#I never heard boo from her again
realasslesbian · 2 years
Throwback to that time I was six month into my law degree and decided to use it; had a landlord who was letting the place cave in with mould, sparking power switches, faulty hot water system that would randomly spit scalding water, the works, basically, plus they would always be harassing me for money, not rent money just 'I need $500 for a new phone pay me or move out', they'd also break into my mailbox regularly, and refused to sign any rental paperwork because they were tryna defraud the first home owners scheme, basically they were just an entire sack of shit, anyway, so rental laws are actually one of the few areas that are totally on the side of the more vulnerable (i.e. renters) and most landlords will blow a lot of hot air about what they're gonna do, but in reality, they can't do shit. So I moved out, no notice, no nothing, just stopped paying rent, I also sold all the whitegoods and furniture provided with the apartment on eBay, bc it didn't say nothing about no furnishings in the lease this dumbass wouldn't sign, those goods were mine now lmao, and she breaks into the apartment one day and finds it bare-ass empty, starts blowing up my phone over how she's gonna drag me through the court over the stuff I 'stole' and the rental arrears and whatever else, and I was just like 'well gee alright, if you think so, but I'd hate to trip on my way to court and just accidentally fall into a government office and then blurt out about how *name redacted* is defrauding the government to the tune of millions of dollars, and oopsy look at all the written evidence I dropped and is flying around in the air, all those letters you sent to my address, tryna make out you lived there, like I dunno if you want to risk it, I'm not supposed to give legal advice as a law student, but my legal advice is maybe just buy a new fridge sweetie, it'll cost you less than bothering me any further uwu' and tbh I basically became the female Saul Goodman at that point lmao
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libraryofloveletters · 9 months
Gimme A Smooch
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Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: lover boy max, he's pretending to be annoyed but he loveessss the attention, reader nearly has a heart attack, jimmy and sassy cameo, cheesiness from max
Word Count: 669
Author's Note: everyone writes max so aggressive but he deserves a soft blurb because he's a lover boy.
He was never one to indulge in things like mistletoe but since he begun to date you, he didn’t have much of a choice. 
When the holidays rolled around, you tended to get a bit unhinged.
You went all out when it came to decorating and Max let you do your thing because the less he has to do, the better. If he was single, he would have hired someone to do it or just not do it all together.
He did suggest hiring someone and you looked at him as if you were ready to bite off his head. You ask if he's insane and tell him that you'd do it, no one else is going to decorate as long as you were there.
Max left you to do your thing, he had gone up to the Red Bull factory for the weekend, they were holding some sort of holiday party for their staff at the factory.
When he returns home, he barely gets to put his key into the lock before the door opens.
"You owe me a kiss." You tell him, hands on your hips.
Max's brows furrow, looking at you a bit confused. "Hello to you too, babe."
You point above him, Max's head tilts back and her looks up to see the bundle of mistletoe you've hung from the front door. He smiles, his arms snaking around your waist, giving you a kiss. You smiled, smoothing over his jacket, "welcome home."
Max gives you another quick kiss, walking into the house. He had left before you put anything up but now it was completely different; you had rearranged the furniture to make space for a massive Christmas tree and you had decorated from top to bottom, ornaments, garlands, decorative throw pillows, you even went as far as to change the curtains.
He didn't miss the mistletoe hanging above each doorway. "What's this about?" He asks, pointing to the bundle of greenery.
You pull him to the arch leaving into the living room, kissing him once again. "That," you smiled.
He rolled his eyes playfully, letting you drag him through the house, stopping under every bundle of mistletoe for a kiss.
"Does this mean you're gonna stop me all day and give me a kiss every time?" He looked at you, your arms wrapped around his waist as you looked up at him, nodding. "Absolutely."
"As much as I'd love that, I have to do this simulator for Christian."
"Oh boo, doesn't this man take a break? It is the holidays, you know." You groaned, forehead pressed to Max's chest.
He cups your jaw, pulling you to look at him. "I won't be long, just this one last thing."
"Fine," you let him go, Max kissed your head before heading up to the room with his simulator.
It was just a little over an hour when you heard the shouting. "Y/n! Y/n!" Your boyfriend shouts at the top of his lungs.
You find yourself rushing up the stairs, nearly tripping. "What?!" You looked around, "what's wrong?!"
He shook his head, pointing to the two cats curled up next to each other in the corner of the doorway. Jimmy and Sassy seemed to have missed their daddy, curling up in his simulator room as he worked.
You smiled but smacked Max's arm. "You gave me a heart attack!" Max laughs, his arm around your waist as he pulls you to him. "Sorry baby, let me make it up to you hm?"
"I'm listening," you look at him and there's a wicked smile on his face, pulling you flush to him for a breathtaking kiss.
Your hand rests on his cheek when he lets you go, head spinning as you look at the man. "What.. wow." You giggled and Max smiled, kissing you once more but softly this time.
"What brought that on?" You asked.
Max points above the two of you and you look up to see a bundle of mistletoe you know you didn't put up there.
"What happened to not liking it?" You asked him with a raised brow.
He smiles, "never said that, did I?"
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sunshine-on-marz · 3 months
The brightest
Aaron Hotchner x Sunshine!Reader
In which Hotch’s grumpy reputation may be on the line
Dedicated to my pookie bestie boo @st4rgzer
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The Aaron Hotchner had smiled 6 times in 2 days. Spencer counted. It also just so happened that you joined the BAU 2 days ago. You’d transferred from a different unit, where you only worked for a few weeks before they suggested you move to the behavioral analyst unit, namely because you kept profiling, very accurately, and completely on accident. Well it wasn’t exactly an accident, but you had no clue you could make reading people a job, it was always just something you did. It was honestly insanely impressive. What might be more impressive is just how much you lit up the bureau from the moment you walked in. Your smile far brighter than the painfully fluorescent lights, and from the moment Hotch greeted you he knew he was in trouble
Something about your everything has him absolutely enthralled. The way you absentmindedly fidgeted with your shirt, your smile, your laugh, the small comments and jokes you make during conversations, all the small favors you do for the team, all of it had him head over heels.
The rest of the team was starting to get weirded out. In this very moment Emily was trying her best to explain to you that no, Hotch isn’t ‘nice’. He’s caring and fatherly but he’s not ‘nice’. “Honestly it’s really really insane that you’re calling him nice and it’s even more insane that you’re not wrong, I’ve literally never seen him be this nice for this long” she explains, Derek walking up behind her “we talkin about Hotch’s crush on the new kid?” He asks, leaning on the back of Emily’s chair before looking up at you “hey sugar” he says, you wave at him through your laughter. “Guys I highly doubt he has a crush on me” you explain “maybe he just likes me.. as a person” you explain. “Y/n he practically has heart eyes when he talks to you” JJ butts in, Spencer lifting his hand with a thumbs up. Just then Rossi walks in “are any of you working?” He asks, Emily answers “we’re working on convincing y/n that Hotch is in love with them”, Rossi just laughs. Which says a lot more then his words ever could. “See?!” Derek shouts, gesturing to Rossi who’s still laughing to himself.
“See what?” Hotch’s voice rang through the bullpen from where he stood at the balcony infront of his office. “Nothing!” Everyone said in unison, other than you, you just sat with a confused, but amused look on your face. “Y/N, my office” Hotch said, Emily and Derek having to cover their mouths to keep from laughing. You, albeit nervously, walk upstairs and to Hotch’s office. “Sir” you say softly as you walk into his office, he follows behind you. “You’re not in trouble” he says, chuckling softly as he watches your shoulders relax. “That’s good- no actually that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day” you say, exasperated and relieved. “I wanted to make sure you were settling in well” he says, you smile “oh yea it’s been great!” you smile “everyone’s been absolutely lovely! You weren’t lying when you said it’s a family here”, he smiles softly “it’s good to know you’re feeling included” he says, he slides you over a peice of paper. “The higher ups want us to start getting written statements from the new hires, to make sure everything’s running smoothly, would you mind filling this out for me?” He asks, you nod, he starts again “well excuse me for a second” he says as he walks out of his office, closing the door behind him and starring at his team who were all standing as close to the wall as possible without being in the window. “Will you all mind your own business?” He says, a sea of small agreement and apologizing spilling from the team as they walk off, only Rossi staying behind. “Yes?” Hotch says, raising an eyebrow as he waits for Rossi’s inevitable, and probably sarcastic, remark. “Let them get through the first week before you ask them out” Rossi says, laughing to himself as he walks away, Hotch just smiles, once again reminded of the downside of working with profilers.
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I genuinely didn’t know how to end this sorrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy!!!!
I love you guys so so so much!
Remember to reblog and tell me what you thought of the fic!! Reblogs and feedback make the world keep spinning!!
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sim0nril3y · 10 months
I cannot get enough of ghost and his little civilian reader!!! I broke my arm today (boo do not recommend) but now I get to rest and fantasize about my favorite cod men lol. How do you think Simon would react if his girl broke her arm??
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Note: oh my, I'm so sorry to hear that you broke your arm, honey. I hope that you are doing okay and that you are on the mend now. Please try to enjoy your time resting and fantising about the wonderful men of COD. I hope that this helped bring you some comfort. Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), established relationship, broken arm, talk of pain, talk of pain medication, hospital talk, canon-typical swearing.
Simon was cursing himself. If he had been quicker then he might have been able to catch you before you slipped onto that patch of ice. Maybe if he’d been more observant Simon might have been able to steer you around it and avoid the problem all together. Hell, if he hadn’t insisted on walking on the side of the pavement closer to the road then it would have been him slipping and you wouldn’t be in agony sitting on an uncomfortable hospital bed after hours of waiting in A&E.
Not long after you’d been admitted they had taken you away for an x-ray to confirm that you had broken the bone, but that was something that Simon could have told them with utmost certainty considering he had heard the sickening crack of the bone breaking. It was a sound that was going to haunt his dreams for months, along with the sounds of your sobs and cries of pain, they had been imbedded into his mind and even now were echoing.
After you had been returned to him Simon kept a strong hand planted on you at all times, as if you were something that could be lost easily. It seemed to deescalate his anxiety just being able to hold you, that was something you even noticed through the haze of the pain relief they’d given you that hadn’t seemed to kick in entirely yet as your arm still throbbed in agony.
“Oi…” You said gently, gaining his attention as it focused in on your arm. Reaching over with your good hand to gently pinch Simon’s chin and force his gaze up into your eyes. “Will you stop it with that face?” You requested in a gentle voice. “What face?” Simon replied as if unaware that he looked like he had been kicked in the stomach over and over. “That face.” You whispered, gazing deeply into his eyes and gifting him a delicate smile, even if it didn’t quite reach your eyes from the pain you were fighting. “Yes, it’s broken but accidents happen-”
In a sharp tone Simon replied. “Not with me.” His brows pinched together, as if internally scolding himself for his short tone. “Not… not with me.” He said again, his voice lower and softer. “Accidents don’t happen with me and especially not to you.” You pat his hand that was gripping your knee tight and leaned back into the pillows finally feeling the pain relief beginning to take some effect. It was just in time too because the nurse had arrived to begin to cast your arm into an uncomfortable position to ensure that it would set right.
After that they sent you away with Simon, some instructions for the pain pills and a sling to help relieve the pressure on your broken arm.
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Arriving home Simon helped you through the front door, stepped inside behind you and carefully prying your coat from your wounded body. Then he knelt down and began to fight the knots from the laces on your boots. “I could do that, you know?” You informed him. “I know.” Simon answered before tilting his head up to look into your eyes. “But you’re gonna let me help you anyway.”
Gently you tugged your fingers through his hair and nodded in agreement. Simon helped you remove your boots and then rose up to his full height, glancing down at you as he cupped your cheek lovingly. “Let me get you settled, alright?” Coaxing you to walk in front and upstairs, Simon never took his hands from your body, keeping you clasped so that you didn’t stumble or injure yourself further. “Good girl…” He muttered softly as you entered your bedroom, Simon held you from behind and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of your head. “Let me get you out of these clothes, yeah?”
A tired scoff fell from your lips. “I broke my arm and you’re gonna help fix it with your-” “Behave.” Simon smirked. “Fuckin’ brat…” Then shaking his head as he crossed the room to gather some loose fitting clothes for you. They were his clothes. Simon loved seeing you dressed up in his clothes, but seeing you comforted by them after your injury hit him on a whole new level. “C’mere… We’ll get you into something comfortable and then you can rest. Okay?”
Gently nodding your head, you responded with an almost teasing tone. “Yes, sir~” Which earned a tested look from Simon before he carefully began to undress you. It was fine until he removed your shirt, trying to move your arm as little as possible. The movement earned a noise of discomfort from you, eyes squeezing closed and not a moment later Simon’s lips pressed against your forehead. “You’re okay. You’re okay.” He assured you gentle. “Not gonna let anything hurt you. Okay?”
You trusted him. In that single moment you knew you trusted Simon to protect you from any danger that would come your way. There was so much certainty to his voice. There was so much need to make sure that you were never going to be in pain again. “C’mon… bed…”
Now that you were dressed up in some of his clothes Simon lead you to your bed, pulling back the covers and placing you under them, tucking you in tight and ensuring that your arm was raised by a couple pillows. “Here.” He placed the remotes to the TV within you reach but knew that whatever you were going to put on you wouldn’t even last a couple minutes watching considering the way that your eyes were drooping closed now.
“Try and get some rest and I’ll make some food-” “Can you stay for a little while?” You questioned; your tone practically slurred from the exhaustion that was beginning to sweep through your body. “Course…” Simon agreed, moving to carefully slot in beside you, rubbing his fingers over your face, carefully drawing slow lines over your forehead, down your nose, coaxing you further into tiredness. “Can’t… can’t promise I’ll be… be good conversation…”
Simon chuckled quietly, kissing the hinge of your jaw tenderly and then requesting. “Sleep, babe. Get some rest for me.” He heard the way your breathing changed. He felt the way your body sank and your muscles relax and finally he whispered into your ear. “I will never let you fill this way again; I will never let anything or anyone hurt you.” He observing your peaceful slumbering face, knowing it was safe. “I love you.”
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Masterlist | Ask | 09-12-2023
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martinmuhl · 3 months
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⋆✧˚ ༘ prove it (part 2)
pair: paige bueckers x reader
warnings: cussing
summary: notorious player paige wants to take the star volleyball player out on a date
authors note: hi babies !!! sorry this one is so long i was just having so much fun w it! hope you enjoy <3
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
a week after your run in with paige, there’s radio silence. you hadn’t heard anything from the blonde basketball player. you couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed, no matter how many times you told yourself that she wasn’t going to prove anything. you knew paige… not well, but well enough. it had only been your first semester at uconn, but you knew paige’s reputation just like everyone else. she enjoyed sleeping around, but the last you’d heard of her sleeping around was 3 months ago with your teammate. as much as you were disappointed that you hadn’t heard from her though, you were at least happy you hadn’t heard that she was sleeping around. maybe she had changed.
shaking your head, you hear a knock at your door as you rolled out of bed. who could possible be here at 7am? you swung the door open, standing face to face with a girl you’d recognized as kk arnold. she was holding a boutique of daisies. kk was paige’s teammate, what was she doing here so early? and with flowers too?
“i think you have the wrong apartment,” you say, a confused look on her face at your words.
“oh no, i’m at the right place. you’re y/n, and oh yeah i’m kk!” she beamed, trying to shake your hand but not being able to set down the giant bouquet, “ah forget it, but my girl paige wanted me to drop these off since she has basketball workouts every morning this week so… i hope this isn’t weird, but she’s been on me about making this perfect so if you could just take them..” she trailed off, obviously nervous. you took the bouquet from her and set it down behind you.
“thank you kk. do you know how she found my apartment? also, why couldn’t she have dropped them off after her workout?” you ask. kk throws her hands up in a shrug and sighs.
“girl boo, i don’t know! paige is weird. she’s all shy and nervous and shit, ive never seen her act so weird,” she shrugs again, a sudden ‘oh shit’ look on her face. she starts digging around in her pockets, “shit i almost forgot this! paige would’ve killed me for real. here!” she hands a small folded note. “well, gotta go ball! see you y/n!”
you take the note, frozen in place. she sent kk to bring flowers and a note? so maybe she was trying to prove you wrong. “uh thanks kk! bye?” you shout at her as she hurries down the hall. after grabbing the bouquet of flowers, you head back inside your apartment and put them in a vase with water. you couldn’t wait any longer as you unfold the note from paige.
y/n, i hope you like the flowers! i didn’t know what your favorite flowers were so stay tuned… sorry i couldn’t deliver them to you myself. i have workouts every morning and im really busy this week. i got big things planned though for us. imma prove it to you, ma.
p.s. i hope you don’t think im a stalker… i asked your teammates for your address and your schedule. see you soon. <3
- paige
you smile and shake your head, giggling. you couldn’t believe paige was actually doing this for you. paige was notorious though so as much as your heart pounded at the thought of her trying so hard for just one date with you, you had to protect your heart until you fully trusted her. it was going to take a lot more than a bouquet of daisies delivered by her teammate.
up until friday, kk showed up at your door at 7am every day with a bouquet of flowers and a note from paige. monday was daisies, tuesday was peonies, wednesday was tulips, and thursday was lilies. friday morning rolled around though and kk didn’t show up that morning. disappointment rolled through you, but you couldn’t be too upset due to the fact that you knew paige was making an effort. she took the time to send flowers and a note every morning for the past week. you shouldn’t expect anything more.
friday was particularly busy for you as you had errands to run, workouts, class, then practice. the national college volleyball tournament was in just a few weeks and coach was running you guys ragged wanting to perfect every rotation. you played in every rotation so you were especially exhausted and sore after every practice this week. your day went by and still nothing from paige. no kk, no flowers, no notes. you shrugged it off, she was probably just busy today. she had already done so much this past week.
in the locker room before practice, you were telling your teammates about paige and what had been going on. allison, your teammate she had slept with, listened with wide eyes. you expressed that you hoped allison wouldn’t be upset with you or make it weird or anything for the sake of your friendship and team dynamic.
“girl we hooked up one time months ago, this is not weird or anything! i think it’s sweet and i think you should go for it! be careful though okay? we fucked and then she completely ghosted me so just be careful. make her work for it, you’re a special girl y/n. now come on before coach kills us for being late!” allison smiles, patting your back. you sighed, feeling relieved but taking her words very seriously. you would not let paige play you.
after practice, you stayed for a while just to get some reps by yourself. as you were shagging the balls, you heard someone enter the gym. it’s probably just a janitor. you continue with what you’re doing until you turn around and there’s paige at the other side of the gym, volleyballs in hand. you both walk toward the cart to place them in. you suddenly felt very nervous and flustered. it was late and she was here, helping you.
“uh thanks for the help. what are you doing here?” you muster out, feeling a blush creep onto your cheeks. stay calm, stay cool, don’t let her play her. those thoughts echoing in your head.
“i wanted to see you, ma. you weren’t at your apartment so i figured you were here. did you like the flowers?” she asks, smiling. her blonde hair was wet down her shoulders, she wore a white uconn basketball shirt, grey sweats, and a gold chain around her damn neck. oh you were fucked.
“i did, thank you. you didn’t have to do that though. the deal was that you keep your hands and mouth to yourself, not showering me with gifts.” you say, trying not to give in so easily to her charm.
“can’t i do both?” she asks, cocking her head with a smirk on her face.
“i guess…” you shrug. “im surprised though. i haven’t heard anything yet about your typical shenanigans. girls not finding you so irresistible lately?”
she laughs, throwing her head back. “i told you i was going to prove to you that i want to take you out. i am a woman of my word. now come on! i have one last surprise.” she quickly grabs your hand, pulling you towards a table in the corner of the gym. as you approach you see a bouquet of red and white roses and a basket full of goodies. you see snacks, gatorades, face masks, bath salts, fuzzy socks, and a coupon for a free massage. you turn to look at her, a smile bright on your face. she was making it so difficult to resist. she chewed on her lip watching you, she looked… nervous.
“our coach likes to work us really hard before big games so i figured yours probably does too… i’ve never made anyone anything like this before so i hope you like it. kk and aubrey helped me with it so…” she trails off, scratching the back of her neck. all you could do is gape at her. this was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for you. fuck it. you threw your arms around her, a silent thank you. she left out a deep breath, relaxing into the hug.
pulling away, you verbally thank her and insist that she doesn’t have to do all of this. she just shakes her head, asking if you need a ride home. you close up the gym and paige drives you and you basket of goodies back to your apartment. you begin to learn more about paige and realize that you had already begun to fall for her charm. as you pull up to your apartment building, you reach over and give her a hug, thanking her again for everything.
you pull away and slip out of the car. you begin to walk away as you hear her shout, “see you next week, ma!”
“what’s next week?” you shout back.
“your next surprise!” she smiles and drives off. you stand there stunned, you were falling for paige bueckers and you could only hope it doesn’t come back to bite you.
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mmelionsblog · 11 months
“Get out.” [Sam Golbach x Reader]
“Cause my love, is mine all mine”
WARNINGS: obsessive!samuel , JEALOUSY!!samuel , fluffy!samuel 🥰🥰
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There was yet another party Sam and Colby had thrown, and this time it was for them reaching 10 million subscribers on YouTube. You’ve known these boys ever since they’ve started filming back on vine, and now that they’ve came along way you couldn’t help but be proud of them and how they’ve achieved it all on their own.
This party was small, but still there was at least twenty people in the apartment you three owned. You were talking to Tara and Kat (Kat— who is still good friends with Sam even after what happened), when all of a sudden a random stranger you’ve never met came up to you. You were confused as to who he was, but Jake came up from behind the guy and patted on his shoulder and you slowly placed the pieces together. “Well hello Jake, hello Jake’s friend.” You smiled both at the two.
Between the middle of the conversation the three of you were having, you felt very uncomfortable with this new person Jake brought. He kept making comments about how you looked, how gorgeous you were, how he’d ’tap that ass’ (of course Jake’ would step in and tell him to stop), and would try to get close to you as possible.
You jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder from behind you. You looked to your right to see Sam, who was clearly glaring at the poor guy in front of him. “Hi guys,” Sam said with a chilling smile and taunting voice. Jake, who noticed, whispered to his buddy to try to calm down and stop with the jokes. “What’s up Sam!!” The guy had yelled. You winced as looks came your way, suddenly the eyes around y’all have left. “Hey.” Sam said with a forcing smile.
“What are y’all talking about over here?” Sam asked. “Nothing really, but I was just about to ask sweet cheeks over here something.” The guy looked you up and down and you cringed, backing up into Sam to cover half of your body behind his. “And what would that be?” Sam spoke for you. He knew already you didn’t like this, and you could tell Sam was already on hinge with this guy. You could see his sharp jawline as he grit his teeth. “Wonder if she’d like to go home with me toni—” the guy could barely finish his sentence before Sam punched the guy in the nose.
Now all eyes were on you three. “Sam!” You could hear Colby yell from the other side of the apartment. “Sam!” Colby yelled again, yet Sam couldn’t hear a thing coming from anyone at the apartment. All he saw was red, up until he felt familiar rough hands on his shoulders. He looked back to see Colby with a confused face, and you with a frightened face. He looked down to see that the guy who was previously flirting with you was knocked out cold, and now noticing all eyes were on him.
He coughed. “Uh—” Sam started off. “Brother, you’re a menace!” Corey shouted from the balcony up above. Laughter could be heard through out the apartment, but all he was concerned was about you right now. He looked to where you were standing, but you were seen with Kat in a corner with tears streaming down your face. His heart ached. Kat looked over with a stern look, shaking her head as she comforted you. “Can we call off the party?” Sam whispered to his best friend. He nodded.
“Alright! Party’s over. Time to go home,” Colby yelled. Boo’s could be heard but nonetheless people respected and gathered their things to leave. On the other side of the apartment, he saw Tara giving you a hug and Katrina still talking to you. Everyone finally left, Jake having to carry his embarrassment of a friend out of the apartment.
It was just the four of you guys now. Sam, Colby, Katrina, and you. The boys didn’t mind that Katrina was still there, they knew she meant good intentions and they knew the two of you were extremely close. “I don’t know what got in him,” you whispered to her.
Kat sighed, knowing exactly what you meant. “That’s how he’s like.” She responded. “He gets jealous very easily, that I know of. That right there was definitely jealousy, and if Colby wasn’t here nobody would’ve been able to stop it. Trust me. The only one who can pull him out of what he’s seeing is the one he loves the most, besides Colby. I’ve had to do it myself before,” she mumbled.
“I know Sam likes you.” She said. Your eyes widened, and you looked at her with confusion. “He doesn’t—, I’ve been his best friend since literally when we were in high school, and plus I still think he loves you completely.” You told her. She sighed with a sad smile, “listen, I am glad things ended the way they did. Because I was not the one for him, and nor was he the one for me. Everyone can clearly see, our closest friends, Colby, that you two were made for each other. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don’t love him.” You couldn’t do it. She was right.
Kat nodded. “Now, go get Sam and have a talk with him. Tell me how it goes, all the gossip and details girl. I need to know!” She kissed you on the cheek and waved goodbye to the boys, and then left.
It was now just you, Sam, and Colby. It was quiet. “I’ll start in the kitchen,” you barely spoke but they heard you. You started to clean up, but you could hear whispers from the living room. You rolled your eyes as you saw the two doing absolutely nothing except talking. “Are you guys gonna help or…?” You asked. The two nodded, Sam walking your way and Colby staying in the living room throwing trash into a black trash bag.
It was silent with you and Sam in the kitchen, the only noise being the sound of cans and plastic bottles and plates being moved around. “Can we talk?” Sam asked you, you stopped moving and your eyes widened. Was Katrina really telling you the truth?
“About?” You asked him. “About the incident… listen I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I didn’t mean to make you scared or frightened, I was just… something snapped inside me and I didn’t like the way he talked to you.” You hummed. You noticed Colby silently walking up the stairs with a smile on his face, and you looked at him confusingly. He gave you a thumbs up, and then he vanished. “Listen… Princess,” he spoke.
He took a deep breath in, and exhaled. “I like you.” He told you. “Scratch that, I love you.” He spoke. “I lost my chance years ago when I had the moment to tell you, but then Katrina came into my life. At the end of our relationship, you knew it was rocky because of what I was feeling then with her, but believe me when I say this. It didn’t feel right with her. It didn’t set right with me. I still felt like there was a hole in my heart, and I finally noticed why. You are my one, I know you are my one.” He whispered, so dangerously close that he could hear your shaky breathing.
“Please say something Princess…” Sam whispered, his lips almost ever touching your earlobe. “I like you too.” You whispered back. He felt a wave of anxiety wash off of his body, he dropped half of his weight onto toy, dropping the stuff he was holding and wrapping his arms around your waist. You slowly placed your own arms on his. “Can I kiss you?” He asked. His eyes scanning your face.
You nodded.
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harunayuuka2060 · 8 months
MC's brother: Peek-a-boo!
Baby Liora: *giggles*
MC's brother: Omg! He definitely likes me!
MC's brother: Because of that, here's a gift for you~.
MC's father: What is he going to do with your photo?
MC's brother: Father, this face of mine can ward off evil spirits. Duh~. 🙄
MC's brother: This will work as a protective charm for him. 😌
MC's father: Evil spirits are not scared of your face. They are just annoyed.
MC's brother: Father, you're such a hater. 😒
Falena and his wife: *chuckles*
Falena: Your father and your brother are fascinating to be around, MC.
MC: ...
MC: At times, yes.
Leona: Though the sister is a different case. Tch. Good she didn't tag along this time.
MC's brother: *heard him* Well, she said she needed to do something and it was unfortunate that she wouldn't be able to play with her nephew.
MC's brother: Like I'm going to believe that.
MC's father: Still, you need to be nice to your sister.
MC's brother: Being nice goes both ways. She was never nice. Why would I be nice to her?
MC's father: You should at least pretend to be considerate. Unlike you and MC, she didn't get the chance to meet her mother.
MC's brother: What the heck? MC didn't get to meet theirs too and you never tried to be considerate of them. What's that? Favoritism?
Falena and his wife: ...
MC and Leona: ...
MC's father: ...
MC's father: I am so sorry. My son doesn't know how to control his mouth sometimes.
MC: ...
MC: Playtime's over. I'm bringing Liora back to our room.
MC: *their brother handed Liora to them*
MC's brother: Bye-bye, Liora! See you next time?
Baby Liora: *lets out a cute smile*
MC: ...
MC's brother: Sorry.
MC: It's fine. We can't really do anything about your talkativeness.
Leona: ...
Leona: You never got the chance to meet your mother?
MC: I was entrusted to her loyal servant.
MC: And the nanny would show her portrait to me from time to time.
Leona: ...
Leona: I see.
MC: ...
MC: Is there something more you would like to ask?
Leona: Do you know where your mother is?
MC: She must be living somewhere in Briar Valley.
Leona: Hm. Do you want to visit her? We can go there and spend a few week's vacation.
MC: There's no need when I feel no attachment to her.
Leona: Okay. If you say so.
MC: *watching Liora sleeping in his crib*
MC's mother: Oh dear... How beautiful you are...
MC's mother: I wish Mama could watch you grow.
*Her kissing their forehead.*
MC's mother: I love you.
MC: Even if you had disappointed me the day you were born,
MC: I promise to never leave you, Liora.
Baby Liora: *smiling in his sleep*
Leona: *who is listening behind the door*
Leona: ...
A servant: My lady, I have refilled your honey glass jar.
MC's sister: Alright. You may go now.
*The servant bowed and left.*
MC's former attendant: My lady, have you been craving honey again?
MC's sister: Yes. I could never live a life without honey. To be honest, I'm planning to share it with MC the next time we visit to the Royal Palace.
MC's sister: I'm sure they're going to like it.
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alotofpockets · 2 months
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Sticks & stones | Mary Earps x Man United!Reader
Where Mary says something hurtful
Woso masterlist | Words: 1k
You signed for Manchester United in the January transfer window, the team wanted to up their defence the rest of the season, and you had been their best option to do so. 
The team had welcomed you with open arms, but not everything went as smoothly as you had hoped. You didn’t let it bother you much though, knowing that you just had to prove yourself to the team for them to accept you into it fully.
Your playing style was something new to the team. While you were a very sweet, kind, and caring person off the pitch, your on pitch personality was a stark difference. You were very confident on the pitch, which was often perceived as arrogance. That was the part that bothered Mary the most.
She was fine with a new defender coming in to help get their defence better, making her job as a goalkeeper easier. But the arrogance you brought to their game was something she could not wrap her head around. 
After a couple of matches, you had won over the fans and most of the players as well. However, Mary was not one of them, though at points you thought you were even managing to make a little progress with the goalie.
When the semi-final match against Manchester City came around, you were one of the key players, and often got yourself a starting position, having become a crucial part of the defence. 
City had managed to put one in the back of the net, and so had United a few minutes later. The teams were both well matched to each other, which of course was to be expected since the both of you made it this far into the competition.
Going into the 75th minute the score was still level, and both teams were feeling the pressure. Chloe Kelly was making a run towards your goal after intercepting a ball in midfield. You and Mary were the only ones between her and the goals, so you knew you had to do everything to stop her. 
You went in a little too aggressively, and to your frustration completely missed the ball and slid fully into Chloe’s ankle. As she topples over you and the referee comes running your way, you know you messed up. The referee reaches into her pocket and pulls out a red. 
In defeat you stand up and watch the referee point the card in your direction. Katie and Millie ran up to tell the referee down to a yellow, but you knew it was to no use. The first red in your career, never even haven’t gotten red after a double yellow. 
As you were about to walk off, you heard the words from Mary coming from behind you. “Great, just what we needed, another arrogant show-off that might cost us the game.” Her words were more to herself than to anyone in particular, but they were loud enough for you to hear.
The teammates you passed consoled you as you walked off the pitch, but their words wouldn’t erase the ones that were spoken by the English goalkeeper. The booing from the City fans was also not a great feeling.
In the locker room you go over the moment in your head again. Getting red alone would have gotten you down, but with Mary’s words on replay, you were sitting there with tears in your eyes. 
When your teammates started trickling in you were already showered and back in your travel outfit. Some of them came towards you offering a quick hand in support. You had been able to keep up with the score of the match on your phone, and luckily your teammates managed to kick another one in the back of the net and secure Manchester United a spot in the final. A final match you would have to sit out. 
Mary, who’s cubby was next to yours, offered a hand on your shoulder, but you shook it off. “Eh okay, what did I do?” Mary questions jokingly, not realising that you had let your other teammates do what she just did. You look her right in the eyes and say, “Sticks and stones, right?” 
The goalkeeper thinks hard of what you meant, but you thought you’d help her remember. “Arrogant show-off. Words hurt, you know? I admit that I went in too aggressively, but I wasn’t trying to show off, I was trying to prevent her being able to get one on one with you.” You kept your voice low, not wanting to interrupt the rest of the team from celebrating.
“I am sorry for saying that. I really didn’t mean it. In the moment I was very frustrated and therefore wasn’t thinking clearly.” You sighed, “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t still think of me that way.” 
Mary is quick to shake her head, “I really don’t. You are an incredible player and you have given so much to this team. I don’t think we would have been here today if it wasn’t for what you brought to our game.” 
You stare at her dumbfounded for a moment, “You do?” You thought you had a long way to go to convince the goalkeeper of your worth, but she thought of your playing like this? “Yeah, of course. I’m sorry if I didn’t make it seem that way, and again very sorry for what I said on the pitch.”
From that moment on you felt fully part of the team, without having to prove yourself, playing with them became even more enjoyable. While you sadly weren’t able to play in the final yourself, the team did manage to win the title, and knowing that you had been a part in that, was all that mattered now.
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging!💗
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korraven · 19 days
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Everything had gone to hell in a handbasket. The mission had been straightforward, but those never stayed simple, did they? Gambit crouched behind a stack of crates, the darkened corridor barely lit by flickering emergency lights. His breath was steady, but his mind raced. He’d been separated from the team, and worse, he had no idea where she was. Y/N.
He had been keeping tabs on everyone, but somehow, in the middle of all the chaos, she’d vanished. His heartbeat quickened at the thought of her lost, maybe hurt. The usual cool confidence he carried with him was slipping. He was tweaking bad. But Remy knew he had to stay sharp, stay focused. Losing his cool wouldn’t do Y/N or anyone any good.
The soft crackle of a radio broke through the silence, but it was faint—too faint to get anything useful. Gambit grimaced and pushed onward, moving through the shadows like a ghost. He knew how to stay invisible when he needed to, but this time, it wasn’t a game. He needed to find her.
He could feel his nerves tightening, something he wasn’t used to. They’d always had their little game—sneaking up on each other during missions. He’d lean in, whisper “Peek-a-boo” in her ear, and she’d respond with “I see you,” the two of them sharing a playful smile before moving on to whatever danger awaited. It was their thing.
But now? Now there was no playful whisper, no lighthearted moment. Just silence, and the gnawing worry that something had gone wrong. Gambit wasn’t the type to lose his edge, but right now, his usual swagger was being replaced by something darker—fear.
“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath, ducking into another hallway. His mind raced with a thousand possibilities—each one worse than the last. He shook his head trying to rid of those thoughts, not Y/N. Not his chér.
Then he heard it. A quiet shuffle behind him. He spun around, cards charged and ready, but before he could react, a pair of hands covered his eyes.
For a split second, Gambit’s heart stopped. His body froze as his mind caught up with the fact that she was there, right behind him. He let out a shaky breath, and a grin spread across his face, relief flooding his chest like cool water after a blistering heat.
He reached up, taking her hands off his eyes and spinning around. “I see you, chérie,” he breathed, his voice low and full of emotions he didn’t usually let surface.
Y/N smiled at him, though he could tell she’d been through the ringer. Her hair was a little messy, and there was dirt on her cheek, but she was very much alive.
“Aww, were you worried Remy?” she teased lightly, though her own eyes glimmered with relief.
“Worried? Nah,” he lied, the smirk returning to his lips. “Gambit don’t worry ‘bout nothin’.” But even as he said it, the way his hands lingered on her arms told the truth. He’d been scared as hell.
Y/N chuckled softly, but her hand reached up to touch his cheek for just a moment, a silent thank you for the unspoken concern. Gambit gave her a lopsided grin, his nerves finally settling, but just beneath the surface, he knew—this was no game anymore.
“Next time, don’t wander off too far from Gambit, huh?” he said, his voice more serious than usual.
“I’ll won’t go to far, promise.” she replied, her smile soft but firm.
“Cher…” Gambit spoke again, this time his voice soft.
“Yeah?” Y/N hummed looking him in his eyes.
Gambit let out a deep sigh, cupping her girls cheek with his hand.
Gambit’s thumb continued to trace soft circles on her cheek, and the air between them grew thick with unspoken feelings. His eyes, usually dancing with mischief, were serious now, searching her face like he was memorizing every detail. He leaned in, just enough that their foreheads brushed together, his breath warm against her lips.
"Good, chérie. Let’s keep it that way," he murmured again, his voice barely audible, filled with a quiet intensity.
Y/N’s heart raced, the closeness making her head spin in a way that had nothing to do with the mission. Her hand slid up to rest on his chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath her fingertips, steady but strong. She didn’t say anything—she didn’t need to. The way her eyes softened and the way her lips parted slightly was enough to tell him everything.
Gambit hesitated for just a fraction of a second, like he was giving her a chance to pull away. But when she didn’t, when her eyes fluttered closed in anticipation, that was all the invitation he needed.
He closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a kiss that was gentle at first, as if testing the waters. But the second he felt her respond, he deepened it, his other hand sliding around her waist, pulling her closer.
“Remy—” Y/N let out a breathy sigh, her voice trembling slightly.
Gambit held her close, his gaze pouring into hers, every second feeling like it stretched out between them. “Shh, chére… *Je veux savourer ce moment au cas où je n'aurais pas l'occasion de le faire à nouveau*,” he whispered, his accent thick, the French words slipping from his lips with an intimacy that made her pulse race.
She smiled softly and pecked his lips once more, a lingering touch before pulling back, her hand gently slipping from his chest. “We need to get back to the others,” she murmured, her breath still unsteady but her resolve strong.
Gambit sighed deeply, his arms loosening around her. He knew she was right, but he didn’t want to let her go—not yet. “D'accord, chérie,” he said reluctantly, his smirk returning as his hand brushed her cheek one last time. “But this ain’t over.”
Y/N chuckled softly, giving him one last look before turning to lead the way, her heart still pounding from the kiss, knowing they had a mission to finish but also knowing things between them would never be the same.
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fr4nkoce4n · 8 months
𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏! ʲᵃᶜᵏ ʰᵘᵍʰᵉˢ
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in which jack comes home in a bad mood after getting eliminated from the playoffs but his two girls are always there for him.
song- watch you sleep. - girl in red
jack felt off, almost empty as he pulled into the driveway of his home. a frown was displayed on his face, after getting eliminated from the playoffs. his team had played a good game, but not good enough.
he opened his car door grabbing his bags and keys, making his way to the front door and opening it with one swift movement.
he dropped his bags to the ground and looked around, no one to be seen, the tv was turned off and all that could be heard was the song here comes the sun by the beatles.
it was his 4year old daughter, matilda’s favourite song, she would try her best to sing along to it, not able to even get the words correct. it always brought a smile to his face.
he made his way into the kitchen without trying to disrupt anything. he stopped from a distance as he saw his wife with matilda propped up on her right hip, dancing and singing around the kitchen as she was making something.
jack leaned against the frame of the window and just watched, a look of happiness spread across his face.
you had had a big night, from watching the game, to trying to make dinner, to trying to make matilda stop crying. the crying was never ending, and for what reason? she could never figure it out, tilly was now 4 but she was just always crying. and when you couldn’t make it stop you felt like a horrible mother.
at this very moment you had matilda on your hip and you were trying to distract her so she would stop crying. you danced around and even started singing before she stopped crying.
it was rough when jack had to go on a roadie, meaning you had to put in that little bit of extra effort around the house.
you weren’t going to lie, it was a little bit relieving knowing jack wouldn’t have alot of hockey to focus on after losing tonight. you sure felt bad for your husband though.
“need a hand?” jack spoke up and took matilda out of his wife’s hands and pulled her in for a hug, “dada!” matilda cheered and dug her head into her dads neck.
“hey tills!” jack greeted, placing a sweet kiss on his daughters forehead.
“im sorry about the game jack.” you spoke and gave your husband a peck on lips.
“it’s okay, we tried our best.” he sighed, you could tell he was upset about it all.
“i need to finish dinner, could you go give her a bath?” you ask quietly.
“of course.”
jack carried matilda to the bathroom and turned on the bath tub. he grabbed out the basket full of tillys bath toys.
“which ones do you want tonight?” jack asked as he spread them out along the ground.
she picked up her favourite ones and placed them in the bath gently, as if they had feelings.
“good pick.” jack smiled picking up the rest of the toys and putting them away.
once the bath was full jack placed matilda in the bath and she played in there while jack washed her.
as her daddy put shampoo into her hair she looked up at him, she easily noticed that he wasn’t as talkative as he usually was and looked like he was sad.
“daddy?” she questioned.
“yes tilly baby?”
“do you have a boo boo?” she sat up in the bath and jack stopped massaging her scalp with conditioner.
“no honey, why do you ask?”
“your sad, what’s wrong daddy?” she frowned. “is it because you lost?”
“yes baby.” he sighed.
“it’s okay.” she placed her hand on top of his hoping to turn his frown into a smile.
a smile broke out on jack’s face, “thank you. can i ask you a question?”
she nodded gently.
“why do you get so upset all the time darling girl?” he asked curiously.
tilly looked like she was about to start crying again, “i miss you daddy.”
jacks heart swelled but also dropped, he wished that he could be there all the time for his girls.
“im always with you, in here.” he poked her little chest gesturing to her heart. “but baby, you need to stop getting so upset, it’s really hard on mummy, she feels bad when she can’t make you feel better.”
“do I make mummy sad?”
“not sad, she just feels like a bad mummy.” he sighed, knowing tilly most likely didn’t understand him anyway.
“she’s not a bad mummy!” she sort of yelled.
“she’s not. now come on, let’s get you dry and changed and into bed gorgeous.”
jack changed her into her pyjamas and placed her into her big girl bed pulling the blanket over her.
she closed her eyes straight away, but just was jack was about to shut the door she spoke up. “daddy?”
“i wont cry tonight so mummy feels better.”
“come see me if you want me baby.”
he left a gap in the door and made his way into the kitchen, his amazing wife had made his favourite meal, spaghetti bolognaise.
“ugh it looks and smells amazing baby.” he placed a kiss on your forehead and sat down next to you to eat.
you both dug into your food and ate up.
“im sorry you didn’t make it through to the next round.” you spoke quietly.
“it’s okay, I want to be here more for tilly, do you know why she cries so much?” he questioned his wife, she shared a look with him.
“no clue, I can’t get a peep out of her when she’s crying.” you frown.
“she said it’s because she misses me…” he sighed, he felt horrible. “i knew i would be a horrible dad.”
“hey hey hey, no your an amazing dad, tilly loves you, she wouldn’t want any other dad in the world.” you grabbed your husbands hand. “and I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my husband.”
you grab your husbands hand and drag him to tillys room and open the door, she is laid in her bed peacefully, “sometimes when your on a roadie i miss you so much so i come in here and watch her sleep. she looks exactly like you jack, and she calms me.”
jack remembered when tilly was first born, he would stay in her room for ages and watch her sleep because he was so worried something would happen to his girl.
but now, like his wife said, it was calming.
the way her little chest moved up and down as she breathed, the way she would move around every now and then and the way she would cuddle her snoopy teddy which had a devils jersey on it.
“we made her.” jack spoke softly.
“yeah. we did.” she grabbed jacks hand and leaned onto his shoulder.
this moment was the only moment he ever wanted, who cared about making it to the next round when he had his two girls at home?
they were all he ever needed.
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muffinpink02 · 6 months
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Leah and Lucy have never got on. An event they both attend brings them a little bit closer. Do they start to see things eye to eye? God I hate summary's.
Chapters 1 of 4 part 2 here
Warnings - Smut, all the good stuff
Lucy is a friendly person, she gets on with most people she meets. She’s easy going, she isn’t an in your face kind of person, she keeps herself to herself. She’s respectful to others, and even if she didn’t agree with something, she would still be able to get along with the person in a friendly manner.
But there was one person Lucy didn’t get on with, and her name is Leah Williamson.
Lucy and Leah’s dislike for each other started a couple years back. The hatred started when they first played against each other in Leah’s first over 21’s game.
The girls had never officially met prior to the game. Though Leah had already heard about Lucy, she was becoming a known name within women’s football. Lucy had a couple years on Leah, and if Leah was honest she was a bit nervous to play against her. She had heard how good she was and how hard she was to get past on the pitch.
It had gone half time and the game was getting to Leah. She had barely touched the ball and when she did, the defender was always hot on her heels. Lucys team was up by 3.
7 minutes into the second half and Leah finally had possession of the ball. She was clear, nobody was in her way. She could see the goal keeper trying to work out where she was going to shoot. She could practically taste the goal, until she felt a strong body next to hers. Lucy was able to get the ball back with no issue, she hardly even touched the blonde. Lucy cleared the ball away, and Leah lost it. She didn’t think about what she was doing. She tackled Lucy, hard. She knew the ball was gone. She could have easily stopped herself, but her anger got the better of her. She went in hard with her right foot, against the defender’s shin.
As soon as she heard the brunette cry out she regretted it. Lucy was rolling on the floor, holding her leg, she could see the pain in her face. She knew it was a stupid thing to do. The ref blew her whistle and held up a red card.
She heard the boo’s from the crowd. She then felt someone shove her, it was Jordan Nobbs. “What are you playing at?” She was in Leah’s face now, pure anger in her voice.
Her own teammates got in-between them. The ref came over and told Leah to leave the pitch. It all happened so fast. She could feel the dread in her stomach. She looked again at the brunette. She saw tears in the defenders eyes, the medics were beside her in seconds.
Lucy had to miss two games because of the injury. And she never got an apology from the girl. Leah was suspended for 3 games.
After the game Leah’s manager didn’t hold back. She told her how stupid it was, how it affects the team, even how she could have ruined the other players life with an injury, and everything else to make her feel bad. Even a few of her team mates made a few comments. Lucy had played with these girls in previous teams so they probably had some kind of friendship with her.
Since then they couldn’t stand each other. For Lucy it was the sheer lack of respect Leah had for her. Leah knew she did wrong that day. The shame of what she did turned into embarrassment, that then turned into anger and resentment towards the defender.
Over the years it always got heated on the pitch when they played against each other. There would be a pull of the shirt here, and stepping on an ankle there. It was a known fact that they couldn’t stand each other. Some people joked that they needed to have it out in the boxing ring.
“Yeah the green looks good!” Georgia was on Lucy’s phone screen, the girls decided to FaceTime each other to get the approval of what they were wearing for the charity event.
Lucy and many other players had been invited to a charity event in London. It was a charity to help children get into sports all over the world. A lot of big names were going to be at the event, so she wanted to look good. Thankfully some of the England squad were going, it was always easier at these things when you knew a few faces. She messaged Georgia, Ella, Alessia and Keira to see what they were wearing. And that’s how she came to have Georgias face on her phone.
Lucy stood in her floor length mirror, looking at herself. She knew she could rock a suit, but dahm she looked good in this one. “Yeah I think I’ll go with this one.” She pushed her glasses back up her nose and smiled at herself.
She took a few photos and sent them to the group chat with Georgia, Keira, Alessia and Ella. She got responses quickly.
Ella - Yessss Bronze!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 FITTT
Georgia - 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 DRIP
Keira - Nice!! 👌 ❤️
Alessia - Love it Lucy!!! You look good 😍😍
Lucy was happy to get the approval from her friends. They also sent their outfits photos, to which they all looked good, and Lucy hyped them up just the same.
A few hours later Lucy was in her home gym. The brunette was working out a sweat on her punch bag. Thats when she got a call from her agent. She pulled off one of her gloves straps with her teeth. She answered it, loud speaker on.
“Hey Lucy! Can you talk? Is it a bad time?”
Lucy breathed hard, wiping the sweat from her four head with her arm. “Hi Lisa, no, all good, I’m just working out. What’s up?”
Lisa sounded weird, like she was excited but there was a slight off tone to it. “Oh, great. Well I was just calling to let you know the organisers at the charity event wants you to announce one of the awards.” 
Lucy wasn’t surprised by the request, she was an ambassador for a charity herself.
“Yeah, sounds good. It’s not a long speech is it?”
“No, no. Just a quick award, the usual..”
Lucy could hear there was something else in Lisa voice, she had heard it before when giving Lucy bad news. “What’s wrong Lisa?”
Lisa waited a few seconds before answering. “They want you to present the award with someone.”
Lucy scrunched her face in confusion, why would that be a problem?
“Right, that’s fine? Isn’t that what happens most of the time? Who’s it with?”
Lisa once again fell silent. “….They want you to do the award with Leah Williamson.”
Lucy stopped mid stretch.
“Are you serious? Please tell me you’re joking? Why would they do that?”
Lisa scoffed, “Probably to make it seem like even they can bring two mortal enemies together with the power of charity.” Lucy could hear the sarcasm in Lisa’s voice.
The brunette shut her eyes in frustration and took a deep breath through her nose. “Well I’m just gong to have to do it, I don’t need to talk to the girl.”
Lisa sounded relieved. “Thank god. I’ll tell them you’ll do it. It’ll be fine, you don’t need to be best friends. Anyways, I’ll let you go, I’ll send you more details once I have them.”
Lucy started to fit the boxing glove back to her left hand. “Okay, sounds good. Talk to you later.”
Lisa ended the call. Lucy went back to her boxing bag. At least she’ll have something to focus her anger while boxing now.
2 weeks had passed and tonight was the charity event. Lucy was getting ready in her room. She had gone for light natural make up and was rocking her green suit with a clean white vest top that showed off her abs through the thin fabric and a pair of white Nike air max to finish it off. Her hair in her signature bun.
She was trying not to think about the fact that she was going to have to share the stage with Leah tonight. The last 2 weeks the her teammates had joked about the situation. They even had bets on who would win in a fight, Lucy was more than pissed that 4 of the girls on the team actually picked Leah.
She was interrupted from her thoughts when a text came through.
Alessia - outside x
Lucy had a car picking her up for the event, luckily Alessia lived close by so they were able to go to the event together. Lucy took one more look in her mirror and made her way outside. She was more than relieved to have Alessia with her. She opened the door to see the striker in a beautiful gold dress.
“Hey Luce! Oh my god, you look even better in real life! I love the suit.”
Lucy smiled, she loved it when Alessia hyped her up, it always seemed so genuine.
“Thanks Russo. You look stunning, gold really suits you.”
Alessia smiled at the compliment, she actually seemed shy from the comment. “Thank you Luce. I’m looking forward to tonight, there’s going to be an after party!”
Lucy smiled at her teammate, she loved how enthusiastic she was being, it made her think tonight wasn’t going to be too bad. They chatted all the way to the event, even taking some selfies. They arrived to a sea of photographers, flashing lights everywhere. Lucy would never get used to this part of the job. Photo shoots she could live with, but this was always a whole other world. She was just thankful to have someone with her.
She felt Alessia touch her back. A gentle reminder that she wasn’t alone. They made their way through the sea of flashing lights. They finally caught up with their teammates. They grabbed a sofa area before they could sit at their assigned seats.
Ella was sitting next to Lucy on the sofa, she nudged Lucy with her elbow. Lucy turned to see why Ella was bugging her. She smirked at Lucy and nodded her head to the direction in front of her.
“Eh up, it’s your co-host Bronze. Wow, she looks hot.”
Lucy looked in the direction Ella had nodded to, and she was right. There stood Leah, she was chatting to a TV host Lucy recognised but couldn’t tell you the name of. Lucy screwed up her face at the ‘hot’ comment. “Oi, whose side are you on? You can’t say she’s hot.”
Ella laughed and looked back at the blonde “Na sorry Luce, she does look hot, you have eyes, you can’t say she doesn’t look good.” The other girls had now taken interest in the conversation and looked around to see for themselves.
Keira was first to comment. “Oh yeah, she does look good. I knew she was fit but wow.” Lucy curled up her lip in disbelief. “Erm, sorry did we forget we don’t like her?” A smile crept of her face and the girls and Lucy laughed.
She did take a look at the blonde herself and the girls weren’t wrong, she did look good, Lucy could easily admit that. Leah was wearing a black dress that hugged her at the best bits, a high opening at the top of her thigh, exposing a bit of skin, and gold heels to finish it off. Her hair was down and straight. Lucy couldn’t take her eyes off her.
They were finally able to sit at their assigned seats. All the girls were together, with a few other names on their table. Ella was making small talk about football with Rylan Clarke and Lucy and the others stayed on their phones. They had been to events like this before and they could be a little boring, so no one judged you for having a scroll through your phone.
Lucy had a few glasses of Prosecco to give her some Dutch courage. It’s not like she was shaking in her seat with nerves but it always made it easier having a few bubbles in you, she also wasn’t sure how this was going to go with Leah. They hadn’t even acknowledged each other since they arrived.
Half an hour later a member of staff came to collect Lucy. The girls wished her luck. She was feeling fine, the alcohol was definitely helping, she wasn’t drunk but felt warm and light. She was ushered back stage where she found Leah already waiting. The blonde gave her a tight smile and nod, Lucy returned it. She couldn’t help but notice how good the blonde looked. They had at least 5 minutes before they had to walk on stage. Lucy was listening to the other presenters on stage, trying not to make it anymore awkward than it already was.
“I can’t do it.”
Lucy turned around to a pale looking Leah. She looked like a deer in headlights
“I can’t do this, I’m freaking out. God I knew I should have just said no.” Leah was starting to panic, she could feel her hands shaking.
She bent forward hands on her knees the girl looked liked she was about to be sick. Lucy gingerly stepped forward to Leah, she put her hand out to touch Leah’s back but thought better of it.
Leah wanted the floor to swallow her whole, she couldn’t believe she was having a breakdown in front of Lucy. Of all people.
Lucy wasn’t really sure what to do. She didn’t know Leah, she didn’t have the best relationship with the girl. Now she was having a meltdown, moments before they were meant to be on live television. She would be more than happy to go out alone if she needed to.
Leah stood up she looked like she was about to cry. For some reason seeing Leah close to tears stirred something inside of the brunette. She didn’t like the girl but she didn’t want to see her like this either.
Leah could feel her eyes watering, she was in full panic now.
“Leah it’s okay. You can do this, you’ve had bigger audiences than this, this is nothing for you.” Lucy was sure that would be enough.
Leah puffed out her cheeks, a tear falling from her eye. “God, sorry, I can’t believe I’m crying in front of you.” Lucy couldn’t believe Leah was this nervous. Their history was pushed aside for a moment.
Lucy took Leah by the shoulders. Leah was clearly taken aback by the touch and tensed up under Lucy’s hands. “Hey, look, I know this isn’t the easiest of things, I get it. I hated doing things like this before. But you are Leah fucking Williamson, one of the best football players out there, what do you have to be nervous about?”
Leah wiped her eye and chuckled. “Wow, I did not ever expect to hear those words come out of your mouth.” She could feel Lucy’s strong hands on her bare skin. She was close enough to smell her perfume. It smelt like a perfume Leah had of her own. The touch distracted her for a split second from her worries. She also couldn’t believe Lucy had said she thought she was a good football player.
Lucy smiled, she was happy to see she got the girl to laugh, Lucy once again couldn’t help but notice just how beautiful the girl was up close. She felt her tension leave her shoulders.
“Yeah, well don’t get used to it. Look, if you want I can do all the talking, you can read out the winner? Or you can just come out? I’m easy.” Lucy stepped back, letting go of the blonde.
Leah sniffled and took a deep breath, dabbing the corners of her eyes lightly, trying not to mess up her make up. “Could you maybe do the talking, and we read out the winner together?…If thats okay?” Lucy couldn’t help but notice how weak her voice sounded.
“No, that’s all good with me. Don’t worry you’ll be fine. Just breathe through it.” Lucy gave her a small smile.
Leah gave her a genuine smile back. Before any more could be said a young girl from the stage crew came over, with a headset on. “Hey ladies, okay, your cues will be in front of you on the projector with your names. Make sure to smile and no swearing.” She smiled and ushered them over to the side of the stage. She looked to be listening to someone in her ear. “I have Lucy and Leah now, they are clear to go.” Lucy then heard their names being called out on the speakers by a pre recorded voice, the lady smiled and gestured for them to go on stage.
Lucy started to walk, she could hear the audience clapping. She then felt a hand hook around her arm. Lucy looked around to see Leah attached to her. Leah smiled at her almost pleading her not move her arm away, she clearly needed the support.
Leah didn’t realise she had reached out to Lucy. She needed to feel something close to her, she needed something to ground her. Lucy smiled and carried on walking, she pulled Leah closer to her without thinking twice. As soon as Lucy pulled the girl closer, Leah felt like she could breathe again.
Lucy read out all the script, like she said she would, still feeling Leah attached to her arm. They read out the winner together, still noticing how small Leah’s voice was. They congratulated the winner and walked off the stage, Leah walking close by her side.
Another crew member came over, with a headset on his head. “Well done guys, could you follow me please.” They followed the young boy back stage and back down to the floor. Lucy was first to get to her table, and before she could do or say anything, the boy ushered Leah back to her own table. Leah looked like she was about to say something but was quickly rushed by the crew member.
Lucy stood with her back to the table, she watched Leah go to her own table. She turned to see her teammates were staring at her like she had grown two heads.
“What?…is there something on my face?” Panic set in thinking she had done something embarrassing. She slowly sat down, eyes still on her, but no one was talking.
“What’s wrong? What did I do? Did I say the names wrong?”
Ella spoke first. “What was that about?” She nodded her head towards Leah’s table. Ella smiled. “Are you two best friends now?”
Realisation kicked in. Lucy laughed. How was she going to explain this? She wasn’t going to go into detail about Leah’s meltdown, friends or not she wasn’t someone who would talk about someone else behind their back. “She just needed a bit of help. No big deal.” The girls looked at each other, a few smiles and lost looks on their faces.
Georgia laughed. “Well, you looked good together.” The girls all laughed, Lucy laughed with them.
For a split second the comment had Lucy’s mind wonder to what it would be like to be with Leah in more ways than one.
She was interrupted by her thoughts when Keira jumped in. “You did well up there Lucy.” Keira smiled a genuine smile at her and raised her glass. Alessia was pouring Lucy a new glass to drink. The girls all raised their glasses. “To Lucy!” Shouted Ella. They all cheersed and took a drink from their glasses.
“Awww thanks guys.” The girls went into their own conversations. Lucy looked around the room, spotting a few famous faces she recognised, another part of the job she still hadn’t gotten used to. She turned to the right of her, and caught a pair blue eyes watching her. Leah’s blue eyes.
Leah quickly looked away, trying her hardest to act like she hadn’t just been caught in 4k.
Lucy looked back at her drink, smiling to herself as she took a sip of her Prosecco.
Leah kicked herself internally. She had been watching Lucy for a while, and she knew she should have stoped after the first 5 minutes, but she couldn’t help it. When Leah first saw Lucy tonight, she had to pick her mouth up from the ground. Lucy looked really fucking good in her green suit. Leah could see Lucy’s 6 pack through her fitted white t shirt she could have sworn she dribbled. Then seeing her up close backstage didn’t help, she made her more nervous than she already was.
She felt like she could still feel Lucy’s hands on her shoulders, she made her feel so relaxed, just the touch alone calmed her breathing. Don't get her wrong, she knew Lucy didn’t like her or even looked at her in any other way than an enemy. But Leah could still appreciate a good looking woman when she saw one, and she thought that every time she had the pleasure of seeing Lucy. On or off the pitch.
The awards finished and the girls made their way to the after party all in one car. It wasn’t far from the first event. They pulled up to a bar that had a night club underground. They jumped out of the car and were escorted straight in. The DJ was already playing the right kind of music to get you dancing. They were escorted to a reserved table with a few different bottles of drink in ice. They poured what they wanted and made themselves comfy.
More people started drifting in from the charity event and the bar become full. There were a few other girls from different teams on the dance floor. It was mostly athletes at this event as it was a sports charity, so Lucy could spot a few of the other girls out. She also spotted a certain blonde in the middle of the dance floor. Looking a lot more calmer than she did earlier. Ella and Georgia decided they wanted to dance, they made their way to dance floor but not without dragging Lucy down with them.
The girls laughed at Lucy pretending to not want to go, but Lucy didn’t put up a fight, she was the first the start dancing once they got to the dance floor. The other two joined them and all 5 of them were dancing under the strobe lights. After a half hour Lucy made her way to the toilets. She felt the effects of the alcohol hitting her a bit more, after leaving the hot room of bodies.
As she left the toilet stall she was met with Leah’s blue eyes staring back at her in the mirror. She stoped in her tracks for a quick second and made her way to the sink. Leah seemed to be doing something with her make up. She gave a small smile to the girl, and received a tight lipped smile back from Leah, it looked like it hurt her to do it.
Leah nearly dropped her lipgloss when she saw Lucy in the mirror. Lucy was making Leah nervous anytime she was close, she didn’t even have to be talking to her. Just her presence alone was enough.
Lucy wasn’t sure if she should really say anything, it felt more awkward than ever, she preferred it when there was a mutual hatred. The thing is Lucy didn’t hate Leah, she thought she was rude, a bit of a show off but she never hated her. She respected her as a football player, she was being honest when she told Leah she thought she was one of the best. However, if Leah was still going to be cold towards Lucy, even after earlier then she could simply fuck off.
Leah’s brain was in over drive trying to think of something to say. Her mouth became completely dry. She kept glancing at the brunette. Hoping to strike up any conversation.
Lucy gave herself a once over in the mirror before finishing up, and made her way towards the door.
Lucy’s paused in her tracks, hand on the door. Did she just hear that right? She turned to see Leah facing her. Lucy raised her eyebrows. She heard Leah but she wanted her to say it again. “Pardon?”
Leah looked at her shoes, clearly finding it hard to resist an eye roll. Lucy smiled internally. Leah looked back up at the defender and took a big breath. “Thank you for earlier. I’m - I’m not the best with all that stuff. Sorry you had to do it all.”
Lucy was shocked, she didn’t think she was going to get a thank you from the girl. She knew that must have taken a lot for Leah, she wasn’t going to gloat or be a dick about it. She smiled at the blonde in front of her. “That’s okay, I could see it was bothering you, it’s nothing.”
Lucy’s smile was becoming a big weakness for Leah.
Leah looked like she relaxed a little, and looked back at Lucy. “Also, sorry for holding on to you. I don’t really know what happened there.”
Lucy smiled her brilliant toothy smile, almost verging on flirty. “Ah that’s okay, don’t apologise for that, I didn’t mind.”
Leah smiled at Lucy with a shy smile, Lucy once again noticing how naturally beautiful the girl was. An awkward silence fell over them. Leah pushed her hair back behind her ear, looking around the room. Lucy was about to do them both a favour and wish Leah a good night but Leah wanted to keep talking.
“I like your suit by the way. Green really suits you. It goes with your eyes.”
Fuck, fuck. Fuck….why did you say that.
Lucy didn’t expect that, and she must have made that clear on her face. Leah looked like she wanted the floor to swallow her whole. In one way Lucy liked seeing Leah squirm, it wasn’t something you saw often on Leah, it was just fun seeing her little pretty face go into panic mode. She’d seen Leah pull a few of these new faces tonight, and she was secretly loving it.
Lucy smirked, and she made sure it was flirty this time. She looked Leah up and down with just enough tease in her eyes. “Erm, thank you. I didn’t know you were looking at me so hard.”
And for the second time that night Leah was a deer in headlights. “Erm - I - I -, sorry, I just like your suit…and I saw your eyes were green, and - and… yeah, wow.” Leah looked like she was about combust. Lucy couldn’t watch her crumble anymore.
Lucy gave out a low chuckle. “Chill Leah, I’m joking. Thank you. You look really, really nice tonight, that dress is beautiful on you.” Lucy knew what she was doing, and was loving what it was doing to Leah.
Leah gave a small laugh, clearly feeling a little shy, from Lucy’s comment and her own comments. She pushed her hair back once more behind her ear. “Thank you.”
Silence fell over them again, Leah grabbed her bag and pointed towards the door. “I better go, the girls are probably wondering where I am.”
She walked towards the door and Lucy opened it for her. She could smell Leah’s sandalwood perfume, a lot like the one Lucy where’s. Lucy watched as the girl walked past her.
“Oh thanks.” Leah smiled shyly up at Lucy.
Lucy smiled back. “No worries.”
She watched the blonde go past and couldn’t help but have a cheeky look at her arse. She knew Leah had a good arse, but she only ever saw it before in football shorts, the dress was doing wonders.
The night went on. Lucy was with her small squad, all the girls was having a good time, many pictures were taken. Lucy posted a few to her story. She posted a picture of her alone, pouring a drink. Her abs were noticeable even through her white T-shirt. She knew she looked good, she knew her stomach looked good and yeah, she wanted to show it off.
Lucy would be lying if she wasn’t trying to look for a certain blonde in the crowd, but she hadn’t seen her since their toilet encounter. To say Lucy wasn’t a bit confused with the night would be an understatement. To be honest she didn’t hate the change in dynamics, she didn’t really like the rivalry between her and Leah. She hated that the press would even make it a topic to write about.
The night got later and the guest started to leave. The girls also called it a night. They had a car waiting for them outside. The event team had booked rooms for the girls at the hotel back where the charity event was held. It was 2 girls per room and Lucy got the long straw of having her own room.
On the way back to the hotel Lucy scrolled through her insta. She noticed a new name on her notifications. She smiled at her phone, seeing Leah Williamson name pop up. She had liked her latest post.
“Aye up, who’s got you smiling?” Georgia was sat opposite Lucy in their taxi.
Lucy looked up at Georgia, she really was like an annoying little sister sometimes. She closed her screen phone, but Keira had already seen what she was smiling at. Lucy smiled and shock her head. “Nothing, just a funny meme.”
Georgia wouldn’t drop it though. “Oh what a liar! Who is it then?”
“Erm you have a cheek.” Keira jumped in. “Wasn’t you flirting with that netball player all night? Shall we talk about that?”
Georgia smirked, and suddenly the view outside was more interesting than the conversation. All the girls laughed including Georgia.
“Mate, you are so red.” Ella laughed at Georgia. The girls started talking about the night and events that happened, questioning Georgia on her affairs.
Lucy caught eyes with Keira and thanked her with a smile. She loved the girls but they could definitely be relentless sometimes.
They finally arrived at the hotel. The girls got in the lift giggling at something Alessia said. They were all a little drunk, nothing too crazy but the drunk kind, when the most stupid thing is the more hilarious thing.
“Right, this is me. I’ll see you guys in the morning for breakfast.”
Lucy was on the floor below her teammates.
“Noooo, let’s keep this going. Drinks in my room.” Georgia pleaded.
“Night Luce, see you tomorrow.” Keira looked stressed to be sharing a room with Georgia.
“No way, I’m off. Good luck Keira. Night all.”
The doors shut on Georgia’s protest.
Lucy walked the hallway to her room, she turned the corner to see a woman standing with her back to her. As she turned around she was met with those blue eyes again. Once again those blue eyes were in a state of shock.
“Oh my god, what are you doing here?”
Leah couldn’t believe her luck. Katie decided to bring a girl back to their shared hotel room. She saw the sock on the door and nearly lost her shit. She couldn’t complain too hard though, she had done the same thing 2 months ago to Katie and she didn’t complain.
Seeing Lucy in front of her was a bit of a shock. She seemed to bump into the girl a lot tonight. Seeing Lucy made her feel lots of different things, she couldn’t put her finger on just one. But excited was definitely the first word she could think of, but why was she here?
“Going to my room?” Lucy said it with a tone of sarcasm. Lucy wasn’t that shocked to see Leah, most of the hotel was booked for the events guest tonight.
“What are you doing here? Why you standing in the hallway?”
Lucy walked towards her room. Leah was clearly stressed about something, she nodded towards a door down from Lucy’s. It had a sock on the door nob.
Lucy raised her eyebrows. “Oh. I see, who you sharing with?”
Leah put her arms around herself. “McCabe.”
Lucy nodded her head. “I haven’t seen that in a while.”
Leah pulled out her phone. “I’ll just have to book somewhere else. I can’t be asked to get into anything with her.”
The next words out of Lucy’s mouth wasn’t thought through, they came out before she even realised she said it.
“You can stay with me?”
Leah was the one to raise her eye brows this time. She clearly wasn’t expecting that from Lucy. She didn’t want to assume anything either. Lucy doesn’t like her like that, she was just trying to be nice. She probably just felt bad. But she could still feel the butterflies in her stomach.
It felt like a lifetime of silence before Leah replied. Lucy never had so many silent conversations in her life before tonight.
“No, god. I don’t want to put you out. I’ll just wait in reception or something.” Leah put her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes, clearly annoyed at the thought of waiting around.
Lucy once again feeling bad for the blonde in front of her tonight, this was becoming a habit.
“No, come on. Why would you do that. I’m sure there’s a pull out sofa in there. You can go to your room when she’s done.”
Leah looked at Lucy. The brunette couldn’t work out the thoughts going through her head. She opened the door with the key card. “Come on, I won’t bite. Unless you like that kind of thing.” She winked at Leah and gave her one of her flirty smiles. She couldn’t help it.
Fuck, Leah nearly lost her legs. Lucy flirting was not something she thought she’d ever be in the presence of. The wink alone made her squirm.
Leah finally laughed. She rolled her eyes and walked toward the now open door. Lucy held it open for her. Lucy was having deja vu once again tonight.
It was a nice room, it had a king size bed and wall length windows that was over looking London. Lucy’s suitcase was in the middle of the room. Lisa would have got that there for her.
Lucy walked towards the windows, she loved the city at night. She turned around to see Leah standing in the middle of the room, looking lost.
Lucy cleared her throat. “So, how was your night?” She sat on the sofa near the window. She didn’t really know what to do with herself. A couple of hours ago Lucy was dreading having to share the stage with Leah, now she was standing in front of her in her hotel room. She seemed to have shared a lot of different moments with Leah tonight.
Leah played her with fingers. “Erm, yeah, bit of a weird one. But, it was good. Yours?”
Lucy chuckled, she had a feeling Leah was referring to all of their encounter’s tonight.
“Yeah, weird is one way of putting it.”
Silence fell over them once more. Lucy didn’t really understand it. Leah was so vocal on the pitch. She had seen her in action plenty of times. Even after matches, in her interviews she was confident and wanted to talk about her thoughts on the game. But the women in front of her seemed, scared.
“Shall we see what the mini bar is offering?”
Leah let out a breath. “Please.”
“Good, something we can agree on. Do you want to sit, get comfy.” She watched the girl take off her leather jacket and sat on the opposite side of the small round table.
She found a few bottles of small spirits and plenty of mixers. Even 4 bottles of small Prosecco. Thank god.
“Okay we have, spice rum, vodka, gin and some Prosecco, what do you fancy?”
Leah was looking out the window. “Oh erm, rums good for me. Thank you.”
“I’ll join you with the rum I think.”
Lucy started making their drinks. Just as she was finishing up, music started playing in her ears. She was confused, she looked over at Leah who had a timid smile on her face.
“Sorry, I connected my phone to the speakers. Do you mind?”
Lucy carried the drinks over to the table. “Oh no, not at all. We’re having our own little party.” She sat down opposite Leah, handing her, her drink. Leah took it, her fingers touching Lucy’s quickly. She thanked her with a small voice.
“So, please tell me this is as awkward for you as it is for me.” It was probably the drink in her system that allowed Lucy to have the word vomit, like she did earlier when she asked Leah to stay the night.
Leah laughed loudly. A genuine belly laugh, Lucy once again noticing the girls beauty was, especially when she laughed or smiled. Lucy smiled, she was glad the girl was laughing and not throwing hands.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’m feeling it too.” Leah pushed her hair back behind her ear and took a sip of her drink.
“Look, I know we’re not the best of friends but you can chill. I’m not going to start having a got at you or anything.”
Leah’s a confident person, she’s confident in her football, she’s confident speaking her mind, she’s very confident with flirting and getting what or who she wanted. However Leah wasn’t great at public speaking but, when her agent told her who she’d be presenting with she changed her tune quickly.
For a while Leah has had a crush on the brunette, well since she kind of laid eyes on her. She wasn’t in love with the girl, she had eyes she could appreciate a good looking woman. She also respected Lucy a lot, as a person and footballer. But she never made it obvious, she kept the angry front up as it was much easier than being turned down by Lucy. For some reason Lucy made her nervous and tonight it really showed. She didn’t expect Lucy to be anything but cold towards her as that’s how it had always been. So when the girl was being kind to her back stage it threw her completely off, she couldn’t keep up the coldness towards her, she just nervous instead.
Leah took another sip of her drink, watching Lucy over the rim of her glass. It was the first time Lucy felt like the deer in head lights.
Leah cleared her throat and sat back in her seat a small smile on her face. “Yeah, sorry. I’ve been on a bit of edge today.”
Lucy nodded her head. She could understand, these kind of event days could be a lot. Press, photographers meeting so many people.
“Yeah I get it, you don’t have to explain yourself.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
Lucy wasn’t expecting that question.
“Not that I’m complaining, but we’ve never got on. You hate me, but you’ve been nothing but nice to me. I don’t get it.”
“Firstly, I don’t hate you Leah. Yeah we’ve never got on, but that’s because our first introduction to each other wasn’t great.”
Leah winced at that. Lucy wasn’t saying it in a harsh tone but what she was saying was true.
“I don’t know if you even remember but I never got an apology from you and it’s just kind of been tense since then. But I don’t hate you. I really respect you as a footballer and what you do for your club.”
Lucy took a long swig of her drink.
Leah’s shoulders slumped, she looked down at the floor, Lucy could see she felt bad.
“Well, I know it’s been a while since our first game but would you accept my apology now?”
Lucy smiled. “Yeah. Yeah I would.”
Leah smiled an easy smile back. “Lucy, I’m genuinely really sorry for how I acted on that first game. In all honesty I was terrified to play against you. I lost my temper that day and I was childish and stupid. I have regretted everyday since then that I didn’t apologise to you sooner.” She sat forward in her chair and put her hand on Lucy’s thigh. “I am truly sorry for how I acted that day, and every match we’ve had together since. I really am sorry.” She finished with a deep breath.
Leah took a long swig of her glass, finishing her drink.
Lucy was shocked at the sincereness of Leah, she could tell the girl meant it.
Lucy smiled her famous smile and raised her glass towards Leah.
“To new beginnings.”
The blonde smiled back, more tension looked liked it left her shoulders. She raised her glass.
“To new beginnings.”
They clinked their glasses together.
Lucy took a drink from her glass, looking at Leah over the rim of her glass. Leah looking right back at her. It became quiet again but it didn’t feel awkward. “Hang on, you need another drink.”
“I do. It’s okay I’ll make them. Same again?”
Lucy handed Leah her glass. Fingers touching once again. “Please.”
An hour later and 3 more drinks in. The room was worm. Leah’s music was still playing. It felt like an intimate party between the pair of them. The girls were a lot more comfortable now. Lucy had taken off her suit jacket. Leah had taken off her heels. They were now sitting on the small sofa together. Their knees kept knocking and touching one another but nobody moved to give the other space. Both girls belly laughing over something Lucy said.
“And that’s why I don’t eat pickles anymore.”
Leah wiped a tear from her eye, and put her hand on Lucy’s thigh. “Oh my god. I can’t believe it. That’s so funny.”
For the 100th time that night, Lucy caught herself staring at Leah. She couldn’t believe this time 12 hours ago she was dreading being near the girl, and now she was cracking jokes with her.
“God, I can’t believe I’m actually sitting in Lucy Bronze’s hotel room at 1 in the morning.”
Lucy put her hand to her own chest and faked a gasp. “Sorry? What’s so wrong with being in my hotel room?”
Leah laughed. Her hand still on Lucy’s thigh. “No, not like that. I know a lot of girls that would kill to be me right now.”
Lucy snorted. “Nope, you’ve hurt me Leah. I’ve done nothing but help you today and this is what I get.”
Leah squeezed Lucy’s thigh, laughing. “No. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now. I swear.”
Lucy couldn’t help herself, her flirty smile came out to play. “Oh is that so? So you do want to be in my hotel room at 1 in the morning, are you one of the girls you’re talking about?” Lucy took a sip of her drink laughing in her glass.
“Maybe.” Leah bit her lower lip, before raising her own glass to her mouth, still giggling.
The girls were tipsy at this point, but not drunk. They knew what they were saying was dangerous but not enough to get them in trouble.
Lucy wasn’t going to stop the flirting, she liked this new dynamic between them. Lucy had been checking Leah out all night, and Leah wasn’t innocent either.
“I bet McCabe isn’t even in there. I bet you put that sock there. You just wanted to be in my room.” Lucy laughed.
Leah now faked a fake gasp. “Right, I’ll go then you clearly don’t want me in your room. I’ll see if she’s done.”
Leah went to sit up but Lucy grabbed her by her waist pulling her back down. “No, don’t go.”
She fell half on Lucy’s lap, half on the sofa, face on, half straddling Lucy’s thigh.
Both girls laughter slowed down. Lucy still had her arm around Leah. She slowly looked up, face to face with the blonde. She no longer looked like a deer in headlights but more like a cat that got its milk. The air became thick. They had been playing on the fine line of flirting most of the night and now she had Leah sitting in her lap.
Leah was the first one to lean forward. Lucy kept her eyes on Leah’s blue ones, and slowly lowered her eyes on Leah’s glossed lips. Licking her own subconsciously. The only other time Lucy had been this close to Leah’s face was at a match when things got heated. Now that took a whole other meaning.
Leah looked at Lucy for any kind of sign to stop. Lucy could feel it. She gave Leah the smallest of nods. The blonde closed the gap between their mouths slowly.
Leah’s mouth tasted like vanilla and mint, Lucy instantly loved the flavour. Leah’s lips felt so much softer than Lucy could have imagined, and she had imagined them a lot tonight. She let Leah control the pace of their movements. The younger girl moved back slightly, just inches away from Lucy’s mouth. “Is this okay? Are you drunk?”
“No, I’m fine, are you? Do you want to stop?”
“No, not drunk and I definitely don’t want to stop.
Lucy nodded, and leaned in to Leah’s lips, she was already missing the feeling of them. The blonde girl shifted her body so she could straddle Lucy properly.
Lucy snaked her hands up Leah’s now bare thighs, her dressed had hitched up to her waist, giving Lucy all the access she wanted.
Leah pushed herself forward and placed her hands behind Lucy’s head, pinning her to the sofa. The brunette squeezed Leah’s thighs causing her to gasp. Lucy took the opportunity to push her tongue deep into Leah’s mouth causing the younger girl to moan.
Lucy could feel Leah smiling into the kiss. Lucy had kissed a few girls in her time but there was something about kissing Leah that made her head spin, every move she made was perfect. She felt her tongue caressing her bottom lip, sucking it into her own mouth. Lucy could feel herself getting wet.
Leah had control over their movements with the position she was in. She started to grind her hips into Lucy’s, this time Lucy was the one to gasp. Leah began to kiss down the brunette's neck, Lucy was more than willing to let Leah take her as she pleased. She slowly kissed every inch of Lucy’s neck before she moved to her throat, sucking hard on one spot. Lucy’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, pleasure taking over her.
“Fuck, Leah.”
If Leah’s tongue felt this good on her neck imagine the other places she would feel better at. When Leah was happy with the mark she left on Lucy’s tanned skin she took one long lick, gliding her wet tongue up Lucy’s neck, gliding to her ear. Lucy’s hands squeezed Leah’s thighs again, not being able to control her movements.
Leah was loving the control she had over Lucy, Seeing the older girl melt for her just over her kissing was making her ego grow ten times over. Leah gasped from Lucy’s touch once again, her strong hands close to where she needed her most. She moved her hands from the sofa into Lucy’s dark hair, pulling her head back with a gentle tug. Giving her full access to her mouth.
Lucy easily let Leah control her. The blonde took the opportunity to lick into Lucy’s mouth. Lucy loved the movements Leah was doing with her tongue. Her hips grinded up into the blonde, Leah smiled down devilishly at Lucy.
Leah was dominating the kissing, Lucy’s head was spinning. She started to rub her thumbs dangerously close to Leah’s very wet underwear. Leah released Lucy’s hair and started to grind with more purpose, though she had nothing to grind on. Lucy could tell she was becoming frustrated, she glided her right hand up to Leah’s toned thigh. She felt the fabric of Leah’s underwear, she could tell it was lace straight away. Her personal favourite.
She lowered her hand right where Leah needed her, she could feel the heated damp patch between her legs. Leah let out a moan from the first touch. Lucy studied Leah’s face, she was even more beautiful up close. Leah started to grind on Lucy’s hand, trying to get any friction that she could find.
Lucy didn’t want to waste anymore time, she wanted to feel Leah, she pulled her underwear to the side and glided her fingers through Leah’s soaking wet lips. The younger girl let out a glorious moan, her hips grinding harder. Lucy couldn’t believe how wet Leah was already, it made her head grow 5 times the size. She glided her finger up to Leah’s clit, and gently back down, wanting to explore the girl above. “Someone’s wet.” Lucy’s voice was low and cocky.
Leah whimpered, hearing Lucy talk in her like this was sinful, hearing the teasing in her tone. Feeling Lucy touching every part of her sensitive flesh was driving her mad. Leah didn’t want to lose the control over their rhythm, she wanted to be the one in charge but that was slowly slipping.
“Tell me what you want.” Lucy was kissing Leah’s neck as her fingers kept playing with her velvet lips, slowly circling her clit every few seconds.
“I want you inside, fuck me. Please.”
Lucy’s fingers were soaked with Leah’s own juices. She slid a single finger in with no resistance. Fuck she felt good.
Leah moaned low into Lucy’s ear, the brunette was loving every second of hearing the girls moan. She added a second finger. Leah was tight, she could feel her pussy walls pulling her in. She started to pump, moving with Leah’s hips. It wasn’t the best position but she would make it work. The blonde was panting hard into her neck. Lucy thought Leah was beautiful before, but seeing her like this was something completely different. She looked like a work of art, a work of art getting fucked.
“Do you know how good you look Leah?”
She kept pumping. Leah lifted her head looking down at Lucy. Her muscular arms were on show, watching her flex from each stroke made Leah’s pussy walls flex, and Lucy could feet it.
Lucy snaked her other hand up to Leah’s thigh, moving past her thongs and straight to her swollen clit, making small circle motions. Leah’s mouth gapped open, Lucy couldn't but stare at the girl above in awe.
“Oh my god Lucy, don’t stop. You feel amazing. Don’t stop.”
Lucy didn’t once take her eyes off of Leah, she was mesmerised by the sight. She took a quick bite of Leah’s neck, causing Leah to whimper. “I got you Leah, I won’t stop. You feel so good, you’re so fucking tight.”
Leah loved Lucy’s words, she could feel her own legs shaking. She could feel she was close. She leaned down and kissed Lucy hard. She wanted to feel her lips when she came.
“Kiss me Luce, don’t stop kissing me.”
Lucy didn’t complain. She kissed Leah back just like she asked, she could feel Leah getting close, she didn’t once stop her movements.
Leah was feeling the glorious coil in her stomach. Lucy’s tongue was deep in her mouth, sucking on her tongue. Leah felt like she couldn’t breathe in the best way possible, she was surrounded by Lucy. She started to make short little gasps, her climax was just on the cusp. Leah took control of the kissing and sucked in Lucy’s tongue, causing the girl to moan in her mouth. It pushed her over the ledge she’d been sitting on all day.
Leah moaned loud as she came. Her pussy flexed against Lucy’s fingers, her body shook hard. Her mouth was still attached to Lucy’s lips. Lucy watched Leah like a hawk, making sure to follow every movement to help guide her orgasm.
Leah’s eyes were closed, she leaned her four head against Lucy’s, breathing hard. When she finally opened her eyes, she was met with dark green ones staring back at her. A shy smile crept on Leah’s face. Did that really just happen?
Lucy slowly pulled out of Leah, the blonde groaned from the loss. She sat back, on Lucy’s legs.
But Leah wasn’t done there. She took Lucy’s hand that had been in-between her legs, she saw her two fingers glistening with her juices. She slowly raised Lucy’s hand to her lips, gently kissing them with her swollen kissed lips. Lucy’s breathing quickened, she knew what Leah was going to do and she could feel herself getting wet.
Leah gently licked Lucy’s wet fingers, gliding her tongue, making sure Lucy could see every inch of what her tongue could do. Lucy didn’t blink. She didn’t want to miss a second of this. Watching Leah’s long tongue glide across her skin was magical.
“Fuck…” Lucy breathed out.
Leah slowly sucked in Lucy’s fingers, she was showing off for Lucy, she wanted to be the one in control. She was loving that Lucy looked like she was about to melt on the floor. She looked down at the brunette, she looked so fucking good, her once neat her was now tussled, her white vest top had ridden up just a bit so you could see the bottom of her abs. You could see her muscular stomach through the white vest top as she breathed. Leah was in a trance looking at the brunette.
She released Lucy’s fingers with a loud pop. She slowly climbed off her thighs and stepped back. She unclipped the back of her black dress, it fell to the floor around her feet.
Lucy’s mouth gapped open.
The brunette had seen glimpses of Leah’s stomach when on the pitch. She knew she had a stunning body but she’s always wondered what the rest of her looked like. The thing is Lucy had a little secret. She had crushed on Leah for a little while. It was a weird feeling to crush on your ‘enemy’ she brought out the best and worst parts of Lucy on the pitch, and it had caused Lucy to want to know the girl more. In many different ways. But to have Leah Williamson standing in front of you, in nothing but a pair of laced black thongs and a a see through bra to match, was breathtaking.
Leah sunk to her knees, in-between Lucy’s spread legs. She reached for Lucy’s trousers unbuttoning them, bitting her bottom lip. She tugged at Lucy’s trousers, trying to make a point that she needed them off. Lucy’s brain finally caught up. She stood up to remove her bottoms but Leah got there first. She slowly dragged her suit trousers down to her ankles, her girl boxers following right behind.
Lucy was wet.
Leah was proud.
She had Lucy Bronze, a woman that so many players looked up to. So many players were intimidated by, standing in front of her, soaking wet for her. Her chest swelled. She gently started kissing Lucy’s thighs, she could hear Lucy breathing above her. She guided Lucy to sit back on the sofa, she got herself comfortable in-between Lucy’s legs.
Lucy couldn’t believe the sight in front of her. Leah Williamson, on her knees for her. She was about to burst, she could feel her stomach tensing from anticipation. She had definitely imagined Leah like this a few times.
Leah kissed Lucy’s thighs some more, wanting to tease her just a little bit. She looked up to see Lucy looking flustered. Just what she wanted. Though, she was just as excited as Lucy for this moment, she didn’t want to wait anymore. Leah stroked her tongue right up to the crease at Lucy’s thigh. Lucy’s body jumped at the touch.
Leah leaned forward to Lucy’s lips, she could see her lips were coated in her juices. Leah’s own mouth watered.
Lucy could feel Leah breathing on her. The younger girl took a long, slow lick into Lucy’s cunt. She moaned at the taste. Her new favourite flavour. Lucys head fell back on the sofa. She was painfully turned on, her pussy was throbbing.
Lucy was more wet than Leah realised. Her tongue was met with her honey like juices. She swallowed the mouthful that gathered on her tongue. She couldn’t get over how good she tasted.
Leah lapped her up, wanting to feel every bit of Lucy on her tongue. The brunette was in heaven, it felt like Leah was on every inch of her. Caressing every spot.
Leah leaned back on her heels, Lucy’s juices still attached to her mouth, creating wet string between both Leah’s lips and Lucy’s lower lips. The blonde stuck out her tongue, greedily tasting Lucy’s juices, breaking the wet string attached to her wet mouth.
“You taste so good Luce. I could eat you out all night.”
Lucy could have came from the site alone, she hoped the image would burn in her brain.
Lucy let out a low chuckle, she brought her hands up to the blondes hair, she gently pushed some of her hair behind her ear. Leah couldn’t believe how delicate Lucy was being towards her, even in this position.
“I would gladly have you in-between my legs all night. Leah, you don’t know how good you like right now. On your knees for me. Do you know how beautiful you are?” Lucy’s voice was low and full of lust, but also sounded so loving.
Leah smiled at Lucy. She felt more bare than when she stripped. She kept her eyes on Lucy’s as she went back to her pussy. She traced her tongue into Lucy’s folds, she could feel the brunette getting wetter. Lucy slowly laced her hands into Leah’s hair. Leah moaned at the contact, she wanted to please Lucy so badly. She captured Lucy’s swollen clit into her mouth sucking it gently.
Lucy hissed in pleasure from the action. She wasn’t going to last long but she was shocked that she even got to this far. Her hips started to grind into Leah’s mouth, she gripped tighter onto Leah’s hair.
Leah was more than willing to let Lucy take control to reach her climax. Lucy’s breathing become rough, her hips kept grinding into Leah’s mouth. Her legs began to shake.
“Leah, ….Leah, I’m so close. Don’t stop. Your tongue feels so, so good!” Lucy nearly shouted the last words. She pushed Leah’s face deeper into her pussy, needing her exactly where she wanted her. Leah wasn’t going to stop, she would go all night if she could, well if Lucy would let her. She sucked and licked Lucy’s clit, loving every sound she pulled from the brunette.
“Fuuuck, I’m coming. Don’t stop!”
She came hard onto Leah’s tongue. Her head fell back against the sofa. Eyes closed. Leah continued her movements, she could feel Lucy’s juices flowing into her mouth. She never stopped.
She was still grinding into Leah’s mouth, ridding out her orgasm as much as she could. She could feel Leah’s tongue all over her cunt. She loved how good Leah was making her feel. She stopped her movements and slowly took her hands out of Leah’s hair she looked down at the girl in-between her legs. She had Lucy’s juices dripping down her chin. Her hair was disheveled. She looked beautiful.
Lucy leaned forward, cupping Leah’s chin. She couldn’t help but smile at her.
“That was amazing. You are amazing. Fuck.”
Leah felt herself blush. Lucy’s words did something to her.
“Thank you, you’re not too bad yourself.”
Lucy chuckled. She brought her hand from Leah’s chin into her hair and guided her to her mouth. She kissed Leah deeply, her tongue roaming hers. The kiss made Leah’s pussy throb.
“I’m gonna shower, do you wanna join me?”
Lucy voice was low.
“Yeah. That would be nice. Oh but I haven’t got any clothes to change into.”
Lucy gave Leah a lustful smile. “You won’t need any.”
Leah was definitely dripping now. She got up quickly and dragged Lucy towards the bathroom stripping off her remaining clothes as she did.
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sgiandubh · 2 months
News from Birmingham, part 3: verbatim
Verbatim means 'word for word' in Latin and it is often used in French to convey the idea something is being reported exactly as it actually happened.
Absolutely not sorry for the length, nor for the lost night spent on it.
So, here go the juiciest parts using the recording I am (for those joining in later) NOT allowed to post as is. Selection is mine and mine solely - editorial line and all the rest. Once I am done, I shall add my comments. It was hard for the girls to focus on what was being said on stage and write to me in DMs, at the same time. Recording everything was a risk, but also genius. The bits I am going to post are taken exactly as I heard them:
✔️on Blonde Bambino (yes, she elaborated and I had no idea when reporting live by proxy): '(...) and it's just amazing, he's the sweetest, sweetest thing and he looooves music. And, I feel like I succeeded being a mother purely because the other day he asked me if he could invite Kate Bush to his birthday'.
✔️on borrowed things from set: she regrets not having taken some things she liked from previous seasons. 'It's been a long time since I've borrowed anything (...). Terry gave me two nightgowns made in Season 1, she gave me one that was never used. And then she promised me a lot of things (...).' Wanted to 'borrow' something from her own surgery.
✔️on her involvement with the Blankfaces fashion label-cum- homeless charity in GLA: 'oh, that is Gerry who runs that, he is a friend of my husband's and he is just this amazing person who does grassroots organizing, you know, Blankfaces he's been doing for a long time. And I just met Gerry, you know, socially, and then I thought what he was doing was amazing, and I also found the clothes amazing and so I just bought them.' Further explains what Blankfaces does, the shop, the stories, including the food kitchen, but denies a more active involvement with the project/brand. 'I was just the other day at Hozier (...),he is amazing [cooing, booing] and I'm just paraphrasing from Andrew, and Andrew said this amazing thing, which was how we all want to be part of big things, right, you know to be a part of those things that would change the world, and all of that, but it's actually the small little things you do every single day, in your community, that have the biggest impact. (...) But you can buy their stuff online.'
✔️on producing a future movie based on Book Ten: 'I would not be in those competitions with Starz.'
✔️on her resemblance with Claire (oh dear God, not that question again!): 'As a kid, I was definitely not obedient, definitely not quiet and definitely not tidy, but as an adult, I ended up being more organized than I've ever thought I would be in my life (...) shocking (...). The world has changed crazy, (...) I used to talk to people and have opinions on things, but now it feels like a cesspool (...). I miss that space for conversation.'
✔️on 'Erself and the end of Outlander: 'well Diana came to visit, I actually don't know when it was, not that long ago, she came on set, sheeee... ugh, you'd have to forgive me, it was last season, it was so long ago, I can't remember what is what and I have to remember if she wrote something last season (...). Diana, she's created this world (...), she watches everything (...). But she's also allowed us to sort of make her characters our own and she's given us her blessing to do that, which has been amazing. And she still won't tell us the ending. [Voice in public: Sam knows!] Sammy... Sam THINKS he knows.'
✔️on the public impact of OL's Season 1 and sudden fame: 'I got this job so last minute, I was living in the US and I knew it was a US series that we're gonna be filming in the UK. And I read the first book so I was like, OMG sounds like an amazing show to film. But then I went from being cast to being in Scotland in one week. And then you're just like, you're working for 85, 90 hours a week. I didn't know who I was, where I was, what was going on. (...) and we went to Comic Con (...), I mean that whole year was a blur, an amazing blur, but a blur.' Had no expectations about what the show would become, it's now broadcast in 87 countries, 'it's insane, it's amazing'. Being able to be successful after 10 years is 'amazing'.
✔️on what she will miss most about Scotland or is she planning to stay in Scotland after OL is over: 'that's the million dollars question, I don't know. I mean, I think I'll... my husband is Scottish, so I think we'll always have something there, his parents both live there, so you know, we're not never going to be there at some point, but I don't know what is gonna happen after, but I am very, I feel, yeah, I feel like it's gonna be so sad not to... you know for 11 years, no matter like if we're gonna back in the United States or to London for a while we've always known we'd be back to Scotland at some point and be there for 10 or 11 months and so now I don't know, I don't know what the future holds, so....'
✔️on her and Tony sharing the same musical tastes: ' do Sam and I share the same music [Steve immediately BARKS: 'no, Tony, your real husband!'] Tony? Yes. Sam - no.'
✔️Sam's whisky or Graham's bourbon? 'Sam's whisky. I haven't tasted the bourbon, but bourbon is too sweet'.
✔️speaking about Steve - 'he's so mean'. In jest (?).
✔️her favorite part of making her own gin: 'tasting (...), trusting your senses'. The distillery changed, from the first to the second batch - the product's taste changed, a learning curve. They wanted to make sure it's still the same product.
✔️on regretting she did not start acting ten years earlier - mentioned not being ready for the responsibility of shooting 14, 16 hours a day, no sick days, etc: 'it's like a beast'. She felt OL came at the right time, was 'prepared and ready to be there' and eager to be given 'a shot (...): whatever you throw at me, I'll do it'. 'And I think for Sam was the same.'
✔️on memorable OL sets/places: Craigh Na Dun stones. 'The new place where we are, really cool. (....) Amazing stately homes like Hopetoun'. It's 'amazing.'
✔️on another parts in movies - she looks forward for 'good writing' and 'the character to speak' to her, in a new project, the people she will work with... Cliche AF. The Cut and The Amateur roles are 'not huge', the last she clearly said it was a small role, 'it's not my film, it's someone else's film'. She 'did not want to be working all the time, obviously with a small child'. Defined The Cut's plot as 'bizarre', and The Amateur as 'funny'. Loves her job, is happy with it.
✔️last question was asked by a French woman with a very thick accent, about traveling and learning things out of it - C. considers herself very lucky to have been able to travel all around the world as a model. Traveling taught her empathy, how to get over our very Christian centric view of the world. Mentions growing up in 'a very small village in Ireland, that was pretty much, you know, one church, one tiny school and one shop'. Her parents 'instilled a love of reading and learning'. Then she left Ireland to live in France and Japan, and traveled to Nepal. Nepal :'the trip that changed me and changed my life, because I was like seeing a completely different culture that had no correlation to anything that I grew up with, but it was the most beautiful spiritual awakening I guess I've ever had. (...) By traveling and by eating different foods and trying to speak other languages, which I try to do and I apologize to everybody because I try and speak your language, too, because I think (...) it's important to try and connect, because we expect people to come here and do that and it's so rude we don't go and do the same [ applause].' Being able to travel allows us to see how different and how similar we are'.
Ended with a huge thank you to fans, it's been so long that I wasn't attending a convention, 'but it meant the world to me to meet you all again, seen so many familiar faces, it feels so weird to be at the end of this show, because it has meant so much to me (...). Will see you all again soon.'
And now, for my comments and findings. Almost point by point:
Kate Bush, LOL (we'll never agree, C and I, on this one; but I can almost imagine Blonde Bambino cooing this - awww):
So, she basically repeated the same anecdote as last year, during promo. From Sade to Kate Bush, and hey, what about that birthday - 'the other day'? But let's not be nitpicky.
'Gerry' actually is Gerard McKenzie Govan, one of the three Directors and the founder of The Blankfaces CIC, a Community Interest Company (regular company with an increased social responsibility twist and, as such, heavily subsidized by the local authorities, too). More on him, here, for those who really want to know about him: https://www.glasgowwestendtoday.scot/magazine/the-man-behind-the-blankfaces-1391/. But that is not the most juicy part, actually - some blatant inconsistencies are. Like 'Gerry' being a friend of Nameless Husband's, but still she met him socially (huh? I thought he was a friend of Nameless Husband, hence a family acquaintance?). Also, C doesn't know shite about The Blankfaces, but still bravely fills in those blanks, like when she tells us fans Gerry has been doing Blankfaces 'for a long time'. The UK competent public authority, Companies House, says something very different and I can prove that the CIC was registered in 2018. Which is not really a long time at all:
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'March 6, 2018 - Incorporation of a Community Interest Company' - see above. It also doesn't seem to be very well managed, at all:
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Both its yearly accounts and its confirmation statement are long overdue (since 2023, in fact). The CIC is, actually, subject of an 'active proposal to strike off', which means it will be closed/dissolved, and rather sooner than later:
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In their case, I suspect a compulsory strike-off, issued by the Companies House register. Fits with the legal criteria:
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In a nutshell: because The Blankfaces failed to file its annual accounts and confirmation statement AND because it did not answer to the Companies House's two kind reminder letters, it will be forcibly dissolved in less than two months from now and there is NO going back on that decision, according to UK law.
Wouldn't C know about her Nameless Husband's Friend huge problems? I mean, how more tone-deaf and disconnected can you be, promoting a clinically dead business and inviting people to buy their clothes from their online shop?
Unless... Yeah, unless - but oooh, stupid shippers, slap a shipper, etc.
[Source: Moore and Stoke, an insolvency practitioners' firm based in Stoke-on Trent, UK - simply because they had the simplest and most recent legal explanation, see here: https://www.moorestoke.co.uk/active-proposal-to-strike-off/].
Compared to that, the fact that Tracula was nowhere to be seen at the recent Andrew Hozier-Byrne's concert in GLA is really peanuts. This is serious, legal stuff and please don't give me the 'she's an artist, she doesn't know shit about business' lame excuse. She is also a businesswoman, with her own spirits brand and several other companies, at least in the UK, Ireland and the US. Give me a break, #IYKYK.
Can't wait to be done with OL. Even the thought of a future movie based on Book Ten makes her cringe. Felt it in her voice and it was enough.
World feels like a cesspool? Why on Earth? She is a beautiful, successful and accomplished woman, with her own family and free from want. A cesspool is a very strong and strange word, in this apparent context. Unless.. but yeah, stupid shipper, slap a shipper. Missing conversations, expressing her opinion.... Not even LOL. It made me feel sad. Everything that happened to them since 2016 must be such a burden.
Sammy. SAMMY? Whoa, girl! Merci beaucoup, vraiment. Term of endearment, anyone? Compare with the stiff dead 'my husband' - again, the difference between a teddy bear and a guillotine is transparent in her voice. Also, DG - a difficult topic for her. She doesn't like 'Erself much and I think we all know why.
You tell me about 87 countries, Ma'am. I experience it every day, from the sidelines, so I can easily imagine what the impact could be for you. OL, that blessing and that curse. Also, when she is fed up with prodding and unwilling to kiss arses, she'd quip something along the lines of 'amazing' and be done with it.
Bonnie Scotland and the Day After. Another great moment of 'what the hell ever, just say anything'. Also, Caitriona Mary is a terrible, terrible liar - just like Sam Roland, you know. Her answer came out as incoherent and borderline illogical. Look at this: ' I mean, I think I'll… my husband is Scottish' - the 'I'll' part was her spontaneous starting to answer, about herself, but then inhibition kicked in and shit, she remembered she is married and had to somehow insert Tracula and both his parents (alive, just to make sure). Also, excuse me, hellooo: 'I think we'll always have something there'. Sounds like a flat, more like a pied-à-terre, but lo and behold, she suggests life is going to be elsewhere. What about that pharaonic McMansion, we so passionately followed the painstaking refurbishment of, double glazing included and borderline scandalizing the local heritage protection NGOs in the process? That doesn't really sound like 'something there', does it? That Bear Grylls flat looked more like 'something there', so where's the catch-22, here? What if I was right about McMansion being a fixer-upper she never planned to live in (where, oh where does The Happy Couple live? ooooh, ROFLMAO)? What if I was right about some other thoughts I am not ready to discuss yet? Questions, questions. And yes, London. IYKYK and very different from the emotional, savant blur. Also, for a very organized grown-up woman (her own words, see above), not knowing what the future holds... I mean I get it, but how peculiar, isn't it? Drawing a line, that question unsettled her. She was not planning to answer. She ended with a joke on not being able to see 'that yellow thing in the sky for five months in a row'. Get me out of this question and quick.
The music tastes' question was very clearly audible, even from the back of the room and I had zero trouble to distinctly hear it - it was also asked in a posh & polite British accent, so that helped a LOT: ' do you and Tony share the same music tastes?' The Freudian slip is simply inexplicable. Also, she answered Tony, not 'my husband' : Tony+ my husband in the same phrase is something beyond her strength. But why answer about S at all, that was NOT the question? Why? There are limits to dumbfuckery, after all. Also, Steve is such a pain in the arse. Who, in your mind and heart, is the real husband, C?
Whisky vs. Bourbon, she mumbled her answer, very uneasy, had to listen three times to untangle it. The Soup Nazi had to step in and bark the answer, train station megaphone style, for everyone to hear and get the memo. Now I understand why. And you should, too.
'He's so mean'. Definitely not in jest. Steve, that is. Fire that dick. Plus, later on, she quipped to him: 'you have the reputation of being like a strict schoolmaster'. Answer: 'maybe I am'. A cara nem treme, like they say in Brazil.
In that gin question, the Stan dutifully mentioned Tony (arse kissers, ALL OF THEM) - she could have mentioned him openly, she had a boulevard in front of her. But nope, she came back to mainly mentioning her own experience and a very vague 'we'.
'And I think Sam was the same' - conversations were had early on. In Central Park, London. And then things went very fast, as it sometimes happens. Sharing takes things on a very different level. I think this is exactly what happened to them.
Memorable places: they both are very moved by Craigh Na Dun, and it's absolutely normal. And Hopetoun - LOL, hello, of course ('The Door Faces North', pun totally intended).
Next two movies: so long for her Stans' delusions she was given a main role. She wrapped deception with grace and hid behind being a mom. ALL THE ANTI BLOGS WERE EERILY SILENT ABOUT THIS. I wonder why. Actually no, I don't. But sure, shippers twist things, shippers hide things. No shame, those people.
The last question, on travel, was my favorite one. I think it was perhaps the only time she felt able to fully express what she meant and wanted to. Many will jump on that Nepal reference and it is correct, but to me, on a very personal level, it spoke in many, many other ways. This is the C I have managed to embrace, reluctantly at first (I admit) and like a LOT. This is the witty girl I thought I have lost forever in that sea of painful innuendos, stupid Stans ass-kissing and blurring everything in the process, plus a Nazi minder on top. Fire that dick. Seriously. He wanted to end on a 'funny' Kumbaya note - she subtly managed to break free. Thank you, C. Seriously. The wonder you are and completely unaware of it. And the things you can do with words, if only you'd dare play with them some more.
Her tone at the end was emotional. Very. It was the same tone as for that 'partner everyday' gala speech. Oh, the things she wanted to tell all of us. And if we only knew. But hey, she promised we will meet again, soon. Perhaps in Paris? I'll gladly speak to you. In French.
A HUGE thank you. Both of you. I love you, girls.
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sl8yter · 3 months
Apparently - Mühl Pt2. to Get It Together
Nika realizes her mistake at the last minute and opens up only to realize she was wrong.
Nika Muhl x Fem Reader
“Wow twin you’re an asshole” Paiges vocalizes in a brash tone
Nika had come to her friend’s dorm seeking advice on how to proceed after the fallout of her and her girlfriend’s fallout. She had found Paige, KK, and some other teammates hanging out after hours building legos and stuffing their faces with food.
“I dont know what to do. I really do love her I just dont know how to tell her. Nahiem is just a friend she doesnt understand that. She never does.” Nika nervously states as she paces around the table in the middle of the main area as her teammates brain storm solutions for her as they lounge on the couch.
“Okay well first of all stop doing that” KK speaks up
“Doing what?”
“The way you say that she doesn’t understand seems so bashing. Like girl, of course shes gonna kick you out after you talk to her like that. So don’t act surprised” KK’s lack of goofiness acts as a reality check to Nika. Her pacing ends abruptly as she stops to look up and cover her face as an attempt to stop her tears from flowing.
“I could text her to meet up and then Nika could like surprise her with flowers and stuff” Paige says zoning back into the conversation with her faulty solution
“Flowers isnt gonna fix the fact that (yn)s been feeling ignored and how she most likely thinks you’ve been cheating on her. But we can use the first part of Paiges plan. Did you atleast try and text her before you left?” Inês states promptly looking at Nika whos cheeks were wet as she sat down on the couch in between KK and Paige.
“No I came straight here.”
“Oof not good.” Aaliyah butts in
“Why. Please dont make me cry anymore” The Croatian girl says her voice breaking softly towards the end.
“Well if I was her and I already was thinking it. I would personally think that you went to Nahiems. Thats just me though. Maybe (yn) doesn’t jump to conclusions as fast so don’t sweat it.”
“Girl boo, shes already crying about it what do you mean dont sweat it.” KK frankly puts her thoughts out as she wraps an arm around Nikas shoulder, a flimsy attempt to try and comfort the crying girl who’s heart broke a little more with KKs retort.
“I can post to my story and Nika can be in the backround looking all sad.” Paige tries to help
The group looks to Nika who had a contemplating look on her face which contrasted with the pink hue around her eyes and water marks down her cheeks. Her silence deafens the room before she shakes her head up and down.
As Paige takes and post the photo to her instagram story, Nika and the rest of her teamates come up with a plan to try and get (yn) to meet up with Nika in order for them to talk it out. It only takes 20 minutes before (yn) viewed the blondes story and it only took a second for the same blonde to text (yn) to meet up with her at the park 10 minutes away saying it was an emergency.
"Paige" I whisper yelled as I walked through out the empty park. Paige had only texted me a cryptic message telling me it was an emergency and to meet her at the park near the dorms.
"Paige come out it's to cold for this." I yelled only slightly louder before a hand had grasped my shoulder causing me to release a yelp and break my neck to look behind me. Only to find the last face I wanted to lay my eyes upon.
"Nika what the fuck are you doing? I thought you were gonna kidnap me. Where's Paige?" I asked, scolding Nika for the scare.
"I couldn't wait until tommorrow to see you. She only texted you so I could meet up with you. Listen to me I-"
"I'm gonna stop you right there before you try to say things I've heard from you a thousand times. I'm tired of us having the same conversations over and over again. It never goes anywhere Nika. Now like I said before go and get some sleep so we can both talk about this with a clear head." I state, exasperated at her mood of just now wanting to talk about things when she had so long to do so.
"Listen to me please bebo you can break up with me, yell at me, or call me every dirty word you know just please let me talk to you. You don't even have to face me. Just hear me." Her voice breaks between most words causing her accent to slip. The begging insanely out of character from the confident girl you usually knew.
"Okay. Just tell me what it is. Tell me why you've been such a dickhead to me." I tell her as I walk to a nearby swing to sit. She quietly trails behind me until I hear the clanking of the metal on the swing adjacent to mine. I refrain from looking over to her as I can feel the intensity of her gaze on my features. If I look, I know I'll cry but I have to let her know in someway that I'm going to stand my ground this time. No matter how much it hurts the both of us.
“Im so so sorry bebo. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant for any of this to happen. When we first started dating I seen how amazing you are and how you were so happy all the time and how you always light up a room. Graduating and the draft has been driving me crazy since the start of the year. I felt so pressured to perform my best that I started doubting myself and I started to think that you were too good for me and-“ Her voice breaking as she stops for a moment to catch her breath. She stops looking at me to look at the sights in front of us, her shame showing in her body language
“That I thought I was gonna be a burden to you. Nahiem would help me. We would just go drive around and drink and do all this dumb stuff. It took the edge off and now I see how bad it was. How it lead me to start acting like you weren’t there. I use to think that my biggest fear was not achieving my dreams after I worked so hard for it, for everything. But in truth my biggest fear is achieving all my dreams and you not being there beside me. You’re so selfless that you constantly put up with me no matter how I treated you. I need to treat you better. I want to treat you better. I know I dont show it a lot but i love you more than anything, more than anyone. You believe in me bebo and I love you for it.” She finishes her voice shaky and her eyes somehow pinker than they were before.
“Of course I believe in you. Youre Nika Mühl. My girlfriend and future WNBA star. Youre so much more than you see Nika. Youre the reason I love to love.” I answer, not realizing I was crying as well until a tear drop fell from off my face.
Nika is silent as she wipes her face and quietly clears her throat before looking at me once again.
“You don’t hate me?” Her tender voice somehow making me forgive her within four words.
“I could never hate you. I love you.”
“I love you more” She says before suddenly standing from her seat and lunging at me causing us both to fall into the mulch below us. Her hands hold my waist as my arms wrap around her neck.
“Im so sorry.” Her soft voice fills my ears as the smell of her shampoo invades my brain.
“I forgive you.” Whispering back to the girl on top of me.
“Can I take you to the dorms?” She asks louder this time as she retracts to put her hands on either side of my head to hover above me.
“Only if you stay the night.”
To my response she quickly leans down to capture my lips. I can feel her slightly whimper at the contact. My hands quickly get lost in her hair as she lowers herself to lay between my legs as she continues to assault my lips slightly opening her mouth to encourage me to go farther. I can feel her heart pounding as her chest is flush against mine.
I gently push her off me as I go to sit up, suddenly remembering that it was 2 AM and we were in a public park.
“Take me home and then I’ll see if I want you to go further.” I tell Nika as shes on her knees infront of me, rubbing the sides of my thighs with her large hands.
To my statement Nika swiftly picks me up wedding style and starts jogging to my dorm building. Her antics make me laugh with mirth as I see her small smile, her eyes glancing at me as we lock eye contact for a second that I wish could have lasted forever. Her strength and her athleticism made me thank her coach as it was only helping me in forgiving her completely.
I kiss her cheek softly as she continues her jog.
“I love you so much Nika. I want you to come to me first whenever you have doubts or whenever you start thinking things like that ever again. I love you, I care for you, and I want you to be happy. You mean everything to me.”
She stops jogging for a second to put me down as she grips my waist with speed to pull me into a kiss. Far more passionate than any weve had before. My hands wrapped around her face holding her as if she were glass. Her hands explore my waist, rubbing and squeezing slightly. I caress her jaw moving one hand farther back to play with her hair at the base of her neck.
We both pull back to rest our foreheads against another, our mouths agape catching oxygen as our exhales mix. The lack of space between us was tantalizing as it was obvious both of us wanted more. The only thing stopping us,being our lung capacity and the open space.
“I dont think I can wait much longer for you” Nika admits her eyes dark with a familiar cloud of lust. The breathiness in her voice causing a feeling that Nika was all too well associated with inside my body.
“Then lets hurry up.” I say tauntingly as I knew she was gonna be the one running us both back to bed. I knew she could do it, she knew I could match her pace and run along side her, but we both knew how much hotter it would be if she did all the work and how much better it would be in bed.
Changed my mind, tried writing a smut for this but then I was like rereading it and ts was so toxic. Oh em gee. Like on a deep level if yall like ts great for you I just cant post something like it n be okay with myself after 😭😭🙏
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drvirgus · 2 months
can i request a one shot? only if ur comfortable nd want to though also this is my first time requesting something so sorry if it’s messy😭
my request:
so momo from twice with female reader pure fluff right so reader and mono are alr dating. momos dogs boo and dobby, boo being the one whose super energetic people call him a demon dog and wtv, reader has heard about momos dogs but never met them so twice invites them to the dorms for a movie or something and momos dogs are there nd ofc boo is barking, growling nd all that stuff. reader eventually arrives and boo meets reader nd basically boo likes reader and is calm with reader showing a side that twice haven’t seen from boo even from momo.
soooo sorry for it being long😞 it’s my first request ever!! also u don’t need to if ur uncomfortable with the request!!!💟
This request wasnt uncomfortable for me at all 🥰🥰🥰 Hopefully you like that
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Momo X Reader
wc: 1,4k
Warnings: none
Momo had always been embarrassed to introduce her dog to new people. He would constantly bark, pee, or just be a little devil. Maybe that was also the reason why she had never invited you over to her place, even though you have been together for over three months now. Momo always preferred to spend her time at your house. Your house was quite different from hers. It smelled good, was clean, and pretty tidy. To Momo, however, it was also quite minimalist, as her home was cluttered with things she never really used.
Despite Boo being a devil in dog's clothing, she loved him. She could never, in her life, give him or Dobby, her other dog, away. Clearly, one could see the drastic difference between the two dogs. Dobby was rather calm, friendly, and seemed to enjoy life. Boo was quite the opposite. Others would say he was on crack. He was much more playful, sometimes more aggressive, and above all, a bigger nuisance.
The other Twice members liked to make fun of this. Especially how Boo once peed on the youngest member's leg. Just like right now, as all the Twice members were making themselves comfortable in the Japanese member's living room. Dobby was lying relaxed on the couch while Boo ran around wildly.
From time to time, could hear his growling and barking until his claws hit the floor again as he took off. Momo sighed, "I'm inviting y/n," the eldest said. Momo's eyes widened as she saw the smartphone in Nayeon's hand. She laughed in panic, "No," Momo blurted out.
Nayeon hesitated and looked questioningly at her friend and roommate. "Why not?" Jihyo asked, causing Momo to look at their leader as well. A blush formed on Momo's cheeks. "I... don't want Boo to scare her off," the Japanese girl admitted, embarrassed.
All faces, except for Momo's and Nayeon's, looked the same. A stunned silence filled the room, only the sound of an Instagram reel playing repeatedly could be heard. At least until Tzuyu, the youngest of them, started to speak, "Y/n has never been here?" she asked, and Momo nodded hesitantly.
"Where do you guys hang out then?" Mina asked suddenly, also shocked by the realization that Momo's girlfriend had never seen her home. Momo looked at Mina, slightly annoyed, "At her place," she replied curtly. "We're always at her place," she added, causing the others to nod.
"And you leave this old lady alone with your demon dog?" Jeongyeon asked, laughing loudly as she immediately got a smack on the arm. "I'm not old!" Nayeon retorted indignantly, but everyone ignored her. Sana, who was mostly cuddling with Dobby, hummed a little tune. "Y/n is already on her way here," she suddenly said.
"Oh yes, I forgot to mention. I invited y/n."
Momo stared in disbelief at the other Japanese member, who calmly played with her dog Dobby, holding his paws in her hands. Momo hesitated visibly until she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Come on. We've all accepted Boo. Y/n will too," Chaeyoung said. Her dimpels deepened as her smile grew wider.
Momo was nervous. Her hand clung to the half-opened door as she forced a smile onto her face and looked at you. You smiled broadly at the black-haired girl, placing your hand on her hip and giving her a gentle kiss. "Hey," you whispered softly as you stepped into the house and took off your shoes before Momo could change her mind.
You knew Momo was scared. After all, you had tried several times to get into her house. But no matter how often you tried, you always ended up at your place. You knew why, as you had already talked about it. A smile appeared on your face as you turned to the beautiful Japanese girl and watched her close the door.
You heard quiet footsteps and claws scraping across the floor. Immediately, you looked down at both dogs. Of course, you had already seen videos of them and could tell them apart quite well. "This is Dobby," Momo began speaking quietly as she briefly pointed to the dog on the left. Shortly after, she pointed to the other dog and swallowed hard. "This is Boo."
You immediately started smiling as you looked at the two small dogs. You weren't afraid, no matter what anyone said about Boo. You had always been a dog lover anyway. Slowly but surely, you crouched down, resting your arms on your knees. "Hey," you said calmly. Dobby slowly approached you, while Boo suddenly jumped up and tried to climb onto your legs.
You sternly furrowed your brow. "No," you simply said, which made Boo perk up his ears. His tail, which had been wagging wildly, dropped to the floor in disappointment. A soft whimper escaped his snout. A small, satisfied smile appeared on your lips as you took his little head in your hand to playfully pet him.
You immediately stood up again to look at your somewhat surprised-looking girlfriend. "Come on. I heard my wife is here?" you asked, which earned you a playful slap on the arm. A loud laugh escaped your throat, and you started to playfully run away from the Japanese girl.
Somehow, you found your way into the living room, and without even saying hello, you hid behind the eldest and simultaneously your self-declared wife. Nayeon laughed as she looked up at Momo and then at you. "You have to sort this out yourself," Nayeon suddenly said as she stood up from her spot and walked away.
Your eyes widened as you watched Nayeon leave. Almost immediately, you got down on your knees and folded your hands together. "I have decided that she is no longer my wife."
The hours passed. Everyone had already eaten and, of course, had something to drink. The loud laughter of your girlfriend echoed throughout the room, and the neighbors would surely complain about the variety of loud laughs they were hearing. Slowly but surely, each laugh died out, enveloping the room in a pleasant silence.
Dahyun raised her eyebrows as she lifted her hand. "Hey, guys. Do you hear that?" she asked, looking at each of us. You frowned in confusion. "What is it?" Sana asked, tilting her head to the side. "I don't hear anything," Mina chimed in.
"Exactly!" Dahyun exclaimed suddenly. Jeongyeon was the first to understand and immediately looked around the room. "Where is the demon?" she asked, prompting Momo next to you to look around as well. You looked at Jeongyeon quizzically. "Demon?"
The youngest member suddenly started laughing as she looked at you with an amused smile. "Boo. We haven't heard him in a while. The last time it was this quiet, he chewed up all our shoes," Tzuyu explained, and almost immediately, Chaeyoung jumped up and ran to the door where all the shoes were.
"Hm? Oh," you simply said as you continued to pet the dog's belly with your left hand. "He's here," you calmly pointed to your left. Boo was lying completely relaxed next to you, his belly exposed to you, his ears relaxed, and his eyes closed.
"That's Dobby. Boo is never this relaxed," Mina remarked, while Nayeon added, "Dobby is with me."
All the women stared at you in amazement with open mouths. Even Momo kept glancing over at you to check if it was indeed Boo. She did this repeatedly until she finally realized it. You smiled immediately upon recognizing the look in your girlfriend's eyes.
Contentment, happiness, love, and above all, relief.
"I love you so much," the Japanese girl whispered next to you as she leaned even closer, connecting your lips in a kiss. Jeongyeon playfully covered the youngest member's eyes, causing everyone to laugh. But you were in your own world. Your mouth opened a bit more as you deepened the kiss.
"Okay. Uh," Mina interjected awkwardly.
Momo's hand on your neck pulled you further into the kiss, and neither of you showed any sign of breaking it.
"We should go," Tzuyu suggested.
Your hand wandered to your girlfriend's thigh, gripping it more firmly and pulling her even closer to you.
"It was nice here... uh bye," the door closed behind them.
This was the moment Momo broke the kiss, but only for a few seconds to pull her T-shirt over her head and toss it to the floor. Immediately, you reconnected your lips for another kiss.
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kimingyuslover · 4 months
Missed Connections
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Synopsis : You swear you can tolerate anything because this is an unwanted marriage to him, but why's this one hurts so much?
Word count : 2,716 and some change
pairing : Choi seungcheol x fem!reader
Genre : arranged marriage!au, contract marriage!au, strangers to *** ***** ***** to exes, angst, slight fluff.
Warnings : angst, tears, italic means person on the other side of the phone & message, chaebol!reader, chaebol!seungcheol, ceo!reader, ceo!seungcheol (not mentioned), like 1 curse word, implied cheating? (Seungcheol goes on a date because his toxic friends say so), Seungcheol is a jerk boo 🍅🍅, mentions of pregnancy (reader is pregnant), mom!reader, slight Joshua x reader, this fic does not represent his character in real life!
a.n : yes, i cried while writing this, Seungcheol's sucks
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The sun peeked through the window of his bedroom, which once was shared with you. He opens his eyes groggily, his eyes adjusting the sunlight that goes to his eyes.
Surprise, it's a word that will describe his expression right now, seeing a divorce file on his nightstand with a pen on top of the paper, lying peacefully waiting to be used by him.
“What the fuck?” he mumbles with his raspy and sleepy voice.
He thinks he might be dreaming, that when he sleeps again and opens his eyes, you're on his side while he's hugging you tightly, his morning will start with your kisses and this all was just in his head.
But it's not. When he slaps his cheek, it hurts. It feels so real.
And then, when he realised that the divorce file was real, he hurriedly searched for his phone, wanting to call the person he knew so well but also didn't.
“The divorce paper, you've already signed it? i'll pick up my stuff and take the paper with my lawyer” you said on the other side, voice sounding so enchanting but so cold, like he never heard before.
Your voice usually sounds like it's coated with warmth and sweetness, but now it's just filled with coldness.
he forgot when he first saw you, you were given the cliche title ‘ice queen’ by the employees.
“Why’s there a divorce paper on my nightstand? Why are you not here? In the bed, with me” Seungcheol said, hurt evident in his voice.
“What do you think seungcheol? you're finally free, you can go out as much as you want with your so-called friends, you don't have to worry that head more, our company will still be concerted, and the best part, you can go freely with that woman of yours” Seungcheol furrowed his eyebrows with confusion.
you cut him off before he even speaks, “i call off our arranged marriage, Seungcheol. you said it yourself, that you, Mr. Choi, does not want this marriage from the first you saw me, and that was proven when I saw you with a woman, in a fancy restaurant, just both of you, not with anyone else and I learned the fact that your friends told you to do that.
Our arguments will lead to one of us leaving the house that once you promised we'll build together with love, and I just have to be patient. When I saw you with her, I realised that was the beginning of our marriage's downfall, so I made the decision that would not leave negative comments from everybody else, so your company will not have a backlash from the stockholders even if it's hurting me in the process.
You promised me, Choi Seungcheol. to take care of me, try to love me, and even have the audacity to tell me to be patient with your heart. I've done all of that, but what you have given me is just aching in my heart over and over again.
My friends already told me that this marriage was bad for me and will hurt me in the end, but I'm blinded by your love bombing act, and I was so naive that I thought you will ever love me back, that we will have a happy family, with 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl. we'll live anywhere i want, you said back then.
Do you know how much I cried that night? when I saw you with her, and when I knew that you and me would never have the happy family we once planned?
That day, I was going to tell you about me getting pregnant, but I guess fate doesn't want us to be together because they know it’s better for me to hurt now than later.
Tomorrow will be the last time i'm going to go there, and the final court will be the last time I saw you” after finishing the words that you've planned to give him right when he calls you, you hung up the phone, not giving him any chance to replied because you know, when you heard his voice your heart will hurt more.
Seungcheol drops his phone onto his bed sheet. He tries to recall the memory, and when he does, there's a hard pang in his heart.
regret started to fill up his figure, and he rushed towards the bathroom to take a shower.
He's planning to meet you today to talk about your marriage, hopefully not for the last time.
“Is Mrs. Choi here?” Seungcheol said to the receptionist at your company.
She hesitates at first, then starts to speak, “i'm sorry, but it's Ms. Hong and she does not want anybody, especially you, Mr. Choi to go to her” she says.
Seungcheol has tried to call you again and again and again, determined to fix the marriage he ruined.
and his heart hurts even more when he reads your chatroom. It's him who sent the last message, and you left him on read.
You know what? you're too naive, too invested in our relationship, and that's why it's not working. Can't you be more patient? i have my own things to do
He knew he was being a jerk when he sent that to you, but back then, he's heating up because of your arguments that are constantly happening.
Tears start to fall from his eyes, all you need is love, to which he promised will give you his, he should be grateful that you still give chance after chance even though you know that he will still be like that.
he drives to your penthouse, your summer house, your cabin, and even your house, but you're not there.
as he went to his car with disappointment on his face, someone called his name.
“What are you doing here, Seungcheol?” He freezes and it hurts. You usually call him with terms of endearment, but now you just call him by his name, which he hates so much if it's coming from your mouth.
Seungcheol runs to you. Wanted to hug you, but he halted his plan when he saw you looking at him like you used to before he was introduced by your parents as your soon-to-be husband, so cold with no emotion behind that oculus of yours.
He explains everything, telling you that his friend makes him go on lunch with the woman you saw. He even goes as far as kneeling in front of you.
“But you still go on a date with her? Even when you don't want to? i've said it to you countless times. i can tolerate anything because this is an arranged marriage, but cheating is an exception” you said while looking down at him because of his position. You don't even bother to usher him to get up from his knees. Seungcheol frowns at your words, but you're right. When his friend told him, he could refuse it, but he didn't.
His words caught up on his throat. He can't say anything anymore, because at the end of the day, he knew that his action was so sinful because for god damn sake, he's married to you!
“You're funny, Choi Seungcheol” You left him kneeling on the ground while going back to your car. You managed to hold your tears in front of him because you're not willing to let your tears fall for a boy who's not even a man.
When you're already gone with your car, Seungcheol gets up to his knees, and he realises that he hasn't even asked about the baby.
“Don't worry, my love, mommy will protect you, no matter what” you said while caressing your baby bump.
It's been approximately 4 months of your pregnancy, and 4 months since you're not on the same roof with Seungcheol.
You know you'll stress out yourself if you stay in that house, and you can't risk that.
You've been staying in a hotel for the past months, but luckily for you, your sister-in-law has a 5 star hotel, so you won't have to search for it.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
The first court is today, and you're going there with your lawyer and your sister-in-law (Soo-jung) because she says she wants to help you, and you thanked her for that.
You show up with a white dress, black blazer, your Jimmy choo pumps, and white birkin as the cherry on top.
Seungcheol saw you with adoration in his eyes, thinking, Why can't he see you like this when your marriage is still there?
He doesn't want to make eye contact with anyone with you and yourself, but when he does make an eye contact with Soo-jung or you he will divert his eyes to look somewhere that isn't you or her.
He's scared, what even your family will think about his family, about him? after he hurt you and you being pregnant was not helping.
Now it's your final court. This time, you dress differently, you're wearing white shorts, a brown thin belt, soft-pink Ralph Lauren button-up, a white lady dior, and a white slingback kitten heels with your baby bump that's already showing.
He feels guilt start building up in his body when the judge knocks his hammer three times, and he's trying his best not to spill his tears every second now.
he hears several footsteps going to him when he looks at you with his tear filled eyes.
you open your mouth while crossing your hands in front of your chest, then you speak, “Take care of your health, don't eat junk food like you liked to, this baby will get a new father soon, but i will still introduce you to them”
As soon as you finish your sentence, you start to walk away with your lawyer, brother, and sister-in-law (who gives him a disappointed and angry look).
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
It's been years since your divorce, but Seungcheol is still a mess. He can't blame anyone but himself for this one.
After the divorce, he cut all of his friends who told him to go on a date that day. He’s in denial for years, even when he knows that they're giving a bad influence to him.
He goes on a lot of interviews, and he never fails to mention you in his interview, hoping you will see him on tv shows and better yet, with his child.
You, on the other hand, are already living your best life with your son, you’ve given birth to him 4 and a half years ago, and now he's your most favorite person in this universe.
You decide to move to Switzerland when Minjun– your son (Hong Minjun, Edward Hong) turns 1 year old.
There you met Minjun's dad, who happens to have the same surname as yours, Joshua Hong or Hong Jisoo because that's his Korean name.
You hesitate at first to be in a commitment because of your past, but Joshua makes it clear that you can trust him, and everything will be fine.
Joshua is a gentleman, a man who you dreamed off everytime you doze off, a man of words and action, and you really want Minjun to be like him when he's older.
Minjun characteristics start showing up lately, and just as you expected, he's already being a mini gentleman to you, and the manner that you and Joshua taught him is prominent with his actions and words.
You're proud of him, and you finally get your highest dream.
Having a happy family has been your dream for as long as you can remember, even when Joshua's not Minjun's biological father, but he acts like one and Minjun, too, acts like Joshua's biological son.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
Joshua decided that this month he and you will go back to Korea for the Christmas holiday, because for the last 3 years it's always been your family to come to Switzerland.
You can't forget how happy your parents and your brother's family look when they see you coming home with Minjun and Joshua.
“I miss my daughter so much. How have you been, sweetheart?” your mother said while hugging you, which you replied with a ‘i'm fine, mother’ and a wide smile on your face.
The next day, you're going to have a visit to your company in Seoul, and so you bring Minjun with you because Joshua is having a meeting and probably will be back at dawn.
“Minjun, are you excited to see mommy's office?” you ask Minjun when the light goes red, which Minjun replies with an excited nod and wide grins, “yes! I am so excited!” Minjun said with Korean and an accent.
The security, receptionist and your workers still remember you, they even try to get in a conversation with Minjun which brings a smile to your face.
“Minjun, will you wait here in Mommy's office while Mommy is getting our lunch?” you said while crothed to his height and holding both of his tiny hands.
Minjun nodded at your words, “can i play with secretary Jeon Mommy?” he asked, and this time it's your turn to nod your head, “yes, you can”
You already told your secretary to watch Minjun, so you don't need to worry.
You walk to the café near your company building, it's been your favorite place since you moved to this branch of your company.
When you get your order, you take a seat on the side of the road.
Not so long after, there's someone who sat in front of you, and when you saw him you furrowed your eyebrows.
“What are you doing here, Seungcheol?” The same question from those years threw Seungcheol off guard, the bad memories he never wants to remember.
“This used to be, or is it still your favorite place to go for lunch, and i miss you so i came here, what i didn't expect is you're going to be here” Seungcheol said, there's defeated plastered on his face.
“How's your life?” You begin, so the tension can be lowered a bit.
“Messed up, after our divorce. How's yours?” he replied with simplicity.
“Amazing. He's 4 and a half now, his name is Hong Minjun and since i'm not living in Korea he uses his foreign name too, Edward Hong” you said referring to the baby you carried when you're getting a divorce with him.
“Where is he?”
“Playing with secretary Jeon”
“I think i can't do this anymore, I'm sorry, i was an asshole back then. I swear I changed! just give me a chance, please” Desperate sounds so clear, and you look at him in disapproval.
“I have given you chances, over and over, but you throw it away like it meant nothing”
Even after you replied to him with that, he still begged you to come back to him, tears in his eyes mirroring how desperate he is.
He is still doing it until someone calls your name and a little boy runs to you, calling you mommy.
That's when he realised in front of him is his son, that he failed to protect.
And when he gets up when he sees you do the same, he turns his head to the man who calls your name.
There's when his heart drops to his stomach, thoughts running a hundred miles per hour, thinking of the worst scenario in his head, that the man in front of him is your—
“Y/n's husband, Joshua Hong”
Your husband, and that means he never got the chance to make you his anymore.
The tension can be seen by anyone passing by, an ex-husband who hurt his ex-wife deeply, and the current husband who treats his wife like a princess.
Joshua breaks the awkward silence after Seungcheol introduces himself with, “Let’s go, my love, your mother sends a location to the restaurant we're going to eat for lunch” with a smile that Seungcheol swears he wants to rip from Joshua’s kind face.
You replied to Joshua with a smile, and you three excuses yourself from Seungcheol and went to Joshua’s car.
Seungcheol had his heart broken again, and the reason is still the same.
Oh, there's addition for the cause of his broken heart.
You and Minjun.
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moonlightspencie · 8 months
Could you write a Spencer Reid x fem reader where they’re best friends and when Spencer is taking care of drunk reader she ends up drunkingly complimenting him a lot and ends up confessing her feelings for him (and he reciprocates but not till she’s sober)
this has been in my inbox for like six months. then i started ovulating and watching cm again so… here is this little drabble
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
warnings: drunk!reader (duh), a mildly suggestive comment
We stumbled into my apartment after a long night. Really, the only people who got super blasted were myself and Penelope, but… she was never a good influence on me. I just couldn’t say no.
Spencer tried as hard as possible to keep a hold on me, but I was hardly upright as I laughed over nothing as we got inside my place.
“Quit moving around so much,” he grumbled.
“Maybe I just like your hands on me,” I laugh, leaning into him.
The blush on his face was bright as I told him as much, then he shook his head quickly.
“You’re… drunk,” he said after a beat, locking the door of my apartment.
“And you’re hot,” I retort, trying to kiss his cheek.
He pulled his head back quickly.
“Quit trying to kiss me, you don’t know what you’re doing.”
“I’m drunk, not a child,” I laugh. “You’re always cute. I know exactly what I’m saying.”
He sighed, trying to help me move to my bedroom.
“Let’s get you to your room.”
“Ooh, baby, trying to get me to bed already?” I laugh again, letting him pull me there.
He sighed softly. “You need to lay down. Go to sleep.”
He helped me plop down on my bed, then stood up straight.
“Why don’t you take me seriously?” I pouted, looking up at him.
“Because you drank way too much tonight, and it all got to your head. Your inhibitions are lowered, dangerously so, and you have no clue what you’re actually—”
“I know what I’m saying, Spencer,” I cut him off. “Just too scared to say it all sober.”
He raised his brows. “What?”
“I always think you’re cute,” I groaned, flopping back on my bed. My ceiling spun overhead. “I feel like I’m in the Wizard of Oz.”
Spencer merely quirked a brow, then helped move me up my bed, and haphazardly covered me up.
“Thanks,” I said softly, looking up at him. He looked like a little angel with my bathroom light making him glow from behind. “Morgan isn’t wrong calling you a pretty boy, you know?”
Spencer just watched me for a beat. “Go to sleep.”
“Will you be here when I wake up? Wanna tell you I like you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do.”
“Yes,” I whined. “You’re cute and sweet and smart and when you ramble I just wanna climb you like a tree, it’s so hot.”
His cheeks flushed quickly, and I finally managed to render him speechless. I smiled at him.
“Swear I’m not lying. I’ve liked you like… forever.”
“Promise you’ll be here when I wake up?”
He nodded. “Okay. I promise.”
I smiled to myself. “Okay, Spencie baby boo boo. I love you.”
He sucked in a breath, watching as I quickly began to fall asleep. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead when he thought I was officially passed out. The last thing I heard before I drifted off was nothing more than a soft whisper.
“I love you, too.”
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