#I need Diasomnia to
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avionvadion Ā· 2 years ago
ā€œDo you have an update schedule???ā€
Me, every time Iā€™m asked that question, knowing fully well the chapters are only posted whenever I have them written and the time varies between a few days to a few weeks to several months to a year depending on whether or not I have writerā€™s block:
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egophiliac Ā· 24 days ago
I'm really hoping that after book 7 they release all the overblots as cards. Also if this is the year of Riddle I think they might release the equestrian club finally and I can see him in the new years event since cater and Trey have done It. Which club r u most excited for? I can't wait to see them all.
at this point I, too, cannot wait for my sweet HORSE BOOOOOOOYS
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...although I'm also VERY curious as to how 1) they're going to wrangle a super special club uniform out of the board game club, and 2) how they're going to force Idia into wearing it. will there be dice pockets? I hope there are dice pockets.
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tarobii Ā· 10 months ago
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ā”€ā”€ā”€ ā€¢āœ§ā€¢ ā”€ā”€ā”€
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brother shenanigans šŸ¤Œ
(based on this post by @darkacua)
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the-twst-cast-needs-therapy Ā· 7 months ago
More (not really) Ultimate ability slander!
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(Someone needs to enlighten me on the Diasomnia UMs since the wiki is pretty barren and I don't know them that well yet ;0;)
Part 1
Part 3
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rayroseu Ā· 2 months ago
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I really appreciate the beauty of Malleus New Year's card. But most importantly, other than its gorgeousness, I also appreciate how it pays so much homage to his status and character, from the flowers, the clothes, and the setting. šŸ„¹
We know that wisterias were prevalent in his Dorm Groovy SSR, this time its another flower which is the red plum blossom herešŸ˜­ā¤ļø
In Chinese philosophy, the Plum treeā€™s blossom is a symbol of winter ending and a herald of spring. The treeā€™s pale pink blossoms are cherished because they bloom vibrantly and so bravely amidst the winter chill. They symbolise perseverance and hope, as well as, beauty thriving in adverse circumstances.
The way this flower's meaning is so matched with Malleus' character is so precious. We know he's "the herald of spring" because his birth brought forth a hope that the Draconias(or the faes in general) won't die out just yet (the ending of winter) and the fact that this flower blooms even in winter probably symbolizes the fact that when he was an egg, he was still perservering to live. This also applies to his life as he grows up. With the way even if his life is riddled with loneliness and exclusion, he makes an effort to go out and adjust himself with others, he doesn't give up even if his reality consistently places him in situation where his goals can never be achieved (that is, him being accepted socially and him being ignorant of human culture but still makes an effort to understand it), he just continues to be hopeful that someone/ some place will invite him, therefore his ability to thrive in adverse circumstances.
The way he slowly rises in this card makes me feel like it symbolizes how slow paced Malleus is "in going out/getting used to outside of his comfort zone", actually lol. He described his admission to NRC as him being nervous because its an unknown place but still hopeful for the experiences that he might get(acccording to the vignette of his GloMas SSR), just like him here rising from the snow and the way he lifts the veil which makes me think he wants to see the world outside of his country's point of view with his own eyes.
Japanese tradition holds that the Plum (or ā€˜umeā€™) is celebrated as a protective charm against evil, so the ume is traditionally planted in the northeast of the garden, the direction from which evil is believed to come.
I also read this symbolism which makes me tear up lmaooo šŸ˜­Because we know in Book 7, Briarland was invaded from northeast where the Silver Owls originated from šŸ’€ The fact that the plum blossom is a protection flower and he's surrounded with it in this card makes me think that it symbolizes how protected he was during Briarland's era šŸ˜­and another thing to dissect from his slow rise from the snow with the fact the plum blossom signifies protection is probably the fact that he took so long to hatch despite many people caring for him.
Side note that in Malleus Bloom Birthday Groovy, it implied that he was born in daytime during a snowfall, and he was happy experiencing the winter, just like in this New Years card where he's smiling against the heavy snowfall šŸ„¹
In Japan, plum blossoms symbolize good fortune, an auspicious flower, along with pine and bamboo, and the arrival of early spring. They are often used as the design for New Yearā€™s greeting cards and other celebratory occasions. (And maybe this is just the likely reason why this flower is here in Malleus' card and I'm overthinking it above lol
Next thing I want to mention is his clothes, that attire reminds me of the formal outfit of a Japanese Emperor (From what I searched, its called sokutai, but what Malleus wears is much more simpler I guess, its a outfit derived from it which is called ikan.) This post is a great overview about these two outfits.
Ikan is the work clothes of nobles and government officials in the Imperial Court after the Heian period. Sokutai is a formal costume for those from the Emperor to the court nobles in and after Heian period (Heian costume). Ikan is called 'tonoi (nighttime) costume', whereas sokutai is called 'hino (daytime) costume'. (which probably references the fact that he's a night fae)
The point is, what Malleus wears in this card is a very traditional garment that only high ranking Japanese officials can wear. But what he wears isn't the clothes of an emperor yet, but just for a high ranking official, which is accurate to his status that he's still a crown prince not yet the king, because only Maleficia truly rules Briar Valley right now.
I love the decision that they made him wear such a prestigious outfit because the story of the New Years event is the characters working on customer service lol Its like his clothes is a reminder that he is still highly distinguished even if temporarily he's a worker.
Lastly the VEIL !!!!!! That's the thing that catched my eyes the most in this card lol I KNOW they're not referencing a wedding here because the veil don't look the same, but its so good not to mention that the one of the headress of a Japanese bride is called tsunokakushi and its description can be related with Malleus a lot lol.
The term is a compound of 角 (tsuno, "horn") + 隠恗 (kakushi, "hiding"). This derivation is listed in some sources as a reference to hiding a bride's "horns" of anger, jealousy, or other negative qualities, in order to present a more virtuous image for the wedding. However, this interpretation might be a folk etymology resulting from a shift in the reading and meaning.
The headdress and the veil aren't the same thing but I kinda feel like this is the idea they're going for considering the veil is 1) hiding his horns, 2) he's a character associated with being jealous, and most importantly, 3) only the person he is looking at can see his face (which is the point of most wedding veils/headdress, to hide the bride's face so that only her partner can see it).
But long veils, like the one Malleus is holding is also just a garment for a noble to hide their nobility. Which is this is probably the likely reason, considering he's using that veil to cover up his horns and his clothes, the most obvious features of his status.
Also, it could be just a fun reference to the fact that Maleficent in live action wore a long veil to hide her horns so that she wouldn't scare the humans lol
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vanrougenui Ā· 4 months ago
real footage of what happened after lilia found silver
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suntails Ā· 2 years ago
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ventique18 Ā· 2 years ago
Diasomnia waiting for their youngest to get his driver's license because Lilia shouldn't, Malleus couldn't, and Silver wouldn't.
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nem0-nee Ā· 2 years ago
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A guide for your mini eepy boy...
Hopping on the Twitter bandwagon bc this is so mcfucking CUTE.
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elenauaurs Ā· 2 months ago
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Okay, first of all happy new year to everyone! Before the year ended I decided to do one last drawing just to practice, just a "hmm let's see how far my motivation goes" and apparently it ended up running out near the end BUT at least it was an attempt right? Also Happy birthday Lilia, you're a cutie pie.
Thank you for a wonderful year and I hope everyone has a wonderful 2025!!! Thank you!!
@cyanide-latte @oya-oya-okay @theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @boopshoops @br3adtoasty @casp1an-sea @heyhellohihowareyou @revolllutionary @tixdixl @sillyslipperybananapeel @cheerleaderman @revolllutionary @nyx-of-night @lumdays @skriblee-ksk @nemisisnemi @althea-and-alcestris @miyanaranagikenmal-intp @the-necromancer-wife
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amnayel Ā· 21 days ago
some time since I talked about twst lore but hereā€™s my take:
silver wont ob, but he isnā€™t leaving unscathed from this
I have seen a lot of people talking about the possibility of silver overblotting but hereā€™s the thing
for ob to occur you need both: using more magic than you should AND accumulated negative emotions
Idia explains this (dont remember if itā€™s in chapter 6 or 7) put ob only happens when the mage have been accumulating these negative emotions for a long time, and we have seen this is the books: every single ob boy had a very traumatic upbringing
silver doesnt have that
silver is a good person that even the animals in the forest take care of him, he has had a dedicated father a loving brother liege and a best friend/rival for all his life
silver was never alone, he didnā€™t have absurd expectations put onto him, he wasnā€™t a servant, he wasnā€™t bullied, he didnā€™t had his whole life decided at birthā€¦ silver had a pretty good life, normal even
so he doesnā€™t fit the criteria necessary for a ob, but itā€™s pretty obvious by now that the boy is not okay
and this is probably a major turning point in the story
I think we were so focused on Lilia that we forgot that the last straw for malleus ob was actually silver
malleus was lost and he didnā€™t knew what to do, when he saw silver crying he finally lost it and realized what he could do to solve this problem
I think we tend to forget that malleus raised this boy, he brought him food from the palace he sang him to sleep he watch over his trainingā€¦ malleus was there for the entirety of silverā€™s life
i dare to say that malleus has a soft spot for sebek and silver (Halloween 2024 Iā€™m looking at you) and this is precisely what is going to get him out of his ob: he wonā€™t be able to hurt them
and Iā€™m pretty sure that ā€œsilver not being able to wake upā€ theory will come true in some way
mama shroud said that malleus spell is so fuckin complex that literally only him can indo it, even maleficia wouldnā€™t be able to, this hints that malleus really wonā€™t be defeated by being overpowered, but by being convinced to undo the magic
and what is more convincing than having the boy you raised, the son of your father, collapsing right in front of youā€¦ because of you?
so in the end, the lost (prince)ss that was sleeping in a castle full of thorns is awaken by true love, and the evil dragon is defeated by a silver sword craved onto his heart
malleus being the one to break silvers curse of being constantly sleepy and silver being the reason malleus is freed from the ob monsterā€¦
well thats what happens when you learn to love humans I guess lol
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hanafubukki Ā· 3 months ago
Thinking about how it was love over magic that hatched Malleus in the end and how that was the only thing that truly did matter to eggleus.
Malleus could have gotten all the magic he needed from Maleficia, but for an egg you need both love and magic.
Egg Malleus who rejected magic because the one he wanted the most wasnā€™t with him. Because he didnā€™t have that love that he wanted. Iā€™m a firm believer that Malleus imprinted on Lilia as an egg.
He wanted Lilia. No one else.
He started accepting a little bit of magic again but that was just to hold on longer because Lilia told him to not go to any sparkling stars.
But in the end? It was Liliaā€™s love and magic that hatched him.
Malleus accepted the needed magic, the majority of the magic needed to hatch him was from Lilia in the end because it was Lilia who gave it to him.
In the end, it was truly love over magic. Because Malleus loved Lilia and Lilia returned that love. Love was the most important part of all.
Knowing thisā€¦I can see Lilia look at Malleus with pride because Malleus is strong and powerful. (We see this in Liliaā€™s PE card)
And Lilia is part of the reason why.
Because itā€™s Liliaā€™s magic that also flows through Malleus for him to be the way he is. It was Liliaā€™s love that made him so strong.
Malleus is that constant reminder of his happiness and love.
The catalyst that allowed him to become who he is today.
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0rchidm4ntis Ā· 10 days ago
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old silver and sebek drawing i made for a dunmeshi au a while back
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fisheem4mmal Ā· 2 years ago
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My favorite part in the new update
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rayroseu Ā· 3 months ago
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lilia's cooking vs dawn's auto heal body who'll survivešŸ’„
hc where knight of dawn's body automically casts a healing spell whenever he gets harmed seriously...
Lilia's food is just that lethal,,,,, that Dawn needs HP Regen so he couldn't pass out lol (This is also the reason why Silver managed to survive Lilia's cooking,,, its bcs of the auto heal lol)
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bluesylveon2 Ā· 1 year ago
How I think Book 7 will go:
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