#I realize these are a lot of oneshots oh well
fjoresterthoughts · 2 years
Alright so after the Mighty Nein Reunion, I've written up fjorester fic rec, part 2! Sorry this took me so long, just in time for the end of the year!
Carried on the Waves, by @romeoandjulietyouwish Words: 12930, Chapters: 4/4, Rated General Audiences
Hands down, one of my favourite fics I have ever read. It's a Fjord and Jester childhood friend AU. There's sweetness, there's pining, there's first kisses, and they're very in character and part of me wishes this was canon because its so well done.
Blind leading the blind by @princessamericachavez Words: 778, Chapters 1/1, Rated General Audiences
This one always puts such a smile on my face! She's written so many great fics, but this one has always stood out to me. The inter-party dialogue is spot on. If you want a great example of Fjord's 7 wisdom stat, you will appreciate this one!
Housewarming, by @princessamericachavez Words: 2546, Chapters 1/1, Rated General Audiences
I love a good modern AU, and this one is SO good. Her writing always feels so in character (I had to rec her twice) and this one makes me nostalgic for early campaign 2. I also really like the modern take on Fjord and Jester's backstories!
In the Light of Sunset by @sockablock Words: 3005, Chapters 1/1, Rated General Audiences
I loooove this one. It's a Little Mermaid AU, and its got such a magical feeling to it. I really do feel like I'm reading a fairy tale whenever I go back and re-read it. I think the amount of times that I've re-read it speaks for itself.
Rest in my Arms by @ofsinnersandsaints Words: 1873, Chapters 1/1, Rated General Audiences
This is so soft!! After their adventures Fjord has a bit of trauma and Jester is so gentle and patient with him - they have such a loving relationship in this which fits right into canon. Definitely recommend this one!
don't you know let's take it slow by nevershootamockingbird Words: 2820, Chapters 1/1, Rated General Audiences
If you want some early campaign feels of a fake out make out and wait that meant something to you too, this one is for you! It's really great!
Steady by @wingsofbadass Words: 5,001, Chapters 1/1, Rated Explicit
It's Special When It's You and Me by Eltrkbarbarella Words: 3,190, Chapter 1/1, Rated Explicit
Meet you at the bottom by @mojo-da-jojo Words: 7,901, Chapters 2/2, Rated Explicit
And these last (smutty) three I will let speak for themselves, like last time I made one of these! Read those tags.
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pitchsidestories · 2 months
a blessing in disguise II Victoria Pelova x Codina!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 3158
a/n: hi, we hope you enjoy the oneshot and that the time jumps aren't too confusing !
warning: her ACL injury is mentioned.
“Vic, can I ask you a favour? I know you had to return to London, so I was thinking.”, Laia begun nervously during their phone call.
“What?”, Victoria impatiently interrupted the Spanish defender. She had no time for the polite fussing around of her teammate. 
With a sigh the Dutch midfielder realized, she did have that, plenty of it since she had to be subbed of in the qualifying game in Finland because of the injury with three letters which every footballer hoped wouldn’t occur to her.
It did happen to her and immediately she felt bad for acting like this in front of a friend who has been kind ever since she joined the club.
“My cousin is coming to London for a visit. But she’s arriving early.”, Laia continued more rapidly.
“And you’re still in Spain with your national team.”, Victoria remarked. There she would prefer to be as well instead laying helplessly on the sofa without the comfort of Viv or Beth at her side who knew all too well what a horror the injury meant.
“Exactly and I can’t leave.”, the Spanish player added.
“She probably planned to stay at your place?”, the midfielder assumed.
“Yes, she did. But I forgot to leave the spare keys somewhere. Can she stay with you? It’s just for a few days.”, she asked her.
“Uhm, sure.”, Victoria replied.
“Thank you, I owe you.”, Laia responded gratefully.
“You’re welcome, that’s what teammates are for.”, the Dutch footballer smiled fondly, she was so thankfully for the team she played for and every person who was a part of it, her heart was full of warmth when the young woman thought of them.
“I’ll let my cousin know that she can stay with you.”, the defender answered in equal parts cheerful and relieved.
It didn’t take too long until someone rang her front door. Getting up with her injured knee was a challenge on its own, but hearing her ring once more, made Victoria curse under her breath:” Godverdomme!”
The midfielder almost regretted it once she saw the beaming face of Laia’s cousin. Because damn the university student was beautiful, Victoria thought to herself.
“Hola Victoria, nice to meet you, I’m y/n, Laia’s cousin, she told me so much about you already.”, you greeted her with a huge smile on your lips.
“Uhm, hi. Come on in.”, the Dutch player blushed while stepping aside so you could enter her home.
“Gracies.”, you muttered in Catalan.
“You’re welcome. You can sleep here.”, Victoria explained, showing you her guestroom which was beautiful and let a lot of light in when the sun shone.
“It’s pretty.  you commented, before taking a closer look at your host, rising worriedly an eyebrow at her, did you hurt your leg?”  Since you and your cousin Laia has always been very close you knew a lot about injured players and spotted one easily.
The dutch player scrunched her nose, obviously uncomfortable with the attention being shifted towards her injury.
“Oh… yeah, happened with the national team. That’s why I’m home while everyone else is in camp.“, she replied, the sadness resonating in her voice.
You immediately felt bad. But seeing her struggle to move around her own home gave you an idea.
“I’m so sorry to hear this. Did you have dinner yet?“, you asked innocently.
Victoria paused, surprised by the question: “Uhm… no.“
“Is there a supermarket nearby?“, you continued which seemingly only added to her confusion.
“There’s one down the street.“, Victoria said, pointing vaguely in the direction with her thumb.
You smiled at her: “I’ll cook something for you as a thank you for letting me stay here. That way you can rest your knee.“
“You don’t have to… really.“, Victoria declined quickly.
You felt it was out of politeness so you shook your head: “No, it’s alright. Do you like paella?“
The football player considered you for a moment as if she was unsure what to make of this situation. But then the corners of her mouth quirked upwards and she shrugged: “You’re cooking so you get to decide what you want to make. I’m just here to eat.“
You grinned back at her: “Okay. I’m trying to be quick. But I might need your keys so you don’t have to get up again to let me back in later.“
“Here.“, Victoria produced a bunch of keys from the pocket of her sweatpants and handed them to you.
“Gr- Thanks.“, you corrected yourself before you could fall back into Spanish again.
You pocketed the keys and made your way to the supermarket alone.
It took you a while to find your way around. There was a lot of things to discover and it took you a while to find all the ingredients.
Carrying bags of groceries, you returned to Victorias place.
“I’m back.“, you announced yourself.
“I was just texting your cousin because I thought you’d ran off with my keys.“, Victoria called from the living room.
“Well, I can’t get far with just your keys, right?“, you answered while you paced the bags on the kitchen table and got to work.
As the football player limped over to watch you, you continued: “But this explains why Laia texted me that I should hurry up with grocery shopping. I just assumed a certain dutch woman got hungry and impatient while I was away.“
“I wasn’t impatient.“, she grimaced.
You laughed lightly, happy with the fact that you two got on so well that you already resorted to teasing each other.
“Uhu sure. Get ready to taste the best paella you’ve ever eaten.“, you smirked.
You could feel Victoria watch you with raised eyebrows: “You’re bragging too much.“
“Oh, you don’t believe me?“
“I believe you when you’re done cooking.“
“Go and try it.”, you nodded encouragingly after you cooked the paella, it’s delicious scent was filling the whole kitchen.
With closed eyes the Dutch woman took her first bite before admitting:” Oh wow, that’s actually pretty good.”
For her it tasted after vacation spent in Spain, when the day in the water was over and the sun was about to set, a cold Sangria on the table to drink alongside it.
Meanwhile the recipe for the paella had a special place in your heart as it was one passed from the women in your families to the next generation.
Meaning this meal reminded you of home, on weekends spend at the countryside. You missed this, but you knew that this adventure was worth the yearning.
“I told you so.”, you told her delighted.
“Yes, you were right.”, she sighed dramatically.
“I’m glad you liked it.”, you blushed.
“This is so good. I’m glad you made this huge pan full.”, Victoria raved about your cooked dinner.
“I’m sure there’ll be some leftovers.” A bit later you realized you were wrong.
“Turned out that I underestimated football players appetite.”, you laughed whole-heartedly.
“You absolutely did.”, the midfielder grinned mischievously.
“But I guess that means you did really like my paella.”, you observed smiling.
“Yes, you can stay here. You passed the test.”, the Dutch player winked at you.
“Thanks?”, you giggled nervously.
“Just joking. Thank you for cooking.”, she replied genuinely.
“You’re welcome.”, you muttered, you were grateful for her hospitality. Not everyone would let a stranger sleep in their place even when she was the cousin of a teammate.
“I really appreciate it. You didn’t have to.”, Victoria went on earnestly.
“No worries.”, you waved it off.
“I’ll make breakfast in return.”, the midfielder decided.
“English or Dutch breakfast?”, you asked her.
“Whatever you want. But don’t expect too much.”, she warned you.
“I won’t.”, you assured her.
“Good because I’m shit at cooking.”, Victoria confessed.
“We’ll see about that.”
“Oh, you’ll see.”, the Arsenal player smirked.
The following day, the breakfast wasn’t as bad as your host claimed it to be, but your day was supposed to be even better than that.
“Vicky, can you look after Myle this afternoon? I’ve a doctor’s appointment.”, Vivianne questioned her teammate on the phone.  
“Sure, I love the doggo.”, Victoria agreed happily.
 “Dank je !”, the older woman voice sounded relieved.
“Geen dank. Tell Beth I said hi.”, she responded cheerfully.
“I’ll. Also you texted you’ve a roommate at the moment. Will she be there too?“, Vivianne asked, her voice dripping with curiosity.
Her dutch teammate shrugged: “Probably. Unless she wants to explore London on her own.“
“She’s Codis cousin, right? I assumed that as a child from the country side, she would like dogs.“
Victoria frowned but she decided to bite back the question of where Viv knew that from. Knowing the older dutch player, she would probably only get something vague or mysterious in reply anyway.
Instead, Victoria played along: “I mean who doesn’t like dogs?!“
“Exactly.“, Vivianne grinned back.
The sun even made rare appearance in the afternoon while you followed Victoria to go dog sitting.
As soon as the dutch football player had opened the door, a small brown dog was already waiting for you, wagging its tail.
You immediately dropped to your knees in the middle of the floor to pet the dog: “Oh my god. Myle is adorable!“
“Right?“, Victoria smiled down at you while she walked past, deeper into Beths and Vivs apartment.
“Yes, she’s such a cutie!“
Happily, the little dog started to climb up on your lap and lick your face. You giggled.
“Myle, come here.“, Victoria called from the living room and Myle immediately followed her call.
Victoria was sitting on the sofa, the dog right in front of her when you joined them.
“Show y/n what we taught you.“
You laughed: “What is she supposed to do?.“
“Watch.“, Victoria said, holding up one finger. “Sit!“
There was a small pause at first but then Myle sat.
You clapped your hands excitedly: “Well done, Myle.“
“Now lay down. And play dead.“, Victoria commanded.
You watched as the small dog laid down and then rolled over on her back.
You bent down to give rub her belly: “Good girl!“
Victoria looked almost as proud as if it was her own dog: “She’s so talented, right?“
“Yes, she’s a really smart puppy.“, you agreed. You could not get enough of Myle.
“The whole team loves her.“
“I can see why.“, you smiled. Your cheeks felt like you had been smiling the whole time since meeting the dog.
“So it’s a big honour to be dog sitting.“
You thoughtfully studied the football player for a small moment before suggesting: “Do you think we could go for a little walk? If that’s okay with your knee?“
“Sure, who’s going to stop me?“, Victoria smiled confidently but the short look of worry that had flashed across her face did not escape you.
You gave a one-shoulder shrug, trying to match her energy: “I don’t know. Your team doctor, the physios…?“
“They’re way too busy to watch me all the time.“, she joked as she determinedly got up from the sofa and searched for Myles leash.
You nodded slowly: “Okay, let’s go then.“
Despite the pain in her knee, Victoria was eager to show you the beautiful sides of her home of choice. After a short ride on the tube, you walked down the streets of Notting Hill.
Due to her injury, you took several breaks which you didn’t mind because it gave you the time to admire the pastel-coloured houses.
“The city is beautiful.”, you beamed.
“Don’t fall in love in love. You’ll never leave.”, the Dutch woman warned you jokingly.
“I’m only here for one Uni semester as an exchange student and already left my heart in Barcelona.”, you reassured her.
For a second the midfielder was too stunned to speak, before she caught herself again: “Wait. Are you saying you’re staying here?”
“Yes, for one semester.”, you affirmed.
“Oh, I thought you’d just visit.”, Victoria mumbled, while redoing her high ponytail nervously.  
“No, I’ll be here a bit longer than that.”, you said.
“I see..”
“You don’t like that news?”, you raised an eyebrow at her.
“No, I do. That means you can make more paella for me.”, the football player disagreed delighted.
“Okay, I can teach you how to cook it.”, you offered her gladly that she loved your family recipe as much as you did.
“Promise?”, she looked at you big-eyed.
“Promise. Maybe Laia and your other teammates could join us if they want to.”, you thought out loud. Grateful to be able to get to know some more people outside of university, maybe even becoming friends with some of them.
“Sure, they could.”, Victoria replied half-heartedly. Normally she loved to spend time with the fellow Arsenal players, but the thought of sharing you with them wasn’t something the Dutch woman looked forward to. Watching you cook was very intimate experience for her.
“Could be fun.”, you tried to convince her from your idea. The rest of the walk with the dog was uneventful. Still, you wondered why the midfielder was a bit more distanced than before. Got something you said lost or misunderstood in translation?
“Thanks for taking care of Myle.”, Vivianne remarked once she returned from the appointment to pick up her puppy.
“You’re welcome, she’s such a good dog.”, you waved it off, already falling for the dog’s charm like everyone else in the team.
“Myle got a new fan.”, Victoria commented with a cheeky smile on her lips.
“I’m not surprised.”, the proud dog owner grinned.
“I can’t wait to see her again.”, you hummed.
“You’ll soon enough.”, the midfielder promised you.
You enjoyed the days you got to spend with Victoria at her place.
It was like you two had always known each other, there was nothing awkward about it.
You loved cooking and Victoria was more than grateful to have some help around the house.
But your time as roommates was about to end on the day Laia returned from her national team.
While your cousin helped you transfer all your stuff to her house, Victoria sat in her kitchen talking to her dutch teammate.
“You fell for Laias cousin.“, Vivianne said with her typical dutch directness.
The younger player grimaced: “I didn’t fall for her.“
She could basically hear Viv roll her eyes. “If you say so… Then why did you look so sad all day about the fact that she left for Laias apartment today?“
“I’m not sad.“, Victoria protested again, slowly getting irritated with her teammate.
“Tell that to your face, Vic.“, the older player chuckled.
“My face is fine…“
“Vic…“, Beths voice said, she apparently had taken the phone from her girlfriend.
Upon the sound of Victorias annoyed voice, even the England winger gave up: “Oh, doesn’t matter.“
For a while there was radio silence between you and Victoria. Finding your way around university took up most of your time and energy. Laia also took it upon herself to show you London whenever you both had some free time.
You were supposed to be working on an assignment when Victoria called.
“Sorry, Vicky. First week of university was a lot. But I’ll be at your home match this weekend…“, you started to apologize before she even said a word.
“I- you will be?“, she asked surprised.
“Yes. Got to see my cousin with her team.“, you smiled.
“She’ll be great.“, Victoria promised you, her voice sounding a bit more chipper.
“I bet so.“
“You’ll see.“
For some reason, after that phone call, you could barely wait for the weekend to come.
Your cousin even provided you with an Arsenal shirt for the game.
You wore it proudly as you watched the game in the stands, cheering loudly whenever Laia had the ball.
The game ended with a clear win for Arsenal.
While people started leaving the stadium, Victoria slowly limped in your direction.
She was still not walking too well but she grinned at you.
“Nice outfit, y/n.“
“Oh thanks.“, you laughed and turned around to show her the Codina on your back.
“Looks good on you.“
“It does, right?“, you winked at her.
“Oh yes.“
“Vicky wants you to get a Pelova one.“, Laias voice joined the conversation as she appeared in front of you.
You turned to the injured player: “You do?“
Victorias cheeks reddened as she asked Laia: “What? Why would I?“
Laia shrugged: “You said that earlier in the dressing room.“
“Oh. See you, Vicky. Laia, we’ll meet each other later.”, you bid goodbye abruptly.
“Where’s she’s going?”, the Dutch woman asked your cousin confused.
“I think home, why?”, she replied, but there wasn’t an answer coming from her friend as the fellow footballer tried to catch up with you.
Surprised you turned around once you felt her gaze on your back:” Vicky?”
“Where are you going?”, Victoria questioned slightly out of breath.
“Home. Laia’s question made you uncomfortable, so I thought it might be better when I leave. But you should know that I really enjoyed the week we had when I arrived in London.”, you explained quickly.
“So did I. Y/n, my door is always open for you.”, the midfielder offered kindly.
“That’s nice of you.”, you commented, smiling thankfully.
“I mean it.”, she emphasized.
“What if I don’t like you like a normal friend?”, you searched in her light eyes for an answer to the question which made your heartbeat faster.
“You mean the way you want to wear my jersey at games?”, Victoria grinned excitedly.
“Si.”, you muttered blushing.
“If I get you my jersey, will you kiss me?”, the Dutch woman pressed on delighted by that idea.
“The answer is yes.”, you replied laughing.
“Wait here.”, she told you smirking before walking as fast as she could with her injury to the changing room.
“Vicky, what’s going on?”, Beth wanted to know noisily.
“I’ve to hurry up.”, Victoria waved it off.
“She’s getting her girl, Beth.”, Vivianne observed. Sometimes it scared the younger player how well the older one could read her thoughts and doings. But this time she had no time to tell her off.
“How can we help`”, the blonde asked cheerfully.
“Help me find a clean jersey with my name on it.”, Victoria answered.
“Found one.”, Beth cheered after a couple of minutes of searching.
“You got the jersey.”, you remarked amusedly, once she handed it to you.
“Told you.”, the midfielder stated proudly.
“I guess it’s time to fulfil my part.”, you said while your lips collided into the softest most heartfelt kiss.
“I wanted to do this since you cooked me paella.”, Victoria confessed.
“When don’t stop now.”, you threw her a cheeky smile before she kissed you again, more eagerly than before.
What a coincidence it was for you two to meet each other the way you did, later when your girlfriend was fully recovered from her ACL injury, she would call the start of your romance a blessing in disguise.
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fr3sh-tragedies · 5 months
Good Luck Charm
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[Arcane] Jinx x Female Reader
Summary: Jinx has been told she's a mistake and a...well, a jinx her whole life, which is why it's such a surprise when you tell her she's your good luck charm.
Word Count: 3.09k Content Warnings: A small breakdown Category: Angst + Heavy fluff || Oneshot
[A/N]: Not proofread. Just wanted a quick break in between characters again. I couldn't stop myself from writing for this dork, especially after seeing the teaser for season two.
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 “Alrighty, toots, I think I’m gonna head to bed. You wanna come with, or you gonna stay up a bit longer?” You turned your head over to glance at Jinx, watching as she repeatedly turned her chair partially back and forth with her eyes fixed on you. Smiling warmly, you shrugged. “Well, I’m not tired just yet, and I wanted to finish this book,” you started, watching from the corner of your eye as she seemed to slump down at your words already. “But I can just keep reading in bed.”
Jinx stood and let out a small cheer, trotting over to you and gently taking ahold of your wrist to tug you toward the bedroom you often crashed in. Ever since you had grown close to the “loose cannon” of the undercity, things in your life had rapidly changed. It started off simple – you would spend far more time hanging out with her than anyone else. Then, as things started to develop between the two of you, you began staying the night almost every night with Jinx cuddled up against you as you slept. Even when she couldn’t sleep, you could feel her arms wrapped around your shoulders while she traced random patterns against your skin.
When Jinx had told Silco of your relationship, you feared the worst, already preparing to write your will or find a way to escape his wrath. Surprisingly, though, he was rather accepting. When you asked Jinx about it in private, she told you she believed it was because he had seen how happy she had been ever since you showed up. A few days later, her theory was confirmed when Silco had called you into his office to set rules about dealing with Jinx and her issues with trust.
He warned you that Jinx could get extremely clingy and would get overprotective of you, which you had already noticed she had begun to do, so you simply nodded. He continued to speak of things such as her hallucinations and wish to keep her past a secret. You agreed to all of the terms he had set to be with his daughter, unaware of the figure stationed above you on her usual platform. Her eyes were trained solely on you, legs swinging back and forth as she let herself rest on her stomach. With her head cradled in her palms, a wide grin made its way to her lips as you calmly agreed to take care of her.
It seemed, however, that she had done the opposite, meaning she seemed to take care of you more than the other way around. More often than not, if you were outside of her hideout, it would come across more as possessive than anything. She’d blurt out insults and impulsively pick fights with people who threatened or flirted with you.
Once they realized who they were dealing with, they backed off instantly. The few poor souls who decided to test their luck suddenly went missing, as well as Jinx for a short time, and then were never seen or heard from again. You had learned to come to terms with her reckless and apathetic behavior towards outsiders rather quickly.
“Trinket? Hello? You in there, or… did ya leave this planet?” You blinked, glancing back over at the blue-haired girl as she waved her hand in your face.
“Hm? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about what’s going on in my book. I’m near the end, so everything is getting chaotic.” She snickered and hooked her arm around your shoulders as she led you into the bedroom. “Ah, then you’ll have to let me borrow that book sometime. You know I love a bit of chaos. Or a lot of it.” You smiled at her and rolled your eyes, playfully bumping against her and earning another chuckle.
As she plopped down to sit in her spot on the bed, she watched you silently while you flipped your book back open and sat on the other side of the mattress. Once you had leaned back against the pillows, it didn’t take long before you felt a head land gently on your shoulder. A quick look down let you know Jinx had already bundled up under the covers and shuffled over to cuddle against you for the night. With weary eyes, she peered down at the pages of your book, briefly skimming over the short excerpt of the story she could see.
Soon after, she let out a yawn and tucked her head further against your neck. “G’night, sweets. Love you.” You beamed down at her and pressed a small kiss to the top of her head. “Love you too, hun. Sleep well.”
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By the time you had finally woken back up the next day, Jinx had already been up for a few hours. She hadn’t left the bed, but she was tracing patterns and words into your arms and back. When you shifted and yawned, she smiled and perked up rather quickly, sitting up in her spot and peeking down at you. Once you had rolled over to look her in the eye, her grin only grew. “Mornin’, toots. Did you sleep well?” You nodded and sat up, yawning again.
“Yeah, what about you?” She shrugged and toyed with the hem of your sleeve. “Eh, I slept okay. I got kinda restless after a while and woke up, and then I couldn’t go back to sleep.”
You nodded at her words. After a while of you trying to keep your eyes open, you felt Jinx lean against you and tug you close. “I don’t wanna leave to go work on those stupid experiments,” she confessed with a frown. “I just want to stay in here with you. I wish I could come down with you to your job instead.” With a small smirk, you raised a brow and glared over at her. “Oh? And why’s that?” She smirked back at you and slipped her hand down to lace your fingers with her own. “‘Cause I could keep you safe. I could beat up all the pervs that keep trying to get their nasty paws on you.”
A gentle chuckle escaped you as you pulled her further into your side. “Yeah, that’s what makes you my good luck charm. Nothing seems to go wrong for me when you’re near.” You had expected another teasing remark of some kind, though nothing came. Instead, you were greeted with silence. After a while of not receiving any kind of acknowledgment of what you had said, you looked down at Jinx. You blinked in surprise when you saw her gazing right back up at you, eyes filled with a concoction of emotions that couldn’t seem to even out.
Her brows furrowed together. One moment, she seemed confused, and the next, she seemed upset or in disbelief. Similarly to her eyes, her eyebrows couldn’t focus on which emotion to express.
“Uh, hun? You okay?”
“What’d you call me?”
“What did you call me?”
You continued to stare at her, unsure of what you were supposed to say. “I called you ‘hun.’” She shook her head and lifted it from your shoulder to be eye level with you. “No, before that. What did you call me before that?” It took a moment for you to recall what you had said a mere moment ago. The confusion of the new situation had made it hard to wrack your memory. “‘My good luck charm?’”
She was silent for a few minutes, which felt like hours with how thick the tension had grown.
“You think I’m lucky? That I’m a lucky charm to you? Do you really think that?”
An uneasy smile and chuckle left your lips. “Well, yeah, of course I do. I mean, I always love being around you, and because of all you do for me, everything seems to go right when you’re around. You really are like a being of good luck to me.”
She seemed troubled at that, which certainly was not what you had expected. Tears welled up in her eyes and prompted them to grow glossy, though she fought them back. “But – no, I’m not lucky. I’m, I mean, my name is “Jinx” for goodness sake! I’m not good. I’m a horrible person. I mess everything up. How could you possibly believe that I’m a good luck charm? I don’t understand.” You felt your nerves spike, recognizing that she was at the beginning stages of another episode. “Woah, hey,” you whispered, placing a hand softly on her shoulder in an attempt to ground her back into reality before she could fly too far away from the present.
“No, I’m not lucky, I’m a Jinx. I’m the opposite of lucky – I’m unlucky. I didn’t – no, please, I’m not. No, shut up! She’s not trying to – stop it already!” Unintentionally, you leaned back, making sure to keep your hand in place. It seemed like Mylo had taken over again, throwing insult after insult at her and flooding her mind with false realities.
“Love, I’m sorry,” you murmured. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” She glared at you, eyes fixed on you in front of her, though she seemed to be staring so far away. Her eyes flickered as though she were reading some sort of script, incoherent mumbles rolling off her tongue. “No, you shouldn’t be… you didn’t – shut up! You shouldn’t be the one apologizing!”
You remained silent, waiting for the right time to chime in as Mylo continued to torment her. Although you had no idea what he was telling her, you could get a general idea based on the few words you could make out in her sputtering.
It took forever, but she ultimately calmed down, panting for breath and clutching handfuls of hair. When she came back to her senses, she found you holding both of her hands to prevent her from tearing her strands out again. Sometime in between her episode and her break into reality, she had begun copying your breathing the way you had helped her practice each time she had gone through it in the past. At length, she sighed and let her eyes bore down into her lap.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered.
Softly, you cupped her face in your hands and lifted her head up to look her in the eye. She shifted her focus away from you, unable to meet your gaze. “It’s okay, I promise. I’m not mad.” The feeling of the pads of your thumbs grazing across her cheeks to wipe her tears away brought her a feeling of relief. Her tense shoulders drooped down after she sighed once again.
Moments passed. She finally forced herself to meet your eye. “Did you really mean it?” She whispered with a broken tone. “That you think I’m lucky?” You nodded with a weak grin. Again, tears pricked her eyes, though she leaned forward and buried her face in your shoulder before they could fall. Her arms lifted from her sides, hands grasping at the back of your shirt as she sucked in multiple shaky breaths.
“I’ve always thought you were lucky.”
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Weeks had passed since you had started referring to Jinx as your good luck charm, then it shifted into months, and your list of nicknames began to grow. It became a common occurrence for her to hear you call her “lucky charm,” “charmer,” or even “bluebird.” It seemed as though you were shifting to just focus on positive nicknames instead of entirely pinpointing each play on the words “good luck charm,” though she wasn’t complaining.
She certainly wasn’t used to all of the compliments and the nice names. After all, she had been referred to as a jinx, a screwup, and essentially a burden her entire life up until she met Silco. It would take a while for her to accept what you said as truth, but she had started to come around to the loving nicknames. After a while, she even began to look forward to what you would call her for the day. She had started rubbing off on you in terms of nicknames as well. “Trinket” and “sweets” began to creep into your vocabulary, and she adored the way it sounded rolling off your tongue when it was directed at her.
Soon enough, the positivity had worn down part of her insecurity, so long as she was around you. You made her feel safe and secure, which wasn’t something she was used to either. Often, she could be seen practically bouncing down the halls with a cheesy grin plastered on her face, even if she had just left Silco’s office. Silco and Sevika had definitely taken notice of her sudden shift, and although Sevika didn’t understand why she was so much livelier than normal, Silco found himself smiling more often at the sight of Jinx when she’d suddenly remember the nickname you had chosen for her for the day.
When she’d sit up top on her makeshift platform in Silco’s office, she had to be given reminders in between meetings to settle down. Her legs would swing over the edge and kick at the air rhythmically, and her hands would pat randomly at the wooden planks.
She loved the nicknames, to put it bluntly. She absolutely adored them. Since that night, not once had you referred to her as Jinx. Somehow, even though everyone else called her by her known name, the mere mention of what you were calling her for the day gave her a boost of confidence. Whenever a mission would go wrong, she’d come straight to you to talk about it, then listen with a soft smile as you told her repeatedly how things would be okay and how she’s still your lucky charm.
With how suddenly all the flurry of names were thrown at her, she struggled to pick a favorite. Even so, her energy and overall glee grew daily, even beginning to show in her work. Weapons were crafted more cautiously, produced quicker, and had more expressive markings made by her oil crayons. Sevika didn’t enjoy the increase in enthusiasm, Silco certainly appreciated everything.
He still didn’t fully trust you, though it was growing increasingly obvious to him that you weren’t a threat, and in his eyes, you were there for a reason. You made Jinx happy, and that was all he really wanted in the end. As far as he was concerned, you had his blessing. He knew things could change, but after seeing how you treated her during every emotion she expressed, he figured that was a slim possibility.
As he sat in his office one day, he sighed and ran a hand down his face. The door had closed only a moment ago, and still he could hear the tapping and swaying above him. Leaning back in his chair, he gazed up at Jinx sitting on her small platform, biting back a small smile when he saw her grinning gleefully. “Jinx,” he called out just loud enough for her to hear. She finally turned her attention to him curiously. “Hm?”
“You know you need to be quiet when I have people in here. It’s very distracting with you shuffling around up there.” Jinx chuckled nervously. “Sorry.” He finally allowed himself to smile, catching Sevika off guard from her spot on the sofa. “Why don’t you spend the rest of the day with [Y/N]? You’ve earned a break, both of you.”
Instantly, Jinx dropped from her spot above and landed on Silco’s desk. She crouched down and looked him in the eye. “Really? You’re okay with that?” He nodded. “So long as you two don’t cause any major problems,” he added. She beamed brightly at his words and her eyes lit up. “Thanks!” Within an instant, she turned on her heel and hopped off the desk, already out the door and skipping down the hall to find you.
Silco grinned softly with a small shake of his head. He leaned forward again and motioned for Sevika to shut the door as he picked up a few papers to straighten them.
When Sevika returned to her spot on the sofa, she huffed out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. She bit her tongue with what she wanted to say, but a look of warning from Silco made her waver. “What are you breathing so heavily for?” She waited, trying to rephrase her words before speaking them, but ultimately gave up.
“It’s nothing against either of you. I’ve just never seen her this energetic before, and I’ve seen her get energetic in the past.” To her relief, Silco hummed and smiled. “Yes, she’s certainly been in a better mood as of lately. It’s refreshing, in a way.”
Sevika waited momentarily, unsure of what to say. “You think that girl is the reason she’s been so cheery?” “I know she is. Her name is [Y/N]. She’s known Jinx for a couple of years now, and the two of them have grown quite close in such a short amount of time. I don’t entirely approve of that girl, but Jinx has taken a liking to her, and I’d be a fool to take that away from her.”
Even with her disliking of  the blue-haired girl, Sevika couldn’t help but grin at his words. “Yeah, it is nice to see she’s stable with someone. I was worried she’d drive someone away. [Y/N], was it? She’s patient, and that’s definitely good for someone like Jinx. To be honest, I’m glad they met.”
“Yes, I am as well. I suppose I should include a few of the names [Y/N] has been using to refer to Jinx as when speaking to her. It seems to put her in a better mood, as you’ve said, and I’ve noticed an improvement in her crafts and missions.” A chuckle slipped from Sevika before she could stop it. “Yeah, she hasn’t screwed up another task in a while.”
Sevika swallowed and cleared her throat. “Sorry, sir. It was nothing.”
All the while, as they chatted away about her improvement, Jinx trailed down the hallway and all the way to her hideout. When she saw you there, sitting comfortably by her desk in the extra chair she had pulled into the room to have you nearby while she worked, she couldn’t help the smile that stretched across her lips from ear to ear. As she grew closer, she wondered what you would refer to her as that day.
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ghost-recs · 5 months
can we get some bakugou recs 😊😊 (written and smaus pleaseee)
hello hellooo! oh man do i ever have some! you have no idea the can of worms you are opening my friend.
but first i am so sorry for how late this rec is! i wanted to get this done days ago, but the semester has been crazy packed. i'm going to get through all my asks one by one. thank you for your patience! anyways let's get into this !!
Bakugou Recs
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Garden of Lungs (Hanahaki) by oweCrew [ao3]
synopsis: you have your whole life ahead of you, a promising future and jobs lined up after UA...but these stupid flowers are going to be the death of you, literally.
i flew through this fic so fast. it was the first time i had every heard of hanahaki disease and oof to my heart. i loved it!
Late Night Calls by fictionpls [ao3]
synopsis: much to bakugou's disdain, you skipped your meals again. tch, he's basically taking care of you at this point.
cute lil fluff oneshot with bakugou as your best friend...maybe more.
Nothing More, Nothing Less by @dekustowel
synopsis: bakugou made a big whoopsies. the only way to get out of it? fake date you, the internet's sweatheart, duh!
this smau idea has a hold on me. i'm a sucker for the fake dating trope. and i mean seriously, it's bakugou! [ongoing...]
Nerd (Affectionately) by @oniku-niku
synopsis: you're in love with bakugou, have been since you were kids. there was no use in hiding the truth. but did he have to be so rude about it??
most of this smau is a big ouch to the heart. but the drama gets heavier as the story goes on and i'm here for it! happy soft ending! :)
Speak by Kikyo851 [ao3]
synopsis: you could not believe that your soulmate was such a crude and violent person...just to spite the universe and him you decide not to say a word to your "soulmate."
soulmate au in which the first words that your soulmate says to you is written on your wrist. this fulfilled my needs of a bakugou soulmate au! so cute and it is complete!
Of Snowscapes & Explosions by sugarbun [ao3]
synopsis: you've been categorized as second to shoto todoroki ever since grade school. after a frustrated vent to bakugou and a few of his cracks revealing some of his own frustrations you realize that maybe you and him aren't so different after all.
guys....when i tell you this fic is the slowest slow burn. i feel like it's so accurate to how bakugou would actually fall for someone. sadly, this fic is unfished tho and hasn't been updated in a couple years😭 but you should read it anyways.
cover shot (through the heart) by @andypantsx3
cross posted on ao3 here! cover shot (through the heart) by andypantsx3
synopsis: you're the only one who can deal with bakugou's attitude in the industry. he hasn't found something that bothers you...until he starts flirting with you, hello??
model/celebrity au. super cute fic. i'm warning you this is much spicier than some of my other recs. mdni. (also check out this author's other works. they have a lot of top tier content!!)
Motherly Love by @kweenkatsuki-fics
synopsis: bakugou gives his mom a late night call to thank her. the reason why softens her heart greatly.
super soft lil drabble that just about brings me to tears everytime i read it. in love with bakugou fr.
déjà vu by @cashmoneyyysstuff
synopsis: bakugou thinks back to some oddly familiar memories with you. and one thing always stays the same, you both are together.
oneshot the made my jaw drop. hit me hard in the feels.
untitled oneshot by @honeypirate
synopsis: being paired with your number 1 enemy for a group project proved that the universe hated you. well might as well have some fun with this and make bakugou's life just as miserable.
college au oneshot. i am always down for a good enemies to lovers trope!
risky by @kusaka6e
synopsis: moving from another country to work as a pro hero in japan was not the easiest. and a certain hot headed hero only adds to your frustrations.
oneshot about the obvious grown tension between you and pro hero dynamite.
i hope you find something you like! sorry for the late rec, have a lovely day/night!
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niningtori · 9 days
violets are blue: a hanahaki au | oneshot
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pairing(s): choi beomgyu x you, choi yeonjun x you
summary: you love beomgyu, your best friend, so much it makes you sick. literally. like, sick in the sense that your days are numbered as you try to fight off the hanahaki threatening to kill you every time he breaks your heart with his loving girlfriend, so you decide you'll try getting over him with the help of his girlfriend's friend, yeonjun.
genre: ANGST, melodrama, romance, hanahaki
warnings: lots of clichés, serious illnesses, and mentions of death
word count: 5.2k
notes: surprise! i didn't think i'd get this out just yet but here it is <3 please don't be mean (i'm fragile) and feedback is always appreciated!
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it’s a bearable sort of pain, but it’s still painful, nonetheless. bearable is a very loose term, too, because you know if and when things continue as they are, you will no longer be able to write your symptoms off so casually. and as you lean over beomgyu’s toilet and watch purple petals stained with crimson red blood swirling down the drain, you know it won’t be long before your pain crosses from “bearable” to “hellish”. 
still, you manage to flush the evidence of your dying heart and take a good look at yourself in the mirror. your lips are nice and bloody, your makeup nice and smudged. you calmly take out the emergency mouthwash and makeup from your bag and get to work. after you’re finished tidying up, it’s almost like nothing ever happened. with a shaky smile and slightly reddened eyes, you leave his bathroom and prepare for the worst.
and the worst, it is. you just so happen to walk in to beomgyu’s living room while he plants a kiss on his girlfriend’s cheek as she giggles like mad. suddenly, your chest hurts even more than it already did and you find it hard to breathe. well, back to the bathroom you go.
you wish it were like the stories. you wish you could get some magical surgery to remove the flowers from your lungs — yes, even if it meant forgetting beomgyu. if you were a better person, you would say you’d rather die with your love than forget him; but as you’ve come to find out, you guess you’re not that selfless. actually, with the way things are now, you think it’d be better to forget. but unfortunately for you, there is no such solution in this world. 
as it stands, the only way for you to cure your illness is by finding another love, which you have been too stubborn to try, but as you die a little more and more every day, you realize you have to do something. beomgyu is getting more serious with his girlfriend with every passing day, and even before that, he never once looked at you like anything other than a best friend — which you thought was killing you at the time, in a figurative sense, but now it’s killing you in the most  literal of ways and you’re desperate. 
you want to tell yourself that beomgyu needs you, and maybe he does, but he does not need your love the way you need his. the proof of this sentiment being that one of you is, at present, dying for the love of the other, and it’s not him. 
it’s hard to hate beomgyu’s girlfriend when she’s so fucking nice, so you stopped trying to hate her long, long ago. in another life, you might even call each other friends. in this one, though, it’s a quiet sort of dance where you neither push nor pull her too hard. if she’s there, you greet her with a smile on your face. if she’s not, you don’t ask about her. it’s a delicate little charade, but one you play the part in flawlessly. beomgyu commends you for being “so cool” with her, but you have no other choice. if you veer too much in one direction or the other, you run the risk of losing him for good. 
so she is, understandably, very surprised when you wait for beomgyu to go to the bathroom before asking her if she has any single friends.
“oh my god, really? i thought you'd never ask!” she exclaims, and you paste on a smile so sweet it’s sickening.
turns out, she has a lot of friends, unlike you, and many of them are, in her words, handsome. she pulls up a picture of a few of them and your eye is caught by one in particular. 
“who’s that one?” you ask, pointing to a black-haired boy with an undercut. 
“that’s yeonjun,” she grins. “oh, i just knew you’d like him. you’re totally his type, too. he’s gonna freak when i set you two up.” 
“what’s going on?” beomgyu cuts, and your short-lived giddiness is shot in the head almost instantly.
“baby, you’ll never believe it. she’s interested in yeonjun,” she declares, still as excited as ever.
beomgyu turns to you with a look you can only describe as odd. you never talk about dating with him. like, ever. you don’t even seem interested in the idea to the point where he very earnestly sat you down one day and asked you if you were asexual, to which you spent a very arduous few hours awkwardly explaining that you are not. honestly? he didn’t really believe it at the time, but he’s beginning to now, if only because you seem so incredibly flustered at the moment. 
“really? that’s great,” he says after a slightly off-putting pause, but thankfully, nobody catches it. “you know, for a second there, i thought you were gonna be our future kids’ single wine aunt forever. i’m glad you’re finally putting yourself out there.” god, he hurts you, and he doesn't even mean to, but it hurts all the same. he’s spoken about marrying and having children with her, but to think that you fall into the “fun aunt” role in his future with her just makes you feel sick. you’d better pray that this shit with yeonjun goes well, because your lungs are starting to ache just as the thought.
“this is great,” she says, breaking you out of your trance. “how about this: we’ll go on a double date. that sounds fun, right?” 
“actually, i think i’d like to meet him on my own first, if that’s cool with you,” you say. the last thing you need is for the love of your life to be there on your first date with another man. what if things go wrong? or worse, what if things go right? beomgyu can’t be there for that. you can’t do that to poor yeonjun.
she looks disappointed at your words, but beomgyu cheers her up by pinching her cheeks and promising that you’ll all have plenty of chances to go out together if things go well. you try to smile, you really do, but you’re not sure if what comes out looks anything even remotely close to one. luckily, it seems like they’re too absorbed in each other to notice.
you haven’t talked much with yeonjun before tonight, opting to meet him in person to see if the chemistry is there before wasting any time with just “talking”. you simply don’t have the time to spare, and yeonjun seems equally as eager to meet you for reasons unknown. so now you sit all dolled up and glammed out at the back of a dimly lit restaurant as you wait to meet the boy you can only pray will save you. he must have no idea how much you need this. 
when you first see him, you’re taken aback by how handsome he is. you see beomgyu every day, and he’s the handsomest man in the world to you, but something about yeonjun is different. when he introduces himself and you get to know each other, his charisma charms you in a way you sincerely did not anticipate. he’s funny and goofy, which is just how you like them. you haven’t been on a date in god know’s how long, but you’re starting to think that maybe this previously incomprehensibly doomed situation may not be so inescapable after all. that is, until he’s taking you home.
it’s dark outside and he graciously gives you his jacket like the gentleman he is, and you’re walking notably close together on the sidewalk, bodies brushing each other every few steps when he tells you something that just might change your life.
“listen, i really had fun tonight,” he says nervously, and it’s like you can feel the rejection before he even says anything more.
“but to be honest with you, my intentions aren’t exactly pure.” your heart drops. does he just want to sleep with you or something? that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, but it’s not what you need. you need to love someone and for that someone to love you back so you don’t get sick beyond salvation. the only way to get over beomgyu is by getting serious with someone else.
“then what do you want?” you question feebly. he stops walking and turns to look at you, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“i want to fall in love with you, and i want you to fall in love with me. i want us to be together forever. i need it, actually.” he says eerily seriously, and you’re confused for a few moments before it dawns on you. 
“you’re sick, aren’t you?” you ask, and his face hardens for a second before he nods.
“y-yeah, i'm sick. if you don't wanna see me again after this, i understand. i just —”
“it's okay. i am, too,” you say with a small, reassuring smile.
“you too?” he asks, eyes comically wide and pouty lips agape in an “o”. 
“yeah,” you tell him, and he’s quiet for a few moments before he laughs. it’s a cute, pretty little thing, and it makes you join him, too. 
“wow, maybe meeting each other was fate,” he says between giggles.
“maybe,” you reply. and for the first time in a long time, you think you might really make it out of this alive.
“and you won’t believe it, but he told me he spent the whole night with her!” beomgyu’s girlfriend says proudly. 
“... what?” he mumbles dazedly. 
“he said he went over to her place and stayed there all night, and on the first date, too!” she babbles. “now, he didn’t tell me what they did, but if i know yeonjun, i bet they —” 
“stop,” he cuts in. he doesn’t know why, but he feels that if he hears one more word about it, something will feel horribly wrong. it already does feel wrong, in a way, but he can’t quite put his finger on why. 
“why? aren’t you happy for them?” she asks confusedly. 
“i… i am. it’s just weird, y’know? she’s like… like a sister to me. nobody wants to hear about their sister’s private life,” he reasons, and she nods in response.
“i guess that makes sense,” she says. “but still, i’m so happy for them. especially him. he’s actually had a rough time, lately. i don’t know why, but he’s been acting kinda weird with me, so i —” 
“you’re here!” beomgyu says as you walk through his front door. he’s been expecting you. since your first date with yeonjun, he’s been eagerly texting you about it. you haven’t responded much, but he’s been chalking it up to how busy you must be with your new, well, whatever yeonjun is to you. he’s excited when he thinks about how he’ll get to see how you two interact with each other tonight since his girlfriend suggested you all hang out together, but part of him feels off about this entire situation. what he told her was the truth: it is weird to see you with someone, but maybe he’s just not used to it. you’ve never been openly attracted to anyone before, so it’s brand new territory to navigate. 
you greet him with a soft smile and not much else, which strikes him as odd, but yeonjun trails in after you, and all other thoughts go out of the window. 
“hey, man! nice to see you. it’s been a while,” he says, and yeonjun reciprocates the same excitement, going in for a side hug. 
beomgyu’s girlfriend goes in for a hug, too, and yeonjun freezes for a bit, but it goes unnoticed by everyone besides you. you look at him with as much reassurance and understanding as you can muster, and he replies with a grateful, shaky smile.
honestly, you weren’t terribly surprised when he told you that the object of his affections was the very person who holds the heart of the object of yours. she’s a bubbly, lively kind of girl, and it’s easy to fall in love with someone like that. if anything, it just makes you think that maybe yeonjun was right when he said meeting each other was fate.
the night is pretty fun, all things considered, and you find yourself not wanting to die while spending time with the loving couple, but that’s only because yeonjun is sitting next to you. when something particularly devastating happens, you grab each other’s hands and squeeze like you’re the other’s only lifeline. in a way, you kind of are. without him, you’d be on a one-way train to certain death, and without you, he’d be the same. 
things are pretty light, though, until beomgyu says he has an announcement to make.
“we’re moving in together!” his girlfriend cheerily cuts in before he can do the honors, and that’s enough to make any hard-earned progress go out the window. you feel your stomach churn and you’re finding it hard to breathe. you look very visibly ill, and while yeonjun is not doing much better, you definitely take it a lot harder.
“that’s amazing! i’m happy for you guys!” yeonjun chirps. 
“yeah. sorry, i think i need to go to the bathroom,” you mumble, and yeonjun concernedly looks at you before you subtly shake your head. in that brief look, you have an entire conversation. he asks if you’re alright and if you need him to come with you to spill your guts out, and you tell him you’re not, but you’d rather go alone.
while his girlfriend may not catch it, beomgyu certainly does. that odd, silent conversation that only yeonjun and you seem privy to. the fact that you two seem to have a level of understanding with words unspoken makes him feel suffocated, and there’s an unknown sharpness in his chest. 
he tries to join back in on the banter, but he can’t shake the uncanny feeling he has, so he excuses himself and follows you to the bathroom. 
now, he knows this is really fucking weird to do, so he almost doesn’t do it, but the sound of you retching makes him abandon all consideration of right and wrong. he presses his ear to the door and hears hushed sobs in between hacks, and it makes his eyes widen in horror and concern. 
he’s not sure how much time passes, but he hears the heartbreaking sounds die out, and then he hears the water run and you clearing your throat. he takes the cue to stop pressing against the door, and before long, you step out of the bathroom while looking perfectly put together. you flinch almost imperceptibly when you catch him right outside the door. 
“are you alright?!” he exclaims, but you just nod and begin to push past him, murmuring something about being fine, but that you and yeonjun need to leave because something came up. he didn’t even know you could move so fast, and he finds that he’s borderline chasing you to the living room where his girlfriend and yeonjun look up in surprise at the scene before them.
“do we need to leave?” yeonjun asks carefully.
“yeah,” you say shortly, and you’re booking it out of the door and onto the porch before beomgyu grabs your arm and spins you around to face him. his girlfriend hesitantly follows yeonjun outside and watches the entire ordeal as puzzle pieces begin to fit together in her mind.
“are you alright?!” he repeats, and you just face him with a withering, humbling look.
“i’m okay. i just don’t feel good tonight, but i’ll be alright. congratulations on everything, i’m sorry i can’t stay to celebrate.” and normally that would be enough to throw him off of your scent, but beomgyu remembers your muffled cries, and he won’t be swayed so easily. 
“what’s wrong? no bullshit. just tell me,” he demands in a way that is uncharacteristically solemn, but you can’t answer that. the only way to get him to forget about you is for you to distract him with the person he loves most.
“but your girlfriend —” 
“don't even start. what’s wrong?” he, well, asks isn’t even really the world, is it? there’s no room for negotiation in his tone. 
“i… i’m sick,” is all you can really say. 
“sick how? sick like you need me to take you home?” and he doesn’t really believe his own implication that it’s something so easily fixable, but he has to try. 
“i’m… i’m really sick. sick like i’m dying, sick,” you manage to croak out, and it’s everything he feared and more.
“what’s wrong?! do you need to go to the hospital?!” he panics, and you feel an overwhelming sense of dread. this is what you wanted to avoid because he can’t help you. nobody can. 
“baby?” the soft voice of his girlfriend pipes up from behind you. his gaze is torn away from you for just a moment, but that’s enough to make you ache.
“not now!” he snaps before turning his attention back to you, but it’s too late. you feel the sharp stems scratching at your lungs, causing a scorching sort of pain you can’t even put into words. slowly, you begin to cough — choke, really — and beomgyu is helpless to watch as you clutch your chest and hack up a mess of bloodied, tangled flowers. his eyes widen as he takes in the blood seeping from the corners of your mouth. 
“who?” he asks shakily as you finish coughing up the last of the petals, and you know he’s asking who your unrequited love is, but you don’t reply. you can’t reply. 
“who is it?” he asks again with more edge to his voice, but you still can’t muster up the courage to answer him. you could lie like you usually do, but you’re so tired, you just can’t anymore.
“baby?” his girlfriend repeats.
“what?!” he snaps, unable to help himself from losing his temper as he turns to look at her.
“it’s… it’s you,” is all she says, and his scowl drops and morphs into incredulity and dread.
“that's impossible,” he whispers, but one look at you and your twisted expression is enough to erase all doubt. “m-me? listen, you know i love you, but i —” 
“it's alright,” you coax, trying to placate him. even in your darkest moments, you're still putting his feelings first, and the thought alone is suffocating him. “i know. i really, really do. you don’t have to explain it to me.” and your “comforting” smile would be more convincing if it weren't stained red. 
“but you’re sick! you —” 
“i’ll be alright,” you whisper, and he’s at a loss for words at how calm you seem to be. how can you be so resigned? he looks at you — really, truly looks at you — for the first time in god knows how long, and he finally notices how different you are. your frame is lighter, your cheeks are more pronounced, and there are violet bags underneath your bloodshot eyes. how could he have missed so many signs? you’re dying, no way around it, and he was so busy playing house with his girlfriend, he had no idea just how much you were — are — suffering. it’s unforgivable, but he can tell you’ve forgiven him, anyway. how long have you been forgiving him? since the start of his current relationship? or even before that? 
“we should go,” yeonjun cuts in tentatively. you just tearily nod, and before beomgyu can say anything more, you’re in yeonjun’s car and driving away.
he calls and texts for days on end, but you don’t respond. at some point, he resolves to come see you in person. the way you looked the last time he saw you haunts him viciously. he just has to see you. he just has to be sure.
but when he shows up at your doorstep, you just look exhausted and even worse for wear. you don’t greet him, even, you just sigh and walk back to your bedroom before plopping down into the bed and looking at him with a look he can only describe as unreadable. 
“i just h-had to make sure you’re okay,” he stammers.
“i’m okay,” you reply gently. “i just need some time.” 
“b-but maybe if i —” 
“it won’t work. the only way out of this is for you to love me back, or for me to get over you. yeonjun is helping me, so it’s going to be alright, i think.”
“what if i —” 
“you can’t make yourself love me, beomgyu,” you say softly, the slightest tinge of a reprimand in your voice. 
“i… i can try,” he whimpers.
“yes, but i don't want you to. you have a girlfriend,” you patiently reply, but your seemingly unshakable patience just makes him more desperate.
“then what do you want me to do? i’m killing you!” he exclaims, and you wince as a sharp pain strikes your temples at the noise. he notices your response, and he just wants to die from the guilt.
“i don’t want you to do anything. that’s why i didn’t tell you.” how could you not want him to do anything? how could you possibly ask that of him? 
“h-how can you say that? how can you just expect me to watch you die?” he whines, tears spilling down his cheeks as he looks to you for a perfect solution that will never come.
“i’m alright,” you tell him again, but the way you wheeze afterwards suggests otherwise.
he goes to grab you, maybe to pat your back or maybe to hold you, he’s not really sure, but you feebly put your hand up to stop him before he gets too close. it’s an innocent gesture in and of itself, yet it somehow feels like you just smacked him across the face. 
“don’t touch me,” you say, but it’s more like a plea than anything else. “it’ll just hurt me more.” with that, your words devolve into a coughing fit and all he can do is watch as splatters of blood and stems stain the tissue you cough into. he never, not in a million years, thought that his touch would hurt you. it’s supposed to soothe you like nothing else. you know, the way your touch soothes him.
“i think you should go,” you suggest after your coughing has died down. he can see the aftermath of his mere presence etched into the tired lines on your face, and he feels less like a person and more like the scum of the earth. 
“what are you thinking about?” a sweet voice says, effectively pulling him out of his reverie. beomgyu is currently supposed to be cooking dinner with his girlfriend, but he’s spending more time spacing out than actually cooking the noodles he’s meant to be stirring.
“n-nothing,” he sputters, but her knit eyebrows and frown let him know he has to elaborate. still, he pretends he doesn’t notice her silent urging and returns to his task. 
he can feel her stare on him as he watches the pot, and it’s not very long before she sighs and says her next words.
“you’re thinking about her, aren’t you?” 
“what? n-no! i just —” 
“yes, you are.” and her tone isn’t accusatory, but it’s filled with a sense of knowing. “it’s normal to think about her, you know? she’s dying and —” 
“don’t say that! why would you say that?! she’s not going to die!” he yells, slamming down the fork he was using to stir and turning to face her. he’s visibly shaking with rage — which makes no sense given that he knows, she knows, and even you know that her words are true. 
“she’s going to die,” she repeats. “you need to accept that.”
“how can you expect me to accept that?! you two just expect me to be okay with her fucking dying! well, i’m not!” he cries, tears streaming down his face as his words get louder and louder. 
“... i think you need to take some time to cool down. i’ll stay with my parents, so do what you need to do. when you’re ready, just call me, okay?” she says, and he only sobers up after he hears the front door slam shut.
beomgyu stays in an odd sort of purgatory. he’s constantly torn between contacting you and leaving you alone like you so obviously want. he tells himself that you’re his best friend, so of course he wants to see you and comfort you, but it feels much deeper than that. like there’s something unsolved and untouched that he just needs to dig a little deeper to figure out, but as for what that something is, he can’t seem to quite grasp. 
with this in mind, he never, not in a million years, anticipated that you’d be here on his doorstep. but here you are. you look even worse than before, somehow, which he is surprised by seeing as how things with yeonjun seem to be going well if yeonjun’s instagram updates of the both of you mean anything at all. he invites you in and offers you a seat, but you refuse. 
“come on, sit down. you must be tired,” he urges, but you wave your hand. 
“i don’t need to stay here long,” you dismiss, and it hurts his heart. “i just need one thing from you, and i’ll be out of here.”
“you need something from me? sure, anything! w-what is it?” and he sounds so hopeful, so earnest. maybe there’s a way to undo what he’s done. maybe he can help you after all. no matter what it is, he knows he can do it.
“... i need you to reject me,” is all you say, but the words ring in his ears. reject you? how can he reject you when it looks like a breeze could knock you over?
“b-but why?” he stammers, and you sigh.
“i finally figured it out. i just need to hear you tell me that you don’t love me, then i think i’ll be able to fully let you go for good.” usually, you’d have a soft smile on your face in order to comfort him, but your face is blank except for your eyes, which seem more desperate than anything he’s ever seen. but your words confuse him.
“let me go for good?” 
“yeah. i think if i can just hear you say it, i won’t need to see you anymore. i won’t ask for anything else, i just need to hear it from you,” you say determinedly. but he’s stuck on “i won’t need to see you anymore”. what could you possibly mean by that? 
“what do you mean you won't need to see me anymore?” he asks, voice devoid of any ill intent, but filled with genuine confusion.
“i mean, yeonjun doesn’t like me seeing you for obvious reasons, but i told him that i think i’ll be okay after this.” his confusion turns into dread. things that were a mystery to him suddenly make perfect sense.
“i can’t,” he chokes out, and you’re visibly stunned before anger explodes inside of you. 
“you can’t? what the fuck do you mean you can’t? why can’t you?!” you seethe. you’ve done everything for beomgyu, you even almost paid the ultimate price for him just so you wouldn’t have to make him uncomfortable with your feelings. you’re quite literally dying because of him, and he can’t offer up a meager sentence for you?
“i… i can’t say it. please don’t make me say it,” he pleads. “i’ll do anything else — anything, i swear to god!”
“beomgyu, there is nothing else. this is the only way. i’m not asking you for much, just say it, then i’ll be okay.” but he can’t do what you ask of him. not when he’s realized what he just realized. 
“b-but i… i do love you. i’m sorry, i just didn’t realize it until just now, but i do. a-and if you’ll have me, i —” smack! and his pathetic speech is stopped by your hand meeting his cheek. 
“you are so fucking selfish,” you spit, voice low, but vibrating with rage. “more selfish than i will ever be able to understand.” 
“w-what do you —” 
“beomgyu, you have a girlfriend. a girlfriend who loves you. what about her? huh?” you ask, and his previous momentum falters, but you’re not even finished yet. 
“and if she gets sick, are you gonna leave me and tell her you want her instead? you can’t do that, beomgyu. i won’t accept that. i won’t accept your love just because you feel sorry for me,” you declare, voice cracking as thick, hot tears roll down your cheeks. he’s still speechless, so you somehow find it in yourself to continue.
“i’m not doing this with you right now. call your girlfriend, tell her you’re sorry, and tell her she doesn’t have to worry about me anymore. and even if i’m gone, don’t you dare tell her what you told me today, okay?” and it’s not really an ask as much as a demand. 
“i can’t do that,” he whispers, and you’re not sure if the ache in your heart comes from the briars encircling it or from how pained he looks.
“i know i’m selfish. i know i’m a bastard. but seeing you with yeonjun, or worse, not seeing you at all? that’ll fucking kill me. i just can’t do it. i don’t want to hurt her, but i don’t want to lie to her. or you. or myself,” he says shakily.
“what are you saying?” you ask. this is not how you anticipated things would go. 
“i’m saying that if you leave me, i’ll be sick,” he says shakily. “j-just the thought of that makes me…” and it’s a surprise to the both of you when he coughs like crazy, and it’s to the horror to the both of you when a pretty, blood-stained violet petal escapes his mouth.
“oh god,” you whisper. “you can’t do this.”
“i can’t help it!” he exclaims. “i didn’t know before, but it’s true. i just didn’t realize it. i’m just — i’m just sorry i didn’t realize it.” 
“beomgyu, it’s going to kill her,” you say, dread evident in your tone.
“i know,” he says tearily. “but it’s you. it’s always been you. we can’t change it.” 
“i can’t do this to her. it’s wrong,” is all you can say. 
“i can’t live without you, and you can’t live without me,” he replies. “w-whatever happens, can we please just figure it out together? i don’t think i can handle another day without you. i think it might really kill me.” he pushes your hair off of your sweaty forehead, and you know as you feel your heart lighten that you have no choice. if not for you, then for him. whatever happens with his girlfriend, you will try your damndest to make sure she doesn't have the same fate as the two of you. 
“okay?” he asks. 
“o-okay,” you tell him, because what else is there to say? 
notes pt. 2: lorddd i know this ending will be polarizing but what can we do... it is what it is :(
permanent taglist: @defnotleee @yaoizee @my313 @superbbananananana @lonelybutterflytae @cherrycolaberry @midwinterblizzard @everythingvirgoes @sooberryworld @20-cms @inkigayocamman @hyueika @boba-beom @vicurious28 @blossommi @lickingan0rchid @katsukis1wife @binniebakery @notevenheretbh1 @shymexican @milkandoranges @that1sadgrl @archoive @paegesoobin @buttercreamerie @ifwtxt @softesyoongi @serenityism00 @fairfootedflekk @kyanmeai @definitelynotherr @hyunj00 @taehyunluvrs
violets are blue taglist: @plumgyu @tyongluvs
join one of my taglists here!
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thewalkingdilf · 7 months
I’d love to eventually elaborate on this and make a longer oneshot, BUT I’ve been thinking about Daryl meeting reader in Alexandria that’s basically like, polar opposite of him, and I need to say something about it before I forget!!!
Like, Daryl with a younger, super upbeat, energetic, talkative reader, and he would NEVER admit it, but he would become totally obsessed with you. He’d come off as if he was annoyed, and sometimes he would be (just the slightest bit), but in reality he never truly wanted you to stop talking and bugging him.
It’d eventually come out one way or another that he had secretly been into you (probably from you asking him a million questions and trying to force info out of him out of curiosity), so you’d start spending a lot more time together, going on runs, spending time at each other’s homes, and he quickly realized more-so than ever that oh my GOD he’d love to have his way with you every hour of the day if he could. You’d be rambling about something that he probably couldn’t care less about, and later in the day you’d definitely pay for talking his ear off, not that he minded that much, of course.
You’d end up bent over on the closest surface of your Alexandria home with Daryl muttering the filthiest shit in your ear, your jaw slack while hot tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill from how good he was making you feel as he practically split you in half on his cock.
“C’mon darlin’ if you love to talk so much, why so quiet now?”
“Speak up pretty girl, I know you’d love to tell me how good ‘m makin’ ya’ feel.”
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lalovi · 4 months
Finished Beast Yeast ep 3 last night..... I was not happy with the results, so now I'm forming a picture in my head of y/n cookie running to Shadow Milk Cookie and hiding behind him, fearful of Mystic Flour Cookie, shaking like a chihuahua with tears in their eyes.
If it's possible, can you expand on this, please? If you can't, then it's fine 👍🏻😁
AN: Takes place before the beasts were sealed but after they became corrupted- Uh if you want one in the present I can make one of those as well..! Also, I usually try to avoid using Y/N in my stories, but it just felt natural here-
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Shadow Milk x Reader
Warnings: Swears, not proof read
"And see? My little Y/N here is absolutely perfect in every single way." Shadow Milk was often one to brag about his significant other, the significant other in question being you, of course. It has long since become of a habit of his.
You've become somewhat used to it by this point. He bragged to anyone who would listen, so this happened quite a lot.
Though, something was different about this person.
Her apathetic presence, those uncaring eyes, the way she carried herself... it was all so nerve-wracking.
Shadow Milk had mentioned her a few times before. She was one of his friends. Mystic Flour.
She seemed uninterested in the conversation, yet listened anyway.
The very much one-sided conversation seemed to go on and on, and throughout it all, Mystic Flour continued to stare at you. Something about that gaze made you feel deeply uncomfortable, and you subconsciously held onto Shadow Milk's hand and shifted behind him.
He quickly noticed this and seemed to quiet down a bit. He saw how you began to shake a little, and how you tightend your grasp around his hand.
"Is something wrong?" He asked you, tilting his head to the side a bit.
You didn't want to say it out loud, for fear of potentially offending Mystic Flour.
It didn't take long for Shadow Milk to connect the dots. He covered his mouth with his hand, snickering a bit. "Doll, you're not afraid, are you?"
There was nothing you wanted more than to wipe that annoying grin off of his face. "Hey, fuck you!"
He sighed. "Oh come on. Are you seriously afraid of Mystic Flour?' The grin never left his face.
"I will be taking my leave now," Mystic Flour said before walking someplace else.
You crossed your arms and glared at Shadow Milk, obviously not amused.
He let out another sigh before placing a hand on your head, messying your hair up. "Doll, I assure you, there is nothing to be scared of. That emotionless dustball that somehow gets worshipped will never lay a finger on you because you're mine. And she's smart enough to not mess with my stuff, 'kay?"
You nodded your head and Shadow Milk whisked away a stray tear that you hadn't realized was forming.
He gave you a soft smile. "Next time I see her, I'll have to remind her to appear more friendly towards guests..."
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king-dumbasz · 6 months
Hi🫶🏻🫶🏻 could u do a mammon oneshot that takes place after fizz quits.(pretending the twins don’t exist) Like the reader is like the new face of his brand. Ppl start shipping the reader and him online, so he goes along with it for clout and money. But they both eventually end up catching feelings. ( ik it’s rlly specific but I keep thinking about it) also I like ur writing 💜
The internet is a magical place💚
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I immediately liked the request and had an idea in mind. It's not something too difficult so my mind was happy Lmao
TW:why do I even put it in if there's never anything to worry about except for swear words, but c'mon, it's Helluva Boss
Mammon x GN! Reader
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The news were full of what happened at the last clown pageant. Everything was about Fizzarolli and his relationship with Asmodeus and how Mammon was ridiculed...
Mammon was FURIOUS
He needed a new face, a new someone to put everywhere and make money. He did everything until he finally found it... He found you.
You were perfect! You were funny, good looking and great for the audience! The perfect clown to replace Fizzarolli!
Mammon immediately made plushies, cereal, service bots (you choose what kind of service), hell, even a body pillow of ya!
Phone cases... Halloween costumes for kids... Lamps... Everything!
You became a star!
But like every star, you were a victim of the internet effect of the rule too
For some unknown reason, people shipped you and Mammon
No one knew why, but when you opened your phone, on Envybrl (Tumblr), on Sintter (Twitter or X), there were fanart of you and Mammon
All kind of Fanart! (I know I don't do NSFW, but when I say any kind, I mean any kind)
Mammon saw it too, a lot of it too
"What is that? Wh- why are we hugging in this one?"
He says, pointing at his phone, looking at a fanart of him and you cuddling
"i don't know, sir... The internet scares me"
Mammon didn't understand why. When Fizzarolli was there no one made these things, but with you it was different
The more Mammon watched, the more he realized how beautiful you looked, and how he liked these fanarts
Mammon started to like every post and imagine these things were true...
Every day, you find a new gift at your door from an unknown person, even if it wasn't that unknown because the wrapping was green black and yellow
One day though, Mammon decides to Rizz you up, because obviously he won't do it normally
"Sir, you wanted me here?"
You said after being called in his office, only to find Mammon in his special valentine outfit (It's just the old one but pink and with hearts)
"Hey, Are you a Wi-Fi signal? Because I’m feeling a strong connection"
That was horrible, adorable, but horrible
"Sir... What?"
"oh, shit uh... Well, I'm out of lines"
"What is happening?"
"Well, I never thought that would've happened, since you're a lower class and shit- but, I found myself liking these fan arts mentally unstable people post of us.."
You were stunned. Mammon. THE Mammon... Likes you?"
"Well... If I'm gonna be honest... I also found myself liking some of those posts..."
Mammon didn't realise at first and looks at you confused (Idiot)
"I like you too"
Just after you tell him he realises. Mammon smiles widely and hugs you with his four arms, so tightly you couldn't breath
"oh, you're a bloody legend, Y/N!"
"Eh... The internet is really a magical place..."
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pleasantangelpaper · 1 month
Knight In Shining Glasses (Ford Pines x Reader)
Chapter 1: Raspberries, Royalty, and Rock Bottom
Okay so. I love Stanford Pines, but there's not a lot of fanfiction for him, and I think there should be! Anyways, probably won't write smut for this because I want to maintain the gender neutral reader, but I may do oneshots with this vision of Ford.
Also this is probably bad. I'm not an amazing writer. lol. I also had no clue how to start this. Anyways silly little twist ending, but this fic is still for Ford, just wait.
As I came to my senses, I felt the cold hard earth pulling me to the ground, and a strange sensation on my face, almost like something wet was caressing my face... is that a pig "EUGH," I jumped up in fear as the seemingly harmless creature stared into my soul with its beady eyes. "Oh Waddles, there you are, you've almost missed your tea party with- Oh! Hey y/n!" A small girl with a very colorful sweater spoke quickly and excitedly. I immediately recognized her as Mabel Pines, grand niece of Stanford... or well Stanley Pines of the Mystery Shack. I still haven't met the real Stanford I suppose. "Mabelllll are you almost ready for this tea party thing, I want to go play D&D& more D with Grunkle Fo- oh hey y/n" The other mystery twin ran out of the shack, clearly annoyed with the tea party ordeal. "Uh, kids, could you ask an adult in your house if I can come in and use your phone?" I asked, still not remembering how I got to the mystery shack. Maybe if I called a taxi, I could go home and retrace my thoughts. "Oh, the shack's open right now, you can go ask Soos," Dipper stated as he pointed at the sign that said 'Mystery Hack'. I thanked him and Mabel and ran to the door of the shack. How could I have ended up at the mystery shack? Before I could finish my train of thought, I ran into a strong force. "Heh.. gotta look where you're goin kid," the older gentleman said. I recognized him as Stanfo... Stanley Pines. "Sorry Mr. Pines, it's just, can I use your phone?" I begged and hoped the man wouldn't ask for money in return. "Depends... do you want to buy anything..." The man squinted his eyes at me. I reached in my pockets and pulled out all of the cash that I had, 5.76$....oh.... This can't get me a phone call, let alone a cab. I looked at the man in despair as I turned around. As I began walking to town, I started thinking of how I got here. It all started when I left Greasy's diner. I was holding some leftover raspberry pie that my friend Lazy Susan had given me. Walking towards my house, I remember feeling watched. The feeling grew more and more intense, until I turned around and realized I was being followed.... by GNOMES??? "Hello ma'am, I'm Jeff, and on behalf of all gnomekind, I'm gonna have to ask you to hand over that pie," the little man stared so intensely, I didn't feel like fighting, so I handed him the box of pie. He opened the box, inspecting it. "This is heavenly, how would you feel about becoming gnome royalty... is that look of fear on your face a yes... I feel like I'm getting a yes," With the shock on my face apparent, I screamed and ran the opposite direction. "Get them!! Soon we will have our spouse!" "SCHMEBULOCK!" "WHAT HE SAID" The gnomes all yelled out different things as I ran for the hills. I prayed that gnomes wouldn't be able to hurt me, but I also knew there were powers in numbers, so I continued to run until I got to a clearing in the woods. Exhausted, I sat down on a stump to catch my breath, but when I looked up, I knew I should have kept running. A giant mass of gnomes towered over me with Jeff as their leader. I took what I thought would be my last breath as I prepared to succumb to the darkness, "Stay back gnomes! What have I told you about harassing random people to be your monarch," A masculine voice sounded through the woods. I was in such a state of shock I passed out, but before I did, I saw a glimpse of the man that saved me, gray hair, glasses, and a familiar face... Stan?
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star-writez · 11 months
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Jax x depressed gn angst to fluff
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(This oneshot was requested by a user on wattpad so if you want to let yourself be known)
(Anyways enjoy!)
~2nd person pov~
Jax has always had a crush on you and it was quite obvious to everyone
Well...Accept you of course
You were the only person he was actually somewhat nice to you
Yes he still teased you a little here but he was still super friendly to you
You two were best friends and you two were basically inseparable
But lately it's been different
You started staying in your room more and you started acting more hopeless and empty on the inside
Which was weird cause you always were full of happiness and hope for life even when it got rough
Jax was quite cornered by this point
It's already been a week since you started acting like this
So jax decided to finally do something about this
Jax was walking down the hallway looking for your room
He had only been to your room a few times but he couldn't really remember that much about it
Jax continued to walk picking up his pace getting more worried
It was weird for jax to act like this most of the time jax acted like a jerk but he was actually...acting sort of nice?
After he finally found your door he pulled out a key
He had keys to everyones rooms which was actually a good thing in this instance
Jax finally unlocked your door quickly running into your room
"Hey y/n are you in here?" jax asked quickly looking around trying to find you
Starting to get a little cornered again
But after a few seconds you came out from under your blanket
"Hey...." you said looking very miserable and a total mess
"Oh my god y/n you look like a total mess!" jax exclaimed still seeming very cornered "are you actually concerned about me?" you asked seeming a tiny bit shocked that jax could actually act nice "of course I am you're my friend!" jax said crossing his arms getting a little annoyed you thougt he didn't care about you "I know...I know...." you said yawning and rubbing your eyes looking very sleep deprived "are you ok y/n?....you look absolutely miserable?" jax asked putting one of his gloved hand on your cheek making you look at him "just...a little bit tired and depressed..." you said sighing again blushing a tiny bit at the physical touch "why didn't you tell me?!" jax asked getting annoyed again not wanting you to suffer in silence "well I didn't want to bother you..." you said sounding very guilty trying to look away but jax had a tight grip on your cheek "you never annoy me y/n...I want to tell me if you are ever struggling with anything...I'm here for you...." jax said his words sounding very genuine like he REALLY cared for you "ok...." you said still blushing a little feeling a tiny bit better now that jax was here "this may sound a bit weird but um...can I give you some cuddles?" jax asked becoming a bit awkward realizing that maybe he shouldn't have said anything "....that actually sounds very nice....sure" you said starting to smile softly
Jax started to get a tiny bit excited then he scooped you up in his arms carrying you over to your messy bed sitting you down then he sat down rapping his arms around you keeping you close to him
"I hate it here....I wish I could leave" you said pausing for a moment as you looked at him directly in the eyes "but... being with you makes me actually feel slightly happiness..." you said starting to smile again but then jax became a dark shade of crimson becoming very flustered at your words but he didn't look away he just stared back at you
There was a awkward silence for a minute or two but then jax spoke up finally
"Do you uh...um.......love me?" jax asked becoming very flustered and awkward again "yes....yes I do..." you said starting to blush s lot again being overwhelmed by emotions
"Do you love me?" you asked your eyes starting to sparkle a little as you continued to blush your heart pounding quickly
"I love you a lot..." jax muttered not used to loving someone or even being loved his ears trying to cover his face seeming slightly embarrassed then you grabbed his face giving him a quick but loving kiss which made jax's heart melt (not literally don't worry)
"So does this mean we're like officially together?" jax asked seeming a little confused not really knowing how relationships really work
"Yes does does mean we're together..." you said holding jax close to you hurrying your face in his chest which made him wrap,his arms around you trying to keep you as close as possible
After a few minutes you finally fell asleep getting the sleep you obviously needed
Jax sighed looking down at you smiling softly
"Sleep well darling...."
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sl-vega · 3 months
Hi there! Recently stumbled upon your Hiori piece (I Don’t Know Much, But I Know I Want You) and Oh. My. Gosh. It’s amazing!! The story was so cute and I also love the little Karasu interactions you threw in; it matches their characters so well and it’s so well written! If you ever feel motivated or inspired to do so, I’d love to see where you’d take the piece in a part 2! No pressure of course, I just think that seeing how they’d interact in your writing would be really awesome. Currently on my way to binge read every other work of yours; I love your writing style o7
Thanks for reading my ask and have a lovely day!! :)
part one // part two
pairing: Hiori Yo x [FEM!] Reader
genre: fluff, oneshot, classmates to lovers, friends to lovers (?), pre-bluelock au/canon compliant
synopsis: hiori is still pretty damn smitten when it comes to you, so like the lovesick fool he his, he decides to drag karasu to the mall with him to help him find a gift to impress you, of course, in a strange turn of events it turns out you're at the mall too, so whatever shall our poor loverboy do when he sees you? (or in which hiori "soccer genius" yo, is dumb enough to ask karasu of all people for girl advice, and karasu like the wonderful friend he is, tags along for the drama)
CW/additional tags: mild language, potentially ooc, i actually did research on a mall in kyoto so look at me go, might make a part three if i really feel like it
author's note: AKJFJFHAFHKJ TYYY ANON YOU'RE SO SWEET, i'm so glad you liked the first part and all of hiori + karasu's interactions, it really means a lot to me that you thought i did them justice <3
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"Would getting her makeup be a good idea?"
Hiori asked his senior as he stood outside of COLOUR STUDIO, it was a cosmetics store that he heard the girls in his class talk about occasionally , you among them.
"Or would that be too intimate? Do ya' think she'd think I'm trying too hard? Maybe we should've just stuck to stationery...."
Hiori bombarded Karasu with questions as he sighed and stared up at the daunting illuminated white sign of the shop.
His friend groaned and grabbed the sleeve of Hiori's light blue sweat shirt, dragging him into the store where a few employees and clerks gave them slightly concerned looks.
"No, we're here now so we may as well get something."
Karasu chastised his younger teammate as he escorted him into the lip product aisle, in which Hiori found himself surrounded by many unfamiliar brands with colourful packaging.
"Ya' sure know yer' way around Karasu, have ya' been here before?"
"I've been to their branch over in Osaka, my sister makes me get 'er shit whenever she runs out..."
Karasu plucked a small box from the middle of the shelf, making a point to read the label and the brand to make sure it was the one he needed.
"So what are you gonna get yer' special girl?"
He asked teasingly, as his slender fingers clutched around the small container he was holding.
"I dunno actually...I was hoping you might help me?"
Hiori replied, chuckling nervously. He already knew that Karasu had an older sister, so must have some knowledge on these kinds of things.
His teammate seemed to deadpan at his friend's request, feigning a hurt expression at his friend's question.
"So I'm just a personal shopping assistant to ya'? I'm hurt Hiori."
Karasu gave him a playful pout before breaking into a mild fit of laughter after Hiori swatted his shoulder. The older boy promptly turned to one of the shelves and tossed Hiori a small pink tube of lip gloss.
"Get 'er this one, the quality is pretty good and it has a reasonable price."
Karasu said nonchalantly as his back was still turned, still browsing through some of the shelves. Hiori looked down at the product tube and read out the label to himself.
"Canmake Candy Wrap Lip..."
He muttered as he rotated the slender cylinder in his hand, reading the adhesive tag on it, he realized that Karasu was right, the price was within his budget, and the packaging was rather cute, not to mention how the tube itself contained a good amount of product.
He was about to thank his friend before realizing that Karasu was back at the front counter of the store, probably asking one of the employees for help with finding something.
Observing his surroundings, Hiori thought that browsing the shop a little bit more couldn't hurt, he still had plenty of funds to spare, more than enough to buy you something else.
Hiori continued to browse the current aisle he was in, allowing his fingers to brush against the array of cosmetics, all neatly sorted and arranged by brand, type, and flavour.
As he continued to run his hand along the rows upon rows of products, he stumbled across another area of products that caught his eye.
"Rohto Mentholatum Lip Balm..."
He read the mini card board sign that was clipped to the shelf as he observed the packaging. The one's that were currently stocked were said to be peach flavoured, the price seemed fairly reasonable as well.
Now, that he thought about it, having a lip balm on hand would be pretty practical, Hiori hated the feeling of his chapped lips. Plus, he deserved some kind of reward.
Hiori reached for one of the tubes, and right before he was about to take the lip balm from the shelf, his fingers brushed against a stranger's hand who was reaching for the exact some one.
On instinct, Hiori pulled away, muttering a quick apology. He turned to said stranger to say tell them that they could take it before realizing that said stranger wasn't a stranger at all.
"Oh! Hiori?"
Oh God, it was you
He managed to squeak out as you gave him a soft smile, he was surprised he hadn't made a complete fool of himself yet. Without realizing it, he had promptly shoved the tube of lip gloss he was going to buy for you into his back pocket.
"Hi! I didn't realize you were the shopping type Hiori."
You greeted him once more as you observed the hand that quickly pocketed the lip tube, you didn't press any further however.
"Oh, I'm not actually, I'm just getting a gift for someone special..."
Hiori chuckled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. He chastised himself for his wording, of course he had to say it like that, now if he gave you the gift you'd know for sure that he liked you.
But then again, that would spare him the humiliation of actually having to say it directly to your face, not that he ever wanted to confess in the first place...
"Someone...special? I didn't know you had a girlfriend Hiori..."
You trailed off, you sounded disappointed almost.
Hiori's face flushed at your words, he didn't mean to give you that idea. He could slowly feel heat creep up his neck as you continued to stare at him.
"Guess I shouldn't be that surprised..."
This time you were avoiding eye contact, you laughed somewhat bitterly. Were you jealous? Part of Hiori wanted to delude himself into thinking that, but another part of him wanted to die right there and then to avoid making a bigger fool out of himself.
"N-No I don't have a girlfriend actually!"
He assured you as his face turned an even brighter shade of red.
Where was Karasu when ya' needed him?
Suddenly, Hiori felt a light tap against his head. It was Karasu! His knight in shining armor, to save him from the train wreck of a conversation. His teammate was holding a small basket full of a few products, some mascara, eye liner, and a few skin cream tubs among them.
"I'm gonna go check out now, are ya' done yet?"
His friend asked as he rested his hand on Hiori's shoulder, Karasu looked up at you, realizing that there was company present.
The silence that followed was deafening.
You glanced between the two boys, you had recalled Karasu from Hiori's youth team, but you didn't know much about the older boy, but you had spotted him hanging around Hiori pretty frequently, so you assumed that they were fairly close.
"Oh, I'm sorry am I interrupting something?"
You questioned as your eyes flickered between the two of them, your head was tilted slightly in curiosity. You noticed Karasu's grip on Hiori's shoulder tighten ever so slightly at the sound of your question.
Hiori shook his head frantically, Karasu was probably giving you that same unsettling stare he always used whenever he was sizing someone up on you.
"No! Not at all! But I should get going right about now..."
He assured you that nothing was wrong, but he was already flustered enough, and there was no way Karasu would let him hear the end of whatever this incident should be labelled as.
"Well I'll see you school I guess!"
You flashed him another bright smile before turning to Karasu, and you gave the older boy a curt and quick bow.
"I'm (Y/N), Hiori's classmate, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Karasu was caught off guard by your sudden politeness, but he returned the favour.
He stated quickly before taking Hiori's hand in his own, you seemed to take note of this.
You were about to walk away, so you waved to them before saying;
"Have fun on your date!"
Wait what?!
If Hiori's face was red before, it was basically crimson by now. The girl he liked not only thought he was taken, but now she thought he was into guys?!
"W-we're not!-He's not-I'm not-"
Karasu simply wheezed at the current predicament, clearly amused by your assumption of Hiori and him's relationship and by his younger friend's sudden flustered expression.
"I wish! Don't worry yer' pretty little head off though, he's still avaliable∼. He's quite taken with you at that too."
Karasu teased as he winked at Hiori, clearly taking sadistic pleasure in his friend's suffering.
Hiori whisper shouted as his friend dragged him out the store, still laughing as the cyan-haired boy continued his flustered protests which bore no fruit.
Well at least you knew how he felt now...
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"This is why I told ya' to quit flirting with me like that! People are getting the wrong idea about us..."
"Aww but I can't have random girls stealing you away from me∼"
"Shut up ya' stupid crow!"
"Make me prodigy∼"
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selineram3421 · 6 months
Hello! feel free to skip this request if it makes you uncomfortable, but I just came up with what I think is a really funny concept. What if it is an Alastor x Reader (romantic or platonic) where the reader is watching a show like Euphoria, which has a lot of sex scenes and stuff. The reader isn't watching it for them, they just happen to be an important part of the show. Alastor walks in on the reader watching it and is just like 0-0.... and the reader is just like "I swear I can explain!!!"
Hmm... What if instead of a show, they were reading a book?
Deceiving Cover
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Small Oneshot
Alastor X/& Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ implied/suggestive-book, italics = thoughts, red " " is reading, flustered deer man ⚠
(Romantic or Platonic)
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You were the book worm of the hotel.
Always with a different book every few weeks. So often that the Princess offered you to take care of the library in the hotel.
At first you declined, but then accepted it after realizing that no one really goes into the library. It would be quiet, peaceful, and you could take naps in there if needed.
Or that is what you thought at least.
It was a cold, foggy night.
The fog was so thick outside that a demon could barely see their hand in front of their face.
Alastor took a quick stroll around the hotel, the other residents having been asleep in their rooms hours ago. The Radio Demon hummed as he made sure all was well.
Only making a stop once he noticed a light coming from the library.
What demon could be awake at this hour?
He used his shadows to travel into the page scented room, quietly emerging behind the demon sitting on the couch, covered in a soft blanket and holding a book.
Still in the shadows, he went around to see the late night reader and cover of the book.
It was then he realized it was his companion, the soft spoken demon who always held a book wherever they went. Glancing down, he saw that the book in their hands had a picture of poisonous plants.
Poisons and Care.. Well, this sounds interesting~ He thought with a grin and moved to look over their shoulder.
They had flipped the page that they finished reading and leaned closer into the book, making him have to lean in as well.
He read..
"..on the desk. Hand gliding up her thigh, fingers edging their way under the seducing red garters on her plush skin. His other hand sliding up her stomach, gently caressing the side of her ribs as it got closer to her brea- "
The deer demon ripped himself away, feeling a blush come up on his cheeks. Hiding his face with his hand as he turned his back on the literature.
He didn't notice that he made such a racket, or that he got out of the shadows.
Glancing back, he can see them sitting up confused.
"What are you doing up so late?", they asked.
Moving his hand, he cleared his throat and fixed his suit.
"Forgive me.. I was just making sure that everything in the hotel was spick and span.", the deer said, still not making eye contact. "I'll let you go back to your...late night reading."
Noticing his odd demeanor, they glanced back and forth between him and the book, putting two and two together.
"Oh, oh my-!", they covered their mouth quickly before resting their hand back on the couch. "Um.. I don't know how much you read but this isn't just some smut filled thing.", they looked away. "This is..somewhat important to the plot and character development. Though it could just imply what happened.", they laughed nervously.
"I-", he cleared his throat again and straightened up. "I'll take your word for it."
His ears were pinned back as he made with way out of the room.
"Don't stay up too late dear.", Alastor said before bidding them a good night.
You waved as he left, staying still for a moment before sliding down from the couch and onto the floor with a groan, covering your face with the book.
I won't be able to look at him for at least two weeks..
Another noise of embarrassment left you.
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*reading ahem a fic* I will not say which one that inspired this.
~Seline, the person.
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @+?
ML II Alastor🎙
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goofygecko · 11 months
Michael Doesn't Know!
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William afton x reader oneshot
Cheating, unconsentual voyeurism, vaginal sex, older man/younger woman, William is kind of a douche in this, spanking
You knew it was wrong. It was very wrong. But you couldn't find it in you to resist the touch of the man who thrusts into you so sweetly— even if that man is your boyfriend's father.
It's a blur on how you even got into this situation. All you can remember is Mr.Afton offering you a ride home and getting you all to himself.
But, that didn't matter to you right now. Not as he fucked you so well in the back of his car in some parking lot. Hips snapping against yours feverishly. Growling dirty things into your ear as you become drunk on his cock.
"Fuck, Doll, you're so tight and wet for your beloved boyfriend's father." He chuckles mischievously as he teases you.
"Uh huh! S' b-big, Mr.Afton!" You sob out before biting onto the car seat to stifke some of your moans just to have your mouth ripped off the white seat immediately.
He groans, "keep that dirty fucking mouth to yourself. These seats are expe—" he's cut off by the ringing of your phone, making him smirk with an idea as he picks up your phone and pausing his thrusts.
"W-Who is it?"
"Oh shi—"
"Pick it up."
"W-what?!" You say in disbelief as he hands you the phone, "F-Fine just... don't move." You demand as you answer the phone.
"Heyy Mikey." You say, trying to keep your voice from shaking.
"Hey babe, did you get home ok?" He asks.
"Oh, t-there's a little delay actually. We're at a truck stop for some gas. So I'm not h-home yet." You lie as William begins to move again, making you look back at him.
"Stop." You whisper sternly.
"Stop what, baby?"
Your heart drops as you hear Michael, realizing he heard you.
"S-Stop being so a-awesome!" You say, saving yourself from a quick fate but cringing at the words. Your response making Michael giggle into the phone.
William starts moving his hips faster, making you hold back your moans of pleasure.
"Babe, you sound different.. are you sick?" He says worriedly.
"I-I'm fine, M-Mikey, I n-need to go, we're about to l-leave the truck stop." You say, letting out a small whimper at the end.
"Well... okay. Stay safe, love you." He says, obviously concerned.
"L-Love you, bye." You immediately hang up and moan loudly, William continuing his previously brutal pace making the whole car shake.
He chuckles before slapping your ass, "You're such a dirty slut, doll."
"S-Shut up.."
A/N: Aah! This is been sitting in my drafts for ages! I don't know how to feel about it!
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morgana-larkin · 6 months
Hey,your fics are amazing, just binged read the oneshots and can't wait for the next chapter of 'worth it'.
But here's a small prompt, maybe mel and r is not close,r is an 8th grade teacher like Jacob but rarely even stops by the break room. She's only friends with him, Mel thought maybe r doesn't wanna be friends with the elementary staff so she let her be. Then one day when Mel is doing groceries, she bumps with r, realizing she goes to the same day and same store when doing groceries. They greet each other politely when they cross paths but Mel thinks it's ridiculous how they see each other on a grocery store but not in the very place of their employ where they work together. Then after like months of that, Mel and r cross paths again as usual, and was like 'hey kid,how come we see each other here and not in school'
Hey, thank you for the prompt, I thought the idea was super cute ☺️. I’m glad you’re liking my one shots enough to binge all of them! That comment made me smile, and the next chapter of ‘Worth It’ will be out soon, possibly tomorrow. I would have had this out this morning but I kept changing the beginning because nothing fit. Anyway, here’s the story, it’s short and sweet. Not edited in the slightest as always. Hope you like it!
On another note, I have 2 prompts that I’ll be working on after I finish the chapter of Worth It. So if you sent me a prompt yesterday, don’t worry, I’ll be working on it.
Grocery Store Rendezvous
Warnings: none
Words: 1.5k
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« Hey y/n! Are you going to stay and chat with us today? » Jacob says as you enter the break room. You only enter the break room to get coffee but then you always leave right after. You look and see Melissa looking at you, eyeing you curiously.
« Nope, just came to get coffee. I got to grade some tests today, especially with report cards coming up. » you say to him.
« You know one day you’re going to come in here and stay. » Jacob says, teasing you a bit.
« Maybe, but that day is not today. » You say , pouring the coffee in your mug then you go to leave.
« When that day comes, I’ll take a picture. » he tells you and you smirk.
« That doesn’t make me want to stay even more. » you tell him and give him a little salute on the way out.
The truth is you don’t stay because of Melissa. She scares you but in the best way. From the first day you started working here a year ago, you were actually stunned by her beauty.
You don’t see her much though since you’re an 8th grade teacher and teach on the second floor. You became friends with Jacob since you work closely with him but you never had a reason to speak to Melissa. You were also incredibly shy so you just admire her from a distance and when you go to get your coffee in the morning and at lunch.
It was Saturday at noon and you parked in the parking lot of the grocery store you go to every Saturday. You walk in, get a cart and start going through your list.
You were turning into the spice aisle when you bump into another cart.
« Oh sorry, I didn’t… » your sentence goes unfinished as you see the person you bumped into. It was Melissa.
« Oh hi y/n, funny running into you here. » she says.
« Well actually I come here every Saturday at this time. » You tell her.
« Oh really? So do I. I wonder why we haven’t seen each other before. » she says to you.
« Well it’s a big store so we could have been on opposite sides of the store. » you with a small chuckle. « Well I gotta go finish my shopping, I’ll see you around Melissa. » you tell her with a nod.
« Alright see ya y/n. » And you go and continue your shopping.
You continue your shopping, but not even 5 minutes later, you run into her again when you go to get some chocolate milk and she’s getting some cheese.
« Y/n? We haven’t seen each other once for months, and now twice in the same day? » she says in disbelief.
« Ya I guess so, how ironic. » you say as you grab some chocolate milk.
« Chocolate milk? Really? » she says and quirks an eyebrow.
« Don’t diss it the chocolate milk. It’s good. » You tell her and she puts her hands up a bit in surrender and you laugh.
You two go in separate directions until you’re checking out and run into each other at the same cash.
« Wow, we’re 3 for 3. » Melissa jokes.
« I guess so. » You say.
You both go home after that. You drove home smiling that day, you got to speak to Melissa, multiple times.
On Monday at school, you do nothing differently. You still only go to the break room to get your coffee then leave. The one small difference is you blush a bit when you pass by Melissa. You don’t know it but Melissa noticed the blush and smiled a little when your back was turned.
The next Saturday you two run into each other again, and Melissa wonders why she sees and talks to you more at a grocery store than at work.
Months go by and every Saturday you and Melissa keep running into each other, sometimes multiple times in one day. About 3 months of this happening, Melissa has had enough and decides to ask you the question that’s been bugging her.
« Hey kid, how come we see each other here and not at school? » she asks and you stare at her.
« I don’t know. I guess there’s not really a reason for us to talk to each other at school. » you reply sheepishly. The 2 of you walk down the aisle while talking.
« You don’t need a reason, you can just say hi. »
« I thought you were the type of person who didn’t like people just saying hi to you. » You counter.
« Ok fair point, but I wouldn’t mind if you did it. »
« Why am I different? »
« Do you see me talking to other coworkers outside of work? »
« Ok first of all, we don’t even talk in school. And 2, idk who you talk to at all. » you tell her.
« Why don’t we start talking in school? » she asks and you freeze.
« Why? »
« Because we don’t talk in school like you said, so let’s change that. » she points out. And only then do you realise the hole you dug yourself.
« Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea Melissa. »
« Why? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me? » she asks and stops walking and crosses her arms.
« What? No that’s not it at all. » You say, you really don’t want to admit your feelings for her.
« Then what is it? » she pushes.
« it’s not important. » you say, hoping that will put an end to the conversation. It did not.
« It’s important to me! » Melissa says, getting annoyed.
« Why? »
« How about you answer the question I asked first. Why don’t you want to talk to me in school!?! »
« Because you scare me! » You spill out, and you can tell by the hurt look on her face that you just have to say it. « I like you and that scares me. And I don’t mean friendship like, I mean romantic like. » You tell her and her hurt expression turns to a happy one.
« I like you too. » she says. « Romantic like. » she adds and you can’t believe your luck. For once, the woman you like, likes you back. You two finish your grocery shopping together and you check out together as well.
« Come over to my place. » she says to you and you stare wide eyed, Melissa never invites anyone to her place.
« Ok, sure, when? » you ask and she smiles.
« Are you free right now? »
« Well I’ve actually got a couple of frozen groceries to bring home but after that, ya. » You say and she smiles.
« Give me your phone. »
« What? » you say confused.
« Give me your phone so I can add my number so I can send my address. » she says and you immediately give her your phone. She adds herself and you smile at the nickname she gave herself ‘Mel 👩🏻‍🦰👑’
« R u trying to say that you’re a ginger queen? » You snort.
« Maybe. » she flips her hair and you laugh.
You get in your cars and you drive home. As soon as you get home you text her.
You: this is y/n , I just got home, send me your address, your highness.
Mel 👩🏻‍🦰👑: your highness? I like that. Here’s my address
Mel 👩🏻‍🦰👑: *sends address*
You: I’ll be there in 20 minutes, your highness
20 minutes later you knock on her front door. She answers it and immediately welcomes you in. As soon as you walk in, she puts her lips on yours. You kiss her back and she smiles into the kiss.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for awhile.” She says and you smile at her.
“So have I.” You say and you lean in to kiss her again.
On Monday morning you come into the break room to get your morning coffee as usual. This time, instead of leaving, you sit next to Melissa and she smiles at you. Melissa gets a questioning look from Barb and you get a questioning look from the trio. You then hear the click of a phone camera and you look to see Jacob taking a picture.
“I told you I’d take a picture.” He says and you smile. At this point you don’t care, you got Melissa.
Melissa stands up to go put something in the garbage and gives you a kiss on your lips, getting gasps from everyone. You smile and blush and she has a smirk on her face. After thinking that you wanted nothing to do with her and the rest of the group, it turns out you were avoiding her because you liked her. She smiles at that thought as she sits back down next to you, and she pulls your chair closer to her.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
If you want to be added then let me know!
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fannyspammy · 1 year
Adam Warlock x Reader
Summary: Adam tells y/n he loves her for the first time
Warnings: none! starts a little heated but then becomes just a lot of fluffy fluff fluff
A/N: sixth part to the Firsts series! Another fluffy piece before I get back into the spicy stuff :) If you haven’t read the previous parts yet, my masterlist is here! (Can be read as a oneshot tho!) Also, to those who have made requests, I have seen them & will be working on them ASAP! :)
Taglist: @spderm4nnnn @nocturnest @joeysjaskier
[not my gif]
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“Are you insane?!” Adam yelled at y/n. She was surprised at first — he’d never yelled at her before — but her shock was quickly replaced by anger.
“Me?! What about you! I had it under control, but you almost got yourself killed!” She shouted back.
Adam crossed his arms across his chest, his muscles taunting her as he did. “No, you almost got yourself killed. I’m practically indestructible.”
“Adam, I’m fine! But you had to go and get yourself hurt!” She gestured toward the gash across his side. It was big and bleeding, but Adam seemed barely affected — maybe because or the way he was engineered, or maybe because his anger was masking the pain.
“Only because I saved you! But what if I hadn’t been there, y/n? What if I didn’t see that knife hurtling toward you?”
“Well then.. I-”
“Then you would’ve gotten hurt! This is just a scratch for me, but for you this could’ve been fatal. So just stop arguing with me! You know I’m right. God, you’re lucky I love you or I might not have been paying attention. Hell, if that was Groot or someone else I would’ve been too focused on the guy that was shooting at me to have even-”
“Wait, stop.”
Y/n pulled him into a kiss, her grimy hands tangling into his golden head of hair. Adam’s fury immediately dissipated into bliss, and he bore a confused smile on his face as she pulled away, his eyes searching hers.
“What was that for?”
She smiled at him smugly. “You said you love me, you idiot.”
His golden hue began to bronze as he blushed. “I-I did?”
Adam stuttered, unsure of what to say next. “Oh- well I- I guess- I mean I just-”
Y/n brushed a strand of hair from his face, amusement playing on her lips as she teased him, her mouth hovering centimetres above his as she looked up at him through hooded eyes. “Say it again.”
Adam swallowed, nervous now that he was aware of what he said. He may be practically indestructible, but with her? He felt so vulnerable, so exposed, in a way that challenged him more than any foe he’d ever faced in the battlefield. But the nervousness melted away as he looked into the eyes of the woman before him, not a hint of hesitation in his mind or his heart.
“I love you, y/n,” he said softly, and as she smiled her beautiful smile, he was never so sure of his words.
“I’m sorry,” Adam continued. “I don’t like being angry at you. I don’t like yelling at you. I don’t like how it makes me feel.. but I also don’t like how almost losing you makes me feel. The thought of.. of this… the thought of never seeing you smile at me again.. I get scared.”
“Hey, shh, it’s okay.” Y/n placed a hand on his cheek and tiptoed to kiss his forehead gently. “You’re not gonna lose me, okay?”
She took his hands in hers and leaned in so she could place a peck on his lips. “I love you, Adam.” He stayed quiet but she saw his eyes light up at her words. “And that is indestructible. Thank you for rescuing me, but you don’t need to worry so much, okay love? I’ve been doing this a long time- I’ll be okay.”
He pulled her into a hug and nodded against her neck before kissing it, hastily peppering his affection over every inch of skin available to him — her neck, her collarbone, her jaw, her hands — and she giggled at his eagerness.
The couple turned to see Rocket standing a few feet away, arms crossed and brows furrowed. Drax and the other Guardians lingered a few feet behind, and that’s when they realized their entire moment had an audience. The raccoon’s face said disgust, but the two could read the amusement in his eyes.
“If you two lovebirds are done sucking face, smashing booty, et cetera, we got a few hostages to deliver. Think you can keep it in your pants long enough for that?”
Adam and y/n looked at each other and then back at Rocket.
“Aye aye Captain!” They said with a mock salute, followed by childish giggles. The raccoon rolled his eyes as he turned around and the crew followed.
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esoteric-joke · 6 days
Interview with Brooklyn_Babylon
Welcome to the next interview of the Dear Writer Project. This Sunday I’m here with Gina (twopoppies here on Tumblr). Thank you so much for participating and supporting my project. It was a pleasure to interview you.
Gina about her writing process, her inspirations and what she finds most challenging about writing:
What does your writing process look like?
Oh, you're going to call me out right from the get-go, huh? LOL! My writing process is that I am a complete pantser. I hate outlining and I'm not good at it (probably why I hate it). I generally get inspired by something visual and then build a story around that. The difficulty is that often, there's a concept, but there's no real story to tell. Or, I can't quite flesh it out enough to make it worth writing. But when something connects, I go bother India (indiaalphawhiskey on Tumblr) who is my beta/BFF/cheerleader and we'll talk through the story idea.
She's super helpful in terms of pushing me to think it through enough that I can write a very basic outline of what needs to happen to get from A to B. Then, I wing it. LOL!
What does writing mean to you?
From the time I was a kid, I've always been involved in doing something artistic--from fine art, to costume design, to writing, etc. I've just always needed some way to express myself, creatively. It took me a long time to get comfortable writing fiction because there are a few people in my family who are highly respected authors, and I felt I needed something of my own to sink my teeth into. But now that I've started, I realize how much I do love it (even when I hate it), and how much it allows me to dig deep into my own thoughts and emotions and be more self-aware. Beyond that, I think I'm at my most comfortable when I feel I'm helpful/supportive/nurturing. I used to write non-fiction that gave me that outlet. It's interesting that I can see those aspects in my fiction writing, as well.
Do you know before you start writing if an idea is going to become a oneshot or a longer fic?
I can generally tell if there's enough of a story to make it a chaptered fic. Sometimes the chapters just separate naturally.
Like, in An Invincible Summer, the story unfolded so that each chapter was a different month. But I had a basic idea of how I wanted the story to progress over that time period. I think, for the most part, I let the story dictate how it's going to flow.
You don’t write (or publish) as regularly as some other writers in the fandom. Why is that and would you like to write/publish more in the future?
Part of the reason is that I have a really busy life outside of the fandom (and writing). I also don't like to write just to fill up space. And I don't want to publish anything I don't think is the best I'm capable of at that moment.
On top of that, I'm just not one of those people who has a million stories in my head. I'm very visually stimulated and there are long periods of time where I just don't feel inspired. I also second-guess myself a lot and often end up shelving my WIPs. And... even when I'm inspired, I tend to write slowly. I like to take time to make sure I'm really saying what I want to say in the best way I can. I want to grow and challenge myself with each story I publish. I just don't see a point in doing it without that sort of intention.
On which of your stories did you write the longest?
I think An Invincible Summer probably took the longest. But it was also one of the easiest for me to write because the story just wrote itself in some ways. I had a much clearer picture from the start of how things were going to unfold. At the same time, there were moments that just happened as I wrote that ended up shifting the story from what I'd originally planned.
I recently went back and re-wrote that fic, adding another 10K to flesh it out better. I'm so much happier with it (even though I loved it before), but I haven't published the updated version on AO3. Not sure whether I will.
Which of your stories came together the fastest?
The first one (Whoever, However). But it's also only 9K. Harry dropped that Beauty Papers spread and my brain exploded. The story was all there. I think Hike Up Your Skirt was probably the next quickest (again, it's not terribly long), but that one I originally wrote for the Anonymous Unicorns collection so there was a lot of freedom in getting to write anything I wanted without fear of judgment. If I could only harness that, I'd be able to bang them out!
What fic of yours was the hardest to write?
I think Literally Making Love.
It was an unusual premise, in that it's about a robot and a human falling in love, but I really struggled with whether I should make it "more" than a love story. It felt like it deserved to be "more", or that it should have more about how AI changes the world and a conversation about loneliness and the way the world contributes to that. So I kept feeling like I wasn't going down the right path with what I was writing, but India reminded me that there's just as much value in a lighthearted story as there is in "serious" writing. We all know the joy of sinking into a comfort fic, or kicking our feet at something really sweet and happy. So I let Literally Making Love be what it wanted to be and I was ultimately super proud of it. And, in the end, I think I did a good job of dealing with the ethical issues, even though I didn't make that the center of the fic.
What inspires you most while writing?
Visuals to begin with. I tend to get inspired by photos or a piece of art. Sometimes song lyrics. But visuals keep me going so I make moodboards for myself and I find quotes or pictures on Tumblr that feel like they belong to the story. I think all of my fics have a link to an inspiration tag on my blog.
And then talking through things with India.
It's so helpful to have someone who gets what you're shooting for and who has the same sense of what makes for good writing. So I'll brainstorm with her when I'm stuck or give her sections to see if it's reading the way I want it to... It keeps me going.
I don't know how writers do it all by themselves. There are times when I've read something so many times that I can't even tell if it's any good. And I do the same for her... helping her get through her writing challenges or brainstorming her projects also makes me a better writer.
In the notes of Literally Making Love you mentioned a 9 month long writers block. What helped you out of it?
Truly it was just that piece of fan art I linked in the note at the start. I'd never seen that artist's work before and this drawing of Louis building an unfinished Harry ended up on my dash and I said, "Well, I'd read the hell out of that." Sadly, no one else was going to write it for me, so I had to do it myself.
While talking about this, I pointed out that I searched a few tags of this particular trope after I finished reading Literally Making Love and couldn’t find more than a handful of fics, which I was surprised by.
Gina thinks people are put off by the idea even if there are so many ways to handle it that could make for a beautiful story.
What do you find most challenging about writing?
I was about to say finding a title, but then I realized that I only had trouble with that in two of the five I wrote.
Hmm. Honestly, I think the most difficult thing for me to write are arguments/fights.
I tend to be really passive-aggressive when I argue, and that doesn't make for very good reading. So I really have to work at crafting a back-and-forth that feels natural but also packs enough of a punch for the scene to work. In An Invincible Summer, the argument scene was pretty pivotal, and one of my betas at the time made me re-write it three times before she signed off on it.
Is there anything you can tell me about future projects you’re planning?
I'm working on another historical fic at the moment. It's slow burn and longer than anything I've written before. So that's a challenge. It's set in the 1880s between the Belle Epoch debauchery and decadence of Paris, and Victorian London's rigid social structure and moral conservatism. Basically, Harry is a French ballet dancer turned sex worker/courtesan. Louis is a British aristocrat whose father has sent him off to Paris to get "the gay" out of his system before he has to marry. There are some twists and turns, and I'm having a lot of fun trying to keep things sexy and exciting for a modern reader while still being true to the time period.
I still don't have a title, and I'm still working on a brief description to sum it up. But... I'm about 60K in and I'm having fun.
When I told Gina that that sounds like you’d have to but lot of research into it, she said:
So much research! But I actually love that part. I get really into the nitty gritty and look up everything. For example, did you know the ice cream cone wasn't invented until 1896 (although not patented until 1903)? LOL! I had to change a scene I was writing because all of a sudden, I thought, "Did they have ice cream then? How did they keep it cold? How did they eat it?" I honestly hate reading something when little details are wrong. It totally pulls me out of a story.
For the next part of the interview, I asked Gina a few questions about her works in particular.
Gina about her favourite scene she wrote, her experience with writing before writing fanfics and being inspired by her own family’s history:
What work of yours is your personal favourite?
Hm. I think Literally Making Love is my favorite because it's the most unique concept, and I'm really proud of some of the writing in that one.
Hike Up Your Skirt is, I think, my most popular one. But that's not surprising because it's complete filth.
Do you have a favourite scene that you wrote?
There's a scene in Literally Making Love when they're walking the dog through the woods, and they're talking about the concept of being lonely, and Harry realizes he's the only one in the world who can understand anything he's experienced. I just really loved how that scene came together. To me it's very visual, and it's got that kind of poetic, dreamy feeling to it that I love to find in fics (and am forever trying to emulate, but I think that might be the only time I've succeeded so far).
I told Gina that this was a scene that definitely made me think about the concept of being all alone with an experience. Here’s what she said about that:
I like moments in a story that make you stop and think about more than just the story you're reading. I think these days, we can much more easily connect with others who can understand most of our experiences very deeply. Although, I imagine if you were the only highly advanced AI robot in the world, you might have some experiences no one else has had to grapple with.
Is there a work of yours that was planned to go completely different than it came out in the end?
There are definitely moments within the stories that I never planned on, and they changed some aspects of how the story ultimately came together.
For example, in An Invincible Summer, the idea for Harry to hold on to memories by getting a camera popped out of nowhere.
In Literally Making Love, the scene of Louis painting Harry's tattoos over his scars came in a dream and that meant I added the aspect of Harry's body dysmorphia. So, little things for sure.
Whoever, However was your first fic you published. Did you write in any form before that?
I did.
I wrote non-fiction for a bunch of magazines and online outlets. I've also ghostwritten three books.
Beyond that, no. Just lengthy blog posts about two gay boybanders.
What were your inspirations for gathered on wings?
There was a photo of Louis in some sort of haphazardly layered jackets and standing in front of these graffitied walls, and it had this caption, saying that he looked like a PhD candidate at the Sorbonne. That was how the idea started.
I had wanted to write a teacher/student fic without the creepy aspect of grooming and inappropriate conduct, and somehow my comment led to Harry having been his intern and them meeting again years later.
Then, the research on all the modern art and the high-end art world informed the rest of the story.
You didn’t go much into detail how successful Harry’s art got after ‘Comrade’ recommended his art for an exhibition at the Marlborough Gallery. Was that the push Harry’s work needed to get the attention it deserved?
It was.
He'd been relying on sugar daddies to pay his way and to give him the connections to patrons. But Comrade vouching for him opened the doors to him being able to do it independently. It's that feeling of, "If I could just get my foot in the door, I could show them what I can do."
That was his foot in the door.
Gathered on wings was my first attempt at writing a chaptered fic, and there was a huge learning curve. There are parts of it I really like and parts I sometimes want to go back and re-write.
Do you think Louis’ identity in gathered on wings always stayed hidden even after they got engaged (and eventually married)?
I like to imagine that as Harry became more widely known, people became interested in his partner. And Louis would then decide to reveal his identity with a new installation that they collaborated on.
Staying hidden when your partner is famous is probably a hard thing to do.
I think so. Especially if you're in the same field. In a way, it mirrors the idea of the two of them coming out at some point.
You said in the notes for An Invincible Summer that it’s inspired by your grandfather’s life. Was that your only inspiration for the story?
It's what set the scene. Other than that, I knew I wanted to write about writing and seeing yourself in a book or feeling understood by someone you never met but who's somehow written about you and your life. The concept of feeling really "seen" is something that shows up again and again for me.
You didn’t go into any detail about Harry’s relationship with his adoptive parents after he left at the end of An Invincible Summer, even though his mother tried to support him as much as she could when he had to leave. Do you think they held contact after Harry was forced to leave or if he/they even went back as a part of H & L’s adventures?
I think Harry managed to stay in touch with his mother secretly and to eventually reunite with his sisters.
When I rewrote the story, I changed the middle sister to a brother to show another way that Harry was treated differently. So I imagine Big Jim and the little brother digging their heels in and acting like he never existed. But Harry and Louis eventually had a beautiful and extensive found family.
The end of Hike Up your Skirt (And Show Your World To Me) is pretty much open. How do you think their relationship progressed and do you think they have a chance of having a normal (as in no power imbalance or manipulation) relationship?
Mmm. I actually started writing a second part from Harry's POV where you see that Harry is also playing a game to get Louis to fall for him. I see their relationship becoming a 24/7 Dom/Sub life. I think they're both way too kinky and maybe a little too depraved to have a "normal" relationship.
Are any of your original characters inspired by people you know in your day-to-day life?
No, actually. LOL! Very simple answer. They're all just figments of my imagination.
A lot of other writers in the fandom have difficulties or are just a little uncomfortable with writing smut. That doesn’t seem to be the case for you. Why’s that?
HAHAHAHA! No, I think it’s actually the easiest part for me to write. I’m not sure why. I don’t have a lot of hang ups around sex, so maybe that helps. And I love the idea of character development through intimate scenes.
How did you come up with the idea for your fic rec masterpost here on Tumblr and how did all of that start?
I think it just started because someone asked if I could recommend some fics in a particular category (If I remember correctly, it might have been dystopian fics). And I had too much time on my hands, so I decided to make a header and write little blurbs about why I liked each one I was suggesting.
Somehow that turned into a deluge of people asking for different things and, for whatever reason, I had the time at that moment. So I made rec after rec.
At some point it was annoying that people kept asking for the same things, so I just made an alphabetical masterpost.
Is there a specific trope or genre you’d like to read more of?
Oh, that's a good question. It's so much easier to tell you what I don't like.
Honestly, to me, it's really more about the writing than about the trope or genre. But I do really like a good enemies-to-lovers fic, and if you can write a new twist on a fake relationship, I'm all in.
Do you somehow track the fics you’ve read? And if you do, can you give me a rough number of how many you’ve read?
So, I only bookmark fics I've really loved. Obviously some I love more than others, but I currently have 655 fics bookmarked.
I've been reading in this fandom for 11 years. Some I won't have read all the way through, but counting those, I'm sure I've literally read thousands.
I've gone through periods where I've just got a lot more free time at one point or another. And when I entered the fandom in 2013 there were literally so many terrific fics I didn't know where to start.
And every time you turned around there was another. It was very addicting.
Are you reading anything right now? If not, what was the last thing you’ve read?
I have a hard time reading when I'm actively writing, so nothing really recent.
The last fic I read that I really liked was Danger I Can't Hide by CelticSky. It's actually a WWII fic but set on the airbase where H is a pilot and Louis is a mechanic. It's just so well written and so well researched. Highly recommend.
For the next part of the interview, Gina answered some personal questions about her experiences in the fandom.
Since when are you in the fandom and what made you become a fan?
Since November 2013.
I took my daughter (who was 6 at the time) to see This Is Us. Did a little research to make sure this boy band was appropriate for her and then fell in love with them. We ended up seeing the movie three times, then bought it and watched it at home. She was a Niall girl.
She was my concert buddy for a while. One Direction at the Rose Bowl in 2014 was her first concert.
The weirdest comment you got?
Oh, I get some doozies on Tumblr.
I think one of my favorites was from years ago when I used to do a lot of NSFW fan art. I got an anonymous message from someone claiming to be Harry's lawyer and they were demanding I delete all of my fan art of Harry. HAHAHAHA! Like an attorney would send an anon. Or even ask for something like that. I still laugh when I think about that one.
Harry or Louis?
It's very hard to choose because they're both amazing. I'm a Harry girl from way back. But I obviously love and support Louis, too.
Harry just really inspires me in so many ways. And his music is more my speed.
Your favourite Harry era and your favourite Louis era?
Oh, that's hard. I think Harry's recent era (Harry's House) might be my favorite because he seemed so happy and so self-assured and confident in who he is as a person. He looked fantastic too. Other eras are special to me because of what was going on with the fandom at the time, or because I liked the way he dressed or whatever, but in terms of just enjoying him, I'd have to say this last tour.
Louis is a little more difficult for me because I've had a really hard time with his image over this last tour and his doubling down on babygate. I'm very happy he says he's really happy and proud of his album/tour, but if I had to pick my favorite I feel like he looked the healthiest and most at ease during MITAM promo. Oh, he looked great during his Walls promo, too.
Your favourite movie with H?
My Policeman. It was a bit uneven, but he really blew me away in some of his scenes. He understood that character inside and out.
Your favourite writer(s) in the fandom?
I actually have so many that I like, although many aren’t in our fandom anymore.
It might be easier to link you to a Favorite Authors rec I made a while ago.
What are your absolute favourite fics in the fandom?
I’m going to make it easy on myself again and link you to a Favourite Fics rec.
Is there a fic that is not necessarily your favourite but still always kind of stuck in your head ?
There are fics that aren’t necessarily the most groundbreaking or complex, but something about them makes me keep coming back to re-read. Don't kill me, but... My Favorite Re-Reads.
I wanted to give you a favorite out of that list, but as I scrolled I was like, oh wait, that one! No, that one! So... sorry, you get them all.
What makes you want to stop reading something?
Hm. So many things, honestly.
Writing where people try too hard to be poetic, continuous spelling and grammar mistakes, miscommunication as the only tension, no tension at all, characterizations that make no sense to me, fics that go on and on and on with no attempt at editing, kid fics, etc. I really have very few squicks, but bad writing is hard for me to ignore (I know "bad" is subjective, so I hope no one takes offense at that... just because I don't like it doesn't mean others don't love it).
Your favourite song at the moment?
Chappell Roan is stuck in my head lately. So, I'll say Casual (although Pink Pony Club is a bop).
Your favourite season?
Fall. Absolutely. SO fucking sick of summer.
The most unusual thing that inspired you?
LOL! I'd have to say the Vintage "Sleaze" novel that inspired Hike Up Your Skirt. It was called "Horizontal Secretary".
Who would you most like to read an interview from?
Well, I'm obviously going to say India because I think she's a great writer. But she's also so well-spoken and interesting.
I'd love to read an interview with CelticSky because I loved Danger I Can't Hide so much and I don't know them since they're on Twitter!
Lastly I asked Gina to give every work of hers a colour. Here’s the outcome of that:
Whoever, However -- yellow
Whoever, However is yellow, because when I think about it, I picture the warm, yellow shade of the wood paneling of the room they filmed in.
gathered on wings -- blue
I’m not sure why gathered on wings is blue in my head. Maybe it’s just because that’s the main color of the mood board I made.
An Invincible Summer -- green
An Invincible Summer is green because the rural Georgia setting became one of the characters of the fic. When I think about it, I see the sprawling farm, the rampant kudzu, blueberry fields, lunch under the oak trees… it just feels green to me.
Literally Making Love -- red
Literally Making Love is red because so much of the story is about what it means to be human and even though Harry’s heart isn’t “real” at some point he says to Louis, “Sometimes I feel like you made my heart too small because it doesn’t hold everything I feel for you. I feel it overflowing everywhere.” Or, maybe it’s because it has “Love” in the title. LOL!
Hike Up Your Skirt (And Show Your World To Me) -- purple
I don’t know. The first thought that came to me was purple because I pictured Harry’s character with love bite bruises.
A huge thank you to Gina again. Thank you for being so open and honest while answering my questions. I had the best time talking to you and was so invested in every work of yours.
62 notes · View notes