#I say it everytime but gah I love getting inside their heads
ladyofthelake · 4 years
Merthur goodies from ‘Sword and Sorcery’ aka Excalibur BBC Children’s Book
Arthur had come of age now; should it become necessary he could rule the kingdom with no need for advisers or guardians. *cough what should I do Merlin? I don’t know what to do Merlin? Should I do this Merlin? What do you think Merlin? MERLIN cough*
Merlin felt a swell of pride as Arthur knelt before the king and swore a solemn oath to protect the people of Camelot and rule them well.  Of course, he wasn’t going to admit to feeling like that.  He didn’t want anyone to think he was getting soft or beginning to enjoy being Arthur’s servant.  He might admire the prince hugely for his bravery and nobility, but Arthur was still the man who ordered Merlin around and made him wash the royal socks and things like that. 
“Men don’t just rise up from the dead though”, said Merlin, “No matter how angry they are.” hahaha *sobs*
Merlin wasn’t just running to get away from the knight.  He needed to see Arthur straight away. His plan had failed and he didn’t have another one - the only thing he could possibly do now was persuade the prince not to fight. 
After so many failures, most people would have given up.  Not Merlin.  Arthur’s obstinacy had made him even more determined to help because it  had shown him that nothing would dissuade the prince from fighting the Black Knight.
“If Arthur fights the wraith and dies, Camelot will have no heir,” he tried.  “I will have no destiny.” 
Even without the Dragon’s warning, he knew it was Arthur’s sword; he felt that no man should see it before the prince. 
“Tom is not the royal swordsmith”, said Uther.  “I’m surprised Arthur went to him.”
Merlin fetched the kings breastplate, his mind still racing.  “Oh, that was me.  I felt he needed a better sword”, he added, trying to sound more plausible.
Uther seemed even more surprised at that.  “You show him the most extraordinary loyalty.” 
“That is my job sire”, the Warlock said.
“But you go beyond the line of duty”, said the king.
“Well...” said Merlin, not sure how to answer.  Almost to his own surprise, he heard himself being honest, confiding in the king as the king had confided in him. “You could say there is a bond between us.”
“I’m glad”, Uther looked at Merlin and he had the strangest feeling that the king was seeing him for the first time as a person, not just a servant.  “Look after him.”
Merlin  drew it from it’s covering.  The blade glinted in the sunlight, looking for a moment as if the Dragon’s fire were still on it.  As he gazed at it, Merlin felt suddenly that this was Arthur’s sword - it had been made for him, it was his.  He had a desperate urge to ride back to the castle and present the blade to the prince.  
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seonghwanotes · 3 years
730 days | song mingi
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pairing: mingi x reader
genre: angst
word count: 2k
a/n: i personally hate this piece so much, it hits a little too close to home but i wrote it decently and its still cringy gah dayum & there's no part 2 because some things are better off this way
You were in a relationship with Mingi for 2 years now and today was your anniversary with him. Lately, you could never get to go out with him on your monthly anniversaries since he was always busy with work which you understood and didn't mind about. So, you were exhilarated that you finally got the chance to celebrate a special day with him today.
You got dressed pretty early and drove to his house because you knew that he would be late or forget that you both had a date planned out since he hasn't texted you all day long.
While you were driving to his place, you turned up the volume on the radio and drove silently. The memories of when you first met Mingi flooded into your mind as you drove by the familiar street.
You fell in love with Mingi the second you saw him at a distant friend's birthday party. He was avoiding people at the party so it wasn't that hard for you to start a small talk with him. That night was definitely one of the best nights you've had, Mingi didn't even hesitate talking to you, in fact even when everyone had left, you both were still chatting away without realising it was late night.
You let out a small laugh as you drove into the street that Mingi lives at when you thought about the day he confessed to you. You had been talking to him everyday for a few months now and there was a misunderstanding between the two of you which resulted in a fight. Mingi being the gentleman he is, came to your doorstep late at night apologising and also, confessed his feelings for you.
And ever since, things have been going amazing between the two of you. Or so, you thought.
You reached the place and parked your car in front of his porch, turning off the engine before you walked to his doorstep. You felt nervous, as if it was your first date with him. Your hand reached the doorbell and clicked on it.
You took a few steps back, knowing that his tall figure would accidentally bump into you by accident if he was about to walk out. Within seconds, he opened the door and came out. The smell of his cologne immediately flooded your surroundings, making you flinch a little, followed by a loud sneeze.
He was in the middle of locking his house door when his head turned to your direction, "Everything alright?"
You nodded, rubbing your nose. You managed to steal a glance at him, he was clad in a pair of light blue jeans along with an oversized white shirt, a denim jacket over it. You, on the other hand, wore jeans as well and a flowy blouse with your hair let down.
"You look pretty," He commented, making you realise he was done locking his door. You smiled at his compliment and returned one to him, "You look handsome as well."
"Where do you wanna go?" He asked, holding your hand as you both started walking. Everytime Mingi touched you, it would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This time, you didn't feel anything at all, not coming off as a surprise to you anymore.
"I don't know, I told you I didn't mind any place." You replied back.
"It's okay, it's better if you choose a place. I don't want to argue with you later about this." He said.
You looked at him with furrowed brows, wondering what he meant. Was he really going to argue with you before your date even started? That too, on your anniversary?
It took him a while to realise what came out of his mouth as he looked at you and tried to come up with an excuse. "I mean, I just don't want you to feel unhappy about it later."
You were obviously hurt from what he said earlier but you didn't want to show it to him, knowing that he would try to convince you to not feel this way. You hummed at his statement and looked at him, "Let's just go to McDonalds, I guess."
"Didn't you tell me to choose a place?" You questioned him, starting to feel tired with his questions. You managed to catch him sigh and roll his eyes before he turned away, clenching his jaw.
Your relationship with Mingi was falling apart, that was for sure.
The first year together, everything was perfect and you had almost no arguments at all. You both went on dates a lot and took things up a notch. It felt like paradise whenever you were with him.
However in your second year, you felt like things started to lose its authenticity slowly. You began to argue with Mingi over the pettiest things and so did he. You've cried more during arguments with him than out of stress that now if you argued with him, you felt so numb and tired.
The relationship was getting toxic day by day.
"What's your problem now?" He finally asked, leaving a scar on your heart again with his blunt question.
"What's my problem?" You quivered, tears were starting to form in your eyes. You let go of Mingi's hand and asked him, "Why are you always arguing with me, Mingi?"
The look of fury turned into sorrow on Mingi's face as he heard your voice crack when you asked him that question. He knew that you had reached your point, you couldn't hold it in anymore. He had hurt your feelings to that point.
Yet, he didn't show any sign of pity towards you when he questioned you back. "Why are you like this? We've been fighting almost everyday."
You were on the verge of crying as tears collected in your eyes. "Why am I like this? Are you really asking me why I am like this? I've been trying my best to save our relationship every time it has been falling apart and you're asking me why am I like this? When are you going to realise that you have been screwing up our relationship, Mingi?"
He flinched at the mention of his name. You had never used his name before when you were together unless you were pissed or sometimes, jokingly. You had never used it when you were arguing as well. So it took him by surprise that his name left your mouth that day.
Even him using pet names on you made you shiver, you knew it wasn't genuine anymore. He had stopped using pet names for weeks now, you didn't want to hear anything anymore. You looked at him in the eyes, hoping for him to tell you that it's okay and we would be alright. But he didn't.
Even though he put in more effort into your relationship compared to you, he was also the one hurting you the most that it was starting to drive you crazy. You loved him, you loved him with your whole heart and you didn't want to let him go. But in order for you to be alright again, you had to let him go.
Which resulted in you saying those words that you never expected yourself to say when you started dating Mingi.
"I think it's best for us to break up."
You both remained silent for a while, until you started sobbing and looked down. You hated this so much. You didn't want to show him that you were weak and vulnerable. You were at your lowest and you knew you couldn't hold it in anymore.
Mingi's hand reached to touch yours but you jerked away. "Please don't."
He immediately took his hand away and stood still in front of you. Seeing that he was quiet, you knew he was speechless and was thinking of what to say. You didn't want to look at him as well knowing that you would start to cry harder.
At the same time, you wanted him to ask you to stay. You wanted him to tell you that he was willing to fix things between the two of you. You wanted him to tell you that he loves you and he doesn't want you to leave him.
But he did nothing.
You didn't want to leave him, heck, it was stupid of you to even initiate the break up. but, you were not wrong. Mingi didn't even bother begging you to speak or wipe away your tears as he would.
You didn't want to assume things, perhaps he was hiding his pain as well as you did. Maybe it was going to take him some time to realise how fucked up the relationship was.
"Okay." He breathed out, a croak following along as he looked away.
You looked up at him, "Okay?"
"Yeah, let's break up." He said, making eye contact with you as you watched a tear roll down his cheek. You wanted to hold his cheek, wipe his tears and say that it was okay. You wanted to kiss him like there was no tomorrow.
But you didn't.
Instead, you started to cry. You covered your face with your hands as you cried in front of him. You didn't want to leave him, you knew very well you were still wrapped around his finger. You wanted to call him everyday, you wanted to text him good night and I love you everyday. You wanted to give him kisses every time he was sad after watching movies. But that wasn't going to happen.
You felt a pair of warm hands engulf you into a hug, hot tears dropping onto your blouse and Mingi held you tight for one last time. You dropped your hands and hugged him back, crying on his chest that you were starting to lose air.
You knew very well if you stayed in that position for a little longer, you would tell him that you were sorry and you would tell him to forget what you said. So, you pulled away from his hug. Mingi's eyes were red and puffy, he sniffed and looked up at the sky, holding back his tears.
You kissed him back for a brief second before he pulled away. His hand remained intact on your cheek, "It's okay Y/N, you don't have to apologise. I understand where you're coming from."
You couldn't help it. It broke you to see him in pain and you didn't want to see him in that situation ever. So, you opened your mouth to speak but Mingi stopped you by asking, "Can I kiss you one last time?"
Your eyes were glazed, you didn't know what to say. This was really it. This was happening for real and you had to accept it. You gave a subtle nod which led him to kiss you out of nowhere. You didn't move, you stood still as his kiss made you feel warm and content for one last time.
You looked down as he said that, shutting your eyes. You took a deep breath, telling yourself that it was okay and heartbreaks are normal. His hands took yours and he kissed them, before he talked to you.
"Just promise me that you won't give up on love because of what happened between us."
You had no words, you didn't even know what to say to him. You remained quiet for a while. He let go of your hands, "I love you Y/N, I always have and I always will. I'm sorry for hurting you all this while and not owning up to my mistake."
"I'm sorry too Mingi," Your voice croaked, you weren't able to tell the former cause it hurt too much in you to say it back.
"Just…" He paused, looking hesitant to continue his sentence. You could tell he wasn't going to continue his sentence knowing your answer, "Text me when you get back home."
After he said that, he walked back inside his house, leaving you alone at his porch - a crying mess. You got into your car and cried for a good 10 minutes. You wanted him to come out and kiss you, tell you to come inside and convince you to stay.
But you were both too egoistic for that. He knew you wouldn't bother his words, nor would you if he asked you to give him another chance. You looked up at his window, you saw his shadow through his sheer curtains and you could make out that he was crying as well.
No matter how much you loved him, you had to end your relationship before everything felt forced and fake. Before everything was merely a show. It was better to give your all in the relationship instead of giving only half or nothing.
So you drove back home.
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seeuonadarknite · 4 years
wrath — yandere nakahara chuuya x f. reader
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request: Hii! Can I ask Chuuya who manipulate his s/o and punish her badly almost everytime to show her how much his 'love' towards her? Anyway I'm in love w ur stories
❀ thank u bby 🥺 sorry this took me so long to post! i hope you like it
warnings: toxic relationships, abuse, kidnapping
Saying that you were tired of your boyfriend's hostile antics was an understatement. Lately the two of you have been doing nothing but fighting. Not the cutesy, old couple kind of fighting, but the wrathful, full of hate kind. Your relationship was nothing but a constant battle.
What added insult to injury was that during these fights, Chuuya would often leave you with large, purple bruises and call it his way of "punishing" you. The way he basically dumbed you down to the level of a poorly trained mutt was degrading.
And his reasoning for punishing you was absolutely ridiculous. You could be left with a macabre necklace of hand marks on your throat, and he'd justify it by telling you that he didn't want you on speaking terms with his buddies. They'd probably try and snatch you right from beneath him. Of course they would obviously fail miserably, but that wasn't the point. What mattered was the fact that you deliberately went against his rules and betrayed his trust.
So it was no surprise that Chuuya was pissed when you came home with information regarding your new mission. Maybe pissed was an understatement.
"You're partnering with Dazai?! That fuckhead?" It didn't take Chuuya long to create another large indent in the wall with his fist, cracking the poor drywall as he shrieked at you with fury. Raising an eyebrow, you crossed your arms and sent your boyfriend an unimpressed glare. This was the fourth time this month that he damaged the house you two shared. His recklessness was beyond exhausting.
"It's just for work! Are you seriously gonna get pissed at me for doing as I'm told? Do you want me to lose my position?" You snapped, hoping to knock some sense into the male who seemed to quiver with rage. However, the way Chuuya snapped his head towards you and sent you a piercing glare told you that your words were far from convincing. Here you go again.
Without second thought, Chuuya stomped towards you and grabbed a hold of your hair within a fluid movement, painfully dragging your struggling figure across the living room and towards the door to the basement.
"Gah! Get off of me, you psycho!" Your screeches seem to go unnoticed, as Chuuya slammed the door open and carelessly dragged you down the creaky basement stairs by the hair. The way he overpowered you with his brute strength and threw you around with ease was beyond frustrating. You felt like a damn ragdoll in his presence.
Once you finally reached the bottom of the staircase, Chuuya dragged you over to the very end of the unfinished room, where two chained cuffs dangled from the wall. Ah, shit. You weren't a stranger to these dreadful restraints. Looking up at your seething boyfriend before he could carry on with his plan, you silently plead for mercy with your glossy doe eyes.
The way you looked at him was akin to a the way a child would look at their parents with puppy dog eyes. Only instead of begging for the newest barbie dream house, you were pleading with him not to lock you up inside of a frigid, eerie basement for days on end.
Unfortunately for you, your pleading only sparked Chuuya's primal instincts, as he forcefully grabbed your wrists and cuffed each one to the wall behind you. "If you don't stop fucking squirming, I'll swallow this key whole." Chuuya threatened in a low growl. His threat was all it took to shut you up as you allowed him to tighten the cuffs, the cold metal uncomfortably digging into your skin.
"Good girl. One last thing.." He picked up a hunting knife, and just for a split second, you picked up on an unnerving, murderous glint in his eye. Of course it was gone as soon as it came, but it was hard to miss. "What are you doing with that..?" Your voice was shaky as you focused your gaze on the weapon in his hands. However, instead of using it to hurt you like you presumed he would, he gingerly brought it up under your shirt and began tearing away at the fabric.
Once he successfully managed to cut off all of your clothing, he stared down at your shivering form with a triumphant smirk. Perfect. "Ah, fuck. Don't rile me up, now. I have things I gotta get done." The way you pathetically rubbed your legs together in hopes of even warming yourself up in the slightest sparked his innermost primal desires. God, he could just eat you alive—
"B-Babe.. I'm freezing. It's too cold down here, please.." Your eyes began to brim with tears as you watched a smug expression take over his features. Getting the life beaten out of you would've probably been easier than this. With the cuffs strapped to your wrists scraping your skin and drawing blood, along with the freezing cold air of the basement biting at your body, you were already close to your wits end.
"Sorry, I have business I need to attend to. Don't worry, baby. I won't leave ya down here for too long." With one last smirk, he retreated from your form and made his way back over to the stairs. However, the next thing you say has him stopping in his tracks. "Please.. don't hurt him.."
You didn't even have to say his name; Chuuya knew exactly who you were talking about. Stomping over to you with rage in his steps, he wrapped his gloved hand around your jaw and forcefully jerked your head towards his. "The fuck did you just say? Do you like him better or somethin'?!" Wrong move. If you don't choose your next words correctly, Chuuya will surely have your head.
"No..! No. It's— it's just that you're so strong, and.. if you end up hurting him, boss might not be happy..!" Ugh. It physically pained you to talk to him like this. It felt consoling a petulant toddler having a temper tantrum. To your relief, Chuuya released your face from his death grip with the quirk of his brow. "I don't give a shit. The fucker did it to himself." Chuuya once again stepped away from your form, this time actually making his way back up the creaky stairs without any distractions.
Maybe you were right. Maybe killing the bandaged maniac in cold blood would upset the boss. After all, Dazai was a very crucial piece to the puzzle of the Port Mafia. But that didn't mean he couldn't break a few bones in order to show him not to mess with what was rightfully is.
Plus, the bastard would probably enjoy it.
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heartwoodventures · 3 years
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Heartwood Hatchingtide!
A mysterious note had been posted on the company’s bulletin board, beckoning members to meet at Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre for a Hatchingtide celebration! But beyond explaining that the event was to ‘help the youth,’ details were scarce. Who’s organizing this? And what activities will happen? You’ll have to go to the amphitheatre to find out.
And the place is absolutely decked out in egg-related decorations! But most prominent is the large and ‘in charge’ chicken, dancing mad on the road leading to the center. They wave at you two, and then continue to jig.
Intrigued by the odd note, Aislinn made the time to wander her way over to the amphitheatre. Whatever was going on, her curiosity got the better of her and she needed to find out.
Cravendy What is an egg’s least favorite day of the week? Fryday! Happy....friday! xD )) Cravendy I inflict pain unto myself everytime I make a pun ))
Riylli shuffled her way through the city, keeping her head down and trying not to attract attention as she made her way to the Ampitheatre. Whatever dour mood she was in would be briefly erased however as soon as she took in the dancing chicken that appeared to be waiting for her. "Er... Cravs..? Is that you..?"
"Twelve save us." Aislinn said, shaking her head as a smile worked its way across her lips. She paused a few seconds more to watch the chicken in its maddening jig, a laugh bubbling up from her throat. "You know, I'd bet gil on it."
Riylli (I love the way our heads move watching her dance Riylli (getting in on the beat Aislinn ((We're mesmerized))
Aislinn - She waves to the chicken. "So what's all this about helping out at Hatchingtide?"
“Cravs? Who’s that?” The chicken momentarily stops dancing and, somewhere in the distance, a kid groans in disappointment. Seeing that, the chicken slumps, but begins to groove once more. “I...I am none other. Huff. Than. Chickendy Hound! And it was I that called you out today on a mission...most. Huff. Important.”
Aislinn's smile widens. "Sounds like you've been dancing there quite awhile, Chickendy Hound." she noted in amusement as she plays along.
Riylli staaaaaaaaaaaared, bewilderment on her face as she tried to wrap her head around exactly what was happening here. That was definitely Cravs. Even without the giveaway of the name, the only other one in the company that tall was Rising, who Riylli was particularly sure would not be able to dance like the chicken was after the previous night. "Er... And what's that then?"
“Ay shite, I’ve been dancin’ for bloody who knows ‘ow long...” Cravs grumbles, and at that very moment a mother and child strolls on by. Cravs stiffens and clears her throat. “I mean. I can dance all day and all night! But now, the egg advocates would have us take care of another chore-I mean, thing of utmost importance. And that...is collecting eggs!”
Riylli pauses her judgmental staring to instead watch the mother and child pass, seemingly getting distracted for a moment before turning back to the chicken and letting out a sigh. "...Right. We gettin' paid for this or what?" She asks coldly, apparently back to whatever bad mood she had been in before meeting Chickendy
In contrast to Riylli's foul (fowl) mood, Aislinn seems to be enjoying this all too much. She makes a poor attempt to hold back any more laughter and nods to the passing mother and child. She couldn't begin to imagine how hot a suit like that must get. "Aye, of course. Harsh task masters, these egg advocates."
“No good deed goes unpaid! Which is to say, no, we’re not gettin’ bloody paid for this. I asked.” Cravs crosses her arms and I swear, you could see her chicken hat’s eyes furrow in grumpy anger. “Though they said we can keep any extra eggs, which ye can probably sell if yer strapped for cash.”
"....ye -do- get a free chicken suit though. That count for anythin'?"
"How, exactly, did they talk you into this, then?" Aislinn wryly asks.
Aislinn leans forward a bit and lowers her voice. "Did you lose a bet?"
Riylli let out another long sigh. "I hate this damned city so much..." She mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose as she seriously considered just turning around right then and there
"Ch-chickendy needs no reason to spread cheer in the world!" It's unclear if that's the whole truth, half, or not at all.
Riylli shot Cravs a glare, "Oy Chickendy, you better give me a better reason than that. How'd the scary pirate lady that can't even apologize end up in a situation like this?"
That earns a doubtful, though amused noise from Aislinn. "Yeah, if Chickendy is anything like Cravendy I'm not sure that math works out." Nevertheless, she shrugs a shoulder. She needed a break from building the prototypes at any rate, it was why she wandered out in the first place. "Alright then, I'm in for a bit of egg collecting." paused. "Chicken eggs, right?" she asked, deciding she better double check.
“HEY. I’m not so cold that I’d refuse to do some good in the world! That, and I didn’t say no right away. These folk sense weakness and twist yer arm until...” Cravs hears something approach from behind and freezes up.
Aislinn ((I'm going to hear this song in my sleep)) Riylli ( PA PAYA Cravendy pa paya! :D ))
An egg advocate comes over, peppiness turned dangerously past the dial. They drop a box containing chicken costumes in front of Riylli and Lin and - did they wink somehow? “You must be joining our friend here in setting up! A thousand thanks for choosing to spend your time spreading the festivities!”
Riylli shot the newcomer a glare so powerful that it could probably be tried as physical assault. "You have to be joking. You want me to wear that shite too?"
Aislinn eyes the chicken suit that was so unceremoniously dropped in front of her. "Wait...you were serious about the costume?" she looked the egg advocate over. The maniacal exuberance and zippered up smile a touch zealous. "Why the suits? We're collecting eggs, right?"
Aislinn ((It's all fun and games until you get stuffed in a chicken suit))
“Of course! The kids -love- it, and it’s said that wearing this’ll help you collect the eggyest of eggs! Chicken eggs!” The advocate unpacks the box’s contents, finds a suit fitting Riylli’s size, and thrusts it upon her without a moment’s hesitation. This person is awfully pushy, with all the strength of a traveling salesman who's got their foot in the door. “Now now, no fussing and get cracking!”
Cravendy laughs weakly.
Aislinn suddenly finds her arms weighed down in a similar fashion. She narrows her eyes slightly over the bulky armload, very likely imagining an unseemingly kind of violence that would wipe the peppiness right out of the pushy advocate. But then she cuts a glance to the still dancing Cravendy and merely sighs. The Seawolf was definitely in dire straits. "Fine. But we bring you back eggs that are eggier than other eggs and then ALL three of us are off the hook."
Riylli is forced to accept the chicken suit into her hands, blinking as her stare went from it, to Cravs, to the advocate. She wondered if it would be possible to evade capture from this deep inside the city if she were to commit some sort of crime right about now. Her attentions thankfully turn back to Cravendy. "The next time we go out drinking, you're paying for every round I feel like havin'" Riylli stated her demands, figuring it would be in everyone's best interest to ignore the advocate
The advocate squeals with glee and points to the west. There, you’ll find the chicken coops, the eggs, the hens! Best of luck! And as the three of them make their way over, the moment Cravs is a safe distance away from the advocate she slumps over. “Thank ye both...that person is frighteningly stubborn. Ye don’t want to know.”
Riylli lets out an absolutely exhausted sigh. "Figured you wouldn't be doin' this if you weren't in some sorta trouble... One day we're gonna have to teach you how to talk to people though." She muttered as she shoved the mask on over her head.
Aislinn stares at the retreating advocate's back, noting how a squeal was not a verbal agreement. A point that might have to be dealt with later. For now, she turns to Cravendy and shrugs. "Sometimes I think our contracts are easier to deal with." she added.
Cravendy nods in agreement with Lin. Clear cut rules, payment! But in the world of volunteering and do-goodery, there was a wide spectrum of folk to tussle with. She looks over to Riylli and snorts. “Looks weird with just the ‘ead.”
Riylli began idly fiddling around underneath her mask as she tried to get it to fit properly. "Course these things don't fit my damn ears... Nice to know nothings changed around here." She muttered angrily, definitely feeling very spiteful today. "EVERY. ROUND." Riylli reminded Cravs, then finally began to put on her suit, grumbling all the while
Aislinn - As they made their way to this special hen house, Aislinn struggled into the ridiculous chicken costume. "Know what this is? This is Nymeia's jest in return for me laughing earlier." she shook her head, her small frame almost swallowed up by the bulk of the costume. Looking down at herself, she laughed. "What is my life right now?" she pondered aloud.
Cravendy ALRIGHT so since the fates up, lets hop to it xD )) Cravendy whoever gets the most eggs...wins! )) Riylli (BAH, I SUCK AT THIS FATE THO Cravendy SAME LOL  )) Aislinn Also same)) Cravendy GDI )) Riylli ( KNOCK ME TO VICTORY Cravendy these chickens have NO EGGCUSE being this rude )) Riylli (GAH Aislinn ((They're very eggcitable)) Cravendy at some point you get knocked around to much )) Cravendy you accept heavy as a way of life )) Riylli (using the aoe to dash me to other eggs Riylli (this is pro gaming Cravendy make sure to turn in your eggs! )) Riylli 16 Cravendy AGHF I keep interrupting myself xD )) Cravendy 12! LOL )) Aislinn ((9!)) Cravendy damn pro gamer over here ahah )) Riylli (Riylli shall win every hunt in this fc Riylli Y E S Cravendy EGG )) Cravendy OMG )) Cravendy thats cannibalism! xD )) Riylli (victory tastes so good Cravendy tho my parents own chickens and they egg their own eggs all the time lol )) Aislinn ((Are you eating them ALL? Cool Hand Luke over here)) Riylli eggsecution Cravendy STOP you'll overdose on them! )) Riylli (I aint doing it again you cant make me Aislinn ((EGGsplosion))
Cravendy limps away from the henhouse. Truly, these birds were in a fowl mood! But she’s managed to collect a dozen and that’s something, right?
Riylli finishes her hunt with sixteen total eggs in her basket, the ultimate hunter in both speed and grace. Of course, she may have thrown some chickens around and caused some children to cry, but victory is all that mattered in the end. If she had to be a chicken, she would be the GREATEST CHICKEN
Aislinn hurriedly clambers over the fence, a basket half-full of eggs and the sound of muffled curses coming from under her mask. "Those birds are not normal. I see why we need the damned suits now. They're protection."
Cravendy - “Never thought I’d be tossed around by a...by a chicken?!” Putting it into words doesn’t help at all. She peers over to Riylli’s haul. “‘ow’d ye manage to get so many?”
Cravendy LOL at any cost, Riylli will be the ultimate chicken xD )) Riylli (Shoving children over and stealing their eggs
Riylli puffed up her chest, somehow managing to look proud even inside such a ridiculous outfit. "When will you learn... Keepers are the greatest hunters there are! Doesn't matter if it's beast or bugs or... or eggs..." Her confidence wavered a bit at the end there, but she wasn't about to give up this opportunity to gloat
Aislinn pulls her mask off with a huff and pushes back the hair plastered to her brow. She quietly counts up the eggs between the three of them. "This better be enough to buy your freedom from this cult, Cravendy."
Cravendy “Smaller target is all. Chickens were too busy chasin’ me around.” Cravs smirks beneath her hat.
Riylli pulled her chicken hood off, freeing her ears from their confines and giving them a tentative flick. Despite herself, she was wearing a large grin that let Cravendy know this was not the last time she would hear of this. "Sure, sure, whatever you say."
“I ‘ope so too, Lin.” Cravs sighs, thinking back to how chicken-garbed strangers would pop out at the strangest of times, incessantly asking about when she was going to finally help out. But when she sees the smiles on everyone’s faces, a part of her gives. It’s not all to keep nosy birds off her back. “...OY WAIT. Cravs? It’s Chickendy!”
Aislinn starts peeling off the hen-pecked suit and shoots the Seawolf a wry smile. "Aye, aye. Chickendy. My mistake." she paused, struggling to fold the suit over one arm while holding her basket in the other. "Should we get these over to the amphitheatre so they can be...decorated or painted. Whatever they do to them next."
Cravendy sulks. She knows that tone. Call her crazy, but a small part of her had held onto hope that somehow the two of them hadn’t made the connection. “Ay, let's get this over with.”
Riylli glanced down at the mask in her hands and thought for a moment, before suddenly deciding to put it back on. "Think Ill keep this on 'till were out of the city... Personally I hope Chickendy sticks around though. She can dance for us next time we go out on a mission, keep our morale high." She teases
Aislinn slides a glance Riylli's way. "Might come in handy if we ever face down another mob of avians."
Cravendy nearly chokes at the thought of dancing to raise morale. But she fumes in silence.
As you approach the amphitheatre once more, the sounds of children laughing fill the air. All around you, families and friends excitedly partake in egg-related activities. The advocate happily accepts the party’s baskets, and then hands each of them a delicately painted egg. “You all did so good! Here, as a reward!”
Riylli silently accepted the egg, paused for a moment, then immediately dropped it. "Woops." She muttered, sarcasm absolutely dripping off her tone. It seemed now that the thrill of victory had faded, Riylli was back to her previously grumpy self. "So sorry, hard to get a good grip in this costume. You understand I'm sure."
Aislinn nods in thanks as she carefully takes the egg. She smiles in her quiet way as she runs a finger along its surface, appreciating the detail. After a moment, she looks back up at the advocate. "Those are quite some chickens you've got there. The suits did actually come in handy."
Cravendy takes the egg and pockets it. Somehow.
“No worries! Have another!” The advocate presents another gift to Riylli. A chocolate egg. They then turn to Lin, sunshine exuding from behind their feathered maw. “The finest hens in Eorzea! And they lay the tastiest eggs too!”
Riylli accepts the gift, and then drops the gift. "Woops." She said again, practically challenging the advocate to give her another. Pettiness was her specialty, and she could do this all day.
The henny-helper hums in thought, and then raises a finger as a lightbulb lights up above their head. They take out a sticker and plaster it on the center of Riylli’s chicken hat. Bock bock!
“I’m free now, right? I am, right?” Cravs asks, and the Hatchingtide worker nods. Cravs stumbles back in relief, and then looks to Lin and Riylli. “Thanks...er, strangers. Well, I must be off. To somewhere.”
Aislinn sighs softly. "Nymeia's breath." she says, barely audible. This way lay trouble, she could sense it. "Right, then. Ah...thank you, I suppose." It seemed the polite thing to say. "And...good luck with the rest of your Hatchingtide. We'll just be heading out now."
Aislinn begins back away slowly
Riylli stared, trying and ultimately failing to figure out a way to counter this attack as well. Giving up, she turned to Cravs. "See you later Chickendy, try not to make eye contact with any strangers on your way out." She said, offering her a wave. She followed close to Aislinn as she backed away, sighing heavily. "Lets go back to the house and burn this shite..."
Although they had been strongarmed into helping out, the three of them did good in spreading festive cheer in Gridania. But perhaps they would stay far away from any chicken-suited fellows in the future....just in case.
Aislinn - "Might come in handy though somewhere down the line." she says with such a straight face, it's unclear as to whether she's joking or not.
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tuffdwightwest · 4 years
You Are My Best Friend Ch. 1
"Snotlout!" Gobbers voice rang out right before a hooked hand smacked a piece of metal. Startling Snotlout back awake as he cried out in fear, forgetting briefly where he was.
Seeing the familiarity of the forge though, his cry quickly turned into a groan as he crossed his arms meeting Gobbers gaze. "What? Can't a viking get a little shut eye around here?" He complained.
"Not when you are working with me, boyo. Perhaps you would like to work on the next shipment of maces needed instead of the meager, sharpen these axes job I have going for ya." Gobber responded. Turning away from the Jorgenson as he went back to what Snotlout assumed was forging some new maces.
For a months now, Snotlout had taken over Hiccups old job in the forge. Working as a second hand to Gobber. He had been promised the 'Official Weapon Tester Position' but that was clearly not the case. In fact the other Riders had a good laugh as even his father piped in and agreed that it would teach him some humility.
If Snotlout's life was a fable this chapter would be called the dark years. Still mumbling he still went back to work as he focused on sharpening the blade. Trying to ignore Gobbers off-key singing as he silently cursed Hiccup's name. As they were nearing being finished however Gobber piped up with something that actually caught his interest.
"-ading off with her cousin Lars to the Northern Markets. With that Zippleback with her, I bet she'll come back with more gold then she could carry!" Gobber boasted with a laugh.
"Uh who? What's going on?" Snotlout cut in having missed the beginning of whatever Gobber was speaking about.
"Ruffnut. She is trying to become a Trader of all things and for a few weeks she'll be training with her Cousin Lars on the business." He explained. Snotlout blinked in surprise at this. Of course he knew that both the twins were planning on trying different avenues for professions, something that their family had been harping on them about, both had been adamant on saying that they were Dragon Riders and that was what they would stay. Although now apparently it seemed that Ruffnut was going to try being a merchant?
"Uh when did she leave?" He asked.
"Just this morning; well done!" Gobber said before quickly switching into something else as he noticed Snotlout for once actually finish his work. Looking down Snotlout hadn't even noticed he was on the last sword. Grinning he set it aside, feeling mighty pleased with himself as he stood.
"This mean I can go?" He questioned.
"Gah, yes! Get more work done without having to deal with your moping anyway." Gobber complained although he still had a small smirk. Excited Snotlout turned to leave as he practically raced out of the Forge.
It wasn't dusk yet and the sun was still decently in the sky which left him a good four hours to actually have some fun for once. Usually he would go straight to Hookfang and the two would go flying together but today he actually veered off course as he remembered the conversation he was just having with Gobber. He was actually kind of curious about why Ruff chose to do that and he figured Tuffnut would be the best one to ask.
After all, he still was gearing for Ruffnuts love and her suddenly up and leaving was quite a shock for him. He thought they were finally getting somewhere!
With those indignant thoughts he found himself in front of the Nuts house. It was further back on the island and looked like it needed its fair share of repairs. With cracks lining the walls and even a few smashed windows. The chicken coop behind the house actually giving a kind of unpleasant odor. Come to think of it. Snotlout had never really visited the twins at their house and at this moment, he kind of wished he still hadn't.
Just as he was about to knock on the door, a squeal sounded from behind him. Turning he came face to what appeared to be a very angry boar. The animal stomping on the ground as it glared at what it deemed an unwelcome trespasser. "Uh... nice boar." Snotlout mumbled trying to calm the animal as he held out his hands, trying to make himself less threatening. The boar however just stomped the ground again, shaking its burly head as it gave a loud snort.
Then with a roar the animal started to rush Snotlout. Screaming out in terror, Snotlout went to move out of the way but before he could he was suddenly pushed to the side as something shot out from behind him. Not suspecting it he fell back on his ass but at least now he could identify Tuff as the twin rode on the Boars back, laughing and giggling as the beast tried to buck him off.
Just as Snotlout was starting to get concerned, the boar finally started to calm as Tuffnut finally jumped off. "Next time. Lets do that in the boar pit okay Bjorn. Also! Good pig telling us when theres strange men at the house." Tuffnuts voice rang out as he petted the boar behind the ears. The once angry animal just snorted as it sniffed at the twins hair, Tuffnut without a helmet, before it started to trot off.
Standing up Tuffnut brushed himself off before crawling up the steps and standing next to Snotlout. His eyes alight with amusement as he looked down at him. Realizing that Snotlout still hadn't gotten back up, he cursed before scrambling to his feet. "Why is there an angry boar guarding your house?" He scoffed already angry at what just happened.
"Why not?" Tuff responded. The retort Snotlout had was lost in the absurdity of that so instead he just threw his hands up, thinking of many reasons why not to have a boar guarding your house. Visitors being maimed being one of them. Before he could though Tuff beat him too it.
"You need something? Not to cut off your imminent rant but none of you have ever come to our house before. Unless its overhead, on dragon and you are yelling at us to get Barf and Belch cause Svens sheep got out again." Tuff explained, "Although still, its not usually you." He added looking at Snotlout warily.
Ignoring it though Snotlout shrugged, "I heard Ruff left and I just came to find out why. I thought you two weren't gonna go through with your tribes demands?" He said jumping right into it. Tuff looked surprised for a moment before he just shrugged, his whole body moving with the effort. Instead of answering though he just gestured Snotlout to follow him inside. Although Snotlout really didn't want to know what the interior looked like, he still followed.
"We weren't initially but Mom convinced Ruff to trail along with Lars. She said she actually enjoyed it so... yeah she's gonna try to be a Merchant or whatever." Tuff said, voice a little detached when he said it. He didn't exactly sound pleased by his sisters decision but it was obvious he was at least trying to be supportive. "They wouldn't let me go with her either." He added at the end.
Glancing around the surprisingly tidy inside, he listened to Tuffs explanation and couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. He was mostly sad that he wouldn't be able to recite his newest poem to her, while Tuff was upset cause he already missed his sister. "Two weeks?"
"Or more. Depends on how it all goes." Tuff responded with a sigh as he went and sat down in the center of the floor. "What am I even gonna do while she's gone? She took Barf and Belch so I don't even have that." He complained.
Snotlout pursed his lips before going and sitting next to him. Whatever he was planning on saying in comfort though was lost as he actually smelt the twin. Now usually they smelt like a mixture of BO, Zippleback gas and cheese. A disgusting scent but they were always proud of it. Today though, today he smelt like, "Why do you smell like freshly baked sugar cookies?" He asked.
Tuffnut looked surprised as he spared a glance at Snotlout. Snotlout was actually surprised to see the twins face redden as he averted his gaze and mumbled something under his breath. "What?" Snotlout shot back leaning in closer to hear.
"My mom made both Ruffnut and me bathe in this special oil she made. She said she didn't want us smelling like a dead rat so she's making Ruff and me bathe more often. Except it has always been me. Ruff always somehow finds a way to avoid it while I walk right into it." Tuffnut huffed crossing his arms.
Snotlout grinned finding Tuffs distress amusing, "I think its an improvement. Might actually want to hang around you more now that I don't gag everytime I'm downwind."
"Haha..." Came Tuffnuts response as he kicked at Snotlouts boat. "Speaking of hanging out though. Do you wanna hang out?" Tuffnut asked offhandedly.
"I really just wanted to know why Ruff left. Was gonna go take Hookfang for a flight. He's been restless." Snotlout responded, moving to get up as he was reminded of his original goal. He was still looking at Tuff however as he caught a flash of hurt cross over his face before the twin quickly covered it up with a half smile.
"Yeah okay, I get it. Maybe later?" He asked.
Snotlout frowned, Tuffnut sounded almost desperate and what was with the hurt look he gave him. It wasn't like they hanged out all the time so why did he suddenly want too today. Feeling wary he just shrugged, "I'm a busy dude." Was his response as he turned to leave.
If Tuff was trying to pull him into a prank he wasn't falling for it. Tuff didn't say anything as he left the house either so Snotlout just assumed he realized that Snotlout was too good to be tricked.
Now to go flying.
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Classic Mode Character: King Dedede
Introductory Monologue: *A shot of King Dedede’s castle* Hehehe! It’s funnier everytime! *Camera shot makes it’s way through to Dedede who is lounging in his throne watching T.V.* Nothin’ beats watchin’ T.V. on a day like this one, but boy sure does get repetetive after doin’ he same ol’ stuff. Sure is a struggle bein’ a king. *The T.V. changes out of the blue* Hey! I was watchin’ that! Hey what’s this? *leans closer to the T.V. to read what it says* “Unlimited Power Awaits You, Though Others Will Be Fightin’ For It As Well, Make It There Quick” Unlimited power! Sounds like a real dream come true. *shot of Dedede leaving his castle* Seems those chumps goin’ need to learn a thing or two about who’s in charge here. I guess I’m off to this here gatherin’ and I’ll be the one winnin’!
Introductory Battle: Vs Ice Climbers
King Dedede: What’re two little runts like you doin’ hangin’ out here?
Popo: These “little runts” will knock you, ice cold!
King Dedede: Hehehe! You wish!
Victory Quote: That wasn’t even the tip o’ the iceberg!
Midway Battle: Vs Kirby.
King Dedede: Gah! Why do you always gotta get in my way!
Kirby: Poyo!
King Dedede: Hmf. No matter I don’t need no one to clobber you!
Victory Quote: Taranza must’ve been right about me bein’ the strongest. Hehehe!
Destined Battle: Vs King K.Rool.
*King Dedede flys up onto Battlefield*
King Dedede: This place is lookin’ kinda spiffy, maybe I’ll get a sceond castle here. Huh?
*Dedede heard loud running noises coming from behind him, and immediately turned around*
King K.Rool: Get lost fatso this is my turf now!
*K.Rool pushed Dedede out of his way knocking him on his behind.*
King Dedede: Who’re callin’ fat, Blubber boy!?
King K.Rool: The only other person here dimwit!
King Dedede (picking up hammer): Now, lookie here that power belongs to me and if you wanna try'n stop me. Ha! It’s your funeral pal.
King K.Rool (blunderbuss in tow): Let’s see who’s the better king.
King Dedede: We don’t need to fight to know that one bug-eye.
Victory Quote: I’d love to put your head atop my fireplace. Hehehe!
Final Battle: Vs Dharkon
Dharkon: Good or Evil? No matter which you choose, know you shall be purged!
King Dedede: *yawn* You don’t look so tough this’ll be a piece o’ cake. Mmm, Caaake.
Ending Monolouge: *shot of Dedede about to use Dharkon’s core as a golfball* FOUR! *He hits it out of sight eventually exploding off in the distance. A strange substance trailed it’s way over from Dharkon to Dedede entering inside of him* Woah, this unlimited power sure ain’t no joke, I feel good. Clearly that one-eyed bozo had no idea what he was doin’ with it. *shot of Dedede coming back to his castle* Phew, I’m all tuckered out after that. Good thing I’m back now. Sure, were a bunch o’ wackos out there, but none of ‘em stood a chance against me. I guess it’s back, being king, but this time it’s gonna be different. Even if life on Popstar has been a major snore-fest. I think now. *shot of Dedede surrounded by a load of food and wearing nothing but gold* Things are about to get a heck of a lot more interesting, HEHEHEHE!
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hsj-scenarios · 6 years
Hey! Say! 7! Reacting to their s/o snoring while asleep
Hi guys... Mod K here. Sorry for being a little inactive. I just moved in to college recently and still trying to adjust myself. This was not a request but something I did for a friend which I wanted to share to all of you for the meantime while I'm still writing the requests. I will do a BEST one but not in the meantime. Enjoy 😊
I wanted to add the gifs but I have no wifi connection at the moment. Sorry 🙏
Yamada Ryosuke
-playing games together late at night is your hobby
-but today both of you were too tired so you both decided to watch dramas instead and chill in front of the tv
- you both cuddled under a nice blanket, your head on his shoulder.
-you didn't notice it but soon you fell asleep
- Yama soon found out and nuzzle his head against yours as well, closing his eyes too...
-until he was interrupted by a sound
-what was that
- poor Boi jerked up a bit
- it's coming from you
- no way.... You're... Snoring?
-Gah so cute...
-He gentle pats your head and listens to your snores
-honestly felt so calm just listening to it
- he wouldn't say anything about it or complain to you... It's his little secret.
-when he is out of town he will miss your snores at night and have a little trouble sleeping without it :(
-your snores are his de-stress material
Nakajima Yuto
- Yuto came back late from work so you end up sleeping on the couch waiting for him...
-he watched you with a smile on his face and stroked you hair gently... He was gonna wake up up so both of you could go upstairs when...
-OMG you snored...yuto was amused
-omg you did it again
-couldn't hold his laughter in
-Wake up wake up
-poor you, finally your husband's home and he suddenly wakes you up
-why is he grinning at you like that
-'you were snoring. You sounded like Darth vader' he joked and you slapped his shoulder, blushing
-would joke about it the morning after by imitating Darth Vader noises
Chinen Yuri
- you guys just came back from dinner and you let chinen bath first while you lie on the bed
- you were super tired though so you accidentally fell asleep
-when chinen came out he saw you asleep already...
- he lies down next to you and stares at your face with you make up still on... So cute.. So beautiful...
-and you let out a snore
-Chinen lost his trail of thoughts all of a sudden and began to chuckle softly.
- 'Buta~ buta-chan~' he pokes your cheeks to wake you up and you soon wake up...
- 'Ah... Buta-chan is awake~' he cooed and you questioned what pig he was calling and u realized it was you
- Me? Buta???
-That little devil
- You snoring buta wake up~
- Starts calling you buta (jokingly) like it's your new pet name from now on
-Low key loves your snores.... Makes him feel good that you're all comfortable with him.
Authors note: buta means pig in Japanese 🤣
Okamoto Keito
-he had ALOT of off days... But you didn't have much
So everytime you guys hang out, you were the one to determine the date and time of the hang outs
- but today he wanted to surprise you by going over to your house 😂
- he knew u kept a spare key in the pot next to your front door and used it to get inside. Little did he know you were already home... But you were asleep with your head placed on the kitchen table..
-Surprised fail? No...
- he tiptoes to the dining room and places the food he bought on the table
- shit what was that sound
- was it raining?
- gah he knocked the cat's metal food bowl
- U woke instantly with the noise.
-Keito what are u doing here
- 'Um... Did you just snore?' he asked hesitantly, knowing it's not polite but he was kinda freaked out now so he is crossing off options
- You blushed and hid your face
-Keito consults you saying it's alright and it's normal
- Keito snores too
- and boy were the both of you irritating during sleepovers with jump
- Keito didn't mind tho... It seemed you two were just perfect.
- and now he doesn't have to feel embarrassed by himself
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join-the-joywrite · 5 years
Women in War -- 5
All Maggie Maravillla ever wanted was to help people. She never imagined losing damn near everything when winning a war.
WiW masterpost
Chapter 5
Becky was booked off work for at least two months. Maggie put in leave at the university. Peggy filed for all the leave she had accumulated while working -- a total of one month. Howard sent them plane tickets to Brooklyn.
Bucky was waiting in the airport.
The next month was spent nursing Becky back to normal. Winnifred was thrilled to have all her children under one roof again, though it broke her heart that one had to run so close to death to bring Maggie home.
Howard visited often to see how Becky was doing, to talk to Bucky about that car or something alike, to offer Maggie the job everytime. Peggy befriended both Alice and Evelyn before she left.
It was somewhere in the middle of their second month back in Brooklyn when Howard arrived at the Barnes home with a solemn expression, sans the expensive wine he usually brought for Winnifred.
Bucky opened the door. "Howard."
"Buck. Is Maggie free? There's something I need to discuss with her. Something, uh . . . private."
"Kitchen's free. I'll get Maggie."
Leaving Winnifred with detailed instructions for Becky's movement therapy exercises, Maggie headed to the kitchen. "What's with all the secrecy, Howard?"
Howard leaned against one of the counters in the kitchen. He beckoned Maggie over.
"I'm seriously certain you should reconsider. From what I've heard, you handled the situation better than any doctor I've ever met. The army could really use someone like you. If I play the cards right, you might not have to subject yourself to being a nurse again."
"All the secrecy to tell me that?"
Howard moved closer to Maggie and dropped his voice even further. "The offer about helping me work with a German scientists who may have a superhuman formula is still on the table, and Maggie, I think your help would be invaluable. The formula is not yet complete and we are looking for experts in human anatomy as well as psychology. You fit the bill."
Maggie's eyes widened. "So it's not hypothetical anymore?" she whispered.
"You know it never was."
"I . . . I'll have to think about it, Howard. I have a job --"
"Teaching isn't what you wanted to do, Mags. You always wanted to help the world and you can. Do you really want to go back and find a new job as a nurse again? In between lectures?"
"Howard. . ."
"Or do you want to serve in the war? The way Peggy does, the way Becky does? The way only you can. You could save lives, Maggie, soldiers' lives. Imagine if Becky had had you there on that mission. She may have never gone so close to dying. You could do that for the soldiers. Or you can go back to your safe little lecture hall and walk around a different hospital being nothing more than a nurse."
"Howard Stark, I have never wanted to slap you more than I do right now."
"I'm sure there's a good reason why you haven't."
Maggie folded her arms and looked away from Howard. "It's because I think you might be right," she grumbled.
"So, it's a yes, then?"
"It's a maybe."
Two weeks later, Maggie bid her family goodbye again and left with Becky. For the next week, Becky stayed with Maggie in her apartment. Peggy eventually received orders to bring Agent Barnes back into the field and Becky was never happier to listen to a man's orders. Maggie continued as usual. Lecturing and searching for a job at a hospital. She eventually found one and her life fell back into its old routine.
"Now, this topic is examinable, which means that it's going to be in your final. No doubt about it. It's a very important topic, so expect to see some essay questions and perhaps some contextuals surrounding it. It's going to account for at least twenty percent of the paper, so is everyone sure they understand this section?"
Of course, no one raised a hand to say no. Maggie put her hands on her hips. She glanced down at her shoes before scanning the lecture hall.
"Nod if you want me to arrange a session to re-explain the topic."
More than half the students in the hall nodded.
"Thought so," she murmured. "I will arrange an extra sessions to go through the topic. The notice will be put up on the board for all of you to see. The class will not be compulsory, but there will be some bonus quizzes that I will add to your final mark for the semester, so if you're not sure you're passing or if you want to secure that A for the class, I'd attend. The class will be on a weekend to ensure no clashes with other lectures. Before I let you all leave--"
Maggie stopped as the doors opened and a young girl walked in.
"Well, you're very late."
"Oh, I'm not a student, Dr Maravilla. This just arrived for you with orders to deliver as early as possible."
Maggie hesitated to take the envelope. The last time someone handed her an envelope saying it was of extreme importance, she found out a good friend of hers had been killed in the war and that her best friend would be running off to fight on a different front in the war. Quickly, she scanned the letter inside.
"There has been a slight change of plans, students."
Someone raised their hand. "Are we still going to have the extra class?"
"I've been . . . well, I suppose 'drafted' is the best word to use here. I've been drafted to the US Army."
The class erupted furiously. Dr Maravilla leave Cambridge? Outrageous! But come the next morning, when they expected Maggie to enter the lecture hall, an elderly man introduced himself as Dr Martin and explained that he was their temporary lecturer until the college found someone to replace the absent Dr Maravilla. The students had never been more furious, but none of them wanted to raise arms against government.
When Maggie glanced at a newspaper at the airport that evening, she found her own face beating the war to the front page.
Cambridge College students cut class to collectively bid Dr Maravilla farewell and good fortune as she leaves to join United States Army.
Maggie hadn't realised what an impact she had made during her years spent lecturing.
"I cannot believe you, Howard Stark! How dare you get the government involved in my job?! Don't you know how to take 'no' for an answer? What gives you the right to meddle in my life?"
Howard raised an eyebrow. "Do you really want me to play that card, Maggie?"
"What card?" Maggie hissed.
"You owe me. Big time."
Maggie hissed again, not unlike a stray cat.
Howard smiled and gestured to the only other person in the room. "Dr Abraham Erskine." He gestured to Maggie with his other hand. "Dr Crystal Magdalena Maravilla."
"Gah!" Maggie jumped. "I'm sorry, Dr Erskine, I didn't see you when I came in."
Abraham Erskine smiled warmly at Maggie. "It's all right, dear. You've made quite an impression."
Maggie groaned and dropped her head into her hands.
"I'll let you two get acquainted," Howard said, leaving the lab Maggie had angrily stormed into a minute or so ago.
Erskine gestured to two of the chairs in the lab. Maggie set her bag down on a desk before sitting.
"I hear you've performed a fourteen-hour surgery without prior preparation or having any experience in real surgery before."
"She was my best friend, doctor, a sister to me. I couldn't stand by and let someone else juggle her life."
Erskine smiled. "I hear you got fired for it."
Maggie waved her hand in the air. "It happens. People in power hate to see inferiors stand up."
"I see. So, you are the doctor Howard has been mentioning all this time."
Maggie smiled. "You thought Dr Maravilla was a man."
"A thousand apologies, doctor."
"It's all right. So, I hear you have a superhuman formula."
Erskine nodded. "The super soldier serum. It will end the shortage of soldiers for this country. Once it is perfected, the serum will enhance every part of the subject, creating --"
"A super soldier," Maggie said, nodding, "but I still don't see why I'm needed."
"Dr Maravilla, you are better than any doctor this or any country I've seen has produced. You understand the human body in a way that most cannot. You understand the link between the physical and the mental. Who else would be able to develop the perfect balance in a formula to equally enhance every aspect to perfection?"
Maggie felt like she was glowing at the praise. "All right, doctor, I'm prepared to help."
"Then welcome, Dr Maravilla, to the Strategic Scientific Reserve."
For the next year, Maggie and Erskine sat day and night in their lab, working on the serum, almost every single day. Howard would come and go as they worked, talking about something, briefly entertaining Maggie, sharing tales of his pathetic love life, so Maggie said. Three quarter way through the year, Howard started talking about the same woman. He never said a name, but Maggie and Erskine were both certain it was the same woman.
It was June of 1943 when they finally perfected their serum.
"Are you ready?" Erskine asked.
"For human trials? I've never been more afraid! We don't actually know what this will do to the average man."
"But we know what it will do to the right candidate."
Maggie shrugged. "I suppose that's a bit of a consolation. How are we meant to find the right candidate, though? Several soldiers will end up on the camp and partake in the training regime. What if none of the soldiers are right?"
"Doctor, you believe in fate, don't you? You always talk about how it got you here, how it got your friend Agent Barnes to her job. Trust in fate, she will lead us to the right candidate. And if we don't spot him, she will send him to us over and over and over again. We will find the right soldier for the serum. Have faith."
A week later, for the fifth time, Steve Rogers was denied enlisting into the army. He was quite pissed and ended up getting himself into a fight. Of course, it was Bucky Barnes to the rescue, as it always had been.
"I had him on the ropes."
But when Steve looked up to shoot his best friend a mock-annoyed look, he was met with the back of a woman, whose brown locks had escaped her braid and whose heels were hanging in her hands.
"I know you did," Evelyn Barnes said as she gave Steve a warm smile.
"Evie? What are you doing out here?"
Evelyn shrugged as she slipped her heels back on her feet. "I was on a date, having a really nice time. I'm perfectly ready to settle in and enjoy the upcoming movie and this asshole starts making a racket up near the front. So I resign myself to the sad state of humanity. But then, oh, this brave soul tells him to shut his trap. I came out here to find and thank him and what do I find but my hero getting his ass handed to him."
Steve rolled his eyes. "Very funny, Evie."
Evelyn grinned. "You gotta learn to pick your battles carefully, brother. One day, you're gonna fight someone and we won't be there behind you."
"You can't seriously expect me to stop."
Evelyn sighed as she picked up a paper next to Steve's jacket. "Again, honey?"
"I'm not gonna stop trying."
"Oh, you're from Paramus, now? What's next? Hanover? Trenton? You know it's illegal to lie on this stuff, right?"
Steve snatched his enlistment form away from Evelyn. "I'm not gonna stop. You can't stop me, neither can your sister, or your brother, or even your parents. One of these days I'll get into the army and I'll fight."
Evelyn sighed again as she handed Steve his jacket. "Get yourself cleaned up, Steve. Allie and Bucky are taking you out tonight."
"Where are we going?"
Evelyn handed Steve a newspaper. "To the future," she said as Steve studied the photo of the Stark Expo.
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