#I mean. I already did. I took a research class and wrote a paper on moral scrupulosity ocd and social media
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spyroz · 3 months ago
I think precisely Why tumblr is so bad for many ocd havers is that many posts, even well written good faith posts, are written with a Defensive Style. Like, posts that are written as if they're responding to a widely believed argument that YOU could be participating in. Posts that are like seeing the tip of an iceberg float past. For many people it's funny and it can be brushed off as a chronically online argument, but for the ocd having chronically online teenager, they suddenly Have to Check to make sure they aren't a part of the generalized trend or group or take that the post is ripping on
So basically, if you're a chronically online teen/young adult, your response to Defensive Posting is to always try to be ahead of the game on what's the correct topic or take to post about, so that You can either escape from harassment, or make the Most Defensive posts. I saw this a lot with teens on Twitter as well.
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haitaniplug · 3 years ago
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summary - you really want to go abroad for the summer, but your grades fucking SUCK, so your parents won’t allow you to until you get them up. you were so ready to focus on the rest of the year until you get partnered up with Rindou Haitani. The boy that comes into school once every blue moon. And to make matters worse, it’s a project where participation counts. So now it’s your job to harass Rindou into getting his shit straight.
tags - enemies to friends to lovers , angst , crack , college au, eventual smut , fluff.
status - ongoing
series masterlist
Taglist : @q-the-rockaholic @crown5 @gumiwaka
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Rindou was so tempted to just block her but then he almost forgotten he was texting off of your account. He rolled his eyes and shut the phone off, you had been to engrossed in your research paper to realise that 1) he took your phone and 2) he’s been staring at you the entire time.
He didn’t mean to stare, it’s just there was a certain look on your face that only came out when you were concentrating on something.
He really liked that look of concentration and mindlessly kept staring at you. Took him this long to realise you were sort of pretty. He didn’t really care before, just seeing you as a partner but the more he stared at you, the more he didn’t want to look away.
And he knew he had been staring for a while, he just couldn’t bring himself to look away.
“Rindou, look!“ your voice finally broke his stare and he shifted his chair closer to you, a bit too close to the point it startled you, but you looked at Rindou and saw it didn’t bother him, so you shouldn’t be one to bother either.
You ignored his close proximity and pointed at your screen. “I managed to write thisss much,” you said while scrolling on the document. Rindou’s eyes widened seeing how much you wrote about the deep psychology of love and attraction. What it means to be attracted to someone and how your body reacts.
“Where did you get this information? It seems too personal to be from the internet.” Does she have a lover? He thought.
“My parents. I spoke to them yesterday and we had a really nice talk.” You smiled to yourself, realising this was the first conversation you had with them in a long time that didn’t end in arguments.
“What are you smiling about?” Rindou teased you and you pushed him away jokingly. “No it’s just— I,” you paused not knowing if you should tell him about that. You barely know him after all.
Rindou saw your hesitation and quickly spoke in, “you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. If it’s personal I get it. We all have things to hide.” He had his own share of guilty conscience so he knew where you would be coming from if you didn’t want to tell him.
Just a deep deep part of him wished you did tell him. He took Ayas words to heart for a second. You don’t know a thing about y/n. It was indeed true. The only thing he knows about you is that your name is y/n.
“It’s not something to hide, it’s just a pretty sensitive topic that’s all,” you spoke out cutting him out of your thoughts, “but I appreciate you for not asking any further. Maybe I misjudged you, you’re pretty nice Rindou.” You sent him a small smile and he nodded, hoping you would turn back to the laptop and finish your work so you couldn’t see the red creeping up on his face from your words.
Take that Aya. He thought. Now having some internalised competition for your attention. Aya didn’t deserve you.
He didn’t either, but he was feeling selfish in that moment and he wasn’t sure why.
“Ahh my fingers hurt,” your voice broke him out of his thoughts once again. “Want to take a break?” He asked and you nodded before reaching for your phone.
Normally he wouldn’t give two fucks that you’re going on your phone, but it hit him after you had already unlocked it that you were going to see his dms with Aya.
Before he was able to stop you, your fingers were already typing away. He could do nothing to stop you, so he just sat back in his chair watching your fingers move and lightning speed.
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Before he could even lean over his chair to read what you had said, you shut your phone off. “I think I’m going to head home for today.” You sent him a smile but he knew it was fake.
“Want me to drop you off?” He suggested knowing you were in a bad mood but didn’t want you to leave so early.
“I’ll walk it’s okay.” You stood up and waved him goodbye before leaving the classroom.
What happened in their dms? Rindou thought. A part of him was happy that your reaction was like that, cause it meant that you and Aya didn’t make up.
So ha Aya. Rindou : 1.
But he couldn’t help but feel bad that now you were been sadder. Why does he even care ? You’re not his responsibility, so why does he feel the need to cheer you up?
Before his mind could register what he was doing he brought his phone out and started to type away.
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He did have your email actually, from that time you emailed him something at his house.
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bonbonthedragon · 3 years ago
Say My Name
Bakugou x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing? Cursing, fluff
Note: enjoy!
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“So ya can’t talk or somethin’?”
His eyes rolled, an irritated look crossing his face as he leaned back in his seat, looking her up and down. How the hell was he to do a partner project when his damn partner couldn’t get a word out?
“Look,” he sighed, pulling a paper from his bag and slamming it on the table, not meaning for the action to be so brash. He really didn’t mean it, but she flinched just slightly at it. A week into this class and he found that his semester partner was a damn mute. God fucking damn it. “I can’t work with ya if you don’t even speak with me.” Still she said nothing, just stared almost apologetically. “At least you’re not Deku.” He mumbled, crossing his arms.
After a few minutes of silence (y/n) had taken the paper, pulling a pencil out and labeled the top; drawing. Looking up at the bored she studied the words that was to be their assigned subject. Just moments later her hand moved, lines crossing the page. Bakugou watched, raising a brow and taking another paper out. “Fine. If ya decorate and plan the damn thing I’ll do all the writing and researching, got it?” As if she were reading his mind, she had already handed him another paper labeled; information and linked websites. He scowled, grumbling. “Tch, don’t tell me what to do.” and he began to write as he pinned off the textbook.
He would have thought it would suck, but (y/n) wasn’t bad company. The way the room stayed quiet was perfect for bakugou and his loud mind. It was a perfect sync of on and off, music humming separately in both their headphones while check ins were necessary for small nods and approval. Surprisingly he only found himself yelling once and it was because her water spilled on his work, making his quirk pop off and her to jump in shock. That’s when he noted to maybe tone it down, but he hadn’t yet found a reason to really be upset anyway.
Perhaps she just didn’t like to talk, or didn’t know how…? Or perhaps she just preferred it, maybe even didn’t know proper Japanese?
He curiously looked over, his eyes searching. She hadn’t even noticed, bulky head phones on and typing away quickly. She sure damn knew how to type fast. He found his eyes drifting down, down, down until they set on her lips. They were caught under her teeth in concentration, clearly entranced in the work and ready to get it over and done with. He was just as entranced, but not in the same subject that pulled her in. So when he found his eyes to her lips and his heart began to pulse, he froze. Fuck. Absolutely FUCKING not!
His palms ignited and a vein popped from his head, abruptly standing and making her jump as well. Ignoring her shaking and stunned figure, he went to the door and opened it, pointing. “Get out” he demanded
(Y/n) just stared, slowly taking her computer all the while her eyes never left his. And all too quickly bakugous irritation grew, her movements like molasses he went over began to stack her papers and shoving them in the notebook, pushing them into her arms. She stumbled at the harsh move, her mouth opening in a silent stutter before he took her shoulders and walked her over to the hall. And once her feet hit the tile he slammed the door. He left (y/n) just standing there, her breathing catching up to her and closing her mouth.
“Yo man what’s with the slamming doors- oh- hey (y/n)”
She turned, eyeing kirishima in response.
“You okay? Did bakugou explode on you?”
(Y/n) shook her head, turning around and began to walk down the hall and to the elevator. Before kirishima could even ask more the button was pushed and the doors closed.
Something in bakugou absolutely pounded. But it wasn’t unpleasant, just…annoying. Suddenly his phone pinged.
(Y/n): you okay? Did I do something wrong?
He stared at it a moment, his fingers hovering over his screen to swipe to the text. He wrote back quickly before he could regret anything else.
Bakugou: I don’t need you for the rest of the project. I finished my shit.
Her typing bubble came up, but as quickly as it did, it disappeared. He waited anxiously for a reply. So when he stared at the time in the corner and realized he waited 5 straight minutes he threw his phone onto the bed, grumbling.
The morning of he didn’t see her, not until he was in the classroom and the bell for class began. (Y/n) dragged her feet in, excusing herself with a bow toward Aizawa for her tardiness. It was slow, her backpack low on her back and heavy eye bags hung on her skin. And when she fell into the seat just next to him, she yawned big and muggy.
Her eyes slid over to him
“You look like shit”
Another moment of staring, and (y/n) looked away, resting her head on her arm while she opened her notebook. His heart sank a bit, an achy feeling he has yet to…well…ever feel. So he put his attention on the board, watching as his teacher jotted down some weekly assignments and threw it back down onto the ledge. And once that chalk hit the stand the bell rang and everyone stood to greet him. While his head was down, bakugou felt something nudge at his knuckles. It scratched thinly and he looked over to see (y/n) pushing a paper to his hand. Before Aizawa could even notice, he took the paper, plopping back down as told and unfolded it.
-Are you alright?
Immediately he set it down, crumbling it in his palm and tossing it in his backpack. Half a year of this shit and suddenly she began asking if he was okay?
Classes only continued like this, frequent glances and scarce comments as he passed a paper that was to be signed by the class. The blond just couldn’t help it, too curious about her every move after last night.
It seemed the period went by all too slowly. Finally the bell had rang for lunch and the classroom began to wane of students and fill the hallways. He watched as (y/n) stretched, yawning before taking out a paper and going up to Aizawa. He knew she normally stayed a bit after class, but he never waited around to see why.
“I have a question”
His ears immediately perked, his eyes shooting up.
“Let me see” Aizawa said, taking it from her but with enough room so she could point it out.
“I was looking through the 12th question and I’m having a hard time with the research.”
The man looked at it a moment, turning his computer screen and beginning to type away. On the other hand, bakugou found himself entranced, never having heard her voice before. Never knowing she could even speak.
“Well…” he scrolled some, eyes wondering. “You know what…go ahead and skip that one, I’ll let the rest of the class know too. I don’t like how the district put that together.” And he handed the paper back. “I won’t count against it.”
Nodding, (y/n) thanked him and went back towards her seat, finally getting her things together. And as she walked out, he followed with little thought.
It seemed his actions became before his thoughts because just after he stepped out after her he had her hands in his. She gasped, bakugou putting her against the wall and she seemed so small against him. He furrowed his brows.
“Are…you okay…?” (Y/n) asked, voice so small he was glad to be this close to hear it. He liked her voice.
“That’s the third damn time you’ve asked that” he snarled, moving his head back a bit to study her.
It became almost awkward, having the hall empty and just leaving them in it. He didn’t think this through, hell, he hadn’t expected himself to do any of this. So when he found himself again feeling that feeling, his eyes trailing down to her lips and his palms becoming just a bit sweaty, he let go.
“So ya do talk,” he huffed. “Fuckin tease”
She looked at him questionably, opening her mouth just a bit before closing it. And she stayed silent.
He frowned, hands going to her cheeks and making her jump. He thumbed at the sides of her mouth, weighing it and tugging them back until it had her in a forced, fake smile. She rose a brow at him, (y/n)s hands going to his wrist and pushing him away. But he only grabbed them.
She became irritated, “bakugou-“
His eyes widened and his core shook. Like a magnet he couldn’t help himself when his lips came to hers, hands on her cheeks again and she palmed his chest and balled his shirt up in her fingers, startled.
A small sound came from her and just as she shoved, he pulled away. Everything stilled and bakugou felt himself heat, his skin going pale yet tiniting a scarlet red. What the fuck did he do. Why-
He slapped a hand over his mouth, stepping back. He’d never kissed someone, he’d never…never felt like this. So the thoughts he’s been having have been-
“You fuckin-“ he swallowed before felling his hands pop, his quirk telling his feelings all too well.
So he walked, he walked fast to the lunch room before she could even say his name again.
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potter-imagines · 4 years ago
Library Confessions (George Weasley)
Summary:  george fluff?? maybe like some sort of best friends to lovers kinda deal?
Notes: I've been wanting to write George for a while so I was excited to make this !! hope you enjoy x
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff
Word Count: 5.3k
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It was a flurry and cold winter day, the kind of day when every breath stings the lungs and every exhale chills the lips. The frigid air, the slippery ground and the sheet of white covering the once green grass. All signs winter was here and cold times were ahead. Even in the highlands of Scotland, the winters were ferosus and unforgiving. Seeing as it was your seventh, and final, year at Hogwarts, most would assume you’d have adapted to the cold by now, but that wasn’t the case. Although as much as you despised the freezing temperature, the pulsating tick of your headache preferred the cold over the thunderous noise back inside.
The Gryffindor common room was too rambunctious- wild, uncontrolled for your desires tonight. It was Friday and tomorrow was the highly anticipated day trip to Hogsmeade. Students were understandable thrilled and you would have loved to join in, but the throbbing pain and stress of school on your shoulders masked your fun. The migraines were brought on by school, but also the idea that you would not get to join your friends tomorrow.
Your feet carried you further from the common room, the rowdy noise fading with every step. If the weight of homework wasn’t so heavy on your shoulders, the party would’ve been in your plans. You tried to stay as long as you could but after about twenty minutes, and three Weasley fireworks being set off, you decided a breath of fresh air sounded delightful.
Your best friends, Fred and George Weasley, were the cause of this chaos. They were fully sober yet drunk off the energy of the room. When you had left, Fred and Lee were orchestrating a tournament of pumpkin juice pong, and George was sitting on the scarlet couch talking to Harry, Ron and Hermione. His eyes darted to you every few seconds. Sometimes he would hold the gaze, or send you a wink, but most of the times he snapped his head back to the golden trio, pretending his attention was elsewhere.
It made your heart thump against the bones of your chest. You were sure if he had been sitting beside you he’d surely hear it, loud and clear. A deep pink blush spread across your cheeks at the thought of George. You had been close friends with the twins since you stepped foot on the Hogwarts Express and sat in the same cabinet as them. Through the years, the bond grew stronger yet developed differently with each twin. Fred was like an annoying, overbearing, proactive big brother and George, well, the affection you felt for George was not in a brotherly way. 
Since your third year, you started noticing subtle things about him. Like how he arched his eyebrows when he spoke, or when he’d bite his lip when taking notes. He also had a tendency to eat his dessert first, if you got him laughing enough he’d accidentally let out a tiny snort and he always stood to your left when you walked to class together. When winter came, George was always shedding his clothes in order to keep you warm. Fred would complain that you knew it was snowing, therefore it’s your fault for being cold, but never George. Not to say that Fred is cruel, he can be a gentleman when he chooses but your relationship was more sibling bickering and competition. But George had always been a bit, sweeter than Fred.
Most wrote the twins off as one person but the differences between the twins was written out in neon signs, in your eyes. Maybe it was because you were closer to the twins than most, besides Lee. They were both your best friends, but they treated you in polar opposite ways. If Fred ever tried to cuddle you in his bed, you were sure you’d ‘Stupefy’ him into oblivion. When George did it, you could hardly croak a breath with all the rockets exploding in your heart.
The fragrance of frosted pine and butterscotch wafted through the nipping air as you approached the north entrance of the castle. Winter was finally here. The beauty of Hogwarts shined most bright during this time of the year. Snow crunched under the weight of your foot while you trudged through the courtyard taking advantage of the short cut. With the overwhelming school work piling by the second, slipping into the library didn’t seem like such a bad idea. You had two papers, a research project for Magical Creatures, and an exam in Potions. Not to mention you were expected to memorize and perfect a list of disarming and protection spells before Defense Against the Dark Arts by Tuesday.
Lost in your own stress, you hardly noticed your feet carrying you into the large doors of the library. The lighting was low and the attendance was even dimmer. A few Hufflepuffs and a handful of Ravenclaws were scattered around the room. Madam Pince nodded her head at your arrival then returned to her work behind the main desk.
Sliding into an empty table, you started to situate yourself. A stack of parchment was already waiting next to a clean quill and glass container of ink. It wasn’t hard to find the necessary textbooks and you returned back to your seat rather quickly.
A good twenty minutes had passed before your ears perked up at the sound of Madam Pince scolding a student. You didn’t have a clean view of her desk but you assumed a group had gotten too loud for her liking. Turning back to your book you faced away from the main entrance of the library. Eyes scanning the textbook, a new presence creeping up behind you went unnoticed. As you flipped to the next page in the advanced potions book, a grasp clamped down on either shoulder and a pair of lips hovered dangerously close to your ear. The unexpected warmth created a jolt on energy through your body. You practically flung out of your chair in surprise, whipping around to face your attacker. The initial glare and scowl soon washed away as your eyes met a familiar pair of warm, chocolate orbs.
George Weasley had a devilish grin, proudly basking in your shock. Not giving you a second to refuse his arrival, George pulled the wooden chair besides you out and sat in it. Throwing his arm across your shoulder, he smiled innocently at you.
“And what might you be doing in here on this eventful Friday evening, hm?”
Still reeling in shock, you placed your hand over your heart in hopes to calm down from the scare. Wildly glaring up at George, you yelled in a hush tone,
“George! You nearly gave me a heart attack- what’re you doing here?” You smacked his chest with a thud, though George remained unphased. His eyes squinted down at you while he shot back,
“Pretty sure I asked you first, love.” He said smugly. A large maroon and gold sweater adorned his frame, paired with dark washed jeans. You could smell the signature scent of pine and cinnamon that wafted wherever he followed. Folding your book on the table top, you glared playfully at the ginger.
“What else is there to do in a library besides studying?” The smart reply caused a twinkle in George’s eyes. You could practically see the gears turning as his witty side took control. His fingers tightened around the blades of your shoulder, dragging you a tad closer to him.
“Plenty of things-” An instant smack came as you knocked his side once more. George chuckled at your reaction, clearly amused by the flusterness taking over your features. Motioning towards the stack of parchment and mountain high pile of lengthy textbooks, you shook your head.
“I’ve got a lot of work due this coming week, so figured I’d get a head start.”
��Ah, you weren’t enjoying the party.” He declared knowingly. George typically never left your side during house parties. The anxiousness and suffocation of the noise that crept into your veins was always capped by the feeling of his arm around your shoulder protectively. Although tonight, George ran to the Golden Trio the moment the function began, leaving you alone in the corner with Dean and Seamus. You were friends with the boys but George was the only one who could make you feel relaxed and him being busy, escaping the party seemed like the best option.
Leaning into your chair, a heavy sigh fell from your parted lips at the recollection of tonight. “Not really I suppose. I don’t know… not in the partying mood tonight.” You admitted softly. George’s face furrowed immediately, concerned painting his features boldly. The dim lighting of the library all but hid the gleam of worry in his eyes.
“What’s got you stressed, darling?”
Scoffing at the question you picked up your book and started flipping through the pages again. For starters, you couldn’t decide where was the best place to start when it came to all your worries. There was He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named who returned last school year, the fact that the twins were planning on leaving early to open their shop (which they asked you to help run once you finished with school), home stress, school work, your feelings for George, trying to figure out your plans for after Hogwarts, and so much more. The weight of the world was crashing down on you and for the first time, you felt like allowing it to crumble you.
“You mean besides the school work I’m drowning in and the ever looming fear of being murdered by the Dark Lord himself? Eh, not much.” The sarcastic reply was all too familiar to George. Having spent the last seven years glued to your side, he started to pick up on your antics. Like your constant need to use sarcasm to hide your genuine fears. He studied you for a moment, searching for any hint on what really had you worked up.
Reaching his hand out, George plucked the potions book from your hands and started surveying it. He tilted the book upside down, pretending to read the text. Scrunching his brows, the fiery twin feigned comprehension of the material, a small ‘oohh’ and ‘hm’ falling from his lips as he did so. His silly antics caused you to giggle as he threw the book back to the table.
“Why’re you doing homework on a Friday night, anyhow? You’ve got all tomorrow morning and all day Sunday for that!”
“Technically have all day tomorrow as well-” George stopped you short as he cut into the conversation stubbornly.
“No, we’re all going to Hogsmeade and I already claimed your spot next to me at The Three Broomsticks!” He resembled a pouty child as he huffed besides you. Flipping the page of your textbook, your mouth bunched in the corner, guilt entering your bloodstream.
“I’m really sorry, Georgie. If my grades slip any further- my mum’ll have my head on a stick! Besides, I didn’t figure it would be that big of a deal, everyone else is going so I’m sure my absence will not be noticed.” Your laugh was meant to cover the tang of honest hurt, although you hoped it would slip past him. Of course, George noticed everything when it came to you and seeing you down was definitely not something he felt okay with ignoring.
“But I’ll notice- just like I did tonight.” He added with a point of the finger. It was true, George always seemed to notice when you were missing. He also always seemed to know where you were when you did sneak away.
“Thanks…” Trailing off, you glanced over to George. The honey like orbs were already examining your features. You assumed he must’ve picked up on the sadness dripping through your pores because the next thing you knew, George was offering up his entire Saturday.
“You want me to stay back with you?” Your head snapped in his direction immediately. With a bugged stare, you shook your head feverishly.
“What- no! You and Fred practically countdown the days until we get to go to Hogsmeade. I know how bad you wanna go, don’t skip out ‘cause of me.”
“We do have another trip next month so I can just wait to go until then. I’m sure Hogsmeade will still be flourishing by then. C’mon, you know you want me to stay back. You’ll bore yourself to death without me around!”
“You’d just be staying back because you feel bad-” George interrupted you, face reading bewilderment at your accusation.
“No, I’d be staying back because I want to. Y/n, when have I ever hung out with someone I don't want to be around- besides Percy seeing as I’m obligated to share a home with him. I want to spend time with you, that’s why I look forward to Hogsmeade trips. Get to spend time with you outside of the castle. So if you’re not there, I’m just gonna be miserable, love. Which means, I better just stay back with you.” A mischievous smirk rose to his lips as he finished his spiel, crossing his arms across his chest. The material of his sweater bunched around his fold and you admired Molly’s handiwork. Pressing your finger into his chest, you gave George a playful shove. He reached out for the table top to sturdy himself as he chuckled. Batting your lashes you teasingly cooed,
“Sounds like someone can’t get enough of me.” Not missing a beat, George rested his elbow on the tabletop. His chin was planted in his palm as he leered dreamily.
“Thought we already established that.” He winked over to you. Lifting up your heavy book, you sheltered your blushing cheeks behind the pages. Your forehead pressed deeply into the pages as you folded the covers around your heated face.
“You joke too much.” Mumbling into the book, you were taken aback when a hand abruptly snatched the book from your fingertips. You watched as the book went above your head, then settled in George’s hand. He snapped the cover shut between his hands, an echoing ‘snap’ invading the library. The peppermint lingering on his breath smacked against your lips. George ran his finger over the title page, then tossed it to the side. As the book slammed on the counter, he turned his head back to you.
“Never about my feelings towards you, though.” He stated seriously. Your brows pulled together in a stern line.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your furrowed gaze rested heavily upon him.
“I just… really like spending time with you. Like just the two of us.” As he finished speaking, you watched cautiously as George’s hand sneaked over to land on top of yours. His palm was warm on top of yours. After a few seconds, he flipped your hand over so it was set inside his. That comfort feeling bursted in your chest under the weight of his eyes. It was funny how the simplest of actions from him could cause a firework extravaganza in your chest. The tension in your throat was increasing.
“I do, too, Georgie. You’re very sweet.” You smiled awkwardly, the bashfulness overcoming every cell in your body. When Fred complimented you or was too kind, it made you suspicious. Usually he buttered you up before a prank, so you never fully trusted his words but George? George was too gentle to ever set you up or put you in harms way.
“Y/n… there was actually something I’ve been meaning to ask you- well something I was gonna ask you tomorrow but seeing as you’re not going, might as well as you now.” The mumble was a notch above audible. You watched on as he fumbled with his hands, twiddling his thumbs nervously. His anxiousness was contagious as you soon felt uneasy as well. Your mind raced in worry as you wondered what was clouding his mind. As if it was second nature, your hand moved out in reaction to his worrisome state to snake his hand into your own. Softening your piercing stare, you squeezed his hand tightly.
“What’s wrong, George?”
His attention was shifted to your locked hands. It wasn’t the first time you held his hand, although it was the first time you were knocked off balance by the wave of electricity streaming down your spine from the touch. Based on his reaction, you figured George felt it too.
“Uh, would you ever want to, like, go on a date? I um, I’ve really liked you for quite some time now and I keep trying to ask you but I get nervous cause… I just needed to tell you myself before Fred does it for me.”
“Tell me now if this is a prank, George Weasley.” The sternness in your voice was something George only heard on occasion. He knew not to joke when it came to your heart so he was taken aback by your words, though understood why. You saw the confusion stirring in his brain before he settled your worries.
“It’s not a prank, love, I swear on my life. I would never lie about my feelings, that I can promise.”
“Tomorrow?” You looked up, eyes peeking over to your side. George had hardly moved and stared blankly at you. It was if his brain had hit a wall and was lagging in processing. The candle on the table flickered, orange and red shadows flashing across his face. Even in the shadows the razor sharp edges of his jaw and cheekbones popped.
“Huh?” He croaked.
Catching a Weasley twin off guard was not a common thing and George appeared baffled. Hands folded in your lap, you could feel the small shake to his grasp. In an odd way, you felt a surge of confidence knowing you had the power to make George blush. Tightening your hand around his own, you roamed the pad of your thumb across his knuckles.
“Could we go on a date tomorrow? After I finished at least two of my papers- could we go on a date then?” It was hard to shake the electric shock tingling through your bones. Never before had you basked in eyes as beautiful as his. His eyes reminded you of a pool of whiskey and shades of chestnut. When the light flashed, a honey, caramel tint soaked his orbs. Simply calling them ‘brown’ eyes did no justice.
Your voice brought a large smile to George’s lips like he won the lottery. The glistening gleam brighten the dim corner of the library. You could feel your breathing become inconsistent once again at the sight. Nodding his head, you watched with a smile as his sandy, ginger hair danced in tune.
“Yeah, yeah of course. Does uh, does that mean you like me too?”
Leaning back in your seat, you started to think back on all your years at Hogwarts. There wasn’t an exact moment you fell for him- it didn’t happen all at once. It was born as a crush, your heart leaping at the sight of the handsome boy your first year. When you started hanging out with the twins, you immediately grew close with them by the third week. Since then, you only got closer with the twins although it was undeniable that there was always a more intense gravitational pull you felt towards George. Not that Fred hadn’t pointed out the obvious connection between his twin and you numerous times. He enjoyed harassing George and yourself a bit too much.
Shrugging your shoulder in uncertainty, you admitted,
“Honestly it’s been so long I can’t remember when I first started liking you. I mean I’ve had a crush on you since first year and… I’ve always found you to be the funniest, most handsome guy I’ve ever met.” You paused your word vomit to take in George’s expression for a sign. Glancing up, you noticed he was far closer to you than he was before. The tip of his nose faintly brushing against your own. Your eyes enlarged in seconds at the lack of space between you two. “What’re you doing?”
A gulp echoed through George. His teeth dug into the skin of his bottom lip, tugging at the skin in an attempt to calm his nerves. You viewed in curiosity as his eyes darted from your lips, to your eyes, then to the floor, then back to your lips again. Your suspicions were confirmed as George locked his peer into your own. His face read seriousness as he asked you gravely,
“Are you going to slap me if I kiss you? I’ve seen you knock the daylights out of Fred for trying to. Mum says you need to take a girl out before you kiss ‘em for real so I wanna do it somewhat right. Y’know, be a gentleman and such.” 
Your cheeks flared red instantly, eyes planted to the floor. George had always been sweet but you never expected him to be this sweet. There was nothing more in the world that you desired than finally getting to kiss George Weasley, but it was an incredible kind of him to take your own feelings into thought before acting. You pressed your lips together tightly, exceeding all your effort into suppressing the bashful smile threatening to breakthrough. It took everything inside to contain your excitement and nerves at his proposal.
George broke your messy train of thought as the sensation of his hand against your skin registered. His slim fingers brushed a strand of hair back behind your ear, then wrapped around the side of your cheek. Like two magnets matching up, you melted into his touch. Finally drawing your gaze back up, you placed the palm of your hand against George’s chest, grasping a light fist of his sweater for stability. The height difference wasn’t immense, but enough that you needed some sort of control to keep on your feet.
“How proper of you, Mr. Weasley. Yes, I would really like that.”
Leaning into his hand, you met George’s gaze as you slowly moved towards each other. Meeting in the middle, you were nearly knocked off your feet by the force of his embrace. Your lips connected like a perfectly mapped constellation. His kiss was warm and fulfilling, yet constantly left you wanting more. It was undeniable he had practice before, his lips moved far too calm for this to be his first.
You practically melted in his arms, kissing him softly. Your lips danced for a moment until you steadied your hand on his cheek, holding his face. You needed that sense of control, wanted to feel the hold you had under George. Taking the first leap, you dragged your wet tongue along the smoothness of his bottom lip. A tiny, almost inaudible groan fell from his mouth. You deepended the embrace momentarily, then pulled away to press one lasting kiss to his puckered lips. George giggled in reaction, a cherry red blush painting his cheeks.
“You’re adorable.” George ‘booped’ the tip of your nose when he finished speaking. You laughed at his action then extending your finger, you placed a similar tap to his nose and teased him,
“Stop talking about yourself, George.” Although before you could fully retreat your hand, George’s own wrapped around your fingers. In one swift motion he lifted your hand to his face, then pressed his lips to the back of your hand. As he raised his head, his arm was quick to wrap around your shoulder, jerking your chair towards George as a result. His fingers clutched your upper arm loving. 
That smug smile was plastered across his face again, pleasantly pleased with the peach glow tinting your cheeks. Feeling the heat rising you dove to cover your cheeks in the sleeves of his sweater. George accepted your full embrace, arms moving to circle your body entirely. Suddenly a light bulb popped in his mind as he released his grip slightly to glance down at you.
“Maybe if I help you with some of your paper tonight, we’ll have more time for our date tomorrow!” The excitement in his voice was by far the sweetest sound you’d heard. You smiled back at him and nodded in agreement.
“Sure but I do the writing- I don’t trust you enough for that. Your handwriting resembles that of a child.” You laughed at your own jab while George gave you a deadpan look, clearly unable to form a comeback. He’d say so himself that his print was what the Muggles would call ‘chicken scratch’, a phrase you taught George. When George first learned to write with a quill and ink, he had a tendency to smear the ink a smudge as he scribbled away faster than the speed of light. Molly would scold George as the side of his hand would be stained a deep black shade and his paper was hardly legible.
“Rude but, understandable.” George commented. It was sweet of him, but you couldn’t help but wonder if he truly wanted to spend his Friday night stuck in the library. Raising your eyebrow to the boy, you gave him a questionable look.
“Wait, don’t you have a party you should be getting back to?” Arm still enclosed around your frame, George gave you a squeeze. A mischievous smirk now covered his lips as he confessed the truth. 
“What do you mean? I only threw that party with Fred so I could spend the night around you- maybe impress you with my wicked dance moves.”
Giving him a pointed look, your chest erupted with a fit of giggles. A memory popped into your mind of the first time you got the chance to view a drunk George Weasley putting on a ‘show’ for you. Sober George was a decent dancer but drunk George was on a different level of skill. The liquid courage had left George regretting a lot of nights and quite a bit of scenarios that came as a result. 
Although dancing drunk with you was never a regret of his. Especially when the two of you went to the Yule Ball together as ‘friends’. Mummers followed your every move as you waltzed with George, students gossiping about George and yourself. Not that you paid attention to anyone but George- there wasn’t a chance given to! You didn’t spend a single second resting on your feet as George had you dancing until the band was packing up. He spun, twisted, lifted, and twirling you all night long. When a slow song finally came on, the prankster king put his gentleman side on full display. It was by far one of the best nights of your life, one you still had yet to stop daydreaming over. Poking his side, you smirked teasingly at the boy.
“Georgie, darling, I’ve seen them before. You’d have a better chance sending yourself to the infirmary than impressing me with your ‘moves’. I haven’t forgotten the Yule Ball last year. My head was spinning for a month!” You laughed together at the reminiscence. George was just as mesmerized by the night as you, maybe a tad more so. For those few hours of pure bliss, George had never felt more complete. Seeing you all dressed up and glowing from head to toe- the image was captured in his mind forever. He never understood the term ‘speechless’ until he saw you walking down the stairs in search of him. He replayed that moment over and over again for a year now. Rubbing your shoulders lovingly, George leaned his head on top of yours.
“Aw, c’mon! You loved it! Twirling around like a beautiful ballerina in your dress. You looked breathtaking- everyone was staring at you. Can’t blame them, I couldn’t keep my eyes off you either.” His words made your insides feel fuzzy, kinda like the sleeve of his sweater. That of which your fingers were absentmindedly petting. George smiled down at the quirk, he loved every antic of yours.
Shaking your head, you pulled the book back that George had discarded. After all, you still had a stack of unwritten essays to get working on. You popped open the top of the ink container. George unraveled his arm from your shoulder to wrap lightly around your waist.
“Stop making me blush.” Crimson flooded your s/c cheeks, far too flustered to meet George’s eyes. That confidence from early had flown away just as sudden as it came. A sprout of warmth came as George’s finger pressed against the side of your jaw, turning your face. Sweetly, and silently, he requested your gaze to which you obliged.
“But you look so beautiful when you do, darling. Now stop distracting me- we have a paper to write, in case you’ve forgotten, love.” His lips darted forward and soon enough, his enticing lips kissed your reddening cheeks. George smirked teasingly, reaching the feathered quill out to brush against your nose. You lightly smacked it away, giggling at him as you did.
“You’re the one distracting me-” The squeal was silenced by George as he pretended to ignore your words as he continued to tease you. Pressing his finger against your lips, George purred,
“Hush, we’ve got work to do so I can take you out tomorrow, love.”
“Fine but don’t forget Georgie, I’m doing the writing.” Narrowing your playful glare, you spoke sternly. It was a sort of game you played- going back and forth with one another. Although finally that teasing crossed the line of flirting to something real. In a way, it almost felt fake. Like all those years of waiting hadn’t really paid off, you were just asleep in your dorm room, dreaming this all up.
The touch of George’s arm leaving your waist cold was enough to question; however the radiating sensation of his hand slipping into yours was confirmation it was real. The chaste kiss he left on the back on your hand still buzzed. Despite the lack of lighting, every handsome feature was distinct from his blazing locks to the scatter of freckles dotting his face. Giving you a sly wink George flirted,
“Ah, I love a woman who takes control.”
For the next hour and a half, far in the corner, behind rows of bookshelves and torches to light to way, George and yourself attempted to write your essay. The first hour consisted of stolen kisses, stolen looks, and George constantly stealing your book from your hands. He made it nearly impossible to the point you threatened to cancel your study date, which shaped him up immediately. 
The last half and hour George read to you different pages from your stack of books until you got a good jump on the paper. You were feeling hopeful until Madam Pince had announced the library would be closing for the night. In a matter of seconds, George’s hand was clamped around your wrist, attempting to drag you out. You managed to scoop your school supplies together and tuck them away in your bag before allowing him to escort you back to the common room. You just hoped your study date tomorrow would consist of some actual study. If not, it’s a good thing you have all of Sunday.
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reidyoulikeabook · 4 years ago
What Are the Chances?
Summary: You and Spencer discuss the events that pulled you together.
A/N: I was re-reading Invisible String (I have a terrible habit of going back to my fics and seeing how I could have done them better) when it hit me that like ... they did not have a conversation about the near misses? And it bothered me so much that I had to write this.
Also, I am terrible at maths, these statistics are probably way off, but hey, let’s pretend for the sake of plot that they aren’t?
March 7th, 2010
Sunday mornings were reserved for lazing in bed, and aimless chatter. You’d gotten into this kind of routine, already you were spending most nights together when you weren’t away on cases. Saturday’s were sometimes taken by girls nights, or making up for whichever social responsibilities your job had made you shirk.
Sundays, though? Always for Spencer.
You’re absent-mindedly fiddling with his hair, listening to him talk about a chemistry paper you’d read last week when it hits you.
“Didn’t you write a paper about this? But with a different chemical?”
He shifts then, leaning his weight on his elbow to look at you, “Why do you know that?”
“I studied it, in college. I took a science credit. You wrote a paper about something lattice, I didn’t remember until you said just now but I remember reading it. And hating it, actually.”
He lets out a little laugh at that, “Sorry to have subjected you to it.”
Leaning into him, you smile, “What’s the probability of me having read that and then meeting you?”
“There’s a lot more you have to take into consideration for that calculation.”
“Well, before we met I read your paper too. The one I spoke to you about when we met, and before that I saw you in the lecture we gave at your college back in 2008.”
Something plays on his lips as he says the last part, but you can’t quite place what.
“Yeah there’s that too. You know, did I ever tell you I wasn’t even supposed to be in that classroom? I got lost and went in there by accident, I was trying to find my forensic linguistics class.”
“You didn’t go in there on purpose?”
“Nope,” You say, popping the p, “I don’t even know if I’d be in the FBI if it wasn’t for that, let alone the BAU. I was thinking about doing something with local law enforcement, or teaching. It was probably going to be teaching really.”
“You really weren’t meant to be in there?”
“No,” You say, looking up at him more intently, “What’s got you so bugged out about that?”
“I wasn’t supposed to teach that lecture that day. It originally got scheduled for April 16th but my mom got sick. I had to fly out to see here so we rearranged the lecture.”
Sitting up, you stare at him wide-eyed, “You’re kidding me.”
“I’m not!”
A little incredulously, you say, “So neither of us should have been there?”
“But we were?”
“Yeah, I mean I remember us being there. And I do have an eidetic memory.”
“You remember seeing me there?”
“At the lecture? Yeah. I thought you were waiting to come and speak to me but then you got whisked off.”
“I was going to come and speak to you, after Hotch. He said something about how we had similar research interests and I was going to wait. And then my boyfriend showed up.”
Spencer nods, “I didn’t know who that was at the time. But after you told me about him I figured it out.”
“It’s weird, right?” You ask, “Like, what are the chances of all of those things happening?”
Spencer’s eye’s meet yours, ascertaining that you’re genuinely asking. He falls silent for a moment. His lips part, tongue darting out. His eyes flit back and forth, doing sums with numbers you can’t see.
“The chances of any two people in the United States meeting each other at any given time is approximately 1 in 28,000. You were studying a subject I have a doctorate in so that’s not that uncommon. Honestly, I think there are too many variables to calculate an exact guess. You joining the team isn’t exact chance, you saw the lecture and decided to join. I read your paper and showed it to Hotch. You ended up with us. There’s a chain of events, but they’re not all entirely random. The only genuinely random ones are my mom getting sick and you being in the lecture hall that day.”
“You showed my paper to Hotch?”
He smiles, nervous, “Uhh. Yeah. I kinda took it to him and asked him if he’d seen it. He had already though.”
You smile, wide, “You were rooting for me before I even got there.“
“I guess I was.”
You kiss him, gentle and sweet, your hand cupping his face and brushing an errant curl out of his eyes.
"So what's the likelihood?"
"Well actually there's not a strong scientific consensus on how likely you are to get the stomach flu. According to a recent paper, there are some blood types that make you more resistant to the stomach flu, particularly type B. But my Mom is type AB which means she's more likely to get sick with it. There's around 685 million cases every year so that puts her chances at getting it at about 1.09%."
"And the lecture hall?"
He grins, his nose crinkling, "Just because my IQ is 187 doesn't mean I can calculate the probability of you managing to get yourself lost."
You swat at him, feigning offence, "Spencer Reid you did not just say that to me."
"I did, actually."
"Well I'd say you're very lucky I got myself lost come to mention it. A bit of respect for my lack of orienteering skills would be nice."
"I'll consider myself endebted to them forever."
The silence that follows is easy. It's clear that you're both thinking about the same thing: the path of coincidences that pulled you together. Neither of you are willing to call it fate, yet. But that's okay. With the way you wrap yourselves around each other, peacefully whiling the morning away, she doesn't need the credit.
Tagslist: @calm-and-doctor @sassiest-politician @takeyourleap-of-faith
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buckybarnesthehotshot · 5 years ago
you’re always right (ransom drysdale x reader)
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summary: Y/N’s a self-made woman and Ransom somehow convinces her to play his girlfriend for one night.  
word count: 3061
warnings: mentions of alcohol, misogynistic comments, swearing (duh it’s ransom), ransom being kinda OOC n this not being proofread (oh god)
prompts:  11. "We're not done yet." &  5. Pretending to date.
A/N: Yes this is my first time writing about ransom, but what better way to do it than through @stargazingfangirl18​ and @navybrat817​‘s August writing challenge (advanced happy birthday y’alls)
        “Oh, come on, y/n! You owe me after that time I pretended to be your boyfriend at that nightclub,” Ransom huffed, pulling an eye roll from the h/c-haired girl.
       “That was different! I didn’t introduce you to my family, I made you help me get rid of a chatty creep,” y/n pointed out, also earning an eye roll from Ransom.
       “Yeah, but you owe me! I didn’t get laid that night because every other girl in the club knew I was your boyfriend,” Ransom pleaded. He really wanted y/n to be there to help him smite the rest of his family.
       “What are you trying to prove to your whack-job of a family, huh? And why do I have to pretend to be your girlfriend; I’m sure introducing a friend to them would come as a shock to them anyways,” y/n chuckled, earning a scoff from Ransom.
       “Because they think I have commitment issues. If I tell them I’ve had a steady girlfriend for a whole damn year, and that you’re not just some sort of bimbo, they’ll lose their shit!” Ransom exclaimed, his eyes lighting up as he imagined the faces of shock that would be painted on his family’s face.
       “If I do this, I get to borrow that sweater you love so much any time I want to,” Y/N smirked proudly. Ransom’s eyed narrowed, barely recalling the last time Y/N got her hands on his beloved sweater.
       “Why do you need my sweater? You’ve got the money to get yourself your own sweater for fuck’s sake!” Ransom huffed in annoyance.
       “Because I know for a damn fact that you’ve had that sweater since we were in college together. It’s worn out and it’s cozy so I want it,” y/n pointed out, pulling a groan from Ransom. For years, y/n’s been his only friend as he was hers. He knew that if she wanted something, she was getting it one way or another.
        “Fine. I’m picking you up at 7 on Friday. If you aren’t dressed by then, I’m ditching you,” Ransom scoffed, taking a swig from his beer bottle.
       “We both know you can’t just ditch me, Drysdale. We both know you intend to fuck with your family by having me show up with you,” y/n chuckled, downing a shot.
        “I hate that you’re always so fucking right, l/n. Jesus, you know me better than my shit-eating family does,” Random chuckled. y/n and Ransom had that dynamic between them ever since they met at that frat party in college. They were both intelligent in their own right, but whenever they were around each other, that intelligence went to shit while they drank together in whatever run-down bar they could find.
       “Shouldn’t we come up with a backstory real quick before we get piss drunk?” y/n suggested, stirring the clear liquid in her glass.
       “We could stick to the ‘we met in college’ bit, but we should cut out the part where we stayed friends. There is no way in hell they’re finding out about half the shit we’ve been through. We met again last year, in a bar like this, and it was love at first sight then—” Ransom went on, only to be cut off by y/n.
       “They won’t believe that shit, Drysdale. Who the fuck would think you’d believe in ‘love at first sight’? Tell them you saw me, didn’t recognize me, you wanted to bang me, but then I invited you out for food then you took me to your place, but since we were piss drunk, we didn’t fuck. It was then you realized you knew me and that I was the CEO of L/N Motors and you tried using the fact that we slept together to get a job for once,” y/n winked, downing down another shot of tequila.
       “How’d we start the dating part?” Ransom’s brows furrowed in confusion, a small nod of acceptance to her previous input pulling along.
       “That part is up to you, Drysdale,” y/n shrugged.
       “Well, I started working for your company after you gave me a job remembering how much of a smart asshole I was in college and decided I’d be a good assistant to help with your schedule. I ended up inviting you out for dinner and we talked and we hit it off,” Ransom finished the story, smirking proudly.
       “I like how in this lovely made up story of ours, you got a job,” y/n giggled, clinking her glass against Ransom’s bottle before downing down her fourth—well, she wasn’t so sure of that—shot of the night.
       Four days after that night in the bar, y/n found herself in her bedroom scrambling to find the perfect dress to show the Thrombey-Drysdale clan that she was one hell of a woman. After years of Ransom’s complaining about his family, it was embedded in y/n’s mind how much he hated his family. She hated her own the same way, after all.
       As she struggled to clasp her necklace around her neck, a knock came at the door. She groaned, pulling small chain off her neck and bolting to the door. She swung the door open to reveal Ransom Drysdale, an annoyed expression on his face as usual.
       “You ready?” Ransom raised a brow, taking in y/n’s appearance.
       “Wait let me get my purse,” y/n rushed around her spacious apartment in search of her purse.
       “You mean this one?” Ransom questioned, an annoyed expression painted on his face as he pulled y/n’s beige purse off her coat rack. y/n nodded, snatching her purse away and stashing her necklace in it.
       She nodded to Ransom, a motion they both knew meant they were ready to go, and she twisted her keys through the door, locking it. In a comfortable silence, they took the elevator down to the parking basement and getting into Ransom’s beloved beamer and riding off in silence.
       “God, how the fuck does your car not have a light?” Y/N cursed, reaching on the roof of the car in search for a light.
       “I don’t kno—oh wait, it’s because I don’t fucking need one,” Ransom smiled, satisfied with his own answer. Y/N rolled her eyes and huffed; this was going to be a long night.
       The car came to a halt and y/n pushed the car door open, and getting off, her boots sinking into the mud. Ransom wordlessly led y/n to the front porch and knocked on the tall wooden door, his brows furrowing as he watched her struggle to clasp her necklace.
       “Jesus, it can’t be that hard,” Ransom scoffed, taking the clasps of the necklace in his own hands and locking them together.
       “Ransom, I see you brought a friend,” a woman commented as the door swung open. Ransom released the chain, letting it hang off y/n’s neck, and nodded quietly before speaking.
       “I did tell you I was bringing someone this time, didn’t I?” Ransom rolled his eyes in annoyance as he moved past Linda and walked y/n into the house.
       “Well, aren’t you even going to introduce us?” Linda raised a brow, her gaze moving from Ransom to y/n.
       “This is y/n, she’s my girlfriend,” Ransom casually shrugged, earning a loud fit of laughter from Walt. Ransom turned to him with a harsh glare, warning Walt to watch his next words. Ignoring Ransom’s glare, Walt spoke.
       “Oh great, another fling,” Walt rolled his eyes.
       “Well, I wasn’t aware flings often lasted a year,” y/n feigned shock before facing her boyfriend, “Do flings usually last this long?”
       “I don’t think so, no,” Ransom smirked, watching the expressions of shock forming on his family’s face.
       “Bullshit. Ransom can’t keep a girl for shit,” Jacob scoffed at the sight of Ransom’s hand wrapped around y/n’s, “You must be pretty stupid to have stuck around this long.”
       “I like to think of myself as an intelligent woman. I mean seriously; millionaire at twenty-five, the cover of Forbes at twenty-eight, and skyscrapers with my name engraved onto them,” y/n smirked to herself, listing all her favorite accolades.
       “y/n? y/n l/n the CEO of l/n motors? I wrote a research paper about you one time in class!” Meg exclaimed, staring at y/n in awe.
       “If she’s so great, why’s she with Ransom of all people?” Jacob rolled his eyes at Meg’s excitement.
       “Why not?” y/n shrugged, leaning against Ransom’s shoulder. This was a show they were both putting on and they were selling it.
       “Well, I don’t know if you noticed or anything but Ransom is a trust fund brat,” Walt spat, almost chuckling at the sight of y/n’s “cluelessness”.
       “Yes, and? Walt, buddy, please don’t question my decisions,” y/n chuckled before a stern image found its way to her face.
       “You run l/n motors, right? When did your dad decide to step down as CEO?” Richard questioned, a condescending look on his face.
       “I built the company from the ground up, Mr. Drysdale,” y/n chuckled, shaking her head. Damn, Ransom was right. His family was already getting onto her nerves.
       “That’s impossible. Women don’t work with cars, kid. Come on, did your dad build the company up from the ground and hand everything to you?” Richard raised a brow, as if to pull an answer from y/n.
       “My dad was a mechanic. I went to college with Ransom, then I went to business school to work on my career,” y/n admitted, her grip tightening on Ransom’s hand. He stroked his thumb over her fist; one of the ways he knew he could keep y/n from snapping at his family—not that he would’ve cared, though.
       “Alright, that’s it, enough with the questions. y/n runs her company the way she wants to and that’s what makes her successful. If you have anything to say about that, you can eat shit,” Ransom smiled, dragging y/n away from the door and into the dining area where Harlan seemed to be waiting for them.
       “Ransom, when you told us you were bringing someone, I didn’t think you’d follow through,” Harlan chuckled, motioning for Ransom and y/n to take a seat at the table.
       “Well, surprise?” Ransom shrugged, taking his seat near Harlan and letting y/n take the seat next to him.
       “And you aren’t even going to introduce her?” Harlan raised a brow at Ransom.
       “Grandad, this is y/n l/n. y/n, this is my grandad,” Ransom deadpanned as y/n smiled warmly, holding her hand out for Harlan to shake. Harlan smiled; at least Ransom was in good hands, that was for sure.
       “How’d you meet Ransom?” Harlan questioned.
       “The first time or the time that led to us actually dating?” y/n raised a brow as she questioned Harlan. He chuckled, not expecting there to be more to the story then ‘we met in a bar and I wanted to tap that’ like how Ransom’s usual stories of his conquests went.
       “I think it would be wise to tell me about the first time you met. I want to see if I could predict what happened next,” Harlan requested, earning a nod from y/n before she began explaining the messy story of how her path crossed that od Ransom Drysdale’s.
       “We had a class together in college. His ass acted like he knew everything about the subject when in reality, he knew absolutely nothing. We were seatmates and he tried bribing me for the answers to a test. I didn’t give him the answers but he did end up inviting me to this frat party, it sucked, but there was booze so it was tolerable. I never saw Ransom again until a year ago,” y/n chuckled, easily slipping in a lie or two into her story.
        “And I’m guessing you had a college reunion last year?” Harlan raised a brow, facing Ransom.
       “Reunion’s in three months, actually,” Ransom shook his head, smirking as Harlan’s brows furrowed in concentration. Finally, he found another way to challenge his grandfather besides playing Go.
       “Mutual friends?” Harlan inquired. Ransom chuckled to himself knowing he and y/n didn’t have any other friends besides each other.
       “Try again. This time, think about the most Ransom thing you can,” Ransom urged on, pulling a chuckle from y/n. The most “Ransom” thing she can’t think of wasn’t exactly something she wanted to discuss with Ransom’s grandfather.
       “I hate to say this, but are you an adult entertainer?” Harlan’s brows furrowed. y/n, ignoring the fact that Harlan thought she was an adult entertainer, broke out in a fit of laughter which left her wheezing.
       “That’s a little too Ransom, Mr. Thrombey,” y/n chuckled.
       “Well, how exactly did you reunite?” Harlan questioned.
       “She was hot, I wanted to bang her, we were piss drunk, so we went out for food first. By the time we got to my place, we just passed out,” Ransom chuckled, his fingers intertwining with y/n’s.
       “And there’s the Ransom I know,” Harlan rolled his eyes jokingly, chuckling at Ransom’s story.
       “Well, I bet there’s something I’m going to tell you that you weren’t expecting from me,” Ransom smirked, getting ready to break the news of his ‘job’ to Harlan.
       “More surprises? You’ve changed since the last time I’ve seen you,” Harlan chuckled proudly. He didn’t expect Ransom to go through much change since the last time he’d seen him. The news of Ransom’s relationship was definitely a welcome surprise.
       “I got a job at y/n’s company. Figured I couldn’t keep riding off your name. Not anymore,” Ransom smiled. A little part of him regretted lying to his grandfather upon seeing the proud expression on Harlan’s face. He expected his family to be shocked by the news, yes, but he didn’t quite expect Harlan to be as proud as he was.
       “Finally, someone’s making something of their life without me. I’m proud of you, Ransom,” Harlan smiled, patting Ransom on the back. y/n felt Ransom’s hand squeeze hers a little tighter; she knew he wasn’t used to getting this kind of attention from Harlan. Most of the time, the pair only ever argued with each other.
        “Yeah. Making something of myself like you would’ve wanted me to do,” Ransom smiled nervously. y/n noticed the look of uneasiness on his face and knew she had to do something.
        “Ransom, I’m kind of hungry, can you go with me to get some food?” y/n questioned, earning a look of relief from Ransom. Shockingly, he didn’t know how much more of Harlan’s undeserved praise he could take.
        “Thanks for that,” Ransom whispered as they walked on over to the table where all the food was being served.
        “Maybe you should get an actual job. Maybe you wouldn’t feel as bad as you’re feeling right now, Drysdale,” y/n chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood.
       “As if you’d actually trust me enough to keep a position in your company. I know how you get when it comes to your company. You’re a stone-cold bitch,” Ransom chuckled, remembering the one time he decided to drop by y/n’s office for a visit; there was a lot of screaming.
       “At least being a bitch gets me places with my business. Where’s your bitchiness taking you, Drysdale?” y/n raised a brow at him.
       “It got me you, didn’t it?” Ransom’s tone softened, making it clear that this conversation they were about to have was different from their usual bickering.
       “I know I’m the best person in your life, but you’ve got to admit that bar was pretty low,” y/n chuckled nervously, averting her gaze. As much as y/n didn’t want t admit it, Ransom’s little comment made her heart flutter, but she knew flirtatious comments were something that came naturally to the playboy.
       “But not everyone has someone who makes them want to be a better person,” Ransom smiled, his blue eyes piercing into y/n’s e/c ones.
       “I make you want to be better?” y/n’s eyes widened at his confession. In all the years she’d known Ransom, she didn’t expect him to say that somebody made him want to do better.
       “Well, yeah, you’re this amazing successful woman who worked for everything she has, while I’m a fucking sleaze. I realized I need to make a change in my life to even be worthy enough to be in your presence. I even began writing my first book,” Ransom admitted shyly, running a hand through his hair.
       “You don’t have to do anything to be worthy of my presence. I know I’m amazing, but you don’t have to live up to anything, Ransom,” y/n smiled warmly.
       “y/n it’s not just that. I like you. A damn lot, and that thought terrifies me because we both know damn well that you deserve better,” Ransom exhaled, his words hitting y/n hard.
       “Can we not talk about this here? We can talk on the way home or something, just not now and not here,” y/n shook her head, her voice shaky. For the longest time, she harbored feelings for Ransom; she was caught by surprise when she was told those feelings were reciprocated.
       “We’re not done yet. We’re going to talk about this, and we’re going to talk about this now,” Ransom growled, his hand still holding onto y/n’s.
       “Ransom, please. This? It’s all shocking to me. We’re supposed to be this perfect couple, Ransom. I know how important this is to you,” y/n frowned.
       “We can still be the couple, but for real this time. Yes, putting on this front for my family’s important, but this,” he stopped to motion between them, “is more important to me than everyone else in this bullshit house.”
       “y/n please, I need to know how you feel. Right here, right now,” Ransom pleaded.
       “I like you, okay? I like you a shit ton and it fucking scares me because I don’t want to lose you in my fucking life, Ransom,” y/n admitted, her hands shaking. The expression of nervousness on Ransom’s face changed to that of shock. He wasn’t exactly expecting that reaction from y/n.
       He shook off that feeling of shock and wrapped his arms around y/n’s frame. She immediately melted into his touch and that’s how they stayed for a moment.
       “I can’t believe you even doubted their relationship, Walt. Just look at how sweet those two are,” Joni’s voice came from behind them and y/n chuckled into Ransom’s sweater, holding onto him closely.
TAGLIST: @spatium-viatorem​ / @sxphiiwrld​ / @strangersstranger​ / 
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years ago
Kinktober Day 27 ~ kink: rivalry
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: smut, cussing, alcohol mention, college!au
word count: 11,000
a/n: I went.... plus ultra on this... I wrote it all day and I think its amazing. if you’re concerned I even made a literal summary of what it is. by all means you can read most of this even if you don’t like smut!!!
Synopsis: You and Shouto have to work with each other on a psychology project. A psychology project on attraction. The hard thing about this of course is that the two of you hate each other. 
Being a doctor was the biggest dream you’ve had since high school. You wanted to take care of people, improve their physical and emotional wellbeing. A doctor was your everyday hero and you wanted to be that.
When university applications began during high school, you submitted an application to the best school in Japan.
Yuuei University.
They were now known for their very low acceptance rate, it's high retention and graduation rates! As well as most graduates becoming the most successful individuals in their field! It was no question that you applied there!
When you got in, your family and you had celebrated for an entire week. It was extraordinary.
Of course, Yuuei was a rigorous university. You spent days and nights studying. Even the weekends weren’t filled with partying due to the nature of your classes. As a Biochemistry Major, you had a lot on your plate. All while taking the needed courses as well as the pre-req classes for medical school. You were always at the top of your game.
So when you were selecting classes for the second semester of your third year, it shocked you to hear that four more units of a psychology class were needed. A class needed to complete the core requirements that the university held.
So you sat in your advisor's office. Your eyes looked at the different courses offered for psychology. All the weird ones were for the second semester. You had first pick still, given that you had so many credits and were now an upperclassman.
“Is there anything in psychology dealing with physiological or neurological issues?” You asked, only seeing Abnormal Psychology which you’d already taken.
Your advisor looked up at you, his tired eyes bloodshot as he skimmed the course list. Aizawa had been your advisor since you were admitted. You came in already declared as a Biochemistry major and had stuck with your decision all this time.
“There’s a 400 level class called Psychology and the Brain,” Aizawa told you, moving his computer screen for you to look at. “It looks like you met the requirements to take the class, and it’s the only class close to what you want.”
You nod your head as you type out the class on your phone.
“It meets twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday for two hours,” Aizawa tells you as you nod. All of your other classes were on other days. It worked within your schedule.
“That sounds good!” You chirp standing up, slinging your backpack over your shoulder you sigh. “You’ll let me know if I have any of the same classes as him?”
“No can do, you two have the same major. You need to get over this childish rivalry.” Aizawa deadpans as your nose wrinkles.
“Fine.” You moan as you wave goodbye, your pace quickening so you wouldn’t miss your one p.m. lecture.
The Next Semester
Your eyes widened as you stepped into the Psychology lecture. It was a bigger class then you were expecting. With a total of what you were guessing to be already sixty people in the class, your eyes locked onto your friends.
“Hi, Mina.” You smile as you walk over towards the empty seat next to your best friend.
“I can’t believe I’m taking this class!” She gushes as you sit down next to her, your fingers pulling out your laptop in preparation for the class. “I wasn’t going to take this class at all, but then you told me you were taking it! I also heard that this is a huge partner-based class, so if we get paired up together it’ll be super fun!”
You nod your head in agreement as the pink-haired girl rambles off. She speaks excitedly about what this new semester was going to bring! About how excited she was for the final year next year! While she was speaking to you, your eyes took a better sweep of the room.
There were a lot of people you recognized! You’d taken classes with many of these individuals before. It was for general biology, general chemistry, and the abnormal psychology class. You smiled and a warm feeling spread in your chest seeing that the one person you didn’t want here wasn’t here.
“Did you hear that Yao-momo is going on a date?” Mina asks you, and your eyes widen.
“What! No?! With who?!” Your jaw is on the floor as Mina catches you up to speed.
During your freshman orientation, you were then placed into a group of twenty kids. Under the name of Group 1-A, the twenty of you became very close friends! To this day, you were all very close! That is, except for you and him.
Well, he wasn't close to anyone except ten people.
Your eyes snapped towards the front of the lecture hall as Professor Midnight walked in. Multiple binders in her hands as she tossed them onto the table by the podium.
Professor Midnight was a blessing to your school, in your opinion at least. She was incredibly intelligent and was very open about her sex life. Midnight was funny and entertaining. It made you wish at times that you were a psychology major just so that you could have more classes with her. Midnight believed that being open with your sexual identity and things alike were important.
“Alright!” Midnight shouted towards the class and everyone quieted down. “The syllabus is on the website, make sure to read it! We have a lot to cover and not enough time so without further adieu, let’s get—“
The doors opened.
Your eyes looked back and your previous excitement died in your chest as you saw who walked in. Tall and serious, with a pair of black joggers and a black t-shirt he sat down near the front of the class.
A short giggle was heard from Mina who nudged you. You had to restrain the frustrated groan at the back of your throat as you rubbed your throbbing temples.
Why must this always happen?
“Todoroki-san, thank you for being on time for the first lecture.” Midnight jokes with no malice as she turns her attention back to what she was saying.
Your eyes wander toward the two-tone-haired man. Your fingers drum against the desk as you exhale, why was this always happening?
“As you may or may not have heard already, this class is a major project class. There is minimal lecturing, only presentations that will be conducted based on your topic. The final is a paper and formal presentation to be done with your partner.” You felt Mina nudge you with her elbow and you glanced at her and grinned. “That being said, I have already created said partners for you.”
Your smile fell off your face as Midnight connected her laptop to the projector.
“This list was created at random, so no, I do not care if you want to trade or switch partners. You don’t get that option. Please find your name and partner and sit next to each other. We will begin with your first assignment after you’re paired up.”
The list flashed onto the screen, and your eyes scour the list in search of your name.
Please just let it be someone good…
“Oh,” Mina exclaims, her hands on her face as she grins. “I’m with Aoyama!”
“Aoyama’s in the class?!” You ask looking around for your favorite blond.
“I guess so, but I need to go find him now! Good luck!” Mina cries as she grabs her things and looks around.
Your frown increases as your eyes continue down the list.
Y/l/n y/n.
Y/l/n y/n.
Your breathing stops in your throat as you find your name near the bottom.
Todoroki Shouto, Y/l/n y/n.
Oh no.
Your eyes immediately look over towards Todoroki who’s looking back at you. If this was an anime, the class would have dropped in temperature by fifty degrees by two of your’s icy glares. Both of you didn’t move.
Everyone else was already with their partner, introductions being made if they didn’t already know the other.
But you and Todoroki?
Neither one of you moved.
Your gazes still locked, but your bodies were unmoving. Like hell, you were going to move to the front of the room.
In fact, Todoroki was the only person in the front of the room! You had also decided that you were not moving.
With your gaze never breaking away from his, you point towards the empty seat next to you. Todoroki rolls his eyes, his own finger pointing towards the empty chair next to him.
Both of you refusing to move, and your heart was pounding in your frustration. Why was he such a fucking dick?
“Todoroki, Y/l/n…” Midnight called, her arms folded as her eyes swept between the two of you. Giggles erupt within the class. Oh yes, the hatred and rivalry between the two of you were legendary within the school. “One of you needs to move…”
“I was here on time, professor.” You say never once breaking eye contact with the heterochromatic man. Who the hell did he think he was anyway? Thinking he could act this way because his dad was rich and sort of famous?
“As was I.” Todoroki quirks his eyebrow. “Lecture starts at one thirty-five. It was one thirty-four when I walked in; Midnight was early.”
“Doesn’t change the fact I was here first.” Your lips pressing into a scowl as you crossed your arms.
“Too embarrassed to sit in the front, y/l/n?” Todoroki taunts and your rage spikes.
“Too stupid to pay attention near the back, Todoroki?” You retort.
“Children, children!” Midnight cries, her fingers rubbing her temples. “Let’s compromise! Why don’t you sit in the middle of where you both are.”
You want to say no, but you know what a pain in the ass the two of you are. Still, as you gather your things, the two of you refuse to break eye contact. You walk towards the middle and sit on the aisle seat. The class snickering as Todoroki takes the other aisle seat.
There was no winning in this war.
“...okay, well moving on. Let’s pick your first research project which is due next month!” Midnight exclaims her hands grabbing a jar with folded pieces of paper in it. Seeing that you and Todoroki were in front of everyone else, Midnight approaches you two first. “Who’s pulling?”
Both your and Todoroki’s hands shootout. Your eyes glaring at each other as Todoroki retreats his hand given that you’re closer. You smirked in triumph as you place your hand into the bucket and pull out a piece of paper.
You unfold the paper and read-aloud for the class.
“The Mental and Physiological Effects of Attraction…” Your voice trails off, your body seemingly wilting in on itself as you sigh.
Todoroki’s glare slams onto your face and ooh’s and ahh’s resonate through the class. Your hands rub your face as Midnight giggles leaving the two of you to get to the next pair.
Why were you so out of luck when it came to Todoroki?
“So, you’ll never guess what!” Mina laughs as she drinks from her bottle of soju.
You roll your eyes as you look over your class notes from the week. After what you would call an average first week back to school, you and your friends were gathered together to study and drink. Was it a bad combination? Yes. Was it fun though? Yes.
“Let me guess!” Hagakure squealed. The medical mask she always wore was on the table, her stack of textbooks and notes on the floor. Hagakure wasn’t one too involved in her studies. “Todoroki-kun and y/n are in all the same classes together!”
Your cheeks flared up in embarrassment and anger as the six girls howled in laughter. “Come on!” You moan as you pouted. The many pages of notes you had been writing were currently being transferred onto a google doc for clarity and memory retention.
Mina nods her head excitedly, ignoring your protests as she rambles. “Not only are they in the same classes, but they’re partners for the entire rest of the semester! Plus they’re writing about attraction!” The girls seem to eat this right up as you try to ignore them.
Momo nudges you with her shoulder, her fingers grabbing at your notebook for the psychology class. “You two can’t get enough of each other, can you?” She teases as she flips through your notebook that was already filled with notes.
“You’d think with all those classes they have together they’d at least be lawful with each other.” Uraraka snorts as she takes a rather big chug from her drink.
“He’s a fucking dick that’s why.” You roll your eyes as you crack your sore wrist. You had finished up your notes for your biochemistry class. Now you would be moving on to starting the paper with Todoroki.
There was a good reason for this paper to take an entire month to be due. It was required to be at least fifty pages with fifteen different resources, and to your belief, it was going to be a pain in the ass to complete.
“I think he’s super hot, too bad he won’t ever give in to my seduction!” Mina sighs and you choke on your water, your eyes flying to your best friend.
“E-Excuse me?!”
“Just because you two want to skin each other doesn’t mean I don't want to.” Mina laughs and you groan.
“Why do you even hate Todoroki-san?” Tsuyu asks, her fingers on her chin in a quizzical fashion. “I thought you two were finally over your pride?”
“OH, I can explain this.” Jirou cackles as leans onto the table. Her musical compositions hidden behind her elbows. “Todoroki and y/n are in the same major! They have the same classes all the time somehow, and have received the same test scores on everything! They share the same ranking in school because of this, and y/n is super salty about it.”
“I am not salty!” You complain, your hands covering your face as the girls laugh at you. “I tried to be fucking nice, but he was a total cunt to me, so I stopped.”
“But Todoroki-san isn’t rude.” Momo defends her longtime friend.
“To you maybe.” You sigh, your fingers grasping the bottle of wine that Momo had been hogging. “I just think there’s no reason for me to be nice to someone who isn’t nice to me.”
“Sounds petty to me!” Uraraka laughs as you kick her shin from under the table. But the girls are too lost in their mirth over this situation that your protests fall on deaf ears. “Watch them get into the same medical school, too!”
You freeze as you look up from your new google doc, “What now?”
“He wants to be a doctor, too.” Jirou sighs, her head leaning against her palm. “This is really old news.”
“Why do you even dislike Todoroki-kun?” Hagakure asks, her head tilted as she takes a long chug from her drink. “I’ve never understood why.”
“Because he’s arrogant, condescending, his voice is entirely way too annoying! He always rolls his eyes when someone says something wrong but never raises his hand to say the right thing! Then he always has this attitude! For the one philosophy class, I took, did you know he always was on the opposing team just to fight against me? I was never fucking wrong, but he never failed to be on the opposite team just because I was on the other team. Plus, that one time I had my hands full of shit and was trying to go to the elevator -- stop laughing -- he let the doors close before I even got there!” You scowl at your amused friends who were in very much enjoying your rant. “So no, Jirou, it is not because of school-related things!”
“Maybe they just need to fuck to get over whatever’s happening between them.” Mina stage whispers to Uraraka who nods in agreement.
“Come on, what is this high school?” You roll your eyes.
They could only grin as they shouted to each other their ideas as to what was happening between you and Todoroki. There was a knock on your door and you sighed as you pushed away from the table and walked over to the door.
“Who is it?” Tsuyu calls before you can even open the door.
“I don’t know!” You respond as you throw open the door and come face to chest with Todoroki.
A scowl solidifies over your face as you look up at the taller man. “What?” You ask, your arms folding as you lean against the door frame.
“You guys are being loud.” He says, his face in a deadpan.
“Quiet hours aren’t until midnight, and it’s only eleven.”
“I know, but we can still come over and complain.”
“We’ll be quiet at midnight.”
“I’m asking you to be quiet now.”
“You’re the only ones complaining, and I’m sure you and the boys aren’t being quiet yourselves.”
“Midoriya has a headache.” Todoroki narrowed his eyes at your stubborn position.
“Midoriya-kun was over ten minutes ago! He was feeling perfect because he was talking to Uraraka-chan.” You remark, your hands coming out to look at your fingernails.
“Who is it, y/l/n-chan!” Momo calls out this time.
“It’s me,” Todoroki responds as you made no effort to respond to your friend.
Your eyes shut in a grimace at the sounds of scraping chairs. You can hear them walking over. The small yet amused chatter ringing in your ears as you glare up at Todoroki who quirks an eyebrow at you.
“Hey, Todoroki-kun!” Mina exclaims and you watch as your friends all greet your bitter rival.
“You guys are being loud, would you mind being quieter?” Todoroki asks someone in the group, but his eyes are concentrated on yours.
“Oh, yeah! Sorry for being loud.” Jirou responds back for the group, but you roll your eyes as Todoroki smiles in thanks. It’s a smile directed at Jirou but his damn eyes are still on you. A stupid charming smile on a stupid fucking asshole.
“Is that it?” You ask, your nose sticking up into the air, your hand on the door ready to slam it into his face.
“Oh, for the paper. I’ve already started.” Todoroki tells you with a condescending smirk. “I’ll share the document with you, but I don’t expect you to write anything productive or of value onto it.”
“I can write a fucking paper in two minutes that is a trillion times better than you in a whole month.” Your sneer as your grip on the door tightens.
“You look like the type to forget to write your own name on papers, oh wait--”
You slam the door in his face, your ears burning with embarrassment as you refuse to turn around. You don’t want to see your friends faces as your head slams against the wood door.
“You… forget to write your name on your papers?” Momo asks you.
“It’s okay, y/n, I forget all the damn time.” Mina cackles as they drag you back to the kitchen. Despite your best attempts, the girls remained relatively quiet for the rest of the night.
Two Weeks Until the Paper is Due
You walked into the library. Your fingers were holding onto your cup of tea. Your arms filled with books for your research paper, and your backpack was open. You ignored the looks of pity that followed you as you climbed the staircase of the library.
How was it only two weeks into the semester and you were looking like it was finals week? This was the fucking worst.
On top of your disheveled state, you were late for your meeting with Todoroki. On one hand, you hated being late. You were a punctual student and always arrived before necessary! So there was a part of you that felt bad even if it was Todoroki. But on the other hand, fuck him.
You giggled at that thought as you moved towards the study rooms on the back walls. Your eyes peered into each room. Looking for what seemed like the genetic phenomenon boy himself. You found him in the room furthest away sitting in there with Bakugou who was packing up his own things. Without knocking you walked in, the door slamming against the wall as you did so.
“Fucking hell, y/n/n!” Bakugou hissed as you walked in. “Learn how to open a fucking door correctly!”
Placing the cup of tea onto the table you smiled at the ash-blond who was zipping up his backpack. “Sorry, my hands were full and I don’t know my own strength.” You tease as the blond man pinches your cheeks playfully. “Ow, don’t be an asshole!”
“Respect the laws of the school first.” 
“Don’t become Iida!” You laugh as Bakugou pulls you into a one-armed hug. Oh, how the three years at Yuuei had changed this man.
“Hah? Shut the fuck up.” Bakugou rolls his eyes as he pulls his backpack on. “Alright, I’ll be going, see you guys.” His hand waves as he walks out of the room leaving you and Todoroki in the awkward silence of the room.
You move in silence. Pulling out your notebook, organizing the textbooks you had, and grabbing your laptop.
Todoroki is sitting by the wall, and in a room designed to hold at most ten people, you sat on the chair furthest from him. You pull out the rolling chair and sink in. Your eyes falling on Todoroki finally who was looking less than amused.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“I don’t want to waste my memory data on you.”
“Too bad, you’d finally have something of value on your phone.”
Todoroki rolls his eyes as he leans backward. “You were late though.”
“Oh get your panties out of a twist,” You mumble as you open the shared document between the two of you. “I lost track of time.”
“You said you were on your way thirty minutes ago. You’re five minutes away.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes as you stare at him, “I’m tired, Todoroki. I went to go get some damn tea and they messed up my order! But since it was the coffee rush hour they couldn’t make my tea right away as they typically do.”
Todoroki glares at you but breaks away from it as you both turn to the paper.
It’s silent outside of your fingers hitting the keyboard. The paper was being written at the very least.
Well, okay, it wasn’t really.
The two of you had fought at three in the morning about how ugly the paper was being written. Yes, your roommates were sick of the two of you when the argument was being fought. The same night he had told you and your roommates to shut up, you went over thirty minutes later to complain about how he was writing the paper. Under the combined powers of Momo, Iida, and Midoriya the two of you agreed to write the paper separately. Later you would join whatever flowed better between the two of your pieces. The prompt was the same after all, and you were both using the same resources.
“I’m playing music.” You announce, putting your Spotify playlist on.
You knew what music Todoroki hated. It took getting your best friends drunk, but you had managed to get a shitload of information on Todoroki. Details surrounding what he liked, but more importantly, what he hated.
You concentrated on the paper in front of you, but the curling grin on your face was unstoppable as you caught him freezing. His eyes snapping over to your hunched figure as I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys played through your speakers.
“I don’t like this song,” Todoroki says, his tone smooth. His hands pressing into the table in what could be an intimidating position.
“Hm, I don’t remember saying I was playing this song for you…” You murmur. You straighten up as you stare at him, your mouth dropping as you shake your head. “Don’t tell me you’re not a fan of pop music? This genre has the greatest artists in the world! Like when people say they like rap or lo-fi they’re insane for ever believing that!”
Todoroki stares at you, his expression unamused as he turns back towards his computer.
Oh yeah, you were both going to murder each other well before this paper was due.
One Week Before the Paper is Due
You sat on Todoroki’s bedroom floor.
Your hands shifting through the mountain of books the two of you were in possession of for the paper. The assignment itself was not hard at all. In fact, had you been with a less infuriating partner, you were positive it would have finished already. But for some reason, whenever Todoroki and you made one step forward, you shot back twenty steps.
Today you were working on the assignment in his room for a few varying reasons.
One is that for some reason all the study rooms were being used and the two of you didn’t have time to wait around. Second, being that Uraraka had requested to have the dorm room for four hours. Given that you have all requested to have the place to yourself before, everyone agreed. The third and final reason being that Todoroki’s kitchen and dining areas were now occupied by his roommates.
When the two of you trudged in together, his roommates nearly lost their shit. Kirishima and Iida were the most expressive, and Bakugou had quirked an amused eyebrow. You were a bit confused as to why they all seemed so excited by your arrival with Todoroki of all people. Most people were not so amused when the two of you entered the same room.
“We’re here to write the paper.” Todoroki inputted right away, walking to his room as soon as he could. You rolled your eyes as you went around and said hi to his own roommates-- your friends.
You, uncaring of what Todoroki thought of you, stayed out there and talked with your friends. Todoroki and you were both thirty-seven pages into your separate and yet to be fused paper. Given that you had a whole outline for the next at least thirteen pages, you weren’t in too much of a hurry to run over to his room.
“Y/l/n, really?” Todoroki snaps as you were talking to Kirishima about if he would help you dye your hair one day. You look over at Todoroki who’s changed into sweats and a white t-shirt.
Stupid fucking genetic phenomenon you internally cursed as you smiled at the other boys.
“I guess I gotta go, don’t forget about me.” You depart with a sad smile, Todoroki glaring at you as you pass him in the hallway.
Now, you sat on his floor as he took his bed. Your fingers were typing away as you hummed to the playing music. It was Todoroki’s turn to play the designated music, and you had to admit lo-fi music was extremely catchy.
Your feet tap along with the music as you think of ways to rearrange a sentence you had written.
“What did you get on Aizawa’s test?” Todoroki asked you, ripping your thoughts away from your writing. Your eyes fluttered as you looked at him.
“The test grades are out already?” You asked as you pull out your phone to look at your grades app.
“Just posted,” Todoroki grumbles.
You nod as you look at your result. A swell of pride shoots through you as you nod, “What did you get?” You ask a confident smirk on your face.
“Ninety-seven percent.”
“Fucking hell.” You growl tossing your phone away from you. “Same here…”
Your eyes glue onto your laptop again, and you miss the amused smirk on Todoroki’s face as you continue writing.
“Are you almost done yet?” Todoroki asks you, his eyebrow quirked.
You glance up, your eyes rolling as you scoff. “I’m on page forty-three, what are you on? Twenty?”
“I have fifty pages done.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do.”
Your fingers trace your mousepad. Sure enough, there are ninety-three pages on the single document. Your lips tighten as your eye twitches.
“Well, it’s easier to write when you’re implementing an eighty percent quote paper.” You snark as you return to your pages.
“My paper has the bare minimum amount of quotes, you’re the idiot who can’t keep up.”
You huff your fingers returning to the paper as you typed away. The music kept playing as the two of you remained in silence. You pushed your hair out of your face. You continued looking between what you were writing and what you were needing to put.
“What are you even writing?” Todoroki asks you, his brows furrowing as you type away.
“The paper we’ll be submitting, why?” You ask, your eyes looking over at him before returning back to your screen.
“It’s kind of shit.”
“I bet yours is worse, so shut up.”
“You know, there’s no shame in admitting that you’re not good at writing.”
“There is nothing wrong with my writing!” You sneer as you continue writing, your fingers coming down to hit the keyboard harder. The clattering of the keys echoing in your ears as your heart hammers away.
“Nothing is making sense, it’s a research paper, y/l/n. Why are you trying to make the wording pretty? No one cares how many high-level words are in your vocabulary, be concise and stop being a fucking scholar.”
“Oh yeah, sorry, I forget that words like brain and neurology are too advanced for you.” You gasp as you stare at his unamused eyes. “Oh, let me dumb that down for you. My words too smart for your head.” You pout in mocking sadness as you return to your paper.
You can’t explain it, but your heart feels like it’s cracking as the two of you remain in tense silence as you finish writing.
It takes an hour, but you’re finally done with your fifty pages. You stand up without a single word. Your joints are sore from the uncomfortable floor, but you pack up without a sound. You can feel Todoroki’s eyes following after you as you throw your arms under your backpack and leave. His bedroom door slamming closed as you walk into the hallway.
Six pairs of eyes stare at you as you smile weakly.
“Bye, boys,” you say as you walk out.
This semester was nearly a month in and you were going to have to deal with him for the rest of the semester. Something told you that you were not going to be able to handle Todoroki for much longer.
Yes, you hated him, but you could not fight and argue with him every day of the week. It was just exhausting.
Three Hours Until Paper is Due
Your eyes trained on Todoroki’s paper.
Your pointer dragging along sentences you hated. Editing basic issues he passed by and leaving comments where you deemed necessary.
“What the fuck was wrong with that sentence?” Todoroki asks, his eye twitching as you were busy typing in a reason why the sentence was wrong.
“Wait for my comments,” you sneer as you press publish.
You continue reading his paper. Your eyes concentrating on yet another sentence that you believed was subpar.
“You hate the entire thing because I didn’t use a semicolon?” Todoroki exclaims, his hand dragging against his face. “Are you fucking sane, y/l/n?”
“Very much so, you’re twenty-one, grow the fuck up.” You roll your eyes as you type up yet another rude comment on his paper.
The two of you had been in a study room together for the entire day. Yes, the entire past sixteen hours the two of you have sat in this room together attempting to fuse this damn paper. So far it was not working.
Since the two of you had edited your works during the week, today was actually supposed to be a fusion day only. The second the two of you began reading over your essay, Todoroki looked at you, his eyebrow twitching.
He had gone on to complain that what you were writing was atrocious. That it was by far one of the worst things he'd have to read in a while. You, not wanting to be talked to like that about your hard work, fought back.
The two of you were now editing every single little word of each other's paper. Nothing passed your eyes as suddenly you both became literary geniuses. Grammar and spelling suddenly making sense to you as you destroyed Todoroki’s paper in your hands. No word went unhighlighted. Comments littered the sides of the paper commenting on truly trivial things. Things that weren’t needed to be said. Things that a psychology professor would not care about in the slightest.
There was nothing productive about your comments. With the ticking time falling through your fingers the two of you should be paying greater attention to what you were doing. But the anger, the uncontrollable rage for what was happening was too large, too grand to be ignored.
The two of you were obsessed with every new comment that was made. Your fingers scrolling to the new comment to yell and argue about how the other one was being childish. It was infuriating and you wanted to leave. Fuck Midnight’s random matching machine, that thing had to be broken if it landed on Todoroki.
“I don’t know why I didn’t fight Midnight on why you were my partner.” You growl as you highlight an entire block text of a quote and wrote in that it seemed fictitious and off-topic. “You’re the most immature person I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.”
“Oh please, I have a niece who’s in her terrible twos and behaves better than you do on a good day.” Todoroki jeers his eyes like ice as he glares at you.
“I’ve met a four-year-old who’s able to write more complete sentences than you!” You sass, your elbows on the study room table, your face leaning in towards his. “You either write run-on sentences or a three-word sentence. Did you ever learn about the subject and predicate of a sentence? I would be more than happy to teach you because it’s obvious you weren’t taught!”
“Honestly, it shocks me that you’re even a STEM major. You want to be what? A doctor? Oh please, you have to be actually smart and a team player. But you? I have never seen you once try to be apart of the team. If it’s not your way, it’s no one's way.”
“Aw, you do know things about me.” You coo, but your words are steely. Your nostrils flare as you lean away. “Don’t even fucking start on me with the team playing. I participate in groups, I fucking love group work. Just because I don’t enjoy doing these things with you doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it at all. You’re not the center of my world.”
I’d beg to differ.” Todoroki coldly smirks, his body shifting closer to yours, and you move in too. Your eyes flash down to his lips that are pulled into a disgustingly attractive smirk. His muscles tensing on his arms. “Tell me, y/l/n, what are the different things the body goes through when you’re attracted to someone. It seems like you don’t fucking know this.”
Your eyes narrow, what was this some fucking test? Of course, you knew! You spent an entire fucking month researching it. Your hand moves to wipe a rolling piece of sweat from your temple. When did it get so damn hot in this cold room?
“The main components of being attracted to someone is summed up in the following physiological states. When attracted to someone, eyes dilate. Bodies sweat more. Bodies become in sync, due to mirroring habits people have when they are high on endorphins. Dopamine levels rise as well as serotonin. Dopamine helps regulate movement, attention, learning, and emotional responses. It also enables us not only to see rewards but to take action to move toward them. Since dopamine contributes to feelings of pleasure and satisfaction as part of the reward system. It also plays a part in addiction. Serotonin in the brain is thought to regulate anxiety, happiness, and mood. The more you have the better your mood. It was also seen that the putamen and the insula light up on an MRI. Indicating that the studied person is experiencing feelings of romantic love, or attraction.” You snark this all while staring him in the eyes.
Your body as tensed as his.
Neither one of you moving.
Neither one of you allowing yourselves to breathe heavily.
“You don’t even fucking see it, do you?” Todoroki growls as he leans back.
You lean back as well, your arms folding. His arms fold.
“See what Einstein? That I fucking know what I’m doing despite what you think? Are you fucking kidding me Todoroki? I deserve to fucking be here even if you hate me! Would you for one moment stop being a complete asshole to me and fucking leave me alone? And people fucking wonder why I hate you,” you hiss leaning in.
Todoroki’s hands slam onto the table. You jump taken off guard due to the loud noise, and you feel your breath stop in your throat as he leans in dangerously close. His face is centimeters away from you, his eyes angry and yet convoluted with something else...
Your eyes widen as your jaw drops slightly, did you finally push him over the edge?
You watch as his own eyes widen slightly he chuckles. The sound is deep, running against your skin in a way that sends chills down your spine as his eyes trail your body.
“Your eyes are dilated right now,” Todoroki observes, his voice low and husky. “You're sweating just the slightest bit, don’t think I didn’t catch you wiping it away. Your body has been moving in sync with my own this entire fucking month. I’m sure your dopamine levels are soaring on account to your attention to me, is your heart racing because of me? Are you anxious? I think you are, which means you have a healthy amount of serotonin in your body. The putamen and the insula make the hate circuit more interesting. Both of these areas light up on an MRI when the person is experiencing feelings of romantic love. So, you tell me, y/l/n, do you actually hate me? Or are you attracted to me?”
Your eyes are wide, Todoroki’s soft yet heavy breathing hits your lips as you continue staring at him. The wide and cocky grin on his face is infuriating, yet stupidly hot. Your blood feels like it’s boiling, anger and fury pumping through your veins as you take in his words again. The knowing laughter that slips from his mouth only further incites your swinging emotions.
“That’s what I thought.” Todoroki determined as he moved to sit back down.
Now you were no idiot. But what you did next was fucking dumb.
Your fingers lashed out, fisting into the collar of his shirt and slammed your lips into a searing kiss against his own.
The windows had been drawn earlier on account of your noisy roommates and friends taking pictures of the two of you fighting. The door was also locked due to that fact, and you were planning on using that to your advantage.
Your lips pressed against his, hot and heavy movements as you pressed further into him. Uncaring, unconcerned about his reaction.
Todoroki groaned softly, his lips moving to keep up with yours. His fingers digging into your biceps as the two of you stood up, leaning over the table as your lips continued this passion-filled battle.
His lips are fervent against yours and your mind spins from having his mouth against yours. Where you really all this time just attracted to him but refused to admit it to yourself? Todoroki’s hands move from your biceps to searching the table, your eyes barely manage to open. They’re heavy with lust, laced with growing desire as your lips part. The books and laptops are taken off the table, leaving the table meant for four students empty and clear. As you come back up from placing your laptop down, Todoroki’s warm hands feel like fire against your heated skin. And you let him pull your face in for another impassioned kiss.
His lips are heavy against yours, pushing and pulling you in with every movement of his lips. He continues pulling you closer and soon enough you’re climbing on top of the table, pants leaving your mouth from the high position of the table as you crawl closer to the boy who was making your heart beat faster than any strenuous activity. As you move closer, his hand runs from your face to rest against your ass. His hands are strong against your ass, and he pulls you nearer so that you’re sitting on the edge of the table, his body between your open legs.
You’re gasping now, sharp breathing as you try to calm your nerves. This man set your mind on fire, and you were drowning in his lips. His mouth dissipating all the anger and hatred you held in mere seconds. Your mouth opens and your tongue swipes at his bottom lip, pleading for entry. Todoroki moves his hands from your ass, trailing down your legs to pull you closer to him, and his mouth opens granting you entry.
Tongues crash together in the middle. Dominance riding high on both of your parts, neither one of you wants to let the other into each other's mouth. But lord, is his tongue working magic against yours. Your body shuddering as your legs wrap against his waist, your crotch pushing forward to grind into his pelvis. His budge is obvious against your clothed core and both of your moans tumble into your mouths.
His hands trail under your shirt and you arch against his chest, and in your moment of serenity, his tongue is able to push into your mouth. You shudder in his hold, his tongue tracing around your mouth in a way that makes your eyes roll back. His tongue runs against your tongue, swirling around it before tracing the roof of your mouth. A moan expels from your mouth as his other hand slips under your shirt. Todoroki laughs, his voice falling on his tongue and you tremble softly.
What the fuck was wrong with you? Making out with Todoroki Shouto in the library study room? There must be something in the air.
Todoroki’s mouth left yours completely, his hot mouth trailing down your neck. His teeth nipping at your skin, his lips sucking against your skin. Your head tosses back in increasing pleasure as your hips press against his bulge again. His mouth stays on the same spot, his mouth sucking harshly against your skin, his teeth biting down sinfully against your skin.
Your arms wrap around his body, pulling him desperately closer to you. The friction not enough, these actions not strong enough for you. “Don’t be a pussy about fucking me.” You can’t keep yourself from stating as Todoroki pulls away from your neck. Your skin throbs from the hickey that has for sure formed.
“Don’t worry,” Todoroki smirks as he lifts your shirt over your head, “I won’t.”
You suck in a sharp breath of air as the cold air hits your exposed body. You feel dirty for wanting to fuck Todoroki. You feel disgusting and delirious for wanting him to claim you right in an often-used library study room. You don’t have time to think anymore as his lips come back to claim your lips. This time, you’re not going to give in as your teeth sink into his bruised lower lip.
The harsh motion of your teeth sinking into his plump and used lips makes him moan. The sound is electrifying to your ears. Your tongue slides back out to soothe over his throbbing lip. Your grin spreading across your face as Todoroki picks you up from the table. Your body shudders as your aroused sex brushes up against his hard cock. His hips thrusting up against your own and you cry out in his mouth. Your own teeth sinking into your bottom lip as Todoroki’s mouth trails down your chin. His teeth brushing against your jaw causing your hips to roll out against him.
Your arms wrap around his neck as you bring your mouth against his neck. Your mouth trails peppering kisses against his strained neck, and your hips grind down against his bulge. “Please take your shitty shirt off, Todoroki.” Your groan as your fingers drag against his muscular back. The muscles delicious against your skin, yet you feel denied, you feel teased at the fact you can feel him better.
Todoroki moans as your heavy and hot breathing makes his mind reel against the cold saliva on his neck. “Call me Shouto, y/n, I think we’re past this last name business.” He growls. The simple use of your name sends a heavy shiver down your spine. You never thought you’d hear him call you y/n and Shouto felt like a stranger on your tongue, but you feel coy as you nod.
You push away, your hair whipping over your shoulder as you stare at his blue and gray eyes. You watch his pupils that are blown wide stare into you as you lean in close. The sweat building slowly on his temple as your mouth pressed against his ear softly.
“Of course, Shouto,” you accentuate his name and he groans.
His hands grip tighter against you as his lips come back against yours.
Your hands reach down for the hem of his shirt and you waste no time in tearing it up over his head. His toned body now exposed for your desiring eyes as you breathe shakily. Maybe you were always attracted to him.
You look at him and a proud blush spreads across your face as he stares at your breasts. You were not at all wearing a cute set, they were simple, black and not revealing. But the way Shouto was looking at you. The way his finger trailed up to your covered bra made you believe that you were wearing the best lingerie set in existence. “Do you like this set?” You tease, your teeth biting down on your bottom lip as you look into his eyes under your eyelashes.
“I think I’ve been the world's biggest idiot for denying you for so long.” Shouto groans as his face pushes forward to kiss your breasts. You feel like you’re melting in his arms as his lips ravish your tender breasts.
“Who says -- fuck -- who says I want you?” You gasp as his mouth continues trailing sweet and hot kisses against your skin. “I’m a wanted woman, you know.”
“Like hell, I’m letting you go now,” Shouto grunts his large hands enveloping your breasts as he gropes them. “Don’t pretend you don’t want to be mine.”
You don’t have the chance to respond back as Shouto’s right-hand moves behind your back and removes your bra with one hand. The smooth action somehow turning you further on. The bra is thrown off your body and your breasts bounce as they’re not entirely exposed. You don’t know how to feel bashful or to feel confident in the way that Shouto stares at your exposed chest. His eyes locked on your breasts, his lips dragging against his teeth as he looks back up at you.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Shouto groans as his mouth slips your nipple into his mouth. You cry out as your hips roll against his crotch again, and you feel him walking forward.
You whine as Shouto sets your back onto the cold surface of the library table. Your pants heighten as he slips off your sweatpants. The cold air hitting your hot legs making you shudder at the temperature difference.
His fingers roll your free nipple between his fingers. The sensations on your nipples overwhelming as your hips thrash against his. Moans and gasps pour out of your mouth as he continues ravishing your breasts. His teeth nipping and pulling on the sensitive skin. Your head throws back as he pulls away, a resonating pop filling your ears as he lets go of your nipple. Harsh heaves leave your mouth as you look down, your breasts shine with his saliva and you moan again.
“I’m going to fucking eat you out, and you’re going to watch me the entire fucking time,” Shouto commands you, his fingers hooking around your panties. “Do you understand?”
Breathlessly you nod your head. Your eyes locking onto his bi-colored ones as your panties join the rest of your clothes on the floor. Shouto chuckles as his finger drags against your soaked slit, “You’re so fucking wet.” Shouto remarks and your body shudders against his actions. Your eyes flutter closed before you force them back open to peer down at Shouto, “Good girl.” He praises and you feel your pussy throbs at those two words.
Shouto presses a hand against your waist and you watch as he sinks two fingers into your blazing heat. You cry out in pleasure as his heated fingers plunge in and out of you. Your eyes struggle to keep themselves onto his proud form. Your hand slaps across your mouth as his fingers curl within you. Their curvature adding even more stimulating pleasure within your body. Melodious moans are now muffled underneath your hands and Shouto sneers at that.
“Don’t hide what I’m making you feel, y/n.” Shouto snaps. His fingers increasing in their roughness as they pound against your soaked pussy. “Don’t you want the world to know that I’m the one making you feel this way?”
Your hand trembles as you move it away from your mouth, but your teeth subconsciously clamp down onto your bottom lip. You’re embarrassed at being caught in the library. Even though you were attracted to Shouto, you didn’t want to be found in this state.
On a public table, legs wide open, and Shouto’s fingers deep into your pussy.
Shouto, unsatisfied with your quiet affirmations of his actions, slips another finger into your aching pussy. A silent shriek leaves your mouth as you push up off the table. The additional width of his thrusting fingers overwhelming.
“Oh,” Shouto laughs smugly, his smile stretching wide across his face. “Did you like that?”
“Yes, you blind fucking idiot!” You thrash against his fingers, your head falling back in your distracting pleasure. The sensations are numbing your mind. Your rationale slipping away as his fingernails drag against your inner walls. Your cunt feels like it’s pulsating faster than your heart as he continues going.
“Aren’t you just a fucking sweetheart.” Shouto purrs and his hand reaches out to lock in your hair. Your head is roughly brought back up, and a low groan of pain rumbles in your throat as you stare at his slightly furious eyes. “Didn’t I say to fucking look at me?”
Your chest heaves in embarrassment and wounded pride. Like hell, you were being dominated by him.
Before you could try wrestling him for dominance, his mouth lowers towards your dripping cunt. His tongue takes a languid and slow lick. His tongue slipping between your slit and you fall back onto the table. Your eyes fluttering in their battle to stay open. Your eyes still locking onto his victorious face.
Your legs tremble as he thrusts his tongue within your drenched walls. His tongue swirling in circles and thrusting further in. His fingers still thrusting into you as you fall apart on the table. On one lick, one measly irresistibly mind-numbing lick, your legs come crashing against his head. Shouto’s free hand moves to grip onto your trembling thighs. His tongue coaxing your orgasm closer to the edge.
“S-Shouto!” You curse, your hips moving desperately against his mouth. Your hips were unforgiving against his merciless tongue.
Your eyes struggle to remain locked on his eyes, your body twitching with the building pleasure. The electricity igniting in your flesh and bloodstream. You can hear the sounds of your squelching pussy against his moving fingers, and your jaw drops. You’re under his absolute control and you're no longer able to hold back anymore as your orgasm is right on the edge, but then he pulls away. His fingers and tongue disappearing from within you. Causing you to whimper in pain, in lust, and in denied orgasm.
“Suck yourself off my fingers.” Shouto pants as his arousal covered fingers press against your mouth. You take his fingers without a second thought. Your teeth scraping softly against his fingers as you suck your juices off of him. Your eyes remain on his as your tongue slips between each finger. You suck onto his fingers as he pulls away and Shouto growls as he pulls his hand away from you.
“Get up.” Shouto snaps, his hands moving to remove the belt around his waist, and you are quick to slide off the table. Your knees buckling under your weight as Shouto removes his pants. You watch in an almost lusting horror as his cock springs out from under his underwear. He was by far the biggest guy you’ve ever seen and your throat feels dry as he gasps. His dick must be hypersensitive already.
Steeling yourself over, you drop to your knees, uncaring that he wasn’t quite ready as Shouto struggles to step out of his pants.
As soon as his feet are free, your hands immediately grab his length. His girth wide enough you struggled to hold it with one hand. You smirked at the fact that he had two protruding veins on both sides of his cock, how typical for this half and half genetic phenonium.
“Y-Y/n…” Shouto stutters as your hand fists up and down his length in pretense. Your eyes snapping up to meet his lust covered ones.
“Now,” You sigh as your thumb rolls over the pre-cum that slips from the tip of his head. “I better not catch you not looking at me, understood?”
Shouto licks his lips, his eyebrow quirking. “I don’t take orders from you.”
You smile softly, but there’s a strong sadistic tone to it as your hands twist his skin. Shouto curses as he nods, “Fine!”
“Good boy," you tease as your mouth opens and you let him penetrate it. His girth so wide you had to open wider than you were used to. You gasp as you push him further down your throat. Your eyes flashing up to see Shouto struggling to keep his head down and eyes wide. Good god, you hope you were wet enough to take him in without lube.
Your mouth sinks down as far as you can go while not straining yourself. Your fingers trailing up and down his toned thighs as you move your head up and down his length. You’re now in a smooth rhythm, sucking his cock with enough vigor to make Shouto curse your name.
Your movements signal to Shouto that he can move as well. Shouto groans and his hips move forward. You relax against his rocking hips, you're focused on your breathing as his cock moves up and down your throat. Deeper and deeper, you feel his cock move within you. His hand pressing against the back of your throat, and you gag softly against his length.
Your eyes look back up to see Shouto’s eyes closed. Moans and pants spilling out with every thrust, and your cheeks hollow out. Creating a vacuum sensation against his length.
“Fucking shit!” Shouto snaps. His hands tangling within your locks as he overtakes your dominance. Shouto then begins fucking your throat without hesitation. “Taking my cock like the dirty slut you are, of course, you would be good at this,” he hisses as his cock only goes further down your throat.
You struggle to breathe with his thrusting. His snapping hips overwhelming you with their speed and depth. He’s barbarous against your throat. Uncaring about the burning sensation erupting through your airway as he continues at his strength and speed. Your tongue swirls around his thrusting cock. Trailing against his veins as his hips stutter.
You moan against his length. The action allowing you to gain more air and sending a snarl from Shouto’s mouth as his pace increases.
His hips abuse your throat, and you’re delighted in the fact that you’re keeping up. The soft gags that occasionally slip from your mouth stirring him on. The hum on your throat allowing him to further his strength and speed as your actions overwhelm him. He’s sinful yet heavenly in your mouth and you want him in your dripping cunt. Your thighs shaking with the mere thought of him having his way with you.
He pulls his length away from your mouth. Your saliva stringing between your mouth and his still erect cock. You cough as you try taking in the air again, the lack of oxygen had been ignored as your pleasure was so high.
However, you don’t have the time to adjust to your new air as Shouto pulls you up from the floor. His mouth once again attacking yours as you find your back pressed against the table. His lips are intoxicating, and you can still taste yourself in his mouth. You moan as he lifts you up on the table again.
“Fuck you’re amazing.” Shouto grunts as his mouth trails down your neck and you shudder. How you craved a man you were ready to beat the shit out of earlier was beyond you. Maybe attraction and hatred ran on a fine line.
“I know I am,” you gasp as he spreads your legs, the tip of his cock stroking your soaked folds.
“I’ll get you to say it when my cock is in you,” Shouto chuckles and you moan at the feeling of the tip of his head sinking into your trembling cunt. “Are you ready?”
Your head nods nevertheless, and you still as he chuckles.
“Say it.”
“I want to hear you say it," he interrupts, and you stare into his bi-colored eyes and feel as if you’re drowning in his them. They’re desperate, needy, and full of want. It’s enough to steal your breath away as you nod again.
“Please fuck me.” You whisper, and Shouto smiles.
A shriek crashes through your mouth as he pushes his cock all the way into your awaiting cunt without hesitation. His girth stretches you out in an unimaginable way. Your walls fluttering as they attempt to relax and grow used to his size. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, you’re so fucking huge!” You cry as your body trembles as Shouto leans forward. His own breathing a quiet hiss as your walls clench around him.
“I bet I’m the biggest you’ve e-ever had.” Shouto cockily rasps, but his words feel powerless as he is affected by your pulsating walls. “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight.”
You whimper as the painful throb in your pussy lulls and you wiggle your hips against him, “N-Now fuck me right. Don’t fucking make me regret giving in.” You gasp as his eyes lock on yours.
There’s something unsaid flowing between the two of you. An agreement, a secret being whispered through your eyes. Three years of frustration and denied attraction. Three years of forced hatred disappearing between your bodies.
Shouto smiles, small and sweet, yet terribly contrasting as he adheres to your demand. His hips position to a better angle, and you can only watch with fluttering eyes as he begins ramming into you. Your hips move in time with his. Both of you desperate under your denied orgasm and this heightened state of pleasure. Shouto’s hands grip your waist. His grip leaving bruised marks as he slams your body faster against his huge cock. He's stretching you out deliciously. His hands drag out under your ass, clenching your supple flesh as this tiny different position stretches you out in a mind-numbing way.
His hips crashing into yours is transcending, and your cries only fuel Shouto on. Your body feels as if it is on fire as he drags a single leg up onto his shoulder. His cock bottoming out into you making your back arch off the table as you wail out his name. Shouto’s heated fingers press against your throbbing clit. You sputter as he rubs harsh and delicate figure-eights onto your puffy nerve. Your pussy is clamping down on his moving cock, slowing him down slightly, before he grunts and increases his speed and strength.
Your noises of pleasure silences as his cock hits the back of your walls, your legs thrashing around as he drilled into you the same way.
Again and again.
More and more.
His cock smashing against your walls until he tilts his angle and comes down hard against your g-spot.
“SHOUTO!!!” You scream as he continues pounding into your g-spot. His name a prayer on your lips as he continues fucking your brains out.
You shoot up off the table, your screams sounding in his ear as you wrap your arms around him. Despite the fact that your leg was on his shoulder, you held on. The angle allowing Shouto to drive his cock against your g-spot over and over again, your screams drowning out as his mouth covered yours. His body is giving you exploding sensations, your tightness making Shouto moan and curse.
“I needa -- fuck yes, baby do that again -- I needa come!” You squeak as your body rocks against his own.
“Come for me, baby.” Shouto sighs into your mouth. “Come around my cock.”
The pleasure in your belly is overwhelming, it's building up so fast, and your toes curl in electrifying pleasure. You can’t handle it anymore, the pleasure being too much.
Your orgasm crashes through you, your vision turning white as your jaw drops as your screams go silent. Shouto’s mouth continues to move against yours, kissing sloppily against your teeth as he chases his own orgasm.
His hips continue slamming into you, they’re brutal as they slam over and over again. He’s chanting your name as your stimulated cunt continues clenching around his length. His pace is making you grow limp in his arms, although your hips still continue to roll against his. His breathing is short and tense. Panting as he struggles to keep himself composed.
“Come inside me…” You whine into his ear, desperate to feel his hot seed expelling within you.
His cock stretches you out in a new way as he presses you back onto the table his arm lifting your second leg over his shoulder. The twin bulging veins on his cock rubbing a fire against your walls. Shouto fucks you mercilessly, his fingers clenching your ass as you come apart for him. Shouto, unable to keep a controlled mind on his shoulder, loses himself within you. His hips drilling forward one last time. A heavy load shooting into your throbbing cunt.
Shaky breathing fills the air as he pulls out of you.
You whine at the lack of him within you, and your body relaxes as he steps back. Your hands pressed against the table as you pant, desperate to find your air again. A whimper on your tongue as you feel your combine cum seeping from your clenching pussy.
“You were amazing.” Shouto chuckles as he leans down next to you.
You moan as you look over at him.
“I can’t believe I let you fuck me in the library without you even buying me dinner…”
“...would you let me buy you dinner one day?”
Your eyes blink as you stare at your rival in front of you. Your cheeks feel like they’re on fire as you nod.
“I’d love to…”
You moan softly as his lips press against yours.
You lose yourself in his lips until the reason why you’re in this library to begin with flashes across your mind.
Everyone stared as you held onto Shouto’s hand as you walked into your psychology class. Everyone was silent as the two of you sat next to each other in the same row you two had claimed as your own.
No one dared to speak as you kept your head down and Shouto, unconcerned about others' opinions, placed his arm around your shoulder.
You’re pretty sure you heard people choking on their air at that fact.
Midnight thankfully strolls in, her hands full of her things as she’s ready to get these presentations over with.
“Thank you to all of you who turned in your papers on time! We only had one pair not do that!” Midnight chirped as she stared at you and Shouto.
There was a spike of restless energy in the room as they all put together quickly that it was top students Todoroki Shouto and you.
“Care to explain to us why it was late, and why you two are suddenly… buddy-buddy?” Midnight grins, her cheeks blushing as she finally was able to bring the two of you together, not that you knew anyways.
Shouto stood up, and your heart beat in your chest as you had no idea what he was going to say.
“We fucked.”
And screams sounded throughout the classroom.
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anjuschiffer · 5 years ago
Following the Unknown
Okay, so sometime ago, I wrote something up about another soulmate au that was inspired from a dream I had (and for some reason I can’t find it in my archives...f* you Tumblr! And if anyone remembers what I’m talking about, think you can send me a link? Cuz I can’t find it QQ).
So the AU concept went something like this:
Some people know they have soulmates because they can hear their soulmate’s voice. If you’re lucky enough, you can actually see them, or rather their silhouette in the form of a swarm of leaves, that trail away once your soulmate stops talking to you. These leaves fly off and sometimes if you chase them, lead you to your soulmate. However, if they go on, that means that your soulmate isn’t close. Some people have feathers as guides, however, those who have seen these feathers and followed them are guaranteed to see their soulmates...but only at the brink of death. People dread to have feathers guide them to their soulmate, despite their gold color. 
The only con of this soulmate bond is that only those with the bond can see the glowing white leaves, no one else can see the leaves but those with that type of bond. 
And I haven’t touched the au until I was listening to Into the Unknown...
With that explanation out of the way, I hope you enjoy it!
Song: Into the Unknown by Idina Menzel | Daminette Soulmate Au
Context: Damian is 17 years old, never once telling anyone he had a soulmate bond. Mari is 16, her soulmate bond appearing that very year, something she always wanted, but hated that it was at the worst time to receive a bond. After all, defeating Hawkmoth was her top priority.
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak​ @damianette-is-life​
Damian stirred in his bed, a whisper ringing in his ears. Attempting to block them out, Damian wrapped his pillow over his head, his knuckles turning white as he did so.
Damian threw the pillow to the side, wincing at the voice that echoed within his head. Struggling to get up, Damian quickly drew out his sketchbook, flipping to the back of it. There, a meticulously set of dates were written and organized, a tip of a quill meeting the page, Damian writing down a new date.
Ever since his 16th birthday, he had been having these effects, a voice whispered to him. 
It was soft, soothing, but annoying all at the same time. 
Hello. It would whisper. Can you hear me?
I can hear you but I won't.
Of course he was able to. It bothered him to the ends of the Earth, causing him to become distracted at school and during patrols.
He regretted ever answering back to them after they kept trying to contact them for four solid months.
With that single response, he had been able to hear the voice clearer, causing the noise to grow stronger, something that Damian hated. 
Because of it, his grades slowly slipped, but Damian had managed to keep them up. Patrol, however, was another story. 
He kept getting a scolding from his father and brother, causing his mood to sour even more. 
He already had a pretty shitty sleep schedule and the noise just made it worse. 
He would awaken at random times during the middle of the night, ranging from one in the morning to four. He rarely got them at five and six, but nonetheless had them then as well. 
Ignore your whispers which I wish would go away
Damian got back to bed, hoping to fall back to sleep as he heard the noise stay with him. Damian didn’t know when he had fallen asleep, but he did, nonetheless when the noise had whispered to him. 
And the voice remained quiet for the remainder of the night.
“-and only one in every three million have this type of soulmate bond.” Damian paused the video, writing something down in his notepad, circling the new piece of information.
The Wind Bond.
A bond that those who had it describe it to be like a wind itself.
It caused you to hear the voice of your soulmate, ever so softly heard like a midsummer breeze. 
The soulmate’s voice would only grow stronger if they were close by.
Those who had a romantic version of the bond would also see their soulmate’s silhouette in the form of leaves, scattering into the air if you managed to see it. 
However, only the people with the bond were able to see and hear their soulmate.
It was also because of this that people called it the Wind Bond; many only faintly heard the voice of their soulmate and almost never got to ingrain the silhouette of their soulmate, causing them to lose all hope in ever seeing their soulmate.
It was hard to catch, hard to believe, just like the wind.
As Damian tapped in pencil against the table, the noise returned, Damian dropping his pencil to cradle his head.
You're not a voice, you're just a ringing in my ear.
With shaky hands, Damian reached for the headphones laying on his desk.
Damian paired them to his phone and put music to drown the noise, his shoulders relaxing when he could no longer hear it.
I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls.
Damian looked at what he had written, huffing at the paper. 
Why would he ever believe in this?
Damian ripped the paper and tossed them into his metal trash can. Seeing that all of the pieces were inside, Damian opened his desk drawer, rummaging through it until his hand found a small rectangular-like item. 
Flicking the lighter, Damian took the final piece of his ‘research’ and lit it on fire, tossing it in with the rest, watching as smoke rose from the can.
Why would he ever think he had one?
Even if he did have one, he shouldn’t care.
They were unnecessary, a hindrance to him…
At least his mother and grandfather told him. 
As he watched the last ember die, Damian went back to studying, the ringing fading from his mind.
Damian’s eyes widened as his eyes caught the thing behind him. 
He had just gotten past the manor’s gates when he heard someone call out to him.
Turning, Damian found a girl made of softly glowing bluebell leaves.
He watched as they soon scattered into the air, Damian taking a step forward before going into a sprint.
He had the Wind Bond. And the romantic type at that.
Damian quickly came to a stop, watching as the leaves finally left his view.
I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you
Damian didn’t know for how long he was standing at where he was, but when he was done accepting what had happened to him, he let out a long deep sigh.
A soulmate, huh?
He would just have to try his best to ignore it.
Damian dug his nails into his hands, the noise coming back inside his head, and at the worst possible time.
What do you want? 
He was busy trying to concentrate on the math problem in front of him, the clock ticking as his professor reminded the class of the time constraint.
“There’s ten minutes left!”
Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake?
Damian wanted to scoff at the answer, racking everything he learned to solve the integration before him. It was the only thing left, but for some reason he just couldn’t seem to figure it out.
Just breath.
He did.
Recheck your fourth to last step. That’s where-
“Five minutes!”
Damian quickly rescanned his work for the twentieth time, finally noticing where he had gone wrong. Reworking that step, Damian began to internally grin as he confidently finished the rest, smiling when he placed his pencil down and the professor called time.
Damian hated to admit it, but was glad to be able to hear her voice clearly this time around.
The bell rang, signaling the start of the next class, Damian quickly walking out to get to it.
Thank you. 
“-I simply did what I had to do!” Damian yelled, a snarl present on his face.
“You endangered the civilians inside the building!” Dick yelled, throwing a glare at Bruce. “And you allowed him to-”
“It was necessary for the mission.” Bruce simply stated, walking out the cave, leaving Dick with his feelings.
“I thought you had changed B!” Dick yelled, grabbing his coat. “Seems like you haven’t.”
Damian watched as Dick left, wanting to call him back, but knew that he shouldn’t. Instead, he went off to his own room, heading straight to the shower to get rid of the sweat that made his shirt cling to his body as if it were a second skin.
As he stood under the steaming hot water, Damian pondered to himself.
While he always held his father in high regards, Damian struggled to follow his standards, finding himself to lean more towards Dick’s. Who was right? Who did he have to follow? To please? Who’s standard should he even begin to follow?
But he had to.
But don’t you already have your own set?
He did.
Then follow it.
Damian pursed his lips, turning off the water.
Why should he follow his own instead of one laid out before him?
Because if you try to meet the standards someone placed for you, you’re going to burn out quicker. You will start to lose yourself. Believe me. I’ve been there and hated it. Every. Second. 
Damian kept wondering about the words the voice told him, catching the resentment behind them. 
Despite having lived under the same roof as his father and older brother for seven years, Damian could still measure the tension between themselves. The air was suffocating, made his breathing heavy and felt off.
Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me?
They did mention having to choose a decision and regretting it.
They had been through it…
Was it when he told them to take the ring from the other person she was fighting with?
If so, were they once like him? Did they once have these unwanted thoughts? Thoughts of fleeing?
Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be?
Damian shook his head, throwing himself onto his bed, Titus laying beside him. 
As he laid in bed, Damian closed his eyes, replaying the day he stopped chasing the bluebell leaves.
Damian found himself reaching towards the ceiling, grabbing one of the leaves. He watched as the bluebell turned red before it slipped out of his hand.
Damian quickly chased after it, stopping as he reached the edge of the manor’s garden, watching as the red leaf turned bluebell once more and disappeared into the distance.
His hand reached out in an attempt to grab it again, despite knowing it was futile. 
Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go 
Into the unknown
Are you out there?
“-you alright Bugaboo?” Ladybug blinked as she registered what Chat had said, finally facing him after scanning their surroundings. “Is there something-”
“You didn’t hear that?” 
“Hear what?” Chat asked, tilting his head, his ear twitching in anticipation.
Marinette looked to her side once again, wondering what the hell was happening to her.
Migraine? No, definitely not. 
“Do you really-” Ladybug was about to ask, only to get interrupted by Chat.
“Seems like you can do it with a day off.” Chat said with a grin, twirling his baton. “You know, maybe a date at-”
Marinette zoned out Chat’s voice, wondering what was going on. She swore she had heard someone call out to her, a smooth voice that sent chills down her spine. But despite that, she felt curiosity behind that whisper.
“-and who knows? We might find out that we’re actually-”
“You mean soulmates.” Chat tried to correct, watching as Ladybug’s face pale. “Bugaboo. What-”
“My soulmate bond.” She whispered, feeling a lump in her throat. “I got my soulmate b-”
“Does that mean-!”
“No.” Ladybug said, sternly looking at Chat. “We’re not soulmates.”
“How are yo-”
“When I asked if you heard that, you said no.” 
“And what does that-”
“My soulmate bond has to do with hearing each other’s voices. Our thoughts.” Ladybug watched as Chat’s smile dropped, his eyes turning dull. “You’re not my- Chaton!” Marinette yelled out as Chat ran away from her, using his baton to launch himself to who knows where.
Sighing, Marinette called off her transformation, Tikki flying up to Marinette’s cheek. “Why now? Why now of all times?”
“I wish I had the answer to that Marinette, but even we have no knowledge on how soulmate bonds are assigned and given. If we did-”
“I always wanted a soulmate bond.” Marinette confessed, Tikki giving her a small smile. “But to think I would get one right now, with Hawkmoth-”
“It’s going to be alright Marinette.” Tikki assured, snuggling closer. “It’s going to be alright, you’ll see.”
“I hope you’re right Tikki. I really hope you are right.” Marinette said, embracing Tikki in her own way.
Do you know me?
Or rather do you remember me?
Marinette had not heard back from her soulmate in a solid month, wondering what was going on. 
Was it just a fluke?
“I don’t think so.” Tikki said, munching on a cookie. “While we may not know everything about soulmate bonding, we do know some basic principles. Using those, I’m pretty sure you have a soulmate bond. It’s just taking a while to settle into your life. Well, lives.”
Marinette sighed, placing her head on her desk, attempting to reconnect with her soulmate for the umpteenth time.
Months continued to pass, Marinette now dealing with a tantrum-throwing Chat and an unresponsive soulmate.
Yes, the soulmate bonding was supposed to be the least of her worries, but how can Marinette ignore the fact that she hadn’t heard from them in three months?
In attempts to push it to the back of her mind, Marinette focused on retrieving the cat miraculous from Chat. 
Another month passed when a miracle occured. 
Marinette was sick and tired of playing cat and mouse with Chat, promising herself to try this one last time before she officially gave up on taking back the cat miraculous. 
They were once more fighting an appearance changing akuma, the akuma changing the appearance of any person they touched, Marinette doing everything in her power to avoid being touched. What should she do? She didn’t want to be a useless fish nor-
Take it when he gets hit by his opponent. 
Marinette stiffed at those words, feeling as if he knew then from experience himself. 
Marinette didn’t get a response, but stuck with their advice, watching for her opportunity to rise. 
An hour later, there it was. 
As she flung him out of harm’s way, she slipped the ring off of him, her eyes closed as she renounced his ownership of the ring and of Plagg. 
A single tear slipped as he heard him scream at her. As he begged her to reconsider. 
Ladybug simply ignored the growing guilt in her chest, but knew it was for the best. 
With a final tug at her yo-yo, Ladybug took down the akuma and prepared herself to be the hero Paris truly needed. 
Back at home, Marinette hugged her pillow, crying her heart out as she started to doubt her decision from earlier that day.
A month had passed since that day, Marinette slumping into her bed as she de transformed. Plagg and Tikki quickly checked on their Guardian before going off to replenish their own energy. 
With a heavy sigh, Marinette threw her arm over her forehead, feeling the tension in it. 
Hawkmoth was still out there, searching for her, using all her allies against her. All but two. 
Rena Rouge has the first out. 
Then Carapace. 
Lady Guêpe was forced to resign. 
Then Chat Noir. 
Ryuuko and Viperion remained, but at what cost?
But she couldn’t keep burdening them with her duties, with her life. 
The trio were the only ones to protect Paris, although it was majorly Lady Chat in the scene.
Announcing to Paris that Chat was no longer going to aid with the defeat of Hawkmoth ended up turning for the worst, half of Paris wondering why Ladybug would ever do such a thing. 
Why would she ever let Chat go when she needed him the most?
She ignored them, knowing it was for the greater good. She knew that what she did was necessary. 
She wasn’t going to allow Chat to continue to corrupt Plagg, even Viperion and Ryuuko agreed with her. 
And yes, she did always meet up with them...in their slightly hidden civilian forms. 
While the previous guardian told her the importance of keeping their identities, Marinette’s morality began to waver. 
If they wanted any chance of defeating Hawkmoth, they needed more trust with each other. 
Yes, they can potentially leak out each other’s identities if akumatized, but she was willing to risk it. 
So with Ryuuko and Viperion’s help, Ladybug sought a way to take down the enemy, once and for all. 
Marinette’s thoughts soon became muddled, equations blurring into her mind. 
She sat there, cradling her mind as math flooded her head, a concerned Tikki rushing to her. 
They are rushing it. 
They had to use substitution there, not the answer they got in the first part. 
What do you want?
Are you here to distract me?
Just breath.
Recheck your fourth to last step. That’s where-
The voice faded, becoming a soothing hum. Mari felt as her shoulders relaxed, only then noticing she had then square and tense. 
She decided to sit up, eyeing her sketchbook. 
When was the last time she opened it? 
Just as she turned to a clean page, Marinette started to sketch, writing the word red at the side. 
That’s when she heard her soulmate say something she thought they were never going to say to her. 
Thank you. 
Giddiness filled her imagination, Marinette got to designing, Plagg and Tikki smiling as they watched her emerge herself into her work. 
Marinette placed a final pin into her alterations when her head began to angrily hum.
Who’s standard should I follow?
Marinette wondered what was going on with her soulmate that made them question and doubt the morality standards around them. But if she went off experience…
But I have to choose a side.
Don’t you have your own set of morals? Principles?
I do.
Then follow them.
Why can’t I just choose one of the ones laid before me?
Because if you keep trying to choose one of them, you’re going to burn out. You’re going to lose yourself.  And you’ll hate it. Every. Second. That passes.
Marinette began to panic when she didn’t hear anything said back, looking at Tikki for some type of explanation. 
Tikki simply looked at her with sad eyes while Plagg purred against Marinette’s cheek, Marinette deflating upon not getting an answer to her situation. 
Can you feel me?
The voice asked, Damian debating on whether to answer it. 
Because, no. He couldn’t feel them, but certainly did feel their emotions 
He had been for the past half year. 
And he knew that whoever they were, they were either a hero or vigilante. 
He was able to clearly feel their emotions and hear their thoughts when they finally defeated someone called Hawkmoth. 
He had tried to ask them who it was, but they never responded, quickly changing the subject. 
Mostly about their upcoming schedule. 
Something about having to make a dress for some event they were invited to. 
He remembers telling them about him being in the same boat, having to get his measurements taken for a new suit for the gala. 
Can you show me?
Their bond only allowed them to hear each other.
And our silhouettes. They added. 
“Master Damian, there you are.” Alfred spoke, Damian looking over at his grandfather (not that he would ever say it out loud). 
“Is this about the gala? I presume Father wants me to do something for him.”
“More like remind you of how-“
“I won’t let some random harlots try to seduce me.” Damian stated firmly, picking up Alfred the cat. “They can try, but I will not waver.” 
Alfred let a smile out, giving a few words for thought before leaving. 
Damian sighed, going back to his conversation. Or at least attempted. 
He tried to say something to his soulmate, but never got a response…
Not even as he tried to talk to her for the next few weeks.
Marinette stood by the punch bowl, watching as everyone around her talked like old time friends, chatting away into the night. 
She rubbed her hands against her bare arms, wondering why someone like her was even at the Wayne Gala. 
Oh right. She was personally invited because of her other identity: M. 
M - the mysterious designer that had taken the fashion world upside down with their presence and style. 
Marinette sighed, taking her glass of champagne and walking towards the balcony, not a single set of eyes following her crystal embedded red dress that stood out like a sore thumb.
Leaning against the stone railing, Marinette huffed, twirling the glass between her fingers, watching as the champagne sizzled as it swirled. 
Finding herself bored, Marinette hummed to herself, wishing she was still able to talk to her soulmate.
Ever since that night a few weeks ago, she hadn’t been able to contact them, even Tikki growing worried as to why it was happening.
Marinette missed talking to them, even if their relationship did start on the wrong foot.
She missed them...dearly.
As Marinette continued to hum to herself, something caught her attention; a single emerald glowing leaf flew into her line of sight, her breath hitching. 
It continued to fly away, into the hall in which the gala was taking place. 
Where are you going? Don't leave me alone
Without a second thought, Marinette quickly followed it, not caring about the stares she was gathering as she pushed her way through the crowds. 
She stumbled a bit as she saw the butterfly take a corner, almost losing it in the process. 
How do I follow you
Into the unknown
Marinette quickly called out Kaalki, giving out an order to bring Mullo to her. 
As soon as she had made it out into the open, Mullo quickly joined Marinette into the chase, multiplying to help with the search. 
Marinette’s heart beat louder and stronger as she watched the butterfly begin to pulse brighter than ever before, a smile growing unbeknownst to Mari. 
The joy died done when the butterfly stopped going, hovering in the middle of the garden which Mari found herself at. 
Finally having a moment to breath, Marinette looked around herself, hedges and rows of flora surrounded her, shades of camellias encircling her. In the distance, she noticed some blue salvias, the tips peeking from under bushes.
Why was she brought here?
Here of all places?
Her thoughts were broken when she heard a pair of shoes click their way towards her, Marinette watching as the shadowed figure became another person. 
When their eyes met, a group of leaves burst around them, the soft bluebell mingled with the emerald ones, dancing around each other. 
“So you’re my soulmate.” He started, Marinette wondering how he wasn’t breaking a sweat in the layers of formal attire. She also couldn’t help but notice that his suit had kevlar integrated. 
“I must be if the leaves guided us to one another.” Marinette responded, wondering what to do next. 
The two looked at each other, wondering who was going to take the next step when the man broke into a smile. 
“Damian. My name's Damian Wayne.”
“Marinette.” She followed. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m glad I found you, Damian.”
She really was. 
She was happy to have followed the wind bond into the unknown. 
Dick watched as Damian ran through the crowds in the gala. 
“Damian! Where-“
“Somewhere!” Damian yelled, peaking Dick’s curiosity. 
Dick waited until he saw him leave the hall before tailing him, having to pick up the pace when he almost lost sight of the boy a few times. 
Dick wondered where exactly Damian was running off to, worry growing stronger when they had left the manor and were running into the garden. 
He quickly tumbled into a hedge when he watched Damian slow down, following his gaze. 
There, a few meters away, was a small stature girl with the most captivating red dress. The off-shoulder dress perfected fitted the girl’s small frame, Dick watching with the utmost glee as he saw Damian approach the girl. 
Just as the two were three feet apart, Dick watched as a kaleidoscope of butterflies burst around them, leaving Dick starstruck. 
He’d always heard of the wind bond, some of his friends telling him they had it. But this was the first time he’s ever seen it, let alone seen actual soulmates-
Filled with hurt, Dick curled into a ball and stayed there in shock. 
“Grayson. How long do you plan on staying there?” 
Dick raised his head, watching how Damian attempted to keep a smile in check while his soulmate was wrapped around his arm. “Come on, the gala’s about to end. I need to make an announcement as it does.”
It took a quick second for Dick to figure out what he had meant by that. 
“Damian! Don’t you dare-“
“Watch me.” Damian said with a grin, watching as the girl looked at Dick in confusion as Damian led her back inside. 
Dick, however, didn't make it in time to warn their father, watching as Damian announced to the world about his soulmate… right as his own father was going to propose to Selina on live. 
“That idiot.” Dick muttered, a smile still on his face as he watched Damian glow alongside his newfound love.
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moonlit-han · 5 years ago
you can’t learn that from books ↠ kim seungmin
genre: friends-to-lovers, college au word count: 2.4k warnings: suggestive as hell, swearing request: yes (anon) a/n: I hope this lives up to your expectations for passionate kissing with Seungmin, anon! It turned out a lot longer than I expected. Enjoy a study session of a different kind~
✧ masterlist in bio ✧
You hurried along the walkway to the library, your shoulders hunched against the fine mist that was covering every inch of you, and your things, that it could get to. Sighing in relief, you yanked the main door open. It was so nice and warm, and most importantly, dry. After slithering out of your raincoat, you passed a hand through your hair, trying to soak up the clinging moisture with your sleeve. You grinned as you spotted Seungmin sitting by the windows, hunched over his notebook and occasionally chewing on his pencil.
Right after class on Friday, Seungmin had asked you to study with him and you’d gladly agreed. You were really quite excited to study with him, since you needed help editing an essay and Seungmin’s meticulous nature would be a welcome benefit.
You sat next to him in two out of your three Literature classes, and talked incessantly with each other. Well, more like talked, whispered, wrote notes, drew hilariously bad pictures, and even perfected the two-people-stare-at-each-other-and-suddenly-they’re-telepathic form of communication. Your professors had resigned themselves to the fact that you would quietly giggle in the corner together no matter what. However, you still managed to come up with the right answers and take surprisingly detailed notes.
Seungmin made classes that you already enjoyed even better—it was like he could magically brighten a room with just a smile. And, he flirted shamelessly with you, making it painfully clear that he had a crush on you. You’d kind of glaze over whenever he smiled at you, and more than once, he’d had to wave his hand in front of your face to get your attention. Those were not your finest moments, and included much spluttering, blushing, and shakily constructed bravado.
This was all because you had had just as intense feelings for him as he did for you. In short, you were sunk for Kim Seungmin—absolutely smitten.
Surprisingly, there were fewer people in the library than you’d expect on a rainy day. Not that this was a bad thing, though. As you approached the table Seungmin had chosen, he looked up, his eyes sparkling with a smile.
“Hey, Y/N,” he chirped. “Wet enough out there for you?”
“You’ve no idea,” you said, sighing dramatically. “It’s like mist can get through anything. I feel like a drowned rat and it’s not even raining properly.”
“At least it’s warm in here, though, right?” Seungmin said, pulling his bag up onto the table.
You grumbled in agreement, pulling out the chair across from Seungmin and slumping into it. He just watched as you extracted your laptop and several books from your bag.
“So, what’s up?” Seungmin rested his chin in his hands. “Didn’t you want to work on an essay or something?”
“Yeah, let me pull it up.” you said, relieved he’d brought it up, so you wouldn’t have to go through the awkwardness of asking for help.
Seungmin was patient and kind as he helped you edit your paper. He let you learn from experience and through thorough examination of what you were trying to convey, rather than just telling you what to write. It was a good system, and you were pleased with how the paper was turning out. The entire time, you were keenly aware of Seungmin’s presence next to you: the warmth of his arm as it brushed against yours when he went to type something, the resonance of his voice, the way he stared intently at you while you were rambling about what you wrote. You tried to ignore the warm feeling growing inside you, but couldn’t—it was just so damn distracting.
Once you were done, you went to roam among the shelves as Seungmin tried to complete a few paragraphs on an essay of his own. The library was quiet, the smell of the books and the glue used in their bindings a calm counterpoint to the frenetic energy of students researching and writing. You liked the muffled silence of the library, and you imagined you could feel the combined knowledge of thousands of books surrounding you like a cocoon.
You leaned against a bookshelf, opening a book of Korean mythology, specifically on tricksters. After a while, you felt a presence behind you and a light touch on your shoulder. You nearly jumped out of your skin with surprise.
“Sorry, Y/N,” Seungmin said sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to startle you so much.” He kept his hand on your shoulder, though.
“It’s okay,” you said softly, not daring to move with Seungmin so close.
“Is that a good book?” he said, now resting his chin on your shoulder. You weren’t quite sure what to do with him so close, but, then again, you weren’t complaining. Suddenly, you felt like someone had shaken you up like a fizzy drink and that you’d burst from the bubbles of excitement now careening through your body. Trying to calm your pounding heart, you nodded, turning your head slightly.
The brush of Seungmin’s lips against your cheek was so light that you weren’t sure it had really happened, that is, until he kissed your cheek again a little closer to your mouth. You smiled and turned, Seungmin’s hands resting solidly on your shoulders as you held the book of mythology in front of your chest as if it could somehow stop what was already in motion. Seungmin looked down at you, his expression open and completely honest. You could almost read his feelings in his eyes as you saw them flick down to your lips and back up to meet yours.
“Um, can I put the book down?” you asked, causing Seungmin to chuckle and let you go.
“Yeah. Ooops, didn’t think about that before—” Seungmin stopped himself, a blush creeping up his face.
You placed the book back on the shelf, careful to return it to its proper place. “Before?” you prompted with what might have been a smirk, stepping close to him again.
“Before doing this,” Seungmin murmured, and leaned in to kiss you.
It was a fleeting kiss, tender and sweet, just a brief brush of lips together. Even so, you felt like a jolt of electricity passed through your body and gasped a little at the contact. Reaching up, you twined your arms around Seungmin’s neck, completely forgetting that you were in the middle of the library. You couldn’t help yourself—this was exactly what you’d dreamed of in the small hours of the morning.
Seungmin drew back slightly, whispering, “I like you so much, Y/N. Is this … May I ….” He let out a shaky breath, a question in his eyes, and you pressed your lips to his as an answer. He gently moved his mouth against yours, catching at your lips over and over, sighing happily as you hesitantly ran your fingers through the soft hair at the nape of his neck. Seungmin moved one hand to between your shoulder blades, while the other cupped your cheek—his hands were surprisingly soft and you could practically feel the tenderness flowing from him. You swiped your tongue along the crease of his lips, smiling as he opened to you immediately. Each of you eagerly explored the other’s mouth, feeling, tasting, savoring.
By now, you were sharing breaths as you kissed. You knotted your fingers in his hair more firmly and he moaned, roughly pulling you to his chest. Every place your bodies met felt like it was on fire, as if just one more point of contact would surely make you blaze up like a bonfire. With a gasp, Seungmin reeled back from you, his cheeks flushed and his hair cutely mussed.
“Woah,” he breathed, running a hand through his hair to try to straighten it. You put a hand to your cheek, trying to keep your composure. “I wasn’t expecting that,” Seungmin continued. “Um, we probably shouldn’t make-out like that in the library.”
“We could go back to my apartment, if you want,” you suggested as you caught your breath. You couldn’t quite believe you’d just said that so boldly, but now that that ship had sailed …  “My roommate isn’t going to be back until Sunday night—she had to go home for the weekend.”
Seungmin’s eyes widened and he nodded. “I— Could we? Even if we just watch a movie and cuddle.” His voice trailed off, the implication of what you might do instead hanging in the air between you.
“Yes, definitely,” you said, and took his hand. “Let’s grab our stuff and go before someone comes over here.”
Twenty long and tension-filled, not to mention wet—it was actually raining now—minutes later, you opened the door to your apartment and ushered Seungmin inside to your living room. You both dropped your belongings onto the floor and stripped off your raincoats as fast as you could, not caring how eager you seemed. As soon as he’d kicked off his shoes, too, you pulled Seungmin toward you, crushing your lips to his. You hooked your fingers into his belt loops as Seungmin cupped your face, one hand at your neck. His kisses were addictive, like if you mixed the slowness of hot caramel with the effervescence of sparkling water. You wondered how you’d ever survived without them.
After a moment, Seungmin broke your kiss. His pupils were blown wide with desire, and you knew yours were, too.
“Y/N, are you sure?” he asked. “Do you want to do this? I only want to if you do.” His tone was serious, and you felt a swell of emotion at how earnest he was. (That would definitely be twenty points to the Future Boyfriend tally. Not that you’d actually made one …).
“Yes,” you breathed as you stood on tip-toe to kiss Seungmin again. You could kiss him more slowly now, and lingered at the corner of his mouth, teasing as you then switched to bite at his lower lip.
Suddenly, you were against the door with Seungmin’s arms braced on either side of your head. You let out a surprised “Oh,” liking the confidence radiating off of Seungmin. His mouth met yours once more before he kissed along your jaw and down your neck, pressing kiss after kiss to the sensitive skin. You leaned your head back, exposing more of your neck for him, and moaned as Seungmin stopped to suckle where the curve of your shoulder began. Your breathing quickened as you felt the heat of his body against yours, and you held onto his hips to steady yourself.
“Min, oh my god,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. It was quite difficult as Seungmin now drew down the collar of your shirt to kiss across your shoulder. You hadn’t even realized how good that might feel.
You wanted to be closer to him, wanted to feel the extent of his desire. Reaching up to grab ahold his wrists, you ducked your head to kiss Seungmin again. He smiled against your mouth. You placed Seungmin’s hands on your waist, then began to walk forward as you continued kissing him. He almost stumbled, catching himself as he was still holding onto your hips. Finally understanding, Seungmin moved backward into the room, trying to navigate around a chair and a lamp, until he bumped into the coffee table.
“Ouch,” he muttered, frowning, but went back to kissing you all the same. You giggled and kissed him more thoroughly as an apology for any pain he felt. At last, you reached the couch and Seungmin sat heavily, drawing you down with him.
You knelt above Seungmin’s lap, holding onto his shoulders for balance. “Are you comfortable?” you asked, not wanting to hurt him. He nodded.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Seungmin said in wonder as he gazed up at you. You looked away, shy at the compliment. He reached up to stroke your cheek with a finger. “No, Y/N, you really are.”
You sat back on Seungmin’s knees, covering his hand with yours. “You are, too, you know,” you murmured, then leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “And you have my heart.”
You shifted a little so you were closer to Seungmin on his lap and you felt a slight, hard pressure under you. You settled yourself more squarely on him, grinning as he let out an involuntary groan. As Seungmin moved his hands to your hips—nearly to your bottom—you kissed up his neck and, feeling bold, nibbled at his ear a bit. A shot of excitement coursed through you when his slipped his hands under your shirt—his hands were smooth and warm against your skin.
You nuzzled Seungmin’s neck as he asked, “Is this okay?”
“Yes, your hands feel good,” you said, then brought your lips to his, combing your fingers through his hair.
Seungmin slowly ran his hands up and down your back, leaving little tingling lines all over your skin. You still couldn’t believe you were doing this, but, then again, you and Seungmin had been very obviously courting for months now. He continued to caress your skin, moving steadily upward, until his fingers found the clasp of your bra. You sucked in a breath, drawing back from Seungmin.
“Not yet, please,” you murmured, looking down and away.
“Of course,” Seungmin responded, immediately withdrawing his hands from your back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
You smiled. “Min, no, don’t worry. I didn’t mean never—just not in this moment.”
“Okay. Just tell me if you want to stop or do something differently or anything, okay Y/N?” Seungmin gently threaded his fingers through your hair as he spoke.
“Same goes for you, Min,” you said, leaning into his touch, and he nodded. You enjoyed the feeling of your hair being finger-combed for a while longer. “You can hold me again, you know,” you said, and leaned forward to ghost your lips over his.
Seungmin chuckled and returned to rubbing small circles over the planes of your shoulder blades before slipping his hands back under the hem of your shirt. You sighed against his mouth, and Seungmin pulled you closer, tipping his chin up as you were above him. You could feel Seungmin’s heart racing as you ran your hands over his chest and shoulders, even as your kisses remained languorous.
You gently ground your hips against Seungmin’s, feeling that the hard pressure underneath you was no longer slight. Seungmin groaned low in his throat and kissed you with renewed vigor, continuing to explore the shape of your body with his hands. His hands were now dancing across your belly, your sides, all your curves. Your tongues fought for dominance as you tried to learn each and every part of each other. Feeling as if you’d melt from kissing Seungmin, you let yourself get lost in the feeling of him.
Seungmin pressed his hips up to yours, seeking some sort of friction, which caused the deep well of heat inside you to grow. You rocked back and forth a little over his lap. You cupped Seungmin’s face with your hands, kissing him hard, and pressed yourself against him as closely as you could. Even though he looked at you like you were the most precious, delicate treasure, Seungmin’s grip on you was firm. You shivered at the sensation of his hands digging into the skin of your hips, just under the waistband of your jeans.
You wanted—no, needed—more now.
You drank hungrily at Seungmin’s mouth, your kisses becoming more heated, even desperate. It felt like little bolts of lightning flitted between you. His lips were warm and soft, yet firm and insistent on yours.
“God, oh Seungmin,” you moaned as he sucked and bit at your neck again. “That feels so good. Shit. Please,” you breathed, “more. You can do more—I want you to. I want you.” As you spoke, your heart was pounding so hard that you were sure Seungmin would be able to hear it. Self-consciousness be damned, you pulled at your shirt and, suddenly, you were sitting on Kim Seungmin’s lap in just your bra and jeans.
Seungmin was a little stunned at how needy you’d become and a hard knot of pressure built below his stomach as he was, yet again, amazed by your beauty. He couldn’t deny that he was just as eager as you—he had, after all, wanted this for longer than he cared to admit.
“Anything for you,” he promised, moving his hands to your back again, then kissed across your collarbone before dipping his head lower.
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 5 years ago
Knowledge and Ambition
tw: Cursing, anxiety, insecurities, bullying/gossiping
Word count: 6.75k
Genre: Fluff, mild angst
Pairing: Ravenclaw Kuroo x Slytherin Female Reader
AN: It’s September 1st, aka the first day of school at Hogwarts! I’ve been procrastinating on this fic for like a month or so, so I forced myself to finish this at 3 AM LMAO.
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The sound of turned pages stuttered by scratching quills clung to the darkness as flames flickered around the room. You kept blinking, eyes drying from how long you’ve been focused. A sigh, and you slumped against the back of the chair. You had been sitting in this dark corner for the past three hours, pouring over text after text as you tried to wrap your head around the contents. Another sigh left you as you re-read what you wrote, dipping your black quill into the blue ink to make corrections. “It’s almost curfew, wrap it up.” Madam Pince poked her head around the bookshelf, peering over her spectacles at the tower of books you had surrounding you. 
You pulled a note from your bag, standing up to give it to her. “I’m sorry Madam Pince, Professor Snape gave me permission to stay here past curfew.” She gingerly took the note from you, a scowl shadowing her face as she scrutinized it for legitimacy before turning on her heel with a huff to head back to her desk. Since you were already standing, you decided to stretch your legs and go look for that last text that should help push your claims about alternative ingredient usage and the degree of change to the potion. 
Snape had always liked you as a student, especially after third year. He had caught you switching out certain roots for other herbs which still ended up with perfect potions every time. Since then, you had to be honest with your professor. You wanted to impact the Potions community, whether as someone who created a new Potion or as someone who wrote the new standard textbook. You were fortunate enough that Snape preferred Slytherins, otherwise you might not have been afforded the same opportunity that he had granted. 
You sighed, (e/c) eyes scanning the shelves. Snape had recommended a very specific one. Its maroon binding caught your attention. With fingers reaching for it, they brushed against another hand. “Sorry!” You yanked your hand back, eyes following the hand up to the person. Looming over you was a familiar sight. Quidditch Captain, Prefect, and heart-throb of the school Kuroo Tetsurou stood over you. 
“Sorry, I should have paid more attention.” Kuroo pulled the book out, offering it to you. 
You shook your head, glancing back at your table. “It’s ok, you can use it.”
His hazel eyes followed yours, “are you sure? It must be important if you need this specifically amongst all the other ones.” 
You flushed, avoiding his eyes. “It’s not that important.” 
Kuroo’s finger dragged down the maroon binding. “I was just planning on doing some light reading.” He hands it to you, clearing his throat. “What are you working on?”
You offer him a small smile. “I’m working on a research paper.”
“On what?” He looked down at the book. “I’m assuming it’s something Potions-related.”
A soft giggle left you. “Yeah, I’m conducting research on alternative ingredients use in potions and the effects of using such alternatives.” Kuroo’s eyes widened. As he opened his mouth, Madam Pince hissed another demand for silence. A loud yawn overtook your features, eyes squeezing shut. Glancing at your watch, you clicked your tongue. “It’s getting late. I’ll probably finish whatever else I can in the common room.”  Kuroo frowned, he had just been about to ask if he could study with you. “Nice to meet you, Kuroo.” You scooped your books into your arms, cramming whatever would fit into your bag before sending him a wave. The maroon book felt heavy in his hands.  
“Are you looking at (Name)?” 
Kuroo flushed, whipping his head to face his best friend. Kenma just continued eating, not looking at Kuroo. “No.”
“Yes he is.” Yaku slid into the seat across from Kuroo.
“No I’m not!” 
“You’re blushing.” Kai sat across from the trio, smiling pleasantly at them. Akaashi sat beside him, flipping through one of his books as he ignored them. 
“Ok, maybe just a little bit.” Kuroo angrily stabbed a potato, chewing on it as he avoided his friends’ eyes. He couldn’t stop himself from peeking over at you every few seconds though. You were seated at the Slytherin table, throwing your head back in laughter as you teased your housemates. 
“Isn’t she known as the Cold Princess?” Akaashi inquired, still not looking up.
Kuroo glanced over at Akaashi then to the rest of the group when he heard them all agreeing. “‘Cold Princess’?”
“Yeah, heard she’s like super mean to everyone outside of her house.” Yaku commented, sipping his pumpkin juice. “Even some of her house-mates are scared of her.” 
Kuroo frowned, not seeing why they thought that. “She seemed pretty nice to me.” 
“Is that why you can’t keep your eyes off of her?”
“That’s besides the point.” Kuroo scowled, elbowing Akaashi. 
“Who knew we’d find a day where Kuroo Tetsurou would be smitten with a girl.” Yaku’s eyes sparkled with humour. “Let alone the Cold Princess herself.” Yaku and Kai laughed. 
“I’m not smitten!” Kuroo insisted. “She’s just...different.” 
“Didn’t think you’d go for a Slytherin though, Kuroo,” Kai remarked, eating some eggs.
Kuroo shrugged. “Y’know I don’t care about all those house rivalries outside of the Quidditch field.” 
Kenma snorted, “yeah cause all you care about is Quidditch.”
“And my education!” Kuroo argued. 
“How’d you meet her anyways?” 
He looked up to Kai. “I met her a few weeks ago in the library.” Kuroo pushed his food around on the plate, glancing between it and you. This time, you were patting a blonde male on the head. He didn’t recognize him, figuring that it was probably someone from your year. Was that your boyfriend? Kuroo wondered to himself. 
Kai hummed. “I see her in the library often. She always sits by herself.”
“Seriously?” Yaku glanced over at you. “I never see her.”
“She sits in the corner,” Kai replied. 
As the conversation changed to their homework, Kuroo blanked out. It had been a few weeks since that chance meeting between the two of you. He’d gone into the library most days since in an effort to talk to you, but he always found you buried in your books. Kuroo hated when people interrupted him in his readings, so he would just find a table where he could observe you - in the most nonchalant and least creepy way possible - to see if he could catch you before you left. Unfortunately, he hadn’t had much luck with that. He’d accidentally immerse himself in his own work, and by the time he took a break, you were either already gone or headed out the door. Hey, he was a Ravenclaw for a reason. Once he got into his reading, he was gone to the world. With a deep sigh, he resigned himself. If you guys were meant to be friends, it’ll happen. He should worry about his own work instead of a pretty Slytherin kouhai that he had only talked to for a few minutes.
“Miss (L.Name).” You look up at your professor’s voice.
“Yes, Professor Snape?” 
“Come to my desk at the end of class.” 
“Yes, sir.” Snape’s robes billowed as he turned, slinking back towards his desk. You turned back to your cauldron, waiting for your potion to change to orange. Carefully, you added powdered porcupine quills until your potion turned white. Today, Snape had your class brewing the Draught of Peace since it was one of the potions that would commonly come up during O.W.Ls. You sat back, stirring slightly before letting the potion simmer. It was a difficult potion only because getting it wrong would be dangerous. The wrong mix of ingredients, being heavy-handed with the porcupine quills or powdered moonstone could lead to irreversible sleep. The bell rang just as you added the 7 drops of hellebore. You observed your potion, satisfied. It had come out perfectly. Bottling two samples in a glass flask for Snape, you quickly cleaned up your cauldron and the area around it.
“Ugh, you’re so lucky (Name)!” 
You turned to your classmate, eyebrows furrowed. “And why’s that?” 
“You’re so gifted in potions.” Nishinoya, a Gryffindor in your class, glared at his potion. You stifled a laugh. His potion had somehow turned out an ugly chartreuse color. Even the fumes looked toxic as orange smoke billowed from it.
“What the hell did you do wrong this time, Nishi?” 
He threw his hands up in exasperation. “Fuck if I knew, to be honest.” He bottled it, wincing at the repulsive smell of his potion. 
You patted his back. “Well good luck with remedial potions.”
“Can’t you help me before it gets to that?” He whined. You and Nishinoya had been partnered in the third year of potions. Though you were typically more frosty, he had weaseled his way into your heart and became a close friend. Mostly by sheer persistence on his part. After all, who would willingly want to be friends with the Cold Princess of Slytherin? 
“You know I’m busy.” You dead-panned, waving your wand over the cauldrons so that the contents disappeared. Together, you and Nishinoya walked up to Snape’s desk. By now, the majority of your classmates had left. Snape glanced at your potions, his gaze sliding over to Nishinoya’s and his face contorted in disgust.
“Another T, Mr. Nishinoya.” Nishinoya’s cheeks flushed pink, grimacing. 
“I know, Professor.” His head hung low as he shuffled towards the door. “See you later, (Name).” 
You offered the Gryffindor a wave that he didn’t see before turning back to your professor. “You asked to see me, Professor?”
Snape cleared his throat. “Yes. As you know, I rarely offer remedial classes to students.” A sneer made its way on his face. “However, Professor Dumbledore has...implored me..to be kinder this term. So, I have offered remedial classes and tutoring for struggling students this semester. As one of the more competent potioneers in my classes, I would like to request your assistance as a tutor.”
“Me?” The door opened, his next class filing in. 
“That’s what I said, Miss (L.Name). Don’t make me take that back.” Snape’s eyes flashed dangerously as he began to put the flasks from your class away. “By taking on this task, I will be able to review the work you’ve assembled so far.” He cleared his throat, “and this would be a perfect opportunity for you to practice your teaching skills.” 
Your eyes sparkled. Being able to dabble in academia seemed like a perfect opportunity for you to figure out where you wanted your future to go. “Of course Professor. Thank you for the opportunity!” Snape gave you a stiff nod. 
“Now hurry up and get to class.” With a short bow, you spun on your heel to sprint out of the room. Your next class was Charms and you were most definitely going to be late if you didn’t hurry. Just as you reached the doorway, you collided into something tall and firm. 
You yelped, stumbling back only for arms to dart around and steady you. “Oh, it’s you!” You glanced up, recognising him. “Sorry, I’m in a rush!” With a blinding smile, you patted his arms before dashing out under his arms and down the corridor. 
“Get to your seat, Mr. Kuroo.” Kuroo’s head shot up, “and get that ridiculous look off of your face.” Pink crept up Kuroo’s face as he snapped his jaw shut, slinking towards his seat.
Snape began class, writing the instructions for the Potion for Dreamless Sleep onto the chalkboard. Yaku leaned over towards his housemate nudging him playfully, “you were staring again.” Pink turned to scarlet as Kuroo whipped around, shushing him. Yaku grinned, sitting back as he rewrote the instructions onto a piece of parchment. “She’s pretty.” Kuroo grunted in response, pulling out his ingredients. “Think she’s single?”
“Why are you so interested?” Kuroo snapped, glaring at the Keeper. “I thought you were scared of the Cold Princess.” Yaku just laughed, patting his back. 
“No reason, Kuroo. No reason at all.”      
“You’re late, Mr. Kuroo.”
“Sorry Professor,” Kuroo dipped his head. “Quidditch practice ran late today.”
Snape turned his nose, sneering. “Excuses do not belong in this classroom.” Snape turned on his heels, robes sweeping with the motion. “Hurry up then, or I will not grant you the extra credit.” Kuroo hurries into the classroom, glancing around at the dingy dungeon. He was glad that there were only eleven students. He froze, recognizing a familiar sight. Kuroo slips into the seat beside you, muttering a greeting to which you nodded in response. “With the exception of two students, you are all here because you have failed miserably to prove your worth in my class. However, this is your opportunity to redeem yourself.” Snape glowered at each and every one of the remedial students, sending chills down their spines. “Don’t squander it.” 
With that, he turned and walked to the blackboard, writing down the recipe for the Shrinking Potion. Placing the chalk down, he sends one final glare to the students before going to his desk. You step in front of the blackboard, smirking at the students. “This is a simple potion that any third-year should be able to do. Follow these instructions, and Kuroo and I will be walking around to provide you help should you need it.” More chills ran up the students’ back at your last words. It was obvious that you weren’t keen on helping them should they need it.
Kuroo pinched his nose, looking around the room. As he walked around, a tall grey-haired fourth-year Slytherin caught his attention. “Can you please help me, Kuroo?” He begged. 
“What seems to be the problem?”
The male winced as the potion billowed up green gas. “That,” he replied lamely. 
“You added the Shrivelfig too early,” Kuroo’s eyes widened, casting a charm to dispel the gas. “You’re going to have to start all over.”
“What?! I don’t want to,” he whined. The slamming of a book caused them both to flinch, both sets of eyes darting to Snape who glared at them. “Aren’t you a Ravenclaw? Help me fix this!” 
“You literally created poison gas,” Kuroo responded, pinching his nose.
Raising his wand to vanish the potion, a hand grabbed his wrist. “Lev, what did you do this time?” You pinched your nose with one hand as you stared at the potion.
“Something about Shrivelfig,” Lev muttered, crossing his arms. “I don’t see why I need to start over though!” 
Your face softened. “Look, Lev, this potion has become dangerous. Do you want to fail this class and potentially hurt your fellow classmates?” You glanced at Kuroo who pulled his arm away and tucked his wand back into his robe pocket. “If it wasn’t for Kuroo’s quick-thinking, the fumes would have overtaken the class and we would be in some serious danger.” You patted the male’s head. “Here, I’ll stay with you and make sure you do it right, ok? That way you don’t have to stay extra long.”
Lev perked up. “Okay! Thanks, (Name).” 
You grinned, before glancing back at Kuroo. “You can help the others now, Kuroo. Thank you for your quick-thinking.”
Heat crept up his neck as he shook his head. “It was nothing,” he replied dismissively. 
You raised an eyebrow but nodded. “Whatever you say.” You turned back to Lev, vanishing the potion. “Let’s get started then, shall we Lev?” Kuroo stood there for a few moments, watching with slight amazement as you carefully guided Lev through the procedures. You looked in your element as you sliced the caterpillars and showed the younger student the best way to peel Shrivelfig. Another student called for Kuroo’s attention, snapping him out of his stupor. As Kuroo proceeded to help the others, he couldn’t help but survey you in the corner of his eyes. Perhaps there was a softer side to the Cold Princess after all. 
Kuroo breathed a sigh of relief, stretching his shoulders. Due to the raging thunderstorm outside, he’d made the executive decision to cancel Quidditch classes. Exam season was coming up, and there was no reason to put his players’ health at risk if they could avoid it. Besides, they were doing pretty well this season. He walked up the stone stairs, following them to the library. As he entered, he couldn’t help the grimace that slid onto his face. It appeared that everyone thought to study today as the library was completely packed. He poked around, searching for an empty table only to find none. Kuroo sighed, contemplating whether or not he should go back to the dorms in order to study when he spotted you at your usual table. Luckily enough, nobody else had joined you at the table. 
Steeling his nerves, Kuroo began walking towards you. As he made his journey, he picked up some whispers as people threw dark looks in your direction. 
“Of course the Cold Princess would monetize an entire table.” A younger Ravenclaw scoffed.
“She threatened to hex me when I came too close,” a Hufflepuff whimpered. 
“Me too!” Another Hufflepuff whispered in response.
“She said that people ruin her concentration,” a Gryffindor sneered to his housemates.
Kuroo stopped by your table, waiting anxiously for you to acknowledge him. Your nose was firmly buried into your parchment, and after a few awkward minutes of waiting, it was obvious that you weren’t going to say anything. Clearing his throat, Kuroo said, “hi.” Internally, Kuroo was screaming. ‘Hi’? Is that really all he was going to say?
You jolted, looking up at him and blinking rapidly with weary eyes. “K-Kuroo?” You stammer, rubbing one of your eyes.
Kuroo adjusted his bag awkwardly. “Yeah.” He cleared his throat, gesturing to the other tables. “Everywhere else is full. Do you mind if I join you?”
You stare at him with sharp (e/c) eyes. Seconds dragged on, a cold sweat swept through his body and he was regretting every decision he had made since entering the library until you gave him a stiff nod. “Sure, I don’t see why not.”
Relief washed over him as he grinned. “Thank you so much, I promise I won’t be a bother.” You only gave him another stiff nod before you moved your books around to give him more space. Sliding into the chair beside you, Kuroo pulled out his Transfiguration homework.
The pair of you work in silence for an hour before you get up, stretching. Students flinched as you make your way down the shelves, burying themselves into their books or ducking behind empty aisles in order to avoid you. Just as quickly as you had gotten up, you had already plopped back into your seat. “Y’know, you’re a lot quieter than I expected,” you comment, flicking through the latest volumes you had pulled.
Kuroo glanced up, tilting his head. “What do you mean?”
Clearing your throat, your eyes met his. “I mean that for someone as popular as you are, you sure are quiet.” 
A red glow warmed his features. “I wouldn’t say that I’m popular.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Ya sure about that? Because I’m pretty sure being a Quidditch Captain, Prefect, and a top-ranking student are all qualities of popular students.” 
At your comment, he raised his eyebrows. “Didn’t know you paid so much attention to me, kitten,” he teased. 
You glowered at the nickname. “Don’t call me kitten.”
It became routine for you and Kuroo to meet at the library now. It was very rare that either of you missed a session. Your dark corner was brightened by his presence. Once the clock rang a certain hour, you were already moving the stacks of books to the side to make room for the rooster-head captain as he slunk in after Quidditch practice. He’d used to come directly after, only for you to yell at him to go to his dorm and shower, which would end up delaying him by twenty minutes. With that extra time, you’d sneak into the kitchen and snag some food for you both. 
Your quill scratched the parchment as you took down more notes from the text. The wooden chair besides you creaked, but your eyes remained on the book. “Hello, Kuroo.” You flipped a page, scanning the text for more information.
“Hey kitten.” The soft thump of his bag falling onto the ground had you looking up.
“You look tired,” you noted, surveying his face. Eye-bags darkened his face, not helped by the shadows of the flickering flames. “Maybe you should sleep early today.”
Kuroo shook his head. “No, I really have to finish this paper.” He pulled out his Transfiguration book.
“Do you have patrol later?” You chewed on your bottom lip, brows furrowed. Kuroo nodded glumly. “Alright, skip it.”
“I can’t just skip patrol,” Kuroo laughed, sipping at the pumpkin juice that you’d smuggle in.
“You can if someone takes it for you.” You looked back down at your books. “I’ll do your patrol for you.”
Kuroo choked, coughing. “W-what?” Madam Pince threw him a disgusted look as she hmph’d at her desk. “You can’t do that.” You shrugged, leaning forward to ruffle his hair. Kuroo let out a soft yelp. “What was that for?” 
You pulled back your hand, carefully examining the hair. “For the polyjuice potion.” A few months ago, you’d decided to try your hand at brewing polyjuice potion on a whim. You hadn’t had a chance to use it yet, so this was the perfect opportunity. 
“Shh!” Madam Pince hissed, looking up over her books at you both. You folded the hair into a napkin, carefully tucking it into your robes.
Kuroo lowered his voice. “What do you mean polyjuice potion? Isn’t that against the rules?”
“Well it’s not exactly like I have a time-turner,” you rolled your eyes. “Nor am I a Metamorphmagus.”
“You don’t have to do that for me.” Kuroo surveyed you. For someone who was advertised as just another ‘big bad Slytherin’, you had such an incredibly soft side. 
You shrugged, pushing a sandwich in his direction. “Eat up.” You took a bite out of your own sandwich.
As you pulled your hand back, a warm weight dropped onto it. You swallowed, looking up. “Thank you.” His eyes sparkled. “I really appreciate you.”
Averting your eyes, your cheeks glowed. You hoped that the candle-light would hide it. “Just take care of yourself, rooster-head.” 
“I heard what happened.” 
You glanced up, grimacing. During potions, you had been helping Nishinoya only for his potion to explode everywhere. Snape ended up assigning him detention for the next month as well as remedial classes three times a week. You really weren’t sure how Nishinoya had fucked up his Wit-raising potion. But you’d walked away laughing, with admittedly terrible burns. You’d ended up teasing the boy saying that he needed to drink your wit-raising potion before he was allowed to speak to you again. 
“How are you doing?” Kuroo pressed. 
You let the utensils slip out of your fingers as you displayed your heavily bandaged hands up. “Miserable.” 
Kuroo’s eyes widened. “Madam Pomfrey couldn’t help?” You shook your head, frowning. There was still a residual stinging in your fingers. “Scoot over.”
“Only your hands are messed up, I’m sure you heard me just fine.” Kuroo waved his hands, forcing you aside. He took your seat, pulling your plate towards him.
“Kuroo, this is the Slytherin table, what the hell are you doing?” He shushed you, cutting up the meat on your plate. “Kuroo, I can take care of myself.” 
He fixed you with a hard stare, pushing the plate towards you. “Prove it then.” You glared at him, as you picked up the fork and knife. Pain coursed through your fingers but you simply bit your tongue, not wanting him to win. You focused on keeping your face blank, breathing deeper than you wanted. With sluggish movements, you sawed through the meat. Hazel eyes surveyed you, flicking between your hands and your face. 
“See?” You proclaimed, stabbing the meat and waving it in his face. He shrugged, holding his hands up.
“Whatever you say, Princess.” You glared at him, ice creeping through your heart. Eating it, you attempted to cut more meat only to drop the fork with a violent curse. It felt like someone had poured molten lava over your hands. Glaring at your fingers, you aggressively shoved the plate towards Kuroo who raised an eyebrow at you. “I thought you could do it yourself?”
“I didn’t quite hear that, kitten.” 
You rolled your eyes at the pet-name. “Just help me, Kuroo.” 
“I didn’t hear the magic word,” he teased, pulling the plate towards himself.
“Please,” you muttered, tears pricking at your eyes. Kuroo paused, taking a moment to pat you on the head.
“Of course, silly. I’m always here to help you.” You offered him a small smile, before whispers from the Ravenclaw table caught your attention.
“What’s Kuroo doing with her?” 
“Doesn’t he know that she’s a cold-hearted bitch?” 
“He’s gonna get his heart broken.” 
“Bet you she’s going to curse him behind his back.” 
“Or poison him.” They snickered.
More tears welled up in your eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this?” You asked, turning your face away from him. 
The clinks of cutlery stopped. “Do what?”
“Help me.” 
A hand grasped your chin, tilting your face up. He leaned forward, warm breath humming against your ear. “Keep your chin up, Princess, your crown is falling,” he whispered before he pulled back, brushing your hair aside. Scarlet roses bloomed in your cheeks. Cold Princess echoed in your mind. Kuroo cleared his throat, turning back to the plate, hiding his own pink flush. “Besides, you saved my ass the other week. This is the least that I can do for you.” 
 You chewed on your lip. Of course. He was returning a favor. Just a favor. Nothing more, nothing less. 
“I won’t be here tomorrow.” You looked up from the Honeydukes chocolate that he had brought you, tilting your head. “I have to patrol early, so I won’t be able to make this.” He gestured to the table. Your tower of books had slowly diminished in size, only a small stack remained. In between your rolls of parchment and his own books was an abundance of candies. You’d miss the Hogsmeade trip earlier that day due to another remedial lesson with Lev. Kuroo leaned forward, wiping away a bit of chocolate from the corner of your mouth.
“Don’t do that.” You whipped your face away, hoping that the darkness would hide the crimson glow. You cleared your throat. “That’s fine. It’s not like you’re of any help, you always distract me.”
“So I guess I should take back all this candy then,” Kuroo teased, reaching for it. You snatched it up, pulling it close to your chest. Kuroo let out a disgustingly loud bark of laughter causing you to cringe. Madam Pince snarled in annoyance at you both. 
“Keep laughing like that and I’ll use a Silencing charm on you,” you threatened, tucking the chocolates away into your bag. 
Kuroo reclined in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. “You say that, but you know you like it.” 
“Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night, Kuroo.” 
The next day, you couldn’t stop fidgeting. It was...too quiet. Of course, being in a library meant that it should be quiet. But you couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. The bell chimed, and like clock-work, you began shifting your books to the side. Mid-motion, you froze, eyebrows creasing as you frowned. Why were you moving your stuff? It’s not like anyone was joining you tonight. You cursed silently. Of course you’d gotten used to him. You vaguely remembered a Muggle psychology term: mere exposure effect. The more you became familiar with something or were exposed to it, the more you’d have a preference for it. You violently slammed the books back to where they were, earning another reprimand from Madam Pince. Studying by yourself just became excruciatingly difficult.
Meanwhile, Kuroo was absent-mindedly flying down the corridors. His long legs allowed him to stride down the halls in a dozen steps or so, forcing his partner to sprint in order to keep up. “Jesus, Kuroo, what’s got you in a hurry?” Bokuto, the Hufflepuff Prefect, puffed. 
“Huh?” Kuroo paused, only to have Bokuto slam into his back. “Oh lord, I am so sorry Bokuto.” 
The Hufflepuff winced, prying himself off of Kuroo’s back, rubbing his nose. “It’s fine.” Kuroo continued down the hall, slower this time. “What’s got you all distracted?” Kuroo shrugged, opening one of the classrooms and looking around. He shut the door with a sigh, before rushing down the hall once more, the slower pace already forgotten. Bokuto scurried after him. “Or should I say, who is on your mind?” 
At this, Kuroo whirled around. “What do you mean?” 
Bokuto bellowed with laughter. “I heard that you were talking to someone, but I didn’t know it was this serious.”  
“Shut up.” The dark halls did nothing to save Kuroo as he stepped into a pool of moonlight. 
“Aw, you’re blushing!” Bokuto cackled, bending over as his rambunctious laughter echoed in the halls.
“Shut up!” 
Bokuto wiped a tear away from his eyes. “You really like this girl, don’t you?”  
Kuroo huffed, blowing his hair up. “Maybe.”
The Hufflepuff clapped a hand over his back. “I’m rooting for ya.” 
“I’ll need it,” Kuroo muttered. He pulled himself out of Bokuto’s grip. “C’mon, let’s just finish this patrol.” 
“Alright, I’m off.” You waved to your housemates, picking up your books as you left the Great Hall. 
“Make sure you come watch me play, sweetheart!” Atsumu shouted after you, waving eagerly. You rolled your eyes, ignoring him. You rarely ever went to Quidditch matches, let alone to support someone. That’s something you’d reserve for romantic partners, not house-mates. The few times you’d gone were because Snape offered extra points to everyone who attended. You shook your head, taking a deep breath. 
It was just any other Saturday morning and you would be headed back to your sanctuary: the library. A voice called out behind you, thundering footsteps following. You turned, stopping in the middle of the doorway. “Good morning, Kuroo.” You offered him a small smile that he returned.
“Hey (Name)!” He hugged you, pulling you into his chest; your heart pounded against your own. He’s never hugged you before. “Will you be going to the match later?” Kuroo released you and you took a few steps back. 
Holding up the book, you shook your head hoping that he didn’t see your flushed face. “No, Professor Snape gave me this book so I was going to work on it.”
“Aw that’s too bad, I was really hoping you’d come cheer for me.” Kuroo grinned before he draped a blue and bronze scarf around your neck. 
Your cheeks glowed like ripe apples, eyes wide. “Kuroo!” Your jaw dropped. 
“See you there!” With a cheeky smile, he waved running back towards his friends. 
An hour later, you found yourself walking down towards the Quidditch pitch. “Thought you didn’t go to Quidditch matches?” You crossed your arms, unamused. “And you’re wearing a Ravenclaw scarf? Talk about a traitor!” Osamu pinched your cheeks, tugging on it.
“Shut up, ‘Samu,” you scowled, shoving him away. “Are you finished yet?”
He shrugged. “Dunno why you even bothered to come.” He led you up the stands towards the Slytherin section. “Or why you’re sitting with us.”
“I’m a Slytherin!” You pouted, glaring at his back. Osamu just laughed.
“Yer still wearin’ a Ravenclaw scarf though. Don’t think I missed that display in the Great Hall.” He cackled as you slapped his back. “Didn’t know ya had a thing for the Captain.” 
You cleared your throat as you guys arrived at your destination. You greeted your house-mates, settling besides Osamu. “Why aren’t you playing, ‘Samu?” 
Osamu scowled, glaring at you. “Shaddup.” You chuckled, leaning back in your seat. Osamu was also on the team, but this year, the captain had decided to let more of the sixth and seventh years play. Atsumu was the only fifth-year on the team at the moment. You were grateful for the twins who had rapidly become your best friends since you’d started at Hogwarts. Both of them were ‘no-nonsense’ and didn’t care that you were plagued with nasty nicknames due to your ‘cold-hearted’ demeanor. 
“Ooh, look they’re starting.” As the match goes on, you can’t help but let your eyes trail the Ravenclaw captain. To say the least, you were impressed. He radiated a different energy from what he normally did during your late-night study sessions in the library. During those, he just seemed goofy and studious. But here, you could see the whole other side to him. The way he communicated with his team-mates, how happy he looked everytime one of their plays worked out, the satisfaction that seemed to completely fill him after he scored. He simply exuded a different type of confidence that you’ve never seen from him before. Your eyes widened with awe as he shuffled between the other Chasers, throwing the Quaffle to each other and thoroughly confusing the Slytherin chasers. As Kuroo scored, you couldn’t help the, “Whoooo, go Kuroo!” that escaped your lips.
Osamu jabbed you in the side, muttering, “traitor” but even that couldn’t wipe away the smile from your face. You were never interested in Quidditch, but maybe now you had a reason to be. 
The game quickly ended with Kenma snagging the Snitch out from Oikawa’s nose, leading to Atsumu flying towards the stands where you and Osamu were sitting. “Hey, ya made it sweetcheeks!” Atsumu cheered, hovering above your head in front of you. 
You cleared your throat. “Nice job out there, ‘Tsumu.” 
“I know right? I was definitely the star, wasn’t I?” He grinned. 
You pulled your cloak closer; it was getting late and cold. You desperately wanted to be back in the castle already. “If you were the real star, you would’ve won,” you shrugged. Osamu chuckled besides you as Atsumu squawked indignantly.  
“Oi, Atsumu!” Oikawa called, flying over. “C’mon, hit the showers. You can try to impress your girl later.” Oikawa patted your head, “hey there, (Name).”
“Hey Oikawa.” You offered him a small smile. “Sorry about the game. You did great out there though.”
“Thank you~!” He sang, flying lower so that he could pull you into a hug. You yelped at the sudden intrusion. “Lemme just have this moment of comfort,” he whined as you clawed at his arms in an attempt to struggle out of his grip. Defeated, you let the captain hang onto you, awkwardly patting his back. 
“You guys reek,” you muttered, looking away from the pair. “Go shower.”  
Finally escaping from the clingy twins and Oikawa, you let out a sigh of relief. You tugged your bag higher onto your shoulder as you made your way down the familiar path. Just as you were about to enter the library, a familiar voice called after you. Turning, your eyes widened. “Kuroo?” 
He slowed to a stop in front of you, winded slightly before he offered you a wide cheeky grin. “Hey there Princess!”
“What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be celebrating with your team?”
He shrugged, “I had to see my girl first.” 
Heat crawled up through your body. You cleared your throat. “Your girl?”
“Well yeah! Especially after how loudly you were cheering for me,” he teased. 
“And it’s Kuroo Tetsurou with the quaffle after a successful Sabryn steal from Miya Atsumu. He passes it to Sugawara Koushi, who passes it right back over Iwaizumi Hajime’s head. And Kuroo scores! Right through Matsukawa Issei’s finger-tips!” 
Kuroo did a loop, whooping before he soared beside Suga, giving the male a high-five. Mattsun grabbed the quaffle, putting it back into play. Kuroo smirked, darting off towards Atsumu who had the quaffle. They end up on the Ravenclaw side, with Iwaizumi attempting to score. Yaku successfully receives the ball, throwing it at Kuroo. “You’re playing better than ever today, Kuroo,” Yaku grins. “Better keep on impressing your girlfriend.” Kuroo scowled at the keeper. He hadn’t even seen you in the audience, who was to say that you were there at all?
Kuroo rolled his eyes, glancing over at Suga and Akaashi. Giving the males a curt nod, they enter the Hawkshead Attacking Formation. “Another Thimblerig Shuffle by the Ravenclaws! The Quaffle is bouncing around. Akaashi. Kuroo. Suga. Akaashi. Kuroo. And Kuroo takes the quaffle and scores once again! Slytherin does not look happy folks.” Loud cheers fill the stadium from the Ravenclaw, but as Kuroo flies back around the field, a lone cheer from the Slytherin section catches his attention. His head whips around, eyes widening at the sight. There you were, bundled up in his Ravenclaw scarf and actually cheering for him. Emotions flood his body, he hadn’t expected you to actually come or to actually wear his scarf. He couldn’t help the grin that slipped onto his face. Kuroo let out another loud whoop, before doing a heart-shaped loop in the air. A Bludger zoomed past him, drawing his attention back to the game. He’d have to deal with his emotions later. He had a game to win, and a girl to impress after all. 
You choked on air, averting your eyes. “Yeah well, you looked cool.” 
Kuroo grinned, “thanks kitten.”
You stared down at your book, fingers tracing the binding. “Anyways, your girl? I didn’t know you were serious.” 
It was his turn to avoid your eyes. “I mean! You were wearing my scarf,” he stammered. 
“You gave it to me,” you fired back, amusement flickering in your eyes as you observed him. Kuroo turns completely red at this, kicking at the stone floors awkwardly. You clear your throat, eyes softening. “Take me to Hogsmeade next weekend and we’ll talk about our relationship status then.” 
Relief floods his system as he eagerly nods. “I can make that happen.”
“Well good.” You smile, heading into the library only for Kuroo to follow you. “Again, don’t you have a party to get to?”
He shrugged, “rather spend time with you to be honest.” 
“Don’t let your team-mates hear you,” you grin as you guys make your way to your usual table. Kuroo just ruffled your hair, smiling as you both took a seat. After an hour or so of studying, you snapped your book shut. “Actually, let’s do something.”
He looked up at you, raising an eyebrow. “Like what?” 
You shrugged. “Find Hogwarts’ mysteries?”
Kuroo leaned back in his chair, a sly smile making its way onto his face. “Y’know, I hear there are some cursed chambers hidden in Hogwarts.”
“Breaking curses, treasure hunting? Sounds like my kind of date,” you smirk, packing your stuff away. Kuroo throws his head back in a boisterous laugh, only to be scolded by Madam Pince. You stood up, standing beside him before making your way out. “Y’know, you could have easily been a Slytherin,” you teased, bumping your hip into his as you held the textbooks to your chest. 
He smirked, slinging his arm over your shoulder as you both walked out of the library. “Why’s that?”
“You have more ambition than I do.” You shrugged his arm off of your shoulder. “You leave the library just as late as I do after coming here after your Quidditch practices and then heading straight to your Prefect duties. Hard-work goes hand-in-hand with ambition, Kuroo.” He plucked one of the books out of your hand. “Hey!”
“Well, Little Miss Slytherin, you could definitely have been a Ravenclaw.” Kuroo held the book over your head, flicking through the pages. “Your thirst for knowledge is never quite quenched.” 
You flush. “Well, a quest for knowledge is an ambitious one, isn’t it?”
He hummed, pulling the rest of your books out of your hands while ignoring your cries of protest. He tucks them into his right side, slipping his left hand into yours. “I guess us together makes the perfect Slytherin and Ravenclaw, doesn’t it?” Kuroo squeezed your hand, looking down at you. You grinned, giving him a light squeeze. Being together just felt right. He brought out your inner Ravenclaw, and you brought out his inner Slytherin. Knowledge and ambition went hand-in-hand, just like you and Kuroo.
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cherryhanji · 4 years ago
softdrinks and letters
drabble. changbin x fem!reader
genre: fluff, high school au, friends to lovers au, cutie neighborhood store owner's son! changbin
words: 1.5k
warning(s): none really
alexa's note:
i never experienced having a neighborhood store with a cute and handsome son ever *cries in filo anyway i hope u enjoy this. (the original member isn't changbin but i decided to change it bcs why not?)
You clank the coin on the metal railings of the store to grab someone's attention inside. You just got home from school and wanted to have some cold refreshing drink (because your refrigerator broke last night so there aren't any cold beverage you can enjoy)
"Oh sorry! What is it?" You smiled as you heard the groggy, yet familiar voice of a guy who went inside the store, rubbing his sleepy eyes off. He smiled as soon as he saw you from the outside, fixing his shirt as if there are any crinkles from the short nap that he took.
"H-hey Y/N!" His voice wavered a little bit making you chuckle.
"Did I disturb you from your beauty nap?" You joked while he shook his head vigorously in response.
"No! It's totally alright. I was playing on my phone I didn't realized I feel asleep and I thought Mom was here. But I heard someone clanking their coins and saw that Mom isn't here so..." He grinned and shrugged his shoulders bashfully.
"Okay then! But can I have a bottle of coke please? I'm hella thirsty, our fridge is not yet fixed" You shyly said and made him jolt to the store's fridge to grab one, handing the cold bottle to you. You muttered thanks and hand your payment to him but he simply refuse it, again.
"It's okay. It's on me." Changbin said making you frown. He's always been like this ever since the two of you got close to each other. Always telling that he'll be the one to pay it. You try your very best to pay everytime you buy from their store, silently wishing that the one who'll assist you is his mother but it seems he has a strong radar and immediately knew you were the one buying. You feel sorry for his mother when she doesn't have any idea that his son is giving you free drinks from her store.
"Changbin. I feel like I need to pay my debts now. What if Mrs. Seo finds out?" You said as you were not yet opening the bottle, contemplating on giving it back to him.
"You don't have to pay. Mom really don't notice it. I told you, it's on me." Changbin said before going out of the store and outside their house to sit down on the bench in front of their store. The frown never left your face as you sit down on the bench, while the guy did it after.
"Why aren't you drinking your coke yet? I thought your thirsty?" Changbin grabbed the bottle and opened it for you, making you jump. He hands it to you back, smiling at you. You clicked your tongue and decided to chug the liquid down your throat, hissing at the cold feeling of the beverage.
"Why are you still on your uniform? It's already five and class ends at one." He said as he observe you on your uniform still on your body.
"I know, I just went to Yeji' house because we need to revise the last chapter, Ms. Jung is already fuming. How about yours?" You asked while fiddling your uniform's untied ribbon.
"We went to Jisung yesterday. So we're able to pass the paper to our research adviser." You nodded and gasped when your hands went inside your pocket to put the money back, feeling a folded paper inside, only grinning bashfully when you realized that the paper was one of the letters you're receiving these past few days. The sender was anonymous, even the penmanship was utterly unfamiliar to you. The paper on your pocket was the one you received today. You grabbed the paper to show it to Changbin, not knowing that he silently gasp. A pang of nervousness crept inside him. He remembered asking Hyunjin a favor for the umpteenth time a while ago to put the paper on your table and how the other boy always refuse his favor but did it anyways.
"Why don't you just confess to her in person, so you don't have to write letters and bother me?"
He considered Hyunjin's suggestion, but he doesn't know how and when. He bit the inside of his cheeks, cringing about what he wrote on the paper, thinking of a lyrics from a song to express what he feel.
"Even a fool knows this
You're the best thing I've got
Once again towards you
One more step, I will never stop
I shouldn't turn away..."
"This is nuts, I'm still wondering who's giving these letters with song lyrics in it. Actually, this is the tenth letter this month and I'm gonna add this to the ones I received back then" You said as you fiddled with the paper. Changbin's face brighten, his heart skipping a beat when he knew that you're keeping those letters that he made.
"I felt cringy at first. I don't know, maybe because the person used lyrics to tell their feelings for me. I'm not used to receiving love letters. Well, if that's what you call this one. But I really appreciate the effort and honestly speaking, I'm anticipating for more." you giggled and continue.
"The lyrics are from my favorite song actually... Look" You said and showed to him the paper which he gladly read. A quivering smile on his face.
"R-really? You appreciate the effort?" You nodded and folded the paper, putting it back in your pocket.
"Of course! You know what, I love receiving, and writing letters. I can see people's effort in it. I can feel how they pour all of their emotions in it." You really love receiving letters. In truth, you have a box full of letters you received from family and friends. You also keep there all the letters you wrote. For Changbin. You want to give him all of it, but you just can't find the courage to do so. You don't even know if he loves reading those cringy letters.
"Wow, I see..." Changbin muttered while his mind is rambling with different thoughts. He's glad that you appreciated it. It's like there's a small thorn that pricked his skin and finally removed it. But the thought of telling you that it was him still makes him edgy.
"Uh... Y/N... Uhm– I" His speech was out of context as nervousness still lingers in him. While the lines on your forehead slowly becoming prominent, trying to understand him
"What is it, Changbin?" You asked and wait for him to pull himself together. You sensed his nervousness and decided to pat his shoulders, encouraging him.
"Come on, is there any pro—"
"I like you." You muttered a "huh" at his unexpected confession. The cliche butterflies took flight in your stomach, the wild beating of your heart against your chest is the only one audible to you.
"I'm sorry..." Are the first words that came out of your mind. The sudden urge to say sorry after telling the person who gave you the letter that it was cringy bubbled up on you. Changbin felt a sudden horror after hearing you mutter the words.
"Oh..." Changbin mumbled, a tone of defeat evident in his voice. Maybe what he did doesn't fit with the timing.
"I'm sorry, because I told you that it was cringy... Turns out you're the one who gave it to me." You said and turned your face away from him, trying to hide the blush creeping on your face. Changbin smiled in relief. But, does that mean you like him too?
"A-ah... Okay." You grinned and faced him again. There's no reason to hide your feelings for him when he, the guy you like already confessed.
"Anyway, I like you, too. And I'm so happy that you gave me this." You said, still feeling a tad shy when a thought suddenly strike in your mind, a mischievous grin on your face.
"You... Is this the reason why you're not letting me pay everytime I buy in your store?" Changbin fidgeted on his seat, catching your tone. Well, you're not wrong. As corny as it sounds, It's his way to tell you that he likes you, he feels like a boyfriend treating his girlfriend.
"Y-yeah?" Changbin smiled sheepishly, scratching his nape. You frowned at him and pinched his forearm making him shriek.
"What was that for?" He pouted while rubbing the part that you pinched.
"Don't you dare do it again, okay? I'm afraid of your mom finding it out and suddenly stormed to our house, asking for my payment." You taunted making his lips puckered more.
"I told you Mom won't kn—" you shut him by giving him a peck on his cheek
"I said no. See you tomorrow Changbin!" You said before storming off, leaving him astounded and a blushing mess. There's only one thing that you know you need to do: Give Changbin all the letters you wrote.
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years ago
isaac lahey x reader
Tumblr media
isaac needs help in chemistry and you need help in english - the beginning
this is for isaac anon and the few people that wanted this. i’m just dabbling here, so let me know if you guys want more! (i did quite a bit of Research for this and i have ideas)
also let me know, i left it vague, but if i expand i’m probably going to add in scott, stiles, allison, and lydia. would you guys like to keep it supernatural or do full au where they’re just normal college students?
You noticed the boy in your Intro to Academic Writing course, but you didn’t really focus on him, mostly due to freshman year stress, until he sat down next to you in General Chemistry. Stepping into the classroom you’d felt at ease, science was your jam, but the really cute boy put you back on edge. You felt hyperaware of him, his scent, kind of cinnamon-y, fall-esque.
He tapped his fingers on his notebook, and you couldn’t help but notice he wrote in green pen. You glanced every so often to see him doodling in the corner of the page instead of taking notes on the intro lesson on the scientific method that your professor was doing.
The boy rested his chin on his hand and his fingers went from tapping on the notebook to his jaw and you shook your head, trying to focus back on the professor who was talking about your lab groups.
“The people at your table are in your group. Lab is on Wednesday nights, I won’t be the instructor, you’ll have a TA, but you can email me or come to my office hours if you have any questions about what’s going on. I’ll see you all on Thursday.”
You started to pack your stuff and the boy turned to you with a crooked grin, “I’m Isaac.”
Shaking his hand, you introduced yourself and he stood, waiting for you to finish packing your stuff. You zipped your booksack, “You’re in my English class, right?” you asked, faking as if you didn’t notice him as soon as you stepped into the door.
He nodded, “Yeah, with Dr. Terranova.”
“He seems,” you trailed off, looking for the right word, “interesting.”
Isaac grinned, “You mean overwhelmingly picky for an English 101 professor?”
“That’s a great way to put it,” you told him, laughing.
The two of you walked out the door and down the hall together. Isaac shifted his booksack on his shoulders a little and asked, “Do you have any more classes today?”
“Calculus,” you told him and he grimaced.
“Fuck that.”
He nodded, “Spanish.”
Unfortunately for you, the buildings were on opposite ends of campus, so you paused just outside the door to the chemistry building. Isaac paused too and smiled, “See you tomorrow night?”
“See you tomorrow, Isaac.”
Your lab group was made up of two boys and two girls. Isaac, Andrew, Abigail, and you. Out of the group, you were the only STEM major, and the only one who actually liked chemistry. Isaac patted your shoulder, “Well, that officially makes you team captain then.”
“Thank god,” Abigail added, “I’m an advertising major, my brain noped out of the sciences years ago.”
The other guy, Andrew, said, “I took Chem 2 in high school and didn’t pass the AP exam, chemistry and I have beef.”
You snorted and said, “Cool, well, I’ll try and lead us to the promised land.” They seemed to like that.
Your group was really smart, everyone was picking up the labs really easily and you were thrilled, especially when the teacher stood in front of the class after the first test review. She clapped her hands once, “Okay, the lab group with the highest combined test average gets five bonus points added to their test scores. This is me trying to get you guys familiar with study groups, especially if you’re going to be in STEM, which I know some of you are. Study groups got me through school.”
Unfortunately, everyone in your lab group already had stuff going on, so you couldn’t study with them. Fortunately, the test was on intro stuff like the scientific method, conversions, and balancing equations, and your group hadn’t had any issues in any of the lab work, so you weren’t worried.
But when you got the test back, you realized, maybe you should’ve been. Isaac got his handed back first and actually laughed when he looked at the grade. Before you could ask, the professor set yours down on the desk and you started flipping through it, frowning at the little points you’d had taken off for careless mistakes.
“Fuck,” you muttered, “should’ve gotten at least a 97.”
“Wow, can’t believe you fucked it up for the whole group,” Isaac sarcastically responded, nudging you with his elbow, before sliding his test on top of yours. He nudged you again, “As you can see, I’m carrying the team,” and he motioned toward the D written in bright red at the top of his paper.
Your mouth dropped open and you picked the test up, flipping through to see what he’d missed. Eyebrows furrowed, you looked over at him, “You should tell her you accidentally skipped the back page.”
“Oh, it wasn’t an accident, I just didn’t know how to do it.”
“Well,” you stuttered, “it was the same stuff we did in the last lab activity.”
Isaac nodded, “Yes it is, and I didn’t understand it then either.”
“I thought,” you paused, mind racing, “I thought we all did?”
He grinned at you, “Some of us aren’t science brains, my friend.”
“What are you?” you asked as the class started to pack up.
With a soft smile, he threw his booksack over his shoulder, “I’m a literature major.”
You didn’t mean to think about it as much as you did, but when 2 a.m. rolled around and you were at your most impulsive you couldn’t stop yourself from sending out a text.
Hey, do you maybe want to meet up and study sometime?
After hitting send you could’ve slammed your head into a wall. You locked your phone and put your head in your hands, “God damnit.” And then your phone dinged.
I’d love that, love to have a STEM genius in my corner.
Your cheeks heated as you read it and your mind raced with your heart. It was beating harder and part of you couldn’t even believe he’d said yes. Taking a breath to steady yourself, you responded.
Idk about genius but I’m not half bad at chem
He responded, even faster than the first time and you grinned, unable to stop it from overtaking your face.
I may not know much about the scientific method or whatever, but all evidence suggests otherwise, genius
The next test wasn’t for a few weeks, but Isaac wanted to start studying earlier. He suggested meeting at a coffee shop called The Beanery. Coffee shops weren’t really your jam, you liked the silence of the fourth floor of the library. Go early, get a table, put in head phones, and go to work. But, you were open to try Isaac’s suggestion.
It was brightly lit when you walked in, and he was already there, at a table in the corner, laptop out. Books were spread across the tabletop, and he already had two empty mugs on the table in front of him, leg bouncing as he aimlessly chewed on a pen.
Shaking yourself out of staring, you walked to the counter to order. Isaac smiled up at you when you made it to the table with your coffee.
“Welcome,” he told you, moving some of his books out of the way. Sitting up straighter, Isaac glanced around, “What do you think about this place?”
“It’s nice, definitely a change of pace from my norm.”
“Where’s that then?”
“Library, fourth floor.”
“Quiet up there, huh?”
“Yeah, but I listen to some music for background.”
“I like coffee shops,” Isaac said, closing his laptop, “the vibes are nice and my clothes always smell like coffee afterward which is a fun bonus.”
At his comment, you looked down at his clothes. You were a little surprised to see that he was dressed just like during the week: jeans, a nicer t-shirt, and a cardigan. You’d wondered, deep down, if he dressed nicer for class, but it didn’t seem the case. Isaac cleared his throat and your eyes snapped to his face, ears burning when you saw him staring at you in amusement.
Coughing quietly, you reached for your booksack, “So, chemistry. Do you understand what we’ve been going over?”
“I know they’re called Bohr models but I don’t know anything else about them.”
“Right, so,” you paused a minute, trying to figure out where to start, “it’s a way to draw an atom and it’s kind of like a planet.”
Isaac leaned forward through your explanation, resting most of his weight on his elbows, and tapped the green pen against his lower lip. Every so often he’d ask a question, shift a little and write something down in his notebook by whatever he’d scribbled in class. His questions were shockingly insightful, and you eagerly answered them all.
By the time you’d gotten through the basics of thermodynamics, he’d added a whole page of notes, and you could tell he was starting to lose interest. Shutting your notebook, you told him, earnestly, “I hope this helped a little.”
“I promise,” he looked you straight in the eye, “it makes sense. This all looked like a foreign language before we met up.”
“Good,” you nodded, “this is my jam.”
“Keep on spreading it,” he joked and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Well,” you admitted, “you may not be good at chem but you’d kick my ass into next week in English.”
“How’s your paper going?” Isaac asked, leaning back and crossing his arms, looking genuinely interested.
He snorted, “That doesn’t sound promising.”
“Yeah neither does my thesis.”
“Do you have your laptop?”
“Let me have a look,” he suggested.
Pulling up the word doc, you passed your laptop over, staring down at your hands, twiddling your thumbs, a little nervously, as he read through your rough draft.
“What did Dr. Terranova have to say in your conference?” he asked, pushing your laptop away.
You sighed, “He was less than complimentary.”
Isaac laughed, “It’s not that bad, but it could use some polishing. I can help of course.”
Relief washed over you and you felt a weight off your shoulders, “That would be incredible actually.”
“There, now we’re even. You tutor me in chemistry and I’ll make sure you pass English, starting with this rough, and emphasis on rough, draft.”
Reaching across the table, you shoved at his hand, “Be gentle.”
“I’m going to get another chai,” he said, standing to stretch a bit, “and you pick out what sentence exactly you think is your thesis. We’ll start there.”
Biting your lip to conceal a grin, you nodded, waking your laptop back up.
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dessarious · 5 years ago
Guilt and Consequences Pt7
AO3   Beginning   Previous   Next
They were about halfway through breakfast and Lila had started to let her guard down. She was still on guard for any repercussions from the incident in the bakery but that left her open to interrogation on other matters.
“So Lila, I’d like you to write down the names of the three therapists you actually saw.” Mme. Cheng’s voice was friendly, cheerful even. Lila glanced at Marinette to see if she would react but there was nothing. It seemed like an innocuous enough request.
“Okay, though I don’t see the point.” The woman didn’t respond and Lila went back to her food, not really thinking about it further. As she finished a paper and pen appeared almost out of nowhere and she wrote the information almost on instinct. Mme. Cheng took the paper as soon as the third name was finished and she honestly would have thought she imagined it if the pen wasn’t still in her hand.
“Now why don’t you girls go up and finish up any homework you have. And I mean homework Mari. I want all of it done before you get distracted.”  Marinette had a sheepish look on her face but Mme. Cheng turned her attention to Lila immediately. “You do have your school things with you?”
“I don’t do homework.” The look on Mme. Cheng’s face said plainly that wasn’t the right answer. Marinette was looking at her like she’d lost her mind.
“And why is that?” The woman’s tone was strange, almost soothing. That was odd.
“It’s an inefficient learning strategy at the best of times for one. I’ve already learned the material previously for another. It also seems rather pointless given that I normally am only in a school for a few weeks at most.” They were both frowning at her now and she still didn’t know why.
“It’s a way for the teacher to measure students' progress in the material.” Lila hadn’t considered that. Given how illogical everything at that school was it sort of made sense though.
“But it doesn’t. For the most part it just shows how well you can find answers in books or how much their friends and family know since a lot of people do homework as a group activity. If that is why they do it, it would be far more efficient and accurate to just have daily or weekly quizzes on the material. It would also be far more beneficial for students since trying to force the recall actually helps with memory far more than simply reviewing the same material over and over.” Now Mme. Cheng looked exasperated more than anything else. Marinette looked thoughtful though. Was that not common knowledge? Maybe she should show them the research she’d found on learning and memory.
“I have to go help Tom. Please just go do your homework.”
When Lila returned home she found a note from her mother saying she would be out of Paris for a week for work. No details, but that was normal. Under regular circumstances she would use it as an excuse to call herself off from school, but if she did that Marinette would be facing the class alone and she couldn’t allow that. Tomorrow was going to be a nightmare. Lila’s phone let out the notification for an Akuma and she pulled it from her pocket to find over three dozen messages from Alya, each one getting more hysterical. Well, shit.
“Hello Lila.” She spun around to see an Akumatized Alya at the open window. Her outfit was some weird bastardization of the way old time reporters looked in movies but the color scheme was neon green and violet. It honestly made her eyes water. “I am Journalist, and I’ll get the truth no matter the cost.” It took everything in her not to roll her eyes at both the name and what she actually said. This should be entertaining. Journalist pointed a pen at her and Lila tensed up just as the beam hit her. Well she didn’t feel any different.
“And what exactly was that supposed to do?” The least she could do was stall her to give the heroes time to get here so she didn’t go after Marinette.
“Where is your mother?” What kind of question was that?
“On a wine tour in the south of France.” Lila blinked and tried to keep her expression neutral. She had no idea where her mother was; why did she say that?
“What about your father?”
“He’s dead.” She didn’t know that either. What the hell did her powers do?
“How did he die?”
“He ran into a burning building to rescue my sister and me and ended up dying from his injuries.” Sister? Well that made the dream make a lot more sense but… oh no. If Alya’s powers did what she thought she needed to get out of here before the girl realized it.
“And what did Marinette do to you to make you say you were lying?” She felt her rage boil up at the question and completely forgot why she needed to find a way to escape.
“Marinette didn’t make me do anything! I told you I was lying because I was and the only one who made me do that was you and the rest of the morons when you decided that ‘punishing’ Marinette for things she didn’t do was a valid option.” She probably would have kept going but at the moment Ladybug appeared behind Journalist and used her Yo-Yo to heave the Akuma halfway across the city.
“Come on, let’s get you somewhere safe.” Lila didn’t even have time to respond as Ladybug grabbed her and threw her over her shoulders. The were on a rooftop somewhere Lila didn’t recognize before she recovered enough to think properly and Ladybug was about to swing back towards Journalist.
“Wait!” The heroine turned to raise an eyebrow at her and Lila suddenly felt very self conscious. Her interactions with the heroes so far had been… less than optimal, but she had to do this. “Alya’s beam makes you tell the truth.”
“Yeah, I got that.” Her tone was dry and Lila frowned at her.
“No, I really don’t think you do. Even if you don’t actually know the truth it will still come out of your mouth. I don’t think she or Hawkmoth realize that though.” Ladybug was studying her and Lila shifted uncomfortably. Getting combative was instinctive but she really needed to stop doing this.
“If you don’t know the answer then how do you know that what you say is the truth rather than just what Journalist wants to hear?” She blinked at that question. If not for the last thing she’d asked Lila wouldn’t have been certain.
“No, if that was the case I would have told her that Marinette threatened me or some other form of ridiculousness. But like I said, they don’t know that. If Hawkmoth had any idea that her powers were functioning that way he would have made her ask me for your and Chat Noir’s civilian identities. At least I would assume so. You need to be careful.” The heroine just kept staring at her for a moment before nodding and heading back to the fight. Once she was gone, Lila’s legs gave out and she sat there trying to process what had just happened.
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joyfulholland · 5 years ago
The Coconut Debate
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a/n: so it’s been ages...but I was hit with inspiration today and wrote this so I hope you like it! just thought it would be fun to write what it would be like to be in lockdown with the boys but with a slight twist! please let me know if there’s anything you want to see me write!!
warnings: a bit of swearing but that's it
word count: 879
Y/N to party in the (club)house: how does everyone feel about coconut?
Harry: The fruit?
Tom: coconuts aren’t fruit
Harry: Disagree.
Harrison: I thought they were a seed
Tuwaine: Whatever they are I’m a fan
Tom: they’re a nut??? it’s called coconut
Harry: Definitely a fruit
Y/N: I actually meant the scent…
Tom: I have no objections
Tuwaine: Still a fan
Harrison: I like it
Harry: My favourite fruit scent why do you ask?
Y/N: because the only toilet paper left in the shop is coconut scented
Y/N: and I didn’t want to buy it without confirmation that there would be no complaints
Y/N: didn’t want a repeat of the orange blossom washing up liquid disaster of week 3
Tom: good shout
Harrison: I’m sorry that I like my washing up liquid to be GREEN
Tuwaine: Green isn’t a scent
Harrison: It is in the world of washing up liquid
Tuwaine: I’m sorry the world of washing up liquid?
Harry: Fruity coconut toilet paper sounds great
Tom: Harry it is NOT a fruit
Tommy to Y/N/N: where are you??
Tommy: I woke up and you aren’t here??
Y/N/N: I’m in the kitchen??
Y/N/N: where did you think I’d gone?
Tommy: you’re never awake before me I was concerned for your well being
Y/N/N: I’m coming back now do you want a tea?
Tommy: please
Harry to party in the (club)house: Has anyone seen my left trainer?
Tom: is it not with your right trainer?
Y/N: how do you lose one trainer??
Y/N: surely you took them both off at the same time??
Harry: I think it’s been stolen
Harry: You’re all under suspicion until I’ve found it
Harrison: Nobody would steal a single trainer mate
Tuwaine: And especially not one of yours
Tom: what use would we possibly have for one of your trainers
Harry: To drive me insane
Y/N: are you sure you aren’t already there?
Harry: I’m going to start conducting an investigation
Harry: Never mind I found it
Y/N/N to Tommy: we need a plan
Tommy: ???
Y/N/N: for tonight’s movie
Y/N/N: I’m not watching another Nicholas Cage movie
Y/N/N: it’s been six nights in a row now I refuse
Y/N/N: we need to come up with a way of convincing them to watch something else
Tommy: but you like Nicholas Cage?
Y/N/N: not seven days in a row I don’t
Y/N/N: help me or I’m not having sex with you until lockdown is over
Tommy: I reckon we could get Harrison on our side to win the majority
Tuwaine to party in the (club)house: It’s Fajita Night
Tuwaine: You know what that means…
Y/N: No
Harry: No
Tom: No
Harrison: No
Y/N/N to Tommy: SOS
Tommy: what’s wrong?
Y/N/N: there is a SPIDER in our BATHROOM
Tommy: you’re not scared of spiders?
Y/N/N: I know I was warning you not to go in because you’re scared
Y/N/N: it’s too high for me to reach
Y/N/N: it’s on the ceiling I’ve text Tuwaine to tell him to get it when he’s home from his walk
Tommy: I love you
Y/N to party in the (club)house: I’ve got a zoom call 2-3 today
Y/N: will do it in mine and tom’s room but just thought I’d give you all a heads up
Tom: aka no barging in unannounced
Harry: No one barges into your bedroom unannounced anymore
Tuwaine: Yeah not since the incident
Harrison: My eyes have not recovered
Tom: you’re a drama queen
Harrison: I saw things I never needed to see
Harry: And then described them in great detail to us so we were all scarred
Harrison: Sharing is caring
Tuwaine: OVER sharing is not caring
Y/N: Haz you’re such a hypocrite
Y/N: or have we forgotten the Sofa Incident of August 2019
Tom: Talk about eyes not being recovered
Harrison: Fuck you both
Tommy to Y/N/N: so you know how I love you
Tommy: and that I’m so grateful that you agreed to let the boys all stay with us during lockdown
Y/N/N: what do you want?
Tommy: please stop stealing my clothes to wear every day I am running out and it is not a fair trade as I can’t wear yours
Y/N/N: I don’t know what you mean
Tommy: I can see you in the garden out of the window you’re wearing my t-shirt AND my joggers
Y/N/N: you have plenty of clothes to wear
Y/N/N: stop being overdramatic
Y/N/N: also you definitely COULD wear mine you just choose not to
Tommy: I have no clean shirts left I am not being overdramatic
Y/N/N: you can have this one if you come and get it
Tommy: and leave you half naked in the garden for everyone else to see??
Y/N/N: yes
Y/N/N: lol as if I’ll come back upstairs I don’t want to give the boys a show
Harry to party in the (club)house: I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it so I have researched the subject
Harry: one.attachment.
Harry: Turns out coconuts can be classed as a fruit, a seed AND a nut
Harrison: fucking hell
Tom: fucks sake
Tuwaine: Harry it’s not even nine o clock yet
Y/N: harry it’s been THREE WEEKS
Harry: it’s all I’ve been thinking about
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fanfictionsrookie · 4 years ago
Talk to us about nerdy college teacher Cinder with glasses & tie *grabs popcorn*
First of, I want to apologize how long this is XD
I wrote this months ago and never finished it, but it's now or never, so bust of the popcorn and enjoy!
So its Ruby's first year at University, she studying mechanical engineering, but since it's her first year, she has to take Chem100 whether she wants to or not. Ms Fall's class, Ruby would take one look at her as she walks into class and just say goodbye to all hope of passing the subject. Then again you can't really blame her, Cinder Fall is a sight to be hold. Sleek, black suit and tie, raven hair and eyes that could kill you with one look from behind those glasses.
Is it suddenly hot in that class?
Either way, Ruby knows not too get on Ms Fall's bad side, the woman is all work and no play. One misstep and you're out of that class faster than you're able to say goodbye to your future. But surprisingly, despite what the rest of the class says, Ms Fall is a good teacher. She is smart, brilliant even, Ruby is convinced the woman could teach infants chemistry. And despite Ruby feeling like she completely blends into the background, Cinder soon takes notice of Ruby's hard work.
And it is perhaps, knowing that there is atleast one person listening that allows Cinder to go off track one Friday afternoon and just talk about all the concepts the finds interesting. Cinder's velvety tone already had Ruby's attention, but listening to her going on about concepts she has no idea about with her voice rising and just going a little bit faster… is that passion?
Not gonna lie… it's kinda hot. Damn air conditioning.
Because Cinder took notice of Ruby's hard work, despite her average grades, she does pick on her to answer questions much more. This does make feel Ruby akward and a bit uncomfortable, but knows it's meant well. If Miss Fall doesn't like you, she'll leave you to your own demise. And Ruby does want Miss Fall to like her, but after getting back her term exam with barely a passing grade, she is completely let down. It takes all of her confidence, but Ruby approaches Cinder after class, hoping to talk about why she got a bad grade.
And the moment Ruby realised just how tall Cinder is, makes the woman even more intimidating. Then again, Ruby has a bellow average height. Never mind that. So Ruby awkwardly asks Miss Fall about the test and she is surprisingly understanding. Miss Fall goes into full on nerd mode, explaining each question with so much detail that makes Ruby feel bad for having to tell her that she still doesn't understand.
Cinder must have noticed because she clears her throat, hiding her embarrassed blush before offering to tutor Ruby after class. Hot or not, Ruby knew that she'd be an idiot to say no.
And that's where their routine sessions, tutor sessions two times a week after class.
No not those kind of tutor sessions! Get out mind out of the gutter!
Sometimes their sessions were held outside or in another classroom as timeslots and locations had to be shuffled around, nothing major. But Ruby would be lying if she said that it didn't feel… different when they settled in Cinder's office as a personal location.
Naturally there would be some bits of small talk. Asking random things like how eachother's day was, maybe telling eachother insignificant tidbits of their lives. Eventually these conversations grew longer and Cinder welcomed them. Not just because Ruby earned it through working as hard she she did, but because all the stories Ruby blurts out about the shenanigans she gets up to is mildly entertaining.
At long last Ruby's next big test rolls around and she honestly couldn't believe that she did that good. And whether she had it planned or not, Cinder invites her to a Science Convention held in a few weeks. Not necessarily as a date, but more as a teacher presenting their student… who they are rather proud of… with another learning opportunity. Ruby goes of course, since she does adore the mechanical aspects of science… and she'd feel bad for turning down Ms. Falls… proffesional invite.
When the convention rolls around, Ruby does feel a bit in over her head, no idea where anything is. But she does find Ms Fall mulling over one of the mechanical engineering presentations and holy shit this is her chance to impress her professor.
And she does. Or Ruby thinks she does, she just talking so fast and is almost bursting with excitement.
Cinder is probably wondering if nerd-boners a thing?
I mean if it wasn't clear before both of them are definitely sapio sexual.
So the convention goes on and Cinder and Ruby decide to stick together. Ruby learns a bit more of why and how Cinder got to be a teacher and Cinder asks Ruby about her aspirations. Lunchtime rolls around, always taking the obvious route to solve a problem, at least when it comes to real life problems, Cinder takes Ruby to dinner.
When they finally had to part ways, Ruby thanks Cinder for being such a great teacher, expressing just how much she enjoys being her student. Cinder, flustered under that composed facade tells Ruby how much it means to have a student as dedicated as her.
Laying awake that night, both of them are like, do I… like her like that?
Cinder instantly shoves those thoughts to the back of her mind. She has to remain professional after all and she will not ruin the relationship she already has with Ruby. So Ms. Fall goes on as if nothing ever happened, she still tutors Ruby, still greets her whenever she sees her. And that would have been fine... if Cinder didn't end up overcompensating for trying to appear "normal".
What do you mean regular professors wouldn't walk their students to the bus stop in the rain under an umbrella?
Or compliment on how beautiful that skirt is.
Or revise books and books of theory just so that you are sure you're explaining everything as clear as possible.
Ruby, socially awkward as she is, has it a little more difficult. At first she denied her feelings outright, but then she spent time with Ms Fall, whether it be in her class or office. She still enjoys her classes, still thinking Cinder is talented and brilliant. But Ruby also starts thinking other things.
She takes notice how Cinder would unbutton her shirt after the last lecture of the day. How cute she looks without her classes 'cause she really is that blind and has to squint a bit.
And how much Ruby wanted to sit on Ms Fall's desk and-
Stop. It. You. Are. In. The. Middle. Of. Class.
Suffice to say her grades start slipping and it's not just in Chem 100. Ms Fall brings it up and Ruby stutters out some half assed excuse. None of them really wants to talk about it, but they have to do something. Ruby buckles down with her studying, there is no way she's disappointing Ms Fall. And Cinder blames herself for her favouritism and starts marking Ruby's work a little too strictly.
The third term's final examination rolls around Ruby is utterly disappointed with her grade. She passed, but she should have done it with flying colours.
Ruby confronts Cinder after class and the two get into a heated argument over who is right and how unfair Cinder's marking was, because it totally was. Ruby asks Cinder why she suddenly has it out for her. Tensions and yempers flare.
Caught in a moment, Cinder. Kisses. Ruby.
No, not that kind of fuck!
Both of them had their first kiss before... maybe a second. But they had no idea that it could feel like that.
Whether she wanted to or not, Cinder knew that she had to take the lead (not like that) in the situation. They finally talk about their feelings. Its awkward and brutally honest cause Cinder has no concept of softening words according to the context and Ruby is pretty dense.
In the end they confess that neither of them wanted to ruin what they have. But they also want to see where this could go because, regardless of their past relationships, this kind of relationship was a first for both of them. This meant they both had to keep their distance in a respectful, non suspicious manner, and they had to wait for Ruby to pass Chem100.
Easier said than done.
Their relationship was a little shaky after that, both trying to find some footing in figuring out where they were and how far they could do. But it gave them a chance to realise and re-learn what they admired about eachother and that was enough. Which might have had an influence on Cinder picking up the drafts of an old research paper she never finished. The prospect of moving to another school or institution is distant in her mind, and she doesn't allow herself to think about it too long.
But the one thing both of them had in mind, was how well Ruby did in her final exam. And for a girl who didn't like chemistry in the beginning of the year, she made the subject her bitch. For lack of a better term. So when the end of the year award ceremonies came along, Cinder made sure to congratulate Ruby on her accomplishment. But not the formal, frozen-then-microwaved congratulations of all the other professors. But a genuine, soft smile and puffing her chest out in pride, I'm-so-proud-of-you- congratulations. Honestly that part was more rewarding to Ruby than the fact that she passed her first year.
Two weeks later, summer vacation in full swing, Ruby gets a text. Cinder asking her out on a date.
I mean if Ruby wasn't nervous enough while making sure her outing stay out of her family's radar, she sure was upon seeing Cinder after so long. No much in a dress. Cinder is smoking hot in a suit, but seeing her in a dress dhdjejeisiaknsjdkamsbfyush.
While both of them had a reason to worry, the moment they started talking, being their usual nerdy selves, everything just calmed down. It felt right. Which made what Cinder was about to say, more difficult than she wanted to admit. They both liked eachother, both of them were eager to see where this whole thing could go.
Cinder wouldn't be teacher Ruby next year, or anytime after that. And while it won't be illegal in that sense, "heavily-frowned-upon" was a term Cinder wanted to keep out of both of their files. Ruby and Ms Fall were definately going to see more of eachother... but it had to be discreet.
So the break rolled around, the highlights definitely being the shy, nervous text and lunch dates (under the guise that Ruby needed help with…deciding a career path… yeah… that's it).
Second year started a lot like the first, but there were a few key differences. The obvious being that Ruby didn't have Chem100, or those tutor sessions. Then comes the surprising changes, being that Ruby's conversations are a tad more casual and friendly. Ruby gets to finish her own work in Cinder's office and any after hours projects using the campus facilities because of course Cinder has the keys and the clearance. And of course they have their bi weekly lunch dates.
All of this great! And as much as Ruby adores the time she gets to spend with Cinder, she can't help but feel like Cinder is being distant when it comes to physical affection. And saying it just makes Ruby feel bad cause the last thing she wants is to push Cinder into an uncomfortable situation. Especially with one as precarious as theirs.
Truth be told, Cinder has been picking up on Ruby's suggestestion (she's not that buried under work) but it reminds her that it would be another boundary they'd be pushing. But as much as Cinder wanted to play it safe, she also knows how much she wants this to work. So the moment Ruby started pulling away is the moment Cinder knew she needed to address her priorities. More specifically, make time for them.
So everytime Ruby swings by her office, whether it is to study, have lunch together or say hi, Cinder makes a point to kiss her once she leaves. On the cheeks, nose, lips, forehead. Or even all of those places if Cinder is in a specially good mood (or Ruby incredibly stubborn). Goodnight and good morning texts (under the guise of a different name cause Yang can be incredibly nosy and attentive) are also a regular thing and usually leaves Ruby smiling a tad wider than before.
And just because it has become routine, that doesn't make it any less meaningful. Cinder wants to make sure Ruby knows how much she cares for her.
So it shouldn't be surprising when those goodbye kisses would start the moment they see eachother with how long they ended up being. Long. And sometimes a little loud. And a little hot. And a little handsy when sweaters have to go. But that's it. Much less surprising is when Cinder had to pull out some foundation (or whatever makeup people use cause I certainly don't) because someone has to teach Ruby how to hide hickeys (Weiss was the only one who noticed, thank gods, she doesn't ask about it either).
They've only been almost caught once. (A first year who was sent running with how fast Cinder chewed him out that he didn't even notice Ruby in the room.)
But on a prompt lunchdate near campus no less, Cinder was quick, and silently relived, to tell Ruby that she was leaving Beacon and perusing further study with regards to her thesis. I mean, the first thing Ruby would ask is whether Cinder was leaving because they were getting too close and someone saw them. Or if she was sacrificing her career for their relationship. And while relationship played a part in her decision, Cinder knew that it was a step forward on her career path. It was time for a change. And once she assured Ruby of that, Ruby wasted no time in asking what she'll be doing, where she'll be working, and if she can be involved in any experiments present.
One hour nerd monologue from Cinder incoming.
It's only after Cinder completely left the University, that Ruby realised what that meant. They could finally date. Really date, without worrying about either of them getting fired or expelled. Although neither Cinder or Ruby is quite ready to bring up the topic to family. Although Ruby might have just mentioned to Weiss that she is dating someone cause she has been exceptionally cheery lately.
Cinder and Ruby stick to their bi-weekly dates, which is sometimes a picnic. Or at resturant at night, or them cooking together at Cinder's place (which is their favorite and the most nerve wracking.) Other than that, they find times to spend time together, getting acquainted with eachother's hobbies and shifting small talk to eachother's families and past. Whenever their schedules align, Cinder would pick up and drop off Ruby near her home, campus or if they're going to Cinder's place.
Makeouts in the car has also become a thing. Not the most comfortable space. But there is definitely something appealing about sitting in a hot older woman's lap, taking off her glasses, loosening that tie while she slips her fingers under your shir-okay.
Back to reality.
In a lot of ways it is the best stage of their relationship so far. But it's also the one with the most challenges. Luckily, both Ruby and Cinder take comfort in knowing that they have all the time in the world to figure it out…
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thadelightfulone · 4 years ago
All I Want... 25 Days of Christmas Challenge, Day 14
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December 14th
DeeDee walked into Dr. O’s office and looked around. In the center was a big wooden desk, a couch on one side and a table in the corner. She swept her hand across the table as she made her way to his desk. There were plenty of late nights and early morning study sessions held in this office. She set down the research papers for his classes and took a seat in front of the desk.
And it was all coming to an end. This was the last time that she would be here as his mentee and graduate assistant. 
Dr. O was seated behind his desk as DeeDee took her last walk around the office. 
“Hey DeeDee.”
“Hey Dr. O.”
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m excited and nervous. I am ready to get it over with it already.”
“You know you got this.” 
“I mean, I know my stuff but it’s the normal before a major presentation anxiety that is kicking it right now.”
“Well, you know you can always picture everyone naked right?”
“What am I, ten?” She laughed, “I prefer to look over the top of their heads and focus on a point in the back.”
“Ok then.” Dr. O stepped around the desk with a wrapped gift. “So, I have something for you.”  
DeeDee hesitated before taking it and gave it a good shake. “You didn’t have to get me anything, Dr. O.” 
“Just open it.”
DeeDee pulled off the wrapping paper, to reveal a medium sized box with a lid. She uncovered it and reached inside. She lifted out a brass nameplate with her full name and her future title on it. 
“Dr. O, you really didn’t have to do this.” 
He waved off her comment, “There’s more, go on.”
DeeDee looked inside and pulled out three books. She recognized the top two. A blue basic chemistry workbook by Dr. Bell and an orange organic chemistry book by Dr. O. She opened the front covers and found signed personal messages from them. 
“Awwww, I am gonna miss you guys, too.” 
She set the books down and picked up the third book. A thin green book that looked more like a manual, ‘Real World Science Applications’ by Dr. Erik Stevens. DeeDee looked up at Dr. O. 
“I know that you recently reached out to him regarding an article he wrote while he was here. So, I figured you might want to take a look at some of his other work.” 
“I don’t understand the books.”
“I was given the most popular works from my two mentors and one to grow on when I earned my doctorate.” He paused, “So, I am honoring the tradition.”
DeeDee looked at Erik’s book sitting on top of the pile and shook her head. The man had already grown on her, but not from a professional standpoint. This isn’t gonna do anything more then build up the crush she already had on him. She stood up and gave Dr. O a hug.
“Thank you for all your help over the years. I truly appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome, DeeDee. I am excited to call you a colleague and not just my student anymore.” He put the books back into the box and covered it. “Now, that concludes our final meeting as mentee and mentor, let’s get a drink.”
“Shouldn’t we wait until it’s official?”
“It usually is when you are given your defense date. It’s kind of hard to mess up work that you spent years doing.”
“True.” She looked at her watch. “I have time for one drink tonight, but we can go big on Friday.”
DeeDee sat at her laptop and opened the document that would seal her future. She hadn’t looked at it all weekend and like she told Dr. O over that drink, her anxiety was kicking up again. Fall classes ended last week and she took the next three weeks off from her job, so she doesn’t have to be anywhere until the beginning of the new year. But the biggest thing looming over her head is her defense this Friday. The presentation is done and she has practiced as much as humanly possible, but she still felt off. 
She picked up the gift box from Dr. O and pulled out Erik’s book. So, Dr. O doesn’t know about her conversations with Erik, that’s interesting. She picked up her phone and hit redial.
“Hello Miss DeeDee,” Erik breathily answered.
“Did I catch you at a bad time?” 
“Nope, just getting my evening run in. What’s up?”
“Guess what I have in my hands?”
“DeeDee, let me get inside before you start this.”
“Excuse me? What do you think I am talking about, nasty?”
Erik hung up and called her right back on video, all he saw was a book on screen. He took a closer look, “How did you get that? It hasn’t been printed in years and that looks pristine.” He sat on a park bench.
“I would ask your friend, Dr. O about that. He gave it to me.” DeeDee moved the book away. 
Erik was greeted by a blue hoodie and black glasses. “Why did he do that?”
“He said it was tradition. I was given 3 books total and a nameplate for my office.”
“Oh yeah, two books from mentors or favorite professors and then one to help with future research.”
“You know about that?”
“Sure, Marquis told me about it when he earned his doctorate. I think that’s a great --” Erik looked away, “Why would he give you my manual?”
“You’re the one to grow on.” DeeDee’s face ran hot when she thought about what she just said. 
“I’m the one for you to grow on?” Erik smirked into the camera. “I dig it. Maybe, I already have.”
DeeDee avoided his intense gaze.  
“Miss DeeDee,” he waited until she looked at him. “Have I?”
“Have you what, Mr. Erik?” She asked in a small voice.
“Have I grown on you?”
“Yes,” she nodded into the camera, “yes, you have.”
DeeDee watched as Erik’s eyes flickered in the sunset. She shook her head so she didn’t have to focus on them. She was afraid of what she would see in them, something she wasn’t ready to admit.
“Do you think you can sign my book when I see you?” She asked to lighten up the situation.
“Of course, I can. But wouldn’t you prefer a picture with the author?”
“I mean that would be nice, too.” She smiled.
“Whatever the lady wants, the lady gets. I told you that.” 
She closed her eyes, “You did.”
“And I plan to deliver that and more.”
DeeDee took a deep breath.
Taglist: @teakturn​ @ghostfacekill-monger​ @shaekingshitup​ @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @woahitslucyylu​ @ladymac82​ @bugngiz​ @eyeknowmywrites​ @ajspencer1892​ @arafatih​ @issimplyaamazinggg​ @tchallasbabymama​ @killmonger-fics​ @beautifullmelodyxx​ @raysunshine78​ @fd-writes​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @just-peachee​ @kaleidoscopeofsoul​
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