#I mean it still is but I can't leave these masterpieces in the dark
heartfullofleeches · 4 months
Purple one from that Murder clown gang!
Sketch and i colored it in with cheap color pencils
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Clown spotted 🤡👁️ The star dangling off the end of their chain is a fun addition - and totally something they'd have. Pink has to be taking care of their hair for them because there's no way this loser would bother to put in the time to make it look that silky. Thank you for drawing them! ❤️🤡❤️
133 notes · View notes
tarotwithavi · 1 year
Random messages for you from your future lover/future spouse
18+ messages in some piles
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Kindly ask your spirit guides to show you the right pile for yourself and then open your eyes. Whichever pile catches your attention is the right pile for you.
These pictures belong to their rightful owners.
Paid services
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Pile 1
"I want to bite your neck and leave my mark there"
"I love the way you walk"
"you look absolutely gorgeous from behind"
"God really took his sweet time creating the masterpiece in front of me"
"I want to worship every part of your body"
"all the lonely nights were worth waiting for you"
"In your arms, I have found my home."
"With you, love is not just a destination but a beautiful journey"
"I will buy you every book you like, but there's a price you must pay"
"In a world of billions, you're the only that makes time stand still"
"The darkness inside me is really to consume you, however I am scared of the consequences"
"If you had any idea about what I want to do to you, you wouldn't be standing here challenging me"
"I want to know everything about you, your likes, dislikes, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, every fucking thing"
"Your whispered desires set my soul on fire"
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Pile 2
"You think you can run away from me love?"
"I crave you, I desire you, I want you. In. every. way."
"I love the way you look right now. You don't need to change anything"
"You're flawless. People who find flaws in you are blind"
"tie your hair up. Show me your neck"
"Your presence lights up my darkest night"
"You can literally sell me poison and I will buy that in gallons from you"
"Your acne scars correspond to the craters on the moon. They make you even more beautiful to me"
"You look so f-able in my hoodie"
"You can be my black cat and I can be your golden retriever"
"I will never force my beliefs on you"
"You look magical in that dress"
"I don't want other guys to be close to you, to touch you, I know it's selfish but it's something I can't help but feel. You make you go crazy over you"
"You're like a Siren, alluring me with your voice, enchanting me with your appearance and making me want to do things that are not so pure"
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Pile 3
"You are so pure so innocent. I feel like I will taint you with my darkness"
"Some things are better as secrets"
"Do. Not. Provoke Me. You'll not be able to handle it"
"I am not that type of person who dreams of getting married on the first date. But something about makes me feel I should wife you up, like right now.
"I want to see a mini you or/and mini merunning around in our house"
"Do you mind if I ruin your lipstick right now?"
"can you see hearts floating around above my head? No? *Gets heart shaped balloons from God knows where, puts them above their head* Can you see them now?
"With you, even the simplest moments become cherished memories"
"I crave the taste of your lips and the touch of your skin, you are my sweetest addiction"
"With you, time flies by like a shooting star, leaving behind a trail of cherished memories"
"Don't leave me. I have loved you too much to be separated from you.
"You make flowers bloom in my heart just from the thought of you"
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Pile 4
"I will work hard for you. I will work hard for us"
"To be honest I will let you step on me"
"Our future is so bright together mama"
"In your arms, time loses its meaning, and all that matters is our love."
"How long do you want me to wait for you? 1 month? 6 months? 1 year? 5 years? A decade? I will wait for you if it means that I can be with you even for a minute"
"I will never judge you for your past. We all make mistakes and it's fine. As long as you don't repeat the same mistake"
"You feel like chopping off your hair? Go ahead, do it. I bet on my left nut you will look good in every hairstyle"
"What makes you think that I wouldn't eat your snacks? Am I not human? Or Do I not have taste buds"
"In the heat of our passion, time fades away, leaving only the intoxicating blend of our souls"
"Your touch ignites a fire within me, and I crave the taste of your lips on mine"
"Baby I am preying on you tonight, hunt you down, eat you alive"
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2K notes · View notes
fr0stf4ll · 1 month
Forge of Starlight - Part 3
paring; Azriel x reader
summary; In the heart of Velaris, a skilled blacksmith's quiet life is turned upside down when unexpected bonds begin to form with the enigmatic Spymaster of the Night Court. As she navigates the challenges of her craft and the complexities of newfound relationships, she discovers that love and loyalty may be the strongest forces of all in a world where darkness often lingers just beyond the light.
word count ; 4.6k
warning; blood, vomit °°3
notes; hello hello everyone, here is the part 3 a bit earlier this time ! Please take into account the warnings it's nothing to big but I rather mention them before. Otherwise don't hesitate to comment (I'm down to see if you guys have some theories for the next parts :)) ) or ask to be on the tag list ;)) See you soon, bisous bisoussss
here is the link for part 2 or part 4
The morning sun had barely risen over Velaris when you began preparing for your trip to the Winter Court. The crisp air carried a hint of frost, a promise of the cold that awaited you in Kallias’s domain. Your latest commission was an intricate and challenging one—a weapon requested personally by the High Lord of the Winter Court. The order was for a ceremonial glaive, crafted with a blade of shimmering, icy blue steel that seemed to capture the essence of winter itself. The hilt was designed to resemble the ancient trees of the Court, with delicate, frost-like etchings that trailed along its length, meeting a pommel embedded with a crystal that glittered like freshly fallen snow.
You admired the weapon one last time as you packed it carefully in a protective case. The glaive was a masterpiece, a blend of artistry and power that you were proud to deliver personally. But as you were finalizing your preparations, Alex approached you, his expression a mix of determination and concern.
“Nana, I think I should stay in Velaris,” Alex began, his tone firm despite the lingering traces of the boyish enthusiasm he usually carried. “The shop needs someone here, and I can handle things while you’re gone.”
You paused, turning to face him fully. “Alex, it’s not just about the shop. Leaving you on your own in Velaris for a week, it’s not safe.”
Alex crossed his arms, his brows furrowed in a way that reminded you of your younger self. “But Nana, you’re the one who taught me how to take care of myself. And besides, business is going great! We can't afford to close the shop for a week, maybe even longer. I can just tell customers that we’re temporarily closed for new orders, but that we are still selling regular weapons.”
You sighed, considering his words. “It’s not just about the money, Alex. It’s about making sure everything stays secure. The shop, our work, you—it’s all important.”
Alex stepped closer, his eyes pleading. “And that’s exactly why I should stay. I know how much this place means to you, to us. I’ll make sure nothing happens, I promise. Stellan can stay with me for protection, and you know he’s more than capable of keeping any trouble away.”
You glanced at Stellan, who was lounging nearby, his dark eyes watching the conversation with quiet understanding. The direwolf had been your protector for years, and you knew that with him by Alex’s side, there was little to fear.
“But Alex, you’re still young. I can’t help but worry,” you said softly, your concern evident in your voice.
Alex’s expression softened, but his resolve didn’t waver. “I know, Nana. But you’ve trained me well. I can handle the shop, and Stellan will keep me safe. Besides, I’ll just be here in Velaris—it’s not like I’m going anywhere dangerous. You’ll be back before I know it, and everything will be just fine.”
You hesitated, the protective instinct within you clashing with the knowledge that Alex was more capable than you sometimes gave him credit for. The truth was, he was right. Business was good enough that closing the orders for a week wouldn’t be a disaster, and with Stellan at his side, the risks were minimal.
Finally, you sighed, nodding in reluctant agreement. “Alright, Alex. You can stay, but promise me you’ll be careful. No taking on new orders, just handle any clients who come by and tell them we’re temporarily closed for them. And if anything happens—anything at all—you send word to me immediately.”
A grin spread across Alex’s face, a mix of relief and excitement. “I promise, Nana. I won’t let you down.”
You smiled, ruffling his hair affectionately. “I know you won’t, Alex. Just remember, Stellan’s there to protect you, but don’t take any unnecessary risks. I’ll be back before you know it.”
As you finalized your preparations, you brought Stellan downstairs, where he immediately positioned himself near Alex, his massive frame a comforting presence. “Keep an eye on him, Stellan,” you said softly, rubbing the direwolf’s head. Stellan’s eyes met yours, and you felt reassured by the silent understanding between you.
With everything settled, you turned to Alex once more. “I’ll leave early tomorrow. You know where the emergency contacts are, and if anything comes up, don’t hesitate to reach out.”
Alex nodded, his expression serious now that the plan was set. “I’ve got it covered, Nana. Just focus on your trip and getting that amazing glaive to Kallias.”
You smiled, feeling a mixture of pride and a hint of anxiety as you realized how much Alex had grown. “Thank you, Alex. I’ll bring you back something from the Winter Court.”
Night had fallen over Velaris, and the familiar routine of winding down the day had set in. You were seated in your bed, sketchbook open on your lap as you meticulously worked on the designs for your next project. The soft light of the moon filtered through the curtains, mingling with the warm glow of the candles, creating a peaceful ambiance. Alex was fast asleep beside you, his breathing slow and even, the day’s events having worn him out.
Stellan, ever vigilant, lay at the foot of the bed, his eyes half-closed but his senses still sharp. As you sketched, you felt a deep sense of contentment, the tranquility of the moment wrapping around you like a comforting blanket. But that peace was suddenly shattered.
Within seconds, the atmosphere in the room changed. The air felt thicker, charged with something ominous that set your nerves on edge. Stellan’s ears shot up, his body tensing as a low growl rumbled from deep within his chest. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end, and you felt a chill run down your spine.
Before you could react, a dark shadow coalesced in the corner of the room, and Azriel, the shadow singer, materialized before you. His face was grim, his usual calm demeanor replaced with urgency. "We need you," he said, his voice clipped and direct, wasting no time on pleasantries.
Without another word, he reached for your arm, his grip firm but not harsh. The world around you blurred as shadows enveloped you both, and in the blink of an eye, you were no longer in your apartment.
You arrived at the House of Wind, the sudden change in surroundings leaving you momentarily disoriented. The grand, familiar architecture did nothing to ease the confusion swirling in your mind. Azriel was already moving, his expression dark and unyielding as he led you down a corridor.
"Azriel, what’s going on?" you demanded, struggling to keep up with him. The urgency in his movements only heightened your anxiety. "Why did you bring me here?"
"I don’t have time to explain," he replied, his voice tight with controlled emotion. "You’ll understand when you see it."
That statement did nothing to calm your nerves, but you followed him without further question, your heart pounding in your chest. The path he led you down seemed endless, the tension in the air growing thicker with each step. Finally, he pushed open a heavy door and ushered you inside.
The room was dimly lit, the air heavy with the scent of herbs and something far less pleasant—blood. Your eyes immediately landed on Rhysand, who stood near the bed with a look of barely-contained worry. Madja, the healer, was at his side, her face set in grim determination. But it was the sight of Cassian that made your breath catch in your throat.
He was lying on the bed, his usually powerful and imposing figure reduced to a broken and battered state. His wings, once magnificent and strong, were shattered—twisted at unnatural angles, with blood staining the once-proud feathers. The sight was enough to bring a sharp gasp to your lips, your hand instinctively covering your mouth.
Madja’s eyes met yours, and in that moment, you understood why Azriel had brought you here. There was no hesitation in her voice as she spoke. "Y/N, we need your power. You’re the only one who can heal him."
Your heart raced, fear and uncertainty clawing at your insides. You had never used your abilities on something this severe before, and the mere thought of it sent a wave of doubt crashing over you. But as you looked at Cassian, writhing in pain and clinging to consciousness, you knew there was no other choice.
Steeling yourself, you stepped forward and surveyed the state of his wings. The damage was extensive, and you knew that to heal them properly, you needed to use your power to its full potential—a process that required something very specific.
You turned to Azriel, your gaze falling on the blade at his side. "Truth-Teller," you said, nodding toward the dagger.
Azriel hesitated for a moment but then handed you the blade without question, his eyes dark with concern. Taking a deep breath, you positioned yourself over Cassian, holding your arm above his wings. With a swift motion, you made a shallow cut along your forearm, letting your blood drip onto the mangled wings below.
Azriel's eyes widened as blue flames flickered to life where your blood touched, spreading over Cassian’s wings. "Y/N, what are you doing?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.
You glanced at him, offering a small, reassuring smile. "Don’t worry. The fire doesn’t burn—it heals."
As the flames grew, their warmth enveloping Cassian’s broken wings, you focused all of your energy on mending the shattered bones and torn flesh. The process was intense, your body straining under the effort as the flames worked their magic, knitting together what had been broken.
But as the flames did their work, a frown creased your brow. Something wasn’t right. You could feel it—a lingering darkness that wasn’t being touched by your fire. Once the wings were fully healed, you stepped back, still frowning as you scanned Cassian’s body for the source of the disturbance.
"Rhysand, Azriel," you said, your voice tense, "help me turn him over."
They moved quickly, carefully shifting Cassian onto his back. You placed one hand on his face and the other over his heart, closing your eyes as you focused on the strange, dark presence that clung to him.
Madja watched you closely, her expression filled with concern. "Y/N, what’s going on? What do you feel?"
Your eyes snapped open, and without answering her, you leaned down, your instincts guiding you as you pressed your lips to Cassian’s mouth. The taste was bitter, acrid, and wrong. You inhaled sharply, feeling the dark presence surge up, and with a gag, you spit out a thick, black liquid.
But it wasn’t over. You reached into Cassian’s mouth, your fingers searching, feeling for the source of the darkness. Your hand closed around something cold and solid, and with a grimace of effort, you began to pull. 
A long, snake-like spirit, dark and twisted, slithered from Cassian’s throat, its form writhing in your grasp. It fought against you, but you held firm, your determination outweighing the horror of what you were doing.
"Hold him straight!" you commanded, urgency in your voice.
Rhysand and Azriel quickly moved to hold Cassian upright, their faces etched with shock and concern. As they did, Cassian began to vomit, thick black liquid spewing from his mouth and covering you as you knelt in front of him. You didn’t flinch, your focus entirely on the cursed spirit in your hand.
With a final, forceful pull, you yanked the spirit free from Cassian’s body. It writhed in your grip, hissing and snapping, but it was powerless outside of its host. You held it aloft, the dark entity thrashing violently as you turned to the others.
Rhysand, covered in a mixture of concern and gratitude, stared at you, his voice calm but firm. “I think we all need some explanations, Y/N."
Breathing heavily, your body and clothes drenched in Cassian’s vomit and the remnants of the cursed spirit, you nodded wearily. "I’ll explain everything," you said, glancing down at yourself with a hint of exasperation. "But first... I need a shower. I’m still covered in Cassian’s… well, everything.”
Rhysand led you through the winding halls of the House of Wind, his pace measured and deliberate. The tension from the night’s events lingered in the air, a heavy reminder of the seriousness of the situation. He stopped in front of a door and pushed it open, revealing a room that was both elegant and functional, with the understated luxury typical of Velaris.
The room was furnished with deep, rich fabrics, the bed draped in dark, sumptuous linens. A fireplace crackled softly in the corner, casting flickering shadows across the walls. A balcony at the far end of the room offered a breathtaking view of Velaris, the city’s lights twinkling like stars against the backdrop of the night sky. Beyond, the Sidra River glimmered in the moonlight, its gentle flow a calming presence.
Rhysand gestured toward an adjoining door. “The bath is through there. Take your time, Y/N. We’ll talk when you’re ready.”
You nodded, your body aching with exhaustion and your mind still spinning from the events that had just transpired. As you entered the bathroom, you were greeted by the sight of a grand, sunken bath made of smooth marble. The water was already drawn, steaming gently and scented with soothing herbs that filled the air with a calming aroma.
You sank into the bath, letting the warmth seep into your bones, washing away the grime and tension. The soft light of candles flickered around you, the scent of lavender and eucalyptus soothing your frazzled nerves. As you soaked, you allowed your thoughts to drift back to that night long ago when everything had changed.
You had been just a child, wandering through the woods late at night. The night was alive with shooting stars, bright streaks of light cutting across the dark sky. You’d been entranced, watching the stars fall when you stumbled upon a glowing entity lying in a small crater, its form otherworldly and beautiful. It was like a scene from a dream, the world around you shimmering with magic.
The creature had been weak, its light flickering like a dying flame. It had reached out to you, a small, scared girl, asking for your help in a voice that echoed in your mind rather than your ears. You hadn’t understood the full weight of the decision at the time, but you had agreed to help it, to take it into yourself, binding its essence to yours. From that night forward, you were never the same.
After your bath, you stepped out and found a set of clothes laid out for you—fitting for Velaris, yet with a touch of practicality that matched your own preferences. A tailored tunic of deep indigo, embroidered with subtle patterns, paired with fitted leather pants that allowed for ease of movement. A sturdy yet elegant belt completed the outfit, cinching at your waist with a silver clasp. It was both comfortable and suited for someone who needed to be ready for anything.
Once dressed, you stepped out onto the balcony for a moment, letting the cool night air brush against your face. The view from the House of Wind was nothing short of spectacular, the city of Velaris spread out beneath you like a sparkling jewel. For a brief moment, you allowed yourself to breathe in the peace of the night, to let the beauty of Velaris ground you before you had to face the others.
When you returned to the main room, Rhysand was seated near the fireplace, his expression thoughtful but unreadable. Azriel stood off to the side, half-hidden in the shadows, his gaze flickering toward you as you entered. He didn’t sit but remained in the shadows, a silent sentinel. There was something different in the way he looked at you now—something intense, as if he were seeing you in a new light.
You moved toward them, your steps measured as you took a seat across from Rhysand. The silence between you all was thick, heavy with the weight of unspoken questions and the lingering shock of what had just occurred.
“How’s Cassian?” you asked, breaking the silence, your voice quieter than usual.
Rhysand’s expression remained neutral, his violet eyes sharp and assessing. “Madja is with him. He’s stable, thanks to you. His wings will heal in time, and the curse… whatever it was, is gone.”
You nodded, relief mixing with the residual tension in your chest. “I’m glad to hear that.”
Rhysand’s gaze didn’t waver as he continued, his tone calm but probing. “Madja told us about the healing flames, but what you did tonight—extracting that curse—it’s something we didn’t expect. We need to know, Y/N. How is it possible?”
You took a deep breath, the memories of your past stirring once more. You could feel Azriel’s eyes on you, a strange, unreadable intensity in his gaze that only added to the tension in the room. But you pushed it aside, focusing on the question at hand.
“We all make mistakes,” you began, your voice steady, though the weight of the words pressed heavily on you. “When I was young, I made a contract with a creature that fell from the sky. It wasn’t like anything I’d ever seen before—an entity of pure power, beautiful and terrifying.”
Rhysand leaned back slightly, his expression unreadable as he listened. “A contract?”
You nodded, your gaze distant as you recalled that night in the woods. “I was just a little girl, alone and afraid. I was out in the woods, mesmerized by the falling stars when I stumbled upon this creature. It was weak, dying, and it asked for my help. It needed a host—someone to share its power with, in exchange for life. I didn’t understand what I was agreeing to, but I said yes. I took its essence into me, and from that moment on, it became a part of me.”
Azriel’s eyes narrowed slightly, though he remained silent, his posture tense. There was something almost protective in the way he watched you, though he kept his distance, as if struggling with his own thoughts.
Rhysand’s gaze remained steady, assessing you as you spoke. “And that’s how you gained your abilities.”
“Yes,” you confirmed. “The creature’s power is vast, but it’s also dangerous. I’ve had to learn to control it, to keep it from consuming me. The blue flames you saw—they’re just one aspect of it. But tonight, with Cassian… I could feel the curse inside him, a darkness that my flames alone couldn’t touch. I had to draw it out, to confront it directly.”
“And the curse?” Rhysand asked, his tone careful.
“It was tied to something much darker,” you explained. “The creature’s power allowed me to see it, to pull it out before it could do more harm. It was a risk, but I couldn’t just leave it there.”
Azriel shifted slightly, his gaze softening as he listened. There was a tension in his posture, as if he were grappling with something internally, but he remained silent, letting Rhysand lead the conversation.
Rhysand exchanged a glance with Azriel before turning back to you. “You’ve been carrying this burden alone for a long time.”
You nodded, the weight of your confession settling over you. “I didn’t want to involve anyone else. It’s my responsibility, my mistake.”
Rhysand’s expression softened just slightly, though his voice remained firm. “You’re part of this court now, Y/N. You don’t have to face this alone.”
Azriel’s gaze met yours across the room, and for a brief moment, something unspoken passed between you—a connection that felt both new and ancient, as if something had shifted irreversibly between you two.
As you finished recounting your story, the room fell into a contemplative silence, the weight of everything hanging in the air. You sighed softly, rubbing your temples as the exhaustion from the night caught up with you. Finally, you stood, a sense of duty pulling you back to the reality of your responsibilities.
“I appreciate everything you’ve done,” you began, glancing between Rhysand and Azriel. “But I need to get back home. Tomorrow, I’m supposed to leave for the Winter Court to deliver Kallias’s order.”
At your words, Azriel’s expression immediately shifted. His brows furrowed, and he took a step forward, his posture rigid with concern. “That’s not possible. You can’t go alone—it’s too dangerous.”
You met his gaze, a flicker of frustration sparking within you. “Azriel, I’ve been traveling alone for hundreds of years. I’ve crossed continents, faced dangers you can’t imagine. I know how to take care of myself.”
Azriel’s frown deepened, his eyes darkening with a mix of worry and something more. “Things have changed. After what happened tonight, we can’t take any chances. The roads to the Winter Court aren’t safe, especially not for someone like you.”
You took a step closer to him, squaring your shoulders, determined not to be underestimated. “I’ve handled myself just fine, Azriel. I appreciate your concern, but I’m not some fragile thing that needs protecting. I’ve faced worse than bandits or creatures in the wild. I can deal with it.”
Azriel opened his mouth to argue further, his wings flaring slightly in his agitation, but Rhysand raised a hand, cutting him off. “Azriel, calm down,” Rhysand said, his tone soothing yet firm. He then turned to you, his expression more measured. “We know you can handle yourself, Y/N, and we trust your judgment. But just promise us you’ll be careful.”
You nodded, appreciating their concern but determined to maintain your independence. “I will. I’ve been traveling for centuries, and I know how to handle whatever comes my way. I’ll be back next week, and we can talk more then.”
Rhysand offered you a small, understanding smile. “We’ll look forward to it. There’s much more to discuss, and we’ll be here when you return.”
Azriel, still tense, stepped closer, his gaze intense but still filled with worry. “I’ll fly you back to your place,” he said, his tone steady but leaving no room for argument. “It’s late, and you should rest before your journey.”
You hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. “Alright. Thank you, Azriel.”
Before you could step out into the cool night air, Azriel shrugged off his jacket—a soft, dark leather that still carried the warmth of his body—and draped it over your shoulders. The jacket was far too big for you, the sleeves hanging well past your hands, but the warmth and the gesture itself made your heart skip a beat.
“It’s cold out,” he said quietly, his voice almost a whisper in the quiet of the night. His eyes lingered on you for a moment longer before he added, “And the wind can be biting when we’re flying.”
You pulled the jacket tighter around yourself, the scent of leather and something distinctly Azriel surrounding you. “Thank you,” you murmured, genuinely touched by the small act of kindness.
With his jacket securely around you, Azriel stepped closer, wrapping an arm around your waist to lift you effortlessly as his wings unfurled. The warmth of the jacket and his presence eased the chill of the night, and as he took off into the sky, the cold wind seemed to matter less.
Flying with Azriel, wrapped in his jacket, you felt a strange comfort. The world around you blurred momentarily as the ground fell away, and then the night opened up before you—a vast expanse of stars and the twinkling lights of Velaris below. The city was breathtaking from this height, the Sidra River winding through it like a ribbon of silver, reflecting the moonlight in shimmering patterns. The rooftops of the city glowed softly, the night alive with a quiet, serene beauty that took your breath away. Everything became a blur of twinkling lights and darkened streets, and for a moment, it was just the two of you, soaring through the night sky, sharing a silence that felt more like an understanding than anything else.
The cool wind whipped through your hair as Azriel flew, his strong wings cutting through the air with practiced ease. Despite the speed, his flight was smooth, each powerful beat of his wings propelling you forward with a steady, unerring grace. You found yourself momentarily entranced by the view, the way the world seemed so peaceful from up here, so distant from the chaos and dangers you had faced below.
Azriel’s grip on you was firm but gentle, his warmth a comforting presence in the cold night air. You could feel the tension in his body, the silent worry that still lingered despite your reassurances. It was as if every beat of his wings was fueled by an unspoken need to keep you safe, to ensure you returned to Velaris unharmed.
The flight was over too quickly, and before you knew it, you were descending toward your apartment. Azriel landed lightly, setting you down with care. The ground felt solid beneath your feet again, but you couldn’t shake the lingering sensation of being cradled by the night sky.
“Thank you,” you said quietly, offering him a small smile. “I’ll be fine, Azriel. I’ll be back next week, and we’ll talk then.”
He nodded slowly, his expression softening just slightly. “I’ll be waiting. Just… be careful, Y/N.”
“I always am,” you replied, giving him a reassuring look before turning to head inside.
As you thanked him one last time and made your way inside, you couldn’t help but feel the weight of the jacket—a comforting reminder of the connection that had silently grown between you two.
As you quietly made your way up the stairs to your apartment, the door creaked open to reveal Alex waiting for you in the living room, his arms crossed and a comically exaggerated look of suspicion on his face. Stellan was by his side, watching you with calm, knowing eyes, but Alex’s expression was what really caught your attention.
“What is going on, young lady?” Alex began, his voice mock-serious. “A guy intrudes our place, you run off with him without a word, and then you come back hours later with different clothes, a MEN’s jacket, and then he flies you home? Hmm, hmm, hmm…”
You couldn’t help but burst into laughter at his over-the-top delivery, the tension from the night finally breaking as you took in his antics. “Alex, I promise, it’s not what it looks like!”
He raised an eyebrow, leaning forward with a smirk. “Oh, really? Because it sure sounds like something out of those romance stories people talk about. Are you sure you’re not hiding something from me?”
Still chuckling, you shook your head, stepping further into the apartment. “I was helping a friend, that’s all. And the clothes were a necessity after… well, let’s just say the night got messy.”
Alex’s grin widened, clearly enjoying every bit of this. “And the flying home part?”
You sighed, though your smile remained. “That was just Azriel being… protective. And practical.”
“Uh-huh,” Alex nodded sagely, as if he had it all figured out. “Sure, sure. Just Azriel being ‘protective.’”
You reached out to ruffle his hair, playfully messing it up. “Enough, you little troublemaker. It’s late, and we both need to get some rest. Tomorrow’s a big day.”
Alex laughed, batting your hand away but finally relenting. “Alright, alright. But you’re not off the hook, Nana. I’m keeping an eye on you.”
You gave him a mock salute. “Duly noted, Captain.”
As you headed to your room, Stellan trailing behind you, you couldn’t help but smile at Alex’s antics. Despite the seriousness of the night, his playful teasing was exactly what you needed to lighten the mood.
And as you finally settled into bed, the weight of the day easing off your shoulders, you knew that no matter what challenges the Winter Court or the future might bring, you were ready to face them—with Alex’s humorous observations always keeping you grounded.
tag list: @annamariereads16 @hanatsuki-hime @elsie-bells @shizukestar @rose-girls-world @brit-broskis-cole-fanfic @faridathefairy @elsie-bells
don't hesitate to comment if you want to be added to the tag list ;)))
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stxrbxrn · 2 months
the feast of forbidden fruit …
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pairing: hannibal x f!reader tw: implied cannibalism, dubious consent, uhealthy/obsessive relationship dynamics, sexual content ( not full out smut but hints towards it ) word count: 1.8k (ish)
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you step into the dimly lit gallery, your heels echoing on the polished marble floor. the air is heavy with the scent of aged wood and oil paint, a fitting atmosphere for the exhibition of renaissance masterpieces. but it's not the art that draws your gaze tonight. it's him.
dr. hannibal lecter stands before a botticelli, his profile sharp and regal in the soft lighting. he turns, as if sensing your presence, and his maroon eyes lock onto yours. a shiver runs down your spine - from fear or excitement, you're not quite sure.
"good evening," he says, his accented voice smooth as silk. "i was hoping you'd come."
you approach, drawn into his orbit like a moth to flame. "i wouldn't miss it, dr. lecter. your taste in art is... exquisite."
his lips curve into a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "as is yours, my dear. both in art and... company."
the double meaning hangs in the air between you. you've been dancing this dangerous waltz for months now, circling each other in a game of cat and mouse. but which of you is the predator, and which the prey?
"would you care to join me for a closer look?" he asks, gesturing to the painting.
you nod, allowing him to guide you with a gentle hand on the small of your back. his touch burns through the thin fabric of your dress.
as you stand before the botticelli, he leans in close, his breath warm against your ear. "do you see how the artist has captured the vulnerability of the human form? the delicate interplay of light and shadow on bare flesh?"
your breath catches in your throat. "yes," you whisper. "it's beautiful."
"indeed," he murmurs. "beauty and suffering, inexorably intertwined. one cannot truly appreciate the former without experiencing the latter."
you turn to face him, your faces mere inches apart. "and which are you offering tonight, dr. lecter? beauty or suffering?"
his eyes gleam in the low light. "why not both?"
the world seems to fade away, leaving only you and hannibal in this moment of exquisite tension. you know you should run, should flee from the darkness you see swirling in the depths of his gaze. but you're captivated, ensnared by the enigma of the man before you.
"come," he says, offering his arm. "let us continue our tour. there is so much more i wish to show you."
you take his arm, your fate sealed with that simple gesture. as he leads you deeper into the gallery, you can't help but wonder if you're walking willingly into the lion's den.
the rest of the evening passes in a blur of wine, witty conversation, and lingering glances. hannibal is the perfect gentleman, charming and erudite. but beneath the polished veneer, you sense something wild and dangerous lurking just beneath the surface.
as the night draws to a close, he escorts you to your car. "i've greatly enjoyed your company this evening," he says, his hand still resting on the small of your back.
"as have i," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
he leans in, his lips brushing against your cheek. "until next time, my dear," he murmurs. "sweet dreams."
you drive home in a daze, your mind reeling from the evening's events. as you prepare for bed, you can't shake the feeling that something has fundamentally shifted. you've crossed a threshold, and there's no going back.
that night, your dreams are a kaleidoscope of images - flashes of steel, splashes of crimson, and always, always, those burning maroon eyes watching you.
* * *
days pass, but you can't get dr. lecter out of your mind. his presence lingers like a phantom limb, an ache you can't quite shake. you find yourself obsessively replaying every moment of your encounters, analyzing each word, each gesture.
when your phone rings and his name appears on the screen, your heart leaps into your throat.
"hello, my dear," his voice purrs through the speaker. "i was wondering if you might join me for dinner tomorrow evening. i'm preparing a rather special menu, and i can think of no one i'd rather share it with."
you know you should refuse. every instinct screams at you to make an excuse, to put distance between yourself and this man who both thrills and terrifies you. but the words that come out of your mouth betray you:
"i'd be delighted, dr. lecter."
you can almost hear his smile through the phone. "excellent. shall we say 8 o'clock? and please, call me hannibal."
the next evening finds you standing before his door, your heart pounding a staccato rhythm against your ribs. you smooth down your dress, take a deep breath, and knock.
the door swings open, and there he stands, resplendent in a three-piece suit. "good evening," he says, his eyes roaming appreciatively over your form. "you look ravishing."
he ushers you inside, taking your coat with the grace of a perfect host. the air is rich with the aroma of simmering herbs and spices, making your mouth water despite your nerves.
"i hope you're hungry," hannibal says, leading you into the dining room. the table is set with exquisite china and gleaming silverware, a single red rose in a crystal vase serving as the centerpiece.
"starving," you reply, and something in his eyes flashes at your choice of words.
he pulls out your chair, ever the gentleman, before disappearing into the kitchen. you take the moment alone to steady your nerves, reminding yourself that this is just dinner. nothing more.
but as hannibal returns, bearing plates of food that look more like works of art than mere sustenance, you know you're only lying to yourself. this is so much more than just dinner.
"our first course," he announces, setting a plate before you. "carpaccio of veal heart, with a black truffle emulsion."
you raise an eyebrow at the choice of meat, but the presentation is stunning. hannibal watches intently as you take your first bite. the flavors explode on your tongue - rich, complex, unlike anything you've ever tasted before.
"it's incredible," you breathe.
his smile is one of genuine pleasure. "i'm so glad you enjoy it. i always take great care in selecting the... ingredients for my special guests."
the meal progresses through several more exquisite courses, each one a symphony of flavors and textures. hannibal is the perfect host, keeping the conversation flowing as easily as the wine. but there's an undercurrent of tension, a predatory gleam in his eye that both excites and unnerves you.
as he clears away the dessert plates, you find yourself feeling slightly lightheaded. whether from the rich food, the wine, or simply hannibal's intoxicating presence, you're not sure.
"shall we retire to the study for a digestif?" he suggests, offering his hand to help you up.
you take it, relishing the warmth of his skin against yours. "lead the way."
his study is a temple to refined taste - walls lined with leather-bound books, artwork that probably costs more than your yearly salary, and a crackling fire that casts dancing shadows across the room.
hannibal pours two glasses of amber liquid from a crystal decanter. "armagnac," he explains, handing you one. "a 1965 vintage. i've been saving it for a special occasion."
you accept the glass, your fingers brushing against his. "and what occasion might that be?"
he takes a step closer, invading your personal space. "tonight," he pauses, eyes transfixed on your face, "the night you become mine."
your breath catches in your throat. this is the moment you've both been building towards, the culmination of months of tension and unspoken desire. you should be afraid - you know, deep down, that there's something not quite right about hannibal lecter. but all you feel is a burning need.
"what makes you think i want to be yours?" you challenge, even as your body betrays you, leaning into him.
his free hand comes up to cup your cheek, his thumb tracing the curve of your lower lip. "you've been mine since the moment our eyes first met."
he closes the distance between you, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. it's nothing like you imagined - it's better. his mouth is hot, demanding, tasting of armagnac and something darker, something uniquely hannibal.
you melt into him, your glass slipping from your fingers and shattering on the hardwood floor. neither of you pays it any mind. your hands fist in the lapels of his jacket, pulling him closer as his own hands roam your body, leaving trails of fire in their wake.
when you finally break apart, gasping for air, his eyes are wild with hunger. "tell me you want this," he growls, his accent thicker with desire. "tell me you want me."
"i want you," you breathe, beyond the point of no return. "god help me, i need you."
it's a desperate, violent thing, all clashing teeth and battling tongues. you pour all your fear, all your desire, all your conflicted emotions into that kiss. and hannibal matches you passion for passion, his hands gripping you so tightly you know you'll have bruises tomorrow.
when you break apart, you're both panting. "what happens now?" you ask, your voice hoarse.
hannibal's smile is a thing of terrible beauty. "now, my dear, we feast."
he lead you back to the wooded table, lifting you effortlessly to sit upon it. the material cold against your bare thighs, a sharp contrast to the heat of hannibal's body as he steps between your legs.
"are you afraid?" he asks, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin.
you consider lying, but you know he'd see right through it. "yes," you admit before considering the thought further.
"good," he says, leaning in to nip at your earlobe. "fear heightens the senses. makes everything more... intense."
his hands slide up your thighs, pushing your dress higher. you shiver, but not entirely from fear. despite everything - or perhaps because of it - you want him more than you've ever wanted anyone in your life.
"hannibal," you gasp as his lips trail down your neck, "i need-"
"shh," he soothes, his breath hot against your skin. "i know exactly what you need. trust me."
and lord have mercy on you, you do. you trust him as he slowly undresses you, as he worships your body with his hands and mouth. you trust him as he takes you there on the table. your cries of pleasure echoing off the stone walls.
afterward, as you lie tangled together, your body humming with satisfied desire. you lose yourself in his embrace once more, you know that you've crossed a line from which there's no return. you've willingly stepped into the darkness, hand in hand with the monster who now owns your heart and soul.
and god help you, you wouldn't have it any other way.
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pooks · 2 months
just thought about how straw hat!Ichiji would fare during the Whole Cake Island arc
the answer? Ichiji becomes horribly traumatized
background. how did he get kidnapped? Ichiji was with Sanji during the Zou arc, but he seperated himself from the group minutes earlier because of a horrible gut feeling. Ichiji didn't want to worry the others and decided to investigate on his own. instead, he's laid down by brute force (even if he put up a good fight, refusing to bow down)
at Germa 66 and Ichiji's "punishment" for running away with Sanji you know how Sanji got the explosive bracelets? well...Ichiji got a collar around his neck and instead of being explosive, it sends electric shocks and forces him to bend his will to Judge.
through the arc, Ichiji is subjected to the continuations of his genetic modifications. Judge is still obsessed about making him his masterpiece. he considers Ichiji, despite going rogue, more worth than Sanji and with the revelation that Ichiji can use haki, he's determined to awaken Ichiji's "true power"
also at Germa he got a non-consentual haircut at Germa. his hair also turns vibrantly red instead of his usual dark red hair; a side effect of being forced to use the raid suit.
Sanji finds out Ichiji's secret Sanji, after his fight with Judge, finds out from Reiju exactly what Ichiji did for him the six months he was in the dungeons when they were kids.
Ichiji vowed to himself to never tell Sanji about the deal he made with Judge and went through "six months of absolute hell", in exchange for Sanji's freedom. and now, they're back and Ichiji must hold up his part of the deal, even if it means he will forever become Judge's pawn.
Sanji gets, understandably, upset by this revelation and he gets a flashback to growing up at the Baratie with Ichiji. he had always viewed his older quadruplet as an overbearing, annoying know-it-all, but now, he has context and realizes that Ichiji had more in common with their mother than he thought. both of them sacrificing for Sanji's sake, although in different ways; Sora was slowly dying when she attempted to save her sons' humanity while Ichiji was willing to endure a painful existence for him
Sanji's declarations, "I want to go home to the Sunny" and "I want to save my brother this time" during the "I want to go back to the Sunny", Sanji also reveals to Luffy that Ichiji can't leave either, although in the physical sense. Sanji doesn't want to leave Ichiji behind and let him be punished again for letting Sanji escape. Sanji truly loves Ichiji and wants to save him. he doesn't care for Judge or his other two brothers, but he can't let them die either.
Sanji tells that he never knew what Ichiji did for him until now and he feels like a bad little brother when his older quadruplet went and suffered for his sake. starting with making a deal with Judge and moving towards to starving at the rock where Ichiji made sure Sanji was more fed than himself. Sanji knows he can never repay for what Ichiji did for him
but if he knows if he doesn't do anything, then Ichiji will die and Sanji can't bear the pain of living without his big brother. this one declaration also hits home for Luffy, who thinks about Ace
Luffy, in a very Luffy-esque way, decides to crash the wedding to save his cook and his archivist
Straw Hats and Germa 66 vs. Big Mom Pirates
it happens like in canon, with the exception that Ichiji is very subdued at this point due to his continued surgeries and shock collar. he's still rebellious and calls out Judge at numerous times, especially when they're stuck in hardened candy. Ichiji has a lot of pent up resentment and even snaps at Judge that he hates him.
when Sanji saves them, Ichiji smiles for the first time since they were taken and Sanji feels warm by seeing the proud look in Ichiji.
Ichiji makes the choice to use the raid suit, although he looks at Sanji and says it's his choice this time. Ichiji, during his fight with Charlotte Katakuri, awakens "Sparkling Red" but he's still no match for Katakuri
during the wedding-crash-fight, Ichiji' gets his hair bangs cut's hair fringe gets cut, making his other eye visible with its scar.
escaping Whole Cake and disowning the "Vinsmoke"
Ichiji and Sanji gets their full circle moment with Germa as they're leaving on the Sunny. Judge is still a piece of shit and makes the whole Sanji-bashing speech. only this time, Ichiji steps up and tells him that Sanji is maybe a "failure" in Judge's eyes, but he was Sora's triumph.
Judge turns his attention to his eldest son and demands to know why Ichiji would go such lengths, abandoning his fate of greatness for "a stone around your neck, weighting you down". Ichiji then gives a cold smile and says that he always had emotions from the start; he was just clever and better at hiding his emotions when it was needed.
he calls out Judge for his obsession of making Germa "great" again and retorts that Germa was never great from the start. it fell from glory because they choose to become monsters instead. he gives examples of recognized kingdoms such as Alabasta and tells why they succeed while Germa fails.
Ichiji gets a surprise on his own when Niji and Yonji calls out for him, asking why he chose to abandon them. Ichiji looks at them and comes to the conclusion that perhaps they always had feelings, but for his two other brothers...they most likely didn't even know what emotion was and are, most likely, confused and manipulated.
Ichiji decides that they need to figure out themselves by their own and only answers that he decided that he want to become a human. he bids them and Reiju farewell and reminds them who he is.
"This is not a goodbye because I will never return. I'm not a Vinsmoke. I am Scarlet Ichiji of the Straw Hats Pirates. Farewell!"
in the aftermath when they're heading to Wano, Nami tries to fix Ichiji's hair and sees no choice than to even out his hair fringe, leaving both his eyes visible. Ichiji feels conflicted about this; he's happy that he stands out from the "Vinsmoke" style, but saddened that he no longer resemble Sanji or their mother Sora. Chopper comforts him that maybe they meet a Devil Fruit user who can grow hair, but Ichiji smiles and says that he'd rather be patient and let his hair grow long again.
when Sanji cooks for the crew once again, Ichiji relishes as he eats the food Zeff used to make when he and Sanji were kids; pan-fried seafood risotto. the arc ends with Ichiji and Sanji sharing a wholesome, tender moment as brothers. 🥺
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martsonmars · 3 months
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Thanks for the tags @monbons @hushed-chorus and @whatevertheweather. I'm back and it's pick a WIP Sunday!
I really want to get back into writing Snowbaz and participating actively in the fandom. I don't exactly have more free time but I did graduate and I am technically on holiday until October, so let's try.
So I'm sharing snippets from 6 WIPs and maybe I'll be inspired to finish one of them. Help me out!!!!
1. Where Baz is a different blood sucking creature than usual. Prince and the frog but the prince is just a guy and the frog is trying to steal your blood.
The heat would be more than sufficient to make Simon reconsider all of his life choices. Give up on meat. Never touch plastic again. He'd do anything.
But no, clearly whatever sin he's committed—was it writing Jesus/Judas fanfiction when he was 15? It wasn't even explicit!—was enough to condemn him to this.
2. Holiday with the Grimms, where Simon and Baz share a bed in the same room as Malcolm and Daphne.
“Sorry I haven't delivered to my father an updated list of all the cocks I've sucked.” He wasn't smiling, but I could hear the smirk in his voice. The fake smugness. I know he's sucked half a cock (half sucked one cock?) and it was quite a disaster. “He doesn't know how deeply my virtue has already been fucked.”
I still snort at the thought. (The answer is not deeply at all.)
3. TA Simon and Baz showing up to class in a slutty Blackbeard cosplay.
I don't need a complaint for assault (let alone sexual assault) to drive my doctorate even farther away from my grasp.
I just need Grimm-Pitch to leave my classroom and come back wearing proper trousers before my overworked brain cells decide to go on permanent strike. (I'm not sure they haven't deserted me already.)
More snippets and tags under the cut!
4. Where Baz is a dryad and Simon is a woodcutter.
Simon didn't know many things, but he was pretty sure that pines weren't pretty men with long dark hair and pouty lips. Of course, Simon had never seen a man with dark green skin before, either, but he resembled a man more than a pine.
“You are not a pine. You're a man,” Simon voiced his scepticism, and he was rewarded with one more pine cone hitting his forehead. If nothing, the tree man had an impeccable aim.
5. Secret concept for this one.
Tucked in a corner as if he was trying to make himself seem smaller, yet he's got my attention like the masterpiece in a museum. Even the dim light of the pizzeria is enough to imagine the shine of his bronze curls under the summer sun. He's pale and freckled, broad and solid. Sturdy like the old table in my living room. I can perfectly see how he'd fit there, between a stack of Spinoza's complete works and the cabinet where my grandmother's Capodimonte porcelain sits unused. His back to the floor-to-ceiling window that opens on the terrace, surrounded by the bright halo of the hours before sunset. Bright like a Michelangelo in a room that's all Caravaggio.
6. This one I'm going to continue for sure when inspiration strikes, so it's not part of pick a WIP Sunday. It's maybe guess the WIP Sunday in this case.
“Sounds like you could use a break,” his deep voice says from a corner of the hall, as if he's read my mind. I see a pair of long legs first—legs for miles—crossing the room towards me, wrapped in a pair of trousers so tight I can't help but wonder how he'll take them off. (Not that I'm thinking of Baz without trousers.) (I mean, I've seen him without trousers. He wears chitons most of the time.) (He also wears really short shorts.) (I just mean I'm not thinking about taking his trousers off.) (Just. I mean.)
Tags!! No pressure just saying hi because I miss you all!!!
@facewithoutheart @sillyunicorn @onepintobean @shrekgogurt @wellbelesbian @palimpsessed @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @forabeatofadrum @fatalfangirl @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife @bookish-bogwitch @artsyunderstudy @orange-peony @larkral @raenestee @stitchyqueer @technetiumai @brilla-brilla-estrellita @thewholelemon @theimpossibledemon @j-nipper-95 @imagineacoolusername @blackberrysummerblog @theearlgreymage @rimeswithpurple @messofthejess @alexalexinii @nightimedreamersworld @captain-aralias @jbrrring @prettygoododds @youarenevertooold @best--dress @theotherhufflepuff @run-for-chamo-miles @valeffelees @dragoneggos @gekkoinapeartree @ionlydrinkhotwater @erzbethluna @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shemakesmeforget @basiltonbutliketheherb @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @aristocratic-otter @noblecorgi
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lunajanearabella · 3 months
((I do not own Ramshackle or the canon ramshackle characters on this blog, they belong to @zeddyzi so go support the creator of that masterpiece.))
๋࣭ ⭑⚝With that being said...
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝𝓛𝓾𝓷𝓪 𝓙𝓪𝓷𝓮 𝓐𝓻𝓪𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪 𝓑𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂-𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓼๋࣭⋆˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚
Same age as the scrap trio
Spanish & French
She / Her / Hers
Elena Jane Flores (Mother)
Daniel Berry-Jones (Father)
Mary Maximilian Hurtado (Step mom)
Josefina de el Monte Flores (Grandmother)
(Can't think of more names...TmT)
Vinnie (More exactly her lover), Stone, Skipp, Sora, Zaria, Adi, Pebble, Maggot and the street cats.
Tre, Maroon, Karma, Vinyl and Arville (sorry I Don't Know much characters)
Ditch & his gang, Her father, maniatic lootbags and streetgangs!
Researching about anything
The arts
Her hair
Her mom
Romance books
Her jewelry
Fashion design
Her garden
Sneaking out
The "strange feelings" she's having and that she hates (the feeling is lesbianism and shell 𝄞♬♪have to stop the world just to stop the feeling♬♪)
Hiding things from her dad
Violent street gangs
Snobby lootbags
Her annoying and weird suitors
Her father
Her step family
Itchy fabrics
Her father finding out her secrets
Luna Jane Arabella Berry-Jones Flores, is my ramshackle sona and lover of Vinnie, She is a rich girl that has a mean and stuck up behavior at the start but slowly becomes sweeter, nurturing, nice and caringto more people, she's also very curious and since she decided to be different LOVES to learn new stuff, but please don't mess with her routine.
She starts off as mean and oblivious and naive as the others until one day she goes to one of the many ramshackle's next top sweetheart pageants as a guest for winning three times when she was a infant, and seeing a certain brunette scrap fight some lootbags, which somehow made her start to have "strange feelings" (she's gay and in love but she needs to listen to Chappell Roan to know that)
She then has more unexpected meetings with Vinnie that is basically Luna and Vinnie bickering, Vinnie pranking Luna in some way and Luna leaving confused, angry but also flustered at Vinnie's nature.
She then starts discovering herself and loses that obliviousness and wants to start getting to know scraps her and Vinnie slowly start becoming friends but always still with a tension.
The thing Luna still is oblivious with her feelings (GOOD LUCK BABE, YOU'LL HAVE TO STOP THE WORLD JUST TO STOP THE FEELING) and I think surely Vinnie thinks Luna is too good for her.
I didn't know how to make a intro for a blog so I took @small-world-au 's intro as a template (of course with their permission) so thankssssssss darling!
Here's some songs that remind me of Luna or her lady and the tramp thing with Vinnie.
(Maybe ill update this if I have more ideas)
Also Ramshackle is owned by @zeddyzi
Luna after the occurrence with Vinnie she starts writing this tiny magazine, where she writes all the towns gossip, she obviously wouldn't be allowed to do this so she writes these tiny magazines with a alter ego called "Lady Amourville" and to not be discovered she also writes a bit of gossip about herself... At the start she writes only about the gossip between the rich folk but then as she becomes less and less ignorant she writes more and more about the scraps at a point where she writes about scraps equally if not more than the rich folk and it slowly becomes a testimony book and a way to show the rich folk that they're not so different from the scraps, that they all have they're dark sides, problems and love affairs and some metal and paper can't make them different from eachother. So it basically becomes a instrument to show her advancing as a character, and also that's it's heavily inspired in Lady Wistledown from "the Bridgertons".
(Maybe I'll start writing little chapters and things about her storyline in ramshackle and her romance with Vinnie, let me know if you'd guys like that and your completely allowed to make fan-things for the Ladytramp (Luna x Vinnie) ship and for my character, as long as you give me credit and also because I LOVE WHEN MUTUALS DRAW AND MAKE FAN-STUFF, FOR MY SELFSHIPS I'LL REBLOG YOU AND THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES LIKE A LITTLE GIRL RECEIVING A TRIP TO DISNEYLAND AND I'M SERIOUS!!!💕💕)
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
ooh how about Yosano for the ask game?
Yay Yosano!!! I love her so much <33
Favorite thing about them: Her backstory,,, It's just a masterpiece, for me it's really the peak of bsd's writing. “We don't want your skill. We want that kindness of yours” and “You don't need a skill at all. There's real value in your sadness.” ueueueueueueue. In two chapters it made of a relatively flat character a complex and human one, and we love to see that.
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing, she's great??? I can't think of anything.
Favorite line: There's no line that hits me in particular I can think of, but I really like the emotion / delivery of some of them. This one I like tons:
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brOTP: Aaaaahhh I love her I want to see her interact with everyone. Older-sister kind of characters are ALWAYS my favourite. I love her dynamics with Ranpo and I like to think they have this sort of sibling complicity of two people who have known each other for a very long time and love each other deeply. I like her relationship with Fukuzawa, I like how explicitly protective he is of her, I'm glad she has someone she can trust who looks after her and makes her feel loved. (Actually, the Yosano / Fukuzawa relationship makes me emotional. Because Yosano was so deeply traumatized and broken and basically dead when he took her under his wing, and she looks so healthy and confident and serene in the canon timeline, it's basically a miracle; and the only way this could have happened is by having someone who deeply loved and cared for her, someone who kindly guided her through every step of rehabilitation. It moves me a little). I really enjoyed her interactions with Atsushi!! And I like to think Yosano and Kyouka would hang out, I feel like Yosano would be happy to sort of return the favour and help back a little girl who was able to slip out of the darkness just in time; I can see them have this kind of inter generational relationship where they go shopping together and chat about girl things.
OTP: I really like kousano!!! I feel like Yosano deserves her spicy pm love affair too ahah. I think it's got lots of potential for both fluff and angst, and I believe it's a cool relationship to explore for both characters!! I wish they'd meet in canon. When I first watched the anime I was low-key into ranposano, and though I don't feel very strongly about them anymore, I think it's a nice ship nonetheless!
nOTP: Nothing. Really I don't dislike ships pffttt.
Random headcanon: Something I don't think I ever brought up but that I firmly believe in is that whereas all the other ada members live at the ada dorms, Yosano, Ranpo and Fukuzawa have their own house where they live together. Fukuzawa took Ranpo to his home when he adopted him, and then Yosano joined them when they took her in because I mean, there was no way that they could leave her alone, right? So they've always lived together, and they are happy together, they never felt the need to change that. That's the real ada found family for me if there ever was one. Really like deconstructing the idea of nuclear family or of the fact that children can't live with their parents as adults while still being independent. Also it just makes sense? And it's heartwarming to think that Fukuzawa, the lone wolf with no friends of relations, now lives in a happy and lively household.
Unpopular opinion: Yosano existing isn't enough to beat the bsd being sexist allegations, I'm so sorry everyone I wish that was the case.
Song i associate with them: Kilmer by Niru Kajitsu, I just wish I didn't (个_个) There's even a beautiful fanart of Yosano in the style of the Kilmer pv here. Also Fräulein=Biblioteca by nyanyannya, just based on vibes alone (the purple butterflies!!), to mention something a little less depressing lol.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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(Took me like. One hour to pick just one. She's always stunning in Harukawa's art style.)
Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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morvith · 5 months
I stumbled on this post by @velvet4510 : "If Míriel had lived, would Fëanor still have followed the same dark path?"
I voted "no" because so much of Fëanor was shaped by his abandonment issues.
...pause for a moment as I contemplate Fëanor growing up well-adjusted.
But, let us imagine for a moment a perfect word.
A world where Miriel doesn't die after giving birth to Fëanor and Finwë still gets his large family (The other children of Finwë will maintain their original name for clarity’s sake)
So Miriel does not die, but the birth still leaves her fragile. It takes her a long time to recover and decide that she wants to try again, so much that there is a big age difference between Fëanor and Fingolfin
Which, not that unusual among Elves, I bet it's not uncommon for siblings to have about a century between them.
However, when Fingolfin comes along, Fëanor isn't just of age, he is fully established: he has found his craft, maybe he is not a master yet but at the very least he is well on his way to it.
He definitely panics at the idea of his mother being pregnant again, since he remembers his early years when mother was recovering - how weak and wan she looked, how easily she tired. There are arguments about it, but eventually Miriel puts her foot down and points out that this is her decision, she wouldn’t do it if she did not want to or feel up to it, and that's final.
But, perfect word: Miriel's second pregnancy is much, much, much easier than her first one.
Same for the pregnancies that follow. Her difficult first pregnancy becomes something to tease Fëanor about - within the family only, of course, but still. Imagine that.
Fëanor does not go down the same dark path. That  does not mean that there is no dark path, or that it's not somebody else who takes it.
Maybe in this universe Melkor can't get his claws into Fëanor because he simply feels zero resentment for his younger siblings. Why would he?
It's not like his parents do not give him attention and if one of them is busy, he can always count on the other. 
Did he get some jealousy pangs? Yes, sure. He is not perfect. But he probably kept them to himself and thoroughly regretted them once he had his own children and got to see parenting from the other side.
But what about Fingolfin, the second son? The one who grows up in the shadow of his oldest brother?
The one who is still doing all the paperwork because Fëanor is off creating and can't be bothered. The one who is taken for granted, the one who will never be considered for Crown Prince because....well, why would he? He is the second born, after all. 
And he is Not Fëanor.
But perhaps that doesn’t work, either. 
Perhaps in this world, because Fëanor and Fingolfin are similar, they end up being close. Perhaps Fëanor here does appreciate all of Fingolfin's hard work, and since this is Fëanor we are talking about, you know he would not be quiet about it.
Imagine Fëanor taking Maitimo to meet Baby Makalaurë and whispering, "I hope you will grow up to be great friends, like me and your Uncle Nolofinwë."
So Fingolfin is out. What about Finarfin? The third son, the last child, the one overshadowed by both his older brothers? 
What about Findis? Or Irimë?
Maybe it's Fëanor who dies trying to defend his masterpieces. 
Maybe it's Finwë who, mad with grief, stands before the Valar and swears a terrible oath.
(with many thanks to @wings-of-indigo)
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Jj x daughter where she is suicidal? Very angst and fluffy in the end maybe sorry if that’s too dark
I did it like she has severe OCD and it makes her do stuff like thay, I'm if thats what your looking for but I don't really know how to write it any other way... Hope you still like it
"y/n, time for breakfast!" Jj shouted through the halls
Y/n rolled her eyes and crawled out of bed, yawning and scratching her head. She looked around and saw her window was open.
She walked to the window to shut it but something sudden came to her mind "if you don't slam the window, someones gonna sneak in and steal you" she hated the feeling but something just made her have thoights like that. Like the devil on her shoulder.
She shut her eyes and slammed the window down, causing it to make the house shutter a little.
"what did I tell you about slamming things?!?" Jj yelled from the kitchen
"Sorry.... I didn't mean to..." She yelled back. She walked to the kitchen to see the pogues sitting at the table and couch.
"hey y/n/n" Sarah smiled as y/n trudged to the hallway
smile or shell hate you y/n flashed her a smile back, washing her hands and going to sitbat the countertop
"Here you are" jj slid the pancakes to her down the counter. She grabbed the syrup. She poured some on her plate.
Keep going or its poison. She gulped as she continued to pour the syrup, the stares from the pogues not going unnoticed
Stop she quickly stood the syrup back up right and placed it back on the counter. She put her head down staring at all the syrup. She grabbed her fork and started cutting it up
Its gotta be perfect she skillfully cut the pancakes in even squares.
Chew five times or you'll choke She chewed her pancakes, counting to five as the rest of the pogues talk behind her.
"Y/n, you wanna surf with us today?" John b asked as he put his plate in the sink.
"Uhhhhh" say no or they'll drown "no I'm ok" she smiled to him and put her fork down carefully.
There were three more squares of pancakes left. She was full but she couldn't leave three, it didn't make sense to leave three.
She picked up her fork again and stuffed the rest in her mouth, still taking five bites of each.
Usally her OCD wasn't this bad, but she was on her period. It always made it 10 times worse than usual. She didn't know she had ocd, she didnt even know what it was. She thought everyone had the little voice in theor head.
She washed her hands and started washing her dishes, carefully going in between each prong on the fork with the new sponge. She washed her hands again after, drying them with a paper towel.
She opened the drawer with the utensils and quickly noticed that a fork was mixed in with the spoons. She clenched her jaw and moved it to where it was supposed to go. She smiled down at the masterpiece that was the utensil order.
"we are gonna head out. The waves are great now. You sure you don't wanna come?" Jj asked looking out the window to the waves
" yup, I'm good" she assured as she put her dishes away.
"See ya later, y/n" kid shouted as they walked ouside.
Y/n huffed a tired sigh and looked around the room. The amount of random stuff and trash around made her blood boil. She picked up the clothes and put them in a hamoer, threw away the trash, and finished cleaning the whole house.
A few hours later they came back, wet of seawater and talking and laughing loudly. They threw their stuff just like they always did. They didn't noticed she cleaned even though it was like a different house.
She came behind them and picked everything they dropped back up. She organized it how its supposed to be and went back to her perfect room
She walked in noticing the bed wasn't made. She flipped put. How do you do all that stuff around the house and can't make your bed. What a failure. She grabbed her head and layer down on the bed, hitting it with frustration AA few times. She caught her breath after her fit and made her bed perfectly. She noticed the razor on her dresser and how it wasn't where it was supposed to be. Cut yourself or your dad will die
She had tears in her eyes as she pulled her bracelets off, placing them o the dresser. She cut her wrists. Again. Again. Again.Again. again.you can't stop at six, do it again. Again. Again.again.again
She sobbed looking at the ten marks on her wrists. Five or each side. It hurt like hell, but she couldn't stop. She just couldnt.
"Y/n/n?" She heard her dads voice from behind the closed door. "Y/n can I come in?" She looked around her room to find something to cover her wrists witj. She couldn't disappoint her dad.
"n-no" she ccried out. She got her blood on her carpet, making her freak out. "This isn't how its supposed to be, this isn't right its all dirty and-and" she was rambling on about the carpet as jj listened in to her talking to herself.
Touch the cornerbof the dresser or it'll get everywhere else she put both of her hands to the dresser and she saw the doorknob rattle, making her panick. But she couldn't walk away or clean it up if she couldn't move her hands from the dresser. At that point she had blood on her wrists, hands, dresser,carpet, and clothes. She hated it.
A few seconds later, jj was in her room, staring at the scene before him. "What's going on?" He asked confused
"Npthing" she sniffeled, making it so he couldn't see her hands on the dresser.
"whys there blood on your carpet?" He pointed to the carpet to get a closer look.
Deny, deny, demy "uhh i uhh... I dont know" she shrugged looking down at jj as blood dripped behind her.
"don't lie to me, y/n. Shy is there blood on the carpet" he asked.sternly, attention fully on y/n
"It been there"
"No it hasnt. Its wet and shit if it wasn't fresh Itd bbe dry"
She started sobbing from the pressure, finally letting go of the dresser behind her.
Jj gasped "whyd you do that?" He asked, with her hand in his, as he.examined the cuts.
"Because why? I mean I could've helped you, you didn't need to do that, babe"
"The little voice in my head told me to"
"You can't listen to that i...I dont know-"
She cut him off "it said you would die if I didn't, dad" she cried into his shirt
"What? I.wait what else has it said"
"I-i don't know like don't go surfing or you'll drown and crap I don't know"
"how long as it been doing that?" He asked hugging her tightly
"Forever" she scoffed
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I thought it was normal" she said in a question ing voice,.raising an eyebrow
"I think you have OCD" he whispered go her as she sniffed
"What's that"
"Ill get pope. He'll know that shit"
She giggled as he went to gef pope.
A few minutes later all the pogues entered the room. Sarah had the first aid kit in her hand and started next to y/n on the floor, giving her a smike.
"I read about it once. Its like an anxiety form where you get unreasonable thoughts and fears. You like try to deal with them by doing certain things that come to your head, like the dresser thing" y/n winced as.Sarah cleaned the cuts "sorry"
"reasoning doesn't help with it so you get put on medication to help" pope further explained.
"well then where did it come from?" John b asked as he sat on the bed watching sarah.
"They dont know. Possibly genetics, Brain abnormalitys, living environment, they don't know."
"what do we do about it?" Jj grunted from scrubbing the carpet
"Antidepressant s or anti anxiety medications, but it needs to be prescribed"
"Do we take her to her dkctor?" John b asks
Sarah finished cleaning up y/n and grabbed her a pack of ice to numb the pain a little.
"Thanks guys..." Y/n looked down
"Sure kid, just want to make sure your good." Jj hugs her and they all join in.
Theygot her a prescription and checked up on her often. The thoughts mostly went away. She could do stuff without having to make sure it was absolutely perfect and she didn't have to wash her hands a million times a day. She still washed them often tho
Sorry it was not in fact proof read. I'm really tired while writing this so please have mercy 🙏
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khunvegas · 2 years
Have you/could you make a list of your favorite/best bl kisses?
i feel honored that someone asked me this 😩 omg ok. this is gonna be the longest post ever.
here's my list of the best bl kisses with a few of my favorites. in my own personal opinion.
●dark blue kiss
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i think p'aof went very galaxy brain with the idea of an underwater kiss and for that, he is very valid because it's a very iconic kiss. the show itself could have had some work but then again, it was 2018. everything was wrong back then.
● still 2gether
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NOW i talk a lot of shit about this one AND WITH GOOD REASONS. HOWEVER, gosh mantype stole the show for me WITH ONE SINGLE KISS. imagine that. it was groundbreaking FOR ME. too bad we will never gonna see them together again.
● 2 moons 2
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this was the only time joong knew how to kiss. no further explanation.
● history 2: crossing the line
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even though this whole scene was a dream, it was still a marvelous experience and for someone (me) that was just starting into this bl bs, this one sealed the deal for me.
● history 3: make our days count
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this whole scene... you just had to be there. also they had the most happiest ending ever. for sure for sure.
● history 3: trapped
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what can i say? taiwan always put their money in those workshops. their plots might be a little outta pocket with the incest and the getting killed because of some salt but i can always trust them to put on a show.
● manner of death
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i have no explanations WHY this is a favorite. it's just too good. and it's not only their porn-level kisses, the show itself was a masterpiece. if no one got me, i know maxtul got me. manifesting a show with them again.
●lovely writer
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the show itself didn't click with me. too many sound effects and some of the characters were very annoying to me. HOWEVER, the food was very tasteful. let's see it again.
● a tale of thousand stars
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i really debated between this one and the final kiss but i had to choose this one because i feel this one is more meaningful. it was a promise that they would see each other again and i'm a sucker for promises. still, p'aof lost some points for giving us one single actual kiss for the very last minute.
● like in the movies
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picture this. we are in the middle of a pandemic, unemployed, some places are starting to open back up, thailand is in shambles so they can't release anything. enter the philippines with the vision of starting business with the bl industry and they release this masterpiece. it was such a good show and they had the material for a season 2 but sadly, their time is over. 10/10 tho.
● we best love: no.1 for you
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gosh, taiwan. you will always be the best.
this was a very emotional scene and they truly deliver with the kiss and the tears and the bridge. it was all 10/10
● bad buddy
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I MEAN, DO I EVEN HAVE TO EXPLAIN??? like damn. now i do have some complaints here and there but this kiss right here??? it was such an experience. like the girlies that watched this while it was airing know how it felt because not a lot of people were prepared for how ep 5 would leave the whole fandom in shambles. the confession plus the kiss PLUS how it ended??? emotional damage 100. incredible.
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LISTEN!!! YOU BETTER LISTEN!!!! because these bitches, as rookies as they were, DELIVERED. see because even though enchante was a flop in terms of views and gmmtv never giving them an inch of promotion, my kings ate each other on camera and gave me the most toe-curling kiss ever. i don't care if you thought the plot was silly or you want to act funny and say forcebook look related, whatever that means, they did what needed to be done. end of discussion.
●not me
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"but offgun had better kisses!!!!111!!!" i don't care about any of that. i came here because babygirl first is a homie hopper and he was going to kiss another man on camera.
the show itself was really good, a little bit draggy towards the end (and there were some Things with some characters that the fans weren't that happy with) but overall, they put on a great performance. HOWEVER, danyok will forever be famous. a tragedy too.
●to my star
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GOSH. the originals. the men that weren't afraid of success. see because up until this point, kbls were a flop in terms of kisses (some even in plot) and their first kiss was a flop too BUT THEN this final scene came and robbed me at gunpoint. i was so sure we would never get a proper kiss AND THE BITCHES CAME AND SLAYED ME. not only they gave me a proper meal, it lasted for hours. i was left in shambles. 14569722/10.
●to my star 2
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i have to put both scenes because what the fuck. I MEAN, WHAT THE FUCK MAN???
there's absolutely nothing i can say but enjoy??? i guess??? they said "oh, the industry is a flop. let us fix it" AND THEY DID... now the show itself had its ups and downs; a lot of people didn't like how it was made and how the plot was going; it was devastation after devastation and no one could see the light at the end of the tunnel. personally, if they had done the plot a little different, a lot more people would have been happier, including me. but that doesn't take away the fact that they killed it, amazing performance and the kisses speak for itself.
● my secret love
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now was this show groundbreaking? no. in reality, it was more of the same stuff we all have seen but the catch with this one is that the acting is good enough and the plot is engaging, and you can actually see that some actions lead to repercussions in the show. however, i do have to talk about these two. they stole the show and they weren't even the main couple and my theory is that because they didn't have enough screentime, they decided to go all out with their scenes and god, what a time. this was just the beginning of this scene btw, there's more to it.
● golden blood
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this one goes to show that sometimes you just need vibes, exceptionally good chemistry, some silly characters and a small mukbang. golden blood was a disaster in like everything, so when i tell you i stayed for them, i'm serious. they were the only reason i kept watching. the rest? i don't even remember because i skipped most of it.
● cutie pie
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see, decisions were made when they filmed this. the show was very silly itself and there were some plotholes that were ultimately overshadowed by zee's tongue. i honestly don't remember much. i just remember the iconic kisses and how tonnam stole every single scene (and that's how he has his lead role now). also perth. but those workshops came through because all four of them ate this (and each other).
● cutie pie 2 you
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before anyone says something about zeenunew, save it. i watched this long ass advertisement just to get nuersyn crumbs. that's it. i don't even remember how many episodes it had but it was so unnecessary. HOWEVER, tutoryim came and gave us the performance of their lives. i have absolutely no complaints with those two. would i ever want a special focused on them? yes, 100%. i also have to add maxnat also had a great performance with the little to no screentime they had. we were living off crumbs, for sure.
● you're my sky
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oh, bestie. when i tell you this show made me climb my walls every saturday last year, i'm not kidding. THESE TWO, MY GOD. for the girlies that watched this show, you know what i mean. the tension was OFF THE ROOF. THE WORST PART? open ending. the most toe-curling tension right here just to get a drunken kiss and then NOTHING. the most excruciating 12 weeks.
● don't say no
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this show was a wild ride. like, the toxicity surrounding leo and fiat? it was too much and the plot was nonexistent, which it was the point. basically, it was "two best friends in a room, they might kiss" and they did, so what happens next? this is the "next". how they actually act now that they are in a relationship. fiat had a lot of baggage plus being horny. those two fucked like rabbits and NOTHING was left to the imagination. the biggest surprise was smartjames. they had an awful ending but at least we got good food.
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you know what they say, tms walked so that the other kbls could run and this is a prime example. then again, it's the same director, so there's a standard these shows need to have and damn, i think they exceeded. now, the show was very different from the manhwa but it was still a good show enough that there might be season 2.
● kissable lips
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compared to some of this list, this kiss is not even that good. HOWEVER, in the context of kbls, it was really memorable, especially when you have watched the show and the only thing that you can remember is that one of them was a vampire and died but died after having a good fuck... honestly, they had $5 and a dream and they made it work.
●cherry blossom after winter
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the dream kisses are always the best ones.
this was a very cute show overall and i think it had the first m|m couple that gets engaged with a ring and everything in a kbl. very iconic, if you ask me. very brave too.
●cupid's last wish
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listen, i'm not a fan of the body swapping trope but at least they went original with this one (at least no one died... side eyeing the shipper). and i'm pretty sure the director told earthmix to go wild with this one. pretty sure it was the pent up energy from atots. what a performance. a think there are a few kisses from this show. great food.
and that's it because tumblr only allows 30 pictures per post, so if you want part 2, let me know. i still have some that i can add.
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deathsbestgirl · 1 year
quagmire (guess i just do random episodes now)
(thoughts for mikaela)
their whole first scene really is a masterpiece.
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he woke her up on a saturday morning !!! expected her to be ready in five minutes, then has the audacity to complain about queequeg. i can't with this man, he's too funny
(mulder hating queequeg is hilarious. because he's a dog person, but the kind that thinks big dogs are real dogs and small dogs are rats. and personally i think scully loves ALL dogs, especially ones others don't like or want)
them looking back at queequeg sitting so nicely in the back seat and he makes THIS face them
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he's just a little baby (waiting for someone else to die so he can have his favorite meal again)
but anyway.
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scully's whole speech cracks me up every time. mulder is a SUCH a pain, but she doesn't question the case until they're already driving in the car for who knows how long. she loves taking queequeg with her. she loves that pup but she also loves annoying mulder as much as she loves their verbal spars.
"it's not jurisdiction that i'm questioning mulder...what are you leaving out?"
scully KNOWS the x files now, she knows mulder's game. this is a toned down fight club scene cuz they don't flirt like that yet. and literally why is he like this!!! he can never just tell her, he wants her to interrogate him lol
i actually really love this about them. mulder did this right from the pilot, and eventually scully yelled at him for keeping things from her, hindering the investigation by keeping her in the dark. she outright asks for his trust twice (i think?). and he still doesn't fully trust her for a while, but i think scully makes her ethics very clear, and that she has more of an open mind than she seems to. she just still thinks ~science will have the answers (and like...she's not wrong. even when mulder is right, they can't prove it without her science). and the more they get to know each other (and LIKE each other & trust each other) it really does become a game. mulder can see how her mind works, and then when she finally has all the information, scully can call him crazy and all is right with the world.
(scully is the only person who can call him crazy and he genuinely loves it. because he knows — because he learned it's affectionate — it doesn't mean she thinks any of less of him, and that she'll ignore his theories. she's just gonna make him work for it because he has to, to get what he wants. and scully will still be there by his side searching for the truth with him every step of the way.)
just a note: i'm kind of surprised she lets dr. farraday talk to mulder the way he does. although i think she might have some similar feelings, she absolutely thinks the x files are worth it and they've already seen some incredible things science didn't have answers for yet. even if at first it was only about what mulder said to her in the pilot — why does the fbi label the cases "unexplained phenomena" and ignore them? she's seen enough to know the x files are important and they do actually make a difference to the people they (try to) help.
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i love this little bit of insight into child dana because what a nerd!! she worships the sea her father sailed on and she believed in mythical creatures and learned about them. even some more obscure ones. and she actually loves entertaining his notions and some friendly ribbing: (i love her she looks so soft here)
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AND THIS. i can't help but think about deep throat when the woman in the diner starts telling him about ufos & he buys the picture. sucker. i swear she has the same exact expression on her face: (can't find the exact moment but)
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(did ansel manage to get ANY good pictures of mulder & scully? come on dude they're so photogenic and they have the perfect opportunity to take them — and in these outfits!!)
(these kids obsessed with drugs, too funny. i love that they bring them back a few times)
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(it's like rush hour yet they didn't even try to actually show that lmao)
mulder, my girl, you HAVE to show her the evidence. well, find the proof lol she won't believe without it and you actually need it!! he's so silly. i love his theories.
(they really don't see what pulls the sheriff into the water?? all of them standing right there, so unserious)
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I wrote some stuff for Sakiru because i can't stop thinking about him,,, my silly guy i love him
This is for @bugger-loz's dungeon boss AU :3
Word count: 626 Characters: Sakiru, Astor Warnings: Body horror (talk about someone's flesh rotting while they're still alive), talk about someone intentionally causing pain to themself
Click, click, click, click.
There wasn't really any way for Sakiru to describe the noise other than a click. When it started, he would've called it a drip. Each little drop of water hitting the ground, drip drip drip. But as time went on, the sound became less discernible. Somewhere between a drip and a click. Not a pat or tick or plip, it had to have that strong ck sound. As the white noise turned into words, words and letters lost their meaning as they melted to color and faded into the blackness.
Click, click, click, click.
When the drip of the water became nothing, the pain spoke up. All of Sakiru’s ugly organs were safe in their jars, leaving his remaining flesh to scream at him and beg not to be left behind. Of course, he ignored it, and of course, time ignored it. The rancid meat cried and wailed as it slowly died around him, but it left the zonaite and bones in their full purity. Once it was all gone, the pain would subside. Sakiru had no sense of days or weeks; he marked days by points of interest. Pain increasing, pain subsiding, the loss of feeling in his head, his body freeing itself from larger and larger swathes of meat. 
Click, click, click, click.
Sometimes the pain was to Sakiru’s advantage. The dying flesh was his only friend, its screams his only conversation. He found that by moving the zonaite, grinding the meat between the plates if need be, he could create more pain. Rhythmically, he did so between his brief periods of sleep. He made songs from it. At first simple patterns, but eventually he learned to create full orchestrations. Different kinds of pain- burns, stabs, stings, crushes, all in different intensities, the different instruments on the stage. A constant low hum of it, the bass. He made melodies from the movements of his body, masterpieces that would never be heard by a single soul.
Click, click, click, click.
He had no idea how long it had been. Ever since the Demon King had been sealed away and he had fled into the Spirit Temple down below, his world had been darkness; the depths of his mind. His life was the movements of his body, the songs of pain, his being slowly purifying. All up until that one day, when the stone doors scraped and pushed to the sides. Everything stopped, the music went quiet, as Sakiru was bathed in the light that he had forgotten the feeling of.
No more click.
A hylian man was standing there, obscured in black robes. All Sakiru could see was his face. His features were carved, blanketed with uncannily pale skin. Braids of straight, black hair decorated with gold rings hung at the sides of his head. What caught Sakiru’s attention about him was the gold circlet he wore, framing an eye similar to that of his old master.
Sakiru tilted his head. The liquid within the glass rushed by his face, making him realize that the bones were now bare. An apostle? Another disciple of the Demon King? Hadd the seal finally broken, had his master returned?”
The man spoke. His voice was thin, yet smoky. “Are you the alchemist?”
Sakiru rolled his jaw to try and get the movements back. Raw bones clicked and popped against each other. Though his vocal chords were missing, he still found words. It was as if his voice rumbled from the air itself. It was raspy, rusty. “My name is Sakiru, I… I am the Demon King’s alchemist.”
A smile pulled at the corners of the apostle’s thin lips. “Wonderful”, he said, beckoning outwards. “I have someone- many someones, in fact- to introduce you to.”
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catty-words · 21 days
notes on a haven (2024) listen
a/n one: i was reading the fidlar wikipedia page recently (as one does) and this pitchfork quote really struck a chord with me - "[the band doesn't] make music you'll grow old with...but that's not really the point."
reading that, my mind immediately leapt to marianas trench.
i started listening to mt's music in 2021, when i was deeply unhappy, in need of escape, and barely cognizant of either of those things. their music brought me much joy for the way it was endlessly fun and danceable and facilitated the imagining of scenarios for my favorite fictional characters. but lately - before haven (2024) had been officially announced - i'd been thinking that i wouldn't grow old with them.
i came into this album asking it to prove me wrong and it didn't and that broke my heart a little bit. my listening experience is forever colored by that first impression.
a/n two: i presuppose that the fundamental tension in all of marianas trench's discography is between sickness and love, where the sickness is both literal & the drive to perform selfhood and the love is both a person & the audience consuming that selfhood. you can disagree, but then explain why my masterpiece theatre (2009) breakdown did numbers?
"a normal life"
- marianas trench openers have a history of setting the tone and soundscape of their album with impeccable flare, but that's just not true of "a normal life". it's giving generic film score. it's giving netflix YA property script quality. it's giving self-consciousness about how hard it is to sing the word 'normal' prettily.
- i can't say it doesn't accomplish its goals entirely, though, i find a lot of thematic richness in the chorus.
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the voices in the night evoke mental illness but also suggests the inability to stop writing lyrics, to stop chasing the performance. for five years, our protagonist has been living inside normality (or at least without performance), but something innate to him can't settle there.
- the final verse and outro, too -
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- drive home an idea of compulsion. the need to create means lack of stability.
"lightning and thunder"
- a second's faster than we thought gets to me. i haven't come to any meaningful conclusion as to why, i'm just kermit-nodding.gif about it.
- i am a sucker for the way the energetic rhythm of the pre-chorus contrasts with how effing dark the lyrics are.
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what we got is a compensation. the performance (one last show) is costing him his heart.
- the chorus suggests that coming back to this performance (after a couple years of [feeling] estranged) is fate, is a force of nature. but honestly? given how much of this album sounds bored with itself, sounds like it was forced out at every step of the creative process, i simply cannot take the premise of the song seriously. and it's even a highlight on the album for me! woof!
"i'm not getting better"
- a bop. thank god. this album suffers from a lack of certified bops.
- why is the opening instrumentation serving "blank space" by taylor swift, though.
- see??
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every piece of the album so far has highlighted the way performing - the creative voice in our protagonist's head, being on stage for one last show, the dance he needs to leave - is unhealthy. to get better, our protagonist has to walk away from all this.
and my overwhelming reaction to this through line is. SO GO. the music certainly isn't making a compelling case as to why we need you to hang around.
- anyway, this song is also critical in establishing that the grand love in the protagonist's life is still A Person. i know, i know by the sound you make / you've been around, 'cause your heartbeat keeps me awake / i know, i know i should stay away and all that.
"down to you"
- this has been my main grower track. it's gotten stuck in my head the most, its the place where the campbell inspiration does the most work (reading the song as the narrative speaking to its protagonist makes all about you, with or without you a very chewy refrain), and i had to admit to myself that it belongs on a ship playlist that is near and dear to my heart.
- HOWEVER. because it's also explicitly about the protagonist's love object - a broken heart and stay with me tonight and you're all i want - it sucks ass. this demonstrates exactly zero progress toward self-actualization or seeing porcelain as anything more than a fix-all for our protagonist's life. GET A JOB. STAY AWAY FROM HER.
"now or never"
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a reaction that works both in the context of the love being a literal person and the love being the audience. do not give yourself up to keep serving either of us, that's not what we're asking you to do.
"into the storm"
- on the other hand, i find this a really powerful commentary on the protagonist's relationship with his love:
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he chose to immortalize versions of both of them forever in his art, and they can't escape those versions because they're always on the radio. that's as bitter as it is romantic. that's haunting, a la phantoms (2019).
i also really like the way the of mine ambiguously applies to either the broken record or the radio. the cadence of the delivery sells the former, though, and i am gnawing gnawing gnawing.
"ancient history"
- okay, but.
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we just did this in the last track? and it was much less on the nose??
- i will admit to being emotional over the toronto name drop, though. maybe it's because the have a piece of american dream lyric looms large in my brain, but i often feel like mt avoids being so explicitly canadian. i like that we've been given a setting to imagine a wistful re-encounter with love, and that setting is toronto.
"stand and fight"
- a track where the campbell inspiration feels like it's doing the least! what are we fighting? why do we need this generic pep talk? this would be cheesy regardless, but it would actually mean something if we'd built a concrete enemy to stand against!!
"turn and run"
- i have similar issues with this track as with "stand and fight" but i will admit that the dramatic turn in the instrumentals does hit for me.
- though the more fantastical setting (the edge of where the world drops) comes out of nowhere, i can't say i hate it. i kind of wish this energy had been present throughout the album. i wish this album had a more concrete identity and understanding of itself.
"worlds collide"
- i hadn't yet clicked with this track, but okay. i guess with a title like "worlds collide" it Would be about reconciling those voices in the dark (i.e. the sickness, the need to live in the spotlight) keeping our protagonist from his normal life (i.e. settling down with his love). i can get down with the intent to weave together the established threads.
the repetition of several key lyrics from this album really brings home that intent, too.
- and i obviously love that they chose masterpiece theatre (2009) lyrics specifically to include in the repetition section.
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it corroborates my read that haven (2024) is taking up the mantle of performance costing the protagonist something essential at the same time that it is something essential to their selfhood.
- BUT. i find the music and the production uninspired. it's simply not a song with a strong identity of it's own, which honestly kind of fucks thematically speaking since the protagonist is struggling mightily to marry the contradictory forces of nature on his life, but i don't want to have to engage with this primarily as text for it to fuck. i want it to be good music first, and it's still mainly serving me generic film score.
"nights like these"
- bored.
"remember me by"
- a bop! thank god! this album suffers from a lack of certified bops!!
- since this album is supposed to have a narrative - even if that narrative is a meta-narrative about the shape all myths take - this necessarily feels like regression. we're back to talking about how the protagonist and his love first met? why?
- whatever. like i said: a bop!
- you've got me burning like a dive bar cigarette really does it for me in terms of similes. there's skeeze! there's an unhealthy element! there's a 'hot and quick' implication that really works! i fuck with this so hard!!
- also, the i'll give you something to remember me by sitting in the shadow of "into the storm"!!! he gave her an inescapable musical legacy! FUCK!!
- unlike the album opener, "haven" does live up to the mt legacy of closing tracks Going Hard. i feel like it picks up the fantastical, gritty edge from "turn and run", which sets the closer in a distinctly storybook land. it also folds in the rain/water/force of nature motif that has otherwise not done much for me through the rest of the album's run and makes me care.
- ooh ooh OOH this part
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just landed with impact for the first time. in the beginning, the protagonist was kept from belonging by the voices, and here, the pairing of but i try to belong here and i'm trying to be gone here suggests that the voices are a kind of coping mechanism insomuch as he isn't present on purpose in order to belong. EATING THAT SHIT UP.
- still don't think this song has any right to evoke "ever after" though, the narrative album that upstages haven (2024) in every way. like, why are you reminding me that you've done this better already? embarrassing for you.
- and then, of course, i still hate the way the resolution claims that this life of constant tension with performance fits our protagonist better than anything else. it's cheap and happens so quickly as to be disingenuous and - ONCE AGAIN - the quality of the music is not making a case that this is something at which the protagonist ought to keep salving away. a break (more permanent than a five-year lapse between albums) might be a relief for everyone.
- not to mention, the literary nerd in me is driven up a wall by this because when the hero returns, he's not supposed to fall easily back into his so-called normal life. he's supposed to be too changed by his experience to reintegrate. and i guess you could make the case that haven's protagonist started out ill-fit to his normal life, so slotting into it neatly in the end is still indicative of the you can't go back story beat.
but you know what? no!! the bitter-sweetness is what makes that part of the monomyth resonate with me. journeys - be they literal or emotional - leave lasting impacts. you're never the same person at the end in a way that's painful but Correct. this twee sentiment wrapping up the album sells that out in favor of maintaining the status quo.
self-actualization when, king?
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crash-and-cure · 2 years
Hello my darling, I have a question I could google but would prefer to ask what seems to me to be the fandom’s resident expert…i.e.: what is the definition of a yandere fic? Due to reading some of your own masterpieces labeled such I’ve got a vague notion of it, but as I believe I may be currently writing my first fic to truly deserve the “dark” label, I wanted to ask how you define that.
I love you and admire you and hope you keep on doin’ what you’re doin, you bless us all with your writing
Xoxo Marina 🌹
OMG Marina Hi!
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement it really means a lot to me!
So as for your question, let me preface this by saying that this definition maybe an incomplete definition
Generally a yandere fic is characterized by a character being obsessively in love with another to the point of being willing to commit violence in order to take or keep the object of their affections. Crimes such as stalking, kidnapping, blackmail (emotional or otherwise), assault, even murder are not off the table for the yandere character if done in an effort to posess the one they want. Often very jealous, and posssessive of their person, they often delude themselves into believing that they are the only person that could properly love or care for the one they love.
Sexual interest is not always necessary in cases like these, and they may be simply seeking emotional fulfillment through this person. I kind of explored that in Burnin' a Hole Where I Lay, where Elvis believes that a sexual relationship is impossible with the reader and staves off of it, but does more or less still have her act as a girlfriend to him emotionally speaking and he lashes out and is in plain denial at first when she reveals she's leaving soon. But once he became aware of her real presentation all bets were off.
And this can come in very different levels, but often times it's less about the yandere's actions, and more about their persons reactions. If the yandere commits murder and their person is Ok with it or never becomes aware of it, it would be more classified as a dark or soft yandere fic, while another fic where the yandere character blackmails them emotionally into a relationship and nothing else, but the reader is horrified at the threats and genuinely fears them, this would be a full yandere fic.
Hope this helps and I'm willing to clear anything up if you need.
Thank you again and can't wait to read what you have in store!
Edit: Can't believe I forgot to add that what seperates a yandere fic from a dark fic is if the character in question commits violence in order to obtain/keep the person they love.
If character in question kills someone who has wronged them personally or for other reasons not pertaining to the person they love =not a yandere (i.e, Hannibal)
If character in question kills someone who has wronged the person they love = Yandere but soft (i.e, JD from the Heather's)
If character in question kills someone who even showed a modicum of interest in the person they love = Yandere (i.e, Joe from You)
(Note: Killing in examples above can be replaced with literally any crime, and point remains the same)
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jeju-tangerine · 8 months
my top 10 kpop songs of 2023 :-)
after putting much too much thought and time into it, i have finally sorted out and written a list of my favorite kpop releases of 2023 ^_^ this was such a great year for kpop in my opinion, for full albums especially, and i hope 2024 will live up! in creating this, i decided to only include 1 song per artist, so as not to have the whole list be just one group. the songs often stand as representations of the entire albums, though. now here's my list :-)
a very special honorable mention goes to: "WOULD YOU RUN - Original Version" by TRI.BE, "LEFT RIGHT" by XG, "welcome to MY world" by aespa, and "loving me" by fifty-fifty (released in 2022 but i only got into it in 2023, but it's a masterpiece and deserves a shoutout)
10. super shy - new jeans i'll tell you one simple trick to ensure that you never grow to dislike a song from it being overplayed on tiktok: don't use tiktok. "supershy" is THE song of my summer. it's light, it's breezy, it's fun, and its repetiteveness only lends itself to it being so incredibly catchy. despite their questionable background as a group, newjeans and their team keep delivering music that feels like a breath of fresh air in the k-pop landscape, and i'm glad for it.
9. i want that - g-idle g-idle dominated this year with "queencard", which is not on MY personal list of favorites, but i would never deny its impact. however, though "i want that" was less successful, it hit so much harder for me - probably because of its actually enjoyable and catchy english lyrics (especially the verses), the dark undertones of the song, the dark… well, overtones, of the mv, and the masterful combination of the intense beat and the sweet bridge, nailed by miyeon's lovely vocals.
8. bye my neverland - kiss of life the initial soft, sugary, fairytale atmosphere of the song is soon elevated when a distant sound of a bell leads us through the prechorus right into an explosive chorus - not unlike the clock striking midnight and forcing cinderella to leave the ball. the emotional impact of this entry for me lies not really in its musical qualities, but in them being combined with the lyrics. "bye my neverland" is titled perfectly. it's an ode to making hard choices and to refusing to stay in your comfort zone, even if it seems crazy to throw it away - and at the same time, the song acknowledges that doing this is difficult. there's a sense of deep melancholy in it, but also comfort and hope. i guess that's growing up.
7. bouncy (k-hot chilli peppers) - ateez i am not a noise girlie at all, but i could not escape the siren song of ateez this year. "bouncy" goes so damn hard it's kind of ridiculous. every part is a joy to listen to, the members' deliveries are energetic and full of genuine passion - or sometimes nonchalant, when they should be -, and their live performances impressed me immensely. i might have to look more into their discography after this. "bouncy" doesn't need much description - it speaks for itself.
6. but sometimes - boynextdoor this is FUN music. i mean this more for this song than any other on this list: every single line, every sentence is deeply enjoyable and memorable. you know how some songs are nice and have pretty choruses, but when you try to remember what the verses sound like, you somehow just can't recall much? this is the opposite of that. such an incredibly fun song structure - and it's not even especially unusual. still, it's skillfully written in a way that seems to follow the phases one goes through after a breakup (or at least a teenager would). i also adore the choreography, and i'll be paying a lot of attention to boynextdoor from now on. especially jaehyun and his frankly insane charisma on stage.
5. mine - ive ive was my top artist on spotify this year, and for a good reason. in my humble opinion, they DOMINATED 2023. their first full album was absolutely killer, there is not a song on there that i dislike and "i am" is a masterpiece of a title track. however, because this is a deeply subjective list, i decided to go with "mine" as a representation of ive on here. it's my favorite track on the album, it was my 3rd most listened to song of the year as well and i love it so much. it scratches such a specific itch in my brain with its rhythmical tempo and dreamy soundscape. this song just sounds like what love feels like.
4. menow - fromis9 another perfect album of 2023 was in fact fromis' "unlock my heart". it seems like fromis have a fully realized musical identity now, and it's lovely to experience. there are better songs on the album, namely "attitude" (man that goes crazy), but "#menow" is still the heart of it, in my opinion. it feels genuine, fresh but cozy. there is a deep yearning for living life authentically to the song, and authenticity is one of the very main themes of the full album as well. "attitude" is phenomenal, but it lacks that wonderful casual girl-next-door vibe that fromis' body of work has to it, in my opinion. "#menow" captures it so well - while still being extremely fun! that prechorus? come on. other standouts on the album: "bring it on", "what i want", "eye contact".
3. rising - tripleS now here is my number 1 most listened to song of 2023. tripleS have released some super interesting-sounding stuff. i'm a big fan of "new look", and of "girls' capitalism" too, despite the title, but "rising" dominated. that second verse absolutely kills. i also love the first title-drop in the first verse, for some reason. the song is really catchy and fun, the mv looks kind of silly but gets you in the right mood, and i'm especially enamored with the last 2 lines. some songs have weak or underwhelming endings, but this is the opposite of that - i LOVE the very ending. what more do i need to say about tripleS? they were literally so right when they said la la la la.
2. farewell neverland - txt maybe i'm cheesy for it but i cannot resist a good acoustic guitar, especially when it goes as hard as it does in "farewell neverland". such a beautiful, beautiful song. deeply emotional, deeply mournful, DEEPLY atmospheric. AND it was the culmination of a gorgeous EP, which also featured such bangers as "sugar rush ride", "devil by the window" and "tinnitus". i don't know how to express how much i love this song. it's tragic, it's regretful, it's intense but measured. it sounds stunning and it is aging like a fine wine.
underwater - red velvet it's so difficult to pick just one song off a red velvet album. "chill kill" is perfection, everything i could expect from my favorite group and more. they never disappoint - they just keep surprising me with their music's longevity instead. among flawless bsides, "underwater" managed to slightly stand out. from first listen i felt there was something transcendent about the song, so it is here representing red velvet on my list proudly. there are few tracks that embody the 'velvet' of red velvet as completely as this one does. sensual, ethereal, a tiny bit dangerous. "underwater" gets you simultaneously submerged in the deep end and levitating in the air. i won't stand for ignoring "chill kill" the title track, though - it's perfect as well. the more positive-sounding melodies elevate the uncanny mood and really make it a classic red velvet title. and, okay - let me talk about the mv quickly. killer. literally. so creepy, so disturbing, so hopeful, so artfully made. and the vocals on the entire album are stunning, by the way. one other bside standout for me: "nightmare" - it literally has a musical structure which corresponds to the experience of having a nightmare and freaking out and then waking up and realizing it's all okay and it was just a dream. my GOD!!!! i come back to their music all the time, and the reason is simple: noone else does it like red velvet. they are a one of a kind kpop group and i'm so thankful for them.
thanks to anyone who's read this and have a great rest of 2024 guyz ^___^
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