#I must transfer my crying to the rest of the fandom
dust-of-embers · 10 months
I’ve made a good omens playlist for crying, it consists of:
- a violin cover of Arcade
- Two by Sleeping at Last
- Can’t help falling in love by Haley reinheart
- CMWYL by Lovejoy
- Somewhere out there from Community
- Final and Good For You from Dear Evan Hansen
- the good omens opening title, because of course
- Somebody To Love, Good-old fashioned Lover-Boy, and Under Pressure by Queen
- Life on Mars? By David Bowie
- Look who’s inside again by Bo Burnham
- Lemon Boy by Cavetown
- Empty chairs at empty tables from les miserables (No I can’t spell)
- I dreamed a dream (specifically the Lucifer one with Tom Ellis)
- This House, Departures, and Beeswing by Grace Petrie
- Don’t let the sun go down on me and Sorry seems to be the hardest word from Rocketman
- Without You from RENT
- in case you don’t live forever by Ben Platt
- Why from Tick… Tick… BOOM
- A thousand years (also as a violin cover, but it doesn’t have to be)
- Scum by Lovejoy again
And finally
- Losing Face by Wilbur
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Slumbering Hearts (Alcina Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 1
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for language/brief nudity Warnings: None Summary: In a wicked twist of fate, you find out your soulmate is none other than your employer, Lady Dimitrescu. To your misery, she (at first) seems equally displeased, her heart already belonging to another. But in time, the two of you find yourselves wondering... could the universe be right, after all? Soulmate AU in which every person has a unique "soul mark", which they share with their soulmate. Notes: Reader is gender neutral, but at some points will be described as leaning towards being feminine (due to personal interpretation of Alcina's character). Additionally, Lady D will eventually be referred to by her first name, so don't worry if you feel weird about her being called by her full title all the time, it's just for this chap, when the reader isn't familiar with her. Lastly, this contains a bit of one sided Alcina/Miranda, which serves as a plot point, but is (clearly) not the primary ship.
1: In The Shadow Of Giants
Three months, two weeks, and one day. That’s how long you’ve been at this accursed castle, serving cruel mistresses, having been plucked from your peaceful life in the village. Anger stains your every thought, slowly festering inside your chest. There is no cure, at least not without a fatal price, but there are mild remedies. ‘Tis not long before the other servants learn to give you the more physically demanding chores. Nothing numbs your mind quite the same way that chopping firewood does, though you often settle for hard scrubbing age-old tile. Every day ends with your muscles crying from the effort of it all. Every day… except today. Another servant, from the night shift, has been wounded severely, and her job was deemed too important to be foregone.
And, as such, she has been replaced. By you. For once, you turn in early, long before your clothes can become stained with sweat. Yet you aren’t happy, not when you know that this change will ruin your sleep for weeks to come. Even worse, it’ll be impossible to avoid your ‘employers’, whereas working the day shift meant almost never seeing them. So far, you have only seen them on four or five occasions. Hell, you’ve only met two of them, being Cassandra and Bela. Based on what others told you, the other two weren’t much (if at all) better. As you try your best to get some rest, only a single ‘positive’ thought runs through your head: Well, worst comes to worst, I’ll get killed, then I won’t have to worry about anything anymore.
“Remember: No talking unless you’re asked a question. The Mistress has had a rough morning, and this is her best chance at relaxing,” Juniper explains, for what seems like the eighth time since the two of you met. There’s a nervous energy around her, which does little to ease your own anxieties. If you heard correctly, she’s only been at the castle for a couple weeks, having previously worked for Mother Miranda. You’re not sure what would have caused the transfer, considering most who were ‘fired’ ended up dead. Something told you that it had to do with antsy nature. “Oh, and don’t leave unless dismissed, even once your part is done. We all need to be ready, in case Mistress- I mean, Lady Dimitrescu needs something. Sorry, I’m still getting used to how things work here.”
“As long as you don’t slip up in front of her and get us both killed, I don’t really care,” you replied, giving Juniper a level stare. Clearly unsure how to respond, she pauses for a moment, mouth opening then closing without a sound. Once she’s seemingly composed herself, you give a short nod and push open the door to the bathroom. Two other servants are already inside, and they flinch at your arrival, briefly mistaking you for their boss. “I can hardly believe they made me change shifts for this,” you add, under your breath, rolling your eyes. What was so important about making sure a few candles stayed lit? During bathtime? Maybe it was something you had to be a giant, vampiric noblewoman to understand. Regardless of your annoyance, you quickly get to work, striking the first of a couple matches. It’s a rather dull task. To think you would have preferred heavy labor to this.
Before long, the last flame springs to life, and Juniper dims the lights, allowing the candles to become the focus. At least one is scented, though you cannot place the specific kind. Less than a minute after the last one is lit, the door once again swings open, revealing your most elusive employer. She’s… more than you anticipated. In every conceivable way, truthfully. Taller, more graceful (even as she has to duck through the entrance), and, as much as you hate to think so, far, far more beautiful. If not for the warm lighting of the room, you would have worried about someone seeing your blush. Certainly I am not the first to react this way, you think, as you bow alongside the others.
“Yes, yes, get on with it,” Lady Dimitrescu says, with a sharp frown. Then she moves closer to the tub, which you imagine could fit half a dozen ‘normal’ people, and holds out her arms to her side. For a moment you’re confused, but you instinctively mimic the motions of the other maidens. Together the four of you reach for her robe, gently taking hold of it while she steps into the bath, before hanging it onto a nearby hook. A second later your entire world is turned upside down. You’re freezing in place, eyes wide, as the bare back of Lady Dimitrescu reveals itself to you. Yet this is not an instance of poorly veiled lust. No, it is equal parts horror and repulsion, for you find yourself staring at a distinctive soul marking.
One that matches your own.
Beside you, Juniper watches you with concern, silently urging you to stay silent. Neither of the other two servants seem to react, other than by taking a small step backwards. Unable to speak, let alone form coherent thoughts, all you can do is point a trembling finger towards the soul mark. It’s right in between Lady Dimitrescu’s shoulder blades. Once upon a time, you had marveled at the design, smiling every time you saw it in the mirror. Now, it might as well be the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen. Based on her expression, Juniper seems to agree, although for different reasons. As your hand drops back to your side, you try to compose yourself enough to focus on the task before you. Instead, someone breaks the quiet, boldly, daring to think that they would be rewarded for it.
“My Lady,” a servant says, stepping forward, shooting you a waywards glance. Instantly she has your employer’s attention, though that comes with the metallic sssssslk of her claws extending. There’s an unspoken threat that demands respect. None comes, however, just the frenzied words of a panicked maiden. “I know who your soulmate is, my Lady. I thought that perhaps you’d-”
“A name. Give me… a name,” Lady Dimitrescu interjects, claws still out and impatiently tapping on the tile floor. Tense, you start to step forward, wanting desperately to silence the treacherous maiden. But her tongue is faster than your fist, and soon enough your name is echoing through the room. “Oh? The one right behind me, hmm? Dreadfully convenient, really. Step forward, dear, and let me see the proof. Assuming it exists.” All eyes other than hers are on you, now. With a deep breath, you begrudgingly step in front of Lady Dimitrescu, trying not to even briefly glance at her chest (or worse, lower). One of her hands shifts, a long claw tilting your chin up. “Well?”
“Forgive the placement,” you mutter, awkwardly grabbing your shirt collar, tugging it down to reveal your soul mark, planted neatly on the center of your chest. If Lady Dimitrescu’s gaze wanders, it does so too quickly to be noticed, though she does make a low humming noise at the sight. Feeling much like a piece of meat on display at the butcher’s, you scowl deeply. Soon enough, but not as soon as you’d like, the claw under your chin retracts, and you once more cover up your soul mark. You can’t bring yourself to look your soulmate in the eyes.
“Hmm. Not what I expected. Not at all,” she muses, more to herself than to you, softly. Behind her, Juniper is sending you a sympathetic expression. All you can do, as Lady Dimitrescu judges you, is glare at the origin of this revelation. What did she think to gain by speaking up? Hadn’t she heard the same rumors that you had? Didn’t she know that your employer already loved another, even if that affection was unrequited? There was, simply put, no chance that you were the preferable option. Not when there was no race against neither time nor death. At best, you could be a distraction. Something to keep her mind off of the person she’d rather be with. “Go clean up, get some sustenance if you must, then go to my quarters. We will discuss this further there- after I am done here.”
With that said, she waves you off, letting you relax for the first time in several minutes. After giving a short bow, you immediately move to leave. On your way, you intentionally bump shoulders with the maiden who spoke up, sending her a glare, then give Juniper a nod of acknowledgement. Nervous wreck or not, she was the only person you ‘knew’ on the night shift. Not that such a thing would even matter soon. To think that we’ve been soulmates this whole time, you think, living in the same castle for months, never seeing each other. I wish things could have stayed that way. At least you’d have some time to process your developing situation. Though you doubted you’d have enough time.
In an unusual change of pace, Alcina dismisses the rest of her servants, long before her bath is done. They exchange glances before scattering to the winds. A heavy sigh leaves her lips, and she sinks lower into the tub. Of course I have a soulmate, she thinks, bitterly. I knew this. Knew that it wasn’t her, and yet still, I find myself surprised. Disappointed, even. How had an already rough evening gotten even worse? More than that, what was she supposed to do about it? There was a part of her that wanted to kill her soulmate. She figured that, with them out of the way, the universe might finally understand who she was meant to be with. After all, it wasn’t uncommon for ‘widows’ to be given a new match, and those were generally other ‘widows’. Considering that Alcina knew for a fact that Mother Miranda’s soulmate had long since died, she did not think that her hopes were beyond possibility.
But there was another part of her, quieter, that dared to be more realistic. If the universe said that this human, this tiny thing, was her soulmate… would it not make sense to at least try? What harm could it do, when her current love had been unrequited for so long? Was this not the end to several decades of loneliness? Damn it, she thinks, gripping the edge of the bathtub until her knuckles turned white. There was no denying it, now that a single drop of rational thought had corrupted her mind. Fuck it all, I hardly have a choice. Or anything to lose, for that matter. With her decision made, she rises to her feet, emotionally ready to face the unknown.
“Ah, so you do follow directions, after all. I half expected to learn that you had attempted to flee, or perhaps had a gruesome run in with one of my daughters,” Lady Dimitrescu chimes, as she ducks into her room. Inside, standing at attention, you await. All of your earlier nervousness returns, though this time it is tinged with your natural rage. Of all the monsters in the world, this was the one you were expected to love. It mattered not how tall she was, or how sharp her nails could be, or how fierce her loyalty to Mother Miranda. To you, it mattered that you had no choice in being here, that only a handful of servants had come to the castle willingly. It mattered that a single mistake could mean a cruel death. So you did not greet your soulmate with a smile, or excitement, rather with a forced bow and blank expression. Better to be dead than to fake true love. “Come now, do at least pretend that you are excited, for my sake. I have been waiting a century for this, after all.”
“Perhaps the universe found it difficult to find someone who could love you,” you say, the words tumbling out of your mouth, instant regret boiling up inside of you. What you expect is a swift death. What you get? A deep sigh, a scowl, a look of frustration. Still fearing your possible demise, you are quick to keep speaking. “Or maybe the universe heard me talk once, and struggled to find someone to tolerate me. Countless possibilities, a galaxy full of mysteries… and here we are. Forgive me for being crass, my Lady. I would blame it on my schedule change, but something tells me you would see right through that lie, yes?” Not like that was much better, you think, wondering how the hell you were going to survive this.
“You’re quite the character, aren’t you?... Do try not to make me regret this, I’d rather not kill my soulmate. Now, sit down, it’s about time for a proper introduction,” Lady Dimitrescu commands. Then she’s sitting on the edge of her bed, gently patting the spot next to her. Joining her is just about the last thing you want to do right now… but you obey nonetheless. Still, you angle yourself away from her ever so slightly, hoping the subtle body language would help you distance yourself from her. There’s something in her expression that tells you she knows exactly what you’re trying to do. “I am Lady Dimitrescu, though you already know that. You may call me Alcina… for now. Behave, or that is one of many privileges I will not hesitate to take from you. Understood?”
It takes all of your willpower to avoid rolling your eyes, but you manage, instead giving a short nod. This’ll be interesting, for sure.
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thetomorrowshow · 3 years
a drape dragged across the moon
DEADCEMBER DAY 17 - Dark Night
got a couple more of these in me besties!! this one focuses on the red army :)
fandom: 3rd Life SMP
cw: death, blood
Martyn runs his finger down the axe, tracing the words carved into the handle. Red Winter is Coming, it reads, and he can’t help but shiver.
Ren is gone.
It’s not the first time he’s had to remind himself. Ren’s legitimately dead, died in the desert from a lucky arrow shot by Scar just after the explosion. Martyn had fallen to his knees, screamed, grieved for just a moment. Then he’d staggered to his feet and attacked.
He didn’t kill anyone. Skizz got Jimmy, Impulse got Grian, but he got no one. In fact, he was killed—chasing down Scar, swearing revenge, he was ambushed by Smajor and Grian, and the three of them together took him down.
Now he is Yellow, and it is midnight at Blackheart Altar.
He needs a Green here, a Green to swing the axe, and that is why BigB stands in the wheat field, watching nervously. The rest of the Red Army is near—a shadow perched on the wall, eyes poking out of the secret passage—but to Martyn, only three exist. BigB, himself, and the Red King.
He’s not crying. He hasn’t cried at all, not even when Ren died. He’s just been silent, apart from that dreadful scream just after his king had fallen.
The Red King whispers in his ear, hasn’t stopped since he cradled Ren’s head in his lap as his king took his last, gasping breaths. He can hear other sounds; it doesn’t obstruct his hearing at all, just makes the hairs on his arms raise and his face twitch as he tries to shake the voice away. He supposes he’ll just have to get used to it.
It’s dark tonight, the new moon plunging the world into inky blackness. Even the stars are somehow obscured. The candles on the altar flicker, as if the darkness is so dense it will put them out too. He needs those, though. He needs to be able to see for this ritual.
The Red Army is lost without its king. Martyn has been chosen, from the beginning, to replace Ren in case of emergency. And to replace Ren, he must be Red.
He looks up from the axe. It’s the original—it had fallen into enemy hands for a time, but Impulse had risked his life to go in undercover and steal it back. He feels a burst of sudden anger as he thinks of those filthy hippies with their hands on such a sacred object. They need to be taught a lesson.
Ren’s crown is already atop his head. It’s a little large, and far heavier than he expected, but he assumes the Red King will make up for that. Everything is set to go.
The only part of this ritual that brings him doubt is BigB. By swinging the axe through Martyn’s neck, he will be sealing himself as the next Red King should Martyn fall. He doesn’t know if BigB has it in him. More importantly, he doesn’t know if he wants to consign BigB to that fate. But BigB had volunteered himself to the act, offered his own hands to the furthering of Dogwarts. If that didn’t take guts, nothing did.
Martyn takes a deep breath, then holds the axe out in front of him. BigB hurries forward. The night goes deathly still, more so than it already had been—those members of the Red Army watching must have frozen.
BigB’s eyes meet his, green seeing yellow, and he raises his eyebrows in an uncertain question. Martyn licks his lips anxiously, then transfers the weight of the axe to his Hand.
“It’s easy,” he murmurs, close enough to his companion that there’s no way anyone observing would hear his words. BigB huffs. “All you have to do is swing the axe up and then down. On my neck.”
That gets a smile from the man, who whispers haltingly, “Do I need to say anything? Do anything else?”
“No. You might feel a little funny when it happens, but that’s just the Red King passing through your hands. Honestly, you’re lucky I’m here to explain this to you. I was clueless when I did it.”
BigB nods. His hands grip the axe a bit tighter, and he swings it experimentally. Martyn hops back, his heart squeezing in panic, a dry chuckle spilling from his lips.
“Whoa, not quite yet, yeah?”
BigB lets the axe fall, the tip of it just touching the altar. Martyn shudders as a thrum runs through the ground and up his legs. It inexplicably reminds him of another part of the ritual.
“After I respawn,” he explains quietly, “I’m going to come back here and offer myself up to you. It’s technically your choice to kill me and take the crown, or to put the axe down and help me to my feet. You’re gonna want to do the second one, okay?”
Again, BigB nods. He looks nervous, his nose twitching and breathing fast, and Martyn doesn’t blame him. Blackheart Altar at midnight is terrifying.
“You ready?”
BigB takes a deep breath. “I think I am,” he says, offering a shaky grin. Martyn claps him on the back, then moves to the center of the altar and drops to his knees. He can do this. He has to. It’s what the Red Army needs, what the spirit of the Red King pushes him to do. His will be done.
The night is still dark. The only light within the walls comes from the flickering candles around the altar. He stares into the cracks of the structure, dried blood long washed away by the rain. Soon his blood will seep into those cracks, seal the magic that will release the Red King. He can’t say he’s excited, but he does feel some sense of grim satisfaction. They think the Red King has perished? Think again, fools.
“Are you ready?”
“Are you sure? Like, I can wait—”
“Do it, Hand.”
Searing pain through his neck, then blackness darker than the night.
When Martyn sits up, the heavy weight still rests on his head. Something trickles into his eye—blood, dripping from the crown he now bears. He stands on shaky newborn legs, catching a flash of red in the mirror across the room. His eyes. He stares into his own eyes, gleaming, framed by blood.
Oh, how he wants to kill.
In his pocket are sunglasses. Skizz had removed them from Ren’s body when they carried him back to Dogwarts, laying his body in the tomb prepared specially for cases such as this. Martyn slides them on, grins wolfishly at his reflection.
When he speaks, he speaks with the brogue of the Red King.
“The Red King has risen!”
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kylos · 4 years
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i was asked to make some fic recs of stuff i’ve been reading since tros dropped but since tumblr has a glitch where i can’t add a “read more” cut in asks, i decided to make it a separate post because i have a LOT. all of them are rated E except for like, three lmao and they’re mostly modern au ones with some fix-its thrown in. i’ll put two of my favorites outside of a cut and the rest after it.
(won’t you let me) walk you home from school by somethingdifferent modern au. ongoing. ben and rey are co-workers at a private school. rey as a elementary school art teacher is SO CUTE. her and ben have a slow burn enemies to lovers situation going on and god, what can i say about this fic. one of THE BEST reylo fics i’ve ever read. incredibly in character. you know those fics that are so enthralling that they draw you in and you realize like 3 hours later that you’ve read the whole thing? this fic is one of those stories. it reels you in. and REY. i hate fics that are like, “she’s so plain and mousy and ordinary and lanky” like, NO. i love that this author characterizes her as the vibrant, sweet, radiant person she is. and ben’s deadpan humor in this is amazing. he’s got it so bad for rey but he’s such a self-sabotaging goof. just, god. i can’t stress enough how amazing of a fic this is. a must read. and if you love what we do in the shadows, read somethingdifferent’s cracky wwdits x reylo crossover oneshot - it’s hilarious
a place to go by delia-pavorum (literaryminded) modern au. bit of a slow burn. ben and rey are strangers and accidentally both end up at luke’s cabin during xmas vacation because luke, a fellow teacher at rey’s school lends it to her for the holiday and a certain grumpy tol nephew of his happens to drop by thinking it’s vacant. they get snowed in. [in bill hader’s stefan voice] this fic has everything: bed sharing, an enemies-to lovers dynamic, slow dancing to frank sinatra, snark, british!rey and ben finding her accent adorable, ben reading jane austen to a sick rey, smut, and fluff. another one of the best reylo fics i’ve ever read in the past 5 years i’ve been a shipper. it’s so well written and it made me cry with how moved i was by it. i stayed up all night reading all 8 chapters it was that good.
the man, the stallion, and the wind by voicedimplosives modern au. i love this fic so, so, so much. rey picks up a hitchhiking ben and they have to hang out in her trailer while the winter storm calms down. so fluffy and smutty i love it so much. their characterizations are perfect. definitely a fic that i’m gonna come back to read over and over again.
between two lives by neonheartbeat modern au. rey’s a model and her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and she stays with mechanic ben solo while her car gets worked on. SUCH a good fic. the build up to their relationship is *chefs kiss* and the smuttttt. amazing. and i was not prepared for all the feels.
carve your name upon my heart by TourmalineGreen modern au and 3 chapters. one of the most unique fics i’ve ever read. it actually got me really emotional and i like, hardly ever cry reading fics. rey’s an artist that creates a sculpture (ben) that comes to life. such a beautiful fic, i absolutely adore it.
big dick problems by TourmalineGreen modern au. rey and ben are co-workers at a book store and ben being a kind of aloof person, rey thinks he hates her (she’s wrong ofc asdklfjsd). anyway one day at work she sees that he was browsing the r/bigdickproblems subreddit on his phone aaaand i won’t say more. seriously, go read this. it’s SUCH a good fic, ben & rey are so in character and it’s a good plot.. it’s one of those fics that i’m definitely gonna come back to re-read a bunch of times.
rebel side of heaven by jeeno2 modern au. ben and rey are friends, but i guess they’re more so acquaintances in the same friend group. ben’s a virgin and rey offers to teach him about sex but unbeknownst to her, ben’s got a massive crush on her 😏
tattooed heart by KyloTrashForever modern au. one of the best modern au fics i’ve ever read. i stayed up all night reading it, it was soooo good. just. the smut, the fluff. i can’t recommend it enough. the description: “ Rey Johnson has found herself down on her luck lately. A week long vacation to Hawaii for her best friend’s destination wedding should be just the thing she needs, only her day has been hell. Hell, her year has been hell. When the hot bartender with that fucking mouth makes her an enticing proposition, she finds herself unable to refuse. Besides, it isn’t as if she’ll ever see him again...”
sealed to me by glittergothh canonverse and takes place after tlj. this could serve as a tros fix it tbh because it’s like it’s own movie. i love the plot and ben & rey are so in character. the knights of ren actually play an integral part in this. love the finn/ben interactions.
love like ghosts by Yours_Truly_Commander_Shepard canonverse. my favorite tros fix-it fic so far. features the world between worlds, ezra, ahsoka, and anakin. rey goes back in time to save ben. and the scene where rey visits ben on mustafar 👀🔥 LORD. i LOVE this so much and it was just what i needed to read after the train wreck that was tros.
I've Got You, Babe by crossingwinter modern au. oneshot. a REALLY cute t-rated fic about ben taking care of rey after she gets the flu :’)
charcoal and petals by Hormonal_Trashbag modern au. a really sweet tattoo artist/flower shop worker fic that i really enjoyed! i’m a sucker for this trope because of abigeyedowl’s gorgeous tattoo-artist!ben and florist!rey art tbh
9 Pints by tigbit modern au. ben’s a vampire. oh my god this fic is amazing. it’s still ongoing but some of the best smut i’ve EVER read. a bit of a slow burn but man. it’s so good.
miles from where you are by Mooncactus modern au. i hardly EVER read anything under M but this has to be one of THE best reylo fics i’ve ever read. their characterizations, the slow burn, oh my god. it’s SO good and funny and fluffy. enemies to lovers perfection. the description: “After an argument over Star Wars fandom with a "gatekeeping, entitled monster" with the cryptic username of KyloRen, Rey finds herself stuck in a series of unavoidable video calls.”
saving mr. wanks by LovesBitca8 modern au. oneshot. rey catches ben in the act of uh, wanking off in the men’s restroom lmfaooo. it’s rare when a fic actually makes me like cry of laughter and this fic was hilarious. and the SMUT oh my god. so good.
auld lang syne by KyloTrashForever modern au. oneshot. ben and rey are roommates. ben keeps getting text messages from an unknown number with uh, explicit pictures and he eventually accuses rey of sending them to him ASLKDFJSD. i won’t say more because i don’t wanna spoil it but i love this fic sm.
bliss, balance and birth by crossingwinter canonverse. oneshot. ben teaches their daughter how to read. this is SO cute and just what i needed to read after tros.
gorgeous by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) modern au. ben and rey are co-workers and they end up having to go on a company retreat. enemies to lovers perfection
caught in the headlights by jeeno2 modern au. twoshot. “Rey Johnson forgets to wear a bra to work. Fortunately, nobody notices. (Except for Ben Solo.)” 😏
transference by fear_of_being_bitten modern au. ongoing. rey is ben’s psychologist so this is definitely a taboo fic but GOD the tension between them is like no other fic i’ve read. ben’s an asshole with this air of bravado about him because he’s trying to cover up his insecurities and rey is having none of his shit no matter how much he tries to push her buttons. it’s so well written and another one of the best reylo fics i’ve read. i’m so eager for each update to the fic. here’s an excerpt:
“So you enjoy controlling powerful women,” Rey repeats, making her voice sound uninterested.  She takes notes, although it’s unlikely she’ll forget a word of what he’s saying.  It gives her an excuse to look away from him.
“I do.  But it’s not the taking of the control that I like.  I’m big enough that I can take whatever I want.”
me when i read that:
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aaaand that’s it for now. i’m still continuing to read fic like every day since i got laid off (thanks covid lmao) so feel free to hit me up in a few weeks or months or whatever and i’ll share more of my fave fics <3
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realityhelixcreates · 3 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 80: The Littlest Seidkona
Chapters: 80/?
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: pg
Relationships: Loki x Reader
Characters: Loki (Marvel),Thor(Marvel)
Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Party Time
Summary:  It's the final ceremony of Buridag-the Seidkona initiation-and all eyes are on you.
You woke up in Loki's arms, right where you had collapsed, Ulfrun, the junior healer looking over you.
“There.” she said. “It is as I told you, she was simply overwhelmed. There was a great deal of power moving during the ceremony, and she is still but mortal...”
“Yeah, that's me.” you grumbled. “Reaching above my station again.”
Ulfrun jerked back like she'd been burned. Loki chuckled.
“Yes, I think she will be all right. The Princess in Courtesy is in the habit of getting back up after she falls, never fear.”
Princess in Courtesy. That was what you were now. A princess without a kingdom, or people of your own, but you had the title...and for your purposes, that was all you needed.
“Will you have her come by for a checkup this evening? I'm certain Bjarkhilde will want to look her over.”
“I think I can do that.” You said, and she jerked back again. “I know, it's pretty weird, isn't it? But this'll make things easier in the long run, won't it? Except for the people who like talking trash at me, it's gonna suck for them, but I don't really feel bad for them.”
“I think we will be fine Ulfrun, thank you for your help.” Loki said.
“So. The ritual has brought you an inheritance.” Loki said, after the junior healer had hurried away. He kissed your cheeks and forehead, mumbling in affection. “So you will understand me now when I say that when I am drowning, you are my air, that I wish to wash my hair in your perfume, that when you look at me, an arrow pierces my heart, fixes it within my breast, pins it to my soul. Like a hapless bird, your gaze knocks me from the sky, to fall into your gentle, blossoming hands.”
Warmth flowed all the way to the tips of your ears.
“Stop, you're gonna make me faint again.” you murmured.
“Later then,” he said, amused. “When you are already laying down, perhaps.”
Thor poked his head around the back of the dais.
“The smoke is clearing.” he announced. “Is she all right?”
“Yeah, I'm good.” you said, Loki helping you to your feet. You had completed the ritual, now it was time to be presented to the people.
Out of the thinning smoke, and into the courtyard the three of you appeared, Heimdall keeping his vigil from atop the high dais. No one would dare make a move against you while he watched.
“The ceremony is complete!” Thor announced in his booming voice. “The paths of fate have been cleared for the Princess in Courtesy. May she pass down them in peace, for as long as her life has been interwoven with ours!”
The cheering was loud and enthusiastic, and seemed genuine. Your finger didn't hurt at all anymore, likely due to lying in Loki's arms for those few minutes while Ulfrun looked over you.
You stood and let them cheer as much as they wanted, then followed the princes back out of sight behind the dais when the crowds enthusiasm began to wane. You unwound the bandage from your finger to show a very pleased Loki that the tiny cut had nearly disappeared. It was nice to see how happy that made him, to remember how willing-even eager-he had been from the start to share that healing bond with you. You had never found out if that had cost him in pain or energy, just that it was very clear that he was more than ready to give.
“So you have gained something.” Thor mentioned on their way to drop you off with the other Seidkonas. “That will come in very handy. Save you decades of study.”
“So you didn't know it was going to happen either?” you asked. He shook his golden head.
“I've never actually seen one of these ceremonies performed. The last one I know of was for my mother, and that, of course, was before I was even born.”
“They must have had one for me,” Loki mused. “In secret. Hidden away in shame from prying eyes.”
Thor's warm smile withdrew into contemplation, as all three of you tried to envision it: A tiny, possibly blue infant, held over the bowl and crying, like a human baby getting their first check in with a doctor, a blade held against one minuscule hand or squirming foot...
It was an uncomfortable image, but it made sense to get it done as early as possible, if they were to pass Loki off as their son.
“So this is probably normal. Just another way to pass on the magic of Allspeak. We'll just see how well it works out for me.”
The second part of your day was to be taken up by another, much longer and more complex ritual, that had to be done partially in secret. Thor and Loki escorted you, followed by many people, to one of the popup apartment complexes that now housed to majority of Asgard, until more permanent housing could be built. This one housed the thirteen remaining Seidkonas of Asgard, and had been transformed by them into a ritual house. With some small pomp, the princes transferred you into their care, but beyond their doors, it became a strict 'no boys allowed' club.
This was because, as soon as the door closed, you were led into the next room and stripped down, a bundle of incense being wafted around your body. Once naked, you were plunked down into a metal tub filled with a redolent herbal tea, which the others scooped up in bathing bowls and poured over your head, as if making a kind of Seidkona soup.
The entire dwelling was dimly lit with only candles, and the other Seidkonas were mostly silent in their work, speaking only to give you quiet instructions, or chant ceremonial blessings from the Norns.
Newly cleansed, you entered a different room, this time converted into a kind of sauna. In the pitch dark you sat and sweated, swaddled in thick clouds of suffocating steam from more herbal tea, ladled constantly over the hot stones.
Whether from the heat, the herbs, or the incense, you didn't know, but you began to feel odd. The magic within you felt as though it was swelling, throbbing with a heartbeat different than your own. The passage of time became meaningless, but eventually you began to see a light. Soft, blue, and ephemeral, you couldn't focus on it's source, as it dimmed down into nothing every time you tried to concentrate on it. But it pulsed like the heartbeat of your magic.
The Seidkonas who had joined you in the sauna began singing one word, one tone over and over. Your heart and your magic began to attune to it, thumping along in time, like your little Seidkona drum. The word felt natural, it slotted into your mind, filling a tiny, empty hole. The last syllable of the chant you had been practicing for weeks now. The very last piece of the magical puzzle, that you were not yet meant to utter.
You heard the beating of drums outside, muffled by the door, which cracked open and let in a blast of air. You knew it was warm, but it felt cool on your heated skin, disintegrated the clouds of herbal vapor, and sharpened your heat-fuzzed mind to a razor point. You exited the sauna like an infant; brand new and surrounded by sensation. The air was cool, the candles were bright, and the tub of pure water they dumped over you was like shards of ice.
While some of the women dried and helped you dress yourself, others continued the drum beat that had started while you were in the sauna. Seidkona drums were made of wood now, but their drumstick was shaped like a bone, and the little drums were rounded like skulls, and they may have been these things, long, long ago.
You sat among them, and were given a chunk of bread to eat, and a light, sweet fruit juice to drink. The flavor and texture was more clear than ever before, the sensation of relieving hunger and thirst practically palpable. The drumming continued while your hair dried and and you devoured the snack.
It wasn't just the steam or the heat-whatever herbal concoction you had bathed in and breathed in was effecting you. Your senses felt wider, like you were experiencing sensations on a deeper level. Maybe you always felt things this much, but simply hadn't noticed before.
Somehow you knew when to stand up. You and all the other Seidkonas got to your feet at the same time, some kind of unknown but compelling signal alerting you. As one, you all filed to the door.
Your instructor, the eldest of the Seidkonas stepped up beside you, as the others gathered their cloaks and drums.
“You are different than us.” she said. “The magic runs through you just the same, so you should know in advance: at the initiation, something new is always revealed. Some power, some knowledge previously unknown or lost. I know you've read about it with Saga, and you must understand that there is the probability that it will also happen to you. But you must also know that it's possible that it will not happen. Because you are different than us, and though the magic flows through you just the same, the rest of you might not be able to handle such a revelation. Never have the Norns allowed one of us to be harmed by this initiatory experience. They care about those who act in their stead, and will not force you through something you cannot handle. However, if they decide that you can handle it, human or not, they will push you to your very limit. Be ready for either outcome, for once it is started, there is no going back.”
The ancient Seidkona provided you your little rounded drum, and the parade began; a double line of esteemed sorceresses, wrapped in dark blue cloaks. You followed behind, cloakless, beating your drum in time with the others, a call to the masses that the initiate was coming, the ritual was beginning.
You followed your escort into the same courtyard from earlier in the day. In the time you had been squirreled away for cleansing, the whole area had been transformed. The tall dais was gone, another set of seating had taken its place. There were special seats for the most important guests, and new fencing had been erected, leading to clearly defined separation of Asgardian and human spectators. The entire courtyard had been swept clean of all snow and slush, all debris had been removed and sapphire blue decorations depicting your mark in silver had been put up. New torches had been planted and lit, and large braziers had been placed within the circle-one for each Seidkona, and an extra one in the center for you. They were each filled with a bundle to burn, a little tuft of incense herbs poking out of the top.
The drum beat continued as people filled the seats, as Thor and Loki took their special places, mere spectators in your grand show. The Seidkonas fanned out from their lines and each stood in front of a brazier. The drums only stopped once you had reached the brazier in the center. Each sorceress lit their own fire in their own way. Some were able to use magic, others used burning rods, lit from the torches. You had decided some weeks ago not to use a rod, but to use your magic to teleport burning material into your brazier.
And it worked! You were able to teleport fire! Your bundle burned...for all of a few moments, before the flames shrunk and went out.
Damn. You tried it again. Once more, the fire popped into being within your brazier. And once again, dwindled and disappeared. And again, with the same results. Why wasn't it working?
You heard muttering in the crowd, and you could pick out a few conspicuous questions being asked.
“Is that supposed to happen?”
“Is this a bad omen?”
“Does this mean she's not supposed to be doing this?”
“Did she fail?”
Frustrated, you stalked over to a torch, uprooted it, and used it to light your brazier. This time, the damn thing stayed lit. You scoured the gathered people with a glare, as if daring them to say anything more.
To your eternal annoyance, you spotted Todd among the human seating, his eyes narrowed in the expression he always got when you'd done something he hadn't expected or given you permission to do. Thankfully, you were much too far away to hear the veiled insults and negging that always followed that expression, but your memory helpfully provided several old examples, and they echoed around in your head until you forced them to cease. You swore, if he ever brought this up to you, you were going to teleport him into the middle of the river. If he was properly apologetic, you might even pull him out of the mud before he sank in forever.
“Practical.” Loki said in a stage whisper that carried out over the crowd. “Even mages must know how to solve problems without resorting to magic.” The crowd fell silent once again. Positioned right in front of you, the old Seidkona's wrinkled lips twisted into a wry smirk. She then lifted her drumstick into the air, and the dance began. The dance was supposedly simple: three steps and a quarter turn, four times, ending in a full spin, and then starting again, all in a circle around the burning brazier. Simultaneously, the drum beat, and the chant song kept time. You thumped your little drum, chanting along as you'd practiced. It would only get more challenging, you knew, and as soon as the chant had reached its end, it started over, this time faster. Your performance, how long and fast you could go before declaring the secret last word and bringing it all to an end, was supposed to determine how powerful a Seidkona you would be. In reality, your status was already confirmed, and everyone knew that expectations had to be different for a human, but you were still determined to give the best showing that you were physically capable of. And so you sped up. And sped up. And sped up, continuing until the world became a blur, and dizziness  threatened to overtake you. Blue light sparkled at the edges of your vision, having escaped your dreams, now following you into trance states, when you were between awake and asleep. And faster. And faster. Though you were breathless, the chant song filled your ears, the drum beat mimicking your racing heart, until finally, lest you fall over into the fire, you stopped, threw your drumstick hand into the air, and shouted the last word at the top of your voice. Something appeared in your hands, forcing you to drop the drum and stick. You flung it high into the air. Both Loki and Thor cried out in surprise.
You felt the mark on your hand spark into life, runes searing up your arm, neck, and face. The power buzzed through you, like a swarm of bees in your blood, and for the first time, you could make out words in the thrum of magic. You finally knew what it wanted from you.
You were meant to break the lock. Learn us Learn us Learn us.
“Show me.” you commanded. And then the universe opened up before you.
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intoxicate me now, with your lovin' now
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 11th Doctor x Reader 
Summary: You hated the Doctor since you were kid. But how did it ended up with you married to John, the Doctor's human version? When the truth is revealed, how will you and the Doctor cope? 
Warning: ooc, angst, plot holes, dark!doctor, mention of child-abuse, mention of sex, obsessive behavior, mention of miscarriage, torture, death, etc. You have been warned.
More warning: English is not my first language so beware of the headache you will receive upon reading this.
        You stood by the window. It was raining heavily and thundering. Your hand absentmindedly play with the locket of your necklace as you stared outside. Your memories of that dreadful day returned. 
  Six years old you was screaming as you were ripped from your mother's embrace. Your mother cried and begged for mercy but none was given. You started crying too as you saw someone slapped your mother harshly as a bunch of rough men hit and kicked on your father. You bit the wrist of the person who held you from your parents which enraged the person as he turned his anger on you as well. He grabbed you from your hair and slapped you good.
  You didn't stop screaming as your parents were dragged away from you into a room and then after all the scream and yelling, six shots were heard from within the room and with that the screams stopped. You never saw your parents again. You were told they were executed by the people for their crime against the nation.
  They mentioned how grateful they are for the Doctor's interference, for liberating the people from the likes of your evil parents. You remembered meeting the man called the Doctor. He was a funny man with big ears. He played with you for a bit when he noticed how lonely you were before when he came to your family mansion as esteemed guest. He was nice to you.
  But now you found out he was the reason you lost your parents. You felt betrayed. As days passed and things got worst for you, your hatred of the alien being called the Doctor nurtured even more, especially when you heard in passing how the people celebrate his name. You learnt the Doctor was already gone though in his blue box. He left after he made sure the downfall of your parents who he deemed not worthy to be placed in high authority for the people and left them in the mercy of very angry mobs, uncaring of the fate of you. 
  You were suffering under the mercy of those people who have no pity for the daughter of the tyrant who had made their life miserable. You were beaten and made to work hard as a slave. You often cried and some of them would laughed at your tears, mocking your weakness. You wondered if they hate you so much, why didn't they just kill you along with your parents?
  John watched you from the doorway. He coughed up a bit to catch your attention.
  You shook the painful memories out of mind as you turned and gave him a small smile.
  He wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you close to him. "Are you alright?"
  "Just remembering some bad memories?"
  He look concerned. "About him again?"
  You nodded mutely.
  He kissed your forehead. "Someday the Doctor will pay for what he did to you, (yn), I promise." He said. "I hated seeing you in solemn mood like this."
  You forced a smile. "Sorry. I can't help it. Thunderstorm always made me think of that night."
  "Don't apologize for that." He said. 
  Your hand went to the locket on your necklace. You opened it and there was a damaged picture of your parents. "I was six years old when I last saw them...my parents. I don't even remember what they look like anymore. This locket is the only thing I have left of them." You said.
  "I'm so sorry." John said as he rubbed your back gently.
  John is your boyfriend. It was a recent thing. You worked together for two years now as the soldier for the church of Silence. You first met him when you were assigned to be his caretaker. You were told he was wounded in action and lost his memories. The church told him to take it easy and get some rest. 
  You weren't pleased to be a babysitter of some strange man but he eventually grew on you, especially since you found out you would have to work under his leadership. You never even heard of John before and yet the church acted as if he was some decorated warrior. You had no idea how he passed the test to be a soldier in the first place. John, at first, looked awkward with his leadership and everyone seemed to look down on him.
  John, despite being a soldier, didn't seem to like to use weapon all that much but he made up for it by being intelligence enough to warrant a position as a leader of some battalion. He led some very successful missions which earned him his team's respect including yours. Still, he was reprimanded by Colonel Manton to try to get used to use weapon as sometime the enemies can't be reasoned or tricked.
  The first time he actually used a gun turned out to save your life. You were taken hostage. He plead them to let you go but there were no reasoning with them. You told him to leave you behind but he refused. That was the first time you saw something cold and calculating in him as usually he was full of mercy. You blinked as he shot dead your host and bit of his blood got onto your face.
  John dropped his gun like a hot potato as the dark look on his face slowly vanished. He quickly checked you for injuries. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"
  You could only stared at him in disbelief as he looked so different just now. You wondered if that was the real John. 
  Madam Kovarian and Colonel Manton look pleased with themselves as you and John gave your mission report to them face to face.
  John proposed to you when you both were taken hostage during a mission gone wrong. It was special mission, sanctioned by Madam Kovarian herself, something about a secret chamber in some alien ship with some complicated puzzle. John, predictably, excited to solve it at first until they were ambushed by some enemy faction. 
  The enemy also wanted whatever behind the chamber and started trapping John's men one by one under some deathly trap. If he chooses wrong, the person currently trapped will die a painful death. Unfortunately, John was unable to solve it in times.
  Believing he need a better incentive, they trapped you into position. You had no idea how they know who you are to John but they did. John became frantic when your life is on the line. You tried to be brave but you were honestly scared especially when the saw within the trap started going near your forehead. Your face is full of tears and sweats. You didn't want to die here. You haven't even gotten a revenge on the Doctor yet. You refused to die here. 
  "Calm down, John, It is okay, you can do it, I trust you." You said softly to him.
  John flinched as grabbed his own hair as he wrecked his brain to solve it.
  It was a close call but he did solve it. You were so relieved when the trap freed you from its deadly clutch. You fell on John's arms in relief as you hold on each other. It was then he blurted out the proposal.
  You laughed hysterically at him but you must be out of your mind when you actually accepted.
  "How touching..." The enemy leader mocked the both of you before raising his gun to shoot the both of you.
  It was then Colonel Manton and his army stormed the chamber so you and John were 'saved' once again.
  It was creepy but Madam Kovarian actually congratulate you and John on your marriage. Her eyes twinkled suspiciously. "I hope the both of you have a happy marriage always and forever." she said.
  You told John she made you felt uncomfortable and he admitted the same. You felt like there is some running joke and you and John were out of loop.
  Despite everything though, you and John have a happy and peaceful honeymoon. Madam Kovarian gave you and John some house in a military base. She said it was John's reward for solving the puzzle on the chamber. You were told in passing that the chamber contain a valuable alien weapon that the church could harness for a better weapon for the army.
  John looked torn when told of it. He still dislike weapon after all this time.
  John were called by Colonel Manton. Apparently the scientists of the church were unable to figure out the weapon. You were wondering why they kept calling John for it as if they believed him some alien expert.
  John were also confused by his sudden of alien knowledge in the presence of Madam Kovarian and Colonel Manton. He felt uneasy every time as if he was losing himself.
  John came home to you tired and weary. "I think we should left the army..." He whispered to you as he hugged you close.
  You were confused with his words.
  "They...forced me to figure out the weapon. At first, I couldn't figure it out and when I did, I realized that weapon is too dangerous to be used so I pretend not to know...but they...they threaten to transfer you to another unit, to that unit..."
  Your eyes widened. The unit he mentioned was the headless monk. You unconsciously touched your neck. You didn't want to lose your head, you are still attached to it after all. You couldn't believe that they had threaten John with your life. But, despite the revelation that apparently they thought of you expandable (of course it was a given you were merely a foot soldier within the church after all unlike John), you still don't want to leave the church as you believe they are the only one in position to destroy the Doctor. You heard they had a weapon against the Doctor but you never saw it.
  "I hated that they think you are expandable. You are not."
  You smiled at him fondly. "Only to you..." you whispered gratefully. You pulled him down to you and kissed him.
  He smiled toward the kiss. "Always...my sweet wife." he whispered back to you.
  You thought it was weird when Madam Kovarian suddenly gave you too much attention. She showed a great interest in your marriage to John. She played it as if your union with John is sacred. It was then she brought up about your parents.
  "I know what the Doctor did to you when you were a mere child." 
  You frowned. You were aware the church know your background. It was the reason of your recruitment in the first place. The church is the reason why you weren't still a street rat. They took you in, gave you education and training. You were grateful for the church.
  Madam Kovarian informed you the church has started a move against the Doctor.
  Your eyes widened in excitement as you wish to know more.
  She smiled chillingly at you. "I think you have what it takes to join the special division I created against the Doctor. But John must not know of it. I can tell he is very protective of you and joining this division is a very dangerous task."
  You nodded in agreement. "I won't tell him anything."
  "Good girl."
  The special division mentioned by Kovarian has files on the Doctor. It was there you learned more about that enemy of yours. He is a Time Lord. He can regenerated and has so far eleventh faces. But apparently, the files only have pictures of the Doctor up to his tenth incarnation.
  Your body trembled in fury as you recognized the ninth incarnation as the man who visited your parents that night. Your hands were shaking as you stared at the cold eyes of the Ninth Doctor picture. You found out the Doctor had made many enemies and had caused a lot of chaos wherever he go. He has companion to serve and aid him in his chaos-making. You glared at the list of the many names of his known companion. Some of them are still alive but some are either dead or lost in another dimension or some void. You found out about the blue box called Tardis, his time-travel ship.
  You got home to John distracted. He was concerned for you but you refused to tell him anything, instead you pulled him close and made love to him in order to stop him from asking questions.
  Afterwards, John gazed lovingly at you, caressing your hair gently as he whispered his love to you. You smiled as you cupped one of his cheeks.
  John went on a mission and has gone missing. You were frantic and demanded a rescue operation to save him. Colonel Manton told you that he was kidnapped by someone outside the mission.
  It was then you found out something fishy. Madam Kovarian and Colonel Manton look concerned over John's fate. They were worried the companion had got to him. 
  Your eyes widened. "What could the Doctor and his companion want from John?"
  They seemingly had forgotten that you were still in their presence. They mentioned Jack Harkness and you remembered the name was on the list of the Doctor's companion.
  Madam Kovarian and the colonel exchanged a grave look before turning to you.
  "There is something you should know. It's time."
  You felt like throwing up. 
  They told you that John is the Doctor.
  "But John is human with one heart. The Doctor had two hearts!" You yelled.
  "We had a device that rewrite his entire biology, turning him into a human and trapping his time lord consciousness somewhere else." The colonel replied. "We thought we could throw the companion off his scent by putting him in plain sight. Obviously, they figured it out though it does take him three years..."
  Your entire core was shaken. You had given your body and heart to your very enemy unknowingly. "How could you let me married him? You know I hate the Doctor!!"
  "...which put you in the best position to hurt him back. This is good, (yn)." Madam Kovarian said.
  Now you realized the running joke that you were out of the loop of. 
  "Did you plot everything to make John and I ended up together?"
  From the sickening smile on her face, you realized that both you and John has been manipulated.
  You felt sick as tears filled your eyes. You desperately tried to hold back your tears. "I love him."
  "And now you know the truth. Stop loving him." Madam Kovarian said carelessly as if there is an off switch for emotion within people. "Or will you forgive the Doctor's transgression to you?"
  You didn't reply instead you left.
  You were at the home you shared at John. You saw the pictures you took with him and you throw it all away on the floor in your confused rage. You made a mess of everything that reminded you of John which is pretty much everything. You took off your wedding ring and throw it to the fireplace, watching the ring burn within the fire as you cried your heart out.
  You didn't know how long you were laying on the floor as you were numb now.
  It was then you received a phone call...from John.
  "John..." You whispered weakly. "Where were you?"
  "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, (yn)."
  "Where are you, John?"
  He told you to meet him in some place and to come alone. He said he need to come clean with you about something he recently discovered.
  You swallowed painfully as you realized the companion must have told him his real identity. You agreed to meet him. You changed your clothes and picked up your gun and hid it on your person.
  When he saw you, John look relieved as he made his way to hug you. You reluctantly hugged him back. He was not alone. There were three other people with him, Jack, Amy and Rory. They were the Doctor's companion. You recognized them from the pictures of companion on the Doctor File.
  "John..." You whispered to him.
  Jack confirmed that you did come alone so they believe you are not a threat.
  John was ambushed by Jack and when he came to, Jack, Amy and Rory were there. They told him something horrible that he is actually someone called the Doctor. His eyes widened in horror when they tell him that. He didn't want to believe them because he didn't remember being the Doctor. He is just a human. 
  But they have picture of himself as the Doctor and they also showed him a distress video of the Doctor telling the companion and presumably himself as he realized he was about to be brainwashed by Kovarian. The overwhelming evidence is too much for him. His heart goes to you, his beloved wife, who has a grudge against the Doctor. His heart hurts at the thought maybe you knew that he is the Doctor and has played him along but when he remembered how much you hated the Doctor, he doubted that you would be willingly sleep with the man who is responsible for your parents' demise much less married him.
  Jack had argued maybe you did it just so you could hurt him back. John couldn't accept it and he wanted to see you again against their wishes.
  Amy had told him that he...the Doctor has a wife, River Song. But he had no idea who even she is. The only person he love is you. He can't imagine marrying someone else. 
  John insisted of meeting you and refused to go anywhere with them unless you are with him too.
  John gazed at you with profound sorrow. "Oh, (yn), something terrible has happened. I..."
  "I know. They just told me." You whispered brokenly.
  John's eyes widened in panic and fear at your reaction.
  "You shouldn't have contacted me..." You said as tears filled your eyes.
  John took a few step back from you when you raised a gun at him. He looked heartbroken.
  Jack quickly pulled his gun toward you.
  John made a move to shield you from Jack much to your surprise. "Don't you dare..." He glared at Jack.
  Jack look annoyed.
  Amy was held back by Rory from approaching John. "Doctor!" she yelled at John.
  Both you and John flinched at the name. You and him kept staring at each other eyes.
  You slowly put down your gun with a broken expression. You can't hurt him, not when he is still John. "Go. They are about to come for you." You said.
  Jack's eyes widened as he made to grab John and pull him away from you.
  John reluctantly left you but his eyes never left you as he was dragged away from you.
  You broke eyes contact as you bend your knees to the ground, defeated.
  Madam Kovarian is displeased with you. "I'm so disappointed with you, (yn) (ln)."
  You were forced on your knees on the floor, your hands were bound. There were tears on your cheeks. "He is John." You whispered hoarsely.
  "John is not real."
  "I know. But he is not yet the Doctor. I wanted to hurt him when he has become the Doctor." You said.
  Madam Kovarian look intrigued. She smiled evilly. 
  Madam Kovarian transferred you to the Demon Run base where you will be trained further.
  The base got attacked by River Song who is trying to get to the orb containing the Doctor's time lord consciousness.
  You got in her way and she shot you but not fatally. She said John asked her not to hurt you. 
  "So, you have decided to side with Madam Kovarian. Too bad. John really cares for you. He is still in love with you." River said softly. "I am so jealous seeing the man with my husband's face talk about another woman so lovingly."
  You cursed yourself when you faltered at the mention of John and the woman, the Doctor's true wife, smiled predatory at you.
  "Regardless his feeling for you, if you make a move against the Doctor, I will kill you." River threatened you with a chilling smile. She grabbed the orbs and left, shooting dead everyone else that gets in her way out.
  You watched her leave in hollow. You clutched your injured arm. You smiled bitterly. John will be gone soon and in his place, the Doctor... You could finally get your revenge. You didn't know how to go about it but you are prepared to die to achieve your goal.
  The Doctor is torn. He still has lingering feeling for a certain (yn) (ln). He remembered everything he experienced as John and how much he loves you. 
  The Doctor is angry at the church for using his human version for their own sake. He remembered every missions. He remembered that they made him kill. He remembered how pleased Madam Kovarian and the colonel were for making the human Doctor do everything the real Doctor is against with. The killing, the weapons...
  He stood in front of the console. His eyes filled with rage as he wished to unleash the oncoming storm on the church.
  The only thing stopping him is you. His hearts goes for you. He felt guilty remembering what you told John of your parents and of how the Doctor had left the child you to rot.
  He also remembered killing men for your sake, to ensure your safety. He remembered how the colonel use you to threaten John. He is worried for your safety within the church. He feared the church would deemed you useless and kill you. His hearts ached at the thought of losing you.
  The Doctor has no idea how to fix you. Can you even forgive him? All he wanted right now is to keep you by his side, to keep you safe and to cherish you. He had married you and he could feel the vow he uttered as John weighed heavily on his hearts and mind.
  He watched River who was there on the Tardis with him currently, his wife, his true wife. She had saved him yet again. She brought his time lord consciousness back, freeing the Doctor from the clutch of the Silence. He owed her everything. And yet, here he is, hearts torn by another woman. How is that fair for her? He still loves River so so much but he also loves you too.
  "Don't you dare utter my name." You glared at the Doctor as you pointed your gun at him.
  You finally meet the Doctor in person. He has been secretly stalking you as you throw yourself into dangerous mission after mission for the church while waiting for your chance for revenge which Madam Kovarian had assured you that you will have it. You didn't expect that the Doctor would come to you himself much less to save you from danger.
  Instead of being grateful, you pulled a gun on him. But much to your frustration, the Doctor is able to disable you and your gun. He pinned you against the wall as he begged you to listen to him. You were so furious and refused to listen as you struggled against him.
  "I hate you! I wish you just go and die already! I will never forgive you!" You screamed at him. You hated yourself for losing your cool, for being weak against the Doctor.
  The Doctor recoiled from you. His expression looked hurt. He released you immediately and left after making sure you are no longer in danger.
  Madam Kovarian thought the Doctors' obsession with you is an advantage. She wanted to set a trap for him through you. 
  You agreed to it carelessly.  "He will come if I am in danger." You confirmed. The Doctor did somehow knew when you are in danger. You have no idea how. "Do it. If there is a slightest chance of killing him, take my life with him if you have to!"
  You have no idea that you were pregnant with John's child. You lost the unborn baby after nearly died within the trap set for the Doctor. You woke up on the Tardis med-bay.
  John, no, the Doctor looked upset with you, believing that you risked your life and his unborn child's life in negligent. But when he saw your pale face upon finding out you have miscarriage, he realized you really had no idea. But he had to wonder if you know, would you even keep the baby?
  You felt a grief of losing the baby but part of you is relieved, baby complicated matters, especially one that half-conceived by your enemy. 
  For someone that has just suffered medical emergencies, you felt fine. The Doctor must have give you some wonderful drug. 
  You demanded him to let you go, refusing to be under his care or owe a debt to him.
  "Are you going to run back to the church? To Madam Kovarian?" He spatted angrily at you. "They don't care about you. You are expandable to them."
  "So what? It isn't your problem!"
  "It is my problem! You are mine!" The Doctor roared.
  You were shocked. You glared at him in disgust. "I am not yours!"
  "Perhaps I should make you mine." The Doctor said darkly. "...since it seemed you don't care about your life."
  You froze under his gaze. Fear filled your heart at the thought being kept prisoner by the Doctor. "Don't you dare."
  "You wanted to kill me? Then do better. Live better. If you continues being incautious toward your own life, I will be forced to ensure that you will not be a threat to yourself."
  "Why do you care whether I live or not?!"
  "You know why..." The Doctor whispered brokenly.
  You were speechless. Madam Kovarian is right. You seemed to have a pull with the Doctor. Can you even use this to your advantage? Can you ruin him?
  "Do not think you can play mind games with me, (yn). Don't ever, ever think you are capable of that." He said suddenly with a dark look. "I care about you. I still loves you but if you try anything against me, you will lose and trust me, I always win."
  You recoiled from him with a flinch. "I hate you."
  "So you have said."
  "I will never stop hating you for what you did."
  "I know."
  "Stop trying to help me then."
  "I can't." He said desperately. "You were seared in my hearts. I can't just let you go. I go where you go even though I know it was a trap."
  You hitched a breath at his confession. He knew it was a trap and he still come for you? How stupid can he be?
  You didn't realize he had gotten so close to you. He cupped your face and kissed you. You relented into the kiss before you snapped out of your stupor. You pushed him away and slapped him. You sobbed as you turned to left the med-bay. You have no idea where you are within his Tardis but anywhere is better than being in the same room as him.
  You somehow ended up in some sort of storage room. You wished you could find your way out but you predictably got lost. You sat on the floor on the storage room, feeling unwell.
  In your dizziness, you noticed an old crib inside the storage room and the sound of baby cooing from it. You frowned as you made your way to the crib. Of course, there is no baby in it. You chuckled, wondering if you have lost your mind too. You did let your enemy kissed you.
  You walked out of the room and suddenly feeling like everything is spinning. Despite trying to walk slowly near the wall, you ended up losing your balance and blacked out.
  You distinctly felt someone caught you before you hit the floor. It was him. He look so concerned for you.
  You woke up in a hospital. They had just finished with miscarriage procedure. You had no recollection how you ended up in the hospital as the last thing you remembered was running away from the Doctor after he kissed you.
  You noticed something on the side table. It was a picture, a picture of your parents. You know it was from him, the Doctor, some twisted gift from him, you thought. Was it a taunt? Or was it a genuine gift for he knew that you have no clear picture of your deceased parents? You held the picture in your arms as you cried.
  You wanted revenge. That is still something that you wanted, right? You were torn. You can't deny that you still have feeling for him. But you also recognized his truth that you have nothing, no advantage to win against him. 
  You didn't come back to the church. You felt like you need a break. You need to sort out your thoughts. You wondered if you could let go of your grudge against the Doctor. But, even if you do, you refused to stay in his presence. That man is still a source of your grief after all.
  After the hospital allowed you to leave, you quickly used your vortex manipulator to leave so you can be on the run...from the Doctor and the church.
  Later, you found out the Doctor had faked your death so the church won't even be searching for you. 
  You tried to live a normal life. You tried to adjust to society again. You made sure to live in isolation as not to attract any attention.
  The Doctor and John still plagued your mind from time to time. You love John, not the Doctor. You love John, not him, never him. You have to stop loving John because he is not real. John is not real.
  Despite being careful to cover your track while hiding, the Doctor somehow found you again. 
  You were furious with him for not leaving you alone, for keep making stupid puppy eyes toward you. "I hate you. Do you hear me? I don't wish to see you ever again."
  "I know...but I just can't stay away from you." He said. "I don't want to... (yn), I just want to keep you safe."
  "I don't need or want your protection." You said coldly. 
  He looked miserable as he stared at you with those damn puppy eyes.
  You growled as you pulled him close and kissed him hard. He was eager for you as he can't stop touching you.
  You were harsh with him and he takes it all willingly. You must have lost your mind for doing this. You hated the man in front of you and yet here you are using his body for sex and he allowed it. In fact he seemed to yearn for you. He was gentle with you in contrast of your harshness.
  Once the deed is done, you felt disgusted at yourself as you recoiled from him. You dressed yourself as fast as you can before using your vortex manipulator to leave. It was a good thing you packed the essential in a bag for you need to run again.
  The Doctor watched you leave without words. His eyes looked sad.
  Of course, you could never outrun the Doctor. You wondered if he has done something to you, if he has put a tracking chip on your body or if he did something to your vortex manipulator. How did he always able to find you no matter where you go?
  After a while, your unexpected meeting with him which always started with arguments will often ended with hate sex at least on your part. Each time afterward, you will hated yourself more and despised him for making you weak. And then you will run. It will took him a while but he always find you. And the cycle is repeated.
  The Doctor has been acting unlike himself ever since meeting you. He was convinced that John's love for you was strong that it still latched on the Doctors' hearts and mind. 
  He knew you hated him. He knew he should stay away from you. But somehow he always find his way to you. He knew you were using him for meaningless sex and he knew what he did to you, making you hated yourself more. But he was addicted to you as he was sure you felt the same of him. He knew he was not good for you and vice versa. And yet he can't bring himself to stop yearning for you.
  He felt bad for River on the account of his feeling for you. 
  River shook her head sadly. She had investigated your background so she knew your reasoning for hating the Doctor. Knowing the Doctor well, River knew her husband would blame himself, would be riddled with guilt. And what a guilt he must have feel toward you. 
  "Go to her then, Doctor. Do what you need to do. Ease your guilt. Love her if you must. Make her yours for however long you can have her. I will always be here for you." 
  River has longer lifespan than most human due to her time lord genetic unlike you who are only human. She know the Doctor would only have a few years with you, maybe less, considering how toxic their relationship is. By the end of that, she know the Doctor would come back to her. She is not insecure of the Doctor's feeling for her. She is his true wife after all.
  "But, Doctor, you have to be careful with her. You can't let your guard down around her. She can't be trusted." River warned him.
  Having gotten his wife's consent, the Doctor pursued any semblance of relationship with you.
  Madam Kovarian had found out that you are alive and that you have become a fuck-buddy of the Doctor.
  You cringed at her insults.
  The church has captured you and you were under their mercy.
  "It seemed the Doctor still has soft spot for you. Good." Madam Kovarian smiled chillingly at you. "But he really does gets under your skin, does he not? You have become pathetic under his influence. Where is that fierce hatred for the Doctor? What would your parents think of you if they see you now?"
  You couldn't reply. You were ashamed. Tears filled your eyes.
  You were bound to some medical chair. Some weird headpiece were forced on you.
  "Wipe her." Madam Kovarian instructed her scientists. "Made sure you only left the hatred."
  Your eyes widened in confusion and fear.
  "Don't worry, dearie, I'm only doing you a favour, to get rid of that pesky feeling you felt for John and thus the Doctor. After all, you will only need your hatred for him." She said in sickening sweetness. "After this, you can focused more on getting your sweet revenge against the Doctor. It would be easy to plot against him with some wriggle room since he has such fondness for you. He wouldn't dream to hurt you which make you the best weapon against him."
  You didn't know what to think of her plan. You did realized she really is doing you a favour by getting rid your unwanted feeling for the Doctor. But...do you still want to hurt him?
  It is no longer matter as they started the wiping process and it was painful. You screamed and screamed and screamed for what felt like hours.
  When the torture finally is over, you woke up no longer feeling anything but hatred for the being called the Doctor.
  The Doctor had found out that you were taken by the church. He knew coming to the location of where you are supposed to be would ended up being another trap. 
  You smiled a chillingly sweet smile at the Doctor after you fired the shot at his stomach after he 'rescued' you.
  The Doctor stared at you in disbelief. He clutched his injury with one hand, face turning pale.
  Madam Kovarian and her faithful colonel stood by your side with a pleased smile on her face.
  "What have you done to her?" The Doctor asked Madam Kovarian.
  "I fixed her. Got rid of that pesky feeling that has been holding her back from fulfilling her desire to kill you." She said proudly.
  You glanced at the Doctor with disdain at the reminder that you were married to him and had sleep with him.
  While Madam Kovarian bragged about being able to trick the Doctor again, the base were suddenly under attacks. The smile slide off her face.
  The Doctor chuckled. "You really don't think that I came alone, do you?"
  They could hear exchanged rapid fire shots from the distant.
  "A-ah, that would be my River coming to the rescue." He said with a grin. "She insisted to come with me."
  Madam Kovarian stared at him flatly. "You brought your wife to rescue your mistress?"
  You glared at the woman for implying that you were the mistress.
  "well, what can I say? She knew you would be here, Madam Kovarian, and she so loves to ruin your day." The Doctor cheerfully said.
  You frowned, noticing that he was no longer in pain from his injury. It was then you realized the Doctor is actually a hard hologram which meant he fakes the injury.
  Madam Kovarian is quick to set escape with her minion upon realizing. But you remained there, staring at the Doctor hatefully.
  The Doctor stared at you solemnly before the hologram blip out of existence, leaving you on your own in the middle of destruction of the base.
  You started to make your way out but you couldn't figure out the way to safety. You wondered if you will die here. 
  Then you saw it the blue box. The Doctor standing just outside the Tardis, raising his hand to you, offering salvation.
  "Come with me, (yn)!"
  But you took one look at him and only uttered one word. "No." You stubbornly refused to be saved by him. You would rather save yourself. And if you can't, you would rather be dead rather than take his hands. 
  You took a few step back away from him much to his displeasure and somewhat heartbroken look. He opened his mouth to say something but you turned and ran from him.
  You were able to escape. It was a close call but you did it. You were covered with dust from head to toes. Your hair is a mess and you were very dehydrated but you survived with a few injuries.
  But, waiting for you is River Song. She glanced at you grimly.
  "You shot him. Even if it was just a hologram, you shot him. He is weak for you and I know you will take advantage of that. I can't let that happen." She said as she raised her gun and shot you on the chest.
  River knew the Doctor is willing to risk himself for you and next time he might not be lucky especially now that you no longer have feeling for the Doctor. She won't let him risk his life, not for you.
  You gasped in pain as you stared at her in disbelief.
  "I did warned you that if you made a move against him, I will kill you." She said with a shrug and a cold smile.
  You fell on your knees, clutching your injuries.
  River turned around to leave, knowing the deed is done. You are as good as dead. The Doctor will be safe...from you.
  You laid on the ground amidst the ruin of the base as slowly the pain is gone and you welcomed the darkness.
   A/N: Okay, no one probably care to know this but I have the song 'toxic' cover by Rumer Willis on my mind and on a loop on my playlist while writing this. 
Originally this was supposed to be a 10th doctor x reader, an alternate version of my other fic 'shattered and hollow' but I ended up writing for 11th doctor instead because River is in it and she belongs to 11th doctor so...
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 45 - watching notes
I'm at this stage of fandom rn where it's really hard to concentrate on anything else 😅
Every song I listen to gets dissected for how it relates to wangxian
I need to concentrate on my thesis but instead I'm pondering how the untamed raises questions about collectivism vs individualism and how my western perception of that might differ greatly from a native chinese person or even the author's intention
Can't I just write my thesis about THAT?
Alas, I digress ...
Back to our regular programming :D
Last time one Sophie watches the untamed wwx went all Sherlock on us and used his formidable skills of deduction to expose Backpfeifengesicht's plan of killing everyone and blaming it on wwx
I've heard from several people that the next few episodes are their favourites, so no high expectations at all :D
Nobody wipes the blood on their chins away. Might be about the aesthetic
I adore detective-duo-wangxian so much!! Especially because wwx does 99% of the talking but then lwj will chime in with a single word and it's 100% devastating :D
If anyone knows any well written case-fics for these two, please, I need recs! (For after the show)
Backpfeifengesicht makes good one point and that is that jgy already is at the top of the cultivation world. So what does he gain from all this?
Or is it simply that he's afraid of wwx because he's a rebel and might act against him? (Don't answer that. I wanna find out through the show ;))
Wwx just casually revealed that he's been to cloud recess and that he handles went to the restricted section forbidden chamber. What will you do about, Lan Qiren? Huh? 😂
Oooh! Backpfeifengesicht is the ghosted faced man! I thought it was Jiggy himself!!! 😱
That makes way more sense though!
Lan Sizhui! Jin Ling! Oh you brave boys! 😭
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Someone hold me 😭
But why does he not take zidian now? He's done so before!
"You little fool!" Is "I love you" in Jiang-Cheng-speak :D
"We're done for! What can we do??" - wwx *strips*
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Bahahaha 😂😂😂
I just burst out laughing waaay to loudly for the fact that I've got people sleeping in the room next to mine
But look at Lan Qiren when he sees wwx strop to reveal anat is probably his nephew's undershirt 😂😂😂
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He's probably questioning every decision that's let him to this point :D
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This is completely inconsequential,but I couldn't keep quiet about it anymore because I every time he makes this motion, it always sends a shiver down my spine!!! Notice that wwx (or rather Xiao Zhan) is one of these people whose fingers bend in the opposite direction??? I know it's just a normal thing some people can do, but I can't watch it!! It makes my fingers hurt just looking at it 🙈🙈🙈
Is he turning himself into a demon lure flag?? 😱
Lan Jingyi 🥺🥺🥺
Also does wwx now just transfer his self-sacrificing tendencies to lwj?
Nothing is as hot as these two together in a fight scene
Jiang Cheng doesn't want to leave them behind. He does care! :') he just never unlearned how to unravel his love from his anger
Sizhui running up to greet his dads :')
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Look at them! I'm soft guys 💔
He called him Yuan!! 😭😭😭
So this is it. Any doubts I ever had about Sizhui's identity are gone
Will he finally recognize him??
Why don't you say anything lwj? This one time, I beg you!!
Sect Leader Yao still at his gossip shit even 16 years later 🙄
Lam sizhyi is seasick! Why is this so cute! 😭
Oh Wen Ning!! He recognized A-Yuan? Right?
I want to hug Lan Sizhui for his openness and kindness towards everyone he meets, no matter their status or what other people say about them! (Wen Ning now or who he thought was Mo Xuanyu the supposed mad-man) and I wanna hug lan Wangji right after for raising him to be like this :')
Oh Wen Ning! 😭
That's how I'd look at Sizhui, too, if I met him - poor unadulterated wonder :')
And just think about what that means for Wen Ning! He's not the last of the Wens! All their fight wasn't for nothing. This child, their legacy, survived 😭😭😭
"Can I call you A-Yuan" "Of Course." God I'm gonna burst into tears 😭
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I'm actually bursting into tears!!
Isn't this the dream of anyone who has ever lost someone? :')
"He's like a brother and father to me" :')
And he raised him from when he was 4 or 5? So ... A-Yuan was about 2 when the Wens died? Right? Then 5 would fit with lwj's 3 year isolation
Ob god, it's the butterfly-toy!!! 😭😭😭
Wen Nings smiling through his tears! I can't! 😭💔And he's got the one from the market!
Aww, wax isn't wearing the white undergarment anymore. Too bad
Oh poor Jin Ling ...
So much grieve that he could probably never process. There so many lost kids in this story, hurt by things they had no control over 😔
I mean, I get it. That's the person who killed his parents (without being in control, but he doesnt know that) and everyone is just talking to him as if it's normal and that didn't happen. But he can't forget,but he doesnt really understand either and he has no outlet. Of course he'd just ... crash 😥
And who would have thought I'd ever try at a flashback of Jin Zixuan's death :(
For once, it'd be nice if the adults actually acted like the parent figures they're supposed to be and explain things to their children 🤦‍♀️
I'm so thankful though, that no one even thinks of scolding him for crying. Jismg Cheng only asked who it was that made him cry (and looks like he'll kick their ass). Generally, thus show has a very healthy attitude towards tears. Most characters cry when they are faced with tragedy, regardless of gender. Men being allowed to have appropriate reactions to grieve (instead of a single men tear or just punching things) is really nice to see
Oh Yao dude whose courtesy name I can't remember, shut up!
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Thanks Ouyang Zizhen! You get me
I live for these children standing up to their elders
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Meanwhile Nie Huaisang is just on the sidelines, enjoying the show :D never change!
The Lotus Pier theme song alone is making me cry rn 😢
Why can't wen Ning come in?
Oh Sizhui!
He many times do you want to make me cry happy tears today?? :')
Little turnip-baby ❤
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But why doesn't lwj say anything ??? 😭
Lan Wangji raised A-Yuan smong a bunch of rabbits??? 😭
Now he's a turnip baby with a taste for carrots, how cute is that? :')
Holy shit, wwx and lwj are really joined at the hip these days of lwj won't enter the hall if wwx isn't allowed to :D
Lwj 😑 "no misbehaviour"
Someone. Knows. Their. Husband.
Okay sorry, but as painful as these cuts must have been and yes, while you do see scars on this prostitute's face, they in no way warrant these horrified gasps as of they had all seen a monster 🙄
Xue yang. Fancy seeing you here in this not at all disturbing sub-plot 😬
Okay that's creepy. That's really creepy
Shouldn't Jin Guangyao have a bit more compassion for these women?
On the other hand, he was born to menacingly stand behind a curtain 🤷‍♀️
W. T. F. ????
Jin Guangshan??? o___O
That's the most skin we've ever seen on this show and it's in a scene like THIS? 😬
How can you die from sex?
And then jgy made them keep going?
These poor women :/
So there's someone who set her free on purpose, right?
Bicao has really interesting eyes!
Oh wait, took me some time to catch up. This is about Quin Su and why she killed herself, right?
They were siblings o_O
They just went full game of thrones on this ...
Hey Jin Guangshan, screw you for raping that woman
Wait, is that why jgy had him die like THAT?
I'm so confused about how that happened btw
But why would Jin Guangyao merry quin su anyway? Was this some kind of political marriage that he couldn't call off?
This episode answered some of my questions but raised about a dozen more 😅
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose
5 episodes to go. I'm both happy because I can't wait to brows the untamed tag without looking for spoilers and extremely sad 🥺
Right now I'm planning to watch one episode each day until friday and then watch the last two on Saturday, hopefully quite early, so I can spend the rest of the day crying my eyes out over it, without having to worry about such trivial things as being a functioning adult or a responsible student 😅
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lalahbug · 4 years
Healing - Levi x Reader
Fandom: Attack on Titan Word Count: 1813
My Masterlist
Warnings/disclaim: general Modern/Office-like AU. Mentions of depression, in case anyone is triggered/sensitive to this topic
Author’s Note: Originally posted on DeviantArt, under the same username, on 12/03/2016. Revamped/edited in 2020.
___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person
Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.
Story under cut
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          Petra was picking papers off of ___’s desk, getting ready to fax them to her.
          “Morning, Levi.”
          “Morning Petra, where is  ___?”
          “She called off, but will work from home starting tomorrow.” Levi knitted his eyebrows together. “I know, she’s never called off. I don’t know what happened, though. She said she’d likely be gone all week and would like the form to start working from home. So if you have anything you need her to do, you can give me the paperwork so I can fax it to her.”
          “We were supposed to have accounts meeting tomorrow,” Levi grumbled.
          “I can give her a call, to see when she can reschedule.” Levi nodded before leaving Petra to her work.
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          Levi sighed as he signed papers, that ___ should be looking over. Petra, his assistant, had let him know about how  ___ would like to work from home from now on. He could barely process the thoughts of it and why she didn’t want to come in anymore. It was an option that the company had, but she had never shown interest in it. What was with this sudden change, she didn’t even talk to him about it. Petra knocked at his door, he told her to enter.
          “Sir, ___ sent back all of her numbers and let you know everything about the accounts through email. She also wanted me to tell you. ‘The best accountant in your office isn’t going to leave, but I need to be alone for a bit. I apologize for any inconvenience.’  That’s all she had said, but it seems like she got her work done faster than usual. So I think this may be a good thing.” Petra smiled at Levi.
          “Get me her contact information.” She gave him a confused look. “I’m going to visit her on my way home. I need to know why she wants to change everything and I have some papers I need her to sign.”
          “Yes, sir.” Petra came back in a few moments with the information he requested. “I also wrote where her spare key is, in case she can’t hear you at the door.”
          “Why do you know where it is?”
          “I’ve had to go pick up some things from her when she had scheduled days off. She’s in her backyard a lot, so she doesn’t hear the door.” Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Is there anything else that you may need Mr. Ackerman?” His assistant smiled at him.
          “Do you have any idea why she’s doing this?”
          “No, sir. Last we talked about anything personal; her family was healthy and her fiance was looking into a house for them.”
          “I didn’t know she was engaged.”
          “Oh yeah. She’s been with him for about 5 years.”
          “Oh,” Levi said with a bit of pain in his voice.
          “Sir, don’t feel bad! I know you flirted with her a lot, but I thought you knew she was taken. And you were just teasing her. Like you did in high school with a couple of girls.”
          “It makes sense why she always declined me.” Levi sighed and looked down at the papers on his desk.
          “She always said that she loved your persistence and confidence. That if she wasn’t taken, she would take up your offers for dates. Sir, I still think you should go check on her.”
          “You do?” Petra smiled and nodded.
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          Levi pulled up to ___’s house, with his briefcase in hand, he went to knock on her door. After a few moments of silence, he knocked again. He sighed and moved the potted plant on her porch, removing a brick from the house, which was hollowed out with the spare key inside. He quickly unlocked the door and put the key back. Walking inside, he was a bit impressed by how she had styled home and more importantly how clean everything was.
          “Ms. ___?” Levi called out, which was answered with a bark and a husky came bounding around the corner to growl at him. “Hey, you must be Tobi.” He kneeled slightly and held out his hand for the dog to sniff him. Tobi seemed to approve as he turned to walk away from Levi, Levi followed him. 
          Tobi led Levi to the backyard, once ___ was in sight, Tobi ran over to the edge of the pool and started whining at ___. She was floating on her back in her bikini, which made Levi blush a bit. He had never seen her outside of suits or jeans.
          “Tobi! Shush, baby.” The dog whined louder. “I’ll drag you into the pool, don’t make me do it.” She giggled, Tobi yelped at her. “That’s it!” She laughed while fixing her into a standing position but froze when she saw Levi. Her face went aflame as if some tossed red paint on her face.
          “Mr. Ackerman!” She swam up to the edge of the pool, quickly walked over to her patio, and wrapped her towel around herself. Levi eyed her body the whole time, enjoying the view as she did so.
          “Hello,  Ms. ___. I need you to sign some papers, mainly some new accounts, and the form for you to start doing work from home.” Levi made his normal blank stare.
          “Oh, of course! Let me guide you to my office and I’ll change.” Levi gave her a curt nod and she walked back into the house, Tobi walking beside her the whole time. Almost to her office, Levi noticed a room, empty and messy, catching his attention, because of the mess inside.
          “What happened there?” ___ paused for a moment before walking over and closing the door. 
          “Please ignore that room.” Levi decided to ask after he got the signatures. She opened her office door. “Please make yourself comfortable. I’ll be a few moments.” Tobi followed after her as she left. Levi placed his briefcase on her desk and looked over to an accent piece that had pictures on it, noticing one face down. Curious, he walked over picking up the picture, to see ___ in a cute sundress and a guy hugging her from behind. It was very endearing but it only hurt his heart. ___ took the photo out of his hand.
          “Please do not touch my photos.” She placed it back down, making sure it was face down.
          “Why is that one picture face down?” Levi raised an eyebrow at her as she walked over to her desk and sat down.
          “Sir, you wanted me to sign papers. I do not want to share my personal life with you.” ___ stated coldly, it wasn’t the first time she told him this. This time was different, though, her eyes were sad. “Please sit, so we may get the papers done.”
          Levi walked over and opened his briefcase, handing her a folder. “These are our new accounts, I need them put into the accounting system.” She nodded before placing the folder in a basket. “Then this is the paper form we need to fill out for your transfer technically.”
          She took the paper from him, started filling it out, signing it at the bottom. Levi was looking over her shoulder, correcting her on the date. 
          “Sir, we’ve talked about this about 23 times. Personal space and not looking over my shoulder. I don’t like it.”
          “Well, you put down the wrong date so it’s a good thing I am. Also, you didn’t fill out the reason for the transfer.” He noticed she tensed up before writing, ‘personal/family issues.’
          “You need to sign this too.” She handed him her pen, he touched her hand and leaned over her to sign it. “Is there anything else?”
          “How do you want to go about doing our meetings from now on?” He eyed her, she was clearly still wearing her bikini but had a t-shirt and jeans over it.
          “We can email for the weekly meetings and we can do Skype or something for the monthly meetings.” She shrugged. “Do you have a better solution?” She turned in her chair to face him.
          “Yeah, just show up to the fucking office for work.”
          “I could probably come in for meetings.”
          “What the fuck is going on with you?”
          “Sir, I don’t want to let you into my personal life. Work and personal need to be separate.”
          Levi placed his hands on her chair, trapping her there. “___.” He stared into her eyes as she blushed from him saying her first name. “You are an important asset to me. I want to know why my main accountant is staying at home.” 
          “Because I’m depressed, I have been all this time. Now, I can’t function and pretend anymore. I want to be in this, I want to learn how to climb out and I can’t make myself get out my bed let alone go into the office. But I can do my work from my bed.”
          “What made everything go south so badly?”
          ___ teared up. “My fiance found someone else and left me. I’m alone now. I’ve never been alone with my depression and now it’s swallowing me.” A few tears leaking down her face, her bottom lip trembled a bit as she tried to hold back.
          Levi sighed and gave her a small look, placing a hand on her cheek wiping away her tears.
          “It’s his loss, my gain.” Levi kissed her forehead. “Let me heal you.” Levi kissed her gently, she only looked at him, with dismal (e/c) eyes. He glanced at her lips, then to her eyes, he kissed her once more. “I’ve loved you for years. And he’s a fucking fool if he won’t appreciate you, I will.” More of her tears started to escape. “You’re beautiful, even when crying.”
          ___ gulped for a moment, before finally giving in, letting all of the tears go. She reached up, wrapping her arms around Levi’s neck, trying to muffle her cries into his neck. Levi bent down more to pick her up, carrying her to the couch in her office. As he sat down, he placed her on his lap, before wrapping his arms around her tightly.
          “I’ll heal you with the love that I have harbored for years.” ___ rests her head on his shoulder, clinging to him. He couldn’t help but smirk. “I never thought I would be able to hold you, it feels amazing to be here for you.” He kissed her forehead. “Take your time loving me. For now, I want to be your support. Even if you never say that you love me. I want you to be happy, your happiness means everything to me.”
          ___ closed her eyes. “I still want to stay home.”
          “I’ll bring your work every day that you stay at home.” She nodded. “At least you’re mine now.”
          “I never agreed to that.”
          “You will, one day.”
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snowdice · 4 years
You I’ll Come Back For (Part 3)[Dice Roll 5]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton/Virgil, Logan/Deceit/Roman (more background)
Main: Patton, Virgil
Appear: Roman, Logan, Deceit, Remus
Summary: They’d met in a jail cell, you see, but unlike now Patton had not been anywhere near trapped, not that Virgil had been aware of that fact. He’d just seen his sweet little cell mate who’d clearly not done anything to deserve being on that side of the bars. Virgil had said “What did you do to get stuck in this joint?” and Patton had started crying. It had taken zero lies and five hours for Patton to coax out the information he’d needed. He’d thought when he’d pranced up to the bars and told Roman he was ready to leave that the absolutely astonished expression which was quickly slipping into fury would be the last thing he’d ever see of the man whose crimes numbered enough to keep him in prison for the rest of his life.
He’d escaped during his transfer to federal prison.
Universe: Cops and Criminals AU
Genre: Crime
Notes: Murder mentioned, gun mentioned.
This is part of my Roll the Dice Event which is where I do random ships, universe, and genres for the Sanders Sides fandom. For more details see this post. I posted a few days ago my results from this dice roll here.
Part 1  Part 2
It had been about a month since the kiss that very much, very definitely should absolutely not have happened, and god was Patton having a hard time not thinking about it.
It was quite the moral dilemma wasn’t it? Virgil was a convicted felon on the run from the law and Patton was a police officer trying to catch him. Yet, he’d forgotten that in the moment. He’d forgotten what type of person Virgil was and everything he’d done. It made Patton feel guilty. He could barely even meet his boss, Logan’s eyes.
And yet, he couldn’t help but think about the man’s lips on his or how gentle his hand had been in Patton’s hair. The low tone of his voice when he’d uttered the words “you I am coming back for,” haunted his dreams and definitely not the nightmare kind.
However, right now was not the time to be thinking about dark, dangerous eyes that softened inexplicably on Patton or the contrast of the feeling of warm lips on his to the cool handcuffs on his wrists. He was at work, mostly alone at the moment since everyone was either out getting lunch or on their way to go get lunch. Patton was supposed to be filling out a report, not daydreaming. He frowned at it. He really didn’t like paperwork.
He looked up from the paperwork, happy to completely forget its existence, when a man marched into the office as if he owned the place. He was wearing a business suit with a yellow tie and had a scar across half his face. He also looked like he not only could kill a man, but was planning on doing so forthwith.
“Um, excuse me sir,” Patton said in his most sweetly placating voice. “Can I help you.”
“Uh, I’m sorry sir, but this is a police station,” Patton said, keeping a smile on his face. “If you-”
“Dee!” Roman’s jovial voice said. He all but bolted across the office with his arms open as though to hug the grumpy man. ‘Dee’ put up a hand to stop him.
“This is not a social call. Where is Berry?”
Roman blinked. “We’re using last names today?” he asked. “Must be serious.”
“Roman,” the man warned.
“Chill,” Roman instructed and that was not the tone Patton would have used to attempt to calm the irritated man, but Dee didn’t immediately snap Roman’s neck so that was good, “we just went out for lunch and he went to park the car. He’ll be right behind me. Everything okay?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “No.”
Roman put a hand on his shoulder, but then his thumb wandered, tracing softly across his collarbone. Patton raised an eyebrow. “Can I help?” he asked in a soothing tone.
The man batted his hand away. “Don’t do that.”
Roman’s frown almost edged on a pout. “Why not?”
“Because you are about to be so mad at me,” Dee spat.
Roman’s brow crinkled. “Why would I ever be mad at you, dear?” he asked fluttering his eyelashes.
“Stop it,” Dee complained, his face softening just a bit despite the harshness to his words, “stop that. If you actually want to be useful, find Patton Heart and have him wait outside of Logan’s office for us.”
“Um, I’m Patton actually,” Patton interjected with a little wave.
His eyes flicked up and down Patton. “Of course, you are.”
It was then that Logan entered the room, stripping off his coat as he went. He paused when he saw Dee with a slight frown. “Dee, what are you doing here?” Logan asked.
“I need to speak with you. In your office. Now.”
Logan bristled and crossed his arms. “I don’t appreciate your tone.”
“Yeah, well you’re not going to appreciate what I have to say either,” Dee replied and then swept past him.
Logan gave Roman a questioning look. Roman just shrugged and Logan turned on his heels to follow Dee into his office with clipped footsteps.
“Um Roman,” Patton said when the door snapped shut behind them, “Who was that?”
“That was Dee,” Roman said, staring at the door in confusion. They could see the two men talking through the window in the door but couldn’t hear them. “He’s our husband.”
“He’s your other husband?” Patton asked. He knew of course about the illusive third man who was always out of town or busy, but the way they’d always talked about him made him seem… not that. “He seems…” Patton said.
“He’s not usually that grumpy,” Roman said and then paused in thought. “Okay, maybe he sort of is, but he has to spend most of time with my brother so it’s understandable. He’s definitely usually not that short with Logan or I though, so I don’t know what’s going on.”
It was then that the voices behind the door picked up a bit. First it was Logan’s voice, still just a bit too low to hear anything but the angry tone. Then…
“If you think that just because we’re married, I have to tell you everything I do at work, you are sorely mistaken!” Dee screamed.
“No! But you do have to tell me if it impacts my life!”
“Well dinner tonight’s gonna be fun…” Roman mumbled under his breath.
They continued to argue for a few more minutes; Patton and Roman could hear just bits of screaming every so often but nothing to give them a clue about what on Earth was going on.
Eventually Dee strutted out of the office, still clearly fuming, Logan hot on his heels. He didn’t even spare them a glance as he walked down the hallway.
Logan pressed his lips together, staring at his back with narrowed eyes before saying, “you two come too,” and taking off after him. Patton shared a glance with Roman before they followed after them.
They walked down the hall to some meeting room Patton had never been in before. Both Roman and Patton got to the open door at the same time and looked in. Dee was standing calmly with his arms crossed, leaning against the far wall and Logan was glaring at him from a few feet away. Yet neither of them is what took either Patton or Roman’s attention. No, their attention was taken by the man standing by the window. He wore a dark black hoody and his hair was slightly mussed probably from him wearing the hood. His hands were stuck casually in the hoody pocket and he gave Patton an awkward half smile.
“Hey,” Virgil said. Roman was immediately reaching for his gun. “Calm down Romano, I work for your husband.”
Roman rounded on Dee immediately. “He what?!”
“Yeah, yeah I know I’m sleeping on the couch,” Dee grumbled.
“On the porch more like,” Logan hissed.
“Thanks Dee,” Virgil said without looking at him.
“What can I say?” he grumbled, glancing at Logan, “I’m a romantic.” Logan responded with an even more intense glare in his direction.
Patton looked at Virgil and tapped his lips with a curious head tilt. Virgil immediately shook his head fervently. Patton nodded.
“And what exactly was that?” Logan asked suspiciously looking between them.
“Nothing,” they both said together.
Dee scoffed rolled his eyes. “He’s an undercover cop,” Dee told Patton. “Have fun with whatever that is. I’m going to go find a good divorce attorney.” He pushed off the wall he was leaning against and strode out of the room.
“Oh, you’re not getting out of this that easily,” Logan called after him. He turned back to Patton. “I am aware of Dee’s career so I can confirm this information.”
“You’re a cop?” Patton asked Virgil.
“I am,” he said.
“You’re not a murderer or torturer or drug dealer or anything else you were convicted for.”
“Nope,” he replied. “It was all a cover.”
“Well,” he laughed. “I’m not as bad of a judge of character as I thought then.”
“Again,” Logan said suspiciously, “what exactly are you talking about?”
“Come on, Lo,” Roman said. “Let’s make sure our husband knows he doesn’t actually need an attorney.” Logan mumbled something about ‘Last Will and Testament’ under his breath, but Roman just rolled his eyes and pulled him from the room.
Patton looked back at Virgil. “So, this is what you meant about coming back for me?” he asked.
“Yeah it is.”
“Oh,” he replied, biting his lips. He thought for a moment and then laughed. “Goodness, I got in your way a lot, didn’t I?”
“You were an actual thorn in my side,” Virgil confirmed with a chuckle.
“Eh don’t be. It’s just ‘cause you’re a good cop.”
“And you’re a good undercover cop,” Patton complimented rolling up onto his toes with his hands clasped behind his back. “It never even crossed my mind.”
He blushed and goodness that was adorable. Who knew he was adorable? “Yeah except for, you know, all of the arrests.”
“There were a lot of arrests,” Patton laughed.
“So. Many. Arrests,” Virgil replied. They smiled at each other. “Anyway.” He shuffled a bit awkwardly. “Your boss is busy either murdering or having makeup sex with my boss. So… do you want to get out of here?”
Patton grinned. “Sure,” he replied. Virgil offered his arm and Patton took it.
Thanks for reading!
If you were intrigued by the dynamic of Roman, Deceit, and Logan, I do have a fic set in this universe about how Roman met both Deceit and Logan called  Mistaken Identities.
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kaiunkaiku · 4 years
Sickdays 6, May 18th: Cold
Fandom: Promare
Summary: "He wakes up freezing, the cold ache deep in his bones, and even though his skin feels hot where it’s touching Galo’s bare arm under the blanket he’s still so goddamn cold everywhere else it barely registers."
Warnings: Self-harm, heavy angst, implied depression, grief, burns
That's what he's been ever since the Promare left. Ever since the fire burning inside him went out.
Some days he feels like he can't breathe with all the cold inside him. It's like his lungs have been frozen solid, like the Freeze Force put another one of their bullets right between his ribs and now the ice is spreading over lung tissue and expanding to his heart, and from there through his veins to his limbs, up his throat to his jaw and eventually his brain. Not burning feels a lot like dying.
Freezing like this feels like he’s already dead.
Some days he’s… okay. Not really good, except when he’s really doing something, or curled up in Galo’s arms, but okay. Like his body is starting to remember how to be without the fire. His head is catching up, recalling things from his childhood day by day. Before he was burning.
He’s not okay today, very much not so. He wakes up freezing, the cold ache deep in his bones, and even though his skin feels hot where it’s touching Galo’s bare arm under the blanket he’s still so goddamn cold everywhere else it barely registers. His first instinct is to reach for the fire inside him – it takes him just a bit too long to remember that it’s no longer there, and by the time he realizes that it’s already too late; he’s come face to face with a gaping hole of nothing in his chest, and he wants to scream. He almost does.
His eyes burn. He doesn’t care. He buries his face in the pillow, inches a bit closer to Galo, and allows the tears to soak quietly into the vibrant yellow of his pillowcase.
He’s still not okay when he wakes up some time later. Galo is no longer next to him, but the bedroom door is ajar and the smell of breakfast is still somewhat inviting, even with the ice in his veins. He gathers an extra blanket around himself and stands up.
Galo is wearing a frilly apron, over nothing but boxer shorts. He’s kind of dancing around in the kitchen, and humming as he goes, and Lio finds a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth despite how he’s otherwise feeling. Galo’s got a spatula in his hand, and there are eggs on the pan. He does this clumsy half-pirouette and stumbles a bit, before his eyes land on Lio at the doorway.
“Lio!” he exclaims, face brightening impossibly much as he transfers the eggs onto a plate, and the warmth that blossoms in Lio’s chest at that is almost shocking. It’s brief, barely dipping his toes into warm water and hurrying away, but it is there, gone as fast as it came but different from cold anyway. It’s good.
It’s not enough to make his day good, though, and that must show on his face, because Galo stops moving like he’s hit a wall, eyes widening, and Lio figures he probably looks like hell. Galo’s expression is quickly morphing into panicked concern. The smile Lio tries to offer feels like a cracked mask.
“Lio,” Galo repeats, voice lower, more careful. He takes a tentative step towards Lio, puts the spatula down, and takes another step. Lio doesn’t move from the doorway. Galo walks up to him, eyes earnest and worried, and Lio can’t look at them anymore, so he turns his gaze to the floor. It’s cold under his feet in spite of the thick socks he’s wearing.
Galo reaches a hand out and sets it to the back of Lio’s head, pulling them close, and Lio lets his head rest on Galo’s chest. He suppresses a shiver, but Galo must feel it anyway; he holds him just a little bit tighter.
“I’m gonna go grab you a hoodie, okay?” Galo murmurs above Lio’s head, and Lio nods numbly. He appreciates that Galo doesn’t ask anymore, because Lio can’t really find it in himself to explain the emptiness the flames left; although Galo has suffered his own losses in life and can relate to the hollow pit inside him, he cannot truly understand. Lio has tried to talk it out with him once, when the first of these kinds of days hit and he could do little more than shiver in bed and blink back tears, and Galo hasn’t asked since. Sometimes he’ll ask if there’s anything he can do to help, but the what’s wrong gets skipped over, now.
“There’s some breakfast,” Galo says as he removes his arms from around Lio slowly and points towards the counter. “There should be clean utensils in the drawer, the stove is still hot so be careful, I think we’re out of orange juice? I haven’t made coffee yet,” he rambles as he walks backwards to the direction of the bedroom.
Lio stands still for a moment, missing Galo’s warmth around him. It’s not a replacement for the Promare, but it’s still something. Comforting. Breakfast is also going to be warm and comforting, he decides, and walks around the table to grab the eggs and some toast.
The warmth from the stove stops him on his tracks as he walks past it, the air softly pulsating with the barely dissolving heat. Lio turns to look at it. It’s almost inviting. There’s still a faint, red glow around one of the hotplates, and it’s, it’s, it’s…
It’s burning. And it’s drawing him in like a moth to a flame. The metaphor isn’t even far off. Lio watches in a trance as he reaches a hand towards that glow; feels a momentary chill as the blanket around his shoulders drops to the ground.
He tries to stop himself. There’s a rational part of his brain that’s screeching for him to stop, to take his hand back. Screeching that he’s going to hurt himself, that he doesn’t have his flames anymore, but another part, a part that’s been drowning since he stopped burning wails back exactly, I don’t have my flames anymore, I need this heat more than I need air and it’s that voice that screams louder, so he watches in fascinated horror as his hand comes to hover over the hotplate. This close he can already feel the skin of his palm starting to blister.
Just one more centimeter, maybe. Just one more centimeter and then he’ll be burning again, he’ll be burning again, like he used to, warm and powerful and unrestrained and not so goddamn empty, please–  
He doesn’t scream. His fingertips graze the smooth surface just enough for there to be a sharp hiss at the contact, but before he can do more there are arms around him, a large hand grabbing his wrist and pulling him away, back coming in contact with strong chest, and it all happens so fast it leaves him dizzy. It’s like getting slammed back into his own body, and he’s barely comprehending that as Galo shoves his hand into the sink and yanks the faucet open, turns it so it’s freezing cold, and Lio doesn’t scream at that either.
But he does whimper, the broken sound falling through his lips without his permission. Galo keeps muttering “I’m sorry” over and over again even as he forces Lio to keep his hand under the icy stream. Lio tries to fight it, he really does, but Galo is firm and solid around him as Lio struggles to get away from the cold.
“I’m sorry, Lio, I’m so sorry, I know, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, shh, just breathe, I’m right here, I’m so sorry about this, just a bit more…”
Lio realizes he’s crying. He’s fairly sure Galo is, too.
Galo holds him tight as he shivers, keeps muttering reassurances and apologies and sweet nothings to distract him. Lio doesn’t calm down until Galo shuts the water off and starts gently drying his hand, never letting go of him, hands so careful on his skin. It makes something inside Lio ache, not necessarily in a bad way but ache nonetheless. Another shiver travels up his spine. Galo holds him tighter.
The silence stretches between them. Lio finds himself tensing up, feels the stiffness creeping into his shoulders as he waits for the inevitable question from Galo, but Galo says nothing; he just rubs his thumbs on Lio’s shoulders, silent and steady. Lio doesn’t risk taking a look at his face, too afraid to find him looking angry, or disappointed, or pitying, or…
Or sad.
Galo probably looks sad.
“Do you wanna go back to bed?” Galo asks quietly, disturbing the silence that’s settled over them. “I’ll stay with you, okay?”
Staying in bed all day doesn’t sound good. It sounds like a waste of time. It sounds like being useless.
Staying in Galo’s arms sounds good. It sounds like safety. It sounds like being warm.
Lio nods hesitantly.
Galo bundles him up in a hoodie he’s practically drowning in and starts to steer him towards the bedroom, breakfast forgotten. He’s almost painfully gentle, like he’s afraid Lio might break apart with any sudden movement. Lio doesn’t fault him for that – he doesn’t think it’s entirely wrong.
It’s warm in Galo’s arms, once he finally settles into bed and Galo wraps himself around him like an octopus. Galo has been a living furnace ever since Lio met him, and especially after Lio stopped burning. I’ll burn for the both of us, then, Galo has told him, before. My burning soul will burn for the both of us until you get yours back.  
Lio is grateful for so many things. He could start listing them – he’s tried to list them, in fact. But despite the cold that plagues him in days like this, there are just too many items to write down. He could spend days pointing out things about just Galo he’s grateful for, not to mention everything else (Meis, Gueira, Aina and Lucia, Kray’s imprisonment, the Burnish, that he’s alive, that the Burnish hate crimes are finally slowing down, Remi, Varys, Ignis, even Heris sometimes). It’s easy to forget when his very bones feel frozen, but in Galo’s arms, it’s just a bit easier to remember.
“Hey, firebug,” Galo whispers, mouth somewhere to the left of where Lio’s hair is parted. The nickname tugs at the corner of Lio’s mouth. “What are you thinking?” There’s a hint of concern in his tone, absolutely warranted in light of what just happened, but a soft smile is playing on his lips, Lio can feel it.
Thank you, he means to answer, but what comes out is “I’m sorry” before he can stop it. Lio bites his lip and presses his head a little harder to Galo’s chest. Swallows.
“I’m sorry,” he repeats. “For… this.” A vague gesture with his burnt hand and a waver in his voice. “I don’t know what… what happened.” Talking is easier when he doesn’t have to look at Galo, but it’s still not  easy . Galo runs a finger down his spine over the hoodie. “I just… I don’t know,” he tries and fails again.
“You don’t have to,” Galo hums. “We’ll figure it out.”
“We’ll… we’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it out,” Lio repeats. Holds his breath to see if he really believes the words.
“Tomorrow,” Galo says, and that’s what it takes to convince Lio. Tomorrow. It doesn’t have to be now. Tomorrow is good.
Right now he can just be warm.
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botanicalbarnes · 5 years
The Colors of You
Prompt/box filled: Colors (2) Soulmate AU for @sorryimacrapwriter , and First Date for @goodthingshappenbingo
Fandom: Marvel
pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: The Snap, a little angsty, fluff
word count: 2600-ish
Summary: Every time you see your soulmate’s favorite color (the exact shade), you see a glimpse of their life.
A/N: Thank you so much to @tessasangeltom for being awesome and helping me! Also thanks for letting me turn this in late @sorryimacrapwriter!
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It all started when you were 8. Some of your classmates had started having the glimpses into their soulmates lives too so it wasn’t the biggest surprise. The first time was strange though. It felt like suddenly you weren’t in your own body, you were in theirs instead. It was like you were someone else just looking on, unable to do anything but watch. Even though it doesn't last long, It excites you even now.
You love being able to peek into your soulmates life, into their memories, knowing with each time you get closer to the day you meet them. It happens every time you see their favorite color. It has to be the exact shade. And you don’t get another look from the same thing, until you see another object of the same color. For you, sometimes it comes from a jewel, a ring band, someone's dress, sometimes a sweater.
But, despite everything, despite the excitement and the feeling that comes with it, there’s something you don’t understand. Something… different. He, whoever he is, isn’t like anyone you’ve known of. Sometimes, the scenery alone was astounding and unlike anything you’d ever seen but only imagined.
Enormous rooms with walls covered in gold, and hosting so many people dressed so beautifully. Vast gardens filled with gorgeous flowers extending in every direction. Blue skies as a backdrop for grand cities during the day. During the night, star formations and nebulas decorated the sky with their splendor. Though, not everything was beautiful and good.
A desolate place of ice and loneliness. You swear you could feel the chill in the air and the feeling of being so lost. Creatures tall and blue, with red eyes and patterns on their skin. Then, New York. Your home, in chaos. It’s a day you’ll never forget. And he was in the middle of it. But with only 10 seconds, you failed to see how or who he is.
As his tastes became more defined, his favorite color changed over time, which was to be expected. The first, was silver. You remember sitting in your mother’s favorite restaurant for her birthday, when your father gave her a small and long box. Upon opening it, a lovely silver bracelet with little red gems along the side. From your seat beside her, you could see it clearly, and suddenly, you weren’t at the table anymore. 
Suddenly you were running through the streets and market, laughing and having fun making mischief. The little blond boy your soulmate was chasing looked back with a smile and sped off weaving through the people. With a flash and a green glow, you caught up with him and both collapsed into a fit of giggles.
And, just like that, it was over.
That’s how it happens every time, and often enough that you’re used to it by now.
The next color was a burgundy shade between red and purple. The color of wine. A dinner party comes to mind. Your family had just moved to a house closer to the city since your mother, a surgeon, was promoted and transferred. Your new ‘home’ was filled with your parent’s new coworkers, neighbors, even a couple of their kids. “They can keep you company,” Your mother had said, “You’ll see, you’ll have tons of friends in no time. This way you can make a couple from the neighborhood.” 
That, turned out to be complete bullshit. Instead of making fast friends like your mother was sure you would, you sat close to the corners observing and in retrospect, sulking. You had been forced to leave everything you knew: your home, your friends, and some family. The other kids just huddled together across the room and whispered about god knows what… probably the weird new girl. 
The bitter taste of the evening turned around completely once the wine was poured. It was an odd thing for a little girl to look forward to in an evening out or with company; especially since you weren’t even close to being able to drink. Everyone understood your desire once your parents explained with a smile. 
You always try to notice the surroundings and people around first. 
A training hall, weapons and equipment along a wall. A man, with long hair and beard, an eye-patch, and dressed in gold fabrics. By now, you know he’s your soulmate’s father. And the boy, who you now know to be his brother, dressed to train and fight or at least learn too.
You could tell that your soulmate wasn’t really in the room; he had to be peering in from a cracked door or around a corner. 
“My son,” The man said, “It is time you learn how to harness complete control your power. You shall be known throughout the realms as a god of greatness. You will need to be an expert warrior, prepared for battle and, when the time comes, ruling all of Asgard.” 
By then, you’d grown used to the confusion of everyone’s speech and the strange yet marvelous sights, creatures, and people. You never told anyone any specifics because you knew they’d dub you insane or something like that. It was like your little special secret. 
You heard the soft sound of a held back whimper come from your soulmate and then nothing but a blur from the tears he shed as he ran. 
You always felt sad to see what it was like for him, to feel like the second best or the second choice. You couldn’t understand why he was treated like that by his father, but you knew all he deserved was love. And that’s exactly what you had always planned on giving him.
The dinner and mingling dragged on too long for your liking. But finally, it was late enough for everyone to leave. One of your new neighbors, retrieved her burgundy bag from her seat. 
Your soulmate was sat somewhere away from prying eyes, sniffling. A beautiful (to say the least) woman, his mother, was draped in an elegant yet simple gown. She approached him with kind and compassionate eyes, softly stroking his back and head when she reached him.  “You know son, i think it’s time I shared my gifts with you. I’ll train you in my magic.” With a quick turn of his head, you saw the smile growing on her face. You felt the excitement and happiness grow in him. Then he threw his arms around her in a tight hug.
It brought a smile to your face. It always warms your heart to see his mothers love. You love how kind and lovely she is. That night, you went to bed with a small smile on your face.
Burgundy turned to gold, and your glimpses showed you your soulmate training with his mother and learning to fight and prepare for battle. 
After that, Gold then turned to an electric blue, and it finally settled into green later. Most of what you saw became battles, banquets, walks through gardens, reading on the balcony and looking out to the heavenly city and horizon, and general being alone.  
That morning, everything was fine. The weird events from two days ago pushed to the back of your mind. You did some reading, went for a jog, even met up with your best friend for a lunch. You dropped off some groceries at your apartment and felt like going for a walk to your favorite bookshop. 
You were almost there. You could see the chalkboard sign from where you were. The door opened and out came a woman wearing an emerald green knit sweater. 
‘Who and Where’ you thought to yourself.
 A… tree? Thor? Green girl? Weird dude? Raccoon? Antenna Chick? What the fuck? Regular looking guy?
“I have to get to earth,” Came the voice of your soulmate, “I’ll be more help there. And I need to try to find… her.” Could that be you?
“Alright, It’s settled. Good luck br-”...
The disorientation and confusion set in rather quickly. Some businesses open and thriving just moments ago for you, were now closed and run down or renovated to be completely new businesses.  Around you, everyone looked around in either amazement,  confusion, some even started crying. 
Then and there you turned around and ran home. You stopped short when you saw the date. 5 years? Wha-how? 
You were just about to turn the doorknob to your apartment when it occurred to you that, if it really had been 5 years, your best friend Camille might not have any of your stuff, she might not even live here anymore. You raised your fist to knock on the door, bouncing on your heels anxiously. The door flew open and you stared straight into your best friends eyes, she looked so different. She stumbled and stuttered, tears starting to spill from her eyes. “Y-Y/N? It can’t be. How?” She flung herself into your arms and hid her face into your shoulder.  Once she removed herself from your embrace, she ushered you inside quickly. “Do you know what happened? What do you remember?” You opened your mouth to answer when she gasped, “Wait. I kept a bunch of your stuff. I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of things.”
You followed her to your old room, surprised to see that not much had changed. It was more empty and clean, small things moved around or removed. She went to the nearly empty closet and took out a few boxes, placing them on the bed. “Since I never really needed a roommate in the first place, I just didn’t. I know you must be really confused, and honestly so am i, so I’ll make dinner and stuff and you can wrap your head around everything. Oh, and here’s my phone, you should call your family.” You took the phone from her hand and fell onto your bed with a huff. You didn’t know what to think. Or do for that matter. 
You spent the rest of your afternoon reading every article you could about what happened as to make sense of it all.
The next day you went to see your family, all extremely happy to see you. The need to keep busy and active sent you job hunting, exploring, and a hundred other meaningless tasks for the next few days. 
You made your way back to the apartment from clothes shopping since you found yourself in need of more than 6 shirts, 4 pants, 3 dresses, a bra, and 2 pairs of underwear.  You turned the corner and ran straight into someone’s chest. You were just about apologize when you looked up. A gasp left your lips and you felt a chilled warmth spread through your body with a shiver and goosebumps.
It was him. You knew it, you felt a strong pull towards him that you couldn’t resist and you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his ones. “It’s you.” He whispered.  His lips spread into a smile. “I never thought I’d find you.”  You couldn’t help the breathless laugh that escaped you when he pulled you into his arms.
Of course you knew you he was when you saw him. He was Loki Laufeyson, brother of Thor, prince of Asgard, and your soulmate. You’d see him on the news and on magazine covers. When you read all about the snap, thanos, and the 5 years you were gone, you’d also read about him. How Thanos had been the one that made him lead an attack on New York, and how he was now working with the avengers. Now, with him here in front of you, you knew you forgave him for anything that he’d done, and maybe even for anything he could do. 
You had this feeling of being whole and complete, your heart swelled with such love and warmth like you’d never felt before. “Hi.” You said with a smile you couldn’t help if you tried. “I can’t believe it.”
“Me neither. I-i thought I’d never meet you.” He looked down at the bags in your hands, “Let me help you with these. If you’re on your way to your home, maybe we can drop these off and get something to eat and just… talk? I feel like there’s a lot we should talk about.” You nodded and smiled, the need to be close to him was overwhelming but nice at the same time.
The cafe down the street from your building was cozy and warm. Cait, the waitress, took your orders and brought your drinks before walking away with a grin. “So, I read you’re working with the Avengers now.” You began.
“Yes. I came to earth to help fight Thanos and just stayed… after everything. That’s actually how I found you.” He waited to see your reaction before continuing. “I tried to gather all the glimpses of you that gave any indication of where you were. I gathered Earth, of course, and then New York but not much else. Then yesterday I saw you running through the streets to your apartment. Probably right after you came back. I saw this place, the street signs, your building. I figured you were going home so I decided to try and find you. I didn’t think I would…” He looked down at his lap and rubbed his neck awkwardly. “Sorry. That sounds weird and bad. I just-well i-i needed to find you.”
You reached for his hand across the table. “Hey. You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m glad you did it, I’m really happy that you found me.” Fond smiles decorated your face.
“So tell me about yourself, i want to get to know you.” So you did. You told him everything he wanted to know, and he did the same. The time flew by quickly but you didn’t notice or care at all; you felt so comfortable around him, he felt like home. You talked late into the night, laughing and sipping tea on your couch. Camille was staying with her soulmate tonight. 
It was almost three a.m when he got a text asking if he was ok. That’s when you realized what time it was. “It’s really late,” he laughed, “I should get going.” You could tell, even though he had to go, he was hesitant and didn’t want to. You didn’t want him to go either. But you walked him to the door anyway. He said he would call you the next day (he did). “I had a great time getting to know you. This was an amazing first date… I really like you Y/N.” Your heart beat rapidly in your chest and blush spread from your neck to your cheeks. You looked at your feet to hide it, but he cupped your chin and tilted your head to look up at him. “You are absolutely incredible, I can’t believe you’re meant for me.” 
He leaned forward slowly and you met him halfway, eyes fluttering shut. Your hands found his neck, you parted briefly before you pulled him against you again. 
When you opened your eyes after you stopped, you saw his happy expression and bit your lip with a giggle. You dropped your arms and bid him goodnight and watched him walk to the elevator before you walk back in, closed the door, and lean your back against it. You let out the laugh you’d been holding back, sighed, and thought about how happy you were. 
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dorminchu · 4 years
The Hired Gun
Fandom: James Bond Genre: Suspense Rating: T Warnings: Non-explicit violence/nudity in the context of torture. Characters: Lyutsifer Safin, Mathis, Vesper Lynd, James Bond 007, Le Chiffre Summary: "2006: In the basement of the summer villa, Le Chiffre's execution falls to an enigma."
The mission, for Safin, was simple enough. He’d made a reservation at the Royale-les-Eatix alongside the rest of the socialites but not participated in the game of baccarat. He had merely observed on the sidelines and waited for the night to wear on, speaking only when it was required of him. Shortly before Lynd was kidnapped he got the orders from one of White’s associates—an informant by the name of Mathis—and two hours later he was making the trip on-foot.
The message from Mr. White went something like this: “Le Chiffre's luck has run through. If Quantum is to recover from this, he must be eliminated—we will deal with the rest accordingly. Do not concern yourself with Lynd or 007—it is best for them to remain unaware of our greater involvement.”
It was still half-an-hour before sunrise when he reached his destination. The car used to transport Agent 007 and Vesper Lynd was parked. There were two men stationed at the gated entrance to the French-style summer villa. Possibly more around the perimeter, but the single car and the impromptu departure from the Royale would suggest this was a hurried getaway, with less time to take defensive measures.
The villa was immaculately kept, which would require a lot of time as well as funds to invest. Ordinarily it was closed to the public—but around these parts, and especially concerning a man of Le Chiffre’s character, it was unwise to kick up any dust about the matter. Evidently for tonight there had been an exception. Coming from the Royale No 12 was dressed formally, in a dark grey suit and dress pants to match. The only difference was the black mask that obscured his face, and the silenced gun at his hip.
He eliminated the first man with a single shot to the chest, puncturing his lung. The second man did not hesitate to give him the information—"Le Chiffre? He is waiting for the money, with the girl”—before he was summarily dealt with.
He went into the villa, down into the basement. The smell of stale sweat and cigarettes permeated the room. The lighting was poor. There were two more men waiting for him; two silenced shots and they crumpled, choking on their own blood. The woman, Lynd, heard all of this happen and sat erect, silent. She was in a chair, facing the corner of the wall, with her wrists and ankles bound. She had been stripped, her dark hair hung loose around her face. She turned her head to keep him in her periperhals. No 12 glanced at the door opposite them and back to her.
He approached until he could see the whites of her eyes. Her lashes fluttered. A trickle of dry blood stained the corner of her mouth, her lower lip split, but she seemed otherwise unharmed. The look she was giving him seemed to say, I know you’re going to finish the job. Go ahead, shoot me. I’m only live bait.
He asked: "Le Chiffre is in there?" His voice was slightly muffled under the mask. Lynd lowered her head, perhaps anticipating a clean shot to the sternum.
He turned and went into the next room, opening the door slowly. In the middle of the room were two men. The first  was tightly secured at the ankles and wrists against an upturned chair; on his back, naked as the woman. From a quick assessment of his build and height No 12 could discern this was Agent 007. The second, Le Chiffre, who was sitting in a chair opposite Agent 007, raised his hackles. In one hand he held onto a carpet-beater. The other hand resting on his lap now shifted towards the table at his hip and a particularly sharp-looking knife.
"Drop it," said No 12. Le Chiffre relented. His lame eye was oozing red. He did not wipe his face. He kept his hands very still in his lap, clenched to fists.
"No 12," he breathed out. There was an air of finality to the scene.
"If you know why I am here," said No 12, "then you know what I am about to ask of you."
Agent 007 was twisting about on the floor, trying to get a good look at what was happening. No 12 ignored him. Le Chiffre's face became a twisted mask of consternation. “You—you tell him, I'll get the money—” he stopped talking and his eyes lowered a fraction to the gun trained on him, at breast-height. Then he looked No 12 in the eyes, sweat beading his brow. The thin mouth trembled but no sound left him.
No 12 shot him in the chest. Le Chiffre tried to cry out but could not. A second shot to the head did the rest and he crumpled slowly under his own dead weight to meet the dirty floor. No 12 paused, assessing the lone survivor.
“You are fortunate enough to have been spared twice today. My orders do not concern you or the woman. But if our paths should intersect again, it will not be by chance, or mistake.”
007 was barely conscious. No 12 went and stood over him. “Should you try and pursue the matter beyond this, we will find you first.” The door to the adjoining room opened. Lynd staggered over to where 007 was and No 12 went back up the stairs and out into the clean, balmy summer air. Twilight spilled a pinkish hue over the road from which he’d come. In a few hours he would tell Mr. White the job was through.
This idea came to me after seeing No Time to Die's promotional material with Safin in the mask in conjuction with the novel Casino Royale. If you don't know, in that continuity, Le Chiffre is not killed by Mr. White at all, but a masked hitman from SMERSH. Vesper's fate plays out with a slight variation as well. (I kinda like the book's ending more, I won't lie). I'm not sure if Purvis and Wade knew about this SMERSH character but I'd like to think this is an homage. If not, I'll do it myself! With this fic! :D
In real life, SMERSH (Russian: СМЕР��) was an umbrella organization for three independent counter-intelligence agencies in the Red Army formed in late 1942 or even earlier, but officially announced only on 14 April 1943. The organisation was officially in existence until 4 May 1946, when its duties were transferred back to the MGB. The head of the agency throughout its existence was Viktor Abakumov, who rose to become Minister of State Security in the postwar years.
The fictionalized SMERSH is portrayed as a massive counterintelligence organisation which continues operating into later decades. In this it more greatly resembles the real-life KGB. Fleming's SMERSH aims its operatives abroad for the subversion of the West, with the additional goal of killing Western spies, particularly James Bond of SIS. SMERSH's headquarters are variously stated to be in Leningrad or in Moscow, Soviet Union. The name is a portmanteau of two Russian words: "SMERt' SHpionam" [Смерть Шпионам, Směrť Špionam], meaning "Death to Spies".
Here is some information from the novel proper about the fictionalized variant. And for comparison, here is the scene with Le Chiffre in the movie, and here is how Ian Fleming handled it. I have simply mashed the two continuities together for my own scheming ends.
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jentrevellan · 4 years
Believe Again: Chapter 4
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Rating: Mature
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
Relationships: Cullen Rutherford x Female Trevelyan
Tags: slow burn, slow build, slow romance, mage/templar dynamics, family drama, templars, mages, enemies to friends to lovers, angst, lyrium withdrawal, crisis of faith, loss of faith, The Chantry, sexual tension, innuendo
A/N: Tags to be updated. Chapters posted on the 1st Thursday of the month.
Knight-Captain Cullen, Please convey my thanks and gratitude to Knight-Commander Meredith for agreeing to my transfer back to the Ostwick Circle. I appreciate the situation is somewhat delicate in Kirkwall at the moment, but the work I do with the influence of my family for the Order is of better use in my home city. 
I pray the tensions ease in the Gallows, although now I have returned to Ostwick I have had a chance to reflect and so I simply must say this: I implore you, Knight-Captain, to consider if your morals are worth forsaking for the Knight-Commander’s ethics and methods. Remember our vows.
Should you find yourself in Ostwick, don’t be a stranger. 
May the Maker guide you, Lieutenant Evie Trevelyan, Ostwick Circle - A crumpled letter found in Knight-Captain Cullen’s personal journal
He couldn’t help but watch her. 
Even when she wasn’t around, he was always peering over his shoulder, sometimes to just see a glimpse of her: and it was starting to drive him mad.
That evening, before he had retired to his tent, he had felt a strange compulsion to walk down to the edge of the lake. He had skipped dinner, as a migraine was threatening to appear, and the thought of making polite conversation with soldiers and strangers in the bustle of the Chantry was enough to make him feel nauseous. Instead, he had decided to perhaps do some training on a straw dummy, or maybe sharpen his blade - anything to keep his hands busy and his thoughts distracted. 
But his feet had taken him to the quiet edge of the lake, the waters glistened with an eerie green glow, which made it hard to forget the Breach above his head. So, as he had done many times as a child, he crouched down and examined the stones on the shoreline, looking for the sleekest of pebbles. He ran this thumb over a couple before selecting a handful which appeared to be narrow in width but heavy enough to carry a small weight. 
Straightening up, he tossed a stone in the air and deftly caught it to test the weight. He switched stones and continued the same routine with his selection. Finally, he leaned back, positioned his feet apart in the perfect stance to skim. He drew his arm back and flicked and-
It didn’t even skim once. Well, it has been a long time, he admitted with a wry smile. Cullen continued to fail miserably until his seventh stone (not that he was counting) successfully skimmed the water not once but three times. He felt his chest puff with an odd sense of pride. He held another pebble ready, with the aim to beat his new record, but something in the distance caught his eye and he paused. 
On the other side of the lake, a lone figure was stood staring up at the Breach. Alarmed, Cullen saw their fists clenched with fire, and he dropped his stones with a clatter and reached for his sword at his hip. A piercing chill cut through him as the figure screamed, in what appeared to be rage. He started moving towards them but hesitated when the person dropped to their knees and was… sobbing? 
Cullen felt unease seep through him as he watched, and was unsure how to proceed, as it was clear he was witnessing something very private. Perhaps this person was a family member of someone who had perished at the conclave, or maybe they had come to join the Inquisition-
His trail of thought stopped abruptly as the person started to walk towards him, their head down, and it hit him that he knew who it now was. The clothes she wore and the green flicker of light on her left hand made it unmistakably the Herald. Cullen went to sheathe his sword but paused when she finally looked up at him and stopped in her tracks, their eyes meeting. Something tugged in his gut as he looked over her - grey eyes misty and red rimmed from crying, her hair falling in loose out of its braid and her lips…
Maker, why am I looking at her lips? He scolded himself, but found he couldn't look away, particularly as he noticed that they were slightly puckered and rather red. He wondered if they were as soft as they looked. 
Cullen cleared his throat and reassessed: she was a mage who had been off on her own, plus she was the Herald and also a noble as well, apparently. Even one of those reasons warranted why she should not have been on her own and yet, as he opened his mouth to berate her as such with an anger he wasn’t sure was directed at her or himself for thinking such alarming thoughts; his words died on his tongue as she closed the distance between them and gently placed a gloved hand on his arm. 
At first he thought she had cast a spell on him, as heat bloomed on his arm beneath her touch, and it appeared to spread all over him. But as he looked down at her and her expressionless face, he realised that there was truly no motive here. No argument, no teasing, just a gentle gesture and the air thick between them. He should’ve been angry but he found he couldn’t muster to even be annoyed when she was looking at him so steadily and was transfixed in response to her touch.
All too soon, she pulled her hand away and left him standing there. What are you doing, man? He scolded himself. You’re acting like you’re wet behind the ears with an infatuation from a woman’s touch! 
But his thoughts sobered when he realised that she had touched the arm that was still gripping his half-sheathed sword. He sighed and ran a hand down his face. She probably just thought I was being my usual templar self, he thought. And was she wrong?
As he looked up at the Breach, he wondered what caused her to be so - 
Sister Cecelia.
Of course. The Herald had lost her young sister, of whom he had been fortunate enough to meet before… well before she died. He tried to recall that morning but the memory was vague already - it had only been a week or so since the explosion and yet it felt like a year. 
Guilt plagued Cullen as he turned towards Haven and watched the Herald enter the village gates and disappear behind the walls. She is mourning, he thought. Of course she is. And yet no one had given her the time of day to even acknowledge that fact. Him, like everyone else, had forgotten that here was a person whose life had changed considerably, but still grieved and felt emotion like everyone else. 
Cullen exhaled deeply, his breath misting before him in the cold night air. The revelations of the Herald being a noble - Lady Trevelyan - were just - 
A chill went through him. Trevelyan. He knew that name from somewhere… it sounded familiar, even though he knew next to nothing about Marcher nobility.
“Another sister,” he muttered… surely it couldn’t have been an old comrade, Lieutenant Evie Trevelyan? That would be too much of a coincidence. He made a mental note to ask the Lady Herald in the morning. But for now, he walked back to his tent, filled a small cup of ale and climbed into the narrow cot and read some reports by candlelight. He was quite confident that he had put all Trevelyans out of his mind, as he settled in for the night.
His dreams had other ideas, and as he slipped into the Fade, all he could see was Elsie Trevelyan’s face. 
The next morning, Cullen awoke an hour or so before dawn in the bitter cold. He grit his teeth, willing his body to move from the warm cocoon of his blankets, as it was the perfect time to train. He allowed himself a moment’s more peace before forcing his body out of the cot, and quickly pulled on a shirt and breeches - the chill making his hairs stand on end and his teeth involuntarily chatter. It was something he did as part of his routine almost daily, for most of his life. Does that still make me a Templar? He thought, recalling the Herald’s words about how she was still a mage, despite the end of the Circles. He had dismissed and left the Order, but so much of his life, his routine, his habits and attitudes had hardly changed, even in these exceptional circumstances. 
Grimacing at such deep thoughts when it was far too early in the morning, Cullen stomped outside of his tent after strapping on his belt and hanging his sword on his hip. He peered up at the sky, noting that he had plenty of time to practice before everyone else awoke and began their day. Soon enough he was taking himself through his regular drills and the morning cold was all but forgotten with a healthy sweat on his brown and dampening his shirt. He continued to push his body, his mind blank, almost in a meditative state as he forced himself to try and feel as strong as he could and prove to himself that he was just as good a warrior without the lyrium: that he was worthy and still good at what he did. 
As he hit a straw dummy for the final time, he halted, panting and rested the palms of his hands on his knees, catching his breath. It had been an enjoyable torture and he was never easy on himself, but he always felt infinitely better, even with his muscles screaming and his lungs gulping for air like a drowning man. He picked up his swords and inspected the blade idly as he continued to slow his heart rate, the orange glow of the rising sun bouncing off the blade. 
“Damn demons,” he muttered to himself, running a finger down one edge. To his agitation, the blade was already blunted from fighting so many demons after the explosion. As he sheathed his sword, he made a mental note to visit Harritt later that day. He returned to his tent and washed himself from the pitcher of water on his night stand, rinsing off the sweat. He rubbed a towel through his hair and dressed in his armour before heading out into the village that was barely waking up. 
Scouts through the night would have left reports for him in the War Room, and he liked to look at those before he did anything else; just in case there were any urgent developments overnight. Besides, the Lady Herald along with Seeker Cassandra were due to leave in a few short hours, so he wanted to make sure all final preparations had been made. Not that I particularly want to see her, he told himself firmly. 
However, as he skimmed the reports in the empty Warm Room, he found his mind wandering again. He had begun to realise that he had seen Lady Trevelyan at a very vulnerable and private moment which was none of his - nor anyone’s - business. And yet he couldn’t explain why he felt like he wanted it to be part of his business. He wanted to know her as a person and not some noble figurehead, even if she was a mage. 
His thoughts once again turned to her younger sister, Cecelia. She had reminded him of his sister Rosalie who was around the same age. Not that Cullen knew much about his siblings anymore, save what they occasionally wrote to him about in their unanswered letters to him. Branson and Rosalie had given up trying to write to him after his silence in return and appeared to have taken the hint. They had been young children when he had left to join the Templars and probably had little memories of him. 
But Mia - stubborn like himself - had persisted. And perhaps it was finally time to write her another letter, to warn her and his siblings of the Breach and to be wary of any rifts appearing in South Reach. He was lucky that all of his siblings were alive and well, unlike the Herald, who had just lost two sisters, as well as all of those who had perished at the Conclave. They had all been someone's son or daughter, sister, brother, mother, father… 
Cullen ran a hand through his hair and tried not to dwell too much, lest he lose himself in it. So he pulled out a fresh piece of parchment, dipped his quill into an open inkpot and began to write: 
Dear Mia, 
Things have changed considerably since my last letter, with the official forming of the Inquisition here in Haven, we are at the mercy of the Herald of Andraste herself - a mage and a noble woman from the Free Marshes. There is little for me to say of her except that our working relationship has already been strained due to an abundance of conflicting views. Nevertheless, I believe in the Inquisition and my time here is busy preparing our growing army ready for Maker only knows what. I won’t bore you with those granular details. 
I realise this letter is possibly somewhat of a shock for you, considering it is so soon after the last, and this is an essay compared to what I usually send you. All I can say is that I’m grateful you and our brother and sister are nowhere near Haven. 
That being said, there are plenty of reports coming in of rifts appearing all over Ferelden and most of Southern Thedas. I implore you - if a rift is seen in South Reach, please keep everyone away - including Branson - and send word to me immediately. 
Take care, all of you, and pass on my regards to Branson and Rosalie. 
Your brother,
There were a million other things he wanted to say to Mia and now he longed to write more to each of his siblings… but the Chantry bells peeled to indicate the hour, so Cullen folded up his letter and pocketed it: he hoped one of Leliana’s swiftest birds could deliver it for him.
Cullen left the War Room with some reports in his hand and headed back down through the village. Many were stirring now, and he walked briskly to ensure he wasn’t intercepted with idle chatter and miss the Herald’s departure. Fires were being lit, and servants scurried around fetching water and firewood. A delicious smell of bread was coming from the kitchen and his stomach rumbled. He quickened his pace keen to wave them off and head to breakfast; that was if they hadn’t already left.  
He need not have worried, for when he approached the stables, only Cassandra was there, fully dressed in her Seeker armour, her back to him. He followed her line of sight and saw her watching two figures in the sparring ring. As he shielded his eyes from the morning sun, he squinted at the figures and recognised them. 
“Is that... ?” he began.
Cassandra nodded beside him. “The Herald is training with the elven apostate, Solas.”
A trickle of unease crept down his back as he stood and watched with Cassandra. The pair of mages used long sticks instead of their staffs - not too dissimilar to wooden training swords. Solas held his stick with his left hand, his feet apart in a good stance. Cullen couldn’t hear what he said, but Solas appeared to instruct the Herald, as the elf demonstrated a feinting move. Cullen’s eyes were drawn to Trevelyan and he sucked in a breath as she turned, imitating Solas. Her face was flushed with the cold mountain air and there was a look of deep concentration as she listened to the apostate’s advice - a small frown on her brow and a nibble on her lower lip, he couldn’t help but notice. They then began to spar in earnest: their sticks twirled with no magic as they remained focused entirely upon their technique of movement in a fight. The two mages moved well together, and Cullen felt that peculiar pull in his gut - fear? He wasn’t sure, but he couldn’t help but continue to watch them spar and he observed that Solas’s eyes never left the Herald’s face. She, on the other hand, concentrated on her footwork; eventually outstepped Solas, whacked him on the shins then behind the knees, causing the elf to lose his balance and fall on the hard ground. The Herald’s staff was pointed at Solas’ neck and a brief look of triumph crossed her face.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Cassandra said, making Cullen jump. He had forgotten she was standing with him. 
“Hmm?” he made a non-committal response as he watched Trevelyan stretch out a hand to help Solas to his feet.
“You have nothing to worry about, Cullen,” she continued. “I will be keeping a close eye on each of them - especially when they are together as such.” 
Cullen nodded, but the twinge of unease didn’t abate. “I know you will Cassandra,” he replied evenly. Although the Herald’s magic was only one small part of what he had been thinking: the rest was a completely frightening feeling he was not familiar with, nor ready to admit what it was to himself, let alone Cassandra.
“You’re always watching, aren’t you?” a new voice called, and Cullen’s stomach lurched as Lady Trevelyan herself and Solas walked over to him with Solas. He was unsure of how to answer her. Yes, he wanted to say, but not for all the reasons you think.
Thankfully Cassandra interjected. “Can you blame us? We aren’t mages ourselves but are still drawn to magic and its uses. It was part of our livelihoods respectively before all of this.”
Cullen looked anywhere other than the Herald, but he could feel her eyes on him and he didn’t know if that made him uncomfortable or quietly pleased. 
“I suppose you’re right,” the Herald sighed. “But even so. I would appreciate it, Commander, if you could please stop watching my every move, like I’m one of your charges,” she said wearily, rubbing her forehead. 
Her words had struck a little too close to home - it eerily reminded him of when he had been infatuated with one of his charges as a new recruit, over ten years ago. Clenching his fists, Cullen glanced over his shoulder at the stables. “Well then, you will be pleased to know that I won’t be joining you on your ramble through the Ferelden countryside,” he replied flatly. “And it seems your horses are now ready for your departure.” He started to walk back towards the stables with Solas and Cassandra following him. Leliana and Josephine were also at the stables, waiting to wave off the party. 
He pulled out his reports and passed them to Cassandra as she mounted her horse. “If the roads are clear, it should take you around five days to reach the outskirts of the Hinterlands,” Cullen said. “Corporal Vale departed yesterday and should be a day’s ride ahead of you and will leave signals if there any dangers to be aware of along your route.”
Cassandra thanked him, but her attention was diverted to behind Cullen, where the Herald had mounted her horse in silence and the mare had skitted, unaccustomed to her new rider. 
“Woah girl, easy,” she cooed in an attempt to soothe the horse. 
Cullen strode forward and took the reins in his hands before patting the mare down and hushing her. “You can’t show her you’re afraid,” he said honestly, hoping his willingness to assist would be seen as a small token of peace between them. 
But instead the Herald frowned down at him. “I know that, thank you very much Commander,” she said tartly. 
“I understand the horse is the mascot of House Trevelyan, is it not?” Leliana said suddenly.
The Ambassador nodded and Lady Trevelyan inclined her head. “You’re right. My ancestors were one of the first humans to breed and sell fine horses for profit: they started the whole trade of horse dealerships in Southern Thedas.” There was a note of pride in the Herald’s voice, and Cullen tried his best not to roll his eyes. Her family invented trading horses? Not bloody likely. Maker’s breath, what drivel has she been fed as a noble growing up! He glanced at Cassandra who appeared to be containing herself too. 
“I understand that’s how your family came into nobility,” Josephine said with a smile. 
As The Herald nodded, Cullen couldn't help but interject. “Well if that’s the case, then you should know how to handle a horse better than anyone,” he said sarcastically. 
“Well perhaps you should mind your own business,” she retorted, snatching the resigns out of his hands. 
Cullen clenched his jaw. “And you should know when to accept help when offered, no matter how unwillingly,” he ground out. How was it, just the night before he had found himself noticing... other things about her? How in the world could he even think this was the start of an ill-advised infatuation when he enraged her so, and vice versa? 
Before the Herald could reply, Cassandra rode past them. “Let us depart, Lady Herald - the road is a long one.”
“Indeed,” Solas said, following the Seeker. “It would be good to cover as much ground in the daylight as possible.” 
Another, croaky voice joined in. “Let’s just get this over with,” a bleary-eyed Varric grumbled from his pony.
The Herald paused and looked back at Cullen. “Just tell me one thing, Commander…” He nodded for her to continue. She cocked her head to the side. “Do you not trust me?” 
Cullen sucked in a breath. It was a heavy question, thick with hidden accusations. He searched his mind for an answer that would satisfy, but he was far too slow.
“That’s what I thought,” she said flatly and an unexpected look of disappointment crossed her face. At me or herself? He wondered. She dug in her heels and set off at a canter to catch up with the rest of the group.
“Maker preserve you!” Leliana called, and offered a small wave to the group. 
As he watched her ride away, Josephine tutted from beside him. “Goodness, what is going on with you and the Lady Herald?” 
Still looking at the retreating back of Elsie Trevelyan, his mouth felt dry as he replied “A mutual sense of loathing.”
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raywritesthings · 4 years
The Canary’s Wrath
My Writng Fandom: Arrow Characters: Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen, Jim Corrigan, Malcolm Merlyn, Thea Queen, Damien Darhk, John Diggle Pairing: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen Summary: When the Black Canary is killed before her time, she is offered the chance to ascend to a higher purpose. / AU Post-”Canary Cry”, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Deaths *Can be read on my AO3 and FFN, links are in bio*
They had told her she would be fine, yet Laurel had felt compelled, somehow, to make her deathbed confession anyway. It was important to her to clear the air at last with Oliver, to let the truth free. It might even help him to know that he was still worthy of love, capable of forgiveness.
She tried to hold on long enough for her father — the true target of tonight’s attack, and wasn’t that the bitterest part? — but it just wasn’t meant to be. There was so much more she could’ve done, should’ve done. A life cut short. It wasn’t fair. But it was too late, and she was slipping away.
Until she awoke again.
She recognized this place. The empty gym, the folding chairs in a circle. Laurel did what she did at any AA meeting and took a seat, wondering where everyone else was and what she was meant to be waiting for.
There was a noise to her left, and Laurel turned her head. Sitting in the chair beside hers was a man Laurel had never seen before. He had a dark beard and hair peppered heavily with gray, and there was something calming and ancient in his gaze. Foreboding, too, but she had looked into the eyes of dangerous men before and hadn’t flinched. She didn’t do so now.
“Who are you?”
“Who I was doesn’t matter,” the man said. “Who I am is what you should be concerned with, Dinah Laurel Lance.”
“You know who I am?” Laurel had to wonder what this really was. She didn’t recognize him from any part of her life. Was this some guide to the next stage or something?
“I do. You’re the Black Canary, a hero,” he told her. “In another life, I was a decorated police officer, a hero in my own right, but then I was called to a higher purpose.” He gestured around her. “Now that you have passed beyond the realm of living, you have the choice to answer that call.”
“To a higher purpose? To something other than just being dead?” Laurel didn’t want to just be dead, floating around on a cloud somewhere and watching events unfold with no way to help. Assuming that was what the afterlife was. Maybe it was nothing. An eternal sleep. She shuddered; enough of her life had been spent numbed to the world, sleepwalking through her own life because there had been nothing worth living for.
“You would pursue justice, even vengeance, against the guilty. You would be beyond their mortal powers, and you would have knowledge no mortal yet possesses about a coming Crisis unimaginable in scale and devastation,” he explained. “In another life, you might have stood against that Crisis as a hero with those you knew. Now, I believe to best prepare them, they must be able to trust the one who holds the power I currently possess.”
“How will I know what to do?” Laurel asked. It wasn’t a question of accepting; she was doing this. She was a bringer of justice, and vengeance suited the likes of the man who had tossed her life aside as a mere message just fine. Justice had failed to hold Darhk behind bars, so he would face worse at her hands before she could even think about resting in peace.
“The same way you know how to throw a punch or use a staff. I will train you in everything that I know. Then you will become the Spectre.”
“The Spectre,” Laurel echoed. It wasn’t a hero’s name, really. It sounded foreboding as she had thought before. But the darkness was already inside her, and with no life left to live, it was about time she embraced it.
Jim Corrigan, as she learned he had been called in his mortal life, was true to his word. He pushed her through the training of her life, literally. Every punch she had ever thrown in the ring, every gun she had fired, every defensive maneuver she had perfected was redone and relived. Then they went even beyond that.
“This Crisis looms, in part, because of reckless changes wrought on the fabric of time itself,” Jim explained. “There was another path that your life could have taken, that of the Black Canary until the end of a life well-lived. The Spectre cannot return that life to you, but I can transfer her strength to you.”
Laurel’s mind seemed to stretch and fill with new knowledge, new memories that had never happened. An early separation between her parents; running away from her alcoholic father’s home and traveling the world, learning everything there was to know about fighting to protect herself when no one else would; a Cry more powerful and dangerous bursting forth from her lips; those same lips locked in a kiss with the very same love of her life, who loved her back just as fiercely; the baby blue eyes of a son nestled in her arms; a growing family who held her up as Oliver drifted away with a smile on his face at 86; her own quiet passing a few years later.
It felt like the arrowhead was being driven into her again and twisted, this time in her heart. Laurel’s eyes welled up with tears — and wasn’t it just her luck that there were tears left to shed in Purgatory? — and the scream she had seen in the other life rattled the roof and the walls.
This had been stolen from her. She would have her vengeance on those who had done this, too.
It could have been months or years or eternity. There was no time in this place. She did not age and she did not weary. She forgot the feeling of sun or rain or wind. She felt little but cold emptiness, emptiness that could only be replaced by purpose and one that would soon be at hand.
She felt a pull on her very soul that echoed with a familiarity in her bones. Oliver, desperately reaching out, seeking aid from supernatural forces he only barely understood. He struggled to find the light in him, lost in his own darkness. She would take the darkness from him, channel it to do the things he could not.
It was time to return and seek retribution. The kind no one could run from.
Malcolm Merlyn felt satisfied that everything was finally coming together. After everything he had sacrificed and conceded, the fealty he had had to pledge after losing his own power and his very hand along with it, he would see the dawning of a new age.
Darhk’s plan was on a much larger scale than his own had once been, but that had made it all the more necessary to ensure that he and his own were deemed part of the select few. Thea would thank him for it one day once she realized what he had done for her; it hadn’t been easy to convince Damien to secret one of the very vigilantes he had been fighting the better part of the year into the inner sanctum that the dome represented. H.I.V.E.’s leader was retrieving Rubicon tonight, and after that it would be a short time until the missiles were launched and the surface of the Earth turned to little but ash.
Oliver and his team had lost. They didn’t realize how fully, yet, but he thought Oliver must know; must have known from the moment Laurel had breathed her last. Why else would he have allowed his sister a vacation, or gone on some fruitless trip to learn magic as if he expected to beat a master at it after a few hours’ practice? The group of heroes was directionless and still unaware of what was to come. It made perfect sense that Malcolm should have sided with Darhk. At least he and Thea would make it out of this alive.
Thea had arrived underground with the young man whose affections she was currently entertaining. He finished preparing the drug he would have to give her if she refused to cooperate, yet as he went to pick up the syringe to store it in a pouch on his belt, it rolled away from him. Malcolm frowned and reached again, and it rolled the other way.
He looked up. “Damien?”
There was no answer.
With honed reflexes, he plucked the syringe up from the table quick enough that it couldn’t move. Whatever had just happened, it was no match for him.
Then the syringe shattered in his hand.
“Ah!” Malcolm stumbled to the sink, washing tiny slivers of glass and trails of blood from his skin. He did not need damage to the one flesh and blood hand he had left. And how had it happened?
“You never really were sorry about drugging her the first time, were you?”
Malcolm gasped and whirled around. Standing in the kitchen was an impossibility.
“You… you can’t be here. You’re dead.”
“Death is exactly why I’m here,” said Laurel Lance. “The deaths you’ve caused have finally caught up with you, Malcolm. And your guilt is beyond doubt.”
His senses were screaming at him to fight or to flee. Whatever this was, it could not be Dinah Laurel Lance. He therefore felt not a shred of hesitation as he slipped a knife out of the block and flung it with precision — only for it to sail through her and embed itself in the wall behind.
“What,” he began, and swallowed around a mouth gone dry. “What is this? What are you?”
“I am the Spectre.” A black cloak suddenly folded down around her, a hood descending over her face, as her eyes glowed a bright green. Plates and mugs rattled in the cabinets, drawers pulled out and cutlery rose into the air. “My task is to punish the guilty whom the living cannot touch.”
The faucets turned on and began filling the basin as the plug went into the drain.
“Do you ever think about the men who drowned that night in the sea? Have you ever wondered how it might feel?”
“You can’t possibly expect to—” Malcolm made a run for it, around the kitchen island and through an archway into the sitting room. He could flee to any number of homes in this underground base, line low until Damien returned to expel the spirit of the woman Malcolm had watched him murder.
A great boom shook the house before he made it to the door, and Malcolm fell under the weight of part of the ceiling collapsing. Enough to pin him, but not crush him.
“There were many who died like this at your hand,” the Spectre told him, seeming to float around the ruin into his sight line. “Tell me, what made their lives worth less than your ambitions?”
“Laurel, stop this!” He begged. Another wall had collapsed and the weight was pressing down on him. He couldn’t get enough air into his lungs. Water covered the floor an inch deep and was rising. “I’m Thea’s father.”
“Yes, you are.” She raised an arm, and the wood and plaster and metal peeled back away from him. He drew in a shuddering breath.
Malcolm tensed as he felt three steps pulled from the quiver strapped to his back. Then he was flipped over, unable to move as those arrows rose into the arrow, then pointed down towards his chest.
“The murder she committed is your guilt, too.”
The arrows shot down with no bow to fire them. Malcolm felt a sharp, piercing pain as they punctured his chest and then was no more.
Thea didn’t know why or how this vacation had turned into a nightmare, but she wanted out now. Only problem with that was, there wasn’t a way out.
She pounded against whatever wall the fake sky was made of, not feeling it give even an inch. What even was this place?
A distant boom had her turning around. Something was going on, and if she could find out what maybe she would find a way out as well. Thea ran back into the quiet little suburb, searching for the source of the disturbance when a chilling scream stole her breath.
That had been Malcolm’s voice. He was here? And why had he said…?
Thea found a growing crowd gathering across the street from one of the cookie-cutter homes, only this one had seemingly collapsed in on itself. In the ruins lay her father’s broken body, a trail of blood leaking from his mouth. Thea was stunned speechless.
A cloaked figure stood over him, and as people whispered and murmured to each other in shock, the figure lifted their head to show off glowing green eyes and a frown on a face that Thea knew devastatingly well. She knew, too, why her father’s last word had been what it was. She gasped, but the woman who was somehow Laurel rose high into the air.
“Each of you agreed to join Damien Darhk deep below the Earth,” the figure said in Laurel’s voice, harsh and booming. “You believed yourselves to be the chosen few, the worthy. You turned your backs on humanity and wait for them to die.”
A rumbling started up. Panes of glass or whatever material the false sky was made of started to drop out of the ceiling one by one. People cried out, and parents hugged their children to them in terror.
“You will suffer the fate you left them to instead.”
“Wait!” Thea shouted, running out into the street to place herself apart from the crowd. If this went badly, she didn’t want anyone else caught in the crossfire. “Not everyone agreed to this.”
The cloaked woman paused, one arm lifted.
“I was taken down here without knowing what this place was. I’m still not sure what it has to do with Darhk’s plans,” Thea began. “And, and there’s children here. They didn’t get a choice, either. They’re minors, so they can’t consent,” she added, thinking of her lost friend and how she would have presented an argument such as this in a courtroom.
The woman — for it couldn’t truly be Laurel, not with everything she had done, considered this. Then hatch-like doors were flung open in the walls, revealing tunnels leading out and up from the dome. “Leave this place then, and never return.” And she vanished into thin air.
Thea stared up at the skies in vain, trying to spot her as the people in their gray uniforms began to flee. What had just happened? How could a being that powerful exist, and why did she have Laurel’s face? What had happened to her friend?
For now, all she could do was get to the surface and find the others. They needed to know about this apparition, whether it was friend or foe.
Oliver sped down the streets towards the open back doors of the truck Damien Darhk stood in. He had little hope of countering the man based on what Esrin Fortuna had told him about the darkness within him, but he could not allow further harm to come to his loved ones. If John lost Lyla the way he had lost Laurel… no one should ever feel that pain again.
It would be different for John, of course. At least Lyla knew how much her husband loved her. Oliver had let Laurel die believing herself not to be loved by him. He had lost the one person who continued to believe in him despite all he had done, and only when it had happened had he realized all the time he had wasted.
Darhk saw his approach and walked to the edge of the truck floor, arm raising — yet then he ducked as if dodging an attack. It happened a second time, and Darhk whirled from left to right.
“Show yourself! Enough with the games— ah!”
Oliver could not tell if it was gravity, the sharp movements on the edge of the truck or something else that knocked Darhk to the ground. The man went rolling, and Oliver turned his motorcycle to follow his path.
He cut the engine on the shoulder of the road, mere feet from Darhk who was only beginning to stand with his suit rumpled and torn. Oliver breathed in deeply, centering himself and searching within for the light as Esrin had explained. He thought of the team, of his family, of Laurel.
And it was Laurel’s voice that answered his seeking. “Damien Darhk.”
Before his eyes, a cloaked figure rippled into being just behind Darhk’s shoulder. The sorcerer spun and struck with a debilitating blow he would have learned in the League, yet it passed straight through, sending him sprawling back in the dirt. Standing there without Darhk obscuring her, Oliver could see the woman clearly, and his breath caught.
She turned away, towards Darhk who was again struggling back to his feet.
“You would set the world afire and begin it anew under your guidance. You are not a God, Damien, but a man who has incurred His Wrath.” There was something different to the timbre of her voice, not-quite her. A great power seemed to course through every word.
Darhk seemed to know it, too. “What are you?”
“I am the Spectre. I seek vengeance against the guilty.”
Darhk had gone, if possible, paler than he typically was. The name meant something to him. He caught sight of Oliver and raised his hand. Oliver felt his breath stutter in his chest for a single moment as he froze, but Laurel’s eyes shone with brilliant green light as she turned her head sharply in his direction.
Oliver’s breath returned, and he watched Damien sink to his knees, his hands going to his throat as his eyes bulged.
“Laurel,” Oliver said. She made no indication of hearing him, and seconds later Darhk fell on his side, a small chip slipping from his slackened grasp to land on the ground. The Spectre crushed it under her heel.
“Laurel,” Oliver pleaded this time. Whatever the Spectre meant or was, she could not have her form by accident. He had to believe there was something of the woman he had loved in her.
She turned on the spot towards him slowly, the cloak receding, and she was Laurel in jeans and a jacket and a loose-fitting shirt like he knew her best. Her eyebrows raised and her lips turned not quite to a smile. “Hi, Ollie.”
His lips pressed tight together, water stinging his eyes, and Oliver took two strides to reach her and pull her into his embrace. To his immense relief, he did not phase through Laurel’s body the way Darhk had. She felt real and solid in his arms.
“How- how is this possible?”
“After everything that’s happened in your life, are you really surprised by anything anymore?”
He pulled back, hands cupping her face. “I guess there’s not much that can keep a Lance down.” She watched him, her smile still small and not fully reaching her eyes. “Laurel, what… what is the Spectre?”
“It’s what I am now,” she answered simply. “A higher purpose I was called to after my death. I’m not really alive anymore, Ollie. Not in the way Sara is.”
He shook his head, thumbs brushing her cheeks. “Laurel, you’re — whatever this is, we can figure it out. The whole team. We’ve missed you so much. We need you.”
“But I can’t return,” she disputed. “Laurel Lance is dead, and if she was alive she would be a hunted vigilante.”
He let go of her, his stomach dropping. “I didn’t mean—”
“I know you didn’t. You couldn’t know this would happen. None of this was ever meant to,” Laurel said, a faint glow in her eyes again. “In another time, the Green Arrow and Black Canary fought side by side for years, but the constant meddling with time changed things, stole the life I would have had. A life with you.” She lifted her own hand to his cheek for a moment, then let it fall. “If I can’t have that life, then I want to be more than I was in life.”
Oliver struggled past the lump that threatened to block off his voice. “Where will you go?”
“Wherever there’s injustice.”
That caused him to smile, a twist of the mouth that felt painful. “Dinah Laurel Lance, always trying to save the world.”
“I’m not the world’s savior anymore, Ollie. I’m its avenger. It will be up to you and the other heroes to save this Earth and the many besides it.”
He didn’t understand what she meant by that last part, but it didn’t matter to him in the moment. “You were my hero,” he told her fiercely. “You are. And I love you, Laurel, please, you have to know that. I love you so much I couldn’t stand it at times—”
His teammates came running from opposite directions. John with his helmet off and baby Sara handed to Lyla who waited some ways off, and Thea in a plaid coat. He stopped in his tracks and she clapped a hand over her mouth.
A flutter of something in the wind had him looking back at Laurel, who had donned the Spectre’s cloak again.
“Please don’t leave,” he whispered. “Your father, Sara…”
“I will come to them when they need me most. Just as you will see me again,” she promised.
He didn’t know how she expected him to survive this a second time. But Oliver reached beneath the hood and pushed it back, bringing her lips to his. If she had to leave, he would not let it be without her knowing the truth.
Laurel responded to his kiss, but already she had begun fading away. She slipped through his fingers and left his mouth tingling with the phantom touch of hers. When he opened his eyes, she was gone.
In the absence of her, he could hear the sirens and the boots of ARGUS soldiers as they hurried about their business, as if the woman Oliver had loved and lost had not appeared and vanished from his world all over again.
“That was… was that really her?” John asked in a trembling voice. “I don’t understand.”
Thea drew up to him and tucked herself in at his side. “Malcolm’s, um, dead.”
Oliver blinked. Then a snort left him. A tired, grateful, ache of a laugh followed, to the point where Thea was helping to support his weight.
“Yeah, John. That was her.”
Dinah Laurel Lance had wanted to be a police officer; she had been denied and became a lawyer. She had wanted to be his protege in the field; she had been denied and became a hero of her own. She had loved being the Black Canary; and when that had been taken away from her, she had found another way like all the times before. A way that had never been meant for her, but the way her life had been forged by forces beyond either of their control.
Those who rose up in this city or around the world like Darhk would wish they were under the mercy of the Black Canary. For none would be able to hide from the Spectre. Just as he would never deny the love he held for her ever again.
Though they couldn’t be together, Laurel would remain forever a part of his life and his heart, and he would hers until the very end.
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What Am I Without You
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: Jumin x MC
Prompt: You’re going to regret that, sweetheart.
Warning: Angst, Death of major character, depression, denial
Rested by: Anon @ikemen-discord-writers
Written by: @kiarigirl
Word Count: 1556
Summary: Jumin works from early in the morning until late at night most nights leaving you under house arrest.  So you do the only thing you can.  Thank goodness for the messenger.  If he won’t let you have a life outside the RFA and the penthouse, you’ll tell everyone what being Jumin’s girlfriend is really like, but at what price?
A/N: I get that Saeyoung is supposed to be the one MC is supposed to get with but his story left me more angry than sad.  Jumin’s story felt real and authentic to me.  I couldn’t imagine either Jumin or MC being able to exist without the other once they fell in love.  
“I want a job.  I’m tired of sitting alone in the penthouse all day long.”  It was the same argument as always.  Jumin didn’t like his precious MC being out where she could get hurt and so he was keeping her prisoner.  Even no longer allowing her to venture just within the building.  “I’m serious Jumin.  Hey are you even listening to me?”  
Jumin patted her head before heading to the door.  “You’re really adorable when you’re angry.”  Then he walked out the door.  The all to familiar lock closing reminded the girl that she was for the next eight to twelve hours a prisoner.  At least Jaehee, who was a company slave, was permitted to go outside.  
She picked up her phone and logged into the RFA messenger.  No one else was present yet, but it was about the time others would be logging on.  She typed her first message.
MC: Jumin, please we need to talk about this.
MC: I guess all those promises you made meant nothing.
MC: How would you like it if I told everyone what being your girlfriend really entails?
MC: Come to think of it, didn’t Zen, Yoosung and 707 want girlfriends?
Jumin: MC!  It’s not appropriate to be discussing our relationship with others.  
Jumin: I must insist that you log out and wait for me to call you.
707: What?  
707: Jumin, you told everyone that MC was happy.
MC: Me happy?  You’re joking right?
MC: Let me tell you how unhappy I am.
Jumin: You’re gonna regret that, sweetheart.
For a brief moment her heart raced.  Had she really pushed him too far this time?  The only time he called her sweetheart was when he was displeased with her and about to punish her.  She was about to tell everyone the awful truth about how life was with Jumin when her cell phone lost service.  “Just great.  He had my phone shut off.”  She slammed the phone down and went to her room.  
A few minutes passed before the front door opened.  She peeked out and saw it was one of the guards.  Her first thought was to ask what the warden wanted but she said nothing.  It wasn’t their fault that their employer was a tyrant.  “Miss MC, I was told to help you pack your belongings and take you back to your old apartment.”  Her heart sank.  
“Why?  I live here with Jumin.  I will call him and straighten this out.”  
The guard stepped inside and moved to the guest bedroom.  He wasted no time gathering up as much stuff as he could fit into the box.  “It’s Mr Han’s orders.  Come along.”  MC didn’t want to go, but had no choice.  She began to cry as her things were carried down to a waiting car.  Was it over?  Did Jumin break up with her because she threatened to tell everyone about not being allowed outside?  Everything seemed to be happening so fast.
MC arrived at the old apartment a short time later.  Her guard dropped her belongings on the bed before leaving.  She was alone.  When she had first joined the RFA, she was alone but this was different.  She hadn’t been in love then and now, now she was brokenhearted.  
She found her old phone and logged into the messenger.  It had been flooded with concern from nearly everyone.  Even V had logged only to be left wondering what had happened.  MC sobbed as she read the last message.
You wanted your freedom well now you have it.  Please never contact me again.
This hadn’t been what she wanted.  It wasn’t supposed to end this way.  Not for them.  She tucked her phone in her pocket and rushed to the street.  She called for a cab to pick her up.  She couldn’t just let Jumin go.  
She arrived at the C&R building a half hour later.  MC entered the building and told the receptionist who she was there to see.  “I’m sorry Miss, but Jumin Han has left the country for a business trip.  He won’t be back for a week.  Would you like to speak to his assistant?”  MC nodded as she tried to bite back the tears that threatened to fall.
Jaehee rounded the corner after having been called down by the receptionist.  “MC?  Oh goodness you look awful.  Come, let’s take a walk.”  Jaehee looked at the receptionist and nodded.  “Have any calls transferred to my phone.  I shouldn’t be gone long.”
Together they pair walked to a nearby coffee house.  “What happened MC?  Jumin came in crying this morning after your argument on messenger and then he said he needed to leave.”  
MC was equally as confused in truth.  She tried to explain to Jaehee what she could.  “I have been asking Jumin to let me get a job, even just in the building where the penthouse is but he won’t let me.  I felt trapped in the penthouse and now he wants nothing to do with me.  He even sent me back to Rika’s old apartment.”  
The women continued to talk for a  couple more minutes when Jaehee’s phone rang.  “Let me take this call.”  She got up and walked a little bit down the street.  
“What?  Are you sure it was Mr Han’s plane?  Did anyone die?  Yes, keep me updated.”  
MC heard it all.  It sounded bad.  If Jumin died in a plane crash, she could never apologize to him.  She could never get back what was lost and most importantly, she had nothing to live for.  Tears streamed down her face and she long longer tried to hide them.  “I heard.  I just hope Jumin’s alright.”
Jaehee touched her arm.  “Come on.  Let’s go back.  I will call a driver to take you home.  MC walked sullenly back to the C&R building with Jaehee.
Time slipped through her fingers.  One minute she had been at the C&R building and the next, at the old apartment.  She couldn’t recall how she got there, but she walked up to the floor where the apartment was.  MC gave a half hearted wave to the camera, sure 707 was watching then opened the door.
Sitting on her bed was Jumin Han.  He looked at her tear stained face and almost felt bad for what he had done.  “MC?”
She rushed towards him as if not sure if he was there or if she dreamed him there.  Her hands wrapped around him and held him tight.  “Jumin.  I heard your plane crashed.  How is it you’re here?”  MC had so many questions for him to answer.
“I never left.  I called Jaehee, told her to tell everyone I would be gone for a week.  Then after I watched you leave the C&R building with Jaehee, I called and told her to react as if my plane had crashed.”  He grabbed her shoulders firmly.  “I wanted you to feel the pain I would feel if I lost you.  I know you think I am keeping you prisoner, but I’m just trying to protect you.  I had never known love before you.  I was beginning to think I was asexual, but then I met you and you showed me how to love.  I am so afraid to lose you.  I am sorry.  Can you understand and forgive me?”  He waited silently for her to speak.  
“But why did you forbid me from even working at a place in the building?  Why did you send me back here and tell me never to contact you again?”  He recognized her pain and pulled her close to his chest. 
“As I said, I needed you to feel my pain.  It felt like you wanted to be free of me.  Like that time Elizabeth the 3rd escaped.”  She understood then he didn’t handle being abandoned and her attempts to come and go as she pleased felt like she was abandoning him.  
She kissed his cheek.  “I promise I will never abandon you.  I just wanted a part time job where I am not home alone.”  
“Let me hire you then as one of my assistants.  I will know you are safe then and we both kind of get what we want.”
Her body shook and when she looked up.  V, Zen, Yoosung, 707 and Jaehee were all standing there watching her.  “MC, it’s time to go.”
“Go where,” she asked.  
“To Jumin’s funeral,” Zen said holding her close to him.  
“But Jumin was right here.  I was just talking to him.”  When she looked around there was no sign of him anyplace. There was no sign of her apartment or Jumin’s either.
“She hasn’t been handling it well since she heard.”  Zen said to the other RFA members.  “I often find her talking to herself as if Jumin is right there with her.  I wish they hadn’t gotten into that fight.  He might still be here with her otherwise.”
After the funeral was over, MC resigned from the RFA.  She knew that without Jumin, she couldn’t go on.  No one saw or heard from her again.  She locked herself away where she could live with the memories of Jumin.
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this has been the most wild fuckin year so let’s do a Year in Review shall we
in terms of internet and fandom life, that is. my real life has been atrociously boring but who cares about real life amirite folx
january probably the only calm month of the year.  i spent the first day of the month watching the brazilian inauguration in burgos, spain with one headphone in, while ordering for my family in a restaurant where nobody spoke english (my sister speaks decent spanish, but my whole family has like 8194814 food restrictions so it kind of went past her level of ability). translating between spanish and english with portuguese in one year was kind of awesome. i watched bodyguard and it was amazing!  what else...in january i briefly owned the issue of spanish GQ with Luka on the cover which i then forgot about until november. other than that...? nada.  the calm before the storm. (fav music)
february was so long ago that i keep forgetting how insane its 28 days were.  probably the wildest month of the year really. i got involved in an absolutely batshit and exclusive group chat with a famous person’s family member (which must remain confidential). it was all sunshine and rainbows for a week and a half and it then devolved into the most absolutely insane Lord of the Flies situation ever--it turned into 1 main chat and then 1 chat that was less puritanical than the main chat, and that chat spawned another chat that didn’t trust the previous chat, and then that chat had a massive argument and a like 6-person bitchy chat modded by a gay guy who does voodoo (shoutout to ALCIDES) spawned from that one.  i made it into every level of group chat and was asked by the tiny bitchy chat to spy on the other bitchy chat (i did not lol). i was a member of the tiny bitchy chat until i got a new phone and was logged out of whatsapp for like a month.  these words can’t even convey what this chat was like--oh and did i mention it was all conducted in only my 3rd-best language? it’s no wonder my weird ass survived middle school almost entirely unscathed.  as this was winding down, on the very last day of the month, I found out about Justin’s involvement in the SNC-Lavalin scandal and decided to go public about my years-long boner for him; Lavscam definitely changed the course of the rest year ~ Oh, also i began helping to repair a friendship that had had some Drama go down so that was p cool ~ (fav music)
march was a Time. The insanity of lavscam helped me finally finish the macdeau I started writing the previous December when a bunch of tungelr people called me disgusting for writing it.  i wrote my first straight-up serious explicit porn in years which has wound up being the third-longest thing i’ve ever published on ao3. Also, Hozier released Wasteland, Baby! which made a huge impact on me as well.  i spent like half of march staying up till 3:30 am writing said Long Fic, and i was firmly in the closet about stanning manu. also justin almost got a vote of no confidence or something and he got busted for eating a chocolate bar during a parliamentary all-nighter.  (fav music)
in april i wrote a ton of fanfic thanks to declining mental health(tm).  i think this is when i started my emmanuyell insta account and became really into making weird edits (which i still love doing just...don’t anymore.)  i started meeting some cool people thanks to macdeau.  what else happened in april? i feel like it wasn’t actually too eventful other than writing a lot of fanfic and being Annoyed about manu.  feel free to jog my memory lol.  oh i think i wrote “Okay so who from the French national team are we gonna ship Manu with” on twitter after seeing photos of manu + antoine griezmann at the World Cup but nothing came of that...at that time... (fav music)
may saw me having to deal with my shit mental health and up my meds but that seems to have had a good effect because i seem to not be too depressed to write in the winter/fall anymore! it was the 2nd anniversary of manu’s election and at the Christchurch Call in paris, macdeau took that amazing fairytale princess photo together that was completely unrivalled in Gay Shippy Feels moments until ivan went out of his way to kiss luka during the el clásico gameplay last wednesday. someone wrote ao3′s first griezmanu drabble and at the end manu gets down on his knees in front of antoine, takes off his shoes for him, and sucks his dick, and i achieved another state of being entirely.  my sister graduated from grad school and when we went down to DC for the weekend i went to eat at this restaurant manu famously ate at while there and ordered the same stuff he did and i have no idea how he consumed all that grease.  i learned about the song O Come, O Come, Emmanuel *snort*. i feel like other things happened in may too?  OH YES--i got the idea for my magnum opus, Trophy Boyfriend, and started to write it. the first scene i wrote was justin blowing manu in the hallway. then the same day i wrote the scene at the airport (which was the ending for a solid month and half till i realized it shouldn’t be), and the saddest scene in the fic--but we’ll stop to open presents.  oh! and i stumbled across the macronists discord chat which is such a delightful little community *weepy sniffles* (fav music)
june was Eventful.  a french neonazi on tumblr told me to go let manu fuck me in the ass because i was a fucking degenerate.  what a start!  then came the ceremony in which manu awarded everyone on the french national team the legion of honor medal and the way he and antoine looked at each other was truly...Wait it was the 3rd Gay Shippy Feels moment of the year.  as soon as the ceremony was over i wrote a fic about it and haven’t looked back.  between this + watching almost every 2018 World Cup game and the women’s world cup (during which I cried during argentina’s last game because of that miraculous penalty) i finally achieved my years-long goal of getting into Futbol(TM).  Antoine dropped his spotify playlist and my crush on him turned into Intense Love (TM) and also he introduced me to some legit awesome artists.  which led to (fav music)
july, in which i wrote “ça c’est ma dope” which is definitely the best thing i’ve written since i wrote “modernity towering in front of the sky” almost exactly 10 years before. got embroiled in Soccer Transfer Drama and learned its pain for the first time (unfortunately, since i wound up attaching my heart-wagon to barça’s Suddenly Least Favorite Player, the transfer drama pain has...never ended) became a full-fledged culé, O the joy O the honor.  i wanted to ship antoine with someone on the team, which in their current chemistry-less season is a real challenge, but after seeing a few photos i decided it would be fun to casually ship antoine + ivan rakitic (partially because, ever since i went from Enemies to Lovers with the croatia NT during the World Cup, he was one of the only players i knew anything about other than messi, suárez, and piqué lmao). while looking on ao3 to see what kind of headcanons people had about him--and the fic is definitely in general better than what’s out there about antoine, which is perplexing because antoine is much easier to write than ivan--i found That Amazing Rakidric Fic and thought “oh wait that ship makes a lot of sense” and started also shipping ivan and luka with the fire of a thousand suns.  oh and my air conditioner was broken for like 3 weeks. i worked on more fics, seriously outlining the path of Trophy Boyfriend, and my music taste was killer. (fav music)
in august i finished Trophy Boyfriend in my neighborhood Starbucks after writing the scene that was giving me the most trouble (the scene at the beginning where they’re organizing their book collection). the fic has made multiple people cry and people disagree on whether justin’s choice at the end was the right one and god i’m so proud of it.  Instantly went on to write ‘i might not mind,’ a lively lighthearted Friends to Lovers ivantoine~ romp which was definitely going to be a one-off and i was definitely not going to get an extra celeb crush out of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (fav music)
in september ivantoine became A Thing in my mind and it’s a whole ongoing slow-burn character-arcy series that has taken a very different turn than i had expected. i’m not saying it’s like, the most deep writing of all time, but it’s gone to some interesting places emotionally. honestly, ships and boners aside, the concept of a person who made some really stupid homophobia 101 comments many years ago slowly realizing over and over again that they have gay feelings for a man who seems rather comfortable with gayness is a fascinating one and one that’s really cool to explore in writing.  Or at least, i think so.  in many ways ivan is my most unreliable narrator because of the many layers of Discomfort, Emotion and Repression at play in the fic while he’s interacting with this pretty cheery and uncomplicated seeming-dude who’s still perceptive enough to sort of know what’s going on (and that’s not even adding in the star player/falling from grace former rockstar dynamic!!!)  i know in the current climate it’s Not Allowed to write about someone who said a bad, but luckily i’m too old to give a Fuck. ivantoine is hard to write but it’s my bff’s favorite ship of mine and has a few other excited fans on ao3 which tbh is kind of an accomplishment considering i made it up out of thin air and it’s not something you’d ever think would be a thing. instantly also developed ‘getting called out about ivan by a child on the internet’ as a goal.  and...i achieved my dream of leading high holiday services!!! (fav music)
october had more high holiday services and i worked a lot on certain fics (including d*janfic which would be fun to finish). i came up with the idea of a Very Long Rakidric Fic based on the translation of a gorgeous croatian folk song i sang in college (Janko fell asleep under the poplar/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me/Under the poplar's golden branch/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me/I tore off the golden branch/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me--in which the golden branch is a reference to a way to get into the underworld). decided to start quarter-assedly learning croatian for fun.  Fun...ha.  other than fangirling a lot and watching the croatian NT play, october was pretty uneventful? i think? Justin got reelected and mauricio didn’t ;( (fav music)
in november i finally achieved my dream of having a literal child on the internet call me out about being attracted to a homophobe.  (they were a madridista even!) accidentally started writing some more rakidric and now i’m seriously hooked.  also accidentally came out of the closet about the secret crush i’d been harboring on luka modric and then one fateful day in the ihop on 14th st i realized i’d had this crush already and repressed it from my memory. Don’t do that kids! now it’s Hurting Really Bad. Ivan dropped the most pathetic and candid interview like...ever and i hope “¿Cómo puede disfrutar uno? Jugando al fútbol. ¿Cómo se siente mi hija pequeña cuando le quitan un juguete? Triste. Yo me siento igual. Me han quitado la pelota, me siento triste” goes down in the history of most epic futbol quotes of all time.  (still haven’t actually been able to watch this because no one has uploaded it anywhere)  What else...............Am i forgetting anything? i celebrated my birthday with @tender-vittles in epic fashion after two years of Not doing that, and turned 32 going on 15.  enjoyed my first-ever “x reader” fic (zlatko dalic x reader LOL) and finished “drive your plow over the bones of the dead” which was real fucking good. i saw hozier live and it was a religious experience and i unexpectedly cried during nina cried power and then called myself “Luka B” when ordering at the classy taco bell across the street after getting a glimpse of alexxx ryan in the flesh. (fav music)
now it’s december and my seasonal depression is a little worse than it’s been the past few years but i’m managing.  still shipping and writing and i just got called out about ivan again last week.  i’m 2 for 2 here!  el clásico was boring but also it was gay and my heart my heart my heart ! Anything could happen in the last 10 days of this year and honestly...I’m pretty sure I’m ready.
Most importantly this year, despite it being not that great in a lot of ways, I developed a lot more self confidence, made many important realizations, and became a lot more peaceful (despite how this post makes me sound) and wiser and less bitter and pessimistic.  And i became outspoken enough about antisemitism on the left to lose friends over it...3 for 3.  i can’t say i’m displeased with these developments.
Hasta 2020! <3
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