#I posted a few of my height headcanons like last year and then chickened out lol
roszabell · 1 year
My Heights HCs
And it definitely changes and height is kind of subjective, i just like numbers that I can see and compare
England - 5’6
France - 5’7
Scotland - 6’1
Canada - 6’2 (slouches)
America - 6’0
Mexico (F) - 5’6
Prussia - 5’8 (all legs)
Hungary - 5’9
Austria - 5’7
Liech - 5’3
Switzerland - 5’5
Poland - 5’3
Lithuania - 5’10
(More + Nyotalia under the cut)
Estonia - 5’8
Latvia - 5’4
Spain - 5’9
China - 5’4
Japan - 5’6
Mongolia - 5’11
Russia - 6’4
Ukraine - 5’9
Belarus 5’7
Romania - 5’9
Bulgaria - 5’7
Netherlands - 6’4
Belgium and Luxembourg - 5’7
Sweden - 6’5
Finland - 5’4
Denmark - 5’10
Norway - 5’9
Iceland - 5’7
Vene - 5’6
Romano - 5’5
Seychelles - 5’4 (all legs)
Australia - 5’11
New Zealand - 5’7
Turkey - 6’1
Greece - 6’3 (slouches)
(this is j the ones I care about I’m sorry, I don’t rly have solid opinions on the others)
Canada - 5’0
America - 5’6
France - 5’4
Prussia - 5’7
Lithuania - 5’8
Poland 5’3
Romano - 5’2
Ukraine - 6’3
Russia - 5’10
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kicacris · 5 years
do you ever wonder if cree had never turned evil, she would have enter the TND and maybe the AND
Long time ago, when I was still in my 15s and the show was barely starting in CN, I used to believe Cree was another secret undercover teen operative working for KND and I was CONSTANTLY waiting for the reveal to eventually happen (pretty much what I also expected with Chad) but after the show ended and Chad was the only one who got proven to be good all along, I was 100% convinced she was really in the enemy side and I learned to accept it and EMBRACE IT.
You see, part of what makes Cree’s this cool character we all love it’s her personal vendetta against KND. If you take that element out of her character design, she would probably be just a normal teen-older-sister figure who has been somehow secretly protecting Abby/Sector V in the sidelines all this time and, although I admit that would have been pretty awesome to discover, I totally prefer the case not to be because I think a redemption arc for her would be way much more awesome to watch.
But please allow me to go into full Numbuh 101 mode for a second and ramble a bit with another of my “KicaCris-analyses-the-KND-canon-universe!” very long posts:
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To me, Cree is the “Jasper” (Steven Universe) of the Kids-Next-Door, the villain who will figure out later her mistakes and rise again as a redeemed heroine. 
Story-wise, I think the writers needed to show us the both sides of the aftermath of KND operatives turning 13 yrs old: the kids who accept decommission and grow up honorably (Maurice) and the kids who (for some reason) decide to rebel and betray KND upon becoming teenagers (Cree).
Now I don’t think Cree betrayed KND just because “she’s now a teen and suddenly her brain/hormones decided to turn her evil” and all that yada-yada, hell no. Cree was A LOT like Abby when she was a kid (proven in the flashback of Op MAURICE), she was Sector V’s leader, super smart, brave and responsible. 
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SOMETHING must have happened after Maurice left Sector V that somehow made her HATE with raging passion the Kids-Next-Door. What was it? We don’t know it yet, but we can pin-point WHEN it probably happened.
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Canon-wise, it seemed to have happened after Nigel’s graduation from the Cadets-Next-Door Academy and during what I presume was Chad’s first years as a global command operative (Op TREATY flashback). The flashback definitely happens after the whole chicken-pox thing, as we can notice Abby is already wearing Cree’s red cap and Numbuhs 8A and 8B have been cured and still part of the team:
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Funny enough Chad seems to have gone thru one heck of a growth spurt after Maurice left Sector V. Notice how he was a small boy scout in Op Maurice flashback and how he suddenly is towering Nigel in Op TREATY flashback: 
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(Bonus: he’s even taller in the present day)
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Sorry I got distracted-what was I saying?
Ah yeah, the timeline! So, as I was saying, Cree was still Sector V’s leader when Nigel graduated from the Cadets-Next-Door academy and Chad was already a global command operative. 
And then we have Kuki’s graduation flashback:
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As far as I know canon-wise, Kuki is the youngest and last member to join Sector V and notice how by this moment in time, Numbuh 100 is STILL the Supreme Leader, Chad is a global command operative and yes Rachel is also pictured in here wearing her old uniform, but none of the old or current members of Sector V appear.
I’m not sure if there is an established limited number of operatives per KND team sector but, but either Sector V had like 8 members by the time Kuki joined in or Cree and the twins were already gone by then.
Anyway, my point is whatever triggered Cree to betray KND probably happened around this moment, either before or after Numbuh 100 got decommissioned. 
But alas, we never learned what caused her to rebel…just another of the many unresolved stories in the show…*sigh
I don’t want to spoil much my headcanon, ‘cause you’ll see what is my version of what probably lead Cree to rebel in my story, but all I can say is that SOMETHING must have rubbed her the wrong way with KND right before hitting 13 years old that triggered to start a personal war against the organization (plus, recruiting decommissioned high-ranked-beloved ex KND operatives to be part of her Teen Ninjas forces seems pretty ill-intended so her desire for revenge is really intense!)
What really confuses (and fascinates me the most too) is that A LOT OF TIME seemed to have passed between Maurice leaving Sector V and Kuki’s addition. In Operation: E.N.D., it is stated that Numbuh 274 was the leader for 5 years, but this is later contradicted in Operation: M.A.U.R.I.C.E., as the flashback shows that three years before the present time Numbuh 100 was still the Supreme Leader. (This is a very intriguing mistake because clearly, the writers didn’t have Numbuh 100 in mind when Operation END was written. Numbuh 100 seemed to have been created in the production of the two last seasons and he must have had a purpose story-wise because why would you suddenly throw another Supreme Leader before Chad and Rachel’s time to the story???)
The growth spur Maurice, Chad and Rachel go thru the show is very noticeable and it’s probably the best indicator of how much time has passed if you compared them to how all members of Sector V remain physically the same throughout the show.  
These three, (and Cree too) are the only characters who seem to go thru this expected puberty effect during the show either because they turn 13 or are close to reaching puberty as in Rachel’s case, while Numbuh 1-5 are all barely hitting 10-11 years canonically (Kuki reaching 10 years old in the show is my only reference).  
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Let’s check some facts first: Chad is canonically a few months older than Maurice and at least a year older than Rachel, BUT Chad probably had a late growth spur as he clearly looks shorter than Maurice during the chicken-pox crisis. 
Let’s look at Maurice growth spur first: he clearly grows A LOT in the 3 year gap between the flashback and the time of his decommission. He now towers Abby but is still a bit shorter than Cree, who is 16 years old in the show (that means she’s 3 years older than Maurice and Chad wow). 
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He’s also almost the same height as Stacey:
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But THEN in Op PARTY he seems to have grown even more and is now Cree’ same height:
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Let’s check Rachel:
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She was already taller than Fanny before becoming a global command operative.
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And grows slightly taller than Nigel in Op ZERO.
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She keeps growing taller as the show progresses. Look how far she has grown by the time op TREATY happens! She reaches Steve a bit under his shoulders and he’s taller than Cree! It’s very subtle but it’s still noticeable. I’m pretty sure she’s way taller than Abby by the time she passes to her the Supreme Leadership.
And Chad, boy he grows a lot throughout the show! Remember how Stacey was the same height as Maurice at first? Well look again in Op PARTY, Chad is now taller than her!
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And in this other shot during the first teen attack during operation TREATY? He’s almost as tall as Cree! 
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I’m going to use Numbuh Infinity as my height reference but look how much he’s taller compared to him and Nigel (and Infinity is a tall alien kid mind you).
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I’m guessing by the end of the show Chad is almost just as tall as Maurice. Too bad we never saw them side by side in the show, it would have been interesting to see who is the tallest between the two but my headcanon is that Mo is slightly taller. 
Ok I got too carried away with this answer lmao, sorry guys! XD I’m gonna leave it here, thank you for coming to my TED talk about “Growth spur in KND”,  bye!
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atasteforsuicidal · 6 years
tagged by @maaaattheeeeew bc they’re a gem!
nicknames: i meeeean, technically kitty is a nickname, since it’s a diminutive of my saint’s name (catherine), but i’ve been going by it since my confirmation over a decade ago, so, it’s more weird when people call me my birth name. but yes, okay, fine, kitty, but, really, more and more over the past few years, i’ve been going by kit. a lot of family calls me kay, and occasionally my mum still calls me kayzee. 
zodiac sign: gemini-cancer cusp, and i do find that i have a lot of cancer traits, even though i’m born on the first day of the cusp and closer to the gemini side.
height: ummmm. 5′7? ish? idk, that’s what i always say, but i might be off.
time: 11:54pm
favorite band: listen, this is a way more difficult question than it should be because i have been primarily listening to music from my childhood and adolescent years for the past... like, year, or more, with added musical soundtracks and semi-recent country. but, i guess, deep down, the answer to this is still green day, even though for a few years there recently it was obviously 5 seconds of summer.
song most likely playing in my head right now: recently? i keep getting the irish rovers’ version of i’ll tell me ma/belle of belfast stuck in my head.
last movie I saw: venom
last thing I googled: ...saint catherine, because i can never damn well remember if it’s with a c or a k
other blogs:
@songwithoutareason, my rp blog, which doesn’t get a whole lot of use anymore since i don’t rp much nowadays.
@akdescendantsverse, a friend’s and my shared blog about our descendants universe/headcanons. blanket warning for dark and mature themes. on that note, the vast majority of the recent posts are all credited to my friend a, bc i am the slackiest slacker to ever slack.
@pretendthebulletisntthere, which is basically my ‘private’ blog, except that i don’t mind people following it. very few people do, but i had reached a point where i needed a place to post things without the risk of triggering my friends, so i created that so that people could choose if they wanted access or not.
@letmebe-crystalqueer, which is just a mish-mash of resources (esp. for tarot and crystal healing), #relatablewitchcontent, and the odd post about my own readings/spellwork/supplies/altar/etc.
i have some other blogs still kicking around, but these are the only ones that get use nowadays.
do I get asks: not often. every once in a while, a friend will drop me a line, usually on the rp blog with something that reminded them of a char or plot or game, or sometimes someone will be so kind as to reply to a questions i’ve stuck in a tag on a post. stuff like that.
how did I choose my url: i mean, tbf, my url has changed many, many times, but this one has stuck around for... i don’t even know how long. a few years now, i think? anyway, i was in a not-great place, and i wanted something that alluded to that. it’s from st. jimmy, by green day, bc the american idiot album was hugely formative for me, and will always be one of my main go-tos when i’m not doing well. the full line is: i’m the patron saint of the denial, with an angel face and a taste for suicidal.
how many blogs am I following: 391, though i’m sure a lot of them are inactive
average amount of sleep: i don’t know, man. never Enough, that’s the average. i guess if i had to put it to a range, it’d be 3-6 hours a day? but sometimes less, and sometimes more, and often i spend a lot longer than that laying in bed trying to fall the fuck asleep.
what am I wearing: errrrr. listen, i just got home from work and promptly derobed bc i forgot this question was on here, so, my bra, socks, and underwear, and a pair of blue booty shorts. plus my glasses and a necklace with my crucifix and pentacle charms on it.
dream job: i don’t know anymore, and i’ve been having a months-long crisis over it, don’t talk to me about this right now. all i know is that it’s please god anything besides what i’m doing right now/not customer service. i mean, i’ll always keep coming back to the social work and legal industries when i think on it for long enough, but i just don’t know what i want to do in that area anymore.
dream trip: ohh, this one is tough, since i’ve already done paris with a very dear friend. ireland, i suppose? or new york, maybe. i dunno. or maybe just home, but without 50000 obligations to meet while i’m there.
favorite food: i don’t really have one, there are too many top contenders: lasagne; fresh, pan-fried haddock with lemon juice squeezed on top; a donair with no veggies; chocolate, in most varieties; penne and chicken in rosé sauce; my parents’ chicken noodle soup and corn chowder...
what instruments do you play: none, anymore, but i used to know how to play the flute and the recorder pretty well, and i had started to learn guitar.
eye color: blue, but sometimes a little blue-green
hair color: right now? dark blue (indigo, according to the box).
languages: english and french, like a good little quarter-french canadian
most iconic song: what does that even mean? “most iconic”? not most formative, or favourite, or that song you always jam to. like... i dunno, man. a song that i’d lose my shit over hearing? in that case: barrett’s privateers, i guess. one of my life dreams is to sing it with the other people in a crowded pub in downtown halifax.
tag 20 peeps: man, i don’t even know if i have 20 mutuals i still talk to, because i have lowkey shut everyone out over the course of the last two years. so, uh, i dunno, blanket tagging for anyone who wants to do it.
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anxieybananafana · 7 years
I've never done one of these before, but here it goes. I was tagged by @andykangs I hope it's okay that I used all your questions I honestly couldn't think of anything else and to be absolutely honest ... At first I thought these were the questions we all had to answer meaning I thought they were set questions, and now I'm too lazy to think of new ones with new answers rules: answer 30 questions and tag a few blogs you would like to get to know better. nickname(s): Mitrui (I know ,it's weird ,one of my friends used to call me that) gender: female sign: Scorpio height: I don't really know how much that'd be in feet and inches but 163 cms time: 19:31 fave band(s): every 'favorite' of me constantly changes but currently either Green Day or Royal Blood fave solo artist(s): Hayley Kiyoko song stuck in my head: Um this is awkward actually I've recently started watching Vine videos on YouTube and you know that one with the kid drinking mouth wash? And the song shots shots shots playing? Yeah that's stuck in my head... last movie saw: Black Panther and I know I have no right cause I'm not black but I LOVED IT last show i watched: I'm glad you asked, there's this show in Iran which comes out on DVD every Monday (Yes I have to buy it today) and my grandmother loves it, it's a tad bit political (as political as shows in Iran can be) and there are these two girls Shahrzad and Shirin whom I headcanon as wlw (I think Shahrzad is a lesbian and Shirin bisexual) and it goes without saying that it'll never happen but I like it (btw the show's called Shahrzad) when did i create my blog: no idea what do i post: LGBT stuff mostly ,although this was intended to be a fandom account last thing i googled: despicable me meme do i have any other blogs: yep, don't know if it's any good though @whenocdd and I have this constant fear that it's somehow problematic do i get asks?: nope never lmao why did i chose my url: I love my bisexual bae Clarke following: 270 I think followed by: 10? 11? I don't really know average hours of sleep: what I like :11 what I get usually: 6-7 lucky number: 7? I guess instruments: Classic guitar but once I convince my parents to get me an electric guitar and actually learn to play it it's over for everyone (Idk why for some reason I couldn't get myself to say the word) what am i wearing: pjs dream job: I wanna be a mathematician dream trip: uh yes, going any country which isn't homophobic and going to pride and kissing a cute girl fave food: pasta without the chicken cause I'm vegetarian!!! nationality: Iranian fave song: Idk I guess Figure it out by Royal Blood last book i read: Diary Of a Wimpy kid (I LOVE those books) top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: 1- The Hundred universe 2-DC shows universe (yes it's all because of Supercorp) 3-Twelve year old me would say Harry Potter so here's to making her happy i tag: @mino-lingual @galacticfallout @spicysapphicmango @x-i-a-t Anyways that's that, I'd better go study Physics
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Really Long Character Survey
Rules: Repost, don’t reblog. Tag 10! Good luck!
Tagged by @themisfitmouse
Tagging: @genius-vondrake, @amadeus-aerinstat, @alphagearloose, @unclescrooge, @askflintheartglomgold, @thesmallestarchitect, @tempest-loupnoir, @the-queen-needs-us ...I can’t really think of two more people to tag who haven’t already been tagged by somebody else.
((Hoooo boy there's gonna be so many headcanons in this.))
FULL  NAME : Gyro Percival Gearloose
AGE : 28
BIRTHDAY : September 18th
ETHNIC  GROUP : Uh... chicken? I guess I kinda headcanon that he's got some Italian in him, but other than that, idek man.
LANGUAGE / S : English (possibly others, but that's woefully all the mun is fluent in)
CLASS : Uh... upper-middle, I guess? I mean, he's gotta afford all those parts somehow.
HOME  TOWN / AREA : Duckburg, Calisota
CURRENT  HOME : A workshop/barn on the south side of Duckburg, near the river
PROFESSION : Inventor/Repairman
HAIR : It has never been consistent. Like... in DuckTales and the related comics, it's orange. In some of the old comics, it's light brown. In the Italian comics, it's bright blonde. I just... I have no idea, my dudes. Gyro's addicted to hair dye or something.
EYES : Blue
NOSE : He's a bird. He has a beak.
FACE : Uh... round? Covered in feathers?
LIPS : Again, he is a bird.
COMPLEXION : Pristine white feathers.
BLEMISHES : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SCARS : He's got a good few nicks on his hands, and probably a couple of other random scars from miscellaneous lab accidents, but nothing major. Plus, it's not as if you could see most of them anyway.
TATTOOS : None. 
HEIGHT : 5'5"
WEIGHT : Uh... I dunno, probably around 130-140? Gotta take into account that his bones are probably hollow.
BUILD : It varies. In some comics he's kind of plump, and in others, he's like a scarecrow. I'm gonna tentatively put him at athletic, with a little bit of a paunch? 
FEATURES : Big blue eyes, (usually) bright orange hair, slightly curved beak, glasses.
ALLERGIES : Blueberries, but he doesn't bring it up unless he has to.
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : He basically just rolls out of bed and runs his fingers through it a couple times.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK : Lost in thought
USUAL  CLOTHING : Hat (with chin strap), button up shirt (usually pink, red, blue, or yellow), open black vest, jeans or khakis, work boots.
FEAR / S : Failure, mostly.
ASPIRATION / S : He wants to discover as much as he can, for discovery's sake. To do things before believed to be impossible just to say he did.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Generally cheerful, independent thinker, kind, clever, creative
NEGATIVE  TRAITS : Easily frustrated, bottles his feelings until he explodes, tends to run from his problems, occasionally forgets to take care of himself
MBTI : ENFP, but only just barely (x)
ZODIAC : Virgo
TEMPERAMENT : Sanguine (x)
SOUL  TYPE / S : Creator (no surprise there), followed closely by Educator and Helper (x)
ANIMALS : Apparently he's a Zebra (x), which is not necessarily something I would have chosen but I guess it fits? (x)
VICE  HABIT / S : Can be kind of lazy sometimes, major sweet tooth
FAITH : "The Powers that Be"
GHOSTS ? : Skeptical, but willing to be convinced
AFTERLIFE ? : Who knows?
REINCARNATION ? : He wouldn't discredit it.
POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT : He doesn't really bother himself with politics.
SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : Everyone deserves to be treated with basic decency. Beyond that, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
EDUCATION  LEVEL : I'm gonna go ahead and say he's got a Master's in engineering, and then a bunch of random courses he thought would be interesting but don't actually add up to any kind of extra degree.
FATHER : Fulton Gearloose
MOTHER : ??? Gearloose (Until I find a canon name, I've called her Tallulah)
SIBLINGS : It's implied he has at least one sibling, since he's got a nephew in some of the comics, but I don't think they've ever actually been seen
EXTENDED  FAMILY : Ratchet Gearloose (Grandfather), Copernicus Gearloose (Great-grandfather), Descartes Gearloose (Great-uncle), Newton Gearloose (Nephew)
NAME  MEANING / S : Gyro, as in gyroscope or gyrosphere. Gearloose, as in a literal loose gear.
HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? : His great-grandfather assisted a gentleman thief in the 1920s. Long standing family ties to Scrooge McDuck. Gyro himself is a knight of the kingdom of Quackalot thanks to time travel shenanigans.
BOOK : Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
MOVIE : Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
5  SONGS : 
Why Does the Sun Shine? by They Might Be Giants 
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds by The Beatles
Poison by Alice Cooper (kind of a guilty pleasure)
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
DEITY : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
HOLIDAY : New Years
MONTH : I don't think he really has a favorite month.
SEASON : Spring
PLACE : His workshop
WEATHER : Partly cloudy, 68F, low humidity, light breeze
SOUND : Clocks ticking, birds singing, keyboard clatter, that wobbly sound that laminated paper makes
SCENT / S : Freshly cut grass, sunscreen, baked goods
TASTE / S : Fresh fruit, anything sweet
FEEL / S : The weight of a wrench or a hammer, the texture of blueprint paper, working outdoors in the sunshine (or by a window), laying in a hammock
ANIMAL / S : Dogs, bees, butterflies, songbirds
COLOUR : Orange
TALENTS : Not sure if you'd really call it a talent, but he's canonically ambidextrous. 
BAD  AT : Cooking, singing
TURN  ONS : Not getting into that here.
TURN  OFFS : Not getting into this either.
HOBBIES : Baseball, soccer, fishing, bug catching
TROPES : Cloudcuckoolander, Gadgeteer Genius, Mr. Fixit, Identical Grandson,  and probably a whole lot more that I can't be bothered to keep looking for.
AESTHETIC  TAGS : Tools, metalworking, robotics, clockwork, spring and summer landscapes, baseball, soccer, orange, circuitry, beaches, Arthurian legends, medieval weaponry, castles, old sci-fi, space, cyberpunk, steampunk, science labs, dragons
MAIN  FC / S : Rick Moranis
ALT  FC / S : Don't have one
OLDER  FC / S : ...Older Rick Moranis?
YOUNGER  FC / S : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
VOICE  CLAIM / S : Well, his last voice actor was Chris Edgerly in the remastered game, but I don't think it's been confirmed yet who his new VA will be.
GENDERBENT  FC / S : Don't have one
Q1 : If  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?
A1 : I have no idea. It would probably be a campy, 80's style sci-fi though, like Honey I Shrunk The Kids or Weird Science.
Q2 : What  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?          
A2 : Lighthearted, but with a sense of wonder. It would make occasional use of odd instruments.
Q3 : Why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?          
A3 : I had just rediscovered DuckTales and Tumblr RP blogs were starting to become this big thing that everyone did so I just sort of jumped on the bandwagon.
Q4 : What  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?          
A4 : I've always loved nerdy, quirky characters. Being a ginger doesn't hurt either.
Q5 : Describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.          
A5 : He is usually portrayed as having human-like feet, which makes no gotdang sense. The ducks have duck feet. Cats and dogs have paws. Other chickens have chicken feet. BUT LET'S MAKE GYRO A WEIRD MUTANT, MWAHAHAHAHAHA! ...How about no? I'm just... completely disregarding that as canon unless there's an explanation for it. I'll even take a one off, throwaway comment. Otherwise, y'all can fight me.
Q6 : What  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?          
A6 :  A tendency to get way too invested in a project and forget to do things like sleeping or eating a reasonable meal.
Q7 : How  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?          
A7 : He doesn't know I'm there, and I intend to keep it that way for now.
Q8 : What  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?        
A8 : He has had some truly memorable relationships and interactions with other muses throughout my time playing him, and I don't think I could adequately cover all of them in just a little survey post.
Q9 : What  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         
A9 : I've got a playlist of songs that remind me of him that I listen to sometimes. Other than that, I find inspiration for Gyro in some of the weirdest places, like my history textbook the other day, or a particularly scientifically inaccurate episode of Danger Mouse I watched the other day.
Q10 : How  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?         
A10 : About two hours.
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1. what are your pronouns ?
 He/him and they/them.
2. what is your sexuality ?
Oof gay/queer.
3. are you top or bottom or switch ?
Switch, heavily leaning bottom though.
4. are you pre-T or on T ?
I’m on T as of 2019!
5. planning on getting top surgery ?
6. whats your favourite food ?
Steak and kidney pie is one of my favourite things in the world.
7. whats your favourite colour  ?
Blue or purple.
8. whats your height ?
5 foot something, no idea tbh.
9. what are your hobbies and interests ?
Tennis, lots of creative things, writing, scrapbooking, origami, reading.
10. describe your fashion sense
Very gay.
11. whats your shoe size ?
European 37 which is v inconvenient.
12. do you have any pets ? 
One boxer puppy, four chickens.
13. are you a touchy feely person or ?
Yessss so pandemic has been a big oof, literally being able to hug my sister post self-isolation is something I’m excited for. Super touchy feely when drunk too.
14. do you like hugs and cuddles ?
I loveee cuddles, I’m known for good hugs.
15. where do you live ?
Currently I live in Vienna!
16. tall boys or short boys ?
I love tall boys so much
17. do you prefer neck kisses or cheek kisses?
Neck kisses
18. are you single or taken?
Tragically single
19. do you prefer coffee dates or movie dates ?
Coffee dates, although movie dates can be fun and are good distance ones.
20. what colour are your eyes ?
21. what colour is your hair ?
Red at the moment, will be rainbow when I’m back home!
22. what are your favourite bands/artists ?
Stornoway, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Taylor Swift, dodie, cavetown, Orla Gartland, Tessa Violet, Lauren Aquilina, Phoebe Bridgers.
23. what is your favourite show to watch ?
At the moment, its a wild mix of Taskmaster, Phineas and Ferb and Lucifer.
24. what stores do you shop at most ?
Lush and Billa.
25. how would you describe your personality ?
Very enthusiastic and loyal.
🍇 - Does your attraction to men influence your gender? Does your gender influence your attraction?
My gender definitely influences my attraction to men and other genders, my attraction to any gender feels gay because I’m not fully a man.
🔮 - If you want one or more partners, what would you like them to call you? (partner/girlfriend/boyfriend/etc.)
Boyfriend until I pass fully, partner after that, boyfriend is good too though.
🌸 - Do you like the nblm flag? What do the colors remind you of?
Yeah it’s cute!!
🌺 - Do you wish there were more well known -romantic/-sexual orientation terms for non-binary people attracted to men, or do you prefer just the nblm label?
I like nblm, especially because I don’t often out myself as nonbinary, I’m mostly masc anyway.
💎 - How long have you identified as nblm? Has your personal idea of what that means for yourself changed during that time?
For a few years now, I tend to interact with the nblm community on tumblr but I generally call myself gay or queer.
💧 - What’s your favorite thing about being nblm?  
I like the connection I have with gender.
🍏 - Favorite nblm headcanons? (As many as you like!)
ooh i can’t acc think of any!
🍐 - Do you have a ”type”?      
it has been described as “generic white boy”, I like tall skinny boys with short curly dark hair (like to an embarrassing extent, my ex and the last guy I had a thing with were upsettingly similar looking)
🍀 - What is an underrated feature of men? (Can be physical or something they do)  
The stretch they do when you can just see their tummy under their shirt.
🌳 - Free space - tell me about a boy you like! (Can be a friend, crush, squish, partner, whatever :) )
So I’ll describe the boy that anon is definitely going to be expecting but I wanna be vague ish in case I’m ever dim enough to give him my tumblr. He’s very sweet and caring and more passionate than anyone I know. He’s one of those people who is just a good person and I’m always so in awe of how lovely he is.
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