#I replied with: aw sweetheart that was such a good guess!! unfortunately I go by she/her pronouns and my hair is very black!
sinematically · 1 year
my new fav hobby is arguing with people in the comments to reels and being kinder and kinder as they get progressively more worked up
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The Truth About Love ~ 1
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Word Count: 1,660ish
Summary: Something tragic happens in the Stark family. You move into your new apartment.
“Come on, ma,” Steve chuckled. “We’re going to be late to Tony’s graduation.”
“Sweetheart, I’m sure that Tony will be late to his own graduation,” Sarah responded. “Besides, it’s not like we haven’t done this before. It’s his third degree.”
Steve laughed. “I guess you’re right.” He paused and looped his mother’s arm through his own. “Where is dad?”
“Howard is on his way. He may be tough on Tony, but he does care.”
“I know. I just wish I could convince Tony to believe that.”
“Tony’s too much like Howard for his own good.”
“You’re right. Let’s find our seats.”
Howard never showed up during the graduation, causing Sarah to worry since she wasn’t able to get a hold of him. Steve told his mother that he would help contact Howard once Tony had crossed the stage. As soon as Tony’s name was called, Steve and Sarah cheered loudly. For a brief moment, they forgot that Howard wasn’t there. Sarah and Steve met up with Tony once the graduation was over.
“I’m so proud of you, Tony,” Sarah said as she hugged her step-son. 
“Thank you, ma,” Tony said. He pulled away and look around. “Dad couldn’t make it I see.”
“He told me he would, honey. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, ma.” Tony kissed her forehead. “Just thank you for being here.”
“We would never miss it,” Steve responded. 
Sarah’s phone began buzzing. “Hello?” She said as she answered it. The boys watched as her face quickly fell. “We’ll be right there.” She hung up the phone.
“What is it ma?”
She looked at her sons with teary eyes. “Something’s happened to Howard.”
Tony and Steve were on either side of Sarah as they rushed into the hospital.
“I—I was called,” Sarah shakily told the nurse at the front desk. “I’m Sarah Stark. My husband Howard—“
“Mrs. Stark,” a low male’s voice called from the side. 
Tony, Steve, and Sarah turned to see two cops standing at the edge of the waiting room. The small family hurried over to the cops.
“What’s going on, officers?” Steve wonders, pulling his mother into his side. His heart was pounding and he could already sense Tony’s breathing pattern change for the worst.
“There’s been an accident,” the officer responded. The three of them tensed, Tony reached over to grip onto his step-mother. “Your husband was driving when a drunk driver hit the drivers side of the car. The drunk driver died on impact. Your husband was rushed here. He unfortunately didn’t make it.” 
Sarah gasped as she began to cry. Steve pulled his mother into his chest as her cries escalated. He looked up at the ceiling, trying to keep his own emotions at bay, as he cradled his mother’s head. Tony stood frozen, having closed his eyes, as he took in the information.
“We are so sorry,” the officer continued. “When you are ready, we will escort you down to the morgue to identify the body.”
Tony flinched at that sentence. It was an awful sentence. Almost just as bad as ‘he unfortunately didn’t make it’ or ‘we hope that you can find some comfort in knowing that she didn’t feel any pain’. That’s what the doctors has told Tony and his father after his mother, Maria, passed away from cancer. Tony would never forget that moment, just like this one would also be forever etched into his memory.
“Can we have a moment?” Steve asked, having to swallow down the growing emotion afterward.
“Of course,” the officer replied, them and their partner walking away.
Sarah pulled herself out of Steve’s arms and shuffled over to Tony. “Tony…” she croaked. “I’m so sorry.” She hugged her step-son, finally getting him to move to hug her back. 
Tony had to convince Steve to come into the morgue with Sarah and himself to identify the body. Steve had been reluctant to due to the fact he was only Howard’s step-son but Tony gave Steve one look and he knew he had to. Sarah took one of Tony’s hands and one of Steve’s as they went in. Tony clenched his eyes shut as they pulled away the sheet, he couldn’t bare to see his father that way. 
Sarah choked down a sob before saying, “it’s him.”
Steve guided what was left of his family out of the morgue. All three of them felt numb as they headed to their vehicles. Sarah got in the car first as Steve looked at Tony, worried.
“We can come get your car later,” Steve suggested. “You could ride with us home.”
Tony shook his head. “I need to think,” he replied, jumping into his convertible and starting it. “Don’t wait up.” 
The tires squealed as Tony raced away. Steve sighed as he got into the car to drive his mother home. He started the car as his mother rested a gentle hand on his arm.
“Tony just needs some time alone,” Sarah told him softly. “It’s been a long day.”
Steve simply nodded before driving away.
Many attended the funeral. Most of it was due to the fact that Howard was the CEO and founder of Stark Industries, the world’s number one tech company. Sarah, Steve, and Tony each spoke, then afterwards it was announced that Tony would become the CEO of Stark Industries.
It was the evening of the funeral, when Tony and Steve found themselves sitting at a bar, drinking.
“That son of a bitch never let me have a day,” Tony muttered. “Had to just die on my graduation day. Announced major changes to Stark Industries my other two graduations.”
“He did love you, Tony,” Steve tried. “He just struggled showing it.”
“He never had a problem showing you that.” 
“I know, I know. Sorry.” He took a sip of his drink. “This is just a lot… I thought that I would have another ten, maybe even twenty, years before having to be CEO. I thought I would have time to party and live some life outside of all the degrees.”
“I’m sure that Pepper will appreciate you attending less parties,” Steve teased. “How is that going?”
“It’s good. I think that this new position is more exciting for her than it is for me.”
“I’m sure.”
“What about you? I know that you stopped your travels to come and see me graduate, again. Have any plans on leaving anytime soon?”
“As much as I have enjoyed traveling around the world and doing art, I think I need to stop and stay here. Ma needs me right now and I’ve been thinking about finally starting college.”
“You don’t have to stay here for Ma. I’ve got her.”
“I know. But she needs both of us.”
Tony nodded. “Hey,” he shoved Steve playfully with his shoulder, “maybe you’ll actually be able to find a girl.”
“Oh, I don’t know…”
“What? Did have feelings for that fling you had in London? What was her name—“
Tony snapped his fingers. “Right! Peggy.”
“No. She wanted to focus on her career and I was just getting started with my travels.”
“Good then you have a fresh slate. Maybe I will need to throw a party or two to get your out there.”
Steve shook his head with a smile. “I did miss you, Tony. I really did.”
“I missed you too.”
You took a deep breath as you pulled up to your new apartment complex. You stared at it as a mix of excitement and nerves raged in your stomach. This was the next chapter of your life, living with a roommate and going to college. When you finally got out of the car, you grabbed a few of your bags and headed into the complex. The elevator ride made your nerves worse. Your thoughts raced with worries about college, your apartment, and your roommate. You slowly exited the elevator and made your way to your apartment door. Taking another deep breath, you knocked on it. You heard strong footsteps before the door swung open revealing a clearly strong guy with shoulder length, brown hair.
“Oh, I… I thought this was my new apartment,” you quickly said. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—“
“You must be Y/N,” the guy smirked.
“Uh, yes…”
“Then this is your place,” he opened the door wider. “Natasha! Your new roomie is here!” He easily took the bags from you without a second thought. “Come in.” 
You nervously walked in. A fiery redhead rushed around the corner, exiting the hallway. Her smile grew at the sight of you.
“Hi, Y/N,” she greeted. “I’m Natasha, and this is my boyfriend, Bucky.”
“Nice to meet you both,” you responded with a smile.
“Is this everything you brought?”
“No, I have more down in my car.”
“Give Buck your keys and he’ll run down and grab everything.”
You looked at Bucky, not wanting to overstep. “Are you sure?”
“I’d be happy to help,” he responded, holding out his hand for your keys. You gave them to him. “I’ll be right back.” Then he left to grab the rest of your things.
“Don’t worry about him,” Natasha said. 
Your brows pinched in curiosity. “Huh?”
“In case you were worried, Bucky doesn’t live here with us. It will just be us two. Bucky lives across the hall with his own roommate.”
“Oh.” You nodded.
“Come one,” Natasha took your hand. “Let me show you around.”
Natasha showed you around your new place as Bucky grabbed the rest of your things. Bucky left for work soon after, so you and Natasha unpacked your things and got you settled into your new home. Once Natasha went to her room for the night, you fell back on your bed. Despite all the worries and unknowns, a smile grew across your face. You couldn’t help but think that this was the start of something wonderful. 
Notes: Please read this post linked here my dears!
next chapter >
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maybanksslut · 3 years
Truth or Dare || s.b.
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Pairing: Sirius black x reader
Requested: yes, by @welcome-here-in-my-world
Word count: 2k
Warnings: explicit language, enemies to lovers, fluff
You’d despised Sirius Black for as long as you could remember. It was no secret to anyone. You’d never been someone to hate people, but he, oh how he got on your nerves. Never had you met anyone as annoying and irksome as him.
Everything about him made your blood boil. His friends and their stupid pranks they always pulled on you. One day it was dying your hair a bright color, another they’d settle for spilling water all over you. Everything just to see that angered expression on your “cute little face” as Sirius always said.
You also despised his smirk. Oh, how you wished to just wipe it off his face! The way his lips curled up in a mischievous smile each time he’d made a stupid comment or pulled a dumb prank. It made you crazy in the worst way possible. Not to mention that glint in his eyes when he knew he’d got under your skin. You hated how he was able to anger you so easily.
Last, but not least, you hated his popularity. How every girl and boy were his possession, how they all would do anything for him. He had everyone wrapped around his finger and that made you feel threatened. He might have been attractive, but his personality was fucking disgusting.
At least, that’s what you told yourself. Truth be told, what you hated most, was the absolutely awful crush you’d developed on the boy. You had no idea how, why, or when, but somehow you’d fallen for the boy you seemingly despised.
“Y/n?” Lily snapped her fingers in front of your face, bringing you back to reality.
“I asked you if you were coming to the quidditch game tonight. ‘S Gryffindor against Slytherin”
“Oh,” you thought for a moment, before frowning. Gryffindor was playing, which meant Sirius would be there. Which also meant that you’d have to pretend you didn’t care about his stupid smile, and that was starting to get on your nerves. Lily was close enough to find out about the crush already, you needn’t make it easier for her. “I don’t think so, I’m really tired”
Lily just nodded in response, continuing to scribble something down in her notebook. You sighed. How long was this going to last? If the crush didn’t vanish soon, you would be sure Lily would sense something and confront you about it. And since no one was able to lie to Lily, you really didn’t want that to happen.
After a moment, you excused yourself, heading for your dorm. Unfortunately, fate didn’t want to let you off the hook that easily. You’d only walked a few steps before harshly colliding with someone’s chest, stumbling backward and dropping your bag.
“Ow!” You exclaimed, rubbing your forehead. You didn’t even bother looking up at the person who’d walked into you, as you already knew that chuckle too well.
“You should be careful not to fall for me, sweetheart,” Sirius laughed, bending down to pick up your books. A smirk was playing on his lips, and he looked quite pleased with himself for bumping into you.
“Right,” you scoffed. “You don’t have to worry about that. ‘S not gonna happen. Can I get my books now?”
“Sure,” he replied, raising them over his head instead of handing them over. You shot him a glare, jumping up to reach them. That was to no use, obviously, since he was taller than you.
You groaned, pushing him away and trying to annoy him, yet he only appeared even more amused, his smirk now a full grin, his pretty teeth showing. God, he was really pretty when he smiled... No! He was not pretty and he was not attractive, he was a prick and you didn’t like him.
Both tired and flustered by his behavior, you turned around to leave him. If he wanted the books, you’d let him have them. Better than anyone realizing you don’t hate him as much as you told everyone you did.
“Hey, wait,” surprised, you turned around to see Sirius jogging up to you.
Without a smirk on his face, he handed you your books. The moment his fingers touched yours, an electric wave shot through you, setting every particle in your body on fire, and suddenly, it was hard to breathe. You seemed to have got lost in his eyes, drowning in the stormy orbs. For a moment, it felt as if you had some sort of connection. A mutual feeling.
Then, he pulled away and the magic was gone, leaving nothing but two people that hated each other.
“We’re having truth or dare in the common room later, you wanna come?”
Lily’s words make you sigh. Sure, you liked truth or dare, but with the whole Gryffindor house? Way too risky. You could accidentally spill your secret.
Perhaps you were worrying too much. Perhaps letting that dumb crush take over your life was foolish, it wasn’t that much of a big deal. Teens have crushes all the time, how is this any different? The truth was, you didn’t quite know why, but it felt different.
Not to mention that moment in the hall... god, you’d thought about his fingers grazing yours for the whole night. It didn’t exactly help that he was now sitting beside Lily, his gaze lingering on you and a small smile tugging on his lips.
“Yeah, y/n, you’d come,” he said. “There’s gonna be firewhiskey”
“I’m not an alcoholic,” you snorted.
“Everyone’s an alcoholic in seventh year”
“Sure,” you turned to your red-headed friend. “I’ll come”
Lily grinned, clasping her hands together. She then left, muttering something about ‘having to prepare the party’, leaving you alone with no other than Sirius Black. You tried to eat your meal silently, keeping your eyes away from his face, but it was nearly impossible when he kept staring at you shamelessly.
You looked up, only to reveal Sirius with his head tilted. There was something in his expression that made him look like he thought you were a puzzle he couldn’t quite figure out. The two of you didn’t say a word, letting comfortable silence answer every question for you.
Even though you couldn’t really read him, there was something that told you this silence was more than silence. It was like an agreement between you. What you had agreed on? You weren’t sure, but it felt good. Freeing, almost. And you didn’t want to let it go.
The music was sending vibrations through your whole body as it loudly flew out of the speakers. The whole common room was filled with students, there were bodies everywhere. People were dancing, screaming, and singing to celebrate Gryffindor's victory over Slytherin in quidditch.
Someone bumped into you, spilling their drink all over you. You were going to scold him, but the person was already gone. You scoffed to yourself, angrily stomping towards the table you’d previously seen Lily sit at. You were starting to regret coming here at all. Not only did you have to handle Sirius Black, but you also had to dodge all the drunk students that were swaying their bodies in every possible direction.
“This is why I hate parties” you muttered to yourself, spitting down on Lily’s left. She smiled, not even looking at you, bringing her drink up to her lips.
You followed her gaze, only to find her staring at James Potter. Not that you were surprised. The two of them had been pining for each other for god knows how long. You chuckled to yourself as Lily’s gaze met James’. You noticed he was hesitant about coming over when you were there as well, so you quickly fled the scene so they could have some alone time.
You found yourself a new spot, by the tray with firewhiskies, where you quietly drank the alcohol. It was freeing to feel the booze numb your senses and you almost forgot why you didn’t want to come here at all. Almost.
“Well, well, well, who do we have here?”
“Piss off, Sirius”
“Ouch,” he jokingly grabbed his chest. “You’ve wounded me”
“Good,” you spat, getting ready to leave the whole party. Your mood was ruined, not because he seemingly annoyed you, but because Sirius had a very irksome way of making you feel things you shouldn’t feel.
He made you feel something for him.
“Leaving already?” He pouted, running a hand through his hair. “We haven’t even had the chance to play truth or dare”
“I don’t care”
“No, wait,” he almost pleaded. “Just one game. For me. Please?”
You really wanted to leave and forget this conversation ever happened, but with Sirius looking at you like that, it was impossible. You sighed in resignation, following your so-called enemy to the middle of the common room.
He was quick to silence everyone and make them sit in a circle on the floor. For some reason, it annoyed you how all the girls sent him flirty looks. Luckily, he didn’t return them, only sent you a small smile, which, completely against your will, turned your legs to jelly. If you weren’t already seated, you’d probably faint.
“Okay, everyone knows the rules, right? The only difference is this time I stole this from Slughorn,” he took out some sort of potion from his pocket. From the triumphant smirk on his face, you guessed it was a truth potion. And you weren’t wrong. “That’s right, folks, veritaserum. Now this game will be more honest than ever”
God, this was taking an awful turn. Yes, now the word truth had a completely different meaning. Before at least you could’ve lied about something you didn’t want to answer, but now? You were forced to actually reveal all your darkest secrets.
But no worries, right? There were at least fifty people here, surely you wouldn’t be chosen in the first few rounds. Right?
“Y/n, truth or dare?” You steered in shock at the bottle Sirius had just spun. How were you the first one to get chosen? Did really life hate you that much?
You could see he was amused. His eyes had that glint of mischief in them, and he was grinning widely. “Uh, dare”
No! No, no, no, what had you done? Yes, if you’d chosen truth, you’d have to tell someone a secret, but now Sirius, of all people, was the one to decide your fate! Oh, how you wished he’d have mercy and dare you to jump on one leg or braid someone’s hair.
But that was just wishful thinking and you knew it, just as you knew Sirius. And his mischievous smirk only made you more certain. He wasn’t going to go easy on you.
“I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this room”
And that’s when you freaked out. Your hands were full of sweat and you hoped to his no one saw your heated up face. Your lower lip quivered and you were almost sure you’d start crying.
Surprisingly enough, your behavior didn’t go unnoticed by Sirius, whose smile had faded at your reaction. Instead, his eyes filled with worry and he grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the common room. You vaguely heard some people complain, but Sirius ignored them. All he cared about was getting you out.
He stopped in the hall, turning to look at you.
“Okay,” he began. You opened your mouth to apologize, but he put a finger on your lips. “Shhh, you don’t have to say anything. It’s okay, I’m sorry that I made you uncomfortable. I didn’t mean to, y’know”
You were taken aback by his words. He didn’t seem much of an apologizing person. Perhaps he didn’t mean it? But his gaze told you that he wasn’t joking, not his time.
In the heat of the moment, you offered him a smile. “It’s okay. I just didn’t want to kiss you in front of everyone”
For once, you were the one to make him flustered and confused. He opened his mouth to say something, yet nothing came out. You... thought he was attractive? You, who he’d been so annoying too, like, forever? Realization spread across his face. Perhaps you didn’t hate him after all?
“You can kiss me now”
“Keep dreaming”
The smile you sent him made him feel weak and he could slowly, but surely feel himself falling for you. Although he didn’t want to admit it, he knew he’d do anything to get that kiss from you.
TAGLIST: @rorysreallyrandom @swanimagines @lxncelot @emmacata @i-cant-stfu @sirius-animagus @jupiiiter @captainshazamerica @iamninaanna @amortensie @theravenclawgal
FIC REVIEWERS: @amourtentiaa @slutforsalvatore @acosmis-t @iamninaanna @coffee--writes
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N: hello, my loves! i am a senior in high school so the next two weeks are going to be extremely hectic for me with final exams and other senior stuff. i will try to get out chapters when i can but they may not always be on time!
Chapter 30
You returned home to see Spencer at the kitchen table with his laptop out and a bunch of papers sprawled out in front of him.
“What’s all this?” you asked.
“So you know how we were discussing moving into a slightly bigger house to have room for the twins,” Spencer said, “I found us a realtor and I have been printing out different houses that fit our requirements all day. You can go through them and I’ll send the approved ones over to her so she can schedule us a tour.”
“Alright, let’s see them,” you smiled, taking the seat next to him.
His hand immediately found its way to your belly and began his rubbing motions.
“This one is close to Jo's elementary school but she will only be there for 2 more years but the twins will be going there eventually. It’s just a little bit of a bigger yard than we have here. But, it’s pretty far away from your work,” Spencer stated.
He continued to go through the contenders, thoroughly explaining every pro and con that you wouldn’t even have thought of.
“This last one has the biggest backyard of them all. It’s about 8 minutes closer to your work than here. It’s even got a little sun room we can use as a book nook! It is farther from Jo’s school but it’s about a 3 minute drive to JJ and Will’s so we could start a carpool with them,” Spencer spoke.
“I think that one is my favorite as of now. And, I’m sure Jo wouldn’t have any arguments about being closer to her best friend,” you giggled.
“There’s also one more thing we need to brainstorm,” you began, “Names for the little ones. I honestly spent the better part of the day trying to think of some but I just can’t.”
“I have an idea,” Spencer smiled softly, “Ophelia.”
It was Spencer’s favorite song on your playlist that you played in the car. He even sang along to it sometimes, he actually had a nice voice when he wholeheartedly sang without caring about potentially embarrassing himself.
“Heaven help a fool who falls in love,” you grinned, finishing the lyric.
“I’m stuck on a boy name though,” Spencer huffed.
Jo came strolling into the kitchen to get her afternoon snack.
“Baby J, do you have any name suggestions for your little brother?” you asked.
Her face lit up and she ran back upstairs. She came racing back down with two books in her hand.
“Daddy, remember?” she held up a picture book.
“That’s the story I read you last night,” Spencer nodded.
“Name him ‘Oliver’ like the little baby elephant in the book!” she exclaimed.
“I actually love it,” you grinned.
“Ollie for short,” Spencer added with a smile.
“And for sister, Pinkalicious!” Jo beamed, holding up the other picture book.
“Aw, baby, I’m sorry. I think we already decided on ‘Ophelia’ for sister but we’ll keep that in the back of our minds,” you told her, giving her a pat on the head before she went back upstairs.
“I don’t know Spencer, Pinkalicious Y/L/N-Reid has quite the ring to it,” you giggled.
Your maternity leave had officially begun the week before you were due. You were lounging on the couch watching a nature documentary with Jo when you felt the sudden urge to use the bathroom.
As you stood, you felt the rushing of warm water trail down your thighs, effectively soaking your leggings, followed by a searing cramping sensation.
You immediately sat down on the hardwood floor, cringing in pain and exhaling sharply.
“Jo,” you breathed out, “I need you to call Daddy and tell him the twins are coming and get me a towel please.”
“Okay, Mommy,” Jo nodded, hopping off the couch and grabbing your phone.
She pressed Spencer’s contact as she ran upstairs to get you a towel.
Spencer was in the checkout line at the grocery store when his phone started to buzz in his pocket.
He fished it out, seeing your contact pop up, “Hey, love. I’m already in line but if you need something, make it quick so I can go run and get it.”
“Daddy! It’s Jo,” Jo announced from the other side of the phone.
“Hi, Princess. Is everything okay?” Spencer asked.
“Mommy peed a lot,” she started to say.
Spencer then heard your scream of pain in the background.
“And she said the twins are coming,” Jo stated.
“Uh-um-okay Jo, tell Mommy I’ll be there in 10 minutes. And um call Auntie JJ to come pick you up,” Spencer frantically spoke.
“Next,” the cashier called out.
“Um hi, I just got a call that my wife is going into labor so I have to go. I’m so sorry.”
The cashier smiled, “No problem. I think your wife needs you a lot more right now than these groceries.”
“Thank you,” Spencer rushed out of the store, breaking every speed limit on the way home.
JJ was pulling into the driveway at the same time Spencer was.
“Oh good, Jo called you,” Spencer said, exiting his car, “Thank you for taking her.”
“It’s no problem. She can stay with us for as long as you need,” JJ replied as they both rushed into the house.
You were still on the ground, sitting on the towel Jo retrieved for you.
“Spence, it hurts so bad like really really bad. Worse than Jo,” you grabbed his hand with tears running down your face.
“I’m so sorry, love, that I can’t take some of that pain away but we’ve got to get you to the hospital with doctors and nurses who can help,” he spoke softly, wiping the tears from your eyes with his thumbs.
You nodded and Spencer held out his arm for you to grab on to so he could help you up.
“Hospital bag?” you questioned.
“Already in the car, love. You’re doing so good, look we’re almost at the car,” he encouraged you.
“I’m going to ruin your seat,” you huffed out, motioning to your soggy pants.
“Love, that is the furthest of my concerns right now,” he assured you, helping you into the car and buckling you in.
“My wife’s in labor!” Spencer announced as he helped you hobble into the ER.
Immediately, a nurse rolled a wheelchair over to you.
“I called in the car. Dr. Collins is supposed to be on call,” Spencer said.
“Yes, right this way,” the nurse guided you to a room in the delivery wing where Dr. Collins was already waiting.
“Ah, the Reids! I guess the babies decided to come out a week early,” she smiled as Spencer and the nurse helped you into the bed.
“I’m going to check to see how many centimeters dilated you are. You can start pushing at 10,” she stated, “...and you are somehow already there. These babies are very eager to meet their parents!”
“I’m going to check the ultrasound real quick,” Dr. Collins rolled the machine over to you and scanned the wand across your belly.
“So unfortunately, we aren’t going to be able to have a vaginal birth today like planned. The baby girl is ready to come out first but she is in breech position meaning she is flipped the opposite way we want her. We’re going to bring you up to the OR for a C-section, okay?”
You looked at Spencer panickedly.
“Scared, Spence” is all you could muster.
“I can be in there with her, right?” Spencer asked.
“That is correct,” Dr. Collins nodded.
“Love, you are the strongest and bravest person I know. You can do this,” Spencer brushed your stray hairs back, “I will be right by your side the whole time and then you can finally have Ophelia and Oliver in your arms.”
“Okay,” you nodded, wincing as another contraction intensified.
“I love you so much,” Spencer kissed the top of your head as they wheeled you up to the OR.
The nurse handed Spencer scrubs to put on over his normal clothes, “Love, I need to let go of your hand for just a second to put these on but then I’ll be right back.”
Spencer continued to give you words of encouragement and promises of all the things you were going to do together as a family with the new babies to distract you from the discomfort throughout the c-section.
When you heard the first cry, you started to get choked up.
“Oh god, she’s so beautiful, Y/N. We made that,” Spencer sobbed.
You squeezed his hand, “Go.”
“Are you sure?” Spencer asked.
“Ophelia is crying for her Daddy,” you smiled through happy tears.
Spencer stood and was out of your line of vision but you could still hear his occasional sobs and him calling out the weight and other things to you from across the room.
You heard the second distinct cry. You could already tell your babies apart from just their wails alone.
“Ollie’s here, love!” Spencer bawled, “He’s just as precious as Ophelia.”
You were stitched up and brought into the recovery room as the babies were measured, tested, and swaddled. Spencer rolled two bassinets into your room with the biggest smile on his face and watery eyes.
“I can’t believe they’re here,” you wept, “How are they so cute?”
Spencer gently lifted up Ollie and placed him into your left arm and then Ophelia in your right.
You held the cooing babies in your arms, looking down at them in complete awe.
“Spence, can you take one of them?” you asked, “I mean I would love to hold them both forever but I’m thoroughly exhausted.”
“Ollie seems to be on the same page,” Spencer smiled at the little boy snoozing in your arms, “I’ll take Ophelia for a little walk and make some phone calls to our families and the team.”
Sleeping didn’t seem to be on Ophelia’s schedule as she was staring around the room with her big wide eyes, trying to take in the whole world.
“Ophelia, that’s your Dada,” you explained to her even though you knew she couldn’t understand.
“Yes, I’m your Dada,” Spencer beamed as he accepted the baby into his arms.
taglist: (just ask to be added or removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @rem-ariiana
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charliedawn · 4 years
Imagine being in a hate love relationship with Peter Hale
Warning : attempt of rape
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You were on Peter duty..Again. Since Peter Hale was the man that everybody feared, it had been decided that you would be the one keeping an eye on the overly fool-of-himself werewolf with the power of your mighty patience. Scott and Stiles stop in front of Derek's loft and he jogs out to meet you.
" Thanks Y/N. I owe you one !"
He says with a grateful smile and you smile back.
" Big time. But come on, you three go hunt whatever creature you have to hunt and I'll stay to take care of Mr Smarty-pants up there !"
You say enthusiastically and they all smile apologetically at you, knowing how the two of you were not exactly on friendly terms.
" Be careful, okay ? And tell him that if he touches you, I'll kick his ass !"
Stiles says confidently, which makes you laugh.
" Don't worry, Stiles. If there is any problem, I'll call you guys immediately and plus, I have a way to take care of moody children.."
You tell him with a mysterious smile and Stiles nods understandingly.
" I know..Just, stay safe."
And with that last warning, they are all out of here. As soon as they are out of your sight, your smile leaves your face and you sigh loudly before turning towards the building and whisper to yourself.
" Welp..Here we go.."
As soon as you enter, you smell something burning and see the stove on fire. You run towards it and take a glass from the cupboard to fill it with water in order to stop the fire. When you're done, you are panting because of the effort and look murderously at Peter that is sitting calmly on the couch, as if nothing had happened.
You glare at him while he doesn't even raise his eyes from his book.
" Let me guess..You couldn't smell the smoke ?"
You ask annoyed and only then does he look up at you with a small mischievous smile.
" Aren't you supposed to be the one keeping me out of harm's way ? You are here to keep me from doing anything stupid, not the other way around..I create chaos and you're here to stop me. Do your job and stop whining."
You grit your teeths in anger before sitting on the couch, as far away from Peter as possible. You can't believe the nerve of this man that was ready to burn the entire flat only to prove a point !
" I don't know why you're so eager to unnerve me. Does it entertain you ? Would it kill you to be nice and helpful from time to time ?"
You ask while taking a nearby book and starting reading yourself, not really interested in his answer that you knew would not be anything but upsetting.
" I'm the spark that lits your fire, sweetheart..Try to let go sometimes, you would actually enjoy it. Why don't you try to be less of a killjoy ?"
You raise an eyebrow at that before returning to your book and replying nonchalantly.
" Have you ever considered, even for only a moment, that I simply don't like you ?"
He fakes being offended by putting his hand above his heart and widening his eyes dramatically at you.
" Oh darling ! Me who thought that you were about to ask my hand in marriage ?! How disappointing ?!"
You snort.
" Hard pass."
He sighs in false disappointment before taking his coat and walking towards the exit.
" And where do you think you're going ?"
You ask with an eyebrow arked in curiosity.
" Out."
He answers simply before opening the door. You sigh before taking your coat and running after him.
" Didn't Derek warn you that I am allowed to use silver bullets if you disobey me ?"
He scoffs before shrugging, not bothering waiting for you.
" I'm going to get a beer, not kill a bunch of innocent virgins.."
He winks at you cheekily before stepping inside the bar that was the nearest to the apartment. You role your eyes at his comment before entering the bar after him.
You look around and are amazed to see that the place wasn't as bad as you had previously thought. It had good background music and not a lot of customers, besides a couple of drunk friends who were talking in whispers at their table. However, Peter isn't visible and you sigh again before walking towards the counter to ask the bartender if he had any idea of where your irresponsible dog had run off to. You sit down and attract the attention of the bartender by raising your hand. He walks towards you and leans in to listen to your order.
" A soda, please."
He arks an eyebrow at you, nearly amused, before turning around and getting out what you asked.
" Are you sure you don't want anything else ? Anything stronger ?"
He says while eyeing your bottle of soda warily, as if it was an insult to his establishment for you to order such a drink. You smile, tempted beyond reason, but then remember that you had a werewolf to find.
" Sorry. Can't. I'm on the job. By the way, have you seen a man ? Sarcastic. Arrogant. Energic. Tall. Very annoying. Awfully blond. Seen him anywhere ?"
He looks suspiciously at you before asking in a slightly worried and even threatening voice.
" You're a cop ?"
You can't help but laugh bitterly at the question before replying.
" You could say that. But I am only responsible of one criminal, and the only crime he committed is to not have messed up my night, yet.."
He smirks when he understands the irony in your tone and was about to answer when someone puts his hand on your shoulder. You turn around to see a very smug Peter with a huge grin.
" Oh ! Look at that ! The overly confident puppy is finally back ! What ? Got lost on the way ?"
You ask sarcastically and he only humphs in response before sitting next to you, the grin not leaving his face.
" Why ? Missed me ?"
You scoff before taking a sip of your drink.
" As much as a needle in my heel..But, if Derek was to find out that I've let you out of your cage, he would have my head.."
He wraps his arm around your shoulders and makes you spill your drink a little over yourself.
" Aww..You do care ! My cold heart warms at the thought of the packs brat worrying about me !"
You groan in annoyance before biting his hand off. He hisses in pain before retrieving his hand and massaging it while glaring at you from the corner of his eyes. Just at that moment, the bartender comes back to get Peter's order and eyes Peter suspiciously before looking back at you with an inquisitive glance, asking discreetly if you needed an escape. You could have laughed if it wasn't so sad. Peter was such a nuisance that people were now wondering if he was the one bothering you, when in fact it was the opposite. However Peter, that had not missed the silent conversation, growls when the bartender gives him a warning side glance. But, not intimidated the nearest, Peter smirks a toothy grin at the bartender before showing his bitten hand.
" Careful. The brat bites. I've seen what it is capable of, first hand..literally. Don't worry, if you should be worried about anyone around here, it's everyone else besides her."
He cautioned and the bartenders eyes widen at the mark that would certainly have left a scar if he was a normal human being while you snicker in your corner. The bartender quickly runs towards his other customers at the far end of the bar, leaving you two in your sudden awkward solitude.
" Well..Isn't he a gentleman ? Thinking you need saving from me. Not even considering that I could be the abused one in this relationship ? How rude !"
You try to stifle a laugh. Unfortunately, he hears you and smirks proudly at his small victory.
" I'm not the psychopath that tried to murder a bunch of teenagers just because I wanted to become the big bad alpha.."
You taunt while giving him an amused side glance. He groans in annoyance as you make him remember his past and he gulps down his whiskey, an attempt to make him forget faster.
" Aren't you a delight ?! Playing unfair by spreading out the touchy subjects like that..No wonder Stiles rejected you. You would have chomped his lips off !"
You glare at him as he talks about Stiles before replying harshly.
" Says the man whose only date was Scott's mom, and that was to trap him ! You're so terrible that nobody could stand being with you more than 5 minutes without hating you ! I would tell you to go to hell, but it would be unfair on Satan !"
He chuckles at that last part and you take your drink in order to take a sip and calm your nerves, but grimace at the awful taste. You had asked for a soda, but it tasted more like salt with water..He cackles at your expression before whispering mockingly in your ear with false concern.
" Oh ! What ? Ain't sweet enough for you, sweetheart ?"
You only raise a very distinctive finger at him, warning him that one more word from him would result in extreme pain and look around the room to distract yourself from his presence..and from the fact that you were his entitled babysitter. Your eyes wander and finally settle on the nice bartender that winks at you when you meet his gaze. You blush slightly before smiling back at him. He wasn't bad-looking and everything would be better than bantering with the overly sarcastic and confident werewolf that couldn't seem to leave you be. You were about to stand up and walk towards the cute bartender when suddenly, a hand raises to lay on your shoulder and pin you down to your seat. You were about to complain and even yell at Peter when you hear him growl from deep withing him while he shoots a dirty glare at the poor young man. You frown in incomprehension and grit your teeths in annoyance, thinking it was one of his attention seeking gesture. You then take his hand and force him to let go of you to walk towards the exit. Here you go again, you couldn't even enjoy your night without having to take care of the sulky werewolf. You soon hear his footsteps behind you and when he is about to grab your arm, you turn around abruptly and glare at him with such seriousness that it freezes him on the spot.
" How about you and your insanity stay the heck away from me ?! I'm so tired of your bullshit, Peter ! Why can't you just leave me alone ?!"
At your harsh words, Peter's gaze hardens and he retracts his hand to only smirk at you and tilt his head a little bit to the side, as if he didn't understand the question.
" Oh darling..I would love to ! But, you see, it seems that me and my insanity are often required to solve your friend's little problems !"
Suddenly, unnerved beyond belief and having had more than enough of him, you feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes and yell at him, so loud that it surprises the werewolf himself.
" Leave me alone ! Why am I the only one who always has to handle you?! Why do you always ask Derek for me to keep you, even though you don't even like me ?! If I'm such a bother, why not just get rid of me ?!"
He doesn't seem to be able to find an answer and you don't even let him reply. You start running until you reach a small and dark alley. When you're sure you are far enough for the werewolf not to hear you cry, you crouch down and start sobbing. When you've spilt all of your frustration and sadness out, you wipe your face with your sleeve and stand up to get back home. However, when you are about to leave the alley-way, you see someone else blocking the exit. You first think that it's Peter, but the more you approach the individual, the more you have to admit that it doesn't look like Peter. You try to walk past him, but he brusquely grabs your arm and throws you to the ground. You want to get your phone out of your purse, but the man stomps on your hand and you scream in pain. The man takes you by the jaw and forces you to look up at him. His disgusting breath hitting your face, smelling of alcool and his evil smirk making you want to puke even more.
" Aren't ya a sweat ass ? Tell me, what does a young lady like yourself doing here by herself in the middle of the night, hmm ?"
You want to scream for help again, but another individual behind you puts his hand against your mouth to muffle your screams and you feel the familiar shape of a knife against your throat. When you know that there is nothing else you can do, you close your eyes and try to stop the new tears from leaving your eyes..You didn't want to cry for those men, they didn't deserve your tears..
" Now..You're going to be a good girl and let us take care of you, okay ?"
The one posted behind you whispers in your ear and you clench your jaw, your last thought going to Peter. You had been awful to him, even though you knew he wasn't a bad person..You had let out your frustration on him and you were now regretting it bitterly. You should have sticked to your job and stay with him. If you had, maybe you wouldn't be in your current situation. Reality hits you hard when you feel one of the men starting to open your blouse. When you thought that that was it, that you were going to be raped in that dirty alley-way and probably killed, you hear the hurried footsteps of someone running towards your location. You want to scream again, but the knife is raised once again against your throat.
" One peep and nobody will even find your body.."
You whimper and nod in understanding. The footsteps stop and you hold your breath.
" Sweetheart ? Are you there ?"
You hear the familiar voice of Peter and feel relieved to know that he is near. However, the man whispers instructions in your ear and you can't help but nod in agreement, knowing that he wouldn't hesitate to slice your throat if you were to disobey.
" You're going to tell him to go away, that you don't want him to come any closer..I know what he is and the knife is made of silver and has been dipped in wolfsbane for a while..Don't play smart or you'll lose more than your life.."
He uncovers your mouth and you respond in a shaky voice.
" G..Go away, Peter..I don't want you near me ! I hate you !"
You bit to your inner cheek, wondering if he would insist or know that something is wrong. You know that even if he was to guess that something is wrong, you couldn't afford to lose him as well..However, you hear him take a step towards you and sniff the air. He suddenly growls animalistically and his eyes light up in the dark.
" I can smell the stench of two putrid little humans that shouldn't be touching what isn't theirs.."
You start panicking, knowing that he could die if he was to step any closer and yell in a last attempt to protect him.
" Don't, Peter ! They've got wolfsbane ! Run !"
One of the men muzzles you again, but Peter doesn't step back. He gets his claws out and snarls.
" Alright boys. Let's rumble."
The two men stand up and face Peter that doesn't seem scared. He doesn't keep his eyes off them while they circle him. The man with the knife tries to attack him first, but Peter grabs his arm and tears it off from the rest of his body. The man screams in agony, but Peter slashes his throat before turning towards the other man that is shaking with terror.
" What ?! You are brave enough to attack a defenseless woman, but not enough to fight a werewolf ?!"
He roars and the man suddenly gets out a gun that he points at Peter. Before he could react, the man shoots and the bullet goes through his abdomen. Peter falls on his knees and the man runs away, leaving you and him behind. You force yourself to get up and crouch down in front him to see that the wound is not closing itself.
" Wolfsbane bullet.."
He affirms what you already suspected and you have to take deep breathes in order not to panic. You know what to do, you had seen Derek do it a thousand time already. You need to cauterize the wound. You close your eyes and try to calm yourself before trying to carry him back home. When you finally enter the building after a few grunts and moans of pain from the both of you, you lay Peter down on the couch and look around for something hot enough to burn the poison. Suddenly, your eyes fall on a blowtorch and when Peter understands what you were thinking about, he looks pitifully up at you.
" I have a very bad tolerance to pain."
He warns you, a warning that sounds more like a desperate plea for you to reconsider your plan..But you know that you don't have much time and address him a silent apology with your eyes before taking the handle of your purse and make him bite down on it.
" This is gonna hurt. Bad. But, I'm going to try to be as fast as I can, okay ?"
His nostrils flare in fear for the pain to come, but he nods in agreement and you take a big shaky breath before using the blowtorch. As soon as the fire gets in contact with his skin, Peter visibly whitens, his eyes flash blue and you can see his claws digging in the soft material of the couch. You don't know what to do to attenuate the pain, so you do the first thing that comes to mind to distract him..You kiss him. His eyes widen perceptibly at your action, but he doesn't hesitate before burying his hands in your hair and reciprocating the kiss, even though the handle of your purse forms some kind of barrier between you and him. When you take a step back, he seems more relax and you glance down at his wound before switching off the blowtorch. You are relieved when you see the wound closing and smile widely at him. But, before you could truly process what was happening, Peter had gotten rid of your purse and had bounced on top of you to pin you to the floor and kiss you passionately again.
" Stiles doesn't deserve you..Nobody does..Nobody needs you like I do..Nobody can handle me the way you do..I don't want them to take you away from me..Stay with me..If you leave, I'll lose my fucking mind.."
He mutters between each breath he takes while kissing you and you blush vividly at his words. He looks up at you with his bright blue eyes and you can't help but smile up at him before kissing him back yourself and petting the top of his head appreciatively.
" You damn nut job, if you wanted me that bad, why didn't you tell me ? Instead of making me lose my mind.."
He grins before nuzzling your neck and wrapping his arms around your waist.
" Because I like when you get mad.."
You chuckle before returning his embrace.
" Bad pup.."
" Stiles lover"
You ark an eyebrow at the odd insult before replying teasing.
" Does that mean I won't be able to go back to his place and sleep on his couch ? Do I have to remind you that I live with him ?"
He tightens his hold on you and grumbles tiredly against your ribcage.
" Over my dead body. The only thing you will be allowed to sleep on from now on is me, got it ?"
You seem dumbfounded for a second and Peter picks on your uneasiness before laughing and looking up at you with a sly smile.
" Not what I meant, you pervert."
You blush a deep red and hit him on the back of the head playfully.
" Hey ! You're the one always insinuating things !"
He genuinely smiles at you before lowering his chin on your belly and tilting his head to look at you with fake innocence.
" I'm not the one who kissed me.."
You sigh, it was becoming a competition, like many things with him. You sit back up and make him fall at the same time.
" Yeah ?! Well, you were badly injured..and you reciprocated !"
You don't know why you wanted to defend yourself, you just know that you can't allow yourself to succomb for the man that had nearly killed all of your friends. Plus, you had just been attacked and were too weak to make any decisions. He seems to notice your worry and takes a step back immediately to get up and extend his hand towards you.
" I'm sorry. You helped me and I was being an idiot. You need to get some rest. Come on."
You look at his hand for a few seconds before slipping your hand in his. He yanks you upwards and proceeds to carry you back to your room where he lays you down on your bed. He leaves the room promptly afterwards, mumbling a small goodnight before walking out. When you're sure he is truly gone, you curl up into a ball and try to muffle your sobs. You couldn't sleep, every time you would close your eyes, their hands were there, touching you and making you feel as if you were weak..So weak..You whimper and cry as silently as you can until someone opens the door suddenly and blinding light surrounds the room. You turn around to see Peter standing there, his eyes glowing with such an intense color that it shocks you, you then notice the slight rise of his shoulders at each of his heavy breathing and finally, his lips curled and teeths grinding in rage.
" I should have killed them both..I should have never left you.."
You open your eyes wide at the realization, he had probably heard you and was reacting to your emotions. He approaches slowly and tenderly strokes your cheek, placing his forehead against yours.
" I'm so sorry, darling.."
You feel as if he's been crying too and step back. He seems to be hurt by your sudden distance, but you quickly indicate the spot next to you.
" Come on, I need a bed warmer."
His eyes light up like a happy puppy and he crawls next to you in order to cuddle you, making sure that you are comfortable every step of the way. You sigh in contempt before feeling sleep slowly taking over your tired body. Just before you fall asleep however, you mumble sleepily at Peter.
" You were right..I won't be able to sleep when you're not there anymore..You're too good of a bed warmer.."
You feel him chuckle behind you and smile as you realize that being best bud with Peter wouldn't be so bad..and maybe with time, a bit more.
The next day :
Derek finds the both of you on the sofa: you reading a book out loud, and Peter with his arms wrapped around you, listening attentively.
" So, I guess the babysitting went better than our stake out last night ?"
He asks, amused by your sudden friendliness towards each other. You look up at him with a small smile while Peter chuckles against your ear, the sound alone making you feel things you shouldn't be.
" Best of friends, aren't we, sweetheart ?"
Instead of answering his question, you try to change the subject.
" What happened to the stake out then ? I thought you were supposed to catch a couple of bounty hunters ?"
Derek shakes his head before shrugging his shoulders.
" I know, but when we got there, there was only one of them, and he was screaming that his friend had been murdered by another werewolf in town..I wonder if there are any others like us that we've not yet been in contact with ?"
At his explanation, you feel a lump forming in your throat, but when you were about to tell him what happened last night, Peter beats you to it.
" Funny, your description of the scene exactly matches what happened to me last night.."
Derek frowns before looking up at Peter with his jaw clenched.
" I thought I was pretty clear when I said stay put ?"
He glares at Peter, but then his eyes shift to you.
" And you, where were y..?"
But before he could finish his sentence, Peter cuts him again.
" Asleep. I waited for her to fall asleep before going out. Poor humans, can't manage a night without craving sleep.."
You look up at him with your mouth wide open, ready to deny everything he just said when you see him wink at you..He wasn't trying to make you look bad at your job, he was trying to save you the embarrassment. You close your mouth as fast as you had opened it and turn around towards Derek that was looking at you with an eyebrow raised, waiting for your confirmation. You nod and he sighs.
" Maybe it was a bad idea to leave you alone with him, you're still young and he's had plenty of experience when it comes to get what he wants..I'll ask Scott or Stiles next time."
You feel the lump in your throat slowly making its way to your stomach and your expression twists into one of pain and regret.
" No !"
To the surprise of everyone in the room, including yourself, you're the one who just shouted your disagreement. Derek frowns again before crossing his arms and waiting impatiently for an explanation while Peter only tightens his grip around you, a silent warning as to what you are about to say. You take a big breath before glancing up at Derek and saying in a calm and unfaltering voice.
" This is my job. I'm part of the pack. It's bad enough that I'm completely useless when it comes to working on the field, I can't let my only participation in all this go to someone else. I made a mistake, it won't happen again."
Derek seems to believe you, even though he shakes his head in hesitation.
" I don't know, Y/N..I was allowing this to continue since it seemed to work..But, Peter succeeded in complicating things, again."
He emphasizes on the last word while staring at Peter accusatively. Peter flashes an innocent grin at him before agreeing with you.
" I promise to behave from now on. Please, dad ? Can I please keep my plaything ? It gets lonely around here when you're all running around, chasing your own tails over and over.."
You elbow him as a warning, but Derek is already shooting daggers in his direction, on the verge of growling in annoyance. Fortunately, Derek succeeds in keeping his cool and only sighs in defeat before walking away.
" Fine. But, I warn you, one more mistake and I'll personally kick you out.."
" Can't do that, chief. It's my house !"
Peter answers with a big shit-eating grin, but Derek frowns at him before looking straight at you.
" I was talking to you, Y/N..I can't allow you to become a weakness, we've got already too many and Peter is the master of manipulation, dont fall for his tricks. It's a warning, let it be not a premonition."
And with those last words, he is gone. You both stay still for a moment until you decide to stand up and make yourself a cup of coffee. The words of Derek are swirling around in your mind and you glance at Peter when you think he's not looking..Were you really just another pawn in his mastermind plan to bring down the pack ? He seems to feel your stare and points it out.
" If I didn't know you the way I do, I'd say that you actually believe this idiot.."
" Why did you protect me ?"
You ask him abruptly, still not sure about what to make of last night's rescue. He seems to thinks about it for a while before answering you with such honesty that it surprises you.
" Because there was no reason for me to talk about it..Unlike what you all think of me, I'm not such a monster. I feel no satisfaction in a young girl's life being ruined by such macabre events. I care about you more than any of the other dumb teenagers of your group, even my own cousin. You're nice, kind, smart and you don't judge. You never told me that what I did was despicable or that I didn't deserve to live. You did what you had to do and tried the best you could to help. I agree that we have had our disagreements, but it was always playful and never really serious. Why would I ever want anything bad like this to happen to you when you're the only person who ever believed that I could become an ally ? Tell me, how many people do you think ever read to me or felt safe in my arms ? Not even my own family ever believed I could change..So, yes. I protected you, because you would have done the same thing for me. Your strength remains in your humanity, Y/N. Stiles may be the voice of reason, but you're the voice of mercy.."
You are awestruck by the words that seem to be tumbling out of his lips and surround you like the warmest of blankets. You would be happy to listen to him all day. You genuinely smile at him and, before you could stop yourself, you kiss him. He relaxes under your touch and wraps his arms around you to close the gap between the both of you. He finally breaks the kiss and laughs softly before adding.
" You also have very nice lips.."
You playfully punch his torso before laying down on top of him, finding the rhythm of his heartbeat oddly soothing.
" You're a jerk..But you're still a good person.."
You whisper while closing your eyes and you can hear him snicker above you.
" Congratulations, you just qualified me with two opposites. Jerk and good normally don't go together."
You don't answer, already snoring softly on his torso. He smiles sweetly at the sight before kissing the top of your head.
" Sweet dreams, darling.."
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naughtyneganjdm · 3 years
Just Not My Type
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Summary: Negan and Y/N are best friends after he saved her when the Apocalypse first started. In their group, Negan is charmed by another woman and it leaves Y/N jealous because she is head over heels in love with Negan. Attempting to get his attention on her, she asks him to help her with something in hopes to get him to realize that he may like her more than he thought.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC), Simon, Dwight, etc. 
Warnings: Swearing, smut, angst, arguing, Negan being an asshole, etc. 
Notes: Pre-warning, Negan is a bit of an asshole and is kind of cruel in this one. This was a request given to me. I'm not sure if people just like me writing asshole Negan or what, but I hope the person who asked for this is happy with it! I wrote this rather quickly. I hope it's at least okay!
“I don’t get it,” Negan grumbled beside Y/N while they walked through the wholesale store together. The rest of the group went off in separate areas of the store to look for supplies and they were supposed to be doing the same. There was a frustrated expression over Negan’s face and she felt a sense of disappointment. When the world fell to shit, Y/N pretty much gave up. It got to the point where she had no one in her life. A few months ago, she had found herself cornered by a group of savages and felt like it was the end of the world as she knew it. Somehow, Negan was passing by while in search of people and heard her getting attacked. He saved her. Just in time too. Since then she hadn’t left Negan’s side. They managed to find Dwight’s group together while lingering and looking for others. They had become somewhat of best friends since they found each other. The only problem was Y/N was head over heels in love with Negan. Unfortunately, Negan didn’t feel the same way. Instead, he seemed to be heavily enamored with Dwight’s wife Sherry. “What does she even see in Dwight? That scruffy looking motherfucker.”
“He’s the leader Negan,” she reminded him with a sigh knowing that his complaining was coming from his jealousy. “A lot of girls are into that kind of thing.”
“Yeah, but look at him and look at me,” Negan reasoned, throwing his hands up in the air while he clutched to the shotgun that was in his hands. “I’m fucking hot. He’s a scrawny little shit.”
“I don’t think she can help who she was married to before all this happened Negan. You’re right though, you’re better. All around,” Y/N agreed with him. She meant it. Obviously. She was in complete awe of the guy. One day she was hoping that he would just open his eyes and realize she was standing right there next to him for him to love. Many times in the past Negan had cracked jokes about her being hot so she thought maybe at some point she would have a chance with him. The longer she waited, the less likely it actually seemed. Maybe she wasn’t giving him the signs that she was interested. “Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something and since you’re a guy, I figured maybe you would have some advice.”
“Yeah?” Negan grunted, his head lowering enough to look between the shelves while he watched Dwight and Sherry together. “What’s on your mind?”
“Well, you see…there is this guy that I like,” Y/N explained with a sigh, clutching her rifle in her fingers. Her cheeks flushed over with red when Negan finally turned his head to look at her. The way his thick eyebrows bounced up showed that he was interested in what she was saying. “I’ve liked him for a while, but no matter how much I try I just can’t seem to get his attention.”
“Why not? You’re hot. Just tell him you’re interested,” Negan suggested and she looked away from him. Clearly that wasn’t in the playing cards and she would never have the guts to do something like that. “Who is it? Is it Simon?”
“Negan,” her face scrunched up when he suggested Simon who was someone they had just picked up in the group with Dwight. An amused breath fell from her throat and Negan threw his hands up in the air. “It’s not Simon. I’m not going to tell you who it is, but…I don’t think I could tell him that I’m interested in him. He has his eye on someone else.”
“Trust me, if you tell a guy now of all times that you are interested in him, he’s going to jump at the opportunity to get his dick sucked, I promise you that,” Negan grumbled and he could see that her face flushed over making him laugh. “What’s with the blushing? Sucking a dick isn’t such a big deal.”
“Well, there is one thing…” she took in a long shallow breath making Negan’s eyebrow arch up. God, she felt pathetic admitting this to him, but she couldn’t help it. “I kind of haven’t had sex before.”
“Come on,” Negan chuckled, taking a long look at her and he shook his head. The way he laughed made her embarrassed and he nudged her with his arm. The snort he released made her feel even worse about telling him. “How old are you?”
“Okay, forget it,” she rolled her eyes and went to move forward, but Negan quickly followed her not far behind. “Just pretend I didn’t say anything.”
“I’m not making fun of you, but you’re hot and most people lose their virginities too fucking young now so I just kind of figured you’re fucking with me,” Negan insisted, biting at his bottom lip as he spoke. Y/N still didn’t seem interested in talking to him and he let out a dramatic sound. “Okay, come on. You’ve done oral though, right?”
“Something tells me that I don’t want to be talking to you about this,” she replied feeling her throat tightening while Negan looked her over with amusement. “Seriously, I’m not the seductive type that can make a man want me.”
“Well that’s bullshit because you’re fucking beautiful and any man would be lucky to have you,” Negan corrected her reaching for something from the shelves. A grunt fell from his throat as he tossed it aside and let out a loud sigh. God, if only he actually meant that. “Just tell him you’re a virgin. He’ll want you immediately.”
“Virgins aren’t a lot of people’s things Negan,” she reminded him and Negan’s nose wrinkled when she said that.
“That’s bullshit. Every man loves the idea of taking someone’s innocence and purity away. They all like that shit,” Negan reached up to brush his fingers through his dark hair with his free hand. “You might not be the best fuck he’s ever had, but the idea of popping your cherry will turn him on and he’ll want to fuck you immediately.”
“I don’t really want to be a virgin when I go to him,” she whispered and Negan’s eyebrows tensed together as he looked her over with his big, hazel eyes. “I guess I kind of want to know what I’m doing with him by the time I tell him that I like him.”
“And how do you plan on losing that virginity of yours sweetheart? Slim pickings you know,” Negan snorted, the bridge of his nose wrinkling when he spoke. “Unless, I’m sure we can find you a good cucumber around here where you can…”
“Oh shut up,” she begged hearing his laughter filling the air at her reaction. Hitting him firmly in the chest, she walked off toward the back of the store and he quickly followed after her. Entering the area where they had more shelves in the back for storage, she surveyed through the items and sighed. “We should get people back here and have them get some of this. This is good stuff.”
“I’m not making fun of you. Okay? It’s just the way I talk,” Negan reached for her after setting his shotgun down and aside. “No one is going to turn you away for being a virgin. I promise you that and like I said, if you went to the guy and told him how you felt I guarantee that no matter who he had his eye on, he would change his mind quickly because you’re a catch Y/N. Trust me.”
“I wish that were true,” she felt him reaching up to cup her face and so badly she wished that Negan would have wanted her. That he would have wanted to be with her. “Since you’re my best friend you should do me the favor of helping me with the virginity problem.”
“Oh, you don’t want me to do that,” Negan snorted, stepping back and away from her. What started off as a joke actually ended up hurting her feeling unintentionally when Negan denied her. “First of all, we’re friends. That makes that shit weird. Second, I have a huge cock. I’m the last person you want to have sex with as a virgin.”
“I don’t think it’s that big,” she laughed and Negan let out a frustrated sound.
“When have you seen my penis?” Negan scoffed and she looked down toward his groin making him turn away from her when she did. “You have no idea how big my dick is. I’ve been a gentleman and I’ve never pulled it out in front of you.”
“I’m just saying, I can’t picture it being so big to the point that it would destroy me forever,” she mocked what he had said and Negan frowned after she said that. “I just think if I lose my virginity I’d like to lose it to someone I feel comfortable with. Someone that I know and trust.”
“You trust me and you feel comfortable with me?” Negan repeated what she said and she nodded. Licking over his bottom lip, he looked around the area in the back that they were at realizing that they were still alone. “How do you want to lose your virginity?”
“How should someone lose their virginity?” she inquired, her eyebrow arching up in curiosity and Negan laughed.
“On a mattress, in a nice comfortable set of sheets with the perfect mood and setting,” Negan stammered, waving his hand around in the air while he spoke. “Unfortunately since we’re on the road and there are no mattresses for the most part, that’s kind of fucking impossible. No matter how you lose it, it’s never going to be what you deserve. The dead walking is going to make sure of that.”
“In another world maybe,” she responded with a sigh as Negan reached for her rifle and set it aside. “What are you doing?”
“We’ll see,” Negan pulled her into a corner beyond a shelf and he began unbuckling his pants making her eyes get wide. “Get on your knees.”
“What?” she laughed, tilting her head to the side while she looked him over.
“You’ve never given a blowjob before and I could use one, so I’ll help you learn that,” Negan answered, reaching for her hands, leading them toward his pants and she let out a nervous sound. “I haven’t had a release for a very long time. So if you want to learn something to get his attention, I can help you learn that.”
“Shouldn’t we kiss or something? Get the mood started?” she suggested and Negan grinned when she said it. Negan’s jaw flexed and she placed her hands over the center of his broad chest.
“The idea of getting my dick sucked already has the mood started,” Negan answered with a grunt, reaching for her palm to lead her to cup him in her hand through the denim of his jeans. “When you go to him, palm over his body with a sense of confidence. Caress over this area and rub. Wait until you feel him start to get hard and then squeeze at the length of his cock. How many men have you kissed?”
“A few?” her throat was dry while she brushed the length of her palm over Negan’s body. The way his eyes closed made her heart skip a beat before the pace of it began to pick up. A deep, raspy moan escaped Negan’s throat when she felt his body starting to harden against her touch.
“That doesn’t sound very convincing,” Negan dragged his tongue over his bottom lip and he reached out to draw his hand out over the side of her neck. His fingers hooked around the back of her neck to draw her in closer to him. The sound of her nervous breaths filled the air and Negan smirked. “Don’t be nervous. You trust me, remember?”
Before she could respond, Negan’s lips collided with hers causing her to fall in closer to him. The way he kissed her took her breath away and she eagerly kissed him back. With Negan stroking his thumb over her jawline, she found herself falling deeper into the kiss. A warmth pooled at her core and she was swooning, bad. Negan had no idea that he was the man she was in love with. This to her was like a dream come true. A breath hitched in her throat allowing a quick flick of Negan’s tongue over hers and she returned the gesture hearing him hum when she did it.
“You’ve got something going with the kissing,” he breathed against her lips, his eyes hooked on hers when he pulled back to stare at her. Leaning in, he dragged his tongue over her bottom lip hearing her whimper when he did it. Growling as Y/N squeezed at his body, Negan looked down between them and panted. “Take it out.”
“You sure?” she confirmed with him and Negan snorted.
“I’m not the innocent one here,” Negan responded with a grunt while she started to pull apart his belt. Negan leaned his left arm against the wall while watching her fingers fumbling to get the button apart. As her fingers dragged down the zipper, he closed his eyes tightly when her mouth pressed in over his jaw. The soft kisses she pressed over his jaw and toward his neck made him groan out loud. When she kissed at his earlobe and bit softly at it, it caused a shudder to fill his body. Keeping his right hand at the base of her throat, Negan stroked his thumb over the center of it and could see her lowering her head as she got his pants apart. Reaching down, she grabbed the waistband of his boxer briefs and pulled down to allow his semi-erect cock to spring free into the cool air. Immediately she reached out to wrap her palm around the shaft of his body, caressing up and down slowly. “You can be a bit rough with it. You won’t break it…”
Negan licked his lips lowering his hand that was around her neck to adjust the grip she had on his body while urging her to pump her hand over his body in a different way. Teasing his flesh over his body, Y/N could feel her body attempting to tremble, but she was doing her best to keep it together. Negan’s eyes were on her like a hawk while she touched him. When his cock was completely solid in her palm, she licked her lips and watched Negan’s nod down toward his body.
Lowering down to her knees, she felt a rush of panic filling her body. If she was awful at this, that would be what Negan remembered her for. This was very brave of her to do in the first place considering Negan was the man she was swooning over.
“It’s big, right?” Negan affirmed with her and she looked up at him with expressive eyebrows.
“With the way you were talking I was expecting a foot long,” she teased, a smile sneaking in over the corner of her lips and Negan rolled his eyes.
“That’s impossible and if it is possible, no one wants that,” Negan grunted reaching down to squeeze at the thick base of his cock. “I can say with confidence that I know I have a thick, above average sized uncut cock and I know for a fact that in your virgin pussy…it would still hurt.”
“I figure if you were good with it, it wouldn’t hurt much…right?” she confirmed watching his eyebrows arch up when she said that. Sitting up straighter on her knees, she went to lean forward, but Negan stopped her and reached out to slide his thumb in over her bottom lip.
“Take this into your mouth first,” Negan ordered, watching her lips part for him and he pushed his thumb between her lips. Softly, she sucked at his thumb before twisting her tongue around it making him hum in approval. “Good girl. Make sure to vary with your tongue, your mouth and hand. If you use all three, you’ll have the guy of your dreams buckling at the knees.”
“Yes sir,” she purred making Negan release a muted moan when she said it like she did. There was no doubt she was uncomfortable. She was on the spot and as Negan’s fingers sank into her hair, she knew it was now or never. Keeping a firm hold on his body, she took the tip of his cock into her mouth and heard him sigh heavily. It caused him to drop his head back and lick his lips. Dragging her tongue over the head of his cock felt so dirty, but she wanted to make an impression. Licking at his body, in long drawn out motions caused his grip on her hair to get tighter.
“Hollow your cheeks and drag your tongue against my cock when you pull back,” Negan grunted pushing her down his length only to allow her to pull her head back. Leading the motion a few times, Negan could tell that she understood what he wanted and attempted to repeat what he had showed her. “Very good sweetheart.”
Taking time to do what he asked of her, she could feel his hips pumping up toward her throat and she tried to focus on not gagging. Occasionally it would happen and she couldn’t stop it from being that way. When she took him as far in her throat as she could, Negan braced himself against the wall and whimpered.
“Fuck me,” he breathed out, his eyes hooking with hers and he smiled. “You’re really going all in, aren’t you?”
“I just want to make you happy,” she pulled her lips from his body with a wet sound and jerked her palm over his body that was covered in her own saliva. Kissing at the base of his cock, she kept her eyes hooked on his and shrugged. “I want to give you everything you want.”
There was something different in Negan’s face as he seemed to think about something. Going back to try to pleasure him, she gasped when she felt him tugging her back up to her feet. Licking her lips, she gave him a shocked expression and bit at her bottom lip, “Did I do something wrong?”
Quickly moving her, Negan turned her toward the shelves and reached for her hands to force them onto one of them. Shoving her pants down her legs, Negan stood behind her and pumped his hand over his length. Keeping his hand on her neck, he could hear her panicked breaths and he stepped forward. Dragging the tip of his cock through her wet folds, he heard her cry out as he did it.
“You’re fucking soaked,” Negan released himself and palmed in over her mound. She was shaking and Negan felt a chill run down his spine. Teasing his fingers over the length of her sex was his way of testing her. Circling his fingertips over her entrance, he waited until her breathing was uneven and then pressed his middle finger inside of her. The sound she made caused his cock to twitch with excitement. With how tight she was around his fingers, Negan found himself completely in awe with her. “You really are a virgin, huh?”
She didn’t have to say anything. It was obvious. Nodding, she tried to keep herself steady on her legs while Negan thrust his finger inside of her. When he added another finger, she found the sensation completely foreign and to be honest kind of uncomfortable. Clutching to the shelves, she bit down extremely hard on her bottom lip. Probably too hard.
When Negan’s fingers pulled from her body, it felt strange. The sound of Negan spitting was heard behind her and she looked over her shoulder to see Negan caressing over his length. Before she could respond, Negan was grabbing a hold of her hips, positioning her where he wanted her. Pressing his cock to her entrance, he kept an exceedingly tight grasp with his left hand on her hip while his right kept a hold of his erection.
Thrusting forward, the sound of her cry filled the air when he entered her and it was like music to his ears. The moan he let out the moment her tight body parted for him was loud enough for others to hear if they were near. Reaching around her, she pressed her hand in over Negan’s hips knowing that she wanted this, but this wasn’t exactly how she pictured losing her virginity to Negan. Taking a moment, Negan seemed to respect that she needed some time to get used to what he had put inside of her before he started to thrust his body into her time and time again.
“Fuck sweetheart,” Negan growled, lowering in closer to her so he could rest his jaw over her shoulder. Lifting his hands, he hooked his fingers with hers and heard the smacks of their skin filtering into the air while he fucked her from behind. Nuzzling his nose against the back of her neck, Negan grunted and found himself loving the firm grip her body had around his body. “You may just have the tightest pussy I’ve ever had.”
“Negan,” she cried out his name knowing that they weren’t being quiet. If someone were to come back there, it would be obvious what they were doing. The fullness she had with his cock inside of her was foreign and she was doing her best to enjoy it. It was more so the idea of who she was with that was drawing her to try and enjoy things. When he pressed his full length into her, she involuntarily reached back to push into his hip to try to get him back. “Too much.”
“It’s not too much. We just have to get you to relax,” Negan breathed against her ear, nipping at her earlobe when he reached around with his right hand to caress his fingers over her clitoris making her whine when he did it. Taking his time to work his caress over her sensitive bundle of her nerves, Negan loved the sounds he was drawing from her. When her cries became more of those of pleasure, he started rolling his hips again. “There we go.”
Within time things started feeling better as Negan angled his hips differently. She was doing her best to stay up on her legs while Negan continued to rock his hips into hers. The deep plunges his body made inside of her made her bite at her bottom lip and her soft cries filled the air. Using that as encouragement, Negan quickened the caress of his fingertips over her body and thrust his hips at the same pace.
“Let it happen,” Negan whispered when he could sense that she was holding back. “Cum for daddy.”
“Negan,” she shuddered, lowering her head and Negan grasped tightly to her body to keep her steady while he continued his motions through her orgasm. The room was spinning around her, her thighs convulsing. It didn’t stop Negan’s movements and his mouth peppered kisses over her neck. When his sharp winces followed, she could feel the pulsating of his body inside of her. It was a strange feeling but when he began to empty himself into her, she found herself panicked.
Every muscle in Negan’s body was flexing behind her. He was pressed up against her back until he finished with his orgasm. Taking a moment to stand there for them, Negan chuckled and bit firmly at the side of her neck. Looking down, Negan very slowly pulled his softening cock from her body. The dripping sounds of their fluids hitting the floor were heard and he let out a proud breath.
“Hold onto the shelves so you don’t fall,” Negan suggested as he began to pull his pants back up over his body. Pushing his cock back into his boxer briefs, Negan squeezed over his body and could see her resting her head forward against the shelves. She was still shaking and the sounds she was making showed that she was trying to catch her breath. Helping her pull her pants back up her body, Negan led her toward one of the pallets to get her to sit down and she winced. “You’re going to hurt for a while, but welcome to the world of normal. You don’t have to worry about being a virgin anymore.”
Reaching out, he urged her eyes to his and gave an arrogant bob of his head, “No one will ever be the first man to have you or to give you your first orgasm. It will always be me. I hope you always think of me with your future lovers.”
When Negan lowered in closer to her, she reached up to draw her hand over the side of his face to pull her to him. A pleased sound escaped Negan’s lips as she kissed him in a long drawn out motion, “You’re welcome…”
“Negan,” she swallowed down, pushing her forehead to his when she thought about what they did. “Should you have pulled out?”
“Nah, unfortunately I can’t have kids,” Negan informed her with a wince as he pulled his belt back together. There was a sense of sadness in her eyes as Negan shrugged his shoulders. “I tried for fucking ever before all of this to have children with Lucille. It never worked. I’m like a hundred percent certain I’m sterile.”
“Oh,” she didn’t know how to respond and Negan shrugged his shoulders. It didn’t seem to bother him that much and she bit down on her bottom lip. “Was that okay?”
“Oh yeah,” Negan reached out to squeeze at her shoulder in a supportive grasp. “I’m going to go get someone to tell them about the supplies back here. I’ll be right back.”
Nodding, Y/N lowered her head when Negan left and she swallowed down hard. Part of her was happy that Negan was her first, but the other part of her wasn’t exactly happy with how it happened. It also didn’t seem like it meant much to Negan where as it meant everything to her. Their group came in the back to get the supplies and a few of them took notice of how she seemed to be different while she sat there. Negan explained that she got ‘injured’. Other than that they didn’t really expand upon what happened. It certainly was hard to move around after what happened, so the walk back to the campsite wasn’t exactly the best.
At nightfall, Y/N had taken her sleeping bag down by the water to sit by the fire. She wanted some time to think about things alone. By asking Negan to take her virginity, she felt like she was being obvious in telling him that he was the one that she liked. Unfortunately, it didn’t really resonate with Negan that’s where she was headed with things. Pulling her legs up closer to her chest, she heard the sound of someone moving in beside her and she huffed when she saw it was Negan with his sleeping bag underneath his arm.
“Why are you taking off from the rest of the group?” Negan pondered, sitting down with Y/N after he laid out his sleeping bag beside her. The group was very far off in the distance nowhere near the water and his eyes surveyed her over carefully. “You know you shouldn’t be alone. One of the dead could come out of nowhere and gnaw on you.”
“I’m not sure that would really bother anyone,” she chuckled and Negan frowned as he leaned in to rest his head on her shoulder.
“It would bother me for sure. You’re my best friend here,” Negan reminded her and let out a hesitant breath. “In fact, I feel like you’re the only person that can stand me right now.”
“Well people are stupid and they don’t know what they’re missing out on,” she reached out to pat him on the thigh and he tilted his head to the side. “I just needed some time to myself to think about things. You didn’t have to come down here if you didn’t want to.”
“I wanted to,” Negan assured her, dropping back against the sleeping bags. Stretching out his body, Negan looked up at the sky and urged her to lay back with him. “I’m sorry I kind of fucked up your first time. I got carried away.”
“It wasn’t fucked up,” she retorted with sigh as she rested back on the sleeping bag. Negan reached for her hand to grab a hold of it and she felt him bringing it up to his lips to press a kiss over the back of it. “I’m sure with this day in age, it was a decent one.”
“Maybe we should have a do-over,” Negan stated, his expression staying the same while he looked up at the stars. Looking over at Negan, her eyes narrowed and he offered up a bright smile. “Maybe pretend that now is your first time. Under the stars, beside the fire. That sounds more like the right way to do things.”
“Stop, they could see us,” she laughed and Negan shook his head. “Plus, you don’t want to do that again.”  
“I actually totally do. Also, they only care about themselves,” Negan sat up and reached for his shirt to pull it from his body. Tossing the material aside, he saw her eyes surveying over his slender form. Starting to undo his pants, Negan got the rest of his clothes off except for his boxer briefs and urged her up onto her knees. “I think it’s only right to do after I fucked up so bad earlier. Don’t be shy now. We fucked in that store and everyone could have heard us.”
“To be fair, I never thought it would be going that far,” she reminded him and watched as Negan undid his sleeping back to spread it completely out.
He did the same with hers before helping to get her out of her clothes. It seemed like Negan didn’t give a shit if anyone saw them as he tugged down his boxer briefs. Yet the whole time the only thing she could think about was the rest of their group seeing them. When Negan leaned her back against the sleeping bag, she watched him pull the sleeping bag in over him as he lowered down over her making her let out a shuddering breath.  
“See, now we’re hidden enough for you,” Negan lowered himself over her, bracing himself on his elbows. Dipping down, his lips pressed in over hers and he could feel her palms sliding up over the length of his back. Bracing his weight on his left arm, Negan reached down between them and heard the nervous sound she let out. “You’re already been through the hard part. It won’t get any worse than that moment.”
“It’s still very new for me,” she swallowed down and Negan smiled, lowering his forehead to hers. Instead of going right into it like he had planned, she could feel him touching and caressing her to get her prepared. Lifting up, she kissed him and was eager to have some kind of bond between them. The fact that Negan was willing to do this again was a good thing she thought. That meant maybe he felt for her the way she felt for him. It just took what happened at the store for things to work out. Pulling her mouth from his, she stared him in the eyes and stroked over the side of his face. “You are an amazing man.”
Instead of responding, Negan snickered and his nose wrinkled. Shuddering, she felt Negan reaching between them again. Tracing his tip through her folds, Negan took his time to watch her reaction to it. When she was shaking, Negan took that as initiative to lead his body toward her entrance. Pushing his hips forward, he heard her whimper out and his forehead creased. His jaw lowered and he braced his palms beside her when he entered her fully.
“Fuck,” Negan grunted, lowering his head to nuzzle his nose against her neck. Clutching to Negan’s hair she could feel his thrusts were more careful and drawn out. Much like he had said that he wanted to do. The closeness of their bodies underneath the sleeping bags as well as doing this under the night sky was perfect. This was so good that it almost felt like dream of hers because she would have never pictured having Negan like this. Negan’s head lifted and he stared down at her trying to see if she was enjoying what they were doing. “Better?”
“Much,” she whimpered when he started to quicken the rolling of his hips toward her. Kissing Negan in this position was so much better than earlier in the day. The way he was looking at her, touching her and making sure that every movement was to her liking was amazing. “Negan…”
“Shh…enjoy the moment,” Negan hummed against her lips before sliding his lips to her jawline to press wet kisses over her flesh.
Compared to their first time together, this was exceedingly better. When they had finished Negan had held her in his arms until both of them had fallen asleep. That’s how it had been multiple times after that moment. They would spend all of their time together hanging out and would fall into each other most nights.
Even though he hadn’t said it or they hadn’t really acknowledged it, things felt like they were dating. That’s how close they often were. It was special for Y/N because she felt like she was getting to have a relationship with Negan and she cared greatly for him.
After some time, Negan had won over the trust of the group they were in and people had started looking to Negan instead of Dwight to be in charge after some close calls. It was nice getting to see Negan get the attention that he deserved for saving people and she was proud of him, but it meant getting to spend less time with him.
While she sat sitting alone to herself, she wished she would see Negan since it was her birthday. Reading through the latest book that she had found, she let out a gasp when someone hopped down beside her. A bright smile spread over her features when she realized it was Negan beside her. His dimples sank in when he saw that he had shocked her and he chuckled.
Negan reached inside of his pocket to pull out a cupcake that was wrapped in a package. Ripping it open, Negan held his hand up to motion her to wait a moment as he pulled out a candle to stick it in the middle. She couldn’t help, but giggle when he did it and her eyes connected with his, “What is this?”
“It’s not a homemade cake, but it’s the best I could do right now. I had to pocket this the moment I found it just for this moment,” Negan’s eyebrows arched and he could see that she was shocked with the gesture. A proud smile was over Negan’s face knowing how touched she seemed to be by it. Reaching into his pocket he grabbed the lighter and lit the candle before holding it out close to her. “It’s your birthday. Make a wish.”
“You remembered?” she confirmed and Negan nodded, his face scrunching when she seemed surprised. “This is incredibly nice Negan.”
“The wind is going to blow out the candle and then your wish is going to go completely out the window,” Negan teased and she chuckled before doing as he asked of her. After she blew out the candle, Negan could see that her eyes closed and he took advantage. Moving in to kiss her, he felt her shocked against the movement and when they parted Negan let out an amused breath. “Now what was your other wish?”
“God,” she rolled her eyes, letting out a laugh when Negan moved in to kiss her a few more times playfully.  Raising his finger, Negan motioned her to wait as he went over to his bag that was in the distance. Noticing that he had an old Polaroid camera in his hand she could see him swiftly moving toward her. “What is that?”
“I hid these when I picked them up so no one knew I had the good stuff,” Negan looked over his shoulder to make sure they were alone. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her in closer to him and cuddled his head up next to hers. “We’re going to take one…so smile…”
Quickly rising up the Polaroid camera, Negan leaned in to press a kiss in over her cheek to snap a photo of the two of them together. When it came out, he handed it over to her to hold before attempting to take another one. For this one she reached out with her free hand to press in over his chin to pull him closer to her so she could kiss his cheek. Snorting, he grabbed the next photo that came out and went to put the camera back in his bag.
“Now that one is yours…and this one is mine,” Negan waved the photo to try and get it to develop faster and a chuckle fell from his throat. Dropping down beside her again, Negan made sure that he was close to her and could see that she was eyeing over the photo. “What do you think?”
“I think you’re cute,” her eyes met Negan’s. He was watching her closely clearly trying to read how she was feeling. “You know how much I care about you, right?”
“Of course I do,” Negan winked and nudged her playfully with his elbow, “You’re my best friend.”
“I think we’re a bit beyond best friends,” she suggested and Negan shrugged his shoulders before looking down to the photo he had taken for himself.
“I have one more thing that I have planned for tonight,” Negan started to talk to only hear someone call out to him and he looked over his shoulder to see someone in the group waving him down. “Being the leader now sucks because you can’t get ten seconds to fucking breathe, but go to apartment two-c in about two hours, okay? I have some things I have to talk about with the rest of the guys.”
“Why?” her nose wrinkled and Negan hopped up from where he was sitting. He slid his picture that he had into his pocket and looked back toward the person that was waving him down again.
“It’s a birthday thing, so just do it,” Negan ordered, snapping his fingers at her and she shrugged her shoulders. She was completely enamored with Negan and loved him. There was no doubt in that. Whatever he had planned, he seemed pretty proud of, so it excited her.
Waiting those two hours, she headed to the apartment building that they had set up outside of. Moving inside, she went upstairs to the second floor and found the room that he had asked her to come to. Pushing open the door, she let out a nervous sound and saw that he had candles lit in the apartment making her chuckle.
“Negan?” she called out looking in the bedroom hoping to find Negan there when she couldn’t find him in the rest of the apartment. There was a box on the bed that said open me written on it.
Moving forward, she grabbed a hold of it and saw that there was a keychain inside of it. Picking it up, she saw that it was one that had stars on it with the words ‘you are my shining star’ on it. A laugh fell from her throat when she looked it over and ran her thumb over the front of it. She wondered if he had grabbed it for her since the second time that they were together they had done it under the stars together and he made a rather big deal about it.
The sound of something knocking over was heard in the bathroom and she looked over her shoulder toward it. Going to the door, she pushed it open slowly to hear the sounds of loud breaths filling the air. When her eyes fell upon what was inside, she felt her heart breaking.
Negan had Sherry propped up against the sink and her arms were hooked around Negan’s shoulders. Negan’s pants were at his ankles while he thrust his hips up toward her again and again. There was a sinking feeling in her gut while Sherry’s cries filled the small bathroom. Stepping back, Y/N headed for the door and felt her chest aching. She knew that Negan had originally had a thing for Sherry, but she thought at this point after weeks of them being together that Negan actually liked her. For some reason she pictured in her mind that they were dating and they were together. With all the time they had been spending together and the way that Negan had been treating her she just thought more was going on.
Why would he tell her to come to the apartment? Was he planning on hurting her the whole time? All she knew was that she was hurt and broken hearted after what she saw. There was an overwhelming amount of emotions flooding over her as she made it back outside and went to sit on the brick wall that surrounded the apartment building they were at.
About twenty minutes later, she heard someone calling out her name and she glanced over her shoulder to see that Negan was moving out toward her. Ignoring him, she adjusted her position back to where she was before. She hated him right now and with how upset she was, she didn’t even want to see his face.
“You will never guess what just happened,” Negan hopped up on the brick wall with her. There a giant smile spread out over his features, but when he saw her crying he let out a tense breath. A nervous laugh fell from Negan’s throat when he looked her over. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
“Something tells me we’re both reacting over the same thing,” she responded looking at the keychain that was in her hand that Negan had obviously found for her. Lifting her head, her eyes connected with his and she could see that he was genuinely confused. “You’re such an asshole.”
“What?” Negan stammered, a grunt falling from his throat when she slid down from the wall. A moment later she threw the keychain at him and it hit him in the center of the chest before falling into his lap. “Why are you acting like this?”
“I’m so stupid,” she walked off in the distance toward the field that was to the left of the apartment building. Negan hopped down to follow her toward the woods where she was headed. When she got a bit ahead, she felt Negan grabbing a hold of her wrist to tug her back to him. “She doesn’t even like you. You know that? She only fucked you because now you have power. Before people started looking up to you she didn’t even look at you.”
“This is about Sherry?” Negan confirmed with a snort and he watched her folding her arms out in front of her chest. Looking down at the keychain, he held it up and shrugged his shoulders. “She saw me heading into the building and then followed me I guess. I was setting up the thing for your birthday and…”
Negan looked down at the keychain that was in his hand and he lifted his gaze to hers, “Didn’t like your gift?”
“It lost its special meaning when I saw the two of you together,” she tried to leave, but she felt Negan forcing her against one of the trees that was behind her to keep her in place. Wincing, she could feel the bark scraping her arm and Negan loosened his grip when he realized he had hurt her. “Let me go Negan. I don’t want anything to do with you anymore."
“You’re my best friend,” Negan reminded her and his eyebrows bounced up. A laugh fell from her throat when she started crying again and it was clear that Negan was sincerely confused which made this worse. “I don’t understand why you are acting this way? I thought you would be happy for me. You know how I felt about Sherry. I don’t get why you are acting like this.”
“Which makes this so much worse Negan. You really are just a massive piece of shit aren’t you?” she shoved into his chest and Negan let out a grunt when she hit him. She hit him a few more times in the chest and Negan stared down at her with a shocked expression. “I can’t believe I saw more in you than there actually was. I don’t want anything to do with you anymore. I hate you.”
“Now is not the time to be a bitch to me when I’m in charge,” Negan muttered as she started to walk away and Negan’s eyebrows were furrowed when she turned on her heel to look back at him. “You decide to do this to me when things start going right for me? Are you jealous?”
“Wow,” she let out a shocked sound when Negan threw the keychain he had gotten her aside in the dirt. “You think this is me jealous that you are in charge now? You are so blind and stupid if that’s really where you think is coming from.”
There was a moment of silence between them and she reached up to wipe at her face. Shaking her head, she moved to leave him and Negan grabbed her again, pulling her to him. A gasp fell from her throat when she fell into his chest and Negan grabbed a tight hold of her jaw. Digging his fingers into her jaw, he forced her to look at him and he felt her fighting to get out of his grasp until he demanded her attention with the way he grabbed a hold of her.
“I would highly rethink anything you are considering doing or saying to me in the next few minutes,” Negan warned her and he could feel her tears against his fingertips while he turned her head to the side. “I’ve been good to you when I didn’t need to be, so I’d show a little gratitude toward me if you want to still be part of my life.”
Trying to pull herself from his grasp, she winced when his fingers dug deeper into her flesh. The way his angry eyes were hooked on her made her heart hammer inside of her chest. How could he be so oblivious to the fact that she was in love with him and she thought they were actually dating?
Finally, he released her with a shove and it caused her to stumble over her feet making her fall to the ground. Negan stood before her, his eyes narrowing while she slowly pulled herself up into a sitting position on the ground. Rubbing at the side of her face where he had been grabbing her, she felt the tears continue to burn at her eyes knowing that Negan had turned out to be everything that she thought he wasn’t.
Getting up from the ground, she said nothing more and started walking away from Negan toward where her things were. The sound Negan let out showed that he was angry with her for just walking away instead of saying anything more. That night when they were all surrounded by the fire for dinner she had seen Negan glaring out at her and she tried to avoid eye contact with him. It broke her that instead of understanding that he hurt her, he just assumed that she was jealous of him becoming the leader of the group.
After that night, things progressed quickly for Negan. They had found The Sanctuary and Negan had built his team of Saviors. At some point Y/N had thought that Negan would eventually realize what happened and he would come to her to talk to her, but he never did. They never talked after that moment and when he would be around he would never acknowledge her. Somehow she had ended up being one of his lower ranked Saviors and watching Negan marry woman after woman hurt. Especially considering the special circumstances that he hadn’t even clearly known about with her.
Multiple times she had tried to get a meeting with him through Simon. The first few times Simon had seen if Negan would talk to her, but every single time Simon would come back and tell her that Negan didn’t want to talk to her or he was too busy.
After getting pretty desperate she had gone to Negan’s office one night hoping to be able to talk to Negan about some things. She wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t absolutely necessary, but she knew that she had to talk to him. Going at night she assumed that he would be alone, but she let out a disappointed sound when she saw Simon standing near the door talking to Negan. When she made it near the door, Simon heard her steps and the look he gave her when he saw her made him let out a disappointed sound.
“I told you, he doesn’t have time to talk to you,” Simon grunted, stepping into the hallway to reach for her arm to tug her away from the door. “If you have a question, you can come to me later and I will answer it for you.”
“Simon, I get it. I just need to talk to him, okay?” she looked to the door to see Negan sitting at the desk with an amused expression. Instead of being the laid back man she had grown to love, his once messy hair was now slicked back and he had an arrogant smile over his features. “It’s important.”
“Nothing is important enough for you to continuously ignore what I’ve been telling you,” Simon grunted, shoving her toward the railing that surrounded the second floor for people to look down to the first. “You don’t get to just demand time with Negan. If Negan wants to talk to you, he’ll come to you. It doesn’t work the other way around.”
“Negan, please…” she looked beyond Simon toward Negan that was watching the two of them together. It seemed like he was amused with what was happening and she felt her heart breaking knowing that this was a man she was once close to. “I just…”
“I said fuck off,” Simon shoved her again before reaching for her wrist to grasp a tight hold of it. It made her wince with how hard he was holding onto it. The yank he gave her made her cry out as he pulled her away from Negan’s office. “I’ll be right back boss man. This one can’t seem to take a hint.”
“I just have to talk to him about something important,” she tried to reason, but Simon continued to drag her toward the steps to go to the first floor even knowing that her room was on the second floor.
“How many times have I fucking told you no? Huh?” Simon tugged her and she felt her chest aching while he glared down angrily at her. “Maybe some time in one of the dark rooms will make you realize what you’re doing wrong.”
“Simon,” Negan’s voice boomed in behind them and Simon looked over his shoulder to see that Negan was standing in the doorway. “I’ll give her five minutes.”
“Kneel,” Simon ordered with Negan standing before them and when she didn’t she felt Simon digging into her shoulder to get her to lower down. When she didn’t bow for him, Simon forced her to lower her head and Negan’s laugh filled the air. In the past if someone would have manhandled her like that she was certain that Negan would have kicked their ass and not thought twice about it, but now he was laughing. In the past he had saved her more times that she cared to admit, but now he was just as bad as the men he had saved her from if not worse. When Negan started heading back toward his office, Simon allowed her to get up and he shoved her toward the office. When Simon pushed her inside, Negan waved his fingers in the air for Simon to shut the door and Simon obeyed.
Watching Negan saunter over to his seat, she felt her throat going dry as he set Lucille against the side of the desk and then dropped down in his seat. Finally, Negan’s eyes met hers and he simply shrugged his shoulders, “What’s so damn important that you’ve tried to force yourself in here multiple times?”
“We just…we need to talk,” she informed him and Negan gave her a dramatic expression as if motioning her to continue. “I know I upset you a few months ago, but you’ve been avoiding me and refuse to talk to me. I didn’t know how to talk to you. I didn’t think you would just straight up pretend like I didn’t even exist anymore.”
“You don’t to me,” Negan interrupted her, his eyebrows arching up as he spoke and he bit into his bottom lip. “You’re just someone that exists to make the process of this place continue to work. You understand? You’re a resource.”
“That’s not how things used to be,” she swallowed down hard and saw the way that Negan gave her a sideways glance.
“What are you trying to say?” Negan laughed, propping his feet up on his desk while Y/N stared out at him. “I really haven’t had the time to hang out if that’s what you’re talking about. I know we were close before I became the leader, but things change. You know?”
“I know that and I understand that. I know you’re busy,” she knew that she didn’t want to fight with him. She just had to talk to him and tell him something. “What I kind of have to talk about was around that time when were in that wholesale store together.”
She hoped in reminding him of their time together, he would actually start to look at her in a better light. Negan clasped his hands together in his lap. An arrogant smile tugged at his lips when his eyebrows tensed together.
“You’re talking about when I fucked you and took your virginity?” Negan responded and she felt her heart sink when he said it like that that. Nodding, she bit at her bottom lip and sighed heavily. Having him talk like that caused her face to flush over and he acted like it was no big deal. “What about it? Are you just looking to knock booty again?”
“No, there are just a few things about that time that I think we need to talk about. I think I need to be honest with you about something from back then and then you should know something kind of important,” she realized that this was going to be hard because she had never been fully honest with Negan in the past things about things because she was nervous how he would react. “See...that day I told you that I liked someone, I wasn’t completely honest with you because it was you that I liked Negan. I was just nervous to tell you. I didn’t know how you would handle it, so I said what I did. You were the person that I really wanted to be with.”
“Well that’s a smart way to get someone to fuck you if they are the person you are attracted to,” Negan’s face scrunched up and he sat there waiting for her to say something more. “And?”
“I just kind of thought after that moment in the wholesale store that the two of us were dating,” she explained, her voice stammering as she spoke. It was hard to keep eye contact with Negan because his blank stare was almost making her feel small. “We were always together. You kept doing nice things and we were together…a lot. So when I saw you with Sherry on my birthday...”
The smile slowly faded from Negan’s features and his eyebrows bounced up, “That’s why you were a bitch toward me.”
“Within reason I think,” she muttered and Negan snorted before starting to laugh. Negan lowered his head and pinched at the bridge of his nose.
“Well, your actions make sense now that I know you were jealous over me fucking Sherry on your birthday,” Negan almost added emphasis to his words to dig the knife deeper. It made her shift on her feet uncomfortable and he dragged his tongue over his bottom lip. “I don’t know what made you think we were dating though.”
“It was the way you were with me, the things you said,” she recalled how amazing he had been with her after they had slept together the second time.
“Did I ever say we were dating?” Negan inquired, his face turning somewhat red as he stared out at her. Lowering her head, she felt stupid when he said that and realized that he was trying to dig things in harder. “Speak when you are spoken to. Answer me. Did I ever say we were dating?”
“No,” she answered, her eyes burning with the way he was talking to her.
“No, I didn’t,” Negan repeated with a scowl and he dropped his feet down from the desk to place his hands out over the top of it. “In order for people to be dating, you both have to kind of acknowledge it, right?”
“Negan…” she felt a tear sliding down the side of her face and she tried to think of something to say, but was lost for words.
“Right?!” Negan demanded her response and she bit at her bottom lip.
“Right,” she repeated what he wanted her to say.
“So if someone was at fault for thinking there was something more between us…was it me? Or was it you?” Negan grunted and she felt like her body was on fire while he continued to belittle her. The sound of his hand slamming against the top of his desk was heard and it made her jump. “If you continue to avoid answering my questions…”
“It was my fault,” she whispered and even though she didn’t want to be she felt tears sliding down her face. More than anything she wanted to act like this wasn’t bothering her, but it was.
“So I didn’t deserve you treating me like that? Did I?” Negan snapped, but she refused to look at him. Standing up from the desk, Negan moved around and reached for her jaw to force her eyes to connect with his.
“No, you didn’t,” she told him what he wanted to hear and he nodded slowly. The way his jaw was flexing made her uncomfortable. “I just thought after that day you might try to talk to me, but the more power you got the more things changed. You married multiple women and…”
“Get to the point. You’re boring me at this point,” Negan rolled his eyes and firmly released her jaw to move back toward his desk to sit on the edge of it.
“I don’t know, I just thought you might have missed me,” she looked down at herself knowing that she may have not been as much of a looker as she was when they first got together. Things had been rough with being one of his lower level saviors. Her clothes weren’t great and it wasn’t like Negan provided her with things that would draw her to be appealing to him. “That what we had might have been special to you and you would have eventually asked me to…”
“Oh, I see,” Negan chuckled realizing where she was going with this. “You think that the two of us have some kind of connection. You think we have a bond.”
She said nothing, but Negan had a rumble of laughter fall from his throat and he grasped tightly to the edge of the desk, “Back then, I hadn’t had sex since before Lucille died. I would have stuck my cock in any hole that was asking and you were pretty much begging. Now that I’m in charge, I have girls lining up to be my wife. They like the benefits. They like the power. I get to fuck any pussy that I want. I’m not desperate like I was then.”
“Desperate?” she repeated his words and he smiled brightly while nodding once. “So are you saying that I’m not someone that you would want to be with?”
“You’re just not my type,” Negan grunted in almost a vicious tone, his nose wrinkling when he looked her over. “I fucked you because you were there. We didn’t have a bond. We didn’t have something special and I’m honored that your little crush was on me, but what did you expect when you came in here today? That I was going to admit to you that my feelings were the same and I would beg you to be one of my wives too? I didn’t even make you one of my higher up saviors. Fuck, I haven’t even thought about you since that day you got upset with me. Now if you want to fuck again, I’ll consider it, but other than that...I think we’re done here.”
“Okay,” she felt her bottom lip trembling hearing that from Negan she was pretty much undesirable to him. “There is something though…”
“Can’t you take a hint?” Negan growled, his voice getting raspy as he continued to speak. “What does it take to get through that thick skull of yours that I’m not fucking interested? I never was. I never will be and there is nothing you can do to change that. If you want me to fuck you, get over here and bend over the desk and I’ll fuck you if it makes you feel better.”
Gradually Negan pulled apart his belt and opened up his pants, “If it makes you stop bothering me and my men, I’m willing to do it. To leave you on a fucking high since you’re pretty much obsessed with me. You can think of it as a gift from me. Otherwise…piss off.”
“Wow,” she let out a shocked sound when Negan pulled his jacket from his shoulders and tossed it to the couch that was in the corner of his office. Negan unzipped his pants and pushed them down his hips making her let out a disgusted breath. “Do you really think I’m that pathetic that I would want to fuck you after everything you just said to me?”
There was a long silence between them. A smirk pressed in over Negan’s features and his right eyebrow arched up, “Yes? Yes, I do.”
“Being in charge really changed you, didn’t it? You’re not the person that saved me. That was a good man. The man you are now…” she felt her heart hammering inside of her chest with how angry she was at Negan.
“You have no idea the man I was. I was lonely and would have saved anyone at the time to make sure that I had someone with me. Fuck girl. You knew from the start that I had a thing for Sherry. You were just a pussy for me until I got what I really wanted,” Negan looked down toward his body and he grabbed a firm hold of his member. “I bet I was the last person to fuck you, right?”
Her eyes lowered down toward the ground and he could see her hand sliding in over her abdomen making him snort, “Listen, I’m doing you a favor here while also doing one for myself if this makes you finally leave me alone. Get over here and bend over that desk.”
“I think we’re done here,” he could see that she was still upset with him and her jaw tightened as she spoke. “I’m sorry for wasting your time tonight.”
“You’re fucking joking,” Negan scoffed when she went to head for the door and he reached for his pants to pull them back up over his hips. “You come in here telling me that you were hoping that I would make you one of my wives. Looking at me with those doe eyes hoping that I fucking loved you and you’re just going to walk away?”
“Yes,” she simply answered and an angered sound fell from Negan’s throat as he zipped his pants back up before he pulled them together. “I may be pathetic, but I’m not that pathetic.”
“You know I notice you’re getting a little swelled,” Negan muttered as she reached for the doorknob and she stopped in her tracks when he said that. “It’s making me think you have too much food available to you. Maybe you could stand to go on the points system for a little bit so you can get back to your previous look. My saviors should be fit, not getting fat. It gives the wrong look.”
The door pushed open and Y/N felt her blood boiling when Negan moved back toward his desk to sit down.
“You know that’s the whole reason I came here,” she started and Simon moved in behind her, but Negan was done with her as he waved his hand in the air.
“We’re done here,” Negan scoffed making her let out a tense breath when Simon grabbed her to pull her away from the door. “Simon, make sure that it’s made known that Y/N is now going to be working for points. Start her on level one.”
“What?” she snapped seeing Negan lifting his eyes at her, “that’s what someone makes when they first get here and are on probation. I’ve been here since the beginning and I need supplies Negan, you don’t understand.”
“Get her out of here,” Negan demanded and Simon grabbed her before she could say another word, slamming the door shut before she could bicker with Negan anymore.
Once Simon got her away from the door, she started to head for the steps and Simon followed her. When she went to head for the door that went to the outside he grabbed a tight hold of her to stop her, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I need some air or I’m going to explode. Did me getting demoted make it so I can’t go outside anymore?” she snapped and Simon grunted as she walked outside. Following her out, Simon stood at the stairs and she was pissed that he was watching her. “Why are you following me?”
“People do stupid things when they are angry,” Simon answered and he heard the sound of commotion inside the building. A frustrated sound fell from his throat and he threw his finger up in the air. “You better stay right there.”
“Where am I going to go?” she threw her hands up in the air and could see that Simon was contemplating not going back in, but he did.
It wasn’t actually until Simon said that to her that she was considering leaving. There had to be a place better than this. Somewhere that she would be able to survive without having to deal with the past of the hurt that she would always be reminded of here. Everything that was important to her, she had in her pockets. Everything else she would certainly be caught trying to escape with them if she decided to leave after grabbing her things from her room, so she left them. Surveying the area, she made sure that that the saviors were looking elsewhere when she managed to climb up over the gates surrounding The Sanctuary. She had to be careful not to hurt herself on the barbed wire, but still had managed to knick herself when she went over. Cussing to herself, she ran as fast as she could toward the wooded area to attempt to get out of sight. If someone caught her sneaking out, she knew it wouldn’t be good. She had heard rumors, but she just wanted to be gone and away from Negan. When she had finally made it into the wooded area, she ripped a part of her jacket to tie it around the area she cut from escaping. Doing her best to make it through the darkness, she relied on the moon to move through the woods to the best of her ability. All she had was a knife and she realized how stupid at this point it was for her to actually escape. Back at The Sanctuary she had a room, but being stuck with Negan just felt wrong.
All night she walked and by morning she had found a tree to sit down by to get some rest. There was a sense of regret that had flooded through her because she didn’t know what she was going to do. She had responsibilities and not being able to find any other civilization made her nervous. And she knew how people were.
“Where the fuck could she have gone?” Simon’s voice boomed and she scrambled to hide herself in one of the bushes. “Negan is going to fucking cut my balls off if I don’t find her.”
“You shouldn’t have taken your eyes off of her,” Dwight’s voice responded with a snort. “You knew better than to leave an emotional woman alone.”
“Things were happening and we just need to find her. If we don’t come back with her after he ordered us to find her, I’m dead,” Simon groaned and she could feel herself shaking. “I’m going to kill this bitch when we get her back to The Sanctuary myself for causing me so much fucking trouble. I can’t wait to put her on the damn fence with all the others…”
A flood of panic rushed through Y/N when she realized what happened to those that escaped from The Sanctuary when they were caught. The sound of Dwight snorting was heard and she attempted to stay exceedingly still, “Negan doesn’t do that to women.”
“I think this woman would be an exception, she had him fucking pissed off last night,” Simon retorted surveying the area and he let out a frustrated sound. “Do you remember when we were just that small group? I swore the two of them were together, but…”
“Does it matter?” Dwight snorted and Simon groaned. The sound of something rattling was heard and she noticed that her canteen had slid out. “What was that?”
Simon started walking down the hill toward her and she cringed knowing that in no time he would find her. Wincing, she waited until the sound of something else drew Simon to look over his shoulder and he started heading the other way. Sliding out from the brushes, she went to leave only to feel someone grab her by the shoulder. A pair of blue eyes were locked on hers and she felt her heart pounding inside of her chest. The curly, short haired man motioned for her to be quiet and she realized he must have been the one to make the noise to get Simon away. Following the man through the woods, she stayed quiet until they showed up at the gates of a place called Alexandria.
“What is this?” she muttered and the man looked to her with an arched brow. “Who are you?”
“My name is Aaron,” he placed his hand over the center of his chest and he looked back toward the walls that surrounded the town that was inside. “How many walkers have you killed?”
“I lost count at this point,” she was honest knowing that she had gone through so much in the short amount of time.
“How many people have you killed?” Aaron poked and she let out a shuddering breath before shaking her head.
“None,” she was honest and swallowed down hard knowing that it likely made her look pathetic since she wasn’t much of a fighter. “Why?”
“Then welcome to our community,” Aaron whistled and someone opened the doors allowing her in.
After that moment she had become part of the community of Alexandria. Thankfully she had been able to avoid Negan when he had found Alexandria and things were great until they had Negan prisoned in Alexandria after they had captured Negan. She worked so hard to avoid seeing Negan, but when they ordered her to take him his food one day; she knew that she had no choice because everyone else was busy.
Muttering to herself over and over, she told herself that it would be fine. It had been too long. Negan wouldn’t even know who she was. It had been years. All she had to do was give him his food and leave. She repeated that like a mantra. Once she headed down the stairs, she could see Negan slouched over on his cot. The look of him was nothing like she was used to with his long beard and his hair that had been cut to a mess. Someone at Alexandria likely had done that haircut for him in a rush without a care if they were nicking Negan’s flesh.
Keeping her head low, she put the tray of food on the ground for Negan before his cell. Negan lifted his head and she hoped that he just wouldn’t notice her. Attempting to turn on her heel, she heard the sound of his breathing change, “Y/N?”
Immediately regretting her decision not to throw this task off on someone else, she watched Negan slowly get up from the cot and move to the bars. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Negan’s long, slender fingers wrapping around the bars and he let out a desperate sound when his eyes met hers, “God, it is you. I thought you were dead.”
“Nope, I’m alive,” she simply stated and Negan’s eyes were big. There were multiple cuts and bruises on Negan’s face and she had a hard time looking at him. “So are you.”
“I don’t know for how much longer,” Negan stammered, his eyebrows arched and it was clear that he was full of remorse. Negan had gotten much skinnier than what she was used to and remembered. Instead of sticking around, she knew it would be for the best if she left.
“You should eat,” she attempted to leave, but Negan reached through the bars and grabbed a tight hold of her wrist to get her to stop from leaving.
“You have to help me,” Negan pleaded, his eyes hooked on hers and he could see the uncomfortable look over her face. “Please. I can’t keep living like this. They beat on me. No one talks to me. No one should have to live like this. Please help me.”
“I don’t think I could,” she explained seeing that Negan’s eyes were full of hope after he had realized he knew her.
“Come on, we were friends,” Negan clutched to the bars, his eyes pleading with her. Offering up a weak smile, he attempted to reach out again to grasp at her fingers, but she pulled away from him. “You have to feel some kind of connection to me, right? I was the guy to take your virginity. Remember? We had something special. The two of us had a bond when this whole thing started. You were in love with me. I can’t live like this Y/N. Please help me.”  
There was a silence that filled the air around them and suddenly she was having flashes of the last time that Negan had spoken with her in his office. The way he belittled her and down talked her still resonated deeply with her and she still remembered those words he told her. It left her bitter and angry toward him.  
“Funny how that’s your story now that you have nothing and no one,” she bit at her bottom lip watching the hopeful expression slowly leaving Negan’s eyes. “You fucked me because I was just there. You were desperate. We didn’t have a bond. We didn’t have something special. Do these words stick with you Negan?”
“I was being an asshole that day because I was still mad at you for abandoning me. I thought you were my best friend and you got pissed at me. I realize that I should have been more caring about your feelings when you were telling me how you felt, but at the time when we were together I just thought we were friends that were sleeping together,” Negan attempted to explain with a grunt, his eyes still desperate for her to help him. “All I wanted was Sherry at that point and then when you abandoned me for getting the one thing I wanted. I just got so angry at you that I was treating you like shit, but after thinking about it…after losing you I knew the way I treated you was wrong.”
“You didn’t lose me because you didn’t want me in the first place,” she corrected him and Negan frowned when she said that.
“I didn’t think that you were in love with me, but after that day you told me how you felt, I thought back on it and I realize you were right that there was something special between the two of us,” Negan assured her and attempted to reach for her fingers to squeeze at them. “I didn’t mean what I said Y/N. I didn’t realize you were going to run away from me. I’m sorry for what I said. My relationship with you was very important to me. I love you. I can tell by the way you look at me that you still love me too.”
This was everything she had ever wanted to hear from him in the past. This was kind of what she had hoped for when she talked to him at The Sanctuary, but she knew the kind of manipulator Negan had become. He was the master of it.
“That’s where you’re wrong Negan,” she looked down toward his fingers that were hooked with hers and she shook her head slowly. Pulling her hand from his she stepped back toward the door to his cell and shrugged her shoulders. “You’re just not my type.”
“Y/N?” Negan called out her name as she headed for the door leaving him with what he had said to her back then. When she closed the door to his cell she could hear him screaming her name and the word please afterwards. It sound like he was sobbing, but she didn’t care. Not after all he had put her through during those few months at The Sanctuary.
Everything was fine for years after that. They never pushed her to have to see Negan again and she lived life the best possible way she could. Six years had passed and Y/N had found herself coming home late after working all day. Moving upstairs toward her room, she checked on something before heading toward her room. When she pushed open the door, a gasp fell from her lips when she saw Negan standing in her bedroom at her dresser. There was something he was holding in his fingertips and when his eyes met hers, she could see the anger that was there.
Turning the Polaroid that he had in his fingers, she could see that it was the photo that Negan had taken of them on her birthday that he had given her. It was something that she had kept on the mirror of her dresser to remind her of a day when she felt happy and hopeful about her future. Negan lifted his other hand and showed that he had the keychain he had given her that he had originally thrown in the dirt wrapped around his middle finger.
“I’m just not your type, huh?” Negan dropped what he was holding and swiftly moved forward to reach for her. She attempted to move, but he grabbed a tight hold of her and wrapped his arms around her from behind so she couldn’t escape. “You’re so fucking full of shit. I fucking hurt your feelings and you let me rot in that cell for six years because of it. When this whole fucking time you were still fucking in love with me.”
“Negan,” she whimpered feeling his hand wrapping around her mouth to keep her quiet. The way she struggled and he fought her back made her panic. How had Negan escaped his cell? Her eyes met Negan’s in the mirror of her dresser set. With his buzzed hair and the angry way his eyebrows were arched, he looked like a completely different man to her.
“I would have never left you to rot like that,” Negan growled against the side of her neck. Before he could do anything further the sound of her bedroom door being pushed open was heard and Negan looked over his shoulder.
“Mom?” a voice filled the air and Negan lifted his eyes to see a young girl standing at the door holding a teddy bear in her arms. The sight of the little girl made Negan let her go and when he did she immediately moved for her daughter. “What’s going on?”
“Mommy’s friend was just playing with her,” she hushed her daughter looking back at Negan who was staring out at them together. There was apprehension in her daughter’s body while she stared out at Negan with big eyes. “Baby, you need to go back to your bedroom, okay? Mommy will come see you in the morning.”
“What’s your name sweetheart?” Negan called out and Y/N shot him a glare. Ignoring it, Negan stepped forward and stared down at the young girl. There was something in the way her bright hazel eyes were staring up at him that made him let out a tense breath.
“Riley,” she answered him and Negan’s eyebrows bounced up. Kneeling down, Negan tilted his head to the side and surveyed over Y/N’s daughter.  
“How old are you sweetheart?” Negan looked between Y/N and Riley. There was an expression that made Y/N uncomfortable as she stepped forward to move in behind Riley to make sure her presence was known between Negan and her daughter.
“Nine,” Riley answered and Negan’s eyes hooked with Y/N’s. Negan reached out to place his hand in over the young girl’s shoulder. There was a new expression over Negan’s features that she couldn’t quite read. “Who are you?”
“My name is Negan. Does that name mean anything to you?” Negan questioned and Riley looked up to Y/N for some kind of confirmation that she should know who Negan was. “Tell me Riley, who is your daddy here?”
“Baby go to your bedroom,” Y/N ordered, interrupting the two of them before Negan could go any further with this discussion. Riley was confused, but she clutched tightly to her bear and nodded. As Riley moved for the door, Negan stood up and Y/N pushed her hands into Negan’s chest to keep him where he was. “I love you sweetheart.”
“I love you too mommy,” Riley whispered and her big eyes looked between Negan and Y/N before leaving the two of them alone.
Once Y/N was sure that Riley was in her room, she turned on her heel to look back at Negan and his face scrunched up in anger, “That’s my fucking daughter. She looks just like me. How could you keep my child from me?”
“Oh no, it could never be your child Negan. Remember? You can’t have babies. You’re infertile,” she reminded Negan seeing the way his jaw locked up when she said that, folding her arms in front of her chest. Negan moved over toward her bed and sat on the corner of the bed. “Fuck you Negan. You told me the first time I slept with you that you were infertile. So we didn’t have to worry about you pulling out.”
“So maybe I didn’t know for sure, but I assumed because we tried for so long and I just knew that it never happened,” Negan admitted, his eyes heavy with regret when he threw his hands up in the air. “Why did you leave The Sanctuary if you were pregnant?”
“I tried to tell you that I was pregnant, but instead you called me fat and then put me on the points system so I wouldn’t be able to take care of myself,” she snapped making Negan release a loud gulping sound. “I ran away in hopes of finding something better because you wouldn’t fucking listen. When I’m hiding in the woods I hear Simon talking about you killing me and putting me on the fence…”
“I wouldn’t have killed you and put you on the fence,” Negan rolled his eyes when he heard her say that and she snorted. “Simon was a fucking idiot. One I killed, but…”
“What do you want Negan? You know if they find out that you escaped the cell, then they are going to kill you,” she informed him, her eyes looking him over seeing that he was still in his prison clothes. “Why are you here?”
“After being locked away for six years, you tend to hold grudges and want answers as to why you leave someone rotting in a cell. Then I come up here and see that you still have that fucking keychain I got you for your birthday and have that photo of the two of us…” Negan growled, his eyes rising to hers and he shook his head slowly. “You loved me still and you let me rot in that cell. Knowing that you had my daughter…”  
“You were bullshitting me Negan. Telling me that you loved me,” she reminded him and Negan gave her a sideways glance. “You didn’t love me. You never loved me.”
“That’s not true, okay? I did love you, but I genuinely just ignorantly thought we were best friends. I didn’t think about what I was doing to you,” Negan responded, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “The more I thought about it, the more obvious it became to me how stupid I actually was. I totally was falling in love with you and then Sherry followed me to that fucking room and I thought about how long I had been pining for her. I wanted her so bad and there she was offering it and I took it. It was wrong. It was awful and I should have told her no. If I would have…I think things would have been so different.”
“Well we can’t turn back time,” she frowned, her eyes looking down toward the ground and she watched Negan stand up from the bed. Slowly, he walked across the room to her and reached out to cup her face in his rough hands. Negan’s eyes were hooked on hers and it seemed like he was attempting to kiss her, but she turned her head away from him. “Don’t.”
“Y/N, I think this is a sign that we should be together. I’ve always wanted a child. I know I feel special feelings toward you and I know you feel the same,” Negan reasoned with her and he could see that her eyes were tearing over while she stared out at him. “Maybe we deserve the chance to start over. The three of us.”
“She deserves better than you,” Y/N muttered and Negan released a hurt sound when she was obviously talking about Riley, “And so do I. I would love to pretend that nothing happened, but the people here would tell Riley. They would let her know who her father was and what he did. And I’ll always remember the things you said to me.”
“I’m leaving. We should all get out of here,” Negan suggested, reaching for her hands to give them a firm squeeze. “I know what I did and I’m sorry, but you have to understand…”
“I get why you did it Negan, I just…I can’t,” her bottom lip quivered and Negan could feel his chest aching as she stood before him. “Of course I’ll always love you, but I have to think about Riley and what’s best for her. And that’s not you.”
“Well…damn,” Negan responded, absolutely gutted with what she was saying. Stepping back, he brushed his hand over his head and then tossed his hands up in the air. “I guess this is goodbye then.”
“Where are you going?” she inquired as he moved toward the door to leave and he stopped to look over his shoulder at her.
“I thought about looking at The Sanctuary. See how things are there,” Negan pushed his hands into his pockets and he looked down toward the ground. When she nodded, Negan attempted to leave before stopping again. “What would make you change your mind about me? What could I do that would make you give me a chance?”
“You’re you Negan, you couldn’t change,” she saw his eyebrows furrow and she shrugged her shoulders. The look Negan gave her showed that he was miserable with what she had said. When he headed to leave again, she called out to him and he looked over his shoulder at her. “I’m sorry. No one should have had to go through what you did those eight years, but I was scared. I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too,” Negan stood there for a moment longer before she watched him walk away and she felt her heart breaking.
More than anything in the past she had wanted Negan to love her and to be with him. But after eight years she knew that it was wrong to want to be with him. Yes, she loved him, but knowing the baggage that follows him, she knew it was best for both her and her daughter if he wasn’t in their lives. When the sound of the front door opening and closing was heard, she let out a sad sound and reached for the photo that Negan had dropped on the floor.
Holding the photograph, she wished that things could go back to the way things were before, but she knew better and she knew that this was the best possible decision she could make. No matter how much it hurt.
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inagetawaycarxo · 3 years
Birthday Celebration + Championship Celebration + Jealousy Hc
for my girl @x-idontknow-x
WARNINGS: Jealousy, a little bit of angst since jealousy is involved, fighting, swearing, some twisted stuff, errors I missed.
Damian Priest:
Birthday Celebration Hc:
All throughout your birthday Damian gave you his undivided attention. Never leaving your side but Pas soon as night-time hit and he took you to the club, everyone wanted a photo with him. Pulling his attention away from you and onto them, so he could take a selfie with them.
The part that sucked was you got dressed up sexy and now his attention wasn’t even on you. you pouted to yourself. Swirling the straw around the liquid. The ice cubes hitting the glass.
If he wasn’t going to give you the attention you might as well just dance.
So, that’s what you did. Getting off the barstool and making your way to the dance floor.
Swaying your hips. A few minutes later people started to join you, dancing with you.
Damian looked back at where he left you but you weren’t there. Cursing to himself. Eyes scanning around the club for you. Till he spotted you on the dance floor, a crowd of people near you. his nostrils flared as he saw a guy a little too close to you for comfort.
He quickly made his way over to you.
Spinning you around to face him.
“Hey baby,” You beamed.
“Don’t, hey baby me, why are you letting that guy grind on you?” Damian asked. Jealous evident in his voice.
“Relax, he is harmless,” You replied, wrapping your arms around him.
“You are mine, gatita,” Damian spoke again. Making you bite your lip, as your eyes darkened with lust.
Championship Celebration Hc:
You pouted at Damian, as he took another photo with someone as he held the united states championship. You were proud of him, but you were getting quite bored of everyone stealing him away from you to take photos. You were wearing a revealing dress though it caught his attention, his attention was on everyone but you.
And your boredom only grew by the minute as Damian’s attention was away from you. It wasn’t like you were clingy you were just bored of seeing him take pictures with people and not hang out with you. So, you decided to have your fun.
Rolling your eyes. You downed the rest of your drink, before getting off the barstool and walking to the dance floor.
Moving your hips to the rhythm of the music.
Catching peoples eyes. mostly because of your outfit. You really wanted Damian’s attention but I guess strangers attention will do for now. Maybe, it would get Damian’s attention.
Just as a guy tried to shot his shot, Damian swooped in, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you into his side. Giving the guy a warning look. The guy walked away.
“You look so sexy in that outfit,” Damian complimented you. Making you smile.
“Surprised your fan club isn’t following you,” You pointed out, looking up at him. Damian let out a chuckle.
“Hm,” Damian hummed. Grabbing your chin. Closing the distance between him and you, as he pressed his lips against yours.
Drew McIntyre:
Birthday Celebration Hc:
You were expecting Drew’s attention to be on you throughout this entire party, but unfortunately, it wasn’t. Fans of his wanting pictures, so his attention was dragged away from you. which made you slightly annoyed. Maybe it was a bit of jealousy or the alcohol that was in your system, but if he wasn’t going to give you the attention you might as well get it from someone else.
Sliding out of the seat, you walked to the dance floor. Dancing to the music. Closing your eyes. you felt someone’s presence in front of you making you open your eyes.
You smiled as you saw a handsome guy in front of you. Not as handsome as Drew.
“Hey, baby,” He leaned in closer.
“Hi,” You greeted him.
“Want to dance?” He asked. You nodded your head in agreement.
He rested his hands on you, as you swayed your body to the music. He did the same.
Unfortunately for you Drew’s eyes glanced in your direction. Jealousy spiking inside of him.
He excused himself politely from the lovely fans that asked for a selfie, then chatted.
He quickly made his way over to him. Trying his best not to let jealousy control him.
Once he reached you he pulled you away from the guy. Standing in front of you. glaring at the guy. The guy gulped before giving Drew an overconfident smirk. That Drew wanted to wipe off but restrained himself.
“She’s taken,” Drew growled out. Jaw ticking. The guy put his hands up in surrender before backing off.
“I didn’t know man,” He spoke out, before walking backwards. Walking away from Drew and you.
Drew turned to face you. Giving you a pointed look. You shrugged your shoulders. Looking innocent.
“What you weren’t giving me attention, so I found someone who would,” You spoke. Making Drew’s jaw tick.
“Well, missy, you are about to find out who you belong to,” He growled out. Making heat pool in between your legs.
Championship Celebration Hc:
As much as you loved Drew interacting with fans, you wanted to celebrate with him.
The plan was to have a few drinks, then take it back home, and have celebration sex, but it didn’t go to plan.
Fans and some other people wanted to take photos with him. leaving you all by your lonesome self. Sipping on your drink. Watching Drew interact with people. A heavy sigh left your lips as you looked at the dance floor.
Might as well dance instead of sulking. Getting off the barstool, you made your way to the dance floor.
Drew must have sensed that you disappeared from the spot he and you were sitting at because he looked at the spot seeing you weren’t there, then searched the crowd. Spotting you on the dance floor, a crowd of men and some women dancing around you.
Drew felt jealousy as he starred at the guys dancing around you.
Abruptly excusing himself he made his way over to you.
“Scram,” Drew told the crowd, giving every one of them an intimidating glare. They all scattered away. Leaving Drew and you.
“Aw, you scared my friends away,” You sighed. Pouting at him.
Drew quickly wrapped his arms around your waist. Pulling you closer to him, as he looked at you.
“They aren’t your friends, sweetheart,” He spoke. His accent getting thicker. You stared up at him in awe.
“Your jealous,” You smirked, making him roll his eyes.
“Maybe a little, I don’t like it when other men touch you,” Drew responded.
“Don’t worry baby, I only have eyes for you,” You purred out. Making Drew press his body against yours. Eyes darkening with lust.
“Good,” He spoke.
Roman Reigns:
Birthday Celebration Hc:
Roman was by your side throughout the entire day, even when the two of you entered the club for your birthday party. He couldn’t keep his hands off of you, but that was mainly due to the outfit you were wearing.
So, when his attention was drawn away from you, you were kind of bummed. It was your birthday and he could have said no to them, but he didn’t.
Downing the rest of the shot, you decided to dance. Maybe dancing with a guy would make him jealous and his attention would be on you again.
Sliding out of the seat, and putting the shot glass on the table, you walked confidently to the dance floor.
Moving your hips and letting the music flow through your body. Immediately a guy's hands hold your hips making you smirk. You just hopped Roman would see. You teasingly rubbed your ass against his crotch.
The thing about Roman was he was very territorial, which is why you pulled this little stunt. Trying to gain his attention since it was rudely taken away from you, and it was your birthday after all.
You got your birthday wish. Roman was worried about you. he knew you were needy on your birthday. Wanting all his attention. So, he looked towards the table he and you occupied. Cursing to himself as he saw you weren’t there.
His eyes searched the crowd. Seeing you on the dance floor. Getting a little bit too extra friendly to someone who wasn’t him.
You were his. Anger and jealousy bubbled up inside of him. He quickly excused himself, storming over to you and that sleazeball.
He ripped the guy off of you. Making the guy protest.
“Get your dirty hands off my girlfriend, get out of my sight before I turn your face into a bloody pulp,” Roman threatened out. The guy rushed off.
Turning his attention towards you. Giving you a disappointed look. That made heat pool in between your legs. You weren’t going to lie, seeing Roman jealous turned you on.
“Tsk, tsk, birthday girl,” Roman spoke, as he placed his hands on your hips. Twirling you around and pressing your ass hard against his crotch. Making you whimper.
“I got your attention didn’t I,” You moaned, out as his hand slipped inside your panties.
“And now you are going to get punished,” Roman whispered in your ear. Making a moan slip from your mouth.
Championship Celebration Hc:
Everyone was crowding Roman, gaining his attention. Asking him to take pictures with you, and it was annoying you. His attention was away from you. All you wanted to do was celebrate with your man. But no, his attention was elsewhere.
To gain his attention again you decide to get him jealous. You knew he got jealous over guys grinding against you, so what better way to get his attention than doing that.
You made your way over to the dance floor. It wasn’t long until a guy found his way to you. dancing beside you, and it wasn’t long before Roman saw. Furiously making his way over to you and the guy.
Roman pushed the guy roughly away from you.
“What the hell man,” He grumbled out. glaring at Roman.
“Why don’t you leave my girlfriend alone,” Roman growled out. Sizing up to the guy who was shorter than him while you looked on. Slightly smirking.
“Whatever man she is a shank, she was asking for it, begging me to dance with her,” He spoke. Making Roman’s blood boil. He clenched his fist tightly.
“What did you say,” Roman growled out. Giving the guy an icy glare.
“I am not repeating myself,” He spoke in a smartass tone. Roman gave the guy a cold look, before punching him hard in the face.
The guy clutched his nose.
“What the fuck man?” He questioned.
“Don’t ever call my girl a shank,” Roman growled out. he quickly turned to face you. Grabbing your forearm and pulling you with him as he exited the dancefloor.
“Let's go home, baby girl, I think you need a reminder that no one can make you feel the way I make you feel, no one can fuck you as I can,” He growled out.
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klvbxlove · 3 years
worried (yu x gn! reader)
a/n: God, i’ve got so many ideas for persona 4 fanfics so y’all might see some coming soon LMAO. but no worries, i’ll try my best to write more iida drabbles as well (of course, i could never forget my number one anime husbando. but i’ll be honest, kanji might take his place very soon? maybe? huehuehue). anyways, i saw some persona 4 requests in my inbox (which i did not expect, haha), but i’ll try my best to get to them whenever possible! so until then, enjoy this yu drabble :)
Tumblr media
reader type: gender neutral 
reader specification(s): none
genre(s): angst, hurt/comfort
trigger warning(s): mentions of car accidents, mentions of injuries
summary: after being a coma from a car accident, you finally woke up, much to the huge relief of your family and friends, especially yu.
word count: 2.6k words
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(e/c) = eye color (l/n) = last name (y/n) = your name
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   Today should have been another day of you and the Investigation Team hanging out with Yu. He had come back to Inaba a few days ago for another (surprisingly long) break, and you were excited to see him again. 
   But unfortunately, no. That day did not happen. 
   Instead, you found yourself in a hospital room. You had woken up almost a week ago, having no idea what had happened. All you remembered is that as soon as you got the strength to sit up from your hospital bed, you felt nothing but excruciating pain. And when you looked down at your body, your (E/C) eyes widened at the extent of your injuries. You were in terrible condition. 
   Then a few minutes later, the nurses and doctors rushed into your room in complete shock when they realized you woke up. At first, you were confused. But then they explained everything. From what you could recall, you were hanging out with your friends when you saw Yu’s younger cousin, Nanako, standing in the road. Realizing there was a car heading towards her, your instincts caught up with you, and you quickly pushed the younger girl out of the way, which ultimately resulted in you getting hit. 
   Unfortunately, the impact was so severe that you had slipped into a coma. Even with the surgery (which luckily was a success), you were still fighting for your life. The staff had no idea if you would even wake up. 
   Your eyes widened in shock. However, the one thing that made your shock worse was when one of the doctors said that there was a chance you would have died due to the severity of your injuries. “Consider yourself lucky,” one of the doctors said, “Because if not, well, there would not be much we could have done to save you,”
   You were in disbelief. You could have died?!
   You swear, you almost thought your jaw dropped. You did not even know how long you laid there in bed, thinking of the word ‘died.’ 
   There was nothing but silence (you could almost hear a pin drop) for a few minutes after taking in the news. 
   Then you heard that your family and friends knew of the accident and you would be able to have visitors in a few days. But all you could do was think about how injured you were. It was bad enough that you were in this condition. However, you could not wrap your brain around the fact that you might have been dead. 
   And then your family would have to set up a funeral for you, bury your body underground, and you would be there until the end of time. 
   Maybe you would even have a spirit in whatever place you ended up after death. 
   Oh God, you could not even think to imagine how your family and friends would react. Especially the Investigation Team--
   Wait a minute. The Investigation Team! 
   Now the worry was starting to kick in. You just realized that you have not heard from your friends since you woke up. Not at least one thing from one of the members (and nothing from Nanako either!). You had no idea if anyone had told them what happened to you when you arrived or the fact that you were alive. Hell, you would not be surprised if they thought you were still in a coma and would be for who knows how long. 
   You sighed, the apprehension still in you. Today was certainly not your day. You just wanted to be able to hang out with Yu again before he had to go back to Tokyo (even though it was a long way from now). But you had no idea when you would be able to leave the hospital! Not for a while, that was for sure. You might as well try to dwell in pure boredom. 
  Oh yeah, and also try to ignore the pain. You might have felt slightly better for the past few days, but the agony was still shooting in almost every part of your body. You could only hope that all of this will be over soon. And then later, when you were finally feeling better, you would be back home with your family.
   You were in the middle of messing with your bedsheets when you heard your name. Looking up, you saw one of the nurses giving you a small smile as she stood next to your bed. You did not even remember hearing her walk towards you. I guess you got a little too caught up with your bedsheets. “How are you feeling now, sweetheart? Any more pain or anything?”
   You looked off to steal a glance at one of the hospital walls. The pain was still there, but it was not bothering you compared to the day you woke up. You could say that you were fine (mostly), but you could not find the strength to tell the nurse for some reason. No, you did not care that you looked like you were  staring off into the distance pondering about life. 
   “(L/N)? Are you alright?”
   The voice brought you back to reality, and you saw the nurse looking at you with a somewhat concerned look on her face. 
   “Oh, sorry. I’m fine, for now,” you said,  “No pain or anything,”
   “Alright,” the nurse smiled in relief. “I know the staff and I keep telling you this so many times, but if you begin to feel pain or need any assistance, you let someone know, okay?” 
   “I know, thank you,” you nodded. 
   “Of course,” the nurse looked over at the door, “Now, you got a visitor who wants to see you. Well, he and a couple of his other friends wanted to see you for a while. We had to tell them no since you were still in a coma at the time, but they were determined to go to your room,” she chuckled sheepishly. 
   “Who is it?” you asked. The last time you knew, your family members had visited first. 
   “Yu Narukami, one of your classmates,” the nurse answered. “Would you like me to let him in?”
   You blinked before nodding. “Yeah, sure,”
   It was only a few seconds of silence you faced in your hospital room. During that timespan, you began to feel nervous about your friend being in the same room as you without the Investigation Team (wherever they were). Your heart was almost beating at the thought of it, and you could feel a blush on your cheeks; if you were capable of blushing, that is. 
   But before you knew it, you instantly recognized the familiar gray-haired male as he walked inside. 
   Upon his eyes glancing upon you, Yu’s eyes widened. “(Y-Y/N),” he said, “You’re awake.”
   You nodded, giving him a weak smile and waving with your free hand. “Yep, I am.” 
   Yu walked over to sit at the chair next to your bed. “How have you been lately?”
   “Slightly better compared to when I woke up, but only slightly,” you replied honestly. “Still feeling some pain. Hopefully, when I get out of the hospital, I’ll feel much better.” 
   “That’s good to hear,” Yu gave you a small smile.
   Then you paused. “How about the others? Are they okay?--” And of course, there was another person you were worried about, “--What about Nanako? Is she hurt?”
   “No need to worry, everyone is alright, just a bit shook up after the incident, though,” Yu said, letting out a light chuckle. “Nanako only had some bruises on her legs when you pushed her out of the way, but that was only it. Everyone would have come to visit you alongside me today, but they got busy. And Nanako came down with some sickness. Not the flu or anything major, but we decided to let her rest until she recovers. They promised they would find the time to visit you when they can.”
   You sighed in relief. “At least no one else was hurt. As much as I hate being in the hospital in pain, it’s better than seeing Nanako here for the same reason. I think that would hurt more than my injuries, and they hurt like hell, you know?”
   “But being treated for severe injuries in the hospital is still frightening, (Y/N),” Yu pointed out, “Everyone watched as you got hit by the car. It was awful, you know? You were bleeding so much from your head, too.” The gray-haired male felt like he was about to wince in pain, seeing the injuries you had. 
   “Yeah, I honestly dunno much of what happened after getting hit, other than feeling immense pain,” you admitted, scratching your cheek, “I could only hear muffled voices, but that was it. And then I just closed my eyes. Must have slipped into that coma or something afterward.”
   “Maybe you did.” 
   Moments of silence passed, and Yu felt a knot in his stomach. It had been like that for almost a week. Every time he would think of you in your hospital room in a coma, he would have to go somewhere else alone to relieve his thoughts. But even then, it still was not enough to help him. How could he even talk about his feelings to someone? Yu was aware he had the other members on the Investigation Team to talk to, but he could see them struggling. 
   There was only one person he could talk to about it.
   “(Y/N), I-- Listen,” Yu spoke up in seriousness. Once you looked up at him after staring at your cast, he continued, “I have no idea how else I’m going to begin talking about this. But do you realize how happy I-- no, we are that you’re alive?”
   Okay, that took me off guard.
   You had to admit you were puzzled. How were you supposed to answer that? It was not as if you could put yourself in the shoes of one of your friends. You did not even know what it was like to wait for someone to come out of their coma. So really, you could only shrug at his question. 
   “I remembered when the nurses told us you slipped into a coma and you would need surgery," Yu continued, "God, we were just in shock. No one said anything; you could hear a pin drop in the waiting room. But as soon as they left us alone, we just started crying, you know. Silently, though. But Teddie was the only one wailing.
   “And Nanako?” Yu paused a bit before picking back up, “Well, at first, she looked like she was trying to hold back her tears. That is until we went back to my house. She just started sobbing, saying how it was her fault that you were hurt. She blamed herself for being on the road since she knew it was dangerous. Of course, we kept telling her that it wasn’t her fault, but it was no help. Not even Uncle was able to calm Nanako down, and so she just cried until she fell asleep.”
   If your heart could physically break, it might as well be in a million pieces by now. Your injuries were suddenly hurting way less than seeing Nanako sobbing.
   Meanwhile, Yu looked down at his lap as he felt himself about to shake. “It hurts so much just seeing her upset. And Nanako still blames herself to this day. By that point, it felt like there was not anything else the rest of us could do other than to dwell in sadness. We even had to wait to visit you at the time since the nurses wouldn’t allow any visitors. I just hated not knowing if you were going to live. I hated thinking that there was a chance you would die.”
   Something caught your eyes. 
   They were coming out of his eyes and falling onto his lap. 
   You could even hear small cries coming from him. 
   Oh God, no.
   Why did this hurt a lot?
   “DAMN IT!” 
   You felt yourself jump hearing Yu yell out like that. But what startled you most (it made a squeal come out of you) was when the gray-haired male suddenly engulfed you into a warm hug. The grip was not tight enough to where you could not breathe, but you could tell he was holding onto you as if you were going to slip out of his reach. Yu rested his head against your shoulder, and you were beginning to feel tears staining your hospital gown. It did not even matter that there were butterflies in your stomach. 
   “D-Damn it, (Y/N),” you heard his voice almost cracking,  “You gave us a scare there! I know it would be rude to blame you for getting into that accident since you weren’t asking to get hit by a car. And, of course, I am incredibly thankful that you saved Nanako from getting hurt. But still! I could go over and over again about how relieved we were when we heard you had woken up. We thought it would never happen and that you would never make it.” 
   You felt tears in the corners of your eyes. Damn, you were getting emotional. If there was one thing you hated, it was seeing someone close to you (especially if it was someone you loved) so upset that they cried. And that was what Yu was doing. So you wrapped your arms around him and rubbed his back. His grip on you tightened, but you did not care. All you wanted was for him to let out his tears. 
   Once his cries had turned into sniffles, he lifted his head to make eye contact with you. You could feel your tears pouring out just seeing his tears. You cupped his cheeks with your hands.
   “I’m sorry about that, (Y/N),” Yu mumbled. 
   “No need for an apology,” you assured him. “I know how you-- no, I know I’ll never fully understand what it was like for you guys after the car accident. I mean, how could I? But still, I had no intention of scaring you guys.”
   More silence passed. God, you had no idea what to say at that point. You had no idea how your other friends had been coping through this time, but it was evident there were tears shed. Besides Nanako, you did not even want to imagine their disheartened faces. You knew that you had to comfort Yu in some way. But how?
   You sighed.
   Saying this might as well work. 
   “Look...Yu, listen to me,” you found your voice as you looked into his eyes. “I know you and the others are still upset. I get it. But please don’t go dwelling on the past anymore, okay? Yes, it was a scary situation that should NOT have happened-- it sucked that it even occurred right when you were visiting us --but in the end, I’m alright. Of course, it will take a while for me to recover, but I will do my best to get through this as quickly as possible for you and everyone else.
   “So please,” your thumbs began to gently wipe at Yu’s on pouring tears, “don’t cry anymore. I promise you I’ll be alright.” 
   That was when a sudden bolt of bravery came from inside you. So you leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek.
   You spoke every word as if you meant it (because you did!). You no longer wanted to be a burden to everyone around you. You worried your family and friends enough in the hospital, so the least you could do was make it through your recovery. All you could hope was for Yu to be reassured by everything you said. 
   And thankfully, it worked as he gave you a nod and a tearful smile (you could almost see a light blush covering his cheeks from the kiss). Yu hugged you again, placing his forehead against your shoulder. “Thank you, (Y/N),” he mumbled, “Thank you so much,” 
   “You’re welcome,” you whispered.
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madswonders · 3 years
A Lesson In Romance #11: Actions
Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
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Genre: A little ✨spice✨ and a little ✨action✨
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, brief mentions of alcohol consumption, gun violence, mild (???) dirty talk
Word Count: 2.3k
Plot: Reader keeps getting caught in rom-com situations with Spencer Reid. This time, they pretend to be married.
A/N: I would like to dedicate this chapter to the Classy Restaurant Music playlist on Spotify for capturing the fancy restaurant vibes I needed hahahah
Masterlist | All chapters here!
"You know, this is not how I imagined coming back here." You said quietly. Next to you, Spencer smiled.
Your eyes were still adjusting to the warm light, a stark contrast to the blue winter evening outside. This was your second time here, technically, but the sensation of his hand on your waist and the cool metal on your left hand made it all feel brand new.
"Table for Mr. and Mrs. Reid." He said to the hostess, calmer than you'd ever seen him before. You didn't miss the way he tugged you closer when he said "Mrs." and despite the truth of the matter, giddy smiles tugged on both your lips.
But it was the hostess' reaction that gave it away for you. When she glanced at your intertwined hands and matching rings with a soft smile, you began to realise why the two of you were chosen for this in the first place. The effect you had on each other was hypnotising.
Sending you and Spencer undercover as newlyweds was probably the easiest decision Hotch has ever had to make. His reasoning came from basic human psychology; people are drawn to extreme events, and while this generally applied to accidents and tragedy, it also applied to marriage and child birth.
In this case, few things would stand out more in a crowded restaurant than a pair of shiny new wedding rings, a large bouquet of flowers, and a bottle of champagne for two. And to top it all off, he had the two of you. Everything else came secondary.
Still, it was strange. Being isolated from the operation only made you more in awe of your team. Even under the duress of three hours, they operated like clockwork; devising a comprehensive undercover mission, building a profile for an unsub they didn't even know, and training an entire restaurant's staff in a handful of hours.
By the time the final pieces fell into place, all that was left was for you and Spencer to carry out the final stage of the plan.
Maybe it was the pressure of having the entire team rest on your shoulders, or this new "character" you had to play, but something felt different tonight. It was like electricity crackled in the air; you felt it when his hand lingered on your back, low enough that you felt a growing warmth in your belly, making you yearn for his touch long after he let go.
Maybe it was the stress from going undercover for the first time that made you trail your gaze down his suited figure, muscled and lean as a side effect of this job. Maybe that's why the image of him standing at the foot of your bed in this very suit couldn't leave your mind, until the physical action of squirming in your seat jolted you out of your own imagination.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Spencer locked eyes with you, his hazel eyes dark under the dim restaurant lighting.
"Just thinking about you." You admitted, placing your hand across the table. He took your hand in his instantly, his thumb tentatively resting on the jewel on your ring finger.
"All good things, I hope?"
"Nothing but good things."
"Well, perhaps I can add to that. You look beautiful." He pressed a soft kiss to your hand, his eyes crinkling playfully when your cheeks turned pink in response.
"How do I know you're not just saying that for our audience?" You whispered, eyes darting to his tie where the mic was hidden.
"If it weren't for our audience, I'd be saying a lot more, love." He replied lowly, and you bit back a thought you didn't want any of your colleagues to hear. You could already imagine them cringing as they listened in on your conversation, and the image made you giggle.
"Who are you, and what have you done with Dr. Spencer Reid?" You accused jokingly.
"When love is not madness, it is not love." He answered simply.
You thought for a moment, before the reference clicked in your head. "Pedro Calderon de la Barca. Interesting choice. You weren't lying about your education in classic literature, doctor." You looked impressed.
"I'm hurt that you even doubted it." He mocked insult, and you grinned.
"No, I'm just surprised."
"Wait until you see my actual surprise." He smiled, gesturing behind you as a waiter appeared carrying two plates in your direction.
"I took the liberty of ordering our food in advance." He explained. When you looked at him in surprise, he simply shrugged. “I figured I should expand my theory beyond breakfast.”
"And here I thought tonight couldn't get anymore exciting." You said, marvelling at the appetisers as they were placed in front of you two.
“You can reserve your compliments for when I guess everything correct, and I will.” He mock bowed.
“You're on." You giggled. "Now, can we finally have some of this champagne?"
Dinner went by smoother than you thought it would, and thankfully for your team listening in, your conversations steered away from thinly veiled flirting to classic films as the food appeared.
Not that it was any easier for you talk about Billy Wilder and Francis Ford Coppola with what was happening in front of you. Spencer had taken to playing with the ring on your finger while you talked, and each time his long fingers brushed against yours, it sent chills down your spine.
But it was when his leg brushed against yours underneath the clothed table that you felt yourself lose grip of your facade. The first time it happened, you even thought it might be a mistake. But after the second and third time, it was clear that Spencer knew exactly what he was doing, even if the innocent expression on his face didn't betray anything.
If you didn't know him better, you would even think that he liked it, teasing you underneath the restaurant table on case, where you couldn't act on it. Instead, you pushed away the thought and allowed your skin to prick with every touch; all the while you sipped on your champagne, taking the chance to observe the patrons around you through the rim of your glass.
Unfortunately, your luck was a little worse in the unsub department, and your concern only continued to grow as your entrées made way for dessert.
Before you entered the restaurant, the team had discussed the best-case-scenario for tonight — identifying and apprehending the unsub quietly before the dinner shift was up. But if you ran out of time, there was always one back-up plan, something that would definitely force the unsub's hand.
The good thing about having two unsubs now was that victimology became incredibly simple to decipher. What you and Spencer had considered inconsistencies at first, were now clear patterns distinguishing each one.
The first one was impulsive but experienced, driven purely by a compulsion to complete his pattern as fast as possible. Despite that, he had the sense to stick to high-risk victims and secluded locations, which made him so hard to catch in the first place.
It was the second unsub that was interesting. He seemed more controlled and calculating, choosing low-risk victims and public locations. The team profiled him as the narcissistic component of the original profile. The more high profile the victims, the more they attracted him.
And now that you’d spent the entire night drawing attention to yourselves, all you had to do was present an easy opportunity for the unsub to pounce — right into the BAU’s trap.
The moment Spencer beckoned you to come closer, you knew something was up. "Listen carefully, love. I'm going to call for the bill, and we're going to go outside. If I'm right about my guess, the unsub is going to be right behind us. Do you understand me?" He whispered into your ear, low and calm.
You made an obvious move to cup his cheek as you leaned back. "Can we go home now, baby?" You cooed. Yeah, you got him.
As you walked out of the restaurant, you intentionally stumbled as you clung onto his arm, letting out a loud giggle. Your gaze fixed adoringly on your date, even as Emily and Hotch called for their bill on your left, Derek and Rossi no doubt already rounding to the front of the restaurant from the back exit.
"Trust me." Spencer murmured as he opened the door for you, and when you nodded, he pulled you into one final kiss for the public. What you didn't expect was for him to move his hand down and squeeze your ass, causing you to let out a loud squeak at the doorway.
If anybody was looking at the two of you before, they were certainly staring now, and the doctor confirmed this with a low whisper. "He's coming."
When he finally caged you against his car, you had to remember not to go overboard for your listening colleagues, but you couldn't help but let out a quiet moan into his mouth as he pushed his leg lightly against your core.
"Sp— Spencer—" You breathed, locking your fingers behind his neck.
"Just hold on a little bit more, love." He muttered, cupping your cheeks with his large hands and stroking your hair. "Just a bit mor—"
You heard the sound of a gun cocking next to you as you broke apart, lightly gasping. A middle-aged man stood in the shadows, waving his gun aggressively. Bingo.
"Get into the car."
The two of you raised your arms warily. "Who are you?" Spencer shouted, moving to shield you from the unsub.
"I said, get into the car!" He yelled. "Starting with you."
"Okay, okay." The doctor conceded, unlocking the car and slowly getting in the backseat. He left some room for you to get in next, but the unsub trained his gun on you.
"Not you, sweetheart. I'm going to finish you right here." He narrowed his eyes at you. "Drop your bag on the ground."
Everything seemed to fall silent as you slowly lowered your bag, and your hidden gun, to the ground. When you stood back up with your hands in the air, the unsub slammed you into the side of the car and you groaned at the sudden impact.
You didn't need to gather your senses to know that his gun was pointed right at you.
"Leave her alone, James." Spencer threatened, already out of the car and levelling his gun at the unsub. All around you, the team moved into the light.
"FBI! James Luther — put the gun down." Hotch ordered.
The unsub looked shocked for a moment as he looked around, finally realising the situation he was in. His expression was unusually calm, and it chilled you to the bone.
"Very, very interesting. Are you a fed too?" He sneered down at you.
"It's over, James. Either you put the gun down, or you don't walk out of here alive." Spencer warned, but the unsub only laughed.
"I should have known that it was too good to be true. It's not often I get such a perfect couple, much less one with a wife this pretty." He drawled, waving the gun in your face.
"Spencer. I'm okay." You ordered through gritted teeth, already knowing what the genius was about to do.
"Look at her, so brave. Are the two of you even married? Or is everything about this fake?"
"I won't say this a second time. Put the gun down." Spencer repeated, cocking his gun straight at the unsub's head.
"T-think about this, James." You reasoned. "If you kill me, they'll kill you, and you won't be able to hear what the press will say about your murders after we expose you. Isn't that what you want? Don't you want to stop living in somebody else's shadow?"
The unsub's grip on his gun slackened. "They're not going to run a story on me. Why would they unless I keep killing?"
"They will if you give us the names and descriptions of all your victims, and we will make sure your face is front and centre for every single one." Spencer added. The unsub looked into both your eyes, seemingly searching for a hint of a lie, but there was none.
"Fine. Looks like the lady lives, this time." He gave up, dropping his gun to the floor and putting both hands on his head.
"James Luther, you are under arrest for the murders of Lucy Patt..." Derek recited his rights while dragging him away. You braced yourself against the car, catching your breath.
"Are you okay?" Spencer rushed over, sweeping you into a hug before you could even reply. You buried your face into his shoulder, tears welling up in your eyes involuntarily as you inhaled the familiar scent of paperbacks and coffee.
"I-I'm okay, baby. I'm okay." You mumbled, not sure if you were reassuring your boyfriend or yourself in that moment.
"It's okay, just let it out. You're safe now. I'm here. You're safe." He repeated, stroking your back as he kissed the top of your head again and again and again until you lost count.
You'd never been so relieved to arrive back at the BAU. Penelope was the first to give the two of you a big hug when you returned, fussing over the small cut on your face and the bruises on your arms, while you reassured her that you'd been cleared by the medics to go home.
"Good work today, both of you." Hotch called out from behind, shooting a small smile at you and Spencer. "Reid, take her home, and take a day off tomorrow. The two of you deserve it."
"You wouldn't be able to drag me into work tomorrow if you tried." You joked, and Spencer chuckled. For the first time, he wasn't about to argue with an order to take a break.
Nor was he about to argue when you asked him to come in to your apartment, or when you asked him to stay the night.
The only thing he wanted after tonight, was you.
Tag List:
@blue-space-porgs @nobutalsoyes @lady-loves-a-lot @queen-flower @agentcarterisgay @totalmess191 @sapphic-prentiss @oops-all-ajs @spottedzebrasinpartyhats @mellowalieneggsknight @kenny-0909 || @averyhotchner @amesandpineapples @willowrose99
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The Wager
For @soho-x whose addition on THIS post inspired me.
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“And you can’t do that thumb thing,” Link said as he shuffled his desk chair closer to Rhett’s, sliding his legs between Rhett’s. 
“What? No, that’s not a rule! Of course, I can do that. Anything I do with my hand is fair game,” Rhett replied with a sly grin that told Link Rhett had definitely planned on using the thumb thing.
“Come on, dude! You know I’ll bust in seconds if you--”
“Your lack of self-control is not my problem,” Rhett said with a faux air of superiority. Link scowled at him and spat on his palm before reaching for Rhett’s cock that lay already invitingly plump on his bare thigh. For a moment, Rhett’s gaze went unfocused and his pupils dilated, but he shook himself out of the haze before Link could touch him.
“Hey, hey!” he yelped, pulling away. “No headstarts!” 
“I’ll gladly give you head instead of this ridiculous--” Link muttered as Rhett lubed up his own palm and shifted back towards Link.
“Hush, you already agreed. Okay, on a count of three. And remember, you can’t look away.”
“Yeah, yeah. And whoever comes first has to use the new remote-controlled vibrating plug for the whole day and the winner has full control of the remote,” Link continued, mimicking Rhett’s voice from earlier when their usual foreplay of playful bickering had turned into this silly bet.
“Exactly. Ooooh, I can’t wait to see you squirm with it,” Rhett said with a cocky smile that Link hated. Unfortunately, it also made his balls draw up and his cock twitch from pure lust, but that was something he would never confess to Rhett.
“Okay, you ready? One... two…  three!”
With impressive synchronicity, they grabbed each other’s cocks and started jerking. Rhett’s hand around Link’s semi-hard cock felt even bigger than usual and he had to swallow down a desperate whimper. 
“Like that, don’t you, Neal?” Rhett taunted, his moss-green eyes dancing with mirth. Link shook his head and tried to take a deep breath without showing how affected he already was.
“It’s okay,” he lied, making Rhett laugh. Link stared at him, determined to do his damndest to win the wager.
“Oh, it’s okay, is it? I bet it is. I bet you’re thinking about how nice and big my hand is.”
Link let out a huff of frustration and shook his head again. Rhett knew him too well. He was also dangerously good with that big hand. Link’s cock was already impossibly hard and weeping in Rhett’s grip. Link tried to shift his concentration from the tight slippery tunnel his cock was slipping inside to the little lines in the corner of Rhett's eyes. Laugh lines. Link’s stomach flushed with warmth. How many of those were because of him? Most, probably. He loved making Rhett laugh. Before they’d started fooling around it had been his favorite thing to do to Rhett. Nowadays his favorite thing included a bottle of lube and a cute little pillow he used to prop Rhett’s ass up for a proper fucking. He still loved to make Rhett laugh, though.
“I’m gonna win this, baby, I think you know that,” Rhett said with a low voice. 
“You just keep talking,” Link gritted out, his jaw tight from concentration. “ While you jabber I’m gonna get you off.”
“Oh, sweetheart. We both know how much I love your mouth… And your nice, long cock. But when it comes to handies, I am the king,” Rhett said and then--of course--he did the thumb thing. Link let out an involuntary, shuddering gasp that made Rhett grin so wide he looked like a hungry lion. A sexy, hungry lion, Link couldn’t help but think.
“Fuck,” Link panted as Rhett’s thumb expertly circled over his frenulum with each pump of his fist. It was impossible not to moan when he did that. He would lose this bet in minutes. 
As another groan of pleasure rumbled from his chest, a burst of precum slicked Link’s fingers and suddenly, it occurred to him that he still had one ace in his sleeve he could use to try and win this game. Rhett loved when he was vocal.
Without shifting his gaze from Rhett’s face, Link let himself go. He no longer tried to resist the urge to moan and pant and whine. Rhett’s smile faltered a bit and Link could feel his stomach tightening against the back of Link’s fingers.
“What are you--?” Rhett started. Link interrupted him with a throaty whimper and followed that with a keening sound that made Rhett curse under his breath. He was dangerously close himself and as a final attempt, Link started to tilt his hips, purposefully fucking himself into Rhett’s fist. 
“Oh, god. Feels so good, daddy,” Link whispered between thrusts. “Don’t stop. Oh, please, don’t stop.”
Rhett’s whole body shuddered and Link watched in awe as a string of pearlescent white coated first Rhett’s beard, then his chest. 
“Oh fuck,” Rhett growled, closing his eyes as the orgasms made him shake and shiver. Link barely had time to let out a victorious whoop when he was coming too, coming all over Rhett’s trembling fingers.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Neal,” Rhett murmured, peeking at him from under his eyelashes. “That was illegal.”
Link smiled and bent down to lick a droplet of come from Rhett’s chest. “Daddy, huh?” he asked with a smirk after licking his lips for good measure. Rhett’s cheeks flushed. 
“Oh, don’t feel bad,” Link hurried to say “We can definitely work with that… Oh, we’re gonna have such a fun day at work tomorrow. And if you’re a good boy, I’ll even let you fuck me at the end of the day... daddy.”
Rhett shuddered again and Link felt his cock twitch in his grip.
“I guess, I am a bit competitive when the prize is right,” he said, smiling pleasantly, before pulling Rhett into a deep kiss.
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my-emotional-self · 3 years
Toxic Love Chapter 4
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Summary: Finding out your soulmates were Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes was one thing.  But when someone from your past comes back to haunt you, you have to figure out if a relationship with two super soldiers is something you really want to pursue or if you’d rather go back to your comfortable single life.
Series Warnings:  18+, Swearing, Angst, Fluff, past mentions of rape, self-harm, attempted rape, domestic violence, stalking, death threats, possible Dark!Steve?, Steve will be an asshole a LOT in this series but I don’t know how dark it will get, explicit sexual content, mental health issues, kind of A/B/O dynamics but not really (no they are not actual wolves, more like the hierarchy), mentions of suicide, flashbacks of suicide
A/N: There will be no taglist for this story!  I apologize in advance!
The three of you gathered around the kitchen island and ate the pizza.  Well, more like Steve and Bucky inhaled a whole pizza each while you ate two slices.  The pizza was delicious, probably the best you’d ever had and your stomach was grateful for the yumminess.
“Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself Y/N?” Bucky asked as he licked the grease off his lips.
“What do you want to know?” you replied.  
“Let’s start with your family and where you grew up.”
You shrugged as you wiped your fingers with a napkin.  “There isn’t really much to say.  I grew up in a small town in the Midwest.  Both my parents died when I was a teenager.  I never knew my grandparents and I was an only child, same with my parents, so I don’t have any other family.  I moved here when I was 20,” you stated honestly.  Well, mostly at least.  Yes, it was true both of your parents died, but how they died was tragic.  They both committed suicide.  First your mother, then your father one year later.  As far back as you could research, mental health issues unfortunately ran in your family and that was including you.  But you weren’t ready to open up that old wound yet. You were on medication to help it and that was that.  Luckily the dosing you were on worked well and you could only hope you wouldn’t need to adjust your medications anytime soon.  
“We know how you feel doll. Obviously all of our family is gone too. But we can make a new family with the three of us,” Bucky stated as he wrapped his metal arm around your shoulders. You liked the sound of that.  The three of you becoming your own family. It sounded nice.  
You gave Bucky a wide smile, mirroring his.  “What have your past relationships looked like?” Steve announced from the other side of you.  
This was something you had been debating on bringing up.  If you weren’t going to tell them about your mental health issues just yet, you didn’t want to lie and be dishonest about John as well.  Taking a deep breath, you held it in for five seconds before releasing it.  “I’ve only been in one relationship before.  His name was John, John Smith.  He’s in prison right now.”
From the corner of your eye you could see Steve clench his fist; his knuckles cracking in the process.   “What happened?” he growled out.    
“He…he umm.  Well, he hit me,” you said, almost as quiet as a mouse but you knew both men had super hearing and they damn well heard you.  
Steve slammed his fist on the granite countertop making you flinch.  
“Steve!” Bucky barked at him in anger.  “You’re not making this situation any better right now.  Calm the fuck down and let her talk.”  Bucky soothed his arm up and down your back.  “Go ahead doll.   We’re listening.”
Nodding, you began to speak again.  “Things were great in the beginning.  He seemed like everything I could have ever asked for in a man.  I didn’t know if or when I would ever meet the two of you so I decided to live my life and date him.   The first six months were a whirlwind of romance.  He was the most charming man I had ever met.  But then things took a turn when I moved in with him. I was ready to have sex yet, but he was sick of waiting.  That first night I moved in, he…he raped me.”
This time you saw Bucky’s right hand clench on the table in front of you while Steve knocked his chair over as he stood up, pacing the kitchen.  “Go on doll,” Bucky urged, trying to keep the anger out of his voice as best he could for you.
“That was just the first time.  He umm, he did it again for weeks.  I wanted to leave, I really did.  But he was rich and he had security around the house.  I knew I couldn’t just up and leave.  Finally, when he demanded I quit my job, I stood up to him and told him no. That was the first time he hit me. That continued for months.  I was ready to give up on myself.”
“What happened next huh? How did he end up in prison?” Steve demanded as he leaned over the counter, staring at you with those piercing eyes.  
“I got lucky,” you replied. “We were out shopping one day.  He felt bad for the wrist he broke the night before so he took me shopping.  One of the sales ladies escorted me into a fitting room and I slipped her a note letting her know what was going on.  I stayed in the fitting room for as long as possible.  And then I heard them.  The police. The sales lady called the police for me and they took him away.  He’s been locked up ever since.”
Closing your eyes, you let the tears slip down your cheek.  “You were so brave,” Bucky cooed as you felt his lips on the top of your head.
“Look at me Y/N,” Steve demanded yet again and that deep feeling to please him was happening again. You snapped your head up and looked directly into his eyes.  “That will never happen in this relationship. Do you understand me?”  You simply nodded.  “Bucky and I would never hurt you like that.  Ever.  You have our word.”  As soon as he finished talking, he stormed out of the kitchen and down the hallway to where you only assumed was his room.  
“Just give him a minute to cool off sweetheart,” Bucky spoke in your ear.  “Stevie gets pent up sometimes and he has a lot on his plate. He may seem like it, but he’s not mad at you.  I promise.”
You collapsed into Bucky’s chest and softy sobbed.  It felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders and you were relieved to have told them about John.  “I’m so sorry you had to go through that doll.  That will never happen to you again.  We won’t let anything like that happen.”
It couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes later when Steve emerged from his room.  “How about we go down and show you the communal kitchen and living room.  Give you a little tour.  What do you say?”
A small smile broke across your face.  “I’d like that very much.”
As the elevators opened to the communal floor, you jaw dropped.  If you thought Steve and Bucky’s apartment was big, this was ten times the size. Not only were there ample more couches, the television was bigger and there was a large dining table big enough to sit at least twenty people.  
“Holy crap,” you exclaimed in awe.  
“Yeah, Tony likes to go big if you couldn’t already tell,” Steve joked.  
“You think?” you quipped back, earning a smirk from Steve.  
The entire space was void of anyone except the three of you as Steve pulled you further into the living room.  He explained that the group tries to do a movie night at least once a week.  “To make things as fair as possible, Tony pulls a name out of a hat to see who gets to pick the movie that night,” Bucky said.
“Yeah but it doesn’t really work.  There is still always complaining and bitching from everyone else.  Mainly Clint,” Steve chimed in.  
It made you giggle, genuinely giggle and it felt good.  That hadn’t happened in quite some time.  
Steve and Bucky guided you towards the hallway, explaining that these were the ‘hobby rooms’ of everyone and their soulmates.  Steve opened the door to the one at the end of the all on right left side.  
“This will be your room. You can make it anything you want. But I’m going to guess this will be your game room where you work.”
“That would be correct,” you answered as you turned on the light.  The room was very decent sized and you would have no problem fitting all of your gamer stuff in here.  Hell, there would be a lot of room left over and you were quickly trying to think what else you could fit in here.  
“C’mon.  Let’s go back to our floor and we can show you your room up there.”
On the elevator ride back to their apartment, Steve and Bucky explained who all lived in the tower and who their soulmates were.  Tony and Pepper were soulmates together, along with Bruce.  Bruce was best friends with Tony and more of a brother figure to Pepper. Then there was Natasha, Clint and Darcy Lewis and they were all in an intimate relationship together.  Lastly, there was Thor and Jane but they didn’t stay in the tower too much as they spent most of their time on Asgard.  
Steve stopped in front of your door.  It was across the hall from Bucky’s and right next door to Steve’s.  
“Go ahead and open it,” Steve said with a smile.  “Just place your hand over the screen.”
Taking a deep breath, you did as he said and placed your hand, palm down, on the digital screen where there would normally have been a doorknob.  With a soft click, the door opened for you and you walked into your new place.  It was nothing like what you were thinking. You were honestly just guessing it would be a bedroom, but no, this was an entire apartment.  
Straight ahead was a decent sized kitchen.   There was dark cherry wood cabinet with black granite countertops and stainless steel appliances.  To the left is what you would assume would be the living room, however it was completely bare of any furniture.  As you continued to move through the apartment you found that the bedroom was all the way in the back.  It was a very nice sized master bedroom with the biggest walk in closet and on suite bathroom you had ever seen.  
“What do you think?” Bucky asked as he came up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders.  
“It’s big,” you replied with a chuckle.  
“I’m going to have Tony’s interior designer email you.  Give him examples and ideas of what you would like and she will make it happen.  Don’t worry about prices.  This is Tony’s gift to you.”
Your eyes grew wide at his statement.  “Are you sure?”
“Yes sweetheart,” Steve replied as he slipped his hand in yours.  “We want the best for you.  Whatever you want this new home of yours to look like, then so be it.  We will make it happen for you.”
That night as you lay in bed after spending time with Steve and Bucky, you couldn’t help but frown. Things had seemed to be going much better tonight than they did when you first met them two days ago.  Now, you had to pack up your apartment and move. You weren’t really nervous about that part, hell, you were looking forward to it.  But then it meant things were starting to get real.  When things start to get intimate with them, would you be able to let yourself go and do that?  Would things be vanilla in the bedroom? Would you be able to tell them that because the only sexual experiences you’ve ever had was being raped, that you could now only get yourself off on violent fantasies of being raped, or tied up, or choked?  Fuck, what was wrong with you?
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
An Apple a Day - Ransom Drysdale x doctor!reader
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a/n - hey lovely people! this one is dedicated to @anobscurename because it’s her birthday!!! ilysm and i hope you had a wonderful day you talented soul! enjoy your murder boyfriend:)
disclamer: I am absolutely not a doctor, I don’t know anything about hospitals or medicine. This work is entirely fictional:)
Summary: you’re a doctor at a hospital, and there’s one patient that just keeps getting hurt. One obnoxiously handsome patient. 
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: Ransom isn’t a murderer in this one, but he’s still kind of an asshole, talk of injuries but nothing really graphic.
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"Mr. Drysdale," you read from your notepad, raising your eyes to look around the hospital waiting room, "if you could please come in, you're next."
You weren't sure who you were expecting, but it's certainly wasn't this guy. He was dressed in what seemed to be incredibly expensive clothes, way too expensive to be at a public hospital. His eyes were a clear blue and he had a smirk on his face, one that turned into a grimace once he got up on his feet and limped his way into the room.
"We're sorry for the wait, but as you've seen there was a long line," you said, your voice level. You sat down and motioned for him to take the chair in front of you. Up close, you could notice his hair looked soft to the touch, and that big sweater he was wearing was stretching over broad, strong shoulders. "What brings you to the hospital today, Mr. Drysdale?"
"Mr. Drysdale's my father," the smirk returned to his face, "Call me Ransom."
"Okay then, Ransom," you raised your eyebrow, "I could see you had a bit of trouble with your leg coming in, is that the problem?"
"I mean, yeah," he shrugged. "It's probably sprained or some shit. I don't know. I just woke up this morning and it was hurting like a bitch."
"So your leg got hurt while you were asleep?"
"Probably not," he snorted, "I mean, I guess it happened while I was out last night."
"You guess?" you asked incredulously. You couldn't believe this guy.
"I don’t exactly remember what happened last night, so yeah, I guess," he said, signature smirk still on his face.
You took a deep breath and resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "Alright, Mr. Drysdale, we can check for a sprain or a fracture, but I just want to tell you that if your attitude is any indicator, it's probably not that damaged. You'd be in a lot more pain if that’s the case."
It was sprained, and he was just drunk enough, at 4 in the afternoon, not to feel it that much.
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Two weeks later, you were called to assist with a case of a snakebite in the ER. You rushed over there as fast as you could, thinking something really bad is happening if they're calling for more help.
But there he was, drunk guy, as you remembered him, laying in his hospital bed looking… bored.
To be honest, you weren't even that sure how you remembered him at all, with the amount of people you saw in a day, let alone a week, you forgot most of them after a few hours, but something about him just stuck with you. Okay, honesty is the best policy – he was just hot.
"My favorite doctor!" he exclaimed when his eyes landed on you, seemingly bored no longer.
"Mr. Drysdale," you nodded, "here once more?"
"Indeed," he snickered.
"He has a snakebite on his arm," a nurse nearby filled you in. "We treated it, but he insisted you come inspect it as well since you did such a good job with his leg. Wouldn't move until you did."
You nodded in acknowledgment before coming closer to his bed, grabbing his hand and removing the bandages, inspecting the bite.
"Thank you for coming," Ransom said, smiling.
"I work here," you said in a flat tone.
"Aw really? No special treatment for me?"
"They did a good job," you commented, "you didn't need to bring me here, there are other people who need my treatment, Mr. Drysdale."
"But I wanted to," he shrugged. "And I always get what I want," he smirked.
"Somehow I don't doubt that. But I am surprised you remembered my name," you said.
"How could I forget? It's beautiful."
"Uh huh," you said, unimpressed. "Well, Mr. Drysdale, everything's fine with your hand."
"You're not going to ask how I got it?"
"What, so you can tell me how you "heroically fought a snake"? I don't think so." You were looking at his eyes now, his blue orbs boring into yours.
"Alright, you got me," he raised his hands, "I was trying to lift it up and it bit me. The sleek bastard."
"Where would you encounter a snake?"
"It's my mother's. She got it after she divorced my dad to keep her company. Apparently, she didn't know it was venomous."
"She sounds like a lovely lady," you couldn't contain your smile.
"She's really not."
"Well, Mr. Drysdale, not to be rude, but I hope you won't be coming here anytime soon." You started walking away when he spoke up.
"I already told you, it's Ransom. And if I won't come here, how would I see you?"
You ignored his question and walked away. Sure, from time to time a patient got a "crush" on you, but usually it was creepy old men you didn't dedicate a second thought to. Well, even if Ransom was by no means a creepy old man, you weren't going to give him any more thought than to any of your other patients.
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It was a month later, and you had really nearly forgotten about Ransom. Until one day, you were rushed to the ER once more. Someone got beat up, badly.
You burst into the room, where you walked up to the hospital bed. The face inside it was so badly bruised it was barely recognizable, but you recognized it anyways – Ransom's.
His eyes were shut, his breathing shallow. You had seen hundreds, if not thousands of patients who were badly bruised, who were hurting, so you were near immune to it, your job demanded you be. Yet, the sight in front of you sent a wave of worry through your mind.
"Is he on painkillers?" you asked the nurse who was near the bed as well.
"Unfortunately not," Ransom rasped. He opened his eyes slowly, his gaze focusing on you. "I didn‎'t ask for you this time."
"Well, here I am," you replied, checking the initial report of his injuries.
"Could you lift up your shirt or should I do it?" you said, deciding his ribs should be the first order of business.
"Well, I thought you'd take me out to dinner fir-" his words were cut off by a whimper of pain when he tried to move his arm to do it himself.
"Alright," you said, lifting up his shirt yourself trying to ignore his toned abs as you inspected his torso, "does it hurt when i-"
Ransom groaned in pain as you rested your palm on the right side of his body.
"I take it that's a yes."
After going over his injuries, you concluded most of them were minor enough and would disappear after a few days, but he needed some stitches and his ribs were almost definitely cracked, so he needed to be kept in the hospital for another couple of days.
The first day went by and was uneventful, seeing as Ransom was hopped up on the best legal painkillers money could buy.
By the second day however, he was getting a little bit better and was more awake, so when you came to check on him in the evening he was a little more talkative.
"My favorite doctor!" he greeted you with a smile. "My ribs are hurting, could you-"
"No. I already told you Ransom, your wounds don't warrant 24/7 painkillers, despite your belief," you rolled your eyes. "It's not good for you."
"It was worth a shot," he shrugged and then winced at the pain from his rib.
"You should be good to go tomorrow. The rib won't completely heal until about a month from now, but there's no reason to keep you here for long. You'll need to be on bed rest and not make movements that can damage your rib more than you already have."
"Hey, I didn't do the damage. But you should've seen the other guy," he smirked.
"So you did some damage."
"I mean, yeah, but he deserved it."
"I'm not even going to ask," you rolled your eyes. "See you tomorrow, Ransom."
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It's been two months since Ransom was released from the hospital, and thankfully, you hadn't seen him since.
It was one of your rare weekends off, so you decided to make the best of it and go out with some of your friends. Your job didn't allow for a lot of social downtime, so it was a good chance to catch up and have some fun.
The lights at the club were dim, the music blaring, and the drinks served quickly – just what you needed to take your mind off of work for once.
You were dancing with your friends when suddenly, you felt a pair of eyes on you. You dismissed it, probably just a weird feeling. But then you felt a hand on your shoulder, nudging you to turn around. You had half a mind to punch whoever it is, when-
"Hey there sweetheart." Ransom's usual smirk was on his face as he looked you up and down unabashedly. "I gotta say, that outfit's looking way better on you than these doctor clothes."
You opened your mouth to tell him they're called scrubs, but decided against it. "Stalking me, I see," you remarked instead.
"Not at all, I swear," he chuckled. "Although I can't deny it's a very pleasant surprise to see you. I was getting bored. A little more time and I would've faked some injury just to come and see you."
"Well, it's a good thing you didn't," you chuckled.
"Wanna dance?" he asked, extending his hand out to you.
You eyed him for a moment before taking his hand. He immediately pulled you closer, until you were standing chest to chest. You started moving your hips to the music as his hand left yours and came to rest on your hips, gently guiding your movements.
"You know, it's funny that we met here," he murmured into your ear so you could hear it despite the loud music.
"I know, at least when you were in pain you weren't moving," you smirked. You were teasing him, but you knew he wouldn't take it seriously. The man had moves, and he knew that just like he knew about every other good quality he had.
"Ha ha," he replied dryly. "But you can't tell me you didn't want to see me again."
"I never wish for anyone to get hurt."
"Of course you don't," he drawled. He pulled you impossibly closer, his leg sneaking between yours, his face so close to yours your foreheads were nearly touching. "But that wasn't the question," he breathed.
"And what if I did want to see you again?" you said nonchalantly.
"Well, that could be arranged," he smirked.
"Really?" you raised your eyebrow. He moved away from you for a moment, reaching for his phone and giving it to you. It was so expansive you almost considered taking it and running, but you obviously didn't. You typed in your phone number instead, and when you were done you put it back in Ransom's warm hand, your finger brushing against his for a brief moment before you pulled away.
"Call me," you said. You turned to walk away but stopped. "Oh and Ransom? If you decide to be an asshole about this the next time you'll be in the hospital will be because of me. Just a heads up," you smiled sweetly.
"That's harsh."
"I know you good enough to determine it's necessary," you chuckled and walked back to your friends, who were all dying to know who the hot mystery guy was.
You looked behind you to search for Ransom one more time. He was in the same place, watching you go with his signature smirk. He probably needed to be taken down a peg, but hey – you were definitely up for the challenge.
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divider is by the awesome @firefly-graphics, who has dividers for every scenario possible:)
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds @wintersoldierslut @iceebabies  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree @kaitcordx25 @bequeening @steve-barry-damon-logan @itscrazycherryblossomcollection @hollandxmarvel @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​
if you wanna join / be removed from this taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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secretpajamas · 4 years
a different kind of rush;
an Ezra x reader fic
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pairing: ezra (prospect) x female reader
rating: explicit
genre: romance/smut/and they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates)
words: 2.7k
part 1 of 2
please scroll to the end to “content” if you would like to know specific smut-related content before reading!
Ever since the rush ended, mining work was somewhat scarce. Most aurelac miners—the ones who didn’t strike it rich, had already squandered away their profits, or ones that worked under flat-rate contract and not profit-share—had been swept up by the large-scale mining companies at the Ephrate.
You, unfortunately, had a falling-out with the head of your crew shortly before the end of the rush, and you were left out in the cold with little more than the clothes on your back and the helmet on your head. 
Now you operated alone, picking up what seasonal jobs you could. The ones that payed more tended to be more dangerous—you had a good sense as to which jobs would require you to stash extra knives on your person and demand your own private tent. That demand would often eat into your wages, but it was worth the peace of mind.
You were coming up on the last of your income from last season, which is how you found yourself scouting shuttle stations for work. Most of the bulletins at the larger stations were already picked clean. Now, at one of the smallest stations in the Reach, you hoped against hope you’d find a decent job posting.
Mostly scrap haul jobs—one odd request for a live-in massage therapist, and you knew what that was code for—but when you were about to give up and move on, one last blip on the readout screen caught your eye.
seeking experienced miner for short-term contract work (one season). small-scale operation, compensation negotiable. food and board included. helmet must be supplied by employee, O2 freely available. radio callsign alpha-echo-six, will be monitoring channel 07:00 – 23:00 universal time.
It was contract work, not profit-share, but what the hell. It was the best you had come across in your search so far and you doubted you’d find anything better. Checking the screen, you noted it was nearly 23:00—but you pulled out your radio, entered the posted callsign, and gave it a shot.
“This is radio callsign alpha-sierra-two, inquiring about job posting on shuttle station R-Twelve,” you said into your device. “Is the position still open?”
You waited for a minute in dead silence before you heard the line crackle to life. “Hello, alpha-sierra-two,” a thick drawl replied. “Long as you can hold a pickaxe steady, the job’s as good as yours.”
When you met him, the first thing you noticed was the shock of blonde hair. Nobody out in the Reaches had much use for cosmetic hair products, so it must have been a natural occurrence of some sort. It struck you as profoundly odd—but also incredibly attractive. You took a deep breath and swallowed down the nervous lump in your throat.
The second thing you noticed—well. It was a little hard to miss.
“Name’s Ezra,” he said with a sly smile, extending his left—and only—hand.
You weren’t sure which hand you were supposed to shake his with. You decided on your left, to match his. It took some fumbling, but you managed a firm shake in the end. You introduced yourself and then let your hands drop.
“Sorry if that was weird,” you said, “I’m not used to shaking hands with my left.”
Ezra chuckled darkly. “Me neither, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. Normally, you’d hate hearing that come from a man you’d just met. It would’ve felt like a belittlement. But not with this man—it just seemed to roll off his tongue without a second thought.
Then, you realized the implication of his statement. If he wasn’t used to shaking with his left, the loss of his right arm must not have been too long ago. In this line of work, any number of horrors could have caused it. You decided it was best not to dwell on the subject.
“Allow me to escort you to your quarters,” Ezra said, gesturing for you to follow.
He brought you to the only man-made structure within sight. He must have built it himself. He zipped the entryway door shut and clumsily removed his helmet with one hand. You swiftly removed yours, glad to get the sweaty thing off of you for the first time in hours.
The tent was sturdy and spacious enough to feel a little less like a hovel and a little more like a home. It was certainly nicer than most accommodations you’d been given on mining contract work before. There were two beds—well, just cushioned mats on the floor, but definitely an upgrade from a cot—separated by makeshift room divider in the form of a bedsheet tied between two of the tent supports.
“I can fashion a proper partition if you’d prefer,” he said, “the kid was prone to nightmares is all. Didn’t like feelin’ shut off. Took that tent wall down the next day, put the sheet up instead.”
“Kid?” You prompted.
“She’s livin’ in the Ephrate this season,” he said. “Got a scholarship to that fancy Academy an’ everything. Awful proud of her.” You could hear the fondness in his voice.
“That’s nice,” you said,  “she must have a good father.”
Ezra chuckled, the sound tinged with something bitter. “Unfortunately, I do not hold such a grand title,” he said. “Her parents are deceased. I am but her guardian.”
“Well, get yourself settled and join me outside when you’re ready,” he said as he went to retrieve his helmet. “It’s not as complicated as aurelac, but it’s still a bitch to mine.”
After just a few days of harvesting starstone, you were inclined to agree with Ezra’s statement. It was an absolute bitch. If you so much as tapped it at the wrong angle it would completely lose its integrity. Then, as soon at was harvested, it had to be soaked in a complicated solution of enzymes so it would retain its color—if you waited too long to get it in the enzyme bath, it would turn pale and lose its shimmer. How the hell anyone managed to transport it without massive damages, you had no idea.
You voiced this to him. He simply shrugged. “Not my problem,” he said. “The buyer is arrangin’ her own transport. We just have to hand it off.”
“What is this stuff good for, anyway?” You asked.
“It’s pretty,” he said, “and if there’s one thing I’ve become privy to in all my years of prospectin’, it’s that all sorts of folk will pay a pretty penny for pretty things. ’Specially if those things are rare.”
“There’s no accounting for taste, I guess,” you mumbled, looking at the bright green and orange whorls of glittery stone around the two of you. Ezra snickered at your comment, and the sound of the raspy, almost boyish laughter made your stomach do somersaults.
“I can assume you have no such affinity for pretty things, then,” he said with a grin.
“Well,” you started, looking into those pretty brown eyes of his, “now and I again I might.”
Ezra just arched an eyebrow before returning to sifting through rock.
You and Ezra fell into an easy rhythm. He would wake up early to prepare the enzyme solutions for the day’s mining. You both mined as long as it stayed light out, going back into the tent as needed for a ration bar or a toilet break or just to rest your weary head for a minute. After dark, it was your responsibility to prep the filters and O2 tanks. As days turned into weeks, you found yourself finally adjusting to the man’s odd manner of speech, and even found yourself laughing at his dry wit.
And if you were honest with yourself, you were harboring quite the crush.
But this was job, damnit, and even if it wasn’t profit-share, Ezra payed far more than any other boss you’d had for contract work. You weren’t going to compromise that. A sexual relationship with someone who was technically your superior was never a good idea—you didn’t want to get yourself kicked off this planet without a full season’s pay.
This dwarf planet’s climate wasn’t as harsh and unforgiving as the Green. The air wasn’t breathable, which is why oxygen tanks and helmets were necessary, but there was nothing like the deadly moon’s dust you remember from the rush days. The one complaint you had: the weather was always hot, some days painfully so, and today was one of those days. You had both decided to cut the workday short and stumbled back to the tent, sweaty and exhausted.
You wrenched your helmet off of your head and immediately planted yourself in front of one of the air circulators. You heard Ezra’s helmet fall to the floor with a clank and several frustrated grunts as he began to unzip his suit. You knew by now not to offer help—even though it took him a long time to dress and undress, it seemed to be a point of pride to him that he do it himself.
You shucked off your own suit, leaving yourself standing in a sleeveless top and shorts. Cooler now, but still utterly worn-out, you all but flung yourself on your cot. You rucked up your shirt so you left as much of your skin exposed to the air as possible without stripping down to your underwear.  “Too fucking hot,” you grumbled.
“Preachin’ to the choir, birdie,” Ezra replied, finally kicking his suit off and out of the way. “Pardon my selfishness, but I’m inclined to take the first shower.”
You groaned, but you had taken the first shower yesterday, so you didn’t protest. Ezra took long showers—you guessed it was because of his arm situation—so you’d have to wait to get all the sweat and grime off. But hey—at least you had a shower. In some of your past gigs you had to wipe yourself down from head to toe with a wet rag.
The shower was attached to the main tent on the east-facing wall: your side of the sheet. Ezra walked by you to access it—he was shirtless, clad only in the pair of black compression pants he wore under his suit. You couldn’t help but sneak a look at him from where you lay—you had come to appreciate the broad expanse of his back and shoulders, his skin kissed all over with fading white scars, the little paunch of his stomach, and the dusting of dark hair that began below his bellybutton and traveled down beneath his waistband. He sighed and stretched before unzipping the partition and shuffling tiredly to the shower.
Seeing him half-naked had lit a spark in your belly. You swallowed thickly, your mind trailing into territory you usually reserved for late at night when Ezra was asleep. Yes, you were attracted to him—but it was more than just a baser instinct. Whenever you got yourself off in the past—or gotten someone else off—it had been quick and quiet and easily forgotten, something to take the edge off, to scratch an itch. You never really fantasized about romance or, Kevva forbid, love, but the longer you spent with Ezra, the more you caught yourself wondering what he would be like as a lover—if he’d hold you gently against his chest after, if he’d press a soft kiss to your forehead, if he’d tell you that you were beautiful.
You scoffed at yourself. Fantasies like that were for naive girls, not for a grown woman, especially not a world-weary miner who knew that men in the Reaches weren’t like that.
But maybe Ezra was different. He was already far different than any man you had ever met.
And maybe you could allow yourself the fantasy.
As you listened to the hum of the shower running, confident in your assertion that Ezra wouldn’t be out for some time—you snaked one hand down under the waistband of your shorts and underwear, rubbing at yourself in the way you usually did—in the way that would make you orgasm quickly. If you drew things out, that just gave your brain time to strike up ridiculous fantasies of Ezra making love to you.
Making love. There you go again. Why can’t you just call it fucking? But what you were thinking of wasn’t fucking—would he gaze into your eyes as he filled you? Would he whisper to you how good you felt, call you sweetheart like he did the first day you met—and nearly every day since?
Damn it, you said you wouldn’t think about it, but here you were. You rubbed yourself faster, just hoping to get this over with and move the fuck on—
“Shower’s all yours,” you heard Ezra’s voice ring out, and you froze. You didn’t breathe, didn’t move a muscle. How had you not heard the water turn off? How long were you daydreaming?
There was no way Ezra didn’t know what you were doing. You didn’t even have the plausible deniability of having a blanket over you. You were so fucked.
You moved your head a tiny fraction to look at Ezra. He had a threadbare towel around his waist, precariously held by a twist-and-tuck at his hip. He was staring at you, wide-eyed and stock-still, as droplets dripped down his forehead from his still-wet hair. You weren’t sure he was even breathing.
Neither of you moved.
Then, Ezra licked his lips, flicking his eyes from your face down to where your hand was still stuck in your shorts, then back to your eyes again. Slowly, deliberately. He quirked an eyebrow at you.
You hitched your hips up a little under his gaze, almost involuntarily. He watched the movement with intensity.
Fuck. Was this really happening?
Ezra brought his hand up to his mouth, rubbing at his lower lip with his thumb. He looked to where your hand was trapped between your legs, and gestured with a nod.
With your heartbeat hammering against your chest, you began to move your hand again, eyes locked on Ezra. His breath hitched as he watched you touch yourself, his eyes intent on your body, pupils blown wide and dark.
You rubbed at your clit, your legs tensing as you brought your hips up to press into your hand. Unable to help it, a moan escaped your throat, and Ezra answered back with a low hum of his own.
Hearing him respond to you made your body light up like lightning. You closed your eyes and sucked in frantic bursts of air. The oppressive heat around you was unbearable, the pressure building in your core even more so. Your pulse roared against your eardrums as you frantically worked at your clit, almost sore now, needing to come now more than ever, needing that release—
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Ezra said, and the sound of his voice had you coming hard, thighs shaking. You chased your high as long as you could, clit nearly rubbed raw, until you winced at the overstimulation, dropping your hips back to the bed and letting out a heaving sigh. Almost in a daze, you opened your eyes, chancing a glance at Ezra. He was staring down at you as if he’d seen Kevva’s gates open up before him. He was also visibly tenting his towel, holding onto where it was tied at his hip in a vise-like grip.
“I’m,” you started, catching your breath, “I could use a shower now.”
“As very well could I,” Ezra replied as he shifted his weight back and forth, voice strained, “an’ a cold one at that. But I’d be remiss to waste the water.”
“Sorry,” you mumbled. About the shower or the impromptu peepshow, you weren’t sure.
“Quite alright. But don’t be alarmed if you emerge to find me in a similar position when you’re done in there,” he remarked, gesturing to the shower with a jerk of his head.
You planted your face in your pillow, mortified beyond belief, hot shame washing over you. Ezra simply chuckled.
“No reason to be embarrassed, sweetheart,” he said. “Close quarters make for... sticky situations such as these.”
“Shut up,” you grumbled as you stood up, walking past Ezra to make your way to the shower.
What the fuck just happened?
a/n: this was supposed to be a quick smutty oneshot (oops) but it was getting long so I’ve split it into two parts! Part two should be out by the end of this week.
content: masturbation, voyeurism (but is it voyeurism if both parties are aware of the voyeur-ing?)
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hey-there-love · 4 years
Summary: Being the new kid is hard right? Try moving across the world to attend the elite hero course at U.A. Unfortunately following the path of straight and narrow is difficult when you find a blonde ball of death throwing twists in it. Nobody said it was easy. New experiences, new friends, new interests...what could go wrong?
Chapter 2: Oh You’re Feisty
Content Warnings: Adult Language, Cringy Situations
Word Count: 2.2K
Once you gathered yourself, you opened the door and peaked around, searching for any sign of life. Grateful you were by yourself, you began to search for towels. After they were located, you washed the grime from the long flight away.
Quickly you got dressed, brushed your hair, and began to apply a light coat of mascara. You began to sing to yourself to calm your nerves about meeting your new class mates.
“Are you singing Ariana Grande? I love her!” Someone squealed, rushing into the bathroom. You jumped at the voice and managed to hit your lid with the whole mascara wand. You clutched your chest and whipped your head around.
“Hey look! Twins!” The pink girl cracked a joke. You embarrassingly horse laughed because she wasn’t wrong. She had sweet deep eyes that were black and brown.
“I swear I think I’ll have a heart attack before I even start my classes here.” You shook your head and inspected the damage to your makeup. You ran your finger under the faucet and began to scrub your eyelid making the simple error into a huge smudge. You groaned and glanced back to her with pleading eyes.
“Here,” she began digging into a drawer, pulling out a pack of makeup wipes. “Uraraka usually keeps these in here.”
“I’m assuming you’re Mina, my new neighbor right?” You questioned, thankful as you wiped the makeup off.
“You’d be correct! It’s good to meet you Y/N. I can already tell we’re going to be fast friends. Cute jeans by the way.”
“Thanks! I got these from H&M. I literally bought every color , so if you ever wanna borrow a pair let me know.”
“I’ll definitely take you up on that offer! Are you ready? Dinner is almost done and I figured I’d come check on you.” She responded, taking a seat on the counter top next to you.
“I am. Just let me drop my stuff off in my room.” You said opting to give up on the mascara after your incident. You finished primping and picked your things up.
As you walked back to your room she began to question your previous statement. “Who else gave you a heart attack? You’ve only been here for an hour!”
“Oh, actually I was heading into the bathroom and I guess I wasn’t paying attention and I crashed right into a guy. I felt so bad.” You said, unlocking your room and setting your things down on the desk.
“It was probably Kirishima! He came back downstairs whenever I got up. ” She giggled and leaned against your door frame.
“Well he definitely laughed at me after he pulled my underwear off of my shoulder!” You said slapping yourself in the forehead.
“Oh my gosh!” Mina squealed. “He never said anything so I guess your secret it safe. I hope they were old lady underwear for his sake. He definitely gets flustered easily.”
“He didn’t blush in the least and it was a thong! I don’t even think I could look him in the eye! Wait what does he look like?” You asked examining yourself for a final time and spraying a little bit of body spray.
“Spiked red hair, sharp teeth, the cutest boy wonder smile ever.” She gushed. That definitely wasn’t who you encountered.
“No it wasn’t him then, he had a permanent look of disgust. ” Her eyes grew wide and your face dropped. “What?”
“KATSUKI FREAKING BAKUGO TOUCHED YOUR PANTIES?” She hollered, making your ears ring. You shushed her not wanting to relive the experience.
“Not so loud! I don’t need everyone to know about my underwear!” You cried out , cheeks heating up.
“That’s hilarious. King of Murder and Destruction Bakugo. Laid hands. On. Your. Thong.” You swore she was about fall over laughing.
“Do you think he said anything?” You covered your face, completely and utterly mortified.
“Maybe just Kirishima because they’re best bros, but he despises everyone else so you have nothing to worry about!”
You groaned. “Can we please forget that ever happened and go?” Pleading as you pushed her out the door.
“Sure thing bestie my lips are sealed.” Mina replied, mimicking a zip and locking her mouth. She then looped her arm through yours and made you skip to the elevator.
“Can you give me a quick run down of what I’m about to walk into?” You questioned as she pressed the button on the elevator.
“Well, the girls are the most awesome people you’ll ever meet. You’ve met Momo, but there’s Jiro, who has a great taste in tunes but kinda moody. Uraraka, the biggest ray of sunshine on the planet. Hakegure, who has the best personality ever. Tsu, is a little different, but is hilarious, and of course the greatest person you’ll ever meet...me!” She laughed, squeezing your arm.
“And the guys...well they’re guys of course. Kirishima, a total sweetheart and a feminist might I add. Midoryia, nice kid but villain magnet. Ayoma, he’s from France and I think he’s on the DL if you catch my drift. Absolutely at all costs stay away from Mineta. The little grape asshole with give you permanent taste of vomit in your mouth.” You crinkled your nose at the last comment. She continued, “Todoroki, which is the number one pro her Endeavor’s son and a total hottie.” She wagged her eyebrows making you laugh. “Shinso, who is the strong quiet type. Tokoyami, very respectful, the type you’d take home for Sunday dinner.”
“There’s Sero, he gives great advice he’s almost like the class therapist. Koda is a modern day Snow White and has the cutest bunny ever. Sato bakes like it’s nobody’s business and will literally make you gain 10 pounds. Then finally there’s the angry Pomeranian Bakugo.” Mina finished finally. You were pretty sure she just ran out of breath after trying to explain to you quickly before the elevator doors opened.
Mina guides you through the threshold where a bright banner read ‘Welcome to Class 3-A Y/N!’ “That’s so nice!” You said excitedly and pulled out your phone to snap a picture. Low music flowed through the large room as people mingled. No one seemed to notice that you two had joined the group. “Hello? The guest of honor is here!” Mina called out. Soon there were eyes centered on you. You waved slightly to the crowd.
You were met with bright grins and greetings. “Well hello gorgeous.” Someone spoke, you began to search for the voice. “Hey, I’m right here!” You looked slightly down and discovered a...vertically challenged boy staring at you. Well he was actually trying to stare at your boobs through your baggy sweatshirt.
“Um...hey? My eyes are up here dude.” You grimaced. Mina rolled her eyes.
“Oh I know this view is much sexier. I’m Minuro Mineta, class 3-A stud. What’s your name babe?” He wiggled his eye brows and blew you a kiss.
Ugh gross. You thought.
“This is Y/N. Back away now maggot or I’ll crush you like a bug.” Mina hissed.
“Ooooh. I’ve never been stepped on before, but if you’re doing it Mina I’d love to try.” He smirked back licking his lips. A blonde quickly rushed over and pushed Mineta back before Mina lunged at him.
“Whoa dude chill. Let her acclimate before you start being gross. I’m Denki Kaminari by the way.” He said sticking out his fist. You extended yours and fist bumped him.
“Hey, I’m Y/N nice to meet you.” You replied.
“Weren’t you interning with Hopewing back in the States? She totally rocks, I actually got her autograph whenever we went to the I-Expo a few years back.” Kaminari seemed pretty interested in the Pro Hero so you indulged him a little.
“Sure did, she taught me a whole lot about quirk control and management. Hopewing was a great influence on me, she’s kinda like my All Might I guess.” You laughed and scratched the back of your head.
“Super cool,” Kaminari replied, “Come meet the guys we were all actually interested in your quirk. Maybe you could show it off?” He grabbed your hand and lead you over to the couch where a few people sat talking. You looked over your shoulder at Mina who gave you a thumbs up.
“Guys, this is Y/N! She’s pretty cool!” Kaminari said eagerly. A chorus of greetings rang in your ears. “Kirishima, Sero, Todoroki, and Bakubro.” He pointed to each one of them and sat down on the arm of the couch, leaving you awkwardly standing infront of the group. You met Bakugo’s eyes for a split second before gaining a glare and quickly averted your eyes.
“So where are you from?” Kirishma questioned.
Before you could answer Bakugo spoke up, “The states dumbass where else?” He crossed his arms across his chest. His friend glanced at him and stuck his tongue out.
“Ignore him, he hasn’t eaten since this afternoon. He gets a little cranky when he doesn’t fed around the clock.” He reached across and pinched Bakugos cheek lightly.
“Remove your hand Shitty hair before I blast your ass.” Bakugo scowled.
“Shitty hair...” He warned and his hand began to heat up emitting a small cloud of smoke. The group rolled their eyes.
“Anyways, I’m from Chicago, Illinois.” You answered before Bakugo could make his threat a reality. You weren’t really scared, but slightly intimidated by the man.
“Is that kinda like New York City?” Sero questioned thoughtfully.
“Kinda. Chicago isn’t nearly as big.”
“You must be tired from the flight over.” Todoroki spoke up noticing you were getting standing uncomfortablely. He stood up from the love seat he sat on, offering you his spot.
“It’s no biggie. I’m just over this jet lag.” You said, ushering him to sit back down.
“Well at least sit with me then? I’m respectful.” He continued before you took him up on his offer and sat down on the arm of the chair.
“Of course you are Icy-Hot.” Bakugo mocked. The comment being brushed off.
The hell was this dudes problem?
“The jet lag is kinda awful, but it’ll be nothing compared to this time change. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep much tonight, I might just finish unpacking everything.” You said leaning back and closing your eyes for a second.
“Well if you need some help I’d be more than happy to assist my floor neighbor.” Kirishma offered.
“I’d actually really like that I have a book shelf that needs to be put together and I have no handiness what so ever.” You smiled. You felt eyes on you and peaked at Bakugo from your peripheral.
“So, like I saying earlier...this quirk?” Kaminari spoke up breaking the encounter with Kirishma.
“Kaminari why do I feel like you only friended me for my quirk?” You joked sarcastically.
“I did not! I’m just saying I think you owe me a demonstration since I practically saved you from Mineta humping your leg.” Sero fake gagged.
“Fine fine. Todoroki, I’d scoot over just a little bit I don’t want to ruin your vision like mine.” You said. His eyes grew wide and squeezed himself into the opposite arm of the chair. You closed your eyes and began to relax your body then staring at your finger tip. Your finger began to glow.
“That’s it?” Bakugo said, unimpressed. All of a sudden your hand began to glow blue before plasma rose through your skin. You began to use your other hand to shape it into a sphere. You tossed it slightly in the air and caught it before absorbing it back into your hand. You smiled
“Whoa...” the group responded. “What’s that called?” Sero questioned.
Just as you were about to share a guy came running over. “You have Ultra Violence?” He yelled and planted himself sitting across from you on the edge of the coffee table.
“You know my quirk?” You asked propping your elbows on your knees.
“Of course! I can’t believe I didn’t put it together before you got here! You’re the daughter of Stage Four! The plasma hero! His whole body can change into plasma! Can you do that too?” He said as he pulled a notebook out of seemingly thin air.
“Damn Deku. I thought I burned that thing?” Bakugo said, nostrils flaring.
“Oh you did Kachan...multiple times.” The guy said showing off the burn edges. He nervously smiled.
“Put that weird shit away before I finish it.”
“I think it’s cool. I’d like to see it sometime.” You said motioning to his prized possession.
“Just cause you’re new doesn’t mean you have to kiss everyone’s ass, you know.” Bakugo retorted.
“Are you just jealous because I’m not kissing yours?” You countered, a sly smile spreading across your lips.
He paused, thinking of a response. Obviously flustered, “Tch, screw you newbie.”
“Jeez Bakugo, if you suck your teeth anymore they’ll go straight down your throat.”
It looks could kill, you’d be 6 feet under. A small amount of smoke began to rise from him until he huffed and stormed away.
“Well shit, I think she just might make it around here. She defused the bomb!” Kaminari clapped and grinned ear to ear. You sat back down feeling completely flushed.
“Dinner is served!” Iida called from the kitchen.
“Midoryia right?” You asked. The green haired boy nodded his head quickly. “We’ll talk later and I can answer all your questions.” You smiled kindly and placed a hand of his arm, squeezing lightly
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
Petty Golfers
Warnings: Swearing, but what can you expect with a Ransom fic? Some cheesy, real bitchy moves. Bad depictions of golfing. Some suggestive material, but not rlly? Dad Ransom! There’s so much affection that I might have diabetes from all the fluff.
If you can’t tell, I suck at writing summaries and warnings. Please just take a leap of faith and read. It took me a week to write this and we are at a whopping 7k word count. So please leave some feedback, ik I sound desperate. Love y’all! 
Summary: A trip to the country club with Ransom and his aristocratic friends goes south.
“Ransom! Your mother is on the phone!” 
You were curled up on the sofa when Ransom’s phone rang, a picture of Mrs. Drysdale herself showing up. She rarely ever called, except to bitch at you or her son. Out of curiosity, you had answered the call, unknowingly becoming an victim to her demands.
“Get Ransom for me.” 
“He’s on his way down.”
“Tell him to make it quick.”
Who the hell did she think she was? You rolled your eyes, annoyed at her demand. The phone that was once pressed against your ear, was now pulled away from your face. 
“Ransom! Your mother is on the phone!” 
A quick huff from your mouth made you regain composure, continuing your ‘conversation’ with the woman. 
“Why did you answer my son’s phone, anyway.”
Linda’s tone was cold, just as when you had first met her. In the five years you had been with Ransom, not once had she shown you any form of kindness. 
Sick of her impertinence, you shoved back a snarky remark.
“Well, I don’t know if you know this, darling, but I’m dating your son! Actually I’m even engaged to him!”
Her end of the line was silent except for a loud scoff. 
It was about time that Linda learned you weren’t some obedient dog, cowering down to her like Richard or Walt would.
“That’s my girl!”
Ransom, thank the heavens.
Turning your gaze to the stairs, you saw Ransom wearing a smirk, sauntering his way over. 
The man bent down to kiss your lips before swiping his phone. You could practically imagine Linda’s screeching fit to her son and husband about what just happened. Clearly, it was actually happening as you heard Ransom nonchalantly reply, “That's not my problem.” 
You took this time to get cleaned up and ready, seeing Ransom was currently occupied and would be for at least the next hour. 
This was the first time you were gonna go golfing with Ransom and his friends. It was pretty obvious they were all gonna show up in Castore golf clothing, while you opted to wear a coral Columbia polo shirt and navy skort, caring less about the name of the brand and more about its versatility. 
After applying some minimal makeup, you walked out from the bathroom to take a peek in the bedroom mirror.
The coral polo was neatly tucked into the navy skort, stopping mid-thigh. Taking your hands, you slowly smoothed out the shirt, stopping on your small baby bump. About 22 weeks in, and you were already in love with this child. 
“Hi, little lemondrop. Oh goodness, are we gonna have a long day, honey.” 
As you talked to your baby, Ransom quietly snuck into the room, smiling at how great of a mother you are already turning out to be. In his mind, he figured at least the child would have one good parent figure.  
“Hey Sweetheart, sorry to interrupt, but I found you some golf shoes that should be comfortable.” 
You looked up into the mirror to see Ransom behind you, with a big grin on his face and a pair of white golf shoes in his hand. 
“Thanks, Ran.” 
A bashful smile spread on your lips as you took the shoes. A part of you felt guilty for him getting you these shoes, but you knew he didn’t mind. Unfortunately, your feet and calves had already started swelling due to the pregnancy induced edema. 
A quick trip to the bed, and you sat on the edge, struggling to get your shoes on, while Ransom was in the closet getting changed into his own golf attire. 
Ransom confidently stepped out in all his glory, a navy polo and some light khaki shorts, that clung to his muscular physique. Your eyes were glued to him in awe and like the cocky asshole he is, a smirk grew on his face.
“Like what you see, Babe?”
“Oh shut up, Drysdale.” 
You threw your shoe at him which he so expertfully caught. He gave a teasing smile and raised his hands in surrender before making his way to the edge of the bed where you were sitting. Getting down on one knee, Ransom gently picked up your foot and put it in the shoe, tying the laces, but not too tight. 
“Hmm, this feels vaguely familiar.” 
Yup, Mr. Silver-Spoon Fed, was down on the ground, putting on your shoes. In his own words he’d only do the “Helps” part for you.
Once Ransom was done tying your shoe, he motioned to himself on his knee, trying to provoke the memory of when he proposed months ago. 
Leaning forward, you placed your hands on his shoulder, and pecked his lips.
“I do.” 
With a wink, you got up and left the room, also leaving Ransom on the floor, as he just chuckled to himself. 
In all honesty you were dreading the day’s agenda. Ransom was taking you to the country club for a few holes of golf with his friends and their newest set of girlfriends.
Even though you had met Ransom’s friends and all, you could tell they had never liked you from the beginning. Eventually, with some work, Bently and Dylan warmed up to you. Without doubt, you understood why they were Ransom’s friends. They were exactly like him in every way, lifestyle and all.
In the years you had known the two men, Mallory and Samantha were the longest to stick around so far. Five months to be exact. This was an outstretched time of fidelity for the life-long playboys.
Maybe the men were trying to somewhat settle down like Ransom had.
The two women were standoffish from the start, always talking about things you never really cared about. Their lame attempt at trying to make you feel like an outsider was just straight-up annoying. When they did include you, it was a constant conversation about Ransom. You loved him and all, but if you were gonna be friends with these chicks, they might as well like you for you and not your fiance.  
Out of all the ‘lady friends’ the guys had brought, Mallory and Samantha were total bitches in comparison to the rest. And no, you weren’t jumping to conclusions and making assumptions about these women. Life had given you a fair share of bullies back in your day. 
This whole ordeal could be marked as the most uncomfortable thing you’ve done in your life. 
Mallory and Samantha were anything but friendly, going on and on about a Versace fashion show, and some model, from last month. Inwardly you reminded yourself that you were doing this for Ransom, who was having the time of his life with Bentley and Dylan. How they could have this much fun golfing, was beyond you. 
The three guys golfed while you three ladies stood watching and chatting. In a more accurate account, the three guys golfed while the two ladies stood watching and chatting about purposeless things in life, deliberately leaving you out.  
Well, come to find out all along you really weren’t gonna play golf, you were just gonna watch. Yay, so exciting. 
You would’ve played golf with the guys had Mallory and Samantha not opened their opinionated mouths and made the decision for you. 
At this point Mallory and Samantha were now blabbering about some new type of leather purse and you really wished Ransom’s club would have hit your head at that moment. Anything to relieve you from having to hear their pathetic whining. The two women didn’t care to include you. Surprise, Surprise.  Apparently, you weren’t good enough to be in their aristocratic circle.  
What the hell was this, high school? 
“So how are you doing, (y/n)?”
It was odd how Samantha was actually trying to engage in a conversation with you. You just hoped that maybe this was her olive branch. These were Ransom’s friends' significant others and you were gonna try your damndest to impress them, not really wanting to stir up any drama if it weren’t necessary. 
“I’m doing pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you two?” 
Now both women were fully turned to you, their attention no longer on the men, more so Ransom. 
“Dylan and I are gonna take a trip to Europe, not exactly what I wanted, but good enough I guess.” Samantha rolled her eyes and heartily laughed along with Mallory.
Her simple statement made your eyes almost bug out of your head. It was like an expensive trip to Europe to her was just nothing more than a drive across the state line. You swallowed harshly in an attempt to figuratively stomach Samantha’s words. Ransom regularly offered those luxurious things to you, but as always, you turned them down, claiming he was just enough. It was very true, though. You didn’t have high standards which took Ransom some time to get used to. Most women he was ever with, wanted things, extortionate commodities. 
You didn’t want to ruin your only chance at a somewhat blossoming friendship, so you trepidatiously giggled along with them. 
“Oh honey, did you gain weight? I know a great personal trainer, really cute too, maybe not as cute as Ransom though.” Mallory’s perfectly manicured hand motioned towards your growing stomach.
You just stared in utter shock at what she just said. To most people that would be offensive but then you remembered the crowd you were with. Judgemental. 
“Umm, no-well, uh, I’m expecting.”
Sheepishly, you looked down at your feet, now noticing the difference between your choice of shoes and theirs. 
Samantha was wearing those white oasis Hermes sandals she had mentioned earlier, while Mallory was sporting some gaudy rockstud Valentino stilettos. Yeah, they definitely did not come here to golf. 
“That’s why Ransom kept someone like you around!” 
And that was definitely not the answer you were anticipating. If anything, you figured they’d be gushing over your pregnancy like any normal person would. 
“Oh Sam!” You saw Mallory nudge Samantha who looked at her in shock, immediately stopping her obnoxious laughter. 
A breath of relief left your mouth as you looked to smile at Mallory in gratitude. 
“I should’ve known it would take a fake pregnancy to get him!” 
“Yeah, he can’t have a bastard child running around, now can he? He would never get laid again!”
Your smile collapsed.
Samantha and Mallory grabbed each other’s hand, careful of their bubble-bath groomed nails, yet laughing so hard that they had to support each other. 
The three men looked over in the direction of the women’s giggles and smiled, returning back to their game, completely unaware of the real situation.
Of course they didn’t see you, because your back was to them. If they had, your impression of a deer in headlights would have most certainly piqued their attention.
Your jaw dropped and you couldn’t even comprehend what you just heard. 
Holy hell, they were just egging it on, weren’t they?
It was then that you realized Mallory wasn’t trying to stand up for you just a minute ago. 
So apparently the two women weren’t trying to become your friends at all. You were just their little toy to ridicule. 
“Aww hon, don’t get upset! We are just joking around.” 
Samantha gripped your shoulder tightly and you gave a tight lipped smile, in an attempt to show that you weren’t hurt by their idiotic antics. 
As Mallory and Samantha turned to continue to stare at the men, you saw them roll their eyes, for the nth time. 
“Joking, my ass.”
You just stared daggers into their backs, slightly wishing the daggers were real. How dare they insult you by saying you were “faking” it? They could joke with you, but definitely not your baby. 
The motherly instincts were already kicking in apparently. 
“Hey girls, wanna try?” 
Dylan waved his driver club in the air trying to get your attention. You were in such a trance, anything anyone said was just tuned out, that was till two arms wrapped around your waist. 
The simple action made you jump out of your own skin, ready to strike whoever was behind you. 
“Jumpy, much babe?”  
When you turned to be met with Ransom’s grin, a wave of relief swept over your anxious body. 
“Huh, yeah. Sorry I kinda zoned out.” 
“I definitelyyyy couldn’t tell.”
Crossing your fingers, you had hoped that Ransom wouldn’t question your edgy tone that came out with the sentence. 
Luckily, he didn’t notice and instead unwillingly dragged you over the teeing ground where the rest of the group was standing nearby. 
“So, who wants to go first?” 
Bentley spun on his heel to face the caddy and pulled out a gap wedge, handing it to Samantha who giddily volunteered herself first.
“I’m not really sure what position, I should be in.” 
Samantha held the club, elbows bent, and performed a lazy test swing, striking the grass. 
“Ransom, could you help me? After all, you are the one winning.” 
Her flirtatious wink made you wanna vomit. You practically held back the gag, not wanting to cause another scene. Ransom’s water bottle was in the cart. Deciding you couldn’t watch anymore you walked to go get the water that seemed life saving at the moment. 
“Ok, so first off you are gonna want to spread your legs a little.” 
Samantha moved her hips suggestively as she got into the proper stance.
“Is this the correct position?
Ransom nodded, not catching her drift at all. The way she said “position” was absolutely flagrant. 
As you turned from the cart and back to the group, you saw Samantha pushing her hips into Ransom, her Prada dress, lacy, white, and most of all short, slid up just a hunch. 
“Oh, good god I’m gonna be sick.” 
Briskly, you semi-jogged towards the country club, not wanting to catch anyone’s attention.
No one had noticed your disappearance as expected and just continued on with the game.
Of course, you came back just in time for Mallory’s turn, who was also getting coached by your fiance. 
“Don’t get mad, don’t get mad.”
The navy skort you were wearing, had to take the hit as you clenched your fists tightly, balling up the smooth fabric. 
Mallory swung the golf club clumsily, her arms way out of whack. You just grimaced, these women were supposed to know how to golf for goodness sake. After all, golfing was a sport for the rich, at least in Mallory’s own words. 
“Oh Ransom. I think I might need your help. How do I swing again?” 
Ransom politely nodded and strode away from his previous conversation. He situated himself behind Mallory, her back resting against his chest, his arms encasing around her sides. The golf club was positioned in between Mallory’s long legs and the two of them slightly bent at the hips, Ransom’s hands over hers as they slowly swung the golf club a few times. 
It finally came time for Mallory to actually swing. She insisted that Ransom help her, and of course he did. As they swung their arms over their shoulders, Mallory twisted her head and kissed Ransom’s cheek. The ball teed off and Mallory thanked Ransom once more.
“Thanks for all your help, Ranny.” 
Mallory then leaned in to hug Ransom tightly, smirking when she saw your belligerent attitude.  
You swore to yourself that you were living a movie because my god, was this so fake. No one in their right mind would ever have the guts to accomplish anything that had happened so far today. Quite the lucky streak you have, if I might say so myself.
“You wanna go, Momma?” A teasing offer came from Bentley, one you wouldn’t pass up. 
Confidently, you smirked and walked over to grab a pitching wedge from Ransom’s golf caddy. 
You were really ready to knock these women off of their damn high horses, it was time they joined you all in the corral. 
The straight up sarcasm that dripped from your sneer thoroughly confused Ransom.
Straightening his posture, he quickly walked over to help you tee off too. 
Normally, you wouldn’t have minded Ransom’s help, but at this moment you were fuming, striking the ball on the tee with great vehemence. 
Shamelessly flirting with Ransom, even when they knew you were right there. The deliberate actions of your so called friends really was the last straw. You could normally handle the level of pettiness Ransom’s friends propounded, but you couldn’t take it anymore. It all flowed through your blood and into your swing. 
Ransom’s eyes widened when he saw how you hit with a perfect form, swing straight and all. Your ball even landed on the green, closer to the end, unlike the two women who landed on the rough, even with his help.
“Well looks like Ransom got a good start, now.” Dylan shook his head in disbelief as Ransom winked at you, a token of his appreciation. Unfortunately, you were only seeing red and completely missed his action of affection. 
“That’s impossible!” Samantha had a look of repugnance on her face. Visibly upset that she wasn’t beating you in this game of cat and mouse, insult edition. 
Mallory then discreetly flipped you off, the guys too busy packing up in order to move further down the course.
“I’m over this shit.”  You walked away from the teeing ground and towards the swarm of people. 
“You ready to move on ladies?” Bentley pointed towards the golf carts that were pretty much all packed up, except for the club in your hand. 
“Sure!” Mallory’s overly peppy and fake voice was the last straw.
The two women started to walk away with the men, swaying their hips, every step taken with aplomb.  
“No, you know what, Sam, Mal, who gives two shits about a Versace runway model standing three inches off center, because I sure as hell don’t.” 
Bentley, Dylan and Ransom stood gaping with confusion at your sudden outburst. From their point of view, nothing extreme had gone down between you and the girls all day long. 
You turned from the outraged women, disregarding their insults thrown your way and meeting the faces of the befuddled men. 
“Sorry boys.” 
“Oh and one more thing, girls. If you say one more shitty thing, so help me, I am gonna take Samantha’s Hermes heels and shove them so far up both your asses, you’ll be able to cough them up.”
You ever so gracefully returned Mallory’s kind gesture and flipped her and Samantha off. 
In typical Ransom fashion, you turned away once more, basking in their shocked looks and ignoring their pitiful attempts at being the victims.  
With that you handed Ransom the golf club which he gripped angrily, as you stormed off towards the women’s locker room. You could feel him practically burning holes into your back.
 It was almost impossible to put in the combination to the lock for your eyes were welling up with tears. What made the whole thing worse was that Ransom didn’t even say a word, and he was angry at you?!
With a swipe of your hand, you wiped away the tears before grabbing your purse. You looked at Coach logo laughing when you thought of the Celine and Louis Vuitton purses Samantha and Mallory had. 
When you had gotten to the country club, Ransom handed you the keys to the Beamer to put in your purse. His car was the only other thing he loved more than himself, you, and the baby. In reality, it was his first child. 
Seeing the Beamer in the parking lot was like light at the end of the tunnel for you. Into the driver seat you plopped and the keys turned to the ignition. At the moment you could care less where you ended up, you just wanted to run for the hills and get far from here. 
Sure, you were embarrassed, but you were more angry than anything else. 
As you drove past the golf course you didn’t miss Ransom’s appalled look when he saw the Beamer leaving without him in it. 
Back at the course, everyone stood around giving each other confused looks. 
Dylan bravely broke the silence first. 
“What just happened, man?”
Ransom just huffed and shook his head. 
“No clue. Hormones probably.” 
Samantha full on giggled while Mallory took the next step and grabbed Ransom’s bicep as she laughed. 
“Thanks for making me laugh Ran, I really needed it after what just happened.” 
Mallory looked up into Ransom’s deep blue eyes with her sparkling green ones and batted her long eyelashes at him seductively. 
The clueless men took no mind in what was unfolding in front of them. 
“Oh that’s right. Congrats dude!” Bentley supportively patted Ransom’s shoulder, before returning back to his own caddy at the cart. 
Another shaky breath left Ransom’s mouth. 
“Yeah, thanks.” 
As Ransom headed back to the golf cart, he couldn’t shake the weird feeling inside. 
What was it, you ask?
He was concerned about (y/n). 
A cloud of vexation and offense floated around in the car with you, that when you arrived at Harlan’s estate you had not even registered it quite yet. 
The keys of the beamer were clenched tightly in your hand as you knocked, waiting patiently for Marta or Harlan himself to answer. 
As the door swung open, it revealed a surprised and smiling Marta.
“Oh hi (y/n)!” 
It was then that the weight of the prior events came crashing down on you and sobs were the only thing you could manage.
Marta quickly ushered you inside and enveloped you in a hug. 
For the few minutes that passed, you had finally calmed down. Taking a deep breath you explained everything to Marta while she led you to the guest room you and Ransom normally stayed in. 
“I’m so sorry for your terrible day, love. Why don’t you get cleaned up and you, Harlan and I can have some dinner?”
At the offer, you returned a small smile, but a genuine one nonetheless. 
A hot shower would hopefully help clear your mind a bit. You padded over to the bathroom, starting the water and then returning to rummage through the wooden dresser. Thankfully, Ransom had left his maroon sweater and your leggings. Your first win of the day after a colossal shitstorm, maybe things were starting to look up.
The last thing on your mind at the moment was Ransom, who was supposed to be here with you. Just the mere thought of him, irked you.
When you returned from the long and much needed shower, you checked your phone.
Ten missed calls from Ransom Drysdale
Five text messages from Ransom Drysdale.
You just scoffed, turning off your phone. He definitely didn’t deserve an answer from you and you most certainly didn’t want to hear his lame-ass excuse. Was he even calling to apologize or was he calling to pester you? 
The cell phone just rested on the bed, while you scurried downstairs to the smell of lasagna, tending to yourself with Ransom in the very back of your mind.  
It had been about an hour since you left and Ransom couldn’t get in touch with you. Bentley and Dyaln had just left the table to get some more drinks at the bar, something Ransom clearly needed. 
He called your phone once more, but to no avail, it went straight to voicemail.
Your sweet voice rang through his phone, oh how he wished you were here.
“This is (Y/n) Drysdale, I’m not here at the moment, please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Have a great day!”
Ransom felt a sense of pride that emerged when you used his last name as your own. Never in a thousand years had he assumed he’d ever be married, until you came along. You charmed him with your humbleness and patience for his antics. So many things about you were good for that man. Long gone were the days of shunning off a committed relationship with his pinky ring that now rested upon your index. A small diamond engagement ring, another symbol of Ransom’s love, made home on your ring finger too. You, a beautiful vision in white, walking down the aisle, and he can already imagine it. 
An annoyingly squeaky voice broke him from his enchanting daydream of you as his wife. 
“Oh Ranny, just give up.”
Long fingers wrapped around the glass flute, bringing it up to the red lips of the vanilla-blonde woman. 
“Excuse me?” 
Mallory moved her drink away from her lips, resting her hand on Ransom’s right forearm that laid on the table.
“Well it’s no use to get in touch with Betty and the bastard. She isn’t gonna answer, clearly, but I will.”
Now he could see why you were upset. 
They must’ve said something to you. What was really surprising though is that you’d never take shit from anyone. Why would you cower down now?
He mentally scolded himself, that was a question to ask you later. First order of business was to give these two lovely ladies a taste of their own bitter medicine. Revenge was practically the man’s middle name, unfortunately. 
Ransom couldn’t lose the only thing in life that mattered to him. You brought him light in the darkest of his days. Family get-togethers always put him in a terrible mood, but when you were linked into his arm with a bright smile, things seemed a little bit more bearable. 
Who cared about the consequences at this point, Ransom madly grabbed the bellini and spilled it across Mallory’s black Dior button-down dress.
“Don’t ever talk about my wife and child like that.” 
The two women cried in disgust, popping up from their seats, prompting Samantha to drag Mallory to the ladies’ room.
Bentley and Dylan came back to the table, cackling, three Malibu sunset cocktails in hand. 
Ransom was practically seething at this point, his jaw clenched as tightly gripping the glass Dylan was handing him.
“Woah man, what’s up with you?”
“Your petty ass girlfriends, that’s what.”
Many drinks later, Ransom had finally finished his story, Bentley and Dylan not believing anything the brunette spoke about.
“You’re bullshitting us, Drysdale. Maybe we should take your drinking privileges.” 
Ransom’s signature smirk curled onto his face as he found his evidence. 
“Look over a few tables, fellas.” 
There was Samantha, her tongue down some guy's throat, Mallory wearing the other man’s large polo. 
“Shit, man!” 
Dylan dropped his glass onto the table in complete shock. He had really just assumed that Ransom was drunkenly hallucinating.
“I’m not here to listen to both of your problems, now help me go win my wife back.” 
Bentley and Dylan weren’t even phased by Ransom’s forwardness, for they were both too caught up in their own drunken sorrow. 
“Why? Can’t you see I have plans tonight with some rum?” Bentley motioned to the bar before chugging his own drink down.
“She-” Ransom hung his head in shame. “She-took-my-beamer.” In one quick breath the man made his embarrassing confession.
“Fine, it’s only because I like your wife. She’s good for you ya know.”
“Yeah, yeah, just get your drunk asses out of here.” All three men doubled over in cachinnation due to Ransom’s quip.
Like expected, Bentley and Dylan continued to tease Ransom before going off to get some water in hopes of sobering up, coming back with two women instead. 
A small snicker left Ransom’s mouth. He could remember the days when that was him, but now was much happier and satisfied to always come home with you. 
You were ecstatic to be greeted with Harlan’s large and welcoming smile. The man was basically your grandfather. 
“Well there’s my favorite granddaughter and soon to be great-grandchild!”
“Hiya Harlan!” 
Your crappy day suddenly brightened at the appearance of your favorite Thrombey. 
“Something’s wrong isn’t it?” 
Harlan rested his hands in yours offering a reassuring smile. You chose not to deny the correct accusation from the man, instead going to sit down with him and Marta, once again explaining the story. 
“I just wish Ransom wasn’t mad at me.” 
A dejected sigh fell from your lips as you looked down at your growing stomach.
“My dear, if you tell him what you just told me, I am positive he would understand.”
“But I feel terrible for not being able to handle those girls. I mean he was having such a great time with his friends-.”
Harlan abruptly stopped you from spiraling into a depressive cloud. 
“No buts, (y/n). Ransom’s friends are a crazy crowd of people, well, then again you have dealt with the rest of our family. Besides, Ransom’s friends deserved to be shown a bit of what you are made of. They need to understand that it’s not about the money or title, but the character within the person.”
You chuckled at Harlan’s exquisite speech. 
“Wow, so this is why you are a best selling author?”
“I guess so, just remember (y/n), stay humble and who you are. Don’t change for Ransom or his friends because in the end that boy really needed a girl like you.”  
A beautiful smile graced your lips at his encouraging words. Harlan always gave advice with much equanimity. 
You finished the sapid and delectable lasagna with Harlan and Marta, often stopping to talk about the baby, who was to make an entrance in a few months.
After dinner was finished, you helped Fran clean up the dishes which she greatly appreciated. It was surprising to anyone that someone with your kind and caring personality would end up with a bonehead like Ransom. If only they all knew, Ransom was rarely ever an ass to you, occasions like these didn’t occur frequently. 
By time you were done cleaning, Harlan had retired for the night, but not before playing a round of Go with Marta, who happily obliged and Fran gave you some clean sheets and then headed home herself. You were all alone now, only hoping when you’d see Ransom again. The two of you were both stubborn knuckleheads, who never wanted to surrender to the other. 
Step after step, the wooden staircase creaked loudly as you slowly climbed to the second floor. Hand on the knob, you leaned against the bedroom door, tiredly pushing it open. A glance at your cell phone told you it was only a little after nine o’clock. It was an emotionally tolling day and you only wanted to curl up with your fiance, oh who are you kidding, your husband. Unfortunately, the closest thing you had to him at the moment was his maroon sweater, casing your body. All of this made the silk bed sheets even more comfortable, entrapping your exhausted body and lulling you to sleep. 
Shooting up from your slumber, you made sure your phone was not on silent, just in case Ransom called again. Content, a void of darkness littered your sight, and you were out like a light. 
The loud ringing emitting from your phone startled you, making your head shoot up from the pillows. 
Bentley Livingstone
The bright light from the screen awoke you fully. Squinting to look at the time, you scoffed.
10:14 pm
“What the hell, Bentley.” Your voice raspy from sleep, it was evident that he had woken you.
“Sorry Momma Bear, but can you let us in?”
“Us? And if you are at the house, I’m not there, Benny boy.” 
The last thing you wanted now was to be talking to him, you practically ripped apart his girlfriend, who he was actually committed too for once. You felt awful for ruining Ransom’s day with his friends, but quickly reminded yourself that those women were even worse to you. The men probably thought you were a total bitch, after their girlfriends had played the victims. 
“Cut out the sarcasm, will ya? I’m not mad at you, and actually I’m here at Harlan’s.” 
You felt so relieved that you could almost cry, damn hormones. 
Bentley must’ve known something had happened which meant Dylan knew and hopefully Ransom too. 
You went to the bathroom to hurriedly tame your messy hair and brush your teeth, ridding the final taste of lasagna away. 
Harlan was asleep and Marta had left by this time, so as you opened the front door, you made sure to make it as quiet as possible. 
“Hi (y/n).” Bentley was the first to walk in, giving you a hug which shocked you before reciprocating the action. Dylan did the same and you were bemused at the men’s kindness. 
“So… what’s up.” Nervously, you crossed your arms over your chest, resting them on your small, yet protruding bump, all while awaiting an answer.
“We’d like to apologize on behalf of Samantha and Mallory.” Dylan stepped forward, placing his hand comfortingly on your shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry guys. I didn’t mean for all this to happen.”
“Hey don’t be sorry! I’m glad I found out Sam was in it for your hottie.” 
“Yeah. I’ve dated plenty of women but not anyone that cold.”
“Thanks, guys.” You looked up to be greeted with their bright smiles. It was nice to be so trusted. 
“Dude, those babes said they were free tonight.” Dylan held out his phone to text said woman, Bentley doing the same. 
Without second thought, you quickly put your hand between the two men, still having a very animated conversation. 
“As much as I’d love to hear you guys babble over some girls, do either of you know where Ransom is?” 
“He’s right here.” 
A very familiar voice sounded from behind you. 
There he was. Your hormones were through the roof and you couldn’t stop the happy tears that fell. 
You ran to your fiance, throwing your arms around his neck, while his one free hand wrapped around your waist. Ransom placed a sweet kiss on your neck, laying his head there for a while, relishing in your love. How could he be so deserving of someone with such patience? 
Too caught up in the moment, you didn’t even notice Dylan and Bentley sneaking out the front door. 
Ransom held out a bountiful bouquet of exquisite light pink roses. With his free hand, he took both of yours, placing a few kisses to your knuckles. 
Turning your hands over, Ransom kissed your wrists and then handed you the bouquet. You couldn’t help but giggle at all his affection.
“Pink roses, for you and our baby girl. I owe you both an apology.” Like a scolded puppy, he held his head in shame.  
“I owe you an apology too-”
Your fiance’s index finger came up to shush you.
“No you don’t, I do.” 
Ransom took your left hand, your ringed fingers intertwined with his now bare ones and led you up to the bedroom.
You went to go flump on the bed, observing as Ransom shut the door, and wordlessly sat next to you.  
“I’m sorry that I, of all people, upset you. I should have been there for you, but I wasn’t.”
He sat on the edge of the bed, full of remorse. Truth be told, you had never seen Ransom like this. Taking your left hand, you lifted his chin gently, the cold metal of the rings somewhat startling, making Ransom turn his solemn face to look at you.
“How did you know?” Gazing into his gorgeous and endless eyes, you saw his sorrow, a large pang to your heart. 
“Well, both girls tried to make a move on me. Mallory called our little lemondrop,” Ransom took a deep breath, saying the next word like it was gonna summon the devil himself,  “a bastard.”
You were so desensitized at this point, you just accepted the vile words. There was no use in letting their locutions affect you, because if they did, you’d be letting them win. 
“Yeah, they both kinda said that to my face too.”  In hopes of lifting the mood, you let out a dry chuckle to let Ransom know that you were somewhat okay. Especially, that he was here, next to you. 
“You girls were laughing and everything, I truly thought you were having a good time. I am so sorry, Sweetheart.” 
Ransom was so upset, he buried his face into your chest, while you slowly and soothingly rubbed his back. Instead of telling him about your other banters with the women, you just kept your mouth shut. The poor thing was already so unsettled, you didn’t want to make matters worse for him.
It seemed like an eternity that Ransom was in your loving hold. His sobs were quieted and he examined your look of content. First, he softly pecked the corner of your lips then placed his warm hands on the small bump of your baby. 
“Hi little miss, I owe you an apology too. Today I was not a great father at all. You and your mom will always mean the world to me. I can’t wait to meet you, honey.” 
Ransom ended his heartfelt confession with a slow kiss to the unborn baby, that even you could feel through the sweater, making your heart flutter. For many months, Ransom worried about being a terrible father. Well, if what he just said didn’t prove that he was gonna be a great father, then you don't know what would. 
Your hands flew up to your fiance’s face, once again holding him close, so close that your noses bumped. Both of your eyes were closed in bliss, that was until Ransom quietly spoke up. 
“The beamer’s fine right?”
Believe it or not, but sometimes Ransom could be a comedian around those he cared about. A few giggles left your mouth as you pulled away from the man who was also laughing himself. 
“I-I’m...serious, babe!” It took a few tries for Ransom to get the sentence out without cackling. For years it had been a running joke that Mr. Drysdale loved his car more than himself which was quite the revelation, if you ever heard one. 
Getting up from the bed, you leaned down to kiss between Ransom’s eyebrows that were knitted with concern. 
“Yes, your other child is fine.” 
“So now that the air is clear, are you hungry?” 
Don’t judge, just because you may have eaten lasagna just a while ago, didn’t mean you’d pass the golden opportunity for more food. You eagerly nodded your head before sitting on Ransom’s knee. His arms were wrapped around you in a protective manner, while his hands held the phone with the menu on screen. 
“Ran, what Chinese place is gonna be open this late?”
“Trust me, I know this place.” 
Half an hour later, a man showed up on the doorstep holding a plastic bag hopefully filled with your late night smorgasbord. To your surprise, the bag was actually filled with all its content which needless to say didn’t last long. Between your endless stomach and Ransom’s growing hangover, the greasy meal trays were soon empty. You and Ransom had taken the food up to the bedroom, devouring it all, while laying on the bed enjoying the time together. 
Even when things were rough, you and Ransom always found a way to get through. 
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be || One For Every Billion
9. Stranger
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You put your phone away just in time to hear the melodic tone announce the train's arrival at Tokyo Station. Collecting your duffel and swinging it over your shoulder, you stand to exit, sad to be leaving but excited to head home and see all your familiar devils again.
The terminal is pretty busy so you're glad to have some sense of familiarity, certain you're headed the right way to the exit where Shin is supposed to meet you. You've only just entered the vast circular dome when you hear your cousin's voice call out your name, turning in pleasant surprise to see him making his way towards you.
"I thought you were going to wait outside?" You ask him as he reaches you, reaching out to take your bag from your shoulder.
He shrugs with a glance behind him, "Yeah, yeah, just didn't want you getting lost. It'd be a pain."
"Uh huh... Ren sent you in, didn't he?" You ask and his sheepish smile is answer enough.
His phone is beeping pretty incessantly, probably his brother, but it forces him him to walk in a crowded area without looking where he's going. This could end up in a pretty hilarious disaster for your album but you're pretty exhausted even though you've been sitting for the past few hours. Maybe you can let it go just this once, since you'd like to avoid time doing damage control when you could be enjoying a nice warm meal and a long soak in a tub instead.
You're about to link your arms with him to guide him through the stream of people when a sudden force knocks into you from behind, literally throwing you off your feet. You only just manage to catch yourself before you completely face plant on the floor, an indignant, "Hey!" slipping from your mouth before you even look up.
When you do however, it's to meet the wide, golden eyes of a boy that's apologizing profusely, now sprawled on the floor as well, you're guessing from running right into, and subsequently tripping over, you. You're about to give him a piece of your mind for not watching where he's going, especially while running as fast as he had to have been, but he's up in a flash, dragging you to stand upright with him without even an offer of help first or another word from you. Then he's off again, rushing away while still throwing useless, fading apologies over his shoulder.
Is this karma for wanting something similar to happen to Shin? And just when you were about to do the right thing too. Great. You watch the strange boy's form get further for a moment, white-grey hair streaked black at the roots the last thing you see before he's swallowed up by the crowd. Well, here's to hoping he doesn't bowl over another unsuspecting victim, but that's their problem now. You turn back to Shin as you brush off the knees of your leggings only to notice his phone is up and aimed squarely on you even as he's doubled over with laughter.
You're considering if there's a word for killing one's cousin - parricide? - when a light tap on your shoulder pulls you away from your creatively dark thoughts. This time the gaze you meet is filled with mirth, at least as much as you can tell, since the girl's eyes are mostly unreadable behind a pair of top-rimmed glasses and the elegant fall of her blonde locks shading part of her face, effectively hiding her full expression.
"Hey! I saw what happened and felt like I should apologize for Bo."
"Bo?" You ask in confusion.
She smirks and now you're definitely sure she's amused as she tilts her head to study you, "Yeah the adorable dumbass that just ran you over. I swear he's never usually that rude, just an unfortunate combination of enthusiastic and slightly oblivious."
"Oh, okay.. I mean, thank you but you shouldn't have to be the one to apologize for him. He kind of did anyways, I guess." You say the last with an unhappy twist to your lips.
"Sure but really, he's not usually rude like that, he just panicked when he realized he forgot his bag."
Before you have a chance to reply further, Shin cuts in with a smirk, "Please, no need for a beautiful girl like you to apologize. Why don't we just exchange digits so if there's any lasting damage, we know who to reach out to."
You're already throwing a dirty look his way before he's finished his lame attempt at flirting but almost laugh instead because the girl's expression changes so fast from the kind, conciliatory one aimed your way to a cold look of disgust that he's got to feel down to his bones.
Even her tone is effortlessly chilling with hard reproach, "Dude, you don't even know my name."
You grimace in solidarity, taking your turn to apologize, "I'm sorry about my cousin. He's apparently never spoken to a pretty girl outside the family before."
"Nah, it's all good, we probably all have one of those." Her response is laidback again, body angling back to you while subtly cutting Shin out of the conversation.
You both ignore his overly exaggerated wounded tone and she continues, "Anyways, just thought I'd do the right thing and check if you were okay?"
You give her a bright, reassuring smile, "I was quite literally thrown off, I guess, but I'm physically okay. Just give your friend a piece of your mind for me?"
"Oh, you can bet I will. But seriously, he's not at all like he came off, I promise."
You shrug because it's not like it matters - what are the odds you'll ever run into her or her friend again? You're about to say something to that effect when Shin's phone rings and he rushes to step away to take the call. Probably rushing a little too fast but such a swift and clear rejection will do that to a guy.
Speaking of, "By the way, I promise I'll make him pay for being such a douchebag later too."
Her mouth curves into an amused smirk once again, "Make him pay, huh? I almost wish I could see that. But I seriously couldn't care less, I'm used to people being little shits. And what are the odds I ever run into him again?"
She's rolling her eyes with her words, an eerie echo your own thoughts on her friend, when a smooth, soft-spoken voice cuts into your conversation, "Run into whom again?"
The two of you turn to see startling blue-green eyes trained intently on her, as if her answer is the only thing that matters, but you realize she also knows this dark-haired stranger when she narrows her eyes on him before responding, "No one important. What took you so long?"
"I stopped to get something for you. The least you can do is tell me what I missed."
"Aw, Akaashi," Her eyes turn soft with a happy tone and you're the one that feels like the intruder to their conversation now, "What'd you get me?"
"Nothing important." He throws her own brush off back at her in a careless manner as he gently tugs a strand of her hair. "Who's this?"
"Just an unsuspecting stranger Bo ran over." She gives you another apologetic smile but it drops when the guy continues.
"Uh-huh. And the guy that was just here?"
Her lips turn down in displeasure as a little snark enters her tone, "Were you just watching from somewhere like a creeper?"
"No, brat." He gives her deadpan look but his actions again contradict his expression as he swats her forehead before she can even react to dodge, "I saw you talking to him while walking up."
"He's just her cousin, please chill."
The guy gives you a look as if you're somehow to blame for something, asking her, "Did he say anything weird to you?"
"Define weird? Can you please back off? Thanks." Turning back to you while shaking her head in exasperation, "Sorry I feel like we're just here trading apologies for the guys in our life."
You were a little stunned at the odd interaction at first but her comment prompts sudden laughter to spill out. How true.
"Maybe we should get shirts made? Like those 'I'm with stupid' ones but 'Sorry for this guy' instead." Even as you speak, only her eyes are looking your way as she laughs at your words.
The guy, Akaashi, continues to watch her with a mostly blank look masking his thoughts. But if you're reading it right, you're sure there's a bit of his own displeasure and.. something else. Then, as if he feels you watching, his eyes slide over and, suddenly, you see the politeness that was first missing emerge. His posture straightens from where he was slightly leaning in towards her and his hand drops from where he'd reached out to mess with the ends of her hair behind her.
You're pretty sure you shouldn't ask if they're a couple, just a gut feeling, and you've long since learned to trust those. Is it just pretty obvious to everyone but them?
"Hey, sweetheart! You're still here." You cringe at the renewed hope in Shin's tone as he returns to round out your strange little gathering.
He definitely doesn't notice the sudden stiffness of the other guy's demeanor at his words, even after he answers for the girl sharply, "She hates being called sweetheart."
Does she? Or does he just hate hearing someone else give her a term of endearment?
Shin blinks in surprise as if only just noticing the addition of this guy, "Huh? Who are you?"
"What's it to you? Excuse us," The guy looks at you with considerably less hostility than was aimed at your cousin just now, "We have to be on our way."
Then he grabs the girl's hand and literally drags her away as she throws one last half amused, half exasperated look over her shoulder. You're about to turn away but you catch one last moment that holds your attention a little longer as he pulls a small item from his bag.  It looks like a small box of soy milk and she glances at it before turning her face away, pulling her hand from his and speeding up to walk ahead of him instead.
You can't see if they exchange any words but you have to smile as, after another moment, she holds an arm behind her and he gently places the drink in her open palm. That's when you also notice the guy that ran you over earlier re-enter, a bag now slung over his shoulders as he calls out while racing to catch up with his friends who look back but continue walking to their terminal. What an interesting bunch, one that makes you miss your friends all the more.
Turning back to Shin, you ask, "Ready to go?"
"Do you think they were dating?"
"Oh my god, please let it go, weirdo."
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Behind The Scenes!
-Suna and Y/n got close real fast, but that's the power of bonding over games
-Mystery girl is inspired by & based on my incredible, beautiful, talented moot, Suvi <3
-Shin was really in top form today, huh?
-Also, there isn't a specific word for killing a cousin but there are a lot of words for various kinds of murder... like, too many
-Akaashi is usually nicer, he'd actually typically have been the one apologizing for Bokuto but.. he was off buying soy milk (:
A/N: Thank you all for your patience <3 Bokuto is the last of the seven main characters to make a (brief) appearance! Now it's back to America and school for Y/n but she'll be back for more... I can't wait to see it unfold from here :D Can you?
Taglist: @delusivist, @prettyinblack231, @kac-chowsballs, @sakusasimpbot, @hawkthekinnie, @poppi144, @oikawasbuttcheeks, @tanakasimpcorner
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