#I only ever have popcorn left in my cupboards this time of year
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doonthestair · 1 year ago
We have entered the what I call the Peek. Not Peak, that would imply we’ve reached success. No, Peek is short for P-week. It’s the final week we have on campus until everybody leaves for 2-3 weeks as part of a program. Nobody wants to buy groceries right now. No one wants to leave the house at all, as it’s our final week of midterms and we’re up to our necks in assignments. We’re running off of what we have in our cabinets already as we strain our eyes over notes. The P stands for popcorn, projects, and pretending I have any clue as to what the fuck it is I’m doing. Happy Peek. 
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aanoia · 1 year ago
can I request a Remus Lupin imagine to Lover by Taylor Swift
happy to oblige, hope you love it!
Remus Lupin x reader words; 1,428 song; Lover by T Swizzle warnings; none i dont think my masterlist hehehe he's so cute i'm gonna be so fr with y'all, writing is the only thing keeping me from having a big mental breakdown so smiles :) if you love a song, the marauders, and my writing, request a song fic and your wish shall be my command. ENJOYYY
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We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
And this is our place, we make the rules
“It’s closer to Easter than it is Christmas, why is your tree still up?” Lily asked, eyeing our cat who was playing with the bells hanging on the lower branches of the Christmas tree.
“Because Christmas is superior and deserves recognition all year.” I explained, glancing at my boyfriend who laughed with his friends. “And it makes Remus happy.”
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear
Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
“Oh, and I got you multiple candles because I know how much anxiety you get burning candles because you don’t wanna “waste” them, so I bought like, five so you didn't have to worry about that.” Remus said as he unpacked the grocery sack, pulling out the assortment of candles he bought.
I looked at Remus with a lovesick smile, “I’ve never told you about that.” I said quietly and he paused to look me in the eye.
“You didn’t have to. I know you.”
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
“Okay, Moony, are you ready to g- what the fuck?” James said as he walked through our apartment door, Sirius and Peter trailing behind him.
“Oh, wow, Moons, looks like you got a leech.” Sirius commented, walking into the kitchen and raiding our cupboards.
“I was ready, but then she attached herself to me and she won’t let go.” Remus explained, rubbing my back softly as I clung onto him.
“You can’t take him.” I mumbled, my voice being muffled by his shirt and James laughed. “I’m serious, I need him.”
“Actually, I’m Sirius.” Sirius said, walking out of the kitchen with a spoon and a jar of peanut butter.
“Fuck you.” 
Sirius scoffed, “Rude.”
“C’mon, love, it’s only for a weekend.” Remus said and I just held on tighter.
“Nope. I’m a crazy obsessive bitch and you can’t go.”
“At least she’s self aware.” Sirius said as he left the house, stealing our peanut butter.
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my
“Sh, you’re okay now.” I soothed gently as Remus panted, the cuts across his body red and angry. I carefully wiped away dirt and blood and bandaged up his words, all the while talking quietly to him to calm his mind. “It’s all done, Rem, you’re okay.” I whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, he closed his eyes and almost instantly let sleep take over. I sighed and walked into the living room. “Rough night?” I asked the three boys and they nodded.
“It’s been getting worse lately.” James said, revealing the large cut on his upper arm.
“Well, everything will be alright. Let’s not worry him.”
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
“Take your shoes off on my damn couch, Sirius Black.” I scolded as I walked out of the kitchen, a bowl of popcorn in my hand.
“My bad, your majesty.” he said and took his shoes off, throwing them at my legs.
“I don’t like you.”
“You love me.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Hello, love.” Remus interrupted, grabbing the popcorn from me and placing a kiss on my cheek.
“Hello, Rem.”
“What are we gonna watch?” Peter asked from his fort on the floor and James stuck his head out of it, opening his mouth and signaling Sirius to throw him a piece.
“Ooo!” I said excitedly, turning to Remus who already knew what I was going to suggest. “Can we watch-”
“Love and Pain and the Whole Damn Thing?” We said in sync and I laughed with a nod.
“We’ve watched literally every time we’ve had a slumber party.” James said with a frown and his wife threw a pillow at him.
“It’s a great movie, James.” Lily scolded.
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
“Six, oo, seven.” I counted quietly and Remus snorted.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Counting, duh.”
“Well, yes, but what are you counting?”
I glanced at Remus, “The amount of people who look at you and do a double take, which obviously means they think you’re cute, which I wouldn’t blame them to be honest.”
“That’s cool. Sucks for them though, yeah?”
Remus paused and grabbed my arm, making me come to a halt. He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “Because I’m all yours.”
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
“Y/n, you are the love that came without warning; you had my heart before I could say no.” Remus recited to his friends.
“That is the cheesiest thing on Earth.” Sirius commented but James hit his arm.
“I think she’ll love it, and that makes it even cheesier.” He said with a nod and Remus smiled gently.
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
“Will you marry me?” Remus asked, finishing his speech that brought wet tears to my eyes.
“Yes, Rem, yes I will. Of course I will.” I whispered and he put the ring on my finger before standing up and throwing his arms around me. He spun me around in the air and set me down to plant a fat kiss on my lips, joy radiating off him.
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
“Do you, Y/n, take this man, Remus, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” The priest asked and I smiled at Remus, wiping a stray tear off his cheek.
“I do.”
“And do you, Remus, take this woman, Y/n, to be your lawfully wedded wife?” 
Remus nodded, “I do.”
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
The priest nodded with a smile, “You may kiss the bride.” Whoops and hollers filled the air as our lips met, the loudest coming from Sirius, James, and Peter who were off to the side. I smiled into the kiss, happy to finally be tied to Remus - which also means his best friends - for the rest of our lives.
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
“Y/n/n-” A small voice said and I looked down to see a five year old Harry pulling gently on my dress.
“Ah, my favorite boy.” I said and bent down to pick him up. “How are you, little man?” 
“I good.” He smiled wide, placing a wet kiss on my cheek and I laughed. “Uncle Remmy said to give you a kiss.”
I looked up at my husband who winked at me with a smile, “How kind of him. Can you go tell him it’s almost time for cake?” I said and Harry nodded as I set him down. He immediately began running to Remus as fast as his little legs would let him, an angry expression on his face with his teeth bared and little growls coming from his throat. 
Remus laughed as Harry whispered in his ear. He stood up and immediately made his way over.
“I assume you did not tell Harry that you wanted to meet me in the bedroom?” He said with a smirk and my eyes widened.
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
“Ah, Paris, the city of love.” I sighed dreamily and Remus laughed.
“You are my city of love.” He said and I furrowed my brows.
“That makes zero sense.”
“Are you sure?”
“It makes sense to me.”
“You’re weird.”
“Are you sure?”
“Extra positive.”
You're my, my, my, my
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
Darling, you're my, my, my, my
I smiled at Remus and looked in his eyes as we laid together on the bed.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered and my smile grew.
“You’re beautifuller.”
“You’re beautifulest.”
“You’re beautifullerest.”
Remus snorted, “That’s definitely not a word.”
I winked, “I’d beg to differ, Mr. Beautifullerest.”
taglist (if u wanna be added comment);
@loving-and-dreaming @1lellykins @poetrypirate
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wizkiddx · 4 years ago
Congratulations on 500 followers!! Could you do nr 2 with Tom please <3
thankyou <33 im very in my feels abt friends to lover atm, so ik this is a completely unoriginal concept but here we are
warning: nothing much- maybe homesickness? (+ the fact tom has poor choice in popcorn )
^^^ sorry I couldn't not put this on here and I will reuse it lots n lots
“Right I got two options annnnddddd there is only one correct answer.” Tom hummed up at you, pulling his tired gaze away from the phone screen and up towards the kitchen where you were standing triumphantly - having just raided his cupboards. From behind your back you whipped out a bag of popcorn in each hand.
“Sweet…. or salty?” Sighing with a small chuckle Tom shook his head at your playfulness. He didn’t know how you did it but you always always made his smile.
“I’m not a psychopath…” You huffed in relief, already turning around to throw the salty back in the cupboard where it belonged. “So salty of course.”
You were trapped in a house with an absolute psychopath.
You scowled at him, for having such poor taste, expecting some sort of argument to start. That wasn’t the case though, instead he just stared at you expectantly.
He must really really be unhappy.
You’d sensed it on set that morning - it wasn’t hard to miss. Not when it was your best friend, who for the past two months you’d been spending at least 6 hours a day with whilst shooting. Even when you were supposed to have a day off, when Tom had some solo shots or vice versa, you’d still come to keep the other company. It didn’t make sense but you both just sort of liked it that way.
This wasn’t your first rodeo working together either. Your first joint project had been almost four years ago, when both of you were barely adults, still figuring everything out. Ever since it had been bumping into each other every so often, always with an easy and effortless relationship.
Your current director had noted your chemistry at an awards show (the man never switched off) and decided in that moment he HAD to cast you together for a project. And a year later, here you both were, shooting in Australia for what was set to be a record breaking new release.
And it had been going great - better than great even. But as soon as Tom had shown up to makeup this morning, you’d known something was up. It was fair to assume it was something from home, maybe even just a bit of homesickness, or perhaps something more severe. Either way, the situation was probably exacerbated by the fact he didn’t have his brother or bestfriend or manager or normal syltist with him right now. Tom was pretty renowned within the industry for always having a massive entourage - which was normally made up with his family and friends. This time though he was going it solo.
Today had been long and you’d had to do press at stupid oclock in the morning last night for your current release - which meant your plan had always been to leave promptly and collapse into bed as soon as physically possible.
But Tom needed your company. So you hadn’t. Instead, you’d somewhat subtly invited yourself to his rented house for a movie night - blaming it on your director wanting you both to study the relationship dynamics in ‘out of sight’ (a J Lo and Clooney romance movie).
“You think you know a person and then they loose all your respect… just like that.” You sigh jokingly, gesturing to the bag of ‘foul’ popcorn your costar seemed to like.
“Well we’ve come to a crossroads.”
“It’s been nice knowing you but this…” you scoffed and dramatically rolled your eyes “… I see no way out.”
“Isn’t it better if we have a bag each? Then I might manage to actually get some before you scoff them all.”
You yelped in protest, though really you were just grateful he was still up for a bit of a laugh. He had been much less jokey the whole day, though was seeming to warm up a bit.
Once you had poured the two bags of popcorn into two separate bowels and prepared the film on TV; you plopped yourself onto Tom’s sofa, so your back was against the corner and your feet were over his lap (it wasn’t weird, just normal for the two of you). Instinctively, Tom lightly grabbed your ankles, repositioning you on his thigh slightly before leaning across the pull the blanket over the both of you. Whilst he smoothed out the crinkles in the fluffy navy fabric you took the opportunity to poke your toe into his side - garnering his attention.
“I take it you don’t wanna talk about it?” After he froze, Tom then nodded jerkily. “But if you change your mind, you know I’m here right?” His demeanour changed at your second statement as his body literally sagged into the cushions, with a grateful if small smile.
He respond by mouthing an ‘I know’ and that was enough for you. Shuffling down the side a bit you pressed play, settling in for the evening. Tom still had a hand resting on your ankles, occasionally rubbing his thumb up and down the bony bit.
Honestly you didn’t really see what your director was going on about when he raved about their on screen chemistry and it seemed that neither did Tom. It wasn’t a scathing commentary that gave it away, instead it was his silence. Which you quickly realised was the he had drifted off, his head lolling a little so he was facing you, palms now completely lax on your legs. It was whilst you were just taking in the sight before you, that a buzzing cut through the otherwise soft noise from the TV - which you had turned down for Tom’s sake.
It wasn’t your phone but you instinctively still reached for it from the coffee table and seeing that the name just read “Harry H” you thought it’d be fine to answer.
“Harry?” You whispered into the receiver, slightly cupping your hand round your mouth just to make sure you weren’t too loud for Tom.
“Harry it’s me”
“Who?” You’d met Harry countless times, though given the fact Tom had been alone all shoot - you shouldn’t of expected the kid to be able to recognise your voice.
“Oh sorry Y/n um Y/n L/n”
“Oh no my fault sorry Y/n. How are you?” The conversation was jilted, you could practically feel the awkward energy radiating all the way from the otherside of the world.
“I’m alright thanks, how about you.”
“Yeh not bad I uhm… I - is my brother there?” Oooh. How to answer that question.
“Um sort of, we er… we were having a movie night and he’s fallen asleep. It’s why I’m whispering like a weirdo.” Harry laughed at that and you continued. “Is everything okay? You need me to wake him?”
“No no, mum just said he was having a rough time so was going to cheer him up with my exquisite sense of humour but if you’ve bored him to death then no need.”
“What can I say I’m just talented. Anyway I should be heading back to mine anyway so um I’ll let you go?”
“Oh yeh no worries, and uhm thanks-um thanks for keeping an eye on him.”
“Someone has to” You chuckled softly back, before bidding a final farewell to Harry.
Having hung up the phone, you leaned over to gently place it back on the coffee table but making a mental note to put it on charge before you left. Your next job was to manoeuvre your legs away from him without disturbing him but before you could even start planning the movement, you noticed his weary eyes blinked over at you. Freezing, your mouth made a little ‘o’ shape as you winced at yourself for disrupting his peace - today really wasn’t the day for that. There was a silence as Tom swallowed thickly, attempting to shake off the heavy lull of rest before he spoke. “Will you stay with me… please.”
Undoubtedly, your body didn’t play it as cool as you wanted it to. Thinking you’d heard him wrong, your chin protruded forward and his eyes widened. “ Sorry not like-not like that just um-just on the sofa… theres-theres spare blankets and I can-“
“-course T, no worries…Oh and um your brother just phoned if you-“
“I know.” He spoke softly and with a nod, but didn’t move at all, apparently no interest in calling his brother back.
With a stammered nod, you stood up, finally removing your legs from his touch in order to nip to the loo. You splashed your face with water, ate some toothpaste ( better than not brushing your teeth at all) before going to collect Tom’s quilt off his bed. By the time you re-entered the living room, Tom hadn’t appeared to have moved at all. The hood of his purple jumped was still up, the blanket still only half covering him, the excess lying cold were you had been sitting. He laughed lightly at you trying to wrangle with the king size duvet and get it in without tripping over yourself or knocking anything over.
“You sure you don’t mind? I’m just being stupid and-“
“Honestly I’m too tired to walk back to mine so this is perfect.”
“You live across the road.”
“Thats like 50 steps too far.” You deadpanned back, as he raised his eyebrows and locked you direct eye contact - which you very stubbornly returned.
The both of you sat like that for a minute, Tom eventually gave up with a sigh as he motioned for you to lie back.
There wasn’t an issue at all with space. A listers rental homes were never lacking in space - the grey sofa was a U shape, with ample space for the both of you to lie down. Each of you took a respective corner, your legs meeting in the middle and gently brushing against each others.
“Thanks for babysitting me today by the way.”
“I wasn-“ You were about to deny it, except one look and Tom saw straight through you.
“Thankyou Y/n/n” Seeing there was no way out of receiving his thanks, you instead opted to just shut him up. Nudging his leg with yours and leaving it touching you murmured you last words of the evening - eyes already closed.
“Fuck off Holland, ‘m tryna sleep.”
~~~~ let me know if you have any feedback or anything (but pls not too mean this isn't proof read so blame that) <33 ~~~~~~
tagging : @thefernandasantana @lovehollandy12 @hallecarey1 @crossyourpeter @hollandfanficlove @msmimimerton @thegirlwiththeimpala
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years ago
Old Friends ~ JJK [Request]
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PAIRING: Jungkook x Reader
GENRE: old friends to lovers, angst (not involving Jungkook) fluffy ending
WARNING: Mentions of knives, life endangerment, blood
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All anyone ever wanted from you was your money, all they ever wanted to do was use you for what you had. It was exhausting constantly having to watch your back for someone who might double-cross you. 
"We'll see you Monday," Your lawyer announced as you began to walk out of your home office with him. They were there to help you with a problem, one of your so-called friends had been stealing money from you and the businesses that you ran. There was a reason never to hire friends to work for you. 
"You look tired, you should get some sleep." Your live-in maid said as she saw you walking towards the staircase of your home. Glancing over at her you smiled weakly, 
"I will. I just need something to eat first." You mumbled before walking down the spiral staircase to see your lawyer out and finally have something to it. You felt as though you hadn't eaten all day. You'd been in and out of business meetings at the office and when you finally got home you were doing the same thing all over again.
Strolling down the corridor toward the kitchen you froze when you saw one of the guest bedroom doors were open. It wouldn't have been Roseanne as she shut and locked every door that she entered.
Slowly pushing it open you frowned seeing the state of the room, clothes were strewn about all over the floor. It looked as if someone had been living in the room without you knowing about it.
As you were about to turn around to find Roseanne someone came out of the bathroom door and you screamed. 
"Shit! Miss Y/L/n," Jungkook, one of the men that worked inside of your house began to blush and apologise over and over again. Jungkook had been working for you for almost 12 years, he'd started working in your family when you were 18 and continued to work with you when the rest of your family had passed. 
"Jungkook. What are you doing?" You questioned as you covered your eyes and began to head for the exit. Though he was covered by a towel you weren't going to stare at him the entire time. 
"I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't have anywhere to go, I thought it would-"
"Just...Just get changed and talk to me outside," You giggled a little at the thought of him stammering over his words around you. The two of you had practically known each other your whole lives. Even when he didn't work for your family his mother and father did. 
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"Here," You pushed some food in front of Jungkook with a mug of hot chocolate and sat down at the table. The two of you hadn't sat down to talk like this in almost five years, it felt weird to you doing it now.
"I needed a place to stay," He told you as he looked at the food, debating whether or not to eat it. 
"You could have told me. I would have given you a better room than the smaller guest bedroom." Jungkook knew that you were kind to him but he never wanted to impose himself upon you, 
"Y/n, I never wanted you to think-"
"That you were using me?" You questioned as you looked up at him. Taking a chip from his plate and giving it to yourself. 
"You know I would never accuse you of something like that Kookie," A blush began to creep up on Jungkook's cheeks as he heard the nickname you used to use for him. It had been too long since he had the name fall from your lips. 
"You haven't called me that in years," He laughed softly as he looked up at you. The first time he'd really looked at you and taken in your appearance for a while.
You'd changed so much from the last time he'd sat down with you like this. You were matured, beautiful but you still had that goofy smile that he loved so much.
"I haven't seen you in years...You're always too busy." You laughed as you sipped on your drink. The two of you had barely seen one another since both of your families passed away.
"I'm too busy? I think the woman who runs multiple businesses and manages an empire is busier than me." He scoffed shaking his head at you,
"I do not manage an empire and they're not my businesses, they were my fathers." You reminded him as you began to play with the cup in front of you. The subject of your father was always a tricky one between the two of you. He'd always hated Jungkook because he knew of your strong feelings toward him and forbade you from ever pursuing them.
"I'm sorry about that...Again," Jungkook whispered as he remembered when your dad had passed away. The man had left everything to you in his will which you hated him for. 
Everything he knew that you didn't want he gave to you. This was never the life you wanted. Always having to watch your back in case someone was going to stab you in it. You'd seen how crazy it had driven your father and it was as if this was all some kind of sick joke to him to make you deal with it.
"It's not your fault he died." You mumbled as you looked up at him. He'd gotten so skinny it was a wonder why you had never noticed it before. You'd wondered why he never tried to come to you for help in the first place.
"You're going to stay in the guest room upstairs," You ordered him as you began to eat casually. Jungkook knew never to disobey you, you always won arguments with him anyway.
"Fine, but you have to take money for rent out of my payments." You shook your head at him. 
"No, because then how are you going to find your own place?" He glared at you playfully throwing a chip at your forehead as you screamed out.
"Hey!" You laughed picking up a chip from your own plate and throwing it back at him, 
"No fair." He chuckled doing it again.
The two of you sat throwing food back and forth at one another until Roseanne came into the kitchen. Laughing to herself when she saw the two of you together for the first time in a long time. 
"Having fun?" She laughed when she saw you both giggling with one another. 
"Too much fun, I'm sorry about the mess. Let me help," You told her as you began to go over to the mess you had left around the kitchen. 
"No, no, both of you should go and wash up and go to sleep. It's late." Smiling at her you and Jungkook began to head up the stairs toward the guest bedrooms and your own. 
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The longer Jungkook stayed with you the more you began to feel young again. Everything felt as though you had gone back in time to when you were 18 and having fun. With Jungkook around, you didn't have to worry about him using you for money or only being there because you paid him to. The two of you genuinely enjoyed being around one another.
"Hey I made us popcorn withmelted chocolate," You called out from the kitchen to who you thought was Jungkook coming into the house. 
"Kookie?" You laughed moving out from the kitchen to greet him when you saw your ex-boyfriend. The bowl dropped from your hand smashing against the hardwood floor.
"It's a pleasure to see you too," He smirked as he walked over to you, taking your body into his and hugged you tightly. You froze in place. Terrified to even move an inch as you felt his arms around you. 
"Who's Kookie?" You moved away from him the second his arms released you. You scolded yourself for not keeping the panic button in your kitchen.
"Y/n! I got us a bunch of Ryan Reynold movies and I-" Jungkook stopped speaking when he saw your Ex standing there. Neither of you knew he'd gotten out of prison.
Your ex was known amongst everyone in Seoul as the Immortal Dragon and had been caught and arrested almost two years ago. Everyone feared him because he was a mafia leader. Killed people for fun and the fact that he was there made you fear everything. 
"I heard the funniest rumour while I was in prison," He laughed as he began to walk towards you, picking up a knife from the knife block.
"That the woman I loved and devoted myself to helped keep me in prison." You began to back up toward Jungkook, hoping that the two of you could make it out of the house before your ex did something irrational. 
"That's crazy, right? She wouldn't do that to me." The knife he was holding was stabbed into the counter and you flinched. Stepping onto some broken glass and hissing as you felt it pierce your foot. 
"Whatever you want, just leave," Jungkook warned as he put you behind him to stop any immediate danger from happening to you.
"You're just the help, you might as well leave. This is between the adults." Jungkook stayed in place as he looked at you and to your ex. 
"It's every bit of my business if you're hurting the one I love." He stood his ground even when your ex picked the knife up once again.
"You should leave if you want to continue living."
"You should leave if you're going to continue threatening Jungkook." You snapped as you stepped in front of Jungkook to face your ex. There was no reason you should fear him, he'd proven many times before that he would never hurt a woman. 
"I just wanted to know why you turned me in," You scoffed, 
"Because you killed people, what other reason is there. You're a sick, twisted mother fucker and I'm glad you got caught." The knife was raised above your head but you didn't move. You stared straight back at him.
"Get out before I call the police." You ordered as he stared back at you, throwing the knife against one of the cupboards and sticking it in place.
"Are you stupid?! What if he'd stabbed you?!" Jungkook panicked as soon as the door to your house shut and he was gone. Jungkook took you into his arms, pressing your head against his chest. 
"He'd never hurt a woman," You mumbled as he began kissing the top of your head. Your hurt fluttering from each and every small kiss he gave to you.
"You don't know that, you could have been hurt," He whispered as you both sat on the sofa together. 
"I'm fine Kookie," You pulled away from his chest and looked at him as he blushed. The thought of something happening to you killing him inside. 
"I don't know what I would have done if he hurt you," He mumbled and you smiled reaching up to touch his cheek. 
"I don't know what I would have done." You counted, kissing his lips softly. Jungkook's eyes widened before he relaxed, bringing you closer to him as he kissed you back.
"I guess that means you still have feelings," He mumbled against your lips as you pulled away for air, 
"It does." You breathed out, pushing your hands into his hair and pulling him to lay down on the sofa with you. 
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @taeechwitaa​ @mwitsmejk​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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scribblingfangirl · 4 years ago
WITH LOVE, THE GHOSTS | Julie and the Phantoms - Part One
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not my gif!
Author’s Note: Gah… I'm such a procrastinating butterfly. I should be writing my Billy Russo series which I'm so excited about, but I just want to be able to read it already instead of having to write first + I'm currently writing each and every chapter instead of the next one (struggles of a fanfiction writer - am I right?). So, what do I do instead? I flew from one of my obsessions to another and got inspired by this week's @flashfictionfridayofficial​ prompt. 
Anyways... This fic will be a little to late for some of you guys, but still: Merry Christmas everyone! And if you do not celebrate Christmas I still hope you have a wonderful day and a rest of the year filled with love and happiness. You did it, you fought through it. I’m sure you had your own pair of himbo ghosts taking care of you.
word count: ~ 1k
summary (and basically background info): Y/N is Julie's & Flynn's friend who doesn’t know about the ghosts (let’s just say she believes that they’re holograms). The boys become attached to Y/N due to her kindness and positivity and do everything in their (ghostly) powers to keep her days sunny and bright, especially in winter.  Or: Two times Y/N is oblivious to the boys 'paranormal' activities and the one time she notices it
prompt: Comfort in the Cold by @flashfictionfridayofficial​
warnings: english is not my first language, therefore, typos
| Part Two | Part Three |
#1: Luke
Slowly and quietly you made your way down the stairs of the Molina household, leaving Julie's and Flynn's sleeping forms behind. Even though you had just watched multiple Christmas movies and probably eaten double your weight in popcorn, your stomach was still asking for more. As Julie knew about your habits of needing a midnight snack and since Ray repeatedly told you to make yourself at home you weren't feeling bad about stealing some small bits and pieces out of their fridge or cupboards.
Which is why you were straining your ears to hear any sounds that might indicate that you had woken up either Carlos or Ray, but you were only met with silence. Releasing the breath you were holding you hastily hopped down the last few steps down to the living room, grabbed the stair railing and used the momentum of your movement to swiftly swing yourself in the direction of the kitchen, freezing at the sight that greeted you.
A quick glance at the clock told you it was 2 a.m. and the continuous silence indicated that nobody except you was awake and around. Yet, as you hesitantly took a view steps towards the kitchen counter, pulling your blanket like a shield tighter around your body, there was a perfectly fine peanut-butter/jelly sandwich waiting for you, a smiley made out of Nutella painted onto it. Your favourite midnight snack.
A small note peaked out from under the plate and it took you some time to decipher the chicken scratch. Can't have our favourite groupie going to bed hungry! 
Smiling and shaking your head, thinking that either Julie or Flynn must have sneaked out of the room sometime earlier to make you this sandwich you happily bit into it. 
If you'd known that there was a brown-haired ghost with hazel eyes sitting opposite to you and watching you with a smile, the sandwich would have probably gotten stuck in your throat.
#2: Alex 
Doing multiple Christmas movie marathons would be fun they said. No need to worry they said. Only Christmas cheer and joy they said. Well… long story short, even fun movies can make you bawl like a baby! 
A few days after the midnight snack incident, which you completely forgot about, you were once again sitting on Julie's bed. With her and Flynn to your left and right, you had been watching different movies on her computer. Currently, however, you were only trying. Tears were blurring your vision and your sniffles were the only sounds reaching your ear. 
Pressing the plushy's soul that Flynn had won you at a fair out of its body and sobbing into it, you felt Julie shift beside you and lay her head in your lap and mumbling something while Flynn was searching for a handkerchief.
"Whose idea was it again to watch this movie?" you tried to ask, but your voice came out all thick and full of emotion, so you weren't sure if they understood or heard you at all.
What you didn't know was that the boys were watching the movie, and now mostly you, with big eyes.
"Remember the day when Julie was crying in the garage and then Flynn came in crying too? Remember how I said that two girls crying are worse than one girl crying? This… this is way worse!" Luke pointed exaggeratedly at every single one of you and moved quickly out of Flynn's way when she left the room to get a box of tissues. 
"Dude… they're not actually crying crying. It's just a really sad movie," Alex said and sighed quietly when he heard Reggie whisper, "Do you think that's what Willie meant when he said Caleb floods the place during movie night?"
"That's... no, okay." Shaking his head Alex moved towards the bed and sat carefully at Flynn's place to not alert you of the shift beside you. Then he gently took a paw of the plushy that you weren't currently pressing into an embrace and lifted it to wipe away your tears and free your sight. 
You sniffled, too confused and full of emotion to realize what just happened and that it couldn't possibly have been Julie or Flynn, and whispered a small, "Thank you". 
Alex smiled, proud of his action.
#3: Reggie
You didn't even bother to take off your shoes or wipe away the residual snow still sticking to your hair as you flopped yourself down onto your bed, groaning into your pillow. Everything was already grey, wet or at least soggy anyway. To say your day had been bad was an understatement.
It's the most wonderful time of the year With the kids jingle belling And everyone telling you be of good cheer It's the most wonderful time of the year
Confused you lifted your head and starred at your computer who apparently decided to become sentient and cheer you up.
It's the hap-happiest season of all With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings When friends come to call It's the hap-happiest season of all
The next thing that happened would forever be burned into your brain. Your favourite pen suddenly lifted itself up into the air and started to scribble down onto a nearby paper. Slowly and unsure you stood up and inched closer to your desk, but as soon as you were able to sneak a peak onto the paper the pen stopped and fell down.
Shaking your head you rubbed your eyes and turned back to your bed. "This is the weirdest lucid dream I ever had." The moment you flopped back down onto your bed you heard the familiar scratching of pen on paper again. Turning your head there it was again - the floating pen. "What?"
However, once again, as soon as you reached the desk the pen fell down, lifeless. “Alright... alright. I understand! Don’t worry, I won’t sneak a peak.”
"I am dreaming... right?" You weren't. Pinching yourself hurt, trying to breathe through a closed nose didn't work and your pointer finger would not move through the palm of your hand.
Shakily, yet weirdly motivated by the happy Christmas music still playing in the background, you picked up the note laying beside the now still pen. "Merry Christmas Y/N! Lots of love from Reggie, Alex and… Who?" 
"It told you, Luke… I should just have signed for us all."
"Shut it Reg, I know my handwriting sucks."
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andilovetowrite · 4 years ago
Controlled Freakiness (P.P x Reader)
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
This can be read as a continuation of Initial Shyness, or as a stand-alone.
Summary: Confessions are cute, right? Especially when you have been waiting for years to say it out loud. But what happens when the initial shyness wears off? And we all know Peter isn’t as innocent as he seems ;)
Warnings: Mention of blood and knives. Also some suggestiveness and making out. Nothing too graphic though. A couple of bad words here and there as well.
Word Count: 3.4k
Based on a request, you can find it here!
Here is my Masterlist in case you want to find more of my work :)
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If someone told you that one day, you and Peter Parker would be caught making out in your bedroom, you would’ve laughed at them. But...as it turns out, they wouldn’t have been too wrong about that.
Let’s go back to about five months ago, on the rooftop of Peter’s apartment, where he had met you with a bouquet of red roses and an even redder face …
5 months ago
“Why-why would yo-is this-u” you tried to speak, with little success. You could feel your face heat up in embarrassment, so you just stared at the flowers in Peter’s hands.
“I-uh really, um like you Y/N. Like more than an a-a friend. And much more than a best friend. I know yo-you may not like me back, but I couldn’t keep it in any longer-”
You know it’s rude to interrupt someone when they are speaking. But you couldn’t hear any other word come out of his mouth because otherwise, you would’ve melted. So you did the next best thing. You kissed him. Hard.
His words got caught in his throat as his lips met yours. And for a second, you were worried you went too far, pulling back. But as soon as he felt you doing that, his hands went to your hair, pulling you flush against him, kissing you back with fervour.
You wish you could’ve stopped time. Right there. During a beautiful sunset, on the roof surrounded by rose petals, and with Peter in your arms. And in your mouth. But sadly, you needed air to breathe, so you pulled away, probably looking like a fish straight out of the water. Opening your eyes, you could see Peter’s face. His pupils were dilated, and his entire face was a pink hue. His lips were plump and red but pulled up in a lovesick smile.
You knew you had the same expression on your face. Smiling softly, you looked at Peter, and at the same time, you both said.
“I really like you.”
“I really like you.”
Anyway, so that was probably one of the highlights of your day, but possibly one of the happiest days in your dad’s life. His little apprentice/almost son kissed and confessed to his only daughter. It couldn’t have worked out better. No boy would ever be good enough for you, and no ordinary girl would be good enough for Peter. So naturally, he was thrilled to hear that you two were now a couple.
And that’s why you wished he didn’t have to be the first one to walk in on you and Peter. So that brought you to the infamous Saturday that was now known as the Satisfying Saturday...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Friday, 8:00 pm, Avenger’s Compound
“Hey Y/N”, Peter called out, walking through the open window. His Spidey suit was cut loose in different places, and the minute he stepped in, his mask disappeared, showing his tired and bruised face.
“What the heck Pete?”, you shouted, jumping up from your bed. “What happened? How did I not get an alert?”
Peter looked down sheepishly, which then made you realise that he was still standing on the roof.
“Peter! Get down, and tell me what happened?!” You pointed down sternly, letting him jump on the floor, wincing as he hit his leg. Running to the first aid kit you kept in your room for times like these, you picked up some hydrogen peroxide and cotton pads, letting Peter sit down on your bed.
“So, tell me, Peter? What was it this time? You asked, dabbing the disinfectant on his face first. He flinched as you pressed it, hissing softly as the pad made contact with his skin. Shushing softly, you focused on cleaning his wounds, moving your thumb over them to soothe them.
“Y/N, you know, it wasn’t as bad-”
“Really Pete? You are bleeding like a fire hydrant. Why didn’t Karen update my dad or the tower? Or me?”
“Yeah um, about that, I disabled the Careless Boyfriend command”, he said, looking at you expectantly. You scratched your head, scoffing.
“It was a great device! Plus, who do you think makes the suits with Mr Stark?” Leaning back, you grabbed some antiseptic cream, putting it over his face. “So, you still have to tell me whose ass to kick when I go out on patrol..”
“Actually, it was-”
“Wait, let me guess...old lady with a ferocious cat, both of whom thought you were a creepy Comic-Con freak!” Laughing slightly at the pout on his face, you pressed the tiny spider on his chest, watching as the suit untightened, falling from his body effortlessly. Now, usually, his abs and glowing skin would distract you for a bit, but it was different this time. Dark red blood oozed out from deep cuts on his abdomen, falling on the bed around him. Your eyes widened as they roamed over his injuries.
“Peter! Wha- what did they use? A normal knife wouldn’t cut you like this!” Peter’s face scrunched up in pain as he remembered it, but seeing the look on your face, he grabbed your hand, nodding at you.
“It-it’s fine Y/N. Um, actually, they were using some suspicious-looking gadgets, so yo-you have to tell Mr Stark about it so-”
“No Pete, I mean, I’ll tell dad about this, but first I gotta get you to the infirmary. Holy crap…” you rambled, pulling his suit off.
“Baby, if you wanted my clothes off, you could have just said”, Peter said, smirking at you. Hitting his arm, you glared at him playfully.
“Watch it Parker. I could leave you here!”, you said, throwing the suit into the wash, mentally reminding yourself to make him a more durable suit. Grabbing him, you made him hobble out of your room. In the light of the tower, you can see how fagged out he was looking.
“Hey princes- what the heck happened to you Peter?!”, you dad asked, walking over to the two of you. Taking some of Peter’s weight, he called out to F.R.I.D.A.Y, asking her to call the nearest medics. “How did this happen, Pete?”
“Well, I think it wassss-”, Peter began, but slumped down after a couple of seconds, falling in your arms.
“Dad! What do I do?”
“It’s fine, he’ll be okay, lets just get him to the clinic, um- Steve! Help us out with Spiderboy here”
Carrying him, you got him to the doctors, watching as his wounds already started to patch themselves up. Metal gadgets ran over his body as your dad spoke to the head medic, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“What happened to him?”, you asked. It wasn’t the worst Peter had seen, but you had never seen him pass out before due to a cut.
“Um, so we are detecting some slight substances in his bloodstream, but we are working on removing it.”
“What substances?”, Tony asked, inhaling sharply.
“We aren’t sure yet, but the results should come in about a day.”, the doctor said, looking back at Peter, “As for Spiderman, he should take a couple days off.” He then looked at you. “Did Peter say anything at all about the weapons?”
You shook your head, thinking back. “Nothing much, except for that they were looking suspicious. Maybe the team can go and track back where Peter was patrolling, you know? To see if they can catch the guys who hurt him?”
Tony nodded, as he went back to the living room, probably to call all the Avengers. Trailing after him, you ran to get your suit, but was stopped halfway. “Hey, Tiny Stark, why don’t you stay with Spiderboy. To make sure he is fine?” Natasha asked, glancing at Tony as he slightly nodded his head.
“But you might need help?”
“We’ll be fine. Plus, if these are as dangerous as Peter said, then we wouldn’t want you getting injured. Best you stay here” Dejectedly saying yes, you bid them goodbye.
“Oh, and have fun with the kid. He is pretty hot, and I know you can hit that”, Nat said, winking at you.
Smiling shakily, you stepped back, watching as they left the tower, leaving only you and Peter back.
Fast forward to about 3 long hours later, Peter finally woke up, looking much better. “Y/N? What happened, where’s Mr-”
“Gone out to track down those guys, and they won’t be back till tomorrow”, you said, glancing at your comms. “Said that they were following them to the base”
Peter nodded, looking drowsy. “Can-can I please get some food?”
Smiling at him, you quickly checked if he was ready to be discharged before you got him up. A bit unsteady on his feet, Peter followed you to the living room, falling on the couch. “Whatcha want Pete? A sandwich, or some pasta?”
“Popcorn...caramel please.”
You laughed, grabbing some from the cupboard marked Movie Nights. “Really? You need protein!” Peter didn’t say anything, instead of looking at you with his famous puppy eyes as he pouted. “Fine fine! You win”
Smiling at you, he opened his arms. Hesitantly, you crawled into them, making sure not to apply pressure on his stomach. Times like these were rare. Sure, you and Peter were a couple, but PDA was little at the towers and you two were some of the shyest people when it came to displaying affection in front of people. So you relished times like these when you could just be close to Peter.
“So Peter, what movi-”
Amused, you peered back at him, your heart-melting when you saw Peter fast asleep, his arms wrapped around you and his head lolled back against the cushions. Shrugging to yourself, you quietly switched off the lights, getting up carefully, but almost immediately being pulled back.
“Petey, I gotta get up”, you whispered softly.
“Nuh uh, nope”, he said, his chocolate brown eyes sleepily staring at you, “stay here”
So you stayed. And it was one of the best nights of sleep you had ever had. Little did you know though, tomorrow would be one of the most interesting days of your life.
“Good morning Y/N Stark and Peter Parker. I just wanted to inform you that the furniture replacement dudes are on their way up. For Mr Parker’s identity to be kept secret, I would advise you to make your way to the individual rooms or the medbay.” F.R.I.D.A.Y’s automated voice floated through the air, waking you up.
Peter began stirring lightly from under you, making you sit up. His light brown curls sat on his forehead, falling into his eyes. He started mumbling words under his breath as he sat up, rubbing his eyes roughly.
“Ugh drool”, he muttered, wiping his mouth.
Leaning towards him, you brushed his hair out of his face. “Well, good morning to you too Mr Parker”
“Ms Stark, good morning”, Peter said, pulling you into his arms once more. Smiling, you hoped he wouldn’t see your face, as you push your face onto the couch. Pulling back just enough to see him, you leaned down to brush your lips against his, softly at first. Peter sighed into your mouth, and met back up with fevor, his hands tangling themselves in your hair. You could’ve stayed there, but Peter let go, his head still leaning against yours.
“As much as I would love to spend the rest of my day like this, w-we have to get up”, you said, hearing the guys come up the elevator, “like right now Peter!”
Jumping up, you both ran, laughing at F.R.I.D.A.Y as she tried to slow down the elevator without breaking it. “Oh and by the way, how did F.R.I.D.A.Y. learn to say, dudes?”
“Who do you think works with Mr Stark on Friday?”, Peter asked, referring to what you said yesterday to him. Which made you remember his wound.
“How’s your stomach?”, you asked, wanting to pull his shirt up and find out, but way too awkward to do it.
“It’s perfectly fine. Kinda bruised by the feels of it, but the cuts have gone..”, he said, walking back to your room. “When’s the team heading back?”
“Uh, I’m not sure actually, let me just-”, you said, calling Tony up. “Hey Dad, how’s the mission? Find anything yet?”
“Oh, hey sweetheart, uh, can’t talk right now”, Tony grunted as gunshots were heard from behind him, “but we’ll be home by tonight. How’s ugh, um Peter?”
“Oh yeah, Peter’s fine. We’ll probably just watch some movies or something. Do you need anything? Food, rations, help?”
“Esteemed Daughter, who are you talking to? I’m Iron Man, I don’t need any helppppp”, your dad yelled as the sound of metal was his before the line got cut. Peter looked at you with wide eyes, his face shocked.
“Will Mr Stark be okay?”
“Yeah, he will...probably. Nat will call in a bit anyway, so let’s just wait”, you said, jumping on your bed. Patting the place next to you, you watched as Peter shed his shirt, walking over to your bed in his grey sweatpants. Inhaling sharply, you pushed away any thoughts that were coming into your mind as Peter laid down, his arm going around you as he kissed your cheek.
God, you wish he would kiss you somewhere else.
Shaking your head, you asked, “So, which movie should we watch?”
“Um, how about...Hunger Games?”, he asked, slyly grinning at you. Damn him, he knew it was your favourite “nerd” movie. Nodding at him with a grin, you switched it on, falling back onto Peter as the movie started.
Sadly, you weren’t able to focus on the movie too much. Because you were too focused on your boyfriend next to you. Due to the fact that he was an Avenger like you, the timings for the two of you were cramped. With college, and patrolling, there were very different lifestyles the two of you led. As best friends you used to be inseparable but as a couple? Oh, it was a completely different story.
Whenever you two were alone, someone would always interrupt you. Whether it was May at Peter’s place or Ned at school, there was not a single minute the two of you could just hang out. So naturally, you two hadn’t gone to second base. Or even 1.5th place. But today, with the tower absolutely empty, you couldn’t say that your mind didn’t wander. And the clip of Katniss and Peeta making on the screen didn’t help either. So you said something you weren’t too happy about…
“Peter, I wanna jump your bones right now”
“Wha-uh, huh? Y-you wanna do wh-um, jump m-my bones...Uh, I don’t- uh what?!” Peter stuttered, his face bright red. But you were too far down that lane so you just nodded.
“Yeah dude” Peter didn’t say anything again, his eyes glassing over as he stared at you. “Fine...but couldIkissyouabitmorethanusualplease?”
“Uh ye-yeah, if if you want to?”, Peter said, his face flushed pink as he stared at you, adoration in his eyes. Smiling at him with what you hoped with an “I-wanna-make-out-with-you” look, you moved next to him, your face hovering about his. Kissing him lightly at first, it grew deep as Peter grunted softly under you, capturing your lips between his teeth. Suddenly, he grabbed you, pulling you down under him. Now he was the one over you, and when your hand went to his hair, he let out the softest of sounds. But you heard it...and god did it get a reaction out of you.
Now, if you were in your right mind, you would go and put a sock in the door, or tell F.R.I.D.A.Y. to disable the elevator to your level. But you were too preoccupied with a certain someone to even bother about that. That is how this entire whole thing started.
Coming back to you and Peter making on your bed, your legs were thrown over his waist as he pulled you to him, your back hovering off the bed. Oh, the joys of having a superhero boyfriend. Anyway, just as he was about to leave your lips to trail kisses down your neck...the door opened.
You didn’t hear the door open though. What you did hear was the multitude of voices, and your dad’s one the loudest.
You couldn’t blame him. It did look bad. With Peter not wearing his shirt and his back bare, it looked like he wasn’t wearing any clothes since our lower bodies were under your cover. Peter also covered you the minute he heard your dad’s voice, which further implied that you both were very very naked.
You stared at your dad, noticing now that the entire team was standing outside the door, their breaths held and eyes peering. “It-it’s not what it looks like! I promise…”
“Peter, get the hell out of my daughter”, your dad said calmly, his eyes looking everywhere else but at us.
“Dad, he isn’t i-in me. Look!”, you said, pulling the cover’s off you two to show your very covered legs.
“Fine, at least I won’t become a grandfather tonight. But why were you on my daughter Mr Parker?”
Poor Peter, he looked like he was about to faint. “Uh, Mr Stark w-we were just um, hugging? Tightly-”
“With what? Your mouths?”, Sam called out, laughing with Bucky.
“Not now Sam!” you yelled, shooting them a glare.
“Now, I don’t care what you do...but don’t you dare touch my daughter in a harmful way. Got it Parker?”
“Y-yes Mr St-Stark. I won’t, I love your daughter t-too much”
Looking at Peter, your eyes filled with love as you hugged him, kissing him softly. “Aw, I love you too Pete...even if you tried to fuck me right now!”
“Kidding kidding. Anyway, let’s get outta here...please!”
Tony scoffed, turning around but then glanced at Peter. “Take care of your “little” problem before you come downstairs, Peter.”
“Huh? Oh…”, Peter said, hurriedly covering up himself. Giggling, you tried to go closer but were pulled back by your dad.
“Nuh-uh. He’s gonna take care of it. By. Him. Self.”
Rolling your eyes, you walked out, winking at Peter before you walked out. Catching up with the rest of the group, they all grinned at you, making you worried. “What?”, you asked, backing away slightly.
“I think we can all call this day a…”
“Satisfying Saturday!”, they all yelled out, with Natasha bumping shoulders with you and Steve shaking his head behind her.
You sighed, copying Steve. “This isn’t gonna go away, is it?”
“Nope”, Thor said, laughing loudly.
And it didn’t. But thank god they only caught you making out. The next time Peter and you were caught, it was much much worse. But that’s a story for another time.
Ooh, that was the longest fic I’ve ever written, but boy, was it a fun one to write. Thanks so much for reading it, and if you liked this one, you can be added to the Taglist for the Caught By Them series. My requests are also open if you have any ideas, but if not, then see you next time!
BTW: Spent about 20 min trying to figure out the type of disinfectant used to treat stab wounds. That’s 20 minutes I’ll never get back, but if I ever do get into a fight, at least I’ll know what treatment to use…
Tagging some people from my last series in case they would enjoy this one :)
@idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ladykxxx08 @allegras-sunflower @ifyouknewhowmiserylovedme
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d0llpie · 4 years ago
Hii can you possibly do suna and the miya twins going with their gf to her childhood home for a vacation and turns out she's v v rich and actually lives in a palace (designed like a royal palace) completed with butlers and maids and just the boys being shook and the gf touring them around? Thankyou💘
Visiting s/o childhood home
Tsumu x reader, Suna x reader, Osamu x reader
Sorry this took me longer than usual i was having a little bit of trouble with Sunas part, thank you for the request <3
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You were both on the way to your childhood home, he had a weekend off of training and you decided a trip away would be good for you both. “So babe what will yer parents think of me?” he wiggled his brows before turning back to the road. “Tsumu we’ve been together for years and you know them..besides they won’t be there until saturday night they have work” you deadpanned and he chuckled before squeezing your thigh. “Not in person tho.” It was true he’d only ever spoken to your parents over skype but they had known about him from the moment you started dating. After college you moved in with Tsumu so distance would be easier when he travelled for volleyball.
Upon arrival, atsumu stared out the car window with his mouth hung open. “This is it?” he looked over at you “What not grand enough for you?” you teased and left the car. You looked behind you to see Tsumu just admiring the fountain in the front yard, beautiful gardens surrounding with vibrant coloured flowers and lush grass. “Y/N, welcome home this must be Atsumu Miya?” at the large front door stood your butler “Hi, yes it is, it’s good to be home!” you replied as Tsumu jogged up to your side, “We’ll grab your bags, make yourselves at home!” you nodded and grabbed atsumu’s hand running inside.
You first walked into your industrial style kitchen and grabbed you both a glass of water “okay so i’ll show you around before they get here tomorrow and we can just chill and watch some movies tonight if that’s okay?” Atsumu was looking through all your cupboards and drawers “is this real silver?” “Tsumu did you hear what i said?” you shook your head and dragged him into the living room. The roof seemed almost as high as a volleyball stadium and Atsumu admired the smooth wallpaper and spotless couch. “Honestly babe i might’ve just dated you for your money if i knew about how loaded you were.” you rolled your eyes at him before leading him out into the hall “no seriously, i know i make a lot but maybe you should be my sugar mummy” he wrapped his arms around your waist and you laughed before swatting his arm playfully.
After you’d managed to tour Atsumu around the whole house and survive his snarky comments you went up to your childhood bedroom. “Awww y/n~ what’s this” Atsumu held up a teddy bear while plopping onto your bed with a shit eating grin. “Hey give that here-“ you jumped onto him and he just laughed loudly before rolling you over and pecking your face in kisses. “And to think people thought you were in it for my money..” you looked up at him with an offended face “who is people??” “Oh ya know just fans who are jealous of ya babe don’t worry i’ll make sure to tell everyone i’m here for your riches.” he lay his head on your chest and you scoffed before smiling down at him.
“Tsumu let’s watch a movie hmm?” you both changed into your pyjamas before making your way down to the theatre room. “Want me to make some popcorn?” Tsumu offered and you shook your head “come lie down, we don’t have to get it.” “wow babe you’re spoiling me” you laughed as he lay down between your legs, resting his head on your stomach. “So what movie do you wanna watch?” you turned the TV on and looked down at him “What’s on netflix premium?” “What the hell is netflix premium??” he just shrugged at your confused expression “thought youd have special netflix but i guess not.” he sighed in faux disappointment and you ruffled his hair. “Shut up.”
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It was actually Osamu’s idea to visit your childhood home, he wanted to see where you grew up and thought it’d be a nice break from work. “Babe put the GPS on” “I think i know how to get there ‘Samu i lived there most my life.” An hour later and you were lost so Osamu switched to driving and you put the GPS on reluctantly.
Upon arrival Osamu was shocked, you’d mentioned your home was big but he wasn’t expecting this. Stone pillars at the front with high ceilings and flawless designs was not what he pictured. “Woah y/n this place is gorgeous...is this why you always buy ME coffee in the mornings?” “Samu it’s my parents money” you laughed as you led him to the front doors. “This is sebastian, i can only think of black butler rn our butler” You bowed and smiled at him before showing Samu up to your room for him to unpack. “Cute bedroom y/n” you looked around your childhood bedrooms, posters from your previous interests still up and f/c walls, “I’ll show you the rest of the house but just wait till you see the kitchen babe you’ll love it!” you grabbed his arm leading him out “I love the whole house babe.”
After touring through the gardens and rooms on the first and second floors you led him into the kitchen which currently had a few maids inside laying down ingredients. They smiled sweetly at you before exiting and you nodded appreciatively. You looked over at Samu who’s jaw was slack. “Sooo i know this is a bit bigger than your kitchen so i was going to let you use it, if you wanted of course, i have some ingredients to make onigiri since you wanted to teach me how to-“ before you could finish Osamu’s lips were pressed against yours and his hand cupped your cheek. “I’d love to teach you.”
You stood next to Samu watching as he sculpted the onigiri and you copied what he did. He smiled watching your actions, a smile only reserved for you and then pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “So do you wanna eat these in the gardens when the sun sets?” you look over at him before humming “Hmm romantic Samu, how about the roof?” you smiled up at him. “I’d like that”.
After you’d cleaned up in the kitchen you brought the onigiri to the roof and settled into the blankets and pillows Osamu had set up. “The view up here rivals the house honestly” you hummed in agreement, looking out to the pinks and oranges painting the sky while curling into Osamu’s side.
The sun had set by the time you’d finished the onigiri but you wanted to stargaze so you fixed yourself to lie with your head on Samu’s chest while he played with the ends of your hair. “Thank you for bringing me here y/n, it’s beautiful” you turned onto your stomach and looked at him “Of course babe, i’m glad you like it, we can make pancakes together in the morning too if you want.” he smiled and pecked your lips before pressing a longer kiss to your forehead. “Sounds good babe.” You turned back over to admire the stars while Samu fiddled with the small box in his left pocket, a ring that shone just as bright as the stars sitting inside.
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Suna was excited to visit your childhood home because he was missing your little brother who he’d only met a few times. You wanted to spend christmas with your family and Suna was happy to spend it with them too this year, and so you both got in the car and made your way there.
“Is this a government building or an apartment complex from a couple centuries ago” Suna asked you sarcastically, although he was admiring the exterior of the palace-like home. “C’mon let’s go greet everyone.” you chuckled and took his hand leading him inside.
He was starstruck at how extravagant the interior was and made this clear by standing still in the hallway just staring all around. “Y/N, i cannot believe you make me pay for dinner on dates..” you laughed and kissed him on the cheek “I spoiled you for christmas just wait until the morning.” You both greeted your parents and the maids that were around before sitting down for some drinks while they prepared christmas eve dinner. “Suna?” your little brother walked out of the lounge room and ran up to Suna, hugging him. “Oh wow i guess i’m not here then.” you rolled your eyes before your brother gave you a hug too.
After dinner and small talk with your family, you were talking with your mother taking up the bags to your room. “Is Suna settled in?” she asked “Oh he’s playing video games with aki, he gave him a small tour too.” “oh that’s nice, he seems a lot happier around you and so do you” “oh thank you mum” you hugged your mum before going into your room and changing into your pyjamas.
You walked into the theatre room and saw Suna playing with your brother on the playstation. “Suna wanna come to bed? Aki should go to sleep soon too” He nodded before following you up to your room. “M tired” he cling onto you and flopped into the bed. “Hmm let’s get some sleep, we’ve got a big day tomorrow.” “This house is huge Y/N i think we should split the bill from now on when we go out.” you chuckled and ran your fingers through his hair as you settled under the covers comfortably “sure thing baby, goodnight.” He hummed against you “love you” “i love you too rin.”
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sunkissedspider · 5 years ago
Clean | Peter Parker
pairing: Peter Parker x reader
summary: while you guys are alone, you walk in on Peter and you want to help...
warnings: smut, language, fluff, etc.
word count: 2.6k+
a/n: sorry for any spelling and/or grammar errors!!
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     You and Peter have always been best friends, as long as you could remember. May, or Aunt May, what you’ve grown accustomed to calling her, and your parents have been besties for years. She helped them when they first moved into the sweet little apartment in Queens.
Your parents had left for an anniversary vacation a few days after Aunt May had to go on a business trip. You live on the floor below Peter's, so you and him would always sneak over to each other's apartments when the adults were home. Now that they were gone, you and Peter were together practically 24/7.
     One night you entered the apartment through Peter's window, quickly doing your secret knocking pattern to let him know that you were there. He didn't answer, but you saw a light coming out from under the bathroom door, so you assumed he was just taking a shower. You walk from his room into the kitchen to grab some snacks, your sweatpants clinging to different places of your body loosely, your socks padding against the floor lightly as you adjust the strings of your sweatshirt. You head over to the fridge and pour yourself a glass of lemonade and then grab an apple from the fruit bowl. You sit down at one of the bar stools and pull out your phone, consuming the food slowly.
     Your peace was quickly disrupted when you heard what sounded to you, at first, like a pained groan coming from the bathroom. It was loud enough to be heard over the running water of the shower and the quiet music playing from your phone as you read through one of Aunt May's many interesting books.
     You went back to reading and snacking, assuming that the noise was probably just your imagination running wild in the quiet apartment.
But then you heard it again, this time followed by a quick, quiet whimper. You dismissed the sounds again, going back to the book. What was it about again? Oh, yes. Vampires... or was it werewolves? Maybe it was both.
     Alright, that's it! That was your name, you knew it! You walk over to Peter's bathroom door, listening closely. You hear more moans and whimpers and calls of your name.
     You open the door slowly and carefully, the room filled with steam from the hot water cascading through the air in the shower.
     "Fuck, Y/N!” Peter groaned loudly, his hand wrapped tightly around his cock. His hand was moving painfully slow, stretching the skin back and forth. When he said your name, you could've sworn that he had seen you, but he didn’t seem to notice you standing by the door.
     You saw him start to speed up the movements of his hands, trying to look away from the sight of your lewd best friend masturbating to the thought of you in the shower, but not being able to bring your eyes away from him. He looked incredible; he hair wet and messy, falling over his forehead in small clumps, droplets of water dripping all over his body, your eyes landing on his torso where the water was getting caught in the divots of his soft skin.
     "Peter..." You say, trying to get his attention, not really knowing if you want to look at him in the eyes right now.
He says nothing at the mention of his name, he just groans louder.
     "Petey?" You say his name again, trying to get him to acknowledge you.
     "Fuck, Y/N! Say my name again. Yes, fuck!" He says, thinking that it's all in his imagination.
     "Peter!" You finally yell, surely getting his attention. His head snaps up to you, his eyes wide with fear and cheeks red with embarrassment.
     “Y/N! Oh, my god! What are you doing here?" He screams, covering his painfully hard cock with his hands after turning the water off.
     "Muh-muh-movie night. Remember?" You say, bringing Peter back to the conversation you both had earlier on the subway home. He realized that he wasn't even listening during that talk, he was just thinking about how he would get rid of this boner that had been straining in his pants for hours.
     "I-I... Shit!" Peter hissed, slapping himself across the forehead. "Juh-Just let me get dressed and I'll be out in a minute.”
     "'M sorry, Petey…” You close the door, walking into the kitchen and living room area, stifling giggles. You know that it's not supposed to be funny, and it's not, but you always laugh when something like this happens. Not that this specifically has ever happened before, but when you walk in on your other friends doing things with their partners, it's always a little funny.
     You go to the cupboard and grab a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave. As you’re grabbing two sodas from the fridge, Peter comes out of his room, wearing light grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. He sits down on the couch, turning the volume up on the television, not looking at you or speaking to you.
     You grab the popcorn which you had transferred into a bowl and take the drinks with you to the couch. You hand Peter a soda and he mutters a quick "Thanks." Before turning to look away from you again. You snuggle up in one of the many decorative throw blankets that Aunt May has. And soon, you fall asleep. You wake up with your head on Peter's right thigh, facing the t.v., your hand next to your face but up slightly. You feel around and your hand touches something hard.
     "Uhm, Y/N?” Peter asks, brushing your hair back behind your ear.
     "Yeah, Peter?" You reply, turning your head towards him.
     "I'm sorry about earlier. I just... I don't know. I was just horny and I had been hard all day and... movie night just slipped my mind. But that's not even the worst part! You walked in on me, ya know, saying your name and stuff. But, I-I..." Peter managed to stutter out, looking incredibly embarrassed. His face red and sweaty.
     "Peter... Are you still hard?" You say after sitting up, looking down at his sweatpants, your hand on his right thigh. You and Peter had always been close, and you two always talk about super personal stuff, but... this is the farthest it's ever gone. You both talk about masturbation and sex and all of that, but it's never gone to the point where you’ve walked in on him or he's walked in on you.
     "I-, uh. Well… yes?" He says, the answer being more of a question than a statement.
     "You know, Peter... I could... help." You say, looking up at him quizzically.
     "W-what?!" He answers, looking shocked, his mouth open a small bit and his eyes wide.
     "If you want me to, Peter. But, I definitely wouldn't mind helping you take care of your... big problem here." You say, looking at him dead in the eyes, excitement growing in you.
     "Ok..." Peter says, looking at you with lust filled eyes. "O-only if you want to... I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."
     "Trust me, Peter... I'm perfectly comfortable."
     You lean over to him and kiss him. Softly at first, but with growing heat and want. After you leave his lips, your lips travel down his jawline and neck, sucking softly on the skin to give it light purple marks. A few moans and even a few girly sounding whimpers leave his throat involuntarily. You remove your lips for a second, taking off the thin, tight black t-shirt. You stare at his bare chest for a few seconds before going in for another kiss. You bite and kiss up and down his chest and lower stomach, carefully palming him through his bottoms. Your lips come down to the waistband of his sweatpants.
     "Have you ever done this before? You're really, really good at it." Peter asks, looking down at you, a big, crazy grin on your face from wanting to do this for so long.
     "No, never. I just watch a lot of porn when I get bored. I'm a big virgin, Peter. You know this. And, last time I checked, you were too?" You ask, knowing that you’d be a little heart broken if he had done anything like this with another girl.
     "I-I haven't even kissed a girl before a few minutes ago, Y/N. But, fuck, I'm so glad that it's you that’s doing this." He says. You lift yourself off of the floor for a second, bringing your lips to his.
     You kiss back down his body until you’re at his waistband again. He lifts his hips up for a second so that you can take his pants off for him. His cock springs against his lower stomach, the tip leaking with precum. Your mouth starts to water at the sight of Peter fully naked for you. He looked big in the shower, but now that he's close to you, fuck! He's huge! You grasp the base of his cock, hearing him let out a little moan from the bare contact. As you’re on your knees again, you use your tongue to gather the precum that’s coming out of his rock-hard member. You take the head in your mouth and start sucking lightly, Peter moaning from above you. You remove your mouth and lick a stripe up his dick before taking as much of him as you can into your mouth, hearing him curse and groan above you. You use your left hand, that's on his right thigh, to stabilize yourself, using your other hand to pump the rest of his cock that you can't fit into your mouth. You bob your head up and down, Peter's hands coming into your hair to help you go at a faster, steadier pace. He makes a makeshift ponytail with his right hand, him helping you to bob your head even faster. You can feel his cock twitching in your throat, causing you to moan. You squeeze his balls lightly with your left hand, hearing him groan loudly. When your tongue dances on the tip of his cock, he whimpers softly in response, making him seem almost innocent in this heated moment.
     "Oh- Shit! Fuck! Y/N, I'm close-" He groans from above you, his head going back from the pleasure. "God, you look so beautiful with my dick in your mouth, baby."
     You double your speed and your efforts, wanting him to feel as much pleasure as possible. And, soon enough, his cock twitches in your mouth and you can feel his hot cum coating your throat. He moans loudly, so loud that you’re pretty sure your neighbors can hear. You take your mouth off of his cock with a satisfying 'pop'. He lays there for a second, his chest heaving and sweaty. He grabs a tissue from the tissue box on one of the end tables and is about to hand it to you until he realizes that you already swallowed all of the cum that just came out of him.
     "Oh, fuck." He mutters under his breath, kissing you deeply. He can taste himself on your tongue and, for some reason, that turns him on even more.
     "Fu- Peter!" You scream and giggle as he picks you up from the floor and switches your places, you now being on the couch and Peter being on the floor, his head in between your legs.
     You moaned lightly as Peter kissed you after moving up your body then started sucking on your neck, lifting your sweatshirt off and removing your bra. He stayed still for a moment, staring at your bare chest. His lips attached to your breasts, nipping and kissing at the soft skin.
     "Peter..." I breathed out when his tongue started to swirl around my nipples, making them hard as rocks.
     Peter kissed down your stomach, leaving a kiss right above the waistband of your sweatpants, causing a small whimper to leave your lips. You tell him quietly to do something, so he deftly unties the string of your bottoms, lifting your hips up so he can drag them down, moaning out loud at the fact that you don't have underwear on. You moan loudly when he unexpectedly licks a bold stripe up your heat.
     "You taste like fucking candy." He moans, dipping his head back to your throbbing pussy and taking another lick. You and Peter are both completely inexperienced with stuff like this, the both of you doing these things off of what you’ve seen in porn and on instinct, but you both seem like naturals.
     This time he drags a finger from your breasts all the way down to where you need him the most, his finger tracing your entrance. You groaned loudly as he pushed his finger inside of you, his tongue swirling around your clit. Your hips bucked sporadically from the intense feelings of pleasure that you were feeling, causing Peter to practically restrain you with his one of his forearms on your lower stomach, and, somehow, the pressure of his strong grasp caused you to moan louder.
     "Holy shit, Peter!" You moan out loudly. "I'm so close, don't stop!"
     After you say that, Peter doubles his efforts, his only goal right now is making you cum. After a few more pumps of his slender fingers and a few more laps of his tongue, your orgasm crashes over you in violent waves. You’re practically screaming as your legs close around Peter's head, one hand tightly in his brown curls and the other grasping a cushion of the couch behind you.
     After a few moments, you bring your head down so you can meet Peter's big, brown eyes. When you finally look at his face, you see the biggest smile spread across it.
     "That was incredible." He giggles, his tongue dancing across part of his chin to gather the rest of your cum.
     "Yeah... it was." You reply, your eyes closing, the tiredness finally sinking in.
     Peter got up off of the floor, joining you on the couch. He moves you so that you’re cuddled up against his chest, pulling a throw blanket over you both. You breathe in against his chest, his scent engulfing you. His plants small kisses against the top of your head as he sighs.
     "I think we should talk about this..." You gulped, moving your head up to meet his eyes. "I don't think it's normal for best friends to do stuff like this. So, I- uh, I guess what I'm trying to say is that, well... will you, ya know, be my girlfriend?" Peter asks, his cheeks heating up from the fear of rejection.
     "Fucking finally, Peter!" You exclaim, moving so that you can plant a long, passionate kiss against his soft lips.
     "So... that's a yes?" He smiles, looking at you excitedly.
     "It's an absolutely." You smile back, feeling so lucky that you’re finally getting to date your best friend, the guy you’ve been thinking about constantly for years.
     "God, I'm so lucky!" He exclaims, placing another kiss on your lips.
     As you two start to make out even more, Peter flips you over, your head deftly landing against the surface of the couch. Within the following minutes, you feel something hard prod against your inner thigh.
     "Hmm, I think you have a friend." You giggle out, looking down at Peter's new erection.
     "Round two?" Peter questions, a big smirk on his face.
     And with that, the whole night was spent in complete bliss. Well, until Aunt May got back from her trip early...
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nicb0723 · 5 years ago
Find Your Worth
John Wick x Reader
Summary: You meet John in an unconventional way.
Notes: Depression trigger warning 
Word Count: 11,754
Read Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Before work you go grocery shopping and run some errands. You clean up a lot and wonder how the hell John’s personality will fit in your tiny apartment. He doesn’t say much but he can be so intense. You can’t imagine the two of you together, alone, in this tiny space. 
In the bathroom you hesitate as you pick up your prescription. The doctor thought it would take the edge off your anxiety, and make the depression manageable. She also made sure you were seeing someone for therapy.  For now, the pill once a day does work. You can breathe. You can function. You’d be a fool to think all of your problems would disappear overnight. You still have a long road of recovery ahead, but this makes it less overwhelming. You place the little plastic container in the medicine cabinet, somewhere John won’t see it. You wouldn’t put it past him if he snooped, but in a way you're proud that you were able to talk about your problems and get some help. 
At work Sam is with you and currently making fun of your limp after you tell him why there’s a bruise on your foot. He’s asking if you want him to go buy you a cane when John waltzes in, hair slicked back and suit jacket blowing from the wind. How someone can look like a model in a gas station you’ll never know. He stares until you go to him and ask what the hell he’s doing here.
“Getting gas.” He answers and reaches for his wallet.
You don’t say anything and ring him up, glancing outside to his car parked in spot one. 
Sam is watching you two interact and he has the biggest grin on his face. Is that your boyfriend? He mouths behind John’s back and you cough in shock. No, and yeah right, like you could ever get a guy like John in a million years. 
“Hello!” Sam says loudly and teasingly bumps your hip with his behind the counter. 
John raises an eyebrow and glances to you first, then nods to Sam. “Hi.”
“John, this is Sam my co-worker and Sam, this is John my um… friend?”
True surprise flickers in John’s brown eyes and he looks pleased, a slow small smile spreads on his lips. 
“She’s actually my boss, but nice to meet you.” Sam says and his attention is drawn to the classic car outside and the gushing begins. 
You let the two of them talk until you hear John offer to show him the engine and they both move to go outside. “Hey, I’ll see you later?” 
Sam smirks and you nod at John, wondering how he knows where you live. It’s a little weird that he broke into your place just to fix a leaking faucet and he was in your apartment without you even knowing.  In the back of your mind, you think that it’s actually pretty thoughtful. You mindlessly wonder why he would waste his time though. Why he would do any of the things that he did. He said that he would help anyone in the same situation as you, but you’ve been thinking about that question since the day at the lake, and you’re too scared to ask him. You’re scared to see the look on his face, the look of pity because that’s all you can think that he’ll say. 
You hear John’s car peel away and Sam comes back inside, still grinning like an idiot. 
“What?” You ask, not really wanting to know.
“Nothing.” Sam hops up on the counter and he knows he’s not supposed to sit there. “I think he likes you.”
“And what makes you say that.” You deadpan, pushing at his butt with the tip of your pen.
Sam slides down and knocks over a display of gum. “He told me to look out for you.”
“Oh yeah? I can see you’d be very threatening.” You point to the packs of gum all over the floor. 
He bends down and starts to pick up the mess. “What’d you need looking out for anyway?”
“Nothing, he's just being protective I guess.”
Sam looks at you with concern. “From what?”
“Nothing. I promise, okay?”
For the rest of the night Sam shows you his karate moves and chops up air until closing time. 
John is folded up in the corner of your couch with his legs crossed at the knees and his black leather shoe tapping your coffee table. He’s reading one of the old magazines you have laying around. 
“How was work?” He asks, folding the magazine shut, like this is the most normal thing in the world. 
You check the locks on your door to see if they’re broken, but they’re not. You turn the handle again to make sure the door is shut all the way. 
“I should probably give you a key if you’re going to let yourself in.” 
John shrugs. “If you want.” 
Tossing your purse on the kitchen table you make your way to the living room and sit on the chair across from the couch. John looks so out of place, but you can tell he’s trying to blend in, make himself belong in your little apartment. 
“Who’s taking care of your dog while you’re here?” You ask, kicking your feet up. 
“Pooch? The little girl next door. She loves him.”
You let out a surprised laugh. “Don’t tell me you actually named him Pooch. I don’t even think that’s an actual word, I think my grandma made it up.”
John shrugs again you can tell he’s definitely not a man to waste any words. “It stuck. It’s... cute.”
“Cute? I can’t see you thinking anything is cute.” You grin and stand up to take your jacket and shoes off to get more comfortable. You can hear him mutter something under his breath, but can’t catch it.  “So do we know if Max is officially out yet?” 
“No, I’m waiting for the call though. I’ll know as soon as it happens.”
You don’t have any doubt.  “Do you want something to eat or drink?” You open the refrigerator for some juice. ”I usually have a snack when I get home. Feel free to take anything you want.” 
John tries to settle back on the couch but he seems stiff. “I’m fine, thanks.”
“You can take off your tie and your jacket at least. You’ll probably be here for awhile.” You call out to him, your head sticking in the cupboard looking for the popcorn you put in there earlier. 
John doesn’t move and you gesture for him to get up as you crawl back in your chair with a bag of food. 
“You sure about that?”
“Yes of course I’m sure. Why would I not be sure?” You look at him like he’s crazy as he slowly stands and oh… that’s why.
The suit jacket comes off and he carefully lays it over the side table. His slender waist is circled with a large utility belt with three guns, two clips, and probably a knife. The sight makes your eyes widen. He stares at you as he slowly unfastens the buckle and gently places it on top of his jacket. 
“Don’t go near that.” He points sternly and sits back down, this time more comfortable. He takes his cell phone out of his pocket and sets it on the couch next to him. 
“Definitely not. Are you planning on using any of that?”
“Scare tactic.” 
Silence fills the room as you crunch on your popcorn and you’re actually feeling pretty tired. You’d like to go to bed, but you’re not sure what John’s plans are exactly. 
“So how is this going to happen?” You ask.  “Are you going to come to work with me too? Are you going to run my errands with me? I mean, I’d love the company but I don’t see you wandering around Target for an hour.”
“I don’t mind going to Target with you.” His voice is so serious you can’t help but smile. “I don’t think he’ll come around during the day though. He wants you alone. Scared. Vulnerable. And I have my cop friend keeping an eye on you at work. It’s on his beat anyway.”
“Okay.” That all sounds reasonable. Dread and doubt suddenly take hold of you. “Look, maybe I’m wrong? Maybe he won’t bother with me and we can just forget about it? Maybe there’s nothing to worry about at all.”
John shakes his head. “I read his record. It’s not good.”
Well, crap. You don’t want to talk about Max anymore and you don’t want to ask the one question that’s been hounding your mind. You’re still too scared to know the reason John is here, so you ask something else. “Are you ever going to sleep? You can’t stay up all night waiting.”
“I’ll sleep until I know he’s out.” John says easily. “Then after that I have motion detection alerts on my phone from the camera outside your floor.”
You blink at him. “There are cameras on the door of the elevator?”
“There are now.”
“How’d that happen?” You’ve never noticed any security cameras anywhere. 
“I talked to Francis, the apartment manager. He’s a nice guy.”
You blink at him again. “I know, but he only speaks Russian. How’d you talk to him?”
John smirks and says, “Bez truda.” 
It’s all a little too much and you get up, shaking your head in disbelief. “How is this my life right now? How do I get myself into these things? I have an assassin in my apartment… I’m going to take a shower!” You announce after a minor anxiety attack. “Feel free to turn on the TV, get comfortable, whatever you want.”
The water feels good as you scrub away the day. It relaxes you until swarming thoughts of John sitting on your couch make you hurry out of the tub and wrap yourself in the flannel bathrobe you always wear. Before you lose your nerve you walk back into the living room and find John where you left him, now looking at his phone. 
“They’re just starting to process paperwork. That means it’ll be a few hours.” John’s talking, but doesn’t look up. You start to brush your wet hair out and twist it loosely on top of your head for the night. Usually you’d smear face cream all over but that obviously is not going to happen. 
“Look, John. I know we hardly know each other, but you can sleep in the bed, okay?” You start to turn off the kitchen lights and check the front door one more time to make sure it’s locked. “It’s plenty big enough and I would just feel better.”
He’s looking at you with warm eyes now, his mouth open but nothing is coming out. It’s like his brain turned a switch and decided something important. Whatever he’s thinking must be big because his whole demeanor changes. You can’t quite figure it out, but he seems content to be here with you, where just a few moments ago he had a guard up and was struggling with something on his mind. Somehow and unknowingly, you sense that you’ve just started to break down his wall.  You have no idea what you did, you’re just being yourself, but for the first time John is vulnerable. He’s blinking slowly, as if he’s seeing you for the first time in a new light, or finally giving himself permission to really see you.
It doesn’t matter though, because you know you look like a complete dork in your bathrobe and suddenly you feel incredibly stupid. Shame floods your stomach and you almost feel sick. Of course, this man wouldn’t want to be in the same bed as you. He’d probably rather die. You can’t believe you even suggested it. Also, your therapist would be terribly disappointed in you for talking down to yourself like this. 
He stands up and grabs a small leather bag you hadn’t seen by the widow. “Yes. If it’ll make you feel safer.” 
No. No. That’s not how you wanted it to happen. You wanted John to want to sleep in the bed, not because you asked him. “Listen, I didn’t mean… I’ll take the couch, okay? You probably don’t want to share the bed with me, I totally understand. And you’re doing me a favor and I just want you to be comfortable.”
Utter confusion crosses his handsome face. He scratches at his beard with long fingers, trying to make sense of what you want. “What good would that do? With you sleeping on the couch?”
You stammer and can feel a flush develop on your cheeks. “I just thought… I don’t know.”
“If you rather, I can book you a room in a hotel for a few nights. I won’t… do anything to you. I can promise you that.”
Oh God. This conversation could not get any worse. You’re horrified that he thinks something like that and you try terribly to explain. “No, no that’s not what I meant. I don’t want to go to a hotel. I just meant that um, you probably don’t want to share a bed with someone like me.” 
“Someone like you?”
The flush is creeping up to your neck as you become more embarrassed. You point at your bathrobe and general dorkiness. “Yeah, like someone… not… exactly… uh… cute?”
He seems to realize what you’re trying to say and laughs a little. “Well it’s a good thing there’s no one not cute in this apartment. I don’t know how I could ever sleep.” He walks towards you and gently tucks the hair that had fallen in your eyes behind your ears. It’s very intimate and you feel yourself start to smile. “Can we go to bed now?” He moves his arm out for you to lead the way and you feel silly. John is a nice guy. Even if he really didn’t want to sleep in the same bed as you, he probably still would because it’s what you wanted. 
“Yeah, sorry.” You mumble and walk into the bedroom with him following. There’s not much clutter and it’s pretty bare besides the newly bought self help books on the nightstand and regular girly stuff littered on the dresser. John throws his bag on the floor and you grab some pajamas for yourself, heading to the bathroom to change. 
When you come back John is wearing a white t-shirt and soft blue sleep pants. He’s incredibly adorable and you can’t believe your luck of having him in your room right now. He must’ve grabbed his phone and weapons because they’re both on the nightstand on his side of the bed.
He looks you up and down in your tank top and shorts as you plop on the mattress, quickly getting under the covers. 
“This okay?” He asks and points to his own clothes. Was he expecting for you to want him to sleep in his suit?
“Yeah of course. But...  can you fight in pajamas?” You wrinkle your nose and tease him. “That’s not very assassin-y.”
He barks out a laugh and lays down, but he doesn’t get under the sheets. His feet are bare and long, and you keep peeking at his toes.  “I think it’ll be fine.”
You roll over and face him. He’s looking up at the ceiling with his arms crossed behind his head. 
“I can’t believe you’re here right now.”
He doesn’t move. “Why?”
Your eyes start to become heavy and you watch his chest move up and down in slow rhythmic breaths. “People don’t usually do nice things for me. I’m used to being on my own.”
With that he shifts on his side, towards you.  His hair falls in his eyes and you long to brush it away. “I can tell.”
“I don’t like asking for help.”
“You never asked me for anything.” John points out. There’s plenty of space between the both of you and flop your arm towards his side, pointing at him teasingly.
“Oh, I distinctly remember asking you to do one very specific thing and you failed.”
He squirms from the quick stabs of your pointer finger at his ribs. “I don’t know, I think things turned out pretty perfect.”
You scoff and roll to your stomach now, sliding your arms under the pillow. “Perfect? Yeah right, I’m sure this is the last place you want to be.”
“It is perfect. This bed is very comfortable.” John finally gets under the blankets and you giggle sleepily. His cologne is stirred by his movement and you savor the spicy smell. 
“It’s new. I got a raise at work. I’m an assistant manager now.” You tell him proudly, even though you know it’s not that big of an accomplishment.
“Oh excuse me, Miss Assistant Manager.” John smiles and acts extremely impressed. “Congratulations, by the way. I should take you out to celebrate.”
You have no idea if he’s serious or not so you just laugh and snuggle down more into the bed. After a minute you ask, “Do you think Max will come tonight?”
John pauses, thinking. “Hard to say. He doesn’t have a good past. He has friends in high places who will probably help him. How’d you meet a guy like that anyway?”
“How is that you know my name, where I live, my phone number, where I work, what car I drive… literally everything about me and you don’t know that?”
John brushes the hair from his eyes and you can see the tan line around his ring finger has started to finally fade. “That’s just part of the job.”
“Fixing leaking water faucets is part of being an assassin?” You ask, teasing again.
A sweet pink flush spreads on John’s cheeks. “Shush.” 
“That’s what I thought.”
He pretends to glare. “Maybe it is. You don’t know.” 
“You’re right, I don’t know.” You yawn and let your eyes fall close. “Can I tell you tomorrow though? I’m gonna pass out.”
You hear the click of the side lamp turn off and you want to stay awake, to soak in this moment a little more but sleep is overpowering and you drift off into a peaceful rest. 
Until about two o’clock in the morning, and then you start to toss and turn. You swear there’s a noise out in the living room but you also know you’re probably being paranoid. You can see the shape of John’s body just a few inches away and you want to reach over to him. 
“Hey.” He whispers and his voice startles you still. “Are you okay?”
“No.” You sit up a little and look towards your bedroom door. There’s a stream of light from the street lamps coming in through the window, but other than that it’s dark. “I thought I heard something.”
“It was just the air kicking on. You’re fine.”
“Are you sure?”
You feel John’s palm rest on your arm and squeeze. “Positive.”
“Is he out? Did you get a text or anything?”
“Hey, don’t worry about anything, okay? I promise you’re safe.”
You fall back on the bed with a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“Don’t be sorry.”
You're wide awake and this whole situation is baffling. John Wick is in your bed, squeezing your arm and comforting you. 
“Isn’t being an assassin illegal?” You blurt out, the darkness giving you courage, and you instantly regret asking the question because he pulls away.
“It’s the only thing I’m good at.” He says quietly. “Trust me, I tried to retire and I got sucked back in somehow. People seem to want only me for really hard jobs.”
“Couldn’t you get arrested or something if you got caught? Could I get in trouble with you being here?” 
“No. Sometimes cops need bad guys to go away too. You won’t get in trouble.”
“Feel better now?”
“Yeah. Sorry, I just don’t always get myself into the best situations. I feel really safe with you, I just…” You don’t meet an assassin everyday. You have no idea what it really means. 
“It’s fine.”
“I don’t want to offend you.”
He laughs softly and his fingers brush the back of your arm now. “Nothing you ever ask will offend me. It’s actually quite refreshing. I just hope…”
You wait for him to finish, but he seems to be gathering his thoughts and you don’t want to rush him. 
“I hope you can think of me as a friend before an assassin. And I hope that I don’t scare you.”
“I don’t scare easily.” You mumble and yawn, glancing back to your bedroom door. You ignore the friend comment because you feel like you’ve already been through hell and back. You don’t know if you could consider John as a friend and then lose him someday. It might break you all over again. But then you think of how far you’ve come. “I could probably take Max. I could get him to leave me alone now that I have my mind straight.”
“You think so?” John is sincere and you can hear he’s happy at your mental growth. 
“Yeah maybe. As long as he’s clean and not hopped up on something. Then it might be harder.”
“I guess we’ll see.” John checks his phone and puts it down again after looking briefly at it. “Are you going to be able to get back to sleep?”
“Yes. I’m sorry if I woke you up.”
“Stop apologizing.” He shifts to his side, with his back to you. 
It’s a strong, solid back with his shoulder blades poking out from underneath his t-shirt. You stare until your eyes feel heavy again. You feel safe.
The next time you wake up the sun is blaring from the window and John is gone. His leather bag is still by the bed though, but his suit jacket and all of his guns are gone too. 
You start to go about your business, not believing John would leave you alone if you were in any kind of danger. It’s almost creepy how your phone alerts a few seconds later with a text, like he knows that you’re up. 
No need to worry. I know where he is. I’ll see you later tonight. Let me know if anything happens.
You text back sounds good and John tells you to have a nice day.
It just so happens that you have the next two days off from work and you don’t know what to do with yourself. Your foot still hurts from the baseball bat incident so you zone out in front of the TV for a while, trying to forget all of your problems. That doesn’t really work so the next best thing is to venture through the kitchen. You have snacks but not much else. Maybe it would be nice if you could fix John a nice dinner or something, for hanging out with you and like, protecting you from a shitty ex boyfriend. 
Some nice meat might do the trick. A nice steak with a potato and veggies. One thing grandma did that was awesome? Was to teach you how to cook. Wanting to actually cook was a different story for the last few years, the thought making you ill when you were practically a walking zombie, but now the thought excites you. It’s also different to cook for someone than just yourself because it’s usually not worth all the hassle.
Quickly, you get dressed and head out to the nearby grocery store. It's quiet and you take your time walking down the aisles with your cart, wondering what sorts of things John likes to eat. He probably stays healthy but a part of you thinks that he might have a sweet tooth. You grab everything you need, including some pie for dessert and head back home to get started.
There’s a ton of food so you text John to come over hungry and don’t eat any dinner. 
He doesn’t reply back immediately and your stomach starts to sink. What if this is too much? Is this weird? It’s just dinner, right? Friends have dinner together. John has to eat sometime. 
He eventually texts back a simple okay and you take it for what it is. There’s nothing you can do about it now, and since you’ve never really cooked in this kitchen before, if it turns out terrible you can always order pizza. 
It doesn’t turn out terrible, in your opinion, and you’re actually impressed with yourself. There’s a knock on the door right when you're finishing setting the table and John scolds you for not asking who it was before opening the door. He’s still in the middle of his speech when he gets a whiff of steak and sees that the table is set nicely. 
“What’s all this?” He asks, smoothing down his expensive silk tie. 
You pull out a chair for him to sit down. “It’s just a little thank you.”
He doesn’t look happy with that answer.
“It’s me making my friend dinner… randomly?” You try again. 
He laughs and nods, accepting that instead and removes his suit jacket, draping it over the back of his chair. “Do you mind if I…” He points to his waist and waits for you to nod before unclipping the belt, putting it in the bedroom for the night. 
“Wine? Beer?” You ask, debating which you want. 
“Usually I would, but…”
You understand that he’s working, even though he’d hate it if you said it aloud, and put them both away. “How about some ice tea?”
“Sure.” John sits and folds a napkin in his lap. He’s watching you and when you bring over a plate full of food there’s an unmistaken gasp. “Wow, this is amazing. Thank you.”
“It’s nothing.” You sit down too and pass him the salt and pepper. “I forgot how much fun it is to cook. I haven’t made anything since grandma was sick and I stopped eating. But today it was like she was in the kitchen with me.” You stop and close your eyes, embarrassed. “Sorry, that was weird to say.”
“Not the weirdest thing you’ve ever said to me.” He reminds you hesitantly, but with a small smile. 
Heat warms your cheeks and you have to chuckle in agreement. “True. I feel like that was so long ago though. I’m like a different person now. You must’ve thought I was crazy.” You don’t say that you’re grateful you accidentally gave your phone number to a police informant.  That it was John who showed up that day. That it wasn’t some crook who could’ve used a few hundred dollars. 
“I didn’t think you were crazy.” John takes a big bite of steak and moans a little. “This is really good. I haven’t had a home cooked meal in a long time.”
“You don’t cook much?” You ask, waiting for him to make another noise of pleasure. 
“I hate cooking for just myself.” He says, but otherwise he is disappointingly quiet. 
You take a bite of vegetables and nod in agreement, trying to hide your swelling of excitement. Well, that’s that. He is single. No big deal, you tell yourself to calm the hell down in your head. It doesn't matter anyway. It’s not like anything would ever happen. “So, you didn’t think I was crazy? What did you think?”
John puts down his fork and looks at you, his chin resting on his hand thoughtfully. “I thought you looked really tired. That you needed help and had nowhere else to turn.”
You gently rub a finger under your eye, where you know there used to be darkened circles. Now your eyes are bright and alive. You blush at his observation. 
“What’d you think when you saw me?” He asks, interested again in his steak but keeping an attentive ear to everything you say.
You don’t know why, but you feel a surge of confidence. “I thought I was talking to the most attractive hitman in all of New York and that there was no way I could afford your... business.” 
John raises an eyebrow and laughs. “Really?”
Shrugging, you take another bite of food and swallow. “I don’t know what I was really thinking, honestly. It was not my best day. I just wanted to get the conversation over with. I wasn’t in the right mindset.” 
“But therapy is going well?” 
You’re not surprised that he knew about that, but it does make you pause that he actually asked. “Definitely. It’s going very well. And she’s a fan of you, by the way.”
“Don’t worry, she thinks you're an undercover cop.” 
John leans over his plate, trying to get closer to you. “What exactly do you say about me?”
“That’s personal!”
“Fine.” He leans back now in his chair and crosses his arms, fake disappointment in a pout on his lips. “Then I won’t tell you about what I found out today.”
You glare at him. “Isn’t that blackmail?”
“Or extortion.” He shrugs, waiting for you to answer.
“Ugh.” You roll your eyes and sigh.  “I told her about all of the nice stuff you did for me, even though it was creepy, and how you probably saved my life.”
He blinks at that, obviously not expecting you to be so forward. “Oh. And what did she say?”
“She said to be careful about you breaking into my place and stealing my car… but that it sounded like I made a really good friend.”
John is suddenly silent and tucks a stray piece of hair behind his ear. His voice is quiet when he finally speaks. “Just… just a friend?”
Your stomach does a little flip and you’re not sure where he’s going with this. “I’m pretty sure all I can have is friends right now.” You tell him slowly, trying to get all of your words exactly right. “I need to find my worth, be happy with myself… before I can do that for someone else, you know?”
John nods and his eyes are sad for a brief second but when he looks up at you, he’s proud. “I think that’s great. And I’m happy to help remind you that you’re pretty awesome.”
“Reminders are nice.” You tell him with a small smile. “Especially considering they come from a bad ass assassin.”
John chuckles and finishes his steak. He loosens his tie and unbuttons the top button of his dress shirt. He looks a little tired and you wonder what he did all day.
“So what were you going to tell me?”
“Oh, right. Max. He seems to be doing well. He’s living with his mom across town and he was spotted going into an AA meeting.”
You’re stunned. In a good way. “Really? He was always such a heavy drinker. That’s where I met him. At the bar across the street from the hospital. When visiting hours were over and I didn’t have to work, I’d go there a lot. And well, I guess he spotted a weak one.” You think back to those days when he was nice to you at first, which quickly changed into becoming manipulative and controlling. The final straw was when he said that you couldn’t visit your grandmother anymore. You lost it and he raised a hand at you, several times. You never want to be that weak. Ever again.  “Well that’s good news, right?”
“Yeah.” John rubs at his beard. “Let’s just hope he doesn’t relapse.”
You stand up and start to clear the dishes from the table. “So you don’t have to stay the night, probably.”
“No, I’ll stay at least one more night. Just to be safe.”
You give him a disapproving look. You really hate to waste his time.
“Seriously, I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I wasn’t here. One more night and I’ll be out of your hair.”
That’s not at all what you meant by giving him a look so you just shake your head. “It’s nice to have the company. I just don’t think my apartment is where you want to spend your nights.”
“And where exactly do you think I spend my nights?”
The sink is full of soap and John stands to clear the rest of the plates and cups. “I picture this really fancy nightclub or rave with techno music and neon lights and beautiful women dancing around you.”
John hands over a plate and looks at you like you’re nuts. “You have a very vivid imagination.”
“Oh, like that’s never happened.” You deadpan.
“Well, I can’t say never... “ John leans against the counter and offers to help you. 
“No, I got it but thank you. And also, I knew it. I just don’t see you like… dancing to techno music.” You make a face and stick out your tongue a little. You hate techno.
John laughs. “I don’t go there to dance. If I’m at a club or something it’s usually for work.”
“Ah, I see.” You move to get the dish rag to dry the silverware. “So, where do all the beautiful women throw themselves at you?”
He’s not really paying attention when he answers and he’s looking at something on the ground. “Well lately it’s been at a lake and a local gas station. Is that a bruise?” John bends down and slowly traces the swirls of black and blue colors on top of your foot. The touch stings a little but you hold still. 
“Oh uh... “ God, how stupid. You didn’t think it was that noticeable. “Yeah.”
“Your whole foot is swollen.” His eyes are huge when he stands up and looks at you, his hands on his hips. “What happened?” He growls out and you push past him, considerably embarrassed and turned on all at once. 
“I did it to myself, okay? It’s not a big deal.” 
“You’re limping.” He exasperates, but he gently puts an arm around your waist and helps guide you to sit down. You put your foot on the coffee table and it does look worse than it did yesterday, puffy and colorful. 
You grimince and don’t want to tell him. “It was just a silly accident. Sam at work already made fun of me, so let’s just forget it.”
John disappears to the kitchen and you can hear ice being gathered. He comes back and sits on the coffee table, slowly moving your foot to his lap and putting a towel full of ice by your toes, where the worst of the purples are blooming. 
“You really don’t have to do that. It’s not that bad. I was just on my feet all day and I didn’t think about it. It’ll be back to normal by tomorrow.”
His fingers are so gentle around your ankle and you can’t help but to stare at his big hand surrounding your delicate bones. “Hey.” John taps on your skin until you look up at him. “You’re worth being taken care of, okay?”
Well, he got you there damnit. “Oh, that’s a good one.” You’re impressed and you let him hold your foot, sitting back to relax. Your therapist would be really pleased that you let someone help you.
“Are you going to tell me or are we going to sit here all night?”
You briefly tell him how you got the bruise and his fingers stop tracing over your skin long enough for him to laugh. Loudly.
“It’s not that funny.” You scowl at him.
“It’s really funny.” He’s snickering now and you swear there’s a tear at his eye. He moves to wipe it away and mumbles something like, “you are the cutest... “ and then clears his throat and straightens up. “You’ll have to show me your moves.”
“Uh, no, I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough for tonight, thank you.”
John rubs at your ankle again, squeezing around your leg lightly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be mean to the patient.”
“Exactly right.” You agree and smirk when you think of payback. “You gonna kiss it better?”
Without hesitation John takes off the towel and presses his lips to your cold skin. All you can do is stare at his beard and then at the teal nail polish on your toes. You’re speechless.
“It didn’t seem to work.” John says, disappointment in his voice. “I guess I’ll have to work on my technique.” 
He says that last part suggestively and you sit up in the chair, ready to change the subject. “I got dessert. You like pie, right?”
“Do I like pie? What kind of question is that?”
“Can you get it?” You smile sweetly at him. “It’s on the counter.”
He gives you a knowing look but lifts your foot to get up. You can see his reflection in the window as he moves around in your kitchen and you watch him in disbelief. You realize you’ve never had anyone in your apartment. Not even grandma, she was already too sick when you got it. Max always made you go to his place. John comes back with one plate and two forks, a big slice for both of you to share. 
“This is the best anyone has ever paid me to do a job.” He jokes and you smile back, taking a fork and scooping a bite for yourself. 
You point to an envelope on your desk. “Speaking of getting paid… I know it’s not much, but I did promise you--”
“I was kidding.” John cuts you off. His face is instantly annoyed and hurt. 
“John, please.” Your foot is still propped up on the coffee table and you can’t really move. “I just thought I’d offer.”
“Well, take it back.” He says and you put your hands up in defense, silently telling him not to be mad. “And you just lost pie privileges.” 
He stands up and walks over to the couch, as far away from you as possible. “Yeah that’s right. I’m eating all of this myself.”
You huff and struggle to sit up. “That is a radical punishment.”
“You need to learn your lesson.” He takes another big bite, making a show of it. 
“That’s it.” You get up and hobble over to him, practically falling into his side and he lets out a grunt when you accidentally lean into his ribs. You decide to just lay where you are for now, you can’t move if you wanted to. “John, seriously. Pie please.”
He shakes his head with amusement and feeds you a small piece. You take it happily and let your head rest on his shoulder while he finishes and feeds you some more until it’s gone. Both of you are quiet. This is the closest you’ve ever been and you just want to feel his warmth. You know eventually you have to move so you peer up at him and smile. “You have blueberry on your lip.” You tell him, reaching to smudge it off with your thumb. At the same time he licks at it and you both laugh.
“C’mon, cripple. I’m helping you to bed.” He tells you, putting the plate and fork down on the coffee table. You use his thigh to get yourself up and he steadies your waist as you balance on one foot. You’re standing between his legs and he’s looking up at you with the sweetest eyes. 
“Thank you for dinner.” His voice is sincere and determined to get his appreciation across. 
You put your hands on his shoulders and lean some of your weight on him. “John… thank you. Thank you for everything.” And with that you let yourself drop down and you hug him hard. He pulls you close and rubs his hands over your back. His hair brushes your cheek and you breathe in deeply, his scent rushing to your head in the most pleasant high.
Awkwardly, you push yourself away and he grabs at your hands. “You want me to carry you to bed?”
You shoot him a glare and he laughs, letting you wobble towards your bedroom while he takes care of the dishes and turns out all the lights. 
When he’s satisfied everything is in the right place, he walks into your bedroom and stands in the doorway, watching you while you sit on the bed and tie your hair up over your head for the night.
John breaks his stare and walks around to the other side of the bed. “Nothing.” 
“Do you want to watch TV or something?” You ask, grabbing the remote to the set up you have on your dresser. You tend to fall asleep to sitcoms rather than complete silence with thoughts running through your mind at full speed. 
“Actually do you mind if I take a shower?” He asks. “I did a lot of running around.”
Your mouth goes dry and you try to get it together before he notices. “Did you get all sweaty tracking Max today?” You guess, smiling when he looks impressed that you got it right. “See, I could totally be an assassin!” Your smile fades when he points to your foot. “Okay, well I could be an assassin’s secretary. I could like, get all the payments and make appointments and travel arrangements and get your guns cleaned and all that stuff!”
He walks around to his bag and gathers a pair of clean sleep clothes. “And take care of all the dead bodies too?”
You gulp. That’s so disturbing. “Yep. And I could take you to the doctor if you get hurt real bad.” You think back to the bruised knuckles and the dried cut on his face.
He cocks his head to the side and thinks for a minute. “That does sound helpful.” 
“Yes and also dangerous. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
You stand from the bed to get him a towel. “Um, just to let you know, I’ve seen all the assassin movies.”
“Oh, so you’re an expert.”
Opening your closet, you pull out the softest towel you own. “That sounds very sarcastic.” You push it to John's stomach and he grabs it from you, but you don’t let go and tug it back gently. “I’ll have you know I’m a very quick study, Mr. Wick.”
John briefly closes his eyes and takes a step closer to you. He leans in to whisper, his mouth close to your ear, “You better get off that foot.”
A giggle escapes and you sit down on the bed. “If I didn’t have a bruised foot... then could I be your secretary?”
He walks into the bathroom, and right when he closes the door he stops to tell you no.
Frowning, you crawl back to your pillows. You notice John forgot his pajamas on the bed and you’re about to get up and give them to him, but you decide not to. This should be interesting. 
You’re watching TV innocently when the bathroom door cracks open ten minutes later. Steam is hovering around John’s form and you hide your smile.
“Um… I forgot my…” He points to the clothes on the bed and you point to your foot. 
“I would help you, but I’m a cripple.” You tell him, now smiling because you can’t hide it anymore. You’re trying not to laugh. 
He glares at you when the door opens and you see the towel wrapped around his waist. 
“I swear I won’t look.” You tell him, covering your eyes. 
“Are we twelve now?” He mocks, stepping out and picking up his clothes. 
Your smile fades when you look at him because damn. “No, we are definitely not twelve.” You murmur to yourself, and you don’t mean to gock, but he’s fresh out of the shower, glistening skin and tight muscles, toned and strong. He pushes his hair from his face and notices you watching him. 
There’s a smug grin when he turns around and your heart completely skips a beat. All you see are flashes of tattoos, black lines and shading on his back. Maybe on his arms too but it was so fast. If you could only make time stand still. 
Now you’re glaring when he comes back into the bedroom a few minutes later. He’s glancing at you very casually. “What?”
“You did that on purpose.”
He laughs and gets under the covers. “What? Forget my clothes?”
“No. Showing off all of your…” You gesture to his body. “Never mind.” You can’t believe this is happening and turn towards the TV, trying to forget the hotness laying beside you. Nope. You can’t. “John, why are you doing this?”
He sits up a little. “What do you mean?”
“Why are you here? Why are you helping me?” There. You finally asked it. Here comes the pity party.
“Why wouldn’t I?” He asks, confused. When you don’t say anything, he asks another question. “Would you help me if I needed it?”
You don’t hesitate. “Yes, of course I would.”
“Well,” he lays back down and looks blankly at the TV. “There’s your answer.”
“But you hardly know me.”
He briefly glances at you. “Does it matter? I would want to help anyone. What are we watching?”
You laugh at how simple it was all this time. You should really stop overthinking everything. “Do you want to watch Friends or Seinfeld?”
“Who and what?” He asks, not knowing at all your favorite shows. 
You caress his cheek and pet him softly. “You poor, innocent man. I have a lot to teach you about laughing.”
He shoves your hand away playfully. “I watch TV… sometimes.”
“When you’re not doing assassin-y stuff.”
John sighs and closes his eyes. “Yes, when I’m not working.”
“Mmhm.” You don’t really believe him. You figure he reads a lot or studies, or does something really smart. Never really does anything just for fun. “We should totally go to a movie tomorrow!” You say it jokingly, like he would ever agree to something so mindless, but you can hardly believe it when he nods and says okay. “Really? You would go to a movie?”
“Isn’t that what friends do together, right?”
You wouldn’t have any idea. You don’t have friends and you haven’t been to the movies in ages. You hate going by yourself and you never had enough money.
“I think so?” You respond, not really knowing.
He lets out a little yawn. “All of my friends are… well, you know. I don’t see any of them going to a movie.”
“But you would?”
“With you? Yes. You’re not in the business, clearly.”
You throw a pillow at him,  but he quickly catches it and puts it behind his head. You mumble to yourself of course and turn off the light. “Just for that, I get to pick.”
He groans and you laugh as you tuck yourself in under the covers. You feel excited for tomorrow. Your therapist was right, you did make a good friend. Even if both of you have no idea what exactly that means. 
You’re still in bed when John is getting coffee from the kitchen, looking at your phone for movie times. “Don’t worry, I will not make you sit through a chick flick… or a disney movie… or a musical.” 
“Do you take cream and sugar?” John asks, popping his head into the bedroom. You nod yes to both and he disappears again.
“Oh! There’s a new sci-fi movie out. You like aliens, right? It looks scary too.” 
John comes back into the room with two steaming hot cups. He hands one to you carefully and you take a slow sip. “Mmm. This is really good, thank you.”
He looks pleased with himself as he gets back into your bed, sitting with his legs crossed under him. His hair is messed up a little and he’s still in his pajamas. The sight is really cute. You’re kind of sad that it was the last night he’s here. You quickly got used to him in your apartment and having someone to come home to was so nice. He already mastered your crappy coffee machine and he does the dishes. But the sleepovers are done and you wish it had lasted a little longer, purely for selfish reasons. 
You must be staring at him for too long because he stops drinking his coffee and gives you a small smile. “What?”
Dunking your head, you’re embarrassed that he caught you. “Nothing.”
He grins, like he can read your mind but doesn’t want to ruin the moment. “What time’s the movie?” 
“Let’s see…” You tap at your phone, scrolling through the options. “How about this afternoon? Then we could get something to eat or whatever.”
Now he’s really smiling and now he really does call you out. “Wouldn’t this be like… a date? Did you just ask me out on a date?”
“What!” You shriek and put your coffee down on the nightstand, stretching your leg over to try and push him off the bed, but he doesn’t move an inch and just laughs at you. “Oh. My. God.  Absolutely not, you weirdo. Why can’t two people just hang out? Jerry and Elaine do it all the time!” You point to the TV in your defense, trying to remind him of the show you watched last night. 
“Okay, okay. Sorry.” John puts his coffee down too and grabs your foot to inspect the bruise. “Wishful thinking, I guess.”
You roll your eyes, still not being able to fathom John Wick flirting with you. It’s probably all a joke to him anyway so you continue to ignore it. “What’s the verdict, Doc?”
He slides your pant leg up and takes a closer look. “Well, it’s not as dark as it was yesterday. Still a little swollen.”
“Told you it would be fine.”
“You’re welcome.” He cracks a smile and you remember the kiss he placed there last night. “Do you need anything else to feel better?”
“Ugh, gross.” Rolling your eyes even harder. “Your flirting is terrible.” 
He grabs at his heart like it hurts. “I take offense to that.”
“Good, that was the point.” You get up from the bed and open the closet, searching for something to wear today. “It’s probably the one thing you’re not good at.”
“I could be good at it.” He says, sipping his coffee again. “I’m just rusty. I need to practise.”
You don’t turn around. “Obviously.”
“Obviously.” He repeats slowly, and then horrified, “Wait.. I’m not skeezy am I?”
That makes you laugh and you sit back down on the bed. “No, John. You’re not skeezy. You’re like the opposite of skeezy. You’re too nice to be skeezy.”
“I’m too nice?”
“Yeah.” You get up again and fiddle with your hair that’s fallen in your face. “I know you say these things just to be nice to me. I know it doesn’t mean anything. It’s sweet though, it’s fun. I get it.”
Slowly, he shakes his head, trying to comprehend your thoughts. “So, you’re saying I could never be serious about flirting with you?”
“Ha, not in this lifetime.” You gather your bathrobe and head for a shower. “Don’t worry, I’m not that stupid. I know exactly how far out of your league I am.”
Now John is the one rolling his eyes. You don’t give him a chance to say anything though and close the door to the bathroom, finally able to catch your breath a little. He still makes you nervous, you realize, and you hope the feeling fades the more time you spend with him because it seems like he needs a friend just as much as you do.
You’re brushing your teeth when John taps a knuckle on the door.
“Do you mind if we stop at my place before the movie?”
“You don’t want to wear a suit all day?”
“Not really.” He smiles. “And I have to pick up the dog.”
“Oh right!” You spit into the sink and wash your mouth. “I want some puppy kisses.”
John looks at your lips and then to your eyes. It’s fast, but you still see it. And if you didn’t he mutters, “tease” and leaves to go out the front door.
You grab your purse on the way out and he waits patiently for you to lock the door behind you. He has his bag with him and you’re disappointed it’s not still in your apartment. You wonder if he’s wearing all of his guns and try to sneak a peek under his suit jacket at his waist. You’re not paying attention so you run smack into his back when he stops for the elevator. 
Yep, he’s wearing one gun because you feel it hit your stomach. He looks at you oddly and reaches a hand out to steady you.
“Do you always carry a gun when you go places?”
“Do you ever have to use it?”
The elevator ride down is quiet and you wave to Francis walking by in the hallway. John nods towards him too, like they have some sort of secret understanding. 
His car is glistening in the sun and you have to admit, it is a pretty sweet ride. John opens the door for you after he throws his bag in the trunk and you move carefully, afraid you might scratch the paint job. You fold yourself neatly in the seat and stay still. 
He smoothly gets in and before you can process about how annoyingly attractive he is, the engine roars to life and he’s speeding out of your complex onto the main road. You have a hard time not watching his hands because his fingers are long and look good around the steering wheel. He drives fast but not enough to make you nervous and glances at you a few times to make sure you’re okay. You don’t say much but it’s a comfortable silence with the windows down. You watch the town go by as you start to relax. 
It’s only about a ten minute drive until the car pulls up to the most gorgeous house you’ve ever seen. Of course, this is where John would live. In a house built with huge windows and high ceilings, with a big open yard that’s perfectly manicured. 
He parks in the driveway but still pushes a button so the garage door goes up. 
“C’mon, I’ll only be a minute.” He tells you and curiosity gets the best of you because you had planned to stay in the car. 
“Are you sure? I can wait here.”
“Why?” He doesn’t wait for you to answer, obvious that he thinks your question was dumb, and he moves around to open your door again. 
“Such a gentleman.” You praise, not being able to help yourself. You can’t remember the last time anyone opened anything for you.
He smiles and leads the way into the house. “Well, I try.”
“This is really pretty.” You tell him, stepping into a long hallway where you can see the living room off to one side and the kitchen off to the other. 
“You want the tour?” He asks, throwing his keys into a glass bowl and taking his suit jacket off. There are actually two guns on his belt, the one on his right hip you hadn’t seen. 
“No, it’s okay. Just seeing the downstairs is enough to make me depressed about my small apartment.”
John scoffs and opens the front door to let in some air. “I like your place. It’s comfortable there. And the cooking’s really good.”
You laugh and he steers you more into the kitchen, which is huge with a tile floor and what looks like all new appliances. “I’d love to cook in this kitchen. There’s so much room!”
“Yeah?” He stops and looks at you very seriously. “You officially have an open invitation to cook here any time.”
“Ha ha.” You push at his shoulder and walk to the big wood dining table, looking around. There are a bunch of picture frames, but they’re all in a pile on a shelf by the coffee maker. You wonder what kind of pictures he has and why they aren’t on display. You don’t want to be nosy though, so you run your finger over the espresso machine that looks like it cost more than a month of pay. “Marry me?” You bend over and ask it, breathing in deeply the scents of coffee. 
John laughs and points at a smaller hallway. “Laundry is through there.” He points at a door. “Basement.” He walks through the kitchen and into the living room, which is sparse but still lovely. You wonder if he decorated this place himself or if he had help. 
“Evening entertainment.” He points to the TV even though you see a stack of heavy books on the coffee table, some of them well read. “Upstairs?” He asks, starting for the staircase. You shrug, trying not to seem eager and interested. 
The amount of sunlight the house gets is incredible. There are windows everywhere, but you can’t see any neighbors and it’s fairly quiet. This is like your dream house. 
“Wow.” It’s all you can say when you enter the master bedroom. A huge bed in the middle that looks so very soft. There’s a sitting couch and table, with a bureau next to the walk in closet. The view is fantastic and you can even see the lake from here. You walk to the other side of his bedroom and almost press your face against the glass. “You live right across from the community college campus! That’s so cool!” 
John is in his closet, probably getting new clothes for the day, but you can hear him say, “Yeah?”
“Yeah! You could walk there if you wanted to! Save a ton on parking.” You mutter, more to yourself. 
Suddenly he’s right behind you, now in a white cotton shirt with long sleeves. “What do you mean?”
“I applied to go to school in the fall. I want to take some classes, maybe try for a degree or something. My place is far, so it’ll be a hassle but that’s okay.” You tug on the hem of his shirt as you walk by him, throwing your purse on the bed. “What else is up here?” You ask, peering down another long hallway.
He has a proud look in his eyes and he’s still gapping at you a little. “I didn’t know you’re going back to school.”
“Oh, something you finally didn’t know, I can’t believe it.”
“Well, I saw the application on your kitchen table but I didn’t want to assume.”
You laugh because of course he did. “Were you snooping, John Wick?”
“Never. I just observe.”
“Oh, I see.”
He opens the door to an empty bedroom with no furniture. “This was supposed to be a guest room but I never got around to it.”
“What about that room?” You point to the door at the end of the hallway. 
“My office.”
“Ooh. Do you have assassin secrets in there?” You smile teasingly and walk back to his bedroom to get your purse. 
“No, those are in the basement.”
Laughing, you can’t tell if he’s joking or not. You don’t think he is. 
The windows are calling again and you can’t help but to take one more look of the view. “This is just so nice. You have everything in walking distance. The lake, the school…”
There’s a beat of silence before he says, “You should move in here.”
That makes you throw your head back and really laugh. How funny. “John, don’t be stupid.”
“How is that stupid?” He asks, his tone is serious but kind. “There’s an empty room. You can walk to school. You can watch the dog for me when I go on… work trips. You would have a kitchen to cook in.”
This man seems to keep surprising you. “You’ve only known me for like a month. What if I smell bad or something?”
He doesn’t hesitate. “You smell amazing.”
“What if I play loud music really late at night?”
“You can’t keep your eyes open past ten.”
“What if I have parties all weekend long?”
“While you work and go to school? Be my guest.”
“What if I’m messy and leave my clothes everywhere?”
John’s eyes narrow with suspicion. “Did you just pretend to be neat while I was at your place for two days?”
He’s right, you do like a clean house. “Whatever, John.” Hoping that he drops it. “Don’t you have to get the dog?”
“Damn, stay here. I’ll be right back. Their house is just down the street.” He runs down the stairs and you can hear the screen door open and shut. 
You look around the bedroom again and take it all in. What a completely different life this would be. Not that you don’t like your apartment. It’s cozy and you’re proud of what you’ve established for yourself. This is too fancy for you anyway. Plus, you like having your space. John would be the weirdest roommate ever. You can’t even imagine. 
You jog down the stairs to wait on the couch. You spot some more picture frames stacked nicely in a pile and you’re just about to sneak a look when you can hear them approach the house.
“Puppy kisses!” You cry out and kneel down to gather a happy dog in your arms. If you had any idea this was the dog driving you mad all those nights, you would have taken him for yourself. 
“Pooch! Get down.” John’s Alpha voice is hot and both you and the dog stop everything. 
He trots over to his doggy bed anyways and plops down. “Cassey, the little girl, wore him out at the park this morning.” John says. “Are you ready to go?”
The movie! You had almost forgotten with all the excitement of being in John’s house.
“Yeah, let’s do it. And don’t worry, I’ll protect you. Don’t get scared.” You tell him, in a bravado voice. 
“Can we get gummy bears?” He asks and you crack up on the way back to the garage. 
“You’re a grown man, you can get whatever you want.”
John hurries to open the car door for you again. “I meant, would you have any or would you like something else?”
“Hmm, I don’t know, that’s a big decision.” You slide back into the car and think to yourself that you could really get used to the chivalry John is showing. You wonder how long it could last. “I think I have to see all my options.”
John smiles as he starts the car and lowers the garage door. “This is really serious.”
You fasten your seatbelt and get comfortable. “When’s the last time you went to a movie?”
He turns his head to back out of the driveway, putting his arm around your seat. His face is very close to yours and you notice that his eyes are a very pretty brown when he’s not working. 
“Good point.”
You grin, breaking the eye contact because it’s making your stomach fill with butterflies that you mentally quiet down. 
The theater is busy and you realize it’s a Friday during summer, so all the teenagers are here. John’s phone rings as he parks and tells you he has to take it, so you decide to get in line and buy the tickets. He’s leaning against his car, chatting while looking around at his surroundings and smiles at you when he catches you checking on him. 
You quickly see that the movie is sold out and not knowing what to do, you walk back to John and the car just as he’s finishing his conversation. It sounds like he was speaking in Russian, but you can’t be sure. “All set?” He asks, sliding the phone in his pocket and reaching to put his hand on your back. He hardly ever really touches you, but his hand hovers over your body constantly. 
“It’s sold out.” You tell him. “Do you want to see something else or maybe come back another day?”
“Oh.” He looks disappointed. “But you really wanted to see that movie.”
“It’s okay, shit happens, right?” You shrug it off easily. This is not the worst thing that could happen. Plus, you’re hanging out with John, so you could be going to the town dump and you’d be happy.
“Hold on. Stay here, I’ll be right back.” He takes off towards the theater and leaves you by the car. You watch him go and it’s almost like he’s in slow motion again. You wonder how just his stride oozes that much confidence. 
In a few minutes he’s back with two tickets. “Here we go. C’mon.”
“How’d you do that?” You dumbly follow him to the theater doors and he guides you to walk in front of him.
“It’s a secret. What do you want?”
You’re still staring at him in a silent awe as he looks at the refreshment stand. A beautiful young worker comes to help and John’s gaze is just on you.
“Um… gummy bears? Right?” You ask him, trying to snap out of it. “That’s what you wanted?”
He leans in close, dark hair falling into his eyes. “I’m asking what you want.”
You don’t really remember what the hell you say, but somehow John pays and leads you down a long hallway and to your seats. Now he’s really close to you and the smell of his cologne is making your legs weak. 
“You okay?”
“Yes!” It comes out too fast but you realize you’re acting weird and need to get with it. 
John nods and crosses his long legs, sitting back in the chair and shifting towards you, whispering as advertisements play on the big screen. “I have a question.”
“Do friends hold hands at the movies?”
You close your eyes. “No, John. They do not.”
“Not even when I scored tickets that were sold out?”
You lean in to him and smile. “If you tell me how you did that, I might reconsider the answer to your question.”
“Hmm…” He runs fingers over his beard as he thinks. “I talked to the manager.”
“And I paid him.”
“What? You wanted to know, so I told you.”
You shake your head in disbelief as the lights lower and the movie starts. “You’re crazy.”
He doesn’t disagree with you, but he does turn towards the screen, still touching your elbow throughout most of the first half of the movie. When it gets really creepy, he covers his mouth every time you jump in your seat, hiding his smile. 
You somehow get closer to his shoulder, shielding your eyes and turning into his body when you jump again, grabbing onto his arm. The muscles you feel are solid, and you technically knew they were there, you just never really considered them before. And you are definitely considering them now. 
John lets you hold on to him, and even offers to hold your hand when the movie winds down and you link his pinky with yours, not wanting to totally turn him down. He seems satisfied with that and smoothes his thumb down your hand a few times before the credits roll.
“That was so good!” You exclaim, getting up from your seat and stretching. “I forgot how fun the movies are!”
“You were scared.” John teases, playfully shaking your hand with his. 
“Was not.”
“Was too.”
“Whatever, you were scared too.” You tell him, pushing the heavy doors open and heading to his car. The sky is darker now and the wind has picked up, chilling your arms. You wish you had brought a sweater.
“I was definitely not scared.” John laughs, his hand hovering over your back again. You feel it because you stop for a car and his arm is suddenly pressed into your waist. He moves quickly though, opening the door for you to get inside. 
He turns on the heat as soon as he can and asks where you want to eat. 
“It’s up to you. I could go for anything.”
That surprises you and you can’t help but look at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Nothing, I just didn’t know John Wick likes sushi. I see you more of an all meat kinda guy.”
“I have a very sophisticated pallet.”
“Oh, my mistake.” You laugh and tell him to lead the way. 
He takes you to a really nice place and you talk about the movie and the food all throughout dinner. It’s nice, not forced, and fun. These past two days, even with the weird circumstances, have been really fun. You want to pay for the dinner, but of course John beats you to it without you even realizing until it’s far too late. You glare at him and tell him that friends usually split the check. He apologizes with a sparkle in his eye and you know he’s not sorry at all.
When John pulls up to your apartment you thank him for such a great day. 
“Are you sure you’re not going to be scared?” He asks, after telling you he had fun today too.
“Yes, John.”
“I could spend the night again, just to make sure.”
You roll your eyes. “I’ll be fine. And you have to get back to Pooch.”
“You could spend the night at my place.” John offers, completely innocent but realizes what he says and adds, “I could take the couch, of course.”
“Good bye, John.” You tell him and he wants you to let him know if you need anything, or if you hear from Max. “I will.” Waving, you open the car door before he can get out and do it for you. The walk up to your apartment is quiet and just a little lonely. 
Once you get inside it’s worse, but you try to ignore it. Instead, you lay in bed where John had slept and cuddle the pillows. 
He texts you once he’s home, to make sure you made it to the apartment okay.
You didn’t let me walk you upstairs, he texts with a sad face.
Instead of telling him that you’re a grown up or you don’t need his protection, you simply text back next time. 
You really hope there’s a next time.
TBC Chapter 3
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just-a-poor-boy-queen · 4 years ago
I've had a really hard day today and I saw someone wanted more Jimary crack, so I decided to write it to cheer myself up. I hope three fics in a row isn't too excessive. (All credit goes to the anon who suggested this.)
‘She’s drunk.’ Joe said very matter-of-factly, lifting his wine glass to his lips, only to discover there was nothing left in it.
‘Very drunk.’ Replied Phoebe, reaching for the bottle nearby and giving them both a refill.
It wasn’t as though they had never seen Mary drunk before. She was usually all giggly and bouncy after a few drinks, perhaps more talkative than usual and, in Joe’s opinion, far less uptight. But they had never seen her like this; her eyes heavy lidded, downing her wine like it was water and clumsily swaying to the music that filled the busy lounge, stumbling every now and again to keep her balance. She was clearly taking her break up with Piers very badly.
‘Freddie’s livid.’ Joe murmured, glancing over at the singer who appeared to be deep in conversation with Peter Straker, but kept glancing over at the intoxicated woman who was trying to coax Brian into dancing with her, much to the displeasure of Anita. ‘Prepare yourself for a screaming match later on.’
‘I already have the popcorn ready.’
Mary eventually gave up on Brian and loudly announced she was heading into the kitchen for another bottle of rosé, almost stepping on Delilah as she staggered through the door. She surveyed the kitchen a moment, the room spinning as her alcohol consumption finally caught up with her, before she noticed Jim sitting alone at the kitchen table, trying unsuccessfully to uncork a large bottle of champagne between his knees.
She had always been a little jealous of Jim. Before he came along, she had always held out hope that Freddie might return to her one day, discover he wasn’t actually into men or something daft like that. But then this Irishman appeared, who wasn’t like Freddie’s other boyfriends; for the first time, it seemed like Freddie was in love and ready to settle down, happy in a way she had never seen him before. It had been hard for her to accept; but when Piers had finally had enough of her obsession and left her, she realised that she would never be able to properly move on with her life if she kept latching on to the past. She had to let Freddie go. She had to accept that, while they would always be friends, Freddie was gay and what they had all those years ago was over.
Jim noticed her hovering and looked up, giving her a small smile. ‘Enjoying the party?’
Mary hummed in response, going to the cupboard where the booze was kept and digging around until she found the rosé she was looking for. When she looked back at Jim, he still hadn’t managed to remove the cork and was quietly cursing under his breath in his thick Irish accent.
It was quite a nice voice, her inebriated mind told her.
‘You have a lovely voice.’ She suddenly said aloud, her words slurred. She wobbled up to him, heels clinking against the kitchen tiles as she unscrewed the top of the rosé bottle. ‘Where is it you’re from again?’
Jim blinked at her dumbly. He wasn’t used to Mary initiating conversation like this; she was usually so reserved. ‘Um, a town called Carlow. It’s near Dublin.’
‘It is, isn’t it?’ Mary drawled and without any warning, she suddenly plopped herself down in Jim's lap, making him jump in surprise. ‘Ireland is sss-such a lovely place. Lots of sheep there.’
Jim’s face went red, and he carefully set the champagne bottle down on the table. ‘Yeah, I suppose there are.’
Much to his horror, Mary put the bottle of rosé to her lips and began downing the drink ruthlessly, not stopping until it was almost half empty. When she finally stopped, she carelessly abandoned the bottle next to the champagne and turned around to stare Jim directly in the eyes, her smile disturbingly wide.
‘You have beautiful eyes.’ She garbled, moving her finger as if she was going to poke them out, but she instead ended up giving him a weird boop on the nose. ‘And your arms are so big.’ She reached down to squeeze his bicep, giggling like a schoolgirl. ‘I bet you’re really strong. Remember when you lifted me up at Freddie’s birthday party?’
Jim remembered. He was so plastered that night he had almost dropped her on her head.
‘Are you feeling alright, Mary?’ he asked warily, not comfortable with how close their faces were.
‘I’m wonderful, Jim.’ Mary giggled again, though it sounded a little manic. ‘I really, really want to dance. Will you dance with me, Jim?’
‘I’m not much of a dancer, Mary.’ Jim coughed, glancing over his shoulder in hope that someone might come through the kitchen door and save him.
‘That’s not true! I’ve seen you dance!’ Mary insisted, pulling at his hands, ‘come on.’
Jim didn’t have the energy to argue with her, already a little tipsy himself, and he allowed her to drag him into the middle of the kitchen, face filling with colour as Mary threw her arms around his neck and sagged all of her body weight against him. He realised rather quickly that if he let her go, she’d probably fall face first onto the floor and never get up again.
The next five minutes had to be the most uncomfortable of his entire life, as he swayed in awkward circles with his husband’s ex-girlfriend, mindfully trying to keep his hands off her waist. He wasn’t a religious man, but in that moment, he prayed to every God in existence that someone would call him from the lounge and rescue him from this predicament.
Mary suddenly lifted her head from his shoulder and whispered in his ear. ‘Marry me, Jim.’
The Irishman stared down at her, eyes comically wide. ‘Beg your pardon?’
‘Marry me.’ Mary grinned at him, leaning so close that for one horrible moment he thought she might try to kiss him. ‘We can have lots of beautiful Irish babies together.’
Jim sighed. Next time they had a party, he was going to replace Mary’s wine with Ribena. ‘I’m very flattered by your offer, but there are two problems; I’m gay and I’m married to Freddie.’
‘Oh bugger.’ Said Mary, as if she had forgotten that detail. ‘You can still marry me though. We can run away to Cardiff together.’
‘Carlow, Mary.’
Her face suddenly fell and she stepped away from him, looking betrayed. 'Is it because of the cats?'
'The what?'
‘That's why you don't want to marry me, isn't it?’ Mary's lip trembled as if she was about to cry. ‘Freddie has cats and I don't!'
‘Mary, I’m going to get you some water.’ Jim replied, making a beeline for the sink.
‘No, don’t leave!’ Mary grabbed his sleeve, trying to tug him back. ‘Stay with me, Jim. I'll buy you all the cats you want!’
‘You’ll feel much better after drinking this.’ Jim said firmly, pouring a glass of water and turning around to hand it to her. As soon as he did, her lips were suddenly pressed against his own, arms locked around his neck so there was no escape as he yelled against her mouth in surprise.
‘Mary!’ he roared, as soon as she released him, half the water having spilled onto the floor during the struggle. ‘What the bloody hell are you playing at?!’
Mary grinned; lipstick smudged across her face, so she looked like the Joker. ‘I’ve never kissed an Irishman before. Does that make me Irish now?’
Before Jim could even answer, she suddenly dry heaved; he grabbed her and stuck her head into the sink as she vomited up the contents of her stomach.
‘What the fuck happened?’ Freddie demanded, as Jim walked into the lounge, his shirt ruffled, a smear of red lipstick on his mouth and a very drunk Mary giggling uncontrollably in his arms.
‘Your ex-girlfriend asked me to marry her, then threw up.’ Jim replied, as if this was a normal occurrence. ‘I’m going to put her in one of the guest rooms so she can sleep it off.’
He turned and walked out of the lounge before anyone could respond. Freddie clenched his glass so hard it was a miracle it didn’t shatter in his hand.
‘I’m going to murder her!’ he growled, lunging towards the door, only for Phoebe to grab him from behind and hoist him up. ‘Let me go! That backstabbing homewrecker is trying to abscond with my husband!’
‘Take it easy, Fred.’ Phoebe said calmly, holding onto the man effortlessly. ‘You can kill her tomorrow.’
‘Yeah, we haven’t even had dessert yet.’ Said Joe, holding onto Freddie's legs to stop him from kicking. ‘I spent all fucking day slaving over that baked Alaska, you’re eating it whether you like it or not!’
Firstly, I am so sorry you are having a hard day. I feel terrible that whilst you are doing so much to entertain us with this outrageous crackship, you are not having a good time. I can just hope that writing these stories bring you as much joy as they bring us.
And now, the fic. I AM WHEEZING. First of all, I fucking love Joe. Even though we've never heard him speak, or ever listened to his words through his own perspective, I feel that your characterisation is so realistic. His dessert comment slayed me lmao.
And oof, Mary being drunk off her ass is my new favourite trope. And lmao her thinking that Jim doesnt want to marry her because she doesn't have cats😂😂😂 Leave him alone, Mary. He doesn't want to have irish babies with you.
And hahahahaha Freddie's reaction is as epic as I had envisioned. And god, this is another nightmare that Jim isn't going to recover from soon.
This is such a fantastic crackship, omg. I absolutely loved this💙💙
(More drabbles by writer anon)
Also anon, if you ever want to talk, you can always dm me, if you are comfortable of course🧡
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elwenyere · 4 years ago
Old Acquaintance
(A Stony + Avengers-as-Family ficlet for a fandom New Year)
Also on AO3
The mission had gone wrong from the start: bad intel, a junior HYDRA agent who was far too twitchy with self-destruct buttons, and the first Code Green in months. After picking up the pieces of their weapons and uniforms, the team had flown back to the Tower in near silence, shuffled through a cursory medical check, and collapsed across the furniture in the common room. It had been a solid fifteen minutes before Clint had flopped over and pawed at the remote long enough to turn on “New Year’s Rockin’ Eve,” and another twenty minutes before Steve heaved himself off the couch to raid the kitchen for snacks.
“Nmph,” Tony protested as Steve slipped a pillow under Tony’s head in place of his lap.
“You’ll thank me when you have ice cream,” Steve assured him, but his fingers lingered as they brushed Tony’s hair away from the bandage on his temple, throat tightening with the effort of surrendering contact.
“Just bring the cartons,” Natasha suggested, not bothering to lift her head from where it was resting on Bruce’s shoulder. She’d taken a hard fall right before the Code Green, and Steve wasn’t sure Bruce even realized he’d been tracing fractal patterns across her arm ever since she’d flopped down next to him.
“Bring the fancy crackers!” Clint yelled, his voice muffled by the cushion he’d dragged off the couch and face-planted into. “No wait!” He lifted his head, revealing the beginnings of an impressive shiner over his left eye. “Make tater tots!”
“Anything that involves preheating is self-serve,” Steve shot back as he rifled through the cupboards for popcorn and chips.
“Aww man,” Clint sighed, “but tots and shots.”
“I will make the tiny potatoes,” Thor offered magnanimously, rising from the recliner fast enough that it gave a creak of surprise. He looked by far the least battered of any of them, despite having taken a header from a load-bearing wall when the bomb had detonated. “They are an excellent vehicle for ketchup.”
Steve distributed his armload of snacks before returning to his spot on the couch, readjusting his arms as Tony sat up to claim a spoon and a carton of rocky road. The anxious claws that had been sinking their way into Steve’s chest while he was out of the room retracted slightly as Tony leaned back against him, and for a few minutes he let himself bury his face in Tony’s hair and breathe. With each inhale, the scent of coconut and jasmine from Tony’s shampoo became stronger. With each exhale, the memory of the Iron Man armor bent over a tangle of explosives – faceplate lifting as Tony shouted at him to run – faded just a little further into the background.
“Oh it’s my song!” Clint called out.
A Top-40 hit Steve vaguely recognized had started playing on the television, which was showing cell-phone videos of people dancing in their bedrooms and living rooms. Clint heaved himself to his feet, wobbling only briefly on the left ankle he’d twisted jumping out of a window, and started shaking his hips to the music.
“Start the new year as you mean to continue!” he proclaimed.
“Covered in crab dip and bomb residue?” Tony asked.
“Etching haunting, ineffaceable images into our brains?” Bruce added.
“Dancing it out with a bunch of assholes!” Clint replied, extending a hand to Natasha, who rolled her eyes but joined him nonetheless. She touched one finger gingerly to the edge of Clint’s black eye and then took his hand to set him up for a twirl.
“In Asgard, one year lasts 7,000 Midgardian days,” Thor declared, now back from the kitchen and dipping three tater tots meditatively into a mixing bowl of ketchup, “and we celebrate the dawning of a new age by tapping a barrel of Ymir’s mead and bathing together in the blood of a newly conquered enemy.”
“I swear you make half of this shit up,” Tony said, grinning when Thor gave him a slow wink in reply.
“Hey look,” Bruce announced as the camera feed switched back to Times Square, “we made it.”
The team chanted along with the countdown, Clint gathering a handful of tater tots for a ketchup toast with Thor and Natasha dancing her way over to plant kisses on Tony’s cheek and Steve’s forehead before sliding back in next to Bruce.
As they neared the end of the count, Steve looked over at Tony and felt his breath catch at the raw expression in his eyes. He brought his hands up instinctively to cup Tony’s face, and Tony tangled his fingers into Steve’s hair, pulling him into a kiss that was as fierce a promise as any they’d made during a year’s worth of firefights and hospital recovery rooms. When they came up for air, Steve left his forehead pressed gently to Tony’s, relaxing into the feeling of Tony sweeping his fingers across the nape of Steve’s neck.
“Starting the year as we mean to continue,” Steve murmured.
“Surviving?” Tony asked, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Surviving together.”
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curseofaphrodite · 3 years ago
He literally has more energy than most humans I've seen. I wish you'd see him when I'm letting them to roam free in their room, it's impossible to clean their cage if Penny is out because he runs for his life, popcorns and lets out these little squeaks and forms a 8 when he runs around my feet and I've almost tripped on him so many times oh my god 🤦🏻‍♀️
I read somewhere than animals actually do have the possibility for the exact same mental disorders that humans do. Ofc, they don't appear the same way but Penny could have ADHD or something if that's true because I literally have had guinea pigs for almost 20 years, since I was 8 years old, and Penny is by far the bravest and the most energetic guinea pig I've ever owned, he does anything for food and sometimes he's racing around the cage, probably that's how he can stay fit while eating so much. My other guinea pigs are just chilling around, I spot Laku just sitting on top of his hut and observing his surroundings EVERY SINGLE TIME I peek into their room.
Btw, I gave them (dry) food 10 minutes ago, Penny hasn't left his post since:
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(They have a pile of fresh hay at the corner, they just scatter it around so much that it looks like they're out of it)
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(Penny sees I'm coming over to take a pic of that hay pile so he's like "hey, you got any more treats for me???" I began to laugh, that's why the pic is shaken)
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So proud of Kid though ❤️ The boy is a survivor (he ran to the forest as a baby during spring 2019, when we still had really cold nights, and I spent 3 days without sleep looking for him, somehow he survived but he probably got traumatized for life and only now has been able to come out from his hut while I'm right next to him and he can also endure my touch a little bit. Actually, I should probably rename him and replace two letters in his name. He also beat up Laku and almost killed him almost two years ago because Laku challenged him for the leadership so... he's scarily similar to our fave Crow Boi.
AAA your pets ARE ALL AMAZING AND IM SMILING SO BIG RN. Like Laku, Kid and Penny?? amazing names, and i love how they're so distinguishable between each other and each has its own personality??
my fav is definitely penny though jdhkj i love that bundle of joy. i can SEE him running around the room as soon as the cage is opened. if i was there, id probably be scared that he'll jump from a cupboard or smth to attack me. (i get scared easily by surprise friendly attacks)
AND AA KID IS A SURVIVOR!! he'll LOVE kaz or maybe Kaz will love him?? hehe I can imagine Kaz adopting Kid 💗
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the-delta-42 · 4 years ago
My Brother
My Brother
Following a premise that was sent to @nerdasaurus1200
This fic will be a slight AU of The War Cricle, but will feature the same characters.
Marinette tried to keep the fact she had a brother as quiet as possible, but that is becoming increasingly difficult because a. he’s the technician at the College and b. he’s having ‘relations’ with Ms. Bustier. And then today he had to go and ruin their cover. Now granted, it was technically her fault.
“Marinette, you forgot your lunch.” Said Michael as he popped into the classroom and handed Marinette her lunch bag.
“Thanks.” Said Marinette, gritting her teeth.
“Have a good day, little one. Caline, I’ll see you tonight.” Said Michael, as he walked out of the room.
A moment of silence passed, and then Marinette was bombarded with questions. One thing she knew for sure- she was going to kill him.
Caline looked up from her computer as Michael left the room. True to form, Marinette looked composed, except the look of murder that lived in her eyes. Caline decided that the ‘Lila Rossi take down’ file could wait for a few minutes, as the class bombarded Marinette with questions.
“Alright everyone, calm down. Yes, Michael is Marinette’s older brother. He and I are in a committed relationship. Unless Marinette wishes to say more on the matter, that is all you have to know. Now, back to your seats and continue reading in your textbook.” Instructed Ms. Bustier, going back to her computer. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Marinette giving her a silent ‘thank you’.
“HOW could you not tell us you had a brother?!” Asked Alya, openly gaping at Marinette.
“Hmm, let’s see, would you want people to know if your brother was going out with your teacher?” Was Marinette’s snarky response.
“Wait, if your brother’s 22 and Ms. Bustier is 30, why are they together?” Asked Kim, looking at the bluenette.
“I’m 23.” Corrected Ms. Bustier, looking slightly offended.
Kim winced and sunk down into his seat.
“And that’s how Kim failed literature.” Said Alix, getting a solid five minutes of laughter from her classmates.
It’d been a few weeks since Michael had made his presence, and his relationship with Ms. Bustier, known to the class.
The class stiffened when they heard a sob. Everyone looked around, before Marinette spotted Ms. Bustier, one hand on her forehead and the other holding a pen as she marked some higher years’ work. Everyone wondered what was on the work to make Ms. Bustier cry.
“Dear god, they are so stupid.” Whispered Ms Bustier, looking at the student’s answers.
Marinette pulled out her phone and sent a text to Michael, ‘Cal needs your help. Something bad just happened.’
Not a minute later, she got a reply ‘Be there in 5.’
True to form, Michael arrived in five minutes and walked over to the desk and spoke with Caline in low tones, before looking at the paper and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Alright, everyone,” Said Michael, getting everyone to look at him, “Who can tell me who William Shakespeare was?”
“He was an English play write who lived between 1564 and 1616.” Said Max, automatically.
“Well, one of the students in the year above you put, a man shaking a spear and selling weed.” Said Michael, making everyone freeze, “You do not know how depressing it is to know that 4th grade students are smarter than 2nd grade students.”
There was a collective wince from the class as the news sunk in and Ms. Bustier dissolved into a fresh wave of tears.
The school found itself on the business end of a surprise inspection. The inspectors had gone around the school and continuously tutted at the students, teacher and other people in and around the school.
One inspector froze when he saw Chloe Bourgeois openly bully another member of the class, before turning to Ms. Bustier, “Are you really going to allow that to continue?”
Everyone watched as Ms. Bustier handed the inspector a piece of paper.
“So, the reason bullying isn’t punished is because the Principle has kept brushing it under the rug?” Clarified the inspector, frowning at the document.
“Pretty much, we once had a staff member who wasn’t even a week into the job before they were fired because they attempted to give a detention to one of those names.” Explained Ms. Bustier, leaning forwards on her desk.
The inspector frowned and said, “If you’ll excuse me for a minute, please.”
An hour later the art teacher poked his head in and said, “Damocles has just been relieved of his post.”
“What?!” Exclaimed Ms. Bustier, getting to her feet, “How?”
“They confronted him about the issues with his ‘exceptions’ list and found he’d misappropriated school funds.” Said the Art Teacher, as Ms. Mendeleiev walked past.
“What’d he do?” Asked Ms. Bustier, as Michael came up to the room.
“He’s put some of it in his own pocket, and he used the rest to turn his office into a superhero den, complete with hidden rooms and compartments.” Said the Art Teacher as Michael squeezed past.
“They also found evidence of, er, ‘inappropriate’ images of children, on school computers.” Said Michael, as he approached Caline, “After you showed them that list, they interviewed each staff member individually and found grounds to relieve his of his position as principal.”
“You do not know, how happy that makes me feel.” Said Caline, grinning.
 The day after Damocles had been relieved of his post as Principal, all the teachers seemed to gain new life to them. Ms. Bustier was happy to finally give Lila a detention for ‘distracting the class’, it only got better when they finally got phone number for Lila’s mother. Caline thought she should’ve brought popcorn. Lucky for her, Michael was kind enough to provide some.
Michael narrowed his eyes and folded his arms as Marinette introduced Luka to him. He examined the boy, looking him up and down, before looking at Marinette.
“So, he’s the boyfriend?” Said Michael, getting a vehement refusal, making Michael leaned back smirking, “Ah, so this is the gay one.”
Marinette had taken a sip of a drink, which she proceeded to choke on. “MICHAEL!!”
“It’s okay, I get that a lot.” Said Luka, looking at Marinette’s brother, “You’re taller than I thought you’d be.”
“My friend, as you may have observed,” Said Michael, looking down at Luka, “Our father, is a literal, fucking, giant.”
Luka frowned, before nodding.
Marinette rocked back and forth as Michael typed away on the computer.
“If you keep doing that, I’ll start thinking somethings wrong.” Said Michael, making Marinette freeze and look at him.
“Michael,” Asked Marinette, “how long have you known Caline?”
“Since we were in school,” Responded Michael, “we were in the same class, I had a crush on her and was devastated when she started dating someone else, but I chose to support her in whatever made her happy. Why do you ask?”
“It’s just that Adrien’s dating Kagami, and I know I should be happy for them, but…” Marinette trailed off.
“But you can’t help but wish you were the one he was in love with.” Finished Michael, looking at her, “Little one, it’s alright to feel those things, it only becomes wrong the moment you start to interfere with their relationship. Give it some time, and perhaps you’ll have your shot again.”
Marinette gave her brother a watery smile, before he crossed the room and pulled her into a hug. Both being unaware of the couple standing outside the door.
“Come on, Nonna’s visiting today.” Said Michael, making Adrien and Kagami hide in a cupboard.
Michael was pacing in the waiting area outside the hospital room.
“Caline’s going to be fine.” Said Sabine, looking up at her son.
“But what if she isn’t?” Asked Michael, his pacing increasing, “She’s been in there for hours, what if somethings gone wrong? What if she’s lost? What if the baby’s lost? What if they’re both lost and all I’ll have of them is the ultrasound photo?”
“Michael, did I ever tell you what your father did when you and your sister were born?” Asked Sabine, making Michael look down at her, “He ran through the hospital, screaming and yelling for doctors because I was screaming, he called for emergency services and, eventually, had to be sedated, but when he woke up and met you and Skye, he practically melted.”
“So, you’re saying we all get our spiralling panic attacks from dad?” Asked Michael, getting a small smile from Sabine.
“You all get so much from your father, and from me.” Said Sabine, placing her hand on Michael’s cheek, “I know you feel like you failed because you weren’t there for Sam and Brianna, but you’re with them now and I know that they are just as worried for Caline as you are.”
Michael smiled slightly, before looking down. Sam and Brianna were with Skye and Nora, while Michelle was being watched by Marinette back at the bakery. Michael’s head jerked up at the sound of a newborn baby crying. Quickly jumping to his feet, Michael made his way over to the doors and looked in through the window. A nurse opened the door, making Michael jump back and nervously grin.
“Congratulations,” Said the Nurse, her face completely straight, “you’re a father.”
Michael looked past the nurse and spotted Caline holding a screaming bundle.
“Can, can I go in?” Asked Michael, nervously.
“As long as you don’t have anything contagious,” Said the Nurse, looking at Michael and then at his mother, “Everything should be fine.”
“We had our temperatures checked when we arrived on the floor.” Said Sabine, gently pushing Michael towards Caline and the baby.
“Cal?” Called Michael, making the red head look up.
Caline smiled and gestured Michael to come closer, carefully positioning the bundle so they could scream at Michael. Michael perched on the edge of the bed, the baby’s screams quietened and two, big, bright blue eyes stared up at Michael.
“Looks like this one is a daddy’s girl.” Said Caline, as the baby continued to stare up at Michael.
Then, out of nowhere, two small sneezes made the couple smile. The baby sneezed for a third time, before looking back at Michael and then at Caline. Soft coos were coming from the baby.
“Are we still going to go with the name we agreed on?” Asked Caline, as the baby continued to stare at them.
“Maman,” Called Michael, getting his mother’s attention, “Come meet Sabine.”
“Why are her eyes so big?” Asked Sam, tilting his head slightly.
“Because a person’s eyes are fully grown when they’re born, dummy.” Said Brianna, folding her arms.
“Then why are there people with really small eyes?” Continued Sam, as baby Sabine cooed up at them.
Michelle stared at her baby sister, before getting up and toddling over to Marinette, while baby Sabine started to try eating her foot.
“What is it with babies and eating themselves?” Asked Toby, before tossing the contents of his shot glass into his mouth.
“Why are you drinking cold coffee out of a shot glass?” Countered Skye, as Michelle returned with a Ourse plushie, sat down and started to doze off.
“What is it with Michael’s kids all being really quiet?” Asked Marinette, making her parents look at each other.
“Marinette,” Said her mother, “All of you were quiet babies, we had to by special baby monitors so we could actually know if any of you were having trouble.”
“I get the sinking feeling that there’s a horrible story coming.” Said Marinette, making her mother sigh.
“We’ll talk about it later.” Said Sabine, watching as baby Sabine’s eyes lit up when Michael trudged in, “Is everything alright?”
“Let’s just say that Caline’s lucky she’s on leave,” Said Michael, rubbing his eyes, “the schools had to get the police involved in what we thought was a minor internal issue.”
“What issue?” Asked Caline, as she returned from the toilet.
“Can’t say, because there are little ears about.” Said Michael, subtly gesturing to the small children and Marinette.
“Hey.” Protested Marinette, as Toby ushered her and the children from the room. Toby returned a minute later.
“They’re in Marinette’s room,” Said Toby, unaware of the Kwami floating under the sofa, “and there’s a movie on, so they’ll be entertained for a few hours.”
“We found a fuck ton of child pornography on a staff member’s computer.” Said Michael, groaning as he sat up, “Damocles wanted it to be dealt with quietly, however, at that point I’d already contacted the police.”
“Missed being in the uniform that much, huh?” Teased Toby, getting a glare from Michael.
“We’re still going through the folders, but we’ve already unearthed enough for the police to take it off our hands.” Said Michael, as his phone went off, “Ugh, what now?”
Michael answered the phone and all traces of tiredness vanished, “You what? Right, right, I’ll tell them.”
Michael hung up and looked around, “Okay, bad news first, they found evidence that Marinette was molested amongst the files, on a lighter note, Damocles has been arrested because they found he’d been backing up the pictures individually to his personal computer.”
There was a tense silence.
“When they say ‘molested’ do they actually mean ‘raped’?” Asked Skye, after a moment. Michael was silent, making Skye snarl, “Where is he?”
“They didn’t say.” Said Michael, as his twin started pacing.
“But we could find him, right, like we did with Li.” said Skye, rubbing her forehead.
“Skye, the reason none of us were prosecuted for Li was that they never found him.” Said Toby, making Caline frown.
“Who’s Li?” Asked Caline, making everyone freeze.
Michael opened his mouth, before freezing. He placed a finger to his lips and quietly made his way over to the door, upon reaching it, he pulled the door open, making Adrien and Kagami tumble into the room.
“What the hell are you two doing here?!” Snarled Michael, grabbing Adrien’s collar and pushing him against the wall, Skye doing the same with Kagami.
“W-we came to see Marinette.” Stuttered Adrien, as Michael glared at him.
“How much did you hear?” Growled Michael, before he heard a shuffling sound by the steps leading up to Marinette’s room.
“I heard enough.” Said Marinette, sitting curled up on one of the steps.
Michael and Skye froze, before the former sighed, “Marinette, go to Maman and Papa’s room please.”
Marinette went without a word, leaving Michael and Skye to deal with Adrien and Kagami. Michael set Adrien down, before glancing at his mother. Sabine understood his silent question and followed Marinette, as Michael started pacing around the room.
“Well, that was a fuck-up in a dixie.” Said Michael, running a hand down his face.
“No kidding.” Muttered Toby, as Tom started making some tea.
“Who’s Li?” Asked Adrien, making everyone look at him and Kagami.
“If we don’t tell you, you’re going to ask Marinette, aren’t you?” Questioned Skye, folding her arms across her chest.
“If we need to.” Said Kagami, her voice cold.
“You do that, and I’ll rip your spine out and strangle you with it.” Snapped Toby, his nails growing and sharpening.
“I doubt we’ll need to resort to violence.” Uttered Michael, looking at the two, “If we tell you, you must never speak of it.”
“Depends on what it is.” Said Kagami, glaring at Michael.
Michael glanced around the room, his eyes going to each person, before they settled on his father. Tom nodded but did not look happy about it.
“For three years, starting when Marinette was five,” Said Michael, his tone flat, “our uncle, Li Cheng, molested and raped her. When the family found out, we tore him apart. We don’t know how, but the authorities never found his remains.”
“Shortly after that, we came across an old man with a… unique music box,” Continued Skye, looking at her knees, “We don’t know how, but we found out that he had something that help suppress the memories. It’s why Marinette can’t speak, or understand, Chinese. It blocked off a major part of her memories, we never pushed the matter because we couldn’t risk the barricade breaking and having the girl that we all came to know, and love die at the hands of her own memories.”
Caline, Adrien and Kagami sat in shocked silence. The confession changed their view on everyone in the room. A cracking sound drew their attention to Tom, a broken cup in his hand with blood dripping onto the work surface. Skye sighed and got up to treat the wound, as Michael collapsed into a chair.
“W-what happens now?” Asked Adrien, looking around.
“Since Maman is explaining what happened to Marinette,” Said Toby, his voice hollow, “we have to clean up the remains of the barricade as best as we can.”
“We don’t actually know what’ll happen,” Corrected Michael, looking at his brother, “for all we know, Marinette will bounce back. But the reverse is also true, Marinette could be destroyed, and a different person takes her place.”
Michael’s ear twitched, he could hear sobbing. He doubted that it was his mother crying.
The next week, Marinette seemed to be a shell of herself. Adrien had asked if it was alright if Alya knew, Michael just said, “That’s up to Marinette.”
The following weeks slowly turned into months, and Michael found himself leaning against the wall as the school broke for summer. Michael carefully watched Marinette leave with her friends, he didn’t know if Marinette told Alya, but the two seemed to be closer. He often found Marinette cuddled up with her friends at any one time, so far, it had been five. He trusted Luka, Nino and Alya, he wasn’t sure about Adrien and Kagami.
Michael frowned when he spotted Lila approaching the group but smirked when the Italian tripped over a chair leg.
“I really shouldn’t laugh,” Said Caline, balancing baby Sabine in her arms, “but I wish that was caught on camera.”
“It’s against the law, remember?” Joked Michael, as everyone looked down at Lila.
“I was talking about the security camera.” Caline pointed to the small, black orb that sat in the top corner of the room.
“Oh, I forgot about that one.” Smirked Michael, as Marinette and her friends vanished through the door.
“I don’t see how, you installed it.” Remarked Caline, as Sabine started whining because her mother had stopped bouncing her.
Marinette rolled over and looked at the alarm clock, it was slowly ticking down to the time the alarm would go off. Normally, she’d get up and silence the alarm before it sounded, but she currently had a mod of blond hair pinning her arm down to her mattress. Marinette froze when she heard a snuffling sound. A red furred Labrador Retriever peaked over the edge of the bed. The dog gave its best impression of a grin, before barking at them. The cuddle pile jumped as the dog bounced onto the bed and started licking Marinette to death.
“Bridgette, no, why?” Whined Marinette, as the dog dropped herself down on top of Marinette.
Bridgette’s tail wagged harder, before a particularly loud bark, waking a small black cat hiding away on one of Marinette’s shelves. The cat jumped and hissed at the dog, while Marinette tried to wrangle the overgrown puppy off her bed. The cat jumped down and landed on Adrien’s lap. Felix glared at Bridgette and settled himself down on Adrien and started purring. The rest of the group slowly became aware of what was happening.
“Why couldn’t your brother get you some normal pets?” Asked Kagami, glaring at the two animals.
“A cat and dog are normal.” Said Alya, stretching her back.
Kagami glared harder and continued to grumble as Bridgette jumped off the bed and bounded out of the room. Adrien slowly got to his feet, carefully adjusting the cat in his arms as he followed after the dog, Nino and Alya following soon after.
“I’m not going to be able to get back to sleep, am I?” Asked Marinette, her arm covering her eyes.
“No.” Said Luka, before grabbing the covers and pulling them off, “Time to wake up, Mike and Celine are bringing their kids over today.”
Marinette whined and rolled over. That whine turned into a squeal as Kagami grabbed her and hauled her into her arms and started carrying her to the door.
“Nooo, I don’t wanna wake up.” Whined Marinette, dramatically struggling as Kagami princess carried her out of the room.
“If we’re lucky, none of the Kwami’s woke up.” Muttered Luka, nervously glancing at a doll house situated in the corner of the room. A loud snore came from Plagg’s room. Luka sighed in relief and followed Kagami and Mainette after the others.
“Fucking cat, trying to steal my camembert.” Drooled Plagg, kneading a cushion in his sleep.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years ago
Special Cargo ~ JJK [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 2.1k
↬↬↬Genre: Fluffy, angst, Mafia AU
↬↬↬Pairing: Mafia!Jungkook x reader
↬↬↬A/N: This is a continuation of my Mafia pregnancy reaction for Jungkook, I reworked the beginning into this so there’s no need to read the first part @xworldwidecutieguyx Hope this is okay!!
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Your hands were shaking as you looked down at the pregnancy test which had the clear word 'Pregnant' written across it. You took it over to the drawer filled with others, all them a mixture of plus signs, positive, pregnant or that stupid condescending smile that was staring back at you. As if you could even be happy that you were with child right now, you'd always dreamt of having kids but not yet. Not when Jungkook had made it abundantly clear that he didn't want kids yet either, your mind went back to the conversation you'd had with him months ago. He was the leader of a mafia gang for christ sake, of course, he didn't want to have kids yet. It was far too dangerous for you to be pregnant or to bring a child into his life and yet here you were pregnant with his first child.
"Oh fuck," You mumbled when you heard the front door open and slam shut. You locked the drawer full of tests and headed down the staircase to go and greet him at the door. He was drenched in blood - not his. It was never his but it meant he'd had a really bad day and work and probably wasn't going to speak to you for a couple of hours. It happened occasionally so you stayed silent and went to make him a drink. Jungkook and you had met when you were working for him in one of his local bars and he took a liking to you. You'd been together for four years in December and you knew him like you knew yourself. A bad day meant leaving him alone to do his own thing, staying out of his way and making sure to stay as silent as possible so it was not to annoy him.
Your hands shook as you poured the scotch into a glass with ice cubes before handing it to him, normally you'd have a drink with him but you couldn't now that you were pregnant. The door slammed against the wall and you jumped - you'd think you'd be used to people storming in and out of your place like they owned it but you never did. Namjoon was stood there staring at Jungkook, he was also covered in blood.
"Drink?" He nodded at you and you went to make him the same drink as Jungkook. Your hands grazed as he took the cup from your hand and you avoided his eyes walking away from him. Namjoon was like a psychic when it came to things like this in peoples lives. You rushed up the stairs to go and run Jungkook a bath if he was covered in blood and stressed he was going to want to have a relaxing night instead of one filled with rushing around for himself. You turned on the taps and poured in some bubbles and salts turning around to see Jungkook in the doorway watching your every move.
"I made you a bath, careful it might be-" The door slammed in your face as he walked into the bathroom as you left it,
"Hot." You whispered going into the bedroom and trying to think of when the best time to bring up the fact that you were pregnant with him. You couldn't hide it too long because he was sure to find out about it sooner or later, you'd start showing in a few months so you had to tell him soon.
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After a week of uncomfortable and painful silence, he finally spoke to you one night,
"You're the best, you know that?" He came up behind you and began rubbing his hands on your arms. You were standing over the kitchen sink doing the dishes when he came in from work. He must have had one of the best days ever since he was smiling so much. You bent your head back to kiss him and he smiled at you, kissing your lips and pulling away.
"You are," You whispered drying your hands on a towel before turning to get a real hug from him. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and held you as close to his body as he could with you. That's when he pulled back and put his hand on your forehead, a panicked look came across his face and he sat you down on one of the kitchen chairs.
"What's wrong?" You giggled as he began looking around the room for something, he headed into the medicine cabinet you kept stocked up since he was always coming home with some kind of new injury.
"Here," He took the thermometer out and pressed it against your forehead,
"I heard you throwing up this morning and you were sick yesterday too. Maybe we should get you to a doctor." The machine beeped and he read it out, you had a normal temperature but to Jungkook you were hot to touch. You knew where this was going,
"I already know what's wrong, I don't need a doctor." You told him and he put the machine away before turning to you. You were eating one of the apples from the centre of the table and he chuckled at the sight,
"I erm...I ate something bad but I feel fine now." You lied swallowing the lump of apple and trying to think of something else to say. He'd had a good day and you finally got the loving Jungkook back you didn't want to lose him so quickly.
"Do we have any popcorn?" You asked getting up and hunting around in the cabinets for something, you'd had a craving for them all week which meant you were further along in your pregnancy than you originally thought you were and you were going to run out of time to confess to him.
"It's probably not a good idea to eat popcorn baby, if you said you ate something bad plus you are putting on a little weight." You slammed the cupboard door shut and span around to face him, you were getting angrier with each second he stared at you,
"How dare you?! I work my ass off around the house and you call me fat?" You questioned him staring at him, you placed your hands on your hips to challenge him and he smirked at how cocky you were acting right now. You'd never spoken back to him before.
"Carry on talking to me like that, I dare you." You smirked back at him wanting to see what he was going to do.
"What are you going to do? Tie me up and torture me like you do everyone else?!" Your voice cracked and your hormones made you cry at the thought of Jungkook hurting you. You were an emotional mess and you couldn't stand it,
"I'm right then, looks like Namjoon owes me money." You blinked at him wondering what he meant.
"Well you are pregnant aren't you? Or are you going to deny all of the pregnancy tests, the morning sickness, mood swings and the weight gain?" Your hands went onto your stomach even though there wasn't much to feel you still wanted to touch it. Jungkook sounded pissed off at you in his tone and he shook his head,
"I told you to take the pill. If you just do what you're told we wouldn't be n this mess right now." You agreed with him but he wasn't right,
"I was taking it Jungkook, but it's only 98% effective." You were trying to reason with him when you knew for a fact that he wasn't even listening to you. He was starting to rant on about how he was too young for children, how this world wasn't right to bring someone new into and his work environment wasn't great.
"Jungkook, he or she will be fine. We can look after them-" He grumbled something and walked out of the kitchen,
"Where are you going!? Don't walk away from me!" You yelled at him but the front door was slammed shut, all that could be heard in the huge mansion you lived in was the automatic lock of the door and his car engine starting up outside. He was going to leave you...He was going to leave and you were going to have to raise the child alone.
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The next morning you woke up to Namjoon sitting on your sofa watching something on the TV.
"What are you doing?" You asked as you walked over to him, you sat down beside him and he pointed at the TV.
"A birthing video, it looks painful." You stared at the side of his face as you heard screaming coming from the TV, you turned to look and your mouth fell open.
"Fuck," You sprinted in the direction of the kitchen, throwing up into the sink and holding your own hair back out of your face.
"Here," Namjoon took over holding your hair so you could grip onto the marble sink and hold yourself better, he started rubbing your back and you hummed a thank you in his direction. This was supposed to Jungkook's job but he was nowhere to be seen.
"Any idea where my husband is?" You asked as you cleaned the sink out and turned to look at Namjoon who was looking for something to make you for breakfast.
"Just told me to watch over you." You nodded and walked out of the kitchen to brush your teeth.
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It continued like that for a week, Jungkook would come home late at night and not sleep next to you only to leave early again the next time and you were getting sick of it. You wanted your husband to at least tell you what he wanted you to do, even if it was you leaving. You would do that for him. The front door opened and Jungkook expected you to be asleep as you always were when he came in but he was surprised to see you standing at the door with a suitcase.
"Planning on going somewhere?" He asked looking at the bag next to your feet,  
"I'm leaving you. It's clear you don't want me or the baby so I'm going to save you the hassle of breaking up with me." You picked up the side bag and his eyes filled with tears trying to convince you to stay but you were already pushing your way through the door,
"I don't want you to leave-"
"What do you want Jungkook?! Huh?! Because I've been throwing up every day for a week and instead of my husband being there to comfort me I have his guard!"  He flinched a little as you shouted at him, he was exhausted from the late nights and lack of sleep he'd been getting and he was too tired to yell or fight with you so he took your hand in his and began leading you towards his office upstairs. The office that was always locked and off-limits to you because of all the shady business that went down in there.
"I was trying to clear my head, and then I went out every night so I could do this while you slept." You stared at the back of his head and watched as he unlocked the door and let you inside. The usual office furniture was gone, the deep red walls were painted over in yellow, a crib was in the centre of the room along with boxes of other furniture for children.
"Jungkook this is-"
"This will be the nursery, it's the main room of the house which is impossible to get into, I painted the walls and I was putting the furniture together while you slept...Namjoon was helping me pick out some clothes as well and the wardrobes are full. We even have a lifetime supply of diapers." He began rambling on about what else he had done on the week you thought he was planning to leave you and you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by everything. You kissed him roughly on the lips and he steadied you as you rocked a little in place.
"Careful, special cargo." He whispered putting his hands on the bump under your shirt.
"I'm going to be here every step of the way, I promise." He whispered to you and the bump,
"When is the first scan? I'll plan everything around it I promise." Your eyes welled up and you nodded at him letting the tears flow as you realised how happy he actually was to have a son or daughter. Although the timing wasn't perfect a baby was a miracle and a blessing no matter what.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @fan-ati--c @lyoongx @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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thisismandee · 4 years ago
You’re my PainKiller (Spencer Reid x F!Reader)
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Part 1| Part 2| Part 3
Word Count: 1.7k
Content Warning: Talk of murder typically criminal minds warnings. 
Summary: The next morning with Spencer. Then the team gets called into a case.
You woke up to your alarm the next morning. You looked over at the couch and noticed Spencer wasn’t there. You got up and turned off your alarm and picked up the living room. You grabbed the empty bowl that was filled with popcorn the night prior and walked towards the kitchen. As you walked in you saw Spencer making a pot of coffee. You also noticed that he was already dressed for the day. 
“What time did you wake up?” You asked him as you put the bowl in the sink and grabbed two to go cups from your cupboard. 
“Only like ten minutes ago.” He replied, and you believed him because you could hear the roughness in his morning voice. You had to admit his morning voice was kind of hot, in that he is your friend and any female would find it hot, kind of way. You put the cups on the counter and you noticed that Reid had grabbed the sugar. You watched as he did his normal pound of sugar and topped it off with coffee. You smiled as you made your own cup.
“Would you like some coffee with that sugar?” You joked towards him. He just gave you a mocking ‘haha’. You left the kitchen and went to your bedroom and got ready for the day. You were glad that you were able to do your entire makeup and morning routine in fifteen minutes, so you could always sleep in. You left your bedroom, dressed and with a go bag, because you never know how the day is going to go. What you didn’t know was that this was foreshadowing.
You and Spencer left your apartment and headed towards the car. It was a quiet car ride until Reid spoke up. 
“Y/N, I just realized that we are coming up on your one year with the BAU. Congrats”
“Has it really already been a year. It feels like just yesterday I walked into the unit and was greeted by you literally falling for me.” You said in a teasing tone.
“Morgan tripped me as a joke, I didn’t just ‘fall’. I still can’t believe that I spilled my coffee on you on your first day. I am still sorry about that.”
“Just think if you didn’t ruin my favorite shirt we wouldn’t be friends now.” You said teasingly, knowing that he would only pay attention to one part of your sentence.
“That was your favorite shirt!?!?” You could tell he felt bad. “I didn’t know that, oh my...”
You let out a laugh and looked over at him. His demeanor went from regret to calm as he figured o9ut that you were messing with him. 
“Very funny, I was this close to ordering you a new shirt like the one you had.”
“Oh, come on pretty boy, I have to mess with you sometimes, it can’t just be Morgan that gets to have all the fun.”
“Well if you want to go there, it is on Y/N”
You pulled into your parking spot and walked into the building ready for the day. Anticipating what you just started with Spencer.
You weren’t at your desk for more than a half hour when you were pulled into the round room with a new case. 
“We are headed to Las Vegas, NV.” JJ had started as she gave us the case files. You looked over at Spencer and noticed the smile he had, we were going to his hometown. “We have three woman dead. First we have Lara Lynch, age 32, she was found in her home, no sign of a struggle. Violet Mercado, 29, and local magazine model, was found with her face mutilated, almost unrecognizable. Lastly, we have Chloe Baldwin, 37, she was found in her law office.”
“These killings are so random, how do we know that it was all the same person?” Derek asked.
“They all had a letter carved into their chest. Lara, ‘E’, Violet, ‘P’, and Chloe, ‘G’. “
“Is the killer trying to spell out something? And what happened with Lara, why was there no struggle?” You said speaking out loud.
“Wheels up in 15”
When you had landed at Las Vegas, the team split up to go to the crime scenes. You were with Emily and were walking up to Lara’s door. You walked into the house and if you wouldn’t have seen the pictures of the crime scene you would have thought this was a normal lived in home.
“So why would Lara just let this guy in?” You started thinking out loud.
“She must have known him, or he was someone she would have trusted.”
You walked into the kitchen and noticed two glasses of water on the counter. 
“Must have been a friend or someone close to her, why else would she be getting a drink for them?” You said as you pointed towards the glasses on the counter. You then looked over at the shelves that lined the wall and saw the framed pictures. One of them stood out. It was of Lara and her husband. It looked like it was during their wedding, it was with them and what looked like the wedding party.
“Her husband is at the precinct right now. He was the one that found her.” 
“Emily look at this.” You pointed at the date on the picture. “This was two weeks ago, they had just gotten married.”
“So much for a honeymoon”
You walked around the rest of the house but couldn’t find anything that stood out. You decided to grab the photo from the wedding and bring it with you back to the precinct, you were holding it in the car and you couldn’t help but keep looking at it.
“Don’t you just love weddings? The amount of love just surrounding everyone.” Emily was trying to make small talk.
“Eh.” Your response took Emily by surprise. You decide to elaborate. “Don’t get me wrong, I love weddings, and I am all for romance, but if I am being honest, and what I am about to say is to not leave the two of us, I have never been in love before.” You don’t know why you were opening up about it, but with Emily it just felt right.
“Love is scary for me. From what I have read and seen, it's all consuming, and the thought of giving yourself to someone and trusting them wholeheartedly is scary.”
“Very true, and it can be scary, but you shouldn’t hold yourself back from feeling love. It can be scary but when you are in love it is the closest thing I think to cloud 9.”
You were quiet for a bit, “Thanks Em.” 
When you got back to the precinct everyone was there.
“So Chloe was a real treat I guess.” Morgan started. “She was big into the dinner things in life and she was upcharging her clients to get the things that she wanted.”
“Wow, she sounds like a real treat, how did she ever have clients?” Rossi commented
“That's the kicker, she would only work with people with money, Which brings me to this, guess who worked with her?”
“Violet.” You said, confident, not so much questioning.
“You got it.”
“Speaking of Violet,” Rossi started. “According to her coworkers, she was a r4eal charmer. I guess she was narcissistic and thought that she was the center of the world.” 
“What about you Y/N? What did you find at Lara’s?” Hotch asked.
“She must have known the Unsub, there was no struggle and there were glasses on the counter like they were about to have a conversation. The only other thing that was of importance is this.” You said as you put the wedding photo on the table. “She just got married, and I mean just married, two weeks ago to be precise, which means she would have been married for a total of four days when she got murdered.” 
“So it started as a crime of passion.” Spencer said. “The Unsub was triggered by the recent marriage and ever since them is trying to make others around them pay for their ‘sins’”
It hit you like a freight train, you knew what it all meant. “That’s it! He is making them pay for their sins. Chloe, Greed, taking advantage of others to get the finer things in life. Violet, Pride, everything is about her and how she benefitted from everything. And the trigger of it all, Lara.”
“How is she a part of it?” Morgan asked.
“She is Envy.” Spencer stated.
“Exactly, The unsub wasn’t killing Lara for her sin, but it was the Unsubs sin. He couldn’t have Lara, he was envious.” It all started to click in everyone’s head. “We have to go talk to the husband, he knows who our unsub is. Someone call Garcia and have her cross reference the wedding party with our victims. There has to be someone that connects all of them.”
Within the next hour you had a name Myles Hickman, he was the best man, he had known Lara and her husband since college. After further research it was found out that Lara had worked at a local stripclub with both Chloe and Violet at one point. Myles had been a bartender at that same bar, he had a thing for Lara since college, but she turned him down early on. However, that didn’t stop him from having hope, that was until the wedding day, where it became apparent that he wasn’t going to get the girl. Garcia was able to pin Hickman’s phone and found out that he was approaching that exact stripclub. Everyone put two and two together. He was about to get the next sin in line, lust. 
The team had come up with a plan to get Hickman. 
“We have to get him by himself, we don’t know what he is capable of. The husband mentioned that Myles is an avid hunter and has had moments of being erratic.”
“So one of us should go undercover?” You asked.
“I don’t know if that's necessary.” Hotch answered.
“I think the kid is right. Someone should go under and try to lure Hickman out. We don’t know what he could do if we make a scene.”
“I’ll go.” You say. You look over at Spencer and he gives you a face of concern.
“Okay it’s settled. Y/N go get ready we are leaving in five minutes.” 
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yoontopia · 5 years ago
Could you pleeeaseeee do one where (idol) Yoongi gets jealous of his (idol,bts) best friends esp, JK and Namjoon, becoming close to you?
here you go! it got a little long dfhjkfd I’m sorry! Thank you for requesting!
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You tried to ignore Yoongi’s piercing glare from across your living room. Briefly you wondered what had got your boyfriend into such a grouchy mood. Usually he was good-natured, and it took him a long time to get angry. You were the hot-headed one in your relationship, with Yoongi’s cool head keeping you grounded. He never raised his voice, and when something bothered him, he spoke up on it right away. It was one of the many things you loved about him. This was brand new territory, and considering you had company over, you couldn’t really bring it up either.
“Is this the popcorn?” Jungkook’s voice piped up from the kitchen. You turned your head to see the younger boy holding a bag of instant popcorn.
“No there’s one with extra butter, use that one instead,” You told him and he flashed you a bright grin that had you smiling fondly. Out of all your boyfriend’s group members, Jungkook was your favorite. Being the youngest of the group, he had been the shyest of the members when you’d first been introduced. But years into knowing him, he had opened up to you and now was one of the boys you would consider yourself the closest with. Not that you’d tell the rest of them that you were picking favorites of course. “There should also be a big bowl in the bottom cupboard!”
You heard Jungkook make a sound of acknowledgement before turning back to focus your attention to your TV. It was break season for the boys and they were spending their last day, for some reason, at your apartment marathoning all the Marvel films. Jungkook had insisted that they be watched in chronological, and not the release, order. The eight of you were currently halfway through the very first Avengers movie.
“I’m still gonna stand by what I said,” Hoseok said, from his position on the floor. “This was the best Avengers film.”
“You’re mental,” Taehyung yelled sitting on the other end of the couch you were perched on. “Tell me what can possibly beat Infinity War.”
“Infinity War was overrated and so was the one that came after it – what was it called?”
“Endgame!” Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook said in unison, Jungkook’s voice floating in from the kitchen, indicating he could hear the whole exchange. Hoseok scowled. Taehyung laughed.
“You’re so uncultured,” he said, making Hoseok’s scowl deepen.
“I like Guardians of the Galaxy,” Namjoon piped up from next to you, and six heads turned to him, except for Yoongi, who was still staring daggers at the you. “What? The little tree guy is cute.”
“You may be most uncultured out of us,” Taehyung muttered, patting Namjoon dejectedly on the shoulder. You snickered.
“Did I say something wrong?” Namjoon whispered to you after everyone’s attention was back on the movie.
“Who knows? I don’t know the first thing about Marvel – I haven’t even seen all the films.” You answered him, watching Jungkook as he traipsed back into the living room holding a giant bowl of warm popcorn. He sat down on the couch next to Yoongi, placing the popcorn on your coffee table for everyone to share before grabbing a handful himself and sitting back.
“That’s why we’re doing this,” he said, munching on it. “When you said you hadn’t seen them all we decided it’s a crime!”
“And when did you tell them that?” Yoongi asked, voice tight.
“A couple months ago? I came along with Hobi and Namjoon and we went for coffee, didn’t we?”
“Coffee? The four of you?”
“Same aged friends gotta stick together, y’know?” Hoseok said, giving you a fist bump which you returned grinning. “Dunno why the kid tagged along though.”
“I wanted to hang out with her too!” Jungkook complained before sending you the most adorable smile.
“I see.” Yoongi said, and you shivered at his tone. None of the other boys seemed to notice anything was off, but you had known Yoongi longer than any of them and could sense when something was off. Jungkook, being the most oblivious, ploughed on as if nothing was wrong.
“I like her more than Jin’s girlfriend,” he said, nodding matter-of-factly making Seokjin sit up from where he was lying down next to Hoseok.
“Hey!” he yelled. “Keep Sooyeon’s name out of your mouth.”
“Sorry,” Jungkook grinned, lifting his hands up in defeat. You laughed.
“You’re my favorite too Kookie,” you said, and he shot finger guns at you before helping himself to more popcorn.
“Hey what about us!” Hoseok yelled, gesturing to himself and Namjoon. “We’re the same age!”
“She likes me more than you Hobi,” Namjoon said sagely, making Hoseok protest even louder. “We’ve established we’re best friends – and what was it she said it to me the other day?” By this point you had dissolved in a fit of giggles. “Oh, that’s right – she said we vibed on a whole other level.”
“What?” Hoseok screeched, making Jimin and Taehyung jump.
“It wasn’t anything serious!” you said, still laughing. “Namjoon just made me a playlist and it somehow included everything I liked – he’s a mind reader.” Namjoon flashed a superior smile at Hoseok, who spluttered.
“I’m not gonna stand for this favoritism. I’ll make you a playlist too just you wait! The amount of absolute bops it’s going to have – you’re gonna be blown away!”
“Well I look forward to it,” you said the same time as Yoongi snapped, “Focus on the film you idiots.”
That shut everyone up and the rest of the night passed by quietly. You finished the Avengers film and decided to call it a night. The boys left one by one, some of them giving you a hug and the others merely patting Yoongi on the back before heading out. Once the last boy – Jungkook – had left, after giving you a big bear hug and a tight squeeze, you shut the door and locked it, sighing to yourself.
“Every year they get more and more rowdy,” you joked, watching Yoongi as he padded his way into the kitchen. “You making coffee? I want decaf.” You followed him into the kitchen before collapsing in a chair at your small dining table. The clock above the microwave flashed 1 AM.
“Do you have practice tomorrow?” you asked conversationally, watching your boyfriend tap a spoonful of instant coffee into two mugs and putting water in the electric kettle and switching it on. He didn’t answer you, so you pressed on, “Yoongi?”
“I have meetings all day tomorrow,” he mumbled, leaning against the kitchen counter while he waited for the water to boil. “Share some early drafts on potential tracks.”
“Hmm,” you answered. There was silence after that, and not the good kind. “You okay? Yoongi?”
When he didn’t reply, you stood up, making your way to stand right in front of him. Snaking your arms around his thin waist, you buried your face in his chest, inhaling deeply.
“Why didn’t you invite me out to coffee with the guys?” he asked suddenly, his hands still jammed in the pockets of his hoodie. You looked up at him in surprise.
“It was just a spontaneous plan,” you said sheepishly, and Yoongi glared down at you. Upon closer inspection, he looked tired. You knew that despite being on break, your boyfriend had worked tirelessly to write lyrics and mix some beats. “Nothing special.”
“You’re way too friendly with the guys,” he mumbled. The only other sound in your apartment was the low bubbling sound of the water in the kettle.
“Are you jealous?” you asked jokingly. When he didn’t answer, you stared. “Wait-- really?”
“We barely spent any time together on this break,” he said. “And you went and spent it with them.”
“It was one time,” you said, letting go of his waist, frustration creeping up in you. “And whose fault was it that we didn’t spend time together? You holed yourself up in your studio the whole time!” Yoongi spluttered back at you.
“I’m your boyfriend,” he argued, and you groaned.  
“Did I ever insinuate otherwise?” Yoongi stared wordlessly at you and you groaned again. “You’re being so childish right now.”
“I know I am!” he snapped. “I can’t help it alright? You’re mine.” You sighed in defeat.
“Not that humans can just belong to anyone but,” you said quietly, wrapping your hands around him again, “you do have my whole heart.”
Yoongi’s expression softened and he returned your embrace, resting his chin on top of your head.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I couldn’t help it.” You giggled.
“I’ll tell you a secret,” you said, planting a chaste kiss on your boyfriend’s lips. He blinked down at you once again confused. “But promise you won’t tell Namjoon and Hobi.”
“The only reason I met them for coffee that day,” you started, your hands reaching up to entwine themselves around Yoongi’s neck, playing with the hair at his nape. “Was to help them buy you your birthday gift.” Yoongi was staring at you, mouth slightly open, and you threw your head back and laughed. “So, you better act surprised when they give it to you in a couple weeks.”
“You’re obviously my number one Min Yoongi,” you whispered. “You always have been.”
And then Yoongi dipped his head down to press his lips against yours in a heated, urgent kiss, walking you backwards into your bedroom, the hot water and coffee were left all but forgotten in the kitchen.
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