#queuing this while we are at a .9 difference between the top two choices
hanafubukki · 11 months
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Please vote for ⭐️Starchild⭐️ in this poll (which will end in about 5 hours if I did my math right)
(Me: Pooh’s face in this meme always makes me laugh 😂)
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rannadylin · 5 years
Ranna’s Guide to Knitting Your Next Sweater
Step 1: Finish a sweater! Otherwise, this would be a guide to knitting your first sweater, and obviously it isn’t *gestures at the title*.
Step 1b-infinity: Seam it. This step somehow always takes the longest, which is why you should have read the pattern more carefully to see how many pieces it was knit in before you started knitting it. Also, sometimes this step does not get finished and we skip to step 4.
Step 2: Block it. 
Step 3: Wear it! Take pictures! Hope it looks good in pictures! Wish it had blocked a little better. Already be thinking about what to knit next...
Step 4: Go through the stack of knitting magazines you hadn’t yet found time to read properly and bookmark the sweaters you thought looked cute and also wearable and also knittable, though this last is debatable.
Step 5: Go to the Stash. Use caution when approaching it, lest you become lost beneath a yarn landslide or something. Sort through the storage containers and/or shelves and/or piles haphazardly arranged throughout the house until you find the bags of sweater-appropriate yarn you bought when there was a great sale years ago.
Step 5b: Count the skeins within each bag and wonder if you were planning on making a vest or possibly a small bag instead of a full sweater when you ordered these?
Step 6: Consult the Bookmarked Patterns again to see their yarn weight and gauge and attempt to match them to bags of sweater-appropriate Stash yarn.
Step 7: Find a calculator. Determine, based on the patterns’ listing of weight and yardage of the recommended yarn, plus the number of skeins called for to make your size (oh yeah, 7b: Find a measuring tape. Attempt to measure your bust. Attempt to figure out how much positive or negative ease this sweater really needs. Attempt to make those numbers fit one of the sizes with four to six inch variations between the options), once again check the number of skeins called for to make your size, do the math and see what yardage and weightage that would take, do the math on the skeins you actually have. Wonder again if the original plan when ordering was a vest? Wonder just how much negative ease you can get away with. Calculate again for the next size or two down in the list. Repeat ad nauseam.
Step 8: Finally find a pattern and a yarn that seem like a match, though alas, it wasn’t the pattern you liked best from that stack of Bookmarked Patterns, nor even the second choice, but it is still in the stack and it is cute so it will do. 
STEP 9, THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP OF ALL: Gauge swatch. Really. I do not do gauge swatches for most knitted patterns, but I have learned my lesson with sweaters. We swatch or we go back to knitting socks.
Step 10: Try a different needle size because the first one definitely didn’t get gauge.
Step 11: Get THE EXACT SAME GAUGE on the next needle size up. Shake your head. Double check the ruler. Sigh. 
Step 12: Go on Ravelry. Do a pattern search for sweaters, in your queue, in the gauge you got regardless of the needle size you used with this yarn that might or might not be enough to make something bigger than a vest. Filter it for the fiber content of the yarn! Filter it for the yardage you actually have! Be amazed when actual sweaters, not just vests, show up in the results.
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Step 13: Open all the cutest results in new tabs.
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Step 14: Examine the cutest results more closely. Look at finished projects and attempt to determine whether your actual size would look as good as the tiny one shown on the pattern’s model. Do more math to make sure the yardage is still within the skeinage you bought back when you were [obviously] thinking of knitting vests.
Step 15: Having narrowed it down to two or three that could actually work in this yarn at that gauge, check the pattern source. Discover that, while two of them are available for a very reasonable price but one which you have not yet paid, having just queued the cute patterns awaiting the day that the stars all align for yarn and pattern and what you feel like knitting to work together JUST SO, the third one is from a book in your very own library!
Step 16: Approach your knitting book/magazine library. Wonder whether the book you need is in the neatly arranged bookshelf of books you have had for more than a decade, or in the haphazard stack of books mixed with magazines on the nearby table that have not yet been organized into that shelf, primarily because the bookshelf is already full and there is no room for another knitting bookshelf anyway.
Step 17: Peruse the table stacks first. Rediscover so many books you had such fun looking through when you first got them, but you have not yet knit anything from [most of] them! Delightedly discover the book with your chosen pattern in the middle of the stack!
Step 18: Keep looking through the stack anyway because these books are really nice. Finally go away with not just the book in question but a whole stack of old friends to catch up on. Half hope that you won’t find anything even more suitable to that vest-sized bag of yarn, because then you would have to do the math all over again.
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So. I think my next sweater might be Victoria, from the Refined Knits book on top, in that shiny green yarn (Sugar Rush, Queensland Collection, Sugar Cane Viscose which is sort of a cottony/rayon-y type of yarn and REALLY SHINY and will be nice for summer wear? and I have 1370 yards of it and my gauge is 24st to 4″). But I will let you know if that changes after I catch up with the rest of that stack. ;-D
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thebarsondaily · 6 years
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Valentine’s Day FIC-A-THON Date: February 14, 2019 Time: 12:00 a.m CST - 11:59 p.m. CST
Rules: 1. You must send me an ask (no messages please) stating which two prompts that you wish to reserve. If your first choice is taken, I’ll write you down for the second one of your choosing. 2. The fanfiction must either be a one-shot or a complete multi-chaptered posted in its entirety before February 14, 2019. This means no work in progress pieces can/should be submitted. 3. Fanfiction must be more than 750 words but less than 100,000 words. 4. You may NOT post the fanfiction until the official Valentine’s Day Fic-A-Thon post has been put up at here at thebarsondaily. 5. We ask that you do not post at any other fanfiction hosting site until it's posted here. 6. All fanfiction is to be submitted in story format. 7. Fanfictions can be of any rating that you wish (K+, T, NC-17). We just ask that you label it correctly. 8. Copy and paste the form at the bottom into an ask to reserve your prompt. 9. Please use the phrase “ She gonna ask me in?” somewhere in your ask so that I know you read and understand the rules. 10. All kiss type prompts are listed under the read more. 11. Your fanfictions must be submitted no later than 10 p.m. cst on February 13, 2017. You may submit them at any time between now and this deadline. 12. You may sign-up anytime before the submission deadline. 13. The fanfiction you submit to this ficathon must be about Barson.
Please Note: They will be queued up in the order in which they arrive in the inbox. There will be a more detailed post in coming weeks on the proper format of sending in your fanfiction.
COPY & PASTE (into an ask):
1st Choice: 2nd Choice:
Kiss Type Prompts: (If there is a strikethrough, the prompt has already been reserved by someone on the sign-up list.)
“Good morning” kiss
Kiss on the forehead
Drunk/sloppy kiss
Awkward kiss
Angry kiss
“I’m sorry” kiss
“I’ve missed you” kiss
Seductive kiss
“War’s End” kiss
“Goodbye” kiss
“I almost lost you” kiss
Kiss on the nose
Kiss on the ear
Kiss on the neck
Kiss on the back
New Year’s kiss
Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys
“I do” kiss
Shy kiss
Surprised kiss
Kiss on a dare
Sad kiss
Exhausted parents kiss
Kiss of life
Kiss inspired by a song
Jealous kiss
Giggly kiss
First kiss
Last kiss
Kiss under a full moon
Kiss at dusk
Kiss at dawn
Kiss in a dream
Returned from the dead kiss
Themed kisses
“We can never be together” kiss
It’s-the-end-of-the-world kiss
Awkward teenage crush kiss
Spin the bottle kiss
Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss
Forbidden kiss
Sated kiss
Soft kiss
Tender kiss
Passionate kiss
Long kiss
Quick kiss
Morning kiss
Before Bed kiss
In Secret kiss
Public kiss
Accidentally Witnessed kiss
Against a wall kiss 
Against a Locker kiss
True Love kiss
Caught off-guard kiss
Breaking The Kiss To Say Something, Staying So Close That You’re Murmuring Into Each Other’s Mouths
Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed
Kissing So Desperately That Their Whole Body Curves Into The Other Person’s
Throwing Their Arms Around The Other Person, Holding Them Close While They Kiss
Hands On The Other Person’s Back, Fingertips Pressing Under Their Top, Drawing Gentle Circles Against That Small Strip Of Bare Skin That Make Them Break The Kiss With A Gasp
Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up
Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing
Being Unable To Open Their Eyes For A Few Moments Afterward
One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other
Staring At The Other’s Lips, Trying Not To Kiss Them, Before Giving In
When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More
A Hoarse Whisper “Kiss Me”
Following The Kiss With A Series Of Kisses Down The Neck
Starting With A Kiss Meant To Be Gentle, Ending Up In Passion
A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss
When One Person’s Face Is Scrunched Up, And The Other One Kisses Their Lips/Nose/Forehead
Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Do Wn And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes
Kisses Where One Person Is Sitting In The Other’s Lap
Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing
Top Of Head Kisses
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ravenclawravings · 7 years
Tag Game
Hi all! Recently we have been tagged in a bunch of those tag games. So instead of clogging your newsfeed we decided to combine a bunch into one post.
Here are some of you who tagged us! (I tried to find you all but, we get a lot of notifications and Tumblr makes it very hard to sort through them)
Tagged by: @headcanonsandmore 
Gender: Both of us are girls.
Birthday: Zoe: March 28th. Alex: March 11th
Last movie seen: Zoe: Dunkirk Alex: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
What do you post/reblog: Zoe: A bunch of random crap. Alex: On this blog we post #relatable content. On my personal I just shitpost
Last thing you Googled: Zoe: “List of apex predators” Alex: “how do radiators know when to turn on”
Favorite blog: Zoe: No idea. Alex: @myendlessparade has some dank content ;)
Dream job: Zoe: Writer/ youtuber but I’m bad at both Alex: YouTuber or a paid/professional internet content creator
Dream trip: Zoe: I don’t know, I haven’t been to Japan before, I guess Alex: I really want to go to Germany but, I’d love to go anywhere in Europe. Or anywhere outside the US. Or anywhere really.
What would be your first entry in a new diary: Zoe: I don’t diary Alex: Probably something really random, a random thought perhaps. All of my past journals are filled with weird shit like “Tap Dancing Cat Play” with zero context
Top 3 things you love about yourself: Zoe: Why is this so hard? Can I say things I love about Alex instead? 1) She’s smart and funny and a great person to be around. 2) She’s creative and works so hard on the things she’s passionate about. 3) She’s supportive and understanding and all around a great friend. Alex: d’awwwww <3 turning the tables now - here are three reasons I love Zoe: 1. She’s a very accepting, patient and understanding friend. 2. She’s full of good ideas and the reason we started this blog. Also partly convinced me to pursue YouTube seriously (speaking of we need to do something about the gaming channel) 3. She has a very dark and dry humor, we can talk and laugh for hours
3 things you wish you knew how to do: Zoe: 1) Drive stick, 2) speak a different language (I’ve tried, I’m really bad at it), 3) manage my finances Alex: 1. Make gifs, 2. play an instrument, 3. drive??!?
Something you wish you had discovered/invented first: Zoe: I honestly don’t know. Alex: I asked Jake what to say and he said “submarines.” So I guess submarines
3 qualities you like in a person: Zoe: 1) their sense of humor, 2) intelligence, 3) creativity Alex: 1. taste in media, 2. humor, 3. uniqueness
3 qualities you dislike in a person: Zoe: 1) Cockiness, 2) overly defensive, 3) when someone talks over someone else and especially when they don’t stop and listen when the first person tries to keep talking Alex: 1. Selfishness, 2. carelessness, 3. when they walk slowly in front of me
Favorite planet: Zoe: I guess technically Earth because I live here, but viva la Pluto! Alex: Mars! Mars has such a vast history for such a barren planet.
A resolution you make every year: Zoe: I don’t make resolutions. Alex: I don’t really make resolutions but, I try to be less hard on myself each year
Something you’re better at than most people: Zoe: Um... writing? Alex: Video editing
Something you’re worse at than most people: Zoe: Talking to other people. Alex: Making friends
Favorite thing about tumblr: Zoe: Memes? Alex: MEMES and cute animal pictures
Least favourite thing about tumblr: Zoe: The entire way that this site is set up is like someone threw darts at a board and went “so this goes here, and uh, I guess that’s how we do this...” Alex: Dear god, this website is designed poorly for blog runners! There is no clear way to sort notifications, you either get them all or none at all. Also there have been times when a queued post just doesn’t post or tags just delete themselves while you’re typing them.
Weapon of choice: Zoe: Knives or a bow and arrow (I’m actually quite good at archery) Alex: Uh, none...
Something not many people know about you:  Zoe: I was going to be in a production with my dad trying to break the world record of most roller coasters ridden in a day, but the plans everything fell through about midway through, so it never happened. Alex: In middle school I used wear one ankle sock and one knee high because...fashion...?
Favorite means of transport: Zoe: I like driving, but if I’m going into the city, I’m taking the train. Alex: God, I hate all means of transportation. It’s all bad. Let’s just learn how to teleport already
Favorite story: Zoe: Harry Potter Alex: A New Hope
Chicken or egg: Zoe: Dinosaur Alex: I was going to say chicken but, Zoe’s answer is the really the best one
Something that always makes you laugh: Zoe: Cats. Alex: When Zelda yells around the apartment at her toys
What is the strangest thing about you: Zoe: You should see some of the texts I send Alex. Alex: just who I am as a person
You get to switch places with someone for a day, who is it and why: Zoe: Can I switch places with my cat? Alex: I’m stealing Zoe’s answer. Fuck yeah! I’d love to be Zelda for a day!
Name: Zoe Alex
Nicknames: Zoe: None Alex: Weasel
Height: Zoe: 5′7″ Alex: 5′3″
Orientation: Zoe: Hell if I know Alex: straight
Nationality: Zoe: I’m a US and UK citizen. Alex: ‘murican
Favorite Fruit: Zoe: Banana? Alex: Oranges
Favorite Season: Zoe: Fall Alex: Fall
Favorite Flower: Zoe: Roses Alex: Blue Roses! (only people from high school will get this joke and none them follow me....)
Favorite Scents: Zoe: Burning wood Alex: Most any candle
Favorite Color: Zoe: Purple Alex: Purple
Favorite Animals: Zoe: Cheetah, wolves, sea pancake Alex: Zelda!
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Zoe: Depends on my mood Alex: All of the above, please
Average Sleep Hours: Zoe: 6 Alex: 8?
Dog or Cat Person: Zoe: Both Alex: Love both but, I really like cats
Favorite Fictional Characters: Zoe: Oh god, Aragorn, Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Gandalf, don’t make me choose, I could keep going. Alex: Han Solo, The Master, Mac, Michael Scott, Squidward (??), I don’t know man!
Number of Blankets You Sleep with: Zoe: Anywhere between 1 and 4 Alex: Normally one but, if it’s real cold, two or more
Blog Created: Zoe: This blog was created a little over a year ago, my personal blog was created something like nine years ago I think. Alex: Mine was made like 6 years ago?
Number of Followers: 48,100
Random fact: Zoe: When people are hanged, they die from lack of blood flow to the brain. Alex: Most female cats are right pawed
Star sign: Zoe: Aries Alex: Pisces
Hogwarts House: Take a guess
Why I made this account: Zoe: I made the account because I wanted something to do, and then I invited Alex to be a part of it with me. Alex: What she said ^
Reason for url: Alliteration is cool?
My favorite writer: Zoe: It changes all the time. Alex: Dr. Seuss
My favorite book: Zoe: Harry Potter? Alex: I have no clue?
My favorite movie: Zoe: Lord of the Rings Alex: Oh dear, I don’t know... Ed Wood (1994) ?
Time: Zoe: 15:46 Alex: 9:58pm
Favourite bands: Zoe: Queen, The Who, FOB, Muse, a lot. Alex: Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Panic! at the Disco
Favourite solo artists: Zoe: No clue Alex: Uh none? I don’t really listen to music besides the three bands listed and movie soundtracks
Song stuck in my head: Zoe: Right now, it’s “I’m Only Joking” by Kongos Alex: “Champion” by Fall Out Boy
Last show I watched: Zoe: NCIS Alex: I don’t really know. It’s between The Punisher, Black Mirror and Peep Show. I watch so many things I forget when I last watched it
Do I get asks: Zoe: Not really. Alex: We get asks here pretty often. I never get any personally - except spam
Lucky number: Zoe: 13 Alex: 3
Instruments: Zoe: I played the clarinet ages ago, and I sorta learned Violin for a little bit, but if you asked me to play any instrument now, I’d probably suck. Alex: I am not talented enough
What I am wearing: Zoe: Plaid and leggings. Alex: Grey and black sweater, leggings and draped in a blanket 
Favourite food: Zoe: I want pancakes right now, so let’s go with that? Alex: I’m so bad at picking favorite things! I just love food!
Last book I read: Zoe: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (it’s tradition for me to reread all the novels every year, and I was late last year, so I only just finished it in time) Alex: The Disaster Artist
3 favorite fandoms: Zoe: Oh, god... Harry Potter, LotR, and i guess certain youtubers? Alex: uh, that changes depending on how I’m feeling. Right now, probably, Star Wars, YouTube and something else?
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my-emotional-self · 7 years
Let Me Protect You Chapter 27/?
Pairings: Chris Evans x OFC Emilia
Word Count: 1,411
Warnings: Swearing, Smut
Rating: Mature
Summary: After Emilia’s fiancé cheats on her, she moves to California to live with her brother Eric, who just so happens to be good friends with Chris Evans.  Follow Emilia and her roller coaster life through heartbreak, love, and emotional trauma. Will Emilia choose to let Chris into her heart, or will she remain broken and alone forever?
A/N: I’m posting this early because I have to work until later tonight and I have my other fic queued up for later this afternoon.  Enjoy!!!
 It was nearing 6pm when Chris pulled into the driveway of his childhood home and you both gave each other a puzzled look.  No cars were in the driveway, it was vacant.  Hauling yourselves out of the vehicle, you walked to the front door and Chris unlocked it.  “Ma? Carly? Shanna?  You guys home?” Chris questioned but was met with silence.  
You followed him into the kitchen where he saw the note taped to the fridge.
We all went to see A Christmas Carol at the theater.  Won’t be back until after 9.  Love Mom.
“Looks like we finally have the house to ourselves” Chris chimed after reading the note.  You took the note from his hands and read it over. That gave you a little over three hours to do whatever you pleased.  Tilting your head up you saw Chris’ eyes were almost as black as night, filled with lust. He grabbed you by the waist and his lips were on yours in a searing kiss; he literally took your breath away. His lips opened and you felt his tongue slide across your lower lip and you wanted nothing more from him.  You opened your mouth and his tongue danced with yours.  A deep growl came from Chris and the sound shot straight through you to your core. You gripped into his neck, needing him to be closer to you.  
Somehow you both made it to his room without any damage done to the walls even though you knocked him into them quite a few times.  You each stripped each other with ease before falling onto the bed.  “I’ve missed this gorgeous body” Chris said heatedly as he trailed kisses along your neck and collarbone.  Your body felt on fire in the wake of his kisses.  Your back arched off the bed as his mouth found your left nipple and suckled. “FUCK!” you hissed out in pleasure as his fingers twisted your right nipple while his mouth stayed attached to your left, “That feels so good baby.”  He removed his mouth with a pop and continued south.  His open mouthed wet kisses leaving an icy trail down your stomach and you shivered, wanting him to warm you up.  
You gripped into his hair trying to get his mouth to where you wanted him.  “Eager are we?” he breathed before spreading your lips and diving right in. You let out a loud whimper as his tongue massaged your clit; your grip on his hair tightening.  His tongue dove deeper, exploring your wet hole and you shook with pleasure, his expert tongue knowing just what to do.  His mouth made its way back to your nub as he inserted a finger inside you.  With his mouth skillfully sucking your clit and his fingers crooked at just the right way inside of you, you came swiftly.  His name mixed with moans left your lips as you reached and then descended your peak. You were still coming down from your high when he removed his finger from you.  
You reached for his hand and took the finger that was just inside you and placed it in your mouth, sucking your juices off him; all the while looking straight into Chris’ eyes. “That is the fucking sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”  You gave him a grin as you got him to his back and ravaged his neck with your lips; biting and sucking where you deemed fit.  You didn’t suck too hard on his neck, not wanting to give away what you had been doing.  Instead, you waited until your lips trailed down to his toned stomach before sucking. Chris mewled at the sensation of your wet lips on his body, leaving him multiple hickeys that only you would be able to see.  Your hand reached lower to grasp his dick and his breath hitched.  You felt Chris grab onto your hair and you knew what he wanted. It was your turn to smirk at him now “Eager are we?” you challenged right back to him.  He only answered with a grunt.
You licked a strip along the underside of his erection, getting him nice and wet for your mouth. Before doing so, your tongue darted out and swirled along the tip, tasting his salty pre-cum.  His hips jerked to meet your mouth as you opened wide and took him as deep as you could.  Your head bobbed up and down; the only noises in the room were of Chris’ moans and the wetness of your mouth on his dick.  “Ok ok ok stop babe” he rasped out.  You let him go from your mouth as you crawled back up to meet his mouth with yours in a rough kiss.  Your teeth nibbled on his plump lower lip as his hands gripped your waist.  He leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom from the drawer.  After rolling it on, he tried moving you to your back but you stopped him.  “I want to be on top” you said seductively into his ear and he growled at your choice of words.
As he leaned back onto the bed you adjusted yourself on top of him.  Gazing deep into his eyes, you placed his hard member at your entrance and slowly sunk down onto him.  Both of you moaning together at the feeling of you joining together.  When he was fully inside you, you waited a few minutes until your body adjusted to his size; he filled you up and you embraced how full you felt.  Once you were ready you placed your hands on his chest and lifted up, almost until he was out of you, before sinking back down again.  You did this a few more times at a slow pace before wanting to feel more of him.  You went faster, up and down, and Chris gripped your hips to help you.  The pace that you were setting was quickly tiring you out but it felt so damn good.  You looked back down to see Chris staring at you, his lower lip between his teeth. His eyes black as night, but his face told a different story.  His face looked at you in awe, in admiration.  
Before you knew it he lifted himself up into a seating position so he could be face to face with you; you stilled your motions.  He looked as if he wanted to say something to you with the way he was gazing at you, but you didn’t want to push it.  His hand reached up to delicately grab your neck as he pulled you forward to rest your forehead against his.  You started moving up and down again as his other hand came to rest at your ass, helping you move faster.  His hips jerked up to meet your thrusts and soon you were in a perfect rhythm.  “You feel so warm baby…so good” he said through panting.  “Come with me Chris…please” you begged.  You reached your own hand in-between you and gently circled your clit.  You felt your walls start to tighten and Chris’ thrusts start to get sloppy.  You were both close to your releases.  A few more thrusts were all it took and you came together, eyes locked on each other as your names passed each other’s lips.  His grip on your ass tightened as he rode out his release, your hands gripped his shoulders.  
Chris eased you off of him and he slipped out of you.  He stood up and reached his hand out for you to grab.  You placed your hand in his and he helped you up before the two of you walked to the bathroom.  He discarded the used condom and wrapped it into some tissue before throwing it away in the trash.  He turned the shower on and the two of you hopped in.  The warm water easing your tired and aching muscles instantly.  You bathed each other in silence as no words were needed; just your gentle touches to one another said it all.  
An hour later you were curled up beside Chris on the couch, eating pizza and watching another Christmas movie as the fire roared in the fireplace.  This all felt like a dream to you; it was too perfect.  You knew it was reality however and again found yourself wishing it would stay this perfect.  You felt yourself drift off to sleep, curled up into Chris’ side as he rubbed soothing circles onto your back. 
Tag List: @evansfanficweekly @iamwarrenspeace @ssweet-empowerment @always-an-evans-addict @patzammit @tacohead13 @valentinesbird @littlemissacorn @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @potterhead1265
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librapinof · 7 years
Following Ancient History
Title: Following Ancient History
Warnings: ddlg ;; dan stripping ;; dan riding ;; not too intense
Rating: R, it’s your generic stripping smut
Author: lmao meeeee
Yes, this is adult content, you have been warned. *this also can be found in my oneshots collection on wattpad*
https://my.w.tt/UiNb/eI0kLiBSkH or on ao3
Summary: "Phil was entranced by the younger man dancing in front of him. His skin was surprisingly tan under the lights of his bedroom. The denim of his skinny jeans clinging to his ass perfectly for a long moment before the jeans started sliding down Dan's hips like they always did."
Word Count: 3170 (before edit)
Quick A/N: Here’s the link to the song this fic is based on  Enjoy it! I friggen love Adam Ant, and for those of you who don't know who he is, y'all missing out.
"You know, for being two boys from England, we haven't really explored British music artists," Dan announced into the lounge one afternoon where he and Phil were relaxing to they're "Muse: Greatest Hits" playlist.
"Are you thinking of anyone in particular?" Phil asked as he turned to look at Dan, his eyes showing his curiosity at Dan's statement.
"My mum sent me a link the other day to this Adam and The Ants playlist. It got me thinking," Dan explained as he fiddled with his phone, looking for the link again.
"I've heard that name. Isn't that the musician that ended up locking himself up basically in the loony bin?" Phil asked, the name ringing a bell in the back of his mind, "I think he's even from this area," he added, not remembering why he knew so much about this guy.
"Yeah, same guy. He grew up and lives not far from here, that's why we vaguely know the name. He was in the press and stuff when that all happened and his name was brought up again not too long ago when he released a new album. But his original stuff is so wild, Phil. There's so much different shit going on all at once on one album I can't even begin to explain it," Dan said, connecting his phone instead of Phil's now to their speakers to blast Apollo 9 through the whole lounge.
The excited, mildly futuristic, beat blared through the speakers, a deep bellowing voice thundering through with an excited countdown from 10, only making it to 5 before the first verse was being shouted out of their speakers by and enthused and energetic sounding Adam Ant.
Without even realising, Dan and Phil's heads began to bob to the beat, it being amazingly catchy even if they had no idea what he was singing other than "even though NASA say we out of line."
"I kinda like this, surprisingly," Phil said as the song started to fade out, Dan pausing it before the next one could start.
"I may or may not have just downloaded the whole Antics in the Forbidden Zone album for us," Dan admitted with a shy chuckle, not yet going to admit he's already been exploring this artist for going on a week now, with plans for one song in particular that sang to him.
Dan then clicked on another song, Whip In My Valise, for him and Phil to enjoy, trying to hide the smile across his face because he knew what this song was about. When the line "your sadistic suits my masochistic" blared out of the speakers, he saw Phil's eyes go wide before a sly smirk made it across his face.
"You're going to get us interested in a man that sings of bdsm and torture?" Phil laughed as he bobbed to the song, it being rather catchy also.
"Hey, it's not far off from what you do with me," Dan teased as he winked across the couch to Phil.
"'I can't thank her, my Sunday Spanker,' Well, I guess you're right," Phil teased as he leaned over to Dan, basically laying his head in the younger's lap as they laughed together.
"Okay but, that's not all he sings about" Dan laughed, playfully defending this new choice in music as he let the song play, the cogs whirring in his brain as he the plan in his head finalised: it was going to be tonight.
Dan added the album Kings Of the Wild Frontier to their collection, putting them on shuffle together for them to listen to as they started work on dinner for the two of them but making sure to exclude one specific song: Strip.
The two of them found each other laughing and nearly ruining dinner at how distracted they were by the music and trying to sing along as they learned it. They took turns trying to chant and yell out the Native American calls that they heard along with the gibberish that was sang and chanted through multiple of the songs, they're favourite so far being Vive Le Rock.
After them finally being able to complete and eat dinner, Dan disconnected his phone from the speakers and scurried his way upstairs to his bedroom. Usually they just shared Phil's, but he had a few items he was hiding in his own room he was ready to surprise Phil with tonight.
"Yo, come up to our room in like twenty!!" Dan nearly screamed down the halls at Phil, his nerves getting to him mixing with the excitement of how well this could go.
"Alrighttyyyyy," Phil called back as he got to work on the dishes, figuring that would kill the twenty minutes Dan was asking him to.
While Phil was humming to himself to finish the dishes, Dan was upstairs in his bedroom trying to get everything in order.
He dug through his drawer for the pink bottomless panties, lacy thigh highs, and the garters he had to hold them up. He pulled on a soft purple jumper and his usual tight jeans before he hopped to their shared room and laid out on the bed on his tummy, waiting for an unsuspecting Phil to walk into the room. He played on his phone, mindlessly browsing his iTunes library with Adam Ant's Strip queued to play through speakers in their room while he awaited Phil.
Just as Dan's heart rate was starting to slow down, Phil made his way into the room. His eyes went straight to the bed, noticing Dan laying out but not suspecting anything out of their usual nightly routine.
"That's a really cute jumper," Phil purred softly as he sat on the side of the bed next to where Dan was laying, his eyes raking the small and soft looking boy up and down at his choice in clothing, almost thinking he was a little too over dressed for what Phil would love to do to him tonight.
"Too bad you don't get to take it off me," Dan murmured back as he hit play on the song and hopped right off the bed.
The bright, upbeat song blared its way through Phil's set up speakers as Dan hopped up off the bed, shimmying his hips and waving his currently very clothed ass in front of Phil's face.
It's at times like this, the great heaven knows that we wish we had not so many clothes So let's loosen up with a playful tease like all lovers did through the centuries
Dan wasn't the best at being sensual, with is extra long limbs, lanky frame, and usual lack of confidence, but with this song brought something out of him, where he could really put on a show for his beloved.
His hips found the perfect match to the beat, bopping back and forth between having the right and left hip popped out while his arms found something else to do, his movements slightly jerky but matching the song perfectly. He pulled the collar of the soft purple jumper over his shoulder, exposing his hollow collarbones to Phil, showing off the marks he left there from they last time they got frisky with each other.
We're just following ancient history If I strip for you, will you strip for me? We're just following ancient history If I strip for you, will you strip for me? a-ha-ha
As the voice blared out a hearty "a-ha-ha", Dan pulled the soft jumper up over his head and tossed it across the room, his torso now bare exposed as he danced for Phil. His hips waving around as he twirled and danced, his hips thrusting just enough where Phil's eyes could barely leave Dan's crotch.
Phil was entranced by the younger man dancing in front of him. His skin was surprisingly tan under the lights of his bedroom. The denim of his skinny jeans clinging to his ass perfectly for a long moment before the jeans started sliding down Dan's hips like they always did.
Phil's eyes bugged out as he saw pink lace peeking out from the top of Dan's jeans.
"Like what you see, daddy? Just watch," Dan purred as he winked at Phil.
When it gets so hot, the end of the day You may find your clothes getting in the way If a pretty dress hides your true desire Fold it nice and slow, throw it on the fire
As the last line of the verse flowed out of the speakers, Dan ripped his jeans off with a practised skill, revealing his pink panties with the lacy, white thigh highs, and white garters holding his thigh highs from falling.
Phil's mouth fell open with an audible pop as he took in the sight in front of him. Dan's ass was cupped perfectly within the tight pink panties, his already hard cock peeking out the top in the front. As Dan bent over in front of Phil, Phil was able to see the panties had no bottom, and Dan was stuffed up with one of their larger plugs.
We're just following ancient history If I strip for you will you strip for me? We're just following ancient history If I strip for you will you strip for me? a-ha-ha
Dan threw himself into Phil's lap, straddling his lover's thighs before crashing his lips into Phil's, no longer able to take the separation between them.
We don't need to see what the butler saw Or a mirrored room with a mirrored floor All those sneaky looks gazing down on you Are no substitute for our rendezvous
Phil kissed Dan back with a new hunger within him. He had been aching to touch the beautiful boy dancing in front of him, and now he finally could. He let his hand roam up and down Dan's soft skin, trailing from his back until he was at the clasp of the garters, leaving them hooked as his hands grazed down Dan's soft, thick thighs.
We're just following ancient history If I strip for you will you strip for me? We're just following ancient history If I strip for you will you strip for me? a-ha-ha
Dan ground his hips into Phil's, aching to create friction between the two of them as his constrained cock throbbed against the waistband of the panties.
"Please," Dan whispered into Phil's ear over the song as he trailed his hands down, slowly at first until he gave into himself, pulling at the hem of Phil's shirt, begging it upwards and tossing it aside to be found and dealt with later.
It's at times like this the great heaven knows That we wish we had not so many clothes So let's loosen up with a playful tease Like all lovers did through the centuries
"Of course, princess," Phil purred over the song as he reached around to Dan's tight little ass, pulling at and wiggling the plug Dan had in ever so gently, enough to tease his lover as he knew it was deep enough within him to rub against his prostate with every move he made.
Dan threw his hands to Phil's jeans, undoing the button and zip as quickly as he could and pushing them as far down Phil's thighs as he could manage with the way they were situated.
If you think it's cheap or a bit risqué Please don't say a word I'll just slip away I am not a man who believes in lies Like an octopus with big x-ray eyes
Once Dan had Phil's jeans down, he reached behind them to the bedside table for the bottle of lube, pouring a generous amount into his hands to rub up and down Phil's length. Though he was already stretched from the plug, Phil was not at all small, and as much as he liked a little bit of pain he still wanted this to be fun for both him and Phil.
Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight Be generous, I want it all tonight!
"Pull it out, I wanna ride you," Dan basically moaned into Phil's ear as his fingers grazed up and down Phil's throbbingly hard length. Phil's long, lanky fingers were still playing with the plug, and he quickly nodded and obliged, sliding it out smoothly and gently.
Dan whimpered softly as he clenched around nothing, quickly propping up on his knees so he could line himself up with Phil's cock, sliding down on it gently, but with purpose. He bottomed out in no time, pausing a moment to adjust before he began to bounce and grind himself down on Phil.
"God baby, even after that plug you're still so tight for me," Phil drawled out, his voice deep and thick with lust as he placed his hands onto Dan's hip bones, holding the boy steady as he began to move.
We're just following ancient history If I strip for you will you strip for me? We're just following ancient history If I strip for you will you strip for me?
The song soon started itself over, and Dan bounced himself on Phil's cock to the powerful rhythm of the song. He threw his head back as a loud moan rippled through his throat and out his parted lips as Phil's lips found their way to Dan's neck, sucking hard and nibbling on the taught, soft skin as he made sure to mark what was his.
Phil held tight to Dan's hips, guiding Dan as he rode him faster than he usually went for. He moaned against Dan's throat as he felt Dan's tight hole clench around his throbbing cock. He knew damn well he wasn't going to make it much longer after the show Dan put on for him.
"Daddy, close" Dan mumbled out as his head fell forward onto Phil's shoulder. His bouncing became more erratic and weak as his legs gave out to the absolute pleasure coursing through his body. Phil's dick was more than big enough to be constantly brushing his prostate and it launched stars through his vision to ride him.
"Me too, princess," Phil mumbled back as he guided Dan's hips, taking a bit of control from the younger male. Phil's hips were quick to match Dan's pace as they bucked up to meet Dan's ass with every bounce, guiding the two of them closer to the edge with every movement.
As they moved together, one of the elastics on Dan's garters broke, causing a run in Dan's lace thigh highs that just pushed Phil over the edge. His face contorted in pure pleasure and his mouth agape as he came deep and hard within his lover. He rode his high out for a long moment before bringing his focus back to Dan.
Dan's cock was leaking and begging to be touched as he peeked out of the lace panties. Phil pushed the front of them down, wrapping his long lanky fingers around Dan's aching cock to finish him off, his hips still bouncing up to pound into the other male.
"Oh, uh, Daddy," Dan whined out as he came, hot white ropes of cum shooting onto Phil's bare chest and hand as he came hard, bouncing erratically to ride out his high with his lover.
Dan's forehead stayed rested on Phil's shoulder as he slowly came down from his high. Their breathing was hard and heavy as the two of them attempted to catch their breath.
Dan whimpered softly as he pulled himself off of Phil's softening cock, warm cum now dripping down his thighs and into the lacy thigh highs still covering his soft thighs.
"How long had you been planning that?" Phil asked, wrapping his arms around the boy still in his lap.
"About a week," Dan answered, a soft blush creeping up his already rosy cheeks, "My mum sent me the album and it sparked my interest."
"Well, I have to say. I loved that a whole hell of a lot," Phil said with a silly grin wide across his face, his tongue poking out between his teeth.
"I'm glad because so did I," Dan laughed, his body weak at the sight of Phil's smile.
They stayed cozied up together for a moment longer before Dan piped up.
"Bath tonight, please?" He asked in a shy soft voice, looking up into Phil's eyelashes, batting his eyelashes ever so gently at the older male.
"Well, you did ask so nicely," Phil laughed as he stood up, setting the younger male down on the bed and pulling his jeans the rest of the way down and off before he scurried to the en-suite bathroom, quickly and efficiently starting the water for a joint bath for them.
"Galaxy or earth fizzer tonight?" Phil called from the bathroom to Dan.
"Ooo, galaxy please!" Dan answered as he meandered his way into the bathroom, leaning against the sink counter as his legs felt like jello and his pelvis was slightly sore and tired.
Dan watched with childlike amusement as the fizzer dissolved in the water, plunging the bath water into a deep black colour, and filling the room with a warm fall type scent.
"What did we get in it this time?" Phil asked, nudging Dan towards the bath as the fizzer finished dissolving.
Dan quickly stepped in and settled himself into the perfectly warm bath water and let his hands explore the bottom of the tub, searching for the little toy that had been hidden inside.
"Found it!" He called with an excited smile as he held up a small little key chain with a black heart hanging off the key ring.
"Oh, perfect!" Phil cheered as he took the key chain from Dan, setting it on the bathroom counter before he stepped into the bath, settling himself behind Dan with the younger boy placed between his legs so they could cuddle.
They sat in a blissful silence for who knows how long, enjoying the warmth of the bath along with the warm scent that came with the fizz. Dan's hands drew lazy patterns along Phil's arms under the water, a relaxing gesture he did when he was content with the situation.
"Hey darling," Phil started, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he thought of what he was about to say.
"Yeah, Phil?" Dan asked, his eyes lightly shut as he was enjoying the moment.
"But why does Dirk wear white sox?" Phil asked, trying to hold back the giggles on the tip of his tongue.
"Oh my god shut up you spoon," Dan laughed as he splashed water at Phil, his eyes lit up and playful.
"Oh you love me," Phil banted back, laughter on his face as he slid into his biggest smile, where his tongue was poking out from between his teeth.
"You're lucky you're right" Dan teased back as he settled back in between Phil's legs, not ready to get up and forcing Phil to stay cozy with them, his heart full of love as he appreciated not just how good Phil was at sex, but how carefree and fun he was when they were together.
//A/N :: the dirk wears white sox joke is a reference to the album literally titled Dirk Wears White Sox and in the song Don't be Square (Be There) it's chanted in the background. this whole write was a guilty pleasure for me just because I love both Dan & Phil and Adam Ant. if you're not into adam ant that's cool, i get it. still hope you were able to enjoy the fic tho :)))))
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