#I mean uhh what who said that :sweats:
benetnvsch · 1 year
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thx Dazai
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onelittlespiral · 10 months
You should definitely do a preppy boy tf!
FML: Contact
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I knew I should have charged my phone before I left, but I was running late and didn’t want to miss my study session. I know, I know it was stupid. But the walk was only supposed to be a few blocks. I have no idea how I got this lost. It felt like I was wandering for hours, but I kept just going around in circles and ending up in front of this gym. Great, just what I needed before finals week. Maybe I should stop an- ugh. My bag spilled out in front of me as I wa a knocked to the ground.
“Hey, sorry bro.”
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It seems like on about my third time around the block I finally ran into one of the gym’s patrons, idiot. For the life of me I will never know how those guys will walk out in shorts in December. I started to scoop my belongings back into my bag.
“Here, let me help- Ah fuck, that could be bad.” He picked up my laptop and handed it to me. Thankfully it seems that there wasn’t any real damage, but a few deep scratches were carved in the metal and the screen was definitely cracked.
“Just what I needed today! Look where you’re going next time!” I was nearly in tears. I was lost, I was frustrated, I think the fall tore a hole in my khakis, and now my computer would be busted till after finals.
“Hey, I said I was sorry. Didn’t mean to knock a shrimp like you down. I didn’t even hit you that hard…”
“Well sue me if I don’t have time to get swoll bro,” I spat, “but some of us have finals to study for.”
“Oh dang, that’s where I know you from! English 110, with Professor Kim. Yeah, you’re always in the front and answering shit.” Immediately the puzzle pieces clicked. I can’t blame myself for not recognizing him. He must have been one of the dudes who sat in the back, and they all basically acted, talked, and looked about the same. A bunch of gym rats struggling through the gen eds. I’m genuinely surprised he can to class often enough to recognize me. “Hey man, are you studying for this final later? I’m just like not getting this stuff. Like, why are they having Exercise Science majors out here studying English anyways?”
“Uhh, yeah maybe.” At this point I was past the point of caring about this conversation. It was such a simple class I hardly had even glanced over the study guide. I had packed my things and was making to get up and leave.
“Here bruh, lemme help you up,” and he extended his hand to me. I grabbed hold as a small shock passed between us. It was just a split second, but as his calloused, sweaty had grasped mine, I felt a jolt that stuck my hair on end. I hardly had time to notice as he hoisted me up. “Hey, if you do end up reviewing later, maybe give me a heads up. We could do a study session or something.” He pulled out a pen and scribbled on the back of a receipt. Grabbing my hand again, and pulled me into a bro hug before I could protest. Up close he was warm and humid, sweat cooling in the cold winter air. He left the paper in my hand when he pulled away. He smirked, “You should ask inside, they may be able to help. I’ll see you later tonight.” There was a confidence in his voice that sent a chill down my spine. Before I knew it he had booked it, and I was left with a piece of paper, a broken computer, and a sinking realization I was still lost.
With few options left, I popped into the gym my classmate had just come out of. Maybe they would have a charger I could borrow or be able to help me with directions. At least it was warm inside. I walked over to the man at the desk, asking “Hey, sorry to bother. Do you all have a phone charger? I am completely lost and out of juice.”
“You can bother me any time,” the attendant said with a wink, “We’ve got some chargers in the locker room, but management is struck about people using facilities without paying. You already a member with us?”
“No, do I look like a member with you all? Please, I’m tired and at this point I just need to get home.” I groaned.
“Well sorry bro, you’ve gotta get those gains somewhere… let’s see, a day pass only runs about $5,” he slid the card reader to me.
“Fine.” I thrust my card into the machine and grabbed my receipt, storming off towards the locker room.”
“Enjoy your time! Oh, sir. Those aren’t the locker rooms they are the changing ro-” and the swinging door cut him off. I cut to the first door on my left. The overhead lights activated as I walked in. The inside was warm, hotter even than the lobby. For locker rooms, there were very few lockers. Just cooler with some sports drinks, some mirrors, and a charging station. No one else was inside, so I sat down on a bench and set my phone down on the charging station. With the heat I quickly began stripping layers, till I was down to my sweater, but I was not going shirtless in this place. It looked like it would be a while before my phone would be charged. I tried to put the whole situation out of my mind as I laid back and relaxed, carried to sleep in the thick heat…
I woke up a while later, disoriented and thirsty. It may have been a bad idea to sleep in the sweater, the thing was practically dripping in sweat now. I began to pull off the damp thing when I was shocked to see what was underneath:
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Abs. Pecs. Abs and pecs. I had to be dreaming, when did I go from a stick to having abs and pecs. Not only that, but my arms. Thick and smooth, my arms looked swollen, as though I had been working them out for years. And my legs, they felt like lead beneath me, so heavy I could hardly move them. I could crush a melon between my thighs. And my poor shoes, they were practically in tatters on the floor. My toes poked out of the remains, leather torn between my meaty soles. I looked in the mirror to get a full picture. If I didn’t see it I wouldn’t have believed it, I was a whole different man.
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I grabbed my phone and booked it out the door back to the front desk. The same attendant was there, looking me up and down as I passed by:
“Well hey there handsome. How are you enjoying our amenities?”
I just about strangled him, “What the hell happened? What did you all do to me?!?”
“I did try to tell you. Locker rooms are the other side. Those are the changing rooms.”
“What’s that supposed mean?”
“Well, look at yourself. Must have gone for the muscle enhancement, eh? Not a bad look on you.” I could just about wipe that smug look off his face.
“Cut the bull crap, I didn’t ask for this. If you all changed me into this change me back.”
“So sorry,” the apology dripped from his lips, “but things don’t quite work that way. For more specialized changes you have to get a full membership.”
“That’s a fucking lie,” I shouted, “You never said shit about this. I don’t need your membership. Change me back, now.”
“Woah, calm down there hot stuff, no need to get so worked up. How about this. My boss is home for the night. I know what you looked like when you came in. I can sneak you back into one of our specialty changing rooms, and I’ll calibrate it myself. Deal?”
I was about in tears, “Deal.”
He took my hand and lead me to the changing room all the way in the back. Same set up, same bench in a mostly barren room. This one was maybe a tad smaller. His voice came on over the intercom:
“Alright, now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.”
This time, deep red lights came on and that same heat began to fill the room. It somehow felt a bit different. The other heat wrapped around, this one felt like it pierced. In moments my body was flooded with warmth. Sweat rolled down my body as the room began having its effects. But something wasn’t right. Instead of shrinking down to my lithe self, my body felt like it was bubbling, and began to swell even more.
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“Hey. HEY! What the hell! What are you doing out there? Wrong way asshole!”
He chuckled into the intercom, “What? I think it’s a good look on you.”
“You’re supposed to change me back!” I shouted
“I said I would calibrate the room. I didn’t say how. You should feel lucky, you’re getting the VIP treatment for free!”
Everywhere sweat rolled my muscles stretched as my body began writhing under the feeling of its growth. It felt… it felt… oh god it felt… so…good. But it had to be stopped. I couldn’t keep going like this. I put all my effort into standing up and lunged for the door handle. It didn’t budge, locked from the outside.
“Oh, is this not to your taste?” he teased “Well, I already did smooth jock tonight. Fine, let’s try this then.”
The red lights switched off as dull LED’s took their place. At the same time, a mist began pouring into the room. The smell made me dizzy as I slumped back on the bench behind me. The haze curled around me and stuck to my skin. It smelled like aftershave, sharp and fresh, with a coolness that made me shiver. My skin began to tingle wherever it touched. I watched as my skin turned to goosebumps, then slowly a fine layer of fuzz began to coat my pecs. It grew and curled wherever the mist lead it. It blazed a treasure trail down my abs and branched out to cover them. I could only moan as my body pushed out my new pelt. It curled around my back as a forest erupted behind me. Working it’s way up, I felt a tickle on my jaw and cheeks. It caressed my face as a five o-clock shadow pushed out from my smooth face, and in moments a full beard was pushed out. It’s curling tendrils even worked on the hair I already had. I felt the hair on top of my head stand on end before following the mist into a thick mop. It worked it’s way into my gapping mouth too, and I felt my throat stretch and adjust, my moans coming out much deeper. Then it concentrated on my groin and pits. My previously trimmed bushes grew wild, quickly becoming a tangle. As my pubes grew around, it felt soooo good. I began getting hard, but the mist only took that as an opportunity. Something else to grow and curve. It stretched 6, 7, 8, 9 inches straight out before curving distinctly up. I was in pure ecstasy, with only the thought of the man outside watching keeping me from fully jacking off.
“Wow, what a grower. I knew you had potential but, woof.”
“You… won’t… *gasp*…get away… with… with this!”
“Oh, still a little rebel in you? Maybe we can bring that out a bit.”
The mist receded, and overhead the lights began to strobe and a loud white noise began to play. The pattern was disorientating and it hurt to watch. But even when I closed my eyes I couldn’t escape. A splitting headache developed as my emotions all turned to anger. I tried to shout, to call for it to stop, but my words didn’t even reach my ears. I watched in glimpses as I began to scream, deep and primal, rage in my eyes. My arm clenched into a fist and I ran up to pound the door down. It still didn’t budge but the shock sent a ripple down my arm. In the mirror I watched as in slow motion a full sleeve tattoo stretched down my arm. I sat down in pain and fear and anger as I grew close to tears. But the back of my mind knew that I could not cry, not anymore. Then, all at once it stopped. I realized I was still shouting. I felt pissed off, aggressive. When I got out of this room, I was gonna pummel that twink into submission.
“God, that one always gets me. I love a man with tattoos.”
“Fuck OFF” I growled. I looked in the mirror at the monster I had become:
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My mind was being flooded with emotions, a sense of loss for the person I was, a rage at the man who had done this to me, an animalistic horniness from my sizable new cock, and a deep terror for what else could happen. I channeled that fury and made one last attempt on the locked door. I yanked and rattled the door with all the strength this new body could muster. I felt the handle flex beneath my grip, before a loud *snap* sent me plummeting to the ground. The handle had come off the door. I banging against the door, shouting for anyone to come help me.
“Hmmm,” the attendant contemplated, “I may have gone too far with the rage this time. You’re a beast bro, but let’s reign it in. A healthy dose of this should help.”
A new cloud filled the room, this one thicker than the last. It was damp and sticky and clung to every inch of me. This one smelled rich and acrid, like an arm pit that had long since sweat through any deodorant. It was as though every patron of the gym had joined me in the room fresh from their workout. The fog was so thick I felt as though I was beginning to choke. It slid heavily down my throat and made my eyes water. That’s when I felt it begin to corrupt me. My enraged mind became calm, then addled as my brain filled with the all consuming fog. Memories flashed before my eyes as I felt them slip from my mind, replaced with false copies. I felt my college experience shift from books and classes to working out and tutoring sessions. My classes in journalism and writing were swapped for work out routines and remedial math. Then my cock began twitching as memories of hot workout sessions with my bros filled my mind, replacing my book club. As my mind relaxed and the new memories came to me easier and easier. My IQ was slipping down quickly, resting now somewhere around 75. As my mind relaxed I felt my body do so too. The cloud began seeping into my pores, filling me with its corrupting influence. My body betrayed me, greedily sucking up the cloud until the room was completely clear. I felt warm and tingly, my body pressed flat against the cold floor. I lifted my arm to get a good wiff of my funk. My cock jumped in response. God I needed to fuck. The cloud had saturated me, inside and out, soaking me in a new identity.
“How are you feeling in there big guy?” a voice was on the other side of a speaker in the room.
“Aight I guess man. I’m tired. Guess I passed out in here,” I replied. God, just waking up from a nap and I had my morning wood. The door opened, a cute bro was on the other side.
“Have you enjoyed your day pass sir?” He asked.
“Hell yeah Lil’ bro, it’s been good. This gym is stacked. I haven’t felt this worn out after a workout in a while!”
“Have you considered upgrading that day pass to a full membership? I know I would love to see you around,” he said with a wink.
“Mmm, wouldn’t mind seeing you every day. Gimme the forms.” He led me out to the lobby, I signed a few forms, and handed me a card.
“Now remember next time, locker rooms are over there,” he smirked. “Here, this is free with your sign up.”
He threw a tank top over to me. Good thing too, I think I forgot mine at home. It fit snugly over my huge chest. It made my arms look huge too. Just a shame I sweat so much after a workout, I already had some pit stains going. Shit, I was rank.
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“Thanks bro, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I strolled out the door into the cold winter air. I flexed, feeling the breeze wick some of my sweat away.
“Hey, excuse me?” Some dork walked up to me, looking desperate. I felt like I knew him from somewhere, though I couldn’t place it. “Would you happen to be able to help me? I have been going around in circles and can’t seem to find my way. I have an exam in just a few hours.”
“Nah, sorry man. I’m not quite sure I’m able to help. Never been good with directions huhu,” that’s when it clicked, “Hey, you’re in my bio class aren’t you? Ah shit, is that exam today?!? Fuck, I’m never gonna pass that crap.”
He looked a little flabbergasted, but made some excuses and was about to move on when I grabbed him. I felt something pass between us, as his gaze fell onto me, unblinking, “You should check in the gym bro, I know they can help you out.” I pulled away and the moment passed. I reached into my pocket and pulled out two receipts. The first was my receipt for my day pass. I scribbled down my contact info, and handed it off to the nerd. “Here, if you want to talk about lifting with me and my buds later you should give me a call. Looking a little scrawny bruh.”
He took the receipt before wandering towards the gym entrance. I then looked at the second paper I pulled out. Oh yeah, it was that hot gym bro from earlier. Yeah, I could meet up with him for sure. His name at the top rang a faint bell. For a split second, I remembered a friend I would sit next to in class. Smart, nerdy, nothing like the man I had met on the sidewalk earlier... But just then I felt my brain pounding, and I couldn’t focus on… whatever it was I was thinking about. Oh, right. Hot jock. Yeahhh, I’m gonna go see if he wants these rank pits shoved in his face while I ride his cock.
Maybe not what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy anyways ❤️
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
oh so people getting bold in the requests?? CONNIE AND ONY THREESOME??🌚
THISSS THE ONEEEEE. I BEEN THINKIMG AB THIS FOR WEEKSSSSSS. ima doooo mob boyfriends!ony and connie since it’s been in my brain for a minute😛😛😛😩😛😛😛😩😛😩😩
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cw: polygamous relationship!!!
word count: 2.1k
part 2
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
your boyfriends were feared by many. mean and dangerous men that nobody ever dared to question. they were the monsters the kids hid from and the bad men parents want far away from their daughters. you, on the other hand, were the complete opposite. everyone always seemed to gravitate towards you due to your kind and caring nature. you made people feel safe and welcomed no matter what they may be going through.
when you’re out with connie and ony, strangers would have to sometimes do a double take to make sure what they’re seeing is real. a soft and sweet looking girl wearing cute little outfits with pretty colors being accompanied by two brooding men on either side of her, wearing no other colors but black and grey. it was not a normal sight to see. “ooouuu what about this one papi. you said i look pretty in blue.”
the three of you were currently in a boutique in the mall. looking for different dresses to add to your never ending collection. connie, your more lenient partner, stood with his finger curled on his chin, thinking about the different looks you could achieve with the dress “hmmm it’s aight. i think you should get sum tighter.” you rolled your eyes, putting the dress back on the rack before walking to the next section.
“you only saying that so you can look at my ass.” before you could get far you felt a soft tug on your arm. “rolling your eyes is rude. i told you ‘bout that.” ony grumbled, staring down at your smaller figure. ony was the strict boyfriend. even though both of them were pretty stern, ony was the one that kept both you and connie in check sometimes since connie had a tendency of letting you off easy.
“sorry sorry…geez.” you sigh. he let go of your arm and the three of you continued your search for some new appliances. as you walked to your next store you notice a familiar man standing by the pretzel shop. “sean?” the brownskin male lifted his head from his phone, bright smile immediately forming on his face as he spotted the source of the voice. “y/n?? oh my god hey sugeeee? how you been?” you squealed before running into the arms of your old friend.
you and sean were friends in high school who drifted away from each other since he moved away. “boy what you doing back in town? and why didn’t you call meeee?” as the two of you spoke ony and connie stood annoyed behind you. they were holding all of your bags as they watched this random guy practically eye fuck you every time you happened to be looking away. you were too oblivious for your own good.
“well it was nice seein you boo. hope we could stay in touch.” sean licked his lips, looking down at you as he opened his arms for a hug. you gladly stepped into the embrace for a couple seconds before trying to pull away, but you froze as you felt a palm on you ass. “uhh sean?” “huh? oh my bad y/n you know my arms are long.” you hid your uncomfortableness with a laugh as you moved back to go rejoin your boyfriends.
as soon as you turned around they were already by your side, staring daggers into the boy. “you wanna die nigga?” ony said before grabbing sean by his collar and pushing him on a nearby wall. sweat began to bead all over his forehead as he tried to plead with your man. “n-nah man ian mean t’do that i swear.” connie stood by you, arms wrapped around your shoulder as he held you to his chest. “bet not have or so help me god i will cut that hand off so fast. get the fuck outta here before i kill you.” connie added.
sean’s body dropped to the ground as ony abruptly let him go. he ran away and didn’t look back as he disappeared from your sight. when you got home you could tell they were a bit upset about the situation that happened at the mall so you decided that maybe you could do something to make them feel better. you ran to your room, putting on a pretty lingerie set before quietly making your way back downstairs. the boys were on the game, cursing each other out before you stood in all your glory in front of the tv.
“how i look?” you asked shyly, arms crossed over your chest to hide some of the skin from them. “move your hands baby. let papi see.” “yea no need t’be shy mama. it’s just us.” your boyfriends rose from the couch, standing in either side of you as they each pulled one of your arms from your chest. “you so pretty baby. making me real hard lookin at you.” connie mumbled while palming himself through his sweats. you squeezed your legs together at the sight before your attention was put on ony. “go upstairs ma.”
your hurried upstairs, sitting in the middle of your california king bed as you waited for your men to arrive. they walked in with a pair of fuzzy cuffs and a vibrator, both of their tattooed chests on full display for you as they approached the edge of the bed. “c’mere pretty girl” connie’s smooth voice rang in your ears, coaxing you to crawl to the edge of the bed. you sat on yours knees as you looked up at him. “gon be good for us, right?” his inked hand held your chin, lightly caressing your cheek as you nodded your head.
ony then softly moved your head towards him, giving you a kiss on the lips before giving you your first instructions. “turn around and arch your back mama.” you did as you were told. arching as deep you could before you felt your hands being bound behind your back by the cuffs. “gon make you feel so good mami.” connie said as you began to feel the bed dip. he made his way in front of your head, pants long abandoned as he sat in front of you in his briefs.
you moaned as you felt ony lick a long stripe up your pussy, stopping at your entrance to penetrate you with his tongue. “f-fuck daddy.” and sharp smack was delivered to your ass, connie’s light brown eyes scolding you. “watch ya mouth pretty. don’t wanna have to gag you.” your apology got stuck in your throat as you felt ony begin roughly sucking on your clit, connie lifted the front of your body up so he could slap his tip against your mouth before looking up at ony.
“ready?” the two of them nodded to each other before both thrusting into you fully, making you gag and moan at the same time. connie’s pace on your throat was slow rather than the quick deep strokes your other boyfriend settled for. “feel so good mama. gon make daddy nut fast if you keep squeezin like that.” your body was already feeling hot as you felt ony’s hands roam all over you.
running all over your back, softly touching all your rolls and dips. connie hand was buried in your hair, guiding your head up and down his shaft before occasionally pulling it out to slap it across your tongue. “eres guapa.” he sighed. your eyes were low and unfocused. your pink tongue hung from your parted lips, letting your drool fall all over his pink tip. you looked so fucked out and they’ve barley even touched you.
“mi niña bonita.” your moans went straight to his dick as you felt ony pull out of you. he got on his knees and began fingering you as a slow pace, digging into you softly before placing the vibrator on your clit. your body jerked at the sudden stimulation, pussy fluttering before his eyes as you whined onto connie’s dick. “i know princess, feel you squeezin around my fingers.” ony dug rougher into you as he turned the vibrator up to a higher setting.
your lips disconnected from connie with a pop before you gasped loudly. “r-right there daddy ohmygod.” your hips moved on their own. gravitating towards ony’s fingers to get him deeper into you. “you like how daddy makes you feel, pretty? like when he touches that spot right here?” connie said as he was now next to you, hand outstretched under you on your lower stomach as began to push on it. “answer me baby. tell daddy thank you for making you feel so good.”
connie whispered, giving you a light smack on your ass, dragging more moans out of you before you looked back at your boyfriends. their brown eyes stared right back at you as they waited for you to comply. “t-thank you d-daddy. c-can i cum?” the vibrator was soon removed from your clit as his fingers began moving in and out at a quick pace. “my pleasure mama, but not yet. how bout you get on your back. you want papi t’feel good too, right?”
ony said. his fingers left you empty before you turned around on your back. ony and connie gave each other knowing looks after looking at your confused face. why were the cuffs still on? “cant have you pushin on my stomach princess.” he mumbled as if he were reading your mind. him and ony switched places. light brown dick tapping against your clit as ony’s laid flat on your lips. “open up mama.” as your mouth slowly opened and he began thrusting into your mouth, you felt your other lover slap his tip all over your wet pussy.
your arousal splashing onto your thighs as your boyfriend watched strings of it connect him to you. connie sunk into you slowly, dick dragging against your wet walls until stopping at the hilt. your pretty moans were muffled by the thick dick between your lips, but the vibration of them sent shivers flying down ony’s spine. “s-shit. keep fuckin her like that baby. your mouth feel so good mama.” connie nodded his head in compliance, pushing into you the same way over and over again.
pace slow and steady as your wetness began to drip onto the sheets. “fuckkk mami. you so fucking wet f’me.” you felt your orgasm nearing as connie continued fucking into you slowly. his pace never faltering as ony watched his lip get buried behind his teeth. he was trying his best to listen to his lover, but the slow pace was killing him. “i-i can’t pa i wanna go faster.” he breathed, but was quickly met with ony’s hand on his. darker skin caressing his as he looked him in the eyes. “what’d i say?” ony said sternly.
“you said keep fucking her slow like this, but-” “but nothing. if that’s what i said then you gon listen right? or do i gotta teach you after m’finished wit her.” the interaction made your pussy flutter in a way that caused connie’s eyes to roll back. you were close to the edge and your squeezing made him closer as well. “n-no pa hah- m’listenin’.”connie moaned as his other hand found its was to your throat, squeezing it slightly to make it tighter for ony’s dick.
“good boy fuck-” ony groaned as he felt his end nearing. thrusting into your mouth with a little more vigor as his hot ropes slid down your throat. soon later you came, juices pouring out of you and onto the sheets as you shook around connie’s dick. “f-fuck m’gonna cum m’gonna cum princess.” connie moaned, picking up his pace as he rubbed on your clit. you screamed as more juices rushed out of you, spraying his stomach and thighs as he thrusted one more time and stilled, cumming deep inside of you.
all three of you stayed where you were as you caught your breath. “let’s get you cleaned up mama.” ony signed. the two of them made sure to clean the sheets before running you a nice bath. both standing at the door, watching you relax. connie’s head whipped towards ony when he felt a hand on his lower back. “you didn’t listen t’me earlier don’t think i forgot. ima deal wit you later.” he mumbled before walking off to go handle business downstairs.
connie’s eyes widened as he felt his dick jump in his pajama pants. “papi can you wash my back?” your voice startled him out of his thoughts, making him jump a little before smiling and walking towards your naked figure in the tub. “of course mi vida. anything for you.”
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dantefreakdaaaa · 1 year
Omg I suck at requesting stuff because I have like 0 ideas but I saw someone's hcs a while ago that said Johnny likes to be dominated so if you could uhh 👀 MK1 Johnny and gn reader plzz it could be anything, idk make him beg and cry or something 😈
Johnny Cage x Reader
gn reader
A/n: NO PLOT WE GET STRAIGHT INTO IT!!! Also there's bondage and overstimulation involved!!
"fuck- please just let me cum already! Please, please, please!" His face was flushed, sweat pouring off of him as you stroked his cock again. He squirmed around, bucking his hips up as he watched you thumb his tip.
"You're so pathetic, Johnny. I thought you were supposed to be big and strong. Now look at you, tied up and whimpering."
The way you degraded him shouldn't have turned him on as much as it did. He let out a loud whine as he felt his orgasm nearing. Normally he would've shot back some mean retort but he knew that you would've denied his orgasm for even longer.
"Gonna- gonna cum- let me cum-! Let me cum pleaseeeee!!" Tears streamed from his eyes, It almost hurt from how badly he needed to cum. All he could think about was how you were stroking him, how he needed you to get him off.
"You really wanna cum that bad? I'm not sure if I should let you johnny, tell me why and I might just let you..." You slowed your pace and looked down at him, watching him angrily pull at the ropes that held his arms up. He looked up at you, his lips puffy and red from him biting them so much
"Because I need it!! I need it so bad!" He panted and whimpered, letting out cries as you picked up the pace.
"you like it when I stroke you like this Johnny? You like it when I make you my bitch?"
"yesyesyes- I fucking love it-! Need you so bad- need to cum so bad-!" He couldn't think, his mouth hanging open as he drooled. He could feel his orgasm approaching for what felt like the millionth time tonight.
"gonna- gonna cum- ngh-!"
His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his back arching as he came. His cum covered your hand, some of it dripping onto his silk bed sheets.
"good boy, you did good, so good." You patted his messed up hair, kissing his face gently. "Gonna clean you up now, mk?" All he did was nod his head, too dizzy and lightheaded to fully understand.
You untied the ropes from his arms, gently rubbing the red burns that they left on him. He layed limp against the bed, still panting heavily.
"You alright johnny?"
"yeah just um-" He was breathless, he had never felt so needy before. It was an experience for him to say the least.
"What's up?" You noticed he seemed lost in thought, he looked spacey.
"You think we could do that again some time?"
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(wanted to write this because I had two people who requested it but I have started working on other requests too!)
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justmystical · 7 months
The Forgotten-2
Pairing: Lucifer X Butterfly!fem!reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel x Star vs the forces of evil
Warnings: this takes place before Season 1, Alternative Universe,
One| Two |Three |Navigation
A few months has passed since you met a man under a tree, now knowing his name as Lucifer Morningstar. You instantly became friends with him because of some shared interest.
You always sneak out of the Castle because of this.Loving spending time with your new friend.
Always meeting up under the Apple tree and tell stories about your day. Well sometimes there were day's he didn't show up and you never questioned it , after all he didn't say anything about his life and you didn't tell about yours. Only about neutral things.
Another days ,you just got back from the Earth Dimension and still no sign of your Beloved friend Lucifer.
You sighed
"Princess (Name) Butterfly!" You heard someone call out , you turned around to see Glossaryck and felt sweat drip down on your face.
"hey Glossaryck"you smiled awkwardly and did gunfingers to him. You didn't attend your lessons today and ran away to meet up with Lucifer unfortunately he wasn't there.
"running away are we Your Highness? learning magic is important as Princess of Mewni blah blah"he said but the end you felt your ears shut down to see your sister and you heard Glossaryck sigh
"Eclipsa!"you said running and waving hand to her as Glossaryck,She smiled when she spotted you.
"hello (Name)"You smile faltered, Your sister doesn't call you by your name,only your Nickname that was given to you by your Father.
"My Queen"Glossaryck bowed
"ahh Glossaryck can you give some privacy for a moment?"he looked at you with hesitation "Don't worry Glossaryck I won't run off somewhere " you explained and he sighed but nodded.
As Glossaryck left ,you and your sister were alone in the hallway.
"ok,tell me what got you down?"you saw a her having an inner battle in her head.
"what do you mean (Name)?"she asked faking her confusion.
"Eclipse, I'm your Little sister and one of your closest friends . infact your only friend so , i know when something upsets you" You told her and she bit her lip. You waited patiently for answer.
"well umm , it's just that..."she hesitated "as you know our family has the tradition to pass the wand down to an heir and-"
"YOUR PREGNANT?!?"You cut her off and saw her laughed.
"heaven's no! But the people were wondering when will there be introduce to another Princess in the Palace..."
"A new heir...?"you questioned
"wait with Shastacan?"you saw her face pale.
"well who else would be..."
"uhh, he's such a narcissist!" You ranted about how bad her Husband is and Eclipsa face grew paler than before.
You noticed this and stopped "Sorry Eclipse..."you felt bad for her she didn't even want to marry Shastacan but it was your mother's dying wish.
After that, you were about to go Glossaryck for your lessons but you passed a familiar room.
The Rooms of Queen Tapestry.. eh you didn't really know what this was room was called.
You walked in, seeing all of your ancestors and you uncle,your uncle became king when you mother died. Since you and Eclipsa are still very young,he took over for awhile. Next to his was...
Your Mother.. Solaria the Monster Carver.
You did miss you mother Truly, you didn't even felt Keekee transform and now she was comforting you.
"mother, hopefully you had a good reason for Eclipse to marry Shastacan,right?"you told her but no one answered.
You felt bad when you found out about this dying wish of your mother. You knew Eclipsa was inlove with someone else but didn't know who?
You wanted your sister to marry and have children with someone she loves, not someone who she was forced with. You walked around to see your sister's Tapestry about to be begin.
A Lot of people were confused of why it hasn't even begun yet when Eclipsa became Queen. You eyes widened as it as being made.
Does this mean Eclipsa's fate has been written?
Keekee followed you as you meet up with Glossaryck, you were learning some spells and read about a butterfly form.
"i thought we we're done with that mewberty butterfly form ?" You asked.
"that is , well how do i explain this to...ehh basically different from Mewberty and it's more powerful when you are in this form" Glossaryck explained.
More powerful?
Can only unlock in time of need?
You feel like this could help you defend your sister from monsters."I'll keep you safe Eclipse..."you muttered
After another day you snuck out and went back to earth.
And finally you saw him
"Lucifer Morningstar! Where have you been?!"he heard you and flinched.
"hey n/n"he smiled awkwardly as you walked to him with arms crossed on your chest.
"okay before you kill me..."he said grabbing something from his bag and it was a...
"i was making this for you,i made it to looked like you a little also putting some details like the marks on your cheeks-" you cut him off with a hug.
"thanks Luci"he was stunned and now very red.
"y-your w-welcome"he stutter and tried to hides his blushing face from you.
"are you blushing?"
"am not"
"yes you are~"
A/n: sorry if its short , and has little Lucifer content but don't worry in the future 🥹
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Midnight Pals: 10,000 Pounds of Spaghetti
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: what newssss? Rowling: allisssson how goess the lawsssuit againssst ssstonewall? Allison Bailey: GREAT NEWS! Bailey: if losing were winning, then we just totally won! Rowling:
Rowling: ssee, thiss sssilver-tongued eloquence isss why you're the bessst lawyer in the bussinesss! Bailey: thanks, dark lord! Rowling: or you would be if you ACTUALLY WON ANY CASSSESSS Bailey: i Bailey: oh Rowling: how could you lose? i gave you £1,000,000!
Bailey: ok yeah i lost this case but i'm sure that, if you just gave me another £1,000,000, i could absolutely pin that wispa bar on a trans Bailey: i know i could do it Bailey: you gotta believe me! Bailey: c'mon, bro, just one more £1,000,000, just one more
Rowling: what are you even ssspending £1,000,000 on jussst to lossse? Bailey: oh you know, like, legal stuff Bailey: like Bailey: exposition and Bailey: dockets Bailey: uhhhh Bailey: legal stuff Rowling: Rowling: [narrowing eyes] What'ss in that briefcasse?
Bailey: briefcase? what briefcase? Rowling: that one you're holding right there Bailey: OH! you mean THIS briefcase! Rowling: yess THAT briefcasse Rowling: the one with the ever-increasing olive oil sstain on the sside
Bailey: it's nothing, it's just full of , you know, papers Rowling: what kind of papersss? Bailey: um legal papers Rowling: Bailey: Rowling: let me ssee them bailey: [sweating] actually by the doctrine of uhh habeus porpoise i legally can't show you, sorry, that's just the rules
Rowling: did you ssspend my £1,000,000 on spaghetti again??? Bailey: actually legally i don't have to answer that question because of Bailey: because of uhhh Bailey: OBJECTION Rowling: give me that damn briefcassse! [they struggle for briefcase]
Rowling: i told you NOT to usse thiss £1,000,000 for sspaghetti damnit!! I told you! Bailey: [wailing] i know! i tried! Bailey: but then i got hungry Rowling: why do you need £1,000,000 for sspaghetti? Bailey: i mean, it's really GOOD spaghetti
Bailey: the guy who sold it to me told me that this spaghetti is anti-trans Rowling: how doess it work? Bailey: he said it's got big gametes Rowling: i don't know ssciencce but that ssoundss legit to me Bailey: he also sold me these magic beans
[meanwhile] L Ron Hubbard: step right up, step right up, get yourself some of honest ron's famous big gamete spaghetti Poe: Poe: i don't even want to know what this grift is supposed to be
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annisassintchaska · 2 months
Jude Bellingham x Black!Reader
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Today I felt very energetic and in the mood to dance. My boyfriend Jude was in our home gym working out with his teammates ona video call, so I thought why not do a tiktok challenge and get his reaction; reason being that I had just hit 8 weeks post partom from giving birth to our son Elliot Bellingham-who was in his nursery sleeping, so I hadn't been feeling my best for a while and somehow needed a bit of validation from my partner.
Picking up the baby monitor, I took my phone and headed to the gym opening the door to find my boyfriend laughing at something that was said. "Y/n! Are you joining us?" Vini asked excitedly I walked pass, squeezing Jude's bicep in the process. "No Vini, sorry. Just getting something done" I responded as I set up my phone to begin.
Choosing the sound, I waited for the countdown and started dancing with Jude in the background looking at me as I did the dip. Spinning as smoothly as possible, I started to twerk- following the routine only to look up and realise that Jude was no longer working out but was admiring me even though he was giving me the side eye. Finishing the dance I unexpectedly heard the cheering of his teammates who had been watching, making me cover my face in embarrassment as I placed the video in my draft seeming that none of my tiktok were never posted online.
Moving towards the exit of the gym, I was stopped by Jude who gently pulled at my wrist. "Babe, you can’t do that" He whined. Looking back at his teammates who were cackling I asked "I can't do what? What's wrong?" He whined and wiggled his hips in response as I finally realised what the problem was. "Oh baby, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to cause that" I tried to console him but to no use as his erection proved to be a solid soldier while his mates were having a field day. "Judeey has risen guys, all hail...Granizooo!!!" They taunted as Vini led them. "Can you help me with this?" He rasped. "I can help you with it after your training is finished" I kissed him on the cheek and exited the room.
Leaving the gym, I headed to go pump some more milk and check up on my infant before going into my bedroom to wait for my boyfriend to return from his job. Entering the room an hour later, Jude quickly pecked my lips and ran off to the shower to rid himself of the sweat on his body. Returning to the room he stalked towards me and dropped his towel; only having to stop as our supposed to be fun time was put to an immediate end before it even started as our baby's cry came through the monitor.
"Uhh, what a day?" Jude requoted the meme as we laughed while he pulled on a pair of boxers and went to nursery, returning with our son with a warm bottle of milk in his mouth. With our backs against the headboard and the calm of our now burped and sleeping baby nestled between us, we were reminded that we had the best life could offer anyone and we love it.
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billkaulitzwife · 4 months
The Outsiders Coping With a Breakup
(ps guys im not over it leave me alone(i also watched the notebook and i hate myself))
Reading or writing.
How could you ever hurt this little freshman boy he‘s such a sweetheart
He would probably silently cry into a pillow until he thought his lungs were about to collapse or cave in
if this was now … he‘d chain smoke and listen to lana del rey while looking out a moonlit window
he definitely listens to Elvis to get over it.
I don’t know what exactly he would read to get over it but probably some sad ass Edgar Allan Poe. Annabelle Lee lookin ass.
He‘d write the most heart breaking
tear dripping
heavy breathing sad poetry ever.
show him a romance novel.
he’d never stop reading them until he got over it.
just the bare thought of it drives him nuts.
so he reads.
if you hurt this man he would probably hurt himself.
he would dream bout it and wake up in cold sweats, tears running down his face.
in all honesty
i think he‘d be artistic with it
he’d somehow turn each and every single tiny thought into something about you
whether it be thinking about a teddy bear then contorting it into nothing but an image of you and him.
he would never be able to look at the places you went together the same.
he would be an artist.
hand him a pencil and he’ll make your heart break and ache.
might etch and sketch on himself to see if you still care.
ps you obviously do.
Doesn’t know how.
All this man does is sleep, drink, fuck, repeat.
being honest this manwhore is probably gonna screw every hoe in Tulsa to try and get his mind off of it,
but every path leads back to what he knows best.
he would smoke more,
party more,
drink away all his problems, etc before facing a problem head on.
people may see him as this
violent gang member hoodlum kid guy man
but deep down hes really just a kid who wishes he couldve given his momma one more hug
a kid that needed to be loved.
a kid that was never taught how to be loved.
she’s a big ol’ crier, but it doesnt matter since thats not the only way she copes.
she loves to paint and puts every emotion into her paintings.
she may’ve become a kleptomaniac since she needs the supplies.
the curtis boys would
kill you if anything happened to her
one heartbreak and shes done for
love? whats that? it isnt real?
dont hurt her no matter what.
she would also turn to cigarettessss (as if she doesnt smoke enough).
adelaide would develop stage five lung cancer before even admitting that love could in the slightest exist anymore.
soda seems like the kinda guy to go through a breakup and cry a lot
but the only thing that really helped was work.
he’d probably get a raise
yk with how hard and how much he’d be working to get over it.
his siblings would warn him about not overworkimg himself
and guess what.
he didnt listen and got really sick from all the stress.
i know for a fact he would keep away from cigarettes even if someone said they help and he believed it
he would only ever listen to the radio
hoping and praying that when he’d hear a love song he‘d hear your voice
probably the most sane of everybody while dealing with his bs
he wld obviously be heart broken
but not to the point he needed some insane coping mechanism.
he would probably meditate.
i mean this is the sixties cmon he’s either gonna do wxxd
or meditate.
as soon as a thought of you came up and his mind started to panic he would sit on the couch and
he probably has the healthiest coping mechanism he’s definitely got his life together
the others are jealous as fuuuuck
bro wouldnt eat.
every time he thought about the breakup
he thought it was because he was strong enough
or that he was too chubby for his girl.
one time he passed out while on the way to work and the gang freaked out so bad
they couldnt take him to the hospital so they carried him home and stuck a juice box in his mouth
eventually his ass woke up and they all cheered like the war had just ended “HIP HOORAY!”
but then in all seriousness
he needed to get his weight back up so the curtis kids make him eat at their house
even if he says he ate.
theres always snacks for him laying around thay house from then on out
do i have to explain.
in the novel pony said two-bit was famous for shoplifting and his black-handled switchblade…
but for some reason i know he wouldnt shoplift any more.
(he sure did teach adelaide how to tho)
along with his love for “shopping” you gotta remember he’s a heavy alcoholic
he’d drink away all of his problems and thoughts until he blacked out.
his buddies would think its just your average keith
but in all reality he’s really struggling
even though he seems like the usual drunk happy joking guy
okay thanks for watching todays vlog
if u ever need to vent please dont be scared to message me bruv im sure Ik how to help.
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luciferlightbringer · 6 months
Talk to Me
Chapter 4
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Lucifer x Fem Fallen Angel Reader Word Count: 5.1k CW: Angst, trauma, trust building, slow burn, enemies to lovers(ish?), lies, curiosity Guess who is finally gonna talk to each otherrrr?
|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|Chapter 5 (Updated through Chapter 5)
As happy as you were to be back at the nice new hotel, with nice new rooms, and nice new… friends(?), that didn’t mean that there was still a lot that you were trying to get used to. A lot that still felt overwhelming.
You had gone to sleep that night feeling ready to take on getting to know the others in the hotel, even briefly said hi to a couple of them, Angel, Husk, Cherri, and Niffty. But the next morning you woke up in a panicked cold sweat, and the tightened feeling in your chest about being around sinners.
You stayed into your room for a couple days, only sneaking out to get food.
You spent much of that time moving between freaking out and trying to figure out what to do to help other sinners. You just wish you had someone to talk it out with.
As if to a sort of answer to your prayers, Charlie knocked on your door. You slowly opened the door before giving her a panicked hug. She held you close and stroked your hair.
“Charlie, I’m so sorry I have not left my room… I’ve been meaning… trying to… but… I’m still so overwhelmed… I know that no one here will cause me harm… but I can’t help but think…”
Charlie shushed you as she held you, “Hey, it’s ok. I’m not upset, don’t worry. I know that I am wanting to encourage you but also not push you too far… I’ve made that mistake before… what do you feel like you need from me?” You thought, you’d never been asked that before. You think you would usually be the one asking Emily that in the past.
“Well… talking helps…”
Charlie smiled and moved further into the room with you, closing the door, sat on your bed and patted next to her “Tell me what is on your mind.”
You went to go sit by her and sighed, “I… I don’t know… I guess the first thing is… other sinners scare me… I don’t know what to do.”
Charlie thought, “Well… other sinners can be scary, but they can also be nice too. You never know what it is that made someone come to hell. I’ve always had the thought that sinners might not always be bad people.”
You gave Charlie a confused look.
Charlie thought again, “Ok uhh… let’s take Angel Dust for example. He’s a porn star. Why do you think he became a porn star?”
You shrugged, “Because he was a pornstar on Earth?”
Charlie shook her head, “Not the case actually. What would you say if you knew he grew up on Earth in the Mafia, with no way to escape, and spent most of his energy protecting his little sister?”
“That’s… huh…well being in the Mafia is bad… but if he was trapped in it… and he was protecting his sister… then that’s good…”
“He also is protective of others here at the hotel,” Charlie added, “He is almost like an older brother to Niffty.”
You thought for a minute about this, “But… how did he end up here… as a porn star?”
Charlie shrugged, “Lots of people end up here and get pulled into the… errr rough culture of Hell. Somehow he found his way to Valentino, the Overlord of the Porn Industry, and they made a contract.”
“And the cycle continues all over again,” you realize.
“Exactly,” Charlie added.
“And he is back repeating the same mistakes, because that’s what he needed to do to survive on earth,” you perk up more.
“Yes,” Charlie adds with more excitement.
“And… if he is becoming more good at the hotel… or doing more good things… it’s because…”
“Because he has a community to help him learn that there is more outside of that place of survival. That he can have support that isn’t abusive. Support that is kind and helps him find what he wants without being evil.” Charlie added.
You felt like your brain exploded. People weren’t just bad to be bad, some people were bad because of the community around them. Your heart broke.
“Some people on earth…” you start to choke on some tears, looking at Charlie “Some people on earth… had no chance of being good in their lifetime, did they? Not because they didn’t want to, but because they did not know how? Because they were not in a life where they were able to be around good people? They were trying to be the best they could in a bad environment?”
Charlie nodded, “Exactly.”
Tears streamed down your face, his realization made you so sad and so angry. So it was not just that people chose to be good or bad? Was there a gray area in the middle?
Charlie rubbed your back as you cried. She was… surprised by your response. She would hoped it would click, but something about this made you so upset. Questioning things? She was intrigued at the thought that this was not something that was understood by all sinners, but she guessed that everyone was different in their understanding. Everyone on earth experienced such vastly different things, it was hard to consider any sort of “standard” to the human experience.
Your tears soon settled, and you continued to look onto the floor, “I want to understand more… I want to.. to hear people’s experiences more… see more of this in action. But how would I do that?”
Charlie thought, “You could… just offer people a space to talk! Like… just saying you will be there to listen? Maybe talk them through some ideas if they want that?”
You thought and nodded, “Ya… that might work, but how would I get people to want to talk to me?”
Charlie stood up and started to pace around the room as she thought, “Well… I could encourage it as part of the hotel curriculum. Maybe they can get out of other activities occasional if they talk with you. Ultimately, them talking to you would need to be for their benefit though. Not just for you learning… Hmm…” Charlie continued to pace.
“Well… I think I would have to promise not to share anything outside of that conversation with anyone,” you added.
“Right! Hmm… we might want to be careful with that though,” Charlie said, “I don’t want anyone to abuse that. Like say if someone told you about something where they want to harm someone else or the hotel? I think you wouldn’t be able to keep that secret.”
“Oh ya, good point,” that though made you a little nervous, but you had to be prepared for anything, “I would just have to tell people the rules at the beginning.”
“That sounds good.”
“Ok… I can work with that… I think I with want to brainstorm for a little while more before starting anything.”
“Totally!” Charlie perked, “It sounds like an amazing idea that we can run the idea past the others. But for this to work, it would help if you started to come out and interact with them some more, what do you say?” Charlie held out a hand.
You looked at her hand and smiled, you knew she was right. You took her hand and followed her downstairs.
You took the rest of the evening and the next few days getting to know Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, Cherri, and Alastor more. Though Alastor didn’t share much about himself other than the general vibe that he was powerful and scary. But overall the others did not make you feel bad about needing some time to get used to Hell, many of them had died a long time ago but they all remembered it being hard, even though they all varied in how much they accepted their placement in Hell.
Several days later, Charlie brought up the idea of your “Talk Time” with the other members of the hotel, and they were given time to talk through their worries or concerns.
“How do you know you ain’t gonna move to conversation to what you want? How do you know you ain’t gonna judge us?” Angel asked.
“Hmm… everything in that room is about you and your story. I want to learn more and support you guys. And if you ever do feel that way, you can tell me. I’m not forcing anyone to be there, I’m there if you want to talk some someone,” you responded, “Anything you tell me, I’m gonna do everything I can to meet it with curiously, not judgement. I’m not gonna be perfect, but I wanna try.”
“How do you know you are actually going to keep our secrets? What stops you from just blabbing them to all of Hell?” Husk asked.
You thought about that, and you looked at Charlie and Vaggie. You knew there was a certain type of silence spell that was sometimes used in Heaven, mostly for people on themselves so that they would not accidental spill secrets. It’s a spell that Adam should have used when it came to the exterminations, but his pride got in the way and he didn’t. You were curious if either of them had magic like that.
“Do either of you have magic that can cause a sort of silencing spell? One that could force me to not be able to talk about certain things?”
Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other and thought. Alastor in the corner of the room gripped his cane, thinking of the magic threads that kept his own secrets locked away.
Vaggie thought of the same angelic seal that you had, she found it cruel though, but she understood the reason here. Part of her was curious about how you had thought of that so quickly, but now was not the time to dive into that.
“I do”, she said “It binds you to keeping secrets within specified parameters, like if it were to be like “You are are bound to keep the secrets of Charolette Morningstar, so long as keeping the secret would not cause harm to others.”” Or something.”
You nodded, that sounded right, “Can we try it so everyone can see?”
Vaggie nodded and began the spell, saying it the same thing she had said before, then she prompted Charlie to tell you a small secret. Charlie came up and in your ear whispered “I accidentally used Vaggie’s toothbrush one time before we were officially dating and I’ve never told her and I feel really bad about it.” You wanted to laugh because it was such an innocent secret, but your face remained neutral.
You turned to the group and attempted to say the secret but all that happened was your lips sealed shut and a red X marked over your mouth, silencing you for a moment before disappearing. You tried it again, and the red X appeared. You looked out to the group.
“Any further questions or concerns?” You ask the group.
“Will that happen for anything we tell you?” Niffty added.
Vaggie answered, “I can set it just so it happens involving information said when you are in her room, this will also incentivize you all to only talk to her about heavy stuff during times you meet with her, so that you aren’t just randomly coming up to her. Got it?”
The rest of the group nodded.
“How long will we have to talk to ya for?” Angel asked.
You shrugged, “As long as you like I guess, but I might have to cap it at some point. We will workshop it and see how it goes. I’m gonna start offering it a couple days a week and then I’ll increase time as I feel ready for it.”
That seemed to be the end of the questions for now. There was always room for more questions.
You started your open office hours the next day, your door was open and you were just hanging out in your room. No one came in for most of the day, but closer to the end of the day, Angel came walking in.
“Hey,” Angel said in the doorway.
“Hey! You wanna come chat?” You ask.
“Not really, but yes… but Husk said it might be a good idea, let’s get Vaggie going with that silence spell though,” Angel added. You called for Vaggie, she set the spell, and then you and Angel were alone to talk.
Angel sat in silence for a few minutes, thinking. He sighed, “I talk ‘bout my shit all the time but I don’t know where ta even start ‘ere” he buries his face in his hands.
You thought a moment, “How about today? Is there something that is bothering you today? You said Husk told you to come up here.”
Angel sighed, “Alright, buckle in toots.” Angel started by telling you about his boss, Valentino, being an absolute monster to him. You asked some questions and Angel went back into the details of how he ended up on the end of Val’s chain. How he had arrived to Hell much like you did, scared and alone, although he figured some of his family was down here, but he didn’t want much to do with them. There was no hotel then, and all he knew was finding someone in power to protect him.
He got a job in Val’s company since he knew sex and acting were things he could do, and he quickly gained the favor of Val. But Val didn’t just like him, he was obsessed with him, Angel had to live with him and be on call basically 24/7 for shoots and for Val personally. Protection didn’t matter if it wasn’t protecting him from the biggest threat in his life, which had become Val himself. But he was trapped, he learned about the hotel and got set up over here. The hotel was the only remotely safe place he had now and he was thankful for that. He then went quiet.
“I understan-“ you started to say.
“No! No you don’t! No one does. Don’t hit me with that crap, I get it all the time,” Angel snarked as he crossed his arms.
You wanted to snap at him but you took a breath, remembering this isn’t about you, that’s probably his pain.
“You’re right,” you said. He looked up at you with surprise and confusion, “You’re totally right, I’m sorry, I don’t… I guess I mean… I see your pain, I hear your suffering… I see you Angel. You just wanna be safe.”
He stared at you a moment and nodded “Ya.”
“And you want to have people around you that will want to protect you?”
He nodded again, his arms going more slack, “Ya.”
“And if you took part in the battle with Heaven, I’m gonna guess you have found that here, and you wanna protect them, too. Right?”
He nods, fighting the tears that welled in his eyes, “Heh… I’m glad you got that silence spell, wouldn’t want everyone to know how mushy I am.”
You shrugged “I think many of them would appreciate it, but that is up to you.”
Angel smiled “So uhh… let me know when ya office is open again. Kay? This… didn’t completely suck.”
You smiled, and walked him to the door. Once he left you closed the door and sighed, that was a lot, but it was good. You didn’t have long before there was a knock on your door.
You opened the door to see a short young man with short slicked back blond hair, a sharp smile, and button up and a suit vest, there were red dots on his checks like Charlie, did she have a brother?
“Hiya! Haha, I apologize for the intrusion, I hope I didn’t startle you. I was in the neighbor and came to say hi to Charlie and she said you were taking times for people to come and just chat with you so I thought I would came say hi!”
“Oh! Well wonderful, and… you are?” You asked.
“I’m sorry, weird are my manners, I’m Lucifer!” he said sticking out a hand.
You were suddenly full of fear and took a step back, “Lucifer…” You felt yourself trip and start to fall backwards. You anticipate hitting the floor but you stop just short as Lucifer catches you, a worried look on his face. Time feels like it slows for a second as he holds you up and you look at each other. He quickly sets you down and takes a step back.
“I’m so sorry… I really didn’t mean to scare you… I promise I just wanted to come say hi. Connect the face to the name. (Y/fn), right? Charlie mentioned you. And I wanted to give you this!” He pulls out a simple rubber duck.
You were just looking him up and down, trying to make sense of the image in front of you, and then the rubber duck. This soft and small person was the terrifying Lucifer? Why did he have a rubber duck?
“Yes that’s me. Wait. You are Lucifer?” You asked.
Lucifer nodded, “The one and only!”
You blinked and thought more, “But… you’re not scary? Do you make yourself not look scary?”
Lucifer looked at himself and chuckled “No this is how I normally look, I actually have to try to make myself look scary.”
“So you can be scary?”
Lucifer shrugged, “Yes, but I don’t like to. I’m guessing they still draw me as big and muscular with horns and fire and all of that on Earth?”
You thought back to the few depictions you had seen of Lucifer around Heaven, each one a more terrifying depiction from the last, and you made a face. “You could say that, lots of goat and snake like monsters.”
Lucifer rolled his eyes, “Eh. Of course. I can look like elements of that, but half the time I swear they are just drawing Satan and slapping my name on him. He’s like a big goat man, Sin or Wrath. He runs the Wrath ring downstairs.” He set down the rubber duck on the table next to the door. “Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for joining Charlie’s hotel. We weren’t sure we were going to get more after the extermination news. How did you find us?”
Damn you needed a good excuse, what was the one you had told Charlie the other day? You started to stand back up as you responded. “I uhh… heard something about it from the group of sinners that… beat me up. Not in a positive way but I thought I would check it out. I’m glad I did, Charlie has been so kind to me.”
Lucifer frowned, “I’m sorry to hear about your attack but I’m glad that you have found comfort with my daughter. She has such a gentle heart.” He smiled as he thought about his daughter.
You watched his eyes shine as he talked about her. Seriously, who was this guy? This gentle and kind person was the most hated being in all of creation? This was the man whose name was akin to a cursed word in the heavens. The longer you were here, the less sense things were making, and the more angry it made you.
Lucifer looked at you and noticed the grimace on your face, “Uhh… everything ok?”
You snapped back to the present and realized how twisted in frustration your face was. “Uhh… ya! I just… still have some pain I’m dealing with. Nothing to worry about.”
Lucifer looked at the light wrap on your arm and opposing leg, no longer full casts but a little wrap, “May I take a look?”
You hesitated, and he sensed it. “I wouldn’t hurt you. Some angels just have healing powers, I just want to see if your bones settled the right way.”
You paused, and then offered your arm “No cuts please.”
Lucifer nodded, “No cuts.” He walked forward and took your forearm in both hands and closed his eyes, focusing in on your bones. He could sense that this one was healing correctly, but he let out some power and finished up the healing process.
You were so nervous to be this close to him, but something about his soft touch was so disarming. He was warm and gentle. The light startled you, but then a wave of relief came over your arm. His hands slipped away and you tried moving it. It was good as new! You beamed a smile looking at it.
Lucifer smiled seeing you ease up a little around him. “Want me to do your leg next?” You looked at him and nodded.
You sat on the bed, and he knelt down to take your lower leg in his hands, closing his eyes again. This time you looked more over his features as he turned into your injury, your curiosity over him was just eating at you. And even more so… they did he almost feel familiar?
“Hmm,” he hummed. “Were you walking on this injury?”
“Uhh… ya, why?” You responded. “Why? Is something wrong?”
He looked up at you, “The bones are not healing correctly in line, that is probably what is causing more pain here.”
“That’s not good… is there a way to fix it?”
“There is… but I would have to separate the bones again to be able to heal them back in the right place. You wouldn’t feel pain but it’s not pleasant. It will feel better after that though,” he said looking into your eyes.
You grabbed at your shoulder, remembering the break of your wing. You swallowed hard, could you trust the devil?
You nodded.
He nodded, set his hands in place, and prepared you, his magic beginning to glow again. Before you knew it, there was a quick pop and then a cooling sensation of healing again. You both exhaled and then smiled at each other.
You stood up and tested your leg, you could put your weight on it without pain again! You spun around and smiled.
Lucifer smiled again, warmth filling his heart as we felt like he was actually able to do something nice for you. Filling some sense of an unpaid debt of some kind.
“I’m glad you are feeling better, anything else? I noticed you grabbed your shoulder, I could-“
“No!” You stopped your dance and held your shoulder away. Lucifer pulled back with a look of worry on his face.
“I mean… I’m sorry, it’s nothing. An old injury from… my old life. Nothing something that is actually there. Just something I think of,” you looked over the worry and pain on his face. “Shit… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to yell…”
“No it’s ok, haha, I get it, old pains from a past life and all…” Lucifer thought off, thinking of the fall.
You looked over his face again, there was something so deep about his pain, it intrigued you. It was funny how little you had known about pain as a concept just a month ago, but now, your hunger for learning about it was unmatched. You couldn’t understand what made people actually good until you realized that also made them bad, and pain and suffering seems to be a big factor. Looking at the harbinger of pain and suffering himself, it made you so curious as to what started it all.
“Hey,” you said, Lucifer looked up at you. “My… my talk times are available for everyone at the hotel, so… that includes you. If you ever want to talk about things that have happened to you… my door is open. Just… maybe not today. My last appointment was uhh… a lot. With-“ you tried to say Angel’s name but your mouth sealed shut and a red X appeared over your mouth.
Lucifer was startled by the angelic red X that he remembers seeing on the elders sometimes in the past. After a moment the X disappeared
“Sorry, silence spell. I forgot I can’t even say the name of who I last talked to. Vaggie helped me set it up,” you rubbed your mouth, that feeling was not pleasant.
“Oh interesting, so you have parameters set to not share what people let you during the talk time?” Lucifer asked. You nodded. He thought and then smiled.
“Alright, I’ll come talk to you. I’ll see you in a few days then.” He gave you a wink and then wished you goodbye before teleporting downstairs to grab his hat and coat, and saying goodbye to the others before teleporting back home.
You sighed and flopped on your bed after Lucifer left. You had met the King of Hell and lived to tell the tale. He was so unlike anything you expected. You were still a little wary of him, but the way you didn’t sense a single bit of malice or trickery about him. Just… kindness and…sadness… lots of sadness… He felt so much like Charlie, but also… not.
You thought again to the look in his eyes, the gentle way he talked about healed you, especially your leg, he could have just snapped it and healed it, but he took the time to talk you through it. You actually thought to keep that in might when talking to people, you could probably approach conversations like that.
But beyond that, he, like his daughter, respected when you said no to him looking at your shoulder. He wasn’t just searching to make you “perfect” he wanted you to have a say in things. That felt so unusual, that was something you had very little of in Heaven.
Then there was the biggest part that bothered you. Why did he feel familiar? Vaggie you could understand, she could have been a face in the crowd of Heaven that you just didn’t pick up on and she slipped your memory in the years since she was kicked from the service of Heaven. But how could Lucifer feel familiar? He fell before you were created. Had you met at another point still?
You remembered the day you came into being, your eyes opening and Sera welcoming you, explaining your role, and being introduced to Emily.
Emily… your heart hurt to think of her, your closest… friend. Tears welled up in your eyes. How you missed her. You wished she was ok. You wondering if she thought of you. If she still suffered. Or if she had just forgotten you at this point and moved on.
You shook your head, no, Emily was not like that, she wouldn’t forget you after almost 10,000 years of friendship.
You sighed and rolled onto your side, your eyes caught sight of the rubber duck Lucifer had left. You smiled. What a curious thing, and what a curious man. You floated the duck over to you and looked at it as you laid there. You realized you never thanked him for the gift. How rude of you. You would have to remedy that next time you talked with him. You smiled at the thought as you drifted to sleep.
Lucifer returned home and flopped on his bed again, a swirl of emotions mixed up in his stomach. On the one hand he was grateful for another pleasant visit to the hotel, and a chance to meet and interact with you. On the other… there were some things he just couldn’t wrap his head around.
On the more positive end, he was glad the you seemed like a kind sinner, which also confused him, because kind and sinner should not mix, but he also didn’t even know what the threshold was for people ending up here anyway. He knew from getting to know the other sinners at that hotel that some people just had a rough exterior, but you didn’t even seem to have that. Your biggest thing seemed to be that you were very afraid of him.
He had hoped that by the end of your conversation he had put you a little more at ease. He thought that maybe you had grown up in a cult or something, that would explain many of the behaviors. Growing up with an idea of a deity that should be feared above all else or else the “monstrous devil” would steal their soul.
Pfft. As if. He had better things to do than deal in the trading of mortal souls.
Anyways, ya that was probably the case. He was just glad that you were feeling better about your limbs and you offering some of your time to talk with him. He almost found it amusing to think about talking to a mortal about his problems. As if they could even comprehend it. But it would be nice to talk to some things outside of Charlie and his rubber ducks, although the ducks were great listeners.
The things that bothered him about his visit were… interesting. The more simple part was your reaction to him looking at your shoulder. He understood the idea of an old injury but… that reaction didn’t pan out with an old one, but a new one. A traumatizing one. You hadn’t been here for long, so what could have happened to have caused such a reaction? One that you didn’t want touched or healed if it was as fresh as your other injuries? Or was it even fresher? Had a rogue exorcist gotten to you? There was no way of telling. Maybe once he had built up more trust with her, he would have more of a chance to get that question answered.
Then there was the bigger reason for his discomfort, why did you feel familiar to him, and why did you feel off to him? He had only recently started interacting with sinners and you were new to Hell, so that couldn’t be it. Maybe he had seen you in the past when he had taken a trip to Earth before with… ugh, maybe? That also seemed like a stretch. Maybe you just reminded him from someone, that was probably it. Someone from a long time ago maybe?
Curse this depression brain fog, it made trying to remember anything impossible. What was your name again? (Y/fn)? That didn’t ring any bells, so you must have just reminded him of someone, it was gonna drive him crazy.
Oh well, for now that would just have to remain a mystery for another day.
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fairyofshampgyu · 2 years
Now live! Stream: 2
Genre: smut, camboy au, college au, crack
Pairing: camboy! Beomgyu x gn reader (afab when smut)
Warnings: camboy, sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, solo beomgyu, reader masturbates, use of vibrator
Synopsis: Every Thursday night at 8pm, you tune into your favourite camboy: Angel313. What you don’t know is he even goes to the same uni as you, is in the same class as you and is Choi Beomgyu, the campus fuckboy but will you keep his secret?
Word count: 1.4k
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“You got partnered up with that fuckboy?” Your friend, Chaewon asked as you both sat in one of the eating areas on campus.
“Uh huh.”
“I thought you said your professor only gives it to the best students?”
“Yeah that’s what I was thinking too. Surely he’s not amazing or anything. I mean just look at him!”
Both of you turn to the glass windows, watching him from outside, a group of people were gathered around and gushing at him as he played basketball with a bunch of other sweaty dudes. He had a black tank top on and one of those headbands to stop the sweat from getting on his eyebrows.He looked like a basketball player you thought. He was pretty lanky, considering the people he was playing with were abnormally short for the average height of a male.
“He looks so…so-just dumb and incapable! He’s late to class a lot and sometimes he doesn’t even show up!” You exclaim, frustrated.
“You know, I heard he knocked someone up once. And he was a real asshole about it too! He like forced them to get an abortion or something. I bet he’s got a bazillion stds too.”Chaewon returns to face you instead of the window, slurping her drink with a straw.
“I would not fuck him even if I was getting paid.” You say, also turning your gaze back to your friend.
“Did you talk to him after your professor told you?”
“No I didn’t.”
“Shouldn’t you go and get his number then if you’re gonna be working with him? Go now whilst he’s right there!”
“But he’s playing a game! And loads of people are there!”
“Just go now! He’s literally right there!”
You groan but begrudgingly get off your seat, walking out and towards where he’s playing.
Unsure of how to get his attention, you cluelessly step right into the middle of the court. All eyes now focusing on you instead and the game abruptly stopping. Shit. Are you dumb? Why didn’t you just wait until after the game? That’s another embarrassing thing you’ve done that Chaewon will probably add to the list she made of you. You can see her face staring at you from the window, looking at you as if she was going burst any moment laughing. Well, she was the one who told you to go. She probably didn’t mean walk right in the middle of the game though.
Beomgyu knits his brows and slowly walks to you, ball in hand as he was just about to shoot.
“Do you need help…?” He asks.
“Uhh I never got you number.” You state. What were you supposed to say?
“Woah take me out first, damn.” Beomgyu chuckles and winks at you, a series of fox whistles erupt.
“The fuck?” That guy can’t be serious. “We’re working on the concert performance together. Remember?”
“Yeah, yeah. Give me your phone.”
And so you hand your phone over to him and he inserts his number in, adding his contact name and changing it to ‘Gyu💘🥰😈🥵’ with a series of questionable emojis.
You immediately change it to ‘Choi Beomgyu.’ once given your phone back.
‘I’ll message you when we can meet up to discuss initial plans.” You say, walking away.
“I’m done actually so we can just do it now.” He grabs a towel, wiping away the sweat, shaking his shaggy hair and then putting the towel around his neck.
Now that you come to think of it, Angel313 had a similar hairstyle. The wolfcut must be pretty popular these days.
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You head to the library, sitting down in the zone where you’re allowed to chat. Beomgyu looks around at the surroundings, seemingly perplexed. Had he ever even stepped foot in the library before? Or any library, matter of fact. You wouldn’t be the slightest unfazed or surprised if he hadn’t.
You sigh and clear your throat. “So…we’ve both been chosen to organise the Christmas performance. Let’s start off with what days we’re free and what days we’re not free.”
“I can’t do Thursday evenings.” He finally speaks up. He wasn’t very talkative with you whilst making your way to the library together, making it quite painfully awkward.
You’re actually pretty glad with that. Now you won’t miss any of Angel313’s streams!
“Oh Same. How come you aren’t?” You ask, curious.
It seems to catch him off guard, “Uh…I work then…”
“Only on Thursday evenings?” It seemed like an odd time.
“Yeah. Why aren’t you free then?” He tried to switch the attention off him.
“I…I go to see my family then.” You can’t really say you watch your favourite camboy at that time now could you? Still, you could’ve chosen a better excuse than that.
“You go to see your family every Thursday night?” He squints his eyes at you. It was a really shitty excuse actually. Couldn’t you have thought of anything else?
“Yes.” You clear your throat, “Anyway, what days can you do?”
“Tuesdays and Fridays are good for me. What about you?”
“That’s good for me too actually. Do you want to meet up tomorrow then? Morning?”
“Yeah sure.”
“In the mean time think of a few good Christmas songs we can arrange. I’ll think of some too.”
“Yep.” There’s a buzz from his phone and he picks it up, checking it and then quickly getting up. “Well I’ve gotta go. See ya around, y/n. He smirks and winks at you before leaving and you return it with a frown.
He’s definitely a strange guy. You’re not sure if you’ll be able to produce something good with him. He’s a bit of an airhead.
There’s a ping that comes from your phone as well:
@Angel313 is going live in: 1 hour!
You nearly forgot! You better get home quickly then.
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There Angel is, clad with his pink and white thigh highs again, mask covering his face and his belly piercing in view.
“Hey guys! How have you guys been doing?” He waves at the camera. And his inbox goes crazy with responses.
“How am i doing? Pretty good. I’m going to get pretty busy soon” same, you thought. “It’s a little bit stressful but it’s okay! We’ll wait a little longer for people and then I’ll start.”
He takes out a pink vibrator and then holds it to the tip of his dick, turning the setting up and his body immediately jolts in response. He whimpers and keeps the vibrator there, not adding or doing anything else to stimulate himself but it seems to still do the job as his legs trembled from time to time and he moaned and breathed out erratically to it. He was really sensitive.
Seeing his plush thighs on display made you want to dig your nails into them and leave hickeys all over. And you grabbed two of your fingers, circling them around your clit and then inserting them in your pussy, fucking yourself as you watched Angel.
@iluvsubs123: Play with your pretty tits for us, pretty boy
One user types in.
“You guys want me to play with my tits?” He asks, looking at the chat and pretty much everyone says yes. So he does, bringing his hand up to play with his nipples, pinching them and rubbing his thumb over the brown buds and he closes his eyes with the added stimulation.
Another user tells him to put the setting up more for the vibrator and Angel does. Soon enough, his thighs are slightly trembling and he moans at the high setting of the vibe on the tip of his dick and the stimulation of his nipples, stumbling on his words, saying he’s nearly going to cum.
You pick up the pace of you fucking yourself at the sight and when he arches his back up and squeezes his thighs together, loudly whining, you cum at the same time he does. His cum, pooling on his stomach and he keeps his shaking legs squeezed shut together, still whimpering and whining, breathing out and his hips bucking into the air. He keeps the vibe still there for a bit, whimpering at the overstimulation.
Floods of donations come in like they usually do at the end of the stream as well as lots and lots of praise for him and he stays to chat for a little bit.
“Oh and what are you guy’s favourite Christmas songs by the way? What are some good Christmas songs? Kinda need it for a project.”
Having already researched some Christmas songs you thought would suit the music performance, you typed a few suggestions for him and so did a lot of others.
He says his thank you’s and the stream ends once again for the week.
A/n: let’s see if the picture gets flagged again 💀 (it did.) Also I still don’t properly know how reader finds out beomgyu is the camboy but we’ll see 🤷‍♀️ Also yes, I am aware Christmas has already passed 💀 but who knows how long this will take to finish. It could be Christmas in this for a long time 😭
Please actually reblog and comment if you like the fic. It’s really appreciated tysm !<3🙏💕😊 It’s discouraging when fics have such little reblogs 👎😭
Taglist: @pogigyu @denleave1088 @mashimarshmello @stellz581 @cha0thicpisces @soobsfairy444 @lcvetyvn @1ummcalhoody6 @imrllytootiredforthis @bjttersweet @aliceoracleollormusic @yongboksgf @daniarafid @nyanggk​ @aggiebackstage​ @openingssequence​ @qluvrv​ @be0mflwr​ @shoooobin​ @beomgewwwwww​ (some people couldn’t be tagged)
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seonne · 7 months
Thinking of Dragon!King!Bakugou and Indian!Princess!reader GDHFHSJDJRJSGAHRJRHSGEKTHEWFRNTHE
You have a political marriage and you both knew you would never have a marriage of love in this lifetime as royals. But Reader is just so multi talented and King!Bakugou is so strong and admirable that they can't help falling in love >>>>>>
King!Bakugou who seriously lost his breath when he saw you for the first time. Decked out in the most gorgeous ornaments with your (f/c) lehenga fitting you just right and your shawl blowing in the wind, you looked ethereal to him. The sharpness in your glare and the power your stride posed all went straight to his dick focus if nothing else.
King!Bakugou who got jealous when others gushed about your beauty but never knew what it was he was feeling.
King!Bakugou who stares with stars in his eyes at reader practicing Bharatnatyam and then archery. She's skilled in combat as the Crown Princess and he watches with a gaping mouth as she floors his men during practice training.
King!Bakugou who laughs when she starts cussing out people in her native language when she's pissed and the poor guards around her don't have a lick of a clue of what she's saying.
"Uhh I think she's hungry?"
King!Bakugou who loses his shit when he demands you to translate what you said earlier.
King!Bakugou who realised you can speak many languages and are the best business negotiator he's ever met.
He keeps you by his side during business meetings with representatives of other kingdoms.
"Your Highness, to split River Mired between our two kingdoms would mean-"
"Would mean that our water supplies would get cut off by 25% and yours would increase by 15% and since yours is our neighbouring kingdom, we would ask you for water transport and thus you can make extra profit from this allyship, correct?"
Your interruption and quick analysis of the situation stunned not only the representatives who were now sweating in their seats but also King!Bakugou who was grinning from ear to ear as he ordered the representatives to go back home. You have been his court advisor since.
King!Bakugou who had separate bedrooms with you until one day you almost got attacked by an intruder and he forced requested you to share his bedroom.
King!Bakugou who finds your brown eyes to be absolutely breathtaking. He's basically hyperventilating when you go out during the sunset and the sunrays hit your eyes juuuuust right.
King!Bakugou who is obsessed with your caramel skin and just wants to take a bite every type he sees your nape out and open-
King!Bakugou who's absolutely head over heels for his hot headed Desi Queen <333
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the-froschamethyst4 · 11 months
Sharing is Not Always Caring
➤Day 14
𖤐Pairing: Soap x Innocent! F! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Smut, NSFW, implied threesome, a bit of insecurities, drinking, some hints of fluff, kissing/making out, P in V, pussy slapping, fingering, eating out, masturbation, dry humping (?), face sitting
𖤐Summary: Y/n wasn't ever big on a threesome with Soap, she thought that if she did a threesome with him, he would love the third party instead of her, but she caved in and did it to please him.
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Welp, you did it, you agreed to have a threesome with your boyfriend Soap, it’s been something Soap wanted to try and if they both hated it, he’ll never bring it up again, they were completely something on their ‘Sex Bucket list’ something stupid they both thought would be funny to do and on Soap’s list in the number 5 spot was.
“Try a Threesome”
Y/n thought it was dumb and didn’t think he was serious but…he was.
They went to a bar to look for someone else to join, it didn’t matter to them who, another guy, girl anyone, as long as they were also okay with it.
Y/n was definitely nervous…Soap was all for it and didn’t seem nervous whatsoever but Y/n looks like if they do this, will Soap still love her or go for the one they both just had sex with.
Her mind would go 100 miles a minute just thinking about it, palms clammy and sweat trickled down her forehead when she looked at Soap looking like he was trying to find the right person.
“Oh what about her? She seems close to our age and looks like she could keep up with our stamina,” Soap said pointing to a woman who looks like she is in her late 20’s 28-29 maybe. Dark hair and slight tanned skin like she came from the beach.
She laughed and looked like she was having fun with some people around her.
“Uhh~ no way, those are probably her friends and she probably won’t leave their side the whole night, plus she seems smart to not have sex with a couple looking for someone to fill in their third spot…” Y/n awkwardly laughed as Soap looked confused.
“Okay~” he turns to find someone else. “What about him?”
“What! I’m helping.”
“You’re being picky and unreasonable. Fine…tell you this…the next person who walks through that door, is our third party, deal?” Soap said.
“F-Fine, deal,” she said, crossing her arms like a child being told ‘no’ for the first time.
So, they waited for that so-called next person. Soap probably stared at that door for 20 minutes as Y/n played with the straw in her drink and messing with her feet under the table.
The bell above the door rung and a young girl walked in, she looked to be 25-27 maybe, she had blonde hair, pale skin, and was wearing a tight blue dress that stopped at her mid-thigh.
“Bingo,” Soap said, quickly getting up. Y/n didn’t even have enough reaction time to follow him, she stayed over at the table as Soap went up and asked her.
“Fuck,” Y/n mumbled looking around like she wasn’t with Soap.
“Love, this is Lanai, Lanai this is my girlfriend Y/n.”
“Hi,” Lanai said with a smile.
“Hi,” Y/n said, awkwardly. They both shook each others hands and Lanai sat down with Soap and Y/n.
Talking, drinking and getting to know each other. Y/n just looked at Soap and Lanai getting along just fine...it scared Y/n. She watched as they laughed together and how Lanai was getting a bit more comfortable around Soap, Y/n felt like she was the third party.
"So, shall we go home then?" Soap asked the girls. Lanai nodded her head as Y/n just gulped and nodded as well.
Soap grabbed his keys and headed home with the girls. Y/n in the passenger seat and Lanai in the middle backseat. Y/n played with her fingers the whole time, Soap grabbed her hands making her stop and look up at him.
"So, how long have you guys been together?" Lanai asked.
"What four years?"
"Five actually," Y/n corrected Soap, who just chuckled at her like he meant to say four.
"Wow, five years and no rock on the finger, Y/n?"
"I mean, if I was with my boyfriend for five years, I should expect a big rock on my finger."
"W-Well we wanted to take it slow," Y/n said.
"Right...but anyways, why are you two all of a sudden doing a threesome? Just to see if you guys are poly?"
"No, we did something called a 'Sex Bucket list' and on my list was 'try a threesome,' we switch every day, so it was my turn, and this was the next thing," Soap said.
"Ohh~ a 'Sex Bucket List' that sounds interesting," Lanai said, leaning forward. "Y/n what was your last one?" She asked.
"Try BDSM...it's not for us," Y/n said, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Ohh~ what did you guys do?"
"Bondage, role-playing, discipline, dominance, submission, and sadism," Soap said.
"And that's not your thing? I've done it before...I think it's for me," Lanai said.
"Good for you," Soap said.
Soap pulled into the driveway, and everyone got out of the car, almost immediately Lanai climbed on Soap, wrapping her arms around his neck, he smirks but looked at Y/n like if it was okay before they did anything.
Y/n swallowed a lump in her throat and nodded her head. Soap placed his left hand behind Lanai's head and kissed her lips, his right hand rested on her waist. Y/n just stood behind them playing with her fingers and feeling very, very, nervous.
A few Hours Before this
"You know if you feel uncomfortable, you can just tell me, and we don't have to do this." Soap told Y/n in the car.
"I know, I know...but can we use a safe word or something? So, when I or we say it, we stop it."
"Of course, love. What's a word you want to use?" Soap asked.
"Sure, if that's okay with you?"
"Okay, light it is," Y/n said.
"Also, we will that word most likely be used?" Soap asked.
"I'm not sure...kissing is fine, dick sucking is fine...I guess if you put your dick in them...I think that's were the line is drawn." Y/n said.
"Fair enough," he smiles.
Back to Now
Lanai's hands were now under Soap's shirt touching his toned body as Y/n felt alone while watching them. Soap finally pulled away from her and looked over at Y/n pulling her in and kissing her lips but a little harder than what he was doing with Lanai.
Lanai just backs up and starts to remove her dress from her body, Soap's hands roamed all over Y/n's body. Going to the bottom of her dress and pulling it up squeezing her bare ass.
Y/n let's out a soft moan as Soap smirked. Lanai was only in a black thong and walked back to Soap gaining his attention from Y/n. Y/n started to remove her dress now but being completely bare now.
It was a competition now both girls trying to get Soap's attention and affection. They managed to get upstairs to Soap's and Y/n's shared bedroom. Lanai fell on the bed first as Soap crawled on top of her and removed his shirt and unbuckled his pants.
Y/n sat on her knees watching Soap now kiss Lanai's neck. Lanai turned and smirked at Y/n like she 'got' her man. Y/n played with her fingers full of anxiety.
"Love," Soap said. He pulled her into another kiss, kissing her lips and then her neck, her chest and between her breasts. Lanai smirks and starts to kiss Y/n's shoulder.
Y/n shuttered at Lanai's touch, it just felt...weird in a way, probably because Y/n isn't used to it. Lanai's hands then went up Y/n's side and squeezing Y/n's breasts.
Soap pulled away from Y/n's lips and saw Lanai squeeze her and kiss her. He saw how red Y/n's face was, he couldn't tell if she was enjoying it or not.
He pulls his pants off completely now becoming bare naked. He grabbed a hole of his cock and started to pump himself looking at his girlfriends red face.
Lanai's hand started to move down Y/n's stomach and reached Y/n's clit. Y/n's breath hitched, and Lanai's fingers rubbed circles around on Y/n's clit and soon pushed two fingers inside of her.
Y/n's toes curled, and her nails dug into Lanai's arm and the bedsheets. Soap pumped himself and moaned at the sight of Y/n's face. Lanai looked over Y/n's shoulder and watched Soap pump himself, she pulled her fingers out of Y/n and crawled to Soap taking a hold of his dick and soon putting it in her mouth.
Soap threw his head back and moaned, he looked at Y/n and smirked and motioning his head for her to come closer to him, which she did. She crawled towards him, he bent down kissing her lips, she moaned wanting someone inside of her again, she started to hump against the bedsheets just rubbing her the right way.
Soap heard her moaning and opened his eyes seeing her just slightly humping.
He smirks and takes his dick from Lanai and pushed Y/n on the bed on her stomach. Her ass in the air, he gives her a hard smack on the butt earning a soft moan from her. He pushed himself inside of her, she grips the bedsheets and moans when he started to thrust inside of her.
Lanai crawled to the couple. She got in front of Y/n kissing Y/n's neck again and grabbed her face and started to kiss her lips. Y/n could feel Lanai smirking and soon pulled away from Y/n.
She flipped on her back and showed her wet clit to Y/n. Y/n's never ate someone out before, she has no idea what to do. She looked at Soap for help, but Soap had his head back enjoying his girlfriend.
She looked back at Lanai who was smirking.
"Aww~ don't worry, I'll help you," Lanai said with a smirk. Lanai placed her hand behind Y/n's head and brought her head closer to her lower half.
Y/n stuck her tongue out and licked between her wet folds. Lanai moans and starts to almost hump Y/n's face. Y/n sucked and licked at Lanai's clit. Y/n then got an idea and pushed two fingers inside of Lanai.
Lanai moaned and pushed Y/n's head a little deeper, Y/n thrusted her tongue in and out of Lanai along with her fingers.
Soap looked down seeing the view, he smirks a little bit when he saw his girlfriend eat out Lanai. He grabs a handful of Y/n's hair pulling her away from Lanai's clit, but she still thrusted her fingers into her.
Y/n and Soap started to kiss again. Soap could taste Lanai on Y/n's lips, he smirks and pulled away from her lips. "I didn't know you could do that?"
"I-I-AHH!" She moans when Soap hit her spot.
"Umm~ hello?" Lanai said, looking up at the couple. Y/n looked back at her, and Lanai forced her mouth back on her clit.
Soap watched how forceful Lanai was. He swatted her hand away and grabbed Y/n again.
"I'm not done," Soap growled.
"Neither am I," Lanai growled back. Y/n was stuck in the middle between Lanai wanting to be eaten out and Soap wanting to kiss her lips.
Soap pulled out of Y/n and Y/n fell on her stomach. Lanai and Soap now were making out letting Y/n have a small break. Y/n looked up and watched them.
She sat on her butt hands between her thighs, she wasn't that nervous anymore but was still scared. Lanai pushed Soap on his back and started to rub his dick in her hand, touching his leaky tip and kissing his lips.
She soon got on top of him, her ass in his face and her sucking him off. Y/n crawled to Lanai and helped her suck off Soap. Soap moaned at the feeling and snapped his fingers getting Y/n's attention, just the person he wants.
She moves closer to him and looks into his eyes.
"Fucking sit on my face," he demanded.
She then moves on top of him just barely sitting on his face, but she was soon forced to fully sit. She starts to rub herself on his tongue, his tongue thrusted up into her.
His hands held her waist and grabbed at her boobs, pinching her nipples and squeezing her boobs as well.
Lanai moved from being on him to now licking his base and playing with his balls earning a deep moan from him.
"F-Fuck," Y/n stuttered. She felt herself close to coming. She looks down at him pinching her tits.
"Ahhh~!" Y/n moans and ends up coming in Soap's mouth. She gets up off him and he swallowed her cum. He smirks and starts to kiss her lips.
Lanai then licked his tip as the couple was making out. Lanai also rubbed herself and started to position herself in a way, Y/n turned and looked at Lanai.
"W-What are you d-doing?" Y/n asked.
"I want him inside of me too, duh?" She said.
"B-But that w-wasn't the deal." Soap sat up and moved from Lanai.
When at the bar, when they were talking before this event. Soap had told Lanai that they could do everything, but he doesn't feel comfortable sticking his dick inside of her, she could suck him off, but he wasn't going to fuck her. Lanai had agreed that it was fine but now...she's breaking that deal.
"What's the big deal? I thought you two wouldn't care, since we are seeing each other naked and basically already fucking and I thought we were all comfortable?"
"But we all agreed that I'm not sticking my dick in you?" Soap said. "And no, we're not all comfortable."
"Light." Y/n said. Soap looked at her and Lanai looked confused.
"Light? What the hell is light?"
"Safe word, you can get your shit and leave, now," Soap said.
"What?! Why was I not informed about this 'safe word'?" Lanai asked.
"Because it had nothing to do with you, it was between me and her, so, please grab your shit and leave."
"Fucking whatever, you two are boring anyways."
Soap rolled his eyes and looked at Y/n. Y/n's face was red and had tears in her eyes.
"I'm fine...I don't know why I'm crying," Y/n said, rubbing her eyes and heading to the bathroom.
3 Hours Later
Soap had sat on the bed and Y/n came out of the bathroom in a towel and got some clothes on. Soap watched his girlfriend change into comfortable clothes.
Y/n laid on her side of the bed and turned away from Soap.
"I'm tired...let me sleep, please."
"Love, come on, I know you want to cuddle," she turned and hugged him. "That's better...we don't ever have to do that again."
"Thank you...I...I don't ever what to do that again."
"Good and we don't have to," Soap grabbed a note pad that was on his nightstand and crossed out number 5 and wrote next to it 'never again.'
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hnm-tech-support · 3 months
What's this? It seems someone's arrived with a question for Tech Support!
"Hey, creepy lady!" Peony, rather rudely, calls. Although she says it with an earnest smile? Either she's too naive to realize that's impolite as sin, or she thinks it's cool if someone is creepy, therefore she's complimenting Techie. Perhaps both. "Long time no see! How have you been? Shame our deal to get you to assassinate someone for me fell through." Once again said jokingly. She sticks her tongue out.
"I've been going around and asking all sorts of different contestants questions as we come up on round two! And- well, I couldn't NOT talk to the other person who was, like, grown in a test tube or whatever. Weird experiments gotta stick together!"
She offers a fist bump as she says that? What a strange, strange child.
"But as for my question, I was wondering: when I talked to you last, it sort of seemed like you knew my mom, Susanna Patrya Haltmann. Do you know the version of her that exists in your world? Are you friends? Enemies? Business rivals turned secret lovers? You definitely seemed to have SOME sort of strong feelings about her, and so I've got to know!"
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(Tech Support takes being called creepy in stride. It's weirder if you're NOT creepy where she's from. She accepts the fist bump.)
lol you're a weird little kid, you know that? Sup, test-tube buddy?
(At the mention of Susie, she turns a bit pink.)
Uhh that's a bit complicated? I mean, it's not a secret or anything but like...
...But yeah there's a Susie here, and a Haltmann Works. She's pretty different from the ones in a lot of other worlds though!
HWC was Holy Nightmare's rival at one point, and then we bought them out and they handled robotics for us for a while. That's how we met. And uh... we were friends! Pretty good... friends.
(She's sweating, really unsure what to say to this, what, 10 year old?)
Untiiiil we weren't. Because she did something pretty shitty. And HWC isn't part of HNM anymore. And that's really all I wanna say.
(She pouts and sighs.)
...I guess I was hoping one of the Susies in the other universes would be different, you know?
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Lesson #2: Friends Help Friends Cum.
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A/N: this wasn’t supposed to be posted until next week. But , I think in light of the current state of Twitter, we could all use a reset. So, here you go. warnings: smut.
"Wanna get the fuck outta here?" Matty walked straight up to her in the crowded room, drink in one hand, a blunt in the other.
She all but jumped out of her skin. "Holy shi- hello to you, too!" All this time and self-restraint she'd wasted trying to avoid him, not keep her eyes on his every move or watch his every interaction at the party, not think about his hand between her legs the other night, his voice encouraging her, his touch lighting her up, he has ruined it all in 5 seconds.
"Seriously, this party's kinda depressing. Wanna go someplace else?"
"Did you have somewhere in mind?"
Matty shrugged, "not really. could be out on the front steps for all I care. Just- something about being surrounded by all of this" He waved his armed in no specific shape or direction, "it's just- sad."
she nodded. Matty took her by surprise when he grabbed her hand and led her, confidently, through the crowd. She was devastated. She never imagined herself to be such a cliche. The whole "inexperienced, bumbling idiot catches feelings for the bad boy who occasionally sleeps with her" thing is such a tried and tired trope. And, yet, here she finds herself, sweating through her top because he's holding her hand when he didn't necessarily NEED to. She always thought if she were to make a fool of herself over a boy, she’d at least be original about it. But the truth is that her experience is one she shares with all the women in his phone.
"I have to say, I never thought I'd see the day that Matty Healy willingly leaves a party early." She took a sip of the drink he'd brought with him, passing the glass back to him. "I mean, we're literally four feet away, on the stairs, but still."
Matty laughed softly, looking up at the sky and considering her words, as if an answer were written in the nights stars. After a moment's pause, he simply shrugged. "Just trying to grow up, I guess."
"Pathetic ?"
"Hot, actually." the words that left her mouth surprised her. She blushed instantly, internally kicking herself for being so careless with her tongue. If Matty was thrown off, he didn't show it.
"I thought you liked my, umm- wait, what did you always used to call it?"
"Sophisticated dickhead act." she reminded him. It sounded more like condemnation.
"Ah, yes! ‘Sophisticated dickhead.’ that's it."
"You pulled it off beautiful, don't get me wrong. But, doing the difficult thing and being a responsible adult, that's...gonna get you so laid."
They both laughed.
"Speaking of getting laid." Matty quirked an eyebrow, looking at her suggestively. "I'm just the right amount of sad, horny, and stoned. Wanna go somewhere?"
"My place."
“Lay down for me?” Matty adjusted the pillows on the bed, fluffing them up so they’d be comfortable for her. She blanked for a moment. Focusing a little too much on the “for me.”
“yes- okay.”
“thanks, Darling.”
Oh, she was so in for it. Desperate for a change of topic, she said the first thing that popped into her head. “So, what’d you have in mind for today?”
Matty giggled. “You make it sound so clinical.”
“well, we’re not exactly, making love or anything.” She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. Matty hesitated for a moment, his brows curled. “No, I guess we’re not- anyway, I, umm, was going to ask you if you like getting head?”
Now, that, was a swift transition. “I- uhh- sorry, what?”
“do you like it when guys go down on you?” He asked, bluntly, yet again.
“I, uhhh. No. Sorry.” She squirmed away in embarrassment. “No, don’t apologize! I’m glad I asked first!”
unprompted, she began to offer up all sorts of explanations. “It’s always boring. Either doesn’t feel pleasurable at all, or feels kinda gross like they’re drooling on me or something. And then there’s that weird feeling of guilt. Like- like, they’re at least trying so I have to be nice about it. I can’t tell them to stop, can I? So- umm…I just end up faking it to get them to quit.”
“Oh, I see.”
“what?” She could see a look on his face that she wasn’t able to read. “Nothing, nothing.”
“Matty, tell me!”
“It- well, it just sounds like these guys didn’t know what they were doing. And- I mean, if we were to do it, I would never make you have to fake it.”
“oh, really? Is that so?” She smiled, mildly intrigued by the idea. “yeah, I mean- this is, like, the wankiest shit I’ve ever said- I don’t mean to mansplain the female orgasm to you- I just- I’ve had great reviews is what I’m saying. But, I don’t wanna push it. If you say you don’t like it, then you don’t like it. We’ll just do something else-“
“no, no. Hold on a minute. I wanna try.”
“you do?”
“yeah, I mean, that’s the point of this-“ she stuttered for a moment, “this sex education course…”
“Is that what we’re calling it, then?” Matty chuckled, making her wonder if he meant anything by this question. Did he want it to be what they’re doing? Did he not? “Alright, let’s give it a try. But if you feel uncomfortable or change your mind at any moment, you let me know and we’ll stop, okay?”
she smiled, nodding. “if you’re too overwhelmed to speak in the moment, just squeeze my hand three times and I’ll stop. Okay? That’ll be our signal.”
*** She couldn’t deny it. Matty was right. He knew exactly what he was doing. Of course, as she’d suspected, it was all in the foreplay. The way he’d delicately touched her, whispered into her ear every single obscene thought that he looked forward to “showing” her and “teaching” her. The way his hands grazed past her nipples, ran down her legs. Hover over her thighs. She was already wet before his tongue had even touched her. “Relax, darling. Don’t worry about a thing, yeah? No pressure.” There was that ‘darling’ again. At long last, he dipped his head between her thighs, licking into her. She gasped, her body raising slightly, before Matty’s firm grip over her waist kept her in place. Something about his strong arm pinning her down so effortlessly stirred desire within her, so when she felt his mouth at work again, she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming. “Holy shit! Matty- I- ahh”
Soon, she’d abandoned the idea of remaining quiet. She was begging and moaning for him. Matty pulled away from her with an obscene slurping sound. “How’re we doing, honey? Still feeling good? Havin fun?”
she appreciated the check in but she also desperately wanted him to shut the fuck up and get back to eating her out.
“Yes, yes, yes. Fine. Fun. Just please-“ her hand reached for his hair, shoving him back down. She imagined that he was smiling. *** ”hey, you look…all blissed out. So it wasn’t fake then?” Matty grinned down at her as she struggled to catch a breath after her orgasm. “Absolutely not.”
“good to know.” He winked. “Okay, now your turn.” She sat up on her elbows, looking at him with anticipation.
“what?” He laughed nervously. “you scratch my back; I scratch yours. Drop your jeans, Healy. Let’s go.”
“we don’t have to do that right now, you know. It’s not a transaction. That’s not the point-“
“I want to. Please? C’mon. Unless you’re not in the mood, then-“
“For you? Im always in the mood.”
*** “Fuckin hell, baby. So good for- just relax your jaw- open up a bit more, that’s it.” Matty mumbled something under his breath, his head tipped backwards, his eyes clothes. “Fuckin perfecttt.”
She felt her breathing flatten, fighting the urge to move her mouth, she kept going, even attempting, at one point, to surprise him and take more of him into her mouth. Unfortunately, her eagerness was not reflected in her gag reflex.
Matty’s eyes shot open, looking down at her. “You alright? Gosh, why did you do that for. I didn’t say you needed to!”
“sorry, sorry, I’m fine! I just thought- I don’t know what I thought.” She look downwards, still heaving and coughing, and now embarrassed. Matty reached over and wiped at the drool with the back of his hand. “Good students follow instructions. Just do as I say, will you?”
she nodded. “You wanna keep going?”
“yeah” as soon as she opened her mouth back up, she realized that she did, not, in fact want to keep going. She reached for his hand and squeezed it three times, instantly getting his attention. “what? What is it, baby?”
“jaw is tired. Don’t wanna do this anymore.”
He pulled away immediately. “Alright. That okay. Thanks for telling me.”
“so, how’s that jaw?”
she rolled her eyes. “It’s fine, Matty! Just like the last five times you asked.”
“And your knees?” His arms squeezed her closer to his side. “my knees never hurt in the first place. Cuz you set down a pillow and all.”
“okay. Just makin sure.”
“You don’t have to worry about me. Your dick is not that powerful. You ah end broken me.”
Matty chuckled, shaking his head. “Alright, let’s go to sleep then.” He turned his back towards her for a moment, to turn out the bedside lamp. “Hey, what are we?” He asked, flicking the switch off. The darkness hid her shocked and confused expression. “What?”
“I mean, I know I’m showing you all these things…but, I guess I never know if that’s all it is?”
“w-what do you mean?” Her heart drummed with anticipation. He feels it, too. He thinks about it, too. It’s not all in her head. “I mean, I never know where the boundaries are…like, am I allowed to kiss you? Like when we greet each other and stuff?” He paused for a moment. “Nah, that would get too confusing, wouldn’t it? Guess I just answered my own question, didn’t I? We’re friends. Friends don’t kiss. Yeah?”
“y- umm- right. Yeah. Friends don’t kiss.”
“okay. Glad we cleared that up. Goodnight.” he rolled over on his side, eventually falling asleep. Leaving her wide awake right by his side.
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leclerced · 10 months
Oof the idea of getting Seb roped in and Bunny bringing his rbr era cockiness out would be.. chef’s kiss.
I’m just imagining that Seb was her first crush from Formula 1 when she first started following the sport, so when he visited at Suzuka, she would just be super bashful and revert back to her old child hood self who had Seb posters up. And he’d laugh about it, teasing her about how every time he looked at her or had the smallest bit of accidental contact as they inspected the bee houses or he walked by her in hospitality, she just immediately turned red. And Mark would tease Oscar about this, letting him know that his protégé’s girlfriend wasn’t even insusceptible to Seb’s charm and it was just like the days where the other WAGS even had the smallest crush on Seb because of his outgoing and friendly personality.
Seeing Bunny’s reaction and hearing this would of course would prompt Oscar to invite Seb to “hang out” and get to know Bunny, the girl who has half of the grid wrapped around her little finger. And Seb would be curious to see why Lance would be dropping off gifts at McClaren hospitality, why Max and Charles would joke so closely with Oscar and Lando about how she seemed so tired.
But what really gets me? The way Lando would react, seeing who he thought was the most wholesome, gentlemanly grid dad revert back to the man who would openly flirt with reporters and ask their about their break plans, the way he would cockily tease and taunt Bunny during their time together and curse quietly in German and tell her she was his good girl.
I think Lando’s brain would short circuit watching the way he dommed Bunny because while he knew about Seb’s past, the only persona HE had met was the wise and generous elder on the grid who wanted a tree planted in his name for a Christmas gift, not playboy Seb who had Bunny’s ankles around his neck and her begging for more.
AHHH this is my new fav concept goodbye
bunny’s so confident w everyone else because she knows the power she holds over them, but it all slips away around seb. since he only retired a year before she would have met him before, but it all starts after he retires so like, she was okay around him before because he wouldn’t be an option. he’d know he’s one of her favorite drivers, if not her favorite, so when he returns to suzuka and she sees him for the first time after it starts, she can’t stop thinking about fucking him. she’d just stay with lando or oscar and watch seb interact with everyone, waiting for him to come over so she can rope him in. she’s thinking about the way he used to flirt with everyone and wonders if she can bring that part of him back out. planning what lines she can use to make him blush, but then he comes over and is talking to oscar and she just short circuits, she can’t function. she’s got stars in her eyes and she’s just… brainless. as soon as he walks away oscar’s teasing her over it and mark is like don’t sweat it bunny, we’ve all been there. he has that effect on women. and she’s like uhh no i mean- i’ve met him before idk what just happened??
he was charles’s mentor so he’d catch charles looking too long, or catch him with a hand on her waist, and he’d be like “charlie i have been involved with taken women, do not make the same mistakes i did. stay out of it, she doesn’t need a third boyfriend.” charles knows seb can keep a secret so he’s the one to let it slip, so when oscar’s asking him to come hang out with him and bunny… sebastian’s got ideas brewing in his head. he’s thinking about when he arrived at the paddock and was saying hello to everyone and he pulled her in for a hug and her voice was shaky and low as she said hello and then wouldn’t meet his eyes while he talked to oscar and mark. every time he sees her after that he finds a reason to touch her, like brushing her hair behind her ear, putting a hand on her waist when he’s walking by. he likes the way she reacts to him barely touching her, notices the little smirk on oscar’s face because he’s seeing her reactions too and knows what he’s doing.
bunny would be so frustrated at the end of each day, asking oscar why seb keeps touching her and oscar asks “do you want him to stop?” and she almost cries bc that is the last thing she wants. every little event he does for his bee project, he’s finding a way to get her attention, saying something dirty to oscar and looking over to see her blushing and squirming. he’d be asking her to help him with stuff, saying everyone else is too busy. maybe he wouldn’t even ask her, he’d ask oscar if he could borrow her like she’s not even there and ofc she’d follow him like a puppy dog wherever he wants. he’d be making dirty jokes, toeing the line of flirting and not. oscar and lando are reaping the benefits of all of seb’s teasing. oscar lets her get all pent up before slipping seb a room card, and he wouldn’t even need to say anything, seb takes it and shows up with condoms and lube and probably silk ties or smth.
then suddenly sebastian’s at every other race and no one even bats an eye when he’s caught flirting with bunny time and time again except lando, they’re all used to it but he can never get the sight of oscar and sebastian tag teaming her out of his head. sebastian would put her in positions he didn’t think possible, they’d fuck her until she’d gone completely silent and lando’s asking them to stop bc he’s kinda worried when she doesn’t respond to his check-in but as soon as seb and oscar back off, she’s crying for them to come back. she’d be so lost in how good she felt she didn’t hear lando, so when suddenly it stops she completely falls apart begging them not to stop and lando feels terrible for ruining what would have been an earth shattering orgasm. he’d never be able to look at him the same, and oscar would have a new best friend.
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Round 2 - Side A
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Ronan Lynch
Uhh fun fact he saw the devil flash his father once, and that's one of the reasons he goes to church on Sundays <3
context for this scene from book 2: ronan is in church with his older brother declan, younger brother matthew, and ghost friend noah "Joseph Kavinsky isn’t someone I want you being around,” Declan added. “Don’t snort. I’m serious.” Ronan merely invested a look with as much contempt as he could muster. A lady reached over the top of Noah to pat Matthew’s head fondly before continuing down the aisle. She didn’t seem to care that he was fifteen, which was all right, because he didn’t, either. Both Ronan and Declan observed this interaction with the pleased expressions of parents watching their prodigy at work. Declan repeated, “Like, actually dangerous.” Sometimes, Declan seemed to think that being a year older gave him special knowledge of the seedier side of Henrietta. What he meant was, did Ronan know that Kavinsky was a cokehead. In his ear, Noah whispered, “Is crack the same thing as speed?” Ronan didn’t answer. He didn’t think it was a very church-appropriate conversation. “I know you think you’re a punk,” Declan said. “But you aren’t nearly as bad ass as you think you are.” “Oh, go to hell,” Ronan snapped, just as the altar boys broached the rear doors. “Guys,” Matthew pleaded. “Be holy.”
Gay Catholic streetracing farmer. Consumed by catholic guilt NOT because of the gay thing but because he can Create things in a way he thinks should be only God's business. Will literally roll up to mass on sunday morning still drunk and bloody.
THIS GOTH KID IS LITERALLY GOD. This is a god trapped in the body of a Catholic teen and if he ever stopped feeling Catholic guilt he’d end the world!!. How is your confession every week that you creating a whole new being? Babygirl the God is coming from inside the house
eldritch entity from beyond the mortal plane wants to be a Real Human Boy, becomes a real (ish!) human (ish!) boy, goes to mass every sunday
Gay boy got his crush an apartment above his church so he could have his two favorite things in one place
gay. I'm not caught up the the series but I went through the tag when the latest book came out and I remember seeing a quote that said he worried if his boyfriend would make it to heaven when he dies because of his agnostic tendencies.
Kid is like a dream warlock who creates psychic horrors and never goes to confession because why would he? and he’s gay
There are no words
basically ronan's powers are inherited from his dead father niall and it means he can bring anything from a dream into real life. so he's got this whole crisis about whether he is a living piece of blasphemy because men are not meant to have the powers of gods or whether he literally is god. which is not acceptable to him for a number of reasons but mostly because he hates himself. his love interest's name is adam and adam lives in a small apartment above a church which the book says focuses the objects of his worship neatly into one building. I love them both dearly. also, this entire page makes me feel like I'm going insane. Ronan Lynch believed in heaven and hell. Once, he’d seen the devil. It had been a low, late morning at the Barns when the sun had burned off the mist and then burned off the chill and then burned the edges off the ground until everything shimmered with heat. It never got hot in those protected fields, but that morning, the air sweated with it. Ronan had never seen cattle pant before. All of the cows heaved and stuck their tongues out as they frothed with the heat. His mother sent Ronan to put them in the shade of the cattle barn. Ronan had gone to the searing metal gate, and as he did, he’d glimpsed his father, already in the barn. Four yards away from him had stood a red man. He was not truly red, but the burned orange of a fire ant. And he was not truly a man, because of the horns and the hooves. Ronan remembered the alienness of the creature, how real it had been. Every costume in the world had gotten it wrong; every drawing in every comic book. They’d all forgotten that the devil was an animal. Looking at the red man, Ronan had been struck by the intricacy of the body, how many miraculous pieces moved smoothly in harmony, no different than his own. Niall Lynch had had a gun in hand — the Lynches had an enormous number of guns of all sizes — and just as Ronan had opened the gate, his father had shot the thing about thirteen times in the head. With a shake of its horns, the unharmed devil had presented its genitalia to Niall Lynch before bounding off. It was an image that had yet to leave Ronan. And so Ronan became a reverse evangelist. The truth burst and grew inside him, and it was laid upon him to share it with no one. No one was meant to see hell before they get there. No one should have to live with the devil. So many homilies on faith were ruined once you no longer required it for belief.
Friar Tuck
If you use the picture of furry friar tuck from the Disney Robin Hood, bless you 🙏
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