#if you want i can link it at the beginning of each fic too
aylacavebear · 22 hours
Soulmates? Yeah, right, pft. - Ch. 16
When you turn sixteen, and your soulmate's name doesn’t appear anywhere on your body that you can find, you figure you had to be the only person on the planet who didn’t have one. Most of the town shuns you, so you stick close to family. Your Aunt Ellen raised you after your parents died in a car crash when you were two, but what happens when the Winchesters return to town and buried secrets begin to come to light?
Pairing: Mechanic Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You
Word Count: 3374
Warnings: Angst, suspense, emotional situations, The Tension is Growing, Fluff. (You might need the tissues for this one.)
A/N: This is my non-Supernatural fic I'm attempting. Please let me know what you think, as I always love hearing from my readers.
----------------------------------------- Chapter - 16
The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the hallways as Dean, Benny, and Crowley rushed towards your room; spurred on by Dean’s sudden burst of intuition, he knew you were in trouble. One moment, he had been standing in the study with the others, and the next, a sense of foreboding had taken hold of him, driving him to take off toward your room for no apparent reason.
His heart pounded in his chest, a wild, desperate rhythm that matched the flurry of his thoughts. Worry and concert sent adrenaline coursing through every nerve in his body, propelling him forward. Dean was the first to reach your door, throwing it open in a panic. 
The sight that greeted him—the empty bed and the curtains swaying slightly in the breeze from an open window—sent a chill down his spine. It was as though the world had suddenly gone cold and dark, the air thick with the absence of you.
“Damn it!” Dean cursed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. His eyes darted around the room, taking in every detail, every shadow, every flicker of movement, searching for any sign of where you might have been taken or by whom. The sheets were rumpled, and a pillow lay on the floor, but other than that, the room looked untouched.
Crowley appeared behind him, his expression grim as he surveyed the room. “They were quick,” he muttered, moving to the window and looking out at the grounds. He knew he should have anticipated something like this; the other men on the grounds had only been a distraction to keep the hounds and his security occupied while the real threat made its move. 
“Sir, you’ll want to see this,” Ketch stated, now standing in the doorway, his expression unreadable.
Dean tore his gaze away from the room and followed Ketch, a sense of dread settling in his stomach. He could feel his pulse racing, his hands trembling slightly as he walked down the hallway. Each step felt like an eternity, the air thick with tension and unspoken fears. He could still feel you, so he knew you were alive, but that wasn’t what he was worried about most.
The three followed Ketch back down to the main room, then to a side room where there were three other men, their faces illuminated by the glow of computer monitors. They were all watching the footage, their eyes glued to the screen as they went through the recordings. 
“I didn’t think he’d send his best, but I should have,” Ketch told them, pausing one of the recordings from outside your room.
On the screen, it wasn’t just one man; it was a strike team, led by Asmodeus, the Vaught family’s tactical security lead. Alastair was there too, with two others, Ramiel and Dagon. It was the best the Vaughts had. Dean’s jaw tightened as he watched the footage, his eyes narrowing with a mixture of anger and fear. The precision with which they moved, the seamless coordination of their attack—it made his blood boil. His hands clenched into fists at his side, his knuckles turning white as he struggled to keep his emotions in check.
They’d come in through the window while you had been in the study, then hid in the shadows, waiting. The alarm linked to the window had never gone off. Once you sat down on your bed, Alastair approached you silently and, with a swift, practiced motion, injected something into your neck that knocked you out instantly. They then lifted you gently, as if handling a fragile doll, and slipped back out the window.
“Olivia has already been taken into custody and is being questioned,” Ketch informed Crowley, his tone cold and efficient. “I’ve also already sent out two security teams to retrieve your guests from earlier.”
“Good. Now, to make a phone call,” Crowley replied, his voice calm but tinged with a steel-like determination. He was pleased at how quickly his security team had gotten the job done. His next focus was to get his informant to find you before the end of the following day.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town…
You woke up in a dimly lit room, your head throbbing and your body aching from where you had been roughly handled, or perhaps it was whatever you’d been injected with. You weren’t quite sure. The smell of dampness and decay filled the air, making it difficult to breathe. As you tried to get up, you realized your hands were bound tightly behind your back to the chair, and your legs were tied to the chair at your ankles, restricting your movement. Panic rose in your chest like a wave, but you fought to stay calm.
For a moment, you thought about calling out but decided to stay silent, listening instead. The sound of dripping water echoed somewhere in the distance, a steady, rhythmic plink that seemed to amplify the silence around you. Your vision was still a bit blurry from whatever had been used on you to knock you out, but you could still make out the faint outlines of the room around you. It reminded you of an old abandoned brick building. No light came in through the broken or nonexistent windows, and you let out a sigh of relief that it was still nighttime.
As you shifted a little in the chair, the ropes dug into your wrists, and you winced slightly at the burn against your skin. Your mind raced with thoughts of how you could escape your new predicament. You didn’t even have your phone on you and were still in your pajamas, which only added to your vulnerability. As your vision cleared up, you took in more details of wherever you’d been taken.
It was clear that it had been planned. To your left, you saw a desk with a small lamp on it, casting a dim, flickering light across several pieces of paper strewn across it. The immediate area around the chair you were tied to had been completely cleared of any and all debris—not even a tiny shard of glass or metal could be seen on the floor. The door on the wall on the far side of the room was closed, but you couldn't tell if it was locked.
The nightmare you’d had back at the bunker taunted your thoughts, only making your heart pound harder in your chest. Now you were worried about Dean and whether or not he was safe or if the Vaughts had gotten him too. You forced yourself to take slow, deep breaths, reminding yourself that you were more level-headed than this and could figure it out, slowly calming yourself down.
Back at Crowley’s Mansion…
In one of Crolwey’s lavish sitting rooms, Ellen, Sam, John, Mary, Bobby, and Jody were gathered. Each of them was tense; Ellen paced the room, her fists clenched, while Sam leaned against the wall, arms folded tightly. John stood beside Mary, their faces a mix of worry and annoyance. Bobby and Jody sat on the edge of their seats, their eyes darting toward the door each time someone passed by.
When Crowley, Dean, Benny, and Ketch entered, the atmosphere became even more charged. Ellen immediately moved and confronted Crowley, her eyes blazing with anger. “You were supposed to keep her safe!” she exclaimed, her voice shaking with fury.
Crowley met her gaze, unperturbed. “Relax, I’m handling it,” he replied cooly, his tone dismissive.
Ellen’s face flushed with anger. “Handling it? She’s been kidnapped, and you’re telling us to relax?” She took another step toward Crowley, her voice rising. “If anything happens to her—”
“Ellen,” Dean interjected, his voice strained but gentle, trying to calm her down. “Crowley made some calls. We have to be patient, even if it’s killing me too.” 
Sam pushed off the wall, his voice firm but tinged with frustration. “Patience? We’re supposed to sit here and wait while she’s out there with the Vaughts?”
Jody nodded in agreement, her eyes dark with worry. “We can’t just sit around and do nothing. We need to take action.” Crowley raised his hands, a gesture meant to placate them. “I assure you, we’re doing everything we can. The police and FBI have been notified, and my contacts are on the lookout.”
Ketch moved to the window, his gaze fixed on the grounds outside, watching as the shadows danced in the moonlight. He berated himself silently for not being more prepared for something like this. He wasn’t happy at the fact that Crowley had left finding you to someone he wasn’t too keen on trusting.
Unable to shake his worry, Dean walked over to the whiskey and poured himself a glass, his hand shaking slightly as he lifted it to his lips. Even with the distance between you, he could feel you—feel your fear and confusion, and it tore at him. He took a deep drink, hoping the alcohol would settle his nerves and dull the connection he felt with you. But nothing could ease the sense of dread gnawing at his heart.
Mary, noticing Dean’s distress as only a mother could, moved closer to him and placed a gentle hand on his arm. “We’ll find her, Dean,” she said softly, her voice filled with conviction. “We won’t stop until she’s back with us.” Dean nodded, his jaw clenched as he struggled to maintain his composure. “I know, Mom. I just… I should have told her a month ago, and maybe things would be different.” His voice broke slightly, and he took another deep drink of the whiskey, his eyes glistening with unshed tears he refused to let fall.
“We’ll find her, son. We’re not gonna let the Vaughts get away with this.” John added, his voice gruff but supportive.
Crowley glanced down at his phone, seeing a text come in. A pleased smile found its way to his lips—It was subtle, a mere twitch of his mouth—but it was enough to give away his satisfaction. He stayed quiet, though, knowing that the news was not yet conclusive, but it was a lead nonetheless.
Back in the Abandoned Warehouse…
You had continued to struggle against the ropes, binding your hands behind the chair. Each movement tore at the skin of your wrists, but the sting of pain was a small price to pay for the hope of freedom. The fear that had initially gripped you was slowly draining away, replaced by a fierce sense of determination.
You gritted your teeth and pulled harder against the binding, your frustration and annoyance fueling your efforts.
I can’t just sit here and wait to be rescued. I have to find a way out of this.
With each tug and twist of your wrists, you swore you felt the ropes loosening, ever so slightly. The room around you was silent except for the distant sound of the dripping water, a reminder of the isolation and danger you were in. But you refused to let despair take hold. Instead, you focused on the task at hand, using your anger and frustration as a source of strength.
Suddenly, the sound of muffled footsteps pulled your attention toward the door on the far side of the room. Your heart raced as fear and anticipation flooded back in a rush. You glanced at the door, then quickly returned your focus to the ropes, working frantically to loosen them.
What if it’s them coming back? I have to get out of here.
The footsteps grew louder, then stopped just outside the door. You held your breath, your eyes fixed on the door, but it didn’t just open. Whoever was on the other side was picking the lock, and you furrowed your brow with confusion for a moment. Then, the door began to creak slowly open as a figure stepped into the room.
“Hey, princess,” a female voice drawled from the shadows. The figure stepped forward, revealing a woman with dark, wild hair and a mischievous grin. She wore a leather jacket and black boots, her eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and determination.
You had no idea who she was or even why she was there, and all you could do was stare at her, confused. She quickly approached you and pulled a dagger from her boot. “You got yourself in quite the mess,” she commented sarcastically as she cut the ropes holding you to that chair.
You barely had time to process what was happening. The moment she had the ropes cut, she grabbed your hand and began leading you quickly to the door. Your mind was racing with questions, but there was clearly no time to ask them. She seemed very insistent on getting both of you out of there, quickly.
“Who—” you started to say, but she cut you off with a sharp look.
“Not now. We need to move,” she said, her voice low and urgent. 
You quickly went to the desk and scanned the papers sitting there. There has to be something useful, or it wouldn’t be here. The woman followed you, only giving you enough time to grab one piece of paper before she grabbed your hand and led you out of the room. You did manage to shove it into your pocket as the dimly lit hallway came into view. Her grip on your hand was firm, guiding you through the dimly lit corridors of the abandoned building.
Being barefoot wasn’t helping, and you winced as you stepped on the debris scattered across the floor. The pain of small cuts and bruises on the bottoms of your feet was a reminder of the urgency of the situation.  As you made your way through the building, you could hear distant voices and the sound of footsteps approaching.
We have to hurry, you thought, fear and adrenaline driving you forward.
She practically dragged you over to a sleek black car parked nearby. “Get in, we don’t have much time,” she told you quickly, worry laced in her words as she slid into the driver’s seat.
You scrambled into the passenger seat, your heart pounding in your chest. She had the car started before you even got the door closed behind you. “Buckled up,” she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.
As you fumbled with the seatbelt, she pulled the car out of the empty parking lot, the tires screeching as she accelerated down the street. You glanced back at the warehouse, half-expecting to see your captors chasing after you. The city lights blurred past the windows as the woman navigated the streets with practiced ease, her eyes focused on the road.
“Who are you?” you finally managed to ask, your voice still trembling slightly from the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
She glanced at you, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “Name’s Meg. Crowley called in a favor. You must be pretty important.” Meg replied, her tone laced with a touch of amusement. “He doesn’t cash in a favor for just anyone.” She returned her attention to the road, her grip on the steering wheel tight, her demeanor calm and composed.
You nodded, still trying to process everything that had happened. “Thank you. Do you know if Dean is safe?” you said softly, your voice filled with genuine gratitude but also laced with worry.
Meg’s expression turned serious, her eyes flicking toward you briefly. “I was only told about you. Crowley didn’t give me any other details,” she answered plainly, her focus returning to the road and the cars around her.
Your mark burned, not realizing it was your connection to Dean, but you didn’t press the topic further. You looked out the side window, watching the city lights flicker and fade into the distance. She’d gotten you out of that place, and for that, you truly were grateful. But now, your thoughts kept drifting back to Dean and the nightmare from the bunker.
What else is he keeping from me? The question lingered in your mind, gnawing at you like an unsolved mystery.
Meg stayed silent during the drive, the car filled with the soft hum of the engine and the distant sounds of the city. She didn’t even turn on the radio. Your gaze was fixed on the passing scenery, but your thoughts were focused elsewhere, trying to piece together the missing parts of the puzzle. It was like a car just waiting for the battery to be connected—the answers were so close, but you couldn’t seem to grasp them.
The sudden stop of the car jolted you from your thoughts, bringing your focus back to the present. You found yourself at the familiar wrought iron gates of Crowley’s estate. Four guards were posted at the gate, their eyes scanning the area as Meg approached.
They recognized the car and quickly waved it through once the gates opened. As the car passed through, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over you. You were safe, at least for the moment.
Meg parked near the steps and killed the engine. “Let’s go, princess,” she said, her tone light but urgent, as if there was more going on than you were aware of.
You nodded, your movements still a bit stiff from the ordeal, and slipped out of her car. Meg joined you only moments later, her posture relaxed yet alert as she scanned the area one last time. The sky was just starting to lighten with the early hints of dawn, casting a soft glow over the estate as the two of you ascended the steps. 
Before you could reach the doors, they burst open, and Dean rushed out, taking the steps two at a time. Relief and worry were etched across his face, his eyes searching for any sign of injury or distress. Without a word, he pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you close as if he were afraid to let go.
“I thought I lost you,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. The relief in his voice was palpable, and at that moment, he decided he was going to tell you everything: no more secrets and no more waiting.
You wrapped your arms around him, resting your head against his chest. His heartbeat was steady and strong, a reassuring rhythm that helped ground you. “I’m okay,” you murmured, your voice muffled against his shirt. “Meg saved me.”
Dean glanced over at the woman, recognizing the name but not her, before pulling back slightly. His hands rested on your shoulders as he looked into your eyes, searching for any signs of distress. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “I should have told you everything from the start. No more secrets, I promise.”
You let out a sigh of relief, thankful he’d finally fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle that had been your life. Meg had already headed inside, leaving the two of you alone on the steps. The early morning light cast a soft glow around you, and the quiet of the moment felt almost sacred. 
As Dean reached down to take your hand, you winced slightly, which caused him to frown with concern. He gently lifted your hands, inspecting the cuts and irritated skin from where you had struggled against the ropes. “Let’s get these cleaned up,” he told you softly, his voice filled with a tenderness that made your heart ache.
Without warning, Dean scooped you up into his arms, cradling you against his chest. You let out a surprised squeal, followed by a chuckle. “You could have warned me,” you teased, already feeling far more relaxed, knowing that he was safe and that they hadn’t gotten him too.
Your squeal had brought a small, relieved smile to Dean’s lips. Having you in his arms finally soothed the storm that had been raging through him since you’d been taken. “I’ve got you,” he whispered, his eyes softening as he looked at you. “I’m not letting anything happen to you.” Dean didn’t care if you chose to reject him after, but first, he was going to tend to your wounds—wounds he felt he could have prevented if he’d been upfront from the beginning.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 17 - Coming soon
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@lexasaurs634 @enamoredwithbella @winchester-whiskey @brandinicole911 @swaggyemily
@megs-gadom @dianawinchester03
If I missed tagging, please let me know. I had a lot of requests for tags for this one. If you'd like to be tagged, drop me a comment
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tteokdoroki · 7 months
࣪𖤐๋࣭ — JOCK BF!YUUJI ENTRY #10. babies, lots of ‘em.
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about. the all star jock has an intense breeding kink that leads him to confess the plans he has for he and his weird girlfriend’s future. ( 2.5K )
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! nsfw, smut, angst if you squint, characters aged up to 20s, breeding kink, unprotected sex, cum play, praise, jock bf!yuuji, weird girl + fem!reader - the brain rot continues !! inspired by @kweenkatsuki-fics recent yuuji thirsting hehe <3
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“‘mma give you babies… lots of ‘em,” yuuji slurs, his hips ramming into yours at a bruising, unprecedented pace. 
beneath your shaky fingertips, the muscles of your boyfriend’s back ripple with his movements — his strength as he uses the headboard for leverage to fuck into your sloppy, sweltering heat of your sex. you’re flat on your back, his heavy and weighty body hanging over yours protectively while itadori traps you between the blazing heat in his chest and the sweaty bed sheets below. whenever yuuji gets in the mood like this, possessive and hungry for you ( and nobody else but you ), in the mood to keep you all to himself — you can’t help but succumb to each one of his touches and wet kisses. 
you can’t help the way your body trembles in the cage of his muscular arms while his abs ripple against your tummy and his pelvis tacks deliciously to your swollen clit. the bed creaks beneath the sloppy affair of your grinding bodies and somehow, within the mess of sex and love, your freehands link and squeeze to ground one another. “the way you’re suckin’ me in, god, honey,” yuuji coos, his words tickle the shell of your ear delicately, contrasting with the carnivorous way his deep brown eyes drink you in when he pulls back slightly to look at you, silver chain and dog tags dangling above your hot face, as if he’s picturing you nice and full of him and his seed. “so selfish, you don’t wanna let me pull out. you want this cum…yeah?” 
in that moment, you think you might cum, all because of the breathy whimpers from your lover that ghost over your dampened cupid’s bow ( wet from kisses ) — accompanied by the sensation of his hard-on bullying its way into your tight, quivering little hole. there’s a keen smile that spreads across yuuji’s plush lips when you nod your head ‘yes’ in response, you feel his excitement and desire for you deepen when the entire length of him twitches inside of you — pulsating as small spurts of precum begin to line your lewdly squelching walls.
“i knew you would, you’re such a good girl…and you’re all mine, how lucky am i? that you’re all. fucking. mine.” for a boy so sweet and gentlemanly outside of the bedroom, itadori is always sure to fuck you nasty and raw whilst making you feel like the most adored person on the planet. yuuji’s sailor-mouth-like praises are slurred and sinful, a tale tale sign that he’s already pussy drunk as he sheaths inch after inch within you. you can hardly blame him, not when your body adjusts to yuuji so perfectly — silken pussy stretching over the blue spiralling veins on his heavy cock. “mine to love, mine to fuck, mine to breed.” he tells you through seraphic gripes too.
“ohmygod!” you squeal, voice ringing hoarsely in your throat. your cunt spills honey molasses and sweet nectar against your ravaged sexes, juices intertwining with the small pink tufts of yuuji’s happy trail as his bright red tip bears down harshly on your gummy g-spot — providing him with the lube he needs to make love to you properly. “baby…i c-can’t!” 
just as you moan out again, legs squeezing around your boyfriend’s slender waist — yuuji’s blushing face ducks into your neck, making quick work of marking up your skin…because if he looks at your face, the way your brows crease softly and your lips part in a gentle ‘o’, and sees the way it twists with mounting pleasure. he won’t be able to hold off for much longer, he’ll lose his mind and fuck you too hard for either of you to cope. he knows that you can take it, manage to take all of his seed and all of his love — but if yuuji snaps, he’ll be pounding into you until he’s shooting blanks. 
with your hands traversing upwards into yuuji’s sea of pink curls and over his smooth undercut, he reacts with his golden eyes rolling back into the dark depths of his skull — temporarily locking away your sunlight that brings warmth to your dorm. a familiar heat prickles underneath the surface of your skin like a thousand tiny needles as you pant out your words, pleading with bambi as you look up at yuuji. “i want your cum, yuuji, i want you to…hah… fill me up ‘n get me pregnant…” there’s a feeling painfully seated above your abdomen, a burning sensation of mounting pleasure like a wound desperate to be licked and soothed by itadori.
by grinding up against him, sticky clit smearing over his tense stomach and golden abs, you think that you might garner some relief — but you only feel teased and taunted when the jock pulls his cock from the snugness of your tight head to slap his milky cockhead against your pulsing mound proudly.
“don’t say it like that, fuck, baby,” yuuji all but groans, lashes fluttering at the slick sound your cunt makes with each love tap. beads of his precum ooze over you in another form of claim, glazing you in yuuji’s scent and taste. some of it even drips from your abused hole as it clenches around nothing, desperate to be filled by all that your boyfriend has to offer. “there’s so much… s’leaking out of you. gonna have to keep you on my dick always, give you all my babies.” the rose haired man can’t even hear himself speak, not over the sound of blood rushing through his ears — carrying sex crazed hormones. certainly not over your sweet sighs that form a melody with the pap, pap, pap of your pussy as he slowly sinks back into you — building up a steady rhythm to his thrusts, like an ocean’s regular tide.
yuuji can’t stop rambling, saying whatever lustful thought sits at the forefront of his mind. having you splayed out beneath him like this, your nipples pert against his firm chest and your breasts bouncing with every forceful lunge of his hips forward — it drives him up a wall. “gonna look so pretty ‘n round when you’re full of me. i’ll put a ring on it, make you my pretty wife — holy fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight. you like it when i talk to you like that, huh?” the thick vein on the underside of his shaft presses deliciously up against pleasure spots that only yuuji knows about, never leaving you unsatisfied, not even for a moment as his body rocks passionately into yours.
tanned skin and hard muscle feel slippery underneath your trembling hands. you don’t know what to hold onto, don’t know how to ground yourself when you feel this good and yuuji’s cock skilfully dives into your sopping heat — promises of the future, a wedding and family hand in the humid air buzzing between you both but is best said by the way itadori’s body dsnces with your own, his arousal soaked signature lining your rippling walls.   
“need that so bad, yuuji! need you so bad… please fill me up, i want it inside.” you hiccup and demand, hardly able to speak through it all. the bed moans and groans just like you do, every time itadori’s dick pumps in and pulls out of your dripping, greedy hole — coated in a layer of foamy white. using your elbows as leverage, you work your hips down to meet yuuji in a slick and sensual dance, clenching at every inch of him that assails your insides until delight crackles over your hazy brain.  
“god, baby please…if you keep talking like that i’m gonna—“ yuuji whines from deep within his chest, the sound resonating through you and shooting straight down to your creamy cunt that clamps down on him, pulling little droplets of precum from his sensitive tip. 
your next words have the jock pounding into you with new vigour, desperate to give you everything that you want. “d-don’t pull out, yuuji. inside.” 
“ahh, okay,” he whimpers as his voice rises in pitch, brown eyes stinging with tears. his golden arms flex as they lift you by the apex of your thighs — dragging you back onto his cock and it’s unforgiving pace. itadori presses his forehead to yours, caramel eyes shining with tears that gleam in the afternoon sunlight breaking through the curtains of your dorm.  “okay, okay fuck. okay, oh god — h-honey, i’m…fuck! i-im cumming!” he stumbles over his every word, the pink haired jock’s entire world shattering into smaller glass fragments as he finally hits his peak. thick waves of white flood your womb, hot and viscous and lighting you up from the inside out. it coats your swollen pussy lips in an opaque layer that smears along your inner thighs, pouring endlessly from yuuji’s fat cock and breeder’s balls.
effectively breeding you. 
still humping at you relentlessly and not daring to leave you far behind, yuuji tacks two of his fingers to your clit and caresses it in smooth circles, searing his name into you forever. he never lets up, fucking his cum into your womb with languid thrusts — bulbous and mushroomed cockhead spurting his hot seet against your g-spot as it grazes the epicentre of your pleasure over and over again. yuuji holds you in his arms while your vision clears, replaced by only blinding flashes of white and accompanied by an empty scream rattling around in your throat. your arousal spurts out of you in generous and clear streams, nearly forcing yuuji’s cock from your tight, rippling walls — painting both you and him in your juices. 
your boyfriend can barely hold himself above you as you both finally come down, flopping onto you and trapping you against the sex soiled matress for cuddles. 
“we can’t have babies, yuuji,” you laugh happily, letting out a puff of air from deep within your chest once you’re finally able to catch your breath. “not right now, we’re too young and we’re still in college!”
“well duh, not right now…” he muses, kissing your jaw and your neck and every part of you that he’s marked up and bruised. “but like afterwards…yanno? a few years down the line when we both have jobs. i’m gonna be pro and you’ll be a sexy career woman. ‘n i’ll make so much money that you can take all the time off you want. make sure you’re nice and taken care of and—“ 
giggling, the sweet melodies of your laughter cut through your boyfriend’s wistful rambling. 
“what’s so funny?” 
“it’s just…you’ve really got this all planned out, huh?” you reach a hand up to cup itadori’s sweaty cheek, brushing a thumb over the rough scarring at the corner of his mouth. he leans into you, much like a cat seeking physical touch, and you scratch just under his chin. “you want to be with me for that long?” 
“i mean…yeah. i want you for the rest of my life. i thought that was obvious,” yuuji manages to say while you squish his cheeks and play about with his face, sounding a little dejected. “don’t you? … don’t you want that with me?” 
your smile drops as you shift to your elbows, immediately dead set on reassuring your usually confident boyfriend. “of course i want that with gou. i want everything with you, it’s just that…” you chew on your words, push them around the cavern of your mouth as it dries with nervousness. “it’s just that… i’m still so different to you, i’m still not…conventional by any means. so i just thought… by the time college was over you’d—“ 
“i’d get bored of you?” 
yuuji looks almost offended, his pink and kiss-swollen lips pushed forward into a pout and his dark brows drawn together in the centre of his forehead. falling back onto the sheets, one of his hands sink into the pillow supporting your head as you lay flat on your back — you feel it tremble with an emotion you can’t quite place on his face. is it anger? hurt? annoyance? either way, your heart hammers in your chest and crawls it’s way up your throat. you feel nauseous at the prospect of even upsetting yuuji — especially after the loving sex you’ve just had. 
a croak in your throat replaces your sweet voice, you’re not sure if it’s because of how you’d been previously screaming your boyfriend’s name or because of how nervous you’ve suddenly become. “y-yeah,” you say slowly. “that.” 
“how could you even think that?” yuuji breathes steadily, the corner of his mouth twitching into a frown but you can’t bare to look at him any longer — casting your gaze to the side. 
shaking your head, you blink back tears you hadn’t even known were there. “i don’t… i don’t know. forget it, pretend i never said anything.” 
itadori bends at the neck to reach you,  tutting into the air as it cools down and loses its feverish taste for lust. his nose bumps yours, the pair of them becoming neighbours while his breath coasts across your face almost comfortingly. 
“when i say i want you, i mean it. forever,”  he confesses, like a reflex, like the natural reflex that his brain has to make his heart beat. “i want you to be my wife after all this. you’re not just some college fling to me. i want to buy you a house, a big ring, keep you comfortable for the rest of my life. i decided on that when i first met you,” a calloused finger and thumb tilt your chin to the perfect angle, making you look at him, your gaze falling into a mahogany one belonging only to your doting partner. “i don't care how long it takes to prove this to you… but you’re the love of my life, so have a little faith in me. okay?”
yuuji takes your hand in his, placing your palm on the left side of his chest where the muscle keeping him alive races for you. the only girl in the room. the only girl in his worlds. his dog tags jingle at the movement but his eyes on you remain unwavering and so full of commitment. you’d be stupid not to believe him now.
“okay,” you affirm sweetly, tilting your head a little further in a silent ask. you want a kiss. “i love you, yuuji.” 
“and i love you right back,” he mumbles against your lips without skipping a beat, slotting your mouths together perfectly in a gentle chaste kiss. “now baby, please stop asking me to cum inside, you know i can’t help it and we can’t have babies just yet,” yuuji whines and collapses on top of you with a huff. 
“you’re the one who said you wanted to give me babies!” 
“and you’re the one who keeps feeding into my breeding kink, let’s not get it twisted here!”
and all throughout your playful bickering, yuuji stays nestled deep inside of you — keeping you plugged full. of both his cum and his love.  
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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pursuitseternal · 10 months
“Virgin Blood:” Spawn Astarion x F!Reader, nsfw Loss of Innocence Spice for you, darlings…
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Astarion x F!Reader | E | 3.6K Loss of virginity
Summary: You’re eager to meet your rogue in the woods, and you can think of no better person to take your innocence than your Vampire Rogue… And doesn’t he just cherish the idea… eager to taste your virgin blood.
Act 1 Romance Retold…
CW: loss of virginity, first time, Praise kink, Astarion takes his time, virginity kink, gentle sex, Astarion more than happy to make you feel all the more beholding to him…
For you, Anonymous sweet thing in my ask box 💞
Ao3 link | Astarion fic Master List
“I just hope we don’t have to wait too long…”
Gods, you hope so too. Your body is on fire, and not just from the battlelust of saving lives.
It is because of him.
His little flirtations that have eroded you, his sweet words and greetings that fill your ear each day. The way his crimson eyes already devour you, as if he can’t get his full of your looks.
And then he bit you.
So intimate and foreign.
And new.
Each time now, your body sings when he feeds, and not just because you can feel your blood dripping down his throat and making him stronger.
You feel seen. Desired. Wanted. He hungers for you and seeks you out. Gods, as if you hadn’t been looking for one to do that for you since you came of age.
Something stirs in your body when you are near him, something wild and untamed. Waiting to be released. Your kind never told you what it was between two lovers, only the lessons you found in nature, the rutting seasons of the earth. That was all you knew of… sex.
But to hear him beckoning you, offering you passion like none other, somewhere quiet for just you and him.
Your body aches… burning. Singing. The blood in your veins pumping wildly. You want so badly to be touched and tasted. But mostly, wanting to be seen.
Wanting him to see more of you. All of you.
So, as the party begins to quiet, you watch your Rogue snatch up some blankets and wine, throwing you a knowing glance that makes your stomach twist and leap.
Gods, he thinks of everything doesn’t he?
Others begin to make their way to sleep, but you step into the woods. Your mind firmly set to give him another gift, and this time, you’re humming in your veins, your nerves crying to be touched. Because you want him to receive this, knowing just how much you will undoubtedly receive in return.
Your footsteps rustle softly in the leaves along the path. You follow that pull in your belly, knowing this is the way he wandered. Knowing that he is close…
That Astarion waits for you.
You pass through the trees, drawing to a stop the moment you see him. Gods, already his pale chest on display. Your mouth waters, your skin grows hot, even though you don’t completely know why.
“There you are,” he purrs, striding to close the distance between you. That handsome face is bright with his own intention. “I’ve been waiting…”
He draws still, a breath away from your body, “…waiting since the moment I saw you, waiting to have you…”
You look into that face, the way he just wants you, pouring his desire out over you, and you are ready to drown in it. “And I want you to have me,” you murmur, a coy, nervous smile dancing on your lips. Hells, you probably look like some innocent little thing. “I want you to have me as no one else has; Astarion…”
“Oh, you sweet little pet,” he croons, his face broadening into a smirk so soft, your stomach quivers. “Do you mean…”
“Yes,” you feel your cheeks hot under that lurid, crimson gaze. “I have never been…”
“Taken?” He offers. “Deflowered?” he adds, a deepening to his grin. “Fucked?”
Oh, it’s not that he’s a vampire spawn that makes him gaze at you with a voracious look in his eyes. It only makes you blush bright red and hot in reply.
“I am… touched to be offered such a gift,” he continues in that thick, honeyed voice, clasping your hands both in his. As he raises them to his lips, you are pulled even closer. Your body tingling to feel his frame, his magnificent form, just barely brushing you. “I am a bit surprised, given how forward you are… how wayward…”
“Perhaps it’s just a good fit, you and I…” you force your voice to lilt, keeping your eyes soft as you meet that insatiable stare. Your heart leaps as he licks his lips, making your hand reach to trace over his chest.
“Mmm, I will make certain it is. This gift, to be the first to know your body… it is one I will cherish… and I’ll make absolute certain you will cherish it too, darling,” his smile is breathtaking, almost as much as the way his own fingers wrap tenderly around your cheek, drawing your face into his so closely, his breath becomes your own.
Slowly he bears his teeth, his gaze raking down your neck into the v cut of your tunic. “Tell me, darling, how long have you been dreaming of this with me, fantasizing our time together as you pleasure yourself…”
Your brow quirks as you struggle to find the meaning of such a sensuous phrase.
“Oh…” he croons, the caressing touch of his hands cresting over your shoulders and drawing down your back. Your confusion ignites a new level of anticipation in him, you can see it twisting over those immaculate, pale features. Then he pulls you flush against him. “You will enjoy tonight, I am sure of it. I will too, there is nothing sweeter, I’m sure, than your first blood, your virgin blood…”
You melt at his words, trembling even before his kiss falls to consume your lips. His fingers are so deft, dexterous and featherlight as they tug the rough linen of your shirt up your body. Bunching it. Letting the night air kiss your skin little by little.
And all the while, his lips work smoothly on yours. Nothing so fast and quick as his bites. No, this is deliberate, controlled. A rhythmic dance that traps you against him and draws you closer.
Before you know it, he breaks from that caress to pull your shirt off completely. You gasp, cheeks hot as he looks you over, the gleam in his eye predacious as he scans your breasts, your skin, drawing his gaze to the band of your breeches.
Those eager lips begin to stray from your mouth, allowing you to finally gasp in the free air. But it’s still a fight, the way your body trembles as he kisses the lingering bite marks on your neck from the other night… drifting even lower to the edge of your collarbone, his breath so cool on your hot and flushed skin.
A moan escapes you, a noise you had never made before. And it makes the vampire chuckle, his lips creeping even lower as he cranes his head. His hands catching your breasts, one in each persistent palm. He massages them, fingertips sweeping over your straining nipples.
Those lips and that tongue replace one set of dexterous fingers, making the same sounds issue from your throat again. Louder. Your body wriggling as it catches on fire, like magma seeping from the earth, it boils in your veins and pools between your thighs.
He’s suckling on you, your hands shaking as you long for them to touch him too, running them into his hair. With a sharp breath, he releases one breast only to rub his tongue through the valley of your chest to trap the other one. Worshiping it with equal zeal.
Gods, you feel strange beneath your navel. Full and hot and swollen. And then, another sensation hits you as you shift on your toes.
You’re… wet. Your breeches are soaked. And it makes you shift again, more uncertain.
“You feel it, can’t you?” he raps as he lifts his head, raising to his full height to look down at you. “The way your body has awoken. You stir, and crave something.” The corner of his mouth quirks just once. “Poor little sweet thing, I promise you, you’ll like what’s coming. It’ll make it all feel better.”
Those fingers, so quick and light, pull the laces of your breeches apart before you even know what’s happening. “May I?” he whispers, running two fingers up the inside of your thigh. “You’ll need these removed, you know…”
You nod vigorously, a giggle in your throat as he grins, that glint of his teeth just peeking from his lips. But he doesn’t pull the fabric from your skin. No, he slides those fingers harder into the soft buckskin over your thighs. Then, he steals their pressure between your legs. His brows canting to feel you where you’re soaked. “My, my…” he purrs, “this will be most enjoyable. Your body already knows just what to do,” his lips twitch as he presses them against your lips again, “and so do I.”
Boldness sweeps through you, assured that you have chosen well. He will make this blissful. Make you feel like the sweet treasure you are to him.
Agonizingly slow, he strokes you there, those fingers so eager for action in the field turn all their talents now to teasing your body. You turn away, unsure as he caresses where you’re wet.
“Don’t be shy with me, darling,” he whispers, “you’re doing so wonderfully, you know.” Those hands pull your breeches down, letting them settle at your ankles. “Here,” he breathes as he grabs your hand where it still presses on the smooth coolness of his chest. “You’ll let me show you, won’t you?”
With how silken, how assured and pleased he sounds, you can’t manage a breath in reply. Only a nod and a moan as those damp fingers take your hand. He molds you to his grasp, guiding your fingers into your own arousal. It’s slippery, hot… and then your hands now slip between your folds…
You moan so loudly, your thighs shaking as he presses your fingers deeper into you.
“There now,” he purrs, lips caressing against the curve of your ear. “So wet and slick, you’re a wonder, my sweet little virgin. Your body’s already eager for me, and you don’t even know it yet.”
“Please,” you raps, pulling your hands back towards the apex of your thighs. “Show me.”
“I’ll do so much more than that, darling…”
It’s so quick, the way he’s picked you up in his arms to lay you down in the soft grass. In an instant, he’s shuffled off your breeches, the air wafting over your body, completely bared and entirely hot despite the little breezes of night.
Astarion draws his body to cover yours, so slowly, controlled, as if he plans every little graze of his skin across yours. “Sweet little thing,” he croons as he traps your lips in a quick, gentle kiss. “You’re all mine aren’t you?”
“Mmhmm,” you hum, the feeling of his body lowering all its weight on you, sending shivers down your spine and sparks over your vision. “All yours…” you moan between his full and twitching lips.
“I do so love the sound of that, darling…” With one last little peck on your lips, he begins caressing your body, kissing and sucking your breasts once more before trailing down over your belly. It rises and falls with every heaving, nervous breath you take. “Don’t you worry,” he whispers, “the more you give in to how I’ll make you feel, the more delicious this will be.” He catches your hand again in his to slink it back where you are on absolute fire. That slick between your legs. “Now, close your eyes, and just touch…”
He brings your hands to your folds, dipping your fingertips within. So wet and soft and hot, swollen you can tell, as he draws your fingers at the crest of your folds. “There,” he presses, the little nub beneath your touch so hard, the contact instantly making your muscles clench and burn. “Should the need arise as you think of me, as you remember tonight, as you wait eagerly for the next time you come to my bed… you can touch yourself here for your own pleasure, darling…”
Your body takes over, the rhythmic tracing of his fingers guiding yours… it’s sorcery. Magic. Like fire and ice in your veins as he circles your fingers and his over that little hard bud. You flutter your eyes open, watching as he stares at you, his gaze catching yours with all the hunger and pride and desire you could wish to see. Then, those perfect lips twitch in a mischievous smirk. Already crouching between your legs, he’s licking his lips, lowering his head towards your body as his fingers still tug at you unrelentingly.
So cool and wet, you feel his tongue lapping along with your fingers. Your hips buck out of your control, muscles clenching as one possessed, but it is not in pain. It is flame and ruin and ecstasy that flood along your muscles. Spurred on by his kissing and sucking and lapping between your thighs.
That feeling crashes through you, blinding you as your back arches, your scream tearing from your throat as you writhe and spasm. Your hand goes limp between your legs as you pant.
With a laugh, he places a kiss on your soaking palm before resting it tenderly on your panting belly. His tongue laps up your seam, you can feel the flush of that slick cooling in the breeze and drying on your skin. “Oh my sweet,” he rasps, glancing from between your thighs. “You are doing so well, such pleasure for your first time,” he giggles, “don’t let it go to your head. The best is yet to come…”
You mewl, his two dexterous fingers finding their way inside you now, playing in and out. Instantly, that need reignites, consuming your flesh. Your hands reach for him… for any part of him. You find his arm, his own muscles bunched and bulging as you feel him working inside you. You feel him shifting lower, kissing the sticky skin of your inner thigh, his hand slipping another long finger inside your walls, making your muscles burn as they stretch. “Shhh,” he soothes as you groan and pant and squirm at the pressure. “You’re such a good girl, so wet and eager, this will be delicious. I doubt you will even bleed once I’m inside you…”
He chuckles, watching your body, your eyes wide and wild as that wave begins to wash over you again… the heat, the throes of pleasure you now realize come from his touch. And then he slips his thumb back over that aching little nub again.
“Gods, Astarion,” you keen, your voice rough as you tear apart. Those fingers inside you… your whole body clenches on them, the pressure, the fullness sending you careening into your climax even harder this time. Breathless, you can only make little incoherent sounds, a little louder as he insists on still pumping his touch inside you even as you come.
“Breathe, my sweet,” he smiles, “you’re going to do wonderfully.”
The chill of his touch, his whole body leaves you for a moment. But you can’t look, can’t even open your eyes as you still drift down from your pleasure.
You feel stretched and limp and warm… the gentle embrace of bliss and pleasure you had heard ballads about. You rise up on your arms, and for a moment, that warm comfort runs cold in your veins.
You see him. Naked. Breeches removed as he strokes his cock in his hand. Looking down at you where he stands. Those crimson eyes almost glow in the moonlight. But you barely glance into his face, knowing it’s hungry and needy and salacious.
No, your eyes are mesmerized by his length, so much longer than you had thought, erect and pale. You watch it twitch as he rubs himself slowly. “Shhh,” he soothes from above you, “come here, my darling. I promise you it will only hurt a bit…”
You sweep your legs beneath you, kneeling before him. His fingers caress your face. He takes a deep breath, his belly filling as his cock twitches to see you so close. “Touch me,” he whispers the instruction, your hands joining his as you feel him. So hard, smooth skin stretched over something so unyielding. Etched with pale veins that darken slightly beneath his already pale skin… you run your fingers over it as his own hand stills near its base.
Sweeping your thumb over that thick, blunted head, you make him groan. “Good girl,” he praises, his voice thick with lust in his throat. “Soon, my pet, I’ll teach you to pleasure me in return, but tonight…” he breathes heavily, dropping to his knees with you, “tonight is about your pleasure, your deflowering as I claim your innocence my sweet.” His lips twitch, “which I am most eager to do… a gift I am forever thankful for…”
His eyes glint with intent, possession and pride, his mouth descending to capture yours again. Those powerful arms hug you tightly to his chest, that hardened cock prodding into your belly, twitching each time your mouth moves with the rhythm of his kiss.
Slowly, he lays you back into the grass, those arms that have snapped your enemies in half cradling you gently against his body. One hand slides between you, ghosting that chilling touch between your thighs, the other presses your cheek in his palm, keeping your lips trapped against his.
Then, you feel it, something thicker and harder pressing into that still molten slick between your legs. Inch by inch, he enters you, the roll of his hips against yours almost imperceptible. “Shh,” he hushes you, another caress of those full lips against yours. “You’re so good, darling…”
A bit more, your muscles burn as he slides, that slick coating him, letting his cock inside you little by little. You groan, your muscles clenching at the thickness. And he only laughs and shushes you again. “Easy now, darling, I promise. Those stories of virgins bleeding are only with bad lovers, but I will only ever make you bleed in other ways, other… more delicious ways….” He catches your lower lip in his fangs and bites down, a little nip as pain shoots through you. You groan… hardly noticing that in that moment, he’s sheathed himself between your thighs completely.
Buried deep in your throbbing channel.
“Hells below…” you groan, a wriggle of your hips as you feel the pressure easing. Burning and not in pain. That same sort that consumed you already, only now… all the stronger. “Astarion,” you look into his eyes, how they smile at you, narrowed and delighting.
“I told you darling,” he purrs, a slight movement of his hips, dragging that cock a bit out, a bit in as your mouth hangs open, “I told you I would make certain we are a good fit…”
You groan, not at his words, at the way he begins to thrust into you. Slowly, consistently, letting your body open to accept him. His mouth still hovers over yours, his breath filling your mouth, the taste of your blood still on your tongue and his as he catches it in his kiss.
“Gods,” he groans as your body begins that journey higher, driven by every thrust inside you, the heat multiplying, the clenching of your every muscle catching all the more on him inside you. “You tight, little, innocent thing…” he pants, “you’re going to be the ruin of me.” You feel his lips twisting, smirking against you, his breath coming heavily now too. His arms on either side of you shake, those hips, his body, driving into you faster. You wrap your legs around his waist, your own instincts taking hold, wanting him deeper, wanting more of him thrusting inside.
He groans as he slides to fill you completely, “Good girl,” he purrs his praises again into your mouth. Groans and thrusts consume you, the slide of his body on yours transports you… until you feel nothing that is not him.
It takes you, that press of his hips, that drag of his cock between your walls, you spill into that climax, the oblivion of twitching heat. Your mouth hanging open to keen. His cock pulls all the harder as your body clenches. Hitching, fucking, slamming with everything he’s got inside you, until he’s groaning too, gasping and whsipering in silken tones just how good you are… how tight and perfect….
You feel him inside you, gripped so hard, pulsing as that slick drips from inside. His hands cradle your cheek again, the full weight of his body lowering, blanketing you, pressing you into the earth. “See… wonderful…” he pants, another kiss against your lips, longer, tender. “Something to cherish between us forever…”
He slips from inside you, making you arch and groan at the release. Your thighs shake, even as he lowers to lay beside you, rolling you to lay in his arms. To rest your head in the crook of his shoulder.
A single finger traces your neck, his head lifting to look down your body beside him. “You see, sweet thing, not a drop of blood… well,” he chuckles, “not yet anyway.” Those smirking lips caress over the throbbing vein in your neck. “I would so love a drink of your not-so-virgin blood now…”
“Yes,” you tilt your head, your voice is sultry, heavy in your throat as you keep your eyes meeting his heavy-lidded gaze. “And then, can we… again?”
His brows raise, delighted, genuine surprise lifting those sharp features of his handsome face. “I would love nothing more,” he croons. “So addicted to me already are you?” A single laugh punctuates his words. “Perhaps this worked out better than I could have imagined,” he speaks, almost to himself, that devious, desirous smirk on his lips for a moment before his fangs bite into your skin.
Drawing that first, no-longer- virgin blood.
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My Honey ♡ My Bee (fic)
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Link to Art (credits go to @munchr00m (elaine !) on Twitter!): Sethos/Scaramouche
Summary: Wanderer and Sethos hang out, but Scara’s thoughts and uncertainty about their dynamic in the future end up eating at him. Sethos reassures him through convincing means.
A/N: SethoScara!! These two have me in a chokehold and the art and fanfics for these two are amazing. And here is my contribution :) Inspiration for this fic comes from this post. I did my best to retain Scara’s bratty attitude, but I also wanted to show a softer and vulnerable side to him. So, I’m sorry if Scaramouche seems OOC to you all. With that being said, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
P.S. There is a small scene that might be slightly NSFW to some, you’ll see it when you get to it, so you can skip the section until you don’t see any of the stuff you don’t want to see. Can’t reveal too much for spoilers. If anyone’s interested in me writing a smut fic (would be my first!) for these two, let me know! I’ll leave a poll :)
Word Count: 1965 Also on AO3!
The sky was a mix of red and orange hues as the sun set over the horizon. At the base of a tree outside of Sumeru City sat Wanderer and Sethos. The two of them have grown to like each other’s presence and made the tree their special spot to be with one another.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Sethos spoke.
“You have poor taste in beauty,” Scaramouche answered, making Sethos chuckle. “That wasn’t supposed to be funny.”
“Hehe, I know. I never get tired of your responses.”
“Hmph, weirdo.”
A comforting silence settled afterward before Scaramouche spoke again.
“Why…Why do you keep putting up with me?”
The seriousness in his tone made Sethos look at him with concern.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m a nobody. Someone who tried to become a god. A puppet that was thrown away because they were useless. One that makes mean and snarky comments. Why? Why do you want to be with someone like me?”
A surprised look crossed Sethos’s face.
“Isn’t it obvious? It’s because I like being with you.”
Scara’s eyes widened as Sethos continued.
“I was curious about your mysterious past and kept pestering you until you told me. When you did, I didn’t turn away disgusted or begin to hate you. All it did was make me want to be with you even more.”
Conflicting emotions and uncertainty ran through Wanderer's eyes before they were stopped by a hand on his cheek.
“You dare-” Scara started, making a move to swat Sethos’s hand away before Sethos started stroking his cheek with his thumb. He went quiet as he made eye contact with Sethos who had an endearing expression on his face.
“I'll take care of you.”
I'll take care of you.
A flicker of light is shown behind Wanderer’s eyes upon hearing those words. But as quick as it came, his eyes darkened with uncertainty.
“It's rotten work.”
“Not to me.”
Surprised, stormy eyes met determined, loving ones.
“Not if it's you.”
Those words were an arrow to his heart as tears from decades of sadness, anger, and hurt threatened to fall. The world seemed to blur around him as his senses were solely focused on the man in front of him.
“The things you mentioned are in the past. It's time for you to move on and not let them plague your mind.”
Sethos leaned closer, accidentally making Scara’s hat fall off his head. The latter could hardly care as he felt Sethos comb his fingers through his hair and his breath on his face. Not to mention the soft lips that were barely a millimeter from his own.
“You aren't useless, Scara.”
Sethos’s warm breath hit him in the face as he spoke.
“You aren't a nobody either. Since our first interaction with one another, I was obsessed with you. Your hat. Your past. Your attitude. But most importantly, what hid behind those stormy eyes of yours. And the more I got to learn about you, I began falling for you. I wanted you. I liked you. I love being with you. Your sassy attitude, you calling me a busy bee, I cherished those moments. In my eyes, you are the perfect being and you have a place in my heart. I will go to the ends of the world to fight with you. To be with you. To…love you.”
Sethos pushed forward, softly planting his lips on Wanderer’s. He melted into the kiss, kissing back with fervor as Sethos took the lead.
“Sethohh- mmm~”
Sethos smiled into Scara’s mouth, taking pride in making him fall apart. Taking it a step further, he licked his lips asking for entrance. When he met no resistance and instead Wanderer parted his lips, he dove right in.
“Se- mmph! Mmhmm~”
Sethos sucked his tongue, making him roll his eyes in ecstasy as he tangled his fingers in Sethos's hair. Sethos deepened the kiss, gently pushing his back to the ground.
“S- ahh! Mmm~ Aah! Mmphahh~”
“Mmochi~ Hah! Scaraah~ Mmm~ You have hah~ too many ngh~ na- aah~ names~”
They continued their make-out session, drowning in each other's embrace and letting out their feelings for one another.
They broke for breath after some time. Sethos towering over Wanderer with his arms on both sides of his head and the latter laying his head back on the grass looking up at Sethos. His face was flushed, complimenting the pink and orange hues of the sky and Scara couldn't help but reach out a hand towards his cheek, caressing him.
“Beautiful,” he breathed out.
A red tint started to spread to Sethos's ears and a shy smile started to form.
“snort. Yes, you.”
He wrapped his arms around Sethos, bringing him down to his chest.
“I hate how you make me feel so mushy inside."
There's no bite behind those words. Instead, love and affection.
“It's my job now, honey~”
“Argh, Sethos.”
“What? You call me a bee, I call you honey. Plus, you are so sweet-”
“I am not sweet.”
“Yes, you are. Especially your taste. Sweet like honey. No wonder I am a bee that is so attracted to you~”
Scara just groaned, his face flushed red. “Where did you even learn to kiss like that?” he asked, changing the subject.
“Oh, that. Heh,” Sethos rubbed the back of his head, rolling off him and laying beside him.
“You know how they say the quiet ones are the interesting ones? I'm far from being quiet, but since being in the Temple of Silence, I tend to be alone in my thoughts a lot and my imagination runs wild. And when I first laid my eyes on you, I never stopped thinking what it would be like to kiss those lips of yours.”
Wanderer’s heart fluttered in his chest, knowing that Sethos was thinking of him from the first time they met.
“And how did it feel?” he asked, turning to him.
“We both know the answer to that.”
“I want to hear it from you.”
Sethos chuckled, facing him. “Alright, if you really want to hear it. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. The moment just felt right. When our lips touched, a pleasant tingling sensation traveled down my spine. Having your lips locked on mine, it just felt like we were meant to be together. Oh! Your moans. Don’t get me started on your moans. They were sweet as hon-”
“Okay, you are just teasing and trying to make me flustered.”
“Maybe~ Is it working?”
“Not even.”
“You sure about that? What's that reddening on your ears?”
“Oh, shut up.”
“Make me.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“What do you think?”
“Oh, you are asking for it, annoying bee.”
“I'll like to see you- ack! Ahahaha! T-Tihihickling is cheheating!”
Scaramouche smirked, hearing his giggles as he tased his sides with ease. “Aw. Sucks to be you then~”
“Wahahait! Nohohoho fahahair!”
Scara draped himself over Sethos, lazily tracing random patterns from his shoulder blades to his neck to his chest and back again.
“Doesn't take much for me to make you giggle, little bee.”
“Hahahaha! Mohohochihi! Gehehet off mehehehe!” Sethos tried to roll around to no avail.
“Hmm, let me think about it,” Scara put on a fake thinking face for a few moments before he began to knead Sethos’s hips making him choke on a surprised laugh. “Nah.” A smug look crossed his face. “I want to do this all day~”
“GAhahaha! Nohohoho! You ahahare- NAHAHAHA! Nohot thahat SPOHOHOT!”
Sethos shrieked as his lover dug his fingers into his armpits causing him to clamp them down.
“You are losing, my love~” Wanderer teased, rubbing deep circles into his lover's armpits causing him to howl with laughter.
“Oh really? Here, let me help. Tickle tickle tickle~”
“How about this? Coochie coochie coo~”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Scara said, playing dumb.
Sethos squealed as Scara used his thumb to massage his upper ribs.
“PLEheaSE ScahahARA!”
“Oh, my ticklish, little bee. Begging already? We are barely getting started~”
He decided to have a little mercy on Sethos, slowing down, so he could take a breather.
“Thahank youhuhu,” he giggled out.
“I’ll tell you what,” Scara started. “If you don’t laugh for 5 minutes straight, you win the challenge and get to tickle me to your heart’s content. If you lose, get ready to be tickled without mercy.”
“Pfft, 5 minutes. I can handle that. Challenge accepted!”
Wanderer inwardly grinned, his scheme working as he kissed Sethos with passion. Being caught off guard, Sethos quickly recovered, returning the kiss, unaware of the one hand that was inching closer and closer to his side until-
“Noho! Youhuhu caught mehe off guahard!”
“I win~” Scara cheekily said. “Seems like that was your best… what a pity.”
“You planned that from the start!” Sethos pouted.
He stuck his tongue out towards Sethos. “Bleh, I win and that is all that matters. Come here and give me my prize.”
He lunged toward Sethos, leaving him no time to escape before he crawled his fingers under his clothes and attacked his tummy.
“I’ll geHEt yOUhu bahACK! AhAHAhAha!”
“Keep on dreaming little bee~”
After what felt like an eternity to Sethos of Wanderer skittering his fingers along his sensitive spots and teasing him to oblivion, his lover let up, lying right beside him.
“Mouchehe, you’re a ruhuthlehess tihickler.”
“Heh, that means that I’m still good at it or you are just too ticklish for your own good, or maybe both.”
They both fell into a peaceful silence as they stared up at the now starry sky, enjoying each other’s presence.
“Sethos?” Wanderer’s voice was soft when he spoke his name.
“Your words from before, I wanted to hear someone say those words to me for so long.”
“Which ones? You being sweet?” Sethos teased.
“Sethos,” Scara groaned. “I’m trying to be vulnerable here.”
“Hehe. Sorry sorry,” he chuckled, turning towards him and hugging him.
“I’m talking about when you told me you’d take care of me,” Scaramouche continued, snuggling into his embrace. “How it’s not rotten work to you and how you love me.”
He took a breath before continuing.
“It's all I ever wanted. Someone to say those words to me.”
A shooting star raced through the sky, lighting up his eyes. Sethos saw hope and a new spark of life in those mesmerizing eyes of his.
“I know I’m a bratty character and that’ll probably never go away, but I love you. I truly love you, even if I don’t show it at times. And…and I’ll go to the ends of the world for you too.”
Sethos could see the tips of his ears reddening and he inwardly grinned at how cute he was before going in for a quick peck on the cheek.
“Mochi, I love you so much. You are so freakin cute right now. But in all seriousness, I’m happy that you are in my life and I can’t wait to spend all of it with you. My sweet, honey love.”
“Archons, you are going to be the death of me you mushy bee.”
Sethos brought their lips together for a slow and soft kiss. Knocking their foreheads softly together, both of them stared into each other’s eyes, enjoying the moment before pulling away. Sethos was the first to stand up, grinning from ear to ear. Wanderer shook his head in amusement, picking up his hat and setting it atop his head before reaching out towards his lover’s outstretched hand. They started their way back into the city, hand in hand with fingers entwined.
My Honey.
My Bee.
More questions are in the Google Form if you want to provide more feedback. Plus, the question for a potential smut fic. Thank you again for reading and your time :)
Link to Google Form
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gasstationlady · 1 year
tom holland’s school of manifestation | a charles leclerc social media au
pairing: charles leclerc x supermodel!reader
charles has a big crush on world renowned supermodel, y/n l/n. who would’ve thought she’d return the feelings.
notes: very much travis kelce x taylor swift inspired. faceclaim is yasmin wijnaldum! btw i try to improve with each post (like how i write/pace the story) so if you have any suggestions, pls (veryvery kindly) tell me!! :))
disclaimer: SORRY FOR TYPOS. GOOGLE TRANSLATE (and from american high school lol) FRENCH. KYM ILLMAN MENTIONED LOL. none of the information in this social media au is factual. i do use old photos of charlotte and charles, and usually i don't like to include pictures of their ex or current gfs in these fics (only bc i want to keep it as imaginative as possible and i feel like adding them kinda gives you a reality check while reading LOL) so lmk your opinions on that!
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 854,487 others
voguemagazine Since beginning modeling at the age of 14, Y/N L/N has cemented herself as the most influential supermodel of all time. As of 2023, she is now the world’s highest paid model surpassing Kendall Jenner who previously led the list. Throughout her career, she has made 39 appearances on international Vogue covers.
Tap the link in our bio to read the full profile. Photographed by @/leannafitz, Written by Phil Stevenson, Styled by @/sheri_simmons, Vogue, February 2023.
View all 942 comments
user omg as someone who has been a fan since she began in 2011, i’m so proud of her 😭
user she's the definition of perfection
user LOL ariana (charles), what are you doing here
↳ user his little crush on her is soo cute 😩
↳ user he’s just like us fr lmaoo
user her walk is legendary like it reminds me so much of naomi
user i was gonna say she’s the model of our generation but that’s wrong. she’s actually the top model of all time 😩😩😩
user i’m glad to see a non-nepo baby be on top of the list
↳ user no literally like no shade to bella, kendall, and them but y/n had to fight tooth and nail to be here
↳ user frrr bc most of the nepo baby models are great, don’t get me wrong. however, they were allowed to make mistakes during their career in order to improve. y/n was not privileged enough to have that. like ppl don’t understand the insane expectations that were placed on her ever since she entered the industry, but she exceeded those expectations every. single. time. and that’s why she deserves this title
user she’s so beautiful
user i would die for y/n
user nothing could describe the amount of affection i have for this woman omfg
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charleslc_updates Charles and Arthur talking about Y/N L/N (again lol) in a recent interview 👀
View all 396 comments
user lmaoooooo relatable
user omg i'm new to f1 but i've always been a y/n stan i'm freaakkkinng out but wdym again??
↳ user lmaooo charles is always trying to bring up y/n
user the leclerc brothers 🥰🥰
user it was so cute to see the both of them in one video
user this man fr blushed AHAH cute
user i get it charles i too have the biggest crush on y/n
↳ user lol literally like get in line dude
↳ user back of the line bucko
user i've never seen a man so down bad for someone he's never met
user y/n what are you doing girl if you don't want him ILL DO IT
user @/yourusername
↳ user LMAO YESSS @/yourusername
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ynupdates Y/N opening the 2023 Chanel by Karl Lagerfeld show during Paris Fashion Week.
View all 3,977 comments
user omg she absolutely killed it
user god does she need a dog? i can bark
user i love seeing her thrive
user quick charles this is your chance!!! she’s in paris 😭😭😭 @/charles_leclerc
↳ user lmaooooo not you tagging him but literally though
↳ user no srsly please mr. "i hope our paths cross soon" you don't understand i need this to happen
user yall saw that walk??? ugh y/n the woman that you are
user i don’t get the hype. all she does is walk.
user i’m so happyyyy 🥺 y/n is so booked and busy she’s really out here doing multiple back to back shows for paris fashion week
↳ user same! it’s crazy that she gets to open and close multiple shows, especially ones like chanel!
user i love that so many people are going to these shows just to see y/n
user i could make this exact dress with my curtains
user if i ever meet her in real life i would die happily
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liked by charles_leclerc, bellahadid and 5,490,124 others
yourusername rien de mieux que d'etre a la maison [no place like home]
View all 12,658 comments
gigihadid sexy lady
↳ yourusername already missing you
user i keep forgetting she's part french
user you absolutely KILLED those shows
voguemagazine iconic ⭐️
alexademie 🔥🔥
user beautiful girl!!
user omggg charles liking this LOL
↳ user it's actually frustrating me that this man has no game like i'm rooting for you cmon
↳ user lmaooo literally though i'm just hoping he's pulling some strings behind the scenes
anokyai 😍😍😍
user la plus belle fille [the most beautiful girl] *liked by charles_leclerc
↳ user if this is him shooting his shot 😭😭
↳ user lol charles is down so bad he's even going through the comments
user am i just crazy but why are there two drinks in the second post? like is this supposed to be a very soft launch
↳ user it's probably gigi 😭😭 she did comment saying that they were hanging out with each other
↳ user but why not just take a pic of her tho
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deuxmoi Y/N L/N & Charles Leclerc spotted hanging out with each other in Paris
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user i'm actually in disbelief how tf did charles get here
user i knew you could do it charles!!
user so are they dating???
↳ user he manifested this 😭
user they look sooo good together
user why does he look so srs
↳ user give my man a break 😩
↳ user well it looks like he’s not your man anymore 😭😭
user omgg this is like a fairytale
user wait i'm kinda obsessed with this
user i’m so invested
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kymillman Y/N AND CHARLES
Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc is joined at the track today by top supermodel, Y/N L/N. This is the first time Y/N is with him and she clearly shines in front of the camera.
Her debut at the grid has quickly become a popular topic as fans and drivers alike are intrigued by the presence of one of the most famous women in the world.
For A3 prints, hand-signed & numbered by a range of drivers/team principals head to kymillman.com #f1 #formula1 #signedprints #japanesegp #CharlesLeclerc #Y/NL/N
View all 971 comments
user mom and dad 😩
user so it’s official???
↳ user i mean this is the hardest launch they could have done other than posting 😭
user i’m a charles fan and even i’m surprised he got her to date him
user i’m rooting for them so much 🥺🥺
user she’s serving though
user i’m watching the race rn and they literally keep talking about y/n being there AHH
↳ user i always forget she’s kind of a big deal
user kym gets on my nerves but this picture is actual gold
user it's so obvious that this is a publicity stunt
↳ user nah but for who? bc i know damn well that neither charles nor y/n need it
↳ user obviously not for them but maybe it's to gather more attention for f1
↳ user girl i need u to listen to urself rn 😭 bc that makes no sense
user idk who charles is and idk what the hell f1 is but best believe i’m tuning in next race just to see y/n
↳ user literally me girl i can’t believe i’m watching cars drive in a circle rn
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yn_updates Some moments of Y/N being mentioned by drivers during the Formula 1 race
View all 1,061 comments
user i swear it was like every minute i'd hear y/n's name
user the way that all the drivers are aware of charles's long time obsession with y/n LOL
↳ user i just know charles is the type to never shut up about her ahaha
user she's literally THE y/n l/n. i mean if viewers are sky rocketing just by her being there, imagine her impact if she had actively promoted it
↳ user she's so iconic
↳ user no bc i love y/n so much that i just forced myself to watch rich grown men vroom vroom in circles for almost 2 hrs just to catch a glimpse of her
user i'm in love with her life
user lando's so funny 😭😭
user y/n and f1 stans are being FED today wow
user is it just me or am i kinda annoyed about how often they're bringing her up like my girl can't even support her bf in peace
↳ user yea i'm eating it up but also feeling bad for y/n at the same time. the attention is definitely a double edge sword.
user apparently she was with joris most of the time 🥺
user this is literally straight from a fairy tale i can't
user didn't they just meet like a week ago
↳ user as far as we know they were first spotted together about a month ago by that deuxmoi post. but assuming from y/n and charles's past relationships, i don't think they'd be this comfortable going public without being together for a while
↳ user yea this has definitely been going on longer than we think/have been seeing
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liked by yourusername, gigihadid, landonorris and 7,712,083 others
charles_leclerc J'ai toujours su que c'était toi. Joyeux anniversaire, mon amour ❤️ [I've always known it was you. Happy birthday, my love]
View all 34,511 comments
yourusername merci, mon cœur ❤️ [thank you, my heart]
yourusername je suis raide dingue de toi [i'm madly in love with you]
↳ charles_leclerc l'amour de ma vie [the love of my life]
user are we interrupting something...
user i can’t believe it’s already been 6 months since they first went public
user throwing myself down the stairs as we speak
user they don't know it yet but we're actually a throuple
user happy birthday y/n!!!
user in love with their love 🥺
user lmfaoooo i just know charles is on cloud 9 this man literally sees y/n and is blind to everything else
↳ user he's sooo cute, he's like a love sick puppy
user i still think this is a pr relationship
user god i'd die for someone to look at me the way charles looks at y/n in that second pic
user this is my roman empire
user i'm so obsessed with them it's insane
user our generation's brad and angelina
↳ user don't say that wtf my parents are never separating
user pls don't ever breakup 😭😭
2K notes · View notes
misfitgirlwrites · 3 months
Lucifer Having A Crush On You/How Would He React?
I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'M NOT--
It's time for my fictional love and life and all I hold dear in my daydreams. Bitches, bros, nonbinary hoes, and genderfluid fucks, I present to you the Big Dick in Charge
I may reference works that I've read and when I do I'll drop their @ and link to their story it is law that you read it if you read mine, I don't make the rules
CW: none, slightly angsty but nothing too intense!
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Alright, doves, this is post-season one. Lucifer now resides in the hotel with everyone and is slowly adjusting to being graced with Alejandro's Alastor's presence every day.
Let's be honest, our baby pays attention but puts in minimal effort. Saying that the days went by in a blur would be an understatement. Even conversations would be forgotten after a few short moments. On to the next task. Full focus on this thing. Once that's done? Well onto the next task! No tasks? Free time to spend with Charlie!
Things would start slow, and to really interact, you'd most likely start to approach him first. Maybe you've spent long enough watching the blond anxiously bounce around the hotel and graciously give himself a bit too much for even the Big Boss of Hell.
A timid approach from you, offering to help with whatever he's currently doing. Maybe you make snacks for everyone in the hotel and hand him his personally :)
And so it begins! A greeting here, a greeting there, slightly awkward conversations that slowly start to feel less forced with the little information you learn about each other along the way.
It's...nice! Refreshing! Lucifer would be more excited than anything and talking to you would become a part of his regular routine without much thought on the matter. You'd occasionally be on his mind just a little more, and he'd start to seek you out himself too.
I know you're already seeking him out. Bitch I'M seeking him out.
Helping with chores around the hotel quickly turns into simply enjoying the other's company.
One day you gift him his very own ceramic duck! You could have paid for it from somewhere or made it yourself.
Either way, he'd fucking LOVE it! Honestly, if you decide to try your hand at making it, he'd love it even more with all the rough edges and little bumps (it was made out of love for my babies who never touched clay in their lives)
In response, please expect many gifts in return. I like to think it's been a while since he's gotten a genuine gift like this
(Bonus headcanon: Charlie will see this and will come to you the next day with a list of things she wants to gift him and you two are unofficially officially the Buy Lucifer Anything Duck-Themed duo)
Lucifer loves how you react when he gifts you your very own rubber duck. Your smile and happiness always seemed contagious to him. It only led to him making/getting you more things.
You will have a rubber duck collection by the end of this, but what can you really say? Each one of them is based on something you mentioned before. A movie character, a book character, a cartoon character, even friends or family members if they were mentioned. The gesture is way too sweet for you to turn down, even if it is the 30th duck you've received.
Now prepare for what I like to call the "get along t-shirt" phase but both parties are willing LMAO.
Lucifer will be by your side as long as you'll accept the company and if you're reading this and we brain the same, that will be all the time.
I love the GenZ!Reader memes and fics. Someone show this man bacon pancakes and if it was already done, SHOW ME.
Between his relationship with Charlie and with you, Lucifer actually feels the need and wants to be a little more present bit by bit. He notices that he is spending less time in his head, but he continues on in fear of fucking it up if he thinks too hard about it.
So instead he'll 100% focus on the little familiarity of happiness, as small as those moments may be sometimes. This is EXACTLY why the thought of him potentially feeling romantic interest again goes right over his head.
Who notices first, you ask? Charlie, of course. You slowly but surely became one of his main topics in conversation, it wasn't hard for her to pick up on it and ask.
Baby boy would straight up deny it at first. Him?? Liking someone else??? LMAO, am I right? Of course, after he does this, he'll have the time to actually pay attention to his actions.
So then he'll notice how excited he is every morning knowing that you'll be the first face he sees. He'll notice how he managed to fit you into any task he had to do. When he'd get lunch for himself and Charlie he'd have the automatic thought of making something for you as well. Even when the day was over, he'd be thinking about spending the next day with you. To be frank, you were constantly on his mind. 
Once he notices it's a big mental "fuck". Nothing about you is wrong of course, it's him, or so he thinks.
Let's start with the elephant in the room, or shall I say the ring on his finger lmao
In Lucifer's mind, he's still married technically. Even thinking about it in a technical term was a new development and it made him feel absolutely horrible. Lilith left, sure, but who knows what happened? Regardless of how he felt, he didn't want to hurt her.
But at the same time what about him? Lucifer hasn't been happy in a long time and he's finally building that again, not just with Charlie, but with you as well. He didn't want to just cut you out, he didn't want to hurt you either.
Plus, did you even like him? How would he even approach you? If he wanted to, even after thinking about everything.
Who was he kidding, of course, he still wanted you!
@liveontelevision *drops to my knees and bows* they worded it extremely well here and if you're reading this but you haven't read this already or you clicked the link then clicked back here, go back and read it. I don't care how long it is. Do the thing then come back.
Welcome back. It was good, wasn't it? I know.
The only awkward period for you two is the week-long contemplation of everything (half him attempting not to do what he always does when stressed but by the time he realizes he already made like 30 ducks--)
He would clearly go out of his way to either try and talk to you or avoid you. Or a cute mixture of both where he makes a scene approaching you, realizes he's not ready yet, then makes a scene so he can disappear *finger guns*
A little crisis here, a few little rubber ducks there, and a looooonnnggg conversation with Charlie and Maggie Vaggie.
Those are the ingredients to a semi-stable Lucifer with enough bravado to talk to you normally again.
He'd apologize for the times he basically pulled a Houdini in your face and he'd explain himself fully, all while also confessing his love for you.
It's choppy, it's fast-paced in some areas, and the poor blond was ready to disappear at any given moment, but that's what made it so real for you.
The weight that's lifted off of him couldn't be described, and neither could the joy that welled in him the moment he saw your beautiful smile and heard nothing but your acceptance and love.
What an emotional roller-coaster, am I right?
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Lucifer Taglist: @alastorssimp @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @heart-of-the-morningstar
Requests are open! If you'd like to be tagged in future Lucifer or Hazbin Hotel content, please let me know! My asks and DMs are open to all!
340 notes · View notes
mwahmimi · 20 days
you could write a one shot where the reader (who is part of the bau) always acquits or does what Spencer says, letting him talk for hours and Do you also write down facts that you find interesting? I think that's a very nice thing. (also if there is some smut afterwards I don't complain somehow).
p.s. I love your stories<3
Pretty as a vine, sweet as a grape🍇
(Hi! I’m sorry I know I don’t usually add comments onto my fics anymore but I just needed to say that I loved writing this. This concept was so fun to write and I’m quite happy with how it came out.)
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“How is everything you say somehow so profound but yet so socially inept?” You chuckle, shaking your head through your laughter as you look up at him. Spencer laughs along with you sarcastically, an unamused fake grin painted on his face. He takes a step closer to you, lifting the umbrella over your head, protecting you from the unforgiving Quantico rain. Spencer leads you forward, guiding you with his hand on your lower back as he rubs his palm against your damp jacket. “Back to my place?” You speak, looking up at him through your eyelashes. “We’ll get sick if we’re out in the rain too long Spence.” Accepting your offer he links his arm around yours and you begin to walk down the street together. “Sickness is not directly caused by rain, but being outside in rainy conditions could increase your exposure to airborne viruses that might be present.” Spencer explains in his trademark, matter of fact tone. Giggling, as you fiddle with your keys, searching for the right one to unlock your apartment door. He sneaks them out of your hand, inspecting the lock on your door and the keys in hand, picks out the correct key and unlocks the door with a timid smile. “Clean towels in the bathroom if you want to dry yourself off.” You recommend him the blue one, it’s new and fluffy and completely unused, knowing he’s more likely to feel comfortable with the knowledge that it’s new. You want him to feel nothing less than comfortable. Spencer nods his head and makes his way to the bathroom. At the loss of his presence you reach into your bag, pulling out your notebook and pen. Scribbling down some nonsense as a scrappy, badly written diary entry as quickly as you can. Your journals were the one thing that held every detail of your life, not even your social media pages held that much information on you. You dot your i’s and cross your t’s, swiftly closing the book and burrowing it inside your handbag again.
A few days pass and you’re not feeling up to scratch. With the pharmacy not filling your prescription, mixed with the depths of your unrelenting depressing you’re struggling to keep your head above water. The files of paperwork stack up higher than they should on your desk, coffee rings stain the wood on your desk as it wobbles under your writing. Each case seemed to be more emotionally demanding than the last. But there was Spencer. He stumbles over to you, clumsy and un-spatially aware as ever, placing a bag of baked goods in front of you. The smell of cinnamon hits you immediately and you melt into the back of your chair, your lips pin up into a beaming smile. The monster in your head silencing just for a moment under the soft, dulcet act of Reid. “You’ve- you’ve seemed down. I didn’t want to pry incase you didn’t want to share, but sugar stimulates feel-good endorphins associated with reward. So, cinnamon buns!” He announced, his voice airy and angelic as he scratches the back of his head with his left hand; his right fiddling with the buttons on the stomach of his cardigan. He needn’t say anything more, the smile on your face and your back finally resting against the chair, regaining posture, says all the gratitude he needs. Spencer simply taps the bag on your desk with a grin and returns to his desk. Not only did he leave you with a sugary treat, he left with you with more of off the top of his head statistics that you couldn’t get enough of. Each one of them showing he cares, he thinks of you. He puts thought into everything he says, whether or not his words land with the people he speaks to is irrelevant. He shows he cares in his own unique way and you simply cannot get enough of it, you find your journal once more, leaving todays page decorated with his facts about sugar. Reaching into the bag from the local bakery, you take out your bun, wrapping the base with the napkin. With your first bite, you grin. Even if it didn’t ‘stimulate your endorphins’ it still tasted like heaven.
Friday night rolled around eventually, this week had felt never-ending. Slotted next to Spencer on the jet, you reach out and poke his side, demanding his attention. He jerks back with a giggle, you always forget he never grew out of being ticklish. You smirk and tease, “Oh right… ticklish. I forget you’re a little baby.” His cheek gain a new pink blush that reaches all the way to the tips of his ears. “You can’t grow out of your nerve endings in your skin sending electrical signals to the somatosensory cortex. Plus- most adults are t-ticklish.” He stutters over his words, almost as if they are too shy to be spoken. His hands rise to protect himself as your fingers threaten to poke him again, he chuckles in anticipation. “Whatever you say genius, deny it all you want. It’s still adorable.” Your voice soft and teasing as you smirk at him again. “Movie night tomorrow?” You suggest, your hands moving back to your lap as he begins to re-adjust himself and relax. Spencer nods, “Can we watch Star Wars?” He asks, sounding like an excited puppy. You roll your eyes playfully and smile, “Fine. As long as its Revenge of the Sith.” Spence chuckles, shaking his head and rises from his seat, heading to the jet bathroom. As is your new routine, your diary finds its way to the table in front of you. Scrambling to write today’s entry before Spencer returns, you try to remember his every word as you write. As you hear the door unlock you practically throw the book behind you and sit in front of it. Praying that the man with the 187 IQ doesn’t notice, should be fine, right?
Settling the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table, you get the TV set up ready for Spencer’s arrival. Everything is perfect, you’d bought his favourite popcorn, salted obviously. You’d also brewed a pot of the tea you’d made him last time, it was just English Breakfast tea but he’d sworn it was mind-blowing. The door is knocked, three times, Spencer’s lucky number. “It’s open!” You bellow your voice and put your feet up onto the sofa. Spence walks in, lifting your legs and placing them down on his lap when he settles next to you. He places his bag down on the floor beside him, but something bashes against it. Reaching down to find the offending item, you find its your journal. “Hey, y/n. I think you left this book on the floor. Where does it live so I can put it back in its rightful home?” He questions, you feel the blood drain out of your face, you pale immediately. “No- its okay! Just gimmie.” You respond, but he notices your shaking hands reaching out to snatch it. Spencer pulls away, opening the first page. “What are these huh?” He teases uncharacteristically. “You writing little love letters?” He jokes, before looking down at the pages and blushing when he reads his own name. He reads at an alarming speed at the best of times, but when he’s transfixed on text, he can read even faster.
“You’re- you’re writing about me? I said every word here.” Spencer’s eyes widen, the hazel irises expanding as he turns the pages rapidly and skims the text. “Oh you just had to write that. Didn’t you?” He chuckles, reading your interactions from yesterday on the jet. “I. I just find you interesting Spencer. I know everyone teases you and interrupts you when you speak, I know they don’t appreciate you enough. They take your words for granted, even when they’re so profound.” Your pale face begins to blush, it was enough that Spencer had read your private diary, but having to admit your feelings that you’ve been trying to repress and ignore, it was seemingly impossible. “I want to remember the things you say because they’re important, and every time you say something personal to me, I want to treasure it. Bottle it and keep it forever, you know?”
Spencer, for once, is at a loss for words. His cheeks burning under the heat of his blush, he opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. His brain searching for anything to say, its like he’s frantically looking through the filing cabinet of words in his head and still coming up empty. With no vocabulary on his tongue, he leans forward and crashes his lips into yours. They’re soft and ample, featherlight against your own. No concerns of the lip gloss smearing and decorating his lips. Pulling away with a confused expression, “Spencer?” Your one word question is all you can say as you run your fingers through his hair. Your nails scratching against the back of his head softly and he leans into your touch wanting more. “I can’t help myself. I’ll stop if you want, if you didn’t want that I apologise profusely and I take full responsibility of my actions and I’ll do anything to make it up to you…” He gets in his own head about the moment just gone. “No, I definitely wanted that. Definitely.” You smile cheekily, rubbing your thumb against his heated cheeks. Spencer leans in once more, gasping into your mouth trying to dig deeper and deeper into your soul. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this. I just don’t- I don’t know how to get here. You know?” He explains, his hands find the small of your back and pull you closer to him. Your index finger reaches up, shh-ing against his lips. Silencing him to keep him from rambling for the first time ever. You scramble up onto his lap, leaning over him playfully. “You’re perfect Spencer Reid. Without even knowing it you’ve taken care of me for years. Let me take care of you.”
You roll your hips slowly underneath him, smirking as he fiddles with the back of your bra strap. Even with an IQ of 187 he can’t figure out how to unbuckle a bra. You smirk and let out a giggle and he blushes, “So needy already?” You tease, your voice hoarse and desperate. He grips onto your hips as if he’s deprived, pushing into your lips, kissing you like a man starved. Spencer’s breath is shaky and weak, you take his chin into your thumb and forefinger, lifting it up, deepening the kiss. “I want you.” He speaks shakily, “I know. I want you too.” You say, holding his cheeks in the palms of your hands. Rutting your hips against his bulge again, he convulses underneath you. He gasps and rushes his hand over his mouth and you know what’s happened. Not wanting to embarrassed him, you slide off of him. Slotting yourself next to him on the couch, trying to figure out the social expectation is when your crush finishes in his boxers before you’ve even touched him. You settle on pulling him into a cuddle, rubbing your palm up and down his back, feeling his boney spine through his skin. He looks up at you, his eyes wide and full of adoration, looking like pools of honey. “I need a few minutes, and maybe some of your magic tea.” He chuckles and you sigh in relief at the self depreciating humour he responds to the situation with. “Of course pretty boy.” You press your lips on the top of his forehead softly, breathing in his shampoo and cologne. He smells like coconut and sweetness. You jokingly reach out for your journal. “Today Spencer ended up cumming in his boxers.” You giggle together, your bodies rising and falling with each breath and your legs intertwined. The next hour could take a lifetime to arrive and you’d be a-okay with that.
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inlovewithpandora · 1 year
- Too Close -
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Pairing: Jealous!Tsu’tey x fem!Avatar!reader
Request: [ @teyamsbitch ] "Why are you getting so jealous of them?" "Because they are clearly all over you, that's why. w/ Tsu'tey » post. — reader was accepted alongside Jake and also passed the transfer. (Before this Tsu’tey and reader had already mated) Tsu’tey is jealous of Jake and reader friendship especially when Jake's platonic (not to Tsu’tey) touches reader, Tsu’tey gets frustrated. Reader assures him that she only wants him.
Synopsis: When Tsu’tey looks across the room and sees Jake being touchy with you for the millionth times it burns a fire of jealousy within him.
Content: angst → fluff, Tsu’tey getting jealous, reader is confused by Tsu’tey’s behavior, Tsu’tey confronts reader about his feelings, reader reassures him he’s the only one for her, cute little jealousy fic!
Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting, I hope it fulfills your expectations and that you enjoy!
- This is my first Tsu’tey fic!
Word Count: 951
Glossary: Oeyä tìyawn - My love || skxawng - idiot, moron
Extra: Requests are closed!
Links: Navigation || Avatar Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Taglist
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"Jake, stop tickling me, you skxawng!" You shout in between laughs as you try to swat his hands away from you.
You and Jake are sitting next to each during communal dinner, and as always both of you are talking, joking, and having a good time. You both have always been close knit, but with you being accepted in the clan and having to do hours worth of training together to learn the Omatikaya ways, it has brought you even closer than before.
As Tsu'tey talks to his hunter trainees about their performance today, he looks out the corner of his eye and can see Jake with his signature smirk on his lips as he stands behind you and lightly squeezes your shoulders. The calm expression that was on his face quickly washes away and a small growl erupts from his throat. Watching the smile on your face and the way Jake can make you laugh makes him envious of the bond you both have.
“I will be back,” is all Tsu’tey says before striding over to where you and Jake stand.
“Oh my goodness, Jake, stop, seriously!” The way Jake keeps telling you jokes, your sides begin to ache and your stomach starts to hurt.
As you look upwards, you can see Tsu’tey coming toward you. “What’s up, brother?” Jake says as he goes in to greet Tsu’tey.
“Move, demon!” He scoffs, shoving Jake out of his path and walks in front of you. When you notice Tsu’tey’s ears are flattened, you realize that he’s mad about something but you don’t know exactly what yet.
“Tsu’tey, what’s wrong?” You ask, concern lacing your tone.
“Come. Now.” By the deepness of his voice, you know that he means business, so you push yourself off the ground and begin following Tsu’tey to your shared mauri.
When both of you walk inside, you close the flap behind you and walk up towards him. “‘Tey, what’s bothering you? Why are you so upset?”
“Why are you and Jake so close?” He questions, straight to the point as his tail begins to move behind him. This question has been burning inside him for weeks. He’s been wanting to bring this matter up to you, but he didn’t want to seem like he was making a big deal out of nothing. Now it’s gotten to the point where he can’t bite his tongue any further.
“Me and Jake are friends, so that means we are close.”
“Well, I don’t like it.”
“Why not?” You ask with a raised brow. You know Jake and Tsu’tey have a sort of complicated friendship, but you also know that deep down, he likes Jake even though he isn’t fond of admitting it, so you can’t understand why he’s against both of you being friends now.
“The reason is unimportant.” He murmurs as he walks to the other side of the marui, now silently regretting even bringing up the topic. He had a reason, but admitting it was the tough part.
You follow his path, unallowing him to wiggle his way out of the conversation. “No, it is important if it’s making you so upset that you pull me away from dinner, so tell me the reason.” Tsu’tey doesn’t respond to you, he just continues walking as if your words are falling on deaf ears.
“What is it, Tsu’tey? Hm? Is it because we’re close or are you just jealous?” A small laugh comes behind the word ‘Jealous’ because you never thought your mate would ever be jealous of anyone, especially Jake, but when you see the way Tsu’tey’s body language change; how he stops in his tracks with his ears folding down to his skull, it all comes to pieces that your unknowingly suspicion of him being jealous is in fact true.
“‘Tey, why are you getting so jealous of Jake?” You ask him in a soft tone as you walk in front of him.
"Because he's clearly all over you, that's why!” His voice begins to escalate as a flashback reel races through his head of all the times he’s watched Jake touch you. In his mind, every touch was romantic, nothing about Jake’s touch seemed platonic in his eyes.
It all begins to make sense to you. You now understand why Tsu’tey seemed so irked with Jake’s presence lately. “Oeyä tìyawn, I promise you’re the only man I want. Jake is a nice guy, but I don’t see that skxawng as anything else but a friend.” You grab his hand and gently place it against your chest. “My heart only beats for you Tsu’tey. No one else can make me feel the way you do.”
A warmth begins to swarm Tsu’tey’s chest as your words kiss his ears. He knew that your soul was forever linked with his and that you would never look at another man with a loving stare, but to have you reassure him that he is your one and only love makes his need to be jealous slowly fade away.
“I see you, y/n.” His voice is much softer, coated with an affectionate tone as he pulls you closer to him.
“I see you, ‘Tey. You know I always will.”
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I hope you enjoyed🩷!
Previous Fic
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Editor - @justmemyselfandthemoon
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Taglist: @liyahsocorro @fanboyluvr @kapyzkms @ladespedidas @navegaluv @haileymsstuff @onlyloaksgf @kierys-blog @julyytsireya @gamerxpfighter @potatoknishesofficial69 @yetanotherattemptatanaccount @yeosxxx @bakugouswaif @hc-geralt-23 @myheartfollower @number1gal @iluvpandorawomen @neteyamsblog @dreamingofpandora @savagemickey03 @neteyamyawne @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @headsincloud9
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©️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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flrlgreen · 8 months
mine (suguru getou x reader) + twt prn link
a/n: little getou drabble. i’ve had a bit of writer's block so i haven’t been as active but, i wanted to write something with getou and this is loosely based/connected to this fic i wrote on ao3 (that i’ll probably update soon). 
cw: EXTREME possessiveness, toxic behavior, unprotected sex, reader has a vagina, breeding, mentioned pregnancy, begging, teasing, crying, dirty talk, the name bad girl is used.
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Apparently, you two didn’t know what ‘no contact’ meant. The same man that you had just told to leave you alone is in your room fucking his thick cock into you. Why? You went on a date with the lead singer of another popular band, Toji Fushiguro. And even worse he overheard your conversation with your girlfriends about how good of a lay Toji was. 
Tears begin to prick your eyes before a single fat tear falls down your cheek.  “You’re dripping so much Angel, was he fucking you this good?” He groaned in pleasure while his heavy balls hit your ass over and over. “Does he fuck your cute little pussy as good as I do? You’re creaming all over my dick, so I’m doing something right aren’t I?” His words were making you clench on his cock even more than you already were. “Answer me.” He demands when you whine instead of answering his question. His free hand presses down on your lower belly making your eyes tear up even more.
“Y-you fuck me so good Suguru.” That’s all you managed to get out, but your response didn’t satisfy him. “Bad girl, fucking someone else. You still belong to me, I don’t care if we are broken up.” He punctuates the end of each of his statements with a deep thrust. “Say you belong to me Baby.” He leans in and whispers in your ear. “Say this is my pussy.” He knows his words are getting to you because you could only manage to let out moans and high-pitched whines no matter how hard you tried to get any words out. 
“This is your-” You say a little too quietly for his taste. “Ah, I can’t hear you.” He teases. “This is your p-” “Louder Baby. Let them know who this pussy belongs to.” He wipes the single tear from your cheek and gives you that stupid ‘poor you’ tone that drives you mad. “This is your pussy Suguru! My pussy belongs to you!” You yell loud enough and you’re almost sure everyone in the apartment complex heard you. 
“That’s what I wanna hear. You don’t belong to that asshole and if you fuck him ever again I’ll have to show you who you truly belong to.” His thrusts are so fast you can’t even keep up. His thick cock dragged against your sensitive walls and was almost enough to make you cum all over his cock. “I want you to remember how good I fuck your little pussy whenever you even think about fucking anyone that isn’t me.” He pants and pulls out and shoves his entire cock back in all at once.
 “I’m gonna make you mine, so you can never leave me. You’re gonna have my baby.” He slammed his pelvis into you until your walls were forcibly stretched to accommodate his thick cock. “Gonna cum – Fuck, you’re gonna be so full of my cum. Gonna be so cute pregnant-” Before he could even finish his sentence he was spilling his warm seed in your cunt. “Fuck.” He groans and watches his cum spill from your hole when he pulls out. His body feels so heavy and he can’t help but bury his head in the crook of your neck, but not before giving you a peck on your cheek. “I still love you so much.”
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vixstarria · 1 month
Astarion, Halsin and Tav become a triad after the fall of the Netherbrain. This is a story of how it begins, progresses, and eventually ends.
Astarion x named F!Tav x Halsin
porn with (!) plot / character study, but through smut
18+, smut, threesome, double penetration, lots of dirty talk, what else... you know what, just refer to the AO3 tags, link below
In my headcanon, Halsin approaches both Asmodea and Astarion together, rather than just Asmodea alone.
This fic picks up their story where I left it in A Night at the Inn, and is a companion for Chapter 10 of Bloodbang Chronicles (in which Astarion is the one receiving - you can read that chapter as a standalone if you want). All three pieces are threesome smut.
Or, if you want more of Astarion's dynamic with Asmodea, check out Bloodbang Chronicles generally.
Anyway, enjoy!
Approx. 7.9k words
Each section break signifies a jump forward in time.
Of course the bloody druid was after her too - just about everyone else in this blasted group had been at one point or another. Astarion sighed inwardly as he observed the druid conversing with his lover.
Halsin hadn’t been with them long. He hadn’t mingled much with the rest of the group during the journey from the Emerald Grove, and then, on reaching the Shadowcursed Lands, he had stayed back at Last Light, having only rejoined them recently. 
But ever since, the druid had been giving Asmodea increasing amounts of attention. Even now, having just finished talking with her, Halsin's eyes trailed her as he drew on his pipe. 
Why should he be any different - just about everyone else had made some advances on their de facto ‘leader’ by then. Only Karlach had always stayed on friendly terms with her – Astarion had worried that might change after that blacksmith Dammon sorted her little tactile problem, but it appeared their bond had remained sister-like.
As for his own claim on the woman – it seemed he was widely disregarded as a rake. Taken for a temporary thing she and anyone else would discard without a moment’s hesitation, if anything more tangible came along. Never mind that his feelings had been growing each day, despite his efforts to the contrary. As had her own, towards him, unless he was blind.
Was she even aware of any of this..? She had to be.
As Astarion pondered this, Asmodea sat down next to him, pressing her thigh against his and leaning against him; as though just a small fragile thing seeking protection or warmth from him – despite the fact she barely needed the former anymore, and he couldn’t provide the latter. Still, it made for an excellent and obvious display for everyone around them. Without thinking, he pulled her against him by her waist, pressing his lips against her temple. 
She looked up at him, eyes twinkling in lighthearted glee. 
“I know,” she whispered, inclining her head slightly towards the druid.
“I know you know,” Astarion murmured back. Well, now he did, anyway.
“Good,” she said, giving him a quick peck on the lips and turning her attention to the food in front of her. 
Astarion glanced at Halsin, who sat across the fire. The druid met his gaze. Not in challenge, but rather with... open curiosity. The druid’s lips curled in a genuine smile, his eyes lingering on Astarion’s longer than generally acceptable.
…Oh. …Hah!
Astarion looked away, amused, smirking into his wine goblet. It seemed he had misread the druid, somewhat. Yes, he knew that look very well.
Godsdamned wood elves…
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“Could you go ask Lae’zel for one of her training swords?” 
“I’ll show you. ...But also I think she will be less inclined to murder me for wasting everyone’s time, if she’s curious about me needing a sword with my morning bath.” 
“She’ll have to murder me and Halsin first.” Astarion grumbled, but left the inn’s bathing room to retrieve the sword. 
Him and Halsin… A debaucherous night spent with both of them, lasting well into the morning. Astarion had mostly watched or directed her and Halsin, still not wanting to be touched himself, but it was, undoubtedly, the most they had done since before the night they had their heart to heart in the Shadowcursed Lands.
Halsin hesitated at the door.   
“Before I leave this room, I must know... Once this door shuts behind me, is... this-” he gestured at the three of them, “staying behind as well? Or can the future hold something for us?” She knew the druid would have accepted whichever answer he was given, but she could tell he was a hair’s breadth from a pained expression.
She exchanged a look with Astarion. It was he who finally spoke.   
“It doesn’t have to stay behind. You’ve been better for us than you might realise,” he said, with a grin. “But let’s talk about that later.”   
“I am glad,” Halsin said, smiling, before leaving. 
What in the hells had they just started..? 
Astarion returned with the blunted practice weapon.
“Most of the others have gone out into the city. And you were right, the moment I asked Lae’zel for a sword, she swapped all murderous intent to curiosity.”
Asmodea took the sword and submerged most if it in the lukewarm water in the tub, channelling a Heat Metal spell through it.
“Old bard trick,” she explained to Astarion, waiting for the water to heat up. “So,” she added, looking up at Astarion. “Halsin.”
“Yes,” he said, thoughtfully. “Halsin.”
They exchanged and held equally incredulous looks, before breaking out into laughter.
“I told you he wanted both of us!” Asmodea exclaimed amid the tittering. “So… What do you think? Truly?” she asked once the laughter had died down a bit.
“It… It was certainly entertaining, sharing you with him,” Astarion snickered.
“And you..? Do you think you would be comfortable..? Being ‘shared’?”
“I’m not averse to the idea... But, for now, he might be more than I can handle.”
“...Well, with enough patience, determination and grease...”
“Why do I even like you...” Astarion muttered, heaving a massive, exaggerated sigh, rolling his eyes. “That is not how I meant that!” he exclaimed. “...Although that too, most likely.”
They broke into another fit of laughter.
“But I… I don’t see any harm in it. I think it could be good, even,” Astarion said, softly this time, once they had both calmed down. “What about you..?”
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Astarion sat on the roof of the Elfsong, watching the streets below. He was most certainly not on the lookout for two figures - a slender one with a disarray of locs on her head, and a robust-looking one that would tower over the first. How long had they been gone now, anyway?
He sipped his wine, straight from the bottle. It was pleasant, but lacked the kick he had grown used to from adding blood to it. Wyll would have agreed to donate some, if he’d only asked, but he couldn’t bear to go downstairs and be seen by anyone. He knew what they were all thinking.
Asmodea and Halsin had been eager to explore whatever it was they had set in motion. As for Astarion, after the initial elation had subsided, he just wanted time to himself to think, and so he had all but shoved them out the door together. Halsin had made it abundantly clear he wanted to include Astarion. Astarion, in turn, assured them both that he was happy for them to spend some time alone that night. And Asmodea… Asmodea had been visibly conflicted, but listened to him in the end.
And now he was hiding out on the roof, not being in the mood to explain to anyone why his lover had suddenly taken off with another. They had tried to be discreet, but you couldn’t sneeze without everyone in camp knowing about it and making it their business, much less have a little… arrangement.
Was that all it was?
He probed at his own feelings as he swirled the wine in his mouth, and found them to be a nonsensical potpourri of jealousy, relief, doubt, giddiness, inadequacy, excitement, fear and hope. The emotions mixed and swirled, constantly replacing one another at the forefront of his mind.
Astarion found himself, once again, contemplating how he himself felt about the druid.
There was a physical attraction, certainly. But also an admiration. A certain peace and serenity was to be found in his company - something Astarion hadn’t felt in centuries. Astarion often found himself discarding all his usual masks with Halsin, disarmed by the druid’s own earnestness.
Above all, he felt safe.
What would it be like..? Having this… gentle giant, to share with Asmodea.
Sweet pondering thoughts switched abruptly to more mundane and grounded ones.
What were they doing now? Talking about him, perhaps? Resolving that he wasn’t necessary after all? Or maybe just happily fucking each other’s brains out, not giving him a single thought to begin with?
Was all this just a massive, stupid mistake?
Thoughts spiralling and racing, Astarion gulped down more of the wine. He could go for more of that herb, whatever it was, that Halsin had given him the other night, Astarion thought - he refused to believe it was really catnip. He surveyed the street below, again. How long could it possibly take?!
Karlach appeared on the roof, holding a bottle of her own by the neck.
Ah, here comes the envoy of the pity committee…
“Hey Fangs. You alright..? Do I need to knock some sense into anyone?”
“I’ll have you know, I had their invitation, and they had my blessing,” he all but snarled, choosing to cut straight to the point.
“Right, whatever,” she said, sitting down next to him. “You elves are fucking weird, you know.”
“Yes, well, after a few centuries you change your perspective on some trivialities,” he snapped.
Karlach only emitted a brief, bitter laugh.
Astarion belatedly realised she was the last person to whom he should have said anything about longevity or life expectancy. He turned to look at her. Her forehead, he now noticed, bore a sheen of perspiration despite the pleasantly cool weather, her breathing was more laboured than usual.
“How’s your engine?” he asked, softly.
“Shit,” she said, taking a swig from her bottle, and drawing her knees up against her chest.
Another nail for his proverbial coffin.
He reached out, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, letting her lean against himself. He didn’t know what to say, but this - this was close enough to what he had done countless times for drunk and newly single women seeking a shoulder to cry on and a dick to ride on, before whisking them to their demise - though he truly meant the gesture this time.
“Saw an old friend of mine today,” Karlach said, quietly. “She’s having a baby. I told her I’d go see her once all this was over.” She sniffed, masking it as a chuckle. “Never going to happen, is it?”
Cazador’s presence still looming over him, tadpole still in his brain, his lover in another’s arms (at his own insistence, no less), AND he could lose his friend any day.
Astarion said nothing and rubbed her shoulder.
He lay in bed when Asmodea finally returned. She seemed hesitant, only giving him a worried look when she realised he was still awake. He wordlessly lifted the edge of the blanket in invitation. With some relief writ on her face, she joined him under the covers. She fidgeted, as though unsure just how to settle down, until he pulled her tightly against himself.
“Do you want to know..?” she asked.
He thought she would smell of the druid. Instead, she smelled like she just bathed.
“Not really,” he answered.
She snuggled against him as she would ordinarily, to go to sleep, but the silence between them was pregnant, and before long, she sighed and leaned away from him, reclining on her elbow.
Astarion opened his eyes and met her gaze.
Gods, but he didn’t want to talk about anything just then.
He pressed a finger to her lips, then stroked her face, gently, looking into her eyes. What was it he read in them..? Concern, maybe. Worry. Pleading? Was that… fear..?
Something twisted in his chest. He couldn’t bear to have her look at him like that.
He pulled her back against himself, pressing his lips against hers, as she melted into him, her tension beginning to dissipate. She wanted to say something, but he kissed her again and again, hands beginning to roam her. If only he could show her all his love... He caressed reassurance into her body, as he knew words would fail him now. Pulled her clothes off so he could feel her, all of her, and be felt. She did the same for him, also having given up on saying anything, turning instead to conveying her affection and longing through touch alone, just as they had done all that time ago, when their blossoming love for one another was still an open but unspoken secret.
But what had happened to this same body earlier..?
Even through the tenderness that had just overtaken him, he found that the thought intrigued him. His mind wandered to images of her writhing with the druid, coming undone in ecstasy, the way he had already witnessed them do earlier. The images caused a warm coil to tighten at the bottom of his stomach. How close were they to reality, he wondered.
As her clothes came off and her body wrapped around his, his fingers probed and sought evidence of her evening. Was she too tender? Too swollen? Did she seem sore? Was she bruised anywhere? The druid had been mindful of his proportions and movements in the night that they all shared together, but who knew, maybe Halsin lost his restraint and had simply healed any damage he had done after.
Perhaps he did want to know.
Lewd thoughts turned to outrage at the very idea that anyone might have possibly hurt what was his. Even if he willingly shared some part of her. She was his.
Astarion’s arms tightened around her, and he deepened his kiss, moaning into her mouth. She tangled her fingers in his hair and whimpered, softly.
“Ugh, gross…” Astarion heard Karlach saying a few beds over. “Hey Gale… Gale!”
The wizard produced something between a snore and a disgruntled salutation, and cast a habitual sphere of silence around the pair’s bed, before presumably immediately falling back asleep somewhere beyond the privacy screens.
Astarion’s fingers slipped between Asmodea’s legs, earning him a moan as she spread wider for him. Wet, so wet. For him. As she should be.
He wanted to fuck her hard into the bed, lay his claim on her, but he didn’t want to be compared with the druid so soon after whatever had happened between him and her. Instead, he slipped his fingers inside her, twisting and curling them, digging into the sweet spot within her - where she told him no one before him had ever pleasured her properly. This was his and his only. He pressed his fingers into it rougher than usual, until she panted and whined. Had she made these same sounds for Halsin earlier this night?
“Gods… Please don’t stop,” she gasped.
“Oh I’m not stopping anytime soon, darling,” he whispered in her ear.
Perhaps sensing something different in his voice, she opened her eyes and looked up at him as he leaned over her, his fingers still working inside her.
“How many times did you come for him?”
“Ast-” she began.
“How many?” he asked again, punctuating his words by rolling her clit with his thumb.
She swallowed hard, her cunt already starting to pulse in little pre-orgasm contractions around his fingers.
“Twice,” she said, wetting her lips.
“Then you owe me three.”
He moved his hand faster, mercilessly building more and more pressure.
Mine… Before anyone else’s, mine. Not the druid’s. Not her bloody patron’s. Not the godsdamned Emperor’s. Not that devil’s. No one’s. Only mine.
Her moans were mounting, almost turning into screams. She sat up, leaning back on her elbows, stilling, looking into his eyes and accepting what he was giving her. Just as she threw her head back and released a desperate groan, he sank his fangs into her neck.
Mine, mine, mine, mine…
She came all over his hand, completely losing all control, legs shaking as he stroked her more gently through her orgasm, even as he drank from her.
He broke away from her neck, humming soothingly as she gasped and sobbed quietly in the aftershocks of her orgasm. He kissed up her neck until his lips were at her ear again.
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Astarion watched Asmodea and Karlach toppling over one another, laughing, as they swapped stories of living in Avernus and living on the road travelling inn to inn (which at times sounded to have been rougher than Avernus). Halsin shared their table. He had been nursing the same tankard of mead for the past few hours, Astarion noticed, probably having gotten the drink solely to avoid anyone else inevitably forcing one on him.
A semi-decent bardic troupe had taken stage, playing something raucous but catchy.
“Come on, Halsin, come dance with me!” Karlach offered.
“I’m afraid I have two left legs, and a bear’s grace besides,” he declined with a smile and firm shake of his head.
“Aww,” Karlach pouted. “What about you, Fangs? Dance with me?”
“Darling, you have to wine and dine me before you get to dance me, and I’ve been carrying your tab ever since we got to the city.”
“Ever seen a cat on a leash?” Asmodea butted in. “When it just plops down on the ground and refuses to move, even as you drag it? That’s Astarion when he doesn’t want to do something,” she laughed. “Let’s go, I’ll dance with you.”
And just like that, Astarion found himself left alone at the table with Halsin.
“Perhaps something needs to be said,” Halsin remarked with a coy grin, once the silence stretched too long for comfort. If Astarion hadn’t known any better, he might even have thought that the druid was teasing him.
Oh for hells’ sake…
Without a word, Astarion turned towards the druid, grasped his face with both hands, and pulled him down to kiss him.
Somewhere in the back of Astarion’s mind, he thought that if he had been a poet, he would have said that the kiss tasted something like honey and the warmth of a hearth on a rainy night. But no, the kiss mostly tasted like Halsin’s tobacco mixture, with a subtle hint of the cheap mead he had been pretending to drink. By no means repugnant, but not earth-shattering either.
But then he was pulled against a broad chest by strong but gentle hands, his kiss returned with tender passion and reverence, and something inside him fluttered.
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They had taken to sleeping together, tiring of the game of musical chairs when it came to the large bed at their disposal, and the necessity to continuously move their things around.
They hadn’t had another night as debauched as their very first one - a kind of subdued modesty had replaced open lust once feelings were laid bare, their lovemaking treated with delicacy.
It hadn’t yet been long since Astarion had begun allowing himself to fully indulge in sex again, and thus far it had only been with Asmodea, and only privately.
That night, they both happened to find themselves awake next to the sleeping druid. Unassuming embraces led to tender kisses, led to sensual touches, led to unabashed groping and stroking, until they became a tangle of limbs, giggling and shushing at each other, a sheet pulled over their heads as though it would hide or muffle anything they had been doing.
Astarion had been leaving a trail of kisses down Asmodea’s neck when she realised that the sheet was slowly but steadily slipping off to one side. She turned her now uncovered head to see Halsin tugging on the covers, until she and Astarion were laid completely bare before the druid.
Astarion glanced at the other elf but only went right back to kissing and caressing her, like it was the most normal and natural thing in the world to do so before an audience.
Asmodea’s breath hitched as Astarion’s fingers, which had been playing with a nipple, slid lower, to stroke her slit, gliding with no resistance, spreading her slick.
“Hmm, already..?” he purred in her ear. “You like being watched, don’t you?” He grinned and continued to caress between her legs, dipping his fingers inside her.
“Whatever gave you that idea?” she said, innocently.
Astarion simply brought his fingers up to her mouth in response, letting her lick and suck her own juices off them, groaning softly. He continued to move his fingers in and out of her mouth, letting her suck and nibble on them.
“Should we show him more, my love?” he murmured, loud enough that he was sure that Halsin heard as well. “Should we show him how I make you come?”
An assenting hum had barely left Asmodea, when Astarion sat up between her legs, reaching to rub and slide his erection between her legs, coating it in her slick.
“My wanton minx… Always so eager,” he purred, before burying his cock inside her.
He plunged deep inside, but only gave her a few cursory thrusts, before leaning over her and beginning to roll his hips against her in hard, rhythmical, circular motions. He kept her stretched and full with his cock, but didn’t give her much inner friction, instead focusing the pressure on her clit. Persistent, knowing, unrelenting. But also gentle and loving. He could keep going like this as long as she needed - not that this ever took long.
Asmodea moaned and sighed in pleasure, the sensation gently but steadily bringing her closer and closer to her peak. She relaxed into it, beginning to pulse and squeeze around Astarion’s length before long, her moans building.
“That’s it, show him…” he purred. “Show him how you come on my cock.”
The sound of his voice brought her over the edge, melting helplessly under him in soft, keening moans. Only then did he really begin thrusting, perhaps being unable to withstand any more of this tease himself.
She doubted it had been much of a display, but the druid stirred next to them with a throaty groan,
“Beautiful…” he whispered.
Asmodea drew Astarion in a kiss, before rolling on top of him, dismounting, and kissing down his neck and torso towards his cock, rock-hard with his own unreleased need.
He breathed hard as she kissed and licked around it, perhaps not entirely unaffected by the presence of another in their bed either.
“Do you want me to do this,” she purred, regarding him from beneath her lashes, as she kissed the tender skin of his inner thighs, “or Halsin?”
Astarion hesitated, cock twitching in desperation to be pleasured by anyone.
“You,” he breathed, finally. She eagerly licked up his shaft and swirled her tongue around the head, and Astarion fell back against the pillows, shutting his eyes and tangling his fingers in her hair. “…This time,” he added.
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It was Halsin’s decision to return to Reithwin after the fall of the Netherbrain. He sought to rebuild the city, gathering orphans, misfits and others who were displaced by the Absolute’s army. Astarion and Asmodea chose to go with him, not wanting to be separated, and not having any better ideas or plans besides.
It was a strange time in their lives. Elation at newfound freedom, mixed with the grief for the loss of Astarion’s ability to walk in the sun, and the overall uncertainty of their future. Neither were accustomed to what they had found themselves in.
Asmodea had returned to what she knew best, providing entertainment for the residents of the settlement. The children adored her, to her bemusement, bringing her small gifts: drawings, wreaths made of flowers that now grew throughout what used to be cursed and barren lands, beads they insisted she braid and tie into her hair.
Astarion in turn had been talked by Halsin into giving literacy and history lessons to the orphans. In part because there weren’t many others willing or able to do it, and in part, Asmodea suspected, simply to give him something to occupy himself with - he tried to hide it, but he had been miserable ever since the tadpole was removed from his brain along with all its benefits.
She walked in at the end of one such lesson, the makeshift classroom illuminated by candles and magelights, curtains and shutters drawn securely against the daylight.
“You’re very patient with them,” Asmodea noted with a smile, once the classroom cleared.
“I have an entire eternity to wait while they figure out the difference between ‘d’ and ‘b’,” Astarion sighed.
“Another group arrived today. Lots of kids. They’ll be joining these before long.”
“If they must,” Astarion rolled his eyes. “But can you do me a favour?” he asked. “No more teenage girls - someone else can deal with them. In fact, you take them.”
Asmodea lifted an eyebrow in question.
“They come in here, painted with rouge and charcoal, and try to make eyes at me instead of listening,” Astarion explained. “It’s disconcerting.”
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The three lounged on a sofa in the house they had claimed for themselves. At one end, Halsin was busy with some ledgers that had been dumped on him - gods only knew why, he didn’t have a head for this kind of work. At the other, Astarion was likewise quietly busy with some novel, biding his time until the last rays of the sun hid. He would be out the door for a hunt the moment it was safe for him. Asmodea sprawled between them, her head on Astarion’s lap, her legs thrown over one of Halsin’s thighs.
Gods, but she was bored.
She regarded Halsin and the open misery written on his face as he tried to reconcile… What was it? Purchase orders of masonry and tools, against what had actually been recorded as delivered, against what had been charged.
Her bare foot slid between Halsin’s legs and pressed into his crotch, through his breeches.
“Could it be one of the missing hammers is here..?”
“Not now, my heart,” was his response.
She continued to lightly rub her foot against the bulge.
“Or is this one of the pillars..?”
“I must finish this before tomorrow,” he said, though he did not shift away from her, and had indeed begun to harden beneath her prodding.
“My, it’s erecting all by itself, why have we bothered to order any supplies at all when we have such marvels at hand?”
“You are truly testing my patience today,” he said in a low growl.
The ledger went flying across the room as she kicked it out of Halsin’s hands. The druid’s nostrils flared and he gave her a smouldering look.
“I warned you.”
She squealed as she found herself suddenly yanked by her leg down the sofa, off Astarion’s lap.
“Astarion!!” she laughed, reaching for him.
“No, no darling, you poked the bear and brought this upon yourself,” he said, unaffected, turning a page. “Now you must face the consequences.”
Halsin pulled her onto his own lap, flipping her onto her stomach, holding her down firmly with one hand, and pulling her pants down with the other.
“You brute! Just what do you think you’re doing?!” she cried out, trying not to laugh.
Halsin, though a generous, attentive and passionate lover, was not ordinarily one for such games, and getting him into a state of mind for one was a rare treat.
A loud sound resonated through the room, as a smack landed on one of her ass cheeks.
“I am teaching you a lesson.”
It could have been much harder, the druid was holding back, as per usual.
“How dare you?! Release me at once, you savage,” she cried, her voice faltering on the last word, as Halsin delivered another smack.
Astarion shifted where he lounged, now watching them through lidded eyes.
“It’s no use, you know - you’re just throwing more oil on the flames.”
Asmodea gasped as Halsin’s hand slid between her legs, stroking her.
“You’re right. Should I cease?”
She struggled and kicked but remained securely restrained by the druid, his digits now slipping inside her rapidly moistening hole.
“Absolutely not. You must remain steadfast and determined. Perhaps double down on your efforts until you see a result.”
The hand between her legs left and delivered a series of blows on her rear, the slaps now having a sting to them. Asmodea moaned between each one.
She looked at Astarion with her best round-eyed pleading face. His own book had been discarded as well.
“Star? My love? My sweet? Are you just - ah! - going to let him do this to me?!”
“There there, my love… I’ll kiss it better once he’s done with you.”
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They lay beneath the stars, bathed in moonlight, the night warm and serene. Asmodea’s head rested on Astarion’s shoulder, their fingers entwined.
“What is the difference between me and him, for you?” Astarion asked, softly. “In the way you feel about us?”
She paused to consider her words before responding.
“With you, I feel like I can take on the entire world. Like we could set it ablaze and stand atop a pile of rubble, holding hands and watching it all burn,” she answered, before growing quiet again for some moments.
“And with him, I feel like maybe the world doesn’t need to burn. ...Or if it does, no matter what, he would be an undisturbed, peaceful grove. A place where one would be protected and nourished. Where they could forget about everything outside. ...Only they couldn’t stay in that grove forever.”
“That’s a good way of putting it,” Astarion chuckled quietly. “I think I feel more or less the same way. It’s that, and…” he began to say something, but cut himself short, and shook his head, not finishing the sentence.
“And what?” Asmodea encouraged him, smiling. “Tell me!”
“It’s going to sound completely idiotic after what you just said,” he explained, before sighing and continuing, at her insistence. “…And sometimes, it… feels nice, for me, to be the small and delicate one,” he explained, coyly.
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Halsin’s cock filled her, thrusting into her in short, rhythmic strokes - he was always so conscious of not hurting anyone, even when they wanted him to simply let go.
She arched her back, legs spread wide, ass raised to meet his hips, and bucked back into him wantonly, sliding on his length. Her back would hurt later, but for now she didn’t have a care in the world.
Astarion’s cock filled her mouth. She worked it with the rhythm of Halsin’s thrusts from behind her, keeping a hand firmly on the base of his shaft, in case any sudden surprises came from Halsin.
“Good girl…” groaned Astarion. “My good, dirty girl…”
“She’s like a wildcat in heat,” followed from Halsin, his voice heavy with lust.
She moaned at the praise and curved her back further, trying to open herself up even more, urging Halsin further, deeper.
He gripped her hips harder with one of his hands, continuing to thrust into her, and dragged the fingertips of the other along and up her ass cheek, until they brushed over her puckered hole.
She groaned around Astarion’s cock as Halsin’s thumb teased around the edge of her asshole, hoping he would do more, trying to buck and grind her hips against his cock and hand harder.
“Careful, it’s me she’ll bite if you make her too desperate,” warned Astarion.
Halsin applied more pressure, rubbing her hole, as she mewled and whined around Astarion’s cock, trying to continue sucking it, but losing any finesse or rhythm. It only made him gasp and bury his fingers in her hair, tugging on it and holding her in place, as he started to fuck her mouth himself.
“If you want me to stop, just say the word,” said Halsin. Fucking hilarious, she thought, considering the things that were happening to her mouth at that moment. Well, they did have other ways of communicating set in place, for just this type of situation.
“She doesn’t want you to stop one bit,” purred Astarion. “Do you, pet?” He tugged on her hair and tilted her head, keeping his cock deep in her mouth. “Look at me,” he whispered. She met his eyes as he continued to slide his cock between her lips. His pupils were blown with lust and want. “Do you like what he’s doing?”
Asmodea could only hum in assent. The pressure from Halsin’s finger told her he was just on the cusp of dipping inside, and it was driving her mad.
“Think your tight little hole is ready for more today..?” Astarion purred, stroking her face as he fucked it. “Tell me.”
His dick slipped out of her mouth.
“Yes, for hells’ sake,” she gasped.
But, to her dismay, the druid slid out of her entirely, leaving her frustrated and empty. Before she could react, Astarion lifted her up on her knees from her position on all fours, and kissed her, caressing and teasing her tongue with his own.
“Do you want to try something new with us?” he whispered, his lips brushing against her own, before leaning away.
Off to her side, Halsin had laid on his back, lazily stroking his cock, which had remained at full mast for her. He beckoned her with his free hand, and, released by Astarion, she crawled on top of him. She wanted to taste him then, but he kept leading her up, until their hips were level, and then impatiently plunged back inside her.
Astarion’s arm wrapped around her from behind, and brought her back up into a sitting position on Halsin’s cock. He kissed and nibbled on her neck as the druid thrusted shallowly inside her. 
Had they orchestrated this..?
“Hmm,” Asmodea hummed, with a sly smile. “What was that about tight holes?”
“Oh, this?” Astarion said, distractedly, sliding his fingers along her hip and the cleft of her ass until it reached her asshole and rubbed, teasing. “Why, is there something you want me to do with it..?”
She nearly hissed at him for his gloating, but Halsin chose that moment to pinch one of her nipples, and the noise that came out of her instead was closer to a whimper.
“You’re the one who said something about… wanting to try something new.” she managed, as Astarion continued to rub her hole, smirking. “So what is it?”
“Guess,” he purred against the shell of her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
Astarion had fucked her ass before. He wasn’t the first person she’d tried that with, but he was the one who managed to teach her to actually enjoy it. It wouldn’t be that, not exactly, but given Halsin’s presence and their obvious smugness - even Halsin appeared cocksure and brash…
“Are you both going to fuck me at once?” she grinned, biting her lip.
“Do you want us to?” he asked, his voice pure velvet. “Say it.”
Gods, this fucking man... Fine, two could play this game. Three, if Halsin was in the mood to go along with it - he usually wasn’t vocal, a contrast to Astarion, who simply wouldn’t ever shut up.
She leaned back, twisting and grinding hard against Halsin, and caught Astarion’s earlobe between her teeth, nipping at it, before murmuring back to him.
“I want to feel both of you, at once, fucking me, filling me. Now will you stop dallying? I want you inside me.”
Astarion let out what sounded like an involuntary groan, but before Asmodea could claim moral victory, she found herself thrown against Halsin’s chest, still stuffed with his cock, ass up.
“Inside you..? Where? Here?” Astarion asked, innocently, just before crouching down to tongue her asshole.
She gasped and laughed, squirming at the sudden sensation. But at last, it appeared Astarion had had enough of teasing her, as he retrieved a vial of oil, and hastily but generously coated his fingers with it, spreading it over her puckered hole as well.
She ground lightly against Halsin as Astarion inserted one finger, and then, at her obvious ease and eagerness, another. The druid was holding her down, not giving her much friction, and she mewled in protest at being restrained so.
“I thought you’d like that…” Astarion breathed in her ear. “More..?”
His fingers were a teasing promise of everything he was about to do to her, and she found she simply could not wait, and could not allow Astarion to find any reason to keep holding back.
“Please…” she begged.
“Please what?” he rasped.
“Please fuck me.”
She heard his breath hitch at her pleading. His fingers slipped out, and moments later, at last, she felt the tip of his cock against her entrance, slowly but insistently pushing its way in. She gasped as the sensation became overwhelming. There was no possible way that she could fit a single millimetre more of him, couldn’t be stretched even a hair’s width wider - and yet he kept going, cooing at her wide-eyed whimpers, until he filled her completely, pressing his chest against her back.
“Well look at you, filled to the brim with elf cock…” Astarion’s taunt didn’t carry its usual edge, given the way his voice trembled. 
“I think she’s earned a little reward for that,” said Halsin, reaching up to cup and tenderly caress her breasts.
“I think so too,” said Astarion.
Astarion’s fingers, still covered in some of the oil, snaked down her stomach to her clit, and began drawing circles around it. Asmodea shut her eyes and threw her head back against Astarion’s shoulder, moaning.
The sensation, starting off as a building warmth, quickly grew more intense as his fingers sped up, gliding over her sensitive bundle of nerves. Her hips began to twitch, but were held down securely by Halsin, as he started to thrust up into her.
“This is your reward for being such a good girl,” Astarion whispered in her ear, his fingers now flicking her clit quickly.
She was caught off-guard by how quickly an orgasm overtook her, suddenly finding herself melting, helplessly pulsing and clenching around the hard lengths inside her. The sheer force of it had both Astarion and Halsin groaning and gasping, in short order.
“Gods… We have to make her do that again,” laughed Astarion.
“You’ve read my mind,” the druid said in agreement.
They both began to thrust into her, gently but persistently, rhythmically, and all she could do was pant and whimper at the stretch of both their cocks inside her, even as they talked around her.
“She’s so incredibly tight like this,” Astarion groaned. He paused, briefly, with an incredulous, breathy laugh. “I can feel you through her,” he gasped. “I can feel you thrusting.”
“Can you..?” Halsin rasped, and sped up, gripping her hips tightly, making both Asmodea and Astarion pant. Astarion swore through his teeth and picked up his own pace, unable to hold back any longer.
Asmodea found herself thrown atop the druid’s chest once again, as her lovers lost their reserve and began fucking her vigorously.
Good, it felt so fucking good, this intense pounding in both her holes, and she tried to voice as much, knowing how much Astarion loved it when she talked or praised him during their lovemaking, but any words she tried to say came out as unintelligible babbling.
It was a wonder how easily they’d found this maddening rhythm, working seamlessly to bring her and each other over the edge with their thrusting - but she supposed they had a combined 500 years of experience on her, at least.
She gave up on trying to say anything and simply moaned into Halsin’s neck.
“Is our little vixen going to come for us again..?” Astarion had crouched over her, keeping her sandwiched between himself and Halsin.
Her clit was pressed tightly against Halsin’s pelvis, and between that, the way the head of his impressive cock dragged against all her most sensitive parts with each thrust, as well as the sensation of Astarion’s hips mercilessly snapping against her ass, burying himself in her again and again, another orgasm began to wash over her.
Feeling her walls throb, nearing another climax, the elves also lost all control, chasing their own release within her body with reckless abandon. Her world became nought but bucking hips and the sound of grunts and smacking flesh. She could no longer tell where her body ended and theirs began. Her legs shook as everything between them convulsed in shockwaves resonating through her entire body. Astarion bit down on her shoulder with a strangled groan just as Halsin gave her a final hard thrust with an animalistic growl.
Asmodea’s vision blurred, and she must have passed for some moments, as she came to, to find that the frantic pounding had once again been replaced by gentle rocking, as final orgasmic aftershocks were ridden out.
Astarion slipped out of her first, leaving a trail of tender kisses down her shoulders and back, as Halsin simply embraced her, pressing his lips against the crown of her head, while she continued to lie on his chest.
“Did you like that, darling?” Astarion whispered, as though he had any doubt about the answer.
“Uh-huh,” she managed, remaining on top of Halsin as Astarion got up, somewhat shaky, in search of a towel.
“Are you well, my heart?” Halsin murmured to her.
“Yep,” she susurrated. “I’m just going to stay right here for now - I don’t think my legs are willing to listen to me yet.”
The druid chuckled and held her closer.
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A bead of sweat rolled from Halsin’s forehead, down his nose, and dropped right into Asmodea’s eye.
She blinked and rubbed at it, trying to do it quickly, without drawing any attention to it, so it wouldn’t break the mood. It wasn’t a big deal, but gods was it irritating when it happened... …Gah, she had been so close, too.
The sex was great, truly, but this - the godsdamned sweat - was an area where Astarion won by a landslide - his body being much cooler, he simply did not perspire anywhere near as much as Halsin. His body would heat up from exertion, or from absorbing the warmth of his surroundings, but it was rare for his skin to even grow damp. Meanwhile, a prolonged cuddle session with Halsin, not to mention laying with him, inevitably ended with Asmodea lying or sliding in a puddle. 
Astarion didn’t mind the heat radiating from the druid, and in fact preferred to wrap himself around Halsin when sleeping, but not possessing his own body heat, this only served to cool the druid down. Asmodea could not boast the same.
A multitude of other little things that once seemed endearing had begun to grate on her nerves as well, of late.
Halsin’s insistence on the orphans being welcome to run rampant through their home, including when she just wanted some peace and quiet. The ever-present aroma of tobacco - she enjoyed it when it was fresh, but after living together it seemed to permeate everything, including all of her possessions. The silent but disapproving sadness in his eyes when he brewed her fertility suppressant teas. The way he always forgot that the automatic pens did not need to be dipped in ink, or his blatant refusal to believe that their wall clock was accurate and reliable, instead opting to judge the time of day by the position of the moon or sun.
Astarion didn’t seem to mind most of that. In fact, his connection with the druid had only grown since their little triad had become official.
At wasn’t as sexual for the two of them – that aspect had always seemed to mostly hinge on Asmodea’s presence. Rather, they took on roles not unlike an old married couple’s - not necessarily approving of, but being resigned to each other’s routines and ways, and finding a quiet comfort in each other’s company.
And a comfort there was, for all of them. Serenity in their closeness. The pleasure of long, fascinating conversations about anything and everything, held over cozy nights. The simple security of being with those who would never cause harm or disrespect (unless they were asked to very nicely, anyway). The sheer strength of sexual attraction. Even if, for Asmodea, it all had never held quite the same spark as it had with Astarion. The same desperate need to love and be loved, needing the other the way one needed air. That part of her had always been Astarion’s.
Though Astarion hadn’t voiced any complaints about the druid, he had taken to frequently grumbling about their surroundings, saying his blades and wits had been growing dull. 
He had been losing his mind from boredom. Being confined within a small settlement grated on him. Though reluctantly accepted by the residents, he was viewed as an oddity and was generally avoided. In turn, he was completely disinterested in the town’s affairs and its success. The teaching had become a joyless chore. He was stagnating.
Asmodea lay contemplating all of this in his arms later that morning, once Halsin had gotten up for the day. Increasingly, these thoughts wouldn’t leave her mind. Instead, they had become a constant haunting presence.
“Is everything okay..?” came a murmur from Astarion.
“Hmm? Oh, yes. It’s just… I think…” She hesitated, not knowing how to even begin putting any of it into words.
“You’re no longer happy,” Astarion said quietly.
“Mmhmm,” was all she managed, suddenly finding herself choked up.
Astarion went silent for a short while, before speaking.
“Is it me?” he asked. “Please just be honest.”
“What? No! It’s just… It’s the…” she paused, sighing, before words began spilling out of her. “Halsin, for instance. He’s just so damned good. And so certain in his knowledge, so set in his ways, so adamant about everything he feels needs to be done… And he’s so damned patient, too.”
“All his virtues are an absolute travesty, yes.”
“And in his patience,” Asmodea continued, “he makes me feel like I’m a child that he’s waiting to grow up. And I won’t. Because I’m not. …Does that make sense? ...Fuck, I don’t even know where I’m going with this. And then there’s all this,” she said, gesturing around them, “it was always his. It never became mine, or yours, I don’t think.”
“No,” Astarion whispered.
“I think… I think I just don’t want to be here, and as long as I stay here, I feel like no matter what I do, I’m being unfair to him, or to you, or to both. I don’t know what to do.” Her eyes watered. “I only know how not to be unfair to myself, and that means leaving,” she whispered.
“It’s not working anymore, is it, darling?” Astarion said, giving her a sad smile that made her heart clench.
“You can stay here, if you want,” she said, uselessly. “I can see how close you are.”
“You’re out of your mind if you think I want to stay here, much less stay here without you.”
She breathed a sigh of relief and hugged him.
“Where to, then? Back to Baldur’s Gate..?” he asked.
She nodded, wiping at her eyes.
“I think that’s the best option. It’s not that far, we could always write and visit.”
“We could,” said Astarion.
“I’ve had enough of tramping around, I want a place of my own, without any screaming children. And with proper walls. Locked doors. And plumbing.”
Astarion chuckled.
“And whatever shall we do in Baldur’s Gate, besides anything we damn well please?”
“I’ve been thinking about that… We could see just how far our ‘hero’ status can take us, capitalise on that…” Asmodea said, beginning to relax.
“And then? You’re grinning like you already have a plan.”
“More a dream than a plan. Promise not to laugh?”
“Well, I’ll tell you anyway. So I’ve always wanted to open and run my own theatre...”
Thank you for reading!
If you enjoyed this, check out A Night at the Inn and Bloodbang Chronicles!
Find the fic on AO3 as well.
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175 notes · View notes
My BFF (Kakashi Hatake x Reader)
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Word Count: 2071
Warnings: Alcohol mention, mental health mention, death of unnamed characters briefly
Request: Um hi, I love your writing!! 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 could I please request a Kakashi imagine?? One where Kakashi and reader have been best friends forever and think nothing of how couple like they act until something makes them realizes how attracted they are to one another? (Maybe a bit steamy?) Thank you! Again I’m in LOVE with your writing 💕- Anon
A/N: This is my first fic after literal years, sorry if it is a bit rocky! I hope you enjoy Anon, I enjoyed writing it and might even do a Part 2!
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You had been friends with Kakashi for as long as you could remember. In fact, you had been best friends with Kakashi for as long as you could remember. One of your first memories is of the two of you swinging at the park together, both trying to swing high enough that you would flip over the bar. Even though you never quite accomplished that, you think back on those times together fondly.
As the two of you grew older and began your Shinobi training, you remained close as you rose through the ranks to Chunin and later Jonin. However, while Kakashi became a stronger ninja over time, you felt yourself starting to waver. Not that you weren't strong in your own right, but you began to feel as if you no longer wanted to be. Missions began to feel more and more difficult, as those close to you no longer returned with you.
Through all of your struggles, Kakashi remained by your side.
"I just don't think I can keep doing this," you cried into Kakashi's chest. He laid back on your bed, back propped up on the headboard as you relaxed into him. He raised his hand to the back of your head, rubbing your hair comfortingly. "Too many of my friends have been killed, I couldn't save them. I'm not strong enough."
A sob made it's way through your body, Kakashi continuing to comfort you. He didn't need to say anything, you knew he could empathize with your words. Eventually, sleep took over your body and the two of you fell asleep. While most would have looked at your positioning as that of a couple, neither of you paid it any attention. You were best friends after all, and no strangers to a sleepover.
- Moments like that felt so far away now, as you enjoy a life now as a civilian. Seeing your condition years ago, the Hokage granted you leave and you were more than happy to take it. Kakashi supported you the entire time, and it was his support that kept you to your decision even in your weakest moments.
The two of you spent less time together now, as your job no longer kept you close. However, that did not mean you did not make time for each other. As you put on the finishing touches to your outfit for the evening, you heard a knock on your door.
"Kakashi!" You grinned, opening the door to see your friend in his signature outfit.
"Hi Y/n," he replied cheerfully. Although you couldn't see his smile, you saw the light from it reach the eye he didn't cover.
"I'm just about ready." All you had to do was pull on your shoes, and you were ready to join Kakashi as you walked to meet your friends at a nearby restaurant. As you walked, you linked your arm in his. There was not a dull moment as the two of you made your way to the restaurant, Kakashi catching up on his recent missions as you did the same for him on how your own job was going. To onlookers, you were a cute couple giggling on your way through town. That thought never crossed your mind.
"You made it!" Hollered Guy as the two of you joined him and the others in the booth. As you were the last to arrive, there was admittedly little space for the two of you to squeeze in to.
"Let me go find a chair," offered Yamato, beginning to stand to do so.
"It's alright, we'll just snuggle," you said with a joking smile as you scooted in close to Kakashi. Thanks to his face coverings, you were unaware of the blush that crossed the man's face. Come to think of it, there were a lot of things you didn't notice. The way Kakashi looked at you under the moonlight as you walked together, his increased heartrate the moment your arm touched his, how his eyes lingered on you as you finished getting ready earlier that evening.
"Whatever you say," shrugged Yamato. Quickly, the group began laughing and joking as usual. It wasn't long before the drinks became alcoholic, and it wasn't long after that when Guy challenged Kakashi to a drinking contest. The two of them together in one place never ended without a challenge of some kind.
Laughing at their antics, you got up to go to the bathroom.
"Don't you dare get too drunk," you said, pointing your finger at Kakashi. "You promised to walk you home, and I'm not carrying you!"
Kakashi couldn't stop himself from watching you walk away, the slight swing of your hips as you walked was entrancing.
"Yoo hoo," teased Yamato, making Kakashi turn his attention back to the table. "See something you like?"
It seemed as if everyone else had noticed Kakashi's attraction to you, other than yourself. It drove him crazy. He wished it could be easy, and you would pick up on his behavior so you could just tell him off and he could move on. However, things don't usually go easy for Kakashi. He knew if you hadn't figured it out by this point, the only way out of these feelings would be for him to tell you himself. That was not something Kakashi wanted to have to do.
"So, when are you going to grow a pair and ask her out?" Said Guy. Knowing it was a sore spot, he decided to tease him a bit. "If you don't, I might have to ask her out myself."
Kakashi smirked, "she wouldn't say yes after I beat you in our challenge tonight." He threw back his next drink.
Guy turned red in his agitation, but he drank his as well to stay on pace with Kakashi.
"Are you sure you're not already dating?" Said Yamato. "I mean, you picked her up, walked here with her, and you've basically been in each others' laps all night. Not to mention you promised to walk her home, and I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time she invites you in."
"It's not like that," grumbled Kakashi.
"You don't think of her that way?" Prodded Guy, trying to use Kakashi's reaction as a distraction to allow him to drink faster and pull ahead.
"I didn't say that," replied Kakashi. He sighed. "She's clearly happy just being friends, and I can be happy with that."
You stood around the corner from the booth, remaining out of sight. You may not have heard their entire conversation, but you had definitely heard enough. Kakashi... liked you?
A million thoughts ran through your brain, and as much as you didn't want to admit it, the pieces fell together in a way that made sense. The way he always allowed you to be so touchy-feely in a way that nobody else was allowed, and the way he was always there to hold and comfort you. You would be lying if you said you didn't think Kakashi was attractive, but you had never truly opened up your mind to the idea of changing your relationship with him. Despite that, now that the thought has entered your brain, it refuses to leave. Your head was spinning.
Taking a deep breath, you walked back to your seat as if you had heard nothing.
"So, who's winning?"
"I am, of course," said Guy confidently. To your surprise, he was right. More empty glasses set in front of him than Kakashi. Conversation continued to flow, though admittedly you did not hear much of it. Your mind was preoccupied with what you had heard from Kakashi. Your body felt as if it was on fire everywhere where you were touching Kakashi, the proximity inevitable as you had decided to sit so closely in the booth. Every glance in his direction made things worse, as all you could notice was how beautiful he looked in the light. The slight flush to his face told you he was becoming tipsy. While your thoughts used to stop there, you couldn't help yourself from thinking about how he may look the same in other situations, blushed and breathless.
"Kakashi," you said softly, now aware of the quickness when he turned his face towards you, and the spark in his eye. "I'm not feeling well."
Concern graced his features immediately, "are you alright?"
"Do you think you could walk me home now?" As you looked up into his eye, your mind continued racing. It's as if you were trying to catch up on all the romantic thoughts you could have been having this entire time, if you had simply allowed yourself to notice how soft his hair looked, how soft it might feel if you ran your hands through it now...
Kakashi quickly made his way to get up as you did the same, bidding your friends a goodbye and leaving money on the table to pay for both his own orders and your own. You noticed it this time when Guy wiggled his eyebrows at Kakashi, winking at him which result4ed in an eye roll from Kakashi.
Had they always been this obvious?
Stepping out into the cool night air, you couldn't help but shiver. You felt Kakashi's strong arm wrap around your shoulders. Your face flushed, which did not go unnoticed by him. Luckily for you, he assumed it was related to your not feeling well.
You walked home in near silence, which you were grateful for. You were worried that if you opened your mouth to speak, you may say what you were thinking. Thoughts of Kakashi's arms around you, his hands around you.
As you reached your front door, you were relieved. Unlocking it, you weren't surprised when Kakashi followed you inside as usual. However this time, you were surprised when it made you flush again and tingle down your spine.
You sat down, reaching to take off your shoes.
"Let me help you," said Kakashi, bending to his knees as he grabbed your shoe in his hand to take them off himself. While you knew he was doing it thinking you were sick, you couldn't help the images that rushed to your mind seeing him between your legs.
"Kakashi," you whispered, making him look up at you. He noticed how flushed you still were, reaching up to press his hand to your forehead.
"What's wrong?" He said kindly, checking to see if he felt a temperature. When he noticed your forehead was not irregularly warm, he pulled away to look at your face. His breath nearly caught in his throat as he caught your eye, seeing you breathless as he looked down at you.
"How long have you liked me?" You whispered. His eye grew wide.
"What do you-"
"I heard you guys at the restaurant," you said, your voice still quiet. "Why haven't you said anything to me before?"
Kakashi sighed, leaning back as embarrassment washed over him. At least you can finally reject him, he thought.
"I thought it was obvious," he said, "and when I realized it was obvious to you, it had been long enough that I was too embarrassed to say anything."
"I wish you had told me," you said as you sat up further.
"I'm sorry," said Kakashi. "I just thought-"
Before he could finish his thought, he felt your hand on his face, reaching for his mask.
"You didn't let me finish," you said with a sly smile. He thought his heart stopped as he watched your movements, hand pulling down his mask. "I wish you had told me, so we could have done this a whole lot sooner."
You pressed your lips to his softly, and he felt as if he had been possessed by some jutsu, freezing. Your hands made their way to his chest, not helping his frozen state.
You pulled away, worried something was wrong. Your worried eyes searched his, looking for a sign of doubt. All you found was disbelief. Giving him a moment to take everything in, it wasn't long before you felt his hands on your back, pulling you closer again. His lips on yours again, you let yourself relax into his embrace. It felt like forever before you both pulled away, breathless.
"I'm glad you heard me," he said with a lazy smile on his face.
"Me too," you replied before smiling mischievously. "Want to do that again?"
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
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Top Secret Fiction Ch. 6
The Confrontation
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: deku makes an appearance here heheh. bakugou lowkey might like fanfics? but only if they're about him. scary confrontation 😟 reader is a bit sad and confused :(
Word Count: 1.4k
previous chapter
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As soon as Bakugou got home, he opened his computer and looked up 'Bakugou x Reader'. What came up was a ton of links to different websites, one of the top ones being HeroFiction.Com.
Clicking on it, he scrolled through the sight and found many other original stories about different pro heroes.
While doing this, he learned that this was called fan fiction, which he'd heard about before, but he never paid attention to it because he didn't care.
Keeping the website open, he leaned back and wondered, were you writing fan fiction about him? You must've been, based on your notes. Did you write for other pro heroes, or just him?
A small part of him hoped you only wrote for him.
He sighed and rubbed his hands down his face, trying to think about what the hell he was going to do about this. Clearly, this was something you didn't want to tell him, meaning you kept it a secret.
And he hates secrets, but for some reason, this didn't feel too bad. He was almost... flattered, in a way. He was also curious and he just wanted to know more. But how would he even bring this up to you?
Deciding he'd need help with understanding this website, he called someone he trusted.
"Hey Deku. You know what fan fiction is, right?"
Blushing, Izuku replied with "Why are you asking me that Kacchan?!"
"Because I know you used to write that shit back in high school!" He explained, "Just tell me what you know about this site called 'HeroFiction.com.'"
A lightbulb went off in Izuku's head, "Oh yeah I recognize that name! It's basically a website for pro hero fanfiction. I've seen a few good ones actually-"
"Yeah okay, thanks." Katsuki said, cutting off his friend.
It was time for him to do more of his own research, specifically on this website.
When you woke up the next morning, you found yourself in your bed wondering how you got there.
Did I fall asleep? You wondered.
You cringed at the thought of Bakugou seeing you asleep and hoped you didn't do anything embarrassing.
Rubbing your eyes, you grabbed your phone from the nightstand and saw a text from Bakugou letting you know he had left after putting you in your bed.
You smiled at his thoughtfulness and texted him back a thank you, and an apology for falling asleep while he was over.
After tossing your phone down onto the bed next to you, you stretched and blinked away any leftover sleep.
As you were stretching your legs you felt your foot hit something softly. Wondering what it was, you sat up and looked at the foot of your bed, eyes widening when you realized it was your notebook.
But this wasn't just any notebook- this one had all of your notes for fics you were planning on writing.
You thought about how Bakugou brought you into your bedroom, and your heart sank to your stomach when you realized he probably saw your notebook.
"Noooo!" You cried and placed your hands over your eyes. "Kill me now..."
You prayed to any higher power out there that he didn't read anything.
Your prayers clearly didn't reach anyone because a few hours after waking up, you got a text from Bakugou that said, "Can we talk? ASAP."
Biting your nail nervously, you texted back "Sure" and asked when and where he'd want to meet up.
Quickly texting back, he told you he'd meet you at a cafe near your neighborhood in a few hours.
A little while later as you got ready to meet up with him you felt like you were going to cough up your stomach and die from your nerves.
You didn't want to accept it, but deep down you knew he figured out your secret. It was already terrifying trying to keep what you did in your free time a secret, but now that the person you wrote about knew, was even more terrifying!
It seemed as though your frantic thoughts made time go by even faster than usual, and it was now time for you to leave so you could make it to the cafe on time.
Taking a deep breath and patting your face, you stepped out of your apartment and began to head to the cafe.
As Bakugou sat at the cafe in the outdoor dining area, he tapped his foot anxiously as he awaited your arrival.
After his phone call with Deku and doing his own research (which just consisted of reading other fan fictions he came across), he came to the conclusion that he would accept this hobby of yours, if you were honest about it when he confronted you.
Since he had browsed the website a bit, he came across some stories that were actually decent (but also others that were very, very questionable and he really hoped you didn't write anything like that. ESPECIALLY not a story with him and that damn Deku).
He'd never admit it, but it boosted his ego a bit to know that you wrote about him, and he definitely wanted to read some of your stuff. He wanted to know if it was as good as some of the other ones he has read.
Suddenly, he saw your figure walking towards him and he was snapped out of his thoughts. He sat up straighter and placed his elbows against the table, leaning forward.
You sat down across from him silently with a shy look on your face. "So..." You said softly, "You wanted to talk?"
He cleared his throat, "Yeah. I'll just get to the point..." He said, before hesitating to say, "That night I was at your place, I saw your notebook-"
You grimaced, knowing exactly what he was talking about, and placed your hands over your face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry." You said.
Letting out a deep breath, you uncovered your face and continued to speak while looking down at your lap. "I knew this would come up eventually, I just didn't think it'd be so soon..."
Bakugou scoffed, "So when were you gonna tell me? Never?"
You frowned at his tone, "No! It's just not an easy topic to talk about Bakugou. It's embarrassing and I wasn't just going to say 'Hey Bakugou, did you know I've been writing fan fiction about you for three years?'"
He blinked. He could understand where you were coming from. In fact, he'd probably be more weirded out if you had told him that easily. But, even though you were honest now, it still doesn't shake his uneasiness about you keeping a secret from him.
Sure, it wasn't a huge, life threatening secret, but it was still something you kept from him. He liked honesty, especially in a relationship and it's something he valued heavily. A part of him felt like he should've known about this sooner, since it was about him for gods sake!
He sighed. "Before you go assuming things, I'm not mad at ya, okay?" He said, "I just... I think I need time to think about this alright? A few days at most."
You furrowed your eyebrows subconsciously, making your eyes look big and puppy like. Well damn, how was he supposed to stay away from you when you gave him that look?
"Okay." You spoke sadly, "I understand. I shouldn't have kept that from you, so again, I'm sorry."
He shook his head. "'S fine."
You rubbed your sweaty palms on your legs and stood up. "I'll give you time now, alright? Just, call or text me whenever you're ready." You said and gave him a small wave before walking back in the direction you came from.
As you made your way back, you thought about your talk with Bakugou.
If you wanted to keep seeing him, maybe you would have to stop writing. You were starting to really like Bakugou, and you didn't want a silly hobby to get in the way of a potentially serious relationship with him.
You felt your eyes tear up. It was hard to think about giving up writing. You had made friends through your writing, your own little community online. It was great! But realistically, could you keep this up forever?
That same night, you posted on your page.
Hi everyone. I've decided to take a break from writing for a while. I'm not sure how long it will be, but I will still leave everything here for you to read.
Thank you, xo.
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authors note
HIII omg im so sorry i haven't updated this fic in a while 🥹 this chapter was actually really fun to write and omg writing readers thoughts at the end lowkey made me sad!! how do you feel about it? pls lmk!!
love ya!
tag list: @doumadono @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @lovra974 @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl @gold24fish @cxp1d @rv19 @gina329
(those in pink couldn't be tagged)
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seeingivy · 9 months
the beach
actor!eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting fic
an: 14k. buckle in. song mentioned is sparks by coldplay!
previous part linked here
to sukuna’s mother
eren: we’ll be there at five am. 
sukuna: did she slap you? 
eren: she cried a bunch while watching it. and she hasn’t said much…she’s just been staring out the window of the airplane blankly
lana: oh that’s not-
lana: well, anyways. we’ll wake up for you.
sukuna: she’ll be fast asleep. i will wake up for you. 
eren liked a message 
The second Eren closes his phone, he looks to his left to find your pink, teary eyes looking at him and immediately pales. Your eyes are positively red at this point, an itchiness settling in his throat at the sight of it. 
“I’m sorry. Did you say something?” he asks. 
“No.” you murmur. 
Eren pauses. 
“Did you want to say something?” he asks. 
He watches you pause, almost like you’re mulling over the question. He supposes that it was quite stupid for him to ask, because if it were him in your spot, he probably would have talked your ear off for every little detail. 
“You can ask me anything you want. I’ll tell you the truth, I promise.” Eren adds. 
You give him a halfhearted nod, before looking back out at the window, at the little lights glittering amidst the clouds beneath. It’s like being asked to pick up each grain of sand on a vast, mile long beach. Almost impossible. 
“I don’t even know where to start, Eren.” you murmur. 
Eren gives you an understanding nod before yanking out his laptop before setting it flat in your lap. You swallow hard, knowing fully where he thinks you should begin. With that USB that’s been burning in your pocket, ever since he handed it back to you at the house. 
Of Eren’s interview, on the Life in Love podcast. 
Eren leans into your space, handing you one of the earphones that you settle into your ear, as you press the little play button at the bottom of the screen. The video starts - Eren and Lana sitting with the chunky headphones on their ears - with the interviewer sitting in between them. 
“We’ll start with you, Eren. Have you ever been in love?” the interviewer asks. 
You watch as Eren’s face splits into a bright smile, surely one that was echoed on your face too the day after the beach, as you feel a twinge in your chest. That whenever you saw clips of the interview, they filled you with such intense, deep rooted hatred for Eren that all you saw was red. 
And that he didn’t even deserve one fraction of it. 
“Yes. Of course, I have.” he responds. 
“The person that you’re most associated with, Eren, is your co-star, Y/N L/N, from Attack on Titan. Can you comment on that, on what it’s like to have your first love be something so public?” the interviewer asks. 
Eren sighs, before he leans back in his chair. 
“First love is a funny way to describe it, when it almost feels like it’s more than that? I know a lot of people like to assume things and we’ve never said it publicly, but we did date. Obviously. She’s basically been scored on my heart since the second I met her in my chemistry read, but we ended up officially dating around season three of Attack on Titan. But it’s almost like that concept or notion is too trivial to explain what I even felt for her. She was never just my girlfriend or just my best friend.” 
“Was it one of those…acting became too real situations?” the interviewer asks. 
“I guess that you could say that. We had originally started, I guess, thinking that way when we started doing our character work. It was a whole thing we did together, while we were filming Attack on Titan. Method acting. The reason Y/N and I act so well in Attack on Titan, and win awards from it, is because we had started doing it outside of it too.” Eren responds. 
“Can you elaborate?” the interviewer asks. 
“We had started by kind of putting ourselves in that headspace, off of the set, in order to feel more connected to our characters, their relationship together. I think one of the things about Attack on Titan that makes it so compelling is the fact that my co-stars and myself, not to pat myself on the back, put time and effort into translating our characters into something that is real for us.” Eren states. 
“It’s also something that you kind of just possess as an actor with certain co-stars. Some movies, like rom-coms or drama pieces, just function and work so well because you have that chemistry with the person whose on the other side. And make no mistake, Eren and Y/N aren’t short of any chemistry themselves.” Lana responds. 
“What it is about her that struck you really differently, Eren? Clearly the two of you have a special relationship that you haven’t really been able to replicate else place, certainly not with Hyla Clarkson, for example? I mean, if you’re comfortable, you can share what you told me before you we started recording.” the interviewer states. 
A searing, red hot anger flares through you, at how friendly, how approachable the interviewer seems. The fact that they’re purposely trying to make him feel safe, just to later edit the words as they see fit. 
“Make no mistake, what I have with Hyla Clarkson is like that thing thing that Y/N had with Ricky James. We all have managers, we all get asked to do things that we don’t exactly want to do. I guess that’s the part that people don’t really understand, when they find out about PR relationships. That it seems so morally wrong. But we’re all actors, we’re all part of the entertainment industry - it’s almost like it’s part of the job to do these types of thing. And at that point, Y/N and I weren’t dating and I have strict managers, so…” Eren states. 
“Are you saying that your relationship with Hyla Clarkson wasn’t real?” the interviewer asks. 
“The first time she kissed him he threw up on the other side of a yacht. Do you think his relationship with her is real?” Lana asks, earning a laugh from the two of them. 
“It’s kind of hard to wrap your head around. But we do these things, pretend a little. It’s basically like we’re acting all the time. None of that chemistry, or that character is there. I don’t even think I could ever really like her like that. And it’s not like the relationship I have with Y/N. You asked me why she was different than everyone else? It’s easy. I’ve never met anyone else like her. I’ve never had a relationship like the one I’ve had with anyone else.” 
Eren sighs, nervously knitting his fingers togther, before he talks again. 
“I grew up with this backdrop, of this really fractured relationship with my brother. I was always told as a kid that my family, that the people around me who were real, were the things that were going to keep me tethered to my real life. That if I choose to do this, that I’ll be in the public eye, that people will say things, and it’ll be on me to build trust. To choose the right people.” Eren starts. 
“It was already so jarring to feel like I couldn’t trust my own brother, that my only family didn’t want me. And Y/N…she just kind of walked into my life and there was something so earnest about her. She felt like family basically the second, or third time I had talked to her. She was just something so real. And I’m not sure if it’s because she had a normal childhood, if she came into this on her own or what, but she always got to give me that dose of reality, of realness that I had always craved.” he continues. 
“She was really gentle with me. Always quick to wipe my tears away, to give me support, that felt more full and honest than anyone else. Some part of her made me feel like a real person. I’d always be in my own head, convincing myself that I was made up sometimes, that my feelings were manufactured, that I was just putting on a front for everyone, but I never really felt that way with her. She’s always seen past that, always seen me, in our relationship. Even when we were just friends.” Eren finishes. 
“And that’s just a quality that she naturally possesses. The first time she met me, she basically had no reason to have any trust, to have any good conviction of me. But by the end of the third or fourth day I knew her, I basically felt like the girl had seen right through me. All the way down to my core. And of course, all she saw was good. That’s how she is. I think for people like Eren and I, who naturally think so rotten of ourselves, someone like Y/N, whose so determined in how she shows her love, you almost….start to love yourself too. It’s not something that’s isolated to her, but it’s definitely something rare. People like Y/N and like Marco Bodt…that type of thing is just a part of them.” Lana states. 
“That’s wonderful to hear, especially from you. Y/N has an interesting track record with her own friends, like Historia and Jean and Mikasa that many people have pointed out before. That there’s a part of her that’s conniving, that she uses those around her to get to the top. Is that ever something you’ve noticed, Lana? Especially as someone who would be in competition with her, as a singer-songwriter yourself.” 
“Absolutely not. I think she has drive and ambition and I think that people confuse that with being conniving or competitive. Her existence means that people are going to put her against me or Historia, but that’s just because we’re women. That has nothing to do with something that’s isolated to Y/N and more with people who are just shitty and can’t see two women succeed at once.” Lana states. 
“She’s very focused on her craft - any role, any song she writes - they’re so deeply personal and authentic. That’s why she is so successful, why people covet after her so bad. I don’t consider myself to be in competition with her at all. And if I actually thought I was, I don’t think I would even last a day.” Lana continues.
“That’s something I’ve always admired about her. You’re in competition - and people are putting you there, against people you love - and you have that thing you really want, you’ll do anything to get it. There’s a mentality that people get about it. There’s only one person who ends up on a pedestal and if you have to kick people off to get there, that’s what it is. But she never, ever, put her own friends at stake in ways that she could to do that. I mean all of those rumors about Historia were coming out and she wrote dorothea of all songs, about how important their relationship is always going to be her.” Eren states. 
“You have to hold onto those type of people around you, in this type of industry, when you find them.” Lana states. 
“Good thing for me, then. I never intend to let go.” Eren adds. 
The interviewer smiles, turning to the camera, before talking again. 
“Eren’s prepared a song for us, his first in a while, that he’s going to perform for us live. What’s the song called, Eren?” 
“Any hints to what it’s about?” 
“It’s quite obvious.” Eren responds. 
Lana starts strumming on the guitar, as Eren sings and those godawful tears of yours return. You loop your arm through Eren’s free one on your side, entirely jarred by how calm Eren is watching the interview. At how he’s not a mess, a ruin, like you are at seeing this. 
My heart is yours It's you that I hold on to Yeah, that's what I do
And I know, I was wrong But I won't let you down Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I will, yes, I will
Yeah, I saw sparks Yeah, I saw sparks And I saw sparks
The video ends, as you wipe the wetness away on your cheeks and look over at Eren on your side. You lean your head on Eren’s shoulder, unable to look at his piercing green eyes, as he returns the favor and leans his head on top of yours. You try to figure out how to broach it - this big mess of questions in your head - but it seems that Eren saves you from figuring that out and talks first. 
“You said the other day on set you wanted to know why I want on that podcast and said what I did. You wanted to know if I still cared about you…do you know now?” Eren asks, his words so slow and careful. 
“Is it idiot day?” you ask. 
“Is it idiot day? Do you really think I’m still sitting here being mad at you? You….” 
You reach forward to cup the side of his face, brushing the softness on his cheek. 
“I have a hundred things I have to say to you. I-I don’t want to speak wrong. Can you give me a second?” you ask. 
Eren smiles, lifting his hand to place it over where yours is on his cheek. 
“I made you wait like…three years. I think I can wait a second for you, Margaret.” Eren whispers. 
You frown, nodding as Eren places his hand on your head and leans it back onto his shoulder. 
“Thanks, Bruce.” you murmur back. 
“Go to sleep. I’ll wake you up when we’re there.” Eren repsonds. 
It’s only when the two of you are walking up the cobblestone path, barely illuminated by the light of the rising sun, that you realize that Eren’s brought you back to the same beach house that the two of you had visited before. 
In the past twenty four hours (the ones you’ve been awake for anyways), the only thing that seems to be replaying in your mind is that night. Because every action of Eren’s that you’ve doubted seems painfully obvious now. The song he wrote, the way he insisted that the two of you were real people, only together. 
That Eren gave you so many signs. And that you didn’t know how to read them. 
The salty air stings at your nose as Eren pulls up the mat, pocketing the key placed under it, and giving you a smile. 
“Isn’t that really dangerous? To keep a key under their mat when they live so…out in the open?” you ask. 
“Sukuna put it there for me. And no one knows they live here. This is technically Lana’s brother’s house, so they never really suspected it.” Eren offers, shoving the key into the lock as he twists the knob open. 
You and Eren quietly set your bags by the door, making it a point to tip toe in the early hours of the morning only to pad into the main room to find Lana standing near the counter, cracking eggs into the bowl. 
“Oh my god! Don’t tell me that Lana No Middle Name Price is awake at a normal hour of the day?” Eren deadpans, giving her a jeering smile as she all but drops her little spatula and runs over to hug him. 
You watch the two of them, the way Eren seems more calm in his demeanour now, as the two of them lean against the counter and talk. His shoulders are more relaxed, the softest of smiles on his face while Lana looks unlike you’ve ever seen her. 
Her hair is extremely short, barely secured into a ponytail at the back of her neck with a pink ribbon. But even more than that, it’s something about her smile, the way her eyes are glimmering that it fills that gaping hole that’s been burning in your chest with the smallest warmth as you watch the two of them. 
“Sukuna’s going to get mad when you burn those cookies.” Eren states. 
“I’m not going to burn the cookies, Eren. That was one time.” she responds. 
“You almost fed your son a carcinogen. And burned the house down. Also, we all inhaled a lot of smoke so you probably ruined our lungs for all we know-” 
Lana lightly smacks him straight across the face, as he laughs and immediately swats her hands off. The two of them continue that way - pushing and shoving each other like siblings - until Lana pushes Eren a little bit too hard and he backs up into you. 
Eren immediately looks back, his hands on your shoulders as he stables your wobble, and you shoot him a grateful smile. It’s only then that Lana notices you standing there, at the front of her little kitchen, and you shoot her a smile. 
Lana’s quick to run to your side and give you a hug - the pressure on your body so tight that you can feel her squeezing that little burden of hurt that’s been sitting in your chest. Lana makes no move to let go, as you quickly deflate into her arms and start sniffling into her shoulder, immediate warm tears sparking in your eyes as her hands rub circles into your back. 
“We’ll talk, Tinky Winky. About all of it, okay?” she whispers. 
You give her a nod, as you wipe the tears from your eyes. You follow the two of them into the kitchen, as Lana continues to roll the little cookies into circular shapes. 
“Eren. Go away.” Lana states. 
“Wow. Is this how you repay me? After I take care of your son?” 
“He is your godson. You should be happy to take care of him. And they just left for their walk not that long ago, you can catch up.” Lana states. 
“Sukuna is a speedwalker. They’re probably long gone.” Eren whines. 
“Eren. Respectfully, get out of my house. Go sit on the beach and stare at the water like the little freak that you are and let me talk to Y/N in private.” Lana states. 
“I do not-!” 
“Yes, you do. Y/N, I swear to god, he sat out there everyday and we had to drag him back in like we were pulling an anchor out of the sea. Now get out.” Lana states. 
Eren sticks his tongue out, before shooting you a warm smile and padding out onto the sand. You stick your hand into the bowl, rolling the cookies into little circles with her as you give her a smile. 
“Cute ribbon.” you murmur. 
“I wore it for you. A Y/N classique.” Lana responds. 
You smile in response, as the two of you continue to roll the batter and decide what you want to talk about first. And just like Eren, she bites the bullet for you first. 
“Sukuna’s here. He’s just on a walk right now with Teddy.” 
You smile to yourself, the thought of it filling you with an immense amount of joy. 
“Do they do that often?” 
“Every day. Teddy’s quite the insomniac and wakes up extremely early. Sukuna lets me sleep in a little and takes him on a little walk along the beach. Says that they need their father son bonding time.” she muses. 
“I remember that about him. Theodore or Teddy, I mean. When Eren brought me here, in the dead of night, he was awake. With your brother, making cookies.” 
She smiles, setting the little tray in the oven, as she gestures for you to follow her onto the couch. 
“Theodore, huh? Eren did tell me he had quite the crush on you back then.” Lana states. 
“He doesn’t really go by Theodore. Eren and I call him Teddy and Sukuna calls him Theo, but…Theodore just feels a little bit too formal. He only uses it for really important people. Like you. And when he starts talking to Elsa on the TV screen.” 
“I’m glad I’m keeping such important company.” you respond. 
You laugh, hiking your knees to your chest as you decide to bite the bullet full on. 
“Lana….Ricky isn’t in his life, right?” you whisper. 
She gives you a nod, placing one of her hands on yours, as she gives you a warm smile. 
“No. Thankfully, he’s never even met Teddy. And he’s not going to.” 
“Does he know about him?” you ask. 
“Yeah. I had told him, a few weeks after it happened. When I started showing. And you know how he is…he wanted me to have an abortion and be done with it. But I…I couldn’t go through with it.” Lana states. 
She sighs, cracking her knuckles. 
“I know it seems weird. I really do hate Ricky, everything about him, but Teddy isn’t really…his in my mind. And-” 
“He’s your son. And Sukuna’s. I wasn’t even thinking that. And…and even if I was, you don’t need to explain yourself to me of all people.” you respond. 
Lana scoots closer to you on the couch, as she leans her head on your shoulder and you place yours on top of hers. 
“I kind of saw it as my way out for some time. LIke, I was so deep in with everything and all the people that we were working with. It would have never been acceptable to take a break, not unless I had to take one. And I’m not saying that I had him because I wanted to get away from work, but to me…it just kind of felt like a sign. I got to crank the brakes.” 
“I’m sure it was good for you, in ways that you might not even know about yet.” 
“I think he saved my life, Y/N. I was so deep in that shitty, self-absorbed bubble of the industry and how it is and he just…reminded me other things were more important. He took his first steps and he’s learning how to play the piano…his entire world is confined to what movie we’re going to play after lunch. Who's going to tuck him into bed at night. That’s how life should be. And that’s always how I wanted mine to look. Soft, calm.” 
You smile, squeezing one of her hands interlocked with yours. At the thought of Lana, wishing for this exact future when she was a kid, only to have it now. That she fought nail and tooh for it, but still got to have it. 
“I would have told you about Teddy. About everything. But I wanted to keep it as under wraps as I could and-” she starts. 
“You are entitled to share your secrets with whoever you want. You don’t owe anything to me.” you state. 
“I know. But just know, it’s not because I didn’t trust you. You mean the world to me, in more ways than you could ever possibly know.” Lana states. 
You shake your head dismissively, as she quickly brushes you off. 
“No, really. Eren and I…I know it can be really hard to understand why we did what we did. Why we kept so much but from you. But we grew up in this type of thing. It seems difficult to confront these things head on, when they’re basically what your whole lives have revolved around.” Lana states. 
“I get that. But…you guys seem fine doing it now? Especially with the documentary and all, I guess I just…wish I knew earlier. Could have helped you both to this point sooner. I feel shitty because you did it all on your own and you didn’t have to.” 
Lana smiles. 
“You know we only did that because of you, right? The documentary.” 
“You mean Eren.” 
“No. I mean Connie. Me. Sukuna, even. And you know how…private he is. But we did it because of you. You’ve always reminded us, in your own ways, not to take shit from people. And at this point, we don’t really have anything to lose. Only things to gain. Like you back in our life. Control over our lives again.” 
“You guys are building me up into this big thing I’m not. I hid out for two years because I was too scared to confront everything. I ignored all of you because it was easy for me to do. I’m far from this big..confrontational person you think I am. And I’m definitely not as good of a friend or supporter to you all like you think I am.” you murmur. 
“Or…you just think too little of yourself. You went through something big, traumatic even. So did we. It’s no shit that Eren was special to you, so of course the loss of him was going to be big. And you also had your fucking life’s work stolen from you, which is nothing small, Y/N.” 
“I guess.” 
“One of the biggest, most important things that Eren has taught me was having grace. Don’t ever tell him that because you already know how big his fucking head is. But…there’s a lot of patience that you have to have with yourself to get yourself out of that headspace. I lived there for years. And it is so not feasible for you, Y/N. At the end of the day, you’re still someone in our lives whose stood for the right things. And you still have that impact, even if you feel like that’s not what you’re doing right now. You don’t always have to be one thing to be the same person. Who you are, who you’ve always been, won’t ever change.” 
You swallow hard. 
“So you missed a few days? There’s another one tomorrow, Y/N. You lost a few years with Eren? That doesn’t matter because he’s still always going to be there for you.” Lana states. 
You give her a nod, embarrassed that she’s read so quickly through you when it comes to Eren, as you pinch a smile for her. 
 “Just like the moons and the suns, with the certainty of the tides, just like hope springing high, still you’ll rise.” Lana states. 
Eren’s words from the beach. 
“Maya Angelou. Eren’s told me that one before.” 
Lana smiles, rolling her eyes. 
“He’s cheesy. But it doesn’t make it any less true.” 
You wrap your arms around her, sighing into her shoulder, as she hugs you hard. 
“I’m really proud of you for owning it all. I hope that you get to drag Ricky’s name through the mud. For good this time.” you respond. 
“A girl can hope.” 
“And hank you, Lana.” 
She tilts her head in confusion. 
“You took care of Eren when I couldn’t. I won’t exactly be able to repay you for that.” you murmur. 
“Consider yourself repaid. You did the same for Sukuna before I knew him.” 
You scoff. 
“As if. Sukuna and I are nowhere near how you and Eren are.” 
She shakes her head dismissively, as she hops up on her feet and drags you by the arm to the hallway. The walls are littered in little frames, each little photo sweet little memories. 
There’s pictures of Lana, Sukuna, and Teddy on the beach and of Eren sitting at the piano with Teddy in his lap. Of Lana and Eren fast asleep on the couch and of Sukuna and Yuuji pulling each other’s cheeks as kids. And the last one in the row is of you and Sukuna, cheesing on the set of Ten Things I Hate About You. 
“It might not feel that way to you, but you’re his best friend. He’s told me that you were one of the first people - to meet him and treat him like a person. It’s no shit that everyone hated him when he was sixteen, but you were the one to extend your hand to him and be friends. Means a lot more to him than you think.” she murmurs. 
You give her a nod, as the two of you shuffle back into the kitchen and take the little tray of cookies out of the oven. You nicely plate them all onto the platter and turn around to wash your hands, as Sukuna, Teddy, and Eren pad back into the kitchen. 
“Ryomen Sukuna, if you track sand into my house again, I’m sending you right back out and you’re staying there for a few days.” Lana warns. 
You turn around to find Sukuna giving Lana an eye roll, as he leans forward and presses a kiss to her cheek. His arm is still secured around her as he faces the platter of cookies. 
“Lana Price. Did you bake something without setting the house on fire?” Sukuna asks. 
“Yes. I’m not incompetent, you know?” Lana responds, trying to shove him off. 
“Right. Making ready-made cookies is such a difficult task. Quite the feat if you ask me.” 
“It is! You have no idea.” she deadpans back, as Teddy runs up to hug her legs and she lifts him straight into her arms. 
Teddy reachs for the little ribbon in her hair immediately, twisting it in his little hands as he yanks it out of her hair. 
“Teddy, tell your dad he’s being very rude. And that I’m a very good cook.” Lana states. 
“Mommy. You almost made a car engine.” Teddy responds. 
“Buddy. It’s carcinogen. Car-sin-o-gen.” Eren repeats, annunciating every syllable. 
“Eren, quit teaching my kid bad words. You’re a horrible influence. And Y/N was watching me while I made them so…” Lana murmurs, pressing a kiss to Teddy’s cheek before setting him back on the floor and letting him run up in between Eren’s legs. 
Eren gives you a smile from your little vantage point near the sink, as he gestures for you to come closer to him. You follow and crouch down to where Eren - and Teddy - are standing as Teddy nervously peeks at you from behind Eren’s back. 
“Okay, bud. This is my pretty friend, Y/N. Can you say hi?” he asks. 
Teddy’s cheeks turn bright red, as he nervously toussles his hair, before extending his little hand to you. 
“My name is Theodore Price. My mommy calls me Teddy. And Eren. And my dad calls me Theo. And the mailman always calls me kid.” Teddy rambles. 
You fight the urge to laugh, at how cute he is, as you smile at him. 
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.” you respond, shaking his little hand as you watch a little smile spread across his face. 
You look up to find Sukuna making eye contact with Lana, mouthing Theodore? as Lana shakes her head dimissively at him. You give Sukuna a smile, which he actually returns, before you focus back on Teddy. 
“I have a gift for you.” Teddy states. 
“For me? On your birthday?” you ask. 
“I didn’t buy it so it doesn’t actually count.” he responds. 
“Sound logic, my friend. What is it?” you ask. 
“You have to close your eyes and put your hands out.” 
You look up at Eren, giving him a disbelieving look, as he gestures for you to follow. You close your eyes and cup your hands out to the two of them, as you hear Eren laugh. 
“Okay. You can open them now.” Teddy states. 
You open your eyes to find a pink ribbon in your hand, specifically the one that Teddy just snagged from Lana’s hair, as you hear Sukuna and Eren laugh. You smile hard, twisting it in your hands. 
“Thank you, Teddy. That’s very kind of you.” you respond, giving him a smile. 
He returns the favor, his cheeks bright pink, as he runs up behind Sukuna’s legs and burrows his face into the fabric of his pants. You and Eren stand back up, as Eren leans into your space and whispers. 
“He still has a crush on you.” Eren states. 
“He’s a baby, Eren.” 
“You’re so rude. Babies aren’t capable of love?” 
“Well, you’re standing right here so that’s obviously not true.” you deadpan. 
“Haha. Now give it.” Eren states, holding his hand out to you. 
“Give you what?” 
“The ribbon, dingus.” Eren responds. 
“Actually, Eren. He gave it to me. Maybe if you were cuter, he’d give it to you.” 
“Okay, Megamind. Don’t get a big head now. I was just going to put it on for you.” Eren responds. 
“Yeah, oh.” 
You place the little pink ribbon in Eren’s hands, as he gestures for you to turn around. He’s quick to secure the ribbon into the little ponytail in your hair, giving your head a little pat when he’s finished. 
“So cute.” Eren says, sarcastically. 
“Shut up. I’m adorable.” you respond. 
Eren smiles. 
“Yes, you are.” he responds, zero hint of sarcasm in his voice. 
Sukuna gives Eren a nod, as the two of them switch spots, and he takes your side. You get to take Sukuna in full this time, at the little smile wrinkles near his eyes and the salty, beach smell that seems to emanate off of him. 
“Y/N L/N. Are you finally gracing us with your presence?” Sukuna asks. 
“Father Sukuna. I think I am.” you respond, placing your hands on your hips. 
Sukuna smiles, reaching forward to mess with your hair. 
“You and I are going to talk after breakfast. And that’s only because Lana will burn our house down if I leave her alone to it.” Sukuna states. 
“Deal.” you respond, smiling at him. 
You and Sukuna settle down onto the little patio, the waves of the ocean crashing against the sand in front of you. He sets the little plates in front of the two of you, giving you a smile, as you both lean back in your chairs. 
“Pumpkin pie?” you ask. 
“You want some?” Sukuna asks. 
And then Sukuna lifts the plate and immediately smashes the pie into your face. It’s cold and squishy, as you quickly smear it out of your eyes just to glare at him. 
“Eren! Bring Y/N a towel. And another slice of pie.” Sukuna states. 
Eren sticks his head out of the screen door, widened eyes at the state of you. 
“What happened?” Eren asks. 
“She fell into the pie. She’s always been such a clutz.” Sukuna states. 
“Into the pie? On the plate?” Eren asks. 
“Yes.” Sukuna responds. 
Eren gives the two of you a weird look, as he shuffles back into the house and returns with a towel. You wipe all of the filling off of your face before hitting Sukuna straight in the face with the towel and crossing your arms. 
“Is it asshole day, Sukuna?” 
“That’s rich coming from you. I’m the asshole?” Sukuna asks. 
“You just smashed a pie into my face.” 
“And you didn’t return my calls for two years.” Sukuna responds, glaring. 
You sigh, leaning back in the chair, as you look at him. 
“Make no mistake, Y/N. I’m not Eren and I’m not Mikasa. I’m not going to beat around the bush just for you.” Sukuna states. 
“Thanks, Sukuna. I can always count on you to support me.” you deadpan. 
Sukuna stops in his tracks, before swallowing hard. 
“Lana told me to be nice to you.” he states. 
“You don’t have to be. Whatever it is you’re feeling…I’m sure that I deserve it.” you respond. 
“Contrary to your belief, I don’t actually enjoy being rude. I actually hate it. But…there are things you have to know. You’re really fucking stupid sometimes, Y/N.” 
You roll your eyes. 
“You’re a changed man, Sukuna.” 
Sukuna shifts in his seat, as you quickly bite your words. 
“I wasn’t being sarcastic. You really do seem different. Better.” you murmur. 
Sukuna smiles. 
“I am. Different. Better.” 
You lean forward, placing a hand on his forearm. 
“You’re a fucking dad, Sukuna.” 
“I know. Who would have thought?” he asks. 
“Me. I always knew you’d be great at this type of thing.” 
“Yeah right.” Sukuna responds, sarcastically. 
“No, really. You…you have that ability. The type that really good parents have. You always know what to give people, what they need to hear. You know that people don’t give things to me straight, so you always do it for them. And you’re the only person on my side - the only person who says that and means it.” you respond. 
Sukuna leans forward on his elbow. 
“I could have done better by you. I know that.” 
“The awards show. I could have stopped you. I…I figured that Historia and Jean were riling you up. That you were already far past a point of reason and I just…” 
“I would have cussed you out if you tried to go against me in that moment, Sukuna. Kicked you out of my house.” 
“I thought that much but…but still. I could have made you listen.” Sukuna responds. 
“Don’t get me wrong. I find lots of value in your words. But really, I wouldn’t have listened. And…and you were still there in the way that I needed you. Don’t think that I’ve forgotten that the person who dragged me out of that dressing room that night was you.” you murmur. 
Sukuna sighs. 
“I fucking hate you for not talking to me, Y/N. I get not talking to anyone from Attack on Titan. To Levi, Hange, whatever. But I was never apart of that. I was your friend, Y/N. I was always on your side.” 
“I’m sorry.” you respond. 
“You don’t think I would have fought for your albums back with you? That I wouldn’t have wrung Eren’s neck out if he asked me to? That I wouldn’t have crawled into your shitty house and stayed there with you if you needed me to?” 
You swallow hard. 
“It’s embarrassing to be around people when I know I’m doing something wrong. But it’s infinitely more embarrassing when that person is you, Sukuna.” you respond. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” 
“I mean…you’re one of the best people I know. You’re always saying what’s on your mind, you’re exactly what I want to be. Honest. Earnest. A good friend. I know I can be shitty. It’s just really hard for me to do it in front of you.” you respond. 
“You think too much of me.” Sukuna states. 
“You think too little of yourself.” you respond. 
“Don’t quote my girl back to me, L/N.” Sukuna sneers, lightly shoving you. 
You smile. 
“Your girl, eh?” your respond, smirking at him as you watch a pink flush crawl up his neck. 
“Do you think you’re funny? We have a kid together.” Sukuna responds. 
“You have a crush on Lana.” you respond. 
“That’s so cute, Sukuna.” you respond, exaggerating each syllable as he rolls his eyes at you. 
You lean forward and wrap your arms around him, hugging him as hard as you can as you feel the tears collect in your eyes. Sukuna pulls back the second he feels you sniffling, his eyes pinched in annoyance. 
“Why are you crying?” 
“I’m so happy for you, Sukuna.” you whisper. 
Sukuna deflates, pinching his lips shut. 
“You could have told me too, Sukuna. About all of it, everything that happened. When-when you were a kid. I would have listened to you. And I would never tell.” you whisper. 
“I almost did tell you. That night that we were in my trailer. When Historia released Lacy.” 
You gesture for him to continue. 
“I told you that…that hundreds, thousands of people loved me and I didn’t even know who I was looking at in the mirror. It was more humiliating for me than that. I looked in the mirror and didn’t know who I was, how I let that happen to me-” 
You feel the tears immediately burn in your eyes. 
“-but it bothered me even more. Because I look just like Yuuji, Y/N. Yuuji means the fucking world to me, just like you do. Like Lana does. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him. And…and at that point I realized. That I didn’t even hold myself to that standard. That I didn’t see that happening to myself and think that I deserved better.” Sukuna states. 
“Sukuna. You deserve so much better. So much better.” you whisper. 
“I know that now. And I have it too, Y/N.” 
You and Sukuna turn your heads to look at Lana and Teddy through the window, the two of them showing Eren something in a book. The two of you smile at each other. 
“Luckily for me, Lana showed up right when I needed her. I can’t believe that I’ve been walking around her for years, on red carpets and at awards shows. She was right under my nose this entire time and I had no idea.”  
“There’s this legend. An invisible string of fate. That the person that you’re destined to be with, the two of you have a little string tied around your pinkies the second you’re born. And no matter how far you go, you’ll still have a pull on each other. End up together.” you respond. 
“I’m pretty sure the two of you have been making steps towards each other the entire time, Sukuna.” you respond. 
He smiles in response. 
“Me too.” Sukuna responds. 
You wipe the wetness from your cheek, as you lean back in the chair. 
“Okay, Sukuna. Give it to me straight.” 
“Give what? A slap?” Sukuna asks. 
“No. I know you. You’ve probably got a lot to say to me. So…just come right out and say it. I can take it.” 
Sukuna smiles, almost too sinisterly. 
“You sure?” 
“Positive? You can’t fight me on any of it.”
“Fine. Just tell me.” 
He takes a deep breath before talking, the tone in his voice so matter-of-fact that it catches you off guard. 
“You have no right to give Mikasa shit for picking another maid of honor. Even if Amy’s a bitch to you. Quit playing the victim with her on that one, becuase first and foremost, you will lose. And second of all, she’s getting married. You’re the one who needs to bite the bullet and make sure that she has a good day.” 
“Wait-” you start. 
“Why aren’t you writing any music anymore? Why are you accrediting all of your success to Danny and Sareen when you’re the one who wrote those songs?” 
“I’m not-” 
“Aren’t you though? And when are you going to stop punishing Eren for something that you did to him first.” 
“What are you mad at him for? That he didn’t tell you what he was going through? Isn’t that what you did to him first? Because yeah, you’d call him before all your shows and pretend like things were fine. And then Eren had to find out from a fucking interview that those two dickwads were starving you. That they were controlling you like you were one of their assets.”  
You sigh. 
“I’m not playing the victim with Mikasa.” 
“Aren’t you though? Because if it were me, if I had not talked to my best friend in two years despite the fact that she reached out multiple times, I’d think that I was in the wrong.” 
“I was struggling.” 
“And you don’t think she wasn’t? Did you know that she almost broke up with Jean in the years that you were gone?” 
You pale. 
“Did you ask her? Did you ask her how she was when you came back?” 
You swallow hard. 
“You don’t think that she needed you for that? For something as big as almost losing Jean when he’s always been by her side. You don’t think that she needed you for even small things even beyond that? Someone to talk to. Someone to support her?” 
“Are her and Jean okay?” 
“Yes. Eren was there. But Eren can’t exactly replace what you are for Mikasa. And god knows he has the emotional capabilities of a fucking teaspoon.” 
It seems that every time you’re at the depths of your regret, of your guilt, you find that there is always a way to sink down further. 
“Quiet now, aren’t you? Fight me about the music.” he states. 
“Because I’m right?” he asks. 
“So what if you are? I just don’t want to write anything anymore. It’s not that serious.” 
Sukuna leans forward, inches between your faces. 
“It’s not that serious, for any normal person. But it is that serious for you. Because you love to write music, Y/N. You scribble lyrics onto your scripts when you’re supposed to be reading them. You hum songs when you’re basically doing anything. And you’re not doing it now, because you’re still in that godforsaken hole you sank yourself into in your house.” 
“So what if I am, Sukuna? What if I am? Don’t you get that I’m fucking scared of this type of thing? That it is isn’t easy? I lost Eren. And then I lost my music. All of my friends. You don’t think that type of thing was fucking hard for me?” you respond, warm tears spilling out of your eyes. 
Sukuna leans forward, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing hard. 
“You were never one to back down from a fight. What kind of hold do you think those two idiots have over you at this point? Need I remind you, that they’re only famous, that they only have a claim to their names, because of you. Did you lose Eren? No. Because he’s literally peering through the fucking window right now because you’re crying. Did you lose your music? No, because he fought so hard to somehow get it back for you. And you didn’t lose your friends. We’re right in front of you.” 
You pull back, glaring at him. Because as annoying as he is, he always did point out the truth. You give Eren a smile through the window, gesturing to him that it’s okay, as he gives you a disbelieving look and walks away. 
“I’m mad at Eren for what he said to me.” you respond. 
“That’s valid. But have you ever considered that he might have been mad at you for what you said to him too? Or even worse, that you could have really hurt him?” 
“What did I say to him? Because he-” 
“You didn’t pick him.” 
“But, Sukuna. I had to do that. Sareen and Danny-” 
“So you get it. You get that what you did was because you had to. So why don’t you understand that what Eren said to you was because it was what he had to say too?” 
You sigh. 
“Don’t be a hypocrite, Y/N. You know I don’t say any of this to hurt you.  But you’re not twenty-one anymore. And neither is Eren. It’s time for you to face this head on. Both of you.” he states, the tone in voice so caring that it makes you falter. 
You sigh. 
“Did you know that Eren was struggling that bad?” 
“No. And I gave him tons of shit at the time for it. You’re not the only one with regrets.” he states. 
After a fresh shower, you pad back into the main room to find Eren in the kitchen, while Sukuna, Lana, and Teddy cuddle in the crouch. Eren gestures for you to join him at your side, as he pushes a little cutting board and the food towards your side. 
“Are you trusting me to cut the vegetables? Are you finally viewing me as your equal, Eren Jaeger?” you ask, feigning shock. 
“It’s a safety knife. That’s what Teddy uses when Lana teaches him how to cook.” Eren responds, smirking at you. 
You elbow him, accompanied with nice string of insults as you stand at Eren’s side. You look to the picture at the your side, of Sukuna, Lana, and Teddy dressed up nice in a little courthouse. 
“Hey. What’s this?” 
“Lana and Sukuna are married.” Eren states. 
“Excuse me. You said they were dating.” you state. 
“We said dating in the documentary, because they were dating at the time. But at their one year anniversary, they did a small little court wedding. The three of them got takeout sushi and came home like right after.” Eren states. 
You walk over to the picture, inspecting it in full this time. At Lana’s white slip dress, at their matching rings, and the little bouquet in Teddy’s hands. The three of them are smiling so brightly, Lana and Sukuna leaning their temples together, with their eyes closed and bright smiles. 
“How did that happen?” you ask, gesutring over to the three of them. 
Eren sets his knife down, lookng over at the picture as he places his hands on his hips. You can already tell from his stance that whatever he’s about to say is going to be bitingly sassy. 
“Okay. When two people love each other, they get in a be-” 
“Shut up, idiot. I mean, Lana and Sukuna.” 
Eren shoves you in the side, as the two of you avert your eyes to the three of them on the couch. 
“After that night, when I had said everything to you, I had immediately called Levi and Hange. Lana and I had been debating calling them and asking for help the second I ended up in the hospital, but that night was kind of the final straw for me.” Eren states. 
“Your injury should have been your final straw, Eren.” you respond, pinching your eyes at him. 
“At that point, I was ready to drag Scott Clarkson into the ground. From my standpoint, I didn’t really have anything to lose from suing them. And Connie and Lana, it didn’t take them much convincing to follow. But Levi basically wanted to stack all of our cards in our favor, that if we were going to say something, anyone else who has something to say would get to take that chance too.” Eren adds. 
“That’s where he came in.” you state, to which Eren gives you an affirmative nod. 
“Sukuna had told us almost everything about what happened to him, except for…you know.” 
The sexual assault. 
“Lana was the first person that he told. And I don’t know what she told him, since that’s not something I understand having experienced but she obviously does, but…they both just kind of came to us one day. Told us that they wanted to own it.” Eren adds. 
“So, they just got close? From all that? Not that it’s not a thing that connects him, but he…he’s always so reserved.” you ask. 
“I think he just naturally gravitated towards her, that’s all. I think they have these deep, all encompassing emotions that they don’t share with other people. The feel things deeply, love really hard. It was just like an underlying thing…that they knew they would get along in that way. Like you and me.” 
“Like you and me?” 
“Y’know. We were close right off the bat. No awkward stage, no holding things back from each other. Well, in the beginning at least.” Eren states. 
You hum in response. 
“Sukuna met Teddy pretty early on. When Lana and Sukuna started dating, they were serious straight off the bat. He kind of just…fit in perfectly with them. Nothing really changed. Teddy just kind of called him dad in passing one day. No one really said much about it, but I did find Sukuna crying later.” 
You frown, clutching your hands on your chest. 
“I’m really happy for them, Eren. There’s no one who deserves it more than them.” 
You feel a brush past your shoulder to find Sukuna and Lana at your sides, the two of them tip toeing into the fridge and pulling a little box out. Eren hands you a little box of candles, as you pull out five little green ones. 
The four of you huddle over the cake, perfectly placing them and lighting them, as you walk over to where Teddy’s still sitting, fully engrossed into the screen. Sukuna turns to the three of you, quietly counting down, before you all burst out singing and Teddy turns around excitedly. 
You watch as Sukuna smashes a decent amount of frosting onto Teddy’s cheeks after he blows out the candles, as Lana quickly snaps a picture of the two of them with the cake. 
“Is that your thing now, Sukuna? You just smash dessert into people’s faces?” you ask. 
“Well, you deserved it. And I’ve been doing this since my first birthday with him.” Sukuna states. 
“Don’t tell me you smashed food in a grown woman’s face?” Lana asks, deadpanning. 
“It was pie. That hardly counts as food. And again, need I repeat, that she deserved it.” 
Lana comes over, securing her hands around your shoulders, as she presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“You’re rude. Our princess does no wrong.” she states, gesturing for Eren to join him at her side. 
Eren follows suit, gesturing for Lana to get in the picture, as he points the little camera at them, and you peer over his shoulder at the viewfinder. 
“Teddy. What did you wish for?” Eren asks. 
“Don’t say! Your wish won’t come true.” Lana whines. 
“Y/N!” Teddy states, giving you a bright smile. 
Sukuna laughs, reaching for his sides to tickle at him. 
“Sorry buddy. You already snoozed and lost on that one.” Sukuna responds. 
The three of them shuffle to the counter as Sukuna starts cutting the cake into little slices and placing them on the plates. After a decent amount of dessert and sweet pictures, Eren shuffles away with Teddy to set him to bed, as you shuffle into your own room and muse over what you’re going to say to Eren later. 
Eren makes his way down the following morning, to find the three of them mulling around in the kitchen. He makes it a point to shove Lana and smack Sukuna, before pressing a kiss on top of Teddy’s head and taking the seat next to them. 
“You’re not going on your walk?” Eren asks, looking up at Sukuna. 
“Someone already claimed the beach.” 
Sukuna points behind him, as Eren looks out the window to find you sitting there in the sand, on a little blanket. Your back is facing towards him, your hair slightly swaying in the light breeze of the beach outside. 
“What’s she doing?” Eren asks. 
“She wants to talk to you, Eren.” Lana states. 
Eren pales. 
“Out there?” Eren asks. 
The two of them nod as Eren feels knots twisting in his stomach, that whatever semblance of relationship that the two of you were building back together was going to come crashing down in a second. That the harsh, cruel justice that he was owed was finally going to be served to him. 
“Fuck. Okay. Do I look fine?” Eren asks, turning to the two of them. 
Sukuna and Teddy squint their eyes in confusion, as Lana gives him a big thumbs up and all but pushes him onto the patio. He turns around and gives her a pointed glare, which she only returns with a smile as he starts trudging towards you, feet digging into the sand. 
You notice Eren before he can creep up behind you, as you give him a smile and gesture for him to take the spot next to you. It’s decently overcast, a slight chill in the air as you pull your hoodie around you and watch the waves crash ahead. 
“Hey.” Eren says. 
Eren takes the spot at your side, hiking his knees to his chest, as your elbows brush against each other in the cold. 
“Wanna go skinny dipping?” you ask. 
“I beg your pardon?” Eren resopnds, eyes nearly bulging out of his head.  
You can barely contain your laughter, as Eren quickly catches on. His cheeks are positively pink as he starts grumbling under his breath about how mean you are and you choke out an apology. The two of you sit there in silence as the water pulls close to the shore, just to quickly retreat back into the big mass of water. 
You bite the bullet this time.
“The song that you wrote that day. The one that you sang to me on the beach.” you say. 
“Yeah?” Eren asks, almost too attentive as he hangs at the ends of your words. 
“That’s my first question. What did it mean?” you ask. 
Eren looks back out at the waves. 
“I thought that what we had ran it’s course when I wrote it. It was a few days before you got there. And by that point, I was already so down in it that all I was left with was the feeling of being grateful. That I did get to experience that love, with you, at some point. And you know. You’re the moon. I’m the ocean. It was a nice solace to think our love would last forever that way..” Eren responds. 
You nod in response. 
“That night. When- when you tried to kiss me. I told you I couldn’t because you were still with Hyla. Why didn’t you tell me then and there that you had broken up?” you ask. 
“I could have. But I wanted to know if you wanted me still, with such extreme urgency, that-that I kind of forgot that I was technically dating her in the first place. I said it before, but I never really considered that real, Y/N. She didn’t even warrant a mention in my mind. Or ever mean anything to me.” Eren responds. 
Eren pauses. You suppose your response was barely convincing and that he can most definitely tell. 
“I’m only telling you this part because Sukuna is going to tell you anyway and he’s been holding it over my head for weeks.” Eren states. 
“It’s embarrassing. Just- pretend like it’s nothing when Sukuna says it to you.” 
“The yacht. When-when Hyla kissed me.” 
“Oh. Vomitgate.” you respond, smiling at him. 
“Don’t call it that!” he whines. 
You laugh as you gesture for him to continue, his cheeks lightly dusted pink. 
“Hyla likes to wear a lot of lipgloss. And she..she always wears this red one. That smells like cherries.” he states. 
“I didn’t know that it tasted like cherries too. And when she kissed me, I-I could taste it.” Eren mumbles. 
“Congratulations? I’m glad it tasted good while you were kissing her.” 
“No! No, Y/N. You don’t get it. You….you taste like cherries when I kissed you. Or when you used to.” 
“The slushies. Your lips always tasted like cherries. So when she kissed me, I-I immediately thought of you. And…and then I realized it was her.” 
“And then you…projectile vomited?” you finish. 
“Okay, you promised you wouldn’t make fun.” 
You smile. Primarily because he’s so embarrassed that it’s cute. And that in the most evil way, the thought of him being so disgusted by kissing someone that isn’t you that it makes him vomit makes your heart warm in a special way. 
“I said no such thing, Eren.” 
The two of you sit there in silence for some time, as you muse over his words. The air only seems to get colder as time goes on, the clouds swirling in the sky above the two of you. 
“The things that you said to me, Eren. I-I know they weren’t true. But I want to know how you came up with them. Because I understand that it was something you had to say. But they just fell out of your mouth so easily. That you only wanted me for that and nothing more and-” 
“In no way were those words easy for me to say. Don’t even say that.” Eren states, the urgency in his tone so adamant that it makes you sweat. 
“How did you come up with it? Because it must have been in the back of your mind if-” 
“Y/N. I come from literally the shittiest, meanest place that you can imagine. I’ve told you before. The things that Zeke had said to me.” Eren states. 
Eren stops. His voice is softer this time, almost laced with a pinch of hurt. 
“When life gets harder, I have to get harder to match. If you show up and I can’t have you, the thought of it fills me with so much anger, so much hurt that it all comes out. On you. And that doesn’t make anything I said okay, but you being there. Having you so close to me and having to send you away. It had to be something cruel. You wouldn’t have gone otherwise.” 
“Don’t even say that to me. Because I know for a fact that if I had told you any of this then, you would never leave. You wouldn’t listen to me because you’d want to stay with me.” 
“Is there something wrong with that? With me wanting to be there for you?” 
“Of course, not. It’s just that you being there with me required you to be there. With those shitty people. And if it comes to you or me, I’d pick you. Even if I had to do something shitty to make sure that you were far away.” 
You’re immediately reminded of the conversation that you had with Eren. Or more acutely, the fight that the two of you had. Of what Eren had said to you. 
But I couldn’t have you there. Because if it came down to it, when I had to pick between covering someone else or taking care of you, I’d pick you.
You swallow the lump in your throat. Of the implication that if Eren was faced with the choice - of you and Teddy or you and Connie - that he would pick you. 
Even if it was the wrong choice to make. 
“And Armin?” you ask. 
“That’s the thing about you two. You both came in so hot. I was expecting after the interview that the two of you were going to cuss me out, leave without even saying anything. But your instinct - both of yours - was to immediately believe it wasn’t true. Bittersweet, because you knew me well enough to know I’d never really say that but also shitty becuase then I had to bite back to make sure you left.” Eren states. 
You lift the little cover at your side and slide the little box into Eren’s hands. You see his eyes go wide immediately, as you hand him a polaroid camera, the exact specific brand that Erwin had gifted Armin all of those years ago. 
“I can make my amends with it. Even if it hurt my feelings. And hopefully that helps you make amends with Armin.” you state. 
“Where the fuck did you find this? I’ve been looking for this for a better part of the past year.” he states. 
“I found it this morning. And…I’ve eavedropped on one of your fights with Armin.” you state. 
“Okay, I’ll just go return it.” you state. 
“No!” Eren states, quickly clutching his arms around the box as you laugh. 
Eren sighs. 
“Thank you. You don’t know what this means to me.” Eren responds. 
“I think I have an idea.” you respond. 
Eren smiles, albeit halfheartedly, as he looks down at the box. 
“My turn. Unless you had more?” he murmurs. 
“No. Go ahead.” 
“The awards show. What do you think about it now?” Eren asks. 
You sigh. 
“What you were saying, it seems much more obvious now. That it was Historia and Jean there. That they were riling me up. Historia, she was already mad at you for what I said, for going against what we had as kids, and for Jean. It was personal. He basically felt like you had betrayed him and told me that. I suppose now that if Mikasa was there, she wouldn’t have let me go as far as I did.” you respond. 
“Mikasa wanted to come. Danny and Sareen didn’t let her. They knew for a fact she wouldn’t let you. She’d want to be there for you in the way you needed. Probably put my face on a dart board and talk shit about me.” Eren muses. 
“I would have preferred that over what I really did. But I remember that now. Danny and Sareen said that her hysterics weren’t conducive to the situation. And granted, Mikasa’s never short of being dramatic but…always calm when you need her. I can’t believe I forgot about that in the moment. And Sukuna, he never gave his opinion. He just told me to make my own decisions and that he would support me, which makes more sense in hindsight too.” you respond. 
Eren nods in response, content with your answer. 
“Why did you cry when I was singing the grudge?” you ask. 
“Why did you cry when you were singing the grudge?” Eren asks. 
“The fight we had. You told me beforehand that..that I didn’t have any faith in you like you did in me. It was the first time that it might have crossed my mind. That you didn’t mean anything that you said and…and then I was singing a song about how I’d never forgive you. And you were crying during it. It pretty much sold me on the fact that I was right.” you respond. 
Eren nods. 
“For me, it was the fact that you were playing the piano. On your own. I was waiting for years to see you do it on your own, to take that step and be confident in your own abilities. You’ve always been great and all I wanted to do in that moment was to stand there. Tell you I told you so. And I couldn’t.” 
“What did you mean? When you said I didn’t have faith in you?” you murmur. 
“I was just really upset in that moment, Y/N. I didn’t-” 
“I want to know.”
Eren sighs. 
“You thought right. I was upset that you believed it so blindly. That you believed an edited interview of me. And what I had said that night, which you had every right to believe. I was just-” 
“It’s okay.” 
“I wasn’t mad at you. And I’m still not. I regretted it after I said it.” 
“Okay. I appreciate the grace you give me, Eren.” 
“Nothing you haven’t given me first.” Eren responds. 
You both avert your eyes from one another. 
Anything else?” Eren asks. 
“I guess not. Is there something you want to tell me?” you state. 
“I want to know what you were doing in the years that I wasn’t with you.” 
“In the house?” 
“No. No, when you were with Danny and Sareen. After-after we said fishbowl on the rooftop.” Eren states. 
You sigh. 
“I feel fucking stupid about it all in hindsight.” you respond, warm tears filling your eyes.
Eren’s quick to notice, like he always is, as he pulls you closer to him and you lean your head against his shoulder. 
“Hey. You’re okay, just take a breath-” Eren whispers. 
“I did three albums with world tours back to back. Movies in the hiatuses.” you state. 
“And?” Eren murmurs. 
“And I didn’t take a break once. I-I only realized when I locked myself in that godforsaken house how much time I had lost. How much of it I swam through when I came back and Falco was basically grown. I left him when he was barely a teenager and then he was just…this whole person. Comforting me when that’s always been my job. That Jean and Mikasa had moved so far in their relationship that they were actually going to get married. That we all fucking grew up.” you respond. 
You wipe your nose. 
“I realized really quickly that I wasn’t making money off of the Lucky One. I had spent that entire first year, not even thinking about you or anything else, because I was just fighting desperately behind the sidelines to get them back.” you state. 
Eren snorts. 
“I think when you stopped fighting is when I started. We had won the lawsuit at that point and I-I was told to negotiate for whatever I wanted.” Eren responds. 
“How did you know?” 
“Danny and Sareen. At the awards show, they had made it a point to me. That it was always their goal. I had been inquiring about it ever since then and…the second you released the Lucky One and disappeared I knew they were going to do something. I tried to negotiate the entire album back, money and all, but all I could get you was the rights. And I’ve talked to Niccolo about it. You can re-record them or-or we can do something else but-” 
“Thank you.” you state. 
You look back at the ocean. You don’t say something for sometime, which fills Eren’s stomach with an overwhelming amount of discomfort as he rests his head against his knees. But you can’t even stomach it. How you’re supposed to thank Eren for what he did. For what he’s always done. 
For how consistent he’s always been. When it comes to you. 
“What are you thinking?” he asks. 
You look over at him, or more precisely, at the little tattoo on his bicep as you open up his arms and rest your fingers against it. He mimics your motions, smiling at the little inked skin. 
“I was half convinced you were going to get it removed.” Eren states. 
“I almost did.” you respond. 
He laughs. 
“I always thought it was stupid. That you wanted to be the ocean when I thought you were the moon. You know, like a light shining on a dark night? That’s always what I thought you were for me.” you state. 
“It feels like there’s more to that statement.” Eren responds. 
“Can you see the moon right now?” you ask. 
Eren looks up at the overcast sky, the clouds dense above. 
“But you can see the ocean. All the time, whenever you want. The waves pull back, but they always return.” you state. 
Eren looks up at you, in confusion. 
“I don’t follow.” 
“I’m saying you picked right. I am the moon. Fickle. Unreliable. I disappear at the first sign of a storm. But the ocean…” 
You look over at your right, to the waves crashing. 
“It’s one of the only things in nature that keeps its promise. Keeps crashing back on the shore, against the pull.” 
Eren’s eyes falter. 
“You had every right to do what you did.” Eren responds. 
“I know that. But it was always you and me. From the start. I was the one who lost sight of that when I let you go.” you state. 
Eren swallows hard. 
“Why did you do that?” he asks, his voice in the smallest whisper. 
The fact that he even asks shatters something in you, into tiny little pieces. That you had sown so much doubt into him. 
“I…I had so much faith in us. What we had…it came to us so easily. Snuck on me so quickly that I took it for granted. I figured that if I had to let you go for sometime, you’d come right back to me. The same way that we were before.” 
“You were nineteen.” Eren states. 
“I was stupid. Because that’s not how you saw it.” 
“No. No, it-” 
“Don’t lie. You thought I left you.” 
“It’s water under the bridge.” Eren responds. 
You sigh. 
“Eren. Eren, if you felt that way, why didn’t you say that? I- I fucking adored you. I would have pulled back and said no the second that you had asked me not to. Surely you must have known that I would move any mountain for you?” you ask. 
Eren looks at you, the look in his eyes faltering as you realize. 
“Eren. Did you know that I would do anything for you? Did you know that I loved you as much as you loved me?” you ask. 
“I did.” Eren responds, the lightest hint of disbelief in your voice. 
You pull him closer, cupping his face in your hands. 
“Eren. You were my person. I loved you so, so much and you didn’t even know?” you ask, warm tears filling your eyes. 
“It wasn’t anything about you. It was me. It’s my fault that I didn’t think that.” Eren whispers. 
“Don’t. Don’t fucking say that, Eren.” you respond, pulling away from him as the hot, embarrassing tears pour down your eyes. 
At the fact that Eren’s so willing to forgive. So quick to look past the fact that you took the love that he had given you for granted. That you hadn’t appreciated it, and him, half as much as you should have and now it was never going to be the same. That he was so insecure in himself, that he couldn’t accept the love that you had given him. And that you didn’t even notice. 
Eren sits quietly at your side, making no move to comfort you this time. All you can see are his green eyes, looking directly into yours, almost like he’s waiting. Mulling over the exact words that he has to say to you. And the fact that he’s sitting there trying to comfort you, when he should be cursing your name, makes it ten times worse. 
“Y/N.” he murmurs. 
“Y/N.” he repeats, softer this time. 
You shake your head as he scoots closer to you, cupping your cheeks in his hands as he gives you a smile. He wipes away your constant stream of tears with his thumbs, as his face washes over in the softest, most comforting look. 
“You know that stupid, cheesy as fuck saying? That you can’t give love to someone else if you don’t have it for yourself?” 
“It’s not a bad thing to give yourself kindness. To give nineteen year old you grace the same way I give twenty-one year old me grace.” he whispers. 
“I was old enough to know better.” 
“And so was I. But your life isn’t meant to be a punishment. Neither is mine. We’re not supposed to sit here and never forgive ourselves over something what’s already happened.” he whispers. 
“I picked wrong. You- I let you leave, Eren.” you cry. 
Eren smiles. 
“Am I gone?” Eren asks. 
You sigh. 
That’s not the way you meant it. 
Eren smiles, tilting your face up in his clutches as he gives your cheek a little squish. 
“Answer my question, Margaret.” 
“Why do you call me Margaret?” 
“You first. Am I gone?”
“Yes.” you deadpan.
Eren leans closer to you, noses almost touching, as he whispers. 
“I’m right here. I’ve spent far too much time without you. Don’t tell anyone but…you’re kind of my favorite person, ever. You’re always going to be my best friend. And as long as you don’t send me away again, I’ll always be right here.” 
You sniffle. 
“I won’t tell anyone. There’s no one else to tell.” 
Eren smiles so wide, so bright at you repeating the same words you had used all those years ago to him, as he pulls you straight into a hug. You deflate straight into his arms, wrapping them around his torso as you inhale his biting, minty smell once more. 
“Wanna know why I call you Margaret?” he asks. 
“Please. I know for a fact that it’s not just some random name you picked.” 
Eren pulls back, a devious grin on his face. 
“Margaret is the name of the moon.” 
Of course. 
“...of Uranus.” he finishes. 
“Uranus. It’s the name of one of the moons of Uranus.” Eren repeats, emphasizing every last syllable. 
You can tell from the way he’s smiling that he’s incredibly pleased with himself. And it makes uou break out into a teary laugh. 
“You’re fucking with me.” 
“No, I’m not. All of Uranus’s moons are named after Shakespeare characters. And the first one that came to mind when we were having that talk out of all of them was Margaret.” 
“So you intentionally gave me a name based off of an anus?” 
“Not just any anus, Y/N. Ur-anus. It’s very significant to our relationship.” 
“Ew, Eren. Oh my god.” you respond, the two of you laughing as you look at him with disgust. 
“I can’t tell what’s worse. This or Hobo Eren.” 
“Nevermind. It’s definitely Hobo Eren. That’s an atrocity to humanity, Eren.” 
“Okay, okay. I get it. I’m horrendous” he responds, slightly shoving you in the side as you return the favor. 
“I’m so glad we’re on the same page. It’s been putting a real damper on our relationship.” you respond. 
Eren looks over at you and smiles. 
“Are there any dampers on our relationship now? For real?” Eren asks. 
You shake your head.
“No. But…you and me on the same side now. Always. You can’t keep secrets from me and-” 
“I won’t.” he responds, definitively. 
“Then no. No dampers. You and me till the end.” you respond. 
Eren smiles as you look back at the waves crashing and  you lean your head against his shoulder again. He softly murmurs into your hair. 
“Why do you call me Bruce? Yours had to be just as deliberate as mine.” he asks. 
“You don’t need to know. It’s not half as cute as yours.” you respond. 
“Well, nothing is as cute as Uranus unfortunatley.” 
“Naturally. I…um. You…you know that shark from Finding Nemo? That…that pretends to be friends with the fish and then tries to eat them?” you state, giving him a peachy smile. 
“No fucking way.” 
“I’m sorry!” you whine. 
“You’re so rude, Y/N L/N. I gave you a sweet, sentimental nickname and that’s how you repay me.” 
“You gave me Uranus, Eren.” 
“There is nothing more scared than my anus, Y/N. You know that.” 
“You’re so immature. You have the humor of a twelve year old.” you respond. 
“And you love it. One would argue that…that you enable this behavior from me. I’d never make these jokes if you didn’t think they were funny.” 
“You tell jokes based off of me?” you ask, sarcastically. 
“Yes. I want to see you laugh. You think I’m just out here saying stuff just to say it?” 
“You’re full of shit.” 
“And you’re not even half deserving of my anus.” Eren responds. 
You and Eren bicker back and forth. And the sun rises, straight through the patches of the clouds. 
On the two of you, together again.
next part linked here
an: MEOW
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katareyoudrilling · 8 months
Seen (Javier Peña One-shot)
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Summary: You’re the last person Javi wants to ask for a favor, but not for the reason you think.
Word count: ~2.2k
Rating: Mature (18+ only. NO MINORS)
Content Warnings: Alternating POV, reader is a few years older than Javi (Javi could be a variety of ages) and has hair that could be worn up or down, wrinkles and laugh lines, a touch of angst, non-graphic sex
A/N: This isn’t quite what I expected it to be when I started working on it many many months ago.  The idea was inspired by @famouslyanonymous musing that there didn’t seem to be any fics featuring a Pedro boy with a slightly older reader.  I wanted to say a lot of things with this fic and I’m not sure I said any of them, but I hope you enjoy!
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
Taglist link in bio (or ask me to add you!)
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Javi slams down the phone and pinches the bridge of nose.
He needs a favor.  Why does it have to be from you?
He can flirt his way through the department secretaries easily, but you, with your intelligent, assessing gaze… he swears you can see right through him.
The two of you have been crossing into each other’s orbits for a long time now.  He can tell that you know…  You know he’s not some DEA hero.  You can see right through to the failure of a man he actually is.
He takes a long drag on his cigarette before stubbing it out and pushing away from his desk.  “Fuck it.”
He pulls at the back of his neck as he makes his way to your department.  He can already feel the tension headache beginning.  If you won’t do this for him… he’d rather not think about it.
He approaches your desk nervously. “I need a favor.”
“Is that right?” you reply, continuing your work.
“I would really appreciate it.” If he can’t flirt, he can at least try to be polite.
“You aren’t going to compliment my nail polish or tell me how pretty my dress is?”
“Uh… I… what?” Javi stammers.
“I see what you do around here.  Flirting with all the pretty young things to get your way.  Not me though, probably because I’ve got 20 years on most of them and a few on you.”
“What? No! Fuck, you’re the most beautiful woman here.”
“Right,” you scoff.  “It’s too late for the charm, Javier.”
He leans over your desk, gripping the edge.  Moving himself into the halo of your perfume.  “I’m telling you the truth,” he growls.
You lift your eyes to his and his knees go a little weak.
Who is he kidding?  A class-act like you is never going to bend the rules for a man like him.
“Never mind,” he pushes off your desk and walks away.
When he returns to his desk later that afternoon, he’s surprised to find the file he needs sitting on his chair.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You lean back against the elevator wall and sigh.  It has been a long day and all that has kept you going is the thought of getting out of your heels and pantyhose and onto your couch.
The elevator pings as the doors open on the garage level.  You step out into the cool, echoey space.  That’s when you see him.
He’s standing by your car, exhaling a plume of smoke, somehow not looking green and sickly under the florescent lights.  He must hear the click of your heels on the concrete because he turns and puts out his cigarette as you approach.
“What are you doing here, Peña?  Need another favor?”
“Thank you for the file.  You didn’t have to do that.”  He shifts his weight and looks down at his feet.
“Yeah, well, lord knows you get enough roadblocks thrown in your way.  I don’t need to be one of them.”
Javier chuckles ruefully, “You have no idea.”
“If that’s all, I need to get going.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” Javier looks up at you, “To say thanks?”
Your feet and back are screaming at you not to get taken in by those puppy dog eyes, but there’s something simmering beneath the surface of his gaze.  Something that makes you curious.  His outburst earlier hasn’t left your mind.  You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little interested in where an evening with Javier Peña might take you.
“Counteroffer.  How about you come over to my place in an hour.  Bring the booze with you.”
Javier’s eyes light up in surprise.
“Don’t get any ideas, Peña.  It’s been a long day and I don’t feel like going to a bar.”
“I didn’t have any ideas.”
You scoff and make your way to the driver’s side door, “See you later?”
He nods.
Javier stands aside as you pull out of your parking space and out of the garage.  You can see him in your rearview mirror smoothing down his mustache, hand on one cocked hip.  It should be an interesting evening.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You open the door to your apartment and Javi is momentarily stunned speechless.  You’re wearing flowy, satin pants and a cardigan belted around your waist.  You’ve removed your make-up and your jewelry.  You’ve let down your hair.
You’ve never looked more beautiful.
You’re always stunning at work.  Elegant, put-together, gorgeous.  But here, now, you look so soft and relaxed.  It’s as though you’ve taken off the armor you wear to the office.
Like he’s getting a glimpse of the real you.
He always tries to hide the real him.  That façade might not work tonight… a frightening thought.
You step aside and motion him into the apartment.  Javi swallows deeply and forces his feet to step inside.
“I brought whiskey, hope that’s ok.”  He holds out the bottle to you.
“Definitely ok, I had a feeling.” You lead him to your couch.  Two tumblers already sit on the coffee table.  You uncork the bottle and pour two fingers in each glass.
You hand him his glass before swirling the amber liquid in your own.
He watches, mesmerized, as you breathe in the heady aroma and your eyes drift closed.  You take a sip and sigh.  His cock twitches.
“That’s good whiskey, Javier.”
“Call me Javi.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You didn’t expect it to be so easy to talk to him.
Somehow you’ve gravitated towards each other.  Your knee now rests against his thigh.  His arm stretches behind you on the couch.  Whiskey glasses sit forgotten on the table.  You only needed a few sips to relax before the conversation and laughter flowed.
Swapping stories of co-workers and old mutual friends.  You realize you’ve never seen him smile before tonight.
It’s a shame.
His smile lights up the room.
Javi arches back against the couch and pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s getting late.”
You make a non-committal noise in reply because your gaze has been captured by the expanse of his chest you can see through his gaping shirt.
Has his shirt been unbuttoned this much the whole time?  Four buttons undone?  Really?  Why bother buttoning it at all?
Not that you’re complaining as you take in the view of his smooth, golden skin.  You watch, hypnotized, as his chest rises and falls with each breath.
Your gaze travels upward, catching on the divot of his clavicle.  The perfect place to breathe his scent.
His Adam’s apple snags your gaze next as it bobs in his throat.  You have to swallow yourself, saliva pooling in your mouth at the thought of licking your way up his gorgeous neck.
His jawline comes into view.  Strong and angular.  Beautiful.  Especially in contrast to his soft, plush lips.
They part slightly, revealing the most perfect crease in his lower lip.
Then there’s his nose.  Noses shouldn’t be so arousing.  It’s absurd.  But there it is in all it’s aquiline glory.  Like a goddamn sculpture.
You continue your journey up to his eyes and find that he’s staring at you, pupils blown.
Your mouth is suddenly dry as Javi slowly closes the distance between you, never breaking eye contact, giving you time to protest, until his lips meet yours.
A fire ignites in your body with the first touch of his lips.  It burns from your head to your toes waking you up from your slow syrupy thoughts.
You climb onto his lap, knees on either side of his slim hips.  His hands grip your waist.  His heat bleeding through the thin fabric covering your center.
You break away from the kiss, breathless. Javi continues kissing down your throat, tugging at your cardigan.  You sit back and reach between you, untying the belt and letting it fall off your shoulders.
Javi groans as he takes in the thin camisole you are wearing underneath.  Your bra had come off along with the pantyhouse and heels.  Your hard nipples poke against the silky fabric.  They squeeze even tighter as Javi licks his lips.
“Fuck, bonita, you’re gorgeous,” he rasps.  The sound goes straight to your core.
- - - - - - - - -
He didn’t come here for this.
Maybe he hoped initially.  But it didn’t seem to be what you had in mind.
He wasn’t lying when he said you were the most beautiful woman at work.  His eyes rove over your body of their own volition every time your paths cross.  His ears tune into the sound of your laughter and even more to your witty and sarcastic remarks.
But he didn’t expect this… this connection.
You’ve set him at ease.  Pulling stories from his memory that he thought were long forgotten.  The urge to pour out his heart to you nearly chokes him.
You’re too good for him.  Too smart, too strong, too confident.  And oh, are you beautiful.  
And now you’re above him, rocking into his cock, making the most heavenly sounds as you lick into his mouth.  He can do sex and do it well.  He can make up for everything he lacks with a good fucking.
Maybe fucking is all he’s good for.
“Take me to bed, Javi.”
He pauses.  He expected your words, but somehow, they have caught him off guard. It wouldn’t be just a fuck with you.  You’ve gotten under his skin.  You’ve glimpsed his soul.
The words bubble up before he can’t stop them.
“I’m scared.”
- - - - - - - - - - - 
His admission catches you off guard and you sit back.  “Scared? Of what? I know I’m older than you, but it’s not like I’m some dried-out husk and bats are going to fly out of my vagina.”  You push against his chest to get off his lap, annoyed and frustrated.
Javi growls and grabs your ass, pulling you back to him, holding you still while he finds his words.  “Fuck, that’s not what I meant.”  He huffs as he continues, “I’m scared because you… see me.”
The anger burns away as quickly as it came.
“I’m not the man most people think I am.” His big brown eyes that only moments ago held laughter and lust, fill with pain and doubt.
“Who are you, then?”
“Just a man.  Trying.  Failing.”
“I know.”
“You don’t want me.”
“What if I do?”
You’re surprised by your own admission. It’s the truth.  You do want him.  And not because he’s a ‘hero’ but in spite of it.  You want the man you met tonight.
You watch his feelings war across his face.  His body wants you, that is abundantly clear.  You’re pretty sure his mind and heart do too, if he could only trust them.
“Have you been real with me tonight, Javi?” you ask, brushing the pads of your thumbs over his gorgeous cheekbones.
“I won’t beg.” You’ve lived enough life to know a man that doesn’t want you isn’t worth your time. “But know that I do see you and I want you.  The real you.”
His fingers dig into your hips and he swallows hard. “I’ve never done this.”
“I find that hard to believe.”  That earns you a smirk, some sparkle returning to his eyes.
“You know what I mean.  Real… I’ve never done real.  At least not for a long fucking time.”
“I’m as real as they come, Javi.  Wrinkles and all. Can you handle it?”
He brushes his fingers over the creases at the corners of your eyes and you melt.  “You’re beautiful.”
You bring your lips back to his, gently testing.  He wraps his arms around you, surging up into the kiss.  Heat quickly builds between your bodies as your hands roam freely across his broad shoulders and up into his hair.
He groans against your mouth.
“Take me to bed, querida.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your body is perfect.
Not in the way of youth – firm, angular, unblemished – but well-loved.  Each part of you telling the story of a life well-lived.
He worships each curve of you.  Reveling in what pleasure feels like with someone when he opens himself up.  He kisses your softness, traces each wrinkle with his calloused fingers, delights in the sounds you make as he explores your body.
When you welcome him into your wet heat with a contented sigh, it nearly breaks him in two.  You feel so right around him, moving with him, coming with him.
Sated and drowsy, he lays with you on your bed.  You brush his hair off his forehead and trace your fingers over his laugh lines and the crease between his eyebrows.  He’s lived some life too.
“Still scared?” you ask, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
“Yeah,” he rasps quietly, looking up at your soft smile, “but I think it might be worth it.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
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maraschinomerry · 6 months
Rock Paper Scissors
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Pairings: George Karim x gn!reader, background Locklyle
Summary: George is your best friend, Lucy's convinced there's more to it but he's not your type... is he?
Content: friends to lovers, oblivious flirting, misunderstanding, light swearing and suggestive thoughts, kisses
A/N: it's officially 1 year since I posted my first Lockwood & Co fic!! Thank you all for making it such an incredible year and continuing to support my writing, it means the world to me ❤️ and thank you to the Multiverse of George for fuelling the buff!George fire 🔥 I've even made a montage so everyone can see the vision, plus the gif above of George swinging the chains he's definitely strong 💪
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Word count: 4.2k
Taglist: @neewtmas @marinalor @ettadear @honey-with-tea @mischiefmanaged71 (let me know if you want adding or removing!)
Ever since you'd started working for Lockwood & Co, you and George had had the most playful rivalry.
It had started on the very first day, when you came for your interview. Lucy had welcomed you into the living room while George went to fetch the biscuits. After breezing through the tests, Lockwood gestured to the plate still being clutched by the other boy.
You frowned at the boy in the armchair, who looked like the last thing he wanted to do was to share. “Am I supposed to fight you for them or something?”
George had the audacity to snort. “In your dreams.” But then he did offer you the plate, albeit reluctantly.
Once you got used to one another, you found that you actually got on really well and gradually he became your best friend, but by then you'd set a precedent that neither of you wanted to drop.
“We're heading out soon,” Lucy informed you both as she slid cups of tea across the table. She and Lockwood had an appointment with a client, leaving you and George behind to keep working. “Can one of you oil the chains ready for tonight?”
You turned to George; he was already looking at you. A gleam came to his eye.
“Rock paper scissors?”
“You bet,” you grinned, already raising your hand. It took a few attempts, as you'd done it so many times by now that the two of you knew what each other was planning before it happened, but eventually you lost. Sticking your tongue out, you picked up your cup and headed towards the basement. Lucy followed you down.
“Can I ask you something?” she began cautiously.
“Course you can.” It wasn't like Lucy to not just ask straight out. This was odd.
“What's going on with you and George?” This was definitely odd. “It feels like you've gone past teasing, you're almost flirting with each other.”
Your gaze flew to your friend, who had lingered on the stairs. Was she being serious? “It's not like that, Luce,” you replied, wondering if it was warm in the basement or if it was just you. “I love him to bits, but the same way I love all of you. He's just not my type.”
Her eyebrow quirked up at that. “You have a type?”
“Don't say that like you don't,” you hit back. “You and Lockwood are made for each other! And George is great, really, but I prefer guys a bit more… buff?”
Lucy nodded. “Interesting.” It was spoken with the air of someone who knew exactly why it was interesting and someone who was absolutely not going to explain why. “Well… just don't rule anything out, but please be careful. I love you both too and I'd hate to see either of you get hurt.”
It was touching to hear her so candid about her feelings for you both. “I won't, I promise.”
You always forgot how ridiculously heavy the chains were. Just trying to hoist them up to make sure you'd oiled all the way round each joint was a workout. It was only adrenaline that carried you through working with them on cases. Thank goodness you were almost finished - your arms were beginning to ache and you were sure you were coated in sweat.
“Need a hand?” George's voice drifted from the stairs. You hadn't heard him come down, probably drowned out by the clanking links and your strained grunts, but there he was, sitting on one of the lower steps and watching you in amusement.
“You mean you want me to dishonour the sacred pact of rock paper scissors?” You mimed fainting in shock, taking the opportunity to slump back on the pile of chains and let the tension dissipate from your shoulders.
He chuckled, climbing down the final few steps and holding out his hand. “Will the sacred pact allow a lunch break? I made soup.” He'd got you there and he knew it. You loved his soup. Grinning, you accepted his hand and he pulled you away from the cold, hard metal.
There were two steaming bowls already set out on the table when you got back to the kitchen, and beside yours was a plate of sandwiches, cut exactly how you liked them.
“You're the best.”
“I know,” George smirked. He was eating with one hand, the other scribbling away on the Thinking Cloth. As he became more engrossed, he leant further forwards, his dark curls flopping over his brow. It was fascinating watching him get so engrossed in his work, the whole world melting away around him. Once you finished eating, you glanced across and took his empty bowl from in front of him. He looked up sharply, snapped from wherever his thoughts had taken him.
“Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you,” you mumbled.
“No, it's fine. We should probably get packed.”
You followed him down to the basement and pulled your kit bags from the shelf. Set side by side on the table, you both began to load up.
“You can carry the chains,” you told him over your shoulder as you picked up a half-empty box of flares and emptied it into your bag.
“Hey, you're the one who lost!”
“Only for cleaning them, I've done my bit.”
He huffed, but gave you a smile as he made his way over to the mound of chains. Your eyes widened as he scooped up a whole length in one easy movement and gave them a quick shake loose. You'd spent nearly quarter of an hour trying to manoeuvre that section earlier.
“How the hell did you do that?”
“They're not that heavy,” he shrugged, then added with a cheeky raised eyebrow, “or at least only when you’re trying to clean them.”
You threw the empty cardboard box at his head with a laugh.
A week later, the four of you were nestled in the living room. Outside, rain battered against the windows, which were almost being shaken out of their frames by the driving wind. You'd never have guessed it was June; it felt more like January. The fire was lit in the hearth, the occasional crackle of wood splitting the only other sound.
Eventually, Lockwood broke the silence. “I hate to say it, but someone's going to have to go out. We've got no tea left and barely enough food to last until tonight. We can draw straws to make it fair.”
He needn't have bothered. You and George already had your fists raised. One, two, three, paper. One, two, three, rock. Scissors. Paper. Scissors. Rock. Round and round you went, the symmetry only fuelling your competitive natures.
“This is ridiculous,” Lucy muttered. She was right, of course.
You raised your fist higher, leaning forward in an offered challenge. “Right. Arm wrestle. Loser goes.”
George leaned in, resting his elbow on the table. Lockwood and Lucy exchanged wide-eyed glances.
“Y/n…” Lucy began, but you weren't listening. Your elbow was already mirroring George's, hand in his. You weren't sure why you'd expected the easy, flexible grip of holding a rapier, but his fingers were clenched firmly around the back of your hand. Lockwood moved closer and counted you down.
Your hand hit the table almost immediately.
It felt like all the air had left the room. You stared in shock at the boy opposite, the triumphant toothy grin that crinkled his eyes, the unexpected tightness of his shirt sleeve around his arm. The similar tightness in your chest. Interesting.
Some sort of realisation hit you, and your attention shifted to Lucy. The look she was giving you was almost as satisfied as George's. Warmth flooded your cheeks. You drew in a shaky breath as you struggled to drag your eyes away from George's arm, which was still pinning yours to the table. After a moment, you felt his fingers loosen and with some reluctance pulled your hand away. The silence in the room was palpable. Lucy was still watching you in amusement. Lockwood was watching Lucy, trying to figure out why she had that “I know something you don't” look again over a simple arm wrestle. George was watching you too, his expression slowly shifting from victory to concern.
“Y/n? You okay?” he asked quietly. Your thoughts rushed back into your body, snapping your attention into the real world.
“All good,” you mumbled. “Just preparing to get drenched. If I'm not back in 20 minutes, assume I've been blown to the other end of the country.” At least that got a laugh out of Lockwood. Hurriedly, you stood and made your way to the front door. Why had you agreed to this? It was your own fault, of course, for continuing this whole competitive thing with George, but how were you to know he was that strong? A flash of bicep clouded your vision again, and you reached for the door handle before you did something regrettable.
“Hold on,” a voice came behind you. It was him. Keep it together, you told yourself.
“If you're about to volunteer to take my place, go ahead,” you forced yourself to stay casual.
George moved closer, and you swallowed a lump in your throat. “I was actually going to question why you looked like you were about to leave without a coat.” He reached to the rack over your shoulder, lifting yours from its hook.
“That might help.” You knew you were blushing again, but prayed he thought it was just from embarrassment at being so forgetful. Definitely not how close he was, how he was holding your coat in the same hand that had been holding yours moments ago.
By the time you made it back to the house, you were soaked to the bone and almost shivering. It seemed like the storm wasn't going to let up until at least the next day, so you'd decided to stock up on plenty of food which had seemed like a great idea until you tried to carry it all home. You'd had to stop several times on the way, ducking into doorways and bus shelters to escape the weather as you swapped hands, flexed your shoulders or relieved your fingers from where the handles of the bags had started to make dents. When you finally made it, you held the door open with one foot as you negotiated the bags in and dropped them unceremoniously on the hall floor. George emerged from the living room, alone this time; Lockwood and Lucy must have gone upstairs or down to the basement.
“You look awful.”
“Aww thanks, you're not so bad yourself,” you joked dryly. Oh god, Lucy was right, you were almost flirting. A shiver ran through you and this time you hoped it was from the cold.
For a second, you thought you saw George's eyelids flutter. “Well, I uh… I ran you a bath to warm you back up. I'll put this away.” He hauled up the bags of shopping with barely a huff, and you tried to reason that he hadn't just carried them through a storm.
The water was soothingly warm and scented with lavender salts, the smell wafting up in delicate bursts as it swirled around, relaxing all the tension in your aching muscles. As you lay peacefully, you reflected on what had happened earlier. You weren't sure you'd ever felt… You couldn't even identify what feelings you'd experienced during the arm wrestle. Shock? Embarrassment? No. It was something else, something that Lucy had noticed immediately and had been trying to get through to your oblivious self. But she was wrong, wasn't she? You said it yourself, you weren't into George, even if he did now fulfil your main criteria. Then again, so did plenty of other guys you'd met. Kipps was quite well built, definitely had muscles, but that didn't mean you'd considered dating him. He wasn't like George though - smart, funny, thoughtful George. You couldn't imagine Kipps running you a bath or making your favourite lunch, or doing any number of the things that with George felt so natural. And there were all the little things you did for him that you'd never do for anyone else. No, there were no two ways about it: you were a pair in whatever capacity that meant.
Still didn't mean you fancied him, you told yourself.
You volunteered to help George with the dishes after dinner that night. It was always nice to be able to spend time just the two of you in sync, but tonight especially you figured it was a good idea to be around him in perfectly normal circumstances. You'd chat or enjoy the companionable quiet, you'd both be at ease; nothing could possibly happen, which would give you time to prove your feelings were a fluke.
George picked up his blue rubber gloves and tossed you a tea towel. He was dressed casually, in sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt (so large that the sleeves almost met his gloves at the elbow). The radio was playing quietly in the background, giving you a welcome distraction. Whenever a song you recognised came on, you'd start humming along or singing under your breath, and George would smile at you, sometimes even joining in. Your heart leapt a bit when he did, but that was nothing, you were just happy to be sharing this moment with your friend. He stuck an arm deeper into the sink to grab something at the bottom and made a small noise. Water had splashed up onto the cuff of his sleeve. You giggled at the look of disgust he made at the wet fabric sticking to his skin. The sound died in your throat when he took off his gloves, draped them on the side of the sink and rolled his sleeves up out of the way. You were so used to him being hidden behind his giant tops, or at the very least being in longer sleeved shirts, that seeing his bicep completely exposed was a shock in more ways than one. It wasn't much wonder he'd beaten you so easily at arm wrestling with muscles like that. You wondered whether it was just his arms that were so toned, or was the rest of him the same? Was he hiding a set of abs under that T-shirt too? Were his thighs-
“You okay?” George nudged you, and you hastily looked away.
“I was just…” Come on, come on, find an excuse, your brain urged. “...thinking how this means we both got wet clothes today, if you want me to put that top in with my washing after this?” God that was lame. Not much wonder he wasn't interested in you. That wasn't the point, you reminded yourself.
“Oh,” he smiled. “That'd be great, thanks.” He leant over to put a chopping board on the draining rack, and his bicep brushed against yours. A shockwave of warmth resonated through your whole body. Oh.
“Tell you what,” you forced yourself not to stammer, “are you okay to finish up here and I'll go and grab the laundry basket?” He nodded, and you tried not to fall over your own feet as you retreated to the hallway and sucked in a breath to calm your racing heart. Oh.
You cursed yourself for ever starting this. No, this was Lucy's fault for pointing it out. No, still your fault.
Being around George was becoming unbearable. Not for anything he'd done, rather the things he wasn't doing. He was carrying on exactly as he always had, that inimitable blend of playful and caring, and it was driving you mad not knowing whether he meant any of it in the way you wanted him to. You couldn't say anything, of course. If you were wrong, it would mess up the whole dynamic of the group. That would hurt almost as much as any rejection. But the more things went on, the more you took notice of the little moments between you, the more your feelings grew until it felt like they would crawl out of your chest.
“What the hell were you thinking?” George snapped at Lockwood. He and Lucy had been out on a case which went badly, and now the four of you were sitting at the dining table in the early hours, George applying butterfly stitches to a cut on Lockwood's arm and you cleaning a couple of scratches on Lucy's face. The misty gloom of the night outside the window reflected the atmosphere within.
“I was thinking,” Lockwood snapped back, “that we only had to handle a couple of Type Ones, according to your notes.”
“I told you those weren't finished!”
“Well maybe next time, don't get distracted.” Was it your imagination, or had his gaze flickered to you?
“Maybe next time,” George replied darkly, “do your own research.”
“Fine.” Lockwood pushed his chair back and stalked from the room. Lucy shot you both an apologetic grimace and followed.
George began pacing round the kitchen, hands twitching angrily. You stayed at the table, knowing it was best to give him the space to say or do whatever he needed to let his feelings out. You were there if he needed you.
“Can you believe him?” It was rhetorical, you'd heard him say it enough to know, so you waited for him to continue. “We end up in this situation almost every week, because he's too reckless to wait! I know he'd rather be in the action, but he'd be able to do all that more if he'd let me give him the right information first.”
You gently waded in, trying to be reassuring. “We all know how useful your research is; he just gets overeager, especially when Lucy's involved.”
“I know you know how important it is,” his words sent butterflies through you, “but Lockwood just…” He gave a frustrated huff. “Maybe I should make him do all the legwork for a change.” You tried very hard not to think about whether George's legs were as muscular as his arms.
“I'll support whatever you decide, but for what it's worth I think you should just talk to him.”
He sighed heavily, placing his hands flat on the table and allowing his head to drop. “You're right. Thanks, y/n.” The sincerity in his voice caught you off guard, as did his deep brown eyes as he raised his head to look at you. You were already distracted by the tension which lingered in his shoulders, the rigidity of his arms as they supported his weight, the way he had leaned into the pose so much that now when he looked up his face was so close it almost filled your vision. You swallowed nervously.
“Any time. I- I have to go.” You stumbled up from your chair, ignoring George's confused stare and sounds of protest as you practically bolted from the room.
You lay on your bed in the attic, tears slowly soaking into the pillow you'd buried your face in. This was the end; it had to be. You couldn't carry on working for the agency like this. If George had shown any interest it would be okay - Lockwood and Lucy managed to balance being a couple who worked and lived together, there was no reason you two couldn't do the same, but it could never work being so one-sided. You'd just keep being weird, struggling to hold your nerve around the boy until it would start bleeding into cases and Lockwood would have no choice but to fire you for everyone's safety, if you hadn't already got one of you hurt by then. Not to mention the emotional hurt. It would happen either way, but at least if you walked away now you could control it.
“Y/n?” Lucy's voice came tentatively from the bottom of the steps. “George said you ran off, is everything okay?”
You flipped onto your back, drawing in shuddering breaths to recover from almost suffocating in the pillow. “You were right, Luce.” There was movement on the steps, but you kept your eyes on the ceiling. You couldn't bear to look at anyone right now. “I tried so hard to make sure neither of us got hurt, but George doesn't love me back and now I feel like even if I stay I'm going to lose him.”
The silence that followed dragged on longer than you could bear. Why wasn't she saying anything? You forced yourself to sit up.
George stood at the entrance to your room, eyes wide and lips parted.
You scrambled to your feet. “Shit! I mean, hi, um… how long have you been there?”
George continued to stare.
“I'm so sorry,” the words were rushing out of you now, “I just panicked but I don't want to make things weird so can we just pretend-”
“What do you mean, ‘doesn't love me back'?” he interrupted quietly.
You froze. There was no mistaking it: he'd heard you basically say you loved him and now there he was looking like the mere concept was so unbelievable, like the option hadn't even crossed his mind. Why would it? Time stretched on as you fought the urge to run again, as far as the ever-widening space between you would allow. Neither of you had moved, but you could feel the room expanding around you to make room for the bottomless pit you wanted to crawl into. “I…” you drew in a slow, deep breath, “I was fine just being friends but Lucy got in my head about you being exactly my type and now I think I'm actually flirting while you're still just pretending and I'm sorry…” Tears were pricking at the corners of your eyes and you hurriedly looked away, hoping he wouldn't see.
George stepped closer, and you shrunk even further into yourself. Your heart skipped a beat when he gently tilted your chin up to meet his surprisingly soft gaze. “I meant, why do you think I don't love you back?”
You faltered. Was he saying what you thought he was? “Well, I mean, I thought I'd made things super obvious and awkward but you didn't change so I thought you weren't interested.”
George's hand was still on your chin and his thumb rubbed soothingly across your cheek, wiping away the single tear that had spilled. “I thought you weren't interested! You normally go for those muscly gym guys so I figured I'd take whatever I could get with the arm wrestles and stuff, but then you started avoiding me so I thought you were done with it.”
A small laugh escaped you, and he looked at you in confusion. “Have you seen yourself?” Hesitantly, you raised a hand to his bicep, marvelling at finally being able to feel the muscle instead of just staring at it, and more amazed at the way the boy responded to your touch, drifting closer until you were barely inches apart.
“So then why did you run?” His voice was whisper soft against your face, eyes gazing down at you with an overwhelming blend of sincerity, bewilderment and something like longing. His cheeks were tinted as pink as you knew yours were.
“Got flustered.”
“Flustered? You? I don't believe you.” A smile tugged at the edge of his lips, the playfulness you were used to creeping back into his voice. It was such a relief to feel the tension dissipating from the room, to have your George back, that you buried your head in his shoulder with a giggle. He laughed too, wrapping an arm around your waist. “Oh, I see, you really want to do this? Okay, let's see ‘flustered y/n’ at their best.”
You yelped in surprise as his other arm hooked under your legs and swept you off your feet, your arms flying up round his neck for support. His arm was tense across your back but he looked the most relaxed he'd been since he walked in, and he shifted you closer to press a quick kiss to your lips before setting you down on the bed and sitting beside you.
“Lucy's going to be very smug about this, you know,” he nudged you.
“I know,” you whined, burying your face in your hands. “Rock paper scissors for who has to tell her.” George laughed again and placed his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer as you leant into the embrace.
“Is this just a ploy to get more hugs?”
“Is it working?”
In response, he brought his other arm around your waist and kissed your forehead. You smiled, leaning up to kiss him properly, and he reciprocated eagerly.
Lucy had left George alone on the steps to your room once you started your confession, giving you both a bit of privacy, and decided when he didn't come back downstairs immediately that things had either gone very badly or very well. She believed, and hoped, that it was the latter. Her suspicions were confirmed when she came to tell you she'd made breakfast and found you fast asleep, wrapped in George's arms.
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hoippu · 5 months
Chronological ZoLu Fanfic Masterlist [improved]
Guide for people who want to avoid anime spoilers
you can check out the google doc for more updates on this list (There is a total of 53 fanfics on the google doc so far)
Hey Lover! by clouddq
-takes place when zoro is recruited -soulmates AU (pre-timeskip)
I’ll Take This Piece of You by lucerile
-One Piece Live Action -Pre-arlong park but post baratie -(pre-timeskip)
Definitely, Spontaneously by croissantmusain
-One Piece Live Action and regular one piece anime/manga -no spoilers -pre-timeskip
last year i abstained by Augment
-part 1 of a series -(pre-timeskip i think) -No major spoilers
this year i devour by Augment
-part 2 or companion fic of last year i abstained -(pre-timeskip i think) -No major spoilers
I Don’t Talk (I Kiss Things) by lostmagician
-One Piece Live Action -I guess there aren’t any major spoilers -(pre-timeskip)
to fail you would be to fail myself by yinyu_ink
-One Piece Live Action -(pre-timeskip) -takes place after Arlong Park
Found in the Crack of your Palm by The_Furthest_City_Light
-(pre-timeskip) -takes place from the beginning until somewhere after alabasta
catching butterflies by aquietdin
-(pre-timeskip) Takes place sometime between Skypiea arc but before Long Island arc. -You should also watch the G-8 filler arc because I think it’s referenced, but it’s okay cuz it is honestly the best and only filler arc worth watching. (G-8 is right after skypiea)
Gold-Tinted Days by needchocolatenow
-indefinite time period but brook’s there. there’s no spoilers
Ode to an ocean by novks (thychesters)
-(pre-timeskip) -Takes place right before water 7.
Chimes by drcalvin
-(pre-timeskip) Contains spoilers from Water 7/ Post-Enies Lobby.  -Takes place shortly after marineford I think. Maybe wait until the timeskip begins before reading this one just in case.
Unable Are the Loved to Die by BasicallyACat
-(pre-timeskip) post Enies Lobby up until sabaody -part 1 of a series
a Losing Game by Angelgotchi
-right after water 7 probs pre-thriller bark -(pre-timeskip)
greed by species_baby
-(pre-timeskip) Thriller Bark
Feelings, what a mess! by drcalvin
(post-timeskip) Very early into the timeskip. I’d say you can read when they’re on the way to fishman island.
Let me carry your scars by arkhamsjason
Heliotrope by LostInClouds
-(post-timeskip) -As long as you reach the timeskip and have made it more or less to when they are sailing to Fishman Island, you should be fine.
The Things we do for Love by LostInClouds
-(post-timeskip) - It’s recommended that you reach the timeskip for this one too and probably before fishman island is also good enough
Feed your plants a little sunlight by swordsmans
(post-timeskip) indefinite time period tho i think Inspired by this comic
Of First Mates and Duty by Whatev3rs
-(post-timeskip) takes place at an indefinite point in the timeskip after return to sabaody arc. -kind of part 1 of another fic
Look at this! by nuftda
-(pre-timeskip and post-timeskip) takes place from the beginning up until some indefinite point in the early timeskip
‘Til You by Whatev3rs
-Post-timeskip -no real spoilers -it’s KIND OF a continuation of Of First Mates and Duty by Whatev3rs
Kizuna by YokoHogawa
-(post-timeskip) after fishman island
His Captain, Captivating by jirachi
-a sequel to Unable Are the Loved to Die -(post-timeskip) takes place up until the end of dressrosa i think
The Five Times Luffy Kissed Zoro, and the One Time Zoro Kissed Luffy by EclecticIsMyMiddleName
-This one takes place throughout the story up until the end of Wano arc. -It’s preferable that you’re fully caught up because it’s so good you might wanna binge it.  -see google doc if you want a more detailed description of where each chapter takes place in case u cant wait that long
To the ends of the earth (I'll follow you, worship you, love you) by lunarblossoms
-(post-timeskip) occurs when luffy awakens gear 5
Carnelian and Gold by kermit_coded
-Post timeskip  -No major spoilers
I Do the Dumbest Things for You by it_is_i_a_simple_nerd
-(post-timeskip) -Takes place somewhere between wano and egghead
Loyal Till Death Do Us Part by StygianHeart
-(post-timeskip) -takes place after wano and does have some spoilers at the beginning -it takes place in a fictional arc n stuff so its cool
I'm gonna make another masterlist later for the AU fics or maybe add them to this list but you can still find them in the google doc
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