#I mean- I get that everyone is hot so please make more of Bonde cuz he's literally born to look so goof
sherliam-hualian · 1 year
I have been searching on pinterest for God knows how long for a James Bonde fanart.
Tell me, why are there so little fanarts of him. I am dying for James Bonde-
Please, make more. I will literally beg every single person on the planet that there to draw more Bonde fanarts
Thank You.
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robintherobiner · 7 months
Types of fics i need more of:
de-age fics. Baby Bruce? Teen Bruce? Baby Dick? Teen Dick? Baby Jason? Teen Jason. The list goes on and on. deage them all. is it sad? is it funny? is it cute? is it traumatic? i dont care, make them all little.
ghost fics. i want Jason to haunt the shit out of his family. he sees them all grieving, comes back to life, and instead of killing people he just leaves ominous notes like "i saw you trip on your cape." or "leave fifty bucks at *address* or i'll tell everyone about your superman body pillow."
Tim being an utter loser. I love him, but he should be incredibly put together in public and then he gets home and just... is a mess. never felt the touch of anyone, woman or man. can do complex mathematical equations but needs a calculator to solve 4 x 3. think Sherlock Holmes, who can tell everything about you from one look but doesnt know the earth revolves around the sun.
Alfred being called out for being an enabler! fuck that old man, i hate him. however if he made me a cup of tea, i would die for him. Im a very complex person.
Dick being Damians dad. so cute, i love it. Damian deserves to have his own taste of found family. fuck blood of the womb, lets go with blood of the covenent or whatever the quote says.
Jason being childish!!! i think his mental age should younger than his physical one cuz, trauma, being dead, being catatonic in some cases, also just being pretty young anywas? gimme a fic where he comes home covered in blood cuz he just killed four guys and then goes to have a shower so he can play with his rubber duckies.
kiddie crushes!!! gimme more Jason loving Wonder Woman and being an utter fanboy when he encounters her. "Oh em gee you're here to apprehend me? Wonder Woman, this is such an honor, can i have your autograph-" Young Dick meeting Superman for the first time and hiding under Bruce's cap because "He's so pretty Bruce, he's gonna hear my heart go fast!" Tim meeting Constantine and, to everyones despair, somehow adoring him. "So you do magic? Thats like, so cool! Tell me all about it. My parents were archeologists, we probably have loads of of magical objects, do you wanna check them? Do you like coffee? Did you really sell your soul to multiple people? Thats so hot- I MEAN COOL SHIT FUCK-"
Literally anything about Dicks time in the circus. I think i've only read like two fics about it? Compared to the hundreds going indepth on Tim and Jason's childhoods?
Similar to the last one, but gosh the culture shocks they all probably had! Dick was used to constantly moving from city to city. Jason going from being on the street to a mansion. Tim going from boarding school, a place full of kids his own age, to being alone in his house so that he could be Robin. Damian was used to being respected and honored, he was a prince after all, only to suddenly be told that everything he knew was wrong.
Babs and Tim. I think they would get along, i wanna see them bonding!
Joker Junior. i know its not canon and it was only in like one cartoon but oh my GOD i love it.
Trauma reveals!! i love them. Dick's time in spyral, his apprenticeship with Deathstroke, the multiple fucked up relationships he's been in. Everything Tim did during 'Brucequest', Jasons time with the LOA, literally anything from Damians childhood.
Jon being aged up and his relationship with Damian! i dont even need to add anything, you get the point.
Dana, Jack, and Janet. I want it so bad!!! Dana is implied but never confirmed to be dead so bring her back and let her and Tim mourn!! let Tim find out his parents both slept with Bruce and have Bruce be like "oops i forgot about that, soz sweetie-" let tim hate christmas eve because thats when his mother was buried!
if anyone has recs for any of these sort of fics, PLEASE GIVE THEM TO ME. i've probably read most of them already, but i have a terrible memory so i love re-reading fics. just, gimme gimme gimme
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vespertin-y · 2 years
SORRY I DIDN’T LIVEBLOG FOR MULTIPLE WEEKS DO YOU STILL THINK I’M HOT. i was dreading ch3 okay...here’s the first part of the investigation!
-the first appearance of maki’s nickname! forever mad about the translation of harumaki to maki-roll. maki *already* means roll!! you can’t just call her roll-roll!!!! NISA PLEASE
-”oh? well if it isn’t kaito. are you feeling better already?” “y-yeah, somehow...sorry though, we don’t have much time to talk right now.” “well, don’t push yourself. things feel amiss without your boisterous voice.” “yeah, sure. my bad for making you worry, kiyo.” THAT’S WEIRDLY CUTE WHAT
-the tonal whiplash between shuichi flipping the fuck out when himiko says angie won’t answer the door and shouting at kokichi to pick the lock as fast as he can, and the player pausing to talk to everyone before opening it 😭 i suppose it doesn’t matter because she’s already dead, but still.....
-”ahh! she puked again! and it’s green this time! monophanie’s green puke is said to be an omen of bad luck and disaster! what on earth is about to happen!?” the worst trial in the game, that’s what 😔 i just gotta push through to ch4,,,just five more hours,,,,,
-starting to actually fucking hate Spirit, Praise, and Beauty. v3′s soundtrack is usually banger but i never liked this one and they play it. so. fucking. often. in this chapter.
-maki says kokichi is the only one who could’ve opened the door from the outside, but shouldn’t lockpicking be a skill an assassin has...? a magician too, now that i think of it. they don’t even ask if anyone else can lockpick.
-”a murder at nighttime...is strange. [im]possible, even.” “why do you think that?” “cuz student council made rule that we no can be outside during nighttime. everyone shoulda been asleep. no way murder coulda happened at nighttime.” “do you really think everyone would go along with that rule?” “but it [kami-sama]’s rule. angie say he punish us if we not follow his rules...” “but the student council wasn’t included in that, correct? they could do what they wanted. angie was also working here at night.” “huh!? she was!? n-no way. student council would never break own rules! they shoulda been asleep in own rooms! to set good example to others!” angie *openly* says only the student council is allowed outside at night, because they don’t have to worry about them wanting to escape - how long has she been stringing him along like this, and did the other members just go along with it!?
-shuichi’s inner monologue can get so bland during investigation and trial - they want the player to solve things on their own, but shuichi is working much faster than us, so he ends up just thinking “ah, i see....i understand.....just as i suspected........” constantly. i won’t complain too much though, since this is pretty much unavoidable with detective main characters lol.
-damn, shuichi shouts at miu this time instead of just glaring at her. i mean, i can’t say i *wouldn’t* snap if someone i already didn’t like tried to check if a wax doll of my dead gf had panties.....
-maki telling shuichi to turn away when she stabs the kaede effigy is actually quite sweet. i like her clumsy attempts at protecting people from the kind of life she’s lived.
-”i’m surprised you spotted this, maki. it was hidden under her body...” “...it was partially visible. as a detective, you should have noticed it before i did.” “ah, well, that’s true...” “well, even so...i guess you’re still getting used to being around dead bodies...so don’t beat yourself up over it.” “...well then, it’s a good thing you’re used to corpses, maki.” “...huh? do you want to die?” “s-sorry, joking. i couldn’t resist.” “...you don’t need to apologize. i was joking, too.” this is nice and all but godDAMN do neither of you know how to tell jokes. pls stop forever.
-part 2 will be posted in a minute!
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Hi love, pretty sure you're requests are open (if not just ignore this) n e ways what about Inarizaki with manager who's like intimidating (i've been told i am intimidating lol) and very sarcastic, much Tsukishima Kei vibez cuz that's basically me😃
Just like how would our boys react, very curious and take your time btw don't have to rush it, do it whenever you feel like :D
Oh my gosh Nat, it's literally my honour to write this for you. You can request anything, anytime, and you'll be a top priority (ily<3)
Inarizaki with a tsukkishima-ish manager.
Specially dedicated to @sunasthing <3
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So first of all, if you think that's gonna stop the boys from simping over you, you've got it wrong 😖🖐️
The boys would literally take it as a challenge to get your softer nature out, especially Atsumu.
I GENUINELY think he'd find it really hot whenever you snap back at him, or tell him off. (maybe he's like Nishinoya and Tanaka in that sense 🙄)
Constantly pesters you, and although you don't give him a reply often (because he's annoying as fuck), if you ever acknowledge him slightly, he WILL flirt with you.
Beware tho, even if he comes off as flirty and charismatic, he's literally just a dorky small baby and genuinely wants your attention because he thinks you're the coolest person ever.
And if you're ever nice to him, you can best bet he'll replay that moment in his mind before sleeping EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
Y/n, earlier that day: don't get hurt. I don't want to have to deal with anyone on this team being injured
Atsumu at 3 a.m: s-she cares about me 🥺🥺
I think Osamu would vibe really well with you. He's not annoying, he's really really chill, and he has a pretty sharp tongue himself.
Judges people as an attempt to make you laugh, and he sees it as a personal victory if he can get you to crack a smile or smirk. He just doesn't make a big deal about it, unlike his twin xD
Osamu: y/n look at that guy. he's totally crushing on his brother's best friend, could he not be more obvious about it??
Y/n: *cracks a smirk* yeah, it does seem so.
Osamu, internally: ✨v i c t o r y i s s w e e t✨
He also cooks for you pretty often, and even if you protest against accepting it, you'll usually find a bento hidden in your locker or bag.
He knows you might not accept it straight, so he finds other ways to get it to you. Osamu actually thinks of you as a cooler sister that he says "he'd trade Atsumu for"
In general, the twins are the life of Inarizaki and although they're sometimes annoying, they mean well and it's plain to see that they love you.
Kita loves how smart and analytical you are. I've said this before, I'll say it again— Kita thinks brains are sexy 😤
Especially when you call the team to give your insights about their opponents, or give them ideas on how to improve their play, Kita is literally there like “I'm so glad she's ours”
Because you would be a dangerous asset to other teams, and Kita is the most thankful that you're with them.
He's also a really good leader and although the two of you don't have heart-to-hearts or conversations like the twins, you know he'll ALWAYS be there for you.
Like once, it was raining and practice was cancelled, so you decided to wait in school until the rain subsided (because you didn't want to get wet), and our sweet Kita searched for you in every single classroom until the finally found you and walked you home. That's just the dynamic you had with him
He also often checks up on you, even when it's unrelated to volleyball. Have you done your homework? have you ate breakfast this morning? although you're usually sarcastic with the twins and most of the other members of the team, you can't bring yourself to do so with Kita.
The respect you guys have for each other is unmatched and that's probably why you're such a golden duo in Inarizaki. The leader and the analytical manager.
And now Suna. I think Suna would be the member you have the deepest bond with. you truly allow him to see who you are inside, and he does the same. You guys really just click.
It started with him complaining about Atsumu, and slowly progressed into you letting Suna be the only member to have physical contact with you, but only when the others aren't looking.
Sometimes, if you guys are the only two people in the gym, he'll nap on your lap or lean on your shoulder.
If you didn't already know, like everyone else in Inarizaki, he has a crush on you 😖🖐️ like damn you thought Atsumu had it bad? nah, Suna has it the worst.
He literally asks his little sister to let him practice braiding her hair, just so he'll be perfect when he someday asks to do yours.
But he always chickens out because he's scared you'll say no 😭😭 he's internally very shy, okay? 🥺🥺
He's literally your best friend. You guys have study sessions together, anime nights, literally anything, he's right there with you. The rest of the team are literally not aware of how close the two of you are.
Until one day, Atsumu tries daring you to kiss Suna on the forehead, and instead of flat-out refusing (like you've done before when he's dared you to kiss him, or Akagi) you shrug and gently kiss Suna on the forehead, causing Suna to smile and ruffle your hair.
The rest of the team is just shocked.
Atsumu: what is this FUCKERY?? is y/n literally WILLINGLY touching someone ??¿¿
Y/n and Suna: *smirks*
Atsumu, close to tears: okay
But the rest of the team soon accept you and Suna have a pretty special bond, and that you're genuinely softer when it comes to him.
You don't snap at him much, and as they've noticed, Suna has started being more brave about leaning on your shoulder or sleeping on your lap.
Of course, the rest of the team (with the exception of Kita) is jealous. But hey, they just don't have Suna's charm, okay? xD
You make Suna want to try harder, and he's way more motivated to give it his all in every single game. Mostly because he wants you to be proud of him.
He definitely has a nickname for you, but he will only use it when he's sure you guys are alone. And in return, you call him "Rin" which makes his heart flutter 🥺🥺
Now onto Aran !! Aran is a softie who (like Kita) respects you a great deal. He'll fend Atsumu and Osamu off if he senses you aren't having a great day.
He's also pretty good at giving you your space but he checks up on you every once in a while if anyone is bothering you.
Although he's shy about it, Aran actually comes to you when he doesn't understand a homework question. You're super smart and he knows you won't make him feel bad about not knowing.
And it makes you feel happy to know he trusts you, so you help him as best as you can. It's a little secret of yours that the other members don't know about.
It especially lights your day up when he gets a good grade and whispers a silent "thank you" to you in class.
In return, will help you with anything you ask for. No questions asked.
And now, last but not least, sunshine Akagi!! I think he's a total Hinata Shoyo, so he might annoy you a bit at first because of his bright personality.
But deep down inside, you love how easily he gets people to smile and slowly find yourself warming up to him.
And Akagi is really determined to get you to smile (at least once a day) so he cracks the corniest jokes or makes puns.
It has become a thing between the two of you, where Akagi tells you a joke a day, and you rate it out of ten.
Gone are the days when you found him annoying. And now, even if you won't tell him outright— you really do think he's one of the brightest people in your life.
Additional headcanons
CHEERING YOU UP— whenever you feel quieter than usual, or a bit more sarcastic, the boys immediately know something is wrong and rush over to make you feel okay. Literally, it's almost like they've abandoned practice. And eventhough you tell them to get back to it, they refuse to leave until you're feeling better. Suna usually gives you a hug and kisses your forehead, whilst Akagi cracks jokes. Then, (and eventhough you protest) Atsumu lists off all the things you should love about yourself, whilst Osamu buys you ice cream (food is, after all, the best cure for anything). Aran is literally ready to HUNT the person who affected your mood down, and kill them, whilst Kita is literally just holding him back and making sure things don't go overboard. Even if you aren't fully cheered up by then, you'd have laughed a whole lot and know how much they care for you, so honestly... how could you stay sad?
REACTING TO YOU TELLING THEM OFF— Suna is literally just meh about it. He can't take you seriously because he's a dork who thinks he's not included in the list of "idiots" (but no Suna, u mf, you ARE included -_-). Atsumu thinks it's hot 👀 (as I mentioned above), Akagi is genuinely upset/ready to sob and vows to do better. Kita is proud of you for telling them off before he could do it (Kita is not included in the "idiots". How could he? he's PERFECT 🖐️). Osamu and Aran have similar reactions, because they end up apologizing and try to change tactics and do better.
HOW THEY'D ACT WHEN YOU START DATING SUNA— (because this is honestly inevitable, wbk 😭❤️). Atsumu would be jealous. Petty and would call Suna "pretty boy" every chance he gets. Leave him, im sure he'll get over it 🥺🥺 Osamu is pretty jealous too, but he'll never show it and focuses instead on your happiness. Kita approves, and honestly thinks you're a good influence on Suna. Aran is protective of you, and would literally gun Suna down if he ever hurt you (but he won't. Suna loves you, he'd literally jump down a cliff before ever hurting you 😤🖐️) and Akagi is cheerful as before, but extra glad because you seem to smile a bit more often (and Akagi loves your smile).
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I took a lot of effort on this <3 hope you like it, bae !! Taglist— @dai-tsukki-desu @sunasthing @k-sakusa-old @tilli-san
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bakugosbratx · 4 years
How about this: bakugou and s/o have this teasing friendship dynamic where they compete to outwit eachother. They go out to hang. When bakugou slams s/o into the wall in a fit of lust/annoyance reader is just like ‘um what’s happening wait what’ cuz reader honestly doesn’t think that it’s possible for bakugou to have feelings for her. So reader is super sub. Bakugou teases her the entire time. “Not so tough now huh?”
NSFW 18+ Come Over- Dom! Bakugo x Sub! Reader
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WARNING: 18+ Consentual Characters, size kink, daddy kink, breeding kink, swearing, harsh language, etc.
Check out my other works here
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A/N: Sorry it took me awhile to get to your request, but I hope it meets some of your standards. I had fun writing it. Send me in your request y’all. My inbox is open 💥
Words: 1,841
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You and Bakugo have always had an interesting friendship. You were introduced to the Bakusquad by Mina Ashido. You two met at the record store since you used to work there and bonded instantly. So, Mina wanted you to meet her other friends. Everyone loved you right away except for the ashy blonde. You were at each other's throats the second you met each other.
"Hey, dumbass." Bakugo greeted, not removing the scowl from his face. You were not one to deal with other's bullshit so you refused to let Katsuki talk to you any sorts of way.
"Hello to you too, dipshit."
"Oi! What did you call me? I'll kick your ass!" Bakugo exclaimed.
"Probably can't hear me because of all of your yelling." You shrugged.
"I think we should go-" Mina sighed as she grabbed your arm but you shrugged her off.
"Nah! I want to meet all of your lovely friends. Not just the stupid one." You smiled innocently.
"You're going to regret those words, loser!" Bakugo growled as Kirishima held him back using his hardening quirk.
As stated before, everyone loved you. Except for Bakugo, but overtime, you both learned to tolerate each other. It was never spoken, but a friendship developed overtime between you and the short tempered boy. You always pushed each other's buttons and knew how to make each other go off. It was now a common amusement amongst the others.
You were out shopping with Sero, Kirishima, and Mina when you received a text. You opened it to see that Bakugo messaged you.
Boomer 💥:
Want to hangout?
I'm currently at the mall
Boomer 💥:
Then leave.
Wtf I'm not leaving for you.
Boomer 💥:
Oi! Just come over at some point today shitty woman.
Okay dickhead.
"What are you so smiley about?" Mina teased. You didn't even realize a smile was plastered on your face.
"Probably texting Bakugo." Sero teased.
"Oh fuck off!" You exclaimed as your face heated up.
The group teased you and Bakugo all the time. They claimed you two secretly love each other and you two just didn't know it. You have came to terms that you thought Bakugo was cute in his own special way, but you were not convinced that the feelings were reciprocated. Katsuki was never good at showing his emotions except when he is angry or annoyed which is his attitude 98% of the time.
You didn't tell your friends that you and Bakugo text more than they think. Not consistently since Bakugo is not much of a conversationalist over text, but he will send you random messages when he's annoyed or if something reminds him of you. You tried to hide the stupid grin you get when his name appeared on your phone, but your friends caught on overtime. You seemed to get teased the most about it. At least, that's how it felt.
You kept your word and strolled over to Bakugo's house after the mall. You were not sure what he wanted or why, but you did not question it either. The most he is going to do is piss you off and you storm home in a fit of rage. So, you were a little hesitant on knocking on his door.
You knocked on the door with three hard knocks. Bakugo opened the door moments later. Same scowl on his face as usual.
"Hey dumbass."
You invite yourself in, not saying anything. You were surprised on how well kept his house was considering Katsuki is quick to blow up everything.
"Wow! Your place looks great!" You complement.
"You've never seen nice things before, idiot?"
You shoot a glare at him.
"Why can't you just accept the compliment, dipshit?" You sigh. "Why did you even invite me over here?"
"Because I wanted to."
"That's not a good enough answer, stupid."
"Well it's going to be! And watch your mouth, dumbass."
You get up in Bakugo's face. Your eyes meeting his crimson red ones staring down into you.
"And what if I don't?" You stated firmly.
Without a word, Bakugo pushes you against the nearest wall. He pins your wrist above your head with one of his strong hands while keeping a hard, lustful gaze on you. You tremble so slightly under his firm grip.
"What the fuck, Katsuki? Let me go!" You demanded to no avail. Bakugo just smirked.
"Not so tough are you now, huh? Look at you, so helpless." Katsuki teased.
You tried to squirm, but this only amused Katsuki. It was obvious he was not going to let you go.
"Katsuki, let me go-" You were interrupted by Bakugo's lips smacking into yours. His kisses are aggressive, but you did not expect any less from the short-tempered man.
Bakugo slowly pulls away, looking at your lips then back to your eyes. You can feel his hot breath tickling your plump lips.
"You're much cuter when you're quiet." Katsuki stated softly.
You feel your stomach doing fumbles. You can't believe Bakugo actually kissed you. Even worse, pinning you against the wall. This is not what you have expected to happen. Especially since Bakugo seems to not want to be around people often. You have a huge crush on him and you're hoping that this is him showing you the feeling is mutual.
"And you're much cuter when you let go of me." You scoffed.
"Nah. I don't think I will. Besides," Bakugo's fingers dip into your pants and feel the wet panties, "I would say you're enjoying this."
Your cheeks turn bright pink and you swallowed the imaginary lump in your throat. You did not want Bakugo to know how much he turns you on. Especially since you're in this position. You know he will not let you live this down and he will use your weakness for him as an advantage.
Bakugo's fingers played with your clit through the wet fabric. He enjoyed watching you squirm as he kept you in place. He began sucking on your neck to leave a nice hickey for everyone to see. You knew better than to try to tell him to stop. Bakugo has made it more than perfectly clear he does not give a single damn about your pleas as he gently nibbles on your tender flesh.
"Katsuki." You moan as his fingers speed up inside you.
Bakugo stops to meet your eyes.
"The name is Daddy. Got that, little girl?" Bakugo growls in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You nod.
"Say it." Bakugo demands.
"Yes, daddy."
Bakugo smirks.
"Such a good little slut. I know you have been wanting my cock for a long time and I thought I'd be nice enough to invite you over to feed your hunger."
"T-That's not true!" You argued.
"Really? You think I haven't noticed how turned on you get when we argue? You think I haven't noticed you staring at my dick when we all hangout? Lastly," Bakugo rubs your clit roughly to edge you some, "you're about to be fucking soaked again."
"Mm daddy!" You moan, wanting to cum some more.
"Aw, does my precious little girl want to cum? You want daddy to let you release onto his fingers?" Katsuki coo's condescending.
"Yes daddy! Please!" You beg.
"Your wish is my command, princess."
Bakugo rubs you a little more to get you stimulated and you release. He feels the wetness through your panties and he smirks.
"Damn, you came a lot for me. Such a cock hungry slut you are. Don't worry, daddy is going to fuck your precious little cunt so good." Bakugo chuckles before lifting you up and putting you over his shoulder. He carries you to his bedroom and lays you on your back on his California King Bed. He begins taking off your clothes and kissing - along with a few nibbles - on your exposed skin. He throws your bra to the floor and starts to suck on your tender nipples. Moans of pleasure escape your parted lips.
Bakugo gets to your panties and start to take them off. The cold air hitting your wet core made you shiver a bit. Plus, you were a bit nervous and embarrassed. Your vulnerable naked body is on full display for Bakugo's lustful eyes and you could not help but feel insecure. Bakugo noticed how tense your body became and he gave you a reassuring look.
“If you don’t want to do this, we don’t have to.”
“I want to. I’m just nervous.”
“Don’t worry. I will not hurt you too bad.” Bakugo teased.
You softly smile and relaxed. He opened your legs so your soaked pussy was ready for him to enter. Bakugo began getting undressed and your eyes widen at his hard dick. Of course, this doesn’t go unnoticed by Bakugo and he smirks as he strokes his huge member.
“Like what you see?”
“T-That’s going in me?” You exclaimed.
“Yep. All of it.”
You were about to close your legs, but Katsuki put his hands on your knees and keep them open. You feel the tip at your entrance and it already felt he was in deeper than he was. You did not even get much time to process as Bakugo kept making his way deeper into you.
“Damn, you are so fucking tight, babe. You can hardly handle all of my huge cock.”
“Daddy, please!” You whine and moan, wanting more of his member in you, though, you don’t think you can handle much more. You were not a virgin, by any means, but you haven’t had sex with a man as big as Bakugo. With each thrust, its pleasurable and a little painful. He isn’t gentle nor is he small in width. He’s not only big in length, he has a nice girth to his dick as well.
“Quit your whining. You’re going to take all of my cock wether you like it or not, slut.”
Katsuki continues thrusting in you, grumbling slurs under his breath as your folds hug his cock. You could feel another orgasm coming as his balls slapped against you. All of his length was in you, hitting all the right spots and then some. You were gripping the satin bed sheets and moaning loud enough to where Japan could hear you.
“Daddy, I am about to cum.” You moan.
“Damn, on your third orgasm. Better beg for it.”
“Please daddy! Please let me cum! Please!” You begged as tears brimmed your eyes.
“Cum on my cock.”
You did as your told and released on Bakugo’s hard dick. This didn’t stop him from going, through. He was still going to meet his high weather you liked it or not. He is close to cumming and he starts to speed up.
“Oh God.” You gasp as he releases himself into you. He makes sure every drop is in your body before pulling out. He gives you soft kisses on the lips and pulls away to meet your gaze.
“Aren’t you glad you came over?”
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kung-fu-headcanons · 3 years
Um hi, hello. What if one day Tigress accidentally calls Shifu dad infront of everyone. I think they would all be at the table eating and Shifu would join them for a bit and he would say something like "Tigress would you like more dumplings?" And she would say "yes please, thank you Dad-" and the tea cup in her hands would suddenly shatter under her grip as she realizes what she said. Everyone would be shocked in silence only for a few moments, but it would be enough for her to just awkwardly shove a handful of dumplings in her mouth to keep her from saying any thing else stupid and then speed walk/run out of the dining hall. I feel like she has some really bad social anxiety and this would stress her out alot.
Could you maybe please write the reactions of Shifu and the others?
Yes! She always gets very anxious whenever people see the more "soft" side of her ahaha you have good instincts anon :D
For starters, lemme just stick this incorrect quote in:
Shifu: Excellent work during training today, Tigress.
Tigress: Thanks Dad.
Tigress: ...why is everyone staring at me?
Monkey: ...you just called Shifu "dad". You said, "Thanks Dad".
Tigress: ...what? No, I didn't, I said "Thank you Master".
Shifu: I mean... I always knew you saw me as a father figure, but...
Tigress: Oh, if anything I see you as a bOtHeR figure, because you always BoThEr mE!
Mantis: HEY! Show your father some respect!
Okay but in all terms of seriousness, something like this could happen at any time, any where. Not saying your prompt was a bad one, anon, it's really great and, truthfully, the most likely setting for Tigress calling Shifu "dad" on accident to happen, just wanted to point out that it's something that could happen at any given moment
I believe Po is the only one who knows that Tigress views Shifu as a father figure? If my memory serves me right? Or does he not at all- I have a funny feeling he does, so let's just work under that assumption. If I'm wrong I'm wrong lol
So yeah, Tigress speedwalks away, with her face hot from embarrassment, and it's even worse for her because she can feel everyone's eyes on her as she leaves.
Monkey would have liked to make some comment about it try and lighten up the mood a little, and poke a bit of fun at it cuz it's really not a big deal at all, but he wisely keeps his mouth shut.
Po is just like, "I mean.. she's always been closed to Shifu than the rest of us.. but like.. sheesh..." taking careful measures to not reveal that he knows more than the others and Shifu.
That's already a bit sus in itself cuz, even though the others had a feeling, it's a bit bold for Po to say that out loud? Then again this is Po, he's always able to find some hidden secret somehow so- and also, he gets told a lot more than the others
Nobody really knows what to say, because they all know what Tigress is like when they see her outside of her serious side, so they can't imagine how awkward this must be for her.
They figure Tigress worries that they'll look down on her if she doesn't keep her sophisticated attitude at all times (they can reaaaaally see how she takes from Shifu), which, they won't? Theres nothing wrong with putting a little fun unto yourself
Theyre not gonna treat her differently just because she has a special bond with Shifu.. like.. he's her father figure, so what?
Nobody is sure who to have go talk to her, usually if something like this happens they just let her cool off on it on her own
Eventually they just decide to all go at once, they want to let Tigress know none of them really minded it and thought anything major of it
They find her in the training hall, per usual place for her to be after getting herself out in an awkward situation, and she notices them after she's done, and is like O_o
She tries to act natural but knows exactly what's coming
She surprised to find none of them really cared and actually this entire Shifu-Tigress father-daughter thing is super darn wholesome
I mean like come on I live for these family bonds between characters they're the best ones
Po and Monkey might poke some fun at it when Tigress isn't around but for the most part not that much
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all-about-seggs · 4 years
Haikyuu boys as Husbands Pt.1
A/N: these are pretty random so please excuse the crappyness.
Trigger warning's : Tw: pregnancy for Bokuto, implied sexual content in Oikawa's and Kuroo (not that much tho).
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Oikawa Tooru-
Tries to be the perfect husband by waking up early and attempting to do all the chors and make breakfast. Then you wake up to the sound of your husband crying over his burnt toast and spilled cereal with a sink full of dishes¯\(°_o)/¯
Lots of kisses and flirting even after years into marriage bc "we gotta keep the spark alive!!"
He will never truly feels like you're his bc of his own insecurities (he may still have them no matter how amazing he has become) so he is still kind possessive and easily jealous. And he is still reluctant to share you with your own child as well if you ever decide to have any. Still has a childish side.
Will buy you cheerleader dress so can 'cheer' him during his matches and whines when you refuse to wear them. But his face lights up soon enough when you offer to wear it in the beadroom for him(๑♡⌓♡๑).
His idea of keeping the married sex hot even after a while is.... Roleplay ofc. Doctor/nurse, Master/maid, Owner/pet are a his top choices.
Buys you dresses and jewellery that accentuate your features and sometimes may make you embarrassed as well if you are not used to wearing form fitting stuff. He just wants to show you off.
Still looks at your wedding and honeymoon albums or any other old photos of you two and gets emotional. The dumb sap.
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Kuroo Tetsuro -
I can see him marrying in his early 30's, Kuroo is a traditional guy and likes the idea of family but also not someone who rushes to make such an important decision so after getting into a serious relationship he might pop the question as soon as he's sure you're the one.
Calls you Mrs. Kuroo randomly for no reason.
Likes annoying you to no end. Although by now he knows your boundaries he still tries to push them cuz he loves getting any sort of reaction out of you.
He is probably pretty rich by now so he definetly buys you expensive gifts or brings back little too many souvenirs whenever he goes on his business trips.
He is pretty open about his affection for you so he often verbalize his love by saying I love you or telling you how much you mean to him.
He has been the one to take care of others and was always the mature one but he loves it when you pamper him and take care of him.
As the years pass on he gets more and more kinkier. Wants sex a LOT. He is good at expressing himself through both words and actions. And he's really good at makiy all the dirty talk he does true.
His heart melts everytime you are there to welcome him home (starts kissing you then and there).
Good at doing house chores and do them with you cuz it's a good bonding activity. Tho he can afford a maid.
A guy who likes banters in good nature. You're probably the couple who brings in the laugh with your back and forths everytime you go to any get-togethers.
The only time he will get flustered is when you openly express your feelings to him. Even then you are gonna have to corner him to render him speachless and that's not an easy feat. He's in the business line afterall.
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Bokuto Kotaro :
He is always so full of energy. He's like a little pup everytime you pamper him or praise him.
Likes to be the little spoon especially when he's feeling down.
Wakes up before you and although he admires your sleeping face he definetly loses his patience and wakes you up pls don't be mad he's baby(◕દ◕)
He picks you up every time you kiss hug or when he gets excited (which is a LOT)
Goes through the daily dilemma of ' I want to show off my wife but what if they fall in love with her?' *Starts getting jealous of imaginary people*.
The husband who would do all the heavy work for you. Open all the jars. Shift all the furniture.
Just can't do house work all that well. But that isn't to say he doesn't try.
Really listens to you. Your every wish is his command until he gets distracted.
Buys too many clothes and forgets about them as soon as they go into your closet.( You had to give him a stict warning to not buy more unless he wants to go without kisses for a week, he almost cries at that).
Wants you to cook for him all the time even if it's not possible . Became a huge smiley giggly mess the first time you packed him lunch or better yet, went to his gym to drop it off. Even if he's a professional athlete he'll never turn down anything you made for him. Pouts if he has to share if with his team mates. Hinata always gets jealous of him during your mini lunch dateÓ╭╮Ò. He wants a cute wifey too.
Okay this might not be for everyone so feel free to skip this, tw: pregnancy
Bokuto definetly wants kids. Like not just one, atleast 2 or ideally 3. It probably comes from his own fondness of his siblings but if you don't mind then he would love to start a family with you quite early into the marriage. But! If it's not your cup of tea then he'll accept it, tho he might need a proper explaination and even a bit of convincing on your part before he finally gives up the idea.
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riotwritesthings · 4 years
Ode to Yoga Pants
OR the continued terrible mating dance of Bucky and Tony
AKA when betting on your friends stops being fun
Title: Ode to Yoga Pants Collaborator Name: Riot Bucky Barnes Bingo Square Filled: K5, Team Dynamics StarkBucks Bingo Square Filled: O5, “I’d like it if you stayed.” Ship/Main Pairing: WinterIron Rating: M Major Tags & Triggers: Mutually pining morons, humor Summary: OR the continued terrible mating dance of Bucky and Tony, AKA when betting on your friends stops being fun Word Count: 2,282
Here on AO3!
Tony is heading to the gym for Steve’s newly mandated team training time and yeah, he’s late, but he does have coffee. So at least he’s on brand.
It looks like everyone else has beat him here, which isn’t really surprising, and Tony tosses out a grin and wave in response to the unimpressed look Steve shoots him.
Then his eyes land on Bucky. Who is doing one armed pushups. Completely vertically, pointed toes up in the air and strands of hair falling loose around his face where it’s come loose from the hair tie. And he is in yoga pants.
They hug his calves, his ass, his thighs, tight black spandex with gray piping up sides and Tony is weak.
Forget team bonding, Tony needs to get out of here right now, before he makes a fool of himself. Except he spins too quickly, hot coffee sloshing over the rim of his mug and onto his fingers, and he’s so busy hissing over the sharp burst of pain that he walks straight into the door as it swings shut.
“Ack, fuck,” Tony gasps, more hot coffee splashing out across his hand, rubbing at his forehead and apparently he’s a little dizzy because he goes to take a step back and tilts to the side instead, bouncing off the wall.
He’s almost caught his balance, and then he trips over Sam’s stupid jump rope, and then his thighs hit the weight bench and he tumbles backwards over it, the last dregs of his coffee somehow ending up entirely on his chest.
“Damnit Wilson,” Tony grumbles, “I knew you were out to get me!”
There’s a soft chuckle from somewhere above him, and Tony pries his eyes open. He’s half expecting to see Sam, ready to defend himself and deny that he’s trying to kill Tony with workout equipment even though he very clearly is.
Instead it’s Bucky, leaning over him all shirtless and sweaty and concerned.
“You okay, doll?”
When Tony tries to speak all that comes out is a strangled gurgling sound, and Bucky’s concerned look gets deeper.
“Gross, they’re doing it again,” Sam complains, pausing mid situp to shoot a glare across the gym.
When Steve glances away from sparring with Natasha she takes the opportunity to pop him in the throat.
“This isn’t even funny anymore,” Natasha says while Steve coughs and hacks and gives her a dirty look.
“It stopped being funny weeks ago,” Rhodey says as he leans against the ropes of the boxing ring and shakes his head in disappointment.
“You’re just saying that because that’s when you were officially out of the betting pool,” Clint says with a snort.
“I really didn’t think it would take them this long,” he says with a morose sigh, “I’m ashamed.”
Steve makes a sound that might be agreement.
“New bet, how much worse can it possibly get?” Sam tries to joke, but he has a terrible feeling that it’s not a joke at all.
“I think we’re all the losers in that bet,” Natasha says as they all watch Bucky help a still clearly-swooning Tony out of the gym.
The poor pining morons don’t even notice they have an audience. Just like Bucky somehow doesn’t notice that Tony is literal putty in his hands, and Tony mysteriously doesn’t notice Bucky giving him the sappiest heart eyes ever.
It’s shameful, is what it is.
Tony lets Bucky drag him into the kitchen, sinks onto one of the stools when gently pushed in that direction, and he’s becoming uncomfortably aware that his shirt is still splattered with cooling coffee and probably clinging to his chest.
He should probably go change, and then maybe go hide out somewhere until he figures out how to deal with Bucky in yoga pants.
But before Tony can figure out how to convince his legs to actually move, Bucky is done digging around in the freezer and by his side again.
“Ow,” Tony says with an exaggerated wince as Bucky presses a bag of ice to the back of his head, and then nearly melts out of his seat when Bucky shushes him with a wide palm running down the back of his neck.
He’s not actually as rattled as Bucky seems to think he is, but Tony certainly isn’t going to correct him. It’s a much safer excuse than admitting his brain went to mush the second he saw Bucky’s thighs, all wrapped up and accentuated in tight black spandex, and it still hasn’t quite come back online.
From here, with Bucky standing beside him and gently holding his head still while Tony stares studiously at the floor, all Tony can see of Bucky is his foot. The tight black fabric ends just above the delicate bones of his ankle, his bare toes wiggling against the tile floor as he pulls the ice away and inspects Tony’s head.
Forget getting his brain working again, Tony is just trying to keep his stupid heart from crawling its way up his throat over ankles. Like some kind of repressed Puritan, Jesus.
Which means he can’t at all stop himself from nervously stuttering out “Those-those are uh, nice... you like yoga pants huh?”
There’s a vague sense of motion beside him, like Bucky is shrugging, as he says “They’re comfortable.”
“Uh huh, they-“ Tony starts to say, and then nearly swallows his tongue when Bucky steps around in front of him again.
His eyes automatically drag upwards, and it takes everything Tony has not to let himself linger, not to get caught staring at the frankly mouthwatering bulge of Bucky’s cock that his skin tight leggings are not doing a very good job of hiding.
He jerks his gaze up higher and it doesn’t help because oh god there’s Bucky’s chest, still bare and so close and by the time he finally manages to make himself look up at Bucky’s face he can’t breathe.
“They- uh, s-sure look it,” Tony stutters out, and furious blushing is totally a symptom of a concussion, right?!
Bucky’s smile stays warm and friendly, so he’s probably alright.
And all Bucky says is “You should try them! I can send you the site I got ‘em from, Nat recommended it to me.”
“Okay,” Tony squeaks and damnit he’s actually going to have to buy some yoga pants now. There’s no other way to play off his sudden fascination with them.
A week later, everyone has lost the bet.
They find the two morons asleep together on the couch, legs tangled and blankets wrapped around them both.
The entire team agrees it’s the most disgusting thing they’ve ever seen.
Steve is taking his frustrations out on a punching bag when Bucky suddenly ducks behind the bag, grabbing it and holding it still so he can hide behind it.
“What is this, why are you doing this?” Steve demands, rhythm thrown and half-debating just punching the bag anyways in the hopes that it’ll shake Bucky loose.
“Steve,” Bucky hisses, like he somehow hasn’t noticed that he already has Steve’s full attention, “Steve, I’ve made a terrible mistake.”
“What are you talking about?”
Bucky’s head pops out from around the punching bag, eyes fixed on something across the gym as he hisses “Tony bought yoga pants.”
Steve turns and sure enough, Tony and Natasha are standing near the sparring mats in matching black and gray patterned spandex.
“Does Nat get money every time she talks someone into buying those?” Steve has to wonder, because she has been relentlessly texting him the link too.
“Steve,” Bucky hisses again, “Steven. I can’t- how do I even- Steve-“
“What?!” Steve demands impatiently, because he really wants to go back to punching things, and not thinking about the awkward mating dance of his best friends.
“Look at his ass!”
Steve huffs and resists the urge to gag at the open reverence in Bucky’s tone. He does turn though, just in time to watch Tony bend over in a low stretch.
“Perfect little bubble, I just wanna bury my face in it and live there,” Bucky sighs.
“Huh,” Steve says, tilting his head a little to get a better view because damn, Bucky is not exactly wrong- “Ow!” He squawks when Bucky swings the punching bag into him, “you’re the one who told me to look!”
“Not like that!” Bucky snaps back. It looks like he’s considering hitting Steve with the punching bag again, and Steve holds up a single finger in warning.
“Do not,” he says sternly.
Bucky settles for just hugging the bag instead, gaze already drifting across the gym again. Steve has a terrible feeling he’s not going to get back to his workout.
“Please just ask him out,” Steve says plaintively, “pretend to act like a functional person.”
“How am I supposed to function when faced with The Most Amazing Ass Ever™️?!” Bucky demands, and then makes a weird whimpering sound as Tony no doubt does something. Like existing.
Steve refuses to look over, instead just sighing out “Get off my punching bag, you’re making this so weird.”
“I’m filin’ a complaint,” Bucky says, clearly not listening to him anymore and still staring with rapt attention at where Tony is apparently doing something fascinating. “These pants are supposed to be ‘super stretchy’ but they clearly did not count on boners cuz my dick is strangled.”
“Excuse me,” Steve says, already walking away, “I need to go vomit.”
Hell, next week he might skip mandatory team training.
Tony is laying on his stomach on the common room floor, propped up on his elbows as he pokes at his phone and kicks his feet lazily in the air.
He’s wearing bright red yoga pants today, and even Clint is not immune.
He catches himself after a couple seconds of staring at the swell and bounce of Tony’s ass, and gives himself a vigorous shake. That’s a good way to earn the Winter Soldier Death Glare.
Even if said Winter Soldier is too much of a disaster to actually do anything about his super obvious crush.
“So are yoga pants just the new thing?” Clint asks, climbing over the back of the couch and keeping his eyes safely on Tony’s face, because he does not want to be assassined to death today. “You’re just gonna wear them all the time?”
“They’re comfortable,” Tony says with an absent shrug, then grins up at Clint and wiggles his eyebrows as he adds “Plus, they make my ass look great.”
And Clint can’t exactly argue that, so instead he just flatly says “You’re going to give Barnes a heart attack.”
Tony looks confused for a split second, and then smiles widely.
“Because I pull them off so much better than he does?” he asks, striking a pose, and Clint seriously considers running away to join the circus. Again.
He’s not even sure if things will actually be better if they eventually get together at this point.
He should make that the new bet.
“I’m just saying,” Tony insists, and then raises his voice when Steve put his head down on the table and starts humming under his breath, “If I thought Bucky was actually interested, I would 100% be here for him. With open arms-“
“Well that’s actually kind of-“
“And open legs-“
“And an open mouth,” Tony finishes, grinning and winking when Steve looks up at him with a glare.
“Tony, please, I don’t want to hear this,” Steve says, hands over his ears and he does actually look a little green.
“This is nothing,” Tony says with a scoff, giving Steve an unimpressed look, because he is weak. “You should hear the shit I say to Rhodey.”
“I would like to hear those things,” says a voice directly behind him.
Tony freezes, his entire body going cold, because he knows that low, warm, rumbling voice. He hears it in his dreams, and oh no oh no oh no, now Bucky knows.
So much for his plausible deniability.
His brain kind of goes staticy with panic for a second, and he’s only dimly aware of Steve rolling his eyes.
“Yeah my part in this conversation is done,” Steve says, and promptly bails.
When Tony’s brain finally reboots he finds that Bucky has taken Steve’s seat across the kitchen table.
Bucky is also just grinning at him, like he doesn’t find Tony’s borderline-obsessive crush at all creepy.
All Tony can think to say is “What.”
And then he realizes he doesn’t actually want an answer, doesn’t want to find out if Bucky is going to make fun of him, or if he thinks it’s all a joke. He can’t decide if that would actually be better or worse than being turned down gently, and he doesn’t intend to stay and find out.
“I’m just...” Tony sputters, face burning as he flails his way out of his chair, “Gonna- gonna go. Run away. Yep.”
“Wait,” Bucky says, eyes wide and halfway out of his own chair.
Tony freezes, because Bucky looks a lot like he feels. Thrown, surprised, confused and so hopeful that it’s terrifying.
“I-I’d like it if you stayed,” Bucky says slowly, then smiles crooked and nervous as he adds “Not that I don’t like watchin’ you walk away.”
It startles a laugh out of Tony, face flushing as he sinks back into his chair. “Okay,” he says, heart racing and smile almost painfully wide, “um, what?”
Bucky laughs, soft and low and warm, and finally finishes reaching across the table to take Tony’s hand in his own.
Clint wins the bet on how much worse their lives get once the love-struck morons start making out all over the place.
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weebtarurights · 4 years
Sakyo Furuichi SSR (Mankai Glitter) - Part 2
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Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Story Title: "To Sagittarius: Sakyo"
Taichi: Haa--... It feels great~! Juza: The water's just right. Taichi: It's the best~! 
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Omi: I never expected Sakyo-san will request something like a public bath. Banri: I thought we're goin' to a hot spring. Sakyo: You think we can afford that shit? This is good enough. Azami: Stingy as ever, huh. Sakyo: You have no right to complain if you're not the one paying for it. Taichi: But today is your birthday~. Omi: I think it's nice to go to a public bath once in a while.  It's been a long time since Autumn Troupe took a bath together like this. Taichi: Indeed! Naked bonding is the best way to strengthen our bonds~! Not to mention, Omi-kun still has a nicely-toned body~. Omi: It's probably because I often carry heavy equipment at work. Azami: Being a photographer is sure demanding. Omi: I think everyone is pretty muscular too. Juza: I train a little. Banri: Been doin' push-ups and abdominal exercises in my room lately. It gets really stuffy though. Juza: The hell are you doin' in MY room. Banri: Don't forget 's MY room too. Taichi: Action is definitely Autumn Troupe's main selling point. Banri: Compared to everyone, Sakyo-san is still on the slender side. Don't ya think you need to train a little more? Taichi: I can't imagine Sakyo-nii being all 'macho' though. Juza: He'll look more powerful. Azami: His face and body won't be proportionate. Banri: Right--! Sakyo: You lots, you think I'll let you slip after badmouthing me like that--- Don't you dare get out of the tub until I finished counting to 100. 
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Banri: Haa? What do you take us for? Elementary school students? Sakyo: Shut it! If any one of you dares to get out without my permission, I will restart the counting. Banri: He instantly transformed into a demon instructor.  Sakyo: Stop your nonsense ramblings. Come on, soak up to your shoulders. One~, two~, three~.... Taichi: I'm gonna have a nosebleed..
Taichi: We're home. 
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Izumi: Welcome back. How was it? Banri: Well-- it was a nice bath. Taichi: Even the milk after bath is perfect. Izumi: I'm glad you had fun. Azami: Thanks to shitty Sakyo, we all got dizzy after. Sakyo: Yeah, it's all ‘cuz you brats kept talking nonsense.   Izumi: (I wonder what they talked about...) Sakyo: I bought you a souvenir. Izumi: (It's a strawberry milk pack!) Wah, thank you for taking the trouble.
CHOICE 1: "I'll drink it after bath" Izumi: I'll drink it after bath!  Azami: Director, you should've seen Sakyo while he was buying the strawberry milk. Banri:  Sakyo-san and strawberry milk's somewhat a striking combination. Izumi: (Indeed, Sakyo-san and strawberry milk is a combination I can't imagine) Azami: The best part was when Sakyo bought it at the cash register. It was so hilarious. Sakyo: You, I was wondering what you were thinking about earlier. Izumi: Ahaha.
CHOICE 2: "It's been a while since I've had a strawberry milk" Izumi: It's been a while since I've had strawberry milk! Taichi: I was surprised when Sakyo-nii picked up strawberry milk. Sakyo: Well, I chose it as a souvenir for director-san. Omi: Sakyo-san is more of a coffee-milk person after all. Banri: Hyodo chugged strawberry milk like there's no tomorrow. Juza: Whatever I drink ‘s not up to you. Sakyo: Didn't you drink fruit milk too? There's no way one person can chug two bottles like that. Juza: I drank banana milk too. Izumi: So it's three bottles!? Taichi: That's incredible, Juza-san !!
Taichi: Ah, director-sensei, did you have it prepared? Izumi: Of course! You mean this, right? Omi: It's the Celestial Sphere. Banri: It is said that if you make a wish to your star sign on your birth month, it'll make your wish come true. Taichi: That's right! Sakyo-nii too, please make a wish! Sakyo: Ah, we have that kind of item too. I didn't think of any wishes though. Taichi: That's no good! Everyone else used it up until now. Sakyo: Anything's fine. Banri: Don't you have any wishes?   Sakyo: Geez, fine then. .... Hello, Celestial Sphere... Make it so these guys won't underestimate people’s physique. 
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Izumi: Physique ? Banri: ...He's definitely holding grudges over what happened earlier. Azami: We hit a sore spot. Sakyo: What's with your attitude? Omi: There, there. Taichi: I hope Sakyo-nii's wish will come true. Sakyo: Let's see.
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(T/N: Azami and Banri be really stressing out their dad on his birthday xD This made me remember one of Sakyo’s complex while he was growing up. He’s always been on the slender side and other kids often tries to bully him cuz of it. ;; Good thing Sakyo is strong despite his physique. T/////T)
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sherry-l · 4 years
Why YGO Vrains is such an immeasurable disappointment: a list
First of all, I need to make it abundantly clear that Im a big fan of Vrains – I love Yusaku, Ryoken, Ai, Kusanagi... you see them very often on my dash. I fantasize about the ideal version of Vrains that’s written well, the Vrains that’s fully exploited its potentials, every night in my sleep. I wrote this list PRECISELY because I love Vrains. That’s why I got so frustrated with its cardinal writing issues (and production issues). It physically pains me to hear people calling Vrains the worst and most boring series of YGO – but the fact that I couldn’t argue against that because it’s true pains me more.
And now, an incomprehensive list of the faults of Yugioh Vrains.  
1.      What the fuck is wrong with the character designs (beside that of Yusaku and Ryoken???) Everyone looks aesthetically displeasing – characters in real life look incredibly boring they could easily drown in a crowd of background characters, but their avatars are OSTENTATIOUS. Seems like the character designer had no clue what “less is more” means – blue angel, soulburner, and Bohemann for example, look like they were immersed in a bucket of glue and then dumped into another bucket filled with random accessories.
(from a fan artist’s perspective…Im especially salty about takeru, akira, Kusanagi, and the Knights of Hanois’ designs…like, their designs don’t inspire me to draw. Their personalities might be interesting, but their looks lack the vibrant, enthusiastic energy that the 5Ds, Zexal, and Arc-V characters possess)
(imagine how many fanfics and fanarts of Kusanagi x Yusaku there would be had Kusanagi looked HALF as hot as Ryoken)
And don’t even get me started on the colour palette – whoever decided on the colours just cant make up their goddamn mind! Colour saturation is way off the charts, the range of colour is too wide the audience simply dont know where to focus.
2.      Forgotten plotlines. Yusaku’s link sense? Hanoi’s spy in SOL? The Queen and the rest of the chess pieces? Yusaku’s forgotten memories? The rest of the victims of the Lost Incident? Just to name a few. 
3.      Character relationships are weak to minimal to none. Bonds and friendships – the vital element in all previous YGO series – is practically non-existent in Vrains. Where’s the camaraderie between our main casts (Yusaku, Aoi, Soulburner, Ema, Onizuka, etc…)? They don’t feel like a team fighting the evil together. They’re completely separate individuals who don’t give a single fuck if one of their…acquaintance…dies in a battle. We don’t have heartwarming moments of friendship blossoming and consolidating. It’s honestly such a let down.
4.      Interesting and debatable topics thrown away. The conflict between artificial intelligence and humans could spark so many in-depth discussions, but then the writer just decided its all Lightening’s fault. No morally gray situations, no ambiguity between the line of good and evil. It’s just all Lightening and his petty jealousy… yeah.
Oh and if Ai lives on the world will blow up. Why? Do we have a concrete reason to back that statement? eh...
5.      Overall quality of the animation. I don’t know if its because the animation staff was short on time or low on budget, but for a megacorporation (konami cough cough) that makes billions every year, they certainly are capable of investing more in this anime series. I can count the number of episodes in which the characters don’t look wacky with a single hand.
6.      Character development, wasted potentials. Ryoken is the only character who received decent treatment. The rest of the Vrains cast are all disappointments. Original concepts are cool and promising – Yusaku, a victim of child abuse with PTSD, embarking on a journey to overcome his reclusiveness and learn to open up to people around him? HELL YEAH. Aoi, a teenage idol with depression developing into a more mature and responsible heroine who saves Link Vrains? IM ALL FOR IT.  Soulburner’s character arc is fine overall but personally I don’t feel like it’s expanded enough. Also, there’s the mistreatment of side characters like Onizuka, Ema, Akira, the list goes on. I got so furious just looking at these characters and remembering that they’re all wasted and sidelined.
7.      Incoherent/ random plotlines. IDK all episodes in season 1 (Hanoi’s arc) felt pretty consistent, focusing on a linear theme – Yusaku’s revenge on the Knights of Hanoi. But after that it felt like the writers gave up writing outlines and just wrote whatever he pleased/ considered more convenient for the sake of…a plot…that he had no idea which direction it was headed for. This is reflected in the amount of forgotten plotlines we listed previously.
8.      Weak villains. Kinda related to point 4. Bohemann, Lightening, Windy, and Haru are all one-dimensional, flat, predictable villains with the cliché goal of “destroying humanity cuz humans are dumb and Ais are superior”. Not likeable, not fun to watch, not morally gray (something I expect from well-written antagonists), they are just there to serve as symbol of evil for the protags to defeat.
Honourable mentions - what I personally want to see in Vrains, really. Very biased.
-        The familial interaction between Yusaku and Kusanagi? Brotherhood, perhaps? Without any mention of Yusaku’s parents, Kusanagi is the closest Yusaku has to a brother figure. I crave for some wholesome brotherly moments between these two.
-        More slice of life episodes please.
-        The friendship between Yusaku and Takeru. Please. Please. PLEASE. From the second opening we can see the animation staff CLEARLY intended for there to be a strong bond between Yusaku and Takeru – Takeru probably was written to serve as a Jounouchi/ Johan/ Crow sort of character. Yusaku and Takeru could bond over their trauma and overcome their PTSD together. AND IT WAS SO HEAVILY HINTED AT IN THE 2ND OP!!! fam what the fuck happened to that friendship, Im so robbed.
-        Yusaku and Ryoken’s duel or tag duel. These two haven’t duelled AT ALL since the first season ended. Isn’t Ryoken Yusaku’s official rival? Isn’t it Yugioh tradition for the protag and the rival to duel like, a trillion times? AND ISNT IT ALSO A YUGIOH TRADITION FOR THE PROTAG AND THE RIVAL TO TAG DUEL?????? The fact that Yusaku and Ryoken never had a tag duel haunts me every night in my worst nightmares afjw4ot9wgrk
-        Topologina Nabee
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, this marks the end of my rant on YGO VRAINS DISAPPOINTMENTS. Again, I harboured no malicious intent when I compiled the list – its more like a vent of frustration than actual criticism. I would pay billions to see a Vrains reboot or, if there exists an alternate universe where none of the writing/production issues above are present in Vrains, I would do a Kaiba and build a dimension travelling machine and immigrate there.
TLDR: wasted potentials. wAsTED PoTEntialS. WASTED POTENTIALS!!!!!!
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beecherdrysdale · 3 years
Hi bbs, we are back for another part of greece:) also if Quinner and Jamie could come real quick, I need cuddlessss
Brigid I’ve been having constant baby fever after our convos so thank you :) like I just want all of that to happen lol.
Kesh- thank you for your your responses I don’t have much to add, but I loved all of it ! Also yes a red sundress would look gorgeous on you:).
Adding onto some thoughts:
- yes yes yes to the new chains. That photo of Quinner shirtless is on my mind constantly and this will be the look in Greece lol, and now we know that he does have a chain that he wears. It’s a silver chain for me, wbu?.
- beanie stealing will ofc happen. Like softest look ever esp with Jamie.
Now adding onto more thoughts hehe:
-yes to all of these soft moments. Like freckle tracing is just so cuteeeee. and ofc play w his hair cuz it is amazing. I ofc am honorary photo taker of Brigids cute moments with Jamie so lots of photos will be provided.
-hmmmm what if I want too..... like Jamie is down to makeout anywhere lol.
- hehe I’m still laughing, Jamie paying cozzy to sit with you. Hehe cozzy and devon are just vv chill and no action will be happening with them. Just a very quiet flight for those two. Kesh and Kirby are just not available to deal with us yet lol.
- hehe yes dyl better buy you food after the flight bc he’s heavyyyyyy. like I said before Jamie just gives ofc the biggest makeout vibes so ofc you gotta do it on the plane. hehe you gotta make sure that dyl, me, Quinner and Ryan are all occupied so we don’t see that. If dyl does see he’d be like no no no I can’t handle this right now. ‘Ummm Brigid maybe we shouldn’t bother bowen’ so Jamie keeps you calm. Which I love bc it’s so cute how you two help each other.
-hehe why do I see Peyton accidentally hitting dyl in the head while trying to give you a snack and we all quietly laugh bc Dylan’s still passed out and that it was a pretty hard throw.
-hehe yes. Like how is that possible to drink that much coffee and still sleep. Like he passes out 5 mins after take off. Okkk can I just say that I love rope bracelets so Quinner wearing one is just necessary. awww Brigid this made me melt, him pretending to sleep bc he’s enjoying it sm 🥺. hehe yes Quinner saved you with this one brigid bc I fidget a lottttt. ‘Lexi I swear if you kick my chair one more time’ ‘sorry brigid I’ll do something’ and I’m like what does that mean?.
I think we all want to see me slap Ryan awake. And he’s wake up so startled hehe. Yessss clear hair, pretty hair = happy life lol.
First night in Greece:
- I see you brigid, going after but we both know you two are loudddddd hehe. Ok so I see Ryan starting the tag and him tagging Braden and then Braden tags me and we all just start running around. All of us are looking for you and Jamie but we notice that we can’t find you until we notice Jamie’s shirt on the floor. So we all just run away ‘here we go again guys’ ‘hey Peyton I dare you to walk in’ absolutely not does it look like I wanna see that’ ‘guys let’s just give them so privacy’.
- aw a slumber party would just be so fun. ‘I’m sorry what’s the point of hydrating your face lexi?’ ‘ what does that even mean. Wait I’m sorry do you not use moisturizer Ryan?’ all of us just watching movies and bonding. Also pillow fightttttt! It would become very intense.
- ok we must have a girls day in Greece. and yes we have moneyyyyyyy. ‘Wait has anybody seen Brigid?’ ‘Hmm no I haven’t’ and they all just start looking for us and we come back and are like seriously you guys?.
-everybody looks so hot in water so moments will be happening. ya Ryan try us.
Next day:
- Brigid I’m with you here I’m like constantly hungry lol. So we’d just eat a mountain of food. Ooo yess we need some energy after our eventful nights😏.
- ok cliff diving is so fun. hehe Jamie looking terrified but you just grab him and jump. the hype up would involve a lot of slapping imao. haha ok if you’re not marco the entire time. I think I’ll go w dyl bc I wanna bond with him lol. The boys need your help bc swimming is hard. And then Jamie can piggy back you out of the water. And cuddle with you on the beach.
- awww I love this, holding hands while scuba diving. hehe yes I wow you all with my not forgotten guitar skills. ‘Please dyl can I try’ ‘no I’m scared you’re gonna drop my guitar in the water’ ‘I promise I won’t’. Lol this was random. actually a song i know how to play on guitar is Our last summer from mamma mia so we can all sing that :). I love cuddling our bbs on the boat.
- awww I love Jamie finding your wallpaper and him asking that in the most soft voice ever 🥺. And ofc some kisses will be exchanged. vv cute moment all together.
- we’d have the most chaotic moments at night while we are tipsy lol. Like some would try to race up the stairs and fall. Some dare each other to jump over stuff.
-so after dinner we just encounter a live band and see some people dancing and it’s pretty out with lights everywhere. ‘Hey bb wanna dance with me?’ And ofc you agree so you two take off to dance. Aww you tucking you me face into his chest🥺 and he just tightens his grip on your waist. Kesh and Kirby are #couplegoals they are the best dancers out there. hehe ofc Quinner is slow, but then he realizes that he wants to dance like that as well so he asks me to dance and we have a cute dance as well.
Next dayyy:
Hehe yes me and Ryan falling I feel like would be vv funny. It’s just all very sudden. imao you’re a hockey player it’s in your job description.
The chirps that would be happening ‘ hey brigid seems like you had an eventful night and he looks at your small hickey’ ‘ I saw a girl come out of your room this morning Cole. What are you doing trying to go through every girl in Mykonos by the time we leave’
‘I think by the time we leave there won’t be any more girls left.’ -Lexi.
Haha I would (no offence) totally abandon you to go play tennis with a pro. aww thank you for taking the photos. Lol everybody would just be confused on where I went for the afternoon.
Next day: I honestly think that for our final days of Greece we should just all be on the beach lol bc that is mostly what you can do there. Like all of us just bonding, playing volleyball, riding on jet skis, tanning, getting tipsy lol.
So now it’s travel day so we all head to the airport, chaotic as usual. And we are ready to board our flight to the beautiful ITALY 🇮🇹.
Get ready.
Sorry if this was kinda bad.
‘uhehe ok i’m finally responding, welcome to the last part of greece:) once again a longgggg post
okkk so before we start discussing the trip a couple random things:
yesss ik this was from a couple days ago when lexi and i both really needed cuddles but i’m always down for jamie cuddles, so quinner and jamie better come cuddle us real quick (also kirby better come for kesh)
haha sameeee i’m having such bb fever, i just want a bb jamie🥺
yes kesh ty for your responses i love them :) also you would look so cute in a red sundress
okkk adding on to random thoughts:
yesssss to chains, like that’s so hot. i love the quinner pic with the chain that we found lol. haha same silver chains>>>gold chains
awwww yes i love beanie stealing, it just seems so soft to me that you want to wear their clothes bc it reminds you of them🥺 and also bc it’s comfy lol
adding on to more thoughts lol:
awww yes freckle tracing is so soft, i love it🥰 and i just want to play with his hair, which is somehow amazing even tho he probably uses a 3-in-1. tyyy lexi for being our photo taker lol, i need you to send me the pics so i can put them as my wallpaper
lmaooo why do you feel the need to drag me and jamie into our discussion about you and quinner? it’s ok tho, this is true jamie and i are down to make out anywhere lol. we’ll find somewhere semi-private tho lol bc it’s kind of weird if you’re just making out in the middle of the airport
lmaooo i love that jamie’s literally paying $50 just to sit with me, like that’s kind of a lot of money lol. but then devon and cozzy are just chilling on the flight and just sleeping for most of it so their row is vv quiet. and kesh and kirby are just not at all ready to deal with our chaos this early in the morning lol
yes dylan you better buy me food, i’m hungry af and you’re heavy so i deserve it. hehe yes jamie and i have a little makeout sesh while dyl is asleep bc we know dyl would freak out if he saw lmao. but at this point idc if you and ryan see bc you’ll find a way to chirp us no matter what lmao. ‘ummm brigid let’s let bo sleep’ so he has to grab my hand or put his hand on my leg to stop my fidgeting🥺
lmaoooo dyl getting hit in the head with one of the snacks that was meant for me bc apparently peyton can’t aim. but somehow dyl doesn’t wake up lol
okkk yes quinner is somehow asleep 5 minutes after the plane takes off so lexi starts playing with his hair and his rope bracelet. and then quinner pretends he’s still asleep bc it feels good🥺 but thankfully he wakes up to stop you from fidgeting bc or else i’d end up punching you lmao
hehe yes ryan might get annoyed by you slapping him but it’s fine. and we’ll all be living our best life in greece lol
first nightttttt:
lmao noooo jamie and i are not that loud. hehe yep you guys just start a game of tag and just start sprinting around the hotel. hehe you come to my and jamie’s room looking to tag one of us and then you see jamie’s shirt on the floor and it’s just ‘hey peyton i dare you to go in and tag one of them’ ‘absolutely fucking not i don’t want to say that’ and then kesh is like ‘all right, let’s just give them privacy’ lmaooo
yessss a slumber party!! ‘what’s hydrating your face? like what does that even mean?’ ‘ummm do you not use moisturizer ryan? how is your face not completely dry?’ hehe yes we would watch a bunch of movies and stuff, but then we would have an epic pillow fight and i would be beating everyone up lmao
hehe yessss girls day in greece! and we have money so we can buy whatever we want
lmaoooo everyone looking for jamie and i and peyton finds us ‘ahhhh my eyes!!’ ‘seriously guys? again?’ hehe we would all be having hot water moments tho
next day:
haha we eat like the entire breakfast buffet at the hotel bc there are so many of us and everyone else at the restaurant is just like where’d the food go? hehe we need it for sustenance tho to make up for all the calories we burned😏
hehe yeah cliff diving is so fun, i have to pull jamie in with me before he backs out bc he’s scared lol. lmaoooo you and ryan and quinner have the best hype up before you jump. and then once everyone’s in we’re playing marco polo and i’m just destroying bc im good at swimming lol. haha then we have to send you and dyl to find the way back up while i help the boys swim lol. awww yes i love jamie piggybacking me out of the water and then cuddling with me on the beach🥰
awwww yes hand holding while scuba diving is the cutest. and then while we’re on the boat you can resuscitate your guitar skills for us ‘pleaseeee dyl i want to try’ ‘no you’re gonna drop it in’ ‘nooo i promise i won’t, just let me try please?’ so then he does and you wow us with your skills and we all sing along. and we’re just cuddling our bbs on the boat🥺
yesssss omg jamie just going to do something on my phone and then he sees i change my wallpaper and in the softest voice ‘i’m your wallpaper?’🥺🥰 and i’m like ‘yeah is that ok?’ and he’s just like ‘ofc’ and then soft kisses
lmaoooo yes we’re the most chaotic people ever when we’re tipsy. lol we’re all racing each other and daring each other to do stuff 
awwww yes we see a live band so jamie asks me to dance ‘hey bb, come dance with me?’ in the softest voice, and ofc i say yes and i tuck my face in his chest while we dance🥺 and he just pulls me closer. and then kirby and kesh are somehow just amazing at dancing and perfectly in sync bc they’re like the perfect couple sooo. and quinner is just a bit slow on the uptake, but then he eventually asks you to dance and then you guys just have a cute slow dance and you’re playing with the little baby hairs at the back of his head if you know what i’m talking about
next dayyyyyyy:
lmaooo you and ryan falling down the stairs would be so funny, like one minute you’re walking and the next you’re just tumbling down the stairs. ‘you’re a hockey player it’s in your job description’ love that lol
lol the chirps that are happening ‘hey brigid and jamie looks like you had an eventful night’ ‘shut uppp cole, i saw another girl coming out of your room this morning? what, are you trying to get through every girl in mykonos before we leave?’ lexi: ‘i think by the time we leave there aren’t gonna be any girls left’ 
hehe yes lexi dips to go play tennis with the pros, but kesh and i come find you and we take photos for you
rest of the days:
we’re on the beach alllll the time, doing whatever, like volleyball, jet skis, tanning, just swimming, etc. and ofc getting tipsy
hehe our travel day is soooo chaotic again, but we somehow get our flight on time to go to italy
overall, i love all of this, it was amazing
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dose-of-jellybean · 4 years
“ Hello dear! could I possibly ask for any of the boys with an s/o with an 18ft reticulated python?”
Sorry! I messed up when I first posted this;;
I had to do some research before writing, I hope I wasn’t too inaccurate. Though that means that I had the time to write for more than one jerk
( + Jb cuz I can’t help myself ).
The way everyone would find out at first would be during a group meeting where the topic of pets would come up. Everett would casually bring up his two dogs back home during the conversation. Oh, that’s awesome! Shiloh would add up to it by mentioning his three cats. Who else has a pet? Oh, Jb has both cats and dogs. That’s terrific!
Jb would look at the rest of the guys expectantly, but there would be no response from them. What? don’t tell her they’ve suddenly become too timid to admit the existence of their pet companion.
Ah, no, it seems they don’t have any pets after all. Not that it’s too surprising that these goons don’t have a creature to care for, ahah.
Shiloh, noticing your exclusion of the conversation
(as well as ignoring Pran’s ) gives you a smile and asks if you have any pets.
You tell them that you have an 18ft reticulated python. Their eyes widen, that’s so freakin’ cool! Jb, Shiloh and Nate would be ones to pester you with questions while the others, pretending to be disinterested, would listen closely.
Shiloh would ask you questions such as, what does it look like? What’s their name? For how long did you have it? Who takes care of your python while you’re in boarding school?
Nate would ask you questions surrounding on how to care for a reticulated python. What type of housing should it have? At what size is appropriate for a reticulated python to be placed in a gallon tank/vivarium before they need a bigger enclosure? How do you maintain the heat, humidity and bedding? What’s the proper way to handle their behavior and temperament to build trust?
Honestly, Nate would ask so many questions that at least one of them would ask if he considers having one himself. Well of course not! He doesn’t have enough of an open schedule to care for one, but is it wrong for him to ask? No, he didn’t think so.
Jb, well, she wouldn’t exaaactly ask any real questions. It’ll mostly be her throwing flirty remarks at you while making everyone else groan.
“ Did ever tell you that people with large snakes are super hot? So it’s pretty gosh darn amazing that a certain cutie happens to have one in this room, wink wink”.
Overall Lynn would be pleased with the shared bonding without his direct influence.
At some point during your relationship with any of the jerks, they’ll come to your home to finally meet the reptile. Here’s how I think that would go:
Jb, Everett, Nate and Jeremy with an S/O that owns a reticulated python
Jb: She was very excited when giving you a visit! Maybe a bit too excited in fact, you decide to remind her on what to keep in mind. Yeah yeah, she gives you her ‘ I’m not actually paying attention’ grin.
You give her a affectionate sigh.
Wow, what a stunner! At first glance Jb begins to compliment your baby, you made a risk there y/n, she could easily run away with a looker like that.
Haha, very funny. You’d enjoy the rest of the day listening to her having a one sided conversation with your python as well as making jokes at Shiloh’s expense over the fact that this reticulated python baby would be a much better group mate than that freckled boy.
Of course you can’t help but feel a bit bad over the mean spirited attitude so quickly change your mind and say that it would be nice to have both of those snake cuties in a meeting. Aww yeah! definitely, you two should totally try to sneak her/him in sometime. Lynn wouldn’t approve but maybe they can get the chance of a one on one interaction with the snakes one day.
Everett: When stepping inside he’d lean against the wall. You’d give him a friendly tease and say ” What? You aren’t afraid of him/her now are you?” Pft, yeah right as if.
He’d say that he could definitely handle a large snake like that. But he’d still keep his distance, so that big talk could easily be seen through.
Ahah, alright then. Sure, you believe him. He’s a tough guy. Since you happen to be an owner of multiple snakes you’ll suggest for him to interact with the baby ones at first.
That’ll be a relief for Everett. You’ll have to tell him how to hold them and the amount of pressure to put on his hand but once he gets the hang of it he’ll actually be pretty giddy about it.
Alright then! Then it’s time to for him to meet your big baby. He’ll carefully place himself where he’s either behind you or right beside. When unlocking the enclosure the python jumps at him slightly which makes him squeal and jump back. His reaction when he notices that he didn’t get bitten or launched at makes you laugh, but you try to contain it, so it’s more of a snort.
Hey, fuck you! Stop being a bitch. But can he really complain when he’s being a little bitch himself?
Yeah, no, that’s not even funny. Don’t joke with him like that. Jokes aside you decide to finally get serious.
You let Everett watch closely as you care for the python on your own so he can get used to the process. He wouldn’t be much of help besides that but he’ll try to make progress on how to interact. Once he finally has the courage to try it takes a few tries but when he finally has a decent grip on it. You’re proud and happy to see you two babies get along.
Nate: You were honestly not sure if you wanted him to hold the snake. When interacting with snakes you want to make sure that it’s a pleasant and not a stressful interaction for the person. Since a reticulated python is more reactive than other more calmer snakes you were a bit more concerned for his reaction.
But you were pleasantly surprised when he gently placed his hand on him/her and gave gently stroked the python front to back. What? You didn’t expect him, Nate Lawson, to not make research beforehand? He asks you, with a self satisfied grin. But this means that he now needs to know that you make sure you have all necessities ready.
You better be prepared to have him nag on you to bring him with you on pet-shopping days.
Sigh, okay Nate.
When you don’t feel like complaining over this arrangement you like to joke with him and say that it’s your “quality time” together. It makes him defensive and flustered but he brought it on himself.
Jeremy: Wait… PFFt AHAHAHHAHA! What is he wearing?! When Jeremy rang the doorbell you saw him being covered in a thick woolen sweatshirt and two pillows wrapped in front of him and back tied with a big elastic band. Omg, no , ahahaha! It’s already too good but he’s wearing boxing gloves too my god!
Sigh, he has all day. Get that laughter out. He was expecting this reaction. After your fit of laughter finally calms down you ask him what all of that was for.
Uhh, he told his parents about it. They were fine at first but when he mentioned the species and the size they got concerned and decided to put him in this humiliating ’armor’.
Oh, haha, that’s… sweet? You told him that reticulated pythons could indeed be a bit more hyper considering their aggressive feeding response. But you were going to be there beside him to guide him through everything.
Alright, then that sounds better.. he guesses. Though you’ll have to cut the elastic band off him, he’s stuck like this.
When you walk him to the enclosure Jeremy gazes at the pattern of the scales. You nudge his shoulder, “ That’s real beaut, right? “ and smile at his silent nod of agreement. While you let the python slither around your arms you casually ask him if he wants to try holding the python too.
err, that’s probably not the smartest idea. He reminds you of his scrawny arms and says that he’ll probably drop her/him. That liar! He carries a toolbox around the hobby shop all the time! But okay, you suggest that you both hold him/her to see how much of the weight he can handle. Yeah that could work. Jeremy takes a hold. Whoah, that’s heavy, maybe it’s for the best if you wrap your baby around his back. Alright there we go! Isn’t that nice?
a smile forms on his face. Should you be worried? Instantly he frowns at that joke. Oh well, his smile was enjoyed for the short while it lasted, ahah.
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mythykl · 5 years
**That’s right. It’s time for Kakashi x reader Bitches
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“Kakashi? Kakashi??” You couldn't comprehend why Rin had locked you in a dark room with hIMmm, and you held his hand the whole time, cuz’ ya 13yo ass was scared af. Once you guys were let out, you saw Rin and Obito fist bumping each other. 
That's when obito blurts- "Being the ones to know how much you like Y/n, you should've seen this coming!" 
"Baka! Shut up Obito, y/n doesn’t kn-" rin whispered
lmao. You're ass went speechless. Kakashi's hold tightened and he dragged you outside the academy.
before dating, he was pretty much a jerk to you, but it was through rin that you both get to know each other more personally,,, and still,, he continued to act like a jerk
well. once he took you outside, he decided to confess. His voice seemed shaky and he didn’t- couldn’t really speak out exactly what he wants,, 
“Kakashi, quit beating round’ the bush.. And the way you’ve held my hand it’s hurt-”
In the mid sentence- he just,, pulled you into a hug,, and whispered how much he likes you and asked you out!
you guys ended up having a beautiful time on your trip/date, at naka river, and,, tho no one really mentions, you both start dating *an unspoken understandin i guess?* on ya second date you guys prolly went for treking! *well i’m imagining that you aren’t a ninja*
You were by far the only one to see his face w/o mask
By now you had gotten used to obito’s clingy ass. though kakashi rants too much about him, you know, he loves him. Rin helps you a lot with dating advices,, somehow
Minato sensei teased you kiddos,, a lot. “At your age, all i used to do was keep staring at kushina,” he joked once.
He was a huge chatter and a curious ass fella surprisingly, you’re boyfriend talked to you about most of the things he learnt in mission, every goddamn theory he had in his mind, his likings and dislikings, his interest in Dōjutsu etc. You could feel how lonely he used to be, cuz he felt no one would listen 
you’d join him during his training at times, well that time you got to know that throwing a kunai isn’t as easy at it looks, your wrist hurt af
once kakashi had called you princess after kissing you in front of your friends, this commenced to everyone calling you by that name. especially Gai and obito
After obioto and eventually, rin’s death *ofc* you guys drifted apart; drastically. You couldn’t understand or help him through his immense remorse and regret while he would just,, either had a huge tantrum or not say anything at all. He said things like-  it’s better to stay alone, and have no one to lose- while breaking up, which hurt you a lot. within a few months, you guys didn't even cross paths in konoha streets since he became heavily loaded with anbu missions
Now that it has been like,,, a really long time; one day you see the konoha’s infamous Naruto with his team at the door, with a huge flower bouquet.
“Please accept this!” The girl with pink hair squeals.
“It cost us our whole savings but Ino-kun did give us a good amount of discount after hearing these are for kakashi-sensei’s date dattebayo!” naruto,, practically screames.
“Hold your horses; that’s not how you greet people.” the,, uchiha? Yes. he concludes blandly.
Your heart skips a beat on hearing your long-time-no-see lover’s name. Knowing him, you highly doubt that he sent them but still you ask.
“No ma’am, but we-once- managed to sneak into his Icha Icha Paradise, he’d written your name.. In it.. So we found you. You are sensei’s date aren’t you!?” the girl with pink hair, yes sakura, almost whispers to you.
“Yeah. That was a hell of a long time ago,” you smile.
You let them in and offer some tea. You guys talk a lot and they were astonished?- yes, more than astonished that you’ve seen him w/o mask. Ah ok
Wow they had already done huge ass planning beforehand to make you both meet *not that you know*. As you take them downstairs to bid adieu, you see kakashi,, literally,, standing, in front of you’re door. Both of you equally shocked. 
Kakashi and you start talking to each other. You apologize for not sticking around since you didn’t know how to help him let go of his pain while he apologizes for bein a jerk-? Ok.
You guys plan to hangout-, which is the most difficult part! You had to work in the morning hours while he had to stick with team 7 for missions by afternoon
 you guys ended up deciding on crashing at each other’s places at night, and also,, sometimess early in the morning *???* it gets tougher for him with time to juggle from place to place, thus, getting late for his missions
You guys end up moving in together *it’s official* and he sleeps closest to the window. yes.
He’s very protective of you and kinda the jealous type, he’s afraid of losing you and is very open about expressing it. He doesn’t give you nicknames but often call you stuff as ‘my other half’ and refers you w -chan *just being sarcastic*
You are like a mum to team 7 and they love you, you get them lunch at times. Sakura often asks you for advice to get sasuke,, but udk what to say since sasuke.. Is just sasuke *he reminds you of 13yo kakashi*. But uk that there’s a special bond between them
kakashi doesn’t hate PDA, but he doesn’t like it either; you guys for long walks in the evenings, occasionally hold hands. Is it obvious to others? Don't know. Butt once you caught kurenai and asuma kissing.. Twas’ hella kyut
He would also rest his chin on you head a lot, and likes to intertwine his fingers with yours when you guys are alone
Hugs aren’t his thing but if you hug him, he’ll slowly hug you back and then all at once melt into you, Anddd he’s warm af
twice you caught him, just in underwear, slurping ramen in the middle of the night and you were like,, wait wut-
He loves ya massages and loves to cut vegetables,, for some reason,,
Big cuddle person in bed
You love trying different hairstyles on him anddd he looks dead ass hot in most of em. Let’s just agree,, he has a better taste in style than you tf
You guys usually opt for trips to neighbouring villages, hot spring trips, camping etc
Tho mysterious and sarcastic, he opens up to you whenever needed. Unlike in childhood, now you’re the one who talks a lot. He agrees to feel acknowledged for being himself whenever he’s with you and like a prodigy, sharingan bearing, functioning human, as people call him. His brain lets go of all his insecurities and PTSD for a while when he sees you happy because of him
He often loses track of time during his frequent visits to the memorial stone where Obito's name is engraved; you understand that he needs some alone time for this ritual and this, don’t tag along 
Well now, even you've started reading icha icha series cuz’ of ya moron boyfriend, and you are hooked to it *since I basically imagine it to be the fifty shades of grey in naruto universe lol* you guys freakin end up trying shit from the book
“Baby, let’s be sexy,, together” he said once as he leaned againt the kitchen counter in the most sexy way.
“Sure senpai, why the book’s tactics won’t work?” he just laughed hysterically at the comeback.. And,, umm.. You get what happens
He likes braiding your hair, especially before sleep, he finds it relaxing
Whenever his ass displays a bored and unenthusiastic expression, you say, “go bald kakashi.” right. What a mature insult 
He’s very calm and observant and knows what you are feeling- or even what you are thinking. I mean how-? 
He asks you to make miso soup, with eggplant, a lot!
Your parents aren’t really sure of your relationship. Since he wears wut? a maskkKkk. And once Kakashi, still being as apathetic as he was during his youth, spoke bluntly about sensitive topics with them during a discussion
gai gifted you both matching Yukata on ya bday. that’s indeed beautiful and thoughtful of him.
well Your boyfriend sucks at selecting gifts.. He gets you things that can’t be used or idk.. ButTttt this man is too good at remembering dates  
People wonder if he’s stern and serious, judging by his past and repo, but you tell them that he isn’t! Well, he has decided to move on, and now you know how to support him. He knows that you appreciate him for that, and this he listens to you.
you just found an engagement ring on you night stand with letter beside it. congrats hun *instant panic*
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i hope you enjoyed ;))
i need to,,, stop imagining so much, it's a lot to type. i wish i had a gadget or something through which my imagination would get typed, systematically, on my pc. Btw i won’t be uploading much in September since i gotta study so. so don’t assume that i’m dead or don’t care anymore. 
this one was requested by two peps, since my ass is new on tumblr i kinda fucked up and thus, my inbox got cleared or something. i’m still learning k
ya that’s it.. imma go and read my icha icha now ah huh
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sadienita · 5 years
Does It Meet Your Expectations? - Part 3
Hansol x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: mentions of and twisting of religion, manipulation, sexism, racism and racial slurs
You were not looking forward to the collision and blowout of your parents learning about Hansol. You knew it was coming but for the moment, you could at least pretend everything was okay and that would be a problem for later.
“Why did we pick this degree again?” Hansol asked wearily as he flipped through his notes.
“To help people?” you groaned. You and Hansol had been studying together for days. You had taken part in a big study session with a number of other nursing students. It had been somewhat productive but also a bit unfocused and as much as you enjoyed yourselves you knew that if you wanted to be ready for exams you wouldn’t be able to do that too much. You’d tried studying with Bora and Dahyun as well. They were also fun but easily distracted. It was too easy to make jokes and lose track of time with them.
You had also tried studying at Hansol’s but he was one of the younger members in the house. You would have thought everyone else was busy too but Seungcheol, Joshua, and Wonwoo all dropped by to make sure you were actually working. Seokmin was by far the worst. He seemed to have a sixth sense for any time you were joking around with each other and he’d pop his head in the door and tell you to get back to work.
So you ended up in your dorm room this morning. You had the whole day and two exams coming up in two days so you figured you could spend some of the morning studying and you’d take breaks whenever you needed to. But even though you had only been at it for an hour you were both worn out already, the words of your notes no longer sinking into your brain.
“Can we take a break?” he whined. “I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m all for helping people, but I don’t think we’ll do any good if our brains are fried.”
“Agreed,” you groaned, throwing your binder to the floor, causing Hansol to chuckle.
He shifted the textbooks until they were out of the way and laid back, opening his arms and giving you a grin. You climbed across the bed and cuddled up next to him, tucking your head under his chin as he put his phone in front of the two of you. He opened up a funny video that you knew neither of you would spend too much time watching.
“You know, I’m really glad you’re going to be here for the start of next year. I’d be really sad if you were leaving soon.”
“Me too,” you hummed. “It would have sucked if we only ended up with a couple of months together.”
“Do you miss home?” he asked.
You shrugged. “In some ways. It is really different here. I do miss my friends back home, and my family. But I also love being with you. And… some distance from my parents isn’t a bad thing.”
Hansol gave you a curious look. “Why’s that?”
You bit your lip, debating on how much to say. You knew your parents wouldn’t approve of him. You didn’t want him to feel bad about the position you were going to be in when they found out. You were also worried he might think that you held the same views they did. To be fair, you used to. You had unlearned a lot of the things they had told you but that didn’t mean it was easy to tell them as much.
“We just… don’t really see eye to eye on some things…” you aired on the side of caution. You didn’t know when you were going to tell him everything but at the moment that was the last thing you wanted to worry about.
“That can be frustrating.” he hummed, “You love them, but you can’t always be honest about things with them.”
A small smile tugged at your lips. “Yeah.” You were glad that he seemed to understand. At least he would be able to separate your viewpoints from your parents.
You snuggled a little closer to him and peered at the little screen in front of the two of you. He put on another funny video and pretty soon you were snorting with laughter. You felt Hansol press his lips to the top of your head as his chuckles subsided.
“What was that for?” you giggled.
“Your laugh is so cute,” he murmured, pressing more kisses to your head. You groaned and hid your face in his chest.
“The snorting is so embarrassing,” you muttered.
“I like it,” Hansol smiled. “It suits you.”
“Thanks,” you deadpanned.
“Would you rather I hate it?” he chuckled.
“No,” you groaned. “Fine, you win.”
“Yeah, cuz I’m right,” he grinned.
“I-” you were cut off by a call on your computer. You crawled to the foot of your bed to see the screen better and cursed under your breath. You pushed Hansol with your foot.
“Hey,” he chuckled.
“Get off the bed,” you hissed, nudging him again.
“What?” he laughed.
“Get off the bed!” you pushed him harder and he tumbled to the floor, grumbling. “Be quiet, please.”
You ran your fingers through your hair before accepting the call. Your parents smiled as soon as they saw you.
“Hey pumpkin,” your mom smiled. “How are you?”
“I’m good, I’m great,” you said quickly. “I didn’t know you were going to call.”
“We thought we’d surprise you, honey bunches,” your dad said. “We figured you’d be studying.”
“Yep, yep just doing some studying,” you smiled, feeling nervous. You could see Hansol watching you curiously out of the corner of his eye but at least he was being quiet.
“You look like you were sleeping,” you mom scolded.
“I may have rested my eyes for a moment,” you grinned sheepishly.
“Everyone else around her is probably studying, you know how those orientals are.” your dad said.
You tensed, feeling Hansol’s eyes on you but not daring to look at him. You didn’t know what to do. Usually you wouldn’t want to rock the boat, but he might not like it if you just let them say those sorts of things.
“I-I mean, I guess some of them study a lot,” you mumbled. “But they’re just real people. And that term is…”
“Just make sure you associate with the good ones, I’ve he-”
Though you were grateful to not know what your mom had heard about Koreans, the sneeze that Hansol had been unable to keep in caused a new problem as your parents gave you a confused look.
“Who was that?” you dad asked.
“No one,” you said quickly, “just my phone.”
“It sounded like a sneeze,” you mom frowned. “Is there someone else there with you?”
You glanced at Hansol as he shifted and mouthed ‘sorry’ at you. You mom said your name, warning in her tone.
“Don’t lie to us, you know that’s a sin.”
“Yes, mom,” you said quietly, before beckoning Hansol closer. He reluctantly climbed up on the bed and sat behind you, leaning his head on your shoulder.
Your mom’s eyes widened as your father gave Hansol a disapproving glare.
“We didn’t let you go over there to date,” your dad said shortly.
“I didn’t…” you contemplated the situation quickly. There was no easy way out of this conversation.
“I know, I wasn’t planning on it. But we met in class an-”
“He’s a nurse!” your mother exclaimed.
“I’m going to be,” you heard Hansol mutter quietly, though it was too low for your parents to hear.
“What kind of man becomes a nurse?” you father questioned, a hostility in his tone.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Hansol spat back. You gripped his arm tightly and shook your head quickly, praying he would let you deal with this.
“I thought you gooks were taught to be polite to your elders.”
“Dad!” you hissed. “You can’t say that! It’s racist!”
“Watch your mouth, young lady,” your mom said in tones of hushed anger. “You know that’s no way to talk to your father. Apologize.”
You pressed your lips together, not daring to look at Hansol, but feeling him shift away from you as quiet ‘I’m sorry’ slid past your lips. He had to understand there was no use arguing with them. The only way to keep peace was to appease them, even though they were wrong.
“We taught you better than this.” you father said cooly.
“I know what you taught me,” you said.
“Then why, sweetie,” you mom pleaded. “What’s the point when you’re going to come back here and find out a nice white boy is your soulmate?”
Hansol answered before you could. “Because I’m her soulmate.”
Your mother covered her mouth in a gasp as your father shook his head, almost chuckling.
“I know you’d like to think that, but that’s not possible. She couldn’t have someone like you as her soulmate. Soulmates come from the same, background. The bond is just stronger. It’s how God intended,” your dad sounded so matter of fact as he finished his explantation. You wanted this conversation to be over so desperately, but you couldn’t just blatantly lie about this.
“He is my soulmate,” you said quietly. “The butterflies, the shaky hands, I know he is.”
You mother shook her head. “Where did we go wrong with you? Daniel was never this much trouble.”
“Mom you can’t choose your soulmate!” you exclaimed.
“And God wouldn’t choose someone like that for you,” your mom sniffed. You gritted your teeth. You were convinced she only cried to make you feel guilty. “He would only pick someone like us.”
“Well I guess it’s lucky that I am somewhat like you,” Hansol added, clearly seething.
“I beg your pardon,” your dad said, pulling your mom closer to comfort her as she wept.
“I’m half white,” he said. You weren’t sure if he was planning on it helping or hindering the conversation.
“So you’re dating a mutt,” you father spat.
That seemed to be Hansol’s last straw. You weren’t sure why he’d waited that long but he quickly got up and started to pack his things. You turned back to look at your parents, hot tears stinging at your eyes.
“I have half a mind to bring you home this instant,” your father said angrily. “Your mother is in tears because of you. I hope God grants you forgiveness.”
He shook his head. “We’re so disappointed in you.”
The only plus to your mother’s tears was your father deciding to cut the call off earlier than he might have since she was clearly beyond talking about this. They both were.
Hansol had his hand on the door handle when you managed to grab his other arm.
“Hansol wait, please.”
“I get it. I get that you can’t control them. I’m sure it’s easy to go along with what they say when it’s just you,” he said angrily. “But you’re just going to let them get away with say those things about me?”
“What was I supposed to do?” you cried.
“Stick up for me? Or at least not agree with them!”
“I tried! You heard them, they’re impossible! There’s no way to tell them off!”
“Well you didn’t have to apologize when they said awful things about me, did you?”
You stood in silence for a moment. The tears in your eyes started to spill over as shame burned you up from the inside. Hansol searched your eyes but when you weren’t able to find the right words he pulled away from your grasp.
“Hansol, don’t go-”
“Just… leave me alone,” he said, his back to you as he stepped through door and made his way out of the dorm.
The door swung shut behind him and you slumped against it, sliding to the floor in tears.
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EXO Reaction to You Confessing
So an anon requested this❤️ thank you guys this was really fun to write please request more!
Giddy. It sounds weird but you know it’s true. He has been waiting for this for forever but didn’t want to say anything cuz he didn’t really know you and thought how the heck can I like her she probably doesn’t even know my name when in reality you’ve been science partners three times and you sit behind him torturously in English. And now, not only did he like you but you were taking this initiative because you liked him back just as much. He’d say “yes i like you too” like three times really loudly and everyone would hear it in he courtyard and then they’d keep hearing about it for weeks after because “oh my gosh y/n likes me can you believe it me neither”
He’d feel kinda stripped of his manhood. Like shouldn’t I be doing this? He’d get shy and you would crack his shell and make him super bashful. He’s pretty quiet usually, but you’ve seen him with his friend when he really kinda lets loose and let’s his dork side come out and you were like Now Thasa Man. But he’s also kinda oblivious so you knew you had to make the first move but that’s when he comes to his senses and realizes he should be doing this. Thats when his cool comes back.
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.....” he just goes blank. You caught him while he was with Kai and Luhan and you were like “hey Sehun I really like you and...” and the other two are just kinda like clapping him on the shoulder like nice going man and he’s still kinda clueless but then you wave your hand in front of his face and he snaps it of it and is like, “wait can you repeat that.” “...I like you Sehun” “cool” awkward silence “well like I like you too though!”
“I know” *flips his hair* which kinda made you want to punch him in the gut, but not the face because you still want him to look good. But now you’re like wow okay and he’s just smirking and you’re not sure if he’s gonna say he likes you back or if you just made the biggest fool of yourself for no reason even though your friends told you not to because look at him, he looks like a smug jerk. So then you’re gonna turn away and he’s like hey! Aren’t you gonna ask if I like you back. And you’re like no I think I know the answer and he’s like “so dinner” and you’re just shell shocked like “yeah okay”
BFFL Baekhyun would just melt right there. He’d known you for so long, for like forever, and suddenly you’re telling him this in the middle of a conversation about which movie goes best with which take out place and on which day of the week and you couldn’t hold it in. He didn’t really notice his feelings for you until you up and said something. He loves his friends right? his brothers? And so he was just thinking this was a strong bond that came with how long you two’d been friends and then you open up and he’s like “Oh. So this is what that feeling was.” And the rest is history.
What a coincidence he was literally about to come find you and say the same thing. His social circle is pretty close knit and so they’re all trying to give him that little push but woah you were already one step ahead of him. You’re confessing and he’s just staring intently and smiling but you’re not looking at him so you just hear his laugh. You look up at him so fast it gives you whiplash and he’s smiling and laughing and you’re *offended* because hello I’m spilling my feelings to you and you’re quite Literally laughing in my face “why are you laughing” “because I was coming to find you to say the same thing”
So Cute! You couldn’t wait for him to say anything you had to come and tell him yourself. You two weren’t exactly buddies but you’ve know him for a long time and you’ve worked together on a couple assignments and so you were like hey we graduate soon, then if worse comes to worst I’ll just remove myself from the picture and we’ll never see each other again. So here you are and he’s smiling so big and you’re like wow phew that’s a relief and dang he likes me too that’s awesome yay me
Quiet, he’s not mysterious he just wants a serious and focused environment and that’s kinda hot because who doesn’t love a dedicated man? Problem? You only used to work together. Like once when a dodgy internship made you wind up in the wrong building and think oh that’s the guy. When you finally had the sense to look at the nameplate on his desk and you’re like OH MY GOSH IM WORKING FOR THE WRONG MAN. And he’s like laughing but trying to not look like it and so of course you were fired. Then he hired you and you had to say something because he not only got you hired but also listened to you babble a confession Then proceeded to say he liked you too, but don’t tell his boss because office relationships are not allowed
Not surprised. Have you seen him? Everyone likes him! He was mom’s handsome son and the typical class heartthrob. Everyone knew him and liked him. But he still was always a little shy. But when you would walk by his group of friends and he was smiling all big and absolutely laughing his head off at these upperclassmen. In all the classes it had together he was quiet and reserved so you knew, you couldn’t talk with his mob of friends there and needed to see him alone and when you did. You lost it all, your whole planned spiel and you both for quiet and shy and then he was all super big smiley and giggled because that just who he is when he’s nervous and “yeah I like you too”
Also very blushy. You looked so cute and sweet and he just...he just...aw. His dimple makes a special appearance and he’s smiling and that makes you smile and you’re gaining confidence because it’s Yixing and he is the sweetest person on earth so you’re like “do you feel the same way?” And he’s just so smiley all he can do is nod like he’s dumb off of this and you’ve got this huge problem relieved and BAM “I’m about to leave do you want to get dinner” and you just about got whiplash cuz dang that was fast but I mean carpe diem right “yeah I’d like that” and he’s a gentleman the rest of the night because whether or not you think that, you deserve one sis, and whatever you need he will supply because he wants to take care of his girl and like that’s you now get used to it.
He was talking. You two were sitting the library and he was talking about his stupid professor that really didn’t know how to grade and yes his paper was flawless and even it was a controversial topic he was right and- “Hey Tao I think you’re really good looking and I like you and I’ve been wondering if you like me too.” *blank face* if you had interrupted him for any other reason he would’ve been upset and he was just ranting to you and what did you think that was hot or something? *soft smile* “yeah I like you too”
Of course you liked him. He was Kim Junmyeon, Junmoney, $uhot. Basically you two worked together and he was really successful and you were really new and like all the high school interns obviously had a thing for him (so even tho you weren’t one why wouldn’t you) and he saw you first and thought you looked really nice so he put in good words for you here and there when you realized it’s the higher up guy pulling the strings like he owns them and he totally likes you because he does that Suho thing where he smiles then looks down and tries to cover his mouth you know what I’m talking about but in the end you made the first move because he’s a shy boy
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softforcal · 6 years
hi I would love if you do HC in poly slytherin!luke, slytherin!michael and hufflepuff!reader where they are both like really cocky and she is the typical hufflepuff good girl but she can be super freaky too if she wants to (also please give me some muke and make michael and luke into each other omg) thanks love! your work is amazing💞
(side note i’m kind of shit at doing band member x band member and it makes me a tiny bit uncomfy sometimes so please respect my limits lol)
-so Slytherin Luke and Slytherin Michael are kinda scary
-like Luke is big
-and Michael is known for playing way too many pranks on people and generally just being a mischievous little fuck
-they’re known womanizers, especially Luke, who has a trail of Ravenclaws chasing after him all the time
-but Michael also gets his fair share of pussy, don’t get me wrong
-and, as the story always goes with these things, you’re just a lil puff
-something happens and they take notice of you
-like, the teacher assigns seats in class and makes you sit next to Luke while Michael sits at the next two seater table across the aisle, but you’re still between them
-so they’re both talking with you in the middle which leads to them realizing how cute you are
-they both have their entire bodies turned towards you and they stop talking so you look up from your notes and look at both of them. you sort of lean back just in case they stopped talking because you were in the way, but their eyes follow you and you realize… fuck
-”what’s your name kitten?” Michael grins
-”no way, you’re the puff that Ashton and Cal hang out with sometimes.” Luke says, recognition flashing over his face, “well fuck, they said you were cute but they never said you looked like this!”
-(Hufflepuff Cal and Ash totally downplayed how cute you are so you wouldn’t draw the attention of their two snakey best friends because they think you’re too innocent for these fucks)
-class starts and they both look at you a bunch, you definitely feel their eyes
-after class they don’t even say anything to you, they just leave and you’re kinda like thank god
-so they go find their puff friends Ash and Cal and are like “so whats the deal with Y/N?” and Cashton is like… fuck. they’ve found the secret gorgeous puff who we tried so hard to protect
-”don’t you guys think she’s a bit too soft for you?” Ashton asks
-it’s true, usually Luke goes for Ravenclaws because they’re smart enough to know that he usually just wants to fuck around
-and Michael kind of likes making Gryffindors feel all naughty when he fucks the shit out of them
-they usually stay away from Puffs because Puffs are so soft and squishy
-but you cute as fuck
-and once these two have their eyes on someone, they can’t just un-want you
-and these boys have serious control issues when it comes to chasing things they want
-”just don’t break her heart.” Calum finally sighs because whats done is done
-that night at dinner, Luke and Michael saunter over to the Hufflepuff table as people are leaving and some are staying and hanging out
-you’re with Calum and Ashton so when Luke sits next to you and Michael sits across from you, it’s not the weirdest thing in the world
-these fucks have never had to woo a Hufflepuff before so Luke straight up busts out a line that might work on a Slytherin, but if course it doesn’t really work on you. in fact. it’s not even a line. this fuck just straight up says “your place or mine?”
-Michael bursts out laughing as your jaw drops and Calum face palms
-”what an opener!” Michael grins. “as if you could do better.” Luke rolls his eyes. “i mean, i’d go for a classic one like ‘did it hurt when you fell from heaven’ or if i was feeling really naughty, ‘i’ve been whomping my willow thinking about you all night puff.’” he flashes you a wink to finish it off and everyone starts laughing
-they spend the next five minutes arguing about pick up lines
-finally Luke just turns to you and is like “go out with both of us and we’ll show you a good time.”
-this cocky little fuck
-the entire Hufflepuff table waiting for your answer because oof, that put you on the spot
-and the fact that they’re so blatantly obvious about both wanting to date you is a bit of a shock
-i mean, people kinda know that these two do things together and are pretty much a pair already at is it
-the parameters of what Luke and Michael are, are not clear at all. so the fact that they’re asking you out for a date with both of them is new
-”uh… okay?” you give in because they are HOT AS FUCK
-but now they gotta figure out what to even do for a date because it’s not like they actually ever take girls out on dates
-they honestly just roll with it. like right then and there they stand up and are like “lets go.” and you’re like “now?” but Luke is already dragging you with him
-these sneaky Slytherins straight up sneak the three of you out of the school because these fucks think a good date is going to the Forbidden Forrest
-there’s actually some logic to it, Michael read somewhere that doing something scary makes endorphins or something and creates a bond faster
-so there you are, in the forbidden forrest with two Slytherins who are asking a BUNCH of questions because they actually want to get to know you
-there’s a sound and somehow Michael is the toughest of the three of you and ends up laughing his ass off at you and Luke
-but you look pretty scarred
-they push you between them and hug you, which actually makes you feel pretty safe
-”you guys totally planned this.” you mumble against Luke’s chest
-sneaky snakey boys
-but yeah, you three get the fuck out of that forrest because Michael can only pretend to be 100% relaxed for so long
-they also know a number of secret passages in the school and you end up in one
-just sitting on the ground talking, backs against the walls
-they’re not as scary as you originally thought
-you end up talking about why neither of them ever go for Hufflepuffs
-”puffs are too sweet and innocent.” Michael explains, “we might be assholes but we usually don’t see a reason to ruin that.” “so what makes me different?” “you’d be more than a fuck.”
-Michael smacks Luke lightly because Luke’s gotta stop being such a dick
-”we’re on our first date-” “you like us.” Luke interrupts.
-its true. he might be a sneaky, snakey dick, but he knows when girls like him and you like him
-he’s staring you down with that classic Slytherin smirk and he knows he has you exactly where he wants you
-”bet you’re not that innocent.” he continues, “after all, you’re here, with both of us.”
-you could swear he’s about to kiss you but this asshole wants you to close the distance, he wants you to want it as much as he does
-Michael’s watching the whole thing with a smirk because this is Luke’s move.
-then you do something that surprises both of them
-you grab Michael and kiss him instead
-he immediately pulls you onto his lap so you’re straddling him
-he is grinning against your lips
-his hands move to your ass and that makes you pull away while he smirks up at you
-Luke’s getting kinda pouty for obvious reasons
-you give in and move so you’re straddling Luke
-and for some reason, you wait for him to kiss you which completely flips the usual power dynamic for him but he can’t help himself as his hand tangles in your hair and he presses his lips against yours
-Michael may have grabbed your ass, but Luke is full on making you grind down against him and he’s hard as fuck already
-what have you even gotten yourself in to
-before it can be something more you pull away and stand up quickly, “i should go.”
-they’re both still kinda shook but don’t fight it, Michael groans a little but thats just Michael. they take you back to your common room and once you’re gone they’re both just like.. .what the fuck
-because they were expecting to dom the shit out of you
-but somehow, a lil Puff took their power away like it was the most natural thing in the world
-fuck they just wanna get you on a bed
-but also you were really cute and they actually enjoyed talking to you
-in class they continue to talk to you and it’s really great
-they sit next to you at dinner and chat with you, Ash and Cal
-more sneaking around
-lots of teasing and kissing and them both groaning because you’re way more of a tease than they thought you’d be
-two weeks go by and they are just aching to get you in a bed
-people are shook that they have so much control
-that YOU have so much control over them
-finally one make out session in a dark passage leads to you letting them take you back to their room
-once you give in, they take control which you’re chill with because i mean, you know what you’re getting into
-Michael’s the full dom
-Luke is kinda dom but still listens to Michael
-which is interesting because Luke seems like the tough one in public while Michael seems more giggly, but in the bedroom Michael is hardcore
-Michael has grabby hands and that mouth just wants to be everywhere
-they rough but fuck, it’s so good
-they both are way too into hair pulling
-Michael is into anything that involves his dick lets be real here
-you’d definitely end up with marks
-all of you cuddling after
-”so you’re ours now.” Luke just states cuz he’s a fuck
-but you’re okay with it
-”so are we actually saying we’re all going to be… exclusive?” Michael says the word like it’s a curse
-but yes. thats what you’re all saying.
-like, Luke and Michael have been sort of something for a while but you’re just a missing puzzle piece for a weird triangle puzzle. fuck. i don’t know where this metaphor went. ignore me.
-they’re super protective of you
-and dirty fucks
-they always want to be touching you
-Luke has his arm over your shoulders always
-people are so shook that you three are an out and open thing
-two Slytherins and their lil Puff baby
-they’re wrapped around your finger
-people are cared of pissing you off because of Luke, but Michael’s the one they really have to worry about
-it’s just a great time
-always having a green scarf to wear
-to cover the marks
-so many group cuddles and hugs
-lots of love
-Slytherin Muke is a dream team i never realized i needed
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