click.
Before I close this letter off, I do have a question for you. And if you feel so inclined to indulge and answer it, you can drop it back into the envelope where you found this one and pin it back to the board.
Has anything happened to you recently that struck a chord? Something that stood out to you, but you haven’t had a chance to dive deeper into it? I’d like to know.
Enjoy your week, Clarke.
Upon tucking the printed note under her laptop, she took another look around the hall, which was now practically full. She moved her computer to the side and pulled a notepad out of her bag. The professor had started her lecture, but Clarke’s mind wandered from the images pulled up on the projector from the Spritzer space telescope as her pen started to move across the page.
I believe you’re at an unfair advantage here. You know my name. You know what I look like. Yet I have absolutely no idea who you are. So if you write back to this, I’m hoping you’ll share some insight on the person behind the pen (or keyboard, in your instance).
I’m happy that the interaction you saw helped bring better insight into what you were working on. Coincidentally, the friend that I was with when you saw me is also reading a Voltaire piece for an assignment. I wonder if you’re in the same class?
She’s taking “Romance Studies” as an elective. I tried to convince her that there was no point harping on what was considered to be “romantic” through archaic literary pieces that are now long gone, and replaced with mediocre-at-best Netflix series about teenage love.
It always seemed that with the way things were going in our lifetime… that all “romance” really was, was when two people swiped right on Tinder.
With that said… I guess I can honestly say that your letter is what struck a chord with me. Especially after freshly coming out of that conversation with my friend.
I don’t want to be presumptuous. But it seems that this gesture of yours, whether it was meant to be platonic, or if it was meant to imply a sense of something more, is making me realize that maybe—just maybe—the practice of sharing words on a page isn’t so archaic after all.
She was happy with the end result of what was hurriedly committed to the page. Clarke quickly tore it from her notebook and tucked the loose piece of paper back into the envelope. She scanned her fellow students to see if anyone was watching her. She slunk further into her seat and wondered if the recipient was there, sitting in that very room. Unfortunately for her, the lecture that was being given on the Nebular Theory kept the attention of every other person in the hall, so she quickly reached for her computer to start typing notes on the theory’s premise of how every planet in the system was formed.
A tedious hour later, her fellow classmates started packing up and rushed towards the exit door. Clarke took her time shutting her computer down and tucking things away into her bag. She was suddenly aware that the person who wrote to her—the person she now wrote to—could be in the room watching her to see if she had a written response back.
She waited a few more minutes, and finally deemed it safe when the last few people in the room seemed to be chatting with one another or finishing up straightening their notes from the lecture. With a big exhale, she pinned the envelope back onto the board and made a swift exit.
Lexa felt a tap to her shoulder, which caused her to look up, “What do you want?”
“I think it worked. She put the envelope back!” the excitement in Finn’s face didn’t go unnoticed.
“Okay,” Lexa lowered her head to finish writing out her notes from the class. “Job’s done.”
“I’m gonna go get it so we can read it and figure out what to do next,” he giddily let out before darting out of Lexa’s peripheral.
She let out a sigh of distaste when he came back half a minute later and pulled a chair close to where she was sitting. “Finn, you said one letter. I did it. This is on you now. And if you don’t mind, I need to finish up here,” she raised her hand, showing she was still trying to get some of her notes done.
“Fine, suit yourself,” he propped his feet onto the table in front of them while he silently read Clarke’s reply. “Hmm, Voltaire?”
The author’s name caught Lexa’s attention. She suddenly looked up to where he was sitting, “What about him?”
“I don’t know. Clarke said something about him. That’s the bad dude from Harry Potter, right?” Finn brought his attention back to the letter. “What did our letter even say? You never even showed me.”
He handed Lexa the notebook page with loopy and wide writing on it. The edges were jagged, as if Clarke did the whole thing in haste.
“What do you want me to do with that?” Lexa eyed the piece of paper.
“Read it and let me know if you think she likes me,” Finn shrugged. “But also, why didn’t you put my number or something on it?”
“Because it’ll probably take more than one letter for her to even be open to the idea of you,” Lexa chided in her reply. She let her eyes quickly scan the girlish handwriting and folded the paper back up. “She’s definitely intrigued.”
Finn finally set his feet on the floor as he leaned forward and rubbed his hands together, “Okay, great! So what do we do now?”
“We,” Lexa pointed her pen between the two of them. “Do nothing. You can write another letter and see if she wants anything to do with you, Finn.”
“C’mon,” he nudged her shoulder. “I’ll pay ya for another one. Another $300. But we need an exit plan for when we move this from letters to texting or something.”
“Her reply literally just said that we’ve opened the idea to her that letters are romantic,” Lexa shook her head. “Your take on that was to immediately turn this to a texting conversation?”
He grabbed the letter from Lexa, “What? Where’d she said that? It doesn’t say that, Lexa.” He scratched his head.
Lexa let out a defeated sigh, “Finn. She literally said something like, ‘maybe the practice of sharing words on a page isn’t so archaic’ or something. Did we not just read the same piece of paper?”
“See, Lexa,” he smiled as he patted her shoulder. “This is why I need you. Just one or two more. Same price per letter. I just need a little more help and then I’ll be outta your hair. Promise.”
She took her palm to her forehead and rubbed her thumb into her temple. One more wouldn’t hurt. Mostly because the $300 definitely wouldn’t hurt.
“Fine,” she finally let out. “One more. Give me her letter back. I’ll have our reply ready for this same class next week.”
“Excellent,” he grinned as he handed the piece of paper over to her. “You’re a lifesaver, Lexa.”
She felt anything but that. But at least it meant she’d be able to get by for the next week or two, while Titus still screwed around with her hours at the record store.
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paddingtonfan69 · 3 years
this is personal, so feel free to ignore. but i think you’ve mentioned that your gf was your best friend. how long were y’all friends before getting together? was it an instantly mutual thing? (super single over here and love hearing people’s relationship stories)
Lol honestly I love talking about this shit to the point of being frankly annoying about it so here we go buddy! You asked for it! Getting real personal under the cut like the gay ass pisces I am 🥰
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So Emily (she was like it’s fine if you use my name because tbh it’s very generic) and I actually went to college together but didn’t know each other, just had a lot of mutual friends. But then after graduation, most ppl moved to la (film school ugh) and our circles kind of became smaller and we started hanging out a lot. Especially me and Emily and this other girl became sort of a trio and we all just vibed and would like go on long drives and go dancing and such and just like be in our early 20s.
Eventually, emily and I just because really close. I remember I drove the 10 hrs home for Christmas and I jokingly asked her to make me a playlist for the drive because she is god tier at making playlists and then she made me a 10 hour playlist and also I called her on the drive and we talked for hours, even tho she was outside in the cold on the east coast, just little friend things!! She also worked near my apt and would always come over after and sometimes sleep over and she just became the person I talked to every day and told everything to, from like talking about music to her being the person I called when my grandma died.
Anyway this went on for months and I was like just another normal friend nothing to see here. At the same time I developed a crush on the third member of our trio and told Emily about it and she was kind of weird after but I was like this is becuase it will change friendship dynamics no other reason. Then one day we were going on one of our long drives just the two of us, bumping crj, as you do. We stopped at this park at like 2 am (god when I was 23, I could just not sleep??) and I was talking about this crush on our other friend and then she goes “the way you feel about her... that’s how I feel about you.”
And I was like fully BAMBOOZLED because I had no earthly clue (in retrospect duh but still), and I had just never been the kind of person ppl have crushes on and I didn’t know that she was even into women and also you know that tig notaro bit where she’s like “a woman could be going down on me and I’d be like - hey uh do you like me?” Anyway. I was shocked. And I was like you’re my best friend no matter what having you in my life is important etc etc and then we just kind of drove back. And she slept over because it was super late and I don’t think either of us wanted to be alone. And there was this moment where she fell asleep in the crook of my arm and I was like, oh this feels RIGHT in a way I never knew - this is not how one feels about their friends.
The next day she had to work and I like did some processing. I talked to my mom a lot and then talked to the other girl I had feelings for but like it was weird - as we were talking I was like oh shit what I feel for emily is so much stronger and is like actively growing inside me (does this makes sense??) and it ended up being a pretty joyful convo. So Emily and I didn’t have time to talk that day, but I wrote out this letter (gay) that was very rambling in retrospect NOT articulate and give it to her the next day, in the second she has available because she had to go to a wedding that afternoon.
So I give her the letter, she goes to the wedding, then that night a group of friends are going to this Killers dance night and halfway through, another group joins us, more friends who have just been at the this wedding. And guess who is this second group. And just, as soon as we were in the same space, there was this energy between us that hadn’t been there before and it was, like, electric. hands touching, needing to be physically next to each other at all times, just unable to stop grinning at each other, all that. Like we held hands in the uber home and she rested on my shoulder and it was just all so natural but also more thrilling than anything.
oh god this is so long but it’s almost over, THE NEXT DAY, I had to go to work (again, how did I live @ 23) and then after work I texted her and we drove again this time to different park and she was like I wrote a letter back and hers was like a little sad and like “it’s okay if you just want to be friends” and I was like “oh boy do I want to be more than friends” like at that point I was so aware FINALLY that I had been basically in love with her for our whole friendship. So we talked it out and you know kissed and then we were just together.
And it’s great because we were best friends for about a year before and she was already the person I wanted to spend all my time with. So now I get to do that every day and it’s almost been four years and we own a cat together and she’s my person!! And I was fucking dumb when I was 23 is really the moral of this story!!
Tldr if you were like I ain’t reading all that, I’m happy for you or sorry that happened: “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
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sunriseindigo · 4 years
by the fireplace
mikako x kiyoka, 1034 words
summary: locked in with each other during a snowstorm, mikako finds herself incredibly cold and it’s up to kiyoka to warm her up
tags: established relationship, fluff, cuddling, mikako just wants her gf to cuddle her,,,,
oh boy another fanfic!!! tbh mikako/kiyoka (kuromaki i like to call it) has been slowly becoming a comfort ship for me and the content for it is like. nonexistent so it’s my job to fuel it!!! (also can u see the types of fics i’m into lol)
The wind howled outside as delicate little snowflakes fell from the sky. The scenery outside almost looked entirely white not because of the snow currently falling to the ground, but also the snow that was already there. Even worse, it was to be that way for the rest of the day. 
With the snow piling up each hour, Kiyoka and Mikako decided to stay inside for the next few days until a path was cleared for the exorcist to go home. 
Yamato was repeatedly texting his sister--making sure that she was okay, that he was concerned for her, little reminders to stay bundled up and to stay inside--almost every minute. Mikako tried to reply to each of them as quickly as she could, telling him that she was okay and that Kiyoka was keeping her company. To be honest, it helped clear any boredom she experienced while locked inside.
However, the texts suddenly slowed down one day. It wasn’t like Mikako was constantly questioning why her brother wasn’t texting her as much--she was focusing on keeping warm.
She blew on her hands and rubbed them together, attempting to heat them up, but nothing was working. Mikako began to shiver and she now focused on getting her arms warm. It was never that cold as it was the previous days, and even wearing two sweaters couldn’t cure her from the chilliness.
“W-why is it so cold in here?” she questioned.
Kiyoka, who was sitting besides her on the couch, peered up from her phone. She immediately became concerned as she witnessed Mikako shiver. “Hey, is everything okay?” she asked, setting her phone down. The exorcist shook her head in response.
“Well, the fireplace was lit not too long ago! Why don’t you grab a few blankets and sit by there while I get you some hot chocolate?”
Mikako nodded in response as she smiled. “You’re the best, Kiyoka,” she said, placing a kiss on the sniper’s cheek. She couldn’t help but blush at the sudden gesture.
Slowly, Mikako got up and took a fleece blanket laying on a nearby chair and made her way to the fireplace. She immediately began to feel more comfortable as she stepped closer to the fire, sitting down on the floor where she could begin to feel more toasty. The exorcist smiled with content as she wrapped the blanket around her, letting all the warmth from the fire, blankets and sweaters absorb her.
Even with all of this, something felt missing. Although Mikako was thankful for all of the comfort during the raging snowstorm, it didn’t feel right. Like there was a missing piece to make everything perfect.
She would simply have to wait until Kiyoka returned.
A few minutes later, Kiyoka entered the room holding a cup of warm hot chocolate. She walked toward Mikako before sitting down besides her and handing the mug to her. She gracefully took it and took a large sip from it.
“Tastes good?” the sniper asked.
“As always,” Mikako laughed slightly. Kiyoka knew exactly how she wanted her hot chocolate, and she did it right every time.
“Getting any warmer yet?”
“Yes, but… something doesn’t feel right.”
Kiyoka looked at her; confused. “What doesn’t feel right? Is the blanket too much? Do you want more fire? Is--” 
“I was wondering if you wanted to cuddle with me.”
Her train of thought and wonder was suddenly interrupted. The blonde girl’s face started to turn red by her girlfriend’s suggestion, taken by surprise. It was incredibly unusual for someone so reserved when it came to affection like Mikako would suggest something like that out of the blue. She wasn’t opposed to it by any means, she was simply amazed by what she had said.
“...Well?” Mikako looked up from her mug.
“Oh! Yes, of course!” Kiyoka replied, snapping out of her daze.
Mikako opened up her blanket to let her girlfriend crawl in next to her. Kiyoka proceeded to follow suit as the exorcist began to wrap the blanket around the two of them, trying to get themselves comfortable by the fire. It didn’t take too long before Mikako let out a sigh of content.
“Is that better?” Kiyoka asked, peering up at Mikako.
“Mhm,” Mikako smiled as she nodded her head.
“You just wanted an excuse to cuddle with me, didn’t you?”
“I mean… I was really cold before I got here. I just wanted to cuddle with you too… it didn’t feel right to sit here by myself…”
Kiyoka laughed. “Well, glad you’re feeling better Mika!”
“Are you ever going to not call me that?”
“I think it’s cute! You always get flustered when I call you that anyways!”
Mikako felt blush creeping up toward her face, and at that point she couldn’t deny it. 
“Alright, fine,” she said, playfully rolling her eyes, “You are right.”
“Told you so!”
Mikako planted a gentle kiss on Kiyoka’s cheek, to which the sniper reciprocated the affection. She leaned her head on Mikako’s shoulder, grinning as she proceeded to snuggle her closer. The two of them enjoyed a few minutes of serenity--together--with little care of the world.
Suddenly, a phone went off. Kiyoka lifted her head up and grabbed the phone to read who the notification was from, only for a big grin to appear on her face.
“Mikako, you have to look at this!” Kiyoka looked at her girlfriend, her eyes sparkling. 
“What is it?” Mikako questioned, taking a sip of her hot chocolate before setting it on the ground.
“Yamato finally texted you back! I brought your phone with me just in case and I thought you would like to see it.”
She handed the exorcist’s phone to her. He sent her a picture of him standing in the snow, the fluffy material reaching his knees. He was bundled up in what appeared to be around four jackets and a few scarves, giving a thumbs up towards the camera.
having fun down there?? :O
Mikako couldn’t help but laugh at the image before replying back to him:
yep, looks like you’re having fun too!
The text was almost instant once it was sent.
u know what this means mikako???
snowball fight?
snowball fight!!!!! >:D
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monbangisland · 5 years
Namjoon Scenario
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Namjoon x Reader
“No please! No!” You screamed exasperated. It had been another nightmare...you were in your room, everything was still how you had left it three hours ago.
No sign of anything else more than you. You kept breathing hard and your heart was racing, you felt so lost until you realized you were crying. Tears were rapidly falling down your cheeks while that heavy feeling kept pounding inside your chest. You hated nights like this, it was too hard to fall back asleep, you didn’t want the nightmares to haunt you back again, it had happened too many times so you sat there, grabbed your phone and headphones to put on some music to calm yourself.
*gasp!* You sat on your bed the next night, clutching your chest to ease the scare. You couldn’t help but cry, you couldn’t take it anymore, the exhaustion was turning unbearable.
You felt like you couldn’t sleep anymore. It had been four days in a row that these nightmares had come. It had been such a long time since they were this continuos and strong. You didn’t know what to do anymore.
“Baby! Want to go out and eat today? I’ll pick you up!” He said on the phone sounding excited and you couldn’t help but agree to his question.
He picked you up at 3:00pm and took you to a nice pastry shop downtown. Everything looked so delicious and colorful. You couldn’t help but want everything in front of you, with a nice cup of coffee of course. It was as delicious as it looked and your tummy felt happy.
After a while, a yawn slipped your mouth by accident.
“Oh, are you tired, love?” He asked concerned.
“I’m okay, I’ve just had a lot of work to do lately but I’m fine, I’m enjoying my time” you said with a smile.
“Shall we go to your apartment and watch a movie?” He asked and you nodded in agreement.
You both arrived to your apartment and you prepared some blankets so you could both be warm while on the couch. You couldn’t help but rub the sleepiness from your eyes, you felt weary and tired, but you didn’t want him to see that, you hadn’t been able to see him that much lately and you wanted to enjoy your time next to him.
“Comfortable, Baby?” He asked after the movie had started and you had your head resting on his shoulder while your hand was holding his.
“Yeah I am, Nam, thank you” you smiled at him, you couldn’t believe how sweet he was to you. He made you feel warm and you could forget about everything that scared you next to him, you felt protected and secure.
*yawn* Another yawn had slipped your mouth and you tried to act as if it hadn’t happened.
“I love this part of the movie, that scene is so classic” you said.
You felt him kiss the top of your head while chuckling.
“You can fall asleep, Y/N” he said softly between kisses to your head “I don’t mind”
“No, no I’m fine, I’m sorry. I want to continue watching the movie with you”
“I’ll be here for a while, it’s still early” he said checking his watch which marked 6:00pm. “Take a nap, I’ll be here, okay?”
You felt so tired and you could feel yourself drifting away while nodding against his shoulder.
You felt yourself jump awake rapidly, your breathing was hard and the dreadful feeling was stored in your chest again.
“Y/N, baby, are you okay? Love? Hey baby, Y/N! Baby I’m here look at me, I’m here” he called out to you and it sounded so distant. You felt his hands reach out to your cheeks and turn your face towards his while rubbing the tears away from it. “Baby, are you okay? Please answer, what’s wrong? A nightmare?”
You couldn’t help it anymore, it had been too much, you broke down in tears in front of him.
“No no no baby, don’t cry, I’m here” he whispered “ please don’t cry, I won’t leave you alone, please look at me, love, please”
You slowly faced him again but you couldn’t look him in the eyes. You felt so weak and lost. “Y/N, baby, how long have you been having these nightmares?” He asked, concern coming off his every word.
“Five days now...” you whispered.
“Five days! Baby, why didn’t you tell me? I could have come to you. Were they always this bad?” He asked again and you nodded while cleaning some of the tears away.
You felt his fingers touching your chin making you look at him.
“Princess, I’m here. You’re safe, you’re okay, please never ever hesitate on telling me anything, I’ll come to you as fast as I possibly can” he said “ I would never let anything happen to you, I’m so sorry you had to go through all of those these many days. I won’t leave you alone, okay? I won’t.”
He wrapped you with his arms and pulled you to his lap. You slowly placed your head on his chest while still sniffing, the feeling inside your chest still covering you with fear.
He started rubbing your back while placing a kiss on your hand and you could feel yourself calming down. He was your source of safety and warmness after all, it felt right and it felt fine after all those nights, you finally felt that uncomfortable dreary feeling on your chest slip away to let calmness find it’s way to it. You felt yourself drift away after a few minutes and for the first time in five days, you were finally able to sleep without a problem and you couldn’t help but be grateful for him.
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bitchassbucky · 5 years
hey there! can u pls give me a headcanon of going to an ice cream shop with bucky (as a low-key date)? like what kinda toppings would he choose? will he choose at all or will he let his gf suggest it for him? what kinda flavour does he like? you can write this as a headcanon/drabble/one-shot if you like! thank you! i love everything u write its sooo fluffy🥰
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📎Masterlist || Ask || AFTERDARK
i haven’t written a headcanon in forevuuuuur! thank you, love!
Bucky has been marinating in nervousness and giddiness ever since he asked you out three days, nine hours, and six minutes ago, but who’s counting?
He swore his heart stopped beating when he saw you outside his door, adorning a smile that he grew to love. And then his heart fell to his stomach when you pulled him into a hug in lieu of greeting him.
“Hi,” you say, “you ready, Buck?” he nodded and took your hand, his smile as bright as the morning sun.
And so he took you to a small ice cream parlor tucked away from the busy streets of the city. The place gave off a nostalgic vibe, you could almost see your eight-year-old self sitting on one of the booths, happily eating ice cream with your mom after school.
You and Bucky promptly walked to the front of the shop where a vast collection of flavors are just waiting to be picked. 
“Do you wanna go for something classic? Or you wanna try somethin’ new?” you asked Bucky as you peer into the glass case.
“Choose somethin’ for me, doll.” He drawled in a Brooklyn accent. It sometimes slips out whenever he’s excited, happy, or relaxed.
But it turns out, he’s just as picky as a baby.
“How about we start off with vanilla?”
“Mmm, too boring,”
“We had that the other day,”
“Ooh, how about coffee? I heard it’s good,”
“Doll, I like my coffee like you,”
You tilted your head in confusion and Bucky’s heart melted.
“You know, like hot,” He said as blood crept up his neck and face.
“Good god, Barnes,” you say as you fight off a goofy smile.
Eventually, you and he settled for mint chocolate chips and blueberry blast.
“Okay, you choose this time, Buck,” you whisper, nudging him in the process.
“Is it possible to get four toppings? I mean- I know there’s a two-topping limit, but can we?” He unabashedly asked the girl working behind the counter.
“It’s extra,” she said, mouth slightly agape when she recognized the Avenger logo on your jacket.
“Are you- are you guys Avengers?”
“Yeah, we are,” you said, offering a sweet smile to the girl, “do you want the jacket?”
“I- um, my baby brother loves you guys so much and he’s gonna freak when I tell him I met Bucky Barnes and Y/N Y/L,”
“We’re not permitted to take pictures with civilians but you can have this,” you said as you shrug off the aforementioned clothing much to Bucky’s dismay.
“It’s okay, Buck,” you reassured him, “Okay! So shall we?” you ceremoniously flourished your hand in the direction of the topping case.
Bucky chose mini marshmallows, chocolate sprinkles, crushed graham, and walnuts for his blueberry ice cream.
On the other hand, you opted for rainbow sprinkles, hot fudge, and mini peanut butter cups for your mint chocolate chip.
“This guarantees at least an hour on the treadmill,” you said as you dug around for blocks of chocolate chips.
“Nah, we’re fine,” Bucky said, smiling like a goof when he noticed you had accidentally smeared some fudge on the corner of your lips.
He wiped it off with a napkin before you can, just like in the movies.
The date ended well after you both finished your ice cream cups, leaving a generous tip for the girl who had served you.
“Why did you give your jacket away, you know it’s chilly,” Bucky shivered when a gust of wind blows to your general direction.
“It’s fine, Buck. Now we can do that thing in the movies where I shoved my hands in your jacket pocket and walk like idiots,”
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vinylhazza · 5 years
Imagine Graysons gf is an architect or civil engineering. Helping them with the moving home (van). That would be so funny. The boys wanting to do it like they want and y/n standing there and thinking wtf. Like “hey, I’m here the architect/ civil engineering. And boys that won’t fit in there.” And gray being: “and I love to build. Babe, it’s gonna fit.” And Ethan “yeah, trust us..” and after preparing the things the boys check that u were right but they didn’t wanna tell u.
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a couple hours ago
“okay so here it is! we already have a layout of everything i just wanted to let you see it,” grayson explains, placing a kiss against the heated skin of your cheek.
but of course you know that isn’t true. you know you’re here to help because he’d been laying sneaky notes around the house for weeks about your “marvelous degree” and what an “asset” it would be if you would “help him with something”. he wasn’t the most subtle of men. but then again neither was ethan when he came right out and asked you to help them today. at least he’s upfront.
you didn’t mind though, you knew they would try and cram whatever they could into this van and make it the hardest living space known to man. if you could make it easier on you while you all traveled the country, you were okay with that. it was a big van, you had to admit - but not big enough for their much larger ideas. 
“c’mere let me show you what we have and tell me what you think,” grayson continues, unwrapping his sturdy arms from your waist to drift over to the table sitting next to the van - a diagram is spread out on the slab of wood, and you can already tell he’s trying to do the most. 
before you can say a thing, he begins explaining everything from the beds to the storage space, privacy, and ideas for lighting that won’t run down the battery significantly. you wait patiently while both ethan and grayson bounce their ideas off one another, getting into a little argument about which side they claim before apologizing quickly after. they know how much you hate their pointless bickering. 
their hands are animated, voices raising, so excited to show you what they have figured out…that it sort of makes you feel bad that you’re going to have to knock down some of their dreams about the van. it’s not that the ideas weren’t great - because they were - it’s just that…they think there is much more room than there is. 
but you waited until they finished and removed their hands from the detailed diagram to look at you before you begin talking. graysons face falls when he sees your hesitation. 
“what’s wrong? you don’t like it?” he sputters, elbowing ethan when he mutters “told you so” under his breath. 
grayson is a fabulous builder, you have to give him that. most of the time he is wonderful with knowing proportions and understanding that you simply don’t have room for everything you want. there are ways to have the things you want without cramming so many things into one place. 
“i love it gray…but you aren’t going to have enough room,” you sigh, not wanting to see the sad puppy dog look on his face after you tell him your professional opinion. 
“what do you mean? this mattress will go here, this one will go here, and then we have this little cabinet and a fridge right here-” he tries swaying you by pointing to places he’s already shown you. you nod along once again. 
“yeah i get that babe but…once again, you won’t have room for all that. dual purpose building is going to be your best bet. you want a table and a bed - you can have both if you do this wisely. i can show you if you want?” you shrug your shoulders, knowing it’s frustrating for him to have mapped it all out and get hyped up to show you just to have his architect girlfriend come in and step on it - but you’re just trying to stop him from sabotaging the project. 
grayson rounds the table once again while ethan goes to play with his new friend, a small cat he found hiding by some wood in the corner. his hands are placed on your shoulders to give you a gentle massage, reassuring you only the tiniest bit. 
“i hear what you’re saying…but i love building and i really think i got this down to a science. it’s gonna fit,” he chuckles, calling your bluff. 
“yeah trust us,” ethan calls from his perched position, hand gliding down the fuzzy back of a cat. 
“whatever you say g, let me know when you’re smushed and can’t move. I have a lunch date with my mom though so i’ll be back in a bit?” you laugh, knowing he’s bullshitting you. I mean…you would kind of know if something wasn’t going to fit. it’s literally your profession to make sure everything having to do with something being built - aka a living space - is up to par. but you’ll let them find out on their own. 
“you’re gonna be so proud. have fun, love you,” he grins, kissing your lips and patting your butt while you walk away, earning a little squeal from you. 
“bye bitchface,” you call to ethan before walking from the shop, knowing if they continue with the plan they have - they will regret it. 
if there was one thing grayson hated more than anything, it was admitting he was wrong about building something. he spent nearly an hour looking over the plan he spent so long coming up with - only for he and ethan to measure everything out and discover that you were right. you were fucking right and that was so annoying. not because you were right but because he was so confident and now he just felt like an idiot. 
“god dammit,” grayson mutters, slamming his hands down on the table with a rising temper. he and ethan had tried everything to make their plan work - but the measurements just weren't there. he would have to go with the new plan and he hated to say it but he really wanted to know what idea you were going on about earlier. 
“it’s fine bro, it happens. just let her help?” ethan chuckles with a pat on his back right when you come strutting back through the shop door with a dazzling smile and a welcoming kiss for your pouty looking man. 
his bottom lip is poked out into a grumpy pout, his head hung over the new diagram you’d noticed when you walked into the door. there were definitely more scribbles and things crossed out than when you left. you’d had a pleasant time with your mother, chatting her up about how amazing grayson was, just girl talk. but you had been eager to get back and see if you had been right about your philosophy on lack of space. seems like you were. 
“so did you guys come up with something or did it end up working out for you?” you smile knowingly up at him, arm swung around his hip while you examine if he’s going to try and fib or not. 
“uh...well...it’s kind of complicated you see-”
“what grayson is trying to say it that you were right and he was wrong and we had to come up with a new game plan,” ethan speaks over his brother, earning himself a glare from gray in the process. you would have no know anyway, “we kind of need your help with that dual purpose thingy you were talking about.” 
“hm” you hum, nodding. you knew it was going to happen anyway. fortunately you had drawn out your own little plan while sitting with your mother at lunch. she knew it was just who you are and what you do, so she didn’t mind when you cleared the table to lay out the large piece of paper that was folded into your purse, sketching out your own plan that was sure to work.
you swing your purse off your shoulder for it to land over the diagram. you reach a hand inside to pull out your own sketch of the van, laying it into grayson’s large hand with a smile. 
“i’m still very proud of you, but this is what I was thinking,” you reassure him, kissing at his cheek right by the clear safety glasses that rested on his face. 
“let’s see it,” ethan perks up, setting down the cat to lean his elbows on the table, just in time for grayson to unfold the sheet and have it neatly splayed out on the table over the old plan. 
it was amazing. I mean of course it was amazing you had a fucking gift and he couldn't deny that. you captured the vision of what he wanted from the very beginning and he was shocked speechless while he looked down at the frayed piece of paper from going all around LA in your purse. you even put a mushy little scribble about how handsome he was and how good he looked while he built the van and made it perfect - earning a gagging sound from ethan next to you. 
“shut up bitch not like you haven't gotten a mushy note from your girlfriend before, I would know,” you narrow your eyes at him, having seen the notes that his girlfriend leaves for him every morning before work. she’d helped her with them a few times for God’s sake. they were very good friends so it wasn’t a shocker from ethan to know that she had seen them. he still took the chance to flip her off. 
“wait baby this is so amazing,” grayson is speechless, pulling you in for a hug so tight you have to tap at his shoulder for him to let go, “thank you so much angel.” 
“no biggie, just a little somethin’,” you giggle, ethan pulling you into a hug shortly after. 
“no really thank you so much this is great! we have everything we need plus a little wiggle room,” they both gush, running to the van with the paper to try and imagine what it would look like.  
you spend the rest of the day picking out fabrics, measuring out the new plan, and making sure that everything fits before they finally get started with the crew to bring the van to life. 
a few days later and it’s finished . it is exactly what you imagined it would be. perfect for the four of you surprisingly. it felt like a stretch that grayson, you, ethan, and kyle would all stay in one van but with your plan it actually ended up being perfect. they finally understood your dual purpose example - loving that the table could actually lower down and turn into a queen size bed. killing two birds with one stone is what you were good at. 
is was grayson and ethan that did most of the work, along with the crew of course. it wasn't like you minded getting your hands dirty, grayson was just very particular about how he wanted to build things so you left him to have his fun with ethan. it was their video of course. what the fans didn't know didn't hurt them.  you were just excited you could get creative juices flowing again, meaning the video will be the greatest it can be, meaning you’d be on the road very soon and be on the adventure you’ve been looking forward to for so long.
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minbbydoll · 5 years
Can you write a sad angst where a maknae member (preferably Kook) sends his gf y/n to jail because of a misunderstanding(maybe like a fake murder of his family member, friend, or ex and they frame y/n). Soon he finds out the truth but y/n died before he found out the truth. Maybe she died from depression or was already sick but no one knew and she died in jail. This devastates everyone who went against her and they regret it so much.
Word Count : 4,508
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Jeon Jungkook 
They say that love makes you do crazy things but Jungkook wouldn’t expect you to be the type of person to hurt anyone. You seemed so innocent, nice, and always forgiving but then again, you’ll never truly know someone and what they’re capable of.
Jungkook found himself wondering what went wrong on his drive over to your office, the countless days that you told him it would be okay and that he was going to catch the son of bitch that murdered his brother; it was you all along.
Jungkook tightened his grip on the steering wheel, he clenched his jaw and sped up a little still keeping within the speed limit. It took Jungkook awhile to come to terms with the fact that you actually killed his brother.
He went over the evidence again and again making sure that nothing was left unturned, but you still became the main suspect and out of all the suspects you were the unlucky winner.
He begged his coworker to let him arrest you, but the condition was he do it as soon as possible which was right now, Jungkook wiped the tear that fell from his eye as he parked outside your office and took a deep breath.
His heart was racing, he hasn’t been this nervous since he asked you to be his girlfriend but now, he was arresting you. Jungkook looked at his cellphone to see that he had to hurry so he opened his car door and nervously walked towards your building.
You missed your boyfriend, the sound of his voice, his warmth, his everything, it’s only been a few hours since you last saw him in the morning, but my god do you miss him like he’s been gone for weeks.
That’s the hold Jungkook has on you, he has the power to make you a lovesick puppy and according to him you have the same hold over him. You knew he’d be busy on the job but couldn’t resist a small little text, something simple, something to get you and him by until you see each other again when you both get home.
[Name] : I miss u, can’t wait to see u later and give u kisses. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) — 2:30pm
You smiled at the cringe worthy text you’d written up but decided to send it anyway, Jungkook always enjoyed your dirty comments and hidden dirty meanings about stuff you would say sometimes.
Jungkook usually replied instantly and the fact that he left you on read has you worried, even if he’s on the job Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to break the rules for you.
One minute turned into two and two into three and three into four and that four turned into ten minutes, you had never been so anxious before, you wondered if he was okay, was he hurt?
Was he just busy—, no, no matter what even if he was busy, he would have replied, he always does. You anxiously bit your nails, your mother always told you it was a disgusting habit you needed to stop but you couldn’t care less, biting your nails wasn’t something you could just stop, especially when you’re stressing like this.
You stared at your phone as you heard gasps run through your office, you switched from biting your fingernails to your lip as you continued to refresh your messages hoping to see a new message from Jungkook.
You didn’t bother to look up or tear your gaze from your screen as you heard mutters and gasps continue through your office, all you cared about, all that mattered right now was Jungkook.
You decided that another text would help your curiosity as to whether Jungkook was truly too busy to even look at your new text or whether he was just ignoring you for some reason you would find out about soon enough.
You flinched when a hand came to touch your shoulder, you finally looked up to see Jungkook, you smiled seeing him and initially you were confused but nonetheless happy.
His gaze was icy and held no smile he seemed so dull, you wondered why and also wondered why your coworkers were staring at the both of you and whispering, your heart racing in anticipation as Jungkook gestured for you to get out of your seat.
Jungkook was never rough with you and even if you hurt anyone, he could never bring himself to be forceful with you. “Kook, what’s going on.” You were surprised when Jungkook softly grabbed your hands and put them behind your back.
You tried turning to see him, but he held your wrists tightly before getting out his cuffs and placing them as gently as possible on your wrists. “Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.”
You were for some reason trying to break the handcuffs by pulling your wrists away from each other in a fast motion, you’re not she-hulk you can’t break the metal handcuffs, but you continued to anyway.
“Kook, why are you reading me my Miranda rights, what the hell are you doing?” Jungkook didn’t tell you why but he just looked down and continued reading your Miranda rights.
“Kook, what the fuck?” You started to struggle and panic as he wasn’t unlocking the cuffs and you knew he wasn’t playing. “You are under arrest for the murder of Jeon Jung-hyun.”
Your eyes widened as your mouth gaped open, it was purely silent as he started to perp walk you. “His own brother,” you heard people calling you names and trash talking you as you let your head hang low.
Jungkook softly helped you get into his car, he couldn’t look at you, you were crying and just the sound of it made his heart clench in pain. “Kook, w-what’s happening?” He didn’t answer but started the car and closed his eyes for a second before pulling out of the parking space, this wasn’t going to be easy.
When the both of walked in you received dirty looks from other officers that you thought you knew well. “Jeon, I’ll put her in the cell you go take your break, you look like shit man.”
Another officer you knew as Hoshi had stopped by Jungkook and gave him a small nod to try and get him to go. Jungkook huffed, “Thanks Hoshi but I’m fine.”
Hoshi patted his back, “Come on man, I’ll do it, you don’t look so good. I’ll even cover for you so you can rest longer.”  Jungkook hesitated but nonetheless nodded, he had to admit he was so tired and hungry he could barely keep his eyes open and he didn’t even realize it.
Hoshi pushed Jungkook away and laughed when he almost lost balance, “Go rest Jeon or eat or find a way to do both.” Hoshi grabbed onto your arms and he unlocked the cell before unlocking your handcuffs.
You grabbed onto his arm just before he closed the cell door, “Hoshi please, you know me, you know I wouldn’t do this to Jungkook please.” Hoshi shook you off, he looked disgusted by just the touch of you.
“Listen [Name], all the evidence points to you, no one else is a bigger suspect, what am I supposed to do?” Hoshi pushed you further into the cell, “please Hoshi you know I’d never do anything like this.”
Hoshi held his hips and looked to the ground sighing before looking back up at you, “[Name] there’s nothing that I can do.” You held the cell bars tightly and tried to get closer, “Please Hoshi please don’t give up please continue to try and find something, anything. I love Jungkook, and I would never hurt him, you know that.”
Hoshi bit the inside of his cheek, it’s true he knows just how much you love Jungkook. He had gotten cold feet when he was going to get married and you were the one who found him, you were the one to tell him what love is like, and that’s how he know she was the one.
You told him how you felt with Jungkook, how you’d do anything for him, how he makes your heart race when he smiles and how you cry from just the thought of him leaving you.
“Okay, I’ll keep looking but it’s not a guarantee.”
You nodded vigorously, “I’ll take it, I am innocent I’m sure there will be something to prove it too.”
Everything went as expected, at your trial because of the evidence you were found guilty. Your lawyer did everything he could but whoever framed you was an extreme perfectionist from how well everything was planned out.
Your first day in jail you were scared and tried your best to keep to yourself, the others respected you enough to not mess with you, lucky for you no one knew you were betrothed to the man that put most of them in jail.
Everything was going smoothly until one of the guards stupidly let out that you were Jungkook’s girlfriend, “I still can’t believe Jeon’s own girlfriend got thrown in jail.” He said and sure enough you had eyes all over you as you stood in the middle of the lunchroom.
Another guard hit the one whom spoke too loudly, and he noticed the mistake he made, he didn’t realize how loud he said it.
You felt your heart beating fast, all the eyes on you, you gulped dryly the guards were looking at everyone in the silent lunchroom trying to ensure your safety.
It was silent so silent you could hear a pin drop, one woman who absolutely hated Jungkook made the first move. Unfortunately, she was the closest to you and unfortunately for you she had been planning to take someone out anyway, so she already had a shiv with her.
She swiftly charged at you and since your back was facing her when you turned it was too late, she plunged the shiv deeply into your stomach. The guards also charged for her, but they didn’t get to you in time, by then she had plunged the shiv into you three times ensuring your death.
You fell to the ground and the surrounding inmates kicked you, the two guards had tried to pull the other inmates away from you. When that didn’t work, they grabbed their batons and started to use force to get them away from you.
More guards were called but once they finally got all the inmates away from you, you weren’t breathing. The health care at the prison was shit so there was no use in trying to get you there, but they felt bad because you were Jungkook’s girlfriend and they knew you pretty well.
The guards still called an outside hospital and decided to let them officially call your death and also tell Jungkook because they weren’t going to be the ones to do it.
The guard who outed you decided he would ride in the ambulance with you, he felt absolutely horrible, even though you murdered Jungkook’s brother he knew how good of a person you were. You would try your best to bake or make food for the guards because you knew some of them would hardly eat.
In the ambulance you were barely conscious and had to wear an oxygen mask but at least there was still a chance. You were bleeding out too quickly and the paramedic tried everything he could, but you still died on the way to the hospital.
It was a given that would happen, the guards knew that you were going to die from how deep that woman stabbed you and how many times she did. There’s no way she didn’t hit a vital organ that caused you to bleed out so much and so quickly that it was unstoppable.
Jungkook slept for the day, in his dreams you were there, and everything was normal. Jungkook ones in his heart that he still loved you, he didn’t even visit you in jail it was too painful for him. He tried to rack his brain for answers as to why you would murder his brother; had he done something to you.
You weren’t just hurt anyone without a reason, right? Especially not murder, Jungkook preferred to stay in his dreams where you were and that’s why he wanted to kill whoever woke him up from his peaceful dream with you.
“Are you Jeon Jungkook, emergency contact of Park [Name].” It was a woman’s voice, probably a nurse and Jungkook’s heart dropped, why would you be in a hospital?
“Yes, who are you and why do you have her phone?”
The nurse sighed, “Please come to Bumin Busan hospital.”
Jungkook arrived to see a guard from the prison standing in front of the door waiting for him, “Where’s [Name]?!”
Jungkook pushed the guard up against the outside door, Jungkook was causing a disturbance but he didn’t care. “I’m sorry sir there was a problem at the prison-,” Jungkook cut him off by punching him in the face.
The guard fell to the floor with Jungkook on top of him, “What do you mean problem, it’s your job to prevent people from getting hurt!”
His only concern was getting to you, he never should’ve trusted the evidence, “Sir Jeon there’s something you should know.”
Jungkook’s phone interrupted the guard, Jungkook got off of the guard, “You are no longer any of my concern get out of here before I have you fired.”
The guard widened his eyes and nodded thinking it would best to have the doctor tell him about you. “Hello, Hoshi?”
“Jungkook you need to come to the station right away!” Jungkook winced a little from how loud Hoshi yelled from excitement into the phone.
“I’ll come by later, something’s come up.” Jungkook hung up on Hoshi before he could say anything else.
Jungkook didn’t care about anything else but seeing you right now and making sure that you were okay, he ran into the hospital and looked for reception.
His main concern was you, making sure that you were okay, he was going to have a lot of apologizing to do to you. “Excuse me, where’s Kim [Name]?” The receptionist looked up to see Jungkook’s worried expression, “Uh…what room is she in?”
The receptionist looked at him with pity, “Give me one second and I’ll call the doctor.” Jungkook blinked slowly and nodded before turning around, the receptionist called any available doctor to try and explain what was happening.
Jungkook was looking around the hospital and walked further away from reception, she took that chance to phone someone, anyone. Jungkook was far enough so that he wouldn’t hear her, but she didn’t take her chances and kept her voice low anyway.
“He’s right here, right now please get a doctor to tell him.” The receptionist couldn’t be the one to do it, she didn’t know how, what just plainly say that you died, he deserves better.
“Mr. Jeon a doctor will be coming shortly to fetch you and go into further details of [Name]’s condition.” Jungkook walked closer to the receptionist, “Listen I don’t understand what you can’t get through your tiny brain but all I need is her room number so I can see her.”
The receptionist understood how frustrated he was, so she bit her tongue, “I’m sorry Mr. Jeon but I think it’d be best for the doctor to explain-,” Jungkook slammed his hands on her desk making her flinch, “explain?! I don’t need an explanation I just want to see her.”
Jungkook flinched surprised when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, “please don’t yell at her Mr. Jeon she’s just doing her job, come follow me.”
“Okay Dr. Lee, can’t I just see my girlfriend?” Dr. Lee had brought Jungkook somewhere private and definitely not where you were, the space was empty and looked like a used old medical practice room.
“Listen Jungkook I’ll be frank with you, [Name] didn’t make it and I’m really sorry but the fetus inside her didn’t make it either.”
Jungkook felt lightheaded from what he heard, “P-pregnant?”
He tightly held onto the edge of a table trying to grip the reality of this, “I’m sorry Mr. Jeon did you not know [Name] was two months pregnant?”
“You’re lying she would tell me; I did not put my two-month pregnant girlfriend in jail only to be killed.”
“I’m sorry Jungkook but it seems that way, we found an unborn fetus inside of her.” Jungkook shook his head furiously, “I’m sorry Dr. Lee I can’t deal with this right now I-I need to work-, I need to go.”
“Jungkook!” Dr. Lee called out for Jungkook again, but he just ran away, “ah Jungkook you don’t know what you’re doing.”
“Hoshi!” Jungkook looked through the room of the station to try and find Hoshi, he stopped in the middle of the room seeing everyone crowded around a board Hoshi pushed through to try and get to Jungkook.
“Isn’t it great Jungkook, we have evidence that [Name] didn’t kill Jung-hyun.” Jungkook fell to his knees with regret, disappointment, sadness, pretty much anything you can think of.
“No, no that can’t be true.” There’s no way he sent his pregnant girlfriend to jail, there’s no way he killed his pregnant girlfriend, the woman he thought he’d spend his life with.
He had gotten a ring just for her, “what’s wrong Jungkook this is a good thing, we can get her out.”
Everyone’s blood ran cold when Jungkook put his hands on the floor and lowered his head to the ground, “She’s dead.”
Jungkook was panting, he was so upset he couldn’t even cry instead he laughed, “she’s gone, my life is gone.” He laughed until he cried, and his fellow officers thought he was a madman.
“Jungkook I’m sorry-,” Jungkook jerked away when Hoshi tried to pat his back, “Don’t! She was pregnant Hoshi, I killed my pregnant girlfriend, the woman I was gonna marry, the woman I love I killed her and our unborn child.”
Hoshi gasped in awe, what could he say, why didn’t he find the evidence in time, you were pregnant? The entire station was silent and heard Jungkook’s confession, they were surprised that you were pregnant out of wedlock but that was forgotten when he mentioned that you had passed.
You were his bestfriend, you were there for him when he could’ve made the biggest mistake of his life and he just threw you in prison to let you rot, you didn’t deserve to die like that. “W-what,” Hoshi fell on his ass when it hit him too, why didn’t he find evidence sooner?
“S-she’s dead, [N-n-name]’s dead.” All of the officers looked down in desolation as Jungkook burst into tears like he was a lost child, and maybe that’s all he is right now a little lost child with no home, no comfort, no nothing, just his lonesome self and all he can do is cry.
Another officer tried to step up since Hoshi the only person who knew how Jungkook was feeling was in a lonely silent despair. “Jungkook we should plan a funeral for her and your baby.”
As soon as the other officers heard the younger say, “your baby,” they expected Jungkook to lunge at him and hit him for mention the poor soul, but he didn’t. Jungkook cried louder, “m-my baby, I killed my little baby.”
Hoshi just continued to stare blankly at the floor, “Jungkook, you didn’t kill them, someone else did because of you.” Another officer hit the younger and whispered, “you’re not helping.”
Everyone couldn’t tell whether Hoshi or Jungkook took your death worse, Hoshi was silent and so was Jungkook they were both inside a stage of pain and guilt. Neither of them left their houses, hell they didn’t leave their rooms.
A few of the officers decided to try and get them to get out of their rooms because not even Hoshi’s wife could get him out, he was just too dejected about not getting new evidence in time and everyone was worried about Jungkook because he didn’t have anyone (more like he wouldn’t let anyone in).
“Come on Jungkook [Name] wouldn’t want to see you like this.” Felix tried to pull the blanket off of Jungkook but Jungkook wouldn’t let go of it either, “Well she’s dead so she can’t see me like this, now get out.”
Felix sighed, “Jungkook please you couldn’t have known.” Felix kicked around beer bottles that surrounded his feet, “you can’t substitute beer for food Jungkook, we all messed up.” Jungkook sat up and harshly pushed Felix away and then started to hit his chest, “yeah but I should’ve known, I should’ve believed her, I should’ve visited her, but I didn’t.”
Felix tried to grab Jungkook’s wrist to stop him from hitting his chest, “please Jungkook stop this, there was too much evidence against her, you couldn’t have believed her.”
Jungkook shook off Felix, “Even if I couldn’t, even if the world was against her, it doesn’t matter I should have been there for her so leave me alone.”
With one hard push Felix fell to the floor, “I’ll leave you for now, I know you still need time to grieve.” When Felix left Jungkook pulled out his phone and looked at the last text he had gotten from you on that day.
He silently cried knowing that Felix was probably still in his house doing cleaning or something like that, if only he had done what he wanted to that day you wouldn’t be dead, he would have a beautiful child with you and he would be happy instead of cowardly hiding from the world to avoid seeing you everywhere.
Jungkook was freaking out just outside your building, how could he arrest you, did you really kill his brother, why would you do it, you wouldn’t, would you?
He heard and his phone ding and in came a text from you, he laughed and chose not to respond before turning away from your building and walking away.
Jungkook walked back to his car and opened the door, he sat in his car for a minute before deciding on quitting and running away with you.
Jungkook put his phone down, maybe it’d be best if he left with you first and then informed his officer that he was quitting. He’d have to go, and pack first and then get you and then leave, yeah that’s probably best.
Jungkook started his car, “Am I really letting my brother’s killer go free?” Jungkook shook his head, “No, no I have to throwing [Name] in jail isn’t going to bring my brother back.”
But on the other hand, she’s a murderer, I’m running away with a murderer.
But what if she really didn’t kill him, what if there’s something I’m missing?
But what if she really did kill him, my elder brother someone who I treasured and looked up to.
Jungkook continued to fight with himself trying to decide which choice was right and wrong, “I became a police officer to put bad people away and just because I love her doesn’t mean she gets to break the law.”
Jungkook tightened his fist around his steering wheel before slamming his fist onto his horn making a loud noise no one could hear since there was no one else in the parking lot. “Fuck, why is this so hard?”
Jungkook took a deep breath and turned off his car again, “Just because I love her doesn’t mean she gets to break the law.”
“I tried but he won’t come out,” Felix was talking with one of his seniors that asked him to try and get Jungkook out while he went to Hoshi. “It’s fine just clean up and make him food, make sure he eats, I’ll call you later to see how it goes with Hoshi.”
Felix nodded, “Hopefully he’ll finally talk, he hasn’t talked since he found out.”
Mingyu sighed, “Yeah I know,” he knocked on Hoshi’s door and hung up his phone.
Hoshi’s wife opened the door, “Oh thank god you’re here Mingyu he’s not even eating.” Mingyu scratched his head, “It’s that bad?”
She nodded, “I can’t get him to eat, he refuses to look at me, I don’t even hear him cry.” Mingyu nodded and stepped into their house, “Where is he right now?” She gestured for him to follow her and he did.
“Hoshi, Mingyu is here.” She softly knocked on the door with the back of her finger three times, she waited for any noise, any signal that he was okay with them coming in.
She didn’t hear anything though, “Hoshi?” Mingyu pushed her away softly and knocked on the door again, “Mingyu, we’re coming in.” They still didn’t hear anything but opened the door, Hoshi wasn’t in sight and their anxiety level began to rise.
She looked towards Mingyu, “I swear he was in here.” Mingyu put his hand up letting her know she didn’t have to say anything, “the bathroom.” Mingyu looked at Hoshi’s wife, she was walking towards the bathroom with shaky hands.
Mingyu beat her to the bathroom and tried to open the door, “It’s locked, do you have a key for it?”
She nodded and rushed out of the room, “Hoshi are you in there?!” Mingyu twisted the locked knob, he knew he couldn’t get it open, but he still tugged on it anyway.
“Mingyu I found the key, here.” She quickly threw the key to Mingyu, he caught the key and quickly opened the door, “Hoshi?!”
Mingyu ran into the bathroom to an indescribable scene, “Call an ambulance,” he managed to yell to Hoshi’s wife through his own shock and horror.
Mingyu tried (keep in mind tried) to pull Hoshi out of the bathtub filled with watery blood, “No, no stop let me die, I want to die.” Mingyu was appalled by this, how is he still alive?(Mingyu was thankful but shocked).
Hoshi resisted, “I want to die, leave me alone, go away.” Hoshi fought Mingyu but he was weak from blood loss, “I-I miss her.” A broken sob left Hoshi as his consciousness faded away, “I miss her too buddy.”
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Note I : Okay so to the anon who requested I hope it’s okay I added this little plot twist of reader being pregnant, I thought it’d add more dramatic effect. Sorry I took so long writing this I have a lot of schoolwork I don’t want to do and I lowkey think I have ADHD but my mom doesn’t want to let me take a test to find out so I will forever be unable to focus. Anyway, hope you enjoy.  
Note II : My god I dragged this on way too long 😩I didn’t know how to end it. Forgive me anon if you didn’t like the ending 👉🏻👈🏻 and I feel like I haven’t posted in forever. ☹️
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jawnjendes · 5 years
it came back for more | shawn mendes
university au, shawn x goth gf
AN: let me know if i should give the goth gf a name bc like,,,,,,,,,,, idk just let me know,, also does anyone actually like this series lmao
masterlist | series playlist
"You're leaving me?" Shawn asked in mock disbelief.
I knew he was joking, but the fact that he said it as we were walking through campus, in the view of many passing students was a little embarrassing. There was just no getting used to that, like he couldn’t get used to my emotional distance sometimes. I just kept my eyes on the ground and continued walking next to him. No hand holding today. Doesn’t mean I don’t adore him any less.
"I made plans with Stella weeks ago," I told him. "We already bought tickets."
Shawn smiled, letting go of his pretend hurt. "It's cool. I understand, and I hope you have fun."
"Shit, me too. I feel like this movie is going to destroy me."
Yes, this is about the most anticipated movie of the year. Yes, I was more hyped than I have been in months. No, there will not be any spoilers.
"You're welcome to tag along," I added. "I mean, if there's still seats available at the theatre."
He shrugged off the invite, which I knew he would do. Shawn wasn't into this particular franchise, claiming he was tired of this type of movie. Can't say I blame him, plenty of people felt the same way. It was just hard to ramble at him about it because he didn't know jack shit. That was why I was going to the movie with Stella.
"I'll just stay home and watch Grey's without you." He smirked.
"First of all, that's mean and I would never do that to you. Secondly, Grey's comes back next week!"
"Oh yeah."
“Besides,” I added, “I’m gonna spend the night at your place anyway. Just like every Thursday.”
“Yeah, but instead of twenty four uninterrupted hours, we’ll get…” Shawn counted on his fingers. “...Less than that?”
We made it back to my dorm to find Stella lying facedown on the couch. Shawn and I shared a look as we entered the vicinity. Not that this wasn’t unusual, it was just hard to pinpoint her reasoning for this. I mean, I shouldn’t talk. Sometimes I lie on the floor without explanation wherever I please. Stella was used to that, but Shawn would ask if I “wanted to talk” or something.
"Did you get spoiled?" I asked her.
"No," she replied, her voice muffled by the cushions. "I'm trying to kill time. There's five hours left before the movie!"
I sighed and went to sit on her legs. "I know. I made Shawn take my phone because I don't wanna go online and see something I don't wanna see."
Stella picked her head up. "That's a good idea." She reached for her phone on the table, extending her arm towards my boyfriend. "Can you take mine too?"
Shawn chuckled, back and forth between the two of us. But he took Stella's phone. "You're both crazy."
"And what about it?" I said back. Then I reached for his hand. "Anyway, I need you to keep me busy for at least three hours." I smiled and batted my lashes in an exaggerated manner.
"Only three hours?" he replied with a cheeky grin as he took my hand and got me to my feet again.
"Ugh!" Stella interjected as she rolled off the couch. "I'm going to the library! And I'm leaving my phone so I don't go online! If I'm not back before we have to leave, just assume I killed myself because I got spoiled!"
"That's valid," I told her, "but I like you better alive."
Two of the three hours went by before Shawn practically tired himself out. He tapped out and rolled onto his back, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I couldn’t blame him for pulling out (in every aspect) because it was close to finals season. Tensions were rising, he was finally feeling the consequences of missing assignments and poor exam grades. I knew that because I was going through the same thing. The semester was going to be over in a month, then I would be going back to California.
And Shawn was coming with me… for a week.
It got awfully cramped on my single size bed by the time Shawn was out like a light, so I got up and decided to get ready. I got dressed in the appropriate attire for this movie, a black t-shirt with the franchise logo and black leggings. Then I grabbed my makeup bag and sat down on the floor in front of my mirror. Halfway through my routine, Shawn awoke with a start.
"I'm up! Let's go again!" he said, sitting up.
I looked at him through the mirror, still blending concealer under my eyes with a sponge. "You're like, twenty minutes too late, my dear. I'm already getting ready."
He rubbed his eyes and yawned, nodding in response. "Okay…"
As he lied down again, I couldn't help but smile. Shawn was really fucking cute, and he had no right to be. I don't want to sound like that girl, because I’m rarely that girl, but how was I expected to spend three whole hours away from him tonight? Thursdays were usually our night, since neither of us worked or had class after four o'clock. I mean, nothing was going to stop me from going to this movie, let alone a cute guy with curly hair and a charming smile. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t miss him.
"You're still welcome to join us," I told him from where I was sitting.
"You really want me to go, eh?" he replied, shifting to his side so he was looking at me.
"I'm just saying, it's probably the only time you'll see me cry."
Shawn picked his head up, eyes wide. "Seriously?"
Between the two of us, he was the crier. Are we surprised at this point? I had my exceptions, like watching a new movie I was very passionate about, or when my chronic GI issues would flare up and give me a panic attack. However, I haven't gotten sick in a while, so technically only one thing was going to make me weep.
"Well," Shawn spoke after a while, "guess I'm going."
I knew I was expecting tear jerkers, but I still sported my inner and outer wings to the movie. Half of it smudged onto my eyelids and half was under my eyes. On top of that, I got a dehydration headache, because I refused to drink water during a three hour long movie. I did eat popcorn, even though it was well after the time I cut off food for the day. That sounds concerning, but it's a thing I go through. If I eat after 8PM I will spend the night barfing.
Shawn, Stella, and I left the theatre practically buzzing. The mood of the film and the other moviegoers kept our spirits high, despite the fact that Stella and I had visible mascara tracks on our faces. I cried at things you wouldn’t normally cry at in a movie, like when your favorite character breathes, or makes a dramatic entrance.
"Okay," Shawn said, "that was actually a really good movie."
"Good enough to convert into a stan?" I asked, holding his hand.
"Mm, probably not."
I quickly let go of his hand. "Fine."
Walking towards the parking lot was when I started to feel something. My abdomen felt a little sore, and it made me slow down my steps a little bit. I placed my hand on my stomach; It wasn’t excruciating, but it was noticeable.
"You okay, honey?" Shawn asked, looking at me.
I nodded quickly and got back into step with him. However, the soreness was persisting by the time we got back to my car. I unlocked the doors to let Stella and Shawn in, but I stood where I was and focused on this pain. Maybe I cried too hard at the movie. Maybe the popcorn I had was giving me a warning.
Either way, there go my late night plans.
"So, I don't think I should stay at your place tonight," I told Shawn when I got in the car.
"Aw, why?" he asked.
"My stomach is, uh, acting up a little. Not feeling too good."
"You're gonna let your stomach stop you?" Stella piped up from the backseat. She wasn't one to normally say things like that. She knew how serious I got when I got sick.
I looked at her through the rear view mirror. "You got plans tonight?"
She picked at her nails and stayed quiet for a minute. "I have a friend visiting."
"Just stay at mine anyway," Shawn said to me. "I have the tea you like, and medicine, and a shit ton of blankets to keep you cozy. I'll be there to take care of you."
"I don't know, I wouldn’t wanna put that on you."
"I really don't mind."
We’ve been together five and a half months. In those months, I have gotten flare ups a handful of times, and all of those times had to do with trying new foods that ended up disagreeing with me. Each time I was with Shawn, and I had to tell him to leave me to deal with my illness. He did so, reluctantly. He really wanted to nurse me back to health, though.
Sickness is just so ugly. I didn't want to burden him with my physically unstable ass sleeping on the bathroom floor. I didn't want him to hear me puking in his bathroom. We just got to a place where things were Love sick, not Sick sick. Everything was so soft and sweet between us. For once nothing was grey, it was soft blend of black and pink. I didn’t want to taint it with my stupid gastrointestinal crap.
On the other hand, Stella is my roommate. She offers to look after me when I get sick, to which I always say no. I know how to handle it. Still, she goes to the extent of cancelling plans and breaking dates just in case I needed help. She was my safe person when went out. She was the extrovert who wanted and deserved to have a good time.
I had to stop by campus to drop Stella off, anyway. She got out of the car, reminding me once again that she'll have somebody over very soon.
Shawn turned to me once we were alone. "Please stay with me tonight."
"I don't need you to deal with my sickness," I said firmly. "It's nothing personal-"
"Okay, stop for a second," he told me. Then he placed his hand on the shoulder of my seat. "I know you know how to handle yourself when you get sick. It's like, a plan you've had to make and adjust over time, and you know it like the back of your hand. I get that, you know how to take care of yourself. I just don't want you to do this plan alone."
"I won't be alone, I have Stella." By that I mean, she's on standby only if things go really wrong... which is never. I’m not that sick.
This time, though… I’ve only felt actual pain one time before this.
Shawn gave me a look. "She's gonna be busy tonight. She wants to be busy tonight."
We stared at each other for a while. My stomach was flipping for reasons unrelated to illness. My boyfriend had stupidly kind, gentle intentions, and stupidly pretty eyes. He also had a very comfy bed.
I sighed. "Fine."
After some tea and rest, I felt a little better. I felt good enough to hop into bed with my boyfriend for about twenty minutes. It was fine until he was on top of me...
"Fuck, I'm sorry," Shawn frantically said, moving off of me. "Oh god, I'm so sorry."
My face was scrunched with pain, and I tried to control my breathing. The soreness from earlier turned into a sharp pain in my abdomen that made me push Shawn away from me. It was kind of a mood killer to say the least, since it made him panic.
"Are you okay?" he asked, voice trembling. "How bad is it? What do you need?"
"Shh!" It wasn't intended to sound mean, but I was trying to focus on what my body was doing.
I struggled to sit up, so Shawn held my lower back to support me. He kept asking questions, but I was rapidly tuning him out. The pain didn't get any better or worse, but I was feeling something in my guts. I got up and dashed into the bathroom.
We're going to get just a little TMI. I wanted use the bathroom, but my bowels weren't having it. Then, I wanted to puke but my stomach wasn't having it. I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed on the floor in front of the toilet and let my body try to figure things out for itself.
I shouldn't have had popcorn at the movies. Sure, popcorn is light on the stomach, but Stella wanted extra butter, and I hadn’t eaten for hours. I knew what I was getting myself into, and now I was paying for it. Add popcorn to the list of foods that were now forever tainted with a bad memory.
Shawn came knocking on the door, his voice full of concern. "Honey, are you okay? Can I come in?"
I didn’t say anything but he let himself in anyway. He sat next to me on the floor, next to where I was leaning over the toilet. Delicately, he moved my hair from my face and held it back.
"I don't think I'm gonna puke," I told him, resting my forehead on the seat. My mouth was watering inexplicably, and I felt a tingle in my feet.
"Okay, then let's get you back to bed," he said gently, placing his hands on my waist to help me up.
Then, I actually puked. Yup, no more popcorn for me.
It goes without saying that I was up for most of the night. I only threw up that one time, but I felt nauseous until the sun peeked through the window. Not only that, I always got a bout of anxiety whenever things with my stomach got bad, and it intensified knowing that I wasn’t home at my dorm. I wasn’t in the comfort of my squeaky single size bed. I didn’t have my phone charging next to me here because the only other outlet was on the other side of the room. I felt so out of place and I wanted to run, but I knew I couldn’t because traveling would only upset my stomach more.
Shawn fell asleep when I reassured him that I wouldn’t spend anymore time in the bathroom. He was on his side facing me practically the whole night. When I felt okay enough to lay down, I put one of the extra pillows between us and faced away from him. He started stirring by the time I was finally sleepy.
When I woke up in the late afternoon, I was just grateful I didn’t have class on Fridays. I couldn’t get up even if I wanted to.
I rolled onto my back, only to find that I was alone. I rubbed my eyes, then quickly remembered that I fell asleep with smudged eyeliner, and I just made it worse. I sighed and looked out the window from where I lied. It had gotten cloudy throughout the day. Thank god, today was not a sunshine kinda day for me.
If only I had the energy to get off my ass and go back home where I wanted to be.
My eyes blankly stared at the ceiling. Whatever spirit I had left in me was slowly floating away. My incorporeal being was rising out of my physical being, until voices outside the bedroom caused me to come back to earth.
“Oh, let me just see her! Maybe I can help!”
A woman. I slowly moved onto my side, curling up under the blanket and trying to focus on the window. Then, I heard Shawn’s voice.
“No! Ah - I mean…” He was suddenly outside the door. “Let me see if she’s awake.”
The door opened, but I didn’t move from my position. Shawn came up in my peripherals, and then he sat down on the empty side of the bed. His eyes met mine, and he smiled.
“Hey, you. How ya feeling?”
I blinked. “Tired… Not sick. Just tired.”
“As long as you’re not sick.” He brought a hand up to my head and stroked my hair. “Listen, my mom is here.”
“Why?” Seemingly innocent question, but it did make me feel some kinda way, and it certainly sounded like it.
“She comes every so often,” Shawn explained. “She’ll clean and do my laundry.”
Must be nice.
“I told her you were here,” he continued. “I told her you were sick, and she just wants to check on you.”
We had talked about me meeting his family. I joked about wearing a high ponytail with a pink scrunchie the way Meredith did in Grey’s Anatomy. Shawn replied by saying I’d be wearing a black scrunchie, duh. Clearly, it wasn’t supposed to be like this, the day after a particularly nasty flare up. I was severely unprepared and it was a couple of months too early. But how the hell am I supposed to turn his mother away when she was already here?
“I’ll go out there,” I told him. “Let me just wash my face first.”
Shawn looked pleasantly surprised. “Okay, great. We’ll be in the living room.” He kissed my forehead and got to his feet.
As I pushed myself out of bed, I noticed the persisting pain in my abdomen yet again. Not as bad as last night, but it was still there. I already knew how to handle this.
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