#I need to do the Eden raids and then do that other quests at the bar in the crystarium but drk is runa's main... for now.
pietys-arch · 2 years
dropping runa lore so i can confidently write with all of u
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stardustdiver · 5 months
top 5 character moments but it's limited to stuff your ocs have done
there was that one time in puppy bunker where i (drg) was standing in the completely wrong spot with a bunch of others (where the pods come down and the aoes go off), i survived but i thought i died, party member "howd you survive that?" me "no clue xD"
that one time wint won the big glowing troll mount from the gc gacha, and j just went "ooh i dont have you yet" *redeem*, then told my friend about it later and she said she was hunting for that for ages and it also cost a couple mil on mb
when she stands up to leviathan in eden raids despite being so scared she freezes once or twice and theias running up next to her like "hey you good? do you need me to pull a rescue or anything?" and she wins and starts closure there (going with merl on the ew melee job quest helps too
that moment when theia saves the world from the final days, a task 13,000 years in the making
all the friends wint has made (both in her own canon and the friends i have made bc lore and fellow wol enjoyers)
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autumnslance · 11 months
21. Are there any raid storylines (Ivalice, Coil of Bahamut, Werlyt, etc.) you consider to be canon for your WoL(s)? Which ones don't you consider canon (or do you divvy it up)? 
Most of the side stories are canon in some way or another for Aeryn; sometimes with minor alterations, or changes in timing once all the patches are complete. Usually it's the whole team in raids and many trials, but splitting up the Combat and DoH/DoL quests between my characters in some way. I have lists and ideas and timelines to keep track of who does what and when.
Crystal Tower was one C'oretta and Dark helped on, and C'oretta had a bit of a no-strings fling with a certain catboy--so his return to the storyline years later has made her go "oh no that's weird and awkward now." Return to Ivalice is when and where Iyna joined the team, as meeting the Eorzeans at General Fran's side made them realize "oh hey, Iyna has the Echo and these people can teach her about that and she can act as a liaison to Eorzea..." So they usually help Aeryn out, except in the First, when only Aeryn could travel there while the other three held down the fort, so to speak, while the WoL and senior Scions were gone.
With Werlyt and Bozja, some of that was handled by the friend crew with Aeryn coming in at specific points, due to how back and forth she was between the Source and the First. I tend to say events in the Source in ShB happened on a shorter timeframe, based on a few vague comments, compared to events in the First. So some things started during 5.0 MSQ instead of later in the patches. It just makes sense time-wise in my story for Aeryn to entrust some of those adventures and duties to her capable friends, especially since the main story's own themes and events run that way, with the Eorzean and Eastern Alliances taking on more of their own responsibilities, rather than relying on the Scions so heavily.
But that also means Aeryn did the Role and Crystalline Mean quests, Eden, and other First-specific side stories on her own. Same with anything in Elpis or Ultima Thule.
I'm still determining how to handle Pandaemonium; I absolutely want it to be canon for Aeryn, want to rewrite parts in the third tier to involve Thancred a little bit cuz of Lahabrea, but I also tend to see Ultima Thule and Elpis as 1 time, 1 way visits, so may have to reconsider that and rework some things as the nature of MMO gameplay means those zones can't just be 1 time use only, so other quests and stories keep going back there. So Panda happens but there's some rewriting to go along with it--once I figure it out!
I also need to NG+ the Myths of the Realm, just shotgun it in one go over a weekend, to really get down how Aeryn feels, as that raid ended up rather important to her for reasons pertaining to her lost faith, all she experienced with the Ancients, and the nature of divinity.
The only story that is absolutely not canon for my OCs is the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse raids. More on that under the cut.
After hearing such good things about the NieR games and how they approach stories and characters and themes, I was looking forward to them. They seemed of to a decent-ish start, but I was severely disappointed as time went on, and the finales of both the raid and the weekly follow-up quests made me extremely salty. A FFXIV Writing prompt a year or two ago ended up with Aeryn waking up post-festival, to find the twins sleep-dusted her while she was drinking dwarven ale and eating festival food, and the whole thing had been a weird dream, while the twins scampered off to have adventures out in the world. No androids or machines, though. Intact mountain. Town never bombarded.
I like the fights, the music, and the glamours for those raids. I love the idea of the between-patches quests and wish they'd do that for other 24 and 8 man stories that alternate patches.
But even Sorrow of Werlyt is canon for Aeryn and crew, and my salt over that storyline is also no secret. There's at least salvageable plot elements and characters that are actually part of the FFXIV world in that machina chain, though.
The NieR raid was by an auteur who apparently didn't want to play in someone else's sandbox, seems to have had to thanks to corporate, likely doubly screwed by pandemic shenanigans, and so it became an empty Abrams Mystery Box reference-fest only barely understandable in any part by existing players of that series, utterly incomprehensible to non-fans, and de-centered the WoL so badly that players were left to feel like NPCs, not a main character as things happened offscreen and major elements resolved on their own with no player presence/input (which is also a major problem Werlyt has, to be honest). It made my kneejerk reaction "I never want to play this series now", and I know other non-players and even fans who were left feeling the same confusion and frustration, which is, bluntly, a failure for a property crossover.
Ivalice's story was reworked to fit into FFXIV and continues to influence elements in the Near East/South Ilsabard. Garo is pretty much just items, for Monster Hunter the setup was also reworked to fit in and is mostly items and a neat fight. Other raids have story connections and characters that have impacts and ties to MSQ and other side tales and can get optionally worked in, like the entire bonus scene at the end of 6.5 prt 1 if one completed Eden, how you can find Alpha & Omega wandering the world and how their story ties into Endwalker plots, Werlyt does have ongoing relevance, how Crystal Tower became integral to the greater plot, Alexander has influence in the Shadowbringers storyline, and so on.
But YoRHa never happened. As it has absolutely 0 impact on or connection to literally anything else in FFXIV by apparent design, I doubt it will ever be an issue for my OCs' stories and connecting to future FFXIV plots.
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manta-is-yelling · 11 months
I am actually a bit disappointed that they gave us the 12 just to kill them immediately. Like...why..."The secret of the 12...is that they're based off of Ascians- they will die now."
They had such SLAMMING themes for the first 2 raids then gave us NOTHING for this.
I had such high HIGH hopes. They could've given us a sea shanty or something. 😭
Crumbs. THEY GAVE ME C r u m bs. I got some forgotten Mt. Gulg Mobs and Edens Promise without the mid fight side quest. Doing the other 2 raids is considered a quizlet for the final fight.
Could you imagine if they had something with a really solid choir that maybe pulled in the ascians le motif and then led into your answer?? Ajajsjdjdj s o m e t h I n g. A nod to the way they were "summoned" at carteneau???
Why did they give us the 12 if they were gonna d r o p the ball SO HARD.
Realistically, I'm aware they probably needed to pass on, as part of the ancients baton pass but the implementation, as Ilberd would say "SLOPPEH"
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
Putting off Eden Raids until this weekend when I can maybe run them with friends so just slowly progressing the Post-Shadowbringers patch content.
It seems to be taking me about a month to get through an expansion in total, 2 weeks for base, then another 2 weeks for patch content. I think they're releasing a big/the final patch for Endwalker in June, so if I keep at this pace, I'll be just in time to finish Endwalker just as it's, well, ending.
Then I can wait along with everyone else for the next expansion and finally, FINALLY, try to catch up on all the things I've been neglecting so far, like other classes, crafting, housing, gpose, trust leveling, etc.
Unfortunately, me being the trash that I am, almost all of the classes I'm interested in trying out are melee dps which is... bad, because I need to find a caster dps, healing, and ranged physical dps class each to do these fucking role quests.
But the only things I want to try are Dragoon, Samurai, and maaaaaybe Dancer.
Speaking of dragoon, it let me do a roleplay fight as Estinien, and MAN. It's reminding me of that Musuo Warriors games bullshit, big nostalgia bomb. Actual dragoon probably isn't that absurd, but man it was fun. Glad to have another NPC around who gives Talia well meaning shit like friends do, because whether he likes it or not, Estinien is now her best friend and wingman forever, he knows the Aymeric secrets and he's the Stitch to Alphinaud's Lilo, so we have to keep him no matter how dumb he is about summoning up Nidhogg's power when he REALLY SHOULDN'T BE.
Wish he'd actually, y'know, STICK AROUND to be part of the narrative, but apparently I don't get that unless I play dragoon. So :T
Like, god. I just need him to stick around long enough until the Scions wake up because I NEED him to meet Alisaie. I don't even know what I want to happen, I just need them to meet. She would either grok him immediately and it would destroy Alphinaud that his senpai gets along with his sister better, or she would H A T E him because only she is allowed to pick on Alphinaud and would absolutely destroy him verbally and probably kick him in the shins and leave him unable to hop for a week. There would be no in between and either would be highly entertaining.
But yeah, stream of consciousness that is this post, holy fuck, go Alisaie for figuring out a treatment for tempering, that's my GIRL!! And she says she's not as smart as Alphinaud!!! GODDAMN!
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astralartefact · 3 months
A collection of thoughts about the Dawntrail Launch Trailer as always I fail to be normal about this
I'm talking about the Sexy Robot, the White Lady and... yeah that's pretty much it.
if Solution 9 has nothing to do with the twelfth shard/lightning calamity then what are they doing putting references to lightning in the text of the trailer
Why are they so allergic to showing the Pictomancer Limit Break, no let's just show the mid Viper LB again.
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I have a thought where the Area we fight the Eliminator is (not convinced Eliminator is a trial tbh - this might be a Ranjit Solo Fight Situation) - I think this is in the original Golden City (well, at least one of them. clearly there's more than one given tuliyollal is also one symbolically) and that hole in the ceiling also makes me think that that might be the holes in the new Solution 9 artwork and that Solution 9/Heritage Found were literally built on top of the Golden City, taking advantage of it or something?
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Trial Fight on top of Solution 9! Trial Fight on top of Solution 9! Trial Fight on top of Solution 9! knew they would do it!!!
I wonder what creature/battle-able force this thing (the golden core looks very very Ancient btw) is going to release upon the world... and if it's the Second Trial or the Final Boss (no idea what it could be lol, i don't know FF6 nor 9)
Also, given it's prominently called a key I wonder what door it opens. Clearly not just Solution 9. I think it would be much more interesting to let that door open and let us look inside, maybe :) (bc if this is the second trial then maybe the final zone is the destroyed 12th and we learn that rejoinings leave traces or something) (and i don't care if that doesn't make sense in the lore, myths of the realm did break the lore worse for less pay-off)
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i am so unnormal about her. i hope she's a ultimately good but misguided genocidal pure little lady. and i desperately need the community at large to hate her. also pls be voiced by azusa tadokoro so i can keep calling you marie nier reincarnation it could be her but i'm not sure
If the Eliminator really is her Gundam I'm going to throw up. God. Please give her the Sexy Gundam.
as for speculation on who she is - probably one of the three ascians we don't know yet and/or their 'shard' (i still want them to go deeper into what it does to a person to learn they're a shard and to have to live with that sort of agency-crushing legacy but looking at gaia just shrugging it off we will probably never get that)
i also really hope she's genuinely a 'good' ascian even if she's the antagonist, i think it's boring to think none of them could be reasonable and accept/get over the fact that their world is gone. it's been 12000 years. also keep in mind they rewrote deudalaphon's lore in the newest lore book for no good reason, they have never been called an architect before i would know that so they're probably going to show up somewhere too at some point.
Speaking of which, friendly reminder that the Raid is literally called Arcadia in JP and up until now everything that was called after a fictional Utopia (Amaurot, Eden) had to do with Ascians (also no i won't recognize that red thing in the raid artwork as an ascian sigil it looks nothing like the other ones)
Solution 9 giving people eternal life gave me one (1) fear. If this Expansion is about how dying is good actually and necessary for humans to [gestures to whatever Venat's whole thing and the Omicron quests were about] - I'm not going to froth at the mouth about it like how I'm doing it for Myths of the Realm (Fuck Eulogia), but I am going to roll my eyes at it. Like, can we stop romanticizing the limitations of the human race. I think it's honestly boring to arrive at the take 'Well, Humanity would be worse if we took away one of its limitations' - No, It would probably just be different and that's fine. Both would be fine. And like, who cares at this point. You talked about this three times already. Get new material.
Also, the German Dub was... pretty good??? At this point I'm watching it to avoid the English Dub (you people are weird, you like that???) but I'm surprised about how little I cringed about it! It's still a little bit stilted and stuff (like how Erenville's Narration does the thing where. he. speaks. every. single. word. on. its. own.) but I didn't mind it that much! Another Win for the German Localization!
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Please... stop trolling these people....
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Stop channeling your inner Azem.
How puny the two of them are.
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Its a bit unfortunate that Breeches of Light had not drop and Helm of Light is a collector's item. Behmoth head of somehing or other anyone?
What's up Eli-kun?
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It scare me somewhat that's he's so trusting in fate. I can see a bit of the present Elidibus in him.
Finally, this stops being cold weather gear and both black and white version gets usage. Element of choice started off being lightning vs ice. But since she's partial to air theme and lightning won because "Azem created coeurls on account of wanting to blast fish out of water"
Yes Lightning. air that burns, Light that burns. Outfit went from black (when rouletting trials) to white when doing this specific quest line. Is really impartial since am curious to know what happened.
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Not going into the raid blind for the moment. Forgot to check and Asphodelos: The Second Circle's Hippokampos has this Dammed if you do(DIE!!!) and dammed if you don't(3/4 of health gone) mechanic with the flood waters that messes with your ingrained need to avoid AOE. Dang scary this, but I like it better than Eden's Titan?!
Don't mind me, I'm just here for the mouldy details on the Lalabread. so many questions
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Sooo much mouldy bread crumbs
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side note - I do this Emet and I do this to Elidibus. I realised I don't use Hades or Themis unless period appropriate? Because she has no memories of the past? She knows them as the sum of all their trials? Except Venat is always Venat?
Messing with Themis
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In the name of locking horns with the huge horn helm villians of FFXIV
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fleetingfigures · 4 years
|| 2020: A Retrospective ||
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With the year coming to a close soon, thank god, I thought it’d be cool to take a look back and see what’s transpired in FFXIV as well as this blog! Anyone also reading this, I invite to do the same, if you have time of course. It’s always nice to close out the year thinking of the positives. Though, without further ado let’s goooo~
- Actually, well, started using this thing! Met a lot of cool peeps and had the chance to actually break out into the world RP thanks to it.
- Almost hit 100 followers, just 5 shy! 
- Top 10 Posts of the Year!
1). Promise Me You’ll... 116 notes - Aug 19 2020 
First and only post I’ve had reach 100 notes! Mighty proud of the posing I pulled off for this, and who knows, I might make a sequel in due time. WoL!AU’s are still very much my weakness. And G’raha. He’s a weakness of mine too, if it wasn’t readily apparent already.
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2). LFRP - Saerno Glista (Balmung/Crystal DC)  75 notes - Jan 28 2020. 
Ah... My old LFRP. I even updated it, but I feel the need to change it again, especially given the fact I’m Giving my Carrd a complete overhaul. Might do the same to this blog too lmao. New Year new me as they say, but in actuality a lot has occurred for a certain catboy and things must be adjusted.
3). I Was Busy Thinking ‘Bout Boys  70 notes - Dec 5 2020
I was surprised this even got the attention it did lol. Seems NPC-related content is my most popular stuff. Also I am highly disappointed no one could recognize Arnott from the HW anima weapon quests. Y-yea he’s a very minor NPC, but I think he’s a cutie.
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4). Black Mage is a Fun Class 51 notes - May 6 2020
The first of my fun class series! Originally wasn’t supposed to be a series at all, but I decided that every class in the game deserved some love! Also can I just say how much I love staves? Oh and the pagos bandana. It fits oddly well Sae imo.
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5). Eden’s Promise Eternity 46 notes - Dec 18 2020
One of my more recent posts, and one not all too involved in the posing. Though, like I said in the post, the MOMENT I saw that arena, I fell in love with its lighting. OST is also a banger. Glad that people enjoyed random glamour shots with Gshade improving the already good lighting.
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6). A Guide to Arcanima 42 notes - Sep 28 2020
The post I put the most time into... Photoshopping became so tedious at some points, but it was well worth it! I’m proud of the result and the opportunity to share some of my views upon the RP-flexibility of Arcanima.
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7). Random Shower Thought 32 notes - Feb 9 2020
...I genuinely do not remember making this post.
8). Astrologian is a Fun Class 31 notes - Nov 30 2020
My old healing main, but still without a doubt the most beautiful class in the game. I wish Tumblr didn’t restrict gif sizes, but I understand the need for people’s devices to not implode when loading resources. So much grain could be reduced and more detail could be added, but alas. The screenshot at the end is still my favorite screenshot of Sae I’ve taken, even if it’s not IC.
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9). Crystarium Coat of Scouting 29 notes - Mar 20 2020
And I still stand by my statements today. Since last tier is a patch behind us now, I could spare some augments to finally dye the coat. And, like a basic bitch, I’ve made Saerno’s ninja Rogue glamour jet black as far as the eye can see; all leather, of course. What is a rogue really without their leather?
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10). 26 notes - Nov 16 2020
One of my first gifsets next to my Ninja ones! It Showcases the wonderful land of La Noscea, Sae’s only true home, and highlights some of his personal favorite areas! Hence why Limsa is barely pictured. He likes the city, but growing up in the country makes one appreciate the more natural side of La Noscea.
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(Created by TumblrTop10)
- Levelled all classes to 80! Though it does feel a bit hollow not being able to get xp for doing stuff now...
- Started Raiding... Well, seriously. I used to be a scrub and only do e1,e5 and e6 savage in PF, but a friend’s static needed a healer and they all but convinced me I was good enough to join. It’s been a hell of a ride, I’ll finally be going into e12s soon, but my experiences thus far have been awesome to say the least. I feel like I’m actually getting the most out of this game now that I both savage raid and take the time to RP.
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God was the release of the new wards hella stressful. Stayed up all night, logged on the second I could, booted up next to the ferryman. Didn’t get my ideal plot, but got the neighboring one. I finally got to house something with more than 100 slots, and for that, I am eternally thankful.
- Finished those goddamn Shared Fates. And all so I could get a piece of music and possibly make a few million gil selling other SHB area themes. Crystarium night theme is the GOAT and you cannot tell me otherwise.
- Actually RP’ed outside of my circle of friends! Now I haven’t had the time recently to seriously go back to it like I once did, but the things I’ve learned and the people I’ve met... I wouldn’t trade it for the world. With this upcoming new year, and me taking a small break from Uni, I think I’ll begin in earnest again! First I’ve gotta update all these damn sites first to better reflect where Saerno is now.
- New Plotlines realized, old ones closed up. It’s cathartic and oh so satisfying, in a way, to see your OC go through legitimate change and to have them put a cap upon a phase of their life, slowly moving on to the next. While Saerno is still as brash as ever, he’s begun to realize just how fragile his life is. To slow down, to sit back, rest, to think about the direction his life is headed, that is the essence of his new arc.
- Secrets to uncover. To keep things brief and without many spoiler, Saerno has made the transition from Arcanist to Summoner, but with it comes its own host of problems, ones that Saerno has to grapple lest things take a turn for the worse.
- Potential Alts. Well, now that I have money again... I may actually follow through on one of the many alt ideas I’ve had, some tangentially tied to Saerno’s own story, others completely unrelated. A tailor with an unrequited love that’s inspired him throughout his hardships? Perhaps the prodigal daughter of a family whose cunning nature only fuels her desire of pure freedom? Or maybe the son of Doman liberators, trying desperately to gain the approval and praise of others so that his parents’ name do not die out completely. So many choices... 
And, well, that’s all! So far while 2020 has been quite terrible, at least I have these moments to look back upon fondly. Thanks to any and all of your who have been here this year, and here’s to hoping for a wonderful 2021! 
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tarajenkins · 5 years
Given what you've said of Vauthry, about how we're never given any chance to even try and redeem him, help him become a better person, I'd like to ask: how would you go about "saving" him? When he transforms into that Lucifer/Archangel Michael-looking guy, he seems permanently lost, but how would you write out a redemption narrative for him?
I love this ask, I hate the answer I have to give. But it’s gonna be a long response anyway, because context and because you already know I don’t know when to shut up about characters, lmao. 
SO I HOPE YOU LOVE HEARING ME RAMBLE UNDER THIS CUT (but I won’t blame you if you don’t)
I don’t think the in-game narrative allows Vauthry any chance at redemption in the current time, even if he had the agency to take it.  I don’t think we ever saw what he actually could have been. I think what we saw in Shadowbringers was the Lightwarden he’d been carrying finally “awakening”, as Innocence’s Triple Triad card put it. Or, as the X-Files put it in their eighth ep: “We are not who we are”.  
Even if that Lightwarden could be driven out of him (I know an “Aethertech” who would do anything to make that possible cough), I don’t know if he’d regain clarity he may never have had to start.  I’d love to think that he did, a long time ago. The Minstreling Wanderer tells us he can’t say whether or not Vauthry was a monster as a child, when you unlock Crown Of The Immaculate EX.
I believe the Lightwarden’s influence was driving a lot of his brutal acts of “justice”, because that is kinda their whole thing.  As for the man inside the monster?  I have a hunch he was desperate to not be seen as unnatural, and was trying to make sense out of what was happening to him in a way that would not make him a hybrid abomination. Because if he wasn’t a God, if he wasn’t this divine thing he was told he was – then what was he? The way he worded it, “this is why I was born…as man and Sin Eater both…” – it makes me feel he had, at some point in his life, at least once, ASKED why he was born as he was. That he had perceived it was wrong. He needed it to be right. And that was just fuel to the corruption fire.
The talk of godhood actually seemed to be a recent phenomenon, as no other NPC mentions a thing about it – they refer to him as “Lord Vauthry”, and speak of him in mortal terms, apart from his miraculous ability to keep the Sin Eaters at bay. He freely boasted of being a God to the Crystal Exarch, yet we’re to believe he didn’t say a word to his own people, all this time? Or that no one, in turn, would mention to us “Yyyyeah, about this guy….” Mayor Punchable Face may have told him he was a God, but it doesn’t sound like Vauthry bought into it enough to spread the good word for at least twenty years. 
Also consider he called his transformation into Innocence a “trial”. Why would a god need to be tested? And by whom?
By the time we see him in-game, it seemed he was in a rapid decline of sanity, or at least the ability to keep up appearances, and whatever was left of him was fervently clinging to the only purpose he was ever apparently given – which is exactly what that Lightwarden (and Emet-Selch) would want. 
 He was really cynical about the rest of humanity. Given his father, I can see where he’d get that from. Not that daddy told him people suck, it’s that Vauthry probably learned that by his father’s example. Maybe by the rest of Eulmore, too, but I got the impression he was kept seriously isolated from society before his inauguration. He seems to prefer being alone – he only leaves that room when he moves the Sin Eaters against Lakeland. He gives no indication he knows how to socialize, period. You either come to him, or you don’t see him. (He may be keenly aware humes don’t typically reach at least fifteen feet tall. Seriously, look at Cruelty’s size compared to player characters, now look how Cruelty makes a comfy couch for him.)
Cynical, and yet, he wanted to see the people of Eulmore’s “dreams fulfilled, their wishes granted”. Just so long as he was the one responsible, and he was the one recognized for it. He needed their acceptance. 
ANYHOO.  On to stuff I still have zero idea what to make of. 
I should preface the rest of this infodump with the fact I found the Eulmore arc to be the weakest of the expansion, between Vauthry and Ran'jit. Most of the MSQ was given nuance. Eulmore was given a Saturday Morning Cartoon sledge. A -lot- of questions, with no answers, unless Squeenix decides to be generous in a fifty-buck lore book later. (something I hated Warcraft for. I should not have to pony up for a book to understand the main story quest chain in a game.) So, here are some of the questions I’ve got:
They don’t really explain why Emet-Selch thought corrupting an infant was a good plan, as the Sin Eaters seemed guaranteed a win on The First, if only by outlasting the survivors of the Flood. Impatience, maybe? Why not give it to the mayor? That dickpickle would’ve said yes. Maybe we’ll get more answers with the Eden raid. IT’D BE NICE *COUGH*
- The meol thing.  
It’s using Sin Eater’s non-existant flesh to make a bread, and through that bit of Sin Eater, Vauthry could control whoever ate it.  The fanbase loves the “soylent green is people” angle, but it’s done pretty haphazardly, when you think about it like that? Sin Eaters have no lasting corporeal body. They are Light, mixed with a bit of the lingering essence of whatever they originally were – and what they originally were did not have to be humanoid. They dissolve into sparklies in the air upon death – and arguably, they would not have to die to contribute sparklies to somehow mix into food. Forgiven Cruelty lost a whole wing to Thancred when Thancred first took Ryne from Eulmore, and it seemed to have grown back just fine by the time we see Cruelty again. Killing Sin Eaters also would be entirely counterproductive to a nation that devoted themselves to NOT killing them. Also – we are shown the Afflicted, people who are falling to corruption from a SIn Eater attack they’d survived. How is it people who eat meol don’t become corrupted themselves?
Where did the idea for meol  even begin? Vauthry’s father was ousted by the people as mayor before Emet-Selch said hey there, friend, you have a punchable face, let’s make a deal – and Vauthry only took control of Eulmore 20 years ago. He looks a LOT older than 20, or even 40. So his father must’ve rode his child’s coattails before then.  Did Mayor Punchable Face think that was a wise countermeasure against future insurrection? In any case, Vauthry did not exert that control until the WoL and allies were coming to kill the Lightwarden of Kholusia (him), so it did not seem to be a priority of his. Alphinaud confirmed the people were of a free mind until they were made to fight the WoL and allies. (and dialogue stressed it was very noticeable when someone was not of a free mind.) Squeenix: *throws meol into purse* I have to go plotholes came up
- The “Perverted Paradise”.  (I at least giggle every time Alphinaud says this.)
Vauthry is presented as the pinnacle of vice, yet the game does not really show this well – in some cases, not at all.
Gluttony: He isn’t shown to indulge in drink, let alone overindulge. Apart from the meol scene at the end, which was related to controlling the Eater-corrupted citizenry, not gluttony, he was not shown to have so much as a snack. There’s food in his chamber, all of it untouched. But! In the Shadowbringers trailer, Squeenix thought the best example to showcase Eulmore’s decadence was – three thicc'qotes. Having pleasant conversation ‘round a table. Eating fresh fruit.
Not the creepy-ass old patron who thinks that  since his pretty servant can’t sing anymore, she should be “Ascended” as a kindness, although it was implied she could have recovered her health, just not her voice. Not the guy who tossed his servant from a balcony because reasons and wanted us to bring him back. Not even the noblewoman trying to have her servant killed because her lecherous husband put designs on the poor girl.
Three thicc'qotes. Having pleasant conversation ‘round a table. Eating fresh fruit.
We get it, Square, we’re supposed to see he’s fat and think that is bad. Moving on.
Lust: He doesn’t visit the adult nightclub downstairs (the adult nightclub that is shown practically empty and behind closed doors, the lewdness of it all – I clutch my pearls.) He doesn’t  creep on your player character like Magnai did in Stormblood – he doesn’t creep on anyone. He doesn’t want you to be his steed. No interest is shown in the Sin Eaters apart from them fighting for him, as much as some people in the fanbase theorize he is fucking them. (They probably think that Spirited Away is about the sex industry and My Neighbor Totoro is about dead girls, too.) This game is pretty blatant when they intend that sort of thing, see: Yotsuyu, Sastasha, any number of things in Ishgard or Ul'dah. I’ve found nothing here, except the German translation for “Consort Of Sin: Forgiven Obscenity” is “Purified Fornication: Playmate Of The Redeemer”. Since this is not implied in any other translation, I put my trust in Koji Fox and the fact Obscenity’s job seems to be Official Nose Petter to Forgiven Cruelty.
Greed: I am not going to hold his rings and his robes against him, as Urianger has just as much bling (more, actually), The wealthy are made to give up ALL their fortune to be permitted to stay in Eulmore – but that wealth is then used to provide everything for free to those who live there, and the free citizenry are apparently given funds for private use to boot. If they intended to show that Vauthry was using all that for hookers and blow for himself, it did not convey well.
Wrath: If one has broken the rules of the city (or has thrown shade that takes him a full two minutes to catch), Vauthry definitely has this in spades, with a temper tantrum a lot like Philia’s Fierce Beating attack.  But again, the writers don’t really show the extent of the wrath they are trying to tell . Because if you don’t break the rules? Nothing happens, apparently. Trouble seems to have to be brought forward to him, he doesn’t go looking for it.  It didn’t feel any different to me than the Grand Companies, yet this is the one that finally makes Alphinaud do the *GAAAAASP*.
The populace does not seem afraid of Vauthry. In fact, they feel free to pop ‘round to have a word if they think something needs doing. Chai-Nuzz did not seem distressed by his wife’s suggestion she would have a word with Vauthry to soothe the “hard feelings” stirred up in the quest “Emergent Splendor”.  
Pride: He has great pride in his ability to keep the SIn eaters under control, but doesn’t really display any vanity in himself. No portraits, statues, etc. When Alphinaud interfered with Kai-Shirr’s punishment, Alphinaud was told he’d be permitted to stay in the city if he made a painting – not a portrait of Vauthry, but of the city itself.
Sloth: We get it, Square, he’s fat and he sits down, moving the FUCK on.  No actually, hold up, to be honest? As tired and :| as he looked all the time, he struck me as depressed. What guy in Paradise looks that haggard?
NOW moving on.
Envy: If my theory holds, probably plenty of unresolved envy for folks who are not “half Sin Eater”. Otherwise, I can’t think of an example here.
- “Ascension” (Sure thing, Jan)
This is only made reference to in the Weeping Warbler quest chain. “As all know, the sin eaters exist to devour the sinful. But also do they serve to gather the souls of the innocent, and shepherd them unto celestial paradise.”
Sin eaters ate a meal that represents the sins of a household you fool oh wait this is The First
The thing I don’t get here is - why are there obviously limitations on who can be ascended, and when? If the idea is strictly to feed the Sin Eaters, or make meol, or just be an asshole, why is this the only time we hear of it?
It’s like if there are no more mortals, Vauthry wouldn’t have that reassurance he is doing good anymore. Either that, or since he’s never worked in retail, he doesn’t know how to push features.
But I’m betting on the former.
- LASTLY: the hypocrisy of the writer’s narrative (and the fanbase).
Tesleen was our first and horrifying sample of what Sin Eater corruption can do to a human. No matter how strong her will may have been, she was just lost to it. She scratches madly at her face when she uses one of her attacks in Holminster Switch, as though trying to stop herself, or punish herself. But she can’t help it. And we know this.
Titania was a tragedy, had to be stopped. But, a TRAGEDY. Whatever was left of the benevolent ruler was corrupted. There was never a moment where our heroes went “dis binch just evil, they gotta go down”. ( I had many choice words for Titania when I wiped enough times to them, but no actual game dialogue really says it. )
We, the Warrior Of Light, came this close to becoming a Warden ourselves. Somehow it was stalled (convenience!), but there was never a question corruption = bad and out of our control.
Vauthry, on the other hand, is treated as though he is in full control of his faculties, although the corruption before birth makes that questionable at best and he pretty clearly is not? Even as he did that Exorcist neck-twist, no one was like “oh fuck, the Sin Eaters got to another one, damn that poor man”.  (Which would seem a logical conclusion to me, I hate we have like zero real say in our characters’ reactions) Not even a “ahaha okay no seriously what the fuck is going on guys”. Nope. Their reaction was “EVIL”.  Trying to help somehow was never on the table. Watching him die slowly at our feet was.
We saw the Echo of the real circumstance of his birth. It had to come from the Sin Eater that corrupted him, because he wasn’t out of the womb to see that scene play out. Or Emet-Selch. Either way, we saw it, yet at no time afterward do we try to bring the truth out. We just let everyone believe he was evil by choice, and not another casualty of this mess.
And remember earlier, how I said Alphinaud confirmed the free citizenry were not under Vauthry’s control until the fight? Remember the noblewoman whose husband went after their bonded servant, and so she tried to get the girl murdered?
Yeah, we catch up to that noblewoman who tried to murder her servant. She feels really bad about that now.  And what is an option we get to tell her ex-bonded servant when she wonders how she could possibly trust the woman who tried to kill her?
“Vauthry’s society brought out the worst in people…”
Fffffffuck you Square lmao
In private RP land? In private RP land, where we can back the fuck up in the timeline at will? You are damn skippy that Lightwarden got purged before it took complete hold. (an Aethertech did it with SCIENCE.) And Vauthry is cynical and scarred and bitter and broken and betrayed, but he’s not evil. If anything, he’s actually pretty relatably human. And he’s actually pretty damn glad his father’s shitty legacy is over.
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galla-xiv · 5 years
Looking for Mateus FC
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I am looking for a Free Company on Mateus for this Bean and maybe an alt or three (>_>) that doesn’t mind sporadic activity and is more a casual place to hang and talk and maybe throw some RP at each other every so often. I am Pancake when it comes to gameplay but I am willing to help fill a spot in roulette groups and maybe raid groups if I can push my way through ShB MSQ again (My main is current and can do Eden, though still need to do last two bosses for the quest ;-;)
If’n you know of or run such a FC, please consider me for membership <3 Thank you!
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delta-chan · 5 years
Since I’ve been more or less missing in alt hell, I thought I should give an update now that I’ll soon be able to swooce right back onto Virun, my darling little babby garlic:
Argyris is now in SHB and thus in the “I don’t need to spend money, really” zone. Finishing the MSQ with him should be quick, SHB goes by in a flash even when you have to grind out quests. He now has 100k more than he started with, which is a goddamn miracle.
Sami is being put through Eden and has completed twice, that’s two knives for Sami. I’ve been hunting a lot with him to build up his ~wealth~ so he has about 2 mil, but... honestly I should just go unlock ventures... >3>
Virun has completed his Edengate armor set and has one knife to go before he’s able to get his weapon, but doesn’t have the tomestones for the... other tomestone yet. (Hello, Anyder!) I’m so proud of him and his comically small warhorse, once I get that weapon I’ll be nothing but heart emojis.
All this should be done within the next week. (Well, save for Sami’s raid... nonsense. I don’t really need to do much with him after I go and unlock ventures like I should have over a million years ago...) Then I’ll be back here writing complete sentences, probably. Alts are pain
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But Virun’s always here ;w;
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autumnslance · 4 years
Hello! Are you looking forward to 5.3, and do you have any story predictions? :)
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I am very much looking forward to 5.3! I am planning to be up bright and early in the morning (6am my time) for the Live Letter and likely a trailer. I also took Patch Day off work so I can just play and not sit and be unproductive and distracted at work all day.
As a reminder: trailers are meant to hype us up and are often cut to be misleading! Incomplete, out of context voiced lines over entirely unrelated scenes/images! Things spliced together to pique interest and fuel theories! Do not trust it!
They may use more NieR music. Or part of the boss theme for the Secret Trial. Or both.
I had a lot to say so here’s a cut!
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Predictions? Hrm. At this point I’m not sure. I can think of a few different possibilities, especially with The Crystal Tower raids becoming mandatory (and honestly they should have just done that before Shadowbringers entirely). We also know Our Lady Natsuko Ishikawa is back to lead writing for this finale of the storyarc she’s guided this entire time.
-I do think the Crystal Tower on the Source will become important again, as will its slumbering keeper. There’ve been hints dropped to that regard since the end of 5.0.
-I’m not so sure the Exarch will die; there’s a lot of talk about it and people claiming “OMG death flags!!!” but that just makes me think the opposite; he might come close, but with the way the narrative has relied on second chances and hope, I don’t see it as that likely. Also Her Grace Ishikawa dislikes killing off characters if she can help it, so unless she’s under orders, I feel it’s unlikely.
There are other ways The Queen can break our hears, after all.
-I am ready for a big, teary scene where Ryne says goodbye to the Scions, especially Thancred. There are a couple possibilities for how it can go, though.
-Interrupted by an enemy/event, leaving only last soft looks and things still unsaid but the communication is finally there.
-Thancred (and/or Urianger and/or Y’shtola) end up remaining on the First after all, perhaps to give the others a chance, or to help the Exarch, or Ryne, or similar last minute emergency reasons; unintentional, but they won’t just leave their friends hanging.
-The Archons do get to leave, but it’s difficult getting them back to their bodies; this is where I think Young G’raha comes back in. His blood on the Source can be used to reverse what Exarch does on the First to get the Scions into the souljars and back into corporeal form.
-A big part of me wants Ryne to last minute suddenly have to help us get the Scions back. That’s been my theory the whole time and I won’t let go until this is resolved. Minfilia got the Heroes of the First home with her, Ryne could be able to do the same; she’s as Blessed as the WoL is, after all, and just as Rejoined.
-That last one does leave Gaia alone, though, which is rough, but also she could finish Eden on her own at this clean break point in that story. While Ryne dearly loves and wants to rebuild the First, she is the Oracle of Light--and Light’s time over that world is done. That Oracle’s powers and point of hope are no longer needed, but a personification of Darkness’ changes, well...
-Runar may have a role somehow; there’s theorizing on the focus on him last patch, and him overhearing Y’shtola talk of leaving, might leave him open to manipulation.
-Frankly all the new-minted WoLs are open to manipulation, and Elidibus turning them on the Scions somehow.
-I want Angelo to come back with Alisaie. Barring that, she immediately remakes him. I definitely want a scene or at least mention of her testing her new technique on Ga Bu, but that might take another patch or two.
(I’m pretty sure out of all of them, the twins are definitely getting home; their stories on the First have been neatly wrapped up and their role alongside the WoL keeps them pretty safe, I think)
-I want a stabilized portal with the First. I don’t want the world “cut off” so far as plot goes (open for us to return for leveling/crafting/instanced reasons, but the story there being over). It would negate in so many ways the point of saving the First to let it rot in MMO static world status, but I’m also sure that’s likely to happen. Story moves on, as do the lives there, but the game can’t depict it unless there’s a plot reason for it to update.
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-We’ll start working on the still-destroyed other side of the Firmament. It’ll go much like the last patch’s progression did, as that actually worked out rather well. Maybe it’s a new form of player housing. Possibly. They’ve got to come up with something different.
-Anogg and Konog will blow things up. Machine lifeforms will attack the Goggs’ carnival. The Chief will yell and curse a lot. Nines may end up helping protect people from the machine lifeforms and then begrudgingly work with us, and 2B if we can wake her; she’s in promo art still so may get woken up during the story leading into the Bunker. I know there’s at least one other faction in NieR those figures in the art could be, and the gear they hinted will be based on said figures. We’ll learn some, but not the whole story, of what happened to 2B and why Nines was enraged while not infected (his eyes were clear). Maybe we’ll meet A2; as a boss? I doubt we’ll see Adam and/or Eve until part 3, though; they feel like end bosses, if I understand their role in story right (I’ve not played any NieR).
-People will gripe and whine there are no changes to the actual writing, dialogue, or voice acting for ARR, especially in EN, not realizing how much more work that is, not to mention probably legal issues and contractual obligations with that studio and the actors.
-I’m hoping for Class and Job quests for New Game+
(as an aside, I would love for the ARR Beast Tribes to get retooled to be a bit more like HW and later Beast Tribes, and ARR and HW DoL/DoH quests to get updated to be more StB-style; for one thing, it’s an actual test of your gathering/crafting skills, not “buy it from the MB/have a buddy make it” and for two, once contained to story items, it might make it easier to add those quests to New Game+)
-Please give us Hildibrand. Please. I’m begging, SE! Greg canonically has riftwalking powers and used them at the end of StB Hildy. Please. Give us the Inspector, he’s how the WoL destresses from what MSQ throws at them.
There’s probably more I’m forgetting, but this is more than enough for now. I’m trying not to go too hard on speculation, as whatever happens will still surprise me somehow.
I do expect tears though. Lots and lots of tears.
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astroellipse · 3 years
Finally continuing with the msq, need to note some things
ended up putting many screenshots in here by the end
I... have not been quite so sure on what the Final Days actually were for a while now. It all seemed vague, but apparently it was explained in some detail and I just forgot.
“Though yet confined to the lands across the sea, a terrible phenomenon afflicts our star. They are calling it the “Final Days.”
"Once that happens, all is lost. Fear, pain, despair...every dread impulse is siphoned from our minds and given substance: an eternal fall of fiery rain; an incessant spawning of nightmarish beasts...”
“ ...Yet oh how the star had suffered. So many species lost. The land was blighted, the waters poisoned, and even the wind had ceased to blow.“
Alright I got completely sidetracked 1. because good story 2. I was sorta racing this other guy bc I’m like that but also helped him at one part so it’s all good. I’m now sitting waiting in queue for the final boss. I hope he manages to catch up with that last dungeon and queues for this in time to be in my party that would be fun.
This whole sequence still gets me so giddy, man. That last cutscene was funny because I was in my dancer outfit which. This doesn’t show much but look at his cute lil flowers.
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oh damn that’s what the actual screenshots are like, the one saved by the game. slaps the title right on it huh. Anyways this was such a serious scene, the WoL challenging Emet-Selch for the fate of the world, and for hurting their friends. And Doran’s making his stand in a loose top and short shorts. I’m doing the final boss as DRG cause cannon class and I prefer it in solo fights over DNC... it at least looks a bit cooler. The light here isn’t exactly flattering but impromptu picture:
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I think I’ve mentioned before how goofy his face looks at times. This is one. Catch him in the wrong lighting and he looks so so so weird. Actually this image is still bad cause it doesn’t show his claws, or his pants very well but whatever. Oh, and you can’t see his horns very well at all... I’ll have to take better pictures later.
Huh, the weather here is called “Termination”. That’s a fun detail. I’ve been sitting in this queue for 20 minutes. Just me and this other DPS so far it’s sad. I don’t wanna leave cause THE song is playing. And I wanna see if the catboy I was racing with before shows up... assuming they can. I know you can see other players in the-
oh here we go!
oh my god. we skipped an entire mechanic that was fun. and i got 2 comms :) i uhhhh didn’t actually play well like, at all? probably should have done something else to try and remember how to play DRG lol. forgot to use my dragon eye for so long. and after the phase change i didn’t use blood of the dragon in time to get off my full combo the first time. butttttt it’s fine there were plenty of others with probably capped gear to carry me.
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I LOVE THIS GAAAAMEEFMEKMkfb just. god. this is so good. here are some screenshots from the last cutscene.
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Anyways it’s official I’d die for Doran. Love this dude who is debatably also me but not really. There’s a positive message about self love there I think. Something freeing about taking a character you project onto and making them cute as shit and putting them in stupid also debatably sexy outfits. I have not taken a picture of my taking outfit yet. I’ll have to do that soon I am quite proud of it it’s funny.
oh fuck it brought me straight to the ocular hell yeah. picture time.
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he is also wearing claws in this outfit, this time in red to go with the horns. also realized you can see his DRG outfit pretty much in full in the previous screenshots so no need for that. oh my god. I swung my camera around and all the scions are just standing there... but Urianger is the nearest and his head is snapped to Doran lmao.. just.
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Very cute. Very unfitting for that one cutscene. Nice to have him mistaken for a girl. I’m glad that my level 80 relic weapon goes well with my outfit. The same cannot be said for some others. Why are SMN and DRG’s weapons so ugly? It’s unfair. AST’s is really pretty and I’m using it now.
Oh and here’s another one to show ANOTHER effect of funny lighting.
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Look at his eyes. They look ghastly it’s so funny. This happens in the Adder’s Nest whenever I stand at the desk to do stuff. anyways more msq
I’m glad this is the last time I have to hear Varis speak. Oh my god I love Zenos he makes no goddamn sense. His dedication to the WoL is adorable.
I’m glad I managed to get all the role quests done before I finished the ShB msq but. Jesus fucking christ is this the same paladin lady from all those flashbacks??? The one that did that devious smirk in the healer role quest???? Has she been here this ENTIRE TIME?????????????? Hm. she wants. To speak in private. uhhhhh...... UH. THE TRUE VILLAIN OF THEIR STORY??? MEET HER ALONE ON THE ROOF??????? REPAY ME?????????????? Wait is she... confessing? To something? And wants me to kill her? She orchestrated this. From the very beginning before the WoL was really known? Huh? Oh and now we’re putting the timeline together. I played them super out of order I think but I have a rough idea. Alright I know that Cyella here is Cylva. But. She sounded repentant in the beginning, and... is smirking every time she talks about how everything went according to plan. What, is she just explaining all this before she kills me or finishes whatever she started or... I don’t even know. The... transformation... was intentional... what the fuck is the timeline here I’m lost. Like,t he world was meant to end with the flood why and how was she planning shit for after that.
Hydaelyn... made each party member a Warrior of Light in turn, only after they had made a suitably heroic sacrifice. What of our WoL, then? They received their first crystal after- actually no this line of thinking is stupid. The WoL was obviously chosen for a very specific reason. That’s why they were able to collect more than one crystal of light. Probably them being Azem, and... whatever they did during the time of the Final Days.
Oh is she *the* Shadowkeeper? Huh. She’s kinda cute tho? Why do I like elezen so much I’m fucking cursed. uh. sword? flashback? HUH? Alright she is it. But she really did like them?
OH. And Ardbert didn’t sacrifice anything either. But he’s also Azem!
From a world shrouded in dark... she’s from the VOID?????????????? WHAT.
Oh she was just inducing a flashback okay.
Oh she’s a WoL from the Thirteenth. A friend of Unukalhai?? Oh she was tricked too. Ardbert spared her, thus averting Calamity at that moment. Then he went after the Ascians and caused it anyways. Oh okay the transformation to sin eaters was not the goal, I think her words were purposefully meant to lead you astray. Oh. Ew. Vauthry did that to them. Fuck that guy.
Okay. She does want me to kill her. Honestly I think the WoL should kill her, not really as retribution but just to grant her rest. Atonement, instead. “You would have been good friends, you and Ardbert” fuck you game he sacrificed himself for me just a couple of hours ago.
Aw sick I got the cool title. “Living Memory”. And now I have to get to Reflections in Crystal to do the next one.
hghhggh. FUCK. HE BLINKED. I tried taking a screenshot of Urianger and Doran in the buggy ont he way to the empty but in the first one he’s stillt alking and the second blinking. goddammit. Anyways I will not lie to you I don’t care for the Eden raid questline. Lets me see Urianger more but that’s it. I don’t care about Gaia. Like Ryne and Gaia are cute but the WoL is at any given point a 3rd wheel to either Urianger/Thancred of Ryne/Gaia and it’s annoying. Time to skip some cutscenes babeyyyyyyy. also. there’s something wrong with me look at them.
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he’s so goddamn tall... why is he nearly my platonic ideal of a character this is ridiculous.
it’s been hours since I last typed anything here it’s time to sleeeep
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componentplanet · 5 years
The Top 5 Games We Played in 2019
What is life without fun? Few things are as fun as getting truly lost in a game you love. As we close out 2019, it’s time to look back on the games that dominated our free time. This year, we have top five (or almost five) lists from Joel Hruska, David Cardinal, Michael Justin Allen Sexton, and Ryan Whitwam. Our picks skew newer, but not everything we’ve been obsessed with is from the last year. These are just the games we’ve enjoyed the most in 2019.
Red Dead Redemption 2
As a primarily PC gamer, I was never able to play the original Red Dead Redemption, but Rockstar saw fit to make port the sequel to PC. The game suffered from a rocky launch on PC, and not all the bugs have been ironed out, but it’s still one of the most engaging gaming experiences I’ve had in recent memory. The world is detailed and rich with content, and not just repetitive fetch quests like some games that tout the size of their maps. The storytelling and voice acting are also absolutely top notch. Traveling to distant waypoints in many games is tedious, but the journey is part of the fun in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Pokemon Sword and Shield
Pokemon occupies a unique place gaming culture as a franchise that became a worldwide phenomenon without any full console releases. Pokemon Sword and Shield broke with tradition when they launched on the Nintendo Switch. They still have many of the same problems as older Pokemon games like clunky menus, confusing online features, and bad writing. That’s not why people play Pokemon games, though. It’s about catching ’em all, and Pokemon Sword and Shield do that better than any previous games in the series. In addition to the game’s linear routes between cities, there’s a vast Wild Area to explore. The raid battle mechanics are also a nice addition. You can waste truly obscene amounts of time searching for your favorite mons in these games.
Untitled Goose Game
Who would have thought a goose could be the bane of an entire town? But that’s what you become in Untitled Goose Game. The game presents you with a to-do list and turns you loose on the unsuspecting people of this unnamed hamlet. Some items on the list are simple — steal the gardener’s rake and put it in the lake. Others will take more planning and thought, like the quest to make someone put on the wrong glasses. This game speaks to some sort of casual maliciousness we all have when playing games, and it’s incredibly engaging. You will become the goose, and as you walk away from your vanquished foes, honking and flapping your wings, you feel almost unreasonably powerful.
The Outer Worlds
The Outer Worlds is basically a smaller, quirkier Fallout in space. As a refugee from a stranded transport ship, you have to make your way in the libertarian fantasy that is the Halcyon solar system. You can either support the mega-corporations that dominate the colony or fight to change things. Along the way, you’ll assemble a crew of misfits with their own backstories to explore across the Halcyon system. The settings are fun to explore, and the voice acting is surprisingly good. I will be the first to admit The Outer Worlds isn’t a perfect game; it’s too short, and there’s not enough variation in gear. Still, it’s still one of the best things I played this year.
MechWarrior 5
I love giant fighting robots, and MechWarrior is the premiere giant fighting robot franchise. However, we went almost 20 years without a proper single player MechWarrior game. That finally changed a few weeks ago with the release of MechWarrior 5. You play as the leader of a mercenary group, traveling the stars in search of money and revenge at the controls of heavily armed mechs. The combat in this game is superb — the dozens of included mechs have unique characteristics, weapon loadouts, and roles. These war machines feel heavy and powerful, and it’s an absolute delight to blast other mechs as you fulfill a contract. The game does have some problems with a meandering storyline, and the voice acting is barely passable. I’m willing to forgive that in light of the incredible combat, though.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
Mutant Year Zero is one of my favorite games that I’ve played this year. It’s not really a full AAA title in scope — think of it as more of a “AA” game, bigger than an indie, but smaller than what a large studio would build. The game is built on the same engine used for the newer version of XCOM, but it allows free-moving exploration in ways XCOM isn’t known for. It’s not perfect — there are definitely a few rough spots — but it feels like a Fallout title (and includes a few easter eggs referencing that game).
World of Warcraft Classic
I haven’t had nearly as much time to play WoW Classic as I’d like, but I’ve definitely had tons of fun with it. Bringing back Blizzard’s iconic World of Warcraft proved to be a popular choice for the company. The mode has been more popular than Blizzard anticipated, though it’s not clear how many players are brand-new to the title versus those coming back to relieve the glory days.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island
Don’t look at me that way. I never had access to a console growing up, which means I’ve had a lot of first-time fun with some of the old console games. Yoshi’s Island is a truly amazing game for it’s era, with gorgeous artwork and great level design.
  It was designed to be a more ‘accessible’ platform, and I’m willing to admit I need that kind of feature, having basically never played platformers as a kid. I die. A lot. The restore button is going to break off the NES Classic long before any other component. I may not be very good at the game, but I’ve certainly had a lot of fun with it.
Sadly, I’m only in for three titles  — I’ve scarcely done enough gaming to talk about it, outside of the above. One of the ironies of writing about the topic is that it’s hard to find the time to actually do it, and life had other plans for Christmas this year. I had planned to write an article about No Mans Sky, which I recently bought, but I’ve only been able to spend an hour with the title thus far.
Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi
I got my first taste of the Koei Tecmo’s Nobunaga’s Ambition game franchise roughly twenty years ago on the SNES. Afterwards I fell out of touch with the series but recently have got back into these wonderful strategy games with Nobunaga’s Ambition: Spheres of Influence and Nobunaga’s Ambition Taishi. Though both games provide an enjoyable experience as you fight to conquer the Japanese isles, Taishi has options to automate some of the more tedious aspects of the game and makes the later stages of the game significantly more enjoyable than in Sphere’s of Influence. Though it’s not what I’d call perfect, it’s currently my favorite strategy game that I feel any fan of the genre will enjoy.
Jade Empire
Jade Empire is sent in a fictional world roughly based Chinese history and culture with Buddhist elements influencing the game’s story.  The game also features its own artificial language that was created by a linguist explicitly for use in the game. Released in 2005, I first played this game when I was 14, and it helped to grow my interest in Asia. It’s by far my favorite game of all time, and I make it a point to replay this game at least once every year. Though my hopes for a sequel have yet to be answered, if you’ve never tried the game before its well worth giving it a try.
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
This is another game that I first played years ago on the original Xbox. Set in ancient Egypt, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy is predominantly a puzzle game with some fighting and RPG elements mixed in. I got back into this game this year after discovering that THQ Nordic had released a remastered version of the game with improved graphics. Though the gameplay remains unchanged from the original, it holds up well it’s still fun to play. There is also a fan based mod in the works which includes content cut from the original game.
Fable III
When Lionhead studios launched the original Fable, it instantly became one of the best RPG games in the world. Later games in the series changed drastically and mixed reviews. Though the games were fun, they were also disappointing because of the extent to which they changed. Fable III has never been able to stand up to the original Fable, but trying the game again after a few years I found this game to still be fun to play and an enjoyable experience.
StarCraft 2
StarCraft 2 needs little introduction. Since its release StarCraft 2 has been a crowd favorite with the online multiplayer gaming community. The game also has a long and highly enjoyable campaign that also has plenty of replay value. Though I don’t play online much, I often return to run through the campaign, which is why I opted to include it in my list of top five games for the year.
Untitled Goose Game
This game comes pretty close to qualifying as the ultimate un-video-game — at least compared to most current hits. You can’t get killed. At most you suffer from a couple momentary ruffled feathers. There is no time pressure, unless you complete the entire game and decide to try and set speed records. Graphics are trivial and cartoon-like — but artfully thought out. It is fun, addictive, and can be played by anyone. You only need a couple buttons and a joystick, along with a sense of humor.
The plot is simple. You’re an annoying goose who spends your day harassing the unlucky denizens of a nearby village. When in doubt honking is sure to get a start out of them, and help you distract them. There are dozens of tasks you get to try to accomplish, ranging from breaking things to befuddling shopkeepers. Watching and kibitzing can be almost as fun as playing, so don’t hesitate to fire it up when the whole family is around.
F1 2019
For some reason lost in history, our family follows F1 racing. Despite the relative lack of passing or on-track action, we’re addicted. So it is great to be able to “follow along” with the season by playing the F1 games for each season. This year in particular, the game came out part way through the season, so it was possible to drive the same tracks that the racers would that weekend. There are extensive team and career modes, but they’re wasted on me, as I don’t have the attention span for them. But experimenting by driving different cars and different setups adds to the enjoyment of the race season.
Forza Motorsport 7
If it wasn’t for the F1 connection, I’d rate Motorsports 7 as a no-brainer winner over F1, and it definitely has the best AIs of any version of Motorsports. I really enjoy the versatility of the game, with a huge selection of cars, tracks, and race series. It is certainly not anything like iRacing when it comes to racing fidelity and true competitive racing, but the graphics are much more detailed, and I don’t participate in multi-player racing (other than with Avatars) anyway. I also play Assetto Corsa and Project CARS, but Motorsports is my go to if I just want to spend some time on track.
Dirt Rally
The most stressful video game experience ever for me was driving a mountain course in Dirt Rally in VR using my Oculus. I can imagine driving a NASCAR around an oval at full speed (as lethal as that might prove to be), but I can’t imagine driving at high speed on a dirt track hugging a cliff. So for the most part I stick with the forest tracks in Dirt Rally, but I love the combination of needing to drive the car and interpret the messages about the upcoming hills and turns from my rally co-driver.
Ultimate General: Civil War
This is another game where the campaign modes are wasted on me. But the detailed, and carefully-modeled, tactical engagements and multi-day battle strategies are great fun for a reformed hex board gamer like me. And unlike with tabletop versions of military campaigns, I can play this one against the computer any time I want. Like many games of its genre, it doesn’t get updated much, and some elements of it are behind the times, but it looks great on my 4K 32-inch photo monitor.
That’s the titles we’ve been playing — what’s held your interest through 2019?
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from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/303784-the-top-5-games-we-played-in-2019 from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-top-5-games-we-played-in-2019.html
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nazih-fares · 7 years
Three months after its release, Destiny 2 finally launches its first expansion: Curse of Osiris. Suffice to say that Bungie had no interest in skipping on expansions with this sequel, especially since hardcore fans of the series were already feeling a lack of challenge for veterans, and Curse of Osiris was the optimal thing to renew the experience and add some new challenges. While I was incredibly excited by the announcement of this expansion being centered on the iconic guardian Osiris, the hype was killed within hours of playing the new content, and I’ll explain why in this review.
Released early September on home consoles, then around the end of October on PC, Destiny 2 was a sure enhancement of the original title from Bungie. Despite a longer campaign, a better written story than the first, more logical leveling mechanics, or even redefined PvP content, the game within several weeks after its launch started to witness the same annoying faults of the original game. Starting with an obvious lack of challenge in the long run, especially for those with little interest in its endgame content like the raid or harder PVP modes. The issue is that despite the many activities offered in Destiny 2, those who returned from the first game in search of exotic weapons and hidden quests found themselves having to farm the same strikes in hope to get some extra loot, which is not very exciting, when we did the same thing more than three years ago in the Vault of Glass.
Curse of Osiris now released on all platforms as a standalone expansion pack (or part of the Destiny 2 Expansion Pass which includes the second upcoming one coming in Q1 of 2018) will take you to planet Mercury, where this new adventure begins. Kicked off by Ikora, the warlock Vanguard, this new story will send you on a mission to the planet after the discovery of Sagira, Osiris’ ghost, found inanimate and the planet now filled with Vex ever since the Traveler woke up. A rather attractive pitch for fans of Destiny, for whom the name of Osiris has a particular resonance, long been surrounded by mystery. For fans of the lore, Osiris is known to those that played the original game as an infamous Warlock guardian, probably the most powerful of all time, which was banished from the City because of his obsession in the Vex. Over the course of time, he had amassed a horde of worshipers and had come into conflict with the Vanguard, and hasn’t been seen since his exile on Mercury. Nevertheless, in the original Destiny, the only true link to this iconic guardian was limited to . the Trial of Osiris, a high-level PvP activity which used to be one hell of a challenge, awarding the best with Egyptian themed guns, armors and loot. Suffice to say that this extension was eagerly awaited by those who were eager to learn more about Osiris, including myself.
Sadly, the Curse of Osiris does not take long to disappoint. Extremely short (count less than three hours to complete the main story mission), this expansion’s campaign is of an appalling banality, chaining levels with uninspired design and uninteresting goals. If the first steps on Mercury are promising, thanks to its amazing artistic direction, you quickly understand that most of the game will take place in the Infinite Forest, which probably will be remembered as Bungie’s most tasteless creation. While the concept of travel through space and time opened up endless possibilities, the Infinite Forest consists mainly of platforms suspended above a void, without ever being able to create this amazed feeling of discovering something truly great. This area seem to be the weakest part of the Destiny lore artistic direction, rather flat and missing true originality, almost as if it was randomly generated with a basic level editor, and extremely repetitive. Some would argue that this is precisely the concept of this Infinite Forest, which is above all a tool of the Vex collective consciousness, but for a millenia of enhancements, I believe that these robots would’ve simulated some better looking possibilities. I mean c’mon, think about all these amazing Vex locations we’ve visited already, like Destiny 2’s Pyramidion or even the original Destiny Vault of Glass which are impressive.
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Nevertheless, some of the adventure missions will make you return to some fun part of the European Dead Zone, and other very successful trips back in time which will allow you to visit Mercury before the Vex came. The planet takes on the appearance of an Eden with absolutely splendid orange and pink hues; you’ll also discover the other sad truth of what Mercury would look like if the Vex completely take over the system, plunged into darkness. The settings offered by these two temporal realities are absolutely superb, but unfortunately we spend barely any time in those areas, as the Curse of Osiris expansion keeps on having us venture, again and again, in this boring Infinite Forest that you’ll end up hating after couple of visits. As for the character of Osiris, this was my biggest disappointment, as no time does the adventure do him honor: you will meet him only a few times and the script of the story is such that at no time will the player feel the weight of the threat that scares him. Without real stake, the player is content to eliminate mechanically everything that is in between him and his final objective.
I can’t help but to my discontent on that front, especially after three years of lore pieces put together to understand who Osiris is, for in the end get an expansion pack that doesn’t live the hype of the character is just mean. In truth, the legendary Warlock should’ve deserved an expansion of scale, in the manner of The Taken King or even Rise of Iron, with a proper care of the narration, attention to details, exotic weapon quest, other hidden secrets, and a wide environment to explore… Instead, Bungie gives us this expansion pack that is worst than the original game’s first expansion – The Dark Below – which at least gave us more content including two new strikes, a brand new raid even if it wasn’t that great.
And so when the story missions are over, what’s left for Destiny 2 players? Well not a lot of things as you will quickly realize. Brother Vance, the mysterious disciple of Osiris well known to players that competed in Trials of Osiris the original game, will propose a small series of missions, which will eventually toss you back into the Infinite Forest, and unlock some extra weapons which can be forged in the new social hub known as the Lighthouse. It is thanks to this Forge that player will be able to build Osiris themed weapons, which are mainly a series of grinds to find new collectibles which will be formed into 12 new weapons. For this, you will first recover a relic, by completing one of the Heroic Adventures proposed by Vance (which are three in total), and harvest the various resources needed to build it by farming public events, strikes and PvP games. Those who were looking for a reason to farm the game will be satisfied, but on the long run it will be really boring as the Curse of Osiris adds only one public event (which is rather well done at least) and two Strikes which feel more of recycled missions of the core game.
What remains is the new Raid, on which many veteran players were hoping to get some extra challenge. The good news is that Bungie did not miss this, and while it will also take place on the Leviathan, as the first raid of the game, the “Eater of Worlds” leads the Guardians to another area of ​​the gigantic ship with new challenges. Where in September the players had been able to discover the habitable areas of the Leviathan, this new Raid leads them into the bowels and deepest parts of the ship. Here we find a progression and level-design similar to the raids of the first Destiny, with large open areas, more conducive to exploration. There’s a great pleasure to play several phases mixing platforming and puzzles, in the manner of what I remember from the good old days of the Vault of Glass or King’s Fall raid, except that the players must progress together.
I’m really worried about the future of Destiny 2, especially since after 3 years in development, the team should have known what players wants in term of content and challenge. This expansion marks a sad return to the “dark days” of Destiny, a sloppy way to cut content into more paid content, which I get are critical for the remuneration of the studio and publisher, but are starting to be unfair for the players. Let’s hope the second expansion fixes this.
Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris was reviewed using an Xbox One digital copy of the expansion pack purchased by the writer. The expansion pack is also available on on PlayStation 4 and PC via digital and retail stores. We don’t discuss review scores with publishers or developers prior to the review being published.
Destiny 2's first expansion Curse of Osiris could've been a unique opportunity to tell an exciting story around a legendary figure of the lore, but instead added a disappointing amount of new content and bland story. Three months after its release, Destiny 2 finally launches its first expansion: Curse of Osiris. Suffice to say that Bungie had no interest in skipping on expansions with this sequel, especially since hardcore fans of the series were already feeling a lack of challenge for veterans, and Curse of Osiris was the optimal thing to renew the experience and add some new challenges.
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dcficstoread · 7 years
Fantasy/Sci-fi/Horror AU
For Truth, Justice and Led Zeppelin by haruslex **** https://haruslex.dreamwidth.org/36260.html
Superhero!Dean, photojournalist!Dean, journalist!cas
Summary: Being a masked vigilante is difficult enough when you’ve got petty thieves, drug dealers and a day job as a photojournalist to deal with (not to mention trying to keep your little brother alive so his wife doesn’t skin you). The last thing Dean Winchester needs is for his city to become the battlefield for an apocalyptic showdown between the forces of Heaven and Hell. But, like it or not, he’s being (literally) swept off his feet by an angel and thrown into the middle of a war he’s not ready for. Featuring superheroes, leather pants, secret identities, and Dean’s weird new coworker - Jimmy - who never seems to write any articles and won’t stop staring at him.
Bird of Paradise by trinitiyofone http://trinityofone.livejournal.com/201469.html
Hunger Games AU
Summary: When Sam Campbell is chosen as a tribute for the Games—an annual fight to the death between twenty-four of New Eden’s unlucky children—his older brother Dean volunteers to take his place. Dean fully expects to die so that Sam can live, but once he enters the arena, Dean discovers that what’s at stake in the Games is far more complicated than simple life and death, and nothing and no one is what they seem.
Metaphysical Gravity by zoemathemata **** http://archiveofourown.org/works/154558/chapters/222191
Dark Shadows crossover, Vampire!Cas
Summary: Vampire Castiel Collins is awakened from his tomb by down-on-his-luck author Chuck Shurley. With Chuck’s help [and blood] Castiel sets out to make a life for himself in Collinsport, restoring his old home and hopefully being reunited with the reincarnation of his former lover, Dean Winchester.
Non Timebo Mala by rivercritter http://rivercritter.livejournal.com/16054.html
Ancient Rome, Legionnaire!Dean
Summary: AU Set in ancient Rome. Castiel is the youngest member of the Novak family. His eldest brother Michael has designs on getting a seat in the senate but to do so he has to earn the favor of the powerful senator Azazel. When Azazel shows interest in Castiel, Michael sees an opportunity to use him as a bargaining chip. Cas, being a good son and loyal brother, isn't happy about it but is willing to go along...right up till he meets a certain green eyed Legionnaire named Deanarious who turns everything upside down. Action, adventure, sword fights, and treachery stand between them and their love.
Alchemy by wanderamaranth http://archiveofourown.org/works/269345
Superhero!Cas, Reporter!Dean
Summary: Castiel Novak's life is average until the day he wakes up with superpowers. Soon after he meets Dean Winchester, an investigative reporter with a knack for getting himself into trouble.
An Unkindness of Crows by reticentric http://reticentric.livejournal.com/184432.html
Crow fusion
Summary: People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible rage is carried with it, and the soul can't rest… Castiel Novak is such a soul and now he has been brought back for his chance at revenge.
Of Wizards and Dovah  by sofiwick http://sofiwick.livejournal.com/5313.html
Summary: Set in the world of ‘The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim’. Dean is Dovahkiin - the Dragonborn - said to be destined to kill the dragon Alduin, the World Eater. Castiel is the cute wizard Dean would very much like to have as an ally on his quest.
The Mechanics of Love by invisiblebookwm http://archiveofourown.org/works/575410/chapters/1031589
Summary: Loosely based on the manga Absolute Boyfriend. Dean is less than amused when, for his birthday, Gabriel signs him up for a month-long trial with Castiel, a humanoid robot prototype developed by Heaven Technologies to be the perfect boyfriend. At first, Dean is not thrilled at the new addition to his household, but as he spends more time with the robot, Dean finds himself slowly falling in love.
Dean Winchester and the Boy from Hufflepuff by thetreeswhisper http://thetreeswhisper.livejournal.com/2765.html
Harry Potter AU
Summary: Dean's 3rd year at Hogwarts is going A-O.K., but it gets a lot better when he meets Castiel. Meanwhile, the ongoing war against the Demons (dark wizards) ratchets up Dean's curiosity for the outside world, as well as his frustration with it. His dad isn't much help.
Black Glass by babygatsby http://babygatsby.livejournal.com/6111.html
Summary: Fantasy AU set in a fictional world where royalty from a Vatican-esque Empire have wings. The Winchesters live in the middle lands, away from the politics and blood shed of the north, but one day John Winchester discovers a dead body and a nearly-dead, winged child in the woods. Dean names him Cas, and they quickly discover that he is mute. Through certain events they learn that not all is as it seems when soldiers from the Empire raid their homeland, searching for mute men with wings. Cas and Dean, now grown, flee their home and attempt to escape the Empire’s clutches. Dean is captured and held by the pseudo emperor, Michael, and Cas journeys to strange and otherworldly places halfway across the world to gain power to save Dean, all the while battling others with selfish ambitions of their own.
Caught in the Crossfire Between Heaven and Hell by princess_aleera http://princess-aleera.livejournal.com/201919.html
Constantine AU
Summary: Constantine fusion/AU. Dean Winchester is a demon hunter with an expiration date. Castiel Novak just lost his brother to a very suspicious suicide. Their paths collide, and as forces align around them, Dean learns more about the Novak boys. About a gift that earned Jimmy a lifetime in the mental hospital, a gift his twin brother could share with him. A gift that just might end the world.
An Angel in Wonderland (AKA Who Killed the Cheshire Cat) by anoradh http://anoradh.livejournal.com/14530.html
Summary: The title says it all, really. A sort of murder mystery set in Wonderland, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
The Dreamer and the Mystic by bellanovaskies http://bellanovaskies.livejournal.com/10681.html#cutid1
Summary: When Dean Winchester’s eighteenth birthday arrived, he was expected to choose his Queen-To-Be; instead he found himself falling for a mysterious stranger with eyes like stars. Eleven years later, accompanied by his brother and their father’s knights, Dean journeys into ancient lands that have long since faded into legend and lore, to once again find the eyes that had bewitched him. Castiel's tribe may be a force to be reckoned with, but nothing can prepare Dean to face his own father, and confess his love for a less-than-human being.
Fairytales Are Real by landahoymateys http://archiveofourown.org/works/563287/chapters/1006771
Summary: In a land where fairytales have been all but forgotten, two brothers search for their missing father and the right to create their own fairytale. Along the way they will face evil and treachery like no other, and maybe just maybe, create their own happily ever afters.
War of the Regions by skylinehorizon http://skylinehorizon.livejournal.com/37337.html
Summary: Dean is an eighteen-year-old in a dystopian society, trying to deal with his little brother's steadily declining hearing loss and keeping him safe and alive. One day, the Officials come searching. They invade the villages of the Regions, and escaping is the only option for survival. While on the run, Dean and Sam run into another refugee, who becomes important to Dean in ways he never would have imagined.
Oadriax by Daksgirl http://archiveofourown.org/works/529431/chapters/938065
Summary: AU Sci-Fi heavily influenced by James Cameron's 'Avatar', where the boys aren't hunters, and angels and demons exist but are considered 'aliens'. After the death of their estranged mother Mary on a planet called Oadriax, Sam and Dean hop the first transport out to the edge of the civilized galaxy. After a tense run in with the base's demonic security chief and his creepy second in command Alistair, Dean finds himself lost in the forest, and stumbles into an angel with black wings and blue eyes that calls himself Castiel.
Let's Make It Up As We Go by crowleyshouseplant http://archiveofourown.org/works/547968
Summary: Dean sleeps with his limbs splayed out, blankets tangled up in his ankles. Something presses him down, catches his heart in his chest--are his bones going to break?--as he opens his eyes. Castiel looms over him, all tiger and toy, and the weight of xyr paw pushes Dean into the mattress. “Cas?” Dean says, voice all sleepy as he rubs his knuckles in his eyes. He pushes xem off, rubs his chest, the sweat from his skin causing the scratches left behind on his chest to sting, the vague mark of a print right over him, right over the center of him, like a stamp or a seal over the very core of him. “Why are you here?” “I told you, Dean,” Castiel says. “Because we have work for you.”
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