#I really love his voice and surprised myself understanding everything 😂
theos-revenge · 1 year
I just saw AOTV and I’m so proud of him, it gave me so much happiness, also shout out to the people who screamed ¡chinga tu madre! (Fuck you) everytime simon was on the screen lmao, big fan of Mr Oli ☺️ the real mvp, and also in those scenes everyone was dead quiet 💀🧍🏻‍♀️like ok moving on (it was cute yeah but come on lad am I meant to forget everything lol) I would’ve done things differently from the filmmakers point of view but then again it was not my film so, loved his energy and him realizing he’s really that bitch 😂
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jimimn · 2 years
🥴😭😳🤯😩 My god how to form words... I just rewatched the teaser and compared to that, the haunting choir was stronger in the YouTube shorts version and 🤯🤯 I lost my mind. The choir and the horror like harmonization that you mentioned sounds AMAZING. There is a really high female(?) voice in the very back, holding that note for like almost the entirety of the yt shorts and it literally just fucking catapulted me into the sun. There is a haunting vibe mix of Fake Love from MDP and the choir reminded me of that. I'm really really loving this song so far and they literally just showed us almost the same thing twice 😭 but I'm already so obsessed with it. AND THE DANCERS? LIKE PTD ON STAGE BLACK SWAN??? JIMIN IN THE CENTER??? And the dancers mimicking the choir's screams??? There is so much to unpack here, I need to go on twitter and find people who have the braincells to unpack all this 😂
And now back to my previous ask: Omg don't even mention Jimin dancing in water or rain to me 😭 I would d.e. Oh and yeah you're right, he probably has more outfits in the mv I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF THAT 😭😭😭
I know exactly what eyes you're talking about and I hate him when he does that. I generally consider myself a soft Jimin stan b̶u̶t̶ l̶a̶t̶e̶l̶y̶ h̶e̶ r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ m̶a̶k̶e̶s̶ m̶e̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶ t̶o̶ c̶l̶i̶m̶b̶ h̶i̶m̶
Oh, but then you also won yesterday as yoonminkook biased 😎 Yoongi with a puppy 🥺😭
ALSO DID YOU SEE WHAT PDOGG POSTED? Jimin is ending 2023 kpop??? AND WE ONLY GOT 2 TEASERS BUT I'D SAY HE ALREADY ENDED EVERYTHING?? I'm like kinda thankful the next thing we are getting (at least according to the schedule, I'm side eyeing bighit with the surprise drops because there is still a day tomorrow) is the actual mv because it'd be insane if I had to sit through another teaser and not have the actual song. And I'm SO excited to learn what SMF is about and his thought process and what kind of promotion he'll do and talk about his album and his experience and what he learned and maybe Joon will talk about the album too and i will just have so much Jimin content every day 🥺🥺 -🦋
under read more again lmaoo <3333
YESSSS the yt shorts version has stronger background vocalization. and yep yep it sounds like a high female opera like voice but its haunting dhjfhdj idk how to explain it. pls i feel like the song is really going to make me cry.. not just because of the lyrics that might be emotional but also because the intensity of the song might make me overwhelmed. it sounds soooooo energetic and aggressive rn im gonna be so overwhelmed when we finally get to hear the whole thing. AND YES. the dancers the formation the vibes i agree with everyone saying its giving fake love + black swan + on DGFHDJJFD. and the dancers have been posting stories of the teaser saying "the king is coming" and things like that i just think its gonna be fucking insane. omg yes if you find theories send them my way because i have 1 braincell which is all about jimin jimin jimin it is incapable for any other coherent thought <3 (and u did not hear me say this but the third paragraph in ur ask hahahahahahhahha same) OMG RIGHT i forgot they released the photoshoot sketch yesterday 😭😭😭😭 i only saw snippets of yoongi being an absolute goofball i am yet to watch the sketch but i will now after answering this <3 AND YES OFCOURSE I SAW IT. PDOGG. DO U UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS WHEN A PRODUCER LIKE PDOGG SAYS SOMETHING LIKE THIS? JIMIN DID NOT COME TO PLAY. two teasers and he's already made everyone lose their goddamn minds imagine what'll happen when the actual song will release. and god i agree i literally cannot wait i don't need to be teased anymore give me the song already!!!!!!! im sure we'll get joon talking about the songs he participated in when he comes live next hehe i hope he does <3333 and yes please i need to hear jimin talk about it too. i hope he tells us about the inside stories and his thought process behind the album and the songs i would love nothing more than to hear him talk about his art 🥺🥺🥺💖
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residentdormouse · 2 years
Find the Words Tag Game
Tagged back by @mrsmungus - cause apparently we both love this game. 😂
My Words were: Sink, Ring, Purpose, Nightmare and Cold
(Somehow this ended in a lot of Harold and Max. My favorite disaster pair. And Harold can be a prickly bitch sometimes, which is always fun to play with.)
Tagging Back: @mrsmungus (I’ll keep this going as long as you will 🤣, and adding @asirensrage , @imagine-you , @late-to-the-fandom
Your words are: clear, calm, cautious, caring, and cave
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As always I’m under-the-cuting my answers because I don’t know what short means.
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Looking around the tavern, she saw everything she used to stand against. What she thought she stood against. But it never truly was them. Only the idea, a false threat that was presented to her and fueled by ghosts from her past. She understood now. She was the threat. To these beings, she was a stone cold murderer, and the thought killed any instinct to project the typical confidence.
The eyes on them as they walked into the nearby building were unmistakable, and for once, Max’s immediate response wasn’t one of defiance.
Deserving skepticism at best, hatred at worst, she felt her shoulders sink as she took the looks. Understood exactly how she had been regarded by others here. She couldn’t blame them.
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Harold was preparing for a retort, but Quinn jumped up first, attempting to maintain peace.
"Now ladies…"
"Ain't no fucking ladies here right now, Quinn. Two pissed off bitches. Sit back down."
"Spirited Max, but wasting time.” Gwen gave a sigh as she stood as well, moving back to the bar to generously re-up the amount of whiskey in her cocktail. “You know, I had the same reservations about you. You're a killer to our kind. Others with you, they're trying to provide protection, and I can understand the dilemma this presents to all involved. I’m looking to offer protection myself. But you... You kill us because you like the feel of it."
"Oh, I loving killing assholes who murder families–"
"Yet you do the same. Southside Diagnostic ring any bells?"
"...you know, I didn't know—"
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"Do you think they cared that you didn’t know? We could ask, but…” Her eyebrows raised as she took another drink. “How's that glass tower?"
“Did you know that was coming?” Glen sat down next to her on the couch and she turned to be able to face him. “I mean, you two are pretty close, right?”
She shook her head before replying, “If I knew, I would’ve said something. To be honest, I’m still in shock he wasn’t trying to fight his way on the committee.”
“Well, I’m not discounting that yet, either.”
Hayden felt her face scrunch up, not understanding his meaning, but he only gave a head tilt before continuing, “We were running the meeting, sure, but make no mistake, that was the Harold show tonight. Every point we made, he had a say in… He thought of moves I couldn’t even anticipate. And that 'in toto' business…” He let out a low whistle, and Hayden had no point to argue; Harold had taken them all by surprise.
“He may have gotten us what we wanted now, but people are going to remember him in this, not us.”
Hayden sat back, pondering how the next conversation with Harold would go. He couldn’t have done it on the fly; all of this was planned, but to what purpose? And why was he hiding it from her?
“Is it really us vs him?”
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“You think it’s not? I’m pretty sure he does, at least that's what I saw tonight.”
(You’re asking me to find nightmare. In the story about nightmares. Dear God…)
"Harold, we've all experienced pretty high levels of trauma, especially Hayden. It's not like it would be unheard of to have that manifest into a garden variety nightmare—"
A reply was about to come from Glen, but the unknown woman beat him to it, venom in her voice. "Hey! You weren't there, you terroristic shit!"
"He's not wrong, Ray…"
"Oh, ok! Let's just pretend that asshole didn't come to every single one of us in our dreams, just completely ignore that it was like his whole fucking deal, yeah? Because we all know those were just nightmares then too, right? Wake the fuck up, Bateman! Nothing about this is garden variety!"
As Glen cut off the shorter woman, her arms flew up and an aggravated shout bounced off the walls filling the space. "Of course! Why am I not surprised?! Go ahead and take his damn side in this!" A final huff was given before she walked over to one of the open chairs by Stu and flopped down. Glen continued in his calm and logical manner.
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"It's not a matter of sides. We can't turn a blind eye to what we already know to be true. But we can't just assume anything either."
As Glen began to recount their recent expedition, Hayden sensed her mind begin to drift again. Why did this keep happening to her? Would this keep happening? How does she stop this?
The panic began to rise again with each question, the uncertainty of it all, and she looked back over to him. Their initial meeting at his home started to replay in her head; it was the most intact memory she had. A full uninterrupted day filled with laughter and hope. She couldn’t remember much of anything before this, but she could recall the feeling right before he came into her life. The weight of the world still hung heavy on her. Glen lightened that burden. And each memory she had of him continued this pattern. He washed away her fear and anxiety, all her pain, any lingering cold; he was there to help ease it for her. To help her laugh. To allow her a place to cry. He made her feel safe.
“And that’s when the elephants showed up…”
Hayden looked up confused, and Glen gave her a knowing smile, eyebrows raised with that familiar twinkle in his eyes.
“Good to see I wasn’t completely wasting my breath.”
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bandluvr97 · 2 years
mbb 🎅
Yeah, it’s a well-known space. I’m trying not to dox myself entirely lmao so I won’t give the name, but it’s a museum right next to The Landmark of the city. It was commissioned by this eccentric multi-billionaire to store everything he collected, and he picked this architect famous for designing wild looking buildings, so even when work sucks, at least it’s a very cool place to go every day.
You’re a social worker, that’s amazing! What got you into that? And do you work directly with the people utilizing the services? Or do you do, like, community outreach or something? I admire people who go into careers specifically to help people, I think that’s really amazing of you.
Shownu in his 30s is such a father figure type, it’s so funny. Like, he should be hot, and he is on stage, but offstage he’s just some guy. He did his little body-ody-ody dance in “Love Killa” and then bounced, love him for that. For their outfits, I like their intricate ones that also allow them to be so slutty, proving it’s always possible to be classy AND skanky. Love to see it. They have the range! I just think that more men should embrace that whole look, more crop tops please. I love how Shownu and Changkyun have such good voices but also show up in music videos like That. I didn’t love Shape of Love, but Changkyun’s voice in “Burning Up” and his modulation in “And”… I get why he couldn’t do it live, that’s a hard note to hit without any lead-up, but I wanted to hear it so bad.
kljeklsjfkl Snake Plisskin is a character from an 80s movie, which is so dated and cheesy, but Shownu with an open jumpsuit would be so good. If there’s going to be so many remakes, they should do Escape From New York with Shownu and Fight Club with Hyungwon. Most men don’t understand Fight Club, but I have faith that Hyungwon does.
Wonho is SO sweet and precious and deserves such good things. It’s so unfair that a situation he’s worked so hard to get out of hurt him professionally, the fact he wasn’t allowed to grow and change and get himself to a better place is ridiculous. I’m so glad he’s still got his kind heart and is still full of love. And also that he chose to come back to music and performance, he clearly loves it, and we love him!
I am so nosy and annoying I want to hear everything you’ll share. I’m spiritually lying on my stomach in bed, swinging my feet and trying to gossip over my novelty phone. I don’t like dating, but I do like living vicariously through people who do.
Hey love ❤️ lol!!! Fair enough 😂😂 best to not say anything right away lol it’s all good i understand lol that building sounds very fancy to be honest and not surprised you get paid the big bucks ❤️😂
Aw thanks love!! Lol well I had an interest in helping people either financially or otherwise and so my degree from university (which helped) got me into my place of work that started off as a student and then I worked my way up to an official worker position so I’m able to help more people that way 👍👍yeah we can work with the services that help clients like getting them referred to job programs and helping them get ids 🪪 so that’s wonderful ❤️
Lol right??? He took on the father role like nobody’s business and it’s adorable lol yeah he’s good at separating his stage persona from his real life persona 👌👌👌 like he’s also giving off husband vibes too which is very sweet to see ❤️❤️ their stylists are amazing for their outfits and they deserve awards for it lol ohhhh don’t get me started on those low voices love they hit the feels so hard like the oldest and the youngest members just had to have the lowest voices in the group like how?! 😂😂
Ohhhh lol!! I am so sorry 😂😂I had to google and I totally see what you mean love he would look absolutely stunning in everything lol I believe he knows some stuff about fight club before wearing the outfits lol and also the long hair though?! Like woah that was an amazing look lol
Isn’t he a sweet boy??? I agree with you he shouldn’t have had that happen to him it was so negative and so awful (he is neither of those things at all like the guy was laughing like a baby and he’s got squeaks when he laughs and he sounds like a cute child 😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) heck yeah proud monwenee for the win!!!
Lol I don’t think it’s annoying love I think you just want to find out more about people and that’s sweet and totally cool with me ❤️❤️I can share more with you at a later time but let’s just say this- ghosting, way too fast and gonna fly solo for a bit lol fair enough love dating isn’t for everyone and that’s okay 👍 have you dated though? Like in the past and what not?
Hope you had a great day love ❤️
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madame-fear · 2 years
can you do like a jonathan x european!reader? idm where abouts in europe but maybe preferably western european. like our music and eurovision and stuff idk i just think itd be cute showing him songs and dances wed do as kids at school discos and stuff.
(ps i also requested the slow dancing and spider fear ones i might just start signing my requests with 🦈 if thats okay, i like be anonymous 😭)
Hello there! A pleasure as always to receive your requests ♥️ Sure, of course! I love taking emoji anons! 🥰 I'm German myself so tbh I love this request, I can picture him already getting immersed in the European culture 😂
Also, I was actually planning to make the reader German (because I wanted to include words in another language and the traditional dances) but I decided to leave it open to readers of other European countries! So hope you like it dear🥰
(Y/C) = Your Country
(Y/L) = Your Language
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Gotham!Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x European!Reader | Headcanons + Fic
Honestly the first time he met you he would be so interested in finding more about you.
As soon as he finds out you come from another country, he can literally hear you talk about your culture all day long.
If you have an accent, oh god, he'll absolutely love it! He'll be fascinated about it and, also, expect him to ask you about how to pronounce X word or how X thing is called in your language.
Don't worry about someone making fun of you for your accent or for not being able to say an specific word, he'll take care of whoever dared to mock you.
Talk to him about your traditions! Food, dances, usual things you do in your country, etc. He'll get immersed in your culture.
He'd definitely learn your language. He'll start with the basics so he can talk a little bit to you in your language, he thinks you may feel more comfortable and at home that way.
God, when he hears you talking in your mother tongue...it literally drives him crazy 😍 He loves how beautiful your voice naturally sounds.
Show him your traditional dances & dressing! For example, if you're German, show him dirndls, lederhosen, the Bavarian folk dance, national food, etc. This of course can apply to whichever country you're from!
He has a special playlist full of songs & bands that are from your country. Also, everytime he listens any of those songs, he checks the lyrics because it helps him understand the song.
Watches documentaries about the history of your country and about it's beautiful landscapes with you.
Loves watching Eurovision with you! It makes him feel all excited 😂
He's literally by your side the whole time when Eurovision starts, especially when a band/singer from your country shows up
Don't be surprise if you wake up or are at work and receive a love note in your language ❤
Please read to him in your language out loud so he can fall asleep. He doesn't care if it looks childish, he feels so comforted by listening to your soothing voice, even if he doesn't understand what you're saying.
^ And when reading for him in your native tongue, please pet his hair. That makes everything 100% better for him.
Also, it'd be so cute to see him try to form a coherent phrase in your language trying to impress you but failing 😂 All you have to do is cheer him up and tell him that for a beginner he talks very well 🤭
When Jonathan first met you, he noticed a slight accent escaping through your lips as you spoke. Even if you were excellent at speaking English, your accent still remained there. He didn't want to make you feel disrespected or uncomfortable, so he never really mentioned or even talked about you having an accent. He thought of you as enigmatic, since you didn't talk much about your past, or where you came from.
Eventually, as you grew closer, you opened yourself more to him, and told him that you came from (Y/C) without him having to ask you. He was very glad to hear you talk about your country and share the good memories you had when you were still living in your country.
He always heard a spark of nostalgia on your voice as you talked to him about your friends, relatives, and all your favourite places you went to. He was an excellent listener, as he paid lots of attention when you talked about the good memories that remained in your mind before you moved to the chaotic city of Gotham.
A year passed away after you met, and you two had recently started dating after you realised you had a lot more in common than you could've ever thought. You were practically glued, and always shared everything to each other. Even after dating and having informed himself more about your country of origin, he never personally asked you about how it is to live there.
At the present moment, you two were laying on the couch as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone, the only sound that could be heard in the whole room was a playlist full of the favourite songs you shared in common. "Hey, love," His soft and almost quiet voice suddenly interrupted the almost silence, making you lift your sight from your phone as your eyes turned to look at him.
"Yes, dear?" Your accent could be slightly heard slipping from your voice, as you gave him the sweetest of smiles. "I was wondering..." He began speaking again, as he twirled a bit of your hair in his finger. "I've read a lot about (Y/C), but I never really asked your personal experience as you grew up there." He paused for a brief moment, but didn't take him long to continue. "C-Could you talk to me more about it? I mean...about your traditions, language, culture; I want to know everything, but from your point of view." A wide smirk naturally came out of you as he finished speaking.
"Alright! Sure thing. Where shall I get started?"
Time passed very slowly, but it was enjoyable. You had spent some good hours talking to him about your country, the common folk dances, traditions, food, the people in there. What made him truly happy was not only hearing you open up more about how it was to grow up in (Y/C), but also, seeing your eyes sparkle with complete joy and your voice tone sound so enthusiastic as sweet old memories came back to your mind.
You two spent a lovely time as you taught him more about where you came from, as well as your language. In a whole year he had known you, and long months of dating, he had never heard you talk in your mother tongue. Your voice sounded so beautifully natural as you spoke (Y/L). The language topic actually showed up not because he had asked you about it, but because just to trick his mind, you randomly placed a common phrase in your language as you spoke.
For you, it was actually very funny to see how would he react. That blowed him away, he really wasn't expecting that, so he furrowed his eyebrows at you, not understanding a single thing of what you had just told him. His intrigued and confused face made you widely smile as you already expected that reaction. Of course, you had to explain it to him because the poor boy was incredibly lost.
Also, you had shown him some traditional folk dances or just silly things you'd do in your country when you were kids. Everything you had said and explained to him, plus the videos you were showing to him, made him feel personally immersed in your beautiful country. The breathtaking landscapes, the things the people from your country did in your childhood, the food, hearing your language being spoken...it all felt too personal for him, and he loved that sensation.
"Angel, I was also wondering, do you have any favourite band or song that's from your country?" He asked, and you didn't hesitate to nod your head in agreement the second he asked you. "Oh, of course I do! Look at my playlist." You opened the app where you kept a special playlist with all your favourite songs in your native tongue, he then gently placed his head on your shoulder as he took a look at your playlist. "Ooh, this one's my favourite!" You pressed play at your most favourite national song, it made you feel so soothed and you felt back home. He didn't understand a single word of it, but he loved the rythym and the strong feelings the song held.
"Baby, have you heard of Eurovision?" Your voice interrupted as you reached the middle part of the sound, giving him a happy look. He softly shook his head, "Well, I heard about it, but I never actually paid any attention to it." You raised your eyebrows, a smile growing even wider on your face.
"You're a lucky one." You happily exclaimed, "Get ready, because a band from (Y/C) is playing on Eurovision right now, and they're my most favourite! Bring my computer, we're watching them live!" He never had rushed so much in his life until now, he was so excited to see your favourite band playing live on Eurovision.
He now wasn't as clueless as he used to be about your country now. He already knew something about it, your personal experiences made him get a full personalised immersion into your country. Everything you had recently shared to him made him feel so connected to you, now on a deeper level. He could definitely get used to the European culture as long as that made you feel happy and comforted, especially (Y/C) traditions.
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trashexplorer · 4 years
BLCD Review: Coyote II
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Title: Coyote II (コヨーテ II)
Release Date: 2020/02/21
Author/Artist: Zariya Ranmaru
Okitsu Kazuyuki x Ono Yuuki
Takeuchi Ryota
Hose Yuichi
Miyazaki Yuu
Oono Tomohiro
Nakashima Takuya
Synopsis: Adaptation of the second volume.
Review Proper
I say this in literally every Zariya Ranmaru review I make, but I’ll say it again. Hi, I’m Zariya trash, nice to meet you. Man, Zariya works are always an experience. You don’t just read or listen to it—you breathe it, live in it, and feel that oh so delectable tension between the characters in it. In all my years living as organic compost, there’s only so few that have invoked such emotions in me. Her works just go beyond plot with porn, really. They’re art—plain and simple.
Now, Coyote was my least favorite out of all her works because of Marlene’s seemingly shallow feelings towards Coyote, but Marlene’s really proven that he really does love Coyote genuinely—even though he hesitates. Whether it be casual flirting that turned into love or something else that happened during their meeting, as long as it’s not some creepy obsession, he’ll get a pass from me. I just wish that Zariya would give us a glimpse of how they met, so we could finally understand exactly why Marlene is in love with him.
Onto the topic of the BLCD,
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I don’t have words. Everything was perfect. From the voice-acting, to sound direction, pacing, and accuracy, Frontier Works made sure that Zariya’s visions were delivered 100%! I won’t lie any longer. I did not like Liquor & Cigarette’s casting choice. I tried convincing myself that I was okay with it, but I was honestly so disappointed by it. I love Yamanaka Masahiro and think highly of Yamashita Seiichirou, but both of them were too high pitched for what I had envisioned Teo and Camilo to sound like. Also, Camilo, as well as Royce and Marlene, oozed sex appeal. The shower he brought about in the BLCD was nothing compared to the devastating waterfall that was Camilo’s sex appeal in the manga. Marine Ent. seems to be having a tough time with casting choices for the past two years, and I’m really doubtful about their choice of casting Nakajima Yoshiki as Phi for the upcoming Shangri-la adaptation. As much as I love him, I still can’t place my complete trust in him—all the more since it’s a Zariya work. But back on topic, Frontier Works has never really failed in the casting and sound department, so I’m nothing short of thankful that they got to adapt Coyote.
Okay, so this is where we drop the rather formal speech because it’s time for the real spazz.
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Hello, porice? I’m here to report a FUCKING MURDER.
I was sinking so far in my bed because I couldn’t handle the heat! There were even times that I thought of putting the earphones down to give Okitsu and Ono Yuuki some privacy. 😂 How in the world did Ono Yuuki handle that with a straight face?! I’m sorry, but this is Okitsu’s best performance of the year, and he better be in the top 3 again this year for this or someone’s gonna need to catch these 🔪🔪🔪. Just when I thought that I’ve heard everything that there is to Okitsu, he just manages to prove me wrong every time! I’ve been in this wonderful world for over ten years now and I’ve seen so many talented voice actors walk it, but only Okitsu can make me so overwhelmed like this. I was skeptical of him being Marlene instead of OnoYuu in Coyote I, but there’s no more doubt in my mind that he is perfect for him! Okitsu and Zariya—there’s no better combo!
I just came from Memento Scarlet where Ono Yuuki did Kairi and I’m pleasantly surprised to find that I didn’t hear his Kairi in Coyote and vice versa at all. Kairi and Coyote are polar opposites in terms of personality, so it was only natural for Ono to use very different tones for them. We stan versatile men! I also love how he didn’t get swallowed up by Okitsu’s acting because I’m sure that if he’d given that man as much as an inch, Okitsu would’ve taken all of the spotlight. I don’t think that there’d be any other person who’d be more suitable to counter Okitsu’s Marlene than Ono. I mean, after all those BLCDs together??? Man, if Ono didn’t do so much as blush during the cast talk where he was talking about how...sugoi Marlene was, chil-chil might need to consider bumping him up in the top 3. 😂 Speaking of stanning, the next review will be Itsuka Koi ni Naru Made where his co-star in Caste Heaven, Uchida Yuuma, stars in! I also didn’t hear Ono’s Karino in Coyote. Ugh. We have to stan even harder! 😩
Again, the whole voice work here is phenomenal! Takeuchi Ryouta’s performance of Kiefer is hair-raising as usual, and I would love to hear Allen Braun, Agassi, Schneider, and Nolan’s VAs in more BLCDs! They’ve got nice deep voices that we need in the industry! Sato Megumi and Mori Nanako also deserve praise for their performances of Mimi and Herma! Everyone really delivered here and they deserve the recognition.
Now that's how you do an adaptation! The first installment was already bomb-ass, but two really just takes the cake. This is my favorite out of all the sequels of 2020, and it might also just be my favorite of the year. I mean, since when was my favorite not starred in by Okitsu? 😂 I definitely recommend this! I’m so buying all the manga and CDs once things turn for the better. 
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