#I mean it's nothing special
nightwolf1429 · 2 months
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Random little sketch I did before bed.
I figured I might as well post it since it turned out well enough for a dumb doodle lol
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isatartdump · 4 months
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Would do the entire dialogue but drawing Bonnie crying is the bane of my existence! HA
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Anyway my reaction to when this entire dialogue was over was just. Hihi.
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ruporas · 1 year
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green haired guy that has haunted my character types for 10+ years
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fjordfolk · 25 days
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Finally put this years' ribbon crops up with last year's, technically our last shows are this weekend but mentally I think we're both done for the season and doubt she'll place. Still can't believe she grabbed a CC at a specialty show with 85 entries tho
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petite-phthora · 1 year
So about that dinner…
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 2]
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Part 1
Danny lets out a long groan as he enters his apartment.
He’s dead tired— hehe, ‘dead’ tired— due to an exhausting schoolday and having been unable to fall back asleep last night after what happened.
So sure, he might have started having a panic attack when he got back to his apartment when what he had just done had finally fully sunken in.
And he might have spiraled even more, even going as far as to try and trap himself in a Fenton thermos, thinking he was back on the path to becoming Dan.
Luckily for him, a green sticky note, left by his favorite unnecessarily cryptic mentor, appeared.
It let him know that he is no more on the path to becoming Dan than prior to the incident and that the actions he had taken that night, while vexatious, were necessary for the betterment of the timeline.
Whatever that means.
By the time he had come to terms with his actions enough to stop spiraling and remember that he has school soon. He checked the time, noticing that he only had a few minutes left until his next class started.
Which meant he had to sprint to his classes and start the day off already tired and emotionally drained. He hadn’t even been able to at least get a coffee beforehand. And so he spent the rest of the day fighting to stay awake during his lessons, sporting eye bags big enough to carry the weight of his sins.
Danny glances at the space-themed clock on the wall that Jazz had gotten him as a housewarming gift. 6 pm. He should probably get started on dinner.
Deciding to go with something simple, as he simply does not have the energy for anything fancy right now, Danny opens the cupboard and grabs the first thing he sees: a box of mac n cheese. Danny rubs his eyes and squints at the box, trying to read the instructions when he gets interrupted by a knock.
On his window.
Danny turns around to see Red Hood at his window, outside of his 3rd-floor apartment. He pauses before shrugging it off. Stranger things have happened. He sets the box down and makes his way over to the window. He opens the window once he reaches it, only to come face to face with a bouquet of sweet peas, the colors ranging from white and pink to lavender.
Oh, those are his favorite.
He gingerly takes the flowers before looking over the top of the bouquet at the person who handed them to him. Ah, yes. The crime lord. Who had seen him commit murder.
Danny stares at him, debating on whether he should ask him what he’s doing here or thank him for the flowers. Red Hood speaks up before Danny can make a decision.
“So about that dinner… ” He trails off, tone laced with hope and a slight nervousness.
“Right.” Danny nods with understanding, despite not having a clue what Red Hood was talking about, his joke the night before having slipped from his mind.
“I’ve got the entire night planned out for us. First, we’ll have dinner at Pete’s. They recently rebuilt and they have this amazing cannoli, you have to try it sometime.
“And then after dinner, we’ll go to the Gotham Observatory—“
Danny, not even questioning how the crime lord found out where he lives and that he loves space, cuts him off in excitement.
“Wait! Isn’t that the one with the crystal powered telescope?”
Red Hood nods and holds out a hand to him expectantly.
Danny stares at the hand for a moment before shrugging, setting the flowers down on a table, and taking the offered hand. He lets Red Hood lead him out of his own window.
Once Red Hood has helped him down to the ground and led him to his motorcycle, it dawns on Danny he’s going on a date(?) with a known crime lord— or wasn’t it former crime lord now?
Well, who was Danny to refuse a trip to the observatory and some good cannoli?
Who knows, he might even get a new boyfriend out of it.
Red Hood takes his helmet off and sets it down on the table between them so he can eat.
Danny tries not to stare too much but damn, he’s handsome, even if he’s still wearing the mask.
Danny takes a bite of his food to try and distract himself, idly noting that ohhh, this is some good spaghetti. He'll have to try the cannoli if it's as good as their pasta.
Red Hood is the one to start the conversation.
“Hey, so, since we didn’t get to talk more last night, I still wanted to thank you for your service to the city”
“My what?”
“I’ve been wanting to kill that insane clown for years now.” Red Hood continues.
“And while I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get to end his miserable existence myself, I’m so glad he’s finally gone. So, thank you” he says, looking Danny right in the eye with an earnest expression.
Feeling a mix of flustered at the heavy gaze that’s on him, and confused by the other’s words, Danny stammers out a bewildered “You’re… welcome?”
Red Hood nods at him before continuing.
“And you don’t have to worry about others finding out if you don’t want them to. I ain’t a snitch, and I’ll try to keep the Bats off your back the best I can.”
Danny gives him a nod in gratitude.
“Though honestly, I’d doubt you’d have to deal with much trouble even if people did know it was you who got rid of him.
“The Joker has done a lot of horrid shit and caused a lot of grief for Gotham over the years. He’s had it coming for a long time now, so don’t even feel too bad about it. It might even become a local holiday when his death comes out!”
However, something Red Hood had said stood out to Danny. He stiffens before blurting something out in a tone that sounded even more panicked than when he accidentally killed the clown.
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autisticshizuo · 5 months
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20 years ago, on this day the first volume of Durarara!! (デュラララ!!) was released in Japan. This volume contains the Dollars/Mika Harima arc, which is the start and readers' first meeting with such a well written plot, complex characters and artsy language.
Happy 20th anniversary to Durarara!! It will be forever my favorite media; no book, anime or manga can come close to the place that Durarara!! has in my heart. It will remain as a unique and one of a kind work, not only to me but to many other readers as well.
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hyakunana · 20 days
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✨💖 Winner gets desir———
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solmelo · 27 days
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A little fanart I made of George and Paul When I learned how parallel their friendship is to me and my bff, I can't stop loving them
I have a bff who I've known since primary school. She's 8 months older than me, born on June, and I was born on February the next year. We became friends because of same hobbies and interests. We had a friend group, then she introduced me to her new friend group and so on. we didn't even notice how parallel our friendship was to Paul and George because we didn't know the Beatles lore until we were in our late teens xD
It saddens me that this fandom forgets that George was Paul's original best friend and Paul was George's too. It's always Paul and John, and George and Ringo. Even at the end, George told Paul that he smelt like home. Because that really is how a childhood friend smells like! Maybe it did hurt George too that over the years they lost the bond that they shared. But at the end, a childhood friend really is different. And I WOULD spend the last days of my life with my childhood friend too.
Istg I've formed friendships too in my late teens/adult years but a childhood friend has a very very different and special place in your memories and heart. It's unexplainable!
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Was there a time Steve sleepwalked and someone did call Eddie? Was there another time it came in handy when Steve lost Eddie (or Eddie lost Steve) or something other?? Please I need more that is so cute
Just a warning, I made this sad for no reason.
Once when Steve went on tour with Eddie, he wandered off in a post-ictal fog and ended up lost in the city. It took them a few hours to find each other because Steve didn’t know where he was nor did he have any money on him. After that, he would write the phone number of Eddie’s manager on his arm since he was the only guy on tour with a cell phone.
Pat, Eddie’s manager, wasn’t thrilled with this arrangement because he didn’t particularly like Steve, but after Steve channeled the coldest version of his mother and reminded Pat that only one of them was replaceable – “And managers are a dime of dozen” – he begrudgingly agreed.
He was never called.
Steve actually got the idea for the bracelet from one of his second graders.
After a pretty bad allergic reaction, one of his students came back to school with a little silver bracelet on her wrist. It had her mother’s phone number on it and the words ‘Peanut Allergy.’ She smiled up at Steve when she showed him and said, “My mama says this will keep me safe!”
He smiles too, “I bet it will.”
The bracelet is a surprise that Steve never gets to tell Eddie about. The day it comes in the mail, Eddie is over at Gareth’s for a D&D campaign so Steve never even gets the chance to tell him. He goes to bed before Eddie gets home and wakes up in the Emergency Room.
He’s cold and his feet hurt, and there are cuts on his hands and medical tape on his face, and for a second, he thinks he’s in the backseat of a blue Camaro with the world’s most reckless driver. He tries to sit up and it sets up an alarm and then there’s a hand in his, squeezing it.
It takes Steve a second to recognize the rings, to follow the rings up an arm, up to big eyes and messy curls, and Steve breaths out the only thing he can think, “Wow.”
“Wowza, big boy,” Eddie grins back at him, and Steve loves him. “How are you feeling?”
“Did something happen?”
“Yeah, uh. Sleepwalking again,” Eddie hums and then he smiles again. He taps a ring on his free hand against the metal bracelet on Steve’s wrist, “This is fucking brilliant, by the way. Did you think of it?”
Steve’s jaw kinda hurts like he’s been clenching it, but he smiles anyways, “Yeah.”
“You’re a genius, babe. They called me immediately,” He says, kissing his knuckles. Steve frowns, seeing a bruise there. Eddie notices and his grin takes on a chaotic edge, “You punched a security guard.”
“For real, babe,” Eddie laughs at the panicked look on his face. “I don’t know what they did to trigger you, but you fuckin’ decked one of ‘em.”
“Oh my god, I’m going to jail.”
“Nah, it’s all good. I took care of it,” Eddie says and then to the skeptical look on Steve’s face, he rolls his eyes. “Okay, fine. The guy is a fan and I gave him tickets not to press charges. Also, he feels pretty bad about spooking you since you clearly weren’t in your right mind.”
“Was in my left mind then?” Steve half-jokes, half-yawns. “Who brought me in?”
“You did.” Eddie’s smile dims in a way that’s a little sad but full of love. “You came here on your own actually – without shoes. We’re gonna have to teach your left mind about shoes – and, uh. Based on what I’ve heard, you were looking for a patient.”
“A patient? What patient?”
“They, uh. They said you were looking for Max.”
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il-predestinato · 10 months
everyone on f1twt who said lestappen is over, rip lestappen, it was good to have known you etc.. after one goddamn turn💀
These fair weather lestappies have clearly never lived through the toxic wasteland of Austria 2019, Suzuka 2019, or Sakhir 2020, nor the drought years of 2020-2021 when we scrounged for the tiniest crumbs like starving sewer rats.
But let me guess… they came crawling back at the end of the race? Of course they did. 🙄
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rabbiteclair · 9 months
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i think light novels are really going somewhere
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romanticatheartt · 2 months
I'll never understand the hate toward acofas...
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spooky-k1d · 19 days
y'all fw my new wallpaper
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eepybogboy · 8 months
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same energy
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cerise-on-top · 12 days
hello dere simon (am i getting ur name right???)
First of all, lemme just say, i absolutely adore ur works n writing style!! Ur so talented!! Keep being u :3
Not sure if u write for her, but could u do Farah with a super, like, out-of-pocketly romantic, gender neutral s/o? (Keep it sfw, if u could :P)
'Hey, can you pass me a snack?'
"How am i supposed to pass you to yourself?"
'W -- .. what?'
"Yeah, sure. Here!" (throws bag of chips at her) "I love you!"
Hey there! And yeah, you are! I do go by Simon online :> And thank you, that's very kind of you :> I hope you can enjoy this as well, then! And don't worry, my blog is entirely SFW, I don't post smut ^^
Farah with an Overly Romantic S/O
I’m sorry, but I actually feel as though Farah wouldn’t get as flustered as you described her to be. She’s a confident woman, who knows her worth. I think she’d actually quip back at you:
Hey, can you pass me a snack?
How am I supposed to hand you to yourself, sweetheart?
Well, I would prefer something overly sweet right about now. Come here.
Farah knows her worth. Years of being talked down upon, years of being degraded and treated as something subhuman filled her with a certain kind of rage that I couldn’t even begin to describe if I tried. She’s not going to get shy around you. Sure, she can be extremely sweet towards you too, but she’s probably not going to get too flustered if you’re being overly romantic towards her. She’s suffered enough, don’t you think you deserve a soft epilogue, my love? She certainly believes so. In fact, she can be quite playful, so I think she might actually just try to fluster you instead, whether it be in Arabic or English doesn’t matter to her. Besides, if you get too cocky around her, she will push your buttons as well. Oh, you wanna kiss her so bad, don’t you? It actually makes you look stupid. Well, she’s going to take advantage of that. If you rile her up enough, despite not being the tallest, she will trap you against the wall and work her charm. In spite of everything that has happened to her, she hasn’t given up entirely on love yet. Sure, it seems unlikely to someone like her, but if there’s a will there’s a way. She will playfully tease you instead, doing everything she can to fluster you. She’s extremely grateful to have found someone, who loves her despite everything, though. Yes, she’s kinda messed up, she has to consider her every move carefully before she’s being branded a terrorist by the rest of the world. The fate of her people resides upon her shoulders, after all. But underneath all of that? She’s actually a really loving and sweet woman, who would love nothing more than to ride a motorcycle with you and gaze upon the stars of Urzikstan with you. If she’s being soft? Don’t tease her. She lets her walls around you for once, it’s more than anyone else ever gets to experience.
#cod#cod x reader#call of duty#call of duty x reader#farah karim#farah karim x reader#I write about the entire main cast of the mw reboot 👍#except for M.akarov and his cohorts. I only write about him when I feel like it and don't take requests for him#and also no shepherd because... I do not like him in the slightest...#I would write some ran.dom blur.bs about other characters too but I only got the 141 on my mind at all times ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#those are actually an insight into my twisted mind (it's full of fluff and nothing else because life is angsty enough as it is)#like why would I wanna write about someone dying when I could just??? have them hug me instead??? hello?????#I could go into further detail as to what my rand.om blur.bs actually are but I don't think anyone cares about that ^^#Got some good ones in my drafts and queue as well but I only post them when I get no requests#I got five requests on the day I'm writing this...#but regardless of whether or not I get a request I'm gonna post something extra next Monday because I can :3#nothing too special but something that means the world to me!#maybe I can think of more things to write for that specific topic too? maybe :3#got something in mind for the big Austrian lad! Would be a shame if I didn't include him as well all things considered :3#anyway welcome to my tags! I always ramble here because no one reads these and cares about what I have to say so I'm free!!!#my friends don't talk to me and I always have plenty to say so everything goes here :3
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fubbywubby · 7 months
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