#I personally will respond to any version of my legal name except the common shortened version
adaines-furious-feast · 3 months
Jace Common-ising his own name but letting his students call him whatever they want as long as its not his Elven name is important to me
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antichrist-vevo · 6 years
Im gonna post my WIP of my Arcana OC
Hope y’all like her. I’ve been working really hard. I’m taking a break from working on her to work on some other Arcana ocs I plan on making so look out for those! 
Legal Name - The Viscountess Sofiya Alexandrine Castessier Of Vesuvia 
Any Nicknames - 
Sof - A nickname given to her by her brother. Just a shortened version of Sofiya. Count Lucio once overheard her brother calling her this nickname and adopted it as well. Even after her brother's death, he continued to use it. It didn't bother her, however, as it brought up happy memories of her brother upon hearing it. Allows her friends to use it. 
Sofi - Just a shortened version of Sofiya. Her friends typically use this if they don't use "Sof." Doesn't bother her. 
FiFi - Count Lucio calls her this on occasion. Why? Just to annoy her. It's what he does. She doesn't like it. It sounds like the name of someone's pet dog. She's not a dog, Lucio. Please stop. 
"Ma petit choupette" - A French term of endearment directly translating to "my little cabbage"?? But it's English equivalent is something akin to "Pumpkin." The only place where this nickname is confirmed is in letters and notes from her father to her. She keeps these letters in a jewelry box under her bed. They're some of her most prized possessions. 
Age - 25
Place of Birth - In Vesuvia under the rule of the former Count. (Prior to Count Lucio)
Date of Birth - October 23rd 
Zodiac Sign - Scorpio, though her personality seems very mixed with a Libra's but I don't make the rules, the stars do. 
Family -
- (Deceased) (former) Viscount
Maximilien Valère Castessier
of Vesuvia 
Became the Viscount of Vesuvia after their father's death. Was quite close to Lucio despite being a nicer person. He would often attend Lucio's extravagant parties, dragging Sofiya along to try and help find her a proper suitor. 10/10 wing man. Passed away before Lucio's death. Had contracted the plague around the same time as the Count, however he was not as lucky to last as long. Did not have the constant care the Count had. Passed the title of Viscount to his sister as he was never married and had no children. 
FATHER - (Deceased) (former)  Viscount Jonas Cesaire Castessier of Vesuvia
Was appointed the title of Viscount by the former Count of Vesuvia. (More info will be added later - I just need to organize what I have) 
MOTHER - (Deceased) (Viscountess) Elizaveta (Liza) Mariya Castessier (Maiden; Boytsova)
(Info being reorganized) 
Appearance -
She's pale. Many people have joked about her being a secret vampire. She doesn't really tan either. Rather - she burns, peels, and is still pale. Doesn't really get freckles either. 
She has one scar on her face that cuts down across her right eye. This scar was recieved from a childhood accident, causing her to be blind in her right eye. The blindness affects her in that she gets headaches due to the difference between both her eyes. Will sometimes be seen wearing a silk eyepatch if she gets a headache. She will also wear the eyepatch if it's a formal event - she doesn't like having a visible scar in formal situations (especially if she's in a pretty dress, she thinks it ruins her look.) 
Hair - 
Sofiya's hair is rather long, reaching down to her lower back. It's wavy in texture and blue-black in color. She typically wears it up and in a hairstyle that can be best described as a smaller "gibson girl" hairstyle - paired with smaller ringlet curls framing her face. She rarely wears her hair down unless she is just lounging around the house. Her linage has seen loose hair as a very intimate thing, which is a common sentiment among women in the past. 
When her hair is down, it's either about to get saucy or she's going to bed/just got out of bed. 
Eyes - 
Her eyes are reddish-brown in color with the right eye being more "fogged" and glassy due to the injury causing her partial blindness. The best way to describe her eyes is "doe-like." They are more round in shape which is a trait carried over from her mother's side. Her brother did not have this feature as well, which made her appear to be the "young fragile sister" trope to a T - yet we know this is not what she was. 
Height - 5'3''
Body type - A curvier form, waist having been corset trained since she was in her early teens - as was the norm for her French heritage. Her father had people hired to assist in her corsetry due to the complications self-corsetry can cause. She has them to thank for her spine not being absolutely destroyed. She can in fact go without a corset. Her bust is not exceptionally large, it's slightly above average at best. (Not ur big tiddy goth gf) She has a booty. It's not a big booty, but there's something there for sure. 
Dislikes - Plague
Romance? - Probably Lucio, but I'm not happy about it. (I also really like the idea of her and Julian. I think it would be a cute dynamic idk she’s multiship do with her what you will) 
What do they smell like? 
Being of a noble family, she owns quite expensive perfumes - some gifts, some purchases. However, despite this, she gravitates toward using essential oils for their scents. Due to her blindness in her right eye, she gets migraines from time to time so to combat them, she uses lemongrass oil as a remedy, which is what she will often smell of. 
What are their four trinkets? 
Her father's nobility medal, an embroidered silk handkerchief that her brother gave to her as a birthday gift, old letters with a monogram wax seal with the initials "J.C." and a silk eyepatch. 
What kind of magic are they good at? 
Despite having a strong aura, she's not that in-tune with magic. Almost as bad as Dr. Devorak when it comes to it. 
What kind of magic are they bad at? 
What tarot card do they connect with the most? 
Minor Arcana - Knight of Pentacles Major Arcana - The Chariot 
What is their favorite color? 
Emerald Green
What were they like as a child?
She was rather quiet as a child, most vibrant when in her brother's company. Since her brother was older than her, she looked up to him for guidance or for comfort when she needed it. As she grew older, she became more independent, but she still came to her brother for guidance in important situations. 
What were their parents like? 
She never knew her mother, but from what she has been told, she is a lot like her. Her father, however, was a very caring one. Toward his children, he was a kind and loving individual. To everyone else, he was of nobility. Due to his status - having gained it through Lucio's predecessor - he was kind, yet guarded. One has to be guarded when they are of noble status (except Lucio apparently), especially when the new Count (Lucio) had no concern about the state of his citizens and lower districts. Being under Lucio, her father bore the repercussions of Lucio's poor decisions. Wasn't under Lucio for long as he passed away soon after Lucio became Count. 
Do they have any other relatives they are close with? 
Her brother is the only one she was close to. She never knew her other relatives. 
What are they afraid of?
Being truly alone. The return of the plague (how ironic). Storms. 
Mental health issues?
Other than the occasional sadness accompanying grief and mouring, which is perfectly normal, she has no diagnosed mental health issues. 
Favorite type of weather? 
Clear and crisp. Prefers chillier temperatures. 
What is their favorite season? 
How many languages do they currently speak? 
2 fluently, 2 conversationally. 4 total. 
Do they sing or play any instruments? 
She is classically trained vocally and can play the piano and harpsichord.
After a stressful day how do they relax? 
You will typically find her sitting in the garden of the estate enjoying the fresh air. If it happens to be storming, she will be sitting at her piano busy drowning out the sounds of the storm with music. 
Guilty pleasures?
She enjoys sneaking around off to taverns around Vesuvia. It isn't very ladylike to partake in drinking anything but the occasional champagne or wine, but she will have stronger elixirs on these secret solo pub crawls. Favors whiskeys, spiced rum, cider, or sometimes absinthe. (Mulled wine is also really good in the winter ;D) 
Anything musical, light gardening (tending to pre-gardened flowers is more accurate), attending palace events (masquerades, dinners, etc.), people watching/observation. 
How do they react to (both verbal and physical) conflict? 
Sofiya responds to verbal conflict with diplomacy. She attempts to solve the conflict with as little shouting as possible. Physical conflict, however, can result in her trying to fight for herself and getting injured (this has occured in the past). She had a brother, physical conflict occurs between siblings sometimes, what do you expect? 
What kind of character faults do they have? 
JEALOUS, can be secretive about how she feels, tends to hold grudges and can attempt to "get even" more often than not, can be overly submissive personality-wise around overly dominant personalities.
What's their best trait in their opinion?
Her intuition! She can often read a room well, which helps her socialize with other Vesuvian nobility (and other noble people) and pretty much everyone she's around. 
How do they interact with people in a position of authority? 
Having been taught proper etiquette, she knows exactly how to behave around the Count, Courtiers, and other Vesuvian nobility. Being a noble herself (she IS the position of authority), she doesn't always HAVE to be respectful, however she definitely tries to be. 
How do they interact with kids? 
She ADORES children. She'll show off her finery and tell stories of her journeys and other noble people she has met in her past (although they may/will be embellished for entertainment purposes). Will DEFINITELY play dress up. 
What do they think the meaning of life is? 
To be truly happy. 
What do they want to do before they die? 
She would love to see Vesuvia restored to it's former glory. 
How do they express affection? 
When she is following proper etiquette, it is quite reserved. However, as a passionate (and jealous) person, she craves open displays of affection. She finds it validating. 
Do they like spicy food?  
No, she has the taste buds of someone who has been locked in a closet for centuries with only saltine crackers to eat. Good thing she's rich because rich people don't have taste buds. (Rich people food sucks? bye) (She prefers savory foods.) 
Favorite fruit or vegetable? 
Do they like sweets? 
She loves sweets!! 
What food would they refuse to eat? 
Caviar? Squid? Yikes gross with a capital G. How to rich people do it? Eck. 
Is there anything they eat that most people would find unappealing? 
Brussels sprouts? Turnips? Things like that? Had a Russian mother. Good girl. Eat vegetable. 
When going on the road, what food could they not live without? 
Pomegranate tartelettes? Heyoo 
What meal gives they a sense of nostalgia? 
Gratin de pommes a la dauphinoise (basically au gratin poratoes.) Her father wasn't one to cook often as they had a small kitchen staff in their estate to do it for them. However, once in a while he would make gratin dauphinois as it was his children's favorite dish. It would be a side to whatever the kitchen staff decided to pair with it. Nobody has been able to make it for her the same way her father did. 
Someone just threatened them what do they do? 
Threaten them right back. Or alert the proper authorities, but usually the former over the latter. 
What's the worst thing someone has said to them? 
There have been countless times where Lucio has said some offhanded comment to her (as that's just how he is), but the worst had to have been after her brother died of the plague. He told her that she shouldn't be grieving for so long and that "crying over it wasn't going to bring him back." Surprisingly that was the first and only time she has ever punched Lucio in the face. He deserved it. (also may or may not have apologised he won’t admit it) 
What is the strangest thing they've ever come across? 
Being sheltered by nobility, the strangest things are seen when she sneaks away from the estate. The streets of Vesuvia hold some bizarre characters at night. The people in the taverns are also quite strange. 
What/who do they find disgusting? 
Not exactly the people themselves, but the actions and behaviors of some of Lucio's Courtiers and Lucio himself are disgusting in her opinion. She was raised to believe nobility should have dignity or at the very least, basic manners. She is civil with most and friends with some, however she wishes they were more well-behaved. 
What upsets them the most? 
The state of Vesuvia's lower districts. The potential return of the plague - rumored by the reappearance of the red beetles. 
What mythological figure would they be? 
Erato or Euterpe. Both being one of the nine Greek muses. Erato is the muse of love poetry and Euterpe is the muse of music.
This is a few character templates mashed together (one of which is one I made a long time ago). Honestly, feel free to use if you want to. I do not need credit as one of the templates used was not created by me. I don’t know the creator. 
This is also really long I’m sorry. If she’s no good, whoops I’m sorry. I’m actually kind of proud of what I’ve been able to develop (with the small amount of past Vesuvian lore :/) 
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