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rayroseu · 2 months ago
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I really appreciate the beauty of Malleus New Year's card. But most importantly, other than its gorgeousness, I also appreciate how it pays so much homage to his status and character, from the flowers, the clothes, and the setting. 🥹
We know that wisterias were prevalent in his Dorm Groovy SSR, this time its another flower which is the red plum blossom here😭❤️
In Chinese philosophy, the Plum tree’s blossom is a symbol of winter ending and a herald of spring. The tree’s pale pink blossoms are cherished because they bloom vibrantly and so bravely amidst the winter chill. They symbolise perseverance and hope, as well as, beauty thriving in adverse circumstances.
The way this flower's meaning is so matched with Malleus' character is so precious. We know he's "the herald of spring" because his birth brought forth a hope that the Draconias(or the faes in general) won't die out just yet (the ending of winter) and the fact that this flower blooms even in winter probably symbolizes the fact that when he was an egg, he was still perservering to live. This also applies to his life as he grows up. With the way even if his life is riddled with loneliness and exclusion, he makes an effort to go out and adjust himself with others, he doesn't give up even if his reality consistently places him in situation where his goals can never be achieved (that is, him being accepted socially and him being ignorant of human culture but still makes an effort to understand it), he just continues to be hopeful that someone/ some place will invite him, therefore his ability to thrive in adverse circumstances.
The way he slowly rises in this card makes me feel like it symbolizes how slow paced Malleus is "in going out/getting used to outside of his comfort zone", actually lol. He described his admission to NRC as him being nervous because its an unknown place but still hopeful for the experiences that he might get(acccording to the vignette of his GloMas SSR), just like him here rising from the snow and the way he lifts the veil which makes me think he wants to see the world outside of his country's point of view with his own eyes.
Japanese tradition holds that the Plum (or ‘ume’) is celebrated as a protective charm against evil, so the ume is traditionally planted in the northeast of the garden, the direction from which evil is believed to come.
I also read this symbolism which makes me tear up lmaooo 😭Because we know in Book 7, Briarland was invaded from northeast where the Silver Owls originated from 💀 The fact that the plum blossom is a protection flower and he's surrounded with it in this card makes me think that it symbolizes how protected he was during Briarland's era 😭and another thing to dissect from his slow rise from the snow with the fact the plum blossom signifies protection is probably the fact that he took so long to hatch despite many people caring for him.
Side note that in Malleus Bloom Birthday Groovy, it implied that he was born in daytime during a snowfall, and he was happy experiencing the winter, just like in this New Years card where he's smiling against the heavy snowfall 🥹
In Japan, plum blossoms symbolize good fortune, an auspicious flower, along with pine and bamboo, and the arrival of early spring. They are often used as the design for New Year’s greeting cards and other celebratory occasions. (And maybe this is just the likely reason why this flower is here in Malleus' card and I'm overthinking it above lol
Next thing I want to mention is his clothes, that attire reminds me of the formal outfit of a Japanese Emperor (From what I searched, its called sokutai, but what Malleus wears is much more simpler I guess, its a outfit derived from it which is called ikan.) This post is a great overview about these two outfits.
Ikan is the work clothes of nobles and government officials in the Imperial Court after the Heian period. Sokutai is a formal costume for those from the Emperor to the court nobles in and after Heian period (Heian costume). Ikan is called 'tonoi (nighttime) costume', whereas sokutai is called 'hino (daytime) costume'. (which probably references the fact that he's a night fae)
The point is, what Malleus wears in this card is a very traditional garment that only high ranking Japanese officials can wear. But what he wears isn't the clothes of an emperor yet, but just for a high ranking official, which is accurate to his status that he's still a crown prince not yet the king, because only Maleficia truly rules Briar Valley right now.
I love the decision that they made him wear such a prestigious outfit because the story of the New Years event is the characters working on customer service lol Its like his clothes is a reminder that he is still highly distinguished even if temporarily he's a worker.
Lastly the VEIL !!!!!! That's the thing that catched my eyes the most in this card lol I KNOW they're not referencing a wedding here because the veil don't look the same, but its so good not to mention that the one of the headress of a Japanese bride is called tsunokakushi and its description can be related with Malleus a lot lol.
The term is a compound of 角 (tsuno, "horn") + 隠し (kakushi, "hiding"). This derivation is listed in some sources as a reference to hiding a bride's "horns" of anger, jealousy, or other negative qualities, in order to present a more virtuous image for the wedding. However, this interpretation might be a folk etymology resulting from a shift in the reading and meaning.
The headdress and the veil aren't the same thing but I kinda feel like this is the idea they're going for considering the veil is 1) hiding his horns, 2) he's a character associated with being jealous, and most importantly, 3) only the person he is looking at can see his face (which is the point of most wedding veils/headdress, to hide the bride's face so that only her partner can see it).
But long veils, like the one Malleus is holding is also just a garment for a noble to hide their nobility. Which is this is probably the likely reason, considering he's using that veil to cover up his horns and his clothes, the most obvious features of his status.
Also, it could be just a fun reference to the fact that Maleficent in live action wore a long veil to hide her horns so that she wouldn't scare the humans lol
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dearest-kibble · 5 years ago
Can I get a headcanon of Yandere Bakugou and Mirio?
Ok!! Gosh it has taken me far to long to get this done, General headcanons lets seeeeee I assume you mean separate but oh.,,, they'd be an interesting duo now that i think about it hmmmm,,
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Likes to hear how great he is this goes for everyone but, 
He gets a special kick hearing it from you. 
Now Bakugou is the sort of person to jump the gun on may things. He’s capable of strategizing on the spot, leading to him not caring about making what most deem to be “Impulsive decisions.”
This is more unfortunate for you than most other people.
It’s as if when he even gets wind that someone even remotely dangerous really, what was Shouto going to do, beat you to death? He just has to make sure you’re alright. 
It started with looking over you an unnerving amount as red eyes looked you up and down. Looking for a scuff mark or worse, a bruise.
He’d always yell at you for it.
Blame it on the fact that you were always so, so weak.
really, you should just let him take care of you. It’d be easier for everyone involved.
You always refused his offers of “protection” You were in class 1-A of the hero course for a reason thank you very much.
His hands would pop and spark as he growled a little under his breath.
Eventually it would escalate, far to quickly for your taste.
You might could deal with him yelling at you, (he yells at everyone, even Kirishima) you could deal with him staring at you, that just happens sometimes, people stare. And who’s to say he wasn’t just zoning out? Bakugou doesn’t zone out.
You continue to learn and grow at your own rate, paying little attention to Bakugou’s behavior, (really he’s a little strange to everyone) and laughing it off with your friends.
Of course, they notice. 
They notice that Bakugou seems a little extra angry when you refuse his protection. How he cusses just a little more when it’s you who gets hurt in a training exercise.
They start to laugh a little less when you talk about how “Bakugou was staring at my arm again. I mean, I know i had a gash there a while back, but it’s healed now!” and start to wonder just why a hormonal, teenage boy, was staring at your arm rather than anything else.
Eventually he starts to stay near you during training exercises, even when you told him you were fine.
“Like hell you are, are you such a shitty hero that you don’t even notice when you’d need to call for backup?”
“Nah, I can handle myself you know, i’m able to take a few hits!”
“You fucking can’t, if that gash you had in your arm was anything to go by.”
You choose to just ignore him. 
This is the wrong call apparently. 
If him taking you home and locking you in a room was anything to go by.
It seems that he’s made a pretty difficult situation for you, even if he wasn’t prepared for it at all.
You’re stuck in his dorm room, which clearly was not made or decorated to host two people.
It occurs to you that, you didn’t really know how you got here?
He must’ve caught you sleeping. It probably wasn’t that hard, an unfortunate drawback of your quirk. 
Still, you were a hero, and you could get out of this. 
If it wasn’t for your goddamn quirk. 
Incredible power, at the expense of feeling just a tad drained. 
So, here you are sitting in Bakugou’s room.
It’s an odd place, full of cushions and much softer things than you would've expected the guy who wanted to name himself “Lord Explosion Murder” would’ve had.
(And oh shit these were supposed to be general headcanons im so sorry)
He’s standing in his room, preparing some microwave food when you realize that you can’t even move your mouth.
That wasn’t a by product of your quirk. 
Your mouth felt numb, you are unable to do much but wiggle your tongue in a mouth that cannot feel.
You try humming.
“Yeah yeah.” He huffs. “I hear ya. Foods’ done in a bit.” He sounds so nonchalant. So indifferent to the fact that you are sitting on his bed.
“It’s a shit meal tonight, no fire in the dorm. That shit’s dangerous for you.” and not to you? 
It’s stifling the way he spoon feeds you a cup of water that is almost to cold to be any good. You suppose the spoon is necessary given that your mouth won’t move on its own. Still, you glare at him, giving him a good ol’ hero-stares-down-the-villain looks.
He laughs, it’s the big raucous kind that you hear when he’s around Kirishima.
“You’re fuckin adorable when you glare like that.” He wipes at his eyes, “Oh yeah, I’m just shitting my pants over here. If I were a villain, I’d be fucking terrified.” He has to take a few breaths of air before he can speak again. “S’why I gotta protect you.” And it hits you that it wasn’t just Bakugou being weird like with the rest of his classmates. He meant what he said. every word.
It doesn’t matter, you’re a hero. 
You would escape.
You can’t stay numb forever.
(So onto actual headcannons)
Bakugou is a very protective boy, a bit of a bully and will absolutely drug you into submission if he thinks it’s the best way to keep you safe. 
He has control issues (Like so many yanderes i seem to write for.) and wants to feel like he’s control of the entire “you” situation.
He loves and lives to keep you locked up with him, any bruise that you get and little paper cut? You bet your ass thats getting kissed and bandaged by him. 
The kiss only comes after he’s yelled at you for being dumb and that you should’ve known that you would get hurt.
But the kiss after?
It’s soft and sweet in a way Katsuki Bakugou should never have been able to manage.
He also doesn’t cook around you, doesn’t allow you near almost any electrical appliance and he feels like he has to either baby proof his dorm/apartment or regulate you to one room unless you’re with him. You are only safe with him and no one else should really be near you. 
You want to go outside again?
It’ll never happen.
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Mirio isn’t completely delusional.
He doesn’t think you two are dating before you takes you to his apartment, by which point,
You two are actually married.
It doesn’t matter if no one was there for the wedding and if he didn’t get you a ring.
He knows.
And there’s no chance in at least a million that you don’t know it too.
The way he calls you “Wifey” and “Doll” and “Honey” all while your wearing the most recent apron? Oh yeah you two are married.
He just doesn’t get why you’re so against the idea of cooking for him or sleeping in the same bed. Sure it’s a little nerve wracking and it’s probably just newly-wed jitters. But it hurts a little when you insist that you take the couch and he takes the bed.
He’d bring up the topic of children multiple times. Adopting or sex? Both work. But you two haven’t been on your honeymoon yet and he can’t wait, cannot fucking wait, to see you out of that akimpy little apron that he bought you.
Not that he doesn’t just love watching you cook in it.
But marriage is about more than just looking.
And he was plenty of tired of just looking.
He likes to try and dance with you, to put his hands on your hips as you cook and clean and do all your spously duties.
He always put on reccords too.
Something about reccords makes everything feel more romantic and he can’t help, but to see you sway to music and think how he’d love to relive your first dance all over again.
“What first dance?”
Well now he has too.
You were vacuuming at the time, you have to turn it off before you even here him talk about your first dance. (It never happened)
You can only nod dumbly and he laughs at your forgetfulness.
“It’s adorable sweetie, here, let me just,” He tugs at your hips, pulling you into your chest as you squeal. You forget how strong he is sometimes.
He turns you around and places one large hand on your shoulder, the other is gentlely clasped in your other.
“It was a waltz, remeber?” It’s the Blue Danube. You’d never heard a classical record before. It must be new.
“Oh, yes.” You sound a little numb. “I remember!” It sounds almost like your protesting when he gives a quizzical look with his bright blue eyes.
He taps the counts on your shoulder, each finger a different beat.
He’s an excellent dancer, you are much less coordinated.
He presses a kiss to your forehead.
“We haven’t taken out honeymoon yet, where would you like to go?” You suppose a honeymoon was never arranged. (Maybe it’s because you were never married.)
“I don’t know, where do you think would be nice?” You smile up at Mirio. His eyes haven’t left your face since you started cleaning.
“I think that Paris would be nice, don’t you? Plenty for us to do!”
“Paris would be lovely Mirio.” And you press a kiss to his jaw.
You can hear his breath hitch as you lean into his chest.
“Honey,” he sounded so happy. “Honey I love you.”
It’s a one in a million chance that Mirio Togata found you amoungst a crowd of civilians. You could stand to make the most of it.
“I love you too Mirio.” You take your hands away from his for only a moment before wrapping them around his broad chest.
“I can’t wait to go to Paris with you.”
You think you mean it.
- -
A/n (oh yeah there's a (very dumb) pun in each of these hcs. what do you take me for, a simpleton? These also got away from me and i legit forgot what i was writing. I don’t know the difference between general has and just “when the yandere kidnaps their darling im so sorry if it’s not what you wanted i try to fix it in Mirio’s section though. Katsuki is just my weakness i am such a simp.) thank you @popsicledrop for putting up with how long it took to get these out! I am so happy i got to write for these bois and maybe one day i will make a poly scenario because now that i have that idea 👀👀 thank you for reading! Have a nice day!
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horansqueen · 5 years ago
You & Me : chapter 1
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes!!! hello to all of you, who gave AM CONVERSATIONS a chance and are ready to join me for this sequel too. thank you so so much, ill never say it enough. you make me want to write and that in itself is incredible for me. i hope i can surprise you, make you laugh, make you a bit frustrated and make you emotional, too. i really hope it reaches your expectations and maybe even exceed them, who knows! (fingers crossed!) please please please, keep the comments, suggestions, ideas, requests, questions and asks coming, it means everything to me! (ill start adding requests to the chapters a bit later btw, i need to set the story first!) so here it is.
Chapter 1 : His chapter
Time passed by so quickly I had a hard time keeping track. I thought about Olivia every day and although I did miss the romantic relationship we had, most of all, I missed the friendship. I hadn't seen her in over a year and I was not really sure I ever would again. I did know almost everything there was to know, though, and I was also aware that she had moved to California, which was the place I lived half the year.
After I broke up with her, I had spent a lot of time locked at home just writing songs, and one of my favorite things to do was to check her father's web site and read the reviews she wrote about upcoming movies. One day, though, she published a short story that became popular very fast. She started filming it instead and turned it into a low budget online tv show. Luckyly for me, she didn't have the money to hire real actors and she ended up playing it in herself. I felt like a loser and a creepy ex boyfriend every time i'd lock myself in my room, in the dark, to watch the new episode, but I couldn't help it. She made q&a's videos and she seemed happy but for me, the more time passed, the more I realized that I needed her in my life.
My debut album was doing great and I was leaving on tour in a few months. I should be the happiest I have ever been but I couldn't hide that the songs I was about to sing every night still made me very emotional. My life was not all bad, of course. in fact, it was probably the best time of my life but it was tough for me to realize that I wouldn't be able to share it with my best friend... the girl I still wanted to end my life with.
My phone beeped as I was walking in the busy streets and I quickly searched my pockets to read the incoming text message.
'Don't forget to pick the cake for Joey at the bakery.'
I rolled my eyes and quickly typed an answer.
'Almost there.'
It was not a lie. Ten more seconds and I was pushing the doors of one of the biggest bakeries around. I didn't see the point in getting such an expensive and big cake for a birthday but I also didn't like to argue so I just went along with it.
I leaned against the counter and smiled as an employee moved closer.
"I'm here to pick up an order." I explained in a low tone. "Horan."
The lady smiled and nodded before leaving and I turned around, leaning more against the counter. I took my phone and started checking my messages until I heard it. Something I never thought i'd ever hear again. A laugh. It was clear and happy and although extremely fucking cheesy, it reached my heart like nothing else ever had in my life. I stopped breathing and my heart twisted but it took me a few seconds to react. I looked around the place but couldn't see her anywhere until I realized there was an other room a bit further. I took a few steps closer, a bit scared of what I was going to see but at the same time, I was full of hope.
I saw her first. She was standing up on the side, her head slightly down and her nose raised up. She seemed to glow in a way only she could and the thumping of my heart against my rib cage got even worse. She laughed again and something inside of me seemed to wake up suddenly from a very long slumber. It took me a few seconds to realize she was with Julie and when she noticed me, she hit Olivia's arm a few times to get her attention. With a quick chin movement, she incited her to turn to me and I held my breath when our eyes finally met. I was trying to decipher how she felt through her facial expressions but I couldn't seem to. Did we lose that connection we had? Was it gone forever?
I cleared my throat but walked up to them, trying to act casual as I sent both of them a smile.
"Hey, it's been a while."
"It has, in fact." Julie just replied. "Liam wanted to invite you over soon, so just text him."
My eyes moved to her and I sent her a small smile before nodding. "Will do."
I pushed both my hands in my pockets, feeling suddenly nervous to be around her. Her eyes finally met mine and she smiled to me sincerely. I expected her to be a bit embarrassed, or to feel uneasy, but she tilted her head and I let my eyes roam on her face. She smelled exactly like I remembered, the addicting scent of vanilla and honey invading me completely, and once again, my heart skipped a beat.
"It's been even longer for us." I just said, making her nod slightly. "How are you? How's your boyfriend?"
She chuckled and shrugged. "We're both good, thanks for asking, what about you and your girlfriend?"
"Good, we're good."
My eyes moved on her features and I licked my lips, suddenly wondering if hers tasted like they used to..
"Congrats on your tv show, by the way, it's incredible" I added, trying to keep the conversation going. "I'm very happy for you."
We both heard Julie's phone ring but I kept my eyes on her, giving her all my attention.
"Thank you! I'm having a blast with this I mean, who would have thought acting was so much fun, you know? I knew I loved writing but this is... beyond my expectations." she expressed with passion, making me smile more. "Oh and congrats on your first album!"
"Oh thank you, thanks!"
I moved slightly and opened her mouth to say something just as Julie came back and we both turned around as she hung up.
"Okay so Liam says we have to pick 'chocolate'."
I frowned and suddenly remembered where we were, my eyes roaming around the bakery and I licked my lips again. They had a few plates placed on the counter in front of them with pieces of different cakes and I realized it was probably for a wedding cake.
"I thought we were the ones in charge?" Liv frowned, moving her hands up while looking at Julie. "Since when does he get a say in this?"
"Wedding cake? Can I taste?"
I moved forward and grabbed a fork, taking a bite from the chocolate one.
"Mmhm dis one's gweat!" I replied, my mouth full, making Olivia roll her eyes with a smile. "I agree with Liam." I continued with a smirk after swallowing.
I hadn't seen Liam in a few months and now I knew why he wanted to invite me over. It was only a matter of time until he'd ask Julie to marry him. After all, they had been dating for years and nothing would ever tear them apart. It reminded me of my mistakes and all the things I regretted. My eyes found Liv again and I swallowed the lump in my throat. The way I broke up with her and especially the reasons why I did it were horrible but we would end up together, I was still sure about that, as pathetic as it sounded. I didn't tell anyone, I knew they would say i'm delusional and I didn't want to let them kill that conviction or even make it falter.
"Thanks for your input, Niall." Liv joked, raising her nose up with a smile. "Your opinion's been noted."
I laughed and it made her laugh too and for some odd reason, it brought a bunch of memories in my head. That time we played football together and I fell on top of her... or that time we danced in the living room and tripped over each other... that time we fucked on the stairs of a radio station and had to rush down and out not to be caught... that time we made love for the first time next to my christmas tree... that time...
"You okay?" she asked with a frown, a smile still gracing her lips.
"Oh yea, sorry it's just... it's good to hear you laugh again."
This time, her smile turned into a fond one and I smiled too. We kept staring at each other for a while and all I could think about was how beautiful and radiating she was. Even in the way she was standing up and moving, I could see that she was more confident and happy and that her insecurities weren't as bad as they used to be. It was not just a facade.
"You're... glowing." I let out, feeling suddenly uncomfortable with my confession. I chuckled, a little embarrassed, and scratched the back of my head, trying to think of something to add before she could answer. "It's crazy that we meet, I mean, we both moved here and it's a big city."
She nodded, understanding that I didn't want to talk about the first thing I had mentioned and she finally just shrugged and shook her head.
"Yea well, you know what they say, it's a small world after all." she just replied, making me smile more.
"L.A. is a world in itself, it's true." I agreed before laughing again. "Love how you quoted disney, and also not surprised."
"Some things never change."
Her words made something twist in my stomach. The only thing that never really changed in the past two years was the love I felt for her. It was sad how it was still strong and burning my insides. I was still in love with the girl I broke up with a year ago, a girl I was seeing for the first time in months, a girl that did so fucking well without me.
"Just like your love for coffee, yea?"
I glanced up only to notice Julie was tasting cakes, making sure to stay further to give us space, but knowing her, she was probably listening to every single word Liv and I were sharing.
"I.. still love coffee."
"Good, how about one, tomorrow, to catch up?"
Her lips parted and I knew why she hesitated. It was a mix of what we used to mean for each other, the hurt I put her through, the fact that we were both taken and also, the uncertainty of us still getting along after all this. The truth was, I needed a 'yes'. I needed to see her again, to talk to her again. I needed her in my life. This whole plan of us ending up together was based on us becoming friends again but reality had just hit me. If she didn't want to be around me anymore, there were barely any chance left for us to date again. That was something I hadn't thought about too much.
I took my phone out of my pocket again and handed it to her after unlocking it. She glanced at it before looking back in my eyes and I just shrugged.
"If you want to add your number." I proposed gently. "I mean, unless you think your boyfriend wouldn't like that."
The truth was, I didn't care at all, and I knew that would trigger her into doing the opposite.
"He's never tried to stop me from seeing anyone. He's not the jealous type."
I didn't say anything, I just raised my eyebrows with a smile and she finally grabbed the phone from my hand while rolling her eyes with a smile. I stared at her with a grin as she typed and when she handed it back to me, I quickly sent her a smiling emoji to make sure she also had my number. Her phone made music as it received my text message and my smile faltered. I remembered when it was my voice she had used as a ringtone and as a notification for her messages. Of course, I couldn't expect her to have kept it after all this time but it still did something to me to realize that she was now using something else. So many things had changed and despite what I tried to make myself believe, it really fucking hurt.
"Oh is that... the theme of your tv show?"
I knew damn well it was but I didn't want to make it seem like I was obsessed with it only to see her face, even if it was exactly that. When did I fall into this disgusting pattern of regretting my own decisions? Now that I was standing right in front of her, I realized that it was a bit creepy of me but at the same time, I couldn't help myself.
"Yes! It's good isn't it?"
It was, in fact, very good, and I also knew exactly who wrote it and who was singing, but once again, I didn't mention it.
"Yea, definitely."
She sent me a smile that I sent back and we suddenly went quiet. I kept staring at her, wondering what she'd do if I'd just cup her face and kissed her but also knowing i'd never have the guts to do it. Having her so close made all my feelings so much more real, vivid and alive that I could barely breathe in her presence.
We had been friends for decades and had dated for a year but never before have I felt like this around her. Everything about her was shining in a way it never did before and what emanated from her was reflecting on me and illuminating my soul. I had no idea how she did that and most likely, she wasn't even aware of the effect she had on me.
"It's just... so good to see you." I let out, shaking my head as she raised her eyebrows and smiled.
I had missed her. I had missed her energy, her presence, her vibe. I had missed her laughter, her touch and her kisses. I had missed her friendship and her love. It was hard to believe I actually broke up with her for... for what, exactly?
"You too, Nee." she just said, tilting her head. "I'll text you."
I knew in the way that she was looking at me that we weren't on the same page and even though I didn't want to admit it to myself, I sort of wished she would still love me the way she used to. Hell, even just half of the love she used to feel for me would be enough. But there she was, standing in front of me, acting like we didn't have this painful and crazy history, and that hurt in a way I couldn't explain.
"Liv, are you gonna help or not?" Julie let out from a bit further, sticking her fork in one of the pieces of cake. "I'm getting a bit nauseous, you know I don't have a sweet tooth!"
Olivia looked back but turned again to me and chuckled without answering her. It made me laugh a bit when I saw her expression. Finally, something that was still exactly the same.
"Sorry, i'm gonna have to-"
"Yea no, it's cool." I replied, cutting her and frowning as I shook my head and shrugged. "Just text me."
I grimaced at the sound of my name being mispronounced and cringed slightly, making Olivia laugh even more.
"I should be used to this but I never will." I admitted, my eyes closed. "You'd think after a few platinum albums, people would get it right."
"Well, keeps you grounded doesn't it?" she joked, trying to suppress a laugh.
"For sure." I just agreed, rising my nose up before sending her a smile. "Take care yea?"
Without thinking, I brought my hand up and my fingers brushed against the skin of her arm and I realized I hadn't touched her in over a year. It gave me a shock that seemed to cross my entire body and I held my breath, taking my hand back. She didn't seem fazed at all by this connection and she just raised her hand up as a goodbye sign. I took a step back and finally turned around to reach the front of the shop to pay. I turned to look at her again but she was back to trying out cakes and I took the box the lady behind the counter was handing me before thanking her and leaving.
Everything seemed surreal as I stepped foot out and I held my breath and closed my eyes until I heard my phone beep again. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of Olivia messaging me already but it dropped when I noticed it was only my girlfriend again.
'So? The cake?'
I sighed, slightly annoyed, but typed a quick answer as I was reaching my car.
'Got it. On my way.'
I quickly opened the door and took my shoes off before closing it with my foot and walking to the kitchen. I didn't know where my girlfriend was and simply put the cake in the fridge before sitting down in the living room, grabbing my guitar and putting it on my lap. I took the notebook I had left on the coffee table and started scribbling the two-line lyrics that had been stuck in my head the whole drive until home.
I was not ready for a new album yet but that didn't mean I couldn't work on new music while waiting and I just stared at the words written for a few seconds without blinking. Quickly, I added a few words before and worked on the verses. I could feel my heart beat hard against my rib cage as I re-read the words and I finally took my guitar and started playing while recording myself. I didn't know if half an hour had even passed when I heard footsteps coming from downstairs and I stopped recording, barely believing I had written something decent enough to be used in a future album. I was so lost in my mind that it took me a few seconds to realize someone was taking to me.
"Niall? Hello?"
"Mm?" I blinked a few times and turned my head, my eyes meeting my girlfriend's. "Sorry love, what did you say?"
"The. Cake." she let out very annoyed, after probably repeating it a few times.
"The. Fridge." I replied meanly, feeling suddenly a bit guilty for being rude. "You're gonna have to try and trust me, you know." I added slightly louder as she reached the kitchen.
She came back with a bottle of water and sat next to me, swallowing half of it quickly. She was wearing her work-out clothes and pushed her high ponytail over her shoulder, taking one of her earbuds off.
"I thought you were going out for a run?" I asked, frowning for a second before closing the notebook in front of me.
I didn't want her to read what I had written or to ask to hear it but I knew it was not likely that she would. She had stopped caring about things I enjoyed a while ago. Why did we start dating again?
"Wasn't in the mood to be photographed." she let out with a grimace, making me chuckle.
"Oh yea? Since when?"
She turned to me and if looks could kill, i'd be fucking dead on the spot. I cleared my throat and shrugged a shoulder, leaning against the couch. I wanted to point out to her that I was right but instead, I closed my eyes, humming my new song and feeling something twist in my chest. How could one person inspire me so much? Was she also going to be the muse for my second album? I desperately wanted to believe i'd be back with her soon and be able to write a few happy songs for the second one but after the short encounter we just had had, I was not even sure she still had feelings for me. It did the opposite for me, though ; i was now totally sure that I was still in love with her.
"Okay well, can you order?" my girlfriend asked, taking me out of my daydream as she put her hand on my thigh. "I need to rehearse a bit more, okay?"
She didn't wait for my answer and just got up, running back downstairs with her water bottle and I closed my eyes again. After I broke up with Olivia, I decided to go out every night, have fun and fuck whoever I wanted. The first few times felt amazing but the more I was fucking around, the more I realized it was not for me. The flirting part was nice enough, and the sex wasn't so bad most of the time but the feeling i'd get when i'd wake up in the morning was horrible, like a bitter aftertaste of some expired milk that remained in your fridge for too long. The truth was, sex with a stranger is good, but never as good as sex with someone you love, for many many reasons. When feelings were involved, there was clearly something stronger coming from the whole moment and after a while, you know that person so well that you know exactly what she wants and what it means when she does a certain face, or moans a certain way. There was something important and safe in the choreography of our bodies and I hadn't found that special feeling and connection with anyone else,  not even my current girlfriend. No, sex was not everything, but with the right person, it was ecstatic and emotional at the same time.
I grabbed my phone and looked at our conversation. There was only the smiling emoji I had sent her yet and I started nibbling on my bottom lip. She hadn't messaged me yet and I was a bit scared she never would. I started typing a message slowly, telling myself that if she'd never message me, at least, she'd know how I felt.
'If honesty means telling you the truth, well i'm still in love with you'
I blinked a few times, staring at the words I had typed from the song I had written, until I couldn't read them anymore due to the tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe I was crying, I couldn't believe it would hurt so much to see her so well without me and at the same time, that thought was so selfish it made me feel guilty. After all, I was the one who had broken up with her, and she didn’t owe me anything. She hadn’t spent the last year dwelling on the past or crying for me.
I swallowed, ready to hit 'send', when my phone beeped. I wiped my eyes quickly and the left corner of my lips raised up. I felt like someone had taken a load off my shoulders and I breathed in deeply as I read her message.
'Coffee tomorrow afternoon, are you free? 🤪'
I chuckled at the emoji and quickly, I deleted the lyrics I was about to send her to replace it with an answer to her question. I wanted to see her and if she had asked me to drive to her at this exact moment, I would have in a heartbeat. Everything I did in the past year was only to lead me to this exact moment.
'Always free for you 🥰'
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nights-legacy · 5 years ago
Katana for Her - Leo
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Leonardo 2012
Requested by @dreams-delusional​
+ Adult AU- Leo and Y/N have been together since they were teenagers. They’ve been together ever since the guys start as heroes. He realizes one day that he wants to spend the rest of his life with Y/N and prove he is devoted to her. While searching ways to propose to them, Leo comes across a way to do it that is not only unique but perfect as a symbol for the two of them.
Leo’s POV
The sound of stone on blade was the only sound in the lair at the moment. Donnie was passed out for once, Mikey was out with April getting dinner, and Raph was in the dojo meditating. Sharpening my blades was giving me time to think about Y/N. Man, I loved that girl, who was trying to be sneaky at the moment.
“I wouldn’t try it darling.” I said straight. I heard her huff and chuckled. I turned my head toward her. She stood there with her arms crossed and an unhappy, crooked frown.
“One of these days, Leo baby. I will sneak up on you.” She sat down on the couch next to me and grabbed her book.
“Sure thing baby.” I chuckled again. I went back to my sword and concentration. We sat in comfortable silence. After a few minutes, Y/N spoke up.
“Careful baby. You think too hard and your face may stick in this position.” I looked at her and smiled.
“We wouldn’t want that.” I joked before setting down the sharpening stone. I sheathed the sword before leaning back. I wrapped an arm around her. She cuddled into my side while closing her eyes. I admired her while she sighed. I reached over and pushed the hair out of her face.
“I can feel you staring.” She smiled.
“Don’t blame me, I have a beautiful girlfriend. I have the right to stare a little.” She chuckled, scrunching her nose before looking up at me.
“You’re adorable.” She said before swatting my plastron.
“So are you.” I said before tickling her. She screamed in protest as I pushed her down and climbed on top of her. I continued my attack until she had trouble breathing. I stopped and carefully laid next to her as she caught her breath. “God, I love you.” She looked at me with her big eyes.
“I love you too, Leo.” She cuddled into my chest. I held her close as I heard her breathing slow and knew she was asleep.
“I want to spend my life you.” I said to her unconscious form. A thought popped into my head that made me smile. I fell asleep as I made plans in my head.
Time Skip
I sat at the edge of the sitting area with my head propped up by my arms that was resting on my knee. My other leg swung a little as I read over an article over again. I decided that I wanted to propose to Y/N but I didn’t want to do it in the traditional way. So I found an article in my searches that told of a Vikings wedding traditions. I decided to take some of those traditions and mix them with our Japanese ones.
“Leo! I got it.” Mikey came running in with a wrapped package. I got up quickly as he made his way over. He handed it over and I quickly unwrapped it. I pulled out a sheathed katana. “Woah.” Mikey whistled.
“Yeah.” The katana was in a black and gold sheath with vine designs and cherry blossoms. The handle matched the colors of the sheath; gold, black, and cherry red. I went and pulled out the blade. It was a normal silver color but in the light you could see traces of gold.
“What’s this for anyway?” Mikey asked why still looking at the sword.
“I’m going to propose to Y/N.” He didn’t reply for a second.
“With a sword?” He asked. I chuckled before sheathing the sword.
“I’m going a non-traditional route. There is an old way of kinda proposing in Viking history that I found and I decided to tweak it to be more unique to us.” I told him. “Plus she has been wanting a new katana for a bit so, kill two birds with one stone.”
“Well, I’m happy for you man.” Mikey placed his hand on my shoulder. “You two deserve each other.” He gave me a smile before heading in the direction of the kitchen. I sighed before gripping the sword tight.
“She’ll say yes.” I jumped and turned to see Raph lounging against the wall.
“I didn’t…”
“You didn’t have too, bro.” He pushed off the wall. “When it comes to Y/N, I can read you like an open book and that’s not a bad thing. She brings out the best in you.”
“Thanks Raph.” He smiled and looked down at the katana in my hand.
“It’s a beaut. She’s gonna love it. And it matter if you proposed with this amazing sword idea or in the middle of battle or on a random day while you’re watching Space Heroes and she’s reading in your lap. She will say yes.” Raph told in a voice of honesty.
“Thanks Bro.”
“Anytime. Come here.” He pulled me into a short but meaningful hug. “But I will say if you hurt her, I can guarantee that I will hurt you.”
“I think I’d let you.” I said.
“Now let’s get you engaged.” He hit me on the back. I heard shouts of agreement and encouragement. I turned to see Donnie, Mike, and Master Splinter. I smiled and chuckled before setting things in motion.
I rolled over on my bed as I heard my phone go off. I groaned when I noticed it wasn’t near me. I got up and searched for it, finding it on the shelf of a bookcase. I picked it up and saw a message from Leo. I smiled and opened it.
           ~Rooftop, late night date? <3~
I chuckled and sent my reply. I got dressed and quickly made my way up my fire escape. I made it to the top silently only to see Leo with his shell to me. I bit my lip and quietly made my way toward him. I made it there and stood still.
“What’s with the impromptu date, lover?” He jumped and screamed. He quickly turned toward me with a shocked expression. I covered my mouth and tried not to laugh but failed. “YES! I did it!” I jumped around and cheered. “I snuck up on you.”
“My god.” I heard him say before turning back to him. I saw him relax and then chuckle. “Yes you did babe. Congratulations.” He walked toward me and gave me a kiss on the lips. I hummed, reciprocating.
“Hi there.” I said.
“Hi.” He smiled at me. “Come on. I have your favorite.”
“Yay.” I cheered and pulled him to sit down. We ate and talked about anything and everything. It was getting to be early into the morning when I decided to bring up my question again. I was laying with my back to his plastron when I spoke up. “So what was this impromptu date?”
“Oh umm,…” He grew nervous.
“Leo? What’s up?” I asked, turning toward him. Even though we have been together for a long time, I still never get used to him being nervous.
“Well…” He patted me forward. I moved as he got up and went over and around a corner. He walked back out and had something behind his back. “There’s something that I want to ask you.” I moved up onto my knees.
“Alright.” He stood in front of me and took a big breath. He knelt down.
“Y/N, we’ve been together a long time. And I have loved every minute of it.” He looked at me straight in the eye. “I can’t even think of living a life without you and can’t stand the thought of losing you. So because of this, I was wondering…hoping that you would….” He took another breath centering herself. “Y/N would you do me the honor of marrying me?”  
“Oh my…” I gasped as he pulled out a sword from behind his back. My eyes went wide at the proposal. I looked at the beautiful katana for a second before locking eyes with me. “Are you seriously proposing with a katana?” I whispered.
“Yes, I am.” He said confidently. I stood up on my knees and moved closer. I reached up and let me hands hover over the katana. Leo smiled and set it in my hands. My eyes welled up and I bit my lips as I looked at the blade. I a swift movement, I set the blade aside and threw my arms around his neck.
“Yes! Yes! I will marry you!” I exclaimed. “My gosh, Leo!” I gasped and pulled back just enough to look at him. “Yes I marry you Leo.”
“Y/N…” He looked at me with such love. I returned the look. “I promise to be the best husband.” He started to ramble. I chuckled before placing a finger on his lips. He shut up and just looked at me.
“I love you, Leo.” I ran my hand across his cheek to the back of his neck. I started to twirl his mask tails.
“I love you too, Y/N.” He said. He pulled me closer and held me tight. I sighed and cuddled into him. “Now how about you take a look at your new Katana.” He motioned his head to the sword. I bit my lip again and nodded my head.  
“Okay.” I moved and grabbed it before sitting back on my heels. I ran my fingers across the hilt. I firmly grasped it and pulled it out of the sheath. I admired the blade and smiled. “Thank you Leo.” I moved and leant back into his plastron.
“My pleasure.” He wrapped his arms around me. “You’ve made me so happy.”
“And you, me.” I said. His hand moved and grasped mine over the hilt of the sword. “Best proposal ever.” I said. He laughed out loud and I joined him.
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movedvalkyriesryde · 6 years ago
I’m Going to Spin You
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky teachers the reader how to dance in preparation for Tony and Pepper’s wedding.
Warnings: language and I think there’s one sexual innuendo if you squint
A/N: This is pure fluffy rubbish but i lowkey love it. It’s been sitting half done in my docs but I got so bored at work I decided to just finish it so here you go.
Words: 2,042
Requests are open
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“What the hell are you doing?” Bucky leaned against the door frame of the sparring room. You were stood in the middle of one of the mats, your feet moving to the music that played from the speakers.
“I’m trying to waltz so I’m prepared for Tony and Pepper’s wedding.” You didn’t bother looking up, trying to focus on the task at hand. Bucky stepped forward to the edge of the mat, his arms crossed over his chest. 
“That’s not waltzing,” he laughed. You stopped your movement, spinning around with your hands on your hips.
“Go away.” he stayed where he was, eyeing you almost as if to challenge you. 
“They’re wedding is in two days you know,” he smiled at you. You sighed, brushing the hair out of you face. You were very aware the wedding was in two days. You were also very aware you couldn’t dance before today but you also did not at all want to learn. 
“I’m an avid procrastinator” you muttered. Bucky laughed again as he stepped onto the mat, taking your right hand and placing it on his shoulder, his left sitting just above your waist.
“What are you doing?” His right hand held your left softly in the air. He smirked down at you licking his lips. 
“I’m making a sandwich what does it look like I’m doing? I’m going to teach you how to dance” Bucky took a small step forward, you quickly followed, your head down so you could watch exactly where he went. Bucky continued to lead you, only taking small steps around the mat. He watched you concentrating, finding it amusing that the small girl who he’d seen jump off of a building was currently flustered at the prospect of a simple dance.
“Stop looking at your feet,” he chuckled. You kept staring down. If you didn’t look up at him you could pretend you’re not dancing with the man you’re infatuated with and you won’t have to look into his gorgeous blue eyes. 
“I’m going to step on you,” you spoke slowly. Bucky took his hand off of your waist, you hadn’t even realised it had moved to rest there, using it to lift your chin so you were looking at him. He smiled placing it back onto your waist, lower than before which you made a mental note to ask Natasha if that meant something later on.
“I think I can take it,” he held your gaze, “just look at me, let me lead.” You gulped but nodded, trusting that Bucky knew what he was doing though you can’t say you’d ever actually seen him dance. 
The two of you continued swaying, moving slowly around the mat for a few songs in silence. You watched him the whole time, watched as he looked out the window smiling, watched as he licked his lips, pulling his bottom lip with his teeth. How good would it be to feel those lips on your skin, that tongue - 
“I’m going to spin you now” Bucky pulled you out from your imagination, you tensed as his hand left your waist.
“No, Bucky don’t,” but it was too late. Bucky spun you around, pulling you back into his chest quickly. That stupid smirk you for some reason found yourself love was smacked right across his face. He continued to hold you close, raising an eyebrow at you when you didn’t say anything, just looking at him with your mouth agape. Was he looking at your mouth? This would be a perfect time to kiss him you thought. But you can’t because your relationship with Bucky is just harmless flirting, no matter what you want or what Natasha and Wanda say all you do is flirt. 
“I think that’s enough for now.” You pushed yourself away from him taking three large steps back and then moving towards your phone that was plugged into the speaker. Bucky was taken aback from your abrupt movement. He was quite enjoying having you close to him, feeling you against him. He watched you almost run out of the door, catching sight of Steve who was leaning against the door frame where he had been only five minutes earlier. 
“What are you looking at?” Steve shrugged his shoulders, trying not to laugh at his best friend, knowing he was practically in love with you. “Are we sparring or not,” Bucky huffed.
“We can dance if that’s what you prefer,” Steve laughed at Bucky as he stepped into the room, dropping his bag onto the ground. Bucky picked up the water bottle from the ground and threw it at Steve’s shoulder who continued to laugh at his love struck friend.
“Fuck off” he spoke but his voice was light and he was smiling wide. Even though Bucky knew he was never going to hear the end of this it was well worth it. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bucky and Steve sat on one of the couches in the common room. Other’s were sprawled out amongst the seats, everyone content in doing their own thing in the proximity of others. A ding played in the distance, almost pulling Bucky out of his thoughts, thoughts of you, dancing, laughing, touching, kissing, another ding pulled him completely out. He picked up the phone from beside him seeing two new messages from you.
‘I need you to practice dancing with me’ 
‘on the roof’ 
Immediately he rose to his feet, excited to get another opportunity to hold you against him. Steve watched him get up, having read the messages over his shoulder.
“Have fun,” he called as Bucky left the room. 
“Fuck off you nosey punk,” Bucky called back.
He walked out onto the roof finding you looking out towards the small area of woods that surrounded the side of the compound. You swayed slightly to the music, not realising Bucky had arrived until he stopped your music and plugged his own phone in.
“If I’m going to teach you how to dance we’re going to use my music, yours is crap” he spoke pulling you towards him to how you had been the day before but this time his hand sat on the small of your back. You nodded, his music can’t be that bad, until you realised what he had put on.
“This is my favourite song” you looked up at Bucky whose focus was held on the wall behind you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he shook his head. 
The two of you began dancing, slightly bigger steps this time, more movement around the room. You still watched him, this time Bucky held your eye contact. It made you nervous though, knowing he was watching you, having him this close to you. You body was tense and Bucky could feel it.
“Relax,” he spoke softly. All of a sudden he spun you around so your back was pressed against his chest, his arms wrapped around you. “You gotta relax doll you’re too tense, nobody’s watching,” he whispered it softly in your ear before spinning you back around to how you were. If he expected you to relax after that he’s delusional you thought. But the playful look in his eye made it obvious he knew what he was doing, trying to distract you with his charm. 
“Is that a move you used to use on the ladies old man?” You smirked back at him, deciding it was easier to play along with his game. It always was. 
“Doll you couldn’t handle one of my moves,” he let out a laugh seeing the way your eyes widened at his comment. 
“Try me”
“Maybe another time” he smiled
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The party was in full swing. People were dancing, drinking, laughing. Everyone was at least a little bit tipsy. You’d gotten out there a couple of times, jumping and waving your arms with your friends to the upbeat music that played. Every time a slow song came on you made an excuse or snuck away without being seen, Bucky saw though. He watched you the entire night, the way you darted towards the bar as soon as a slow song came on, how you constantly refused anyone’s invite to dance with them. 
“I spend all that time teaching you to dance and you haven’t gotten out there once” You looked up to find Bucky standing over you with his eyebrows pulled down disappointedly. 
“What if I’m shit and forget everything you taught me” you sighed fidgeting with the end of your dress. 
“Come on” He pulled the hand from your lap pulling you out of your seat and towards the dance floor. You tried to protest but he wouldn’t have any of it, shaking his head as he turned towards you and held you like he had twice before. Right hand clasp around your left, left hand lightly pressed to the small of your back. You looked around nervously, darting between the people around you and your feet. Bucky gave your hand a slight squeeze, moving you attention to him,
“This is a lot easier when there’s nobody watching” 
“Then pretend there’s nobody here, just look at me” His smile was reassuring as you did what he said. Your focus was on Bucky and his was on you. You were still tense, still nervous that people were watching you and that everyone would see you step on his feet and make a fool of yourself. But Bucky knew the best way for you to relax was to distract you and so thats what he did. He told you about Sam failing to hit on one of Pepper’s cousins, how Steve almost lost the rings that morning, he had you laughing and forgetting about every worry and everyone around you. It was just the two of you. 
You were finally having fun, you hadn’t stopped dancing with Bucky, neither of you wanting it to end, to leave your own little bubble. Once Bucky saw you relax he started to flirt with you again, making the cheeky comment here and there, pretending to dip you just to get you to laugh. He licked his lips, his eyes watching yours while his hand slowly moved down your back.
“Careful there” you pursed your lips and narrowed your eyes at him, his hand moving back up.
“How am I meant to do any of my moves if you won’t let me doll” He laughed, raising an eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes remembering your conversation the night before. 
“I know you have better moves than that” you challenged him. Bucky smirked at your comment, pulling closer so you were pressed against him, still moving to the music. 
“You’ll just have to wait and see doll” he whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine. You sucked in a breath about to reply when both of your attention was shifted to the cackling laughter coming from the side of the dance floor. Steve was doubled over in laughed while Sam stared at the two of you with a stunned and confused look.
“Since when?!” He shouted pointing directly at you. You looked at Bucky who stuttered over his words before shrugging and looking back at the two men with a glare.  
“Shut your hole Rogers!” He yelled with a growl. You looked at him expectantly, waiting for an explanation that he knew you’d never get as he shook his head. 
“I’m going to spin you.” he muttered, hoping to move past what was obviously Steve letting Sam in on his secret crush on you, much to Sam’s amazement. You looked at him shaking your head but before you could get a word out he spun you quickly and pulled you back into him, a laugh escaped you. You hated to admit you were enjoying dancing with Bucky, it didn’t matter who was watching, but you weren’t about to tell him that in case he thought it was because it was with him. Which it was, but that’s beside the point. You’d much rather just enjoy the rest of the night in his arms. 
Bucky laughed as you spun, admiring the smile on your face that was all because of him. He made a mental note to punch Steve later for almost ruining the night. Almost.
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Thank you for reading! As always requests are open so hmu!
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renegadewangs · 5 years ago
Ace Mindhunter - 5th Interview
Characters: Simon Blackquill, Athena Cykes, Shi-Long Lang, and a rogues gallery of AA villains. Fandom: Ace Attorney Pairings: N/A. Warnings/rating: 16+, I would say. Talk of heavy themes such as death and abuse, plus cursing. Spoilers for every AA game up to Spirit of Justice, AAI2 included. Gratuitous amounts of headcanon for antagonists. Summary: Simon Blackquill is roped into a Behavioral Analysis project along with Athena Cykes. They must sit down with convicted murderers for interviews, in hopes of finding out just what drove them to their convoluted crimes.
5th Interview Alita and Ini
Date: June 18th 2028 Time: 2:31 PM Location: Interview Room. “So... Your parents were against the engagement? Why?” “Why? Why else? That silly brat was a gangster...” “I suppose that's a good reason. What did you tell them, back then?” “I told them... what every parent wants to hear. “Wocky is a good boy. He will protect me with his life.” All those sorts of things. When they still didn't approve, I chose Wocky over them.” “Even though you didn't really love him and were only in it for the money?” “What's with that judgmental look? The Kitakis could give me everything my parents couldn't. Telling me to stay away from him... Who needs a selfish family like that?” “O-Oh... Uh... Right.” If there was one thing about Alita Tiala that irked Simon, it was her air of innocence. Her fingers steepled together, she continued to grace the both of them with a smile. She would speak quietly, she would be polite, she would bat her eyes and act every bit the fallen angel that she wasn't. Getting a forthright emotion out of her was like attempting to have a fish tapdance; it simply wasn't in her nature. Worst of all, Simon had no idea what to entice her with in order to have her open up. Athena had been doing most of the talking and he, in turn, had been observing to the best of his ability. Athena took a moment to pull herself together, then moved on with newfound determination. “So when you got engaged, you resigned from the Meraktis Clinic. Was that just because you were about to marry into money, or did you also want to run from that failed surgery?” “Run? Why should I?” Alita asked, still smiling. “Meraktis was the one who'd failed. All I did was sign off on some papers. I'm hardly to blame, now am I?” “If that was how you felt about it, why did you go through so much trouble to steal the chart back?” “Because... Well, that silly brat... could be impulsive. If he found out that I knew about the bullet, he might've done something drastic... like call off the engagement. And if he didn't, his disturbing mother would've. They would've blown that whole thing out of proportion.” Athena hung her head with an expression of extreme disbelief. “Errr. Well, Ms. Tiala, some might argue that holding back such vital information about a person's health is, err, a terrible thing to do. It would've made sense to call off the wedding.” “Tee hee! Why does it matter what I did or did not tell Wocky? If he hadn't found out... he would've continued to worship the very ground I walk on. He would've been happy for the remainder of his life.” “Which would've lasted for about another year...” “And what a year it would've been. Now both our futures are ruined by this stupid little tiff that Meraktis started.” Tiala rubbed at her throat as she said it. A thin scar was visible there; evidence that just a bit over two years ago, she'd been strangled with a lamp cord. Already, Simon had formed a hypothesis on Tiala's mental state. One which would be difficult to support with true evidence. The most they could do was gather up more of her words and use those as pillars instead. “In regards to that malpracticing doctor...” he began loudly, indicating to Athena that it was time for him to take the lead. “If the court transcripts are to be believed, you pulled the trigger because he was about to expose your true nature to your fiancé. Instinct, panic, call it whatever you like. Now you sit before us, two years later. My question is as follows: Do you believe Pal Meraktis deserved to die?” “What sort of question is that?” Tiala asked, a bit of condescension showing through her pleasant exterior. Once again, she raised a hand to her throat. “He almost killed me. He believed that he did! He was about to dump my body in some gross river! Causing the death of his patients was not enough- he had to resort to attempted murder.” “You did not answer me. Do you believe that he deserved the fate you so generously bestowed upon him?” “I-I... Well... He must have! After all the things that he did...! Murderers deserve the death penalty, don't they?” Simon leaned forward, his eyes piercing Tiala's own. “You were put through a terrible ordeal, Angel. You were only looking out for everyone's best interests when you confronted Meraktis, yet he was blind to your intent and he did something unforgivable to you. That crook attempted to take your life and were it not for a guardian angel of your own, he would have succeeded. You shot him out of self-defense. Do you believe that to be an apt description of what occurred?” “Yes!” Tiala said immediately. “Yes, that's exactly it! Finally, someone who-” “It is a lie,” Simon cut across her in the bluntest of tones. “What? No... That's-” “Two years ago, your defense attorney attempted to feed the same hogwash to the court. No doubt, that was on your orders. However, the judge saw through it, as any member of the law-enforcement community ought to. Your murder of Pal Meraktis was not out of self-defense for a very simple reason. When you raised the pistol, you were no longer in any direct danger.” “What does that have to do with anything?” “It's quite simple. The moment you awoke, Meraktis was facing two witnesses who would have undoubtedly protected you. You could have simply slipped out the back of the noodle stand and told your fiancé that Meraktis had attempted to take your life. This was the truth, after all, with more than enough evidence to prove it. The young kitsune would have stood by your side, much like a samurai stands by their master, and any claim Meraktis had made from that point on would have fallen on deaf ears.” “Ah-” “The moment you shot a man unbeknownst of your presence from behind, you were not acting out of self-defense. Instead, you donned a mantle of vigilante. Do you still believe yourself to be the victim?” Tiala screamed out loud, her voice similar to the screech of a bird. “Eeeeek! How dare you! Don't you understand...? Don't you know what it's like to be all alone?!” Athena recoiled, her hand cupping Widget, and Simon sat up a bit straighter as well. It seemed as if they'd finally broken Tiala, but what lay beneath was more fierce than expected. “They would have protected me? He would have stood by my side?!” she yelled, spite radiating off her in all directions. “How can you know? No one has ever chosen my side before! All my life, I had to do everything myself! I had to do my own housework, I had to pay for my own studies... I even had to take up a nurse job with the most disgusting clinic in town! My only chance to get out of that horrid life was to marry some hoodlum, and even that was my decision! My hard work! When something needs to be done, the only person you can trust to do it is yourself!” Following that outburst, there was an eerie tension. Athena was still holding onto Widget, her fingers shielding a blue glow. As for Simon, he could taste something bitter, for he recognized this mindset. He knew what it was like to believe that he was all alone; that no one was to be trusted with the dirty work and so, he was the one to be sullied. He knew that voice that had whispered, in his darkest hours, that no one could or would save him. He also knew where those thoughts had led him. “You're wrong, Angel,” he said quietly. “Whether you like it or not, those who care about you will attempt to act in your best interest. They will drag you, kicking and screaming, out from under the burning wreckage of your tainted life. You need only be deserving of their aid.” “Deserving of their aid? Tee hee hee...” Tiala steepled her fingers together, once again back to smiling. “Isn't it a bit too late for that? If murderers deserve the death penalty, then vigilantes deserve it too, right? That's what the court's already decided. You can come in here and preach redemption all you want, but no one will be in my corner anymore. It's all over for me.” “Ms. Tiala...” Athena appeared quite distraught and Simon feared that she was taking their subject's emotions far too personally. If so, that was a habit she would have to kick as soon as possible, but now was not the time to bring it up. “I, for one, am in your corner. My partner as well, I'm certain,” Simon said, as gentle as a man like him could be. “It is for that reason that I would persuade you to see sense. It is only too easy to believe you cannot rely on anyone but yourself, shirking responsibility towards others. However, such thoughts will lead you down a dangerous, lonely path. Have you not already noticed it? The darkness in your everyday life? That heavy weight which keeps you pinned down?” Tiala's smile had faltered quite spectacularly now. She was chewing her bottom lip and wringing her hands together. “I... That's really none of your...” “You may still change your ways and live your remaining years with true company. If nothing else, I would suggest that you adopt a therapy animal through the prison's respective program.” Initially, Simon believed that his words had gotten through Tiala's hide. He believed that she understood the harm her mindset was doing to her. That he had helped to make the remainder of her life a bit easier. Such hopes were shoved aside when she leered down at him with something close to disgust. “Do you... believe me to be crazy?” she asked in a low voice. “Of course not.” “Therapy animals are for those who need therapy. You want someone delusional for your little psychology project? Go speak to Miney. This interview is over.” ------- Date: June 18th 2028 Time: 4:06 PM Location: Prison hallway. Strolling through the prison's halls, Simon felt more frustrated than he had in a long while. And to think, he'd considered reprimanding Athena for taking their subjects' emotions too personally. He was no better than her. To believe he wouldn't project his own experiences on these inmates would've been naive. His hands buried deep in the pockets of his coat and his shoulders hunched, he must've been radiating more than enough for Athena to pick up on. “Geez... What a stubborn woman...” she said. “Don't take it too hard, okay Simon? I'm sure she's been through a lot and I know that you'd want to save her, but... Some people just don't want to be saved.” “I did not wish to be saved, half a year ago. Yet, there you were, extending a hand to me all the same,” he pointed out, shaking his head. “You, Wright-dono, the Chief Prosecutor, Aura... The whole lot of you managed to divert the beliefs of a stubborn fool such as myself. Had you surrendered as easily as the two of us did just now, I would've been six feet under today.” “That's a little different... You didn't really kill anyone and I'm sure, deep down, I knew that. Aura and the Chief Prosecutor must've seen that as well. We saved you because you were innocent. But like you said, Ms. Tiala didn't even kill out of self-defense. She did it because... Because she believed she had to, I guess.” “Mmh,” was all Simon could bring himself to voice. Athena had a fair point. If Simon hoped to save a murderer such as Tiala from her own loneliness, it was a slippery slope. There were more than enough inmates who needed salvation from something or another. “But hey, can you believe the murder of Dr. Meraktis was the second case Apollo ever worked on? Pretty impressive that he managed to break Ms. Tiala in court when he was still a rookie, right?” “It certainly explains why he often appears so nervous during cross-examinations. How is the young Justice-dono doing abroad?” Simon asked, relieved to find a change in topic to cling to. “He's been so busy, he hasn't even found time to send us any letters! Can you believe that? Little Polly's all grown up and the boss of his own law offices, with his own paperwork to take care of and everything. I'll bet he misses the good old toilet scrubbing days right about now.” The inmates were in the courtyard at the moment; Simon could see them through the window as they approached the reception desk. Most of the faces were familiar, others were recent additions he'd never gotten to fraternize with on that same level. Several new cliques had formed in his absence, he noted. It was quite odd to be scheduling appointments with them through a middle man, but such was bureaucracy. They stepped up to the reception desk, which was manned by a guard they'd seen quite often since beginning their little psychology project. He shot them both a courteous smile. “How was your interview?” “About as pleasant as one would expect,” Simon replied. He supposed that they might as well follow Tiala's advice when it came to their next conversation. “Is Ini Miney available tomorrow?” The guard looked towards his computer to access the necessary information. As for Athena, she frowned Simon's way before leaning against the counter to address the guard. “No, no, it's Mimi. Mimi Miney.” “Her name is Ini.” “I was looking through the profiles Agent Lang gave us just yesterday, Simon. It said Mimi, clear as day.” “You may want to give that profile a more thorough read before tomorrow. She prefers to be called Ini and the prison's paperwork will reflect that.” “Yep, there she is. Ini Miney,” the guard said, wagging a finger towards the computer screen. “She doesn't have anything else scheduled. Another 2 PM appointment, then?” “Please.” The guard's fingers began to rap against the keyboard and Athena crossed her arms over her chest, looking thoughtful. “I could've sworn Ini was the name of her sister...” When the guard announced that it was all taken care of, Simon thanked him and turned to leave, with Athena following his lead. Then there was a sudden shout of alarm from behind them. “Oh, hold on! I almost forgot...! I was meant to give this to you!” Caught by surprise, Simon turned to face the guard again and saw that something was being lifted up onto the counter. It was a package, addressed to him of all people. Athena got to it first, holding it up with both hands and shaking it. “Oooh, someone sent you a gift! I wonder what it is!” she was saying. Simon snatched it from her grip and when she pouted at him, he stood firm. “I would advise you not to play around with it. It could very well be dangerous.” “Oh please, it went through the prison's security! I'm sure it's fine!” Athena paused, then took a step closer to the package. “But just to be sure, maybe I should listen for any suspicious ticking sounds.” “If you believe the security measures were sufficient, I will take my chances.” Explosives or other dangers aside, Simon had no idea what would've been sent to him, or why. The outside of the package contained very few clues and holding it sideways did not result in any sounds whatsoever. He set it down on the counter, ripped the tape off and opened it. As it turned out, the contents were more harmful than dynamite, in a way. Luke Atmey's autobiography. There was no doubt in his mind which of the inmates would've sent it to him. Simon had stated in Atmey's interview that he didn't have a copy, after all. “What a shame,” Atmey had said, and Simon had verbally agreed. Simply looking at the cover caused a chill to run down Simon's spine. “Did Mr. Atmey...?” Athena mumbled his side. “... Wasn't his execution scheduled for today? Maybe, if it's not too late, we can still-” “It is too late. The executions usually take place around dawn.” “Oh...” Against better judgment, Simon took hold of the book and flipped it open. There, on the blank first page, was a handwritten message. “Be it a hero of a clown, look upon this tragic figure and remember.” ------- Date: June 19th 2028 Time: 2:00 PM Location: Interview Room. There was something off about Ini Miney's face. Simon had already noticed it several years ago and now his gaze was consistently drawn to the problems. The oddest wrinkles had come into being by the corners of her mouth, as well as around her eyes. It was as if the skin didn't quite fit anymore. He supposed it was the downside of facial reconstruction and considering the alternative, Ini had made the only decision she could've. Ultimately, the creases made no difference, as she was still a fetching woman. From her curled red hair to her full lips, most men would dream of someone like her. The trouble was that like most inmates, she was difficult to deal with. When she took her seat before them, she raised her index fingers to her temples, appearing lost in thought. Her therapy animal, a rather large chameleon, was settled on her shoulder. “Ah... Good afternoon, Ms. Miney,” Athena said to her. “Like... I'm sorry, it totally feels like I'm missing something here. The guard said something about, like, an interview? And then Alita was, like, “you gotta go talk to these chumps,” except she was being totally cold about it. So... What's going on?” “You really haven't heard?” Athena looked stunned at the prospect. “We're helping Interpol with a psychology project of sorts.” “Parapsychology?” “No, uh... Real- I mean- Cognitive psychology.” “Then, like, I can't help you. I studied parapsychology.” Ini made to get up from her chair again, only to freeze when Athena cried out. “Whoah! No, hold on! Please, just hear us out, all right? We're interviewing several inmates in the prison and you were selected because you meet our criteria. We just want to ask you some questions about your life and the murder of Dr. Grey.” Ini slipped back into her seat, though she still appeared to be confused. “So, like... Why do you have Simon with you?” “I would prefer you address me as Prosecutor Blackquill,” Simon said. “But I've been, like, calling you Simon for years. You can't just... get yourself acquitted and then expect everyone to, like, forget you were one of us.” Instantly, Simon felt his entire body stiffen. Ini's words didn't sit well with him, most notably because she was speaking the truth. How could he expect them to treat him with respect after all they'd been through together? “... Fine, then. Simon. You will, however, address my esteemed partner as Ms. Cykes and if you do not, there will be consequences of a most dire sort.” “Simon... Honestly...” Athena said with half a groan of discouragement. Such a lack of gratitude wouldn't stop Simon from looking out for her best interests, though. “Like, it's fine with me,” Ini remarked. Athena set up the recording device and, following that, presented Miney with the usual statement. That much seemed to go down just fine, as everything was agreed to without even the slightest apprehension. Still, considering Miney's eagerness to leave the room, Simon expected there would be trouble soon enough. And right out the gate, there it was. “So... I hear that you prefer to be called Ini, is that right?” Athena asked. “Well, that's like... my name.” “I believe that legally, your name is still Mimi.” “Mimi is, like, totally dead.” “She was declared deceased for about a year. However, after the incident with Dr. Turner, that declaration was annulled and Ini Miney was declared deceased instead. You do still remember that, don't you?” For a brief moment, there was something close to spite in Ini's eyes. Then she bowed her head and the chameleon nearly slipped off her shoulder. “Like... Why would you bring that up? Are you totally sadistic or what? Don't you know that's, like, a painful memory?” While Simon drew the validity of that statement into question, Athena must've felt something there, as she backed off. “Oh... I'm sorry. How about we start with something simple, then? Can you tell us something about your childhood? You were raised in Los Angeles, right?” “Right. When I was a kid, we were living in, like, a little apartment near Vitamin Square.” “What was your relationship with your family like?” “Hmmm... Let's see...” Ini began to rub at her temples again. “I used to, like, really look up to my dad? But he walked out on us when I was, like, eight. After that, it was just me, my sis and my mom. We were totally like the three musketeers.” “You mean that the three of you looked out for each other?” “Ooh, that's like... totally what I meant! I got a job as soon as I could to support mom while my sis, like, did all of the chores after school. She went straight from high school to parapsychology studies like a total occult nerd.” Athena stopped writing quite abruptly. She looked towards the folder with Miney's information, then back to her notes. Simon couldn't blame her for her surprise, as he hadn't quite seen this turn of events coming either. He'd never discussed the past with Miney before and so, the discrepancy with the present had never been brought to light. “Ah... Wait. When you say your sis was studying parapsychology, do you mean... Ini?” Athena asked. “Yeah, duh. That was my sister's name.” “So you're admitting that you are actually Mimi?” “Are you, like, stupid? I told you Mimi is dead.” Miney took the chameleon off her shoulder and held it in one hand, watching it slowly traipse up her wrist. Athena had no comeback for that. Her lips parted, but not a single sound came out. As for Simon, he believed he understood the situation. Rather like passing a torch from one hand to another, Ini's identity had been left with the one who had survived the car crash. However, before receiving that proverbial torch, the Ini before them had undoubtedly been the older sister. “Even if Mimi is dead, you still hold her memories. Painful as it may be, we would like to ask you to reflect on her life in more detail. Will that be all right with you?” he asked. “I dunno... That's, like, a total bummer...” “We may attempt to make it worth your while. Perhaps you would like some additional privileges within the prison. A special meal, more access to the work rooms... Name your price.” “Naw... There's nothing that I want. But you two are, like, totally stoked to talk to Mimi, huh? Is your project really that important?” “Definitely,” Athena insisted without missing a beat. “We think that we can make a real difference. Someday, if all goes well, this sort of behavioral science will be able to prevent more tragedies like yours.” “Please. Step into Mimi Miney's shoes one last time,” Simon added. “... All right.” Miney closed her eyes for a few seconds and when next they opened, it was as if a veil had lifted. She was alert. She was there. “You said that you- Mimi got a job as soon as you could, to support your mom and your sister. Was that with the Grey surgical clinic?” Athena asked. “Of course not... Did you think that a fourteen year old could be a nurse? I got a paper route. I delivered papers before school every day.” “Oof... That must've been hard.” “It wasn't too bad. You wanna talk about hard? Try flipping patties and scrubbing floors at Burger Barn.” “You worked at Burger Barn too? Really?” “From sixteen to twenty two. That's when I graduated nursing school and got to working at the surgical clinic. It was an amazing rise in pay. I bought myself the best car ever to celebrate.” Remembering that Mimi Miney's heart went to automobiles, Simon couldn't allow this opportunity to pass him by. He cut into the conversation immediately. “What sort of car would earn itself the label of 'best car ever'? “You seriously don't know? It was a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS. I had her imported from the U.K. because you just can't get good old-timers in America anymore. She even had the dual four-barrel crossram intake manifold. Bright red, shiny, leather interior... I gave her a wax job by hand every week.” Ini paused, staring off into the distance. The chameleon, which had been clambering up her arm, slid back down towards her wrist. “Aaah... I miss her.” “That sounds amazing!” Athena proclaimed. “I can't wait to get a car some day! Mr. Wright will be so jealous...!” The idea of Athena behind the wheel of a car gave Simon a bit of a dizzy spell. Perhaps that day would never come. For the sake of anyone who wished to cross the street in relative safety, he certainly hoped not. “This raises the implication that at one point, you were attending nursing school, taking driving lessons and working a part-time job at a burger joint at the same time,” he said to Ini. “So? In case you hadn't noticed, a lot of people are in that same boat,” she snapped at him. “Anyway, I thought everything would get better once I got my job at the clinic. Except that it didn't.” “Really? How many hours a week were you working there?” Athena asked. “Mmmh.... Sometimes fifty five, sometimes over sixty... It was hard to keep track.” “Over sixty?! Isn't that illegal?” “Dr. Grey was too cheap to hire more nurses. He'd force us to work overtime and he'd say that if we weren't willing to invest that much time into the clinic, he'd replace us with someone who would.” “... I think that's definitely illegal...” Athena muttered, though it was unclear who she was addressing at this point. “I take it you were not one of Dr. Grey's most devoted followers?” Simon asked. “Hah. I didn't mind, at first. Overtime meant more money for my family and more money to spend on my car. Who cares if Dr. Grey was a total creep? I took the weekend shifts, I took the night shifts, I stayed a few hours longer when they needed me to... Anything to keep that salary coming.” Simon drew in a deep breath, casting a glance down at a newspaper article. “... Until the malpractice accident.” Miney cringed, recoiling. Her chameleon startled with such ferocity, its skin mimicked the monochromatic stripes of her prison garb sleeve. “You must've been exhausted when it happened,” Athena said quietly. “I was. But... that doesn't excuse anything. I messed up and people died. I was naive enough to believe that Dr. Grey would protect me. After all that hard work I'd been doing for him over the years, I was his favorite nurse. That was what I thought.” Miney hung her head and was silent for a moment. Then she looked up with a hard, spiteful stare. “But that quack doctor... He didn't take so much as a lick of responsibility for what happened. My name and face were smeared all over the news. I couldn't go outside without people calling me a murderer. Someone threw eggs at me in the supermarket. All because Grey kept issuing statements that I was a screw-up and it had nothing to do with his precious clinic's work procedures. A singular case of individual negligence, he kept saying.” Athena hesitated for a moment, then reached out to place her hand atop Miney's own. “I'm so sorry... It must've been very hard on you.” “Those were the worst two weeks of my life...” Miney said. “But Ini... Ini was there with me every day. She tried to protect me from clueless strangers. She took a hiatus from her parapsychology studies to spend time with me. I should've realized it then...” “Realized what?” “... I was putting her in danger.” Simon felt his fingernails dig into the palm of his own hand, that was how hard he was gripping his pen. By his side, Athena breathed something of a strained gasp. The chameleon, now relaxed once more, had returned to its dull brown color. “Do you still believe Dr. Grey caused that car accident?” Athena ultimately asked. “There isn't a doubt in my mind,” Miney replied with the same spiteful stare as before. “I'd barely been allowed to work those past two weeks. Being hounded by paparazzi was exhausting, but not so bad that I'd ever doze off behind the wheel. I would've parked the car by the side of the road for some fresh air before ever allowing that to happen. No, I was drugged and it could only have been him. Why else would that bastard bring a gun to a harmless spirit channeling? He knew that I knew, even in the afterlife, just why I had to die.” “Then... Is revenge the main reason why you agreed to Morgan Fey's plot to murder him and pin the blame on the spirit medium?” “I think... it's because I didn't want him to walk away with the knowledge that Mimi Miney was still alive. I didn't want anyone to know that. If it hadn't been for something as stupid as spirit channeling, no one would've. But...” There was a long pause, then a twisted grin made its way to Miney's lips. “Damn if it didn't feel good to shoot that stupid bastard in the face.” It was remarkable, really, how many of the subjects they'd spoken to believed that their victim had deserved to die. Was that the pattern, then, to the puzzle which needed solving? No, that couldn't be right. Simon made a note to gather up names of those who were genuinely remorseful. There were several of those within the prison walls, he was sure. After a few clicks of his pen, he decided to go on a tangent and ask that which had been bugging him for a while now. “It's curious... Despite your insistence that you wish to remain Ini Miney, you still have a very firm hold on Mimi's identity. Ini is not born from delusion, nor even confusion. She is born from stubborn nature, at best. Why is it that even now, all those years after being exposed and imprisoned for Mimi's crime, you would cling to the persona of Ini instead?” “Isn't that obvious?” Miney asked, her tone of voice so sharp that the chameleon once again started itself into black-and-white stripes. “It's because Mimi should've died that night. Such a useless, friendless murderer...! Ini was the one who deserved to live.” To Be Continued
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let-it-raines · 6 years ago
Second in Command (Ch. 16)
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Summary: Life as the "spare to the heir" isn't all that it's cracked up to be when you're the supposed screw-up of the family, but people don't know what really happens behind closed doors.
Rating: Mature
A/N: I apologize for my random posting schedule, but I have always told you guys that I literally post when the chapter is finished...and something they get finished quickly and sometimes very slowly. Also, sorry not sorry for some of the jokes at the end. :D
Also available on ao3 | here |
Tag list: @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @kmomof4 @wellhellotragic @profdanglaisstuff @ekr032-blog-blog @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @a-faekindagirl @mayquita @captainsjedi @captswanis4vr @teamhook @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @branlovesouat
Liam went off to university when he was eighteen, not taking a gap year like so many well-off young men and women do before beginning their studies at university. He didn’t need to explore the wonders of the world and find himself, as he’d already been to more countries than most people ever would and knew his place in the world from the moment he was born. That’s a perk of being born as an heir (or in Liam’s case, the heir) to the British throne. You never have to wonder what you want to do with your life because while you get some choices in how you’d like to walk the path set before you, you don’t get a choice in the actual path that you walk.
Unless you do something radical and give up your rights to the throne and to your family, leaving everything behind to forge your own path. Or maybe, just maybe, blaze a new trail on the family’s set path.
Killian remembers the weeks leading up to Liam’s move to Scotland and to St. Andrews as his mother was especially fussy over everyone making sure to spend as much time with each other as possible. He watched as Liam and his father rolled their eyes a bit when they sat down for their third meal of the day with each other when usually they only ate dinner and possibly breakfast together if everyone woke up at the same time during their summer holidays.
Killian already struggled a bit over his relationship with his family, knowing that as much as a part of the family as he is, he’s not Liam. He’s not the future king, and he’ll never be put on quite as much of a pedestal as Liam is. Honestly, though, that’s okay. He doesn’t want his mother making this much of a fuss when he goes off to university. He wants to go off on his own with little fanfare, and while Liam may not need to discover what he’s meant to do with his life, Killian does.
The path is a little rockier for him, the stones not as set.
Of course, Killian isn’t quite as old as Liam is. Liam can grow hair on his face and has had girlfriends, and Killian still has his mum help him pick out clothes for when he’s not in a school uniform.
Killian doesn’t roll his eyes like his brother. It’s possibly because he’s ten and will get scolded for it unlike Liam who is technically an adult, as he so likes to remind everyone. But it could also be because of the fact that Killian likes when the four of them sit down to a meal together. It makes him feel like he’s a part of a family like his schoolmates. So many of them sit down at the dinner table with their families every night, and if not at the dinner table, in front of a television in their casual clothes and pajamas instead of school uniforms and trousers with tucked in shirts.  
He knows his family is different, has for years now, and he isn’t as naïve as most people think him to be at ten years old. Some children at school tease him for the fact that the word Prince comes in front of his name while others seem to like him only for that fact. He is odd in a world where he wants to be normal, so if it takes his mum forcing everyone to sit at one table three times a day during the summer to make him feel like he’s part of a normal family, he’ll happily accept it.
He has no idea what home will be like without Liam, the halls of the palace even emptier and the dinner table even quieter, just three people at a table meant for four…or forty, depending on the dining hall.
He is in his room the night before Liam and his father are set to travel to Scotland, already dressed in his pajamas as he plays with his play-station even if he isn’t supposed to use electronics past nine. It doesn’t matter, though. He knows that tonight of all nights no one will come checking on him. That’s probably why he almost jumps out of his skin when there is a knock at his door before it slowly swings open to have Liam standing there in his pajamas.
“I see you’re playing far past when you’re supposed to, little brother.”
Liam laughs as he leans against the doorframe, and Killian hateswhen Liam teases him by calling him little. “Well, both will work.”
“I won’t always be smaller than you, Liam.”
“I know,” Liam acquiesces before coming into the room, shutting the door behind him and settling down onto the couch with Killian. “What are we playing?”
“FIFA. And I’m Beckham before you even ask.”
“I can’t be him even on my last night at home?”
“Not bloody likely.”
The two of them sit and play the game until it’s far past midnight, and as annoying as his brother is, Killian knows he’s going to miss Liam when he’s gone. He wishes they got to do more things like this, staying up late to play football on the play-station instead of staying in school or going to events where he has to spend all day in a suit and tie, their ages and titles not mattering in the darkness of Killian’s bedroom as Liam royally kicks his butt every time.
It’s the most fun he’s had with his brother in a long time, and it’s times like these that Killian wishes the two of them were closer in age. Of course, his dad and Uncle Albert are close in age, but they don’t seem to be particularly close. Maybe it’s just because they’re older. He bets they don’t sit around playing FIFA with each other. Uncle Albert doesn’t even play the game of football at Christmas when everyone plays. Rebecca will sometimes, but she said something about being too old last year. It makes sense because she’s nearing the age Liam was when he started spending less time with everyone and more time with his school friends.
“Will you be home again before Christmas?” he asks his brother when Liam scores again.
“Aye. Many times.” Liam nudges his shoulder until he looks up at him and the stupid smirk on his face. “You gonna miss me?”
“In your dreams.”
Killian doesn’t remember falling asleep, but when he wakes up the clock next to his bed says it’s nearing a quarter until ten, and he practically shoots up, kicking the covers off of him because he’s missed Liam leaving this morning when he was supposed to say goodbye to him at eight this morning. He knows that it’s too late. That Liam’s already gone, but he can’t help but hope that he’ll swing his bedroom door open and run down the hall only to find Liam still sitting in his own bedroom waiting for him.
He doesn’t even make it out of his own room before officially knowing that Liam’s not there because as soon as he opens his door, he’s stopped by a large cardboard box similar to the ones they packed Liam’s things in. When he rips open the tape, there’s several cases of Liam’s games, ones he’s allowed to play sitting at the top with ones he’s been forbidden to play at the bottom.
Attached to the box is a note:
Don’t cause too much trouble without me, little brother. But do have fun.
Killian puts it in the case to his FIFA game.
Liam opened the door with this bewildered look on his face, like he’s wondering what the hell Killian is doing there unannounced in the middle of the afternoon. Killian doesn’t blame him. He probably looks a bit delusional standing at the doorstep heavily breathing with sweat dripping down his body and his hair flying in different directions now that he’s taken his beanie off.
“Hi,” Killian breathes, wiping his forehead with the bottom of his sweatshirt, the air much cooler against his bare stomach than he was expecting it to be, “are you busy?”
“Not at all. Abigail and the kids are taking a nap. Would you like to come in?”
“That’d be great, yeah.”
Liam lets him into the apartment, guiding him through the hallways until they get to the kitchen. The heater is running, and he feels it almost instantly, the change in temperatures throwing him until Liam pours him a glass of water and Killian downs it almost instantaneously.
“So am I right to guess you’ve been running and aren’t simply randomly sweating and dying of some odd disease you’ve managed to pick up?”
“You trying to get in shape for the big day?”
“Can’t have you looking better than I will.”
Liam chuckles before leaning against the island counter, propping his hands up against his knuckles. “Good luck with that. I was the most dashing groom alive.”
“Well, records are meant to be broken.”
Liam ends up asking him all about how the wedding planning is going, telling more stories of his own wedding planning, and Killian enjoys hearing them even if he’s heard them before. He doesn’t think it’ll ever not be weird to spend time with Liam alone and have it be a pleasant time, but it gets a little less striking the more it happens.
When Killian tells him that Emma’s working on her dress just a few hundred feet away, Liam gets a bit of a starry look in his eyes, one Killian’s only seen a few times when it comes to his brother, the last time being when Elizabeth was born.
“It’s bloody amazing seeing them walk down that aisle,” Liam gushes. “Of course, I didn’t get to look until the last minute. You had to look for me, remember?”
He does. Thank God he can watch Emma come down the aisle.
“You were so antsy to see Abigail, and I got to see her first. I felt a little smug in that moment.”
“I know. I was so tempted to turn. You have no idea. You’re nervous when you first walk into the Chapel because there’s so many people there and so much history surrounding you, but at the end of the day, you’re going to be married to the woman you love. I can’t even describe it without doing it an injustice.”
Killian doesn’t have a chance to even say anything, not that he even really knows what he’d say, because Liam’s continuing on with a different course of conversation now. It’s like whiplash, the change in the air hitting him in a similar fashion to the brisk wind outside.
“I know I’ve already apologized time and time again, but I don’t think it’ll ever be enough.” Liam’s shoulders sag forward as his head dips down so that he’s looking up at Killian through his eyelashes. “I’m sorry for being a right asshole for most of my life, and I’m especially sorry for how I treated you when it came to Emma. You’ve really come into yourself and are a wonderful man who has found an even more wonderful woman to be by your side. All the pressure we feel never goes away, but they help us carry our burdens simply by loving us and us loving them in return. And don’t get me started on what it’s like to have children. That’s an entirely different game.”
That’s…that’s everything to Killian for Liam to say that. He hated him for so long that every word out of Liam’s mouth used to make Killian feel like he’d been stabbed, but by some miracle, it’s not like that anymore. Maybe Killian is naïve or too forgiving to allow Liam to be such a big part of his life now, and despite the fact that a lot of this is possible because of how Liam has changed, it’s also because Killian decided to forgive Liam for himself. He’s had years of torment over his feelings for his brother, especially in the recent months, and he cannot begin to count the amount of emotional conversations he and Emma have had about this or the late nights he’s stayed up just living in his own head.
It’s been some of the most difficult emotional turmoil he’s ever gone through, but that’s almost gone now, the bumps smoothed, the bruises healed, and the scars faded. They’re still there, but they don’t scream in anger every time he thinks about them.
“Thank you. That all means a lot, even if you did get a bit wordy at the end there.”
“Don’t be a prick.”
“I learned from the best, older brother.”
“You can’t call me that until I hit forty.”
The baby monitor on the counter goes off, the sound of Elizabeth’s cries coming through the speaker at such a shrill volume that it makes Killian jump. Liam laughs at him, the asshole, before excusing him to go check on the babe so that Abigail can continue to sleep. When Liam comes back into the kitchen, he’s got a swaddled Elizabeth resting against his chest and invites Killian to come sit with him in the living room so that he can recline in one of their rockers and lull Lizzie back to sleep.
The distraction has made Killian lose a bit of his original intention for coming today. He’s nervous even if he shouldn’t be. It’s not like Liam can say no to this. Hell, Killian doesn’t even technically have to ask. It’s just assumed, but when he was running he began thinking about Emma and Ruby’s conversation from last night and how excited the two of them were to be able to share he and Emma’s wedding day with each other. He has friends, sure, lots of casual ones who he gets lunch with or texts during football matches, but Emma is his best friend and it’s not like he can ask Emma to be his best man. He doesn’t think anyone has ever filled both the position of best man and bride, and he doesn’t think his wedding will be the one to start such a tradition. But he has Liam, and though even if the two of them had never mended fences, Liam would still be expected to serve as Killian’s best man, Killian wants to ask him because he simply and genuinely wants Liam to be by his side as he begins a new phase of his life.
A new phase for he and Liam, too.
Consider the fences mended. Maybe not stained and then painted. But mended to where they won’t splinter and fall.
“So,” Killian begins quietly, feeling a bit ridiculous to be speaking in hushed tones to a grown man even if it’s for the good of the baby, “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“You’re not getting cold feet after all of that from a minute ago, are you?”
Killian scoffs. “I don’t get cold feet.”
“Sure, sure,” Liam concedes, and Killian really does just need to blurt this out before he does something ridiculous…like get cold feet. “What do you want to talk about?”
“I was, uh,” he reaches up to scratch behind his ear, “I was wondering if you’d like to officially be my best man. I know I don’t technically have to ask, but I wanted to.”
A smile breaks out across Liam’s face, and he didn’t realize until that moment how good it would feel for Liam to be happy for him and happy to do this. “I’d be honored to, Killian. That means the world to me that you want me to do that.”
The two talk for a little while longer, even watch a bit of television, but eventually Killian starts to feel gross sitting in his dried sweat and damp clothes and excuses himself to walk home. He can hear everyone still upstairs in the guest room they’re working in (they might as well convert it to a design study because that’s all it really is now), so he makes sure to walk on the opposite side of the hallway to that room as he slips into the bathroom and hops into the shower, washing away all of the sweat he accumulated on his run.
He may have told Emma he doesn’t have anything to do wedding wise this week, but he’s got the Kidding A Goal kick-off (pun not intended) next month. That means he’s got planning and organizing and emails of things waiting for his approval to go through, so he sets up down in his office with a cup of coffee so that he can get most of this out of the way this week to make sure it doesn’t fall behind when he and Emma are going to their first official event together in two weeks with several bits of wedding planning in between. It’s just another charity ball, something she could have attended as his date anyways before they were engaged, but it’s going to count on their list of engagements to help fill their quota of events.
The next week and a half passes quickly in the fact that the both of them are busier than they intended, but slowly in the fact that even if they spend their time together, they’re not truly spending it together. It’s not necessarily a rut. It can’t be with how it’s really only been a little less than two weeks, but it doesn’t change the fact that he hasn’t been spending as much time with his fiancée as he’s used to and it’s draining on the two of them. It’s all business and wedding planning and trying to differentiate between eggshell cream and pearl for linens and invitations. Don’t get him started on the damn seating chart or cake flavors.
Actually, do get him started on cake flavors. They’ve gotten to eat some damn good cake, and even if it made his stomach slightly extended, it was worth it.
So he’s been spending time with Emma, but he still somehow misses her. He misses the two of them lounging together on the couch as they watch the television or read books. He misses them getting to eat a meal together, the cake tasting not included. He misses getting to talk to her about something non-wedding or work related, just joking around about something stupid and being them. Mostly, he misses the two of them falling asleep at the same time and in the same place. More nights than he cares to count he’s woken up in the middle of the night to find her side of the bed empty, the sheets and pillows untouched so that he knows she never came to bed.
Those nights he’ll groggily climb out of bed and wander through the house to see if he can find his missing love, and usually she’ll be on the couch in the living room, her face pressed against the cushions as her laptop is opened to something related to the wedding or her continuing duchess lessons. He’ll close the laptop, and nudge her until he can get his hands around her small body and lift her to take her upstairs like one would do with a child.
Sometimes she’ll wake up and insist he put her down so that she can walk herself up the stairs on her own, and that usually results in the most lethargic Emma’s he’s ever seen slowly dragging her limbs behind her until she crawls into bed, kissing whatever part of his body she can reach and falling into a slumber as he does the same.
He thinks that maybe after tonight they’ll get time together, just the two of them, but they’ve still got today to get through and this dinner to go to tonight. After that, though, he’s purposefully making sure that they have a day with just the two of them. Hell, tomorrow is Saturday. They should be able to have a Saturday.
Emma’s ready before him, surprisingly enough, not taking the time to have her hair and makeup done and doing it herself. The navy dress she has on hugs her curves in all the right places and while the long sleeves seem to cover her, if she stands directly below a light it’s sheer and shows off her cleavage. That may be one of his favorite features of the dress.
“You look stunning, sweetheart,” he compliments as she’s putting a diamond stud in her ears and smiling softly at his compliment. “Makes me not even want to go tonight.”
“We have to go.”
“Oh I don’t know,” she shrugs, “because I don’t think the headline ‘Prince Skips Out on Charity Ball to Fuck His Girlfriend’ really hits the right tune.”
“You’re right. ‘To Fuck His Fiancée’ sounds much better. It’s got alliteration.”
She laughs, and he’s really missed that sound, before coming to sit down next to him on the bed, taking his hand and bringing it to her lips like he so often does to her before placing it in her lap.  
“When we get home from this thing, you and me,” she leans in to whisper in his ear, her breath hot against the shell, “are going to fuck fiancés for fun.”
She moves to give him a proper kiss, but he nips at her lips and pulls back. “Not your best work in the alliteration department, but you get the message across.”
“An absolutely alluring asshole.”
He already feels better about the two of them, promises of sex probably helping the matter, but Emma seems happy, carefree despite the fact that she’s attending her first official public event with him tonight. He knows that tonight is probably a good time to ease her into things as it’s basically just a party, and they can handle a party.
Everything goes quickly from there as they load into the back of the car and are driven to the event, only to unload to bright flashes and yells of photographers he knows are just here for them as they’re led into the relative quietness of the event. He and Emma have barely gone into public since the announcement of their engagement because of the fanfare that’s involved, and while this usually wouldn’t be an event with more than one publication covering it, he knows they’ve drawn the attention with their attendance.
It matters not, though, when they settle down inside, his hand never leaving the small of Emma’s back as he guides her through introductions and to the table where they’re sitting for dinner, the evening dissolving into night.
She’s been driving him insane all night. He’s never been to a royal event and been so incredibly turned on halfway through it. Granted, he was halfway turned on before they even left the apartment. Usually he’s nearly bored to tears as he makes sure to keep his posture upright and his attention focused, but it’s not like this is a state dinner. It’s a damn charity gala that’s filled with more celebrities and socialites than political and royal figures, and Emma’s running her hand up his thigh under the table like the bloody minx she is.
At first he thought it was just an accident, a casual caress of his knee like she so often does when they’re sitting next to each other, but her hand never strayed from his leg. It did, however, stray from his knee, slowly inching up to his thigh and staying there while he spoke to Daniel Craig like it’s the most normal thing in the world to be talking to James Bond. Of course, he of all people understands that famous people are still simply people. Still, though. It’s fucking Bond. And Mr. Bond isn’t the only person in the room with a license to kill because he thinks Emma may cause him to perish from the way her fingers are now running against his skin.
He’s both shaken…and a little stirred.
When Daniel gets up to walk away, Killian turns to look at Emma and ask why the bloody hell she’s trying to get him walking around fully erect in a tight suit when they’ve still got to be here for another hour, but when he looks at her she’s simply eating lettuce, a piece of it dangling from her lips in what has to have the opposite effect of what she’s doing with her left hand.
“You are a bloody minx,” he whispers in her ear, flicking his tongue out to quickly swipe at the shell before pulling back with a smirk gracing his face at the way she shivered at his touch, “and don’t pretend you don’t know it.”
“Who said anything about me pretending I didn’t know it?”
She pecks his lips before rising from her seat at the table and murmuring something about going to get a drink at the bar, her hips swaying in her form fitting gown because apparently she’s decided she’s going to dissolve him into a turned on pile of mush before they can get home. It’s not like he can act on anything at an official event. He’ll test his limits on more occasions than not, but he won’t push past that one. There’s probably no coming back from a serious example of public indecency.
When she returns to the table with a glass of wine for herself and some rum for him, her hand stays far away from his thigh, and he honestly should not have said anything, missing the heat of her touch as she sips on her glass and watches the people dance in the middle of the room, the lights in the hall dimming the more the night goes on. The last time they were at a gala dressed like this, his asshole of an uncle tainted things, but that’s not happening tonight. He refuses.
“Do you want to dance, love?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Her hands may have stopped wandering when at the table, but that’s not the case here as her fingers draw unrecognizable patterns against his back while she whispers dirty nothings into his ear, her heels making her almost the same height as him and the perfect height for this. He doesn’t know quite what’s gotten into her tonight. She’s always been flirtatious. It’s just their nature, but never so much and so obvious in public.
“I love you,” she sighs as they sway, everything about her tone changing from salacious to sweet.
He pulls his head back so that he can look at her, and she looks fine, nothing in her eyes showing any change in emotions that her tone and voice indicated.
“Well, I love you, too. You okay?”
She cocks her head to the side. “I’m perfect. Why wouldn’t I be?
“That was just a quick switch of tone is all.”
“Well,” she teases, moving her hands to run over his shoulders and hook around his neck, “you may not know this, but I’ve found that being young and in love and engaged makes me a bit gushy sometimes. I’ve also found that it also makes me a wee bit attracted to you, especially when I’ve barely seen you for over a week now. Plus, you’re really rocking this suit, but I think it would look even better on the floor of the bedroom…or the kitchen. You know, wherever.”
“Are you using cliché pick-up lines on me now, Ms. Nolan?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Perhaps I would.”
“Well, baby,” she leans in to whisper in his ear again, “are those space pants? Because your ass is out of this world.”
Gods, that’s so bad. He can’t even pretend to say anything ridiculous back, instead chuckling as he rests his head against his shoulder as the two of them absolutely dissolve into fits of laughter that probably echo throughout the room and into the ears of all of the people surrounding them.
“We do this bad pick-up line thing a lot.”
“I think it turns you on a bit.”
When they get home, possibly leaning a bit more toward tipsy than sober, he pushes Emma up against the front door, mindful enough to cradle the back of her head so that it doesn’t hit against the wood like her entire body does when he pins her there with his own while his mouth explores the familiar feelings of her lips and her tongue.
She’s like a slow burn of fire, always has been. Sometimes the two of them light up quickly, extinguishing the flames as they come together hastily, but other times it’s like this, a slow build that’s a continual teasing and taunting until his skin starts to prickle and his spine starts to tingle with the pleasure that’s been building all night.
“I’ve missed you, Killian.” she sighs after pulling back from his lips and running her tongue across the underside of his jaw, biting quickly before pulling back so that he never knows just when she’s going to lavish him with her tongue. “And you,” she runs her hands up his chest and over his shoulders to cup his cheeks, “could really do yourself a favor by taking me upstairs right now.”
“What? No kitchen sex like you said when we were dancing?”
“It’s too cold for my ass to sit on the marble, and I don’t think I’m quite drunk enough for the countertop to be digging into my thighs. It’s hot when you think about it, but in actuality, it hurts like hell.”
He chuckles at her protest and the way her face contorts just thinking about that before taking her hand and walking through the hallway until they get to the staircase, helping her walk on the wood with her dress and her heels, passing by all of their guest bedrooms until they get to their own, the normally light and airy room shrouded in darkness from the way it’s been left alone all night.
He helps her out of her dress, quickly unbuttoning the back of it and exposing the skin he’s been seeing underneath the sheer material all night, kissing at her neck all the while his hands work down her back until she helps him by moving her arms out of the sleeves and dropping it down so that the material pools at the floor and she’s left standing in her underwear and her heels.
When she turns to face him, he runs his thumb across his lip as he stares at the way her bra pushes her breasts up, her nipples showing through the material as her heels make her legs look even more muscular and her ass more pert. It’s an incredible sight, and he’s the luckiest man alive. “That’s quite the look, love. I like it.”
“I’m not keeping the heels on, so don’t get any ideas.” She pokes his chest with her finger. “I could poke your eyes out.”
“What the hell kind of contortionist moves have you been working on, darling? I don’t think you’re going to poke my eyes out.”
“I’m still not wearing them.”
“I didn’t even ask, love.” He takes his suit jacket off before unbuttoning his shirt as Emma kicks her heels off and settles on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows as she watches him undress, inching closer to her the further he gets with his buttons and his belt, she sticks her legs up and runs them across his shoulder, pausing as she raises an eyebrow and laughs at the fact that she very well could have poked his eye out.
But she hasn’t, so he grabs her ankle and kisses up her leg and then up her body until he’s covering her entire body with his own as he captures her lips again and she runs her hands down her back.
It takes awhile to truly rile her up, kissing and teasing and taunting before she’s ready for him, and when he enters her he feels it all the way down to his toes, hot, wet heat encompassing him as he nudges her leg to bend in front of him and over her stomach to get a better angle. She whimpers, and it doesn’t sound like the kind of whimper he wants to hear in this kind of situation.
“You okay, love?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she nods, even if her face has a bit of a grimace. “I’m just kind of sore from my workouts for the wedding and the standing in the heels thing all night. I didn’t realize it until just then. So maybe don’t bend my leg that way.”
“Are you sure you want to keep going?”
“I haven’t had sex with you in ten days. We’re going to keep going even if it’s a little painful.”
He snickers underneath his breath before leaning down to kiss her forehead, closing his eyes at the touch of his lips against her skin. “You’re a little bit stubborn, you know that?”
“Which is exactly how I’m going to get through sex tonight.”
“Exactly what a man wants to hear while he’s sheathed inside you, darling.”
“What can I say? I’m out of this world in the seduction department.”
Their room is filled with the sounds of skin and moans and laughter and awkward gasps as the two of them fumble around with each other in their slightly hazy state, nowhere near as fluid as they usually are, but it doesn’t matter in the end because when Emma falls despite her sore muscles, she whispers her love for him against his lips, and he feels closer to her than he has in too long of a time.
When he wakes the next morning she’s asleep next to him, her upper body bare as the sheets and comforter have fallen down as she tossed and turned in her sleep. She didn’t remove her makeup last night, and he knows that she’s going to grumble about that as she wakes with her mascara on her cheeks and her foundation seeping into her pores and probably her pillow. He’ll just throw it into the laundry pile when he gets around to that later today…or tomorrow.
He’s got the slightest bit of a headache, and they probably shouldn’t have indulged in so many drinks last night, but it’s too late to worry about that now. He leans over to his bedside table to find the remote for the television before turning it on and flipping through the channels until he finds something to watch and settles back down under the comforter, pulling it over Emma’s body before she gets cold in the morning air and wakes from a chill.
About an hour later Emma stirs, groaning before she rubs her eyes, spreading her mascara further over her face.
“Fuck,” she grumbles, her voice the slightest bit scratchy. “Why did we drink so much?”
“Good morning to you, too, my little raccoon.”
She pops an eye open to look at him, lifting her head just the slightest bit before falling back to the bed with a huff of frustration. “I didn’t remove my makeup last night, did I? That was dumb.”
“Well, I’d like to think that I had your mind occupied with other things.”
Emma simply sighs before crawling out of bed and stiffly walking to the bathroom, coming back out twenty minutes later with her face washed, hair brushed, and body clothed in matching flannel pajamas before crawling back into bed and snuggling against her pillow like she plans to go back to sleep.
He hums.
“Will you go make me a cup of coffee and something to eat?”
“I will if you come down to the kitchen with me.”
“That’s not fair.”
“No,” he agrees, leaning over and pressing a kiss against her clothed shoulder before slipping off the bed and pulling on his own pajama bottoms, “but you obviously have a hangover, and if I’m going to make hangover food then you can come keep me company.”
“You’re evil.”
He has to drag her down to the kitchen before propping her up on the counter next to where he’s making them pancakes, and she grumbles about it all before he places a cup of coffee in her hands. All sins can be forgiven if you give Emma a cup of coffee, a tactic he’s used time and time again when she’s a little cross with him. She may have sat with him while he cooked, keeping him company, but as soon as he hands her plate to her, she takes it and walks back upstairs, smirking at him as she heads though the archway that leads to the hallway.
They needed a day to themselves with no work or wedding planning or parents, and even if they shouldn’t in case there’s an emergency, they turn their phones on silent and put them in his bedside drawer as well as putting away their laptops and staying in their room with all of the lights turned off except for the glow of the television.
“So I asked Liam to be my best man,” he admits, and she looks up at him from her position perched on his lap while he runs his fingers through her soft strands, braiding them and then immediately untwisting the braids. “I know we said no wedding talk, but I asked him two weeks ago…and I, uh, I somehow forgot to tell you.”
“I thought it was just kind of assumed that he would be.”
“It is, but I wanted to ask. I don’t know. I thought it would be a nice gesture.”
She tilts her head to kiss his clothed stomach, and his eyes flutter closed. “I’m happy for you, babe. That’s a wonderful thing.”
“You’re okay with that, right? With Liam playing such an integral role in our day?”
Emma rises from his lap and scoots up the bed until she’s sitting cross-legged in front of him, her hand running over his arm until she grasps his palm. “I forgave Liam a long time ago. And like I’ve told you to do, I did it for me, not for him. Your family, both the good and the bad, are my family now, and even if I don’t have thirty years of history with them, I still understand the complications. But nothing would make me be happier than you being happy.”
God, he loves her.
He’s also not quite thirty…yet.
“You’re amazing, Emma. You know that?”
“I’ve heard that once or twice before from my suitor.”
He quirks his eyebrow at her language. “Your suitor?”
“We’ve watched, like, three period dramas today. I pick up on things. Though technically I think you’d be my betrothed, and we would cause quite the scandal in high society for our intimate relations before marriage.”
“Darling, I wouldn’t bloody care.”
Emma bursts into laugher before rocking her body backwards only to lose balance and fall back onto the bed, spreading out like a starfish, her entire chest moving as she laughs at herself with her hair flying all over the place behind her, the light from the slit in the curtains casting a line of light across her arm and her nose. She looks ridiculous, almost like she’s nearly lost her mind, and maybe she has a little as she continues to mumble phrases from the movies they’ve watched in that awful British accent of hers that no matter how hard she tries will never sound genuine. She’s had her entire life to perfect it living with her mother and having relatives with the accent, and she still cannot get it. But she does try so hard.
The light from the window eventually fades, and the television is again the only light source in the room until he stretches his hand out to turn on the lamp on his bedside table, illuminating a soft glow across the room that resembles the light of the room when they have the curtains open and a full moon shines through the glass of the window panes. Emma doesn’t move from her side of the bed, just grumbling something about it being too bright with the new light source, and he just smiles at the little mood she gets in when they haven’t done anything all day…which is exactly what they needed.
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qboo78 · 7 years ago
I just read a post that say if a meta is ended with this sentence, it diminishes the meta and makes it less credible. But I have to say that is pure rubbish. A good meta of a pairing is a good meta even when the end sentence declares a couple an endgame. Especially if the meta was presented with reasons/proof and are very well thought out. And I am not even talking about my own meta because even I myself will admit I am not very good at it. I’m talking about all those wonderful metas that I have read in the #jonsa tag and how I have realized that a lot of people love the Jonsa pairing because they have proof/basis and not because of “reasons”. And if one is still very adamant about the position of this sentence, then, fine, I will start my post with this sentence and not put it in the end. Also, posting a meta and declaring yourself not a shipper does not automatically make your post credible, it just make you not a shipper, that is all. For your post to really be credible then you have to present us with a basis for why you end up with your own conclusion and the more well presented it is the more your theories or meta becomes believable and would make people not necessarily agree with it but at least can say to you “you have a point there”
And saying “Jonsa is Endgame” is not a slogan my dear. It is a declaration of what that meta is all about. So if you have a problem with its position at the end of a meta then I actually don’t understand why you care to read that meta in the first place since that was the point of the meta you were reading in the first place.
Honestly, Fans just being “delusional” does not really bother them because that is what shipping is all about. They just like the couple that they like and that is the end of it. They will forever go down with that ship you know.
Saying Season 6 doesn’t count and declare that Jonsa will never happen is akin to a Jonsa fan saying Season 7 doesn’t count and that J*nerys will never happen. It is another rubbish sentence because if we start discounting what happens in canon then everything pretty much can be discounted including the “not so epic” boatsex. And yes it was NOT EPIC. I asked my sister-in-law before I watched that episode since I know she is such a huge fan of Jon and D*ny pairing and here is our conversation:
“Sister-in-Law: They did the boat bang.
Me: So was it romantic as you’ve hoped?
Sister-in-Law: Jon was fast. He could have waited. The romance is gone.
Me: Oh. Is the boat scene as romantic as Robb/Talisa, Jon/Ygritte scene?
Sister-in-Law: To be brutally honest…NO.
Me: Really? Does that mean my pairing still have a chance to happen?
Sister-in-Law: The scene was so quick. (Then she even gave a very sad looking and crying emoji)
Me: You mean it was not even as long as Missandei and Greyworm love scene???
Sister-in-Law: It was quick. 
Me: Yay! Ok i will watch the episode then I will let you know the jonsa fandom theory about the boatsex. I want to confirm if I agree with the theory first”
That is what a huge fan of Jon and D*ny pairing can say about her most awaited pairing coming together. In other words, she was not happy.
And when I watched the episode I can understand why:
Tumblr media
That is not how Kit does his leading man looks AT ALL. This is not EPIC. This was according to my sister-in-law a DISAPPOINTMENT.
But, never mind, the Jon and D*any pairing is now CANON. But it is filled with foreboding and dread. Not my cup of tea at all.
Now let’s move on to the purpose of this post:
To be honest, personally, I blame the show - the directors, the actors, the writer’s D&D and George RR Martin.
Before Season 6, I have never even thought of Jon and Sansa together as a couple. All I wanted for these characters and all the Starks while we’re at it, is for them to be safe, alive, together and finally have justice for what’s been done for their family and their house. I want them to survive the Long Night and I want them all back in Winterfell were they belong. Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon and Jon to be exact.
I know a good story will become great when there is a very good plot twist done right. It happened with all the best stories out there. The most recent of which that I enjoyed are the Harry Potter story and the Hunger Games story. And with TV shows, it happened with my favorite show The 100. So, I know that one can actually expect a plot twist if a writer is any good. But GOT is different for me since the author George RR Martin is to put it simply THE KING OF PLOT TWISTS. It’s one of the reasons why this show/story is so popular and addictive. And inspires so many theories and metas. 
A plot twist that the fans have all been waiting for was the R+L=J theory. This theory pretty much I’ve already believed in since I started watching the show in Season 1. I did not have any theories of the the possible effect/outcome for when this plot twist will come into play but I do know that Jon NOT being NED’s son is going to be important. I just don’t have any idea what the possibilities are.
Then, Season 6 happened, suddenly I am reminded of the feeling that I got when Harry started liking Ginny and Peeta no longer himself and no longer loving Katniss with Katniss having such a huge reaction to Peeta dying in front of her. I had hoped that Harry and Hermione will not be endgame because I like Hermione and Ron together and I had always hoped that Katniss will love Peeta but I was not so sure that it will happened since Katniss has a history with Gale. So I never thought I will witness the pairing that I liked come to pass.
With GOT though, I did not have much illusions since we were bombarded left right and centre with horrifying weddings and people loving each other and then dying, so I stuck with just hoping for my faves to be alive.
Then, the show gave us the best thing in this series:
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And, I was like, Woah! this reunion was EPIC. I mean it had emotions, unexpected yet hoped for by fans factor, it had sweeping music and the acting was so ON POINT. Like you know something has changed. This scene was a GAME CHANGER for the show and the story, for both the characters and for us the audience. And honestly, I never expected them to be reunited first, much less it will be this EPIC.
So, I was suspicious at first, I was like Nah! it can’t be - remember I already believed in the R+L=J theory so I already looked at them as cousins. So I restrained myself even though I so much want to be in this ship like right then. I love to ship lol.
Then the show keep on giving me these scenes filled with SMILING JON AND SANSA 
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After seeing these two characters season after season in misery and pain, seeing them happy and being themselves when they are around each other gives me LIFE dangit! And I can only take so much, but I thought i have to be strong… But the show never let up on me, there are these scenes where they argue, bicker, banter and talk things out that basically scream #married
there are the declaration of protection, giving the other the kill, saving each other
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then a very tender moment that is so very rare for Jon but seems to be his normal state when it comes to Sansa
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And these are just season 6 you know??? Can you ever blame me that I caved but once I caved, I did so willingly and even with the knowledge that it can end in heartbreak if I ship them. Season 6 was just that EPIC. And they end the season with the two of them sitting/standing side by side as the northern Lords declare Jon the King in the North. Just EPIC.
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So, i thought, that was it. It was enough my ship was wonderful and I enjoyed every second of when they are together. I thought season 7 will be different. The show will focus now on Jon and D*ny and I have to accept that. I am still gonna be a happy camper because of Season 6. 
Unfortunately, or in my opinion, to my utmost happiness, the show did not allow me to forget this pairing at all… No, NO. In fact, they made it worse for me…
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Then they gave me feral Jon
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And all these scenes have nothing to do with Jon’s mission to fight the WW but everything to do with a certain kissed by fire Lady of Winterfell named Sansa.
then the bittersweet goodbye they had
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Is it any wonder why we jonsa fans are hooked? Now and Always.
Because the show made it so difficult for us not to ship them.
Personally, I would have conceded that my pairing was not the endgame if Kit had given me a bit of these looks and smiles with his scenes with D*ny
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If Kit would have at least given a smile on that boatbang scene i might be doubtful. But there were none of these leading man smiles and gazes from Kit.
What we saw in S7 with the Jon and D*ny scenes were Kit in misery and a lot of rolling of the eyes lol.
So, NO. THE SENTENCE at the top still is valid to me because I still have not seen anything to show me otherwise.
And yes. Jonsa is endgame.
They look beautiful and MAJESTIC.
Indeed, they are. The King and Queen in the North
Season 8 is THE TIME FOR WOLVES. And JON and SANSA are leading the pack.
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gifs credit to: @tiny-little-bird, @jonsasnow, @dailyjonsa, @grahamewill, @whitewolfofwinterfell, @thelawyerthatwaspromised, @jonsnownoshow
if there is anyone i forgot to credit for the gifs let me know so I can include in the post.
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inawickedlittletown · 6 years ago
Walking The Wire (131/156)
Summary: Tony Stark always knew about Peter Parker. He didn’t know that Peter was going to get superpowers and become Spider-Man, but he always knew about Peter because Peter was his son.
This will span from pre-Iron Man up through the rest of the MCU (eventually including Infinity War) and will be for the most part canon compliant except where I’ve taken some liberties and interpreted canon a certain way.
Pairings: Pepper/Tony, Tony/Steve (endgame), Tony/Mary (past)
A/N: If you want me to tag you when I post new chapters let me know. This fic is also on AO3
I used Collider’s MCU timeline to stay canon and the title of this fic is an Imagine Dragons song that is just so fitting for Peter and Tony
Chapter One Hundred Thirty
“That’s. Tony, that’s kind of--” Bruce trailed off.
“Crazy,” Tony said. “Yeah, well, I made it out of space in one piece and back here when the odds were that that just wasn’t going to happen. And Strange’s actions don’t make sense. He knew what winning might entail. Bastard didn’t bother to share with the class, but what can we expect for a magician.”
“You know, he actually is a doctor,” Bruce said.
“So am I, but I don’t brag about it,” Tony said.
Bruce laughed at that. “You don’t.”
“Thing is, I have to believe that. I have to believe that this all happened for a reason. It was my kid, Bruce. My kid. And so many others too.”
Bruce nodded. He was working on Tony, moving him over to The Cradle to knit his wound back together. It felt weird but it happened quick, before Steve got back even. So that when Steve did return, Tony was back in the cot. He still felt sore and Bruce wrapped up his chest before letting him put a clean shirt on.
“I brought soup and crackers. Some toast too if you’re up to it,” Steve said.
“And here I thought you’d get me a more welcoming meal,” Tony said.
“From what Nebula told me you haven’t eaten in days. You’re not up to eating a cheeseburger right now, Tony.”
Tony was really too hungry to argue and the chicken soup did smell good. There was steam coming off of it and Tony could tell that it had been freshly made.
“Thank you,” Tony muttered.
“And after this you need sleep, Tony. I won’t keep you here in the medical wing. You’re surprisingly not that badly off but you need to rest. Everything else can wait right now. We’ve got this, Tony, because we need you and we need you at a 100%.”
He ate slowly, trying to pace himself a little in part because the soup was hot but also because he wanted to drag the moment out. Since being back it had been about seeing everyone and being happy to be home and alive. It had been about letting Bruce check him over and take care of the stab wound. It was about starting to voice the things he’d been thinking about and hoping to be true and it was finally getting a moment to truly let everything sink in. Peter was gone. His son was gone. Tony didn’t know how he was supposed to sleep when that was fact and when Tony truly had no idea how they were to proceed.
“Nebula. Is she alright?” Tony asked.
“Fine. She’s with Rocket. She said she felt fine.”
“Right. They know each other. That’s good she’s got him.
Steve nodded. “You don’t have to worry about her.”
He finished eating and Steve placed his empty plates on a table. He moved with caution and looked at Tony like he might disappear in front of him. Tony couldn’t blame him, really, because a part of him felt exactly the same.
“Do you want to sleep here or--”
“Proper bed might do me good,” Tony said. “Any chance I can get rid of this thing.” He motioned at the IV line and the plastic bag it was attached to.
“No chance. You need those fluids, Tony. Just tonight.”
He was too tired to argue. Bruce helped them get to Steve’s room. Tony couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept at the compound, but Steve’s room was closest and someone had cleaned it up a little.
Bruce gave him some painkillers and Tony took them without protest and then Steve helped him get under the covers.
“Get some rest, Tony. I’m glad you’re home,” Bruce said before he left.
Steve lingered by the bed, fixing Tony’s pillows and his sheets.
“Are you -- do you have something to do or--”
“I have nothing else to do but to be here with you,” Steve said before Tony could finish. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Steve sat down next to him and Tony reached for his hand. It felt grounding to hold it even as all the adrenaline from the trip back home and seeing everyone was fading. Everything that had been keeping him together disappearing because he was home in a bed and Steve was just within reach. He didn’t need to be strong and hold himself together.
“Bruce did mean you should get some sleep,” Steve said. “You’re kind of -- you’re not doing that.”
“I don’t know...I keep seeing--”
His eyes. Peter’s scared tear filled eyes that had realized what was happening and that felt it before it did. Peter who didn’t want to go and who fell into his arms but became dust.
Steve’s arms slid around him and Tony felt grounded. He felt like there was something else to draw focus to. He was tired. Too tired and sore and hurt and Steve’s fingers were in his hair.
“Oh, Tony,” Steve said.
His eyes felt wet and they stung. He curled himself into Steve and Steve held him back just as tightly.
“I wish it had been me,” Tony whispered. “I wish -- it should have been me. Not him. Never him.”
Steve didn’t respond. He held Tony tighter and Tony knew that Steve understood. It wasn’t a death wish. It was a wish that Peter hadn’t had to go -- the admittance that Tony would have given anything in order to take Peter’s fate away.
“It’s not fair,” Steve whispered eventually.
“It’s not.” He wasn’t crying anymore, but the emotions were still there. It hurt. It hurt more than anything. He pressed a kiss to Steve’s shoulder. “You’re allowed to feel this too. You were his dad too, Steve.”
It was true. Probably had been true before Steve even properly met Peter because Steve had always been interested and engaged in Peter long before Tony had gotten a chance to meet him. And then after -- after they had fallen into a family unit without even trying.
“You were,” Tony insisted. “Her was ours. Our Peter.”
Steve pulled him even closer and Tony could hear Steve’s heartbeat -- steady and not too much faster than what was supposed to be normal. Soothing, though, to listen to. Steve’s fingers threaded through his hair gently and it was slowly that Tony let his fatigue take over. He felt a press of a kiss on his forehead and faintly heard:
“Thank you. I love you.”
Tony let himself smile even if it wasn’t enough and it didn’t take away all the pain. “We’ll get him back.”
Bruce considered everything that Tony had said and implied and it was hard to just accept. Tony thought that somehow they were going to win. But not just that, he seemed to think that everyone that turned to dust could be returned. Bruce didn’t know if it was Tony being delusional and holding onto hope. Mostly, he just knew that if the snap had been able to erase people, then the stones would probably bring them back too. So, maybe Tony wasn’t too farfetched in saying they could get them back. It was just -- Bruce couldn’t just believe that they were going to somehow win. He had seen Thanos and he knew the kind of power that Thanos wielded and the team wasn’t even all there. Thanos had already defeated them once.
It was hard to look at the list Friday had compiled. She’d gone as far as to get as much of a profile as she could for everyone that was missing. Most importantly those that were in some way related to The Avengers or Shield. The list had finally stopped growing like crazy. The governments of the world were getting a little more organized and things were calming down as much as they could. Still, there were always new additions and Bruce looked at the list as much as he could even though he hated it.
Natasha was sitting with Thor at the table, but Bruce ignored them and looked at the display of the list. Bruce was surprised when Shuri’s name popped up.
They hadn’t seen her before leaving Wakanda, but no one had implied that she had turned to dust like her brother and yet she was on the list which meant somehow that no one knew where she was. He wondered for a moment what that would mean for Wakanda, but it was something that the people of Wakanda would figure out on their own.
Friday brought up another and paused it. Scott Lang.
“Who is Scott, again?” Bruce asked.
Rhodes answered, walking up behind him. “Ant-Man. I guess he’s gone too, then. Shame. Explains why he hasn’t gotten back to us.”
Rhodes came to stand next to Bruce and he looked at the list and shook his head. “I don’t know what we’re meant to do now. How was Tony doing?”
“He’s sleeping, hopefully. He’s a bit bruised up and we took care of the stab wound. He’s going to be fine. Well as fine as he can be after losing his son.”
Peter’s name was up on the list. Bruce had barely gotten to meet him -- had seen him only with the mask on and hadn’t even known who he was at the time since everything happened so fast. He could see how his lost hit everyone. Steve’s devastation had been the worst but then of course there was Tony and how he seemed to hardly be holding himself together. Bruce remembered when he’d first learned about Tony and Steve and their upcoming wedding and it had been a shock but seeing them since Tony’s return -- it felt so right and natural for them to be together. Bruce almost couldn’t believe that he hadn’t seen it coming.
“Did he say anything about what happened while he was in space?” Rhodes asked.
“Not much. He mentioned Doctor Strange getting a view of possible futures. He thinks it means we’re on the path to victory.”
Rhodey scoffed. “And what is this, then?”
Bruce pursed his lips. He wanted to believe that Tony was right. “Tony thinks -- he thinks that this is our path to winning. Doctor Strange had the Time Stone and he gave it up to save Tony’s life. Which, if you know anything about Strange shouldn’t have happened. It’s what made it possible for Thanos to turn back time and take the Mind Stone even after it was destroyed. Strange must have known that would happen and that he would turn to dust when Thanos snapped his fingers but he saved Tony anyway.”
“What does that mean?” Rhodey asked.
“Tony thinks that Strange did it knowing what would happen -- that he did it because it needed to happen so that we can find a way to defeat Thanos now.”
Rhodey rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s a little crazy. We’re not all exactly rushing to go find Thanos. Not sure we could take him especially now that he has the stones.”
Bruce shrugged his shoulders. He stared as Friday moved through the missing profiles. Fury had officially been added to the list. Someone from Shield had found his car and presumably his dust next to a pager. It was supposed to be brought to them because Fury had sent a message and no one knew who he’d been trying to contact and with a pager no less.
Tony managed to sleep for a few hours, head pillowed on Steve’s shoulder, but Steve couldn’t sleep. He was too wired and too focused on Tony for sleep to be an option. Instead, he watched Tony and let him sleep. Tony needed it. His face was more relaxed in his sleep, but even then his fatigue was obvious. Steve thought that Bruce had to have snuck in something to help him fall asleep along with the painkillers because he doubted that Tony would have fallen asleep the way he did otherwise.
Steve didn’t know what to feel. He was happy to have Tony back, of course. But Peter was gone. So many people were gone...
Tony had called Peter theirs. Their son. Steve had never thought to consider Peter that way -- he was always just Tony’s son and yet maybe he’d already been thinking about Peter as his son too for far longer than he would have wanted to admit. Peter had told him that he was going to be his step-father back when he and Tony had first gotten engaged and it had been so absolutely touching. Steve had gotten extremely emotional over it.
Steve watched as Tony shifted but settled into his side again. He looked even in sleep like he couldn’t be at peace and yet he was beautiful. His fingers traced over Tony’s forehead and down his cheek. Steve couldn’t think of anyone else that he was as devoted to as he was Tony. The only one that might compare was Bucky but that was different. Bucky was family and his last friend left from his old life, but he didn’t mean what Tony meant to him. And Bucky was gone now, too. Dust just like Peter and so many others.
Tony moved closer, his face burrowing into Steve’s neck and his breath ghosting on Steve’s skin. He shivered in surprise, but settled and ran his hand through Tony’s hair. It was dirty but Steve didn’t care. Having Tony in his arms was everything. Steve didn’t care how long he’d be acting as Tony’s pillow and it didn’t matter because Tony was back and he needed rest and Steve was willing to give him anything he needed.
When Tony woke up, he woke up slowly, moving in Steve’s arms and shifting until he was trying to sit up. Steve helped him. Tony looked confused and unsure, his eyes moving from one side of the room to the other as if he couldn’t believe where was was.
“Hey, hey, you’re alright.”
“Steve,” Tony said and he let out a breath. “Oh god. Peter.”
It broke Steve’s heart to see how devastated Tony looked as he remembered. His face falling and pain etched into his frown. Tony took a deep breath and then he wrapped an arm around Steve, falling into his chest.
“I thought,” Tony said, “I kept thinking I’d come home and you’d be gone too. It was -- I was so afraid. Being out there and knowing Peter was -- but then, I didn’t know if I would make it here or what I would find and--”
“I’m not. I’m here. I’m here, Tony, and I’m never letting you go.”
Tony nodded as he pulled back. Steve didn’t let him go far, cupping his face and bringing him close to he could kiss him. It was not the best kiss. Tony gasped into it and their teeth clicked together and it was a little too hard and a little too messy and then Tony pressed his face into Steve’s shoulder and it didn’t really matter.
“He saw it coming. He was so scared. My boy, he was so scared and he just -- I couldn’t do anything, Steve, and he just he kept saying I don’t want to go…”
It was whispered into his shoulder but Steve heard it. His eyes stung thinking about it -- about Tony and Peter--
“I was holding him and then I wasn’t…”
“Oh, Tony.”
Tony was sobbing, shaking with the sobs that coursed through his body. Steve’s shirt was wet with his tears and Steve held Tony to his chest, failing to keep his own tears from falling.
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Two
0 notes
lilyvandersteen · 8 years ago
A Shoulder to Lean On
This is for @fictionallylost. It ought to have been finished by your birthday and posted as a birthday present, but I’m slow, so I’m a few days late - sorry!
Read on AO3 or on Fanfiction.net.
Blaine installed himself in his window seat with a happy sigh. He was exhausted and his head throbbed painfully, so he wanted nothing more than to sleep until they reached Ohio. He folded his sweatshirt into a makeshift pillow, laid his head against it and drifted off at once.
He woke up to loud voices, and winced.
“No respect for celebrities these days,” a woman whined. “A window seat, that’s all I ask! But no… ‘Wait until everyone is seated, ma’am. Then we’ll see if there’s a window seat left for you.’ Ugh!”
“Rachel, you’re blocking the aisle. Come, let’s sit down in our seats, and you can swap afterwards.”
The second voice was high and clear, and Blaine appreciated the no-nonsense tone. He felt the both of them sit down next to him, and hoped they’d stay quiet now. No such luck.
“Look, that guy is sleeping anyway. He doesn’t NEED a window seat! He could swap with me! I’m going to ask him!”
“Rachel!” the second voice hissed. “The man is asleep. Don’t you dare wake him up!”
Blaine sat up, glared at the woman sitting next to him, and drawled, “Too late for that, I’m afraid!”
Rachel, unperturbed by his glare, smiled at Blaine winningly. “Hi, I’m Rachel Berry. Yes, the Broadway star. And there’s been a bit of a mix-up with my plane ticket. I was promised a window seat, and now I turn out to have a middle seat, which is simply not acceptable. So if you’d do me a favour and swap with me, I’ll sign anything you want me to. I’ll even throw in a selfie, how’s that?”
Blaine stared at Rachel in disbelief. And he’d thought his brother was self-absorbed… Well, apparently, Cooper wasn’t the worst by far.
Rachel’ chipper expression didn’t falter, though she sounded snippy when she asked “Well?” a minute later, when Blaine still hadn’t reacted.
“Well, Rachel, that means this man is appalled by your lack of common courtesy and isn’t planning on swapping seats with you,” the second voice piped up again.
Blaine looked in that direction, and oh! It was a man! And he was gorgeous!
The man nodded at him with a slight smile. “I can only apologise for Rachel’s behaviour. Since she’s snagged a lead role on Broadway, she’s become even more of a diva than she was before, and that’s saying something.”
“It’s true. You’re obnoxious. Now shut up and let the man sleep.”
“My name’s Blaine,” Blaine said. “And if I weren’t so tired, I wouldn’t mind giving your friend my window seat. But I can’t keep my eyes open, so it’s safer that I stay here where I can lean my head against the window. If I nod off in another seat, I’m going to end up with my head on some stranger’s shoulder, and then they’ll take offense and give me a black eye or something.”
The man nodded again, and his smile grew.
Rachel, however, wasn’t giving up so soon.
“Well, if you need a shoulder to sleep on, I’m sure Kurt wouldn’t mind you leaning on him. You’re exactly his type.”
“Rachel!” Kurt hissed, his eyes flashing.
“What? I saw you check him out! Oh… You think he plays for my team, is that it?”
Blaine stifled a snigger. Kurt now looked as if he could explode any second, while Rachel didn’t seem to realise she’d put her foot in it whatsoever.
“I’m gay,” Blaine clarified.
“See?” Rachel crowed in triumph. “Kurt, tell him he can snuggle up to you as much as he likes, and let’s swap seats.”
Kurt face-palmed and looked ready to sink through the floor.
Blaine reached out and lightly touched his shoulder. “Hey… No need to be embarrassed.”
Kurt peeked from between his fingers, let out a deep sigh and straightened up. “Oh yes, there is need! Rachel woke you up and harassed you, and now, because she has no filter whatsoever, you’re going to think that I’m just as bad, creepily staring at you while you were asleep. Aah, could someone just kill me already?”
Kurt slumped back into his seat, a picture of despondency.
Blaine laughed. “I never mind being checked out by gorgeous men.”
That got Kurt to look up again, eyes wide with disbelief.
In for a penny, in for a pound…
“And if you’re okay with it, I’d love to sleep with my head on your shoulder,” Blaine pressed on. “It’s a win-win for everyone: Rachel gets her window seat, I get a more comfortable pillow, and you get to stare at me for as long as you like.”
Rachel squealed and clapped her hands. Kurt groaned.
“Go on, say yes,” Rachel urged him.
“All right, all right, fine!” Kurt grumbled.
Moments later, Rachel sat in the window seat, with Kurt next to her, and Blaine had Kurt’s aisle seat. Blaine didn’t quite dare encroach on Kurt’s personal space yet, though. Kurt’s posture was stiff, his jaw set, and he radiated discomfort and aggravation.
So Blaine paid very close attention to the safety instructions given by a flight attendant and then tried to keep himself awake by counting the freckles of a little girl asleep on her mother’s lap two rows away.
He woke up to someone cooing loudly. “Aww, this is just too adorable!”
He blinked his eyes open and found that he was lying with his head half on Kurt’s shoulder, half on his chest, his hand over Kurt’s heart. Kurt’s head was resting on his, and his arm was slung around Blaine, enveloping him snugly. Blaine felt so comfortable he never wanted to move again, and snuggled in a little closer still with a happy sigh.
That made Rachel coo again, and this time, she woke up Kurt, who lifted his head with a groggy “Huh? Wha?” and then did a double-take that catapulted Blaine onto the floor, bruising his ass and banging his head against the seat in front of his.
Blaine, now wide awake, assessed the damage and then got up and gingerly sat down in his seat again, careful not to touch Kurt.
“I’m so sorry,” Kurt breathed. “I really am. I know I promised… But I fell asleep too… And I was just… Startled. Are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay. I feel terrible.”
Blaine smiled. “I’ll survive. My ass and my head have had it worse.”
That made Kurt blush and avert his eyes. “Sorry.”
“You looked pretty cosy there,” Rachel sing-songed. “Look!”
She held her phone out for them to see, and Blaine sucked in a startled breath. Cosy was an understatement. They looked like lovers. The picture could easily have graced the cover of a romance novel. Though they were fully clothed, the position they were in was so intimate and sensual that Blaine’s throat went dry and he instantly longed to be back in Kurt’s arms.
Next to him, Kurt swallowed, but didn’t say anything.
“I’m going to hold on to this picture,” Rachel continued. “I’ll need it for my speech at your wedding rehearsal dinner.”
Kurt spluttered indignantly, and Blaine bit back a smile.
Rachel sat back down and took a gossip magazine out of her purse, muttering under her breath about the celebrities photographed and discussed.
“So…” Blaine let the word trail off.
“We’re not in Ohio yet. And I’m not sleepy anymore. So tell me about yourself, future husband.”
Kurt groaned and clapped his hands over his eyes again. “Please don’t listen to Rachel. She’s delusional!”
Blaine pouted. “Now I’m hurt. How can you so cruelly deny our love?”
Kurt snorted. “Dork!”
He lowered his hands and looked at Blaine, eyes widening when he saw Blaine’s expression. “Okay… Now that is really unfair. Stop pouting. You’re making me feel like you’re a puppy I just kicked.”
Blaine dropped the pout and grinned at Kurt instead. “So can we talk?”
“Still a puppy,” Kurt commented. “But okay. Yes. We can talk.”
By the time they landed in Ohio, Blaine’s initial attraction to Kurt had developed into a full-blown crush. Kurt wasn’t only gorgeous, he was also witty and interesting, and Blaine wished that this plane ride could somehow have taken five times as long so that they wouldn’t have to stop talking.
But now Kurt was taking his and Rachel’s carry-on luggage out of the overhead containers and putting on his coat again and… and walking away!
Blaine hastened to catch up with him. “Hey… Kurt! Can I… Could I have your phone number?”
Rachel squealed happily, pinched Kurt’s arm and then skipped away before he could retaliate, yelling over her shoulder. “I’ll be at the baggage claim, Kurt!”
“She’s a menace, I swear,” Kurt grumbled, but he got his phone out and exchanged it for Blaine’s for them to put in their contact information.
Blaine smiled at Kurt as he put his phone back into his pocket. “I had a nice time talking to you. Maybe we could meet up again while we’re both in Ohio? I’m here until the day after New Year.”
“Me too. Yeah. Yes, that would be… I’d like that.”
They walked to the baggage claim together in silence, sneaking a quick look when they thought the other wasn’t looking and then grinning when they got caught.
At the baggage claim, Rachel was talking a mile a minute to a tall bald man, and Kurt muffled a curse next to him and then sped up, walking too fast for Blaine to follow.
Blaine decided not to try and catch up, and looked for his suitcase on the luggage carrousel.
“That pink one is mine. Could you be a sweetie and take it down for me?”
Blaine smiled at Rachel and took her suitcase off the carrousel. “There you go.”
“Thank you SO much! Also for giving me your window seat. I hope I’ll be seeing you again soon.”
Seeing Blaine’s mystified look, Rachel added, “Kurt and I are roomies in New York.”
“I’m going to hug you now,” Rachel announced, and suddenly, Blaine had his arms full and was surrounded by a cloud of strong perfume that tickled his nose.
“Bye, Blaine!”
“Bye, Rachel!”
Rachel click-clacked off in the direction of the taxi stand, and Blaine chuckled. That girl was quite something.
He focussed on the luggage carrousel again, and had just spotted his suitcase when he saw Kurt next to him reaching for his own.
“That everything, son?” the tall bald man asked.
“There’s one more bag, Dad,” Kurt said.
“Why do you always need so much just for a one week vacation? And don’t tell me you need room for Christmas presents, ‘cause last year you gave us all gift certificates and I’ll bet we’ll be getting those again this year.”
“Just saying…”
Blaine, his suitcase retrieved, chuckled under his breath and turned towards the taxi stand. A hand on his arm stopped him after just two steps in that direction.
“Hey, aren’t you the kid Rachel was talking about?”
Startled, Blaine looked at the man, not knowing what to say.
“Dad! Don’t listen to Rachel, you know she always makes up stuff in her head. Blaine sat next to us on the plane, and Rachel badgered him into switching seats. That’s all.”
Kurt’s dad gave Blaine a piercing look. “Hmm. Blaine, huh?”
“Blaine Anderson,” Blaine introduced himself, holding his hand out to shake. “Nice to meet you.”
The man shook Blaine’s hand firmly. “Burt Hummel. Likewise. So I heard you’re gonna marry my son?”
“Dad, stop it!” Kurt hissed.
Burt grinned and winked at Blaine. “Hey, the kid’s polite. You could do worse.”
Blaine, fortified by that wink, played along. “Let me get back to you on that, sir, but I’m not ruling out the possibility.”
Kurt glared at Blaine. “Oh, for Pete’s sake, are you all mental? Dad, I’ll be at the car when you’re done making fun of me.”
Kurt stalked off with his suitcase, leaving the other bag for Burt to carry.
“Touchy, isn’t he?” Burt said. “Don’t worry, kid, he’ll get over it. Still best friends with Rachel, ain’t he, though she gets his back up more often than not. Well, see you around!”
And Burt walked away with a cheery wave before Blaine could think of a suitable reply.
Blaine shrugged, chuckling, and made his way to the taxi stand.
That evening, Cooper was talking about his new role as a stupid but loveable policeman in an obscure TV series Blaine had never heard of.
Their mother was hanging on Coop’s every word, telling him he’d always been SO talented, and encouraging him to talk about his co-stars. “Did you meet anyone special? It’s about time you settle down and give us some grandkids, sweetie-pie!”
Blaine disguised his snort as a cough and helped himself to some more pie.
Suddenly, his cell phone chimed loudly with a message, and then another one, and he reached for it without thinking.
His mother tutted. “No electronic devices at dinner. Hands above the table.”
Blaine obeyed, and didn’t think of the message again until he turned in for the night and emptied his pockets.
It proved to be from Kurt.
From: Kurt Hummel
Hey… Sorry I was so rude this afternoon. It’s not your fault that my best friend and my dad have no boundaries, and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.
From: Kurt Hummel
Are we still on for a coffee date this week?
Blaine grinned from ear to ear.
To: Kurt Hummel
Absolutely! Tomorrow, 2 p.m., Lima Bean?
He didn’t have long to wait for an answer. Barely five minutes later, his phone chimed.
From: Kurt Hummel
It’s a date :-)
Blaine star-fished on his bed and grinned inanely at the ceiling.
Two coffee dates later, Kurt called Blaine to tell him he was invited to the Hudmel Friday Dinner.
“Fair warning, my dad still thinks we’re going to end up married, and he says he wants to get to know his son-in-law. I hope that doesn’t scare you off.”
Blaine laughed. “It doesn’t. I’ll be there.”
The Hudmels were nice and laid-back, and Blaine thoroughly enjoyed the banter between Kurt and his dad, the football conversation he had with Burt and Kurt’s stepbrother Finn, and the discussion about soufflés that sprung up between him and Carole.
When he left, all four members of the Hudmel family hugged him goodbye, and he got a standing invitation for the Friday Dinners, which made him very happy.
On New Year’s Eve, he accompanied Kurt to a party thrown by none other than Rachel Berry, who greeted him as an old friend and instantly demanded a duet.
Kurt rolled his eyes. “At least let Blaine have a drink first!”
He sang with Rachel, and later on, he sang with Kurt too, enchanted by his voice, and ever more enraptured by him with every new facet he discovered.
Kurt’s friends were a crazy and nosy bunch, but Blaine fielded their questions valiantly and was finally rescued by Kurt, who tugged him along to a room with a hideous pink décor.
“Sorry about that…” Kurt apologised. “I’ve never brought a date to one of Rachel’s parties before, so they’re all very…”
“Enthusiastic?” Blaine supplied.
Kurt sighed. “Sure, we’ll go with that. Look, I swiped a bottle of champagne from downstairs. It’s nearly New Year, and I’d like to toast it with just you, if you don’t mind.”
Blaine smiled. “Not at all.”
Kurt poured champagne into their solo cups, and they nudged them together before drinking. “Cheers!”
They heard a loud chant coming from downstairs. “Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!”
Blaine took Kurt’s cup and put it on the night stand, along with his own. Then he drew Kurt in closer, and when the cheering started, his lips found Kurt’s.
They didn’t stop kissing until Rachel barged in and screeched, “Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, if you’re having sex on my bed right now, so help me God!”
She took one look at them, fully clothed and not touching below the waist, and went from furious to beaming with happiness. “Oh, you’re just kissing. Carry on, then! I was never here!”
The door slammed closed behind her, and Kurt grimaced at Blaine. “Yep, date me and that will happen often. No boundaries, remember?”
Blaine just laughed and kissed Kurt again.
Three years later, they did marry. Rachel did use the picture, and her speech during the rehearsal dinner was one big I told you so. For once, though, Kurt didn’t glower. He sat next to Blaine, beaming and playing with his engagement ring, and sneaking in little neck kisses when he thought no-one was looking.
Blaine drew him in for a real kiss, and Rachel aww’ed and ended her speech with, “Well, congratulations to the soon-to-be Mr and Mr Anderson-Hummel. I hope you’ll live happily ever after.”
And they did.
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nightbts · 8 years ago
regrets | knj | 02
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pairing: kim namjoon + wedding planner! reader
genre: angst, light fluff + exes! au
word count: 2.2k
parts 1| 2 | 3
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Stopping by the room next door, you grabbed onto the door frame as your hand flew to your chest, your heart racing dangerously. Taking in several deep breaths, you rummaged through your cabinets for some extra wedding book copies, despite many already being in your office, as an excuse for more time. More time to gather your shit together before you went and faced him again. 
“Alright, I’m back!!” you cheered, a fake smile plastered on your face as you pulled out all the wedding book copies and placed it in on the table in front of both of them.
“Ooh!! I’m so excited!! Doesn’t this all look so fun Joonie!!” Rose exclaimed, causing you to cringe inwardly at the nickname, a word that sounded so foreign yet so casual coming from her mouth.
Namjoon just nodded, giving her a smile as he looked back up. His eyes met yours for a split second, and that was enough for your mouth to suddenly go dry, the words you had prepared to say unwilling to come out. 
Quickly clearing your throat, you made a mental note to not look at him anymore as you looked towards Rose, “W-well did you two have any ideas? You can tell me your wish list and then budget and I can try to make it work to my best abilities.”
Rose’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Namjoon and then back at you, “Well, we were planning on having a vintage-style wedding, you know? Like outdoors, with rustic decorations, lights hanging from trees kind of thing. Could you do that?”
You felt your smile drop slightly, something tugging at your heart, as you thought to yourself, That’s exactly the type of wedding I had wanted.
“Of course, your wish is my command!” you smiled, despite it not reaching your eyes as you passed them a couple wedding books with similar themes.
“Oh my goodness, these are all beautiful. If only I could have them all, Namjoon dear what do you think about this?” Rose asked as she looked at her fiancé expectantly.
Giving her a warm smile, he looked towards what she had pointed out, “I think it’s wonderful dear, pick what you like, you know I’ll be happy with anything.”
Rose sighed happily, as she looked at you in wonder, her eyes shining when she suddenly asked, “Where are you going to find yourself a man like this? I can’t believe I got this lucky.”
Blinking furiously, you choked on your spit. Namjoon’s eyes widened in surprise, alarm clouding his eyes as you continued to cough, your eyes watering. 
“Oh my! Are you okay?” Rose asked worriedly, as she stood up immediately, bending over to you. 
Quickly shaking your hand, you coughed, “N-no it’s okay! I think I just choked on something. I’m fine.” You grabbed your water bottle and took a long sip, the cold water running down your throat as you felt a sense of physical relief after Rose’s shocking question.
They both looked at you worriedly, although you couldn’t help but notice something else in the way Namjoon gazed at you. You quickly shook it off; you were just being delusional, after all, he was here with his fiancee.
Placing your water bottle back in its place, you smiled at the couple before saying, “Well let’s discuss the rest shall we?” as you continued down the long and slow path of what would be your unfortunate fate. 
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“Well didn’t they seem like a lovely couple.” Jin cooed beside you as the both of you stoof by the front desk, watching as Rose turned around to wave goodbye. 
“Lovely. Right.” You muttered as you trudged back to your office, each step feeling extra heavy after that eventful meeting. 
“Okay, what’s wrong with you? You look like someone died.” Jin commented with a slight laugh before his brows scrunched together at the lack of your response. Walking in front of you, he grabbed your shoulders and peered at you closely.
Pushing him off, you groaned outwardly, “Me. I’m the one who’s dying.”
Giving you a weird look, he laughed, “Why?”
You sighed in frustration, waving him off, “It’s too complicated Jin…it’s just a lot...”
Spreading his arms around at the empty office, he pointed out, “Well does it look like either of us are exactly busy right now. We’ve got time, now spill.”
The both of you walked over to the waiting area as you sat down on the couch. Placing your head in your hands, you rubbed at your eyes before mumbling under your breath, “I know him.”
“Know who?”
“That man. That girl’s fiancé who came earlier,” you replied tightly, staring hard at the floor. 
“And? I still don’t see the iss—Wait did you like, rob him or something—” Jin exclaimed in a high-pitched voice as you slapped his arm, “Hey! Why would I rob someone?”
“Well, college led to desperate times, and I’ve seen you go crazy a lot and you aren’t exactly giving me a solid explanation so what am I supp—” Jin rattled on with an amused smile. 
Groaning loudly, you finally blurted, “He’s my ex-boyfriend, Jin!”
A moment of silence passed between the two of you, when your lips began to tremble. “Ah fuck.” you cried softly before the tears that you held back for the last hour, came out like a waterworks show. 
“Woah, woah, woah are you crying?”Jin said, looking at you in shock before quickly moving to sit beside you, patting you back in reassurance. Comforting you through your heavy sobs, Jin watched you with sympathy as you sat there, full of pain and regret of the memories you still held onto, the memories of you and Namjoon
After a couple minutes passed, your sobs slowly came to a stop. Sniffling, you took the tissue that Jin had handed you. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
You chuckled sadly, sniffing, “It’s all my fault Jin. I’m the one who broke up with him, it was all me anyway. But look at me, I’m the one still being pathetic and he’s getting married. ”
“Why? Why Y/N?” Namjoon asked painfully, his every word like a shot through your heart.
Your eyes full of tears, you looked away, unable to look at the brown eyes that you had come to fall in love with.
“I’m sorry Namjoon, I just can’t explain...this can’t work anymore. It just can’t. Please, please let’s break up.” you pleaded, unable to bear the pain anymore, afraid any second longer and you would end up taking all your words back.
“But WHY?!” he finally yelled, his calm demeanor disappearing as his eyes blazed with anger, but mostly fear, fear of losing you, “You can’t just say you wanna break up without having some excuse!” 
“I-I just can’t Namjoon!” you cried, finding yourself running out of excuses. “Maybe I’m just tired of you, maybe I don’t have time for you, maybe I like someone else—”
“S-Stop,” he said, his hands shaking as he clenched them tightly against his sides.
“Namjoo—” you started when he stopped you again, his eyes meeting yours, a blank expression replacing any emotion that was previously there. 
“You’ve said enough,” he said coldly, as he walked out your front door.
That was the last time you saw him since.
“I-I still don’t understand why you did that though? I mean did he cheat—?” Jin asked after you told him everything that had happened. 
You shook your head furiously, “Oh no” you denied, “Namjoon would never do that, he was too loyal and a good person to ever do something like that.”
“Then why?” 
“I was scared.” was all you said in response. Taking a big breath, you continued, “I was too scared Jin. W-when I was younger my parents got divorced and since then I never believed that I would get the love I deserved, thinking that what happened to my parents would happen to me. But that didn’t stop me in believing in others’ love, instead, it was the very reason I wanted to become a wedding planner.”
You bit down on your lip hard at the thoughts of Namjoon resurfacing in your head, “But that’s when I met Namjoon and my world turned upside down. We were just friends at first with many of the same classes at college, but things slowly took a turn and I fell in love. Hard. But little did I know he did too, and that’s what scared me Jin. What if he left me after he grew tired of me? What if he found someone else? What if he did the same thing my dad did to my mom?” you asked softly, feeling your eyes water again.
“Oh Y/N…Just because things went wrong for your parents doesn’t mean they’ll happen to you too. That’s the thing with life, the most unexpected things happen at times and Namjoon was that for you, the unexpected. Getting scared, that’s understandable, but you should’ve let him know. You should’ve told him how you felt and that you were scared.” Jin said softly.
You sighed, your eyes fluttering close, “I know. I’ve regretted it every day since but I just couldn’t find the courage to do anything.”
Jin gave you a sad smile as he rubbed your shoulder in reassurance, “Hey, it’s alright Y/N...Things happen, but I still think you should talk to him about it. At the least, it’ll help you move on.”
Shaking your head, you said, “I-I don’t know if I can. I mean what if he doesn’t even want to talk to me anymore.”
Jin raised his eyebrows, “Well I’d doubt that. Just give it a shot, or else you’ll regret it even more.”
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Give it a shot, he said. 
Well, here you were, standing outside your store waiting for Namjoon to come, after arguing with Jin for 20 minutes on how this was the worst idea ever.
It was still the worst idea ever. 
Jin had called him and asked if he could come to pick up some things regarding papers and getting a couple signatures, something he had agreed to immediately.
Rocking back and forth on your toes, you stared down at the cracked pavement, as you let out a shaky breath.
You can do this. You can do this. You can do th—
“I see you still haven’t let go of that habit.” a deep voice said, making you go still. You slowly looked up to face the voice’s owner, Namjoon giving you a slight smile.
“I—” you started when he interrupted, “It’s been a while hasn’t it Y/N?”
The way your name rolled off his tongue so familiarly made your heart tighten in your chest.
Nodding slowly, you stuttered softly, “I-It has.”
Motioning towards your store, he asked, “I heard there are some things I needed to sign?” as he walked towards the doors when you stopped him abruptly, grabbing his arm, causing him to look down at you in slight surprise.
“Actually...The thing is, I wanted to talk to you. Jin lied so that you would come here.” you said quietly, not meeting his eyes.
He raised his eyebrows at that before letting out a small sigh, “Well, you’ve got me here. What is it?”
Looking around at the busy people who were walking up and down the streets, you asked, “Could we go inside, it’s just too much out here.”
Nodding, he opened the doors, motioning for you to walk inside, as he followed closely behind you. You both sat down where you were just a couple hours ago, this time a person missing.
“How have you been?” you asked slowly, as Namjoon chuckled.
“I think I’ve been fine. What about you? You finally got to open up the business that you've always wanted to.” he stated, remembering the long night talks the both of you used to have about your future plans.
Smiling for the first time that day at the fact he remembered, you replied, “I guess I have, it all happened so quickly, really.”
“That’s really great.”
“Yea, I guess it is.” 
Awkward silence filled the room as the tension slowly started to become unbearable. You were the one who said you wanted to talk, yet you could find yourself unable to say anything. Where do you even start? What do you even say? How do you even say it—?!
“Why y/n?” Namjoon interrupted abruptly, causing you to look at him in shock. Your thoughts suddenly disappeared, your mind going blank as his words echoed in your ears, the same words that he had asked so painfully, 5 years ago.
“Namjoo—” you started, panic starting to build up within you as he spoke again, this time his voice less confident than before, “Please, I just..I need to know. All these years you left me wondering what I did, what I did to make you so upset and leave me, and till today I still haven’t been able to figure it out...”
“I was scared,” you said quietly, as you stared at your lap, your hands tightly gripping your the fabric of your pants. 
“Scared? Scared of wh—” he asked, confusion etched on his face.
This time it was your time to interrupt him, “Everything! I was scared of everything Namjoon!” your vocie trembled in pain, “I was scared because of how much I relied on you,  how much I missed you even when it was just a day or two of you being gone, how much I loved you but even more, I was afraid of your love for me...”
“Y/N... I don’t get what you’re saying,” 
“I was afraid you’d leave me…just like my dad did,” you finished softly, unable to look him in the eyes after that, knowing you’d break down all over again.
You heard Namjoon draw in a long breath, before running his hands through his hair, “Y/N, why didn’t you just tell me? Things could’ve been so different today if you had just tol—”
Biting down on your lip, you shook your head, “I-I couldn’t Namjoon! Imagine how hard it was for me an—” when you stopped yourself, just then hearing what his last words were, “Wait..wait do you mean things could’ve been different—?”
Completely ignoring my question, Namjoon got up from his chair as he glared at you, his eyes blazing the same way they did the night you broke up with him. Scoffin, he retorted, “For you?!?! Imagine how hard it was for me Y/N! I was the one who was dumped over a reason I didn’t get to know till today, 5 years later!”
Shaking your head slightly, you still couldn’t comprehend anything that came out of his mouth, his earlier words still running through your mind.
Things could’ve been so different today…
“I-I’m sorry...I don’t know what to say—” you started to apologize, reaching out to him when he flinched away from you, causing you to retract immediately, hurt flashing across your face.
“You never do, do you?” he said coldly, before grabbing his jacket from the chair and walking out of your office, leaving you alone in the room, tears rolling down your face, one after the other. 
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