#I miiiisssssss you
stokesy55 · 22 days
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I miss watching him play 😢
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kpslp · 6 months
A Serious Confession
“Miss, it’s really not necessary for you to come with me,” Obi tries to explain for what feels like the tenth time, staring at her from the passenger’s seat with a smirk. “This is only a small procedure. I’ll be out before you know it.” 
*Click below for the full fic. :)
“Miss, it’s really not necessary for you to come with me,” Obi tries to explain for what feels like the tenth time, staring at her from the passenger’s seat with a smirk. “This is only a small procedure. I’ll be out before you know it.” 
Rolling her eyes, Shirayuki pulls into the parking lot, turning off the car before facing him. “And that,” she points out while unbuckling her seatbelt, “is exactly why I’m here. You’re having your wisdom teeth surgically removed, Obi. I know you aren’t concerned but you’ll be high as a kite. You always downplay everything. If I left you to your own devices, you’d probably try to drive yourself home or hitch a ride with a stranger.” 
Leaning across the console, he presses a chaste kiss to her cheek while wiggling his eyebrows. “It’s so cute that you’re worried for my safety.” 
Giving him a playful shove, Shirayuki nods toward the office and opens her car door. “Come on, handsome. Enough stalling.” 
Shirayuki flips through a collection of old magazines on display, then scrolls through various news articles on her phone as she waits, only half focusing on what she’s reading. Obi loathes receiving medical treatment of any kind, writing anything and everything off as a “flesh wound,” including the broken rib he sustained last year after an incident at the gym - the very same that led to their first meeting in the emergency room.
She didn’t tell him outright, but a part of her is worried he’ll come up with a reason to avoid the appointment or slip out after arriving, so she also came along to make sure he actually goes through with the procedure. Therefore, she’s keeping her eyes and ears open for anything suspicious. 
All is quiet for around an hour, until she pinpoints a commotion down the hall from the waiting room. Shirayuki knows what it is before a kind nurse comes to retrieve her and inquires with an amused tone, “You’re Miss, I take it?” 
Nodding, the redhead gathers her belongings and steps forward.
“He’s awake and asking for you. Follow me, please.” 
Obi’s voice grows louder and louder with every step, and Shirayuki’s unable to stop herself from smiling when she begins to make out his slurred words. 
“Miss? Miiiisssssss,” he calls over and over again, mouth clearly stuffed with gauze. “Where are youuuu?” 
Barely stifling a laugh, she approaches the treatment chair, laying a gentle palm on his arm to announce her presence. Obi’s bright eyes focus on her after a few seconds, a dopey smile overtaking his face. 
“You’re here,” he whispers in amazement, staring at her as though she hung the moon.
“Yes, I’m here,” she giggles, reaching out to hold his hand. 
“You’re sooooo pretty,” Obi announces with wide eyes, apparently determined to speak despite the fact his cheeks are swollen and his mouth is bleeding. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re an angel.”
“That’s very sweet,” she replies, pressing a light kiss to his temple. “I think you’re pretty, too. Now wait here while I go get your paperwork-”
“Nooooo!” he interrupts, and she watches in confusion as his brows draw together, forehead wrinkling in frustration. “I’m not done.” 
“You are done, Obi. I can take you home now. I’ll be right back, ok?” Before she can turn on her heel, he reaches out to grab her sleeve. 
“Misssss, listennnn-” 
“Everything is fine, I’ll be right back-”
That stops her in her tracks. They’ve been dating for almost a year and he’s never once referred to her by her first name. 
“I love youuuu,” he sings, his lazy grin growing even bigger by the second, “and I’m going to love you foreverrr, ok?”
This time, Shirayuki leans down and softly presses her lips against his. “That sounds perfect. I love you too.” 
“Oh, thank goodness!” Obi exclaims, suddenly looking thoroughly relieved. “Now I can give you thissss.” 
One of his hands blindly fishes through his pocket until he pulls out a ring, presenting it with pride. Her green eyes almost bulge out of her head before they fill with tears. 
“How long have you had that?” 
“Months and months!”
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silly-fly-media · 4 years
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RWBY Art Challenge 2020
Day 3 - JNPR/RNJR/ORNJ/JNOR Member - Nora Valkyrie
Ladies and Gentlemen!! Let us all introduce you to a Miiiisssssss Noraaaaa Valkyriiiiiiiiieeee!!!!! (I love her so much... I love her...)
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crazy-half-horse · 3 years
welcome to today's story - life of a substitute teacher
*some kids taking out their phone pointing their camera at something*
"could you please not use your phone during class, please delete whatever you just filmed!"
"MIIIISSSSSSS we didn't film anything"
"it doesn't matter what you did there, you shouldn't be using your phone in the first place, put it away!"
"but MIIIIIISSSSSS we caught *insert weird name*!"
"you've... played Pokémon during class?"
-the tale of why we have specific rule against playing Pokémon during class
-the tale of how 4 kids had to go to the headmaster explaining why i confiscated their phones
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