#I never talk about these movies on here I know but oUGH
jocelynships · 10 months
Man I wish my ex roommate didn’t refuse to give me back all my old DVDs bc I really wanna go on an 80s movie binge watch and I can’t find them anywhere 💀
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
Now that I've actually read The Beautiful and Damned (essay still incoming), I've been thinking of an AU fic that explores what if Jamie did read the book in season 1. It....intrigues me for a number of reasons.
The fact that Jamie was the only one of the group to receive what is essentially a cautionary tale (no we didn't see most of the picks, but it feels safe to say that Jamie was the one Ted thought needed 'correcting')
The protagonist ends up a bitter, angry, abusive alcoholic. Granted Ted could not have known about Jamie’s dad at the time, but ough. Ted.
Giving this book to anyone and going 'here, this reminds me of who you are' is frankly insulting. I think if Jamie were to confront Ted about that, Ted would consider that half the job done. He clearly just wants Jamie to think about his actions and how he treats people. Unfortunately I could see this backfiring on Ted. He may not mean it personally, but I think Jamie would take it personally, especially because--
Aside from the fact that the protag is rich and full of himself and found to be charming, that guy is nothing like Jamie. In fairness to Ted, those are basically 3 of the 4 things he knows about Jamie. In unfairness to Ted, the other 1 thing he knows is that Jamie is a professional athlete who by definition had to work hard to get to where he is. Meanwhile the protag for TB&D has never worked for anything in his life -- the opposite of Jamie, our battler. In fact one of the defining traits and the reason the protag falls into being a penniless drunk is because throughout his life he was given many chances, and he ignored them all.
I think Jamie would likely get bogged down in the details. On the idea that the book was meant as a critique of him, rather than a lesson he could learn by. Another example of how Ted bringing up topics in a roundabout way tends to get misconstrued by Jamie as mind games.
Bonus round: the protag is very classist. The book occasionally alludes to the unfairness of this, but it is very much an ongoing topic for the protag on why he deserves all his money.
Bonus round: the protag is exceedingly misogynistic. The book almost never disagrees with this. Even season one Jamie 'women can do anything' Tartt would never.
So I think that a fic that explored Jamie's journey while reading this book would be fascinating. From the beginning where it's clear from the start that this protagonist is a spoiled, snobby twit to the end where the protag ends up a functioning alcoholic who yells at his wife and reminisces that by preventing himself from treating her in a physically violent manner, it makes him hate her even more. By the end of the book I can see Jamie being actively triggered by what's on the page--
--which would serve in a number of ways to kickstart Jamie's troubled history a good three episodes before the curse fire.
So yeah, this fic idea is less than a week old and I am still working on it but. Intrigued, I am.
Also I keep envisioning a running gag like that episode of The Office where Michael is watching The Devil Wears Prada and Pam is keeping track of where he is in the movie by what he's quoting at her. Except in this fic, Ted (Pam) would not know what the hell Jamie was talking about for a good long while, because he hasn't actually read the book since early in high school.
Why do I think Ted hasn't read it since early high school? Because if he'd read it later, he'd probably remember that there's a guy in the book who kills himself by shooting himself. It's literally one of the last parts of the book, and it's meant to serve as a punctuation on the consequences of the protag's actions.
Just a thought, but I think if Ted had read it after his dad dying, he might not suggest it to someone. Even if the meaning of the book fit.
For fic related reasons though, this means that Ted's trauma could ALSO be introduced way sooner. In season one even! This fic could have so much bonding through book-relevant trauma it's crazy to think about.
So. Yeah. New wip thoughts in progress. Whoops.
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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Yes! To add: In both Medium Leos and Little Leos timeline the movie events happened, just the addition of the arm loss via Krang in the prison dimension ofc
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For names stuff im just going with Big, Medium, and Little Leo accordingly!
And waaa thank you so much for the feedback! HA drawing all this stuff ahs been such a learning experience for me...
As for the whole, sacrifice ordeal? That will be shown later in the week and I think the scene will speak for itself... sweats
My heart also hurts!!!!
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Technically... theres 3 and a half aus aha!? (at least in my head...) Since yeah ofc theres the original idea I had for an ending, and the current working AU. The other one and a half both involve some form of Big Leo also being alive and well in the current time! Which I can talk about how those came about later in the week I believe?!
As for the og Leos, if im feeling the need to draw them/I am motivated enough then yeah you can still spot them! Though if you mean in the main comic.. we will see? Depends how even more insane I get later down the road whoops
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Yes! He knew he was going to break apart in some form, but that does not mean he would know what it would look like. The times Mikey did open a portal he was never there for them, and so never got to see what it looked like!
He also never got to feel it either... so partially recoil from pain/shock
I think deep deep down though, maybe he wanted to go somewhere else from their current situation. When Raph and Don helped Mikey make the portal to save Leo it was easy to push through the pain through their one goal, save Leo. With Medium Leo here, who is trying to even save anymore, himself? I think he lost a bit of his self worth a while ago...
As for Big Leos spirit, its... sorta in another place at the moment aha, a bit unreachable...
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🥺 and Medium Leo will try his damn hardest to be what Big Leo was for him... thanks for the support ough 👍drawing all this has been such a trip for me pfft
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Looks at the peepaw multiverse.... ha thats going to take some explaining isnt it
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<3 I got possessed back in april and decided to feel brave starting this summer oops
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n3onstarss · 1 year
So, here's Lyla x Spider-Woman reader! She may be OOC, but I'm using what I've analyzed from what I've seen (haven't seen the movie, but it's all been spoiled so it's whatever lol)
Blood, injury and panicking are all present, alongside some oblivious crushing on both sides :)
Lyla knew how dangerous it was to be a Spider-Person. After all, she had been created for the sole purpose of helping one of said spider people.
But Miguel was tough. I mean, all spider people are, but he had trained to be Spider-Man. He hadn't been bitten, he hadn't been thrown into this like the rest of the spider people, or at least as far as Lyla knew.
So when she was scanning her screens and got a notification about a fight on Earth-921, she hurried to check in. The notification hadn't said who needed backup, only having a voice message attached, but it was requested.
She knew immediately who's dimension it was, and she knew how stubborn you were. You wouldn't call for backup unless you really fucking needed it and urgently
Oh. My. God if shes dead I'm going to kill her! The thought crossed her mind briefly, and only amplified Lyla's panic. The thought of being the first to respond, only to find you dead? terrified her.
My webs were launching and pulling me almost faster than I could keep up, attaching to surrounding buildings and sending me swinging in tight circles and loops around the villain I was battling.
"Too fast for ya, scales?" I teased as I let myself slide under the villains tail like an Indiana Jones movie. My version of The Lizard was more gator like, reminding me of Leatherhead in the TMNT comics I'd seen. And the cherry on top, he was pissed the fuck off. a low rumbling growl emitted from the gator as he span to keep up, trying to find a window of attack, a moment of weakness.
I launched myself as high as I could go when his back was turned, slingshotting myself off two tall apartment complexes, hollering all the way and laughing like a crazed woman. Staring up at the sun, I thought I could touch the clouds like this. The adrenaline rush was amazing, it was part of the reason I kept doing this! I turned and let myself free fall carelessly for a moment before resuming my circling attack pattern.
It only lasted a moment longer before my head snapped to the side when I thought I saw a civilian, a child, standing just inside a convenience store. Without really thinking my webs adjusted my path towards the child. I had no game plan, no idea what I was doing, but I'd work it out, I always did.
But I forgot the most important rule, never turn your back to a villain.
A heavy weight slammed itself into my back, winding me. Sharp obsidian claws wrapping around my shoulders and throwing me backwards. As i hit the ground concrete tore open my suit and back as I tumbled head over heels, and not in the fun way, along the road. Skipping like a pebble and leaving cracks and torn up asphalt in my wake.
I couldn't catch my breath, having been effectively winded again by the final impact, but I forced myself to me feet. I was hunched and swaying side to side when I called for backup, pressing the panic button and leaving a message as instructed as I thwiped into the skies again one handed.
"Heyyy, it's me," I held the watch near my face as i moved, trying to keep the audio undistorted, "Uhhhh I don't know how to explain this but The Lizard got into super crack or something methinks and he is PISSED. I could really use some backup right now!" I cut off with a scream as he swiped at me again, lodging a claw in my calf that i kicked free with my other foot. I hissed in pain and my voice cracked as I spoke again, "Yeah, definitely need backup haha! anyways, civilians in the area, angry croc, destroyed property, y'know the gist. Thankssss!"
I continued my streak of circling, attacking, hissing at a injury i hadn't noticed, and repeating until I ran out of juice. My arms were exhausted and I was nearly out of web fluid. I used some of the last to (finally!) seal the wound on my calf. The Lizard turned to face me now, face to face on the ground, or as face to face as you can get to a 8 foot or taller gator.
"Pick on someone your own size!" I quipped as he threw the first punch. "Or don't." I muttered under my breath, pissed off at the situation and myself for letting it get to the point I needed backup.
The Lizard and I circled each other, fists raised and growling at each other. I faked him out a few times to lighten the mood and provoke him, but he didn't react.
After a minute or so more a golden light and figure appeared on my watch, and The Lizard took that time to charge.
"WHAT are you DOING??" I asked slash yelled as I dove under the villain, dropping to the ground to avoid being grabbed.
"Backing you up! You did call for backup, didn't you?" Lyla spoke, voice full of worry and yet smug. She leaned around where the watch and therefore her were held at shoulder height and her eyes widened a little as The Lizard began to turn towards us again.
"Ha! got me there!" The villains footsteps soon the ground as he ran, and my spidey-sense was going off like crazy, but I didn't move. "Did you alert anybody else? cause despite how much I love your company," I dodged under a punch and spun to kick The Lizard in the gut, sending him flying, "There are civilians in the area."
Lyla scoffed, striking one of her signature poses before speaking again, "Of course I alerted someone! I sent out a general notif, Noir said he's on his way and so did Peni."
Relief flooded my body for a mere moment before I launched into a backflip to dodge The Lizard. I felt like a bullfighter. An out-of-web-fluid bullfighter.
"Thank you Lyla, what ever would I do without you?" My tone was teasing, but my words were sincere.
"Die, probably." Lyla didn't miss a beat, she never did.
"That's for sure!" I got ready to run up a wall as The Lizard approached, but my leg wound started to open up again and i stumbled.
"What is that?!"
I was a little too busy dodging fists and trying not to inhale a shit tone of dust from a villain trying to trample or punch me currently to respond in full.
"Oh. Got cocky, got clawed, the works." I don't know why I was trying to appear nonchalant about something that was hindering. You don't need to look cool in front of Lyla, we've been coworkers since You were 16! that's 6 years!! but now you wanna act cool? God you're stupid!
A stray punch missed us by an inch, and Lyla looked worriedly at where the arm had been.
"Hey, you good?" I was worried that Lyla was worried. She was always so unbothered! It was worrying to see her scared
"If course! Why wouldn't I be?" She shrunk away from the next kick too. "I just think we should, IIIIII dunno.. leave?" Her hands were gesturing wildly as she spoke. A jaw snapped itself closed way too close to us for my liking.
"Hey dickhead!! we're trying to have a conversation here!" I yelled before biting into the closest limb to us, a leg.
"old ohn ight!" I tried to say as The Lizard reared up, shaking his leg violently. Lyla and I clung on comically as his leg flailed, her onto the watch and me onto his leg.
A flash of gold and red light caught the edge of my vision, and all three of us kept an eye on the portal. The Lizard halted his flailing for a moment, and I took the chance to readjust and sink my teeth in deeper. Lyla popped out of existence from my watch and i could see a glimpse of gold above Noir's wrist and he ran through the portal.
God this woman is a fucking idiot! First she's out of web fluid, then she's injured, and NOW she's clinging to a villains leg by the teeth!!
The light and colors indicative of a portal alerted me to backup arriving after what felt like eternity, but was only around 5 minutes when I checked the time. I glitched myself out of her watch and into Noir's.
"Heyy! so good to finally see you!" Sass drips like venom to the point even I can hear it. "So! rundown!" I started as Noir began his approach, "Civilians nearby, she's out of web fluid and her leg is cut open. Imma pop back over there and check on Her you got this, right? Cool, see ya!" I cut out before he can even speak.
Lyla popped back up on my watch, clinging onto the edge again even though she didn't need to.
"So! backup is here, and it's time for youuuu," she leaned over and poked the tip of my nose, causing me to scrunch it, "to retreat! You'll bleed put or lose a tooth like this," She gave up on hanging on, sitting with her leg crossed and inspecting her nail, rolling her head towards me to emphasize her point. "y'know?"
I narrowed my eyes at her jokingly before attempting a smile and nod and sinking my teeth in deeper. On the next kick I detached myself and let myself go flying, attempting a cool posed landing and failing when my bleeding leg buckled and gave out momentarily.
"dammit." i mumbled as I stood up fully and watched as Noir, and now Peni, who just ran past me, circled and tied up The Lizard. Lyla disappeared again as I turned to make a new portal to HQ.
"Hey hi me again! So, we're outta here because she need medical treatment," I relayed to Peni, pointing my thumb over my shoulder, "Good luck, aim for the legs cause shes a biter, have fun!" I glitched out again, leaving a shocked and confused Peni behind.
Lyla reappeared as I stepped through the portal, sitting on my shoulder in her pocket-sized version now that we were in her domain of HQ.
"Soooooo what happened again?" She spoke up. I could tell she wanted to know why I was struggling, so I explained as she leaned against my head on the way to the medbay.
I had to hobble with my right hand on the wall for support as we went, and in turn we received plenty of weird stares from any passing spider-people. I only caught it once in my peripheral, but Lyla flipped a group off.
We continued our journey, and I got lost in my thoughts. I have no idea what I would do without Lyla.
sorry it's short! i tried my best sorry if it's OOC! from the clips I saw shes sassy and smug (Miguel backup scene) but also panics sometimes (Margo and her scene and also tracking the Spot) so i tried to incorporate that!! please send requests!
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lumiereandcogsworth · 5 months
does Belle have any little habits or nervous ticks, like tapping her foot or tugging her hair, anything like that?
yeaaah i think she’s very fidgety honestly. she always needs to be doing SOMETHING with her hands !!!!
growing up, that was fairly easy to manage, as she’d just go outside or to the basement to tinker or garden or Mess With Things. i like to think that maurice made little “fidget toys” for her, so to speak. just little gears and bobbles and such that she could mess with at church or when they’re in the marketplace selling vegetables and she’s feeling too !!! to just sit and read.
when she becomes queen though OUGH yeah. it gets trickier when she has to start doing things she never imagined having to do, like lead meetings, give speeches and presentations, and just like. Be a public figure. it’s hard!! she does get nervous!! she loves it and she LOVES a challenge but she still gets nervous :( adam can always tell because she just cannot stop moving her hands. she keeps messing with her dress, fixing her earrings, twisting her rings. (i think that was one of the reasons that maurice gave her that pinky ring she wears. something to always have on-hand (pun intended) to mess with!! but her absolute FAVORITE fidget is adam’s rings. since he wears more, it’s more fun !! whenever they’re sitting beside each other at some event, she’s often holding his hand and playing with his rings. it bugged adam at first because he just still wasn’t used to how touchy she was, but he realized that it helped keep her calm, so now he offers his hand to her whenever she needs it.
hair is also definitely a big thing for her. as i’ve mentioned in this crazy long post, i think she does fidget with her and her family’s hair a lot. (and adam LOVES when she plays with his hair… ough. knocks him right out.) she’s always fixing the kiddos’ hair and braiding it whenever they ask and it’s!!! very special to her 🥹 also!!!! in the scene in the movie where she’s quoting a midsummer night’s dream at adam’s bedside, she’s stroking a strand of her hair!! so that is a canon fidget. but i don’t think she does that when she’s nervous, that’s more a calm/absentminded kind of fidget that’s just soothing.
she also doodles a lot in meetings !!!! she’s always doodled, even when maurice was teaching her as a child. it looks like she’s not paying attention but it actually helps her focus 😌 but i think it was definitely one of those little things that the Stuffy Council Men™️ got irked with their new queen about early on. they’d be in important meetings (they’re already like. put off that she’s here in the first place. adam’s mother queen renée never (WASN’T ALLOWED TO!!!!) attended meetings or did any business things. so it’s like a total 180.)
but anyway, belle’s head is down, doodling shapes and patterns in the margins of her notes, and all the men look at each other like >:/ thinking she’s not even paying attention !! >:0 but then someone will say something and suddenly belle’s head pops up and she’s like “actually it would be this. you said earlier we’d do that but you didn’t consider that we could do this that and this. i think that would be a lot more efficient :)” and they’re all like 😶😶😶 (and also sometimes (often) their pride gets wounded that she had the best ideas. ugh. it’s just such a THING😤) AND of course, if adam is in the meeting too, he’s always BEAMING with love 🥹🥹 (and also sometimes his mind wanders into inappropriate territories!!!!!!!! but he can’t help it your honor. he loves his girlboss wife🤧 especially when she like, calls someone out or snaps at someone !! mark him down as scared AND horny!)
also just as a last note, she definitely gets SUPER talkative when she’s nervous before an event. she rehearses her speech/words a million times. she’s like leslie in parks and rec when she keeps reciting her opening debate speech. and then ben starts to know it too and she’s like “aw babe you know it!” and he’s like “yeah dude you’ve been saying it in your sleep.” afjskdj. benslie and adelle love to shake hands. ANYWAY YEAH!!
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vespertin-y · 1 year
so hey, *sits down politely in Listening Mode™* what do you think about akasaiou? :} (feel free to go off. going off is encouraged!!) /genuine
ough. um. well first of all there's LOTS of tasty hand symbolism and i go bananas for that. with saiou it's pretty explicit (i reach out, but he doesn't take my hand and the bandaging scene in the FTEs, he can't lie about the warmth of his hand in salmon mode, to a lesser extent shuuichi's accusatory finger point but ESPECIALLY in the fourth trial) for saimatsu it's a bit more subtle (kaede reaching out to pull shuuichi up when he falls out of the locker, shuuichi taking her hands over the desk to comfort her even though his own are shaking, a lingering shot of their hands desperately reaching out for eachother that they CUT from the execution and i will NEVER NOT BE MAD ABOUT-) and for oumatsu it's almost entirely in my head (them playing tag COUNTS, it DOES-). it's good food basically.
(small side tangent about that last bit - i want to focus mostly on them as a trio here, but i feel like i need to play a bit of defense for oumatsu because GOOD GOD are people nasty about it in a way they aren't about saiouma or saimatsu. no, kaede does not dislike kokichi - she calls him "hard to hate" more than once. no, kokichi is not "too mean" by pointing out her failings in the tunnel (and yes, he's allowed to be snappish when he's exhausted and injured!). kaede and kokichi are a wonderful duo who both give the other much needed pushback on the faults in their personal ideologies, and they do that while knowing when to stop and just goof off together. half the people who say their dynamic is irredeemably unhealthy are stealing that dynamic and plastering it onto kaito/kokichi because they hate ships with women in them. this has been Soapbox Time With Vesper).
i think the main reason i started shipping them - beyond all three of them just having fun/cute/silly dynamics with the other two sdhnjhsf - is that they are, to me, the core of v3. i've talked about it before (1 2) , but kaede's death is EVERYTHING to kokichi and shuuichi's parallel character arcs.
kokichi is bright, extroverted, and has a hand leading the group (challenging kaede in the tunnel, establishing the first breakfast meeting, leading the charge in convincing the others monokuma is dead even when he doesn't truly believe it) but he's never the same after kaede dies; he believes *any* kind of open cooperation will get him targeted by monokuma and killed. he resorts to manipulations on top of schemes on top of plans in a desperate attempt to never end up like her.
shuuichi is withdrawn, suspicious, and really only cooperates with one person (he suspects rantarou to the point of taking kaede aside and warning her not to ask him any more questions about his talent, he makes his own plot to catch the ringleader with no intentions of sharing it with the group) but once kaede passes on her wish he forces himself to socialize and to trust in a way he never would've before, and by ch4 *he's* basically the group's de-facto leader. if v3 had a movie poster kaede would be big and faded from the back and saiou would be back-to-back in the center with everyone else lining the corners. does that make any sense?? idk.
ough what else...i think the flaws/weaknesses in each pair are helped by their third member (kokichi has ZERO tolerance for shuuichi or anyone else putting kaede on a pedestal, shuuichi is a calming presence to balance out the oumatsu shenaniganery, kaede will simply knock the boys' heads together if they attempt Miscommunication™). i think they should all bond postgame (what if we didn't directly kill anybody but we still had blood on our hands...and then we held them!!). i think they should have one of those bunk beds with a twin on top and a queen on bottom, so saimatsu can spoon and kokichi can cackle manically from his nest of pokemon plushies. i think they should go on a boba date and shuuichi should have to pull out all his acting chops to pretend he doesn't hate the texture. i think that i love them a lot :]
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withoutalice · 9 months
SEND ME A FANDOM meme: 2001 A Space Odyssey
The first character I first fell in love with:
Ough this one is hard because how I got into 2001 is not applicable but is also pretty relevant for this question...in this case I'd have to say HAL 9000 since I liked him across both movies on the first watch
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Chandra! Mostly because I got to know him better as I read more in depth about him for my rp blog @definedoctrrchandra
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Stop naur I love all of them!!! 😭 (but if I HAD TO choose a least fave it'd be 2001!Movie!Floyd sorry dude you were really lame compared to your 2010!Movie!Counterpart Floyd)
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
I dont really think there's a character that the 2001: aso fandom really hates; but one character that isn't talked about as much that I like is Moon-Watcher!
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Again I love all of them!!!😭 But if I had to choose a character who was in my top tens and is no longer it'd probably be Frank. Sorry man xD
The character I would totally smooch: 
Okay hear me out but Dave is kinda fine OK ... 0_o
The character I’d want to be like: 
Literally Max Brailovsky. He's so sympathetic to Curnow and always messes up idioms like "piece of pie" (instead of piece of cake ofc lol). Also when he freaks about about the rotting meat smell on the Discovery is highkey relatable(tm) Also here's my favorite exchange between Curnow and Max (from the 2010 movie) -> Curnow: "Durak". That's me. Max: You shouldn't feel like that. Same thing happened to me first time I did this. Curnow: When have you ever done this before? Max: Never!
The character I’d slap:
the US Government for making HAL lie  🥺 
A pairing that I love:
Halman omg it gives me so many feels
A pairing that I despise:
Frank/Dave. I don't DESPISE it but I'm just indifferent tbf
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yansurnummu · 8 months
Nine people you'd like to know better
tagged by @thana-topsy! thank you for this! <3
3 ships all of the ships that have me right now are eso and either oc/ oc or oc/canon lol oops Drals/Azandar: my catty old queens... ugh I just love how their dynamic is shaping up in my fic. I don't want to spoil too much since I still have a ton I haven't posted, but some of my favourite scenes I've written with them is weirdly the ones where they're having arguments and things get worse before they get better. It's just been so fun to explore Drals' inner conflict of not believing he deserves nice things, and then Azandar comes in with a fuckin sledgehammer like he's on HGTV like "ok we've gotta take down ALL THESE WALLS" Asha-ammu/Donobhan: they are so special to me <3 I love vampire/human dynamics in general, but so often the vampires are the smooth, sexy ones (not to say Asha isn't incredibly sexy, they're just Nervous) so it's been fun to explore how Asha being autistic and aromantic intersect with them being a vampire. Also Don is a sweetheart and I love him a lot. probably the healthiest dynamic of all my ships. Sadryn/Ember: honourable mention because I haven't really talked about them here at all, but my gf and I have talked a lot about them and they've been sneaking back into my thoughts again. it's one of those relationships where u just wanna grab her by the shoulders and go "GIRL WHAT ARE U THINKING, HE'S DUMB AS ROCKS & THE ONLY THING HE OWNS IS A DIRTY MATTRESS ON THE FLOOR" but she just thinks he's such a fun silly lil guy and wants to put him in a petri dish and study his red flags under a microscope I guess the pattern is that I loooove conflict & drama and when ships are messy and complicated!!
First ship good god... this is fitting because my gf and I were JUST talking about weeb phases and how I was a kid during that like 2006-2010 weaboo golden age of deviantart & pirating anime LOL. I can't remember exactly but I'm sure it was naruto? probably narusasu or something
Last song early sunsets over monroeville - my chemical romance (this is my comfort album and I'm not sorry)
Currently reading I finally started reading the Drizzt books, though so far I have mixed feelings about it. we'll see if I keep going!
Last film my parents made me watch Terminator because I'd never seen it LOL (I'm really bad when it comes to movies... there's a LOT I haven't seen, especially when it comes to the last 10 years or so)
Currently craving ough I want banh mi sooooo bad. I'm on week 3 of recovering from a slipped disk in my back and it's also been snowing here so I have not exactly been eating well :( (I will live I'm not like starving lol I'm just that flavour of ADHD where if I eat the same thing too often/ too many times in a row my brain tries to kill me)
I tag @tilliphont @aviel-the-trans-bucket @toastannas @sassyfahliil @sniperviper @shadylex and @caliblorn if y'all want to! and anyone else who feels like it :)
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roberrtphilip · 7 months
what was the hardest thing for giselle to get used to in our realm? and what’s something she misses the most about andalasia?
ough, technology, and, more specifically, electronics.
it advances so fast, and I feel like once she finally got used to something, it was time for a new version, and she'd struggle all over again.
like, for example, Robert got her a blackberry right after she moved in, and he helps her the best he can, but she still finds herself confused. she does love learning new things, though, so she tries her best, but she's just. Not an electronic girlie. I think she hardly ever uses her phone, unless she has to.
she is, however, better at texting than Robert !! all he ever sends is "yes" or "no" or "👍" (he doesn't even bother to change the skin color) whereas Giselle, she goes crazy with emojis, and punctuation marks, so, that's something !!
and, of course, there's also the cliché answer, which is the lack of singing in our world. while it certainly doesn't stop her from bursting into song, it did take her awhile to adjust to the fact that, more often than not, no one else is going to join her. And she had to hold herself back the first time she went to a Broadway show. her body started buzzing the second the first song started, and she was gripping Robert's hand so tight he thought she might break it, but she knew singing wasn't allowed, so she had to hold it in !!!!!
as for what she misses, she definitely misses being able to properly talk to animals. she can always understand them, of course, but she misses Pip's voice real voice when he visits. the first time they return to Andalasia, and Pip is actually able to really talk, she tears up because she just missed it so much.
and I think, in Andalasia, it was like. Giselle sort of knew, in a way, what to expect. she knew she'd find true love, get married, and live happily ever after. but in our world, things are always so uncertain, and plans, and people, change, and it's very exciting, for sure, but also a bit scary at times. So, I feel like she misses the security of Andalasia, at times. Not always, of course, she'd never regret staying in our world or anything, but yeah.
I don't really know how to properly explain it but, luckily, Disenchanted does, specifically in the song "Fairytale Life (The Wish)", ough,,,, the lyrics in that song HIT, hold on.
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ANYWHO, yeah, I don't think she likes how uncertain things can be here vs how they were in Andalasia. That's what I'm trying to say.
And also, omg I can't forget this, she missed her garden !! ugh, she missed it so much. But Robert, being the king he is, the second she mentioned it, he ran to the nearest store, and got a bunch of seeds so they could make a garden on their balconies !!!! (x) 😇
^ That headcanon was actually one of the first ones I came up with for this movie, and gosh,,, I just adore it so much. And I like to think, even years later, Giselle gushes about how it's the most romantic thing anyone's ever done for her, and when they move, she's thrilled about all the extra space, but a small part of her really misses that little garden they built together 🤧
anyway, sorry, got off track. thank you. 🫡
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roboromantic · 2 years
Episode 18
I’ve always thought it’s neat how Twitch just kinda hovers around all the time in bot mode – we don’t really ever see that in other shows, at least not that I can remember. I wonder if Nightshade’ll do that too or if it’s just to keep her in frame when she’s with taller bots lmao. anyway flying sibling bonding time When
OH GEEZ YEAH THEY REALLY ARE GOING THERE. DAMN. that does answer my question of who Bee was fighting last episode tho
oh so he’s probably only mostly dead. got it. Still though, that imagery was straight out of a horror movie
oof. yikes
between the arms, near (?) death, and this coughing he’s getting very Grievous-esque
lmao yeah, if only
OUGH I was just thinking earlier today abt there being an ep where their bond is gone for whatever reason and them having to deal with that, especially since the Terrans have never not had it                  that’s probably not really what they’re gonna get into here but it’s still neat to see it to some degree
Dot is gonna be Pissed.
I kinda hope this is gonna end up like Rescue Bots where the kids are free to interact with the residents of Witwicky, at least. imagine………….slice of life school episodes……………..learning more about their family cultures……………….literally anything except these poor kids being traumatized every other episode 😞
Good to know they live in a dystopia where your car apparently requires wi-fi to run and can be driven remotely by people hacking into it 😬
They’re uh. They’re not creating an army of siblings, are they.
A HEEM HEEM……………WHIMPER…………………..
man I gotta say I do really hate how energon’s become like their Only food source. Like whatever happened to drinking oil. or gas. Beryllium baloney. hell, why don’t they ever explore the idea of finding/making a New kind of food – like how is ANYONE even getting energon on Earth anyway??? Is it growing here thanks to the Emberstone??? Being made from other energy sources like the G1 cartoon??? (Where Autobots didn’t even use energon at first, they got their energy from recharging chambers) Can it be grown like sugar crystals or something and harvested like in TFA??? Anyway some variety Please im Begging you. Isn’t it enough for energon to be a super powerful energy source. Back to the making new food thing I know they’ve done synth-en a couple times but that en still refers to energon so. Now researching the Terrans water stuff and seeing if they can figure out how to make something from THAT would be great.       ..................something something Twitch gamer girl bathwater. is that anything
Only vaguely related but I don’t think they’ve ever addressed the issue of how exactly they all got to Earth anyway. Prime’s talked to Teletraan 1 so presumably the Ark exists somewhere? maybe being repaired somewhere away from GHOST? but atm I think all we know is what Alex said about them arriving via an apparently pre-made space bridge(??????), and iirc in Alex’s story they all just kinda. Walked through it. Meaning no one got here via spaceship. Which makes me wonder if maybe the Ark is something that’s in the process of being created so someone can go check if Cybertron still exists and if so what the state of affairs is there.              
Actually it’d be a neat touch if the factions did arrive on their respective ships, but both were heavily damaged, and it’s only by working together (and maybe incorporating some Earth technology?) that they can use parts of both the Ark and the Nemesis to create a new ship for everyone (who wants to) to go home in.       going back to the “please let the kids chill” episode ideas like it’d be neat to see them all visit Cybertron and learn about Cybertronian culture(s. please more than one im Begging. Different Cybertronian languages. Religions. FOODS. Etc.)
A lot of this is just going off of what Alex said way back in what, episode 1? 2? And we’ve seen stuff in flashbacks that contradict his story, so it’s clearly not the most reliable source of info – but it’s pretty much all we’ve got.
sdfdkjghfsdjklfh like they aren’t gonna be all over the morning news
yeah I was gonna say, he’s doing pretty well for having like. All his energon drained.
Btw I think Cybertronian languages really oughta have different words for like. energon (crystal/mineral), energon (beverage), and energon (blood).  And maybe resolve the blue/pink thing by going with blue crystals (I feel like we’ve seen them more than pink ones?), pink blood (aka it’s definitely recognizable as a blood stand-in but is Legally not blood. just like Star Trek), and maybe bring back the rainbow for the beverage. You could definitely argue that beverage and blood could use the same word, but I feel like there should at LEAST be different words for different states of matter.   
Speaking of, I don’t think we’ve seen much in the way of energon as a gas except BotBots (where it’s also plasma (?) since it’s shown as lightning that hits the mall, which is then filled w/energon gas. Also bring back BotBots Please. or make them part of Earthspark as a new kind of Terran :ssbenis:) and I think that one episode of TFA where Optimus uses Swindles boobs to teleport. Or maybe that was another space substance, I don’t remember.
Hm that’s a lot of Not Much to do with the actual episode and a Lot of me just coming up with my own ideas for worldbuilding sdkf;jhsdkjf. sorry.
I noticed it before but I gotta say I love the bit of graffiti that just says “queso”
ooh interesting. Something something the Terrans are the natural result of Cybertron and Earth interacting and they need a similar naturally combined source of energy to survive, while Mandroid is now a forced, artificial combination of Cybertron and Earth stuff that needs artificial energon patches to survive.
Side note but were energon patches a thing before Rescue Bots? I don’t think they were. If that’s true then it’s neat to see Rescue Bots original stuff becoming part of the larger TF mythos :D Makes sense given that Nicole Dubuc and others worked on both shows
side side note but how exactly did humans end up with control of the energon supply anyway. did they ever mention something abt agreeing to that in return for a planet to live on or something and I just forgor?
I kinda wish they’d built up the return of Mandroid and his collaboration with what’s-her-face a bit more, but I guess this in-and-of-itself is setup for season 2.
Yeah WHO coulda seen THAT coming 😬😬😬
Btw did we uh. Ever see the aftermath of Hashtag & co.’s prison break? We saw Skullcruncher getting dragged back inside so I think we’re supposed to assume everyone got recaptured, but given there’ve been hints at Soundwave and Starscream being up to no good, it wouldn’t surprise me if it turns out they got away.
Especially since she’s like “they’re all disposable” and there’s this dramatic reveal of Hardtop, Skullcruncher I think, and …………………a bunch of empty cells. lmao
I thought Jawbreaker was gonna get his altmode this season bc I definitely saw a leak of I think a rough animatic that showed what it was, but I guess that won’t be ‘til next season. When is that btw bc I Need it.
I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned this yet but I Love the facial animations in the show, they’re really really good.
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cubedmango · 2 years
NAINA. it’s the delusional cm anon here and ohmygod. It took me so long to come back because I had no strength in me to try and organise my thoughts into words that actually make sense I. Even now I can’t actually express my feelings about all of it to you without talking for years but can we please. Talk about the beach scene can we.please the way kurosawa so easily said that when adachi said he loved him his heart almost stopped and the fact that in the scene w his parents you could literally See his eyes change like something changed within him he almost passed out and then the way he just pulled out the ring and then. The most Fucking. Extra most Romantic proposal scene I have ever seen in my LIFE NAINA LIKE WHAT THE HELL? THE WAY THEY HELD EACH OTHER’S HANDS LIKE THEY WERE HOLDING THE MOST VALUABLE FRAGILE MATERIAL… THE WAY THEY THEY TURNED EACH OTHER’S HANDS OVER WITH THE LIGHT GLINTING OFF THE RINGS… THE WAY. THE KUROSAWA. THE WAY HE RUBBED HIS THUMB OVER ADACHI’S HAND I FEEL@SO UNBELIEVABLY SICK
CM ANON WELCOME BACK !! ALSO BIG MOOD i am just . i dont know how to express my emotions abt this movie in words its not possible . all i can do is scream. Literally. send help please
1. the magic
THE GROWTH . ADACHI HAD. him going from relying on his magic and being assertive thanks to it, to going from being glad he doesnt have it anymore and being assertive despite it is. . it is. Hello. how he went from knowing what to say bc he knew what ppl were thinking to how he spoke what he truly thought himself no matter what the person expects him to say is so. . . Hello!!!!! and its that determination in his own words and his own conviction that he could prove her wrong abt regretting it that got through to kurosawa's mom that i dont think wouldve worked had he read her mind and told her what she want to hear. Augh. augh........
2. the proposal
kurosawa was so happy to hear adachi loves him that his heart almost stopped ...... also what u said abt his eyes changing in the scene w his parents like Yeah.
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ITS HITTING HIM. i dont know the like . terminology for it but those Tiny Changes In His Expression That Mean Everything To Me . mr machida sir can i send u a care package and flowers just for this scene. please
another thing about the proposal is that. there was nothing asked. no question of 'will u marry me' or anything like they just . They Know. but also because it didnt have to be asked? theyre already engaged?? the silent acknowledgement that the pengagement really Was the actual proposal, and this is just then making it official to the world once and for all without having to hide it anymore. im gonna chew glass
3. the rings
kurosawa had the box on him the entire time. rings for good luck, which maybe Did work ... but i think he intended on proposing no matter how their talk w his parents went?? just thinking about That. Ough. but how he presents them just like that ..... no grand speech. no big huge romantic gesture. just the deserted beach and two of them like...... he doesnt try so hard anymore to be perfect or cool and plan a whole proposal, he just thinks about how much adachi loves him enough to declare it to his parents and Goes For It, almost on impulse i feel like ? but like in a good way like he Knows this is the moment™️ for it. anyways that left me pretty unwell also so that was fun
4. the hands
every single word u said anon......... i have no words left to say abt the hands its just. the. the. Theyre. the. i thought the manga's whole hand kissing deal after the proposal had killed me but this. the tenderness. the lighting. the Rings. the fucking gentle thumb rubs.......... I Am Never Going To Recover On God
5. the 'i love you'
listen they muted it . And That Was Extremely Evil Of Them. but i know kurosawa said i love you. i know this. and that too he said so quietly adachi couldnt hear it at first, and then whispering it to him bc he wants only adachi to be able to hear it ........ rlly felt like we as the audience are like. Intruding upon smth incredibly sacred that we're not supposed to see or something . 10/10 scene though like adachi nodding and then kurosawas SMILE and HUG and him taking the fall (AND HIS FEET WHEN HE DOES . idk why but im obsessed w the way his shoe shows up on frame for a bit its just . its so silly. theyre so silly i love them)
6. the hands, part 2
GOD. THAT PARALLEL TO THE DRAMAS INTRO IM TOO WEAK FOR THIS ??????????? why would they Do that to me. the way all their hand movements are in sync..... the way theyre smiling as they look at the rings......... I am normal about this (not)
7. the sillies
please look at my new favorite shot of kurosawa of all time
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HES SO GIDDY. HES SO HAPPY. HE IS SO SILLY!!!!!!!! mans measured adachi's ring size while he was Sleeping !!!!!!!!! where is the deleted scene of him sitting there at like 2 am with a thread in his hand and quietly trying to measure it !!!!! I Demand This !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ADACHI TOO ????? HES SO HAPPY ....... and how he knows what to expect from kurosawa by now like . this is the same guy who got so freaked out over kurosawa thinking abt his mole that he had to run away to the bathroom about it . but now just the plain and simple acceptance that Yeah. Kurosawa Is A Little Weird About His Love. And That Is Okay And Endearing And I Love That About Him that adachi shows here. ............. i am fine :)
ok thats it for beach scene thoughts. for now. but ill probably think of more stuff later as i slowly start to process this movie so like ......... look forward to it perhaps??? also anon pls if u have more thoughts abt the movie i would love to hear them too 👀 i need to talk abt it as much as possible its the only way i can cope
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helpicant-stop · 1 year
14 pls
did 14 already but i will never pass up an opportunity to talk!
once upon a dream has been stuck in my head for EVER like i keep thinking about it i might actually make it tlatm wil's theme like innards is tlatm q's theme but it's not goth so i'm tentative
angsty spoilers below but basically the gist is it's such a great tragic wilbur song ough i feel so deranged
so the thing is sleeping beauty came out the year wilbur was born, so they took him to the cinema and watched the movie with tiny baby wilba. his mother immediately took a liking to once upon a dream, so from that day forward they'd sing the song to calm wilbur down or get him to sleep. even just humming it would make him stop crying
he grew up knowing every word to the song but as home video hadn't been invented yet he'd never truly remembered the movie
that is until the 1970 and 1979 rereleases when he was 11 and 20 respectively and he was fucking ENCHANTED (not the movie the verb) and now dances the song by memory imagining some vague future prince with him
the tragic part is that in 1985, a year after he was turned, he took a 13 year long sleep (not unlike sleeping beauty but he wasn't woken up by true love's kiss and he wasn't cursed by any evil fairy but himself) and MISSED the official 1986 and 1995 rereleases of sleeping beauty in theaters, which absolutely destroyed him when he woke up and realised
so when he awoke in 1998 he was able to get a secondhand tape (from the 1997 vhs releases) and finally have a copy for himself. obviously the fiest thing his dumbass does is memorise the entire thing line by line down to the choreography
fast forward to present day he also has it on dvd and hard drive and has the link for the pirated version bookmarked on chrome (he didn't wanna pay for disney+). movie date night with quackity? sleeping beauty motherfucker
one day they get close enough to the point where they can sing the song together <3 ougg so romantic right where's the angst here???
remember wilbur's mother that i mentioned earlier?
phil used to tell wilbur a bedtime story, saying that he was a vampire and his mother was a vampire queen / grim reaper / actual God / etc (the story details changed at random), and she blessed him with a human child as a test of their relationship. if the child could live its whole life without phil turning it into a vampire, they could be together
wilbur used to daydream about one day seeing his mother again, because obviously phil would never turn him into a vampire right!!! right???
on november 16, 1985, phil breaks the only promise he ever made.
in that way, once upon a dream is not just about a true love fairytale but also the lullaby his mother sung to him that he memotised and repeated hoping to see her again one day and immediately know her
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desertfragments · 1 year
♥- I didn't realize you posted this fndkmss but you did threaten my shoes with wet cat food. So here. If u want to.
anyway hiiiiiiiiiiiiii jas <333 did you know that ur one of my fav people in the world? ur so squishy and soft and enthusiastic and kind and i rly rly enjoy talking with you about writing stuff and also just casually about everything. also oh my god dude you permanently changed my brain chemistry when you showed me dragula and ur Going to facilitate my slow descent into madness once we get into horror movies proper
ALSO you enable me so much with kaitessa i love these two weirdos so so so much. ive never really thought about how much a straight couple could be so queer and these two are doing it so well and so weirdly. their dynamic is fascinating and i do rly rly enjoy exploring their sexual relationship a lot
lewis and red are just. ough ough ouch </3 they have such a weird relationship of found family brothers who love each other very much, but also its a little strained, especially with bug god and the plants. im v keen to see what happens next with them and with charlie too and im just uuuuuuuughghgghgh boys pleaaaase get along ;-;
anyway mwah love you lots i cant wait to write more with you and find more dynamics to explore <3333
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softgrungeprophet · 1 year
i had these in the tags on the trailer for the new game but i'm putting them in a post instead it's just less obnoxious that way + some extra thoughts at the end
HELLO? SIR?? HELLO??? MR KRAVINOFF, oh he's so tall, this makes up for the twunky movie casting and the fact that i can't stand the gameplay for the tasm2 game where he's 9 feet tall (i want to play it but i just... can't do it... the menace system is not good...)
wait are they gonna let us go to queens?? or just cutscenes, i guess it could be like the raft stuff in the first game where you can't actually go there...
OH PETER GROSS I LOVE IT, I'M READY SIGN ME UP, oh the jaw… that's such a cool way to do symbiote spider-man actually though…. sleek but meaty
WAIT YOU GET TO PLAY AS MILES AND PETER BOTH AS SPIDEY???? not just the civilian stealth stuff anymore... i mean that makes sense but i never thought about it really.... ough...
oh that slingshot animation is chef kiss mwah beautiful
HE CAN FLY?! (*glide)
sidenote still love how slender miles is compared to peter it's a good detail, gangly teen vs grown man—i know literally everything with miles in it does this but it's just. good.
ooh webline trapeze… seeing lots of very good mechanics here…. ohh spooky… oh thank god it's the lizard i thought it was gonna be a dinosaur and was like, no... but it's not.
miles has some realllllly nice animations very slick
i'm sorry i cannot help laughing at peter's hoarse voice. is that supposed to be evil venom influence??? lmao? it sounds goofy. just let him talk and put him through a vocoder or whatever it is they use for that stuff. voice modulation. like a turian. or glados. i guess the buzzing speech for turians is less #badass than Mr. I'm Trying Really Hard To Sound Gravely But I Mostly Sound Like I Have a Cold (which, it IS a parasite...) but I will say that my headcanon voice sound for Agent Venom IS literally just Garrus LMAO
Peter here sounds like what i'd expect from swine flu grim hunt peter 😂
oh this lizard section is giving me flashbacks to the arkham asylum sewer section… 😩 that shit was so tedious but this looks much faster and less drawn out esp if 2 includes the accessibility features from the previous game(s)
that "he's got sharp teeth" > *dark voice* ''so do i…'' LMAO I'M SORRY i like dark peter and I like symbiote spider-man in theory but it's just so.......... i cannot take it seriously..... it's the fake gravelly voice.... the knowledge that i just KNOW they're working from the "symbiote makes you bad" angle even though peter is just like that....
''he's never like that'' BULLSHIT HE ISN'T this is propaganda ugh but it's whatever, this is what i expected anyway, every media tries to push that peter is innately good anyway, even the comics that are actually in-character, so it really could go either way as far as peter's levels of goody-two-shoes-ness...
i'm excited regardless of the fact that it's probably going to be very par for the course as far as venom is concerned, even though the most the symbiote ever really did with peter was like... make him stay up all night... like... c'mon it doesn't change your entire personality, it mostly just makes your emotions less stable... the rage has to be there in the first place to be emphasized... granted i guess miles would not know peter's angry dark side ideally since peter should generally be a good teacher who is purposefully gentle but it IS still a lie to say that peter isn't like that tbh... like as corny as "so do I..." is it's like. Peter WOULD just say that even without a symbiote. like. he would. it just wouldn't have a long lingering dramatic camera shot—i think that's part of what's making it funny for me. it feels like parts of the gameplay trailer are slightly too protracted, where if they were just a little bit snappier, a little bit briefer and more to the point, with less waiting for quips/jokes, it would feel much tighter and a little bit less funny (though his gravelly voice is still just kind of inherently amusing to me)
hopefully the venom plot doesn't suck ass, i AM excited to use peter's nasty symbiote tentacles, that shit looks extremely fun and i love the weird organic look on the suit... appreciate that it's still glossy and slick, and very straightforwardly patterned in black and white while also being fleshy, cause the texture was kind of my least favorite aspect of movie venom personally, so i like this look... it's not as sleek as some designs (which i personally tend to favor) but i really do like the way the jawline appears to be worked into the "mask" and the way it kind of melds musculature and "clothing" together.
the real question is 1) will they force me to look at the "remastered" face for Peter and 2) if so will this game come out on PC, when, because I would rather not look at that face.
(also because I don't have a ps5 and will not be able to acquire one any time soon unless i suddenly come into a helluva lot of money)
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dragonpuff17 · 2 years
yes i do this is your invitation to talk about rich aucoin!! i have not listened to him i am coming to you for Starter Advice. what would you recommend to sell me on his music? :3
if youre looking for an overview of his music, i made this playlist as a “best of” sort of thing (ignore the first half of it). if you have the chance, a rich aucoin concert is a pretty great experience as well
however, imo one of the best ways to experience rich aucoin is through his albums. theyre all different from each other (as rich’s rule for himself is to never do the same thing twice), but my favorite and what i think represents his music best is we’re all dying to live
always listen to richs albums in order cause god DAMN they can tell a story. his first 3 albums plus his first ep were written to sync up with movies and it shows! synthetic season 1 isn’t one of these, but i still recommend it because it came out this month and its what rich is currently doing!
beyond this point i will go into full infodump territory talking about each of his albums so if youre looking for only starter advice you can ignore this
alright. first ep, personal publication (2007) my beloved. rich made this completely by himself when he was 23 and didn’t know what he was doing but holy shit i have so much brainrot about it. it was written to sync up with the original animated how the grinch stole christmas and i cant share that on this post because copyright infringement but please dm me or send an ask off anon if you want it, its my favorite of his syncs, it works so well. there are a lot of tiny parts in the songs that are also sounds effects in the movies and theyre so fun to pick apart aaaa fun facts: 1) when rich released the sync, he got a cease and desist letter from dr seuss enterprises 2) he toured personal publication in a grinch costume 3) the title “10,342 cuts for the us” is a joke about how many edits he had to make on the drums. making an ep all by yourself sounds rough.
first full album, and my favorite album of all time, we’re all dying to live (2011). ough. this album, man. this is my favorite because it feels so much like a collage. instead of one overarching story like personal publication, this one feels like it tells so many smaller ones. it syncs up to 30-40 different public domain movies, and you can watch it here! fun facts: 1) (this is more like the main fact of this album) rich made this album while biking across canada and it ended up with 500 total collaborators on it 2) some of those collaborators include an elementary school choir
second album, ephemeral (2014)! this one is SO FUN. it syncs up with a claymation version of the little prince, and you can watch it here. its short and very, very sweet, as richs intention was to make it feel like a live show. fun fact: the opening track has samples from rich’s actual crowds. :’)
third album! release (2019)! id also call this one of the more iconic ones, especially album cover-wise. its an album that really reminds you that rich aucoin has a philosophy degree, as its all about mortality and dealing with death. fittingly, it syncs to alice in wonderland, and same copyright deal with personal publication that i cant share it here. this contrasts ephemeral because it takes its time, its slower and more retrospective. also bonus points for having my favorite song of all time, “the other” fun fact: the album cover is a 3d-printed replica of rich aucoin’s actual skull
fourth album! united states (2020)! this was written when rich biked through the united states witnessing firsthand the effects of trump’s presidency. as youd expect, this album gets a bit political. at this point rich stopped doing the movie sync thing, which breaks my heart but is understandable, but this album feels like a road trip nonetheless. fun fact: rich is canadian lol
fifth album! (albums?) synthetic season 1 (2022)! we’re up to present day! while i love all the other albums thematically, this one may be my favorite musically. the gimmick for this one is that its made entirely using synths and has little to no lyrics. its also a quadruple album, meaning a total of 3 hours of synth music. only the first quarter is out right now, and its really, really good. fun facts: 1) the opening track is made with (and rightfully named after) the largest synth in the world, tonto! 2) rich is being considered for a guiness world record for an album with the most different synths on it. season 1 already has 37
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yurigalactica · 4 months
3, 17, and 38 :))
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
number one, wreck it ralph. this was my FAVORITE movie as a little kid and i remember watching it religiously when it came out--i even wrote my first ever fanfiction at eight years old in which vanellope rocks king candy's shit (genuinely some fucking crazy shit goes down in there). secondly, i'd have to say a ballad of songbirds and snakes. personally i've never been a big hunger games girly but when i went to theatres to watch it with my film buddies i literally became obsessed with it like??? it's SO well done. and thirdly is how to train your dragon. this one needs absolutely no explanation and if you don't agree with me, try again
17. name three things that make you happy?
one, my favorite music. it's my favorite thing to talk about because i'm so passionate about my favorite songs and the lyricism in them (i'm mostly talking about los camp here) and it makes me indescribably happy when people are interested. just the other day my irl friend asked for me to make a playlist of some los camp for her and i literally dropped everything i was doing to go through their entire discography for her. second thing is my friends. irl and online, i'm so grateful for everyone i talk to--you all make my day when i hear from you. as introverted as i am i start missing my friends extremely quickly, so i can assure you all, hearing from you is the highlight of my day. thirdly is probably pineapple curry. there's this one resturaunt a few blocks down from my uni campus and FUCK they make a good pineapple curry. ough i miss that place. i'm gonna take my parents there when they help me move back so they'll pay for my food ehehehehe
38. fave song at the moment?
it's not los camp (criminal, i know) but i've been listening to the oh hellos a lot lately and i really love in memoriam :)
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