#I prefer Tengen the older she gets
cursedvibes · 5 months
Some talking points surrounding Tengen I often see and that keep bothering me:
"all the Star Plasma Vessels were female/women"
Can't say anything about their genitals, but they were definitely not all women. The Heian era vessel is dressed like a common man and even has a bit of facial hair. While I do hc him as trans (because of the genetic match with Tengen), he clearly wants to be seen as a man.
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"Tengen is a woman/beautiful because the Star Plasma Vessels are women"
Somehow this is still a popular opinion. She looks nothing like the vessels. Seems like she just takes them as a blueprint for how her human body is structured and then takes on the appearance of how she looked in her 20s or whatever. Also this fixation on her having to be (naturally) attractive is weird, especially if you chain it to womanhood.
"what a downgrade, all her hair is gone and she's an ugly thumb"
That happens to most people when they age. You're lucky if you have any hair left at age 100, now imagine 5x that. Tengen is in an incredible shape considering her age. Seriously, I'd like to see what these people look like after 500 yrs, much less 1500. I better not see any wrinkles, hair loss, bend backs or arthritis hands or I'm gonna have to call you ugly, the worst thing someone could be. Sorry, this old person isn't fuckable enough for you.
But seriously, Tengen's whole thing is ageing until it inevitably turns her into a being that is beyond human or even curse. I don't know why people keep being surprised by that ageing and loss of humanity actually visibly happening as well. Her body changing and her resisting it and trying to keep herself stagnant at the cost of other people's lives is a very important theme of her character.
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Hello! First off all, I hope you are having an excellent day /night! <3
Only if you could, can i request some headcanons of the hashiras (if it's possible all of them, if not, you can choose whoever you want!) seeing reader (who's also a hashira) as an older sibling figure?? Please and thank you ♡
Oh this would be so sweet
I'll try to do all of them with as much detail as possible bae
This is part one and some of the characters are missing because it's four in the morning 💀
Also I wrote this as a fem reader, but if you'd like another version w different pronouns please lemme know and I'll absolutely do that for you :)
Hashira x Sibling Figure!Fem!Reader Headcanon (Platonic)
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Hes so proud to be your flamboyant brother. You're his almost as flamboyant sister.
He likes to treat you like your his little sister, being all protective and caring, but in reality you're older and you've beat him in combat enough to shut him up at least.
The sense of family is always so nice to have though.
His wives absolutely adore you and you adore them too, and you know that you're always welcome in his home and always will be.
Absolute bone crushing hugs are a daily experience, the man literally bear hugs you like he's secretly plotting your death. Your spine cracks and clicks every. Single. Time.
Not to mention the slaps on the upper back and shoulder he likes to give you when he's talking. It's like he's trying to burp you.
He knows he can talk about absolutely anything with you and you'll understand, you've been there since the beginning after all.
Nothing will stop him from bragging about being your brother. Your bond never ceases to put a smile on your face.
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He has very frequent outbursts at you, but it's fine because you match his energy, and you always yell at him back. He never wins.
You both have such a strong bond, so it makes sense that you both fight like siblings too.
He does hold his tongue on the snarky attitude though, since you always seem to pick a fight with him over it.
But he knows that through all of your fighting and glaring daggers, that he can still come to you for anything.
You also get special treatment because he tolerates you, though he never says it out loud.
He also prefers to go on missions with you to act like the older brother, always trying to protect you and show you that he's stronger. It backfires all the time though, since you literally kick his ass every time he annoys you with that 🦶
He just wants to keep you alive. He wants you to stay with him and keep being his big sister and you know it. He's just too stubborn to talk to you in any way that's not a threat.
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She finds you absolutely adorable, which mirrors the way you see her. She loves you and fawns over you all the time.
You're the one who taught her how to braid her hair, and you redo it for her every time she asks because you love her.
Your bond is so strong that your mental link is almost scary. Almost instantly you can tell when there's something on her mind, and she can do the same thing with you.
This was actually how you found out about her crush on a fellow hashira.
Of course you will never pass up the chance to tease her about it, you just wouldn't be an adequate sister otherwise.
She loves to give you an affectionate hug around the waist as a greeting and when she's happy, and she doesn't quite wrap her arms all the way around, only placing them on your ribs under your arms.
She absolutely loves to tell everyone how lovely and pretty and honourable she thinks you are, singing your praise like you do to her. She must've learned it from you.
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He has so much adoration and respect for you that he practically reeks of it when you're around.
Whenever he sees you, you could swear he's twinkling, he just positively lights up when you're around.
Senjuro adores you as well, since you've been there for the both of them and absolutely refuse to pick a favourite, and you act like a mentor and friend to both of the siblings.
Rengoku only respects you so much more for it.
He thinks you're an absolute delight to be around and his cheeks almost hurt when he speaks to you because he's smiling so wide all the damned time.
He even thinks it's cool that you can whoop his ass in combat too, and it makes sense since you've been there with him since pretty much day one to fight and train with him and grow alongside him.
He can always count on you to give the best advice too. If he seeks an opinion, hell come to you first.
He likes to make you laugh too, and when he treats you like family it makes your heart constrict.
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The sweetheart really tries his best to be the perfect brother to you, and he feels so lucky to have you as his sister.
Hes always a good listener but as much as he really tries to remember everything you're saying, it's really difficult for him.
You never see that as a problem though, and it's even a plus that you can tell him your every secret and he won't let that change the way he thinks about you, not like that would ever happen if he did remember.
He absolutely loves to take naps by your side. You two have been practically inseparable since day one and you're always there to be a crutch for him when he needs it.
He loves to watch the clouds with you as well, and sit on the floor while getting lost in thought, comfortable with the presence of his overprotective older sister there with him
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saellefanwork · 4 months
𝐄𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐬
Kamado Tanjiro x DemonSlayer!F!Reader x (Past) Rengoku Kyojuro
Reminder: This Demon Slayer fic is rated Explicit (adults only) for canon-typical violence and, disturbing and explicit sexual content
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Chapter 2: The Shadow of the Mentor
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Tanjiro and you don't cross paths again for several weeks, until Tengen plans an infiltration mission in the Red Light District.
Author Note: The timeline here is different from the canon story (characters are older, it's implied that Tanjiro has been Kyojuro's tsuguko for a while before his death). That's why Yoshiwara's team composition is also different. Since this is not a fic focusing on the Demon Slayer story, but rather on the relationship between the characters, I skipped the fight scenes. So there won't be any epic battles here, unlike in my other fic "The Tears of Time".
TAGS applying to this chapter: Red Light District Arc, Grief, Sad, Angst, Depression, some Healing though?, Near Death Experience, Ghost, No sex here, only Feels, hints of Tanjiro/Kyojuro's Platonic Love
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Several weeks passed without Tanjiro visiting you. Missions kept pouring in relentlessly, and it seemed that the hierarchy, perhaps aware of the changes in your relationship, no longer assigned the two of you on expeditions together. The solitude the young man experienced, punctuated by moments spent with his friends, provided him a degree of perspective on the situation. Despite regularly inquiring about your well-being from the girls at the Butterfly Estate (although they didn't always give him answers), he remained convinced that he had made the right choice.
However, this conviction did little to quell the emptiness he felt without you by his side. While he hoped to reconnect with you in the future, he couldn't envision how to do so without falling into the same patterns as before. After what had happened, perhaps you no longer desired his presence, not even as a friend.
One day, Tengen summoned Tanjiro and Inosuke at the Butterfly Manor. The three of them were tasked with investigating the mysterious disappearances of prostitutes within Tokyo's infamous red-light district. The Sound Pillar had previously dispatched his wives on an infiltration mission in brothels there some time ago, but they had returned with no significant findings. But it seemed the demon living there was active again, as there was an unprecedented resurgence of crimes, prompting the Corps to take action once more.
"We need an additional member, preferably a girl," Tengen declared, his strong arms crossed. "Let's get Aoi," he commanded, pointing toward the main wing of the building, where the butterfly girls were working.
Tanjiro furrowed his brows. He had been raised with manners and harbored deep respect for his superiors, especially his new mentor, who had taken over his training following the Flame Pillar's tragic demise. However, it contradicted his very nature to ignore the call to protect those who couldn't fight.
"Let's leave Aoi alone; she is already making significant contributions to the Kisatsutai," Tanjiro argued. "Can't we request another female Slayer for this mission?"
"They're a scarce commodity. My wives are on another operation, and Zenitsu's late puberty facial hair would make for a terrible courtesan. Your and Inosuke's looks, on the other hand, can still deceive some with some makeup and disguise. Unless you have a better alternative, be prepared to enlist your sister for the task," he concluded.
Tanjiro was about to protest when a voice interrupted him.
"I'm coming with you."
The young man's heart skipped a beat as he turned around, spotting your silhouette in the shadow of the building. You stood there in your Slayer outfit, your katana secured at your waist. His chest tightened, and without thinking, he whispered your name. Despite the circumstances of your separation, he had missed you dearly.
You stepped toward them, fully revealing yourself in the daylight. You had lost weight since your last encounter, and dark circles had formed under your eyes. Your usually well-groomed hair was unkempt, and your uniform appeared somewhat shabby. Tanjiro looked at you with concern, but he summoned the strength to smile gently and offer a greeting, which you acknowledged with a nod.
You couldn't help but notice that he had once again cut his hair short, just like when he had first joined the Corps; you guiltily wondered it was a result of what had transpired during the last night you shared.
"Hmm..." Tengen eyed your tenses expressions alternately with a skeptical expression. "Weren't you supposed to be prohibited from heading on missions together, following Kocho's request?"
"If I volunteer, then it's fine," you replied curtly.
"Well, that settles one issue," Tengen shrugged, displaying little concern for your love drama. "We'll keep Nezuko as a backup. We’ve wasted enough time already; let's go!"
"Wait, Uzui-san!" Tanjiro turned to you. "Are you sure about this? It could be the work of an Upper Moon. I'd rather... have you stay safe here," he admitted.
You were hurt that he considered Nezuko an option for this mission and not you. Despite being in a fragile mental state, you were still a competent Slayer.
"It's precisely because it might involve an Upper Moon that I want to come with you," you declared firmly.
I want to be there to protect you if possible, especially now that I'm stronger than I've been since... the incident on the train. And if you were to die, I want to die alongside you, you mentally added, but you kept your thoughts to yourself, aware that he wouldn't agree with your mindset.
Tanjiro was not a telepath, but your scent and determined expression spoke volumes. He knew he couldn't convince you to stay behind, yet he still felt uneasy about the idea of you joining them. It was evident that you hadn't had a good meal or rest in weeks. His master grabbed him by the collar of his haori and turned him toward their departure.
"Listen to your woman if you want to succeed in life. Her opinion matters the most, second only to the God of Festivities. Stop wasting our time and let's move!"
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"Your woman is a pain in the ass," Tengen complained just two days later. "She's exhausted but refuses to sleep. She's like a zombie and is inefficient in her research."
"This mission is tough, and she's doing her best. Plus, I told you it wasn't a good idea in her state, Uzui-san," Tanjiro sighed, not wanting to argue further about the topic. "And please, stop referring to her as 'my woman.' She's... just a dear friend. You know very well that she is Rengoku-san's fiancée."
"Hmm, whatever you say, your heart's melody doesn't sing the same tune when you see her. Besides, Rengoku is dead," Tengen remarked casually.
Listening to his words, one might mistakenly assume that Uzui didn't hold much regard for the departed Pillar, but Tanjiro knew better. The two men had been close friends; the shinobi had simply grown accustomed to burying his loved ones and moving forward.
"That still doesn't change the fact that she's not my woman," Tanjiro responded sourly. He carefully smoothed the folds of his kimono and checked his reflection in a mirror, ensuring that the makeup you had applied earlier remained intact. With night descending upon them, everyone had to return to their investigations separately. "I'll head back to my brothel. I think I've found a lead... I'll reach out to you when I get more intel."
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The echoes of roaring flames and crumbling buildings gradually faded into nothingness, as Tanjiro teetered on the brink of life and death, poisoned by Upper Moon Six. His vision plunged into an abyss of darkness. Within this eerie realm, an icy stillness prevailed. Tanjiro wandered aimlessly, guided by an indistinct longing for something he couldn't define – perhaps a way out of this frightening place. He could discern your scent. Maybe you were close to his body.
He longed to return to you so badly...
"Kamado!" a voice called out from behind him.
Surprised, Tanjiro's gaze shifted to the silhouette of his former mentor standing only a few steps away. Kyojuro's arms were folded, a gentle smile graced his face, and his fiery eyes were locked onto his tsuguko.
His white and red haori was draped elegantly over his shoulders, waving slowly behind him, and the golden buttons of his Slayer gakuran gleaming softly. At his side, he carried his trusty katana with the flame-shaped tsuba that Tanjiro had inherited. The Hashira looked exactly as he did in life, radiating strength and vitality. His very presence dispelled the surrounding darkness, providing a reassuring warmth, much like before.
"Rengoku-san, Aniki!" Tanjiro exclaimed, tears immediately welling up in his eyes.
He stepped toward his mentor, overwhelmed with the desire to embrace him before stopping himself, remembering the gravity of his current situation.
"Aniki... I'm sorry. I failed. I slew an Upper Moon with Uzui-san and the others, but I couldn't protect the people of the entertainment district... a lot of people have died. And as for your fiancée, she's alive... However, I couldn't fulfill my promise to take care of her. I did all that I could, but... I just can't fill the void you left..." Tears now flowed freely down Tanjiro's cheeks, and he futilely wiped them away with the sleeve of his uniform.
The Flame Pillar placed a reassuring hand on his tsuguko's shoulder.
"Kamado, my boy, you were magnificent. You fought valiantly, and I commend you. You pushed your limits to the absolute extreme and emerged victorious. Thanks to you and your friends, these demons won't harm anyone else and will face retribution in hell. As for my former fiancée... I know the current situation is difficult for both of you, but she truly loves you, believe me. Hold on to hope. The two of you will find your way through this."
"You're mistaken, Aniki. She has eyes only for you; she doesn't like me that way. I fear I've only made things worse for her by trying to grow closer to her. I... I'm so sorry... I feel ashamed. To think that you had discerned my feelings for her when you were still with us, and instead of resenting me, you entrusted her to me... and yet, I failed..." Tanjiro's voice trembled as he sobbed, his tears mingling with hiccups.
He held Kyojuro in such high regard, idolizing him as much as he envied and begrudged him for occupying such a significant place in their lives, especially in yours, only to leave behind an equally immense void... The idea of letting him down was unbearable.
Kyojuro's spectral form embraced him gently. Though insubstantial, his warmth immediately enveloped and consoled his protege.
"Kamado... have more faith in yourself. She loves you. She chose me because circumstances made her realize her feelings for me before the ones she harbored for you, and I was deeply honored that such an extraordinary woman wanted me. But I'm certain she already loved you when I first met her. Don't try to take my place. You're an exceptional young man. Hold your head high and set your heart ablaze, especially in the face of adversity. She will return to you."
Tanjiro managed to suppress his tears and stared at his mentor, who was so kind and encouraging. His smile and reassuring gaze had the power to reignite even the most dimmed flames within one's soul. Despite the passage of time, this man would eternally remain a role model for the younger Slayer, someone he would forever admire and regret. He vowed to himself that he would heed his master's words and attempt to regain his self-confidence, honoring him in the afterlife.
"I'll do my best, Aniki," Tanjiro promised with a feeble smile. "At least, if I survive... I think I'm dying..."
"You're alive. Nezuko neutralized the poison, and you'll wake up shortly. Take care of yourself and our beloved, Tanjiro. The three of us will meet again in our next life."
The Hashira pressed his forehead against his subordinate's then straightened up, affectionately ruffling his burgundy hair with a broad smile. His silhouette vanished as mysteriously as it had appeared, but the warmth he emanated lingered long after his departure.
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Tanjiro gradually regained consciousness. He was alive, albeit severely wounded, amidst the debris of Yoshiwara. The rest of his team was surrounding him, bent over him with worried expressions. He was so grateful that nobody had died... But perhaps his greatest reward was your presence close to him.
You wept profusely, cradling him in your arms.
"Tanjiro! I thought you were gone... I was so terrified." You hiccupped loudly, unable to stifle your sobs.
"Thanks Gods, Nezuko managed to burn the poison with her Blood Art. But you're still seriously injured... focus on your wounds to stop the bleeding, okay? The Kakushi will arrive soon. Hang in there and stay with me, Tanjiro. Promise me?"
He stared at you for a few moments, taken aback by your pleas and your tears. They weren’t for your fiancé, but for him. He turned his face slightly, nestling his cheek into your warm hand.
"Always," he whispered, closing his eyelids with a faint smile.
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You were expecting (dark) smut, you got bittersweet relationship development instead. Maybe in next chapter ;)?
Tell me if you want to be tagged for next and last update of this story!
@gyusimp @kimiwotabenakatta-blog
Next chapter: "Closure" (will be released in two days maximum)
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xxsabitoxx · 2 years
What games do you think the Pillars would play (like video games)
Oooooooo I like this one — thank you for the request!
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Hates horror games but will be forced to play them
He prefers cooking games (like cooking mama or papa’s pizzeria lmfao)
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Miss gurl is a grandma I’m sorry lmfao.
She definitely downloads those Facebook ad games and will spend hours fuckin matching colors to free baby pandas
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Man loves anything Mario - Mario party, Mario kart etc
It’s because he wants it “family friendly” so he can play it with Senjuro and the Kamaboko squad
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This man loves GTA — getting prostitutes for free? Yessir.
Man is horny as shit and will literally play this game all day to go to fake ass strip clubs. Like sir you have 3 WIVES WHAT
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Die hard sims fan.
This girl has all 4 games and has them all decked out with mods. Sims 4 is her favorite because of the wicked whims mod she downloaded (idk anything about that wdym-)
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Loves horror games.
He is a fan of older games or games that “look old”. Puppet Combo games are his absolute favorite to play (same bro) sometimes he’ll make Mitsuri or Sanemi sit with him so they get scared lol
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Surprisingly he enjoys a lot of games. Particularly anything he can play live with others so he can cuss them out
So get that man on play station with a working mic and your ear drums will be bleeding by the time you are done playing.
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Roblox and Minecraft lmfaoo
He is spending hours locked in his room playing these two games lol. He’s a lil shit and you can’t change my mind lmao so he is sitting there trolling people for hours
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Animal crossing…but he can’t understand anything they are saying
I’m SORRY LMFAOO I absolutely see him loving this game but he is blind and they DON’T SPEAK-
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papersong · 3 years
The Hashira, Ranked By Spending
Whose unlimited salary is costing Ubuyashiki the most $$$ ? The Most -> The Least Expensive Hashira
Shinobu - Most of her spending is on the Butterfly Estate, from medical supplies to equipment, but as the daughter of a wealthy merchant family, Shinobu's also used to material comforts. Being a workaholic, she likely treats retail therapy/material luxuries as a preferred form of self-care because it wastes less time.
Uzui - Flamboyance is expensive. Uzui's favorite dish is fugu, which can cost up to $200 a meal. Not to mention his jewelry, makeup, skincare, and wardrobe. Being the hashira with the largest family also means paying for larger, more extensive accommodations than the other slayers. Fortunately for Ubuyashiki’s hashira budget, his wives also bring in their own income.
Kyojuro - Food is Kyojuro's largest expenditure. Though Mitsuri might eat more, Kyojuro's spending pulls ahead because he also has a family and estate to maintain. As the Rengoku heir, his generational wealth also results in occasionally extravagance because he has no idea how much things cost. I can see him being talked into paying insane markups by friendly but unsavory merchants. (Consequently, Senjuro likely manages money for their household.)
Mitsuri - Outside of accommodations (I like to think of Mitsuri owning a nice city apartment or condo), food is Mitsuri's largest expenditure. A part of this is how much she eats. Another part is her love for Western-inspired deserts, and the expense of alimentary luxuries like sugar or imported ingredients. As a woman, her wardrobe and clothing might also be a good portion of the budget because women's clothing had more varieties and seasonal variations.
Muichiro - Since he's a child and likely living on the Ubuyashiki estate, Muichiro doesn't personally spend much beside the usual food and toys or curiosities that he comes across on his missions. However, his spending is on the average/upper end because (I would hope) Ubuyashiki pays for private tutors to educate Muichiro while accommodating his potentially unpredictable schedule as the mist hashira.
Gyomei - Gyomei would adhere to a vegetarian diet as a former Pure Land Buddhist monk. Vegetarian diets tend to be less expensive in Japan, where meat is typically high-quality and expensive, but these savings are generally canceled out by the amount Gyomei eats as a highly active, 7 foot tall demon slayer. Another major expense is his donation to temples. I can see Gyomei continuing to support not just Buddhist temples in general, but also his village temple despite the society and clergy ostracizing him.
Sanemi - Since hashira have unlimited salaries, Sanemi has tried to treat himself when he's not on a mission. But old habits die hard, and he continues to be careful with money after a childhood in poverty. As the older sibling, Sanemi sees it as his duty to take care of his remaining family. I imagine he saves the majority of his income while stipulating that Genya will be financially taken care of, should he die. Sanemi works as a demon slayer so Genya can focus on getting an education and building a civilian life.
Giyuu - His family was likely middle or upper middle class, since he lived for a short period with his uncle, who was a doctor. However, Giyuu ran away from home at a young age and joined the demon slayers, so he's likely not very aware of money. Like Sanemi, he has a great deal of savings, but Giyuu's savings come less out of conscious effort and more out of a tendency to self-neglect and therefore spend nothing. Shinobu and Ubuyashiki likely have a hand in keeping Giyuu healthy and alive.
Obanai - His history as the child sacrifice of a robber-cult likely produced an extremely unhealthy relationship with money. His childhood abuse probably made Obanai's disgusted with spending, so he tries to use as little money as possible on himself. Kaburamaru-related costs is his main expenditure. The hashira he's close to/friendly with (Tengen, Mitsuri, Rengoku, Sanemi) try to take him out to eat, and otherwise make sure he's fed/clothed/cared for.
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demonslayedher · 3 years
The Sound Pillar past, I have heard that explore a bit in databook about being ninja.
Also what happened his sibling that still remain.
Also what there react
Combining info from the fanbooks and Chapters 80, 87, and 90 we get the following narrative of Uzui Tengen and his family, as complete as I could fill it in. It's always possible the anime version will expand and give us more, but here's what I've got in chronological format.
Uzui Tengen's father was the leader of their clan, one of a few ninja clans who lived in close community. Ninja were regularly sent on missions, but it is not clear what those missions were. Women and children were also expected to undergo strict training and go on missions, but women were primarily only valued as baby-makers, and it was common for one man to take multiple wives. The wives, at least in the Uzui case, were chosen upon agreements between families. (For more commentary on the unusual and cult-like nature of the Uzui ninja clan, please see this post.) In Chapter 80, Makio recalls how she never used to be afraid of dying because she was so brainwashed to believe her only value as a kunoichi (female ninja) was to put her life on the line in support of the strong male ninja. Tengen is the oldest of nine children. Of note, Fanbook #2 states that he has a mother and father from whom the nine children came, but as multiple wives is the norm in this village and Uzui was 15 when they were forced to fight each other, I think it's reasonable to assume many of them were half-siblings (even if all with one very busy wife, that would make the youngest one only around 7~9 years old or so, by my guess. But, it doesn't seem unreasonable in this clan that an 8-year-old would be expected to take part in this fight.)
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Tengen had his three wives by the time he was 15. Since he is 23 when canon takes place and Hinatsuru (from a ninja clan second in rank to the Uzui clan and who has a good balance of core ninja skills) is 21, Makio (physically a highly capable ninja but her short temper causes her to fail her missions and yes, she is Tengen's cousin, please restrain your knee-jerk reactions and accept the cultural difference and move one) is 20, and Suma is 19 (and yes, Fanbook #2 said she likes both men and women), that means his wives were respectively 13, 12, and 11 when they fled the village. As Suma's younger sister was originally the one being considered as a bride, this means they were willing to marry off girls even younger than that. See this post for more commentary on multiple wives in the Taisho period, and as an added note, the legal age for women to marry in Taisho was 16. The Uzui ninja clan was entirely counter-cultural in the first place, though, so this doesn't apply very directly to them. Furthermore, due to their curse, the Ubuyashiki clan had very usually early expectations for children to wed, and they always run a not officially recognized organization. Otherwise, most of the cast seems to follow more usual Meiji/Taisho family patterns. Of the nine siblings, three of them died before Tengen turned 15, simply due to the lifestyle. When Tengen was 15 (clarified according to Fanbook #1), Tengen's father pit the remaining six siblings against each other so that only the strong would remain. They were all concealing their identities and did not know they were fighting their own siblings. According to Fanbook #2, Tengen killed two of them, and his younger brother (second oldest) killed another two, and Tengen was pissed when he realized what was happening. He couldn't bring himself to kill his remaining brother, though that brother was just like their father when it came to his values that only the strong should survive, and he really didn't care about killing his own flesh and blood. This was when Tengen decided he didn't want to live like this, and he took his wives and fled. For a while (according to Fanbook #2), he often said he should go to hell, but this made Makio angry, it made Hinatsuru cry, and it made Suma bite him so he stopped saying that. He did continue to think that he should eliminate the rest of this evil Uzui clan, but he could never bring himself to kill his father and little brother. (So, fanfic writers, grab your pens, we can assume the Uzui clan is still active.) Anyway, once he was free of that lifestyle where he had to constantly hide his presence, he thoroughly rebelled and embraced the flamboyant.
It's unclear when and how Tengen learning Breathing technique. It's possible there was knowledge of this technique in some form or another among the ninja (though his wives don't seem to display it), and it's also possible he learned from a cultivator. Sound is an off-shoot of Thunder, but it's unclear whether Sound was established before he came along, or if he created this Breath to make extra use of his keen hearing. (What I would give to see Tengen/Kuwajima interactions, preferably arguing about which Breath is superior.) It's unclear how much time passed between fleeing the clan and joining the Demon Slayer Corps. Given his ninja skills, as soon as he found out about the Corps (and perhaps by extension, demons), passing the Final Selection was probably a breeze for him. It was either right after the Final Selection (and therefore still waiting for his uniform), or just as he had made up his mind to join the Corp that he declares his new rule to his wives: their lives are #1 priority. #2 priority is morally upright humans, and #3 is Tengen himself.
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And they're like, "whaaaaaaaat."
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But sure enough they all accept the demon slaying mission, and before long, Tengen and his wives meet Oyakata-sama one fine spring day, I assume upon attaining the rank of Sound Pillar. Oyakata-sama sympathizes with how hard it must had been for Tengen--for all of them--to go against what they were raised to believe, and to fight to protect people in what they've deemed a morally upright course of life. Tengen's like, "this guy gets it" and becomes as big a fanboy as any other Pillar is for Oyakata-sama. It's purely conjecture, but I'm guessing he and Oyakata-sama both were somewhere around age 15~17 at this meeting (again, we don't know how much time has passed since Tengen left the ninja. Due to Kanae and Tengen's shared presence at later flashbacks, he couldn't had been older than 18~19). Tengen goes on to be super popular. The most popular Pillar in the Corp, Taisho Rumor has it. His wives all help on missions too, but there's an agreement that they'll get out and live a happy domestic life once they've bagged an Upper Moon--enough of a contribution to, perhaps, to feel they've atoned for the sins they committed as ninja (or at least, this was how Hinatsuru proposed the idea). Once the arm gets chopped and the eye gets cut, Tengen gains a really good excuse for retiring, but it was just his luck to have declared three Tsuguko within hours of his forced retirement. (Like, I doubt this counts for anything. And if he ever calls them that again his trio of Tsuguko are probably going to be more confused than anybody else.) Anyway, Nezuko brings him back from the brink of poison-induced death and he basically walks home. While still involved in the Corp in training the rank and file members and guarding Kiriya upon his becoming Oyakata-sama (meaning he, like Himejima, was trusted with knowledge in advance about Kagaya's very flamboyant exit plan). After that he truly goes into domestic retirement mode and makes friends with a fellow lop-sided former Pillar, however drab he always thought that person was. He takes enough of a liking to said former Pillar that he brings him along on co-ed hot spring dips and lets him hold his first child. Which of the three wives birthed the first child, we don't know. And then one of his descendants goes on to be a flamboyant gymnast, but still gathers once a year under Ubuyashiki's leadership to perform the Sound Breath forms as a sacred Kagura dance. And we still don't know what became of Tengen's brother. For all we know, modern gymnast Uzui Tenma and his six other siblings regularly avoid explosive attacks on their life from a generations-held promise to eliminate them. PARKOUR---but more flamboyant. (I hope it's obvious that I am being silly here and have no canon basis for this.)
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JJK Woman Appreciation Post II! ⚠️ Spoilers (duh)⚠️
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Shoko Ieiri:
I’m torn between simping for her and begging her to adopt me.
Shoko Ieiri, the ultimate third wheel. She was in the same year as Gojo and Geto, and the three of them became fast friends. Of course, though, Gojo and Geto became even faster friends. The three of them are legit parallels to Nobara/Fushiguro/Itadori in terms of their friendship. She and Utahime also have a good friendship as seen in one of my favorite manga panels. Shoko is extremely special because she can used Reversed Cursed Techniue which allows her to heal people, and based on Volume 0, may be able to REGROW MISSING LIMBS?!
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She’s extremely valuable to the story because of this ability and during the Shibuya Incident Arc, Principal Yaga expresses this importance. She is situated away from everything because if the enemy knew where she was, they would kill her first.
Shoko prefers alcohol over sweets, and stopped smoking for five years before starting again during the Shibuya Incident Arc. Because... yea I’d do the same. She is pretty serious and focuses on getting the job done. She is pretty laid back and chill, and presents a blasé attitude. In high school, she always avoided conflict and after seeing Geto after he, you know k!lled a bunch of people, she mocks him almost. I hope we get to see more of her and her character and that maybe the whole thing of her avoiding conflict gets overcomes. Her and Utahime will be the only adult mentors left in the series really, and I want to see how she would react in that role.
Utahime Lori:
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Yes I do personally Headcanon these two as girlfriends. I honestly love Utahime because of the fact that she’s like the mother hen of a bunch of juvenile children who project their issues on other people.
When first introduced, she’s pretty calm and reserved. She stops the rival school from their battle of petty insults and gets easily irritated... when Gojo came. She has good intuition and when Gojo asks her to investigate the spy at Kyoto, she reminds him that she could be the spy before being insulted for being ‘weak’. We don’t know her cursed technique but obviously it must be pretty strong if she is the opposing teacher to Gojo. And speaking of the annoying idea of weak and strong in the Jujutsu world, Utahime also has a scar on her face. We don’t know where she got it from but she has it.
Momo talks about how a scar on a woman is a disadvantage for a female Jujutsu Sorcerer. I personally think that her lectur might have been influenced by seeing her teacher be put at a disadvantage due to this. We still don’t know too much about her, sadly, but she shows herself to be an entertaining character. Her attempt an a inspirational speech at the begining of the sister school exchange event displays her to be rather awkward when it comes to being comforting. However, it’s been established that the Kyoto school is like a family and that probably wouldn’t be possible without Utahime. Her caring nature is on display when she notices Miwa passed out in a dangerous zone.
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Same thing with Shoko, I’m torn between simping and begging for adoption. Gosh I want Utahime and Shoko to be my moms dkekekek.
The fact that she loves Karaoke and wants Shoko to quit smoking 😭😳💙
Mei Mei
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First thing first: her relationship with her brother will always make me uncomfortable-
Mei Mei is a grade one sorcerer who is on the side of money. Mood. I honestly don’t know her character that well, but she is really chill and has good inuition. She notices Maki’s strength and quickly realizes that Fake!Geto is.. well fake.
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Okay but her cursed technique?? Allowing herself to control or share senses with animals, specifically crows is so cool and so convienet. Like during the Kyoto event, her skill was very useful and same thing during the Shibuya Incident Arc.
Although I don’t remember much about her character, I do know that she is very chill and laid back, but can be caring in her own special way. Well, by caring I mean complimenting Itadori on his skill, which is something that she didn’t have to do but did.
This reminded me that I need to reread the manga, and not just Gojo’s past arc because I miss Riko Amanai and I’m working on a nice post about Star Plasma Vessel Sus stuff, but Mei Mei is also just like... hot 😳.
Yuki Tsukumo:
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She’s so cool, but so suspicious. A lot of people have pointed out that she was insturmental in Geto’s decline by introducing the idea of a world without jujutsu to him. Her Aethstic is cool with the motorcycle and the “what kind of woman is your type” question. I love how she is really cheerful but at the same time badass, two traits I feel like aren’t more commonly coexistent within female characters.
In the last or second to last chapter, she exposed herself to be rather... funny? Like funny in the fact that she’s kind of clueless half the time? Like the facial expressions she makes and how when things goes more downhill than she thought they would, she started to freak out a little.
I do think she is really interesting in the fact that she actively researches way to make the world a better place and protect people from curses in the best way possible. But... she’s still so suspicious.
Fun fact: her surname has the Kanji for 99... she got 99 problems-
Riko Amanai:
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Missing you 😭
She’s probably one of my favorite characters. She was just a teenager who was lonely and for some reason kept on surviving while others didn’t. She was okay with giving up herself to... basically be the vessel, the puppet, to a powerful entity who’s been alive for over a 1000 years. It’s really bittersweet because the way I saw it, she was okay with being the vessel because of the fact that she believed that because she was the vessel, she had to be lonely in her life leading up to the Merge.
Riko has no cursed technique but was responsible for the Jujutsu world as Master Tengen’s vessel. She was spunky, cheerful, and... confused. Riko thought she had everything figured out but after forming close connections with Geto and Gojo and realizing how important Kuro was to her, she realized that she wanted to make more memories and not lose everything.
I’ll talk more about her in my Star Plasma Vessel post 😉.
Tsumiki Fushiguro:
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Omg another one of my favorites because I love characters who are low key plot tools.
Tsumiki is Megumi’s older step sister who took on a very maternal role in his life. Megumi is very protective over her while at the same time very annoyed at what he believed was the hypocrisy of ‘good people’. Tsumiki is shown to be kind, caring, and well... just your normal teenage girl. She threw milk at Megumi after scolding him for getting into another fight. She just wants to see her little bro get the best life he could possibly get.
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Tsumiki only did the test of courage because she ‘was worried’ and I feel like that just says so much about her character. And now? Well now she’s a vessel for some unknown vengeful spirit. And... do all vessels just get their hair pulled back??
And That’s all for now folks! Thanks for reading!
I didn’t edit this at all oh well, some times the first draft is all we have the energy to do-
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dreabbles · 3 years
kimetsu rescue
headcanons for a bondi rescue x kimetsu no yaiba au(-ish), featuring giyushino
both giyuu and shinobu are lifeguards at the country’s most popular beach along with the rest of the hashira (muichiro is a trainee while the rest of the kimetsu cast are volunteer lifesavers)
giyuu was formerly a competitive swimmer and water polo player along with childhood friends, sabito and makomo. he still plays waterpolo on the weekends.
shinobu’s a part-time paramedic whose skills are invaluable especially when it comes to drastic, near-death rescues.
while the program focuses on the rescues completed by the whole team during the summer season, fans quickly noticed the chemistry between giyuu and shinobu.
the pair has since grown interest, especially on social media.
more on giyuu
he’s the most comfortable in the water. during the annual lifeguard challenge, he always takes the lead in the swimming course. (the running course, however, is a whole different story.)
wanted to be a lifeguard after one saved him and his sister from a rip tide when they were younger. he trained under the same lifeguard who’d saved him then, urokodaki sakonji.
has a bachelor in physiotherapy which comes in handy from time to time. 
gets along with mitsuri, kyojuro, and gyomei. doesn’t mind uzui much but thinks he’s unnecessarily loud. occasionally argues with sanemi but they get over things easily. has no idea why obanai doesn’t like him, but it might have something to do with being caught having his hair braided by mitsuri. never gets paired up with muichiro because he isn’t actually a good mentor. lets shinobu tease him; he’s learnt, over time, to ignore most of it.
had once dislocated his elbow while on-duty because he got thrown off the buggy once and landed on a precarious position.
more on shinobu
because she’s tiny, head lifeguard ubuyashiki prefers that she man the tower instead of go out for rescues. she agrees for the most part, but when she’s on patrol, she does manage a few saves as long as they’re not overwhelmingly more than her size.
learnt how to use the jet ski to conduct rescues instead of using the board. she’s the main jet ski driver and would instruct trainees on how to use it.
is more often than not sent on crowd control because she’s charming and she knows how to keep control of the situation. is also sent to deal with comforting lost kids because of her motherly demeanour.
was inspired by her older sister, kanae, to be a lifeguard. kanae is also a lifeguard/paramedic but has been assigned at a different beach with less experienced lifeguards to conduct a year-long training program. younger sister kanao is a trainee lifeguard while aoi is a volunteer lifesaver.
almost a celebrity with how everyone knows her from the program. gets stopped often on the streets for photos.
the scoop on giyuu and shinobu, as told by colleagues
gyomei: “they have excellent teamwork. despite the lack of communication from tomioka’s side, he takes on instruction the best from kocho. we usually send them on patrols together. everything goes smoothly when they’re a team.”
muichiro: “kocho’s a good mentor. she looks after me and tomioka well.”
obanai: “kocho’s fine. the team benefits from her addition. tomioka, on the other hand...don’t even get me started on him.”
sanemi: “...what exactly about them do you want to know?”
kyojuro: “the usually hang out when off-duty as well! i sometimes join them, but most of the time it’s just the two of them. they aren’t dates, though! they’re adamant about that.”
mitsuri: “they’re the cutest! did you know that shinobu would usually poke tomioka? before, he’d just brush her away but since about a year or two ago, maybe, he’s started holding onto her hand to get her to stop instead. it’s really cute! they hold hands under the table when they think nobody’s watching! oh no! i don’t think i should have said that!”
tengen: “i’m pretty sure they fuck.”
rumor has it
giyuu and shinobu are each other’s first kisses.
VERDICT: confirmed. no other explanation needed.
giyuu and shinobu were once found naked in the beach, on top of each other, one summer evening
VERDICT: denied. shinobu admits to having late-night strolls, but not to the frolicking. “there’s too much sand for that sort of thing.”
giyuu and shinobu engage in excessive PDA
VERDICT: denied, especially when on-duty. they jobs are of high importance and they can’t afford to be distracted by each other. they don’t even hold hands in their “hang-outs”. now, people walking into their personal space while they’re doing more than just sitting next to each other is a different thing.
giyuu and shinobu live together.
VERDICT: confirmed. it cuts on individual rental costs. kanao and aoi also live with them.
giyuu and shinobu are an official item.
VERDICT: confirmed and denied. it’s a complicated relationship that even their colleagues don’t understand.
behind the camera
giyuu is very affectionate when it comes to shinobu. crew members have noticed that he’d always bring her coffee in the mornings and would carry her bag for her on their way home (despite her protests).
shinobu deeply cares for giyuu. she’s always there as support for his confessional interview and would sometimes lead him when he gets lost for words. she pokes him when she knows he’s getting restless, to comfort him.
they do get jealous, though instances have been scarce. giyuu’s used to seeing men melt at the sight of shinobu, but there was one instance when she actually entertained a man which made the frown on giyuu’s face grow deeper. he felt better when she later on punched the man. shinobu’s jealousy is more easily detected, but she’s also quick to shoo away the people that make her feel such ugly feelings.
though they don’t go for dates, they do sometimes “hang out” at classy restaurants where they need to dress up. they clean up well.
they get into disagreements at times, and they’d be in a cold war for the most part of the day (though they make sure it won’t affect work) until one of them takes initiative to make amends. shinobu’s style is to latch her pinky onto giyuu’s on their way home. giyuu’s is to leave a note in her locker. they talk about everything when they get home and, when they come in work the following morning, they’re back to normal.
undercover(s) // suggestive scenes
giyuu wear speedos occasionally, partly because he’s used to them, but mostly to tease shinobu. he knows she likes seeing him in them, and it’s obvious to everyone when she tries not to look at his package. (when they’re left to man the tower alone, she does sometimes give in to the temptation of caressing it while watching the ocean. she’s skilled like that.)
she gets back at him by prancing about with nothing but flimsy lace on. (she’d have told aoi and kanao to sleep over at their friends’ for the meantime.) she’s pretty accustomed to seeing giyuu naked--they have different rooms, but she’d sometimes had to wake him up and be greeted by his morning wood saluting her--but giyuu doesn’t have much opportunity to see her bare. she runs away from him each time he tries to touch her.
when they sleep together, they usually do it in giyuu’s room because it somehow excited shinobu more. giyuu doesn’t mind; his trusted stash of contraception is within arm’s reach if they’re in his room. 
they sometimes get adventurous and take suggestions from tengen. giyuu’s favorite experiment so far is the use of whipped cream when shinobu was going down on him. the experience was sensational. shinobu’s was leaving the curtains open for the night.
they like their after-sex cuddling and spooning. they bask in the afterglow of each other and though giyuu is an early riser, he doesn’t mind killing time on the bed, waiting for shinobu to come around. if they have time to spare, they go for a couple more rounds. (though they make it a point not to leave any marks during peak lifeguard season, their colleagues know them to enough to tell when they’d spent a night together thorugh body language alone.)
more headcanons for this au to be added later on
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authorautumnbanks · 3 years
How To Tame A Sorcerer(6)
"Wait here," Gojo instructs. He closes the door before Kagome can get her reply out. The last thing he needs is to explain to Yaga who Kagome is or why he brought an outsider to the school.
Or worse, he thinks. What if she dispels Master Tengen's barrier? It's not a gamble he's willing to risk.
He bangs on Yuji's door and then barges in when Yuji takes a second too long.
"Eh! Gojo-sensei? What's wrong?" Yuji sets the poster of Jennifer Lawrence on the bed. The creases under his eyes open slightly.
Gojo wonders if Sukuna can sense fingers, and if so, then it may make their job of gathering them up easier.
"I've got something for you."
"A souvenir?"
"The best kind there is!" Gojo pulls the finger from his jacket pocket and drops it into Yuji's palm. The creases under Yuji's eyelids open fully. In his opinion, the redness of Sukuna's irises clashes with Yuji's bubbly pink hair. "Try this one!"
Yuji looks down at the pale finger and then back at Gojo's earnest face. "Uh, are you sure that I should have another one today?" He dangles the finger in front of his face. "It doesn't look like the other two." A bead of sweat slides down Yuji's face, disappearing into one of the creases.
"It went through a rebirth," Gojo quips.
"Well, if you think it'll be okay…"
"Kind of on a time crunch Yuji-kun, I'm taking you and Megumi out for breakfast." Gojo pulls out a chair and flops down. He kicks one leg up and over the other. They really do need to get going. The last thing he needs is for Kagome to get impatient and try to find him.
Yuji grimaces as he swallows the finger. Instantly, he claws at his throat as his body hunches over. Words try to escape his lips as his lips turn blue, and the irises of Sukuna's turn white. The little cursed energy Yuji possess fluctuates, dropping dangerously low- almost close to zero, before stabilizing.
"I-I don't think I should go past more than one finger a day." Yuji coughs. His hands tremble, still wrapped around his throat.
"What did you do?" Sukuna's low voice fills the room.
Gojo uncrosses his legs and stands up. Sukuna's eyes are no longer white, but the red is diluted as if something has messed with his chemical makeup.
"Yuji-kun, let's go." He doesn't wait to see if Yuji will follow or not, nor is there any point in responding to Sukuna. He bangs on Megumi's door, which is conveniently right next door to Yuji's. He's just about to kick the door in when it opens.
"Megumi-kun!" he coos, "you're looking slightly less dead on this fine morning."
"Get to the point."
"We're going to breakfast. You should change those bandages. The last thing we need is for the server thinking you've got some concussion."
"I'm not-"
"Fushiguro!" Yuji waves. "Are you ready to go? Oh! Your room is so neat." Yuji gives Megumi a thumbs up.
If looks could kill, Gojo figures he would at the very least have a scratch from the glare Megumi is giving him.
"Come on. Honestly, we're on a time crunch."
"Since when do you care about being on time?" Megumi's tone drips with sarcasm.
"Keep it up and I'll make you pay for everyone."
"Never said I wanted to go. Besides, shouldn't we be having class?"
"We're going on a field trip tomorrow to pick up our third student." Gojo motions for them to follow him. "And it's not like you're up for any studying today with that concussion."
"I don't have a- "
"Whaaaaa? Fushiguro, you have a concussion?"
Gojo laughs to himself, careful to keep the volume down so he can listen to the two boys bicker back and forth. To be honest, he wasn't sure how Yuji or Sukuna would react to the purified finger, and going solely based on Yuji's earlier reaction to the non-purified cursed finger; it seemed to have had some adverse effect on the curse king.
He wonders if it's possible for her to actually destroy cursed objects. Shaking his head as he takes two steps at a time, he concludes that no matter how different her powers are from his, there's no way that she could succeed in destroying a cursed object and he can't.
He is the strongest after all.
"One of you sit up front in the passenger's side, alright." Gojo ignores the questions they want to throw at him, and taps on the driver's window. "Oi, can you take us to Sunsai?"
He rushes over and climbs into the back seat before Yuji gets the chance. It's cramped, but at least it gives him an excuse to scoot closer to Kagome. Fushiguro looks backs at them while Yuji keeps poking his head around his shoulders, trying to get a better look at Kagome.
"Is she another-?"
"Nope," Gojo interjects, "Kagome-chan, the spiky hair one is Megumi and this pink hair boy is Yuji. Boys, this is Kagome-chan. You have her to thank for breakfast."
Yuji sticks his arm out only to be blocked by Gojo. If Gojo notices Kagome's frown, he doesn't comment.
"Are you Gojo-sensei's girlfriend?" Yuji questions.
"Yes!" Gojo turns his body around, blocking Kagome's reaction from Yuji. He leans back on her, muffling her protests. "Gome-chan is just shy."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Megumi quips from the passenger seat.
"Is Satoru really your teacher?" Kagome pushes against his back; he almost topples onto Yuji from the force.
"Unfortunately," Megumi responds and then sighs. "Is he really your boyfriend?"
"That's my girl!" Gojo twists back around and wraps his arms around Kagome's shoulders, and nuzzles his face against her cheek. He marvels at how soft her skin is; it reminds him of the silk sheets. Megumi rolls his eyes in disgust and spends the rest of the ride, scrolling on his phone. Yuji alternates between sneaking glances at him and Kagome and trying to pull Megumi into some conversation about why Jennifer Lawrence is underrated.
Gojo hands the driver a large stack of bills and sends him on his way. The boys went ahead of him and Kagome to get seats. He wishes that Kagome would have gone ahead with the boys; the death stares she giving him sends shivers down his spine.
"Satoru," she calls, her voice is calm, but Gojo knows there's danger lurking. "Was that necessary?"
"Did you have a better plan?" He grabs her hand and leads her towards the restaurant. "At least this way, no one will question why we're always together."
"I suppose, but you could have easily just said that we're friends. Now there's going to be expectations."
"Like boyfriend privileges." Gojo nods his head as he ushers Kagome through the doors. Between Yuji's bright hair and Megumi's spikes, it doesn't take them long to find them in the sea of people.
"Order anything and everything you want, Satoru's paying." Kagome smiles.
"Really!" Yuji exclaims and then starts reciting a long list of sweets he's always wanted to try.
"Wait," Gojo starts, but his words fall on deaf ears as the boys overload the server. He looks at Megumi, there's a spark of glee in his eyes that only makes Gojo want to curl up. "Let's not-a"
"He'll have a decaf to drink, thank you." Kagome gathers their menus and hands it to the server.
"Gome-chan, how could you?" He scoots his chair closer to hers and rests his chin on her shoulder. Mentally, he gives her props for not reacting – though it is just a tad bit frustrating how she can brush him off.
"How can you put up with him?" Megumi crosses his arms.
"I'm not that bad." Gojo frowns when Megumi doesn't agree with him.
"He's not so bad at home. And lots and lots of patience." She slaps his hand away when he tries to switch their respective coffees.
The server wisely doesn't say anything as he places their food and drinks in front of them. Gojo prefers it that way.
"You guys live together?" Yuji asks immediately after stuffing his face with eggs.
"You really are a saint."
"Keep it up, Megumi-kun and you'll paying for your own meal."
"How are classes going?" Kagome interjects.
"I haven't had class yet."
"Yuji-kun just transferred and Megumi-kun is being dramatic as usual." Gojo lifts his head and takes a sip of the decaf black coffee. His face twists up in a grimace. "Fucking disgusting."
"Easy for you to say, your coffee tastes fine."
"We're taking a field trip tomorrow, right sensei?" Yuji cuts in. He looks like a hamster with the amount of food he's stuffing into his face.
"Yep! I've got one more student to add to the roster. It'll be fun." He laughs as he steals some fluffy pancakes from Kagome's plate. As if he was going to go this whole breakfast without something sweet. The boys – well Megumi- take to Kagome faster than he was anticipating. Yuji would probably befriend a rock if he could, but having Megumi on his side would make things a lot easier.
He's not naïve enough to believe that he'll be able to keep Kagome hidden forever.
Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his phone to text Ijichi. There are still a couple more places he and Kagome need to go before tomorrow. For starters, she needs a phone and it would a trip to the grocery store would be the humane thing to do.
"Alright, Ijichi should be here any moment to pick you two up." Gojo stands and places some bills down on the table. "Gome-chan and I have some more errands to run, but I'll be by later the school later." They follow him out to where Ijichi is waiting for him.
It's so hard to believe that he's older than the driver with how sunken in Ijichi's face is.
"It was nice to meet you!" Yuji exclaims as he wraps his arms around Kagome. There's a spike in her powers the moment Yuji touches her. Megumi lowers his phone and looks at Gojo.
Should he step in?
"Oh! Yuji you shocked me!" Kagome laughs as she breaks free from his hug. Yuji looks down at his singed palms. "Don't we have somewhere to be, Satoru?" She moves closer to Gojo, tucking herself into his side.
"We sure do! I'll see you, boys, later, Ijichi try not to kill them on the way to school." Gojo leads him and Kagome in the opposite direction. He turns his head back, meeting Megumi's stare, and shrugs in response.
"Satoru, what the hell was that?"
"I'm not the one that singed Yuji-kun," he quips.
"No, I mean what the hell is inside of him?"
"I'm starting to think you don't listen, Gome-chan." He pouts. "That's the vessel, and it looks like you and Sukuna don't get along. Think you can refrain from abusing my student?"
"It was an accident. That being inside of him was reaching out, and my powers reacted."
"We should stop at a bakery on the way home, my brain is nowhere near stimulated enough to deal with this," he whines.
"You stole my coffee; I don't think you need any more sugar today."
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Oh! Would you look at the time?" He looks at his bare wrist. "We should really hurry up with these errands, so I can get back to school at a decent time."
"I don't even know what we're doing," she mumbles.
"Getting you some more basic things like a phone and food for when I can't always make it back home." He opens the door for her. The inside is so overtly bright, he's happy that he's wearing his blindfold, it helps to dim effects.
"Can you bring me back a textbook?" Kagome asks while deciding between two different smartphones.
"A textbook? Why?"
"Because I need to know what I'm dealing with here." She holds up the phone to his face. " I want this one."
He waves the seller down. "You know, I could personally tutor you."
Kagome pinches the bridge of her nose.
"I'm serious." He pays enters his information into the tablet and swipes his card along the card reader. "It's beneficial to both of us."
"How? Don't you have enough on your plate with your students?" She takes the phone back and puts it in her pocket.
"You need to learn more about this world and I need to learn more about what you can do. It's a win, win."
"Fine. But I still want some textbooks to go over for when you aren't around."
Gojo's reply gets cut short from the vibration of his phone. Tch. It's always Yaga.
"Hellooooo! Gojo the greatest speaking," he chimes into the phone. He sticks his tongue out at Kagome's exasperated expression. "Oh, I'm kind of busy right now. Yeah, yeah, but is it that important? Exactly! I'll stop by later." He hits the end button.
"Just the principal calling, no big deal." He flags down another taxi for them.
"Wouldn't it be faster to just take the train?" She asks, climbing into the backseat.
"The taxi was closer. And would you look at that, now we can go grocery shopping without having to carry everything."
Kagome doesn't stop sighing until they make it back home, and he's on his way out again.
By the time he makes it back to school, the sun is already setting.
"Yo! I hope you weren't waiting long," Gojo calls out to Yaga. Seriously though, did he have to wait at the top of the stairs?
"Running around with your girlfriend is not important, Satoru. Now come." Gojo rolls his eyes from behind his blindfold. If it were anyone else, he'd just turn the other direction and slack off somewhere.
"Building relationships outside of work is essential for work-life balance."
"There is no such thing as work-life balance in our line of work." Yaga leads them to his office. The numerous stuffed animals that litter the floor and desk gives Gojo the creeps.
"Well, what is it?"
"There's been an influx of energy since yesterday. I'm not quite sure what to call it nor do the elders have any idea as to what it can be." Yaga sits down in the chair, his glasses fall slightly. "I need you to investigate it. We don't know if this thing means to cause us harm or not. But with the revival of Sukuna, we can't afford to just let this slide."
Gojo crosses his arms and leans back against the wall, careful to not lean against any of the dolls. "And what exactly am I supposed to do if I find the source?"
"The elders want it dead." Yaga leans back. The chair creaks from the strain. "But you already knew that."
"Alright. So, find the source and just kill it. Got it." Gojo kicks off the wall and heads to the door.
"Wait. I'm not done." Yaga stands up and places his hands on top of the desk. "It's your girlfriend, right."
"Are you accusing me of holding on to something potentially dangerous and masquerading it as my girlfriend?" Gojo turns around and gives Yaga a smile. "Is it really that hard to believe that I would have a girlfriend?"
"Keep her under wraps. Sukuna's revival has everyone on edge."
Gojo tilts his head, assessing the older man. With a big smile, he gives him a thumbs up. "Thanks, Yaga!" He teleports back home to his room and sits on the bed. What he needs is a game plan; her spikes of energy were more powerful than he initially thought. With a sigh, he falls back.
He'll figure it out in the morning.
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anoverflowingsea · 7 years
92 truths tag game
tagged by @oikawaisagenius ♡ thanks naz!!!!!!!!!
LAST… [1] drink: water [2] phone call: nghia lmao [3] text message: amanni [4] song you listened to: gotta be you by 2ne1 [5] time you cried: 2-3 weeks ago
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: yeah [7] been cheated on: nope [8] kissed someone and regretted it: nope [9] lost someone special: yes [10] been depressed: chronically [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: *flashbacks to nightmares of 21st bday*
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] black [13] rose gold [14] dark blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yup fosho [16] fallen out of love: lmao how you gunna call me out like that [17] laughed until you cried: nah but i’ve laughed until i’d almost suffocated b/c i wasn’t getting enough air lol [18] found out someone was talking about you: yeah [19] met someone who changed you: not sure about changed but yes to meeting people that helped me grow [20] found out who your true friends are: yeah, but i mean you’re always discovering more and more the scope of who they are [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: no
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: idk i’m pretty sure everyone tho  [23] do you have any pets: i want a shiba so bad [24] do you want to change your name: nope, it’s one of the only things i have of my culture [25] what did you do for your last birthday: kris amanni and nghia all stayed in a hotel room and hung out and got drunk on everclear LMAOOO [26] what time did you wake up: it really depends but it can be from 6am-4pm [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: reading shoujo manga [28] name something you cannot wait for: TO SEE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE PORTER AGAIN  AND MAYBE SEE HIS WORLDS LIVE SET ONE LAST TIME BEFORE HE MOVES ONTO A NEW PROJECT [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: 2 hours ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my laziness and horrendous time management abilities [31] what are you listening to right now: frank ocean’s blonde and channel orange, khalid’s american teen, cudi’s passion pain and demon slaying, the weeknd’s starboy, future’s two new albums, childish gambino’s because the internet but idk there’s more i need to get to but i keep coming back to these right now but i need to diverge into the other genre’s i have been behind in like i’m so behind in edm and the indie scene and etc etc [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: lmao my boss is named tom, i call him uncle tom (Chú in Viet) tho but he gets butthurt b/c it makes him sound too old so he’s always joking with me telling him to call him “Anh” (which is used for like an older brother or something) and i have to politely tell him no b/c that’s too fucking weird like you’re my friend’s dad LOL [33] something that is getting on your nerves: when i wake up to yelling or when things are not actually a big deal, but i somehow make it end up seeming like it’s a big deal [34] most visited website: tumblr or twitter [35] elementary: prefer not to mention [36] high school: prefer not to mention [37] college: prefer not to mention [38] hair colour: i dyed it a dark black b/c it resonated with me at the time and i really liked it but my hair faded back to its dark brown now [39] long or short hair: it’s the longest it’s ever been but i wanna cut it so bad but i refuse to until i do something for myself that i’m proud of [40] do you have a crush on someone: love doesn’t exist my guy [41] what do you like about yourself? i’m funny and compassionate and my shit’s fire when i actually make good shit
[42] piercings: ear piercings
[43]blood type: my red cross ID says it’s O+???? [44] nickname: i have a lot of miscellaneous one’s but nothing people use consistently  [45] relationship status: single  [46] zodiac sign: gemini sun, cancer moon, virgo rising [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: gintama, haikyuu!!, hunter x hunter, yu yu hakusho, i’m rewatching cardcaptor sakura atm and i forgot how much i love this fucking show, tengen toppa gurren lagann, fmab....honestly there’s just so much anime and too many shows to name in general [49] tattoos: none atm but so many ideas that will come into fruitation [50] right or left handed: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: none [52] piercing: ears [53] best friend: janeta [54] sport: basketball [55] vacation: florida probably [56] pair of trainers: what does this even mean
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing but i just had lo mein and a muffin lol [58] drinking: nothing [59] i’m about to: supposed to be doing hw but i really might just go to sleep [60] listening to: nothing [61] waiting for: nothing [62] want: to get my fucking life together [63] get married: fuck no [64] career: animator
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs--long, big hugs like i don’t really hug people in general but i appreciate those when they come around esp from boys goddamn goddamn [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: it’s honestly not hard to be taller than me lmao [68] older or younger: someone maybe either my age or within 1-2 years older/younger than me [70] nice arms or nice stomach: idc [71] sensitive or loud: in the middle [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? nope [75] drank hard liquor? yes [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? yes i’ve done everything you can possible do wrong with contacts jfc [77] turned someone down: i fucked up and couldn’t turn them down only to turn them down two days later over the phone lol [78] sex on first date? not my cup of tea [79] broken someone’s heart? yeah... [80] had your own heart broken? yeah [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? yeah [83] fallen for a friend: yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? yeah somewhere deep within me [85] miracles? yes [86] love at first sight? no [87] santa claus? no [89] angels? yeah
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: amanni, gaby, kris, nghia [91] eye colour: brown [92] favourite movie: there’s too many i can’t choose
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