#I really did mean it when I said that being sick gave me alot of time to mess around
hanafubukki · 11 months
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Please vote for ⭐️Starchild⭐️ in this poll (which will end in about 5 hours if I did my math right)
(Me: Pooh’s face in this meme always makes me laugh 😂)
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WHAT ON EARTH IS UP with the fandom and not understanding friendship bonds? First Wukong and Tripitaka, and now Wukong's relationship with the main gang (not counting Mk) is being seen as Wukong desperately trying to make friends with ppl who don't want to be his friend WHICH IS FALSE ON SO MANY LEVELS THAT IT'S ACTUALLY INSULTING.
I'm THIS close to trapping you all UNDER A MOUNTAIN.
Did Wukong make mistakes? Yes.
Sandy already saw Wukong as a goof friend since the beginning, he made that one clear ever since he fully believed Wukong wouldn't just randomly steal immortal peaches.
Amnesia rules was when Pigsy and Tang had their bonding episode with Wukong, and in the end of it Pigsy said that Wukong isn't a bad mentor for Mk after all and Tang even hugged the monkey with tears in his eyes when they brought back his memories. Sure Pigsy was still distrustful, especially with Wukong talking about the rings, but his comment on Wukong's mentorship hasn't changed.
Mei and Wukong had a rough start I'll give you that, and it's easy to understand why, but people are forgetting that SHE LITERALLY TOLD HIM THAT HE IS HURTING THE ONES THAT CARE ABOUT HIM MOST. KEYWORD, "CARE ABOUT HIM MOST". Meaning they care A HELLA ALOT ABOUT HIM.
Yes do they call him out sometimes on things? yes. Does that make them any less friends with him? NO, NOT ONE BIT. Being friends doesn't exempt someone from being free from their problems and mistakes, just because you are friends doesn't mean everything gets pushed under the rug. Being friends is knowing about these problems and mistakes, but choosing to stay anyway because you know they are a good person that can slip up sometimes like everyone else, AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THE GANG DOES WITH WUKONG.
Here's a funny lil teeny tiny thing that really makes this interesting is that- THEY LITERALLY WENT TOGETHER TO SAVE WUKONG FROM THE SCROLL. And do you wanna know what happened while they were IN the scroll? Together they established the fact that not only did the past gang see Wukong as a friend, with each giving him a shoulder pat of reassurance, but they also showed how they are not only part of the current current gang, but that the current gang backed up Wukong and stood by his side BECAUSE THEY ARE FRIENDS. And Wukong already has trust issues with making friends already because bro had past terrible relationships until the JTTW gang, and in that moment of reassurance from both his old friends and his new one's Wukong said "I won't let some curse bully me or my friend a second longer!" And that was the first time he really called them friends and they all worked together to stop the ink demon. The beautiful moment established the fact that they are all close friends.
And do you wanna know what sealed the deal on this? The big home run? At the end of the season 4 special, they all celebrated by having a beach party together, and do you know what they did right as Wukong showed? EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM GAVE HIM A SMILE, A GENUINE AND HAPPY SMILE.
Are they all perfect? No. Do they still have some things to work out? Yes. Are they all friends anyway? YES. Actually no, even more than that, THEY ARE *FAMILY*. Families and friendships aren't always going to be perfect, but that doesn't mean the friendship isn't there at all. The gang all sick together despite their flaws and few mistakes made not because they are forced too, but because THEY CARE ABOUT EACHOTHER AS FAMILY.
And THAT is what makes true friendship. That's how the current gang Wukong has befriended are ALL HIS BEST BUDS.
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shotgunbunny · 2 years
Haii sorry if this is an odd request but could you write a angst fic w/ Lloyd where he visits the readers grave and recalls all their fun memories 🥺 sorry it's a bit cheesy I just want wanna be hurt so bad
༻𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩༺
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I just finished reading All the bright places so I'm in a super angsty mood😌
(Warnings!! Angst!! Dead reader!! Unhinged Lloyd!! Sadness!! Fluffy memories!! Implied smut.)
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Everyone always wanted to know how Lloyd Hansen became the sick and twisted individual he was today. No one could track down the moment. No one could link anything traumatic to him.
Lloyd made sure of that, he became hellbent on hiding who he was after you left. He wouldn't let you be his weakness ever again. He had failed once and he'd never fail again, so he painfully burned every document of your existence yet, he couldn't burn you out of his mind.
He had keyed the exact moment he had left his sanity behind and it was with you. Every part of his humanity was left behind with you. And now he was unstoppable. He was unhinged and a monster.
Every time Lloyd passes by a flower shop he's transported to your first meeting. To the very second he fell in love with you. That's why he avoided them, yet he never damaged them. He respected flower shops, almost as if he could hear you chastising him for being so rude to a place filled with life.
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It was a shit day. It was a really shit day. It was raining and Lloyd had crashed his car. Only 3 weeks after he had finished Harvard and what does he do? Goes and crashes his goddamn car. Well by his car he means his mums, so he has to find a way to apologize.
He passed by bakeries and Gucci stores yet it didn't appeal to him as an apology. And then as he was walking he saw a glimpse of a yellow dress dash inside a store. He stared and walked slowly towards the store. He noted it was a flower store. The plants were outside getting soaked, something he assumed would be good.
Yet he watched as the girl in the yellow dress ran out and collect another two pots and run back in. He smirked watching her to and fro. He walked over, getting soaked. The door opened and out stepped you. "Do you want some help here sunflower?" You looked up at the man, noting his strange moustache but finding it endearing somehow.
"Yes please bluebell!" And before he could even question the nickname you rushed inside with another two potted plants. He smiled, and picked up as many as his arms would let him. You opened the door and let him in. You headed out and noted there was only one plant left. You snatched it and headed into the dry store.
You placed it on the counter and turned, jumping out your skin at seeing the man looking down at you with a raised eyebrow. You stared into his eyes, noting how blue and beautiful they were. "Bluebell? Where did that nickname come from sunflower?" You giggled. "Your eyes are blue and your top is blue." He smiled at you.
He was dressed in a long sleeved blue top with black pants. He made it look so amazing, almost like he was a model. You stared at each other and you turned away, tending to the plants from outside. "Hey sunflower, you don't have any flowers that say 'I'm sorry mum.' do you?" You turned and gave him the harshest glare you could.
He held his hands up in defeat and your look, "What did I do wrong sunflower?" You bravely poked his chest, "Yeah what did you do wrong bluebell? Why do you have to apologize to your mum? Were you mean?" He looked down sheepishly and rubbed his wrist, "I kind of crashed her car." You stared at him with wide eyes. "You're gonna need alot more than an apology mister."
He smiled down at you offer his hand to shake, "Call me Lloyd I think I'll be visiting this flower shop often." You took his hand and he pulled it to his lips placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles. You uttered your name to him, finding a heavenly symphony drifting into your ears when he said your name.
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You were working hard, it had been months now and you and Lloyd had been dating for four months. He spoiled you rotten yet despite his whining you refused to quit your job.
Which is where you were right now. However you couldn't tell what was wrong with this Orchid. Suddenly two big hands covered your face and blocked your eye site and a smooth deep voice echoed behind you. "Guess who Sunflower?" You giggled, "Hmmm is it Suzanne?" He took his hands away and gasped.
You giggled and turned to look at him, he stared at you a smile joining his lips at the sound of your giggle. You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and then turned back to look at the flower. Lloyd placed his big hands on your hips and pulled you into him. He placed his chin on top of your head. "What's wrong sunflower?" You stared and muttered, "I'm not sure bluebell."
You took it into the back and saw someone had over watered it. You sighed and began putting it into different soil and then remembered Lloyd was with you. You smiled, "Fun fact bluebell, did you know that orchids don't need soil because they get all their nutrition from the air?" He stared at you so inlove. "I didn't. But if they don't need soil why are you putting it in soil?"
You smiled, "Because then it will be comfier and will have extra nutrition." Lloyd breathed out of his nose just staring at you, "You're lovely sunflower. Absolutely lovely."
You turned and pressed a kiss to his lips, he kissed back instantly embracing this moment and how fast his heart beat inside his chest.
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It was your year and a half anniversary, and Lloyd had left bluebell flowers on your doorstep with a note telling you to dress nice and be ready by 7. You were so giddy. You put on your beautiful pale yellow flowing dress that Lloyd got you on your year anniversary so that he could remember that yellow dress you wore when you first met.
You smiled, truly adoring it, feeling prettier than the flower he often called you. You were nervous yet excited beyond reason. He always went all out for anniversaries. So when 7 o'clock rolled up, as did Lloyd in his sleek car. You took steps down to him, a smile on your face matched perfectly with your blush.
"My sunflower you truly leave me speechless sometimes." You giggled and when you reached him you kissed him, ofcourse he had to bend but he would always welcome your kisses. When your lips met his, he was home. He felt safe and loved. He pulled away and looked down at you.
"Come on, let's go." You took his hand as he led you to the passenger side. You sat and as you began driving to his car, you could tell he was nervous from how tense his biceps were. You reached out and placed your hands on him, trying to relax him, he flashed you his signature smile. And before you could blink you were at his house.
You adored his house, you even started bringing flowers to brighten up the living space. You always giggled at the fact he kept a bouquet of sunflowers in every room. He always kept you close, so that he could wake up to you in some form.
You got out, and headed along the driveway that was scattered in fake rose petals. You turned to him, "You take my breath away everytime bluebell." He looked down and then back up a real smile adorning his lips. "I suppose that means I'll have to give you mine." He stepped forward and latched your lips together before blowing and literally giving you his breath.
You laughed, and headed into his home. And instantly gasped. Hanging from a thread was a key and a note that read 'Live in my greenhouse, sunflower. Move in with me.' you laughed and turned and hugged him. "Ofcourse I'll move in with you!" He couldn't help but laugh with you. That night was sealed with your bodies joining each other. Wrapping your soul around each other and embracing the love you held for eachother.
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And ofcourse the happiest day of Lloyds life. Your wedding. The way you smiled only at him. How your eyes locked together all the way down the aisle. You were truly infatuated with eachother. And nothing could have stopped Lloyds from marrying you that day.
Everything was perfect, that's what the general consensus was. But all that mattered to him was you. You were perfect. You peppered him in kisses the entire time.
And your first dance was so magical. Lloyd still has every step you both took engrained in his mind. How he held your so delicately against him. How you looked like a goddess in his arms. Your eyes burning with love and pure happiness all while you swayed to the long.
He could have drowned in your presence and all he would ask for is if you would hold him under your waters. He felt so peaceful, so fulfilled. You were Mrs. Hansen. The only right thing he ever did in his entire life.
He bought flower shops everywhere and named them after you so that your first meeting was everywhere. So that your love was sold in every store. So that yours and his story lingered on every petal bought by young lovers and old soulmates. He would make sure that your brilliance shined throughout the world through colours and smells of magnificence. Yes he was truly happy that day.
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Lloyd wiped his tears. He had heard many fairy tales of how he turned into a monster. But none knew he died the second you did. There was no happiness left for him. And it broke him that so many flower stores held your name.
Like you were lingering beyond the grave telling him you wouldn't be dead if he didn't walk into that flower shop. He can't look at sunflowers without his bones aching for your soft whisper to call him bluebell.
He can't do anything but kill and forget all about you, even if it killed him. But for now, he could keep this secret. See he made sure you were burried in the Netherlands purely because of how many flowers were there.
Your tomb didn't have your name, it was merely engraved as "sunflower, the love of bluebells life." He visited every year on your wedding anniversary. He left a single sunflower and bluebell. Just so that you two could be together in flower form.
He always stays there for hours thinking about how much he loves you even though you aren't present. He has so much love he just can't let it go. Not when you existed. And despite how much Lloyd hates flower shops now, he never changed the name.
Hoping that in some other universe they remain the same, and you both met there. He lets his head fill with fantasies of different worlds in flower shops, and always you.
His one true weakness, and it destroyed him. He couldn't help but become a monster after, with no softness to hold him and comfort his skin he saw no reason to slaughter those that stood in his way.
Lloyd let out a sigh, placing a gentle kiss on your tombstone. He stood up, but now he had a slouch. Only truly fulfilled men had the right to stand at full height, and he never got his forever with you, or the family.
No instead he got a phone call dragging him out of his silent grieving, "What?" The line went silent before he heard Carmichael give him a request to hunt someone down for a drive. He hung up and with one last glance at your resting area and a tight lipped smile, he headed to his mission.
He was unknowningly about to meet you in a flower store in another universe soon. And that was the tragic tale of the Hansens.
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ncityavenue · 1 year
BUTTerfly Tattoo —M.L
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》in which you get a butterfly tattoo on your ass as a surprise for Mark since he loves your butt so much.
Warning: definitely suggestive,humorous (at least I tried), alot of dialog, alot of talk abt your ass (body worship ig????), mentions of being high, choking, fingering, and pain?? (I mean mark slaps your ass A L O T)
A/N: LISTENNN so I had found that picture on pinterest just cruising around and I was listening to music then mark just popped into my head so I HAD to make something up about it with that picture reference shown above.
"You think he's gonna like it?" You asked your closest friend, Haechan who you could depend on for any opinion.
"Fuck yeah, Mark Lee is a perv...and so am I because I'm pitching a tent just looking at it." Haechan said.
You pulled your jeans up, "Okay gross, anyways I'm a little nervous because it's not like a small little cute one it takes up half my ass."
" He's gonna love it! It's pretty colors too, and it goes nice with your skin complexion. Your ass is fucking beautiful y/n, you'll be fine!" Haechan waves you off trotting in your kitchen to get another snack.
"Lemme facetime Jaehyun, he's like a pro Ass man." You said.
A few rings and your met with Jaehyun face shoving some food in his mouth, "Wassup Twin."
"Hiii Twin, okay jae I need your opinion on something. And it has something to do with my ass" You say. Jaehyun gave you a suspicious look raising one eyebrow pausing to eat his food.
"I'm all ears??" He suspiciously said.
"Okay are you with anyone?" You questioned him.
"Yeah I'm with jungwoo, are you with mark?" Jaehyun answered.
"No, Haechan."
"Are you trying to get me caught up in a affair scandal?" Jaehyun nonchalantly said.
"No! Just listen! so, I got two butterflies tattooed on my ass and I wanna know what you think and if mark will like it." You explained quickly.
Simply with that command, you showed the small portion of your ass to Jaehyun.
"Oh shit, that's fire you should definitely get it." Jaehyun says.
"Yeah I did, right here." You said with an obvious tone.
"WAIT THAT'S REAL?!" Jaehyun widen his eyes getting closer to the camera.
"I said I got it tattooed."
You giggled at the slight glitch in his voice from the bad internet wherever he's at.
"Sorry, I'm high right now- but that looks dope, it fits your booty so nice I don't know how to explain it." Jaehyun complimented.
"Can I see?" Jungwoo chimes in.
Jaehyun asked you again if he could see, you nodded and Jungwoo took a look.
"DAMN! That's really nice."
Jaehyun agreed with Jungwoo, "Mark might have a heart attack seeing it, he's gonna love the fact that you have butterflies on your ass. He's a perv."
"I SAID THE SAME!" Haechan also chimed in putting his hands in the air.
"I don't know if I'm liking yall calling my man a pervert even though it's true but that's besides the point." You chuckled.
"Listen as an ass man, I would love for my chick to have a sick ass tattoo on her butt so like when I fuck her from behind I can see not only her beautiful ass but also beautiful art." Jaehyun elaborated.
"I swear you guys never know when something is TMI" you said.
"I'm just saying"
Jaehyun sipped on his drink, and with that you said your farewells to him and jungwoo before ending the call.
"So now do you believe me?" Haechan raised his eyebrows with folded arms.
"I guess so."
"Now can we go to the mall like you promised? I'm starving." Haechan rubbed his belly.
You nodded grabbing your keys, Haechan jumped off the couch following you like a excited puppy.
You came back to your house with haechan following suite with all your bags in his hand, he struggled getting inside the house.
"Uh.. a little help?!" Haechan cried out, you opened the door up more letting him inside.
You saw Mark and Johnny standing in the kitchen looking at Haechan struggle with the heavy bags in his hands.
You placed your small purse on the counter, also watching the poor boy struggle.
"Here let me help you." Johnny suggested, he picked up 2 bags placing them on the counter as well.
Haechan could finally lift them up on the kitchen island.
" Hi love, You must've had fun today." Mark scanned you up and down admiring you before pulling you in for a kiss, resting his hand on your hip.
"I did, I very much did. You know how it goes, Haechan kinda lost in a game of rock paper scissors." You said, Mark replying with a soft 'ahh'.
"Never EVER have me keep your girl company while you are gone, NEVER EVER." Haechan huffed and puffed aggressively trying to catch his breath.
"They weren't even that-"
"Don't." Haechan put a finger infront of Johnny's face.
"You got alot of stuff baby." Mark rubs the dip in your back.
" It's not even that much, plushies, some clothes, lingerie, other accessories, hair products some are mine some are yours." You said.
You knew that smirk anywhere, Mark knew what time it was once you named Lingerie.
"Don't you have like alot of lingerie already?" Mark questioned.
"Not when you keep ripping them up." You say grabbing the hair products out the bags.
Mark only shyly laughed before slapping your butt, the pain from the tattoo and the slap only reminded you what you had to do today.
"Ahem! We are still present!" Johnny excused.
At this point all of you and Mark's friends knew about the tattoo except Mark.
"Now that I've caught my breath, I want to leave." Haechan announced.
Johnny was ready to go as well, "Oh I didn't bring my car here because I thought it would be a good idea to walk and burn some calories, so you're driving me home."
He explained to haechan as he grabbed his phone from the counter.
"I guess I'm just everyone's slave around here." Haechan said.
"Guess you are." Mark gave him a sheepish look tilting his head.
Haechan gave him the middle finger before exiting the house, "Night lil bro" Johnny closed their front door.
After a little silence, Mark's attention suddenly shifted towards you, beginning to feel nervous you poured yourself a glass of wine.
"So about these lingerie, you gonna try them on for me?" Mark questioned peeking through the bags.
"I mean, if it makes you happy." You smirked drinking your wine.
Mark looked at you trying to read your expression, he felt as if you're hiding something from him with that slightly mischievous grin on your face.
"What's wrong baby? Is there something on your mind?" Mark gripped your waist kissing down your neck.
"I have a surprise for you." You said.
"Hmm? A surprise?" Mark continued to place kisses on your neck and collar bone.
"Yeah take a guess, even though I know you Won't ever get it." You say with full confidence.
"You got new toys?"
"You have a costume in there?"
"You got nipple piercings?"
"No, but not a bad idea.."
"Oh my god..." Mark finally let's go of your neck, looking down at your stomach.
"Oh my god you're PREGNANT?!" Mark nearly squealed in excitement.
"What? No!" You said.
"Oh..." Mark pouted rubbing the back of his neck.
"Good to know if I was you'd be excited, anyways I'm gonna reveal it to you. Follow me" You said.
You led mark to the bedroom, Mark slapped your butt again.
"Mark stop it's a little sore."
"Still? It's been 2 weeks since then, I couldn't possibly have smacked it that hard"
"You're more heavy handed than you think you are." You simply replied, you lead him inside the bedroom.
He started lurking around to see if the present was perhaps in here, you ordered him to sit down and he did so at once.
"Did you get a whip?" Mark guessed for the several time.
"No, I'll be right back."
You went into the bathroom with a new pair of lingerie, you slipped the set on. It was a pastel blue color with lacey material.
"It's totally a costume, babe you literally could've said I was right the first time."
You walked out the bathroom then you hid yourself behind the bedroom door frame, " are you ready?"
Mark replied with a simple yes and you stepped out with a exaggerated pose, Mark definitely was excited but not all that surprised considering you've worn many lingerie around him.
"Oh shit babe, you look so sexy" Mark said, he walked up to you snaking his hand on your waist squeezing the love handles.
"This isn't really the surprise though," You reminded you kissed his lips gingerly, "I'll give you a hint it's on my body."
"You got a clit piercing?" Mark questioned.
"No! What is with you and piercings? Is it like a kink?" You asked.
"I don't know it sounds like something impulsive you would do." Mark shrugged, you only smirked.
Mark grabbed your ass again, he maneuvers his way behind you and then you grinned even wider. His idea was to start teasing you but his eyes were glued to your ass once he saw it.
Your tattoo.
"Dude..." Mark paused his entire world stopped to look at it, "an ass tattoo.."
You looked at him over your shoulder biting down on your lip with a grin, "Do you like—"
"AN ASS TATTOO?! SHIT THIS IS GORGEOUS!" Mark exclaimed, he kneaded your butt in his hands just staring at the art.
The smile on his face was like a kid in the toy store, this may have made him fall even more in love with you.
"I got it a day ago, I had asked everyone if you think you'll like it. I was nervous about it, I already liked it." You explained.
"You like it, I fucking love it!! This is actually so hot of you," Mark paused for a minute, "wait..does that mean haechan saw your ass?"
"Uh yeah? Jaehyun saw, johnny, jungwoo, Yuta, Jaemin, and Jeno y'know all the ass guys." You clarified.
"Get on the bed." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, you surely hoped that you didn't just make him jealous.
"Please I- I need to see it clearer, get on the bed, lay on your belly." Mark pleaded, you found his frantic state adorable as you silently obeyed.
Crawling onto the bed, laying flat on your stomach as Mark instructed, he sat on the bed sitting next to you. He started to grope your butt for the umpteenth time, he gave it a few smacks. Mark seeing the recoil everytime he hit it only made him hypnotized.
"Fuck princess, your ass is just so beautiful even more with this gorgeous tattoo. This was one of your best decisions ever." Mark gushed.
"I'm glad you like it Markie." You smiled at him watching his every move.
"Yo, I might just be obsessed."
You were draped over his lap whimpering for him, your ass was beyond sore and you were soaked.
Mark gave you no mercy, smacking your ass repeatedly and teasing your folds. He held your head up with his hand around your neck, he entered two fingers inside you slowly he fucked you painfully slow.
"You're so wet from me abusing your ass, you like when I slap it like this?" Mark's hand collides with your booty again even harder than the last 20-ish slaps, he soothed the pain with generous rubs and grips.
He had let go of your neck and started to focus on your pussy, he had a cheek in one hand and had two fingers pleasuring you with the other.
You're afraid he's not going to keep his hands off of you for awhile because of this tattoo.
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myfavdeatheater · 3 days
Sweater Weather
one shot after the great war Draco appolzies to Hermione and give her a sweater when she's cold
It was a chilly october night and Draco had found himself in the library studying for class. it was after the great war so everyone was learly about him even though he quit the death eaters and helped harry defet the dark lord he wasnt sure if he would return the same as all the others but if he wanted to restore his image running away wasnt the way to do it so he back a shadow had passed by him he looked up and he froze it was hermione Granger he hadnt seen her truely since that night in malfoy manner sure they were there for the second great war but she was too busy being the hero she looked different she sat down about 5 chairs down and pull out a text book about charms he noticed her arm the jagged pink lines peeking out from her sleeve made him sick to his stomach the night flashes in his mind bellatrix pinning her down and cutting the slur he used to call her all the time into her arm her scream he can still hear echoing he wanted to step in and stop his aunt from hurting his class mate but he didnt and he hated himself for it since that night he has never said the word mudblood since he decided then and there that he would appolizge to her or atleast try to he dosent expect much he picked up his belongings and his quidditch sweater he quit playing but still kept it and moved to sit next to her when he pulled out the chair her head snaped up and met his gaze her eyes widden in shock and little in fear he didnt blame her but she stayed quit as he sat down not being the first person to speak they sat in silence for five minutes while draco put his words together 
“Hello hermione” he said softly she looked at him and replied 
“ Hello Draco.” she said clipped clear distaste in her tone “ how are you? How have you been?”
She rolled her eyes “ you mean after you helped the dark lord almost kill everyone at hogwarts” she paused “ but myself ive been fine” she tugged down her shirt sleeve more draco sighed “ granger i wanted to appolize for everything ive done to you and otherwise” Hermione put her quill down and turn to look at him and when she did her breath got caught in her throat draco was always handsome but he was a deatheater and he was the bad guy and as a ‘hero’ she couldnt be seen entertaining someone like him but that was before everything happened and she was byherself at hogwarts because harry and ron decided not to return so she was all by herself and the loneliness is starting to get to her she looked at him pointedly “ okay so applozie and you have a small list” that made draco smirk a bit because that was exactly something she would say “ well for starters im sorry i didnt stop my aunt for doing what she did to your arm i wanted to stop her but i would have been killed myself and i was scared i made a lot of choices i regret daily but that one plays in my head alot and i just i feel so awful and if theres anything i can do please let me know” her eyes were blurry with tears shes been trying to forget that night in the manor she had nightmare for weeks afterwards she shes getting over it now and when draco mentioned her arm she unconsciously looked a this and his dark mark he noticed and added “ im not  a death eater anymore after my father was put into azkaban and i was on house arrest it gave me a lot of time to think and didnt want my life to end up like my fathers and i quit unfortunately im stuck with the mark forever” she shrugs “ im sorry your stuck with it and i appreciate the apology and i understand why you didnt do anything i mean its not right..at all but i understand. Just be the good guy from now on and it will take a while to fully forgive and trust you because you did so much damage draco.. But with time i think i can find myself forgiving you” she give him her kind smile he smiled back at her a genuine smile in a really long time just then a breeze came through the library and Hermione shivered she tried to play it off but draco noticed “ are you cold Granger?” “ no draco i'm fine thank you” as a another shiver coursed through her body draco pulled his sweater out from behind the chair and handed it to her “ no draco i can take your quidditch sweater..i mean what would people think” he shook his head “ granger you cant let people make decisions for you,come on just for today i'll take it back tomorrow if you'd like just take it your cold” she sighed and took the sweater and put it on and she couldn't help but immediately smell his cologne and it was warm and soft she was distracted by the cozyness of the sweater she didn't notice draco standing up she look at him “ see you later granger” and he winked at her and walked away her cheeks were tinted pink the rest of her studying went on without anymore excitement i mean she got some looks for wearing draco's sweater but she expected it later that day in her dorm a owl came by her window and gave her a letter she look at it and it was from D. Malfoy her heart rate went up she was still wearing the quidditch sweater she just can't seem to take it off she open the letter and it read 
Keep the sweater Granger you look better in it than i ever did  and don't ever let anyone judge you for wearing it.
D. Malfoy
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 years
It's currently raining where I am so I'm in a fluffy mood so would you indulge me in some headcanons for spending a rainy day with ian wright would be like
Sorry for long waits, college and request are slightly overwhelming but im getting through them *smiles*
Also adding another loverly request from Sparrow Anon: Ian's s/o trying to keep them in bed when ian has to go to work in the morning s/o just like "no stay you're so soft and warm" s/o wraps their arms and legs around Ian, S/o is being very persuasive.
Rainy Day With Ian Wright
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Rainy Days with ian was a treat for you because that means you could totally make then spend the day with you and that means setting your first plan into motion which is~
Turning their phone off so the alarm won't ring you knew that wouldn't work but still you did it, you also texted Addison that Ian isn't coming in because you felt sick. You plan on telling Ian to say that when he does come in for work.
A loud rumble outside made you grin seeing as a really good rainy day was ablut to unfold and you was lucky to be awake earlier then you lover.
You heard them stir and turned to looking at their phone that was off and they groaned assuming it died.
You crawl on top of them and flopped right there. They laughed being half awake. "Y/n i need to get ready for work"
"No you don't its rainy really bad outside and its setting the mood of you being really warm and i want you to stay with me today" with that you would litterally cling to them to which they laugh again
"que voy a hacer contigo" their spoke softly in Spanish to which you blush and kissed their cheek and then pepper them with kisses all over.
"What you can do with me is move us to the living room where we could watch TV and share ice cream"
Ian gave in and sighed. "Fine, fine only because i rarely take days off so i should be okay" "your totally fine i already text Addison so your okay just make sure you say i am okay and not that sick"
"You didn't" they said laughing "your a pain in the butt" they stood up or rather managed to with you clinging to them to which they wrapped one arm around your waist and the other resting securely under your butt.
As time passed you both watched each other favorite shows, tried acting some out.
Your favorite part is when they sat on a pillow in front of you and you do random hair styles to their hair.
At some point you would paint their nails black with white tips. "You know i like- okay fine im in your capable hands" you give them a smooch and finished up before placing cat ears headband on their head and doing the same.
"You know this new show came out called sandman lets watch it" you grin they rolled their eyes and agreed.
You both ended up watching the episode introducing Desire. You gawked hard and then looked at Ian.
"You know" "don't even" "you look alot like Desire love something you want to share with me"
Ian laughed "yes i am an endless when everyone is asleep" you giggle. When you both reach the last episode you was already pulling Ian's hair back like Desire’s and placing the cat ears back on them.
"Ever thought about trying on that outfit"
"Yea, no you cant watch anything without picturing me in that outfit" ian pulled you down for a kiss and you giggled kising them back.
You couldn't be more happier in this moment right now
Taglist: @justasianmale , @sherazyjade , @the-masked-scorpio , @sugakookieswithacupoftae16 , @happilydangerousworld , @harlekin6
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robinismywifee · 1 year
Back to the Old House - Chapter 7:
September 9th, 2034
[ 4 days after last chapter]
Raines age: 16 years, 6 months
Ellies age: 15 years, 3 months
CW: trouble with eating
Words: 1796
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Raines POV:
“So me and Tommy are gonna head out to Joels place for dinner tonight,”
Maria started, I already rolled my eyes. She saw and sighed, placing her fork down, which made a small clanking noise from her glass plate.
"Look, I know you and.."
I watched Marias face as she thought for an extra second if she should say her name.
"Ellie.." she said slowly, watching my expression to see if it was too far or not, I stayed silent, and she continued, "Are not on the best terms.. i'm
not quite sure why or what happened at all, and i'm not sure if i'm allowed to ask you, so I won't, but she clearly-"
"—Can you just get to the fucking point already?"
She pressed her lips together, and nodded. "Right.. well, you're more then welcome to come with me and Tommy. And we would both really appreciate it if you did.." Maria finished
"Look kid, I have a feeling you're gonna be stuck with us for awhile and Joel means alot to the both of us, hes our family, and we might not be family with you, but you're damn near it, and we think it'd be best if you got along with that household, we ain't gonna force you to come along or nothin, but.. we'd love for you to come, even if you don't speak a single word"
Tommy explained his thoughts. I picked at the remainder of my eggs, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach.
After a moment of awkward silence and glances, I spoke up, "I'm gonna head to Jesses before patrol. Thanks for the food" I got out of my chair, grabbing my bag off the floor, swinging it over my shoulders and left the front door, accidentally slamming it shut from my anger.
I took a deep breath when I existed, feeling the chilly summer morning breeze.
I had woken up almost 3 hours before patrol started and couldnt fall back asleep, so i've been ready for patrol for 2 hours now and I dont leave for another hour. I know I told Maria I was gonna go to Jesses but do I really want to? I mean, I know he would be up by now..
I decided to slowly walk to his house, stalling on knocking on his door. As I walked, I kept on thinking of her. Its like I couldn't even control it, my mind just always fell back to her.
I had gone through the first week of school already, I went the second day to actually learn but kept on going because I was enjoying the art class and Miss Collins' classes.
Everyday I tried my best to ignore Ellie, I also never replied to her paper she passed me, the reason being, I had no idea why. I also didn't know which thing she was referring to, but my guess was that it was about me being nice to her out of the blue and then immediately leaving.
I had no clue why. I just did. It was like my body moved faster then my brain. I don't know why I followed after her or why I gave her my food. I had no idea.
Before I knew it, I was standing infront of Jesses door. I knocked lightly on it.
A minute passed and I heard jogging footsteps, then I heard something fall from the inside and a small- "ow!"
and then, the door opened. "Oh! Hey Raine, oh shoot— is it time to go already?" he asked frantically
"No- no, we still have about 45 minutes, I just.. came early since I had nothing else to do.."
"Oh! that's sick! Miss me already, huh?" Jesse said sarcastically, before he left back inside for a minute, yelling goodbye to his mother, and came back outside, shutting his door, now with his backpack.
"I was just about to head to tipsy bison, wanna come with?"
"Uh, yeah sure, but i'm not gonna eat- I just had breakfast" I quickly explained, he looked at me, a look I couldn't tell what it meant, he then sighed and started walking.
"Well.. suit yourself then" he mumbled, I followed to his side.
Over this week, me and Jesse have gotten alot closer, since anytime I was out I was with him; patrol and school.
It was only a 5 minute walk and we were at the food bar.
People greeted Jesse as usual, but the sound of someone greeting me caught me off guard, until I saw it was Dina and I immediately greeted her back.
"Come sit! I just got here and was waiting for Jesse to show, it's nice to see you with him Raine"
"Oh, thanks Dina.." I hummed, sitting beside Dina with Jesse across
Jesse ordered his food and so did Dina—
"Are you sure you don't want anything? I mean, you never eat lunch at school and I never see you eat breakfast?"
"Oh.. it's nothing, I just prefer to eat at Marias" I shrugged, Dina nodded, believing it.
"Fuck.. it's so freezing this morning.." i hummed to myself, feeling the hairs on my arms lift, and before I knew it, hands were placing a warm fabric around my shoulders. I looked over to see Dina, know not wearing a jacket, and the wool jacket she wore wrapped around me, ontop of my cold leather jacket.
"Oh- Dina, you dont have to-"
"No! Trust me it's fine! Keep it for the day, I was actually starting to sweat" she smiled sweatly
"A- are you sure? I mean, if we run into infected or maybe even people, I could easily stain it.."
"Trust me, I don't care, as long as your comfortable!"
I went to protest again but before I could Jesse and Dinas breakfast was being placed on the table.
I washed my hands of the dirt scraped onto them, and splashed my face with cold water, rubbing my eyes tiredly, turning off the fossett and patting my face dry with a towel.
I looked into the mirror and sighed.
Todays patrol was tiring. We only ran into one clicker, but we also ran into the clicker by both of us falling through the floor of a building and spending an hour on trying to get out.
My legs hurt from how I fell and I gained multiple new cuts and bruises. I had just spent an hour patching myself up and washing my body from the blood and dirt. I had even changed out of my dirty clothes and wore freshly washed ones. All I wanted to do was fall into bed and let my body rest, but I still had to give Dina her jacket back.
I was actually very thankful Dina had lended me her thick wool jacket, because the morning chill had ended up staying the same throughout all patrol and it still was chilly. Even if it was still summer, it was on the cusk of fall, and the autumn weather was starting to show.
I tied on my shoes, and slipped on my jacket, and had Dinas jacket in my arm. I left the empty house— since Maria and Tommy were both still out— and began to walk to Dinas house.
Thankfully, I knew were Dina lived from when we'd walk home from school, and I would see her enter her house.
It was closer to my house then Jesses house was, so it should be a short walk.
As I walked, I made sure to keep a careful eye for her house, alot of the homes in Jackson looked the same and blended together.
I silently cheered to myself when I recognized her house. I walked up to the door and softly knocked, hoping she was home.
I could hear voices from inside but they were from afar and very muffled, I couldn't hear what they were saying or who was saying it, but it sounded like two people breifly aurging.
I knocked again, unsure if the people inside heard me. It was silent for a minute before I heard footsteps, and then a way too familiar voice—
"Why the fuck are you making us get up Jess-"
The door opened and the voice matched the face. She stood with her arms crossed with an annoyed expression on her face, but when her eyes met mine, her face softened and reddened. Her mouth was opened slightly, from how she stopped talking mid sentence.
I could tell that my face was red from the heat flash I suddenly got, I stared into her eyes, my lips slightly parted aswell, and my eyes widened. We both stared at eachother, in a trance.
She was the first to break the eye contact. She seemed to have processed who she was staring at, and immediately looked to the ground, "Uh.." she awkwardly said..
"I.." I started, but felt my voice start to shake, I gulped and looked to the ground, trying to think of what to say, but it was hard when my brain was thinking a million other thoughts all at once.
"Uhm.." She said, still looking down at her feet.
"Wh- Where.. Dina.." I couldn't even make out a complete sentance from how nervous I felt, it felt like I was getting punched in the stomach and kicked in the eye.
"O- oh- right.. uh.. i- ill.. get.... get her" Ellie stuttered, and turned around, the door still half opened, I watched as she faded into the halls.
Why is Ellie at Dinas house?
A minute later, Dina came out. Her face was a bit red and she seemed embarrassed, "Hey- i'm really sorry about that.. we both thought you were Jesse.. uh, what- what did you need?" Dina explained,
"J- just.. wanted to.." I still couldn't complete a sentance, my voice was shakey and my face was burning red. I lifted up Dinas jacket I had in my hand.
"Oh! Right! Yeah- I should have remembered.. thank you.." Dina said, taking it out of my hand.
"Uh- Hey, i'm really sorry I didn't mean to- I- uh- also sorry for not telling you that we're friends with her.. we just didn't want you to.. get nervous or anything.."
Friends? We? So Jesse is too? Is that what Cat meant when she said 'everyone was gonna be there'? Her, Ellie, and Dina? Thats Jesses friend group? And he never fucking told me?
I nodded to Dina. "Kay.. i'm.. i'm gonna go now.." I quickly turned around and sped walked home, not looking back.
this wasnt proof read, i didnt have time since i just got back to school so sorry if theres mistakes. please gimmie notes and comments and comment to be in taglist:
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Tw: My sexual trauma. I'm trying to get these vents out of the way and not bottle them up until the point I collapse
This is something I do and I just wanna know if this is normal or not
As someone who has a lot of sexual trauma, I like to hear people share their experiences as well as a sense of comfort.
It's not for me to know I'm not alone because I already know that, but it's more for me to know if anyone had something close to my experience. From all the ones I've seen, I haven't seen many that were similar to mine and it makes me feel like I'm being dramatic and my experience wasn't as traumatic as I think.
I know I'm not alone with what happened to me, but I feel so lonely because I haven't seen anyone s story who's similar to mine. We we're kids, and when I tell people that nobody takes me seriously. One line always is stuck in my head when I think my experience was really bad.
"It was elementary, nothing matters then. You were dumb kids."
Yeah. Kids. He was the one that exposed me to a lot of sexual stuff and porn. I knew what cum was and what a slut was at the age of 8 because of him. He often used his depression as an excuse and I fell for it, every single, time.
I remember us getting to choose five people to sit with us and I didn't choose him as one. He later asked me for who I chose and when I said he ask ",You didn't choose me," and he seemed really hurt. I said that I was joking and he was like good, because I chose you to sit at my table.
I remember when I first told my friend about this they said he might've liked me, and I'm sick of that. Everytime I tell people I was abused, by a guy, the first thing they ask is "You guys were dating?"
No. Abuse can come from anywhere from anyone. You mother, your brother, your teacher, your priest, whoever in your life, abuse can come from everyone.
I still find it so hard to accept I was abused by another kid when I was young. I see so many people talk about their experiences and it was always someone a few years older than them, but it was someone my age. Someone I considered a friend and shared a lot of things with. I even gave the fucker money, even when I told him no, he kept pushing and pushing until I gave in.
I was a rude kid. An extremely smart, trusted and well behaved kid, but I was mean to the people who he didn't like. If I was friends with them he'd be mad, so I chose aggression in order to keep them away so I didn't lose my only friend.
But, he also protected me, sometimes. Like, if someone was making fun of me, especially someone he didn't like, he'd tell them to fuck off or something. This is what has me conflicted alot.
He was abuser, he abused me a lot, but he also was my friend. He treated me SOMETIMES, like a friend. I don't remember almost any of our good moments, but the one's I do almost make me think he didn't do anything wrong.
sometimes I come up with scenarios in my head on how I could've avoided being his friend. I don't remember how I became friends with him, but I do remember us talking a lot when he was transferred to my class in second grade and we just considered each other friends. When I first met him tho, and this what from I can remember, he was rude and shit, but was quiet and sometimes even sweet to me and some other kids. But later in the year his true colors started to show.
I'm friends with a guy who was also friends with my abuser and he always says how great he was and how much he liked him, and I told him I hated my abuser and I wish he'd drown in a out of lava, he asked why and said I'll tell him later, I never did.
People change, I get that. It's been years since then and maybe he's matured into a nice man, Nope. From what I've heard he hasn't gotten better, he's gotten WORSE. My friend is friends with a girl who knows him and she said herself that he knocks people out now. He got into fights when I knew him but not to the point he'd knock people out. If this is the shit he's doing now, then I don't wanna know how he treats his friends now.
Last time I saw him was a few months ago and he seemed, sad. Idk why but he looked sad but emotionless at the same time, he looked so out of it. I noticed that immediately and I wondered why he looked like that. Despite how much I hate him and want him dead, sometimes I worry about him, and I hate it.
Idk how to feel. Is this shit normal or what. I don't feel comfortable sharing with people I know in real life so you guys are my only chance of figuring this shit out.
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megismorallysunny · 1 year
its been quite a while, i told myself in july i would talk about the barbie movie, but well that didnt end up happening. i felt awkward writing and i feel awkward now, school started 3/4 weeks ago and its been going pretty ok, ill talk more about that. so first things first the barbie movie was spectacular, i loved it so much, it was so amazing no words, speechless. i dont know if i mentioned this but i went on holiday again, i went to mallorca in june for a week and alicante in spain for 2 weeks. i grew sick of my brother after that, i hope someday we can be friends but i just cannot stand him. my mom said that i will regret not being friends with him when im older just like she did, but i just cant stand being around him. my mom may regret not being friends with my uncle then but atleast there friends now (not for long unfortunately, hes sick). Spain was pretty boring, yes i know im a lil spoilt but we went to spain cuz its cheap (cheaper than staying down the road). i started playing a lot of total drama then stopped after the start of school. Im glad that im actually able to focus on my school work better because i genuinely cannot focus, i really struggled last year cuz i did it in silence and always put it off. now i started watching qsmp along with doing my homework cuz now i feel better doing my homework, my brain just works better when its hearing something and my brain is doing something else at the same time doing my hw. i think its due to when i was younger there was never silence around me when doing my hw, there was always talking always a programme, always something. im doing higher level english, im scared about doing shit in it like every other higher subject im in. but i think im doing good in english, or atleast mediocre, my teacher said that some of my work wasnt the best, which fair nuff it isnt. but i wrote something and it was kinda cringe but my teacher said it was good, and it wasnt cringe as in furry abo type shit i wrote it was more me saying "chillingly good use of onomatopeia" omg i just felt so stupid reading it out, i figured out why it feels so invasive reading it out and its because it feels like reading a diary and your specifically asked to read out ur feelings and opinions about it, unless i say something hateful about it i dont feel comfortable saying it. im doing bad in higher maths i just cannot understand somethings but i dont want to spend more time on it so i might i might not, im scared that i just wont understand it and theres people dumber than me in there, and it feels like i shit also cuz im dumb, i struggle with comprehending things, and i just go on my phone all the time, because i just get so bored, i wish that i would be able to learn things at my own pace (fast but slow at things i dont understand) and i just wish i could learn what i wanted to, i know i can learn maths i just struggle and i dont know why. did i mention im stupid? did i? because your bound to think so now, last year in higher irish i got 23% on my summer exam, and this year i got a note from my parents to move to lower, and i went to give it to him and he gave such a good speech i said okay yeah sure, like how dumb am i?? all my friends looked aound at me and were like "that was your one chance" "why didnt you leave" it was a little demotivating but if theres one thing i can do its spite people, from an early age ive discovered people insulting me is the best power for my success, its better if it feels like they mean it. e.g i couldnt hit a ball in pe with a bat, someone tried to take it off me (multiple ppl) and they said cmon you cant do it, that was really a good motivator because as soon as they reached for it i hit the ball super high. anyways im now learning irish and im struggling really. but duolingos helping, alot. were back to talking to our french penpals and i wrote the most complicated english because i got excited she said i was a nice girl, shes so sweet i love her. i wrote way too much so im gonna go now, have a good morning, day or night.
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straightjacket111 · 1 year
it sucks honestly. mayb it was js right person wrong timing. or wtv. i love her alot. like really alot. shes really dat special to me because if she wasnt so special. i wouldnt be feeling in so much pain for the past few days and losing motivation to everythinf. be it work. hanging out with friends. continuing my lisens. all of dat. it feel so numb everyday and im tired hiding it all over again like how i used to to everyone. im tired. i really just wish i got into an accident or just die . because im really tired. i lost my love. i lost someone special to me. i lost everything. she was my ikigai. i lost her. i lost her because of me and i can never go back because of how much im scared of. how much im in pain. how much im suffering from it. i remember when she bought those foods. and dat drink. i didnt ate the donut because i know i was too tired so i let my siblings ate it. but i kept dat drink for almost 3 days and never drink it because. i really wan to keep it idky. because she bought it for me and i felt like keepinf it for my own my memories. i kept soo much stuff. every little things dat she gave i kept it. dats how much it matters even if its smtg small i js wan to keep it. dats how much i love her. i love her alot. i really mean everything i said. but i hate it dat everyday its js her in my mind because dats how much i missing her. i do miss her. but i cant . but i couldnt stop it but to js let those memories flow it through me. be it bad or good. all of them.
i just want to be happy . by myself. idw any rs anymore right after this . not js cuz i look at everyones the same but. i feel like at the end of the day. i only have myself. i cant depend on people on my happiness amd everythinf else. its quite fucking nonsense honestly. but for me to get the least hurt. i need to help myself . and its hard realy. its really hard to help myself. my birthdays coming. all i ever wish is. to have my own happiness. to be with my first love again in the future when we're both healthy. and for my first love to be happy at herself. and for the both of us to change not for anyone but ourself.
i love you nina. i'll forever love you. even how much pain u put me in. i stilk love you. u matter to me. glad ure still alive. i know i shouldnt go pass 100km/h jn and lane split in between cars jn at yishun dam. but i couldnt get over it because dats my only escape and im sorry. i hope ure eating well. not like me eating 1 meal a day. i hope ure taking care of urself like how u took care of me. i hope dat ure always being safe no matter where u are, or what ure doing. i really love you and im sorry. be happy at urself. dont say mean stuff to urself. u know u did ur wrongs. u realised ur mistake . dats good im proud of u. im proud of u for getting it through. im sorry for my sick mind. and all of dat. i guess i'll get over it. idk. but please . do smtg for urself. spend time for urself . all alone. dats really how u wan to find peace. i wan u to have dat because i really love you. i wan dat too. dont ever thibk dat i dont love you. im not sad. im fucking around after this. no. i do love you. i still do. i am sad. super sad. crying every night u know. dats why im having migraine dat easily. nope. i dont like girls. idw to be in rs. i hate girls. friends with them ?. no. i js dw. i js really wan peace for myself.
just be safe can u ?. i love you. dats the last time i'll be using tumblr. till the next few months or idk. im going ghost again. i love you okay.
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mac-kd8 · 3 years
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                                                 Law x pregnant readers
Waking up, (Name) only felt tired as if she hadn't slept in months.  She  just blamed it from the late nights of working and nothing else. Not even realizing when she woke up it was already in the afternoon and the Heart Pirates were currently eating in the galley.
With a loud groan (Name) took off her Pj's and walked into the shower, she gasped slightly when the water presser felt a little more sensitive on her chest than usual.
(Name) shrugged it off, thinking it was because she was still healing from the last battle she took part of, so she didn't think much about it. Propping herself next to her captain like she always does, she quietly ate her late lunch while trying to keep her eyes open. Law being the observant man he is, grew quite worried about his beloved wife acting so fatigue. "Are you alright?" Law asked, trying to act he wasn't concerned. She only nodded before face-planting into her food with a loud smack. No one panicked or thought it was something to worry about, guessing (Name) was just having a narcoleptic attack.
Later that day, (Name) was currently laying on her bed while reading a book. Feeling like she was about to throw up, she put down her book next to her and quickly opened the bathroom door. She then puke out all of her lunch and maybe last night dinner as well into the toilet. Wipeing her mouth, (Name) then headed toward the sink to splash some cold water on her face.
Feeling a familiar presence, (Name) then turned her head to where Law was currently standing with a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I guess it's just a little food poisoning." (Name) said while scratching the back of her head.
"Alright but let me know when it gets worse."Law stated as he exited the bathroom.
(Name's) heart almost escaped from her chest when the submarine started shaking and yellow lights started flashing. Running onto the deck she could already see a battle taking place with men in white and blue uniforms on one side and men in colorful hats and white overalls on the other side. Unsheathing her twin katanas, (Name) then started cutting one marine after another but for some strange reason she already felt like she was out of energy. 20 minutes into the battle, with a large pant for air she finishes off the last of the marines before wobbling back to the submarine's doors.
"Damn why am I already out of breath, those marines were just small fries. My training methods haven't changed one bit, why do I feel so weak. "(Name) muttered to herself in annoyance.
(Name) only pushed her food around on the plate, hardly nibbling then she looked around the room. Everyone was so cheerful and she couldn't help but smile.
"Not eating much I see." Law commented, leaning over to whisper in her ear. Not like he needs to, over the usually loud noise that the Heart Pirates made at each meal.
"I'm just not hungry." She responded.
"Strange and I thought for someone who was out of breath just by fighting a few marines would be starving." Law stated in a matter-of-factly tone.
"Is it not to your liking, (Name)?" The head chef asked, catching sight of Law's actions.
"It's good. I'm just not hungry right now"(Name) said as she pushed back the plate.
"I'll put it in the fridge until you feel like eating again,"The chef said as he scooped up her plate of uneaten food.
"Do you need to lie down again?" Law asked her again for the third time today.
"I'm okay."
"Could I get some orange juice though?"(Name) sweetly asked the cook.
Then immediately , the crew got back to their usual antics paying no mind to (Name's) odd behavior.
She got to her feet while squeezing Law's shoulder gently. "I'm going to read a book." She said before taking a sip of the juice.
She was hoping that it was simply a case of stomach flu and not something alot more serious.
(Name) was once again in the bathroom and vomiting all of what she ate yesterday, which was not that much. (Name) felt terrible , as would anyone in these types of situations would, however, she still didn't want to bring the matter up. Luckily, Law hasn't woken up from his deep slumber , which made her sigh in relief. Slipping back into bed, she then let her eyelids close as she slept all the way through the afternoon again.
Then that cycle of having no appetite and vomiting lasted for this day as well, which made Law start to worry even more about his wife.
"(Name)!" She picked up her head by the ship's railing in surprise as she heard her name being called by Penguin. Her stomach hadn't seemed to settle, and now she is throwing up into the sea.
She then turned her head to the mechanic, trying her best not to look sick.
Penguin walked up to (Name) getting rather closer, causing (Name) to become nervous.
"You look pale." Penguin commented.
"I haven't been feeling well the last few days Penguin. So I'm probably a bit pale." (Name) stated .
"You're sick (Name)?" questioned Shachi. (Name) nodded her head, however quickly realized what she had brought up.
"I'm only slightly sick, just a little headache. Really."
"You sure (Name)?" Law asked as he walked up to the swordswoman, worried about her health.
She then gave a reassuring thumbs up to everyone to show that she was okay. Though internally, she was kicking herself for lying to the crew, even more so to her trusting and loving husband. The crew soon believed the lie as they continued with their day, however, Penguin, Shachi, and Law didn't seem to be convinced, so they kept an eye on her.
"Damn it, damn it, damn it." (Name) thought as she ran to the bathroom for the third time this week. She still was getting lucky with Law having once again already left their room or sleeping, but she knew that it was only a matter of time before they really began to be suspicious.
"This will pass. This will pass."(Name) kept telling herself furiously as she finished with her recent vomiting episode. She picked herself up, taking in deep breaths trying to settle her stomach. As she looked into the mirror, she noticed that she is even paler than yesterday.
Putting on a brave face, she then walked out of the bathroom and went onto the deck.
"Land ahoy!" Shachi shouted as he pointed at the piece of land.
All of the Heart Pirates gather around the railing in a disorderly long line, and lean over it, while watching the island they were about to dock. They had docked at a unique island well-known in the areas as vicious wild blood thirsty animals live there.
"Yahoo, a new adventure!" (Name) said happily before walking off the submarine's plank. As she got closer and closer onto the island, she felt someone grabbing her shoulder.
"I think it's for the best if you stay back in your current state."Law stated with a worried look on his face.
She only shrugged his hand off. "I'm fine, I feel a lot better today."
Before Law could protest, (Name) had already made her way onto the island.
And then she left, not running, but walking kinda in a slow pace into the forests.
After some time had passed, both Penguin and Shachi had returned after a troublesome adventure with some saber-tooth monkeys. Law was starting to get a little worry since (Name) wasn't back yet, so he went the same direction she walked in.
As Law walked deeper and deeper into the forest he finally made eye contact with the swordswoman. "Help!" (Name) called out as she was kneeling onto the tall grass while clenching her slightly bleeding shoulder.
Law was surprised, (Name) never called for help unless it's something really serious or life-threatening .
Activating his Room he switches places with (Name) while killing the beast in the process.
While Law was carrying (Name) through the forest, she leaned away from his chest so she wouldn't get vomit onto his clothes
"I'm going to take a blood sample." (Name) nodded as she rolled up her sleeve allowing Law to apply the alcohol onto her skin then inserting the needle. Only taking a tiny amount, Law removed the needle and quickly placed a band-aid on where he poke her. "You can leave, I will give you your results as soon as possible."
She only nodded before leaving the infirmary room.
Law stood there from where he was sitting in shock, not knowing how to feel after reviewing the results of her blood test. It was a mix of happiness, relief, fear and mostly parental love. It took all of his strength not to jump down like a crazy man who just won the lottery, because it was the middle of the night and he didn't want to wake up his crew. When he finally made it to the doors of his room, he put on a calm face and slowly and quietly opened the door. "Hi Captain, so did my blood test turn out good?" (Name) asked casually.
"Yep, it seems that both of you are fine." Law said with a big goofy smile on his usually calm and serious face. (Name) looked at her captain in surprise and in slight confusion, even already knowing the answer. "W-what do you mean the b-both of us?" (Name) managed to stutter out.
"I mean our baby. You're 9 weeks pregnant."
He was in love with (Name), and the idea of her having his baby was ideal to him, but it was still a shock, they'd never even spoken or brought up the subject. He wanted a family, but the idea still scares him. All the memories of his mother and father, and his little sister Lami all stuck to him. Then, the struggles and problems of them being famous pirates with both of them having large bounties on their heads. And all of the struggles that their child will face as well, everything he, (Name) and his unborn child, everything they will face together suddenly hit him in one go.
"Law I'm sorry, I should have been more careful." (Name) said while sobbing.
Law quickly, but carefully picks her up and sits her onto his lap while stroking the spot where their child was growing.
"Sorry for what? Making this the happiest day of my life." Law said before kissing her still flat stomach.
(Name) began to cry more but it wasn't tears of sadness, they were tears of joy. "We're going to be parents. I'm going to be a mom."
"And I'm going to be a dad. " Law said while showering her with even more kisses. (Name) squeaked when Law gently swooped her off her feet and began sprinting across the metal halls.
"What the... Law?!"
"Your shoulder, your shoulder was wounded. You're staying overnight, no, 3 nights in the infirmary. What if the baby got hurt. What if the baby got killed?"Law started listing off the things that could happen to their unborn child.
"Everyone, we have an announcement!" Law shouted loudly to get everyone's attention who was on the deck.
"We're getting a new crew member." (Name) said while trying to hold back her giggles.
"Oh, that's nice, when can we meet them?" Penguin asked.
"Less than 9 months." Law answered which made everyone go completely silent.
"We're having a baby!" Both (Name) and Law shouted cheerfully.
They were all staring at the expected couple, completely dumbfounded.
Astounded, flabbergasted, shock whichever word to describe their expressions and the tense atmosphere. Law's hand started to turn purple just by how hard (Name) was squeezing his hand.
"CONGRATULATIONS," Penguin and Shachi shouted in perfect unison.
"This is amazing, this calls for a party!" A Heart Pirate exclaimed.
"No alcohol for the pregnant woman though," Bepo smiled warmly at her from Law's side.
"(Name), don't cry, " Law said, reaching around her shoulders to comfort her.
"I know, it has to be the unbalanced hormones. I'm just so happy, this is a new chapter of my life." (Name) said as she cried into Law's chest.
Throughout the day everyone was partying while congratulating the new parents-to-be.
"So who will be the godparents?" Bepo asked.
"We have already decided that Ikkaku and you will be the godparents of our child."(Name) answered. Bepo then lifted both (Name) and Law off their feet and gave them a big hug while crying tears of joy. "Thank you, I'll be the best godfather ever." Bepo said, which made everyone in the Heart Pirates stare in jealousy, especially Penguin and Shachi.
"You guys will make great uncles." (Name)said with a big smile while hugging both of them in her arms.
"Lucky bear." Shachi muttered.
The 2 mechanics' faces turned a deep shade of red when (Name) kissed both of them on the cheek. "Don't worry, there is enough love to go around."
Then out of nowhere, a large explosion could be heard across the deck.
"Heart Pirates, Give up now or prepare to die."A marine holding a megaphone demanded.
(Name) smirked before unsheathing her twin katanas as she got into a fighting stance.
"Do your worst.''She retorted before Law used his devil fruit ability to transport her back into the sub.
Law shut the metal doors, ignoring the loud banging noises that were coming from the other side.
"Law, you ass, I want to fight too. Let me out, let me out." (Name) demanded as she kept on banging her fist onto the metal door.
"No, as your captain and doctor I order you to stay back and let us handle this. You're pregnant, you need to take it easy for now on."Law stated, which made (Name) slump down in disappointment. She hated being useless, she wanted to fight, she wanted to help, she wanted to do something besides laying down and doing nothing.
"Oh great, 7 more months of being totally useless." (Name) muttered under her breath while sighing.
A few weeks later-
(Name) felt like she was already going crazy. She wasn't allowed to do anything and she meant she couldn't do anything. First, the large weights she and Jean Bart can usually lift with ease have been replaced with 5 pound weights and she wasn't even allowed to use them for more than 5 minutes. Law had also forbidden( name) in certain places in the submarine as well, which was almost one half of the metal vessel that was off limits for her.
(Name) also swears, Law has super hearing because when she decides to get out of her bed, Law uses his devil fruit abilities to teleport himself right next to his wife's side.
"Law, go back to work. I'm just getting a snack."(Name) protested.
"Then ask me or someone else from the crew to get it for you. You're still in your first trimester of pregnancy, there is still a possible chance of miscarriages or physical deformities or all sources of possible medical stated as he called forth his room again then instantly a jar of peanuts appeared in his hand.
"Here, take these and go back to our room." Was all Law said as he pointed the direction of where their room was located, as if she was completely clueless of where she had been living for most of her life.
Rolling eyes (Name) went back to her room while munching down on the jar of peanuts on the way.
When the Heart Pirates docked onto an island, (Name) thought she could get some alone time to herself while getting the necessary items for the future stages of her pregnancy. And it was a good thing too since her pants and shirt had been feeling tight lately. "Bye Captain, I'm going to do a little shopping." (Name) said before she jumped off the submarine's front deck.
"Room, Shambles." Law now had (Name) in his arms.
"What the hell Law?" (Name) questioned.
"I'm coming with you, " Law stated as he tightly held her hand.
"Law, I'll be just fine. It's just a little shopping, I'm barely showing." (Name) retorted while trying to slip her hand from Law's strong grip.
"Nope, as long as you're carrying my child you're stuck with me." Law said, securitly wrapping around his arm onto her waist.
After 5 medical and clothes stores later, Law's arms were both covered in shopping bags while (Name) just carried a single bag with a small bottle of medicine inside of it.
"Law, let me carry that for you. You know I can lift 1000 times my own body weight." (Name) Stated with an annoyed frown.
"I got this, I don't want you to lift even one eight of your body weight. Your-" (Name) then cut off Law before he could finish the rest of this statement. "Yeah, Yeah, I know I'm pregnant and pregnant women shouldn't be exerting themselves."
Smirking devilishly, (Name) came up with a small plan to get away from her overbearing husband.
"Hey honey, I really need to use the bathroom."(Name) said as she pretended her bladder was about to burst.
"Very well."He responded, then they headed to the closest bathroom.
Reaching down in her left sock, (Name) grabbed a screwdriver and began unscrewing the bathroom's top window.
When (Name) was finally outside of the building, she began to grin like she has been in prison for 20 years and just now escaped. She was free, she could do whatever she wanted without worrying about Law dragging her back to their room and making her stay there until the next day.
In a swift motion, (Name) unsheathed her twin katanas and blocked an attack from a familiar mask man.
"Yo... it's been a while, when was the last time we fought together."(Name)greeted, enjoying the weight and feel of her swords when fighting. "Too long and this time I will become victorious." Killer responded.
Killer and (name) have been rivals ever since their crew had first met. The 2 of them will always break into fights everytime when they see one another. But so far they're about even, most of the time their fights usually ended up in draws.
The fight soon stopped when Killer stepped away and put back his scythe blades into its case. "Hey what gives, why are you chickening out now! The fight was just about to get better." (Name) shouted.
"I'm not fighting a pregnant woman, I want to kick your ass at your best."Killer stated while pointing to her slightly rounded stomach. "Damn, I knew I should have put on more baggy clothing."(Name) thought to herself as she tried to cover her baby bump.
"You're a pirate, why should you even care? Pirates do whatever they want."(Name) exclaimed while pouting slightly.
"I may be a pirate but I'm still a man who doesn't like fighting weak women." Was all he said before walking away.
"I'm not weak...fight me, please! Law won't even let me hold a fork. Please, I'm only on my 16 week."(Name)whined as she tugged onto Killer's shirt.
"No, and you look alot more further along than that."Killer retorted which made (Name) gasp loudly of being called fat.
Before Killer had any time to dodge, (Name) kicked him square in the balls which made him groan in pain.
"Meanie!" (Name) spat out before taking off into the forest nearby with small tears running down her face.
"Ouch!"He groaned loudly, laying on the ground while holding his sore nuts.
Law was pissed. But mostly Law was extremely worried. He couldn't find his wife anywhere, but what really worries him is that the Kid Pirate's ship has been spotted as well.
What if the Kid Pirates took advantage of his wife's current state or even worse killed her on the spot.
No matter how much observation Haki Law uses, he didn't have any lead on where his wife is.
"Captain, we know where she is." Penguin reported.
"Yeah, Killer from the Kid Pirates told us she kicked him in the nuts and went into the forest,"Shachi added.
"And why did she kick him in the nuts, (Name) doesn't usually use low blows?"Law stated with a raised eyebrow.
"Well,"Penguin started off while scratching the back of his head.
"He kinda called her fat." Shachi answered.
In a blink of an eye, Law called forth his room and teleported himself into the forest. Without even trying, Law hears small whimpers coming from the top of a tree so he looks up and sees the person he was looking for all day.
"(Name!)Law called out his wife's name.
"Go away!" She screamed then resumed crying again.
"No, I know I've been a little too clingy lately, but it's only because I want the best for you and our future kid as well. And to be fair, I don't really blame you for running away from me, so that is why I promise you I will try my best to give you your space."Law promised as he kneeled down.
(Name) stopped crying and looked at her husband.
"Okay, I'm coming down now."(Name) responded as she started climbing down onto one branch after another.
She gasps when one branch snaps from her weight and she begins to fall, face first into a painfull fall, and Law swears his heart stops for 5 seconds as his throat hitchs.
"Room, shambles!"
When his wife's stomach was only inches away from hitting the hard ground, she instantly appeared in Law's arms.
"Law, I'm sorr-"(Name) whispered her husband's name.
"That was way too close." He then looked and touched her baby bump gently.
"You're never ever leaving my sight until that baby is out of you. That's an order." Was all he said as he started walking back to the sub with his wife in his arms.
(Name) found herself laying flat on her back in the medical bay as Law prepared the new ultrasound equipment.
"Damn, that's cold." She hissed when the clear gel made contact with her stomach.
"Sorry," he apologised half-heartedly.
"Usually I would just use my scanning ability, but I think it would be a lot more useful to check in like this."Law stated then he turned on the monitor. He moved the device around her stomach slowly with his eyes on the screen, instantly stopped when he saw a gray blob in the middle.
"There's our child."He pointed to the blob.
As (Name) looked closer at the screen, she cock an eyebrow when another blob had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Honey, why are there 2 of them?"(Name) stated while pointing where the 2 blobs were located.
"You're just seeing things, there is no-"Law stopped himself when indeed there were more than 1 blob. "We're having twins."Law whispered so softly that (Name) had to ask him to repeat himself.
"We're having twins. Yes,! Now you don't have to get pregnant again."Law said again as his wife just stood there in shock, not knowing how to process the new information.
"Wait, you're not satisfied with one kid." (Name) yelled at her husband in which he only nodded.
"Great. I already get smothered enough with one baby, I'm sure it's gonna get worse."
"It's now double," his lips formed into a smirk. "For now you're going to have daily instead of weekly check ups. And you're no longer allowed to practice swordsmanship with real swords anymore."
"Excuse me? No way, I've been holding swords since I was only 5 years old, you can't do that." She sat up sharply.
"You lost all of your rights when you started carrying precious cargo. Now you must be twice careful with our little ones." He brushed his fingers against her stomach before kissing it gently.
The more (Name-s) belly got bigger and bigger, the more cautious everyone, especially Law became. In only her 30 weeks of pregnancy, (Name) already looks like she could give birth any day now.
The Heart Pirates were currently docked on a winter island while (Name) only watched from a sideline.
"But Law, I want to play in the snow like everyone else. Please, I've been cooped up in this submarine for far too long."(Name) begged while giving Law the puppy eye look.
"Fine, but you need to bundle up."Law exclaimed.
6 layers of thick clothing later, (Name) walked off the Polar tang's deck with Law right next to her side.
Working on her snow fort for about 30 minutes, (Name) started to feel a sneeze coming along and tried her best to hold it in.
"Achoo!" She then covered her mouth, in hopes Law didn't hear it.
She sighs and doesn't even put up a fight when Law's room incases her, and teleports her into his arms.
"You're going back to the sub, I knew it was a bad idea to let you play in the snow."Law stated flatly.
And once again (Name) was laying flat on her back as she watched Law move the ultrasound equipment around her stomach for the fourth time this week.
"Is this really necessary?"(Name) questioned while pouting.
"Yes, unless you don't want our babies to be healthy. You're now forbidden to leave our bed until your cold has subsided. If you break any of those rules then I will bind you to the bed until your pregnancy has ended. Do I make myself clear?" Law questioned which only made (name) stick out her tongue.
"You 2 need to get out of mommy soon because I can't take another minute with your daddy."(Name) talk and rub to her rounded stomach when Law left the room.
2 weeks later and (Name) Was finally on her last trimester of pregnancy. "Law!" (Name) shouted his name loudly.
"Yes my darling, is there something you need." Law responded as he headed toward where his wife was currently sitting down.
"The babies are kicking, they're kicking again."(Name) said excitedly then grab's Law's hand to guide him where the kicking was happening.
Then the day when his children would be born.
(Name) woke up in the middle of the night when she felt a warm wet substance in between her legs and soon realized her water just broke.
"Law...Law." She shakes her husband awake.
"Yeah, what is it?" He muttered as he tried to rub away the sleep from his eyes.
"My water just broke."She then yelled in agony after she felt a contraction.
"Shit?!" Law then quickly moves to her side to help her into the wheelchair he had laying by for this day. "Bepo, round up the medical squad, it's time." Law shouted through a den den mushi.
"Whatt, I thought she wasn't due for at least another couple weeks." Bepo shouted.
"Well, the kids have decided to come now!" Law stated.
12 hours of shouting and a lot of pushing later, the first one came out.
"She's a beautiful girl!" Law said before handing the bundle of joy to Bepo.
"Come on just one more push." Law said then he could see the head of the baby.
"It's a handsome boy," Law said before handing the other baby to Penguin's arms.
"Law, what should we name them?"(Name) asked as she panted for air.
"Rosey for our baby girl and Corazon for our baby boy." Law answered, then placed a sweet and tender kiss on his wife's forehead.
"You need rest now, I will take care of them in the meantime."
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Just go with it part 2
Musical beetlejuice x reader
You have to meet juno and pretend you and bj are getting married
Nsft sorta, mentions of activity
Part 1
"Y/n wake up, come on babes"
"Beej?" You mumble rubbing your eyes "what's wrong?" You say in a whisper.
He doesnt respond, you turn on the lamp by your bed and check your phone clock
You sigh, looking back at the demon, now being able to see him clearly, you freeze upon seeing that the demon was now completely purple, his hair, his beard, his tie, all deep purple.
"What's wrong?" You ask again, more fear in you voice then intended
"Okay y/n" he starts, using your name rather then a pet name was never a good sign "so you remember a few nights ago when that suit came by to see if I was lying about our relationship?"
"He's back?!" You sit up, more awake "wait... wasnt the repercussion to that not that bad? Just some extra work for you?"
Beetlejuice rubs his neck "yeah, thing about that, it's not him... my mother is here, to talk to you personally..." he trails off refusing to look at you
"Your mother...." you repeat feeling your stomach drop
"What's gonna happen if she finds us out?" You ask in a whisper
"...who knows with her" the demon spits before looking away.
The two of you remain in silence over the shit beetlejuice has gotten you into it.
Beetlejuice huffs out his nose as his focus goes back to you.
"So y/n, I mean honey~" the demon pulls you up from your bed and into a side hug "ready to meet mommy dearest?" Beetlejuice tried to smile, make light of the situation, but his hair betrayed him, remaining a deep purple, even though he tried his best to plaster a grin across his face for your sake.
You didnt know much about Beetlejuice's mother, other then she didnt exactly win mother of the year, beej only opened up about her a handful of times, long story short, you knew this was gonna be a rough experience for both of you, but mostly Beej.
Beetlejuice drops his jacket around your shoulders, pulling the same ring he gave you to fool the suit, the same tacky, pretty ring, the band was black and white, and resembled a snake, the gem was a brilliant green, your heart swelled at the sight of the ring.
The ghoul drops on one knee, and gently slides the ring onto your middle finger, pausing to kiss your hand before giving you wink, under different circumstances you would die from such a cheesy romantic gesture, but now was not that time, you did appreciate beetlejuice trying to lighten the mood.
"Alright honey, you remember the drill?"
"That's my future wife, let's not keep the bitch waiting" he smiles linking arms with you
Future wife...
You couldnt help but give the ghoul a soft smile at the thought.
Beetlejuice takes a deep breath, smoothing his hair back, wiping the purple away in favour of his default green.
The demon grabs your hand begins to lead you to your living room, you could barely focus over the sound of your heart pounding, who could blame you, you were about to come face to face with someone Beetlejuice was afraid of.
As the two of you head down the hall , she was finally in sight, you felt your stomach drop, in your recliner sat an old woman, dressed completely in red, she had a permanent scowl across her face, her whole presence give off a bad feeling.
"Lawrence, you took your sweet time fetching your fiance" she barked causing beetlejuice to flinch
"Ya know breathers, they like their sleep-" he forces a laugh, purple slowly creeping back into his hair
"Nonsense, it's nearly 6am, that's more then a reasonable time for breathers to wake and start their pointless routines" she waves off, beetlejuice frowns and leads you to the couch, where the both of you sit.
"Its been awhile huh Ma? Like I was saying earlier, it's nice to see you again and-" beetlejuice was babbling
"Zip it" was all she said and beetlejuice clamped his mouth shut and gazed down staring at his feet. "Lawrence, I didnt come here for pointless pleasantries" her eyes meet yours "y/n l/n I dont know what Lawrence has done to you or promised you, but I can assure you he doesnt care about you, and just wants freedom, further more Lawrence, do you honestly think this breather could love you? This game of yours needs to come to an end, there is alot of paper work tied up in this farce of yours"
You were taken back by her words, she really didn't beat around the bush.
"I dont-" you start, voice trembling
"Ma, y/n loves me and I love them, see~" beetlejuice grabs your hand to show his mother the ring, she eyes the ring for a moment, then goes bad to staring daggers into her son, her scowl never faltering.
"Tacky" she huffs, a simple response like that was enough to shut her son down, beetlejuice pulled away from you, pressing his back firm against the couch, lips pressed shut and hands clamped together in his lap.
"As I was saying, Lawrence is a natural born troublemaker, and youd be smart to back out of this farce before he gains life, knocks you up with a life ruining disappointment, and vanishes from your life" she droned as she lights a cigarette, taking a deep inhale, smoke shooting out from her neck.
You swallow hard.
"I would prefer if you didnt smoke in my house, ma'am"
Juno stares at you for a moment, then shakes her head as she puts out her cigarette on your coffee table.
"Ma'am I really do trust beetlejuice, and I love him, this isnt a farce-" you began, but your words were ignored
"If you want to throw yourself into a mess, I wont stop you, I'm not here to save you, but I have to applaud his efforts on tricking someone LEGAL this time for his little game. Even though this mess of yours is going to keep him out of my way for awhile, it doesn't cover the fact that Lawrence's efforts have caused my office nothing but work. And even if this "love" was real the boy ruins everything thing he touches, cant do anything right, having him around only causes headaches, you'll see soon enough y/n," Juno's hurtful words drone on, as if her son wasnt sitting across the table from her.
"Back to the matter, even if you do choose to marry this fool, I wanted to warn you about the mess your getting yourself into, giving him life would only cause you grief, and I dont want to hear it when you get to the netherworld after a suicide his actions caused"
You grit your teeth at that last remark, you knew juno thought poorly of beetlejuice, but did she honestly thing her son was so awful that youd kill yourself over his actions, you felt like you were going to be sick.
"Lawrence, why is your hair purple?"
You glance over to beetlejuice, who infact was completely purple, the deepest purple you've ever seen him wear.
Beetlejuice bites down on his lip, his hands clenched in fists as they sat on his thighs, he was frozen.
"Bee?" You gently whisper as you slowly place a hand on his, the ghoul flinches at your touch, beetlejuice slowly takes your hand in his and gives it a light squeeze.
"Come on Ma, y/n my be dramatic, and get mad at me from time to time, but they'd never kill themselves over anything dumb I'd do, and hell we already talked it over, we dont want kids" the ghoul leans into you for support.
Juno scowls "to remind you both, I'm not here to stop you two, the only thing I'm here for is to warn this foolish breather, and double check to make sure YOU arent mucking about and blackmailing the living again, there is a lot of paper work involved in this little game of yours, and you still havent delt with the paper work of your failed marriage and death by the hands of that poor child you tricked" her eyes narrow down to beetlejuice, juno pauses, then sighs
"Lawrence just come clean, this little game of yours has gone on long enough, even if you didnt blackmail this poor soul into marrying you, do you honestly think they love you? You dont actually think this breather wants you around do you?"
"That's not true, I do-"
You werent able to finish that sentence, with a snap of juno's fingers your mouth is now cover with a strip of duct tape.
"You've honestly fooled yourself into thinking you could be loved didnt you? Pitiful, maybe this breather found you amusing now, but you dont think it's going to last do you?" Her questioning goes on, she was convinced her son was unlovable, you tug away at the duct tape but it refuses to budge, beetlejuice was too focused on his mother's words, to the point where he was starting to believe her, the purple slowly faded from him in favour of white, a color you've never seen on him.
"Lawrence you're little game is over, and you're going to clean up the mess you made, I have a decade's worth of paper work for you to fill out over this farce and every other little issue you caused, I knew from the start this was fake, no living person in their right mind would let you into their life willingly"
A decade's worth of paper work?! Was that so important that she was willing to manipulate her own son into thinking he was worthless?
"Lawrence you are such a screw up, the amount of work your little games keep giving me is coming to an end, you will never be alive, you will never be loved, let alone tolerated, and you are coming back to my office to straighten up ever little issue you have caused, if you think being invisible for a millennia is bad-" she raises her voice with each hateful word.
This duct tape wasnt going to budge, so you went with plan B, you roughly bump into the demon's side to get his attention, beetlejuice looking your way, your eyes grow wide at his expression, he was crying, black gooey tears. The two of you stare at each other what felt like an eternity, Juno's voice no longer reached him, beetlejuice snaps his fingers and the duct tape vanishes from your mouth.
You jump up from you position on the couch "I'm sorry ma'am  but bee- Lawrence isnt worthless, and yes, he can be an ass, and insensitive at times, but I love him and I really do want to marry him! And whatever stupid paper work that is tied up in this, can just fuck off..." your voice tweaks as the ghoulish women sitting across from you stands up, eyes dead set on you.
You werent great with confrontation, and beej knew this, but here you were talking back to his mother, you  his tiny sweet breather talking back to a literal monster. The white from Beetlejuice's hair quickly left in replacement to pink 'I really do want to marry him!' Those words from your lips could have made his heart start beating , tho that was shortly lived when he saw this mother stand, purple took hold of his form once again.
He couldnt let you fight his mistakes alone, though he found it hot that you could be his knight in shining armor.
No, beetlejuice is quick to jump up and link his arm with yours "see ma, this little breather stole my heart, and hell, we've been planning our little wedding for months" beetlejuice snaps his fingers and in a flash his and yours clothes change. Beetlejuice wore a red tux made with crushed velvet, with a lacy front, his whole outfit screamed tacky, but that was him. Looking down at your self, you stifle a laugh, here you were, 6:30am, dressed in a red puffy lacing monster of a dress, in all honesty this wouldnt be your first choice, but now was not that time. Beetlejuice pulls you close, you could swear he could hear how hard your heart was pounding, could you blame yourself? He looked so handsome all dressed up, even if this was fake.
"My, my Lawrence, doesnt that dress look familiar, isnt that the dress you forced that poor child to wear the last time you played this game?" his mother sneers
"Its called a call back, and y/n loves it" he sneers back you nodded in agreement, beetlejuice continues "we're still working on a venue, trying to find a band, believe me, planning a wedding is exhausting, and oh! dont be surprised if your invite gets lost in the mail ma" the demon gives a shit eating grin, you smile seeing beetlejuice has gained SOME confidence back.
"I have no interest in attending your little wedding Lawrence" she spat "it's clear you're not going to budge, and still refusing to take responsibility for your actions, you always were a slacker, and if that's the case, once you die again you will be returning to my office to deal with the mess you made" her focus turns to you "or I could end this little charade by killing your ticket to life"
Your heart stops at her words, she was a demon, Beetlejuice's grip tightens on you, the silence must have been hurting him as much as it did you.
"But I wont, itd be too much a hassle ending a life before it's time"
You sigh in relief, and beetlejuice loosens his grip.
"This will end poorly for the two of you, and I dont want to hear it" juno walks past the two of you, and with a gesture of her hand the livingroom wall opens up to reveal an office full of the dead.
"Lawrence before you join the living I need to deal with one last errand, so I will see you later, and you" Juno's boney finger points to you "you have no idea what you've signed up for" and with that she was gone, the wall closes up as if nothing happened, the two of you collapse on the floor
"Shes gone" you sigh, you've never been more scared in you entire life then you were talking to Juno
"So you like your future mother in law?" Beej jabs you side
"Oh yeah, a delight" you snort, "how long do you think we have before she notices we havent gotten married?" You tone shifts to a more serious note
"No clue, guess you'll actually need to marry me now" he pulls you into a side hug
"What?" You stammer, beetlejuice laughs at your response
"HA! Just pulling your chain there doll, theres no way in hell she's coming back to check, if I know that Bitch shes going to file away those papers for me, there's no way she'll let them just sit there for who knows how long, and this time next week she'll be harping about something else" beetlejuice stands up and pulls you up with him as he sees you struggling to move in that dress, as you raise to your feet you mumble a thanks.
"You know beej, you really do clean up good, I mean, you look very handsome all dressed up" you smile, now that that two of you were safe, you felt it was the right time to say it.
The purple in the ghoul's hair quickly vanishes at your kind words and is replaced with pink.
"Well you know doll, the tux suits me, but it looks even better on the floor, you'll see on our honeymoon~"
"Is that so?"
"Dont believe me? I'll show ya right now baby~" the ghoul pulls you close pressing his chest against yours, as fun as this little exchange was it came to a halt when you yawned.
"What a way to start a weekend, early and terrified, I think I'm gonna get a few more hours of sleep" you grumbled rubbing your eye "you mind helping me out of this dress?" Beetlejuice goes wide eyed at your question, in a flash his hands were groping for the zipper on your back.
"Naughty minx" he purrs before you swat his hands away
"I ment with magic" you breath out, you may be tired, but your genitals were now wide awake.
Beetlejuice grumbles as he snaps his fingers bringing you back into your pajamas and him in his suit.
"Thank you, I guess this wouldnt be good night, see you in a bit" you shrug as you head to your bedroom to get a few more hours of sleep, you glance back at beetlejuice, who was purple once again, you frown
"Beej do you want to sleep with me? I mean you dont need to sleep, I just thought maybe, you wouldnt want to be alone right now?" After seeing his mother maybe he could use some comfort.
There was a long silence as the demon only stares back at you, you panic
"I'm sorry, that was stupid, I'll just, uh, see you in-" you babble as you spin in your heels eager to get away from this embarrassing situation. Before you could hide away in your bedroom you feel the dicey grip if the demon's hand on your shoulder, and in a deep gravely voice he purrs
"Isn't it normal for a husband and wife to sleep together?~" 
you honestly felt a shiver run up your spine.
The ghoul, now only in a pair of boxers has now cuddled up to you  his legs intertwined with yours, his arms wrapped around your waist, hand rubbing up and down your back, and head nuzzled into your chest, the demon now pink, purred feeling your hands scratching his scalp, his mother was wrong, you did love him, truly and unconditionally, maybe not now, but soon, he will marry you.
It's been days since you met his mother, and it seems like beetlejuice has been back to stop caring about it, but sometimes you see him just staring off into space.
The ghoul had only one thing on his mind, replaying the memory over and over, of you shouting "I REALLY DO WANT TO MARRY HIM!"
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Biggest regret (part 2)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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A/N: Quite a few of you guys wanted a part two to this one. Mixed angst and fluff kind of? So... I didn’t wanna rush this one and it kind of got away from me. I want to do a part three to it which will be where the main fluff begins if you guys are interested. 
Warnings: cursing, angst, sadness, fluff kinda 
Nervous didn't even begin to cover how Billy felt now he was back stateside. He was on his way home after a successful mission and his thoughts were consumed with you and the baby. He hadn't been able to think of much else. He didn't regret sending the letter but he was vulnerable now. He'd put himself out there and he hated how out of control he was with the situation. 
There was every chance you wouldn't even get the letter. You could have easily moved since the last time he spoke to you and you'd never know he'd tried to reach out. And of course he had the resources available to track you down if needed but it felt wrong to do that. Although if he got desperate enough he knew he was selfish enough to do it. 
He wasn't sure what would be worse; you never getting the letter or you getting the letter and ripping his heart out. Hypocritical, he knew, after what he'd done to you. But he wasn't sure how he'd handle it. There were too many variables for this whole thing and it set him on edge. Even if you got the letter it didn't mean you'd respond. And if you responded it didn't mean it would be anything he'd like to hear. You could be telling him to go fuck himself, which he'd wholeheartedly understand, but it would hurt nonetheless. 
He didn't dare get his hopes up. He knew that the very best he'd probably get was the bare minimum information about his kid. Name and age, if that. And while it may not be a lot, it would mean the world to him but he wasn't holding his breath for even that.
He felt like a string pulled taut ready to snap as he made his way to his apartment. He made a beeline to the mail room and unlocked his mailbox and grabbed the stack of letters. He knew it was stupid as he held his breath and flicked through the envelopes. He tried so hard not to get his hopes up yet he hadn't been able to help it. There was a bunch of junk mail and more formal business-like things. But then a handwritten envelope had his heart stopping completely. He'd know your handwriting anywhere. He stared at it for a long moment and all he could hear was the blood rushing to his head. So much hung on what you'd say in this letter and it left him open to complete and utter heartbreak. He felt sick. 
Deciding to open it upstairs so he'd be able to have a mental breakdown in peace, he all but ran to the elevator and made his way up to the top floor. It felt like it took a year to get there and he made quick work of getting inside his apartment. The other mail got tossed on the counter, forgotten and not important and he walked over to his sofa before sitting on it. He placed the letter on the coffee table, glaring at it as he wrung his hands. He was genuinely terrified of what was inside. He'd faced so much in his life, fought literal wars. Yet this was the most scared he'd ever been. 
He jumped off the sofa, going in the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of whisky before he went and sat back down, his leg bobbing up and down without even noticing. He didn't need a glass and instead just took a large gulp before he set the bottle down. He needed to stop being such a little bitch and open the damn thing. With shaking hands, he grabbed the letter and opened it. He pulled out the paper, unfolding it as his heart thumped wildly in his chest. The first thing he noticed were the few splotches of now dried wetness on the page that had the ink bleed slightly. You'd cried when writing this and his heart seized up.
I was surprised to hear from you, I won't lie. At one time I expected it. When I was pregnant I kept expecting you to call or turn up here or something, but as the months went on I realised it wouldn't happen. Better late than never though, right?
Ouch. You weren't wrong but it stung all the same. He imagined you, scared and pregnant and alone and hoping he'd turn up and be the man you needed and it hurt him more than he felt comfortable with.
It kind of hurts that you think I'd withhold information about our baby from you. I thought you knew me better than that. I thought a lot of things though and I was wrong so I'm not surprised. You were the one that walked away from us, I'd never be petty enough to keep you away just because of what happened with us.
He did know you well enough but he hadn't been able to stop his mind going there. Because he knew deep down he didn't deserve you bothering with a reply for how he abandoned you. He knew he was asking for too much. He shouldn't have been surprised you'd reply since you always went above and beyond for him. He never deserved it. Not then and certainly not now. 
I won't sit here and lie to you. It crushed me when you walked away. I was terrified to tell you when I found out I was pregnant. I wasn't sure how you'd react. A part of me thought it would end the way it did but… I really hoped it wouldn't. I held out too much hope and I see that now. 
You thought he was a better man than he was. Gave him too much credit. It stung like a bitch that he'd hurt you this much. He never wanted to hurt you. 
The pregnancy was tough. I was in and out of hospital and I was really sick. Then I had issues at the end with the placenta. I had to go through all of it alone and I stupidly wished you'd just magically turn up every time I ended up back at hospital.
His lower lip wobbled and he sneered at himself. He should have been there. He should have held your hand and told you it would be okay. You shouldn't have had to go through any of this alone. 
We have a little girl. I called her Delilah. I know you might not like the name but it was left down to me and I liked it. I think it suits her.
A girl. His chest ached and his hands trembled, eyes filling with tears and a sad smile spread on his face. He had a little girl. And he loved the name. You could have called her something ridiculous and it wouldn't have mattered to him. 
She came early. With all the issues with the pregnancy she ended up being a month premature. She was tiny. I was terrified she wouldn't be okay. I couldn't even hold her right away because she was in an incubator. I was so scared, Billy.
A choked noise left his lips and a few tears leaked down his cheeks. What had he done? He left you at your most vulnerable and his baby had been sick. And what had he been doing? Living his life like nothing had happened. He made himself sick. ‘I was so scared, Billy. I was so scared, Billy. I was so scared, Billy.’ He could practically hear your voice saying those words. Hear how it would waver like it did when you got upset. Hear the hurt and fear in your voice. He should have been there.
She's four months old now and she's doing amazing. She's such a happy baby. It's like all she does is smile. She has your eyes and my hair. She mostly looks like you though. 
He sniffled, wiping his eyes with one hand as he gave a watery smile. He tried to imagine what she looked like. A mix of you both. She'd be perfect. It eased him a little to know she was okay now, that she wasn't sick anymore. He hadn't expected you to give him so much information but it made his heart swell that you were. As always, it was way more than what he deserved.
When I got your letter, I think I didn't stop crying for hours. A mix of hurt and relief, I guess. I'd be a liar if I said there wasn't any bitterness. I went through everything alone and now you just turn up because you're ready. I didn't get that luxury, Billy. I didn't have a choice. It was either have my baby or not, there was no walking away until I felt ready for me. 
His chest felt even tighter and your disappointment only fueled his self hatred about the whole thing. You weren't exactly wrong and he'd been a coward. 
I won't hold it against you though. It might take time to fully forgive you but I won't make you suffer. You're still her dad and I'd never deny either you or her that right. The fact that you even want to be part of her life at all means alot to me. I never wanted to have that talk with her when she was older about why you walked away.
It was bittersweet. Knowing you were extending an olive branch and letting him in even after all this time. But the knowledge that you'd been worried about what to tell your daughter when she was older hurt him. It was exactly what he didn't want. He never wanted her to feel unloved by him. 
I sent you a few pictures and they're yours to keep. 
He set the letter down instantly and scooped up the envelope, he hadn't noticed anything else in there in his haste to read the letter. But he pulled out a few Polaroids and his heart squeezed painfully in his chest. 
The first was of you. You were in the mirror standing sideways with the Polaroid camera in one hand. You only had on leggings and a bra and your bump was pretty big, cradled by your other hand. You looked so beautiful and he couldn't believe he'd missed out on this. Couldn't believe he'd walked away from you. The writing at the bottom had '7 months inside' written on it and his thumb stroked your bump as he wished he had been able to do in the flesh. With a heaving sigh and heavy heart, he set the picture down to look at the next.
The second was of a tiny baby in an incubator. She had on a knitted pink hat and she looked so tiny and small. A sob left his lips then as he gazed at her. She was beautiful but so fragile and he hadn't been there. His job was to protect her and he hadn't been there. He could only imagine the pain you'd been in going through that alone. In your writing at the bottom in black ink was the date and her name. His breathing hitched as he read 'Delilah Russo'. You gave her his last name. He hadn't expected that at all and he found a rush of joy and pride flooding his system as he openly cried at the picture. She was so fucking tiny and he remembered you saying you hadn't been able to hold her right away. He knew it must have killed you. 
His hand set it down shakily as he looked at the next. His little girl was still small but you were holding her now. You looked tired and like you'd lost a lot of weight. It hurt him deeply. Yet despite that you had a look of pure love and happiness on your face as you stared down at the little bundle in your arms and it made him cry all over again. He idly wondered if his own mother had ever looked at him that way when he was born but he highly doubted it. It stirred something deep inside of him to see how much you adored her.
The last picture seemed more recent and was of Delilah all on her own. She was propped up by pillows and had a cheeky smile on her face, her grubby little hands holding a stuffed blackbird. Oh... He thought the tears were done but apparently not and he hated himself so fucking much. All these little things in his honor were killing him because it was clear that no matter what he'd done to you, you still tried to have him in your daughters life somehow and that shit hurt. The writing at the bottom said '3 months outside' and he smiled through his tears. 
She was so fucking beautiful and you hadn't lied that she had your hair and his eyes. Dark pools of almost black were staring back at him through the picture and it was a foreign sensation to see a mini version of him. The one difference being she was happy and well loved and he wanted nothing more for her than that. 
He stared at the picture for what felt like forever as he took in every little detail in her chubby little face, committing it all to memory. All of these pictures were special to him and way more than anything he thought he'd get in response to his piece of shit letter but he was grateful. He slipped the last one into his wallet before picking the letter back up to finish it. 
I'm glad you reached out now and not later. She's still only a baby, too young to really remember any of this. It would have been harder to have you in her life later and have her be too confused at who you are. It's gonna take time and patience, she's not used to you, but if you'd like then I'd like you to meet her.
He felt like he stopped breathing altogether for a moment. You want him to meet her. You'd let him… he broke down, sobs mixed with pure pain and guilt with the sheer relief that he'd actually get to meet his little girl. He never thought in his wildest dreams you'd gift him that and he felt so overwhelmed he didn't think he'd be able to stop crying. He was a far cry in that moment from the man he knew himself to be. 
I won't put pressure on you to meet her if it's too much but I will say this. You're either in or out with this. You can't decide to come into her life and then leave again, Billy. I won't let it happen. You broke my heart and there's no way in hell I'm letting you break hers. Really think about this before you contact me because you need to be fully ready for it. I won't have you half ass this, okay? If you're really ready to be her dad then call me. If not, I'll understand and I'll leave you with the pictures. It's your call, but don't fuck it up.
He laughed, the sound watery and pained but he couldn't help it. Something about you being so protective over your baby made his whole chest bloom with warmth. And while it hurt him that you had to warn him at all, he knew he deserved it. He'd walked away once before and you wouldn't let it happen again. It killed him to read that he broke your heart even though he already knew. But you were protecting your kid. His kid. And it only made him love you harder at you not taking any shit. 
Your number was scrawled at the bottom of the letter and he wanted to call right away. He didn't though. He would respect your wishes and think about it, at least mull it over for tonight. He knew without a doubt he wasn't planning on walking away, no matter how hard it may be down the line. He had no intention of hurting his girl. But you asked him to think hard about it and he'd give you that. Just the notion that you'd allow him to meet her had his head spinning. 
It wouldn't be perfect by any means. He'd hurt you beyond repair and he wasn't stupid enough to think that being in his daughters life meant getting you back the way he wanted. But it was better than he ever thought he'd get. 
He sniffled again, grabbing his phone and pressing speed dial one without hesitation. He didn't give the person on the line a chance to speak once they answered.
"Frankie... I got a little girl," Billy beamed through his sobs. Frank made a choked noise on the other end.
"Shit, Bill. Congratulations," he replied, his own voice thick with emotion and wavering. 
Billy would never forget how badly Frank reacted to the news you were pregnant and he'd just walked away. It stuck with him for a long time and he knew Frank was hurt by what he did. Billy was his family which meant his kid was family. 
Billy didn't care as he openly sobbed down the phone to his best friend and he knew Frank wouldn't rib him for it, not this time. Once he mentioned he had pictures, Frank didn't hesitate to tell him he was on his way over. 
Despite the pain he was feeling and the self loathing, he felt a sense of completeness that he'd never felt before. And he knew no matter what he'd do right by you and his baby girl. He'd be the man you both deserve. You were both his family and he wouldn't abandon you. Not again. He wouldn't perpetuate the cycle of his own harsh upbringing. It would be different this time. He'd be a good dad. A good man for his girls.
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kaaytea · 4 years
hey! i hope youre doing great! if it isnt a problem, could you do atsumu, oikawa, sakusa and kuroo with a s/o who overthinks alot and notices that theyre hanging out with someone else alot recently and is scared that they're going to leave but they reassure reader that they won't leave? it'd be nice if it was fluffy :(((
Hi cutie! I'm doing well and I hope you are too! I apologize if Sakusa isn't very..Sakusa-y?? I'm still figuring him out a bit 😅 I tried my best to make it fluffy enough, I hope what I wrote will suffice
The Dangers of Overthinking
⤷Includes: Oikawa, Kuroo, Atsumu, Sakusa
It's no secret that Oikawa is a pretty popular guy
And usually this doesn't bother you much, no matter how busy Oikawa was he always had little ways to reassure you he wasn't ignoring you
Gradually you started to notice him spending less time checking in on you throughout the day, the most you'd get is a pat on the head, a quick kiss, or a short text before Oiks slipped away with the rest of his team
You did your best to ignore the little voice in your head expressing that he was avoiding you. Oikawa was committed to his sport and that was fine, this behavior was normal
But the one thing you couldn't shake was whenever he went off with the team there was a person you didn't recognize in the group
You'd met his team HUNDREDS of times and by this point you knew everyone by name, number, and position from the hours you've sat with Tooru and watched game recordings. It was the middle of the season so they couldn't have suddenly got a new player
So who was this person? And why was your boyfriend always gravitating towards them?
Overthinking was dangerous for you, the longer you dwelled the further you fell into the dark doubts tucked into the back of your mind
This continued on for weeks until one day you just stayed in bed wrapped in blankets with only your thoughts
Setters are trained to notice small things, little details that could reveal a weakness in defense, anything that would help them decide who to set too
Oikawa was beautifully gifted in that aspect of a setter, it didn't take long to notice how distanced you'd become
Originally he thought it was a personal matter so he let you have your space, except unlike the other times you didn't bounce back. Infact, you were getting further from him the longer it went on
Oikawa quietly opened the door to your bedroom, letting his volleyball bag slip off his shoulder and placing it by the door
He sat down carefully on the side of your bed before he playful poked your side
You didn't respond and only pulled the sheets tighter around you causing a pout to form on his face
He gently pulled the sheets away from your head and pressed his hand to your forehead
"You don't have a fever so you're definitely not sick.....wanna tell me what's wrong?"
"You're not gonna leave me, right?"
Your voice was so quiet he just barely heard what you said
The hand on your forehead slipped down to your cheek, his thumb brushed softy across your cheek bone
"Why would I leave you?"
"You keep hanging around that person"
"Ah, be a little more specific sweetie"
"The blonde one! The blonde that's been hanging off you when you're with the team!"
You finally open up to him and what's he do? LAuGh! He's laughing at you!
Tears started to burn in your eyes as you quickly went to pull the covers over your head and flip onto your side facing away from him, only Oiks was a step ahead and pulled you into a sitting position facing him
"W-wait wait, Let me explain! (Y/n)-chan, that's our new manager. They've been helping me plan out drills for the team."
Well now you felt a bit silly
After a few seconds of silence you sighed and hid your face in Oikawa's shoulder. His arms wrapped around you body and he leaned back against your headboard
He spent the rest of the night holding you, whispering promises of never leaving you and how you're more important to him than anything else
Kuroo's friendly personality seemed to just attract people
I mean it was definitely something that hooked you so it was understandable why people tend to flock to him
It's just frustrating when he seems to have plans with people all the time, you barely see him these days
You didn't want to bring this to his attention in fear of being seen as clingy or controlling; Tetsu was your partner and had his own life, he wasn't a pet you could whistle for whenever you felt lonely
But you couldn't help but feel a bit....rejected
You were only about 5 minutes into lunch break and so far all you've done is lay your head on your desk and watched the rain fall outside
The gloomy day enhanced your depressed mood, your mind caught in the whirlpool of overthinking
Suddenly a little package was placed in front of you, followed by the sound of a chair being pulled up to your desk
You lifted your head from the desk only to find the very person that's been stuck in your mind sitting infront of you
"I got you melon bread from that bakery you like down the street, I would have given it to you earlier but you weren't here when I got to campus this morning."
"I missed my train..."
Kuroo snorted at your response and muttered something about you being cute before pulling out his lunch and beginning to eat
You opened the melon bread package, it looked delicious but your appetite seemed to have vanished
Kuroo watched you tear off a piece of the bread before placing the piece back on the wrappings with a sigh
Something was definitely wrong, you never turned down pastries from that bakery
"Not hungry?"
"Not really..."
"Did something else happen this morning? You're looking a bit...dejected"
You could never lie to Kuroo, and at this point you were so fed up with feeling alone that you didn't care about looking clingy, so you told him
He listened carefully to what you said and when you finished your rant he reached over the desk to hold your hands in his
"I'm sorry I made you feel like that. It won't happen again, I promise.....You've gotta tell me these things though, ok? I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."
You could tell he meant every word he said, if there was one thing you knew about Kuroo it was that he prided himself on staying true to his promises
You felt a weight off your shoulders the second he pressed a kiss to your hand
You even got your appetite back and devoured the melon bread he got you!
You'd of never expected Atsumu to spend time with someone outside of the volleyball team
Especially one of his fan girls of all people
All this interaction between the two started abruptly during lunch break. The girl had bounced up and pulled him away from your little group before anyone could get a word in, everyone just stared as the blonde was dragged down the hall
You were use to the fan girls, 'Tsumu never gave them the time of day so it was never a problem, but this just felt...off
Why was he suddenly paying attention to one of them? Was he bored of you? We're you just not enough to satisfy his ego?
You were torn from your thoughts by a gentle call of your name
You turned your attention from the clipboard in your lap to the direction of the voice meeting Kita's soft but steady eyes
"You seem less energetic than normal, have you eaten anything today?"
"Oh I'm fine Kita-senpai, you don't have to-"
You were cut off by him handing you a banana and a rant about how even their manager has to be in peak condition
You couldn't refuse Kita so you took the food with a smile and powered through the rest of practice
You left immediately after you finished cleaning the gym, ignoring the calls from Atsumu to wait up for him
You tried to walk fast so he wouldn't be able to catch up but the universe seemed to be against you as he easily jogged up to you minutes after you left
"Wassup with ya today? Kita-san said you were actin' weird."
"I'm surprised you noticed he said anything, your attention seems to be on other people."
Atsumu stepped infront of you, blocking you from walking further down the road
"Wass that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know Miya, why don't you ask your little fan girl"
You stepped around him attempting to run the rest of the way home but his hand grabbed your arm, spinning you back around to face him
Atsumu's hands held you in place to keep you from running away
"That's what this is about? That annoyin' scrub who won't leave me alone?"
"Annoying scrub?"
Atsumu went on explaining how he was partnered with her for a project in Japanese history and how even after they finished the project she wouldn't leave him alone (no matter how many times he told her to go away)
After he explained you felt a little better but you still felt insecurities scratching at your mind
You reached out for his hand and started walking again, keeping your eyes on the ground as you walked
"You didn't think I was cheatin' on ya.....right?"
".....I'd never leave ya for someone like that, yer the only one I've got my eyes on. Plus, yer the only person I've found that can tolerate me."
You laughed slightly at that, he wasn't completely wrong. Atsumu was a rather complex person but you found something enjoyable in that complexity
He let go of your hand and pulled you into his side, keeping his arm wrapped around your waist as you walked
Ok so maybe you were a bit jealous
Not much, but just a bit
You should have expected Sakusa would have admirers as the ace of Itachiyama (not to mention he was a very handsome guy)
But it still catches you off guard with how outwardly flirty your fellow manager was
Like they even know you're in a relationship with Kiyoomi and yet they continue to throw themselves at him
Being jealous over that was honestly very silly on your part because Sakusa has expressed their flirting makes him uncomfortable
So really there wasn't anything to worry about
That is until one day you overheard them telling Sakusa they enjoyed going out last night and that they should do it again
Which he responded with a "maybe"
If you were paying attention you would have noticed the flat tone to his voice and how his body language exuded 'Im very uncomfortable please go away'
But you being you, the second the manager opened their mouth your mind shut down and your blood went cold
They went out together last night?
You avoided everyone for the rest of practice, offering instead to clean practice jerseys and water bottles
Those were jobs usually done by two people but you needed to get away from everyone and you were hoping the jobs would take up the rest of practice
By the time you were nearly done with cleaning the water bottles, Sakusa had joined you at the outside fountain, mask pulled up on his face, his bag on one shoulder and yours on the other
"Do you want help?"
"You don't have to Omi.....it's my job anyways"
Despite your dismissal of his offer, he placed both your bags down and helped you clean the rest of the bottles, even going as far as carrying them back into the gym for you
You followed him over to the equipment room, you unlocked the door and took the box from his arms and put it on It's shelf
"You ready to go?"
"Almost, I have to throw the jerseys into the dryer. You can go on ahead without me."
"I'll wait, I want to avoid Komori. I don't feel like being dragged out with his friends again."
Dragged out with his friends? So it wasn't a secret date, Sakusa was forced to go by his cousin
Sakusa made his way by you to the gym's laundry room, Swifty tossing the practice jerseys into the dryer and then returning to your side
"You can stop worrying now, I know you overheard our conversation earlier. I would have much rather spent the night with you than them....they're too pushy for my liking."
He picked up your bags again and offered you his arm (something he much preferred over holding hands)
though he was usually a stoic person, you could just see the warmth his eyes held as he looked at you
You linked your arm with his, soaking up the heat from his body and the calm atmosphere that surrounded him
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Someone Better
Pairings: Yamaguchi × fem!reader
A/n this is my first time writing for Yamaguchi, and I know I’ve a few stories about Oikawa being a jerk etc but I plan on writing for him soon to give him some love dont worry
Warnings: mentions of cheating
When you started dating Oikawa you thought things were going to be great however you couldn’t have been more wrong. He spent his time training and practicing Volleyball, studying and hanging out with Iwaizumi or his fan girls. It was hard to not get jealous of his fans but it inevitably happened. Especially since you went to Karasuno not Aoba Josai.
Today there was a practice match between Seijoh and Karasuno. You are walking to the gym with your middle school friends Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, when you see the fan girls. You just ignore them for now.
“Are you going to stay and watch?” Yamaguchi asked
“Of course I’m going to watch” you said smiling
“Have to show my support for my best friends”
“We’re not best friends” Tsukishima said
“Says the guy who still has the dino plush I gave you the first Christmas we knew each other” you teased him
“Okay fine were best friends” he said rolling his eyes.
“Yama, Tsuki, good luck” you said hugging Yamaguchi before leaving to go upstairs to watch the practice match.
You wait upstairs for the game to start and watch as Oikawa walked onto the court to star warming up by Iwaizumi. But you frown when you notice a hickey on Oikawas neck that you didnt leave. Anger started to boil in you as you storm down the stairs and go over to him.
“Kawa” you said tapping your foot to try to expel some of your angeriuuuu
“Hi cutie” he said smiling but his smile vanished when he noticed you were upset “what’s wrong?”
“Have you been cheating on me?” You asked
“No why would you ask me that?” Oikawa asked
“You have a hickey on you neck asshole” you said “and I didn’t leave it there”
“Shit” he mumbled scratching the back of his neck.
“Whatever its over” you said turning to leave.
He grabbed your wrist pulling you back to him
“No, you dont get end things” he said
“Yes she does” Daichi said
“Let her go” Asahi said
He released your wrist Daichi and the other third years protectively had you behind them. Yamaguchi wrapped his arms around you bring you into his chest.
“Dont ever touch her again” Daichi said
“Shes trash anyways” Oikawa said
“No you she isn’t” Yamaguchi said
“Its no surprise someone like you could never appreciate someone like her” Tsukishima said
“We will handle this on the court by beating you” Daichi said
The team took you back to their side. And they went back to warming up. You stayed by Coach Ukai and Kiyoko. You watch the game and cheer for Karasuno as they end up winning two of the three sets.
As your team is getting ready to leave you’ve attached yourself to Tsuki and Yama walking between them as you leave.
A few weeks have passed and you’ve been alot closer to Yamaguchi. To the point some of the girls in your class came up to you one day.
“Hey aren’t you dating Yamaguchi?” She asked
“No why would you say that?” You asked
“Well you’re always with him and that Tsukishima guy” she said “and you’ve been seen walking with him to school”
“We’re friends have been since before middle school” you said “and we’re neighbors so we always walk to school together”
Then the girl turned to one of the other girls
“You owe me money they aren’t dating!” She said proudly
“Wait you made a bet on weather or not we were dating?” You asked frowning
“Well yeah why else would you hang out with him?” She asked
“For your information Yamaguchi is one of the sweetest most caring people out there, and just because hes shy no one gets to see that and any girl would be lucky to be his girlfriend” you snapped back
Little did you know that Tsuki and Yama were waiting to pick you up from class and heard everything when you stood to and grabbed your things and left
“Oh you’re here” you said
“Yeah came to get you pipsqueak” Tsuki said
“Come on” Yamaguchi said
You nod and follow them out towards the volleyball gym. Tsuki went on a head of you and Yamaguchi.
“So, did you mean what you said in class?” Yamaguchi asked nervously scratching the back of his neck
“That you’re incredibly sweet and kind?” You asked “and any girl would be lucky to be your girlfriend?”
“Yeah that” he said
“Oh well you should know by now I don’t say things I dont mean” you said smiling up at him
He turned and faced you lightly touching your cheek. He ran his thumb over your bottom lip
“C-can I kiss you?” He whispered
As you looked into his eyes you nod. He leaned down and kissed your lips tenderly his lips molding to yours, as the months if not longer of mutual pining and denial of feelings for one another faded away. You gripped his shirt as he cupped your cheeks in his hands.
“Oooh first year is getting some action!” Tanaka hollered
“Who knew Yamaguchi had it in him?” Nishinoya added.
You both part hearing the second years. Before you can turn to run Yamaguchi pulls you into his embrace so you can hide your blushing face. He hides his face in your hair.
“Tell me I’m dreaming” he whispered in your ear
“I’m sorry yama, but you’re 100% awake” you whisper
He groaned and hugged you tighter.
“Yamaguchi we have practice get a move on it” Sugawara yelled
“Watch practice?” He asked
“Of course” you said pulling away to look at his face.
His cheeks were still slightly red. You lean up and kissed his cheek. His cheeks flamed darker now. But he took your hand and led you to the gym. You stayed and watched him practice.
After practice you walked home with Tsukki and Yama like normal. But this time you were walking beside Yamaguchi a little closer than normal.
“Hey dummy” Tsukki said
Both you and Yamaguchi stop and look at him
“What?” Yamaguchi asked
“Just hold her damn hand already” Tsukki said “you both are so painfully oblivious to your feelings I’m sick of watching it” he walked on ahead of you both after that
You blush at Tsuki’s words even though he already left. You look at Yamaguchi who is looking at you.
“Can I hold your hand?” He asked
“Yes, you can” you said
He gently took your hand and gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
“I really like you Yamaguchi” you said
“I like you too. Will, you be my girlfriend?” He asked nervously
“Yes” you said smiling at him
“Oh thank goodness” he said in relief
“Did you think I would say no?” You asked softly
“Well I mean I’m nothing like Oikawa, he’s taller, stronger an-” he started
“Yama, I like you for you I have for so long” you said “he didn’t care about me, not like you do”
He smiled and kissed your forehead
“Thank you for that” he said
“Of course” you said smiling up at him
“Will you come to the tournament next week?” He asked
“Of course, I will I need to support my boyfriend and my school” you said
A week passed and were headed to the tournament. Excited to watch them play. When you arrive you see them walking off the bus.
“Yamaguchi, your girlfriend is here” Tanaka said
He turned and smiled running over to you.
“Hey Sweetheart” he said hugging you
“Hi Tadashi” you said smiling and kissing his cheek
“Wanna wear my jacket?” He asked blushing
“Really?” You asked
“Mhmm” he said he pulled away and took off his jacket.
You put it on and smiled warmly up at him.
“Yamaguchi let’s go, you might as well bring her with you” Daichi called as they started walking to go inside.
Yamaguchi took your hand and caught up to the rest of the team. You ended up helping Yachi and Kiyoko with some prep. When things got started you notice Aoba Josai walking in. You ignore them and go back to helping Kiyoko. They end up winning 3 games before having their next match against Seijoh. You were nervous about the match.
You are standing against the railing with Yachi and Saeko watching them warm up before the game. Seijoh walks onto the court and starts warming up too. That’s when Oikawa notices you. He frowns seeing you in a black jacket.
“Tadashi, Tsuki” you said waving to them “good luck”
They both wave back at you, Tadashi smiled warmly. Oikawa saw this and started getting mad. You watch the game and it’s time for Tadashi to serve.
“Go Tadashi!” You cheer for him
He looks up at you smiles taking a deep breath and does his serve. And Karasuno ends up winning. After their win you run down to the court.
“You did amazing!” You said running to Tadashi
He smiled and picked you up hugging you tightly. Then leaned down and kissed your lips. Oikawa saw was visibly angry.
“Seriously?” Oikawa asked.
You pull away from Tadashis lips “what?” You asked
“Him? You go from me to him?” Oikawa asked
“Yes I went from a self centered cheater to a incredibly sweet and loving boyfriend who isnt afraid to show me off” you said
Tadashi wrapped his arms around your waist resting his chin on your shoulder. And moved his jacket a little showing a few hickeys that were on your neck.
“Shes wearing my volleyball jacket, with hickeys I left on her” he said
“When we dated you told me to not worry about him” Oikawa said
“And you didnt have to, we got together after you cheated on me” you said
“Now shes mine, and I have no intention of letting her go” he said “now if you’ll excuse us, we are going to celebrate our win”
You both walk away hand in hand to go celebrate with the rest of the team. Your hand securely in his. He leaned down and gave you another kiss on the lips before you walked out to rest for the remainder of the day.
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 years
It's currently raining where I am so I'm in a fluffy mood so would you indulge me in some headcanons for spending a rainy day with ian wright would be like
Sorry for long waits, college and request are slightly overwhelming but im getting through them *smiles*
Also adding another loverly request from Sparrow Anon: Ian's s/o trying to keep them in bed when ian has to go to work in the morning s/o just like "no stay you're so soft and warm" s/o wraps their arms and legs around Ian, S/o is being very persuasive.
Rainy Day With Ian Wright
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Rainy Days with ian was a treat for you because that means you could totally make then spend the day with you and that means setting your first plan into motion which is~
Turning their phone off so the alarm won't ring you knew that wouldn't work but still you did it, you also texted Addison that Ian isn't coming in because you felt sick. You plan on telling Ian to say that when he does come in for work.
A loud rumble outside made you grin seeing as a really good rainy day was ablut to unfold and you was lucky to be awake earlier then you lover.
You heard them stir and turned to looking at their phone that was off and they groaned assuming it died.
You crawl on top of them and flopped right there. They laughed being half awake. "Y/n i need to get ready for work"
"No you don't its rainy really bad outside and its setting the mood of you being really warm and i want you to stay with me today" with that you would litterally cling to them to which they laugh again
"que voy a hacer contigo" their spoke softly in Spanish to which you blush and kissed their cheek and then pepper them with kisses all over.
"What you can do with me is move us to the living room where we could watch TV and share ice cream"
Ian gave in and sighed. "Fine, fine only because i rarely take days off so i should be okay" "your totally fine i already text Addison so your okay just make sure you say i am okay and not that sick"
"You didn't" they said laughing "your a pain in the butt" they stood up or rather managed to with you clinging to them to which they wrapped one arm around your waist and the other resting securely under your butt.
As time passed you both watched each other favorite shows, tried acting some out.
Your favorite part is when they sat on a pillow in front of you and you do random hair styles to their hair.
At some point you would paint their nails black with white tips. "You know i like- okay fine im in your capable hands" you give them a smooch and finished up before placing cat ears headband on their head and doing the same.
"You know this new show came out called sandman lets watch it" you grin they rolled their eyes and agreed.
You both ended up watching the episode introducing Desire. You gawked hard and then looked at Ian.
"You know" "don't even" "you look alot like Desire love something you want to share with me"
Ian laughed "yes i am an endless when everyone is asleep" you giggle. When you both reach the last episode you was already pulling Ian's hair back like Desire’s and placing the cat ears back on them.
"Ever thought about trying on that outfit"
"Yea, no you cant watch anything without picturing me in that outfit" ian pulled you down for a kiss and you giggled kising them back.
You couldn't be more happier in this moment right now
Taglist: @justasianmale , @sherazyjade , @the-masked-scorpio , @sugakookieswithacupoftae16 , @happilydangerousworld , @harlekin6
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