#I never saw it either and ouch
Ignoring the inaccuracies ive never seen azzis reaction to paiges injury before now im sad. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN5WLPJ7/
Can new fans please do a little research because knowing that P didn't tear her ACL at the ND game is the bare minimum.
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aesrot · 1 year
I think during high school, any time Rolan would call Rand "Tim" he would get so angry and snap at Rolan for it, if he pulled a "Timothy" ohhhhh that's how their arguments escalated, it was really bad in the last year of high school before Rolan left. However now? It's a warning, Rand will be getting visibly riled up at someone, something, and Rolan will put a hand on his shoulder with a sharp but whispered "Tim" and Rand will back off, he doesn't get as angry anymore, he gets a little ticked off when Rolan calls him that but nothing that he'll genuinely get angry over, just a bit of an angry snort and he's backing off when he's going too far, Rolan only does it when he needs to and Rand will actually take the time to process how he's going too far.
yess, like before it would be enough to get him to snap, not just at rolan but at anyone (with exception for his parents, we talked abt donna, and snapping at his dad is just a bad idea in general, it doesnt end well). but after? well. he just straight up introduces himself as rand to everyone, that avoids strangers calling him by his first name. it used to piss him off, but now it hurts. it brings memories, when he's called tim. he can't bear it.
and that actually works pretty well when rolan and him are having an argument, rolan will mutter his name, and its like a bucket of water splashed on him. it makes him aware of where the conversation is going, doesnt matter how mad he is it works to get him to rethink his words and actions, it grounds him a little, reminds him of all they've been through and makes him ponder if whatever disagreement they're having is worth the heat, worth the possible outcomes.
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sturnsdarling · 21 days
'what the fuck is wrong with you?'
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{insp by @sturnioz au} fratboy!matt calls smartand'mean'!reader after the fight, telling her she needs to come look after shy!reader, but after she finds out what happened, she lays into fratboy!chris, giving him the reality check he needs.
vibe check: arguing, kinda distressed shy!reader ig, smartand'mean'!reader is a take no shit kinda gal, angsty vibes, lil suggestive at the end
2.3k words
A/N: idk where this idea came from i just really like the idea of smartand'mean'!reader laying into fratboy!chris and him just firming it bc he knows shes right. PART ONE IS HERE
love and cigs, merc
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You burst into the party, frantically searching every room for Matt and your best friend. Matt had called you nearly five minutes ago, telling you that your best friend needed you and that there had been a fight, with little to no explanation after. Of course, you came to them immediately, knowing that Matt wouldn't call you if he really didn't need to.
When you finally found them, they were all in a back room of the party, surrounded by smoke and a crowd of people all fawning over the boys as Matt, Nate and Chris were all spread across a sofa in the back, your best friend curled up on Chris lap as he lazily toked on a canon joint, his knuckles purple and a soft grin on his face as you watched your best friend toy with his shirt.
"hey, angel, you got here quick" Matts voice washed over you as he stood up, placing a battered hand on the small of your waist and pulling you into him.
His hand came up to your face in attempts to pull you into a kiss, but his bloody knuckles caught your attention and you took his hand in yours, brows furrowed at his battered hands.
"Matt, what the fuck happened" you spat, looking up at him, his hand still in yours
"ouch, she called him Matt, y'hear that Chris?" Nate said under his breath, Chris chuckled in response and you shot them both a glaring look.
"Some kids tried to give Chris' girl drugs so, we showed them why that was a bad idea" Matt shrugged, looking at you as if it was such a simple thing.
Your attention was immediately on your best friend, your face riddled with concern. You dropped Matts hand and made your way over to her, pulling her up off Chris' lap and into a hug.
"are you okay? why didn't you call me?" you muttered into her hair before pulling away, surveying her face.
She nodded, "I'm okay, Chris and Matt handled it" she smiled at you, just before looking down to Chris, who shot her a wink.
"how did this happen?" you asked, grabbing her attention again as she sat back down on Chris lap.
"they saw me alone and I guess they thought I was an easy target" she began explaining the events of the night, but was quickly cut off by your annoyed tone.
"you left her alone?" you spat, your annoyance directed at Chris, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" you looked at Chris like he was dirt, glaring at him, he just stared back, his tongue pressed to his cheek.
"oh shit" Nate chuckled, "Matt, I think your girl is about to go world star on our boy"
"hey, angel, tone it down a bit, yeah?" Matt said, sitting back down on the sofa and trying to pull you down onto his lap.
You snatched your hand from his, tutting as you shot him a dirty look, returning your serious gaze back to Chris.
"s'cool, Matt, let her say what she wants to say, I can take it" Chris grinned, taking a long toke of his joint and looking at you
"you left her alone, at a frat party, knowing she never comes to these without either you or me? are you psychologically damaged?" you continued to lay into him, his cool and collected demeanour triggering you beyond belief.
"and what? some guys thought she was easy pickins, because, lets face it, she is, and then you lose your shit and have to mark your territory again?"
"hey, I'm not easy pickins" your best friend sulked.
"she could have been seriously fuckin' hurt, Chris, did you even stop for one minute to think about that?" you were burning holes into his face at this point, just waiting for him to respond.
Chris' face dropped at your words, the smug smile on his lips coming to a tight line as he clenched his jaw, avoiding your eye contact. His mind suddenly reeling with all the things those boys could have done to your best friend if Nate hadn't called him when he did.
"of course you fuckin' didnt, because you only ever think about yourself, Chris" you tutted, rolling your eyes and throwing your hands up in accusation at him.
"you know, if you weren't Matts brother, I wouldn't let her come anywhere fuckin' near you, all you ever do is put her in a position to get herself hurt, or worse." you crossed your arms with finality.
Chris shifted uncomfortably where he sat, looking at you and then to your best friend who was already looking at him, apologising for your words with her kind eyes, eyes that only made your words all the more real.
"I'd never let anything happen to her" He said through a clenched jaw, looking up at you, his expression could almost have been mistaken for an apologetic one.
"and plus, we had her back, we fuckin' had those guys easy, they ran away cryin" Matt added, reaching out for you again.
This time you took his hand, bringing your gaze to him, brushing your fingers over his bloody knuckles.
"you think they're the only kids that wanna roofie girls and fuck them at parties? you think she's safe now just because you two fuckin' hot heads gave them a bloody nose and a black eye?" Your words stung, you'd never spoken to Matt like that before, not seriously anyway.
No one said anything, your words hung in the air, making everyone shift and come to the damning realisation of what actually happened tonight.
"I know you think you can protect her from this little fucked up life you've created for yourself here, Chris, but maybe it's time you wake up and realise who she might actually need protecting from" you said, looking him up and down with your final words.
Chris said nothing, only stared at you from under his brow bone with a clenched jaw and a loose grip on your best friends waist.
Matt looked over at Chris and then up at you, both of you teetering on the edge of an explosion he did not want to get caught in the middle of. He stood up, taking your hand in his and standing in front of you slightly, bringing your attention away from Chris.
"lets go have a cig, yeah?" He said, squeezing your hand.
You looked up at him through your lashes, unable to tear your eyes from him as he gazed down at you, his warmth only serving to calm you down.
You nodded with a clenched jaw and let Matt lead you out. As you walked out the room you glanced back at Chris, who was biting the inside of his cheek and blinking rapidly, trying to listen to your best friend apologising on your behalf. He wasn't angry, not at you anyway, he was angry at himself, because he knew you were right.
Once you made it outside, Matt dragged you to a quiet spot, pulling a cigarette from his pack and placing it between your pouty lips, sparking it before pulling one for himself and doing the same.
You took a long drag, your fingers shook slightly from the adrenaline you felt coursing through your body.
"y'know" Matt said, blowing smoke out his mouth before resuming, "I've never heard anyone speak to Chris like that and still be standin' after" a smiled, edging closer to you.
"kid had it comin' for putting her in a position like that" you shrugged your shoulders, taking another long drag of your cigarette.
"He didn't mean for it to happen, you know that right?" Matt said, dipping his head to meet your gaze.
you rolled your eyes, "he never means for shit to happen, Matt, that's the problem, shit follows him around, and one of these days she's gonna get hurt because of it" you looked at him, more serious than you'd ever been.
"what about me then?" Matt said, his face dropping as he stood back from you.
"what about you?" you screwed your face up at him
"if shit follows him, it follows me, he's my brother" Matt added
"and?" you cocked your eyes to the side, not seeing his point.
"y'don't think you'll get hurt one day? bein' around me like this?" Matt looked you up and down as he spoke.
"I can handle myself, Matt, she can't" you rolled your eyes with a slight chuckle.
"she can't, or you think she can't?" Matt questioned, his tone accusatory.
"what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" you snapped at him
"I think, you've spent your whole life protecting this girl and now, she has someone else to do it for her, and you cant handle that" Matt shrugged
"you're ridiculous." you rolled your eyes at Matt, leaning against the side of the house.
"am I?" Matt scoffed
"yeah, you fuckin' are becau-" just as you were about to give it to Matt straight, you were interrupted by Chris, standing just a few steps away from you both and clearing his throat.
"y/n, can I speak to you?" Chris said, his hands shoved in his pockets.
"what do you want, Chris? if you've come out here to try and act all big and tell me not to speak to you like that I swear to god I-"
"you're right" Chris cut you off.
"What?" you and Matt said in unison, turning to face Chris.
"you're right, okay?"
"I-" you went to speak, brows furrowed in confusion.
"I don't deserve her, n'probably never will, but, I care 'bout her, n'Id never let anything happen to her" Chris shrugged, unable to maintain eye contact with you.
"Chris" you sighed.
"you don't have to tell me the typa guy I am, y/n, I know, but I'm learnin' okay? she's helpin' me learn" He finally looked at you, still unable to look at his brother who was open mouth, gawking at his brothers confession.
You had no idea what to say, Chris just gave you his version of an apology and actually admitted you were right. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him, somewhere, very deep, under all his assholeness, there was an actual human being who, cared about your best friend probably more than he'd ever cared about anyone.
"Chris" you sighed again, "she trusts you, and, if she trusts you then..." you searched your brain for the strength to call it even with him, "I guess I have no choice but to trust you too"
A small smile crept onto Chris' face but he pushed it away almost immediately, the weight of his confession lifting off his shoulders as his usual self floated back into his body.
"If you tell anyone about what I jus' said, i'll get ya kneecaps broken, kay?" he sniffed, wiping his knuckle across his nose for a brief second, "both'a you" Chris looked Matt up and down.
"there he is" Matt chuckled, placing a hand on Chris shoulder
Chris shrugged off Matts hand and sauntered back inside, leaving you two alone again.
You let the moment hang in the air for a moment, smoking your cigarette as Matt stared at the way the butt illuminated your features.
"look, angel, I didn't mean anythi-"
"its okay, I get it, you're right" you interrupted him, rolling your eyes, feeling significantly less angry about everything after Chris' confession.
"okay, did I slip into a different dimension where you and Chris are able to back down from an argument?" Matt chuckled, looking around him as if he was looking for the portal he fell through.
You laughed, shaking your head at him with a smile, "I've been looking out for her our whole lives and, she's always needed me to protect her, I guess it's just tough now that she doesn't, really need that anymore"
"y'know" Matt stepped closer to you, hooking his thumb under your chin, "maybe its time you let someone protect you, for a change"
"oh yeah?" you grinned at him, "and who might that someone be?"
"me" Matt shrugged, edging his lips closer to yours
"you wanna protect me, Matthew?"
"mhm" Matt nodded with a smile just before kissing you, slotting his soft lips over yours with tender pressure.
You kissed him back, the taste of cigarettes thick on his tongue.
"you do look sexy with your knuckles all battered like that" you broke the kiss, taking his hand in yours and pressing small open mouth kisses on his bloodied knuckles
"you little sadist" Matt said, taking your cheeks in his hand, squishing the flesh together between his fingers.
"you love it" you tore his thumb from your cheek and placed it in your mouth, biting down on the bone before wrapping your lips around it.
Matt groaned at the sight of you batting your lashes at him with his thumb in your mouth, he pulled you forward by your jaw and brought you into him, a firm hand catching you by the small of your back as he pulled his thumb from your lips with a pop.
"I do mean it though, angel, it's time you let someone protect you for once" Matt looked down at you, placing his hand around the side of your face, using his grip to make you look at him.
"I can protect myself" you smirked up at him, eyes pouring into his.
Matt smiled and rolled his eyes, lowering his hand on your waist down to your thigh and dropping his shoulder to your stomach. In one swift movement you were over his shoulder.
"Matthew! put me down!" You erupted into laughter, hitting his back as you hung over his shoulder
Your pleads were met with a firm smack on your ass as a prideful grin spread itself across Matts face.
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taglist: @sturniozalt@mattslolita@shaquilles-0atmeal@blahbel668@sleepysturniolo@le4hsblog @sarosfilms @joemamaaa42069 @2muchofaslvt @seluky10
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bitterchocoo · 6 months
Hello,I am have been reading your work for quite sometime :), I really am loving them so far 😭💗 .I saw that your requests were open, so may I be able to ask for Dazai or Fyodor with male reader who are like Sunday from HSR, and could be in a enemies to lovers type relationship :D, the plot can be upto you :>
A Seraphim or..
Osamu Dazai | M. Reader as Sunday [Honkai Star Rail]
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"Who are you..? An Angel.."
The Charmony Festival.
A once-in-an-era event held in the Country of Festivities, Penacony.
Members of the five great families, which together make up "The Family" on Penacony. As well as staff members of the Reverie, are united in welcoming the world to their home.
The Oak Family.
The Alfalfa Family.
The Bloodhound Family.
The Iris Family.
The Nightingale Family.
All important figures in Penacony.
But one stood out the most...
The man with a halo and wings. [Name].
The leader of the Oak Family. The organizer of the Charmony Festival and a representative of The Family of Penacony. The most important figure amongst them and the one holding the most power.
Who wouldn't be interested in a man like him?
With a charming smile and a soft voice, paired with his unique appearance... he's like an Angel.. no..
A Seraphim.
The first time he laid eyes on him was at the Golden Hour. The moment he saw the man himself he thought he saw the heavens itself.
A Seraphim.
He thought.
But upon further observation... Dazai soon found a different answer..
His vibe seems a little.. sinister..
His smile barely even reaches his eyes.
His voice is soft and yet his tone is firm.
Either way, [Name] had caught his interest.
"Your radiant glow illuminates me! Your voice is as soft as an angel! I can't believe that I've met such an angelic being! Please make me the happiest man and kill me with these holy hands of yours."
What did he just said.
What in Harmony's name did he just say?
[Name] can't help but chuckle as he pulls his hand away from Dazai's hold. What was that? A proposal?
"Aha.. you're quite funny, Mr. Dazai.. but I believe you've drank too many SoulGlad." He replied, trying to keep it casual and professional.
This man, this suicidal prick..
He's all talk and flattery. It never fails to get under his skin with how buddy-buddy he is. They're only acquainted and yet this bandaged man acts as if they're old friends. Does he even know who he's speaking to? He's [Name]! Leader of the Oak Family! The very mention of his name could silence a whole room and this man dared do such things to him!
"Now now~ I only drank a few~" Dazai reassured with a smile on his face. "Don't you want to go back home to heaven with me~?"
"I believe you'll be sending me down to the fiery pit instead of going up."
"Ouch! How cruel! Then how about we go to your manor?"
"Don't make me turn you down twice."
This.. man child.. what does his agency even see in him..
"Oh, Triple-Faced Soul, please sear his tongue and palm with a hot iron, so he will not be able to fabricate lies and make false vows."
"...What have you done?"
"Under the light of the Harmony, all wickedness is revealed. I implore THEM to shed THEIR light, and I'll ask you questions on THEIR behalf. Next... you have 113 seconds to prove your innocence and gain my trust."
"And if I refuse to answer?"
"You can try — and we'll see if the Harmony rejects you."
It had finally led to this.
Both of them had taken off their masks. Revealing the true wickedness underneath. The suicidal maniac and the so-called leader of the Family.
Oh how he hated that man.
Acting like a child who believes he could get away with everything. It's time where [Name] to put his foot down and stand his ground. This entitlement will not go unnoticed by him and with THEIR radiant light.. he will find the truth..
And judge him as the Harmony see fit.
"Question: Do you have an ability?"
"What a simple answer. You, too, understand that idle chatter leads only to poverty."
"Did you neutralize your ability when you entered Penacony?"
"No. My ability nullifies others."
He already figured that out.. which is why he's holding this "trial" with THEM. For the power of the Aeon is far more powerful than any ability in the world. "Does the page of the Book you handed over to The Family belong to the agency?"
Honestly, he never would have thought the Armed Detective Agency would use such an item to bargain their way into Penacony. Something as powerful as the Book. A page of the Book.
It's a given why he allowed them to enter the dreamscape when they bargained such an item.
"Is the Page of the Book in this room right now?"
"Is your memory free from any kind of tampering or deletion, encompassing but not restricted to the techniques of the Garden of Recollection?"
"Are you a former executive from Port Mafia?"
[Name] continues to ruthlessly question him without missing a beat. Dazai furrowed his eyebrows at the question. Something that doesn't make sense. How could [Name] know such things? "Yes. You even know about that?"
"Does your agency and the Port Mafia have any ability to read, tamper with, or manipulate one's own or another's mind?"
"No. Does it matter?"
"Do you love your family more than yourself?"
Okay where is he getting at here... the questions are getting more and more personal. "Yes."
"...Do you hate and wish to destroy this world with your own hands?" [Name]'s expression turned serious as he narrowed his eyes, his perpetual smile seemed to widen slightly. "...I don't know."
"Interesting. Now, the final question..." [Name] breath out, putting his hands behind his back. "Can you swear that at this very moment, the page of the Book is safe and sound in this box?"
Dazai seems to hesitate a little, thinking of a way to get around this. He always has a plan after all. "...Of course."
[Name] hums as his smile turns a little more sincere. "Looks like we can get an answer."
"Open it, Mr. Dazai... It's your last chance to defend your honor."
"Aren't you happy, Mr. Dazai? You'll finally get your wish in seventeen system hours, the end that you desire so much. Off you go, Mr. Dazai. You are free. I will wait here for your good news."
"Maybe one day.. no.."
"In another universe..."
"I can learn how to love you too.."
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pjsfvs · 7 months
Friends? I Think Not - Choi Yeonjun
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PAIRING: bff!yeonjun x female reader
SYNOPSIS: in which yeonjun, your best friend, learns about your rather unsatisfactory sex life. who better than him to show you how it's properly done?
GENRE: smut
AUTH. NOTE: my account is undergoing a huge switch so a lot of things will be changing :33
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The room was too hot for your liking.
It was like this every time you came over to Yeonjun’s. You heard somewhere that cats were often fonder of hot temperature than cold. Maybe he really was a cat inside. You could bet your life insurance on that.
You let your eyes wander inside his comfy room. It felt more like home than your room did, somehow. As extra as it is, he hung dim lights from his room walls, insisting “it adds up to the mood”. His room definitely wasn’t that messy for a guy who lives alone, to your surprise. Never too bright, but not too dark either. Chaotic neutral. It fit his personality well.
“You come over pretty much every day, and yet you still stare around quietly as if it's your first time here. Is my room that much of an aesthetic to you?” Yeonjun laughed from beside you. One hand under his head, he found himself unable to divert his attention from you. Not that you minded, of course. You took the eye contact like a challenge, meeting his golden amber eyes with equal amount of... hidden intent. He looked at you as if he wanted something so desperately- like he was barely holding himself back. Soft gaze observing the entirety of your face, he quietly tried to burn every small detail to the back of his mind. As you would do the exact same.
If someone walked in on you two, it would look almost like you two were dating.
“It fits your vibe somehow.” You quietly muttered to answer his last question. As your friend let out a soft giggle at how your eyes were shining in the LED lights, he could’ve sworn he saw the entire milky way through them. To him, moments like these really mattered. Quiet, peaceful, just you two. Like nothing else existed in the wide universe.
Just you two.
“Were you talking about something you wanted to do?” You suddenly remembered about him talking about a game he wanted to play with you. Were Kai’s habits rubbing off on him? You always knew Yeonjun also liked to play games, but he never really asked you to humor him whilst shuffling around with the console.
“Oh yeah, but it’s pretty lame. I just brought it up because we had nothing to do today.”
“But we usually have nothing to do anyways.”
“Ouch, babe.” It took all your muscles tensing to stop yourself from reacting to that nickname. He always knew how to push your buttons to get you flustered. You weren’t going to give in like how he wanted. He could only let out another laugh at your expression.
“What did you have in mind, then?” Yeonjun awkwardly scratched the back of his neck while averting your gaze at your question.
You narrowed your eyes at his reaction. So, he said he wanted to it because “we had nothing to do”, but inside, he really wanted to try this game he was talking about.
“21 questions”. You couldn’t help but groan and roll your eyes.
“Come on Yeonjun, we’re not middle schoolers anymore. You could just ask anything you want to know, and I wouldn’t think anything of it.” Letting out a defeated laugh, Yeonjun directed his honey hazel eyes at you. You were not entirely sure what he was getting at, but his ability to have you remembering all the nights you dreamed of those eyes was something else.
Moments like these reminded you about how you dreamt about him so vividly often times whilst deep in slumber. The unavoidable eye contact briefly exchanged giggles, 4am conversations, slight brushes of Yeonjun's hand on yours- it spoke volumes. Even if both of you practically knew you had feelings for each other, neither had done anything to seal in the deal. For you, it was the commitment. You weren’t sure you would be able to handle him fully. He had been with you for better and for worse, in sickness and health, in ups and downs. Choi Yeonjun was with you through everything. He was someone you just couldn't afford to lose. He was precious, more valuable than anything you ever had in your life. That’s exactly why you were hesitant. If you two broke up, it would cost you too much. You were afraid. Afraid of losing him over something like... love.
If you had to ignore this feeling in your chest to have Yeonjun for your whole life, you would. You would choose him for eternity.
“Is there a specific question you have for me then?” You were forced back to consciousness when Yeonjun suddenly spoke. Momentarily, you were taken aback.
“Your body count?” You narrowed your eyes and voiced out the question that you’ve been curious forever. As far as you knew, he had two serious relationships, and a few on-and-off flings here and there. Judging people by their body count was dumb, and you were aware of that. But it did catch your interest.
“Six.” His piercing gaze never left yours while shifting on his bed to face your side. Fair.
“It’s my turn right? I’ll ask your body count too, then.” See? Any friend would be curious about these. Especially horny young adults like him and you.
“Four.” You said with a long sigh. You knew he would never judge you for it or anything, but it was still nerve wracking. Yeonjun’s expression didn’t change one bit. Instead, he still kept a close look on your face. Even without him voicing it out loud, you knew he was worried if you were insecure about it in any way.
“No, I’m okay Yeonjun. I know you wouldn’t think weirdly of me.” Letting out a laugh to lighten up the mood, you tugged your hair behind your ear.
“Hey, you continue with another question. You should lead these kinds of games, not me.” From the way he immediately lifted his eyebrow, you knew he didn’t mind controlling where this game went. Again, with the unbelievably attractive confidence of his.
“I see you as a 100% bottom, and I know I am right.” You furrowed your eyebrows at how overly sure he sounded.
“Do you have any ounce of dominance in you? Can you top anyone at all?” Damn, were you supposed to answer honestly, or act tough?
“…I’m not sure. I don’t think I do.” He let out a low whistle and a domineering smirk at your statement. Every single thing he does seemed extra attractive today, why was that? You could bet your monthly wage that it was on purpose to get you riled up.
You could almost physically feel Yeonjun’s eyes roaming through your entire body. It was hard to ignore when he was making the atmosphere thick to the point you could practically cut it with a knife. You two weren’t touching each other in any way, but the way he was staring at you felt like he was intentionally trying to get you in the mood. The mood.
“Next question, baby?” You felt your face getting hotter by minute. You couldn’t help it when he practically purred your favorite pet name with that face.
“Could you stop that-”
“But your reaction is too good to pass on.”
“How good would you say you are in bed? You can be honest you know; I wouldn’t judge~” You let out a choked laugh and covered your mouth to prevent laughing in his face. Yeonjun chuckled at your question too, but still kept the mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Well, you could see that for yourself, can’t you?” Him licking his lip slightly didn’t go unnoticed. These small sly movements never went unnoticed with both of you. Taking on the silent invitation, you lightly pulled at your shirt collar. He tried hard but gave into temptation in the end. By the way his eyes stayed a few seconds more than appropriate, you knew it was revealing your collar bone right now. Or maybe a bit more.
“I’m not sure, no man has ever satisfied me in bed before you know.” Yeonjun's eyes snapped at the unexpected statement. You could practically hear his inner voice. Four bodies and-
“You mean you’ve never came in bed? Like, never?”
“Never.” Before you could process what was happening, you felt a shift in Yeonjun’s mood. By the time you returned your eyes to his, the only thing you could see in those beautiful hazel eyes were desire. Burning fiery desire, and pure sinful lust. Just with his hot intense gaze, you unknowingly rubbed your thighs together.
“Want me to change that?” Despite his explicit suggestion, he gently put a hand on yours. You knew that if you said no here, he would not pursue anything. He would drop it in a second and continue normally like how you two did until now. Never did you even think Yeonjun would look at you this way. With such tempting desire written all over his eyes.
You knew you shouldn’t give into the voices in your head. If you did this, it would be harder to ignore your feelings. Those feelings that are overwhelming inside of you, it would get harder and harder to manage. You should refuse.
But your body acted otherwise.
“Maybe you should.”
As soon as you muttered the words Yeonjun had been longing to hear, his persona changed in a split second. He flipped you over easily and got on top. As he hungrily looked down at you, he felt a sense of pride he never felt before. He was going to own you. Him. Not anyone else.
He wanted you. You, every bit of you.
Never once in your life have you felt such desire before. Never did you ever want someone as bad as you wanted Yeonjun right now. You hated that it had to be him, but it didn’t matter. Not when you had your hand in his hair, kissing until you two were out of breath. His hands never stopped roaming around your entire body like you were already his property.
“Baby… You have to promise to tell me if you don’t like anything that I do. Anything. Is that understood?” Yeonjun’s honey eyes found yours again. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you. You nodded and pulled him in again.
As soon as your lips met, a fire ignited. It was like you two were waiting for this very moment for forever. You were finally able to inhale the masculine scent of Yeonjun. Like a mixture of caramel, rosewood and musk, his smell was intoxicating. You couldn’t get enough of him.
You were still unsatisfied by the time he broke away from the kiss. With a low chuckle, he took another look at your current state. Cheeks burning, eyes clouded with nothing but pure desire. Your body practically waiting to be ravaged by him, there was nothing sexier than that in the world.
“Yeonjun…” You let out a quiet whimper when he dived in for another kiss. Slowly, his lips slid all the way to your neck. His hot breath fanning over your skin, you inhaled sharply in order to stabilize your breathing. As Yeonjun’s large hands carefully slipped your smaller ones into his hands, he softly held them.
“Tell me, baby.” You opened your eyes at his request.
“Tell you what?”
“That you want me as much as I do. That I can fuck you the way I’ve always dreamt of.” The vulgar words that came from his mouth sent a violent shudder down your spine. You were not used to dirty talk, but it was something you would gladly get used to if it meant Yeonjun was the one.
“I-I….” You found yourself struggling to follow his commands.
You let out a sharp gasp when Yeonjun grabbed both your wrist by his single hand and pinned it above your head. The forceful slam on the headboard rang in your ears as you found yourself staring at the man with wide eyes. His beautiful eyes looked dangerous. Like a wolf staring at his prey.
“You have nowhere to run now, baby. Follow my orders, and I might just reward you.” Struggling to hold his heavy gaze, you closed your eyes.
“I want you so much, Yeonjun… Fuck me, you can do anything you want with me!” He lets out a low groan at your sweet words, the grip on your wrists tightening. Yeonjun jumped at the opportunity to spread your legs and position himself in between. Immediately, you whimpered when his clothed length rubbed against you.
“Good kitty.” Yeonjun whispers into your ear. He moves more, slowly grinding his hips against your throbbing core. The action had you choking back a needy moan. Even from that, you could tell how delicious his cock would be when you finally had it for yourself. Arousal flaring through your entire body, you struggled to stay still.
“Look at me.” Even if you heard his command, you couldn’t do so immediately. Not when you felt your entire body crumble with the slightest of movements. Not when you knew you were soaking through your panties by now. You felt so overwhelmed with desire for him.
“Fucking look at me when I tell you to, baby.” He spat the venomous words, landing a slap on your inner thigh. You flinched at the unexpected contact and let out a broken moan. You couldn’t help but meet his dangerous gaze.
“That’s right, keep your eyes on me. I want those pretty eyes on me only.” He said whilst grinding even harder against your clothed heat. His dick was so hard, you could practically feel him pulsating. He was rock hard- for you.
You bit your lip to maintain your voice while still holding the eye contact.
Once again, he leaned into your neck. When he placed a gentle kiss, you let out a small whimper. You couldn’t help but find your fingers tangled in his messy black hair all over again. When his hot tongue started traveling over your sensitive neck, you bit your lip even harder. You made a futile attempt to move your arms. Yeonjun was having none of it- the iron grip he held was too strong.
“Stay still, slut.” Your eyes flew open. It was so unexpected, but so delicious to hear from his swollen lips. You couldn’t help but let out breathy moans here and there when he ravaged your neck as much as he could. He didn’t leave a spot open, not an inch where he didn’t kiss, bite or lick. You were sure to have quite a few love bites tomorrow.
He let your wrists go to take off your top and skirt. You faintly remembered wearing tights. When he noticed the thin material, he didn’t give you a chance to answer before instantly ripping it to shreds. Roughly stripping you out of the clothing, he hungrily took in the sight of you in your underwear.
God damn, you were stunning. Your beauty could rival any goddess. And you were all his.
“Mine.” He growled when placed a kiss on your collarbone. He unhooked your bra and threw them across the room. Large rough hands fondling your tits, he continued the trace of love bites downwards. He wanted to mark every inch your body if he could’ve.
As much as he wanted to just destroy you immediately, your pleasure was the priority to him. He had no intentions of rushing anything today. But even so, some things had his patience running out.
You let out a loud gasp when he ripped your beige panties as well. The unexpected gesture sent a burning arousal straight to your core. You were sure to be soaking wet by now, you could even feel it yourself. The sudden exposure to the cold air had you shivering.
You made a futile attempt to close your legs in embarrassment. Contrary to your wishes, Yeonjun’s hands held a firm grip on your thighs to prevent that.
“Don’t you dare hide this pretty cunt from me, baby.” The absolute filth coming from your usual science-nerd best friend had you clenching around nothing down there. The need of having him inside you was growing rapidly each second. You wanted to touch, kiss, and feel him in every way you could.
So you decided to test what he questioned earlier. You flipped over.
Having Yeonjun under you felt like winning a prize, somehow. You felt a sense of absolute pride, and wanted to own him like he was talking about. You wasted no time in connecting your lips to his and proceeded to take off his hoodie. As soon as his top was off, your eyes ran hungrily over his ripped abs, and gosh, he looked so darn beautiful. Drunk off his manly cologne, you wanted to taint him with your scent. If you were animals, you wanted to knot him with your mark. You badly wanted him, in every way possible.
Your hips moved automatically, grinding against him sensually. Growling, Yeonjun’s tongue swirled around yours. The hot open-mouthed kiss took your breath away, your nails sinking into his shoulder. When you finally broke away, you were conflicted on what you should do next.
Yeonjun took the second of hesitation as a chance to get on top again. He flipped over with such ease, as if you were as light as a snowflake.
“When did I give permission to do that, y/n?” Your name sounded dangerous when he growled it like that. Once again, you felt your hot core pulsing and dripping.
“Keep your eyes on me while I eat this pussy out, doll.” His narrow eyes looked even sharper than before when he finally had a proper look at you. The sight of you naked, whimpering his name was something he would never forget.
He secured his grip on your thighs before diving in.
Yeonjun’s hot breath over your soaking cunt, he took a second to spread the lips apart. Almost immediately locating your clitoris, he lightly teased it with his thumb. Satisfied with how your body shook violently, he felt himself get rock hard.
When his hot tongue brushed over your sensitive clit, you could’ve sworn you saw stars. Dark hazel eyes never once leaving your orbs, he carefully observed your reaction to each of his motions. You let out a sharp yelp.
Yeonjun experimentally flicked your bud. Wet muscle attached to your swollen clit; his wolf-like eyes never left your face. Lewd sounds of your juice filling the room- your cheeks burned in embarrassment.
Wasting no time in finding your sweet spots, he left you clawing on his bedsheets in no time. He circled his wet tongue teasingly on your bundle of nerves, he lightly flicked it directly. The sensation too mind-blowing, you cried out his name. Yeonjun was relentless in his actions, fingers sinking into your soft thighs as he ate you out like a man starved. He wasn’t afraid to get messy, all he cared about was how your body trembled every time he sucked gently on the sensitive bud. Brutally ravaging your cunt, he sensed that you were nearing your orgasm.
“Y-Yeonjun, I-I’m close!” You cried out, gripping the bedsheets like your life depended on it. Nothing could prepare you for the powerful orgasm that was coming, you could just hope you wouldn’t go mad. It was so close; you were so close-
Until he pulled away.
Eyes wide with tears, you whimpered and stared at Yeonjun pleadingly. Not sure what you could even say, you wiped the tears brimming your eyes.
Before you knew it, he had started again.
Yeonjun had made it his goal to edge you until you lost your mind completely. The sight of you so fucked out, completely succumbed to him- Yeonjun groaned into your cunt at the thought.
He would do it until you felt the knot in your lower regions, threatening to break any second- And then stop. You would chase your high, pressure in your lower stomach building up more and more- until he ripped it away from you. After waiting a few seconds for you to cool down, he continued his assault again. It felt like he’s been going at it for hours.
“J-Jun…Yeonjun. Please, please let me cum..!” You cried weakly, hands finding its way to his messy locks again. Lightly pushing his head further, you wanted him to eat you out like a man starved. Make you cum over and over again.
“Are you sure, baby? I could keep doing this for hours, you taste too sweet to pass on.” You shook your head violently, eyes getting teary again from the brutal orgasm denial. All you wanted was your orgasm that had been ripped away from you too many times.
“Please, please…”
“Beg me more, baby. Call my name like it’s the only word you know.” He went back to eating you out. The sound of his wet muscle connecting with your own fluids was embarrassing, yet oddly intoxicating. It turned you on even more.
“Please let me cum… Yeonjun!” As soon as you choked out the name, Yeonjun’s eyes snapped in your direction.
The endearment brought out his animalistic instincts further. Loud slurping noises fill the room once again, just this time even more furiously. His tongue brushed over your clit over and over again, until you finally felt the knot come undone. You weren’t prepared for it to come so fast, a loud moan being ripped from you. Long awaited orgasm washed over your entire body, you saw pure white. Only, white quickly got painted with scarlet when your desire for the man in front of you awakened once again.
Yeonjun kitten licked your pussy, having a taste of you once more. He was addicted to you.
The sinful sight of him made your cheeks flare, and core clench against nothing. Even if it was immediately after cumming, you felt the growing need to have him inside of you.
“Fuck me, Yeonjun. Fuck me until the only word I know is your name.” You spat out, hopefully to hit a nerve and have him claim you the way you’ve always dreamed of. Your eyes went wide when he slammed his hand on the headboard and glared down at you with furious glint in his eyes.
“Don’t order me around, slut. You better use the right word to address me from now on.” You felt your entire body shudder at his words. He was so naturally dominant, the need to submit completely to him growing.
Yet, you couldn’t help but want to provoke him further.
“Or what, you wouldn’t fuck me? We both know you can’t wait another second until you stuff that thick cock into my- Ah!” Yeonjun pulled you closer to him by roughly pulling you on your thighs.
“You’re playing with fire, cumslut. You better be ready for the big words you uttered just now.” When you saw him finally position himself at your glistening wet folds, you felt your body catch fire. You wanted him so bad it was driving you insane.
You knew you could take whatever Yeonjun could give you. As you directly met his burning gaze, you took in the sight of him smirking darkly at your request.
His length was impressive, to say the least. Both length and width exceeded the standards of average, your mouth watering at sight. You were positive that it would hurt like losing your virginity all over again.
Even so, it was Yeonjun. It was with him, so you could take anything. You wanted everything he could give you.
When you looked into his honey hazel eyes again, all you could see was your own fucked-out expression and pure lust dripping from them. They stared at you with such fiery passion, it was addicting.
“Hang on tight, doll.” Your delicate hands were placed on his wide shoulders as you anxiously awaited him to finally slip it inside you. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead gingerly, which took you by surprise.
As he rubs his thick tip on your entrance, you both sharply inhaled with a breathy moan following afterwards. Yeonjun staring at you with such eyes, it felt amazing to be claimed in such intimacy.
He slowly pushed his length inside while hearing your beautiful voice, mesmerized. The thickness caused a sweet burn inside, making you arch your back. Even if it hurt, you didn’t want him to stop.
“Does it hurt? Are you okay?” Yeonjun was undeniably worried at your slightly grimacing expression. That was not what you wanted to hear.
“Stop being a pussy and fuck me like you promised you would, Yeonjun.” You intentionally used his name to piss him off. You knew you were saying this even when he hadn’t bottomed out yet, but you couldn’t help it. The desire to be ruined by Yeonjun was too overwhelming.
He grunted before pushing in all the way without any warning. You yelped, nails digging into his shoulder. The sweet pain of being stretched out by the man you’re in love with was indescribable. When your tight cunt clenched around him, Yeonjun shuddered.
He didn’t wait a single second to go absolutely wild with you. As if unleashing a beast in slumber, his eyes shone in a new light you had never seen before.
“You’re so fucking tight, this pretty cunt is all for me” He sounded like he was talking to himself more as he dragged himself out to the very tip, then slamming it back in. The sound of skin slapping against each other mixed with the air smelling like sex itself, you lost yourself in the moment. Entire body burning with desire, your mouth hung open. You had absolutely zero control over your voice as you freely let out the embarrassingly loud moans spill. Yeonjun’s eyes darkened at the delicious sound, he landed a sharp slap on your inner thigh again. And again. It was sure to bruise by tomorrow.
Yeonjun kept up a rather fast and rough pace, contrary to what you initially imagined it would be. Because of his naturally teasing and laid-back personality, you figured he would fuck that way too. However, right in this moment, you only felt yourself and him fucking like animals in heat. Your neck sinking into his back, you cried out louder. The only thing keeping you sane in this moment was the feeling of his thick cock slipping in and out of you. He was addicting, and he knew it. The higher he took you, the greedier you became.
You had the nerve to scream when you could barely take the current pace. Yeonjun thrusts became faster and rougher, the iron grip on your hips causing darkening spots that would bruise. You were practically sobbing when he started rubbing circles on your clit alongside. Entire body shaking with each thrust, Yeonjun’s eyes were still observing you to find your g-spot.
You hated and loved how observant he was.
In under a minute, he found your sweet spot inside as well. When he noticed your breath hitching louder and body shudder more violently, he knew he hit the jackpot. As he targeted that specific spot, you felt tears rimming your eyes. The high-pitched moans coming uncontrollably out of your open lips were doing a lot of things to Yeonjun. He fucked you exactly the way he promised.
Landing a loud slap on your inner thigh again, he slipped out.
You almost cried and was prepared to beg for it again Contrary to your initial thought, you found yourself being forcefully flipped over to a new position.
“Face down ass up, baby. Hurry up.” You immediately followed his words and sticked your ass against his length again.
Your mind went blank when he slipped his thick cock again into your deliciously tight walls. The new position bringing out newer, vivid sensations, you moaned needily. Yeonjun’s low voice with his breathy moan was sinful- music to your ears.
“Ngh, jun- feels so good-!” You clawed at the bedsheets, wrinkling it up more. Your mind couldn’t focus on anything else other than the sweet sensation of his thick cock filling you to the brim and bringing out moans you didn’t know you could produce. Yeonjun’s mind was also foggy, the feeling of your tight pussy and beautiful voice feeling like a dream.
When he dragged his veiny cock over your sweet spot from behind, you screamed at the feeling. Too embarrassed to hear yourself in such manner, you sunk your head to the pillow below you. Yeonjun immediately noticed you trying to lower your moans.
He landed a sharp spank on your ass this time, leaving a pretty red print behind. You couldn’t help but let your voice out and looked back at him. When he glared at you with those eyes, you knew what he was thinking even without him voicing it out.
“Don’t fucking make me repeat yourself, cumslut. You are mine, let me hear those pretty moans.” You weakly nodded, struggling to stay in position. Every time he slammed into you, you saw red. You had never felt anything like this before.
“I’m going to own this pretty pussy and fill it with my hot cum until you can’t take it anymore.” His dirty talking had you clenching around him immediately. Yeonjun inhaled sharply at the tightening, landing rough spanks here and there. The sweet feeling of being pounded raw filled you with desire, every ounce of you focusing on Yeonjun. Nothing else mattered beside you and him.
“Who is making you moan so loud? Tell me, slut. Who owns this pussy? Who do you belong to? Fuck, such a good girl.” You let out needy moan after moan, the sharp sounds of his hip snapping against yours filled your ears. Yeonjun groaned in an animalistic manner and gripped your hip even tighter with one hand. Slamming forcefully on the headboard, he gripped the wood so tightly it turned white.
“'m a good girl, Yeon-yeonjun owns me-” You were surprised you managed to form a sentence with your mind in such state. The man you’ve harbored feelings for years, pounding you rough and raw from behind. It was still unbelievable. Yet, sparks flying and the addicting feeling of his cock slipping in and out of you had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. You could focus on absolutely nothing than his fat dick filling you up.
Your orgasm was quickly approaching, sensitivity heightened when Yeonjun pulled you by your hair. Yelping in pain, you felt yourself drool. The fast and rough pace he had never slowed down, not even a second. Every time he slipped out, he explored you inside out and hit you in the spots you never even knew you had. When his large hands wrapped your thin neck, the delicious adrenaline rush flowed through your veins. Slightly struggling to breathe, your orgasm heightened even more. It was so close-
“Y-Yeonjun, I’m-!”
“Let go baby, you’re doing so well. Cum on my cock, baby girl.” Almost immediately, you cried out and let go. The feeling of your crashing orgasm driving you crazy, your entire body trembled with oversensitivity. Yeonjun let out a low grunt next to your ear, finally letting go of your neck. You didn’t even have the chance to breathe properly again before he started the cruel pace again immediately after your second orgasm of the night.
“W-Wait Jun- Nhh ah!” You couldn’t form any word with the current state of mind, not when he was drilling into you like there was no tomorrow. You finally remembered he still hadn’t came yet. Gulping, you tried your best to hold on until he came undone. You didn’t even notice the string of saliva slipping down your chin when you were too busy trying to push your ass more towards him. Yeonjun bit down on your shoulder as he desperately tried to hold in the moans as he himself approached his high.
“Come in me, junie. Fill me up with your cum and make me yours, I want all of you so bad, Yeonjun!” You couldn’t help but speak everything you were feeling out loud. The unexpected honesty ignited a new flame inside Yeonjun, causing him to bite down even harder. You were so irresistible, and all his. The wonderful submission you had in your voice was absolutely beautiful.
“Fuck, such a good girl… All mine… You are mine, (y/n). You hear that…?” You grimaced from the pain, but still let out strained moans at the brutal pace he was still keeping. The inability to reply verbally slipped out of your mind again, all you could feel was the veiny cock rubbing against your cushiony walls. Your tear-stained cheeks rubbing against the bedsheets, you finally felt him release inside you with a single loud moan. When he shoot his hot semen inside you, you greedily tightened around him. The feeling of being filled to the brim with his seed set your cheeks on fire.
You whimpered when he pulled out, few drops of cum slipping out of you.
When he struggled to steady his breathing, you collapsed in his arms. Yeonjun looked at you in such loving gaze, you felt your heart hammer against your chest. He was wonderful, you felt yourself falling deeper in love if that was even possible. Yes, love.
An anxious feeling made your stomach drop now that you regained all your senses. What did this mean?
When you were too busy contemplating what to say, Yeonjun took the initiative.
“Baby, I know this isn’t exactly the right timing to say it, but…” You immediately realized what Yeonjun was about to say. Before you could realize, you had interrupted his speech.
“W-Wait Yeonjun!” His honey eyes immediately snapped towards you, eyebrows ever so slightly furrowing. He looked scared, suddenly. The fear of you not sharing his feelings arose, Yeonjun uncomfortably flinching.
“What’s wrong…? Did I hurt you? Or-”
“I love you, Yeonjun.” Your sudden confession shot an arrow straight through his heart, you could even feel his excitement and relief through his gaze only. But you knew that if you wanted to keep this relationship stable, you needed to voice out the concerns that kept you from confessing all those years.
“But I’m afraid. So afraid. I am afraid because I love you so much, it drives me mad sometimes. We’ve been through pretty much everything, we know each other so well. And I know that I love you more than anything in this world. But if this relationship fails… and we somehow break up… I am not willing to lose our friendship over something like this, Yeonjun. I’m not sure if we should… do this.” Yeonjun’s eyes glistened sadly at your confession. He wasn’t sure how to react while he was listening. As his warm hands lightly rubbed your thighs to help with the soreness, he couldn’t help but panic over your thoughts.
“Baby, I would love it if you didn’t take our relationship so lightly.” You snapped your eyes at Yeonjun, only to meet the most serious he has ever looked as far as you have known him.
“I love you. And you love me back. We are not going to break up. I am going to make you happy, keep you safe and sound, and marry you. I will have cute children with you, and make sure they live happily too. I can promise myself, my whole self-” he put your hand on his chest, where you could feel his beating heart. “-to you.” His eyes were dead serious. He meant every word he said. The heartfelt words had you tearing up immediately. That’s it.
That’s what you’ve wanted to hear all these years. Those words from your other half.
Putting your hand on his cheek, you smiled at the love of your life. You couldn’t believe that this was reality, that you will spend your whole life with him.
“I love you, my baby.”
“I love you too, so much.”
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spacebaby1 · 8 months
My Mistake (Sukuna x Reader)
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You don't even remember how did you two started to argue but Sukuna had enough so he did what he would never do; he yelled at you, "SHUT UP! STOP SCREAMING AT ME GIRL." You weren't even screaming, immediately you stopped talking and completely shut yourself away from him.
You walked away with the blank look, it was way to early for either of you to argue, Sukuna sighed in defeat when he realised he could've just calmed you down and not argue but being the hot-headed that he was he had to argue. You didn't eat breakfast that morning just stayed in your room while Sukuna made the breakfast and waited for you to come down but you didn't.
Few hours later he entered the room only for you to grab your phone and walk out of the room without looking at him, he heard the TV downstairs and made his way downstairs and check on the breakfast he made for you still there on the table untouched. You were laying on the couch watching random show.
Sukuna sat by the edge of the couch trying to place your legs in his lap but you sat straight before he would reach for your feet. You both sat like that for hour before you walked away to the kitchen again not saying a single word. Sukuna smirked when he saw you reach for the jam jar that he tightened so you'd ask for his help, he got up to help you open the lid but the jar accidentally fell on the ground causing the shattered glass to splash everywhere and you yelped.
"Don't mov-"
"I'll clean it, I-I-I whe- oh the broo-Ouch" you couldn't finish the sentence as you accidentally stepped on the broke glass. Sukuna rushed towards you but you avoided him trying hard to not cry as you pushed your hair behind your ear trying to clean the mess and Sukuna wasn't having it. He could clearly see the floor coverd in your blood so was your feet. Without another word he picked you up and sat you on the kitchen counter, "Don't. move." He pointed the finger at you before getting a broom and cleaning the glasses away throwing them in the trash
Carefully he picked you up bridle style to the bathroom and sat you on the edge of the bathtub as he grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet, Carefully he pulled the piece of glass out of your feet earning a gasp from you as you held on his shoulder for support, "it's okay, it's out now, let me wash the wound, Okay?" He softly spoke to you and you just nodded looking down. You winched few times before pulling your hand over your mouth to hold back your cries, "Don't do that, you'll pop a vessel, it's okay to scream in pain, you know?"
You didn't reply, "are you still ang-" Sukuna heard your sobs and stopped talking trying to focus on wrapping the wound before he turned to look at you as you had your head low and were sobbing, "Hey, is it soo painful? Want me to take you to hospital?" He softly held your face rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks encouraging you to look at him. You shook your head, "I'm sorry for acting mean."
He pulled you to his chest, "you weren't mean, I was mean, I'm the one who should apologise, I'm an idiot idiot, please forgive me?" He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand, "Hum, Princess? I'm so sorry, I will never yell at you ever again." You hugged him back, "I'm sorry for ignoring you, 'Kuna." He kissed your head, "I love you, you've got nothing to be sorry about, I'll be more careful with my words next time." You chuckled and nodded, "okay,"
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rizsu · 27 days
tartaglia post please............. my ginger princess.......... stop posting abt genshin and start writing.......... 😔
+ love, ‘su: smth smth tar-tar-taglia lover of snezhnayan queen ノ childe insists you like being called ‘doll’
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“seriously, you’re fucking dead.”
“no, i’m fucking ajax—ouch!?”
a firm kick to his shin was all it took to shut him up. it’s to be expected that even a crazed battle man like him couldn’t resist the pain of heels. well, to be precise, being kicked by someone wearing heels.
you’re familiar with childe, much to your dismay. you’ve always gotten into squabbles with him when you two were younger. it’s extended to your adulthood. as if your fathers being the best of buds weren’t enough, they mistook your hate for the boy as young love. elder people and their beliefs will soon bring the nation into shambles.
“you must bully him because you like him, right sweetie?” your foolish father would tease you, nudging your mother’s arm.
childe also wasn’t free from the teasing. his younger sisters would often sing a song, suggesting romance between him and the girl he swore to believe is a man.
see, you two aren’t enemies, but you aren’t friends either. you both just happened to have a dislike for the other. if you were good at something, he’d be better. if he were good at something, you’d be better. to him, you’re like a roach that refuses to die. to you, he’s like a fly that won’t stop buzzing.
perhaps this is what both your families saw. you two were so similar that it caused rivalry. the fathers, however, saw this as an opportunity. what better way to connect the best of buds than to become in-laws? it’s a picture-perfect plan! a plan that didn’t require the consent of the two parties involved because they foresaw the fat “no.”
that is how you were left with him in a room alone. you’re not sure if you’re going crazy because of the annoyance, but you are pretty sure you heard a chair being dragged to lock the door from the outside.
you rushed home from an outing with friends due to an emergency call from your father. next time, you’ll remind yourself to not answer any of his calls. your outfit is now being wasted in the guest’s room.
“what?” raising an eyebrow, childe looked at you up and down, observing your appearance.
“oh, did you get dolled up for me? how sweet of you but i’m not— fuck.” he held his tongue, hissing at the pain of yet another kick.
“i did not get “dolled up” for you, okay? don’t be an asshole,” you spat, crossing your arms.
childe laughed the pain off, stretching his arms as he turned his back to you, walking to the lovely bed your mother prepared for him.
once he got comfortable, he turned on his side, propping his head up with his hand.
“you can stand there if you want, or join me.” patting the space beside him, he teased you. childe’s aware of how annoying heels can be to stand in. he has sisters and a mother — he never hears the end of it.
unfortunately for you, your pride bested you. you held your head high, refusing to lay on the same bed as him.
...unfortunately for you, childe’s also an asshole that can turn people’s words and their meanings around.
“so you’re standing there because you don’t want to ruin your outfit? my, you really got dolled up for me.”
hook, line, and sinker. you took the bait. thanks to his provoking, you kicked the heels off, practically stomping to the bed. you laid on your back, keeping your arms folded across your chest.
“hi, doll.” a sickening voice laced with honey spoke.
“fuck off.” a fitting response.
“no. i don’t want to.”
however, childe will always be childe. he cannot “fuck off” because you want him to. he will continue to fuck on and bear the consequences later.
“but if i fuck off, who’s gonna see you dolled up again? how cruel, doll,” he faked a cry, wiping the invisible tears.
“stop calling me that!” you ordered, furrowing your eyebrows at the nickname.
“haha, no.”
you didn’t respond. instead, you closed your eyes. maybe some sleep will help.
or maybe not.
bold of you to think you of all people can get even a minute’s rest when he's around. he’s not childe if he doesn’t extend an arm to poke your cheek — multiple times.
you refused to yield, so he carried on. since the poking won’t work, he fiddled with your earrings.
that, too, didn’t work. he’s running out of things to do with his hand. perhaps it’s time to up his game.
shuffling closer to you, he leaned in to your ear, readying himself to whisper nonsense to disrupt your so-called slumber.
“psst, i’m gonna tell everyone you like being called doll.”
“don’t you fucking dare.” your eyes shot open immediately, looking at the perpetrator with disgust.
“look at that, you woke up!” he cheered, smiling at you. “my, my. you really do like being called doll…”
you took a slow blink, coming to the realisation that he’s going to do whatever he wants. whether it’s calling you “doll” or becoming the bane of your existence.
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angelsheartts · 6 months
hiii idk if requests are open so either have this as a silly little thought or a request <33
lucifer and (ideally gn/male) reader have been flirting for a little while and then one day lucifer finally asks reader out, but they reject him
he’s super confused thinking he may have misunderstood their whole dynamic until he overhears reader telling someone at the hotel the reason he rejected lucifer is because reader feels like lucifer would never be able to love them as much as he loved lilith/doesnt want lucifer to use them as a rebound
overall i was hoping for hurt/comfort but whatever rows your boat, love your stories and i hope to see more of them in the future !! have an amazing day <3
.° ༘ THE OTHER WOMAN ᝰ.ᐟ .
#pairing: lucifer, x gn reader.
#cw: angst, fear of being the second choice, lucifers backstory with lilith, starting something new, accepting that relationships come to an end, happy ending 'cause im not that mean hehe (at least not yet).
#note: I LOVE THIS REQUEST SM, i haven’t wrote any angst in my blog BUUUT i love it, this request is mwuah.
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everyone at the hazbin hotel knew that lucifer had been courting you for the past few months, everyone except you.
or, well, that’s what the sinners at the hotel thought, at least. you obviously knew that the king of hell had been flirting with you, and at the beginning, you almost fell head over heels for him, until indecisive thoughts started to fill your head.
"was he REALLY flirting with you?", "why would he still be wearing his WEDDING ring if he had been flirting with you?", "will he ever LOVE you like he loved lilith?", "will his daughter even ACCEPT your relationship?"
as soon as those thoughts started appearing, you started distancing yourself from the fallen angel, sadly for lucifer he had already started to get the courage to officially ask you out on a date.
the king of hell wasn’t an idiot; he noticed how you started to make up excuses to not talk to him alone or how you weren’t really responding to his flirting anymore, but decided to be stubborn and brush those thoughts off.
as soon as you received a text from lucifer saying he would pick you up around eight, you knew he was planning something, and as soon as you saw him all dressed up, nicely done hair and his prideful smile showing on his face, you knew what was coming, but who were you to not appreciate his efforts? if you knew that it was going to end someday, why wouldn’t you enjoy the moment? yes, you were being a fool for accepting his offer, but having a tiny crush on him wouldn’t hurt you, right?
after having a nice and really luxurious meal at a restaurant in hell, lucifer guided you to an actually peaceful spot where you could see all of the pride ring. ironic. who would even think that hell has a peaceful place, one where you should feel relieved, but why weren’t you feeling that way? was it because you knew what was to come?
"(name), is everything alright?" lucifer interrupted your thoughts with his angelic voice, or could you say demonic? at the end of the day, he was still an angel, just a fallen one. "mmh? yeah, i was just..lost in my thoughts i guess" you answered, admiring his glowing red eyes shining in the dark. "oh, okay" he said, letting a nervous laugh come out. "i think there is something i need to tell you, (name)" lucifer said, this time his voice had a serious tone. "i thought that after lilith I couldn’t get to love again, but heavens was i wrong. i had the chance to get to know you this past months, and…you've changed my life in that short time." he started, giving a sincere smile "would you want to be my partner?" he asked, fidgeting with his fingers as you stared at him.
oh, well, that question made you nauseous. "i-, i don’t think i want that, lucifer" ouch, that hurt his pride."I think it’s time for me to go, i’m sorry" you said in a quiet tone, standing up and leaving him there, and as much as you didn’t wanted to look back, you did, but the only thing you could see was lucifer in the same position as when you stood, this time though, he was hugging his knees staring at the view you both were looking at just a few minutes ago.
since his confession about his feelings towards you, he hasn’t been in the hotel, and the cast started to suspect that it has to do with the date you had with him. charlie was the most preoccupied, since she had been the one to encourage his dad to finally ask you out. she tried texting his dad to ask him about your response, but the king of hell just responded with a "it didn’t go as planned, but don’t worry about it, char-char."
after that text charlie obviously knew that his father was feeling bad about whatever happened that night, and would isolate himself from the others, so for her attempts to not let that happened she kind of tricked you into visiting him, she asked you about the date, and since you kind of lied to her by telling her that the date went as normal as a date should go, she then answered by saying something along the lines of "if that’s so, would you mind reminding him that he needs to come to the hotel?"
you could write lucifer a text message telling him to come to the hotel, but since you literally ran away that night, you forgot that your cellphone was laying somewhere near to where you both were sitting, so yeah, you did in fact lost it.
going to his mansion was a really weird feeling, what can you even say after rejecting someone? would he even open the door? as you were lost in your thoughts again, you heard the front door open, and as you made your way into his house it wasn’t really hard to find his bedroom.
as you knocked before opening the door, the first thing you noticed was how lucifer had his bedsheet covering him, it made you smile since you noticed how charlie did that too, so you could guess she got that from her father.
there was a silence as you both stared at eachother, until lucifer decided to interrupt the silence. "i-, i-i’m sorry about what happened, i think i might had misunderstood our relationship" he confessed, his messy hair and dark eye bags made you worried "it’s okay lucifer, and about that night..there is still something i haven’t told you about my answer" you declared, making him look at you with such hopeful eyes, oh hell, how can such a prideful fallen angel have so much faith in what you were going to say. "i said I didn’t want to take it further, since i still believe your heart belongs to lilith, and because of that i thought that rejecting you would be the best option." he opened his eyes at the mention of his past lover. "but, me and lilith haven’t been dating since seven years, (name) what me and her had is long gone" he reassured you, while signaling you to sit on his bed, the king bed who looked so comfy yet so empty. "lilith still is an important person in my heart, she has been with me since beginning of humanity and is the mother of my daughter, but the persons who’s my heart belongs now is you, my love" after hearing those words you could feel your eyes fill with tears, of course lilith was gonna be an important person in his life, but why would that stopped you from being in his heart as well, were you being selfish all this time? wanting to be the only person who’s important to him?
"and, this time i haven’t been at the hotel, i thought about why you said no, and i think i may have noticed something" he said, getting out of his bedsheets and caressing your face, you could feel your face burn at his touch, yeah, you really have missed him, "you were always staring at my wedding ring, weren’t you?" he asked looking at you with a glum face, yes, you do recall looking at his wedding ring while he looked at you with loving eyes, the ring that made you doubt so much about his feelings towards you, "i was a fool for wearing my ring while flirting with you, and if my ring has made you have those doubts about our relationship, you should know that i had decided to take it off" after hearing those words, you noticed that he was right, you haven’t noticed until now, you didn’t feel that cold ring against your face. "and if you still willing to try, i’m sure that soon enough i will be using a ring who will be showing who my heart really belongs to"
"that’s so cheesy" you answered chuckling, you tried to jokingly ignore the fact that he just said he would propose you, because if you took it serious you were sure that your face would be as red as the famous apple, actually, you were sure that if he offered you the 'fruit' you would have accepted, wait, were you even thinking about a fruit? but anyways your angel needed reassurance from you, that in fact, you liked his cheesy words. "yes, i still want to have you in my afterlife, lucifer" "well, if that’s my future’s wife/husband wish, then, who am i to object?" the fallen angel winked at you before starting to teasingly kiss your whole face, the moment he started doing this, you noticed something you didn’t thought you could, you felt like his first option, not just a rebound.
and yes , it will be a long journey until he really overcomes his past relationship with lilith, but since he's willing to do as much for you as you would do for him, you both will soon overcome your fears of past experiences.
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cassie48 · 3 months
Dark! Paul atreides x sweet! Crybaby! Pregnant! Reader
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Pairing : Paul atreides x Naive! Pregnant!reader
Summary : Paul is obsessed with reader, reader gets harmed, Paul goes crazy, paul gets his revenge. Less focus on plot more on relationship
Paul had brought you with him when he drank the water of life. He knew you’d have to do it with him to not see him as insane.
As soon as you saw his eyes go blue, you’d panicked. But paul calmed you down “Our baby must see, he must see the truth when he enters this world” he had told you.
After that night, the two of you had changed. Paul became 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳. If anyone dared touch you or upset you, they would die.
The two of you spoke in Chakobsa, even forgetting you once spoke English. Your life was amazing. Paul had taken the emperors throne, killing him and his daughter, making you empress.
He doted on you 24/7, as cold as he was he never treated you any differently. On this particular morning, Paul woke, looking down at you, in your pretty white nightdress, your stomach round, and clearly sticking out. You were now seven months into your pregnancy.
Two months ago a doctor confirmed your baby was to be a boy, which pleased Paul, an heir. You however didnt care what the gender was, and deep down you knew Paul didn’t either.
Paul sat up, in your large bed, and climbed out of the covers, resting his hand on your bump, smiling as you sighed in your sleep.
He leant down to your bump, whispering to his unborn son “When you grow older, you must protect your mother” he said in Chakobsa.
After a moment he sat up, placing a kiss on you cheek, and getting dressed and leaving you, knowing he had lots of work to complete that day.
Around an hour later, you woke up peacefully, looking over to see Paul’s spot empty, you sighed sadly wishing your husband could be there.
Suddenly your large doors swung open, revealing a man, you quickly jumped pulling the covers completely over yourself, knowing Paul never wanted any other man to see you in such a state.
“My lady, excuse me, I’m here to attend to your needs” the man spoke, holding back a smirk.
“W-Where are my maids?” You stuttered, still shocked by the man’s sudden entrance.
Paul had a rule where no man was allowed enter your room when he was not there.
“Oh they are…busy. His lordship sent me himself, he said you need to prepare for the day.
“Oh em…we’ll I guess if Paul thinks it’s fine” you said reluctantly getting out of the bed, your white nightgown covering you, but your seven month bump on show.
“Allow me to brush your hair” he said, gesturing her to sit down.
At this point you felt extremely uncomfortable, something felt wrong, surely Paul would have helped you himself if your maids were unavailable.
Reluctantly, you sat in your chair, and the man picked up the big brush. He began to brush your hair, and the silence was thick.
“W-Where exactly is Paul?” You asked nervously.
“What lovely hair you have my lady” the man said, ignoring your question.
You gulped, and prepared to question him once more, when he roughly pulled down on the brush hard, making you cry out. You had a very low pain tolerance.
“Ouch” you whispered, your eye’s already pooling with tears.
The man did not however ease your nerves, as he continued to roughly pull your hair.
“That’s hurts!” You said, tears now falling.
“Stop!” You said, trying to stand up, but he grabbed your throat roughly.
“Shh, your stuck with me, all alone, me and the empress” the man sneered, making you feel sick.
Your cries worsened when he placed his hand on your almost exposed breast, you squirmed, and prepared for the worst.
Suddenly, his hand dropped from around you throat, allowing you to breathe once more, relief entering your body.
Yet you screamed once more, seeing the man’s throat being slit, and when he fell to the ground, your husband stood, a fierce expression written on his features.
Paul kicked the man’s body away from you, before moving over and taking you in his arms, lifting you up and sitting on the chair, you in his lap.
“Shh, I’m here” he said rocking you gently.
Your cries didn’t die down, and you felt sick from crying this hard. “He, he touched me Paul! I’m sorry! H-He said you sent him, I should ha-have said no” you explained crying as you did.
“It is only his fault” he said, his voice laced with pure anger.
He gently lifted you up and climbed into your bed, laying your head down on his chest. “Sleep my love, I’m not going anywhere” he whispered, caressing your bump gently as you tucked your head into his chest, your tears beginning to dry.
After a few minutes you drifted back to sleep, your husband holding you protectively. He was a possessive man, whoever dared touch his wife would die.
Ok I know this is like so bad and short but I just wanted to write something….
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cherrychilli · 6 months
Eddie Munson x AFAB reader, established relationship, new relationship, discussions of sexually explicit music.
A/N: this is my THIS. IS. MUSIC!!! moment. CupcakKe is my girl and if you can't appreciate a good hoe anthem then we can't be friends. Anyway, writing's been super tough lately and it feels like it's only getting more difficult with each passing day so I just wanted to attempt something fun. Hope you enjoy!
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"Whatchu listening to?"
"Oh, just..." you plucked your earbuds out, placing them next to your phone on the kitchen island, your eyes avoiding his. "The Cure, Bowie. same old stuff."
"Right, yeah..."
He didn't believe you. Not this time and not any of the other times before that either.
This was the latest instance of him finding you like this -- hips swaying rhythmically with a kind of confidence that felt different from usual, the kind you fell into when you think no one's looking, your lips mouthing the words to a song he was yet to figure out.
The front door had been left unlocked for him and quietly, he'd let himself in, inching closer while you danced. Your back was to him, a bowl full of brownie mix in one arm that made the room smell sweet with few drops of vanilla, wooden spoon in the other as you stirred it into the rest of the contents -- snacks for your movie date tonight he gathered.
Eddie had hoped to catch a few of the words you were uttering under your breath, even holding his own in an effort to be more quiet as he loomed nearer but it's the faint scent of cigarettes and Irish Spring still clinging to him that gave him away. You'd managed to sense him just in time once you smelled it, a jolt scraping up the length of your spine alerting you.
Your lips pressed together instantly, lengthening into a quick, tight smile as you turned to him and hastily hit pause on your phone. It took some effort to stop his own lips from drooping into a frown when he saw you do it, screen going dark as you press down once on the power button next.
It bothered Eddie that you'd try so hard to hide something like this from him when all he wanted to know was what had made you light up like that, all lively and clearly enjoying yourself. So why all the secrecy? Why shut him out?
The questions he wants to ask are packed tight in the back of his throat but he keeps them from erupting out of his mouth for the time being, accepting the kiss you place on his lips as you greet him properly. His heart thaws at the sincere "missed you", you whisper to him when you pull away, your smile now the kind that reaches your eyes as you hand him the bowl and spoon right after. "Could you mix this up for me? I'll be right back", you explain as you head off in the direction of the bathroom with a little wave.
Oh. This was his chance.
"Yes Chef!", he calls out to you with a convincing smile, placing the items down on the counter, spoon speared into the mix and forgotten as he picks up your phone instead once you're out of sight.
Sure, he does feel a little guilty going through it but you'd been so mysterious about the whole thing, always finding a way to sidestep the question like an arrow aimed in your direction whenever he asked you what you'd been listening to. He just had to know once and for all what was on this damn thing so he could put all his wondering to rest and enjoy the rest of the night with you.
Opening up Spotify, he taps on your last viewed playlist. 'Playlist 1'. Inconspicuous. Too inconspicuous, he thought while narrowing his eyes. Scrolling through, he sees that most of the songs are by one artist, someone he's never heard of before so he decides to hit shuffle, unsure of which track to pick and listen to first.
A beat commences, something quick and jumpy and what sounds like wet slurping? okay, he hadn't expected that. Already off to an interesting start.
His eyebrows rise up slowly past his shaggy bangs when the moaning begins, high pitched and accompanied by more sounds that fall short of what he'd call family friendly.
"Oh honey, what have you been listening to?", he mumbles, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a smirk when the vocals begin.
No quick head in my bed I can't have that I want that long neck not talking giraffe neck Aint no laying down man we bout' to have late fun I'm about to make your balls stick up like space buns
Want your dick soaked? place it down my throat Tongue tickle your dick but not telling a joke Peddle in this pussy that's how you rock a boat It get live in this pussy, I'm not talking periscope In the sheets I am a bully Give more head than a hoodie Every time you make me cum it looks like vanilla pudding-
The sound of his name makes him turn, finding you back in the kitchen with your eyes darting back and forth between your phone in his hand and the slack jawed look on his face.
Pulling an earbud out of his left ear, the song continues to play in his right.
"Baby, why-"
I got three holes for it like a pretzel Tight as a virgin boy don't get nervous(tight)
"Why've you been hiding-"
I save dick by giving it CPR Put my mouth on it like CPR Let's make porn and watch it on VCR
The question fizzles out on his tongue like a dying fuse, unable to hold back the snickering laugh that rolls up out of his chest, doing his best to stifle it and failing even when he presses a palm to the front of his lips.
"Oh god", you realize what he's listening to, stomach somersaulting as you try to snatch your phone back but he's too quick for you. "Nooooo way, sweetheart" he holds it up high out of your reach, a grin so bright it's bordering on blinding on his face.
You struggle like that for a minute, chasing him around the island with one hand desperately yanking at dark leather to pull him closer as he puts some distance between you, the other trying to reach for or even swat your phone out of his hands, too rattled to care about something like a cracked screen right now.
But despite your best efforts, all those years of hauling ass out of beer soaked back yards with pockets full of illicit party favors at the first sound of sirens has made Eddie impossible to pin down, slipping out of your grasp with expert ease.
"I fuck doggy style so much I need to go to the vet? Fuck me, she's a modern day Hemingway!", he barks out another laugh, this time no longer holding back and the sound of it triggers a giggle to work it's way out your own throat. He always did have an infectious laugh.
You give up trying to retrieve your phone then, pressing your face into the front of his shirt as you build up into a laugh too, shoulders shaking, arms lowering.
"So, pretty demure taste in music you've got here", he winds an arm around your waist, pulling you in for an embrace.
You look up to offer him a smile, a little sheepish considering how ungracefully you'd evaded the topic this long, only to be found out like a teen caught with a copy of Penthouse under his pillow.
"Where'd you learn that word, Munson?", you try to deflect long enough for your cheeks to cool down.
"Where'd you learn about the queen of obscene?", he shoots back breezily, tapping his thumb on your phone screen.
You chew on the inside of your cheek for a second. It's not often that Eddie bests you like this but there's something sort of enjoyable about the way he makes you want to squirm a little under his gaze, knowing he's got the upper hand.
"I wasn't sure how to tell you. She can come off a bit...strong, I guess".
His lips pinch together, forcing away a crooked smile. "Really? because-", he looks back to the screen to read off the lyrics. " 'your dick getting more blows than a birthday cake's pretty subtle in my opinion. A real thinker".
You laugh again, delivering a weak punch to his left shoulder. Things were still new with Eddie. He hadn't yet seen this side of you and those whispering new relationship jitters had gotten the best of you, worried he'd think of you differently like shitty ex's past unless you found a way to ease him into your other interests.
But now that he's ripped the band aid off for you, you realize how stupid you'd been -- really damn stupid because this was Eddie Munson. He'd never judge you, least of all when it came to your taste in music of all things and that reminder was everything you needed to shake off those unfounded nerves for good.
So, you happily forget the movie that night, both of you sat atop your island with your legs crossed like something out of Sixteen Candles, eating warm brownies right out of the pan placed between you.
The rest of the night's spent playing CupcakKe's discography for Eddie, both of your cheeks sore from how hard you've been laughing and smiling every time he pretends to be scandalized by a verse one moment and then shamelessly belts out the next once he'd got the lyrics memorized, exaggerated fake moans and all.
You wouldn't be hiding anything from Eddie again, not now when you've found someone with whom you can be yourself around, always.
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pandorxxx · 2 years
Double-Trouble (“both…”sequel)
Neteyam (19) x Metkayina fem reader (18) x Lo’ak (18)
Tags: @liyahsocorro
[This has been highly requested by a lot of you, and I hope you guys like it🫶🏽]
Read part 1 here:
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🔞minors do not interact🔞
Warnings: SMUT THE HOUSE, p in v, oral, pinning, praise kink, squirting, CNC, threesome.
You woke up the next morning, back in your bed. You slowly sat up, wincing at the sharp pain between your legs. Your throat was soar, and you were fucking exhausted. You scoot to the edge of your bed, and lean your head down into your lap, as your head was pounding. Even with all the pain, you thanked eywa for answering your prayers. You couldn’t believe what happened yesterday.
You sat on the side of the bed, smiling at the memories from last night. You had never felt so alive before. You secretly wouldn’t mind if it happened again, but you knew that it would be too much for you to handle. You stand up slowly, ready to start the day. You put on your best cloths, just in case you saw them. Your hair was loose and wavy, flowing with the slightest blow of wind.
You walk out of your hut, still sore as hell from what Lo’ak and Neteyam did to you last night. You walk towards the clans meeting area where breakfast was being served. You walk over and grab some fruits before finding tsireya, sitting down in-front of her. She watched you wince as you attempted to sit.
“What the hell happened to you?” She asks looking at you, concerned.
“If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.” You explain as you take a bite of your fruit. She hit you on your breast, causing you to shield them.
“Ouch what the fuck, tsireya!” You shout as you slap her arm. She laughed and took a bite of her fruit.
“WHAT HAPPENED?” She asks again, glaring at you. You look around to make sure that no one is listening, and you lean in really close to her.
“Me, Lo’ak, and Neteyam….in the forest.” You whisper to her, and her jaw dropped to the ground.
“No fucking way….you little slut!!!!” She squints, pointing at you with a grin plastered across her face.
“Yes, way!! Lo’ak dragged me into the forest with him and Neteyam. The rest is history.” You grin as you take another bite of your fruit. Tsireya leans in, and looks you up and down.
“How did they have you?” She asked you, intrigued by the conversation.
“Lo’ak in the back, Neteyam in the front.” You laugh as you set your plate down next to you.
“You had an eventful night, huh? Shame on you, girl!!!” She snapped at you playfully, causing you two to laugh loudly. Your laughter is interrupted when you see Lo’ak and Neteyam walking towards you and tsireya. You grab tsireyas arm tightly.
“They’re coming this way, act natural.” You whisper, and she nods in agreement. The boys reach the two of you, and they sit on either sides of you. Neteyam on the left, Lo’ak on the right.
“Hey y’all” tsireya says with a sarcastic smile.
“Hey, tsireya” they say in unison with smiles before they start eating.
You hung your head nervously, not saying a word. You were more nervous than you thought you’d be. You start fiddling with your hands, as beads of sweat start forming on your forehead. Your heart was pounding out of your chest before the silence was broke.
“Hey y/n” Neteyam looks at you with a seductive grin.
“Wassup, y/n?” Lo’ak asked as he ate his fruit slowly, staring at you. Your heart fluttered at the way they were staring into your soul.
“H- hey guys.” You smile at the ground, nervously. Neteyam reaches around to lightly trace your spine with his finger tips, as lo’ak was palming your thigh, both still eating their fruit.
“Umm it’s been so fun chatting with you guys, but I gotta go.” Tsireya says standing to her feet. You frantically shake your head at her, signaling for her to stay, but she just chuckled and walked off.
You let out a loud sigh before trying to get up. To your suprise, lo’ak was holding your arm to keep you still.
“Woahhh, where do you think you’re going, babygirl?” He whispers in your ear, before kissing the lobe.
“Yeah, why are you trying to leave? I see you got all dressed up for us.” Neteyam says while rubbing your thigh, sending chills through your body. You manage to pull away and shift to where you are sitting in-front of both boys. You sigh before speaking.
“Listen, I had fun last night, truly I did, but we cant do this anymore. It’s too much for me.” You explain as you look between the two boys. They both glare at you as if they wanted to eat you up right then and there. You roll your eyes before speaking again.
“I am not playing, we CANNOT do that anymore. It was great, trust me, but this is not a thing. Do you understand?” You ask as they look at each other, grin, and then slowly look back at you.
“Yeah we understand…” lo’ak says as he grinned at you, tracing your body with his eyes.
“It won’t happen again, y/n.” Neteyam says as he looked at you through lidded eyes. Realizing that they aren’t even listening to you, you sigh and roll your eyes once more. You swiftly stand to your feet, frowning down at them.
“Forget I ever said anything!” You shout as you flip your hair over your shoulder. You walk past Neteyam, as he sends a hard smack to your ass. Lo’ak laughs at his brothers actions as he looks up at you.
“You sure you want us to forget?” Neteyam asks staring up at you
“YES!” You shout, stomping off from the two boys.
The day was coming to an end as you made your way back to your hut. You took your weapons off, and laid them to the side. You put your long hair into a ponytail, and took your jewelry off. You go to sit down on your cot as you let out a loud sigh.
You thought about your encounter with the boys earlier. How it secretly turned you on. How you secretly wished they would pin you down, and take you again. However, you couldn’t deny that it frightened you. Your dainty figure at the hands of 2 giant men? At the mercy of 2 brothers? It was a recipe for disaster. Just as you were going to lay down, you heard a familiar voice outside of your hut.
“Y/nnnnnn” you hear your name being hummed seductively, making your ears perk up. Before you could stand up, you see two familiar silhouettes. Neteyam and Lo’ak walk into the hut, leaning against the wall. Nearly traumatized from last night, you scoot back on the cot whimpering.
The only reason you were scared was because it was both of them. You could take one, but two? Giving you pleasure at the same time? It was too much.
Neteyam turns around to close the makeshift door behind him. He turns back around to look at you as his head laid back on the wall, next to lo’aks, as they looked down at you.
“Hey, y/n…” Neteyam says as he palms his throbbing cock through his loincloth.
“How are you doing tonight, y/n?” Lo’ak asks as he walks closer to you. You start backing up until you hit the wall behind your cot.
Lo’ak throws his hands up to surrender, as he stops in his tracks. “We’re not gonna hurt you, y/n. We just wanna make you feel good. Right nete?” He smirks as he looks back at Neteyam, who’s head is still laying against the wall, with his arms crossed.
“Yeah, what he said.” Neteyam says as he kicks off of the wall, walking up to where lo’ak was.
“Please, Don’t do this to me. I’m tired, I just wanna go to sleep.” You plead with them, almost in tears. Neteyam turns to Lo’ak, and they both laugh. Lo’ak starts walking closer to you again, as he bit his lip.
“Well let us put you to bed then.” Lo’ak says before darting over to you, Neteyam following.
Lo’ak grabs your arms, and holds them over your head from behind the cot. Neteyam hops on the cot, hovering over your squirming body.
“pleaseeeee!” You whine, as tears fall down your face.
Neteyam leans down to your ear, as he grips your waist.
“In about 5 minutes, you’ll be begging me not to stop. So just shut the fuck up and take it.” He whispers through gritted teeth before sitting up in between your legs.
Lo’ak was still hold your arms, behind you, making it so you wouldn’t be able to fight back.
Neteyam looks behind you, toward lo’ak. “Hold her tight.” he commands lo’ak.
“I got her bro, just hurry up so I can get a turn.” he laughs as he looks down at you. You cry at that response, as you try to get out of his grasp, to no avail.
Neteyam starts to pull your loincloth down, making you scream, and thrust up to get him off of you. He grew frustrated as he grabbed your neck, squeezing it tightly, causing you to gasp for air.
“Stop acting like you don’t want this! You came so hard yesterday, and I’m going to make you cum harder tonight, whether you like it or not. Now, this is your final warning to stop fighting us.” Neteyam explains pointing at you, before letting you go.
He begins pulling your loincloth down again, and you shut your eyes tightly. He spreads your legs gently, revealing your soaking wet cunt. He smirked before looking at you.
“You’re soaking wet… and you’re telling me that you don’t want this?” He asked before kissing your stomach, sliding all the way down to your cunt. He kisses your clit causing you to throw your head back at the feeling. He finally starts attacking your throbbing cunt, looking up at your squirming body. You look down, meeting his gaze. The eye contact sent you spiraling as you starts to moan under his touch. You gripped lo’aks arm as he is still holding you back.
“Shhh, you’re okay.” Lo’ak reassures you as he looks down at you. Neteyam started sucking your clit causing you to cry out.
“Mmmm fuckkk!” you shout as you thrust up into neteyam mouth. He looks up at you, smirking.
“Do you still want me to stop? Hmm?” He hummed into your cunt, causing your eyes to roll back. You tried to back away, as the pleasure was too much, but lo’ak pushed you back down.
“No,no you gotta take it, baby.” Lo’ak says to you, gripping your arms tighter.
Neteyam flicks your clit with his tongue harshly, making tears fall down your face. You felt a familiar knot in your stomach as you squirm under him.
“I’m fucking cumming!!!” You cry under his touch, as you start shaking, eyes rolling to the back of your head. You squirt all over Neteyams face as you scream in pleasure.
“Shittt, y/n” lo’ak says with wide eyes, as he watches the scene unfold.
You twitch as Neteyam is still sucking on your sensitive clit. He finally pulls away and sits up, wiping his face off with your loincloth.
“you can let her go, she’s too tired to fight back now.” Neteyam tells lo’ak as he finally lets you go.
You try to steady your breathing, as you come down from your high. Neteyam stares at your overstimulated body as he gets off of the cot. Lo’ak pulls you up to sit on his lap, facing him. You immediately fall into his arms, as a wave of exhaustion washed over you.
“Y/nnnn, wake up baby, we’re not done yet.” Lo’ak says as he pats your back, while you’re head lays on his shoulder. He lifts you up with one hand as he uses the other one to take his loincloth off. His cock springs out, hitting your chest, causing you to wake up alittle bit. You sit up, looking at lo’aks cock between the two of you. You smile weakly at his length and then at him, making him chuckle at your reaction. Neteyam was behind you, jerking his cock at the way you straddled his brother. Neteyam and lo’ak look at each other, and then lo’ak nods, looking back at you.
“We’re gonna do something a little different tonight, ok baby?” He says with a soft tone. You look at him with low eyes, and nod with your bottom lip between your teeth. Lo’ak slowly lifts you off of him, placing you on the cot. Neteyam sits on the cot, and rubs your shoulder, before laying flat. He grabs your small frame, and places you onto him, backwards [reverse cowgirl, period🫶🏽]. Lo’ak hops on the cot, standing in-front of you, looking down. He grabs your neck lightly, pulling you closer, as your head hangs back in his grasp.
“You’re so fucking pretty like this, y/n.” he smirks at you as he grips the back of your head. Neteyam lifts you up alittle, lining his cock up with your throbbing cunt. Lo’ak shifts his eye contact to Neteyam.
“Same time, bro?” Lo’ak asks his brother with a light chuckle.
“You know it.” Neteyam answers as he smacks your ass, causing you to moan alittle.
“ 1, 2, 3!” And just like last time, they both plunge into you. You moan on lo’aks cock as you feel Neteyam slide into you with ease.
“Fuck, don’t do that yet…your gonna make me fucking cum.” Lo’ak grunts through heavy breaths as he watches you choke on his cock. He pushes you down further on it, and you begin to gag before he finally starts thrusting into your mouth. You place your hands on Neteyam’s knees as you feel him thrust into you with aggressive force. Your eyes roll back at the feeling. He throws his head back as you clench around him, already feeling your high coming.
“Ohhh my fucking god! You feel so fucking good y/n!” Neteyam says with his jaw dropped, eyes rolling to the back of his head. He grips your hips tighter to steady you as he thrusts into you at a faster pace. This single move sends you over the edge, as you let out a soft moan on lo’aks cock.
“Shittt, you’re taking me so fucking well, y/n…” lo’ak moans as his jaw drops, throwing his head back at the sensation, thrusting deep down your throat. You grab lo’ak by the back of the knee for leverage as you bobbed your head up and down on him, staring into his eyes. Lo’ak was shocked at how comfortable you became. He smiles down at you, rubbing your head.
“Yesss, keep fucking look at me. I’m gonna cum so deep down your throat.” Lo’ak says as he watches you go to work on him. He felt his high slowly starting to approach him as he moaned loudly, throwing his head back once more.
You grip lo’aks leg tighter as you feel Neteyam speed up. He was a moaning mess behind you, as he tried to hold on alittle longer. He was concentrated as his eyes fell shut. He shook his head at the amount of pleasure he was feeling.
“I’m gonna cum in this tight little pussy, you ready?” You nodded in response as you felt your legs starting to shake.
Lo’ak looked down at your legs with a dark grin before meeting neteyams eyes.
“Same time, bro?” Lo’ak asks as he felt his orgasm start to unravel.
“Hell yeah!” Neteyam grunted loudly as his thrusts became sloppy. He thrusts into you hard and deep, one last time as he painted your walls. You scream on Lo’ak, making his eyes roll back, as he released in your mouth with a loud moan. You whine loudly as you let go of your orgasm, squirting all over Neteyam for the second time.
Lo’ak slowly pulled out of your mouth. When he does, you gasp loudly as the access cum fell from your mouth. You bite your lip, as you deliriously smile up at him.
“That’s what the fuck I’m talking about!” Lo’ak shouts as he grips your neck, making you smile harder as your eyes shut.
Neteyam sits up behind you, and pulls out slowly watching his seed slip out of your pretty cunt. He smacks your ass, before getting up from behind you. Lo’ak backs up as well, letting your head go. You immediately fall back on the cot, as you lose consciousness. They look down at your limp body, and then back at eachother, laughing at how fucked out you were.
Lo’ak hovers over you, and gently shakes your face.
“Y/nnnnnn! Wake up, baby.” He shouts, kissing your lips. You open your eyes slowly, smiling up at them. You reach out to them and they laugh, getting back in the cot with you. The two boys sandwich you in. Lo’ak spooning you, as you lay on Neteyams chest.
“Mmm l-let’s do this again sometime.” You say into Neteyams chest as you fall asleep. The boys silently high five, as they laugh.
Ummm I think this one is better than the first, ngl. Like this is lowkeyyy 🔥. Anyways, I hope y’all like it as much as I do. I love y’all🫶🏽😎
Ummm I think this one is better than the first, ngl. I usually write all of my stories in one sitting, but I had to break this one up👀👀. Anyways, I hope y’all like it as much as I do. I love y’all🫶🏽😎
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moonstruckme · 1 year
congrats!!!! how about fade into you with tasm!peter and touch starved!reader, in an established relationship???
Thanks honey!!
join the party
tasm!Peter Parker x touch starved!reader ♡ 960 words
When Peter gets home, you’re in another long, hot shower. With no one to witness how pathetic it looks, you’ve taken to sitting on the floor, letting the scalding water wash over your back and drip from your lashes. Your skin will be pinkish and puffy when you get out, but it won’t matter; you’ve got nothing to do other than wrap yourself in blankets and sit on the bed for the rest of the night. 
When Peter’s voice comes, it sounds muffled, faraway, but you snap to attention nonetheless.
“Sweetheart?” A faint knocking. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” you say without hesitation, scrambling up and shutting off the water. 
“Shit, it’s steamy in here,” he says as the door opens. “Want me to pass you a towel?”
“That’s alright.” You grab the towel you’ve hung by the shower, hastily scrubbing yourself dry and wrapping it around you. 
Peter’s hands are on either side of the face the second you turn around, pushing your wet hair out of the way so he can kiss you properly. It’s a sweet, brief thing, and your chest aches slightly when he pulls back. 
“Ouch, babe.” His hands feel cool as they move down to your shoulders. You shiver pleasantly. “Your skin’s burning hot. How long were you in there?”
You really should get another towel to stop your hair from dripping all over the floor, but you can’t stand to move away from Peter’s touch. “I was bored,” you reply, “and the hot water is nice.” 
“Seems like it was more than just hot,” he murmurs, grabbing the other towel as if he’s heard your thought and beginning to squeeze the moisture from your hair. “Sorry I was gone so long. I never know how these things are gonna go, you know?” 
“I know.” Peter had been attending a weekend conference on some scientist’s new research at a university in Chicago. He was supposed to be back days ago, but apparently he saw some fishy things while he was there that Spiderman felt an obligation to investigate. “Did you find the mutants?”
Peter shrugs, taking you by the shoulders to walk you into the bedroom. The air feels shockingly cold outside of the bathroom, but the warmth of his touch is enough to keep you from minding. “Sorta. It was a group of guys pretending to be mutants. Projectors and stuff combined with actual explosives to make it look like superpowered attacks.” He sits you down and begins digging through drawers, tossing you a pair of sweatpants and one of his shirts. “It was super sophisticated, had to take a ton of planning. Honestly, if they weren’t, like, bad guys, I would’ve been really impressed.” 
You shrug the shirt on. “Sounds like you were impressed anyway, honey.” 
“Well.” Peter makes a sheepish face. “Just because they’re assholes doesn’t mean they’re not smart assholes, right?” 
“Right.” You say, standing to get the sweatpants on. You don’t know where to go from here, feeling oddly hollow but with no good reason. Peter’s here; your loneliness should be vanquished. You hold your elbows awkwardly. “So, how was the conference?”
“Baby.” Peter sounds almost disappointed, and hurt hooks its claws in your gut before you can even figure what you’ve done. “Why’re you all the way over there, huh? You haven’t even asked for a hug yet. Is something wrong?”
You hadn’t realized you were so predictable, but it is a bit odd for you not to tackle him the second he comes through the door. “I don’t think so,” you say, and Peter’s brows twitch together at your uncertain tone. “I just really missed you, Pete.” 
He makes a pained, sympathetic sound, opening his arms and stepping toward you. “C’mere, sweetheart.” 
And apparently that’s the permission your body was looking for. You meet him in the middle, his arms coming up slow and firm around your shoulder blades. Your chest aches again, but this time it’s almost pleasant, though you feel suddenly like you could cry. Peter seems to know, one arm tightening across both your shoulders while the other hand begins stroking up and down your back. 
“Did you have a bad week?” he asks softly, breath tickling your ear. 
“No,” you reply honestly. “I think…I think I just needed this.” 
Peter gives you a squeeze in response, and you tighten your grip too. 
“Let’s just do this forever,” you say, only half joking. “Think you could come to work with me tomorrow to hold my hand all day?”
Peter doesn’t seem willing to roll with your lightness. “Nobody else hugs you when I’m not around, do they?” he asks, and when you don’t respond, he pulls back slightly, taking your face in his hand. “Do they, sweetheart?”
“No,” you say, and you’re not sure why it feels like an admittance. You’re not touchy with your friends, and your coworkers aren’t close like that. When else would you have the opportunity for hugs? 
“No wonder you get so lonely when I’m gone.” Peter’s voice is fraught with tenderness, and he pulls you close again, petting your damp hair. “I’ll hold you as long as you like, babe, but after that, we should look into getting you a cat or something.” 
“A cat?” You twitch in his hold, perking up hopefully. “I thought your landlord didn’t let you have pets.” 
“He doesn’t, but he also doesn’t have to know,” he says easily. “If it’ll keep you from getting sad like this while I’m away, a cat is a small price to pay. Gotta keep my girl happy, you know?”
“I think,” you counter, “that we should get a cat and you should never leave again.” 
Peter chuckles, kissing the top of your head lightly. “Deal.”
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Gojo Satoru couldn’t stand you. He couldn’t bear the faint smell of your shampoo in the stairwell you’d just left, the sound of your laughter disappearing around the corner.
He’d started excusing himself from staff meetings at school, much to the fury of the higher-ups. But he quite literally couldn’t be in the same room with you. Not after what he’d done.
The strongest sorcerer started letting his Infinity slip, hoping you’d brush against him in the hallway just so he could feel you again.
He got sloppy on missions, ending up on Shoko’s operating table more and more often. The last time, forced back into consciousness by her technique and a lungful of secondhand smoke, she had called him on it.
“Are you trying to get yourself killed, Satoru? You think that’s going to bring them back?” He took so long to answer that she started to worry he’d passed back out.
“I know it won’t.” His ocean-blue eyes were an abyss. “But then it wouldn’t hurt anymore.”
Gojo knew he hardly had the right to say it. You had only had one request of him when you got together, one thing that worried you about getting involved with him and his reputation. And he had blown it all up.
It didn’t matter that it was his first love, his high-school ex that he never really got over. It didn’t even matter that he had a good excuse when it came down to it. You had caught Gojo with his tongue down someone else’s throat, and ended it on the spot.
So he dragged himself and his self-pity around campus, half-heartedly instructing the first years when he wasn’t busy volunteering for suicide missions.
You kept your broken heart well-hidden, quietly requesting a transfer to Kyoto at the end of this semester. You looked right through him when you couldn’t avoid him entirely, and found empty bathroom stalls to cry in afterward.
You had carefully planned your escape, steadily sending your belongings on to the Kyoto school and distancing yourself from the administration of the Tokyo campus for the past few weeks. Now moving day was here, a one-way ticket clutched in your hand. It felt both impossible and inevitable.
No one was there to see you off, as requested. Your closest friends would come visit and everyone else didn’t care much either way.
Except for the person you were running from.
You felt him before you saw him, his Six Eyes boring into you from across the station. His snow-white hair was scruffy, sticking up like he’d been pulling at it. Dark sunglasses hid his shadowed eyes.
“Gojo? What the fuck are you doing here?” You knew he could hear your harsh whisper from where he stood.
“Gojo, huh? Ouch.” He crossed the room in a blink, pushing up his glasses to show off an exaggerated wince, one eye scrunched shut. “That hurts.”
“Good. You should know how it feels. Now if you don’t mind, I have a train to catch.” You tried to step around him, but he easily mirrored you.
“It doesn’t leave for another ten minutes. Can we talk?”
“Talk? Talk about what, asshole? How your ex tasted?” A pointless shove against his broad chest.
Gojo caught your wrists in one hand. “Please.”
You made the mistake of eye contact, taking a half-step closer, and your heart broke open all over again. He was so beautiful, so desperate, his vulnerability a halo. The wound you had tried to cauterize with space and silence flared back to agonizing life.
He sensed your hesitation- he knew all your weaknesses- and used the opportunity to pull you into his arms. “I’m so sorry. So, so sorry, you have no idea…” murmured apologies into your hair.
“Fuck you,” you said to his chest.
“I know, baby.” A shaky laugh. “I know.”
Against all your instincts, the longing to melt into his embrace, you stepped back. “Satoru…” you did your best to ignore the hope in his face when you used that name. “You can’t expect me to forget what you’ve done.”
“I don’t! I swear. Just please, don’t run away from this. From us. I can’t lose you.” He still held your wrists, your pulses knocking against each other.
“You already did.”
He lets go, off balance, like you’d punched him in the gut. Your train doors are opening and you’re turning away, not before you catch the shine of tears in his blue, blue eyes.
You’re sorry too, so goddamn sorry, but you’re stepping off the platform and there’s nothing left to say, even if you had the time to say it.
The doors close indifferently, your world cleaved in two. Before and after, inside and out. You turn back, watching him shrink into nothing as you pull out of the station. He watches you disappear for much, much longer.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 6 months
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Daryl Dixon x reader [pt.2]
Daryl finds a woman with her newborn pup, taking them into the group. Slowly their bond grows stronger.
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The group traveled by foot after losing their vehicles. Tired and worn they walked on the road when Daryl decided to move into the woods to hunt while the others rested.
"Don't leave for too long, we gotta find shelter." Were the last words he caught before he walked off.
He got lucky finding two squirrels rather quick, but his nose caught a different scent he couldn't ignore.
With the squirrels strung over his shoulder he moved through the forest, not a sound as he stalked low to the ground and using all his heightened senses to seek out the source of the scent. He usually never went after anything other than food on these short hunts, but his instincts were screaming to go with his guts and follow his nose on this one.
The scent grew stronger and he could now tell apart all the separate ones. Human, low to the ground. And wolf, like him. He was either walking into something amazing, or he walked to his doom. He'd find out soon enough seeing his target wasn't moving.
"Hey, ouch! Come on, what did I tell you about those teeth.." a sigh left your lips as you softly rubbed the cheek of your son, who was nursing huddled against your torso as you sat against a large tree, partially hidden by low greenery. "God damn, what child has teeth this sharp at a couple days old.."
You were so focused on the feeding child that you didn't catch the man who appeared from behind the tree until a crossbow was aimed at you.
The second you saw you curled around your child, eyes closed and waiting for it tk be over.
Daryl heard the voice of a woman complain. Teeth, babies. Weird. But he now had her location pinpointed to behind a large tree, and made quick strides to round the tree, crossbow at the ready.
The woman came into view and so did her child. He watched her duck around it and waited, but Daryl dropped his crossbow instead and turned around before the blush creeping up on his face could be seen.
"M'sorry. Didn' mean ta watch ya feed." You watched the man's back, one hand lifted and the other holding his crossbow loosely. You shuffled your layers back over your chest with lots of vocal protests of the fuzzy newborn in your arms. His whines and grumbles were so strange to you, never had you heard a newborn sound like that. But then again, you never had seen a newborn like this.
"So, what's a human doin' with a werewolf pup on 'er own? Where's dad?" He still had his back to you and kept his distance, knowing full well he needed to keep his scent off the new mom and child if he wanted to survive. Male werewolves were insanely protective of their newborns.
"Human mom's traveling with her son, surviving like everyone else out here." You weren't going to respond to that last bit. Not now, not yet.
"Righ, if yer alone ya can tag along. Got a group tha' won't mind havin' ya an' the pup." He had turned his head and peeked if you were decent again, fully turning to catch your response when he saw you were covered up. "How do you know what he is? You're too okay with this."
Daryl let out a soft, breathy laugh and sat on his haunches to be at eye level with you. "They're common where I'm from." His voice was so calm as you stared at the smile on his face. You watched him stare at your son who was squirming in your arms. He was restless and you couldn't understand why.
"If yer comin' I gotta ask ya sum questions." Daryl was back on his feet again, ready to start heading back.
"I want to join you." Your answer was quickly given, much to Daryl's surprise. "I'm alone, and have no clue how to raise him so if I can stick around and get help from people who know his kind I'd be forever grateful."
Daryl let out a grunt of approval and nodded for you to follow him as you both exchanged names. He still made sure to keep a respectful distance from you in case dad was still around, but easily led you all back to the road where his group still rested.
"Hey! Daryl's back." "Wait, who's that?" "He found someone?"
"Did you ask her?" Rick's voice cut through the chatter and watched his friend shake his head no. He stepped over to you but was held back by a strong arm before he could get close, only letting out a simple warning. "Keep yer distance."
You watched the man give Daryl a look before turning back to you. "So, miss. How many walkers have you killed?"
You gave him a funny look, unsure who in their right mind kept track of something like that. "A bunch. Mostly avoided them lately, I assume you can guess why." You gave the pup in your arms a look, but averted your eyes back to the other man who continued his questionnaire. "How many people have you killed?"
Fuck. "Two."
"Why?" The question came so fast you had no time to even think.
"First one turned when we were asleep. Hid a bite and I'm a light sleeper." The man raised his brows, a clear sign he was waiting for number two.
"I killed his dad." You nodded to the pup again. "Tried to kill me and take him when my water broke. Guy was a psycho." You looked down at your arms, bundling your son even closer to you at the memory.
Suddenly Daryl stepped closer to you, holding out a hand and watching as the almost fully black furred pup stared at him with big eyes and made grabby hands at his fingers.
"Ya had him on yer own?" You nodded at Daryl's question and ran a hand through your son's fur. "I'm still sore.. having to move around immediately after is the absolute worst."
Seeing you were alone and with a child you weren't seen as a threat and allowed to travel with the group, much to your relief. You never expected your life to get even a little bit better, but now that you were traveling along with more folks you felt content. They watched your back when you fed your son and had a very handsome man help you feed him leftover meats from his hunts.
You were falling for him. Your son was absolutely in love with the man and you were starting to head in that direction too.
It wasn't helping your case that you r son wouldn't let anyone else but you and Daryl carry him, so when your arms were too sore to keep going he had to step in and stay close to you.
Your group shared dog meat and cheered in the rain, all the way to the point of the rain turning into a storm and having to run to seek shelter.
That’s how you ended up where you were now, all together huddled in a barn, desperately trying to catch up on some sleep while Rick kept first watch, but your don wasn’t helping the situation at all. He was whining his little lungs out with no signs of stopping. You had walked around with him, tried to breastfeed and give him some meat but he wanted none of it. Carol had offered to look him over but quickly retreated when a small clawed paw swiped at her when she reached out for his tummy. You were desperate, on the verge of tears as soft sniffles escaped your lips. Not being able to quiet down the whining pup was bad enough already, to have you crying on top of that would be the absolute worst. You pulled him close to your chest, his side against the soft flesh of your exposed chest, hoping the feel of your warmth would help but again it did nothing.
On the other side of the barn Daryl had settled, just around a corner and out of view. He had been trying to sleep for longer than most, but was having a much worse time than them. The pup’s whines weren’t directed at the others. They were for him.
With the distance between him and you there was no chance you’d hear his frustrated growls under his breath. Each peak in whines had him quietly snarl until eventually he couldn’t handle the child’s desperate cries anymore.
“Can ya tell yer kid I ain’t his goddamn dad?!” His voice rang through the barn, a deep growling tone to it that scared you so bad you lost the ability to hold back the tears you were trying to keep at bay, and had your pup go from whining to full on crying. Loud scraping howls and cries shook his tiny body, no attempts to shush him succeeding.
On the other end of the barn you could hear the soft groans of Judith waking up and quickly joining the chorus of cries. With her awake and crying now as well the mood in the whole barn dropped to a heavy negative. On one end you tried to shush the pup and on the other end the rest of the women huddled around the young girl to quiet her down.
From your angle you could see Abraham sit up from his spot next to Daryl who remained hidden behind a low wall. You watched the large man reach out his arm and whack it beside him, earning him an annoyed snarl from where Daryl laid. “Get yer ass up to the lady and her pup so we can all get some shut-eye.” Another rude snarling noise sounded and it was returned with another harsh smack. “Get movin’ or I’m gonna get the lady and plant her pretty little self and the noisemaker in your lap myself.”
Abraham’s words made you softly giggle, but you quieted down when a tired grunt came from beside him and Daryl came into view. He rubbed a hand over his face and stretched out his back as he moved over to you with his sleeping bag in hand. “Move over.” His voice was stern, and you complied immediately, scooting over to make space for him between you and the low wooden wall. With his appearance the pup’s cries had gone down to sniffles and hiccups, his paws outstretched in Daryl’s direction while he was laying out his sleeping bag.
On his way to lay down your pup managed to wiggle himself from your grasp and clamp himself around Daryl’s arm, who had to pry him off while you apologized on his behalf.
“Ain’t yer fault.” His voice was barely above a whisper as he laid down and pulled the pup against his chest. With his one free arm he grabbed you by the shoulder and pulled you closer too, laying you opposite him with the pup nestled in between you. Almost immediately he calmed down and curled up to sleep. “M’sorry fer yellin’. Jus’ tired.”
You forgave him immediately, thanking him for going out of his comfort zone and sleeping with the two of you.
The barn was finally quiet, safe for the rain still pouring outside, and sleep soon took over.
The next morning you woke up to a pain in your chest. Jerking up you almost smacked Daryl who was now grumbling as he was woken up by your sudden movement.
He watched you sit up with a hand covering your breast, inspecting it by peeking down the neckline of your shirt while an eager furball made grabby hands at your chest.
“I think I’m gonna head out the door and feed him. Need some fresh air after last night..” Daryl followed suit after your words, he had some confessions to make and properly apologize for making your son behave the way he did last night. You watched him follow you from the corner of your eye and held the door ajar for him. With a soft thanks he shut the barn door behind him, crossbow in hand. He still kept his back to you as you sat down against the outside of the barn and got ready to feed the pup. He's always turn away until you started talking again, signaling you were decent enough.
You watched Daryl pace in front of you, chewing the side of his thumb in thought. "Hey, what's wrong?" Truth being, his pacing was making you really nervous.
He let out a groan and stopped his pacing, now nervously shifting his weight from one foot to another. "We gotta talk. S'about the pup." He shook off his nerves and sat down with you.
"Was he really crying for you last night? You yelled at him about not being his dad." You knew that. He was a kind stranger who helped you with your child.
"He kept whinin' fer me ta hold 'em." He's unsure how to continue. He had to tell you the truth before the pup entirely imprinted on him, if it wasn't already too late.
"Back when I found ya it weren't by chance. Picked up yer scent an' sniffed ya out. Got excited when I caught 'nother wolf."
He watched your face go from focused to confused at his last sentence. Deciding words weren't going to help him right now he raised his hand into view, taking a deep breath and letting his claws come out. Fhe skin of his finger pads darkened as his nails thickened and extented into full claws. "Pup thinks 'm his dad. Didn' think it'd happen so quick, m'sorry."
As you watched Daryl's hand change, yous son squirmed out of your grasp with all his might and plopped into Daryl's lap and grabbed at his wrist.
"So, we co-parent now? You know I'm mkre than fine being with a werewolf." Oh god, those weren't the words you meant. Yiu weren't telling him you were into him like that. Wait. Could he have sensed it already when you thought about it earlier?
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks as you watched him try to keep your son from climbing on top of him even more.
"Ya still ne'er named him, didya?" Daryl felt the change in energy and decided to change the topic. He remembered one of the women asking for the pup's name and you admitting to never giving him one. It was still something you ran through your mind every day, nothing seemed to fit.
The scene went silent aftet that, both adults watching the little furball as he dug his paws into the sand, fished out a worm and stuffed it in his mouth, swallowing it whole.
You scrunced up your nose at the action, but Daryl only smiled proudly and watched as the little black fuzz hopped around and jumped up to chomp at a fly, missing the first two times but catching it the third try.
"S'gon be a good hunter, tha' one."
"Little Hunter, huh?" It rolled nicely off the tongue, it fit. You looked his way and called for him. "Hey, pup. Hunter, come here." He quickly came back to you and plopped himself on top of you.
Daryl wanted to grab and hold you both close in congratulations of naming the little guy, but he wasn't the father. He should keep his respectful distance up, Hunter was only yours.
A lot of happened between then and now, where you sat on the porch steps of a home in a safe community.
Hunter rolled around in the grass in front of you and Daryl sat on the railing with his crossbow and a cloth in hand.
"Hey Daryl," It was Carol who came from the house, all dressed up nicely. "Have you showered yet?"
Daryl only grumbled at the question. "Sweety, why don't you go take a shower with him?" She aaked as she walked past you and watched you smile and saw Daryl's face turn beet red.
Not long after you arrived in the community Carol had taken you aside and told you about Daryl's feelings he couldn't put into words, and in turn her learning about your love for him too. Ever since then she had been trying to set you up.
You and Daryl already shared a room, still sleeping apart from each other but still actively being parents to Hunter. Daryl hated to admit it, but caring for your son helped with the anxiety surrounding his new home.
"You know, Dee? Catol makes a great point. Come on." You got up and motioned to Rosita to watch Hunter for you while you went to try something.
Walking over to Daryl you took his hand in your and softly tugged for him to follow and to your surprize he let himself be dragged into the house and up the stairs.
This was easier than you expected it to be, hsving him upstairs and in the bathroom with you in a matter of minutes.
When you let go of his hand and turned away to run the water you half expected him to run off, but when you turned back he stood at the sink. He was staring at you through the mirror.
"How come you're so distant again today? Yesterday you were good stepping up to me and hugging Hunter." Daryl was difficult to read, and you often needed Carol to translate for you, not that you could call her over now that you were trying to get closer to Daryl in this way.
His gaze kept following your movements in the mirror as you went to grab towels and place them near the tub, making sure you had all the needed soaps and shampoos and a brush and sponge at hand.
"It ain't jus' me in ma head, ya know tha' righ? Me, I wanna make sure m'not invadin' yer family 'n respect tha' he aint mine ta care for." He spoke while he watched you undress. His head told him to look away and be respectful, but somewhere a voice kept telling him you wanted this too. He had smelled it on you that you were happy and content around him, he only smelled love and adoration on you but with you never saying it was okay out loud he never acted on it. But now you took him here and stripped down to just panties and a shirt. "And what says the other you? The one that's staring at me right now?" He watched a wide smile appear on your face as yiu pointed at your eyes and then at him. He hadn't even noticed his eyes had changed as he listened to his feral side talk inside his head.
"Tells me m'wastin' time not bein' withya. Found someone who ain't afraid of us, survived havin' a pup. Keeps yappin' about havin' a perfect mate walkin' around fer me an' bein' a bitch fer not goin' for ya." It was clear in his voice he was struggling with this day after day, and you weren't making it easier by not just speaking your feelings to him. You led him here to confess, to have the balls to outright tell him what you felt for him in the privacy of the room.
Even barely dressed and inviting him into the shower he still didn't take the hint you wanted him. He needed the words so you gave them now. Standing beside him and turning to look at him you grabbed his leather vest and pushed it off his shouders.
"Daryl Dixon, both human half and wolf, listen to me." Your words made him turn to you, and just as it was easy to drag him up the stairs, it was easy now to undress him ever so slowly. "If you truly believe I'd be a good mate to you then, please.." You were giving him time to stop your hands as you ever so slowly pushed his shirt off his shoukders and followed his arms down to his hips. "I want you to make me your mate. Hunter has already claimed you as a dad and now I want us to admit to our feelings." Your fingers worked at his pants and got them open, but quit when his hands moved.
You thought he was going to stop you, but instead he reached for your shirt and lifted it over your head. "I wanna try withya. But ya gotta be patient with me, please." You, the human, had to be patient with the werewolf. It was adorable in a way, but you'd keep that to yourself.
"I promise to be patient with you. Except for right now, come and get your ass into the shower before Rosita gets tired of Hunter." With a laugh you undressed entirely and went to feel the water temperature and swap to the showerhead before stepping in. "I'm still telling you to join me in the shower, just to make sure you got the hint."
He may have been slow, mentally preparing for something so intimate, but he ended up in the tub with you. He sat half under the stream as you gave his hair a spa treatment and scrubbed his skin. You were scrubbing harsh, but he didn't mind. It felt nice to be rid of the grime and dirt for once. He felt good once you were done, and returned the favor with the utmost care. His touch was so soft, if you weren't facing him you barely believed it was him who cleaned you.
That night, long after retrieving Hunter and having a quiet family dinner you shared a bed for the first time. Just to sleep, nothing more.
Well, a bit more. Soft kisses, brushes of skin and cuddles were shared. Enjoying each other's warmth and find your space on the bed was the priority tonight.
The others all quickly caught the changes in your behavior about each other. The three of you were a real family all of a sudden and Carol gave herself a pat on the shoulder for getting her friends to be real with each other now.
With weeks passing you turned Daryl's downstairs room into his workplace slash quick nap spot and moved all the bedroom stuff upstairs and made a real, adult couple bedroom with a nook for Hunter's crib.
More weeks passed after moving into your new room and everything was so real now and it felt good, but nothing felt as good as certain words leaving Daryl's mouth after you came to an agreement a couple weeks prior.
"Smells so good, hun. Whatcha got cookin?" Daryl had just rolled out of bed after coming home late last night from a hunt. He sauntered over and wrapped his arms around your middle, hands resting on your stomach as he took a long whiff to take in all the scents swarming the kitchen.
You told him shat you were cooking as he followed your words with his nose. The fresh baked bread you went to grab early. The stew simmering in the pan and the eggs baking in the pan. But there was something else cooking, something you probably hadn't realized yet.
"Yer forgettin'bout yer oven, hun." You had yo know what he meant, you were so excited about it before.
"Dee, this kitchen has no working oven." You giggled as his chin scruff rubbed against your cheek as he kissed you there. "No tha' oven.." His hands spread over your stomach and squeezed soffly. "Ya smell even better than I hoped ya would."
You smelled different? You still used the same shampoo and soaps. And you couldn't remember you using a seriously different laundry soap either.
"Hun." Daryl had to stop you srirring the stew for a moment, turning off the heat under the eggs and turn you around. The irony of her joking about having to be direct with him to make him understand, and then now not getting it when he wasn't saying things literal.
"Ya smell pregnant." It was as direct as it could be. Straight to the point and perhaps the only way to bring this.
To say you were shocked was an understatement. You had your whole day planned full of tasks around the community, but you knew you weren't going to get anything done now.
But Daryl let you get back to your stew, staying stuck to your back with his hands massaging your belly.
"Well, ya better start believin' cuz tha' pup's gon' be here soon." Daryl was excited, for the first time in his life he felt like he wasn't that little fuckup redneck boy he was always made out to be. He was ready to be a father, and this time not of an adopted child but one of his own.
"Can't believe it took so fast." You were thinking out loud now as you moved from stirring the stew to cutting the bread for the eggs.
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A/N: A very human were!Daryl this time.
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mykoreanlove · 6 months
on being real
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“I don’t want to date you anymore, Jackson.”
The silver fork he was holding in his left hand fell onto the marble floor, crashing the silence caused by your announcement. Jackson was visibly irritated, big frowns on his face.
“You… what? Why?”
For days you had been practicing this moment, imagining how you would explain your reasons and set him free. And even though you went over this moment hundreds of times, you were not prepared for the gravel pit of anxiety in your stomach. You didn’t do this because you didn’t want him, no. Your feelings were as strong as ever, but Jackson never opened up, he never let you take a look behind his porcelain façade. You decided to no longer waste your time with someone that only portrayed his good sides.
“I don’t feel like knowing you, Jackson. You only show me your good sides, you never share your problems with me. I just…”, you stumbled to find the right words.
“Say it, y/n”, he urged you with a serious tone.
“I feel like I’m dating a fake.”
Ouch, the pit grew bigger.
Jackson hid his face behind his hands, shielding himself from you. You didn’t think it would affect him that much, but his silent sobs gave him away.
“I’m sorry, Jackson.”
It didn’t take long for him to change into his real self, which you finally saw for the first time after months of dating. His eyes, always sparkly but never serene, turned dead, drained from life and love. You silently gasped, surprised to see the abyss behind the veil.
Jackson broke out in laughter as he wiped away his tears.
“Dating a fake, huh?”
Tears started to form in your eyes, seeing him like that broke your heart.
“What do you want to know, y/n? How broken I really am? You think you’re going to love that?”, he spat sarcastically.
You couldn’t answer, you didn’t dare to. Jackson took another sip of his drink, grimacing in pain.
“Shall we talk about my crippling depression, then? You want to know what that’s like? To lie awake every night wondering if this is the life I want, the one that I deserve? Shall we talk about the accompanying anxiety which is clouding my mind 24/7? Am I doing enough? Am I true to myself? Is this really who I am? Shall we talk about my sweaty hands and rapid heartbeat? Me wondering if I’m about to drop dead any minute? Is that it?”
He paused and observed you, not understanding the reason behind your tears.
“Or shall we talk about my health problems? Did you notice how badly I’m griding my teeth? Should I tell you that my jaw is tense as fuck and my teeth are overly sensitive? That drinking and eating anything but warm liquor is making me wince in pain? You think I’m this skinny because I’m on a diet? No, y/n, far from it. Should I tell you how frustrated I am because I have tried literally anything, and no one can help me? You wanna know what that’s like? To be helpless in your own body? To be betrayed by your own fucking body?”
Your eyes wandered to the glass in his hands, finally understanding why he was always drinking so much. Jackson started pacing through the room while bearing his darkest secrets.
“Or shall we talk about the people I’m seeing for help? Because I’ve seen them all, y/n. I searched through whole fucking Asia, and everybody is saying the same shit. It’s all in your head, Jackson. Do you know how fucked up that is? Neither antidepressants nor the shit for my teeth is helping me and you wanna know why? Because apparently, it’s in my head. My body is hurting because my soul is hurting. Isn’t that hilarious?”
Jackson spilled some of his liquor, trying to make a point.
“Or let’s not forget about my love life, y/n. You wanna know what that’s like? You wanna know how much energy it took to portray myself as normal? I wanted you to think of me as strong and healthy and full of life but now you’re breaking up with me because that was, what, fake? I did all of this so you would never realize how broken, fragile, and weak I am. But I guess that wasn’t the right way to go about it either.”
Another layer of sadness washed over his face, tinting his brown eyes in even deeper despair. Jackson took a seat on the couch and hid behind his hands again, wondering why he told you all of this if you were already over him.
He flinched in surprise as he felt your arms around him, hugging him tightly. For once he just gave in and hugged you back, crying silently in your embrace.
“Thank you for telling me, Jacky”, you whispered sweetly into his ear. “This is exactly what I wanted.”
He looked at you surprised, so you explained yourself.
“I fell in love with you because you were a real one. Standing in your truth and being true to who you are. That’s how I have always perceived you, anyways. But then when we started dating, and I never got to know that side of yours. You were too perfect, in a way. And I don’t want perfect. I want real, Jacky.”
His thumb brushed along your cheek, tracing down to your jaw.
“How could you possibly want that?”, his hoarse voice croaked.
You chuckled in response.
“I’m not perfect, Jackson. And I don’t want to be. Don’t you think I get depressed from time to time? We can cry together then. And yes, the thing with your teeth sucks. But I will love you even if you get new ones. And besides that, my teeth don’t hurt but my head does. Often, I get insufferable migraines and have to lie in a pitch-black room, I flinch at light like Dracula himself. Do you think I like that? No, but we all have something. You make it sound like you have to be perfect to be loved. But you don’t.”
The newfound spark in his eyes was noticeable, if only for a quick moment.
“I agree with the people you’ve been seeing, though. Your soul is hurting, Jackson. And that’s okay.”
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly, looking at him hopeful.
“You don’t have to heal on your own though. I’d like to help… if you let me?”
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misserabella · 2 years
stray. pt1
joel miller x fem! reader
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next chapter >
summary; after saving Joel and Ellie from the brink of death, you get caught with having to live with two more strays…, and you don’t do strays.
REMINDER: english is not my mother language so i apologize if there are some mistakes <3 !¡ either ways, i hope y’all like it. <3
warnings; eventual +18 content! MINORS DONT INTERACT IN THE CHAPTERS WHERE IT IS IMPLIED IN THE WARNINGS. and smut, mentions of death, possible deaths, blood, fighting, angst, fluff…
warnings for chapter 1; guns, blood, fighting, clickers, wounds, weapons, threats, mentions of sleeping pills, tension, arguing, cursing…
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
Joel should have known it was too good to be real. Too silent, too calm, too safe…
The building was old, in ruins in this world that was left for dead in between the slaughter and the blood, the floors filled with dust and with holes every now and then. Ellie had been too focused on playing with the things she could find, completely unaware of the danger that slowly creeped on them through the dark, just like Joel, who was unable to focus due to Ellie’s rambling.
It was only a mere instant, a fucking second. A wrong turn, a step that almost costed him his life. And before he knew he was struggling with a clicker that bit into the air, mere inches away from his face, it’s claws making him bleed as he tried and push him away. He had jumped in the moment he saw it going for Ellie, ready to pounce, ready to turn her to shreds.
“Step back!” he screamed at her, pushing her a side to protect her. “Shit.” he mumbled as he found himself losing the battle to the monster. It was too strong.
Think, Joel, think. There must be a way. And he knew what it was, but he couldn’t reach his fucking gun since it had been thrown away from him and into the direction of another clicker that had been lured to them by the noise.
“Joel!” Ellie screamed, but was taken aback when he stared at her as she tried and step closer to help.
“Ellie, ru-“ he was ready to let her go, ready to tell her to run and never look back. In the end, there was always deaths, there were always forgotten lives ripped apart from this fungus.
But his voice died in his throat when the clicker that he was barely holding back dropped dead to his feet, the other on his right screeching before running towards him, but he was late, meeting the same fate as the other infected.
Ellie and Joel turned their heads to the bullet’s direction, the shots rumbling in the walls and making goosebumps rose.
“Get down!” and then there was this girl, shouting at them, pointing them with the same gun that had just saved them and looking at them with the same fire and hatred that he had looked at those monsters.
Joel rose his arms and Ellie followed. Although it was only for an instant that she seemed to give up, in just a second letting out an ‘ouch’ as she had extracted her knife from her sleeve, ready to fight, but being met by a bullet against the metal, sending her knife meters away from her and leaving her with no scratches.
“Get the fuck down!” the girl, who had now stepped onto the light that seeped through the windows repeated, this time more serious, cocking her gun, her finger in the trigger ready to kill them if that was what she needed to do.
You squinted slightly when the sun hit your face, your eyes quickly adapting as you looked at the pair get down on their knees with both their hands up in the air.
You should have killed that little brat for just the mere though of trying to hurt you, but it had been a long time since you had stumbled across someone not infected in a long time, and you wanted to see what the hell was their deal. Travelers? FEDRA?
“Show me your fucking arms.” you ordered, pointing the gun at the man on your left, who was bleeding.
He groaned in pain as he lifted the sleeves of his shirt, showing you his brown and sculpted arms full of scars and new slashes that gushed the crimson of his blood. Scratches. And they were deep. No bite marks. No signs of possible infection.
“You. Brat.” you pointed at her next, and you felt the man tense up, what made your skin crawl. “Show me your arms.” she was pale, ghostly even, looking between you and the man beside her, a terrified look in her eyes. You sighed, firing a bullet at her, passing her by the ear by just mere centimeters, but still scratching her cheek enough to let a fresh drop of blood decorate her face. Joel’s breath hitched when you cocked your gun once again, pointing directly in between Ellie’s eyes. “Next time I won’t miss.” you promised, certain.
Ellie understood that there was no running from that situation. She closed her eyes and, with her tiny trembling hands, rose his sleeves. That’s when you saw it.
“I fucking knew it.” you said, stepping closer until the gun was pressed directly to her head.
Ellie inhaled a deep cold breath, his eyes tightly closed. You were going to kill her, and she knew it.
“No, wait.” the man beside her spoke and you rolled your eyes as you looked at him.
“Are you fucking stupid? Walking around with an infected? What were you going to do when she started twitching, huh? Put her on a collar and walk her around like a dog?” Ellie let out a scared little sound when you pushed the gun further onto her skin.
“It’s different. She’s different.” he promised, slowly creeping closer to the two of you.
“Oh yeah sure, as if I hadn’t hear that before.” you scoffed, sarcasm dripping off your tone. “Sorry. Is nothing personal.” you said to the girl before your finger started to push against the trigger.
“She’s immune!” Joel screamed, making you stop. “The bite mark. Is a few days old. She doesn’t get infected. She’s immune.” he said more slowly, as if he was trying to calm you down, convincing you of not staining the dusty floor with that kids innocent blood.
You harshly tugged on her arm, analyzing the skin, the bruising. He was right, it wasn’t fresh. And there were more scars in the same arm, but no rest of the spread. The vines that had internally started to grown under her skin fading just a mere centimeters towards her biceps, and then, soft untouched skin. She had fought the infection.
You couldn’t believe it. And Ellie although she understood your fear, still groaned in pain when you tested her by pinching her skin with a needle on her neck. The green light made it easier to breath for you. The retracting of your gun made it for Joel and Ellie too.
You silently and a little harshly tested the man, who only flinched the slightest. Green. They were clean. That kid… was immune?
That was when your shoulders seemed to relax, your lips letting out a sigh that you didn’t knew you had been holding in.
Ellie and Joel looked at each other, and he nodded at her, promising her: we’re fine.
“You, kid.” Ellie’s hands struggled to catch her knife, which you had folded to securely throw it at her. Joel didn’t seem to have the same problem with his gun, taking it swiftly in the air.
You then inspected the zone, there didn’t seem to be any more clickers around. Your hand laced around a water bottle that stood on your backpack’s side pocket, taking it to drown a sip of cold water that made your muscles ache for more, for a rest.
Joel and Ellie slowly stood up as you rested against a wall of the building, a walkie-talkie sizzling on your pocket and a voice mumbling something as you took it out.
“Found a man and a kid at the hospital. They are clean.” you talked into the little artifact. Joel shoved Ellie, who looked at it with shiny and curious eyes. “What?” you suddenly inquired at something that had came through the line. “No. Have you lost your mind? We can’t.” you were back straight in your feet, listening to who Joel suspected might be a friend or a companion of yours. “Larry, you don’t understand- I know that. Yeah, but there are not enough-… I know.” you said. “I know…” you repeated again, this time softer, your voice lower. You sighed and looked up to the ceiling as ‘Larry’ said something more through the walkie-talkie. “Fine.” you groaned. “But it’s on you. I’m not taking responsibility.“ you hissed onto the speaker and then shoved it on your pants once again.
You turned around and started walking, rolling your eyes and looking back with you arms raised in exasperation. “Are you guys coming? Or do I have to give y’all my hand too?” you mocked them, and Ellie was going to follow you, but Joel stopped her.
“What the hell do you think you’re going?” his husky voice growled.
“Dude. She just saved our fucking asses! Like literally.” she frowned, raising her hands.
“Yeah you’re right. Let’s follow a complete fucking stranger to God knows where!” he sarcastically scoffed and Ellie gave him a death stare.
They were like fucking kids.
“You know I can hear you, right?” you sighed and they looked at you. God, this was going to be a fucking nightmare. You could already feel a headache creeping in. “Look. It’s not safe here. Listen to the freak.” Ellie frowned when you pointed at her, letting out a ‘hey!’ that you ignored as you looked at the man. “How much water do you have left? Do you have any food at all?” you scoffed when they didn’t answer. “If you don’t come with me, you will not survive. Not here. You’re in the danger zone. And that…” you pointed at the two clickers dead onto the ground. “Was a close call.”
Joel didn’t answer, didn’t even mutter a word and you rolled your head as you gave them your back once again. “Fine. At least I tried.” you shrugged. Better for you. You didn’t like company. You did good on your own. You didn’t need anyone. And surely didn’t need them. Larry could cry about it.
“Why are you doing this?” your feet came to a stop when he finally spoke up, his eyes untrusting and rough on you. You couldn’t complain, you looked at him the same way.
“I have this nut job of a friend who likes to take care of strays a little bit too much.“ you smirked. “I don’t. So if you’re not coming, don’t bother me.” you said, and as you started to walk again. This time, they followed.
“Fucking hell, that door gets heavier every day.” you muttered as you opened the metal door after having unlocked it with the code.
The three of you had walked along for a couple of miles before coming to a stop in a town more into the woody side. Joel had caught on pretty quickly but it still took him by surprise. It was like going back to Bill and Frank’s little paradise, though this one was much bigger, fuller, brighter…
You locked the door once Ellie had stepped inside, just right after Joel, turning on the high voltage and the alarms of the fence that you made sure to check twice every night before guarding for any new infected that could have made their way though the multiple traps that surrounded the little fortified town.
“y/n is back!” a little kid suddenly screamed, and before you knew it you were swarmed in by toddlers that hung too tightly to your legs and glued you to the floor.
So…, y/n.
Joel and Ellie stepped back just the slightest, overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the little kids, who surrounded you from everywhere. They were not much, around five, but they were really talkative and enthusiastic.
“I’ll go tell Larry!” one of the bigger kids ran away, entering a white house filled with flowers in between stomps.
You couldn’t fight the smile that appeared on your face when they started to ask questions about your little trip.
“You were gone for so long!” a little blonde girl pouted. Rose, one of the youngest of the new generation who always clutched this rabbit plushie you had made her out of worn out clothes.
“I’ve only been away for three days.” you said in a whisper, kneeling down to have them at your own height. “And you know what? Look what I found!” you unhooked your bag pack from your shoulders, rummaging inside to find little toys and new clothes that you had found on the mall a few hours away from the town.
Joel was taken back by your sudden demeanor, you looked so rough around the edges, so cold, so serious… That he surely wasn’t expecting it to be any different in any ambit of your life. And yet there you were, smiling, talking softly, no tension in your body, no fear shaking your bones…
The kids screamed in joy. New toys always seemed to brighten them up. They always looked forward to your arrivals, always eager to know what had happened, if you had had to fight any infected…
Who Joel supposed was that known Larry with which you had talked though the walkie-talkie, came out of the house with a little girl in between his arms, heading towards you and the kids, which were now looking at the gifts that you had brought them.
“y/n!” your head rose when you heard that little and sweet voice, your chest fluttering when the little kid that Larry carried touched the floor and ran towards you. You reached out for her, picking her up as you came back to your feet with a smile. “You’re back!” she smiled at you with her big green shiny eyes, her long and dark hair tickling your neck as she hugged you with her tiny arms.
“I’m back.” you said in just a mere mumble. Feeling like you could finally breath. “Was Larry good to you? Do I have to kick his old ass?” she laughed at your question, while Larry, who had finally reached all of you, gave you a dirty look.
“Remind yourself who you’re talking to, kid.” he warned, but still smiled as he pulled you into a hug. “I’m glad you’re back.”
“I always come back.” you said, but you could still feel his relief. He was always unsure to let you go to the exterior, even though he knew you were capable and that you were strong, he always cared. He had raised you after all. Just like one of her daughters. Even if you and Lizzy weren’t real sisters. Even if you weren’t of his blood like she was, you were still his family, you were still his daughter and Lizzy was still your sister.
“Who are they?” Lizzy suddenly asked in a whisper, still loud enough for Joel and Ellie to hear, who had been completely silent since they had crossed the doors that welcomed them to the safe zone you and the town had worked on so hard to build.
“Just a couple of strays.” you said, and there it was, that detached tone, that coldness, that rough eyes. “You know how much your daddy likes them, isn’t that right Larry?” you mocked him, to which he simply rolled his eyes.
“Mmmh…” Lizzy hummed, muttering a ‘she’s pretty’ towards Ellie, who looked at her and couldn’t help to smile.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Larry.” Joel took his hand when offered, giving him a good shake as he spoke up for the first time in what it seemed to he hours.
“Joel. And this is Ellie.”
“It’s nice to meet you Ellie.” Larry smiled, and she nodded, mumbling a ‘nice to meet you’ as well. “I’m sorry that you had to walk so much to get here. Do you need anything? Water? Food?”
“Larry.” your voice was cold, warning. You were a lot on the town, and this season it hadn’t been easy. The harvest hadn’t been as successfully as the previous ones. Nothing to fear, though, you still had enough, but Larry gave too much all the time, and you cared. He simply ignored you.
“We’re al-“ Joel was about to negate the offer, but Ellie’s tummy rumbled so loud you almost had to choke a laughter. He looked at her with a scowl that only made her get defensive.
“I’m sorry!” she awkwardly smiled, whispering at him.
“Let’s go. I have some meat cooking in the kitchen, and some eggs to fry too.” Larry said, giving them a wave with his hands so they could follow.
“Larry!” you called out to him again, and this time he looked at you with a more severe look in his eyes. You scoffed. “Fine. Do whatever the fuck you want, I’m going to take a fucking shower.” you said, and you gave Lizzy one last hug before letting her feet touch the floor and walk away after a quick goodbye to the kids.
“I’m sorry for that.” Larry apologized as you became smaller in the distance. “Then, shall we?” and then he was smiling once again, pointing towards his house for them to tag along.
You cursed under your breath, not looking back as you took a turn, even if you could still feel eyes boring into the back of your skull.
Larry was a gentle old man that reminded Joel of Frank. He was sweet, attentive…
He also cooked really good.
Ellie was now onto her second plate, having asked for more after devouring the first. Joel was dragging it out. He didn’t like to hung onto people’s kindness. He knew that this people must work really hard to just survive, he didn’t like the idea of not being able to give them nothing in exchange for their welcoming.
The slamming of the front door made Larry know that you were back, already putting down a plate for you. When you stepped into the kitchen you didn’t even look at those already sat down at the table. Joel took in your still wet hair, braided up for more comfort, your clean new clothes and face (which you had freed of all dust and dirt) and your bandaged hands, from where your knuckles bled through.
“What’s this?” you hissed when Larry took your hand, which was swollen under the bandages. “What have I told you, huh? You can’t keep training like this, y/n.” you waved his touch away.
“I’m fine. Just a little rusty. It’ll stop bleeding soon.” you gulped down a glass of fresh water.
You tried your best to make it as if you couldn’t feel the two strangers looking at you. Joel and Ellie, you remembered.
“Are you hurt?” Lizzy said, strawberries in her plate all chopped up for her to not choke.
“No baby, I just scratched myself a little bit.” you took your plate, sitting onto the kitchen counter, like you always did despite Larry’s bickering to eat. You were half down your scrambled eggs when you rolled your eyes, sighing in annoyance. “What is it that you want?” you inquired at Larry, who frowned.
“I’ve not said anything.”
“You haven’t. But I know you want something for the seasoning.” you pointed at your eggs. “You always season them when you want something.” and it was true, seasons were expensive. So he always used them up on special occasions.
He fell silent, and you looked at him with rose eyebrows.
“I need you to let Ellie and Joel stay at your place.”
The silence was lethal. So cold it made Ellie shiver. There was tension in the air, you were not happy.
You let out a curt sarcastic scoff. “Yeah, no fucking way.” you said, going back to your eggs.
“You know I wouldn’t ask you this if I had spare rooms, but I don’t…” he sighed.
“And I do?“ you scoffed, letting aside your eggs.
“Lizzy baby, can you please go eat the rest of your fruit to the salon?” Larry inquired to his daughter, not wanting her to hear your bickering. She nodded and took his little bowl.
“Are you coming, Ellie?” she asked the girl, who looked at her surprised at first with those shiny eyes of hers. After Joel nodded at her and she nodded back at Lizzy, who gave her one of his hands and led her out of the kitchen.
“y/n…” he tried once again but you let aside your plate.
“I don’t have any spare rooms.” you interrupted.
“But you do!” he softly said, as he always did.
“I don’t. There’s my room and Laura’s room, when she gets back…”
“She’s not coming back, y/n. You know that.” you looked at him, hurtful eyes taking Joel by surprise. It was the first time he saw vulnerability in you. Even if he hadn’t known you for long… He knew that this was something he shouldn’t be witnessing, shouldn’t be able to see. This was private. This was yours. “Lau-“
“Don’t say her fucking name.” you growled, poison falling from your lips.
“She is gone, baby…” you slapped his hand away when he tried and cup your cheek. You felt the sting of tears into your eyes. “y/n…”
“You’re a dick, Larry.” you muttered as you got back on your feet. “You always do this. Why is it with you and your fucking strays, huh?” you pushed on his chest, and he took your bloody hand to press it against his heart. “I don’t want any of them anymore. I’m sick of it.” you mumbled under your breath.
“I know, I’m sorry…” he sincerely said, letting you go when you flinched away from his touch.
You straightened up and looked at Joel, who silently stood as a mere expectant.
“Let’s go.” you said, your eyes going back to cold stone as you walked out of the kitchen. “You, kid. Move.” you called out to Ellie, who was sharing fruit with Lizzie. You gave her a good night kiss, promising to see her tomorrow as you opened the door to leave your ‘father’ ’s house.
They stepped outside after saying thank you to Larry, who only nodded and offered Joel a clean change of clothes before you left, leaving you to find something for Ellie’s at your place since all Lizzie’s clothes would be too small for her.
You walked down a few houses until getting to a short building, where your little flat stood. It was old, so old that you had to rattle with the lock before the door would creak open, but it was clean, and welcoming. It felt like home. Something that surprised the couple of outsiders since you didn’t look like someone who would decorate your house this much. There were even fresh flowers on the dining table.
Ellie looked at everything with a shine in her eyes. She had always lived in a shitty cell-like room when she stayed with FEDRA, and Joel’s apartment was not really pretty to be honest…
So this was new, different, pretty…
“Bathroom to your right, rooms to your left.” You pointed at the white closed doors as you explained. The kitchen was connected to the salon, leaving a really open space framed by covered windows. “Don’t touch anything.” you said as you looked Ellie reach for the book shelf right beside the entrance. “If you need water, the tank is right beside the fridge. You can use the bathroom as you like, but leave it as you found it. Don’t touch the shelves. The things there are not mine.” you said in such a lifeless tone…
For them this could feel like home. For you? This was hell.
“Brat.” you called for Ellie, who frowned and remembered you her name. “Yeah, like I care.” you said moving towards one of the rooms. “Come with me, let’s find something for you to change onto. You two stink.” you said, and as if they shared the same brain cell, they both sniffed their clothes as you turned around.
Ellie stood close to the door when you went into what it seemed to be your room. It was plain. White. With no personality, no personal effects more than a couple of books, notebooks and two polaroid photos glued to the wall beside your bed. She couldn’t see who where on them due to the distance though.
“Here.” you gave her a pair of underwear, a t-shirt, a pair of sweats and a jacket along with a pair of fussy socks to battle the coldness of the night. “You don’t have your period, do you?” you inquired her with no interest at all.
“Uhmm, no.” he shook her head. “Not right now.” you nodded.
“There are some tampons and pads on the bathroom sink if you need them.” she nodded, unable to thank you since you were already out of the room.
Joel was inspecting the walls when you came back. There were a lot of drawings, art pieces and photos hanging from them. The paintings seemed pretty professional, but they were not from any famous artist that he could recognize, so he figured you or someone else might have painted it. You appeared on most of the photos. There was you with Lizzy and Larry… You and the kids of the town. You and…
“So, this is what we’re going to do.” you pulled his attention from the photos back to you. “I’ll take the couch. You both take my room. The bed is big enough for the two of you to fit.”
“What about that room?” Ellie pointed towards the door further to her left, next to yours. Your gaze hardened as you looked away.
“That room is off limits.”
They both fell silent, at least for a couple of minutes until Ellie awkwardly let out a little joke to break the ice —that didn’t seem to help— and made her way towards the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
You didn’t gave Joel a single look, getting yourself onto the kitchen and getting a pot full of water ready to boil to make yourself some tea. You were fucking exhausted. You hadn’t slept for the last three days, always on guard ready to fight if some clickers would attack. And even if your eyes begged for you to close them and rest, your mind would never shut up, always keeping you awake.
You hoped this time the tea would work. You always hoped it would.
“I can’t let you take the couch. I’ll take it.” Joel suddenly said. It was the first time you two talked, alone.
You scoffed. “Yeah sure, as if you will be able to sleep shit there.” you turned to face him, your arms crossed over your chest. “Believe me, I’m doing you a favor. And either ways, what would I do, share bed with that…, kid? God I don’t even know what she is. No fucking way.” you said.
“Why don’t you sleep on the other room then? If you don’t, you won’t sleep either on that couch.” he said, and he seemed to have made a mistake by the way your whole body stiffened up.
“Just take the fucking bed, Joel.” you said and gave him your back once again, putting the tea herbs onto the water. He was about to speak again, but Ellie came out of the bathroom with a dazed and happy look on her face.
“That was amazing! There’s hot water!!!” she said, your clothes looking still a little big on her. But it’d do.
“I’m going to change the bed sheets. Finish up with the bathroom and give me all your dirty clothes to wash them up tomorrow morning.” you said as you got lost into the bedroom once again. And even if he tried, Joel’s eyes went back to that photo that had caught his attention since the very first second. A photo where you looked younger, healthier, brighter… Where you looked happier. Beside a girl that he hadn’t met yet. And probably never would.
It was late at night when Ellie had fallen asleep in between your comfy and warm sheets. Her wounds all cleaned up and her hair perfectly brushed. By the way she hadn’t moved even once in about three hours you expected her to sleep through the entire night without problems.
You had given the first-aid kit to Joel without a word. And he had taken it with the same silence standing in between the two of you.
You were sitting on the little balcony through the crystal doors on your salon. A cigarette in between your lips. How had you got them? It was a secret. You were sipping at your tea, looking down to the desolated streets. The lights were already out, saving energy in the night time, and the stars where shining so hard you swore you could get lost in them.
You exhaled smoke when you heard the chair in front of you move, who you supposed was Joel sitting in silence beside you.
He had taken out his own cigarettes, lighting up one and filling up his lungs with its smoke.
It seemed like hours after he finally spoke.
“Thank you.” your head turned to face him. He was looking at you with those serious brown eyes of his. He cleared his throat and looked away. “For uh…, everything.” you stared at him, no words leaving your lips. You nodded and went back to what you were doing before getting lost on your train of thought.
You unwrapped the bandages of your hands, the blood on them sticking to your skin as you ripped them off your new cuts and wounds.
It was always like this. You would get too far. Punch too strong. Do too much. And then it came the patching up, the bleeding, the pain…
The difference was that not a long time ago there was someone there for you to help you, to tell you to not overwork yourself, to clean your wounds for you… But now. It was just you and the silence of your solitary home.
You had extracted from your backpack new bandages and alcohol that you had found on the hospital where you had saved those two. A pair of scissors helping you cut the dressings to pieces.
Joel simply stared at you though the silence, though your curing, though your little flinches and hisses…
“You know… Staring too much at people is rude.” you said, finally speaking, finally letting him hear your voice for the first time in hours. You were like a ghost in your own home. Silent. Cold. Detached. Alone.
“You are rude either ways so I don’t care.” he answered, and you squinted your eyes at him. “Why do you do that?” he inquired.
“Do what?”
“That.” he pointed at your newly bandages hands, and you understood the real answer hidden under his words.
“Does it matter?” you asked him.
“No. I guess it doesn’t.”
“Good, ‘cause you are not my dad to lecture me.”
“I’m not old enough to be it.” he defended himself.
“If that’s what helps you sleep at night…” you shrugged. How old could he be? He was probably around his forties. Maybe fifties. He could probably almost catch Larry. You could see it on the white sparks on his hair, and the lines on his rough face.
“Staring too much is rude.” he threw your punch back at you, and you sighed in annoyance, taking a hit of your cigarette.
“Whatever. As you said, I’m already rude, so I don’t care.” he couldn’t help the little scoff that left him. You were smart. And knew how to bite. Also, you seemed clearly young, probably younger than what he was when the outbreak first happened, at his 32 years old.
You could feel his eyes on you, so you turned around to face him. You stood there, both staring at each other in complete silence. He was clean, his wounds bandaged up and already been taken care of by his expert hands. Larry’s shirt was a little bit tight on him, the muscle on his arms tightening the sleeves when he would cross them across his chest. His fingers held the cigarette to his lips, his grayish hair being blown just the slightest by the cold breeze of the night.
You finished off your cigarette right before he did, and took a sip of your almost cold tea, your eyes still completely open and awake. You knew this would be a very long night.
“You ain’t gonna go to sleep? You need more hours than us the young people, you know.” you inquired him as you lighted another cigarette.
He shook his head with a sarcastic smirk.
“I’m fine.” you nodded and fell into silence once again. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but neither comfortable at all. “Does this happen often to you?” he caught your attention and you frowned, not understanding. “Not being able to sleep.” your eyebrows perked up, surprised.
“Uhmm, yeah, I guess.” you mumbled, shrugging. “I’ve tried everything. Nothing ever worked for me.”
“I’ve got some pills if you want.” you looked at him with a stoic expression. “I too suffer insomnia. I got them from a guy I knew at FEDRA. They’re just sleeping pills.” he cleared it up once he had realized he had sound like a drug dealer.
You thought about it.
You looked at the pills once he had taken them out of his pocket, they were small and white, with a little moon shaped on them.
“I don’t do pills.” you said. You hadn’t had the courage to try them. Not if that meant that you would fall asleep and dream. “Thank you. But i’m fine.”
You couldn’t dream anymore. Not of that moment, not of…
“It’s alright.” he nodded, seeing the way your face had dropped. “But if you change your mind, just ask me.” you nodded, still looking at him.
You could sense that Joel didn’t speak much. That he was rough around the edges. But you had noticed too that Ellie had softened him out a little bit. He might look annoyed by that little kid but you had seen it in his eyes. The fear of loosing her when you had pointed your gun to her head.
It was all a façade. You knew how to recognize one when you too were living under one.
You looked away from him. It was just a stray. He’d probably leave after a couple of days. Maybe even tomorrow. And everything would be back to normal, you would be back to the lonely normality of your silent house and your scapes to the exterior.
You silently slipped out of your seat and put on your leather jacket as you stepped inside your apartment, combat boots heavy on the flooring.
You didn’t mutter a word on the way out. The only thing that Joel could hear before you disappeared was the sound of the door closing behind your back.
a/n; i hope y’all liked this first chapter xx, tell me your opinions! <3
joel miller masterlist !
pedro pascal masterlist !
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