#I recon her and zeb should team up
lyxatt · 2 years
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She's gonna punch the stuffing out of you and look good doing it
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reneeofthestars · 5 years
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Inktober 2019
Day 14: Overgrown
Click ‘keep reading’ for a short piece with Hera, Zeb, and Leia!
As much as Hera agreed with the Princess’s decision that the area around their base on Yavin 4 had to be fully inspected, she was very opposed to the Princess actually coming on the recon mission, and said as much. 
Princess Leia wouldn’t hear of it. “I told my father I would ensure the security of the base. If the Massassi Temple is going to become our main base of operations, we need to be sure we don’t get any nasty local surprises.”
“Like those krykna spiders at Chopper Base,” Zeb had agreed with a shudder, prepping his bo-rifle. 
“Exactly.” When Hera still hadn’t been convinced, Leia had given her a smile. “I excelled at my pathfinding expeditions, Captain. I’m not afraid of some wilderness. I won’t be a hinderance.” The finality in her voice - and the young woman’s inherent higher rank - left Hera no choice but to agree. 
And so, they’d spent the better part of the last four days scouting the perimeter of the Massassi Temple. They came across a few clusters of miniature howler lizards that scurried away from them, and Zeb kept his distance from the purple jumping spiders, but they didn’t come across anything larger than a docile herd of mawgax that watched them pass with beady black eyes. 
Hera had to admit, she hadn’t expected the Princess to fair so well out in the jungle. But the human was dressed in a practical jumpsuit, and wasn’t afraid of getting dirty. She had pointed out a narrow animal path that eventually led them to a freshwater stream. Hera fastened a locator beacon on one of the rock outcroppings by the water so she could send a team back out here. After all, a Rebellion needed water to keep going.
On the fifth day of their exploring, Zeb was in front, using his bo-rifle to clear a space through some particularly dense foliage. Hera was behind him, finishing a check-in call with Senator Mon Mothma. The Senator was glad there seemed to be no immediate danger to the base, and had informed Hera that they were to report back to the temple as soon as they could, as a mission had come up for Phoenix Squadron. 
Hera was so preoccupied with wondering what the mission would entail that it took her a moment to realize the Princess was not right behind her. 
“Zeb, wait,” she ordered. The Lasat stopped as Hera spun around, ready to call out for the Princess, when she spotted her.
Leia was frozen several meters back, turned to face east, away from any direction they’d scouted. She was leaning forward, her gaze intense, a hand on the blaster at her hip as she stared into the thicket. 
“Your Highness?” Hera asked quietly, slipping her own blaster from its holster and moving to Leia’s side. 
“Something’s out there,” Leia breathed, not taking her eyes from the jungle. 
Hera carefully raised her blaster. “Did you see something?”
“No - maybe.” She sounded distracted. "I feel... cold. Come on.” 
And without another word, she stepped deeper into the jungle. 
“Uh, Hera?” Zeb sounded bewildered. 
“Your Highness, wait!”
But she didn’t stop. With a groan, Hera gestured to Zeb and took off after Leia. 
As they walked, Hera realized the jungle was different here. No wonder it had unnerved the Princess. The air hung still here, almost musty. There were fewer animal sounds; whereas the avian creatures had cooed and cawed constantly close to the base, here they were mostly silent, and there was no movement in the underbrush. And it was cooler here. The leafy canopy overhead wove together tightly, blocking out most of the sunlight, leaving the forest floor drenched in shadow. Hera, Leia, and Zeb didn’t lower their weapons.
After what seemed like forever, Leia stopped, staring up at something. As Hera crept forward, the shadows shifted, and she saw what had caught Leia’s attention.
It was a large grey stone statue of a humanoid in bulky armor, grasping a massive sword. It had clearly been carved with excruciating detail, but time and the elements had taken a toll. One of the spikes coming off its shoulder pad had broken off, as had the figure’s beard and one side of the sword’s crossguard. Any detail on the armor and tunic had long since worn away, and what had probably been a chiseled, angular face had become smooth and blunted.
Vines twisted and draped over the statue, creeping up its legs and sword, hanging off its broad shoulders and arms. Soft moss lay on the statue’s flatter surfaces like an extra layer of armor. Against the backdrop of the jungle, it looked like some sort of forest sentry.
“Who’s he?” Zeb asked out loud, stepping up to the statue. It stood a few inches taller than him. “Looks like a warrior.”
Leia circled the statue, inspecting it. “We’ve found a few other icons of this figure around the Massassi Temple. If the records are right, this is Naga Sadow. He was an ancient Sith that enslaved the Massassi people. They saw him as a god.” 
“Sith?” Zeb repeated sharply. He looked to Hera. “Like that Zabrak? Like Vader?”
“I think so,” Hera answered slowly. “But according to legend, there used to be a species called the Sith. Which one was he?” she asked Leia, nodding to the statue.
“Both, I think.” She frowned. “There are so many stories, and the records from that time aren’t very detailed. We really don’t know much about it.”
“What’s that there?” Zeb pointed behind the statue.
At first, Hera didn’t know what he was talking about. She took a few steps to the side, and an opening appeared in what she had taken for a small hill. Now, she saw an ancient structure overgrown with foliage, a dark opening in the center of it, like a gash. Moss-covered steps led downward into the earth.
Hera peered at it uncertainly. “We scanned a lot of ruins on the planet when we first scouted it. Probably just another small temple, or a warehouse.”
“Or a tomb,” Leia muttered distractedly. 
Hera glanced at her. “What makes you say that?”
Leia blinked rapidly. “I - just a thought. I’ve seen some tombs that have stairs leading down like that. Then again, I’ve seen wine cellars do that, too. We don’t know what it is.” She drew herself upright. “We should check it out.”
Zeb shuddered, his grip on his bo-rifle tightening. “All due respect, Princess, this place gives me the creeps. We should head back to base.”
“Zeb’s right,” Hera said, putting a hand on Leia’s arm. Shivers crawled down Hera’s lekku. “I have a bad feeling about this place. And we have no idea what could be inside. A predator, old poisoned air, traps. And if we disturb the structure and it caves in, no one will be able to find us. It’s too risky.”
Leia looked like she wanted to argue, but then the young woman took a breath and nodded. “You’re right, Captain Syndulla. Mon Mothma is waiting.” She paused, her gaze sweeping the effigy and structure. “I’d like to leave a locator beacon, so I can return with a team to investigate this ruin. There might be something inside we can use.” 
“Of course.” They had enough beacons to spare, so Hera activated it and placed it at the statue’s feet. “Good eye, finding this. When we have the personnel to spare, we can get a team together.”
“Leave that to me,” Leia said, already walking. “Like I said, I intend to lead the team back.”
“Your duties might prevent that from happening, Your Highness,” Hera reminded her gently.
“We’ll see,” was all she said. 
As she and Zeb followed the Princess back, Hera noticed Zeb kept looking over his shoulder, and held his bo-rifle ready. “You okay?”
“Eh, sure. It just feels like it’s watching us,” Zeb grumbled. “This place seems like something more up Kanan and Ezra’s alley. Anytime I get this kind of feeling, it’s normally a sign I should sit it out and let them handle it.”
Hera didn’t disagree, and they followed the Princess back into the livelier part of the jungle. She knew she was just imagining it after Zeb’s comment, but it certainly did feel like the statue’s eyes watched them leave.
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pomrania · 7 years
Drawgust 14: “amount”
((Part of the Little by Little ‘verse, and using these prompts. This is the mission Sabine and Zeb went on. By the way, I am CAUGHT UP now! Also, this is the first one long enough to need to be under a cut.))
"The place we're going, does it have a name?" Sabine idly asked.
  Zeb glanced over the information they were given. "There's none listed, just that it's Riechend's second moon."
  She stretched out. "Whatever that place is like, I hope we find something interesting. I heard from another team, when they were on one of these recon missions, that the planet they checked out was just cold and damp the whole time, and whatever had been there, clearly wasn't any more. It ended up being a waste of everyone's time."
  He shrugged. "As far as I'm concerned, if it gets us off the base for a bit, it wasn't a waste of time.
Zeb peered over Sabine's shoulder. "Are the scanners picking anything up?"
  She flipped a switch. "Breathable atmosphere, lots of plants, but no sign of any sentient life. At least not any more, there's a few things that look like they might be abandoned buildings. Nothing from within the last century, that's for sure."
  "What about energy signatures?"
  She looked over the results, and frowned. "I'm not sure, they're kind of borderline. It might be something, or it might just be normal. Wait, now it's spiking --"
  The ship's comm unit flickered into life, and began broadcasting a series of beeps. It sounded like Binary, but none of the words were recognizable.
  He turned to her. "There's your answer."
  She grinned back at him. "Let's check it out."
"Where do I go next to get to the signal's source?" Sabine yelled.
  "That would be great," she shouted back, darting between trees, "if only I know which way that was!"
  "I thought you said you had a good sense of direction!"
  "I do!" She grabbed a branch and swung up, narrowly avoiding a set of snapping jaws. "But with the amount of detours I've been forced to take, you'll forgive me for getting a little turned around!"
Sabine crossed her arms. "You're sure that this is where the signal came from," she flatly said. "There's nothing here."
  "Maybe it's just hidden," Zeb suggested, but he didn't sound too convinced either.
  She sighed, and started poking around. "Hello? Anyone here? What am I doing, there's no one else here...."
  They both turned, hands going to their weapons. There was nobody at ground level, but the trees could easily hide someone. They looked up.
  Now that they were searching, there was a metallic glimmer among the branches. "Greetings," the unfamiliar voice continued. It sounded like a droid of some kind, with a weird accent. "Might either of you assist me in extracting myself from this position?"
Zeb landed easily, the droid's added weight not throwing off his balance. It climbed off of his back, now that they were safely on the ground.
  "How did you even manage to get wedged into something up there," he grumbled.
  The lights on the droid's optics flickered. "That information was extraneous to my research, so I deleted it. It must have been a very unusual set of circumstances, otherwise my self-preservation routines would have preserved the knowledge so I could avoid the situation in the future."
  Sabine facepalmed.
  It rotated to take in both of them. "On behalf of the Geological Academy of the Republic, I offer my gratitude. I would have been unable to take regular measurements if I had remained like that. The scientific community will appreciate your actions."
  She frowned. "Wait, the Academy of the Republic?"
  "That is correct." The droid dipped its head. "My primary mission is to collect geological data, specifically on this orbiting body, to expand the body of knowledge available to scientists of the Republic."
  She opened her mouth, then shook her head. "How long have you been here," she said, mostly to herself. "I think they stopped supporting research expeditions as the Clone Wars dragged on, and the Republic hasn't existed for years. I'm sorry, but whatever organization you used to work for, it probably isn't around any more, and there's a good chance most of the people are dead. The Empire wasn't kind to academies that weren't focused on putting out weapons or soldiers."
  Its optics dimmed momentarily. "That is immaterial. From the beginning, I knew that I would not complete this study within the lifetime of my makers. That is why they sent me here. I do not age. I can make observations for centuries, without suffering the discontinuity that comes from changing personnel."
  Zeb and Sabine looked at each other. "We can take you somewhere else if you want," he offered. "There has to be some place left that would appreciate a... geology studies droid, I guess."
  "The offer is appreciated, but my place is here. I shall continue to fulfill my purpose."
  "Even if nobody is coming for you?"
  "I shall continue to gather data. Eventually, somebody will arrive who can make use of it. If I am non-functional by that time, I will have preserved the information so it could still be accessed by another."
"That was just kind of sad," Sabine said.
  Zeb shrugged. "Nothing else we can do," he said. "The droid chose to stay here."
  "I know, but it still feels... like someone's wrong."
  "Of course something's wrong. It's the Empire."
  "I guess you're right about that." She forced a smile. "Well, at least now we know why this place was on Namah Neimi's list! He must have run into that droid too."
  "Should we go back and ask?"
  They thought for a moment, then both shook their heads at the same time.
  "No way it would have kept that memory," she said.
  "That would definitely be 'extraneous to research'," he agreed.
  "At least it's simple now. Go back to the ship, write up a report, head back to base. Shouldn't be any problems."
"Where do these things keep coming from?!" Sabine shrieked as she kicked another creature in the snout, before bringing her blaster around.
  "Less talking, more shooting!" Zeb yelled back. "Careful, wolfigator coming up on your left!"
  She spun to deal with it. "That's a horrible name!" Her path was clear now, and she dashed to the next small bit of safety represented by the rock. "Let's call them alligator-wolves instead."
  "We'll discuss this later!"
"We survived."
  "That we did."
  "It's going to be a bit of an interesting story to tell."
  "Yeah. Not looking forward to writing it all up though."
  "Me neither."
  They both leaned back in their seats, enjoying the momentary respite. They would still have to make reports, but not at the moment. For now, they could relax in the knowledge that they were safe in the ship, and no longer being chased by nameless gator-wolf creatures.
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multi-muse-transect · 8 years
Bad Moon Rising.
AU: Agent Mira’s mission was simple, put down the uprising. But she got what she bargained for as her training may have taught her everything but it didn’t prepare her for her greatest enemy-Her family. Prequel to A Mother’s Sacrifice and A Father’s Sacrifice.
TW: Suicide attempt.
A camera activates revealing Mira on screen. On the bottom right of the screen reads agent Mira, agent code: 1337420, on the top right is the date and next to it is Rey in a small screen. Her location is at Lothal after Mira told her to run away and as always, still a scavenger who sells old defunct Imperial items in the market and she is making a living out of it. Got herself a house too. Mira is wearing a black under suit as she smiles at Rey in the camera.
“Hey baby! So how’s Lothal?” Mira asks in excitement knowing Rey heeded her advice in leaving Jakku since she feared the Resistance would take her. She has privileges yes but the notion of a trooper having a relationship within the First Order is trouble brewing so she mustered a lot of money and donations from friends in other outposts, put an end to Unkar Plutts via blaster shot then replaced him with constable Zuvio’s cousin, Drego who is a much more fair junk boss and then finding a shuttle leaving Jakku before giving Rey the money she needed to get out. 
“Well like you said and I fell for it, it’s amazing so far! The people here are so nice and the opportunities here are endless! Thank you....” Rey thanked with a smile. Mira smiles in response knowing her girlfriend is happy even though they are far apart from each other. She swears one day to leave the First Order and go to Lothal.
“Yeah, courtesy of me.” Mira replied.
“So how’s Rescue and Intelligence division?” Rey asks her knowing that Mira always wanted to be in that part of the First Order. 
“Helping others, rescuing the innocents, keeping order and the peace. Being an all around hero to others and defending the innocents too.” Mira bragged. Rey chuckles.
“Wow, you’re still a dork.” Rey observed. 
“Oh you’re a much more bigger one than me.” Mira countered. Rey shakes her head while smirking. She is about to open her mouth but the door behind her begins to open. 
“Oh, it must be the neighbors! I’m so supposed to be attending a party! See you soon!” Rey said.
“You too then.” Mira replied before Rey signs off.
A pair of hands reaches towards the computer as it becomes apparent that it’s Mira again. She activates the call.....No answer. Mira decides to leave a message so she puts it on as the camera reveals her face. She is breathing heavily as shots and explosions are heard.
“Rey.....Rey listen to me. I know its late but this might be the last time you’ll see me.....This rebel cell has invaded our home base of the division. We’re under attack and they’ve started an uprising with the help of some kind rebel cell from Lothal known as the spectres, they are highly trained and dangerous....There’s a high chance they’ll find out about you. About us. Thrawn says they know me. If you get this message....Stay away! Forget you ever knew me....I love you. Have a good life.” She shuts off the computer as the lights flicker to reveal herself in her typical super commando-like armor while she puts on her helmet then picking up her rifle and holstering her dark saber on her belt. She heads outside of her room as numerous agents are running left and right. Her coms go off.
“Mira, it’s Kallus! We’re in the pad! Get there ASAP!” Her team leader ordered her. Mira nods then runs off. She hears a sudden ship sound causing her to turn to the window to see an A-wing make a run and start firing but the shields deflect his shots while a TIE fighter chases it. From what she can tell, its one of Phoenix Squadron. She continues to run then into the ship pad where numerous Rescue and Intelligence agents are are entering there individual ships which are Imperial stealth gunships that resemble the ones from the Clone Wars except much more advanced. This one is colored olive and green which belongs to her team, fireteam sprectre. Zuke is busy adjusting the barrel of his blastmill rifle, it clicks while he turns the barrel. Blackjack spins the inquisitor lightsaber while its deactivated with Convor aka Lena Tua is checking her pistols before holstering them. Kallus arrives as the team get inside the gunship with Convor manning it. 
“Everyone in?” Kallus asks.
“YES SIR!” They replied in unison. Kallus turns to the pilot which is Tua and nods. The gunship begins to rise before flying straight into the city. Intel is sketchy but there are reports of rioting and multiple buildings attacked. Mira looks at the city as fire is present. The city was a place of peace and a shining example of what the First Order can do...Not anymore at least. It saddens the team and the agents. To relieve some tension, Convor puts on the radio as it plays Bad Moon Rising by Credence Sweetwater Revival. Mira rolls her eyes and turns to her.
“Oh way to sum up our situation.” Mira sarcastically sighed knowing of her habit of turning on some music to calm everyone calm down. The gunship flies into the city as riots are now visible. Most of them are supported by the Partisans who have been fighting the Rescue and Intelligence division alongside the First Order. Riot troopers are trying there best to fight them off but there are Partisans gunning them down in the process. Partisans spot the gunships causing them to open fire at them but Convor guns them all down before the swarm of gunships that were with them return to formation. They hover over the buildings in the financial district. The door slides open as Mira, Blackjack, Zuke, and Kallus hook up the rappelling gear on the ship before grabbing on and sliding down on the roof. 
An agent wearing white stormtrooper armor with red stripes on him alongside a red paldron and having dual blaster pistols holstered on his hips crouches in front of the door while aiming his blaster rifle at it. He is agent Fordo, a former stromtrooper like every agent. He specializes in recon alongside the rest of his team led by agent Ophelia Saxon who is another Mandolorian and wears armor similar to Mira except red and also has a bandoleer slashed on her chest.
“Fordo! What’s the sitrep?” Mira asks before Fordo gets up then turns to him while the rest of his team flies towards them and lands. Ophelia breaches the door first. 
“What are we even here for?” Zuke asks too. 
“We’re here to find the spectres aka the crew of the Ghost. As you all heard, they are a small band of rebels in the early years of the Rebellion and caused problems. They still continue to cause them for us. Be wary-Apparently Ophelia’s dad fought them once and paid the price-They consist of the head of clan Wren, Sabine, Jedi master Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Lasat Honor guard Garazeb Orrellios, and droid Chopper.”  Fordo explained. 
“And why the most dangerous group from the Rebellion is here?” Kallus asks him. 
“They do runs for the Resistance now and supporting the Partisans who are led by Mala Karn, the media dub him as the new Saw Gerrera. Intel reports state that Mala had some help from the crew to organize this uprising.” The agent continued. 
“So if we find the crew then they could be the key to finding Karn. Can’t wait to kill that child killing bastard.” Kallus growled. Fordo nodded in agreement before signaling them to come. Ophelia leads them downstairs while Mira walks ahead since she’s the team’s tracker and point-woman. 
“Long time no see Ophie.” Mira greeted as Ophelia nods.
“And you too Mira, it’s almost yesterday I saw you become an agent after graduation.” Ophelia replied. She is known to be Gar Saxon’s daughter who fled with her mother in the battle of Jakku and joined up with the First Order. 
“Also don’t call me Ophie please.” She continued. They arrive at the door as Mira and Ophelia lean against the walls. Mira signals an agent to kick the door down The agent runs up to the door then kicks it down. Suddenly, a hail of blaster fire almost hits him but Mira pushes him out of the way The team heads in with Zuke blasting his weapon while suppressing fire. They all take cover while returning fire.
Ezra, Mala, Sabine, Kanan, and Zeb watch the camera footage as the Partisans suppress the agents. It was only a matter time before they arrived. Ezra has heard of this sect of the First Order, they deal in rescue operations and spec-ops level missions. The best of the best. They also come by another name, First Order Special Tactics and Rescue Squad aka STARS which was ironic since it sounds like the team from Sabine’s favorite video game, Resident Rakghoul. They are a force to be reckoned with due to there unpredictable nature and diverse tactics. The best of the best. 
“I should’ve known they would’ve come here. It would have been only a matter of time.” Mala said then turns to his men.
“We are clearing house! Lets move out before they arrive.” He ordered. Kanan places his hand on his shoulder causing the leader to turn around. 
“You know what we came here for Mala.” Kanan stated. The man sighs before handing Kanan something. 
“This is all the intel on the stormtroopers. Mira could be among the millions if not billions of them. Good luck on your daughter Ezra.” Mala nodded. 
“This is going to be the last time we work with you.” Ezra replied in bitterness. 
“Ezra, what I do is for the greater good and you should know that. Every recruit I kill, halts the expansion of the First Order.” Mala defended. 
“You could’ve killed our daughter.” Sabine growled before helping the men with the stuff. Mala shakes his head before deleting all data then going on the radio to his men.
The Partisans are raining hell upon the agents as they move in closer. Mira crawls then pulls out her dark saber to cut ones leg causing him to fall on the ground easily right before she decapitates him. She continues to crawl while avoiding the shots with the Partisans not noticing her. Mira hides behind a cubicle while readying her rifle. She fires out of cover and hits a Partisan in the face. There coms go off. 
“We’re clearing house.” Mala stated as a Partisan nods. He signals his men to move out as they continue to fire and walk away. The Partisan notices Mira behind cover causing him to pull out a detonator. Mira’s eyes widen so she vaults over the cover. Under the floor are remote bombs set to hinder there paths. The bombs explode causing the floor to collapse as Mira runs towards them while pulling out her dark saber and slicing an incoming Partisan as the floor collapses. The Partisans run away from Mira into a hall as Mira runs towards them before the door slides shut leaving Mira alone before the rest of the agents could arrive. 
“Shit....” Mira cursed before readying her rifle again and walking very slowly to look at her surroundings at the same time. Suddenly, Sabine comes out from a corridor and slams Mira against the wall. She grabs onto her while Mira soon throws her on the ground before activating her dark saber. 
“Sabine Wren! You’re coming with me.....” She growled. 
“Hey that’’s mine! The dark saber!” Sabine observed while getting up and remembering the fight she had with Phasma prior. How Phasma stole the dark saber from her. 
“Phasma gave it to me as a gift! A well earned one!” Mira charges and swings the dark saber at Sabine who dodges to the left. She swings it at her at the right before Sabine dodges again then using her legs to lift herself against the wall and kicking Mira in the face. Mira swings the weapon again but Sabine ducks and kicks Mira right in the stomach against a door. She activates the door switch which opens it before Sabine fires a sonic blaster at her. The door slides open as Mira is launched by the sonic blast and lands against the glass which begins to crack. Sabine activates her lasso and launches one at Mira who gets out of the way. She then launches the lasso again which entangles Mira’s arm. Mira pulls at Sabine forcefully right before punching her in the face. Sabine knees Mira in the stomach which breaks a rib but Mira quickly grabs her and slams her against the desk of the office room then using the magna cuffs to restrain her. Mira yelps in pain while covering her stomach and hanging her head. She aims her blaster Sabine....Her helmet falls off. 
Sabine’s jaw drops upon seeing her own daughter. She attacked her own baby girl....Mira looks at her with bitter eyes of hatred. 
“Mira....?” Sabine teared up as Mira looks in confusion.
“How....How do you know my name?” Mira asks her.
“Mira....Mira it’s me. Your mother! You don’t recognize me?” She replied. Mira could see the resemblance and has an expression the eyes of one who has been awoken to the truth. Mira picks up her helmet then puts it on. She gulps then limps against wall. 
“Mira please....Please listen to me! I know you don’t know us but-” Mira turns around to Sabine in sad eyes before closing the door. She goes over to pick up her rifle on the ground as she continues to limp. Mira drops on the ground on her knees in emotional and physical agony....Her helmet falls on the ground. A range of emotions are going through her. She’s having a break down. The helmet rolls over to Ezra’s foot who looks in shock after sensing the fight. 
“My face....Give me back by face.....” Mira pleaded to Ezra trying to cling to her loyalty to the First Order. Ezra walks towards her before she gets up then crawls back to where Sabine is...
“Don’t make me do this! JUST GIVE ME BACK MY FACE!” She warned before pulling out her dark saber.
“Mira....I know this is too much to take in. But listen to me....You’re Mira Wren Bridger. My daughter. I know you’re loyal to the First Order and all but you have to listen to us....” The door slides open as Mira walks away from Ezra. She leans against the glass window as it is cracked. She would rather die than join the traitors that are her parents. Ezra stops knowing Mira is thinking causing him to put down his lightsaber. Mira pulls out her blaster pistol and aims it underneath her chin as she quivers at the sight of the Jedi.
“Drop....Drop the gun Mira. We’re all here to help you. Just come with us....” Ezra begged. 
“I....No...Just stay where you are!” Mira yelled with tears visible in her eyes.
“We’ve went all the way here to find you Mira! We’re sorry that we left you with Ketsu! Just please!” Sabine pleaded. Mira is close to pulling the trigger....But she doesn’t. Her hand turns numb as she drops the gun. Ezra walks over to Sabine so he can free her but the agents finally arrive via floor and begin shooting at them as Ezra quickly does it and destroys the cuffs with the two running away. Ezra pauses then turns to Mira who shakes her head at him before he sighs in sadness then runs away. The agents check on Mira as she gets up.
Mira sits on her crutches after the uprising. Her ribs will heal which is good to hear...Although she is still haunted by the reunion she had with her true family. The uprising failed as always and ordered has been restored. She goes on her computer to call Rey.....She isn’t answering. Mira places her face against her desk while sobbing....
Rey sits in front of Ezra and Sabine. She was taken in by Ryder Azadi after doing her shift.
“....We need to talk.”
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prepare4trouble · 8 years
Star Wars Rebels fanfic - Trepidation, part 3
And slowly but surely Ezra moves closer to the moment where he has to tell somebody else...
(AU Masterpost)
part 1 | part 2
Part 3
“Try not to think about the other stuff,” Kanan told him.  “Today, we’re just having a normal sparring session, don’t let yourself get distracted.”
Ezra screwed up his face in concentration, but not getting distracted was easier said than done.  His mind just wouldn’t quiet, which hadn’t helped his aborted attempt at meditation the previous night any more than it was helping his focus right now.  
Kanan feinted to the left and then attacked from the right, a move that Ezra should have been able to anticipate easily.  He missed the opportunity to block, and leaped back instead, catching himself off balance and just about managing not to fall to the ground.
“Okay.”  Kanan deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it back to his belt.  Ezra hesitated for a moment before doing the same.  “Believe me, I know you have other things on your mind, but you need to be able to concentrate on what you’re doing.  What if this wasn’t just sparring?  What if you came up against some dark-side user?  Do you think they’d cut you some slack because you’re having a bad day?”
He was right, of course; Ezra had to get his head back in the game, or he was likely to lose it.  “I’m sorry,” he said.
Kanan’s expression softened and he sighed.  “It’s fine, I know your mind’s on other things, just…” he shook his head, “just don’t let those other things become all you think about, okay?  It’s not a good path to start down.”
Ezra tapped his fingers distractedly on the hilt of his lightsaber and slouched against the wall of the cargo bay that had become a makeshift training arena for the day.  Honestly, he didn’t understand why he felt this way.  As he had said to Kanan the previous day, the diagnosis hadn’t been news to him.  He hadn’t just suspected what was happening, he had known it right to his core, he had spent months thinking about it, about how he would cope, about what life might be like once the condition had run its course.  He had accepted it as a fact, and while the idea frightened him, it wasn’t new to him.  It shouldn't be affecting him like this now.
Only, of course it should.  Kanan knowing, having to talk about it, the droid… it wasn’t surprising that the whole thing was being pushed to the forefront of his mind, rather than at the back where he normally stored it.  Suddenly, it was impossible to pretend.
“Hera wants you to go on a mission with Sabine.”
That might be good, actually.  A chance to get away, to just be around somebody who didn’t know.  He didn’t know how long he had before he would have to start telling other people, it could be his last chance for things to be normal.  Well, no, that wasn’t true.  Normal would adjust according to the world around it, same as it always did, but he liked the normal he had now.  Or rather, the one he had had last week.  A chance to get it back for a few days would be nice.
Kanan walked over and leaned against the wall next to him.  “I… told her I didn’t know if you could.”
“What?”  He turned and stared at Kanan, mind racing.  “Why?  Why would you… what did you tell her?” He hadn’t… surely he wouldn’t….?
“I told her we had training to do,” Kanan said.
Well, it wasn’t inaccurate.  Ezra relaxed, then frowned.  “Wait, you don’t want me to go?”
Kanan folded his arms, thoughtful.  “I didn’t say that,” he said.  “But if you do go, we need to have a serious discussion about it first.”
“What’s the mission?” Ezra asked, carefully sidestepping the discussion.
“Recon, some long-dead pilot made a list of interesting places…”
“Oh, old Namah Neimi’s list,” Ezra said.  “I guess we’ve hit some downtime again, did she say where we’re going?”
Kanan frowned.  “Does everybody know about these missions?” he asked.  “How did I manage to not know?”
Ezra shrugged; as far as he knew, they were general knowledge.  “They don’t tend to be that interesting,” he said, “pretty low risk; get in, take a look around, write a report on the way home.  Bring stuff back, if it’s something you can carry.”
Of course, there had been the time a team had almost been killed by the inhabitants of one world, and another that had ended up having to shoot their way out of a secret Imperial base.  But you couldn’t win them all.
“I can do it,” he added.  “You don’t need to worry about the…” he couldn't think of a way to say it without saying it.  “…you know.”
“I know,” Kanan told him.  “I’m not worried.”
He sounded worried.  Ezra folded his arms and slouched harder against the wall.
“I’m not going to stop you going,” he said.  “But if you do want to go, at the very least I think you need to tell Hera and Sabine.  Hera’s responsible for the mission, Sabine will be relying on you, and if there’s a chance your sight is going to let you down, she needs to be aware of that.”
Ezra shook his head, and found that he couldn't stop.  He couldn't do it, he couldn't tell them.  “There isn’t,” he said.  “A chance, I mean.  Of that.”  It wasn’t a promise that he could make, not really.  He heard himself making it anyway and didn't try to stop.
Kanan appeared unconvinced.
“I’ve been okay for…”
“You’ve been lucky,” Kanan told him.  “That’s not going to last forever.  Sooner or later, something’s going to happen and you’ll find yourself in trouble.  Anyway, you as good as admitted, you’re distracted right now, do you think that’s going to help matters?”
Ezra closed his eyes for as long as he could stand it.  He took a deep breath.  “I’ll tell them,” he said.  “Just, not yet.  Please.”
Kanan reached out and touched Ezra on the shoulder.  He opened his mouth as though to say something, but then hesitated.  He nodded instead.  “I’m sorry,” he said.
Not half as sorry as Ezra was.  Or… maybe that wasn’t true.  “How about if you came with us on the mission?” he suggested.  It wouldn't be the same, but it could appease Kanan’s concerns if he was there to help if anything went wrong.  Which it wouldn’t.
“I… can’t,” Kanan told him.  “Hera suggested I go, I…” he grimaced slightly.  “There’s a chance I may have given her a reason not to.”
“What reason?” Ezra asked.
He shook his head.  “I’ll tell you later.  Maybe.  But I came up with an excuse for you too, and this is the one and only time I’m going to cover for you.”
Ezra resisted the urge to leave the room.  Instead he straightened his slouch slightly.  He hadn’t wanted Kanan to cover for him.  He might want it in the future, if it was a one-time offer, he would have preferred to cash it in when he needed it.
Something told him that that might not be the best response.
“I won’t go,” he said instead, hating the words even as he said them.  He was still going to have to tell them eventually, but this way at least he would get a few days’ reprieve.
Kanan nodded, looking sad.  “Okay,” he said.
“I will tell them,” Ezra added, as though saying it again might make it true, or easier.  “I just don’t want to do it all at once like that.  If I tell Hera and Sabine, I’ll have to tell Zeb too, and Rex, and… I don’t know.  Everybody.”
“If you want, I could…” Kanan began, hesitantly.
Ezra shook his head.  “Maybe for the others.  I have to tell Hera, Zeb and Sabine myself.”
“You know, if you’re not going to go on the mission, Hera’s going to send Zeb instead.”
Ezra frowned and looked away.  “Great.  Good for him.”
“Yeah.  Probably not, I’ve heard that moon’s made of sulfur.  But my point is, they’ll be gone.  If you want to talk to Hera alone, this is the perfect opportunity.”
He considered it.  He had, what?  Two days?  Three?  Would he be ready in that amount of time?
He couldn’t imagine being ready if he had months to prepare.  What would he do?  How would he say the words?  Would he even be able to say them?  It had been hard enough with Kanan; if it hadn't been for the fact that his master had clearly already worked out his secret without being told, the words would have remained unspoken.
“Wait, did you say sulfur?” he said instead.
Kanan nodded.  “So I heard.  I think you made the right decision.”
But that decision involved telling Hera in just a few short days.  How was he supposed to do that?
(part 4)
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