#I need to kill this artblock so I can draw them interacting more
do-kontsa · 7 months
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theladart · 4 years
Art Vent
I don't get how people are able to post their art when it's objectively Not Good
Like, when the artist is definitely just starting out and needs to learn the basics of art and you can't give them any constructive criticism without sounding like an assbag or being too general or saying basically "git gud"
Oh and let me be clear, I'm not shitting on these folks. I WISH I was that confident when I was at that skill level. I am jealous/proud of these people
If I wasn't chained to the No One Look At Me Or I'll Kill Myself mindset, I'd probably have improved my art a lot more, learned to take criticism, interacted with more artists, and gained a platform or been on my way to one much quicker
This is just something I can't do I guess
I have tons of art that is passable but because it's not super-extra-excellent I don't want to post it and a lot more art that I stopped 3/4ths of the way through because I'm scared the finished product won't be perfect
I even got into a hellishly frustrating artblock this past month because I looked at the amazing work of some artists (that I love so much) who are not only younger and better at art than me, but can draw a wider array of subjects and can actually dedicate themselves to art for more than a few days at a time
Seeing these artists' work shattered my confidence and made me throw out every sketch before it was even half-done because it wasn't "perfect"
It's something I'm working on though
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