#I really liked this game
mikanlardyclinic · 1 month
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It's a really reeeally nice game yeah the ambience is dark but that just makes purifying the world all the better it's free on ps plus this month if you wanna try it
Anyways i still think that instead lf having to deal with the corruption of the world
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This absolutely tired gal should just gorge herself on food and be an unhealthy mess of lard (blight), from corrupted priestess of light to just neet blob that is stupidly pale from lack of sunlight.. (the game just becomes lily trying to make fretia get outside..)
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hyper-lynx · 21 days
Just finished Sea of Stars! Wow, what a phenomenal game. Everything was so well crafted and I can tell a huge amount of love went into it.
I got the standard ending, which did feel somewhat anticlimactic but not enough for me to find whatever the glowing pillars it showed me are right now. The internet already spoiled for me what happens in the game's secret ("true") ending, so there's no reason to go further into that for now.
I felt like the ending I got made a lot of sense for the world and characters, and I loved seeing Elder Teaks show up in the post credits scene.
Maybe when the DLC comes out I'll come back to this world -- and maybe then I'll decide that I want to find the glowing ritual site in the Moorlands and 4 house plans that I've never even seen one of and 20 seashells or however many I don't have yet but none of those tasks sound interesting to me at all. The necromancer quest line might be more interesting, but again, since DLC is confirmed, I think I'll wait for there to be a bunch more to do all at once. I can wait to (presumably) kill Aephoril for now -- defending the cosmos from Him seems good enough.
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exoticalmonde · 3 months
Zeno -Remake- Memes I Did While Playing With Leaff and Their BF
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For the uninformed, Zeno is a Japanese RPG psychological horror game by Umami Mazu, where a genius and a homicidal maniac wake up in a mysterious place without any of their memories. While being handcuffed together, they must find their way to the exit so they can escape.
But while playing it I personally think I peaked when I made two of these memes and I will tag this as SPOILERS because there is a type of spoiler in one of them:
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Some random doodles from when I was in my Cookie Run phase.
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coolcattime · 2 years
Some of my thoughts on The Devil in Me because I love the Dark Pictures games and I've had a few days to think since finishing our playthrough (I playthrough these games with my best friend Atlas) and also spent some time looking into alternative routes and things we missed.
These thoughts are gonna contain spoilers but in general, I loved this game. I wish there were more traps and more opportunities for characters to die, but those things didn't reduce our enjoyment of the game.
Firstly, beyond anything, thank God scene select before the game is over is back after being gone in The Quarry (I know The Quarry isn't a Dark Pictures game but obviously they're the same style). We used scene select to reload four scenes throughout the playthrough, which I don't know completely by name but it was the glass wall trap (to save Kate), the roof chase (to save Jamie, then about another 4 time mistakenly thinking Kate was dying when she can't die in this scene), the slaughterhouse scene (to save Charlie, though I thought him dying from falling off the planks was really funny), and the scene with the dog (to save Jamie). Obviously this means we did save everyone, including Connie the dog.
Opinions on the characters:
My favourite Jamie, Atlas' favourite Kate.
Honestly I really liked all the women. Jamie was my personal favourite because I like kinda mean women in horror, that Jamie and Erin's relationship got me very invested in them. I was actually quite surprised Jamie and Erin wasn't in any of the advertising as it happens quite quickly and I was so much more invested in them than Mark and Kate.
I really did like Erin. I really like that she is quite assertive despite how they definitely could have made her quiet. Like she knows what she experiences and isn't willing to be told otherwise. Atlas thinks she should've been in the game more as she's by far the most sympathic character in the group.
Kate grew in me, I thought she might just kind of be the main character(tm), though I did like her helping Mark cross the bridge and her giving Charlie the self help book is such a funny gift to give your boss. Then it started getting into Kate's backstory and God did I like Kate. Her fully accepting and not putting her own death on Jamie in the glass trap was maybe my favourite scene in the game (I also like the reverse scene with Jamie). Atlas thinks that she's one of the best written characters in the series, as they can see how there would be a lot of different ways to interpret her, and that they relate to her a lot.
Charlie I thought was like good, a dick but I think that makes sense with the trope of him being the boss. Atlas thinks that there wasn't really enough time to do the story of Charlie setting everything up, which I definitely agree with.
Mark is my least favourite by far because, well, his character is a bit confused. Like his lesson at the end of the story was apparently to make his own decisions, but I never got that. He was very condescending to both Kate and Erin and I'm honestly not sure why he broke up with Kate but then is staying that a bad job to be with her. Atlas sets that Mark is probably his least favourite character in the series, and that he is "Mike from Until Dawn but bad and not vibey". I think this is made worse by Mark being unable to die until the finales.
For some more general thoughts:
-- This is the first time we've wanted to replay one of the tutorials.
-- I love the concept of a bad ending with a completely different finale scene, I wish it could any two characters rather than just Kate and Mark.
-- I like that not everything is spelled out about DuMet, he's a mysterious slasher killer and while there's enough info to come to a pretty good conclusion, it isn't just outright said and leaves some stuff to theory crafting.
-- I love that the everyone lives ending, it's the two couples getting whatever ending their relationship dictates and then Charlie quitting smoking, just made me chuckle.
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merrigel · 5 months
Everybody do the wenis!
Gif alt:
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verflares · 5 months
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just how long is forever? // not long enough, with you
pssst. check this out on inprnt :]
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wolfythewitch · 3 months
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Typical of me to put us all to shame
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musubiki · 1 month
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my favorite fields of mistria boys 🥰
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William Afton into the FNAF-verse
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pirateprincessjess · 6 months
Adapting a movie into a pinball machine is a surprisingly difficult task. But the Princess bride pinball machine does it really well!
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ninjasmudge · 3 months
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bought the dlcs, ive been doing naked crusade runs on my new save and it cracks me up every time
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dvrtrblhr · 3 months
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study of waldmuller's portrait of louise mayer, but featuring edelgard. it might look like i deviated a lot from the original, but actually the whole skin is pretty much based on it.
i wish i had more time to refine this... but i have so much to do today (and i got distracted by dmcl what's new)
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strange animal attempts to show affection for the first time ever
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jagalart · 6 months
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Yarrow and Feverfew
Art trade with the incredible @liscepu, I'm so grateful for the chance! Thank you for fueling my love for the game again <3
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batshaped · 6 months
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the continued adventures of an internet user who was frozen in 2004 and defrosted in 2021: some things are just the way you left them
previous 2004 internet user comics are here: one, two, three, four, five; or just in my 2004 tag
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